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Posted by robi (Member # 5547) on :
I have read many posts so on this.....can't decide to do the freeze dried or the fresh stuff. So I am starting with the fresh since it is cheaper and natual.
Any suggestions form anyone trying both kinds would be appreciated. I guess I won't lose my internet friends since you can't smell the garlic! Hope my in town friends can handle this.

Ps Just crushed and took my first clove. DAMN!!!!!!! That burns!! Felt weak afterwards for a minute or 2........guess that's ok........

Posted by Nancy-OH (Member # 3567) on :
I use Garlinase 4000 (one per day) each dose contains 4,000 mg of fresh garlic; 5,000 mcg of allicin; 11,000 mcg of allin.

Yes, it's expensive at $33.50 per 100 tablets. I sometimes skip a day to make the box last.

One tablet is equal to 4,000 mg of fresh garlic. I could never eat that much!


Posted by frenchbraid (Member # 4225) on :
We alternate between Garlinase 4000 and Garlic Factors by Natural Factors. Both products were created by Dr. Michael T. Murray.

I take anywhere from 1 - 4 a day. Depending on how I'm feeling. I take one a day for maintenance, but last week we all started fighting that darn summer bug that's going, I up'd the garlic and vitamin C.

I just love garlic!!!


Stay positive. Smile. People care.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I posted this about a year ago and I think it is worthwhile reading to get the finer points about garlic consumption.....
I took tons of the freeze dried and I think that took care of many an undesirable bug in my body. I am still well years after garlic
(and of course a few other tasty remedies).

It is a mighty helper.

Topic: A little bit about Garlic ........
Frequent Contributor
Posts: 1860
From: Washington State
Registered: Oct 2000
posted 29 June 2003 17:33
At a recent 3-day seminar on ART I, at the end my doctor hung on a little talk about various remedies he uses most frequently such as garlic, cilantro, chlorella, etc. Here is what he said about garlic. It came with some nice overhead statistics and research, which I cannot give you here because I can't show you the video of the seminar.
Here it goes - in rough:

"A little bit about Garlic....

The issue came up - many of you have heard me speak on garlic. First of all, here is the study on garlic --- on h. pylori - it is extremely effective to give freeze-dried garlic, or in this case garlic oil for h. pylori, which is one of the major infections that we are dealing with these days.

Here is a German study - a comparison between Bear Garlic and garlic. Bear garlic is wild garlic, which is the plant that grows in Central Europe and is absolutely great. That's what the old Germanic tribes used to do - they attacked Rome and brought the Roman Empire down in April, of whatever year that was, because in March, when the bear garlic comes out and they cut and are eating the leaves of the bear garlic and they are getting so much energy from it, they don't know what to do with it. Their hormone levels go up, all their infections go away, and ....
(laughingly) the Germanic Tribes they were doing this thing every March, beginning of April they would eat bear garlic and cleared out all the parasites, all the infections, and then went and conquered Rome and did all these other things..... All of it is long forgotten, but it has an effect on you and one of the reasons I always go in April to Germany is - my friend overthere grows a hugh plantation of bear garlic among the trees in the woods and makes me this bear garlic pesto. I do four weeks of bear garlic pesto and can tell you that it is for me incredible.....

A little bit about Allicin. Garlic is associated with this compound Allicin, which has been shown to be the most potent natural antibiotic. (showing an exhibit of MIT)
It is extremely effective for Staph aureus, and some of the physicians among you know that there is no antibiotic left that's effective. Well, there is plenty of research that shows that freeze-dried garlic is absolutely 100% effective for it, and it puzzles me that science ignores that. This is from peer-reviewed journals, not small stuff. Candida - may be important for you - that freeze-dried garlic is an absolute for treating Candida.

Let me talk about Allicin. Garlic contains Alliin, which is the chemical precursor to Allicin, and they get converted to
Allicin through an enzyme called Alliinase. That happens when you chew garlic; when you break up the cell membrane of the plant cells, the enzyme that is in the cell wall gets released and combines with alliin and then allicin is created within 20 seconds.

