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Posted by ericaf (Member # 10929) on :

my results from allergie-immun just arrived. I haven't had time yet to translate them but it seems like nothing is in the normal range.
I will order the treatment tomorrow but it still isn't clear to me what these drops are made of. Does anybody know?

Thank you.

Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :
Would you mind sharing your results when you get them translated??? I am looking into doing this... you can PM me if you are not comfprtable posting in an open forum..

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I am in the process of translating mine. My understanding is it is a remedy just for you and is a combination of energetics and photons - not homeopathic.

Not sure how it is made but hey, as long as it works.
Posted by maureen2174 (Member # 11471) on :
I sent them an email looking for more of the feedback (200 cases that Gigi mentioned), but have not received anything back from them. Are they good about responding to emails?

I have been wondering if it would help my 3 1/2 year old's peanut allergy.

so, you just order the test first. then after the results, you order the treatments? Not both at the same time?
Posted by ericaf (Member # 10929) on :
Maureen you can either do the test first and then order the treatment or order both at the same time. The test is 90 euro while treatment is 305 euro. This includes further testing and all the cycles of treatment you need to do.

Nana do you know what Ausscheidungsystem is? My online translator says "separation system"....which doesn't make any sense.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
ericaf - it means intestines.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Try It says "Excretory system" which may have been more clear than "Separation system". I am almost at the end of week 2 of the drops. They made me feel very tired as did they most of the others I have spoken with. I am hopeful that they are doing some positive changes, but we will see what the next round of testing reveals.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Does anyone know if you have to be off antibiotics to pursue this testing and treatment?
Posted by ericaf (Member # 10929) on :
No i don't think being on antibiotics is relevant.
They don't interact.
Posted by Tonglen (Member # 18472) on :
There's been alot of info about AI under the "KMT" thread.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thanks, ericaf. What payment method did you use?

This has all prompted me to download the Firefox tranlation tool and what a great facility! I've been reading lots of info on the AI site and have decided to try their test and remedy.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
payment method is paypal
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
This will not eliminate the need to check out detox pathways will it?

Genova Comprehensive Detox panel and or methylation panel?

Do you all think those are necessary as well?

Thank you all, Robin
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Bump (thanks!)

Originally posted by R62:
This will not eliminate the need to check out detox pathways will it?

Genova Comprehensive Detox panel and or methylation panel?

Do you all think those are necessary as well?

Thank you all, Robin

Posted by bejoy (Member # 11129) on :
Are any of you doing the drops with biophotons?

I am wondering how it would work to take the drops, then use light on the gates, and also length of the spine for organ accupuncture points, along with a solar plexus vial of global blood RNA/DNA.

I'm getting good results that way with generic allergy substance vials, and this might give custom made drops a boost as well.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Is there a primer on these merdians and gates? I think if I could envision that clearly, I would get half this info! Are these the points you have posted, bejoy? I look up acupunture meridians and the human body is so full of them I get brain collapse in over drive. I am so sorry to be so dense. I wise there was a primer section with all the homeopaths and such listed, applicable meridians. I am such a jumble at this point. Robin
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
"I am wondering how it would work to take the drops, then use light on the gates, and also length of the spine for organ accupuncture points, along with a solar plexus vial of global blood RNA/DNA.'

No, Bionic works at a different level. AI works at DNA. The drops are extremely, very, very effective - you would not want to add any light to them. Not recommended.

Since antibiotics would deliver a totally different information to the body, it is not recommended that any meds are done, except when they are very necessary (blood pressure, heart, etc.)

Take care.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
agree with gigi. The drops will likely cause a reaction all by their lonesome. From what I understand, the drops are essentially deeper information--as gigi said-- bundled with photons, so treatment with the bionic or other photon therapy would be redundant or unnecessary.

relapse shouldn't be a concern, because the drops are removing barriers to permanent wellness. Regardless of what stage you are in treatment, it seems like it would be make any treatment thereafter less repetitive, more productive
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
We were told by AI to put "all thoughts or worries about any infections peacefully to rest".
They do a broad range of testing of everything that might have been a problem at one time. That is also what I find testing. That is what my ART practitioner also finds -- nothing. An occasional metal. We are now working on chemical toxins - which, we are told, are the worst problem for everybody because of the constant exposure to so many.

We have got to clean up our act - us and our environment if we want to live a good life. That's where it started. Not with Lyme. I am convinced of that.

Take care.
Posted by Jewel (Member # 18878) on :
Is it safe to use a rife machine when doing the AI treatment? Or should I first do the AI teatment and then use the rife?

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I am on round 2 of the drops. 2 nights now I have had very vivid dreams which others have also reported. My second round showed all chemical toxis (5 of 7) and mercury. I found it hard to believe that mercury did not show up in the first round and there it was in round 2. Too early to report whether or not this treatment is working but I do feel it has strong impacts on the body and remain optimistic.
Posted by Ocean (Member # 3496) on :
I have a few questions for those of you doing (or have done) the drops.

Do ou know what they are composed of? What do they taste like? How many weeks do you take them?

And is there a page of testimonials that you could direct me to??

I'm definitely very interested in this, need to decide if I want to try this or take the abx that will likely be prescribed at my LLMD's visit next month (I've never taken abx for Lyme, rarely have taken them in my life).

Oh, last question (I promise!), have you noticed any herx symptoms, besides fatigue???


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
All information can be found on the AI website and in many of my earlier posts.|en&u=

They also will send you their study of some 200 people detailing the results if you e-mail them.

There are some testimonials on the website.

Take care.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :

there might be very mild, almost indiscernable mineral-y taste. as I understand them, they're just water drops bundled with photons carrying the desired information.

I didn't herx in the traditional sense. Similar to when I used the bionic.. I just got tired. A few nights I was sweating up the joint, but that's about the only thing besides fatigue.

However, I was releasing metals. Binders were testing pretty consistently, so I know the allergies were allowing my body to release toxins it's been holding onto for who knows how long..
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
How did you all get turned on to this firm in the first place? Doctor referral?
Posted by AndrewInCA (Member # 2010) on :
I'm very interested in doing the Allergie-Immun test/treatments, however, I'm wondering when is the best time to do it.

I'm currently working with an ART practitioner and taking one antibiotic (Bicillin), many supplements, several "Healers Who Share" vibrational remedies and a few medications.

I'm planning to go to Germany for Bionic treatment in about four months.

Would now be a good time to do the AI treatment, given everything else I'm on? Or should I wait until stopping the antibiotic or meds, or perhaps not until AFTER Bionic treatment?

I hoping that some of you who are currently doing AI might have an opinion on this.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Seekhelp, I learned about Allergie-Immun from Gigi as I'm sure everyone else here did.

AndrewInCa - had I known about it last year, I would have done Allergie-Immun before I went to Germany for Bionic treatment.

Blockages get cleared, your body is retrained to release the toxins/metals it forgot how to or nerver knew how to let go of and your body stops attacking you when you eat what should be harmless foods.

Makes sense to me that all this would make biophoton treatments all the more successful as there would be far less to deal with.

The Allergie-Immun remedy works on a different level then meds and supplements and hopefully Gigi will come along and explain more about that.

I believe in an earlier post she shared a conversation she had with the folks at Allergie-Immun and they suggest taking only meds that are absolutely necessary.

Hope that helps some and good luck with your plans to do A I and your trip to Germany.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Just curious as to the likelihood of eliminating multiple chemical allergies....
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
When doing the Allergie-Immun program, is it necessary to avoid exposure substances you are allergic to?

Just thinking of NAET and other programs where you avoid the allergen (like certain foods) for a certain period following the treatment.

Also, do you avoid anything before you do the testing?

How long do you take the drops for? Sorry if these have been answered elsewhere. I'm continuing my reading.

Thanks. I'm considering doing this.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
We got our third test results today. We find that our body does not react the way it should to 10 chemical substances, 6 reaction-relevant foods (thiw could be ingredients, oils, etc.) and three biologic substances.

I am not even going to try to sort this thing out - because I do not understand a lot about the process. All I know is that I can feel every drop I take in, and not only that, all the emotional blockages are also found and treated.

A couple of days ago I relived for about 2 minutes the rushing, chest crushing effect and sound of a 500 ton American bomb falling less than a mile from our home in Germany - in 1944 when I was 13 years old. It is like rewinding a movie. We get ill on several levels and will only heal if we address all levels.

If I had to do it over again, now being aware of AI, I would have done this therapy on day one before anything else. All the attempts to detox heavy metals and chemicals including the inherited ones, are next to useless if the body does not recognize them as toxins. So we think we are detoxing - well, maybe a molecule or two, but the majority remains with you, until the body finds its new regulation. This is what AI is all about - it takes the errors out and reprograms the system, so that it can clean up as it should have done all along.

We are born with a few errors in the system and pick up a few on our own during our life. Amy Yasko's test didn't answer a darn thing for us, but AI gave us the answer and offered the solution.

We still have a ways to go - the older, the more accumulation. Kids sail through this therapy wonderfully and well - even our 39 year old son is having major improvement just one week into the drops. He most likely inherited my husband's wheat allergy because he started to have problems
early in life.

Reversing the polarity at all the blockages at the DNA level - is all it amounts to. It can only be done in small sections, and so the only thing to keep in mind is that it is not done in a week. AI tell me that it is the most difficult thing for them to keep people doing the drops, even though they may not see any results for a months or three month. A recent MS patient took close to a year to get out of the wheelchair and be functional again. I heard of a woman in a wheelchair with a bleeding brain - she is walking in the park again.

They do not recommend working with other frequency treatments, lights, etc. The body is very busy doing its thing with 15 drops of informed water! I can testify to that.

We are waiting for our #3 bottle of drops. We will only stop when all my husband's symptoms are gone or if they can not longer find any errors in the system.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
NAET is not treating at the DNA level and therefore is not a permanent solution. It did not wipe out my metal allergies nor anything else permanently. We were treated by the NAET founder herself.

They only recommend going easy on the foods that really cause you a problem - and then only for the first two weeks, when most of the primary food allergies are erased.

You don't have to do anything specific before the test.

They recommend not adding any homeopathic treatments at the same time, because any frequencies such as homeopathics deliver may be confusing to the body.

You will find most info on their website. I have rarely seen such an informative website - sadly it is not all in English.
Posted by sk8ter (Member # 8671) on :
GiGi I had tried NAET years ago and I don't think it helped. Do you feel the AI is the best other than the Biophoton in Germany?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Andrew, did you decide to go for the AI now?
When I emailed the site for advice, telling them I have Lyme and co and am on abx, they said you can take the tests and drops AT ANY TIME.

Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I don't believe GiGi will be replying as she said she's left the forum on another thread.
Posted by psano2 (Member # 11711) on :
How long does it take to get the test and then to get the treatment after ordering? I emailed them this question a couple of times, but they never responded.

Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Does anyone know what is in the drops specifically.. how the water is informed?

Thanks, Robin
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
The company (AI) can't even explain how it works and admits it on their website. [Smile] I'm sure others here may provide a better educated guess based on their knowledge of energy medicine.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi psano2,

I got my test results in just over a week from the time I mailed them (US west coast).

About 8 days later, they e-mailed me a link to a pdf file of the report that I could print and save.

I had only ordered the test to start with, but as soon as I'd read my results, I ordered the treatment. I would imagine 1-2 weeks to receive the treatment/drops.

Hope this helps.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :

Were the results what you expected? Any thoughts ahead of time or inclinations as to things that bother you?
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
I can figure how they work in the big picture sense.. I want to know what is in the drops.. they have to know how they make them.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
How different is the analysis than an asyra analysis? Thanks..
Posted by nomoremuscles (Member # 9560) on :
I don't understand.

Wasn't Gigi already cured of her Lyme and everything BEFORE the bionic? Didn't she say she was surprised to have gotten a bit of a herx from that one?


Is Gigi using these drops herself? If so, did she relapse or something?

Or are they for her husband?
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I think both Gigi and her husband uses them. That's what I recall reading.

Cured of Lyme may not mean perfect health. lol. I think many on this board have this perception Gigi is the picture of absolute health and has no issues whatsoever because she may have knowledge others can't understand or access to.

I don't know her personally or live in her body. We can't presume anything. Hopefully the Lyme issues never came back and she's trying to wrap up loose ends.
Posted by nomoremuscles (Member # 9560) on :

I thought she had posted to that effect in the past, that the Lyme and friends were gone, and she was symptom free.

That was why this confused me.

I can see giving it to her husband, as he is still very symptomatic -- if I read correctly -- but why would she need the stuff herself?
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi Seekhelp,

My results were interesting (to me anyway...LOL!).

Energetic blockages in the spine match all of the areas where I have had injuries, pain, arthritis, stiffness, and muscle/connective tissue/nerve involvement.

I had no faulty processing of food substances and industrial toxins that were tested. Did have faulty processing of 3 molds and 3 fungi, and to 4 of the metals. These metals match up to the ones that always show up in higher levels on my toxic metals tests.

No energetically blocked glands (hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, etc). There is an enzyme dysfunction, but I have not read what that's all about yet.

No genetic weaknesses in genetic tosins, bacterial disorders, bacteria, or viruses.

I had major dysfunctions and/or blockages and low energy or flow in all of the bioenergetic systems they tested. Everything was in the high yellow or well into the red zone. Also high toxic body burden of recirculating heavy metals and contaminants.

Bioenergetically blocked areas from traumatic events. I have been working on these for years, so I wonder what testing would have showed before I did all that.

I think the results show why I can't get well with anything I've tried. It doesn't matter too much what I eat or take, something (many things?) systemically are not working well, and I'm not clearing out toxins as well as I need to.

I'd really like to understand this better, so I've got a lot of reading to do before I start the drops. Looking forward to some resolution!

Who knows, maybe Lyme and coinfections are not even a factor?

Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Gigi is not here, for what I know, Gigi was in remission before she went to Germany last year. She had been in remission from lyme for years.

Her hubby had also gone through remission periods, but lyme surfaced again with his other health issues lately. He had troubles to walk, some Parkinsonian problems etc.

In fact, Gigi went to Germany to treat his hubby mostly, not really herself at first hand. She used the Bionic on her ancient broken ankle when she was there, I think she's got an implant or so in her ankle, and ONLY AFTER using photons there, her borrelia reapppeared after years being dormant. She got an EM rash next day or so.

I'm talking all this through memory, if you'd like more details you gotta scroll through her posts since about July 2008.

I had an almost exact issue for my borrelia. It had been dormant since September 08. After first days using photons in January (not to kill borrelia, as it had been dormant), I got a lyme revival.

That is what I'm treating now. So I do think photons can make dormant infections alive probably because it activated our immune system? (a guess).

Gigi and her husband are also older than most of us (in the late 70s or early 80s, if I'm not mistaken), so you can imagine that they could be having many more health troubles than most of us here in this board.

I also had been lyme free for months, and it didn't make of me someone in perfect health, even though it was MUCH better than when I had active lyme. I still had loads of skin candida, fungi and many many other infections to treat, mostly on my skin and GI tract. Just borrelia and all my tick born coinfections were dormant.

So yes, getting lyme down is not the end! Gigi's theory is that there must be something BEFORE we fell sick with lyme making us 'weaker' to have such chronic condition. That is why she has been doing AI too.

I see kids being bitten with ticks every year and they don't fall sick. Adults too, many many. I fell sick after my first tick bite ever and so did my daughter. Every time we get a new tick bite, 2 out or 3 times, we fall sick again.

So, I think she's right. We need to treat other deeper health conditions, not only the borrelia infection, to be in better health, so that we don't fall SO sick every time we get a new tick bite.

My daughter was in remission from borrelia for more than a year. This January she got a relapse. She had been out of lyme treatment for the whole of last year (except when she caught TBE after a tick bite, but it was not lyme but encephalitis)... So yes, people relapse...

To my view, anyone can profit from the AI approach, even the ones called 'healthy'. Husband doesn't have lyme, never had, but has allergies, so I think he's one that would profit from the AI drops.

I hope this helps.
Posted by ElaineC (Member # 9857) on :
Can one do the AI drops at same time as abx treatment? Or is this not advised? Thanks.
Posted by nomoremuscles (Member # 9560) on :
Thanks for the detailed response, Brussels.

I understand better now. Good luck with your own therapy and health.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
I asked the AI folks if one could take antibiotics at the same time.

The answer, from the head researcher, was that the drops act on a different level, so they don't interfere with any other type of treatment. And, that many people with borreliosis were doing this. (that is not verbatim)

I re-asked about it being ADVISIBLE or OPTIMUM to take the drops while on antibiotics, and received no reply.

GiGi had said that one shouldn't be taking antibiotics at the same time. She didn't cite anything specific at the website relating to this.

Pausing the antibiotics isn't an option for me right now--I'm on Mepron and Zith now almost 8 months, and don't want to let the buggers have a long "time out" to reproduce again!!!!!

I personally decided to do the drops anyway. I'm waiting for them to arrive.


Cass A.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
The only thing GiGi told me that might possibly interfere with the AI drops is homeopathic remedies. Everything else reportedly works on a different level.

Posted by NMN (Member # 11007) on :
I would like to hear feedback from people about this. The whole thing reads very vague to me on the website.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I agree NMN. The company could do much better explaining things for the price. I can't say for sure if there is more in German, but I'm using the Google translator and appear to be viewing all pages. I saw some stuff, but not a ton.
Posted by ElaineC (Member # 9857) on :
No, it's pretty vague in German also!!
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
I got my AI results just now.

According to it, my body is incorrectly identifying:
-wheat, gliadin/gluten, corn, soy
-various molds/fungi (penicillicum, mucor strains)
-phenyl mercury acetate
-lead, nickel, copper, mercury

I seem to not have that issue with lactose, yeast or sugar, which kind of surprised me.

[ 03-10-2009, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: zombie_mummy ]
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
I am also showing genetic weakness to 4 diseases/toxins: psonirum, medorrhinum, syphilis, tuberculinum

and many blockages in my brain, spine, glands etc.
Posted by Jewel (Member # 18878) on :
How do you take the drops? Directly in the mouth or put the drops in water? Do you take it on an empty stomach?
Posted by jl123 (Member # 15594) on :
It is my strong opinion that if someone is severely blocked- liver/spleen etc, that mercury or many other toxins will not be able to cross through this muck. I think it might even have the potential to deposit toxins in this mock making things worse.

Thats the counter-argument. JL
Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
up for others taking the AI drops. i'm really curious to know your results and how you're feeling as the treatment progresses.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I am finishing up my second round of drops in a couple of days.

My second test results showed I had cleared the faulty processing of wheat, corn, soy, molds, fungi, lead, mercury, copper and nickel, along with the two chemical toxins that showed up.

I do take binders when I feel the metals moving but it does feel different now. In the past it felt like they were just recirculating if I used something to pull them.

I also take liver and kidney support when needed through testing. I haven't needed to take lymphatic support since early on in the first round.

For many months I had not been able to wear my reading glasses. I suspect there is nickel in the frames. I am able to wear them now.

First round I was highly energized and had lots of emotional releases at the same time.

This round I am experiencing a pleasant tiredness a lot of the time.

All in all I am pleased with the results so far and look forward to getting my next test.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Good for you, Nanadubo.

Which binders do you take and it what quantities, if you don't mind my asking?

Is your organ support herbal?

Hope your next test or round of drops goes well,

Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Did those on the AI therapy do muscle testing to see if AI Drops were good for their body at this time before proceeding?

I just was ART tested yesterday for the drops, and got a NO!

My ND who is very good with ART did the testing, and also used her assistant to verify the answer.

We were both suprised with the NO.

So I am holding off for now...although I already sent in my sample...but haven't received the paypal invoice yet.

Anyone with the same situation?

I'm not sure what to do next, as I was planning on doing the drops and then going for the bionic treatment.


Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
up again [Smile]
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
i had my energetic practitioner test me for it, and she got a strong yes. That may not have been the case if my detox organs were stressed out at time of testing. Lymeparfait--since this therapy is geared for your body, the only reason I can come up with for the no is that you're having detoxification impairment so your body wouldn't be equipped to deal with the release that comes with the drops.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Thanks for that thought Joey. It confirms my intuition.

I have always felt that I do not detox well.

I seem to accumulate fluids in my tissues my whole life and can pick up water weight easily...I am a thin person, but swell easily.

I am doing the PKU test just recommended by Dr. K.

Maybe this will show up something related to detox problems.

I just do not want to take a new protocol if it will be detrimental, just to follow everyone

else...although I have good inituition about the AI drops. My ND also had good feeling initially

about the drops...but now she says for me, it's a no. I need to know the next "yes" ! That's the

frustration. I always have to have a plan A and plan B.

I'm always looking for the remedy to kickstart my healing!

Thanks always!

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
ukcarry - I use the biotensor to test for binders. More often than not, it's activated charcoal, sometimes zeolite.

I have herbal tinctures but I do use homeopathic remedies for liver and kidneys if they test VERY strongly.
Posted by Looking (Member # 13600) on :
Hi Lymeparfait:

I don't know if you are able to muscle test yourself but here's something I have had success with when I am stuck or my body is causing me discomfort:

Muscle test to see if your body says no to the drops because another priority (could be more than one) is required before the drops.

I have had negative energy blockages from traumatic life events interfere with my body's ability to process frequencies and photons. ( I usually find these by asking what age it occurred.)

You can clear these with EFT tapping on whichever tapping points you test for -- using whatever phrasing your body tests will work -- Could be something like: Clear (or other action words) all negative energy blockages from whatever event or emotion(s) that are impairing my body's ability to process frequencies or photons (light & color) according to my true Creator-designed (if you feel good about this wording) eternal positive energy genetic code. And then tap in positive word(s) or a phrase that tests good for you.

You will know if you are on the right track if you start deep yawning, tears running down your face, nose running etc. -- all signs of the body clearing negative energy. (may also be signs you're tired or getting a cold. LOL)

Sometimes there are several different blockages piled on top of each other, so test percentage of clearance as you go.

It could be as you say that you need to clear negative energy blockages from detox pathways before you start the drops.

Another thing that may be blocking you: Inherited genetic misinformation. Blocked communication pathways. Of course there are many more possibilities as well.

Another thing you should be able to do is test every part of your body ie. organ, system, gland, body part etc. to see if you test strong for "I Love myself", if not you may be able to clear this by tapping in something like "As my Creator loves me, I love myself". This is helpful because often our body's definition of love is incorrect. (Some people may prefer to use "All the positive loving energy in the universe" instead of "Creator" --- whatever you are comfortable with.)

Your practitioner may have already tested for some of these but if not, it's something you may be able to do on your own that doesn't cost anything.

Anyway, it may give you an inkling of why you don't want the drops right now. You are right that it's best for you to clear things as your body is ready for it in order to minimize discomfort.

Not everyone is successful with this method, but no harm trying. Hope you find your next "Yes" soon!
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
This is very helpful, Looking.. thanks!
Posted by jam338 (Member # 14002) on :
Looking, thanks for contributing the information on clearing blockages. For those of us new to muscle testing can you please help us (me) better understand how to find out what age things happened. I mean by what process/how does the body communicate that a specific thing happened at age 15 lets say?

For example, I think I was 15 when I was tick bitten. Are you saying there is a way I can ask my body to reveal the age when it happened? If so, can you guide me to how to ask and interpert that?

Also, you said use whichever tapping points you test for.....can you please clarify what that is and how to do it? Thanks.
Posted by Looking (Member # 13600) on :
Oh, you're welcome, I just learned how to do this off of the internet and then expanded on it. It's something most people can learn to do without spending any money although some people do go to a practitioner for it, and it gives you a sense of having some control over finding at least the energy blockages that may be contributing to ill health.

There are many EFT sites with diagrams of the tapping spots -- this is just one which I have no affiliation with but it explains it pretty well:

I also use other tapping spots just by muscle testing. You need to ask questions your body can respond yes or no to.

So you ask if you need to use any of the spots on the diagram and then go through them quickly to find the ones you need. You can also ask if all spots are on the diagram.

If no, then ask if there is 1 more, 2 more etc. until you test yes. Then just ask is it on my head, body, arms, legs, hands etc. to narrow it down. Anyway with practice it will go pretty fast.

As far as finding traumas that have happened at a particular age: Just ask if it was in utero, then birth to 5 years, 6 to 10, 11 to 15 etc. until you find the block of time your body tests strong for then you can narrow it down year by year. You can also ask if negative energy from this trauma is emotional, physical, energetical, chemical, pathogenic etc. or a combination.

Another thing I have found helpful is to test only for positive energy truth to find where I have negative energy blockages. Again, you can just ask head, body, arms, legs etc. one at at time until you figure out where it is. You have to practice until you "get' it.

I just test using the o-ring method with my fingers until they test strong. Also when clearing blockages with tapping, it helps to find the most effective word.

Sometimes the word "clear" is not enough, it may be delete, erase, expunge, purge etc. all this negative energy. (You can use a thesaurus to find synonyms) I have a small cold laser that I also use to clear some spots when I test for it.

The more you can unburden your body from these pockets of negative energy, the better it can function.

Your body should release these blockages by priority of what is in your best interests.

I hope this is understandable, there is a lot more you can use it for once you get used to the method but this will get you started. If it is still not clear, let me know and I will try again.
Posted by kplyme (Member # 15317) on :
For those who have ordered the AI drops, how long did it take to receive your order and how was it shipped -- US Mail, UPS?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
kplyme - it has taken a little over two weeks. They come by mail but you recieve an email during that time with your test results.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thank you, Nanadubo: funnily enough, it's charcoal and liquid zeolite that I have too at present.
Posted by kplyme (Member # 15317) on :
Thanks, Nano. I received the results a week after I sent the sample. AI said they shipped the drops on 2-28 and if I didn't receive them soon they'd reship.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :

Thanks so much for all the great info on testing!

And especially for the encouragement...I am

definiatley working to find the "yes".

I will experiment with your testing techiques!

This is all so new to me!

Please continue to pass advice!

Posted by jam338 (Member # 14002) on :
Looking, thanks so much, so interesting!! Ok, so regarding:

"Another thing I have found helpful is to test only for positive energy truth to find where I have negative energy blockages"

Can you clarify more about what you mean by "positive energy truth" please?

I am trying to learn this so I can ask my body if it is time for allergie immune drops for me. Someone else said they tested and the body said no. MOJOEY said maybe that only means "not yet"....not yet a priority in treatment.

So, maybe this is a way for us to learn when it is the right time for us.

If I understand correctly, I think others may be using the biotensors for this purpose, right?

Is the same truth in answers the same no matter what the device or process used to access it? I mean the source of the information no matter what the device is really from a source within us right?
Posted by Looking (Member # 13600) on :
Okay, well I actually use "Is this answer completely & exclusively positive energy truth in harmony with my Creator-designed genetic code?" (Just trying to get around the "negative energy" which can come from many sources (pathogens, heavy metals, physical and/or emotional trauma, chemical damage, drug residues, faulty electrical or energetic wiring, spiritual harm which interferes with your relationship with your Creator (some blame God for losing loved ones etc.)

As for Jam's other questions:

If I understand correctly, I think others may be using the biotensors for this purpose, right? -- Answer: I understand biotensors do the same thing but I don't have any personal experience using one.

Is the same truth in answers the same no matter what the device or process used to access it? -- Answer: I can't comment on devices or processes I haven't used but I'm sure there is more than one way to do this.

I mean the source of the information no matter what the device is really from a source within us right? -- Answer: Yes, but it can be "confused" or "blocked" by some "negative energy" sources discussed here. Ideally, our bodies should self-correct and our energy pathways should stay open but when your body is overwhelmed it cannot process everything correctly.

I started using this because at times you will get "iffy" answers or a weak "yes" and this is a clue that your body is communicating something and you need to find out what. Sometimes when testing a supplement it means you want an ingredient in the supplement but not the rest or that you have something better you can use.

You can ask things like:

Is there a negative energy blockage that is interfering with this response? Or do I need to word the question differently? Is there another question(s) I need to ask as well or before this one?

You have to be your own detective and listen to your body clues. I believe that the symptom you are having that is bothering you the most is usually the one your body is asking you to work on and that is why it intensifies. You can just ask do I need to work on "whatever" symptom first. I have developed my own kind of "check list" that I go through to find what the problem may be.

The method I use is my own combination and adaptation of bits & pieces of different energy work including EFT, neuromodulation, energetic balancing etc. developed out of a need to help myself when I couldn't afford treatment so I put it out here for free for anyone else who cares to try it.

I believe I need to reset my genetic code to default as much as is possible. Using the computer analogy, our body programs have corrupted files & viruses (negative energy) that need to be deleted because "our personal computer" is no longer sure which info is valid and uncorrupted. Ideally we need to reboot back to default instructions installed by our "manufacturer". This is how I look at this anyway.

This has helped me go from "I feel like I'm dying", to "the more of these blockages I release, the better I feel". Not that you don't need the big guns (medical treatment) to go after lyme when you can afford them, not saying that at all. Each person needs unique treatment that is tailored for them, so see your Doctor -- this information is not medical advice!

Energy work can keep you from becoming more blocked up and deteriorating further in my experience. I don't want to overwhelm people with TMI so I'll stop now.
Posted by jam338 (Member # 14002) on :
Looking, thank you so much for the very helpful clarifications. So, that we don't inadvertently hijack this thread (further) could you please PM and share your checklist questions with me? Or maybe we could start a separately titled thread as I am sure others may be interested in this or even want to contribute their own process. It would be extremely helpful for those of us who are just learning. Thank you for considering about it.

If I am understanding the AI concept correctly, it progressively finds and removes negative imprint codes. I have no idea how it accomplishes that, but it sounds facinating.

I can see why GiGi and others have been so excited about this. I am guessing that all of us have bad imprinting codes that have accummulated and resulted in our inability to self-correct illness.

While it may all sound like voo~doo theory, we should remember so did DNA science in the beginning. Fifty years ago who would have possibly thought that science would eventually be able to identify a person by a hair strand, from fingerprints, or saliva??? Or that stem cell offers possibilities??

Evolutionary science always starts with confusion and doubting Thomases. Perhaps the AI process is indeed on the leading edge. Those who are doing it here are certainly reporting very interesting things.

Other than GiGi, who here on LymeNet has been doing AI the longest?
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I am in at the start of round 3 now. I think GiGi is just about to start round 4 in about a week.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Just sending off for round three here.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
I just recieved my first shipment of AI drops. I recived only one bottle.Is that correct? Im the litature it stated 2 to 3 bottels.This hardley seems like it will last two weeks.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
1 bottle lasts 2 weeks. The literature is referring to future cycles.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Has anyone seen their CRP (C-reactive protein) level go down using the AI drops?

Someone was asking how long it takes to receive the drops. I ordered the test first, then the drops after I got the report.

Report arrived via e-mail link 8 days after I mailed my sample from the west coast.

Drops arrived by US mail about 9 days after I ordered them from the website.

I started taking them today. So far, so good.

Someone wrote a while back that they couldn't get the drops out of the bottle. You have to pierce the top of the spout (underneath the white cover) with a needle or pin.

My Lyme-friendly MD was very interested in my report at my appt. yesterday. I gave him a copy. He said he might call AI to find out more about their treatment. I muscle-tested strong for the drops.

I'm going to give my chiropractor a copy of my report tomorrow and have him muscle-test me too.

Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I received my report and my daughters report together today. They are almost identical results. We have very different symptoms, but obviously genetically connected. I was thinking the results would be very different because of her fathers genetics...

Also, I muscle test very strongly for Mercury...but none showed up yet in my report...but my daughter has mercury in hers. (with no amalgams in her)

I was always wondering if I could have passed metals to her along with the lyme...but also wonder if they got our results mixed up? We sent them together, but they were marked very well.

Can my mercury show up in later test results?

Has anyone else compared their results with a family member or anyone else to see if they are standard type of disegulations that most people have or truley unique by individual?

Just wondering.

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Wait til later. I did not show Mercury in cycle 1 and thought the same. It showed up in cycle 2.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Yes, mercury/toxins are passed to children. The first born is at the most risk from what I understand.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Thanks Scott,

What does the AI drops do for the mercury/metals?

Does it help the body be able to release them finally?

Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Thanks Scott for answering.

I started to take the drops late last night.I was super stiff sleeping last night and my usual Myoclonic leg jerking was gone. I am just getting ready to take my 4th dose. I have been crying on and off all day for no reason, I have been reallly acky, feels like the flu.

I have been diagnosed with M.S. and much later diagnosed with lyme .

So somthing is definitly at work here. And if it can somehow help me I'll be screaming it from the rooftops . Terri
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
I got my AI drops last week, and did my best to cut back on suppliments before I started them.

I also completed Mepron/Zith!

So, I started 3 days ago. My thinking is definitely clearer than it has been. Hope things are UP from here!


Cass A
Posted by maureen2174 (Member # 11471) on :
Okay, a couple of questions about this....

1) how many drops do you take each day?

2) how many times per day?

3) is it recommended to refrain from other treatments like rife and infrared light therapy while using the drops?

Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Can anyone give some advice on the different techniques you have used to address the emotional blockages, both inherited and aquired?

Or do they just emerge as you are taking the drops and naturally remove themselves without any psychological type work or therapy?

My results say I have 9 bioenergetically blocked areras in my subconscious, or traumas experienced in life.

7 areas of the soul blocked that adversely affect the system : emotional relics inherited by parents: ie. horrible war experiences.

I am not aware of them or how to have them emerge to take care of them.

any thoughts?

Posted by jam338 (Member # 14002) on :
Scott, Nana, MoJoey, & others doing the AI drops:

Are the drops homeopathic or a different derivative? I tried to review the website and can't find information. My brain problem is really bad.

Thanks for help in understanding whether they are homeopathic or not. Asking because I was told by a doctor a few months ago that homeopathics that my body was not yet ready for homeopathics. Not sure about now. If they are not homeopathic then it isn't an issue for me to worry about.

Thanks for help in understanding whether they are homeopathic or not.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
As I understand, they are energetic, not homeopathic.

LP - the AI drops should address these issues. So if you are doing AI drops, then you are likely on track.

5 drops 3 times a day. They do recommend avoiding other treatments and especially homeopathics. I have continued most of my other treatment options.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
jam- they are not homeopathic. Water with energetic information.

lymeparfait - as there have been days were I have done nothing but cry and many old things have come up, that could be helping with the emotional blocks. Not sure what to do about the ones we inherit.

Haven't felt like I needed therapy but lots of time spent forgiving myself and others and just riding the waves when they come.

maureen2174 - you take the drops three times a day. I have tested with each round for how many to take. The first round I ended up only taking 1 drop 3x a day.

Second round I could take 4 or 5 3x.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
I think it's important to remember that there is no single remedy that will detect every which problem we have. For example, I'm not too sure about the explanation that dairy allergy didn't come up for me in my results because it's only due to cows consuming wheat.. so ultimately it's a wheat allergy. Also, I have a sulfur allergy that may be secondary to other SNPs, yet when I asked them about it they said I don't have a sulfur allergy.

That may be true at the DNA level, but that doesn't mean it's not an issue.

My point is..this therapy should change the terrain to make it more conducive to healing, but I'm not sure all my "expressed" allergies will go away. Although I'm open to being surprised.
Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
for those who are doing the drops, do your LLMDs know about it and approve? i wonder if continuing other treatments makes the drops less effective? it seems most of us would be hard pressed to stop all treatment before starting the AI program..
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Just want to say it looks like Scott and I were typing at the same time. Wasn't trying to repeat his answer [Smile]

heiwalove - I no longer have an LLMD and I doubt if the one I had would understand or approve. He told me many times that he doesn't know or understand much about energetic matters.

One MD I have shared my test results with is very excited and supportive of this. I am only able to see him as part of the process of having had my amalgams removed and I wish he were available to be my PCP.

My guess is too many treatments at the same time is like too many radio stations trying to tune in at the same time.

I take very few things now. A few supplements and detox support when needed.

Often (for me) the drops revisit old issues even if only on an energetic level.

For instance, my test showed I had many blockages that related to "elimination" and I started having some gut issues.

They felt very real but after undergoing a colonoscopy yesterday, it was completely normal aside from a small polyp being removed and all my blood work is completely normal as well as x-rays and various exams.

I am left to think that the remedy is going to work on repairing the energetic blockages in that area.

The gastro I saw certainly wouldn't have approved of the remedy. He doesn't even approve of colonics - calls them too alternative and a real money maker!

That gave me a good laugh when I compare the cost of a colonic to a colonoscopy!!
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Thanks so much for all the good feedback about the AI treatments! Very much appreciated.

Regarding use of the word homeopathic.... it can be deceptive. This is my understanding of it:

In the USA, unless a `remedy' starts with an actual substance, it cannot be termed `homeopathic'. Therefore, some of the electronically generated or imprinted `nosodes' should not be labeled as homeopathic because the process did not begin with an actual product/substance.

So, while all the `attributes' of a homeopathic remedy may be there, the manufacturer isn't supposed to market it as `homeopathic'. So, some sites simply call their remedies `homeopathic-like' or `homeotherapeutic' or refer to them as `resonances' or `energetic imprints', etc..

So, just because it doesn't say it is homeopathic doesn't mean much. It's a matter of terminology. If it ACTS like a homeopathic medicine, I think it should be treated as such from a consumer standpoint.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
AI drops are frequency based or energetic as I understand, not originating from any original substance like true homeopathics.
Posted by jam338 (Member # 14002) on :
Scott, Nana, M0joey,and all....thank you very much for the clarification and additional info about AI. It will be interesting to read your ongoing experiences. Please continue to share as many of us are learning from you with gratitude.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
I asked about the number of drops a day, also. I settled on starting with 3 each time (just by deciding--no testing) to start, and am now up to 5 at a time, three times a day.

I cut back on my suppliments, but am still taking quite a few!!! I decided not to end the anti-seizure ones at this time.

I got a go-ahead from my LLMD to end my loooonng Mepron/Zith treatment and sent him a copy of my AI test results that came to me in email. He's interested in seeing what happens! Whoo hoo!!!


Cass A
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
I think I'm herxing from these AI drops. I started them one week ago tomorrow, 5 drops 3x day.

For the last few days I've had a sore throat that's gotten worse. It hurts more when I swallow, and is quite red. No spots or anything.

There is some fullness and tenderness behind my jaw, especially on the side where my throat is the sorest. The tenderness was worse one night last week. Lymph congestion, perhaps?

No other symptoms (fever, extreme fatigue, chills, etc.) like I would expect if I was actually coming down with something.

Anyone else experience something like this? It's not bad, just a little bothersome and I'm wondering if I should decrease the number of drops.

Posted by Lymic (Member # 19335) on :
Hi everyone,

With regard to the use of the AI drops, are the drops added to water or beverages of your choice before it is consumed? Or is it applied to the bottom of your tongue directly? Lastly, is it important whether it is taken on an empty stomach?

Thank you in advance.

Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
I'm a bit disappointed with AI right now. I got my report Mar. 10 and was told the drops were in the mail, but they're not here yet...
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
This generally is not an AI issue but a mail issue. I have had them arrive in 5 days and as long as 14 days. If you email them, they will often send them again if it has been as long as it has been for you. I would say by Monday, you should ask them to send again.

I put them in a couple ounces of water.
Posted by Lymic (Member # 19335) on :
Thanks Scott. Do you drink it on an empty stomach? Would it be more effective if the drops are taken sublingually so it doesn't have to go through the GI tract?

Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
I hate to mention anyone's name, but..... has anyone heard of or been to see Andrea Candee in South Salem, NY?

Apparently, she sort of specializes in Lyme Disease, and it appears that her primary treatment is with `vibrational remedies' that deal with MIASMS...... when I read about it, it sounds very similar to the Allergie Immune remedies?

The Science of Vibrational Healing:

In the history of natural healing, first there were herbs, then came homeopathy and now there are vibrational formulas. All work well when you have knowledge of how to apply them.......

Many of the formulas are based on miasms, the weaknesses in our bodies inherited from the illnesses of our ancestors. Miasms are the basis of all chronic diseases and appear in electrical form on the DNA. When a remedy is based on a miasm, there are a series of realizations and benefits that can occur. If, for example, 12 bottles are needed of a particular formula, the first third of the bottles yields benefits in the physical body. In the second third, we start to add the mental/emotional value when we begin to recognize patterns that need changing. In the third part, we perceive issues from a more spiritual perspective. In very individualistic ways we put the patterns and lessons together by the end of the 12 bottles. You need the full 12 or so bottles of the remedy to get the full physical result, the full mental result and the full spiritual result because they are all connected in the harmonic hologram of the body. ......

Doesn't that remind you of the AI protocol? Is it possible that we have something like this available in the USA and we just don't know about it? I have no idea how she `tests' for this..... couldn't really find anything on her website.

There appear to be other articles about Lyme on her website, too.....

Apparently, she gives talks and workshops on Lyme.... I looked at her Events Calendar and she will be giving talks or workshops on ``Natural Approaches to Lyme Disease'' from mid-April through early June in the following cities: Ridgefield, CT; and Somers, Tarrytown, Portchester, and New York City, NY if anyone is close and might be interested.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Interesting Tracy...

I will check this out as I live near those workshop locations.

Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :

I does sound exactly like AI...

do you know the price of treatment?

Here's the rest of the description from Andrea Candee's website.

The Science of Vibrational Healing

In the history of natural healing, first there were herbs, then came homeopathy and now there are vibrational formulas. All work well when you have knowledge of how to apply them.

Vibrational healing is a blending of research in the fields of microbiology and alternative medicine. Using the large body of science on pathogens and their effects on the body, plus the principles of homeopathy, vibrational formulas are a uniquely effective means to completely eliminate diseases.

Many of the formulas are based on miasms, the weaknesses in our bodies inherited from the illnesses of our ancestors. Miasms are the basis of all chronic diseases and appear in electrical form on the DNA. When a remedy is based on a miasm, there are a series of realizations and benefits that can occur. If, for example, 12 bottles are needed of a particular formula, the first third of the bottles yields benefits in the physical body. In the second third, we start to add the mental/emotional value when we begin to recognize patterns that need changing. In the third part, we perceive issues from a more spiritual perspective. In very individualistic ways we put the patterns and lessons together by the end of the 12 bottles. You need the full 12 or so bottles of the remedy to get the full physical result, the full mental result and the full spiritual result because they are all connected in the harmonic hologram of the body.

Whereas chronic diseases are defined as growing steadily worse almost no matter what is done, the science of vibrational healing disproves the definition and, for most people, can completely reverse disease for the rest of their lives.

Vibrational formulas are well-known as incapable of harming a person. It is true they may sometimes help a person heal faster than is comfortable, but that is easily compensated for by taking less of the remedy for a while. There is a finite time period to reverse the cause of the disease and then the remedies are no longer needed. Upon completion, when the offending miasms are nullified, the body starts to reconstruct itself. In most instances, the body part(s) affected start getting better and fully heal. There are no toxic materials or dangerous side effects - just electrical frequencies, water and alcohol (to hold the vibration).

Notable success has been achieved with allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue syndromes, candida, colitis, Crohn's, diabetes, diverticulitis, emphysema, eczema, genital herpes, gluten intolerance, heart diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, leukemias (multiple forms), leaky gut, Lyme disease, lupus, migraines, teeth and gum issues, psoriasis, scoliosis, and much more.

The use of vibrational formulas has allowed discoveries unheard of in current science: a virus proved to be the basis of most all phobias, compulsions, obsessions. One new virus family is proving to be the basis for excessive weight with protocols now under development.

With thousands of people healed in over a dozen countries, the word is slowly spreading. One woman took the remedies for osteoporosis 4 years ago. Subsequently, she had an auto accident where she was thrown out of the car and its full weight pinned both her legs for 45 minutes. At the hospital, the x-ray technician became very excited when the x-rays showed that not only were the legs not shattered, they weren't even broken. She brought everybody who knew how to read x-rays into the viewing room to see what they had never seen before from such a severe accident. The program of remedies the woman had previously completed had helped the bones to not only repair the osteoporosis, but to strongly rebuild themselves.

This is a relatively new approach to healing built on solid systems of the past. It may take longer but it builds a stronger body. It may cost more for a short time, but you won't need maintenance drugs to stay better. The remedies are designed to get in, get the job finished and then let your body function as it was originally designed to work and to rebuild itself. Our non-invasive methods of analysis find more issues than you knew were brewing. We believe each person is an individual and design our programs that way.

We think aging is a series of sicknesses that can be reversed. Would you like to live a long life if you can be more healthy than you are now? Can you stick with a program of taking drops 2-3x/day for a year to accomplish these goals? How many issues do you want to correct? We have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as incurable disease. It has been proven with many of the above diseases and research continues. The people who take the program are 95% satisfied. Our most basic question to each person is, ``Do you want to heal?'' We can help. (Healers Who Share, a group of independent health consultants based in the U.S., Canada, Norway and the European Union).
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
So I must say that I have read through this post and haven't seen anyone really discuss noticeable improvement? What are your

symptoms you had before taking AI and after how many rounds have these symptoms alleviated.....

My particular issue is severe chemical sensitivity. Which by the what seems to have come about after taking Mepron and Zith.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
No, LP - I don't know what Andrea's fees might be. Nor could I find a cost for attending her talks or workshops.

Aha! You hit what I wondered about (I didn't see it when I read the article on her website) - right at the very bottom:

(Healers Who Share, a group of independent health consultants based in the U.S., Canada, Norway and the European Union).

So, she's part of the Healers Who Share network - David Alan Slater group. This makes sense now; the HWS remedies definitely sounded like AI, too. One person who posts here - NikkiB maybe? - is doing the Healers Who Share drops and her report about it was VERY positive. Let me go do some searching.....

Okay, yes, it is nikkib .......

(latest thread) Frequency Remedies - Update!

earlier thread) Frequency Remedies Working! thread:

Boy, that osteoporosis story sure impressed me..... and it happens to be one of my big issues....

Do you think you might be able to attend one of her talks or workshops?
(Note that there are both - you'd have to inquire about which to go to.)
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Truthfinder...thanks for the search.

It appears that others who are doing the AI drops now from Germany have already investigated these...would like to know what Scott and Joey know about this remedy versus the AI drops?

OK...Here are the cut and paste posts from nikkib....(below)

Healers Who Share:
We were tested for the 3rd time by the electrodermal testing women that works with Lyme patients we go to: 1st time- loaded with Lyme and yeast....then started the remedies; 2nd visit- (about 4 months into remedies) she only found about 25% of the lyme frequency intensity and no yeast; 3rd visit this weekend- couldnt find any lyme and no yeast. Daughter tested clean as well. Granted- It could be hiding....but she usually could pick it up anyway. We feel great and I just wanted to share it! I think a lot of what was holding us back was the virus' attached to the lyme and coinfections which the frequencies kill. Yes, I had been very very sick. Please search my old posts about the program and my past symptoms. It gave very specific info in my past posts, but I would be happy to answer any other questions to help others! I have heard of many people this has helped now (with only a few exceptions). As with most Lyme related things, it has cost us a lot of money, but extremely worth it- (cost depends on what they find in your saliva and how many bottles of the remedies you need). Good luck!

I have had all my questions answered with different people from HWS who have spent hours on the phone with me. You can speak with David )the tester) directly during set times 1 time a week. I spoke with him once. His directions are very clear, so i didnt feel the need for more guidance. There are a lot of practitioners that use this program that can be "middle men" if one needs guidance with it (thats how I found out about it from a practitioner in Westchester). I wanted not to spend another $250 for a consult with this woman when the company would do it directly. Same info, not consult charge.

I guess with the people it is not working with I think of many possibilities: diet, heavy metals, mold exposure, hormone imbalance. I am saying this sincerely, because I think diet and detox are most important....helps the immune system and then you can go after the bacteria better. I just had my hormones tested to see what was thrown off with the Lyme. No results yet. I have also changed my diet and have been detoxing for about 1 year, so I am sure it all helps. Also, I heard with this company that when you give your medical history, give every last detail, as even the smallest thing from years ago can help them find the correct frequency match. Too many choices of what to do to treat lyme, but something has to work ....right? Happy Holidays.

Later post by nikkib....

For all that were waiting for my next update, it is now 7 months into doing the frequency remedies I posted about (no abx)... as well as my daughter- 7 years old. We are both now about 95% back to health (we only seem to get symptoms when we are coming down with a cold or virus). We have not had symptoms in quite a while. Feel great, lots of energy and back to work, gym, travel.....Thank God I found this and it worked for us.

Does Nikkib still post?


[ 03-30-2009, 09:05 AM: Message edited by: lymeparfait ]
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Sorry but is this AI you are talking about?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
The post is about the remedies from Healers Who Share. I don't know much about it. I have heard they are good but extremely expensive compared to A I.

I only have experience with A I and this is ongoing.

The first remedy I took in January cleared the dysregulations for foods, molds, fungus and metals.

This means that now my body can deal with them as it should have many years ago - won't happen over night but it is happening.

I am now on my third remedy which deals with chemical substances found that were not being eliminated. This one has been a bit rough so far.

This is not about lyme for me, it is about dealing with the things that allowed me to become so ill in the first place.

You can be rid of borrelia but if you cannot deal properly with all its pals, metals, yeast, fungus, mold etc., then there is still work to be done IMO.

It's all in the gut folks! If you can heal that, you will go a long way.

If you are born with a gluten allergy and eat it your whole life, it will catch up with you. You may know you are allergic or it may be silent but it is doing the damage.

Gluten free diets will never keep you gluten free, it is in everything. This is why I decided to go the A I route and see if the information can be changed.

I am able to eat wheat and gluten now but will still try to avoid it for the most part until I feel my gut has healed.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :

Did anyone save their English-translated pages from the AI website? If so, would you share them? (Seems like we could save everyone some time and brain damage if we could either post or share pages already translated.)

So, the test results are in German, correct? And they arrive in PDF format? If so, how the heck do you use Google to translate a PDF document?
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :

A question about how to take the drops.

I have a teenager going to college in the Fall...I want to start the drops for her this Spring/Summer.

After the first one or two rounds get completed, can she take a large break between treatments?

Or will this stop any healing that has already begun with the first set of treatments? I know she wil not keep up the protocol away from me.

Just want to know the practicality of starting a treatment that cannot be completed in regular intervals.

Any thoughts?

Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
LP, nikkib doesn't seem to be posting much; her last post was on March 20th and she started a thread about using certain abx during pregnancy, which seems like a strange question.....?

So, LP - are you still ART testing `no' for the AI treatment?

Cooper, if you want more info about the Healers Who Share formulas, here's the main website that I'm familiar with:

AI: The test is 90 euro while treatment is 305 euro.
90 Euros = 118.765 US Dollars; 305 Euros = 402.481 US Dollars
So, as of today, the AI testing + drops = about $521.00.

I don't recall if nikkib has ever been specific about the cost of the Healers Who Share treatment for her (and family). I think the initial cost of the test is $100.00, then the remedies are in addition to that. Their website gives prices for their bottles of remedies. IF you have a lot of issues and need a lot of bottles, you are going to pay more. It isn't one set price like the AI. Something to keep in mind.

Last I checked at the HWS website, testing was backed up until about the first of June in David Slater's group, but it sounds like (from nikkib's posts) other HWS practitioners do testing, also? Maybe I'm off-base on that one.

As Nana said about using the AI: ``This is not about lyme for me, it is about dealing with the things that allowed me to become so ill in the first place.''

Gigi's posts here (and elsewhere) say the same thing. She got well, but it took a lot of effort, time, and money. And afterward, she still worked hard in a constant, daily battle to keep the toxins and bugs at bay to avoid relapse. Why? Because she was never able to clear the fundamental problem, i.e., her own predisposition to harbor and retain a lot of garbage.

Ever since I started reading about miasms (going back 200 years), I've felt certain that they were a key element in everything we do to maintain or regain health. The real challenge was finding the right practitioner or treatment protocol to deal with miasmatic problems in a definitive way. Never in a million years did I anticipate that we could - or would - have open discussions about miasms at LymeNet!!! (I'm still in a state of shock over that one.) [Smile] Nor did I ever imagine that there might be a specific protocol that focused on the miasmatic approach......

We owe a lot to GiGi, and to those people who have followed in her footsteps. Many thanks to ALL of you. Keep those reports coming.

[ 04-04-2009, 07:48 AM: Message edited by: Truthfinder ]
Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
Our test results were in English. They sent them about 3 wks. ago.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Tracy, the results are coming in English now. The first one is a PDF and subsequent results come in the mail along with the remedy.

I think this page will allow you to navigate the site:

LP - With two weeks on the drops and the turn around time for the next remedy, your daughter could get 3 under her belt before college.

Maybe she wouldn't need that many and maybe she wouldn't need more.

I would email them regarding long breaks as I don't know for sure.

You can use to get a decent text for an email.
Posted by psano2 (Member # 11711) on :
Does this treat only allergies, heavy etals, and blockages, or does it also directly treat the infections?
Posted by bejoy (Member # 11129) on :
With regards to the osteoporosis situation: It seems to me that this type of remedy AI, Healers Who Share, etc, helps to balance hormones.

Osteoporosis is a common symptom of low progesterone levels. Natural progesterone supplementation has been shown to reverse osteoporosis.

The amount of information available in a saliva sample or a blood sample is enormous.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :

My daughters drops came with german instructions that we cannot read...
How many drops in how much water? I recall others saying it is tobe takin in water...or are they sublingual?

Is there a standard protocol for taking the drops...or do I have to get her muscle tested for this answer?

Tracy..I am getting re-tested soon to see if I finlly get a yes...My drops already came in the mail with my daughters...but I"m not going to use them until I get the OK.

My ND thinks I may have a problem with detox, which may be why I am getting a no at this time. I"m getting tested now for PKU....the bad detox gene.


Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
5 drops 3 times a day is normally what is used
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :

Just re-read some of the older threads...some say 1 drop, some say 3 drops and some say 5 drops...were these directions given individually to each person, or did they just decide using muscle testing or a biotenser?

so just to get started...I decided to start my daughter on 5 drops in a few oz of water today...

Please tell me anyone...if this is not right!

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
LP -PM sent
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
I am still waiting for my drops. It's been 20 days now, since they gave me my report and told me my drops were in the mail...
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Call them or email and ask them to send them again. It happens. It isn't AI. It's the postal system.
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
I know, I'm just bummed -I was hoping to start this sooner. I had been holding off on photon tx because of AI.

I have sent off another email today.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Contact them by should have them if you already paid by paypal. Mine came very quickly.

also I received a prompt reply last night to my questions about instructions...

FYI: Instructions:

They are to be taken directly into the mouth.
NOT IN least that's what they say for me and my daughter.

3 - 5 drops directly in mouth. I asked if they were to be put under the tongue...and he just replied directly in mouth...

Others may have different instructions.

Others who are taking them have told me they use the biotenser each time they take them to get the exact number of drops. It's between 1 and 5! So it varies by individual..

Others without the tenser or muscle testing just keep to 3- 5 drops/ 3 x day and make sure they have enough in the bottle to get through the two least 1 drop left per treatment to make it through the two weeks.

The two weeks of drops 3 x day is important.

Then you must wait two weeks without taking anything for your body to regulate. Then take the saliva sample and ship to AI.

It's a 4 week process.

There may be some lag time for them to make it and ship it back to you.

Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
Z-M, I know how you feel about the wait. Scott is right about the mail. Our first samples never made it so we had to resend and wait an extra 2 1/2 wks. to start.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
So it is recommended to order both the test and treatment drops together for quicker delivery.

For some reason the processing time lag happens if the test only is ordered, then paid for. And then if you want the treatment, it takes them more processing time.

Order it all together.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
My currrent instructions say to only wait one week before sending off a new saliva sample. It has changed each time I have done it. The first time I was to send right away.

Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Thanks, all, for the additional info....
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Some interesting emotional releases for my daughter in the first few days on the drops.

She came home from school reporting that she (usually a very quiet and private girl), spoke out, and couldn't control her outrage about her teachers' personal opinion her teacher shared with the class.

She normally would hold in her feelings out of respect for her teacher...but today....she blasted the teacher in a 5 minute verbal barrage that she couldn't stop. Completely out of character. Everyone in class noticed this was not her!

It was a rightous/moral type of anger against a deep belief. She said it was like an out of body experience...a very strange feeling that came over her that she could not control, she said.

She is normally , very in control of being quiet and respecting everyones beliefs.

Also, she is sharing things with me...and taking time to tell me what's on her mind...this is so unusual in the past two days! She rarely shares anything with me is noticeable. It's been a good is very possibly related to the drops. We'll see.

also, yesterday she has been smelling things that she describes as "dead animal smells" in our house....and there are no smells! Smells never bother her. Assuming that's the drops as well? Something is happening in the brain.

Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
What is to be expected re: physical experiences after your first round. The boy in the plastic bubble thing Im going through since Mepron Zith/Ceftin is too much...I need hope re: chemical allergies ... Anyone?
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Oops. I made a typo in a previous post (which I corrected).

Cost of the AI test + therapy drops = about $531.00 (as of today). Still, this could be a bargain if you end up needing several bottles of therapy drops and several subsequent tests - it's all included in a flat fee. If you've been ill for a long time (as I have), I suspect the treatment could be quite lengthy.

Here's a workable link to the English home page, then click on the left for additional pages in English. There's a lot more there in English than when I was there last. (Thanks, Nana.)

I ordered a free `sample analysis' by e-mail, so I'll see how that reads.

At this point, after some comparisons of the AI and the HealersWhoShare tests and treatment, at least in my own case, the AI sounds less expensive and far less complicated than the HWS.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Here's a Question and Answer page, translated by Google.... (I hope this will work).... it might answer a little bit more....
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
up my last post
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Thanks for the new info post. The translation helps me with my questions!

Posted by psano2 (Member # 11711) on :
Hoping to get a response...

Does AI treat only allergies, heavy metals, and blockages, or does it also directly treat the infections?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
psano2 - I'll take a stab at this but wish I was more informed. I've gone through 3 rounds of A I on faith but not with a lot of information other than the website and others who are taking it.

My understanding is that the infections linger because the body no longer knows how to deal with them due to all the crossed wires.

So the allergies to mold, fungus or other things can make it impossible for some things to clear up. Once the information is corrected then it is possible for infections to be dealt with.

They are not looking specifically for diseases when they are looking at our blood or saliva. They look for blockages and incorrect responses to different things.

So the answer to - does it also directly treat the infections? I would say it treats them in an indirect way. Hope that makes sense. Could be the allergies, metals and blockages that allow the infections in the first place.

I do know that the son of someone at the lab had lyme a number of years ago. They had him on antibiotics for a couple of months and then just decided to go with the remedy.

He spent some uncomfortable days in bed and that was the end of it. He was a teenager I believe. This is third party information but I have heard it a number of times and have no reason to believe it is not true.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I confirm what Nana says.

I have been emailing AI with loads of questions.

They say the immune system is able to function better after the inherited allergies and disfunctions are regulated, and the immune system fights the lyme and pathogens/viruses. The immune system begins to finally be able to do it's job.

Heavy metals and pathogens may need work after the treatment, especially if reinfected. Also much depends on how sick you are, or how damaged your immune system is. it takes time for the drops to regulate your system.

They say give it time, you will not see immediate improvement. That's why you need time in between the treatments.(2 weeks). Noticing improvement is more gradual for those who are the sickest, from their experience.

Children and teens seem to do the best as they have less to deal with as far as new viruses and environmental toxins. They usually only have to get the inherited disfunctions taken care of and many do not need additional treatments after the drops.

But many believe the bionic 880, rife or other treatment will be more effective. They encourage natural treatments, and don't think antibiotics are good for your body in general. They don't use them much in Germany, I believe. Like we do in America.

The lyme is different here, so I do not believe the people at AI truely know the extent of our lyme and co-infections and how sick this particular disease makes us in America.(my thoughts)

They say the inherited disregulatins are all gone after your total treatment, but they recommend doing the treatment every 2-3 years if you are starting to get more new environmental problems.

AS I find out more, I will post.

Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :

I was finally muscle tested again at my ND with ART. Originally I tested a strong NO.

This time, as the drops were delivered to me with my daughters, as I had the actual drops, I tested a YES.

I started two days ago. I have had no reaction to report.

My daughter appears to have her depression lifted. (not severly depressed...but always down and weepy and negetive to everything and everyone)

She started the drops 1 week ago. Very noticably happy, content and agreeable in all things. This is different! Over the past few months, I was seriously contemplating anti-depressants for her, per her LLMD. She has had many traumas on top of the lyme and co.

I wanted no more chemicals in her body. She was begging me to try the anti-depressants. I was feeling like a bad mother not to get her relief...but also feeling bad adding another substance with side effects. I was looking for natural help.

So I was Hoping that the bionic 880 would help or the AI. This is an experiment...there is no harm with these drops...but very co-incidental that she is feeling good/great.

She reports no depression this week Just feeling normal. We will see if this continues.

Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Hey, thanks LP and Nana..... that's good news about your daughter, LP!

I received the sample Analysis (in English) from AI. Interesting.

I did notice one thing stated in the Analysis that conflicts with what is on the website. The Analysis states that only 3 rounds of drops will be provided. The website indicates that they will provide as many drops and tests as necessary until the blockages or dysregulations are removed (for the flat treatment charge).

Anybody know which is actually true?
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
They do provide as many as needed from what I understand. I am waiting now for round 4 to arrive and know others already on round 4.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Yes, my understanding is they provide remedies until no more blockages/dysregulations are found.

They do ask for a small amount of money for postage and packaging after about the second round.

LP - glad to hear your daughter is doing so well.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Thanks Scott and Nana - glad to have that question answered.

Psano2, if you are interested in treating infections, the HealersWhoShare protocol might be a better fit for you. I just sent a PM to AndrewInCA to see if he has any news to share - he went to a HWS 'class' and started on their treatment around the first of March. Hopefully, he will be posting an update soon.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I asked if the security xray machine at the airport can harm or change the frequencies of the allergie-Immune drops?

They come with minimal packaging.

Just thinking of the posts of how xrays harm nosodes.

Response from AI:

"I do not think technical equipment can do this."

This was not an absolute no.

Any thoughts about frequencies and xrays?

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Wrap them in foil if you want to be safe.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Do you think there could be a problem shipping them to us from Germany without foil wrap? I'm sure they get some sort of scan.

Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
All of the remedies I've ordered from the U.K. and India work just fine. I don't remember any special wrap from the ones from London (too long ago), but the ones from India were packed with just Styrofoam around them, and they are DEFINITELY still potent and work fine. All came in amber glass bottles (though the ones from India are just barely tinted.)

Even airport scanners don't seem to bother them- as long as they are in glass bottles. One homeopath takes her kits to Indonesia every 2 years, and the remedies in these same kits work fine for her. The kit boxes are just plastic. She said she's never tried traveling with remedies in plastic bottles. So, maybe the glass acts as a decent barrier?

Looks like it might be awhile yet before AndrewInCA has some time to post about the HWS drops, but I'm sure he will when he gets some time.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Is anyone doing any lyme and co treatment while taking the AI drops?

As most of you know, I was plannnig on being in Germany this week getting the bionic treatment, and have been off of antibiotics for 4 months, and doing no killing. Basically just detox and nutrients, preparing for the bionic.

I feel the lyme is attacking me in the brain again.

Any suggestions on a protocol as I am doing the AI therapy? This could be several months before I make it to Germany now.

Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear LP,

I just completed about 260 days of Mepron/Zith before starting the AI drops about three weeks ago. I'm waiting for my second round to come in the mail, so I'm off all antibiotics, etc., at this time also.

I didn't stop taking the vitamins and minerals that help with leg cramping and seizures.

Also, I'm taking the simplified methylation protocol recently discussed here on Lymenet.

Personally, I'd recommend doing the methylation, as this helps with detoxing. (Along with any other detoxing you do--my LLMD recommends chlorella). My LLMD--Dr. A--says that this protocol cuts down on treatment time by about 40%.

I'm also taking niacinamide (100 mg) about every 2-4 hours. This seems to help with cognative problems.

You could try some of the herbal remedies--Buhners or Cowden, for example.


Cass A
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I just received a reply from AI concerning a question of whether he see lyme in my results.

He does not see lyme, but see's things related to antibiotic use!

It's hard to understand exactly what he means by this with his translation in German to English. some of the meaning gets lost.

It could mean:
his test does not show the diseases like lyme

I do not have lyme anymore?

I am curious, anyone have thoughts?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Seeing things related to antibiotic use could be the chemicals showing up.

He couldn't find any lyme in me either. I knew this but it was good to hear it yet again!

I believe he would see lyme if it was there from what he has shared.

Still feeling symptoms can be mold, fungus, yeast, metals, viruses - any or all.

A I takes patience, things clear in little chunks but it does happen.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Nana... are you feeling better from your AI treatment?
Posted by kplyme (Member # 15317) on :
Question.....did any of you get really sick after starting the drops. I feel like it has stirred up every infection I've ever had in my entire life. I'm herxing like crazy and am on an abx break, so I don't get it.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Cooper - I wasn't feeling horrible when I started AI. Each remedy has been different for me. With the first one I either was tired or had a lot of extra energy.

Went through a lot of emotional releases as well as toxins with the second and third. A lot of the energetic blockage in my intestines has improved.

The third is working with chemicals that show up in the testing and it was by far the roughest for me.

Mr. Grundmeyer at the lab says that this is very, very hard work that the body is doing. A lot of rest is required.

For me, when regulations are taking place, it is not always pleasant but doesn't last very long.

It is different for everyone. My husband is doing the remedies as well and feels nothing except a little tired.

Each remedy is working on something different. We could never handle it if were happening all at once. I feel fine but have gone through some rough days on this.

These are issues we were born with and/or have had for a very long time. Not a quick fix. I will continue with the drops until no dysregulations are found.

My reason for doing this was to get to the bottom of how I could have gotten so ill in the first place and allow the corrections to be made.

Borrelia has been gone for six months but the tick bite was just the straw that broke the camels back 9 years ago (IMO).

The terrain had established itself and is now being cleaned up.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :

HOw long have you been treating the lyme and co-infections, and do you feel any of it has improved before you got off antibiotics and started the AI?

It seems like most people who posted about their AI Drop Treatment experieneces are in a better place physically before they began the drops, either by using the bionic 880, or after detox and feeling well enough to get off abx.

I haven't seen any posts of those just starting with the AI drops with not long history of lyme and co treatment.

I'm sure there have been some.

Just wondering at what level functionally you are and about your previous treatment to see how the drops are affecting you. This info could help others as well judge how treatment could progress and some of what to experience.

Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :

I finally placed my biotensor order yesterday.

Posted by kplyme (Member # 15317) on :
Thanks, lymeparfait, for responding. Yes, I've been on abx for years and was in a good stable place when I started the drops. This is my first round of AI and felt fine the first week, but at the start of the second week I had a severe sore throat, killer headache, eye infection, bad cough, etc. I almost never get colds or flu and this seems a little different. Strange.......seems like a big ole herx!
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I started round 4 of AI drops today.
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
Please let me know what do you cleared from it when you get the answers.You are ahead of me.
You can write me privatly !

Are you done with CHEMICALS yet? My son is ahead of me too.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Still had chemicals show up in round 4.
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
ok [Frown] I was hopping they were gone..but I guess is not that easy .

thanks for letting me know.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :

What are the type of reactions you are having from round to round.

Just want to know what type of things to expect...or to compare.

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Fatigue, smelly urine - that's about all I notice. Oh, and vivid dreams. Stop when I am not on the drops and come back when I am everytime.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Thanks Scott.

I haven't noticed any big symptoms, except possibly fatigue, as the past several days I have been extremely sleepy in the middle of the day.

It isn't the debilitating type of fatigue I used to feel with my ebv and active virusus, but I feel I need to take a nap. Then I"m rejuvinated. Not sure if this is related to the drops, but I am into week two of the first round.

Also lots of "not so nice" gas. My family is not appreciating my presence this week.

Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Thank you Nana...and everyone.... for your inspiring replies.

Do the folks at AI know what the co infections Babesia Bart?
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
I just got my results from the second saliva sample I sent right after I completed the first round of drops.

According to the results, I have ONLY TWO areas left to be corrected--some chemical toxins!!

I'm astounded!!

We'll see how the second round goes!


Cass A
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Just sending off for round 4.

I am expecting to be dealing with more chemicals in round 4 as well.

Cooper - I don't know the answer about co-infections.

If they are working on having the body return to a state that recognizes toxins, viruses etc., as "invaders" that have long been unrecognized, I can only guess that everything is addressed even if indirectly.

Have you tried emailing them with questions?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
LP - we'll have some fun on the phone when your biotensor arrives.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
CassA, how do you know that is all that is left? Did they specifically say that? They find things in layers. So that may be all that showed up, but it doesn't mean that is all that is left unless they somehow said that??
Posted by Tonglen (Member # 18472) on :
CassA, curious as to whether you feel any better after doing the AI drops? For example, any specific symptoms reduced? Thx!
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

Scott: OK--all that showed up in the second test was two chemicals that are named. It also says that 14 unnamed chemicals were found, but that these have been corrected already.

My first test had lots of substances with bad reactions, blockages in the spine, and much more!! The results from THIS test say that those are all fixed!

I was surprised that so little seemed left to deal with.

Anyway, I'm in an email conversation with Herr Grundmeyer about my results. He sent me something in incomprehensible English, so I've asked him to write to me in German, which I've studied in the past, so I can translate it myself.

If the 3rd test shows more to handle, well, that would be fine, too!

Tonglen: As for results, some things are better and some things are not. I've only done the first round, mind you.

At this point, my tinnitus is worse, and I now have some light vertigo again, which I've not had for about two years. However, my ability to think is much better, I have more stamina, and I seem more stable day to day.

My temperature still tends to be subnormal, and I do HAVE to take a nap at least once a day. Other annoying symptoms also persist at this point, but nothing debilitating.

Also, I've been off antibiotics now for a little over a month--I stopped Mepron/Zith at a good termination point and let the Zith exit my body before starting the AI drops.

I'm expecting the second set of drops to arrive within a few days!


Cass A
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Thanks for the updates everyone. This is SO helpful.

Two questions:

1. When you folks write to AI (Grundmeyer), do you just write in English or do you translate your message into German before you send it? (Seems like someone mentioned this but I can't find it.)

2. Has anyone noticed if symptoms they've had the longest seem to be the last ones to disappear? (I'm talking about things you can `feel', like tinnitus or anxiety or vertigo, etc.)
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
This kind of stuff is what is being referred to in the documentary, The Living Matrix. Addressing dysregulation seems to be where quantum, physics based medicine is going.

The documentary is fascinating. I am doing NMT and I do not know if it is as effective as or less effective than AI or NES for that matter, which is mentioned in the documentary and which did lead to one woman's healing.. (NES)..

But my body temp has gone up and my hair is not falling out. It could be the cowden herbs.. ??? I'm hanging in with it as the cost is relatively low. Neuromudulation Therapy. Then I plan to look into AI if I feel I need another kind of dysregulation therapy. Energetic drops with NES and AI as opposed to energy field therapy with NMT... all to address dysregulation.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I go to, write my message in English and hit, translate to German.

Then I cut and paste it into the text of the email to Mr. G.

I find he understands it better that way, but he sends his replies back in his own broken Engish, and sometimes it's hard to comprehand his exact meaning.

It may take a few attempts in emails to get the meaning, but he always replies.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Tracy - your second question:

I find I have revisited some of the first symptoms I had which had not been present for quite some time.

For the most part they have been brief visits but not pleasant most of the time. I am in hopes that my body was bidding them farewell.

As far as translategoogle goes- you can experiment with writing something in English and translating to see if it makes sense before you put it in an email.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
oops - what I meant was to translate it twice - English - German and then to English.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Thanks LP and Nana - yes, I knew what you meant, Nana. Good idea to 'double-check' the translation by translating it back to English. I would not have thought to do that.

[ 04-17-2009, 07:23 AM: Message edited by: Truthfinder ]
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
To those who have completed several courses of AI drops:

Do you feel it has really resolved issues at dna/cellular level? How can you tell?
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
I have finished round one of AI several weeks ago . I have never felt so fatieged and tired as I do now. I am most likely one of the sickest people doing AI on here. I have been diagnosed with M.S. for 19 years and several years ago with lyme and Mycroplasma.I am really hoping this is a good sighn such as feeling bad when one is herxing. Terri
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

As for translating my questions into German--I haven't tried that! I have, instead, worked to make the sentences very, very simple!! No commas. No phrases. Etc.

Then, I have him write back in German. I've used the Google translating engine on his replies, and (from my knowledge of German) these translations seem to be accurate.

I asked him if there was any evidence of Lyme in my second test. He said no--that I was free of Borreliosis now. He also asked for me to send him the results of any test I have done.

I don't know quite where to go with this datum. Since I have tested positive via IgeneX, Bowen Labs (twice--at the highest level!!), and the lab that replaced Bowen and have a low CD57, I really don't know what test I could do that would show if Lyme is gone NOW.



Cass A
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Kissis, I'm sorry to hear about the persisting fatigue..... have you written to AI and asked them if this is `normal'?

Also, since it has been `several weeks' since you finished round 1, do you plan to continue the treatment at some point?

All I can say about the `fatigue' thing is that when I have taken homeopathic remedies that worked well for me, I usually experienced profound sleepiness at first. This is considered a very good sign by homeopaths. But this `tiredness' usually does not persist longer than a couple of weeks, and usually there is some improved sense of well-being in the mental department (not necessarily in physical symptoms right away - mental improvements usually come first followed by physical improvement).

Cass, do you think they want `new' tests or `old' tests? It almost sounds like they would like to see any new tests to confirm their findings. (?)
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Tracy,

Yes, he clearly wants new tests. I had a new CD 57 test done about a month before starting the drops, and it was 36--the same as over a year ago!!! I've been treating for Babesia most of that time, and not Lyme.

I'm very interested in what test I should have done now, as my LLMD's plan was for me to go onto IV Rocephin next, plus Bicillin, to treat the Lyme!

Any suggestions????


Cass A
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
No, Truthfinder I have not written to inquire but it's not a bad idea. But from reading others exp. it sounds similar. I think I just feel extra weak and tired because I usualy am but never at this degre. I just sent in my second test so I will be doing round two when they arive.I payed out big bucks for me so I am going to stick this out while crossing my fingers.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Does anyone know what these drops have done for GiGi at this point? I'm sure some of you still talk to her. [Smile]
Posted by Lymic (Member # 19335) on :
Does anyone know if the drops would expire if not immediately used after receiving them? That is, can I use them a month after receiving them and expect the same potency? Thank you.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I think they are ok a few weeks after you get them since some get stuck in the mail for that long at time, but you might ask.

As for GiGi, she no longer posts here so I don't think we will get further updates from her sadly.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
That's a good question about timing of receipt and taking the drops. Please post when you find out!

Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
I'm going crazy here: I have still not gotten my drops!

They got my payment for 395EU on March 9th and emailed me my analysis the next day. I was told that the remedy would be sent out the 11th.

After waiting a few weeks, I emailed again. This time, I was told they were mailed on March 14th.

On April 6th, I asked them to re-send. They said they would do it the following day.

It is now April 22nd and still no drops. [Frown]
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :

I had a bad sore throat with my first round of drops, too. It was very sore and very red, and I also had a few tonsil stones. No sign of white spots in my throat, and no other cold or flu symptoms at that time.

The sore throat started just a day or two after I started the drops. It lasted for about 3 weeks, at which time I caught a cold (air travel, lack of sleep, extremely stressful situation). That is almost all better now and the sore throat is gone.

I mailed the second saliva sample just over a week ago, and am awaiting my 2nd report and 2nd round of drops.

Posted by kplyme (Member # 15317) on :
Thanks, Nutmeg. We're on the same schedule.....I too sent my sample back a week ago and am waiting for round 2 and the report. I'm Celiac and tried eating some gluten and I can report that problem has not been cleared.
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
Scott !Question for you !

Did you cleared your metals yet and chemicals.CASSA it seems you are an easy case with less bloackages....NOT my case !I still have to clear many things.

I hope I can clear the bloackages in my spine as WELL one day .

Kissis ..YEs the first round was very tough for me ...even emotionaly ..I could feel things released from MY brain and was in almost tears for NO REASON.

Even on the second round I ended up in bed once i took the drops and was very fatigue as WELL.I have SO many chemical and toxins to release..

One thing IS fascinating.The test with the vials about the ones that show that have been cleared from AI drops ( answers) do really test negative while I tested with biotensor and with pendulum.

OVer the time I could see the paterns of mercury going from high low and more lower...WAS amazing...The ones that I have not clear yet..still show positive...

HAS anybody reached the point of clearinng MIASM , or HAVE had LOW enzymes ...have they been regulated yet in theri case ..I am curious as it will really take me longer to get there than most cases ?
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Just sent in for round two as well for me and my daughter.

The only noticeable clearing for us with round one is lessened anxiety and depression.

We never eat gluten usually, so haven't tried to see if there is a difference after 1st treatment.

One thing I wonder about that may be related, my daughter has lost her taste for meat completely and has asked me to only give her vegetarian food. She says she cannot mentally think of eating meat. And her tastes have changed over the past month.WE don't eat much meat as a family anyway, but this is a new thing.

Just received my biotenser today, so I will learn to check some things with this.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Metals for me did not show up after round 2. Chemicals were in round 2, 3, and 4. I am sending off today for round 5. So it seems that chemicals have been much more of an issue than metals from their testing. We'll see what comes up next. I had a remarkable result on my latest Environmental Polutants panel showing that I am dumping major amounts of toxins according to the doctor and I attribute it to AI.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
That's great news Scott! Seems like the chemicals remain an issue for me as well although so far the number of them hasn't been as high as I thought it might be. Waiting for #4 and will see what they come up with.

I would like to get tested as I feel like a LOT of toxins have moved out. I tested very strongly for binders throughout #3 and want to see what has been accomplished in these past 4 months (other than the things I can feel).

I had wheat and gluten show up on #1 but I am able to eat it now without feeling insane! I am not overindulging as it will take some time for my gut to heal and I don't want to burden it much right now.

LP - interesting about the meat. I am a meat eater and I have major cravings for meat and salt all the time now. Particularly when I feel metals on the move.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Just got test results that I have PKU, or
Kryptopyrroluria. This is the genetic and some believe acquired detox problem.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

Wondering if AI therapy can regulate this?

Of if I should take the PKU therapy along with the AI drops:

consisting of large doses of Zinc, Maganese, B-6, Borage and Black Current (Omega -6 fatty acids)

Any thoughts?

Posted by AndrewInCA (Member # 2010) on :

PKU and Kryptopyrroluria are two different things. Were you saying you weren't sure which one you had, or that they are the same thing?

This is interesting because Healers Who Share diagnosed me with PKU several months ago and I am in the middle of treatment with that specific remedy from them.

The therapy you mention is for Kryptopyrroluria. Dr. K warns that if you do this therapy, you must supplement with copper as well to keep the zinc from activating HSV.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Sorry, my keyboarding is bad sometimes.

It's KPU which my ND told me stands for Kryptopyrroluria.

I don't really know much about it except for what I google. Dr. K told my ND that a good number of his lyme patients are positive for this inability to naturally detox. What is PKU?
And what is HSV?

I"ll mentin the copper to my ND when I see her on Monday to discuss the treatment.

I'm waiting for a response from A.I to see if I should treat this during the AI therapy.

This sequencing of treatments gets confusing to me.
Posted by AndrewInCA (Member # 2010) on :

I agree - figuring out how to sequence treatments is as hard as figuring out which treatments to do.

PKU is Phenylketonuria. If I have it, it is in a mild form as a don't exhibit major symptoms.

HSV is Herpes Simplex Virus.

To read an article which contains Dr. K's view on Kryptopyrroluria (and the zinc/copper issues) go here and click on "Click here for full article":
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Thanks AndrewinCA!
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Waiting now for round 5 and feeling very optimistic that the AI drops are making some nice shifts.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
great to hear. I'm waiting for round 4. There was definitely some major chemical-dumping for me in last round
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
For AI drop-users in the US, how do you pay AI the $10 they request for postage?

I had to send the 2nd sample when I was out of town with no computer and no checkbook, so I didn't pay the postage fee they asked for this time. I do want to pay it, though.

The letter that came with round #2 of the drops today says to pay with postage or a bank note. I doubt they want US postage stamps. Not sure what a bank note is--do they mean a personal check, cashier's check, money order, or what? And do they really want US funds?

I thought about asking them to invoice me through PayPal. What is everyone else doing?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I've been sending them $10 through paypal. It's easy to set up an account and you just send the money to their email address. That way they don't have to invoice you.

I send them an email giving them a heads up that I have sent payment.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I do it through PayPal as well.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Thank you, Nana and Scott. I will do it that way through PayPal.

Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
I finally got my drops this morning. Does anyone know if they should be stored specially, ie. kept in a dark cupboard?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Yay! I just keep mine out of direct sun.
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
So, I started AI yesterday and this morning I had a head full of clear mucus. I've been sneezing and blowing my nose constantly.

Also, my bowels are loose -which is a big change for chronically-constipated me.

I'm not sure if all this is due to AI or coincidental. I'm wondering if anyone else had a similar reaction with it.
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
I put them in refrigirator .
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Zombie, how will you know which is from the AI and which is from cumulative effects of the Progurt working?

In any case, I'd like to get the drops you got. [Smile]
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I never understand why people need to know which is from one thing vs. another. If you take a multi-vitamin and it makes you feel good, do you need to know which of the 100 things in it helped you? As long as you feel better, what does it matter? If you take every potentially helpful treatment and only do them serially when something like Progurt takes a year and something like AI takes a year, you may be delaying your pain and suffering for a long, long time.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
The thing to know would be if one new treatment would be counterproductive if added to another ongoing treatment.
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
Originally posted by lymeparfait:
The thing to know would be if one new treatment would be counterproductive if added to another ongoing treatment.

I really can't see how taking a probiotic like Progurt would interfere with AI... It's a food, not a drug.

Also, I have been using Progurt for 3 weeks but suddenly had liquid diarrhea the day I began AI. It just caused me to wonder.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Thanks, Zombie - that's the clarification I needed. I wasn't quite sure if the Progurt had STOPPED working and you were back to your old, `abnormal' self or what.

Yes, LP - I agree.

Usually, I'll know within 10 days how I am reacting to something new. But because my symptoms fluctuate anyway, combined with `incomplete evacuation' and `mechanical slow-transit constipation', it may take longer to understand the effect in the GI department. People who don't have this problem can't relate to it, understandably. Nevertheless, it is a critical consideration for me, personally.
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
I still think Progurt is great stuff but AI is working on a much deeper level.

According to my first AI analysis, my 2 worst problems are:

1 toxic body burden by recirculating heavy metals
2 dysfunctions/acute blockages in intestines

I strongly feel that the AI drops are resolving these issues.

I have not had a loose BM in YEARS. Since starting the drops 4 days ago, I've been having 2-3 every day.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Well I started round two of the drops on Monday, I think I got to three times a day once then down to twice a day and today only one time. The problem is it is making my Trigeminal Neralgia, extreme mouth pain act up. I have written to A1 to see if doing it only once a day will still benifit me and if because of dosing scedual should I take them longer than the two weeks.

It is definitly doing somthing to me, those 5 little drops are very powerfull !
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I agree that probiotics and the AI are fine to take together. It was just a general comment about making sure we all are careful, and understand what we are taking together and why.

Some are novices here, and others are more educated in protocols. We are all learning from each other as well. It's a good thing!

I am still waiting for my round two of AI, but am on the Progurt and the KPU protocol for Dr. K.

I am having some unique things going on. I still have constipation, and now I am getting loads of candida in my mouth! It looks like cottage cheese and is sticky.

I am also curious if the candida release is causing my constipation. Bowels are light yellow light brownish when they appear!

Anyone else have this?

Just wondering if this is from the AI or the Progurt or KPU? Or the combo of it all.

I don't really have to know what thing is producing the candida dumping...but I am very curious as always about new positive things with my body, and am happy something I can actually see is being released.

Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
My goodness - everyone seems to have such unique - and sometimes surprising - reactions. I would be SO tempted to take a homeopathic remedy for some of this - like Kissis with the Trigeminal Neuralgia flare - but that's NOT allowed on the AI, I guess.

(Please let us know what the AI folks says, Kissis.)

Very disconcerting for me about NO remedies; it's like taking away my security blanket.

LP, yellow stool can be several things: rapid transit through the GI tract, insufficient bile secretions, certain parasites, eating a lot of rice.... pretty big list. And maybe that candida thing would cause it - I don't know about that one. That's amazing about the candida `dumping' in your mouth.....!
Posted by nyjohn (Member # 15361) on :
hi ellen,
according to classical homeopathy texts,
mucus and loose bowels being released from the body is good and it's a sign that you have been given a correct remedy. it means things are releasing/regulating.
so that's good!
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
When you are in AI drops the best is not to be on any homepathic formula I was said.

The reason it to let the body take the entire information and let it do the job.

Also when you take the first drops the body is taking that information as putting it in action ( have tested as when you reach like 10 days on drops the information is about 80 % in the body ) .At the very last few days your body has already takne most of it and start working ( even though was working even before ) but now is adapting strongly to it.

I have tested how mercury was letting released from me as I was taking the drops.Over time ...yes as metals are first that came into my FINDINGS ( due to the bridges) ..I started cleaning them and my candida came up worst.

I knew that as the metals were released I have only one job to do..testing for binders..

I used to test VERY VERY HIGH on A/C in the begining.

ALMOST 2 months in a row.Now I almost do not test for it at all.

If you are having Yeallow /orange Bm than means your liver is not producing enough biles due to the parasites , infections that have already bloacked the liver before drops started .

Also somtimes is so much dumping of the metals released and your liver is not able ( due to the previous inflamation /inflection load) to process some more ...toxins released.

You need to bind them .Avoiding ( if you can) homepathics ( are a NO when in AI drops) ...and medications as well..but when your body needs them desperatly -I was told you can take them.

It is just the fact that will not let the body receive 100% of the information.

I did the treatment on diferent aproach the first and second time testing as I was doing them to undertand the level of working and what was doing .As i was doing other things..I noticed based on testing that I did not reached 100% in the first round as they were interfiering as I did on the second ROUND.

I was able to be off everything ..besides a few symtoms that were scary before I started the second treatment ..knowing that I wanted my body to receive all the information and everything you take is interfiering with it and I also got the answer that I can be off everything the second round .It came out TRUE.

BEcause I tested and saw myself to be true..I managed to not do any kind of treatment with second round.My information was completly absorbed the second round.

I know is hard to do when you already have too much going on and the body is already off balance due to the high levels of toxins and inflamation and you are already off balance.I am talking about the ones that are very sick with active infections and have many bloackages already.

THE DROPS worked 100% and I managed to be off every thing on the second round.

Overtime I also was able to test with vials( that I have had handy as I ordered them exactly as it came in my sons test) ...all the things that originaly came out positive on him came in my case when my drops started I have had them handy to see how my body was affected as I was taking the drops.

I have had handy all the vials and saw how once my body received the information I am releasing them , even the percentage and organs .I could see them overtime droping in percentage ...

Funny that I wanted to do DMSA and ALA a while ago ..and could not due to the hig level of inflamation but now I TEST NEGATIVE on them as I do not need them .

My body has already released mercury from the brain and other cells....over the time ..and now I am no longer having mercury bloackages .THIS IS WHEN MY LYME and ALL COINFECTIONS TESTED STRONGLY negative from MY LLMD last week.

I tested my daughter that has not done the AI.She was positive on MERCURY and tested positive in ALA and DMSA.

The drops definitly helped.I also noticed that every time I treat I see that I wake up a few bugs of borrelia.When the body releases the chemicals and metals...a few CYST that were hiding in them are activated.

I will mention as when I was very high on load of BORRELIA in my brain ( neuro) I was very high on mercury in my brain level 10 from 1-10 and the same amount of borrelia ( ART) my ND that first diagnosed me when still have not seen an ND and done IGENEX at that time.

So releasing them from our body is a MAJOR step as the bugs might be in remission hiding..but can come back.I really am glad so far on what I see with the drops .Hope continues further.

I do not have anymore chemical sensitivety and when I woke on the stores the smells DO NOT BOTHER me any more ( it used to be aproblm e for me for over a decade) even though I have 100% babs/protozoa and other infections lurking in me..but seems that the body can handle them way much better now that the chemicals and food alergies and metals are going down in my case.

I also tested for the bread yesterday ( even though I ate all the time before but I could feel that was making me sick after).I could eat and I was allowed to have with no side efects one piece of grain bread.2 was not OK but ONE was FINE with no problem.ANd I felt no diference at all.BEFORE I could not as it will made me sick and I would feel like enchephalitic in my brain .

So my for son .I also noticed I am craving BUTTER and MEAT....and have noticed that this are great BINDERS in my case when my body is releasing them .MY BM and digestive track seems to recover.Before when I was very sick could not touch butter and meat as I was not ready to digest my digestive track is better I am craving for it .

At my sickest I was in juicing as my gut was acting out on anything I was liver was exsploding ( insipte of 5 liver flushes and many parasites killing I HAVE HAD DONE) .

I have not tried PROGURT yet,that will be in my future.I also tested very low in probiotics.Interesting as before I needed up to 15 sometimes a day due to the inflamation.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Well I got a reply back from A-1 and he said 5 drops 2 x a day will surfice for 2 weeks. I just hope I can make it through the pain.I can barly talk and eating is like torture with this TN . Please guys tell me this is worth it ? I feel like I have to tough this out.
Posted by shimmy (Member # 15883) on :
HI Alv

It was really interseting to read your post, esp re the mercury ... great news you are no longer testing positive to chelation for mercury. Will you have any more testing done to verify this or do you feel for sure this problem has gone?

I've decided that I'm going to switch over to AI as Ive been really encouraged by everyone's posts here.

Ive been doing NES ( for a few months and prior to that Field Control Therapy and they do all seem to work in a very similar way, eg on the DNA level and quantum physics level and giving the body the correct information, but it will be more practical and cost effective for me to do AI.

I know I still have a mercury problem and a big detox problem so it will be interesting to see what comes up in the test and how I get on with the drops having tried the other two approaches.
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
One thing SHIMMY!

I am not wasting any more dollar to test.I have been around ANDREW CUTLERS forum 3 years ago.I was not ready for it than.I meet another doctor that aplies it at MY BIOLOGIST dentist.

He would not address the MERCURY if you have a LEAKY GUT.

So I did things one at a time.I reduced the inflamation based in ART , worked on keeping my kidney , liver top work status, cleaned parasites non stop for 3 years( will be a maintanace for the rest of my life) I was doing AI ...I found NO NEED for CHELATION.

If my immune system is picking it up and releasing it on its own why do I need to do it.

If the IMMUNE SYSTEM takes the info to correct the ERROR of not recognizing MY MERCURY as a problem...and now is working to get it out..than WHY do I have to go any further.

I have used tablespoon of CLorella and CILANTRO for mercury but seems that AI works in very deeper level ..and my imune is doing its job itself when he was suposed to do it since in the begining.My leaky gut and my kidney back than could not handle the release of more mercury .

THE FIRST thing that I invested on my health 3 years 1/2 ago was REMOVING MY MOLLARS , root canals...did not try to save any of them and all the bridges and fillings over life time .I did not know about lyme than BUT I knew based on HULDA CLARCK that every cronic disease should start from that treatment.

Also my teeth were hurting LIKE hell than .i have been compleining from my jaw for almost 15 year.No one could figure it out.

I was done with MANY types of EXSPLANATIONS from EVERY surgeon and profesor that I have seen in regards to the JAW.NO one even cared to see if there was any cronic inflamation going on .I feel they are a JOKE !!!

ONLY the BIOLOGIST dentist gave me a hint when he saw my mouth that there was a CRONIC inflamation to get at that POINT -while the regular DENTIST was telling me to use tothpaste for SENSITIVE TEETH.Are you kidding me sensitive teeth ?They were hurting like hell!!!They were sensitive for over a decade.

I also have later a MERCURY tatto surgical removal.Beilive it or not 2 years ago..bugs liked to hang at the mercury tatto.I had to do the second surgical removal to another surgeon that knew about lyme and still was trying to convince me that THE TATTO is not doing anything to me.

Seems that THE MERCURY has been licking in my jaw for decades ..since a kid and even though MY BIOLOGIST dentist scraped it ...he could not scrape any further.I have had BONNE mass loss due to the infaction that HANGED out exactly there.

My rest of frontal teeth that never had a ROOT canal and never got filling are left and they are very strong right now.So yes mercury there and bugs were going handy together.

I probably will continue showing chemicals from injections( as I have done SO MANY to fix my mollars and CREATE exspensive BRIDGES THOUSAND of DOLLARS wasted -WHO KNEW ?) and I was killing myself .

I am not going to waste MONEY to proove this and THAT as long as I test negative energeticly for anything.

I tested with BIOTENSOR and with Pendulum.AI goes even deeper that this two and ART as well.

Only by testing I got to where I am .I never did anything that IS NOT TESTING for ME.Inspite of MY LLMD wanted me to try.ONCE I knew I was alergic to CEPHARIN( that was the only time I did not tested for it with my llmd ) as MY LLMD wanted to try KETEK and this ( I did not had the drugs with me and was first time trying )....

I told MY LLMD I was alergic ( tested in germany as I could not use it a decade ago) .My LLMD did not beilive me or better say thought I was having a herx.

I was really scared and took it but instead of the whole dosage I took 1/2 .In two weeks I start caughing and I looked as ASTHMA atack.

Since than I never ever tried anything without testing it in my body .VERY SIMPLE as that .WHen my body said NO for one thing I never took it.I move on to the one that TESTED positive only .So I based my progress only on TESTING whatever was the thing that I was using, herbs, homepathic, drugs, vitamins every thing.

Back than I did not master any of test.I was too SICK but was still trying and was not giving up but not trusting myself either.

I went to MY ND that is master on TESTING .I tested and MY ND said NO WAY ..your body said BIG NO.CALLED my LLMD to let know that was killing me and making ME WORST!

The money I spent on vials ( out of curiosity ) to FIND if it was WORTHIT on what it says is doing was enough for me to continue .

YES I test it as I needed to know if this really is working.So I ordered all the vials that MY SON tested previous to me POSITIVE.Than I ordered some mines.

Over the treatment of the begining ...I could see the levels droped.It took over a month to see that my body was releasing mercury ...THIS IS ALL I CARE!!!

The confirmation that I test NEGATIVE for DMSA and ALA and I test negative to take it IS GOOD ENOUGH for me.

You can all draw your own conclusion and make your own decision.For me was enough to see what is working .

Brussels beilives on what she is doing as SHE KEEP testing NON stop.It took time but I did not give up to master it and I am glad I did.
Posted by lymeberry (Member # 20102) on :
Is it super important to do the drops before Bionic treatment or would it work to do the drops after treatment?
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
It works no matter when you do it, but I am told there is a possibility you may not need the bionic treatment after the AI drops.

AI will clear many things, so after treatment you will know where you stand and what is left to work on if anything!

Most doing the AI therapy had already been to Germany and had the bionic treatment first. Since I had to cancel my trip to Germany in March, it was recommended to me to start the drop therapy first. I also added the Progurt Therapy.

So I am now doing the AI drops, and may do the bionic at a future time.

Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :

That would be wonderful if it were true, but allergie-immun is also finding new allergies as they go along & constantly updating their database. In my case, the AI has been helpful but doesn't eradicate physically-expressed allergies completely. For example, I am still allergic to gluten and even after my heavy metals allergies were supposedly "cleared", the progurt still sequestered heavy metals, I'm still finding deposits of mercury in areas like my pharynx, and I still tested positive for a tuberculosis homeopathic despite "clearing" this allergy too.

I am not bashing this therapy as I think it has been very helpful for jump-starting re-regulation of cellular communication (which is really the end goal), but it can't do it all by itself.

It would be wise to do this before the bionic tho, as it will certainly make photon treatment less redundant and more productive.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
Speaking of which.. just got my round 4 back. 6 chemical substances and 3 energetic blockages. woohoo
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
Hi Alv,

Just wondering how long you have been doing AI and how many rounds you have completed.

My integrative doc feels that metals are my no. 1 issue and wants me to begin iv chelation asap.

I'm seeing him in 2 days and will get the results of my edta challenge then.

I'm thinking I want to hold off on chelating until after my next AI results come back...
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
I would not mess up on any of the IV.I have done so many things before I did AI.HAVE finished the 2nd round and I showed up metals for the very first time.

I beilive that many things I have done have helped my body in one way or the other ..I have done major things..and killing also COinfections..before doing the drops.Left with a few now.

If AI was the last thing I needed than so be it.I am not OK with IV again and never was.I would go for DMSA or DMPS and ALA based on ANDREWS CUTLER protocoll as the safest.You can not play with mercury .

I have done through trial and errors many mistakes..and I can not recomend this to people.

If your body has too many infections..going on they need to be addressed as well and have your kidney and GUT top function get them out...

We are all diferent and is very hard to match one with the other.

Some have done some protocoll and some not and the priorities of the treatment are difernt from one or the other due to the DIFERENCE of all the reason we are sick .

My point is ..when I was sick ...and DID major KILLING of BUGS...I have had to stop KILLING for 2 MONTHS.I needed to open up my kidney and bind the metals .It was like playing hide and sick .

Too many things going on at the same time and MY ND had to change the protocoll to keep me alive and bind the metals that WERE RELEASED ( due to MAJOR killing I DID without knowing I have had LYME and coinfections ).

I have been doing almost 4 years cleansing and HERXING non stop.

So I really can not allow myself compare with somebody that has just got bit or had never had mercury on his mouth.You really need somebody to guide but based on your BODIES priority and needs.

The BODY can handle SO MUCH and can CLEAN a CERTAIN amount.I noticed that too much inflamation and infections going around..than the liver is cloged and can not get them out quckly it will take time.

MY SON for instance ..he did not have mercury alergy and HE never showed MERCURY with my ND ...but he still is slowly detoxing as I CAN NOT BE agreasive with him .He is just a KID.So he is cleaning very slowly also due to the fact he has more active coinfections as I DO and a slow second phase of the LIVER .

ALSO I did 5 liver flushes that allowed me to go with higher dosages comparing to any other person while my son had hard to deal with certain amount.
HIs liver is cloged and ispite of doing many was never ready to detox any of the kinds of toxins fast.

I am strugling with him and be patient.

I WAS WAY AGREASIVE with MY SELF On my treatment for 4 years.I was LUCKY that HAVE done major cleansing before I found out about LYME.MY LLMD said YOU ARE READY TO KILL once learned on what I have done.

This might as well be the reason I was OFF antibiotics on 19 months when I have seen people at MY LLMD office that THEY have had PORTERS in their chest for 5 years and THEY WERE NEVER SICK as IN MY CASE.I was more severely sick than ANYBODY ELSE.They still are in Antibiotics.

I decided to aproach with a diferent treatment as I did as I DID not accepted to STAY On antibiotics all my life.NO WAY .I used every thing I COULD to be on top of INFECTIONS and DETOX.

So DETOXING has been non stop for almost since 4 years ago.BINDERS have been in my system non stop.

I have had the disease ALL MY LIFE and HAVE all the coinfections of EUROPE AND USA!THink about that .
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
Thanks Alv,

I will bring my AI analysis + booklet with me when I see my dr. and I will ask to hold off on chelation for the time being.

He seems like he is open minded -he trained in Germany and speaks the language fluently.

I strongly feel that AI is doing something for metals -I have that metallic taste in my mouth since starting the drops 5 days ago.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Reading these posts back and forth makes me realize I'm in a whole different world. I am absolutely clueless about all this testing, metals, etc. If it truly takes all that to get better, I'm a dead man. [Frown]
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I've completed Round 2 of the AI drops now, and am waiting the week to send in the new sample for Round 3, per the written instructions.

I just had a CD-57 test done, and it came back at 48. The last two, first done in 2007 and then in December 2008, were both 36--exactly the same level. So, it appears to be coming up!

I've been taking my temperature more regularly, and it is still trending subnormal, with few readings in the 98 and above area.

I had some previous symptoms that had disappeared start up and then go away: vertigo, headaches, runny nose, back pain.

A lump I've had in my arm for years is now nearly gone.

Tinnitus is worse.

Thinking and ability to persist in a task requiring thinking are BETTER!

I have more appetite--the body wants to be fed!

I'm still having to take a nap every afternoon, and have some insomnia.

I am continuing to take the vitamins and minerals relating to seizures and severe leg cramps, but no herbs and no homeopathics.

Also, I do take the methylation factors, chlorella, and zeolite to help get toxins out of the body, which I was doing before I started the AI drops. I also started a mild pro-biotic a few days ago.

I'm planning to take some anti-fungal stuff after I send off my test sample while waiting for the next round of drops to arrive.


Cass A
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Thanks for the AI reports all!

Joey, I appreciate your candor, as we all go along more is being revealed to us following your footsteps as to exactly what AI can do for each individual.

Do you believe it has to do with what disregulation was inherited, and deep in DNA, versus what was acquired as far as what is cleared? For example, have you heard of anyone ever cleared long term with the gluten intolerance allergy?

Any way, the only disregulation clearing I believe my daughter and I have truly experienced is emotional clearing of anxiety and depression. It appears to be directly related to AI.

Whether that remains is to be seen. But in my daughter, it has been dramatic and positive. A complete turn around.

We have not received our reports after round one, and have not tried gluten to test yet.

Also, does anyone have a good , mild detox protocol or product that would be easy for a teen to do along with AI.? She still gets migrains and does have symptoms of recirculating toxins. Would love to give her some relief.

Thanks, LP
Posted by shimmy (Member # 15883) on :
Hi Alv

Thanks very much for your reply. Its very interesting that you dont need to chelate, thats great. I totally understand where you are coming from regarding tests. I think its great that you persevered and trusted yourself with the testing and that has worked for you. I am not confident enough to do that for myself yet but my practitioner does dowse for me.

I know HC's protocol has worked for a lot of other people too...though I only did her parasite treatment for a short while myself.

Thanks again, all the best with your treatments!

Posted by shimmy (Member # 15883) on :
Originally posted by m0joey:

In my case, the AI has been helpful but doesn't eradicate physically-expressed allergies completely. For example, I am still allergic to gluten and even after my heavy metals allergies were supposedly "cleared", the progurt still sequestered heavy metals, I'm still finding deposits of mercury in areas like my pharynx, and I still tested positive for a tuberculosis homeopathic despite "clearing" this allergy too.

Hi Joey,

Thanks for this post.

Just a question about the metals, I dont know if I've understood this correctly as I havent started AI yet but presumably even though the AI has helped to clear the blockage ... so your body now knows how to deal with the metals ... but presumably this doesnt necessarily mean that your body HAS cleared the metals completely as they are still hanging around, but rather that it is just going to take some more time to get rid of them now that it has the right information?? Does that make sense?? Is that how it works or were you expecting to have gotten rid of the metals completely by now?

It is disappointing to hear that you still have the gluten & TB allergy that were supposed to have cleared. Maybe the gluten allergy is related to the metals still being there. I appreciate that you have still found the AI helpful tho.

All the best, Anne.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I have been using the biotensor to test myself, although I am not proficient in it's use. So I keep retesting the same statements each day!

I have been getting the same responses.

When I state that my body has mercury and heavy metals, it is a strong yes.

When I state that the metals are being removed now with AI, it says a no.

When I further state that my body needs to remove these metals now it says a stronger no.

When I then state that my body is regulating with the AI for metal and re-circulating toxin removal, it says a strong yes.

When I state that AI therapy is strongly helping my body regulate detox pathways and deep allergies, it says a strong yes.

When I state that my body has KPU, the blockage in the detox pathway, it give a strong yes.
(I have started that protocol for KPU as well)

When I state my body is preparing to remove these substances naturally now, it is a strong yes.

When I state I need binders for metals while on AI and the PKU protocol it is a strong no.

(this one confuses me) But as it appears I am not releasing metals yet, I do not need the binders.

I am hoping to be releaseing the metals. It's not like me to not be prepared to mop up so I am very tempted to take mercury binders and detox just to be safe. But my testing says no.

IF I take them, I may do harm and cause them to recirculate I speculate.

When I was ART tested with my ND, she did not get a yes for binders. I also thought this was strange. She said my KPU protocol tests strong without binders.

Scott and others take many binders and they test strongly for them.

So I must be very blocked for detox. And I feel I must test regularly to know when I need to add binders and when my metals are starting to be moved.

Hopefully this will change over time, but even my AI test shows no heavy metals in round 1, so it will be interesting to see if muscle testing and my biotenser confirm what the test results say.

We are all different too, so it's good to compare, but know that we cannot expect the same results as others.

Any thoughts?

Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
I am just guessing, but I think that AI cannot be a miracle treatment if done by itself. I can't see how all allergies would disappear suddenly if the load of pathogens + toxins (heavy metals included) are not lowered at the same time.

I just feel that AI has to be done in years rather than months together with killers + heavy metal detox to be REALLY effective on the allergy side.

I am not an allergic type of person, but every time I get active borrelia (I mean, with symptoms) my body gets more and more allergic to foods, like wheat, spelt, milk, and many fruits and vegetables. I've seen that at least 3 times now to be sure my allergies are caused by some disfunction caused by borrelia itself.

It could be a mechanism borrelia does to lower immunity OR it could be a consequence of lower immunity caused by borrelia. The result is though to the advanatage of borrelia, not to my side.

Once borrelia gets dormant (or a bit before it), all these allergies also disappear for me. But I've never been a long term allergic person as I said before.

My daughter was though born allergic (before borreliosis) and her food allergies are now all clear. Like husband's allergies (he's never got lyme), that he got since he was a baby, are now clear (for food).

At the same time, he's MORE allergic to sun, while my daughter is reacting strong now to insect bites and to pesticides (with strong allergic reactions).

We are all with saliva products at home (NOT AI, but self made). My FEELING is exactly what Joey suggests, that while many allergies go for good (I see that with astonishment with my daughter, like shrimp allergy, milk allergy simply vanished), others seem to appear or increase in power.

My feeling with that is exactly like with NAET and other allergy dissentization techniques.

There's something BEHIND allergies to treat.

With NAET, it doesn't last longer. I also used MFT dissentization, it also wears after time.

In our case, psychological issues are constantly being treated and I do feel our psyc 'load' is small now, SO I suspect most of our problems are still high load of toxins (heavy metals, specially) which carry high loads of pathogens (dormant or active), which are themselves very 'allergenic' because they're caustic.

Unless we don't continue our heavy metal detoxing (and other substances detoxing), the allergic cycle will not break for good, if you see what I mean.

Even though, it is wonderful that my family now is not allergic to foods, and I do believe that the number of allergies is diminishing.

I'm not saying AI doesn't work. Not at all. I guess it makes a wonderful marriage to other modes of treatment, by what I am reading here, but I can't see how it could be THE solution for allergies.

I also feel my saliva products are working, but it's not a solo treatment again, in my feeling. I'm not stopping taking them, because I also see deep changes going on.

But I am continuing steadily with trying to correct the milieu for us.

These are just hypotheses, but that is how I feel these type of allergy dissentization treatments.

It's just a feeling as I'm not doing AI, just following the thread.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Where there are no toxins, there are no infections. If the AI drops can drive down the level of toxins, they in theory would also support a lowering of infection.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
Agree with Scott..all goes back to Klinghardt's axiom doesn't it? AI gets to root of disease by giving our cells the right "information" via biophtons. In The Living Matrix, the consensus by researchers & doctors on the frontier is that disease is essentially a distortion of information, or a lack of coherence in the body.

Maybe after the treatment is complete, gluten allergy wouldn't be there anymore, I don't know. I think it is definitely in the DNA because my father who is not sick has similar allergies to me for whatever reasons that built up through the generations: lack of oxidation, emotions, toxins, etc. But the AI is, once again, jump-starting us with the right information... like NAET or other energetic treatment, it can't supply that information 24/7. The end goal is to enable our bodies to supply that information intrinsically... and for that to happen we need to be clear of both energetic and physical blockages (as Brussels said)
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Sorry, I think I didn't then understand that most people here with the AI drops are then releasing toxins (heavy metals included) from storage places WITHOUT any chelating agents (only binders) ??

If so, then it WOULD then be a solo treatment that would theoretically work for lyme disease and any other chronic condition involving infections, right?

The use of photons and the Bionic to detox heavy metals is then out (or secondary to the AI)?

I'm just trying to understand it better... So, if I understood well, the AI is being used here as a MAIN treatment (and mostly SOLO treatment as people are not taking many supplements together), that theoretically is supposed to solve most of our problems in the deepest level (toxins, blockages, then indirectly, infections)?

If I remember well from the beginning of the thread, people were speaking of a total of 6 rounds or so...

I'm just trying to understand in a time frame, it means that in 5-6 months maximum all these disregulations/ toxin loads we carry, some even since birth, would be then mostly solved in this time frame?

By your experiences with the AI for a few months now, do you all feel this is possible to reach in this time frame, not only theoretically?

I'm just wondering if my body could dump all these toxins in 6 months only, if I would survive!

Or do you feel it is NOT a one time treatment, but it could involve some other corrections from other treatments in between, then possibly having to come back to AI drops later in the future (let's say, in a year)?
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
There will be lots of opinions on this and no absolutes at this stage. So people will have to continue trying these treatments themsevles and forming conclusions. It would be unwise of me or anyone else just 4 or 5 rounds into AI to comment on whether or not it would work alone - no one knows. Call and talk with the AI team.
Posted by shimmy (Member # 15883) on :
I find this whole subject really fascinating and I'm going to order The Living Matrix soon too.

For anyone interested, the NES site has some really fascinating articles written by Peter Fraser who is interviewed in The Living Matrix. They are specific to the NES approach but still well worth reading as its on the same subject of quantum physics theory as the theoretical background to how the body regulates information flow eg Integrating Physics and Biology - The Coming Medical Revolution.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear LP,

A very simple, gentle detox proceedure uses the symplified methylation factors protocol and chlorella.

Basically, you take detox baths for a month or so.

Then, you take the lowest possible doses of the methylation factors once a day before going to bed. You start out with a few of the Chlorella from BioPure (Dr. K's products) before a meal, and add some slowly, backing down if you get any nausea, and staying at the same level if you get any other reaction.

You go with this, until you reach 30 chlorella, as I recall. Then, you can stay at 15 per day, taken 30 minutes before eating.

This is very gentle, and helps the body to get the toxins out of the cells.

There are other threads about this here at Lymenet--under "methylation," as I recall.


Cass A
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I agree with Scott that it is difficult for any of us to say for sure after 3,4 or 5 rounds of A I but I am strongly leaning toward this being a stand alone treatment. Just my PO.

I have asked what might happen if I were to find an embedded tick on me and I was told that I am far enough along with the remedies that my body will handle it.

This doesn't make me throw caution to the wind and I still wear my cute white outfit when gardening or working outside. But if this is correct, it's very encouraging.

In terms of gluten allergy, my impression is that we might clear the information about wheat or gluten with the first remedy but that does not mean the gut has healed.

The same with metals, I can clear the information so the metals are no longer being stored but if they all came out immediately,
it could very well kill me.

I believe I am releasing everything now at at rate my body can tolerate. I take binders when I test positively for them but I don't plan to take any chelating agents for now.

In fact, I am really not taking any of the 50 or so supplements I have laying around. Occasional magnesium, liver and kidney support when needed. That's about it.

If your detox pathways are blocked, isn't this something that will be found with testing through AI as well? They may not call it the same thing but my impression is that EVERYTHING is addressed at some point.

When I reach the point where they no longer find anything, I plan to retest at least once a year.

I am extremely pleased with the results I have had since starting this in January.

My only remaining issue (that I can physically feel) is like clockwork - twice a day I get a squeezing, pulling sensation in my face and eyes. This maybe chemicals, metals and or fungus being released and some days it doesn't happen at all.

I will be starting my 4th remedy in a day or so.
Posted by Alv (Member # 15192) on :
Yes Brussels!

I have been releasing the chemicals and metals and all I was doing was taking binders.

Every time I have my son on drops ..I test and smeell chemicals ( hope I am not offending anyone ) on his urine.

So did I when I am on the drops and I think that Scoot had the same reaction.My son has already DONE DETOX for the chemicals non stop with MY ND since 2006 and based on the test showed no more chemicals.The AI drops and test still shows that he has ( some are unknown) .He used for detox All germans homepathic formulas.

But AI is making his body corrections and releasing them now slowly -so for me .

The only thing that he test high is SOLIDAGO( his kidney ) due to the BABESIA (and gram negative infection) high in his case right now .I found he had more than one strain of babesia ( no wonder ).

My son lately tested negative for TREE and POLLEN homepathic formula first time ever .I am not sure killing infections or doing drops helped at this point but last year when he was on treatment and had finished chemicals detoxing he needed them to treat the allergies.

BUT he used to have allergies every year and he tested negative this year.Time will tell as now I can test myself.I am not at the end to give conclusion if that can work alone.

I doubt that people that have many active infections can handle alone just the drops..As we still are treating .

Let says ACTIVE babesia is not a joke and I still have to do other treatments to keep it down and try to do be off every thing on drops.

I also noticed that every time I am on DROPS lyme ( cyst) activate in my brain and I get a NO ANSWER to treat it.It shuts up by itself.Second time happened like this ( I have garini) .

So reducing chemicals or killing infections or taking the DROPS from AI I am not not sure what is doing the changes on his alergies ( as this was in connections since last year this time ) and we have done many things since than .

But one thing for sure he is negative as well as me in chemicals that I tested and he eats food ( grain ) non stop without problem.

Sometimes I try to find if GLUTEN alergy was the reason of infections getting a hold or alergies and bloackages comes first but seems like they go handy .

I also feel diferent reaction now.Before I used to feel a pulling sensation from the top of the head.Now I feel only on difernt part of my face and just a few random in my head ,mostly my face ( bells palsy ) and jaw where the root canals were infected and chemicals are hanging.

My eyes are open wide ( and relaxed) even though I still see floaters and I know that I still have some bugs.Seems that with less toxins the body can handle the infections ( left with 3 now from 13 active) .

Actually it took over 3 months to see the levels of metals droping.But I guess my body was able to handle and was the turn for my imune to release them due to less infections active in my body.

I feel like IF you have a HIGH active infections...the body will accumulate as it is very overwelmed by the toxins whichever type they are and ( mostly if you have errors on it) it does not have time to deal with them all , so we start accumulating , neurotoxins or chemicals that we have "ERRORS" for.

My body is exsposed to them 24/7 but now it seems that is not holding in the chemicals..and is releasing them.I do not test for SOLIDAGO or HEPATICA.I also treated yesterday and I tested only for 5 A/c after light treatment.

I usully tested for 15 non stop for 5 months( no kidding ) .And this after a long time aproaching on using clorella and cilantro ...or you name detox.I still continue doing SAUNAS as well.

I can not say that it can be as a stand alone as a protocoll ...I test and go with what is most beneficial.WHen I receive that in my case my body needs it and it will not interfier with the DROPS than I go for it in between the drops.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Cass A.
Thanks for your recommendations.
I have tested to take Chorella, and I get a strong no, yet my daughter gets a strong yes. She takes 15 day.

I don't know why I do not get a yes. It seems that Chorella would be as you say, a gentle way to insure I get help with the metals.

Every day I have been tempted to add it to my daily regime, but then I stop myself , due to my biotenser testing.

There is a chance that I need to get my liver cleansed first...I will get this tested.

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Many people are sensitive to chlorella. I use it regularly, but it is one that some just don't tolerate. It is not uncommon.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Scott, dr. K. says the opposite, if I remember well, that very few people are chlorella intolerant. I heard that about a year ago, if my memory is good.

I know this is a cold herb by TCM, so could that be that many people don't test good because it will chill you?

That the problem is usually on the amount.

I thought chlorella was doing bad to me for weeks, if not months, until the naturoapth measured the amount (by the hundreds) and then, my 'sensitivity' disappeared.

I don't doubt though that there are a few that are sensitive to it (as to anything else), but that's what I remember Dr. K. saying...

Nana Dubo and Alv, many thanks for your detailed answer. It is exciting to read about it, really.

As for the 'pull' sensations, I guess I know what you mean, Alv. I get more like pain sensations, and it is usually something being unblocked, then starting to release toxins.

The only 'proof' of that is that the parts that suffer that 'pull' feeling won't get in trouble later with infections or pain. That is how I measured that the pull/ pain was beneficial.

My daughter is still testing for pollen allergies, but she's not having the symptoms now. I wonder if they will stop testing too. She is liberating heavy metals too as many infections seem to be surfacing (not lyme though, but strep, trich etc. She's taking about 4 times the amount of clhorella + bear garlic she usually takes.

thank you all for giving your insights! It make things a bit more clear for me!
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Received my 2nd set today.
Shows industrial toxins, mostly pesticides and a wood preservative.

Will post symptoms if any.

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
In saying many, I am not suggesting a majority. But it is not uncommon to find people that are sensitive to chlorella and that don't test well for it with energetic testing.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
I tested poorly for it before I treated sulfur allergy as I recall
Posted by kplyme (Member # 15317) on :
Originally posted by lymeparfait:
Received my 2nd set today.
Shows industrial toxins, mostly pesticides and a wood preservative.

Will post symptoms if any.


That is interesting. I received my second report and drops and it showed exactly the same thing. It did say my gluten intolerence was cleared and when I tested it, it has not been cleared. Maybe in time.
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
Originally posted by m0joey:
Maybe after the treatment is complete, gluten allergy wouldn't be there anymore, I don't know. I think it is definitely in the DNA because my father who is not sick has similar allergies to me for whatever reasons that built up through the generations: lack of oxidation, emotions, toxins, etc.

I'm not holding my breath over AI clearing my gluten issues either. My otherwise healthy brother is also intolerant.

He had a test done that showed he inherited 2 gluten-intolerant genes -1 from each of our parents (sorry, don't know the name of the lab).

My feeling is that AI can resolve 'pseudo' allergies (disregulations) but perhaps not 'real' allergies that are hardwired into the DNA.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
I am certain that the AI is very therapeutic at the least. After I started round 3, my energetic doc had to treat me for chemicals in my blood. As soon as I started round 4, she had to do the same thing again. In fact, the toxicity of the chemicals was at 50% above what it should be in my blood. That is right around the level of my heavy metals about a month ago (it's now 20-30%)

I'm honestly not fazed much by the fact that I still have expressed allergies. My previous post wasn't bashing the treatment.. just saying that people shouldn't expect to be eating gluten, sugar, dairy again after 2 weeks of treatment. I'm more interested in the overall disease that results from dysregulation, and it seems thus far that the AI is able to provide information to the body that no other treatment has.
Posted by lymeberry (Member # 20102) on :
Scott anyone? Can anyone now doing the AI drops eat gluten yet?

I have other family members with gluten intolerance too but part of me thinks we all could have gotten Lyme disease passed down to us from one relative. I have been bitten after that. I still have hopes of being able to eat a little bit of gluten some day. Like a donut a pizza some bread some real pasta in Italy, brownies and other gluten fantasies.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Having briefly read this thread , I would like to add some personal observations. This is just a brief appearance by myself and I will go back into retirement after I hit the ``send'' button.


Not all dysregulations or allergies are found during the first AI testing. As AI testing continues through the many different body systems, more are found and more are corrected as testing continues. Reprogramming/Clearing/Correcting the allergies or dysregulations or errors stored in the electromagnetic system does not mean all the accumulated toxins are then gone from the body instantly, as expressed by someone here. The correction is made by correcting the polarities.

As the Immune system then starts to recognize the metals, fungi, mold, and thousands of environmental toxins, and as the emotional releases start to happen, the body builds new regulation pathways, and starts to dispose of the toxins. It no longer tries to hide them, adding more burden to the body, as it has done probably for many many years as we took medicines and substances the body did not know what to do with. Some of these made us ill.

As the wheat is again acceptable as a good basic food, when the polarity has been adjusted during the correcting process, the leaky gut can eventually start to heal and the toxins are no longer being released into the blood stream, entering the damaged brain blood barrier (toxic metals?) that put many of us on a wild neuro ride. The gut will take several months to heal, so I am told.

Certainly, all the toxins accumulated over many years, often since birth, are not expelled overnight. Some of them are, but it will take weeks, months and for some longer before the effects can be fully felt. Sometimes it may be the industrial chemical that is contained in the wheat food that has not been cleared yet!! If all the toxins were to head for the exits at once, we would probably die in the process. We have masterful organs, but they do have limited capacity.

I was aware from my training with Dr. K., but still surprised how many emotional blockages we seem to brush under the rug over our lifetime and the number of conflicts and and inherited toxins we can store from our ancestors. I suppose -- just as we inherit the blue or brown eyes, certain talents, we inherit some of their conflicts that were probably passed down to them by earlier generations. All these are engraved as an electromagnetic pattern in our DNA and cause us to respond in certain ways, sometimes hanging on to toxins that will eventually cause us to become chronically ill. As some and eventually all these are found via the AI therapy and the errors corrected, healing can begin. Spirit, soul, body.

Photons are not used in the AI therapy process (PSP = Polarity Signature Programming) It is merely a process of finding the errors and adjusting of the polarities throughout the whole system.

I know from experience when using photons in the past, which I no longer do, many toxins are being mobilized. That is when I also learned on my own body that, if the body does not recognize them, i.e. when allergic to any of them, these toxins are then merely shifted around within the system and stored. Even though I had been very well for many years, I started to become very ill, with many unpleasant neurological problems.

If the body does not recognize any of these mobilized toxins (metals, chemicals, fungi, etc.), i.e. we are allergic to them, as became obvious to me because we started to feel worse and worse, I realized that these are merely shifted from one place to the other to be deposited in any body compartment available. As some time passed, I became very frightened and very disillusioned, as I was going from very well to worse very rapidly. My husband lost all mobility literally from one day to the next, and could no longer walk at all or put a spoon to his mouth. Today he shuffled a deck of cards and played solitaire. This is what happens as the regulation circles are being changed with AI.

We had not taken the AI test at that time yet. Now I know that all the IV's, the pills, the supplements many of which we were allergic to at the DNA level, could not possibly bring the results we wanted. It became very obvious to me that for myself and my husband I had caused an avalanche within our bodies which only started with the application of biophotons (with or without nosodes) and I became very worried, started my search and found AI.

Sometimes certain chemicals are combined with certain foods and cause allergic responses. All need to be found and corrected.

I compare our own situation to one particular MS case that was treated successfully with AI (from wheelchair to bicycle) where it took about a year for all the chaos in the system to be eliminated. Fortunately, the person was a younger person. The older the person, the more accumulation, the longer it takes to clear them over time. We are finding this out now. Nobody can forecast what is permanent - but we know synapses do regrow. All takes time and a lot of patience and hope, and continuing the drops.

The body is working day and night when the AI changes are taking place. Mainly at night when all other activity is absent. And for some the night is not long enough to accomplish all, so we felt very tired during the daytime. I can feel the effects of the drops within an hour of taking them. By using photons, I had mobilized an avalanche of toxins that basically could not find the backdoor to get out. I was allergic to most of them and did not know it. My husband had all the major ones - wheat, corn, soy. Now we know why all soy-based supplements didn't work before !!!!! Every time we took any, we stressed our body more.

For most people, the sequence in AI testing has to follow the different''wrong'' paths the body had taken over the years. I liken it to a traintrack - a blockage here, removal, taking another turn, a blockage there; it may take many turns and only very little and minor improvement before all blockages - allergies - dysfunctions - errors in the system are corrected. Sometimes the last blockage found, the last switch brings the turnaround. But the process has to go backwards the very same way as the dysregulations set in. If the body does not know how to handle a substance we take in, it stores it; the more, the worse. For some, benefits start immediately and/or partially as toxins can start to release. There is a huge amount of emotional clearing! Cry me a river.

A friend, just recently lab diagnosed with Lyme, is showing many improvements on AI drops, now bottle #3. Her old depression left with bottle #1. Her cat which she had to move to the basement because she became so allergic to it - is now back with her in the rest of the house. She is very excited and only concentrating on positives in her life, leaving the other behind - starting a vegetable garden and planting a tree! She has lost a couple of her major pain symptoms. She is much less concerned with Lyme at this point and doing what feels good.

We have a dynamic system, one part dependent on the other. I keep thinking of the bicycle I rode almost seventy years ago, with the dynamo on the wheel turning on my headlights!! If the dynamo didn't touch the wheel, or the wheel wasn't turning, no lights.
If you stop after the first bottle, or second bottle, you probably will not reach the point where all errors have been found and eliminated to where the body can function unencumbered. So AI's mantra is ``keep taking the drops'' until your symptoms are gone or until they can no longer find any dysregulations when testing.

The first two or three rounds are the easiest. Getting rid of the most obvious problems. Then AI gets busy changing the polarity addressing the nervous system, the synapses, and so much more - most of it I do not understand and AI does not have the time to give me more than a few hours of lectures over the phone. I am very grateful for that. When all the vibrating sensations are finally gone every day and every night, that is all I care about at this moment. Luckily I am almost there. A lot of toxins exit through the eyes - mainly chemicals.

I am glad that I did not attempt KPU when I heard about it originally, and would not attempt that program as long as my system is not clear of dysregulations. I have heard years ago from Dr. K. that many people are allergic to zinc! But this is based on ART testing, not AI's testing method. We suffered enough due to not really understanding and knowing facts.

Our aim is to start eliminating the toxins and, extremely important, releasing the emotional conflicts and stored pain memories. AI seems to be one of the easiest psyche couches. The other day, I relived an event in my life from WWII. As I was sitting on the couch quietly one evening, this memory - like an old movie was running before my eyes: A 500 ton bomb falling near my home, accompanied by the sound of a tornado, knocking the air out of me for a moment - just as I lived through it more than sixty years ago. I clearly relived it -- my childhood friend sat next to me and my Mom across from me in the bunker underground - all of us the picture of horror. My Dad was the warden
making sure all people reached the bunker on time.

It is quite common to relive old pains - marked in the DNA as an electromagnetic pattern from many years ago. All subjective - and it disappears within a short time. The hip pain that I experienced several years ago during a fall reappeared recently - that's all I need, so I thought - no, it disappeared totally after 3 days. The pain was tolerable, but I definitely remembered the accident. DNA memory removed.

AI is not concerned with the details of the emotional conflicts. It merely finds the blockages when testing and corrects them. The correct information is infused into the water. With the reprogramming, the allergies are lifted, the body starts to recognize the toxins, the memories, all the stuff it had been packing away somewhere in some body compartment without ever being able to eliminate them, thereby lowering our immunity and making us susceptible to any microorganisms, Lyme, parasites, viruses, endlessly. The body was not able to distinguish good from bad and accumulated toxin thereby damaging the terrain where many pathogens would be able to take up housekeeping safely. Dr. K. published about that in the nineties. Suggest you read it again - I had posted it many different times (``Heavy Metals and Chronic Disease'' during the ten years I had been posting on Lymenet.

I think I said it above, but will repeat it to respond to remarks about ``still retaining toxins'', thankfully, our body is a highly intelligent work of art. It knows that if it were to get rid of all toxins and unwanted medicines we had accumulated over a lifetime all at once after taking a few drops of informed water, it would not get us well, but kill us instead. For further protection, the body seems to grow fungi, but we often then become allergic to fungi, mold, etc. These allergies were lifted with the first AI test, but again it will take time for the die-off. Our organs only have limited capacities.

I have often heard it said - it took years to accumulate, it will take time to get rid of it. And the longer the system had to live with it, the longer it will take to get it out. Age plays a role - .Biological information does not work at the molecular level, but rather via the electromagnetic imprint (Polarity Signature Programming = PSP).

It doesn't matter much to try to figure out which allergy causes what -- rather, per AI, it is the combination of all errors that cause the problems; these same errors causing different problems for different people. We are unique.

So I don't expect instant rewards, but a few, savoring even the very the small ones as little as they may be, until the system can shake itself out and improve step by little step every day, with every drop. With AI, I have found that it often means 4 steps forward, three steps back. But we still gain the one with every move. Like a fever, it has to reach the highest point before it can do the repair. My husband is doing just that. AI confirms that this is often so. All body systems are addressed, as you can tell by studying your first test results that contains all the important details. They will not mention many of these in future tests, because it would be way too cumbersome to do that every time. The just go on and find.

For some people it will take three months, for some people it will take a year, with checkups/controls the following year.

The main message for me: when trying to mobilize toxins in our system through any means (medicines, biophotons, herbs, physical/structural treatments, exercise) it will not bring total success or any success as long as the immune system does not recognize the toxins that are being released, as long as it is allergic to any of them. If we stir things up, try to mobilize toxins through the different means, while the immune system does not recognize them as a toxin or misinterprets any, it is forced to stashing them away in any available body compartment, joint, organ, etc. No gain this way, just more misery now or down the road and another aching joint. So getting rid of these dysfunctions, allergic reactions, reprogramming, in my mind, should be done before anything else. All else causes added stress and weakens and robs the system of more energy and resources.
That is what we finally figured out. I have talked about this before.

I had learned many years ago from Dr. K. that if allergic to a substance, the body does not know how to get rid of it.\ It also causes us to be unable to absorb certain substances properly. If a wheat sensitivity, hidden or known, lasting long enough, to damage the small intestines, many become iron deficient, because the gut is damaged by the allergy and will not be able to absorb nutrients the way it should I was not aware of how many we really had been dealing with most of our lives. ART did not detect them at the DNA level.

Now through AI, I learned that even the worst, wheat allergies, can be eliminated through DNA corrections permanently. They have never had a case in many years where a wheat allergy had to be treated again once it has been corrected. We can then eat all the wheat we want and even brush our teeth with wheat-containing toothpaste, or eat the sausage containing wheat, or eat the eggs from chicken who live on grain, and then no longer be stressing our Autonomic Nervous System. Live and learn, and learn more.

Sometimes chemicals are part of any food and if that is the case, all have to be found and treated. That means all the layers in the system have to be tested and errors found.

All the above stems from my own more recent observations and asking questions and learning. Even the memory pattern of Lyme is engraved in the DNA - while the real bugs are long gone. I would like them to stay ``gone'' and no longer make the idea of Lyme my constant companion. Therefore I shall now go back to my beloved retirement from anything called Lyme. We are doing nothing but the AI therapy until we get the'' all clear'' . My husband will probably take a year or longer. Chaos in the system.

We are not doing KPU while some of the energetic blockages remain, because I do not want to force any allergic toxins into the system before they are all dealt with. And I am certain that when we are done with AI, we will not have to worry about any blocked pathways. Because that is what AI is all about. It takes time. Life has become quite simple with 3x5 drops of ``informed'' water a day for a couple of weeks. The break in between is nice, but the body keeps working with the new knowledge - that I can feel.

Take care.

P.S. If you want to contact me at home, please do. [email protected]

P.P.S. and please note, no, I don't get paid by anyone, and I have nothing to sell but goodwill. I am also wearing a bulletproof ricocheting vest and have a spam filter!

Thank you for some of the nice notes I received in recent months. I apologize for not having been very good at answering.

From my observation, most commonly found dysregulations among people who suffer
from chronic Lyme or chronic ailments are:

Wheat/Gluten/Gliadin (many children are born with these today)
(This includes supplements and substances made from these ``foods''. My guess is that glutathione frequency also falls into this connection, as do many of the soy originating supplements,phosphatydil cholines, lecithin, etc. etc. I have long wondered why we don't have enough glutathione? You may want to check this out yourself and see what you find out. I have been wondering about this for a while)\

Most fungi and mold, penicillins
Many chemical substance groups - any of the some 60,000 we are exposed to daily
(I have discovered that for me chemicals/neurotoxins cause most the burning and the vibrating sensations). Testing positive for a number of chemicals - means Groups of chemicals, not a single chemical substance.

Unresolved emotional conflicts from present life and ancestors, including miasms TB, syph type, yersinia, etc.
Many energetic blockages caused by the above and combinations of the above, including nerve/synapse problems, GI blockages, organ blockages, all being addressed by AI over time. Only some can be addressed with every test and bottle. Testing positive for a number of chemicals - means Groups of chemicals, not a single chemical substance.
Energetic blockages caused by unresolved emotional conflicts of present and inherited from ancestors.

Finding the cause.

[ 05-05-2009, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Thank you for spelling all of that out for us. Much better job than I could have done. So glad you dropped by!

This is why I said I am leaning toward this as a stand alone therapy.

Repair the damage, get the systems working properly and the body can do what it is supposed to do.

Someone asked if anyone is able to eat gluten yet. YES!!

5 months ago if I even looked at a slice of bread I was in trouble - eggs joined the club along with dairy.

Today I am having a "home alone day" and have been eating a little crazy for me. Just killed off a mug of java chip ice cream while watching the ball game.

This morning I enjoyed three eggs and brown rice toast.

I east pizza on occasion, and burgers complete with bun!

My normal diet consists of quite healthy food but now that I can eat these things..... well you understand.

I am still healing my gut so I don't go crazy with these foods but I am able to eat them without a problem.

Thanks Gigi
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I did round one of AI in January and it said I cleared gluten. It is now May and I still cannot eat gluten. I am on round 3 now, but I think it will take the gut a long time to heal.

Posted by lymeberry (Member # 20102) on :
Gigi thank you for the reply. It gives me food for thought.
Posted by AndrewInCA (Member # 2010) on :
Gigi - thanks for coming back and sharing more info on AI.

Some questions for all who have done Bionic treatment and are doing AI:

Can the Bionic and AI be used concurrently? I assume some of you are currently overlapping both of these treatments. Or have you stopped using photons while doing AI? I understand the course of AI can be quite long, so are you alternating modalities?

I know some people are going to be concerned about whether AI should be completed before beginning Bionic treatment. It sounds like that is what Gigi is advocating, although might that not be practical for some people? (e.g. those with raging infections that need to be controlled by some type of killer - abx, herbs, etc.)

As always, isn't energetic testing the best tool to determine the ideal treatment order for each individual?

Opinions, please...
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I am not doing bionic treatments while doing A I.

I test everything, including the A I drops. The first remedy I could only take 1 x 3 but have been able to do five drops since then.

The drops are definitely an individual treatment. The information in the drops are for you alone. As a dear friend recently said to me "one persons lyme or babesia etc., is not another persons".

When the two weeks are up they test to no longer take. I have hung on to my old ones and they always test no once I am finished. Could just be me.

Gluten - as Gigi explained, there are many other ingredients in there - chemicals or groups of things that could be the cause.

One of the chemicals a lot of us showed an allergy to is one that has mercury in it that they use in grain silos.

Might not be just gluten, something in a particular oil? Could be many things.

I have been free of lyme for 8 months. The people in the lab at A I can find none. Metals, fungus, yeast and chemicals are on their way out. I prefer to let them leave at their own pace rather than use killers and chelators.

I used them all in the past when the allergies were all there - like fanning the fire.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
A couple of things Gigi said specifically that made my ears prick up....

``ART did not detect them at the DNA level.'' (She was speaking here about allergies and sensitivities.)

So, does this mean that ART testing simply CANNOT `see' these problems at all - ever - or does this mean that ART techniques can be modified - perhaps the right questions asked - to reveal these problems? And if ART is incapable of detecting these susceptibilities at the DNA level, then does the same hold true for ANY type of muscle testing or dowsing?

``Even the memory pattern of Lyme is engraved in the DNA - while the real bugs are long gone.''

Which is why, IMHO, antibiotic treatment will always have it's limitations in a certain subset of the population, even at this point in time. And perhaps more importantly, future generations may inherit dysfunctions associated with the Lyme `complex', even if the bacteria were eliminated from the planet yesterday. Just something to consider if you have kids. I'll always believe that in some energetic way, I inherited `Lyme' from my father.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Question to people who have not started AI on the full dose of 5 drops, three times a day:

If you start at lower dose, do you still stop after 2 weeks, or 2 weeks after you reach full dose?

I'm just about to send off my test,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
You take it for two weeks, 3 times a day regardless of the number of drops.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :

If I could go back, I would finish AI before I started the Bionic. Especially with your (and my) issues, the bionic will may improve your symptoms slightly, but might also make you a lot worse.

Think about it this way.. I treated with the bionic aggressively for about 4 months, barely improved and actually regressed in some ways.... now I'm treating emotions & on round 4 of AI and have improved noticeably. In retrospect, the decision is easy.

No matter what tools we use, the product of all our analysis will be to want to kill infections. If the underlying problems aren't corrected, the milieu will continue to be distorted and be hospitable to pathogenic forms of bacteria/viruses/fungus. In essence we're just two- and three-folding our suffering in exchange for a few months of remission. Being patient and giving your body the correct information first pays off in the long run.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I am not going to disagree with Joey, but I would like to know what treating aggressively with the bionic means? The bionic is not to be used aggressively after you have done the initial treatments from what I understand.

Take Nanadubo who benefited from the bionic and is now using the AI. She did not use the bionic aggressively once back from Germany.
Posted by Ocean (Member # 3496) on :
I'm sorry if I missed this question/answer...but can you do AI and abx or natural treatment for Lyme at the same time, or is that a bad idea???

I am very very interested in this for my son and I(and the rest of the family if we had the money right now).

Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
People respond differently to the bionic treatment for lyme. From what I gather, the people that benefited significantly from a handful of bionic treatments have more classical lyme disease with coinfections, and not so much chronic fatigue syndrome (defined by systemic anaerobic metabolism, postexertional malaise, orthostatic intolerance) For me, energetic tests didn't show much if any improvement for anything besides lyme, so I began to treat those other infections which were just as pressing as lyme itself with the bionic. This meant avg 4x/week.

Yes in retrospect this was too much, so I can't say if I would have regressed if I did 1x-2x/week (per Dr. W's revised recommendations). But I can say with a high degree of certainty that neither approach would have been enough to kill off my bugs when the anaerobic metabolism isn't addressed (too easy for them to come back).

Both changing anaerobic metabolism to aerobic (HBOT, ozone, valkion etc) and treating underlying allergies have to do with changing the milieu into a healthy one.
Posted by nyjohn (Member # 15361) on :
in regards to doing the a-i drops before doing the bionic...and this would only be my opinion...
when doing bionic, you must not be on abx. i think the same goes for a-i drops.
there has been some talk saying that it might be a mistake to do the bionic first.
i think that statement would be wrong. i am not taking the a-i drops, though. yet, i did do the bionic treatments.
in my meager opinion, to go off of the abx to treat with a-i would be dangerous. the lyme is the nastiest of all of our toxins and bugs. the metals and allergies and dysfunctions do not replicate like the lyme buggers do. i would think it would be of upmost importance to stop the lyme in its tracks asap. that is why we take the abx in the first place. to unpeel the layers, you need to start on the outside, with the most obvious and damaging symptoms/illnesses. and, as we should know here on lymenet- the worst is the lyme.
the bionic does stop the lyme for most people. then the rest can be taken care of while the lyme has been tko'd.

just my opinion. i understand why we get sick with lyme (ie, coinfections, dna dysfunctions, etc). but- we had them before the lyme got us sick and we were living life ok, no? i don't think that something like a-i would stop lyme from replicating and spreading throughout the body while doing just a-i. that long-term approach could still allow the bugs to do their thing. again, i will probably get flamed for saying this- but i really think that it must be stressed that you need to kill that lyme first so it doesn't get worse!
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I would have ideally done AI drops first and photons later. The photons released many toxins, metals, etc. that the body may not know how to properly handle/excrete prior to AI. So, my thought (and no one knows) is that AI then Bionic would have been my ideal order.
Posted by AndrewInCA (Member # 2010) on :
Could some of you (Scott, Joey...) answer my question about whether you are interleaving treatments with the Bionic while doing AI treatment?

Since both of them are relatively long-term treatments, trying to figure out the best way to stage them (along with other treatments) isn't easy.

Doing AI first may be ideal, but it is encouraging that everyone who has done the Bionic first and then AI is doing well now. So it may work either way.


[ 05-06-2009, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: AndrewInCA ]
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :

I hope you read my previous post. yes I am doing better now but I certainly took a roundabout way to get here.

I am barely using the bionic now despite still having bugs aplenty to deal with due to the likelihood, as scott said, that it would just shuffle around the toxins or bugs.

I feel much more comfortable resuming bionic treatment after AI is finished...if it is still necessary then
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I have done Bionic treatments while on AI. I personally feel comfortable doing it and energetically, it seems ok for me. That said, it is generally not advised as I understand.

Doing Bionic first was a bit bumpy, but I have not had the opportunity to do it the other order to compare.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Thanks Gigi for your nice and detailed post. I think I got the general idea!

NYJohn, I guess I understand what you mean. I was also with high load of borrelia that were literally eating me up alive and I wouldn't be able to probably survive any other long term treatment without lowering borrelia load FAST.

I guess there are different types of people, different diseases. Many people have a sort of low grade but chronic infection, with milder symptoms, than it would be probably best to do the opposite, first AI then BIonic to help clear die off toxins...

but in a case like mine, where symptoms grew exponentially every day when I got active borrelia, I wonder how much I was going to be able to wait and see my body changing with AI but not using killers.

In any case, loading the system with toxins by overkilling is never a good idea. No matter what killing method we use. Instead of going forward, we go backward, that's almost certain!

A possible idea of protocol for the high load germ people could be a combination of the two?

Some AI drops, then in between AI bottles, get a Bionic session, then again back to AI after a while and so on? Just an idea...
Posted by AndrewInCA (Member # 2010) on :

That's what I was thinking (alternating therapies), and it sounds like several people are are doing exactly that. I'm sure it is best to space the modalities out as much as possible so you don't have them overriding each other.

Thanks Scott and Joey for your responses - they were helpful. It is difficult to figure out the best way to try these new treatments.
Posted by nyjohn (Member # 15361) on :
i was saying in my case, i was getting worse every week with the lyme, so i needed to kill it fast, or at least stop the rapid progression of getting worse. i think that if i had stopped the abx for a long-term treatment with a-i, i would have been at a high risk for more neurological damage by the lyme, and also risking going into deeper depression and despair about my deterioration.
i have yet to do the a-i, and perhaps i did stir up some things with the bionic treatment, but i am very glad i was able to do it and get myself off of the abx, which were not only killing my bank account but were also adding more toxins to my body by the day. i could feel the abx hurting me.
i figured that if i can kill the bb, which was stressing my body and mind out so horribly, then my body, assisted by other less invasive approaches (such as a-i, homeopathy, etc) can then save its energy to work on the rest of my issues.
if the a-i were to take me many months to realign things, prior to attacking the lyme directly, i don't know if i would have been able to make it..physically or mentally. my spirits were down and i needed to know i was about to heal. and the treatments in germany brought me out of some serious pains both body and mind.
now i feel i am ready to sort out the rest. yes, i still have moments as some symptoms creep back here and there, but things are now able and ready to be worked out, and i feel i am moving forward and leaving more behind.
i am thankful for those who are using the a-i approach are having such good luck with it and can share their experiences with us.
Posted by shimmy (Member # 15883) on :
Yes thanks to Gigi for that post!

I think it makes sense to alternate too, that is was I am planning to do, although i havent started AI yet. I think in my case too I dont think that I could wait for months and months without specifically treating the infections.

Having said that I did another energetic therapy, which is similar to AI called Field Control Therapy for 5 months prior to having photon therapy with the Bionic. Though I did feel the remedies were quite strong and I had a lot of detox effects from them and also some improvements, I hadnt made an awful lot of progress overall with FCT after 5 months. Though 5 months is not a very long time.

However I do wonder if they did help to pave the way and unblock some things possibly contributing to my initial improvement from the photon therapy.

The remedies work in a similar way helping the body to get rid of toxins including metals on a DNA level, though they dont address allergies specifically like AI does.

I remember just a few days prior to my first initial significant boost in energy from photon (2 weeks after my 5th photon treatment) I took another course of FCT remedies and coincidentally, or maybe not, I had all sorts of pains around my liver and in various lymph areas as if some kind of release was taking place, and then a couple of days later had the biggest boost of energy I hadnt had in a long time which lasted about 4 days. I basically completely stopped having adrenal crashes, which was unheard of in my case, having severe adrenal insufficiency.

It could just be coincidence and I cant prove it but I feel the FCT energetic remedies may have helped my body to release the toxins stirred up by the photon therapy.

I stopped doing FCT (to start NES instead) and also again perhaps coincidentally I havent made as much progress and been able to sustain that good response though this could be due to a number of reasons.

Good luck Carry, I hope having the AI test is worth it for you and the drops help!! I'll be sending off for mine in a few weeks.

[ 05-07-2009, 05:30 AM: Message edited by: shimmy ]
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Thanks for all the reports by users - very helpful. It's essential for those of us assessing the AI treatment before trying it that we know what OTHER treatments are being used at the same time. Seems to me like some of these `other' treatments could dramatically affect the outcome.

By their very nature, the AI drops are dynamic or energetic treatments, acting on levels that go beyond simple physical action. If they are able to subdue miasms, they must also be very LONG-acting and DEEP-acting upon the vital force of the person.

This means that there really isn't any time `between' rounds of the drops. Just because you are not actively taking the drops doesn't mean that treatment has stopped. The action of the AI drops continues.

Homeopathic remedies are like this, also; certain long and deep-acting remedies have a potential action of 60 days or longer. The effects of some other short-acting remedies are gone in 1-2 days. Each remedy can disrupt certain disease processes in the person, just like that same remedy can be disrupted or antidoted (nullified) by certain other specific remedies. On the other hand, certain remedies may be complementary to one another.

I would be EXTREMELY selective about any treatments I did while on the AI protocol, especially those which act above the `physical' level. If you start mixing `dynamic' therapies, there's no telling what you might end up with down the road. You could end up totally or partially antidoting the AI drops, or reducing the long-term effects, or speeding up the action of a process that should act slowly, or altering the natural focus or direction of healing of the AI drops...... who knows.

Taking some binders to help mop up released toxins or metals is one thing.... but I really don't know what category biophoton therapy falls into. Seems like it acts on levels above the physical, but I really don't know.

All I know is...... anyone who does additional treatments during the time they are taking the AI drops should qualify their assessment of AI accordingly. This is the only way the information will be helpful to those considering the AI treatment plan.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
My daughter and I have started the AI drops first before the bionic, we may be one of the first on lymenet doing it this way, as we had to cancel our bionic/Germany trip.

We do not have CFS, and for comparision sake, we are on the healthier side related to symptoms.

But do have all the common EBV's, Candida, strep, mycoplasma, toxoplasmosis, etc in active states. I also have acquired lupus, which tests very active.

We are getting better all the time after starting the AI therapy. Neither of us have any lyme showing up energetically. We also do not have any lyme showing up in my DNA with the AI therapy. (I questioned AI about my results).

I also do not have any lyme showing up in my igenex bloodwork either! Don't want to spend the money on my daughter with Igenex again now, but I would be interested to get her tested just to know if it was free as well on that test. (previously we were both very positive/active with lyme and co with igenex)

The lyme was released at the same time we started the drops, and previous to the drops,we were also working on emotional issues by several means.

so it's hard to know which thing we did was the catalyst for lyme to be released, (AI, rife, natural protocols, prayer and healing service, emotional release therapy, botanicals, forgiveness) I think it was a combo of things above, and the deep personal desire to be open to healing with no expectations, prior to AI.

But the antibiotics we originally were on, did not remove the lyme. ABX only did give us some relief of symptoms, until the herxes. ABX did clear the RSMF, and Ehrlichiosis, or maybe push it so deep it does not test now. Then we stopped ABX, and started to detox and do natural things to prepare for the bionic treatment.

but as far as lyme being gone and all the symptoms gone, it happened and I will not question the exact how, but accept the gift!

For those here questioning their ability to get off abx, I know it is hard to compare to others online.

But I recommend working with a ND who does ART, or a good muscle tester, that can help you RIFE, or do something naturally to bring the load of lyme and co's down, before attempting the AI treatment. That way your may be more comfortable and feel better physically while starting the AI.

As far as continued treatments with AI:

My daughter does still test positive for bartonella by ART, and never through blood work, so no ABX ever for bart from her original LLMD.

So we have decided to treat her with some natural remedies for Bart,(tested with ART and biotenser) during her two weeks break from the AI drops.

She has had herxes during the two weeks off. And one last fever/flu type herx so far for a day.

I have been told by the AI folks, that taking any antibiotics would be detrimental. As they are absorbed, and create added stress to the body as it is trying to regulate.

"It won't effect the drops doing their work, as the drops are at the DNA level, and the antibiotics are not, but it will create more disregulations, and cause the body more stress. It is counterproductive. There is no reason to take the antibiotics" , AI says.

Also, AI has told me, do not take any natural remedies that have been energized with frequencies! This will disrupt the frequencies that AI drops have and confuse your body. Garlic, and other natural things are ok if not infused with frequencies.

This is true as well for any frequency machine. We cannot use any frequencies or be near running Rife machines when we are on the AI drops. So no Bionic 880 treatments as well while on the AI therapy and no bionic treatments during the therapy breaks, as the regulation work is still being done on breaks, says AI.

KPU: my problem

I am doing the KPU protocol, as I started this on my AI break, as my ND ART tested me for this.

Originally, I was planning on doing the KPU therapy before starting the AI therapy...but my ND read my results wrong, and I started the AI, before finding out that I had major detox issues, that my intuition always said I had!

Also my urine test showed I was very positive for KPU. I too was concerned that it may cause more disregulation, and not be necessary while I was doing the AI. But I am also concerned, that if I do not detox well, what is happening to my re-circulating toxins, that are being removed with the AI, if they are not detoxing naturally?

I thank GIGI for her info about the KPU, but I am still in a quandry about continuing the KPU or just leaving it all until after the AI is comlete?

I was never comtemplating doing any treatment other than AI, until AI was complete.

It always seems complicated.

Any thoughts?

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Truthfinder, very good post!

LP and others, when I emailed AI some weeks back to ask if you can be on abx during AI treatment, the reply simply said it can be done 'at all times', so I assume that there is no hard and fast rule about not being on abx, just that absorption of the drops will be better without the drugs??

I had decided to stay on abx at least for round 1 of drops and then reassess.

Joey [love your blog by the way!] ,I was diagnosed originally [many years ago] with ME/CFS so, as with you, my Lyme involves a lot of weakness and fatigue amongst the many other symptoms. I am very encouraged to know that you are improving, both for your own sake and selfishly, because it gives me hope!
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
I just finished my 1st round 3 days ago.

While on it, I had some major detox symptoms:

loose bowels, runny nose, stinky urine/b.o./vaginal discharge...

...metals are on the move for sure -I taste metal all the time.

I also broke out all over my neck, chest and shoulders. They were hard blackheads and, when squeezed, they were bright yellow.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
If you didn't see it on A I's website, you can subscribe to their newsletter and translate it.

It's a good way to understand more and read Mr. G's thoughts on many things.

The memory of things can linger long after the body recognizes a substance for what it is.

When I was very ill and could only manage some days to pop ezekeal bagels into the toaster, all the while moaning about how sick I was - there is a emotional factor to all of these issues that A I works with as well.

The invisible along with the visible.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
ZMummy, your detox symptoms are interesting, especially the blackheads that turn yellow! I'll watch out for them when I start!

Has anyone who has been on the AI drops for longer noticed any weight changes, as I believe that allergies do cause weight gain or loss?

Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
I should also add that my skin has cleared up since I finished the drops 3.5 days ago. It's quite remarkable.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
No weight changes. Acne increase - yes. Another person I know very significant acne increase.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Oh, thanks, Carry, for posting about staying on abx and what AI said.... I'll pass that on to someone who was just asking about that.....

Wow, Zombie - that's amazing about your reactions.

Thanks everyone for the updates.
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
Oh yeah, I swabbed my ears last night and a LOT of BRIGHT YELLOW ear wax came out. Can't help but feel it is related to AI detox...
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
ZM--Dr. Saul Pressman says that ear discharge from ozone insufflation is a preferred route of toxins leaving the body and can continue for months to years after beginning insufflation. So that is very good to hear!
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I just received my 3rd round of AI drops.

During the "break," I've taken some Diflucan for possible yeast, as I was on zithromax for about 8 months or so. I also rearranged some of the supplements I was already taking into the KPU protocol--I only had to add Manganese and increase zinc a notch or two.

I'm taking the 5 methylation factors, which help with detoxing, and chlorella. I also took some intestinal detox, but had no major action from that.

I have suddenly been wanting to do a gall stone cleanse, but now will wait until I'm done with this two weeks of drops.

This test came back with 11 unidentified or unrecognized substances as reacting.

The only biological test I did--as Herr Grundmeyer asked for any test that related to Lyme, which he said was now gone--was CD 57. It went from 36 (where it had stayed for over a year) to 48--a 33% increase.

Having better days now.


Cass A
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Good post, Cass A : good news about your CD57 result and especially that you are having better days.

I had my first test results back on Friday [only 3 days after the sample was posted from UK!] and have a few questions for others doing AI:

Did others find that the first sections up to the food and other substances were entirely abnormal? With one exception, mine were all over 7.4 [with 10 as completely blocked] and one [dysfunction/acute blocks in secondary energy] was 9.9.

In the substances section, I had the usual suspects: wheat, corn, gluten soy, 3 penicillium forms and 3 mucor forms, no industrial toxins and the usual metals ..lead, mercury, copper and nickel].

Incorrect cell polarity 72%], 6 energetic blocks from the subconscious and 9 'inherited burdens [eg war experiences] from parents and grandparents.

Lots of blocks on the spine, 3 glands [pineal, thyroid and pancreas] and enzyme dysfunction.

Like ZM I had all 4 genetic toxins: anyone know what Psonirum is? The bacterial and viral sections were blank, but perhaps they will show on subsequent rounds...was this typical of others' results on round 1?

Hope nobody minds the detail; I tried to keep it short, but couldn't think of any other way of swapping info.

I am going away for a week in early June, so have told Herr G that I will be ordering the drops on my return.

Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Wow, more excellent information....

Carry, Psorinum is a 'Scabies nosode' - Psora is one of the 4 main miasms..... here's a description of Psorinum symptoms in just one Materia Medica (book of remedies):
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thanks for the explanationof Psorinum and for the link, Tracy.
I identify with many of the symptoms described on your link, but hopefully not all of them [especially not all th foul odours]! Gruesome!

Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Ha, ha - yes, few people will have ALL the symptoms of any miasm - especially those with 'mixed miasms' - and there is certainly comfort in that. [Smile]
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
The pattern I have observed is those with 3 or 4 of the miasms seem to be the sickest. In seeing probably a dozen of these results now, the pattern seems pretty clear. Correcting them should also be a significant benefit. I am about to send off for round 6 this week.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thanks, Scott, that's very encourageing: good luck with your next round,

Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
interesting observation scott. thnx
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
My daughter has had a major increase in her acne.
Interesting that others have posted this.

Not just the regular type, but hive looking, as well as cystic forms, and others are white heads. All large and all on her face, back and chest and arms.
This is hard for a teen to emotionally handle.

[ 05-28-2009, 10:29 AM: Message edited by: lymeparfait ]
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I've had an increase in acne as well as has one other person I know on AI. Very notable. Face, back, etc.

I would not worry about the pill impacting her AI for that period of time. Might want to validate with AI team.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
Acne everywhere on upper body for me too
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :

Haven't posted here in years.

The Ai stuff seems really interesting.

As I have multiple and severe allergies and going broke after 15 years of trying to treat this stuff, I do have a question.

Who doing thsi treatment has actually seen a decrease in their airborne allergies like dust and pollen?

If I geta few Yesses, I'm ordering this right away!~


Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I'm not going to say it's been great yet for airborne allergens - I still feel the the allergy season upon us. It is a long process that takes up to a year or more to complete and I am only at 5 months.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I was hoping the Progurt (stll waiting for it), AI and some stress reduction (stress Eraser) used daily would work somewhat fast.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Taken from AI's study that was done in 2005/06,
they list all the categories of problems for which people took the drop therapy.

