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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » yeast & heat? yeast & Rife?

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Author Topic: yeast & heat? yeast & Rife?
Peggy in Maryland
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I've been on a yeast-control diet for months. My favorite food is fruit and I don't even touch it. I'm also on high doses of probiotics, including Primal Defense, Kirkman's, Culturelle, PB8, and Florastor.

I was on bicillin LA, which I know lasts awhile in your system, but my last injection was 3 weeks ago. I was also alternating nystatin and diflucan, to avoid becoming desensitized to either of them. My last diflucan was 11 days ago.

I seemed yeast-free and suddenly the yeast is back. The only new thing is that I just started using a Rife machine, and it caused a major herx. In order to detox I've been soaking in a hot bath--no access to a sauna yet.

I know yeast likes warmth and moisture. Could the hot bath have cause the yeast to come back? Evidently it hadn't been completely eradicated or it couldn't have returned so easily.

Any ideas what caused the problem and what to do about it? I'd rather not go back on prescription antifungals, or prescription anything-else, if I can avoid it. I'm concerned about trying to Rife it away, since I'm still herxing from my first Rife attempt.

Thanks for any input.


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Hi Peggy,

Yesterday I saw a naturopath for a consultation and 2nd opinion.

She mentioned the following for yeast control.

Grapefruit seed extract, 5 drops in water, 2x a day, gargle with it and spit out.

Pau D'arco Tea - 1 cup daily with 30 drops of goldenseal in the tea.

I'm not a doc, I'm just passing on something that I just learned of yesterday and have not had a chance to try myself yet.

Let us know if you find something that helps.


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Peggy in Maryland
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Hi Karen,

My guess is that anything that you gargle and spit out is for thrush. I don't have that problem. My yeast is vaginal. But I suspect that if I have vaginal yeast, I have it elsewhere too--in the gut especially, since I've been having stomach trouble too and have lost a lot of weight.

I tried doing the Body Ecology Diet which is supposed to be specific for what's called Candida Related Complex. But I can't digest the raw cultured vegetables or the kefir.

I seem to be stuck.

Thanks for your input.


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D Bergy
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Is it possible that your yeast symptoms are a results of killing the yeast? Sometimes if you hit the yeast with the right frequency it causes symptoms of yeast but it actually is dying and the symtpoms should not last long.

I would wait until your Herx goes away and try 464 Hz and sweep from 463 to 465 for the yeast. This frequency is also in one of the secondary
Lyme frequency groups, so you may get a Lyme herx also, but probably not.

I took the Yeast frequency from page 9 of the article listed in the link below. From personal experience I have reason to believe this may work for you. If not you could run some of the other yeast and Candida frequencies, but wait until you feel better.

Yeast comes back fast and easily until the immune system is back to normal. You may have to kill it off more than once.

These are just my opinions and I am not a healthcare provider.

Good Luck

D Bergy

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D Bergy
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Vaginal yeast can be caused by taking long hot baths. You alter the natural Ph allowing the yeast to have an ideal environment for growth.

D Bergy

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Oil of oregano works very well for me . I buy the NOW brand and it is potent .

Also , I find that olive leaf extract is a good antifungal.

Peggy , how long have you been using the rife machine ?

What kind of machine are you using? What do you think of it so far ?


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Peggy in Maryland
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What great information! Thank you so much. I had my Rife session on Tuesday evening, and the yeast symptoms began to appear on Thursday.

I downloaded the CAFL this morning and there are dozens of frequencies to use for yeast--it's a bit staggering. So it's good to have a personal recommendation of a place to start.

Meanwhile, without the hot bath to bring on sweating, how will I detox enough to start feeling better so I can get back to rifing? Do saunas have the same yeast-promoting effect as soaking in a hot tub? I was planning to get a portable sauna to complement the Rife machine until this happened.

Thanks so much. I know yeast can be as problematic for the whole system as Lyme itself.


Posts: 143 | From Maryland | Registered: Oct 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Peggy in Maryland
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Hi Annxyz,

I just bought the machine this week. I got it from . If you go to their website there are pictures--mine is the second picture. It's the EMEM3D/2T/A, which means it has two tubes and is an analog machine. This is Greek to me but my husband is an engineer so I'm lucky--he looked at them and ordered it for me.

