This is topic EXERCISE--What you CAN do today May 29, 2022 in forum General Support at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Hi everyone and welcome to the exercise thread!

We like to post our activities to encourage one another to be as active as possible.

So if you outside gardening, doing housework, cooking, walking, hiking, rafting, dusting off the treadmill, etc. please post it here.

Here we go with the last week of May!

Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
After being super busy yesterday with chores and errands I'm taking it easy today.

Ironed some clothes this morning for the week and I think that'll be it for me.

Today me and Mom are picking up Josh and Mom's BFF to head to my brother's for a cookout in honor of his oldest daughter graduating with her BA last week.

Thank goodness it's in the 80's and a beautiful day because the festivities are outdoors.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Ak--Thanks for starting us off this week.

A cookout sounds wonderful. The ants in my kitchen seem to think we are having a picnic. They have now discovered another cabinet. [Eek!]

I spread more diatomaceous earth in the empty cabinet. Also put some strips of masking tape around with ant bait on them. Ants seem to get stuck in the bait, though and aren't taking it back to wherever they came from.

I watched the National Cathedral Church service.

Did a load of laundry.

Watered first thing this morning. Mid80's and very windy and humid.

Called mom.

Took a short nap.

Have a great week! [Cool]
Posted by Bartenderbonnie (Member # 49177) on :
Washed all my bathing suits.
I threw away 5 due to over wear, stains or I simply can’t fit in them.
Tomorrow I will go shopping for news ones. I live in my pool, it is the ONLY time I do not feel any pain.

I scrubbed the bathtub while I was taking a shower.

I made potato salad for a small family BBQ tomorrow.

I walked the dog to the mailbox because she doesn’t know it’s Sunday, she wants her walk, lol.

I brought inside the gas grill grids. I sprayed them with oven cleaner and let sit for 1 hour. Then I scrubbed them clean.

I relaxed on a lounge chair with a good book and soaked up Mr Sun, it was a very good day. 🌞

Finally hooked up my air conditioner.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Bonnie--I am not even sure I have a bathing suit that fits. Since my eustachian tubes now don't work, I am not likely to be found in the pool. I like water walking but the pools at gyms around here are too crowded.

Did my knee and shoulder exercises.

Cleaned odds and ends like the pans beneath the stove burners etc.

Watered the new grass and flowers. Another hot humid windy day. Too early in the season for that.

Called mom.

Took a power nap and dealt with the ants again. Think the new bait is working. I lay down masking tape and squirt the bait on top of the masking tape strips. So, switched those out.

Grilling burgers for dinner.

Time to take the garbage and land waste can to the curb. Hope they don't go flying in the wind.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Sat with Mrs H this morning. She loves Hardees biscuit and gravy so I bought some and surprised her. She ate the whole thing and thanked me several times. I'm so glad she's doing better.

Afterwards went to Sams and picked up a few things and paid Mom's bill.

Home to watch our Chinese historical drama and now I'm ready for bed.

Night all!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK--Your kindness knows no limits. I am sure Mrs. H and her children appreciate you being there for her!

Watered the new grass and flowers.

Did my balance exercises.

Went to shoulder therapy at the clinic. Hopefully only have 2 more sessions.

Found another entry point for the ants, so dragged out the masking tape and put the bait in that area. They rush right to the bait and then I don't see them for a while, so hopefully they are taking the bait back to their nest.

Cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, although I still need to mop the floors.

Grilled 2 burgers last night and only ate one, so will heat the second one up for dinner with snap peas and a salad.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Hi, everyone!

Monday I took the altar flowers to my friend Sharon. The people who paid for the flowers wanted her to have them. They were GORGEOUS and she appreciated them so much!

Today I had an appointment with my allergist in the nearby city. After that, I made a quick stop at Mardel to see what they have for my Sunday School kids. Not much, but I bought a few things.

Sunday I had 3 kids and we decided to sing for the congregation. Well, that was great except that one of them bailed on me!! The brave two did fine!