For instance, Hayfever, aka pollen allergy, inhalation allergy, sneezing attacks, chronic runny nose:

Total of 68 took the therapy
26 male, 42 female

When done to completion - usually within several months depending on age, etc.

Of the 68 total - 47 had no longer any symptoms
18 of the 26 male no longer had any problem
29 of the 42 female no longer had any problem

Of the 68 total - 14 had partial symptoms remaining
10 of the female had had partial symptoms remaining
4 of the male had partial symptoms remaining

Of the 68 total - 7 had no change
3 of the female had no change
4 of the male had no change

This means that in the Hayfever category:

Of the total 68 ---- 69.12% no symptoms left
of the total 42 women ---- 69.05% had no symptoms left
Of the total 26 male --- 69.23% had no symptoms left

In that study, 5 people of the 6 with wheat allergy, 5 were totally free.

Same study, 6 people with gluten intolerance, 5 were totally cleared and 1 partially.

While the above were treated for these specifics, many other problems/ dysregulations/ errors in the system were improved within the same therapy.

As indicated on their website, AI will send you the study if you ask for it. The study covers many different problem areas, from bad back to shortness of breath, etc. etc.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Among the "asthma" sufferers, as displayed in the same study I mentioned above, there were 37 persons. 28 no longer suffered from asthma after the PSP therapy (drops); 5 still had partial symptoms left, and 4 had no improvement. That is a 75.68% effectiveness of the therapy if done to conclusion, i.e. it is continued until no errors or dysregulations are found in the DNA or symptoms are gone.

It is an amazing therapy if you stick with it. Young people manage to sail through it very quickly. Our son at 40 has great benefits. For us older folk, who had many years to brush things under the rug or get treatments and manmade medicines the body did not know what to do with thus burdening the system even more, it will take longer. Wheat/gluten/gliadin intolerance and the thousands of chemicals are among the worst offenders if the body does not recognize them for what they are. Good food or toxins.

Correcting the polarities is all it is, so that the body is able to work with the correct "information".
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Thanks Gigi. Those numbers look good to me.
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
Thanks for that info, Gigi. Good to see you posting on here. [Smile]

I have only done round 1 of AI and my seasonal allergies are as bad as they ever have been (this is the worst time of year for me).

Having had these allergies since infancy, I figure it will take a much longer time for AI to clear these dysregulations.
Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
hi GiGi! thanks for the great info. just wanted to say i've missed you and it's wonderful to see you back, if only for a brief moment.

take care.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
I just sent in my latest sample from round two,some of you may have remembered how much the first round made me feel so weak but after doing the latest , two/ I have been feeling pretty darn good. I think I have more energy and maybe even a little more strenth.
I just hope this feeling last and its not a false alarm.

Just curious, I have read alot resently about the acne kicking in, wich round is it most preavalant?
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Acne increased during round two for my daughter...she has had an acne problem prior to the drops. With the drops it got more severe. Almost likeher body was tryng to release toxins.

No acne for me yet. Although it has never been a problem for me, even in my teen years.

We are starting round 3 next week.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Our largest organ for elimination is the skin.
Make sure all other organs get all the assist to flush out. Not plain water, because it runs straight through. But juices, mushes, soups, apple sauce. The three compartments of the gut require different consistencies to clear.

Skin problems relate to the 60,000 chemicals that are in our world these days, and it will take more rounds to correct the dysregulations toward these chemical groups in order for the body to be able to recognize and eliminate them slowly. We are on #5 and still show chemical blockages.
No skin or acne problem, but all other organs working extremely well.

I always test for glycine during the chemical releases, sometimes charcoal, lots of pectin in the fruit mushes (melons, apples, pears, or veggie mushes). I cook a lot of soups/bone broths, etc. All that helps.

Fungi/mold problems were all corrected in the first round of drops and the body starts to deal with it.

Have patience. It didn't happen overnight and it is not going to be fixed overnight.

When the body can regulate again, all will function again. Picture a string of christmas tree lights. When one bulb stops lighting up, the whole string of lights doesn't work. That is the same dynamic at work in our body. Every round of drops will turn on more lights!
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Anyone have increased joint pain in new areas and inflamation during AI treatment?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Good to hear that you can feel improvements, Kissis and I hope you continue to gain in strength.

Gigi, it's good to read your posts again and you write so vividly: I like the metaphor of the Christmas tree lights!

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :

I'm gonna try this. It's just money. I hope Scott or Giogi cvan chime in about one last question or two:

1. I am a horrid detoxifier. Lyme treatments in the past porbably did work but they made me too toxic. Can I still do this?

2. DO they say this will attack Lyme and other critters too?

Thanks and Blessings,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Hobo, I remember responding to you some 4 plus years ago, about energetic treatments.

At that time, I was not aware of AI and also the fact that many Lyme patients have many dysregulations/errors programmed into their DNA.
Most Lyme patients who have taken th AI test and have told me of their results, have between 30 and 40 errors when tested by AI. Any one of them and certainly that many affect the body's ability to fight any disease or any toxin.

If it does not recognize the toxins or know a good food from a bad one, it cannot get rid of the toxin or accept the good natural foods. It is a bad situation both ways. Sadly many children today are born with these allergies today and because they do not know about AI they are forced to live with a very restricted diet. When you do AI, most people can eat most foods again within a short time, and after the food releavant chemicals have been corrected.

Please go to the AI website and use one of the translating engines to learn more about their method of treatment. I learned from Dr. K. many years ago that if one is allergic to a toxic substance, the body cannot get rid of it because it simply does not recognize them. It also has a problem absorbing some of the good foods/substances that it needs for healthy living.
So you can readily see, where that leaves us when it comes to defend against pathogens or any undesirable organism.

The allergies have to be corrected. The body has to learn to regulate again as it was meant to do.
That is what AI does.

Before you get into any program, you should certainly research it to your satisfaction. The information available on their website is enormous - just a bit difficult because it is in German and you have to do a little extra work. But you will gain a totally different perspective.

I am convinced that it will open up the detox channels for you -- IF YOU HAVE THE PATIENCE TO STICK WITH THE DROPS for a few months - because you have had the problem for a long time. They test for all infections and will take the proper action. Most the time, infections are long gone and only the memory remains in the DNA.

I myself wish I had known about this treatment a lot earlier, at least before I got into photons or any energetic treatment, and know that we could have avoided a lot of heartache and a small fortune. If you stir the pot by any method and the body does not know what to do with the fallout, it spells trouble. Some people call it
herxheimers; I call it mostly redistribution of toxins -- meaning you will find these toxins again down the road holding up your recovery. The longer the stuff has been brushed under the rug, the longer it will take to dig it out from all the different layers in the system. But a lot can happen in a few months --- rather than years!

Read the thread I linked above which I started a while back when I first became aware of AI. The wheat/gluten include literally many other foods because the body responds to frequencies, and the wheat frequencies are involved in everthing from toothpaste to grain-eating-chicken to grain- eating- cows who deliver milk.

On top of that, many of the 60,000 chemicals, many of which we have become allergic to, are involved in all these foods because they are used in the processing of food stuffs and penetrate our environment. Which ones did you last
use on your head? So whichever is the culprit, whether you are allergic to wheat or allergic to a chemical, unless all these "errors" coded into the DNA are corrected, becoming healthy again is quite difficult (impossible). Even if you stopped eating.

Please read and learn and share with others what you find.

Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :

You seem very pro this treatment. How long have you guys been on it?

I'm gonna order it. Why not?
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
Is anyone doing AI also using detox foot pads?

I have used them before but have started using them every night since finishing the 1st round of AI and I feel they are helping a lot more.

I have been using the Kenoki 'gold' foot pads but have placed an order for ones containing zeolite. Has anyone else tried these??
Posted by lymeberry (Member # 20102) on :
Gigi I am just wondering about your thoughts now on the Bionic 880 protocol:

"I myself wish I had known about this treatment a lot earlier, at least before I got into photons or any energetic treatment, and know that we could have avoided a lot of heartache and a small fortune."

Are you saying now you think the Bionic 880 treatment was not worth it financially looking back on it and you are having regrets about having spent the money on that treatment for your husband and for purchasing a Bionic 880 to bring home and use?

I am a little confused. I thought the Bionic 880 treatment really helped your husband and he saw many improvements? I thought you posted he was so much better after the treatment in Germany he could stop using his walker and he was then able to once again feed himself, cut up his own food and return to the gym?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lymeberry, as I tried to explain in several other posts about AI, when treating with photons while these allergies and dysfunctions are present, many toxins are being mobilized with any die-off. But since the body does not recognize these toxins for what they are, i.e. is allergic to them, the immune system does not step in to clean up. The toxins are then merely shifted from one body compartment to another, often creating other problems. It created major problems for me and for my husband as the weeks went on. Shifting of neurotoxins is not a pleasant experience as most of us know, and often things get worse instead of better. It's not what people call a herxheimer, it is merely a redistribution of toxins. It may happen right away or gradually.

This is why we have made the decision - photons of any kind are not for us right now. The Bionic is packed up and gathering dust in the garage.

Yes, my husband was doing better and circling the house a number of times, which was wonderful; but that was the end of it. From that point on, he went downhill very quickly. I myself, who had been feeling perfectly well before photons, but used it for an old fracture, started to not feel well almost immediately with photons, but tried to ignore it and blame it on stress of travel, etc. As it turned out, I had a few of the worst months of my whole Lyme life after photons. Now, with the AI treatment I am hoping to dig up most the garbage and finally get rid of all of it. So, to answer your question, I do not consider the Bionic 880 program as it is performed and recommended to us safe for people who harbor allergies at the DNA level to so many substances. Try shaking a champagne bottle vigorously without removing the cap!
It can be a real mess.

Hobo, we started AI in January and are now starting bottle #6, this time in an effort to clear over a dozen chemical groups and emotional blockages, as well as addressing nerve functions that were affected, especially for my husband. I am keeping my fingers crossed! Our bodies are working overtime and we are doing nothing else but binders (pectin, glycine, charcoal, etc - I hide them into fruit mousse). The older, the more toxin accumulation and it takes longer. But 15 drops of informed water is easy to swallow! And I am about back to my normal feeling good, but will of course continue until no "errors" are found in my "software" any longer.

And everything happens for a reason - if I hadn't made the acquaintance of the Bionic, I would not have found AI.

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Zombie, thanks for reminding me about the foot pads. I used them before A I but after a couple of months they started coming off fairly clean.

I have the gold as well as the aqua ones. The aqua is for metals as well I think, but don't know if they have zeolite in them.

Think I'll give them another try now that A I has facilitated being able to release more toxins.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
GiGi, what do you attribute others success with the Bionic 880 to based on your experience (and husbands)? It seems like for many, it cured nearly all their Lyme issues. Less toxins? Less DNA-level allergies?

That's frightening the Bionic 880 didn't help long-term. I guess more long-term studies may be needed to assess its usefulness for Lyme.
Posted by Ocean (Member # 3496) on :

I am all for the Bionic, BUT!! I have read of a few others who are worse off afterward. There is one person who went over last month who is now in a wheelchair.

I've read of others who get worse with antibiotics (this person who went over also was worse with abx, hence the reason to do the Bionic).

But, you are right, some people do REALLY well with it.

Take care,
Posted by sparkle7 (Member # 10397) on :
GiGi- It's pretty unbelievable that you were telling people to get a job bagging groceries to afford the Bionic treatments & now you are saying yours is gathering dust...

I guess it's "buyers beware"...

I'm glad I didn't spend my life savings to go to Germany like many were considering.
Posted by lymeberry (Member # 20102) on :
I am sure people receive varying benefits from the Bionic 880 treatment and AI drops as with any protocol. Some people are much sicker than others to start with and have different coinfections and viruses. Some people respond better to different treatments. Some people do not follow directions.

I also find it very difficult at times to research how well any one protocol works on this forum by reading some people's posts and their blogs due to lack of full honest disclosure which happens for whatever reason. I am sure there are many reasons for that it just makes it confusing for many off us trying to figure out how the protocols are really working out for patients. Seeing how many of us are looking for answers in order to try and improve our own health it is frustrating.

Some people seem more straight forward then others and some don't post about things that might be helpful to the rest of us for example if they over treated and did not follow Dr. W's instructions.

If they would disclose the good the bad and the ugly and operator and intuitive error it would help the rest of us see a better snapshot of what happened so we could learn from their experience and so we can get an idea if any one protocol might really be helpful to us or not.

I think most of us are on this forum trying to get well and many of us are looking for answers because conventional methods are not doing enough for us.

Commissions, sales and egos and a thing called denial get in the way of us eager readers getting a true snapshot as well. It makes it difficult and frustrating to try and read between the lines about what really went on with a patient and a protocol when certain things are not disclosed yet other things are but maybe not necessarily for the right reason.

If someone is making a commission I have no problem with it unless they don't disclose that fact. Then it muddies the waters because we readers don't know if what they are posting is a sales pitch or fact or where the enthusiasm is really coming from. Receiving commission and not disclosing that fact here is an abuse of power and not fair to those of us sick and looking for answers.

I know some people did go to Germany and came back and did over treat by not following the doctor's instructions yet for whatever reason they did not bother to mention they over treated which makes it difficult for the rest of us to see if the Bionic 880 treatment might be a go match for us or not.

Ocean what happened to the person that is now in a wheelchair? I feel very badly for anyone whose health became worse from any treatment. Are they sure it was caused by the Bionic 880 treatment or could it have been something else? I wish they would let us know what might have caused their health to become worse and I wish them the best.
Posted by lymeberry (Member # 20102) on :
Gigi seriously if you want to ever sell your Bionic 880 do please let me know. I still would like to own one but do not have the funds for a brand new machine.
Posted by Ocean (Member # 3496) on :

The person in the wheelchair is possibly just herxing badly, I'm not sure. I know that they also got worse on antibiotics too, so it seemed that any type of treatment really hurt them.

I know that this person was also on steriods for a while before Lyme was found to be the real cause. I imagine that that could have something to do with it.

I agree, it makes me feel so badly when someone is trying to get better only to get sicker, doesn't seem fair.

Take care,
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

"GiGi, what do you attribute others success with the Bionic 880 to based on your experience (and husbands)? It seems like for many, it cured nearly all their Lyme issues. Less toxins? Less DNA-level allergies?"

I am very pleased if others can report they are now "nearly cured from Lyme issues". I don't know why their success and I can't answer for them.

As I posted weeks ago more than once, if I had to do it over again, I would make certain that I have no DNA dysregulation, no metal/fungi/mold/chemical allergies, no organ blockages, no emotional blockages, etc. If so, I would try to take care of those major problems before attempting anything else; i.e. before resorting to photons and similar mechanisms in an attempt to wipe away chronic infections.

After all, the dysregulations, the errors in the software, are at the root cause of any chronic disease. That we know now.

Take care.
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
Originally posted by NanaDubo
Zombie, thanks for reminding me about the foot pads. I used them before A I but after a couple of months they started coming off fairly clean.

I have the gold as well as the aqua ones. The aqua is for metals as well I think, but don't know if they have zeolite in them.

Think I'll give them another try now that A I has facilitated being able to release more toxins.

I ordered these zeolite pads from the same site that has the gold ones (Health Marvels). The zeolite ones seem to be a new item.

Mine are in the mail. I'll report again after I've used them a few times.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
As for photons, they seem to have gotten me off antibiotics which was itself a miracle. 7 months now. But it did not resolve all problems, nor do I think it fully resolved even Borrelia.

Symptom-wise, there was not a significant improvement, but again, holding after the stopping of ABX was still quite notable. I continue to use the Bionic 880 but it was not a five treatment cure.

My observation is that photons have been a tool for many people but I don't know of any US people that are saying it was a cure. It seems that most of us that have done it are still on our journey looking for more answers, even though we may have found some of them with the photons.
Posted by lymeberry (Member # 20102) on :
It is encouraging the photon treatment did get you off abx. That is no small feat. I am sure many people here would be happy if they could get off abx.

I don't think anyone including Dr. W. believes that the treatment is a 5 treatment cure.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
I agree.. I have yet to hear of anyone that was cured using just the bionic.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I agree lymeberry. I don't regret doing the photon therapy at all. It has been a big learning experience for me.

I am in agreement with GiGi though that if I could have reversed the order, I might have done AI first and then the photons. The photons do seem to stir things up and for some, they may not be ready for it. It makes sense that you would want your system to recognize metals, chemicals, etc. before stirring the pot.
Posted by lymeberry (Member # 20102) on :
I am planning on stirring the pot first. Perhaps AI later. We shall see what happens. I am hoping good things will happen.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Are you going to do Bionic 880? In Germany? When do you go?
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I have been and will be extremely candid to all on this thread about our experience with the AI therapy, in hope that others are as well.

It is so amazing to me to see some of the recent developments in our lives during the first two treatments.

AI has helped with emotional blockages that we did not even know we had!

Seems like weekly, more become exposed and cleared. Have found the need for my daughter to speak with a therapist as well as a priest so she can feel secure to have a place to share very deep feelings and thoughts that have come out of no where. She is beginning to feel very free she tells me.

She also tells me things that I would never have told my mother...she feels compelled to share with me, although being extremely private normally. This has been very positive.

My daughters acne seems to have settled down slightly to about 1/2 of what it usually is. It was at a height during the chemical regulation.

My eyes became very dry during the chemical phase, and eliminate crusty mucous. This is not the norm for me. I also have more peace in my life and anxiety free during treatment and with prayer.

She still has major problems with her hormone regulation, and are hoping the AI will work on that. If this problem does not get better, we will try the bionic therapy, after the AI is complete.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I am confused. Sometime ago you posted in a thread about your vision that your eyes were the about the only remaining problem you had. Now you say you are no better.

I don't get it.

Not trying to be rude. Trying to understand.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Forgive me if this has been asked and answered: A friend wants to know if you can take AI drops if you have mercury amalgams.

Thanks. Hiker53
Posted by lymeberry (Member # 20102) on :
Gigi did say that was okay hiker.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
"Gigi did say that was okay hiker".

Not that I remember, unless I was speaking of what others have told me while gathering information/opinions. Taken out of context.
Please do not put words in my mouth. I would not make such a blanket statement considering the subject matter.

I would certainly not make any statement whatsoever to the inquiring person.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I ordered the AI but on a websearch found a message on Joey's Blog calling it a sham. Of cours ethat was posted without a name. ANyone investigate it? Not wild about wasting more $
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :

I don't take stock in unsubstantiated opinions, esp. when they're utter denunciations (or outright praise). One should always get a "why" before letting yourself be swayed one way or another. I'm not sure if you're the one that PMed me, but I do think you your bang for your buck with this therapy. Just about everyone reporting here has had some kind of significant reaction from these drops of water with information, and it's a one-time fee for however months of it your body needs.

I am certainly in the camp that would've done AI before going into the killing phase in hindsight.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Well I just started on my third bottle today , around 3 pm. It is almost 10:30 pm and before 3 my face was fine. I now have a face rash on my lower chin.I am certain they are from the drops.So its definitly doing something.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Well, I already ordered it. I have heard good things too and you guys seem to have Hellzapoppin, so hopefully it will live up to it's hype.

The loan poster sounds like some of the ones who were anti the Biophotons too.

Thanks guys,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
"Gigi - I'm doing Dr. K's cilantro / chlorella detox, as I'm having 8 amalgams removed. Do you think this might interfere with AI tx?"

We are more than containers for Lyme"

It is well documented that much of the mercury from amalgams has moved into other body compartments. If you have them removed, the mercury will go into circulation, and if you, like many Lymies, are allergic to heavy metals, your immune system will not be able to recognize the metals and therefore not remove them.

So, in my opinion, it is not a good idea to do the removal before you make certain that your body is able to recognize the toxins. If I had to do it over again, I would never do any killing or detoxing therapies without reassuring myself that these errors are not a problem for me. Everyone I know, my friends away from LN, who have taken the test, everyone is allergic to heavy metals which means the body can't get rid of them.

Besides being allergic to metals, they are allergic to most of the major foods and many of the chemical groups. So read about the AI test before you create yourself anoother problem by removing the fillings. Removal does not mean all the mercury is out -- most of the mercury has long wandered off and settled elsewhere. That is the problem with toxic mercury.

Hope this helps, Ping.

Take care.
Posted by cactus (Member # 7347) on :
I have been catching up on this thread, and am very interested in AI for all of us.

Reading it has raised a lot of "extra" questions for me, with regard to allergies. There are many references here to the benefit AI can have on allergies, including food allergies.

Reading this is like having 2 worlds collide for me, since dealing with the potential for anaphylactic shock is a part of daily life for my family. We are dealing with severe, life-threatening allergies to multiple foods.

So - at the risk of sounding very ill-informed about AI, I have some questions. ( Where better to ask though? [Smile] )

When speaking of allergies, in this thread, are you referring to IgE or IgG allergies? Basing it on experience? Muscle testing? Any other testing?

Are you speaking of allergies in the sense that there is an IgE response, a histamine reaction? Or more along the lines of food intolerances? Something else?

(I am not questioning the validity of any type of testing or the severity of any type of allergy - only trying to ascertain whether more research into this is warranted on the allergy question for my particular family.)

Has there been any reduction in the incidents of anaphylactic shock due to food allergies, as a result of using AI?

And of course - safety? In individuals with this type of severe allergy, how safe would treatment with AI be?

Obviously, I am not considering throwing away the Epi-Pens and feeding an allergic individual peanuts or any other allergens. But the possibility that there is a chance to lessen the severity of a reaction or lower the number of reactions to unknown "may contains" is intriguing.

Any experience with this? Or links to literature on it?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping, from here you click on the orange words "more info" and on the same page again "more info". (You have to click on the orange banner on the home page where it says "English" first.)

I have just gotten off the phone talking with them. I call them a lot because of my husband's situation. As a rule, they say, if a chronic disease has manifested itself for ten years, it takes an average of one year of drops to get through all the different layers of the system to get to the inner core. So that gives you an idea. All I can tell you is that taking some drops of water a day is easy compared to all the other bitter pills.

I learned that we can take all the chelating agents in the world, if you are allergic to any of the metals and have other blockages throughout the system, it is very difficult to get the metals and toxins out, because the body has lost or never had the ability to detect them as toxins. Or in the case of wheat and other food stuffs, simply was reacting in error. If the metals are not detected, usually it also does not respond to all the thousands of chemicals that are everywhere around us, and so we end up collecting chemicals in our body also.

My husband did heavy metal detox under the best physicians, including cilantro, for ten years and never got rid of an appreciable amount or the bulk of the toxins/metals collected over his lifetime. The reason: he was allergic to mercury, lead, copper and nickle at the DNA level which we never knew until we did the AI test. All other energetic testing (I think we had done all of them) do not detect allergies/dysregulations at the DNA level. He also had allergies for many foods, the silent kind that one does not necessarily feel, and that created the leaky gut.

We both also had error/dysregulations that caused the body not to recognize many chemicals and worst, it was not responding to fungi/mold/penicillins.

I think you would be wise to at least do the test and see if there are underlying problems for you that holds back your healing. The AI test is a lot less than other genetic testing that offer no solution to the problems they find. We have done these tests also and that did not bring us one step forward.

It's the terrain that needs fixing in order for the microorganisms not to be happy there.

Hope this helps - take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cactus, I know a lot of the answers, but not firm enough to post them here.

If you have such problems, it would probably help you to start reading by googling or subscribing to Babelfish translations to get a better understanding of the AI therapy from their website. The website is so extensive if you go through all the links, you will be reading and learning everything that is involved in the therapy, even the method of testing and making of drops is explained.

Why the testing method is totally different from any other allergy testing is also explained.
Allergens are not involved - because if the body has regulation problems, allergens do not exist.

I wish the people spoke English, but they don't - not beyond reading some English text, but answering is difficult. Trying some of the translating engines is probably best to give you a better picture.

Take care.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Everyone, can someone please remind me the address and method to send your blood in for testing with AI? I'm considering it. [Smile]

Do you send the blood sample and ask them to send you a Paypal invoice or do you need to pay first?

Any info is appreciated. Their Paypal section on their website is down.

Please PM me if you'd like with the info.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seekhelp, you can send a few (2-3) drops of saliva on a piece of tissue, wrapped flat in a small piece of foil, seal it in a small baggie, to them. It is not necessary to send blood - saliva will do the same.

Via Air Mail
Allergie Immun
In den Hahndornen 16
D-67273 Bobenheim am Berg

give them a brief list of your symptoms and put it in a regular letter size envelope with 94 Cent stamp on it, marked AirMail. Maybe take it to POffice and have it weighed.

I notice their PayPal page is up again. Do the PayPal and send them a short e-mail at the same time telling them if you want the test only or the whole therapy. Ask them to send you the results by e-mail. Our first 16-page results came with the drops in the mail and I was so anxious to see the results. I think they also mention on their site that if you do the whole therapy, you can break it up into two (or so) payments. Just ask them.

Good luck and hope you have very few red x's and red numbers and blockages.

Take care.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Thank you GiGi. I have zero doubt there will be a LOT of blockages!
Posted by AndrewInCA (Member # 2010) on :

Thank you for your detailed description of how AI has been working for you and your daughter.

One question - have either of you been on antibiotics during the AI treatment?

Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
I am awaiting analysis/remedy number 2. Do they email the analysis or mail it with the bottle?
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :

I got my 2nd analysis in the mail with the bottle last month. Currently awaiting my third analysis and drops.

Goood luck,
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

The analyses after the first one are not detailed. My third one just said how many chemical and energy blockages I had and not what they were. It came with the drops. My first one was e-mailed to me.

Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
If they could perfect all blockages, wouldn't we be immortal and live to 500? [Smile]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seekhelp, not quite - But life is a lot simpler if you can at least eat and enjoy good healthy bread without getting neurological handicaps from it. Your body will forever be thankful.

Yes, new toxins are always developed - some 60,000 to 80,000 manmade chemicals now --- and everything you buy seems to stink more and longer. So one has to be vigilant and be thankful someone was smart enough to come up with a solution to correct our software, at least to this stage.

Mr. G. told me just recently that many kids' problems start after vaccinations. Same with animals. They treat cats and dogs successfully!

Take care.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I just started round 6 today. Energetically, they continue to test very well for me via muscle testing. Still more chemical groups and engergetic blockages to address. It will be interesting to see who is the first American that finds out that they have no more items to correct with AI. I'm interested in hearing how others do with these over time. I'm of the belief that they are helping me to detox much more effectively.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Had a visit from our friendly nurse A. today. Toxins - chemicals, metals, are really flowing and need

Support - support - support - Drain Drain Drain!!
So the skin is not overloaded! Liver and Kidney assist -

She suggested (not Projogurt) support for gut - her pref. Betaglucan from Bioimmersion Sacromycis boulardi Jarrow, for good bug establishing, (with gas being a good sign of die-off)

For Lymph: cilantro pesto (2 T a day) on foods, toss (fresh) it in broth/soups, cilantro tea, lots of cucumber juice ( I mash them up in my little B&D 3cup chopper - I always have one in reserve in case one breaks down and Walmart doesn't carry them anymore - they are the best for raw apples, mousses, etc. )

For kidneys: lots of watermelon (pee a lot),

Liver: Sauerkraut (made with nothing but fermented cabbage and salt - no preservatives - I find one at Albertsons (can). Most imported ones from Poland and Germany taste great and have no additives. Why in the heck they have to add an additive to Sauerkraut is beyond me!

Kefir, Butyrate (if it tests), Hepat (I think it's Sanum - I don't have it yet)

If you have the KMT - put it on back or omentum - gut (Liver kidney support - they are now working overtime!)and run program #3 (lymph), tissue repair #4, eyes tone #6

My husband is sleeping with it tonight with face mask on back. Runs 4plus hours.

Color if you have Air Energy singlet Oxygen, color blue/green for metal outflow.

To correct anemia (from past malabsorption) - Italian prunes fresh or frozen - spinach - apricots - Floradix

Stick with foods - as God makes them
I am sure some people have more to share.

Thought some of you might be interested.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Scott, the corrected software will bring changes and improvements for a year or two after finishing the drops -- that is what I was told the other day. If you really start to think about this, it is quite logical. Most of us have spent years only at half power to have gotten where we were.

Look at the green-yellow-red sections (starting 1.1 - all of those are tested and reorganized. They do not describe at every test what they are finding. It is way too difficult to understand and it would take up too much time. I know they work the synapses, nerves, myelins,etc.

How many switches they have to change depends on how long the train (body) has been going in the wrong direction. First they correct the outer layer. Layer after layer from outer to inner is gone over, and only if the outer layers are corrected, i.e. switched, can they go on to the deeper layers and finally the core. Any error in any of these layers can show up as a different behavior/symptom/cause. So sometimes subjectively we may think things are getting worse, while actually, as AI tell me, things are getting better and better, in tiny increments. That is why it is so important to stay with the drops until they can no longer find any errors.

So the most important thing is to stay with the drops and to not give up even if you feel not much is happening. Eventually, at one time, so they say, they will reach the goal. Or the inner core of the onion.

Make it an apple instead of an onion, sometimes there is no sign of a worm on the ouside, but it is hanging out instead near the core of the fruit.

Rule of thumb: the longer the chronic problem, the longer it will take drops to correct the dysregulations. The body has to fully regulate in order to function at its best.

Create your own reality by the way you think.....
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
What Gigi says has certainly been true for me.

During round three I felt like a kid again. Extraordinary strength and energy. Building raised bed gardens, sawing, hammering, and digging.

Round four must have reached a much deeper level. I test for lymph, kidney and liver drainage/support nonstop as well as binders.

I have woken up with searing ear and sinus aches but no infection there. Old stuff moving along I suspect.

Yesterday I felt like I was getting mosquito bites all day in scores of different places. Kept swatting at myself but I was laying on the couch watching the baseball game!! No mosquitos.

The first day of round four my lip twitched for two days and then it was done.

My eyes continue to burn and crust as the chemicals come out.

Due to a mishap I had to start over again with round four which has slowed the process down some but have just sent off for round 5.

I will stick with the drops until they now longer find errors. I am doing nothing else except organ support and binders, occasional magnesium, very little else.

The hundreds of supplements and tinctures I have collected are bagged up and put away.

Some day when no errors are found I really want to know what to attribute it to so I am keeping it ever so simple.

I enjoy raw spinach right out of the garden along with parsley daily (never liked cilantro). I have a dozen different kinds of lettuce that I harvest every evening.

Other than that, all my body is asking for is meat and eggs!!! (and more drops).

Some days I get really down that I feel worse and some days I am just grateful that I don't have to put a name to what I am feeling and know that "this too shall pass."
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
P S - I read something yesterday that the A I team posted regarding trying to detox things that your body doesn't recognize as toxins.

He said "it is like asking someone to go out and pick a tulip when they have no idea what one looks like."

I liked that one.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
P S S and most importantly.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Love the kisses, Nanadubo!

Lots of great information in these posts, thank you everyone.

I have had a bit of a crisis with palpitations non-stop this week and have had to cancel my week's holiday [pout].

At least I have found out today what is causing my worsened state :thyroxine levels have soared too high, despite the fact that my dose has been constant for years.

The timing could have been better, but at least it means I can order the drops a week earlier!

I have written to Herr G though in case he has altered the policy of one price including all cycles of drops, because my tests results did say cost would include up to 3 cycles.

I am pretty sure that I will need many many rounds, so I want to be sure on price.

I shall save some of the good detox and binding ideas, thank you again.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Ping, I have just received his reply that the price covers limitless rounds, so no need to worry,

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Mine said the same re the 3 cycles, but I have already done 6 and I have not heard of any discussion about charging more for cycles beyond 3. Are you speculating?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
As far as I know, nothing has changed re price. I think it used to be some time ago that people needed less bottles and that was more the norm.

We are, the world is, getting more toxic and it takes more bottles, but they still charge the same (probably old text) That's my explanation. I had been told by other practitioner who is using the therapy for patients that some people are needing more bottles in recent times. I didn't ask why because I was not all that familiar with how this treatment works at that time.

I am sure if you take "stuff" that is not natural to the body, it has an effect of how the therapy works. An already "injured" body is easily "derailed" keeping in mind how this therapy works. That is why they are not in favor of pharma products and only if one cannot be without.

Take care.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
Thanks for the update Gigi! Good to hear that we're all consistently testing for loads of drainage support during the remedy.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Can you get extremely ill if not taking binders because you don't do alternative testing (i.e., ART)?

I have no access to this stuff. I don't want to destroy my liver. Thoughts?
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Taking binders has no relationship to ART testing other than some optimize what to take using such methods.

So, will not using ART mean you get ill? Not necessarily

Will not taking binders mean you may get ill? More likely.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Scott, I mean if you don't muscle test and tons of toxins are pouring out due to AI drops, can you get severely ill? No regular doc or typical LLMD will understand or recommend specific things.

I know about the general stuff like activated charcoal, chlorella, etc. I'm not sure how bad it can get with AI...that's all.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seekhelp, what are you doing now to support your liver, etc. while on killing agents? Same thing applies with AI. Except when doing AI, the toxins are actually heading for the exits wanting to leave, whereas if we are still allergic to them they many are stuffed away in some body compartment where they will create problems again and again. My first reaction to AI was 2-3 normal BM a day; just like a baby -- every time it eats, it poops ---- unless it is already wheat allergic!

You don't need ART - which really only applies always to the present moment - not for tomorrow or the next week. Tensor testing only applies to the here and now, not tonight or tomorrow. The polarity, as it exists at the present moment when testing. The same for pendulum testing. No energetic testing can predict what the energy of the system will be in a few hours. It is only a loose guide. Common sense should always come first.

You could always get the inexpensive tensor (you make a donation if you can afford it) and learn to do it. It will tell you if you would prefer charcoal to some other binding agent at a certain time, like tonight before going to bed. It will also give you a clue as to what your body is detoxing depending what it tests for. My tensor I feel is worth its weight in gold. I can't fool it and it is my guide and always ready. Nobody can afford to have an ART person at the ready all the time. There is lots of talk here what people use - all can help. But it takes a little effort.

This is what I like to stick with:

As a rule, I think the body still prefers real food as much as possible. Whatever does the trick to evacuate, start sweating again, start peeing lots, etc. Only do what feels comfortable - so I was told. Feel good, read, love, walk, learn, sleep, rest, rest, rest, the body is very busy rebuilding regulation. Let the emotions happen --- watch out and recognize them. You don't need someone's couch. Stay away from the naysayers and the superbug discoverers! The switch into the right direction is already being made with the drops. Take the time to cry.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

"I know about the general stuff like activated charcoal, chlorella, etc. I'm not sure how bad it can get with AI...that's all."

AI sees the type of big or little chaos as they do our testing. That is why the testing is done in layers. And the drops are made to be tolerated. If you want even less reaction, reduce the intake of drops. Even one drop, i.e. "whispering the information to the body" will do (so Mrs. G. told me). They also recommend "take as many as the first number that comes to mind when you touch the bottle", but never more than 5 drops three times a day. Or test with tensor, etc. The reactions are shortlived, sort of like a gentle wave going through the system. Listen to your body.

Now I am off the air.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Thank you GiGi for the insight. [Smile] I appreciate it.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
Total 5 rounds for me. They didn't find anymore energetic blockages. This is very good news, and does seem to agree with what Gigi said.. the longer you've been ill, the more blockages you will have (I've been sick for about 4 years)

In the final analysis, my intestinal areas are still in the yellow (dysfunctional), but they say it will take some time for restructuring to occur (up to 1 year if disruptions existed for 10 years). Also, my "available bioenergy capacity" is still in the red (10-20%), & my incorrect cell polarity (% of cells with incorrect polarity or lacking energy) is unchanged from initial analysis, both of which make sense with my remaining symptoms being linked directly to mitochondrial dysfunction.

[ 06-05-2009, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: m0joey ]
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Cool. My reports have not been at that level of detail for a few rounds. What that new Joey? My round 6 just had chemicals and blockages again.
Posted by zombie_mummy (Member # 17402) on :
So, is it my understanding that their final analysis will be more detailed, like the first one was?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Congratulations, Joey, even though a few areas are not exactly perfect [I was going to write A1!!].

Hope you will continue to progress in leaps and bounds,

Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
Zombie--that seems to be the case. I'm not sure what their format will be when others are done because they seem to change it with time.

Many areas showed improvement. The bars that didn't correlate with my remaining symptoms.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
I tested high for Pyroluria. I am doing treatment, as are many others. Is it advised to stop the KPU protocal to do AI???? Energy testing says no. Thanks for any feedback. Joyce
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Can you do AI testing if on Abx?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
"I tested high for Pyroluria. I am doing treatment, as are many others. Is it advised to stop the KPU protocal to do AI???? Energy testing says no. Thanks for any feedback. "

As I understand KPU, it will, if effective cause to mobilize certain toxins, etc. Most Lyme people who have taken the AI test so far all have major dysregulations for many toxins, so in my mind it would not make sense to shake the tree with the KPU before doing AI.

What happens if the immun system on the DNA level does not recognize these toxins? It would seem that if doing KPU when the body doesn't know what to do with the debris, it would only be adding more fuel to a fire that is already out of control.

AI works on the electromagnetic information level. KPU works on the biochemical/molecular area which is secondary.

AI suggest only to do what feels good -- in an effort to support, because the body is hard at work during AI restructuring (as I tried to explain above in several posts). And during that restructuring there is already some detox taking place.

Maybe check with your doctor.

Take care.

P.S. How do you energy test this? Testing refers to the presence, not the future. Just wondering and curious.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seekhelp, certainly you can take the AI test while on abx, and see whether you want to do the therapy or not.

Take care.
Posted by n.northernlights (Member # 17934) on :
I ran across something that looks a little bit like AI drops: i wonder if it belongs in this thread.
Posted by n.northernlights (Member # 17934) on :
Yes, it looks different, but some things are quite similar. Of course it is not tthe same, but I think it is along the same train of thought.

About joey, the cells with the wrong polarisation, I read about a treatment where you hold two glass rods and get treated with light and it is supposed to correct it. No idea if it works.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

This was discussed several times a few years ago.
I just had found another thread besides this above, but lost it and don't have time right now to search. Search and ye shall find. I think it was under vibrational assessment or similar.

I ran into this
Mr. G. told me about this old case where the child learned to speak again.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

This is another thread where Mary Kuru was discussed.
Posted by pryorka (Member # 13649) on :
Has anyone actually read how this treatment is suppose to work? I read the entire site and all I can get from it is they supposedly add electricity/energy/vibrations to a mixture of water and ascorbic acid?? There's no merit to that whatsoever. Anyone that has a full understanding of chemistry knows water has one vibrational frequency... that's it, same for ascorbic acid and other molecules. This really sounds like a bad scam preying on people that don't understand the details of certain subjects of science by stating vague downright silly explanations.

I read more on "vibrational medicine" only to find the same nonsense. I want everyone to understand this, every chemical has a set vibrational (in chemistry called resonant) frequency that is determined by it's molecular structure, you CANNOT CHANGE IT unless you actually change water into hydrogen and oxygen for example.

If this treatment was to somehow work then they have no idea how it works, they can't explain how it works and it's something no one on the planet can test as of yet or be sure about because no science backs it up.

I just hate to see any of us wasting time and money while we're desperate. I don't want to discourage anyone from trying anything that works. But if you understand everything to this you'll understand that the old theory of letting yourself bleed out the infection or allergy has just as much merit as this.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Oh no, it's not legit? [Frown]
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I'm very optimistic and have had good results with AI drops. I am on round 6 now and will continue the full protocol.

I've seen far too many things with the treatment to suggest it is working. There are common threads of experiences that people have while on the drops.

There are many different types of vibrational medicine out there and the statements above discount many/all of them. My journey has been significantly impacted in a positive way as a result of energetic testing and frequency-based therapies.

I wouldn't count AI out based on one opinion, an opinion from someone that has not experienced the therapy personally.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
All I know is that immediately after starting the AI batches for chemicals and toxins, my energetic doctor tested chemicals & toxins in my blood as a priority to be treated. Similar trend happened with heavy metals after the first round of AI

Their final analysis of physiological markers actually correlated with what symptoms of mine have improved since starting AI and what problems I know still remain.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Not to say AI doesn't work, but since you have to tell them your symptoms and improvements each time you send in a sample, how do we know their final analysis is not based on what you say rather than the sample of saliva or blood they test.

Just playing devil's advocate (I am waiting for round #4 and don't know yet if it works, except I do feel tired on it).

Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I strongly feel that any alternative practicioner/company that knows your symptoms before delivering a service is very prone to fraud. That's my issue with Nutritional Response Testing (form of ART).

I say the practicioner should know nothing concerning your condition and make an accurate assessment using the tool they offer for pay. Otherwise, how can you sleep at night knowing they didn't abuse the situation?

Scott, as the Bionic 880 got you off Abx, do you think AI drops will be able to get you off of the supplements (or most) you take currently to sustain your health? Also, this applies to the many other alternative treatments (Progurt, Magnets, etc.). I'd hope eventually this would happen as it would show success in my eyes.

Personal accounts of people's health on the product(s) is helpful too though.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Don't know what AI will do in the long-term yet. I doubt I will ever stop doing at least portion of what I am now. Some ongoing but smaller protocol I suspect over time.

If it turns out that very little is required after AI, all the better. I suspect I have 6 months left before I am done, but we will see.

Seekhelp, do you feel the same about conventional medical doctors? If they can tell you that you fractured your ankle only after you tell them that it hurts, is that fraud? Do you just go sit in their office and ask them to tell you what's wrong?
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Scott, that is a good analogy about the conventional medicine doctor. Well, first I am not a doctor. They would provide proof via X-ray, MRI, CT-scan, etc. that the joint is injured so it's verifiable by outside sources.

I'm not fan of conventional medicine at this point you may imagine! BUT BUT BUT, remember they aren't 'selling' you something based on their results. That's huge. The conventional MD tells me to rest, wear a cast, or other ideas. The alternative practicioner under a NRT scenario says the 'cure' is $500 more with of supplements they sell in the office. Conflict of interest is an issue for me. When under one roof you Dx the issue, propose the solution, and sell the goods, providers must be more carefully reviewed IMO for your own financial safety.

At least AI is 'peeling an onion' that doesn't cost additional $$$ to see the next layer. lol. NRT is the opposite. The onion is the size of a watermelon to make more $$$ off the ill patient hoping to achieve that unholy health status.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Well I havent been taking suplements as A1 instucted and the only " therapy" Im taking is the A1.I havent eating or done anything from the ordinary and im doing round 3 now and my finger nails are starting to grow long and pretty.That has never happened before.Cant wait to paint them soon !
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I'm not so sure they aren't selling you something. You get prescriptions. They often profit. Or many of them also sell other products in their offices.

I think it depends as much on the person and their own ethics as it does anything. I understand your point though. Unfortunately, it is also the types of things that come out of NMT or like testing that are not covered by insurance so it seems even worse.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Yes, you are right. I don't believe for a minute docs pushing SNRIs aren't making kickbacks on this stuff in the form of vacations. I worked on another end of the health care arena and know about some of this first hand.

The bottom line is there is a lot of corruption in the world. One has to sniff it out the best possible to survive.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
Because I never actually gave them an update of my symptoms. Got lazy about it to be honest.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
My experiences to date:

Tired or extreme energy

GI issues are resolving

Very old vertical ridges on fingernails going away

My skin is soft and smooth, wrinkles and all

Detoxing at my own bodies rate and more easily

Sweating more

Face is breaking out

Anxiety a thing of the past

Yeast seems to be resolved

I think a lot of fungus has moved out of my head and sinuses

Some days have been rough but I am feeling quite good

I can eat the foods I had been allergic to as long as I don't over do it - gut needs to heal more

Everything changes day to day

Someone mentioned that anyone with a knowledge of chemistry would see this is bunk - not exact words.

I read it to my husband who does know chemistry and he said they may be correct about molecules but there is more out there than chemistry in the universe.

If you have watched "The Living Maxtrix" you will hear from many science experts that energetic medicine will be the medicine of the future.

Didn't people once think the world was flat? [Wink]
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Started round three.

More chemicals have been found in me and my daughter.

I am now getting acne...I"ve never had it before.

Daughters' acne had cleared during the two week break, but now is blooming again with round three.

Also, emotional releases with her.

My eyes crust in the morning, like I"m eliminating more toxins. And my joints are swelling more than normal.

My nails are growing for the first time in years. They have been very thin and brittle. Now are improving.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I am still confused whether you can take binders such as zeolite while doing AI or wait until the period between rounds of AI or wait until you have totally finished AI to do the binders?

And what about vitamin supplements. The main ones I take are vitamin D and the omegas and milk thistle. Occasionally the biotensor says to the multivitamin or vitamin B, but not regularly.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Ping and Hiker, I've been wondering along the same lines: it certainly takes an act of courage to cut yourself off from years of multiple supplements!

I am going to have handy zeolites, charcoal and Jarrow formulas' Toxguard Heavy Metal Detox [Pectasol Chelation Complex] for when I think metals are released.

As for other supplements, I'm thinking about keeping on with magnesium, maybe digestive enzymes and basic liver and kidney support, unless told otherwise!

What about probiotics? Are people taking them whilst on the therapy?

My first round of drops has been sent out and I'm in UK, so I will probably be starting at the weekend.

Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
The acne has been sporadically bad for me. (Also never an issue before). It's still coming out even though I'm done with treatment.. we only have so many routes of elimination, and the skin is our largest organ. Only makes sense.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I have done three round of AI already. The third round showed the same amount of imbalances as the second round, but they didn't say if they were the same imbalances or different ones.

I e-mailed Mr. G this morning as did a friend of mine, but let's share what he says. He does not speak English well, so I did the e-mail in German and said to write in German and I will use the google translator.

As I said before I take very few supplements now and am more curious about whether I can take zeolite with AI.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
When I asked Mr. G about organ support and binders during round one he said they were fine once I started releasing things, which he didn't think was happening yet back then.

Now I have used them with round 3 & 4 but away from the drops by a couple of hours.

As I wrote early on, I cleared the incorrect information for foods, metals, molds, fungus and chemicals with round 1.

2,3, and 4 have been newly found chemicals and blockages.

One of the pages of the first report speaks to the question about supplements.

I do take probiotics and am going to get betaglucan which gigi spoke of.

I tried Progurt for a spell but it was WAY too strong for me.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Hi Nana, what was your Progurt experience? What was it that was too strong? Interested in learning more about that. Thanks
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thanks for the info, Nanadubo.

I'll definitely share experiences, Ping, and good luck to you too when your drops arrive.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Scott, Progurt was good for my digestive tract initially but I find the salt water does the same thing.

Within an hour of eating it - and only 100 ml - I felt horrible. I stayed with it for awhile and I think it was pulling fungus and metals too fast.

Just my thoughts.

Ping, Apo-hepat is the one. You can also get the brand Pekana.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

What did the first report say about supplements? It was all in German and I would hate to have to type it all into an internet translator if you know the answer. Yes, call me lazy!!

I am glad AI is working for you.

Hiker53 [bonk]
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Hiker53,

I got a copy of the first report via email that was in English!

You could ask for that, rather than trying to translate the hard copy.


Cass A
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I just hope this works. Even my allergies have allergies at the moment. I need a pollen free zone.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Mr. G replied to my e-mail and said supplements and binders like zeolite were okay. However I am getting ready for round #4, so I don't know if that applies to each case.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

This is how I got through to AI/ PayPal the other day.

Hope it works. Germany has a holiday today. Office of AI is closed.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Addresses dysregulation but in a different way. Very interesting.

I'd love to hear what you all think of the concepts and I expect that this is not taken or discussed as NMT vs AI or visa versa.

I have had several sessions with strange "coincidental" shifts or just plain shifts, two which were most notible:

After T3 recognition was addressed, my body temp went up to normal range and my hair stopped fallin out. It dipped back lower and I added a glandular blend and 1 iodoral. Prior to NMT, I had used lugols on and off and thylolar. No help.

I experienced a strong traumatic response to an event that had me out emotionally for days. After my appt where my trauma pathway was addressed, the stong emotions that I seemed to be close to lost in were gone.

I am still half in disbelief.

The explanation and thoughts of Feinberg are extremely interesting.

Video interview with founder of NMT.

Leslie Feinberg on using language to restore communication between the cells

NMT is a proprietary system of health care developed by Dr. Leslie S. Feinberg of Oregon, and is a result of his many years of studying the multitude of methods of energetic medicine. In 2002, a breakthrough in his research resulted in the creation of a powerful system of healing based on the marriage of accepted principles of western science with Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts.

NMT is directed at re-establishing the body's innate capacity to heal. When illness happens, it is often a result of factors that confuse the body's internal control center, the Autonomic Control System (ACS), making it impossible to regulate the body to a healthy state.

Some of the factors affecting the ACS include allergies, toxic agents, confusion in the autonomic nervous system, errors in sensitivity settings, environmental chemicals and pernicious synaptic patterns (PSP's). Dr. Feinberg defines PSP's as errors in recording of data in the nervous system that compromise regulation of body function. They are patterns of reacting set in the body, based on past experience and family patterns.

Leslie Feinberg's NMT, Neuromodulation Technique, is one of the most elegant and efficient pathways to healing developed to date. Working with consciousness at the quantum level, NMT helps create clear communication between the cells of the body, By reinstituting proper communication between the cells, the natural healing systems of the body can progress without impediment.

Feinberg says that NMT uses language from the practitioner directly to the client's body to determine where the breakdown in information systems is taking place. Using NMT protocols, the practitioner works with the quantum healing forces of the body to gain cooperation from the areas of the body, mind and soul that have fallen out of communication and the healing process follows - sometimes surprisingly quickly.

Learn the principles of the Feinberg Technique: The Feinberg Technique

For a full explanation of how the Feinberg Technique works click on the following link:
The American Chiropractor

Related articles: Smithson Clinic

To find an MNT practitioner near you or to become a licensed practitioner, visit Dr. Feinberg's website at

[ 06-12-2009, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: R62 ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
R62, since you have expereinced this therapy, could you give a quick explanation how the instructions are given to the body, in a practitioner's office, how long does it take, how frequently are the treatments done, and what is the cost involved.

I have spent a half hour on the sites and still can't figure out how the treatment is actually done, what they use to do it, etc.

Appreciate your explanation.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
The scripts I cannot quote. They are long. My therapist seems very intuitive naturally. She uses her body to dowse during the queries, scripts.

You are familiar with how energetic testing is most responsive to the most specific questions? I think that is playing here.

The queries, scripts are very specific. When she ran my dna pathway, it included specifics I was familiar with and not familiar with going indepth into the methylation pathway for example.

At some point, though fascinating, I tend to give up trying to consciously keep up with the info in the query, script.

I wish there was an example of one available. I was impressed with how specific they are.

The query and instuctions, script are read from from the computer. But to get to a pathway, first the practioner asks questions as to what is going on and where you are symptomatically.

Then she makes a decision to test the relevance of addressing a pathway and asks this body if this pathway is beneficial to address and gets very specific even with that question.

She puts parameters on this such as the ability of the body to handle the effects of treatment.

Once settled on a pathway, the script begins. I have only had one in office visit. The rest have been long distance. So I cannot remember how many times she tests me in response to the scripts.

There is a point at the end of the script that she has me breath and pant. She measures the effect through the computer until I register 100% .. how this is accomplished I have no clue.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
I can add that the script, instruction, query, whatever addresses past, present, future, miasms. Also cellular level, dna.

The only touching that is involved is the muscle testing. For me, that was sometimes a hand on my arm while my therpist dowsed with her body while sitting by my side.

Questioning along the lines of: is the body recognizing the specific query such as T3 or a certain type of toxin then a script for the body.. and honestly I am drawing a blank other than remembering how specific.

This is not suppose to address your conscious mind, rather your unconscious mind which does rule your body.

30 minutes can do one or two pathways depending on how indepth that pathway gets.

I think cost varies among practioners. My cost is 65$ a visit. Every 3-4 weeks.. it takes time for one to process.

It is more expensive that AI in the long haul, I would think. To further clarify, I am not posting this to compare one better than the other, rather to gain and share insight and perspective into these types of therapies.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
If you get to about 27 minutes on the video, he gives an idea of how a session goes.

At about 38 minutes, he tells how effective NMT is for treating cavitations.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
R62, thank you. That explains some of it. When I have time, I will listen.

We have done AI since January.

For the first time in years, my husband's blood pressure in many years is now tending to be normal around 120/75, without any medication. Not even licorice or hawthorne. It used to be so low that I could not test it. He fainted several times where I had to revive him with capsicum tincture and take him to ER last November.

For many years, for him it was also impossible to find a vein to do a blood draw - without going to very difficult areas. 4 pokes, arm baths, etc. used to be the rule, even in a hospital, except a special Dr.K nurse who had the hand for it. The last two draws this month took less than a few seconds.

So one of the major hurdles is being overcome - which of course means an improvement in oxygenation of the body. The terrain can revive where all the critters and toxins could hang out. This, with a few drops of informed water and no medication whatsoever is miraculous in an 83 year old.

There are other small changes in his major problem area - motoric. But as expected, it takes to get to the last error and the core to clear all dysregulations. He is not there yet.

We will see what the rest brings. We probably will be in this process (taking drops) for a few more months and are fully prepared to do that. I was told that the when the drops are finished when AI no longer can find an error in the DNA, the ability for the body to regulate again would of course continue and the body would shed some of the toxin, relearn some functions, as time goes on. In other words, errors removed, and now body can or is supposed to function again as it should have done before toxicity, infection, emotional loads, etc. Only as it has the chance and time to fully regulate again, will the health change. The tools to clean up are now there -- this is how I understand the therapy. Some people will have a quick breakthrough, some will take longer. The body took many years to arrive at the state where it is difficult to overcome infections. It took my husband some 83 years to accumulate all - lots of it in the Navy with heavy chemical exposure. He is clearing many chemicals along with emotional blockages right now! Body, soul, spirit.

So any of you you are doing the drops, hang in there and be patient. As long as you just feel a bit more tired or have any sense of something going on in your body, the body is responding to the drops. This is what we are told.

We are very happy with the results so far and will keep doing the drops. We are doing no other ``forced'' detoxification while on the drops, because the body is very busy building new regulation cycles and detoxing at the same time. Enough is enough. We only support of the systems/organs to clear. I think I described this in other posts.


While I am at it, I would like to send Pyjorka a comment in response to hers of a couple days ago.


I always find it amusing when someone tells only what they know as THEIR truth! inspite of not being familiar with the subject at hand. Yet this thread exists and seems to be of interest to many.

I would welcome your making your opinion known, if you could prove to me that this therapy is not effective; and then of course your onesided way of looking at things should be made known. But as long as that proof is missing, it should not be an indication that the therapy is not effective and does not work, and worse, calling it a scam. It only is an indication that science still has its limitations. It makes me think (sadly) that you have not done enough research in this particular area, especially not as it relates to the AI Therapy and the whole philosophy behind it.

For this reason I feel your comments do not mean much and are unimportant at least to me, especially after experiencing the therapy for a number of months in very positive ways.

Good luck on your way and, as I have learned over time, investigate things twice and thoroughly before you entertain them.


I also would like to add here that I have been asked some time ago by
Mr. Grundmeyer whether I would, if the need arises, help translate for some people, if they have certain questions. I agreed that I would gladly help --- which in a way I have done all along already for people I care about. I do not get paid for this either, and I only help when there really is a language difficulty. I don't translate texts from their website and I do not translate medical reports, etc. It is too time-consuming and carries too much liability. I do not want a job -- I have plenty on my hands. My flower garden is also thirsty and the birds scream at the empty birdbaths!

You all have fun this summer - it is really going to start in a bit over a week. My veggie garden is finally in and I take a walk around with my grandson counting the blossoms on the tomato plants. It is so much fun and Lyme is fading further away day by day.

Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
From Gigi "Lyme is fading further away day by day."

Now, that's a blessing I declare over all of you!

That made me so happy when I saw it.

I'm taking that as my own!!!!!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Yikes, I got my first AI test via email.

Almost nothing was in normal range.

Many metals and grain allergies.

Rather than get freaked out, I shall go to bed.

Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I'm currently in my 2-week wait before sending another sample (the fourth) in to Allergie-Immun.

Recently, I've had my blood pressure tested a couple of times. It USED to be so low that a nurse would look at me like, "how can she be sitting up and breathing?" 80 over 50--or lower--was not unusual.

Anyway, my blood pressure is now routinely in the normal range--a bit over 100 on top and about 70 or so on the bottom, as I recall.

Also, I'm having a normal range temperature (98.3-98.6) daily now. For YEARS, my highest temperature during the day was 97.8 or lower. Since subnormal temperature=thyroid dysregulation, I'm a happy person!

I definitely have more GOOD days, on average, than I had before I started these drops.

Still have tinnitus, need at least a one-hour nap each day, memory problems, and a lack of productivity.

I am also taking the vitamins and minerals for KPU treatment (but a bit lower on the zinc)--I was already taking everything except the Manganese! Due to seizures, which started up while treating for Lyme, it's not safe for me to stop these supplements.

I've just begun a parasite cleanse, working with my LLMD, and hope to be done with the first segment of that before the next set of drops arrives.

Hope to hear more reports from those taking the AI drops!


Cass A
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Lovely to hear about those great changes, Cass A: I would love to get my temperature up and thyroid
working properly, after my current thyrotoxicosis scare has died down.

May you continue to reap benefits,

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
My cycle 1 drops arrived this morning, but I want to postpone starting them for probably about a week or at most 2] because of the thyrotoxicosis problems I'm having [ie. until worst symptoms die down].

Presumably, since thre is no requirement to store them in the fridge, there is no problem associated with keeping the drops for a bit longer than expected?

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
One more time as the instruction don't seem clear. AI or 2 weeks and wait another 2 weeks to do the next saliva sample, or do you do the sample right after the first 2 weeks of drops?
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I send the next sample the day that I complete the round.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Did anyone else get mostly high yellows and a few reds? I think I only had one thing in the normal range.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hobok, my instructions that arrived this am with this first round of drops say, 'Please send us a saliva sample about 2 weeks after you have stopped taking the drops'.....
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping, keep going from the link above to

I know it could be made easier.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, all the tests I have seen from people who have, had, or do not have Lyme yet, look very similar.

One of the main culprits is the wheat; and the 9.1 (present life unresolved conflicts); 9.2 Inherited conflicts; and 14.1. (Inherited toxins).

If you add up all the red x's and the red numbers -- all those together cause the problems.

When these are corrected with the drops, the green/yellow/reds will return to better when the body is able to start regulating again --- it can take months as long as the body keeps regulating in the right direction. The drops will continue to work long after you have finished.

One particular error does not cause one particular problem. It is the SUM of all
which eventually can make us ill, unless resolved.

Don't worry about the conflicts - if you feel like crying, cry!!! Just learn to flow with it.

Take care.

P.S. Of all the some 15 tests I have seen, I was the only one that did not have any wheat or food allergies. Maybe this is the reason I was able to get over Lyme rather quickly, especially at my age. This is my take on it. Wheat intolerance, even hidden, was my husband's downfall, because it results in poor nutrient absorption for many years (leaky gut, etc.)
Posted by Forgiveness (Member # 20417) on :
Hi Gigi, just started the drops this week, very tired and I have a cold from doing to much in my ministry, but that will pass. I like the AI drops. Troy
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping, their e-mail address is

[email protected]

that is the one I have been using for months.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Troy, as you start clearing out some toxins, that can feel very much like a cold. That has been my experience.

Take care.
Posted by pryorka (Member # 13649) on :
Hey Gigi I wasn't saying I had proof of anything. I don't have proof that eating dog poop won't help me get better either but I'm sure not going to try it, and I definitely won't pay someone for it. (sorry it sounds like I'm being a smart@SS I just pick an extreme analogy to make a point) Typically if you do something you do it in order to get a certain reaction. That's why it seems like a complete shot in the air to pay so much for water especially when the lab won't say how it is they infuse it with electricity... since they can't since it's not possible as far as anyone knows. So the real question I have is... what exactly are they doing? They won't say. Their rationalizations are typical of a strategy used by con artists, which is called disconnected metaphors. And when people use this strategy they teach others that don't understand the truth to use the same metaphors to get more business.

If I come up with my own theory that it might be possible to combine water with heat energy that will burn certain organisms when it comes in contact with them, yet I can't test it, prove it, or even figure out how to possible implement it.... then I would also just be selling people water.

So there's a big difference between a closed mind and simple logic and reason. But anyone that does this treatment can test it themselves. Finish the treatment then go get your food allergies tested at a lab that actually tests your food allergies with science. All I try to do is share my expertise when I can because I know I've needed direction from people in other fields of work since I don't know the things they've learned. I fell for a network marketing scam once cause I have no clue about that sort of thing, so no need for anyone to feel bad about figuring things out later than never.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
You mean the same food allergy testing that you can send to five different labs and get five different results?
Posted by pryorka (Member # 13649) on :
Hey SForsgren, about what you said, what you're talking about happens because different labs test different antibodies. There are IGg1 IGg2, IGg3, and IGg4, plus IGe. Once lab that tested mine all they put on the report is IGg, but when I call them they tell me it's IGg2 they test. Why the heck they seem to pick a random one and not specify it on the test? I dunno. But when choosing a lab to test try and find one that test all four IGg antibodies. Another thing that throws food testing off is the actual food itself because of where it's grown the soil chemistry can alter protein levels in the food. So yeah it's not perfect, but keep track of what the lab is actually testing and you can better keep track of results.
Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :
Can you be on your treatments while doing AI?
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
pryorka, as I understand, this is not always the case. Some have sent blinded samples from the same blood draw to the same lab for the same test and gotten widely varied results.

Science alone does not have a cure for us. Thus, some of us are looking beyond today's science to options that may or may not become tomorrow's.

I agree with ping. If you do not find this therapy rationale, please allow those of us using it with results to continue our discussion.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Ping, my report months ago was in German but I went back and read my husbands which was more recent and in English.

They make recommendations regarding hydration, energy-relevant foods and supplements.

Since I don't know if these are specific to my husband, I'd rather not quote it but I suspect yours will say something similar.

I think that since our bodies are working so hard and overtime to make these regulations, he feels taking many different things may not be necessary or helpful - unless of course someone is on heart meds or the like.

He does tell us that if you need something to take it since the drops work on an entirely different level.

I was taking many, many different things when I started this in January and continued for a while.

I only take binders and organ support when tested as good thing and tweak things with this or that when it feels like it might be good.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
How specific does AI get? For example chemicals: are chemicals addressed as chemicals or are a specific list of chemicals addressed?

Same with emotional blocks, dysregulation? Can the test pick up which emotions and then address them?

Specific miasms, etc?

Can I get a copy of what AI addresses? Will the intitial test give that info?

The drops are made by matching frequencies (or not) to a healthy model of frequencies and then supplying the healthy frequencies?

Does anyone know how this is different from the other allergy/dysregulation therapies that involve energetic drops?

Sorry for all the questions at once. Thank you.
Posted by Forgiveness (Member # 20417) on :
Well, the cold started coming on before I started the treatment, but I know the treatment is working, I am getting in the sauna now. I don't worry, I just trust. Troy
Posted by Forgiveness (Member # 20417) on :
Gigi, is your husband better, I am going to pray for him. Troy
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping, unless for an acute infection, they do not recommend abx. Of course, if someone needs an asthma drop or heart med to stay alive, that cannot be avoided. Many people here believe they cannot exist without abx -- I was the same way in the first few months -- and the decision is up to the individual. Some of the pharma drugs is what got us into trouble and all that plays a role in the clearing and returning the body to full regulation again.

Take care.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
R62, you might try requesting the sample report from the AI website.

That will give you an idea of what they test for and what level of detail is provided.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
P.S. Of all the some 15 tests I have seen, I was the only one that did not have any wheat or food allergies. Maybe this is the reason I was able to get over Lyme rather quickly, especially at my age. This is my take on it. Wheat intolerance, even hidden, was my husband's downfall, because it results in poor nutrient absorption for many years (leaky gut, etc.)

To this P.S. I should have added that unlike many others who have taken the test I also showed no inherited toxins. i.e. no miasms. They do play a large role in chronic problems - as I was told by AI.

There is a lot of information on literally every aspect of chronic situations, and you really have to make an effort to read some of it by using a translating engine. Literally, every question is answered. Start by translating the Fragen & Antwort section (Questions and Answers). Another good place to read is the Forum. German people are not very good at spilling their personal life on the internet, but you will get some good explanations if you pick some of the new dates.
Remember, in German, the 9.6.09 means June 9.

You will also find some direct input from the AI Team responding to certain questions and general comments.

All the answers are there - even if the translation sounds a bit backward at times. You will get the general meaning of what is being written.

Please do make the effort. I don't care to get into battles of word with any naysayers and doubters - that train has left the station a long time ago.
Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :
can someone PLEASE tell me if you can do AI while on herbs and Supps? I am having a HARD time going thorugh the thread because of cognitive and severe EMF sensitivety....

If someone could answer this I would greatly apprciate it....

To those who know me and my situation, do you think AI is worth it???

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Yes, you can. I am.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Great. Thanks Nutmeg. Thanks for the up, ping.
Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :
thank you very much.... I think i am going to try it!!
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Gigi, I have printed out every bit of info I could get may hands on from the translated site and from the German site using a translator. I appreciate the direction, which I followed months ago.

I will go look for the sample report and see if that helps. Thats probably the best guide I can have.

I do not appreciate the implication that I am a naysayer, doubter etc. No way did I put that out and no way will I take that on.

Asking questions does not mean one is challenging and if one is for the sake of learning thats ok too. I do not like the idea of generalizing folks who do have questions as naysayers and doubters... not that there is a thing wrong with doubting.

For the sake of arguing, thats another matter.

Ive taken the NMT to another thread where folks who are using it (or interested in it) can talk about it.

If we need to create another thread for those who have questions about how AI works, perhaps we can do that too. What do you think?
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
NMT thread:

Someone has posted some of the pathways addressed.

Body Talk thread:

(personally I am interested in all three (AI, NMT, Body Talk) as well as a few other modalities, understanding the differences and strengths of each one and how each one might contribute to my healing)
Posted by Looking (Member # 13600) on :
Gigi, thanks for sharing what info you have. None of us should expect you to do more than this as you are just using the product not producing it.

I did not see Gigi use anyone's name or make any implications, I read what she wrote as a generalization that she wishes not to get caught up in any disagreements due to her experiences in the past and why should she?

I'm sure some questions we have can only be fully answered by those producing these drops.

I'm very interested in seeing where this treatment takes you all.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
No ones name has to be said. I did not expect Gigi to answer or anyone else. I hoped someone could answer.

I am familar with the dynamics.

It is OK to ask questions without others throwing out words such as naysayer or doubters which in context by nature imply.

If anyone has concerns about my intent, they can ask me personally. If someone wishes to draw boundaries with posters in general, do so in a separate post. Thank you.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
R62, I have never accused you of anything. What's bothering you? You seem to complain about me on other threads. I have tried to answer as best as I can every question you have directed at me also in previous threads. I can't do more.
So please leave me in peace.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Troy, thank you. My husband is definitely showing improvements as I posted earlier. AI is as hopeful on the old as it is on everyone else. They told me yesterday that they have had a few very difficult similar clients and why shouldn't their therapy work -- just because he is a little older? No, it will just take a little longer.
They hope and so do I.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping, it is not necessary for you to order a test kit. It is much quicker if you just order the test, if that is what you decide, and send them a couple of drops of saliva on a small piece of tissue, fold a small piece of foil around it, put it in a snack baggie and mail in a letter envelope stamped with 94 cents, marked AIRMAIL. Maybe have it weighed at the post office. You can order the test only or the whole therapy. A friend of mine is making it in two payments because of short funds.

Enclose one sheet with your name, age, address, etc. and tell them how you intend to pay. AND TELL THEM SOME OF YOUR MAJOR SYMPTOMS IN FEW WORDS. That's what we did and it saved us waiting 2-3 more extra weeks. Sometimes it takes 10-12 days just to get overthere, and of course the same coming back, and somtimes it took less than two weeks for both the saliva sample sending and then getting the bottle back. The post since DHL is no longer doing the US portion for the German Post is unpredictable.

Good luck in your decision-making.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Is anyone following the advice that came with the drops to eat sugary ad carbonated drinks and sweetened apple sauce etc?

Since I am prone to candida and am sugar-intolerant, I'm reluctant to do this: what is the rationale for it, does anyone know?

Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Gigi, if you have read the my threads more thoroughly, you will see that I have taken up for someone that was not being heard in my opinion and that I also took up for you on the bionic thread and the other thread you are referring to.

What praytell have I directed at you on previous threads?

Leave you alone? You are good at playing victim and not taking responsibility for your words.

Leave you alone? I will be more than happy to "leave you alone."

(excuse me, that was "leave you in peace")

Gigi, I am not sure if my questions were ever directed at you for you to answer, just anyone.

Sometimes my questions are answered and sometimes not. Thats how it goes. I appreciate when you have answered my questions, no doubt. I so not appreciate the way you have on a few occasions, as in the time you almost chastized me to "go do my homework" and put some effort into it after seemingly un beknownst to you I had been searching the archives for hours. You can be rude and meanspirited as well as helpful and kind.

I understand that you have a long history here and that it has not always been easy for you. I'm sorry that happened. You stuck it out in those times, and I can see why you have the respect from others than you have.

I am not a fighter. I do not argue for the sake of arguing.

I will draw boundaries.

You have no clue who I am and what I stand for personally and obviously choose not to hear when others (like me) have taken up for you, not that anyone is obligated to.

All you hear is when you not been taken up for. I see both sides, Gigi, and I will not take one side over another for the sake of it.

I really dont want to post on this thread anymore.

[ 06-13-2009, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: R62 ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
The colon needs different kinds of liquids to function properly.

He speaks of carbonated mineral water frequently as different substances in water change its behavior.

"Non-carbonated mineral water does not satisfy the colon's water demand."

Fruit juice, soups, stewed fruit, apple sauce all supply different forms of liquid. He does mention them always being sugared - soups salted.

I'm not sure why the sugar but I wonder if maybe he feels that this is also a food that shouldn't hurt us cooked in foods, when things are operating properly.

If you can't tolerate it I'm guessing that unsweetened applesauce if fine. Bottom line I think is to take in plenty of liquids in forms other than just plain water.

R62 - chemicals are addressed as chemicals. Sometimes they are named and sometimes not.

Miasms are listed, energetic blockages as well as where they are located. Inherited toxins, inherited unresolved emotional traumas as well as ones we've collected on our own.

The initial test results are very in depth and specific. Hope this helps.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thank you for explaining, NanaDubo:

I think I'll give sugar a miss on the first round and maybe try it on round 2.

I find myself naturally wanting to eat food much more salted than how I liked it years ago when in better health, so that won't be a problem for me, though I see your difficulty, Ping.

By the way, Ping, did you ever try hawthorn for your hypertension?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Ping - do you use Himalayan salt? If not, try doing a google search. It's much different than sea salt.

Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
For anyone with systemic candida, I would be hesitant to follow those "sugary" recommendations. I'm (tentatively) done with AI, and I still have systemic candidiasis. In fact, it's the one type of pathogen I'm consistently testing for now. Especially for those with CFS symptoms--our bodies are relying on anaerobic metabolism and hence produce tons of lactic acid. This is a vicious cycle that leads to acidosis and fosters growth of candida. A few weeks of AI drops will not change that. A few months down the line, maybe.

If you feel hypoglycemic, it may mean that your pancreas isn't working. It produces not only insulin to break down sugar into energy but glucagon to break down glycogen into glucose. Because of the strain on ATP production, our pancreas is stretching itself thin trying to pump out sugar and glycogen for energy production. Support the pancreas, and you may find relief. Pancreatic glandulars are an option, and I take CCK, which stimulates production of enyzmes by the pancreas--which also reminds me:

you need proper enzyme support to oxidize nutrient molecules to a form that can be converted to energy by mitochondria. This is a commonly overlooked step in energy production. For many, Betaine-HCL and a complete plant enzyme complex (I use quantum digest) is a must
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Below is some of the text that comes with the English version when you get your 16 page test results. The instructions come with the test results, nothing in the test kit. I made my own as I described somewhere above. They are economizing as best they can to keep the price affordable; that is what I assume being familiar with German mentality. Thinking green.

Joey, I heard year after year after year by Dr. K., that as long as the excess metals are in the body, the body will produce fungi to protect itself from the damage by the metals.
A systemic fungi problem will take months to disappear, once the dysregulations re fungi/mold/penicillin, etc., has been lifted usually with the first drops. I think that will take time - the body is working. My husband's only fungal toenail is already growing out healthy started on the third month of drops. But I am sure internally it will take longer. He had a bad (silent) case of aspergillus, etc. etc. and was not able to deal with any fungi or penicillin, etc. Ai found him to be allergic to all of them. All tests from Lyme people that I have seen or heard about are allergic/blocked to most fungi types at DNA.

Re Enzymes: If you get your test back, many I have seen, including my husband's, show an energetic blockage, an "Enzyme Dysfunction", at DNA. That alone will explain many of our problems with metabolism. Encymes are the catalysts for chemical reactions. They are in all cells of the body and are specific to the different organ systems. If these don't work, not much else will work too well.

Here is the text re food and drink. I think I posted a couple of months ago that I was told by AI that drinking water by the quart or gallon is not the best idea because it runs straight through. I have had similar input from Dr. K. I am sure some people saw Dr. Oz's test with water drinking by twins (on Oprah). Fazit: whether you drink a ton or none of plain water - no difference in the test results

They recommend to satisfy the different compartments of the digestive tract to use foods that contain a lot of liquids. Nano mentioned it well. Then the different digestive sections have something to work with besides water using different consistencies - mushes, soups, juices of all kinds.

When they mention the word "sugary" I know that they are not talking about the "sugary" part of canned fruits as they are available in the US. My mother used to put up fruits for the winter, and the liquid contained barely a trace of sugar and of course the juices of the fruits. That is what they are referring to -- not the syrup type. It's hard to keep the true meaning when translating into another language.

Most German household unless they are very poor have a box of mineral water supply in the cellar or other cool place. There are so many natural water wells supplying different mineral waters depending on the area, all over the country - that is the water they are referring to. They all contain different levels of minerals and everyone swears by the one that helps him/her to have a good BM every day, etc.

I don't think AI is talking about Gatorade or soft drinks loaded with artifical flavors, chemicals and sugar.

As children and adults we used to take a basket of empty bottles and take a hike 15 km away to the nearest Bad (bath) something, usually also the name of the city or town. We had a good long drink and then filled the bottles and carried them home. Often the fountain spitting out this water is in the middle of town, the market place. It is still that way in many of the smaller towns. People spend their vacations drinking the waters there and over the years, decades, centuries, the towns turned into resorts for vacationers.

This is a part of the Instructions that come with the test results - which in total is a 16page report:

PSP-Therapy Instructions

As a result of any measure aimed at strengthening the immune system, the activity of the immune system increases - as intended - and a lot more additional harmful substances are made available for elimination.
If the elimination capacity is not sufficient - or if it is reduced - side effects occur that actually can become dangerous. Also, the patient may mis-interpret the situation: ''This does not agree with me...''
It is logical, although often ignored that the elimination of harmful substances and toxins can occur only through excretion. This is mainly excretion through urine and colon, in addition there are transdermal excretion (not only sweat) and excretion via tear fluid and nasal discharge. The role of vomiting or coughing

A prerequisite .for excretion is a sufficient supply of water, salt and alkaline pH. If these prerequisites are not met, the excretion of harmful substances is not possible. A typical consequence is an overload of the lymphatic system with swelling in the lymphatic areas, fluid deposits in tissue, especially in joints, feeling of being bloated and without energy and of having limited motility. In addition, skin imperfections can occur.

`Hay fever' - often mis-diagnosed as an allergy - is only the body's attempt to eliminate via nasal discharge the pollen it has identified as intolerable. In case of liquid or salt deficiency or if the body is in the basic area, the body cannot make available enough nasal discharge for excretion; the result is 'dry rhinitis (Schnupfen )' and the alarm cry 'allergy'. Usually one would have watery eyes and a 'full nose' for a couple of hours. That would be it, however, to get rid of the rhinitis, the nose is `dried' (trockengelegt) and the fluid supply reduced...

According to a US study 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated, numbers for Germany should be similar. Even minor dehydration slows down the metabolism by 3%; water deficiency is the number one cause of tiredness during the day.

Eliminating dehydration reduces the risk of colon cancer, breast cancer and bladder carcinoma by 45%, 79% and 50%, respectively.

The first question is how to recognize dehydration. Dehydration is present if the objectives of the human fluid balance cannot be achieved. The human fluid balance functions on several levels, which facilitates the diagnosis of dehydration:

1. First the body tries to maintain the stability of the cardio-vascular system by keeping the required volume of liquid within this system.
2. On the next level, the fluid serves as a means of transport to ensure supply to the body's cells.
3. Any liquid not used for this is excreted, with harmful substances being transported in the excrements.

Problems usually occur in step 2 or 3, especially with excretion, as this occurs on different levels and this is where the first symptoms of insufficient fluid supply occur. Ophthalmologists often detect the symptoms of dehydration at a very early stage, as tear fluid also is a discharge and the eye is supplied with liquid via capillary vessels. However as they are not dehydration specialists, their recommendation 'You need to drink more' usually is ignored.

One symptom of dehydration is that the natural feeling of thirst disappears, another is a certain aversion to increased hydration and the third the habit of drinking unsuitable beverages.

Additional substances in the water change the behavior. Even spring water with suspended mineral particles remains in the body about twice as long, and together with the suspended particles parts of the fluid are separated and discharged via the colon. If the ph value is reduced, we have a sufficiently agreeable tolerable beverage. This is almost the case with non-carbonated mineral water if we ignore the suspended particles. Because of this, non-carbonated mineral water does not satisfy the colon's water demand.

Please ensure sufficient hydration. Carbonated and sugary beverages and juices should be included. Add soups (well salted), mash[7] and stewed fruit or apple sauce - always sugared (canned with sugar).

Bioenergetic Therapies and Diets

Bioenergetic therapy does not forbid specific foods or recommend avoiding them. It does, however, require the intake of energy-relevant foods.

During this therapy, do not avoid specific foods or substances and do not use supplements. This applies also to the bioenergetic therapy of pseudo-allergies or to 'substances known to be harmful' in case of bioenergetic disorders that where mis-diagnosed as a disease (An example is the so-called celiac disease that has bioenergetic causes and is usually treated by excluding gluten. This, by the way, is also applicable if the bioenergetic diagnosis shows gluten intolerance: This intolerance is already mentally `anchored' and bioenergetically manifested although it is not related to celiac symptoms that potentially can be dissolved on
another level.)


If possible, do not avoid any foods. Exception: during the two weeks you take the drops, you can avoid individual foods known to trigger a reaction. After this time you should begin to eat these again, in particular wheat products, eggs and meat. For good diet recommendations, refer to:�ge/fakten/ernaehrungskreis.shtml


Take care.

[ 06-13-2009, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Gosh, this is wonderful information.....

Okay, so salted soups/broths, mashes, somewhat-sugared juices..... but what can we use when we want water that is `hydrating'?

I'm sure they don't mean to buy the American version of bottled, carbonated mineral water..... and the `spring water' we have in bottles here isn't what you would find in Germany.....

...... and is there anything we can do to filtered tap water, reverse-osmosis water, or even distilled water so that it will hydrate us? Just adding minerals to water doesn't seem to work (if I read the information correctly).

[ 06-14-2009, 06:19 AM: Message edited by: Truthfinder ]
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thank you, Joey and Gigi, for your answers about 'sugary foods'.

I'm sure you're right re.the pancreas, Joey, and I have taken digestive enzymes of one sort or another for the last 10 years; funnily enough I have been thinking of going back to betaine-HCL as well, or maybe apple cider vinegar or licorice before meals.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Truthfinder - many grocery stores or health food stores sell Pellegrino from Italy.

There is also one I get that comes from Germany called Gerolsteiner.

Those two are pretty common in my neck of the woods.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Thank you, Nana. I wrote both of them on my list. I'll see what we have here.

This is so interesting..... seems like the latest prevailing wisdom is that pure water is the way to hydrate the body, and all other forms of liquid (like juices, herbal teas, soups) are inferior to water in this respect.

The AI folks are proposing just the opposite.

I've been avoiding most forms of liquid other than what we think of as `good water'.... and I'm not getting anything out of it. I'm certainly ready for a new approach.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I am still in shock today about how nice my fingernails are! This may not sound like a big thing to you all, but for many years, my nails were gradually getting weaker, thinner to the point of almost having no nails. They had been paper thin and would rip from the tip of of my finger, deep into my cuticle, and pull away from my cuticle, with no connective tissue to hold them in place. It is not a fungus. I tried many nail therapies, and every vitamin, and mineral but nothing has progressively gotten worse, until the AI drops.

I would have to regularly put bandaids on them just to use my hands, so the nails would not rip and bleed if I hit them accidentally. This is very painful and annoying as it affects everything I use my hands for.

About a week ago I noticed the change... They still have not grown all the way to the tip of my fingers...but they feel so strong and look shiney and healthy. I am typing this with a smile on my face..and no broken or hurting fingers! I am in shock..and amazed, as the AI is the only therapy I have been doing! Specifically the past two treatments are focused on chemicals, and this round is unnamed chemicals.

Over the past 20 years, until I became sick with lyme, I have been doing my nails, not being aware of the damage I could have caused myself by the chemical coumpounds. I do feel that these chemicals are being released by the AI.

I am now getting painful, red bumps, on the joints below my fingernails...almost like the toxins are moving there, away from the nail connective tissue.

Anyone else with similar findings?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
How interesting, Lymeparfait, and how nice for you!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
That' great LP!!

I have noticed the same with my fingernails although they weren't paper thin like yours.

Mine had a lot of vertical ridges which are going away. Some fingers more quickly than others.

Truthfinder - if you get stuck and really want these types of water you can order them from water maestro.

I have no affiliation with them.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping, did you use PayPal?

E-mail me and I will call them to see if it got there. If you sent money by mail, it takes approx. ten days going and then ten days for bottle to reach you. Phone number and address is on their website. If you want me to call and ask, let me know. Glad to do it.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Fingernails and hair -- same with us! If that looks this good - wondering what the important insides look!

Relived a pain yesterday in my mid section. Lasted all day. The minute I felt the pain I remembered a visit to two of my aunts when I was eight or nine where I usually got very homesick and felt that same pain. I relived every phase of that stay - the old bakery with my aunts and grandfather and his floury beard - the huge breadbaking oven --. Even though the house was bombed during the war and is no longer standing. The pain is totally gone today.

This was probably one of the pain memories stored in the spine -- as shown in the test results - which has now been lifted. I used to have a lot of back pain in the early Lyme years, but no sign of any in recent years.

Take care.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
I had exema on my lower legs for almost 20 years, If I didnt use this certain lotion after bathing it would quickly come back.I havent needed that lotion for several monthes now, no sign of any exema It's been about the same time I've been doing A1.My fingernails are growing to, I just keep looking at them in admiration !
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP -

"I am now getting painful, red bumps, on the joints below my fingernails...almost like the toxins are moving there, away from the nail connective tissue."

Whenever I mention anything like this to AI, they suggest increasing fluid intake, to flush things out of cells and rest of body. I posted about type of liquids above.

I cook a lot of broth! Simmer meats, bones, flavoring, a shot of vinegar, for hours. The old stock pot method.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

If you do a search (Suche) on AI with the word "Bluthochdruck", you will come up with six hits where they talk about hyertension.

If you click on the different hit numbers, you could translate with google. I know it balances blood pressure because my husband's has gone from a horribly low of 80-90/45-55 to 120/70's in 5 months or less. I didn't watch it every day, so don't know when it started to improve.

You will note that "Weizenallergie" (wheat allergy) comes up on the search for Hypertension, so you may find some answer there.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Would suggest anyonewho wants to get more details that you translate this checklist. It tells a bunch.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Thanks for the reminder about increasing the fluid intake...
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I should be getting my drops any day noe. Excited more than skeptical cause of all your testimonies.

Is Gigi the first person with Lyme to try this?

Any Lyme testimonies?

I was discouraged that no one has seen a reduction in allergies yet after 6 months.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping, yes, Bluthochdruck means hypertension.

Hobonite, from this group, yes, I believe I told about this therapy when I first heard about it. I s o w i s h I had known about it a long time ago. Actually, this therapy has been 20 years in the making. A senior member of the AI Team started it in the eighties, junior member active and very efficient last 10 years.

The son of the family had debilitating Lyme, was treated when acute, about one month, with abx when he was 17. Not being familiar with the drops at time of infection (became a family member later), he did the drops after abx. He is very well today approx. five years later.

I have yet to hear that AI finds Lyme in their clients. Most the time - not. They are not trying to cure infections. Often only the memory in DNA is left - no active infections. The aim of AI is to straighten out the chaos in the system caused by manmade and some inherited toxins to get the immune system to function on its own again to handle all that comes its way. Much on the emotional levels. Millions of people are infected with Lyme and don't get sick. The aim is to clean up the errors in the software, i.e. the dysregulations, the errors in the DNA. Biochemical malfunctions are often the result of DNA programming errors.
The food allergies, fungi, metal allergies are lifted/corrected usually with the first bottle. Then the system can start handling and reacting the way it should, i.e. stop reacting to good natural foods,recognize some of the toxic metals, what to do with the metals that are in the system, and thereby reducing the proliferation of fungi, etc. Read Heavy Metals and Chronic Disease by Dr. K.

Read some of my posts above where I explained that the body cannot possibly remove all neurotoxic substances in one fell swoop. I don't think we would survive that. There are usually no allergies left, unless you take a food that is combined in preparation with a chemical that one is still allergic to ( they refer to it as food relevant allergies). These are removed at every new testing. And there are a minimum of 60,000 chemicals that hit us 24/7, some of them hit us hard.

If you have been ill for say 10 years, it takes about a year for the body to clear out the undesirables and to repair damaged synapses, myelin, nerves, tissue, bone, everything that is affected. In other words, cleaning out the terrain to no longer provide a habitat for tough microorganisms.

Every allergy that I had is gone, except they are still working and finding groups of chemicals and emotional blockages connected with these. There are many layers to this onion - every layer is being searched and addressed. Be patient.

The "feeling good" for some comes right away, for some partially, for some it will take longer. My friend is still battling exzema, but she is no longer allergic to her own cat to have to keep her in the basement. And she has turned into a free person emotionally. Depression gone. for several months now. The system needs time to clear. The skin has been trying for years and since detoxification is starting to function better with the drops, skin problems can get worse at times.

All good things take time.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
About drinking water, last time I saw my MD (lyme specialist, but not total LLMD), he suggested I try drinking "that sparkling water they sell at Costco". (He also though AI sounded like a great idea for me, and he was very interested in the report, results, drops, etc.)

I never go to Costco, and don't know what they sell, so when I asked him for a name he said it's San Pellegrino. I do drink sparkling water occasionally, and always enjoy it, but don't want to drink it all the time due to expense, that fizzy feeling in my throat, and the waste of bottles, fuel for transport, etc.

My MD said though that some of his patients are having good results drinking it.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Nutmeg, In an earlier post I mentioned that many supermarkets and health food stores sell Pellegrino and a few sparkling waters from Germany.

The fizzy feeling may take some getting used to and yes, there is the expense and the bottles but in trying to stay properly hydrated while doing the drops it may be worth it for a spell.

Just a thought.
Posted by Forgiveness (Member # 20417) on :
I emailed AI and asked, they said supplements are ok to take. Troy
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Generally, this is what I have been told for several months when the questions arose:

The aim with AI is to eliminate as much of the "materials" that the body does not know to deal with. Highly concentrated manmade vitamins are in that category and not normal to the body. They like it a lot better if we do not use medications and other supplements. It is so expressed in their German literature. If you google/translate, you will undoubtedly find it.

Whatever is needed to stay functional, that is necessary. An asthmatic to survive of course will take whatever is needed to be safe. So with everything else. You will have to be your own judge on that if you think a certain medication or supplement is a must.

Many supplements and fillers don't do much but clog things up - many of us just think we can't survive without them and I learned that nothing is worse than a vitamin that blocks me energetically. We try to use good judgement and take what we think we cannot do without.

I have often talked about taking pharma drugs and supplements with AI, and I have never found the answer to be different than what I am saying here. Of course, it is not helpful to take sixty supplements a day as many have been doing. And since this is not customary in Germany, it is very difficult for them to understand that anyone would be doing this many supplements. I know some people here are doing this, but it will not make the therapy trying to get the regulation back in order easier. Again, I think it's best to use common sense and this is identical to what I have been told when I inquired of AI.

The language barrier is present and it is very easy to misunderstand when one cannot finetune what one is trying to say.

Overall, the less we interfer with what they are trying to do to correct the errors in the electromagnetics, the information system, the quicker and safer it will be. Part of the therapy is a major attempt to clean up some we have caused which the body was never able to deal with, because it does not recognize it thereby only adding even more to the burden of the system.

Take care.

[ 06-16-2009, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
My daughter is complaining about very severe pain behind her eyes, and pain when she moves her eyes from side to side. almost migraine style pain, but not migraine headaches she says.

I believe Nana and others have posted about painful eye issues during hte initial phases of AI...

Anyone else have experience with this?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Just a general response:

I have had some pains - that did not last.
Some were memories of pain some caused by very old problems, some more recent. If you need a pain pill, so they (AI) say, take one. In the re-regulating process a number of old memories come up. If you read your 16 page report, they are stored in the spine area. They should not last longer than 3-4 days.

Others are toxin caused.
My eyes were also very much involved and still are, one day more than the next. It is a long process until the toxins can exit. I have felt it for a day or two, then okay, then another time again. When the toxins are exiting, which is very difficult from the eyes, I also feel it. But it is not anyhing that makes me unhappy --- the opposite -- I am glad it is finally coming out. My husband also has some matter come out through eyes, especially when he wakes in the morning. Sometimes it burns -- most chemicals are not made by man for the eyes.

I also try to stay away from much eye make-up and use only something that I am certain I do not react to. For many women, we are talking chemicals from hairdyes, makeup, cremes with additives and preservatives, shampoo and rinses, all readily absorbed by the skin, etc. It was never meant for our body, and if combined with bacterial and other pathogens, this is what contributed to the overload that finally broke the camel's back. Add a couple root canals, twelve in my case, and I am not surprised at what comes out now. I try to not pay attention to every little pain, because I think it is ppart of the process. In fact, I have clearly been told that at times things can get worse, before they get better. My husband reacts almost within a half hour --- I take one look at him and I know he just took the drops. For him, this route may be the only way out of a bad situation. We try to flow with it.

I try not to use anything that could possibly still be substance my body does not recognize, is still allergic to (in silence), When I get the "all clear - we cannot find any more", I will still be careful. Because they manufacture the chemicals faster than we can possibly adjust to.

Chemicals will show for some for several months and some of them will not be described in detail. There are too many and too many combinations of them. Often emotional blockages are tied to the chemical allergies.

That doesn't mean everyone has to have similar things happen, but if it does to us, I do not worry. Especially the emotions -- they are all over the place - but as long as we recognize that this is part of the process, it is easier to get through. Most of our problems originate with emotions. The biochemical effects are secondary.

Everything has two sides to it: polarities. Every polarity has an opposing polarity. Sun and Moon. Wellness and sickness. Peace and war. Everything has two sides, and if, like in medicine, only one polarity is taken into consideration, i.e. the material/matrix as opposed to the energetic base, this polarity will gain the upper hand. The consequence is disease and mostly chronic disease. There have never been as many diseases that are not curable as today. AI is trying to bring back the opposing polarity. These are laws of nature - whether one wants to believe it or not. Balance. We do have a choice - and isn't it nice.

Just rambling and not read.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I like teh cat testimony. That to me is a strong one.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, maybe you should try google/translate the second story on here - I know the person and this is how I first realized that AI would be something I should pay attention to.

My friend, who now can tolerate her cat, is the most honest and realistic person ever. I take every word she says as the truth.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Although I like people testimony better than animal ones. The animal ones show that this is no placebo eefect! I hope I get my drops tommorow!
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I finally translated most of the posts from the AI site with Very interesting questions and responses.

There was even one about the nail problems resolved.

Confirms what we are posting here.

And great explanations from the AI team.

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I just sent in my sample to get Round 7. It seems that Rounds 5 and 6 were not as notable in terms of fatigue, dreams, etc. Could be a sign that I am getting close to done. We'll see. Still excited about this therapy!
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I just got my test results today. I am a darn MESS!!! [Frown] Not much that isn't blocked. [Frown]

The energetic blockages in my spine are dead on where my test results/discomfort is. Eerie. I mean perfectly to the disc!

I have not decided if I'm ready to shell out the big $$$ for the drops. It's a big leap.

Allergic to wheat, corn and soy. I cut out wheat, but substituted with tons of corn/soy before. ALL my supplements have soy...hmmm.

Metals that show up are lead, nickel, and copper.

Genetic weaknesses are syphillis and tuberculinum??? Not sure what this means.

Blocked glands are pineal, thyroid, and pancreas.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Just to finally have useful fingernails again without pain and bleeding is well worth the therapy cost to me!

This tangible and functional regulation was so amazing to me that I do expect that other things have happened already internally that cannot be detected by sight, and may never be felt physically, but will help my body be able to heal itself naturally of many of my disregulations, finally.
Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :
I want to try this but I am a little worries that every body's test results seem to be almost identical as far as metals, food allergies, and these miasms of Syphillis and TB.... Can some one enlightem me because I am about to order a test RIGHT NOW.... I just cannot be ripped off anymore... I have been ripped off of SO much money from SO many treatments, doctors and practioners... I just don;t think I could go through that trauma again...
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I know it's personal, but I'd sure like to see people post their report specifics here to compare 10-15 of them. I too am concerned about that UnexpectedIlls.

The fact is picked up no viruses also is concerning KNOWING I have them.

There's always a chance for a rip-off. When a company can't physically explain how their product works, that's a tough sell.

I've grown so very wary of alternative medicine and the stuff I read here. There are a few avid supporters that seem to endorse all alternative and believe these treatments/products bring them one step closer to better health. There are others who publicly state they do not notice any benefits from any of them. The extremes are so much. You don't see middle of the roaders often.

The problem with any alternative (and maybe commercial labs) is they don't use healthy controls enough. Labs like Fry, Igenix, Diagnos-Techs, Neuroscience, and maybe AI probably do not test healthy people and compare to sick people due to lack of $$$ (reason supplied) or whatever reason. I firmly believe these labs should be FORCED to do this and audited by third parties consistently to prove their methodology. If results of sick people = healthy people for the most part, the tests have no validity.

All I know is there is a LOT of $$$ to be made by people/companies from sick, desparate people. It saddens me greatly.
Posted by Looking (Member # 13600) on :
IMO, I don't think that you will be protected by the FDA or the pharmaceutical/medical establishment either. Is there really a reason that a course of some anitibiotics should cost thousands of dollars? I'm afraid money is very much a motivating factor here.

I saw a documentary of some hearing where the FDA was being taken to task for accepting studies from pharmaceutical companies to approve drug use and disregarding independant studies that came to an opposite conclusion. Wish I could remember the name, maybe it was Frontline or something.

They were also chastized for failing to show safety of drugs prescribed to children as they don't require proof they are just allowed to say the effects on children are unknown.

Recently we have seen the results of children poisoned with cough syrups and medicines which have been allowed for years until finally the damage was just too much to ignore. How many parents trusted these medicines as safe.

The whole system is inadequate and open to corruption and after being made sicker by it, I prefer to trust my own gut about things.

As far as AI drops not showing viruses, I thought I read somewhere in here that subsequent testing after your first round of drops will bring up other things needing to be addressed. Like revealing in layers what you need to work on. Correct me if I have misunderstood this.
Posted by Looking (Member # 13600) on :
I hear you, Ping. I'm sure 7 yrs. of antibiotics must have cost you a fortune and what a shame it hasn't done what you hoped it would.

At that point what can you do but try other things?

I read on lymenet somewhere a post from someone who was about to lose their house due to the cost of several years of medical & antibiotic treatment. They were thinking that it was all a big ripoff because they were still sick.

I hope we all find what works for us but it won't be the same thing for everyone, I think that's why there is so much experimenting with these different treatments.

I must say though that the cost of AI really isn't expensive compared to what people can spend on doctor's visits & antibiotics.

I'm still waiting to see more results before I decide to try this. Thanks to everyone sharing your results.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Has anyone had a test where every single area is blocked (not normal limits)? I read the report, but to me it's pure mumbo jumbo. No one can comprehend it most likely unless you're a physicist or some real outside the box thinker.

I literally have not one normal result. Spinal blockages, bioenergtic blockages, 6-7 emotional/pyschological blockages, metals, DNA allergies to penicillium and mucor mold fungi(s), enzyme deficiencies, and more. Is this normal for all of you?

How odd is my test?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
If everyone on this site has or had lyme, why would you be surprised that we all have a similar toxic load?

I think this is what sets the terrain enabling us to become so ill in the first place. Lyme is only a small part of it.

Syphillis and TB are miasms - inherited from who knows how long ago. The memory stored in DNA (not active disease in my understanding).

I suspect that like Scott, I may be looking at being finished up soon. I feel pretty normal these days. Hope it keeps up.

For a therapy/protocol/remedy that can go on up to a year - $500 and change is minuscule compared to many or most other things I've come across.

This one requires patience, patience, more patience and a big dollup of more patience. These people are working very, very hard for a small amount of money.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Nana, did you have as many blockages as me when first starting?

Sometimes what's hard to assess is I recall you're doing 10,000,000 other treatment types in addition to AI, along with others like Scott F, Alv, and others. It's so hard to isolate a cause and effect when so many variables come into play.

I agree $500 in the big picture isn't that much compared to what most of us spent to get here. However, $500 times the number of failures, ripoffs, and more is hard to digest. It's frustrating to mentally feel conned at times, especially in front of family as the sick sucker who'll buy anything.

The worst part is it's $500 for a bottle of WATER. lol. My wife would want 25 cases of water for that price bottled. [Smile] Paying for water is a crazy, crazy notion. lol.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Oh yes indeed.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
You will Ping!!

Seekhelp - I did NOT do 10,000,000 other treatments - actually there's quite a short list if you would like to have it.

And would you be the one to tell someone which stones not to overturn when wanting to get well?

Pretty big job.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I'm sorry, I must be mixing you up with someone else Nana. I was just throwing out the 10 million as humor. Sorry. [Smile] I can't keep it all straight. [Smile] I'd love to hear what you do to get/stay well as I always carefully watch those who hit remission as I'd love to be there too. [Smile]

Of course, I would never tell someone what not to do. I can only speak from my personal viewpoint. With Lyme, or any other chronic illness, one can always fear it coming back, never feel they achieved perfect health, etc.

Sometimes, I just have a hard time understanding how much people put into this stuff with respect to supplements, alternative treatments, etc. when I hear they are doing quite well and decide to try another thing anyways. I think there's a point of diminishing returns. Do you drop $10k wondering if you can get from 97% health to 98%? Know what I mean? When you're at 5-10% health, cost becomes irrelevant. You're desparate. [Frown]

I look at the big picture when making decisions.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Agree with NanaDubo. It's an inexpensive treatment.

If people are not sure it is right for them, don't do it. It makes no sense to start a new therapy when you don't believe it can help. That truly is a waste of money.

As for people seeing similar results, that isn't a surprise. We are all toxic. I have seen differences in results and the # of miasms in particular seems to correlate highly to how ill the person is in the ones I have seen.
Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :
I guess my issue is that I have tried SO many treatments and I am still as sick as I was when I started 2 years ago... SO yes, you become frustrated, untrustworthy, and tired of it all...

I am not saying that I don't think it COULD work... but just that at this point in the game I don't know what I believe in anymore or what is ever REALLY wrong with me. I go to one of the TOP LLMD's...

So I guess I have put sort of a protective wall up... But only because I have been so let down.
Posted by Looking (Member # 13600) on :
Ping, I'm glad you feel recovered from your 7 yrs of antibiotic treatment. I guess I misunderstood why you are interested in this AI therapy.

What are you hoping AI will do to improve your health at this point?
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I understand. This disease is not easy for any of us. That said, we have two options:

1) Keep trying
2) Give up

Number 2 is not an option in my mind.
Posted by Looking (Member # 13600) on :
Ping, yes we are all exposed to toxins. I was just reading how toxic Washington State residents are in this recent report:

There is no way I could get 7 yrs of continuous antibiotics where I live and I don't have a boatload of money to come to the States where I would have no insurance. So I don't even want to get into the pathetic treatment available in Canada where they won't even accept a positive lyme test from the States.

Even if I could, there's no guarantee I would be recovered at the end of it, as some posting on lymenet have complained about has been the outcome for them.

Ping, you are fortunate if you feel you have recovered. Maybe AI can help improve your health even further, keep us posted.
Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :
I tried abx for about 6 months with an LLMD and I also did 6 months of the HORRID Marshall Protocol...

The 6 months on LLMD abx I had A lot of issues, constant yeast infections that would not go away with ANY measures, Organs felt weak, And a VERY close case of C-diff which I had to stop abx for 2 weeks.. It was not fun what was happening to me at THAT point but I don't want to get too graphic. I also became extremely suicidal because of the meds and lack of any sort of change or herx or improvement to show me something was happening.

At that point my LLMD's PA didn't know what to do with me.. and basically said that I needed IV but KNEW that my insurance didn't cover it and that I coudln't AFFORD it on my own. From that point I decided to stop ALL pharmacueticals and abx and started eating raw foods, juciing and taking herbs. From that I DID have some kind of imprvement... meaning I was no longer completely bedridden, I could walk myself to the bathroom and even got out of the house a couple of times.. Which I hadn;t done it 2 years.

I have started to get back to that point of being bedridden again all the time.. I am back seeing my LLMD but I STILL was NOT put on ABX because of what happened last time with my lack of respose and other problems.

I am also seeing an LLND who is trying to strenghen my body and systems and also has me on low doses of herbs.. Androgrpahis and Zhangs art... along with some nasty teas and homeopathy.

I see my LLMD in July.. It is the 1st time in a year taht I will have seen him as I ALWAYS saw the PA... He will probably want me on ABX but I don't think it is the ANSWER... not for someone who has been sick for as long as me... maybe if this was caught years ago.. I also do not think I have JUST lyme.. I think there are toxins, chemicals, mold and other issues that make my symptom picture so severe.

I intuitvely feel that ABX may not be the answer... at least not for the 3-4 years you speak of. I would do them if my Doc said... YOU NEED THEM OR ELSE... but I just dont think it is THE answer.

I have been to 3 different LLMD's... and of course as many of you may have experienced... MANY other doctors, practioners, healers, YOU NAME IT... I am SPENT!

And you are absolutely right Sfrosgren.... GIVING UP IS NOT AN OPTION.. I have two children and a Man I love dearly that has stayed by my side and sacrifced EVERYTHING to be here to take care of me... I would never give up. (even though sometimes it is hard and you want to)

Peace & Blessings to all of you, that we find the answers we are so despertaely seeking

(Sorry for spelling mistakes..)
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Like I had said in previous post I am probaly one of the sickest here doing A1 . I have been diagnosed with M.S. 17 years and years later finaly was tested for Lyme +( Im in a wheelchair most of the time, I can walk short distance poorly with a walker due to horrible balance. I am doing no other therapy although I have tried countless over the years.I have been doing the A1 for three rounds now and while no, I am not up and running yet, 20 years or so of ezxema is finaly gone and my fingernails that never in my life grew this great I all contribute to A1. So for those two things alone I think the money has been woth it. Terri
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I think the results (slow but sure) of the guys who have been on it a few months seem promising. Is it the cureall? Hopefully just a missing link.

I cou'dn't cut and paste my test results but:

But Dysfuctions (red and yelows) in everything but 2.3.

No milk allergy showing (untrue I believe), Soy, wheat, gluten, Corn, all top 3 penicillins, botom 4 mucums, Lead, copper, mercury, nickle

9.1 =6, 9.2 + 9,

B;ocks in Sacrum and cocyx - this is really where I do have pain!

Pineal, Throid, Pancreas. Shocked that my tired adrenals showed fine. Enzymes.

bottom 3 gentic toxins. No other bac or virsus.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Hobokinite, that's a mirror of my report basically. Odd. THe spinal blockages are different a bit, but they have a symptom list so they can change it accordingly hypothetically. The impossible to detect items on a symptom list are showing up identical.

Scott, the idea you have to believe in a treatment to work is simply not true if it works. Tell a person going into allergic shock they are getting an epipen injection. If they don't 'believe' in it working, will it not? [Smile]

I'm not saying attitude doesn't play a big part in health and recovery, but it's the not the end all be all.

I just wants facts, stats, other people's results, progress on therapy and hard data when making decisions. We are all sick obviously, but I'd expect you have to have many less blockages/issues when you're functioning at 95% most days, able to travel, and other normal activities compared to others here bedbound w/serious neuro issues. That's just common sense.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Hard data does not exist for every possible beneficial treatment. If someone is looking for absolute proof that AI works, it probably makes more sense to look for other treatment options where this proof exists - though I am not aware of too many of those when it comes to this disease.

As for my own AI, I showed just as many issues as others. I've still got road to travel. Am at about 80% compared to where I have been. And, I've been there in bed with serious neuro issues. Fortunately, that is not currently my reality.

Years ago, I learned that there are three key parts to this illness:

1) Toxins
2) Infections
3) Emotional trauma and conflicts

I think it is only when we incorporate work on all of these areas that we can get well. A focus on any one or any two alone often disappoints.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I believe Scott's list is correct. I ahve been working on #3 for a long time now with prayer and counceling and stress reduction.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Balance in all things is key.

I agree about the three parts, and while on AI, there is no way to avoid dealing with all three.

Everything comes to the surface, literally.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Could anyone please go over their eye symptoms again. Anyone have twitching and trouble focusing on reading while on the drops? Daughter says her eyes twitch from side to side...not the eyelid twitches. This is new.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I posted bit about my test results earlier in the thread; they are very close to Hobokinite's, eg:

Dysfunctions, exactly the same [ie all except 2.3]

Same food allergies and metals, penicillins, but one fewer mucor

9.1=6 9.2=9 [same]

Spinal blocks in 5of 6 areas [not Atlas]

Same gland dyxfunctions,ie pineal, thyroid, pancreas and enzyme too.

All 4 genetic toxins

I know it is hard not to be too suspicious of new treatments, especially when you've been losing money in lost wages and spending it like there's no tomorrow on trying to get well.

I waited a while to see what pioneering AIers reported for that reason, but I think it makes sense that we have similar results, as we share a similar illness status!

The cost of this is not prohibitive and AI have nothing to gain from sending out more and more drops, as the on-off price includes everything except postage.

I do understand too about hopes being dashed when you invest hope as well as cash in a therapy.

Yes, it's a gamble as to whether it will help, but as Scott says, if you're not getting better on your current protocol, you can only accept the status quo or try something else.

Ping, I look forward to your test results!

All the best,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lymeparfait - can't speak of the eyes specifically except they have been a source of discharging for me throughout this.

I did have the twitching thing back when I was on round three but it was my lip.

It started twitching (not visibly) the first day of round 3 and continued for two days pretty much non-stop. That was the end of it.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Ping, one first remedy froze in my mail box and they said it was fine. Heat may be different, I'm not sure. Maybe a quick email to them?
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I asked the same type of question about:

Length of time between taking treatment vials

And they said the water retains the energy information no matter the heat, the length of time, and the xrays and heat do not damage it.

I do think if heated too much, it would evaporate.

But they said, the information does not leave the water.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Posted by Seekhelp:

"I just wants facts, stats, other people's results, progress on therapy and hard data when making decisions. We are all sick obviously, but I'd expect you have to have many less blockages/issues when you're functioning at 95% most days, able to travel, and other normal activities compared to others here bedbound w/serious neuro issues. That's just common sense."

No, it is not just common sense. A friend of mine, fully functional like many people you see walking around when people watching, a little leg swing here, bad dull hair, acne blooming, overweight, old and fat, all these people already have a manifestation of things not right. You don't have to be in bed. I was hardly ever in bed because I had enormous will power to stay afloat. My friend came up with more than 30 dysfunctions
(red x's and red numbers - not the graph charts) From all appearances, there is not a thing wrong with her.

It may surprise you that I have not had active Lyme Disease in over five years until I made the one stupid mistake - i.e. put the Bionic to my body setting off an avalanche of problems that nearly drove me out of my mind. Yet amazingly, I still came up with 25 errors on the first AI test. I expected that I would have a few dysregulations, but 25 --- never.

My husband who is since Bionic treatment unable to walk, while he was able to before the Bionic, and does not have Lyme any longer and was always borderline Lyme and questionable, still showed 33 errors on the first AI test. He never had any problems except movement disorders. No pain - can't move.

Many many further dysregulations are still found every time we test, following these first tests: They are identified as chemicals and similar substances. But the major findings are the blockages, the errors in the nervous system, the emotional blockades, and most of all the damage caused silently by the wheat to the overall system, the damage caused to the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), synapses and all the different systems broken down that you find listed from 7 to 14.

A major impact is from the inherited toxins/miasms on 14.1 and from the inherited psychoenergetic conflicts. And of major importance 9.1, the Unresolved conflicts of present life. My husband had 3 of the miasms - I had none. I also had no food allergies.

I know that miasms under 14.1 are red flags that they find in the most serious diseases (not Lyme). It's wise to no longer have to deal with them. These are already recognized in the DNA right after birth, even before actual diseases manifest themselves.

Our son, who is on bottle #4 now, just dropped by and told us that this one is hitting him hard. So, thank God, it's working. I am just holding my breath to get all children, their wives and grandchildren on this.. Every grandchild has one or more allergies already. A hidden allergy can turn into a disaster in few years.

As I suggested a few weeks ago, it might help people to get a better understanding that this is not a scam and that it does work if you order the study which they published. It is a study on approx. 200 people that goes back to 2005 showing the results broken down by problem, male, female. Since it has very little English text on it, you can easily understand it by just looking up a few words in a dictionary.

I just would like to tell you that with the pharma at the watch, anybody making false propaganda as some of you suggest, people doing this would have one foot in jail. They very clearly explain who they are and what they do. They also recommend that a practitioner should be consulted. I would post the one study I have here, but it does not copy as clearly as the original they can send you by e-mail. I posted pieces of it a week or so ago.

If you cannot trust AI - please do not go into it. There are many moments where not much is happening and where you wonder - what now?; but there are many moments, all too many for us, where I absolutely understand that many changes are taking place.

The problem arises with the fact that the errors in the system, as they call it, are found in different layers. If all the errors were to appear at once in the same layer, most likely the body would not be in a position to respond to them and to compensate for them. That means then - they have to work through layer after layer which makes for the different bottles with new information.

At the moment they are working on my husband's balance problems - he falls out of the chair and cannot adjust himself --. While they are adjusting that error, another one that had been corrected now has gone worse and one feels everything is getting worse. It is literally section after section, bit by bit they have to work through, and it is up to the client to learn enough about the system to understand how and why and then to stick with it until nothing to correct can be found any longer. Of course, a dead body part is a dead body part. I am not expecting that in an 83 year old man everything can be fixed. As long as the basics are good, we are doing drops until they now longer find anything. Even a 3/4 life is better than that none. We still try to enjoy the day, the grandkids, the daily events and are thankful that we still have each other. We have not a thing to loose. With the changes that have already happened to me and my husband, cost is negligible.

At that point, when they no longer can find any errors in the system, the body should be fully regulating and can then start to take care of the backlog. The immune system can step in and finally direct the concert again -- something it was not able to do with an energetic base, DNA, messed up and gone haywire. Then all values shown on the first test should start to improve further and further. I am sure it will take time.

Looking at my own regulation pathways, they find an enormous chaos, because the system often went zig zag wrong direction when it had no other choice. I had 12 root canals that were constantly contaminating my body.

AI are not against taking medication when necessary. But If medicines are being taken all the time, the body is likely to continue running into the same errors, the same tracks, suggesting that everything is in order to make more of the same errors --often the ones that brought about the dysregulations in the first place. The system is being derailed - again and again.

If this note sounds disjointed, please note that I read and type here and there while doing a thousand other things in between. So please take it as is.

Take care.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I was the one that had a "no", response for awhile, when wanting to begin.

The testing I used was ART with a ND. It is your own body energy that communicates. It is within and also as explained to me, in the energy field, light, outside your body. Where your long term memory is also believed to be stored.

It depends on how your phrase the questions.
The therapy was always a "yes" when asked if it was good for my body. It could have meant that water was good for my is a general statement.

You have to get good at phrasing the statements to get at the root of what you are searching for. And your regulation needs to be open to get the best response. Many on lymenet have helped me learn about this. I am still beginning.

I suggest you spend time on learning about this before beginning the drops. It will give you confidence in your intuition when you understand this and your body better energetically.

The "no" answer was when stating the AI therapy is beneficial for my body today. That my body would benefit in regulation with the therapy. I waited until I received the yes.Usually I go full steam ahead...but I waited.

There is always a reason for the no. It may even be an emotional reason. This is something for you to investigate. It was new to me, but amazing.

My ND had a strong intuitive feeling that I was harboring anger against someone. This was the day I had my no response as well. She left the room, and said to think about who this was and we will release it...

Well, after a minute, not feeling anger with anyone, I realized, I was actually angry at lyme disease and the whole nightmare it created in my life, and feeling like my life has been taken away. That my husband has lost his wife, and my kids have lost their happy and active mom. I was angry! But never verbalized it or realized it until that moment.

I was also trying to find the cure...the answer...and not stopping to enjoy anything until I had saved my family and myself from the terror of this disease. I was spending way too much time researching online. I was over the top.

This was an overwhelming emotional response and experience. She helped me release this anger, and my healing started to escalate at that time. I let it go. I have worked on other spiritual and emotional things since then, and have been healing physically with that release.

The AI therapy has even brought more of this out. And now I am more relazed, bu just dong this one therapy. (And not obsessively being on line.)

There were other things that were a yes on that day for me. Specifically chorella, and taking the KPU test. For me, at that time, I had just taken out my amalgam fillings, and my body was adjusting, along with moving out candida.

The KPU test proved I had kryptopyorria, and we began therapy. Since then I have gone off that therapy, (another whole story), but am doing the AI alone, until complete before beginning the KPU therapy, if needed after the AI.

It appears the my KPU may be cleared with the AI. That is to be seen. But I feel like my detox pathways are opening.

I also now have a biotenser that confirms for me what is right at any given time. It all is about how to phrase the statements. I rephrase my statements many times to make sure I get the correct yes or no. When I am lazy and only ask one way, I may get the wrong direction.

This takes practice. For important new tretments, I will always get tested with ART by a ND to confirm.

I use the biotenser for general things related to doses, and timing and extra needs.

I also test how many drops each of the three times of day. Also test when to take my next dose.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Look for a pm...

Just ordered AI therapy for my other child without lyme I want both my kids to clear disregulations before they have a chance to pass them onto their unborn children...

That's how much I think this is working.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I mailed AI this morning re hot weather/drops.
They wrote back --

Hallo Frau Gilberg,

ich glaube nicht, dass die Hitze einen Einflu� hat. Im letzten Jahr hatten wir viele Fl�schchen nach Italien, Ungarn, Jugoslavien und und und gesandt, wo es auch extrem hei� war. Niemand hat etwas beanstandet. Die Wirkung war auch vorhanden.


Translated - this says, that they do not believe heat has an influence. Last year, they mailed many bottles to Italy, Hungary, Jugoslavia and and and, where it was also extremely hot. Nobody complained and the drops were effective.

Just a question: How can they savely deliver anything (besides paper) if they do not have some way of cooling systems in their vehicles?

You guys seem to worry way toooooo much. Relax and enjoy your day ---
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Just a few thoughts:

"GiGi advised that it would be best to have amalgam removal after A.I."

I am sure that is not the only thing I said, and anyone looking at this sentence only, will misinterpret my comments on amalgams. Certainly I would not do the removal now, if I thought I needed to remove them to get better.

Some people are of the opinion that when the regulation is again up and running and the body recognizes all toxins, including toxic heavy metals, one may not need to remove amalgams. I do not know and I certainly do not want to make a blanket statement about AI and amalgam.

Dr. W. told me, also in writing, more than once, "biophotons take the metals out" . Heck no, they don't, not if the body does not recognize mercury as a toxin or others having a toxic effect. This belief and trust is what got my husband into worse troubles - we moved more metals into the sensitive places/CNS and he rapidly deteriorated to the point where he could no longer walk. Period.

One should not attempt to detox unless sure the immune system is not dysfunctional and can take on the task. In my opinion, many herxheimers during abx is nothing but shaking the toxic tree and trying to find a new spot to deposit the stuff. I am sure that's why symptoms continue and continue - neurotoxin symptoms in my mind cannot cannot be differentiated - to me they felt the same no matter what we were dislodging or whether we were killing this or that infection. After all, they are all hanging out in the same terrain.

I would not at this point attempt to move or kill any neurotoxins until we clear all errors. At that point, it is my belief that we will have an able body that can deal with the toxins much more readily. It took me a while to learn from Dr. K. that it is not the bugs that cause us the problems, but the dead debris and the neurotoxins they leave in the body. There are thousands of them.......

This is how I feel --- all of you may feel differently.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I got my drops today. Did everyone stop every single supplement?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I know this has been asked and answered in previous opists but I can't find it.

How do I open the bottle? Do I cut the top off like superglue or stick a pin in it?

Do I put the drops in water or right in my mouth.

With or away from food?

Will start in the morning I hope.
Posted by Looking (Member # 13600) on :
Hobo, hope this helps:

Nutmeg wrote:

Someone wrote a while back that they couldn't get the drops out of the bottle. You have to pierce the top of the spout (underneath the white cover) with a needle or pin.

Most said they were taking the drops directly into the mouth -- 5 drops 3x a day. Someone added drops to a little water.

You take homeopathics away from food, I'm thinking that would apply to this as well, but don't know for sure.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Thanks, Nutmeg.

Just took them. They kind of taste weird. Is there a weird preservative?

Wouldn't it be fun to be allergic to the AI drops?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Yup, having a real histimine reaction to the drops. YARGGGGG
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
the tip of the bottle can be cut off with a sharp knife or razorblade - just about 1-2 mm or 1/16 ".
I put the 5 drops in a small tiny glass and put a teeny bit of water in it - a teaspoon full is plenty. Then drink it. I am afraid to put them directly in the mouth - because more is definitely not better. You do not have to do the absorbing bit as with a homeopathic - it is not a homeopathic. It has no relation whatsoever to homeopathy - so I was recently told. A young man drank out the whole bottle one time and he slept the whole day! Sometimes if the reactions are too strong, nothing wrong with taking less. Like whispering the information to the body! Our times vary - sometimes before eating, somtimes in between. Sometimes after. If I took them too late before going to bed on the first couple of bottles, they would keep me awake. Just sort of an even distribution 3 times during the day. I never tasted anything but water.

That's the best part about it - what is easier to take than 5 drops of water?

We bless the drops as we take them. It's our ritual.

Hobo, the drops are totally fitted to your body, specifically. So I don't think they would send you anything you are allergic to. Let us know how you feel after a couple days. I definitely mark the bottles clearly, because my husband's definitely do not test energetically on me.

Enjoy the drops. They will work for you.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I must be a klutz or paranoid or both. I opened the tip witha pin. Pin was new in a package that I must have had for a whie. Then I notioced the pin looked dirty or discolored so I'm worrying that I ruined the batch.

Someone send for the straightjacket.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
If you think you've been silly, Hobok.....I actually cut the tip off the protective cap this morning!

It's going to take a while for my heart symptoms and thyroid imbalance to improve, so I decided to try starting the drops, on the basis that I could stop if they made things far I'm doing a lot of swallowing.

So you and I are starting on the same day, Hobok!
Good luck!

Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Just ended round 3...

Welcome to the AI club, Hobo and ukc...looking forward to your posts as you progress.

Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Wishing you much success as well...
my msg. box is now empty if you still have questions.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I started the drops Friday and woke Saturday with candida white tongue; same again this am.

I dragged out the sesame oil and did some oil pulling both mornings.

Have continued with probiotics and Candida Yeast Management, so it's not that I've stopped those; have also come off amoxicillin.

I'm wondering if this could be metal-related already.

Did other people get this?

PS How are you doing, Hobokinite?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
What I thoughtw as an allergy seems to have lessened.

No idea if it is the heat/weather or the AI, but I am having tons of joint and muscke pain since starting it.

Blessing the drops and anything you put in your mouth seems a good idea.

Perhaps praying and commanding healing to all of our bodiues 3X a day is too. Says the guy who just overslept and missed chruch today.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :

Any diea if AI has helped people with EI sesnativites or even EMF sensativities?

Thanks and blessings,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, what's EI!

There is hardly a chronically ill person today who does not have an EMF problem. I think the number is zero. I was at a Klinghardt seminar yesterday, and it is again and again the same story - toxins including EMF's starting with children to the oldies. The metal content in our body combined with the chemicals is simply too high in everybody with a chronic disease. If you add the infections into the equation, we don't need to wonder why we are sick.

AI addresses everything connected with chronic disease and is helping. Some may need more work later, some may not. It depends on the individual make-up. There is nobody on this board who does not have a half dozen other problems besides a Lyme infection.

We need to learn to relax and flow with this therapy. Foremost - because everything starts with the first thought. Good or bad biochemical reactions become second. And some may need 1-2 years, and some are great in a few months. Lifestyle and thought play a big if not only role.
That is my take on it.

Take care.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :

I had the candida white tongue, and major candida on my cottage cheese stuck there.

Had to use a water pic power washing device to remove it.

don't know if it was the AI, as it happened at the time I started the AI, but had also just removed a metal amalgam, and had been detoxing for that it's hard to tell.

Also, Hobo...I have had a major pain behind my right knee, at the beginning of round 3, chemicals. Never had a knee problem in that knee before, but had only one in my left knee for years. It was extremely painful for the two weeks of round 3.

I recently added a natural anti-inflamitory, Curcumen "enhanca"...and it helped the pain ease up in one day. Sprinkled it on my food two times a day, and after two days, the pain is gone, but still have swelling behind the knee.

Again, I don't know if it is AI related, but so glad others are sharing their symptoms so we can all compare. I am hoping it is AI, and things are just regulating...not escalating!

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Gigiu, EI means enviornemntal illness - super senative to chemicals, smells, etc.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Hi Gigi, Did DK talk about KPU Pyrrolia ? If so can you share please. Thanks Joyce
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
He will be speaking on it next week at LIA on Sunday morning.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Thanks Scott, Wish I could be there. Please share if anything new. There seems to be a lot more about AI and KPU. I guess we are the pioneers again. Take care Joyce
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
I got my third round of AI drops and printed report and started the drops today.

The report said I have 10 chemicals and 3 food-related reactions that they were not able to identify to any greater detail.

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Funny how no one showed chemcials at first. Perhaps it only shows the bigest culprits first and when they are gone, teh depper ones.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Pardon my spelling -- I have Lyme. Last sentance should have been THE DEEPER ONES.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Ping, your note is confusing. How can they send you the therapy without a saliva sample? The therapy is based on the sample.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
That doesn't sound right to me and was not how mine was done. Hmm.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
You can order the test only, without any drops, just so you know where you stand re allergies for (normally) 90 Euro. There are short stretches of time where they do that service (first testing only) for 75 Euro. I checked their website right now and today the test only costs 75 Euro. Apparently they have a "sale" right now.

I think the total,if you decide to do the whole therapy program with as many bottles as you will need, is still 390 Euro, but the 75 Euro for the test only is then deducted. So if you decide to do the drops, you would still owe the difference, i.e. 315 Euro (315 plus 75 = 390 Euro).

If you do the first test only, you do not receive any drops. But you can then decide depending on the results of the first test whether you want to do the therapy or not. At that point, you owe them the total sum of 390 Euro minus what you already paid to get the first testing done.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Yes, you are incorrect, Ping.

It works exactly as I described it today above.

Send them 90 or 75 Euro (today it is 75) and you get the test results only, but no drops. The first test gives you an idea of the first dysregulations you have and you can at that point decide whether you want to do the whole therapy by paying the difference to 390 Euro.

As they go through the other layers, usually more will be found in subsequent tests.

If you send them 390 Euro now, you will get the first test results plus the drops for the first round, and in effect have paid off all the rounds that you will need thereafter.

If you need 20 rounds to clear dysregulations, it costs the same (390 Euro) as it would if you need only 3 or 5 rounds to clear all dysregulations.

Take care.

P.S. They have been in business for some 20 years (senior started the business in the eighties), and junior doing it for ten years; so the chances that you will not be well served do not exist.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Remember, Ping, if you paid for the test only, you will not get any drops.

If you decide when you receive your first test results, to do the therapy, you will have to wait about 12 more days to get the first drops, after they have received the balance of the money.

P.S. I promised them I would be a translator where I could when they asked me. Without commission, yes. Exchange of goodwill.
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
while on AI drops,

does anyone have a weight gain problem ?

do u have to detox ?

do u need to take supplements like magnesium?

do u need to do non-salt/c ?

does anyone ever tried dr. bernard Jensen internal cleanse kit?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
It's not a good idea to do too many other things while on AI. Make sure you eliminate, eat lots of fiber, and if you need magnesium for muscle cramps, etc., you need it. Lots of different consistency liquids. I tried to describe it in an earlier post. Soups, mousses, juices with nutrients.

I would definitely not do a cleanse even in the interim periods, because the body is very, very active setting new regulation cycles and it takes a lot of the energy the body has to deliver. I don't think we gain anything by making this into a marathon -- the body does what it does in its own time and when it is ready. Simply because we don't take the drops for a couple of weeks, does not mean the body is not continuing adjusting regulations. It is and is very demanding and we have to supply the strength, which is not possible if it has to perform several tasks at the same time. It causes stress and nothing will work well at that point. And we are more and more exhausted.

It is much more beneficial to go out and smell the roses - sing, play, read.....

This similar message has been given to me by AI over and over during the months we have been doing the therapy.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping, for many years I have been crushing a fresh (unpeeled) apple (in a blender, adding a little water or any juice) as part of our breakfast. Into this I add pectin.

I also use pectin often when I want to make a fresh fruit desert - adding pectin and letting it sit for a while makes it into a puddinglike substance, with a dollop of whipping cream on top, for a healthy desert. Makes any meal a celebration!

Lots of fiber of any kind and making sure to have good elimination will move the unwanteds out.

Take care.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Gigi, how do you call 'apple pectin' in German?

And what is 'Lamblien'? I keep listening about this parasite. Is it merely intestinal giardia, the protozoan?

Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
How is everyone doing?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Horrid. This is the worst allergic time for me. The past 3 years, the summer means Dysutononia problems that makes sleeping and resting impossible. I wish I started this sooner. Hope it saves my adrenals.

Over 1 week into first bottle.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Sorry to hear that, Hobok.

Because I'm still in a very bad way related to my thyroid imbalance and heart symptoms, it is hard to judge whether anything else is going on!

Still seem to be more prone to candida white tongue, but then I have started a different probiotic, so that may not be AI-related.

I haven't noticed any dreams etc.

Lymeparfait, has your other child started on the drops yet?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Still hanging in there.

Round 4 was the roughest for me so far but toward the end and the two weeks in between, I felt absolutely amazing.

Just toward the end of #4 I was clearing a corner of my yard and got into poison ivy up to my elbows.

This was not the usual case of P I for me. It looked the same but it felt like something I can only imagine a chemical burn would feel like.

My friend "Clancy" came up with a theory that the previous years of smearing cortaid cream on it, suppressed it and now maybe all of it (including all the cortaid) was coming out.

Maybe it was an escape route for some other chemicals too. Makes sense to me.

A few days into round #5 and it completely dried up and the inch deep pain I was feeling in my arms went away too.

I feel very tired with round 5, the same as I felt with the very first round.

All for now.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I just receieved my 4th round of drops from Allergie-Immun. A few chemicals and 3 energetic blockages this time.

I'll probably start them tomorrow!


Cass A
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
How are you feeling, Cass A?
Good luck with your 4th round,

Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
ukc...have not started my other child on drops yet.
Will start this August, as he's away at camp.

It will be interesting to compare those with and without lyme type symptoms on the AI.

[ 06-30-2009, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: lymeparfait ]
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :

I just remembered that I too had used the cortaid type steroid cream on my arms and right elbow...probbly over 20 years ago when I had unusual breakouts on my forearm and right elbow.

Part of the pain and weakness I now feel is in those exact places. It is an interesting connection.

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I know people talked about vivid dreams, but I've always had vivid dreams.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I recall the first round was a release of emotions for us. Maybe the vivid dreams fall into this category as some say dreams are realted to healing during sleep.

All I know is that both my daughter and I had discovered areas where we needed emotional healing in varius ways. We are not emotional in general, so this was noticeable for both, during the first two rounds.

We experienced a freedom. Also tested lyme free during this time.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Could someone inform me the approximate cost of shipping to get the drops each time? I'm assuming you live in the U.S.

Also, why does the paperwork say up to 3 rounds when Scott F and others are on round 7, 8, or gosh knows what? [Smile]
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Seekhelp, AI asks for $10 for postage for each round. The paperwork says to send postage stamps or a check to cover postage, but that would be for people in Germany. Most US folks here seem to send the postage funds via PayPal.

The paperwork is outdated for the number of rounds covered by the initial cost of the testing and drops. Apparently it is now unlimited.

Maybe it was taking longer than the AI people thought it would to resolve all the blockages and errors, or maybe AI is refining their methods and are able to do more.

Hope this helps,
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The text on their website is not updated that often for this type of thing, while they add some great science articles and other publications regularly. They are posting some fascinating things -- you will need to google translate. They have been doing this work for many, many years and I am sure it took less treatments ten years ago.

The European people are, as I was told, not as toxic, less vaccinations, less medications, and certainly not years of abx, and therefore it is rare that people need as many rounds as we do. I can hear his skin crawl when I tell him about people on abx for years......

I recently asked AI about a certain MS patient they treated who was totally wheelchaired when she started the program, and it took about twenty rounds for her. She was last seen taking off on her bicycle. Oh, she also danced at the family wedding! I like to hear that story -- there is hope for many.

Three rounds barely get rid of the debris - then starts the repairing and rebuilding. So they tell me.

Per Dr. K. -- Ten years ago 1 in 25 suffered cancer; today it is 1 in 4. We have got to get rid of that stuff and I am glad I discovered AI to do it with. It beats everything else we have done over the years --- what is easier to take than five drops of water?

Hope everybody is building new regulations and finally detoxing. We are - we test almost daily for a greater number of support/binding products. It started very gently, but now more and larger quantities show up.

Take care.

[ 07-03-2009, 03:49 AM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I am finally doing better with my edema. I upped my intake of fluids, added selectrolytes to Pellegrino MIneral water. I always drink loads of filtered water with lemon, but it was not enough. Using my biotenser for help with quantity now.

Then tested for Pekana products. At first I received a no. As my hydration improved, I tested yes to the lymph remedy. My body immediately started to release the extra fluid.

Then I tested for the liver, and a few days later tested positive for all three, lymph, liver and kidney.

Thanks Nana and others for your recommendations.

Another odd symptom to report.

I have had a very deep painful feeling in my forearm, and in the tendons around my elbow. This started during round 3 and continued until I started the Pekana Remedies.

Again , I am never quite sure if any of my symptoms are related to AI clearing things, but am noticing everything, so I will report so others can share any similar findings.

I am wondering if it is related to cortosteroids, like you nana with the poison ivey, I had used many years ago for excema and rashes in that exact area? The pain is almost gone today!

Otherwise, I am feeling great as well as my daughter. Still waiting our round 4 to arrive.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
What products for support are others using if any?
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Starting Round 7 tomorrow. More chemicals and energetic blockages...
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
It'll never end Scott...round 595. lol. [Smile] Good luck.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Just came back from driving as the sun was setting. Lights and traffic normally do not bother me. But today, while on the drops, I realized that things were a-changing in my body, things are going on that are difficult to explain, perception is different and reaction is different. It may just be temporary. But please be careful when driving - while the system is starting to regulate in a different way.

This is not quite the first time I noticed that, but we are also in the process of correcting nerve and synapse damages, while chemicals and emotional blockages are also still included. We are ending bottle #7. AI does not really give all the finer details, because it is too difficult to explain and and at least for me to understand. There is a reason why they are asking to give them an idea what has improved, what remains the same, and what has not changed. They are going through many different lists of possibilities for errors and are intent on finding all of them.

We made it home fine - but felt like telling all of you to be careful when moving about.I am sure it is going to be different for everyone. But my good friend who never had an accident in many years, had one on the second bottle, and still cannot explain why.

Take care.
Posted by kidsatlast (Member # 4308) on :
Hello Everyone,
I just want to weigh in with my experience with AI. I am finishing my first round of drops tomorrow. My testing showed heavy metal issues, which I already knew about, but no infections. (I had my amalgams removed in 2004 and root canal teeth exptracted in 2006) I feel good physically. The main effects of the drops have been emotional. Since starting the drops I have been feeling very assertive and wanting to speak my truth to members of my extended family who have been oppressive and critical toward me over a period of many years. I have been wanting to fight, fight, fight for justice for myself. To do this makes me feel whole again.

The other major change I note is that the drops give me a lot of energy and I cannot take any after perhaps 2 PM each day or I feel I will be unable to fall asleep at night.

The third effect of the drops is that I have vivid dreams each night almost like watching and hearing and participating in a movie version of some element of my past life, where I am working through some events again, mainly asserting myself where I have been wronged and standing up for myself to be treated fairly.

I would be interested in any ideas or feedback. I think I am on the right track, but I don't know what lies ahead. What do you all think?
Posted by kidsatlast (Member # 4308) on :
Hi Ping,

On this first round I have taken 5 drops twice a day at 9 AM and 2 PM. Everyone is different though, so I hope that you can find what works best for you.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Dreaming is definitely a way of releasing toxins from all levels.

I also could not take the drops just before bedtime at first - they would keep me awake. Now I can. We do not have a specific schedule, just fitting in three times 5 a day, with fair pauses in between, unless reactions too strong when we would go to 3x3 or so. That happened more with the early bottles. Usually it's around breakfast, lunch and dinner.

If things get uncomfortable, do less. If you can't test with tensor or otherwise, hold the bottle in your hand, and take the number from 0-5 that comes first to mind. In other words, we usually know what's good for us.

We are waiting for #8 bottle.

I can say that my eyesight is as crystal-clear as I have not had it in many years! With the early bottles, there were many fluctuations - sometimes better, sometimes worse. It is an indication that there is a lot of detox now happening with my eyes. My whole disease process started with the eye closing up and bell's palsy. Even though I have been free of infection for many years, facial nerves and muscles had not ever gone back to totally "normal". This is now changing with the drops and started with the second bottle. It shows that materials we are allergic to or were allergic to are now being picked up by the immune system.

I test for binders and organ support and literally all the substances in that basket now test for both of us, my husband as well. I constantly test for glycine, so that I now bought it in powder/pound form. It's almost tasteless, but definitely something that is in great demand by my body. Glycine is very important for chemical removal and I love chicken skin which contains glycine.

I may pay more attention to protein digestion.
Maybe that is one reason as we get older that we cannot readily dispose of toxins as well.

Recently found a gentian concoction in a chinese herbal place -- sure you have seen the little black balls that role around all over the place --and I am really happy with it. A good liver etc. support. After all, now that the stuff starts flowing, our important organs can probably stand a little extra support. Both - Gentiana ( well and test frequently for my husband also. At a chinese market $1.99 for 200 of the little black rolling balls!

I really think it pays to learn how to test oneself. I certainly wouldn't know whether I am coming or going without it. At least when I test strongly for a metal binder, I know that is what is on the move in my body. I would encourage everyone to learn a form of testing so as not to completely move in the blind.

One thing's for certain - the older - the more rounds --- at least for us.

Hope all of you are feeling good and are in good spirits.

Take care.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Chlorella, zeolites, Pectasol, Charcoal, etc. All the same things that have been discussed. In my experience with AI, these other binding agents are often needed to help shuttle out released toxins from the body.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on : teenagar had the same dream and emotions experiences as you in first two rounds.

It has helped with her emotional healing.

You are on the right path.

I find new experiences with each round.

all have been worth the therapy!

Although now we are awaiting deliver of round 4, my once beautiful nails from the therapy have now reverted back to very bad...

i know the AI had helped them, but now I am concerned again, as I posted the AI team that they are now good, I may not get more therapy for them again...until the next round.

Proves that it may take more rounds fighting the same toxins to be rid of it all. The improve ment originally lasted about 3 weeks wit the connective tissue. Now for no reason is a decline in my fingernai integrity.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Lymeparit, what you say about your nails is also happening to me, I am also waiting for round four and my butiful nails are stating to break ! Im frantikly checking the mail each day.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Kisis...this is funny, to both have our nails beautiful and now wasting away! It is surely the AI, clearing more and more things...

Let's continue to share notes!

Ping...can't believe you are leaving , as we have only just begun to know you! Good luck.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
It may be helpful to google translate some of the articles on the AI website. The information is really outstanding and it is much easier to then follow the treatment, why the changes, sometimes worse, a lot worse, and sometimes better and then changing again. Some of the comments in the Forum and the explanations by the AI Team tell a lot also.

We are doing well while waiting for #8.

A few days ago, I had sent in some fiber of an old oriental rug which my husband remembers as a child that was once sprayed (20 years ago) with some insecticide and I remember my husband walking through it barefoot while still damp!!!!!!!! The thought always haunted me. They now found we are both reacting to it at DNA. The correction has now been included in our next drops. We had removed the rug many years ago, cutting it up for the dump, but kept one little piece as a memorabilia my husband grew up with. Somehow I always had the idea that I must do something about that. No other tests had ever revealed that.

Mr. G. told me that several years ago he was working with a boy who "blossomed like raw meat". After a long search they found that some paneling in his home was the cause.
He included the information in the drops and the boy got well very quickly. They did not remove the material from the home. The body was now able to deal with the material at the electromagnetic level. That is all it took. The limit of toxin each individual can tolerate differs with each individual person.

Thank God the carpet is long gone - but obviously it had left a mark that our body was still dealing with the toxin to this day. I was never able to find or remember what we used as spray and could never find a duplicate. We had been detoxing pesticides and insecticides on and off, but obviously were never able to shake it.

I had asked Mr. G. several times about certain items and he always responds - just send me a sample to test. If it's a pill you must take, send it. If it is something in your surrounding, send him a trace of it. Just swipe over if with a damp kleenex and send it. He can test it.

Maybe you have something like that that you suspect? All they need is a fiber or a swipe or a drop on a kleenex. I took one of these shavers I use on sweaters - just enough like a pinch of salt.

I am still playing Sherlock around the house to see if there is something else to add to this. I am thinking of taking a look at insulation and some wallpaper.

Happy travel, Ping - and hope all are doing well on the drops.

Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :

Do you include that with your saliva sample or seprately? As they don't speak English so well, I don't know how to do let them know.

I would like to include dust and a carpet fiber from the house I moved into 1.5 years ago.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, Yes, I put the sample in with the same mailing envelope. But into an extra snack baggie, labeled with name and what it is.
Every item I include is in a separate baggie from the saliva sample.

You just need a tiny pinch or sample of
the item you want them to check. Then, if you react to it in a negative way, they will include that "information" with the drop holding the rest of the information.

This is only warranted if it is really something special that you have a sense it plagues you.
My gut feeling for this insecticide has always been that my husband absorbed it through the feet.
That he and I both react to it 20 years later tells enough.

Little do we pay attention to the fact that we absorb stuff through the skin more readily especially when it concerns neurotoxins. It is a shortcut to the Central Nervous System bypassing the stomach. It gets there instantly.

New carpets unless they are of the friendly kind are horrible. Children crawl on them and we walk barefoot on them. I know at least two people who had worked in carpet mills who developed and died of cancer at a very young age.

I sent my husband once to the hospital by rubbing in too much cilantro tincture into his skin. I am talking a few drops, not a teaspoon full. It immediately caused him a high fever and overwhelmed his organism.

So it pays to be careful with cremes and shampoos and anything that is applied straight to the skin. The toxins head straight for the CNS.

Hope they find all that bothers you, Hobo, so that your body will start to recognize and deal with it.

Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
The hosue and carpet aren't that new - 7 - 8 years old. But, I know exactly waht ya mean.

Just hope this AI works for all of us.

Waiting for round 2.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hobok, did you send off your next saliva sample straight after finishing Round 1 or have you left 2 weeks?

I was going to send my sample off at the end of the 2 week gap, but should I not have waited?

Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Hi Everyone, Received my drops yesterday.I am quite in-tune with my body. It was interesting feeling different sensations in my body.Some pain here and there,my eyes felt weird and swollen. I got sooo sleepy so thought I would not have a problem sleeping like others said they had. Wrong! Its 6 am and I have been up all night.So on a new adventure. I am hopeful this along with other things I am doing will help to heal me. Time will tell. Bio-tensor said to keep doing KPU and anything else I am doing.So here I go. Healing Blessings Joyce

[ 07-16-2009, 09:18 PM: Message edited by: Healing in Santa Cruz ]
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Ukcarry, I sent a day or two after. I read conflicting reports here, but most seemed to have sent right away.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thanks, Hobok, I'll maybe send the sample off on Monday.

Good luck with round 2,

Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
I had quite an interesting experience this morn.I still have not slept but did lay down to rest. As I was laying there,I felt like I was dreaming,but I was awake with eyes shut.It was like guided visualizations which looks like dreaming but I usually put i what I want to see. Well when my Mom passed away in 78 I was at work and received a call that she had passed and was a Kaiser. She had lung cancer. In this day dreaming or what ever it was The nurse told me where she was and I went to the room and fell apart emotionally. The nurse had asked me to take her ring off. I tried to but it was too tight. What was strange,I had no emotions come up with this. I just watched it.Pretty intense. Anyone else have this kind of day like dream? I know it was AI. Joyce
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Its memories coming up and peeling the layers.Not a mushroom ride.And not funny. Joyce
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Joyce, I'm sorry. I wasn't meaning to make fun of your particular situation at all or anyone's. I surely wasn't saying you're on anything else either. I was just trying to be humorous as it's so tough to believe 15 drops of water can have this impact.

Obviously it does as many reported what you did. I'm strongly considering them too so perhaps I'll be there too soon.

Good luck with your treatment.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Seekhelp, I accept your apology. And before you might write to another person like you did me,that talked about her Mother dying and the experience she just relived that was intense, please think before you do,how it could hurt someone who is going through hell.Another thing AI and KPU treatment is doing is helping me stand up to people in the last 2 days.Thanks for letting me see that I am healing. Yahooo! Joyce
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I will think. Again, I am sorry Joyce. It was very out of context. Thanks for waking me up. [Smile] Soemtimes one hits send way too fast and forgets the details of the post. I was thinking in general about the effects of these drops and emotional/past breakthroughs.

On a better note, I'm glad you're healing. [Smile] I hope it continues.

I bet these drops would do a real whirlwind on me. They almost scare me reliving stuff. It also intrigues me. It's almost surreal to believe water is doing this to so many. I guess there's a lot in the world 'black & white' people like me have problems grasping.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hi everyone, AI changed the rules for us here because the mail takes so long to get there and get back. So if you send your saliva sample with your note re what's improved, what is still the same, and what has gotten worse --- if you send that off the day after you finish the drops, say on day 15, then by the time it gets overthere, they do the testing and send it back to you - about 22-24 days will pass. If you wait too long after finishing the bottle you have, there would be a longer break. And I don't think that is desirable.

If in the UK, Carry, you probably get your mail to Germany quickly and you can calculate accordingly. It probably takes about half the time as it does from here.

I wrote him yesterday asking whether if the break is too long the system goes back into the old track, but I have not heard back yet. Will let you know when I do.

Hobo, the insecticides we sprayed and were still reacting to was almost twenty years ago. The rug has been gone from our house at least 15 years. That is how long toxin remains a toxin.

As Mr. G. told me the other day he feels that allowable amounts used in any products in the US is considerable higher than what they allow in Europe. He has a lot less trouble "cracking" the problems in Germans than he finds he has with Americans.

I am convinced that much of it is due to EMF exposure which is enormously high in this country. Building materials are much different in Europe as is the insulation of the wiring, etc.
I have heard this over and over again during several seminars (lasting 3 days) talking about nothing but that subject with experts from all over.

If you add to this the number of vaccines given at a very early age and then adding pharma drugs and contaminated supplements or allergy causing supplements --- all I can say is - we need to be careful.

We are definitely not doing KPU/HPU even though ingredients test. The protocol is also being adjusted as more is learned. I am keeping close track of it, because I am very familiar with how Dr. K. operates. Trial and trial and trial until he arrives at the best, and then we start trial anew.

Anything we take now for which the body is not equipped will end up in the burden stash as much of what we swallowed before. AI is making that very clear to me everytime I come with another question -- should I do this or should I do that.
No, the body is building new pathways and regulations and is very busy doing that.

If I wanted to insist on taking some stuff while doing PSP-AI, I send it over and ask them to test it when they are preparing new drops.

The corrections often work together, in other words, if you have a certain problem with a certain chemical, it may still affect a certain food stuff or other substances. Allergic reactions have long fingers. I believe in doing what they suggest; after all, they have done it over ten years and ten years by the founder before that and I think they know what they are talking about. I know how desperate some people are to try doing it all at once, but I do not believe it works that way. Our body works in a dynamic way, i.e. one thing affects another and another again.

Just some of my thoughts.

Joyce, I have very similar experiences as far as the emotional releases are concerned, only mine remind me that I lived through a horrible war as part of my life. It is nice to surface and clear some of these unresolved burdens. Just let it happen and flow with it - that is what I try to do, and as you go along, a lot seems much less complicated; all of a sudden people can scream and shout, or something somebody does that used to bother, doesn't affect anymore and is not important any more. Actually it feels quite good to get rid of a lot of that load! It's half of the disease because that is where disease actually starts. In the thought.

Take care.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Seekhelp,Thanks for owning that.If more people would, the world would be a better place.Just what I experienced the last 2 days besides what I posted is a Big Blessing to me.Hoping more Blessings to come every day for others and myself.I am following my higher guidance as I see many others are doing here.Healing Blessings to all Joyce Hi Gigi,Thank you. I did let it flow and I am sure more heavy things will come up to be released.Lots of heavy stuff just waiting to be released into the light from my life's journey. I am still tripping on this experience I had.It was amazing. I had a way better bowel movement, anxiety is way down, my spirit is up, less pain and more positive than I have been in quite a while I feel more like the real me.Negatives are my eyes are very swollen. I do not do well with all the salt that AI says to do. I will adjust that. Hopefully I will sleep tonight. I feel grounded, confident and loving myself. And smiling. I have worked on mind, body spirit emotions for 27yrs.Hopefully this is the healing piece that I have been looking for. Nite all Joyce
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
GiGi, if several months go by from the time you had the AI test to the time you order the initial drops, is the original testing useless and needs to be re-ran? I hope not. I was thinking about this. Every test is nothing more than a snapshot of today, right?

I keep waiting to read someone here has made enormous progress on these drops and it was life-changing - meaning enormous health improvements (Lyme-remission). Not happening yet. Just observable changes, unusual events happening, or other situational occurences. Maybe it's too early given not much time has passed since many started them recently.

Some who have been on them long-term are on many, many other therapies so isolatng AI's effect is hard. It'll be interesting to see if anyone breaks through and notices massive health improvements like some of the people you mentioned on their website.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Gigi,
I have severe neuropathy in my left leg. I cannot ride a bike , push down on the peddle or put much pressure at all on the leg. The buttocks where my 6 lateral rotators are often go into spasm. My inner adductor muscles are tight and constricted. I also feel numbing down to my toes, all 4 except the big toe. I also feel a similar sensation in my left hand. and then numbing goes from my shoulder down to my pinky fingers and the finger next to it.
How would i convey this to AI. Do you think they could help with this problem?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thanks for clarifying when to send the nest saliva for testing, Gigi,

all the best,

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I've noticed that a week after round 1 ended, I am having more chemical sensativities than usual. I fel real toxic. Is this normal.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I also had a mild accident, fender bender, on the first round of drops...found this interesting.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Seek answer your comment about remission, my lyme and my daughters is in remission after first round of drops...but also working on emotions in the spiritual area.

(our lyme is not actiave...but still have lupus and some other detox conditions that are moving toward balance)

I do not believe it was only the drops that allowed the remission to occur. I believe it was all the series of protocols I have done, following steps that lead to this. Leading up to now the AI therapy. This is great timing for us to do the therapy, as I believe we were prepared to begin.

I sense my hand has been held by God all along, when I felt so alone and did not know how to take care of all we deal with with the lyme and co's. WE have all been in this spot. It can be so overwhelming.

Releasing emotions was the tipping point. Especially the emotion of having this horrible disease and anger that my life was changed by it. I am finally free of the anger...and released it, to take one step at a time.
This is a very new concept for me, but I know it to be true for me.

The AI therapy worked on emotions in Round 1 along with following an invitation by an unknown person to come to a healing service at a local church.

The healing service was an amazing experience for us. This is something no one has to go to Germany for, and no one has to pay money is free to all who seek, ask and find.

It was a gift, that we opened.

I believe doors open for each of us that we must be prepared to open, sometimes out of our comfort zone. But not so uncomfortable to feel they are not good for us, but just very different to what we have known or experienced before.

You know in your heart if AI or another form of natural type healing is right for you at this time. Follow your heart, and do not compare yourself to we each have our own journey.

AI is also a gift to us, as we are experiencing many little changes that we know are from the drops. It is helping us move forward.

Also, there is an open invitation for all to come to God, who is our creator and healer. This is the most important thing, way beyond getting rid of lyme. This is the great life lesson I have learned from having lyme and other health issues.

Emotinal and spiritual healing is our true healing that we really need. Our bodies die, but I truely believe our spirits live on.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I think a step towards the spiritual and emotional side of healing came to me recently as a present -- a little bookelt called The Importance of Forgiveness by John Arnott.

And, I worked as a minister and that book still got me!
Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :
I need help! [Frown]

I wish I could find this healing...
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Okay, I got my secind round of drops and the tesing said I cleared everything that showed up on the last est including all food and mold substances.

I tested this time for two industrial toxins mercury and tin and 7 chemicals theyc an't name.

Just those two industrial toxins.

Is this what everyone else got too?

Seems kinda funny that I cleared so much and still feel so sick.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
As I understand your body now recognizes these things correctly but it may take a year for it to remove them. Just because they no longer test does not mean they are resolved.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Okay, I got my secind round of drops and the tesing said I cleared everyOkaything that showed up on the last est including all food and mold substances.
Yes, Hobo, the errors in the DNA which they found in the first testing have been corrected. That means that your body now recognizes wheat as a food (if you had that as a problem) and will now start to undo the damage that is usually created by a wheat/gluten caused leaky gut. Once the leaky gut starts to heal, which I am sure takes several months, the toxins will no longer leak into the blood and cause problems, but instead will move through and out of the body, hopefully.
As that starts happening, you need to learn about taking some binders to assure their total departure from the gut.

I tested this time for two industrial toxins mercury and tin and 7 chemicals theyc an't name.
We are exposed daily to some 80,000 chemicals. The name of the stuff is unimportant, because our body doesn't deal with names, but rather with electromagnetic frequencies . These errors/dysregulations were found in the DNA and were corrected. Now your body can start to recognize this stuff as it runs into it and can take defensive action. This it was never able to do because it simply did not recognize these two industrial toxins and these 7 chemicals as a toxin. It never knew what it was, stuffed it away in some spot, and once the stuffing reached the max, we get sick and sicker.
Just those two industrial toxins.
They found only these two on the layers of the Onion which they searched. There are many layers to this onion; or if you think of an apple, sometimes you have to go to the very core to find the worm. They will continue searching and if they are there, more will be found and corrected.
Is this what everyone else got too?
Everyone gets different numbers and different substances. But since the name of the substance is not important and there are thousands of different ones, this is all they tell us. I wouldn't know what to do with them if I knew the names, except that once the chemicals are being addressed by the immune system, it is a good idea to again learn what to take to help them on their way out. With chemicals, solvents, metals, etc. often glycine helps. It's a good idea to learn about binders and detox support as you go through this process.

Please be happy that they are finding the stuff. At least you have the chance of starting to clear out some of the burden that you have accumulated over many years.

When they find and correct certain substances or blockages, that does not mean that the toxins are now gone instantly. I talked about that on an earlier post on this thread. Please read it.

Seems kinda funny that I cleared so much and still feel so sick.
*********************************************************Yes, it took us a lifetime to accumulate and it is a good thing that the body will not let go of all at the same time. We would not survive it. You would feel like some of the people who are doing the wrong therapy at the wrong time at a pace that is damaging in the long run. Stress is not conducive to healing. And there is no way where AI could search through all systems at once. Right now, they are merely removing some of the debris and then the rebuilding will start.

Children go through it much quicker. The longer we have been ill and the older we are, the longer it takes. I am sure the letter they sent you with your bottle explains this in detail.

Hope you can be patient and in good spirits.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, the problems you describe are more or less the result of deficiencies caused by the allergies. Everything seems to go sour when the minerals are not absorbed. The food and gut problems. All allergies combined contribute to the problems you mentioned.

AI does not check our particular limbs, etc. They look for the errors in the programming of your DNA and seek to correct it. It will take many weeks to go through all the different systems.

Re Borreliose - google translate the text on the AI website under Questions and Answers (Fragen & Antworten). That article explains what they are looking for, correct it, and once corrected, the body is able to take care of it.
That applies to all specific symptoms. They are not treating the symptom, but instead removing the erroneous programming in the DNA. They are only working to correct the electromagnetic errors. Electromagnetic waves is all the body can identify. If these are incorrect, they are the cause for the body's malfunctioning on the biochemical level - which is secondary. Once the "electric wiring" is fixed, healing can begin.

Sometimes physical support is necessary, most of which you have already done, Runner. It didn't hold, because the switches pointed in the wrong direction. Trains heads in the wrong direction.

Got to get dinner going!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks Gigi,
I appreciate that explanation.
Interesting, yes i have many deficiencies. My body is "starving" for minerals as they test time and time again.
The physical support helps, but doesnt keep me in tact.
Thanks for the link, will check it out.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
All our results look almost the same.....even down to where the spine is blocked. Seems very odd to me they would produce that similar of a report among so many different people here. Could the entire US population have the same stuff too?

Maybe we can evolve into a super breed of human that can't be hurt if we take the drops. [Smile] All the other poor souls will have 80 blockages and be doomed.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I've seen many results from AI and there are differences, some significant. So I do not believe they are the same though there are clear patterns and some issues that are more predominant than others.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I was very surprised not to have a mercury allergy as most do. Also, I tested positive for wheat, but not gluten. Another surprise.

I still need to know if drops can be ordered based on a test done over 4-5 weeks ago. Is it still valid? I hope to not have to spend $$$ on testing again if it can be avoided. [Smile]
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Ping, yours are almost identical to mine, the only differences from your brief summary are that in the spine, I had C6 as well as 7 and all 4 of the genetic toxins.

Good luck with your treatment and move,

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
For me, mercury did not show up until a later round. Give it time. It likely will.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I'm hoping the drops will clear up the disautonia probs I get during July's Allergy smackdown.

Any advice of that. Staretd about 3 years ago. Have had Lyme now 15 years.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
so, any longtimers on the drops feel better yet?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seek, to answer you specifically

Dr. K. who has been treating chronic illness for 30 years, looks for the same stuff - everything that seems to come up in everyone - as the result of toxicity - food allergies, heavy metals, chemicals, toxins, unresolved conflicts, and dysfunctional organs and blockages. The findings may be similar, but the symptoms affect everyone in a different way depending on certain weaknesses of the body.