I've used it only once, because it packed such a wallop I've been herxing ever since. The rule of thumb, as I understand it, is that you wait till you stop herxing before using it again.

It's way more powerful than I expected, considering that it's much cheaper than many of the machines. I knew the first time I used it that it was doing something. I wanted a way to get off antibiotics, and this was the way I chose. So far so good, if you don't mind herxing.


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D Bergy
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I am of Finnish heritage so I know a thing or two about the traditional Finnish Sauna. Most of my relatives had them and I grew up using them in place of a bath or shower. Even had one built in my basement.

In a traditional sauna body sweat is what cleans the grime off. You wash with soap and rinse off when you are done so the Ph of your body is not altered much

One of the reasons the Finns were so successful in war time was the fact that they brought the sauna with them. They were not plagued by the lice and other disease spreading vermin that wipes out armies during wars.

End of Sauna 101.

You can probably return to long hot baths once you have eliminated the yeast. It is when you do them too often it causes a problem. Your body surface will recover its Ph fairly quickly but yeast grows so fast that if you have a lot of it you will get more quickly if it has the briefest opportunity.

The grapefruit seed extract in the bath may resolve this also. It would be an interesting experiment. The acidity is what keeps yeast from growing. Most bacteria are very particular about the Ph they will grow in. Change the Ph and they will die.

The reason there are so many yeast frequencies is that there are so many varieties and mutations that it is tough to find the exact one that will work. Sweeping frequencies works well when this is the case.

Good Luck

D Bergy

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Peggy in Maryland
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Hi D,

Thanks for sauna 101. How about sauna 102? I've been looking at far infrared saunas, because you can get portable ones and my house is too small for anything I can't fold up and put away. Do you have any info/opinion on those, particularly in terms of the effects on yeast?

I'm not really fond of the long, hot baths. I've just been using them because that's all I had. I googled detox baths where I learned that you can put a cup of apple cider vinegar in the bath when the body is too acidic. It supposedly restores the acid-alkaline balance. Any thoughts on this?


Posts: 143 | From Maryland | Registered: Oct 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
D Bergy
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I really do not know much about infrared saunas.
But others here have used them. Hopefully they will have some input. Yeast may be susceptable to the infrared band of light, so it could possibly kill it off, but I am not sure of this.

The apple cider vinegar thing sounds plausable.
I guess I would try it since it really can't do any harm. It would work on the same principle as adding Grapefruit Seed Extract to the water.

D Bergy

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Peggy in Maryland
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Does a regular sauna have the same effect that hot baths have on yeast? The heat, the sweating, etc, causing yeast to proliferate? Or is the bath different because you're actually submerged in the water?

I'm trying to wrap my head around this before I actually invest in a sauna only to discover I can't use it.

Also, I just got an email from a friend who told me to look at Pharmax probiotics as well as Dr. Ohhira's. She said she'd been on his protocol for a couple of months and her yeast was gone, gone, gone. Of course she hasn't been on abx like most of us have, so that makes a difference in how quickly you can eliminate it.


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stella marie
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Peggy there was post a while back using boric acid capsules for vag yeast. I did use this method about 15 yrs. ago, and it worked.

Use the search and see if it comes up. I think you can make it yourself, not sure though.

I had my gyn write a script for the boric acid sup. and took it to the pharm (Giant), they never made it up before but they did. I completely forgot about it until now.

Good luck

Stella Marie

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D Bergy
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I am only speculating that a regular sauna would not promote yeast as much as long hot bath.
You are not soaking in water that dilutes the natural Ph of the surface. This mainly applies to vaginal yeast. This is information I picked up years ago so I do not remember all of the details.

I would not purchase a sauna just for the yeast condition since the ABX is the main culprit.
It is pretty hard to substitute the body's natural defenses with artificial ones. But, you can make your body less attractive to the yeast by avoiding activities that promote it. I would just stop the long baths for awhile and see if it helps. Or, use the apple cider vinegar idea and see if that works. No point in spending money on a sauna if you do not have to.

D Bergy

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Peggy in Maryland
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Thanks, Stella Marie--I'll look into this.

