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Posted by jocus20 (Member # 11576) on :
Hey guys,

I need some advice. I been getting this terrible nausea for the past few days or so. Im having trouble figuring out whats causing it.

last week i upped my doxy dose to 400 mg a day and added malarone along with the rifampin im taking.

That night i woke up with herrendous nausea and felt like i needed to vomit. I assumed it was from the malarone so i gave that a rest for a few days and continued with the doxy and rifampin.

The nausea continued and has gottne really bad the past couple the point where i couldnt sleep and have been having trouble eating.

My stomach just feels very sour and tender all over..but the nausia is what is the worst. I have the nausia worst late at night and early morning...its all pretty constant though.

Today i stopped all meds to see if i gave it a break things would get better. Im still really bad and kinda concerned.

What do u guys think could have caused this? Do u think upping the doxy could be causing this terrible nausea and stomach upset? Could just one malarone have done this?

I cant seem to figure it out.

Thanks for listening.

Posted by Hoosiers51 (Member # 15759) on :
I didn't have nausea with Malarone, but I only took one pill per day. I know another lymie who had HORRENDOUS nausea from Malarone. So it could be that.

Or, it could just be a babesia herx, which would explain why it continued even when you stopped the Malarone. When I first took Mepron I got horrible nausea and I swear it was the herx and not the drug itself.

Also, could be the doxy. I think eating with doxy is okay as long as it's not dairy products. I could be wrong though. So maybe eat with it? Experiment with different foods.

For me ice cream works well against nausea but it is dairy. I think it is because the sugar gives me quick relief, and the fat holds me over. So maybe try to find something that has simple carbs in it at a granola bar.....but something softer because i feel like its' easier on the stomach. So maybe some coconut macaroons or something? (sweetened with honey if you don't do white sugar)

Either way, good luck!!!! Hope it subsides over time....but if it doesn't, try to stick it out because it could be a babesia herx.

Treating babesia can be miserable, so no matter what the nausea might be part of the package of getting rid of the illness. My guess would be that if you took a babesia blood test right now it would come back positive. The parasites are probably going nuts. People that have bad babesia can loose the desire to eat.

Eat whatever helps you keep your drugs down, because I would think the benefits of staying on Malarone outweigh the negatives of eating unhealthy food.

Again good luck...I know it's hard. Trust your pun intended.
Posted by desertcanyon (Member # 17998) on :
I've never taken rifampin or malarone, but I did get very nauseated when I increased my dosage of doxycycline. I was nauseated for about a week and threw up several times.

Not only is it okay to eat with doxycycline, but for me it was necessary.

What Hoosiers said is right -- just don't eat any dairy products with it or anything with minerals in it (such as multivitamins, mineral supplements, or antacids) because they interfere with the absorption of the medication.

To get rid of the nausea, I had to increase the amount of food I ate with the dose, and the type of food needed to be of a more absorbent nature. For example, if I ate a big bowl of oatmeal with my doxycycline, I was totally fine.

Ginger tea or ginger ale is also great for nausea.

Hope this helps!

[ 18. November 2008, 04:45 AM: Message edited by: desertcanyon ]
Posted by Vermont_Lymie (Member # 9780) on :
Doxy can create terrible nausea. Do you take your doxy and malarone with lots of food, like after a large meal? That could help.
Posted by MY3BOYS (Member # 17830) on :
for me had nausea as symptom before tx and increased with abt. use (LLMD told me is symptom of co-infection and cant remember what one..sorry)

zofran (is rx) very effective but ins. only lets you have so many per month as very expensive

now have rx for phenergan cream from LLMD that is wonderful !! just rub on arm and get relief
without swallowing a sour pill or dealing with suppository

mine would get bad and then vomitting would start and hard to stop..better now that i have help to control it.

peppermint tea too..calms my stomach
Posted by shelly23 (Member # 16124) on :
doxcy made me through up blue/grren eat toast 1/2 before taking your 200mg then after dinner take the 2nd dosage. yesterday at work doxcy and i didnt agree ........... it was awful
Posted by jocus20 (Member # 11576) on :
Thanks for the replies and advice everybody.

I havent taken any meds or supps the past couple days. Im trying to let my stomach chill and hopefully get better so i can restart everything.

Im still not sure what is causing or caused this stomach sourness and nausea. Im guessing it was the doxybut who really knows. Ive always had stomach issues and a sensitive stomach.

I called my dr and he said to give my stoamch a few days break and then go back down to 200 mg for now.

I also have some tea and ginger candies which help a little bit.

Anyways, Thanks again,

Posted by jamescase20 (Member # 14124) on :
I found doxy made me blow chunks but minocin didnt.

However, Dr B claims minocin was the LEAST effective tetra...which I find very disappointing.

try ozone sauna. Seems a great ticket for me.
Posted by jamescase20 (Member # 14124) on :
I did find in early TX that viturally ANY abx made me sick to stomach.

I discovered it appeared to be herx related, strange I know.

But nausa wore off often in time.
Posted by desertcanyon (Member # 17998) on :
James said
doxy made me blow chunks...
LOL [lol]
Posted by ladycakes (Member # 12619) on :
Oh man, doxy made me vomit no matter what I did. I started taking it the day of a job interview, so I thought maybe I was just nervous. But sure enough, a half hour or so after I took it, it came back up on me.

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