A toxin is a toxin is a toxin and it destroys the terrain of the body. As a result, pathogens can find a place to survive in these very areas where toxins settle - brain, CNS, gut, reproductive organs. If you open an ovarian cyst, it contains mercury quite often. If you take apart a prostate, it contains the same toxins.

The spinal blockages are caused by recurring pain impulses from memory. These constant pain impulses tend to tighten the muscles and thus have a negative effect on certain spine/disc locations.

If in doubt at all and feeling and thinking scam and hoax, please don't do it. Stay with what you trust.

There are phases also in this therapy that are sometimes tough to get through, and if you have misgivings at the start, with certainty it will turn sour.

All energy starts with the thought, they way you think. The sweetest grape will turn sour if that is what you expect.


in order to have a functional immune system, we need to have sufficient hormone and enzyme production. 13.1 is based on the ALLERGIC reactions they find that are responsible for hormone and enzyme production. If you show an x, it means that you do not produce enough of these to maintain a normally reacting immune system.

Take care.

[ 07-14-2009, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Pollen allergies are not pollen caused, but are caused by chemicals in concert with pollen. So you need to get through the chemicals first, which happens after they work the basic dysfunctions.

This is what I learned when someone questioned about allergies on their German Forum which is part of the AI website. The AI people answer and explain there, though the Germans are not the type to spill all their private matters on the internet. So it is not a very busy place. They can call and have their questions answered instead.

Take care.

Hobo, come back later - I will tell you how things are in our house after I get some of my veggies outside taken care of.

[ 07-14-2009, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
This is AI's response to the comment regarding "everybody's test looks the same". I took the liberty and sent a translation of it to Mr. G. and this is his response. Please google translate it.


dass die Auswertungen ziemlich identisch ist ist doch klar, schlie�lich arbeiten die K�rper mit Fehlern, die seit Generationen vererbt werden.
Ein Blutdruck ist auf den ersten Blick auch bei allen Menschen gleich, er bestehtr aus 2 Werten. Dennoch hat er bei allen Personen eine andere Bedeutung. Dies betrifft �brigens alle Werte, die auch ein Mediziner abnimmt. Es gibt Tiefst,- und H�chstwerte. Dennoch kann ein Laie die Werte nicht interpretieren.
Bei uns ist es �hnlich, jedoch nicht auf materile Werte oder Inhaltstoffe begrenzt, sondern f�r den energetischen Status relevant. Dennoch haben alle Werte f�r jede Person eine v�llig andere Bedeutung. Das hei�t: grunds�tzlich ist keine Messung identisch. Hinzu kommt, dass unser K�rper eben NICHT in Begrifflichkeiten denkt. Daher sind die Werte so individuell, wie sie anders nicht sein k�nnen.
Es sollten sich die Leute keine Gedanken dar�ber machen, und noch viel weniger unqualifizierte Kommentare abgeben, wenn sie von dieser Materie keine Ahnung haben. Personen, die davon Ahnung haben sind weltweit wohl an einer Hand abzuz�hlen. Wir messen z.B. keine Infektionen, was schlie�lich zum materileen Bereich geh�rt. Doch selbst wenn wir das nicht messen, hei�t das doch noch lange nicht, dass keine Infektion vorhanden sein kann. Offenbar ist es f�r Laien schwierig, den Unterschied zwischen dem materillen Bereich und dem nichtmaterillen Berich zu unterscheiden. Das Unsichtbare steuert den K�rper und nicht das Sichtbare, wie etwa Bakterien oder Viren. Die sorgen nur f�r Symptome wie eben Entz�ndungen.
Die Leute aus dem Forum sollten sich wirklich vom Sichtbaren verabschieden, zumindest wenn es um die PSP-Therapie geht.

Liebe Gr��e"

In short, we have to differentiate between the visible matrix area (flesh and blood) and the energetic status of each body, the electromagnetism that is driving the engine. The invisible (energetics) is the steering mechanism of the body, rather than the visible, such as bacteria and viruses.

In order to understand PSP/AI, we have to let go of the visible, but pay attention to the energetics that drive the system. Most of our bodies run on one cylinder instead of 6 or 8 and as long as that is so, I doubt that we can get well and stay well. The good news is: 15 drops of informed water per day! Name me a better one, please.

Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
If it works, I'm gonna fly there and take him to dinner.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Me too :-)
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
This is a translation of the description how they make the drops (Energetikum) with Babelfish which works a little better. You get the idea.
We brought the Tower of Babylon onto ourselves!

"How is the Energetikum manufactured?

Change of polarity our body, and/or our cells in the federation, reacts on electromagnetic fields, that is probably undisputed. Each material, all the same whether send a stone, a flower, a virus or humans, incessantly electromagnetic waves, which among other things consisted of the forces electricity and magnetism.

In this way �generate ``each material its own and completely individual wave sample or (recognition) sample. The DNA, in which our hereditary factors (components) are coded among other things, is at the same time a photon memory. In addition, the DNA is transmitter and antenna at the same time. Not only photons are stored, but also delivered again.

About 95 per cent of the DNA among other things regulatorische units are, to a large extent however sequence sections with so far scientific unknown quantities function. These sequence sections are used obviously in order to store �information ``in form of electromagnetic samples.

By the way we assume even here even own experiences (conflict situations) are put down as samples, which work unconsciously in certain similar situations, and so the body to affect to be able. Thus can be also explained, like e.g. Talents or behaviors u.v.m, to be left.

Now if a body with a material comes into contact, the electromagnetic waves sent by it are received from our cells, with which in the DNA stored samples compared.

Communication of the cells among themselves happens probably over bio photons. Bio photons transfer not only energy, but also information, whereby alone the sample from electricity and magnetism already means information. Depending upon that, whether wave and samples agree it is activated, appropriate chemical processes.

Conversely means: if cells react on a harmless material, by releasing chemical preventive measures, consequently wrong samples are present in the DNA, which are responsible for it. These samples whether on materials, or such, which were produced by a conflict we can identify on the basis your DNA, which we get over something saliva. Which all samples have together, is the fact that they affect negatively according to body (gegenpolig), and to the most different chemical processes to lead in such a way, which express themselves again in the most different symptoms. Gegenpolig, because all these samples release exactly the opposite, which they actually are.

With many harmless materials they release preventive measures, in certain situations release them contrary emotions, like fear, rage, in addition, such samples can release sadness u.v.m. even pain in the back, where the physician does not find a cause for it.

ALLERGY-IMMUNE a method developed to coin/shape in order to recognize a great many of these samples, which affect the body negatively, and it gegenpolig on the Energetikum. If the concerning takes now these purely energetically modified drops during a certain period, by the regular impulse giving polarities are turned in the opposite.

The consequence is that the body recognizes harmless materials again logically that many times previous loading situations (e.g. elevator fear) are missing that pain impulses in the back can disappear and much more besides. Upward"

Take care.

This text is a Babelfish translation from German to English and therefore sounds a bit foreign.

[ 07-16-2009, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I remember reading that having Lyme would change your DNA. I keep praying for healing on a cellular level, that evry cell go back the way God intended.

If AI helps, fantastic!
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
GiGi, I'm not a believer in treatments work if you will them to and they will not if you are skeptical. Some may be that way. I'm not.

I believe optimism has power and attitude is important, but it's not the end all be all. Give a person in allergic shock an epipen and tell me it matters if you 'believe' it works or not. Does it matter if you believe chewing an aspirin may not save your life during a heart attack? It has a physiological effect.

I'm listerning to others' experiences and considering this firm has been in business a long time. One thing going for them is usually scam artists go belly up fast. AI has been a viable business entity for a while.

I'm intrigued by this stuff I admit, but far from able to comprehend energy medicine nor want to try to explain it to family, docs, etc.

A single LLMD visit can cost $500+. AI may be a worthwhile investment if it yields any benefit. [Smile] Hell, there are LLMDs convincing patients w/o lab proof of Babesia to spend $1,500+ a month on the yellow goo in the hopes it'll make a difference. $500 is 1/3 of this. It's all perspective I guess,
Posted by Looking (Member # 13600) on :
Hey, Seek, I understand what you are saying, but the examples you are using about crisis medicine don't work the same way as energy medicine in my opinion.

I do think that energy medicine is helped along with positive "energy" and that the changes take time to unfold usually. So I try to be positive just to enhance the results -- can't hurt.

I'm interested to see what people's results with AI will be down the road.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I'm clueless about energy medicine so I could be wrong. [Smile] It's water in a bottle. I guess you have to leverage some faith to have positive results as the process is not understandable regarding manufacturing of the product. I hope all get great outcomes from it. I'm closely following this thread.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
so, any long timers on the drops feel better yet?

Hobo, I've been doing this since January - don't know if that makes me a long timer.

Right now I feel really, really good. It has not always been the case while doing the drops.

There have been some very,very rough days and there may be more to come.

Many things have changed for the better. The headaches that came in round 2 or 3 (can't remember) are gone.

The pulling sensation in my face, particularly cheekbones is nearly gone as I have been working through the metals and chemicals I suppose.

I had a large amount of scar tissue between two of my ribs. One of them had been popping out of place for years. There was a LOT of it, I could feel it and it started to be prominent enough to be seen. It is gone.

I have been discharging a lot through my eyes and at times they have burned, not unbearable but quite present. This is lessening a good deal.

My energy right now is very good and I go all day long, gardening, mowing lawns, repairing things at home, taking care of the grandkids, normal things.

Most importantly, I feel very alive and happy.

Next week may bring a whole new scenario but the changes that I didn't even know needed to take place, are taking place.

Whenever things have gotten worse, it has been temporary and it is best to try not to dwell on it or have to give it a name. Sometimes easier said than done.

I'm in this for the long haul and will report back when I have something more to share.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

This is Dr. K.'s voice talking about the sequence of events: Energy field followed by biochemical metabolism. Listen to all of his Five Levels of Healing when you have a chance. Our understanding usually starts with the biochemical workings and most school medicine is based on this. (Prof. F.A. Popp, no connection to
Bionic, is mentioned here and of course his biophotons)
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Thanks GiGi. I'll spend some time to listen to it. [Smile]
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
i have a question, my daughter on her second round of drops and i see her gaining weight and looks bloated and her legs swallowed. she doesn't eat that much to gain that weight. she constipated most of the time.
she doesn't take anything else or vitamins.

does she need to detox? how?

i am new to this and she is been sick since last year and she hasn't take any antibiotic. just 2 times one for staph infection in her thumb, and one time for u ti infection.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I have heard a few mention this..
Gigi, do you have a reason why ?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Fifi25, Since a lot of toxins are being released with the drops and are on the move, liquids are very necessary. I have posted about this several times in this thread. Not plain water.

You need to also learn about binders: Chlorella, charcoal, pectin, betasitosterol, chitosan, lots of fiber. Drink the juice from juicing, but eat the fiber from the fruits and vegetables during the day. Add a bit of juince to it to make it more palatable. It is wonderful food for the good bacteria. Most people make the mistake and throw it out.

If constipated, there are many ways, magnesium for one, to get things moving. Colonics by licensed professionals help. If she is consistpated, the toxins tend to be reabsorbed in the gut (which probably is not totally healed yet) and moving around the system settling elsewhere.

Binders should be taken 30-45 minutes before meals, and before going to bed. She will wake up much happier if you help her moving these toxins out. Lots of fiber.

Runner, if the lyphatics are stressed/blocked , bodies hold water. Nutrients can't get it and toxins can't get out.

Light brushing from toes to top of head and vice versa, always moving toward the middle of the chest where the lymphatics exit, also helps. Hop the trampolin if you can physically do it. Chi machine helps move things. This therapy is effective, but you need to

Massage feet - look up a point chart - all the meridians end in the feet also. If you find a spot on the feet/soles that hurt - that is the problem area. Massage it. Both feet. Until it no longer hurts.

There are many reasons for edema, but that is a starter. Heavy metals easily affect the kidneys filtration ability. Force the toxins through gut, by taking binders and sufficient liquids.

Things stagnant - that is what makes us ill.

[ 07-16-2009, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, yes, our DNA is getting longer and longer.

"Microbiologist Gitte Jensen, PhD had shown, that the older we get, the more foreign DNA is attached to our own DNA. Somewhere along the line pathogenic microbes invade the host's DNA and become a permanent part of it. Since we use only 2% of our DNA, it may not be a problem. In fact, it may make us who we finally become. It may also cause a number of symptoms and chronic illness." illness

Take care.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I have the same problem with the extra weight, or I should say , "fluff" as I have not weighed myself, ...but do see improvement with taking loads of fiber, lots of hydration I add electrolytes to my mineral water, (Selectrolytes brand), and now do as is suggested about eating correctly to eliminate, which means adding more elimination type foods, not just a healthy diet as I was already doing.

It is disturbing to notice this, especially as I have always been very fit looking...

My lymph system was shutting I added some drainage techniques.

I have decided to mentally not worry about this now, just to do the right things, to keep toxins flowing out, and to be happy and feel grateful for healing. I will work on the weight thing after the AI therapy is complete. I am hoing this just normally regulates.

I have a sense my thyroid has always had dysregulations as well as other things that could be causing this change. There is no way I would be gaining weight or fluid on my diet, if you saw what I ate for years...always the correct things.
My body is just changing...hormonally and with the AI therapy. Just gotta let it happen.

I feel great, really great!...but still have the extra fluid...but not as intense as before I started to really up my fluids with the right fluids and broths. By allowing my cells to hydrate and retain the hydration, it appears the toxins started to flow out more my sells were dehydrated, even drinking all the water i was was not the right type to keep me hydrated properly.

I Also do the far infrared sauna now as I just finally purchased one. Have seen great results so far, with lots of debris coming out of my skin, and feeling fantastic!

Have finally been sleeping through the night this week!

Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Question about parasites and the AI therapy?

A little graphic...

I have noticed that I now have some sort of my elimination! Also some very thin looking worms, whitish , clear and thin, in my urine!!! It seems that lately, one comes out each time I urinate...this is creepy! Along with lots of foam in my urine!

Does the AI therapy cause parasites to die, and be removed?

As I have noticed lots of parasites in my stool since starting my mega fiber and my lymph/liver and kidney drainage support! could this be from the AI or just adding these ingredients...

Actually glad that I see them, so now I can ask how to address the situation.

MY stools are looser...from all the fiber and whole fresh diet, so it is much easier to actually see what comes out!

Should I also start a natural parasite cleanse, like Humaworm to help with this parasite clean out...

I never thought I had any both my ART practitioner muscle test and my stool test came out negetive for parasites...

Maybe just not the priority at the time of ART testing...but my biotenser says I have parasites!
And my eyes see them.

Also, does anyone know of a connection of parasites with mycoplasma, candida or any viruses or autoimmune disorders (lupus)?

Could any of these be caused by parasites?

As these things seem to be the remaining items I have issues with and don't seem to be able to get them under control.... and now parasites?

Any thoughts?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
lp, Parasites is the first thing Dr. K. pays attention to unless otherwise indicated.

No, AI is not directly killing anything. The PSP drops merely correct th errors in the regulation, so that the immune system can again respond as it should have done all along.

Here is one of my old posts from a few years ago about parasites. I will be back later with some comments/details if you are interested. Got to get some things done before the temperatures go higher.....

"A bit about Parasites -

As I heard it a couple of years ago:

And please do not ask me for the research verification --- this is just real stuff coming from a real doctor's office treating real people, and I am merely passing on what I learned during my own disease process and recovery. If you feel differently, please do not let me keep you from doing so.

Probably the most overlooked area in medicine is the worms in people. That's what Dr. K. says. The worms are a double-edged sword: 90% of people have them without knowing it. When somebody has worms, the worms send out neural messengers, messenger moledules that suppress the immune system.

What it does is create a lazy gut, which for some people is okay, like the chronic indigestion, slow, the slightly constipated sort of mood that many people are in, and it is great as a treatment for Crohn's Disease and colitis because it suppresses the immune system locally; you don't get the inflammatory reactions. However, according to Dr. K., it comes at a big price. It comes at the price in that the immune system in general has defects. It is put to sleep by the neural messenger molecules from the worms, and this is when the viruses, the giardia, the amoebas and the candida, and all those things mutate in a more aggressive forms, and Lyme Disease becomes much more of an issue.

Dr. K. lived in India for a few years and this is where, he says, he became very aware of the worm issue. He ran an immuno-diagnostic lab in their hospital there (he was the lab director), and they had some of the best microbiolgists working for them, seeing them on microscope, etc. They examined the stools of Westerners, when the Americans first came there, on their first day of coming there and found that they were already full of worms when they got there.

They didn't get the worms there in India, they came there with the worms. In fact the Americans were more infested than the Indians living there. However, they worms were in a subdued state. They were the same species of worms but were much, much smaller. Often just microscopic. They could only see them under a microscope, but they identified them with their antigens and realized that worms are throughout the world, an incredible illness, except that in the West, they had adapted to the more sanitary conditions and were in different forms, but were incredibly involved in immune suppression.

He says that today this is still not known in the West. But that for 30 years since then, he has been looking at that, and by using the direct resonance testing, he finds them in a lot of people.

He tells that in recent years he sees worms that he has never seen before - green ones, red ones with green eyes, eye lashes, etc. etc. The description is rather funny when he talks about watching their play in the dish under the microscope imitating the eyelash play as certain actresses do it!

Anyone treating worms knows that it may take 2-3 years on a good program to get a patient successfully de-wormed. The medical benefits are unbelievable. It is so overlooked and underestimated. However, there are a few lone voices on this and nobody wants to talk too much about it. Most of the worms when they die, get immediately digested by your digestion. They also have a process called autolysis. The moment they are in the process of dying and they see that there is no reverse condition here, they autolyze. It's a process of protecting their children - of avoiding detection.

Worms are very, very sophisticated. They are part of our intelligence, If you have a tapeworm, often people have been misdiagnosed as being a dual personality. They have this other side that is completely different -- weird, erratic strange - and then they have this other personality that is very consistent. If you get the worm out, this personality disappears. It is not just a person being influenced by the worm..............

The worms are a very highly evolved consciousness in a very very low-evolved body.
He considers it a huge issue. He tried many labs in the US with little success to get a diagnosis, hoping and hearing it might become a bit better.

The hard thing in parasite cleansing is the die-off effect. When you kill them, you kill them in the brain, in the heart, wherever they are. They live in the lymphatic system, and it plugs up, so it often needs to be accompanied by lymph drainage, massage, exercize, often people are not capable of doing.

He tells of an extreme case where a big woman of about 300 lbs, on the worm treatment for a few days, released worms everywhere. After a few months, she dropped her weight down to 150 pounds, accompanied by a complete personality change.

But he also tells about seeing people who had been given a too-aggressive a treatment too early on, and people developed seizure disorders, with a calcified worm in the brain. He makes an effort to use natural therapies first to seduce the worms to leave where they are, to go for the food in the gut and leave. They are supposed not to mature in the brain; they are only supposed to be in the larvae stage there. He talks about certain protocol killing the larvae stage in the brain, especially for young people with psychotic disorders - very often there are worms in the brain. If people appear weird and this is perceived in the interview, one of the things he checks is - parasites in the brain. It comes up all the time and people have dramatic improvements when they are moved.

Did you know that worms/parasites love milk?"

Take care.
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
Thank you Gigi,
binders: Chlorella, charcoal, pectin, betasitosterol, chitosan, lots of fiber.

where do i get these things?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
chlorella you can get at a health food store, butyou need to make sure its a clean source.
Charcoal, pectin and betasitosterol, chitosan, fiber you can get at the vitamin shoppe very reasonablely priced. most of this stuff will be under the "fiber" section. There is a vitamin shoppe in la. go on there website and put in your zip.
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
thank you runner
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Gigi and others,

Do you take the binders, etc. just when you are taking the AI drops, or do you take them between rounds as well?

I have the feeling that the drops continue to work after we finish taking them and before we start the next round, but I have to admit that I take more binders and stuff more consistently while I am actually taking the drops.

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I think you have to stay on binders once toxins are cut loose.

one question i have is this.
I translated the questions and answers from the AI website. Near the bottom, it says they do not guarantee full remission. i dont quite understand if the therapy needs to be followed up and how long? Gigi do you know from others who are no longer symptomatic?
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Thanks Gigi.

I was hoping to just stay on the AI therapy without doing any killing...but any suggestins about killing these critters/parasites while on AI with some tinctures or herbs?

Don't think I can be peaceful doing nothing, knowing I have these hitch hikers

What does Dr. K suggest for parasites?

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
that is a very interesting article on parasites gigi. thank you for this information.
i have a lazy gi system, and no one seems to be able to figure out why? with suspect of parasites very often. I found it interesting that parasites love milk. I also absolutely crave milk, milk products, dairy. I am trying to cut it out of my diet but it is highly addicting.
the main thing that is keeping me off of it is the way it makes me feel. This is even more incentative.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP - please go to "Lyme Disease: A look Beyond Antibiotics" on
and go to the section Parasites. That is exactly the protocol I did ten years ago. Today I would replace Arise & Shine with and then the pharma. According to Dr. K., that is where pharma drugs shine -- not the herbs, etc.

Natura, in my opinion and from the number of friends who have done it, beats Humaworm by far. It is a complete program, including the fiber that really needs to be there. If you have a doctor, check with him/her re Albendazole, Biltricide, and Alinia. Or maybe test energetically. I don't know where we would be without our tensor to test ourselves. I would not hesitate doing Natura while on PSP/AI, because it really would help move out some of that debris that is mobilized because of AI which is just as important.

Fiber is not just dead food. Fiber is no food to us, but it's food to microorganisms - they are usually the good ones. They make butyric acid and other very valuable things out of it that we need for our healthy function. I think I mentioned Juicing and throwing away the fiber.
The only way to juice is - make a glass of vegetable juice every morning, take the fiber and put it in a jar and eat it throughout the day. It is incredible what that does to the microflora. The measurements on the butyric acid content in the stool goes up like 1000% within a few days and the amount of beneficial bacteria, how quickly it nurtures the good bacteria and the balance between good and bad is shifted very quickly. After years of wheat allergy, my husband tests frequently for Butyric Acid.

And if you want to catch the parasites, drink milk a half hour before you take your parasite meds. They will eat up the milk and the meds.

Parasites go dancing
during the phases of Full Moon. They copulate. And people act crazy. Pay attention to the board here during the days of full moon. My doctor's phone rings off the hook.


Once you get moving on the PSP/AI, you will mobilize toxins, and that is when you need binders. The minute you don't feel right, feel low, feel blahblah, test yourself for the different binders.

If you can't test, put all of them in front of you and grab by intuition. It is usually the right one. Or take one now and the other 30 minutes before the next meal. But in any case at night before you go to bed.

If you wake up in the middle of the night, you have not supported the organs enough. Help with liver support. And if you wake up feeling like run over by a truck, make sure you take more binders before going to bed. Glycine (1-2-3-4 grams) tests often = for metals and chemicals. Do not take it with other amino acids. but separate and away from the meal. We usually take it at bedtime, because the other proteins are out of the way. We also test quite often for charcoal - any number of capsules (2-4-6-8).

The drops are continually active, whether you are on or off. We take the binders no matter what. After all, you don't want to meet the same mercury or lead molecule again on another go-around. I really don't think we pay enough attention to the binders and that keeps us in miserable status.

If I think of more, I will post.

Take care.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :

Great explanation and suggestions!

So you do think the parasites should be addressed now while on AI with two steps, Dr. Natura product and pharma...

I will read the thread of Dr. K, and test the products. Of course I will report!

Thanks a bunch.

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :

You're the best,

Can you reccomend a brand of Glycine?
Posted by minerva (Member # 20410) on :
I am doing Humaworm right now. I have about two more weeks and have already sent in my sample to AI ...just waiting for it now. kinda excited!

I want to keep the parasites at bay but I understand that I am not suppose to do anything "major" while doing the AI.

From what I am reading here many folks are doing multiple rounds and I doubt it will be much different for me.

So, beyond binders should I be taking long breaks from parasite killing?

The humaworm is 3 times a year with three month breaks but they also reccommend a "lighter" treatment in between. I don't want to do salt/c affected my heart before.

second question vitamins and AI?

If you are doing binders one should keep up thier vitimin and mineral supply due to the fact that binders don't just bind to the bad stuff but the good stuff as well even if you are taking them away from food and supplements.

So, I am concerned while doing AI that cutting out my vitimin routine in a depleated body on top of the necessary binders might not be a good thing. If it was short term I wouldn't worry too much but as above many of us need months and months.

I also have not started any real lyme killing. I wanted to get the parasites going...which might address the lyme and co-critters a little then get the allergie deal rolling then start with lyme and parasite rounds. Probably short hits with differnt lyme antibiotics natural or other wise.

last question is... If the AI takes say....6 months or more do you think that holding off on killing lyme that long is a bad idea?

Thanks much for you reply!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I got my glycine at the vitamin shoppe for $7.16. it is by carlson and it is a powdered form.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
There may be disagreement on this topic minerva, but I personally would not be comfortable entirely stopping an antimicrobial program for Lyme disease if you are known to still have active infections.

I'm waiting now for Round 8 to arrive...
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, no, besides Dr. Natura or similar agent I would not use the pharma anti-parasite now. I think that would be too much while the body is so busy working with the drops. Maybe you can have it energetically tested.

Hobo, I recently picked up NOW glycine (one pound) for about $15., not in capsules, which you can put into a bit of water and drink. It's the easiest to take - has a slightly sweet taste. Take it away from other proteins. It works for both chemicals and metals and who knows what else.

We are really trying to get rid of all the plastics in your life. I think this is one reason why it is felt by AI that Americans are more toxic and have to go through so many more bottles before the turnaround comes. I am constantly wrecking my brain trying to figure this out - EMF, home construction, carpeting, wood paneling, insulations, paints, exposure to the the daily news - murder, fire, bedlam. Why are we more toxic? One major item is consumption of vitamins and food supplements. Not anyone I know living overthere is taking the supplments as we are -- of that I am certain. Most aren't taking any. Where do many of the basic materials for vitamin manufacturing come from?
People in most of Europe eat food - not nutritional supplements and not castrated foods! Cost of supplements is prohibitive and they are not available in every drug store as they are here in quantities like here. They are putting the limits on many - I am sure their medical costs would go through the roof like here.

My husband fainted last year - stayed in ER for 2 nights - Cost $16,000! Insanity. They were never able to find out why he fainted. My homemade red pepper tincture brought him around in 5 seconds. Impossible they said.

Constant exposure to disease on this board affects us more than we are willing to admit.

I just called AI and tossed more questions at them. The above is basically what I hear from them -- get away from more toxins.

Well, Dr. K. started to find the phthalates (plastics) in literally every patient he saw - and that started years ago. Plastic in breastmilk! Citrus drinks out of plastic bottles or alu cans! Water out of plastic bottles especially after they sat in the car in summer weather!

We need to change.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If allergic to wheat, corn and soy, as most are, that means we are allergic to many supplements before doing AI or being treated effectively before taking them.

Any patients visiting Dr. K. are allergic to 2/3 of the bags of supplements they first come in with. Many practitioners on the other hand are not able to determine this by any means of testing.

According to Dr. K., There are four different types of allergies: Autonomic Nervous system response; immunological; emotional; allergies as a biochemical consequence.

No matter which one we suffer from, any allergy stresses the body. Not sure that's the right thing to do day in and day out.

Take care.

P.S. speaking from experience and 13 years of Klinghardt lectures.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If allergic to wheat, corn and soy, as most are, that means we are allergic to many supplements before doing AI or being treated effectively before taking them.

Any patients visiting Dr. K. are allergic to 2/3 of the bags of supplements they first come in with. Many practitioners on the other hand are not able to determine this by any means of testing.

According to Dr. K., There are four different types of allergies: Autonomic Nervous system response; immunological; emotional; allergies as a biochemical consequence.

No matter which one we suffer from, any allergy stresses the body. Not sure that's the right thing to do day in and day out.

Take care.

P.S. speaking from our own experience and 13 years of Klinghardt lectures.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If allergic to wheat, corn and soy, as most are, that means we are allergic to many supplements before doing AI or being treated effectively before taking them.

Any patients visiting Dr. K. are allergic to 2/3 of the bags of supplements they first come in with. Many practitioners on the other hand are not able to determine this by any means of testing.

According to Dr. K., There are four different types of allergies: Autonomic Nervous system response; immunological; emotional; allergies as a biochemical consequence.

No matter which one we suffer from, any allergy stresses the body. Not sure that's the right thing to do day in and day out.

Take care.

P.S. speaking from our own experience and 13 years of Klinghardt lectures.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I'm not totally in 100 percent agreement with you that Americans and a zillion more toxic than Europeans. Perhaps if they live in the coutry, but not the citie snd not the suburbs. I lived in Spain and my ex wife was from Paris. These are polluted cities, bad wiring, cell phones, plastics, MUCHO CIGARETTE SMOKE, etc. Many of our problems.

My instrinct if a doctor says he can't get Americans well, could be a cop out answer.

But, yes, we are a toxic race.

What we need is a time machine.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I also worked at the United Nations a while. Even though NYC had no smoking laws, you could smoke in the UN and they did. Also our office before I joined was on the floor over the Electrical power floor -- and almost evey woman in the office got tumors or even cancer. Thus, they moved the office.

Ofr course no law suits won.

Scary!!!!! I will never live or work in a high rise.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
What can be used instead of pestasol -- that is expensive!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

An apple a day ....... we use the apple crushed plus the pectin added to it
Posted by amy21 (Member # 21318) on :
what is a good source and brand for
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
chlorella, biopure , gigi will comment on this most likely but dr. k tests it and it is a clean source. chlorella is an algae and will bind to you have to be careful on your source.

charcoal, almost any health food store will carry charcoal. i have several brands, one i am using now is mms pro.

pectin, can buy in bulk at herb stores..Gigi provided a great link above.

Betasitosterol can also be found at health food stores. ifyou have access to a clinic where the brand Pure is sold, they make something called cholestepure and it has the betasitosterol in it.

Chitosan, online or health foods tore..its pretty basic. often used to absorb fats for people on a diet.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Just a note... purchased AI back in March... finally sent off my sample 2day ... I can no longer cope with these crippling chemical allergies...its debilitating...heightened by abx for sit and wait with nothing left but hope.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cooper, I used to smell everything - when my son would arrive at the front door, with his shirt dried with Downy, I would smell it upstairs many feet away.

Everything that bothered me is gone, gone, with the added benefit that I can now see every teeny mark and have crystalclear vision.

If you have it badly, be sure to be patient. It will take a number of rounds of the drops. And be sure you report to them for every round as they ask -- what is still the same, what got worse, and what got better. It is nice for them to know, because there are so many areas/systems to search and find the different connections.

I will be rooting for you.

Take care.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Thank you GiGi... it is horrid. One wiff and I'm weak weak weak and dizzy for the day. I am very optimistic about this solution. My chemical allergies began 20 years ago when having amalgams removed...this was before there were any safety protocols.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
My husband told me today that "it" looked like wrapped in cellophane ---- that's what pectin does if you take it early enough before the rest of the food comes down the channel...... Do they still make cellophane or is it now only saran wrap????
Generation gap.

Hope you do some wrapping. It pays off in the long run.

Take care.

P.S. I picked some of our fresh raspberries that morning, crushed them, and added a heaping teaspoon full of apple pectin (no cooking). It made a wonderful breakfast addition.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Also found malic acid helps with aluminum as a chelator/binder. I cant find anything better to help chelate alumninum, Gigi any options?
a product i have been using that i like alot is called chelatorx my doctor suggested. it is a combo of edta, malic, chlorella, and a few other things. so when we test now, alot less tests when i use this product.

My AI Test came back last week. I am not sure if this is second or third round. The second round , some evaporated in my purse, or leaked out...i wrote AI and they said to resend saliva. So this is what my third reading showed:

12 chemical substances
6 energetic blockages

I am really exhausted alot , very sleepy. I often have trouble going to sleep. The past two nites i have used castor oil packs for my liver. I know my liver is big player in my health. I recently had a pesticde exposure, so I am very ill. Energetically testing, i need alot for metals, and pesticides. I am juicing greens alot and trying to keep my body alkaline. My digestion is quite poor..and my elimination, so i know this is an area that needs work. I have enjoyed reading this post and it has given me alot of incenative to keep up the binders..I have been at this game for quite some time and it is very easy to get discouraged.
I am noticing I am having alot of dreams too. I used to not be able to recall my dreams. When i first wake up i lay flat and move my head gently side to side. It helps the recall. Alot of my dreams are about drowning in water..or the ocean or waves coming on top of me. I am starting to record this to keep better track as well as my symptoms while going through the detox.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

"trying to keep my body alkaline".

Don't overdo - toxic heavy metals go into solution only in acidic environment.

If you do juice, be sure to eat the fiber - it is as valuable or more so than the juice. I posted it somewhere here. Drink the juice, but put the fiber in a jar and add a little flavorful juice and eat it during the day.

You digestion will get better as your leaky gut heals after the wheat etc. allergies are corrected. It will take several months to heal the gut. Just think how long you have walked around with this.

Cilantro tincture and cilantro tea (made only with a few drops of tincture / testing!) before bedtime help with alu also. But need to be careful if fillings still in mouth. I know you don't. A cup or two of vinegar in bath also help with alu detox.

If alu is severe, I seem to remember Dr. K. uses Desferral. But you need to make sure to replenish Iron because it takes that out also.

You will be running again!

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks Gigi..your information you share is worth so much to me..i appreciate this.
cilantro , am very sensitive to, but i love the taste, i buy it fresh and add it to juices or soups.
never heard of the vinegar bath..interesting..didnt know.

Thank you about running! I like to set these pictures as the goal and focus on it.

You take care
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
On Round 4 this week.

Now: 9 Chemicals
6 Energetic blocks

In the last round 3, I had
9 Chemicals
5 energetic blocks

hopefully they are different ones, or just maybe having a hard time removing them.

Daughter: 7 Chemicals
7 energ. Blocks

Previous: 9 chemicals
2 energetic blocks

2nd Day, I have bad eye pain again, with sensitivity to smells and polutants in the air with my eyes, like when I smell car fumes whild driving. My eyes burn and are dry. This happened on round two as well.

Feel sticky fluid oozing from my eyes, so am trying sterile moisture solution for eye relief. Hope this is ok...just want to get rid of the sludge and dry pain.

also, my sinuses are releasing things. I have been adding binders as I do not want to swallow and reabsorb anything that is being eliminated!

Very interesting that the eye and sinus thing happens at the same times, off and on, a few hours after I take the drops!

Daughter has no physical reactions to report...just sliding thought fine!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Parfait, mee too, but I don't credit the sticky eye and sinus outpouringto AI but to thios wicked pollen season we're having. Grass and ragweed. Oh, My!!!!! Bad.

If these drops could take away allergies, I'd feel nearly human again.
Posted by minerva (Member # 20410) on :
i thought i would try to repost my questions hopeing someone had any thoughts. i should be getting my first round in five days.

Should you keep up with vitimins and mineral supplements while on AI if you are doing a lot of binders?

Do I lose the benefit of treating parasites priot to AI if I am on AI for months and am not taking any anti-parasitics?

If the AI needs to take multiple treatments and one is at it for months and months should I consider also treating for lyme while taking the AI as well?
Posted by minerva (Member # 20410) on :
i thought i would try to repost my questions hopeing someone had any thoughts. i should be getting my first round in five days.

Should you keep up with vitimins and mineral supplements while on AI if you are doing a lot of binders?

Do I lose the benefit of treating parasites priot to AI if I am on AI for months and am not taking any anti-parasitics?

If the AI needs to take multiple treatments and one is at it for months and months should I consider also treating for lyme while taking the AI as well?
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
AI is not a "Lyme disease treatment". Thus, if someone still has active infection, I do not think it is wise to stop all Lyme treatment while doing AI.

I'm on month 8 and I am glad to have done AI but I would not have been comfortable stopping ALL other therapies for that length of time - and I had largely controlled many of the Lyme-related infections before starting AI.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Scott,
What exactly are you doing for lyme or have you done that you felt was successful?
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Also have sticky/crusty debris around the inner edges of my outer ear, in the nooks and crannies.

Thought it may have been shampoo debris...but is not. It is like something is sticking to my ear and scabby, but not a scab.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, I used a hair color at one time and experienced these crusty remains on my ear for 4 weeks. It gummed up my hair and everything else during the night.

It is definitely toxins exiting by these means. The body will find the most convenient spot to release, whether we like it or not. Be glad it - whatever "it" is, is departing.

Be sure you frequently test for binders - we are now testing several times during the day. At one time it tests for definite metal binders, the next time more geared toward chemical binders, the next time charcoal; it just goes on and on.
When I find to be blocked, because of strong detoxing, I usually unblock it with the binder that is needed at the particular time. It changes constantly, which tells me that everything is on the move.

I hope you are able to test somehow, with tensor or pendulum, whatever, because it is so helpful to know what is happening. It takes the guessing out of the game.

By the way, it is very likely that at one time - possibly many years ago, you used something close to the ears -- shampoo, cremes -- which the body was unable to deal with at the time and simply packed it away. Too many of these "pack-aways" eventually became the burden that brought the jug to overflowing.

I am tickled pink when I see this kind of thing because the body is working again.

Take care.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
I was a hairdresser from age 17 to 40 so I am sure many of these poisons will be releasing. I have had the eye goop,nose running,extreme neck and down the back pain. Lots of emotions coming up to be released.I am sleeping a lot. Still taking KPU supps along with AI. I would not feel comfortable not doing the supps,and my Md agrees as does pendy and bio-tensor. I have had 7-8 day where almost all my symptoms lift.Its so amazing. At that time I feel grounded,have lots of energy and way less pain. Great to feel more positive and hopeful again. After the lift I get slammed again with big time painful symptoms Physical and emotional. Happy Healing everyone Joyce
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I get those wonderful weeks as well. Totally forget anything was every wrong!! Then like you mentioned Joyce, Bam!

I will say that as time goes on each "bam" is less intense but the way things change with this, that is far from written in stone.

I had the crusty thing on the outer ridge of one ear as well, along with a lot of ear pain during that time - a couple of months ago.

The outrageous sensation in my cheekbones and face that was around for several months seems to be going away.

My eyes are still an outlet for toxins and according to the tensor, right now it's chemicals. Glycine is helping a lot with that.

I am carrying binders and drainage remedies in the car as I can feel the toxins roaming about and can't let it go for too long.

Minerva - I'm not taking much in the way of vitamins and supplements. Now and then I get the feeling for something and test it.

I can't offer much about lyme treatment as I haven't been on any antibiotics or killing substances for over a year.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Just tested with the biotenser (Dr.W's), and my ear crust appears to be a combo of plastics and chemicals.

Eyes are PLASTICS being released today. Like you Nana, I have had outer ear pain when sleeping on my ears...preceding this release.

And, yes, have had my "greyish" roots dyed over the I"m in a delema, of to stop or not to I am monthly adding that toxic burdon to my body! Always knew it was bad, but that great feeling of youth...after those roots are covered cannot be underestimated.

Guess I have to begin going all natural! This is worse than giving up coffee! Anyone else still dying their hair? Is there a natural product?

Yes, GIGI, i too am happy when these things happen as they are not seriously painful, just very different, and it feels good to know something good is happening toward health. The binders have made a world of difference!

I am learning so much valuable info from doing this therapy.

I'll keep reporting my odd findings...just to compare!

Thank you all for sharing and encouraging me!

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP - I use Light Mountain Henna - have used for many years. I will not turn grey as long as I can still raise my arms and put it on! I just put it on by the handful working it in like shampoo. No time for strand-by-strand application.

Test it as recommended in the package.

And I love coffee - it is a super antioxidant - so I tell myself and enjoy every sip of it, even through the years of Lyme.

Take care and enjoy!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
There is a company called EcoColors that sells to salons and consumers.

Some of their colors are ppd free. Don't know a lot about them but this thread has inspired me to look around.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Nana,looking forward to more and more good days and the bam's getting lighter. The most good days I had was 3 together the others were one day once a week. Its like a miracle for me to feel and see these positives after 27 yrs. I use organic henna.I love it as it gives my hair a lot of body. Thanks Nana will look into Eco Colors.Some that I thought were non-toxic are not. So do your homework.Happy healing everyone Joyce
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Thanks for the color suggestions!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Yes, be sure you test anything you put onto your scalp and hair before you do it. Several years ago, I purchased one made in Italy (can't remember the name), so-called natural, sold at the very prestigious Tahoma Clinic and I got the drippy-drips out of the ears. It also immediately closed up my throat. Luckily Dr. K. usually out of town when needed was here and rescued me on this one with a homeopathic made from the residue in the bottle.

Please do test before using - any!

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
ay this good info on hair color . i almost bought some at whole foods, naturtint, i will have to get it tested. good idea Gigi.

I am having sleep problems on my drops (i have them anyway)

Ia m working more on the binders, it seems i could be taking binders all day long.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Remember Natural does not mean organic.It should be certified organic. And everything needs to be energy tested for your own body.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner - maybe try not to take the drops too close to bedtime. The early bottles kept me on the alert also. Now I don't notice it any longer.

Discovered a nice use for apple pectin today --- it was very hot today - always ready for ice of some sort -- took some different fruit juices, mixed a teaspoon of pectin into it, in small dishes and froze all. Makes a nice sherbet in a very short time.

Enjoy the summer!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks Gigi..your sherbert sounds great..

Healing in santa cruz..any suggestions on color going from light brown to a dark blonde color?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Gigi, if i take my long do i need to wait before i take my charcoal or other binders?

not sure if this question has yet been addressed for this is quite a meaty post.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Funny you all talking about hair colorants... I sort of gave up. I will just use Henna too from times to times, as nothing else seems good.

None of the so called 'natural' colorants except for pure Henna tests for me. The rest, all 'poisonous'.

Same for shampoo. I found a medical one, sold in a supermarket, no added smell, no color, pH 5.5. That is the one that tests for the whole family.

I went to Korea and tested ALL shampoos in a supermarket (because I'll move to Korea soon). I found NONE that I could use. The supermarket was a Tesco + Samsung, a huge one... There were LOADS of shampoos, it took me about 40 minutes to look into all of them.

So I bought loads of shampoo bottles here in Europe to bring to Korea...

Funny that for toothpaste, I won't need to do that as I found a good brand there. And if not, I just go to the mix Himalayan salt + baking soda and brush my teeth with that.

I don't need hair conditioners anymore. What is helping is a home made tincture of cinnamon. I use vodka 40%, let sit for about 6 weeks, shaking it daily, then apply directly on the scalp once every 2 weeks.

It feels divine and the hair becomes like silk (not immediately, but a few days later I started to notice the difference). You get many acupuncture points treated this way too. Not recommended to do before bedtime though.

I don't know for the ones with clear hair tones though, as the tincture is pretty dark red.

Other dangerous things people keep rubbing are creams, milks and oils. I still prefer any natural oil instead. Jojoba is so far, the best I found, but anything cheaper like olive oil, grapeseed oil is also good. Incomparable to any of the stuff we find in normal shops.

And the other dangerous thing I see people using are perfumes or deodorants. Most (if not all) deodorants have aluminium. I would keep them away like devil.

If I want to get some good smell rubbed on my body, I just put a drop of any essential oil in an oil bottle and rub it. Lavander, lemon, there are dozens, hundreds, whatever fits your mood of the day.

An aunt of mine faints when in contact with certain artificial perfumes. They are neurotoxic and allergenic.

Perfumes with isopropyl alcohol, also no, thanks.

People think I'm exaggerating. I don't care what they think. I just don't want to fall sick again. If you all start asking with the biotensor all around you, you may become like me!!

Not because a product is labeled natural and costs a fortune, it means non-toxic or good for everyone. There are many non-expensive alternatives. Only for the hair color, so far I found one single product that is Henna. I couldn't find anything else that tests for me.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
So, do you people feel that all teh drainage from eyes and siniuses rigt now are AI and not allergies? ALos my gums have ben really hurting sinnce doing it.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Same here. I still feel the tender gums, on and off, with each new bottle. Lasts a day or two, then no more. I still have eye drainage, on and off.

All must go.

Take care.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
The eye and sinus drainage I commented on is definately different than allergies.

The sinus thing, has only happened twice to me, and each was a one time blast of something, in the middle of the night, escaping from my sinus...not a continual dripping like seasonal alergies, which I used to have years ago before treatment.

I immediately took some chorella as I did not want to reabsorb anything I was detoxing.

No comparison, especially after testing with's chemical/plastics and candida related, per energetic testing.

I do believe that many experience the seasonal allergie thing...but this that I speak about is different.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Just got my results back... first time. Am I supposed to send them money for shipping for the first round. Not sure. I sent them the 395 euro's

Also it says 2 to 3 rounds.... does this mean I have to send another 395 after every three rounds?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I think they tell you when they'd like postage help, Cooper. Why don't you e mail to say you're ready for round 1 if you're uncertain.

No, the 395 covers all rounds of drops, however long it takes; I did wonder the same thing, but Herr G reassured me.

Good luck with the drops: I'm waiting for round 2 to arrive,

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
how long do you wait to take binders after the drops?
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
i just want to understand AI payment, do you pay each time for test and drops or you just pay one time?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I'm hoping that my mucus merrygoround is just AI.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, you know from experience when you feel worse than normal bad.

Learn to test or get tested. If you show blocked regulation, whatever unblocks you is the culprit, i.e. metals, chemicals, pesticides, etc. Then test for binders. Take binders 30 minutes before meals, and before bedtime.

If you don't know how to test or get tested energetically, I would use intuition and alternate. Whatever comes to mind first - you are good at that!

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Fifi25, you just pay one time (395 Euro) and that covers all the bottles you will need. When they send you the bottle, they ask that you pay the postage of $10.00 for each bottle you will be getting. They mention it in the letter that comes with the bottle pr is e-mailed to you. The information re postage is in their letter (in English). If it is not mentioned in the first test results, they are asking for the postage in the second. I don't recall exactly.

Ignore the 3 rounds, or whatever they show in the letter. The Germans are correcting things more quickly than Americans - their average is 3 - 5 bottles.

Take care.

I have heard that from G. and have also been told by a practitioner in Germany who uses the AI.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
"Your analysis is ready. Their report is attached.

If you have ordered the therapy, the drops have been shipped today. The drops please with 3 x 5 drops per day. And this for 2 weeks. Then send us a new saliva sample for control."

Maybe reading is important lol
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cooper, what are you asking here? Your test results are probably in the e-mail as an attachment. Download it. The drops will arrive in about a week if they mailed them the same day as they e-mailed you the test results.

????? Just ask.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Im actually pointing out how challenged I am... meaning I asked before if i had to send them money for mailing when in fact they have already sent my drops... [Smile]

I cant wait!

Interestingly these are toxins they listed

Phenyl mercury acetate

Tributyl tin oxide


I am allergic/blocked by


and by 6 different molds.

Mucor mucedo
Mucor racemosus
Mucor spinosus

Penicillium expansum
Penicillium notatum
Penicillium brevicompactum

not that I know what this means...but I am hoping others may contribute.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Wow cooper that is alot. i imagine, like all of us, you will need alot of binders.

thanks gigi. yes, i am quite used to this process. with the pesticide exposure i had last year, i have lost some of my intuition and higher self, which is disheartening, but knowiing its temporary. I am trying to focus on the long term goal and not get lost in my current symptoms. i used to be very good at guaging what my body needs. I am often very very foggy, and i feel incapacitated sometimes , esp during the day.
Today My eyes were very very sore and dry. i normally would have thought it were allergies, but maybe it was releasing. i have taken alot of binders today. I also swam in a salt water pool..i felt poorly but hwen i got out i was better, increased ciruclation. I am also working on underwater laps..helps with my oxygenation.
I am in hopes to get a tensor soon..keeping my fingers crossed my note gets to vernnon.
Any other suggestions for biotensors?

In health,
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I rely on my biotenser to help confirm my intuition, when I am choosing binders or practically anything for a condition to treat.

I try not to use it around my family, as it makes them nervous about my sanity! My teens call it my magic wand! Here she goes again..they say!
Don't need the negative vibes!

I have the German one from Bioplasma-Research.

Tel+49 (0) 8342898600
email: [email protected]

cost: pricy euro 209,24

but worth every penny in my opinion!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Cooper, I had the same. The tributyl tin oxide is a wood preservatives and can also be spewed from cooling towers.

I grew up across the river from a number of these cooling towers. My Dad moved us because he thought they were dangerous.

Phenyl mercury acetate was used as a preservative in latex paint until sometime in the 90's.

I think you'll find that the foods, molds, fungus and metals will be corrected after you finish the first round. Not that they are gone, but they can start coming out and that gradually the foods will no longer cause a problem.

I started eating wheat right away but overdid it and it is just now, after 8 months, that it really doesn't bother me. Gut is not completely healed however.

Chemicals and metals are still on the move for me and chemicals affect my eyes.

Before I to to bed I take the gylcine that Gigi spoke of, put those wonderful detox foot pads on and sleep quite well.

I used the foot pads last winter but after a couple of months nothing much was coming out. Now, plenty is coming out.

As mentioned, the biotensor is a wonderful tool for testing all!
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Your mucus thing may not be the AI...especially if you have a history of it.

AI can surely help any alleriges, but it is in a deeper level.

When I originally got rid of my seasonal allergies, it was quite by accident! They were severely bad, with Fall and Spring seasonal dripping , headaches, and sneezing hayfever type things.

Before my lyme diagnosis, I did the Dr Hyman style full body detox,"Detox Box" program, Ultra-Prevention, just to feel better and get some energy.

He proposes, that with this detox, each of his patients responds with major health benefits.

I did a three month detox from Feb through April, during lent one year, and was shocked for the first time in my life to not have big time allergies in the Spring. I also felt fantastic.

Have not had them since in three years time! Don't know what exactly had changed, but it was truely amazing!

I did crash the next year with lyme symptoms etc...but never got those allergie symptoms again.

So go with the binders, fibers, juices, broths, etc that are promoted here to push those this was a big part of my sinus allergy healing with the Dr. Hyman detox.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
All of us who have taken the AI test so far, except me, had the wheat etc. problems. I attribute my sailing through Lyme Disease somuch more quickly than others to the fact that I had no DNA errors in the food department. My grandfather used to own a big bakery a hundred years ago!

Take a look at the vicious cycle of brain and gut that these food problems can cause. I know we are not autistic, but certainly have many of the symptoms. Leaf through this and learn to understand the nasty things the leaky gut can cause! G. of AI always told me that wheat is the worst. Except "avoiding" does not work, because it simply cannot be avoided unless we stop eating and start living in a bubble.

My husband(closer to 84 than 83) had a bad case of "gut". Dr. K. always kept moaning about it. "something wrong with your gut". My husband's tongue, my own indicator of general health, used to look like the Grand Canyon. Starting with AI, it started to turn into a black grand canyon. Now after six months of AI, it is starting to look pink and losing the roughness and dryness. His blood pressure is nearly normal from extreme 80's over 40's and fainting; his red feet are now pink instead of red, and his blue hands and fingernails are disappearing, and he no longer has cold hand and feet. He walks again and can get out of a chair, be it ever so slowly. No medication of any sort, just 15 drops of informed water. Tell that to some geriatric doctor. I watch it all in amazement.

Take care.
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
what the best order to take binders? next to AI drops

i got, trace minerals drops, chorolla, cilantro
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Do not take cilantro around the drops. Cilantro is the only agent that can get heavy metals out of the Central Nervous System/brain, and that is not what you want to do when doing the drops.
You don't want to take any mobilizing agents, and that's what cilantro is. The drops will start to work and there will be enough mobilizing happening once you get going with them. So just relax about it; drink juices, apple sauce, mousses, soups, not tons of plain water as many people seem to think necessary. Teas are good -

Eat lots of fiber - vegetables, salads, fruits with the peel, potatoes with the peel, and don't forget to add the pectin into some mashed fruits or juices. I posted the link to the pectin we have been using in our house -

I talked about some of these things earlier in this thread. So if you have time, go back and read it.

That would be my suggestion. And try to just roll with it and let the drops do their thing.

Trace minerals are okay to take, but they are not an actual binder.

Chlorella is fine, if you tolerate them well, Start with one tablet or capsule 30 minutes before a meal. And again before going to bed when you don't take food. Some people do not do well with chlorella overall. If that is the case, you might just settle for pectin on some foods or in juices. And charcoal before going to bed. Be sure to take charcoal away from minerals, etc., because it binds to minerals. That is the reason charcoal works well as a binder for the heavy metals that will be leaving your system once you get going with the drops a little further down the road.

When you get further into the drops, you may want to try Glycine - it works for both metals and chemicals. Don't take glycine when you have a protein meal. Take the glycine before going to bed.

Hope I haven't confused you more.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I am having allergy like symptoms. my eyes are very dry and itchy and the inside of my nasal passages are dry and irritated. (i thought this might be from innhaling gluathione)
i respond to allergies like a child. i get the histamine response, almost like adrenaline.
which i have always found interesting. i have often felt like i have adult onset autism. I really related to what you wrote Gigi.
I am taking binders before bed but still having troubles ssleeping..
today for this first time tonight I got a sense of my higher self ad even though tired felt more emotionally alive than i have in while, which was encourageing.
I naturally gravitate towards juices, smoothies, soups, broths, teas..i think its my body saying, im overloaded take it easy ont he digestive i am experimenting with alot of soups from scratch..blended veggies...soft eggs for protien applesausces and adding in the pectin. i like how it kind of gels and its somewhat soothing on my belly.
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
thank you Gigi for all your help, advise & experience, i wish you have a clinic and you will be my doctor. have you ever think about writing a book? do u have a blog?
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
is there a different brand of charcoal?
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
i found this site for activated charcoal, is this the one i should buy?
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
sorry, forgot the link [Smile]
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
I just recived confermation that A1 never recived the third sample that I sent them over a month ago. I sent a $10 bill in with it for postage and I bet that had a play in it not getting there.Since I have been without the drops in more than a month I notice my eyes are not as bright, my ezema is returning and my newly strong and long nails are not so much now.

I plan on sending postage cost through pay pall this time, how would I go about doing that? Thanks,Terri
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Fifi25, The loose charcoal is probably hard to take. Nature's Way has an Activated Charcoal in capsules of 560mg (100 capsules) for about $8.00.
We take from 2 and up when - Have taken up to 6-8.
on and off, whenever we feel it is necessary.

No, I don't have a blog. But I have been posting here since 2000 and if you do a search, you will find many of my posts on a variety of subjects.

Kissis, surprised no one is answering you. I think this is the Paypal form on AI's website

Hope you get your next drops soon.

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Fifi25, I can second Gigi's advice about charcoal, as the powder just sticks around your teeth and is a bit of a nuisance, though it is usually much cheaper than capsules,

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
My second round of drops has just arrived, showing Pentachlorphenole, Phenyl mercury acetate, tributyl tin oxide and 10 unnamed chemicals,

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
To drink charcoal powder, use a straw, so not to get Black Teeth.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping and all, They do not look for the chemicals on the first round because all others are so dominant and have to be out of the way first. Don't worry - I am sure as everyone else, you will hear about the rest of it all as time moves on.

All the corrections they make causes a change in how our body deals with it. If they checked all systems on the first round, I doubt that we would survive the drops!!!!!

Take care.

[ 07-27-2009, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
I have received my drops and I am happy to report forward motion. My soul needs liberation.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I am on round 3 of the drops. Just near the end. Wednesday will be my last day and then thursday am i send off my sample.
I just thought i would share some of the things that have been happening for me through this process.
I am feeling very flushed through my face for about 1 week now. Almost like I am running a high fever. I did not equate it to the drops, but today i think it was right after i took my first doseage it started again. I feel almost like i have constant hay fever. Stuffy nose, and irritation through the sinuses, eyes very dry. I have been on d-hist and other things to calm down the response (nettles, quercitin, Vit C) butnothing is cutting the mustard.
I also notice that i have a child like response to allergies. My system seems more "hyper" and I have trouble focusing in one area for too long.
This often seems to result in not sleeping no matter what i try. USually binders and detox help this, but lately its worse. I am not getting much relief in this area. I am up half the ite and sleep during the day. This isnt entirely new, but anyhow , thought it was dissipating and now it seems i going through the pattern again.
Just wondering, anyone else feel this?
I also today had a strong chemical taste in mymouth, almost like i had been exposed to windex. I am just curious what others are expeirencing thorugh this process.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Runner, I have had so many surreal symptoms which only have gotten worse these long years, that I caqn't tell if AI is adding or subtracting them.

I'm just praying it will help in the end.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Yesterday I asked everyone around me - do you smell this gasoline/mix with chimney smoke? I smelled it all day long and no one could confirm they smelled the same thing.

I am still detoxing chemicals and various other memories. I used to have the same insomnia problems. We are having summerheat in the 80-90's and once I hit the pillow, afterbeing able to barely read not more than one page, I am in a sound sleep all night.

Be patient. And take as little as possible of concentrated medicines/herbs/supplements. To some of the things you take you may still be allergic to, because most undergo a manufacturing process of some sort. I always remember that people coming to see Dr. K. turned out to be allergic to the majority of "stuff" they brought to the first visit. Not a good idea now when you are trying to correct the dysregulations.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks Gigi that makes things a lot simpler.
I have kept this in mind, and it makes sense. I am working on weaning off my sleep medicine as well. hopefully i can find a nice way to do this and onto something natural. for i really want AI to see me without being on that.
I do smell alot of things frequently, later on today i smell mens shaving cream. (also very toxic)

Hobokinite, you are from Newnan! My mom is in atlanta..i hope you are surviving the summer heat ok..
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Thanks, Runner. Atlanta gets pretty cooking about now. I'm from NY originally where only August was tough.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Just got my report and 4th round of drops today. The analysis showed 10 chemical substances and 7 energetic blockages.

I think taking drops along with binders and fiber is really helping. I used to have rashes that came and went (mostly they stayed) on my thighs and trunk area. Raised red patches that itched a little, like eczema. For the first time in 3-4 years, they have been gone for several weeks. Just one small patch on one thigh now.

Hoping for more progress to come.

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
HI Hobokinite,
Yes the southeast can be hard, especially when sick. Am on the west coast, and the weather seems more tolerable for sure.
Best of luck in your healing.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Not sure that chlorella is the right binder while on AI. It is not testing well energetically and my husband tried it today. I think it is too active in the extracellular spaces - simply too much detox action that I don't think is right while doing the drops. So be sure you test energetically.

I ran out of pectin and tried Guar Gum which I had in the house. Mixed into fruits and juices - just a little bit - makes a nice "pudding" with good fiber as another binder.

It is H O T in Seattle - the only way to survive is to cool off with the watering wand on the deck..........

Wishing you continued progress too, Nutmeg! You must be on the other side of the mountains?

Take care all.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
This week I am very smell sensitive. I am smelling things that others around me do not.
Specifically car fumes wile driving in a closed car... cigarette smoke from a distance...body odors from people around me, that no one else senses!

My son just had his wisdom teeth removed, and I could not tolerate being near him when he speaks...I was the only one smelling foul smells from his mouth...I panicked that he had an infection! But no one else smells it!

He is cleansing correctly, I have been giving him chlorella... and he is testing for over 100, 3 times a day...also loads of binders, mixed secretly into his smoothies! Sneeky mom as I am. MY kids do not like my healthy protocols! But he is trapped into apple sauce with apple pectin, and smoothies with the pectin, fiber and other goodies tucked away mixed with the fruit!

He also finally began his first set of drops the week of his tooth extraction. Don't know if it was good to begin then, but there was no other choice in his situation. He is in the Armed Forces and on leave for two weeks. They require these teeth I thought it better to do it while at home, so I could care for his health, as I do not trust what would happen to him otherwise.

They would do it for free...but my sanity would not allow this!

That's a whole other topic...related to my emotions.

Anyway, now three of us are on the drops.

[ 07-29-2009, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: lymeparfait ]
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Parfait,I can really relate to what you are writing! except i am smelling and tasting like someone laced my food with roach spray. sometimes its other things. I just hope its coming up and out of the tissues.

good luck with your son..and your desert parfaits sound great.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Thanks Runner...keep posting your interesting reactions.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Thanks, GiGi.

I only take 1-2 chlorella tabs a day, at most. It doesn't agree with me if I take more than that, so I'm honoring that.

Activated charcoal seems to work better, and doesn't seem as harsh, so I have increased that after meals.

I mix my apple pectin in a little applesauce along with a small scoop of Detoxifiber by Garden of Life.

Herr G. wrote a nice letter with my report.

I had reported on my list that many of my symptoms were still increasing, and he said not to give up hope (I hadn't, at all) and that it would take some time to correct all the errors and allow my body to get back to balance.

You are correct, GiGi--I'm on the other side of the mountains from you. In the desert we are more used to this heat and sun than you are, but it has been beastly here as well.

At least we are more prepared for dealing with it, but it has been dragging on for weeks. Enough!

Stay cool!

Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
I'm going to give these drops a go, but first, am working on my general health,improving my ability to detox and strengthening my endo system, having decided against hormones. I am not going to go for photons yet.

I am following the advice of Andreas Moritz in his Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvination and Ayervedic medicine.

Good start! I body brush and pull oil when I wake up, then full body massage with olive oil and exercise in front of my open windows in the early morning sun, lying in it afterwards for 20 mins naked. Next comes the far-infrared sauna and then a shower. A glass of warm water and lemon juice then breakfast. I am following his dietary instructions and have given up all bad foods.

Today I am feeling better. This is an improvement from wanting to sleep all of the time.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi just finished round #3. Round 2 i didnt fully complete due to a spill but i think this was still round 3.
I feel the drops are supportive. It will be interesting to note my symptoms over the next few days. But i think i actually feel better on the drops. I am nearly bedridden, but i feel they help with the detoxing. My nervous system is very impacted. In some ways i feel i am dealing on a different playing field than my normal symptoms with lyme and heavy metals due to the pesticide exposure i had in the spring. I think i will get a journal just for AI. and reallykeep track. when we are in our day to day its easy to loose track, but looking back over the months one can really determine progress..
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Mati, which foods are considered "bad foods" by Andreas Moritz? Alwasy interested learning more.

Glad you found what helps you.

Take care.
Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
Thanks GiGi

After years of avoiding sugar, I had started to eat it since moving to Germany and the delicious cakes! Now I have given it up. He also says no alcohol or meat and various other restrictions according to body type. Moritz is German, I did not know that before, for others who do not know either. I have found such a great deal more understanding here over health awareness than there is in the UK. The Bioladens are great!

Due to my relaxed eating habits, levels of inflamation had increased quite a bit and now they are going down which is making me feel better. My ankle swelling has gone right down which means better kidney function. I had forgotten how important a good diet is. If anyone finds it difficult to give up unhealthy things, a read of Moritz's book soon cures that!

His main thing though is gall and liver cleanses to remove stones.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
HI Mati,
Would you mind sharing what foods he recommends for protein? Also, have you tried a liver/gallbladder flush?
Thanks for any information.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I am a bit afraid to do a Liver gallbladder i have been using castor oil packs for 30-60 mins most nites of the week.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Charcoal should be taken 30 minutes b e f o r e meals and again at bedtime. If you take it following the meal, it will pick up all the good minerals - the ones you really want to keep and are necessary for detoxing.

Another good binder is ground flaxseed.

I always remember Dr. K. when referring to "no meat" that it is very difficult to avoid protein malnutrition. I have never managed to even figure out how to do this right without using meats. He also remarks that he has rarely seen a healthy vegetarian. Meat is rich in zinc, b-vitamins, and sulfur-containing amino acids. No meat means missing some important vitamins and minerals. Digestion can be more of a problem on a no-meat diet. Even worse when trying to eliminate toxic heavy metals. I think that really has to be thought through very carefully. If ill, getting these amino acids from nuts, etc. is difficult.

All of it becomes even more of a problem if KPU is a factor when zinc, B6, etc. is also missing.

Bedtime ......

Take care.
Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
Hi runner21

Each diet for the three body types, has different recommendations, two of the types can have some dairy products and most protein coming from mixing nuts seeds and beans with rice for example. No soy. I don't feel like eating meat at the moment, but if I do feel the need for more protein, it will probably be small amounts of wild salmon after I muscle test it. I have always felt that I do not get enough protein on a semi vegan diet. I will give it a go though. Maybe it will just be for a year or so.

I have never done any flushing though I did the humaworm bowel cleanse once. It was too harsh. Moritz's theory is that we cannot heal if we have a liver and gall bladder full of stones, which a lot of us have and that once they are out, our healing really improves drastically.

Another thing he says, which nearly freaked me out at first, is that we must love our illness!!!!!! However I see the sense of this now that I have been thinking about it. He says that hating it and fighting against it stops us healing. Instead we should look upon it as a wonderful oportunity to gain control of our destiny.

Well losing all of my health, career prospects, my family, most of my friends and a heck of a lot of money to these little critters, and then loving them is a hard pill to swollow. But I am starting to see the sense of it.

The daily body massage is having an effect in loving my body more.

I was really stuck for a year, in despair really of not being able to find anyone to help me and with the seemingly unsolvable state of my endo system and my inability to take steriods. This book has given me hope however, and faith in the healing process within, and trust in the desire of my God to help me grow into a higher level of healing that I have been able to achieve in the past.

I may always have the little critters, but that does not sound so frightening now. Anyway, life is today. My body can limit the amount of damage they do and I can be in control. Maybe they will just stay till I learn more from them. They can be our best teachers according to Moritz.

Well we'll see!
Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
Have just noticed your comments on meat GiGi.

This diet is for healing the body. Maybe lomg term no meat or fish can cause problems although a lot of them I think is because of ignorance on what a healthy veggie diet is, most of the vegetarians or vegans that I have met do not eat a healthy diet and yes they do not look good. It is worse to eat a bad veggie diet than a bad carnivorous one. On the other side I have seen extrememly healthy looking vegans and macrobiotics, and those are not the ones that a doctor will normally see.

Maybe a sick person really needs digestive enzymes to digest vegetable matter alone. I will probably do this. Anyway, I think that it is worth trying and especially to listen to our bodies more. If I crave flesh then certainly I will eat it but in lesser amounts. I do think we eat too much of it and not the healthy kind.

Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Anyone else seeing parsites released while on AI? I know that AI works at a deeper level, and does not address the parasites, but during my recent ART testing, my ND found that heavy metals, specifically mercury, was moving and releasing.

I have not been trying to release it!

She said this could cause the parasites leaving.

My AI Therapy did not mention heavy metals yet on my reports, only unknown chemicals on the 4th round I just finished. Has anoone else tested for metals releasing on AI in an early round?

Would love to hear any others with these parasite sightings!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I wouldn't be surprised to see parasites. As the immune systems learns to recognize substances it does not need, it will work to eliminate them.

Did you show any metal errors on the first test results (16page report) under 6.1, with red x's under certain metals. Most people who take the test do have these metal allergies/errors and that is why the body has not been able to release them. It simply did not recognize them as toxins and stored them away somewhere - in a joint or central nervous system, wherever.

So possibly your body is now alert to these toxic substances and does away with them - releases them. This is where I try to be on the alert with binders as they come down the pike to move them out effectively. Sometimes our digestive system is not quite up to do it all on its own yet, especially with leaky gut problems that are not quite healed yet.

It sounds like things are working for you.

Parasites leave when the terrain starts to get healthier just as some of the other organisms that don't belong there either. Some of the parasites are so tiny, they are not visible with the naked eye. Parasites are the "knights in shining armor" as Dr. K. calls them -- they are holding on to much that does not belong in our body. They go - others go.

LP, would be curious to hear what your first test showed re toxic metals?

Take care.
Posted by minerva (Member # 20410) on :
I got my first round of drops but there was nothing on what they found from my saliva sample. I just got a little booklet which is all in German. Is this what everyone else is getting? thanks
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Minerva, check your e-mail. They often send it as an attachment by e-mail rather than in the package with the drops. If not, send them an e-mail asking for the 16-page report. It is in English.

Take care.

[ 07-31-2009, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by shimmy (Member # 15883) on :
Hi folks

I just got my first report back from AI and it is very interesting.

I have a lot of blocks, about half in the yellow zone and half in the red zone and one in the green, yay! :-) Worst one seems to be the secondary energy supply (intestines) which is a 10. The one normal result is to do with bioenergetic deficiency.

Some metals showed up ...copper, lead and nickel but not mercury...I do have mercury but I know that can show up later on. 6 fungi, 3 mucor ones and 3 pencillin.

I have allergies to wheat, gluten, soy and corn. I know that I am allergic to dairy but that did not show up so I am not sure what to make of that. I dont eat soy or corn either.

I have the syphilis, tuberculinum & medorrhinium miasms.

Thyroid and pancreas are the only blocked glands - not adrenals which is what I expected as mine are quite weak.

Also have an enzyme dysfunction.

I have 6 blockages from my subconscious and 9 inherited soul blockages.

Is there any way for people to compare reports like in a file or something, I got my sent to me in a pdf so I can post it for people to see. Would love to compare with others.

Also does anyone know how they come to their conclusions, sorry if ive missed this on the thread ... do they use radionics or dowsing?

I havent ordered my drops yet but hope to do so soon.

Take care.

[ 08-01-2009, 05:51 AM: Message edited by: shimmy ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Enzymes are the catalyst and the base for the total metabolism. If that part is dysfunctional, it affects many areas.

It might help you to go and do some Babelfish translating to understand the therapy better. It is difficult to explain in a sentence or two, and I am still learning.

On the run -

Take care.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Shimmy, my report is very similar to yours as well as most others here. Many are strikingly close.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi Shimmy,

Mine was practically identical, though mercury did show; also all 4 miasms and pineal gland in addition to thyroid and pancreas..... you, I was expecting adrenals to show after the recent crisis, but perhaps there is a reason for them not showing at this time.

Good luck with the treatment.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
As it turns out, no round 8 was needed. I received a final report in the mail today from AI saying that all the corrections have been made. It will take time for the body to resolve remaining issues now that the corrections are made, but no further drops are required according to AI.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Congrats Scott. Let us know if it all pans out now. [Smile] I've been very interested to hear if anyone in the US ever clears it all. It'll be intriguing to see if your remaining issues dissolve in the next few months. Hopefully they do.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Great News Scott!

Looking forward to hearing any corrections you can tell us that you experience!

Gigi, as far as metals, my original results showed none! Although I am positive I have loads of Mercury, as I had over 60 mercury amalgams in my youth. I actually remember swallowing loads of the amalgam debris!

It never appeared in any form of testing I had , except ART. It's just interesting that it is now moving. Today I had a very stiff neck and upper back shoulder area, for no reason. This is not my usually malady. It reminded me of having the same pains in my youth, when I could not move my neck. This same thing happened to me when I contracted lyme.

I just think things are moving!

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, as long as you were not allergic to any of the toxic metals, the body was able to dispose of them all along. You are fortunate after having had that many fillings. The major release is probably tied to emotional releases, past and present. Probably the major releases happen when the inherited toxins and miasms are lifted. I
think we underestimate that

With ART we can determine that the toxic metal is in the body, where it is in the body, but we cannot determine how much is remaining in the body.

Hope you can just flow with it and get better and better.

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Scott, That's great news. Did they send you a complete new set of results so you can compare and see where the improvements are?
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Since I"m moving metals, I would like to add Glycine to my arsenal of binders. What is the brand of choice? My local health food stores do not have it in stock.

Is it in capsule or powder form?

I'm not nervous about the metals/parasites moving...just excited something else is happening that I actually notice related to the AI.

If I do not have any metals showing up in the original report, do they show up later, or does the AI team just use the original report to base the pregression of all the Therapies on? Thanks!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I use NOW powdered form.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Scott, but do you feel any better?
Posted by shimmy (Member # 15883) on :
Thanks Gigi, Seekhelp and Carry for your replies,

I agree with you about the enzymes Gigi, everything goes down the pan when we become deficient or they dont work properly. I know that metals severely disrupt enzyme function so its not surprising at all that I have a problem in that area. Its funny because Ive been taking a very high dose of proteolytic enzymes the past few weeks to help deal with viruses and Ive been feeling loads better from those, although I am still stuggling a lot too at times and still have a way to go.

I think I get the gist of the therapy, it sounds very much like NES or FCT, I was just wondering how they do the test but will email them to ask.

Seekhelp & Carry its interesting that we have very similar profiles, and to be honest it does make me question the testing... but I guess at the end of the day if the drops help that is the main thing.

Great news Scott, I hope the therapy was worth it for you and that you continue to have improvements as time goes on.

I'm looking forward to starting the drops.

Best wishes

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi Scott,

That's good least I'm assuming it is!

Do you feel at this stage that you are in a position to evaluate how helpful the therapy has been for you?

I know it is hard to do that when you are trying other things too, and also accept that the body may continue to adapt to the 're-programming' for a while yet,

Best Wishes,

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Wow Scott, how are you feeling?
Posted by ping (Member # 6974) on :
Congratulations Scott! Please keep in touch with all of us and let us know how things proceed from here. [woohoo]

LP - The stiffness that you report in your back and neck sounds like the exact same thing I experienced when I was moving metals around due to eating loads of cooked cilantro. Be careful. As a matter of fact, I'm feeling that way a bit myself after the first round. Very stiff.

Expecting my second round to arrive in ~ 1 week.

"We are more than containers for Lyme"
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Round 1 so far..Not sure but my entire facial area.. sinuses have been burning, neck cracking dizzy and a mild acne around my nose. Could be allergies but it feels like something is mobilizing. I do know for a fact i had amalgams removed before there was a protocol 20 years ago. Also the type of mercury that showed up is what used to be in the latex paints I used to use.

Lastly.... I have huge bags under my eyes...triple bags and my eyeballs seem sticky.

[ 08-05-2009, 01:00 AM: Message edited by: Cooper ]
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I want to hear Scott's reply to. [Smile]
Posted by Faith6 (Member # 14072) on :
I am intrested in AI and have been watching this thread. This quote really confuses me. AI sounded scientific, but this makes it sound more spiritual....

'I have 6 blockages from my subconscious and 9 inherited soul blockages'

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I think AI is an energetic treatment and addresses all levels.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
I am out of drops after using them for `10 days. I have emailed AI several times with no reply. I have taken the remedy as they said... 5 drops 3 times a days. No spillage... Gigi...? any one...they dont answer emails.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Cooper, I can't see how that is possible. Did you cut off the tip or somehow make a really big opening at the top?

I have never come close to having mine be more than 2/3 empty. Always plenty left over making an opening at the top with the end of a paper clip.

Have you tried faxing or calling?

Faith6 - just as we can inherit talents, memory of trauma can be stored and passed on from ancestors.

There is much more to us, to health and to illness than just science.

If you use translategoogle, you can read more about this on their website. The English version is not as extensive.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I actually kind of miss the drops. Was looking forward to round 8.

They do send final results that compares the original red/yellow/green bar items so you can see before and after. Most were clearly better; a few were worse.

It says it take 1 year for every 10 years of illness after you are done for the changes to have their full regulatory effect on the body.

I was able to do US Biotek Testing before and during AI and it showed a strong shift in detoxification.

Do I feel physically better after AI? No.

Would I do it again? Yes.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
My husband for several days has been walking on his own power, without any support from me
or any walking gadget.
This has been a tremendous change and improvement, starting with blood pressure regulation and better circulation and many other small changes that are hard to define.

We quit all photon treatments a while after returning home from Germany last summer (my husband was able to get around), when we realized he was going further downhill faster than I could watch. I really started to worry when I turned bad myself who had been running well for several years.

My own take on this: Photons mobilize things we expect and things we are not aware of. Mobilization does not mean elimination when it comes to neurotoxins. They are merely let loose throughout the body, a few may depart, the rest gets buried again. Unfortunatley, they can settle in worse places. It is worse when allergic to many substances which the body does not recognize and is unable to deal with.

We then started AI in January 09. Energetically I tested positive for every pathogen I could think of, vaccines, etc. and literally thought I was at the end of my rope. I am back to my own self again after six months of AI.

Our son started AI in March 09. He does not have Lyme. Stuffy head/ears/nose/throat/snoring since mid teens.. Now 40. He is vastly improved in all, and just waiting for bottle #5. Symptoms that remain are so minor, that he would not have done AI if that is all he had to live with. But he realizes having watched his father at rock bottom, unable to move. Two days ago, father got up, walked into the entry and opened the front door to let son and family in. I had been exploring caretakers because I could no longer be on the alert every minute day and night. Our wonderful PCP arranged to have someone on his staff solicit our home and recommend assisted living. Neptune Society sent us a brochure. If you don't know what they do, look it up.

Success with AI? I am so tickled.

All I can say, stick with it.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cooper, when you write them: Make sure you include your full name and the number under which they carry your name which they show at the top, first page, of your first test results.

You took huge drops or you are not counting right. We always have at least a portion of the little bottle left over.

You probably took more than you should have. No wonder you complained the other day about the reactions. No damage done, but more is definitely not better in this type of therapy. When people have strong reactions, they advise to take less. Whispering the information to the system.

I would just send them a new saliva sample and answer the sheet where they ask you what has gotten better, what symptoms have gotten worse, and symptoms remaining.

They are not staffed to answer many e-mails - if they were, we would pay twice as much for the tests. Just the fact that they don't speak enough English to explain all that Nano explained to you above - is probably one reason you have not heard back. It's done - so send them your next sample, etc. Be sure to not cut off more than about 1-2 millimeters off the bottle top. I usually cut the minimum, and if the drops come out easily fine; if not, I cut of another millimeter, until the drops flow easy enough to where I don't have to squeeze too hard.

Be sure that when you react like you described the other day that you take enough binders. All the information is here somewhere on this thread.
Just take the time to read through it. Possibly learn to test yourself with an inexpensive tensor. Runner I think is learning it now. That really helps. We all have to do our part and I still learn more every day.

Don't mean to lecture. Just want to help you.

Take care.

Everybody please note that I am not being paid by anybody for anything I do and have done on this board for over ten years. This board existed under a different name in 1999. I am getting really tired of the remarks that are being floated and don't get any financial benefits by doing what I do. I do get invited by Dr. K. to his seminars - thank God - so at least when I have the time to attend, I can learn more of what he is discovering and changing - --- nobody has written the final book on this or any other chronic disease. It is an ongoing learning process.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Makes sense Scott that it might take a year for the body to fully carry out its functions and to detoxify.
Maybe it would liken to an exposure. The law of toxicology, remove the source, then heal. So maybe removing and then the body has to catch up..
I miss my drops already and its been a week without them.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
and wanted to add Great News Gigi, i am glad you are so encouraged..I like how you said it whispers into the system..i really think its the only way to absorb.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Well, you guys nailed it...I think I took off too big a cut when I cut the tip. I hope I didn't screw up the process. The cool thing is there is a definite subtle shift in my reactivity to perfumes. I feel a burning swirling deep in both nasal sinuses. I pray this horrible way of living will dissipate and I can be free of chemical allergies. It is such a silent suffering. Thanks Gigi.. I dont take it at all as lecturing but clear no nonsense fact sharing.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I agree with Cooper i like the clear no nonsense part. But i know it comes from deep suffering..and it is authentic by nature.

I think the very same thing happened to me cooper on my second round. i must have cut too much of the tip off..i didnt complete the full round. anyway i told Dr. G and he sent me the third bottle. I also noticed i got more reactions from the first and third bottle. vivid dream state adn now i feel a sense of aliveness the past two days i have not had in ages. anyway i dont want to burn the candle, but hey, this feels good. Now i just hope i can sleep.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Cheers Runner... I am grateful to all the pioneers here willing to think the world isn't flat. An effort and a deep inner strength to choose no surrender.... life is in the risk!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
No the world is not flat nor is it black and white. And also, for laughs, who cares if Gigi is getting paid. If i had the money, i would pay for the information... I consider it valuable and i appreciate it so much. it brought a new way for me to look at illness and the body at a very young age.
Who keeps bringing this up? in my humble opinion, she is serves as a messanger for many of us who dont have access to the seminars and cutting information that comes from europe and other places. I have learned from her over the years and others who realize this illness is not just about lyme disease, but so much more. the more we pollute the planet the sicker we she said this is trial and error. The information is valuable and often is born out of searching years, suffering, trial and error, and a deep yearning to get well and help others in the meantime. It genuine, and she is not getting paid by anyone.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Perhaps, Scott and the others, one day, we will wake up and just feel better. Who knows what we did to get there. That's what I'm hoping for -- a normal life.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Well I finaly got my forth dose yesterday. It has been almost 2 monthes sice my last dose due to A1 not recieving my last sample.
So last night I took 5 drops before bed, It was late in the day when I got the mail " Anyway I was sound asleep when bam! my dormant Trigeminal Neralgia struck ,which Im sure was a reaction to the drops.I am going to grin and bare it and keep going, I have no dought there helping me but I wish this damn pain would go away allready.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Not sure if this has been said before:

Any pain when taking the drops can be caused by the memory of the pain. Several bottles ago, I had a severe hip pain - and my first thought was ...that's all I need right now! Then I remembered I had fallen on it years ago and walked on crutches for several weeks. Same hip. The pain lasted for exactly 2 days and then it was gone just the way it came.

When I talked to AI - these type of memory pains can last 3-4 days.

We store our memory in the DNA - that's why it is so important not to continue endlessly to stay exposed to the Lyme drama. Many people may have had it, but it's long gone. But the memory remains if you keep it alive by steady exposure to thinking Lyme. It's hard to do - but I have not thought of ever having Lyme or fearing Lyme for several years. What we are dealing with is the aftereffects of the Lyme and then some. Don't feed the memory.


I would suggest that you read some of the old comments re "are the allergies gone - corrected - lifted? etc. The minute they are found as the incorrect polarity, the switch to the right polarity is made and the signal for the body to react the way is made. At that point the allergy alarm is eliminated, and the body can then start to react to these substances the way it should and either no longer react or start to eliminate the toxin.

This latter part is what takes time, and even though Scott has finished and no errors are found at this time, his body is very much in a healing state disposing of the accumulated toxins. And the more you have taken on of the incompatible stuff, the longer it takes to eliminate it from the body.

That is also one of the reasons they are stressing to do only one therapy and not to get the body into a state of confusion where it has to end up dealing with other fronts. AI may take care of some if we give it time. This PSP therapy is not a biochemical treatment. It is strictly an electromagnetic treatment, and if you could tune into several tv channels at the same time, you wouldn't be able to get the full benefit of the one you really would like to enjoy.
Or liken it to receiving several radio stations at the same time ---

They warned us more than once - stick with this, be sure you have good elimination - and don't add more to the body's load which it most likely cannot handle in its present state. Put fear to rest and let the drops happen -- . This is what AI told me again and again.

Take care.
Posted by minerva (Member # 20410) on :
I still haven't heard from AI about on my report. It took over a month to get my drops and its been a week since I got them (22 days since they sent them) with no written material.

Are others having such a long turn around?

I thought you had mentioned somewhere that we could send our next samples in early because of the delay but I couldn't find the comment. I do get that it takes time...just curious if this is the norm?

Day 3 of drops. 1st round. very tried. dreams more vivid and a bit disturbing.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Minerva, have you sent them an e-mail telling them that you did not get the report. Have you had any e-mail from them? They often send the first 16-page report as an attachment by e-mail.
It is easily missed.

If you have no test results, send them an e-mail.
Be sure you use the correct e-mail address:

[email protected]

If you definitely did not get it from them in an earlier e-mail, I will be calling them tonight to check on something for others. Send me you name and the number they wrote on the little plastic envelop containing the small bottle - . [email protected] and I will ask them about it for you.

My whole turn-around to them is about 20 days.
Right now is High Holiday Vacation time in Germany - the butcher shuts down and the baker shuts down and one pharmacy stays open - Maybe they took a couple of days off to rest. It is a small company and they answer the phone every time I call. I have never not gotten an answer or a recording. So maybe they are off for a few days.

Send me your info and I will check.

Take care.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Well Im happy to report I took 5 drops at 3 PM and so far so good, my mouth pain is almost gone. One thing I have noticed from this round wich I have never expierenced since taking the drops, today I feel like a took a mega dose of speed, usually I am so tired from the drops but this energy is fantastic, although I am afraid to take another dose at bedtime for fear of not being able to sleep.
Thank's Ping for the kind words and Gigi it was very comforting and intresting to hear about the pain time line and memory of it.

I have always been a lightweight with any drug or supliment, litterly too, I weigh only 100 plds. I think since yesturday I only took one dose I am going to stick to one time today also but tomorro I will at least increase the dosing by one more.( A1 once told me, taking the drops two times a day would surfice if I was unable to take more.)
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
I am quite interested in the AI tx.

Is a person required to take detoxing agents along with the drops,

or are they supposed to work by themselves to release the body of these substances?

I am extremely allergic to most medicines and cannot tolerate any abxs, so I am hoping this may help me.

My allergies and asthma are getting worse every day and I'm beginning to get really worried.

My whole family is positive for lyme. Do most lymies improve with this tx?

Right now we are just taking vitamin and mineral supps, along with diflucan and nystatin for yeast.

Would we be required to stop all of the above to make the tx work properly?

This all seems so overwhelming.

Is all that's required is a blood drop or saliva and they can tell what allergies need to be addressed?

Sorry to hit you guys with so many rapid-fire questions.

I tried to read as much of the thread as I could, but have severe headaches and can only read so much on the computer.

I am both intrigued and confused!

Any clarification would be appreciated.

Thanks everybody!

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Linky, you can read this post, Gigi posted alot of information on AI. what to take, what not to take, etc..
Basically, it is best if you only take what you absolutely have to (meds) in order to get the full benefit of the treatment from what i understand. Also have the binders on board..that is mentioned many times on here (charcoal, clay , pectin, alginates, chlorella, etc) It is best to have someone energetically test you to see what you need most.
THe test is energetic, and works energetically.
It is based on a saliva sample (witness) that you will send into AI, along with your symptom list.
AI does work with lyme. Often when the body regulates itself and is operating in the correct polarity, lyme is not so much of an issue.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Talked with Heinz Grundmeyer last night. I told him that my husband was doing so much better and he was pleased. These people deserve an awared just for their patience. I called them many times crying when I started to feel so miserable after the Bionic and of course most of all because of the fear my husband would not make it off the ground any more.

I asked him also what to do him when they send the note that they cannot find any dysregulations any longer, but like Scott, people still have issues: He said to wait 2-3 months and then to send in another sample. It is often the case that they will then find something at that point.
So try to remember that.

I had also written them recently
pushing them for the translation of a booklet they have "Information to Clients" which I received in German early on. They told me that they just started to have it translated and that it will be available soon. It is very helpful explaining the meaning of the different sections of the test, and I know you will be able to understand things a bit better. He told me they will let me know when it is ready. Don't know if they will charge a small amount for it.

He repeated again that the hardest part for them is to convince the people that they should stick with the therapy even when things take time. or changes are so small. But it is important not to take things that will add more confusion to the system or to do other therapies at the same time, unless they are really necessary. I wrote about this before. After all, you don't want to add more errors by taking things the body has a problem with while trying to fix everything else.

They were very pleased that my husband is doing so much better and we are now waiting for #8. We went to physical therapy yesterday and the fellow working with him remarked about the visible difference. As I am sitting here at the computer, my husband just walked by heading for the shower! A few weeks ago I had to get him out of bed - try roll out a deadweight - into a wheelchair, etc. I was exhausted before the day really started!

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Linky, most answers are on this thread and on their website.

Please note: I have seen many of the test results from people here and others who are doing it. Every one with a chronic disease turned up to be allergic to all fungi and mucor. That means the body is unable to recognize fungi as a toxin and therefore cannot act against it. I am sure you can take all the nystatins and diflucans and it is not going to change that unless the error is corrected and the allergies removed.

Most people were also allergic to all the foods containing wheat, soy and corn, plus some others.

Most people were also allergic to the most toxic metals.

Getting well is very difficultires when the immune system is not functional, and that is what AI is trying to correct. clicking on "English"
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
GiGi or anyone,

About wheat allergy, do you think a long-standing wheat allergy could eventually cause enough damage to the gut to turn into gluten intolerance/celiac disease?

Also, could AI eventually clear up gluten intolerance, or is the process strictly related to allergic responses?

Not a problem with me, as far as I know, but I've been wondering if AI could help people overcome gluten intolerance and celiac disease.

Thanks for any thoughts,
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Yes, a wheat allergy leads to leaky gut.

AI has published a study of some 200 people which can be ordered from them. Mine shows that they have a 100% sucess with wheat allergies. They show in that study l male and 5 females suffering with Celiac. All 5 females had no longer any problems after therapy; one male had some problems left. Of the six people who did the Therapy, 4 said they suffered with Celiac, 2 called it gluten intolerance.

These facts were what impressed me the most when I first made inquiries from AI and practitioners about the results of AI. So, yes, this therapy works for most people with gluten intolerance ---

A leaky gut will take a few months to heal. This is what I am told by the people I consulted. So even if AI no longer finds any errors to correct, it will take some time for the body to heal and symptoms disappear.

Take care.

P.S. of all the people whom I have followed with this AI test, so far I was the only one that had no wheat or any other food allergies. This I am sure is one reason why I got well from Lyme rather quickly. Health starts in the gut. Longterm Abx does not promote a healthy gut.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :

Somehow, I've lost your email address.

I need an ENGLISH copy (pdf) or a link to the Client Information handbook that AI sends in German with the first set of drops.

I'm sure you've posted this somewhere, but I can't find it!!

Please PM me or post a link here.


Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cass A,

The English version of the Client Info is not available yet. It is in the process of translation.

The German version is mailed (sometimes) with the first drops. It is not on their website - no link for it.

You will need to send them an e-mail and ask them to send you one, if you want the German version.

Take care.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Hi Runner and Gigi,

What do I have to do to get 'energetically tested?'

Is that the blood/saliva test that AI requires, or is there something else a person needs to do?

Do you consult a naturopathic-type practitioner first?

How would I go about finding someone?

I'm sorry for all the dumb questions, but I have never heard of this.

I'd be willing to give it a try.

I have read through a good bit of the thread, but am still somewhat confused. (I'll blame that on the lyme.)

Thanks for your responses and info!

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Linky,
You would start by sending AI your saliva sample and your pay the fee via pay pal. Spit on a tissue first thing in the morning before you take anything. wrap it in a foil and mail it to ai.

It would be helpful to have someone muscles test you on your supplements and binders.
Good luck.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Ok, how do I go about getting the muscle testing?


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping, it's working! The body is working.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Ping, i also have the exhaustion.
I am having vivid dream states from earlychildhood centered around school. I find ths very interesting but it was a trauma for me around age 12. I want to start an AI diary, and record my dreams, symtpoms, etc..
Anyway, good luck with yourdrops.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
The more I read this stuff, the more I want to do this treatment. It sounds so interesting.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
My husband is still walking, but I had to pull every bottle and container today from the metal arsenal that I have. I rubbed him with cilantro on the occiput, the omentum, and a few other liquids that tested positive on some chosen areas. I hope you young people have an easier time and the energy for the body to pull it (the toxins) through. Don't know what I would do without a tensor! At least I can figure out what is happening.

If I feel things on the move, I head out into the yard and do a few rows of spading and weeding and wheelbarreling, and that is the equivalent of jumping rope or the trampoline. But it moves things.

Seekhelp, I don't think you would lose on this therapy. But if you are really sick, come prepared with patience.

Have a lovely Sunday - and

Take care.
Posted by minerva (Member # 20410) on :
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for taking the time and energy to help me out. I am a decent "researcher" but I think the lyme brain thing often wins out Sometimes things seem difficult to see or digest.
Hence, asking things that are the AI site that may not pop. I appreciate that you keep responding to questions and show support.
Hopefully, I will get my report this week and find out what they found. best wishes
Day 6 of 1st drops.
Still crazy intense dreams
Emotionally a bit more stable

,Best wishes
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Here here on the thanks to Gigi!!!! Don't know how I would get through this without her advice and support.

Seven months of doing A I and I thought I had done some detoxing with prior rounds. Perhaps, but NEVER the likes of what is going on now.

Mopping up the toxins has been a full time job for the past few days.

Wish I could just go dig in the garden to keep things moving but I have to do things like that along with the arsenal Gigi mentioned.

Doing Dr. Natura cleanse at the moment. It is much more powerful for pulling toxins than I ever imagined.

Had a snag with the mail and round 6 never arrived so it is being re-sent. It has been over a month since I stopped round 5. Clearly it is still working.

Enjoy your day.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
ping - I don't think you missed anything. I am doing the cleanse because I was not eliminating well - counterproductive to say the least.

Don't know what the mark near you arm is but I've had all sorts of breakouts. The stuff gets out any way it can and often through the skin.

I think others have mentioned an increase with various skin eruptions as well.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
My daughter has the same type of rash under her arms...which she said was razor burn...but we know better. It almost lookes like mosquito bites or mini hives in a cluster.

Hoping it clears up as time goes by, but it is hard to get her to take the binders or any cleansers on a regular basis when needed.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Ping, That is different than my daughter's, but most likely something related to detox with the skin.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Does anyone use Detoxamin to remove metals while using this treatment.

I know it is supposed to be quite effective at chelating metals.

Just don't know if it's compatible with this protocol?

Posted by Dawn in VA (Member # 9693) on :
Guys, does AI tell you what (or at what frequencies, etc.) they've put in your drops? Does anyone have a list they wouldn't mind PM-ing or sharing here?

I read their entire website today for the first time and couldn't find anything like that.
Posted by minerva (Member # 20410) on :
I finally got my report ....I can say I wasn't expecting something so detailed.

My emotions have flatten out a bit since I started taking it. My dad died last month, after I ve been taking care of him for years. I feel the loss of my father deeply even if I knew it was coming.

I went from crying all the time to sadness and tears here and there. It changed the day I started taking the drops and has continued since.

It may be just a normal stage of grief but it does't seem so. I am glad not to be so emotionally upset. I need to feel my emotions and grief but I can also feel the damage that type of emotional upheaval causes in my body.
I can feel my immune system lowering with it.

Time will tell how it all plays out. I am glad so far that I have started AI.

best wishes to all.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, Minerva and I don't think it's any easier really when you know it's coming. I still cry sometimes when I think of MY dad and he died 14 years ago now.

I'm very pleased that the drops may be helping you handle your grief.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Linky, I asked Gigi about this the detoximin, she felt it was too much. Again, the body dosnt recognize it nor know what to do with it.
I thought i was responding positively to low dose EDTA suppositories, but i have back ed off now. I think if you hone into your body and pay attention you might feel it. but for now , it feels too much fo rme. I feel i am in a resting space and the binders are testing high for me at this point..but as you know, tings can change.
Good luck
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Ping - mailbox cleaned out - thanks.

I rarely test for more than 1/4 tsp of glycine but sometimes I test for it more than once a day (not often).

Can you explain more about it not doing the trick? Maybe it's not the appropriate thing for that moment. Do you have a way to test things?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Linky, Detoxamin contains ingredients known and not published. I would not use anything that possibly adds more to the body burden before all errors and misinterpretations of the body are corrected. We are trying to get rid of all the stuff we have taken that helped create the problems we are facing. That is my take on it and that is why AI is recommending not to take agents while on the therapy. I don't want to undo anything that they so laboriously try to fix. It takes many layers to get through the whole system to find all the errors, the sum of all errors, that have caused us to be chronic.
And really, I don't want to chelate while doing the drops --- they are just cleaning up the roadways, the wrong directions, and the damage and roadblocks caused by all that ---- why bring in more of what I am sure are still puzzles to the body, especially on the earlier rounds of the therapy?

Ping, I take about a teaspoon or a bit more of glycine - I test with tensor and test for the amount. It does not test every day and neither does charcoal. And sometimes I get lazy and take nothing.
Maybe you could help yourself by learning a testing technique. It helps me so much - and it gives me a clue as to what is going on in the body.

Dawn, AI is searching for incorrect electromagnetic patterns which are then changed into the correct polarity. The correct polarity is imprinted in water = PSP drops. These patterns create electromagnetic impulses which the cells are using to change the energy potential of the cell in order to recognize matter for what it is.

I wonder how mannnnyyyy frequencies our different organs put out at different times of the day and under different influences and circumsances. I don't think they work with light or frequencies per se.

I have asked many questions and they have tried to explain. But I leave them to their work and respect it, because the results are amazing.

Take care all.
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
i want to ask, when u take apple pectin,

can u added to hot water with lemon?

can u added to salty water?

how can u use it?

any recipe?

thank you all
Posted by farraday (Member # 21494) on :
I have been trying to read this thread and having trouble....reading is tough for me. Then I remembered that a friend in Canada gave me a set of something called "Living Light Essences" from Living Light Energies. There are 25 different bottles of drops that are derived from various crystals. They retail for $400.

Each one has a different name...some of gems, some of other things. Are these drops similar to the A1 drops? I am supposed to energy test (I don't know how) to see which drops to use.

They have been sitting in a closet. Anyone know what they are and how to use them? Is there a website I could consult? Boy, is this confusing!

My brainfog is pretty severe. Maybe I need to wait until I am more awake to delve into this. Any advice? Where to start??? Are these drops of value or should I just get rid of them?
Posted by Dawn in VA (Member # 9693) on :
Gigi, thanks for providing a concise description of the process. My mind was not grabbing it fully yesterday.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
To anyone who had one or more red x's in 6.1 Mold & Fungi section:

Have you noticed an improvement in related symptoms or what you think are mold/fungi symptoms?

My husband has had a toenail that I could not doctor well for many years with everything available. It started to spread to other nails on the same foot. But since the drops, starting quite early in the rounds, the small toenails have cleared and the large one is growing out normal and won't be too much longer before it is a normal nail again. He has had this for many years.

If the systemic clearing is as effective as it is on his foot, this is a major event in my book. The toxins being released by fungi and mold are often more severe and more persistent and damaging than any other infections (per Dr.K.)

I noted in the german AI booklet "Info for Clients" which is being translated into English right now, they explain how the fungi develops in the first place and further explain what happens when they correct the error in the DNA usually contained in the first test/drops.

They state as follows:

"We are referring to mycotic burdens from foot fungi to candida all the way to the vaginal fungal irritations. Any - even the most chronic fungal infection disappear at once when the system has been corrected to recognize, identify and clear them up satisfactorily."

From our experience, they are right on the button.
Just wondering what others have experienced.

I am glad that I started to push
AI to translate that booklet, because I think it will explain some things a lot better for all who are on the therapy or who are thinking about it.

And don't underestimate the emotional releases that are happening. I know to some of you it seems like being on a roller coaster. But these unresolved emotions also are at the very root of many of our problems. Hopefully we will be talking past tense soon.

Take care.

P.S. Our #8 is on the way to us. This one must be going to the real core of the wormy apple!

P.P.S. In reading through some more of the literature from AI, I noticed where they state that if they come to the point where they cannot find any more errors to correct, to be sure to watch for any changes in the next few months and to be sure to notify them if anything shows up and/or doesn't go away or improve. They will test again to see what they can find then.

Since the body is starting to regulate ongoing, it is possible that there is another "lump of chaos" (they liken it to a ball of knitting yarn, i.e. chaos rolled up) somewhere in the system that needs resolving.

I didn't realize how difficult some of the translating can be - because AI talks a totally different language and subject matter from what I am used to, even after having listened to Dr. K. talks for many years. Hope you understand.

Please report on changes - even the smallest ones.

Take care.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Gigi: I have reported that my brittle finger nails are stronger and finally not peeling in layers. This happened after the second round, then they got worse again, then better after 4th round.

There are others who have had the same experience.

I also took a suggestion to soak my nails in equal parts apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide solution, and almost immediately they got stronger, and the ridges disappeared again.

This solution is for nail fungus, so that is why I think now it is a form of fungus, and the AI did help this.

Although, now waiting for round 5, my nails are weakening again. But not as bad as before the AI.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
HI, Changes for me lately are anger and aggitation followed by total exhaustion . I am feeling the exhaustion i felt when i was 21 just coming down with this. even my evening walks or swims are too much.
I cant tell with the candida..I am just not sure. My page was definately marked for fungus..
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Hello all, just checking...

Sent second saliva sample... last week. No word and/or reply from AI via email response. What is the general turnaround time for people. My first round,.... meaning .... I sent sample and their return of drops was 5 days.

I emailed them to see if they received my new sample... with 10$ inside... as they instructed in my test results. No reply... sent another reply?

I do realize that unlike here.. Germany goes on a summer

I dont want any gaps in my treatment. Not sure if it matters.
Thanx all!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Just curious Gigi, how does fungi develop in the first place according to AI?
I thought by Dr. K that it was the organisms last mode of defense against metals..

I was allergic to 6 of the fungi. I know fungus has been a long standing issue for me for quite some time. which only worsened when i did long term abx several years back.

Also, do you know if AI checks each of us as thoroughly each round as they do the first time?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
fungi info - I think it was back with round 3 I woke up sneezing every morning - not just 2 or 3 sneezes.

My sinuses ached which I had never experienced before as well as some pretty good headaches and earaches. I could also smell mold but could never find any in the house.

It occurred to me that maybe the mold was coming from within? That all passed with round 3.

My nails are much stronger but the vertical ridges come and go. They were gone at one point and are now back except for my index fingers.

I don't know if the ridges are related to fungus.

Cooper - sometimes things happen with the mail. My drops have arrived as quickly as 6 days and sometimes not for 14 (from their mailing date).

I waited a month for round 6 and they had to resend it. That has never happened and I was assured that the long break I had was not a problem. The drops continue to work.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Just received Round 5!
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Do they email you your second results or just mail it all straight to you.

First round they verified receipt and gave em the results in an email.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
My second round drops arrived with results in the post, as there is less paper 'bulk' than the first test results presumably.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi all,
I got my drops today. This is round 4, but really 3. Last sample i sent in a small sample of the pool water where i go as well as a pesticide that was used for ants.
I had 11 chemicals that showed and 6 blockages.
AI wrote and they were very supportive. THey really encouraged me to stay with this..and hang in there. That this is like getting to the corre of the apple..sometimes worms get in the way and they need to be moved..
They said that it can be hard to stay with it when your subjective feeling says little has changed so far. Well i actually have noticed some positive shifts with this. I feel maybe in my last note to AI that i focused more on the problem and less on what has shifted.
So i feel i need to write and tell them..
They definately have a heart, and are very willing to keep trying..for that , i feel good about. Nothing means more to you when you are sick than to have that kind of support..that it can be figured out..
Just thought i would share,
Take care,
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, yes, Dr. K. explains the fungi growth clearly in his 1994 article'Heavy Metals and Chronic Disease'. He talked about this before the rest of the world woke up. I think it is still on his website.

He has always stated: The body grows fungi in order to protect itself against the damage from heavy metals. But fungi also have a life cycle, they poo and pee, they live and die, which causes us to have to manage more neurotoxins. Unless we manage to get rid of the metals and reduce the bacterial infections and of course correct some bad eating habits.

AI in their ``Info to Clients'' (not available in English yet) talk about not enough acidity being present resulting in breakout and outgasing of toxic substances causing the fungi growth. It sounds like they are talking about the same thing.

Klinghardt always says "metals go into solution in an acidic environment", and AI talks about there not being enough acidity present.
Still, the body will have to live with more fungi unless the metals are successfully detoxed. It is a process that can take
more than a few months, especially if
the body does not recognize heavy metals as a toxin any longer. Some people are born with this dysregulation. I guess many of us taking the AI have found this out.
It would be interesting to find out if there is one Lymie who does not have a heavy metal dysregulation. Or who does not have the major food allergy problems.

Runner, whatever they correct with each bottle is corrected. They go through many systems and layers (Onion!! or Apple) until they get to the core and when they no longer can find any dysregulations to correct. Once a correction is made, the information is imprinted in your drops and the body responds to it. That correction alone may not be covering all problems, because the body is a dynamic organism = it is all one unit that only works when most of all parts to it work.

Electromagnetic information is always below the point and before the body has any biochemical reactions. It is strictly "information". The thought or fear or happiness happens first and before we get a physical reaction that will then prompt/affect our body chemistry.

Off to get some dinner on the table!

Take care.

P.S. About AI: Yes, they definitely have a heart. I did a lot of crying a few months ago and they listened to every word I said - with patience.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
anyone? up.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
HI cooper, I usually get the results in the actual mail. The first one they did an it seems as though it is by mail. hope that answers your question.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Gigi, thank you for the detailed explanation. It raised a few questions for me..and opened my eyes a bit understand.

Like most, i have a chronic candida infection. despite diet. I work extensively on metals..and am hoping with AI the metal allergy drops, hence so will the metals and fungus.
I wonder if AI means there might not be enough acidity in the GI tract or small intestine, to break food down, etc..hence aggrivating more fungal overgrowth in the intestines. and maybe DK means blood acidity.. I know from my own experience my stomache acid is down, and may be part of the reason i am not digesting and feeling the food is just sitting there.
It was a thought that crossed my mind when reading.

thanks for the information you shared. makes sense as first thought then above so below..

Take care, Runner
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cooper, I don't think sending cash is
a good idea. They do that within Germany by German clients, but not from overseas. You could use Paypal for that and the chances of the money getting lost are nil.

They will not acknowledge receipt of the subsequent samples. You mail it with your comments, send them money by paypal. When they have the test done and the bottle ready to return to you, you may get the test results in an e-mail and the bottle in a separate package. Sometimes they include the test results directly inside the box with bottle as UK said. They have done it both ways for us.

It changes. But don't expect them to acknowledge receipt every time. They would have to hire extra people or charge more. As it is, I think they are doing a lot of work for the money they charge for the total therapy, especially when so many bottles are involved.

They also do not answer e-mails unless it is really necessary. It's best to keep any communication very short with few words. They don't understand English all that well in order to respond.

Runner, it concerns both low stomach acidity and low tissue acidity. The high alkalinity is probably because of your low protein consumption, which tends more toward tissue acidity. You can Take some litmus paper and test yourself away from food and drink. You will probably be alkaline most the time. It is difficult to detox metals -- you need proteins to detox heavy metals. And you need a good mineral base. Goat Whey.

There is a good old article from Dr. K. If I find it, I will post it.

Take care.

RUNNER, here is the article on metal detox. Scroll down to BIOCHEMICAL FACTORS. s.+acidity+heavy+metals&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&ie=UTF-8
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Yes, i am mostly alkaline. I was always proud of that untill now. I am now getting more protien in my diet.
That article is great. i fit in almost every category..which is a bit concerning. especially with the jawbone issue, stress, lack of sleep and deficiencies. it is an eye opener anyway.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
This may seem a strange coincidence. But, since doing AI, I have noticed I've been getting skin tags under my arm. COuld it just be hitting the ripe od age of 46 or summer sweating, but never had them before. AI is the only new thing in my treatment.

Any ideas?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
what's a skin tag?
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
A skin tag is a little fold of skin that can form in almost any color and sticks out similar to a mole. Most are genetic and we get more as we age. They are usually harmless. Sometimes people have them removed for cosmetic reasons or because they rub against clothing and get irritated.

They often form near the arms on the upper trunk or neck.

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Today is my third drop of round 3 or 4. probley realistically round 3. even though i wish i were further ahead. I cant wait to get into the meat of the drops like round 7 or 8 if i make it that far, for now i feel likei am just surfacing. I feel when i take the drops they are quite supportive. I find it is much harder for me to be without them.
I didnt sleep well at all last nite. I couldnt fall asleep for hours after preparation, and i woek up at 3:30 and probley didnt fall back asleep utnill 10am or so. it was a hard day being that i felt so sleep deprived..however, this evening i got out for a forced walk and a healthy dinner....and later i did a castor oil pack. something significant happened..
i wanted to share, i have an aspect of myself that i have not had or seen in a long time.. have a sense of clarity . it is just a touch of it. I can be on the computer a bit longer without feeling panicky and "in a hurry"
but the most significant thing is that i feel inspired to tell my story in a journal. lately my energy has been so low i often do not share a whole lot wih others , i cant even read for long periods of time, or talk ont eh phone..but tonight, i opened up my word document and started typing. I went back to 2001 when i was traing for cross country and when i first got bit. Every detail from the way my apartment looked to what i ate came back to me crystal clear. i could hardly type fast enough to keep up with what my brain wanted to get down on paper. i dotn know if this revisiting is a sign of the drops or not. I am curious..have any of you experienced anything like this? i felt some healing in writing..and i just thought i would share..
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Runner, yes, these are the types of experiences many of us have been having on the first rounds of the drops. They are all different and personal related to deep emotional attachments or traumas.

I experienced emotional healing during this time, as well as my children who are on the drops. After 4 rounds, my daughter finally shared on her own to me, without me asking, how are you doing....just out of the blue, "mom, I know the drops work!~ I do not feel depressed anymore, and I feel happy and ready to move on to college. I have goals for the first time and confidence. I know the drops are doing something to help me. I feel that I now want to talk with you and tell you what I have never told you before. I feel more free to say what is on my mind. I can be more normal around friends now. I do not feel anxious anymore. I do not have allergies to cats and dogs anymore, and I can eat any food without it bothering me. Thank you for doing this for me!

This is from my 17 year old...this personal sharing alone was amazing to me and worth every penny of the therapy!

I do think things work faster for the kids, from what I observe. And I am cautious to not share anything on this forum that is not truth. I do not want to give false hope to others, or mislead anyone, but this is what has happened in truth for my family.

I never believe that all things are just the drops, but they are a big part of our recent deeper healing. We have done other things to support what the drops are doing, like attend church as a family, prayer, follow healing diet and protocols, and smile, laugh and spend weekends at the Jersey shore in the sunshine!

Also...this is the first summer that being on the beach, in direct sun, has not bothered me or given me rashes or inflamation! That is another major positive healing that has occured this year for me! I have lupus and should not be in the sun!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Lymeparfait,
Thank you for sharing what you did. That is a sweet , sweet story and very encouraging.
I can relate to what your daughter shared with you..and i didnt even realize some of the changes untill i read what you wrote and then could identify. I also at times feel more open to share what is going on with me, and deeper in touch with my feelings. i can relate to her goal setting with confidence. this illness really can take that away . For me in comes in waves but when it comes i welcome it.
A few days ago i was telling a friend, i feel like there is something missing in my brain, something isnt firing right..a deficiency of some sort. But last nite it seemed to have come together for a short while, i could write and identify with what i am experiencing. I was starting to share from a deep place inside me the hurt of being taken out of school and not knowing whats wrong (hindsight 20/20) you realize the seriousness more and more as time goes on..and you gain more knowledge about this illness, the causative factors, etc.
The more i wrote the more it all came back to me. it was almost as if i was going back in time, like a deep meditation this stuff was comingup and out. it felt good to get it all down on paper.
I too feel the other things are important to incorporate for any healing journey. prayer, and living in the heart, feeding that..relationships, laughing, spending time outside of "lyme disease" etc...all can be very feeding.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Can you please E-mail me you E-mail. I have a few questions,concerns with my reactions to the drops.You had mentioned the amazing turn around that your husbad has expierienced and I would like to see if my reaction exp. are simular.
Thank's Terri
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Just saw my ND today, and she had a personal talk with Dr. K. about the AI therapy. I am her only patient now doing this.

He told her that he believes the drops are an important part of the 5 levels of healing. That he should add another level to his piramid...that the moving of information and the bodies ability to understand direction/information is also key, and was not listed in his original diagram to healing.

Paraphrased, he told her that the drops were just "informed water", like what we have been told, and the "information directions" is a crucial missing piece for many. He will be adding some sort of AI therapy too his protocol.

He will most likely use another source,(my opinion) My ND was very pleased with her conversation and said that other therapies, like the KPU etc, will not conflict with the AI. Completely separate levels.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Kissis, Would you mind sharing your positive experiences here so we can learn and be encouraged as well?

lymeparfait, i am a little confused on how dr. K can replicate AI. Dr. G has been working on this for over 20 years..its not an easy process from what i understand. how does he know that kpu wont conflict with AI? If AI is mobilizing and so is KPU from what GIGI is saying in the beginning stages this can be alot of detox...and the body is shuffling into compartments to be mobilized and can be overwhelming. can create more confusion, hence i am confused.

Gigi any light on this?
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
I don't know either...just reporting what I heard.

He did not say he is replicating...this is my thought.

AI is not mobilizing...our bodies are finally able to receive/recognize direction and information to mobilize itself and detox. If we can detox.

My ND understands how the AI is done, as Dr. K. explained it to her, she said. She is very positive about the AI.


[ 08-17-2009, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: lymeparfait ]
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
I am still doing AI and Kpu together and having the same experiences people are posting here. To me they feel like they compliment each other.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Healing in SC.

Does your ND have any indication how long the KPU treatment could last? Have you heard of anyone ending the KPU treatment yet? Just curious about length and how people feel they detox afterward.

I have no reaction at all to taking the KPU. IT is just another protocol to remember to take for me. Although I do test strongly now for needing it. I cannot say tht I am detoxing better yet as I have no physical signs it is working.

My ND says it could take a year, she said we must retest.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Hi LP, My Md has not really said as we are all so different. I have heard 4-6 mo. I have read a few posts of peeps feeling good in a short time. Although those are peeps that were never tested to see if they have the problem but feel better doing it. Then there are some that have been on it way longer than me that are really struggling. Time will tell,I guess as we learn more about it more will be revealed. Hope I am making sense.Where I live we have had 5 days of extreme heavy smoke from a fire and brain fog and confusion is heavy. Not a good thing to happen while healing and MCS,which is actually better at times lately.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Well Runner I felt great on round 3 but I am curently on round 4, and Im not so sure you will want to hear of my expierience. I have never felt so weak before . It is so tireing just to put a fork to my mouth to eat or even chew and swallow, and going to the batroom even is so taxing. I stated earlyer that I am probaly one of the sickest doing A1, I have been diagnosed with M.S.for 18 years and years later was found to have Lyme and Microplasma. But the first day doing this round I had increadable energy( short lived ) but I have gone downhill ever since.
In the letter with the drops it said it identified 9 chemicals , so I guess that is what is being addresed now. My urine smells foul and my urethra throbs in pain , probaly since I'm passing this crap through there.
I'm have and half in wheelchir /walker but since starting this round it has been wheelchair all the way.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Kissis, Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time.Hang in there,Healing Blessings Joyce
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Kissis, my e-mail is
[email protected] - Feel free to write. An MS patient AI had in recent years who came in wheelchair took approx. 20 rounds of PSP. So be patient. She is now riding her bike again.

Will get back re other posts later. Have been on the go all day and need to get dinner before I faint.

Take care.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
We are all here for you! Be patient as you are healing. Be encouraged! We are all hoping that you especially gain health improvement!

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Kissis, thank you for sharing your experience.
I know this is a hard road. I can relate to the type of fatigue you are experiencing. I feel i am too tired to even think straight sometime and when igo to the store i feel like people are looking at me funny.
What GIGI worte is so encouraging to me.
May you be blessed and all of us , and my we all experince increased healing..Keep us posted.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lymeparfait, thank you - it's nice that your ND talked about AI with Dr. K. I have given him all the info last year when I first discovered its existence. I have known him since 1998 - always my hero - but this one is coming to him a bit late. He listens and thinks. It's always been this way -

His standard phrase always was "If you are allergic to a substance, you cannot absorb it and you cannot release it". HPU is very common in Europe and Dr. K. handed me one of the books, which I don't think he had read yet, by one of the well known MD's who has been treating HPU for many years. It is very clearly stated throughout the book that any wheat/gluten allergy or sensitivity has to be taken into consideration, avoided, gets in the way of KPU, this includes all grains. This is not just a one-sentence mention - it covers several sections throughout the book. So we can assume it's real.

Anyone here on this thread who has not had that problem? As far as I know from the tests I have heard and seen, I am the only one without any food allergies on AI. My husband had all of them.

That is one reason why I would never have attempted to do KPU while still in the deep correction phase of AI. Many other allergic/errors are relevant to some of the foods; food processing and wheat simply cannot be avoided. Wheat frequencies show up in dairy - cows eat grain; toothpaste, sausage, glues, wallpapers, ....

I learned my lesson with Bionic whereby we mobilized every toxin possible without any help or push to get rid of them. We both got very ill. I really thought for several weeks we weren't going to make it. Burned once. Not again. KPU sets things in motion - toxins moving within the system - immune system still unable to recognize it ---- then what?? Does it shut down again?
The body only has limited energy to deal with that added stress and I never ever want to feel so sick again. This mistake cost me many months of my life. At our age, every month is precious and energy is even more precious.

Of course, the drops don't mobilize the toxins, but the correction to the electromagnetic system causes the immune system to become alert, and then mobilization starts. If you start sneezing when you take the drops, I would call this mobilization. Dreams? Emotions surfacing? It started for us with bottle #1, very slowly, and has not stopped since. Now we test for heavy metals and others every day. The body is working. The emotional roller coaster has slowed down considerably, and so has the tiredness. There were days when I dragged myself through the house --- and I am not used to that speed at all.

As I feel we can handle it, I bring in KPU when it tests energetically. But we are now on bottle #8 and many of the dysregulations have been solved. Yet my husband had another 16 chemicals, 12 energetic blockages and 12 regulation disturbances. It's getting deeper into the onion and I am sure some of the old burden is showing up - after all he fought WWII and has lived through a few encounters and many toxins on board ship and planes.

I noted that several of you have had reactions. It is difficult to pin them down and define them unless you are good at testing or have help.

I find the AI detox is much milder and easier to tolerate than other detoxing I have done years ago. Probably for the same reason -- we were allergic and released very little and only recycled a good part of the toxins, and that can feel very bad until the toxins have found another spot to settle, with different symptoms.

I am also not keen doing any other therapy while on AI unless it is clear that the body can take on more. I sent the KPU protocol to Mr. G. several months ago for his general comment, and he did not hesitate - warning don't add more to the burden the body does not know what to do with.

I have the tweaked protocol from Dr. K. and it contains substances that I interpret as falling into the food relevant category that showed up for us in bottles #4,5, etc. And if going KPU, it also entails heavy metal detox (DMPS, DMSA, and all the others) that one must be prepared to handle easily. With too many unresolved errors - that is not easy to do.

Why stress the body unnecessarily by doing too much and too soon. Who knows, maybe with a well regulating body, some other therapies may not be needed. I don't know -

But I think it is wise to be careful and going at it with respect for the body. Rushing things has never worked when it comes to healing. The body will do all it needs to do with the proper support in its own time.

Will be seeing Dr. K. the end of this month at a seminar and I am certain I will hear and learn more. It always is an exciting time -

Take care.

Kissis, on an even lighter note: The MS patient who came to them in the wheelchair the year beforedanced at Mr. and Mrs. G's wedding! Stay with it - it takes time.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hello all,

When reporting to AI about symptoms and what's changing or staying the same, do you include things like emotional swings and vivid or unusual dreams?

So far I have only been listing the changes in my major symptoms like joint and muscle pain, coughing, fatigue, feeling toxic, headaches, and sleep quality. There is plenty to list!

Just wondering if the AI folks are also interested in hearing about things like periods of anger, intense grief, sadness, cravings for various foods, and intense dreams.

GiGi mentioned memory pains, and I feel like I've had some of those. I will have periods (1-2 days) of more intense pain in the knee, neck, feet/ankles, and low back, and other areas where I have had a great number of injuries and have developed arthritis and other structural dysfunctions.

These pains do normally come and go, but usually I can trace them to some kind of activity. Not so much with the memory pains.

Just wondering what others are including and how much detail you are giving when you report on your symptoms.

I finished round number 4 of the drops and sent off my next sample a week ago.

Thanks, all,
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The way you describe it, Nutmeg, is all they need. The less long sentences, the better. They have trouble with English. They do not need a lot of detail. They are looking for the wrong polarities.

Interesting -- a phobia is a blockade with a minus polarity; so is jealousy -- just to mention a couple. These minus polarity eventually get to the organs - it always starts with the thought, the mind = creating our own reality with the way we think.

But they do not care to know the details of the emotions -- they find the polarities at the different levels and that is also part of what goes into the drops. When They tell us that we have a certain number of emotional blockages, they are not concerned with what they are. They merely turn the switch to correct it.

Did you know that we cause a short in the body when we cross our feet? The nucleus of a cell has a minus polarity and the cell wall a plus.
I can only imagine what happens if something we do, or experience, or take by mouth or
dermally that throws the polarity and interrupts the energy flow! Like blowing a fuse.

Take care.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Round 2 is arriving ...just to be sure how are you all opening the bottle...last time I was doing mega drops... would a pin in the tip do it...
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Great information on this thread. Thanks, everyone.

If I understand this correctly, it appears that in order for AI to get an accurate `read' on a saliva sample, it's important to minimize the use of any supplements (or drugs) that might `mask' an underlying problem or condition.

For instance, if your adrenal glands are weak and you are taking something like Isocort or licorice to boost your adrenal function, then isn't it possible that AI testing might misinterpret actual adrenal health and miss whatever may be causing the malfunction?
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Thanks for your comments and insights on KPU and AI.

I am experiencing new things all the time and learning.

Originally, before AI and KPU therapies, I know I had difficulty detoxing. I was always retaining fluids, etc.

I started the AI therapy, and the following month, my ND told me about KPU and thought I was a strong candidate for the test and therapy.

I took the urine test, and she read the results wrong, and thought I did not have KPU, so I just continued on round 2 of AI. I ARt tested positive for the products, but I decided to not do it and only take AI for the duration.

Before Round three, she called and told me I indeed was positive for KPU. I re-ART tested, and was strong for taking the drops and the AI together. So I took about one month of KPU.

Then I tested myself with the biotenser for the products,and I tested a NO! So I stopped on my own, thinking I would only do the KPU therapy afater I stopped the Ai, and retested to see if I still need the KPU! That was my plan.

Well, now, I do test positive withthe biotenser for needing the supplements for KPU!

I am thinking that the AI did it's magic for my body to now recognize how to detox, and accept the supplements and minerals, to allow my detox pathways to open.

In the past few days I now notice that I am actually draining my body fluid, and have started the KPU again before round 5, this week.

Gigi, do you think that my pathways have opened with the AI before the complete treatment is over? I am testing so strongly for the KPU each day.

And now I have actually lost weight/or fluffy fluid tissue ,just with fluids leaving my body.
My lymphs are now not hurting!

Any thoughts?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cooper, no a pin won't do it. You will need to lay it flat on a hard surface and with a razor blade cut off about l/16" from the the tip after removing the protective cap. If you have to press too hard to get the drops out after doing that, take another teeeeny bit more off. I then also mark the bottle so I do not confuse it with the older ones that are left, especially since we have two in the family doing the drops.

Sometimes if the drops still test and the new ones have not arrived yet, I may use the old one for a day or two, because sometimes it removes a blockage. (I can always tell by just looking at my husband when he is blocked.) Or I stick it in the pocket. Energy field.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lymeparfait, depending on what they still find when testing, I would not do the KPU at this early stage (#5). When I test KPU supplements, I find the same. One day KPU okay, one day not. But don't forget that it is difficult not the let the testing mislead. I find it very difficult not to "think" my hope into the tensor and therefore am very careful not to let wishful thinking take over. That has backfired on me in other respects.

There is no way when HG still comes up with a handful or two dozen chemicals and other blockages that your system is ready to take on the battle for all the past mistakes. As Dr. K. says, the action is on totally different levels, and why not wait until we can be fairly safe and not shovel more substances which the body is not quite able to deal with.

The KPU - better HPU -- actually includes many other substances to be employed besides the basics. Every metal detox agent is used, several supportive vitamins and oils, all very possibly still carrying frequencies that we cannot handle yet. Everything we put into us has gone through some form of processing and possible exposure to frequencies we cannot deal with yet.

As long as they still find a number of dysregulations, which is what they really are, why force more stress onto a body that has been struggling for many years and in most of us has carried a tremendous load stressing the organs to the point where they are in a very precarious condition. I don't look at this as a healing state.

This is the exact answer I got from HG when I asked him about it several months ago. And unless a practitioner understands exactly what AI is doing, I will pay attention to AI until I feel fairly safe that I don't mess things up.

People who do all sorts of other programs tend to finish early with AI. At least the two I have heard about, yet the people are not well yet. My question: the body goes under-cover and does not reveal until the system finds balance between what it is being forced to do ----- listen to too many voices at the same time????? I am not expert - logic is my instructor!

There obviously is a reason why AI recommends not to -- they have worked with many people for many years -- for ten years successfully, and senior G has done it for ten years before that.

Wishing all the best and healthy decision-making!

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I second ping. I dont know if its fog or what buti am hainv a hard time understandiing that concept that she highlighted.
Also Gigi could you shed some light on Truthfinders question on the adrenal glads and taking adrenal supplements?
I guess the basis for AI would be a good foundational diet, minerals and binders?

I have had to go off my minerals and Bvitamins for kpu testing andi feel so weak. Due to digestive difficulties i am very deficinet and feel it very quickly when i go off supplements. I am also unclear about which test is the most accurate the vitamin diagnostics or biocenter. biocenter is 24 hour..

Thanks, Runner21
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Hi Runner, I did Bio center and it is not the 24 hr one. I was positive. Just to give u a heads up. Healing Blessings Joyce
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping, No, that is not what I am trying to say.
Note my words "My question" --

I will not elaborate on this any more, because I have talked about it throughout this whole thread.

I would hate for some to be disappointed feeling this therapy is not working because they ignored the recommendations given by AI.

Take care and hope the next round sends your wagon in the right direction!

Take care.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
**''I take it to mean that if people are doing other programs, it masks some of the dysregulations that AI would normally find, therefore, not correcting them?''**

Ping, thanks for asking a more precise version of my question. I guess the answer is either ``unknown'', or the answer is buried here in 13 pages of comments. (I've read all the pages and I don't recall seeing it.)

But based on the information from AI that Gigi has shared with us, what you stated in your question is how I would interpret the basis behind AI's recommendations. Maybe others see it differently.
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
Gigi, I understand what you say about the misleading of the mind with the biotenser. I appreciate your insights!

To counteract that, I do my best to test when I am fresh and my regulation is open, and can feel mentally neutral. It is not always perfect. I have made mistakes and stated things in a way to not get at the right direction for what I needed.

Like getting a very strong positive response that my body wants and would benefit from all the ingredients in the KPU therapy. My tenser goes wild in a positive motion. But many times when I have stated, "my body would benefit in the long term for complete health and healing by combining these two therapies, AI with the KPU, (holding them in my hand), the response is still strongly yes."

When I state my body would regulate better and more naturally with the AI alone, and let the AI do it's own regulation without adding more KPU supplements. I also get a strong yes.

I know that I need to make a statement for the products in various ways to triple check the response in important situations like doing AI with KPU.

Just knowing that a substance or food is good for my body, does not mean that my body needs it now. I do know when I test my binders in my basket in a group, many test positive for me today.

When I pull the selected ones out of the basket and line them up on my counter and individually test them in the selected group, by stating , "this one out of all that have been selected today, is needed now", only one will test positive to be the one for the now.

After I take the one, many others do not test at all for the day! But originally they all did test positive as being good for me.

So by experimenting like this, I am understanding more how to make the statements and select products, as well as learning the pitfalls. This takes experience I am learning.

This is why I decided to go to my ND to test with a neutral party, the KPU and the AI...and this is when I get confused.

She tests me as positive for doing both together. (and I do have a neutral mind on the subject..actually I hate doing protocols and would prefer not to do the KPU at all!)

With ART, she says she gets that they are on different plains, and that I would benefit more greatly to have my detox pathways open and working properly when the "directional information" from the AI is restored for the substances to be removed from the body. (this is a paraphrase, but as I understood her)

I know she is human, and maybe predisposed as well to follow Dr. K's guidance, as she is testing me. She has always been acurate for me in the past.

I had every intent to just let the AI do it's thing. I believe in that. But do get confused when MY ND strongly advises this.

I must pray about this!

To further clarify to others, I do think that there is no negative effect physically to taking them together, but as pointed out, our bodies may not get the full benefit of the AI regulation of problems if they are being masked during the AI therapy.

Possibly those doing other therapies with the AI, may need to continue their therapies indefinately as the AI will never get a chance to truly address the issues being masked by the therapies.

None of us are certain.

Sorry for the long response, but hope you understand my indecisiveness.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Wow, these biotensor decisions must be quite time consuming day in and day out if they are made for every food choice, supplement choice, quantity/time/dosing, etc.

I remember a Twilight Zone episode in which a couple was sitting in a diner booth next to a fortune teller machine. The guy got super intrigued and thought every answer it provided was specific to him and couldn't get himself to leave. He lost the ability to make his own decisions. [Smile]

It was a classic episode, but sometimes the reliance on these objects does make me think of this. If it works well for you and your health, great though.

I still want to know if ONE person here was cured of muscle tightness with AI.

Maybe Scott F is doing a ton better now as I haven't see any posts for a while? He is cleared of all blockages as of Round 7. I'll be interested to hear more as people graduate from AI therapy. I need to hear Ai completion = physical symptom elimination.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping, if you read the sequences in this thread. I have referred to our body attempting new regulation as a train that has been going in every which direction, sideways, forward, another wrong turn, etc. This is why I was referring to "your wagon"; in order to get me to understand this, this is an example HG has used in conversation with me.

All decisions are up to the individual. I can only pass on what I have learned in long conversations with the G's and what they have given us as guidance. So far that has taken us a long way from where we started; especially my husband.

Lots of things to do now while hopefully the heat lets off.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Truthfinder, the explanation is quite simple.

By taking more substances, many of which have been and are totally wrong for our body, the body will deposit them somewhere to get them out of the way and adding to the body burden. HG refers to this as "brushing more under the rug".

That is totally counterproductive according to them. It merely adds more dysregulations and new errors -- at the time, while we and they they are attempting to help clear the old accumulation.

Take care.

[ 08-20-2009, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by lymeparfait (Member # 14268) on :
seekhelp...I appologize for comments about the biotenser for those who do not own one or have never had a chance to use one. It cannot make sense to you. There are other threads about the biotenser that many of us doing the AI are very familiar with. I know we are all not on the same page with knowledge on this subject. You may want to research.

To clarify, I actually don't take much time using the biotenser on all on those daily things you mention. That would be over the top. But I guess you could if you wanted.

I only sited examples of things as examples for those of us who fine tune doses, treatments with what resignates with the body frequencies. This does not take up time...but over time and experience this skill is developed.

Specifically in light of many posts about should we or should we not take other treatments with the AI. Hoping my questions would help others as well and inspire other positive insights, as we, who are doing the treatment help each other.

Usually when there is a crisis or very important change that has occured physically. That's when a biotenser can be beneficial.

Most people use their common sense on what food to eat, and just follow the guidelines written on the bottle of supplements and follow MD's orders. Sounds like you are comfortable with the standard approach. But the "cookie cutter approach" to chronic illness has not been successful. You will get the standard results, slightly better, but no cure. We all know it takes individualized treatments for each of us to gain health.

I am actualy, finally very healthy, and feeling great. Just fine tuning some things, and the AI is a major missing link for me. This forum has literally "saved my life", with unique, "out of the box" protocols that if I had too much pride, and a know it all attitude, I would have never tried! I follow the advice of the ones who are better, and go from there! I use my innate intuition!

Those looking for a cure in a bottle, are in the wrong place! It doesn't exist! It's not a magic tonic or quick fix. AI is not the cure, it is a missing link, and piece of the individual puzzle, and a very user friendly, easy protocol that I believe everyone can use to set the healing in motion individually.

Those looking for "who was cured with AI, then when I see, I will do it", that is your own personal "twilight Zone " epsiode that will go on a lifetime with limited success. Because just Ai, will not doit all. There is an emotional/spiritual link to healing as well, and those who attain it, have an attitude adjustment along the way that clears the path to take. It is inidividual.

Specifically trying to get to the bottom of "should we add or not add" any other supplement while on the AI. This is important to me.

I do not like any treatments, and I do not want to take any more supplements than I actually need, just because I tested positive for it on a lab test.

I actually tested positive for lyme, and my LLMD wanted me on IV antibiotics after a long round on orals. I used my intuition that I needed to detox after orals,and did not take any more to treat the lyme, as I only treated co-infections.

I was inspired to "step out of the box" and try some natural protocols. Now, after detox, following natural protocol advice I learned here, and AI, I now do not test positive for lyme!

I save myself of loads of IV antibiotic therapy and side following my intuition and learning simple things from those who have gone before me.

The biotenser helped me navigate the mercury detox protocol. It is a very valuable tool. My brain fog left with this detox! I do not believe in standard testing as a sole means of therapy decision now.

We all have our own comfort zone. Follow your intuition, but please do not put down others ways as a joke, who have only been on this board to learn and share candidly to help people with truthful experiences. That is a disservice to us all.

You have to actually be using one to understand the point. Forgive me to add this on the common forum. But I cannot let such comments go without respectful reproach.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seek, I answered you before, but hit the wrong key and lost it. So I will briefly try again:

The Biotensor is my direction finder. I am lost without it. Yes, intuition sometimes works, but I don't like to depend on it. ART is a wonderful art, but I need a third arm to safely test my husband.

It would be so nice if you could contribute some of your good ideas, I would be thankful.

For your muscle problem: You might want to try Transdermal Magnesium (chloride) Oil, and if you really want to know how much this nutrient influences our being, especially transdermally, spend $12. and get Dr. Marc Sircus' book on the subject (Transdermal Magnesium Therapy) and possibly read some of the writings by Dr. Norm Shealy, M.D. I posted an article the other day
"Transdermal or Oral" and you will find more on the internet. If you have Lyme which affects ligaments, etc., consider Jarrosil, also dermally. Both of these work wonders for us.

Take care.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

As for the KPU/AI controversy, I would gladly stop the KPU and other supplements and do AI alone--if I could.

However, I came to the KPU supplements on a different route--finding out what nutritional supplements worked to eliminate seizures.

I'm not doing the protocol as set out by Dr. K, but am using the key supplements that are in it.

Perhaps, down the line, I'll be able to stop them and just to AI for a few rounds. That would be pleasant (and a HELL of a lot cheaper!!!)

I'm about to start Round 4 of the AI drops. As of the last check, I had 9 chemical and 3 energetic blockages.


Cass A
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Gigi, thanks for the response. I already understand that part - inadvertently adding to the `body burden' with substances the body can't recognize and process properly. My question (and Ping's) remains unanswered, though. If you ever get any illumination about this from HG, I hope you'll share it with us.

In any case, I guess what it comes down to is: On an individual basis, what's compatible with AI and what isn't? Or perhaps more precisely, what substances are compatible with EACH ROUND of AI, since this is a layered approach.

Lymeparfait, thanks for the excellent explanations. It seems that you are doing all you can to determine what works FOR you during your AI treatment. Getting a `second opinion' from another source is an excellent point.

Seek, one of my best friends became totally reliant upon her pendulum for everything. And because she refused to `test' her accuracy in any way, she got headed in the wrong direction. It can happen.

And I know a couple of people who refuse to do anything that isn't scientifically proven or that isn't recommended by their M.D. No good has come of that dogma, either. In my opinion, the two philosophies are equally obsessive and destructive.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
In any case, I guess what it comes down to is: On an individual basis, what's compatible with AI and what isn't? Or perhaps more precisely, what substances are compatible with EACH ROUND of AI, since this is a layered approach.


Not Gigi - but:

Key here is "individual". I don't know how Gigi can be expected to answer that.

Mr. G has said, and it has been repeated here: if it is a heart med, thyorid or the like - something you can't live without - take it.

If I find something here or there that is supportive of what I am detoxing, I take it but I am trying to keep it very, very simple so the body is not saying "do I do this, or do I do this?

As far as Gigi being rude - there is a difference between direct and rude. I know for a fact that late at night when her head should be on the pillow - she is answering emails to people on this thread.

A reply gets sent and 3 more emails/questions arrive. I would be quite surprised if her motivation to stay up so late spending her time doing this for us, is to be rude.

The written word can often be misinterpreted. The benefit of the doubt could be afforded someone who is being so helpful to those of us getting through A I.

Have a great day.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Please, rephrase your question:

Gigi, thanks for the response. I already understand that part - inadvertently adding to the `body burden' with substances the body can't recognize and process properly. My question (and Ping's) remains unanswered, though. If you ever get any illumination about this from HG, I hope you'll share it with us.

What remains unanswered? Please phrase the question in one simple question, without adding your opinion or interpretation or what you suspect such as masking, etc. A simple question, please.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
To explain "the Wagon" again.

HG uses the example of us in a car getting lost on a highway network. Instead of getting from A to B, we are hopelessly lost at Z = also called chronic disease. We have a hard time finding out way back.

He uses the same example, riding on a train that has finally gotten hopelessly lost somewhere we never intended to go.

AI's effort is to help lead the car or the train/wagon back to where it can safely travel without getting stuck in the mudd. We have to retrace the same way back to the right road, the railroad tracks, if we want to get well. He works the switches or the traffic lights. That means they help us through the same detours, only backward, and therefore the travel cannot always be smooth. Retracing out steps means that often it will appear to us that we are getting worse before getting better. They call it "three steps forward, two steps backward." In order for the body to gain in one specific body area, it will temporarily neglect another part (feels worse) not absolutely necessary for survival. Or, it will sacrifice the arm in order to save the heart, temporarily.

All this has been explained to me over and over again, and any such conversation is very difficult to pass on when everybody is sitting there just waiting to pull what I say apart and weigh each word in a scale. I am tired of this.

So go and do your own translating. Their website equals the contents of a
1000 page book and more. You just need make the effort. None of this information came to me easily and I am ready to just shut up.

Hope you sensitive creatures now get the message about the "wagon going in the right direction".
Yes, life on the drops can be hard at times.

Breakfast time - my husband is sitting outside on the deck pouring my coffee.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Thank you Gigi for your long reply to my questions, and I dont know why I never thought of taking less drops but still take them three times a day,such a great idea. But I must say round 4 was a dosie for me and I'm elated that last evening was the end of that one !
And I think you stories and analages' are very relatable and easy for me to understand. And I for one am greatful for your time and paitence to translate the A1 info that you share.
Posted by Looking (Member # 13600) on :
Gigi, can we expect to feel more sensitive or easily upset when clearing emotional issues with the AI drops? I suspect this is the case.

I understand that it is not easy to always word things exactly as you mean when writing in a second language.

I'm sure I could offend you unintentionally by choosing the wrong words if I tried to respond in German, but I will spare you that. I'm glad I don't have to wade through the AI site on my own trying to decipher everything.

Thanks for the time you donate to post all this information, I know I'm not the only one who appreciates your efforts. I am of the opinion that we can't get well if our bodies are full of inflammation caused by allergy responses.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Hi Looking, My experience with emotions coming up is that they just float through me. Way easier than I have ever experienced. Sort of like watching a movie.No attachment.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

"Gigi, can we expect to feel more sensitive or easily upset when clearing emotional issues with the AI drops? I suspect this is the case."

You are right, Looking, that is why AI has a staff member who is trained in this very area - some people have a difficult time and some overreact. They answer the phone even on Saturdays because they want to be there if people need help. In their letters, they literally invite people to call when they feel the need for help. The reactions will be different with every bottle. Every bottle involves different "circuits" of our electromagnetic system.

We have to remind ourselves that changes are happening. Then it is easier to get through it.

Take care.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Nana, it wasn't meant to be a question, but rather a statement. My apologies - I worded it poorly. Maybe it would make more sense to put it like this:

I guess each person has to determine, on an individual basis, which additional substances are compatible with each round of AI drops, and which substances/treatments are not. Otherwise, it's a bit of a gamble as to what might inadvertently undermine the AI treatment.


(It has been made very clear that necessary substances - like thyroid or heart meds - should be continued. Or in Cass's case, her modified KPU protocol seems pretty necessary, at this point.)

Gigi, I don't know how to make it any simpler or clearer than the way Ping asked the question:

GiGi - Could you please clarify this for me? I take it to mean that if people are doing other programs, it masks some of the dysregulations that AI would normally find, therefore, not correcting them?

Thanks in advance if you get any clarification about this from AI.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Truthfinder - no need for apology and I agree with your question/statement about substances/treatments with AI being an individual thing.

We are all here to learn more about this.

Most of my reply was meant to address unkind things being said (which you did not do) on a public forum.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Truthfinder, name the "programs" other people want to do and I will try to give you an answer?

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I have had to start taking low dose hydrocortisone because cortisol levels were so low [probably causing the sudden hyperthyroid crisis in early June that I am still v. unwell with].

So, using my case, I suppose the question is: will AI be able to sense and correct the adrenal problem if I am actually taking replacement meds [hydrocortisone] that may mask the original problem?

When I sent my last saliva specimen, I made it clear on the form that I was taking hydroc.along with thyroid meds so that AI were at least aware.

I too have certainly been very emotional, though it has been impossible to know how much is from the AI and how much the state I have been in with the heart, breathing and hormonal problems.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
ukcarry, if you need cortisol to function, you may not have a choice. I hope your physician understands AI and can keep an eye on it. With AI, the aim is that your body will start producing hormones as needed.

My husband is in a similar situation, but AI encouraged him to reduce the amount if possible and he is now down to merely a crumb of the lowest potency tablet available, in order not to suppress the body's own production. We know that his medication does not test energetically well for him, but it gives him a slight advantage for a couple of hours. There is no good solution other than hanging in there until no more misinformation can be found and corrected. And then it is still a wait and see. The leaky gut takes its time to heal and there is no quick fix.
Best wishes to you.

You may want to check this out - all about adrenals:

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Also all about adrenals is lloydspowersolution
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, will have to look that up. Thank you.

Just got an update from my friend Karen, who started AI 2-3 months ago.
With her permission, I am copying the part she wrote which I think might be of interest to all of you who who are doing AI or are thinking of doing it.

This is part of what she wrote:

``Well, I am happy to say I helped my husband mow his mother's 3 acres today. I hesitated to go because last year when I went, I was overtaken with all the grass cuttings, etc. But, there were no ill effects today & I helped by raking for a couple of hours which is not something I can normally do!
I have completed round 2 of the drops and I've noticed a big improvement in my EMF sensitivity. I can now sit at the computer without feeling like radar is shooting through my head. Just curious...has anyone else experienced this same improvement?

Gudrun, I can't tell you how encouraged I am about this therapy...if things keep moving in this direction...a miracle just might happen! I have been sick for 15 years.

Thank you for your support & encouragement.''

Pretty nice. Karen is doing no other therapies, except taking some binders.

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thank you for your encouragement and link, Gigi and also Runner for the suggestion.

I'm glad to hear that your husband has managed to get right down in dose, Gigi.

I do hope to wean off, or at least lower, the HC as soon as I can; I am waiting for round 3 to arrive, so I'll let you know if AI have commented on the HC,

Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Gigi, I've tried to think of a few things that people might be taking that assist certain bodily functions or relieve symptoms, but that would not be considered essential. Only the person doing any treatment can determine if it is necessary or essential for them personally.

Perhaps some examples of `programs' that might prevent detection of dysregulations through AI testing might be things such as:

- Taking something like Zyrtec (antihistamine) continuously to prevent any annoying hay fever/allergy symptoms. (My brother and his wife just started doing just that this summer. Neither of them have severe allergic reactions to anything 95% of the time.)

- Using natural progesterone creams to alleviate relatively mild menopausal or hormonal symptoms (like night sweats, hot flashes, etc.).

- Using herbs or supplements to boost/support adrenal or thyroid function, such as bovine/ porcine glandular concentrates, licorice root, ginger, dandelion, etc. (assuming symptoms are not severe or life-threatening, of course).

- Using most adaptogens for resistance to stress, anxiety, fatigue, such as ashwagandha, ginseng, astragalus, cordyceps, schisandra, rhodiola, etc.

- Using herbs like ginko biloba or gotu kola to boost brain function.

While all of these substances may be very helpful to the person, I can see where any of them might conceal an underlying inherited or acquired `mistunement' that AI could help bring back into balance.

Hope that helps explain the question.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Hi all!

It's still LP, but with a new tag name finally!

Left lyme behind as light has filled it's place in multiple ways!

My very first post stated that I did not want to have lyme as part of my identity, and that my goal was to remove it and celebrate the day I was able to change my name!

So celebrate with me today!

Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Does this mean we can eat cake?

No? Well, heck, let's celebrate anyway!

Congrats, LP. This is indeed wonderful news!

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Light, I applaud you.

I have often said we gotta stop calling ourselves Lymies, etc. This is not who we are.

This is a great step towards total wholeness and health.

[ 08-24-2009, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: hobokinite ]
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :

Thanks for posting your friend's testimony. Good news!!!!!
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Hi Gigi, Thanks for posting your friends experience. What Illnesses is she dealing with? Lyme and co etc?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I totally agree with Hobo's feelings. I am tickled you changed to Light!
That is one of the themes I have gotten into hot water for, here on this board in years past. Why would anyone want to call themselves by a name that really at first glance has taken over some of our lives in a bad way. Second glance, I don't think so; I think we grow.

Everything starts with a thought. I am quite certain that a real disease or the fear of a disease becomes so much a part of us that it is difficult to shed it, physically or mentally. HG has to wipe it off our memory board - in form of correcting the polarity, long after we have any infection remaining. The thought and the constant fear is almost as bad as having it for real. I don't think of it anymore and have not for a long time.

From my own experience and having met hundreds of patients of Dr. K., Lyme cannot be dealt with satisfactorily unless all other problems are dealt with. It's a package that catapulted into Lyme. I am getting closer and closer to the idea that had I had the benefit of AI years ago, my life would have taken a different turn and Lyme would never have taken ON or OVER my body.

But then again, just think what we would have all missed! I made some wonderful friends, and the negatives that have been dished out to me fall off like raindrops down the umbrella. Or my dogs fur coat - shake it off!

I choose to make it a good day!

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Awww..Gigi this is so sweet. and thank you for sharing Karens story. Absolutely, it begins with thought and fear. But sometimes i think the bugs and toxins create this environment, like they live synergistically together.
This the link for the mesenchyme..
Gigi, do you think this would interefere with AI?
Is it ok to be on adrenal support? I am curious like the post above from Truthfinder. could taking these supplements interfere with reading regulations in the body by masking?
I feel like i messed up with my initial reading wth AI bc i was on homeopathics. i am not just on AI and binders. I will write Dr. G next time and tell him. I stopped everyting nearly a month ago. I am more encouraged now..
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Also, i want my mom to do this therapy. She is sick and dosnt know it. She has amalgams, Gigi, What do you think about the amalgam issue? should they be removed after AI?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Light parfait, like the new name and like even more the improvement in your health that heralded it: good for you!

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thank you my friends for all your kind words...but especially for sharing your "light" with me!

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The first paragraph below this, is AI's response to me, in German. I tried in the next paragraph to translate what they said. The third paragraph is my own added interpretation of what I have been told numerous times. If you read their website, you will run into the same type comments again and again.

"Unsere Therapie ist v�llig unabh�ngig davon, was die Leute einnehmen. Sie arbeitet ohnehin auf einer v�llig anderen Ebene. All die Dinge die eingenommen werden versuchen ja bekanntlich auf und �ber die materielle Ebene eine Ver�nderung zu erwirken. F�r mich jedoch hoffnungslos, wenn der zugrundeliegende Fehler vererbt ist. Dann ist die Handlung daraus f�r den K�rper v�llig normal. Die Leute k�nnen also einnehmen, essen und trinken was sie wollen oder f�r gut

``Our therapy is totally independent from what the people take. It really works on a totally different level (the information level). All the things that are being taken are obviously in an attempt to cause a change via the material level. That in my opinion is hopeless, if the underlying error is inherited. At that point, how the body deals with it becomes completely normal. So the people can take, eat and drink what they want or consider good.''

He has not only written the above to me as posted, he has repeated it
Many times when I called them to ask. My further understanding of what he said is this:

In other words, it does not affect the testing. It doesn't ``mask'' and it doesn't change the test.
The only thing that happens is that, if what we take is not absolutely the right stuff which
the body knows to handle, we are adding to the ``burden''. Most are highly concentrated and not natural. How many more different manmade materials are we asking our body to identify. It is struggling now and letting us know that. If the body were to recognize and identify the stuff, it would be ready with the proper enzymes to utilize the materials. More and more it is not able to do that and the body starts to act like a pressure cooker without a release valve.

Take care.

Runner, If I had known about AI when my first problems surfaced when I was a lot younger, I would have done AI with a wait-and-see attitude re amalgams. They cannot be removed without moving the mercury around in the system, and that causes problems as long as the dysregulation for the heavy metals is present. I have asked this question from AI - their comment is the same. Not a good idea as long as there are metal and all the other dysregulations are there.

Maybe after AI, the body knows how to deal with the heavy metals? Who knows.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I stopped all extra supplements (KPU Protocol) except for occasional binders as of a week ago.

As I am feeling well, I do not need to take other things at this time, even if a test says I am lacking someting.

I am learning how to know the difference of what my body lacks, versus what it needs to move toward healing.

Please come down on me hard if I start posting another therapy I am doing before this is over...unless I get really ill again! Or get swine flu etc...

I will wait out the AI therapy, and evaluate my condition at the completion.

I'm tired of being wishy washy. I just want to "be".

It seems like there has not been a time I can remember not taking something to feel better or taking care of some ailment. It is just a normal way of life for me to be pro active health wise!

It's so hard to relax mentally when I have been conditioned to always take something to get better! It's an internal fear of thinking something will happen because of my weakened immune system if I let down my guard and not take care of every little thing.

Even seeing those nasty parasites! I will only use natural food try to keep them at bay until finish my AI!

The lingering lupus has taken me captive in this area...but I am releasing it's hold but will still be on guard.

I am moving forward.



[ 08-25-2009, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Sounds great, LP.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Anyone's opinion if grapefruit pectin is a good binder?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thank you Gigi for your was stated beautifully..and now i can really understand. I wish i could speak German so i could communicate my apprecition to Dr. G. and the AI people.

LP, i just want to ackowledge you for changing your name. it seems like some positive changes are happening for you internally and that is great..

Take care, Runner
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, am pretty sure there is a difference in soluble fibers vs. insoluable fibers. In a cancer clinic in the 1990, using apple pectin for similar reasons as we are, it was always apple pectin. It remained so when Dr. K. picked up on it - it was always recommended to take apple pectin for what we are using it - catching the metal debris and other neurotoxin debris for fast transport o u t ....

I have found the most reasonable apple pectin at Life Extension using the powder, not in capsules. You get a lot more for your money and can mix it into fruits, apples, anything, creating deserts. A 1/4 teaspoon or thereabouts goes a long way.

Take care.

Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Thanks, Gigi. I didn't feel like teh grapefruit was doing anything detox wize. Will order apple.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
GiGi, do you consider apple pectin more useful than Pysillium Husk powder? I'm using the latter for detox. Just started a week ago.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I love the taste of the apple pectin powder. it is kind of goey, but it feels good on my intestines. As GiGi has said often on the site, it is great mixed with fruit.
Today I tested for dmps. metals have been a problem for me lately, especially at nite.
The dmps gave me a headache (i took oral)
but my energy really came up tonight..
It is almost the end of my 3rd round. I am going to miss not taking it when i send in my saliva.
Gigi, do you find its best to wait a day or so to send the saliva after taking the last drop or is it ok to do so the very next morning. I try to not have anything in the system when i send it off.
Also, i sent a sample of the ant stakes i used to AI last round. I think i notice a difference in clarity, but i am almost afraid to say so :-)
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seekhelp, I think they are both helpful. I think the best is to test yourself "which one tonight?". If you can't test, I would alternate the different ones:
Apple pectin, charcoal, chitosan, chlorella, potato skins, psyllium. All of them should be taken 30 min before a meal and before bedtime. The worse you feel, the more charcoal. But take it away from other minerals because it picks up those also.

My favorite has become a Chitosan I found at Swansons, because it does ot need to be taken 30 min before a meal -- which I usually forget to do ---, but this particular Chitosan, not other chitosans, can be taken directly when starting to eat.

With psyllium, which Dr. K. never recommended, you have to be careful with constipation. It is best to use soluble and non-soluble fibers. Google that and you will find info that helps. It seems unimportant, but it is one of the most important things to take in order to avoid reciruclation of neurotoxins.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, it makes no difference when you send the sample. We just finish day 14 and the next day I send ours in. I make sure I start keeping notes during the 14 days, so that I can quickly send a note with it telling them what has gotten better, what worse, and what has not changed. Just the major problems. With you, "Verdauungsschwierigkeiten" is the word you want to send them, since your digestive system and gut are not cooperating. That words tells them much.
And of course your fog!

Going through the drops has been a roller coaster for us. So don't worry and roll with it. Tomorrow will be a fine day!

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Santa Cruz, just remembered your question about my friend's improvements. Yes, she had Lyme and lots of abx and everything else, not all beneficial. Now she does the drops and nothing else and, as you can tell from my quote, she is very pleased at this point and continuing as long as necessary.

Hope you are making progress!

Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I know this has been asked and answered, but binders probablys omething I was lax in during my whole Lyme journey. How many times a day? Let's say Pectin or charcoal. Once, twice or more?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Gigi, Ok thank you. I have always wondered that (how much time, etc)
Also thanks for the word for the problems i have having..AY! this will help. w
I am almost at the end of my most likely i will be through by the end of the week.

I ordered onlingo online to learn german. hehe this should be fun.

Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Gigi do have an addy for Swansons? That Chitosan sounds good. Thanks in advance. Joyce
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Be sure you have plenty liquid with chitosan, as they recommend on the container.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

"I know this has been asked and answered, but binders probablys omething I was lax in during my whole Lyme journey. How many times a day? Let's say Pectin or charcoal. Once, twice or more?"

We do the Pectin in the morning stirred into a chopped (with a little chopper) apple in the morning. If the apple is not juicy enough, add a bit of water as you chop it and add the pectin.

An Apple a Day!

Then you could do chlorella at lunchtime or chitosan. Chlorella you need to do 30 minutes before you eat your meal. If you do the Chitosan from Swanson, you can take it right with your meal.

Then do it again at dinner time.

We do the charcoal 3 or 4 or 5 or more, depending on how toxic you feel, just before going to bed. The major detoxing happens at night 11-3 AM or thereabouts. And if you wake up at 3 or 4, start taking care of your liver, liver support of whatever you like. We have Liver Life, or go to a chinese pharmacy type, they have a variety of little black ball pills, one is Gentian that I like -- any of those cost very little and they test quite frequently.

If you don't take binders, you will meet the same molecule of heavy metals again and again, or chemicals, or other fallout as your system is now working again, but needs help to take it out of the body. You will also feel a lot better if you pay attention to binders. It is mainly the toxins that are roaming in the system that make us feel unwell.

Take care.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Gigi, thanks for passing on AI's response about whether other supps/products may affect testing. (I assume you asked about that specifically.) Very good to know. I hope AI knows that we appreciate all the answers they've provided to us through you. [Smile]

It seems appropriate to point out here, once again, that homeopathic products ARE NOT recommended by AI during AI treatment. Presumably because homeopathics work on the same (or very similar) level as AI, rather than the `material' or physical level where most supplements, drugs, and binders do their work.

Gigi, what has been AI's response to taking various binders to help eliminate circulating metals and toxins? (Especially for those in the USA who tend to accumulate more `poisons'.) Are they enthusiastic about that?

I've taken psyllium daily for almost 20 years, but because of its ability to bind to drugs, nutrients, and toxins, I always take it 2 hours AWAY from anything else, including food. So, the taking of fiber 1/2 hour before meals is contrary to my understanding of fibers, generally. (Not sure about the other binders as I have no experience with those.)

In fact, in some literature, long-term fiber therapy is a `risk factor' for osteoporosis - that's how well fiber can absorb nutrients. So, just a little `heads up' to use care with various fibers, especially if you don't have a way to test yourself (biotensor, ART, etc.) And I'm sure the insoluble/soluble aspect is part of the equasion.