D--The sauna wasn't originally intended for yeast, but to help with detox once I started rifing. But I agree with you--no use spending the money if I don't have to. After all the expenses of treating Lyme, it's not like I'm rolling in cash. It's just that I've read that the Rife/sauna combo is particularly potent, so I was interested in it for that reason.


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Peggy in Maryland
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Annxyz--how do you use the oregano oil? Is it taken internally, and if so how much and how often? Or is it used in a douche? Or what? Thanks.


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I second oregano oil. I buy the gelatin capsules and fill them with oregano oil liquid. I personally use Oreganol, and take two to three a day. I also take my probiotics as well. I had a huge problem with yeast, so I hope this helps. I tried other Oregano oils, but the Oreganol seemed to be the best.
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Peggy in Maryland
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Why do you need to put them in gelatin caps? Do they taste really bad or something? And where do you get gelatin caps? Are they readily available at the pharmacies?



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You can put a couple of drops under your tongue. However, since I take about twenty drops at a time I put them in caps. Also, oregano oil is really strong and gives a burning sensation. By using a capsule, it bypasses my esophagus and dissolves in the stomach without any burning. I buy the gelatin capsules at the healthfood store. You can usually get them in quantities of 100.
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oregano oil works well for me - gives me a strong neuroherx though.

also, if you can tolerate it, get a clove of organic garlic and cut it slightly with a knife, just enough to let some juice out...not too much or it will burn. then wrap it in cheesecloth and insert vaginally. works wonders!

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Have you seen this??

Candida diet and elimination:
Lyme symptoms list compared with yeast symptoms

"Successful control and elminiation of a Candida Albicans overgrowth requires a multifaceted program as described below. Failure to follow ALL the steps simultaneously will result in slow progress and will lengthen healing time significantly. The program should be tailored to the individual and must balance the need to eliminate the Candida and deprive it of its food source while insuring proper nutrition for the individual."

Five Steps to Candida Elimination:

1. You must starve it into submission by eliminating its food source.

2. You must kill it with anti-fungal herbs and supplements.
[e.g....garlic, onion, caprylic acid, Pau D'Arco capsules or tea, clove, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, tea tree oil, Echinacea, Goldenseal, black walnut, MSM, barberry root, uva ursi, neem leaf, biotin]

3. You must reestablish the proper balance and quantity of probiotic bacteria in the digestive tract. [...multi-strain lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus capsules with FOS should be taken between meals to maximize repopulation of the digestive tract by beneficial bacteria.]

4. You must reestablish proper levels of all B vitamins (yeast free) and utilize other immune enhancing supplements to boost immune system function. [e.g ... B complex vitamins (yeast free), biotin, beta 1-3 glucan, colostrum, maitake mushroom, vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium]

5. You must cleanse and heal the digestive tract to promote proper elimination of toxins and Candida and assimilation of nutrients. [e.g...chlorophyll, MSM, omega 3 fatty acids found in flax seed and salmon oils, GLA found in borage, evening primrose and black currant oils. Pantothenic acid, digestive enzymes between meals]

Opinions, not medical advice!

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Peggy in Maryland
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Twopuggles--thanks. I'd read here that oregano oil really burned some people and tasted like lawn clippings, with really bad burping afterwards. Since I already have stomach problems, I'd avoided it. Now I know I can try the gelatin caps--if I can find them out here in the country.

SunRa--a friend wrote me yesterday about the garlic thing. She said the first time she tried it she neglected to tie a string to it for removal, like a tampon, and she couldn't get it out. Ended up having to go to a gyn for removal. The gyn, of course, thought she was insane. She still uses the garlic when necessary, but now always with a string.

Lymetoo--I've not only seen it, but printed it out months ago and have followed it carefully. My diet is pristine--with all the GI troubles I have, there's so little I can eat anyway. And plenty of good supplements. And loads of probiotics in a big variety--Primal Defense, Kirkman's, Culturelle, PB8, Florastor.

I don't know why all of this has't worked but I clearly still have yeast. The only thing left that I can think of is to try zapping it with rife. Oh yeah, and staying out a the hot bath, which means I don't know how I'll detox from the inevitable rife herx.

