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Posted by sick (Member # 9143) on :
I have always had the ability to itch when my nerves were upset but this is the worse.

I am itching so bad I couldn't sleep. Usually it is just a spot on my back which has acted up for years (Dr. C things this may be where I had the tick bite me.Today my arms, legs and whole body itch. I know it is just my nerves acting up as I am going to have to go appear before the
excutitor of my parents estate with my other
family members. He is counting on me to help him catch them in their lies.
With my memory I am really worried. You know six years of this trouble is enough to get a healthy person down.
My skin almost feels prickly this time. Where my shoes touch my ankles it is itching like crazy.
Anyway does anyone have any suggestions for me before I rip my skin off from scratching?

Posted by sharonp (Member # 13140) on :
I too had that same feeling and it turned out I was allergic to Suprax. Dr told me to take Benadryl. Now I am a space cadet. But the itchy feeling is subsiding. I guess when we are on so many different antibiotics we are bound to have reactions. Hope you feel better
Posted by sick (Member # 9143) on :
I do remember that Benadryl helps but I can only take it at night or I would sleep all day.
I am not on any meds right now as I am trying to get the family problems out of the way. I've gone thru this so many times in my life time that I know it is my nerves. Just let me get upset over something and I itch like crazy. As soon as the problem is gone and my nerves settle down I am fine again.

Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
Would one of the non-drowsy antihistamines work? Like claritin?

I find moisturizing lotion usually helps the times I've been very itchy. If your skin is dry, it just makes it that much worse.

As far as the meeting with the executor of the estate, I would make sure you say up front that you are sick and have problems with your memory. Get it on the record. That way, they can't really depend on anything you say.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Aniek:
Would one of the non-drowsy antihistamines work? Like claritin?

or Wal Mart's DAyhist??

I'll be praying for you, sick!!!
Posted by kelmo (Member # 8797) on :
If it's not an allergic reaction to the abx, then my LLMD ordered Zyrtec for my daughter. That seemed to work better for her than Benedryl, for some reason.

She also would take oatmeal baths, like Aveeno. It would relax her at night before she went to bed.

Posted by tailz (Member # 10014) on :
Put one to two cups of baking soda in the hottest bath water you can tolerate and remain there, not only until you begin to sweat, but until you have actually stopped sweating.

This is the ONLY thing that has helped with the itching. I imagine it is some sort of allergic reaction to die-off toxins. But it works every time, even though on really bad days it needs to be repeated.
Posted by lymebytes (Member # 11830) on :
This has been a recent topic at another forum, I itch at night and have found the answers from others for this to be pretty common. One member uses Benadryl spray and says it works great.

There are many different theories, from Babesia being more active at night to the immune system response to change of laundry or bath soap. Parasites can be the cause.

I did some light study on nightime itching and this is the best explanation I found:

"Night-time itching can be caused by several etiologies. In those cases in which there is no visible skin disorder, conditions such as lymphoma, have to be ruled out. Other conditions with night-time itching involve scabies, bed-bug bites; itching in general can be caused by endocrine disorders, diabetes, hypocalcemia, thyroid disorders, renal disease, hematologic disorders, liver disease, parasites & drugs especially opiates"

Take care.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
dorothy, could it be shingles?

best wishes with lawyer/family on your messy family situation! [group hug] [kiss] [group hug]
Posted by Aniek (Member # 5374) on :
By the way, itching is a symptom of yeast.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Aniek:
By the way, itching is a symptom of yeast.

Yep...that's what I would blame...until proven otherwise!
Posted by jennyflyer (Member # 12792) on :
End of last week my LLMD added Doxy to my regime, so now I'm taking Doxy & Zithromax.

I've been itching like crazy every since. Called my doc, he said I'm allergic to the Doxy but he wants me to continue taking it so he gave me a rx for Clarinex.

We'll see if that works, if not I'm going off of the Doxy becuase it's keeping me up at night and is making me crankier than usual. [Smile]
Posted by spinsterwitch (Member # 12969) on :
I think I remember a friend telling me there's a non-drowsy or daytime version of Benadryl.

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