Thanks again for passing on AI info to us.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Would like a recommendation of just "one" binder to send to college with my daughter. was thinking of Chlorella or charcoal?

She will not do a protocol without my help...but can do the AI! It is a mental issue with compliance in the immature!

I don't see her taking binders on her own, but if she has one there in the medical box I am sending with her, she may take it with my suggestion when she calls me because she is really feeling bad!

As you can tell, I am nervous letting her go on her own!

Any thoughts please.

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Wish thy didn't put the AI drops in that cheap, smelly, plastic bottle. Seems to defeat the purpose if you have chmeical sensativities.

Think they can use something else?
Posted by minerva (Member # 20410) on :
Truthfinder I agree with your line of thinking.
I asked this question awhile back with no responce from anyone.

I do think its an issue taking a lot of binders. They bind minerals and nutrients out of your body even if you are not taking them with your vitimins or with food.

While some of this is probably good and important for detoxification. I don't think that a lot of it esp if one is cutting out vitimins due to AI treatment is a great idea.

It is only my thoughts. I asked AI what they thought and hopefuly will here back when my next round comes it.
I will let you know if you would like.
best wishes
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Yes, thank you, minerva. That would be terrific!

It's always good to find out if AI has an opinion on something. This may be beyond their scope of experience, but I guess you will find out soon enough.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
My round 3 drops have just arrived, with the analysis that 12 chemicals and 7 energetic blocks were found.

Do metals usually reappear after round 3 and are they being included under the unnamed chemicals, does anyone know?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
There are reasons why it is not recommended to take certain things.

One of the chemical group of substances falling into the chemical area is the Halo Group. Iodine, chlorine, bromine, fluoride, Energy Boost 70, Vermaplex, Multi-Vitamins are falling under the Halo Group.

That probably explains why it is not recommended to add more of these to the body while doing PSP drops or until the immune system will again be alert to these and go on the defensive.

The binders are a very individual thing.

For instance, we know from the first AI test that we are heavy metal toxic. Therefore, while we are being treated for these so that the body will again recognize and unload them, I make sure that I have the proper fiber/binders on board to catch these. The leaky gut caused by the food allergies is not healed yet -- it will take many months --, so the toxins very easily leak out just as they did before AI. This is a quick or for some people a gradual process. Nobody will experience the same.

If our food and our nutrient intake were as it should be, we probably would not need binders. But I know that our personal food intake is not always what it should be, no matter how hard I try. The nutrient content of our food in general is very different from what it was 50 years ago.

We know that personally by subsequent test results that we are allergic/incompatible with a large number of chemical substances. During every test, more are surfacing -- at least for us. So I try to make it a point to avoid any chemicals. I have a list of them, too lengthy to post and only one of them is bad enough to make us really really ill. So I make sure that especially when we are treated that we can go to the bathroom to eliminate as much as possible, which is enhanced with certain binders taking at the proper time. Even if I resort to certain fruits or whatever works best.

I have been around doctors who consider this a potent part of getting toxins out of the body, whether doing PSP or any other detox program. So we choose to follow what has been proven beneficial.

It is a personal choice and everyone has to decide on their own what is right for them.
It was clear to me that we needed to pay attention to this part of the therapy. A child probably does not need it. Our son on the therapy is taking nothing extra (not a single thing of anything except the drops) and he is perfectly fine. But he has never taken any vitamins in his life and has never had Lyme or antibiotics and it works great for him to simply take the drops. He has no great fallout whatsoever. It depends a lot on what went before AI, type of treatment, etc.

Fiber/binders are also quite different in their application. We had been taking binders from day one of Lyme treatment. Individual approach. Take care.
It's possible that not all metals show up on the first test, but most the time they do.

Take care.

P.S. Truthfinder, are you doing the PSP?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
"Would like a recommendation of just "one" binder to send to college with my daughter. was thinking of Chlorella or charcoal?"

If my son were to ask me, knowing that he does not muscle test, I would recommend to him to alternate the ones I am comfortable with. The Apple with the peel and pectin is already better than none. And chlorella has many other benefits. I think I said that before, but don't have time to look back now.

Happy weekend!
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Gigi, if PSP is the same thing as AI, then no.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Last week I received a bottle of drops with a pamphlet in German, which I guess I am going to have to translate.

It is 16 pages long, a little overwhelming. Also, I have received no results. I emailed a few days ago, but no response.

Anybody have any suggestions as to how I can muddle through all this. I am wondering if I should not have done this at all.

Posted by minerva (Member # 20410) on :
linkly I thought the same thing when I got my bottle. Don't bother with the booklet. Gigi said they were going to at some point translate it but I guess they still haven't yet.

You will get the report in english via email. It took them awhile to get that to me. I think it was almost a week after I got my drops.

You can just start taking the drops and hold on to find out what the report says.

If you don't get it in a week I would shoot them a email or you could not wait and send them one now. I think what is in the booklet is probably info that is on their web site which is easier to google translate. Hope this helps
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Hi Minerva,

Ok, thanks. How do I know how to take the drops with no directions? How many, how often? I have read a good bit of the thread and it seems to vary.

I kind of feel like I am flying blind here.

As for the binders and testing, etc. How do we know what to use? Any suggestions?


Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
I'm in the middle of round 2..


showed up and 12 unknown chemicals...nothing else.

I feel like crap.... everywhere I go I am even more reactive to chemicals...knocked out and feeling woozy and weak... I can barely move..this is what happens after a chemical exposure for me.

My sinuses are eyes are swollen and crusty I am so sick of living like this...

It gets hard to tell the remain get sucked down into despair and want to give up... I am sure its probably stirring the toxic pot....movement of these chemicals...

I hope so.

I bide my time patiently...doing (IR)saunas...drinking alot of water and taking charcoal and pectins and NAC. But I am really overwhelmed. Heart broken... I have been afflicted with this for almost 15 years. All I want is to have a simple life.... I am tired of the war.

For the major life shattering symptom is severe MCS

I hope this is a healing crisis. A chemical Herx if you will. The silent suffering.

I am sorry to be so gloomy... Im just tired of living like this...I need hope.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Linky, do send them an e-mail and ask them to send you the test results. They usually send them by e-mail, sometimes they are included in the box with the drops.

The rule is basically to take 5 drops three times a day. On day 15, you would send them a new saliva sample with a note giving them what you feel has improved, what has not changed, and what is worse.

Hope you get the results soon.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cooper, doing saunas is not a good idea, in my opinion, when you are doing the drops, especially when you feel as bad as you do. It really is not necessary. Also please read some of my earlier posts about "lots of water". They explained it to me and I passed it on to you people here.

Please also read my posts about NAC. I don't think it is a good thing even if you were doing no drops. Dr. K. is extremely careful with NAC. Please read my post here and if you do a search here for NAC and my name you will find more. You do not want to take this type
of an agent while you are doing AI. If you are very toxic, it could make things a lot worse and I am not surprised that you do not feel good. Please read it carefully and do not add to the problems by taking the wrong stuff at the wrong time. From what I have learned over the years, I definitely would not touch NAC except under close guidance by a physician who understands heavy metal detox and the agents. I explained it in the link.

If you feel really miserable, it is perfectly okay to reduce the drops to three or even two, three times a day. The body will get the information even with this small amount. They call it "whispering the information to the body". I did that a couple of days when I felt I didn't want to suffer. And it is perfectly okay.

I don't remember how often I have been told "the only way out is the way through". That is definitely so - but it will get better. Plain water runs right through you - consider taking liquids in other forms - soups, apple sauces, teas that will provide the body more than just plain water which AI does not recommend. It flushes other nutrients through the system too quickly. I tried to explain it a few months ago when this thread was younger. It may make you feel better.

You will get through this !! Do not give up.

Take care.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Thank you all for the advice.

Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Thank you Gigi,

Its indeed difficult. I do not take NAC on a regular basis...unless I get whacked with fumes or some other petro chemicle. I read the questuion would thus be what do you take to get Mercury out of the brain.
Where do you buy it?

My life disappeared when first removing Amalgams 20 years ago.

Years back they did several DMPS challenges and nothing ever showed up and it just made me sicker.


What's interesting is that I had a chemical exposure to Toluene, Benzene , Hexane in the 80's while working on a construction job. It took them 10 years to figure out I had been poisoned. It has been a battle since. AI picked Toluene up as 1 of my 2 Industrial chemicals.

What I am trying to describe through this angst if you will, is my sensitivity is worse.

I am more reactive to everything.
My forearms itch like crazy...tons of pressure behind my eyes.
Today is a bit better so far. I took a lot of binders last night and milk thistle.
Anyone else have this heightened healing crisis. Any one else have chemicals show up in round 2?

I will trudge onward...
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I will be praying for my battle weary brothers and sisters tonight.

We will win. This I know!!!!!!!
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi Cooper,

Impressive that AI picked up the toluene.

My second test [ie after 1 round of drops] showed Pentachlorphenole, Phenyl mercury acetate and Tributyl tin oxide.

My 3rd test, after 2 rounds, showed 12 unnamed chemicals [+ 7 energetic blocks].

Let's hope AI can clear up the damage those chemicals did to you ..and indeed ALL our chemicals residing where they aren't wanted!

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Hang in there. some of us have had more severe reactions to the chemicals clearing than others.

I had rashes on my elbows that were extremely painful and itchy with inflammation....which I believe was where I used steroid cream years ago!

My daughter and I both had lots of pain behind the eyes with chemical release.

The unique reactions run their course , then stop. There will be an end to it. Sometimes in different rounds, they eye thing comes back for us, with the mucous and crusty debris...but it reminds me I am clearing things and I am happy when I notice it! It is positive.

Continue to post and others will chime in to support you and share their conditions as well.

Be cautious about NAC or taking other strong detox remedies. You will have a reaction if you move too many things at once. Go gently.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Still wondering if anyone have felt better with indoor/outdoor pollen/dust type allergies.

The EMF. testimony gave me hope but I am still having probs.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
When you have been sick for years, do not expect this to be the miracle of a couple of months. You have to stay realistic -- it is a slow step-by-step process to unwind a very toxic body. It's mainly about toxin starting to be released and that cannot happen until the burden is lighter. Rule of thumb - if ill for ten years - it is going to take at least a year on AI until they cannot find more. If age is a factor, it will take longer. The body is now working more than overtime trying to slowly release stuff. And only after all the dysregulations have been cleared, can things really turn around for you.

Sometimes some symptoms turn a bit better only to get worse again for a bit. You have to picture the same "wagon" going back exactly in the same manner, on the same roads, as it has taken to reach the illness. Visualize your "wagon" (ha,ha) and the process is then easier to understand.

Read some of my older posts on this thread where I tried to explain how it works. You didn't turn up with all these dysregulations all in one short time frame -- and it will take time to unwind it all.

I saw Dr. K. this weekend at his seminar and he told me that he is planning to use AI for patients starting in October. That should be interesting, and I think this is quite exciting. He usually only recommends to patients
after he has done a certain therapy himself.

It was an outstanding seminar and we learned a lot. It was many hours of concentrated listening and watching as patients were being tested and
treated and given certain protocols to follow.

Not one person tested was not heavy metal toxic!
Everyone of them had viral, mold, fungi, microorganisms and the lot usually all in the body. Muddy terrain and critters. In fact, I have never met a chronically ill person where not all of these showed up in testing sooner or later in every person.

Wishing you all good luck with your drops!

Take care.

P.S. Nana Dubo sends her regards. We are sitting here together laughing because our wagons have ended up with flat tires this weekend! Wish you were here!

[ 09-02-2009, 02:21 AM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Gigi, what's good for clearing mercury from the brain?
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Cooper, have you tried reducing the number of drops per 'dose' yet (as Gigi suggested)?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Cilantro tincture crosses the blood brain barrier
and works well. But the gut, liver, other extracellar spaces should be treated first before the brain. If you bring down toxic metals from the brain while the other lower body areas are still loaded, it will cause not little, but big problems. I posted the link in my answer to you above - August 30, which explains osmosis, etc., and why it is so important.

For right now while you are doing AI, the binders are important. I would not attempt any extra mobilization -- you are probably doing that right now as your body is learning again what it should have been doing long ago - detoxing metals. Be sure you take binders if you do not feel good. Lots of fiber. It is being talked about on this whole thread. I also would not take NAC.

And as far as reducing the drops, if you do not know how to test yourself energetically, when it is time to take the drops, a good way to decide how many is to use your own intuition: Take the bottle in your hand and the first number of drops between one and five that comes to mind, use that number at that time. Do the same when it is time to take the next dose. But I am certain that if you learn to take binders and do not force any metals (NAC), you will feel better and be able to take the normal dose.

The drops are made for you, the individual,
with your tolerance factor in mind and of course your condition.

When you get through with the drops, who knows what you will need then. I don't know. But looking at myself and my husband, I would say that it will take little or none. I know that the toxins are leaving now - and in a very gentle way, thank goodness. Always remember, often the effect is three steps forward, two back!

I would learn to roll with what is happening now. The only way out is the way through! Do not use any cilantro now, please.

All this is from our own experience and what I learned from Dr. K. and of course HG.

Take care.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
I have started to feel better.... pectin and chlorella, as well as milk thistle. Today was I am just going with it. I agree with less is more. Fiber, binders, and fluids for now.

I am feeling better and almost done with this round. The despair becomes overwhelming...but I do feel movement for sure. There has been some sharp pain in my cheeks.

I trudge onward and I want to thank you all for your support...

No more NAC! I had no idea.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Does anyone know what the source of the water is that AI uses to prepare the PSP drops for us?

A friend with Lyme has started using a Grander water system. Since Grander was developed in Germany or nearby, maybe Austria, she wondered if they might be using that to make the drops.

I don't know much about the Grander water, just asking a question for someone who is interested in knowing more about AI.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Germany has many different natural mineral waters sources. They are using one of them because it retains the clusters of information the best, even passing through x-rays unchanged.

I am familiar with Grander water, M-Water, etc. They are not using any of these.

I recently returned the left-overs of some of our bottles to them to test and they made the round trip unchanged.

My husband's drops do not test for me and mine do not test positive for him. I pour the drops into a tiny glass and a bit of water and have at times not paid close attention. Whether I test the glass or the bottle (marked with names), I readily find his or mine with energetic testing.

Hope this answers your question, Nutmeg.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Thanks very much for the info, GiGi.

I figured they were probably using natural mineral or spring water from a pure source. It definitely seems to work.

Someone jokingly wanted to take one of my leftover bottles recently and use it. I laughed and told them I was pretty sure they wouldn't want my stuff because it was made specifically for me and wouldn't do much for them.

Thank you,
Posted by minerva (Member # 20410) on :
I am waiting on my 2nd round of drops ...its been over three weeks since I sent my saliva in.

I have to admit I am losing patients with the process. ( i will most likely get them today after complaining!)

I don't have any bad feelings towards the company or the product just the time factor. Which is probably out of their hands.

I started this process in July and I have only taken one round of drops.

I wanted to put it out there before you start be aware that its a waiting game and does not turn over least it hasn't for me.

Gigi has been clear about this but I still didn't appreciate how long or how frustraing it is when you want to keep moving forward.

I guess I don't want it to take 4 or 5 months for two treatments....esp when I might need 6 or 8.

Something to think about before you start. The time commitment you are willing to invest... esp if you are holding other treatments back for it.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If one does not have the time or patience to do this therapy, I would suggest to stop it and do what is more beneficial to you. If attitude and expectations are not in the right place, my guess is that no therapy will do any good. Every therapy starts with the thought.

Any healing requires the right attitude. If you are in a hurry, PSP is not the place for you. Go to what you know will work better and more instantly for you. This is not involving the taking of a pill; it is a restructuring of the total electromagnetic system.

The transport alone can take a minimum of 25 days. I don't know who would be able to control that. Many times ours have taken 20-25 days for the roundtrip.

We started beginning of December and we are now finished with bottle #8. The pausing between the bottles is intentional because the body keeps adjusting regulations even while we are not doing the drops. The people/clients in Europe do not send in new test samples until two weeks after they finish the previous bottle, because the mail is there within a day or two. AI changed the waiting time for US, etc. because of the distance involved.

I needed to learn patience throughout my total Lyme treatment and the more at ease I became, the better things became. That seemed to be the only way I could really heal. The more toxins/metals I dropped, the more patient I became. My autonomics seemed to balance again. If mind and attitude cannot blend into this treatment, I don't think it is to our benefit.

Take care.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I'm just finishing Round 5.

So far, my tinnitus is slightly better--the best it's been so far since I first got it suddenly in 2004.

The symptoms that are gone at this point are congestion, vertigo, insomnia, dizziness.

Thinking is more clear. Leg cramps are now very rare (although I am taking a LOT of magnesium and Taurine as well).

I still have serious fatigue problems and terrible short-term memory. I tend to "flare up" emotionally more than when I was well. And, I'm certainly less productive than before I got sick with Lyme!

In addition to the AI drops, I'm taking the supplements Dr. K. recommends in his KPU protocol, but at lower doses.

So, there's my progress report!


Cass A
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
So happy you are experiencing some symptom relief!
We just finished Round 5 as well! No additional clearings yet. Sometimes things happen a few weeks out.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Glad to hear that you are seeing ongoing improvement, Cass A!

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Started to reorganize our garage from the uppermost rafter down to every screwdriver and box of nails, paint cans, and I am now tackling closets and cabinets! That is my progress and it feels terrific.

Hope everyone continues to make progress. Have patience.

Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I'm in the middle of my third bottle. Not really seeing improvement. Still hopeful. I'm in this for the long haul.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Wow GiGi, you're energetic!! [Smile] I have some housework too if you get bored. lol. I'm watching this thread closely.

I'm really hoping to hear more improvements physically with members here due to treatment. A bit, but little at this point. I'm keeping tuned....

What on earth ever happened to Scott F here?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Energy is good here. Went from sunup til sundown washing windows, hunting for dust bunnies etc., yesterday.

Two years ago I rearranged the living room furniture to accommodate a Christmas tree and never put it back. Got that put back together yesterday also.

Still have days when I take it quite easy but it seems the drops work on an even deeper level with time - waiting for round 7.

Aching in my facial bones and headaches I experienced in the early rounds are gone.

Occasional pulling in my jaw but hardly noticeable.

Still testing for metals and I expect that will take a long time.

Gut is healing slowing but surely. Not bothered by any foods at this point. Gained about 10 pounds with all my "new foods" but that is starting to come off.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
We all know by now that the wheat/gluten allergy is in part responsible for creating the leaky gut contributing to the neurotoxins entering the damaged blood brain barrier/central nervous system.

Now that this error has been corrected by PSP, what are you doing to help the leaky gut to actually heal? I am working on my husband with that, because I think the leaky gut is a major contributor (aside from the stuck toxic metals) to small and larger problems. Maybe you have some good ideas that are working for you that you want to share.

I just wrote Dr. K. asking him to consider going into that subject a little more during his upcoming Lyme Seminar. We all know most people have the leaky gut problem, but few know what to do about it, until the underlying problem is corrected by AI, and what to do to help the damaged gut to heal.

I also know by publications from the leading KPU/HPU medical doctor that he alerts people to "avoid" the wheat/gluten thing. He obviously has not heard of AI yet (like so many medical doctors). I am sure sooner or later the word will spread. At this point, I don't know many people who do not have the wheat problem (except myself).

How do you support the healing of the physical damage to the gut?

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks NanaDubo for your report. I enjoy creating a supportive group where we can share progress , etc.

Gigi, for leaky gut, as you might already know, therapeutic amounts of L-glutamine and acidopholis/probiotics, DGL by pure helps to soothe the GI and the licorice in it helps to calm down the inflammation. The other ingredients in DGL are marshmellow root , slippery elm..
i also drink throat coat tea because it contains the mucalitics in it. another one i read about often is zinc.
I am also very sure to take therapuetic amounts of enzymes with meals..
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Also the efas to lubricate and mastic gum. H. pylori is often almost impossible to find, unless energetically tested. I have been treated on and off for this past year...and when i am better seems to be when that is under control.

Best, Runner
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Gut healing - I am taking digestive enzymes just before meals, L-glutamine (1 gram) and pro-biotics. Slippery elm when it tests and have just started micro silica to absorb metals from the gut.

Cod liver oil and salmon oil are always good for the brain but I find them helpful for the gut also.

Fermented foods are another good one.

Chewable DGL can be soothing for the digestive tract as well as the syrupy, solid extract.

I do try to not overdo it with the wheat/gluten while the healing is going on but I am able to eat it without noticeable effects.

A year ago I could not tolerate any wheat at all.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
P S chlorella also.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
for me apple pectin helps as well..
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Motivation has improved...this has been a major problem for me!

Like the others who posted of cleaning out, and organizing...I have also been motivated to finally do things that are way overdue!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Just Silverwolfi here...bumping this up so I can explore!!!

Thank You GiGi for the info!!!!!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
HI , have any of you had "biological disturbances" in your report?

I just got my new drops today.
My report reads as follows:
9 chemical substances
4 energetic blockages
6 biological substances

I ahve been extremely weak and fatigued but seem to be better on my drops today.
this is my fourth round.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hi Runner, we had some biological substances; that means that one would react to bee stings, wasps, etc., or a perfectly innocent plant. HG was talking about it on their forum where he often does some explaining of the various findings. These are Mostly inherited and passed down from generation to generation. It is too bad it is all in German. I could spend all day reading there - but simply don't have the time.

"weak and fatigued" probably also had to do with the cleanse you just did. The body is really doing double-duty then - hard work! Maybe now you will stop growing these rocks!

It seems everone is just quietly taking their drops without any horrible reactions. Sort of a calmness on this thread - I think that's good and that is as it should be -- the body going into new regulations without much fuss and slowly releasing toxins.

Our son - his main problems congestion in chest and head for some 20 years - is now releasing -- every morning when getting up -- an unusual lot of mucus; looks like all the matter that had kept him from breathing freely is now departing. He is quite happy about the results. But he still shows some chemicals causing energetic blockages.
We used to live in Los Angeles in the 50's and 60' and 70's when the smog was still really bad.

I feel great - doing 20 minutes continuous trampoline in the morning followed by an infrared sauna. My husband is releasing mostly lead and pesticides; DDT the other day; - it seems to be a neverending load. Lead is stored mostly in the bones, as per Dr. K. and many of us now carry several hundred percent more of it than people did 50 years ago. That probably is the reason detox goes on and on. We saved some hair of a recent haircut and if I get around to it will do a hair test to see what is coming out. If it is in the hair, it's the best sign, because it indicates that it is on its way out of the body.

I discovered today that my husband when taking a swallow of micro minerals (all the trace minerals, and more), his lip swelled up. I have often noticed this before, but have never seen it happen almost instantly when drinking some of this stuff. So I dribbled some of the liquid on a tissue and put it in with the saliva samples that I mailed today. This way HG can test or include the "information" in the water.

Wishing all of you well.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks Gigi..appreciate it. I was weak before the cleanse..was hopoing to lighten the load on the liver and have better digestion, hence get more strenght..but you are right.
Seem slik you have quite a bit of energy..good for you..appreciate all the information.
Interestingly enough i noticed something the otehr day..birds fly together "in formation"..interesting the parellells of in formation and information. seems like just like how we are described as a formation...or as a whole. maybe liek the information water is making us like a whole again..
Posted by tahoma94 (Member # 18866) on :
Originally posted by GiGi:
Now that this error has been corrected by PSP, what are you doing to help the leaky gut to actually heal?


Please explain, what is PSP? Thanks much...

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I tested high for Agent Orange on a few different tests years ago. I'm 46, didn't go to nam. No idea how I picked it up, though I grew up in a development that was once farml;ands.

Hoping AI can clear it.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

"in formation"..interesting the parellells of in formation and information. seems like just like how we are described as a formation...or as a whole. maybe liek the information water is making us like a whole again.. "

Yes, the information in the biophotonfield are holographic. All information is stored in that biophoton field. The total holographic information system is stored complete in every single cell. That is the reason that
AI can find all the necessary information to test us based on a single drop of blood.

(some day I will understand it all!! Wow.)


PSP therapy is the abbreviation for Polarity Signature Programming. All chronic disturbances start at the information level as an electromagnetic imprint in the DNA. They find the areas holding the errors as a minus or plus polarity when it should be the opposite, and imprint the correct coherent frequency composition into the solution, i.e. the drops we are taking.

PSP actually corrects our "software". If we hit a "w" on our computer keyboard and it results in a "Y" on the screen, this would indicate an error in our software. No Benadryl can fix that. Reprogramming is necessary. That's why biochmicals basically don't work to solve allergic problems, or only short term.


Agent Orange consists I think of several different chemical groups. My husband also tested positive for one of them called 245DT. Dioxin is also involved in Agent Orange. Dioxin I believe is plentiful, or at least used to be when Dr. K. first told me about it years ago, in the white toilet paper. You will never see a white toilet paper in his office bathroom! People are using this chemical on a very delicate mucus membrane area that absorbs everything in seconds. Once the body has had enough of it, the negative response by the body can quickly set it and it means we are allergic to the stuff.

Allergy = reacting differently. Millions of people today react differently to wheat/gluten. Whether it is the processing of a totally healthful food that has brought this on and is now inherited by a high percentage of our children ---- I don't know. But it is a fact that our "software" has picked up a bug which is now engraved in the DNA. Until I found AI, I was of the opinion that it (wheat) was a permanent error people had to live with. We are fortunate that this is not so. AI has proven it many times over and it is lasting. Same for dairy. Same for chemicals.

It just takes time, and the longer we have been ill, the longer it will take to create order out of this chaos. Dow Chemical is definitely not my favorite company. We are paying a huge price.

I heard this at a recent seminar:
For the first time in human history, males are becoming more infertile than women. The number of males being born is declining at an alarming rate. Even those males being born are beinbg feminized by the exposure to a broad range of chemicals never before seen by humans.
Amphibians, reptiles, fish and mammals are seeing this change worldwide. Unless we decide to reduce, remove and reject the toxins, our species is in dire straights.

The group most sensitive and vulnerable are the unborn. In a study published by the Envionmental working groupg ( entitled Body Burden II, the cord blood of the average baby at birth contains 200 chemicals. At least two of my three grandchildren were born with allergies!

Don't worry, Hobo, if you learn to be patient and give AI a chance to continue to search, I am sure they will find and fix most errors. It takes time to get to the core.

The trick is to avoid any future ones and trying to live a healthy life style.

Take care.
Posted by sk8ter (Member # 8671) on :
So please clarify. Should I leave the remaining 4 amalgams in and just start the AI treatments or do you have to remove them. I have several dental issues that need to be addressed including root canals done to Clifford testing. But I get very sick when I remove one of these and just don't know if it is worth it. So what would you do?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Sk8ter, Dr. K. would say to come back when the amalgams are gone. I know for certain that as long as you are allergic, like literally everyone here who took the test, getting them out of the body is not possible. Much of the mercury is no longer only in the teeth, but has migrated into other body areas. If you are allergic, the immun system does not recognize them as toxins and does not deal with it effectively. If it were me, I would probably do the AI before and at least avoid getting ill due to removal when the mercury is being stirred up.

I don't quite understand what you mean by "root canals done to Clifford testing". Root canals are dead teeth, and thioether toxin is created in the body by the dead body tissue 24/7. The dead teeth remain in in the body and put out this toxin, in the long run destroying the jawbone, etc. The microbes happily live in that terrain. Not talking about the problems for breast cancer which according to Dr. K. is definitely a problem for women with root canals. When he treats anyone, the root canal is the first item in question.

Other dental issues I don't think will disappear with AI.

If it were me, I would spend the 75 Euro to have the test done. If you like all or most others come up with 30-40 different allergic dysfunctions, or more, silent or obvious, you will have your answer.

I hope you do it. I wish I had known about AI years ago and done the therapy. We would have saved ourselves many years of ill health.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, I keep running by your mentioning For me, it would not be something I would do at this point while doing AI.

Hope you are having some fun!

Take care.
Posted by Myco (Member # 9536) on :
I have an idea re: AI and whether it's a sham or not.

Why doesn't someone take TWO spit samples at the same time, send them off under different names and payments and see what the results are?

If they are different then I for one would run for the hills.

Just a thought. Surprised no one has done this.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I don't believe you will find anyone here that is doing AI who for an instant thinks this is a sham.

Read some of the 1,000 posts if you haven't already, some pretty remarkable changes taking place.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Myco, feel free to do your own experiment!

Three of my family are doing the therapy, and have sent initial samples in twice for two of us, just to make sure they did not confuse them as they are always sent together.

Also, what is found, has correlated with known substances we have been in contact with, or allergic conditions we know we have had.

None of us are trying to convince anyone to do this therapy.

[ 09-15-2009, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Another interesting thing happening: When I got the tickbite with bull's eye, in 1996, I felt hot and sweatty and reached under my arms: I had every hair from both underarms on my washrag. And haven't had a hair grow under my arms since....
until recently - I think I mentioned it a few weeks ago, I had a few tiny ones. As of now, they are growing back totally.

This to me means that my hormones are being reactivated. This further means that the toxins/toxic heavy metals/etc that used to sit on the ligand sites of the hormone producing cells are departing, and no wonder I bounce out of bed again like a 15 year old!

No sham, Myco. But you are welcome to try.

When my ART practitioner recently tested all the stuff sitting on my table testing my husband she quickly pulled out all the stuff he needs and even though my bottle was also sitting among the whole group of products, she picked out my husband's PSP without delay.

I have on occasion poured the 5 drops in a small glass to add a bit of water, and have forgotten which one was my husband's, which one was mine, I tested the glass with ART and tensor and definitely knew right away which one was his.
My drops have never in the 8 months tested for my husband.

Myco, you may have to learn a little bit about electromagnetics, which starts all action in the body, before even an abx can do its work or your food can do its work, then you might begin to understand.

Take care all of you.
Posted by Myco (Member # 9536) on :
Can you do it while on antibiotics? I would guess not right?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
It is not recommended to take abx unless it is a matter of survival from an acute infection.

Much of the AI therapy is directed at the removal of the remains of pharma drugs (and others) which the body had no use for, and packed away had become a burden to the system.

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Just received #5 round of drops for me and my daughter.

Son is forgetting to take his while at college...we will see how he does with spuradic dosing. He has no lyme or known illness...I just wanted him to take them to clear things I passed onto him or environmental chemicals he is exposed to, so he feels no urgent need for treatment. But he promised to take them for my peace of mind!

I do not expect to have any symptom relief to report for he has no symptoms, except Gilbert's syndrome.(jaundice/dehydration/liver enzyme)

I will test him again(simple bloodd test) for this after AI is done, and see if this inherited condition is gone.

Daughter is feeling fantastic health wise physically and mentally for her first three weeks away at college. She is participating in intense D-1 sports practices am and pm each day and says "Mom, I am kicking x@@ in practice".

She is happy, bubbly, and says she can now concentrate on reading and academics...which was difficult in highschool!!!! So far so good.

Thanks to all on this thread who have been encouraging me through her treatments.

Will have to send her daily reminders to take her drops as well, but she believes in them as her biggest improvements came while beginning the drops!

I will update you all with her truthful progress, as I would so love all your children to experience improvements as my daughter has.

My neighbor just imformed me yesterday that her son, who started the AI therapy 1 month after my daughter, went back to his LLMD for blood test results...he is now in lyme remission!!!

As I say, it is not the AI alone...but adding the AI therapy onto what was already accomplished with regular co-infection treatment previously, has helped our teens.

Her son also believes the drops helped. Teens will not tell their mothers this if they don't notice things themselves. We mothers do notice every little change, and my friend and I both notice very positive personality changes as well in our teens.

I am not naive to believe that this is the end of ailments for my daughter... as her whole life has been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs, but hopefully more ups now!!!

peace to all

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Very good news, Lightparfait: I'm so pleased for you and your daughter and hope your son [and mine with other vits etc!] will get into a routine with the drops.

Nice to hear about your neighbour's son too.

I'm just sending off my sample tomorrow after 3 rounds of drops,

Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Is anyone taking these drops while on Abx? Anyone? Any positive improvements if you are?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Seek help, i think abx just add more to the problem. AI is working through to clear excess chemicals, toxins, etc..abx just add more to the problem. honestly, abx created another illness of its own for me..and that is just my experience. but i suffer severe fungal infections and bowel problems..
Maybe you could try natural things?
Last nite i had to take an antiacid, and i was thinking,i wonder if the government formulates this stuff to be puto n the shelf with tons of aluminum, corn syrup (there is now mercury in corn sytrup)..etc to poison us.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
THanks Gigi on the advice for Power Solution.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

We were already off abx when we started the drops.
We were already in a healing mode.

Before AI, Abx did help us clear the co-infections, and got us to a place where we were not experiencing a health crisis. (1 1/2 years of abx)

Our LLMD wanted us to stay on the abx, and to actually consider IV to target the neuro lyme we both still tested extremely positive for!...but we just felt we were in a good enough place to take an "abx break".

We were not doing natural protocols at the time... this whole thing (detox and natural protocols) is very new for us, but a welcomed relief to the feeling of toxic sickness we both began to feel from the was different than the lyme feelings. We actually felt poisoned.

Timing was just right for us, because that was also when we first heard about AI. So we did not stop the abx to start AI. WE stopped the abx to detox, with the thought of maybe having to go back on when we started getting sick again.

Although I may have gotten off abx if I had read these posts, just to try something non-toxic. Even without knowing the effacacy for us. That's just how poisoned I felt and how I approach things.

If I were still on ABX now, without an understanding of detox or personal experience, I too would be firghtened to just stop a treatment that is keeping my symptoms at bay. Especially if my symptoms were extremely severe and I could not function too well.

I would want to be able to function at some level, before dramatically stopping a protocol, if I was experiencing steady success.

If I was at a standstill, and not progressing with treatment, it would be a no brainer for me...meaning I would get off abx and try AI. Just my thoughts.

But I do believe to get the best results from "AI, one must be off abx! Not just from what I see posted on the AI site, but also from experience observing my own improvements.

I"m not sure of what level of results could be achieved from AI if you remain on ABX. Most likely deep things will get regulated, but you may not experience the dramatic improvements in symptoms we are all hoping for. I'm just not sure the benefit.

I am a "pit bull" as far as going all the way and trying to always do things in the correct order to get the most bang for the buck. I hate wasting time and money, especially with all we have been through. That's why I would want to start a treatment, being fully ready to get the most out of it, so not to continue treatment indefinitely if possible.

If possible , I would work on getting yourself to a point of getting off abx first by adding in some natural detox or protocols for cleansing and anti bacterial/ anti viral natural tinctures for support. When feeling more in control, and confident of your decision, then do the AI. Just my novice opinion.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
i am stil having a very hard time with fungus, yeast issues. i think i am needing some words of encouragement..i am experiencing alot of bloating and naseau.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hey runner, hang in there. As long as there are metals, there will be fungus to protect you. Lots of both get stored in the gut.

I had really bad gut issues and am seeing improvements. Comes and goes and changes with each round.

Was at Dr. K seminar recently and he said always start with the gut in terms of detoxing... so that is what I am doing.

It will get better. I packed away wheat for 57 years not knowing I was allergic. If it has healed even some in 8 months, that's pretty good.

I'm on round 7 now. The burning I always felt in one spot in my colon is getting much better. No one could figure out what it was after colonoscopy and on and on.

Now that I am focusing on metals in the gut before any place else, this is much better.

I think the less we do in terms of supps and other protocols (imo) the quicker things can clean up.

Hope your tummy feels better soon.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Would love to chat about the Dr.K seminar!
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Regarding being off ABX, the AI site says to not take them except for acute infections.

Personally, I finished the Mepron/Zith treatment for Babesia before I started the AI drops.

Due to concerns about gut parasites, I took some Alinia during one break in the drops, and I currently am taking an herbal gut treatment while waiting for my next round of drops to arrive.

I don't know how to do energetic testing, so I'm just going after one area of the gut/detox system at a time between rounds.

I'm taking chlorella and other binders every day.


Cass A
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi NanaDubo, thank you for what you shared.
I really appreciate it.
I was reaching out last nite because i needed support around this. It is hard when most call me a "very complex case" .
andi havent gotten many answers around how to treat my GI tract.
but you are right about the metals..and the fungus. I feel this has probley been an issue for a very long time. I feel the detoxing does start in the gut, and that makes alot of sense. I know i feel so much better when i am doing colon therapy and lots of fiber, etc.
I am glad your burning has decreased..
Take care, Runner
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Be aware that, per HG, the body continues to correct also during the two week break without drops. This continues also at the end of the therapy and can be ongoing for a long time. It does not stop simply because no drops are coming. The newly arranged electromagnetic communication continues. Thank God, it does.
It may not feel that way to some of us, because there are still too many dysregulations and too much chaos in the system.

If we bring back the abx, it is counterproductive because it takes the immune system, per HG, to zero action.

Per HG and Dr. K., many of the symptoms we blame on Lyme are not from active infections, but often due to the remaining neurotoxins, i.e. stirred up toxic metals, die-off fungi, mold, viruses, and Lyme die-off, xenobiotics (environmental manmade) etc. Much that we have put into the body, needs to come back out in order for it to fully function again. It is a lengthy detox that takes time.

I am so glad we have this therapy.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Amber, it's best to learn to roll with it. If you get tired, know why, and rest. If you can read through some of the posts, you will get answers to some of the questions you may have.

And just ask.

Best wishes on this your little side journey. For my husband and myself, it is probably the best thing we have ever undertaken.

Take care.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Hi Gigi,

I received a bottle of drops several weeks ago with the brochure in German, which I am unable to read.

There are no instructions and they have not sent results. I have sent several emails but no response.

I have put off taking them as I would like to have this info first.

We are going to Germany next week for Bionic tx. So I have left the drops on the shelf for now. Will they remain fresh for a few more weeks if I don't take them 'til I get back?

I'm not sure what to do and thought you might be able to help.

Thanks for any advice.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Linky, since I don't know your real name, I can't call them. Often it is sent as an attachment to an e-mail.

Send them an e-mail:

"Bitte, dringend, schicken Sie mir meine Testergebnisse per e-mail."

and be sure to give them your full name and the # indicated on the little plastic bag which came with your bottle.

The drops will last.

For anyone's information, we made the mistake to get bionic treatment while we still had major allergies/dysregulations, and it just about wiped me out for many months thereafter, and my husband is still suffering from the fallout now, more than 15 months later. That is our experience and I would not recommend it to anyone.
For us it created a huge displacement of neurotoxins that had no way to go and we suffered immensely and are still suffering because of it.

I hope you get your test results quickly. But do check your old e-mails.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
AI now has a Information brochure for clients in English, and if you write them, they will e-mail it to you.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Amberini, feel free to e-mail me privately at [email protected]
I don't use the PM feature on this board - it eats up too much of my time.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Take care.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
I just e-mailed AI and requested their new English-version brochure. I'm looking forward to receiving a more detailed source of info that I can share with others who do not frequent the LymeNet board.

Thanks for the info, Gigi.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The English version I posted about, Truthfinder, is entitled "Information for Clients". So unless you have first test results to compare with, it may be difficult to understand. A teeny bit maybe only.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
In den Hahndornen 16
D-67273 Bobenheim am Berg
Tel: +49 (0) 6353 - 507 348
Fax:+49 (0) 6353 - 507 506
E-Mail:[email protected]

Energy is life and health. Missing energy stands for sickness and death. In God�s creation he blew his
breath of life into a piece of clay and Albert Einstein proved matter to be a manifestation of energy.

A lot of secrets in energy have been physically and scientifically decoded. However, until now, conventional medicine has been opposing these energetic findings to a great extent.

Conventional medicine is still
attached to a mechanistic conception of the world.
Whether conventional practitioners like it or not: light infuses darkness and bio-energy works!

Allergie-Immun has designated and standardized a diagnostic procedure for human bio-energetic
disorders with a blood analysis. This analysis does not heal diseases but corrects disorders that may lead to diseases.

A few diseases may then not develop at all or their cause might even be eliminated
completely. That is, by the way, not our primary focus, but if it did happen we would not mind.


In your hand you are holding your
analysis and you �re confronted with a
number of foreign words. We would like
to briefly, but as detailed as possible,
give you some information about your

- What the measured values stand for
- How these values are connected with
everything else

The bio-energetic blood analysis
represents a fairly new method that
nevertheless can call upon a long line of
medicinal discoveries in various fields.
What is new with this analysis and it �s
application is that it concentrates on the
energetic field only.

To make things perfectly clear:
The bio-energetic blood analysis and it
�s application is not a method of
conventional or alternative medicine.

Our analysis gives no information about
material conditions.

If you should have any questions about
the subjects of this leaflet or you do not
understand your analysis, please write
to us: [email protected]
By the way: the analysis and it �s
application do work, even if you don �t
understand all of it.

Table of contents: Preface
The 7 most important connections between
analysis and application

Explanation of your analysis
1. Dehydration
2. Disorders/ acute blockades in the energy
supplying area
3. Bio-energetic capacity
4. Stress due to heavy metals
5. Stress due to toxins
6.1 Failure to identify foods/substances
7.1 Biolux-value
8.1 Cell polarity - alignment error
9.1 Bio-energetic bridge-over areas
9.2 Psycho-energetic areas of influence and
10.1 Psycho-transmitter capacity
11.1 Energetic blockades in the spine
12.1 Energetically blocked glands
13.1 Other energetic dysfunctions
14 The energy system

Bio-energetic therapy - how to apply it

Bio-energetic therapy and other methods

What is an allergy?

Do you actually know what an allergy is? �Dumb
question` you might say. You are probably thinking
of hives, sneezing or asthma after eating certain

Your doctor only speaks of an allergy when the
blood test reveals immuno-globulines. Everything
else is called �intolerance�- these cannot be tested
with regular allergy tests.

There are 2 misconceptions:
1. What appears on the surface cannot
be compared with the cause

2. Our doctors are wrong to define
allergies with immuno-globulines.
or high testings do not have an actual
connection with allergies.

Our body does not know disease!
You have read right: your body does not
know any disease at all! What is this,
you might think. The reason: our body
does not think in terms of

Our body is a system that wants to
survive. The system does this in many
different ways. Fever, for example, is a
way of balancing body temperature to
prevent it from overheating. It also
prevents vital protein components from
being destroyed and it is a learning
process to deal with viruses.

In this case fever is a protector. In other
cases diseases signal that there is
something wrong with the entire system.
Our cells are in constant
communication with each other
The cells in our body are always in
connection with each other. They
continuously align their information.

On the genetic level the DNA always
takes it �s desired value to correct the
actual state and therewith keeps the
body functioning.

When errors are
recognized by aligning the DNA
(blueprint) the organism (body) tries to
reach a balanced state with all of it �s

The body has the capability to selfregulate
and to keep a certain state.

This principle of effect is based on a complex
exchange of �information� between cells or cell

Usually the body tries to keep it �s pre-programmed
state. Sometimes though, processes change the
original state. This does not always have to be
negative, otherwise there would be no

But obviously there is a misalignment from preprogrammed
states which we call disease.

Allergies are caused by misinformation
Are you able to follow me?

Where is the connection to allergies, you might ask yourself. It was foremost important for me to show you that your doctor and your body have different conceptions of what allergies really are.

It is probably easier to ask what happens when
there is an allergy.

When you have an allergy the body reacts to a
foreign substance or substance, e.g. wheat, as if it was an enemy. The message says: `Attention.
Enemy attack`. Then the body-owned cell
formations send this allergic information to other
important cells that now fight against something
they believe is the enemy.

That is just like shadow-boxing. The only difference is, your body thinks it is a real fight.

To make things clear: this process of
misinformation not only happens under the
common name allergies, but also when people
have rheuma, MS or other auto-immune diseases.
It is all caused by our body misinterpreting
something and then reacting accordingly.

There are various reasons why it may come to
those misinterpretations. This may sound very
random. The fact though is that our body is a
complex system, and not only one or two factors
are the cause.

However, diseases may be reduced to 2 sorts of
systemic errors:

1. Too many electrons, too little protons
2. Too little electrons, too many protons

Out of these systemic errors certain
�forms of disease� develop. It is
unnecessary to determine how these
energetic disorders came to be. It is
rather important to understand that there
are certain central control complexes.
They harbor errors, they can be
measured and corrected.

Fact is so far that the actual cause of
�disease� consists of 3 factors:

1. Inheritance (inherited misinformation)

2. Psycho-somatic factors (non-resolved
experiences where, at the same time,
reaction-related misinformation was
stored). The organism always stores the
entire �picture�, including internal and
external information.

3. Wrong thought patterns (creeds,
dogmatic thinking, elimination of other
possibilities like �that does not exist� or
�I do not believe that�, etc. (this is not
about your believe, this is the law of
nature and they may not be altered with
your believe.

On the contrary, nonbelieve
often creates counter-pressure.)

We were therefore able to see that hay
fever, allergic reactions on pollen, dust,
etc., were triggered by additional
psycho-somatic factors.

The asthmatic
reaction too belongs into this category.
These central control complexes are
best explained to you with this
diagnostic brochure.

Explanation of your analysis
Our analysis (and application) orients
itself by the bio-energetic regulation

Our measurements are assigned to examine:

- how well the energy supply system of your body

- how well the information exchange between cells
and organs work

- how good your body �s fluid balance is

- what kind of stress you have from heavy metals
and toxins

- if there are errors of identification
(misconstruction) in your body

1. Dehydration
The values under point 1 refer to the fluid balance of the body. We distinguish between acute and chronic disorder/blockades.

The measured values show that water is needed
for a lot of the body �s processes. Missing fluids
can be compensated for a short time but in the
long run may cause dysfunctions.

The value for an acute (=immediate) disorder
shows the entire momentary bio-energetic
dehydration state. It does not say if the fluid
balance was biologically sufficient or not at the time of taking the blood sample. It merely shows how the body reacts bio-cybernetic ally to the current state.

Points 1.2 - 1.6 measure the chronic (=tedious,
lasting) dehydration.

The meaning of chronic dehydration can best be
explained with the example of blood circulation: the body initially tries to maintain the volume of
circulation by feeding fluids.

This is an absolute priority. The blood circulation is a closed cardiovascular system (the heart is the pump), and
it is dependent on the amount of fluid of the blood in order to not �run empty�.

When there is a short term deficit, the peripheral
blood vessels, that are not participating in actual circulation, can be �deactivated�.

The result though is a contraction of the major blood vessels and a reduction of the volume supply.

However, by reducing the volume the pressure increases. This is the beginning of hypertension.

The values 1.1 - 1.6 describe conditions
in various systems: circulation,
elimination system, peripheral care
system, metabolism, tissue and

2. Disorders/ acute blockades in the
energy supplying area

The measured values refer to various
energy-supplying systems of our body.
Each body needs energy in order to
control a process. We differentiate between

Primary (=essential, original) energysupplying

Secondary (=second, subordinate)

energy-supplying area

Complementary energy-supplying area

The human owns a primary bioenergetic
field that exists independently
from exterior influences.

The secondary energy-supplying area
comprises the energy that is supplies
materially, foremost from nutrition, but
also from other fine material influences
like light, oxygen and the impact of the
elements (heat, cold, fire, rain, wind), as
well as impact from external energy
(magnetism, electronic fields, reiki, etc.)

The value defines the bio-energetic
energy potential stemming from social

A talk or motivation may have a
constructive or destructive effect. It can
stabilize or irritate. The same applies to
comfort and care.

Nobel prize winner Eric Kandel was able to prove that social communication and language have physiological effect.

With that in mind, prayers and mantras are getting a whole new meaning. They have measurable influence on our body.

3. Bio-energetic capacity
The 3rd chapter of the diagnosis is about measuring
the quality of bio-energy with different criteria.

It comprises factors such as general availability,
conductibility, resistance or filterability.

3.1. Evaluation capacity of bio-energy in

The measured value indicates how many percent
of the available bio-energy actually flow and are
available for bio-energetic tasks.

3.2. Bio-energetic deficit in percent
This value indicates the value necessary to
increase the available bio-energy to reach a bioenergetic norm.

3.3. General energy flow - resistance value

This value indicates which general resistance
works against the energy flow in the body. Higher
values mean salt deficiency, alkaline excess or

The quality of the blood (or organs) can be best
described with the specific electronic resistance or conductibility.

The conductibility of the blood is
dependant on the number of the dissolved ions or
amount of minerals. The less minerals the water
contains, the less the conductibility.

3.4. Smoothing of information flow at the synaptic gap

A too low value indicates that information is not
filtered sufficiently. A too high value indicates that information is being blocked.

When neurons are active an electric impulse is
transported from one neuron to the next. The socalled synaptic gap is between the nerve end of the transmitting neuron and the receiving

The synaptic gap should not be
skipped or it may come to a chronic
irritation of the nerves and they are not
able to distinguish between the various
contents of important signals

The synaptic gap can only be overcome
by transmitters that are located in the
transmitting neurons. The transmitters
are triggered by an electric impulse.
They then overcome the synaptic gap,
dock on the receiving neuron and trigger
another electric impulse.

If the bioenergetic
flow should not be sufficient
transmitters may not be triggered, or
only in a non-sufficient number.
3.5. Smoothing of energy flow at the
A too low value indicates that energy is
not filtered sufficiently.

A too high value
indicates that energy is being blocked.
The bio-energetic purpose is based on
the energy flow at the blood-brainbarrier
and allows conclusions on the
material situation.

A too low value
indicates that energy is not filtered

A too high value indicates
that energy is being blocked.
Blood is an optimal means of transport
for nutrients, metabolic products or
respiratory gas.

Toxins are also
evacuated by blood. When this drainage
does not function toxins accumulate.
The blood-brain-barrier is a protecting
mechanism of our body that prevents
accumulation of toxins in our brain
(control center).

The electro-magnetic situation controls
the permeability at the blood-brainbarrier.
That way, so D. Starr (danger by
microwaves, 1984), microwaves with
even the smallest intensity may
contribute to the fact that minerals
important to the brain cannot be absorbed.

The lack thereof may be balanced for a short time in the cybernetic system, but a chronic lack of important minerals could prevent an array of connected processes in the body.

The value of energy-smoothing is an indicator of a
central point in the cybernetic system called

4. Stress due to heavy metals

The absorption of heavy metals cannot be
prevented due to environmental and nutritional
conditions. The absorption should not be avoided
either since the individual effect and the border
between essential, healing, sensible, bioenergetically
necessary, harmful or even toxic is
not really known.

It is rather important for the body to be able to
recognize, isolate or eliminate heavy metals with
adverse effect.

The measured values show how your body is
currently dealing with heavy metals.

If the value is in a warning or alarming range, that
indicates that heavy metals are not recognized as
adverse by the body.

An array of metals, so-called trace elements, are
vital to the body. The function of a few elements
like arsenic or nickel has not been sufficiently
identified yet. It was proved that greater amounts of
elements like lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic or
molybdenum are toxic.

Sometimes it is only a
question of how much was absorbed if an element
�s effect is toxic or not. This margin depends on
each element.

4.1. Stress due to floating heavy metals
This value indicates heavy metals are floating in
the body without them being eliminated or isolated.

An error in the bio-energetic information system is
responsible for them not being recognized as

The decision for a certain therapy should
not be based on this value alone because it is
possible that toxins are tolerated
objectively and consciously correct by
the defense system. They may be
needed bio-energetically or for the
purpose of healing.

4.2. Stress due to escaping heavy
We measure to see if heavy metals are
trying to withdraw from elimination or
isolation, since the bio-energetic system
error or a lack of captivating substance
prevents them from being caught.

The normal procedure of the defense
system is isolation and preparation for
elimination of heavy metals that are
either not needed or that are toxic.

importance lies in the defense system �s
ability to recognize and identify heavy
metals and to distinguish between
reliability for necessity or toxicity.

4.3. Stress due to accrued heavy

The value indicates that there are heavy
metals in the body ready to be
eliminated but an error in the bio.-
energetic information system or other
reasons (dehydration, metabolic
disorders, alkalinity) keep this from

Elimination is delayed when technical
requirements for elimination of heavy
metals are missing or if the defense - or
transport system is too sluggish.

4.4. Stress due to erupting heavy

This value shows isolated or
encapsulated heavy metals in the body.
Instead of being isolated they may also
be temporarily stored in tissue.
A lot of heavy metals are not instantly
eliminated by the body but isolated and
temporarily stored, even partially encapsulated.
The reasons are many.

Encapsulation often
happens with toxic heavy metals because the body
views elimination (transport through eliminating
organs) as more dangerous than isolation.
Oftentimes there is a certain build-up of �reserve�
with essential heavy metals.

There are also bioenergetic
reasons as to why a few heavy metals
remain in the body as a reserve.

5. Stress due to toxins
Heavy metals are relatively easy to identify (both
materially and bio-energetically). Toxins though
comprehend all substances that cannot be directly
processed by the body or that are present in too
large quantities and are therefore due for

From a bio-energetic point of view there are very
few substances that are objectively harmful, apart
from the actual toxins.

A special feature are substances that are
misinterpreted by the defense system as toxins.
(point 6.1.). They are also initially assigned to
toxins and are collected and treated in paragraph

5.1. Stress due to sauntering toxins
Indicates that toxins are sauntering the body
without being eliminated or isolated since they are
not identified adverse due to an error in the bioenergetic
information system.

5.2. Stress due to escaping toxins
Indicates that toxins withdraw from elimination or
isolation since they cannot be caught due to an
error in the bio-energetic information system or a
lack of captivating substances.

5.3. Stress due to accrued toxins
Indicates that toxins in the body are due for
elimination but due to an error in the bio-energetic
information system or other reasons elimination
does not take place.

5.4. Stress due to erupting toxins
This value indicates that toxins in the
body are experiencing some sort of
isolation or encapsulation or are
temporarily stored in body tissue.

Contrary to heavy metals, organic toxins
cannot really be isolated or
encapsulated. They rather mutate,
decay or oxydize. As long as there is no
alkaline excess and enough acid they
are chemically converted into crystalline

Should there not be enough acid then
toxic substances erupt and the result
would be fungus.
That includes all mycotic stress from
athlete �s foot to candida and vaginal
yeast infection.

Any ever so chronic
yeast infection disappears instantly
when the system identifies and
eliminates toxins to some degree.

6.1. Failure to identify
Indication of foods that contain a certain
bio-energetic error of information so
they are reacted to. (pseudo-allergies).
Keep in mind that the bio-energetic
therapy does neither include advice to
refrain from these pseudo-incompatible
substances nor de-sensitization to
tolerate them.

We do not include foods that present an
organic intolerance due to the lack of
certain substances in the body (e.g.:
light and garlic sensitivity - �vampire
disease�, a metabolic disease where the
formation of hemoglobin is disrupted).

7.1. Biolux - Value

The biolux - value indicates how much bio-energy
the body possesses. Interpreting the other
measured values, this factor tells us something
about the entire state of a human.

The body �s ability to store light is a central criteria
in order to interpret the health of a system.

experiments by Fritz A. Popp (bio-photon research)
clearly show that healthy cells are highly able to
store light, cancerous cells do so poorly.
Cancerous cells also loose the ability to form a
communion with other cells. The ability to store
light is therefore measurable.

(That does not mean
that a poor ability to store light is an indicator for
cancer! )

8.1. Cell polarity alignment error

It is shown how many percent of cells are nonpolar
and without energy. Cells form cell formations that
have the same alignment in cell polarity. Since
cells constantly renew themselves, they deactivate
inoperable cells that are then separated from cell
formations and eliminated.

When nonpolar cells do
not bow to formations and separation does not
work accordingly it may come to a cancerous

A cell can become weak if it is not
supplied with enough nutrition.
9.1. Bio-energetic bridge-over areas

This value indicates the areas that are blocked by
biological or bio-energetic conflicts. If needed, one
may relate to certain organs and determine
deviations of certain organs from the entire bioenergetic

9.2. Psycho-energetic areas of influence and
Indication of the psychological areas where we
determined a possible psychological or psychosomatic
irritation with bio-cybernetic effect (bioenergetic
diagnosis method).

The so-called
psychological factors are nothing but bio-energetic
disorders, they just appear in a different circuit.

Energetic disorders change biochemical processes
and those in turn have influence on the
entire system.

10.1. Psycho-transmitter capacity

The psycho-transmitter capacity shows
to what extent switching between
consciousness and sub-consciousness
is possible.

The main part of our lives is controlled
by our sub-consciousness. We routinely
drive our car to work and do not debate
whether we need to stop at a red light or
not. Our consciousness only intervenes
when the stored program of our subconsciousness
is at a loss.

It then
obtains decisions from our intellect.

sub-conscious creates it �s own
�emergency program� to overcome the
critical situation when our
consciousness is no longer able to
receive suitable answers from the subconsciousness.

11.1. Energetic blockades in the

Energetic blockades in the spine are
mostly triggered by recurring �pain
impulses� of the so-called pain memory.
When pain impulses are constantly
triggered, muscles may stiffen and have
a negative impact on individual

12.1. Energetically blocked glands

The above mentioned disorders can
certainly effect glands as well. It may
come to erroneous controls at certain

That means: certain hormones
and enzymes important to the body are
not or under produced.

It is obvious that
this has effect on certain organs.

13.1. Other energetic dysfunctions

It shows which hormones and enzymes, that are
responsible for allergic reactions, are already under
produced to ensure a normal reactive immune

1*) cortisone is a hormone (transmitter) that is
normally produced in the body �s adrenal cortex
and controls the immune system. Cortisone filters
and relativises alarm messages of the body about
immune system activities.

The message of
cortisone is therefore to stop the immune system
and to not fight every small disorder with full force.

This way cortisone prevents a arena from
becoming a battle field. The body �s own cortisone
is an important regulation factor to achieve
�ceasefire� with the immune system in certain

When cortisone is added from the outside,
adequate production of the body �s own cortisone
is ceased completely (command center gets

2*) glutamate is the body �s own neurotransmitter.
Neurotransmitters are small chemical molecules
that can penetrate cell walls. They are stored in the
pre-synaptic nerve endings.

Approximately 70
percent of the stimulating neurotransmitter
processes happen with glutamate. Glutamate is
vital when transmitting perceptions of the senses
for movement and higher brain functions like
learning and memory.

3*) enzymes are protein molecules that are
catalysts and accelerate chemical reactions. They
are indispensable for the metabolism. Different
enzymes serve different substrates and different
chemical reactions.

Enzymes are located in all
cells of the body, many of them are specific to an
organ system. When cell damage occurs the
enzymes (the ones in produced in cells) transgress
to the blood. The body acts on metabolism when
enzyme activity is inhibited or strengthened.

14. The energy system

We know that the human is an entity of body, soul
and spirit. There is a constant interaction between
these systems.

All energetic life structures - body,

soul and spirit - are connected through
an axis of life and balance each other at
all times.

- the nerve system (body) through the
spinal cord

- the meridian system (soul) through two
pathways in front of and behind the
spine that do not end at the hands and
feet like other meridians and

- the chakra system (spirit) through the

If there are any disorders (energy
blockades) then there are symptoms on
the organ level.

Bio-energetic therapy - how to


Disorders of the bio-cybernetic system

Physical and psychological discomfort of
any kind that do not stem from disease,

ailments or physical injury and that may
not be causally be explained by
medicine, especially:

- degeneration of psychological and
physical performance

- allergic discomfort, intolerances,
painful conditions

- anxiety, psychological false reactions,
general psycho-somatic discomfort

Absolute contra-indication
Acute therapy with antibiotics or
chemotherapy; non-functioning immune
system; severe psychological disorders
with suicidal hazard.

Relative contra-indication
Maintenance therapy with cortisone or insulin,
modification or reduction of medication only with
medicinal consent (doctor or naturopath).

Risks, side effects, complications

A drop of blood is required for the test. It can be
drawn from the tip of a finger and is to delivered to
the lab together with the accompanying document.
Please use a sterile lancet only. If you should use
alcohol on the injection site, let it dry completely
before drawing blood.

In rare cases it may come to skin irritations at the
injection site if hygiene is neglected.

The body �s synergetic uptake of energy has a
broad effect, aside from desirable effects it may
also have some undesired ones. The essence of
this method is to change undesired aspects of the
bio-cybernetic program.

It is common for psychological and physical
conditions to become more intense during therapy.
That applies in particular to negative conditions
(fatigue, depression, pain).

Normalization and improvement usually happens
during or shortly after therapy.


(altered sub-consciousness) may lead to situations
that can leave you reacting differently and

Therapy �s goal is a brand new bio-cybernetic
regulatory circuit. In a few cases, especially if you
do not drink enough fluids, it may come to
circulation problems.

They are usually harmless.
During therapy or right after it may come to overactivation
of physical and psychological functions,
e.g. rise in blood pressure, increased perspiration,
urge to defecate and urinate, sexual arousal.

Bio-energetic therapies and other methods

Bio-energetic therapies and cortisone
A bio-energetic therapy together with
cortisone is only possible to a limited

Cortisone is a hormone that the
body normally produces itself and that is
a transmitter to control the immune
system. It filters and relativises the body
�s alarming messages about the need of
immune system activities. Cortisone� s
purpose is to stop the immune system
and to not fight every small disorder with
full force.

When cortisone is added from the
outside, adequate production of the
body �s own cortisone is ceased
completely (command center gets

Depending on the dose and
duration the immune system may be
either disarmed or completely
immobilized. Now it is clear that for
instance all measures to strengthen or
stabilize the immune system go come to

What is worse: they lead to confusion of
information in the body. The body then
cannot deal with this contradictory

A cortisone therapy should not be
discontinued abruptly since the
mechanism of the body �s own
regulation and production does not
restart to ensure an adequate cortisone

Depending on each individual
condition, the immune system may be
impaired partially or completely or it may
come to overreactions.

One of the most
well known overreactions is the
prevention of new cell formation in the
dermal areas that leads to the effect of
�thin skin�.

One alternative is to specifically on
preventing the body �s own production
from being stopped and to restart it.
Tapering off the cortisone drug therapy
would be a lot easier and without

Bio-energetic therapies and diabetes
Diabetes needs to be treated and is therefore
basically not responsive to a bio-energetic therapy,
although diabetes has quite an effect on the bioenergetic
state of the body.

A complementary
(supportive) bio-energetic therapy is recommended
The problem in diabetes is the diet recommended
by doctors that is contrary and counterproductive to
a bio-energetic therapy.

Even according to the latest findings in
conventional medicine, diabetes is viewed a lot
more complex than a few years ago. It is widely
understood that diabetes (especially type 2) is not
a �sugar disease� but a bio-energetically induced
disease of the cell metabolism.

Since conventional medicine has not yet found a
bio-energetic therapy method, diabetes remains an
incurable disease where one can only prevent (bioenergetically
induced) long-term damage.

If, in accordance with the attending physician, a
diet can be abandoned then a bio-energetic
therapy is possible - even when resuming the use
of medication (conventional method for diabetes).

Intervals between doctors visits may be shortened
however and once the bio-energetic condition has
improved, medication may be corrected

Bio-energetic therapies and cancer:

Cancer needs to be treated and is therefore
basically not responsive to a bio-energetic therapy,
although cancer has quite an effect on the bioenergetic
state of the body and a bio-energetic
therapy usually has a therapeutic effect on the
body, especially since cancer is most likely a
disease that makes for loss of energy.

A complementary (supportive) bio-energetic therapy is therefore recommended. This refers to all levels, namely follow-up care after operations.

We need to
consider though that chemotherapy builds up
irreparable blockades so that bio-energetic
therapies are useless at the same time
of chemotherapy.

Bio-energetic therapies and dietary

In bio-energetic therapies basically no
certain foods are forbidden. There is no
advice either to avoid certain foods but it
requires uptake of energy-relevant

Elimination diets (abandonment of
certain foods or substances) and
supplementation (high doses of
supplements) should not be taken
during the bio-energetic therapy.

Bio-energetic therapies and
Homeopathy works on a bio-energetic

Our therapy however works on the
information level. High potencies are
especially effective. The reason: certain
information becomes available by
massively diluting substances
(electromagnetic conditions with longlasting
waves - coherent conditions - are

Those high potencies need
to be prescribed by doctors or
naturopaths. Principally we welcome a
simultaneous homeopathic therapy.

It is easily conceivable - although not
proved yet - that it may come to conflicts
when the bio-energetic Energetika and a
homeopathic medium convey different
information, both effective in its own

We exclude this possibility though,
otherwise homeopathy would have
already cured the disorder.

Self-medication with homeopathy can
be tricky though. The risk to block bioenergetic
information is a lot bigger.

Bio-energetic therapies and
Acupuncture is also a therapy effective on the bioenergetic

Homeopathics and our
ALLERGIE.IMMUN �s Energetika use fluid to be
distributed in the body.

Acupuncture uses
meridians to distribute information (non-material

It may also - although not proved yet - may come
to conflicts because the bio-energetic REGUIMMUN-
Energetika by ALLERGIE-IMMUN and
acupuncture might send different information.

It is not unusual that different information can reach the same target because our body uses the
redundancy principle. This means that certain
tasks can be applied by various information

Figuratively speaking: one can send an invitation
by letter, fax, email or sms. The information `june 4th, 4 pm, my place` is the same, no matter what means. Depending on each medium it may arrive
at different times though.

Bio-energetic therapies and Reiki
Especially if you have unsatisfactory results in the diagnosis areas 2, a supply of Reiki energy could support the bio-energetic therapy.

Reiki has different approaches. It is important that the Reiki therapist is able to master and modulate.

A lot of people doubt that Reiki is purely a
channeling energy. When Reiki is linked to fasting
and cleansing rituals, bio-energetic therapies are
counterproductive when used together.

Bio-energetic therapies and psychotherapy:

Our diagnosis comprises psycho-somatic
parameters, cybernetic programs of the conscious
and unconscious and the transmission of
information, as well as behavioral imprint on bioenergetic processes. We assume that essential
psychological processes can be displayed in bioenergetic parameters. When psychological
diseases are caused by bio-energetic disorders
then the bio-energetic therapy can have a positive
effect on the client.

A psychotherapeutic treatment is never part of the
Patient information for Bio-energetic blood analysis:

A bio-energetic therapy though, not even if
a naturopath, doctor or psychotherapist
implements it in his/her capacity of bioenergetic

Usually a psychotherapeutic treatment and a bioenergetic therapy do not exclude one another.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Gig, I downloaded the pdf 'sample Analysis' from the AI website awhile back, so perhaps I can use that if I get confused.

So, the information that LP posted - is that what is in the 'brochure' you talked about, Gigi?
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Thank you Gigi for the information. I will shoot them an email. I appreciate you translating the message for me!

Take care.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
What I posted above was the information just sent out to current AI clients.

Sorry it is long...but explains the best as possible to all those who PM me or ask here.

It may not be understood completely if you do not have our own results to learn from, but it can give you a good idea of what they work on regulating and the process.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Thanks, LP! (Meant to put that in last post.)
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Truthfinder, yes, LP copied it here.

Would you post the sample analysis here, please. It may help others.

We got our #9 bottle today. Mine is down to very little which agrees with how I feel - basically fine, except the concerns for my husband.

My husband's is still loaded with blockages, toxins, biological substances, chemicals, that cause blockages.

He spent WWII in the Navy and I can't count the vaccines he tells me about. Everytime they hit a different continent, another bundle of vaccines. Plus the exposure on the ships. This eventually turned into dysregulations causing him to accumulate more and more. It's amazing that he never got ill until he was exposed to my Lyme and until he was at least 70 years old.

This again proves to me over and over that it is never "only Lyme". The sum total of the others do much more damage than the critters.

I heard tonight - sure others did too - that pilots are coming up with neuro diseases. It was mentioned that they are checking the output in the air filtration systems on planes and found that organophosphates are a substantial problem.

I have been testing and treating my husband for months, many months, and he keeps testing positive for pesticides, insecticides = organophosphates galore, and toxic metals - literally every time I test him.
Not a single microorganism to be found. I have always suspected these (chemicals and environmental toxins, vaccinations) to be a major part of the problem as has Dr. K. and A.R. Both agree with my testing. My husband flew at least 100,000 miles a year for some 20 years.
Sometimes I wonder whether the outflow of toxins will ever end. I can literally see the exodus in his hair -- it becomes fuzzy and unruly and his barber has a difficult time cutting -- it is loaded with the toxins. Much of the stuff leaves through the hair. So if you have a bad hair day, remember that this may be the reason.

This is a reason why hair tests are much better indicators whether the toxins are really leaving. It takes a good doctor to correctly interpret hairtest results. If you have lived on this earth for a few years and your hair test shows zero output of toxins, the reason maybe that your body has forgotten or never known how to detox them. Any lab tests for metals, even a challenge test, therefore is also a very weak indicator - for the same reason: the body is not able to let go.

Often still existing emotional conflicts can cause these detox problems.

I better go and get busy sitting down and watching our movie for the night - Roman Holiday - I love these oldies!

Take care and good luck with further shedding of unwanted materials. Don't give up!
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
I received a copy of the `Patient Information' brochure from Allergie-Immun yesterday. It is in PDF format. (Kudos to LP if she had to transcribe the brochure information into some other format to post it here! Not an easy task! Thanks again, LP.)

I'm unable to post the `Sample Analysis' here. There are too many colored graphs and charts which would never convert to the posting system at LymeNet. (It is also in PDF format.)

To order the sample analysis by e-mail, go to this link. I don't know if there is a link on the website for it - I never found it. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and complete the little form:

Gigi, AI could have used your translation skills in fine-tuning the final draft of this brochure.

Still,there are some fascinating revelations in this information! (Or, perhaps I missed the same information that was posted long ago on this thread.)

For instance, homeopathics are NOT necessarily contraindicated if doing AI, though there is some risk. But there are other conditions/ treatments that are not compatible with AI or that carry greater risk of incompatibility, some of which surprised me.

I'm still taking notes and may comment on them later in another post.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Tracy,

I got my PDF document in the email also, and was very surprised to read that homeopathy was not contra-indicated. It sure seemed to read that it was in the German original! Whew! I apologize to everyone for misunderstanding it and passing that on!

Now working thru bottle #5.....


Cass A
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Cass, I thought I read about the conflict with homeopathy in information translated from German, also, but can't be sure.

It's also possible that AI has revised some previous recommendations based on newer information. We'd better get used to that as AI continues to develop their system of treatment.

Here are some of my notes on various conditions and therapies that may be contraindicated with the AI therapy. I won't attempt to interpret what is meant! (Note that I've not copied everything that was in the information brochure so refer to it in LP's post for a complete explanation.):

Absolute contra-indication
Acute therapy with antibiotics or
chemotherapy; non-functioning immune
system; severe psychological disorders
with suicidal hazard.

Relative contra-indication
Maintenance therapy with cortisone or insulin,
modification or reduction of medication only with
medicinal consent (doctor or naturopath).

Bio-energetic therapies and cortisone
A bio-energetic therapy together with
cortisone is only possible to a limited
Now it is clear that for
instance all measures to strengthen or
stabilize the immune system go come to
What is worse: they lead to confusion of
information in the body. The body then
cannot deal with this contradictory

Bio-energetic therapies and diabetes
Diabetes needs to be treated and is therefore
basically not responsive to a bio-energetic therapy,
The problem in diabetes is the diet recommended
by doctors that is contrary and counterproductive to
a bio-energetic therapy.

Bio-energetic therapies and cancer
Cancer needs to be treated and is therefore
basically not responsive to a bio-energetic therapy,

Bio-energetic therapies and dietary guidelines
In bio-energetic therapies basically no
certain foods are forbidden.
Elimination diets (abandonment of
certain foods or substances) and
supplementation (high doses of
supplements) should not be taken
during the bio-energetic therapy.

Bio-energetic therapies and homeopathy Homeopathy works on a bio-energetic
level. Our therapy however works on the
information level..... Principally we welcome a
simultaneous homeopathic therapy....
The risk to block bioenergetic
information is a lot bigger.

Bio-energetic therapies and acupuncture It may also - although not proved yet - may come
to conflicts because the bio-energetic REGUIMMUN-
Energetika by ALLERGIE-IMMUN and
acupuncture might send different information.

Bio-energetic therapies and Reiki
When Reiki is linked to fasting
and cleansing rituals, bio-energetic therapies are
counterproductive when used together.

Note that AI is referred to as a `bio-energetic' therapy throughout most of the brochure, yet when it comes to homeopathy, AI works on the `informational' level and homeopathy works on the `bio-energetic' level. Perhaps something got lost in the translation there that would clarify the point.

I've made some other notes, too, which I may bring up and comment on later.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Gigi, thank you for the detailed response...alot of what you said got me to thinking..that was a great point about the hair.
I always learn so much by reading what you write.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Good try, Truthfinder.

I have taken the time to translate just one paragraph referring to using homeopathics at the same time as using the PSP.

But first, HG clearly expressed to me several times at the outset of our treatment that he feels there are only very few outstanding homeopaths in the world
(I remember he said a handful), and this is why he makes these remarks in his booklet. He clearly stated to me to stay away from anything that can interfer or add an additional undesirable load into the body -- the very load this whole therapy is concerned with.

One major aim of PSP is to unload all the garbage we have taken in. which the body had no use for, and simply buried away in various body compartments, yet burdening the body and not bringing any benefit to aid the body in functioning better. This created more and more dysfunctions, so his comments.

This is what the paragraph about homeopathy is trying to tell us, quickly translated by me:

Bioenergetic Therapies and Homeopathy

Homeopathy works, similarly as our therapy, on the bioenergetic level. Especially effective are high potencies. The reason: because of the strong dilution factor it seems most likely that electromagnetic conditions with long lasting waves (coherent condition) are produced, which will make certain information possible. High potencies are generally only prescribed by doctors and naturopaths. Looking at it based on principle, there is nothing negative to be said about using a homeopathic treatment at the same time.

It is worth, however, to give thought to the idea that even though we do not have proof - it is possible that conflicts can occur if the bioenergetic energeticum and the homeopathics each deliver different informations, while both on their own may possibly be effective.

The use of homeopathic remedies, self-medication, is tricky. In this case, the danger that the different bioenergetic informations get into each others way is substantially greater.

End of Translation.

We need to understand that it is impossible for them to say or even give the impression that the PSP cures a disease. It corrects dysregulations on the informational level.

I think it is best to learn to relax about all of this.

Let me repeat here: every time I have approached HG, he always clearly states to eat and drink wisely and not to add more to the burden unless it is necessary for survival (acute/gg). When referring to hormones, the very apparatus they are attempting to return to function again gets the wrong signals if we supply them artifically thereby telling the body that it is not necessary to provide its own. The system will then shut down even more.

Just noted what HG actually says about bioenergetic therapies and cancer. Literally translated:

"Cancer is an illness that demands treatment and is therefore not open to a bioenergetic therapy, even though cancer has considerable effects on the bioenergetic condition and the bioenergetic therapy basically having a health promoting effect.

This is especially so because it is thought that cancer is a disease that is based on lack of energetics. It therefore makes sense to do a complementary supporting bioenergetic therapy.
That would include postsurgical care. But it should be noted that chemotherapy totally throws the cybernetic system off track buiding irreparable blockages, which makes bioenergetic therapies useless when done at the same time.

I think the booklet information cannot be cut down into one line explanations. What they are telling us in 16 pages cannot be cut down into one line explanations and still represent their intent.

I must say the phrases are very difficult to translate without getting away from the real meaning and intent. But that's the researcher/ scientist HG speaking. I for one am glad they are providing my husband, myself and the rest of my family with a great gift that I never thought possible. I have heard and been told for half of my life that a wheat or dairy allergy cannot be treated successfully. I also want to forget what we went through with all the genetic testing that cost us a small fortune while never providing a true solution. I am so glad, however, that I remained curious and kept searching, and most of all recognized it for what it is at that point rather than "been there, done that".

I am convinced that some of the allergies I now have eliminated with PSP had kept my father ill for many, many years of his life. I am really starting to appreciate the benefits this therapy will bring in the years ahead. Take care.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Gigi,

Thanks again for your clear work in assisting with the translations! I agree that the 16-page booklet is about as condensed as it's going to get, and still have the information we need to evaluate various conditions and other types of therapies.

My husband has cancer, but is not doing chemotherapy. We're planning on him taking the AI drops in the near future, when I'm done. If I had just read the notes or the German version of the booklet, I'd never even consider it.

I tried to be helpful on this line regarding homeopathy, and it just wasn't adequate.


Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

A good friend just sent me the link.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Dear Gigi, thanks again for sharing.
I still continue to feel allergic to most foods. i believe i have done round 6-7 on psp. i actually was doing quite well in this department, but they recalled my thyroid medicine and i am having a hard time adjusting..maybe this is it..or it oculd take longer for my body to adjust..
just a quick update. runner
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, please check the thread you started about a week ago asking "what happened to my thyroid med".

I responded to that thread giving you Swansons referral to a pharmacy who had a big supply of the stuff, so that you could contact them. You may want to check back and get the info I posted.

Rememberbing how long it has been, your gut needs a lot of healing - that I am sure of. So be patient. My guess is you are not allergic to the foods per se, but probably still chemicals involved in the processing of the food, or simply still chemicals that affect you in that area. Have you tried fennel tea? That is what babies get when they have problems. Have you tried any of the chinese tea pills?

Love and Take care.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
"Nice try", Gigi? I have no idea what that means.

My last post was an abbreviated list of the possible therapies set forth in the newly-translated AI information brochure that might interfere with AI treatment.

The brochure is quite long; it would be easy to miss the information that contains answers to many of the questions that get posted here on the AI thread.

And note that I specifically suggested that people refer to the information brochure for a complete explanation. Obviously, I never intended what I posted to be construed as the final word on anything.

HG is certainly right that `there are only very few outstanding homeopaths in the world'. The same can be said of every `field of expertise' in the medical/healing realm. There are very few `experts' at anything in the world.

Though simultaneous homeopathic treatment is ``welcomed'' - in principle - by AI, it is clear from the brochure that there are risks of `conflict' between AI and homeopathic treatment. Therefore, personally speaking, I would not do both together.

Now, back to the list of contraindicated therapies for a moment...... it seems there's some very pertinent information there about diet restrictions.

Did anyone notice that the main problem with treating diabetes along with doing the AI therapy is the diabetic DIET - not medication. This is further verified under the part about `dietary guidelines'.

*** ``The problem in diabetes is the diet recommended
by doctors that is contrary and counterproductive to
a bio-energetic therapy.'' ***

and then:

*** ``Elimination diets (abandonment of
certain foods or substances) and
supplementation (high doses of
supplements) should not be taken
during the bio-energetic therapy.'' ***

(Please refer back to LPs post for a complete explanation.)

The importance of consuming a whole spectrum of foods and substances while doing the AI therapy is quite fascinating. And I think it's something that has been mentioned here in this thread, but perhaps not emphasized enough.

If AI considers it important enough to include in their brochure, then it is certainly something I want to pay attention to before doing the treatment. No way do I wish to unwittingly sabotage my own treatment by missing a simple point like this one.

[ 09-28-2009, 04:33 PM: Message edited by: Truthfinder ]
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Amber, my test results [the initial full ones] arrived as an email attachment and were in English.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
you asked

"Is it saying Homeopathy is okay?"

No. The message they are trying to deliver is that they have no problem and are open to homeopathy in general, meaning when done away from PSP, but it is not recommended to use homeopathics while doing the drops.

Truthfinder I am sure meant to say that when she said it is "welcomed" in principle - by AI". I just want to clarify this and repeat that they told me several times in person that it is best so stay away from homeopathics while on the AI therapy.

If anyone has any specific question re taking a homeopathic, I would suggest to direct them to HG directly.

In general, the PSP therapy is not a homeopathic treatment and has nothing to do with homeopathy. I have been told that and you will find similar expressions by AI on their Forum. They told me that they fear homeopathic remedies could be interfering with the information the drops are transmitting. Like hearing two radio stations coming out of the old radio loudspeaker at the same time.

Truthfinder, you gave it a good try. But I simply do not want to take time to finetune points and nuances of language interpretation, especially since there cannot be a hard and fast rule in cases like diabetes or any other difficult situation and it should always be determined specifically for the person involved. AI are very helpful with that.

I would suggest that anyone interested in AI read the whole thread from beginning to now. And I would also highly recommend that if anyone is interested to know the finer details in case of a diabetic situation, to direct these questions directly to AI. The Translation of the booklet is somewhat weak, and when it comes to these important points about actually how to handle things when diabetes is in the picture, or for that matter any other problems that need certain medicines, I would send the question to them for help.

This therapy is so helpful and so simple. I understand that not being able to go over the whole website is a problem, but that's the way it is and we will have to make the best of it if we want to get the benefits.

I am glad to help anyone who has a specific question to AI which is important to them. My e-mail is on this thread several times over, so please don't hesitate. But do take the time to read the whole thread. Some of the same things have been discussed earlier. Yes, it's boring...

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Gigi, thank you very much for this. the link for swansons is no longer active. however, i think i will phone them.
i do take peppermint, fennel and i am also working on repairing the gut lining with dgl by pure and aloe vera and glutamine. which does seem to help. the recent episode with armour has thrown me for a loop so i am focusing on getting that whole systems feel suppressed or depressed rather...
anyway thank you for the advice..keep us posted onyour progress..
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
I started round 5 of the drops on Sunday, last night, Monday night, as I was sleeping I noticed a strage observation, I could not lay on either side of my head for long, I had uncomfortable presure in my ears and had to turn from side to side frequently so I finaly just stayed on my back. But I am happy to report no Trigeminal Neralga pain this time and I'm able to do 4 drops 3 x a day. Im sure the head presure is related to the A1 in some way.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
kissis, it is possible to relive similar symptoms as the system learns to correct. I was told they should last no longer than about 3 days.

I had a bad fall some years ago hurting my hip and walked on crutches for several weeks. When I started the drops, I had this same hip pain sensation lasting about two days. I have never felt it again and I am exercising on the trampoline every day - feeling absolutely no hurt - during or after. I suppose that was one of the pain memories that is stored in the spine.
They are noted in your test.

Glad you are feeling positive about the drops.

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Could use some son's roommates have swine flu and were just quarentined.(Military) He feels intense flu symptoms today and is being checked.

I had originally purchased "oscillo" for him to have handy as a "just in case" remedy if he got the flu... along with garlic pills, vitamin C, apple cider vinegar, and chorella, but now with understanding AI more, I am thinking it would not be good to take this homeopathic remedy, "Oscillo" at this time. He is on the AI therapy, round 3.

Has anyone on this board doing AI had the flu or flu symptoms yet, and what have you taken for this, if anything. Just need to give him some quick , good advice.

I will email AI to get their opinion.
Thanks, lp
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, these are by a long shot my favorite remedies for anything that comes along. (kidney and liver, also eye)

Go to their flu and cold items. If you get lost, call them. Sarah knows all about their teapills.
They are easy to take and inexpensive. They do not charge for s/h. I have sort of a collection of the different ones and just tensor test for our cup of tea. Especially when I find my husband blocked - I can always open his regulation with the AI drops, but I do like to add a cup of tea when he tests for it.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
cool thanks gigi, this helps deficient yin , which i have.
Posted by n.northernlights (Member # 17934) on :
I have used ordinary Eupator perf. D-30 homeopathic pills always for flu. Others use chamomilla or other remedies. eurpator perf is a cold remedy, helps if one caught the illness when it was cold and damp
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Wow, great info. This is all new to me as usual.
Always something to learn, I love it!

I emailed the flu and immunization questions about appropriate remedy suggestions (if any) to A.I. and will post asap.

I am hoping that A.I. alone will do the trick to clear the viruses whether acquired or injected!

And if we need to inform A.I. that a new immunization was acquired through injection or a mist with a virus, or if we just acquired a confirmed virus from exposure to it in the evironment, so A.I. can address it with the next round of drops.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Northern, Eupatorium-perf 30C was probably the top successful homeopathic remedy used during the spring/summer H1N1 flu outbreak. And that takes into account reports from many different countries.

But there were a handful of other remedies that worked in particular locations and the Eup-perf did not. There seems to be quite a variation of symptoms with this H1N1 bug, and that makes it tough to pin down.

It will be interesting to see if the same remedies that worked in the spring are the same ones that work as we go into the fall and winter.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

As far as I am concerned, I am not expecting to be exposed to any flu and I don't intend to get any flu, no matter how much it is talked about.
This subject was brought up by HG when I talked with him a few months ago and he talks about the hype on the media. Their idea is the same as mine -- we don't get the flu The people I know who got the flu shots over the years always got sick from them and some of them are no longer with us. That agrees with the scientist's comments who spoke at a K. conference a few years ago -- they found too many life viruses in the vaccine they had for testing, but people were standing in line to get them. Last year it was the bird flu and I am sure they will find a new one next year and the year thereafter.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Right on Gigi..I agree completely. I do not expect to get any flu or plan on any far as i am concerned it all hype. and she is right , next year it will be sheep flu for all we know.

There is so much hype in the media right now..
They do it to scare us..and its a tactic.
and people jump on the bandwagon..

I do plan on strengthening my immunity..bc i know its down..viruses seem to be more of an issue for me lately, where before my immunity was so suppressed i woldnt even though its no fun, i think it might be a good sign..

cheers, runner
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Update: my son did not test positive for the swine flu...but his two roomates did, and had it for over a week. My son's intense flu like symptoms have gone down considerably on their own in three days. Thanks for all your advice.

I will still post the A. I. answers whenever I get them.

Thanks all.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Thanks for the update, LP! How interesting that your son didn't get the H1N1 flu even though in close proximity to 2 people who had it. (Or maybe he did have a mild case of it - depends on what test they used as far as accuracy goes.)

Wonder if he had enough exposure to develop antibodies? Wonder if the military is collecting any data on immunity? Wonder if his flu symptoms were a reaction to the nasal vaccine he received earlier? Gee, I wonder a lot of things.....

Well, when it comes to some possible hazard (like a debilitating flu), I choose to defer to Murphy's Law (...anything that can go wrong will go wrong) and the Boy Scout motto (be prepared), and then the *Serenity Prayer (see below) to finish out the philosophy. It's why I have homeowner's insurance, etc.

(Note: Vaccines are the exception. That is sort of like starting your house on fire to protect it from a flood.)

It isn't always about me. There are animals that depend on me for everything. And I'm no help to my friends and neighbors if I get sick.

Okay back to AI stuff....... another interesting quote from the English brochure:

The electro-magnetic situation controls
the permeability at the blood-brain barrier.
That way, so D. Starr (danger by
microwaves, 1984), microwaves with
even the smallest intensity may
contribute to the fact that minerals
important to the brain cannot be absorbed. The
lack thereof may be balanced for a short time in the
cybernetic system, but a chronic lack of important
minerals could prevent an array of connected
processes in the body.

This is EXACTLY the same thing that Blaze posted about recently. She cited a study done with rats - in Sweden, I believe - that demonstrated that only a 2-hour exposure to a certain type of mobile phone resulted in compromise of the BBB 2 weeks later.....

I'm just wondering...... can AI therapy help with `sensitivities' to microwaves and other EMFs? I don't recall reading anything about that in this thread or in the AI literature that I've reviewed. (I suspect AI would be beneficial since there appears to be a connection between EMF sensitivity and heavy metal load, but not sure that has been verified in any actual studies.)

Gigi, do you have any idea, or know of any AI clients who had improvement in their severe EMF susceptibilities?

*God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I'm glad your son feels better, LP.

My 4th round drops arrived today, with 10 chemical substances, 3 biological substances and 6 energetic blocks and a script encouraging people to call them and not to give up if you can't see progress.

I have had more enrgy and 'lighter legs' in the past 2 weeks, but as I'm on low dose hydrocortisone and some adrenal supplements, it's hard to be clear about what's doing what. I had hoped to be without supplements for AI, but feel I must help the adrenals along a little.

I've also had some emotional swings, been tearful at times, which may or may not be AI or hormone-related:

I am in menopause as well as having the sudden thyroid changes and adrenal insufficiency this summer.

Hope to hear more about how others are getting on and Best Wishes to all,

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I too wonder these things you mention...our minds work along the same path.

"Wonder if he had enough exposure to develop antibodies?"
I was wondering if it was either a memory of a past Flu, as he is on AI...or if AI is helping his body regulate enough now for his immune system to fight it off? He has been prone to flu and very bad colds several times a year. He does not have lyme symptoms, but EBV flair ups in the past.

"Wonder if the military is collecting any data on immunity?"

I think they are very clueless, and that's why I worry. although the CDC can easily get any records from them. I think they are guinee pigs for the rest of us. They are getting the first doses of the H1N1 soon. Of course, he doesn't knoiw when yet...they just line them up after announcing it to them one morning. This is why I wanted a homeopathic remedy or something ready for him to take asap, so not to ruin anything AI has done, or add any more problems to his inherited stew.

I did email A.I., specifically about if A.I. Therapy is enough to counteract this immunization. I also sent along his new sample, and maybe they can tweek it for this new condition from the immunizations. We will see.

"Wonder if his flu symptoms were a reaction to the nasal vaccine he received earlier? Gee, I wonder a lot of things....."

Me too! This is hard to know. We are all learning. I will copy the serenity prayer and keep it by my computer screen...very appropriate! I need serenity as momma bear hates losing control of her cubs!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
"Gigi, do you have any idea, or know of any AI clients who had improvement in their severe EMF susceptibilities?"

Yes, I reported here about a friend who is on the drops. She now is not bothered by the EMF/computer to the extent she used to be. She is fairly early in the therapy.

Many factors play into this, including the leaky gut, mineral base affected by malabsorption due to gut, blood brain barrier damaged by prolonged EMF exposure, etc.

Everything is dependent on everything else - one body. This is why it takes time.

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Swine Flu - if you do some digging on the AI site, Mr. G has quite a bit of info there on the subject.

If I knew exactly how I found it, I would post the link but it was one of those episodes of clicking on lots of things there.

I do recall seeing in bold print "Swine Flu" on the right hand side of the page and it looks as though the site has been updated since I was last there.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Goodness, Carry - you have a lot to contend with right now. You too, Misty. Thanks for your `progress reports'.

Thanks, Gigi. Very good to hear about that!

Thanks, Nana. The `swine flu' link is over on the German language side of things.... look for the phrase:
Angst vor der Schweinegrippe? (Fear of the swine flu?)

Or..... here's a link to the Google translation of the swine flu page - not sure if the link will work:
Fear of the swine flu?

The basic thrust of the swine flu page is that if you have an `intact immune system' that recognizes all substances properly, then... well, here's a translated quote:

Our firm belief is that if an immune system working properly, ie all substances correctly recognized, then it can also deal with viruses. More than a normal flu symptoms are not expected thereafter that disappears after a few days without chemicals again. And such a flu again serve the immune system as a learning period. Then you should treat your body the needed rest.

Note that this sounds very much like what your son experienced, LP, doesn't it? The fact that he recovered faster than his two roommates certainly could be suggestive that the AI therapy has already `normalized' his immune system to some degree, at least by comparison to others.

It would be interesting to hear what your son thinks since he has been prone to colds and flus in the past. I.e., does he think his `illness' this time was less severe than usual, faster recovery, etc.?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Yes Tracy,

My son was surprised that he recovered from his illness so quickly. When he was in high school, he would get very bad colds or the flu which would last at least 5 to 7 days, with lots of missing class. His coach always said my kids have the worse immune system, because they catch everything compared to the other athletes!

This one was extremely severe in symptoms...that's why I heard from him. He usually is never concerned about his health nor does he report things to me normally. But he thought it was most likely the H1N1 flu as his roommates had it.

He is in shock that it was not the flu, via Army tests, and was completely gone of all symptoms in three days, although the third day it was very mild, and no sore throat after day two. Fever only lasted a little over 24 hours! His roommates are back in the barracks with him, and they are still hacking, but told they are not contagious.

I am thinking, and actually hoping that it is the AI doing its magic...enabling the immune system to kick in and do its thing. I am evaluating both kids health as we progress through the AI treatments.

My daughter, whom I just informed that her brother was sick with possible H1N1, told me she had the beginnings of what she thought was the flu last week...but it cleared the next day on its own. I am amazed.

Her health history is very poor and she gets more things, each month for the past 4 years than my son...she is the one with the lyme in remission as well as all the co-infections gone for now. She is the one who had chronic migrains...unable to sleep...severe fatique with EBV, anxiety attacks, depression and every joint in agony. She has zero complaints so far and is very happy. What a relief for me! I am thankful to God and all those who have helped us along our path.

The jury is out if it's AI....but I believe it is helping from what I observe.

Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
I have been taking round 5 since last Sunday. I have a very possitive observation to share. My feet, the color has been going down hill for years, Raynolds ? not sure but they are always cold and at the worst they have been so dark in color they are almost black.

I dont have socks on today although it is a little nippy out and although my feet still feel cold the color in them is noticably better.I am rather amazed by this.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Thanks for sharing - all.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Kissis, same here, dark red feet of my husband are now nice and pink. Circulation is half the game. When things stagnate, nothing works. This is what AI is after and I think it is doing it quite nicely. And all without any medications on an 83 year old person!

Glad things look good for LP and kids.

Was chatting with HG. He told me that Germans take average of 3 to 7 bottles. Americans average - not much happens until bottle #5 and then it can go to 10 and higher. He has not figured out yet why, but assumes it is the massive childhood vaccinations that are done in this country; genetically engineered foods; and the many prepared foods with all sorts of hidden chemicals, plus lifestyle.

Did you know that the Roma tomato is crossed with a trout? Dr. K. tells that there is no more corn that has not been engineered. The potatoes that I had left over the other day and wanted to stick in the ground to sprout - have not sprouted, and what's left in the bag for 4 months has not sprouted either. They just get wrinkled, but won't rot! They also didn't taste good - that is why I had them left over.

It really makes me feel quite sad for our children.

At least we are finding a solution to some of the problems - with AI. Our 2 year old grandson was with us today - I snuck in and tested him with tensor and my wheat vial - he definitely is allergic to wheat. My other 2 grandchildren also.
My husband is clear now. I never had the wheat problem, but I am sure when I go venturing further to our other son and wife - they have all the allergies and the KPU which, in my mind, seems to come with it.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I just got my report and round 5 checkup.
I show 6 chemical substances, 4 energetic blockages and 3 biological substances.

Today i feel as i did the last time the drops came. i definate increase in energy.
Wehn i am off therapy i have increased fatigue , anyone else? anyway i feel so relievd. when i was preparing dinner tonight I had a sense of my old self, i got excited about the fresh basil and cilantro, all the wonderful fruits and veggies in season..and i just felt festive in general..which makes me realize how much i loose myself when i am sick..and taken away from the small joys and pleasures.

I have a question, albeit, i think i already know the answer.
I swim in a pool that does use chlorine. I know the dangers of chlorine and also the fact the body dosnt recognize chlorine as a toxin, but could indeed take it for iodine.
I have neuropathy in my left leg so water therapy right now is my means of excercise.
I am wondering if i am doing this , while doing AI if my body cant clear the chemicals if i am swimming several days out of the week.
Anyone? Thoughts?
the pool i go to dosnt use alot, and its outdoor..but its still chlorine. I am urging them to switch over to salt water..but its a process..anway feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, Misty
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Misty, Next time you send your sample in, add a few drops of the pool water on a piece of tissue, wrap it separately in a tiny plastic bag and put it with the plastic wrapped saliva folding foil around it so it won't dry out.

HG can then test it with your saliva and include it in your drops.

In this country, you are still soaked with chlorine even in your bathtub - another exposure that other countries try to avoid. And then the water is topped of with fluoride, which is even worse.

So glad, Runner, that you are feeling these moments of the good life. You will reach the point when it will stay with you --- just a bit more patience is needed. You have worked so hard at it and really deserve it.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Gigi, thank you. Will do..I think i did this 2 rounds back, but its possible it could have dried.
I will also write to HG and mention this.

I agree about the chlorine in the bath tub..It can be very difficult to avoid. one pro is the little units you can put into the bath tub that contain a resin to absorb impurities..
We graduate so many from medical school in this country yet we are so behind in more ways than a few.

I am strongly advocating a salt water pool in my area..albeit , not many are listening..and when i offer a solution they pick it apart.

Thank you Gigi for your encouraging words and continued information and helps during this time and has been useful to so many over the years.

Take care! Runner
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Wow. That's really terrific news, LP, and even more compelling since both your son and daughter seem to have added resilience since starting AI.

And more good news from Runner and Kissis, as well.

Re fruits and veggies: Hybridization is one thing; genetic modification is quite another. Humans just don't seem to know when to quit tinkering. [shake]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks for the chlorine info.

Both of my kids are competitive swimmers for many years. Still in chlorine, but so many multiple pools. All different chemicals mixed with chlorine. Sometimes Bromine is used instead of chlorine and my daughter gets a skin rash from that. She has bad skin, dry and acne as well. Still has those problems. Believe they are hormonal as well as chemical/toxin related due to recirculating toxins.

I did put that in the info to A.I. originally, and keep putting it on the "not changed" category. Hoping there would be a remedy for that in the drops for them.

I'll have them add a sample of the current water they are in to add for AI. next round. HG never mentioned to do that to me in emails. Thanks.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I'm pleased to hear your good news, Lp, Runner and Kissis: I would certainly love it if my feet [and body generally] warmed up a bit. I'm glad that you have noticed improvement too with your husband's feet, Gigi.

As to vegetables, we grow some ourselves, mainly summer salads, herbs, beans, courgettes and tomatoes [also fruit trees], but live in a town centre, so have a fairly small garden.

However, as well as 2 local supermarkets stocking some organic food, we are lucky enough to have an organic farm and shop only 2 miles away which has won awards:

There is meat, eggs, lots of vegetables and fruit there for sale year round [they import when they have to], also many non-perishable foods, cosmetics, cleaning products and a great cafe. Having access to this shop has made it easy for us to eat healthily over the 10 years it has been open.

My fourth round drops arrived yesterday. I haven't yet noticed extra energy, Runner, when I start them: infact I've just had improved energy for 2 weeks in the gap!

I've been doing the Donna Eden 5 minute energy routine too!


[ 10-05-2009, 06:16 AM: Message edited by: ukcarry ]
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Your welcome about chlorine.
I also did alot of swimming, most distance though, and some with masters. My skin too breaks out but did before i swam.
I did some research on thyroid, which lead me to supplement with iodomere. There is where i found info on what the body does with iodine, and also chlorine and bromine, they are sisters all in the same family.
you can do an iodine patch test on your girls..try lugols..a few drops or so on their arm or a nice place and wait to see how long it takes to get absorbed.
Healthly healing, Runner
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
I started my 6th round of drops 5 days ago.

Yesterday and today it felt like my sinuses were starting to fill up and I was afraid I might be coming down with something. I was very tired last night.

Now I think that it's just the drops stirring something up. I've had this kind of thing other times. With the first set of drops I had an extremely sore throat for a couple of weeks. In a later round, I also had the sinus thingy.

Coincidently, I did turn on the heat pump/furnace yesterday, and the heat was on another place I went today, so that might have riled up some allergens.

I wonder if anyone else has had any increased facial flushing with the drops. I have had rosacea for many years, and flushing is a common thing for me, but this seems above and beyond the norm.

I keep hoping the flushing and facial redness might eventually clear, because it's really unpleasant.

I have still been having many vivid dreams, and clearing of emotional issues related to childhood, young-adult traumas, and an ongoing relationship. It continues even between rounds of drops.

About the chlorine, I did water aerobics about 3 hours a week in the outdoor city pool for 9 weeks this summer.

I didn't notice any major symptoms, but I suppose I did add to the toxic burden. Didn't think of it at the time.

The only thing I recall is that my rashes cleared up on my trunk area and upper thighs.

Always interesting stuff going on for me with the drops, and helpful discussions here.

Thanks all,
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
Hi All.. When you talk about rounds of drops.? IS this all included in the full treatment price?

Also did you send them blood or saliva?

Also how long did it take for them to send you the test kit?

Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
Also.. How long is this process for all of you doing it?

From someone who has been through this can you help me see the picture of what the process is like.

Such as

!. Wait for test? How long?
2. Send in Samples. and wait on result How Long?
3. Get Drops? How Long?
Etc etc.>>?

Yes very new and trying to read and learn and figure out what this therapy is about and entails. Thanks for any help.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Nutmeg, i go through very similiar situations you have described. i have very vivid dreams and it feel like i am working through childhood traumas. and some later around when the illness started. for instance today i was in the store and i was skimming through the souop isle. i cam across a broccoli soup i used to take with me many years ago when i was being treated in atlanta for lyme, and it brought back every memory like i was there just with the sight of that soup..i have situations that happen like this alot..which i find interesting.

i am having this sinus hting that has been occuring for afew weeks where stuff is trying to come out. my sinuses are dry and when i wrinkle my nose it hurts. this is been ahppening for about 3 months now..

anyway..i agree the discussions are very helpful. take care,
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hi All.. When you talk about rounds of drops.? IS this all included in the full treatment price?

Yes, it is. All rounds, no matter how many you will need are included in that one price. The only thing AI are asking that you send them $10. for postage with each new round.

Also did you send them blood or saliva?

You can send salive or blood, makes no difference.

Also how long did it take for them to send you the test kit?

You really don't need to wait for a test kit.
Send them a couple of drops on a kleenex, put in baggie, flatwrap that in foil, and send in regular letter envlope airmail with 98 cent postage.

Enclose note with age, sex, and major symptoms, and use the PayPal feature to send them the fee. You can do the test only - and send them money accordingly. Or send them the total sum for the total therapy. If you decide to do the therapy after you get your first test results, no bottle, then you just have to wait a bit longer to start the therapy.

It takes about ten days for your mail to reach them. They do the test and it takes about another ten days for the test results to come. They can also send the results by e-mail while you wait for the drops to come. Depends on whether you are starting test only, no bottle, or total therapy.

Posts: 396 | From USA | Registered: Apr 2009 | IP: Logged |

LymeNet Contributor
Member # 19863

posted 05 October, 2009 12:49 AM
Also.. How long is this process for all of you doing it?

From someone who has been through this can you help me see the picture of what the process is like.

Such as

!. Wait for test? How long?
2. Send in Samples. and wait on result How Long?
3. Get Drops? How Long?
Etc etc.>>?

Yes very new and trying to read and learn and figure out what this therapy is about and entails. Thanks for any help.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Springshowers, some people need less rounds than others. Americans as a rule seem to need more, and if you read the thread you will understand.

The longer one has been chronically ill, the longer the therapy.

When you get your first bottle, you take the drops for 14 days and stop. We sometimes continue using it -- it keeps the regulation open, unblocked at least sometime.

On day 15 you send them another sample, giving them an indication what symptoms have changed/better, what got worse, and which symptoms remain. Just so they have a general idea how you are responding to the therapy.

They do not do well with English, especially responding is difficult. Short and in few words is best.

They will then test the new saliva sample and give you a short report sending you another bottle with drops.

Most people can take 5 drops three times a day. Doesn't need to be exact timing. Just spreading them out sort of evenly.

That is about all. If you have any questions, you can always ask the people here - we are all learning as we go along. I speak German, so I can call them and they are always, always available and take time to answer my questions helping whenever they can.

Hope that helps, and sorry I sort of hurried through your questions. It's way past my bedtime.

Take care.
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
Thank you thank you
That helps a ton to give me an idea of how this works. I so appreciate it. i did watch the video and read the links you sent me and have read most of this thread.

I am very interesting in proceeding and though was a bit unclear on how some of this works out.

So if they have a tough time with english that is somewhat concerning but you say they can understand enough to read the notes we write?

So maybe using single words on our symptom list and maybe ratings and then send that again with changes might work best.?

How do others find the communication and how you you communicate or write up your progress and symptoms or additional symptoms or improvments etc?

Any help appreciated.

Thanks GIGI.. I appreciate what you wrote. That is a HUGE help for a newbie. I did not see those sort of details on the site anywhere but did email then with some questions.

So I do see they said I do not have to wait for the test sample kit to come to me...... And can do what you said..

So would it matter if the blood dried out or the salavia dry out.?

I have a port and have the option of putting blood into a small vial or something. I guess if everyone else has just sent things that way an it gets there and is testable just fine I would not need to worry about it...

Foil and then a ziplock of some sort sounds like what works.
What do the rest of you do for sending in the samples that works best?

Thanks again.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hi Springshowers, you don't need to send a small vial of blood. Just a couple of drops or saliva.

I don't think it dries out and even if it did - if they are looking at DNA, it's still there.

I have always gotten answers to my short questions to them. If it is more complicated I call on Gigi for assistance.

My list of symptoms or what has changed or not is always short and to the point - no long sentences.

I always put my sample in a ziplock but often forget the foil and it doesn't seem to have presented a problem.

take care
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I would avoid the foil directly on the saliva. Pack it in a baggie and seal it.

They do not recommend people taking any medicines unless they are for life support and in acute situations. For instance, Asthmatics can use their meds; or heart medicines. The less the better. There is much discussion on it in the thread. Also read the discussion about homeopathics.

They are not curing diseases per se. They are trying to correct an autonomic nervous system gone haywire. Think of faulty wiring in a house: you push the switch in the basement, but the light goes on only dimly in the attick. Or You hit the key "w" on the keyboard and you get an @ on the screen! Faulty software.

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Please explain the Lugols test details for chlorine, and what to look for?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
take lugols iodine and rub it on an area of your skin, inside the thigh or arm.
see how long it takes to absorb. the patch of iodine should stay for 24 hours..
how long yours stays is an indicator of how deficient in iodine you are.
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
THanks for the details.

What do you put the salavia and blood on?
I read paper and tissue ?? What do you all use that works best or does that not matter either?

So avoid the foil? Ok..

Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
I am not off all treatment right now as a matter of fact I have hit it hard for a good month. But by the time this process can go through I am planning on cleaning up totally all medications I can from my body and doing nothing but detoxing and trying to
get my body back on track and working as it should.

Do you know how long it might be a good idea to be clear of meds before starting this?

Days weeks months?

I would assume a couple weeks would be ok?

What do you think?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I put the saliva on a small piece of cotton bandage, and put it in a very small plastic/zip, lock pill bag. I bought a whole roll of the cotton, and cut small strips in advance, as well as a container of those bags just for this.

I have them all ready to go, for me and my kids.

I mark the psp # on the bag in advance with a sharpie with the name, then cover that in foil.

I keep monthly records of symptoms on the computer and update them. Then I print out my new symptoms or things that have changed from last time. go to google translate, and translate to German so they have it in both languages. I place the foil packet within the folded printed info. for each of us, then mail off.

I figure the less confusion the better when mailing several at one time.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Springshowers, the sooner you stop with medicines before PSP, the better for you overall. Same for nutrient supplements. Allergies to soy (at the DNA level), for instance, is common, and many supplements are soy based. This is just an example of certain electromagnetic frequencies (of the foods) causing stress to the system. Same for wheat and corn, heavy metals, fungi, mold, etc. Further, any of the 60,000 chemicals that are used in the preparation of the above are causing many dysregulations in our body.

This is why so many of us are so ill.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Cancer is not diagnosed or reported from what I have understood on the findings..only energetic blockages and dysregulations that for some have resulted in cancer.

See A.I's info below:

Bio-energetic therapies and cancer:

Cancer needs to be treated and is therefore
basically not responsive to a bio-energetic therapy,
although cancer has quite an effect on the bioenergetic
state of the body and a bio-energetic
therapy usually has a therapeutic effect on the
body, especially since cancer is most likely a
disease that makes for loss of energy.

A complementary (supportive) bio-energetic therapy is therefore recommended. This refers to all levels, namely follow-up care after operations.

We need to
consider though that chemotherapy builds up
irreparable blockades so that bio-energetic
therapies are useless at the same time
of chemotherapy.
Posted by rosepaints (Member # 22771) on :
i just finished my 5th round of drops
I've had a hard time, from the 3rd round on/
this last round has been the worst with many detox
symptoms. I have tremor in one hand, the tremor has
increased and I have a lot of muscular and joint pain.

I've been using apple pectin, chlorella and charcoal as binders.

I've decreased my drops to 3 and even 1 at a time 3x daily.

Any ideas or thughts about this, i don't hear of anyone else having a reaction like this.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I too have muscle and joint pain off and on during the therapy. It has actually increased during the therapy, but not sure if it is related to the A.I.

The muscle pains are more unique as I have never had those before. They seem to be in my forearm, and my elbows and knees feel painful at times.

I have not had tremors with the therapy, although I did have them with lyme in general before remission.
Thanks for posting your symptoms. I would say do as you are are doing with the binders! We are all different with symptoms and pre existing things. So hard to compare, but it is interesting when many of us do have similar symptoms on the same rounds.

Hang in there! LP
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I too seem to have alot of detox symptoms.

I really feel the AI is doing something bc when i am energetically checked, also when i have cranial work..both find i am healthier, but i am so bone tired..

It does seem infections are playing a roll with me right now. my blood count is down. (i have had leukopenia for 1 year now) i am just bordering on a 4 this last time i got my blood draw.

The person that checks me goes through layers. He now is just finding two things on me. one is bacteria in my colon which has showed up int stool cultures and the other is babesia.

I usually show toxin after toxin after toxins. I am still detoxing mercury and lead.

i have windows where i feel like myself but mostlyu the fatigue is so profound.

I know i have been exposed to many may be clearing the way and my gut is still healing...its really hard to know.

Anyway..i think its round 5 or 6 for me.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Rosepaints, I have not had tremors but have had lots of reactions during rounds 5, 6, and 7. Stiffness, some muscle pain and in the tissues.

I have also been fatigued after I finished round 7. That hasn't stopped and round 8 should be arriving soon.

Get lots of rest. There have been a few times that I have backed down on the number of drops.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Rosepaints, I've also had increased arthritic stiffness and joint/muscle pain, especially where the upper arm joins the shoulder, since starting round 4 of the drops.

I've also had a week of soreness in the head that I associate with detox: sore nose, ear, throat, sore gums; lots of mucous too.

Because symptoms ebb and flow normally, I can't for sure link them to AI, but I suspect so.

I've been using primarily a mixture of clay, apple pectin, charcoal and other things that I get in UK as a binder.

Last night I took it 30 mins before the evening meal instead of my normal last thing at night and I think that has helped with the soreness today.

I intend to use some Oxy-powder at bedtime every other day for a while too.

Runner, it's very encouraging that your practitioners find you to be healthier, though sorry you're not reaping the benefits as yet!

Is anyone beyond rounds 8 or 9?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Just started round 7:

they found 12 chemicals, 11 energetic blockages and 7 biological substances.

WE will see how many rounds until the end of them finding things.

No major unique symptoms.

Anyone have a report?

[ 10-21-2009, 01:16 PM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
waiting for #10. meanwhile for the fun of it, i dislocated my right ellbow and am in pain but healing - totally out of the joint. broke a little piece off and hope it finds a quiet place to stay. had a friendly housecall from dr.k and just sent in his ai sample for him. doctors' world is as toxic as ours.

hang in there and let your system learn to regulate. be patient.

take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I just sent me sample in today. this is the first time i didnt get it in the very next day after my last dose.
will post my progress. still experiencing fatigue..and sleep disturbances lately..
but overall i am feeling some balance in my nervous system.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
So sorry about your elbow...How did that happen GIGI?

And is this the famous Dr. K who is now doing AI?

Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
It will be interesting to see what Dr K thinks about doing AI along with KPU,K2 and other that he is deep into especially at last seminar. I doubt if he would stop everyone's treatments for months to do AI. Any thoughts? Should be interesting.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
yes, I am curious about the AI and the KPU therapy together, although Dr. K. , himself may not be doing the KPU currently.

I am still holding off on all treatments even though I know I test strongly for the KPU.
Will just wait it out with AI alone and see what is to be treated when all clear on AI.

It is interesting to hear how all are doing for comparison. Thanks.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
A house call from Dr. K? OMG, you must be very, very, very special GiGi to get that personal care. [Smile]
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I have been treating Lyme (or trying to) for four years now. I am having a horrible time with abx and find that even fractions of doses are now setting me off.

In the beginning I could tell what was a herx. Now every tiny dose gives me brain fog and tinnitus.

For those who stopped abx despite Lyme and co's in favor of AI, how can you tell if your Lyme symptoms are flaring in addition to a reaction to AI in general?

I feel toxic and like I need to try AI, but I can't tell what is Lyme and what is toxicity from too many drugs. I have even wondered whether I have porphyria mentioned in other posts.

Any thoughts?

thanks in advance.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
sorry cant type well enough to respond. i am delighted that the benefits of ai are obvious to him and he was tickled when i handed him the tissue assuring that i would do the rest.

lp, caught my toe on the sidewalk.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Are you giving him a gift of this therapy? Or is he requesting this for himself? Wondering if this is just an experiment for him to see his initial results from AI, or if he is already convinced and serious about doing the treatment?

I know he was interested in the concept when my ND spoke to him about it. But I don't think he truly understood it at that time as he still recommended other therapies for her to recommend with the AI for me.

Glad he is exploring as well! Good job Gigi!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
wiseforit2 - I think A I would tell you that lyme takes hold and stays when the terrain is so toxic that it can no longer tell friend from foe. Chaos.

Many of the toxicity symptoms I had and still have
are things I always blamed on lyme. I don't think you can really tell the difference unless you are working with someone who is skilled in that area.

I was on antibiotics a relatively short amount of time compared to some here.

I stopped them a year and a half ago so I didn't stop them to do A I instead.

Doing AI has been very worthwhile. Two years ago I couldn't even look at a slice of bread. Now I eat pretty much what I want although the gut is still healing.

Many, many things have improved and some still need work.

I have been lyme free for over a year but wanted to find out how I could have gotten so sick in the first place.

My test results from AI painted a pretty clear picture.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
lp, he told me several weeks ago that he had seen enough of ai results on
patients who had been doing ai independently that he would start - not meaning for himself, but it needed enough logistics in place for his type of very sick patients.

the other night, i simply speeded things up - i know him well enough when he needs a push -
and i had him sitting down writing his list of complaints. facing disease every day - readers on ln are a perfect example -- is more toxic to man than any landfill.

i will probably be chasing him around the world with the yellow box/bottle to reach him wherever he is. many of his treatment methods are no different than ai. he also never recommends any therapy which he has no tested on himself. since he had lyme just about the time i had it, there are a 1000 reasons to do ai. what you can and cannot do together -- monitoring is the key. i certainly would not stand idly by if the toxin release is too severe. the number of ai corrections done with each ai follow-up ttest is the watch dog. but it has become so obvious that most people are so toxic that extreme care has to be taken in order not to overload and some people cannot handle the 5 drops 3x.

once people understand that lyme is just one of
100 things gone wrong, they will understand why no protocol fits all.

have any of you noticed how this thread is being ignored even by the ones who can't tolerate the healthiest foods nature provides? while their dissertations about what's left to eat go on and on. here we have proof that a therapy is 100% successful for wheat/grain if done to conclusion.

[ 10-22-2009, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Have you tried detoxing from metals/candida etc?
I did that before starting AI, which helped with the brain fog, and other toxic feelings and problems!

my comment

any attempt to detox metals and fungi while the immun system does no regnize these substances as toxins is not beneficial. it merely causes a shift of some of these toxins into other body compartments often causing more problems down the road.

correcting the errors should be priority and then detox will be easier.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Gigi, i understand about lyme but does this go for coinfections too?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Gigi..keep us up to date on Dr.K"s experience with the therapy! This is helpful to know his thoughts.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Okay, let me ask this:

if my Lyme is not in remission, but I can't treat it with much because I am so toxic, does it make sense to stop attempts at all the abx that are giving me trouble (blisters, flushing, depression, confusion on one quarter of single pills...) and start AI ?

Maybe AI can help me get closer to treatment that alludes me now?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
wiser, please read this and maybe that will help you decide.

runner, it applies to all chronic disease, including all co-infections.
Posted by Truthfinder (Member # 8512) on :
Hang in there, runner. I'm hoping you'll become another success story in due course.

Gosh, Gigi, I'm sorry about your elbow injury. It sounds painful and potentially serious. I'm certainly glad you have Dr. K. nearby for some professional advice. (I'm chuckling a little visualizing the scenario..... Dr. K. comes by in response to your health problem and before it's all over, it is Dr. K. who ends up ends up in treatment!) [Smile]

Seriously, though, I'm hoping to hear some encouraging reports from you concerning your healing. (And that goes for Dr. K., too, if he'll allow you to comment here about some of his experiences.)
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
On 4th bottle. Started getting massive muscle spasms. Is this related.

Also, iyt seems I have Colitis in the rectum area? Any advice.

Dysautonia which seemed to have gone away back again too

I just want to stay in bed, but Dysautonnia makes that unpleasent.

So, Im, a basket case today.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hobokinite, I felt particularly rough too whilst on round 4, though not with the same symptoms.

Are you taking binders?

Hope things pick up for you soon,

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Yes, but, I want to go a fast though for the digestive probs. Wonder if that is wise on AI?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
hobo, the overall condition of your body will tell you how fast you can go. lower the number of drops - and it will still work. did you ever fix your dental problems you mentioned several years ago? not sure I understand what you are trying to say in your last post

sorry abbreviated talk and typing....with one half arm
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi-- thank you for the link. I've ordered my testing and I'm mailing my sample tomorrow. I guess this is the first step, eh?

Many, many thanks, Gigi. I hope your arm heals soon. I have injured my elbow and the computer mouse position hurts it when I move the mouse!

I'll keep you posted on next steps. Take Care,

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Gigi, I have a catch 22 removing thes eold root canaled teeth as they are right up on a sinus.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
The question is can you fast (not eat) while doing AI?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
thanks Truth and Gigi..
and yes, Gigi, we wish you a fast recovery.

I have one crown in my far back molar. it popped off last week (was replaced bc i had an amalgam) and i had a tempt on there that was to last a few weeks..which it has popped this weekend i am toothless! i hope this is ok..Gigi? any thoughts?
I wonder why this keeps popping off. this is the 5 time the thing has had to have work.
i am suspecting a deeper infection in the jaw bone..just wondering what AI thinks about htis.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

hobo, fasting is probably the last thing anyone should do during a detox therapy. we need all the nutrients - amino acids and minerals - possible. often toxins are dragged into the brain during fasting, sauna, serious exercisesc etc. if you google 'klinghardt detox fasting' etc. i am sure he describes the action quite clearly. i have heard his answer to this at every seminar sice need the best foods during this process, not starvation.

runner, that tooth is probably creating enough pressure to pop the cap. ai does not work miracles. if a root is infected, you need a dentist who can help you solve the problem, depending on severity. you have been to DP years ago. give him a call or your x-ray. was your infected wisdom tooth nearby? if so, infection spreads. read christopher hussar writings. i posted quite a bit of his stuff.
take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I agree with Gigi on the me from experience. I had to learn the very hard way.

i found eating clean, lots of greens, proteins is best for me.

thanks gigi aobut the tooth.
i think i will contact dp on monday.
xoxox Misty
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Thanks. My body was telling me to eat. I was hungry! My worried brain thought of fasting.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
As I read through many old posts, I notice that with each round people seem to have some symptoms similar to flares in Lyme.

Does this mean it wasn't Lyme during "herxes" or that Lyme & co's are still in the system as AI users progress through their rounds?

Or can we never know? Are there folks that finish AI treatment and still need Lyme & co's treatment?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Moving neurotoxins can be causing a variety of symptoms. i got rid of lyme years ago without knowing about ai. but never had what on this board is called a jarisch-herxheimer. i had a good day, a bad day, and some in between. dr.k often calls these retoxification because of improper meds, etc. if you overload the liver, it's not a herx.

no one i believe from LN has been on ai longer than i have - jan o9. hg from ai told me about one woman in europe, who insisted she still had lyme, which often is engraved as memory in dna. he suggested to her to continue ai and at 8 months she felt well and is still so. he could never find the infection. hg's own son had lyme; was treated 2 month conventionally, and then did ai. he is fine.

i dont think we can really get well from anything with a lame dysfunctional immune system. and i think we need to stop 'live eat and drink lyme 24/7'. no therapy will be of benefit. and your family and friends disappear.

if we have an infection brewing in a tooth,
wishful thinking will not do and sometimes we need to act.

wiser, once you get your first test results, you, as i did, may wonder about damage done by abx. abx wipes the immune system flat - we can see it everywhere. my guess is that people on this board suffer like the ones doing ai from a number of problems often blamed on "lyme". not the best doctor can tell you what is causing what because all thousands of neurotoxins cause symptoms undistinguishable from each other.

worrying what is to become is futile. all disease starts with a thought laying the groundwork. so why not make our thought 'health'. energy follows the thought. we can choose.

somebody called my arm injury potentially serious.
i cannot for a second worry about this being potentially anything, except that i need to have the patience for it to totally heal. this is how i learned to deal with lyme, and this is how i deal with a half hand and a husband who still at times needs a wheelchair to be pushed for him. this is the reason dr.k came to see us - to test and support my husband. this he knew would in turn help mend my torn bones without as much as looking over my arm, simply because it would help me to stay positive and continue healing.

i am so grateful that there is ai to take some boulders out of the road. i hope many of you can feel this way.

take care.

ps - the pharma drugs i had to take to get over the first few days of injury reminded me how toxic that stuff is.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi = you are a gem!~ Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

I do feel thoroughly toxic. The emotional hurricanes and mental cloudiness scare me into wondering whether my poor brain is toxic or infected. My sore joints make me think Lyme.... but who knows at this point.

Gigi, I hope I will be an AI testimonial some day. In the meantime, times are rough.

Blessings to you and your husband. May your bones heal quickly and well.

wiserforit2 (Tori)
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
This may sound dumb GiGi, but how are you sure you ever had Lyme if you experienced no herx reactions whatsoever to treatment? Did you ever have any real lab tests indicating so? Bullseye rash? You have said so many things can cause you to feel bad and mirror Lyme symptoms like mercury.

Originally posted by GiGi:
Moving neurotoxins can be causing a variety of symptoms. i got rid of lyme years ago without knowing about ai. but never had what on this board is called a jarisch-herxheimer. i had a good day, a bad day, and some in between. dr.k often calls these retoxification because of improper meds, etc. if you overload the liver, it's not a herx.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
seek, yes i had a 10" bulls eye which no doctor reconized un 1996 as lyme. i had 5 spinal taps until the 5th one was positive. then 2-3 month iv roceph and released as 95% "healed" in a condition so bad difficult to describe. all in 1996. then i found dr.k practicing in the attick of a lille old house! it took me a few more years, mostly off abx and only when they tested positive with art,to get the rest of %.

mainly getting root canals, cavitations, to put the brakes on mercaptans and thioethers. i had the first positive pcr for bb. the test was quickly no longer done.

i was left side paralyzed, no arm and minimal leg/foot motor left. i stretched dr.k's brain to the hilt and if you want to understand my exact history, his publication in 2004 "LD: A look beyond abx" is my history. he called me up one day and sent it to me for my comments before delivering it at a lecture in San Fracisco.

no, i dont know what a herx feels like because i have never had anything such as people describe on LN.

the fact is i had all coinfections, bb, babs, bart, ehrlich, chlamydia, myco pn, ebv, and i love to forget the rest.

i questioned dr.k, re infecting my husband because he was showing similar motor dysfunctions, and we wrote dr.b in ny in 1998. no, only through blood, was the answer. long learning curve. dr. k. disagreed and started treatment. all other husband symtoms totally different, with similar co's. so much for
attributing symptoms to certain infections. i got to the point of needing the strongrest pain meds 24/7 and my husband hardly suffered a knee pain which was treated with bee venom. excep he could no longer move his legs.

to this day i am still detoxing heavy metals, especially since ai. same for my husband, excep he looks like but isn't parkinsonian. he tested positive tonight for dmsa, dmps, detoxamin, cilantro, and every metal mobilizer in my arsenal. this means he is moving it and hopefully most on the way out. we will do a hair test shortly -- if it shows the toxic metals, we know they are moving out. i pray it is so. dr.k confirmed my testing when he was here the other night -- at almost 9 o'clock after his last patient for the day.

the body terrain is the problem - not the bugs! (Bechamp). so unless we clean up - no chance until we do.

recommend you read what i posted yesterday. and be sure not to miss the talk about sulfa residuals. read all parts. if you live on this planet and have a chronic disease, i am convined as is dr. k. that heavy metals are running your life right now. microorganisms are the happy residents in a toxic body.

ai is a perfect start.

take care.

[ 10-27-2009, 04:09 AM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
First of all in no way do I intend anything in this post to be rude. I have done 5 rounds of allergie-immun. Most of the time I don't feel good while doing them or for awhile afterwards. Sometimes the biotensor says "no" to allergie-immun as it did today in the middle of my 6th round. Almost every round has brought out lyme symptoms that I had thought were gone forever or in remission.

My main question is if so many people take binders along with the allergie-immun, how do we really know that the allergie-immun is causing a shift in terrain or if the binders are doing the work?

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Are you taking anything else with the AI therapy that would give you a "NO"?

I don't see how binders can cause a shift in the terrain? They are just food products not drugs or homeopathy.

Maybe recirculating toxins that are not being eliminated by your choice of binder. Do you use a biotenser when choosing your binder? You possibly need a change.

I took the suggestion of having many binders in my basket...just to test and see when one is better than another. Just a thought for you.

This has me stumped.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I am not taking anything with AI therapy that would give me a "no". Maybe my body can only tolerate so much AI with the harsh symptoms I get and so the biotensor says to give it a break.

It is kind of like someone who drinks to much and throws up. Vomiting is the signal to the body to give it a break. Bad analogy I know, but the only one I could think of at a moment's notice. I stopped AI yesterday and feel great today. We will see what tomorrow brings.

I do use the biotensor for binders and have an arsenal of them to use although I am limited somewhat, since some will bind to my seizure medication and I cannot go without that med.

If a binder gets rid of toxins, isn't that a shift in the terrain? Granted it is not a shift in the DNA, but we also have to remember that just because something is in the DNA it does not mean that gene is always expressed. For example I have the 2 celiac genes and have celiac symptoms. My sibling also has both genes and has no symptoms, so he is not really a celiac according to the USA authority on celiac--at least not yet. His genes are not being expressed at this time and maybe never for that.
Mom has celiac; one of her siblings had both genes, never exhibited symptoms and lived to be 93.

Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Wow GiGI that is an incredibly story. I had no idea honestly. Congrats for getting back to health. I didn't know you went through so much.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Here's my latest reactions.

Lots of mucus drainage pretty quickly after taking my drops, causing major hacking. Spit it out quickly so I won't absorb it all again. It does not last long, but has happened each time I take the drops for the past week, and lasts for 1/2 hr max.

Major breast pain nipples and enlarged lymph nodes around both breasts. Far Infrared Sauna relieves this...but still present.

Unusual mild pain in the urethra when urinating, not like bladder infection pain...odd looking film, almost oil like with very small particles visable to the eye floating on surface of urine.

Every other time I get extreme bubbles in the urine.

Just had urine test coincidentally during my routine blood work and physical this week...this is not an infection nor are proteins being eliminated in my urine nor is is pre-diabetes. Urine tests normal.

Metals and chemicals are being released big time in this round for me.

Anyone else with similar things happening?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Last week i got an intense flu. My fever was 104. I had alot of head pressure which i eventually had to cry it hurt so bad. I went into a herrific amoutn of tears and my whole body was shaking. ithink ii was detoxing through my teats..but i am not sure. My skin was sore and wearing a tee shirt hurt me.
My tonsils are sore, throat, lymph, everything.

I am writing this because i have not had an immune reaction like this since about 7 years ago. My immunity with lyme has really been asleep.
I am still sick with it and i my tonsilsare really really sore. I do think it is contributed to the drops.
One thing i have noticed while taking the drops is it decreases the toxic load which often makes me operate in parasympathetic mode and puts me more into a normal mode..the viruses and bacteria are coming up like crazy. i really do not thnk this is a new virus, but more my im munity waksing up. its not comfortable, but i am proud of my body mounting a response like this..its really incredible. i have been off my drops for about 2 weeks today. i am awaiting the new ones..but i can really understand when Gigi says the drops work even when we arent taking them, the imm unity is still regualating itself.

anyway, just wanted to post whats happening for me. Happy Halloween to you all.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Hang in there runner.

I am now understanding that our body's memory of past injuries, and illness and the immune reaction are healing in a time traveler. I am experiencing old, past aches , pains and odd things. The come and go quickly.

When I get these new odd symptoms, later I remember that I have had these before...a long time before.

That gives me hope that I am moving forward toward the end of the treatments...and the end to my bodies regulation problems.

Instead of spiraling out of control, it is now reversing , spiraling back into control, and revisiting my health past. Like Ebenizer Scrooge in "A christmas Carol" past will no longer haunt me, and things are becoming clearer and clearer..if that makes sense to you.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, that makes so much sense!

(I will be glad when I can get through the night without the most horrible nightmares.... it's said that is detoxing too.)

Take care all.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks Lp, i need some encouragement here..things have been pretty intense. i continue to want to sleep and sleeep. i too am having alot of vivid dreams..i am trying ot pay attention to them.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
runner, if i remember the dream, i lift it up on the fleeting cloud and watch it sail away...........
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Runner, If your body says sleep...then sleep! Hopefully you have the time to do just that!

Thats how it heals.

And do not be discouraged if you feel your symptoms are harder than others that post. You may be sicker in general.

When those compare themselves to must know that I was never one of the sicker ones. I had all the lyme and co-infections, etc...but caught it early enough ... I believe... to get ahead of very bad problems developing that others on this board have had.

I was fortunate to have several neighbors that diagnosed my symptoms...and got me to the right llmd to educate me...and begin treatment during my decline. They also saved my daughters life I believe as she had very bad symptoms. We both resonded well to traditional LLMD treatments...over a 1 1/2 year time period.

So adding the AI to our treatment we both have had great responses and nothing too debilitating, like others have posted. So those with more severe problems...most likely will re-experience them I believe.

Most likely Runner that is why you are feeling pretty bad on the drops. You are going in reverse and undoing what has been done before... emotionally, mentally and physically.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks LP, i appreciate this.
I have had alot to do with, most started with vaccinnations and alot of fish and then a tick bite. i am also realizing over the years how toxic i was from chemicals..

its a long road..but i do feel i am unwinding in some ways. its funny lately i have been craving tuna fish sandwiches. there was a time in my life when i was running alot for cross country and i would eat about 3 per day..before i know abou tmercury..this was around 2000. i wonder if i am unwinding from that time period..anyway, thanks again for your support...all the best, runner
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Runner,

In my experience, craving things is usually the past coming back to haunt me! LOL!!

Biochemically, taking Vitamin C tends to turn off cravings.

As far as diet, having a balanced meal (in the Zone)prevents cravings. Cravings for sugar or high-glycemic index foods means too much of those in the last meal vs. the proteins and fats.

At any rate, sounds like a tuna "flash-back" to me!! LOL!! You, of course, have to decide for yourself!


Cass A
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I did 7 rounds and nothing else was found at that time. I took 3 months off, resent my sample, and new items have surfaced. It appears that I was not ready at the time for more AI, but now I am. I am now doing round 8 and we will see how many more rounds follow.

The first day I started them again, I could smell the strong urine smell.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Very interesting Scott...thank's for posting.
Yes...I know that smell!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I know that smell too.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Just curious why you think nothing else was found after round 7, and now things are found?

Just wondering when we really stop treatments and stop sending in samples.

When they say no more is found?...or do we wait as well a few months later to re-send the sample.

Is that the normal protocol to know if one is complete?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Interesting, Scott. By the way, do you mind saying whether this later round is still included in the original price?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

A.I. has told me, that because we live in a toxic environment, that we may need to do another test in the future, and clear new things.

They said the older dysregulations stay cleared, like the inherited conditions and older emotional things.

But newly acquired things may need to be addressed after possible 8-10 years, from their experience...or when we notice problems with new symptoms after time.

I wasn't expecting to continue so quickly. But I know we are all unique!

Just wondering if you think someting you were doing at the time of A.I. might of blocked it from a total regulation? Like another treatment at the same time? Or is this a continual thing to work on for some.

I ask as some on this board are doing other treatments or continuing ongoing therapies with the A.I. and others are doing nothing extra... intentionally to let regulation happen naturally.

We are all experimenting and comparing individually! It is so good to share and compare experiences for support.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I suspect that people who do many side therapies besides AI, which is not desirable as clearly expressed by AI, can run into this problem where the testing will not reveal dysregulations at the time even though they are still present.

Usually they test until nothing shows up any longer as an error in the system and that is the end of the therapy.

Of course, new dysregulations can happen again later in life, depending on what we do to ourselves and our lifestyle. We will not be "immune"; new chemicals appear every day which our body is not able or evolved to handle.

I really think it is not a good idea at all to add more detoxing pushes - no matter who we are. Our body can only deal with a certain amount of toxin release, which is happening all the time while we are on AI. Each bottle therefore only addresses a limited number of problems.

HG keeps saying to me, whenever I inquire, not to add anything to the load which we are now trying to dig up. Not everything we have been doing was a good thing for us and only added more to the load that was already on the "landfill" somewhere in our system.

As a rule, they tell in writing when they cannot find any more errors and when the bbody will not reveal any more and that is the end of the therapy.

I am sure the pain pills and the anesthesia I had to have with my broken arm recently will need to come out again. And probably also the emotional and shock to go through an ordeal like this. Nightmares!!!!! and reliving the fall/accident!

I am cooking broths galore - only have trouble lifting the heavy pot with one hand......... or cutting foods .....

Take care all.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
round 6 came today for me . my reading showed 3 chemical substances and 6 energetic blockages.
the shifts in my body are very apparent.
i feel much better when on the drops.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I'm about 2/3rds of the way through Round 7 now.

This past week, I've been able to skip my daily nap, for the first time in many years. Not every day, but many of them.

My tinnitus is less than it was a month ago.

Overall, a lessening of other symptoms as well.

Whoo hoo!


Cass A
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I guess I'm at the end of round 4 or is 5. Still allergic to verything outside. I know to be patient. Just sad.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
pollen allergie, etc., per ai, is caused by chemicals, not innocent plants. I know that sounds strange, but I will take their word for it.
At bottle 4 or 5, you have barely scratched the surface for "Americans". That is what I have recently been told. So be patient.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
thansk for this encouraging note gigi, for i am also still very reactive to some allergies, esp foods.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
As most know following this thread I am in poor health. M.S / Lyme. I have been doing A1 for 5 rounds now and I quite taking LDN,{Low dose Naltrexate}It is used for halting my M.S. symptoms. Somewhere during the second round I stoped taking it because I noticed My mouth would hurt { Trigeminal Neralgia } soon after taking my nightly dose.So I have been off it for several months now 4 to 5 ? not exactly sure.

Due to sleeping terriable I have taken a small amount of Xanaz nightly to sleep,I went 4 days without it a few weeks ago, I ran out . A friend gave me a small amount of thers although it was stonger than what I was taking,I tried to break them up but from the start of taking them 2 weeks ago, each day I was slowly getting weaker.I actualy had a acident in the bath tub the other day ,I fell in the tub and was scalded with very hot water .I'm trying to make the whole ugly scene condensed. So that day I flushed the rest of pills down the tolit. My eyesight on the friends pills were getting a little blurry but several days after the tub insident and stopping the pills Cold turky, I am having double vision,and wierd, but my right upper side of my chest has been numb for several days and has gotton progresivly worse.

So I dont know if all these problems are from stoping the LDN, the tub insident or stopping the pills. Or maybe some of each.Plus the fact that I cant sleep more than a few hours a night now since stopping the zanax.

I also thought that it could be very old symptomes surfacing due to the drops ? I hope you guys were able to understand my scattered post but I'm scared, tired and cant see strait.Any sugestions ?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Kisis, First, you the medication you described is one you have to wean off of.

It it possible to get an rx for a lower dose so you can stabilize and then work on the weaning process?

Upping the dosage or quitting cold turkey can produce i would work on stabilizing.

I do hope this helps. you could try low doseages of klonopin to help your sleep with melatonin and 5 htp. maybe others will also have something to add to help with sleep issues.

try and realize that you have went off two major medications and that you may be having symptoms withdrawal. I do not know alot about LDN but i understand it could be a steroid. when you take steriods it can suppresss symptoms and then going off of it, can uncover the mask so to speak.

i hope this helps. Runner
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Thanks for reply Runner. LDN is not a steroid but it does boost the immune responce. I've been off of it for almost 6 monthes but now i'm wondering if that was a wise move.I havent taken zanax for 3 days now and my eyes are still blurry, maybe a tad bit better and the numbness has moved, it's shifted towards my back more.I was finally able to sleep long and soundly last night. I took 1 advil PM 2 herbal Restful sleep and drank some sleepy time tea extra.I do have some 5 HTP my friend had sent me, do you are anyone know of a dosage I should try.Im sure the zanax was contributing to my weakness so I really dont want to get back on that.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
5htp..i take about 150-200mg , but each person is different depending on how sensitive you are. good luck.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I just got my testing back and it's pretty daunting! I am going to send for the treatment drops now.

I've been off all treatment for 7 weeks and my arthritis, tinnitus and headaches/bodyaches are back pretty significantly. can't tell what is relapse for Lyme or just a worn-out immune system.

i'm so tempted to try abx again, but I really want to give AI a shot. Four years of abx with increasing abx sensitivity has brought me to this point.

Any one else with similar path?

Fingers crossed,


Did anyone else
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
It's time we pull this innocent thread up into daylight. In my estimation, it is probably the most important thread moving on this board.

One of the bad symptoms my husband had was that I have had a hard time understanding him when he speaks for many months. It sort of became second nature. Well, it is gone, he now speaks perfectly strong and clear again.

Still into the 10th bottle - he came up with a total of 9 chemical groups, 7 biological substances, 6 toxins, and 7 blockades in the information field ----- all that while he constantly tests for toxic heavy metals - obviously now moving from where they were causing problems. We hope they are on their way out, but
am saving new hair growth from haircut to do hairtest soon.

All good things take time.
I hope all of you can be patient.
Take care.

The biological substances can be anything natural from our environment, a plant, a bee, an amino acid, a vitamin, a whatever. Doesn't matter. AI reversed the switch for the system to react the way it should. Many things happen during a serious disease process when the body starts to move into the wrong direction. AI reverses it.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
I just finished my 7th bottle and am mailing the sample for #8.

My most recent report still showed 7 chemical substances (that has been the magic number for the last 3, I think)

Also 9 energetic blockades, when previous reports have been lower, 3-5, I think.

So we are digging deeper. I'm sure some of this is grief related from some difficult death anniversaries. I needed a lot of rest and felt like doing not too much.

Physically, I revisited some old, probably bacterial and viral symptoms, lots of tonsil stones for a couple of weeks, sore throats, fatigue, pain in the lower GI tract for a week, a cold that came on suddenly when I overdid a little and got some unpleasant news.

It all feels like progress, though, and I persist with the fiber and binders to help sweep the toxins out.

Good luck to all!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
The strangest thing just occured symptom wise.

My very bad left knee normally is in constant pain...which I have had many years is now gone. I can walk up steps without it hurting and can bend and sit and kneel without the usual stiffness. The synovial tissue was always inflamed..and I had surgury years ago before I found out about lyme diagnosis.

Nothing helps it, so I always baby it! I have stopped any pounding exercises for the past 4 years as I was frightened of needing knee replacement in the future.

Always blamed it on running on pavement and aerobics on concrete floors in my youth!

This is so noticeable for me that I can hardly believe I have no pain now for two days. I have done nothing different and no other therapies at all...Let's see how long this lasts...

Would be interesting if this was a result of the drops.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Hobokinite, so sorry to hear you are still struggling with environmental allergies. My hayfever and asthma seemed to get better after round #5. I'm still very sick in other ways, though.

I just saw what GiGi posted on this thread about pollution/toxins being the real cause of pollen allergies.

This clip, from the documentary 'Allergy Planet', seems to confirm what AI is saying:

When diesel/car fumes bind to airborne dust or pollen, allergic people have a much worse reaction.

(formerly zombie_mummy)
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
For those interested, the entire documentary can be viewed on youtube in 6 parts:

It's quite relevant for those doing AI therapy.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
cool thanks zombie..

and thanks Gigi..i have thought about doing a hair test as well..keep us up to date with the results.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Lp, hope your knee continues to be pain-free!

I'm just about to start Round 5 today; 4th check showed same number of chemical [10], biological [3] and energetic [6] irregularities as the previous one, though of course they are not necessarily the same substances.

I have no positive changes to relate at the moment, but I know there are many rounds to go,

Best Wishes everyone,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Had a strange experience yesterday. Was on an hour drive to my dentist.

The entire drive, all I could smell was chemicals. I though I must be driving through an area with an industrial plant or something.

I realized I was in the country and the smell was that of a hair salon!!

It continued the entire trip and so I wonder if the last batch of chemicals that showed are up the ones I used on my hair over the years,
and were coming out.

LP - great news about your knee - hope it keeps up!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Interesting Nana about the smells...I too get things like that from time to time.

Day five of no knee pain...still for me.

This is so strange. Did not think the AI could help ever with these types of things...but it may be toxin related, and not just loss of cartledge.

IT still clicks when I walk up stairs...but no pain.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The only way to get rid of a chronic ailment is to detox. If you are depressed, you are toxic. If your feet ache, you are toxic. And one thing I have learned for certin: If you have Lyme, you are very, very, very toxic.

We are being bombarded with 80,000 (eighty thousand) chemicals every second of the day and night!

The only way out is to unload - as Dr. K. used to say "the only way out is the way through"......

Take care.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I am in a quandary and don't know what to do! I sent off sample #7 and just got the letter back saying they no longer can find any 'energetically relevant disruptions'.

During the past month, I caught a cold from my kids which turned into pneumonia. I was put on 10 days of Levaquin to clear it up.

As a result, I was doing abx during round 6 of AI. This was not my plan but I had an acute infection that could have been deadly if left untreated!

I wound up mailing off my sample while still on abx and now I am wondering if that interfered with their final analysis.

I am VERY ill with ALS/Lyme: unable to walk more than few steps, slurred speech, cannot dress or bathe myself without help, use breathing assistance (BIPAP machine) at night.

I find it hard to believe that someone as sick as I would be 'all cleared up' after just 6 rounds when others are on their 8th or 10th bottle.

So, what do I do now? Should I write to them and ask to be retested? Do I have to wait 3 months before sending? I am so ill, I'm not sure if I HAVE 3 months...

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

[ 11-18-2009, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: zombie ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
zombie, send ai a note telling them in two short sentences. I am sure this is what happens and it shuts down the system to where it does no longer reveal. Ask them to contact me if they do not understand your note. You and they have my e-mail.

Did you tell them that you took a medication?
If you did not, I would tell them.

Take care.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Thank you GiGi!

I will write to them in both languages and hope that they will agree to retest.

I neglected to tell them about taking the antibiotic.

I just want say that, although I am still crippled, AI has helped me already in so many other ways:

I no longer have tinnitus. It was so bad, I used to need a white noise machine at night in order to get some sleep.

If I ate even a molecule of the 'wrong' food, my mouth would break out in sores and I would become horribly constipated for days, sometimes weeks. This no longer happens!

I have suffered my whole life with dust/pollen/pet hair allergies. I used to wake up every am with a runny nose and would sneeze all the time. This stopped after AI round 5.

I have not used my asthma inhaler for 2 months.

By round 6, I figured we were just getting to the 'deeper' issues...
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :

I am sending my sample today . i have a question, my saliva already dried up on teh tissue! Does this mattter..any thoughts?

thanks, runner
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
R, Hope you can spit a bit again, put the tissue in a baggie and seal it. Wrap baggie flat in foil and mail. Foil is to avoid drying out. I am sure the "information" is still in it when dry. But they suggest foil around it.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Zombie, AI suggested you send in another sample in four weeks. Their reason: abx suppress the immune system and also the testing. Give it some time and maybe they will find more.

I mailed you last night, but thought to post it here just for the comments re abx and AI.

You have some great results already. That's wonderful!
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Has anyone ever tried tricking AI and putting someone else's blood or an animal's blood in the envelope as a test? [Smile]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If you have the guts, why don't you try it.

And you may be surprised, animals are just as toxic as humans.In fact, the first I heard of AI was from a person who had her dieing cat tested and treated and being healed. They actually treat animals, especially after vaccinations when the problems start.

In general, I think it is a disgusting thought and not worthy wasting a word on.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Seek - How would that be tricking them?

They get blood or saliva and send results for what they find.

Am I missing something?
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I just got my results from my most recent sample--number 7!

4 chemical substances and 7 energetic blockades.

Soooo....I'm onto my 8th round of the drops.

One DEFINITE improvement is that I'm not needing a nap every single day! And, my tinnitus is lessening a bit at a time.

I'm very glad to be doing this approach!


Cass A
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I just received my drops and plan to start them on the weekend. I have alot of inflammation right now and haven't taken any abx in about two months in preparation for AI.

My question is this: for those who are doing AI, do you have an alternative practitioner helping you?

My LLMD does not do any alternative treatments and is staying out of this choice that I've made. I am looking for someone as backup for detoxing issues, etc.

I do not have a biotensor and wouldn't know how to use it! I am going to be doing AI on my own. Other than chlorella, detox tea and Epsom Salt baths, I know very little about proper detox. In fact, I detox abx and chemicals poorly.

Everyone on this post seems to have a knowledge of testing methods or alternative practitioners to help them. Am I nuts to do this solo?


Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I posted earlier and i dont see it.

Anyway, i wanted to know if there are any suggestions for kidney support or lymph support?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, No, don't feel that way. I am not sure I would even take chlorella, unless you are certain you tolerate it well. Some people don't and chlorella also removes metal from the extracellular spaces and I would certainly wait until you clear the majority of the toxic substances. I think what is important is to make sure you get the appropriate liquids. It has been discussed in this thread. I also would not push with Epsom baths, etc. The drops will work for you without a lot of other extra detox methods, some of which your body may not be able to deal with yet until you clear some of the dysregulations.

Rest and relax as you can - would be my recommendation!

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi -- thank you once more for your sweet wisdom and kindness in replying so very quickly.

I have a question about the AI toxic metal explanation. Many chemicals were listed in yellow boxes, but only four were marked with red x's.

Does this mean that four are significantly worse than the others OR does it mean that only four were found out of all the others? Are the others part of my profile even if not X-ed?

Thanks, again, Gigi -- you are truly a saint!

Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi wiserforit2,

I've determined that something about chlorella doesn't agree with me, so I've stopped taking it. It seems to make my cheeks flush red and hot. Not sure why, but I'm following my body's clues anyway.

Something important to add in would be fiber to help sweep out any toxins that make it to your digestive tract and keep them from being reabsorbed back into your body.

GiGi has posted quite a bit about this in the thread here. You might go page-by-page through this entire thread using the *find on this page* feature on your browser toolbar to see if you can locate some of the information.

I've been taking fiber all along (8 months or so), and I do pretty well with it. Apple pectin fiber, ground flax seed, psyllium, detoxifiber, etc. would all work, depending on what you tolerate. I don't use a lot...just a small-enough dose to prevent getting the runs. This morning I ate an apple with the skin instead of drinking my fiber.

I take the fiber on an empty stomach, usually 30 minutes before a meal, or in the evening. Make sure you follow that with a meal or small snack that contains some healthy fat. Fat stimulates the release of bile, which carries the toxins with it. The fiber is already on board to soak it up.

Hope that makes sense. Others may have a different strategy with regard to timing.

Take care and good luck. Let us know how you're doing.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Wiser,

In reading the AI readout, the yellow is just to highlight the area. Red "x" marks where you personally have a problem.

Hope this helps!


Cass A
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wiseforit2 - The chemicals he lists are the ones he often finds and if there is a red X, that means your body does not recognize it as toxic.

Same for the metals if they have an x.

Foods your body thinks are toxic and chemicals that it does not = the chaos we all have.

More chemicals will show up later but he does not name them.

I do not have a practitioner helping me through this but I do have my friend Gigi!! I have learned a few things along the way with these drops however.

I know a few doctors who help people with detoxing but they do not understand this remedy.

They would have me on 10 different things which personally I don't think is a good idea.

Keep it simple is my best advice.

I took way too many binders right away thinking I was releasing metals.

It took quite a few rounds before that actually started happening and the binders did more harm than good for me.

I think the drops work gently - let them do their work. You are slowly detoxing the entire time you are taking them.

Rest, nourish yourself, and take his advice by not adding to the burden by taking a lot of other supplements etc.

The goal being for your body to relearn how to it's job without getting mixed messages.

All this is just my opinion/experience from having gone through 9 rounds. The less "stuff" I take, the better I feel.

My son goes to school "on the banks of the Hudson"!

Good luck and let us know how you are doing.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Nutmeg, Cass A and NanaDubo,

Thank you so much for your clarifying replies. I keep rereading the AI explanations and report, hoping it will make more sense to me. It is always so helpful to learn from your wise replies.

I plan to follow your advice and start drops the day after Thanksgiving with no supplements or detox stuff. I will miss my magnesium, since it keeps my legs from cramping.

Just soup, applesauce, teas and nourishment with rest... here goes....

May you all have a healthy, peaceful Thanksgiving,

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I agree with all about waiting it out and not adding anything but fiber and fluids!

I am waiting for round 7, and as I have waited longer than normal by sending in my new sample over a month later than normal, I am noticing and experiencing more regulations!

I know more chemicals are being released. I feel fantastic. My knee is still not hurting, my urine is very potent...and another fantastic long lost labido has returned. I will not say more about that...except my husband is very happy!

I can't think of anything else to cause all my "regulations' but the drops. I am just so happy to feel normal again, as I forgot what that felt like.

Just saw my daughter at college...and her health is fantastic. I have never seen her look so good physically in many years. Her skin is still not great with the acne...but I know she is releasing chemicals. She is taking nothing but the drops...and I"m sure she can use binders...but she won't take anything extra now as she is so glad to be off abx and all her many previus supplements. But there is a lag time between getting her samples sent and finishing the drops for her.

Mailing is not easy for her, so I have to get her sample when I visit and send with we may take a little longer to complete the series. But that is ok...This is why I am not posting as much as before.

Both son and daughter coming home today for a few days!!!Can't contain my joy! Will report on him later Nana when I find out the true scoop. He did have to take those darn vaccinations...forced. He said he had no effect from them, but was concerned himself getting them. Many sick kids on the "banks of the hudson" he says.

I find the biotenser helps tremendously for choosing binders when needed. Would recommend getting one during this. It is not hard to use. People here can help you learn.

A Thanksgiving Blessing to Gigi, Nana and all you AI posters. Thanks for giving me your knowledge, support and passing on healing to me, my family, and others unselfishly. I am very grateful.


Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
A good day it would seem. Great news LP, heartwarming to read.

My husband just got a letter from A I. No more dysregulations found.

This gives me hope as his test looked every bit as bad if not worse than mine. He is a good deal younger than I am so that makes a difference.

His new test shows almost all areas in the green now with a few in the yellow range.

Much to be thankful for.

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :

Thank you all for posting your progress..I feel so encouraged.
Lp that is wonderful news! I hope you have a fantastic time with your family for Thanksgiving..and to all who read this.

I wonder sometimes if i have not had more signs of energy due to my digestion being low. However, i am trying to add in more soft steamed fish and softer foods with pureed rice and porridge and i think this is helping...
My doctor wants me to support my liver and gallbladder more. he suggested actigall but i am leary of that so i am going to try oxbile.

Wise, i agree with Nutmeg..I posted this when you wrote and for some reason it did not get published. What i wanted to express is that i have had severe issues with mercury for a long time, from long term consumption of fish on the atlantic, but also from and amalgam and vaccinations all at once in a short time frame. I absolutely cannot handle makes my symptoms worse. some benefit from it, but like everyone else has suggested, it may be best to get the tensor to check yourself and see what tests best. Alginate has been a great binder for me personally.

Anyway Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Runner
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Wiser, good luck with the AI therapy! I'm in the UK without access to practitioners who can help with ART or other testing, so you're not alone in this.

I'm sure the others are right in suggesting plenty of liquids and fibre in the diet as the primary help. I'm on round 5 and notice a metallic/chemical taste, so am taking a binder at night and sometimes zeolite/ Pectasol.

I have also been getting strange, lumpy spots on my left upper arm and a bit on my chest/neck. The 4 on my shoulder have been there for a few months now: I hope they GO sometime before next summer. I have never had spots there in my life before and they are ugly!

I also have increased bodily discomfort, lower back and left hip pain and more general aching and tenderness.....hope this is a positive sign with AI and not being off antibiotics!

Lp, good news for you [and your husband!] and hope you enjoy your children's visit.

Best Wishes everyone,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Carry, he practices in the UK and so does Dr. K. There are a number of others.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Gigi, thank you, that's very sweet of you.

I've come across him before: it's the distance [for him and Dr K] and transport problems that make it impractical for me.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
GiGi, thank you very much for contacting AI on my behalf!

I finished the abx on Oct. 29th. Has enough time elapsed or should I wait longer before resending my sample?

[ 11-27-2009, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: zombie ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
zombie, I would send it in now. The four weeks they suggested are almost over. Be sure you tell them in "brief" what has gotten better, what has gotten worse, and what still remains. I think it helps to take the time to do this, but do it in short precise sentences so they understand.

Get well!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :

I am wondering if there might be any tried and trued remedies out there for kidney and lymph support? I am drinking teas..but my legs get tight and almost swollen.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
When I was experiencing a mild crisis with the lymph and kidney, especiallly after begining the AI, it was recommended to me to try the Pekana products: "big Three". They are for Kidney, lymph and liver and come together but in three different bottles.

They helped tremendously along with the fluids, and exercise. Started rebounding and brisk walking with it. And added in lymph drainage massage and using a brush before my shower to move lymph fluids. I attacked it from all angles.

As far as fluids...I added electrolytes,"selectrolyte product". This also helped me absorb the fluids in the cellular level and the lymph moves better with those. I still take electrolytes occasionally when needed by adding to my Pelegrino or regular filtered water. This is essential for me to detox. My body tends towards dehydration, which I believe is a big problem that was finally uncovered for me to address and start healing.

I think those like me with KPU...detox difficulties...occasionally need some support.

But I use a biotenser to help determine when I need these products. I do not use them daily, only when testing for them. I haven't used them for quite a while now, but they did help!

Hope these ideas help Runner!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Yes, Runner, ditto LP. Use your little tensor on all the many products that I know you must have sitting around.

And eat lots of asparagus and be sure to drink the water you steamed it in!

Take care.

We have used Renelix for years. UNDA 243 works for both kidney and liver. Use your tensor. Remember the salt glass (sole) on my windowsill? Add drops into your daily waters.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Is anyone else getting 'the sweats'?

For 2 months now, I periodically will break out in a heavy sweat for no apparent reason.

When I check my temp it's always normal or slightly below.

I thought I read something about this on the AI website but now I can't find it.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thank you LP and Gigi..

Lp, i do excercise, and lots of water but nothing is cutting this lately.
I was trying to avoid homepathics..for Gigi is right i have lymph 6x, lymph drainage.

Thank you kindly for the suggestions. I think half of my fatigue is i cannot get rid of the toxins..its like i unleashed a watershed.
I also need to support the liver..

A good liver cleanser i have done over the years i would like to share:

a whole lemon blended in 1 cup of water, 1 tsp-1tbsp of olive oil and lecithin granules..blended...and then strained..good in am on emptyp tummy.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Solidago is a good kidney cleanser.

Yes, Zombie, my sweats are perhaps even worse on the drops.

Infuriatingly, Round 5 has been cut short to 9 days of drops instead of 14, as I can't find them anywhere!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
zombie..I too had very bad sweats on and off. I am sure related to the drops, but mixed in with pre-menopausal sweats most likely as well.

Also had very bad body odor at the time of the sweats...very repugnant odor! This month the body and urine odor is very bad but no sweats.

Moving chemicals and metals this month, and I think its releasing all sorts of things through my pores!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Sweating is part of detoxification.

Have you all read this?

