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Posted by Freethinker (Member # 13002) on :
In 1993, there was a hearing on Lyme disease.

There were presentations by many for those who could help the problems with diagnosing, testing, and treating Lyme disease.

The senators (e.g. Ted Kennedy) heard the presentations, saw the victims, and vowed to help.

But did they? No!

Now, we have some folks in the Lyme disease community that want to reinvent the wheel -- instead of demanding that the hearing panel deliver on their promise to help.


Call the Senators you see in this video.

Hold them accountable for their promises.

* View the 1993 Congressional Hearing Here-<----Click*

EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts Chairman Presently Serving
Washington Office

317 Russell Senate Building
Washington D.C. 20510
p (202) 224-4543
f (202) 224-2417

CLAIBORNE PELL, Rhode Island Deceased



JAMES M. JEFFORDS, Vermont Retired

CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, Connecticut Presently Serving
U.S. Senator Chris Dodd
448 Russell Building | Washington D.C., 20510
Tel: (202) 224-2823 | Fax: (202) 224-1083

DAN COATS, Indiana Became U.S. Ambassador to Federal Republic of Germany

PAUL SIMON, Illinois Deceased

JUDD GREGG, New Hampshire Presently Serving
201 Russell Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3324

TOM HARKIN, Iowa Presently Serving
Washington Office

731 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3254 Phone
(202) 224-9369 Fax
(202) 224-4633 TDD

STROM THURMOND, South Carolina Deceased

BARBARA A. MIKULSKI, Maryland Presently Serving
Washington, DC
503 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-4654

ORRIN G. HATCH, Utah Presently Serving
104 Hart Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Tel: (202) 224-5251

Fax: (202) 224-6331

JEFF BINGAMAN, New Mexico Presently Serving
703 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-5521
TTY: (202) 224-1792
Tollfree (from New Mexico only): 1-800-443-8658
9 am to 6 pm Eastern Time

DAVE DURENBERGER, Minnesota REMOVED from Office (Denounced by the Senate in 1990 for unethical conduct; pleaded guilty in 1995 to charges of misuse of public funds while in office)

PAUL D. WELLSTONE, Minnesota Deceased

HARRIS WOFFORD, Pennsylvania Retired

They must be held accountable for their promises.


S. HRG. 103-265



' 4.L 1 1/4: S. HRG. 103-265 -- -- = =

Une Disease: A Diagnostic and Trea. ..









AUGUST 6, 1993
Posted by AliG (Member # 9734) on :
Did none of them co-sign the last Lyme bill that Sen Dodd authored?
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :

i can answer for IOWA'S TOM HARKIN; he's CHAIR of health committee.

he can NOT co-sponsor a bill !! then as CHAIR, he can VOTE for the bill when it comes across his chair.

otherwise he has to ABSTAIN FROM VOTING !!

same way with iowa's chair sen. chuck grassley; over FINANCE COMMITTEE AS CHAIR!

hope this answers iowa's harkin question.

he's also met personally with iowa's alex, 15, paralyzed and on ventilator while in town for 2 different things.

i talked to tom personally before this event; he was booked, but i asked him to MAKE TIME; he was there 30 min. & couldn't believe he didn't know about this situation with CO-INFECTIONS involved.

he also got alex signed up for RARE DISEASES THAT NO ONE CAN FIGURE's named something else, but she is in that too .
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
"Did none of them co-sign the last Lyme bill that Sen Dodd authored?"

First off, BG is right about Harkin... so his name can be crossed off the contact list above. BG's hard work and efforts have kept Harkin in the loop and helping us. Good work BG.


From what I can tell... and keep in mind this hearing was held about 16 years ago...

And I didn't see what the committee members actually promised to do for us back then when I was re-reading the transcript .... but anyhow...

Of all of the representatives whose names are listed above...

All but possibly 2 are, and have been, working to assist us already.

And actually, the two I am not sure about MAY be also helping us... I just don't know them well enough to say yes or no off the top of my head, without researching it a bit.

So technically all of them could be helping us already... and I know the majority already are.

So, rather than "demand" something from them they may have said long ago when we don't even know what to hold their feet to the fire about...

Perhaps a nice thank you and some encouragement for what they have done in the last decade would be more in style?

And yes, AG, to answer your question.... some of them did cosponsor the bill and others did commit to supporting it.

You've got a good memory!

[Big Grin]

"Now, we have some folks in the Lyme disease community that want to reinvent the wheel -- instead of demanding that the hearing panel deliver on their promise to help."

I am not sure a hearing, especially one that was held 16 years ago by some Congressional members, who, by the way, do hearings all the time, would even be remembered in specific detail by those members on the list who are still alive and still in office?

I'm also not sure what the Congressional members promised to do for us at the time.... and.... if they actually made promises to anyone, what didn't they do?

I am also not sure why this old hearing information is being brought up now at this late date .... and why if it was so important didn't anyone say boo about it years ago when MAYBE something could have been done to encourage the committee members to follow through, IF they made someone some promises?

It seems to me that a reasonable amount of time has gone by since that hearing and that past action is now basically water under the bridge...

Sooooooo.... to suddenly go backward and focus on something that happened so long ago, when we have important and up-to-date legislation addressing our current medical and other needs...

Well, I'm just not sure what the point of all that would be?

[Big Grin]
Posted by Freethinker (Member # 13002) on :
Originally posted by Tincup:

Well, I'm just not sure what the point of all that would be?

The point Tincup, is that Sen. Dodd et. al made a lot of promises to a lot of sick folks 16 years ago and just like WillyB says in Under Our Skin, we ain't got nothin'

Here read it for yourself, if you don't want to believe me:

[Big Grin]
Posted by AliG (Member # 9734) on :
It just seemed to me that it may not have been for a lack of trying.

I don't believe that it would be fruitful for people to harass Sen Dodd, or others, who actually HAVE been trying to be helpful.

Personally, I'd prefer to use what little energy I have trying to educate people that I know HAVEN'T been supportive or trying to stop those who we KNOW have been hurtful.

This suggestion seems counterproductive to me.
Perhaps I'm missing something but, in my understanding, Senator Dodd doesn't have the ability to change or make laws all by himself.
I can not understand wanting to criticize him for not being able to obtain full support.

Look at the nonsense that Rep Smith has been dealing with from Pallone in the House. Could you fault Rep Smith for not getting the bill passed in the House?

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
ali, great examples above!

yes, chris dodd has been helping us but a FEW senators can't pursuade the majority ... it's team effort and US, CONSTITUENTS, lobbying our federal senators to sign on as co-sponsors that will make a difference to get our bills SCHEDULED TO BE DISCUSSED on the sub-committee.
Posted by AliG (Member # 9734) on :
Originally posted by grandmother:
chris Dodd has taken millions from big pharm, banksters, business and special interests as have almost all senators and congressmen.

I generally don't much follow politician's financial accountings, though I am aware that many accept money from sources they shouldn't.

Your statement has made me curious. Is that a verifiable fact or merely a libelous defamation?

If it's not something that could be proven you may want to retract it because such a statement, if false, could be actionable.

IMO, that's a heck of a way to show appreciation for someone who just introduced the Lyme bill into the senate, by publicly assaulting his character.

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
using grandma's links, open secrets, i found this:

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