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Posted by cindy_leigh (Member # 3514) on :
I was off abx for about a year, gradually sx creeping back. Most troublesome sx were dizziness, vertigo, headaches, etc., but had a few others too.

Just finishing a month of amoxicillin.

I've had some shooting pains, sharp stabbing pains, on the left side of my chest. Not related to any one thing, sometimes at rest, sometimes when moving about. My chest wall is very sore where rib meets sternum, about half way down chest. Very sore to touch. Would have called this a fibromyalgia flareup when that was my dx, before Lyme.

Hey, maybe I have both. Some people think FMS IS Lyme, but my guess is that Lyme, along with many other things, can cause FMS. Whatever.

My recent EKG was normal, CBC normal, BP great, etc. It appears musculoskeletal. I'm taking some naprosin and some robaxin (muscle relaxer) to see if I can get it to stop. Of course, throw in a little Xanax because this causes we anxiety!

Anybody ever have this??

Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
I had similar chest pain for several years. Nothing helped. 1st LLMD said it was Lyme but stardard abx did nothing for the pain. Switched LLMD who treated my Babs with Mepron and the chest pain was gone within 24 hours and asnt returned since.

Definately discuss this with your LLMD and/or a LLMD who will treat Babs.
Posted by seibertneurolyme (Member # 6416) on :
This is called costochondritis -- it is an inflammation where the ribs attach to the sternum or breastbone. It is common with Lyme. It can be quite painful. You described this condition very well -- the key is that it is sore to the touch -- heart problems are not sensitive to touch.

The first time hubby had this I took him to an urgent care facility to make sure he wasn't having a heart attack! It flares up for him from time to time -- mostly when he switches antibiotics.

Sometimes ginger tea seems to help with this. Ginger is a good anti-inflammatory. Just add 1/2 teaspoon ginger to a cup of warm water and some stevia. A heating pad may also help.

Bea Seibert
Posted by cindy_leigh (Member # 3514) on :

I had been treated for babs although tests were negative. LAst time was a year ago- 6 weeks of mepron and zith, but these sx were not present back then.

Plus I'm having trouble with lyme docs, see my post marked, Frustrated with LLMDS.

Posted by painted turtle (Member # 7801) on :
costochondritis was my first diagnosis back in the early nineties. i didn't wonder why a woman in her twenties would be diagnosed with arthritis at the time!

sometimes i do worry about its effects on my heart because it is so close and sometimes hard to tell the difference.

had shooting pains there today, in fact. this is one of my oldest symptoms.

i hear ya!
Posted by DR. Wiseass (Member # 6777) on :
I've been diagnosed with:

anxiety / panic attacks
chest wall pain
chest pain

These were not given all at once mind you - but by different docs at different times.

Sometimes it's hard to know what to believe - especially when your chest is hurting on the left hand side.

My LLMD feels that Lyme really likes the rib area, maybe even babs too. So I generally try not to worry.

BUT I did recently have another overnight stay recently at the ER because I got sharp pain in my left arm after a fight with hubby. (I've been tachycardic for over 2 years...high T3) so my doc said, "GET THEE TO ER"

I went. They tortured me. ER doc dx'd me with chest pain. (And he had to go to medical school for that? Geez!)

LLMD said: angina. That disturbs me...but what can I do? I just try to stay calm. (This week has not be conducive for staying calm...thanks to Katrina!)

All I can say is - always err on the side of caution when you have chest pain...of course 'caution' is usually very costly - but it's the best bet for survival!

Posted by seibertneurolyme (Member # 6416) on :
Found a link that discusses costochondritis titled "A Nurse's Struggle With Lyme Disease." About 1/2 way through the article in italics where she discusses her own symptoms.

Bea Seibert
Posted by cindy_leigh (Member # 3514) on :
thanks, that was a great article. (Except the lyme vaccine part!)

It was particularly interesting to me because I also am a nurse.

Posted by johnnyb (Member # 7645) on :
I've had this too, Cindy, and sometimes I will feel "resistance pain" when trying to inhale deeply enough to get a satisfying breath, where it feels like an inflammation (as Bea suggests) stopping me from inflating my lungs with the ease of a normal person.
That's why I am trying the artemisinin for babs (LLMD suggested it when I described symptoms, and she said the babs tests are about as accurate as many of the lyme tests out there....)