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi -

Thank you for Scott's post -- I read it and was interested in Dr. Klinghardt's ideas on Lyme.

That said, I cannot help but wonder if "lung worms" and other parasites mentioned flee the body eventually during various phases of AI that may the body seem less hospitable to them.

I am on day two of the first drops and feel winded and tired.I'm glad to be doing this. I hope to do as many phases as possible, but I fear that they will not eradicate the co-infections and such.

Any sage words?


Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks Gigi for bringing this up. this is fantastic. I know i have roundworms..they came out when i did my liver cleanse a few months back..interesting, bc i never paid much attention to them , everyone has told me it is to do with the terrain.

Wise, i wonder the same thing..but my guess is AI works on a continum i am sure the body is constantly cleaning house, one reason we cant go and put the toxin back in.
Maybe Gigi can comment on this one.

Take care, R
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, "but I fear that they will not eradicate the co-infections and such"


The purpose of ai is to get the dysregulations out of the way, so that the immune system can start to deal with problems again. The best way is to not live with fear and worries about what may or may not be, but to try to remember that ENERGY FOLLOWS THE THOUGHT ..... We may not want to believe it, but everything we touch started with a thought before we could touch it - this chair - this computer - and so does every event in our body. When you give into worries, we sound 'sour' and turn acidic at the same time. Terrain, terrain, terrain. We all know deep down what caused the condition of our terrain to be what it is. Our circumstances, our inability to cope, our lifestyle. At least I know.

I feel our attitude determines a lot of the outcome - at least it does for me.

Yes, Runner, the drops are the kindling to get the fire started - and we need to supply the oxygenated attitude to keep it going .....

Have a good night all.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Explore Capsicum!
I have always played around with capsicum - chili pepper - made a tincture of it and stuff my husband full of it. I was told by my doctor to take as much as possible. It certainly warms up this body! and got some of the old out of print books full of capsicum wisdom mentioned there via amazon. supplies me with a most powerful (160,000 hu) capsicum powder. Wonder why I have never heard about it to combat biofilm. It's a natural, and can't think of much where it would not be of help -

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
When I had the big trouble with my heart because of shot adrenals and sudden hyperthyroidim earlier this summer, I found cayenne tea [half to one teaspoon in hot water...with honey and garlic if you want... gave some relief.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Re: Sweating
I found this passage on FAQ page of the AI website, using Google Translate:

"Is there a healing crisis?

A healing crisis can in principle occur with any form of physical self-healing processes. After our recent experience, a healing crisis is rather the exception.

If you play a healing crisis, this is no cause for concern. Confuse the symptoms (not to be the causes of symptoms) can be with drugs rather keep well under control. - Please ask your doctor or pharmacist.

-You can call us in cases like, especially if you feel insecure. Experience such symptoms disappear after about three days.

A simple example: An interested party feels as though he had a severe flu with high fever. It is measured, however, its temperature, it is quite normal.

It is thus a subjective sensation, but usually disappear fairly quickly. Are you still unsure, contact your doctor or pharmacist."
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Some of our dysregulations are engraved in DNA as a memory and will feel very real when the correction is made via the drops. I lived through a couple of these events until I realized the memory came and went within a few days, feeling certain sensations/pain connected to a very old event that happened in my life years ago, some more recent.

It is part of this type of therapy.

My pain and sensation disappeared within about 3 days, before I had a chance to start worrying about it or ask a doctor about it. That was several months ago and the same pain never showed up any more since then. Gone.

Take care.

Carry, I will add your capsicum tea recipe to my book. Thank you.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hmm..the capsicum tea is good for adrenals?

Great...i know i use alot of it, esp in the winter time.

Thank you Gigi..

I know i very often feel i have a fever, yet do not. I have had many instances where i have "retraaced " during this time.

tonight i was able to work on a collage i am making for a project for my class. I used to not be able to concentrate for feeling like a had a swarm of bees around my head..and tonight i was clear. I stay in gratitude for these moments.

Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
i wonder if lung worms are at all connected to air hunger, or in my case, air starvation.

on anti-microbal protocol from d k's office. will talk to him in feb about AI. looking for a time to go off everything and begin ai.

in the meantime, i'll be watching and cheering every improvement noted.

goddess' speed.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Another painful and annoying symptom has just cropped up. It feels like a UTI...(urinary tract infection), but it is not. Very painful urinating and just painful in general inside. Could not sleep last night with the strange pain.

Urine smells very bad.

Tensor confirms chemical release and no UTI. Test for lots more fluids, chlorella, garlic, apple pectin, and kidney support. Tempted to get a urine culture to just be sure. But am waiting this one out, as I have been amazed at all my recent regulations on the drops. I will report.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
The cayenne tea is primarily for the heart, Runner...sorry for any confusion.

Lemon balm tea was also helpful at that time with helping to calm the violent palpitations.

Lp, hope the pain improves soon.

My back pain has eased and I notice that I now have a lot of pain/inflammation around both knees, especially below and the inner side of the knees.

Knee pain was never a major Lyme symptom for me, although there has been some swelling, but it's certainly troubling at's as the pain is migrating more than usual and I'm hoping that this is a response to the AI drops./
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I'm completing day three of my very first week and have lots of sensitivity to the drops within 10-30 minutes of taking them.

Shortly after taking the drops, I feel exhausted, spacey, anxious with sweaty upper extremities and cold lower extremities and more ear ringing. In addition, I get very sad and discouraged and irritable.

I'm shooting for 3 or even 2 drops rather than 5 each time; hoping that this will regulate me a little more. So far, the need to sleep is staggering.

This shouldn't surprise me, I guess, since I am hyper-sensitive to just about everything. I hope the more depressive symptoms will lift soon -- they fade as it gets to be time for the next "dose."

Is this standard?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
It's all part of the therapy trying to get order to the chaos. Try to rest - think positive - roll with it. Lots of liquids containing nutrients as is discussed in the earlier portion of this thread to help clearing.

Yes, do less drops when necessary. It will get better and better.

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Many of us experienced unique exhaustion on the drops in the beginning. For me it happened in the first two rounds. I just napped when I needed it.

My daughter had the same "tired" symptoms as me on the first rounds, but my son who had no problems when I put him on the drops, has had no reactions at all he reports. I think for him they are doing quiet deep regulation that will benefit him as he ages and his future children.

But my daughter believes now as she sees and experiences her own positive changes.

The more problems you have, the more reactions you will experience I believe.

Exhaustion passes on later rounds. Others had hypersensitivity like you and did less drops at first.

Emotional responses seem common in the beginning, especially for those with depression, or who need healing of deep inner wounds. They resurface, so be prepared to deal head on with them, and know that is part of your physical healing. Things are going in reverse and it seems we all revisit all our pains, both mental and physical.

I now welcome these visits from the past knowing they are gifts to move forward. Think positive when they occur and you will heal faster.

Keep posting and you will get encouragement here. Hang in does work!!!!!! report....after a week of increasing "UTI" type pain, today, I finally am pain free. No symptoms like before.

I am "learning" to trust that I am clearing new things on each round, but the pain and odd things that are surfacing are very real at the time, and finally very gone! Amazing!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi and Lightparfait -- thank you!

It is very helpful to know the spectrum of reactions during the various rounds. Right now I am dealing with migraines/ear aches along with the fatigue. I hope that I can increase from 2 drops x3 to 3 or 4 next week, but I'll just wait and see. I look forward to experiencing more improvement.

Gigi - there is a blind faith aspect to this treatment that is new to me. The physical reactions feel depressive while my mind struggles to explore and stay positive. Sometimes, however, the mind feels very tired and down without having any significant thoughts or images. Rest feels as imperative as liquids!

LP, I'm glad the UTI symptoms have gone and that you are pain free. It sounds as if your children are really benefiting from the drops too.

I, too, wonder which issues will resolve and turn out not to be simply Lymic in origin. My desire is to be able to put my family on AI drops too, but first I want to experience its benefits myself. [Whole family is Lyme-involved whether through bites or in utero...]

Thank you both for your support. I feel like I'm free-falling on this treatment, so your kindness in communication is very grounding.


Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I would also add that everyone reacts differently to the drops. I find the fatigue has continued in later rounds and as I work full time napping is not so easy.

I had to give the drops a break or I would not function at work.

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi, I also have had great fatigue during the drops..i think it is a part of it..and better than anxiety that is for sure.

I am finding i really love braggs nutritional gives so much of the much needed B vitamins. i know this might be a tried for many of you..but i never felt i could tolerate it. I sprinkle it on my soups and veggies..even toast.

I also understand about trying to stay positive during the choas.

I agree with wise, it is so helpful to have feedbaack on this post. It is much akin to "blind faith" but i think with the first round you will be able to tell..

staying positive is important,, it hink the tensor will help you with that to know what to take, lymph detox, kidney et..

good luck,R
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi all,

I just got my 8th report and round of drops today. I will start them tomorrow.

After all this time--9 months--there are quite a few things to fix--8 toxins and 6 energetic blockades showed up this round.

I wish it were possible to know what they all are, but at least I know the AI drops will root them out.

Good luck to everyone.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Runner,

WOW! Glad the nutritional yeast is working for you! When I was using it daily, I decided that you'd really know you were a "health food freak" when you started craving the taste of brewers' yeast! LOL!!

I still recommend it to anyone asking for help, especially if they have any attention, mental, or emotional issues (and who doesn't????!!!)

On my 8th round of drops, I'm noticing that things coming up tend to last 2-3 days. For example, I had intense eye itching and one very dry eye for about 3 days. I even had to put some eyedrops in it. Now, today, my eyes were tearing up and the tears were running down my face!!

Knee pain on, then off. Back pain on, then off. Fatigue on, then off (briefly). Temperature sub-normal, normal, elevated, subnormal, normal.

Well, at least it's not boring!!


Cass A
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Cass A, I'm glad to read your description of the off and on problems, because I can identify with them: especially the back pain, then the knees [swollen and painful at present below and to the side] and also the intense eye itching:

We must have similar chemicals!

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Lp, very glad to hear that your pain has gone!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks Cary...let's see what's next!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Okay, I'm on day five of my first phase and my feet don't hurt FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOUR YEARS!

I may feel tired and have a migraine, but MY FEET DON'T HURT!

Just felt like crowing,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I was tired and had headaches too wiser. That is fantastic that your feet are getting a break.

I'm waiting for round 10 and have been experiencing some headaches again and "tissue pain" - that's all I can call it.

My hunch is metals on the move and sometimes get stuck in these places.

Tensor and heavy metal vials always indicate metals in my spine at the location of a spinal fracture.

I never felt all those metals going in, but coming out..... that's another story.

Just did some hair cutting for a metals test so will wait and see what the results are.

I believe that the metals are the biggest issue for me right now and I KNOW that much of what I blamed on lyme was metal toxicity.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I agree about the metals Nana! I Know the metals are causing my fibromyalgia pain in my neck and upper back area where my muscles are so tight.

Also my tenser indicates asparatame as a main chemical I am now detoxing. All those diet sodas as a teenager!!!
Then sweet n low ,splenda etc in my coffee and tea for years on glad to be clearing it all!

[ 12-04-2009, 08:13 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I also feel my metals are a major issue. they get on themove but i think they get stuck..
I can tell when i take binders or a chelator i can really feel different. i have to remind myself staying up on the detox is so vital to my physical and emotional body.
sometimes i forget or what i take isnt the right thing and i can get emotional about it.
i have dmps here for a wile now and havent used it. the last few nites i havent been able to go to sleep and i have had to take an antihistamine and my alginate at 1am. since ihave been struggling alot with mercury i took dmps today and it did give me some cognitive problems but my over energy really increased. i am hoping that my sleep improves. i hope ididnt just dislodge it with the dmps to be moved somewhere else..i am hoping i excrete it. i am also supporting my kidneys. it is amazing the reaction i have to dmps. i dont know if i just need it or if my body is reacting ot the sulfer.
I am waiting on my #7 or 8 drops this week. this time i sent a drop of blood over there..
i am anxiously awaiting.
hope you all are doing well. Runner
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Well, I'm on day nine of my first round and I'm surviving. I am plenty tired and headachey, but the pain in my feet remains gone.

Now my head, neck, shoulders and ears are very tense and painful. I am also getting little blisters on my scalp! Tinnitis is still humming away.

I keep drinking Tincup's Detox Tea and hoping for the best. This certainly is not as bad as my reactions to abx. I can't help wondering if the Lyme & co's are jockeying for a toe-hold without the abx suppressing them.



[ 12-08-2009, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: wiserforit2 ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Little blisters can be detox. Many of us here have spoken about skin breakouts of different kinds.

Hang in there, things will change.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Originally posted by wiserforit2:

I plan to follow your advice and start drops the day after Thanksgiving with no supplements or detox stuff. I will miss my magnesium, since it keeps my legs from cramping.

Just soup, applesauce, teas and nourishment with rest... here goes....

if you feel you really need magnesium, perhaps you should take it. I know it is the ONE supplement I can't do without.

You could try transdermal magnesium spray. I am using it and so is GiGi, I believe.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If you know you definitely test for a nutrient, I would take it. It is the massive intake of supplements with all the fillers, etc. that may still cause reactions because the substance wasn't cleared yet.

This is especially true once you are through the first few bottles.

We are now on bottle #10 and since my husband is testing positive for every conceivable toxic metal, he is now now using 1) KPU which he tests for; and metal detox items which he has cleared
(DMPS, DMSA, Biologo Detox) and all other support which he tests energetically well for.

While heavy metal detox was always a struggle with many symptoms before AI, there are now zero symptoms connected with clearing the heavy metals after AI. We are also using Ketalox (suppository), mainly for lead problems, only when they test and, as with any metal detox agents, minerals have to be replaced. MSM working up high amounts. Need the sulfur to grab the metals.

I discussed all this with HG. He tests the major items and the tested okay with my tensor testing and his testing.

ABX is a no-no while on AI because, in HG's words, it cancels the immune system. I know I have heard that many times of the years!!!!! and totally agree with it.

Whatever we accumulated over the years, will find its way out - so even a rash is a positive. It's got to come out somehow in order for us to get well again.

More later.

Hope you people in the weather make it through fine. We have icy cold and clear blue sky!

Take care.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I use a pure, powdered form of mg oxide -has no fillers. I add it to juice or water and drink.

I get my transdermal mg chloride spray here:

I use after showering (spray all over).
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
GiGi, what is your husband's KPU protocol? Is he using Depyrrol or taking something else?

How many rounds of AI did he complete before starting KPU?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Be careful with Magnesium Oxide. It is an antacid and laxative, but I don't think it is meant for longterm intake.

My husband started "CORE" when it became available at Biopureus between PSP#9 and 10. He energetically tests to take 3 CORE pills a day. If you go on it, you will have to have some precautions to catch the metals as they fall out. We are doing it under guidance by DK and/or people trained by him in ART. Do you have anyone to assist you?

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Three more days of Phase one left to go and I am fatigued, sad, loads of headaches, indigestion, achiness and dizziness. Got worse with cranial sacral massage. Feet still are pain-free, so that part is good.

Feels like Lyme is slapping me around. I want to believe that this detoxifying from the drops though. Wonder if it is metals.

Springshowers and Zombie, thanks for the magnesium information.

Still hanging in there and curious as to what two weeks without drops will be like. Eager to send my sample for phase two.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Just received my hair test from Doctor's Data. We are dumping metals - dumping - dumping - dumping. Never had a hair test that showed high levels like this (and have had a few over the years). If it's in the hair, it is on its way out.

I have not done KPU. Allergie Immun is causing this release of toxic metals. You need to help it out when you get to that point.

My husband's test should come back any minute also. Doctor's Data $49.00; get kit from your ND or whoever understands that metals are a huge huge problem for literally everyone.

Wise, I would not do a lot of cranial work right now - at least not until you have cleared the most basic errors in your system. Cranial work releases more toxin and if your immune system does not recognize them, you are chasing and redistributing. For myself, I would not do Cranial at this moment. Your body is so busy starting re re-regulate and does not need anything else. You need to clear some of the major chemicals etc. too before you do much else.
Just my opinion from what I learned over the years.

Take care.

P.S. Dr. K. just started - a few days of AI and is very impressed and positive.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I just ordered my kit for my hair test.
I handled my dmps doseage better than i ever have a few days ago.

It seems viruses and metals are up for me at the moment.

Thanks Gigi for all you shared..i just keep learning from you.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Think my sample got lost in the mail to Germany or my drops are missing somewhere...been waiting over a month for it...and just recieved my sons drops, which we sent his sample in way after ours.

Haven't heard back from A.I. yet about it...guess I"ll have to send it to them again.

It's hard for me to get my daughters sample from college...I had to make a special trip to get it last time...oh well...there's always something.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Light, why not send her a baggie with an inch or two of tissue and a self-addressed stamped, envelope ---!!!!! These kids!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I have not gotten mine drops either Light.
i wrote but havent heard back..

cant wait though, round 7..or 8.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Gigi...I have done that...and each time she sends me her sample from does not make it out of the mailroom! Very odd. She has sent me a dozen samples that I have given up!

[ 12-15-2009, 09:05 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
ok...I think I figured out why I am not getting my drops. They are not addressing the package correctly. German misinterpretation I believe. I just saw on the symptoms form that my state is not in the my town is in the place where the state should be...and they only put a 4 digit zip code on it. My zip code starts with an "0" and they omitted the "0". NO wonder it has not arrived.

Just letting people know to look at that page if you use it when you send in your saliva, and see if it is correctly addressed in the right format by your name.

Up until the last sample, I wrote my own page of what has changed and what needs improvement and enclosed my custom page with my address boldly printed. This last time I used their page thinking it would be easier for them. I did not see the wrongly written address.

So everyone, check to see if they know how to address your package correctly.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Had a call from Dr.K. He is delighted with PSP/AI drops - he has more energy because he now gets a good night's sleep. He used to tell me ten years ago that he has trouble sleeping. In those days I used to spent the night walking around my house singing to help the pain. So one down, and a few more to go for him. He has taken about 7 days of drops of the #1 bottle. Pretty amazing. I am delighted for him and for his patients.

Thought you all might want to know.

My husband is energizing himself on the Galileo, a vibration instrument to aid balance problems, improving blood circulation, improvement of muscle force and power, osteoporosis and fall prevention, back pain treatment and prevention. He doesn't suffer from all these, but we are celebrating today his 84th birthday walking carefully!

Take care.

Light, hope it gets there soon.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Great news about Dr.K. GiGi! I am curious to see where the drops will take him and how many rounds he will need.

Herzlichen Gl�ckwunsch zum Geburtstag, Herr J.G.!
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Originally posted by GiGi:

Be careful with Magnesium Oxide. It is an antacid and laxative, but I don't think it is meant for longterm intake.

My husband started "CORE" when it became available at Biopureus between PSP#9 and 10. He energetically tests to take 3 CORE pills a day. If you go on it, you will have to have some precautions to catch the metals as they fall out. We are doing it under guidance by DK and/or people trained by him in ART. Do you have anyone to assist you?

Take care.

Thanks for the info on magnesium oxide, GiGi. I do feel I can't live without mg... Perhaps I ought to switch back to mg citrate powder, which is what I used before.

I am not doing KPU, just researching. I have no one to help me and I don't know of any one near me who practises ART, unfortunately.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
GiGi, I would think Dr. K would require less drops than most here as he's certainly the most educated and I would imagine healthiest man on the planet with his knowledge. I'm interested to hear how it goes. Thanks for the update.

I used to think everything was 'water.' I'm starting to re-think this. [Smile] I think I may have been the fool.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
Dr K is human and i imagine working with us tough cases with zillions of microbes can be tough if you are not protected. i imagine he has to constantly detox from us. i think that his commitment to his work is inspirational.

i just bought my tickets to see him in february. it's been way too long between appts.

i'm waiting for my 1st set of drops. thank you all for pioneering, and especially GiGi.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
hmm..thanks light i will check mine..for my drops have not come.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Yes, Seek, it's never too late to learn something new. We need nutrients to run our engine, but it won't run without energy/light. Without light there is no life. Fix your broken vacuum with a new part to replace the damaged one. Still won't run? Not until you plug it in and give it electricity/energy = light. Check out Prof. Popp, biophoton researcher. School medicine still does not quite admit to this. Maybe in another hundred years. ???

Thank you, Zombie.
Thanks all others.

Take care.
Posted by Tonglen (Member # 18472) on :
Just started my first round of drops and will keep you posted.

Gigi, Aliyalex, or anyone-are you aware of housing near Dr. K's that is safe for those with severe chemical sensitivity? I called his office and the best suggestion is iffy based on my talk with the owner of the place. I'd love to see him but travel is extraordinarily difficult-can't stay in regular hotels, etc.

Many thanks for any ideas and happy holidays all!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
So glad Dr. K is seeing results! This will give the treatment credibility!

All I can report is that I am constantly surprised by the symptoms that are going away. Things I did not anticipate!

I feel new...happy....content...and anxiety free for the first time I can remember! I just pray it lasts!

What Gigi comments on about energy/light is so true. This is what I am learning about the most this past year. How to "plug in" to the light, release the darkness, and allow the natural healing to take hold. This was a missing piece over the years of treatments. This is the reason I chose the new name "light" to emotionally release the stigma of lyme.

Sending Christmas Light and holiday wishes to all my A.I. friends...LP.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
FYI: Just got an email from HG...he is resending our drops! I encouraged him to double check his USA customers addresses, and gave him an example of how to properly address a USA package, with city, state and 5 number zip code. This will save him time and money reshipping things!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, they address things with computer. Europe puts the zip code in front of the town or city, which makes sense, because mail is sorted on that basis. Here, zip code goes in back. That often gets things messed up, numbers cut off, etc.

Biochemicals are activated by the energy or light. If the energy information = light is not present in the correct form in the DNA, the next process, effective biochemical action, does not take place eventually causing the whole body system to malfunction. Dysregulations and energetic chaos in the system. Lights in the house go dim - one light shuts down, others shut down. Just like the Christmas tree lights. This is what happened to many of us -

Prof. Fritz Popp has designed an instrument by which he can tell the difference between an organic egg from roaming chicken from the battery egg. Same with plants. One has light (certain frequencies or color) - the others have less.
He lost his position at the University! If you google, lots of info available. Makes what we are doing easier to understand.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I had been posting about MSM since the year 2000. Nana just found this article and you have got to read it.

There is no metal detox unless you have plenty of sulfur on board. It's a negative all the way around without sufficient sulfur protection. Do not use the MSM sold in farm supply stores. Alu is used in the drying process. To find the quality, go to Design for Health MSM - they explain the different processes. I posted it some years ago, but can't put my hands on it right now. Because it needs to be taken in high amounts to restore the deficiency, make sure you get the best quality.

Thank you, ND

[ 12-12-2009, 05:56 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I recieved round 7.

I have 6 chemical substances, and 10 energetic bockages. I am a little confused bc last time i had 3 chemical substances and 8 energetic blockages..

Maybe its still the onion theory deeper and deeper.

I want to take msm but i do not handle sulfur well at all..anyone else have this problem?

thanks all..Runner
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, DMPS, DMSA, contain sulfur which is the binding agent for mercury, etc. You mentioned you did fine with a recent DMPS treatment.
Sulfur attacks fungi also , so possibly you are reacting to fungi die-off when you take sulfur. Do you tolerate garlic, onions, etc.? All inthe sulfhydril group.

Maybe you were reacting to certain sulfur containing amino acids causing metal mobilization, i.e. cysteine and others???

Maybe muscle test and/or send it to HG to correct the error if that is the case.

Talked to Dr. K. today at his seminar and he is quite excited about AI. The simplicity of it. I showed him my hair test results that he had asked to see and he got even more excited. From the mineral base that Drs.Data also show as part of the test, all looks great, except he suggested I, in my case, add 2 CORE, the capsule he put together to deal with KPU. My zinc was slightly low.

As I think of it, struggling through Lyme would have been much easier if done after finishing the AI therapy. It would have been a l o t easier, mainly on the body, I am convinced. I am also convinced that it is impossible to clear the infections without clearing the dysregulations to metals, fungi, the hundreds of chemicals, foods, etc. plus the inherited unresolved conflicts, and probably most important, the miasms from ancestors.

Well, glad I did not give up and kept searching for better ways and that you joined me on this excursion. I think we will appreciate AI even more when we are done.

Take care and have a Blessed Advent Sunday.

Runner, Possibly send HG a quarter thimble full of MSM to have it tested with your saliva.

yes, "Maybe its still the onion theory deeper and deeper." He is still trying to turn on all the lights in the highrise, one by one; any other way would be too hard for us to handle.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Runner, I don't handle sulfur well either but I am building up the amount of MSM.

If you read the article I found, you will see that a reaction to MSM is probably because our metal loads are high.

If you build up slowly this will eventually pass. Knowing I was sensitive to it, I started off with a tiny amount.

The powder seems to be the best - no other ingredients. All the capsules I've looked at have mag stearate etc.

The article states that MSM also goes after some parasites. Do read it, quite an amazing substance.

Gigi posted the link above.

Try not to worry about the number of chemicals and blockages. Sometimes I get high numbers, sometimes low.

My drops are taking a long time getting here (#10) and I am missing them!

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Very interesting about Dr K: I had been wondering if he went ahead with the drops.

Dr Levenson, the UK expert [no longer alive, I believe] who diagnosed me 9 years ago with mercury sensitivity, recommended MSM too as one of his chelation/binding agents. I took it for a long while and intend to start again with it.

Tonglen, all good wishes for your AI treatment!

Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
I think I want to start the AI. I am overwhelmed trying to read all the info here.I have a 3 week headache that just won't quit.

I just don't feel like reading all this so if someone would be so kind as to point me in the direction of how to start and where to mail, etc.

I know it's here somewhere but just not up to trying to find it.

I've been going back and forth about what treatment to do and I think this is it for now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Here is the page where you order from:

You need Paypal to make the payment -you can either order just the test (90EU) or the test + treatment (395EU).

Saliva or blood sample is mailed here:

In den Hahndornen 16
67273 Bobenheim am Berg

Put a few drops of blood or saliva on a tissue, seal inside a plastic zip baggie, and then fold a piece of tinfoil around it.

Include a brief summary of your symptoms.

I use a regular letter-size envelope + an international stamp -be sure to write "AIR MAIL" on it.

Hope this helps.

[ 12-13-2009, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: zombie ]
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Thanks so much Zombie. I really appreciate it.

So I pay and then they send me a kit, is that right? I'm going to do the treatment also.

Also, does it matter that I still have my amalgam fillings?

Hopefully when I feel better I can read this book you all have created here. LOL I don't think I could comprehend much right now anyway.


[ 12-14-2009, 07:21 AM: Message edited by: sapphire101 ]
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
You don't need to wait for a kit. You can mail off your sample right away. I edited above to include that info.

I believe the general consensus is that AI therapy is okay to do with amalgams still in.

In fact, it may make later removal and chelation safer (because AI resolves any allergies to heavy metals).
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Gigi and all..
Thank you so much for this. I feel like this post is a light during a dark tunnel that i am trying to fumble through at times.
I notice i am really getting hung up around the liver gallbladder area and my lymphatic system.

I too got a kit from doctors data for a hair analysis. This is going to be exciting. If i show i am pouring metals out, it will help my mental state when i feel so teerible.

Gigi, i did do very well with dmps. Almost I always have. However when i take msm it makes me feel terrible. I will however send some to HG and get it desensitized bc i know this is such a crucial element for heavy metal detoxification.
I handle eggs and garlic in very small amounts.

Yes, i am very glad you stumbled upon this therapy Gigi. You are a bright woman, who i am so fortunate to have learned from.

I am also convinced it is difficult to clear anyting without clearing the toxicity.
I think its inteesting bc now i am showing for bugs, and less chemicals according to my doctor. My question is what do we do for the bugs currently while on AI? I am showing 4 virses active in my bloowork , and lyme and babesia seem to be apparent..

Happy Advent Sunday to all of you ..anda blessed holiday season. Runner
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Hi Gigi, Curious if Dr K stopped all supps he is on.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Runner...I too had the lymph/gall bladder/liver back up and needed some help with drainage.

I took the suggestion from previous posts to take the Pekana "Big Three" drainage kit...and when I tested for it, it helped tremendously.

I haven't needed it in a while now...but it did help when needed.

My lymph is moving now, and I no longer have the extra puffy look of accumulated fluid. I was gaining weight and my jeans were not I am slimming down naturally to my original shape. I was up about 10 pounds! Very disturbing at the time...but I tried to just remain calm about it and let my body do its natural thing. Just doing the drops...but adding that drainage from Pekana was helpful I believe to get things flowing out!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Dr. K. is not in favor of taking supplements day in, day out. He takes Only what he needs to correct a deficit and then it is always energetically tested and it changes all the time.

He also strongly suggests taking vitamin vacations to his patients. Many take vitamins to which they are or have become allergic to
and which block their regulation. Patients come with two sacks of bottles and go home with a few they should take. He thinks much of what we take feeds the parasites, especially if they haven't been brought under control yet.

This is also the reason why HG does not recommend supplements while he is trying to correct the errors in our system. What we do afterward, is of course up to us.

I test with biotensor quickly over the different suppport agents, minerals (especially when metals are moving), Renelix for kidney, UNDA 243 for liver and kidney. Thorne K2 and Jarrosil. Microsilica. Betaglucan, Supernatant.
I often take nothing at all, except when I feel metals on the move, and if we test for it now, I add DMSA, Biologo Detox, Cilantro, whatever seems to test; Kelatox when it tests. After major dysregulations have been cleared, moving metals seem to cause no symptoms for us even if I add more than one mobilizing agent at the same time. The difference from before AI to now is huge. Some binding agents that test well.


doesn't it feel great!

Take care.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
I'm going to send in my sample today. So do I need to stop all supplements?

Do I need to tell them what I'm taking when I send my sample? I'm taking tricor for cholesterol and cymbalta which I'm in the process of eliminating. I take a few suppliments, too.

I really don't do any testing on anything. I have had hubby to test me but I don't feel comfortable with it at all.

Gigi, what symptoms do you have when the metals are moving?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I won't have my hair test results until the end of the week but there is no doubt I am dumping metals.

I have been taking multi mins for many months and always tested for just two.

Now I test for a least four. Some of the good ones leave with the bad.

I believe that in my case, I didn't start really dumping metals in a big way until after 7-8 rounds.

I've been doing some reading on the Weston Price site about food grade diatomaceous earth. Anyone have experience with that?

It supposedly doesn't take out as many good minerals and due to it's hardness and sharpness, also slashes parasites - dehydrating them.

Don't worry - it doesn't slash your insides! Not sure I'm up for adding anything new right now, just curious.

I'll stick with MSM for now. I can eat all the eggs, garlic and onions I can get into me, but I do still react to MSM to some degree.

Moving lead has me using a lot of Renelix. K Drain is another good one for protecting the kidneys.

Gigi is absolutely right about major dysregulations and moving metals. I got Biologo Detox in Germany last year and could not tolerate it at all!

Now that the metal "switches" are in the right direction - I can use it.

Interesting journey, glad we can all share about it.

Special thanks to our head scout - Gigi!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Sending out for phase two today.

I know I feel different some how with less arthritis. Yet, my headaches and ear-ringing are pronounced as is nausea/stomach discomfort.

Dreams are ones of great insecurity as well as images of struggling to heal... I feel worried about strange stuff a lot during the day, but try to push beyond it and stay active in happier activities. Feel like I'm riding the wave of mental stuff right now.

Questions right now:

1) Is it possible to dealing with metals this early in the treatment?

2) How do you know when you are "dumping metals"?

3) What if you don't own a biotensor and don't know how to test for binders/supplements later on?


Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
wiser - dreams can be a form of detox, dealing with fears, mending old wounds etc.

Sometimes hard to push beyond the mental stuff but do keep trying if they are thoughts that don't serve you.

I fall short in that area often - sometimes I get caught up in the "what ifs" and sometimes I am able to see all that is happening (albeit uncomfortable at times)as a great gift.

If I listed all the small and big things that have changed since last January when starting the drops, I would probably really surprise myself!

I'll have to give some thought to describing what dumping metals feels like - Gigi will probably have better words for it. I am certainly familiar with the feeling though.

There are a couple of places you can get a good and fairly inexpensive biotensor.

Someone here may have the info handy. Or - you can get the one from Germany.

I am very glad I have one - don't know what I'd do without it.

Do you know of an ART practitioner near the Banks of the Hudson? If so, I will definitely be visiting my son more often!!

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I also had very vivid dreams especially in the beginning. I felt i was retracing all the way through childhood.
Thank you light for the suggestions, i appreciate that.

I also was not taking much at all vitamin wise, but i am so low on my b vitamins..i included a multi back in. It is a neurological multivitamin without iron and copper. I hope this is ok.
I also included folic acid..bc i am so deficient.

The rest of what i take is a probiotic , digestive enzymes and binders. i probley should really pursue the parasite avenue.

Nana, i looked into diamtomacious looks very interesting..and i have heard of good you know where to buy it?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, please read this page of Dr.K's lecture of 5 years ago talking about "multis without iron and without copper".

A couple of pages later he also talks about viral problems. That may answer some of your questions.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Questions right now:

1) Is it possible to dealing with metals this early in the treatment?

Most of us have been dealing with metals every time we attempt to kill a bacteria or virus or any of the other inhabitants. Most neurosymptoms feel alike - very difficult to tell them apart --

2) How do you know when you are "dumping metals"?

Somewhere along the line, you have been mobilizing metals when treating Lyme, but if your AI test came back telling you are allergic to the major ones, your body has not been able to get rid of much, because the immune system was sort of blind to them and could not let go.

Before AI, mobilizing metals feels worse because the body often was not able to eliminate them, but merely reabsorbed and redistributed them again. A permanent merry-go-round. Most people delightedly talking about herxes simply don't know that metals play a huge part in the die-off.
and don't recognize the same mercury molecule when it comes around a second time, this time as an ache somewhere else. They feel herxy for some days, and once the metals settle down somewhere else, they feel better, but they still have not solved the real problem of actially getting the metal out of the body. More cell death elsewhere in the body.

3) What if you don't own a biotensor and don't know how to test for binders/supplements later on?

I would start with an inexpensive one or get the cadillac if you can afford it. I will post the links below.
Practice a little - the best way to help yourself.
Then it will be simple to test whether you resonate with heavy metals or not, and
you will be able to prepare yourself.

When my husband looks like he doesn't feel too great, I test with tensor, and determine easily whether metals, stuck liver or kidney, or a hidden infection. Then we can deal with it. Until you do, it is like shooting darts ...... not a good way to treat our precious body.

Take care.

P.S. After you have done several bottles of PSP, a simple $49 hair test gives a lot of information, including the mineral base and it will tell whether you are releasing toxic metals.

[ 12-14-2009, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Gigi, thanks again! this is perfect explanation.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
I ordered the test and treatment night before last but was too sick yesterday to get the sample mailed.

I ended up in the ER (in another post). I couldn't speak, walk and passed out. Still having trouble this morning walking plus am very short of breath. ER dr said it's lyme. What a surprise that was.

I guess I just need reassurance that I'm doing the right thing here. The family thinks I should go back on bicillin for a while and then do this since I did so good on it.

I don't know what to do. I just need your opinions here. I've been on abx for 5 years already and just wanted to do something else.

I have been so sick for the past 3 weeks. I think it could be bart but I don't know anymore what to think.

What would you do in this situation? I'm just at a loss here and so sick of trying to figure out what to do.

I know you can't tell me what to do but I would like to know if some of you were really sick and ditched the abx to do this as I know we can't do both.

I would greatly value any and all opinions on this.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Sapphire, I just typed a lengthy answer for you and lost it - it kept hanging up in "add reply".

In essence I suggested that 5 years of abx should tell you that there is more to Lyme than killing a few critters. The basis for Lyme probably had long been laid; the terrain is contaminated and the infections flourish. More abx will probably only bring you more of the same.

Why don't you just take the test and get the results and pay for the test only. If you have as many dysregulations as most have, your choice is simple. The damage from Leaky Gut is by far the worst; It causes malabsorption and malabsorption slowly causes the defenses to disappear; when the minerals are lost as the are with multiple allergies, healing becomes a distant dream.

Think it over. If you want me to write AI a note, I will happily do so.

The only way to cure Lyme is to eliminate the causes. Abx is not quite able to do that. I think most everyone here has found this out.

Take care, Sapphire.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
GiGi, you keep stating you're moving metals easily now as well as your husband. is this translating into significantly better noticeable health?

I keep hoping to read more miracle stories on this thread about how Lyme was eliminated. More often I see posts about how a symptom or two left and many weren't extremely ill to begin with or 90% better already.

I guess it's hard to take that leap of getting off Abx. Ironically, if Lymenet members speak truth it should be easy as pie as treating with meds is a hopeless endeavor. When I read people treating with Abx for 3-10 years and 20% improvement, it's mind blowing.

I was hoping to hear Scott F achieved dramatically improved health when he cleared all blockages after Round 8. On his webpage, it indicates he didn't even notice a difference from it. Maybe I should look longer-term.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seek, If a person has accumulated toxins over a lifetime plus the inherited ones, one cannot expect to blow them out in a couple of months. Heavy metal detox can take a couple of months, or a couple of years.

The Leaky Gut mainly caused by wheat and gluten allergy can take 1-2 years to heal. In the meantime, it still keeps leaking to some degree.

AI is not an overnight therapy. The energetic chaos translates into chronic illness, unless you start to make corrections.

I am convinced that many people on Lymenet do not have active Lyme if they ever had it, but many now deal with the toxins and a dysfunctional immune system plus the memory of it engraved in their DNA. Many do no longer have to deal with the acute symptoms of Lyme, which are horrible. But we get used to some of the remnants left behind of the rest of the toxins with the idea that this is what we will live with from now on.

I always knew that I still had lead and mercury remnants in my jaw, nothing that would give me pain. But it bothered me to sit idly by and let that toxin slowly destroy one cell after the other. I found AI and knew this is the reason that until then most efforts to get rid of them were not totally successful knowing that we had been allergic to them. The body at one point just threw in the towel and quit fighting. My mind did not.

Scott had not cleared all - I think it was an earlier round. He did too many other treatments and he was no longer testable. I is now being tested again and as he points out still showing chemicals, blockages of all sorts.

AI only corrects the errors in the DNA; i.e. it corrects the minus polarity to a plus polarity if that's the way it should be in certain areas, and vice versa. Once the switch is made, the immun system then starts to step in slowly reducing the toxin load and clearing the emotional blockages many of us have taken on from parents and grandparents. This of course sounds strange to you. But we are not dealing with school medicine and biochemistry. We are looking at the
electromagnetic base at the lowest level that turns on the biochemical events in the body.

My husband's hair test results came back not as good as mine did. He is releasing heavy metals, but we discovered that his mineral base is totally in the outhouse. With most of the minerals on the negative side, no detox can take place. It is number one priority. My mineral base is absolutely perfect except I am adding 2 CORE capsules for more zinc.

My husband was "silently" allergic to wheat and soy, causing the leaky gut, without noticeable symptoms pointing toward wheat. That caused the toxins to leak into his bloodstream and central nervous system (brain). Leaky gut is the major contributor to malabsorption and thus mineral deficiencies. Minerals are the sparkplugs of the body. Nothing runs well without them. I eat the same food, live the same lifestyle, but did not have wheat or any food allergies at the DNA level as tested by AI. That's what makes the difference.

So you can pump in as many abx as you want, things won't change, because you you start paralyzing the immune system. Look up the translation for the words anti biotics. We are not just killing a few bugs. AI can't test if at the same time you take agents that kill what they are trying to correct. That's why they instruct clients not to be on antibiotics or substances that add more allergic burden to what is already there causing problems.

I don't know the answers - but I know that a toxic body cannot heal. It simply slowly wastes away. That's why I aim to clean it up before it's too late. AI is by far the best thing I have found - after Dr. K. And he is starting to agree with my opinion of AI - because he started to sleep better after the first seven days of 15 drops of "informed water". And when he saw my first test results after AI, well aware of my lousy body chemistry for ten years, he really started to drool and smile -- "and it's so simple!"

Seek, it takes a leap! Ever stood at the edge of that brook measuring with the eye whether you can make it across with that one step..... ???

Take care.

P.S. AI is not about eliminating Lyme or any disease. It is all about starting the engine again -- for the immune system to regulate again -- for the engine to run on all cylinders!
in order to heal the body.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Thank you so much Gigi. I was hoping you would answer me. I knew you would make me feel better and it make sense at the same time.

I agree about the abx. That's why I've been looking into something else.

While it may be true that the bicillin makes me feel better I feel while I'm on it the lyme is just "on hold" so to speak.

I had already paid for the test and treatment and I'm going for it. I like the idea of not doing anything other than AI. I don't have to be trying to figure out what I need to add to treatment, ect.

I do need to know if I need to tell them what I'm taking as far as meds go?

I'm feeling more at peace this morning about my decision. I plan on hubby doing it also eventually.

Thanks so much Gigi. You are such a great help to everyone here.

Oh, I watched UOS last night, is the Dr. K on there your Dr. K? I really liked him in the film. Just wondering. They did a great job on this film.

Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Having a rough time with weakness in arms and legs.

I wrote to AI using the Google Translator that Lightparfait had mentioned in one of her posts. Thank you, thank you, for that suggestion!

AI wrote right back and told me not to worry. I'm trying, but this is pretty uncomfortable and scary!

Best to you all for your wonderful responses. I've been too muddle-headed to respond lately. Hope to get some brain power back soon.


Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Sapphire, what is uos?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
gigi, what products will you use to remineralize and build the mineral base up with your husband? runner
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Runner, it's the documentary Under Our Skin. If you haven't seen it, you should. They did a great job.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wiser - when the the body is trying to regulate there can be aches and pains. Are you getting a lot of rest?

I found that crucial in the early rounds.

It is easy to worry but when things are changing - that is a good thing. It's a process. Try to stay positive.

Read over Gigi's last post - it says a lot.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Thanks NanaDubo -

IIt's as if the Lyme woke up and I have all my old symptoms back for the last week or so. Nausea, weakness, headaches, fatigue, weepiness, confusion.... I have too many Lyme scripts in my head to not be concerned, but enough desire to keep trying a new direction.

That said, no real arthritis symptoms!

I'm sticking with AI for as long as I can bear it. Hoping for a change and trying to stay patient as I go "through it not around it..."

Thanks for the supportive words,

Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
AI folks,

I'm sending off my latest saliva sample today after finishing my 8th (I think) round of drops.

I decided to include a separate sample of the stuff I cough up from my lungs. I have had chronic cough/bronchitis for quite a few years, but it got worse a month ago after I caught a cold. Still have the productive cough.

I was hoping they could determine if there is infection, and whether it's bacterial, viral, or fungal.

Not sure exactly how they prepare the drops, but I'm hoping they could include some factors to help me get rid of this cough which makes my life kinda miserable.

Anyway, does this sound like a good idea--sending the sputum/mucous along with the saliva sample, but in a separate foil packet?

I included a note about the sputum/mucous sample on the symptom write-up that I'm sending in the envelope.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The body forms mucus, etc. in order to protect itself. It has to be gotten rid of from time to time. That is the reason we are "dripping" when we have colds and flu. Maybe googling "why does the body form mucus and sputum" will explain it better than I can. My guess is that you are now able to release mucus that has been sitting in your chest/lungs/wherever for a long time due to the dysregulation i.e. allergies.

Maybe help getting it out by "head over steam bowl" and towel over head; and do a neti pot to start clearing, often. Use anything that loosens mucus. Hot potato mashed wrapped in towel on chest for an hour at bedtime.
If you have had the allergies for years, it will take quite some time to get it out. All the energetic information is in your saliva sample.

Poultice for Congestion: 2T cayenne pepper (at least 100,000 HU) 4T ground cinnamon, 6 T ground ginger. Olive oil. Combine in bowl and mix well. add a little olive oil to form a paste. Spread paste over a warm flannel cloth. Spread some olive oil on chest and apply the flannel cloth poultice.

I think what has been collecting over the many years of a dysfunctional immune system is now starting to come out.

I made a tincture of 160,000 HU Cayenne pepper and it is always on the ready. I would highly recommend getting a copy of the old "Healing Powers of Peppers". I think, OF COURSE, FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, it is out of print, but Amazon still sells used copies. A few months ago my husband passed out - thought heart attack with eyes rolling up - one drop squezed into his mouth brought him back instantly. All my older friends in Europe take several drops of Cayenne tincture every day - keeps the blood flowing, beats bicillin I am sure, and cleans the veins and arteries.

I also add a few drops in veggie capsules and take it myself daily.

Nutmeg, I am sure you are "cleaning house" -- really the effect of the PSP, without a doubt. What went in or stayed in, must come back out.

If you know that you are heavy metal toxic and start to release some of them now, it is a good idea to pay attention to helping them out if the body start to release them. We started at around bottle #9, when many corrections have been made and many of the chemicals are out of the way too.
It all depends how much of a problem the metals are for you.

I asked HG, when I kept testing and finding the metals with the tensor. I knew his "tea" suggestion wouldn't take care of it, and he answered to do whatever tests well to help the detox. If your immune system starts to take over again after so many AI bottles, I think that is where we have to help.

Got to run --

take care.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
GiGI, any advantages of using a 1,000,000+ HU pepper mix as opposed to 100,000? [Smile]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seek, try it, you might like it!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
i am still having major issues around fatigue.
and brain thinking almost feel stalled at times..i have taken several metal binders..
anyone else going through this?
i think i must be backed up to some degree.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, you may want to test yourself with tensor or have your friend do it -- whether you are a candidate for KPU = more zinc and the ingredients that have to go along with it.

Also read some of the information on this website You may get a better understanding of KPU/HPU or do the urine collection test. I didn't do the test, but my hairtest came back with only one weak mineral - zinc. The rest were all fine. Dr. K. suggested I take two of the CORE. My husband is taking 3 CORE as of right now. We test. If my tensor says no, I skip it for the day.

You may also know that if you are detoxing heavy metals, the brain sometimes feel garbled. I know when I am dropping a lot, I feel that way a day or two, and then things go back to normal and fine.


Metals don't leave without creating a bit of a ruckus.

You should probably have the microsilica which is especially directed at the gut/nerves/metals. There are more nerve endings in that area than anywhere else and the metals hang onto them.

Can't you find someone near you to get tested, with all the above in mind. In other words, only a person that understands KPU also.

I have mentioned mineral status so many times - I feel like I am repeating myself. Have you done a test lately to check them. If I remember, you said you would be doing the hairtest and that will answer a big question. Without the right minerals - especially heavy metal detox is hampered.

Go to the healthfood store and test yourself on zinc picolinate or gluconate, b6/P5P, biotin, chromium, manganese, and molybdenum. I think those are the ones in CORE. Don't have it in front of me right now. Put them all together and tensor!

If you get a little further along with AI, things will be easier to interpret. Hang in there, friend! Or come up here and get tested by someone who is always available and can follow your clearing-the-road.

Wishing all a fun weekend!

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, you asked

gigi, what products will you use to remineralize and build the mineral base up with your husband? runner

We had been using Biotic Multi Mins, but apparently J. is not absorbing them well, probably still due to leaky gut. Can take 1-2 years to heal, I was told.

We are now using a liquid mineral for which he tests very well. 2 oz per day of Matrix Minerals (Biopureus).

Take care.
Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
GiGi, this is a bit off topic i know, but how do you make a cayenne tincture? and what is it useful for, other than blood circulation? thanks. [Smile]
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Gigi,
Thanks for all the information.
The part i have been most frustrated with is I am testing..and today i wasnt getting much help..untill i took edta. which helped for a while..andsupporting the kidneys.
youare right on the money. The metals are in my gut and nerve..i think this is part of the reason i experience the gut issues.
I think AI is kicking it loose and its trying to come through. My brain does feel garbled..

I am doing the hair test this week, and maybe kpu down the road.
Thank you for the mineral sources..I am taking electrolyte stamina and extra C, zinc, B6..

will test it out this weekend. bed time for now. thanksagain, Runner
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

heiwalove, if you google Cayenne Pepper Health Benefits, you will be reading all day.

I get the ground powerful capsicum (160,000 HU) at 1st Chinese Herbals, ask for small quantity, put it in a cup of vodka, grain alcohol is better, let it sit on windowsill turning up and down once a day. Done in a couple of weeks. Strain through coffee filter type. Use with dropper bottle.

I put a few drops in broth (daily), and fill veggie caps with dropper bottle couple times a day to swallow like any capsule.

It literally helps with everything that ails you:

allergies, angina, blood clots, bowel diseases, bruises, common cold/influenza, congestive heart failure, diabetes, diabetic neuropathu, ulcers, cholesterol, fatigue, frostbite, headaches, heart arrhythmias, heatstroke, herpes Z, hypertension, indisgestion, infection, nerve inflammation, mouth sores, neuralgia, itching, obesity, pain, peptic ulcers, poor appetite, psoriasis, resp. disorders, shingles, toothache ...............

I use it as a poultice also on my once dislocated get the blood circulation going again. I tore ligaments and tendons.... and I am sitting here typing with both arms!

Take care.

Our house will never be without this remedy. Be careful washing hands when using it - you don't want to get it into your eyes. If so, rinse with water.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
does it matter with the hair test if i colored my hair?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, when you fill in the request form for the hairtest, they ask if hair is treated. Tell them exactly what you used -- type and brand name.

Be sure you send them only a bit of the NEWEST growth cut close to scalp, possibly from different areas on the head. They also ask you for the date you cut it.

I am really curious what you will show. So please let us know. I hope you will use Drs. Data -- not sure if the others (Smoky, etc.) show the good minerals also, and that is a very important feature of the test.

I wish everyone could see the difference in two tests - my husband's and mine - how the toxic metals show up if the good minerals are adequate and balanced; and what the test looks like = not good; if the good minerals are inadequate.

It is so important to make certain that you get minerals that are absorbed by your body.

Take care.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
I'm looking forward to getting started on this. I finally got my sample mailed on Friday. I paid for test and treatment.

I'm sorry if this has already asked but I can't wade through this to look. Had another episode yesterday with the leg not working. Right now all my sx are neuro and very scary.

Soooo, do any of you still rife or do other herbal treatment, salt/C, etc. or do this alone? I know no abx. I've been reading some good things about teasel root and GSE but didn't know if I could do it along with this or if it's best to just do AI.

Please forgive me for asking these questions as I'm sure they have already been asked. I want to do whatever will work the best. I really want to give this my best shot.

I appreciate all the help here.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi Sapphire, the general advice seems to be to avoid antimicrobial treatments [and therefore all those you mention] and simplify any supplement regime.

I'm sure nobody minds the questions: it's a very long thread to wade through, after all! Keep asking!

I wish you all the best for your treatment when the drops arrive,

Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
well, i was in a very bad way before i found lymnet again. post divorce, post learning-to-live-alone trauma, i'll spare you the lurid details. i was weakening fast, spitting up a recurrence of primal birth trauma. clearing my field for more life force to be available, and i got on a big anti-microbial protocol to get a handle on the downward physical spin. then i found this thread.

i talked to Dr G, colleague and contact person of Dr K while he is flying all around the world or in the seattle ofc where he is even less accessible when he is deluged. the best we worked out for me is to not stop the antimicrobials and do AI. this as the final word from CMC.

all herbals, i started the drops 2 days ago. i know it isn't ideal, but it is the best i can do in the moment. i find myself with the increased tiredness, different from the horrendous fatigue i previously felt. My dreams are more lucid, the queen of England was helping me with my protocol last night. i can use all the help i can get.

it seems to me the largest part of the healing process that i have observed, is the quality of empowerment people experience in their healing. and often it against adversity. we seem to have to study everything, design/intuit what is right for us, implement it and perfect or imperfect as it might be, there it is. in my personal experience, it gets thrown to the Universe for Divine help, i could call it surrender. it has been an acquired ability thru much kicking and screaming. not a pretty sight.

nevertheless, imperfect as it is, this is the beginning of my AI experience. aliyah
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Aliyalex, you may want to contact AI describing and asking them about taking antimicrobials on the side. We were strongly advised against taking anything that may confuse the system more.
The drops are powerful and better safe than sorry.

Good luck to you.

Just noticed Sapphire's question: My answer is basically the same as Carry's.

The drops are very powerful and the body will be busy, busy working.

Make certain you read the English brochure "Information to clients". AI will send it to you. It is also on this thread.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Ok! Thanks again!

My test is from doctors data.

Had my hair colored about 4 weeks ago..
i only have a small amount of new growth.

For my mineral base i am using the electrolye stamina packets, and extra zinc, and B6 and sometmes a multi. i also take airbornes..

i will be searching for something better..
the multi mins are good..

I have numbness in my left leg..i think i am going to try the capsicum compresses to see if i can get circulation back through there..have tried prolotherapy with some sucess but not relief. thanks for all the information and hope!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
On the packet from doctors data it says hair that has been dyed is subject to elemental contamination , and it is recommended this hair is not to be used for testing..any thoughts?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I have used henna for a long time. Told them exactly which brand. But I sent only 1/2 inch long clippings from the new growth. Don't worry about it. If you want to know what your recent treatment has accomplished, i.e. AI, or the DMPS that you took, this will be the most realistic answer.

A good way to do hairtest is to use metal detox protocol, whichever you choose, for about 6 weeks and then send in that new growth. Then you know for sure that your detox protocol is starting to be effective. That also confirms to the people who have never had a positive test that metal toxicity is a factor for them, since blood tests or urine challenge tests really do not tell much.

If you find it in your hair after an effective protocol, you know it's in the body. If you don't find any in the hair, but have done nothing to push it out via a metal protocol for a few weeks, it does not mean that none is in the body.
The body simply is not releasing it, but keeps hanging on to it. As long as a person is symptomatic, whatever symptoms, the chances of toxic metals residing in the body are there.

Take care. Hurry - got to get my dinner to the table!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hey Gigi,
ok. i think that might be a good idea, to do a metal protocol . I have i could take that , one pill a week for 6 weeks..
is there any place I can look for a metal protocol?
I KNOW mercury is my always has been. I have to take my lead or mercury binder or i will not sleep. but i want the hair test just to see. i did a recent urine test as well..but i know its not always accurate. but i am hoping with ai, maybe i am excreting more.
I also get red hot hands..inflammed and when i take alginate it seems to get better.
I need to find something else besides the alginate as well to have on board...and chlorella is hard the gi tract.
thanks again, Runner
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, When you get to the point where the major allergies, also chemicals, have been corrected; or do a hairtest "Just to see", go here:

Everything is most interesting, and on around page 47 you will find most the the detox items that you could try if you test for them.

Be sure you read the K2 page and myelin repair. for Thorne K2 has I think the best price I have found.

Take care.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
well, i received a response from HG. he told me that it was "fine" to be taking artemesinin, iodoral, interfase (andrographis), VD3, selenium, with his drops.

i am glad that i checked it out. thanks y'all.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thank you so much, Gigi, for the link to Amy Derkson's latest presentation: it makes a very interesting and useful reference document.

On the K2 page, did she mean to ramp up to 1mg per 10 lb bodyweight ONCE or TWICE a day, do you think? I was not clear about it.

Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Thanks GiGi. Everytime I see these presentations, I wish Dr. K was my doc!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I am just curious and not trying to be rude at all. How many of you who are doing AI work fulltime outside the home?

I have found AI to be much too taxing as I work fulltime and I am on my feet most of the day and cannot just rest when I need to.


[ 12-21-2009, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Great Gigi, thank you! Runner
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I'll be away at my brother's house for a few days over Christmas and may not have a chance to post tomorrow.......

.....SO I'd like to wish everyone on this thread a very Happy Christmas, as happy as illness allows anyway, and all Best Wishes for better health in 2010.

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Gigi and all..
I called doctors data.
i explained i put color on my hair 4 weeks ago..
and she said that is way too soon. they need at least 8 weeks. the goal is a new growth of one inche of virgin hair.
she advised me to use pubic hair. so that is what i am going to do. i am sending it in today.
i will post the results!
am doing a bit better today. am having a really hard time adjusting on my armour and i think its part of my deep fatigue adn even my digestion...not the whole 9 yards..but could be part of it.
Thank you all, Runner
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
how long do the initial sxs last? especially the fatigue. thx.
Posted by Cooper (Member # 15968) on :
Gigi, I just got in from the dentist and he did ART testing...came back 1400 for mercury... you saved my behind before by getting me off the NAC... I need guidance here but don't want to use the thread...may I contact you via email? Thank you.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
What is 1400? ART does not give a score for mercury in that manner.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cooper, feel free to e-mail me. [email protected]

Scott, some of the European trained therapists measure quantity. ART has evolved like the critters that have invaded us. And some testing feature may have found its way to the US. No telling. Maybe Cooper can give more detail. In the early days when I first was ART tested it was done this way in Germany. At least Cooper's warning flag is up and that's the main thing.

Aliyalex, We experienced "being tired" (not fatigue) through the early bottles and then all calmed down, more or less. A minor reaction was always present, but nothing that would flatten me out.

If you are taking antimicrobials as you indicated (or do other killing methods) you would, there is no telling what happens. HG told me many times that he cannot insist people not doing or taking what they want to do. The instructions to clients (booklet) are pretty clear. I don't think CMC is familiar with the finer details. Not even Dr. K. has had the time. All he knows at this point is that AI is effective from different results of patients that went on AI on their own. This has become very clear to me once I understood that we can have a dysregulation with anything, a biological substance = a plant, a flower, anything perfectly normal to healthy people. Many substances are processed with other substances, some that may cause a negative reaction. We and I myself did not do any killer meds or homepathics in order not to confuse the system while trying to bring order into the chaos with AI. The emotional clearances are heavily involved and the fear of Lyme that we all experienced somewhere along the lines will re-manifest itself again in the DNA, as fear. HG said several times "don't add anything we are trying to clear". As Dr. K. finds, most people are allergic to half the bottles they come in with - often they go home able to use a third of what the brought.

Everybody do their own thing to their own comfort level.

My husband could have started KPU months ago - before all the dysregulations were cleared. Glad we didn't, because KPU is causing him now no symptoms of any kind. We know things are moving because we test for heavy metals literally every day, with few exceptions when some chemicals, etc. show up when testing. Even a show of pathogens test, only to not test again a couple days later. I hear a lot of negatives from many that do KPU while they are allergic to major foods and metals. I am convinced that
's why they suffer.

When I had my accident totally dislocationg my ellbow joint, I had a flare of Babesia, and found heavy lead all along that arm. It has now calmed down, but lead is still on the move from the long bones (lead usually deposits in the long bones of the body).

My philosophy is not to overburden the body with other therapies on the side. It usually backfires as is evident from people who have done it. I do want to get through this with all organs in the best shape possible, because
without any of them, life changes alltogether.

Everone should do what they think suits them best.

I couldn't be happier with the AI results. I have never been able to produce an outflow of heavy metals as is happening now, after AI. I consider environmental toxins and dental toxins the major cause for multiple infections to take hold, i.e. Lyme. And that's all I have heard Dr. K. preaching over the last eleven years.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Yes, Gigi, i understand completely what you are saying and i follow you all the way.
I know now through testing I am also releasing metals every single day and especially at nite. it is mercury and lead.
I am also testing for erlichia , which i know is a very very old infection (i think anyway, i do not remember getting bit recently)
I am also testing for babesia..
I am just keeping up the detox.
I do add alot of herbs, thyme and parsley and rosemary to my salads and veggies and soups. i get in plenty of garlic and onion.
i take dmps orally on occasion, but mostly binding agents. I have included a multi bc i feel i need some b vitamin complex and ..and i am also taking extra zinc, and probiotics.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I just received results/remedy #7 in the mail today. This round shows 10 chemicals, 5 biological substances and 7 energetic blockades.

I had to re-send sample #7. Last time I sent, I was taking a 10-day course of antibiotics (for pneumonia, not Lyme) and that sample revealed NO dysregulations.

Six weeks after finishing abx, my sample shows 22 dysregulations.

I believe this really shows that abx and AI are totally incompatible therapies... Abx blocks the body's immune system and AI cannot find anything to correct.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Hi Zombie, how are you doing overall? Did Progurt provide any lasting benefits? Has AI provided you with new steps forward? Hope you are doing well.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Hi Scott! I don't know really know how to answer that!

I still eat Progurt every day (in my breakfast smoothie) but I can't really tell if it is benefiting me much, to be honest.

Many things are better since I started AI but my severe neurological issues are not.

I am very weak still but have seen many other improvements with gut issues, asthma, pollen/dander/mold allergies, MCS, etc.

I suffered all my life from hayfever and chronically runny nose but that and my asthma all seemed to stop after round #5.

I also notice that I no longer feel sick around chemical smells or perfumes anymore, which is a big relief.

One of my care workers' perfume scent used to really bother me but not anymore.

Gut issues have slowly been resolving ever since beginning round #1. My biggest gut symptom (constipation) is MUCH improved.

I still react to some foods, but not like before. They say the gut can take 1-2 yrs to heal and I am only 6 months in...

There has been spiritual/emotional healing along the way. It's much harder to quantify but definitely happening, especially at night during my dreams.

I have no idea if AI will eventually resolve my neurological issues or not. As far as I know, I am the only ALS person ever to try it. Only time will tell.

How about you, Scott? How was your 8th round of AI?
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Great news on round 5. That is fantastic.

Have you looked into Lithium treatment as well around the ALS? Dr. K is using that some now for neuro-protection and stopping advancing of neurological diseases.

I am so glad to hear that you are heading the right direction. Very happy!

I am doing well overall. Still very toxic and working on that. I think KPU made me more toxic and have some work to do there, but I feel like I have a lot of good options and am still moving forward.

Round 9 or 10 of AI should be here soon. Can't keep track of them all now [Smile]

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I can understand if you take abx for a certain acute situation.
I agree, Zombie.

Merry Christmas to all!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Zombie, from what I have learned via Dr. K., you may also be a KPU candidate somewhere along the line, especially once you have more of the dysregulations corrected via AI.

I do not know how far AI will go or how long it would take to restore the zinc deficits/metabolism if you fall into that 80% Lyme people category who have that KPU/HPU problem. My husband certainly is showing good signs of the added KPU protocol, and as I posted before, it is vitally important not only to pay attention to a handful of minerals (zinc, etc.), but to all of them.

Detoxification will not take place when the good minerals are not present to grab the bad stuff. As per Dr. K. , the toxic metals step in and grab the neurotoxins; but if the road out is blocked because of dysregulations/allergies, who knows where they stay and hang out? They are definitely not leaving and we remain in the grey area - not sick and not well.

Dr. K. told me that all his ALS, Parkinsonism, MS,
etc. neuro patients suffer from KPU.

Dr.K. explains - guessing we have about 1500 metabolic enzymes. It is not known for certain.
About 300 of these enzymes are known to be zinc dependent. Many of the detox enzymes are zinc dependent. I think many of us have a problem on the AI test in the Enzyme section. Don't have it in front of me. You may want to check your test.

Parasites are at the core of what makes Lyme patients sick. KPU leads to uncontained growth of worms and parasites when zinc is absent.

Zinc, Iron, Copper are needed for killing bugs.

People who don't do well with sulfur/sulfhydril foods and supplements lack enzyme producing hcl = mostly due to KPU/lack of zinc, etc.

If you want to try the natural way, get clean oysters (British Columbia) - they hold all the trace minerals /zinc etc. of the KPU protocol except a little short of B6.

In other words, KPU messes everything up.

More later - now I prepare the German potato salad I am supposed to bring for Christmas Eve Celebration with our little Family and the Chocolate Mousse. The kids do the Wiener Schnitzel, the salads! And then we will sing.

Take care.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Thanks Scott and GiGi. I just wanted to put my experience out there.

So many have asked if they can do abx and AI at the same time but I think what happened to me shows that you definitely can't. There's simply no point because abx blocks AI analysis.

Thanks also to GiGi for your input about KPU. I have been following all the KPU threads on here with great interest. I checked my 1st AI analysis and I do have the enzyme dysfunction.

I definitely think I will do the protocol but not sure when to begin.

I discussed KPU with my Alternative MD last summer and he suggested I start right away but I was nervous and wanted to get further into AI first. I sorely wish I could find someone who knows ART nearby. Perhaps after several more rounds of AI, I will feel okay to begin.


[ 12-24-2009, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: zombie ]
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
It seems that antibiotics and AI are not compatible, but I am not convinced that you cannot take plant-based, God-given antimicrobial herbs. That should be reasonable I think.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Scott, antimicrobial herbs I am sure would not cause as much of a problem. However, I still insist that killing, which is the intention of antimicrobials, will make the AI therapy that much more difficult, because you are already throwing chemicals and heavy metals into the body which they body is not well prepared to deal with. I don't think you gain much, because if - if - if - if there is anything left to treat, it is a lot easier than when you are still kicking all the environmental toxins into the system that it is still not yet fully prepared to deal with it.

Just the same, I find my toxin release now after a solid AI treatment much easier to deal with than the crashes I have been hearing about, even with the warnung from DK that it is so when doing KP before completing or at least covering a wide range of the dysregulations via AI. As you will recall, he really warns that the crashes are to be expected with KPU. I have yet to crash and so does my husband.

I made similar mistakes by committing to Biophotons/Bionic/Germany and caused my husband a huge setback, from which he is still trying to recover. Hope to heaven the damage is not permanent. I am not sure that this would have been the case had we done the AI treatment prior to any further killing. He was doing super and was walking --- before Biophotons/Bionic and I should have known that that treatment is totally out of place because it chases not only borrelia, but every critter that had ever invaded us plus all the toxic heavy metals, chemicals, the fungi, molds, which our body was not able to clear before AI. That is what biophotons do.

I am not about to encourage anyone to make similar mistakes. HG has a reason why he is saying what he does. I am getting the heavy metals out without any major crashing. I know my body is working overtime, but it is something I can live with very well. This metal outflow is happening without KPU!!! Upon DK urging I added 2 CORE just to cover for higher zinc. But my hair test was done prior to adding any KPU.

Certainly you can take antimicrobials. But do you think you reach your goal more quickly by adding in another stress factor. As DK says, once the environmental stuff (toxic metals mainly) are out, the rest is easy. He doesn't know yet how easy, because he is only on his first bottle of AI and doesn't realize how much more there is to come that needs clearing.

Zombie, I am convinced that you are better off to wait until you have covered the majority of the chemical allergies also. And as I said, I am not sure how much, if any, KPU one will need when AI is complete. Maybe I am an exception, because I did not have the wheat and leaky gut problems, which is the villain in messing up our absorption and causing the mineral deficits hindering the detox -- all pathways.

I have learned over the last two years after our Bionic fiasco to always use common sense. I am not paying that much attention to people who have done biophotons, but I have not heard of a single one that has truly reached the top and stays there. It's good to think things through.

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Finally received the lost drops a few days ago for daughter and myself. I am on check up 8 and she 7. We both are doing great and experiencing positive regulations as each month goes by. Specifically noticed as we waited almost two months in between rounds, non intentionally. But did notice positive things while waiting.

We both urine test very positive to needing the KPU therapy, but are waiting until our regulation is complete with AI to begin it. We both did have major leaky gut which we believe is healed, or at least we have experienced regulation in that area. No more constipation after round 3 for both. No allergies or gluten intolerance now.

I only have 4 chemical and 2 energetic blocks in this round uncovered. She still has many.

My emotions feel very balanced, so much so that my husband commented to both my kids on Christmas that the drops have made their mom a nicer person to be around! HE is now reminding them not to miss doeses while home! My anxiety is gone and depression is gone. I feel normal. My daughter expresses the same feelings.

Especially during the holiday crunch as I host so many family gatherings,(60 for formal christmas dinner..even when I had full blown lyme) I usually get very stressed and am sharp with my family...I did not feel that way or react badly at all...I am shocked how I am able to cope peacefully with things and enjoy each day. NO fibromyalgia pains in my upper back /neck area as usual! This may seem small to those reading this...but this is very big and has impacted my life over the years I experience the positive change!

The last regulation of normal labido is still present...this is amazing and I hope it lasts....that is what I am sure my husbands comments came from to my kids...anyway, he is a believer!

Once I started this round, I had severe heartburn feelings, some nausea for two days, then I had a rash appear on my left calf. The rash is where I had a similar itchy rash from age 18-40 when in the sun. Haven't seen this in years. Came for no reason, so I think the drops brought this symptom out for three days. The heartburn as well I have had way in my past. Heartburn is not a normal thing for me. So also I believe this was brought on by the drops regulating something. It is gone now as I am still taking this round.

Way in the past I was given nexium for the heartburn which I took for six months...(was told I would be on it my whole life) and the rash I was given cortosteroid cream. I took nothing for these severe symptoms earlier this week..just waited for them to resolve and they did.

I had a yearly physical by my old GP a few weeks ago just to get blood drawn etc for comparison sake as I go through A.I.

I asked for a urine culture, as a month back, you may recall I thought I had symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Just wanted to see if I was doing better. They found very high E-Coli bacteria. He said normally he would put his patients on an antibiotic immediately for those levels. But said he knew I would want to try natural he suggested I try what my ND would prescribe, but in the meantime make an appointment with a urologist, and get retested in a month to make sure it is not harming my kidney.

Just had my retest and am waiting to see results. Initial office test says no sign of E-Coli...but MD will call me with complete lab results soon.

She is intrigued with my natural protocols. Tensor has me taking Black Walnut Tincture,Golden rod, Garlic Tincture, Chlorella, in varous changing intervals and amounts, along with Cranberry juice, lemon water, apple pectin, and other binders. As soon as I started this protocol my pain went away. Tensor says I am releasing loads of bacteria. This happened while waiting for my drops to arrive between rounds over the past two months.

So things are moving!

I am also this week picking up the lymph fluid I lost while waiting for my drops to arrive. I do think for some with KPU, the fluid problem may get bad at times while doing the therapy. This is all to be seen when I stop AI when they say the regulatin is done. My jeans are tight again and I can actually feel the fluid move in my body tissue.

I will retest for KPU again at the end of AI therapy and see if I still need it, or if it is much better after AI therapy. Right now my tenser says no to Zinc or any of the full KPU supplements I have in house. Things are working without taking KPU therapy at this time. Although it could help me move along faster at some point as others suggest as a possibliity. I just feel good waiting it out for now as I see progress.

blessing to all,
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
I have been lurking for a long time relunctant to post, but I wanted to ask several questions.

Did I see that Selma was in remission with biophotons? And did I read that sixgoofykids was also doing well with the photon machine?

Has anyone here completed the full course of AI and know that it has long lasting effects? I read about the positives, but no one seems to have finished the full number of rounds (seems like a lot of rounds!)

Also, Hiker asked if anyone doing AI worked fulltime out of the house? I have that same question as many who post here seem to say it can be rough and I also work fulltime.

Thanks for answering my questions.

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Lee.
Ai works as an ongoing basis..if you read gigis posts she goes into detail on the foundation and basis of the therapy.
I think if you can work now, you most likely will still be able to. The therapy is slow, but changing. Binders are important.
It is very very difficult to rid the allergies, and according to those who have been doing the therapy the longest and have had a dance with allergy removal know it is so hard, and the tehrapy has helped in many regards.
No one on the board yet has completed the full round. hope this helps. runner
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
i would love to hear your thoughts about what just happened in the last 24 hs.

Background is that i have been on herbal anti-microbials for 7 weeks, AI for 8 days. i know, it is not ideal but this is how it is right now.

yesterday i got very congested with a very sore throat for about 12 hours. i thought it would be a 2 week flu. it left as fast as it came with a residual headache and semi-feverish feeling.

has anyone ever experienced this reaction to AI? i seem to remember reading about something similar, but cant find it again. thanks for your thoughts.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
aliyalex - I have experienced similar things but I was not taking anti-microbials. Stuffed sinuses for a couple of days, then gone - things like that.
Lee asks- "Has anyone here completed the full course of AI and know that it has long lasting effects? I read about the positives, but no one seems to have finished the full number of rounds (seems like a lot of rounds!)

Also, Hiker asked if anyone doing AI worked fulltime out of the house? I have that same question as many who post here seem to say it can be rough and I also work fulltime."
My husband completed AI after 7 rounds. He did absolutely nothing else while on the drops. He is an engineer and went to work every day.

I can only guess that doing away with miasms, inappropriate responses to foods, heavy metals, etc., would have positive "long lasting effects."

As you know, most of us are in the midst of it so it is a little hard to answer your question.

Best to ask Selma and sixgoofy about their experience with biophotons over on the other thread.

I never knew what a heavy metal felt like until I used the bionic. I feel it has it's place but not in the manner in which it was used (for me) - a mouth full of amalgams at the time.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
In general, Europeans finish AI in 5 - 6 courses. People with a multifactorial chronic disease, such as Lyme, apparently take a lot longer. That is the answer I got from AI and they are still trying to find an answer to this, uness we are just more toxic. I am sure years of abx doesn't help. One MS patient took much longer (from wheelchair to bicycle).

The treatment is permanent. New exposures and lifestyle that cause the body to dysregulate can happen. New chemicals..... vaccines.... geoengineered foods..... who knows~! One of the practitioners who uses AI in her practice for clients in Germany told me that some people do the test every few years if they have reason to do so.

Take care.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Thank you all for answering. I have no mercury amalgams, so I am hoping that speeds up the use of AI.

Nanadubo--was your husband ill while taking AI or was he using it to clear the terrain to stay well?

I can hardly make it through a work day right now, but I know to wake up each day and start off with positive thoughts.

Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
I am interested in starting the AI drops soon, for myself and my family. We experienced good results in Germany with the Bionic.

We are starting a detox program with a homeopath but need some advice. I am now doing an antiparasitic cleanse. Is this advisable to do before AI? I haven't heard anyone mention parasites on the thread. This particular md insists it is a major problem with most people and should be addressed first before any other detox.

I am allergic to the medicine he has prescribed, so wonder if it would be best to wait and do AI first before trying other anti-parasitics.

Also, my kidneys tested as having reduced filtration and/or kidney stones. Would this be a problem with the AI tx?

My husband and the kids haven't started their detox yet.

Any advice?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lee, my husband was not ill but had more than one exposure to lyme and had some other issues which have resolved with AI. His test results didn't look any better than mine so there was definitely some work to be done.

Linky, if you clear the "wrong information" concerning metals, fungus and the like, things will be able to move along. If these switches are stuck in the wrong direction, there is retox, not detox.

I don't know the answer to your question about kidneys but I know when the detox process does begin, the kidneys need support.

I believe I was through 4-5 rounds before this really started to happen in a noticeable way.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :

I love your phrase "retox, not detox"!!

That is how I felt with every effort to kill spirochete -- and increasingly so. I began to discern after four years, that I might not be herxing but was "retoxing" chemicals from the abx and life!

Such a simple phrase making so much thought clearer!

Right now I'm waiting for drops (sent sample on 12/13) and am wondering if holiday mail has way-layed them!

Hey, happy holidays and New Year to all!

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
wiser - the mail could be slow now. I mailed my sample off before Thanksgiving and it took almost 3 weeks to get there.

The same day he told me to send a new one, the first one arrived.

I'm still waiting for the drops to arrive. It's been a long break.

Hope we all have a New Year full of good things.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, thank you for telling us the details and all the good things that are happening to you. Just stick with it.

RE Kidney protection

When metals are mobilized, a certain portion travels through the kidneys. The kidneys may react with swelling of the basal membranes and decrease in filtration rate. To prevent damage to the kidneys, the patient has to drink increasing amounts of water (with selectrolyte solution).

The kidney has a filtrating surface equal to a pingpong table, the gut that of a soccer field. The nephrons - like brain cells - live long

The gut membranes are renewed every 3 days. It is foolish to push toxic metals through the kidneys and wise, to push them out through the gut. Chlorella pulls toxic metals through the mucosal surface of the intestines from the blood and protects the kidneys.

I remember this explanation I was given years ago and have never forgotten it. Make sure you deal with practitioners/doctors who are familiar with all of detox. I try not to even listen to a doctor who has never been able to help a patient through detox. It really takes experience and know-how. I made this mistake only once., but we aree still paying the price.

Any parasite overload is normally addressed eatly. Parasites hold viruses who hold toxins. It is one single ecosystem that needs cleaning.

Any killing program mobilizes and dislodges toxic heavy metals, fungi, etc., and doing this without protection is v e r y wrong. Whether Bionic, PE1, any biophotons, abx or antimicrobials makes no difference.

AI does not address specific infections. It merely corrects the electromagnetic system, so that the body can again learn to respond in the appropriate manner --- restoring itself,step by step.

Wise, the mail around this time of year, with storms and plane delays, etc., takes at least 14 days to get to Germany. Give HG some time to work the test and another 14 days back will make it at least a total of 28 days from your mailing date of Dec 13 = early days of January.

While you are waiting, your body is busy re-regulating. It does not stop whether you are taking drops or no drops.

Can't believe how fast the year went by! Wishing you all the best of health.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I am releasing metals.
Especially at nite my hands and feet get very inflammed and red, and quite warm.
I take dmps on occasion. the most consist thing i take for mercury is sodium alginate.
Is there any other ideas for binders for mercury...i am thinking of maybe trying chlorella again. i have had trouble with it in the past..and i am seeking a clean source of it.

Also, i am thinking about testing on dmsa. i have read first dmps should be used and then dmsa...any thoughts on this for those working with heavy metals. Thanks, Runner
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Also i am so confused about taking vitamins , i know d, and k, i dont want to take too much being on ai, yet it seems like i need alot to detox. I am taking a multi,
zinc, mangense, c, d, k, iodine, vit, e, and folic acid..any thoughts here?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
As Gigi mentioned above, chlorella takes metals through the gut, protecting the kidneys.

Biopure is a clean source.

I used to have trouble with it when bowels weren't working properly. No longer a problem taking it.

I like Matrix minerals, seems to be more easily absorbed than tablets.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
If you don't tolerate chlorella, what is a good alternative?
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Does apple pectin bind to metals and if so, would it take them out the digestive system and not the kidneys?

Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
Apple Pectin is a good overall binder, but not sure that it does much for metals specifically. MicroSilica might be worth a look for those looking to bind metals but not able to tolerate chlorella.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lee, ditto Scott.

Clearing all major dysregulations is primary. I am not even sure I would attempt Microsilica without having reached close to the end of AI Therapy.

If you have not specifically addressed heavy metal detox at all, it is important to get the help of a practitioner with experience.
Alternating binders is important. I have learned over the years that nothing should be taken all the time. The body starts to resist.

To be safe, activated charcoal always has a place. Avoid being constipated.

Take care.

P.S. Help for kidney drainage is important.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
My hands and feet get so red and hot at nite..i have tried quercitin, bromelain, and aligate and i havent gotten much relief. has anyone experienced this?
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
I agree that one binder cannot be taken all of the time. I used zeolite for awhile and now the biotensor is saying "no" to it and "no" to chlorella, but yes to spirulina, activated charcoal, and apple pectin.

Does anyone know of a good brand of spirulina? I know it is often contaminated, but I tolerate it much better than even a good quality chlorella.

Keeping well hydrated is so important and I find when I am working I do not drink as many liquids as I do on weekends or when on vacation.

Right now, I belive the main metal I am dealing with is aluminum, plus some chemical toxins (unknown) and some neurotoxins.

Again, thanks for everyone's input. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and that the new year brings many blessings. Even being ill I can really see all of the blessings in my life.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Regarding Spirulina:

or whatever it is worth - here is the answer
I got several years ago when asking Dr.K. about spirulina (which actually made me sick the first time I took it -- never to take it again). I also did not do well with chlorella. This is what he said:

"I always get asked about Spirulina. There is one paper that shows that spirulina is quite good for arsenic poisoning, but it's only one paper, and on chlorella we have over 500. When you look at the nutrient content of spirulina, it is very poor compared to the content in chlorella. The protein content is lower, None of the precious ingredients are in there.

Spirulina is not an algae. It's a prokaryote. It is a bacterium that happens to use photosynthesis to make energy. The same is true for super blue green algae. It's not an algae at all from a biological point of view. They are microorganisms, n o t p l a n t s . I like to move things in a plant way (with plants)"

Take care.

[ 12-29-2009, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
also lee..malic acid in med to high doses can be useful for aluminum. Good luck
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Originally posted by Lee:
I have no mercury amalgams, so I am hoping that speeds up the use of AI.

Lee, I don't think that having/not having amalgams matters with AI. That's not the point of the therapy.

AI simply checks to see if you are allergic to a substance (such as mercury) and corrects it, if you are.

Most metals are dealt with by AI in the 1st or 2nd round. It is then up to the body to release them, which can take many months.

Also, you can have mercury in the system even if you have no amalgams. I have a friend who is very toxic with mercury and has NO fillings.

He was exposed in utero (his mother had many fillings, had dental work while pregnant) and from childhood vaccines.

I am sure he has the mercury allergy and I have recommended AI to him.

[ 12-29-2009, 01:16 PM: Message edited by: zombie ]
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Doesnt microsilica just bind in the gut? I understand from DK's thriiive presentation and workshops that microcilica binds what is loose in the gut only. If that understanding is correct, then why not take when on AI? Seems it might be helpful binding up the metals in the gut so they dont recirculate. I could be wrong and would love to know if I am.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
AI drops are energetic imprints from your blood, saliva/DNA.. is this correct. Please dont send me to their website. I have translated in English and read many time and still find it confusing.

I am undertanding energetic.. imprints of the dysregulation or imprints of proper regulation to inform the body. I am not sure which one or if I am totally off base and would appreciate any help understanding.

I am considering for myself and my children, but I wont try this until I understand what they are doing on their end.

Thank you to anyone who can answer.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Have I read somewhere that chorella binds with heavy metals, but may just move them around the body and not take them out? Thus people also use cilantro (which greatly upsets my stomach)

I am sure someone has posted about this before, but with 19 pages of AI to go through, I thought someone might be kind enough to answer.

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I have heard that the microsilica is a very strong treatment and can be difficult to tolerate. the name of the game is to tensor or test yourself with these different binders.

alot of the protocols on the presentations are generalized and tend to be cookie cutter.
I think yo uhave to find a practitioner or learn to test what minterals are out ans what binders come in.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on :
I've not heard of many/any having difficulty tolerating MicroSilica. It seems to me to be more mild relative to many other metal agents such as DMPS, DMSA, etc.

Chlorella binds metals and should not just move them around. If you take chlorella with Vitamin C, the bond can be broken and the metals drop off. It may not be as permanent of a bond as some other agents, but chlorella is a good option in my experience.

Cilantro is more difficult and I personally would not use it until very late in the process as it crosses into the brain. It's not what I would consider a mild agent and is more of a mobilizer than a binder.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
First it is necessary to get the major dysregulations corrected. As long as there is no order in the electromagnetic system, you will not release enough to have to worry about microsilica or chlorella, least of all cilantro. Scott touched on it.

If you can't spend the time reading this thread or translating some more of their fabulous website, all I can suggest is - do the test only for the small fee and see where you stand. If you come through as everyone from LN did, the system is in chaos and none of the regulatory systems function well enough to work together.

Worrying about heavy metals now is putting the cart before the horse. When the metals finally start to release, you are well on your way. If you have like all others wheat/gluten/soy/corn allergies, toxic metal allergies, plus emotional blockages, plus hundreds of chemical reactions, plus structural hangups, the body will take some time to heal. Leaky gut. Energetically BLOCKED GLANDS have to be functional again. Many have a dysfunction with the ENCYME PRODUCTION. Many (all) have a problem with smooth flow of information at the synaptic gap. Myelin has to heal. All that will be indicated on your first test results. (Chemicals are corrected subsequently -- would be more than anyone can handle in the first test/drops)

I have a lot more on their list about things gone wrong = dysregulations at the DNA level, but not enough time to recite them all.

Inability to make a decision and make up one's mind is one of the typical mercury/metal symptoms. Dr. K. told me that years ago. The people never stop talking and never finish arguing their point - it's problematic when the next patient is waiting outside while the clock is running.

And I have got to run now.

Take care.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Oh.. so the site has now recently added information on how they make the drops?

Those crazy mercury toxic folk.;-)
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Okay, now for all you veteran AI users out there, can you remember what your first couple of drop phases felt like?

I'm waiting for phase 2 to be mailed and all of a sudden I feel wretched. Two week on phase one drops and now a little more than two weeks off and waiting for the phase two to come in the mail.

My stomach is a wreck, my intestines are crampy, my head is achey/woozy and I'm wobbly weak and fluish. Staying close to the bathroom too.I don't think it is a real flu, since it's been building for the last two weeks.

Soup, applesauce, fluids and rest.... but my guts are a-stirrin'! I have a lot of intestine issues according to AI analysis....

I'm trying to change my perspective to things getting unstuck and feeling crummy for a good purpose -- rather than my prior Everything-is-because-of- Lyme view.

Honestly, it's a free-fall -- any early treatment memories from those of you on later phases like 7 through 10? I need a little boost...


Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I am new to this site and find it absolutely fascinating! Last week was my first time seeing Dr. K (amazing Dr.!) because of many chronic conditions (he thinks KPU, perhaps Lyme? and Bartonella - is having me test for all 3), autoimmune diseases and most recently adult onset food allergies (gluten, casein, corn, almonds, garlic, eggs, etc.). He mentioned that one woman who used to be allergic to gluten and casein now is only allergic to wheat after using AI. Dr. G gave me the website information, but I also Googled it and came across your site.

I have read through many of your threads, but some questions still remain. Is there anyone who has gotten rid of their food allergies entirely? Also, I did already try IQS (Interactive Query System) in Utah where you hold a metal rod in your hand which is hooked up to a computer, etc. and it sounds very similar in that they use 'drops' and each time you go back there may be something new surfacing. There was no saliva or blood sample needed, but they did need your this similar to AI?

Thank you!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
GettinHealthy, that IQS sounds similar to EAV which I did many years ago. The treatment is quite different. AI is quite unique and I don't think there is another method quite like it anywhere.

If you go back through this thread, I tried to translate AI's published results of about 200 people. Maybe you can go back and find it. Probably around May or so.

Dr. K. yes, he is amazing. He also is our doctor when we need him. Yes, there are many people who have corrected all their problems entirely. This group is still working on issues and gradually getting there. Many foods are connected to chemical dysregulations and they can only be treated a few at a time.

Keep reading and good luck with Dr. K.

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wiser - "I'm trying to change my perspective to things getting unstuck and feeling crummy for a good purpose -- rather than my prior Everything-is-because-of- Lyme view."

Hang in there Wiser. I don't remember if you shared your abx history (if any) but there is lots of info about what they do to your immune system.

Abx or not - when things start waking up and are trying to work the way they were intended, you can get some "complaints".

When systems have gotten used to not working together, they have to relearn some things.

Your statement, which I put in quotes - is right on the money.

GettinHealthy - It has taken nearly a year but my gut has done a lot of healing with AI and I no longer have reactions to wheat, corn etc.

There was a time if I indulged in a slice of pizza or bread, I felt it in my brain quite quickly.

Leaky gut takes a while and is an ongoing healing process, but I can eat whatever I want now.

My husband completed AI (no more dyregulations found). When he started he had all the food allergies show up on his results and all the intestinal areas were in the red zone (blocked).

7 months - all areas in the green (normal).

Happy New Year!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
My daughter and I (round 7ish) no longer have any food allergies nor allergies to trees and growing things nor animals. I believe these left by round could check my posts as I tend to give details to help others compare. And others help me with suggestions when I thanks all!

We could never own a cat or dog as my daughters allergies were the most severe with immediate hives, sneezing and asthma. We could not have a live Christmas tree in our home, nor have cut flowers. Gave up gardening...and pulling weeds, and mowing lawn. Our allergies got progressively worse. Now, we eat all things, can garden and be in nature, and can get a pet if we want. Chemical sensitivites are deminished and now perfumes and smells do not bother us.

I have adapted to these allergies as my new normal over the years...but when my regulations started to happen, it was like remembering what normal was really like. I am so grateful for getting my life back. and...When your child are a believer!

Many odd things happened to me in the first few rounds that were bothersome. All were related to conditions I previously had or was currently dealing with. The first was my eyes burning badly and oozing at night waking with very crusty film. The I recall severe pain in certain joints, especially my knee was worse than normal. rashes appeared where I had them years before, with intense itching and pain...where I used steroid cream in the past.

Was constipated for as long as I can remember, and could never eat any sulfer foods, like onions, garic or milk products without severe smelly gas reactions. My food was eliminated without full digestion. Now that problem is gone. My family cannot make jokes about me and onions any more...they were the first to notice...this is real.

over the years, My nails had been progressively getting weak, and flaking off...I was wearing bandaids on my fingertips just to function before the drops....and after round two or three...they were finally healing and getting strong. This was my first amazing change. They are normal today!!!!!

Next amazing change...was no more anxiety and depression diminished gradually. I just felt I could cope with things without getting stressed out like I usually do. Also had unique fatigue while on the drops...but a good type of fatigue like my body was healing.

You will see your own unique and amazing things happen if you give it time.
Please do us the courtesy to post as well. I love hearing everyones positive changes!


[ 12-30-2009, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
i wonder if someone could take the highlights of this thread and make an AI thread at the top of MED QUESTIONS. I suspect many people get overwhelmed and miss this important thread.

my son who has GERD and cant eat much without doubling over and has had migraines since 3 was visiting and i swabbed his mouth. he is open to this tx. my children had to leave early for my mothers funeral (!!). i couldnt travel. too sick.

Wiser - ditto. i have been sneezing X 1 week and sinuses draining for 4 days straight.

next travel will be feb to see DK. missed mothers funeral, but will not miss dk. BTW, 2 hrs after my mom passed a deer tick appeared next to my bed. 1st one ive seen in 12 yrs. since one was taken off my head. seemed significant. DK had me read, MOTHERS SIGNATURE last year. he will surely findthis interesting. PM me if you have any thoughts, since it beyond scope of this thread. thanx.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
R62 -

Quote - Doesnt microsilica just bind in the gut? I understand from DK's thriiive presentation and workshops that microcilica binds what is loose in the gut only. If that understanding is correct, then why not take when on AI? Seems it might be helpful binding up the metals in the gut so they dont recirculate. I could be wrong and would love to know if I am.

I have heard DK say "always start with the gut".

I don't believe you are wrong, just think binding, pulling etc., is best done after a number of rounds of AI when the metals are actually able to be recognized.

Don't know of anyone yet (except Gigi and mercury) that has not had that appear on their test results.

If you send in binders or mobilizers and you don't actually recognize these metals as toxic, HG says "it's like asking someone to go out and pick a tulip when they really don't know what one looks like."

If you are considering this for yourself and your family and are hesitant, why not send off your own saliva and see what you are dealing with?
"Oh.. so the site has now recently added information on how they make the drops?"

Not sure what you mean here. Why would he tell someone how he does this? Perhaps he is a unique enough individual to not want this to fall into the hands of someone who might charge 10 times the amount that he does, and get it wrong at the same time.

This is an extremely inexpensive therapy - $500 for sometimes well over a year. His family has done this for a long time.

Clearly he is not in it for the money and people are getting results.

Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Originally posted by R62:
AI drops are energetic imprints from your blood, saliva/DNA.. is this correct. Please dont send me to their website. I have translated in English and read many time and still find it confusing.

I am undertanding energetic.. imprints of the dysregulation or imprints of proper regulation to inform the body. I am not sure which one or if I am totally off base and would appreciate any help understanding.

I am considering for myself and my children, but I wont try this until I understand what they are doing on their end.

Thank you to anyone who can answer.

R62, I do believe what you said is correct, that the drops are "energetic... imprints of proper regulation to inform the body."

I believe that the drops are encoded with the information using light/photons. How they do this, I don't know. I suspect the method is proprietary.

If you want, I can email you my 1st AI analysis, if you'd like to see how they do it.

[email protected]
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :

I think microsilica binds regardless of whether the body recognizes the HM or not. Again, I could be wrong, but I dont think so. DK recommended prior to starting KPU for at least a month because of that.


What I mean: I do expect a company to tell whether their product is homeopathic, energetic and give basic information on how they make their product... is it an energetic duplicate of my dysregulations or is it an energetic correction? I dont care how he makes that. I want to know what it is.

I have not even thought he is in it for the money. For the work, however he does it, whatever it is, its quite a bit for the 500$ unless he is just mailing out water.

And I am not implying he is or thinking he is. Same time, I want to know what I am giving my children and even my self. I think thats a reasonable request. And I am shocked that any reasonable person would think otherwise. Do we live in a country, a society that supresses questions? Only the right questions are allowed? Don't question beyond "your" comfort zone? Dont question the "doctor?" Dont question the company.. terrible things might happen?

I dont think it is wrong, bad, sad, paranoid, or any other judgement one might come up with to ask how the product is made (and no I am not asking for a blueprint).

I am geniunely interested in AI, and I might order a test to trial this, but you know, just like any report I hear no matter who it comes from and that includes DK, I dont take anything on blind faith. I also think that is reasonable.

You have mentioned heart in the past. Intuition and heart are wonderful guides, but so is common sense and some semblence of knowing based on facts dont you think?

Really, I want to be able to question without being judged for doing so and when I am being judged, which I am, red flags start flying. Is it the company, the representative or the group think? I dont know. I do know it is not healthy at all.

If anyone has problems with that, then I dont know what to say. I hate to have to leave this thread again because I am being targeted for asking a simple question.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Originally posted by zombie:

R62, I do believe what you said is correct, that the drops are "energetic... imprints of proper regulation to inform the body."

I believe that the drops are encoded with the information using light/photons. How they do this, I don't know. I suspect the method is proprietary.

If you want, I can email you my 1st AI analysis, if you'd like to see how they do it.

[email protected] [/QUOTE]

I would be most grateful, zombie. I will contact you offboard. Thank you.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
R, I have sent you that file. Hopefully it will help you make a decision when it comes to AI.

You are totally within your rights to ask these questions, especially if you are considering the treatment for your children. However, we are all patients here and may not know the answer.

You can always ask AI directly: [email protected]

From my experience, they are very agreeable/willing to help.

I always write to them in both languages, using google translate.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ali, I have attempted for over a year to alert people to dysregulations and Allergie Immun. Resistance to the unknown is very difficult to overcome and trusting is difficult for some.

How the drops are made? The answer to this has been on the AI website when I first learned about it in 2008 when I was searching for a way out of our Bionic fiasco. It is explained at length on AI under Questions and Answers (Fragen und
Antworten). It helps to be able to read it in German. But even a translating engine helps.

It's best not to assume anything, because most is incorrect. And the best chef will teach a lot, but may also keep his/her best recipe secret.
The one trying to copy it not being blessed with the same culinary talent may make a mess of it. It is happening all the time. And then who gets blamed if it doesn't quite taste the same?

Take care.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :

Our bodies, our cells and the association to respond to electromagnetic fields, which is probably indisputable.

Jeder Stoff, egal ob ein Stein, eine Blume, ein Virus oder ein Mensch, sendet unentwegt elektromagnetische Wellen aus, die sich ua aus den Kr�ften Elektrizit�t und Magnetismus zusammensetzten.

Any substance, whether a stone, a flower, a virus or a person who constantly sends out electromagnetic waves, composed partly from the forces of electricity and magnetism.

Auf diese Art und Weise �generiert`` jeder Stoff sein eigenes und ganz individuelles Wellenmuster oder (Erkennungs-)Muster.

In this way, "generated" is any substance, and his own completely individual wave patterns, or (recognition) model.

Die DNA, in dem ua unsere Erbanlagen (Bausteine) codiert sind, ist gleichzeitig ein Photonenspeicher.

The DNA, in which our genes are coded Others (building blocks), is also a photon storage.

Die DNA ist aber auch Sender und Antenne zugleich.

The DNA is also the transmitter and antenna in one.

Es werden nicht nur Photonen gespeichert, sondern auch wieder abgegeben.

It will be stored not only photons, but then discharged.

Etwa 95 Prozent der DNA sind ua regulatorische Einheiten , gr��tenteils aber Sequenzabschnitte mit bislang wissenschaftlich unbekannter Funktion.

About 95 percent of the DNA include regulatory units, but most of the available science sequence reads with unknown function.

Diese Sequenzabschnitte werden offensichtlich daf�r benutzt, um �Informationen`` in Form elektromagnetischer Muster zu speichern. �brigens gehen wir sogar davon aus, dass selbst eigene Erlebnisse (Konfliktsituationen) hier als Muster abgelegt werden, die unbewusst in bestimmten �hnlichen Situationen wirken, und so den K�rper beeinflussen k�nnen.

These sequence segments are apparently used for to store "information" in the form of electromagnetic patterns. By the way, we even expect that even their own experiences) (conflict here are stored as patterns that unconsciously contribute in some similar situations, and so the body breastfeeding success.

So l�sst sich auch erkl�ren, wie z. B. Talente oder Verhaltensweisen uvm, vererbt werden.

This explains also, such as talents or behavior, etc., are inherited.

Kommt nun ein K�rper mit einem Stoff in Kontakt, werden die von ihm ausgesendeten elektromagnetischen Wellen von unseren Zellen empfangen, mit den in der DNA gespeicherten Mustern verglichen.

Come now, a body with a substance in contact are of him receiving the electromagnetic waves emitted by our cells, compared with the data stored in the DNA samples.

Die Kommunikation der Zellen untereinander geschieht wohl �ber Biophotonen.

The communication between cells, probably done by biophotons.

Biophotonen �bertragen nicht nur Energie, sondern auch Informationen, wobei allein das Muster aus Elektrizit�t und Magnetismus schon eine Information bedeutet.

Biophotons given not only energy but also information, which means but the pattern of electricity and magnetism have any information.

Je nach dem, ob Welle und Muster �bereinstimmen, werden entsprechende chemische Prozesse aktiviert.

Depending upon whether, consistent waves and patterns that are activated corresponding chemical processes.

Im Umkehrschluss bedeutet das: reagieren Zellen auf einen harmlosen Stoff, indem sie chemische Abwehrma�nahmen ausl�sen, liegen konsequenterweise falsche Muster in der DNA vor, die daf�r verantwortlich sind.

In reverse, this means that cells respond to a harmless substance, by causing chemical defense measures are consistently wrong in the DNA sample before, are responsible for it.

Diese Muster, ob auf Stoffe, oder solche, die durch einen Konflikt erzeugt wurden, k�nnen wir anhand Ihrer DNA, die wir �ber etwas Speichel bekommen, identifizieren.

These patterns, the ability of those substances, or those that were generated by a conflict that we, based on your DNA, we get about a little saliva to identify.

Was alle Muster gemeinsam haben, ist die Tatsache, dass sie den K�rper entsprechend negativ (gegenpolig) beeinflussen, und so zu den unterschiedlichsten chemischen Prozessen f�hren, die sich wiederum in den unterschiedlichsten Symptomen �u�ern.

What all the models have in common is the fact that according to adversely affect the body (opposite polarity), and thus lead to a variety of chemical processes that manifest themselves again in a variety of symptoms.

Gegenpolig deshalb, weil all diese Muster genau das Gegenteil ausl�sen, was sie eigentlich sollen.

Counterpart, because all of these patterns cause the exact opposite of what they really want.

Bei vielen harmlosen Stoffen l�sen sie Abwehrma�nahmen aus, in bestimmten Situationen l�sen sie gegenteilige Emotionen aus, wie Angst, Wut, aber auch Traurigkeit uvm Selbst Schmerzen im R�cken, wo der Mediziner keine Ursache daf�r findet, k�nnen solche Muster ausl�sen.

In many harmless substances they trigger defensive measures in certain situations, they trigger the opposite emotions such as fear, anger, sadness, but also even much more pain in the back, where doctors found no cause that can cause such patterns.

ALLERGIE-IMMUN hat eine Methode entwickelt, um sehr viele dieser Muster, die den K�rper negativ beeinflussen, zu erkennen, und sie gegenpolig auf das Energetikum zu pr�gen.

ALLERGY IMMUN has developed a method to very many of these patterns, which reflect negatively affect the body, and they put their stamp on the opposite polarity to Energetikum.

Nimmt der Betroffene nun diese rein energetisch modifizierten Tropfen �ber einen bestimmten Zeitraum ein, werden durch die regelm��ige Impulsgebung Polarit�ten ins Gegenteil gekehrt.

If the person concerned now this is a purely energy-modified drop over time, be swept through the regular impetus polarities reversed.

Die Folge ist, dass der K�rper harmlose Stoffe wieder folgerichtig erkennt, dass vielmals vorherige belastende Situationen (zB H�henangst) ausbleiben, dass Schmerzimpulse im R�cken verschwinden k�nnen und vieles mehr.

The result is that the body is harmless substances again consistently recognizes that many times prior stressful situations (eg, fail to fear of heights), that pain impulses can disappear in the back and much more."

[ 12-30-2009, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: zombie ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
German Language = difficult language.
Deutsche Sprache = schwierige Sprache.

Even more so since the subject matter is very abstract for many of us. At least, it was for me until I met Dr. K. Until then, I thought as many on this board do of things like woodoo and snakeoil.

Thank you for your efforts, Zombie.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Originally posted by GiGi:
[QB] Ali, I have attempted for over a year to alert people to dysregulations and Allergie Immun. Resistance to the unknown is very difficult to overcome and trusting is difficult for some.

Gigi, I will directly speak to you. I dont know if you realize just how you come across or if you do and dont care.

I am far from afraid of the unknown, my dear. I have seen energy working. Lights of energy coming out of no where. Balls with lights, forms when my sister was in her healing room. Ive actually seen more, but I wont go there.

My sister HEALED without any energy drops, herbs, medicines. She healed after NDE and about 3 years of spiritual and body work that she did on herself. She focused on trigger point and scar tissue. Her hands were very energetic at the time and she could actually FEEL the different frequencies coming out of them.

She was bedridden for years.

She cant help me. She cant help you. She cant help anyone else, but she did help herself with her spiritual connections and her own access to frequencies.

So.. I dont give a flying flip if you beleive in her or not or how resistant you are. Its not my place to judge you, where you are, what you believe in and what you dont. Each healing path is sacred.

But, if you had enough trust in Spirit and your body's ability to heal when aligned with Spiritual frequency, you might not need these drops.

When there is no ego involved, there is no need to put people in their place and to be right. I dont mind admitting that I find you offensive with your veiled accusations and am quite sick of it.

I want to learn and heal. And I am tired of the school yard antics.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
"ALLERGY IMMUN has developed a method to very many of these patterns, which reflect negatively affect the body, and they put their stamp on the opposite polarity to Energetikum.

Nimmt der Betroffene nun diese rein energetisch modifizierten Tropfen �ber einen bestimmten Zeitraum ein, werden durch die regelm��ige Impulsgebung Polarit�ten ins Gegenteil gekehrt.

If the person concerned now this is a purely energy-modified drop over time, be swept through the regular impetus polarities reversed.

Die Folge ist, dass der K�rper harmlose Stoffe wieder folgerichtig erkennt, dass vielmals vorherige belastende Situationen (zB H�henangst) ausbleiben, dass Schmerzimpulse im R�cken verschwinden k�nnen und vieles mehr. "

This is helpful. Thank you, zombie.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ali said: "i wonder if someone could take the highlights of this thread and make an AI thread at the top of MED QUESTIONS. I suspect many people get overwhelmed and miss this important thread."

My answer a couple of posts ago, to Ali, was: in other words, I have been trying to alert people for a year, etc.

R62, there are times in life when Silence is Golden and time to move on.

Take care.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
R62 I am so glad to see you stand up and speak your truth. Its also part of healing.I can also understand asking questions and not just sitting back and not just being a follower and not taking everyone's opinions as if its from God,Goddess. I saw u asking questions and no one responded.Except for Zombie who kindly acknowledged you and gave you info u were asking for. I hope there will be more compassion for people here going through this hell.And that put downs will stop being made.That is NOT healing.Love, compassion,caring and kindness are what healing. Mind,body,spirit emotions all need to be worked on. Healing Blessings to all
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
I agree, Healing. I dont sense this kind of tension on other threads.

I appreciate all the info.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
i noticed that i said my mother died and a tic appeared. no empathy followed.

there are no drops in the world that can give us heart. fortunately i have other places to get empathy.

i appreciate the support i can get here.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
one thing i can say that i have seen improvement is in this area. with lyme, i never got a cold or would produce a fever or even sweat.
this fall and winter i have gotten many fevers and colds and i am producing fevers..

it tests like these "colds" and "flus" are my own immune systems is doing this is very good news.

Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Originally posted by aliyalex:
i noticed that i said my mother died and a tic appeared. no empathy followed.

there are no drops in the world that can give us heart. fortunately i have other places to get empathy.

i appreciate the support i can get here.

Originally posted by aliyalex:
[i wonder if someone could take the highlights of this thread and make an AI thread at the top of MED QUESTIONS. I suspect many people get overwhelmed and miss this important thread.

my son who has GERD and cant eat much without doubling over and has had migraines since 3 was visiting and i swabbed his mouth. he is open to this tx. my children had to leave early for my mothers funeral (!!). i couldnt travel. too sick.

Wiser - ditto. i have been sneezing X 1 week and sinuses draining for 4 days straight.

next travel will be feb to see DK. missed mothers funeral, but will not miss dk. BTW, 2 hrs after my mom passed a deer tick appeared next to my bed. 1st one ive seen in 12 yrs. since one was taken off my head. seemed significant. DK had me read, MOTHERS SIGNATURE last year. he will surely findthis interesting. PM me if you have any thoughts, since it beyond scope of this thread. thanx.

Im sorry. I was so wrapped up in my little drama that I did not listen. It sure seems like a message. I have a friend who gets messages from her mom.

My children also have very bad gut issues. One reason I am again interested in learning more about AI. An aside: There is a lot of good info on the Lyme Induced Autism list for moms. You dont have to have a child with autism to join or participate.

The thread can be overwhelming. Simple version as best I undertand is that dna is "scanned" for reactions to metals, chemicals, foods, emergy signatures for blocks??? or certain kinds (not sure how those are compiled) then correct messages are scanned into water energetically with photons. The correct messages are carried to cells, dna..

Corrections appreciated. (pardon the pun)
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
thank you R. that feels really good to hear.

not sure if this AI is kicking my butt, but i am beyond tired. why do people start with less than 5 drops? i am in a wheelchair and cant afford to get weaker.

also the mother trauma and the anti microbials. something needs to go. maybe ill write HG.

any thought. i know it is my decision.
Posted by Healing in Santa Cruz (Member # 7798) on :
Hi Ali, So sorry about the loss of your Mom.And sorry I did not see your post.I was in my own heavy situation so was not reading all the posts or even coming to LN much. AI does kick butt.If its too much you can take less drops. Big Healing Hug for you Joyce
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
aliyalex --

I'm just now getting caught up on reading page 19 and 20 of the posts.

First, I offer you my sincerest condolences on your loss. I lost my mom this past year too. The tick appearance seems truly to be some sort of message. My mom also makes her presence known in small ways. And we are far more open to these gentle nudgings during the year after the death of a loved one. It certainly is a sacred time to listen to our intuitions in honor of those who've crossed over.

Next, I do not have much AI wisdom to share with you, since I have only just completed Round One. I, too, am exhausted beyond tiredness. It's like a lot of stuff is slamming me all at once.

I find that reading other folks' experiences is very helpful. I wrote to HG about my strong response and he suggested that I back down from 5 drops to 2 or 3 on this first go round. He said, "Do what feels right...." I took 2-3 drops for the two weeks.

Today I gave into the weakness and stayed in bed all day. Luckily my husband was home to care for my two boys. The extra sleep and no expectations helped a lot, but I still feel real weak. Gigi's older posts about the value of soup came through for me today. Broth stayed down and gave me a bit more stamina.

I think something is changing, getting unstuck and working its' way through. Don't know what, but I'm trying to stay positive and let it ride.

I wish you strength in finding the right decisions.

Best regards (and Happy New Year!),

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I posted last night a question in regards to food allergies so am sort of jumping in even though this is now 'out of order' :-) Anyway, I just want to thank you for answering my questions as I know this takes your time. I am going to order AI for myself and my children as all of you seem to have had wonderful results and are still moving in a positive direction. Thanks again and I will keep you posted!
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear aliyalex,

I tried to PM you, but your mailbox was full.

Please contact me by PM, and I'll send you what I wrote. Or, let us know you've picked up your mail, eh?


Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
GettinHealthy, Glad you are going to try this. It was nice to talk a bit and hope to run into you somewhere before too long. Maybe you can make it to the next K. seminar in February. "Healing the Brain" should give us a lot to digest.

It sounds like you want to learn more about AI, so when you send in your samples, be sure to ask them to send you the booklet "Information for Clients". Somtimes they forget to include it in the package. If you are interested, you can also ask them to send you their

Good luck and take care.

P.S. to get a better picture of the results of the Regulationtherapie, you could ask for their study of approx. 200 clients, as below. It is quite detailed as to specific symptoms, etc., and quite interesting. They e-mail it to you. It is German, but you can easily understand the list of symptoms, male and female, and the rest is basically numbers.

96,4 % der Teilnehmer best�tigten eine grunds�tzliche Wirkung der REGU-Immun-Therapie.
73,9 % gaben an, dass keine Symptome mehr vorhanden sind.
17,7 % gaben an, dass noch teilweise Symptome vorhanden sind.
8,4 % gaben an, dass Symptome nach wie vor vorhanden sind *.
* Verbrauchertest mit 124 weiblichen und 73 m�nnlichen Personen, Selbstbewertung.

Ask them for their "Verbraucherstudie" if you are interested.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
aliyalex - this thread has been a pretty calm place since it started last year. I'm sorry that the one day things got a little "stirred up" your post got overlooked.

I am truly sorry about the passing of your Mom.

I think you asked about taking less drops. There have been rounds when I have only taken 2 or 3 but always 3x a day.

Mr. G has said this is okay when necessary and that even if "the information is whispered, it is still there."

Last year around this time my very first drops arrived frozen solid. I put them on the table beside my bed to thaw and I do believe they went to work being next to my head that night!

I was extremely tired during the first round. When I got my second report and all the switches for foods, metals, fungus, industrial toxins, etc., had been flipped in the right direction - well, that's a lot.

I forget sometimes how very hard our bodies are working while doing these drops. Any extra rest one can get, nourishing foods, giving in to that day in bed (good for you Wiser!), can be helpful.

I don't think Mr. G can or will tell us don't take this or that but if you read between the lines, I believe his intention is for us to keep things as simple as possible.

Makes sense if he is trying to correct something and we are busy taking other things to correct the same issue. Just adds confusion I think.

R62, I think the drops will help with your kids gut issues. It took many months but mine seem to have resolved.

Many of us have been guinea pigs before putting our kids on it. My 22 year old son and his girlfriend will start when they finish college in the Spring.

Lightparfait said some time ago she wanted all her kids on it - her gift to future generations to stop the chaos. I really liked that one LP.

A final note - it wasn't until I met Gigi that I fully grasped the depth of her knowledge about all of this.

There is always room for misinterpretation with the written word. When there are no facial expressions or body language to be seen, it is easy to misunderstand.

I for one owe her a big thank you for the overwhelming generosity she has shown me and for finding Allergie-Immun.

A happy and peaceful New Year to all.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Personally, I have found this thread to be full of sharing and caring. GiGi, NanaD, LParfait and Scott have all been very forthcoming about their experiences with the drops.

Reading the posts about their healing gives me the strength to continue on with AI.

Nobody has shared more than GiGi and none of us, nor Dr. K, would have even heard of this therapy if it wasn't for her.

She has taken the time to email Herr Grundmeyer on my behalf when I was having trouble after my 6th round. I know she has done this for others, too.

Member #259/6700++ posts says it all, really. Like NanaD, I am also very grateful.

R62- I'm so glad my post was helpful. It can be hard to get one's head around this therapy. I sense you are a lot like me, a real thinker/researcher...

I'm on round 7 and still learning to trust/let go.

Aliyalex- So sorry for your loss, especially with you being too sick to attend the funeral.

I'm also in a wheelchair and miss out on a lot of family functions for that reason so I can relate a little.

2010 is almost here. May we all walk in Light and Beauty next year!

[ 12-31-2009, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: zombie ]
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Ladies, I appreciate your generosity. Thank you for being so gracious and helpful.

At the same time, Gigi and I have had quite a few run ins in the past, and I am not going to take full responsibility for that.

I would be grateful to be able to resolve this privately or publically if Gigi is interested, but this will continue as long as we both participate on the same threads and the communication continues as it is.

If moderators would like to mediate, thats fine with me. I truly want to contribute in a positive way, but I will not tolerate communication as it stands.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Interesting article today on the Mercola site:

232 Toxic Chemicals found in 10 babies.

Confirms what we are dealing with on the AI therapy.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
i believe tis thread has become a close community. we are all in varying steps of this dance with human frailty in the face of being bombarded by energy-light and dark. with any intimate, alive community with a large intention for healing, transforming dark to light. with that come conflict. i see much respect and gratitude for ALL the voices.

thank you all for the caring and courage. happy new year!
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
i believe tis thread has become a close community. we are all in varying steps of this dance with human frailty in the face of being bombarded by energy-light and dark. with any intimate, alive community with a large intention for healing, transforming dark to light. comes conflict. i see much respect and gratitude here for ALL the voices.

thank you all for the caring and courage. happy new year!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Wow...I've been away from the site with all the holiday activities...and now just reading the past few pages. Not sure where to begin.

Don't want anyone to think I am not responding to questions or just being silent. I only have my personal experiences to share and have no true wisdom beyond my experience about AI other than what others have shared here on this site.

Only to say I felt led to start AI by what others would refer to as blindly...but what I refer to as enlightened direction on an unknown path full of thorns, weeds, and bog...with a clearing ahead in sight.

This is what I see and have experienced. Don't think I would have attempted this therapy without this inner enlightened vision before me. I don't follow the leader normally...I am not a spontaneous decision maker and am conservative in nature. I don't need to be in the comfort zone in I am willing to try the less conventional approach if I deem it safe...that's just my make up.

I believe the road less traveled is usually the right road in most circumstances.

In my opinion it takes a certain individual to have this pioneering approach to unconventional therapies. Others are more comfortable waiting for results of others or seeing test results from a lab. Nothing wrong with must know yourself.

Those still questioning and uncomfortable are doing so for a your instincts I would suggest. Your whole mind, body , spirit need to be open for the healing in this therapy. Especially to go through the regulations as they individually occur.

please pm me if you would like my comments on anything in particular.

I have just received an overwheming number of pm's in the past few days and will get back to you all soon. I always reply to pm's eventually. I want each of you to experience all the healing possible.

I do believe AI is beneficial to everyone...I cannot see a downside unless you are too sick to begin and to get off your current regiment...just my thoughts. I do know a part of being toxic for I had that problem big the inability to make decisions. AI has helped me with that as well.

So know yourself and follow your heart. My buddies here..especially GIGI, NANA, Carrie, et al... have been very candid and helpful when I am in need. I am eternally grateful.

so please do not judge the way something is written...just look at the phenomenal content and heartfelt advice... and take what you can absorb from these awesome threads toward healing.

love to all
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
LP - I read that this morning. Made me glad once again to be on AI. I worry for the future generations.

Edited to add: guess we posted at the same time. I was referring to the Mercola newsletter.

I appreciate the sound advice you offer in you post.
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
Just because my personal need is to know more information does not mean I judge another who goes primarily with their intuition, heart, instinct. Just as I do not want to be judged for asking questions and for my desire to know.

It is interesting the individual journeys people take to their healing and what we define as healing, for that matter.

My sister, who healed with Spirit energy and hands on healing that also involved physical body work specifically focusing on scar tissue... all intuituvely lead... has told me for years its about dysregulation and the ANS and NOT lyme or any other diagnosis I might have. Thats her experience and her belief. And she may be right.

She helped herself balance her dysregulation, at least enough to be well, using a special table called a Trinity Table along with her Spiritual "connections" and body work. Possibly she could also benefit even more from AI. And possibly her own experience is all she needs.

Some people will find that to be crazy (her table, her healing experience), but she doesnt care because she is already healed. She has nothing to prove in that sense. She is happy and grateful.

There are people who have used prayer like Joel Osteen's mother and many others, Field Control Therapy, Energy healers, who have healed from various chronic and deadly illness.

I think often what matters most is what your mind and body feel most comfortable with. What opens your own body to "regulate" its dysregulation is also a spiritual and emotional substance as well as an energetic substance, which I would think on one level are the same in some way.

AI is not the only "therapy" that brings regulation to the body, but it sure seems like a very efficient and "easy" way to do so (in that you take the drops as you are told) and definitely less expensive than some measures.

I understand that some therapies dont work for everyone and I would personally have to include AI in that because I dont think there is a cure all for everyone, and/but just because one thing does not work for me does not mean I have the right to say it wont work for anyone else.

Its nice some of you have found companionship with others using AI. I am grateful for my healing buddies as well. We all need them.

I also agree it is important not to judge what is written without giving thought and heart to what the intention is of the one communicating and the fact that this form of communication is not always reliable. I also think we are responsible for how we communicate... and I realize that this also applies to me.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Well said R62!

I too have experienced healing in many forms...and can attest to the power of prayer.

My lyme did not go away with the AI went away at a prayer daughter and myself were both opened and freed spiritually when a relic of St Faustina was placed on our heads. This is not remission, this is gone! The priest with the relic announced boldly that our lyme disease was gone...he did not know from us that we were silently praying for that!

I never posted the details before...but this is true and real. Something I never in my past would have tried nor thought possible for me. Until I was open and lead to that particular was a gift. Why me, and why only lyme gone? Who can say. But my LLMD confirms that my labs show the change, and my ND confirms with ART that lyme was present and now there is no frequency for lyme in either of us! Certain specific symptoms went away immediately. Other, fibromyalgia type symptoms, and odd dysregulations remain. Lupus remains.

I was invited at the right time in my healing journey...all roads led there...and now are leading me through the AI therapy for residual cleanup of all the toxins that cause my immune system to work on overdrive and block my body systems...

This is how I experience that it is not just lyme!

It is individual. And as doors open, we would deprive ourselves not to walk through them.

But the real healing is spiritual which is light and what a journey!

[ 01-01-2010, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by R62 (Member # 18531) on :
LP, wow. I am in awe. Thank you for sharing this.

I do believe this can happen. I also know so many who hope for this to happen and it does not. I have become jealous of my sister's healing, and her's was not instant in the sense that she was not instantly aware and feeling her healing at least.

What happened for her in the process was a total paradigm shift. Totally different view that is very hard for me to explain. She became grateful.. alot. She saw the world differently. I think this happened over time. She came into a faith and belief in her own healing (and for her, her own sense of God) as if she claimed it as she was still healing in the process she kept claiming it.

She was also very open to Guidance, intuition, and less fearful of the process, her symptoms. That, for me, would include fear of making mistakes and shifting direction, as everything does not pan out for everyone. She feared her symptoms less. She no longer feared death.

There is so much to healing and it *is* so individual. Some people may heal on abx and trusting in their doctor. Others Burhers herbs.. Ive heard accounts. Others rife, photons and so on. The extent of their healing is not mine to judge. Its theirs as is my sisters healing. She is happy where she is and has a light about her that I wish I had.

Do they have dysregulation work to do on top of that? Possibly, probably to varying degrees. I dont know what shifts can take place while one is healing. I know that my sister tolerates things she could not and it seems her body automatically detoxed on its on at times. ??? It would be interesting to see her test but she wont do that. She is satisisfied where she is, which is not perfect health. (thyroid issues)
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
thanks. i cleared some PM messages.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Just a warning: if AI is doing homeopathic drops (which are in fact, photonic treatment if I understood Prof. Popp well), they CAN'T disclose that publicly.

If they do homeopathic drops in countries like Belgium and use any information from the patient / client, they are doing illegal treatment (because homeopathic autonosodes are not anymore allowed to be sold like that).

I wonder if in Germany, that wouldn't apply too as there is SO MUCH pressure to erradicate homeopathy. I am not there anymore to ask people around, but I suspect that autonosodes is not something the pharma industry is willing to allow it to progress freely, because of huge positive impacts on treatments.

Besides, it's next to costless and no one can do any proprietary treatment from it.

Maybe they are not unwilling to say what they do for legal reasons, to protect this type of treatment from the big brothers?

In Belgium, I know a pharmacist who now does homeopathic autonosodes for clients hidden in his lab. If he is caught, he said, he can get prosecuted.

Big Brother is not fun and we sufferers have everything to lose
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Brussels, your warning is unnecessary here. The
AI/PSP therapy has absolutely nothing in common with Homeopathy. If you don't understand the therapy, it may be well to read their website or call them.

"Is this therapy similar to homeopathy?
A clear NO!"

I will also translate their last sentence from below as best I can in order not to misinterpret:

"So once more: The Regu-Immun Therapy is a method that stands by itself, and at this time is the only method and has nothing whatsoever in common with all other alternative methods, nothing whatsoever."

I will not translate the rest.

Text from their website follows:

Ist die Therapie �hnlich wie Hom�opathie?
Ein klares NEIN!

Wir m�chten hier nur klarstellen, dass unsere REGU-IMMUN-Therapie mit der Hom�opathie nichts gemeinsam hat. W�hrend in der Hom�opathie ja versucht wird, durch einen Reiz eine Reaktion auszul�sen, die dann m�glicherweise zu einer positiven Ver�nderung f�hrt, geht es bei der REGU-IMMUN-Therapie darum, �Fehlinformationen`` zu korrigieren, die den K�rper veranlassen, falsch zu regulieren, so dass er m�glicherweise in eine Sackgasse endet. Das hei�t: auf der einen Seite gibt es keine weiteren M�glichkeiten der Regulation, und auf der anderen Seite entstehen dann chronische Krankheiten.

Wenn St�rungen auf unseren K�rper einwirken, versucht er immer einen Ausgleich herzustellen, um wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu kommen. Reagiert er beispielsweise auf Stoffe (wie Weizenmolek�le) falsch, wird auch hier versucht ein Ausgleich herzustellen. Das kann jedoch nicht gelingen, weil der Stoff ja in Wahrheit ein nat�rlicher Stoff ist, praktisch nicht zu meiden ist, und von den Menschen nicht als Feind identifiziert wird. Weizen ist eben ein Grundnahrungsmittel.

Das zweite Problem ist, dass diese falsche Reaktion auf einen nat�rlichen Stoff, f�r den K�rper normal ist. Ein Paradoxum, das den K�rper letztlich dazu veranlasst, sich in eine falsche Richtung zu entwickeln, bis er keine weiteren M�glichkeiten hat. Dieses Stadium der Materie nennen wir allgemein �chronische`` Krankheiten, die ja schulmedizinisch nicht heilbar sind.

F�r den K�rper ist diese falsche Reaktion auf einen harmlosen und nat�rlichen Stoff normal, weil er diese �Handlungsanweisung`` vererbt bekommen hat. Vererbt wie ein �Talent`` oder eine bestimmte �Eigenschaft`` der Eltern, Gro�eltern usw.

Damit der K�rper nun wieder ordnungsgem�� regulieren kann, muss er die Regulationsschritte teilweise r�ckw�rts gehen. Und zwar jeweils bis zu den Punkten (Weichen), wo er sich in die falsche Richtung entwickelt hat. Diese Aufgaben �bernehmen unsere Tropfen. Die Informationen darin sind ausschlie�lich aus dem K�rper, der reorganisiert werden soll, allerdings von uns modifiziert. Wie viele solche falschen Weichen es gibt, ist abh�ngig davon, wie lange die St�rungen vorhanden sind. Oder etwas leichter ausgedr�ckt: es ist wie eine Zwiebel sch�len. Erst wenn die obere Schicht korrigiert wurde, wird die Sicht, und damit die M�glichkeit f�r, auf untere Schichten m�glich, wobei jede Schicht oder Weiche ein anderes Verhalten des K�rpers zeigen kann. Katja ist hierf�r ein gutes Beispiel, da der Betroffene �subjektiv`` glaubt oder meint zu sp�ren, dass es wieder schlechter wird. Wir jedoch wissen �objektiv``, dass es eben immer besser wird. Darum ist es ja auch so wichtig dran zu bleiben und nicht aufzugeben. Irgendwann erreichen wir immer das Ziel, oder um bei unserem Beispiel der Zwiebel zu bleiben, den Kern. Und erst wenn auch die letzte Schicht, oder falschen Weichenstellung korrigiert ist, kann der K�rper daran gehen, sich diesmal in die richtige Richtung zu entwickeln.

Also noch einmal: Die REGU-IMMUN-Therapie ist ein eigenst�ndiges und bisher einmaliges Verfahren und hat mit allen alternativen Methoden nichts, aber auch gar nichts gemeinsam.

Nach oben

[ 01-01-2010, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

No need to be rude to Brussels. She was just trying to be helpful and in her statement she did say "if AI is doing homeopathic drops."

Plus Brussels is in full remission from homeopathy and photon therapy.

I can't speak for Brussels whether she has read the AI site or not. I do know that I have read the site and tried to translate the German and still do not fully understand it.

I also know that I personally have done 6 rounds of AI and have not seem one bit of improvement from it. That does not mean it won't benefit others, but it might mean that it is not the protocol for everyone.

I did find it interesting on the site to read the testimonials and the one healer you mentioned earlier (not by name on this thread, but you have mentioned her name to me and others outside this forum) testified that AI helped cure her cat. Yet, this healer uses it in her human healing therapy and never mentions its use there (unless I missed something in the testimonials).

I wish you and everyone a Happy New Year and success with AI.


[ 01-01-2010, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Here is a rough translation of what Gigi copied in German from the AI website: Time to translate---30 seconds (with goole translator, of course) [Smile]

"Is the treatment like homeopathy?
A clear NO!

We would like to just make it clear that our REGU-IMMUN therapy with homeopathy has nothing in common. While an attempt is in homeopathy so, triggering a response by a stimulus, which then may lead to a positive change, is what the REGU-IMMUN therapy a matter of "correcting misinformation" that cause the body to regulate false, so that it may end in an impasse. That is, on the one hand there are no more possibilities of regulation, and on the other hand, arise from chronic diseases.

When disturbances affect our body, he always tries to strike a balance to get back into balance. For example, he reacts to substances (such as wheat molecules) is false, is also trying to strike a balance. This can not succeed, however, because the substance is in truth a natural substance that is not practical to avoid, and will not be identified by the people as the enemy. Wheat is just a staple food.

The second problem is that the wrong reaction normally on a natural substance in the body. A paradox in which the body eventually lead it to develop in the wrong direction until he has no other options. This stage of the matter we commonly call "chronic" diseases, which indeed can not be cured by conventional medicine.

For the body this false response to a harmless substance is natural and normal, because he got passed this "guide to action." Inherited as a "talent" or a certain "property" of parents, grandparents, etc.

For the body to properly regulate again, he must go the regulation of some steps backward. And), although in each case up to the points (points where he has developed in the wrong direction. These tasks take over our wines. The information contained therein is entirely from the body, which is to be reorganized, but modified by us. How many such wrong choices out there is depending on how long the disruptions are present. Or something more easily expressed: it is like peeling an onion. Only when the top layer is resolved, the view, and thus the possibility for possible on lower layers, each layer or separator can show a different behavior of the body. Katja is a good example, because the person "subjective" means to feel or believe that it is worse again. We know, however, "objective", that it is just getting better. That is why it's so important, stay tuned and do not give up. Eventually, we always reach the target, or to stay with our example of the onion to the core. And only when the last layer, or incorrect shift is corrected, the body can begin to develop in this time in the right direction.

So once again: The REGU-IMMUN therapy is an independent and unprecedented process and has with all the alternative methods of nothing, absolutely nothing in common. "


[ 01-01-2010, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I don't know what was rude up there. The quote from HG had the exclamation point in it - if it was the emphasis you thought was rude.

I believe that Selma and Gigi have a long standing relationship that is above hurt feelings and reading in things that are not there. I believe Selma has credited Gigi for saving her life. Selma and Gigi can correct me if I am wrong.

HG has said over and over and Gigi warned us all - doing different therapies is not recommended.

I don't know what is on B W's report but it is effective for animals and humans. She says this.

It is only as ineffective as we make it by our own approach. We choose.

It seems (and this is not aimed at anyone in particular) that this thread has taken a negative turn in the last day and a half and is getting far away from the point.

This is the first time I have experienced accusations and the like on this thread.

I hope it can all stop and we can once again get back to the subject at hand: Allergie-Immun, not personality conflicts.

If we are looking for something we will find it.

Whatever our antennae are programed to look for, there it is.

Hope I am making sense.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks Nana for putting us back on the positive track.

Just finished my round 8. Daughter is almost done her 7th. She is experiencing some mild depression again with tears, lethargy and no motivation to do anything for no reason. She has had this before and it had lifted...but not entirely. IT is now back.

It is hard for me to take when I see her doing well, then getting down again mentally as her body is clearing. I believe it will pass as she is now removing chemicals. But she is unhappy today. She has asked to try an antidepressant...and I am not wanting her to do this while on the drops...

So there are ups and downs along the way for sure.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Interesting article:
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Sorry she's having a rough time LP.

Ups and downs for sure. I was REALLY depressed for a couple weeks just before the holidays. It passed but I am still finding myself with not a lot of motivation.

I think the tears come for a reason. Maybe if she just goes with it, she will feel better.

My Christmas tree may stay up until next year! Don't feel like spending the energy to take it down.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I am having those up & downs too. Round 6 brought anxiety and depression -so bad, I could not sleep.

Now, a week into round 7, I feel oddly peaceful. Haven't felt this way in ages.

When I do cry, the tears burn in a way they never have before. I know it is toxins releasing.

It will pass, LP. [group hug]
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi LP,

I can relate to what your daughter is feeling. I too have been experiencing alot of tears. tonight i cried so much my eyes are sore. Some of this i think is from travels... I am quite ill and have come home to the east coast for Christmas. But i do think that chemicals tend to do this in our physiology.
In some ways, my family really dosnt understand this whole thing..and i think if i could make a remedy called "acceptance" i would.
zombie, ic an relate to tears "burning" am having the very same thing.
and i think your will pass.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
And don't forget, we are heading into full moon!
Parasites are coming out swinging, out dancing ... drink some milk and eat some cheese and you may catch a few while they are having their get-togethers!! That's the time of month my doctor's phone never stops ringing.

Happy New Year to All!
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
Hey, whatever happened to ericaf?!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I was wondering the very same thing about Ericaf.

Yes, a full moon..a blue moon at that.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
No worry, Hiker, I didn't take what Gigi said as offense at all! I just read it now, as things went busy these last days here.

I just said that IF the treatment AI is proposing could have something to do with homeopathy, they wouldn't be able to be selling it openly as that. They wouldn't be ALLOWED to, if you see what I mean.

Just as simple as that. No intention to harm their image!

Happy New Year to you all !!!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Thanks, Brussels. Obviously I read into what Gigi said as some rudeness, but maybe it is just her way of wriing. My apologies if I offended you, Gigi, or anyone else.

Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I too am wondering about ericaf... Also wondering how kissis is doing.

Are you both still out there???
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Homeopathy is legal in European countries. The law differs for the different states. I have friends who are trained in homeopathy and many Klinghardt therapists practice it throughout Europe, without offending the laws. I have some of their books - not brochures. My mother used it most of her life. Homeopathy is well and alive, and legal.

Allergie Immun and the PSP (Polarity Signature Programming) therapy have nothing in common with homeopathy and stands on its own.

You all have a wonderful productive day.

Take care.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Im still alive but doing not so great, I dont know if it is A1 , yeast or my M.S. getting worse? maybe some of the above. I know The yeast is back and I have been very depresed and have been upset and crying for weeks. I have been waiting on round 7 to arive and finished 6 several weeks ago so I'm hoping 7 will give me a boost I so despartly need. I felt that once from round 2 I remember, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The body has taken many wrong "dead end" roads to arrive where it is now. It has to retrace those wrong turns, dead ends, but in the right direction. That takes time. That is what HG is doing. The body is very very busy finding its way back, to regulate and learn to control again all of its functions.

None of us got sick in a few months. It took a long time to reach the point where the total burden could not be managed any longer. It did not start with the tickbite. That is my firm belief and exactly what Dr. K. convinced me of.

Looking back a few years, I always ended my day with saying "tomorrow will be a better day" and finally the day had snuck in to where I had to admit to myself "yes, I am better than I was three month ago".

Keep the faith. Plan your sending in for new drops well ahead of time. Get the envelope ready. This time of year, the mail is sooooo slow. They are cutting down on postal offices all over Germany. I am still waiting for my friend's Christmas cookies she mailed from Germany the first days of December.
It's good to get the remaining symptom list together on the day you take your day 14 drops and mail it off right away with your saliva sample on day 15. That way you won't have such a long break in between bottles.

You ARE getting better and you won't be saying "my" before your diagnosis for long. When is used the possessive in front of one of my symptoms one day, Dr. K. warned me "you don't own it"...

Be patient, the lights will come on again soon. I always think of the Christmas tree light chain when one missing little bulb turned off the whole string!

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I for one certainly needed that little reminder!

Thank you.

I feel like a walking mercury molecule today. Binders, binders, binders. Haven't needed this many in quite a spell. Large quantities of chlorella.

I have spent the entire day trying to get on top of it and it just now is starting to calm down.

Kissis - good to hear from you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you too. Seems like more than a few have experienced the depression and crying.

All part of the clearing out I think, as this works on the emotional level too.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing if you feel up to it.

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Yes, i can relate NAna..

I also feel like a walking mercury molecule..I am testing for binders galore..everyting..pectin, alginate, clay.

What a funny way to put it.

Hope all is well..

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Nana & Runner, LP and All, in all the years of my exposure to heavy metal detox by hundreds of people, patients of DK and all the rest I have met over the years, I have never seen any therapy cause a release of heavy metals such as AI. I cannot describe my feeling about this because I am still also in the middle of it --- THE ONLY WAY OUT IS THE WAY THROUGH --- , but it is, to say the least, most exciting even if it feels miserable at times. Heavy metal detox is one of the most difficult therapies and in the end the most rewarding, because we are becoming free of this element that changed us over time into different people. At least, I started to sense this in my late teens when I had to learn to deal with the first amalgam filling.

Be happy that it is finally happening. Runner, I remember the absolute misery you went through starting quite a few years ago when we first met.
Your problems always evolved around metals and teeth and I am convinced that mercury & Co. is one of the major problems for many of us. If it weren't for the hg's, pb, and the rest of these, the pathogens would not have had a chance. But the metals, subsequent dental toxins, etc. changed us and we became vulnerable.

Never mind, this is just me having a little talk with myself. My mentor Klinghardt brainwashed me - because everything he talks about eventually comes back to this subject as the starting point of our
chronic misery.

Be patient - be patient - be patient. I know that this will be a good year. We all deserve it.

Take care.

P.S. to our MS friend, when I asked HG several months ago, he told me that his MS wheelchaired patient took about 20 bottles before she started to dance again. The last time he saw her was when she was taking off on her bicycle.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
Right before i started AI, i looked at my blood with darkfield microscopy and the ND pointed out HM in all my cells despite over a year of weekly Ca EDTA chelation and DMSA. after 11 days of my 1st round of drops, i looked again and it was released from the cells and i needed more binders.

pretty amazing.

no wonder i feel wiped out. So when do i get to feel better?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Lost trck if I'm on my fifth or sixth dose.

Chiming cause I loved Parfait's healing story. If you Google, many peoiple have been healed of Lyme by God. I have been seeking and prayed for for years. Gets one disappointe dthough.

My problem lately is super, inflammed, painful gums. ANy suggestions? Never had this problem pre-Lyme and it just gets worse. I feel like I've been socked in the jaw. To tell the truth, lately this is the only thing really bothering me. But the pain is enough to go mad.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
hobo - I don't know what kind of dental history you have. Do you have root canals?

There were rounds when all the bones in my face were painful and I figured it was the metals/toxins coming out.

I alternate brushing my teeth with baking soda and coconut oil. Soda keeps your mouth less acidic and the coconut oil it GREAT for gums. I find it easier to brush with it than doing oil pulling. Although when you try to rinse you are basically doing the same thing.

My dentist says she has seen people turn gum disease around with coconut oil so maybe it would help with the inflammation.

aliyalex, that's pretty incredible.

I don't how you endured a year of IV chelation. Did you have the metals checked off on your first AI results?

I had IV chelation once a couple of years ago when metals weren't recognized and I thought I wouldn't live through the night!!

Gigi, you are so right about how these metals change us. I have my old dental records and if I wanted to take the time to correlate what that dentist did to me with my how health declined and my personality changed....I'm sure there is a pattern.

I do know that the very last root canal I had done and was put on a week of penicillin - within a month I went to bed and basically didn't get up for the next 3 months.

Didn't know I had lyme at the time - one more root canal and one more abx did me in!!

Interesting that my husband had all the metals checked as well. He never had an amalgam filling in his life. He has not had the same issue with metals pouring out.

Third straight day of snow here in Maine!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Yes, I have some root canals. One may be coming out this week. I am afraid of the extraction howver cause it is an upper tooth, entwined in a sinus.

But the gums problems started before the root canal. It started after Lyme.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hobo, you are in Newnan. I am in jonesboro visiting my mom for the holidays. Hello neighbor.

Gigi and all thank you for what you shared. I have always believed it to be true as well. After dk it was so hard for me to convince any other physician that my main problems are heavy metals. it creates a ground for microbes to flourish. the toxicity is the problem. i know how hard it is to unleash the metals and mine are flowing right now.
i am staying on top of the binders and getting alot of rest. with ai, my system has calmed down in some ways . i was so allergic to everything..even the paint on the walls of my apartment.
but now i am showing the infections which i have not shown as aparent before. so i am not quite sure what to do about it..
Nana, thank you for mentioning the gums. I too am having bleeding gums and very very sore. so i will try the coco oil. i want to get the gums cleaned but i am afraid i will stir up too many toxins. the last time i did i ended up with an absess on my skin. I thnkthe stuff just dosnt have a place to go.

Everyone stay warm..heres to a blessed and healthy new year to all. Runner

p.s. aliya , your doctor actually saw the heavy metals were releasing through the microscope?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hobo - do you have confidence in your dentist and his he confident he can get that area cleaned up?

My upper root canal tooth that was removed - it went into the sinus and out came a cyst when he was cleaning up the area. Good to get this done.

They hold sooooo many toxins.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
Re: HM: my ND pointed out these circles around the dry RBC samples. he told me they were HM. when he repeated the microscopy peek after i was on AI over a week. he called and told me the circles were released.

chelation never effected me. nor the HM, evidently. aliyah
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Nana, did a regular dentist do it or an oral surgeon?

Did you have a sinus puncture from it?

How was the dealt with?

My gut feeling is that it must be removed. I'm justa bit scared.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
My friend came over and did some muscle testing and found that not only HM and mycoplasma was released, but also pertussin. and the latter released birth trauma.

56 years ago i was born with pertussin.

birth trauma was listed in my traumas that needed to be cleared as per AI, 1st round. She didnt know that. Woo woo.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
good support for the liver with clinical trials.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Aliyalex...this is amazing and so encouraging. Thanks for sharing this! I love it when what originally was tested positive is now testing negative...not only feeling gone, but is gone! You know it, but others see it too!

Also always thanks for your encouraging and uplifting thoughts! It keeps me going. "the only way out is the way through!" I am experiencing this! You and all are helping me keep this in mind when I need it most!

It is amazing to me as well how many of us are clearing the metals. I am having a rebirth physically and mentally.

Hobo- I"m glad you appreciated my story, as I have been holding back telling it as not to have others compare of why this happens to some and not others. Nor did I want to have some reading this post to think we are super wacky excentric oddball people. No one has the ability to know me personally and judge my I take risks to help others, and hopefully not hurt others from trying the therapy. We each have our own spiritual journeys and unique relationship with God.

But only wanted to emphasize how important our spiritual healing and emotional freedom are to allow the body physically to heal. God has always been a very important part of my life. I have always believed in healing as I have witnessed it in others in the past. I have prayed weekly for it silently over the years for myself and daughter at church...but never had exprienced what I did that particular day I was invited to something completely out of my comfort zone...yet knowing it was credible for some. I wasn't sure if I believed before that a actual bone from a saint, could hold a healing for us. Never would have put my hope and faith in that...until that day. I said yes God...and had an amazing experience. I was able to be open and recieve the gift in a way out of my normal way of a God encounter.

I say this to all: be open to the invitation you get...if it seems right and you are drawn to accept it...just accept it! Go for it. IT is a big part of your healing.

sorry for always having long posts...but just had another revelation as my kids are finally gone back to school today...

The kids have given me an intense underlying amount of stress over the years, that I just thought was normal living. The majority of my healing has taken place as they are away in college. Stress returned the past two weeks as I again was their caregiver.

Learning to release them...but to also be there to guide and help them when needed, and boy do they need it sometimes! Had some heavy duty situations to contend with this week!

So I am looking forward to being the empty nester again now...working on more healing for myself for once! I believe it's ok to be selfish a little now!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I do believe the problems with my gums are allergy related -- a type of stomachitis. I can pretty much taste the histimine being released.

I was hopin AI would turn this around. SO far, not yet.

Light, I had been involved in minsistry for about 7 years at a healing church. My current church believes in it too. I have seen great miracles. And, I guess me being alive is a miracle too. But the big one hasn't happened yet.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hobo - my biological dentist does a lot of surgery. I was pretty much out of it so don't remember a lot of the details.

I do know that he did have to go into the sinus and that's were the cyst was. It was sent off for testing and everything healed.

He did not suggest any abx, only olive leaf extract.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
So your dentist is an oral surgeon too?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hobo - He is a DMD, his wife a DDS. They came recommended through the Paracelsus Institute in Switzerland.

It is his knowledge of root canals and related issues that got that recommendation. He handles all of the extractions. I know that there is another surgeon he sends people to if it involves several wisdom teeth.

They have a doctor who works with patients on heavy metals, a chiropractor, massage therapist and an ND who uses EAV for testing toxin levels in roots canals and for compatible replacement materials.

The works. Their practice is really about the whole person.

I think I told this story here once before but this is the kind of person he is: when he was about to take some of my teeth out, he asked me to take a few minutes and give thanks to my teeth for trying for so very long, and ask them to let go now.

Besides bringing tears to my eyes, the teeth came out with a few simple twists, whole.

A tooth I had extracted by my old dentist was very difficult and came out in dozens of pieces and was left a mess.

This is the difference that made it worth the $$ for me.

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
As you know most dentists and oral suregeons won't remove teeth withouta fight. My dentist's coworker will but she is NOT an oral suregon. I mayhave to look around. I need one close to home.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Kissis and Hobokinite, glad to see you both checking in.

I was also wondering about Joey (mojoey)-he finished AI after 5 rounds. Did he ever resend a sample for retesting after 3 months?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I've been quiet here for a while as I was away over Xmas, then returned to find I had mistakenly been banned from the forum, which has only just been rectified.

Aliyalex, I should like to add my condolences for the loss of your mother ...such a huge thing to deal with and even harder when unwell. I hope AI continues to show improvements for you and it's great that you have easy access to the darkfield microscopy to track things.

Lp, thank you for decsribing your healing: it was very brave of you to trust us, as I know exactly what you mean about credibility etc, but I'm so glad you did.

Kissis, so sorry to read that you're not doing well at the moment and hope round 7 helps you: I'm just slightly behind you, having just started round 6 [but 5 was cut short, as my drops disappeared!].

Hobok, good luck with the root canals!

And to everyone else here I haven't mentioned by name, I wish a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Posted by c3mom (Member # 16412) on :
I apo;ogizefor this simple question.I am verysick and can't read right now. Will this correct my soy allaergy?

Thank you

Ali, sorry for your loss.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

AI may correct the soy allergy and it may not. From what I understand it is focusing on mistakes in the DNA and it may depend on what causes your allergy.

For example, I am allergic to milk and AI did not even show that allergy in their findings. Am also allergic to eggs and that is not on AI's list.

But there is a chance it will be corrected anyway. One can always hope!

Posted by c3mom (Member # 16412) on :
Thanks hiker. How are you doing with it and how long do you have till you will know?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hiker and C3Mom, Mr. G says often that it is not the egg, but the wheat the chicken is fed. When the wheat allergy is taken care of - then the egg goes too.

Same for milk - cows are fed both corn and wheat.

If milk did not show up, the the wheat/corn in it will cause a reaction and milk itself is not the problem.

All of this info is in the translated website.

Sorry you can't read right now C3Mom, it will take care of your soy allergy.

There is an extensive study with great results.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Still giving it a try. I think I finished five rounds. Alergie sand sensatives however are teh same to worse.

Praying hard.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
All my food allergies corrected on the drops as well as my kids. They only said I had corn, soy, gluten, wheat...but I know I was sensitive to eggs, and milk products as well. all is fine now.

Just repeating this for those who are new to the thread as this came up on another thread about gluten intolerance recently..

[ 01-08-2010, 09:49 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Light, so youc an eat tehse with no problems when you had problems before?

Are your pollen allergies any better?
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I have done 6 rounds. Prior to AI I used the bionic and it got rid of a lot of allergies for me.

I am a celiac as is my mom and I still cannot tolerate anything with gluten. Whether that will clear remains to be seen. And if it doesn't I can live with that. If my mom has lived with it and she is healthy in her mid80's except for the celiac, I can deal with it. It is my lyme symptoms I would like to keep decreasing. The bionic helped some with that. I have not see AI help with that, but then again I know it is not for clearing lyme.

I remain very optimistic that I will be well.

Blessings. Hiker53
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I will post what said on the other thread:

"I have almost finished my 7th round of AI and I still react to my problem foods (wheat, corn & soy) but not as violently. It is much lessened but still an issue for me.

It now takes 1-2 days to recover from an exposure (used to be 2 weeks). My main reactions are gut palsy and angular cheilitis.

I think AI has definitely helped but I am not "cured"."

My pollen allergies and asthma do seem to be better.
Posted by cactus (Member # 7347) on :
Another simple question -

Anyone having luck with clearing severe peanut, tree nut or seed allergies?

I can't read the entire thread - too much for my eyes - but am very interested in finding out if there is a possibility of hope for food allergic people with life-threatening allergies.

My son tests positive for many foods via IgE and skin prick testing, and unfortunately - we don't need a lot of testing to see anaphylaxis. It is terrifying.

The allergies that you are clearing - are they histamine-reaction type allergies?

Or IgG type allergies or food intolerances?

Hoping for the possibility of any way to make my son's life easier and safer.

Thanks very much in advance for any help or info.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I am not sure if it will clear nut allergies.

Nuts are not listed among the foods in the 1st report.

You might ask AI directly.
Posted by cactus (Member # 7347) on :
Thanks, zombie, for the quick reply.

I'll try asking them.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Cactus, the tough part would be to confirm it. No doc in their right mind will ever monitor the child for reaction to nuts w/that risk. When they hear the child took 'water drops', they'll run, right? [Frown]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If you would like to better understand what AI is all about, do some translating with one of the engines:

You can enter up to 150 words and get a translation in seconds. It is a little extra effort, but it will help to know what you are getting into. AI strictly corrects the electromagnetic errors in the DNA, i.e. the wiring.

If you hit a "w" on your keyboard and a "K" appears on your screen, this is an informational error in the connection.

This is what AI attempts to do - correct the "shorts" that have become apparent in your Autonomic Nervous System. Or, some of the lights in your highrise have gone out, bulbs burned out, transmission failing. Cause unknown? Wrong treatment? Inherited tendencies causing chain reactions in the biochemical apparatus?

Allergies are an incorrect reaction by the body. The results cannot be dealt with on a molecular basis -- that we have learned by now. Maybe suppress, but not heal. AI searches for the errors and corrects them to be stored in the electromagnetic system of the DNA. No pills, no powders, just water spiked with the correct frequencies. And no homeopathics. Only the correct information our body can work with.

Only then follows the change in the biochemical reactions which will help us get some of the toxic burdens released. It takes time. If you have been unwell for ten years - AI drops will take at least one year. We probably have been sick for several years before we realized we were really not quite well anymore.

If you do other therapies that go contra and toss out more toxic material the body can't deal with while still very dysregulated, the positive effects of AI will be delayed.

Take care.

A nut or peanut allergy can be started by the body not recognizing certain fungi or mold and being unable to deal with it. It certainly is not the wheat grain or the peanut that nature provides us. There may be several factors causing a chain reaction. AI attempts to find them.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Would vitamin and mineral supplements get in the way of the therapy?

We are working with an md/homeopath on detox and building the immune system. He uses Pekana homeopathics, and various vitamin and mineral supplements.

Is this too much going on at once, and would this, in anyone's opinion, hinder the tx?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If you have numerous major allergies as most of us do or did before AI, you are probably allergic to a number of the supplements, and that is one of the reasons that speaks against taking them until at least the major allergies have been cleared. The allergies to these are causing us much of the problems we are dealing with.

Homeopathics are not recommended while on AI, because the information in homeopathics may be confusing to the system. Like listening to two or three radio stations at the same time!

I would not worry about building the immune system, because getting rid of all these very disturbing dysregulations will accomplish that.

This is basically the opinion of AI. Their answer: why add the things they are trying to unload with the therapy. Detoxing while allergic to the substances that we are trying to detox is not a good idea until the body can regulate again and recognize the toxins for what they are and move them out. You will probably see what I am trying to say if you decide to and see your first test results.

This is the information I received from AI -- after a lot of talk back and forth.
But of course the decision must be yours.

You may want to ask AI for their English brochure for clients. It explains more.

Hope this helps, linky.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cactus, I had to write AI tonight and just had a response from them regarding nuts, peanuts, etc.

"Of course, our therapy helps a nut allergy. Up to now, however, it has never been the specific nut that was the problem, but rather the chemicals on the nuts."

Hope that helps you.

Take care.

P.S. we are being bombarded with 60,000 to 80,000 chemicals every day and the scientists are cooking up more every day. No wonder so many as so sick.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hope this link works. It is the entire site translated. You can click on anything there to continue reading more.|en&u=
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on : response to

"Light, so youc an eat tehse with no problems when you had problems before?

Are your pollen allergies any better?"

Yes, both my daughter's and my pollen allergies, which were extreme, are now virtually gone.Also we can now be around daughter was born extremely allergic to pollen, animals, and all growing things outside! Also to milk products, and most foods.

A.I. cleared her body to regulate these things...she is not allergic to anything that used to bother her last year! All allergy issues for her are gone...Will this last, I hope. I will report if anything changes.

She is happy to eat normally now. although because of her past history, she still watches what she eats. Could never eat pizza, bagels or ice cream...nor enjoy a birthday cake. Could not eat anything with tomatoes on pasta sauce. When she did, big reaction!

I also had major gluten and milk product allergies that developed over time. She was born with hers.

But I will preface this by saying, before my original lyme diagnosis and abx treatment, way before A.I., I had such problems with nasal drainage, always drippy, chronic bronchitis which occasionally led to pnemonia, but did develop alergie induced asthma and was on an inhaler when needed. Lived with this for years!

Being a proactive person, I finally went to visit Dr. Mark Hyman, who wrote untra prevention, and did his three week detox box program. Just to see if I would get better. I did it as my energy was low...and I was feeling horrible with lyme symptoms and no diagnosis...not for allergies.

WEll, after the three weeks, my nasal drip ended! and my asthma went away. Have never used my inhaler since. This was amazing to me, as I did not expect this. My sensitivities to some plants also went away as far as breathing around cut flowers or being outdoors. But still had allergies when touching them or gardening.

This told me that something is off I started juicing regularly and trying to change my eating and lifestyle toward the natural approach. did this for several years prior to getting sicker with lyme.

This was the beginning of my journey...pre lyme diagnosis. This is why I may be farther along the road to healing and regulating with the AI than others. Although my food sensitivities/allergies still remained until this past year. My body would not digest my food until the last few months! This caused me much physical distress.

A.I. is working so well for me and my daughter.

The ultra prevention type/detox box program did not clear my food allergies or animal plant allergies. Just cleared my sinus and histamine reactions to pollens. It put me in a good place to start healing.

A.I. has helped me and daughter regulate our body systems I feel. We re both monthly getting better and better.

I picture a coil spiraling upward when I think of how to describe our healing process. We definatly are moving forward...slowly, steady, but in a circular fashion. We revisit past issues before or as they heal emotionally, and physically, and then we are clearing chemicals...then that stops for awhile, then we are clearing candida a little, then that stops, then we are clearing parasites, then that stops, then viruses then that stops, and around we go again...but always improved, moving upward on the coil/spiral toward total clearing.

With all this clearing in phases...symptoms erupt. This is not fun but it is not they do not last. They clear pretty quickly in a few days or weeks.

It's like our bodies know how much clearing we can handle at a given time, and what to clear next on its own. We're just letting it happen, then evaluate after complete.

With the clearing we notice improved symptoms, then notice when the symptoms are gone! That is the onion peeling thing...little by little.

This is how I envision the A.I. in my mind as we heal. Hope this explains.


[ 01-08-2010, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Nana...this is new to me as I am just learning what our livestock in the USA is being fed. I saw a documentary recently "Food INC." highlighting how cows and chicken are fed corn...because it is cheep...and it makes them gain weight faster....and that their bodies are not wired to eat corn. It's also political...kind of like the lyme controversy. The corn industry is more powerful than big pharma.

Their bodies do not recognize the corn as what is needed...they should be eating grasses or grains, etc...not corn. They are getting fatter on the corn which helps the processors make their profits quickly...and we are eating their flesh, the eggs or drinking the milk!

Anyone have a corn allergie on AI.? Most all processed foods in the USA have corn products used in various unnatural forms. I think we all have corn intolerance from these hidden sources more than wheat. Just my theory.

This is our food supply. No wonder our bodies are confused and are rejecting some of our food sources! We do not really know what we eat unless we grow our own!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Yes, our bodies are confused and so are the animals! this is why I get my eggs from someone who feeds them organic scraps and they are outside eating bugs and the things nature provided. They pick what they like out of the scraps.

Same with other animal products. Pasture raised beef, etc. whenever possible. Although the corn and wheat the other animals are eating may not cause an allergic reactions anymore.... just think it's a healthier choice for me and the animals!

One commercial hamburger may be the combined contents of a hundred different cows carrying disease. This is why they feed them antibiotics.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
It is kinda frustrating, with all the effort we put on clearing our bodies, to know we cannot trust things in the local market. I do now try to do the organic, and best meat products...but living where I do, it is almost impossible to do it 100%.

This is why I think living a detoxifying lifestyle always will be what I will be doing. Possibly, after finishing A.I.....I will do a retest in a few years, just to clear new dysregulations that I am sure will develope again over time.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Yes, LP, I just got my first results this morning. I'm allergic to wheat, gluten, soy and corn.

I must admit that I was surprised at the corn allergy. I have been suspecting the others for a while now.

I found my report very interesting and right on target with most things. I don't understand a lot of it though.

Looking forward to getting started on my first bottle when I get them. A little nervous though I must admit.

Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I had the corn allergy, as well as wheat/gluten and soy.

Many 'gluten-free' commercial products are full of corn and soy. [Frown]

I agree about the animal feed thing. Corn is not good for them, either. We get our meats from a butcher who carries Mennonite chickens, grass-fed bison and venison.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Sapphire, ask AI for their "Patient Information" pdf file. It will help you to understand your analysis.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Wow Zombie..didn't know that guten free had it too! Gotta get better at reading my labels or at least know what to look for as the other names for corn products. Anyone have the list to post?

I also heard that some preservatives and food and drug/supplement processing materials are made with corn products.

These are the things I believe found in some supplements and drugs and possibly immunizations? We are getting corn fed from all angles and sources!

PS...I heard this...but I don't know if this is fact!

Others who know facts chime in please.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, can't recall where, but reading quickly through some other threads, you mentioned oil pulling. I don't see anything wrong with "oil pulling" while on AI, of course with the best oil possible. Maybe I misunderstood your comment.
Did I?
Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :
Anyone have success treating latex, nickel, newspaper print ink toner, dairy, cocoa allergies?