Need to finish my Bible study tonight. I worked on it last night and got about half way.

regarding swim suits .. I haven't owned one since we had a pool in the 90's. I would not like to see myself in one anymore! LOL.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Sunny today and it got rather warm this afternoon.

Worked outside with breaks inside to cool off!

Planted the rhubarb in its bed. Dug out all the weeds and laid the bricks to finish the top edge of the bed.

Finished laying bricks to edge the flowerbed around the well house. We have hostas in that bed. I want to add a few impatiens for pops of color.

Dug out the grass and weeds that took over the flowerbed around the picnic area. Planted lupines along the wall. Trying to decide if I want to add Four Oclocks to that bed?? They would smell so nice for our evening picnics.

Dug out and transplanted the Moonflower. It was coming up right at the edge of the newly planted azalea bush.

Hubby worked at building up a wall and covering the pipe where the water runs from off the mountain. Its along side the lane and people need to be careful they don't accidently back into it.

Sonny was fixing the neighbors 4wheeler.

Daughter did washing and hung it on the lines to dry.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Sat with Mrs H today and brought some watermelon we could share at lunchtime. It's one of her faves and mine!

Afterwards rushed home to put some seasoned country style ribs in the oven and made veggies. Mom made brown rice for me.

My sister's best friend from high school and college came for dinner and Josh showed up about 15 minutes later so had 4 for dinner.

Then the two of us (sister's friend) went to the theater for the performance of Menopause the Musical. It was hilarious! I laughed so much I cried!

Josh was still here when I came home so we visited for awhile.

Hiker I bet those ants are driving you nuts!

TuTu I wear swim shorts and top but keep a tank top on. I don't get to swim much anymore because of my bad shoulder.

Manna the flowers sound enchanting! Our dinner guest brought us a lovely hanging basket filled with little flowers that are white with purple tips. She said it attracts hummingbirds. My moonflowers are growing well this year too.

OK friends time for lights out! Night!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Manna—as usual you sound busy. I would love to see all your plantings some day!

Did my knee and shoulder exercises this morning.

Chatted with mom.

Got my haircut this afternoon . My stylist isn’t sure she can afford the upcoming rent raise. She is in a retirement center so most of her clients are elderly. Great stylist.

Spent some time trying to track down a lost package. UPS says they delivered it to the post office. The post office says they didn’t. Getting a human on the phone took ages. Will call the company I ordered the insoles from tomorrow.

Went grocery shopping. Ice cream found its way into my cart. On sale. Pralines and cream. Yummy!

Glad most places I go are close to my house because gas was over $5 a gallon today. Eek.

Have a good evening. 🌇
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
What is it with us here? I got my haircut today also!

We had Bible study .. still working on Hebrews. We have about 4 more lessons.

AK .. That's what I would do if I HAD TO get in a pool. I'm not even a fan. We have a pool right down the hill from me. I have not been in it once in 8 years.

(for one thing, chlorine and I do not get along)

Manna .. I think I can smell the freshness of the clothes hanging on the line.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Picked almost a 5 quart ice cream bucket of strawberries today! Yummy! I need to clean them yet.

There is a racoon coming around and the dog is very faithfully chasing it. Nobody tied her up overnight and at 2:30 we were awakened by clattering and banging and barking. The dog was on the back porch this morning when I got up. But then was missing all morning.

Very unlike her. Finally partway through the afternoon, she barked a few times. She was under the deck with the racoon treed under there. The deck is on the ground, so they are crawling under there. We sprayed water trying to chase them out. Finally the racoon came out and ran under another part of the house! With the dog in hot pursuit!

The neighbor brought a live trap over, but we cannot coax the dog out. She is bound and determined to get that racoon. The racoon is as big as she is! She'll never get it. Hubby and the boys are spraying water again, trying to chase it into the live trap.

Oh what fun times we have!

Planted corn this evening. A kind that can be used as pop corn or ground into corn meal. I want to plant some pumpkins in that patch tomorrow.

