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Posted by Catrina (Member # 5344) on :
In reading some of the posts today and yesterday, I read the one about the person wanting chocolate. Someone posted that if your body keeps craving something, it usually is signaling you that your body needs something.

My craving is for lemon juice and salt. I mean really salty and tart. All my life I have had these cravings periodically. And when I say craving, I mean I cannot rest until I get it. I mean it's like a heroin addict needing a fix kind of craving. I have completely ruined the enamel on my teeth with this thing.

I have asked numerous doctors what they thought it was my body was trying to tell me it wanted. They all said, oh, every person had cravings for something or other. Very helpful, I must say.

Do any of you out there have any thoughts on what this might mean? I would love to hear any ideas on this.


Posted by docdave130 on :
yes i have salt cravings alot.
i keep a bag of peanuts in my car and by my bed all the time.
peanuts have salt and are good for you.
since i'm also on the south beach diet they are a good source of protein.
but only if your blood prssure is ok, salt will retain fluid and increase your blood pressure.

Posted by Catrina (Member # 5344) on :
Well, my bp is low so I have always allowed myself to have the lemon & salt stuff.

But it sure did ruin my teeth.


Posted by Lizzie J (Member # 5168) on :
Salt cravings could mean a deficiency of the andrenal glands...
Posted by liz28 on :
I have no explanation for why this happens, but can assure you it did happen to me, also. It went away after I started taking omnicef, an abx that balanced out my monthly cycle.

Before that, I had lost ten pounds overnight, had a monthly cycle of 18 days, and obsessively craved pickles, salted peanuts, creamy salad dressing, cheddar cheese, and greasy salted dumplings drenched in sour cream and oil. Yuck.

This salt fixation alternated with a sugar fixation, too. I remember this horrible day when I was too sick to leave my house, called a local deli, and asked them to deliver pickles and chocolate mousse, which I washed down with slabs of cheese and frozen fish dunked in hot sauce. That was a real low point.

Now I can't stand the thought of any of these foods, except the chocolate mousse, of course. Again, for me the solution was finding stronger abx.

Posted by Cat (Member # 5595) on :
Thanks Lizzie J & Liz28

Your posts are very interesting to me. I was reading something the other day about the adrenal glands and was thinking that some of the symptoms applied to me. BUT I did not relate it to this craving.

Also, I used to never crave sweets and hardly ever ate any. But now I too have the sugar craving alternating with the salt craving. First I want one, then the other, then the other, and so forth. When I get on one of these craving circles, it drives me nuts.

Thanks for sharing.


Posted by duke77 (Member # 5051) on :
Yes, I definitely believe cravings are a symptom of Lyme. I too used to hate sweets never ate dessert wasn't a fan.

The last few years I crave chocolate, peanut butter and just about any other sweets. I would eat a bag of assorted chocolates myself. I go through salt cravings as well. I have read Lyme can cause high cholesterol as well. Wonder if that is why my cholesterol is 225 and why my blood pressure is high now.

All my life my blood pressure and cholesterol were perfect, the last few years my BP has been sky high and the cholesterol high as well.

Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
ATP regulates the Na-K (sodium-potassium) pump. If you are not making enough ATP, which you are not because of lyme disease, this messes up the Na-K pump.

Lyme, cancer and malaria follow what is called the glycolysis pathway. The infections (bacterial, viral, protozoan)use sugar, not oxygen for energy - ATP.

We only make bursts of 2 ATP following the glycolysis pathway, 36 ATP if we use the oxygen route.

When Mg is not "available", Calcium and potassium levels rise, at first. But way down the road, these will become deficient also. You cannot hold onto Ca and K without adequate Mg.

Lyme disease causes a major electrolyte imbalance.

Read my "In a nutshell part 1" post. Pay close attention to the neuro babesia - dog cure of the 1970's.

Have you been tested for co-infections?

Posted by Catrina (Member # 5344) on :
Thanks duke77 for your post. My cholesterol is high also. It ranges between 230 and 240. I have been wondering the same thing.

Marnie, thanks for your info. I will check out the post listed. I have been tested and am awaiting the test results. They should be back around the first week of June. I see Dr. J in NC.

Also, I wanted to say that you post such wonderful info here. I often search out your posts to read them. There is just so much stuff. I appreciate your directing me to a specific place.


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