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Posted by flygirl (Member # 6669) on :
Hi all!

let's think positive thoughts!

when you are cured of this affliction, what good health habits have you learned/made a part of your life, that you are going to continue?

For me, it's for sure:

drink a lot of water (prior to this I was so awful, I could go all day without water)
keep taking acidophilus
likely keep taking milk thistle (why not, it is good for you)

what good habits are you just waiting for the freedom to break? (tee hee)

for me, I cannot WAIT to have a beer. or a glass of wine. it's funny, I never drank much, but now that I cannot, I seem to crave it! although I'm sure I'd nurse my first beer, anyway. ha ha!




Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :
You ask a good question.

I have always eaten a relatively healthy, organic diet and have always exercised. So, that part of my life will remain the same or better.

I think the most important thing I have learned from Lyme so far is patience and learning to take some time for me. Prior to LD I was a workaholic. I still work lots because I like what I do. I think I will continue to take the time to rest and relax when my body and brain need a break. I will also be as patient with those who have been patient with me through all of this. Slowing down has opened my eyes to the things around me that I took for granted before.

It is interesting that much of my work involves those with special needs. I have a new appreciation for what they experience daily.


Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
1.) Keep all negative ( and psychotic ) people out of my life, questions asked.
2.) NEver be a human doormat- again
3.) Keep takign supplements, vitamins
4.) Yoga
5.) Meditate
6.) NEVER TAKE ANYTHING for granted

and yes,

I want to drink a beer,just one.


Posted by mlkeen (Member # 1260) on :
I think in addition to the healthy eating and suppliments I will continue the daily exercise. It seems to make the biggest difference when I don't get out and move for 20 minutes. Also the daily hot tub soaks are staying.


Posted by James H (Member # 6380) on :
My kitty says... 'Kitty petting is the BEST therapy there is, and you should NEVER forget to pet your kitty, no matter how cured you get'.

As long as you remember to pet your kitty, life will be good... But if you forget... THE COUCH GETS IT!!!

[This message has been edited by James H (edited 06 March 2005).]

Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Haven't read the other posts yet. But, I will give myself down time.

I was usual active from the time I got up to the time I went to bed.

I don't like to be around people who like to dwell on the negative and will continue to watch who I am around when I am well.

I will take time to be around family and friends.

I will take the time to watch TV. I never watched TV before coming down sick. I have found that there are some interesting shows to watch and it is OK to zone out in front of the tube.

I will continue to eat fresh fruit, vegies, protein, nuts, beans and limit white flour, white rice, white potatoes, sugar, etc.

I will continue with the epsom salt baths, podi patches and clay detox.

I will continue with what supplements I can afford.

[This message has been edited by kam (edited 07 March 2005).]

Posted by ivebeentricked (Member # 6944) on :
I will continue to eat as much organic foods as I can, continue to eat greens, vegies ect. ect. continue to not drink soda, bassically I will continue to eat as healthy as i can and know how to,

i will continue to not trust most doctors,

continue to take and research supplements

continue to be as nice and understanding of other peoples situations even if i don't understand them

continue to do things that i enjoy and hopefully start doing them way more again,

continue to keep my life clear of BS and clutter

drink a few beers every so often

just to name a few,

if i ever actually start feeling better, and not too much is lost i know i will look back and be thankfull for the changes getting sick has caused in my life, even if it has wreaked as much or more havock

Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Continue your vitamins and mg and cq10 and acidophilis for few months.
Posted by dontlikeliver (Member # 4749) on :
I will continue as I have for over a decade diet-wise, i.e. low-carb, low/no junk.

Like COL I want to have a beer, just one!!!

I want to be able to exercise and keep exercising - possibly by then I can try out for the geriatric olympics.

About petting kitties - I like that too, but I am petrified of anything with fur or feathers now - it might bring me another tick, and renewed misery.


Posted by hatsnscarfs (Member # 6562) on :
Great question Flygirl,

When I'm better I'll continue with the very healthy anti yeast diet I'm on now. I'll add a little more grains but definitely won't add much flour or sugar back.

I'll continue to buy only organic foods and will be especially careful to avoid mass produced meat & dairy.

I'm so grateful to be able to move again I'll be sure to exercise more.

I'll avoid doing way too much and will get enough sleep.

I'll continue to detox: podipatches & epsom salts. I might also start more cleanses like chlorella or cilantro.

I'll keep on wearing hats & scarfs!


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