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Posted by POP (Member # 4111) on :
Dear Members, I don`t post much but I do follow the board faithfully. If you look at my past posts you will see that I was infected on my Federal Government job back in 1992, I have been in the chronic stages of the disease since.

My last positive test for Lyme was in 2002, at that time I was treated for 3 straight years of mixed orals stopping in late 2005. Along the journey I also tested positive for Babesiosis in 1999, I was out of work for a month when this happened.

My symptoms of Babesiosis at that time were weight loss (30LBS), anxiety, loss of appetite, fatigue, lack of sleep and severe back pain. I was doing okay for the last 2 years until 2 weeks ago when I had a traumatic experiance.

At first it thought maybe a flu or virus but all the symptoms I listed above are back and it`s not stopping. I am losing weight, I have no appetite, I am tired but can`t sleep, I`m ready to jump out of my skin and I have severe back spasms again that have now worked it`s way into my rib cage.

Has anyone had a relapse of Babesiosis due to a traumatic experiance or just plain relapsed? I have an appointment with my LLMD on 11/14 but I`m in a lot of pain now and can`t take it anymore. Any information from anyone on this topic will be greatly appreciated, thanks. POP
Posted by beachcomber (Member # 5320) on :

I am where you are as I type this. My relapse started after an overseas trip. Just can't seem to get my sealegs back. Have been crashing for 3 weeks - big time. Will see my MD tomorrow and may be able to give you some insight after.

Hang in there. I struggle with headaches, intestinal stuff, numbness, weight loss, neck pain, nausea, anxiety & terrible insomnia these days. Am holding on for now, without meds.
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
Pop, I will tell you this re Babesiosis & relapse-

The Red Cross will let you donate blood if you have had Lyme and are not symptomatic and have been well for various times (a year?) I forget-

Babesiosis is a LIFETIME EXCLUSION from blood donation- if you have had Babesiosis, that's it. No longer welcome! It is a huge problem (Babs) in the blood supply because asymptomatic donors can pass it on...

So yes, I would think you may have pegged it right- it sounds like babs- I'd see your LLMD
Best wishes,
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :

If you have a fever or an active infection, wait until the infection has resolved completely before donating blood.

Wait until finished taking antibiotics for an infection (bacterial or viral). Wait until 7 days after an antibiotic injection for an infection.

Those who have had infections with Chagas Disease or babesiosis are not eligible to donate.
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
These are also symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and some of them sound more like that than babs (hypervigilence, inability to sleep). Any nightmares? Flashbacks? Intrusive thoughts about the traumatic event? If yes, sounds like PTSD.
Posted by groovy2 (Member # 6304) on :

Get some Tonic Water at the store--
By the booze mixers -liquor stores -

Get the Diet kind -
Cheap 50 cents a liter

It has a small amount of Quinine in it
and it Defiantly helped me alot -

I drink 1 to 3 liters a day
when babs flairs up -

A Lot of people on LN drink it--Jay--
Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
Its very common to relapse from lyme or any coinfection for any reason including stress or a tramautic experience... even being in a car accident.

So is it possible? Yes. I eventually relapsed due to stress, and we're talking in massive doses.
Posted by CherylSue (Member # 13077) on :
Groovy 2,

I saw your interesting post on tonic water. I was just thinking the same thing last week. We were having company (they drink, I don't) and I was looking at seltzer water and tonic water, and trying to tell the difference, if any. I saw quinine, and I thought if this would be helpful for my Lyme (diagnosed) and possible Babs?? (undiagnosed)

I think I'm going to try it, although diet soda is a no no, I think. I don't think the regular has too much sugar in it??

Thanks for the tip.

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