- JB
Posted by cindy_leigh (Member # 3514) on :
Originally posted by johnnyb:
I've had this too, Cindy, and sometimes I will feel "resistance pain" when trying to inhale deeply enough to get a satisfying breath, where it feels like an inflammation (as Bea suggests) stopping me from inflating my lungs with the ease of a normal person.
That's why I am trying the artemisinin for babs (LLMD suggested it when I described symptoms, and she said the babs tests are about as accurate as many of the lyme tests out there....)

- JB

Johnny-- I tested neg for babs, but always seem to get the best response from mepron and zith. I hve some sx that could be attributed to babs- the air hunger feeling, pounding heartbeats even though heart rate is normal, night sweats at times, etc.

I do get some discomfort with a deep breath, but it's more of a "full chest" feeling than a stabbing pain or the pain of pleurisy or a broken rib. The left center of my sternum of very sore to touch , too. Like a fibromyalgia trigger point.

I've never tried artemesin..... don't know what it is......
Posted by breathwork (Member # 567) on :
My daughter, 18, had chest pain in June, two days before graduation, and was diagnosed with pericarditis....She had just had a stomach virus that they thought settled in her pericardium...

Treatment? anti inflamatories...

Two weeks ago she had severe chest pain at to the ER we go.....She has costocondritis....pain upon palpation is marked....

She also had some mild EKG changes....

Cardiologist puts her on holter monitor...

Cardiologist calls yesterday to say that she still has the same EKG changes, but that they aren't really dangerous...

She is going to do a literature search and speak with Dr. S in CA, but she believes that it's an inflamatory process with lyme and the cartilage in the chest wall....

When I hear from the cardiologist I'll let you know....

Carol Ann
Posted by groovy2 (Member # 6304) on :
Hi All
I agree about costochondritis as lickly
cause of chest pain--
I Thought I was having heart problems
too because of chest pain and weird
pulse--after reading about costochondritis
my mind was put at ease--

I just started Mepron and Biaxin
after 1 week chest pain has mostily
gone away so far---Jay--
Posted by briteeyes30 (Member # 7742) on :
Austin had chest pains when he started new Abx. We ended up in the ER due to Dr J wanting his PICC line evaluated. He had an EKG which was normal and the chest xray showed the picc line inplace and no infections.

Though the only thing is that his area was not sore when touched. The pain would be on and off. He has not had any since then. Dr J said he was herxing and stopped meds for 2 days. Then started up on half doses for 4 days. Then back to full.

He still has other probs every now and again.
Posted by Foggy (Member # 1584) on :
Originally posted by groovy2:
Hi All

I just started Mepron and Biaxin
after 1 week chest pain has mostily
gone away so far---Jay--

Congrats Jay! Glad to see we had a similar experience.
Posted by Kara Tyson (Member # 939) on :
I know this sounds odd, but chest pain can often times be gi problems..particularly a gall bladder, but also ulcers & severe GERD.

Posted by cindy_leigh (Member # 3514) on :
Thanks for all the responses. It's slowly starting to resolve.
Posted by HEATHERKISS (Member # 6789) on :
Good! [Smile]
Posted by johnnyb (Member # 7645) on :
Originally posted by cindy_leigh:
Johnny-- I tested neg for babs, but always seem to get the best response from mepron and zith. I hve some sx that could be attributed to babs- the air hunger feeling, pounding heartbeats even though heart rate is normal, night sweats at times, etc.

I do get some discomfort with a deep breath, but it's more of a "full chest" feeling than a stabbing pain or the pain of pleurisy or a broken rib. The left center of my sternum of very sore to touch , too. Like a fibromyalgia trigger point.

I've never tried artemesin..... don't know what it is......

You sound like me.... you know, I never noticed the soreness to touch until I was holding my 5 month old standing on me and he stepped in the center of my chest...

- JB
Posted by johnnyb (Member # 7645) on :
Oh, btw.... there are posts on artemisinin on the board, if you search for them. It's a natural anti-parasite herb, but can be hard on the system if taken too long.

- JB
Posted by cindy_leigh (Member # 3514) on :
Originally posted by johnnyb:
Oh, btw.... there are posts on artemisinin on the board, if you search for them. It's a natural anti-parasite herb, but can be hard on the system if taken too long.

- JB

I looked for this at GNC this week but did not find it. Where do you get it?

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