Put a trellis up for my pole lima beans. Hoping to get them in the ground tomorrow also. I started them in pots and its time they go into the ground.

[ 06-02-2022, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: MannaMe ]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Manna— the critter your dog is chasing isn’t coming up as anything but a cuss word. Is it a raccoon or a possum or a skunk?
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
I'd like to know what kinda critter too!

Busy day! Had security bars installed on all the windows except the one that leads into our laundry room that's in the carport.

They look nice and go well with all the wrought iron on our front porch.

Went to the dealership here and they fixed the door that wouldn't work with the key fob.

Wile running errands later the car overheated! Can you believe it! I've only had it one week. So I have an 8:00 appointment with the dealership that I bought the car at. It's about 70 miles away. Pray I make it and they can fix it tomorrow.

Was supposed to work just 2-3 hours tomorrow afternoon but I let them know about the car trouble.

I'll let you all know what happens.

[shake] [shake] [shake]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Manna .. you could be banned for cussing. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

AK .. We bought a used 4Runner once. I hated that car. Hubby bought it one day when I was too sick to go with him. Never again.

He got it home and the next day the brakes overheated. The saga continued for a few years. I think we spent $6-7 thousand on it before it was all over with.

I pray you hold their feet to the fire.

[ 06-02-2022, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Oops! Sorry, I fixed it.

We coaxed the dog out last night and tied her up. The racoon went in the trap and ate the marshmallows, but we had the trap too close to the house and it couldn't close right. So he got away. We let it set and baited it again.

The dog needs to go swimming in the pond. She is caked with mud!

Baking day.... timer is going again!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Manna--I got rid of a pesky raccoon by putting dishes of ammonia around the area. Not sure you can do that with your dog and other animals, though. Raccoons can be vicious when trapped, so be careful.

Ak--Sorry you are having trouble with the new car and that the dealership is 70 miles away.

Did my balance exercises this morning.

Went to physical therapy for my shoulder. Figured out I have been doing one exercises incorrectly at home the whole time. Sheesh.

Trimmed the dead peony blossoms as well as the iris.

Tackled trimming the tall forsythia bush with hand trimmers. Doesn't look super but managed to get most of it trimmed. Lawn guy has been too busy to get to it.

Think my shoulder will sore tonight.

New orthotics finally arrived today. Just wearing them 2 hours and will increase gradually. I have never worn orthotics so I think they feel weird, but hopefully they will help.

Am wiped out and have had a headache all today. Maybe allergies or it may be too much dairy. I ate a lot of ice cream last night. [bonk]

Pork loin for dinner with tossed salad, broccoli and strawberries. No ice cream for me tonight.
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Dinner sounds good Hiker! I'm passing on dinner because I ate to much rice today. I took my breakfast and lunch up there to the dealership.

Thank God they loaned me a vehicle and hope my car will be ready tomorrow. Might be another day of traveling.

Went to our local planetarium for the finale of the season for their Music Under the Dome series. Featured the viola and the art display on the dome was amazing!

TuTu I was worried they'd just throw a thermostat on in and say it's done but they know (and I suspected) it's a fan issue. Has 2 fans and runs between $800-$900 to repair. They were super nice and put me in a 2022 loaner vehicle.

Manna thanks for solving the mystery! I was thinking possum.

Time for some evening reading!

Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Got a few more things planted this afternoon and evening. The impatiens, a few stocks, some heliotrope in flowerbeds around the house. Peppers in the garden and some pumpkins on the slope where the corn for corn meal is planted.

Discovered the guineas thought the newly planted corn was in the way of there much needed dust bath. They ruined about half of it. Maybe we will need to have guinea for dinner some night!

Hubby & the boys delimbed and sawed 2 more trees at the neighbor's place. When he came home he helped load the logs on his trailer and brought them over. We'll cut some 2x4's for him to use in exchange for the logs.