Allicin has a half life of 10 days. Any of the garlic products that you buy - garlic oil, kyotic garlic, etc. - there is no allicin left in it. So any prior experience you have had with any garlic products, other than fresh garlic, forget that. Erase that out of your mind ``tried garlic once and it didn't work'' - put that on the side.
The only garlic products that have their full allicin-releasing potential left is fresh garlic and freeze-dried garlic.

When you swallow garlic, when you chew it for a few seconds and wait for 20 seconds before the conversion after you chew it, and it hits the stomach acid, the enzyme is immediately neutralized and the conversion doesn't happen. So if you take raw garlic and eat it, it doesn't happen either.

If you eat it on a full stomach (on a full stomach the Ph comes up from 1.5 to 4.5); you can eat it at the end of a meal and the conversion happens. You chew the garlic, the enzyme is activated, you swallow it, it doesn't get killed by the stomach acid, and you get the full allicin release from it.

Chewing garlic has the disadvantage has that you smell like........... (laughter)

When you eat garlic, you smell. When you take freeze-dried garlic in capsules, there is no body odor. There is a mild body odor that you can detect if you go close to the skin of the person who is taking it.

Garlic is also very effective for treatment of amoebas and giardia, most species of worms; in Lyme Disease - Dr. Zhang in New York published papers on the effectiveness that allicin also penetrates the blood-brain barrier and goes to the CSF and can clean up things there.

It is really a fantastic agent for our time. The way to take it is 2-3 capsules at the end of each meal - needs to be taken at least three times a day, better four times a day, just like penicillin. Remember, penicillin you have to take every six hours, you have to take it four times a day to make it work, and the same with freeze-dried garlic.

It is great for general health.

Question: Do you chew up these capsules?

Answer: Freeze-dried garlic - you swallow it at the end of a meal when the Ph has come up; then the juices in the gut mix with the garlic, put it in solution, activate the conversion and you get the whole shebang (sp?) of the allicin release.

I want you to try to remember that any time that any prior experience, when people talk about garlic ``yeh, tried it and worked a little bit'' or so, they didn't do it right, I promise you. If you follow these rules, it becomes the most powerful medicine that we have.

It is also for ......... clostridium, there is a study there - some of the modern infections that we have no solutions for in medicine, try garlic.

Question: either the fresh or the freeze-dried - you want to take following the meal?

Answer: Yes, there is no point - if you cook garlic, you destroy the enzyme. Also if you put it on your salad - most people eat their salad before the meal, forget it - it doesn't work.

Question: You want it to be activated after it hits your stomach?

Answer: yes. If you can't take the capsule, put it in water, stir it, wait 20 seconds until the conversion happens, then drink it. Then it won't be destroyed by the stomach acid.

The best solution for topical problems - use garlic tincture on the skin, by far the best garlic tincture is from Morin Labs. (describes the technical aspects of manufacture). Even though the garlic is broken up in small particles where there are still some cells intact, the moment you put it on the skin, from the drying-effect the cells rupture, the allicin is released and it is a great antimicrobial. So for fungal infections (feet and everywhere) use garlic tincture - major for staph infections on the skin (freeze dried garlic inside - tincture outside).

Tincture is also great to use orally. Great for gum disease. Do it at night - slush it around in your mouth, go to bed, don't swallow it - just sort of leave it there, and it kills all the microorganisms. If you have a partner, if you both do it (there is this habituation to the garlic taste and smell), if your partner also does it, in the morning either one of you can smell each other and will not be offended by it.

It is a powerful tool of the past and of the future."

It's a must for Lyme, viral infections (fish oil too for virals). From my experience.



Posted by HaplyCarlessdave (Member # 413) on :
I tried garlic in various forms. I found best seemed to be just to choke down raw cloves. I didn't worry too much about the smell-- we're all garlic lovers around here. I would eat some more stuff and brush my teeth before going to work, though...
I thought it had a dramatic effect, medically, for me. Especially when combined with artimesia anua or its extract, artimisinin. (took that for babesia, mainly). I would strongly recommend it. The amount?.For me, it seemed, the more garlic, the better, with no negative effect whatsever.

Posted by HaplyCarlessdave (Member # 413) on :
Originally posted by Nancy-OH:
I use Garlinase 4000 (one per day) each dose contains 4,000 mg of fresh garlic; 5,000 mcg of allicin; 11,000 mcg of allin.