But things will work out--I don't give up.


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'Canesten' cream - good results.
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Peggy in Maryland:
" Now I know I can try the gelatin caps--if I can find them out here in the country."

I tried the capsules and I burped all day long. Never again!

Try Pau d'arco tea.

"--Primal Defense, Kirkman's, Culturelle, PB8, Florastor."

Obviously they aren't working. I never got much help from Primal Defense, nor from PB8. I love Theralac.

Sounds like you need a yeast killer. Can you take Diflucan?? Will your dr put you on Nystatin for prevention?

PS.. You can detox with Rife by running 10,000 for 2 minutes at the end of every session.

Opinions, not medical advice!

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Peggy in Maryland
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Sienna--I did a search for Canesten cream at Vitacost, but they don't have it. Is this a pharmacy product?

Lymetoo--You're right, obviously the pbx aren't working. MY LLMD highly recommended Primal Defense as not only a probiotic but one that kills yeast. I had yeast before I started it, felt that the yeast left after I started it, but it came back when I began soaking in a hot tub to try to detox from my rifing. I've read all about Theralac and have been very tempted, but so many people report GI problems, and GI problems are my Achilles heel.

I kept a prescription for nystatin on hand just in case, so I started that yesterday, 500mg 3x/day. Diflucan works faster, but I don't have that, and I've read that nystatin is easy on the system, isn't absorbed, isn't toxic, and goes right to where it needs to be. We'll see.

Meanwhile, I did another rifing session today--even though the hot baths brought out the yeast, they also seemed to have done the trick of minimizing the herx. Then my Lyme symptoms resurfaced--the bad ones, the nerves. I'd rather herx like crazy than go through that again, so I rifed today. And I used your recommended ending frequency of 10k.

Is that a detox frequency, or a yeast frequency? I've just gotten Bryan's book last night, so haven't gotten past the first 10 pages. But I am definitely sold on rife.

Thanks for all the info.


Posts: 143 | From Maryland | Registered: Oct 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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It's supposed to open and/or clear the lymphatic system so that your body can clear the toxins.

Does Theralac have a guarantee? If so, I would go for it.

Opinions, not medical advice!

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Peggy in Maryland
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You're right--looks like I must be flushing a whole lot of money right down the drain. Theralac doesn't have a guarantee, or if they do, I can't find it. Will keep looking and considering one of the more intense probiotic formulas.
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Sarah B.
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Hi Peggy from Maryland-
I wanted to let you know that yes, Theralac does have a 100% guarantee. You can reach customer service at 1-866-563-2710 and when prompted click on Sarah's extension. (That's me).
Thanks Peggy and have a great day!

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Speaking of yeast has anyone tried Candex and had any good results? If anyone has had good results I would like to try it.

Thank you.

I just found this:


For Vaginitis from Contact Dermatitis:

Avoid products that cause the problem (scented items, douches, feminine hygiene sprays, etc.). Don't scrub the affected area with a washcloth.

Don't wear tight and constricting garments (girdles, tight blue jeans, etc.).

Use medicated wipes, such as Tucks, instead of dry toilet paper. Follow package directions.

Add an oatmeal bath product (Aveeno) or baking soda to bath water.

Apply an over-the-counter 1% hydrocortisone cream to the affected area. Use this infrequently, though. Hydrocortisone can lead to a thinning of the vaginal tissue.

Put a cool compress on the affected area.

Take a sitz bath every 4 to 6 hours or as needed. A sitz bath basin is a device that fits on the toilet seat and is used to cleanse the genital area. You can buy a sitz bath basin at a medical supply store and at some drug stores.

Wash your underwear in a gentle detergent. Rinse it twice. Use only plain water for the second rinse. Don't use fabric softener.

For a Vaginal Yeast Infection:

If you have a history of vaginal yeast infections and these current symptoms are the same and you used an over-the-counter remedy successfully in the past, use the same or similar product. Use vaginal creams or suppositories, such as Monistat and Gyne-Lotrimin. If you get a vaginal yeast infection when you take an antibiotic, use one of these over-the-counter products during and/or after the period of antibiotic treatment.

Limit your intake of sugar and foods that contain sugar. Sugar promotes the growth of yeast.