Baking day and a neighbors requested 2 loaves. I made an extra oatmeal loaf for him to try. He said he will have to hide it from his son, who wants to 'taste' it! He says his son's 'taste' will be half a loaf! LOL

The racoon apparently got away. The dog went under the house this afternoon and came back out without any barking. We did get her to fetch sticks thrown into the pond to wash the mud out of her coat. She loves fetching sticks. She's now black n white again instead of brown!

Made a batch of freezer strawberry jam. We usually can our jams & jellies, so this was a new one. It was a hit and is disappearing at a rapid pace. They wished I had made more extra bread for us today!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Manna--Creative way to get your dog washed!

Watered new grass and flowers this morning.

Did my knee exercises and shoulder exercises.

Took my Brooks Ghost running shoes back to Fleet Feet as they just weren't comfortable. A different sales lady was there and was very kind. Tried on some other shoes but left empty footed. (Well, with old shoes on)

Wore my new orthotics for 4 hours today. Will take some getting used to.

Talked to my mom for quite awhile.

Pulled a few weeds and filled the bird feeders while chatting with my neighbor.

Paid some bills.

Haven't seen but just a few ants the last 2 days. Hoping it stays that way. But now I am getting black hairy spiders in various places. If I know they are there they don't bother me, but when I look up and see one making a path down its web line towards me, I am not happy. LOL

Think I will use my gift card to order gluten free pizza and go pick it up soon. Have had the card since Christmas and can probably squeeze 1 1/2 pizzas out of the remaining money on it.

Updated: Ants saw me typing that I hadn’t seen any for a few days and now they are around the living room baseboards. [Mad]

[ 06-03-2022, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Sign me up for guinea dinner . .. LOL.

I would love the strawberry jam .. but alas!

Hubby and I went to the nearby city to pick up my wedding rings that had been re-sized.

Then we had brunch at sort of new place. Let's say old restaurant in a new location. It was great, as expected.

The weather here is awesome and we'd better enjoy it. We are expected to get days and days of more rain soon.

If you haven't bought gas today, be sure to get out there as soon as possible. It went up 70 cents here this week. 40 cents TODAY.
Posted by MannaMe (Member # 33330) on :
Say a prayer for my friend, she emailed me yesterday saying her routine thyroid tests shows concerns. Today she went for a retest.

Planted more seeds today, pole bean seeds that a neighbor has been saving for years, passed down from his grandfather. Also swiss chard and yellow beets.

Did laundry and hung it out to dry.

Picked some of the strawberries and sliced them for supper.

Cut some of the tea and made a gallon of fresh mint tea. I have peppermint, spearmint, applemint and some meadow tea that was growing down by the creek. I used a blend of all of them together.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Manna—will pray for your friend.

Tutu—Gas is $5.10 here now. [cussing]
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :
Went yesterday to pick up car but it had a sensor issue after I got it so took it back. In the loaner car til Monday.

I ate peanut butter crackers there and had a Pepsi because I didn't eat lunch.

An hour later while driving the 70 miles home I started to have stomach pain. It continued to get worse.

I don't know how I made it home but Josh was at the house so he took me to an Urgent care clinic.

I have either salmonella or food poisoning. Staying in bed this weekend.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AK--Sorry you feel ill. Praying for a speedy recovery! You need to invoke Georgia's Lemon Law for that car!

I did my balance and shoulder exercises today.

Ran a load of laundry.

Ants have moved on to the living room. They are moving room to room in a clockwise fashion, so put more tape on the walls and floorboards and added the gel bait.

Made a good lunch of baked salmon, asparagus and sweet potato.

Worked outside for too long. Even though it is only mid80's I have a heat headache, so am skipping the church picnic this afternoon.

I watered all the perennials and new grass seed really well. Tilled some spots and added grass seed. Weeded some.

Filled the suet feeder.

Got out the grass trimmer and zoomed it around the hostas. Then chatted with my neighbors.

Took a short nap.

Need to ice my shoulder. It isn't liking some of my new exercises nor is my elbow.

Just going to read tonight and maybe watch a chick flick (Hallmark)

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