This is topic Senator Gillibrand, “Will you join me in calling on Congress to fund Lyme dis in forum Activism at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by KarlaL (Member # 29631) on :
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From US Senator Kristen Gillibrand, “Will you join me in calling on Congress to fund Lyme disease research?”

With summer just around the corner, I want my sons to be able to play outside without worrying about Lyme disease.

I know I’m not alone in fearing that a stray tick will turn into a dangerous disease: There are approximately 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease every year, making it one of the most common infectious diseases in our country.

In fact, here in New York, we had the fourth-highest prevalence of Lyme disease in the country in 2013 – but many cases still go unreported and undiagnosed, and the only treatment we have is long outdated.

Improved reporting and better diagnosis can help stop the spread of Lyme disease and keep our families safe, but it will only happen if we pressure Congress to fund critical medical research. Will you join me in calling on Congress to fund Lyme disease research?

Click here to add your name and urge Congress to fund research to stop the spread of Lyme disease!

We need Congress to step up and fund research for this dangerous disease – the sooner they do, the sooner we can stop worrying about ticks and start enjoying summer safely.

Thank you,
Posted by Abxnomore (Member # 18936) on :
Done, it took all of twenty seconds.

Thanks for posting this.

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