Yes, it's expensive at $33.50 per 100 tablets. I sometimes skip a day to make the box last.

One tablet is equal to 4,000 mg of fresh garlic. I could never eat that much!

4g/dose, 100 doses-- 4g dried is probabably roughly. 4 cloves, about 1/3 of a medium size bulb of garlic. So it would seem the bottle has about 30 bulbs worth in it. Yes, you can probabably do a bit better by getting it raw, but I'd say thats not at all a bad deal! What about the quality, though? I can get organic, and when the "processing" involves only cutting it up, chew it , making a face, and swallowing quick and hard before the tongue burns too much, not much extra stuff gets in there! That would be an argument for the real (organic) stuff.
But again, I did both raw and pills of various sorts. The 'garlinase' sounds like a very good choice for the pills component, though.
With the raw stuff, it's important to chew as much as possible to release the allicin. (I know that can be tough, but think about those lyme 'chetes having an even harder time with it!)


Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :
I too think the Garlinase 4000 is the one to go with. I have tried others, including the Garlinase 2000, which I don't think the co. makes anymore. The 4000 packs a punch that gave me diarrhea at first. I skip the days that I get the runs. I also eat lots of garlic so, the combination probably triggered the big D.


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Be sure to avoid all garlic that is not certified organic.

Most regular commercial garlic is loaded with pesticides and other toxins, etc. Don't touch it. You want it to heal you and not contaminate you more. Garlic absorbs toxins out in nature where it is growing, whatever it is exposed to. None of us need more toxins!!!

It took my doc a year to find clean garlic for patients. The only one we now use is Biopure. It was not found in California or China. But comes from an area that is not exposed to nearby spraying of other crops, etc. and is not grown in soil that has been contaminated by previous farming. It takes years for the soil to become healthy again.

Don't shortchange yourself on this one. I used to take 9 capsules in my bad days, now years ago, and I would not have wanted to swallow that many raw bulbs ever. The result would have been that I would avoid taking the things. Be sure to time the intake. I have posted about it repeatedly.

Take care.

Posted by NP40 (Member # 6711) on :
Here's a link for garlinase 4000 for $20 per 100 tabs. Is this what everyone's using ?


Posted by Mo (Member # 2863) on :
If you do use fresh..

You can just dice it up in tiny pieces and immediately take is down the hatch with a swig of juice.

No burning ..allicin is activated.

Can't help ya on the other end, tho..for that, you're on your owm.

Probably literally


[This message has been edited by Mo (edited 12 May 2005).]

Posted by frenchbraid (Member # 4225) on :
This post is over a year old......but we are still using Garlinase 4000. When the flu and such are going around, we finely chop up a fresh organic clove of garlic and and immediately put it in a few ounces of orange juice. This illiminates "chewing" the garlic and it is at it's most potent state when swallowed.


Stay positive. Smile. People care.

Posted by HEATHERKISS (Member # 6789) on :
I've been taking pills for 3 months and started to eat fresh at the end of dinner on top of a salad.

Had to stop for a few day cuz I stunk!!!!

I will start again monday.


Posted by Carol in PA (Member # 5338) on :
Hmm, does anyone have an opinion about Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract?


Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :
Yes, I tried the Kyolic aged recently for a few weeks. I ahd also tried a jar of it about a year ago. I definitely found the 4000 to be more effective. Just my opinion.


Posted by rainbow (Member # 2711) on :
Do as Gigi says : eat the raw garlic MINCED on your salad AFTER your meal. It has helped me a lot.

I've also used freeze dried. Brand name: Eclectic Institute freeze dried garlic, it is ORGANIC. Whole Foods carry it, as well as other health food stores

Posted by tom63376 (Member # 7220) on :
Is Garlique (5000 mcg allicin) just as
good as Garlinase?? I couldn't find
Garlinase where I shop..


Posted by tequeslady (Member # 6832) on :

Can a regular individual order from Biopure? When I looked at their web site, it sounded like you had to be a medical professional.


Posted by tequeslady (Member # 6832) on :
Nevermind..sorry. I was thinking about a different company.

Originally posted by tequeslady:

Can a regular individual order from Biopure? When I looked at their web site, it sounded like you had to be a medical professional.



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