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Posted by EWT1638 (Member # 11315) on :
I'm trying to understand what is going on... Mepron 9 days, Zithro 16 days, Plaquenil 9 days. Dizzy, weak legs and arms (had to go down the stairs on my bum), NEED to lay down...tired but can't sleep much, nightmares, lost 7 lbs since I started. NO sweats, NO fever.

Blurred vision off/on, body is 'anxious', testy attitude. Milk, which I love, now hurts my stomach. But I can eat other diary (cheese, plain yogurt).

Over-worked myself yesterday cleaning for holiday coming up.

Is anything I'm taking working on the Lyme too? My LLMD said he wanted to wait on the Doxy for awhile.
Posted by chiz (Member # 10301) on :
Hi there

My 10 year old son started on mepron/art 13 days ago. He has not tested postive for babs but has relapsed twice on combo treatment for lyme. He has been on zith for 10 mths.

Ten days ago he started a major flare up of symptoms - the usual ones are headaches, stomach aches and severe leg weakness. In addition he has severe dizziness and nausea. He's never had resp/cardiac symptoms but has a low grade pyrexia and has been mildy clammy at night for the last 10 days.

I hope his reaction is due to the babesia "die off". Your response sounds similar. Incidently the zith will also cover borrelia.

Hope you feel better soon.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Mepron is pretty rough stuff. You may want to ask your LLMD if it's OK to back off the meds a bit when things get too tough to handle.

I think Zith works on Lyme to some extent.

Be careful of eating too much dairy. It will activate the bad yeast in your gut, which can cause you REAL problems and could be contributing to your dizziness, irritability and gut problems.

Follow the anti-yeast diet as best you can!

Candida diet and elimination:

Lyme symptoms list compared with yeast symptoms
Posted by Dancer (Member # 11039) on :
My LLMD - top of field brilliant - feels that Mepron kills Lyme in addition to Babesia. All I know is, Mepron plus Zithro helped me alot! I felt lousy on it but good after....
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
When I have over done it...first I have to recharge from that before I seem to be able to figure things out.

Same with herxing. it is usually after the fact that I realize I was herxing.

This is rocket science. [Smile]
Posted by lymednva (Member # 9098) on :
Kam said,
Same with herxing. it is usually after the fact that I realize I was herxing.

I agree completely with Kam!
Posted by Vermont_Lymie (Member # 9780) on :

My understanding from 2 llmds is that zith works on lyme; and plaquenil works as a cyst-buster (lyme again).

Sounds like it could be a mepron herx and a lyme herx. Those are some of the feelings that I got a week after starting malarone, which has the same active ingredient as mepron.

Hang in there! The good news is that if the mepron is affecting your sleep, it could get easier as you adjust to the treatment.

At least, that is what happened to me. After starting malarone, I had the same issues that you describe -- tired, but could not sleep much; nightmares and vivid dreams -- but sleep got back to normal after a few weeks on the malarone. Now I can take it before bedtime and sleep a solid night (when it is possible!). Best wishes.
Posted by EWT1638 (Member # 11315) on :
Thanks guys. It is nice to have people out there who can understand what you are going through. [group hug]

LLMD told me to up the flexeril, I'll give it a go tonight.
Posted by kelmo (Member # 8797) on :
My daughter started on two tsp of Mepron daily. She really should've worked up to that. She had insomnia, hallucinations, depression, pain.

She is starting her fourth month. The deep tissue pain was so much we had to back off again.

It gets defeating, and it's hard to see the future of any kind of normalcy. We are hoping to see some light at the end of 7 months.

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