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Posted by Skyler (Member # 11549) on :
I found out today the results of my blood work done a week ago.

I am positive for Ehrlichia and Anaplasma (my doctor did not know what Anaplasma is.) Still no positive for lyme, (if it is possable, i would love that: if I only got those 2 and no lyme at all. But is that probable?)

She was SUPER busy today, and she ususally does not treat stuff like this, (she deals with HepC and AIDS, ect..) so She is not a real LLMD, but I can afford her, and she is an amazing doctor who looked up and talked to many doctors on how to treat it. The protocall looks correct to me (i have done tons of research myself on how to deal with bacterial infections).

I tried looking up these 2 and could not find a thing except symptoms in dogs and horses (2 animals I am never around). So I have no idea what I am dealing with. What the symptoms are and if I have other syptoms that might mean i have more bacteria than what i tested positive for.

My question for you all is, WHAT IS THIS STUFF??!? do any of you poor souls have Anaplasma and Ehrlichia too?

IF so, do you have any information on it???

I am scared, and I dont know what to do. I start IV abx (the R one) on friday, or maybe thursday. I am excited and scared. This whole time, my whole life I knew I had something like this. I just knew it. I knew I had one big problem, not a bunch of problems...

Now that I know I was infact right, I am so scared. And oddly, kind of shocked. I feel like I have been robbed. I was robbed blind of years of my life, and there is nothing I could have done.

If any of you can help me, I would greatly apriciate it. I am lost.

But soon a whole new life is going to blossom out of this pile of poo I have been living in. Thank god for ABX!
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :

My neighbor has ehrlichia with Lyme.

It is treated via doxycycline....

So, my neighbor has been able to really target two bugs with one drug.

Good luck.


Posted by valymemom (Member # 7076) on :
Info from Saturday's symposium: Ehrlichiosis/Anaplasmosis

tetracyclines (doxy, etc.)

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by valymemom:

The two are one in the same. They have moved toward calling it anaplasmosis now.

Valymemom is right about the treatment.
Posted by Skyler (Member # 11549) on :
ok, cool. My doctor has me on a Rocephin IV bag tomorrow... probably not a very good 'llmd'.

She seems to be messing up some stuff pretty often, good thing i have a real LLMD appointment coming up.

Thanks guys for the information. [Smile]
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I have both as well as Babesia, Bart, Borrelia, etc. So, with all the people here that have TBIs, it is pretty common. Don't get too worked up about it. Chances of having Borrelia and other co-s is likely pretty high though so don't assume that you only have Ehrlichia....
Posted by Skyler (Member # 11549) on :
WEll the test that they did that showed the 2 as positive, showed negative for babs and the others... even lyme.

Do you think I should be retested?
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Dear Skyler,

The test for Lyme.....

Was it an Elisa or Western Blot?

Was it done by Igenex?


Posted by Skyler (Member # 11549) on :
I have no idea. This test was not taken by a LLMD, I have an apt with a real LLMD sometime this month...

I was just curious if that is even possible? of If anyone has heard of someone who has the 'co infection' type diseases getting having lyme.

I do not know why this even matters, because I have every symptom of Lyme on the list except the digestive tract ones. I just have to have lyme... 60 or so symptoms from a list of around 75. [bonk]
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
I had HME Ehrlichiosis. Yes, they changed the named to Anaplasmosis!!!

Only 2 abx treat it- Doxy or Rifampin!!!

Doxy is good for Lyme too-
Ask doc for IV Doxy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Skyler:

Do you think I should be retested?

Yes, thru Igenex!
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
"Anaplasma phagocytophila is a recently described tick-borne pathogen that

causes Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis.

Anaplasma infects the neutrophils (immune system cells) of host organisms."

Doxy DOES knock this pathogen out (Ehrlichia).

It often, I mean often, accompanies Bb.

(Pubmed, I think it was an abstract by our devoted Dr.B.)
Posted by Skyler (Member # 11549) on :
What exactly are you saying? lol. I don't want to assume anything, I am pretty freaked out right now, and I don;t know what you are syaing... can we say brain fog.?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
She's saying you probably have Lyme disease as well.

***Anaplasma phagocytophila is a recently described tick-borne pathogen that causes Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis.***

That's the reason for the name change.
Posted by Skyler (Member # 11549) on :
Thanks Lymetoo! [Smile]
Posted by notkrazybrian (Member # 10621) on :
not that i want you to have lyme, but the chances of having lyme of far greater then not having lyme. brian
Posted by MariaA (Member # 9128) on :

how long do they treat ehrlichia for, with oral doxy- and how likely is it to be succesful treatment?

My impression is that it's one of the easier coinfections to treat , is that true?

I did have a good friend who seemed to have gotten only ehrlichia, not Lyme, and he got better with a fairly short course of doxy (and a LOT of recovery time afterwards as he was floored for weeks). He caught it early.

[ 31. May 2007, 06:02 AM: Message edited by: MariaA ]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I think the recovery time is far less than with Lyme.
Posted by HOPE4290 (Member # 7926) on :
My daughter has Lyme, bartonella and tested positive for Ehrichlia last year. She switched from the IV she was on to IV doxy and improved dramatically. The Ehrichlia appears to be gone, and the IV doxy is working against the Lyme now too.

Good Luck!

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