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Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Just doing a poll if thats okay.

Seems like a lot of people lose there gallbadder on here and I am wondering if its Iv's or Lyme?

[ 12. September 2005, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: treepatrol ]
Posted by Korinne21 (Member # 7472) on :
Yeppers lol im getting mine out on monday because of rocephin,
I feel its worth it though because the rocephin works wonders on me
Posted by arg82 (Member # 161) on :
Yes, I lost my GB in 2002 after 4 months of Rocephin, it was "full of stones" (that's what the ultrasound report said). And I have had gallbladder-like attacks (from sluding in my bile duct) when on Rocephin after getting my GB out, so for me just getting my GB out didn't make it possible to go back on Rocephin again.



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Posted by lymeloco on :
I lost my g.b. after starting tetracycline.
No problem on rocephin which came later, but the gallbladder was already removed.
I had a gallstone blocking my pancreatic duct.

My two daughters, sister, nieces, and mom also had g.b.removed. They don't take antibiotics.

I think it's possible you already have sludge or stones, and the herx brings it out!(My opinion only)

My surgeon did not think it was the antibiotics. Actually, he did ask if llmd thought it was lyme? Nobody knows as of yet!
Still lots more research to do!

Posted by slcd (Member # 5708) on :
I lost mine on January 1, 2003. Happy New Year! It was after 5 months of Rocephin.
Posted by dmc (Member # 5102) on :
I had 5 weeks of Rocephin beginning Jan. 2003. Was warned by Dr. P. that Rocephin can cause gallstones...much higher risk for small petite women.

I had weekly ultra sounds while one ... the 5th week, boom, got 4 stones even on the antigal.

After stoppping the rocephin, one month later ultrasound showed no gallstones.


Posted by Biting Back (Member # 6018) on :
My gallbladder was removed back in 1999. No stones but it was inflamed and malfunctioning. No doubt it was due to lyme. Starting IV rocephin today.
Posted by Nestle (Member # 878) on :
I was on IV Roocephin for over 9 months and I never had gall bladder problems. My LLMD made we agree to ingesting 1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 TBSP Olive Oil daily before he would write me a prescription for IV Rocephin.

I got used to the taste of the daily mixture.
It was rough in the beginning but if it was a way to save my gall bladder it was worth it!


Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
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Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Add Lymetoo to the gallbladder loss list, although I don't think she ever took rocephin.

Would be interesting to see how lyme patients compare to the regular population in the percentage of gallbladder loss.

Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
up for weekend
Posted by trueblue (Member # 7348) on :
I had some gallbladder problems starting in the early '80s. (Which the doctor, I was seeing at the time, suggested drinking 6 glasses of papaya juice/day to straighten out. It did!) I do think this is when I first got sick from the lyme and company.

That said, I've done 2 courses of rocephin, one in 1993 and again in 2000. I was worried about it both times but it didn't make it any worse, in my case.

The nurse in my doctor's office is of the opinion that lyme patients often lose their gallbladders. I don't know if it's that much different for people without lyme. I'm the only person left in my family with a gallbladder.

[This message has been edited by trueblue (edited 29 July 2005).]

Posted by breathwork (Member # 567) on :
Count me in...

I lost my GB six weeks after starting IV Rocephin....had to have ERCP a week later from further sludging in the billiary tree.....

I don't miss it a bit...well worth it in trade for feeling much better.

Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
I did not lose my gallbladder because I stopped the rocephin after the attack. Sludging problem then went away. Doc would not prescribe actigall, and dumped me anyway.
Posted by Maryland Mom (Member # 2043) on :
Lost my gallbladder too.

I'd gone through an eight week course of Rocephin with no GB sx, plus several oral abx.

On the second round of Rocephin, two months into it, I had my first GB attack. I was not taking actigall, but was taking apple cider vinegar and olive oil every day.

Unfortunately, in my case stopping the Rocephin did not stop the GB attacks. Over the next six weeks, I had five full blown attacks, and ultrasounds showed multiple stones. I kept putting off surgery in the hopes that the "stones" were actually sludging that would clear, but eventually I landed in the ER with a life threatening abdominal infection stemming from my diseased gall bladder.