Eat yogurt and/or take an over-the-counter product that contains live cultures of lactobacillus acidophilus.

Take showers, not baths. Avoid bubble baths.

Keep the vagina as clean and dry as possible.

Wear cotton or cotton-lined underwear.

Don't wear tight and constricting garments (girdles, tight blue jeans, etc.).

Wear knee-highs instead of panty hose, if possible. When you wear panty hose, wear ones with cotton crotches.

According to this site a vinegar bath looks like it will help and I think I have tried it before but long ago:


Vinegar is renowned for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Fill a bathtub with warm water mixed with 1 cup of vinegar. Soak in this bath solution for about 20 minutes. Dry the vaginal area thoroughly using super absorbent paper. Any vinegar will do, but the best results have been found using apple cider vinegar.


I have also read before that after a bath or shower it helps to dry the area with a blow dryer. Oh and your periods can bring out the yeast more. Try adding some vinegar to you washing machine with your underwear.

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I also noticed when I was taking hot baths my yeast symptoms would flare~intestonial as well.. Sometimes I thought maybe the heat had something to do with a big loaf of bread baking in an oven?

I now use a blow dryer on my private areas~ on low or no heat setting after every bath or shower... This has helped somewhat. Also changing my underwaer helps too.

A gyno duck once told me after having a vag yeast infection to boil all my under wear because washing doesn't kill the yeast infec completely in regular wash cycle.

re: the rife. Definetly notice a die off when I rife~ in particular when I run the rife on 450 which is a yeast frequency.

Hope this helps.


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You might want to also try the pro-biotic pearls at vitacost. They are supposed to survive the stomach acid well. I have been using them along with the theralac~taking them at different times of the day.

But even when I follow very strickly the anti yeast diet & take tons of pro-biotics I still find yeast is a problem. Don't know if taking abx for 12 years has leveled my flora or lyme disease lowers my immunity & leaves me open to yeast problems.

I think its a combination of the two issues.

take care


Posts: 4432 | From some where over the rainbow | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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I also found this doing a google search. I think I have also tried adding salt to the bath before:

2 things:
A warm bath with 1/2 c. vinegar and 1/2 c. ordinary salt restores ph levels to normal for a few hours and relieves itching. I also use boric acid suppositories (you can find boric acid at a family pharmacy...don't try the chains because they don't carry it). Put some in empty gelatin capsules size 00 and use one in the morning and one in the evening. The acid raises the ph level of the vagina and the yeast can't survive in that environment. Don't ingest boric acid, just use as a suppository.


After trying those probiotic Pearls I really find I have better results with Metagenic's Ultra Flora Plus dairy free and I take them 3 times a day like my LLMD says rather than the 2 times a say it says to take them on the label. My ribs get itchy when I wat too many not yeast diet foods but if I take extra probiotics and Natrum Phos 6x it seems to go away quickly.

Oh and drinking chamomile tea if you buy it in bulk (do not use a tea bag) will help too. I learmed this from the Herbal Hwy Show on KPFA radio. Whenever I start to itch I drink more chamonmile and eat a spoonful of plain good quality yougurt before bed each night.

I also thought this website was full of good info on yeast like the nettles and kelp suggestions:

will this site worked 5 minutes ago but their server is not working at the moment

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I have been using the portable FIR Sauna that Scott recommends through his website

It is relatively cheap and very effective. In 20 minutes I am totally soaked and drippin in sweat. It is small and very portable. It causes me to herx though when I over do it. Start out at maybe 15 minutes every other day. Right now, I have built up to 20 minutes every morning and it is almost too much still.

Posts: 26 | From Memphis, TN | Registered: Apr 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Lisianthus   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
This is what I have found about Infarred Saunas & Yeast:

What double-blind controlled studies exist of infrared versus conventional sauna and particular ailments?