Please share as I'd like to wear my wedding rings again and enjoy some chocolate once and a while.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
TS96, I am very certain that you can get rid of these problems with the AI therapy.

To understand the way it works a bit better, please use the wonderful translating link Nana gave a few posts up. With this, you can read through the whole site and find all the explanations as to why and how it works.

Understanding how it works also makes it easier to actually do the therapy.

Have fun reading!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
latex and newspaper ink would fall under the category of chemicals which he finds and corrects month after month.

Nickel was on my first report which was corrected.

As I said earlier on this page, it is usually the wheat and corn fed to the cows - and not actually dairy that people are allergic to.

Cocoa? guessing chemicals again - or poor oils, they put wheat in some oils as well.

LP- do a search for Organic Prairie - if you have a freezer you can get all the organic meat you need from them. Poultry, everything. They ship.
Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :
Thanks all I shall read!

My dairy allergy is specific to casein. I use ghee and have no problems with that. I react with severe contraction like intestional pain with to raw milk from cows that are grass fed, so the protein is my problem.

I get itchy all over, hives rash with organic cocoa nibs from health food store so definite cocoa allergy.

Metametrix food allergy testing showed positive moderate to both cocoa and casein.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I will not do any other protocols right as to know what is working and what is not from A.I. I did not think oil pulling was compatable for me or possibly anyone...guess I am wrong for others. Also when I test with the oil and drops, I get a no.

Although I still get a yes to having KPU and lacking the minerals. But a no to the protocol at this time. Just want to see what A.I. completes for me.

I would think I am getting close to done on the drops. I guess I have a few more rounds to do. When I recently asked...I got 4 more rounds to go. To be seen. Then I will oil pull if I still feel I have more to release. Doors seem to open for me with treatments right when I am ready for one.! Oil pulling did help me when I was releasing candida from my amalgam removal. But I stopped it to start the AI. The biotenser has been very helpful for when to start and stop things.

My neighbor who is doing the oil pulling is having fantastic results...close to A.I. in metal and chemical and candida release, although not the same. Her son is on the A.I. so she compares and we chat regularly. She does not post. But she is keeping great weekly notes on what she is doing and her symptoms that are changing.

She was going to start the A.I. but is waiting to see how much she regulates on oil pulling alone, and we will compare later. She did the oil pulling immediately after removing her mercury amalgams to get ready for A.I. Now, as she is happy with the oil pulling, she will do A.I. later if she feels she needs it. She believes whole heartedly in A.I. as her son is doing fantastic. And she is amazed at my results as well.

[ 01-11-2010, 09:02 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Just to let you guys know I found an oral Surgeon in ATlanta who works with chemically sensative people who will pull my bad root canal tooth. When I get over this flu, I get it done. i guess next week. i will let you all know how I do. he looked at the x-ray and basically said, yea, no wonder you feel sick all the time. I have anotehr one which will go next when I scrape up the funds and how I do with this one.

Excited and hopeful. It's good to find a guy who will do it right!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Oh and a guy who is close to home.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
That's great hobokinite. I'm sure having those root canals gone will help a lot with your quest for good health.

Let us know how it goes.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hooray! My second round came in the mail after 28 days of holiday mail traffic.

HG wrote a lovely letter with fine explanations and good imagery. He stated the analysis shows that regulation is perking along with many patterns corrected. It looks like food substances and molds are cleared. Does that mean I won't have problems with them any more or will this be continuous and gradual?

I show three Industrial Toxins: Pentachlorphenole, Phenyl mercury acetate and Tributyl tin oxyde.

They also note 6 chemicals that "we can not name...Nevertheless, this "electromagnietic pattern" corrected!'
What does that mean?

Round One wasn't bad while I took it during the two weeks. BUT, the weeks afterward rocked me to the core on many levels (intestinal, emotional, mental...) I'm happy to say that things are calming down.

Much calming occurred through contact with all you folks on board. Thank you for being so compassionate and generous with your time.

And so, I begin Round Two.

Love and blessings to everyone on the journey,

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
That's great hobo...let us know how it goes!
Wiser, glad yours came...let us know what happens after this round. Lots of regulation occured after round two and three for me~
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wiser - will you have problems with foods and molds?

The molds can be held very deeply. It was several rounds when I started releasing them. Sneezing 20-30 times every morning, stuff coming out from deep in the sinuses.

It is a process. I am experiencing a fungal die off right now. You know how his letter talks about peeling the apple sometimes before you find the worm hole?

Some worm holes are deeper than others.

I stopped having any problem with foods somewhere along the way and my gut has done a lot of healing.

I had the phenyl mercury acetate too. I think that's the one that was used as a preservative in latex paint up until the 80's. I had painted many a room by then!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Before I forget this - check your results on your first AI test l.l, etc. re hydration. From the tests I have seen, many of us are in trouble or close to being in trouble.

I think I posted about drinking plain water a year ago. Dr. K. also discussed the subject at the last conference. "water runs through - flushing out minerals with it". Better to have a substance that gives the body the fluid with a nutrient to spend some time there to be absorbed.
HG says basically the same thing.

Here is what Dr.K. recommended to the large group of processionals:


Rehydrate the cells to restore and expand cell membrane structure, intracellular scaffolding, and function of all intracellular processes and membrane channel activity and

Biopure Matrix Electrolytes:

2 Tablespoons per 6oz cup. Use 2/3 water, 1/3 milk or milk-substitute: goat milk, nut milk, soy milk, protein powder drink. This helps the trans-membrane traffic of water,. Add source of glucose for electrolyte transport across cell membrane - to make nice tasting drink. Ad 1/4 teasp. Baking soda. 2 cups/day.

Recent experience shows that potassium-based salts and adding a source of glucose and aminoacids helps the cells actually get hydrated. This expands the inner scaffolding of microtubule - everything works better.

The phosphorus in Matrix Electrolyte helps the coupling of toxins to acids in the kidney, which then can be shuttled successfully out in the urine.

If following the less costly (and somewhat less effective) recipes below to make your own, start with 1/2 cup daily and increase gradually.

The electrolyte drink alone often gets the blocked detoxification process going and can stimulate a welcome related reaction and short lived aggravation of symptoms,. High dose Vit E and freeze dried garlic are amongst the antidotes. Using the binding agents is accelerating the process and minimizes detox reactions.

Hope you all will look into this. I will not repeat what he said about the mode of drinking water, water, water. It's not a good practice.

This is another errand day - be back later.
Take care.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Originally posted by lightparfait:
Any thoughts on begining KPU or at least core for her? don't feel like getting her to my ND right now to retest yet...logistically too hard. I think she still has many more rounds of drops with mostly mental and skin issues. The minerals in core could help these problems.

LP, I'm no KPU expert, but have you used the biotensor to ask if she needs it?
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Quick question that Gigi may be able to answer. What do you use for a glucose source to add to the Biopure matrix electrolyte drink?

I see it is currently out stock but is $30 per liter (gulp!)

Thanks. Lee
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wiser, They also note 6 chemicals that "we can not name...Nevertheless, this "electromagnietic pattern" corrected!'
What does that mean?

They corrected the DNA pattern to respond effectively to the frequencies of these 6 chemicals when they appear in your energy field. The immune system then recognizing them will step in and defend itself and you shouldn't be burdened by these chemicals any longer. You will probably be detoxing some of the stuff that you were exposed to while the immune system was not in condition to respond. Those are the days following or during the drops when one doesn't feel quite up to par. The body is detoxing again.
Until then it just sort of packed the toxins away somewhere until you were on overload.

Lee, believe it or not, Dr. K. said to use sugar
or maple syrup. He specifically said not to use
sugar replacements, such as zylitol, etc. The trick is not to use sugar in excess. We definitely need sugar, but we don't need a half a cup when a teaspoon will do. I have always used organic cane sugar over the years, bake and cook with it, when I still had Lyme and everything else and never had a yeast problem.
All that depends on the overall 'simple carbohydrate' intake.

Of course you can use other electrolytes if they have similar ingredients.
I have used several different electrolytes over the years, not from Biopure, before Matrix Electrolytes was developed by a scientist/researcher specifically for Biopure. They only carry very few select items and they are carefully monitored and tested by Dr. K. and others who work with him.

But look around and see if you can find one equal, but less expensive. The ingredients are important.

Take care.

Call there - sometimes they put things on sale.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I would use honey or maple syrup.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Does this look like a good product? Anyone ever try it?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Zombie, I have. it's good. Just don't take too much too soon cause you will end up with a massive case of the runs.

I think magnesium shots work the best.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Thanks Zombie, I will do that. Maybe it will help me understand it all better.

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

Thanks for the website. It seems to have a lot of potassium in it (53% daily allowance which is higher than I have ever seen in any supplement).

I wish Biopure put the amount of the ingredients on their website, so we could compare. It would save a phone call.

Take care. Lee
Posted by cactus (Member # 7347) on :
Thanks for all who've been helpful on the nut/seed allergy issue.

GiGi - thanks for writing and asking them.

I don't doubt that chemicals can play a part in many nut alleric individuals' reactions.

My son's allergy is specific to the protein contained in the nuts or seeds - which is evident from his specific testing & from cross-reactivity among other items containing similar proteins [Sigh].

Did they mention anything about the specific proteins? (dreaming here) ...I will see what I can learn using some translating engines, and ask some German friends for their assistance as well.

Whatever the answer on the protein issue - my son is of the age that "outgrowing" allergies is still a possibility - so anything that may help him on that path is well worth investigating.

Seek - yes - his allergist may (or may not) be skeptical about water drops - as a Western doc. And as parents we would be concerned about "testing" to see where he is, in regard to his allergy.

But since we are all on the same page with regard to total avoidance of his allergens, I think I know how we would approach measuring any progress - which is simply an extension of how we will monitor his sensitivity levels from here on out.

CAP RAST (IgE) testing until the numbers are low enough to warrant a skin prick test - in the office.

If a skin prick test is negative (hoo ray!) we would then plan for an in-office food challenge - in which the kiddo would try miniscule amounts of the food in question - while being monitored.

And of course - because of the life-threatening aspect - I think we would always keep epipens on hand.

My goal here is not necessarily that the kiddo be able to gobble down an organic peanut butter sandwich, but more the assurance that he can live, travel, and function without this constant fear that the person in front of us in the check out line has recently eaten mixed nuts (or even a burger bun with sesame seeds) - thus possibly exposing my contact and inhalation sensitive son to a life-threatening episode.

Thanks, all, for the input on this - and any more thoughts or ideas are very welcome!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Just a quick comment before I get busy with my life off Lymenet:

Phosphorus is proving to be very important. It is one of the key ingredients in the Matrix Electrolytes. The subject was discussed at length at the recent Dr.K. seminar and I am sorry I cannot give you the whole lecture here. But I think it is important enough - and that's why I am posting it here.
Til later.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Hey guys, I just wanna say I appreciate all of you for sharing and being so honest.

I do hope 2010 is the year for a breakthrough for all of us. Complete healing and restoration in all areas.

Sometimes when symptoms flare it is hard to be optimistic. I'm a-trying!


Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Phosphorus is needed to remineralize our teeth and bones! Good one Gigi. I forgot I had tow bottles of Matrix. Rebreaking them out.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The 3 day seminar was named "Lyme and Other Chrnoc Infections As The Underlying Cause of Chronic Illness" and you would know everyone of the invited guest speakers as capacities in their field.

All. as Dr.K., are treating hundreds of chronically ill, especially Lyme patients and Autism which usually involves Lyme.

Hobo, here is more on phosphorus and why it is so important considering malabsorption in general and low mineral content of most grown foods today).

ASD children often have low kidney lab markers (BUN, GFR) that just would not improve... phosphorus may be the key. Phosphorus often quickly reduces the needs for high B6 (in KPU, seizure disorders, sleep, etc.). Phosphorus is needed for the conversion of B6 to P5P - taken orally it is reduced to B6 by a phosphatase in the gut and still requuires phosphorus to create the active form. Phosphorus is also needed for ATP production in the mitochondria. Taken in the cocktail, it fulfills most phosphorus needs. You can buy phosphorus in different products, if you wish. Whatever suits best.

Now I am off..........

Take care.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

Just now being able to catch up a bit.

In addition to the usual holiday blitz, my mother passed away at my home three days before Christmas. She had been doing poorly for some time, and at her 90th birthday party in November announced that she wasn't going to live another year. We're all dealing with it, as she was a great lady and a true friend to each of literally thousands of people over the years.

I sent in my after-8th-round specimen to AI in early December. I'd been having more and more pre-seizure feelings, and then had (according to my husband) a full seizure overnight once again. He said it was briefer and less violent than the last one. But, since, I've been really having a bad time with the pre-seizure feelings, which pretty much take over my whole body.

I'd been hoping for my next round of drops to arrive. No show. So, I emailed Herr Grundmeyer last night, and he emailed me back saying they'd just been sent off.

So, as you can imagine, the recent posts from GiGi relating to phosphorus are very timely for me!!

I checked the electrolyte I take very often (Electrolyte Stamina from Trace Minerals Research), and it has no listing for phosphorus in it, so whatever the content, it is quite low.

I also checked another electrolyte product I've used a lot in the past--Emergen-C--which is a drink mix that's high in Vitamin C as well as electrolytes. However, it has only 24 mg per serving, which is 2% of the daily value, according to the package.

I've been having to take massive amounts of B-6 just to stave off the seizures, so it's out to the vitamin store for me TODAY to get some phosphorus!!

My thanks again to Gigi!!!


Cass A
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Gigi, My babesia seems wors ethan the Lynme. What does one do for that while on AI?
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
So sorry for your loss, Cass A.

I hope adding phosphorus helps with the seizure activity.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cass A, Wishing you will have this wonderful memory of your Mother forever.

Hobo, why call it "my" babesia? You are inscribing this possession into your DNA and it may be yours forever, whether you actually have it in physical form or hold on to the memory only forever. We create our own reality by the way we think.

I had Babesia and all other co-infections = Lyme. To this day I couldn't tell you which one caused certain pains. It could be from your dental situation; it could be caused by any of the
neurotoxins the microorganisms leave behind.

You will be way, way ahead of the game if you are able to clean up some of the allergies, and repair your teeth. Nothing is more toxic than what the dead teeth/root canals drip into your system as long as they are left there. It took about 4 month before I started to get better after my root canals were carefully removed. I gradually moved up and up.

From what I have heard from my doctor over the last ten years, it is important to clean up teeth, mold in home, parasites, and then the microorganisms don't stand a chance. And you are doing AI, which clears the road to be successful with the rest of the problems, if any remain. Your teeth sound like a stumbling block and it is difficult to make everything else work as long as these remain.

That's just my experience, and listening to Dr.K. lectures the last few days, this is the way he approaches Lyme because the major problems are out of the way and this is what he has found works best. Clean up the body/terrain and the very intelligent microorganisms will give in.

I prayed a lot too, but I figured God also gave me a brain to use and do what is necessary.

Please all remember that a very important part of the Rehydration Cocktail is the protein/amino acids and sugar part that are necessary to take the electrolytes where they are needed in the cell. This is a more recent development in Dr.K.'s approach - and works a lot better than simply taking electrolytes as it has been done for many years.

They have also found that not just any phosphorus works equally well. Besides the complete Biopure electrolytes, "Angstrom Minerals Liquid Phosphorus" works well also for the kidney to repair. I have the amounts somewhere if interested.

I was told that I would probably look ten years younger if I stayed on the Rehydration a couple of months! Will do - at my age anything is appreciated!!!

Got to go.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :

Thank you for the advice.

Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I did a little research on phosphorus.

Here's a link for the product GiGi mentioned:

I also found this product on the web and notice 1 serving has 500mg/50% of daily needed phosphorus:

Phosphorus is quite plentiful in many foods. For example: 1/3c of oatmeal and 1/4c of chickpeas each contain 15% DV (150mg).

[ 01-10-2010, 03:50 PM: Message edited by: zombie ]
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
The oral suregon wants me on 5000 units of D3. Anyone take this? I may live down south but I', rarely in the sun. My bad I know. Just confuseed about what the Pro Marhsall Protocal people keep saying.

Plus, ain't gonna be sunny here for a bit. It's like 19 degrees in ATL.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
Cass A,

So sorry about your mom's passing. my mom passed a few days later. i don't think we can ever be prepared for the depth of the loss. for me, it reverberates thru and thru.

Sounds like your mom left a beautiful legacy which is worth celebration.

i hope you can keep the seizures at bay. aliyah
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Hobo, the subject of D3 is controversial... MP folks say it is bad yet other LLMDs recommend. Sorry I don't have an answer for you.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Some input on Vitamin D3: D3

This is the basis of discussion at last Lyme and Chronic Dis seminar I have talked about before:

Vitamin D3 (it's a hormone - give at bedtime/sleepy) - It's controversial in Lyme (see Marshall Protocol)

75 IU/pound of body weight daily.
Anti-inflammatory, supports bones, theeth and facial development, anti-viral and anti-bacterial (TB, etc.)
Important for many functions of the immune system
Goal is t get blood levels to 80 or more (25-OH form of D3)
Any brand name seems fine
Carlsons and Biotics Research (Bio-D-mulsion Forte =
2000 i.u. per drop) both work very well and are available in drops.

We take varying 5000 i.u. to less, according to testing. When we don't get out of the house, it is 5,000 i.u. I have taken it for several years in varying amounts - whatever tests, and sometimes I forget it....

Comment by Dr. K.:
Marshall protocol worked for only one of the patients that tried it and that person actually had sarcoidosis. He was testing it out several years ago for a number of people and nobody benefitted.

The Marshall protocol scared the daylights out of me - how much more unnatural can you get? We a re not cave people. The more natural light I get, the better I feel. We pulled the whole ceiling in our family room out - glass 2/3 of the total room and it is the best room in the house. But day-and sunlight is not always easy to come by in this northern hemisphere.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I just got my D levels tested and i was way i am going to back down the doseage. i am still testing for i think i must be an exception to this rule.
i agree about the marshall much more unnatural can we get with this one?
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Hi everyone,

I sent my first test samples in to AI and am so excited to receive the drops!

Meanwhile I've been researching some of the things that Dr. K has suggested I take as part of my protocol as I wait for them to arrive at CMC. In particular, I'm wondering if anyone has taken the Phospholipd Exchange? I am concerned about my kidneys after reading that it is really EDTA. I took the heavy metal challenge this summer at CMC and my kidneys hurt terribly during the procedure and after. I do not want to hurt them further and think they may be weak.

Anyway, just wondering your experiences and your thoughts in regards to kidney protection. I am thinking about asking about Reliinex?

Thank you!
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Cass A, so sorry to hear about your mother: my condolences.

Good luck with anti-seizure strategies,

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Thanks Guys. I'm a hermit so I'm sure I need some D.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Started Round Two and I am having a rough go of it. It seems like most of my symptoms right now are emotional with indigestion. I'm panicking, raging, and confused -- hard not to fear Lyme overlay.

These symptoms started brewing softly the day before I began Round Two. Now that I'm two days into the new drops the emotions are like a hail storm non-stop.

I'm taking one drop three times a day at this point. Staying home and trying to be gentle.

Anyone else experience something like this?

Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Wiser, what did your round 2 report say? If emotional blockages were found in this round, this could be causing an outpouring of feelings.

I experienced similar during my round 3. Panic attacks, crying jags -the works. I just tried to "roll with it" and rest a lot. It does pass, as the blockages clear.

Take care of yourself!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Thanks Zombie!

Round 2 report said that everything had cleared from Round 1 except the chemicals found under 6.1.

I felt the emotional stuff literally brewing days before the Round 2 drops came in. I had so many emotional blockages on Round 1; maybe it was just slow to hit?

Thanks for the well wishes. This is truly a roller coaster ride!

Best of the best to you,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wiser - factors that have been corrected means that we can begin to move through them. I wish it meant "poof, it's all gone" but it doesn't.

Things can begin to heal now, whether it's emotions, the gut, whatever. Somethings will take time.

Many of us have cried a river as old traumas have popped up in our faces, vivid dreams that do not seem like dreams at all but a healing of old wounds.

Try to go with the flow as they say.

None of this built up over night and so..... you know the rest.

Just know your body and soul are working very, very hard and be kind to yourself.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
the emotions and cleared things I liken to a river that has been dammed up for a very long time.

The beginning of the waterway is cleared for you...the debris is moving...with some wild rapids and other calm waters!

In the beginning the emotions were like a wild river rafting trip for me! Keep the flow happening, and it gets clearer and calmer over time.

There are other dams down stream that will be cleared next.

...and do "go with the flow" as Nana says! And hang on for the ride!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Cass A...

My condolences as well to you with the loss of your mother. My prayers are with you at this time.

Let us know how the phosphorus is working.


a may want to try a little journaling of your symptoms as you move through the rounds.

This helps me remember when I am going through something, or aids me in remembering old ailments that are resurfacing on the drops. It is a very healing and therapeutic exercise!

As I write, I also get a sense of what I am learning about myself through the process. Going through this has been healing on many levels.
Posted by linky123 (Member # 19974) on :
Aliyalex and Cass,

So sorry for your loss. I lost my Mom five years ago, and still miss her every day.

Take care and God bless you both.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
NanaDubo and Lightparfait, thank you for your kind words and thoughts!

I feel like Meryl Streep in that movie "River Wild" about white-water rafting now! Thanks for the imagery. Journaling sounds like a wonderful idea too.

Today, some of the anxiety calmed down and I suddenly became really, really creative. I started a lot of projects for tutoring children and went on to a community project. WOW! Normally I would have been too mentally exhausted to do this. It comes in waves.

I am curious to see what images sleep will bring tonight.

Thanks for the replies. They always help with grounding.

Best regards,

Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
For the rehydration cocktail, has anyone tried a different brand of liquid fulvic minerals in place of the BioPure?

A friend from my support group started taking fulvic minerals a couple of months ago. I'm going to give her a call and see how she's doing.

I think this is the brand she's taking...

At $31 a bottle, it's significantly less expensive than the BioPure, which is now $50.

Hard to know how much phosphorus is in any of them.

I know Dr. K only sells *the best stuff* but I wonder if another brand might be good enough.

For now, I'm using the ConcenTrace minerals I have on hand.

GiGi, do you know the purpose of the baking soda in the rehydration cocktail? Is it for alkalizing the drink? I really hate the taste and saltiness of the baking soda and have a hard time getting it down, despite adding orange juice, protein powder, maple syrup, etc.

Could I use less than 1/4 tsp?

Or, I wonder if I could substitute some of the AlkaBase powder (supplement) I have. It foams up like baking soda, but the taste is not as harsh.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I use Biopure Matrix minerals but not in the rehydration cocktail. That calls for electrolytes.

Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
NanaDubo and GiGi,

Thank you for the corrections. I realize now that I looked at the wrong product. So Matrix electrolytes, not Matrix minerals. Big difference.

Also happy to know about BioPure, since I did think it was his company, so I apologize for incorrect assumption & spreading misinformation. I'm informed now!

I will get the electrolytes and try this again.

One more question...could I use full-fat plain yogurt instead of milk or milk analog? That's what I've always used in my shaker smoothies--I enjoy the thickness it brings to the drink.

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Guys, I know this is off topic, but I know some of you are on the KPU protocal, so I wanted to ask.

I don't have either of heh two telltale symptoms - poor dream recall and spotty nails. Thus, I wonder if I should bother with the test.

The results seem amazing of people getting better so quickly makes me want this to be a part of teh puzzle.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
If it were me, I would wait until I got further along with AI and see what happens.

Can always get the test.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
yup. Ain't in a rush. Just intregued!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Scroll to page 37 listing the major symptoms of HPU/KPU. There are a lot more than two.

But I agree with Nana, it's a lot better to wait than choosing to crash for several month before the major dysregulations are corrected with AI.
KPU knocks at the deposits of toxins, and via AI we know that we are allergic to a whole number of them which invites the body to a battle to push them out --- and why battle and why suffer. I am not sure that KPU is needed after AI is complete and the body starts to properly regulate again. Don't know, but am very suspicious, if we have the patience to let that happen. I suppose it depends on how bad a person feels. I do not test positive for KPU and am releasing metals with AI by the tons, something I have never been able to do to that degree. My husband is now, since bottle #10, doing KPU and is releasing metals, slower, but releasing them, and most importantly -- doing KPU without crashing, which is important because of age. Organs need to be treated kindly and crashing is tough on the system.

I know you will make the right decision. Taking the KPU test doesn't hurt. Be sure you are off the KPU related supplements several days before you do the test.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Nutmeg, the proven recipe calls for certain liquids. Not smoothies or yoghurt which probably take a lot longer for digestion than watered down milks. I go strictly by the rules because I have learned that he knows what he is talking about. He also does not hesitate to "recall" something, when he finds out it is not working as well as he wanted it to.

With that in mind, Dr. K. mentioned that he finds Biosil working better than the Jarrosil. I think I had posted about this earlier.

Take care.

I had posted a larger text, but was in the process of adding to it when the lights went out and computer black. So I lost it. You probably saw parts of it as indicated by your response.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
GiGi, thank you for the info.

I didn't use a store-bought smoothie, just plain unsweetened yogurt, watered down. I will stick with the original recipe now, and wait to get started until I can get the electrolytes in.

Maybe I will just use my protein powder, since I don't drink milk, and also try almond or soy milk occasionally.

I made a note about the Biosil instead of Jarrosil, but have not tried that yet.

Thanks again. I appreciate all your thoughtful replies to everyone.

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
One last thing -- WHat about AI and Candida? Doe sthat help?
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
I was wondering the same thing hobokinite. Do you all still take probiotics?

I started my first round yesterday and so far so good. I haven't noticed anything yet. I was really nervous about starting.

I've been reading or should I say trying to read this thread. I'm still trying to figure out if we need to take our suppliments or not. I really hate to quit my magnesium and a couple of other things but I want to do what is best. I know the less the better.

Another thing, I've always been severely constipated and I have to take something every day. Should I still take that or see what AI can do in that dept? I'm also taking Dr. Schulze's super food. I'm assuming it would be OK to still take that?

Sorry for the questions. I know the answer is here somewhere. I promise I have been reading and have found answers to some of my questions. There's just so much info here, it's overwhelming to my lyme brain.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Yeast/fungus attach to the metals to protect us from them. When regulations take place and the metals start releasing so do the other things.

This past month I have experienced metal release, fungal die-off, metal release, fungal die-off, etc., etc.,

Fun? No. Rewarding? Yes. Patience is a virtue. I need this tattooed to my forehead!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Ha! I think this is the longest running post on Lymenet. It needs a search button to find all the good bits of wisdom said here I already have forgotten!!!!

Waiting for my sixth AI batch.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I would not recommend anyone to do the KPU test yet if already started A.I. Basically to save money and time and to avoid being tempted to start too many protocols at once.

As I believe you will need to retest after the A.I. anyway to see if you still have it! Just more money on tests, although having the information is always interesting. Sometimes too much info is overload for me! I get confused and tend to want to start things before their time.

I tested for KPU in the beginning of my A.I. treatment, and I have a strong positive...but am now waiting to finish my A.I. before doing any treatments for KPU. Waiting is not easy for a pro-active person!

But as I reflect back on my healing history...when I wait for the right timing, healing happens more quickly and orderly.

As I have experienced many regulations with the A.I. already, there is a chance I may not need to do the protocol at all after A.I. We will see.

I will retest both urine and ART testing at that time. I spoke with my ND just yesterday about this and she I am feeling well, why rock the boat now. We will retest later.

But as far as my daughter, she was recommended to start on core by my ND who understands her unique situation. We are all different, and have varying degrees of symptoms and ability to follow protocols.

So I recommend KPU testing after your major regulations happen with the AI!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Nana...interesting that we have many similar things happening together.

I am having loads of yeast/fungus and metal release too!

Knee pain is still gone!!!!!

But my hair is going wacky...a weird symptom I believe of something releasing through my hairdresser sees it too!

My hair is parting in odd places all over my head...and not laying flat like normal...just hard to manage and odd looking at the roots! I have a shorter I look like a punk rock star now instead of my normal bob... smooth sleek look!

Anyone else have this?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Bad hair day = metals coming out through hair folicles.

Glad your knee is hanging in there.

Yes, we do seem to run a similar pattern - more evidence that things DO happen with AI.

Sorry about your attempt to relay this on a different thread. I am having a hard time biting my tongue (fingers) on that one [Wink]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, my husband has this. He has had snowwhite hair, totally smooth and the fullest head of hair ever. White for many many years.
We have been going to the same hairdresser for longr than that! Ever since AI, his hair goes in episodes of frizzy on some parts that she has a hard time to keep within the haircut. She remarks about it He also now has some black hair coming through that I had never seen before.

He definitely is releasing metals as indicated in his Doctor's Data hairtest. Not quite as much as I am releasing yet, but we have since adjusted his mineral replacement because his mineral reserves showed as very low, probably affected by poor absorption due to the wheat/leaky gut problem wbich takes time to heal.

The release of metals through my hair is enormous. I had never been able to release toxic metals that was needed until I started AI. I did not have any food allergies, but metal allergies, and a sound mineral reserve (good minerals).

Goes to show you - we eat the same food every day and lead the same lifestyle - and our inherited burden was vastly different - he had 3 miasms, I had none.

If you had a hairtest done before too long, you would probably find a reason. When toxic metals appear in the hair, the metals are on their way out of the body. It is a test that DK frequently does because if properly interpreted, it tells a lot. If the zinc etc shows in the hair along with some others, KPU is a factor.

I can report about myself that I have not heard a sore throat in fifty years followed all within one day and night the release of a bucketful reqquiring a box of kleenex - all within 24 hours.
I sound like I had a cold for a week, but havent. Strictly a release from top of head to end of neck. Eyes, nose, mouth/throat. I used to tell Dr. K. my head feels like it is clamped in a vice; or the other one "I am wearing three bathing caps, all two sizes too small". This feeling left after I got over Lyme in early 21st century, but this release never happened until almost a year of AI. We started in January.

So you have a partner with frizzy hair! He is really a super guy and you would like him. The frizzyness sort of comes and goes from one month to the next.

Take care.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Well, I spoke too quickly this morning. I am definitely feeling something now. I can't really contribute it to AI for sure though.

My head feels like Gigi described in the above post. Feels like it's in a vise. I have blurry vision, too. I just feel so sick all over. When I get up I feel like I'm going to pass out and get sick to my stomach.

I get this or similar stuff from time to time so I can't say it's the AI but I had been feeling so much better. I'm just going to bed and gonna hang on for the ride.

Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
Hi all, just wanted to report that our 11th bottles arrived today after the slow holidays' mail.

Our just turned 7 yr. old grandson is showing the amazing amount of 15 chemical substances after 6 rounds of AI, plus various amts. of biological and energetic blockades. He has already cleared most of his eczema and is improving in other areas but still has much more to go.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Just a note. I got the bad root canal tooth pulled this morning. Seemed to go okay., Having a bit more EMF symptoms than usual, but I guess that is from the stress of it all. Thank God it is done and it went out easy. He got all of it nothing left. There was root near the sinus but he got it!

I'm still numb so no idea if it will hurt or not.

Thanks guys for your help and prayers.


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Clancy, it is still amazing to me how a child is able to accumulate all this toxin. So glad he is coming along well.

We are also waiting for bottle #11 and will compare notes!

Hobo, get a good long rest - and may your body continue healing.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
How interesting about people's HAIR: at this stage [round 6] I am noticing that my upper body is covered in minute invisible bumps...also that my facial skin has been much drier than I can remember it being for years.

I too am experiencing lots of head mucous, also sore throats in the evening, but no actual infection; the throat tends to be OK in the morning, though I have taken 1 or 2 capsules of my clay, linseed apple pectin and charcoal mix on nights when these symptoms are most prevalent.

Hobkinite, very pleased to hear that the root canal came out OK and hope you're not in too much pain today.

Clancy, hope your grandson sees quick results now,

Best Wishes to all,

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Nana...I'll have to look around again to see which thread that one I cause much drama on lymemet with my A.I. suggestions. Many times after I post, I do not check back on those threads. although I get too many PM's related to them.

With all the positive results I and others have doing the A.I.... it is hard to not share this very positive therapy to those who may feel led to try it. I post the thread...and let it go, and let God direct!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Gigi, thanks for sharing about your husband's bad hair days too!

I originally was suggested to take the hair test...and actually sent in three different samples in the beginnng of my A.I> therapy with my ND.

Unfortunately many odd errors happened with my samples...and they were unable to give me any results. (either not enough...or the pieces were not long enough, or they were sent in aluminum hairdresser placed them in this...and got too much aluminum!) Silly me.

I decided to wait awhile before cutting more hair...from my very fine, short it was obvious where the samples were about bad hair days!

As I already paid for the test, I am planning on doing it at some time. Do you think is is beneficial to do it I believe I am passing metals. OR is is better to do it after A.I. is complete? Will I change anything as far as protocol now by getting the results?

I want to be efficient with all these tests...getting the most info at the right time with the less expense!

any suggestions.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Carry and Gigi...I also am experiencing some odd type of sore throats in the middle of the night recently. Not the typical feeling of a sore throat from a cold.

Occasionally I get a release of some thick mucous..during the day or at night...and try to be careful to spit it out...and not swallow! IF its toxic...I don't want to reabsorb it!

Last night I went down to my kitchen and gargled with some apple cider vinegar...and the sore throat went away quickly.
Posted by f13girl (Member # 23844) on :
Need a 101-

Can someone explain what AI is and what it is used for and how KPU fits into the picture? Can AI be used for killing lyme/coinfections ? Are you folks on or have done abx as well beforehand?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
LP - it was on the thread about best ways to detox.

f13girl - I'm on my way out the door so I can't do the 101 right now. Someone will come along. In the meantime have you read the pages here?

All the answers are here.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ping, it has happened before that
AI cannot find any more blockages at a certain time. It depends a lot on what people have done as far as medications and other treatments are concerned while doing the treatment or also during interruptions of the treatment.
It happened to another person here on the board. Within three months, testing was again possible and dysregulations showed up.

So sorry you are not satisfied with the therapy.
I am sure you can find something that will work for you.

Take care.
Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :
All the best Ping.

I'm on page 10 now of this thread it takes awhile to read!

I have questions concerning AI and genetically modified food we consume. As you know in USA GMO's are not labeled and we are forced in essence to eat things we don't know about.

As much as I eat food from my own garden with non GMO seed and grass fed meat etc... I'm sure all of us probably get some food that's messed with and can disrupt our cells.

Has AI addressed this or have they found that GMO food undoes the benefits of AI?

Thanks for any knowledge you can impart.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
HI all.
I am away from my computer for some time, and I havent gotten a chance to read the latest page.

I j ust wanted to say its unremarkable how much metals i am dumping. i am testing for malic, and then 10 minutes later, edta then pectin..

i am also very viral , my ebv markers are higher than the lab tests for which indicates i have active mono.

i am not sure what to do about this..for i feel i have active mono.

one thing ithink is happening is that ai is helping my body deal with the anxiety provoking things like, chemicals..( i really notice personality changes when i am detoxing chemicals) and now the viruses are coming up..

anyway just wanted to report in..take care, runner
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Nana..found the post!

Thanks Gigi for cleaning up all my ruckus on other posts! I'm creating more work for you! sorry!

Just feel for those asking questions who really want help. I wish someone would have shard this with me in the beginning my quest for health.

Not everyone is at the same place on this healing journey!

Like what Columbus experienced before he discovered the new world....Some still think the world is flat! It's all related to experience and faith.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Sorry you haven't seen improvements with your AI, Ping, though very pleased to hear that your GI issues have resolved after your scare with the appendix.

Perhaps it would be worthwhile sending off a new sample after a few months, as Gigi suggests,

Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
ping- I was one of those whom AI informed had no more dysregulations (after 6 rounds). I asked for retesting and more errors were found. I'm now waiting for #8.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I wonder what the record so far of is for rounds needed. I imagine some of us are so toxic, it could take dozens.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I think GiGi mentioned someone with MS who needed 20 rounds. I don't know if that is the record.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Working my way up. I just got round #9 of AI drops today. I have had no breaks in treatment except for mailing time--started in March '09.

The report said 12 chemical substances found, and 6 energetic blockades, so they are still finding stuff for me to get rid of.

I took 5 drops after I opened the box today, and about 5 hours later I'm feeling a little fatigued and have some sinus and nasopharyngeal (sp?) fullness and scratchiness.

Going to go take some fiber stuff now to soak up the baddies.

Good luck to all,
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

Thank you to everyone for their support regarding my mother's passing. Her memorial service was today--about 100 people came. We had about equal amounts of grief and laughter.

I just got my drops (round 9) yesterday.

I am one who is taking the KPU supplements while on AI. I actually started them, not to handle KPU, but to keep seizures at bay. I find that I can use B6 to stop seizures from happening. I was taking these before I started KPU, and was not able to stop them.

Since being on AI, I have been able to lower my daily intake of magnesium, zinc, Vit. E, and have stopped many other supplements entirely.

Unfortunately, the pre-seizure symptoms have increased markedly in the last two months. I'm hoping, now that I've gotten the new set of drops, that this will resolve!


Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Please do not wait for AI to tell you that your symptom X has now been corrected, or even referring to your symptom. They are not correcting or looking at symptoms. They are correcting errors, informational errors in your DNA, that have nothing to do with biochemical errors. Informational errors can cause biochemical problems and possible chronic ailments. But no one will ever know, I doubt, what combination of errors causes MS, Parkinsonism, or Hypertension or any chronic disease. A whole bunch of them, certainly. Who knows which factor or multitude of factors cause the missing enzyme or lack of enzyme production
to turn the gut into a leaky gut. Only if the body recognizes all material and identifies them correctly, can it start the chemical processes. Only at that point, can regulation function as it should, avoiding the system to head into the wrong direction = deadend roads, aka chronic, not curable problems. Drugs don't heal it and medical doctors tell us we have to live with it, or take another problem causing drug for life.

AI attempts to relieve us of many small errors or bugs that have found their way into our software.
They are not medical practitioners and they do not treat specific diseases. They will therefore not refer to your Parkinsons, your hypotension, or your MS, or to your asthma. They clear you of certain errors; they find certain errors; and exactly which one or which combination of errors is causing which symptoms will probably never be known.

They attempt to correct false patterns which have gathered in our DNA, through inheritance or other means, so that the body can find new natural regulation and change direction toward positive.
All that takes place at the informational level of the DNA. It has nothing at all to do with any molecular substance, a biochemical, etc.

If it is able to regulate properly, it may be able to handle the Genetically Modified Foods - who knows. If not, it will have to learn it now or in the generation following. If it has not learned it already, it will probably be found in some of the layers they are searching. We have been eating that type of corn for a long time - I don't think there is a normal oldfashioned corn anywhere, as there is hardly a potato or tomato that hasn't be engineered! Romano Tomatoes have been engineered to include a flounder, or some other fish. Can't recall which. I don't care for a tomato fish or a fish tomato, so I have been avoiding them --- not knowing or wanting to know what is being done to the rest of tomatoes. The Europeans are making a serious effort to not let that stuff in the country.

Maybe this is one of the reasons the AI/PSP takes so much longer here than it does in Germany. It may be so because the Lyme is so dependent on abx and other drugs. I don't know, but it definitely takes longer for us. Europeans are done around 5-7. Maybe it's our water? Maybe our fluoride. Fluoride destroys the pineal gland (sleep?) and the Europeans are fighting it. The list of problems caused by fluoridation starts with allergies. Google it for more info. Hitler added fluoride in the camps.

Oh well, hope you all learn patience and recognize the value of this treatment. I know that some of you do. I certainly do, because I am finally dropping heavy metals which I was never totally successful in doing -- heavy metal toxicity causes slow but certain cell destruction and I want to be around a little longer.

I am glad that my husband is improving - wheat allergy is a monster - google wheat allergy/leaky gut, hypotension, hypertension, homocysteine levels, heart disease, stroke, dementia, heavy metal toxicity (20,000 times more mercury found in the heart) -- that alone is enough to raise the red flag. That's what wheat and toxic metals can do if we live long enough.

Just one of my reality checks - hope it's okay.

Take care.

[ 01-17-2010, 04:51 AM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Very well put! I hope that anyone wondering how this remedy works, hangs on to that last post.

Thanks Gigi.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
CassA, if you are lowering your zinc intake, I do not understand why you say you are doing KPU. The main ingredient in KPU is zinc picolinate (or other zinc chelate) at fairly high levels. B6 or P5P is a minor item in the KPU protocol as is manganese, and come others. Can you explain what you mean, please. Just curious.

Hoping too that you will get good results with the new drops.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Dear Friends,
I am in florida visiting my family and i didnt want to confused AI so i am without my new drops. i hope they are awaiting me when i return home.

For the most part i am testing for every binder in the book. i am deeply tired as well..and as i have posted before my EBV titers are sky hv6 and a small amt of coxsackie.

I recieved my doctors data hair analysis.
I have been on AI for 7 rounds i think and awaiting the 8th one.
The main toxic elements that came up for me were bismuth (i had repeated gi testing last year that required bismuth)
small amt of mercury which i was so surprised.

the minerals that were too high for me in the hair was calcium, magnesium, germanium, and iodine. i find this so PECULIAR due to the fact i have bone loss...and have shown iodine deficient.

help here..does anyone know if its coming out in the hair maybe the body is deficient, even though the test reads high?

Thanks! Runner
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Also, my nickel was very high..

i was very very low in sodium, potassium and sulfur.
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
i want to make raw cultured vegetables , any one have a recipe to share

also i bought one bottle of rechts-regulate, this product is wonderful, amazing.

i gave it to my daughter and she told me , that's the only thing worked so far with her from all the products i bought for her.
i was looking to buy another bottle, but bio-pure is out of it., does anyone know another source i can buy from ?

thank you all for all your help.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi there,

Cultured veggies are fun and very easy to make.

you can make them in a crockpot or large glass jar.

take any veggies you lke, cabbage, cukes, carots, beets..apples.chop all up very fine, or blend in a food processor.
transfer to the glass container and seal tight, add salt..and it will pickle. store at 72 degrees for at least 3 days..but the longer the better. good lcuk
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
do u add water or vinegar?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Here are my two cents worth: Absolutely no vinegar, and a few drops of water to get the salt (Red Salt, i.e. salt that has 70some minerals in it) to dissolve. Or the Himalajan salt. o Be careful not too blend it too fine. You do want to absorb some of the enzymes by chewing at least some of the vegetables. Chewing is important because it already starts the digestion going! If you want to, you can add some of the Rechtsregulat ferment, probably a teaspoon will do for a big bowl of veggies, and it will make it a great Sauerkraut. I did that last year when I made some and it tasted great. And of course you get all the many enzymes of the Rechtsregulat to multiply.

Have fun. Biopure will surely have it again. I used to have it shipped from my little old pharmacy in Germany before Biopure carried it. The Rechtsregulat is great to break up the biofilm!

Take care.

Be sure not to use high oxalate veggies. They are not beneficial to the Lyme brain. Google "list of oxalate vegetables fruits"
if you are not sure that they are.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, where did zinc show on your hairtest?

It is very normal for bits of viruses to show up. Add some Vitamin A (fish based, any health food store). It will also help this time of year.

Have you read the accompanying pages that came with the test explaiing the relationship between this and that metal and good minerals.

Since you plan to come up here soon, I would not worry. You will get the interpretation from Dr.D.
and she will help you how to move on from there.

In any case, be sure you add some good minerals - goat whey and Matrix Minerals or whatever you know is well absorbed. With leaky gut, the absorption is what is causing the deficit. And without sulfur and adequate good minerals, metal detox won't work well. I am sure you need some balancing to retain the good ones.

That's the course I would take. At least, start taking some of the good minerals right away.

Mercury is always one that starts to come slow and later. At least you are starting, but without seeing the test, it's hard to tell.

Take care.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear GiGi,

Thanks for your questions.

Some time ago, I started taking zinc at about 50 mg per day, just part of my supplements, as I tested VERY deficient in zinc.

As I stated before on this thread, I didn't start with KPU--I started taking zinc in high doses (100 mg) and B6 as these are in the alternative treatment for seizures article I found here at Lymenet.

When I found out about KPU, I upped zinc to 200 mg. LOL!

Recently, I WAS taking 150 mg of zinc per day--elemental, according to the label! That's still a LOT!! I'm now taking 100 mg.

I wouldn't say I'm "DOING" KPU, but I would say that I'm taking the key supplements that KPU entails: zinc (as above), B6 (sometimes 600 mg in a day), P5P (50 mg per day), manganese (30 mg). I also take niacin, Vit E, B complex, B 1, beta-carotine, electrolytes, taurine, magnesium, and calcium.

From my LLMD, I'm taking the 5 factors for methylation. These help a LOT with getting toxins out of the body. I tried stopping these, and the results were bad, so I'm back taking them again until I'm a bit further along with AI.

Hope this clears things up.


Cass A
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Hi ping,

I'm glad you will re-test. Scott (Sforsgren) also was told he was finished AI after #7 but has been retested and has since done several more rounds.

I'm expecting round/results #8 any day now. I have had major improvements with environmental allergies, asthma and GI problems.

Pre-AI, I was very constipated and only able to move bowels 1-2 times a week. Now, I go every day. [Smile]

No improvement with neuromuscular sxs as of yet. Still hopeful.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Looking forward to my next round.

Seem to be doing okay after the tooth extraction but the no blowing my nose rule for another week is hard.

Could I really already feel less toxic? He pulled out a big cyst too. No wonder I had sinus probs.

Must have been a gross sight. Glad I did not look at it.
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on : sick daughter is going to see her regular doctor , what tests i should ask the doctor to do
she is gluten free and she has parasites , frequent headache, numbness in her side, her joint hurts most of the time, swollen lymph glands
, gaining a lot of weight,

she is only doing AI, taking chlorella , Rechtsregulat , mineral waters, activated charcoal , cilentro. too bad she is at college and it is hard to give her too many things to take or make sure she takes regularly.

2. one more questions, how hard is it to get appointment w/DR. K. ,
i want to get appointment for her spring break when she comes. i live in los angeles, ca
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
fifi25, suggest you call the clinic - it is not easy because he travels and teaches around the world. But there are others who practice in a very similar way who are constantly updated by his seminars. Nothing ever stays the same - he is constantly streamlining the way he treats chronic disease. Quite a few people are now doing AI and so is he and he is very pleased with it.

Doing cilantro, from what I know about it, is not a good idea. It definitely has its place, but it is better to do it at the right time of the detox phase. Cilantro is one of the very few agents that crosses the blood brain barrier and it has to be timed right.

For me it is difficult to answer your question, because I don't know enough about your daughter.
Maybe others here will.

Feel free to e-mail me. [email protected]

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I suggest getting her to an ND who does ART or Dr. K if he is seeing patients in the near future. His website recommends those who have been trained by him who can help her along managing symptoms, and determining root causes and give specific suggestions for her situation.

College kids do not follow protocols very well, so keep it simple. I would also just have her do the AI. in the meantime. Encourage her to watch what she puts into her body...especially with the multitude of "recreational" activities at college! Healthy food, and good sleep is important, and to get her work done in advance so to minimize stress.

My daughter was clear of her lyme and co's before college, so it is easier for her to just do A.I. as the flu like symptoms, fevers, stomach and gluten problems and joint pain were finally gone.

Sounds like your daughter has a full plate of symptoms to contend with on her own. My support is with you both as she begins her process of healing.

If your child is sick, she needs professional help to move her on in a positive and orderly way. Its individual.

I don't remember reading any history on your daughter...and do not know if she has lyme and co-infections, that would be good to get tested for.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Last night I filled a basket full of cleanex - draining, draining, draining - from top of head and also from the lung area. I am sure the biofilm is leaving that area. What a wonderful terrain we created for all these bugs to flourish.

Sounds like a cold, but isn't. Because I am chipper, except when the drips keep me awake and I start rummaging about the kitchen for a drink and a slice of Panetoni, a piece of cheese, and and and --- in the middle of the night!

Hope you all are staying patient!

LP, it really makes me feel good to hear about your younger ones. Our son is doing quite well too, #7, and draining his poor little head empty. He removed his fillings when I got ill years ago, but never did more after that. It is all coming out now ---and is quite happy with the results.

My husband is moving heavy metals and I shower him with a Klinghardt cocktail for these purposes. Is tasty like a grapefruit drink and beats taking any capsules.

Take care of yourselves.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
ok. i need to get back on track. i need some support here. i was about to send another DNA sample to germany when i got bronchitis, bordering on pneumonia. i had to go on 2 abx. i have 2 more days left.

how long should i wait to send my sample? i will surely tell them what happened. thanks. talk about discombobulated. aliyah
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Aliyah, I think you should definitely wait a few weeks for the abx to clear your system.

This happened to me a few months ago -I had pneumonia and took levaquin for 10 days to clear it up. I sent in a sample to AI and they found no more errors.

Re-sent another sample 6 weeks later, 22 more errors showed up.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi -- I wanted to ask you if you think the Dr. K cocktail would be right for me at this early stage.

I'm on week two of Round Two. Emotions are not so volatile, but bone pain and tingling in hands has returned.

To early to move metals with the cocktail?

Hugs and best regards to all of you out there,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wiseforit, no, I would not do the Grapefruit cocktail yet. That is too powerful and you need to eliminate some more of the allergies before you do. You are probably still carrying a high toxin burden that needs to be dug up a little more and slowly, slowly disposed of. Just do what you can to have the proper liquids, not plain water which runs through you taking most good things with it.

I would probably try the Rehydration Cocktail which I posted a few days ago on this thread. Some people are so starved for the electrolytes and detoxing is very difficult without them. And if it doesn't feel good, stop it.

If you can take some chlorella - which is a total and complete food on its own - that will help any of the metals now. I am not excited about charcoal while people are so mineral deficient.
Take some liquid minerals - they connect with the metals in a very normal way. While allergic to major foods, absorption was minimal - colon damaged. And that takes time to heal.
Eat the crushed apples with pectin.

And hopefully you can learn to test yourself at least for the basics.

Call Eve and tell her hi from me and ask her who in your area might be able to muscle test. Dr. Klinghardt will have a teaching seminar in the NY area soon, one of his best German therapist is coming over to teach with him, and maybe you can find some connection there, if not instantly, but later. Taking anything without energetic testing is like throwing darts! at our most precious body! Once you learn it, it will be yours forever.

Take care.
At the end of this thread, Scott posted the Institute of Neurobiology with Eve's number & mail. She may know someone.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I'm attending Dr K's seminars in NYC...and looking forward to finally meeting him and connecting with others. If anyone else is attending...PM me!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, great - wonderful!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Gigi, will he take volunteers to be tested when he teaches ART? I would love to be ART tested by him!
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I just received my PDF file with the results from AI for myself and my kids. Our drops are in the mail!
I showed my husband however and he questioned cows milk not being checked on mine or my kids. I know I have seen the webpage on the AI site and seen some posts here regarding the fact that they believe it's actually the wheat that the milks eat (we are allergic to gluten as well and they have that checked on our reports), however to my husbands point why can we eat meat with no problems and just not have the dairy? The meat comes from cows who have the same wheat...just curious as to your thoughts.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
GettinHealthy - not sure about that. I did have cows milk show up on my results.

Maybe if you react to cows milk and it wasn't checked, could be something that is added during the pasteurization process that you are allergic to?

A number of people here have been sure they are allergic to one thing or another that does not show up on their test results and I believe the same is true.... not the actual food itself but some additive.

Just my thoughts..
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, yes he selects certain volunteers to show how ART works. He has a keen sense and eye.

Any dysregulation can be caused by other dysregulations;
not just one error, but one error causing another, and that one causing still another, etc. There are always chemicals involved and who knows where the allergy chain of event starts? I don't know, and I don't think HG knows.

I don't think this is a black and white science, just like much in medicine. If you have the organ and enzyme problems showing in the test results, that is another roadblock to get out of the way.

It's best to consider the total picture.

Take care all.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Thank you for answering my question! It's actually casein (the milk protein) that we're allergic to, but I think what both of you say make sense.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I have a similiar situation where sometimes i am kept up at nite and rummage the kitchen making toast with a piece of cheese..

i am awaiting my drops for round 8. i wll be glad to get back on them, for it has been one month nowfor anyone else, here
that has been on ai a while..i would recommend the hair test for has really helped me understand
more and take more minerals. the body cannot process with out those.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Runner Gigi etc, I have the Biopure Electrolyte drink but what else is a good source for more minerals. I see they sell 2 different mineral drinks. Matrix and Micro. WHich is good to take now?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, I would suggest you make yourself the Rehydration Cocktail with the Electrolytes (trace minerals). You can easily make it for two days in a glass bottle.

My husband also had a super poor balance of the good minerals because of a hidden wheat/gluten/soy allergy which causes malabsorption of all nutrients. Toxins entering the blood stream via leaky gut and from there due to already metal and lyme enzyme damaged blood brain barrier into the brain.

He used to take a different Biotics mineral, but we now switched to the Biopure Humic and Fulvic Matrix Minerals, and it is already showing positive. He is detoxing heavy metals more strongly as indicated by the horribly smelly and dark colored urine.

If you do and take nothing else, please consider both these: the rehydr. cocktail 2x per day (6 oz each) and at least 2 oz of the Matrix Minerals.
Nothing is easier to take than these two. It will be much easier for you to start unloading toxins with these.

Yes, Runner is right.

"Proteins provide the important precursors to the endogenous metal detox and shuttle agents, such as coeruloplasmin, metallothioneine, glutathione and others.

The branched-chain amino acids in cow and goat whey have valuable independent detox effects. Amino acid supplements, especially with a concentrate of branched chain amino acids are valuable.

Metals attach themselves only in places that are programmed for attachment of metal ions. Mineral deficiency provides the opportunity for toxic metals to attach themselves to vacant binding sites. A healthy mineral base is a prerequisite for all metal detox attempts (selenium, zinc, manganese, germanium, molybdenum etc.). Substituting minerals can detoxify the body by itself.

Just as important are electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium), which help to transport toxic waste across the extracellular space towards the lymphatic and venous vessels.
Lipids (made from fatty acids) make up 60-80 % of the central nervous system and need to be constantly replenished.

Deficiency makes the nervous system vulnerable to the fat-soluble metals, such as metallic mercury constantly escaping as odorless and invisible vapour from the dental amalgam fillings.

Without enough fluid intake the kidneys may become contaminated with metals. The basal membranes swell up and the kidneys can no longer efficiently filtrate toxins. Adding a balanced electrolyte solution in small amounts to water helps to restore intra-and extracellular fluid balance." DK (Now: Rehydration Cocktail is better)

Goat whey also contains a perfect balance of the good minerals.

Detoxing without a good mineral base is a fruitless undertaking. You wait and wait and nothing happens and you are still chasing around the same toxins years later still feeling miserable. While you are on AI, in between and after AI, the body is in a constant detoxing mode; minerals are in short supply in today's foods, organic or not. So it is necessary to take them in the most natural form as a supplement. Once you have corrected the food allergies, absorption will also slowly start to increase. If you are not a spring chicken,
consider a good digestive enzyme. Remember: stool has to sink, not swim. If it swims, you are not digesting your fats and your brain is starving.

Take care.
Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I am on Ai since May. Do I still need to have a food allergy test or will thsi definately correct them?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I also tried Dr. K's take on auto-runie. Did 12 sessions twice already with zero results.

The most effective technique to turn
TH1 back on is auto-urine therapy: the patient's urine
concentrates the antigens (disposed cell walls and cell
fragments of offending microbes which the immune
system has successfully eliminated). By passing the
client's urine through a micropore filter and injecting it
i.m, the lymphocytes on patrol in the connective tissue
Infectious Diseases
Explore! Volume 14, Number 2, 2005
are brought in contact with the antigen and quickly
mount a specific and appropriate immune response.
We use 2 ml of filtered urine once weekly for 12
weeks. All other similar approaches (autohemotherapy,
homeopathic autonosodes, manipulating the immune
system with supplements) are far less effective.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, no, you are now doing your allergy therapy now.

Ask the doctor who did the urine therapy for you.

You are not well, because you have or had root canals until recently. When the body is full of toxic metals and other toxins, the production is affected and hormone production is hampered. All problem areas have to be addressed. I remember talking to you about teeth five years ago. Do you remember?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
yes. We'll see how I do now.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Gigi, I don't understand your answer. I don't nee dto do allergy food testing casue AI will resolve it?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, you asked

"I am on Ai since May. Do I still need to have a food allergy test or will thsi definately correct them?"

All your allergies, foods, metals, chemicals, organ blockages, emotional blockages, are all being tested while you are doing AI. HG goes from layer to layer to find anything that is not working well for you. It will probably take longer than the six month you have been on it.
Yes, the aim is to correct all errors. all allergies. Yes, the aim is that all the major allergies are corrected by continuing AI until they no longer can find any errors in their testing.

It is however your responsibility to see that you do what you can to make sure you have no dental infections or dead teeth that could cause you trouble. Whether you have food allergies or not, infected dead teeth usually cause problems and need to be addressed.

Are you seeing a doctor? to help you with this.
You must have had a physician to do the auto-urine therapy. Maybe he can help you. Any doctor doing the a-u therapy should be able to understand AI. I hope you have someone.

Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Ihave not seen my doc in some time. But why see him if I am on AI? he wants me to do some strange ezyme allergy shots.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, no, I agree. allergy shots now would not be the right thing. So just think positive knowing better days are ahead and take your drops!

Take care.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
GiGi and others,

Do you think it would be a bad idea to have a root canal tooth extracted while doing the AI therapy?

Or would it be better to wait until the AI is done?

Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
Gigi, I have had the same thing as your husband, very foul smelling urine as well as dark and cloudy, and I have had many bladder infections over the years and it defenitly doesent feel like that.It's nice to know the cause. I'm a week into round 7, not so depresed but i've been having increased Trigeminal neralgia pain in my mouth. But I'm grining while bearing it in hops that this is helping.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Pardon my delay, but what is the rehydration cocktail? i am interested in making this..

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Gigi, do you yourself supplement with amino acids..also what is the recommended cod liver oil doseage?
i am taking 1 tsp 3 times per day.

Thanks again, runner
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
any thoughts on stem cell therapy?
i have ignored it for some time, but just got an email..and was wondering any thoughts or input for this?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Nutmeg, I had my root canal tooth extracted during AI. Last week actually. I had no choice though. Damned thing broke and had to be yanked. Just saw the oral surgeon who said it's all healing very nicely.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Oh Gigi, I was wondering though about doing allergy food testinga nd find out what foods to avoid till I feel better. ALthough, I have fear that the test woul;d show I'm allergic to everything but lima beans.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Nutmet, aren't you seeing a local doctor? What does he say? Did he test your root canal? I would not dare say have a root canal extraced, I just know and am fully aware of the toxin they send into the body. Thioethers are lethal for the brain. And that can be tested by ART or similar.

Pulling a tooth (and cleaning out the surrounding area if it is affected will not interfer with AI. You stop a day or two and continue, depending on how AI makes you feel during the day.
If it makes you tired, etc., don't do the drops for a couple of days until the wound starts healing, if you have the tooth removed.

Kissis, that color etc sounds good. But I make sure that I always test if he needs some asssist with Unda 243 or Renelix or any of these supports. Kidneys and liver get blocked very easily. You can always help it along with some of the tapping.

Just make sure that your teeth are in order. If you are detoxing the jaw area, you will feel it there. I did early on during AI when it had to do with nickle, etc. Now I feel it in my bones because I am definitely releasing lead out of my long bones where much of it got stored.

The depressed feeling is I am sure part of the detox. Lot of toxin got stored because of emotional involvement. Years ago when I was treated for metals and released a little bit, right there on the table (or moved it), it was often accompanied by some tears right there in the doctor's presence.

I have seen emotional releases many times during seminars when Dr. K. would test a volunteer
and the displacement of a metal brought on some tears.

Nutmeg, I am not sure about the "cloudy" look.
If it were cloudy all the time, I would look into it.

Take care.

Thought first at informational level/DNA; biochemical consequence/event second.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

The Rehydration Cocktail

Rehydrate the cells to restore and expand cell membrane structure, intracellular scaffolding, and function of all intracellular processes and membrane channel activity and

Biopure Matrix Electrolytes:

2 Tablespoons per 6oz cup. Use 2/3 water, 1/3 milk or milk-substitute: goat milk, nut milk, soy milk, protein powder drink. This helps the trans-membrane traffic of water,. Add source of glucose for electrolyte transport across cell membrane - to make nice tasting drink. Ad 1/4 teasp. Baking soda. 2 cups/day.

Recent experience shows that potassium-based salts and adding a source of glucose and aminoacids helps the cells actually get hydrated. This expands the inner scaffolding of microtubule - everything works better.

The phosphorus in Matrix Electrolyte helps the coupling of toxins to acids in the kidney, which then can be shuttled successfully out in the urine.

If following the less costly (and somewhat less effective) recipes below to make your own, start with 1/2 cup daily and increase gradually.

The electrolyte drink alone often gets the blocked detoxification process going and can stimulate a welcome related reaction and short lived aggravation of symptoms,. High dose Vit E and freeze dried garlic are amongst the antidotes. Using the binding agents is accelerating the process and minimizes detox reactions.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, re Stem Cells

not for me to comment. I know that there is a lot of testing into existing problems of the patient before a doctor/s commit to doing it. IF IT IS a reputable place!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

"Oh Gigi, I was wondering though about doing allergy food testinga nd find out what foods to avoid till I feel better. ALthough, I have fear that the test woul;d show I'm allergic to everything but lima beans."

If that's what you want to do, do it. It is not going to affect the AI therapy at all. If you are aware of a particular food to give you the same problem again and again, I would leave it off and avoid it.

It is going to take longer to correct all your dysregulations and only then will you start seeing results. It's been going for a long long time in the wrong direction with you --- I remember it very well.

Be sure you rule out mold in your home, bed, carpets, etc.

Be sure to rule out EMF exposure. There are many threads talking about these and what one can do to; i.e. shutting off the fuses into the bedroom at night; not sleeping with an electric alarm clock; nothing plugged in if you are highly sensitive. You need to read all the information that is available here on LN or google.

Mold can be worse than Lyme manyfold!

Take care.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
GiGi, I have to ask this and maybe it's the wrong thread. I am VERY worried mold may be an issue for me as my C4a level was 12,000+. I have been in my current home for 5 years now and I have this gut feel there may be an issue.

How do you effectively find out if it's an issue in your opinion? I am very allergic to molds as shown through skin testing and blood.

I wonder if mold could be the reason my eyes won't stop pouring water, my eyes are puffy, breathing gets hard, pains everywhere.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
seek, you can take an air sample..collect water in a jar and let it sit for a day or so..have it tested by an energetic practitioner to see if it resonates with mold...

thanks gigi.i really appreciate this. thanks for the explanation on why adding the milks help to transport. that really rings true for me. take care.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Runner21, I have a doctor willing to do that, but what's it prove honestly? It doesn't isolate the source or way to remedy? How do I know they're accurate at all?

I used a home test kit for mold in two rooms and nothing cultured. To be real though, the cheap things are $10 a pop. How good can they be?

How do you get a definitive answer if the mold is hidden? I don't see it, but I don't think it isn't possible to be there. It's a dilemma.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I live down south nowm, so tehre could be mold. But It is a newish house. Also, i feel much much much better inside than outside!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Gigi, I'm sticking with AI as long as they are sticking with me. For $500 I think it'c cheaper than anything lese out there!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Please print and read at least pages 15 through 19. Also note on page 19 that once hg is leaving the body, when AI starts taking effect, the mold problems will also diminish.

I think everyone who took the 16 page test was allergic go mucor, fungi, penicillins, and relatives. It goes hand in hand, for our protection, with mercury and metal toxicity. Dr. K. published that in 1994.

Weren't you allergic to these, Hobo? Molds, etc.

The whole reason we are doing AI is to find all the problem areas because as they are one by one gradually reduced, the whole picture will change, and we can get better. But you probably were allergic to all these things for many years of your life. In the meantime, if you live around a moldy rug or have mold growing behind your wallpaper or still have not put the vapor barrier in the basement, it would be smart to take care of that and make life more tolerable.

My eternal theme song and mantra has always been ---- it is never just Lyme.

Glad you are going to hang in there, Hobo. I am really very conscious of the fact every time I talk with these wonderful people that we are getting a lot for very little. They are answering the phone on Saturday to help people when questions and "feeling miserable" comes up.

Take care.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
GiGi and Hobokinite,

I appreciate the replies. Sounds like it would be OK to have the root canal tooth extracted while doing AI.

I was concerned there might be a release of toxins from the extraction and cleanout that might overwhelm my ability to clear them, since I am not done with AI yet.

Probably it would be a good idea to take extra fiber and binders during and after the extraction.

I've been unable to make a decision about this root canal tooth for several years. Root canals are not good, of course, and I would never have another one. But some of what I've heard about the procedure and implants have concerned me.

Recently I talked to someone who had it done at the recommended oral surgeon here and I'm more comfortable with the idea now, based on the detailed information she told me.

I need to have a compelling reason to go to this expense and trauma. The root canal tooth seems perfect, gives me no trouble. My LLMD is adamant. The biological dentis is equivocal.

My tooth has been TOPAS tested about 4 times, by my LLMD and the dentist, and it's been only in the midrange of the scale.

I've had a facial thermogram done, which showed no hot spots on that side. Several different practitioners have muscle-tested or read the area intuitively with no indication of problems there.

When the biological dentist did the TOPAS test on my root canal tooth the last time, I also had him test the same tooth on the other side.

Interestingly, the result from the opposite side was the same as the root canal tooth, midrange. My gums are in very good shape, so that's not it. Don't know what to make of that result.

Thanks for listening!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I have wall to wall carpeyting in a 7 years old house. I don't thik it's moldy althoug some EI friends said all rugs on cement clock would be.

Okay, Now, I just have to win the lotto to pay for everything I ned to do.

As I'm running out of funds, I really can just do whay I can.

As I said, I feel better in this hosue than outside (and better than my old hosue)
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The tooth being tested with TOPAS needs to be aggravated before testing, as follows. (This is from my notes at a Conference in 2004/5. By one of the scientists involved in Cavitas and TOPAS)

"We use 5 minutes of laser light on the tooth. Viruses and fungi crawl away from monochromatic light. They appear with their toxins in the sarcos.
Then tap the tooth for about 30 seconds. We stress it with tapping for 30 seconds.
Then we do the TOPAS test.

With that, we have never found a root canal tooth that is not toxic. We have never found a devitalized tooth that is not toxic. Also with the direct resonance phenomenon, we can test devitalized teeth.

The mistake that many people make is that they use the tooth as it is, and the patient may not have eaten in two hours and the tooth hasn't been stressed so the toxins are dominant there, waiting for their next release in pulses. They are not released continuously, so if you take the tooth when it is at a very low toxin flow, it may test normal to you, but 5 mintues later when he chews his first gum or does anything to it, it's active again.

(The bugs don't like light. If it's a tooth that is not crowned with a metal crown (there is no light going through a metal crown)m but if it's a tooth with a porcelain crown or something that light conducts through, you can use monochromatic light on this tooth.)"

This is from a Dr. K. Conference lecture by a scientist who was involved in TOPAS and testing thousands of teeth.

Research ozone treatment (injections into gum - in 8 places, has to be done every day for ten days. I had some done after removal of my teeth, to get at the remaining bacteria. But I am not up-to-date on these injections as they are done today. Google. Some doctor in Nevada started it years ago. )

Take care.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
FYI Matrix Electrolytes are back in stock @Biopure US store.

I just ordered some.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :

Thanks very much for this information. It's news to me that the tooth needs to be aggravated before TOPAS testing!

I know for sure that the nurse at the doctor's office didn't aggravate it for any of those tests.

Honestly, I can't recall if the dentist did or not. In both cases I probably had brushed my teeth at home within 30-60 minutes of the TOPAS test being administered, so I don't know if that would make it more accurate or not.

Definitely no light treatment, but the tooth has a metal and porcelain crown on it. Maybe the light treatment could be done at the gumline.

Again, thank you for this info and for all the support you give other posters!

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The MD who developed the Ozone protocol for dental is Frank Schallenberger in Nevada. You can probably find out from there who does this work near you. I had it done years ago after I had already given up my teeth. It wasn't the most comfortable. I also thought it would help the metals leave from that area. But it never did. I can tell now that a number of symptoms I had left in my jaw have disappeared as I got more into AI. AI is cleaning house incredibly well, at least for me.

Today I also would avoid any Neural Therapy injections without having cleared the toxic metal allergies via AI. And I would not ever tackle KPU without being pretty close to "done" with AI. Those people crash and/or suffer unnecessarily and are possibly back on the "redistribution" circuit. I can't understand why people don't seem to want to hear that. If the body does not recognize the toxins any longer or never did recognize them, it certainly won't change by adding a bit of nutrients, i.e. zinc, etc. The correction has to be made at the informational level, not biochemical.

Well, we all learn as we go.

Nutmeg, I am sure the people who developed the TOPAS, know exactly how they have to do the testing and the dentists and doctors/ND's etc/ buying the material to do test chairside are instructed how to do it. Brushing would not quite exert the pressure solid tapping with the metal rod/tool does. Since this was a lecture to professionals, he went to great length explaining how it has to be done.

You are quite welcome.
Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
Just wondering if anyone doing the AI and then recently added the "rehydration cocktail" experienced any new detox symptoms? Thanks.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
GiGi, can you use lite coconut milk in the cocktail?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Clancy, I recently started the Rehydration cocktail. Thanks Gigi. I feel like my body needed it. Just the subtle knowing. I was having an allergic reaction and I drank it and it seemed to smooth it out.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I am very disturbed to learn that NanaDubo and Gigi have been banned from lymenet...

Can anyone tell me why?
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I am so upset that NanaDubo and Gigi are banned from Lymenet!

What is going on here?

They have brought good information and heartfelt support to the spectrum of this forum -- information that is currently saving my life.

For people who cannot handle abx anymore, the alternatives listed under AI have given me hope and a different direction to look in. Take away the input of these fine individuals and you cut a vital line of communication.

Adminstrators, please reconsider!

Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
WHo said they were banned? Where are ya'll finding this?
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
to encourage safety and integrity, we need an explanation re: what is happening on LN, moderators. please inform.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
They're both good people with tons of experience.

They are family!
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Ping my myco Pn run in the 500s also. I really need to get myco smart and figure out a plan of action.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Started round 8 this week...

Noticed my fibro pain has not come back in over a month. Have had cyclical pain in my upper back and neck for over 20 years! Deep in my tissues.

Have no pain there now...we will see how long this lasts. My left knee is still pain free now for about 3 months! Another long term lingering pain that has left! This amazes me.

I feel that the detox effect of the AI and the body regulating is enabling toxins to leave that were causing these symptoms.

Forgot if I already posted this...but last week I started the Core minerals for KPU. Right before my latest round of drops arrived. I was planning on waiting until my AI was complete to do any other therapy, or take any other vitamins and minerals.

I tested very strong to begin this now. Those may remember I tested to have KPU and needed the minerals before starting AI, but my body tested not to do them together ...for that time.

Now I am testing to take only core...only two pills with the AI therapy.

Previously, I needed all the seperate KU therapy individual minerals...the whole set, at intervals throughout the day.

Now I test the whole set (which I have in a box at home) and get a NO! I only need a few core. And not every day! Only occasionally.

I do think the AI has allowed my body to regulate on its own, and that the Core I am taking is replentishing my major lack of the minerals...but I wuld be suprised if it is long term. I think it wil be a shorter term dose of Core as my body corrects on the AI.

WE will see, and I will let you know what happens, promise!
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
LP, do you literally hold two Core pills next to your body or just say the words verbally (one, two, three)? I'm confused.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
ART was explained in previous posts...a form of muscle testing. Too long to explain again. Just know I do not need the whole dose of 4 core now.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Problem fixed. It was a mix up with IP numbers.

Didn't think I'd done anything wrong. Thanks for all the well wishes.

So, I am in the middle of a very long break with AI.

My November saliva sample never arrived in Germany. By the time I realized something was wrong, I sent another.

Drops were sent again early January, never arrived and now awaiting new drops.

So, it's well over two months since I've had any drops and it may be 3 by the time I get them -but the work is still going on.

I'm curious if deficiencies that would point to KPU are brought out while doing the drops. Also wonder if they would resolve on their own.

I am testing for the Core for the first time and I have had one in my possession for months for testing purposes.

I will be in WA next month to be ART tested and will see what happens. May do a few more rounds to see if it still tests down the road.

Thanks again for all the emails and help getting the banning glitch fixed.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Welcome back NanaDubo!

Clancy, I started the rehydration cocktail a week or so ago, and have noticed no new detox symptoms.

The only real change I've noticed is that I'm not running to the bathroom to urinate every hour!

Are you experiencing anything new?

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I just received our drops in the mail today! I can't wait to get started tomorrow! I do have a few questions before I start that I'm hoping I can get answered however!

1) I received my drops along with my kids (ages 3 and 5) and want to wait for them to take theirs until I have tried the drops for awhile - will their drops still be potent? Or does the information lose its ability to heal after awhile? (am thinking I will try mine for 1 -2 weeks and then start theirs)

2) In my paperwork from AI it said that I will have 3 rounds of drops. It seems like everyone on this post has had many more rounds than 3. If needed, will AI provide more than 3 rounds for me within the initial $500 or is this new protocol that they are starting?

3) Is it ok to take liquid minerals during the 2 weeks of drops? I have been doing the rehydration cocktail with liquid minerals added as well. I know there was a thread on not taking supplements as well as the paperwork from AI.

Thank you so much. I will let you know how my first day was after tomorrow!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Gettinhealty,
I think the drops might be ok. you can actually write to ai and use the babbelfish translater from yahoo..
AI will test your saliva as long as they find no errors. americans are taking alot longer. I was on 8 rounds..and recently am not testing for them, i was very concerned and i wrote to AI and he suggested me sending in my saliva in 3 weeks.
But nevertheless, they will test you untill he finds no errors in the information systems in your body.
THe main thing that is suggested is to stay away from other therapies, bc it affects the energetic body differently..for example, standing in front of an electic heater, practicing chi gong, doing accupuncture, all of these affect the body in different ways..

doing minerals is necessary for the detoxification process..

Good luck.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I have a question.
I have showed up on 2 different heavy metal tests that my sulfur levels are in the basement.
I am eating eggs and onion, cruciferous veggies, but iknow i need to supplement.
I am having a very difficult time with msm..
am not sure what to do about this for proper metal detoxification needs sulfur. anyone ?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
GettinHealthy, the only problem I see with you doing your drops and then doing your kids, is you will want to send your new saliva sample off as soon as you finish.

All that means is you will no longer get all drops in one box anymore. You'll be on a different schedule. That's up to you.

I'm sure the kids drops will be fine if you wait. My first drops last winter arrived completely frozen. I don't believe the information just leaves.

The paperwork that he sends saying more than three rounds will be provided is a form letter (except your specific info). Everyone here has needed more than 3 rounds.

The electrolytes in the rehydration cocktail supply minerals. If you are taking additional minerals, I would take them with meals.

I would also go easy during the first few rounds. Let the drops do their work. When I asked HG early on about detox support, he said he doubted I was detoxing yet.

runner - can you try small amounts of msm and build up? That's what I had to do. The powder doesn't taste very good but the capsules have stearic acid and magnesium stearate.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Glad to hear that all is OK, NanaDubo: I was 'banned' for a whole week and got very frustrated, but at least I suspected that it was an IP number thing, as the same thing happened when I first joined Lymenet.

Gettinhealthy, there is no further charge for the subsequent rounds except for postage.

I'm about to send off the saliva sample after round 6. I have still got the grainy [like sand], invisible rash all over my upper torso.

I have also recently started to have a very 'allergic' puffy feeling, particularly in my lower inside lip, as if someone had punched me in the lip and chin! It's very tingly and makes my lips even drier than usual......

.....Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Look forward to hearing from you, Gigi, now that we know there was no banning,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Carry - I get this from time to time (the lip thing). I usually attribute it to metals and the dry lips may be gut related. Just my thoughts.

The mouth and the other end are often related.

I too hope we hear from Gigi soon.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Hi everyone! I don't often check in here, but thought I would today after the problems yesterday. If there are problems like this in the future, hopefully there won't be, but if there are, if you report a post it will go to all the mods emails so we'll know there is a problem. We don't read all the posts on the board so we don't always see questions brought up within a thread, especially one as long as this one. [Smile]
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I did not know GiGi was unable to post as well. Thank you for your PM telling me this. As you can see from Loub's note on the banning thread in off topic, it was a mistake. GiGi is not banned, so I don't know why she can't post, but I'll send a note to Jenifer asking her about it. Others mentioned having trouble yesterday as well. Please ask GiGi to try again and LP, please let me know by PM whether or not she can.

She has gotten no response from Anna Lee or I as of 11 AM today because we didn't hear about it until 12:45 PM today.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I'm also thinking she should try logging out, exiting her browser, then start over from the beginning .... don't know, but I know that sometimes shutting down my computer and restarting fixes glitches.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks Six!!

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

so glad you and you kids are starting.

I would start you kids at the same time as yourself, as it is much easier to remember to give it to them when you take yours...and to send them in together. They are young and compliant...what a gift!

My teens had no big symptom reaction at all, compared with me. I got tired...but their tiredness was easy for them to manage. They also did not need the binders I it was very easy for them.

Otherwise, you are at the post office more often, and waiting for them to arrive at different times, and trying to remember who takes what when...I went through this and I found it the best to do it all together.

Now that my kids are in college it is more challenging to manage, but the easiest way for me is to have them send me their sample...and I try to mail all ours in together. Otherwise, I do not get my "break" from treatment. Caring for them is not a break! It's freeing to actually have a two weekk total break from all treatments.

IF you wait, the drops are fine. I asked this and they say they are good forever! So if you have a lag in is ok, but the best is to keep it going in the correct intervals.

I found when there was a mail glitch, and had a long lag time between rounds, I still corrected things, and felt great. When I started the new round after that, new things were on the move. recommendation in the beginning especially, do not take any vitamins or minerals. Only take food based nutrients and natural binders and support that are recommended on previous threads!

Let the body regulate and learn to recognize the vitamins and minerals naturally. There are probably many ingredients you ingest that your particular body does not recognize...don't try to fool the AI treatment, and prolong your therapy by thinking you are helping yourself.

It is individual, but if you can live without them, take a break! I did and was surprised my body healed better (especially my gut) by not taking anything else except proper nutrition from real food... All my intestinal intolerances and allergies left...I don't think that would have happened if I kept up my previous regime.

Again, do what you feel you need to. Others have continued taking things that they need to survive and that is fine...but know that if you take supplements you truly don't will be tricking your own body...and not healing correctly and quickly on the AI. You judge!

Others will give their input.

Best wishes, lp
Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
Thanks for the replies, Nana and GiGi.

Nutmeg, the detox symptoms are old ones that I haven't experienced in a long time plus one that was much more intense then I ever had before.

Don't know if it's bottle #11 of the AI or if it's the newly started "rehydration cocktail" or the combo. Anyway, it didn't last long after doing detox baths,etc. and I feel much more rejuvenated for now.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If you see this, you will know that at least temporarily the technical error!! has beem corrected.

Please take a break and look at what I have been enjoying these last postless days. Usually I link you to Klinghardt flicks, but this is much more innocent and heartwarming -- Grandson Niklas 3.8 trying to learn the clutch, and his cousin Finn 2.6 trying to hold on preventing a whiplash!

This warmed my heart these last few days and brought a smile to my husband's face. There are a lot of good things out there - we just need to open our eyes.

Take care.

Remember to appreciate what we have - tonight before going to bed remember our loud or talk with your partner about five things that you can be thankful for, no matter how small!

I thank you for telling me that I was missed.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
I know this has been answered here but finding it could take a while. So I hope you all don't mind me asking again.

I need to know how to pay for the postage on my second round and how much is it? I'm thinking it's $10.

I'm finishing my first round today. I've noticed a few things but nothing negative. I'm sleeping better for one. I don't take anything to sleep and that's the first time in 20 years. I still do wake up some during the night but I get back to sleep pretty fast.

So far so good and I'm looking forward to my next round.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Welcome Back Gigi!

And what adorable children!

You are blessed!

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Thank you so much for your input! I took your advice and started the kids on it today! So far, I have no symptoms but my son had a tummy ache and my daughter was really tired (had a ballet recital and she wanted to lay down!)...who knows if it's related this early in the game, but I'm glad that we're all on the same schedule.
Gigi - darling kids! I love those motorized cars...too fun :-)
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Adorable, I remember playing blocks with the little one.

Sapphire - $10 US through paypal for postage.

Can't remember who it was now, but someone was asking about high viral titers.

I read this today on DK info:

"During detoxification infections will be visible, because after dropping the mercury the bacteria can once more grow in the body. Heavy metal load induces weakened immune resistance,

and so viruses, bacteria and fungi are not really rejected and are chronically at half sleep. But because of the antibiotic property of mercury can not really grow.

If the mercury is now excreted, then these bacteria and viruses get the chance to grow. Result: there is no heavy metal excretion without infection, including muscle pain and headache."

Having viruses show up would make sense along with the fungus I've been releasing - not to mention some weird headaches.

Hope it's all a good sign!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
oh my goodness Nana..thank you SO much for this.

I am going through this. ihave ever virus showing high titers in my blood labs and myco.
before i wasnt mounting an immune response an dnow i am . as crumb bumb as i feel i am so glad my immunity is doing something. i tend to have one that is somewhat dormat.

i really do contribute this to AI even though others may not completely understand.

i am not longer on the drops..but i do restes in Feb.

Glad Gigi is back! Runner
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
the video is adorable.
I made a gratitude journal for myself. Each nite before i go to sleep and sometimes in themorning, i write all the things iam grateful each day...even if its just a roof over my head.

and this post has been on there many times.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Thank you Nana. Glad you and Gigi are back.

Gigi, that video is so cute and those kids are just adorable. I miss having little ones around.

Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
gigi. i have vicarious whiplash from watching the youtube. i also have the giggles. thanks for that delightful diversion. they are precious! aliyah
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Just want to add a comment to the post about metals, fungus etc. Evidently that was an old lecture and notes taken by someone.

I was talking with Gigi about it and she is sure DK would not have said that the viruses were "growing" when metals are released but that we feel the toxins left behind from the viruses etc. Hope I got that right.

Maybe this is what you are experiencing runner?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Recent symptoms: Very Mild but noticeable.

Puffy face, eyes, and fluid coming from eyes, leaving crusty debris...I"ve had this before on other rounds. Also my feet feel slightly swollen.

Last week I had a mild rash return on my left was a little itchy, then went away in two days.

But still feel great otherwise!

No pain in knee or my deep muscle fibro issues are not showing at all!!! Hoping this lasts as these were my chronic conditions...that I was just living with daily for years.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Wow, I can't believe how many people are feeling so much better with these drops! Gives me hope. On day 2 of the drops and had another question: Dr. K wanted me to have weekly B12 shots so I'm not doing them during the 14 days when I'm taking drops, but can we resume vitamins during the 14 days break? Am I right that chlorella, microsilica and the rehydration cocktail and liquid minerals wouldn't "count" as supplements? Or am I wrong? I know in the AI paperwork as well as from what most of you have said that we need to take as little as possible, but I'm just wondering because I see so many things that I get confused!

Thank you!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks Nana..I do not know, but it was my "gut" feeling all along that AI was dropping the toxin levels in my body , which tend to mask my original symptoms..hence , metals and chemicals tend to make me weepy, feel depressed , anxious, wanting to be more alone...etc..
But then the second layer came along with virus and bacteria showing. I am still dumping metals though, and now i just stay on my binders..2-3 times a day. pectin seems to be showing alot now on me. I am keeping up my mineral stores as well and fatty acids. I know all of this will get the body going in the right direction.

Gettin healthy, i wonder the same thing about the injections. I have been doing them all along, about 2 times per month.

The chlorella and minerals will be fine and you will need the support. I am not sure about the silica..Gigi , i am sure can give you some thoughts..i have heard her say its a strong treatment in the beginning..

Take care!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Gettinhealthy - my thoughts on the silica. Since it binds metals that are in the gut, I would want to be sure those metals are fully recognized by the body.

If they were checked off on your AI report then you had an issue with them (we all did).

That issue will resolve but not exactly sure how long it takes.

I am prone to anxiety (also metal toxic symptom) and the first time I took it I had a full blown anxiety attack.

I backed down to half a scoop for a spell and now I only take it at night in the grapefruit juice cocktail.

You know how tiny that scoop is so imagine a half!

I can tolerate a whole one now.

Don't know what to tell you about the injections as I've never had them.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Ok thanks - that makes sense. I had started doing the rehydration cocktail a few days prior to starting AI (now on day 2 of AI) and when I woke up yesterday (day 1 of AI) I had the WORST headache and have had that off and on the past 2 days...can't really attribute to AI since I had it prior to taking it, but I also notice my back hurting a lot (wondering about kidneys) and had added 2 tsps phosphorous (Dr. Grindstaff wanted me to do this for kidney support) in the cocktail this AM. I had read how important hydration is when doing AI on their fact sheets so thought this was a good idea, but I wonder if my cells are not used to being hydrated and I'm having a reaction? I thought I remember somewhere in this post someone else thinking the cocktail caused detox reactions - hmmm....

Will keep you posted as to our happenings the next few weeks - very exciting! So far so good with my kiddos!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
That is great Healthy..and i tend to agree. Hydration is so important. If we are fully hydrated and have adequate mineral supply in the body, the body can detox on its own.
I do think we tend to run into trouble when we are missing the essential elements and minerals that are sadly no longer supplied by our diets.

on my hair test, my phosphorus shows really low, and i have kidney issues..i found it interesting what you shared about phosphorus and the kidneys.

I made my mind to continue class this semester. I am quite tired and many tell me i shouldnt "push" it , but for me i like to feel i am moving forward.
I am taking physics and watercoloring. Its hard to concentrate for me, but i did find in class for an hour and half..i hope this continues!

am looking forward to my watercoloring class..
the end goal hopefully in the future is nd school...the journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step.

Take care, Runner
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Any toxicity may be connected to an emotional blockage. The bellyache that comes on when you see this man with the blue tie? It may not be the same man, but by golly he wears this blue tie that we remember.

I was no longer allergic to phosphorus when I cleared an emotional fear upset/memory/fear of phosphorus bombs as a teenager in WWII in Germany which threatened to burn down our home while we were sitting in the bunker waiting for the bombing to stop.

Some of our blockages start on a basis like that. Fear. Fear = kidney.

Especially the toxic metals have a close tie-in to emotional experiences. We hold onto them unable to let go. It is almost as if you could pick out the mercury toxic person by the way they behave.

I remember a very talented artistt I met at Dr.K's in 1998 who, as it turned out, was extremely mercury toxic and literally unable to spend a decent hour. She had been assaulted in the dentist chair by her dentist relative every time she had an amalgam filling installed. We were two miserable patients at the same time and I shared many hours with her - she played my piano singing along with her great voice and complaining in the same tune that our gas heat was killing her.

A Dr. K. PK ( psychokinesiology)session, which is part of the ART testing method, discovered the cause for the emotional blockage; treatment within a few minutes brought
this unresolved hidden conflict to her consciousness, and she was able to let it go.

This taught me then: Fix your life - let go of the dog that makes you upset, goodbye partner, goodbye cat, goodbye job, goodbye house that makes you feel bad running the same movie, odors, of your "here is where I can be sick" again and again. I hope you understand what I am trying to say.

HG is repairing these emotional error patterns also, without any knowledge of what the details are, so that we can let go of the toxins. First thing I asked him - how do we know what we need to do? He said - just take the drops and stay with it.

It always starts with the thought.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, please do the water coloring class! I remember when I had to go to BC to see our dentist friend when I was barely crawling (in 1998), without the teeth that had become victim to root canals. Our sweet German hostess was an artist and she literally put paper and paint and a spring bouquet in front of me and said "let it flow". To this day, it is my favorite "work of art" - bright colorful and floating hanging in a bedroom.

Keep taking your steps!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks Gigi.
What you really said has resonated with me so much , your words relating to memory and association. It is really amazing how these type of thoughts will stay dormant in the psyche untill brought up. like DK did with your friend.
I can relate with your artist friend. I had gotten to the point about 2 years ago, that i too..could not "feel " myself for an hour or so.
i could not enjoy for the anxiety and brain fog. i was so miserable. this is how i mean AI has helped me has been hard to put into words. but it got that bad after a stressful move. metals and chemicals combined.
I have been in a deep struggle whether to stay where I am currently living, or return home for a while. when i was at home, is when i showed balanced by HG. Now, it could be conincidence.

But its soo true..good bye to the things in life that dont serve or meet your highest good.

Thanks for the encouragement.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Gigi, Any thoughts on B12 injections and AI?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, Nothing wrong with
B12 if you test for it. Just make sure it is methylcobalamin, not cyanocobalamin. We use a liquid Sublingual Methyl B-12 by Biogenesis. If your testing is fairly accurate, you will notice that you won't need it every day. That's our experience.

If you want to send in your saliva sample soon, I would try to stay away from most supplements until you get up into AI a bit further, but support yourself with binders (chlorella, pectin, betasitosterol/made from potato I believe) to catch the possible metal fallout. I would add Thorne K2 and vitamin A (high amounts/fish based). Look at the Klinghardt protocols. The A will take care of your viral flares which always comes along with moving metals.

You are doing good! I remember times that were much much different.

Take care.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Gigi, when they recommend "no supplements" is it only during the 2 weeks where you physically are taking the drops? Then during the 'off' weeks we can take supplements like the ones you are suggesting above?

Or do I hear you saying wait a few rounds entirely (even during the 'off' weeks) until the AI kicks in and recognizes the vitamins as 'good' and not an allergy?

Thank you so much for your insight!
Posted by Susie Jo (Member # 2480) on :
Hi everyone,

I'm in the break time after the first round of drops. I have been sick a long time and have very few hours of the day I am able to be up. I have felt clearer-brained with the drops and I am reading posts but I get incredilbly confused and have too many scrambled notes!

Has anyone posted a list of the supps that are ok to take? and an affordable site to buy them? I'm thinking of the K2, A, betasisterol, which minerals, chlorella, etc.

I've stopped taking supps (and I was taking tons: ubiquinol, b's, c, pregnenolone, dhea, e, and much more) except for magnesium, some trace minerals, vit d and omegas, but i body scan my supps and take something if it comes up really positive.

Thanks for your help

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thank you Gigi for the reminder.
I am sorry to have to ask you all these questions, but i am not sure how to ask HG.
So is it ok to take my multivitamin/mineral, monolaurin and the probiotics?
Thanks! Runner

p.s. Susie i just asked this too..for i tend to be a bit confused. so far, i think its safe to take minerals, and the binders..probley not with the hormones right now.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi everyone!

I've been so busy the last week or so that I haven't posted. This busy-ness is largely due to the terrific brain energy I've been having on Round Two!

It's so odd, but I'll take it! My body is exhausted, but my mind has woken up and my spirit is a-willin! I am involved in three projects that require creativity and I'm having a great time! This has not been the case in the past four years.

Now, at the same time that I'm wanting to do things, my body is really tired and I've had a run of pain in my spine for three weeks. My neck and between my shoulders feel like someone laced up a corset too tight -- it hurts! Also have long-bone pain in forearms and shins.

As of yesterday I have been on a sneezing jag like I've never experienced before. I feel like I have a cold without that down feeling. I sneeze and sneeze and sneeze! Just a little congested, but sneezoriffic! I also experience nausea in the early a.m.

So, in a nutshell, Round Two has been wonderful. I'm gimping around with bone and muscle pain, but I almost don't care because I can think again and mentally multi-task.

I hope Round Three doesn't strip me of my new-found powers. I like being a mental Super Hero!

I'm awaiting my Biopure Matrix Electrolytes so I can try the Rehydration Cocktail. Gigi, at this rate, if it helps me, I just might rule the Western Hemisphere telepathically from all the Brain Power! (That's a joke, folks... I'm not manically high or feeling hyper-nutty.... just more centered a me than I've been.)

My best to all,

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Wise,

lol..that is great you are feeling so well.
i had a similiar experience as your sneezing but i had alot of mucus coming out.
anyway, may the healing continue!
Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
Hello A1'ers

I am in the process of joining in. I sent my saliva in a few days ago.

I have come a long way since trying the Bionic a year and a half ago. During that time I gave up and did nothing and eneded up in stage 3 Lyme, developing dementia and knowing my heart was ready to give out. Then I pulled myself together.

I started to listen to my body instead of looking for the answer outside, looking for a doctor who would be able to treat me, and failing to find one, at least available to me and affordable.

The thing that came to me was to stop all of my supplements so that my immune system and inate body intelligence would have a chance of really getting to know what was wrong and how to fix it. I am encouraged that this is a principle of A1 though it may not be for the same reason.

Then I got into a suitable diet for healing and slowly worked up to gluten, dairy, sugar, lectin, coffee free. This was hard as I started to detox and had to take it easy.

Then I noticed that as my healing power was being released, there was a corresponding psychological change going on and it has been very difficult. Now I see that this also is a principle of the A1 treatment. I have read somewhere that ones personality changes a great deal if one goes through healing. I believe this. I am changing in so many ways. I have become much more aware of the need for boundaries.

I very much agree that 'everything must go' if it retarding the healing. The body wants to heal and its healing power is phenominal - people come back from the brink of death and astound their physicians so why should it be any different with Lyme?

All we need to do is to remove the things that retard this healing. This is what I have been doing. The biggest hurdle is psychological issues I think. Once we get on top of them the healing will really take off, but anyway the first year is the hardest then the speed will pick up.

Another major issue is the gut and that is why it is good to give up the known food allergens.

I have also has some tests done - CSA, hair and organic acids from Metametrix and waiting for the results.

So now I am ready for A1 which has tested no up until now through self kinesiology.

As I am Germany and it is not easy to get supplements from the US by mail, they tend to be stopped, can anyone advise me where I can buy fillers here thanks.

What I have learned is that we must give healing priority as we never know what will happen which may drag us right down so that the way up is so very hard, like for me, sick all of my life after mercury poisoning at 6 months old. But if we put our mind to it we can do it - I am convinced of that and indeed it is working - I am healing and my mind is clearing and energy increasing. My latest find is brown rice protein powder - it really is amazing and gives you the full amino acids easily digestible.

I hope to get my A1 results soon and join you all.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Good luck mati and let us know how it goes. I'm walking proof that the gut can heal but it does not happen overnight.

Mine completely shut down after bionic treatment and appendectomy in Germany. It started working quite well after 5 or 6 rounds.

I am enjoying all the foods that showed up on my test as causing an inappropriate response. I still have to be careful with the types of binders I use - no clay types for me.

What is it you are looking for when you say "fillers"?

Wiser - same thing happened with me (the sneezing)
15-20 every morning during round 2. My sinuses also drained endlessly during that time. Sounds like you are doing great.

Lead gets stored in the long bones so you may be experiencing that coming out.

I'm happy to report that after my long wait and mail mix ups since Novemeber - GOT DROPS!

Have a great day.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Welcome, Mati, and good luck with the AI.

Wiser, I really enjoyed your post: you made me laugh! I too have had increased back pain, shoulder pain, aches and mucous at times. Hope your mental energy continues!

Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
Thanks nana and ukcarry

It was binders I was thinking of.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks for posting Mati and Susie Joe...and welcome to the club!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Another new odd symptom from the past:

My left ankle... where I fractured it playing tennis 6 years now extremely sensitive for no the bone! Haven't felt any pain there is years! It never bothers me normally, but today and last night it hurts to the touch of my sheets in bed!

We will see if this is a two day symptom like all the other past injury symptoms that have come and gone with these drops. Revisiting the past again!

Posted by Susie Jo (Member # 2480) on :
I'm not sure if I'm losing my mind, but didn't Gig post a comprehensive answer to the question about what to take just a day or so ago? And I thought i made an instant reply. Oh well, maybe I'm not sure how the posts work.

Glad to see newcomers, too, mati and more. In this week of 'break' I'm feeling like a broken up 3-D puzzles, strange sensations.....but reading old posts it looks like anything can happen.

Are you all off of any 'killers'?

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Many are taking the rehydratin cocktail that gigi suggested.

If not that, most are using electrolytes in their water and liquids and a form of minerals daily. (matrix minerals by biopure or other sources of good minerals)

Occasional binders when you are experiencing detox symptoms are essential. This may be what you are looking for:

apple pectin powder, charcoal, chlorella, or drainage remedies for the liver and kidney (relenex), from Pekana. Or liver support, milk thistle. Good to have all these products on board, in a basket, and ready for when you may need them. They are standards...not used every day, or you maynot need some at all. Others here can add a few more things for your list.

My daughter is now taking a mulit vitamin and mineral this month as her body is under unusual stress and in need of extra supplements at this time. She is taking INtramax by Drucker it is an all in one liquid...and easy to take for an athlete and college kid. It is individual!

Those that have been tested for KPU, and have the problem, are on specific minerals including zinc...for this issue. This is the product we are referreing to as "core". You do not need to purchase this or take this, unless you are diagnosed with KPU from a urine test.

Others who have pre-existing conditions that require either thyroid meds etc, are still on those.

Again , it is best to take nothing your body regulates. But if needed to survive it is fine.
Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :

Many thanks for that information. I have some charcoal and the apple pctin sounds useful though Andy Cutler says no to chlorella if you are poisoned with mercury. As I am having my hair tested I will know which minerals are needed. I am hoping that the results from the spit will be useful on top of the other tests. Has anyone else had lab tests done before starting?

I have just been reading past pages and someone said that A1 advise you not to give up any foods uness you show a definite reaction to them.

I have given up gluten dairy and lectins and am steadily improving. I do not want to put them back into my diet at the moment. What will they say about this?

[ 01-30-2010, 06:22 AM: Message edited by: mati ]
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Mati, as you are in the UK, I thought I'd mention that Solgar produce an apple pactin powder [I get it at discount from the Nutricentre because am still a member of Action for ME].

I also like Clay and Linseed Capsules from
which also contains apple pectin, ground psyllium husk, slippery elm, marshmallow, fennel seed and sycamore a variety of binders. You may need to take measures against constipation if you use it [or any binder probably],

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Interesting about the "no chlorella with Mercury from Cutler"...this is new to me.

I thought cilantro was to be avoided as that mobilizes mercury...and chlorella a good thing... that captures it as it leaves...a binder.

Anyone have thoughts on this?

As far as giving up foods: you can stay on your gluten free problem, but you do not need to remove foods from your diet to get your body regulated in the area of food intolerances. Food eliminatin diets are not necessary like with other allergie therapies.

The idea is to regulate, not to be on a restrictive diet. Unless you cannot tolerate certain foods at what you need to do.

Your body will balance with what they find that needs to improve or lacking. We can also create an unnatural balance, because our bodies are always trying to function and balance with what they are given, and may not fully regulate with the drops if we keep adding or depleting substances...creating unbalance while in the middle of this therapy. Try to just live a normal as possible.

Some have received reports that their therapy is complete, and they do no feel it is complete. They had been taking other therapies or avoiding foods, etc. I'm not sure of the individual specifics, ...but it seems later for them, with retesting their saliva, and getting off therapies, AI still will find the things that still need more regulation for them.

So my point is , do not waste your time, and to do this efficiently to get the most out of AI.

Are bodies are made to be able to eat food and get our nutrients from food. Once we get our body to regulate the pathways and work correctly, we will no longer be relegated to supplement taking our whole lives.

Most of us find that we can now eat any foods that previously gave us problems digesting. As long as you are getting your calcium naturally, without dairy...and eating enough fiber and carbs, without the gluten...etc. Then you are ok.

No need to ever eat gluten intentionally...but when you find later, you are out and the only thing offered you to eat is either a bagel or pizza...and you succumb, try it, and find you have no problems...that's when you will report to us how happy you are! or.. You can finally eat ice cream with your children on vacation with no stomach pain! This is what we have had happen!

Hope you regulate well!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
If this link works - sometimes it does, sometimes not.

It is a translated version of the entire AI site.

Lot's of info here.|en&u=
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
A couple of days ago I was ART tested and the Dental Toxins tested (mercaptans, thioethers, toxins produced by root canals and dead teeth causing cavitations, and metals). I haven't had any root canals in 12 years and am extremely happy about it. I had cavitation surgeries 12 years aago. But today I have a breakout inside my mouth, several sore places in the jaw. Obviously the body releasing the remainders of dental toxins, probably along with some palladium and lead from bone storage.

Did any of you see the Dr.Oz program where he showed the long bone with osteoporosis and a healthy bone? Lead settles in the long bones and the one he showed looked charcoal grey; the healthy bone had a very light colored core.

That is what many of us now need to detox. I am in the middle of it for weeks now and know that I am doing something major re cleanup.

I do believe ART is really one fantastic method of finding and identifying. It beats throwing darts!

I am sure the sore mouth will disappear as fast as it came. I did find the same with my own tensor testing, and with Direct Resonance Testing with my tensor. I wanted it to be ART tested to compare.

I have also found the toxic metal residue in urine with direct resonance testing with my Biotensor, made an H7 homeopathic (see HPU Klinghardt Protocol by googling) out of it and using it. Did the same H7 with releases from head,nose,throat,lungs and using it.

We are far enough into AI to where I feel this will not interfer.

If you still have a lot of chemicals errors/blockages outstanding in the higher number bottles, I would not recommend that yet.

So I guess we are on the right road. It is a heck of a long road, but patience pays off. I am more and more of the opinion that AI is doing it all, without added mobilizing agents. I use simple logic: the body is slowly building up its defense mechanism and will not release more than it can handle. The extra push seems to stress kidney and liver and that is not good. These organs have been under fire for years and we need to go easy. Too much debris is not desirable.

So more is not better. Stick with the drops and keep the minerals well supplied with food and liquids. Most of you in the beginning stages are not tolerating highly concentrated
vitamins well.

It helps us to assist with digestive enzymes especially if older and if you failed 13.1 Enzyme production on the first test. My husband did, I did not. He had the wheat and leaky gut problem, I did not. It is all connected. And addressing only one problem with another rx usually leads to more. We are both taking digestive enzymes with meals (age!!!!)

Learning as we go along.

Take care.

P.S. A. Cutler is not a medical doctor or naturopath. He sells books and wisdom over the internet. I have met some people who went through that regime and some of it wasn't nice. Of course a lot of chlorella on the market is "poison", because it absorbs all the toxins from the ground, the air, the water. Junk chlorella is not recommended. Specifically grown chlorella is. I am staying out of that discussion. I have fought it for over ten years. It's a blessing that we have a choice and I merely wanted to post my take on it. Not all people tolerate it well and this is well documented in most of Dr.K's writing offering choices.

Fiber, fiber, fiber is important. The peel and skins that we cut off, the core of the fruit that we throw out, the hard stuff on the veggies that we throw away, bread made from castrated wheat ....
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
GiGi, what amazes me the most about your posts are you always know exactly what is happening in your body to a tee. Which metal is being released, which tooth, which toxins being addressed. You have a level of insight few have.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Just wanted to add , for the gallbladder..
raw beets with olive oil and lemon juice..a great mild cleanse.

I tend toward gallbladder i researched a mild cleanse.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I didn't have this insight until I invested in my fancy Biotensor (for which I take some ridiculing by certain people on this board ). I also studied everything Dr. K. has written and talked about, and he is not only a good physician; he is a marvelous teacher.

I will do my next beet salad like you said. Normally I cook the beets, but I will leave them raw next time. The beets are already in the fridge. Thank you.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Your welcome Gigi.

The recipes says its great also to make a batch and add it to meals or even eat a tablespoon throughout the day! The healing power in foods never ceases to amaze me.

Treatment for Gallbladder Pain

1 large organic beet (raw) washed (not peeled unless not organic) and finely grated

juice of 1/2 lemon

2 Tbsps flax oil

(Flax oil is by far the superior choice here but if you only have extra-virgin cold-pressed olive oil in the house, you can subsitute it temporarily.)

Take one teaspoon of mixture every hour throughout the day.
On day two and three make a fresh batch using 1/4 of a large beet.
Take one teaspoon of mixture 3 to 4 times a day or more.

Make this mixture to add to your salads frequently or eat alone as above 2 or 3 times a week. This will keep the bile thin and moving. Note: If you cannot get organic beets, be sure to peel them. Otherwise, use the peel as well.

Beets in any form are an excellent food for both the liver and the gallbladder.

Eat your regular meals throughout this period, striving to eat lots of fresh vegetables, good fats and to avoid refined sugars and processed foods.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Also, here is another light soup if you have stomache troubles.

Green Soup Recipe for Relief of Gallbladder Pain

One bunch parsley
3 medium zucchini
1/2 lb. Green beans
5 stalks celery

Steam together for 8-10 minutes.
Or partially steam and boil in 1/2 cup water.
If you have a steamer, you retain more nutrients and flavor with that method.
Pur� in a blender.

This soup is wonderful for relief from all sorts of gastric disturbances such as stomach pain, gas, and indigestion. I do not add any fat or salt to this recipe. It can be used anytime but is particularly useful as a three day fast with nothing else but water. It is both nourishing and easy to digest. You can alter the amounts to taste. More beans add more sweetness.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

Wow! What great ideas!

I've sent off my sample after completing Round 9.

The pre-seizure feelings got less this round, along with the overnight leg and foot cramps (down to once a week, average).

I'm now noticing pains in my tailbone, very bad aches in the neck on arising, and some kidney pain.

Looks like the healing is going deeper!

I decided to try alkalized water--distilled water with a small amount of baking soda in it. Nothing spectacular in the couple of days that I've been drinking it. My thinking, when I can think, is clearer.

Time for a massage and some foot-detox!!!


Cass A
Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :

Thanks for that site, they look like they have some great products and it is great that they give advice. The Clay and Linseed Capsules look good. I am no longer in the UK (Germany) but order most of what I need there as I have not found anywhere here yet to order the things I need as my German is not so good or where the prices are reasonable.


As far as giving up foods: you can stay on your gluten free problem, but you do not need to remove foods from your diet to get your body regulated in the area of food intolerances. Food eliminatin diets are not necessary like with other allergie therapies.
The idea is to regulate, not to be on a restrictive diet. Unless you cannot tolerate certain foods at what you need to do.
Your body will balance with what they find that needs to improve or lacking. We can also create an unnatural balance, because our bodies are always trying to function and balance with what they are given, and may not fully regulate with the drops if we keep adding or depleting substances...creating unbalance while in the middle of this therapy. Try to just live a normal as possible. Some have received reports that their therapy is complete, and they do no feel it is complete. They had been taking other therapies or avoiding foods, etc. I'm not sure of the individual specifics, ...but it seems later for them, with retesting their saliva, and getting off therapies, AI still will find the things that still need more regulation for them. So my point is , do not waste your time, and to do this efficiently to get the most out of AI. Are bodies are made to be able to eat food and get our nutrients from food. Once we get our body to regulate the pathways and work correctly, we will no longer be relegated to supplement taking our whole lives. Most of us find that we can now eat any foods that previously gave us problems digesting. As long as you are getting your calcium naturally, without dairy...and eating enough fiber and carbs, without the gluten...etc. Then you are ok.

Thanks. I went gluten and dairy free after reading about a doctor who treats Hashimoto's in his patients like this and he claims a lot of success in the reduction or ceasation of the anti-bodies. His theory is that gluten and dairy molecules cross the gut barrier as all Hashi patients have leaky gut, and the immune system goes into attack mode but mistakes the thyroid cells for the molecules and attacks the thyroid as well.

I did have constipation all of my life (mercuy poisoning from early childhood) which stopped when I cut out these products and now have great bowel function, twice daily, normal and feel that I have emptied the bowel afterwards whereas before I always felt bunged up.

As my problem is leaky gut, rather than allergy, I wonder if it is better to heal it first which is what looks like is already happening as I got my results back from Metametrix and it looks like this is so although I still need to have the results properly interpreted by a naturopath.

I know that it is impossible to cut gluten out totally but with the leaky gut, I expect that it is best to reduce it as much as possible, understanding that the odd molecule will get through. As for calcium, I am juicing green vegetables or rather I was till the bad weather has stopped me from getting out enough to buy the amount I need. I have to cycle to my nearest organic shop and I fell of my bike after it slid in the snow. I did find a gluten free supplier who delivers but I still have not found a reaonably priced organic fruit and veg supplier to deliver.


Thanks for the useful tip to eat the fibre left fron the juicing - I was throwing it out and it is a waste for sure.

Andy Cutler PhD PE has had a lot of success with people chelating although some have had horrific experiences, but his method is said to be the safest by many who have tried various protocols. Chelating is dangerous for everyone. He does not say a lot about chlorella in his book Amalgam Illness just to avoid it especially in large amounts. As there is a dispute about it, I prefer to leave it out until I have had time to recover more and then maybe I will try it.

Thanks for the great recipes for beets. During the summer I was juicing them and really enjoyed it. I really love juicing as it got a whole pile of vegetables inside me with no effort but the juicer you use needs to be easy to clean otherwise you get fed up and one of the masticators. I think it has been a major factor in healing my gut so far and can't wait to get back to it. I found parsley to be excellent too.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Re detoxing heavy metals:
Heavy metals go into solution only in an acidic environment. That means that after a few bottles of the drops when you are entering the metal detox area after eliminating the allergies toward them it is not a good idea to force alkalinizing.
It may be just the wrong time.

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
For all you beet lovers - if your health food store doesn't carry these products, go to

Fermented raw beets - yummy as are their other products. Garlic Kraut, Fermented Red Cabbage. If you have time to do this yourself, more power to you. I buy it unless my college student son is home.

He is the ferment king. Okay, I'm hungry now.

Mati - you said: As my problem is leaky gut, rather than allergy.....
According to AI leaky gut is caused by wheat allergy. Many people (myself included) have this and don't know until the damage is done.

The wheat allergy is not necessary to live with, wrong information inherited and carried in DNA. This gets reversed early on with AI but the healing takes longer.

If you read the link I posted yesterday, he goes into detail about wheat. Here is a short excerpt
covering a lot of what we deal with:

"Even experiences that are stored by the body system. Imagine you have a traumatic experience. Such experiences are a shock and dig deep into our memory book.

Previously however, they are translated into a subtle form of cell communication, and stored as electromagnetic pattern in the DNA.

These patterns can be inherited, such as a talent.

Or think of people who have metal particles. You are prescribed material resources to Exit. But even if the physical form of the metal is gone, but remains its subtle structure. That is why we developed a nickel or copper allergy.

The body of these metals can be "apparently" is not tolerated because the energetic memory of them remains in the DNA, not to be eliminated until their sutble expressions.

The same has happened in our opinion, many generations ago, for example with the wheat, so that many chronically ill patients react to wheat, among other things, without them knowing it.

The body has just come to terms. Sine this information will be inherited, is the wrong action of the body normally. The body does not know that he is doing something wrong."

There are many, many pages to read with this type of information. Gives a much better understanding as to what is going on while doing AI when we have a ache (like LPs old fracture) etc.

Many of us have relived or felt old pains or trauma. Shedding the memory I think. All part of the healing.

The site is really worth reading.
Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :

It might well be caused by wheat/gluten. I was certainly surprised at my organic acid test which shows no candida or bad bacteria.

Thanks I have started to read the site - there is some good information there. Some of it I kind of came to see myself as I have been healing. Especially the importance of the emotional healing and yes too, physical trauma.

I have had vivid dreams and recalling of things I had forgotten about in the last six months of healing - events where I was failing to have boundaries in place. I am changing and it is really interesting. I am standing up for myself more. So I already am agreeing with AI.

My organic acid test shows that my detoxification pathways are not working very well and I am short of various nutrients and anti-oxidents. I wonder if I should spend a month putting these things in place first? Or maybe more on the detoxification issue. Perhaps they can advise me on that.


Do you mean that it is not the right time for juicing vegetables?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Mati, it is best to read the website as Nana said. I am still learning from it every time I go there. It is worth the effort.

Take care. Wishing all of you a relaxing Sunday.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I love the pickled beets! Here we have ricks picks and they are really a treat but they can get expensive.

I found it really interesting what Mati shared about being gluten and dairy sensitive and not producing thyroid hormone.

I am not converting T4 into T3. I just found out i have too much T4 and not enough T3. Getting this corrected could very well help.

It also seems as everyone who has done ai has reported the vivid dreams..i think that is a feat in itself..when we dream, we are in deep sleep.

Take care, Runner
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I also found it so intersting what NAna shared about wheat allergy and trauma. I consistenly tensor for my trauma remedey star of bethlehem (it is alos in biologo detox)
It feels good to support this, for as much as we "troop" on this is a definate trauma as far as im concerned.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks for posting the link to the much more has been translated into English...since I last read the site.

Very interesting information!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
If you add the Google Toolbar, it can automatically translkate any foreign web page you go to. WIth thism youc an read all of teh AI German site, it's blogs, everything.

Mind you, the translations sometiems are a bit cryptic.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I was reading the site...and looking for any info on regulating issues with the brain, for those diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Anyone know of regulation with bipolar doing the AI?

I have a friend interested...but is on bipolar meds at this time.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I'm on my 7th day of AI (first round of drops) and besides feeling like I'm getting a cold (sore throat at night and just feeling a little under the weather)I haven't felt anything. My kids are doing the drops too and have the same thing (Daughter has runny nose), but is that ok that we don't feel much yet? I was kind of hoping to have the vivid dreams people have reported or some reash or something....has anyone else had the same experience?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I've had vivid dreams all my life. Ai hasn't made them longer or stranger. As I was a writer, those dreams were profitable!
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear GiGi,

OK--so how would I verify that I'm actually getting rid of the metals and should therefor stop on the alkalization for now?


Cass A
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi GettinHealthy,

When I first started my AI drops last March, I had a sore throat that began just a few hours after I took my first dose of drops.

It developed into a sore tonsil shortly after that and all of that persisted for several weeks. I did develop a cold in that time, but I believe that was from travel & stress.

I had sore throats, greater fatigue (as if something was coming on), and other viral-type symptoms during at least 4 of my rounds. I just completed round 9.

My sense is that the drops are reactivating old infections and hopefully clearing out the body's memory of them. I have a long history of viral and bacterial infections that began in childhood. I suspect some of these infections have been chronic/low-grade or dormant all these years. I'm 55 now.

Good luck to you,
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi GettinHealthy,

I often have those symptoms, before AI as well, but regularly during the rounds of you, mainly in the evening, then has cleared rather by morning...sudden lots of mucous too.

Some people have had more dramatic reactions in earlier rounds, but I didn't really, so I'm sure there's no set pattern: the whole procedure is long so a lot of patience is required.

I know how you feel though: excited about it and wanting to see changes!

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Gettinhealthy...the best advice is to not look for symptoms...just enjoy taking no major therapies and enjoy life with only a few drops three times a day!

When things occur, like your cold...keep a little notebook near by and jot it down...then jot down when it leaves. The same for your kids.

Also post for others to there are not too many posts about reactions in children on this thread. There are many others with children doing this, as I have been PM'd by them or I know some personally, that are not posting. Posts help everyone.

Keeping little notes will be encouraging for you will notice little things that come and go, then you will understand how YOUR body over time regulates with the drops. WE are all different, and you will get to know your body so much better and know what most likely is happening from the drops, and what may be not. Takes time.

I look back on symptoms that happened over the course of the AI for me and my daughter, when I am writing the new symptoms for the next round. Its helpful to remember and encouraging to see how far we have come.

My symptoms over the years have been milder than most peoples I believe, that is why I could when they have re-occurred, they were also mild...but very noticeable and very memorable of past symptoms gone by...or past injuries...or emotions. Nothing too wild to worry about experiencing again...for us.

I haven't heard of anyone posting that had symptoms from the drops that were too hard to handle or debilitating... Just very annoying.

My first round, I did get a sore throat, and my daughter got a cold...we both had nasal drainage, and eye mucous/discharge and slept well, and had dreams...not too vivid....just finally had dreams. We both had not slept well nor had a cold in years....

You may not get a I had rashes on the same place..on the front of my calf and elbows since puberty...when in the sun! This is where I occasionaly get them again, now on AI. Also had a rash and pain...where I used steroid cream from the MD when he saw my rash years ago. I remembered that severe pain when it came back...even without no rash...

Your reactions will be your own...not brought on by an alleragie to the drops or what is in none of us are getting reactions from the substances, but from the regulation that is occuring.

... and if you experience what others here share, it is that you have had the same past ailments or are just draining and moving toxins out like them.

Nana and I are very much alike with symptoms and when we talk, we realize we had the same past ailments and are about the same "vintage"! Its good to compare with others who are like you! Doesn't mean that each will have what we have. You will have your own symptoms and regulation.

My daughter and I also felt like our bodies were in a healing mode as they needed after an athletic event!

Hope this info is helpful.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Good report from my daughter last night...

She just called to say hello...not asking for money nor returning my call, just called! Refreshing.

Wanted to tell me that she is feeling good...and feels like the Alergie -immun drops are helping her along with some additional minerals and a multi type liquid supplement that she has only this month incorporated ...(she has KPU detox issues).

She feels that she can think more clearly, and feels her college stress in under control. She is organizing herself and her studies so much better and is on top of everything for the first time in years. Just feels normal, and energized now mentally , emotionally and physically. She is finally feeling good in her athletic performance.

She says she is learnng how to open up and communicate more with her roommates and with me!
Sharing her thoughts and heart have always been her personal struggle. Being truthful and not hiding her failures and struggles from those who are there to help her. She is so much more open and free. I am so happy she recognizes this and feels she is improving and witnesses her own transformation.

She has had her ups and downs, emotionally and physically as her regulation has occurred...and it is all positive this week!
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Lightparfait, how did you get so involved in this Lyme board if you weren't debilitated by it?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I was bed ridden briefly at the time of my diagnosis! But was able to still function...a neighbor saved my life, and got me to a LLMD before I declined too much. I was saved before it got over the top. Someone held my hand literally, and wiped my tears, and got me going!

Before lyme diagnosis, I was extremely pro-active about my health, and worked on all my symptoms as they occurred, mostly naturally, and exercised, did aerobics, did triathlons, and spinning regularly, my whole life. WE are a very active and physically fit family prior to lyme decline. Being fit helped me not be debilitated so quickly...along with catching it, and finding the correct way to proceed.

I am not the average individual with lyme to compare yourself to. compare me with a very proactive person...who wont let anything keep her down for long without a fight.

I think average people just go to MD's with complaints and take meds prescribed...and wait until the next problem occurs before they even notice their decline. Its trusting our medical system. Thats how they are raised. And they do not even think of questioning their diagnosis and scripts. Just live with your meds and all will be ok...until the next problem. They don't know where to begin and things just get worse before the right care is given. This is the average story of people who call me and I speak with. This is not their fault...just our medical system putting bandaids on progressive illnesses. This was not my case.

The most proactive ones I speak with are the parents of sick children. No one will let their child go untreated...but will ingore themselves.

Seek... I have always known my body better than the average patient... my MD tells me. My primary care MD calls me with questions about my healing and recovery (as I am very honest with him on all I do...not an llmd, he only runs yearly blood work for me now) and asks me to help patients who have lyme, autoimmune conditions, that are chronic and not responding to traditional means...which is quite a few! A support group has sprung up from this.

I also help many teenagers who are athletes. I get called daily by parents all over my state.

My Daughter was very ill and physically debilitated over time! An olympic level athlete, state champ, ...that had a major, public decline. Known by many.

This is an emotional was not private...and her healing and regulation is a true miracle that others are witnessing.

[ 02-02-2010, 09:58 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Seek...I am still involved as I run a support group, care for my inlaws with alzheimers and support my extended family members with autism and lyme.

I am involved with lyme, alzheimers , and autism research, and doing my own natural remedies. I hear and see it all! And I witness what works and what does not in those I support.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Lightp, I really take my metaphorical hat off to you!
I'm so glad that you are seeing further progress in your daughter,

Best Wishes,

Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Wow LP, that's incredible. It sure impressed me. I'm glad you've made a bad situation positive with all you do. Congrats. [Smile]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
aliyah...your mailbox is full.

I will answer you when you clear it.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks UK, seek and all...

I don't mean to post anything much about myself...just responding to SEEK...explaining who I am for those who I respect here on this I get these questions in PM's regularly from posters related to other posts I make.

People cannot believe I am better, or they think I was never really sick, or cannot understand others and their symptoms because mine are more mild.

But so many people PM me and say...why are you still on this board...what do you know...why are you such an expert...etc, etc, etc...and some report my posts...its a little over the top.

I am only posting for others to compare when I post my personal info...not to build myself up.

Right now, my life is geared to helping those in my care...and I guess, others sent my way!

I know you all do the same. Thanks.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Light, WE LOVE SUCCESS STORIES. THEY GIVE US HOPE!!!! Keep posting!!!! Keeps sharing your knowledge.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
lp - it is cleared.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I got bottle #8 today -8 chemicals & 6 energetic blockages. We'll see what this round brings...
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Wow, thank you so much Lightparfait for writing and explaining so many of your thoughts and history. That is a great idea to keep a journal of our experience while on AI. I will definitely share what is happening with my kids too - I'll do anything I can to 'pay back' what I feel I have learned from this site and all of you!

It reminded me of myself when you talked about how active you were physically and how proactive you are regarding health. When all of a sudden my health started declining and I developed multiple food allergies and numerous odd symptoms I went to MD's and all of my tests were normal and they said I was "fine" - I was not fine. I knew something was wrong and didn't want to live life like that and wait for something major to go wrong. I have two young children and they need me to have energy and be able to play with them and teach them and not to sit around. Luckily I found the alternative medicine area where they did find things wrong and began to feel better (also self diagnosed my food allergies/sensitivites and my brain fog lifted!). I told my husband that this is the "year of clean up" :-) And feel great about the potential for AI.

An update regarding my kids and I: The colds that seemed to have been coming on are gone - poof! And now my son today I had to pick up early from school because the nurse called saying he had diarhea and threw up. Yet, when I picked him up he was fine (no fever) and you would never know he had been sick!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
GH...glad the symptoms for the kids were short lived! This is what happens many times with these drops!

My son even had the swine flu symptoms at college, when his roommates had it...and his lifted very quickly as well!

Thanks for sharing.

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Odd thing happened tonight with my kiddos...I realized that we are all 3 going through the same exact symptoms at the same time! We are on day 8 of round 1 of AI and just 2 days ago we all had coughs and a little bit of runny nose (I had sore throat at night - not sure if they did) and then today we all had GI issues. My husband who is not doing AI has not had any of these things happen. Also, even with the GI issues we are fine energy wise so I know we do not have the flu. Tonight my daughter passed what I think may have been candida or parasites I'm not sure (tried looking on the internet but it is kinda gross!)...anyway, it just seems like our bodies are trying to 'rid' of us of something....I am keeping a diary as Lightparfait suggested and it'll be interesting to reflect back on this over the next rounds.

Also, I did have a question: What if there are is more left in the bottle than we use in 14 days? Or, what if there are not enough drops to last 14 days? Just curious. Thanks!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Healthy,
That is great news. I think the journal is such a wonderful idea. its a great tool to not only record but it helps you realize when you reflect back on the progress you are making.
sometimes its ok to go slow on the drops.
you may take it within the time period or maybe a few days longer. sometimes if i accidentally took too much i would end up finishing a little bit sooner..but that is just my experience. i wrote one time and explained i was very fatigued and he said i could do 3 drops 3 times per day..etc..tailored it to my needs.
Also, in the earlier rounds i was finding i would feel much better on the drops and really missed them during my two week interem.
so i saved the bottle and filled it up with water and took this during the 2 week period..
i worked with an energetic doctor at one point and learned this stuff holds an imprint.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Getting, Unless you are taking large drops when cutting too much of the tip off, you should not run out of drops before the 14 days are up. We always have some left over. I keep them, but notice that they may test positive for a few days, but at times have not tested any longer during the waiting period. The body may have regulated and is off to newer things. Don't know.

You can dispose of them when the new ones come.

I know you made sure to mark the bottles with the names foryou and the children. I have tested my husband's drops on me energetically and I definitely "do not want" his drops. An absolute no.

I have opened regulation at times with the most recent drops during the waiting time.

But for several months now, my heavy metal vial opens regulation. That means the body is actively moving metals.

Sounds like everybody is having some fun!

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
G H: Gigi's thought of marking the bottles is very important...especially when working with three people, as I do too.

When my kids are home and we all have those drops sitting on my kitchen island...they could easily take the wrong ones!!!

I color code them boldly with a sharpie...and also mark the # Round on them.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Thank you for your replies! Yes, I marked them with a sharpie on the bottom with their initials and am the only one who administers the drops :-) That would be awful if they got mixed up - I was a bit paranoid at first and even kept them in their original baggies even though they were also marked on the bottom too!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I often save the original baggies to send back my saliva or blood samples; then wrap the little bag in foil.

Posted by Susie Jo (Member # 2480) on :
hi everyone

i'm toward the end of the second week of break after first drops. this has been a scary awful two weeks and i just need some assurance i'm not being over-run by bugs from not doing any killers and that the crushing pain and fatigue and insanity i feel is a good thing..

barely out of bed a few hours a day and feeling like i'm broken into pieces, heart palps, dizzy, scary exhasuted and the worst emotional disintegration, just under panic level, heart in my throat, sleep bad and too little of it, feelings of dread hounding me....


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Susie, I would suggest you lower the number of drops for a couple of days. I had to do that and so did my husband. If you can't muscle test, use your intuition. Hold the little bottle, think of 1 to 5, and use the number that comes to mind first. Your body knows what it can handle. I had a few of the sensations you feel. Often the release of neurotoxins, which is possible even on the first bottle, feels like sensations you had before. In fact, Dr. K. says we are releasing the neurotoxins and the debris from any infection for a long time to come.

Just be sure you get the liquids with nutrients, rather than plain water.

Maybe try some charcoal and see if that helps to collect some of the toxins as they are moving down and - hopefully - out.

I will respond to your mail, after I make some inquiries.

Please pack the FEAR away - load it on the next cloud moving above your home and watch it sail away!

Take care.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
i sent my DNA for my 2nd round out today. i waited an extra week to help the abx our of my system from the pneumonia.

i stated that with my samples. should have my new drops when i get back from seattle seeing DK. will have ART testing.

i'll go easier this time. thanks for the support. aliyah
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Susie Jo, sorry to hear you're in a bad way.

I have noticed that many people who have the big reactions and emotional breakdowns early with AI do seem to notice very positive changes as time goes on, so try not to despair,

Best Wishes,

Posted by Susie Jo (Member # 2480) on :
thank you for the encouragement.

i barely slept but i'm here this morning and though i was met by the dreads i'm not in them now. all the vibrating and exhaustion and palps the same, but that is easier to deal with than the dread. the thing that confuses me is that i am in the break time, not taking the drops, and though i understand that they continue working it is with such intensity, wow.

in the mess of the chaos i could feel something old and familiar, a general 'not worth anything' atmosphere from childhood. i would be glad to be rid of vestiges of that.

oh, does a-i email you when they receive the saliva or send out the next drops? i sent my 2nd saliva sample on the 23rd, how soon have you all been getting the drops?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
There is no contact from AI regarding receipt of the sample, or delivery of the drops.

Unless you are missing yours for long, then email them and they will repondd as to when they were mailed, or if they never received your sample.

Emotional issues are dealt with in the first few rounds, and noticed by most who post here.

I find that my daughter and myself still feel the drops working during the breaks. I specifically noticed thinigs clearing even more when I had a very long break, when my drops were missing in the is still working.

Sometimes though, when beginning the new set of drops, in the first few days, we can tell we started another type of regulation...things get stirred up a bit sometimes. But not too bad to handle for us.

Judge your set of symptoms based on your past history...what you have experienced before, both emotional and physical...IF things are similar, don't get upset old things you have experienced are leaving you now. They should be old issues resolving and clearing.

And do write these down in your little journal...start doing this and this will help you think clearer about what is happening.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Susie JO:

We have received our next drops in as little as 2 weeks...and as much as 1 1/2 months...when things get backed up somehow.

When ours got was over 2 months...
also I have three of us to coordinate collecting them from three my situation is different than most. It takes us a little longer!

In the beginning you can get anxious while waiting..but try not to. You are regulating while you wait...there is no big rush to this therapy, although you do want to keep it going in good intervals.

If you don't get them in a month's time, then contact HG. I contacted him when it was almost a month of waiting... and the drops arrived the next just give it time. Only once were mine lost!
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I think it was LightParfait that asked me to write about my kids experience as they go along and I have to say that the weirdest thing that I've noticed through the first round (day 9) is that my son and my daily "symptoms" are identical. We both wake up and that day we may have a stomach ache or GI issues, the next day a runny nose, the last 2 days we have felt flu'ish and today we both woke up with dry has started 8 days ago and continues we will see what tomorrow brings!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
GettinHealthy, being on the drops does not necessarily rule out a new viral or bacterial infection. Children especially move through the drops with very little problems -- after all they have not had time to accumulate that many errors.
Just be sure you don't misinterpret things. Most "re-runs" of past problems, so I was told, should last only 3-4 days; then gone.

Just a tiny alert.

Take care.
Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :
I have a couple questions...

Who here is doing the AI treatment without the tensor and feeling confident in their ability to know when to take binders, etc....

Also for those who are chronically constipated have you found AI to help this or do you end up having to take something to help? Mg doesn't do a thing for me.

Also... Which binders do you find to be the least constipating?

Finally why is it that you cannot take glycine near protein. I thought protein is necessary for detoxing.

Thanks for your time.

Looking forward to a very long pill vacation. [woohoo]
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Yes, Gigi you are right it could very well be a weird virus! However, I do find it odd how much we are mirroring each other. For example, today he went to the bathroom and his urine was very dark - it actually scared me it was so much darker than normal (my son is 5) and then I went to the bathroom and mine was really dark too (mine is normally almost clear!) and for the rest of the day both of ours was clear. Just seemed odd.

Did any of you have spinal issues listed on your report?

Mine had several spinal issues and I was very surprised as I have never <knock on wood> had any back problems or had to see a chiropractor for back issues, etc.

However, I have noticed over the past few years that I can no longer sleep with my right arm under my pillow under my head stretched out as it really is uncomfortable - each night I try it for some reason and each night I remember it is not right....but tonight for the very first time I had NO PAIN! I had to try it 4 different times to really believe it!

Also, I had a question regarding my Dad. He used to have a lot of amalgams and had them removed (now has gold) with no precautions taken. He is interested in AI after I have been telling him about it, etc. However, I'm nervous about him starting it if there are a ton of metals floating around. Is it better to have try cleaning up prior to starting AI in a case like his or should he just start and the rest sorts itself out?

Thank you so much all of you for your insight and I don't mean to take away from TS96's questions either - just was excited and had to get out of bed to talk about my pain free arm!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
GettinHealthy - Your Dad might not be able to clean up in advance if he has the metal issues that must of us did. If they aren't recognized as toxins, they don't get excreted much.

Glad to hear you have resumed your old, comfy sleeping position. I had a lot of spinal areas checked on my report but having had a spinal fracture years ago, I wasn't surprised.

TS96 - can't answer about timing binders etc., as I use a tensor.

AI helped with my constipation issues but it took many rounds. Proper hydration is important - not plain water.

I would think the clay type binders would be more constipating.

I used gycline quite a bit last summer when the chemicals first started coming out and still use it occasionally. I eat a lot of protein and was not aware the two couldn't be taken together. I always use it between meals anyway.

Hopefully, more opinions will come along.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
TS96, Glycine is taken to aid with detox of solvents and chemicals, etc. Usually amino acids compete with each other and that is the reason I believe it should be taken away from proteins.

If you can manage, learn to tensor. At least you are not shooting in the dark. I don't know where I would be without it. Everything we take is tested and I am often surprised when things change and the body is looking for different stuff. The tensor often tests before I actually
feel what should be next.

The metabolism and bathroom habits will definitely change as you move through AI.

GettingHealthy, about your Dad, It depends on his general health. When you say gold - wonder what is underneath the gold. It must be a gold alloy and know from that many people are allergic to gold and are not aware of it. He could probably do AI, but I would think he would need some assist in testing as he goes through it. Palladium in my gold crowns caused me more problems than mercury. If he had many fillings over time, hopefully he does not have root canals. If he has dental problems, AI will not take away the problem caused by root canals.
So all that should be considered. But you have probably learned a bunch already and can advise him. Wherever he goes, they should understand AI -- it is difficult for some practitioners to grasp that a lot of interference is not necessary.

Cleaning up before AI is of no value, because the problem is actually the cleaning up itself with the errors in the DNA. When that is corrected, then the cleanup will eventually work. But he may need some assistance by someone knowledgable while he is on AI, especially if his Central Nervous System is affected by toxic metals/mercury.

Hope that helps.

Take care. I am heading for bed right now!!!!
Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
I had constipation all of my life, (since mercury poisoning) and sometimes it was very bad despite drinking water. I often had anal fissures because of it and they are agony!

I adopted a gluten and dairy free diet two months since and my bowel action has become normal for the first time ever. I go up to 3 times a day and each time I feel that my bowels have emptied easily and completely which is also a first. I have just got my organic acid test results and it shows no Candida or bad bacteria so the gut is/has healed.

I have felt no significant difference in giving up g and d, but there is more energy some days, but the change in the bowel is tremendous.

Nothing back yet and I am wondering whether to do the methylation protocol first then the drops. I will wait for my DSA and consult the naturopath I have found in Australia.

Just read GiGi on finding a naturopath who understands AI. I don't think mine does but he does treat the methylation cycle. Has anyone here followed that protocol? Thanks.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
TS96, I do not at this point have a biotensor.

I tend to take binders [I have a variety] when I notice that I'm feeling rougher, fluey or there's a nasty taste or 'allergic' symptoms. However, I can't really claim to be confident about it!

I eat a lot of vegetable fibre in my diet and try to have some days without added binders in case minerals, fatty acids etc are not being absorbed properly.

I'm waiting for round 7 though: you may not release metals etc at the beginning,

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I have had constipation most of my life, until now! Severe and causing me much distress.

I have put myself on gluten free type diets with lots of steamed or grilled veggies and salads over many years and until now, that was the best way for me to eat with minimal constipation. I still tend to eat this way, but AI has helped my gut heal and my problems are minimal.

If I do note eat correctly or enough food, I am not as regular as I should be. Also hydration plays a big role. NO matter what quantity of water I used to drink, I was still constipated...
NOw I know my cells were not absorbing the essential fluids and minerals. Now I am working on that with electroytes, and the AI has helped there as well I believe.

Also I found, before AI...I did one month of a parasite cleanse, that cleaned out some major parasites that I did not know I had. Many of my digestive issues cleared when I did that.

All my gas and bloating issues have gone after that cleanse.

But after the first few rounds of AI, I noticed that I did not have consitpation any more.

Especially as I am not totally gluten free......I still occasionally eat pasta, bages, a slice of pizza with my family...or occasional ice cream with no problems! (in general I do not eat those things by choice, but when I do...I have not problems now)

I am not always very regular...but I believe still healing the intestinal area and gut. I think it will be a long process, but I am noticeably improved and am happy with my bowel situation now. I just hope all this regulation lasts!

My daughter never had constipation, but had other digestive issues...milk and gluten intolerances, and tomato intolerances, and she still tells me that ai cleared her allergies to foods! She is happy about it too!

[ 02-05-2010, 09:58 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :
Thank you everyone for your responses esp. about the constipation issues.

I'll be back later to add. Gotta do school with the kids.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
OK...I'll take another risk and share this with you, the ones who do not own a tensor.

While I was waiting for my biotensor to arrive, another poster gave me a tutorial of how to start to use my own intuition and test foods and products, like when in the health food store, or if a product is ok to which apple has the pesticides and which is organic.

This regular poster on lymemet does not need to use the biotensor, as she can test on her own and is extremely intuitive and has years of experience.

I took the time to learn this and can feel the same intuition or attraction like a magnet that I learned from her when I actually use the biotensor. I use this technique when I need it when out and about!

The biotensor is just easier and faster and takes less brain concentration I find.

The first part was learning how to tap, and get in a neutral frame of mind to open regulation and prepare to receive the correct info.

Here's a link for a tutorial into help open regulation. EFT: or emotional freedom technique. There is also a video on the Mercola site explaining showing this,

Now I will attempt to write what I was taught:
I will use the two apples for an example.

After regulation is open and being in a neutral mind set...

Mix the apples is organic and one is covered with pesticides.

Stand erect, feet hip width distance apart, and flat on ground if possible, with arms to your side.

Take one apple in your right hand.

Lift it to about an inch or two in front of your center of forehead.

Then think: This apple is good for me to eat.

AS you think this. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale...

Quickly move the apple straight down the front of your body and stop at your navel...(not touching body but still close to it.) This should be done in about 1 sec of by counting 1001.

If you are in will either sway slightly forward, or toward the apple, or you will sway slightly backwards away from the apple.

Forward means yes, backwards means no.

YOu will feel the definate direction of the swaying. Like polarities of a magnet...pullied toward or pushed is amazing. Sometimes the polarities are more intense than others.

Practice this and get this down...then Try this with the chlorella or other binders you have and see if you can grasp this technique. You can also think fo how many chlorella tablets after you get your initial yes...and your body will let you know. This works for me.

My body actually sways when I use the biotensor sometimes...very noticeably to me. It's a double confirmation for me that I am getting the correct response! It makes me smile and think of the wonderful poster who taught me this technique...

If anyone else has something to add to this, please I am a novice...and still learning.

Also...reminder...the tensor and this technique is to test polarities or frequencies for the NOW and present...not to test future events or other things...this is not voodoo or psychic power phenomena's product frequency related. It's God given intuition. I would not be involved with anything in the "supernatural" world...and never encourage anyone in those practices.

It's your body reacting to something either positively or negatively. Like the feelings you get when you meet someone...either positive or negative...It's getting in tune (or fine tuned) with your God made body and very natural reactions. And I know this is new to many.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
LP - if one finds ART useful, one would find your technique useful. i believe it is the same energy.

when i get ART testing, DK always used a surrogate to test me. i am hoping once i get more dysregs cleared, i wont need a surrogate.

i think what you shared can be very empowering for us to learn. thanks for taking the risk.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I wondered about the surrogate too. I thought perhaps it was Dr. K's way of teaching Dr. G the method? But was surprised he just didn't test me himself. Why does he use a surrogate?

Thank you Gigi about comments for my Dad - both my parents have an entire mouth full of metal and have never gone to a naturopath but are interested. My Dad's health is great (he's 65) except for seasonal allergies, back issues and now some prostate issues. My Mom's health is terrible and I fear she would not be able to tolerate the effects of AI? I would love for them to do AI, but am worried about the herx'ing results and not having any support. If I found them a naturopath near their home for general suppport then were you suggesting that even with metal in their mouth perhaps AI is the best place to start? I was just worried that all of a sudden their body would realize they were allergic and now it's stuck in their mouth! I know I'm naive on this stuff and am learning as I go but don't want to cause them unnecessary pain or complicate something for them!

Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :
LP, Thank you for your insight.

I have tried that sway method and it did not feel natural to me. It was like my spirit was striving against it.

I believe the Holy Spirit gives me intuition as to the decisions I make and I am very comfortable with this. The addition of something else was conflicting to my spirit. Do you understand what I mean?

Many times my spirit tells me to take more or less of such and such. Somedays I take nothing and I believe this is Holy Spirit led when I am in tune with God.

When I am not in "fellowship" with God and reading His Word I can be "in the flesh" and be confused.
I try to pray for everything I do so that my decisions are not me and all God.

Believe me some days I'm all me! and the day goes bad.

I do feel a peace about AI and this is why I want to proceed.
Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :
I have not sent in my sample yet as I want to be pill free for two weeks before I start.

The only thing I'm taking now is my probiotics due to ongoing systemic yeast and digestive enzymes.

I went off my cortef and florinef (which was a low dose anyway and haven't been too light-headed.) I am in remission of lyme and off abx sence April 09 with an exception of a week of Flagyl/doxy and Plaq. I went off that d/t a bad case of oral thrush and believe it was not lyme but yeast.

The only issues I am dealing with are cognitive problems, TMJ, constipation, MCS, and food sensitivities/allergies. Test inc. hair and urine confirm metal and xenobiotic toxicity.

I had been using Concentrace mineral drops in my H2o because I had been doing a slow chelation of metals over the past 5 years with EDTA and Dmsa but will take a break from that and let the drops work.

I need to order the rehydradtion drops yet but after that I think I'm ready. [Smile]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Some Biological dentists do the swaying test besides ART. You also sway in the wrong direction if you have a dental occlusion problem, or just plain old sick from toxin or both.
The ANS of ill people is more often blocked than not. I was blocked for a couple of years. Dr. K. went through the problem of finding the medium that would open up my regulation. It would shut down again. I never came to the office with open regulation for at least two years. I was root canal toxic from tip of toes to top of head.
All remember the struggle to be able to test me. In those days, Lyme was still in its infancy and little was known besides abx of what we know today.

Dr. B. still believed that only blood would transfer the critter. So, sick people, cannot do these tests because they can barely stand up straight and are difficult to test. Today
when literally everyone with a chronic disease has also Lyme, it is much easier to pick the nosode or antitoxin that opens the regulation. Dr. K. had to go much by intuition to find the frequency (medicine) on his hundreds of agents on the shelves around the room to find the solution to unblock me.

Only then could he continue testing - as long as I stayed open, at which time my body would reveal the truth.

I am not happy when my husband is blocked, and yet I am. Because I know enough of his system that when I pick the proper remedy necessary at this moment, it will open his regulation. Whatever I add to this, has to keep him open. Then the combination is the right way to go.
Any substance not suited will block the total remedy assortment.

Again, it beats throwing darts.
Mirror image of frequencies. Creating polarity.

It takes finding the correct medicine and combi treatment that will eventually help people to hang on to open regulation.

If the tester is metal toxic and the testee at the same time is metal toxic, and that is the problem at that moment, the
tester will not find it in the testee because the identical frequencies neutralize each other.

The doctor has to be ahead in wellness of his patient, or at a minimum clear himself of everything that may be a problem in his/her body and that you may have a problem with.
That is the reason for the third arm. It is not a surrogate. Usually, only healthy third arms are used. That will avoid testing errors. So it is important that you find your own problems first, clear yourself, before you go testing your children. That goes for tensor and muscle testing. Dr. K. often said "if I find the same problem in several patients that morning, I had better check myself. Sticking the frequency vial in the body is enough to accomplish that.

When I test my husband, I always have a metal vial in my pocket because I know we have identical problems to deal with and make sure I am not blocked. That goes literally for infections between partners - one has it, the other has it also. Even is one is under the weather, and the other is not.

It is all physics and most American doctors are thinking biochemistry. That is one reason energy medicine is difficult to understand for the untrained.

I am glad LP brought up the fact that energetic testing is addressing the here and now, not the future. Don't ask questions relating to the future or when will I be ready for KPU. Your body may fool you and you may never need it. You almost have to adopt a blank state of mind - go into neutral, because any thought already affects the tensor, etc.

Also remove anyone present from the room who spills their negative energy about this 'woodoo'.

One thing I have also learned from Dr. K.: There is a relationship between unresolved psycho-emotional conflicts and traumata and the toxins stored in the body. We know that AI addresses that also to some degree. We have to do the rest.

It seems we are never through learning. At least I am not. My day is only way toooo short.

Take care.
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
i am trying to make the electrolyte drink, what brand of protein powder drink , i should get?

Gigi, you talk before about whey? is there a good brand i should get?

i already got the bio-pure matrix electrolytes. and recht-reglate
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
PCC has a Protein powder called "Show me the Whey"
-- do not know who carries it in your area.

The Goat Whey from Mt. Capra is good. Clean goats.

Take care.
Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :
I'm confused.
I thought we were to avoid alkalizing things as metals like to move in an acidic environment.

Mt. Capra mineral whey is said to be very alkalizing.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

I did not use the word "move"; I said
"that metals go into solution in an acidic environment."

There is a difference between forced alkalinizing by taking a bath in baking soda to get through a crisis and supplying the body with healthy foods to do with as is needed.

The body, when regulating again with the help of AI, knows what it needs to detoxify as long as we supply it with good stuff, especially minerals and amino acids.

You will find a lot of info in some of my older posts, and of course by just researching the internet.

Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I am on my 6th round of AI and noticng some weird skin eruptions. Anyone else?
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
does anyone knows of a good Carafe Filter Replacement for pitcher, i used to buy for my daughter Carafe Portable Pour from Aquaspace and i found out it is made up of Activated Alumina, Bone Char.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, Skin is our largest detox organ - do some featherlight skin brushing from tip of toes to middle of chest, where the exit to the main lymph outflow. The same from top of head gently along side of ears, up from hands toward shoulder and then down to middle of chest exit. Same on the back. It takes only the gentlest of brushing. The lymph channels are barely below the skin. No pressing or scrubbing. Just a smooth long movement gentle brushing.

That way the toxins will go the normal channels and not break out through skin. It only does this when other avenues are clogged. Or go and have a lymphatic drainage --- not a heavy massage.

If the lymphatics are clogged up, toxin cannot exit and nutrients cannot get in.

Just a suggestion -

Take care.

Fifi25, don't quite understand what you are looking for, so can't help. Sorry.
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
i am looking for a portable water filter .
something my daughter can use at college.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hobok, my skin rash started just before round 6 [just after Xmas] and is still there [fine, almost invisible bumps that feel like sand].

Earlier in the therapy I had red lumps on my right upper arm that lasted an incredibly long time, so you're not alone with skin eruptions!

all the best,

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I will do what Gigi said. I ussd to do skin brushing all the time. Kinda forgot lately.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I have a copper brush - with copper
bristles as thin as hair - to brush the whole body with. If you have never used one, you would be surprised to see the dust that comes off your skin, actually clouds of it. You cannot see it while brushing, but I learned to go to the balcony to clean it out after a couple of minutes of brushing. Since most of us are no longer allergic to copper following AI, I highly recommend it, if you can find one. I bought ours - one for each for sanitary reasons - in Germany several years ago. I am sure you can find them here if you look.

I use it before I shower while the skin is still dry!

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Our copper brush is very similar to this one,

except ours does not have the horsehair at the edge, but copper only.
It's very much worth the small expense! The size of ours is 13x7 cm approx. and does not have the leather handle, but simply the brush.

[ 02-07-2010, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
This link should bring the copper brush up!

[ 02-07-2010, 08:54 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I just had a quick question...does anyone else consistently wake up with their eyes puffy and feeling lousy only later after say 30 minutes to 'shake it off'? Each morning I wake up and can just feel my eyes so puffy and sure enough I look in the mirror and they are really puffy (especially undereyes) and my face is pale. One of my hopes through this treatment is to wake up feeling energized and ready for the day! I can hope :-)

Also, tomorrow is the last day of round 1 for myself and my kids. How will I know when to "test" my food allergies? Do I just wait for the next report to see if they no longer are listed and then test the food out and see how I feel? I was curious how others went through this process. We do not have anphylactic allergies.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
My eyes drain and drain every morning. I get puffiness under the eyes but usually don't wake up with it. I pull out lymph, liver and kidney remedies at that point and see which one tests. Usually one or more does.

I think the eyes are exit roots for many things. Always where I feel chemicals leaving.

When you get your next report with the drops - it won't be as long but it will have the page that listed food, metals etc. Nothing was checked off on my second report.

I had never completely given up any food but when I got my second report back I did start eating more wheat without a problem. Just a little in the beginning. HG does not believe in elimination diets (unless they cause an anaphylactic response).

I think our bodies need to figure out at some point that these foods are not the enemy and if you don't eat them, it can't do that.

If you or your kids are particularly sensitive to a certain food, go easy with it and see what happens.

If any of you developed leaky gut, that will take a while to heal.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

My eyes drain almost every morning when on the drops, but when I'm off and waiting, I usually don't get that much drainage...although sometimes they are a little crusty in the I must have drained while sleeping. Guess I"m used to this now. This appears to be a normal response to the drops for most.

I also get puffy all over sometimes like my lymph is filling up...but I also have KPU (pyroluria), and have trouble eliminating toxins. Many of us have this.

Gotta keep moving and exercising and hydrating, getting minerals and eating the right good food...and it all just clears over time...

This is an expriement for me. A positive experiment. I feel good on this, but there are times when I notice the symptoms of fluid, I get that is the last thing I want. IT is my worse symptom...only because I have always wanted to maintain my looks and body size...and I do gain some body mass, like my jeans get too tight to zip...then it goes away.

This is my problem. I am also pre-menapausal...over 50 years its hard to know if this is just the detox or if my body is just changing as well as adjusting to this theray and my hormone level dropping.

I would have loved to do the AI therapy way before this age, when my body adjusted its weight and metabolism was more normal or at least (my normal).

blessings and have a happy day all...lp
Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
I am asking AI about supplements as my tests have shown some extreme shortages and I wonder if I should take these things for a month before I start the therapy. Some things are extremely high like calcium. I asked about a therapist in or near Berlin who knows about AI and can do ART but Herr G does not think I need one...hmmmmm.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Another good report from my daughter. She says she is happy and feeling very healthy and mentally balanced. I share this to encourage others here...

Adding the KPU minerals and some supportive liquid vitamins for over a month now, have been effective mentally for her, she says. She just asked me to order more, and says she makes it her priority to take them.

This is she HATES to take protocols...and I usually have to remind her. Now she says, she does not need to be reminded...that she would not start the day without them now. If she misses, she knows it, and imediately goes to get them. She says "mom, that's how good a happy I am now...I know I needed them, and I do not want to stop now."

She admitted had a script of an antidepressant that "college MD" gave to her!!! Those MD"s will give our kids what they want!!! And she is known for not following my instructions, looking for a quick fix to her problems. Never used it,(Thank God) but had it in case she was desperate, because she was feeling desperate around Thanksgiving....she said she threw it away, unused...that's how good she feels!

It may not seem like much to you all, but when we started this therapy...her worst symptoms at the time, was anxiety, depression and low self esteem. She was not able to concentrate on almost anything and wanted to do nothing.

When your daughter says life is good, I am happy, my body feels strong and I am dong well in amazes me.

March is the one year mark of stopping ABX...and starting the detox phase for us. There is light at the end of the tunnel...finally seeing a glimpse!

[ 02-08-2010, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I would suggest not taking anything, especially now, as you are just starting the therapy. You want to just be your own "normal" and let all your disregulations reveal themselves in your saliva samples.

Because others report using some supplements now...does not mean it is right for you. It has been almost a year for my daughter and myself, and only now have we added a few supplements. Now was the time for us.

I do not believe anyone will get the fullest of regulations by adding "false" balances to our inbalanced bodies. As your goal is to balance and have the pathways open. You want to get the fullest of regulation before dealing with the residual.

Add things when you know your body recognizes the substances you are lacking...wait until your gut heals enough and ingested intolerences are gone.

I only added suppplements for my daughter when she had no more food allergies and could handle things...She was very regulated in the "gut" to begin this, and now is seeing all positive with the liquid vitamins.

I believe if we started her on the CORE minerals and the multi vitamins with just beginning the AI, she would still not be doing well and not absorbing things...and still mentally hurting.

That is just my feeling from experience. Why rush this and rock the boat, if you are not in a crisis?

Enjoy the emotional freedom from taking any pills or capsules...and just eat good food, hydrate, take a few drops for two weeks, and enjoy life with a minimal protocol for awhile.

Be peaceful and restful starting this.


Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :

Thanks yes I can see the sense in that. I can concentrate on nutritious food. One great thing I take is my breakfast which is a smoothie made from brown rice milk, sprouted brown rice protein powder, maca powder, banana and frozen blueberries. I can feel that doing me good!

Great to hear your daughter is doing so well.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Can we get a quick head count here with who has been taking AI, how many rounds and their progress?

Michael in the middle of my sixth round. Not seeing any changes yet with allergies, chemical sensativities or EMF, but

I have not had one panic attack in the 7 months or so I have been on this. So, that's a good thing!!!! I would have them almost daily, especially in the winter.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Lee here--have done 6 rounds. Biotensor is telling me not to take the 7th round yet. I have seen no improvement, yet, but always feel awful when I take it. Can't rest when I get tired midday as I am working fulltime.

I wonder about sending the sample right to AI from the USA right after finishing the 2 weeks of AI. I wonder this because I know I have read that AI keeps working for another 2 weeks. If that is the case, wouldn't that change the sample and the energy water would not match exactly? I realize it would help with turnaround time, though.


[ 02-09-2010, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: Lee ]
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Quick it a 2 week break in-between drops for those that live in Germany as well? Or is it simply 2 weeks for the people residing in the US due to shipping time?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I have also had major constipations issues since being ill. i am not sure if it comes from the mercury or two years of abx i did several years ago.
I always have to take triphala. i cant tell if ai has helped with this very much or not. i am going to ask my doctor about a parasite cleanse, thanks light for bringing this to light.
maybe i am leaving something out.

My gi got better for a few months..and i started eating bananas and more fruit. now i seem to be overgrownwith yeast right now and it is somewhat frustarting for me due to all the elimination diets and yeast treatments.
I guess perhaps its because i am very much actively detoxifying metals right now..alot of nickel seems to be the issue..muscle testing as well as my hair analysis.
i keep telling myself as long as the metals are there most likely the yeast will be there too..

any thoughts would greatly be appreciated.
Thanks, Runner21
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
A few words for Lee and all interested:

The Biotensor does not tell you what is good for tomorrow. It is only for here and now. The tensor does not tell the future or the past. It gives you the polarities as they exist the very moment you test. That is the same with most energetic testing. It only tests minus and plus polarities and I would not totally depend on testing unless you are really seasoned in it.
It is especially difficult if your autonomic nervous system changes rapidly from one minute to the next as if often the case when still ill. It is not reading cards or telling you what is ahead down the way. In fact, the next round may be one that opens up a whole new piece of the road. Unblocks something very important.

If you take longer breaks by not sending in the sample on day 15, it
will take you longer to get the remaining corrections that need to be done. The two weeks in between solidify what you have corrected so far, and in the case of wheat allergy, it gives your body a chance to start healing the leaky gut mostly caused by grain allergies. That will probably take less or more than a year - different for everyone, except the people without food allergies. Detoxing starts when you start taking the drops and will continue probably and hopefully forever. That is the only way we can stay healthyin the world of today.

Yes, AI is working on the detoxification that is brought about by the corrections that have been made so far, and may cause you to feel that.
The more you support your body, the easier it will be to unload the toxins. These are what makes you feel bad.

The next bottle after you send in your new sample will take care of correcting more of the errors stuck in your system, slowly starting to clean up the chaos that has happened over the years in the body.

You can go slower, of course, but it will take you longer to get through. So everyone is free to as one pleases.

GettingHealthy, yes, the mail in Germany takes one day across the country. So they can send their samples in later. This is the reason HG suggested to us when we started to mail off the new samples right away. It has no influence on what is happening in the two intervening weeks. The still existing errors remain in the system until the new "messages" come in the next bottle.
Of course the corrections will continue to work not just for the two weeks, but for all time to come.

We just got ours that took exactly two weeks from Germany to Seattle. I will not wait as long in between before sending ours off, because I do not like the long breaks. Every bottle brings more changes and the sooner the better.

But it is important that you support your detox organs - even if just rubbing some Renelix on the kidneys or doing a castor oil pack around the whole middle back and front to support liver, gallbladder and kidneys. I am sure everyone knows how to do a castor oil pack -- nice and warm - and you can leave it on covered with seran wrap all night. Warm it up before you do it. It is really very comforting.