The gall bladder came out, and in days I felt so much better, and was able to resume Rocephin.

Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Originally posted by treepatrol:
up for weekend
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Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by hiker53:
Add Lymetoo to the gallbladder loss list, although I don't think she ever took rocephin.

Hey hiker....thanks for saving me all the typing!

Do not take anything I say as medical advice. I am not a doctor, but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express!

Posted by Mathias (Member # 5298) on :
Still got mine, no GB problems. 5 months of IV Rocephin.
Posted by Monica (Member # 224) on :
Received IV Rocephin from 6/02 - 8/02. First gallbladder attack 9/02. Removal of gallbladder 10/02.
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
up more for responces.

Posted by Andie333 (Member # 7370) on :
I had tick and rash in 1999 and was treated with 10 days of antibiotics then (hve no idea what I took).

I had to be rushed to the ER for emergency gall bladder removal in 2001; the nurse asked me if I was always that color: very yellow. It's the only time I ever stayed in the hospital.

No Lyme dx until last month.


Posted by Andie333 (Member # 7370) on :
I had tick and rash in 1999 and was treated with 10 days of antibiotics then (hve no idea what I took).

I had to be rushed to the ER for emergency gall bladder removal in 2001; the nurse asked me if I was always that color: very yellow. It's the only time I ever stayed in the hospital.

No Lyme dx until last month.


Posted by Lynn Lymemom (Member # 19) on :
Dear dtr had her gb out (severe attacks and full of stones) after 13 months of Rocephin.

***But*** that's when she started to ***finally*** (after years of unsuccefull treatment) show some positive steps of healing!!!!!!!!

Whether it was the Rocephin finally kicking in - or getting the gb out that was harboring all those nasty lyme bugs - or a combination - or whatever..... we are glad to be on that end of the problem!!!!


Posted by ivebeentricked (Member # 6944) on :
Does taking rocephan 5 days on and 2 off reduce the chance of this happening???

I want nothing to do with anymore surgeries, I have never had a single good experience with them.


Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
up for polling.
Posted by Spotted pony (Member # 4963) on :
Hi Tree,
It seems clear to me that bb infects gallbladders. I have had Rocephin and did have sludging problems. I went on a totally fat free diet and my symptoms subsided.

I still have problems some times and then I return to my fat free diet. I have no idea if it really works, but the symptoms go away.

I notice that when I take abx holidays that my gallbladder symptoms return. My doctor says I should probably get it out. After all, why hang on to an infected organ...... but if I had my gallbladder out, what's next....the eyes???heart????

Just my 2 cents worth....


Posted by Angela Bachmann (Member # 43) on :

Our daughter Lori's original ductor gave her Rocephin intravenousy for three months and, yes, her gall bladder had to be removed!


Posted by cigi (Member # 6600) on :
6 mos of rocephin before my gall bladder came out in June of 05.


Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
I lost my gb on Rocephin and it was well worth it to get what it gave me*)! A gb is nothing next to having real life again*)!
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
p.s. I didn't pulse or take ACTigall which is standard now!!!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by ivebeentricked:
Does taking rocephan 5 days on and 2 off reduce the chance of this happening???


IF I were on Rocephin [and I wouldn't be!] I would definitely be on Actigall.

Be sure your dr follows up the Roc with orals when you get off of it.

Do not take anything I say as medical advice. I am not a doctor, but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express!

Posted by WildCondor on :
I had a bad gallbladder on Rocephin, it took 3 months after I stopped it for it to return to normal. If you have stones, you should do a liver/gallbladder flush ( to get rid of them. Surgery should be your last resort. Sludging also seems to calm down over time. When on Rocephin, Actigall is commonly precribed to prevent gallbladder problems. Before you leap into surgery..check out ways to clean out your gallbladder and give it a chance to heal.


WildCondor's Lymelinks

[This message has been edited by WildCondor (edited 11 August 2005).]

Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
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Posted by briteeyes30 (Member # 7742) on :
My son has been on rocephin since july 15th. He woke up this tuesday complaining of pain in his stomach near his ribs and it woke him up it hurt so bad. Dr. J requested he have a gall bladder ultr sound now and again in 30 days.

dr j has extended his rocephin another month. Austin woke me again this morning complaining of the same pain as he had on tuesday.

I did some reading on rocephin and the gall bladder and I am thinking that this is his problem. Any suggestions???

Posted by lymie tony z (Member # 5130) on :
I have been on and off rocephin iv several times and clindamycin and have had several orals and IM abx's ...

My GB is still in tact....I have had pains under right ribcage....but I had them prior to abx treatments....zman



Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
up for responces
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Just doing a poll if thats okay.
Seems like a lot of people lose there gallbadder on here and I am wondering if its Iv's or Lyme?
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Posted by Sue vG (Member # 3143) on :
I have to have mine out after 3 years of various orals. Ultrasound found stones.
Posted by valymemom (Member # 7076) on :
Thanks, Tree for bringing up this topic/poll. Anyone who reads - would you say you felt better after the gallbladder was removed?

I understand that surgery brings its own risks/complications but if it is also be a place where bb relax/hide - then ..........should you try to save it?
Posted by valymemom (Member # 7076) on :
"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an
invincible summer."
Albert Camus
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by valymemom:
Thanks, Tree for bringing up this topic/poll. Anyone who reads - would you say you felt better after the gallbladder was removed?

I understand that surgery brings its own risks/complications but if it is also be a place where bb relax/hide - then ..........should you try to save it?

It's been two months since my surgery. I had complications....a very serious infection....but am now able to eat fatty foods and not suffer. I've been celebrating by drinking tea again, too! Missed that! [Smile]

I promise not to overdo the caffeine though!

If the Bb can hide out in the GB [and that's probably true] then it's another good reason to be done with it. I tried as long as possible to put off the surgery....fearing a relapse of the Lyme.

I don't think that happened, but the resulting infection was scary. My energy levels are still below par, but I'm taking B-12 shots now and that's helped alot.

valyemom....I loved that quote! [Smile]
Posted by AlisonP (Member # 7771) on :

Wow - I just finished reading - so many people who have had their gb's out.

I wanted to echo what Wild Condor said about the liver flushing. I have done this around 20 times over the course of the past few years and I think it is one of the most amazing things because it's a way to flush the stones and sludge out without having to do surgery. and it is the Hulda Clark protocol.

The stones and sludge are cleared from both the liver and the gall bladder. Actually, most stones are in the liver.

The only difficulty with this flush is that when we are immune compromised, sometimes it is harder for the body to produce enough bile, which is needed for the process of flushing.

I would recommend in this case a more gentle flush - a great one I use is the Dr. Schulze one (PhD not MD) at .

With both flushes, stones come out painlessly. The Hulda Clark flush, though it takes only about 1 day, is quite an adventure and does involve several rounds of let's just say stay near a toilet. [Smile]

I have had great success with both these flushes and gotten out a ton of both stones and, on occasion, parasites. You can even do these if you don't have a gallbladder it says. I was astounded at what came out.

I am actually doing a flush this Thursday, and scheduling a colonic right after, which is also recommended to get out anything that might remain and be trapped in the intestines.

Also, staying away from fatty food as someone mentioned is good, also getting to sleep before 10 pm every night (yeah, right! lol) is good because that's when the liver does it's major repairs for the day.


Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Posted by livinlyme (Member # 3773) on :
Before I found I was infected by Bb.. which doesn't mean anything since I believe I have been infected since birth or beyond.. I had my GB taken out at age 39...nothing uncommon for "lymies" as I am finding out.,,, I had antibiotics for chronic illness(es) throughout my life but I did not loose my GB before I started ABX for the Lyme.. hope this helps... now to read the rest of the stories..

Okay mine was sludge fouled and functioning at 10%!
Posted by Kimmi_K_75 (Member # 7438) on :
They wanted to take mine about two weeks ago.

did an ultrasound and found stones.

I haven't had the surgery yet.

I'm trying to flush them out...

If I have to have the surgery..I'll update this reply.

I was at 7 wk of I.v rocephin

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