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Posted by doggiemom (Member # 6094) on :
I just got a call from my county's health department. They are doing a follow-up on all reported tick in this area. The doctors in this state are supposed to report tick disease cases and the health department just got my lab report, which showed I was positive for Ehrlichia, so I was one they were following up on.

I talked with the person from the health department for quite a while, letting her know all the problems I've had trying to get tested and properly treated, and how the doctors have to go look it up in their books because they don't even know what Ehrlichia is, and how doctosr have been telling me that Lyme is not found in this state and refuse to test me. I wanted to make sure they knew what a problem tick disease patients in this state have getting proper testing and treatment. I also told them that the reported cases they have are probably just a fraction of what is really happening, because so many doctors don't test for it, even if the symptoms are there, and many patients are being misdiagnosed. She seemed to know that this has been a problem in our state. She also said that only two-fold titers have to be reported to the health department, and that many doctors don't do the two-fold titers, so many cases may not be getting reported. I'm glad at least my Ehrlichia was reported to them.

She said that it looks like tick disease is becoming more of a problem in this state than they originally thought. She said she had a recent report of LD to follow up on and one report of RMSF too. She said these reports will go to the CDC, who is then supposed to inform doctors that these diseases are becoming a problem in our state, and make them aware of the symptoms so that they can be properly diagnosed.

She said she would make sure the CDC gets a report of all the trouble I'm having getting treated for Ehrlichia and getting the proper testing for LD and that I'm having to go out of state to get help. I don't know what will come of it, but it's a start at least.

Posted by JesusisLord (Member # 5776) on :
Do you mind telling us which state you are located in?
Posted by Lishs mom (Member # 2344) on :
edited out

[This message has been edited by Lishs mom (edited 19 August 2004).]

Posted by SandiB (Member # 1557) on :

Please tell us what state you are in? Or just tell me yes or it Florida?

I'm meeting with the Sec't of Health at that time and this info would help me present my case for the state. If you like just email me [email protected]


Posted by doggiemom (Member # 6094) on :
I'm in Tennessee.
Posted by doggiemom (Member # 6094) on :
A suggestion to anyone who has any tick disease. Let your county's health department know about it. Send the lab work to them as proof. This includes those who had to go out of state to get diagnosed. Let the health department know that you were unable to find a local doctor to take you seriously.

It looks like the county health department is our first "tool" in creating awareness. Since they have to report these diseases to the CDC, if enough reports come in from these states where doctors or the CDC claim there is no tick disease, eventually the CDC and doctors will have to start taking this seriously.


Posted by JesusisLord (Member # 5776) on :
Thank you for your response as to where you are located. I am originally from TN and have family there. It is a big problem in TN.

A family member was told recently, by an ID duck there in Nashville, that there is no Lyme in TN - it is all at St. Martha's vineyard. Needless to say, this family member wanted to wring this duck's neck.

I will call my local health dept. again. I called a few months back to see if it had been reported and it had not been.

Posted by Kara Tyson (Member # 939) on :
The amazing thig is that positive Lyme tests from labs are not always required to be reported to the CDC.

Even CT labs no longer have to report positive cases to the CDC.


Posted by GrandmaCLD (Member # 6050) on :
I am really not surprised at the stupidity regarding this disease! I had very little - if no knowledge of Lyme before I was diagnosed.

Here in MN, I don't think many doctors look for it at all. My doc has tested and treated many of his patients with the "symptoms" with or without the positive test.

Do you know what his reward was?? Having one of his colleages report him to the state for treating patients without a positive test result!

What a crock!!!

Posted by SuZ-Q (Member # 5903) on :
We lived in Kingsport, TN when our daughter was bitten. She was hospitalized, but since the IFA test for Lyme came out negative, they decided it was rheumatological. Later they decided it was a "general tick infection".

We didn't get positive tests until after we moved to another state and started treatment in NC. Another Lyme statistic under the radar for TN as far as CDC reporting.

I am curious if you know what type of tick bit you. I think in our case,it was a dog tick (somewhat controversial as a vector of Lyme). I had saved it at first, but since no one was interested I tossed it.

I wish you the best of luck with your treatment and I definitely agree with you that there is a problem in Tennessee.

Posted by doggiemom (Member # 6094) on :
Nearly every tick bite I've had this year (and there have been a lot), were either deer ticks or lone star ticks. So far I have not seen many dog ticks here. Even those that bit my dog this year were all deer or lone star. This is the first year I've ever seen any ticks on him. We had the worst tick season I've ever seen in my 24 years in this state.

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