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Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Hi everyone. Thanks for the great flagyl support the other day.

New symptom here. I have never had this before.

I have this sensation of holding a shell to my ears (both same time) and hearing the waves.

Like extra fluid sloshing around in my head. (More spinal fluid equals less brain [Frown] )

I do not have fluid in my ear drums, but I hear the sounds of water in my ears.

I don't know how to describe it any better than that except that at times, it will

Kind of echo all sounds. Like right now, it is echoing the typing on the keyboard.

Weird sensation. [shake]

Can anybody identify with this "motion of the ocean?"

If so, is this part of my herx or am I just stirring things up with flagyl?

My body temp has really dropped down too.

I was a whopping 96.4 in right ear and 97.1 in left.

For some strange reason, my left ear always runs a higher temp. [bonk]

Any comments or suggestions are deeply appreciated.


Posted by tailz (Member # 10014) on :
I've been calling it swooshing, but yes, I have this symptom. It is only in my right ear, which is ironic, because this all started with left-sided symptoms. I had burst my left eardrum back in 2005, I think it was.

I notice when this happens to me, my tongue is usually white, and even Diflucan did not help this symptom.

I'll say it again though - electromagnetic fields cause yeast to grow extra fast, and I live near powerlines and have measured a higher-than-average magnetic field in this house. A gaussmeter will measure this.
Posted by painted turtle (Member # 7801) on :

I get this, have gotten this in one degree or another with varying shades of impact.

I originally described it as extra volume in my head. It also travels down to my heart. Seems to sort of go up and down my neck like that!
Posted by jenin98 (Member # 12617) on :
I have that. It is in one ear. I have always had a "throddle," like my ear drum was drumming.
Now, after starting abx, mu tinnitus has gotten worse. IT sucks. I am thinking it is toxins getting out. I hope.
I will ask my llmd next week when I see him.
Posted by eliza85 (Member # 13630) on :
I have this too as far as the drumming drives me nuts at night.

Also with the white tongue I started taking the probiotics (14 billion) and it all hasnt gone completely away but its a LOT easier to deal with.

And the little drummer in my ear doesnt play so much. [spinning smile]
Posted by eliza85 (Member # 13630) on :
I have this too as far as the drumming drives me nuts at night.

Also with the white tongue I started taking the probiotics (14 billion) and it all hasnt gone completely away but its a LOT easier to deal with.

And the little drummer in my ear doesnt play so much. [spinning smile]
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
So is it yeast? Or Lyme?

My yeast is mild right now. That is because I cheated a little on Thanksgiving. [Big Grin]

I take diflucan already twice weekly.


Posted by savebabe (Member # 9847) on :
Could it be vascular? I often hear swishing sounds in my ears due to blood flow racing to my head.

sorry to hear you have this, it is one annoying symptom.
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Dear Savebabe,

Maybe vascular as I can at times hear my heartbeat in my ears.

New ringing at times too.

I'm going to have my RN neighbor take a look see tonight just to be sure there is no fluid.


Posted by painted turtle (Member # 7801) on :
I thought it, well,

after I recovered for awhile on antibiotics,

was inflammation.

Though at times it did and still does
feel like water on my brain. Or sometimes, a throbbing, a pounding kind of swelling,

among other things

But since the "volume" went into my heart as well, as extra volume or inflammation,

I think it could be the babesia, still, not sure, not sure I'll ever know.
Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
Thats one of my worst symptoms.

I used to have it exactly as you described, and I told any doctor that would listen that I could hear the ocean in my head, PARTICULARLY if I bent over, and the pressure that came with it was unrelenting.

After tons of antibiotics, PARTICULARLY bartonella treatment and MEGA yeast treatment, it got tons better, but still persists on the right side of my head.

I have had every test done, MRI, MRA of the head and neck and cartoid arteries, MRA of the inner ear with IAC- you name it, they could find nada.

I'm chalking it up to still being bartonella and still being yeast and lyme.

After getting back on antibiotics, it got tons better.

Word of caution though: doxycycline ALONE can cause this in a healthy individual.

I think its intracranial pressure being elevated from all the bugs, whether it lyme or whatever.
Posted by Geneal (Member # 10375) on :
Well, I have this symptom when I am off doxy for the three days I pulse flagyl too.

My ears are clear, clear, clear.

I have been having more babesia symptoms lately.

I think I will just roll over if I have to do that treatment......yet again. [shake]

I have done bartonella treatment, but that was prior to me removing the nymph from my leg,

This past summer. Oh Lyme disease and co-infections.......What a tangled web you weave. [Frown]

Thanks for all the replies. I hate to say it, but there is comfort in knowing

Others have this too.


Posted by onthemend (Member # 13454) on :
Yes, G, and in addition to the 'ocean' affect, I also get a motorboat 'putt-putting' sound. As another said above, in the right ear, but the rest of my lousy symptoms were predominantly on the left side!
This had gone for me for a loooooong time, and then with my recent backslide, back along with much more ringing. How lucky can you get?????

As everything with me - since I had such lovely perfect health previously - I attribute it to LD only.

Posted by Pocono Lyme (Member # 5939) on :

For me, this symptom seems to be from yeast.
I've had it for years, sometimes it would go away, while on antibiotics, but then return.

I've been off of antibiotics for about six months now. When it returns, I do a Diflucan and it goes away.

That's my experience, but you know how it goes. Everybody is different.

When this occurs, I also get a feeling of disequilibrium, weak legs, sometimes a drunk feeling, some confusion and a feeling as if my brain is quivering. I hate that one. It feels as if it's stemming from the middle ear.
Posted by disturbedme (Member # 12346) on :
Geneal - I have this as well. I always thought of it though as a wooshing or roaring in my head. But it does sound like waves or even like my heart beating in my head.

It's a very uneasy thing. I don't like it at all, but it happens quite often and I'm used to it... though it's never a good feeling.
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Oh my, I remember those days. I'm trying to remember exactly when I had that going on. I hated it.

Be back.

It goes back to the earliest days of my illness. My head was swimming and when I was in a car or on the lake in a pontoon it was horrible.

It stopped and I didn't experience it again until I did flagyl. I felt like a drunk walking down the hallway sometimes. I had to stay close to walls.

[ 29. November 2007, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: map1131 ]
Posted by hshbmom (Member # 9478) on :
Hi Geneal,

I just posted a new thread about vestibular neuritis.

My daughter is having balance problems. Her LLMD said she should see an ENT and get her vestibular system tested by the ENT.

I took her to the ER Saturday night, then to Urgent Care on Tuesday. She had fluid in her ears, but none of the medications have helped. She has an appointment with an ENT and a neurologist Monday.

I am sorry you're dealing with this symptom too.

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