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Posted by Murt1 (Member # 4206) on :
I know this is a crazy symptom (excessive
it just started a few days ago but I read somewhere that it can be a symptom of parkinson.
Has anyone else experienced this.

I have had body vibrations for over a year inspite of Mepron and Zith long term.

So I am wondering is there any other spitters out there?

Posted by Sleepy (Member # 4656) on :
I'm not a spitter but I'm a drooler. Just out of one side of my mouth. I always have to catch it.

My ID doc thought this hypersalivation could be due to something called sialeldenitis (sp?) but it hasn't been diagnosed yet. I have a lot of face pain issues.

The hypersalivation actually went away while I was on IV tx but came back about a month later when I was off of abx.


Posted by lymes be gone (Member # 6199) on :
I have this too! I am not on treatment yet, but I am a drooler! It comes and goes . . .at times I choke on it. It usually comes out of the right side of my mouth . . .why there? I'll wake up at night with a wet pillow. Then it goes away, only to come back latter. Your not alone!
Posted by Murt1 (Member # 4206) on :
Thanks for replying, at least I am not alone.
It does seem to come and go, maybe it has something to do with alergies, though I never had this symptom before Thanks again
Posted by troutscout (Member # 3121) on :

It can also rotate tin the OTHER direction.

It is caused by the infection of the Stellate Ganglian...which is located in front of th3rd and 4th vertebrae. (As explained to me.)


Posted by charlie (Member # 25) on :
Put some baking soda in your mouth; it dries up the spit.(I like the salty taste).


Posted by Murt1 (Member # 4206) on :
Charlie I am not sure if you are serious or not about the baking soda but I am hoping someone else may have another idea.
Posted by pomegranite (Member # 3339) on :

I don't drool.
I have had bouts of excessive salivation and the saliva always seems "thin" to me during these periods. Sometimes it seems too slippery (which I think is a sign that the pH is off...either too acidic or too basic). At times I've had these symps alone, other times it comes w a furry white tongue or a black stripe down center of my tongue, or brown-blackness growing up from the roots of my teeth (very ugly).

I asked my dds. She says we normally produce two types of saliva and one is thinner than the other. She thinks its possible that the lyme is for some reason causing an overproduction of the thin kind and stopping the production of the thicker kind.

She and my lyme doc think the blackness at the roots of my teeth are lymey. DDS thinks it might be something she called black line bacteria. In doing lots of advanced websearching I found only one reference to black line bacteria and it was by a woman on a forum much like this but for candida patients who described exactly what I experience and who was told by her dds that it was black line bacteria.

I haven't found anything that helps with the excessive salivation. Although I never tried cinamon tea and I've heard that is supposed to dry you out.

Be well~

Posted by MADDOG (Member # 18) on :
Howdy,Only when it is really HOT!! MADDOG
Posted by Murt1 (Member # 4206) on :
Pomegranite you know you may be right about the cinnamon tea.
My daughters friends used to bet $5.00 you couldn't swallow a teaspoon of cinnamon.
And no one could because it was way to dry.
Thanks for the tip
Posted by charlie (Member # 25) on :
....I'm serious about the baking soda, it works.

But then(OK I'm a bit unusual this way); I like salt and
can easily do without sugar.

Anchovies anybody??? Yum.

Posted by UsedToBeVibrant (Member # 6245) on :
Holy cow, it's so funny that you've put your finger on this symptom.

Excessive saliva issues have been playing on the edge of my consciousness for weeks now, I can even remember thinking on several occasions that if I don't start spitting it out it'll make me sick to my stomach.

I"m a 32 year old woman, there's no way I"m gonna start spitting, what would my deskmates think?

Anyway, I don't know why we're doing this but I can say:


and neither am I=)

Posted by Softballmom (Member # 6235) on :
I have it too. Only mine seems to feel like, You know how it feels when you get nauseaus and you get that tingling sensation and your mouth starts to water. I get that, only I don't feel sick. Just the tingle and the the mouth watering. Has anyone experienced the tingling in the back of your jaws?


Posted by Sue vG (Member # 3143) on :
I had this pretty badly during approximately months 2-6 of my illness (I went undiagnosed for 15 months). I was constantly inhaling/choking on my own saliva, many times a day.

The corners of my mouth were just slack enough to let droplets of saliva through at times, and I did drool a few times (once when talking to my boss ).

I also had mild facial paralysis where I couldn't make most of my normal expressions, and it felt like I had a raw steak plastered across my forehead.

This resolved on its own for the most part, after about 6 months, though I did have a 2 week course of cipro during that time period which may have knocked the infection back a little. That was one of my first clues that I might have something infectious rather than strictly degenerative.


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