Health challenges below, have been reported in Japan and China, as alleviated, reduced or eliminated:

Cancer, Leukemia, Prostate Cancer
Asthma, Bronchitis, Sinus problems
Excess Body Fat/Weight Loss, Cellulite
High Blood Pressure, Chronic Nephritis
Circulation problems - Rheumatism, Chilblains, Gout, Body Odor
Hemorrhoids and Piles
Swelling, Inflammation - Arthritis, Tendinitis, Tumors, Mastitis
Back, Shoulder, Neck and Muscular Pains - Lumbago
Neuralgia and Abnormal Nerve Functions - Herpes, Paralysis, Sciatica
Skin Elasticity and Texture, Chapping, Skin Aging, Wrinkles
Clogged Pores, Pimples, Acne
Damaged, Burnt and Scarred Tissue
Toxicity, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Cystitis, Uric Acid
Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers
Menstrual problems, PMS, Yeast problems , Menopause
Fungus, Viruses, Bacteria, Parasites
Migraine, Headaches, Nose Bleeds
Earache, Tinitus
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Diabetes Mellitus
Sports Injuries
Colds, Flu, Fever

The following health challenges have been reported in Japan to be alleviated or reduced by the use of infrared therapy:

� Asthma, bronchitis (cleared up)
� Rheumatoid arthritis (7 out of 10 cases resolved in one clinical trial)
� Benign prostatic hypertrophy (reduced)
� Cancer pain (greatly relieved pain in later stages)
� Cirrhosis of the liver (reversed)
� Chrone�s Disease (gone)
� Cold hand and feet (a physical therapist discovered 20-50% improvement was maintained)
� Cystitis (gone)
� Duocenal ulcers (eliminated)
� Compression fracture pain
� Gastritis (relieved)
� Hemorrhoids (reduced)
� Hepatitis (gone)
� High blood pressure (in the case of a diabetic a systolic decrease from 180 to 125 +
� concurrent weight loss)
� Keloids (significantly softened and, in some cases, completely gone)
� Leg ulcers (healed when previously static and resistant to other care)
� Menopause
� Pain preventing sleep or limiting sleeping positions (relieved)
� Post-surgical adhesions (reduced)
� Radiation sickness (relieved signs and symptoms)
� Sequelae of strokes (Herniparesis relieved over time)
A clinical trial in Japan reported a successful solution for seven out of seven cases of rheumatoid arthritis treated with whole-body infrared therapy.

Dr. Masao Nakamura of the O and P Medical Clinic in Japan reports success with the use of infrared heat treatment for the following:

� Acne
� Arthritis
� Ear Diseases
� Gastroenteric Problems
� Insomnia
� Menopause
� Whiplash
� Sciatica
� Shoulder Stiffness
Musculoskeletal Improvements with Infrared Heat
Success has been reported from infrared treatments by Japanese researchers for the following musculoskeletal conditions:
� Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatoid, DJD (each substantially relieved or improved)
� Adhesions (common in competitive athletes, trauma, and repetitive stress syndromes)
� TMJ Arthritis
� Acel-Decel Injury Sequelae
� Low-Back Pain (relieved)
� Bursitis (eliminated)
� Brain Contusion (accelerated healing)
� Disc-Protrusion Related Neuralgia
� Compression Fractures (in one situation pain stopped for three days with one treatment)
� Muscle Tension (relaxed)
� Muscle Spasms (reduced or eliminated)
� Post-Exercise Muscle Pain (good results - vital to competitive athletes)
� Shoulder pain (relieved or improved)
� Spinal Chord Shock (reversed post traumatic shock)
� Tight Shoulders (more relaxed)
� Traumatic Arthritis
Ear, Nose, and Throat Conditions Relieved with Infrared Heat
The Japanese report the following ear, nose, and throat conditions relieved with infrared heat treatments:

� Body Odor
� Chronic middle-ear inflammation of infection
� Clogged pores (unplugged of cosmetics, unexcelled skin texture and tone)
� Dandruff (increased blood flow through the scalp)
� Eczema and Psoriasis (respond well)
� Lacerations (healed quicker with less pain and scarring)
� Nettle rash
� Nose bleeding (reduced)
� Skin Conditions (improved)
� Teenage skin problems (clearing acne and blackheads)
� Poor skin tone - Scars and pain from burns or wounds (decreased in severity and extent)
� Sore throats
� Tinitus (chronic severe case cleared with 10 infrared treatments)
� Used routinely in burn units throughout Asia.

yahoo 360

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