The errors that are corrected with your present bottle are already established, the switch has been turned in the right direction, and it will stay there. The corrected errors will never show up again in AI testing. They are fixed.
There may be other errors in form of chemical blockages that affect how you feel. Often it is not one pure error that causes the malfunction, but a combination of several. One error causing another error.

What is not corrected yet will be corrected in the forthcoming drops, enough for the body to be able to handle and not more. All remaining errors are corrected in the bottles to come.

If you do not feel too chipper, maybe if you reduce the number of drops will help.

Everyone will benefit by reading some of the thread because so many questions have been answered already. We are all busy working and taking care of our family.

I am busy making room for the sprouting spring bulbs!

Take care. Had two grandchildren doing wheel barrels around me trying to get my attention away from here!
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
I understand the biotensor is in the here and now and yet everyday (several times a day) when I use it to test my current bottle of AI, it says "no."

Enjoy planting your bulbs as I shovel snow!

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Do you check to see if your regulation is open before you test things?
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

How do I check to see if my regulation is open before I test things? Please tell me.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Say..."my regulation is open" and see if it is yes...

Say...this is a yes...this is a understand which direction yes is today...sometimes it switches.

gotta always do some standard checks for regulation open before testing products...

also...some tap meridians each day...a good practice.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Lightparfait, Thanks. I do this once in while, but should do it more often.

I am testing today that my regulation is open, but it still says "no" to allergie-immun. I find that strange as I take very few supplements-magnesium and seizure meds and vitamin D.

I'll be patient and see what happens tomorrow.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

If you are tapping and clearing and are in a neutral state...
then it may very well not be good for you right now!

this happened to me when I was detoxing. If I recall, it was almost two months after I received the drops that I actually started...I was still eliminating the mercury load from removing the amalgams at the time.

Candida was also being eliminated in large amounts then too.

Also I sometimes test that I have enough already in me at the time of testing, and my body does not want more of a dose...I test later, and it either says yes...or the next day I test and all is good for the full dose.

Find out what your priority is and what is blocked...and work on that first.

[ 02-10-2010, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Tapping is good, but it may last only minutes, depending on what causes the blocked regulation.

You can also test your regulation, whether open or blocked, by having both feet on the ground and tensor, which will make the tensor move into one direction; then cross your feet (feet on the ground) and tensor, the tensor will then move into the other direction.
If it happens this way, your regulation is open.

If the tensor moves in the same direction, in regular or crossed position of the feet (always feet touching the floor), your regulation is blocked.

Hold your (current) drops or stick them in your pocket, and if you have not taken them shortly before you test, most likely when now doing the straight-and-crossed-over-feet tensor test, your tensor will be moving in one direction and then the other direction (the yes direction and the no direction) indicating that your regulation is now open.

If you are still blocked and the tensor is not changing directions, take a toxin vial (metal vial) in your hand and do the same straight-and-crossed-feet testing. If you get the tensor moving in both (yes and no) directions, that means that you opened your regulation with the toxic metal vial. That means that the metal frequency in the vial resonates with the metal frequency in your body. And that means that the metal is blocking your regulation and that you are heavy metal toxic and probably shuttling them around.

Then you keep that toxic metal vial,which just opened your regulation, in your pocket and look around for a remedy or treatment aid that will reverse the last "yes" into a "no" (chlorella, garlic, any metal detoxer).
That will tell you what would work best right now to assist the metal detox and to keep your regulation open.

The moment you do not feel right while on the drops, most likely you are in blocked regulation and you should search for something to unblock you. It is not the drops causing it.

I am convinced that the drops will never block you. They are prepared specifically to help you to eventually staying with open regulation and not suffering anymore from dysregulations.

So whatever is happening due to the drops can be any toxin on the move (metal, chemical, pesticide) or your body signaling that it needs help to clear toxins by adding electrolytes, minerals, liquids, etc, or an herbal of some sort.

If you are mineral deficient, you are "hurting" and not feeling good. The drops may make you feel tired because your body is very busy adjusting. But if you feel really miserable, get support for clearing the toxins out.

Stopping the drops does not accomplish much. The body needs the 14 day imprint/reminder. Too tired - take a drop or two less x 3.

Remember that energetic testing with tensor or any other means is difficult if you are mineral deficient or electrolyte deficient. Take a few sips of water with a bit of sole in it to give the body something to "electrify" with - to turn on the lights!

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Great details Gigi!

I have found from time to time my thyroid is causing a block. Usually I feel it is my immune system attacking it...or possibly just a regulation trying to happen? Any suggestions to clear this block or to understand this more?

thanks lp
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
can we fly with the drops in our suitcase? will they be safe?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Yes...they are not hurt by scans.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, curious to know before I put my thinking cap on --
what makes you determine that your thyroid is causing a blockage?

I do not believe, neither does DK or HG that the body will attack itself.

Will get back later - having a busy day!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lee - sorry I didn't respond to your question - have been away from the computer but it looks like it was answered.

I do not test my drops - I just take them because they are designed for me. Not the same to me as testing for a detox agent or a supplement.

Also, if you are using a biotensor any subconscious thought can influence it. You really have to stay neutral.

This morning I was completely blocked, regulation not open. Stuck a heavy metals vial in my jeans, same, put some chlorella in my pocket - open.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Nana...never thought of doing that to open....thanks.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Thank you to all who replied to my question.

After trying the method you all suggested my regulation is open. So, I think I will keep testing AI and give it a week. If it still tests negative and I cannot find the cause I will take it and use any appropriate binders, detox that I need.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lee, there is such a thing as being switched and double switched in energetic testing, often related to emotional conflicts and only God knows what else: You could be standing in the wrong place of your home, blocked by geopathic stress influenced or EMF exposed while you are trying to test. Avoiding your drops is definitely not the thing to do. Consider writing to HG and tell him about it. Maybe he has a suggestion. Or trust his drops.

You need to rule out these possibilities. Don't use the thick rubber tennis shoes when testing. Be sure you are not reacting to any ofyour clothing or something in your immediate environment. Check your energy field and don't let anyone be present who thinks you are doing woodoo! Turn off all media and computers.

All of this happens all the time to people. It happened to me. I had to move my bed.

Which reminds me: When I still was very sick in 1998 and got to Dr.K's office, practically handcarried by my husband, he could not open my regulation for all the tee in china! He got desperate - he could not find anything among the thousands of items that would open my regulation.
(today we have other tricks to do it, not back then). Then with my husband sitting there,he said
"take your clothes off", one by one." I did. The first one that opened my regulation was a pure silk blouse.... but blocked up again. I got to my bra - and I was allergic to it - it blocked me dead. He called for Theresa "don't we have a sheet for G?". She brought the sheet, wrapped me up; we drove home, with his instructions to come back that same evening with several sets of complete clothing and bras to test. I did, and he pulled what I could wear for the next few weeks until my body gave up some of the intense sensitivities... which he expected to happen. He could then test me, my body told the truth, and that was the beginning of my Lyme healing journey more than s decade ago. My boys love this story --- knowing full well that their mom is nuts anyway! I am, but it works.

Take care.

LP - mailed.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi everyone --

I've been reading you all and just not checking in with a post. i have not gotten a biotensor yet, because I'm keeping it all simple by just taking the drops. Suspending my urge to call everything "Lyme" seems to have been the first step for me.

I can report that I've intuitively followed a path that Lightparfait so eloquently suggested:
Enjoy the emotional freedom from taking any pills or capsules...and just eat good food, hydrate, take a few drops for two weeks, and enjoy life with a minimal protocol for awhile.
I am 14 days past round 2 and waiting for the mailman to bring me round 3. As the two weeks off come to an end, I have been getting a lot of spine pain, foggier thinking with twinges of depressed feelings. The worst of it seems to be sitting in tension in my shoulders and neck.

Despite it all, we are taking a three day trip soon to Philadelphia to see the Barnes Foundation (art museum) and visit Hershey for my little one's report on Milton Hershey. I'm looking forward to it although my body is tired. This was not even a possibility for most of the past four years.

My appetite is wacky right now. Did anyone experience loss of appetite in the morning and ravenous feelings at bedtime? I'm wanting sugar... something I usually don't want.

I wish you all well and better than well. You all share such wisdom! Most of all, I want to share that AI is giving me hope for change that is good.

Best regards,

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Thanks for sharing your experiences. Glad your getting out, and enjoying life with your kids!

I relate to your comment:
"Suspending my urge to call everything "Lyme" seems to have been the first step for me."

For me, being able to say and believe that was the beginning of emotional healing and the opening to move toward the right paths for the rest of my physical healing. I was stuck in "lymeland"!

I have had many of those feeling you share especially the neck shoulder tension, twinges and odd pains that some and go...but the pains I got with the drops did not come back. The pains in the bones came as memories of past pains, and were gone in a few days.

The neck and upper shoulder muscle pains took many they got progressively less in frequency until I have not had them since Dec. now. I believe those where toxin related fibromyalgia for me. As well as lack of amino acids and minerals!

A few months before I started AI, my ND tested me for an amino acid liquid product, that helped the fibro pain. I took it for a month daily and had no fibro pain during that time. Stopped the product to do AI and the pains came back quickly with stress. So I do think I was not absorbing my nutrients properly. Now I'm absorbing more!

I am still detoxing...but feel a big burden is lifted. I don't think I am out of the woods yet!

My daughter had loss of appetite, and became a vegetarian for about 6 months while on the drops.
On a recent visit to see her at college, I noticed she ordered meat! She said her taste has changed back to normal now! She is still on the drops.

I have never had a large appetite, and do not crave sweets or food in general. I have to remind myself to eat at good intervals and just make it habit. Because of previous food intolerances, and my families odd tastes, I have lost the joy of cooking over the years. for me, food has been medicine...must eat and make something nutritious, simple and quick. Not easy when your mind is in a fog, and cannot even think at the grocery store of what to put in the cart!

That is from years of making 4 dinners for the 4 of different times of the afternoon/evening. And driving my kids to events and keeping schedules.

Now I do not have that burden, but changing habits is hard. One of my new goals is to start choosing new recipes, at least one new one a week to add some spice to my life! That will be a big break through for me. To change my mindset from working on therapies to recipes!

Have fun going to Philly...if you can get there with all that snow...we had a total of 18 inches...and now I have 3 ft. drifts to take care of this morning!

blessings, lp
Posted by map1131 (Member # 2022) on :
Gigi, that blocked event post is too cool. It is truly amazing how everything in our lives effect this amazing machine called "our bodies".

One man's treasure is another man's enemy.

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

You mentioned taking some water with a bit of sole in it to electify the body. Are you talking fish (sole) or am I missing something?

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
hi Lee,

Sole is simply a solution of salt made with real salt (Real salt is a brand, sold at whole foods) or himalyan crystal salt. it has minerals in it.

you put a few scoops or rocks in a glass jar fill with water and let it sit under the sun.

take a spoonful off in the morning and mix it in with your water..

i also put some in my gallon jug that i drink through the day.

this with fish oil (good fats) and amino acids is a great combo for detoxification...

good luck, runner
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Just wondering, does anyone here know why micellized vit a is not recommended?

Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :

I too started to heal once I came to terms with Lyme and lost interest in putting names on my illness and I suppose I lost my fear of it once I gained confidence in my body's ability to heal itself.

I heard someone say that we have to love our illness to heal from it and that sounded really weird, but now I understand the sentiment better. I have lost all the anger and grief that lifelong illness brought me and for the first time was able to comply with my regimes without it being obsessive, if you know what I mean, and having to talk about it to everyone. I had done some protocols and diets before but they were done with a sort of determination not in the relaxed way i function now. It took until I gave up I think to get here. I think that losing the tension has been vital in my healing and now I am expecting it to be speeded up with AI.

So I got my results and they say I will need 3 rounds. Well that is way out in my estimation and according to the lab tests I have just had done which show me to be really sick indeed with mercury lead and arsenic poisoning which is to be expected when I was first poisoned at 6 months. The tests do show however that I am not detoxing which is correct.

Blockages in spine

7 cervical
10-12 thoracic
4,5 lumbar

So I am about to send for the drops.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, it was decided by the group of doctors that Vit A Fish liver based works better. Referring to Think Tank, Doctors/Mothers, dealing with Autism. Same problems as most other chronic disease.

Reading what Mati said, I do not love and will not ever love any disease, but I try to be thankful for what I have received and am receiving every day, be it ever so small.
Saying thank you in a real way and getting away from being self-centered goes a long way toward wellness.

When going to bed at night, I try to think and thank and talk about for five things that were a gift today!

Take care.

[ 02-12-2010, 05:09 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Some I find true -- some I just don't know and need to learn more. But thought it interesting for some of you.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, for Vit A info. There are some great minds in that Think Tank. AD is also part of it on a regular basis several times a year and in direct practice.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks Gigi...that is wealth of information.
I am on vit. a and i know how important it is.

Mati, what are you using for the arsenic?

I have the same issues.

Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I'm on my wait for Round 9 drops to arrive.

From another thread, I decided to try taking activated charcoal, as I've still been having bad spells this far into the AI program.

I have been taking chlorella throughout.

Anyway, I started taking 1 gm or more of activated charcoal at least twice a day, 2 hours after eating.

This has really, really helped my fatigue level and my ability to think!


Cass A
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I just had my hair cut at a new salon and had a real bad MCS reaction to the shampoo they were using. I'm still reeling from it.

Will this derail my AI progress? Have I re-polluted myself in a damaging fashion that I should report to Mr. Grundmeyer?

Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I just had my hair cut at a new salon and had a real bad MCS reaction to the shampoo they were using. I'm still reeling from it.

Will this derail my AI progress? Have I re-polluted myself in a damaging fashion that I should report to Mr. Grundmeyer?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I don't think it will derail your progress. Maybe it will just show up as a chemical that your body needs to recognize.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, ditto Nana. And it may fall in the range of a perfectly natural biological substance that your body has been misreading. HG found a few of these in my "Information system". It could be a natural substance of any kind.

The hair products are the worst, because warmth of water opens the pores and in filter the undesirable chemicals. Then following you apply a load of EMF with the hairdryer and the body is in stress mode.

But please, do believe that it will pass. I am having another million dollar day! If it weren't for my husband who is dealing with a little more of a load, I would be on cloud nine.

Don't worry about reporting to HG. He just hasn't gotten to the depth yet to find all the errors. As he says, an apple may look beautiful until you get deeper into it to find the worm!
Layer by layer by layer. Patience.

I test for heavy metals every hour of the day and night and so does my husband. We are also both testing for dental left over - the mustard gas type toxin produced by root canals remaining in various tissue. I use Biologo Detox Dental to catch it. I had no idea there could be that much left in hiding. But we are just a couple of old folk....

Take care all.

Take care.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I'm in the middle of round 8 & doing very poorly. ALS symptoms getting worse. I seem to be progressing rapidly.

Constipation & angular cheilitis are back. I think I am reacting to a food, but can't pinpoint it.

Having panic attacks every day. I am very afraid.

Praying relief will come soon.
Posted by Susie Jo (Member # 2480) on :
hi everyone

i still haven't gotten my second round of drops. it has been over three weeks, i wrote to a-i last week but no response. i remember several of you mentioned it could take a long time..

but the good news: i walked a couple ofl telephone-pole lengths today and yesterday up a fairly steep hill wow!!!!!!


zombie i read your post, i'm sorry things are haywire and i hope someone can give you some helo...
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Zombie, what are you taking to catch the fallout?
Metals, fungi, mold? Beta Glucan, Florastor, charcoal, Supernatant, Microsilica, Chlorella, Pectin, anything to regulate bathroom, NDF. Are you seeing someone who can test you with ART or other energetic testing? Have you learned to use a tensor to identify what you are missing or should be doing. Liver and kidney support (redroot, Livit 1 or 2 or both Ayush, Unda 243, Renelix.
You probably need some support in that direction. I know I would feel like lost in the desert if I didn't do testing.

I am certain that you are bringing down a lot of neurotoxins - every kind - and where are they going to go if you do not help. Colonics.

Have you had pharma drug treatment for parasites before you started AI? Sometimes they won't budge unless you bring in some heavier amunition.
I don't know where you started from and what you have done prior to AI.

It's an absolute given that you are dumping toxins - your flairup and mood vouch for that.

Consider going through this which has a million reminders what you can use to help yourself. I have heard about this for years, but I still go back and run through everything if I get stuck someplace. Getting stuck in detox is very real, but you need to find some solutions to help you move on and start feeling better.

Cheer up - the hurdles are there to navigate around them. Doing it all the time in my house.

If you can't test yourself - please make an effort to find someone. Toronto is a huge place - and they are there. With testing you will be able to identify the hangup and do not need throwing darts in the dark.....

Any naturopathic clinic in today's world has someone who can do hands-on energetic testing without a machine.

Good luck to you, Zombie.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Susie, Mail within Germany takes one day from one city to the next. Mail from Germany city to Seattle one way takes 2 weeks. Add in another two weeks and give HG a day or two, because they handle a lot of these every day, four weeks from your house and back to your house for the new bottle is normal. Sometimes if lucky, it is a quicker turnaround.

They do not have the staff to answer e-mails unless it is really an important matter. We need to understand this.

Hope you keep walking further and further!

Best to you.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I had a quick question....I am on my break from AI after round 1 and had emailed HG asking what I can take in regards to supplements during my "waiting period" and he said "anything that makes you feel good". So I decided to take 1 core tablet. I have been holding off starting the KPU treatment that Dr. K had told me to start because many of you had pointed out that my body may not recognize some of the metals and other things until after a round or two.
However, now I'm having pains in my wrist and kidneys....I'm assuming this is metal moving. I have now taken chlorella and microsilica as well as the rehydration cocktail (far enough apart I hope to not have the microsilica absorb the minerals), but was wondering if this is enough?
I hate to have the metals mobilize and then lodge into my joints!
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :

I always take my own unscented shampoo and styling products when I get my hair cut.

I suppose a high-end trendy salon would not like that, but all the stylists I've gone to have been more than willing to use what I've brought along.

Sometimes I also ask them to wrap a paper around my neck before they put the cape on me. I've been MCS'ed before from the residue of perfume or stinky oils from someone else's neck!

Take care,
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
GettinHealthy, since you have access to Dr. K. and if not to him, to his assistants, ask them for support, especially if you are taking Core now. They know the protocol that you have received and should be able to readily help you with the right thing. Not knowing exactly what you are on, it is difficult, because any of the agents should fit your protocol. With AI, there is sometimes no big movement happening and sometimes it feels like being wiped out. The best is to learn to flow with it, supporting the organs as good as you can.

Is he giving you UNDA 243, one of his liver and kidney helpers? I use it whenever it tests for me.

Have you learned to test yourself? It really helps!

I doubt that you are moving metals at this early stage, but who knows. Just clearing out some of the accumulated toxins can be bothersome. Definitely support hurting kidney. Do castor oil packs.

Consider going through the Klinghardt/Derksen presentation I linked for Zombie. You have everything right there to select from. You should have seen us struggle some years ago when simply nothing was publicized - at least nothing that I would want to use. I used to spend hours searching and trying to remember with my damaged brain.

I always took a tape recorder to Dr. K. and I had the information then available during the weeks or months I could not see him. I listened to it day and night and it kept me going remembering why this and why that and the whole approach. I had a shoebox full of tapes by the time I conquered Lyme, etc.

Weak muscles in arms and legs is very normal for me some days during AI, especially in the early months. I would definitely address the kidney, if that is the problem, with what they recommend to add to your protocol.

Wish I could help, but don't know enough about you. I am sure and hope that the little ones have an easier time!

Take care.

Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
OK now I am getting worried.

I asked AI to suggest a therapist in Berlin who could test me with ART during the treatment and they said I do not need one. But I have serious problems with detox - my recent lab tests show this - I am very highly toxic with mercury lead and arsenic.

So AI do not have enough staff to give adequate advice and support if we run into problems. They said if I have any more questions to ask GiGi.

This all sounds a bit too risky.
Posted by Susie Jo (Member # 2480) on :
thanks for the 'there there' gigi.

this is the longest time in many years that i have not been fussing about what bug-killing protocol to be on and though i was nervous at first i can see now that detoxing is absolutely prime.

mati and zombie: i have been bit by bit figuring out how to take more binders and at the right time, anything new to my schedule can be so stressful, brain just can't handle info well and i forget. i do have a load of merc, lead and thallium.

it is valentine's day and what came to me this morning, after a rotten sleep, much exhaustion and pain and the joy and hope from yesterday's walk long gone, are the great words in an annoying old song. (this dates me!) 'love the one you're with'. i take that to mean me, my tired body, my often crazed and confused thinking, the years and years of it all, and also all the wonders and marvels of being me here in this body, the miracle of even being here on this planet, all of it is my life, my challenges, and i can love it all, embrace it all tenderly!

xoxox to you all
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Mati, If you read the AI website, they clearly state that for many people a doctor or ND is necessary. They even post the list practitioners who use AI in their practice. If you find one that understands AI and understands toxicity problems, you will be able to get the support you need. Since you are in Germany right now, it should be easy to find someone from that list.

I cannot do it by myself either - I get help from doctors and therapist who understand what is involved in chronic problems.

Please take a look at that list - on home page of AI.

Good luck.
Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
Thanks GiGi I already looked but there is no-one in Berlin on the list
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi all -- I am back from a wonderful three days in Philly/Hershey, PA. A wonderful time was had by all!

Gigi, Nano and Nutmeg -- thank you for your replies about the MCS/hair salon situation. I will carry my own products in from now on!

While I had a terrific time away, I am in a lot of pain all the time now. My neck/shoulders/joints/ribs all hurt and my spirits/thinking are no longer clear. My skin and nails and hair have become really dry with skin feeling sore too. Using any moisturizer just makes things worse and I turn very red.

LP, I remember you said your shoulders/neck were pretty sore for a while in the beginning too.

So what is this flare? Hmmm..... trying to be patient but I'm weepy and can't think of any practitioner who I'd turn to....

"Keep on swimming; keep on swimming."

Still waiting for my third round to arrive.


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, what you experience is very normal when your body goes into detox mode. That is where you are now. Some of the most needed corrections have been made with bottle #1 and you now are noticing - what you look at as a negative - that some of the accumulation of toxic substances is ready to leave.

I can tell you for certain that if nothing is happening when you take the drops - or at least you start feeling tired and weepy or whatever - then things wouldn't be working. They are working in you right now!!!!! All you need to do now is support your organs with whatever you have learned to do. Skin dry - be sure you take some of the different oils - fish oil, flax oil, eve primrose oil - I have all of them and take whatever my biotensor suggests for me to take that day. It varies. One of them, my husband never wants (by tensor).

Drink broths, take liquidy foods to get a lot of liquid into you, but always with some food, make sure you get a good mineral mix.

If your skin is very reactive, make doubly sure that your organs - liver and kidney - are working. There are many herbal products that work great. The best one for my husband has always been Ayush Livit 2. I toss in some Unda 243, if tensor agrees. Drink teas. Beta Glucan always tests for my husband to help the good flora. I put it in Kefir, because he does not like fermented milks. With Beta Glucan and some good quality fruit syrup he loves it.

Support, support with all the good things that we have available.

Go - through this website and pick out anything that rings a bell with you -. These protocols have been put together by the best doctors in the country and the mothers of autistics who form the Think Tank. Some of the parents involved are researchers/scientists who go to the end of the world to find the best to help their children.

Make use of this -- none of this info was ever so readily available when I went through my Lyme ordeal -- use what has been learned over the years. It is there for you to study and possibly finding a few items that will help you get through this detox phase and flushing out the remaining neurotoxins. It is these neurotoxins that make you feel ill - that you need to get a handle on.

Learn to use a biotensor! I go over my various trays of bottles and know very quickly what my body would like to have right now.

Emotional - weepy. Write down what you feel at that moment or day, read it some hours later, then throw it in the paper trash. You are unloading - thank God - . Don't worry much about it. Let it go. I could have built a bonfire with all the sheets of paper I filled. Be glad things are happening. We carry many unresolved little and bigger conflicts with us. It is a good thing to let them surface, and even ifyou just need to cry, let it happen and let go.

I have lived through war and bombings and persecution and Gestapo - I am sure it was one of the reasons I ended up with a mouthful of root canals that opened the door for Lyme and company.

Get some lymphatic drainage - I have described it many times - it is a treatment that you barely feel. Powerful massages are not the right thing to do. You need to gradually get rid of the toxins, slowly; that is the best way to protect your eliminating organs.

Moisterizers contain parabens and all sorts of things - chemicals that will show up in the future AI testing and will be corrected as you go along. Until then, don't use anything -- read the labels.

Starving for breakfast and need to get going. My husband is walking this morning without any medication. Praying desperately for more of the same for the rest of the day, tomorrow .......

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks Gigi,

for posting this site with the protocols for chronic illness and autism. And all the support products!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Heading to WA tomorrow for DK conference, an appointment and some fun.

Been laid up with a concussion for a few days. Not sure if I will have my computer with me on trip - if you don't hear from me for awhile, I'll check in when I'm back.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Have a great time...and share you knowledge!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Nana -- a concussion?! Did you take a fall?

Have a good time with the conference and share all the pearls of wisdom.

In the meantime, take care of that head.

Are you alright?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Mati, you may want to check this site. They have several practitioners in Berlin. It is possible that someone is familiar with AI. All of them I am sure are familiar with heavy metals and infections.

I ran into these doctors and company by accident over a year ago -- really because I always have my antenna out for things that I hope to work.

We are now using these micronized chlorella products since we are really in the detox phase of serious metal poisoning. It makes my life treating my husband much less difficult and I am excited to have found these. For us, it is either now or never! Father Time is moving on.

There is a lot of great information for anyone interested. I have known the doctor/researcher/designer of these products for many years and I love their gentleness.

Take care.

P.S. I bought the book a year ago, but so far it is only in German. It is the best and I hope it will be translated soon. I started to read it and while at it, I recognized some of the work and realized that I knew, not the writer, but the scientist and developer of this product as an American now living and brainstorming in Europe.
Such a small world - this world of detox!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Thanks wiser - yes, I fell and banged my head on the ice. I'm okay.
Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
Thanks GiGi it looks good. I have sent them a message to see what they suggest - this may be the way forward for me.

Posted by pamoisondelune (Member # 11846) on :
Some people posted about eyebags, eye puffiness, eye drainage.

I've always said that my eyebags would be the last symptom to go, and when the eyebags are gone, i would be cured.

Well, after 5 1/2 years of treatment, i still have the eyebags.

Does this AI treatment finish the eyebags? It's hard for me to believe,; i've never had allergies , except rarely an allergic reaction to something in great excess.

I can't take chlorella i think--- it feeds my gut candida horribly.

I could never do self-testing, muscle -testing, i'm too clumsy or not agile.

I'm not getting big herxes from rifing, does that mean i don't need extra help detoxing?

Never mind, don't answer, i'm just thinking aloud.

----Polly Polygonum
---or Nilufar Knotweed
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Pamois, you will find out if you try. Nobody can give you an answer to this. Chlorella does not feed candida. Heavy metals cause the body to produce a ton of it and abx accelerates it even more.

If you are referring to Biologo, micronized chlorella is a totally different substance and does not compare with any chlorella, especially chlorella that is not sound cracked. There are many different chlorellas.

It is best to read up on all these subjects. The information is widely available.

When I hear "I can't" - I think of that storybook my kids had of the 'little engine that could' - soooo long ago.

Take care.
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
OK, this is a strange observance and I dont know if it is A1 relayted or not. My left eye feels like I have been inhaling Vick's vapor rub for about a week or so, it is a coolong sensation and a energizing sensation,it will happem on and off througout the day.I think it may be conneted becausee that is the eye that will water and hurt whem I take the drops. It has been about 2 weeks since I finished round 7 and I have not used anything new or differerent as in soaps or such.Has any one else expierenced this ?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Detoxing through the eye is very common. Obviously something that you stored in that region when the body could not deal with it. Who knows if the odor is a memory connected to one or more chemicals in something you used. The body starts this detoxification with the first round, but of course more and more as you use more drops. It continues in between bottles and will continue a long time after you will be finished with the drops. The body is doing things it should have been doing all along, but didn't, and eventually the combined load was too much and we got ill.

It's sort of a nuisance and some is not comfortble, isn't it? But I am glad all this stuff is now leaving -- the sooner the better.
Take care.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Is anyone truly better due to this therapy now? I'm reading eagerly, but I'm not seeing much. [Frown]
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
seek, i am better chemical and metal wise. this is such a long process and doing ai opens a can of worms so to speak, so all the really bad stuff we have been exposed to surfaces and has to be dealt with. metal detox can take a long time..
i have really had a hard time with several exposures and i can tell i am better..but i have had to stay upon the detox steadily.
hope this helps. runner
Posted by kissis (Member # 4165) on :
I giess I did not explain this well, it's not a odor that I smell bot a cooling amd energizing feelimg coming from my left ete, such as just eating a altoid.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Seek..I am much will have to go back and see my monthly posts on what has improved.

But I am still detoxing and more is always being revealed.

Kisis: My eyes are very oozy in between this 9th round. I haven't had that particular sensation you describe but have had so many other odd eye things...that Im certain are detox related.

My new symptoms: (or old symptoms recurring)

I also am now experiencing hypothyroid symptoms.

I am not sure if this is AI..allowing my body to open those pathways. OR is this a reaction to pre-menopause and hormonal changes.

I just had blood work (waiting for results), and saw my ND who with ART has found my thyroid not producing adequate hormones. She put me on a low dose of iodine as my body tested well for it with the CORE minerals for KPU. She suggested blood work to check TSH T4 and T3 again. In past years of lyme treatment all has been normal there.

This was last week, and I have tested myself each day for the Iodine with the tensor...and find that I am only testing positive for it every other or every third day. So i have not taken it consistently. But feel confident with the tensor. I have heard conflicting things about iodine for the thyroid.

Also..I do not want to add too many things that will disrupt my regulation unnaturally while taking the AI. so I am going with my tensor.

Symptoms that grabbed my attention...major hair clumps falling out. waking each night at 1:30, (rather than 3:30 am), more weight gain and fluid in extremities for no reason, body temp dropped...very chilly now, loss of muscle, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, plus every other symptom of hypo thyroid to some degree.

Also when I tested myself..with the thyroid was not producing adequate that was enough for me to be alerted to seek my ND for confirmation and my regular GP for blood work.

I was going to wait to post this until I knew the results or felt more confident what this was. But decided to post today.

About 10 years ago I did have a goiter in my thyroid...that my GP found by accident. I was sent to a specialist who watched it and my symptoms for a year. My thyroid went from hyperthyorid to hypothyroid to normal in a three month period. Confirmed with bloodd work.

I remember the symptoms and feelings of each! I never was given any meds for this, than the endocrinologist took a conservative approach with me. It resolved on its own. They called it an autoimmune reaction, thyroiditis, and said years later it could return as permanent hypothyroid. My blood work has been normal since it cleared.

So I kind of forgot about all this, but have been aware this could happen in time.

But I do know that all my strange symptoms from various illness etc, have returned while regulating on the drops....only to resolve!

So I am hoping this is the case with this. I have a strong feeling that the pathways are opening for my hypothalamus and pituitary to finally send the correct signals to the thyroid. We will see.

Could this whole mess been caused by those pesky environmental toxins, messing with my gut and absorption of the good food and nutrients my body actually needed and replaced with toxic waste?

I am so curious and excited to see what I am left to deal with after done with AI.

For some reason, I don't feel my thyroid is the root...I feel the root lies deeper, and the thyroid symptoms are only an indicator of deeper dysregulations...just my feelings. Especially as all my symptoms pre lyme have come and gone...over time...

You know I do still have autoimmune condition...and I think I could be finally getting to the root of all these strange interwoven conditions. I would just like to kick them out of my "living home" forever!

so I don't want to mess anything up if this is the case...but will do the prudent thing when I get the information to make decisions about next steps.

I have been watching posts now on the thyroid, and the hpa axis...(hypothalamus, Pituitary, Adremal, Thyroid) lots of people on lymenet have issues with this. But only focused on the thyroid organ...not the root. I am learning.

[ 02-19-2010, 08:16 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by Susie Jo (Member # 2480) on :
hi everyone. i have been having painful heart palps and shortness of breath. they get really overwhelming starting around 11 am, makes resting so hard, they are still so strong now at 1:30 and i can barely be verticle, they weaken my whoe body. i've had them for years, but they got so much worse this fall though in the past month they weren't as regular or exhasuting. the past four days have been so intense, lightening up only around 9 pm.

any ideas? i'm doing a home-made hydration cocktail, mag, some minerals. pectin or clay or another binder most nights.

local pcp has me on a monitor starting today for 14 days but i doubt that will tell anything.

i thought it miht be thyroid meds, 75 mg of compounded natural. took less today and willdo the same tomorrw.

Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Just got my 10th bottle of drops in the mail. The analysis says they found 9 chemical substances, 4 biological substances, and 11 energetic blockades this time. Where will it end?!? LOL!

Guessing that I probably have a lot more in me because I have been sick for a long time (30+ yrs) and have carried a lot of extra weight for most of my life. I've made some diet changes and am losing some of that now, so probably extra toxins are being released from the fat cells.

Thankful to be rid of all that has gone before!

Question about starting this next round of drops I just received...

I have a pretty bad cold/bronchitis this week. How long should I wait before starting the new drops?

I don't want to waste too much time getting started, but...the drops almost always kick in nose and throat symptoms, so I'm not anxious to add any additional challenges at the moment.

Thanks and good luck to everyone.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
i have a question, too. i received my second round of drops with the inserted 2 page analysis. do we receive another computer report with more specifics?

nutmeg mentioned the analysis finding 9 chem substances, 4 bio substances... my insert with 2nd round drops said, "your body has begun to regulate itself, many incorrect patterns have been corrected...still a few disruptions your body is in the middle of its regulation phase..."

i guess i assumed i'd get something more specific via email. there were no specifics in the insert. please advise.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
The second round's insert for me reads:

"Our analysis reveals the following incorrect information:
____chemical substances
____energetic blockages

Later on rounds 5 & 6 only, it added a third item
__biological substances.

NOw im back to only chemical and energetic blocks

Check again to see if it is there near the bottom of the first of the two page inserts....otherwise you may want to ask them...or maybe they have a new format.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Nutmet, it is very possible that this cold that you feel is the reaction of the drops. I had this for two weeks, caughed up a lot of things, etc. and it definitely was not a cold but a clearance for two weeks. Then it stopped for a few days, and more followed. A lot of the chemicals affect us this way. My son has the same ongoing. So make sure that you do not stop drops for the wrong reasons. Maybe take less 3x a day, but still send the "reminder" to the System.

Just a thought.

The analysis changes from one test to the next text. Sometimes there are biological blockages and sometimes there are none. That does not mean they forgot. It must means at whatever layer they tested, only certain things showed. That may be totally different the next. I have seen a category in round 10 that I had never seen before.
It really doesn't matter what they are, except that they are errors in the system - not referring to specific chemicals or specific substances. They are only testing patterns and frequencies.

Aliyalex, if they didn't give you any numbers, I would write or call them to check. Remember if doing other treatments, the body may not reveal anything. It happened to a few people who were doing abx, etc. They had to wait a few months and test again later. But maybe it's just an error and someone forgot to enter the numbers.

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
ok...just got my results left on my phone...they are mailing them to me. But the mesage said they are out of range and are running some deeper tests with my blood...I did not get any this is driving me crazy.

But I don't have any reference ranges...they were done at labcorp...can anyone help me understand these?

THS: 1.99
T4: 8.2
T3: 108

and an out of range ANA
(they left no numbers on the phone.)

If anyone understands the numbers...please chime in!

The unknowns of the Lupus has always been my scary problem. In the past specialists wanted to put me on meds...and I refused as I did not like the side effects...just thought I would live with the lupus diagnosis and try to heal naturally...

I am certain my GP will recommend me to see another lupus specialist...and all they offer is drugs! I could use some support!

Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Originally posted by GiGi:
Nutmet, it is very possible that this cold that you feel is the reaction of the drops. I had this for two weeks, caughed up a lot of things, etc. and it definitely was not a cold but a clearance for two weeks. Then it stopped for a few days, and more followed. A lot of the chemicals affect us this way. My son has the same ongoing. So make sure that you do not stop drops for the wrong reasons. Maybe take less 3x a day, but still send the "reminder" to the System.

Hi GiGi,

Well, I haven't started the new drops yet, so it's been 3 weeks since I took my last round. The current cold/bronchitis symptoms started 2+ weeks after I finished them.

I don't discount that this could be from the AI drops. I have had many clearings during and between previous rounds, but nothing this severe and prolonged...6 days now.

I have my normal mucous-producing chronic cough (about 12 years now), then during or between rounds I often get a sore throat or tonsils, tonsil stones, backed-up lymph in the neck, extra congestion, stuff like that.

This seems like a full-blown head and chest cold to me, with more severe & productive cough, nasal and sinus congestion, sneezing, feeling fuzz-headed, slight fever one night. It started by me feeling more fatigued for a couple of days, then I developed a dry cough, then full-blown symptoms.

So, I'm still thinking I should wait until the cold/bronchitis is gone before I start the new drops. Or do you think I should start them sooner?

Just trying to avoid adding more symptoms, since I've been homebound, feeling rotten, for 4 days now.

Thank you!
Posted by Lauralyme (Member # 15021) on :
I'm trying to sign up online. Is there something wrong with the website? There is an orange bar on the left hand side obscuring the text. Anyone else have difficulty? What's the best way to order a kit?
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi -- Oh my goodness, my thank you post never showed up on page 24 for your helpful response!

Thank you! Thank you! I AM definitely detoxing something large and unpleasant. LOL. I've been out-of-it and in pain, but it has lessened today for the first time in about three weeks. Perhaps the Epsom Salt/Baking Soda bath I took last night helped.

I'm going to start taking Fish Oils, Black Current Seed Oil, Flax and Magnesium again. I've been off of everything except AI and I feel that I need to add those back into my diet.

My weight is creeping up again, something I cannot afford since I've gained 60 lbs. over the last 4 years. Why am I suddenly so hungry all the time?! No food makes me feel full.

My BioPure Electrolytes arrived in the mail today. So maybe the Rehydration Cocktail will help with the constant hunger. I also find that walking outside and moving helps me ignor the pain that sitting and lying down brings. Time for walks!

I'm glad that your husband is doing well and that you continue to feel great. Three Cheers!


Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi Lauralyme,

I have not been to the AI website recently, so I don't know if it's working right or not.

But...if you just want to send a sample in and pay for the testing and/or drops, you don't need a test kit.

The instructions are in this thread. Basically you just put some saliva on a tissue or gauze pad, wrap in a little aluminum foil to keep it moist, then put in a sealed plastic bag.

Label the bag with your name, address, and date, and mail to the lab. Sorry, I can't recall if you mail your list of major symptoms with the first sample or not.

Try doing a key word search on each page of this thread and you should find the details easily.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Please take no offense at this. I think it great to discuss the pros and cons of AI and people's experiences with it. But explaining your medical tests is probably best left to the doctor or until you get the tests in the mail.

Each lab has a slightly different range for the thyroid tests, but we do not know what previous tests you have had in the past and how these tests compare.

Blessings. Hiker53
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, am following your thyroid experience with interest. Just attended a first day at Dr. K. seminar and again it was discussed that mercury docks onto the ligand sites of hormone producing glands; one of them is the thyroid. I had my thryoid injected with Neural Therapy (only a prick) many times over the months and years in order to remind the thryoid to kick out the toxic metals.

It will take time. The metal detox can take months or years. In order for people to feel somewhat better, as he did for me, I had shortterm thyroid med help. But I never needed it again. I am detoxing now mainly lead from the long bones and matrix that had been in hiding. I am also detoxing dental toxins that had been in hiding in my cheek bones and jaw for decades. It's nice to see it go. It takes time to fully get the detox underway and you may need some support from your ND, especially if KPU is involved.

Happy detox!

Take care.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Gigi, darn. i missed the talk today. I have the thyroid issue as well . i am finding i need thyroid and iodine. (prolamine)
that makes perfect sense about metals binding to the thyroid site. and other hormones..thanks for the thought about NT on the thyroid..

lp, i hope you find the answers youre looking for, being hypo thyroid can be really tough..emotionally at least for me.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :

i have a question, too. i received my second round of drops with the inserted 2 page analysis. do we receive another computer report with more specifics?

Did your report re-list the foods, fungus, and metals with our without the check marks?

My second report had the letter you received along with what I just mentioned.

You don't receive a lengthy report again until you are finished. He just lists, chemicals, energetic blockages, biological stubstances etc., until then.

All the things that we had that were in the red, green or yellow take time to change and do that as the blockages, chemicals etc. are recognized.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Susie, I had a really extreme version of the symptoms you describe and was really slow to get them checked because I was used to having some degree of both palpitations [and arrhythmia]and shortness of breath with the illness.

As a result of my being slow to act, things became quite desperate and in the end we discovered that it WAS thyroid-related. I had been on 150 mcg thyroxine for hypothyroidism for years, but had suddenly become violently hyperthyroid and this knocked out my adrenals as well.

I was severely ill for several months and needed hydrocortisone, but am now off that and much better so far as those symptoms are concerned.

I stopped altogether for 10 days and now only take the equivalent [as T3] of 40 mcg thyroxine and am seeing the endocrinologist next week to see about experimenting with stopping even that [her idea].

Of course, your symptoms may not be caused by the same thing, but I would recommend that you ask for blood tests, particularly for thyroid, asap.

Good luck,

Posted by Susie Jo (Member # 2480) on :
hi carry,

thanks for your reply. wow, you went through such a hard time, what do you think flipped your thyroid suddenly? were you getting better from lyme at the time?

the palps just kept getting worse and worse and lasting all day, i was so weak i wound up spending yesterday afternoon in the er. came in looking so ghastly they rushed on me like i was having a heart attack. i wasn't, and all my signs were fine. i told them about lyme but that just doesn't ring a bell in the er. many hours later, blood draws etc, i still looked as ghastly and felt awful but i was perfectly ok on paper. on the discharge paper the doctor suggested we get a carbon monoxide detector.....

we didn't stay to get the thyroid results but i will call my pcp on monday and find out how they are. perhpas this is the key,

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Poor you, Susie. I went to ER with these symptoms once too because they were so extreme, so I know how horrible and frightening it can be.

Of course, I wanted to know why my thyroid should suddenly start working better after all these years on the same dose [monitored by blood tests 6 monthly], but nobody has been able to tell me...

...I wondered if a year of antibiotics had maybe wiped out a colony of spirochetes on the thyroid receptors.

I hope you are feeling better today and that you can learn something useful from your thyroid results: hope you'll let us know!

all the best,

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
You may have done this already, but be sure to have them test for thyroid antibodies, which will let you know whether or not your thyroid issue is auto-immune (Hashimoto's if it's low). I developed Hashimoto's right after I had my amalgams out (with no precautions unfortunately) and was diagnosed after the birth of my son during a routine physical. Thought I was just tired from a baby!

Anyway, Dr. K and others have told me that I should start needing less and less medication as the metals start to leave. However, it's important to know if you have the auto-immune form of thyroid disease because with this type you can switch suddenly from hyper to hypo. Also, the antibodies are a good way to check how your body is doing overall. The less the better. Another thing you may want to do if you haven't already is to check your reverse T3. This, I was told by an ND, can signify if heavy metals play a role in why your thyroid has issues. Anyway, that is just what I have learned. Hope everything is ok with you.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks gettinghealthy for this info on thyroid. mine switches from hyper to hypo but i thought it may be due to the changes in armour.
it makes total sense about it being metal related.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks Hiker...I was just hoping someone had the labcop reference range handy as I did not want to wait over the weekend with heightened anxiety!

anyway, for anyone who could give me some insight, or some questions to ask, or other tests to request...I finally received my results in the mail.

Is there any correlation to these out of range results:

My antithyroglobuoin Ab is: high
923 (High) ref. range: 0-40 IU/ml

Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab: normal
27 ref.range: 0-34 IU/ml

TSH normal
1.990 ref. range: 0.450 - 4.500 uIU/ml

Also out of range my MCHC
31.6 low ref. range 32.0 - 66.0 g/dl
indicting possible iron deficiency anemia...

Cholesterol total high
215 ref. range: 100-199 mg/dl

LDL Cholesterol high
120 ref range: 0 - 99 mg/dl

LDL: 120 high ref range: 0-99 mg/dl

My md is not available to explain this to me this week.

I have always had a very low and good cholesterol numbers...even during lyme treatment...this out or range is new for me now.

Also ANA just says... Positive A... no numbers.

Is this an autoimmune attack of my thyroid?


[ 02-22-2010, 09:23 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks everyone!

There was no rT3 testing...

I will have to ask for that!

My history has been that I had a diagnosis of thyroiditis,(10 yrs ago) based on numbers and symptoms (large goiter) of first hyperthyroid, than switched to hypothyroid in a three month time period, only to resolve to normal numbers.

A few years after the goiter and before lyme diagnosis, regular blood work showed high ANA with no thyroid problems.

(I had no big symptoms of anything...except sun sensitivity and extreme fatigue...along with my continued list of mild odd things, that all seemed to match hypothyroid symptoms to me

This high ANA was just found in regular yearly blood work screening..not from any complaints.

My GP phoned me and said to sit down....and announced he believed I could have Lupus. In any case he said, in reviewing my history over the course of 15 mostly being his extremely physically fit and healthy patient, he believes I have an autoimmune condition, where my different organs are being attacked by my immune system. He sent me to the best specialists. The GP is also my personal good family friend.

I have watched my numbers regularly until I had my lyme diagnosis 3 years ago. Hoping the lyme resolution would clear all this.

I have always retained mild hypothroid symptoms...all of them on the standard lists. I just thought it was normal for me...lived with them...and thought it was age related. As we know...Many lupus, lyme and hypothyroid symptoms overlap.

But all the "elite" endocrinologists in my area, say I had nothing, they only base it on the blood tests...and said it could develope in time to hypothyroidism...hashimotos...and to keep regular checks on it.

I just find it interesting that all the symptoms have excilated now...while on AI.

Could I be experiencing a going through this all again...or do I need to get on meds for the autoimmune issue?

I anticipate my friendly GP calling me today, telling me to get my butt over to an endocrinologist...and me being me...I want to research and have my own plan before I am persuaded to take something that I may regret.(or not)

Gigi, the metals info is very I am loaded with mercury from over 60 amalgams in my youth....(all gone now) I am most likely not doing enough to detox metals...just letting it happen with the AI, and some binders here and there. My ND is not super adept with detox I find...she just works on things little by little when I visit with specific issues, and woks only on what I ask.

I don't mean to ramble...but I am now praying for a direction to take.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
"Gigi, the metals info is very I am loaded with mercury from over 60 amalgams in my youth....(all gone now) I am most likely not doing enough to detox metals...just letting it happen with the AI, and some binders here and there. My ND is not super adept with detox I find...she just works on things little by little when I visit with specific issues, and woks only on what I ask."

LP, that is the direction you need to go. Every molecule of the hg's that had escaped your teeth are solidly bound somewhere else in your body.

Your cholesterol will rise anytime your body goes into defensive modes, whether from metals or infections. Don't try to force it lower - it helps your body to survive.

Consider looking at Biologo - it is the only system that I know that if you can test will lead you on the best possible path without a doctor next door. You do need to find someone that has more to offer than your ND. With 60 fillings in your past, that is your holdup messing with your body. Now that metals are ready to flow freely, pay attention to it -- that is major!

If I may whisper to you - don't ever call this thing you call Lupus tied to a possessive pronoun.
It ain't yours and you never want to call it yours.

Study the different Biologo remedies. The ingredients are fully explained in the English catalogue that you can download.

You appeared to be flying high some days back, but one must realize that once the metals are in motion, you need to step in for full support. They had been accumulating for probably most of your adult life, and now, on the loose, need you to help, daily, not with binders, but supporting every organ, the lymphatics mainly. Do not do anything to stimulate more mobilizing such as massage, acupuncture, etc.

For everyone else who is wondering, once you reach the point with AI that the toxins are really starting to flow, you need support - possibly by a professional who understands.

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks Gigi,

Yes, I was feeling great...and I still do to some degree...but the thyroid situation is very wacky! Enough to scare me.

I know I need support from one who understands and I think this is the biggest obstacle..finding that professional.

Are the biologo remedies easily available to purchase from the USA? I have seen the catalog but thought I heard others say they were hard to get shipped? Is this true? I will get them if I can.

And yes...I hear you about "posessing" lupus...I should know better! Thought I learned that with lyme....Thanks for reminding is not mine!!!!

Great thoughts!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Biologo looks good. But, I gather it can't be done with AI?
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
LP - I am not an endocrinologist, obviously, but the antibody numbers you have are very high. Mine when I was diagnosed with Hashi's were in the 400's and then when I all of a sudden had food allergies, mild fever and my body went crazy (still not sure why - on my list of things to ask Dr. K next time) my antibodies were over 1,000 and it scared me to death. The endo said "no biggie, we don't care about antibody numbers" (very well respected Endo mind you!) and my ND said, "of course we care" and knew for some reason my body was in 'attack mode' - possibly now from all of the allergies flaring up suddenly - my whole body was one big inflammation. Perhaps if this is suddenly for you as well it does have something to do with allergies and AI?

Anyway, I also was told that the TSH doesn't really matter it was the T3 numbers and the T4 numbers that they really look at. Were you tested for those.

One thing I have learned for sure is that for something so small our thyroid is SO important! As I have started clearing metals our fireplace has started to be turned off more and our heat bill is REALLY low :-) My husband loves it.

You can email me a personal email if you have other questions - not sure if I can answer them but I will try as I have lived with this for 5+ years and have researched it a ton since I thought this was ALL of my problems before I knew about metals, Bartonella, etc.

Gigi is definitely right too when saying the metals go somewhere. I was told while at the CMC recently that metals LOVE to go to the thyroid....
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I just received our 2nd round of drops in the mail today, but I am confused and have a few questions. Already both my kids and my gluten and all food allergies are unmarked and yet their nose still runs if they have something with gluten in it?

Also, what does it mean when it says "Number of chemicals that we can not name. Nevertheless, this "electromagnetic pattern" is corrected!" I had 15 listed and my kids had 7 or 8.

Also, I had 4 different metals listed last time and now I have none....

Does this really happen this quickly? I still feel not so great when I have something with gluten in it - I accidentally had some OJ on the airplane and it made me feel awful my entire trip :-(

Just curious if these check marks will re-appear again later or are they honestly cleared?

Any help answering these questions would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
GH...glad you got your analysis and 2nd round.

It is not a cut and dry thing after it says it is cleared...that means it is recognized now...

It still regulates over time...meaning the healing takes time. Different for each.

My daughter and myself did not notice the gluten issue gone right away...(but it said our pathways were cleared) We were not looking for it...but did notice we had no gluten problems within about 3 months after we began if I recall correctly.

The biggest problem for us was corn...we found out...not the gluten as much as we thought. Corn is in everything! even our beef and chicken! So just give it time.

YOur childrens runny noses may be from other chemicals...not necessarily all from food allergies. It is hard to know what reaction is from what.

You will probably find that all you thought you understood about your health issues, was not all accurate! Its deeper than we know, and I can tell you that for sure! I am learning so much about the layers to clear and how intertwined it all is!

My suggestion is to just go with the flow...and and stay away from anything you feel has always given you a big problem until you begin to notice the difference. Just so you can feel good.

Clearing does not mean you can tolerate all gluten means the signal or the information from gluten is now recognized..the pathways are clear for the healing to begin...

The orange juice may have something else in it that is not recognized yet by your bodies pathways to communicate correctly.

I hope that makes sense.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Thank you LP!

What does it mean then when it says "Energetic Blockades" = 14.

Does this mean that I still have 14 energetic blockages?

I'm just curious because this time around the sheet only has one X next to an Industrial Toxin and nothing else is marked. Then I only have the number 14 next to the energetic blockages and the number 15 next to "chemicals that we cannot name"....
Posted by Susie Jo (Member # 2480) on :
hi everyone

ok, i'm getting concerned that my 2nd saliva may never have been received, or that the 10$ bill i put in there didn't get received. i see gettinhealthy you've got yours already; it has been over a month since i sent mine in and i've emailed twice and not gotten any answer....what to do?????

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I'm sure this is not why you haven't received yours, but I know I sent them payment for shipping via PayPal and then sent HG an email letting him know that I paid PayPal for shipping. Perhaps email him again?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Gettinhealthy - he picked up an industrial toxin that wasn't showing up with the first saliva sample. That is when they are usually listed by name.

The reports you will get from now on will usually list chemicals your body needs to recognize and energetic blockages.

From time to time a biological substance could show up (something from nature).
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Thanks NanDubo,

That makes sense - I think I'm starting to understand. So, when my daughter is listed as having "12" energetic blockades (she's only 3 years old - yikes!) is it just a smattering of things? I guess I shouldn't really worry too much about the details, but I just find it interesting. As long as we are progressing who cares really :-)

Thanks again
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi --

Just got round #3 and am starting today. So far it seems to be taking between 24-27 days to receive them. 11 chemical and 7 energetic blockages.

I'm feeling pretty miserable with constant body aches/joint pain and mental confusion again. I wake up every morning in pain, but try to keep moving and it lessens some. My dreams are wild and full of lessons, but sometimes get obsessive and scary.

The past three days my MCS has been strong and I taste/smell alcohol. My stomach is off too. Add to this the possibility of a little flu that my son brought home and I am not feeling great.

I'm glad Round #3 is here. I'm drinking Tin-Cup's detox tea, skin-brushing and mini-rebounder bouncing. Hope to add fish oils and Black Currant oil (can't handle Evening Primrose Oil) along with magnesium and acidophilus. Not yet, though, my stomach is pretty off.

While I try not to think of it, I do fear the Bartonella that I couldn't treat because of abx resistance. The sketchy testing would bounce between positive to negative on that. I am trying to mentally adjust to calling the same symptomatology "detox," which has a more positively projected end point. On more painful days, my optimism flags and I get old Bart worries.

In the meantime, I've just taken my first drops for Round #3 and I'm poised for "cleaning up the terrain!"

Gigi, would psyllium, Bentonite Clay or Chlorella be in order at this detoxy-toxy point? Water retention and weight gain is happening, and I'm thinking of trying the old Fat Flush detox help of Cranberry Water with ground flax-seeds.

Best to all,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, anything that will help wrap up toxins. Just be careful with psyllium - you want to avoid being constipated.

Go through this presentation and see what turns you on. I believe that since the toxicity level is so much higher among people who have done Lyme protocols with abx, etc., we need to pay more attention to capturing the outflow.

I am resorting more and more to Biologo, Biopure,
especially since my husband is now on KPU (since bottle #10.

I cannot see any way around using some sort of muscle testing, tensoring, pendulum (when regulation is determined as open) to determine what is priority to the body.

(Neither of us test for all the different oils all the time - you need to learn to test yourself - usually it is a fish oil and a plant oil, but it varies from day to day.)

Would you explain the Cranberry/Ground Flax, Please. Sounds good.

The toxins are now flowing and it is very important to zero in on that and support the exit.

All neurotoxins feel the same and some definitely remain behind even after Lyme infections are long gone. All the remains - bacterial viral environmental - are on the move and need help to get out. AI put the body on notice, i.e. wake up and get out, and we have to support that.

When I dislocated my ellbow, I suddenly was facing the neurotoxins and metals moving out of that joint which most likely had been in there hiding for many years. This is testable with ART -
I found it with tensor testing and then it was confirmed by expert ART testing. Now - almost five months after my injury - it has lessened considerably, but I can still resonance test for the lead flowing from that area (severed ligaments, etc.) Correspondingly, I often test for Kelatox suppository, which is very beneficial for removing lead out of long bones, etc.

When I get tested now by ART or tensor myself, I literally test for toxic metals every day. Of course, I have lived a few extra years and have hidden away a lot more than some of the younger.
Now, ten years after my cavitation surgeries and removal of root canals, I am still disposing of the thioethers. Biologo dental works on that and I test for it almost every day; my gum tissue tells me = I can feel it.

It is important to learn to tensor or learn some sort of testing, so that you can help yourself every day finding the right direction and taking the remedies needed.

Some day - I don't know when - all will be gone. And as Dr. K. has told me for years -- the only way out is the way through.

Take care.

[ 02-24-2010, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
P.S. Since I want to concentrate more on my personal life and not spending as many hours as I have over the years on Lymenet (since 2000), I am not coming back here as often as I used to.
Many of you have my e-mail and phone number.
So please feel free to write.
Posted by Susie Jo (Member # 2480) on :
the drops arrived! about 33 days, i'm releived as i've been pretty much bedbound most of the past two weeks with only a bit of a break here and there, i know what you mean about the bart-thinking wiserforit.

perhpas ishould get a biotensor. i do scan my supps and stuff but i've been too sick to do it. would a tensor be able to give information about what is causing us to feel so sick? like is it bugs, is it metals? that would be invaluable!

and sorry about all the fretting over the drops!

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
My 9th round arrived today as well!

I find the biotenser helpful. It takes some time to practice and understand how to make sure your regulation is "open", so you will get the correct response to your statements. Anyone can easily get wrong responses if this is not learned first.

Once open, you must protect your openness...and stay focused on God...(this is my own added part for spiritual protection of my open regulation)

also, "how" to phrase the statements is only yes, no or positive, negative answers are observed as it is allowing your own body's frequencies or polarities to come forth.

This may sound bizzare to most of you, but I know someone who was tempted to use the biotensor for other things...and got completely obsessed with it and drawn first into "diagnosing" illness and other peoples ills with it. It ultimately lead to a very scary, serious and dangerous situation for her and pulled her toward the dark side.

That is not the function and it is meant to be only used as an extension of your own your own arm when you hold you can basically muscle kinesiology.

I feel I need to say this when telling others that the biotenser is helpful. The truth is...There are other forces...or spirits outside our body ...for those spiritual who understand or have witnessed what I am referring to...that are not what you want to be involved with. You could get false reading and be misled if you are not grounded in the holy spirit and get pulled into other things thinking you get "answers" and are now clarivoyant. Those are false lies.

This can happen with other things besides the biotenser...things that give people a false sense of controlling or knowing destiny.

In my opinion, The biotenser is not intended for anything other than testing products, protocols or identifying issues for the here and now...not the future!

Again, I do find the biotenser very helpful navigating the detox with AI. As long as you respect its correct is a valuable tool.

I would rather anyone not get the biotenser...if they will not understand what I have said. I care for you all too much to not say this.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
My thyroid symptoms have resolved yesterday I believe. From extreme hypothyroid symptoms...all of them on the feeling fantastic, like overnight.

My blood work for ANA may still be high...but I don't feel like my immune system is attacking anything today.

This is wacky...or is this AI regulating things. Old things from the past?

I do not know. I am just observing and reporting as these odd things come and go.

Two days ago, my eyes were so painful, and looked like I was starting to develope that thyroid "popping" ET looking eye disease...that frightened me.

I tested the protocol given me by my ND...which was iodine withthe "core" minerals. and it said NO. (I test each day when in crisis mode)

After I stopped it, I tested to take some Pekana lymph drainage and red root tincture I had in the house. Nothing else tested positive for me.

Within an hour, my eyes started to clear...and after the day, all symptoms abated.

Previously, I did test very positive to take the iodine. (I know that treatment is controversial)

So maybe I needed the iodine briefly but now I don't...

Or maybe I should have just waited it out...and took nothing...and see if it just resolved over time.

It is very tricky for all of us when we face these little "crisis"...whether to treat or not to treat at that moment. WE are conditioned to treat!

Thats when I run to my ND...but she does not understand AI I have to trust my own intuition as well, and go with what makes me confortable.

I will keep you all posted...Thanks for all the support!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi, I wanted to post the "Fat Flush Plan" Cranberry Water and "Long Life Cocktail" recipes that reputedly eliminates water retention and cleanses accumulated wastes from the lymphatic system. I know it always helps me to feel better.

To prepare CRANBERRY WATER, purchase Knudsen's, Trader Joe's or Mountain Sun's Unsweetened Cranberry Juice. Then get two empty 32 ounce bottles. Fill each 32 Ounce water bottle with 4 ounces of unsweetened cranberry juice and 28 ounces of water. You can drink up to 8 glasses a day.

LONG LIFE COCKTAIL: Taken 2 times daily on arising and before bed to increase elimination, bind toxins and balance hormones. In 8 ounces of the cranberry water, add either 1 full teaspoon of powdered psyllium husks or 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds. [This goes down best with a straw -- I much prefer ground flaxseeds to psyllium!]

Louise Gittleman is the person who wrote the Fat Flush Plan -- I have no connection to her or the book. In fact, I'm not endorsing anything related to its' philosophy or premise. I just like the Long Life Cocktail and Cranberry Water!

I also make breakfast smoothies with frozen berries, protein powder and Cranberry Water.

Bon Appetite!

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

tensor = quantum physics
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Oh, forgot, Wise - thanks for the Cranberry Cocktail - I will use it for sure!

Take care.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Quick Question. I just started the second round of AI and during the interim 2 weeks I had started the protocol that Dr. K put me on. I received my second results from AI and it looks like my body must recognize all of the metals now because none were checked (correct me if I'm not interpreting this correctly). However, for the last 3 days I have had really twingy pangs in the joints and know from doing the heavy metal test challenge this summer that I believe it is metals floating... I went into CMC and Dr. G tested me with ART and sure enough it was metals floating and she added Chlorella Growth Factor to my plan as well as told me to up the Microsilica. However, in addition she would like me to do an IV with DMPS, Vit C and Glutathone (SP?) followed by a colonic. I have weak kidneys (blood shows my kidneys are fine but every time I take a mineral or do any kind of chelating they ache so I feel they must be weak?) and am worried about DMPS.

She thinks it will be fine and though I do trust her a ton I wanted your opinion on doing this in general (scared to death by websites with horror stories such as the dmpsbackfire website!) and from my feelings after doing the challenge this summer (although she did say I probably felt awful from the EDTA rather than the DMPS). Also, am fearful that it will screw up what AI is trying to do. However, I also don't want the floating metals to go to my brain or be absorbed in other organs! I am somewhat new to all of this and learning as I go but don't want to experiment. I searched this site for "DMPS" but there wasn't much about it. I am tempted to call Monday and ask if there are other less invasive ways to get the metals out (infra-red?) and see what she says.

Thoughts would be appreciated!

Thank you
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
DMPS is a legal pharma drug in Europe. It has been used at least for 50 years. I had it many times and was using it recently. But decided that since AI opened all the faucets, it really is not needed. Only people who are not totally familiar with AI may still think it is needed. I don't think so. The metals are flowing without much other help. The most gentle and innocent one is Biologo, except that it is expensive. But I intend to use that from now on several times a year in order to avoid all future accumulations through daily exposures. And only toxic people get sick! The total line of Biologo is not yet known here.

Do not do Infrared at this time! And do not over-exercise. That is a sure-fire way to move it in the wrong direction. All areas lower and gut have to be free first to avoid the effects of
"law of osmosis". I have explained that several times on LN. In short: if no metals left in brain, but still in the rest of body and gut, the
body will seek to take it to the brain -- law of osmosis.

Metal detox or any detox is one place where rushing it does not work! You have only one of each organ!

I mailed you, GettingH.

This is all based on our own experience. Before AI, I would have responded differently.
Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
Hi all, we returned several days ago from a new doctor's visit where we were ART tested. We are both on our 12th bottle of AI and both of us tested very well for it.

My husband, however, was not improving as far as his pain and mobility were concerned. The doctor found his liver and kidneys seriously blocked and thought that this could be the reason for him not moving forward.

He is on a new protocol for one month taking only supports for the liver and kidneys (as well as the AI), without any killers or binders.

Hoping for the best!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Started round 9 today. I have been feeling so good for the past week, that I was afraid to start again. Thinking ok...what's next to clear.

I now have a strong suspicion that the thyroid attack I experienced for about two weeks, was the result of some AI clearing.

When I went over my notes of the mild thyroid symptoms I had sent to AI in the past with my sample...I feel they were being addressed with this last round. Its just odd it would only last for two weeks again, I will wait and observe the changes and post so others can compare notes!

Also...a happy note...daughter is doing fantastic still. Saw her perform in her championship competition, and she got her best times ever! She said she felt great, and focused, and depression or anxiety...(just positive thoughts and excitement) even before the races. Her body looked healthy and strong. So different than before.

I post this so you all know there is hope... for even us "older" AI people!
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I'm just about done with Round 10 of A.I. drops.

This round, I've been running for the detox stuff at every opportunity!!! Charcoal, ground flax seed, prunes, intestinal cleanse, fiber, chlorella, chlorestramine, more fiber....on and on.

I've had to take fewer naps, and my thinking has been more clear, with actually being able to hold an idea for a few seconds or minutes!

I'm looking into the Biologo detox formulas GiGi has recommended.

Symptoms keep turning up, but some are gone.


Cass A
Posted by Wolfed Out (Member # 23727) on :

this thread is SUPER interesting.

I plan on going back and reading this entire thread, but could I get a summary here?

In short, from what I've read I'm understanding that A.I. is a way to understand all problems and blockages in the body, including those that cause problems with Lyme? And by detecting problems with A.I., we can resolve blockages and problems for all illnesses?

Is this is a way to treat Lyme disease without a serious abx protocol?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Lightparfait and Cass A, great to hear that you are both doing well [relative to start point!] and continuing to see changes. How lovely to see your daughter blossom so, Lp.

Hi, Wolfed Out, welcome; I don't want to ignore you, but I'll leave someone else to answer your question...
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Here's my shot at it Wolfed Out -

Illness = toxicity

Toxicity = chaos in the body

Chaos = body not recognizing friend from foe

Allergie-Immun = recognizing friend from foe, peeling away the choas layer by layer, freeing blockages to allow the toxins to leave

It does not seek out specific illnesses but by getting the train cars running on the right tracks, issues start falling by the wayside - whether it be lyme, allergies, heavy metals etc. etc.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Wow, NanaDubo! Did you ever write book jackets for a publishing firm? What a succinct, well-put summary! ; )
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Nana...excellent overview!
Posted by Wolfed Out (Member # 23727) on :
Well, I guess I have nothing to lose by trying this, right?

This can be done while doing a Lyme treatment protocol? I.E. ABX treatment and herbs?


Thanks, NanaDubo
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on : to be off abx and any pharmaceuticals, although you can do the AI therapy with anything...but it will only clear things that you do not keep adding to your body.
Posted by Wolfed Out (Member # 23727) on :

LP, I really like trying these more holistic or natural approaches before going the drug route, but things are mildly serious...I'm growing impatient with my symptoms after these years.

If you were in my shoes, knowing what you know about A.I. and antibiotics now, would you still hold off on going the antibiotic route and do this first?

I haven't started any serious antibiotic regimen yet, other than taking amoxicillin 875 for sinus problems; related to Babesia.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wolfedout and all,

The purpose of AI is digging up the toxic materials that got us and our body off track ending up in the painful wilderness! Somewhere on this train ride I was happy to meet Nana!!! Her wagon was lost as bad as mine was years ago!

So if we keep stuffing more of the same into the body, it is a waste of energy and time and also it makes the testing by AI impossible; i.e. the body will not reveal the errors any longer possibly for a few months after you stop adding what your body finds not accepable.

Most of us have turned allergic to (where the body became unable to regulate any longer) to hundreds of substances ending in total electromagnetic chaos. The body reacts first to electromagnetic signals and the biochemical reaction follows these signals, secondarily. Wrong signal = train wreck.

Please read this thread and/or use google to translate some of the text on the AI website.
The PSP/AI Therapy is a lot easier to understand then.

Lyme Disease exists against the backdrop of toxicity. Probably the worst: mercury.

Take care.
Posted by yankeesfan (Member # 23090) on :
GiGi is it safe to take Zeolite during all of this?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Wolfed out, I was worried about stopping antibiotics, though I had not really seen any improvement in the year I was on them, except for some arthritic ease on Amoxicillin.

I started off AI taking Amoxy in the gap between the drops between round 1 and 2, and rounds 2 and 3, but after that read Herr G's fuller instructions that you can find earlier on this thread:

I realised then that I wasn't giving it a fair chance by taking the abx at the same time [even in the gaps] and so stopped them. I have now just finished round 7 of AI.

So far I don't regret that decision to stop the abx and certainly haven't got worse since I stopped them [except maybe with arthritic aches].

Whether it is right for YOU to start abx alongside or before AI is not something I can say: it depends on so many factors, such as how long you have been ill and how well you detox.

It seems to me though that abx may suppress your own Immune system, whilst AI is trying to allow it to work properly, so taking them together may 'muddy the waters'.

Only you can really decide what you can feel wholehearted about.

Good luck,

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
I am soon going to have a minor surgery with a local anesthetic. Should I take AI during that time or wait until a while after the surgery?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Yankeesfan, I had taken Zeolite on and off, but always tested with tensor. I would not take it daily and hope you can test before you do.

I seem to remember it tends to be constipating. So watch for that.

Lee, Not sure, but I would probably skip a day or two around minor surgery. Hope all goes well.

Take care.
Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
Just giving a one week update on my husband's status. After major increase in symptoms, lasting over 3 days, he is just today experiencing very slight improvements. This is significant for him, since it hasn't happened in years.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Clancy, good news!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
wooopppiiie ! Clancy, I don't know how to spell it, but here it goes again: WOOOPPPPIIIII ....

(told you so -- I love that one too when it is a positive!)

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Glad to hear it Clancy - he deserves it!!!!
Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
Thanks lp, GG, and ND for the encouragement!! We're taking one day at a time and will keep you posted.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Clancy, what symptoms have been improving for him?
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
lp= such great news about your daughter! the chlorine is obviously not bothering her. it is such a great feeling to see our children's suffering lessen.

my son is starting then next week. he has many severe digestive issues.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
ali...keep us posted of how you and your son are progressing when he starts.

although my daughter is doing well, I do think she will do even better the day she is out of chlorine forever! She is not choosing that option right now!

As my daughter is progressing, I get lots of PM's from parents who have put their children on the AI, or are interested in starting it...and any input, especially with young people is appreciated by all!
Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
lp, So far he's having slight improvement in his fine motor (hands work a little better), and some improvement in his gross motor. All of this is very small but encouraging for us.

He has yet to experience pain relief in his leg, but claims his joint pain is better.

Glad you and your daughter are seeing improvements, as well.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
So glad Clancy...thanks for the details!

I just think its phenomenal when those of us with the more serious issues have improvements! Those are the success stories I love to follow!

Blessngs, lp
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Aliyah...what are you doing besides Core with the AI? And what is he upping your dose of Core to?

..just interested in how different each of our individual needs helps to compare!

And of course we will support what Dr. K has you doing...we are all different with this!

blessings... lp
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I received bottle #9 on March 2nd -12 chemicals this time. My sample was mailed Feb 18th so turnaround was quick this time, less than 2 weeks!

I am doing a bit better than I was before. I think I was having a bad reaction to my sleeping pills.

Thank you, NanaD and GiGi for your helpful advice.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Glad you are doing better Zombie. I got my drops very quickly this time too!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
So nice to hear, Zombie.

We are doing well.

I hope we can keep this thread peaceful and informative.

What Dr. K. does or anyone else does should be of no concern. Because there is simply no way to compare anything. Some people have a fraction of dysregulations compared to others. Some have no metal problem and some have no food problem. Some have no emotional unresolved conflicts, no inherited miasms, no conflicts from great grandfather. Some have only a few in one category. So comparing is useless. Everything hinges on the load that each one of us carries or carried.

I am not at liberty to comment on anything that Dr. K. does or does not do. It is not my business. I can comment when anything I know from him contributes to the understanding of what we are trying to do. There is the Medical Privacy Act, and even though I may know some things because I know him on a personal basis, I
will not refer to anything he does or says any longer.

I received my long awaited Biologo box yesterday, and I hope that some day the stuff will be available in this country. It is good.

Core - I take none, my husband takes 4 when he tests for it, which is almost daily. No crashing, no side effects. Just reactions in mobilizing toxic metals, chemicals, plastics, and working to get it out.

We support with liver and kidney remedies - whatever tests.

My favorites are Ayush Livit 2, Unda 243, Renelix, castor oil packs, cilantro drops/ tincture rubbed on kidneys, especially when metals are flowing. All when testing with tensor, or recommended by ART expert.

When into the higher bottles, I think it is necessary to start metal detox support. Both my husband and I test daily for metals -- this has been going on for many weeks/months now. It is important to know what keeps the body busy and to support that if necessary.

What happened to Runner?????

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Glad you got them Zombie...they must send them out in groupings! Are you still on the sleeping pills?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Thanks for reminding me that other people's medical issues are not for us to comment on. I have gotten excited in the past about Dr.K. and do want to give him is respectful medical privacy!

I am planning on ordering a few of the Biologo products...still reviewing the catalog to make the correct selections. They look great.

How long did it take to receive your order and did you order by paypal?
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I stopped taking them (Zoopiclone) and am feeling better for it. I just started using something called ASEA, which I also think is helping me.
Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
lp- i went from 2 to 3 Core caps today. next week i go to 4. with that i take the cocktail with many binders plus artemesinin and interfase, etc.

gigi it is good to know that your husband is taking 4 and not suffering. i think i need to stop expecting to have a negative reaction. So far 3 seems fine.

i tested to double my microsilica and bentonite clay.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks for sharing Aliya...IT looks like things are moving for you!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Hope it helps...the sleep is so important to heal.

My daughter briefly went on Topomax last summer as suggested by Dr. B. to help and he said he sometimes has seen great result regulating sleep patterns and no side effects if used very briefly. She hadn't slept through the night for at least 4 years! Topomax does slow down the brain, and said it has the nickname "dope-omax"

I was concerned for her to do this, but she did take this for about 3 weeks when not needing to be mentally sharp... and did have her sleep regulated. I had ART tested her for this, and the response was that it was not good for her body in general, but would regulate sleep. She was already on the AI for 3 rounds I believe. And not to use for long. So she gave it a shot. Hasn't needed anything since.

Her hormones also regulated with the sleep improvement...and menses are regular after that.

Hoping your sleep improves!
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Thanks lp. I'm currently looking for a more natural substitute... I tried melatonin but it gave me panic attacks.

I will take some valerian herb tonight and see if that helps.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, almost forgot to answer. We received our Biologo, It took three weeks. They do not accept American credit cards. So I make a wire transfer from my bank after they send me the confirmation of my order, price, etc. and their bank info.

The wire transfer takes about three days. It is a bit backward, but I wanted the products so badly and they are worth it. I had been using drops out of a their test kit and had a pretty good idea which of the tinctures I would be needing. I love them because it makes everything so simple. It also eliminates the binders because the binders are in the tinctures in form of micronized chlorella and a few drops go a long way, thus eliminating all the binder. They are wonderfully buffered, so overdoing is not easy.

I detox the mouth right inside my jaw, where I had suspected a lot of the metals and mercaptans/thioethers were stored. I test for the Biologo Dental every day and since, the remains come right through the tissue (teeny teeny sore spots) that helps a lot. It is amazing how my body packed the tons of metals from crowns, fillings, and root canals (the worst) away right in the facial areas. I wish I could show it to some of these idiot dentists who are still doing this kind of work today. Most breast cancers are tied to the mercaptans/thioethers from root canals. Glad I don't have to worry about that any longer.

I have a mercaptan nosode vial for tensoring and it tests constantly. My root canals were removed in 1998. HG is telling people we are digging up with AI what the body packed away to survive. Wondering how much it takes when the barrel is full and the end is near? I think Lyme gave me the signal = time to clean up.

Hope none of you had to go through this.

Be sure to read all the details in the catalog. It is very well done and most informative.

All I can say again - I am super happy that I have done AI and probably close to being done. It really opens the flood gates!, but in an easy way.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Zombie and all, please note the mercury and melatonin relationship. You probably need to pick up more of the metals that are now starting to mobilize.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Thanks for the ordering details.
Their catalog is informative as you say...and I would love all the products, just to have in my basket! But when I saw the $ on my tentative order...I had to backstep a little and just try to decide what I most need. Maybe just two for now.

I do think the dental product will be most helpful for me. I am still working with my ND on three teeth...that are "suspect" she says.

I know Dr. K, says to remove...and I am very open to that with all I have been through...but when she tested me it was not important at this time and not definitive. I have been testing regularly for this past year as I removed my last amalgam last spring.

What is your opinion of the "green lazer" therapy for the teeth...? ND tested me to do this for a month before possible removal of three of my "suspects". I still have three root canals that I have been ART testing since the beginning of AI. I am also working with a biological dentist who is following Dr. K. and works closely with my ND, but both are not positive about my particular ones needing to be removed at this time. I will evaluate again in one months time...

My situation is also complex in the mouth, as I had braces as an adult...not done cosmetically, but done because of tmj type jaw symptoms (which was probably lyme et all) and my bite being extremely off. This was done before lyme diagnosis and I did have braces during my time of escalating illness!

I had metal braces for almost 4 years! And then a retainer...metal and plastic. A mouth full of metals....braces, retainers, crowns, root canals, and mercury amalgams...that is a mouthful!

When I tested my retainier for came out bad for I am not using it now for this past year. My teeth are recently shifting...and my bite is getting very "off" again. Which I expected would happen. I had so many questions of moving the teeth with all I am learning now...with meridians being affected, etc.

Also, with the AI, and revisiting old issues, will the teeth "memory" be affected, causing this drastic shift...up and beyond not using the retainer.

Is it bad for health to straighten teeth...and to add more of these metals to keep them straight? It seems logical. Especially if you have conflicting metals in your mouth! Most American children get braces now...just wondering if this is also a set up for future health problems for them as well. OR does moving the tooth root and shifting them...cause a release of viruses /bacteria etc?

Anything you know about this would be appreciated?


I just find these thoughts interesting.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Also very interesting...when one of my root canaled teeth was identified with ART last spring...the ND asked me if I had trouble making decisions as she gets the thought, "wishy- washy" when she touches that tooth.

She said that particular tooth is on the meridian for indecisiveness! And I do have that problem when trying to make decisions that are big...and sometimes small. I had to laugh...because she always hits it right!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
"i think i need to stop expecting to have a negative reaction."

You've got it, Ali.

Take care.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Gigi - That was interesting when you mentioned the spots in your mouth....when I felt the metals floating last week I was told to take Chlorella Growth Factor and immediately the left side of the inside of my cheek had all of these spots on it and then my back felt hot and there were these scratch like red rash - think it may have been the 'bartonella rash'? Anyway, who knows, but thought of this when you wrote that.

Also, this is not AI related, but I thought this site in general may be a good place to get information about people's experience with whole house water filtration systems? What 'forum' would I go to on this website to find out information such as that? We are building a new house and I feel like I want to do things "right" as we build, but need to find out the right information!

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I also had odd scratch like cuts on areas of my upper shoulders and upper back and chest...not rash like, but looked like a small little paper cut but deeper than a scratch as athey leave a little scab in odd places where no abrasion would occur.

Seemed like something was leaving my body! Nothing could have made those tiny odd cuts. I see them occasionally when I feel metals are moving. Could be related.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I had one of those show up on my abdomen. I happened to be having neural therapy at the time so got some there as well. Gone now.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Noticed this new article on the Biologo site today. Thought it's worthwhile reading and understanding.

About Detox

Cleansing, detoxification, and rehabilitation

The intestine as a detox-organ
What you need to know about the intestine and its function in the body
Intestinal cleansing, detox, and repair are very different procedures. One needs not only different tools, but also a basic understanding of what the intestine does and how it does it. Only then is it possible to understand why and when an intestinal cleasing, detox, or repair is necessary.

When talking about the body's organs, we are used to talking about the intestine, while actually referring to several very different body parts. Beginning at the stomach's pyloric sphincter, the small intestine is divided into the duodenem, jejunem, and illeum. The small intestine's task is to take the food already pre-digested by the stomach and break it down into the smallest possible particles, absorbing nutrients in a form usable to the body. The large intestine, approximately 1.5 meters in length, is connected to the end of the small intestine by a sphincter known as the illeocecal valve. The large intestine is responsible for removing liquid and various minerals from the digested food, and for solidifying the stool.

The intestine carries out the digestive process though muscle contraction, or peristalsis, and through beneficial bacteria. Over 100 trillion bacteria live and work in the small intestine alone, and these bacteria, along with certain microbes, make up our gut flora, which is important for digestion and for the body's immune system as well.

Certain bacteria train and stabilize the immune sytem by mobilizing immune cells in the intestinal lining, which are then sent from the intestine into the lymph, blood, respiratory tracts, glands, and skin to trigger the body's defense system. Other bacteria are able to destroy pathogens directly in the intestinal lining. In addition, the gut flora is able to break down vitamins into an absorbable form, thus preventing illness resulting from a vitamin deficiency.

Intestinal cleansing
is simple since it merely involves emptying the intestine and thereby temporarily removing toxins along with stool and gases. Intestinal cleansing can be stimulated using Epsom salt or Glauber salt, or more gently using bitters found in buckhorn bark, an active ingredient in, for example, Biologo-Colon. Intestinal cleansing is more a prophylactic than a therapeutic treatment, but in our modern way of life with too little exercise and too many calories, intestinal cleansing is still recommended three to four times a year, and should be proceeded by and concluded with a day of juice- or tea-diet. Individuals who take medications on a regular basis and whose intestinal tract is therefore subjected to the effects of chemical toxins, should undertake a day of fasting and intestinal cleasing once a month. Intestinal cleasing, in conjunction with a day of fasting, is also recommended when the immune system requires particular support, such as during cold season or when the individual is under unusual physical or emotional stress.

It is a good idea to cleanse the intestine regularly, since this can help prevent digestive disorders and avoid discomforts that accompany them, such as bloating and flatulence.

Detoxing the intestine
is more difficult than cleansing the intestine since, for example, mercury from amalgam fillings can attack the intestinal lining. The mucous membranes and tissues are often damaged by toxic heavy metals, causing disease patterns such as leaky-gut-syndrome, in which the intestine becomes too permeable, allowing toxins to spread throughout the body and cause allergies and food intolerances.

For a detox of the intestine, very special tools are necessary to release the toxins from the intestine and bind them. To thoroughly detox the intestine and acheive a lasting effect, it is no longer sufficient to merely flush heavy metals such as mercury or aluminium from the body. A modern, practical, and natural intestinal detox should also flush chemicals and mycotoxins from the intestinal tract. Today, chemicals are found in nearly all foods and medicines; mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites (e.g. from molds), which are also commonly found in foodstuffs such as spices.

The detox products of the Biologo-Detox-Line are ideally suited for intestinal detox since the micronized chlorella used in these products has been proven to effectively bind and remove heavy metals, chemicals, and mycotoxins from the intestine.

An intestinal detox, like an intestinal cleansing, should be performed regularly--twice a year for best results--since the toxic heavy metals in the intestine not only cause leaky-gut-syndrome, but also weaken the immune system. Furthermore, there is a direct correlation between heavy metals in the intestine and the propogation of candida fungi.

A fasting cure, even a medicinal one, cannot guarantee a complete intestinal detox. Fasting can, of course, help the organism and the intestine to recuperate and remove harmful deposits to a certain degree, but toxic heavy metals bound to the intestinal linings are not adequately removed. The products of the Biologo-Detox-Line are therefore well-suited for a complete detox of the intestine.

Repair and optimising function of the intestine is a difficult and generally long-term undertaking because a it may require a number of different steps using different procedures. In the case of leaky-gut-syndrome, repair is necessary involving a complete detox, a revitalization of the intestinal lining, and a re-propogation of the gut flora. It is also advisable to have any almagam dental fillings removed prior to commencing intestinal repair, since this often makes a complete repair possible in the first place.

An intestinal repair is recommended when suffering from irritable bowl syndrome, severe allergies, immune disorders, or inflammation. Individuals who regularly take antibiotics require intestinal repair with detoxing measures and a systematic propogation of the gut flora, which suffer damage from antibiotics.

Intestinal repair is also important for those suffering from candida fungi or parasites in the intestinal tract. In both cases, a detox is required, since both candida fungi and parasites release toxins into the body.

The Biologo-Detox-Line has the appropriate and effective detox products, as well as products necessary for intestinal repair, such as Biologo-Colon to efficiently flush out the intestine. Also useful is Biologo-Leaky Gut, which helps heal leaky-gut-syndrome, or Biologo-Candida, which halts the proliferation of candida fungi in the intestine and reduces them to normal levels.

There is more to the repair of the intestine, however, in particular the detox process. Biologo-Detox is indispensable as a detox aid for every intestinal repair for the following reasons:

Biolgo-Detox contains micronized chlorella algae is therefore 50 times stronger as a binding agent than normal chlorella algae.
Biologo-Detox contains cold-processed chlorella-growth-factor (CGF), which can make significant repairs to tissues damaged by toxins.
Biologo-Detox contains cell wall broken probiotics specially developed by Dr. Ray. The peptides of these probiotics remove heavy metals from cell receptors, thereby making a thorough detox possible.
Intestinal repair can and should treat or heal ailments. Intestinal repair also makes it possible to feel healthier, since both body and mind are invigorated following a rehabilitation. For this reason, optimising intestinal function is recommended at least once a year.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
WOW, Gigi is all I can say. We always learn so much from you - you are amazing!

I found their website, but was unsure if the prices are listed in Euro? Trying to convert to find out how much it costs as I remember you mentioning it was expensive.

Posted by Lauralyme (Member # 15021) on :
I just received my first results. Can these drops be used while taking ABX? After using the drops do I send 10 Euro with my sample as well as paying them with paypal? Does 10 Euro have to be paid for every sample sent in?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, have you done the TOPAS tests on the root canals in question? That should give you an indication whether they are failing or have failed. The scientist who must be known to your ND declares all root canals bad. They are dead teeth putting out a toxin similar to mustard gas, aka as thioether and mercaptans. I am in the middle of detoxing this toxin (carcinogen) right now.

I am not sure that anything has changed in that respect since I had all mine removed 12 years ago. Look at some of my old posts talking about root canals. I totally understand the problem. When I first opened the book "the root canal cover-up" years ago, I read one page and closed the book. It took a tickbite and Dr. K. who told me that if I wanted to live- 12 root canals needed to go. I couldn't do it soon enough. After that I started to get well, slowly, slowly. But I still test for the thioether with my tensor and the Biologo Dental tests almost daily for me, confirmed by ART.

The researcher who has worked in this field for years also states when showing a photo of cavitations (at a seminar) "Now this happens to be cavitations, the bone toxins, but if you have root canals, you will have cavitations, because they cause them." I know that was the ugly truth for me. But I was already older and I had a lot more than you do.

My choice today would never to do a root canal. But lose the tooth unless better methods are available, and get a partial to replace the missing tooth or teeth. I would never let anyone cut down another tooth to make a bridge, because that is what ruined one tooth after another for me. The drilling eventually killed the tooth requiring another root canal, etc. etc. etc.

Maybe your dentist and ND have a better answer for you. But I would recommend doing a simple 'in chair' TOPAS test that instantly will tell the condition of the tooth. The test has to be done after "agitating the tooth with strong tapping" -- that is when the toxins surface and can be measured with a strip of paper. It is inexpensive and gives you a measure of how good or how bad the root canal is.

I wish you the best and know you will make the right decision.

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Laura, although Herr G didn't say I mustn't take antibiotics alongide AI when I first wrote and asked, it is clear from the information that is translated earlier on this thread that it is better NOT to be taking abx at the same time.

I did take abx in the gaps between drops for the first few rounds, but stopped when I realised that I might not be giving the drops the best chance to do their work,

Best Wishes,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The recommendations as to what to take and not to take are in the booklet for clients. It is available in English. Usually they send it with the first drops. It explains every aspect of the testing in detail and definitely recommends not to take antibiotics unless it is for an acute life-saving condition.

AI often told me that "we are trying to dig up some of the materials that you took over the years which the body cannot put to use and therefore just buried somewhere". A lot of the pharmaceuticals fit into that category and of course the many products people have taken and are in the habit of taking which the body is not compatible with.

All that should be taken into consideration, Laura, when you are starting the drops.

Take care.

They ask that we reimburse them for the postage for every bottle they send. ($10.) You can send cash with your saliva sample every time or do paypal.
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
I've read through this entire thread--it took me a couple of weeks but I did it! I am so intrigued and proud of all of you. I feel like I know you all and that maybe I can begin this journey as well.

A few questions--we think I have had "Lyme and coinfections" for thirty years--diagnosed in May 2009 and treated with abx for 9 months. These were low doses of abx and I had to take many breaks because the herxes were so severe.

I am done with abx--although I am a bit better--it was hell getting here. My question is--if someone is as toxic as I am, will the drops be as bad as the herxes I've had before. From what I've read it certainly sounds like a more gentle way to do things but some people were still struggling even with AI.

When symptoms came up were most of you still able to function and have a life? I have been housebound most of the time and do not want to live like this. Already, off the abx I feel better but I feel Bart symptoms returning.

I am being tested for pylouria and think it will probably come back positive. Should I do AI first then KPU or at the same time? I know that some of you did it one way--others a different way. I did buy an inexpensive biotensor and hope to learn how to use it in this process.

What information would I begin with to show my ND that this is what I am going to do but I will need her support, especially in detoxing?

I have to say that after reading this thread I have had a complete paradigm shift in looking at lyme and its affects on my life. It makes so much more sense to me that we get lyme because we are so toxic and can't recognize or process everything our world throws at us. As someone once said, "Not everyone who is bit, gets lyme. There's got to be a bigger reason." Also I am relying more on my spiritualty rather than the poor why did this have to happen to me now.

Thank you all for your work through this.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hi Robbie, I am pretty toxic myself. There shouldn't be anything like a herx (imo) with anything.

That is just a sign there is more being thrown at your body than it can handle.

There are reactions and at times you might want to lower the number of drops. Not the same for everyone.

You've already read the things people have gone through and I applaud you for reading it all first instead of wanting crib notes!

Definitely try to get your ND on board but my experience is that although they might be willing to hear about it, they have no way of understanding it unless they are doing it themselves.

It was quite a few rounds before I really started letting go of things. The Biologo Detox that Gigi mentioned is good and I have been using it.

I got it in Germany over a year ago and couldn't tolerate one drop until the metal issues were cleared with AI.

I have learned the hard way a couple of times- keep it simple, keep it simple.

I have started the CORE recently (after a year of AI). Only taking one for now and there could be times I won't take it at all depending how it tests day to day.

I will say that I think AI is what allowed this deficiency to surface and perhaps in the long run would take care it. But for now I am adding the CORE in.

I love Montana by the way. Have to try to remember the little town there that I fell in love with.

I know one person who is repeatedly bitten by ticks and does not get sick. He is a yoga instructor and is also as clean as a whistle.

Toxic people are the ones who get sick.

Good luck

Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
How can those of us in N. America purchase Biologo Detox?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Zombie, You can call their international number. You will need to pay attention to the time difference. I usually call at midnight from Washington State to get to them at 9 AM when they open. We run 9 hrs behind German time.

I have been told by a friend that they will have a better payment arrangement with VISA and/or PayPal in a week or two. I made a wire transfer to their bank and they ship when they receive it.
It took 3 weeks by air, but got here fine. Most people in Europe do not use credit cards and merely pay by direct bank transfer.

Hoping that the whole line will be available some time here. But I don't want to wait that long.
My husband needs it now. He tests (with tensor and ART) for several of them daily: Biologo Detox, even now Biologo Detox Forte, and definitely always for Biologo Colon and Biologo Leaky Gut. I don't test for the latter two, but I also had no food allergies at all. Instead I test for Biologo Dental for the remains of metals and dental toxins (thioethers) and can feel it inside my mouth.

Hope that everyone is doing well!

We could probably get away with not adding much to the detox process, but I am sure it would take longer to be free of all, now that it is starting to flow.

I would suggest to read every detail in the catalog descriptions which tell what is in the different products.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi everyone --

Quick question: if you start to lose some weight, can detox become even more intense? I know that so much junk is held in fat...

I just finished round 3 and arthritic symptoms are pretty intense in all joints. I noticed that I am also losing some weight (nothing too significant...darn...) and just wondered whether that might increase joint pain too.

Best to all,

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I was told that fat is a good thing to have during detox because it does hold the toxins. Otherwise the biggest source of fat is our brain. When I all of a sudden had food allergies and couldn't eat gluten (carbs), eggs and dairy (butter, cream, etc) I lost a ton of weight and right away my Naturopath wanted me to try really hard to gain it back so that the "stuff" would have a place to hide rather than zip on up to the brain - oh my did that freak me out!
That's about all I know on the subject :-)
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

On a wait for the next bottle of drops--number 10, I think.

I was looking over Dr. J's products, and decided to buy just one at this point to help with the detoxing--Neuro-Antitox II. I'm only taking about 5 drops at a time (the "normal" dose is 90!!), and that's enough! When I took more, I got quite a bit of fatigue.

Anyway, I am noticing that my thinking is clearer and that useful memories are popping up now instead of staying in the fog.

I'm also taking chlorella, charcoal, doing oil pulling once a day (at least), drinking cranberry water with ground flaxseed, and taking the 5 methylation factors nightly. So, major detox is occurring!!!


Cass A

I'm also looking into the Biologo products. I haven't ordered any yet.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Gettinhealthy - makes sense about fat and the brain.

I have gained about 10 pounds that doesn't want to come off. I had been wondering if it was there to protect me in some way.

Think I mentioned to LP that I thought it had something to do with toxins. Not sure I understand it all, but I'm not in a big hurry to lose it right now.

Cass A - what are the 5 methylation factors you are taking?

I found trying any of that on top of AI put me in a nose dive. My body wants to go slow, slow, slow.
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
I would like to start AI and am currently off all abx. However, I am having a Bart relapse and yes I know it is the Bartonella, not the lyme.

Should I treat for Bart first before I start AI. I really don't want to as I just do so badly on abx.

Thanks for your help.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
After going through all the co-infections that make up Lyme Disease, I still don't know which one caused which symptoms, especially since toxic metal, chemical and mycotoxin symptoms don't differ at all. I have put all the symptoms lists next to each other over the years and still don't know or see any difference to speak of.

For that reason alone I would choose today, if I had to do it over again and known about AI, to do AI before anything else. Only you, Imaginit, know what you have already done re Lyme and whether you consider your infection still acute. That should make your decision for you.

You may be surprised how much of our problems are not Lyme. Neurotoxins are neurotoxins and create the same problems if we are unable to release them. AI will do that for sure. It will take time once all the doors are opened with AI, but no doubt it will happen. It is impossible to get well as long as the immune system cannot recognize and start handling the toxic load.

Wishing you well with your decision.

Take care.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear NanaDubo,

Thanks for writing.

I was already on the "5 Factors" for methylation (helping the body to get rid of toxins) for many months before I started AI.

These are from Dr. Amy, I think she's known as. She's not my LLMD, but my Dr. agrees with her research on this.

My husband (who tests positive for Lyme) has a genetic inability to detox, so he went onto it first. Then, my LLMD said that my treatment would go much faster if I took them as well, so I started.

What I'm taking is as follows:
Perque Activated B-12 Guard,
Phosphatidyls Serine Complex,
Holistic Health Consultants Neurological Health Formula,
Intrinsi B 12/Foliate, and
FoliaPro L-5 Methyl Tetrahydrofoliate.

This combo has been discussed on Lymenet elsewhere. I remember finding it talked about when searching under "methylation" or "5 Factors."

I was also taking the KPU vitamins and minerals before starting AI, and am still doing so. These keep me from having seizures.

I have cut back from 200 mg zinc per day to 100 mg. When I test, my body still is zinc deficient.


Cass A
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Thanks Cass, just curious as I was just out to see the same Dr. A you are referring to.

She wanted me on a very small dose of CORE and a few other things not on your list.

AI seems to be trying to fix methylation as well. I do fine with the CORE but the other stuff on top of AI was creating too much of a burden for me.

I will be speaking with her soon. We are all so different aren't we? I feel really good when I keep it simple. The drops and simple organ support are working nicely for me right now.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The organs also need to recouperate once the AI starts to correct the overall regulation. This happens in very small steps every time we get a new bottle with the correct information. This is changing all pathways -- which many of us have tried to balance with all sorts of means but often moving the system still in the wrong direction finally resulting in chronic conditions and "diseases of civilization" as they are referred to in other countries.

The attempt of AI/PSP is to correct our going in the wrong direction, and while doing this, we sometimes pass through previous stages reminding us of a situation we lived through years before.
Four steps forward, three backward! That is why sticking with it is important. Longterm that is the only way we will reach our goal.

Here are the "Seven Factors" and the "Five Levels of Healing" as taught by Dr.K.
since the early 1990's. Dr. A. was a "student" of Dr. K. I remember the day when she started to intern at Dr.K.'s and liked her from the first day I met her. They are working very closely together now sharing as they learn more with every patient they treat in their respective practices and "think tanks".

Chronic Disease is evolving as the microorganisms and our exposure to environmental toxins are changing; every new chemical - chemtrails!?!?

Breakfast is waiting!

Take care. It is beautifully sunny here today!
Need to plant my freesias.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear NanaDubo,

Thanks for writing! Glad that organ support and AI are working well for you now! That's great that you're working with Dr. A!!

I tried cutting out the 5 Factors, and the results were not good at all. So, I'm back taking them.

At this point, it seems that, for me, anything that helps with detox is fair game!!

I'd love to lose the daily nap.......


Cass A
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Back from a great get away with daughter...went to Bahamas! Reading through the last page of I know what others go through who just stumble on this...lots to read and catch up on.

Gigi, thanks for your support and root canal info.
I do remember all your past posts as well as others about the horrors of root canals and amalgams!

A year ago when I started the detox process, I did get the test and they were "suspect"...showed positive, but not conclusive that in the ND"s opinion, they needed to be removed immediately.

Recommended I do a systematic approach, get rid of amalgams first, start the detox of other things and keep checking them. Also, I was extremely emotional about "lyme-et all "at the time, and wanted to work on some of that...pre-AI.

Now, a year later, we're addressing the root canals again. Its time. Originally I wanted to just pull them...but the location of them visually, in the front part of the mouth...with also many crowns....made it a complicated issues emotionally.

ND thought it better in my long term total healing to take small steps. I am I pull all my working teeth that are crowoned as well? Possibly. I have many!!!As the original amalgams I had, eventually broke down my teeth requireing crowns.

So mercury is surely hiding in the root! Visual amalgams are gone...but residual mercury for sure exists somewhere related to this.

I do feel too young and attractive to have no teeth. But I also prefer a functional healthy life and to having teeth...i am practical too! OR am I willing to leave some in...knowing I will have a lifelong battle with issues and detoxing.

Dentist says there are also other risks to removing all I have. Must weigh to costs he thats why we are taking it slower than what would be recommended for most...they say.

This is my issue today.

I feel great...but know I have underlying issues, mostly auto immune in nature today. I beieve the teeth are hindering my total healing.

I hear you friend and agree with all your thoughts! Just taking things step by step. And I was relieved to hear from both the ND and dentist that waiting was a better thing for me at this time...but also know they are not perfect with their knowledge either.

Thanks everyone.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi ,I am just testing to see if this posts..have had a really hard time here the past few weeks..seemed to have gotten banned.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Ok perfect!

A few weeks ago and about 2 pages back, i was trying to comment on the thyroid thread. I got knocked off of here..but am able to write in again.
Dr. K at Healing the brain said when you take thyroid and its not working, quite often its teh receptors are blocked. this is even true for my bone health.
In my case, i was blocked due to metals.
My calcium and iodine are sky high..yet i have bone loss. and low thyroid. (body needs iodine to make thyroid hormone)
I was blocked due to mercury. I am so happy i did the hair test, for i wouldnt have known this.
i just wanted to share this piece of information, albeit it seems quite common knowledge, not everyone is aware.

I was tested yesterday for my bone health. we isolate the bone vial and my bone vitality was down. We put some standard process on the plate for bone health and my viatlity went up to a 5 on a 10 scale. You know what was bringing it down, YES GIGI..LEAD. Lead is in my long bones and its why i am having bone bones are mistaking the lead for minerals.

DK really emphasises on the hair tests, dont look at the bad metals..look at the good elements. you want those numbers to skew all the way right.....when this happens the metals take care of themself. that is why the minerals are so vitally important.

Just thought i would share.

Also i wanted to ask , for any of you that were at the conference, what type of glycine is good for chemical detox? DK suggested this..and i have forgotten.

Take care, Runner
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, glad you made it back in. Us poor banned people - the folks wouldn't know what they are missing!

Trimethyl Glycine is the one that works. I am using it for my husband with some b6, B12 and Folic acid to bring the homocysteine level down. It's good to have this tested with a regular lab test. Ask your PCP. Important. And the levels are needed to be lower than what school medicine accepts as normal. Per Dr. K. My husband had a problem with it being high for a number of years. It is coming down, but not quite low enough yet. Glycine aids in any detox. Search some of the Klinghardt protocols.

If you do a search, I posted on the subject a few months ago.

Runner, thanks for sharing.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :

I forgot as this is the longest thread on LymeNet

Is Zeolite okay to use for detox? I like switching the detox up a bit. I'm waiting for my 7th round of AI.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thank you Gigi, haha..yes they wouldnt know what they were missing !

Its funny you mentione trimethylglycine.
A while back i found a jarrow product on sale and i bought it becuase it read methyl donor. it tested well..
its b12 folic acid and B6 and tmg by jarrow.
its called Homocystein protection factors pf. maybe this might be of use to you bc its all in one pill..

thanks again!

p.s. any thoughts on laser detoxifciations?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Welcome back Runner! So funny when I saw you at "Healing the Brain" - I knew the minute I saw you that you were Runner!!

Hobo - I used zeolite quite a bit early on (probably too much). I think it can be constipating - was for me. I'm sticking with Matrix Minerals. Some of Dr. K's writing mentions that mineral supplementation can really help with metal detox.

You can find his exact words if you google around.

LP - welcome back to you as well. The Bahama's- NICE!!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Missed you runner!

Thanks for sharing your notes...

"Dr. K at Healing the brain said when you take thyroid and its not working, quite often its teh receptors are blocked. this is even true for my bone health.
In my case, i was blocked due to metals.
My calcium and iodine are sky high..yet i have bone loss. and low thyroid. (body needs iodine to make thyroid hormone)
I was blocked due to mercury."

Runner, While you were "away", I was having issues with the thyroid...and tested by ND that I needed iodine! This info you posted makes sense to me for my situation...dealing with a mercury/iodine/thyroid issue. I don't know if actually taking a supplement of iodine is really what I truly need...even though I am doing this off and on when I test for it.

I probably just need more heavy metal detox and basic mineral support to clear the metals. Along with continued root canal clean up! Hopefully AI is working on opening those blocked pathways of mine!

Interesting connection for you also with lead in your bone. Many of us probably have this issue of our body mistaking those bad metals for good minerals.

Hope by working on this your ankle begins healing!

Nana...sunshine finally felt great...and got some good natural vitamin D!

[ 03-17-2010, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I am using the green laser for a month on my root canal teeth before re-testing them for removal. This was recommended by my ND.

I do feel that it is doing something...but do not know if it is enough to make a difference.

I do not have any other experience with the laser.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I'm taking the matrix minerals too. It's one of the few products I can feel working.
Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
Just received the box with our drops from Germany, and there were 2 instead of 3 bottles. (husbands' and grandsons' only). The letter says that my last "sample currently shows no further energetic relevant disruptions. However,it might take some time for your body to restructure all matter".

I was on the drops for a total of 12 bottles. I had some issues, but I was not noticeably unhealthy. My sense of well being has improved and I feel good that all the miasms, disruptions,allergies, etc. were addressed before they became serious. So glad to have done this therapy! Thanks to GiGi for finding it.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Congratulations Clancy!!!!!!!! Hope the rest of our family gets there soon.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Wow Clancy...great news!!!!

Looking forward to others getting near the finish line too!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Clancy, good show! Now you can drink your water plain....!

We got ours yesterday, #11, husband had a ton of flaws - 7 chemical groups, 4 biological, 9 energetic blockades and 9 regulation disturbances - no wonder things shift from one day to the next. He actually has to relearn certain motor functions from scratch - like a child. Either infections or metals wiped the connections out, probably both.

I had still some 7 chemicals and 9 biological material, and the metals are still flowing every day.

Husband is now testing for parasites with Biologo Parasite, which could be almost anything. Parasites and metals and everything keep house together and now that metals moving, parasites are being disturbed, and of course they are also holding toxic metals in their coats. It could be remnants from Babesia, amoeba, worms.

It is well known that when heavy metal toxicity is present, parasites are present also, because the gut is weakened by the metals, viruses, fungi causing the leaky gut. Mostly it is caused by mercury vapor from amalgam fillings that is absorbed by the trillions of nerve endings in the gut! and often sent back into circulation. And if you have had extensive abx, the gut flora has suffered.

Taking the metals out will be felt, but leaving them weakens the immune system further and invites infections. I certainly can feel the removal all over my body, tolerable, but help myself with anti-inflammatories when I test for them.

I took my second round of AI and am falling asleep at computer or walking! So, best wishes to all until next time.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks guys :-)

And thank you LP for the laser feedback.
I have been reading alot on the autism sites about laser and removal of chemicals. i am just not sure how this would play into ai and it may just be too much.

Light i can really relate to what you are saying. Iodine is very important for the thyroid to function optimally. Also as we have previously discussed, chlorine can interupt with the bodys ability to utlilize iodine.
I have also found supporting my thyroid with glandulars helps alot (standard process makes thytropin) and supplementing with armour. When my thyroid is working better my gi tract is much happier. And mercury and thyroid go hand in hand as you had mentioned.
I do agree with supplementing the minerals and detoxifiying is what will allow the system to come back on board, but in the meantime what are we to do! So for me, i took thyroid . Also it seems this is the same very case for the immunity. mercury and lead are causing my immunity to drop and the virus to flourish. Gigi was right on about this. and when i see it in my testing, i am just more and more familiar with the concept and it helps. alot.
it seems like an ecosystem, environmental toxins and bugs are in layers. metals create a flourishing ground for the when you go kill a virus or parasite, here comes themetal, and you must have something on board to bind to it. will be nice to get off the merry go round at some point.
Also, DK suggested coconut water for minerals as well. you can make a cocktail with matrix mins, coco water and some almond milk to make everything last a little longer. whole foods has the coco water on sale this week for $3 for the liter size.
The minerals are just so vitally important. I feel i am at a major need for them.
For my leg, i found out i have a labral tear. i am treating it currently with prolotherapy.
Take care, Runner
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

As you are done with the therapy for now, please share what you believe has changed positively with the AI for you...any specific allergies etc? Or anything that has not changed you wished to have cleared.

Also, will you send in another saliva a few months down the road to see if you are still clear?

As AI has said...regulations still happen for a time after therapy is complete.

So happy for you!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, laser treatment (infrared - we have the laser and vials) a la Cowden does not work for most people. It cost us a fortune and we are still removing/correcting the chemicals now. You see it among the older autism protocols because C. was very active in that group. All the chemicals are still showing up now in AI testing. Do not waste your energy on it. It didn't even work temporarily.

Green laser a la A.R. calms things down and works beautifully in injuries, cuts and bruises. Check her website for more info on lasers.
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
I am wondering if any of you can tell me about Naet allergy elimination therapy and whether this is similar to allergy-immune?

I am considering doing the Naet as a start for my children while they are still on abx. I do plan to do the allergy-immune once I am able to take them off abx.

One of my boys has OCD repetitive ticks as well as attention issues - does anyone know whether either Naet or Allergy-immune could help this?


Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Anyone else with joint pain all over? Just completed Round Three.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I had joint pain that came and went during several rounds. I have not had it for several months now.
Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
lp, one of the significant improvements for me from the AI is structural. I used to go to my P.T. 2x/month for c 1 help and migraines. Since starting the drops over a year ago, I've only been twice. I've, also, had GI improvements,(able to tolerate dairy better) and better sleep.

Would like to send in another saliva sample down the road but don't know what their protocol is on that.

I know that I still have metal issues, but they seem to be moving. Have to remember to do liver and kidney support so I don't get in trouble!
Right now my thumb joints are acting up - probably metals?
Many issues probably got addressed that I'll never know - for me it was worth it.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Yes, Wise, I feel it too. Though I have a very high pain tolerance and I would not call it pain, but just barely achy and sore.

Mobilization of toxic metals and chemicals as well as mold causes joint pain. For me it is a feeling as if I had excercised straight for weeks and therefore am sore all over - uric acid being knocked out. Joints with foreign deposits for a lifetime now being displaced. I think that is a very normal reaction. HG always tells how we have simply packed the stuff away, somewhere.
Now it must leave and we are feeling it.

Metals lodged in joints and ligaments causing inflammation before and doing the same as they are now being pushed out. If you read the explanatory text that comes with the Biologo Inflame, Biologo Parasite, etc. it is easier to understand. If you can't get products similar to Biologo, MSM will help, I tested Glucosamine formulaes -- all that helps. Try the CGF = Chlorella Growth Factor which is a chlorella extract. Biopure carries it. Or take a lot of chlorella and make absolutely certain that you do not get constipated even one day. It all needs to come out now.

I checked all the ingredients in Biologo and would have purchased some separately at the health food store if I didn't have access to Biologo. It's wonderful stuff, but takes a bit of doing to have sent. Very detailed information is contained in their catalog describing every single product, the purpose for it, and its ingredients. Please read it just for the information - it is very worthwhile.

The Biologo bottles I had sent through a friend with a private address as the sender came through fine. A couple of the Biologo that I had sent direct to me are still hung up at customs in LA. I expect to get them soon. It gets stopped at Customs as soon as they see a business address as the sender. For your own use - is important - not for resale.

Do whatever you can to find what helps you to move the metals, etc. out. It is easier for children - they do it with charm - but it gets a bit more involved when a bit past teenage.

The wonderful thing is --- the toxins are now moving and on their way --- just a little extra help will do it.

Take care.

P.S. "the only way out - is the way through" is Dr. K's mantra - when it comes to shaking the tree and moving metals.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Just sending off for round 12. I am having a some joint pain right now too. Large bones and small joints. Nothing unbearable but noticeable.

Have a had a sharp pain deep within my ear, in the middle of the night a few times. Don't know what it is but taking it as a good sign.

Things are definitely on the move and I'm needing organ and lymph support daily. Dr.A D said my body doesn't really do very well with binders - wants "flowing agents". Biologo comes in handy for this.

Finally enjoying some sunshine here after all the flooding.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Did I miss a website for Biologo products? Thanks.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :

or just type in

Click on English. Click on the on the little info button beside each one. Great info and does not interfere with AI to my knowledge or experience.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

Thanks for the link.

Has anyone used the light detox.? I am afraid to start with a heavy detox.

Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
I just sent for my third drops yesterday. I haven't noticed anything much yet other than a lot of depression and anxiety and terrible fatigue. Do you have any idea how long this could last?

I know everyone is different but I just need a little reassurance I guess that this will let up soon. It's really bad and I'm having a hard time dealing with it.

I have a lot of stress as I'm taking care of my mom with alzheimers. It's so hard with me so sick. I'm trying to find some help as I'm having to cook all her meals and I'm not able. My husband helps as much as he can.

I just thought you all might know of something I can do to ease this feeling of wishing I just didn't exist. (not suicidal at all)

I just spent 3 days in bed with fatigue really bad and short of breath. It's quite a bit better today. I just feel like giving up all treatment and just let this disease win. I'm so tired of fighting.

I'm hoping tomorrow will look a little brighter.

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Oh Connie, I'm so sorry. That is a terrible position to be in where you are so tired and feel sick and need taking care of and yet you need to care for your Mom! What a wonderful daughter you are! My Mom had to do the same thing with her Mom and she was exhausted.

I too am waiting for my third round of drops to arrive so I honestly can't comment on how long the symptoms of anxiety, etc. will last as I too am new to this....but I will pray for you that it is short lived!

Also, the only thing I can think of to give you a break is looking into Meals on Wheels for seniors? Do they have that in your area? If so, they will deliver warm cooked meals to your Mom and give you a chance to relax.

Or do you go to a church or can you find one in your area? Many people would love to help someone like you and all you need to do is walk in the door and ask! Everyone these days needs a little help in some way or another!

Lastly, the thing I always think of when something is sooooo bad is that "this too will pass" - just remember, no matter how hard, that eventually things will change. Life just does that and from your conclusion in your last posting I think you already think that way :-)
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :


Hang in do have quite a lot going on personally when caring for someone with alzheimers as well! I also am a caregiver for both of my inlaws with alzheimers, and now my husbands Aunt with progressive cancer and felt so much as you describe at that time!

The work and care is overwhelming let alone to also feel sick! Hopefully you are getting good nutrition for yourself as well. This is key. Many days I did not have the energy or mind set to even eat...this was very bad! I was in bed many days like you!

What helped me through it in the beginning, before AI, was juicing and getting the nutrients,vitamins, protein and Omega 3 and 6 oils. I made green smoothies from fresh kale/spinach carrots and apple, with the oils and flax seed and added a form of protein powder.

I felt so much better immediately the days I would take nutrition in liquid form. Didn't know then that my body was not absorbing nutrients naturally as my gut had major issues. AI has now corrected this for me.

The drink gave me better energy and a better mind set. Helped with depression. I also wished I knew about my bodies need for minerals at that time.

Zinc helps depression...and if you have will need to supplement with those specific minerals. This has helped me. Hope you have had this tested.

So I hope you are feeding yourself additional minerals and amino acids. This helps with depression and an overall sense of well being as you body begins to regulate and heal.

This gave me a kick start prior to beginning the AI. but if I felt like you do today, I would enhance the liquid nutrition asap!

And if you can get outside and take a daily brisk walk...away from caregiving for need a shot of vitamin D from sunshine and endorphins to get you feeling better too. To be grateful for the day!

I eventually asked people from my church to help me at times when I needed a break, to come and make lunch or give the meds to my inlaws for me. I will pray for you that you get alll the relief you need!

blessings, lp
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
A friend sent the following link of a group called OK Go performing a song called "This Too Shall Pass."

It is a funny Rube Goldberg performance piece showing chain reactions that remind me of AI changes unblocking dysregulations and clearing paths!

Take a look and enjoy!

Connie, I just finished the Third Round of Drops. I had extreme fatigue, depression and leg numbness with Round One; loads of energy and less depression with Round Two; and some depression and deep joint/bone aches with Round Three.

I'm no expert, but I can safely say each round has been radically different. Gigi once told me to become "Mrs. Lettigo" and it was excellent advice for the rougher times. If I allow myself to believe that each new symptom will pass, it really helps the depressive part lessen.

I also went through my mom having Alzheimer's and that is exhausting enough. Seek help and respect when you need to use it -- your body is telling you important messages. I know that it can be inconvenient and daunting, but now is the time to listen carefully to the AI shifts.

LP, Clancy, Gigi and Nano -- thank you for your posts re: bone/joint pain. I am looking into Biologo right now to help ease some of the detox stuff. All of your insights and information are so valuable. THANK YOU!

Best to all on what has been a beauteous Spring Day,

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
thank you gigi,i will chekc ou tthe gren lasers.
appreciaet the feedback.

I am also sooooo sore and achy. i feel as thought i have ran a marathon! AY!

I am on round 9 now.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

For the ammonia, test/try Butyrate. I have not used Yucca - so don't know. Pharmax carries Butyrate.
I posted somewhere recently about using the pulp from juicing because it contains the very food for microorganisms - the usually good microorganisms. They make butyric acid out of it as well as other valuable things that we need for our healthy function.

You are better off tossing the juice and eating the pulp! That is how I feel about juicing. You need to make sure that you use only organics for juicing, because it is so concentrated and you would also get concentrated pesticides,insecticides and other chemicals! If you put some of the good juice into a jar and mix it into the pulp, you can eat it throughout the day and do yourself a lot of good.

Oh, just realized you asked by e-mail. But now it's here and I will leave it for others in case of interest.

Butyrate has sort of a smell and you will want to close the container quickly. But it works.

Also look up the ingredients in Biologo Leaky Gut and Inflame. That may give you some ideas for digestive/detox problems. I like to steal ideas from the smarter people (scientist of Biologo) - and I know that it is good stuff.

Also great is D+ Galactose. You probably heard the lecture on Myoreflex/Mosetter at the Dr.K. seminar. I posted here about Galactose three years ago and it was happily ignored. It should be available in this country within weeks.

My myoreflex therapist friend has or will have some soon. I just got some for my husband. It is pricey. Some day we will have this dukat producing donkey in the shed!

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
oh that is great GIGI. Thankyou.

I have been curious about galactose for quite some time..

am familiar with the concept of eating the pulp,sometimes i mix it in with saurkraut.

or save the pulp for homemade veggie patties.

does the ammonia come from the gi bugs? is this why its hard to get in the protien?

Take care and THANK YOU a bundle!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, read Mosetter talk re amonia and oxidative stress
Might be interesting for Zombie too.

Protein metabolism - ammonia, etc.

Old post on oxidative stress - Galactose

[ 03-19-2010, 01:48 AM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Another strange symptom.

I liken it to a sore throat...but not the throat nor any soreness I have felt before.

almost a burning on the top of my mouth, near where the throat only.

Doesn't appear to be a cold nor sinus infection, and I do not feel sick at all, but I am getting lots of eye drainage and at night coughing up some mucus like I did initially starting the drops, for the past three days now with this annoying burning sore feeling.

Feels like something is getting released in my mouth. We'll see how long this lasts.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Thank you GettinHealthy, LP and Wiser. I appreciate the support.

Today is much brighter so far. It sometimes starts out that way but then shifts for some reason. Can't figure out what changes. Maybe just the stress of caring for my mom.

We are on a waiting list for some help with her so hopefully that will come soon. It won't be much but anything will help.

The only thing I did different was last night I did a castor oil pack. Maybe that helped I don't know but I will be doing more. I'm trying to do as much detox as I can, too. I haven't had the KPU testing and don't even know how to go about it.

I just started juicing and doing protein and green shakes. Not sure it's changed anything yet but I've only been doing it a short time. I'm trying to get better nutrition as I know it can help lots of things.

Sorry LP and Wiser that you both have had to deal with alzheimers. It's a terrible disease to have to watch your loved ones go through. I'm so scared I will end up with it as my mom is the 4th one of her siblings to get it. My memory is so bad now and it scares me. I don't want to put my kids through that.

Thanks again, hopefully things will keep looking up.

Posted by aliyalex (Member # 6976) on :
heiwalove - i tried to reply to your PM but your box is full.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Most detoxing takes place in the early AM hours.
But the debris is still with us before we get up and that is the reason we often feel so miserable when we wake up.

Pull up the Chinese Organ Clock from the internet. That explains what happens during day and night hours. I have posted it several times on Lymenet. Liver is most active between 1 and 3 AM. If you wake up in the middle of the night - that tells you that you need to get more liver support. The liver is stressed.

Need to get to breakfast!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Light, wonder if this could be allergies? any mucus associated with it?

Also, since you have posted on the dental stuff maybe you are getting a release..always nice to be able to test this stuff..

Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

While waiting for my next round of drops to arrive, I got Dr. J's book, "Beating Lyme Disease," (newest revision), and there are some very worthwhile discussions and exact recipes in it relating to detoxing and AMMONIA.

He has a product, Neuro-Detox II, which he uses to get ammonia out of the brain and other areas of the body.

Well, since I'm in a detox mode now (charcoal, chlorella, flax seed, zeolite, etc.), I ordered some of it, and have been taking it for about a week now. (This formula is not to "treat" any specific area, just for general detoxing)

I do feel that my thinking is clearing up while using this.

At this point, that's the only significant improvement so far. But, that's GREAT, in my opinion!!!!!

I'm not taking a full dose, either. I'm increasing the dose day by day.

It looks like the one 4-oz bottle will probably last me 1-2 months.

His therapies and approaches have been discussed here at Lymenet quite a bit recently, as one person just was at his clinic for a week or two, and has been filing reports.

Hope this helps!


Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on : (left hand middle orange border)

It's nice to see that Dr. K. recommends AI.
If you don't speak German, "emphiehlt" means "recommends" in English.
Too bad the enormous video is all in German.

I am sure these two guys (Dr.K. and HG) have had a talk or two together -- beyond school medicine. I will have to ask a few questions next chance I get.

And to think that neither knew that the other existed until I told them so .... makes me feel quite good, and in the long run will benefit many.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi Lightparfait,

I have had that same symptom you reported--the burning or irritation between the nose and mouth/throat--while on the AI drops. Probably 3-4 times in the year I have been on the drops.

It's the same feeling I get when I am coming down with a cold, but when it's from the AI drops, it never progresses to a cold, and I don't have any other symptoms, except perhaps a little nasal congestion.

I've also had that same type of feeling in my throat or tonsils, also from AI. Probably 6 times in the year I've been doing the drops. Again, no other symptoms, except some redness, and no progression to anything worse.

In most cases it started as soon as I started a new set of drops. During my very first round, it started a couple of hours after the first drops, and continued for the whole two weeks and beyond. That's happened other times as well.

As best I can figure, it may be a dormant virus or bacterial infection being reactivated. I've had lots of those throughout my life, from childhood on.

My sense is that it's not an allergy, but something infectious. I suppose it could be anything, really.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know you are not alone. If you want to search back through this thread for my posts, I'm certain I have written about it before.

Take care,
Posted by lauirel (Member # 16640) on :
bump.....reading, need to find it... [Big Grin]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

The adenoids/tonsil/roof of mouth is very clearly explained here. What went up, is now coming down, i.e. toxic metals made their way up into the brain/brainstem and are coming back down in a similar way, with a little more hard work. Up was a lot easier.

Slight inflammations, the body's natural defense, are part of this. For the same reasons, we feel it in joints and and limbs when the detox sets in that was turned on more and more with every bottle of AI.

This is the reason for doing AI. The longer the problems have existed, the longer the immune system was silent, the longer it will take to get the garbage back out.

Got to go.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi LP and Nutmeg,

I get this symptom a lot: both within the illness itself and more specifically since starting AI. ....

...Sore throat, irritation, whoozy feeling in the eyes/head as if you're coming down with flu or a virus etc.

I've been lucky enough to have been reading this thread from Lanzarote for the past 10 days [ we had to cancel our holiday last summer because of illness, so this was a very special time in a lovely unspoilt spot away from tourist resorts]

Both my husband and I noticed that I had more stamina in terms of being able to walk a bit further than has been typical in the last few years.

I have also recovered faster from the exhausting travelling and the edema in my legs has been nothing like as bad as usual after a flight:

I have been taking Kirkman's Beta-Glucan and some Curcumin for a number of weeks alongside AI, so these may be contributing.

I hadn't got my log-in details when I was away, so it was very frustrating not to be able to chip in!

I got back yesterday to find my 8th drops waiting for me: 12 chemical blockages and 7 energetic blockages this time.

Sapphire, I can really empathise with you, as I was the only carer for a while for my mother who was still insisting on living alone but had dementia and had developed an alcohol problem alongside it.

The two conditions made each other worse, especially as she is very strongwilled and she kept falling over and injuring herself and needing to be taken to A and E.

It got so that any time I wasn't with her I was flat out on the settee sleeping, feeling too ill myself to cope, but worried sick about her.

I think the Lyme makes memory problems worse, but try not to assume that you will go the same way: I really hope AI can help untangle the inherited illness dispositions as well as any personal sensitivites/allergies.

Good luck too with the dietary changes,

Best to all,

Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Thank you Carry. I needed to hear that about how the AI maybe can help with inherited illness dispositions. I do worry as I'm already so forgetful but at least I know the cause for now.

Sorry about your mother. It's a hard situation for sure. My mom was drinking all the time too till she got the dx of alzheimers and the dr just told her alcohol kills brain cells and she hasn't touched another drop. I'm so happy about that as I couldn't deal with that on top of this.

Glad you had such a good time on your trip. It's good to hear you had more stamina, ect. Hopefully you will just keep improving and getting stronger.

Thanks again,
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
As arthritis symptoms and muscle aches increase, I am getting small fevers and feeling pretty miserable. Is this the immune systems saying "hello" or something more?

Anyone else with little fevers?
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

Just got Bottle #11 yesterday! Some blockages still showing up, and some chemicals and biological substances.

I'm getting through Dr. J's (Kansas one) book, Beating Lyme Disease, and I really appreciate some of his insights!

For example, I've known for many years that having a low body temperature was a really, really bad indicator and needed handling. No practitioner I've read has talked much about addressing this.

Dr. J does, and says it is a MAJOR problem, as it indicates cold core temperature that slows down or impedes nearly every major body function. (However, it's an environment that viruses and Bb LOVE!!!)

I also appreciate that he doesn't just bring up problems, he also has solutions. Most of these can be constructed by the interested individual. He does have quite a few products of his own, but I found them reasonably priced.

His botanical formula for dealing with ammonia seems to be helping me personally.


Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, My husband had this slight temp (around 99F) a few years ago during detox. I took him to ER and insisted on checking appendix. Yes, it was bursting. So do not ignore any temp.

Slight inflammation is possible, but never temp. There is diff between feeling warm and temp. So am not clear what you are asking. Temp is not normal.

You need to pay attention to binders, binders, binders. Consider also Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF at Biopure) - it is closer to the micronized chlorella which are in Biologo products. Do liver and kidney support. Castor Oil wraps overnight - . Go to protocol of Klinghardt/Derksen Autism I posted so many times and pick the items for support. They have all proven supportive for the very thing you are doing with AI. You are releasing toxins now and you need to support yourself. Especially if you have had longterm abx and other pharmaceuticals. You are also releasing chemicals, phthalates, mycotoxins, etc.

We take Biologo Inflame. If you do not have access to it, consider some of these:

Anti inflammatory herbs improving liver function
making sure that toxins provoking or sustaining inflammation are drained from the body.
Red Root, etc.
Micronized chlorella, CGF (Chlorella Growth
Factor - Biopure). It binds and removes heavy metals and chemical toxins.
Digestive enzyme Bromelin dissolves protein deposits and produces anti inflammatory effect. Glucosamine strengthens connective tissue and generates new cartilage

Learn to test yourself or find someone to test you to pinpoint what your body needs right now.
You can avoid suffering if you learn to tensor or similar. Some of the above can be rubbed into the areas that ache - mix it into coconut oil and make a salve. Especially these type of aches - with rubbing in the substance you reach the nerve endings almost instantly rather going through digestion and stomach acid processing....

I rub in and use little green laser which goes with me everywhere. Husband has stiff neck occasionally, rub in anti-inflammatory and green-laser 90 seconds, and the pain diminishes very quickly.

MSM is one of the best for aches and pains when detoxing.

Become inventive - don't suffer, please.

If you have access to Biologo products, we are using all of them now, as they test. For us, it is either now or never, and so far, great!

Sorry, no time to read and correct - time for my bed!

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi -- thank you so much for your post and phone conversation.

My fever lasted 48 hours on and off. Evidently the children next door also had a brief bout with fever for the past two days.

I just got my fourth round of drops in the mail today. They came quickly this time. My "score" continues to rise as we peel the onion: I'm no up to 12 chemical substances, 9 energy blockages and 2 toxic substances.

Waves of pain radiating from both shoulders down to my elbows, forearms and wrists flares significantly throughout the day and leaves me tired and nauseous. Other aches and pains are manageable. And I'm still mentally clearer than I ever was on abx.

I am doing the Rehydration Cocktail, Chlorella, Fish Oils and Probiotics. Also take Cranberry/Flaxseed water and 1/2 lemon w/hot water in the a.m.

I'm going to order the Biopure Chlorella Growth Factor tonight. Which do you recommend? Liquid, capsule or powder?

Which brands do folks like for glucosamine, bromelin or charcoal? Also, is it bad to be taking Chlorella when using Bentonite Clay or Charcoal at the same time?

I got my tensor from Vern and am trying to learn how to use it. So far I am bumbling....

And so, the proverbial search for detox support rambles on....
some days I am braver than others... today I'm only part cowardly!

Best to all.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hi Wiser - I've been using Douglas Lab Bromelain-5000 and a good deal of it lately! Tumeric as well. Would like to find bromelain that doesn't have mag stearate in it!!!!

Those painful shoulders and arms for me, feels like inflammation associated with metals and those two items are helpful along with MSM. I like the powdered form MSM mixed with a little juice.

Metals moving out of tissues - metals moving out of everywhere here!

I have a tensor from Vern I use to travel with as it's smaller. It's not as sensitive as the Biotensor (for me at least) and took some working with. Hang in there, it will get to know you.

Yogi makes a detox tea that I am liking a lot these days. Very calming, but there is one ingredient that your colon can become dependent on so I only have a few cups a week. No senna or anything that strong though.

Glad your feeling better off the abx.

I will be visiting "the Banks of the Hudson" in May when my baby graduates from college!!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
After starting the Rehydration Cocktail, I have really gotten hit with fatigue and a strooooong metal taste in my mouth. I am also experiencing lots of anxiety.

I am supposed to start up Round Four Drops soon. Is it wise to let a little of all this stirred up stuff calm down first?

Thanks for your reply, Nano. I need the Yogi Detox tea just about now! And, your baby is graduating soon -- May! Congrats!
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I got our 3rd round in the mail yesterday, but was surprised with the results.

My 5 year old son has 14 chemical blockages, 7 energetic bockages and 3 toxic substances.

My 3 year old daughter has 9 chemical substances, 8 energetic blockages and 4 biological substances.

While mine only has 9 chemical substances and 6 energetic blockages.

Can little ones really have more than us? Or are my results skewed perhaps because I've taken more antibiotics over my lifetime?

Just curious to your thoughts.

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
If as Hans at AI says, going through the rounds is like peeling an onion or apple, perhaps your kids are peeling back and showing more faster than you and you will have more come up later. Only thing I could think of. I noticed I had more chemicals show up this round than last round.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Yes, the older we are, the longer we have been "collecting". The chemicals are a real problem for many of us, and combined with the toxic metals and leaky gut ..... it does damage.

Be glad you are correcting all this stuff! My husband has a whole bunch more than I do, but he collected the toxin already in the Navy during WWII. Guess what, it's that thing that school med calls aging! We went to PCP the other day to get some lab testing done, every question I asked
was answered "that's due to aging". I do hope he finds out one of these days what makes him age!
Hope he can still walk. His nose (in his 40's) is dripping like a faucet because "it is pollen time"! GH/AI calls it chemicals! That's why more and more people are running around with stuffy running eyes and noses - the blossoming tree is innocent!

Plastic lining out of tin cans will be outlawed, so I read today, but ......not until the year twothousandtwentyone!

Watch what you eat - and don't use plastic period.
It's hard, but it's a newer plastic today than the one you collected some years ago and deposited in your body. We really don't want more to undo!

Talked with HG today and he says we in the US are twice as toxic as the Germans/Europeans. We need double the bottles and more -- it is very clear to him and he is very surprised. We have been driving cars longer, leaded gas longer, processed foods longer, vitamin supplements longer (totally unknown in these quantities in Germany), using makeup longer, on and on.

Got to run fix dinner.

Take care.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

Just checking in, reading the posts on this thread.

I'm getting some very nice improvements from the Dr. J botanical Neuro-Detox II. My thinking is more clear, and I've actually had an idea or two!!

One thing I've started up with to help the kidneys is D-Mannose. This is a sugar that is not metabolized, and flushes bacteria and viruses out of the system. I originally got it to treat a urinary infection, which it dispensed with in about 2-3 days! My local health food store carries several brands.

I've been adding it in to the cranberry water and ground flax seed I'm taking twice a day. I plan to continue this for about 20-30 days. Buhner says in "Healing Lyme" that the Lyme bacteria hang out in the kidneys and bladder, so I figured this could help them to exit!!

Back to the charcoal and chlorella.....


Cass A
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
GettinHealthy - I know a family of four (2 children) doing AI.

The two children had many more blockages, miasms, enzyme and gland issues than either of the parents.

I suspect each new generation is more toxic. Probably easier to get the kids cleaned up as the stuff hasn't been buried for so long.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Ditto, Cass - Mannose. We have had it in our "medicine Cabinet" booklet available in most healthfood stores that describes everything Mannose is helping with.
Just found it: "D-Mannose & Bladder Infection. The Natural Alternative to Antibiotics" by Jonathan V. Wright, MD and Lane Lenard, Ph.D.
ISBN No. 0-9713600-0-6. Tahoma Clinic, owned and run for many years by Jonathan Wright, carries it.

"The bugs assure their own survival by hanging out in the reproductive organs" - per Dr.K.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Can someone give me some advice on a root canal. My mom went for a teeth cleaning and she found had a little cavity, that she let go. her second opinion said she had 2 crowns. when she went into have the work done, he did a root canal. i am leary o f her having a root canal..any advice here?
thanks, runner

p.s. i found my notes on DK healing the brain, and its DMG that detoxifies pesticides, however, Mark S in REno says that you can use just reg. glycine. probley best to tensor it. but jus thtought i would post.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
What would detox Agent orange???- Both muscle testing years ago and blood tests confirm this is my biggest one. WHo knows how as I grew up in the suburbs, but the land (pre 1960s) was potato farms on Long Island.

I got my 7th round back. Says no more chemicals. Just 7 energetic and 5 Biological.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Hobokinite,

I have heard that the Hubbard Purification Program works on Agent Orange. I have no first-hand info about that, however. It involves using niacin, vitamins, oils, minerals, and sauna. You can probably find out more about it on-line.


Cass A
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

One thing I was going to mention, but forgot (Lyme? Probably!! LOL!!) is that in reading the Dr. J book, "Beating Lyme Disease" (2nd edition), he talks about the iodine test, where you paint a patch on your skin.

Well, although I KNEW my thyroid gland just wasn't working (my temperature was nearly always in the 97 degree zone), the iodine would stay on my body for about 12 hours or more, although it would get fainter.

Now, it's gone in 2-6 hours!! NO JOKE!!

So, I'm painting myself about every 12 hours, and have been doing that for several days now. The iodine is still disappearing very, very quickly!!

This makes me hopeful that my thyroid glad is finally waking up!

I'm in furious detox mode here--oil pulling, charcoal, bentonite, ground flax seed, D-Mannose, cranberry water, molybdenum (recommended by Dr. J for detox assistance), pectin, chlorella, and Neuro-Detox II. I've now got chlorella growth factor on order, as I couldn't find it locally.

Additional good news: I can now drive without glasses, which I've needed since I first got my license! And, I'm finding music much, much more enjoyable and satisfying, especially classical music. I can really hear all the different musical lines and feel the emotions the musicians and composers are communicating.



Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Good news, Cass. It is all very much worthwhile.

Hobo, I think the Biologo Detox (micronized chlorella plus many other factors included) would cover the Agent Orange/Dioxin problem. I put the Biologo in some grapefruit juice, makes a nice drink, and down it goes. No pills, no fuss. I hope it will be available here soon. These type chemicals (and metals) are usually stored in the fat layers and if a blood test can find it that would indicate it is on the move. Is that a recent blood test you did? if it is, you are probably releasing it now after the chemical errors have been corrected.

I do not know of a similar product, except the chlorella and Chlorella Growth Factor. But not in such a unique combination.

We have been using several of the Biologo products
and Biologo Detox removes metals, chemicals, mycotoxins, is well buffered and therefore very easy to use, all out of one bottle.

Were you aware that Dioxin is also used as a bleaching agent to get our toilet paper snowy white and is then absorbed through the skin?

If AI is still searching and finding errors, chemicals could show up again later.

Runner, I am not clear - did your Mom have the root canal done? If she did, then it's probably too late to do anything different. Maybe I misunderstood.

It's late - so good night!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
My memory. Yes, Gigi I must have asked before and you said that. So I started using health food store TP. No, the test for Dixons was years ago. Buit, it's so scary I never forgot it. Aso that the muscle tester was right. I kinda laughed that one off till it was confrimed by a blood test.

I would like to try Biologo, butthe Price! I am not rich. For way over $100 a bottle, that bottle betetr last a few months.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Oh, aslo when I had thgat test, I was around 90 pounds. When I first got Lyme I lost weight like cray. Now, since I move dtpo GA, I doubled the weight. Lotsa fat cells now.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, I agree on the price for Biologo. Just think though, how much money have we all spent and nothing much ever was able to leave the body. When I look at my hairtests that I took years ago and compare it with my most recent one, it is clear that AI has opened the flood gates. Now we just need to have the right snowplough to sweep them out, and the right additives to avoid the pain as the cells are letting go.

I also find with the right product that our ph (saliva and first urine) is in perfect balance in the AM -- the buffering that keeps the body comfortable without adding another thing.

Reading the catalog and fine print Biologo has on the internet is worth a semester of serious learning. Hope you all are making use of it. I am learning something new every time I look at it.

Take care.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I had a quick question...I recently was told to start taking Bolouke because of having "thick blood".

I searched Lymenet about Bolouke before taking it and everyone had amazing things to say, all positive.

However, I took it and immediately got a pounding headache and a whooshing feeling in my head - scared me. I stopped for a few days.

Then, I took it again, assuming maybe it was something else I took or coincidence. But, then again, pounding headache and whooshing feeling - scared me. So, I made a Dr's appointment and am going in next week and obviously stopped taking it.

Have any of you ever taken that? I think perhaps it's too strong for me and I should just increase my dosage of fish oil or something instead - I am sure I will find out next week what is going.

Just curious. Thanks :-)
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
hi gigi yes she already had it done!
but i still want to know the precautions of root it best just o have the tooth pulled?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
GettingHealthy, I never took Bolouke. Quickly learned that a few drops of Rechtsregulat thins the blood within minutes, if that really is a problem. Biopure carries it. I personally prefer fruits and veggies to earthworms! And it has a long list of uses. Rechtsregulat is a permanent part of our med cabinet.

G. of CMC came to our house one time (many years ago) for a draw from my husband. It came out like catchup and plugged things up real quick. I gave him a spoon of Rechtsregulat, which he had forgotten to take that morning, and the blood flowed normally within a couple of minutes.

Maybe they can test you.

Runner, I am not up-to-date on the most recent. Dr. A.D. is, I am sure, It can be monitored with TOPAS, an inexpensive test at dentist (in chair). But never add another one!

Take care.

[ 03-27-2010, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Thanks Gigi! I will ask about that!
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Gigi - I just looked up Rechtsregulat and read that it has "lactic acid". Do you know if this is derived from milk or beets?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

GettingHealthy, google rechtsregulat and you will find many different links. It is made from fruits and vegetables. Ingredients and process is explained in several different links.

There are also a number of discussions if you do search on LN.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Thanks again Gigi!

I'm not sure if it's just from this round of AI or just coincidence, but the vein in my head seems to be "popping out" and my legs are really heavy (similar to when you are pregnant and on your feet all day) ....not sure if this has to do with thick blood or what is moving?

I'm going in next week so hopefully through ART they will figure it out, but any ideas in the meantime?

I've been trying to take extra cod liver oil and putting my feet up, but just can't figure out why this is happening all of a sudden or what is regulating.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Gettin, you had probably several markers on your spine too? All these and all the areas shown in your 16 page test are things involved when the body goes into this corrective phase.

I had days where I dragged like a hundred tons on my feet. I had days where I could barely get up the stairs. Now way past that, I am bouncing, and my only handicap is that my husband cannot bounce with me yet. Maybe it is too late for him, maybe it will turn tomorrow.

Talked to my son today who is on bottle 8. It is his 41st birthday and he talked on the phone like I have never heard him before since early teenage.
He sounded fresh and full of life, something I have not heard in years. He always had the slightly stuffy chest and nose. There was no sign of this today.

I am certain you will have some blood circulation through areas that have been on a side track. This is what AI is all about. And then you probably are starting to detox actively and need to be tested for that and for what it is. And you should then also pay attention to using the right support. Everything they can throw at you to test to get it out safely with plenty of liver and kidney support.

I am not sure that CMC totally understand AI. If they had seen my hairtest from a few years ago and today, they would understand. So you will need to alert them to that. Dr. K. is not as long into the therapy as we are and is probably just now starting to feel a few new regulations.
I hope they give you some guidance with the right supporting agents to move things along.

Good luck.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Thanks again Gigi (I keep repeating this <Smile>).

This gives me hope! I will keep you posted.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Cornsilk and watermelon seeds also celery seeds are great for keeping the kidneys healthy.
the kidneys are so important during detoxification!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Went to ART seminar this weekend. Learned many interesting things and still have much to learn and practice.

ART organ testing revealed mercury in my brain as well as my kidney. Silver in my kidney too...all showing as blocks on that level.

runner21...interesting you mention the kidney support...I seem to need this right now...and tested well for Dandelion tea for kidney support.

I read and hear mobilizing mercury is tricky and there was no good suggestion given to me at the seminar for the mercury found in the brain besides taking fatty acids for brain support...just hoping AI will do its thing...or wondering if it has been moving from the brain and now is passing thru the kidney? It wasn't found anywhere else.

The kidney issue is interesting as I have also just learned that the kidney dysfunction from mercury or heavy metals can cause hypothyroid symptoms and hormonal dysregulation in any body functions. Kidney also gives knee pain...which are previous complaints I have posted. Lots of connections here.

Nana, Gigi...any wisdom from the Healing the brain seminar...for mercury in the brain?


[ 04-02-2010, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, thank you. Didn't know about Cornsilk. Melon - if it is organic - I chop everything including as close to the peel as possible to bits in my little blender. Melons are great cleansers.

LP and all,

If you had mercury fillings, you also have mercury in the brain. All was even more facilitated by the wheat and food allergies, which causes many people the infamous leaky gut. Metals that do make it from the brain downward get caught in the trillions of nerve endings in the gut. If the gut leaks, they are moving back from there into the blood stream. Since the blood brain barrier is damaged because of metals and other exposures, these neurotoxins easily move back into the brain. Merry-go-round. They often settle in areas where closed-head injuries happened, no matter what age, and they also settle in all areas that were weakened through injuries anywhere else. If you broke your foot or wrist, bet on it that the stuff is sitting there, right along with the microbes. If you also accumulated lead, it is in the long bones until gradually mobilized. If both mercury and lead toxicity, problems/symptoms were multiplied many times.

It doesn't really matter - usually if you have one metal toxin, you have others. The trick is to be able now to let go, after AI has set the stage for the immune system to be alerted. It will now mobilize the metals, but you will have to be aware that the Leaky Gut is not quite healed yet -- that can take a year or longer. But some are making it through and you need to have the supporting agents on board. The major hang-up is a poor mineral balance which was created probably years ago due to malabsorption, or by excessive abx, etc. We all know what they do.

The metals use any exit route available. Kidney, liver, skin, breath, and not one agent alone can manage to take them all the way out. It takes several/many. You want to make certain that mos toxins moves out through the stool. The kidney has an absorbing area of a pingpong table compared to the liver - a football field. Kidney does not regenerate any damaged nephrons - the liver can repair.

I would strongly advise you to read every word on the Biologo website, especially the description and ingredients and recommendations of each of the different products that can be used. It gives you a good idea what you need to accomplish this, without using a lot of chemicals. Biologo works, but is a problem to get. Mine got stuck in customs, etc. and I have to have it send by a friend.
You will need to understand what happens when detoxing metals and chemicals and neurotoxins that remained from infections. It is all very doable.

In my case, I have tried for years to detox metals and usually only got a trickle moving; since AI the flood is still on, and I have been dumping the stuff for many months
Starting almost immediately with AI. But I had no food allergy and no Leaky Gut problem as my husband did.

We both just had another Doctor's Data Hair Test after one in December, if I knew how to do it on the computer (because of all the columns) , I would post it here.
Every toxic metal is moving into the hair (which in essence means out) and I am supporting it now with two strong doses of Biologo Detox, whichever tests. I can feel that my body is working on something, but it is very tolerable. The products are so well buffered that my ph is right on target and that is what helps the comfort even though a lot of changes are going on. In fact, I feel great - and would be a lot better if I didn't still have to worry about my husband.

It is not the kidney that causes the pain - it is the acidity caused by lack of support to flush the toxins through.

Metals docked onto the hormone producing glands
create problems throughout the system. Work on the detox and don't get caught with thyroid this or that. It will gradually improve as you lower the toxin levels.

I would suggest you get a Doctor's Data hairtest ($46.) You will get a complete picture of your mineral base as well as what is showing up in the hair. If your mineral base is not complete, your body will not be able to capture the loose metals. AI is only the activator - the minerals have to do the major chore.

Rule out KPU! Your first hairtest will explain the mineral situation. Your ND should
be able to interpret the condition of your mineral base and help you accordingly. My husband needs between 3-5 Core and huge amounts of minerals to overcome the leaky gut(which can't heal overnight). He is showing some toxic minerals in the hair now, but needs a lot more to correct anemia which most likely also was caused by the malabsorption that was going on for years and could never be detected by ART. He had no Leaky Gut symptoms whatsoever, except Dr. K. suspicion. But it was not correctable until AI.

Read about the Leaky Gut:

and what has to be done to safely detox. I assume you had the wheat etc. dysregulations, which is one of the major reasons people become chronic. . No need to worry about finding an agent for the brain. Cilantro is the only agent that crosses the blood brain barrier, but you need to have to rest of the body in better condition before you tackle the brain toxins.

As I have suggested in other posts, my best education to do things fairly right came from the Biologo site where you find such superb detail as why and how. If you try to detox with a leaky gut, it is going to be a very slow process. It is not possible until the gut gets some repair for better absorption. My husband tests for the Leaky Gut tincture from Biologo literally every day twice and I drown him in the stuff. Check the ingredients in the link.

You will succeed if you take an overall approach. NDF Plus comes very close - but Biologo is much expanded because a lot has been learned. I have not looked at the NDF site in detail.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Has anyone else experienced skin peeling away insides their cheeks? I noticed this when first starting AI and it is intensified when I started Chlorella Growth Factor. So I'm wondering if it's metals?

Also, I'm experiencing what others have mentioned is the nightly sore throat and draining.

We have one more week to go for the end of our third round.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
LP - I don't think I can add much to what Gigi has said.

It is a problem getting Biologo right now. Have a look at Bioray products and compare ingredients in Biologo Detox and NDF. Maybe any gap can be covered by adding this or that.

I do think B. Detox covers all and makes a nice trail for things to find the way out.

The Healing the Brain seminar - I have a three inch thick book. Many practitioners, many ideas about the brain - maybe too many.

If you test for the microsilica/phospholipid drink, that will help with the metals in the gut and signal the rest of the body when it's ready for more to be released.

Keep supporting those kidneys! I think Bioray's LiverLife supports both kidneys and liver.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
GettinH, I still have the strange sore, sometimes puckered, skin and sore sensations, with obvious puffiness internally from bottom lip to chin that started end of January.

It may not be the same as you are describing, though I have also had some piercingly sore small areas inside the cheeks, not quite the same as ordinary mouth ulcers.

I assume these are caused by release of chemicals/metals, but certain vitamin and mineral deficiences can also cause sores.

Best Wishes,

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I'm on round 8 at present and have started having more brain fog and quite intense low headaches behind the eyes:

I am linking these with metal release, but, at the same time as starting this round, I stopped taking the small amount of T3 I was on, as my endo wanted me to try a month without...., as usual, it is hard to tell for certain what is causing what. I have noticed though that Biopure's chlorella P. seems to take the edge off the headache if I take enough at once.

I am using MSM, Chlorella, Jarrow's Heavy Metal Detox [Pectasol] and my clay, charcoal,apple pectin etc combo as binders.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Chanca Piedra herb supports both liver & kidneys.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
My 10th bottle just arrived: 7 chemical substances & 12 energetic blockades. Turnaround time was fast again, only 14 days.

My best to all on the AI journey.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Just got my 10th as well...

Thanks GIGI and friends for the great info as always...

My father-in-law who I have been caring for many years just passed away and it has been a very emotional time for me and my family this week. He was one of the ones with alzheimers and a very special man.

Thanks for helping me think through this detox issue !

I do have NDF in my basket...but it tests a strong no for me each time I I have never used it. Possible not my time to start that phase...but as Gigi suggests may need more gut healing first.

How long is the wait for Biologo once ordered? I notice they do take credit cards.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Sorry to hear about your father-in-law, Lp, and Best Wishes too to your family at this difficult time.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
LP - I'm sorry to hear about your father-in-law, my condolences to you and your family.

Biologo does take credit cards, the issue is with customs. Peoples orders are being held up and sent back to Biologo.

They are working on the problem but it sounds like it will be quite involved.

When you test NDF are you making sure you are not blocked? I have been blocked often recently and it always caused by metals. I stick the metal vial in my pocket and and start trying to find what will open things up.

I'm waiting for #12 - 11 was a rough one so I suspect it got to some deeper things.

I will say I am feeling super right now.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks for you thoughts Carry and Nana...I will miss him. His wife, also with alzheimers is still alive and does not comprehend that he is now gone.

Biologo detox: Would it be easier if I had a friend in Switzerland purchase them for me and bring them to the USA this summer...or If I order them sent to her...and she ship them to me? Would Customs still hold them up from switzerland sent from an individual...not a company?

I will work on the "blocked " thing...I believe I am open when I test, but I have learned last weekend about who knows about my past tests.

Could also be the time of day...too close to other things? Or maybe not good to mobilize them at this time?

I will keep testing.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Just got back from having a visit with A.D. to verify my testing and to pick her brain. My husband has definitely improved with the whole Biologo line, no DMPS, no DMSA, no EDTA, no chemical chelator - his organs are not stressed and I can up the Biologo doses that are already in the high numbers. I was surprised. Mineral base not up to par yet and added lithium which he tests very high for, but shows no trace of in Drs Data hair test.
In this case, lithium brings more order to the nervous system.

LP - Our condolences to you and your family.

NDF possibly does not test for you for the same reason I indicated yesterday - gut area has to be unloaded before you bring in Cilantro, which crosses the Blood Brain Barrier. Both NDF and NDF Plus contain cilantro.

This hairtest, as I posted yesterday, is really such a revealing test, as long as your practitioner can translate it properly. Getting the minerals right is quite tricky, especially when starting very low.

Also added more and different digestive enzymes and taking different mineral supplements to hopefully bring the total balance up. Impossible to detox without that.

Waiting for grandkids to color tne Easter eggs!
That should be fun!
Posted by kateaton (Member # 24871) on :
Oh my gosh, I've spent the last week trying to read through this entire thread- I sort of gave up somewhere around August. But, wow, there is so much amazing information and it's all sort of confirming my intuition about wanting to avoid antibiotics.

The Biologo stuff looks incredible too. So, it's not possible to buy from them right now?

I'd really like to start AI. This is probably a stupid question, but would it be contraindicated to get pregnant while undergoing AI- even if one wasn't taking the drops currently?
This is a really long commitment, and I don't know if I can see it through without caving and having another baby. It's been on hold for a while and I'm not getting any younger ;-)

What is the cranberry drink protocol- what is it for?

Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
lightparfait -- my condolences to you -- I'm sure you have many special memories of your father-in-law.

Having recently said our final goodbye to my mom, I have found that my memories of her before she had Alzheimer's are resurfacing in a way that they could not while we were caring for her. I always said she was lots of different moms over the years -- all of them sweet.

Sending you blessings and hugs,

Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
lp, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
kateaton, when I asked the pregnancy question of HG who runs AI, he told me "especially then", because you will not pass on any allergies/dysregulations to the child.

I got all the Biologo bottles I wanted. I paid and had it shipped privately through a friend.
It is possible. They are working on this problem and I am sure it will be possible. I am pushing as hard as I can, because I like that stuff. It is the easiest detox I have ever done without taking a ton of pills. And it is gentle and very effective. Our ART tester told me today that my husband never tested so free and easy - no kidney/liver problem if kept within reason and the amount of drops not overdone. I am now using practically nothing else but Biologo; my husband has the added KPU (zinc discussion on the board) and really has to work on building up mineral base that had been neglected because of malabsorption caused by Wheat/etc allergies.

All who read this, please have your minerals checked. The least expensive way is to do the Doctors Data hair test for $46.oo. It will give you the toxins moving out and at the same time will give you the status of all essential minerals needed for detox. Don't ignore it - don't save on that - because you will not accomplish what you are looking for until the minerals are back up. Especially important if you had all the food allergies! Wheat, soy, corn, encyme deficiencies #9.1, and all the others on the 16 page first report you received from AI.

Take care.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
LP - I am so sorry to hear about your loss. That is a hard time for sure. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

UKCarry - When you described the puckering sores in your mouth - it is EXACTLY what I'm experiencing. Each word you used is the same as what I have. I'm thinking it must be some kind of release because when I took Chlorella Growth Factor for the first time I got a cheekful almost immediately.

I have yet another question - I am planning on having major surgery in November and know that they will chock me full of antibiotics to prevent infection, etc. Will this "undo" what AI has done for me especially in terms of healing my leaky gut? I really would like this surgery and yet I know that all of the drugs you have to take along with surgery may shock my system into a major setback.

Has anyone had surgery while doing AI or stopped for a few months and had it?

Just curious.

Also, I gotten a few emails here and there regarding my experience with giving AI to my kids so I will type more tomorrow when I'm not as tired in regards to what I've experienced so far in order to help those others who are out there reading and curious.

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
a great site to see what is lurking in our food supply and what chemicals we are in exposition to .

biologo sounds fantastic!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
LP - if you have someone in Europe who can mail the bottles in a private package (gift) - I would do that until Biologo gets this straightened out.

Gigi is right - probably the cilantro in NDF. I can't and don't take cilantro orally but I do rub a few drops in here an there.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks everyone for your thoughtfulness.

Wiser...your thoughts are healing..."lots of different moms over the years". That makes the last 4 years of changes easier to accept and the memories all positive now.

The hardest thing for me during the years watching his decline was knowing that there was something causing what we are all dealing with. I wanted to find it and clear it!

I felt responsible to help him. I changed his diet, environment, and noticed improvement...but was faced with other family members...lots of them... fighting me and my crazy health ideas.

I share this with you all as we not only are dealing with ourselves, but most likely are caring for others or will be at some time. Many of you share this here.

As I reflect, I realize that there was a reason for the journey. I have been healed through the process of my inlaws health issues both physically and spiritually...and through his death he has given me and his future generations new life. From knolwedge I have gained by searching for answers for them...and by dealing with emotions.

I am now doing AI...after a litany of steps that brought me here. I have been helped by all of you. There was a reason for the journey.

To others, learn what you you also will help others. Work on detox and cleaning up your bodies and your childrens for future generations.

But do know that there is a time to release too. That is not wrong nor is it giving up when the time is right. And God will tell you in a knowing way, when to be a pitbull...and when its time to release. Each individual situation is unique...

"to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven."

peace and blessings...lp

[ 04-03-2010, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by kateaton (Member # 24871) on :
Gigi- even if you are moving metals? Isn't it dangerous to do any kind of detox during pregnancy?

What is the cranberry juice protocol?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Kateaton, of course it is best to do any type of detoxing B E F O R E planning pregnancy. I also don't think it is a good idea at all to be pregnant when you are certain that Lyme and co-infections are still a problem.

I will post the question to HG at AI next chance I have.

But for goodness sake, if you know you are heavy metal toxic, try not to get pregnant. Mother's milk is proven to be very toxic. Not to scare, but just to alert you: I was toxic from fillings and root canals and our son died of SIDS at 6 weeks old. I didn't know I was toxic because that was in 1966 and nothing of what we know today was on the front pages. The danger with Autism is way too great. I have seen sooooo many of these children; Dr. K. treats many of them and so does Dr.A.D. by now 1 of 100 are autistic and with boys it is worse, 1 in 50. It is a long and problematic struggle! Sadly, it is a sign of our time.

Take care.
Posted by kateaton (Member # 24871) on :
I'm very aware of the situation and statistics with regards to autism. I worked with many of those kiddos for years. I talked first hand with several parents whose children literally regressed over night after getting a series of vaccines- went from being completely fine to withdrawn/nonverbal and behaviorally disturbed in mere days. My experiences have definitely guided my parenting decisions regarding vaccines.

I know that ideally all detoxing should be done prior to being pregnant. But, first of all I don't know for certain if I have heavy metal toxicity or not. I did a test a week ago- so I'll know more definitively soon. I don't have any fillings/root canals either.
I don't know if I have lyme or not either. I definitely have chronic epstein barr virus and chronic fatigue. My test came back very borderline and EBV can cause false positives. I've talked to 2 lld that are not positive about the diagnosis for me. I'm retesting next week to see if we can get anything conclusive.

I have 2 children already who are pretty healthy. My health issues were the same when I had them.

I've read the studies about toxicity in breast milk. It just seems like no one should have a baby. It is just so sad how toxic we are. No one can get away from it. Then I factor in that biological clock and it just leaves me feeling really impatient.

Obviously, my test results will factor greatly into my decisions.
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
ANyone here have had a very high Cadmium Metal Toxictiy but never smoked or been around second hand smoke really either..

I did work in the Film developing and inks and printing industry for pre press too and that is the only place I can think of where I got loaded up on it.

IT was off the page and not even able to get a good reading on the tests years ago and redoing tests now.

Just curious if anyone else has had Cadmium as a problem in the list of heavy metals?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
spring i have cadmim, cell phones can be a source.

one thing i have noticed with autism, is when the parent has relatively no signs, the child is sick the sicker parents have healthy children. i wonder if this is bc the moms that are healthy are detoxifying throug the first child..

anyway just my observations..

Gigi, do you think htere is still hope to have a child after detoxifying?

Also, i am unsure about the methylation cycle. what comes firt the toxin creating the dysfunction or the dysfunction creating the toxic buildup. this is a question of the chicken or the egg?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, You are in the midst of correcting your methylation cycle by doing AI. That is what it is all about. You in the midst of correcting what you inherited from your ancestors and what you acquired during your life.

And of course, there is no doubt in my mind that one can have healthy children.

Most mothers of autistic children also need to be treated. My child who died at a few weeks old was my second child. The oldest one I am sure has some allergies that need addressing, because all his children have allergies, as well as the mother. My third son was seriously allergic and is now on bottle #8 of AI gradually unloading. He is doing great and full of energy and life as I had never seen him in earlier years.

Spring, If you have been around cars and trucks and filled your tank, you have been exposed to cadmium. The question is - was your body able to dispose of it?

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, You are in the midst of correcting your methylation cycle by doing AI. That is what it is all about. You in the midst of correcting what you inherited from your ancestors and what you acquired during your life.

And of course, there is no doubt in my mind that one can have healthy children.

Most mothers of autistic children also need to be treated. My child who died at a few weeks old was my second child. The oldest one I am sure has some allergies that need addressing, because all his children have allergies, as well as the mother. My third son was seriously allergic and is now on bottle #8 of AI gradually unloading. He is doing great and full of energy and life as I had never seen him in earlier years.

Spring, If you have been around cars and trucks and filled your tank, you have been exposed to cadmium. The question is - was your body able to dispose of it?

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Kateaton, I sympathise with your dilemma: I was already showing signs of unidentified illness 21 years ago, when I conceived my son, now a relatively healthy [he has Gilbert's syndrome] 20 year old at university.

He is beginning to show some symptoms that may be allergy-related [or may be a result of student lifestyle!]

I had lots of amalgams, but didn't at that time know about the dangers and so happily breast-fed Dan, believing that I was giving him the best start.

Like you, my original symptoms included enormous fatigue [and there were EBV antibodies].

I don't know your age, but can feel your anxiety about the ticking clock. I was 37 when I gave birth to my first [and only] child.

So far as I am aware, AI targets inheritated illness in the early rounds, so, depending partly on your test results, perhaps if you were to start AI, you could decide to at least wait a few months before trying for a baby?

It seems to me that if AI is doing its job, the blood, lymph etc must be chock -full of debris, metal and endotoxins being released whilst on the therapy, which is far from ideal when pregnant.

Good luck with deciding, Kateaton,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
This is definitely not computer weather so I am going back outside shortly - but, wanted to let you know that I have completed AI.

I was just saying to my husband last night that I had a feeling I was going to get a letter from them this time instead of drops.

I retrieved yesterday's mail this morning and the letter was there.

"the last analysis of your sample shows no further relevant disruptions, according to our state of research the analysis did not show any further blocks or incorrect information related to your body."

My first test results (those bars with colors) only had one in the green (normal range) many on the high end of yellow and two red.

There are now 3 in the low end of yellow and the rest are GREEN!!

I am especially pleased that "contamination by recirculating toxic body burden" is in the green range, and "toxic body burden by recirculating heavy metals" is just barely in the yellow.

Everything has improved significantly.

The last round of drops I did #ll I believe, was quite rough and then I just felt good.

I still have detoxing to do, rebuilding my mineral base, and will continue using Biologo Detox and extra support for liver, lymph and kidneys.

Now, back outside for a wicked badminton match.
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
So NanaDubo

After 11 rounds. and a letter that says your done.. HOw much better do you feel. YOu wrote you still are doing work and such and I go the impression it might feel like just something you do along the way like many other things and it is hopefully going to help with detox and building a better system overall as time goes on?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Congratulations, Nanadubo, on coming to the end of your rounds fo the present; I do hope that you feel better from AI and that you will continue to improve.

Will you send a new sample after 3 montyhs, as have several others?

Best Wishes,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
springshowers - if you're asking why I'm taking Biolog Detox and things for organ support it is because before AI my body was not able to recognize many toxic metals, fungi, chemicals etc., as toxic - so I stored them.

Now that these substances are recognized, they don't come out overnight, although it feels like they are coming out pretty fast now.

The things I am taking will help clean things up while keeping my liver and kidneys in good shape. Detox will continue for awhile.

I feel very good and I was over lyme before I ever started the drops. AI got systems working together the way they were meant to - to help clear the toxic terrain which is why lyme settled in so nicely in the first place.

The reason I started AI was I wanted to get to the bottom of how and why I was ever able to become so ill from a tick bite. When lyme was no longer an issue, I realized it was probably never the MAIN issue - toxins were.

Carry - thanks. I feel like I've accomplished a lot when I compare my final analysis to the first one.

He didn't mention sending a new sample in 3 months. I think maybe others did because they were on it for such a short time and maybe other things they were doing, interfered with the drops.

I will see how things go and maybe next year will send one. Not sure. He said in his letter that if there are any disruptions to be sure to call and talk with them. Of course I will need an interpreter : )

Best to all

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Nana, beautiful to have a functional immune system again, ain't it? Now you can help cleaning out -- all the way out --- a few of these trillion cells that are now waking up and starting spring cleaning!

I have a hunch I will be next -- My flood gates are already open and I really have to be alert to not forget that kidneys, etc. are working overtime. We so underestimate these beautiful organs and am not any longer surprised when Dr. K. told me ten years ago that in a research project he was active at his University many years ago, they found most twenty year olds already with damaged kidneys!

AI is not like taking an aspirin that makes the pain disappear. AI reminds me of this handle on an oldfashioned car which they used to crank up to start the engine to get moving!

Nana, make sure you tame and ban these metals with the rest of the garbage forever. You deserve some fun from now on! Will join you soon.

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Gigi - First of all, thank you for finding AI and sharing it will all of us.

Your description of the car handle is excellent. Once you get things cranked up with the drops, you still have to hop in the drivers seat and take charge of what is going on. The motor is running but you have to make sure you don't crash into any trees!!

I do think it's important early on in the process to support the liver, kidneys and lymph. I did to some extent but maybe not enough.

I will be keeping red root, renelix and liverlife in stock!

I'm still amazed by the before and after numbers. I think AI kept me from going down a road full of potholes in the future.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Nana...what an Easter present! So happy for you!

Keep sharing and posting any and all changes you are experiencing as you immune system begins its new life! You are one of our pioneers!

You have been a great support to me!

Celebrate life and enjoy your new "normal"!

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
For those considering pregnancy...know that it is not a coincidence that you are on this site and absorbing information about detox.

Take the gift of all this info..of course question and understand...but clean your body up the best you can, so you will also have a clean conscience when you conceive. That you have done what you could with the knowledge you have to give you future children the best chance of a healthy life.

After that, let go of any guilt of what you may be passing to them...and accept the unique gift that each of your children are.

Poor health is very inconvenient, stressful, and can easily take over our life in many ways if we let it. But the larger challenge and lasting thing is not our bodes...but our relationships with each other and love. Love is eternal. I need to be reminded of this over and over to keep my mind going in the right direction.

Many times conception is not planned...and surely can be inconvenient, but giving life is never a mistake.

[ 04-05-2010, 11:03 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I was remembering a conversation that Gigi had with Mr. G and shared with me a long time ago.

He said that when he finds that "final switch" all can change (something to that effect).

Don't be discouraged or think something is necessarily wrong if it is rough with this at times.

As I said in my post when I announced I was finished - my last round was BRUTAL and then I just felt better.

I think this is important to remember.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Has anyone else done the Doctor's Data Hair Mineral test while on AI (Gigi suggested this as a way to tell what we are releasing).

I was just curious because though I will see the Dr. in a few weeks to interpret the results, I'm confused as to whether high is "good" in terms of perhaps I'm releasing them? Or is high not "good" because that just means it's high!

For example, the analysis called out:

HIGH: Lead (feel it in the long bones), Zinc (taking 1 capsule of CORE/daily), Copper, Tin, Uranium.

LOW: Sodium, Potassium, Manganese, Chromium.

I've never even though about Tin and Uranium before this test!
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
i have a question about menstrual cramps, my daughter been having very painful cramps for 2-3 days and nothing help, she used to have pain for 3hr the first day, this is the second time this happen to her. is there anything that can help?
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
Biologo-Detox , do they ship to USA?

if i order will they get through customs?
why they charge incl. 17,5% Mwst.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Fifi25, (Biologo) yes, they will. But. Send me an e-mail for details, please. [email protected]

GettingHealthy, I can send you a copy of my test and I can then explain it easier if we talk. Send me a mail, if you want that. I haven't found a way to post it here, but am checking with some computer literates how I can post it here.

In short, looking at the test: Potential Toxic Elements should all be showing in the left hand black lines - the longer, the more you are releasing into the hair and out.

The bottom portion of the test: Essential and other elements: all black lines should be on the right-hand side - 50th percentile and up. That means you have a good mineral base to accomplish detoxing. The more the black lines reach into the left-hand side, below 50th percenile and lower, the worse your important mineral balance is and needs to be improved.

Call or mail please.

Take care.

Fifi, increase calcium and magnesium - that's what I remember from my younger years. Capsules are better for absorption, or liquids.
Posted by fifi25 (Member # 16675) on :
Thank You Gigi! [Smile]
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Any Ai-ers out there have luck with lowering eye pressure through the treatment? My eye pressure just went up and I'm hoping time and AI will bring it down.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, the eye is very much involved in detoxing. You need to get some help now with some of the good binding agents. Your body is now releasing some of them and you need to step in for support. Sitting by and suffering is not the answer. All the different Klinghardt protocols contain info that you can use to effectively support your body toward toxin removal.

Find someone - a naturopath who understands detoxification. You could try NDF or NDF Plus, LiverLife - also developed (2001) by same scientist/doctor who does Biologo. Try Chlorella Growth Factor. Biopure chlorella. Dr. K. talks about eye pressure here, I believe.

All the protocols I have listed Klinghardt/Derksen give you some clue what to reach for now. You have got to get active with binders.

You had stored the toxins for a very long time and they are now starting to move -- and you need to get them out. Your immune system is starting to do what it was meant to do before AI started to turn it on again after pulling out some of the electromagnetic errors.
You are mobilizing toxins and now you need to help yourself by binding and getting them out. Colonics is not a bad idea when things get stuck for too long - 3 in a row -; lymphatic drainage helps. Look at holistic clinics who offer these services. Make sure you never get constipated.

Red Root, Renelix for kidney. Unda 243 for liver and kidney.

Learn to tensor and don't be shy about it. It helps me as a direction finder every day - for myself and for my husband to find what is needed most.

My husband had cataract surgery after the 11th bottle of AI. I am convinced that the Eye is the depository of toxins that help create any of the eye problems. No doubt in my mind. Since he is still in the middle of detox with all sorts of toxins (mostly metals) moving through the body before they exit, his pressure went up. Before and after surgery, I had to give him 4 different drops 4 times a day ten minutes a part - and they eye now is and looks great. We decided not to wait any longer with removal of cataract because it was affecting his balance. One more eye to go. He already finds himself watching TV without glasses.

Now breakfast!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Anyone know anythin about field control therapy? My doc is getting into it.

Seems like it would impossible to comply to the no EMF rule.

Still on AI. In the mioddle of Pollen Hell. Still allergic. Oh well, Rome wasn't buildt in a day. On round 7.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Nevermind. Found the thread. Sounds like AI is better.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi -- thanks for the info-filled reply. I have LiverLife and CGF coming in mail tomorrow. I will try them first.

Renelix and Unda 243 -- do you take all of these together? Or do you use one sometimes and another sometimes?

I'm working on Vern's Bobberwand, but I am not very good yet.

Printed out The Klinghardt Neurotoxin Elimination Protocol from your link. Thank you!

So much to try that's it's a little overwhelming. least there are choices!


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, this site Is a treasure chest of information you and others need to have. Read how to use NDF, LiverLife, etc. Don't forget to rub it in. Same with CGF. Make a poultice when needed and apply at tough spots. My husband's is usually liver, kidney areas and occiput. I rub things into my heel (broken long time ago) that always tends to be a trouble spot for metals passing by. Become inventive. These remedies get to the nerves much more quickly via skin than stomach (HCL) and digestion.

Cilantro tincture works well rubbed in also. Or a few drops in warm water or tea.

Learn about the ph factor and be able to help yourself when things accumulate too much and body becomes too acidic. There is a wonderful article on this site. Biologo promised one soon on their site and I will catch it to see if anything new has been learned in that area.

Be sure you get Bioray's brochures explaining dosing for NDF and NDF Plus and for LiverLife.

The Biologo I use is very similar. I add all into one cocktail with grapefruit juice. If it contains chlorella, take it 30 minutes before meal.

Hobo, you probably have a ways to go. Pollen problems are, per HG, a combination of chemicals. You are probably still reacting to chemicals.

It is strange, everybody I run into, including the physical therapist, the PCP, the mailman, all have red eyes and runny noses, and hacky caughs --- but believe me, I am not going to get into this one with any of them.

Happy Springtime!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
In ATlanta we had 2 days of record pollen counts. Twice the highest number. Oy.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, just read the German Forum on AI. A person on bottle 8, extremely ill at one time, now can eat all again with no problem, but still reacts to springtime. Much like you. He was told all depends on how many drugs were taken over the years to fight the allergies - eliminating them can be deep, depending on quantity and age of person. He was told to stay on the ball and was reminded that being able to eat everything again without getting sick is already a victory that should be kept in the positive forefront.....and to keep on doing...

Maybe you can go there and translate some of it - it is not a very active forum - Germans are not the type to do as we do here on LN

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hobo - when I was a kid there was something in the air in summer that would close my eyes right up.

I seemed to grow out of it (no drugs) but through the years that yellow pine pollen always had me sneezing- again no drugs for it.

Last summer when on the drops I noticed the pollen did not affect me.

When I got poison ivy last summer I could tell by looking at it that every chemical I ever put on P I over the years was coming out. I got one small spot on the top of my foot (P I) in the fall and it was gone overnight instead of spreading everywhere.

I don't know what if anything you've taken over the years for allergies, but I do believe it will all change.

I think all the rounds are like flipping circuit breakers on. My final round felt like the "mother switch" had been found. It was a brutal round but I knew I was done before I even got the letter in the mail.

Now I am mopping up metals, every day - every day.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I'm staying on AI. Heck, why quit? I paid for it and it's easy.

I guess I should feel okay that this is a record season and even people without allergie are suffering all around me too :}

AI must be doing something cause I don't think I used allergy eye drops till this week. Usually they were in my pocket all the time.

It hopefully shall pass soon.

Thankls guys for yoru advice. You're the best!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I had asthma and allergies as a small child. I must have been on a lot of stuff. They seemedt o go away in my teens and I hadn't really been on anything since. They didn't come back till Lyme. Nothing worked so I didn't take anything.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

You mentioned an AI German forum. It is separate from the AI webstie. If so, would you kindly supply the web address. I can always use the google translate if needed if it is in German.

Thank you. Lee
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
i love the ndf website , how fantastic!

thanks gigi!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lee, you reach the AI Forum from the home page.
As I told before, Germans are not of the same mentality and few will publish their very private affairs on a forum. So don't be disappointed. I have found some wonderful explanations though from the AI Team answering certain questions that explain the therapy even better. That is why I occasionally look in.

Good luck with the translating engines -

Runner, you are welcome. But please do remember that the original texts, many of them, are dating back to 2001, around which time NDF and NDF Plus, LiverLife, etc. was created. Dr. Ray then went on - to develop the Biologo line, which I really began to love. It is so well buffered that even the most sensitive (children, pregnants) can handle it, as long as it is not overdone. But it's worth getting excited about learning so much more in detail how metals work and why they are really, really at the base of most of our chronic conditions. Most people, sadly, would rather overlook that and find themselves in similar misery years later.

I know that I would never had to suffer through what I did if I had not had the type of dental work performed by the "good" but ignorant dentists starting early in my life.

In the meantime, however, the metals and chemicals have entered our food chain and there is no escaping at all. We will therefore do the Biologo preventive for the rest of our days.
I already carry a few drops of "Rescue" in my purse!

Take care and enjoy learning.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :

Can one take Liver Life if they are allergic to mushrooms? Seems a very shroomy recipe.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, I don't think that you are any longer, if ever, allergic to mushrooms. Most fall into the secion 6.1 of your first 16-page test where all the mucor related substances were corrected.
Maybe it's time to put that fear out of your mind. Often the fear is worse than the real thing.

I also don't think Dr.T.R. who is expert in this very field for many years would create a product to which people are allergic. I know many people think or feel they are allergic to mushrooms.

LiveLife is really one for liver restoration and I am sure our liver has suffered a lot over the past years.

Ask the people at to send you the brochure on Liver Life and I am sure you will find a lot of info, if not the content of the brochure, on the website itself. I have known these people for many years & have bought stuff there just as long. It is a good place to go and learn.

Follow the ph recommendations with the ph strips if you can. It is great to know where you stand and why sometimes we can feel so miserable. It will be of great help knowing and being aware of just that.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
thanks gigi..i called ndf today and she said i need to take liver life which i have here and start slowly with ndf plus. i am at one drop per day, for 2 weeks.
i also ordered a test kit for future use.
i am extremely exhausted. and i had a good cry today. pesticides are still showing on me repetively by dr. AD, but at ndf she said that ndf plus will help me with that.
any other thoughts would be appreciated.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
J. used to test for pesticides and insecticides almost relentlessly. Not anymore. It all starts to come out together, some earlier, some later.
Crying is good and helps let some stuff go.
I do as she says unless somewhere along the lines my testing changes. That is the benefit of being able to test at home.

I remember something to the effect that if you do NDF, you follow it with distilled water (no minerals and no structure) - just once. Toxins should start showing with first and second urination after taking it. It was a little confusing to me. But check it out, so that you will be doing it right if you use NDF.

What is in the test kit?

Crying is healthy and very becoming to you!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Lots of good info needed when trying to help the toxins on their way out. After correcting most of the errors, the immune system is now getting active. AI is probably doing some, but the tendency for reabsorption is still there. NDF, etc. is designed by the same scientist/doctor as Biologo. It contains no chemical chelators which is the part I really appreciate.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
thanks gigi..that is alot of info.
i did not realize that the same person makes both ndf as well as biologo.
bc of my exposure with juicing and ants, i was directly exposed to pesticides.
anyway, that is good information about the distilled water...

thanks again!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I'll try the Liver Life. hen you guys give a thumbs up, it's worth investigating.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I'll try the Liver Life. When you guys give a thumbs up, it's worth investigating.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
hobo, the liver life helps with immunity and phase 1 and 2 detox. good luck.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
What do you do if you forget some of the daily drops? Can I add on a day or two to the original two weeks?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
gigi, doyou take the microsilica everyday? i just learned its best with phospholipids for those who dont know this.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, you can take the drops longer to make up for missed ones. We take the drops to reinforce the new memory in the body.

Runner, yes, that is what I do when I take it. I also add other powder or liquid to it, stir it well into phospholipids, then add grapefruit juice to drink. We do no longer test for microsilica. So I am not using it right now.
DK talks about microsilica here - read it carefully. Lots of other good info to refresh your memory. It's just a two-3 line paragraph about micro.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
yes, that is a good one..also explains alot about kpu and the importance of vit. a and k.
i take microsilica one time per day..and really like it. i think it has helped my gi function.
it seems the phospholipids are becoming more and more center stage to encourage absorption of nutrients.
my urine is clear, i think i am peeing out all my going to lookinto phosphorus.
thanks again..

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Don't gobble so much water. Take liquids that contain foods that have to be metabolized, for liquid to remain in body longer rather than just rushing through flushing all minerals, the few you have, with it.


Phospholipids carry the needed stuff to the liver.
The lipids wrap it up and carry it through. Stir the microsilica right into the 1T of Phospholipid Exchange; it will enclose it. Then you add a little juice to drink it down.
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Hi Everyone,
Well I took the plunge today and sent for the AI test and drops. After reading this thread and seeing several whose stomachs got better on AI, I decided that this might be the key to getting the leaky gut turned around.

Looking forward to getting to know you all better.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Congratulations Imaginit and keep us posted. Leaky gut takes time to heal but is the root of many, many issues.

When you get your report in a PDF, if wheat is checked off that will tell a lot. That will change over time.

I feel as though my 11 rounds of AI was the biggest favor I ever did for my body and my future.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Welcome, Imaginit: I send you best Wishes for your AI treatment.

I have finished Round 8 and my abnormal skin surface on the upper torso that started late December is suddenly a lot better.

Inside of mouth symptoms still there, varying in intensity.

I've got flu at the moment, so find it hard to notice improvements!

Nandubo, it's so nice that you have seen such positive changes!

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Sending for Round 11 today...

have been away for a week and experiencing deep muscle pain in my calfs, buttocks and both knees. Believe its long bone and muscles/connective tissue. The knee pain had left for several months but just returned.

NaNa I believe you posted about this several times. I did a few poltices with MSM...and tried the green laser on it...but no relief yet...probably doing it wrong.

I do believe this is all toxin related. Wishing I had those biologo products already. I did order liverlife by bioray last week to take before starting the NDF I already have at home, when I test to take it.

I know metals are moving...both from kidney and liver...per my tensor.

Please refresh my memory of how to use the liver as exit over the kidney...what to eat that is non constipating to take the toxins that direction.

Lately chlorella and fiber seems to bind me...but I know I need it...and afraid to do too much liquids that will move it through the kidney...Thinking of just doing my blender vegetable cocktail...want to keep those metals and chemicals moving in the right direction.

This could also be because I went away on a flight...usually when I fly, my elimination shuts down for days!

If anyone with the constipation issue has a good suggestion that works when facing this...please post.


[ 04-14-2010, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thanks Gigi..i know those words are so true. I have been drinking water and peeing it out alot for many years. (when i do urine tests i have to have an extra jug!)

I found this website, now i cant find it, but it says to take 1/8 tsp of sea salt everytime you drink water.

leaky gut can cause so many disorders . i went to a conference last nite that explained the digestive system. did you know in the womb one cell divides into two and one is the brain and one is the gut. the body is so amazing.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
p.s. the salt helps to keep the elytes in ..and up. regulary throughout the day.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Everyone interested in detoxing as AI is opening up the channels, please read this. You need support!
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
So at what point in doing AI does one start detoxing? At like round three or can you start from the beginning?

Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi Imaginit,

I think I must have started detoxing and moving metals out with the first dose of drops.

I've posted before in this thread about having irritations in my throat, back of the nose (nasopharangeal area I think it's called), and tonsils. That started within a few hours of taking the first 5 drops from my first bottle.

The irritations have happened quite a few times since then as well.

GiGi posted some information at the top of page 27 of this thread about metals moving through the tonsils as we detox.

Since I didn't start doing anything major for detox support until several months after I started the AI program, I hope I didn't do more harm than good.

So yes, detoxing can start right away.

Good luck to you,
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :

I agree, things start coming out right away and maybe we don't feel them until they have built up.

I would definitely do liver, lymph and kidney support. I started doing binders right away when what I really needed was extra organ support at that time.

If you read all the posts here, you'll see a lot written about having a means to test to see what you need and when.

The Bioray site Gigi posted is very good. Liverlife helps the liver and kidneys. Extra support - Pekana remedies and Red Root. Also, Matrix Minerals to replenish what gets lost or was never there in the first place.

Until Biologo Detox is available here, it looks like NDF is a good substitute.

LP - Flying stops all for me as well. Chlorella does add bulk but I need chlorella right now.

Yogi Detox tea helps keep things moving. There is question as to whether or not one of the herbs in it can cause dependency but I think it would take a long time and in the meantime - important for things to move out.

It does not have senna or any of the other more harsh herbs.

Thanks Carry, many things did change but right now it is a full time job staying on top of the metals. I'll do another hair test soon and see where things stand.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
LP - Tumeric and bromelain are my best friends right now. Metals coming out of tissue (or being stuck there) can cause inflammation.

They are both good for digestion too.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
hmm..i get very inflamed esp at nite, i have often correlated this to mercury, that is interested also what you said nana about the tumeric and bromelian..

Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Thanks for all your answers--I'll start getting my detox kit together.

Can one use Welchol as a binder? It's prescription drug like cholyestramine and worked well for me.

Also, can one do detox baths and infared sauna when you first start the drops?

Last, does anyone have a system on how to keep track of all this great info. Do most of you just print it out and put it in a notebook or do you have other ways?

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I discovered an indian aruvedic herb today, asafoetida, it is high in sulfur and great for digestion..
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
I'm just about to finish my 3rd bottle of drops. This one was so much easier than the 2nd.

Anyway, I have a dilema. I have 3 cracked fillings(amalgams)so I'm going to have to get them fixed. I will be looking for a biological dentist to do this. I was wanting to wait till I got done with AI.

My question is, is this going to interfere with AI? Also, how much chlorella do I need beforehand and when do I need to start taking the extra amount?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Sapphire, what do you gain by waiting with cracked fillings?
Any of the binders that you read about here or the organ supports do not interfer with AI. In fact, these are necessary. Take as much chlorella or any chlorella containing binders and/or other binders as you can. You want to capture all free roaming mercury that you can to prevent reabsorption and recirculation. Every time you chew, drink hot or cold, mercury is released from the fillings, turning to vapor, and settling somewhere as a different form of mercury which is much harder to detox. It is best to avoid that.

Take care.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
No, I know I don't have anything to gain by waiting other than a toothache maybe. :0)I just found out these were cracked.

The only reason I asked was because I thought I read here that it would be best to wait to have your amalgams removed after we got done with AI. I must have been mistaken. (wouldn't be the first time) I couldn't figure out why as I know we need lots of binders now. It's taken me a long time to figure out just how important they are.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks for the answer Nana...

silica for moving things through liver
electrolytes for moving things through kidney.

binders versus liquids makes sense...just dont want to have the pipes clogged with too many binders!

Started the "liver life " from bioray . I tested well today to take that with the NDF!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Got this from DK a couple of days ago: For kidney
(nitrogen) support during detox:

1 tsp galactose twice daily, and

Kidney cocktail: 1 quart of good water, 2 tbsp Matrix Electrolyte, 1-2 tbsp MicroMinerals and l cap of M-Water. He says it really works to bring the nitrogen/urea down and turn the kidneus back on. Also warns to be careful with too many supplements until kidneys improved.

Take care.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
gigi can we get galactose from biopure?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Sorry, Runner, I forgot to answer your mail. I have been very very busy. I am sure that Biopure will carry it before too long. Because it has been used in DK practice ever since I brought it over from Germany 3 years ago. People had been ordering it direct from German pharmacies.

I think Eva at Myoreflex has some. So call her.

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Are people really taking BioRay's Liverlife at the dosage suggested [ie building up to 3 to 6 droppersful]? I think my bottle would only last a handful of days at that rate once I'd built up!

I've got to about 20 drops twice a day,

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I currently test for two droppers full of Liverlife, two times a day....

Are you taking this before trying the NDF?
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Oh, I'm having the mother of all migraines -- hormonally related. Haven't had one of these in 9 months!

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Do you find anything helps with the migrains?
Occasinally my daughter gets these, although they have lessened while on the AI therapy. They were weekly for years while she was in highschool.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi LP -- nothing much helps for the migraines. If I catch it early enough, 2 Aleves and 1 Benedryl can keep it from getting really nasty. I do not take any migraine medication because of my sensitivities. Oh, and cold washclothes across my eyes and at the back of my neck is soothing.

Usually day one of the headache requires staying in dark/dim rooms and I try to sleep through the pain and mental confusion. Day two and three are manageable and I try to lead life...but not in noisy or overly bright environments. On the forth and fifth day I have no pain but I get sweaty. Then it is over.

Menopause was looking good, since I don't get the migraines without huge hormonal fluctuations. Oh well.

Best to you and your daughter (does she have any good tricks for migraines?),

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, there are a number of reasons for migraines especially as they relate to hormones. Certain mineral deficiencies, calcium, etc., can be part of it. Suggest you google "migraine hormones calcium klinghardt" or similar, and you will come up with a lot of info, I am sure.

Have you ever had your mineral base checked to see if you are deficient in any of them. As I have always posted, since you are now into serious detox, it is important to check this out.
I suggested the Doctors Data Hair Test for $46; it gives you also the mineral status and any ND should be able to help you identifying this. If nothing else, start increasing good absorbable minerals (Matrix Minerals from Biopure; Shilajit from Ayush; Biotics Multi Mins) and I am sure others can suggest more.

With AI, this becomes very important, and you will avoid needless suffering if you get this test. Whether with AI or not, you cannot detox anything sufficiently without the good essential minerals.

If you want to read more, google Essential Minerals metal toxicity Klinghardt -- that will bring you more info that may work for you.

Worrying about you - because you should not be suffering as you do! Please look into this.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi lightparfait,

At present I'm sticking with [not all at once!] Biopure chlorella, MSM, Jarrow Heavy Metal Detox and my usual mixed binder [clay, apple pectin charcoal etc], but may try NDF in the future.

I have continued to use solidago from time to time.

How long does your Liver Life bottle last you at 4 droppers daily?

all the best,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I am only using 20 drops of LiverLife per Dr. A D.

I read all the info about building up to 4 droppers full but she did not have me do this. I take Livit2 and milk thistle as well.

Liver is working overtime - lots of breakouts on some liver meridians. The eyes very much relate to the liver as well.

Was having a really rough time with inflammation and tumeric/bromelain started not doing the job anymore. Yes runner, I relate this to mercury and could be chemicals as well.

I added proteolytic enzymes between meals and I believe it is helping tremendously in terms of breaking things up.

I chase the enzymes with either chlorella or Biologo about an hour later - this is still in "experimental" stage but so far so good.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Odd situation: I started round #9 of AI last week. I used the biotensor to tell me how many drops to take. First it was 3 and then it was 4 and I usually move up to 5 (3 times per day). I could feel myself sweating and used the biotensor to pick appropriate detox items and binders. Suddenly on day 7 the biotensor said "no" to the AI. The day before I had stopped sweating. I find it strange, because I know that emotions can affect the biotensor, but I was not feeling too bad on this round of AI physically or emotionally. I don't know whether to keep taking it or not.

I have found the biotensor or my ring pendulum to be very accurate in the past. Has this happened to anyone else?

Posted by karenl (Member # 17753) on :
Just started my very first IA drops. I had to start by rubbing it into my skin first (according to instruction from Germany) as I am too sensitive.
Then I started slowly and
my biotensor said yes to 4 drops twice daily last week.

But after 3 days I got a bad diverticulitis(did not have it since 6 years)and my doctor put my an flagyl.

Did anyone else have problems taking the IA drops?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lee, it's possible that your body says no at the "moment" because you may need more support getting things out. That is very likely once you get up into these higher #bottles.

You are aware that if your regulation is blocked, even just temporarily, that your tensor may indicate no when it means a yes. That can happen within seconds or minutes, especially when the body is very busy trying to throw toxins out. That happens very often when I test my husband when the autonomics are in a very delicate range.

I think you are right -- one split second of the wrong thought and the tensor is off. It is hard to test with a totally blank mind.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LaremI, if you are this sensitive, it is very difficult to test yourself with a tensor.

Please read the English booklet they put out for patients. A short-term re-run of past experiences physically or emotionally does happen, but usually stop within 3-4 days. This actually is usually on the energetic level. I.e. it feels like you have the bladder infection of 15 years ago, but it actually is not. If you were able to discuss the "rubbing it into the skin" with HG before, why not run this by him to explain.

Everyone I know had problems and memories pop up, or feeling worn out and tired, but usually not of long duration. That is all part of this therapy, healing but not damaging. It definitely cannot cause diverticulitits, if that is what you want to know.

Hope you get past this quickly.

Take care.
Posted by karenl (Member # 17753) on :
thank you so much. I am doing better on day three,but the div. was pretty tough.

I did read the booklet. You think I had the pain of the div. but not the div., like elevated white blood cells...and it would not have been dangerous.
Also got some bladder irritation now.
I thought it could probably do the same as homeopathy, make you more sick in the beginning.
I will call HG and get more explanation.

Then my biotensor probably is not always right
because of my own hyper-sensitivity to everything, called MCS.

Gigi, thank you so much,I appreciate your help.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, "switching" describes electrical chaos in the nervous system usually caused by electrical overload of the system and resulting shorting of the circuitry. This originates often from one or several interference fields and Neural Therapy (also taught by Dr.K., the developer of ART) is the most elegant long-term method of unswitching.
Switching tests are used against blocked regulation and corrected in different ways, too involved to get into here.

All is not learned in one weekend!

It is best to learn the basics first and learn them right and not to mix up apples with oranges. It takes most people several courses and several years to do it right.

You are making certain statements in your post of 4/21 to Carry - and I do not want to comment on any of them. Things simply are not black or white, i.e. you may test positive for LiverLife today and tomorrow and then never again for days or weeks or months.

For further reading, an older publication - learning is continuous -

Let go and take care.
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
I sent in my sample to be tested on April 12. As of today, Friday, April 23, HG has not received it. HG said it might be because of the flight delays in the past few days. But shouldn't it have gotten there before the flights were canceled earlier this week due to the volcano?

Do you think I should send in another sample and not wait in case it got lost? Thanks for your help.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Oftentimes little packages or letters take 3 weeks. Nothing unusual about it. Sometimes it takes 5 days. Consider the backup - no flights. Be patient.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks Gigi! I will try to explain things better in future posts or not comment on my novice experiences as they must confuse people...sorry.
I am still learning...and going next week for ART II and will meet Dr. K. Sabine was amazing and taught us so much! It does take time!


Posted by Rob Kurylo (Member # 19916) on :
Hi everybody,

Perhaps I missed it absolutely necessary to have metal fillings removed before starting AI? I've been doing ABX for about 14 months and have not had much healing. I was wondering if perhaps AI is the way to go for me.


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Rob, it needs to be understood that no matter what you do, the mercury/amalgam in the teeth will send the mercury into the body, mostly brain because of direct access, for the rest of your life, unless you remove them.

You probably will live through much more misery if you do not do AI before starting to remove the fillings. At least when AI has made the corrections, the immune system will act more quickly and help to eliminate the toxic load from the body. If you, like the rest of all of us, are allergic to the metals (and to all the other toxins, good foods, etc.), it seems to be a struggle that never ends if you do not do AI.

No matter what, you need to learn about binders and organ support now and on AI later if you want to eventually free yourself of this ugly stuff called toxic metals. I haven't seen anybody get rid of Lyme while still retaining amalgam fillings, dead root canals.

The only way out - is the way through. That is how Dr.K. puts it. I agree, because that is the only way I made it through.

Take care.
Posted by Rob Kurylo (Member # 19916) on :

Thanks. I was afraid you would say that. Is there some type of chelation I should start until I can find a mercury removal literate dentist?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Rob, take chlorella, etc. Suggest you check - they tell you what is safe to take while amalgams are still in mouth.
Also read some of the great info that comes with the Biologo products. The less remains in the gut, the better off you are. Gut has to be relieved first, then comes the brain. Not the other way around. The road out has to be opened first before you bring down more from deeper and higher (brain) levels.

All seems easier if you have a roadmap. And believe me - you will get there -- same as I did. But for me to really release the deeper levels of metals - it did not happen until I started AI. Even Dr. K. is amazed at the results and the struggle it was for me to drop a molecule of hg.

Take care.

[ 04-25-2010, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
I can really relate to nana and her liver. this is the issue for me. i think AI stirred up a bundle of toxins and i couldnt get them out fast enough. i am going very slow on my drops and also using liver life, doing flushes and lots of clay with binders.
gigi is righton about having the roadmap.
also have some diversion from illness as well.
my mom and i spent two days together, one in the golden gate park and one in nature at another healing.
walk barefoot on the earth to ground..laugh, love. all of this is so important!
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

A week or two ago I got my letter saying "You're done!" from AI. I didn't think I was complete yet, and want to thank GiGi for helping me by answering my personal emails to her.

Turns out that I was taking the 5-Factors for methylation, and this could have blocked AI from picking up some dysregulations. So, I'm going to continue with detoxing (adding in Liver Life and, soon, NDF Plus) and send them a new sample in a few weeks.

I just got the Liver Life from BioRay today, and took my first dose (about 1/3 of the recommended starting dose).

I appreciate the BioRay data giving tests you can do on yourself for when to start, what happens when you over-do, and when you're done with the intensive handling!


Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cass, I got a note from HG today saying that you should send another sample in a couple of months.
Glad you like that BioRay site also. So I am herewith passing AI's message on to you.

We are waiting for our #12 bottle. Wonder how much more he will find. Well, old enough living long enough makes for more accumulation.....
I must say I feel superb with every once in a while a twinge in an arm or leg where the lead seems to be departing. Feels like I spaded up the whole backyard on that day - but haven't done more than a little hand shovel planting a few veggies.... But feel super again a few hours later or the next day. So when the experts tell you that you will feel the metals moving - it is very true.
But I am glad it is happening, and hope everybody will be moving closer to that -- just getting all the gunk out. It is really strange how the toxic metals, I believe, (so does Dr.K.), change us into different people or what we would have been in a healthier environment. I am looking forward to the day when most of it is gone for both of us.

Take care.
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
I have not been following this thread, as I did not realize it was a subject I read about, but did not have time to delve into at the time.

As most of you know, I am not adverse to new treatments or methods of resolving health problems.

On the other hand I am a natural skeptic, and like to have some measurable results to go by.

I think I understand the underlying principles of this enough to think it is possible it works, but does anyone have any objective evidence that it is helping? My version of this is not a double blind placebo controlled study, but some measurable way of verifying a positive result.

As a male, and an older skeptical one at that, "I feel more energetic" does not mean much to me, as it is too subjective. If someone told me that "I was unable to walk for two years and now I am Bowling" that would be fairly convincing.

I am just looking for a list of solid evidence of this type. Nothing that involved, but it seems that some have been through the program, and should be able to nail a few things down.

Thank you for the interesting thread. I have not made it all the way through it yet, so maybe I will find some answers as I read more.

Mt daughter may be able to use this, and that is why I am asking. She has Celiac Disease pretty badly.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I do think you need to read through the entire thread to get a better idea of what others experience on AI.

Especially as you feel you need solid evidence, there will be no one who can supply lab tests, etc to "prove" it was AI that may meet your requirements to feel good about trying this from today's popular medical perspective.

Many people will have a hard time mentally embracing this alternative type therapy. Just hard to comprehend for some. But knowing there is no downside, I was able to "experiment" with the energy I knew deep inside, that taking more antibiotics or other unnatural substances was not what I think of as "normal" for a persons body long term. Just not healthy!

I was already of the mind to "clean house" after all my many treatments, and then see what was left to take care of. So I was ready to give it a try.

All my evidence is experiential...although many like me have had lab tests that have changed significantly...but will not say "scientifically" for a fact it was the AI...but personally I know that was the only therapy done during the abatement of our symptoms. 5 drops three times a day under the tongue...what could be easier. And my daughter finally felt free of taking over 30 pills/capsules a day. It took her out of mental prison...being tied to a pill box. That alone was beneficial.

It was also the right timing for us to start this and we were also just off take a break and doing a simple body cleansing...working on spiritual emotional healing at the time...all of this at the beginning of AI.

Also, I had already just removed my mercury I was set up to be in the best place to start. I believe I experienced great effects with AI because of all this. My body seemed to welcome the "communication" caused by the drops, and small annoyances and physical things began to quickly get better...(you will have to read my many I have too many great things happen to mention here)

I have witnessed others in my community and my family experience positive health during the AI therapy. Most noticeable was the allergies/sensitivites gone to gluten, pollen and environmental agents. More subtle, but noticeable were positive changes in anxiety and depression levels. A sense of good feeling in children and more motivation in school. Emotional healing can occur, and has been the most positive thing for those I love on AI.

We are all more pleasant to be around and communicate much better.

Well worth it!

My opinion when I started, and did not know if it would be beneficial, was that I have spent more money on tests that were not accurate, trying to find a treatment, so what difference would another one, much less expensive, be if it worked.

Well it worked clearing many issues for me and my family...and we are not done yet! The disregulations that have resolved so far, have been enough for me to say without a doubt, that it was worth the time, effort and money for what we are experiencing today. I am so grateful as just writing this brings tears to my eyes of the difference this has been for me and my daughter!

This is the reason I post my experiences in more detail than I need others will know there is hope to feel better, and live free emotionally, and enjoy your food again. Life is good!

Whether someone gets rid of lyme...or other pathogens, that may require additional treatment, antibiotic or natural... and it is individual the level of what each of us have...and how long it may take for those who have more systems not working correctly...but AI I believe helped us clear things, that lightened the immune system to naturally work, and allowed the body to clear lyme and coinfections. We are free now...

There is nothing in this for me to recommend it...but I have compassion for all those who post on lymenet...and when I find something of value, I do feel obligated to share this to those who are open, as it has truly benefited me.

So yes, I say its worth a shot for something will improve for all with the drops...Will it be the same for all? Probably comparison is hard as we start the therapy with different body burden.

I am so happy to learn about this and am looking forward to completion in the near future.

Dan, I hope you get your answers.

Best wishes.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I too want to hear from lots of people on Lymenet how this is going and if a cure has taken place.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

Do you feel you were cured or lyme put into remission before AI or has AI helped with the lyme. I know it is not always possible to separate Lyme from the toxic conditions of the body, but were most of your Lyme symptoms gone before AI?

Other, please pipe in.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lee, Dan, Seek -

I don't know who could ever tell us if the chicken or the egg came first.

After completing AI, and in retrospect, if I had compiled a list of symptoms, I would have found that mercury toxicity, fungus, lyme and the like would have been nearly identical symptom-wise.

Then throw in neurotoxins produced by the killing.

I had them all and I know I had amalgams and root canals way before the tick bite. I am of the opinion that since I was unable to recognize the metals, fungus and the like appropriately - that the storm was brewing for many years and then when just about every system was in complete chaos, along came the tick.

In an email from AI just about a year ago, he wrote something to this affect - "It is not the ticks but the regulation disturbances which make people ill, and the wrong treatment. The immune system always suspends antibiotics."

One major problem I had that is now gone - just before starting the drops my colon had completely shut down. No surprise when I received my test results from AI that those areas showed up in the "red zone" - severe blockages.

I was completely dependent on colonics and warm water enemas for a number of months. This was no fun and quite worrisome to say the least.

I am happy to report that I have been "enjoying" having at least one (sometimes more) healthy bowel movements everyday (unless I go on an airplane).

Can I prove this was AI? No. But during that time I had every imaginable test, including colonoscopy and there was "nothing wrong." The doctor said "get on Miralax and plan on taking it for the rest of your life." There is the answer from science, drink plastic". I did not do this.

That to me is more than some unexplainable, "happy feeling" from the drops.

My neighbors (family of four) who are doing this, are away and just called to ask me to open their new drops and read what it said. They have just completed their first round and received results with the second drops.

They all had several named industrial toxins, plastics etc - two of them are children 5 and 7 years old with even more things showing up than the parents. All the metals, fungus and foods have now been identified as either "friend or foe" appropriately.

How fortunate for these children that they will not go through life adding more and more to the list of "regulation disturbances", and collecting unrecognized chemicals, metals and other toxins, and wind up as adult asking "what the heck is wrong with me?" when it all goes wrong.

I have long past the point of needing scientific proof for everything. I have gathered too much knowledge and life experience to know that not all is found in science and on paper. It does have it's place.

I reported here when I completed the drops the many, many changes that have taken place. I sleep a little better at night knowing that for one, the recirculating toxic load from metals is no longer in the "red zone."

I hope this is of some help.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
P S - Do I feel like a million bucks everyday? NO, but I feel that way often enough to know that more of those days are coming and that a restructuring has taken place that will continue on.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Heard yesterday from a friend that she finished all drops. She has for the first time now solved her lifelong problem with her period. She is very happy.

If you need statistics how a group of 200 people fared on AI, call or write and ask AI to send that to you. I tried to post it a couple of times. It is in German, but all symptoms are easily interpreted and numbers are numbers. It is split into male/female. The Wheat/Grain allergies that are the most impressive were 100% successful for all who took part for that reason.

It's worthwhile to do some google translating of their website. Or at least read the English portions they have now on their site and follow all the yellow links indicated on the English portion.

It's worth it - that is all I can say.

Take care.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
I am waiting for bottle #11. Besides AI, I am taking the 'rehydration cocktail' + ASEA, that is all. I am feeling better & stronger all the time.

I recently had my lung capacity tested at at the ALS clinic and it has gone up to 49%. Last September, it was 42%. I'm pretty sure it was even lower by January/February.

I am gaining weight, getting stronger & breathing better. I have hope again.

I am starting to feel like I may owe my life to Lymenet, especially to GiGi and Troutscout, because they brought AI and ASEA to my attention.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
That's fantastic news Zombie! I am so happy for you. It really warms my heart to know you feel better and stronger.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Thank you, Nana! I just realized that tomorrow is 1 year I have been doing AI!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
That's great Zombie...we all kind of started this together...hard to believe its been a year...but so good to know we are all a year better!

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Lyme was real for two years for us...confirmed with all the standard tests...big time.

Lyme was gone for me and my daughter after we started the AI therapy, but in the beginning few rounds/months after beginning the AI treatment. Lyme Antibodies not even showing now.

This was unbelievable to our great LLMD....who agreed for us to take a spring/summer abx break before starting us on IV antibiotics...that was the LLMD"s plan. LLMD warned us that symptoms would most likely get very bad again...but said it was our choice.

LLMD is now following our situation with skeptism...but with joy as our health and life is witnessed. LLMD's approach is always not to encourage patients to experiement with their bodies...but LLMD does adopt newer protocols that have proven successful with others over time.

Pre AI, our co-infections were addressed with 1& 1/2 years of oral antibiotics. Co's were said to be gone before AI. So our burden was lowered to some degree and symptoms were milder on antibiotics, but still had major issues.

Lyme type symptoms were strong and did come back after 2 months of our antibiotic break...when starting the AI. But we also have now realized that many other things can give similar symptoms as all was not lyme.

I believe lyme left as a result of several issues being resolved...and AI being a part of the mix...but not the whole cure for sure. Emotional healing was the biggest hurdle...and once getting free emotionally, all symptoms fell like dominoes. Our bodies began to regulate and push out things that did not belong there.

AI helped with the emotions, as well as spiritual healing for us. I detail this in other previous posts. Also detailed throught this AI thread are the year long regulations as they occurred weekly.

For me to even remember...I will have to read through all the threads too. Many amazing healings! I will have to keep a list eventually...which I haven't done...just to remind myself what we went through...but right now, I just want to live and not dwell on the past issues.

I just realized that the past 6 months or more, while on AI, I have not "Lived in lyme"...nor dwelt on the past symptoms at all....what freedom for me who was of the old belief..."Blaming all on lyme" I just weekly anticipate new positive regulations. Have moved from negative to positive in many ways!

[ 04-28-2010, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Speaking of periods,
I have 3 girls suffering from terrible menstrual cramps. They all take many advil over the course of 3-4 days/month (12-16 per day) [Frown] [Frown] [Frown]

Nothing has been able to help this problem, and we have tried many doctors and many remedies, so now we are talking to them about going on the AI drops.

While they are on the drops, is it acceptable to take advil so they can get by until their systems are regulated?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Chhers. That's Great Zombie.

Time to change your name to Sunny or something!

I don't think we ever should put Lyme anything in front of our names.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Zombie, I am so pleased for you. I thought of you when Dr.K. mentioned some of his ALS patients and parasite treatment.

"I don't think we ever should put Lyme anything in front of our names."

Oh boy, do I ever agree with this statement, hobo! It has been bothering me for all the years I have spent on this board. Nothing makes a deeper mark than giving oneself the name. I think that goes for "my" and all possessive pronouns in front of a disease.
Thank God, we don't own it, but were only momentarily stuck with it.

It all starts with a thought - I haven't actually thought of having had Lyme in years. HG actually says it becomes part of the DNA engraving -- probably some of those emotional blockages that he keeps finding.

We had a good long visit with Dr. K. tonight - he is very fond of my husband and wanted to see him. He said that he himself is doing well with the drops. He said he hasn't slept as good in many years! He only has trouble finding an envelope and mail it in once a month. Then he can't find the address - the typical absent-minded professor. I guess I will have to chase him a bit more. He is excited about it and is recommending AI to his patients as needed. Maybe I will send him some addressed stamped envelopes - the spit and wrap he has to provide himself!
I have been finding parasites when testing and he did too. He suggested to treat parasites,
parasites, parasites, that they are much more of a problem than he originally had throught when I still needed to be his patient around the turn of the century!!!!! Since we are spilling metals now, he suggested to treat parasites again. So we will. He had suggested a few weeks ago to find suppositories. Metals and parasites, as I have always said live very close together. He used to preach that years ago, but he has now become very emphatic about it. We all have them, some of us just have too many of them. And they rob us blind.

Alinia, artemesia, artemesia, ozonated rizole oils. I am busy "creating" suppositories with
some of them, because they are more effective. I got a delivery of biofilm plus(whatever hides in it) with the first one I made. I used to sew fancy clothes and cover slips and water color and paint peasant furniture - now I am down to creating suppositories----

thejoje, HG told me some time ago - if you have a headache, take an aspirin. Don't suffer.
But here is part of Dr.K's neurotoxin elimination program:

Cilantro tea: use 10 to 20 drops in cup of hot water. Sip slowly. Clears the brain quickly of many neurotoxins. Good for headaches and other acute syptoms (joint pains, angina, headache): rub 10 -15 drops into painful area. Often achieves almost instant pain relief.

Start with less than drops and work up slowly.
Cilantro tincture gets to the nerves very quickly by rubbing it in. I also like the tea.

You can find the total program by googling Klinghardt Neurotoxin Elimination Program. It helps a lot to know all that.

Bedtime - and again thankful for a good day - hoping that all people on this earth find a warm bed somewhere....

Take care.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear GiGi,

Thanks so very much for passing on the message from HG at Allergie-Immun! I'm marking my calendar!

I'm very interested in how one goes about creating suppositories. I have Alinia pills, artemisia, and some essential oils useful in treating parasites--black walnut hull and clove.

I've been considering saving the Alinia tablets (I have enough for a full round of treatment) to take after completing AI, but was concerned that these might interfere with the body's own responses. I didn't know if Alinia acts on the immune system like antibiotics or not. Do you?

I'm going to try out the cilantro tea and topical treatment, as needed. I have a couple of cranky areas (one the site of many injuries) that could use some help!

Have you tried out DMSO? I have a very good friend who's an ND who recommends that for joint pain. He recommends USP grade only, shipped in a tinted glass container. It needs to be diluted down with distilled water and kept only in a glass container away from light.

You can't buy this grade of DMSO in a health food store--what is sold there comes in plastic. DMSO is a universal solvent: the plastic ends up in the DMSO.

Anything you add to DMSO goes through the entire body in a few seconds. You can test this for yourself by adding some garlic, for example, putting it on a toe, and being able to taste the garlic almost instantly.

This might be more penetration than needed or wanted for those of us who are very toxic....Then again, a very small amount to start?

Hope this helps!


Cass A
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

My daughter occasionally take advil on those days...but not as many as you describe. No more than 2, every 4 hrs I believe...and dont think she has taken more than 4 a day ever. She is used to dealing with big time when she takes them, she needs them. Especially if she has to go to class or exercise.

While still on AI, her menses have improved. They are now at regular intervals...( were every two weeks for many years...completely crazy)and cramps are more manageable now. But still there!

She tries to use a heating pad and put her feet up if possible.

From what I have witnessed with regulations on the drops...I would anticipate improvement in this area for your daughter from the AI therapy.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Anyone having delays getting the drops with the overeas airline flight cancelations? Are packages being received as usual?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
My neighbor got theirs on April 28, were mailed from Germany April 21.
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
HG has still not received my sample that I sent on April 12. Should I send in another one?
Posted by Maradona (Member # 24552) on :
I,m interested to start AI.
Igenex labs show lyme only .

Treated Lyme for 6months,my LLMD thinks mybe I have coinfections babs and bart mix symptoms not shure never adresed coinfections,nore parasites.

On rocephin IV 2G and flagyl 250X3.
Filling alone to figure out what is best in this stage.

Appreciate any advice or idea
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

What are your symptoms and severity?

Could you survive without antibiotics?

Are antibiotics helping you live symptoms free?
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
I never thought of using the cilantro drops for menstrual cramps. Very ingenious.
Thanks for the tip!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Imaginit - he once never received my sample. Seems like he should have yours by now unless it got hung up when the planes weren't flying in Europe.

Wouldn't hurt to send another one.
Posted by Maradona (Member # 24552) on :
My symptoms are cold feet burning and cold burning on arms and feet,pins and needle sensations on my foot sometimes hav e same in my chest,neck creaks and craks.

I stoped them for a week and my symptomes started to came back.

Dont know are they Lyme ore somthing else coinfections ore iven yeast mold.

Yuse to have problem bifore I gat Lyme with sinusis especially on wet wether.
Ithink I need to do something about metals alergy and mold .
My impresion is that this is stoping me from geting beter.
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Thanks Nana,
Do you guys just put a bit of saliva on a tissue and wrap in aluminum foil and put in a regular envelope. I did this last time and I had to fill out an extra form because there was something other than just a letter in the envelope.

Thanks for your help.
Posted by Maradona (Member # 24552) on :
I,m not symptom free right now but was going slow but study to that goal .
Now for the first time I have candida problem on my mouth white yelloish tongue and aperently in my digestiv tract.
I contact LLMD office but takes for them almost a week to get to me back .I gess they arent our engels either but just play that role.Charged me almost 2000$ for western blot and coinfections done thru Igenex.
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Can anyone tell me the exact address to send the sample to? Is it the one listed on the website and do you write the address in German or English?

Thank you.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Send a one page note:

Short list of basic symptoms or diagnosis

Spit two drops on a 2 inch square piece of kleenex. Put it in a small snack bag or smaller.
Seal bag.
Flat wrap this baggie into a small piece of foil which doesn't add more weight, just to cover the baggie and tug the ends under (flat) to avoid bulkiness.

Take a regular letter envelope addressed to

Allergie Immun
In den Hahndornen 16
D-67273 Bobenheim am Berg

Write with large letters on envelope AIR MAIL.
The one page and skimpily wrapped baggie will in that envelope will cost 98cents. Not necessary to add another form if done that way. I have done it for a year now and it always got there fine when done this way.

Hope that works. Don't forget to send the PayPal for the fee.

Good luck.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Maradona, if molds, yeast and metals are a concern, I don't know a better way to handle them than to #1, be able to recognize them.

That takes place with the first round of AI. Doesn't mean they all leave immediately but your body can start to deal with them as it would have before it was completely overwhelmed.

It's the toxic terrain that makes a happy home for all these things.
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Thanks Gigi,
I have done it to your specifications and will send it out when the PO opens in the am. I had previously sent it to the address on the website so I guess that's why it didn't get there.

When you send in your first sample do you still do Pay Pal? Sorry for being so dense but I do want to get this right and start on the drops. I'm bummed that it's going to be postponed another two weeks. And patience is not one of my strongest virtues.

I do thank all of you for blazing the trail and being so helpful. Thank you.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Did you already pay via paypal for the test and first drops through the website? If so, you are all set for the first round.

He asks for the postage via paypal for subsequent mailing of drops.

The address on the website is the same as Gigi posted except on the website it includes his name. Should have made it there unless the whole "no fly" thing got in the way.

I'm excited for you.

I love Bozeman!
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
Hi Everyone

I keep reading that you should read this thread and consider AI before doing any KPU or Methylation cycle protocols.

Is this the general consensus and what everyone here did or is doing?
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Thanks Nana! I did pay through a credit card for the entire thing--it came to $634. Exchange rates must have changed over the year.

Anyway, Bozeman is where my LLND is and my daughter will be attending college there this fall. If AI works for me, I am going to get her on it as well as she has lyme and symptoms but is not doing any treatment.
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
Originally posted by NanaDubo:

One major problem I had that is now gone - just before starting the drops my colon had completely shut down. No surprise when I received my test results from AI that those areas showed up in the "red zone" - severe blockages.

I think this is pretty convincing in itself, since they would have had no way of knowing this any other way, other than the test.

These are the kind of things that I look for. If they actually can detect something like this from saliva, I have some confidence they know what they are doing.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Zombie, many congratulations on your terific improvements: it is wonderful to have new hope and I wish you continued success.

By the way, if anyone in Europe is interested in doing AI, after the initial Paypal payment, I was asked to send 5 euros each time for postage: I just slip a note into the package,

Best Wishes,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Dan, Yes. I didn't even write that as one of my "symptoms" when I sent in my first saliva sample. I wasn't aware yet what a problem it was becoming.

Spring showers - I only started KPU treatment after having been on the drops for a year. I was dreading it due to all the horror stories I had heard. I am on a fairly small dose of the Core and am handling it very well.

There is another thread running (or was) about how difficult the drops can be. There were some rough rounds for me as I have stated throughout this thread. My final round was brutal as I also stated.

My husband completed in 7 rounds and never felt a thing except for vivid dreams. My neighbor is also not feeling a thing.

I think we can expect everyone will react differently, we all carry a different load and different levels of blockages.

I always tried to remember (with a little help from my friends) that regulating was taking place and that it would pass.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
In the mail came my last report!

"the last analysis of your sample currently shows no further energetically relevant disruptions"

I did sense I was nearing the end. And I feel a little sad, as I was hoping they kept finding little things to correct! I always looked forward to my future rounds as I saw positive change monthly.

As Nana just posted, a week after my last round I also had an unusually odd regulation with my liver/intestines...actually similar to hers, but Nana's sounded more "brutal" than mine.

It wasn't too hard..just a little scary as I haven't had a painful liver area or blockage in that area that I can remember since possibly childhood. It was not debilitating...just very noticeable...whitish stools. But since Nana posted about hers...and that she is done, I knew it was only a regulation happening, from the past years experience...and possibly I was ending soon too.

I decided not to seek medical advice from my ND and just ride it out...from my past experiences.

Having others post their issues candidly helped me prepare myself for future rounds and know what can be done to ease through it.

My liver issue cleared in several days but I was concerned of needing more liver support...which I did add...liverlife, milk thistle and Pekana remedies. I only tested for it for about a week.

Biotenser confirmed metals moving out big time and liver clearing!

The previous round it was the kidney clearing out stored metals and E-coli! I got scared and went to my GP for urine test...proved high e-coli infection...and was sent to a specialist who wanted to put me on antibiotics...I decided to treat myself retested after natural remedies and it did go away...and possibly would have on its own...

A few before that was my thyroid acting up! Every hypotyroid symptoms imaginable...not severe but real...I was scared again, and went to my ND...who tested me to take biotenser testing confirmed I wanted it...but in three more need! All cleared on its own!

This reminds me that my only "hard Issues" with the therapy over the past year, were just odd issues, actually old past issues so I knew what they were, and did mentally make me think of adding remedies to ease through I am predisposed to always have a remedy for any illness or ache my whole life.

And there were times I did get nervous that maybe it was not the was a new issue that possibly needed to be addressed...which each time ended up not being the case.

I do believe now I did not "need" to take as many natural remedies/support products as I did...but the remedies helped me ease through those few days...and mentally feel better that I was in control of the situation.

I share all this to encourage you as you go through your unique issues with AI.

I do recommend getting that basket of support products so you have some back up when you get nervous of a new regulation/feeling you are experiencing.

My kids do not take any support if they have a problem, as they do not share their slight regulation issues...they just live with little things I believe, then forget they even had a slight odd feeling or issue.

They do not report anything to me now that has seemed physically odd or unusual. Its how our mind individually works, & past experiences on dealing with health issues.

I"ll still be posting here occasionally as I anticipate more regulations occurring the coming HG writes:'

"As you know from previous check-ups, the energetic components that regulate all material parts of the body are easily corrected (our experience). However, it might take some time for our body to restructure all matter. Please allow your body the time to do that. Our rule of thumb is that a restructuring may take up to one year if disruptions existed for 10 years."

Anyway...thanks to all for your support, encouragement and sharing!



[ 04-29-2010, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Way to go LP! It is very true, what he says about restructuring. I feel it going on and I have not had any drops for two months.

Are your kids done as well? Seems like it is taking a little longer, our kids and grand kids seem to have more burden.
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
It is interesting that vivid dreams can be one of the effects of AI. It also is one of the temporary effects of Low Dose Naltrexone, which regulates or boosts the immune system.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks Nana! WE have been on the same course!

My kids are not complete yet.

They have taken longer between rounds to send in their saliva samples.

But I think that will benefit them, as more restructuring can occur if not rushing through it. And I"m sure more body burden has been added with the college lifestyle...foolish kids!

I will continue to post their things that I observe as they will be home from college soon. I will have a summer to monitor!

I am still reviewing my final analysis, and will post my findings...and welcome comparisons with those who have completed AI!

Not all is completely regulated or in the green! But all is much better. And I feel great...Much better than when I started!

[ 04-29-2010, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by Maradona (Member # 24552) on :
Nana Dubo what about my symptoms.
I,m not symptom free and I'm on ABX Rocephin and Flagyl.

Can AI keep me symptom free during the time.
I'm on the drops or do I have to take ABX to .

Will like to be able to start AI.
Thanx on response and advice.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Two trains of thought on this...

All depending on whether you will be doing the AI therapy or not.

1. If you have no intention of doing all means get the KPU test and do the KPU protocol if necessary. Some post relief wit this.

2. If you do intend to start the AI therapy...You could get the KPU test pre AI therapy...and see if you have the problem with your detox pathways.

At the same time start the AI therapy... but do not do any KPU protocol, finish the AI therapy completely without adding other therapies and then later re-test for KPU...see if anything has changed. YOu should see a major difference with the AI clearing your detox pathways..although likemine, they are not yet 100%.

Then if you still have KPU issues, you culd consider starting the KPU protocol then. You should have much less to regulate on your detox pathways.

This is what I would recommend.

I had the test after starting the drops...did some KPU therapy while on the drops (which was a mistake)...but was concerned it was "skewing" my AI making things appear to be working, adding it appeared with AI testing that my detox pathways were regulated....just my thoughts at the time...

I had that intuition that I needed to stop the KPU therapy...and let me body regulate as much as possible with AI on its own...then see what I still had.

Also, I was very lacking in minerals in general. Once I did start adding a milti mineral...I did not test to need the KPU protocol. so it is individual and your body needs can change daily. No two are alike here.

I am planning on getting retested sometime this summer to see what my KPU results are now, as I have completed the AI therapy.

But remember less is more...add as little to your body that is not food while regulating on the AI therapy.

The results on my final AI analysis show that my detox pathways are still slightly "out of range", but may still regulate this coming year...

I will not do any more KPU if I find through ART that it is not necessary.

Others may have different advice.

[ 04-29-2010, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Hi everyone!
Well after preparing my envelope to resend to HG, my results were in my email this am and my drops are on the way! YEA

The test was spot on allergies. Penicillin (I have been allergic to since birth) was marked. And the gluten, corn, milk, were also marked and I've known this for a few years too. Soy was not marked but I have been avoiding.

Can I tell you guys the results and have you help me interpet them? I only had one result in the green. Thanks.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Maradona, I'm not sure how to answer your question.

I don't think anyone who has done AI therapy has been or remained symptom free - symptom free from what is the question. Trying to pinpoint what the symptoms are caused by can be a wild goose chase.

If you take a jar, throw in some water, some heavy metals, a few virsues, some bacteria, some spirochetes or what have you .... give it a good shake and then how to you figure out what you are treating and what your symptoms are caused by?

I gave up trying to figure out what was caused by what when I realized that metal toxicity, fungus, yeast etc., all create similar symptoms and seem to like to keep each other company.

I had a short run with abx two years ago and decided for me personally, that was not the way to go. I am not a doctor and stopping abx is a personal choice.

My decision to try Allergie-Immun was based on a inner feeling that all does not go wrong unless there is an underlying mess. I wanted to deal with the underlying mess.

My initial test results from AI showed just how much of a mess I was in. Going on the drops was a decision to deal with whatever came up in order to get to the bottom of it.

I don't regret it for a minute but no one can decide for you. I was ready but perhaps three years ago I would not have been.

I understand your predicament, cruising uncharted water is not always the easiest decision. I just had to go with my gut instinct.

Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi GiGi or anyone,

Is there a recommended time to do a hair analysis (Doctor's Data kit) while on AI?

I finished my 12th round of drops 2 weeks ago and am waiting for #13.

Feels like I am moving lots of metals, and at my last hair analysis several years ago, I had plenty of all the major metals on hand Same with the fecal metals tests I did, also several years ago.

Just want to be sure I do the hair analysis at the optimum time, if that matters.

I'm glad I read a few more posts yesterday, because I had started taking the methyl folate supplement again recently. I didn't realize it would interfere with the AI testing, so I have stopped it again.

Thanks, everyone,
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
That's great Imaginit. Pretty sure I know which one was in the green : )

Go ahead and share away. Were the metals checked?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
My final report analysis:

Strong and significant improvements in every tested area!

Still have some things in the "yellow" zone, but near moving in to the "all clear", green area...

Two areas still appear to need help and are just out of the "damaged, red- range"...intestinal system and toxic body burden by recirculating heavy metals. This comes as no surprise with what I have been experiencing.

Here are all my current 6 "yellow areas" still mostly just missing the acceptable green range, that I am hoping will regulate even more this year:

#1.3 Excretory system
#1.6 (intestines) blocks or dysfunctions in intestinal system
#2.2 (intestines) blocks of secondary energy supply (close to out of range)
#4.1 (heavy metals) toxic body burden by recirculating heavy metals...still needs regulating.
#7.1 (Biloux Value) extent bioenergy available as biological light
#8.1 (cell polarity) cells that are without energy or polarity

These 6 areas above were very much out of range originally and mostly in the very high yellow or very low red=manifested damage area!

They have markedly improved!

All else tested is very much in the "no dysfunction", "normal" range now, where I only had one of these in the normal range in the beginning of testing!

The final outcome is still yet to come this year, s metals are releasing and my detox pathways are opening.

But from what I am currently experiencing now with the therapy complete...I am more than happy with the results. If things improve no more, I am still in a much better place of health and vitality.

I am so much better than I was 10 years ago!

And you will hear from me if this is fleeting....and if things do not last...I will be the first to tell you.

I think it does take a lifetime of choosing to live clean, pure, and free. Future choices will impact how long this regulation lasts.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, glad you made it to this point. Now it's time to let nature take its course. Body knows best.

My feeling about KPU before or after AI differs. AI was not known to many, including Dr. K., and I am convinced that his thinking is changing even more as he makes his way through AI himself. Some of his patients get on AI right away.

If I had to make that decision, I would
choose the corrections with AI before embarking on KPU. Why suffer "crashing" with KPU if it can be avoided. Crashing very clearly is known to be part of the early months of the KPU therapy. Why force the release of toxins while the immune system is still in the dark and cannot readily deal with them. Cart before the horse? And who knows what happens to the KPU condition once the roads are opened up with AI.

We are all in virgin territory ...... and that is when I like to let logic prevail.

I am doing great and my husband is able to clear out some more of the fumes he picked up during the many years of flying.

As I have mentioned here before, when starting the release of toxic metals/chemicals/neurotoxins, etc. with AI, we are clearing out a whole ecosystem and parasites are always part of it. That is the alert I get from Dr.K. After a long chronic condition, some support may be needed to move things out. But my sense is, we finally got past the summit!

Take care.

Take care.
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Ha ha. Now why would that one be in the green? I feel like it should be in the red (sigh).

Anyway, metals checked include: Lead, chromium, nickel, copper and mercury. Industrial toxins pentachlorphenole and phenly mercury acetate.

Here's my major questions, I guess not so much on the results, but how I proceed from here. I know there is a "basket" of helps that we should be doing to help us through AI including food binders, etc. What I can't remember is what they all are and when they come into play. I would like to order them now, so can someone list the basics like NDF, Pekana--those are the only two I remember.

What are the minerals I should be taking now? Do any of you take liquid vitamins now too? What did you stay on while doing AI?

Can I do detox baths still?

I also remember from reading that lots of soups and pectin are good.

Last, I have been on Low Dose Naltrexone for a year. It has helped with pain, sleep. Should I discontinue this. I cannot discontinue my antidepressants as I have been on them for 25 years and would not like to start that process at this time.

I understand from reading the thread that vitamin b shots should also be discontinued? Is this right? I have a methylation cycle problem.

I'm very excited, but feel somewhat overwhelmed with this new process. Thanks for your help.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks Gigi!

How have you decided to address the parasites?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Well Imaginit - everyone's reports I've seen (including mine) only had one area in the green and that was the one!

It's too nice outside to be on the computer right now.

I'll check back later.

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

How much of a factor in helping your Lyme was the bionic. Would you be in the spot you are now without the bionic. I guess that is a hard question to answer, but am interested in your thoughts.

Posted by Scrambled_brain (Member # 3071) on :
Originally posted by GiGi:

We are all in virgin territory ...... and that is when I like to let logic prevail.

Strange, this treatment seems to defy all logic. It is fine with me if people want to do it and I am always happy if someone improves, but this is not logic--it is a leap of faith.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lee, what spot are you referring to?

I think the Bionic can work well for treating many things. However, having used it with unknown "allergies" to lead, mercury, copper, nickel, fungi, molds, lots of chemicals and a handful of industrial toxins -

I feel like it all got put in a blender with no way to exit.

I have posted here many times that I wish I had known about Allergie-Immun first.
Posted by eightybarb (Member # 24968) on :
My daughter is 2 years old. She is having eczema on her arms, cheeks, around her jaw line. She scratches also. Her pediatrician told me to put the Hydro Cortisonce cream.

I would like to know what is causing this. Also she started to get the dark circles under and to the corner of her eyes.

Can you guys give me an advice how does it sounds if I approach AI.

I want to know if she is allergic to any foods or something else.

any input is apreciated.

Thank you,
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I would get the AI test and therapy for her.

These were some of my daughters first signs at 1 year old. (she is 18 now) and on the AI therapy herself.

I wish I knew about AI at the beginning like you have just learned about.

I would also not do the cortisone cream...this is not good for her. I put it on my daughter and on myself...and I can tell you from experience this is not good for her health.

She is most likely having a food reaction causing this rash...just avoid foods with gluten, wheat, corn, dairy until you get your test.

You will find out all when your results arrive...hang in there and get her started!

This will save you both lots of grief as things wont get better on their own if not addressed.

With AI therapy...these get regulated pretty quickly in a few months time. My daughter can now eat all things and is not allergic any longer to animals and plants. The animal and plant allergies progressed over time...she wasn't born with them...but many things got worse until the recent AI treatment.

Read the posts and contact other mothers of young children on the drops...there are many that posted in previous have to search them out as they are not regular posters.

Its good to have a support group of others who have like situations.
Posted by eightybarb (Member # 24968) on :
Thank you lightparafait.

I am on GF and DF I would say all in my home are followin the GF but not the DF. My daughter like milk, cheese and butter. She asks for milk as soon as she wakes up.

Glad to hear that your daughter is doing good.

I am following the threads did not learned yet.

Thank you for the advice.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

I guess I was wondering if you were to go back over a year if you would still do the bionic or would you only do AI? Or would you do AI first and then do the bionic? Please do not misunderstand me, I am not trying to be critical.

I am trying to figure out if AI alone will clear up the system enough that Lyme would then be killed off and no antibiotics or bionic infrared photons needed.

Sorry if I was unclear.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Over 1 1/2 years ago I too was considering the bionic 880 treatment to get rid of lyme. I was already booked to go!

Fortunately for me, it was suggested by over a dozen lymenet posters who had gone to Germany to do the bionic, that I should do the AI therapy first...and see if I even need the bionic. Many had limited success.

Well, they were right to suggest this. I now no longer have a reason to use the I did not waste my time, money and energy for a very expensive treatment that I could not do near home.

I hear photons do wonders for people...but the point others have told me only after their own experience is that photons move metals and pathogens...and can cause more problems if your detox pathways are not addressed first as well as the ability for your body to recognize the metals, etc...

Also, the chat began about the need to remove mercury amalgams pre-photon treatment.

Those doing the bionic were true pioneers to many of us now doing the AI. I am grateful for all the many posts on the bionic and people's candid experiences and opinions. I have learned so much from these experiences that are helpful. I have purchsed my biotenser and learned its use by many of the bionic pioneers and Dr. W.

Many have gotten better to some degree with the photon it is not a bad treatment...but not the same at all as AI.

I have also seen posted that others who have gone for the bionic treatment in Germany, keep up the treatments at home, so it is not a one time is to be used a lifetime or when needed. It's individual. Most buy the machine too.

AI cannot be compared. It is more essential for your body to regulate than to push pathogens.

I am one of the first on this forum to do AI without ever using the bionic 880. So this was an experiment, which I believe successful as I attained my goal through the process.

Others have used the Bionic first...with limited success. They will have to tell you their situation...and others may have a different opinion. You may want to search for info on the bionic...and get the old timers to respond.

So I suggest to do the Allergie Immune, and forget the bionic for the present.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

Thanks for your reply. I know you did some antibiotics before your did AI. Did those help you any?

I guess I am asking, because after 9 rounds of AI I feel worse than I did a year ago.

But, I will take it one day at a time or maybe in this case one drop at a time. [Cool]

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lee, If I went back two years in time, knowing what I know now - I would do AI. All the food allergies Dr. W detected in me are gone now after AI and my gut is healing - minus the appendix I left in Germany.

That treatment with amalgams in my mouth at the time was not good for me. My fillings got hot shortly after and stayed that way until I had them removed.

The bionic did knock down the lyme.

A different practitioner in Germany that I have been in touch with a few times who uses both - told me if there was anything left after AI (metals or whatever), I could treat with the bionic but she didn't think there would be.

The metals are coming out on there own and I don't feel the need to do anything but a gentle detox now.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
LP, congratulations! I can understand your feeling a sort of disappointment, as, after a while on AI, you get used to the whole rhythm of 2 weeks on, sending off, reading the imbalances, beginning again.

I hope you will continue to chip in here and to keep us up to date on how your kids are doing,

all the best,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

"I guess I am asking, because after 9 rounds of AI I feel worse than I did a year ago."

Are you taking care of the toxin fallout that is now trying to leave your body?

Metals and chemicals still need support in form of binders. So will neurotoxins. Otherwise you undoubtedly will not feel well.

I hope you have read at least parts of this thread and get some ideas as to what can help.
I am not familiar with your history, so can't comment much. Just remember that neurotoxins feel the same no matter the cause. Metals and chemicals cause identical symptoms. So it is very difficult to tell whether talking Lyme or environmental toxicity. I have always wondered how people can tell the difference. None of my doctors ever could say with certainty, and to me obviously it is always a mix of pathogen die-off and released toxins of different kinds.

If you have done a fair amount of pharma meds, it will take longer to clear things out. That is what AI is after -- cleaning out the system of the remains that prevent the body from functioning as it should.

Hope you have the patience and learn to add a few tricks to lighten the load. I was heavy into charcoal for a few days here and there when nothing else seemed to help. Look at dl glycine, fiber, fiber. I cook a big pot of chicken broth w/bones, with veggies - before I store it in bottles, I grind the soft veggies in my little baby food blender and add it to the broth. It adds lots of fiber to the liquid consumed daily. It's the first thing my husband drinks in the morning.

If you really think you should be feeling better by now, have you been tested for KPU? That can be a missing link. If you lack any of the essential minerals, getting any toxins out is a lost cause, no matter how much AI you do. It is the most basic requirement for detoxing.

Possibly do a Doctors Data Hair test and get the mineral values with it - is painless and costs $46. It may tell you why you are not making more headway.

Just some suggestions, and I hope it helps.

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

So sorry you are having a rough time.

I did 1 1/2 yrs of doxy...for ehrlichiosis, and a few months of Ceftin (that is awful) until that was gone in bloodwork. Daughter did same length of time for RMSF, Ehrlichiosis and Bart...all with doxy. Along with about 30 odd minerals/vitamins and supplements.

Lyme was still present in blood, and still getting fevers, flu like things, etc...but took an abx break.

Found ART practitioner to verify lyme. Autoimmune issues were my main focus, with a goal of loosing lyme so immune would function on its own that has happened for some my LLMD suggested.

Did some general detox, and some ART inspired natural protocols that were also anti viral, and botanicals for emotions, and worked on my electrolyte balance, then started AI.

This was a few months of natural protocols from the ART ND. All new to me.

Lyme symptoms gone after several months. Happened when working on emotional healing along with AI regulation. But auto immune remained even more elevated than previously. Still monitoring this...and will advise all when a change occurs. I am not having auto immune symptoms now..just elevated ANA.

so initially abx helped me I believe with co-infections only...not lyme...but think I was on them way too long. My instincts kept telling me it was time to stop...and take a break...but I kept going 6 months longer than I wanted...just to go the distance to be sure I gave it a good shot.

Knowing what I do now, I think I would have preferred treating only with natural antivirals, etc, even if it took longer to clear. Less residual issues with natural protocols than with abx.

I have grown up with taking abx for all issues...and not understanding natural protocols...that is why I never knew to try the natural.

I am full of candida from the abx! That creates more to clear!

I would not suggest taking abx at all ...while on round 9! You have come so far! Go the distance...the finish is ahead. But you need support as you feel so bad!

Lee, Do you have a ND?

Have you done any regular binders or organ support for detox while on AI?

Have you confirmed active lyme still with ART or muscle testing or tensor or blood? How about co-infections?

Also Lee, did you treat with abx or any natural antibiotic like treatment at all before AI for any co-infections, and how long?

Are you or have you been on any other meds or protocols that could be causing a longer regulation?

Are the hard things you are currently experiencing similar to things you have had in the past...or are they new issues? What do you think they are related to?

The more specific info you can share, the better advise you will get. I'm sure one of us can give you some appropriate guidance on easing the load!

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Thanks for you message.

And of course I will chip in...or you will all
miss my lenghtly replies.

At some point I will have to gleen myself from this regular ritual of checking in with my AI I consider you all my friends.

After several years of lymenet...this has become habit forming!

Keep posting Carry! I want someone to plan the AI reunion in a few years to see how we are doing after graduation!

Posted by kateaton (Member # 24871) on :
I'm really interested in starting AI. I just got confirmation this week that I have lyme. My naturopath is recommending the Cowden protocol for me- I know that antibiotics are not the way for me to go.

Would AI be incompatible with Cowden? (It includes herbs and homeopathics) I'd like to clean up the mess and reduce the pathogen load at the same time if possible.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Nana, Gigi, and LP--

Again thank you for your kind feedback. I have not done antibiotics since 2005, except for a few days with major surgery in 2007. I did about a year or a little more of antibiotics off and on in 2004-2005. Don't think it helped. I have had some lyme and bart symptoms for over 7 years, but some docs think I have had it much longer. The bartonella test showed a very low titer as did ehrlichiosis. I did some oral and I.V. antibiotics for the Lyme and the ehrlichiosis. Could not handle the antibiotics--rimfampin etc. for bart and refused to take levaquin or any drug in its class. I am generally not keen on taking medicines of any kind unless I really need to (and I do take meds for minor seizures or I would be in big trouble!). My parents are the same way and they are well into their 80's!

I do use a biotensor or ring pendulum to test binders, fibers, and detox and do rotate them.
Pectin, milk thistle,charcoal, nanozeolite, the Pekana 3 for liver, kidneys, and lymph system etc.

I have no amalgams--always have had good teeth, thank God. I do know my house is built on old farmland, so I am sure there are chemicals in the soil and of course I could have gotten mercury via my parents etc.

LP, there are no ND's close to me--maybe 3 to 4 hours away, but I do manage to work fulltime and have very few sick days to use and the ND I would go to is not open on weekends. So, right now a ND is not an option. And even this popular ND does not know ART.

Currently I am testing with my biotensor as not being positive for lyme or co-infections, but I need to have someone else test me as I know I can be biased (I, of course, want to think positive that the Lyme and Bart are all gone!) [Smile]

I do not have KPU. Will look into Doctor's data, but I admit I am leery of hair analysis and its accuracy.

I konw that God will see me through this and it does help to have everyone's support. So, again I say, Thank you.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Welcome to the group. I'm not familiar with the Cowden protocol...but usually homeopathy or other frequency treatments like rife are not recommended along with confuses the AI treatment frequencies I believe I have read on the AI website. Herbal remedies are usually ok when needed!

Best to not do any treatments while doing AI.

Do you have any co-infections ?

Others will chime in...but become familiar with the website...and HG can answer your questions more specifically there.

best wishes,

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :

I'm new to the board - I don't have lyme that I know of - I wasn't sure if that was ok or not. I found out about ALlergie Immun from "Zombie" who is my sister inlaw [Smile] MY entire family (me, dh and 5 kids) is doing AI all at once which at times seems a bit crazy, but good too. I'm posting here because I don't know of anywhere else to ask questions. I've read the entire thread [Smile] Hopefully that will save me asking any annoying questions [Wink]

1. I'm wondering about the pekana products - I want to take them as I am definitely needing organ support, but I"m confused because I thought taking homeopathics was a big no-non on AI and they appear from the description to be homeopathic.

2. I have glycine, apple pectin, charcoal and the biopure chlorella - I feel a bit like I"m muddling through with these - not knowing 100% what the guidelines are for taking each. How long before or after food etc. So far I am taking charcoal at bedtime every night. CHlorella sporadically during the day if I'm feeling bad. Glycine I was mixing either with watered down pure cranberry juice, or in with the apple pectin mixture described earlier in the thread here. I'd like to buy a biotensor, but just don't have the cash for it right now - soon hopefully, but it's not an option quite yet.

3. I started taking a product called Body Balance by LIfe force. It's aloe vera juice and 9 sea vegetables. The fatigue has been really really difficult with 5 kids to care for - this is supposed to be very helpful for remineralizing and I know I am very low. I hoped that since it is essentially a food that it wouldn't interfere with the AI? Is that correct?

4. My oldest is 15 years old - she has had a really hard time since starting AI. She started eating gluten again when we started the drops convinced that it was ok. SHe has a severe neurological reaction to gluten causing rages and severe mood swings. I understand that the drops cleared the actual allergie in the first round, but it will take the gut time to heal. I'm wondering if that will happen on its own over time without any special help? She isn't willing to take anything else to help the process. I'm not actually even sure that she will complete AI now as things have gotten quite bad and she is on the verge of leaving home as a result. I think that part of me is hoping there is still some hope that this will improve in time to prevent that. I'm not really sure what I am asking for on this one - thoughts maybe?

I'll stop there for now - I don't want to write a book [Wink] I wanted to say tho that I really appreciate all that people have shared here and the time that has taken - it has been enormously helpful in navigating such unfamiliar terrain.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
LP, glad to hear you'll still be posting and I love the idea of an AI graduation reunion sometime!

Skiesmama, I identify with many of your questions and of course everyone on this thread is learning too, so sometimes a definitive answewr can't be given...or people may try one way and then change their mind from experience.

I'm very sorry about the bad time you and your oldest daughter are having and it is hard to know whether it would be better to address the gut more specifically during or after AI.

I still have some gut problems myself and do sometimes take glutamine or make a slippery elm and marshmallow or chamomile tea [and take probiotics]but these have soothed rather than 'cured'.

Since HG says that it may take at least a year for the body to complete its regulating after AI, perhaps things will improve over time.

I'd be interested to hear other people's reactions to taking Body balance, which I see is organic: my own take is that if it helps you, it is probably OK with AI, and may help with cleansing....but I'm no expert!

I do much the same as you with the binders: I have several different ones, but am drawn most often to chlorella and my capsules that are a mix of clay, charcoal, apple pectin and some herbs.

..At present I am trying chlorella 30 minutes before lunch and the capsules [2] either 30 mins before dinner or before bed. If I am feeling particularly bad or have a strong metal or chemical taste, I sometimes take a handful of chlorella extra.

I put apple pectin powder on top with cinnamon if I am eating a sliced or cooked apple. I do have zeolite, but something in me makes me reluctant to take it, so I usually don't, though I have no logical reason for that!

I see what you mean about Pekana and homeopathy vs AI, but haven't tried their products yet: I have been using some of BioRay's Liverlife though.

This is just what I do, not a 'right' answer, so I hope other people will give you their take and I wish you and all your family good luck with the drops,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wow Heather, you certainly have your hands full!

Although I can now eat wheat, it still affected me through the first few rounds. That does get corrected with the first round but if leaky gut is there, it will take awhile and I don't know of anything to help it along. Biologo for leaky gut but I don't know if you can get it in Canada any easier than we can.

Healthy foods don't interfere. Some might say that sea vegetables are tainted but most foods are.

I think there is some confusion about homeopathics.

HG told me that they are fine when detox is happening. Those organs do need support.

There are herbal tinctures that can be helpful for organ support. Red root, milk thistle...

It must be tough with a teenager, I hope she will hang in there.

Chlorella is best taken a half hour before meals and at bedtime. Charcoal taken away from anything else, including food. Careful with that one if you lean toward constipation.

When I use glycine, I take it between meals. Apple pectin can be mixed in with food I believe.

Minerals are one of the few things I'm taking right now as the heavy metals leave they take the good with them. I love Matrix Minerals from Biopure. I'm taking fairly big doses right now.

One other thought about homeopathics - could be there is a difference between a major homeopathic protocol and just a few for organ support.

I think supporting the kidneys in particular is crucial. Lymph - nothing feels worse than when that gets backed up. Rebounding, dry brushing, all is good but sometimes I needed something more.

I'm sure you'll get more answers here.

Good luck.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I will chime in with a possibility...

My daughter and I did a round of natural parasite cleanse in the beginning of AI...we tried Humaworm.

This helped with lessening of many stomach issues...not gluten intolerence...but helped digestion. It lightened our load a little I believe.

We did not continue any parasite treatments during the remaining rounds.

Bloating, gas, and the immediate diary reactins I had seems to go away after that one cleanse...

things got progressivey better withthe Ai therapy..and it did take longer than the first round to see great was about three or four that we noticed complete regulation with the foods...

although I still have leaky gut issues that I am working on correcting over final AI results still show room for improvement in my two intestinal systems.

Best Wishes
Posted by kateaton (Member # 24871) on :

thanks for your input. I'll have to look into it further, and I may be wrong about Cowden being homeopathic. I think it may just actually be herbal. I just got all the stuff yesterday.

I don't know about co-infections. I had testing done this week, but my doctor doesn't think that my symptoms point to any co-infections. I definitely have viral issues going on.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Nutmeg - looks like your question about hair tests got a little lost.

I just sent one in and plan on doing one every 3-4 months.

Can't hurt to keep checking and to compare as you go along. Also good to see how the good minerals are.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Thanks NanaDubo! I think I will just collect the sample soon and get it sent off so the results are back in time for my next appointment.

The hair analysis is an inexpensive test, and a good indicator of both good and bad elements.

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Thanks for the replies [Smile]

SO the Pekana products are a go - I figured since so many use them that they would be fine.

My dd's reaction to gluten is (symptoms wise) all neurological. I know that it is obviously still affecting her otherwise, but that's where the symptoms are. SOme things are clearer today tho - she has had some repressed trauma surface this week - that would explain the panic attacks. I had wondered if AI would bring that up repressed traumas - and that if perhaps it would be a more difficult process to get through if one has been repressing for a long time. That is definitely clearer now.

I could use help specifically for kidney support. I'm going to order the pekana products. I have been drinking nettle infusions off and on. Also cranberry water with glycine added. My kidney's hurt quite often tho - I can't really stand up for long before they start to hurt. They are better since I started the body balance, but still a concern.

I'm wondering about support for my children as well - I haven't done anything really - anyone treating little ones? My kids are 2,4,7,9, and 15 yo. I'm not really feeling like the littlest ones need much if any. My 9 year old has improved a lot and I suspect he will finish first. My 7 year old tho has a history of sensory processing issues, a period of regression into autism symptoms (he has come back from that thankfully for the most part.) His behavior has been intense since starting AI - increased hyperactivity, impulse control is next to nil, and he's been rather more explosive than usual temper wise. He is also back to not taking in much of what we say - not even close to what it was previously, but still a challenge. HE has stopped wetting hte bed this round (2) so that is encouraging. WTIh the first round he started wetting every single night from previously it being often, but not every day.

The issue with the body balance that I'm not sure of are 2 things - 1 it has a small amount of preservatives. 2. The idea is to increase by 2 ounces every 4 days until you reach "cell saturation" at which point you are so energized that you can't sleep - then you back off by 2 ounces. I have gone much much sower with increasing as it can and did trigger more detox and I felt it wasn't such a good idea to force detox. It's tricky to tell tho at times whether I am feeling badly because it may be making me detox, or if it's just the AI. I feel quite a bit worse when I'm not on the drops - a need to sleep that is a force to be reckoned with - my body just goes to sleep - I better get to bed - it's very overpowering - that is an AI thing - I've always had fatigue in greater or lesser amounts - this is not the same thing - it's hard to explain tho. I do feel that the body balance is a good way to support my body - I was nervous about cutting out the supplements I took - My body id pretty tired from so many years of pregnancy, breastfeeding, and constantly interrupted sleep - there isn't much leeway. I'm still nursing too - I asked HG about it via email and he said that was fine. That's a big part actually of why I felt it important to do us all at once.

IT's sad tho to see my littlest ones tests come back with ever so many disregulations - we live way out in the country, eat organically, don't use any chemicals in the house ( I have MCS) and still they are so far out of balance. Their tests weren't as bad as the rest of us initially, but still pretty full up.

I had to laugh at the comment above about which category was in the green - every single one of us had only one in the green too [Wink]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Met DR. K today during the break at the seminar...and asked him about how he's doing on the drops...had a nice conversation and I shared my regulations and remaining metal detox issues.

Says he hasn't slept in years as well as now on the drops. He spoke about AI to the group and gave out the website and his recommendation..all is on film.

Think there will be a rush of new people sending in samples after this weekend!
Posted by Wolfed Out (Member # 23727) on :
Hey A.I. Gurus,

Great to still hear from all of you on this thread.

I'm convinced about trying A.I. and found some funds to get started.

But, I need your help with how to approach.

I'm a bit of a disaster right now. Serious issues with mucous, throat and chest tightness, light wheezing...

Other problems, nerve tingling, Babesia symptoms: off-balance, mental disaster.

I don't know if getting off ABX to do this is good. I'm scared to let things get more out of control...I'm already so close to thinking I need the hospital everyday.
Posted by karenl (Member # 17753) on :
I do AI without being off abx, but I am only on one abx.
I was impressed that AI caused immediate problems, I got pain already after days. So I know it is doing something. Although for me it is quite tough and I have to start on a lower dosage only three drops.
Posted by ping (Member # 6974) on :
TO: eightybarb

I have been on PSP since July of 2009, with one break in order to heal a ruptured appendix.

If you've read this entire thread, then you've learned that this therapy is by no means without challenges; sometimes extreme challenges. Please perform PSP on yourself before ever considering using it on your daughter. This will give you some idea what she might experience.

At 2 years of age, I'm very doubtful that your daughter will be able to express what's happening to her while on this therapy; where and what pain might occur, as well as any improvements. PSP is daunting enough for an adult, who can at least generally describe what is happening to them, but a 2 year old, no way.

There will likely be all sorts of posts on this thread bashing me, negating and outright denying what I've just written to you. They will probably direct you or quote to you testimonials from the Allergie-Immun website, as well as other statements, etc. Please keep in mind that this is your child and not mine, A.I.'s or anyone else's... You are her only protection.

Again, I ask you to please perform the therapy on yourself first.

If you'd like to contact me directly, I can be reached at:

[email protected]

I will not be responding on this thread again until I'm completely through PSP.

Wishing you the best.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Eightybarb, if you are not certain what you want to do, you can do the first test for s minimal fee and get the 16page report indicating the major and dominant dysregulations/allergies. Then you can decide whether you want to do the therapy with your child or not. I think they credit you for the testing fee if you decide to do the total therapy.

There are several young children on the therapy and it seems they are having a much easier time than the very toxic adults after years of accumulations of toxins of all kinds. I have been told by HG that children usually finish the therapy much more quickly, get through it much more easily and with less bottles.

By all means, don't do anything if you have any doubts about the therapy. At least, you can find if and how severe the allergies/dysregulations are
and then decide. I have also heard from HG that often children come following vaccinations, because that is when some of the problems start if they were not born with them.

Read as much on the website as you can find in English and do some google translating. It really helps to understand this therapy better.

Good luck to your in your decision-making.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, good message.

Having known Dr. K. for many years personally, I don't think he has ever recommended any therapy which he has not experienced himself.
I knew he was already very impressed with the results he had seen from some of his patients last year because he told me so.

With as many people affected today, it will come as a great relief for many, I am sure. It takes time to understand what is happening in the body and to learn that damage that had been done over probably half a lifetime cannot be undone in a few months.

I am glad you got to chat a bit -

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Probably have said this before. Skiesmam's post alerted me to this:

Some allergic reactions we have are often a combination of several factors. Chemicals used in the preparation of a wheat or other product can still cause one to react. All have to be corrected to get the complete picture. Often what we feel is a wheat or grain allergy was caused by a chemical or group of chemicals.

I think thould be kept in mind when going through AI. It's not done until it's done and then the body will be in the process of learning to regulate at all times and that can take a while longer. Hopefully the chemists quit
shooting new arrows our way.

We should also know that detoxing of chemicals and especially the toxic metals will be felt once it starts to happen. That is part of the game. They cannot disappear into thin air (some do!), but hopefully we have learned enough tricks to get rid of them as easily as possible.

If reactions are too strong, lower the intake of drops for a couple of days. The body will still get the message - even if you just whisper it.

Take care.
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Ok drops arrived on this May Day in cold, wet and windy weather. Will spring ever get here?

So interesting to read the in depth version of the report.

As I was opening the bottle I spilled some on me so I decided to go with that and rubbed it into my skin. Will take the next set of drops in a few hours. Not sure if I had a reaction or not--hard to tell what is the drops and what is just usual body stuff from toxins and lyme.

Excited to be on my way. Will order Pekana and Matrix Minerals later today.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Imaginit - when I was on the drops we had to make a small opening in the tip for the drops to come out. I recently saw someone's drops and they looked to have some kind of new cap on them so I'm not sure if that has changed.

Someone reported having run out of drops before the two weeks were up and that NEVER happens! The general consensus here was that they had made the opening too large and that the drops were way too big.

I don't recall that being discussed lately so thought I would bring it up. Tiny opening, tiny drops.

I never went through more than 2/3 of a bottle -thereabouts.

Gigi - glad you brought that up about the chemicals in the grain or grain silos. Forgot about that one too.

Same thing for folks who are allergic to cows milk or eggs. It's usually the wheat or the chemicals in the wheat - then fed to the cows and chickens. Not the milk or eggs themselves causing the reaction.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Does anyone know what Ping is referring to with PSP?

Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
That's interesting about the drops being big now. Does this mean we are getting more than the usual amount?

So I spilled some on my skin and rubbed it in (rhymes)and four hours later I was exhausted and I had to take a nap for 2 1/2 hours. That hasn't happened in a really long time.

I thought since I had an immediate response from the skin thing, I would only do three drops next time. Whoa! I felt like I was "herxing"--my heart bounded for 12 hours, I was cold and couldn't get warm and my teeth ached.

I am doing green slushies with banana, carrot, cabbage and apple--the full fruit/vegetable in a blender for fiber. I have stopped most of my supplements. Taking aloe vera juice with lots of minerals until my Matrix Minerals arrive.

My questions are: Does anyone use Welchol (prescription drug) as a binder. I was using it before and it worked well, but not sure if it is appropriate here.

What do you do for the pain? My supplements, epsom salt baths and infared sauna all helped with that, but I understand those are contraindicated now that I'm on the drops.

Anyone on Low Dose Naltrexone? This boosts one's immune system and has helped with sleep and pain.

I am going to do one drop this am and see what happens. I would welcome any and all suggestions. Thanks for all your help.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Didn't mean that the drops are big now - the person who ran out of drops cut way too much off the top and the opening was to big.

It looks like there are new bottles and I don't know if you still have to make an opening.

The first round does a lot of work. Just try not to focus on every little thing. I know easier said than done. Let the process work. Even if you only take one drop, then two, then three.

When you get your next report you will be quite excited to see all the changes.

Try to just flow with it and do what makes you feel good. I was not attracted to my sauna or to epsom salt baths during AI.

Let the drops work a bit so that whatever binders you are using will be binding the things your newly awakened body will be releasing. Just my thoughts.

MSM is good for pain, especially tissue pain. Biopure freeze dried garlic also has some protective qualites regarding mercury.

Sometimes there are "phantom" pains that pass. Old injury, etc.

Gigi could tell you some funny stories about my imaginary heart attack during an early round, and calling her from my walk in closet wrapped in a blanket - having the mother of all anxiety attacks.

All these things pass - a good mantra - my body is regulating and that is a good thing.

You could very well have had a response from rubbing it in your skin.

My my first drops arrived in Jan 09, they were frozen solid. I put them on my bed side table (right next to my head) to thaw and I felt they went to work on me while sleeping - just being there.

If you're tired sleep. Your body is working hard.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Nana said it well. We need to cool it and learn to relax. Let the body know that you can take it easy. Half the battle with this disease is our mind. The attitude "I am going to fight this thing come what may" - I don't think is working.
General comment.

By doing other therapies, such as sauna, excessive exercize, baths, you are pushing the body even more. Give it time to release via the drops and only see to it that you are well hydrated - not by drinking tons of water, but by liquids containing nutrients (soups, mousses) so the body does not rush through and flush out all the few minerals the body is able to retain in the state it is in. I have explained that early in the thread and it is also explained int he Brochure from AI to guide and explain. There are times when the body does not want an epsom salt bath when it is in a certain detox mode.

There is no healing taking place when we stress the body by push, push, push.

PSP stands for Polarity Signature Programming which is the act of reprogramming the DNA to correct the electromagnetic errors we inherited and/or developed over time by our exposure and our own doing. I don't think we are made for handling years of antibiotics, no matter what.
We cannot replace some of the good abx wipe out with a few probiotics. This has got to leave a mark somewhere.

GH told me if you have pain, take an aspirin.

I would not take anything that kills or forces detox. Binding and catching/supporting and avoiding constipation is important. I would not take Welchol. Why manmade chemicals. There are better binders contributing nutrients, such as a first quality chlorella. It
is a cleanser, it is rich in nutrients and has an alkalinizing effect , supplies proteins, essential fatty acids, the whole spectrum of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes. Chlorella supplies almost the complete nutrients we get from a well balanced and well prepared meal.

I could go on with the list, but don't have time -have to fix dinner.

By the way, potatoes with the peel are a great binder. Some statins I was told are made from them. So if you are in trouble and have run out of a binder, run down to the next 711 and get yourself a sack of potato chips! Or get some frozen strawberries - good binders. I mix apple pectin into apple sauce or blender-shopped apples. A healthy gelatine desert from a good fruit juice with apple pectin.

Take care.
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Thank you so much to both of you for all your suggestions and taking the time to write them down-again. I have printed them out and will try to relax and just go with the flow.

Last night I had a dream where I was able to unlock a dam which created this beautiful, fresh water river. I was on the side--bare feet in beach sand jumping up and down--feeling very free.

I'm using this as my symbol of this process.

Thank you both again--no more welchol. Will try chorella. Any specific brand?
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
GIGI do you know DR Z in AZ? He has worked with and studied with DR K. He is telling me is is using Dr K principals and treatments for me.

I showed him info about AI and he has not heard of it but recommend it for me.

I am done with ABX even though my other doc wants me to stay at least on Plaquenil and Mino. I have stopped it all about a month ago.

So.. I was wondering if you knew my doctor?

I did not know you could order just the first step to get an idea of your results and examine those and study the process before you commit to the full price and full protocol.

I think I am ready to do that at the least.

Thanks for the info.
Posted by Wolfed Out (Member # 23727) on :

Good Luck, I just ordered my test kit tonight. Just the testing part, to see what I'm up against.

Still working with ABX, so I'll have to make some choices in the near future.

That's all! Just excited too...

Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
Hey Wolf

I just ordered mine too and just the test too.

So cool.. lets keep in touch and see what happens.!!!

: )

Imagin .. I will let you know when I get my results what happens too.

I read that they like blood and though it does not matter. So anyone here send blood?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Welcome Wolf - welcome Spring - for the peek. Yes, I have seen Dr.Z. many times over the years at Dr.K. seminars. Very reserved. Don't know him as a doctor, but I am sure you are in good hands.

You wouldn't actually have to wait for a test kit. Someone asked a few days ago how to order and here is a copy of my answer. No need to send blood. Saliva will do fine.

Can anyone tell me the exact address to send the sample to? Is it the one listed on the website and do you write the address in German or English?

Thank you.
Posts: 102 | From Montana | Registered: May 2009 | IP: Logged |

Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 259

posted 28 April, 2010 04:51 PM
Send a one page note:

Short list of basic symptoms or diagnosis

Spit two drops on a 2 inch square piece of kleenex. Put it in a small snack bag or smaller.
Seal bag.
Flat wrap this baggie into a small piece of foil which doesn't add more weight, just to cover the baggie and tug the ends under (flat) to avoid bulkiness.

Take a regular letter envelope addressed to

Allergie Immun
In den Hahndornen 16
D-67273 Bobenheim am Berg

Write with large letters on envelope AIR MAIL.
The one page and skimpily wrapped baggie fit in that envelope will cost 98cents. Not necessary to add another form if done that way. I have done it for a year now and it always got there fine when done this way.

Hope that works. Don't forget to send the PayPal for the fee.

Good luck."

P.S. add note to your one page that you are paypaling the fee of .$...... and that you want the test only. That way they will know that you don't expect the drops and that you will decide later. But this way you will get a quicker response rather than waiting a couple three four weeks. Even Air Mail has been quite slow.

I know this must be exciting for you - I don't think you will regret exploring this more. It certainly opened my eyes even more. I can understand that Dr.Z. does not know about AI yet -even Dr.K. who knows just about everything that is going on in the world on every continent had not heard about it until I decided it was time he knew. I pushed him and he is happy as a lark because he says he can sleep again.

Take care, and glad you are checking this out.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Imaginit, I think most people here seem to use one of the chlorellas from biopure: mine are C.P.Protect [chlorella pyreniodosa],

Best Wishes,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I use the same - chlorella pyreniodosa from Biopure. Has more binding qualities than some forms and is also more like a food. Does lots of good things as Gigi mentioned above.

Not easily digested by some - I let mine dissolve in water and drink it down.
Posted by alextaylor14 (Member # 25124) on :
Hi. I am still pretty new to this forum. I have been having
neurological problems for sometime now. I have seen an LLMD
who thinks I have Lyme but have not received my test results yet.

I have heard a lot of people talk about Allergy immunotherapy but I have no idea what it is. I was curious if someone could fill me in because at this point I'm willing to try anything and becoming desperate.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
alextaylor14, there is a year and a half of experience and details on this thread that cannot be condensed into a paragraph. Please read if you haven't.

Also go to and select English.

Somewhere here during the last few months I wrote a brief 4 liner that kind of sums it up. I'll look for it later and re-post it.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Found it - from March I think.

Quote Here's my shot at it Wolfed Out -

Illness = toxicity

Toxicity = chaos in the body

Chaos = body not recognizing friend from foe

Allergie-Immun = recognizing friend from foe, peeling away the choas layer by layer, freeing blockages to allow the toxins to leave

It does not seek out specific illnesses but by getting the train cars running on the right tracks, issues start falling by the wayside - whether it be lyme, allergies, heavy metals etc. etc.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hello all,

I just received my 13th bottle of drops and the report. I'm a bit stunned by the results.

In the past I've had a number of things show up, up to a dozen or so chemical and biological substances, and similar number of energetic blockages. Each round of drops has cleared them up nicely.

This new report I just got shows 9 energetic blockages and 49 chemical substances!! If anyone doubts that this program works, I think these results speak to that. Kind of creepy to think of all these chemicals floating around in my body all these years.

I'm going to take a day or two to get myself ready for this round of drops. I have a feeling I'm going to be dumping a lot of stuff and want to be prepared. Time to order those Pekana remedies, I think.

Good luck to everyone, especially those just beginning the process.

Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
Hello. I was under the impression that the first test will show all that you will be working on each stage?
Do they run different tests each time and send drops accordingly?

I am a bit confused but I am sure I will catch on
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi springshowers,

The first report tells everything that shows up in the initial testing and the general state of the body & systems. They make up the initial set of drops from that.

The initial drops clear all the specific dysregulations that showed up initially.

They retest when you send in the second saliva sample. Then they make up and send more drops for those dysregulations. They make up the new drops according to what shows up each time you send in a sample, whatever the body is ready to released at that time.

More/different blockages & substances show up each time until you are done. And the process continues like that until no more dysregulations are found. Some substances can be identified, but others are just listed as chemicals, biological substances, etc.

Hope that makes sense. It does take a while to get the drift, and the process is different for everyone.

Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
Thanks so much Nutmeg

That does help. So the actual test you see is the same each time but it is like peeling an onion?

I also have read something else that is confusing. The site says it takes 2 rounds and maybe 3 to clear everything. Yet I see people posting about many more rounds than that?

AM I Missing something?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Spring, the onion layers - is right. Or the apple where you do not find much wrong until you get to the core where the worm sits!

Many of their clients are Europeans and they take a lot less rounds than Americans do. We are a lot more toxic and I have been told so by Mr. Grundmeyer. He was very amazed when this started to surface, especially with the Lyme afflicted.

There is no way they are able to specifically identify each one of the 80,000 chemicals we are exposed to.

I was listening to a radio broadcast. Research indicates that the chemicals in the birthcontrol pills (now 50 years) are found in Puget Sound, as is coffee, spices of all sorts, and of course the weed and feed that we dump on to our lawns. No wonder besides us humans, fish and whales are dying.

Once they find the error in the DNA, polarity is corrected and the switch is on. The drops are slowly solidifying the correct polarity in the body. They find that 14 days is the right length to reinforce this correction. With the next testing into deeper levels, whatever is found is corrected in the same manner.

It would be impossible to do it all at once, especially with people whose autonomics
are in such chaos as ours seems to be. Abx does definitely not help, but worsens the situation.

When you have time, it's good to study their site a little. With google you can translate quite a few. I think all the links within the English version are also in English. So don't forget to read these.

Take care.
Posted by alextaylor14 (Member # 25124) on :
I have done my research(or read as much as I could understand) on AI. I have read through this thread and seeing mixed responses.

Is there anyone here that felt AI has significantly helped them? Is there anyone that felt it did nothing?

I admit I am a skeptic but I am also at a point of willing to try anything. The only thing holding me back is it's not cheap and its a lot of money to spend on drops especially if they just turn out to be "just drops."

I was also curious if anyone has had any experiences with AESA. I was real interested until I found out it was an MLM. Does anyone feel AESA has helped them and aren't financially involved with it(if thats possible).

Thanks again for everyone who has helped me on this forum. I have received more information in a month here than have of years with doctors.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Alex, ask AI to send you their study of about 200 people. It is in German with numbers and symptoms listed, male and female, and that will tell you what is happening.
If I remember correctly, that study resulted in an approx. 80% success rate.

I am very happy with AI and I can assure you that I am not financially involved with AI and the people are the best. Too bad they cannot communicate in English. I happen to speak German and their phone so far for over a year was always answered, without exception, by a real person who helped with advice. Their slogan on their website
"we are here for you" is absolutely true. They are always there, even on Saturdays.

The price for the "just drops" could not be better, even more so if the service continues for over a year, test after test and drops after drops. I think we need to be realistic.

If you don't trust it, don't do it.

Take care.
Posted by alextaylor14 (Member # 25124) on :
Thanks I appreciate the quick reply. I just had one question GiGi since you seem to be pretty knowledgeable on the whole thing. What is in the drops exactly? I searched their website and couldn't really find anywhere the says.

Anyways I don't think it would hurt to be tested so thats where I think I will start.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Alex, Nanadubo and Lightparfait have very positive accounts of how AI has helped them as well; I think Scott too was pleased with it, but you could ask him.

There may be some people who have finished the therapy and haven't noticed positive changes for all I know, but most people on the thread are still on the therapy, having not yet reached end point:

People with Lyme, hardly surprisingly, seem to need many more rounds of the drops than people with, for example, hay fever, so it is still very early days in terms of large-scale assessments.

We are also advised that the body can take quite a while after the drops to 'put into practice' fully the re-regulations: I think Gigi was told about one year for every ten of illness as a rule of thumb.

The good thing about the cost of this is that it is the same [apart from postage] whether you need 3 rounds or 23!

Nutmeg, I was AMAZED to read the results of your test at this stage and wish you all the best with clearing all those chemicals well. Please post to let us know how you are doing,

Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
I am very disappointed as I had to go back on abx. I ended up in the hospital for 4 days with really bad neuro stuff. They put me on IV rocephin and now I'm back on IM bicillin. At least now, I can walk a little and talk and my body doesn't get frozen. Craziest thing I have ever seen and no one at the hospital had seen anything like it either. I'm in a hospital bed now at home.

I just got my 4th round yesterday.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Sapphire, I'm very sorry to hear about your bad neuro trouble and hope you soon feel a lot better,

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Some people said their gut problems greatly improved with progrurt, like Nanadubo, but then said AI helped. How do you know which truly helped?

Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Carry, thanks so much for your good wishes. I think I will start the new drops tomorrow, and will definitely let everyone know how it goes.

I'm amazed too that I still have that much in me after almost 14 months on AI. I have the feeling that what I've done up until now just scratched the surface. The big stuff is yet to come.

I've been sick for over 30 years, and probably have been affected by accumulation of toxins all my life (55+ yrs). I've never spent much time on abx for Lyme tx, and have avoided other drugs, for the most part, for my whole life, so at least I don't have a lot of pharmaceutical debris to clear out.

Thanks again, take care,
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Day five, round one. So, so tired. Exhausted. I had no idea you could be this tired from the drops. Also sad and weepy for no apparent reason. Have no appetite. All normal? Any bits of wisdom to get through. Thanks.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Imaginit, most normal, including the weeping. It will pass in a day or two depending on how much you buried away physically and emotionally. I
tried to rest or do what I enjoy most. I also relived a somewhat familiar pain that lasted about 3-4 days, but knowing this is not an actual physical event caused by a real life infection, but rather a replay of an old experience, I understood. I was told these types last about 3-4 days and then disappear. People have thought they had a reappearing old problem - no, AI told me that several times.

I have posted about this here all through the last year. That is why it pays to read this thread, especially since it is in your language. It won't last long and that should tell you that these informed drops are doing what they are supposed to do - turn your "little engine that could" around from running in the wrong direction.

Somewhere there is a misunderstanding: I was told - and that is now many months ago - that with ten years of chronic disease, it takes at least a year of drops. Next time I have a chance, I will ask the question again. I am certain it depends a lot on the inherited problems and the lifestyle/emotional life one has lived, etc.

The information on how the drops are done is explained on the website. It is simply water with a trace of VitC to keep the water fresh which has been infused with the correct frequencies. It sounds like homeopathics, but has absolutely nothing to do with homeopathics. It is simply informed water carrying the frequencies your body needs. Same as you buy certain waters from anywhere around the world that carry certain frequencies that are more healing than others.

Google Emoto and look at the photos of pristine water and not so clean water; the same frequencies that influence what we like in music, or the same as frequencies of color influence our mood. When I first learned to muscle test, I finally learned that everything whether we can see or touch it emits a frequency. The wood of the chair or the best friend, or the friend who you sense is not good company for you. Everything in this world, including humans and animals emits a frequency.

Nana is familiar with certain waters that are imported from far away that are known to have a hearling effect because of the frequencies they hold. We were just a little out of tune and the immune system got lost in the chaos! Maybe Nana can tell us more.

Now hopefully all errors can be found and the errors in the "software" corrected.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Not sure that all the Pekana products at this point are a good thing to use, because they are also based on a myriad of frequencies. When I first started, I was advised to be careful with that type of remedies, because they may confuse the system. If you read the earlier parts of this thread, it was clearly pointed out.

Got to run and get some work done now!
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Thanks Gigi,
I imagine that I have lots of buried stuff--have been sick off and on for over thirty years. But I'm ready to let go and move through it now.

I am familiar with Emoto Masaru research and have one of his books so it does make sense to me now that these drops can have powerful effects on one's physical, emotional and spiritual life.

Although I am exhausted, it's a calm exhaustion and free of pain--never thought that would happen. And my mind isn't in hyperdrive trying to figure out supplements, medications, shots, when to take what, should I do this treatment, what can I do to help my body fight lyme and get the toxins out, or worry about biofilms, spirochetes, bugs, tics or whatever I read about that day.

I've stopped asking why is my body doing this now. I'm beginning to let it do it's job for it is a far smarter entity than my ego. It's nice to let go of being the boss and let nature take its course.

I had a lot of depression and crying while on abx. In fact they spiraled me down so far I wasn't sure I could come back. But here I am and am ready to deal with whatever comes now in a more gentler way. Thank you for all your support and help and leading us here.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Imaginit, I couldn't be more pleased to read what you just wrote. You are doing fine. Energy always follows the thought.

Take care.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Hmm. The biotensor has pointed to Pekana as a good detox fairly often when I use AI. Wonder why and it is not my emotional state of mind when I ask [confused]

Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
Imagin THats great to hear. I am glad for you. Let go and let live.

ARe you taking any of your list of supplements or things you were taking before or are you clean slating it?

What has been the average length of time others on this site have gone through to finish their treatments? I am reading about 12 or so as average?

Can someone tell me that during the two weeks you stop the AI drops before you send the next set are you stopped or taking that next set that is sent to you?

From what I am reading they want you to be off the drops for those 2 weeks before sending the next salavia therefore I assume your not taking anything.

I know I am asking some basic questions but trying to get the feel for the process.

I have not sent in my saliva yet but I have to go help my family at the end of May and do not want to have to start these til I come back the first of June.

What is the time frame for time it takes now to ship there and for them to send back?

THanks for all the help and info.. I have read the thread but can not remember ever detail Maybe I should copy and paste it into a word doc and then I can search for key words.. Thats an idea...: )
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I am on round 4. HG told me that I could take "whatever made me feel well" during the 2 week wait period.

I usually ship mine and it takes between 6-10 days and then usually 7 days for them to ship back - I <knock on wood> have never had delays in shipment either way.

I do have a few questions for others too - my kids and I are currently on round 4 and after I went into see Dr. K a few weeks ago he confirmed that I was indeed allergic to Balouke (thins the blood for sticky blood) as I was getting throbbing headaches and swishing feeling in head...he said I was the first person he has seen to be allergic to this. Then he now has me doing heparin shots as it is a cancer prevention method as well as blood thinner, however, after 1 week of injections I noticed I was starting to have extremely dry eyes and mouth at night (similar to my allergy with corn) and then redness and warmth at the injection site along with some hives. I tried it last night with no shots and sure enough I did not wake up with dry eyes or mouth so am assuming I'm allergic to this as well.

My question is I am wondering how long it takes or if people become not allergic to these medicines? Were others allergic to medicines and then were able to tolerate? I know it takes awhile for leaky gut to heal, but I was surprised that my body is still so allergic as I also continue to have excema on my feet, etc.

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

After I do the two weeks of drops, I immediately send a sample for the next set of drops the following day. You don't have to wait two weeks to send in your saliva sample since the mail turn around time is longer for the USA than for Europe.

While I am waiting for the new drops to arrive I may be using binders or detox agents if needed.

Sometimes the new set of drops arrives within 2 weeks of sending the sample and sometimes it is a month or more.

Personally, if I have something that I really need to have energy for and the new set of drops arrives, I wait until I have accompished the task.

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

I have done 9 rounds of AI drops and am still allergic to cherries and some plant pollens.

Of course, the success rate is 80% for AI. While that is high, it does not mean that all problems will go away. I believe the way that Mr. G told me was that the 80% meant that 80% of people using AI showed improvement, but it does not say how much improvement. This was through a person who spoke to him in German.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Well, I certainly do know about water and frequencies - at least what I've picked up from my husband. Due to the fact that he does some educating on the subject for some folks in Austria, I think the rules say I am not allowed to talk about it in any detail.

I will say that even if you have a good water filter and are able to get the bacteria and chemicals out of your water, you are drinking dead water.

Water is like an orchestra but unfortunately all the musical instruments have been taken a way. So there are ways to get the "music" or information back into your water.

Water is an excellent carrier of information and I imagine this is why AI uses it.

Lee - I had a very short experiment with progurt over a year ago. Seemed to do something initially but I never consumed enough of it for it to have any lasting affect.

Imaginit - I had days when I just walked around the house crying. It's a great release. If I got stuck I would be sure to tune in to Extreme Home Makeover on Sundays nights! Watching the hardships those families endure and seeing something nice done for them supplied me with enough tears for days [Smile]

I should be cooking dinner now. Til later.
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
Please note
I was given this

"A regimen that has proved good is 5 drops, 3 times a day.
The drops can be taken separate from food. It is important to take them regularly, morning, noon and evening; the
exact time is not important.
The therapy includes a check to see if the system has accepted the de- and re-programming.
For this purpose, please send us a saliva sample about 2 weeks after you have stopped taking the drops."

I figured you may want to see this as the last response by lee says they send the sample back right away. Maybe there is a reason as above that this is not the best method???
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Thanks Lee! Were you allergic to other things and those have cleared up or were those the ones and you still are allergic to them?

Also, I do have a few more questions!

I know how important it is to be "regular" during this process and especially because I'm losing metals. However, I continue to only go in the AM. Dr. K said to experiment with Vitamin C and/or Magensium to see how much I would need to be more frequent (he said you can't take too much) so I'm honestly taking way more than 48 capsules/day of Mg and still only in the AM. Same with vitamin C.

Anyway, just wanted thoughts on this. I'm going to go to a colonic specialist and I'm sure she'll have tips as well, but you guys sure know a lot!

Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
So for example

If I started 1st set of drops on June 3rd then I would do them through June 17th.

I would wait two weeks til June July 1st and send saliva on July 1st.

Then according to above it could take 13-17 days to get back the next drops.

Therefore that puts me at now July 17 to start the 2nd set of drops.?

So that is one month, 30 days off between drops.

Then the process starts over again. Due to that wait time there is not a real way to do revolving like some have suggested.

Is this correct? This is what I am understanding from my reading on the site.??
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Hi all,

Quick question for you:

My daughter and I are slowly going off all our meds and supps to prepare for the saliva send-off at the end of May.

I would love to purchase a biotensor, but cant make any headway via their website in Germany.

I emailed in English and in German last week but have not received a response yet.

Does anyone know if I have to call them personally? Will they have an English speaking rep?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
thejoje, I don't remember if anyone there speaks English but I would try calling.
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
Hi Jojo..

Is it recommended to Stop ALL SUPPLEMENTS and MEDS before sending your saliva?

I heard no abx is a good idea but had not hear NO supplements?/

And if so for how long are you stopping them before doing your saliva send off?

THanks Much
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
The way I understand the method is this:

If your meds are keeping you alive, stay on them.

Abx and AI drops do not necessarily mix.

Because I do not know which supps are being rejected by my own body, I'm going off all, execpt maybe Mg because of muscle cramping and stiffness.

Supps are foreign to us; some are not going towards the correct usage bec of dysregulations in our messed up systems. I know this is the case with me as I cannot take many without really strange side effects.

So I'm clearing out all supps and starting fresh after the drops.

Will keep binders on hand for time in between rounds.

Please correct me if this is wrong.

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
You absolutely can take too much magnesium. It is very hard on the kidneys. (I learned that with my health and biology degrees in college).

Not to argue with Dr. K, but several of my MD's including my neurologist say no more than 600 mg per day if you take it long term. (that's more than a week for them).

Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
hi healthy, have you tried aloe vera gel?
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I've been taking the AI drops for over a year now.

When those of us in the USA first started, we'd wait 2 weeks after ending the set of drops to take the saliva sample and send it in to Germany. This resulted in nearly 6 to 8 weeks between rounds. Not good.

GiGi looked into this, and HG told her to have people in the USA take a sample and send it in the next day after completing 2 weeks on the drops. That way, you have about 2-3 weeks between rounds. This is more optimum.

As for supplements, the best is to get off all of them.

However, it appears that detoxing and support for detoxing organs still needs to be done. Chlorella, milk thistle, and the BioRay detoxing and liver support herbals have been mentioned here a LOT recently, for example.

Personally, I couldn't stop all supplements, as I am on many supplements that are a treatment for seizures. I cut back on as many as I could.

Now, it turns out that some of them, the Five Factors, include an ingredient (Intrinsic Factor) that may have hidden disregulations from AI. So, I've stopped that and will send in another sample in a few weeks. The wait is to be sure that this substance is truly out of my system.

Hope this helps!


Cass A
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Originally posted by GiGi:
Not sure that all the Pekana products at this point are a good thing to use, because they are also based on a myriad of frequencies. When I first started, I was advised to be careful with that type of remedies, because they may confuse the system. If you read the earlier parts of this thread, it was clearly pointed out.

I'm guessing this was directed at me, since I mentioned I was going to look into ordering the Pekana remedies. I thought I was doing the right thing, to support liver and kidneys, since there were so many people talking about them in this thread, but I guess that's not the case [Embarrassed] ) I have not ordered them yet, and won't now.

I like the sound of NDF Plus, so maybe I will try that, and maybe Liver Life too.

I hope I can tolerate them. I see the NDF Plus has chlorella. When I take that in tablet form it does not agree with me. I see the Liver Life has olive leaf...when I've taken that in capsule form I get heartburn and constant nausea. Many herbs and herbal tinctures affect me that way, but maybe these products don't contain that much since they have other ingredients as well.

Are milk thistle capsules not enough for liver support? I do tolerate that well, but it's hard to tell if it's actually doing anything. At least it doesn't cause nausea or diarrhea.

I do take a number of binders and fibers regularly that I rotate--activated charcoal, Pectasol, apple pectin fiber, ground flax seed, Detoxifiber, SuperSeed sometimes, and another one with apple pectin, oat bran, and citrus pectin I think. Probably one or two others as well. I feel like I need more systemic support for detox, so it looks like NDF Plus would be a good one to add in.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I just went back through my emails from Mr. Grundmeyer. In January I wrote inquiring about homeopathics for liver and kidney support while metals are on the move.

His reply was - homeopathy is okay.

Maybe during earlier rounds is could be more confusing for the body? I had been on the drops almost a year when he wrote this.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Nutmeg - Bioray will send you test vials of LiverLife, NDF etc. if that is helpful.

I like milk thistle, it's a good liver protector and Dr. A D told me it helps with glutathione production - I didn't know that one.

Lee - is it possible for you to collect some of these substances you are allergic to and send them to Mr. G with your next saliva sample?

I am rid of my poison ivy allergy but at one point he had suggested I send a few leaves. They don't have it in Germany and he was not familiar with it so I decided it might not be a good idea to mail it.
Posted by sapphire101 (Member # 6638) on :
Thank you Carry. I appreciate it.

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Gigi and others:

What is your opinion on coffee enemas. Up to now I have been totally against them, but wanted to see what others thought.

Also, I finished my 9th round of AI last Monday--so about 10 days ago and I am gusing mucous from sinuses and nose. I know that tree pollen is worse this year in the midwest, but I don't usually react like this. Would the AI contribute?

Thanks. Lee
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Supplement discussion: a few notes from this weekends Dr K seminar:

Says from personal experience, he is cutting back on protocols, or the amount of things in the protocols to a more focused approach and feels that a minimal approach is usually more productive and beneficial on all levels.

Remember "Less is More"!

Most supplements contain Magnesium sterate...which ensures no or minimal DO NOT TAKE any supplements that contain Magnesium sterate...if you want to get full absorption.

Be careful of putting too many supplements together: Intracellular tests show iron depletion in those who take many multiple vitamins and supplements.

another study shows, the more supplements taken are related to the more incidence of breast cancer.

So best way: only take vitamins/minerals you test for!

Also: do not take any oils along with minerals ...take them away from each other timing wise...Oils + Minerals = SOAP...they bind together.

Timing is always important to get best benefit.

Your body will not get the intended benefit from them if you turn them into soap!

Proteins: A high protein diet is only good for healthy people....healthy people only get good results on mostly protein. Sick people do this thinking it is best...and get sicker or relapses and wonder why.

Protein acidifies your body and the bugs get "happy" in an acid environment. Therefore, people with lyme (bugs), do not do well on a high protein diet. Follow the lyme diet...which is low protein and lots of good vegetables, carbs.

Check you PH regularly, and adjust your diet when necessary to maintain a healthy balance.

Urine: healthy range (6.0 - 6.4)
less than 6.0 is acid
more than 6.4 is alkaline

Saliva : healthy range ( 6.5 - 6.9)
less than 6.5 is acid

friends, I will add more tidbits when I absorb them as well....things I think others on this thread will benefit from.

The "Less is More" approach complements the AI therapy.

[ 05-07-2010, 08:31 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Notes on when to take Chlorella: depends on what you are using chlorella for....

When using as a:
Detox agent:

Take always before the meal if using as a binding agent. Bile starts to form in the gut as you smell and prepare the food and in the beginning of eating. Think about want the binding agent in place when the bile starts moving. Some have trouble taking chlorella on an empty stomach. So take immediately before the meal so food will soon be added.

Nutrient: Take Chlorella during the meal...if used as a nutrient or neuroutoxin binder. The peptides will clean neurotoxins in the brain along with the food as it is digested/absorbed together.

Rule of thumb:

Things that are food, take with food.

Minerals: Take in the middle of the meal with food. Best absorption and utilization.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
To answer the Pekana product question: my thoughts

I only use the lymph, kidney, and liver/gall bladder drainage remedies from Pekana when in deep need. The same with Red Root Tincture.

Never have taken them long term or for more than a few days off and on...and only during certain rounds did I find them helpful.

I do not recommend taking anything regularly like this. But I did find it helpful for my occasinal flairs during some rounds and will keep the remedies in my basket for when I test for needing them.

I agree that taking anything with strong frequencies will cause some disruption in the AI regulating frequencies. We want to minimize this. This is my experience over the past year of AI.

So I recommend to use discretion when adding any supplement and be sure to test for them.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
LP, how do you know Dr. K so well?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I dont' know him well. Sendng you a PM.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
NanaDubo and lightparfait,

Thank you very much for your comments on homeopathics and organ support for detox. I have to admit that the Pekana remedies sounded very strong, and I was worried they might be too much for me.

I've used Toxex in the past. Recently I had my DC muscle-test me for it to see if it would help me now, but I did not test strong for it.

I went ahead and ordered the NDF Plus and the Liver Life today. When I get them early next week I will start them separately and begin with one drop. I started my new AI drops today.

I always use my intuition when trying something new, then if I need more help I use my pendulum. And I always have my chiropractor muscle-test me for everything new--he checks multiple organ and system function, which I figure must be something like the testing Dr. K teaches. My AI drops always test positive for me.

I do sometimes take homeopathic remedies while doing the AI drops, and they have never seemed to contradict one another. I use mag phos cell salts, leg cramp remedy, rhus tox for arthritis, and Bach Rescue Remedy sleep spray as needed.

Thanks again! Better health to all of us,
Posted by kateaton (Member # 24871) on :
It seems strange to me to that there would be an issue with taking vitamins/minerals with oil.

Alot of vitamin supplements come in an oil capsule- vitamins D, E, A are ones that I can think of off the top of my head.

I read somewhere before that vitamins cannot be absorbed without fat/oil. hmmm...
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Also, just from my personal experience which goes against everything that I read or hear, but I tried going on a low or vegetarian diet for awhile and that is when all of my troubles began (didn't know I had metal issues then). I developed adult onset food allergies and a host of other things. I now know that people with metal issues actually need the protein to bind with the metals - correct me if I get some of this wrong - I was not on any binders or anything either, but I think you need to do what is right for your body as I knew I didn't feel well eating this way, but thought in my head "it is good for me to not eat as much or any meat so it must be ok"....

Just my experience.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
AS far as eating goes, I have always believed in a well balanced diet of carbs, proteins, and fats and try to eat as naturally as possible--not processed foods. I guess my motto for food is "everything in moderation." (except chocolate-ha!)

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I eat a fair bit of meat - I find I get hypoglycemia symptoms otherwise. I was worried that I might be acidic, but I tested urine and saliva and found that saliva was 7 - so alkaline, and the urine was slightly acidic- I forget the exact number, but it was whatever they list as the "ideal" on the detox link that Gigi posted. Confirmed for me that my gut (pardon the pun lol ) was right on that.

On another note, I have another question....

In the past I've had extremely itchy ears - that often progressed to outer ear infections from the irritation of too much scratching. That issue went away completely when I cut out gluten and dairy. I started eating dairy again during round one and my ears started itching at the same time. Sooooo it could be the dairy, or it could be revisiting - but it's been bothering me non-stop regardless.

I was hoping it wouldn't progress to a full blown infection, but it's currently going there - I'm using polysporin drops now to try to keep it from getting to the all out excruciating pain that will send me running to the hospital for the more potent drops as well as a lot of pain pills.

I'm wondering tho - will using a topical antibiotic have the same negative affect that oral antibiiotics has? I was hoping not - it's just a couple of drops and I'm hoping it will clear up quickly.

Does anyone know?

[ 05-06-2010, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: Skiesmama ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I don't think there is a blanket statement that is accurate for what we eat.

We read over and over that metals only go into solution in an acidic environment. I have heard DK say he has never met a healthy vegetarian.

When metals are on the move, I am ALWAYS acidic, no matter what I eat or do. So, I leave it that way as the body does have some sense of what to do.

Skiesmama- there are some nice ear drops with garlic oil in them. Can't remember who makes them - "wise women" or something like that.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I had itchy ears when I started the parasite all orifices felt a little "creepy". Even my skin and scalp was unusually itchy at times. I believe mine were parasites...with some mold thrown in for good measure!

Ears do not itch now.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Lee, funny you should mention the sinus reactions: I've completed round 8, so at a similar stage to you, and I have been having quite a bit of sudden eye-watering [sometimes lasting all day] and sudden runny nose and tight throat.

These symptoms appear suddenly and disappear the same way and I don't think they are hay fever, as this is not usually a problem and it is rather early anyway.

The first time I got the eye-watering, I assumed it was the volcanic ash, but it has continued on and off, so probably not.

Let's hope we are experiencing chemical release,

Best Wishes,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I think we need to always remember that the body will use any route to get rid of what the new regulation puts on the heep for disposal - whether it is the skin, any of the orifices and that we should not suppress this, but support it in the best possible way. Starting anew with antibiotics is probably not the right way to go.
I sounds to me like a fungal release -- the are very common. My husband has them on and off. I would try find something to ease the itching. Would probably try a tiny bit of ozonated rizoles or at least test fot it before using.

Have a whole bunch of random thoughts kicking around in my head and when I have time I will post.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi healthy,i had a similiar experience when i went vegetarian. what does dk think we should eat for proetin on the lyme diet?
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
That's interesting. I have not had the chance to ask him about it but will in June. I have focused on other questions the other 2 times I saw him, but will definitely ask.
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
AI has no answered any of my few emails in the past few weeks..

So a bit discouraged about the company
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
AI is a very small company and I am glad for that or we would be paying double for them to guide us through a year and longer. They do not speak English and therefore always recommend that you read the website.

Just try it - It is easily done with google.

Take care.
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
I have read It Gigi
I am talking about not just questions but about my payment and paypal account and verifying payment receipt etc.'

Small or not I would hope I could have some sort of confidence in the company to respond to my efforts in some way
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Looking at the PSP numbers from when I got mine compared to some friends of mine who are on their first rounds (I assume they are in numerical order),
he has close to a thousand new clients.

My local doctor does not take emails and my long distance doctor prefers not to unless it is an outright emergency.

Mr. G is doing the best he can I imagine. Also, he is not a doctor and probably has some difficulty not only with the language barrier but with liability saying "do take this, don't take that."

Besides the information he offers on his website, I think he can only go so far addressing medical questions. These are just my thoughts.

When friends of mine have begun this therapy, I have suggested finding a German speaking friend who could call or write on their behalf.

I have very recent experience with this when a doctor friend of mine, fluent in German called for someone and got very quick, pleasant and polite results.

I'm also guessing he is getting lots of emails form the curious, I always used to put my PSP number in the subject line so he would know it was from a client. I think I sent 5 emails the entire time I was on the drops and not one went unanswered, even if brief and sometimes it took awhile.

I don't know what your questions for him are Spring, but if you feel it is urgent I would find a way to call.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Has anyone tried lasers or EFT for allergies as well? I know that AI does way more than clear up allergies, but was just curious as to what experiences you have had or is this your first attempt to get rid of allergies?
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
I think Spring was referring to payment with paypal. IF she has not gotten a test kit or drops, she does not know the PSP number. Until recently Mr. G always answered my e-mails, but he has not done so lately. Finding someone who speaks German is not always easy for a phone call, either.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Couldn't you call Paypal to answer your questions. HG sometimes answers, sometimes not.
He will take his lunchbreak no matter what at a certain hour. He knows to protect himself and is probably finding out very quickly that dealing with Lyme people takes a special talent. I cannot tell you how often I have heard that from Dr.K. and the people around them. Especially during Full Moon!

The price for AI it seems has now gone up.

Most the time, there are not enough hours in the day to answer e-mails. They do not have the time to answer e-mails. It also is very difficult because they do not understand what we say and they do not know how to say to answer correctly without causing misunderstandings. They do not answer medical questions, because they are not medical doctors or naturopaths. They suggest that people work with their respective doctors to get answers. This is noted all over their website.

Allergic people are difficult to deal with. I have corresponed with more than a few people over the last 10 years. Lyme people feel they are the only important people and when they need to talk, they need to talk.

Learn to live with it as you have to with any of your doctors. I can't count the many e-mails I sent that were never read and to which I never got an answer, if they were read.

I got well anyway. Dealing with Lyme people is a learning experience that no doctor will ever forget. I know Dr. K. could write a book on that subject alone.

I am saying this with all respect to you - and everyone here on this thread has always tried hard to answer questions if it is possible. If it is a "life threatening" situation, I will call for you - but I bet it isn't. Don't you love that announcement when you call your doctor's office!?

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
EFT is nice to know. Dr. K. teaches MFT, based on Roger Callahan, and uses it in combination with ART.

They are not lasting solutions.

I have posted about MFT on LN, and taught some, but people are not that interested. You can learn it in five minutes - ask Dr.K. assistants.

NAET is not permanent and I have posted several times about it here on LN. We were treated for many weeks by the founder herself. Do a search here.

Nothing re allergies we have ever attempted is comparable with AI. It is solidly permanent. When the chemists throw more new problems at us as the years go by which are not recognized by the immune system, you may need to to AI again at some point to remove these new exposures.

Take care.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I think I figured out a solution instead of the polysporin drops - I'm using goldenseal cream. In the past every single natural remedy I've tried in my ears has made it significantly worse. I don't use meds for anything else in my life - this one issue had me stumped for years tho. The pain tho when it has gotten acute is extreme and sends me running to the ER - which is why I went for the drops when I felt it going that way. It's under control now I think [Smile]

Thanks for the input [Smile]
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi Springshowers,

You should be able to go online and log in to your paypal account to see if the payment has gone through.

I had to do that once when trying to find out if a payment for something I was trying to purchase from overseas (not AI) had gone through. I did eventually hear back from the co. I was trying to buy from, but as it turned out, my Paypal account showed the payment/order hadn't gone through.

You might try typing out your e-mail message to AI and then using google translator to translate it to German, then sending that text to AI.

I've never e-mailed them with any questions, but if I did, I think I would do it that way. Some on this board have suggested doing this for correspondence.

Hope this helps. Don't give up!

Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
GOsh. I am not being difficult or a Difficult "lyme" person. I pretty much take offense to those statements.

I am not asking for some big dialoge. Just basic transaction confirmation and knowledge that they got my payment and sending my kit.

Just business. Yeah I can check pay Pal but that not the point.

And would if I do have another question. Your making it sound like its not reasonable to have question about a product your buying. Esp of this sort and even though the price is reasonable for the year long or so therapy it is not like I am buying a supplement or some vitamin C.

I am not trying to be negative or a problem. But also I had "upon" the recommendations here in this thread. Asked for the samples or study or whatever they have of the 200 people they treated.

It is reasonable. I am not someone who just bugs and bothers and wants to chit chat and ask about a bunch of stuff and be bothersome.

And to indicate that "lyme" and "allergic" people are "difficult" again. Interesting that you would type that in response to my comments.

I am not sure how everyone else feels about that but ....

Well.. Maybe I will try to get a refund and leave it at that.. I am not feeling right about this right now. Got to go with that..

Maybe there will be a better time or there is a reason and I am not meant to do this at this time.

Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
"Learn to live with it as you have to with any of your doctors"

I guess I have chosen better doctors that you have experience with.

My doctors have called to check up on me and if I had to miss an appt they call to see see how I am and will do a phone consult and will call to just see how I am after a new medication etc.

It is not me calling them with all sorts of questions or bugging them at every change in symptom etc. And in emergencies I go to the ER.

Gigi.. I am not so thrilled with the way you choose to post that last post but you have every right to express your feelings.

I just think it is a put down towards patients and doctors overall...

and to this group

Maybe others will not feel this way..
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Spring, I hope you understand the general idea. Nitpicking doesn't work when talking about things like this. I am trying to paint an overall picture. There is no doubt that what I referred to is a part of the life of Lyme and the doctors and people who are trying to deal with it.

I am not speaking of you in particular. I am talking reality - the reality everyone involved in this Lyme thing - client, patient, doctor, therapist, family, friend - have to deal with on a daily basis.

Take care.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Springshowers, Dr. K. is now recommending AI to his patients and mentioning AI in seminars. Keep in mind that he not only treats Lyme but also Autism, MS, ALS, PD, etcetera.

I have a feeling HG & his small staff are being swamped by new customers/requests for info.

I for one am not offended by what GiGi wrote. This therapy is sooo worthwhile, IMHO. Give it a chance! [Smile]
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Hello Skiesmama! [hi] So happy to see you posting here.

Glad to hear you have a solution to your ear issues. You may also need to hold off on reintroducing dairy until the gut heals a bit more...
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Happy Mother's Day to all Moms!

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi Springshowers, sorry you have not been getting replies: I agree that it gives a bad impression when you are paying for a therapy.

I do think that Hg must be overwhelmed at present, particularly after Dr K's recommendation, and I expect he will be looking into employing someone with English to help him...after all, that's the sensible thing to do, both for his business and his own sanity!

I do hope that you will not give up on the drops,

Best Wishes,

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I believe there are quite a few more people using the AI...and more to come with Dr. K"s seminar recommendation. I expect there will be times of delays in receiving the drops for some, and possibly lapses in communication until they get up to the new demands.

I have heard that prices have gone up too. I would guess that would happen with the Americans needing way more rounds (more work, more communication time) to get through this therapy.

I too , a year ago, a few times in the beginning had a hard time getting through to HG...only on some occassions...and I was a little concerned, because doing this was out of the box for me.

He did reply, and sometimes I needed to write another email or call again...then a reply came immediately....and in the beginning I did not use translate google in my after starting that, communication was a breeze as we both could understand each other better.

I found at certain times he was swamped, or was away on holiday!

I suggest just hang in there...and wait for him to get back to you. Or try again if this is urgent. This therapy was so "worth it" all regards for me...that I would fee so bad for any of you to miss out on your possible regulations because of communication issues! I am doing so well now!!!!!!

He does not run this like an American almost appears like this is a home based operation....possibly so....very different for me...for I now find it refreshing.

Nothing is in a hurry there! Being from the metro NYC area...I am now wired for everything fast, quick, and expect this degree from everyone...I am trying to change this in myself.

But getting your answers is important with your health, especially to feel that you are on the right tract...and to mentally be able to let go and be confident in this "unique" ask again!

Posted by n.northernlights (Member # 17934) on :
yes I think the price went up.
By the way, it says on the website Dr. Klinghardt recommends this treatment.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Just a note: AI does not send a confirmation when Paypal gets there. They do not confirm receipt of any test sample either.

They will send the test kit, if that is what you asked for. Some people don't ask for it, because they know from others that you can send in your test sample without a special test kit, as I and others have posted here several times.

Doing it in this manner shortens the time before you can do the therapy and saves money and paper.

In other words: a person sends the payment and the test sample with name, age, gender, and a brief symptom list. And the response from AI comes in form of the first test results, first bottle, etc., if you requested the total therapy.

They do not send out any receipt/confirmation unless something comes up that they need from you before they can proceed.

I had this attached to my mother's day note, but it did not go through when I sent it:

P.S. I want to assure you, it has become very clear to me that HG and his small group are not into this for profit! I would not even call it a business. Thank God, there are some people still in this world who do things because they must - for other human beings. He is one of these rare people as his father was before him.
A gift.

[ 05-09-2010, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
I just started AI and price in US dollars was $634.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
The price for the test + therapy has gone from 395 Euros to 460 Euros. Still a bargain, IMHO.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The currency exchange rate for Euros/US Dollars f;luctuates at least daily and with the Greeks' problem, it changes even more. You can figure out approximately what the therapy costs now - here--

Take care.
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
This is Not a business? Not for Profit?


Like a home based business. I had a home based business and customer service was the top of my list. I have sent emails reguesting the 200 people comparing their symptoms before and after as Gigi said would be a good idea. No response Ever.

I did not request a kit but I so what.? it does not say anywhere the things Gigi says on the site.

If this is just some favor and not for profit company.. Well let me stop there. I surely doubt that.

Maybe there is ONE Person doing it all. Maybe thats how it works behind the big website. I was a one person show and though I hired people as the business grew..

Good Luck to them. I just can not do business with someone ... for my health.. Over 1 year with testing back and forth.. Without confidence of some sort of communication or at least the confidence that "They are there for me" if I need it. Like the Site says.

Hopefully it is just that they are busy and they need to figure that out. Maybe they will soon. I am not even asking that much. I do not want some open line to chit chat and talk and nor would I do that ongoing. But we judge the availability of someone by the responses we get.


It seems like people are quick to defend the company and maybe though using the wrong wording.

It is making my impression even worse to be honest.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

This is the link from the AI website where anyone can order the study that was done with close to 200 people participating.

It is in German. When you receive it, Just translate the list of symptoms or diseases - male and female - and the rest is in numbers and self-explanatory. Most symptoms are very similar whether English or German.

Take care.
Posted by karenl (Member # 17753) on :

AI is not an American company and in other continents a business operates in a different

It is not a one man show, they are at least three people or more. The knowledge is given from one generation to the next, it is not something you can study.I do not know if they are good, just started my therapy.

It is not mainstream medicine like labcorp testing but we wanted to get a different approach in addition to the exact medicine we have already. Same with a biotensor.

In my case the first drops hit my weakest and worst point almost after a day , I was quite impressed, although I got really sick. It forced me to treat it and now my energy is better.

We do these therapy because we did not find help
in Mayo or other famous and well functioning institutions and we are kind of desperate and willing to try unknown methods.
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Just got my 11th bottle today -7 chemical substances & 12 energetic blockades. Delivery took a bit longer this time, probably because of the Icelandic volcano.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
LP, Nano and others who have finished AI--Help!
Gigi, feel free to offer insight as well.

Final results in and I am not sure I understand them.

I did 9 rounds of AI and my results today say thre are no further blockages or incorrect information related to my body.

However, out of the 19 categories I only have 9 that are green, 8 are yellow, and 2 are red. I actually got worse in the areas of "available bioenergy capacity in percent," biolux value of "indication to what extent bioenergy is available to biological light." and "pscho transmitter performance in percent."

I do not feel much better, either.

So, my question is: How does having only 10 out of 19 categories out of the green mean there are no further blocks or incorrect information?

Thanks for your help.

Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
Thanks for the links

Karen Thanks for the description and though I am very aware of what this is and what it is for and about the company..

I am sorry if It sounds as if I am not patient or if I am tough on them but still have not heard back and I asked for a refund now.

So we will see.

Its not time for me I decided anyway and I will re approach this or something similar when I am more ready and maybe the company will be more ready for me then too.

Timing is important too and this may just be a sign that my time is not now. I am fine with that.

I though do believe in the theory and that the treatment idea is correct. I am not sure if this company is giving the best treatment as there are other ways to approach the same thing. I will be watching as others end their drops and can report more on how they did and that timing will work too.

Its all going to work out. I am not upset or have bad feelings overall.. ...
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
This must be the day for final results as I received mine from AI, too, saying I didn't need any more drops. However, like Lee, I have many areas still in the yellow and some in the red and some areas that got worse.

However, until February I used the bionic once a month for the last year and I am wondering if that affected my results. Will e-mail and hopefully get a reply. If not, I will wait a few months and resubmit a sample. Wonder if I have to pay to resubmit? Anyone know?

Blessings to all.

Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Finished week one round one. Have yet to get up to the full five drops. Mainly just take two. Have had constant headache and painful backaches on all areas where it says there are energy blockages. Heart bounds also most of the time and I feel "toxic".

Anyone else remember having these symptoms in the beginning rounds?

Also, I just feel bleh...actually I feel nothing, blank, empty--it's an odd sort of feeling. Thoughts?
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Just watched the video posted by Gigi.

Should be required viewing by every high school student and every pregnant woman. Very powerful video!!
Posted by karenl (Member # 17753) on :

I think there is an American company doing about the same, my doctor mentioned something.
Maybe your sample is still in the mail - volcano.
Posted by kateaton (Member # 24871) on :
could you say more about the American company? who are they? did your dr. say they're getting good results?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on : is the name of the company you are probably referring to. They heal specific diseases. There is plenty to research. You may also want to start a separate thread to get others involved who have done it.

I researched that method several years ago, and know that it has nothing in common with AI. AI corrects the underlying causes for diseases, and not the disease itself. Sometimes knowing what disease we have is difficult in itself.

Do some research - it is interesting. They are all over the world. I do not know of their success rate, but chose AI to go for correcting the causes and not the disease that I to this day cannot define into a single one, neither for my husband nor myself, nor for any of my friends or my doctor himself. That seems to be the biggest problem with any healing approach - what am I trying to heal? And what is the real cause? or causes?

Take care.
Posted by karenl (Member # 17753) on :

I will ask him next week again for the name.
It is something with a blooddrop as well,but I was not interested.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lee, Hiker - I didn't have the same experience when I finished. I had nothing left in the red, few in the yellow and nothing showed as being worse.

Lee are you saying that you have less available bioenergy and less that was available as biological light? Are you sure you are reading the percents correctly in the before and after?

I think he has said all along that the bionic can affect the therapy. I don't know what other treatments or therapies you might have been doing at the same time. But maybe they interfered with him being able to find further dysregulations.

I would try to find out. Someone who finished after a few rounds last year, was doing several other therapies and had similar results. They resent a sample after a couple of months. More was found.

My letter said to allow time for restructuring to take place but if I still had things in the red or numbers that were worse, I would ask about it.

Kateaton, I too think it is Healers who Share. I read some about it a couple of years ago. My understanding is that if they find 10 different things to treat, you pay for 10 different therapies and it is quite pricey. I agree with Gigi, I don't believe they are looking at underlying cause.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Imaginit, LOTS of corrections take place during the first round of drops. I had the pounding heart as well. It passed. Try to keep in mind the changes that are taking place.

We never felt a lot of the stuff we accumulated when it was on the way in over the years. It is so different for each person.

A friend of mine just finished her first round. She was flying high the first week - really tired and emotional the second.

My other friends (family of four) just finished their second round and none of them have felt a thing yet, other than a runny nose.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Got your pm before I read your above post. The first thing that hit me was I am wondering about your environment...

Because AI cannot fully regulate if you are (for example)inhaling mold...or receiving too many EMF's or any other type of frequencies that could be effecting those specific regulations that have not changed into the positive zone.

Maybe I am thinking this as I just took notes at DR.K's conference n the effects of EMF's and molds on the body in regards to chronic they are a main culpret in not getting better. They feed the chronic issues we face! These need to be addressed if you have them for therapies to work. I am relating this also to AI.

Also, a previous post referred to prior use of the bionic...and those frequencies could very well have effected the outcome with cells receiving "energy/light". Or could have skewed your original test! I am only hypothesizing.
so for give me if I am off base in my "guesses".

We all want to figure this out for you!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
From Hiker53:

I did e-mail Mr. G of AI and he replied right away. He did not explain why I still had some red areas and yet no disregulations were found. I have done the bionic for a year until February and I did ask him if that would affect the results, but he did not answer that question, either. I did e-mail in German and he did reply in German.

He said to wait a few months and send in another sample which I will do and not use the bionic, either.

I was very impressed that he e-mailed me back so quickly.

LP, I am around EMF's all of the time at my job, so that could be an ongoing issue, but I would think that after awhile AI might help the body be able to handle those, but again I do not know.

I have had my home tested for mold and it is okay and the biotensor cannot seem to find any, but I bet my workplace is another matter in that regard.

Thank you for your replies, everyone.

Posted by MysticTuba (Member # 25854) on : here. I was referred to this discussion by someone from a Lyme forum.
I cannot see the information on the AI sites because of a browser problem; most of the type is covered over by a big orange block. So it is being very difficult to figure out how to do anything....I think I would like to go ahead and do the test (I'm not anywhere near as sick as many people I know, but I am quite ill while still functional) and try the drops, as a lot of what goes wrong is extreme reactions to eating any kind of protein.

Help? Email is preferred if possible, but posting here is also ok.

Posted by Michael_Venice (Member # 17254) on : wrote you were on your ELEVENTH bottle of AI therapy? That confuses me. Their site seems to indicate that 3 treatments is usually the maximum needed, and says that the vast majority of people only need one treatment cycle.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
MysticTuba, here is some of the english text from Allergie-Immun. If you have a question, please e-mail me [email protected] :

"Do you suffer from allergies or chronic health problems? We know their causes and possible solutions!

- Relief by re-forming the bio-energetic regulation-system!

The one who puts up with allergies will soon have no protection against worse chronic diseases!

Hay fever, asthma, urticaria, allergies against dust mites, animal hair and sunlight, allergic reactions against foods, insect bites, cosmetic products, chemical substances, environmental toxins, preservatives, additives - who is able to claim these days that their body�s defense system never panics and reacts completely wrong?

Even if you are able to claim that: are you sure your headaches, migraine, your stomach - and intestinal problems, your heart - and circulatory problems, your chronic infections are not caused by allergies? Have you ever thought that your child�s school problems may be caused by allergies?

The one who puts up with allergies, avoids or chemically and forcefully suppresses them will soon have no protection against really bad chronic diseases and be prone to all infections - that is our (ALLERGIE-IMMUN) alarming experience. Today over 80% of all mankind suffers and dies from a "chronic disease". More info...

ALLERGIE-IMMUN analyses and corrects your disrupted bio-energetic regulation-system which, according to us, is the cause of many "chronic" disruptions in the body. More info...

The REGU-Immun treatment has been a tried and tested concept of therapy by ALLERGIE-IMMUN since 1999 with a holistic approach. In contrast to conventional medicine and alternative medicine it does not fight symptoms but finds and eliminate the cause of disease.

Why the body (re)acts wrong!
ALLERGIE-IMMUN believes that allergic reactions and chronic health problems are caused by the wrong biological information in the bio-energetic regulation system (BRS) and have unknowingly been inherited for generations like a "talent" or "behavior pattern". Therefore the body does not know it is doing something wrong.

Our research concludes that an allergy and the resulting chronic disruptions are a regulation disruption of the body. This means that the allergic reaction as we know it, is triggered by the wrong �programming� of the BRS. Therefore the body�s reaction to harmless substances results in those well-known intense and chronic symptoms.

The BRS (our power-, energy-, or information field) regulates many processes in our body. It contains �information� and �instructions� on how to handle certain processes like heartbeat or breathing. It also contains information on handling certain environmental substances. The BRS system is basically the �software� of our body. This software caught some errors that prevent the body from a normal regulation. One small error could result in an array of erroneous reactions and wrong regulations if the original and mostly inherited errors are not corrected.

Electric and magnetic power fields play almost no role in biology and no role in medicine whereas they do in traditional physics. We are all able to at least feel the thermal (heat) field of another being when we get closer to it with the palm of our hand (without touching it). Conventional science has no knowledge of where thoughts and feelings are located, only their effects. It therefore only represents a relatively small part of our existence.

ALLERGIE-IMMUN starts where conventional medicine hits the wall!

Allergies are erroneous reactions of the body!
The alleged allergen is not the enemy, the error lies in our own body. Therefore the problem for the body is not some substance in apples, hazel bushes or other things. It is the erroneous software that leads to a false chemical activation. The body finds certain substances harmful (interpreted via BRS). The substance is never the cause but only the trigger of the body�s disruptions.

Allergies: deficits in energy cause additional health problems

Allergic reactions are no banality since they cause several things in the body:

Overactive immune reaction to harmless substances the body detects as enemies
A constant activation of chemical processes that cause excess acid in the body
This senseless fight weakens the body somewhere else because energy is wasted causing additional health problems.
Benefits of the REGU-Immun treatment

Allergies are not curable according to conventional medicine. Their therapies are detail-oriented (e.g. vaccines against hay fever, desensitizing against already harmless substances, strategies to avoid, suppression of symptoms).

The REGU-Immun therapy is concerned with the cause, not the symptoms. This means that our concept of therapy begins with the mechanisms of regulation that lead to symptoms on the body level.

ALLERGIE-IMMUN�s approach aims for a reset of the BRS (our power-, energy-, information- or bio-photon field) into a harmonious and natural state of the body.

Here is a question for you: if your child crossed the light on red, would you try to prevent it from walking with medication just because it acts "erroneously"? You probably would not, but that is exactly what people suffering from allergies do to their body. They prevent it from "regulating" normally. More info...

How does the REGU-Immun-therapy work?
For the analysis we need a small amount of blood or saliva. This contains all the necessary biological information.

A measurement method developed by A.I. enables us to make visible the subtlest differences in the earth�s radiation field and its effect on a human being. It gives us results of the body�s energetic disruptions.

Then a personalized Energetika is produced to help the body reset its original state of information. The Energetika is bound to water cured by ascorbic acid. This means that water is a carrier of information. The Energetika gives impulses to activate the body�s re-formation. You need to take the drops in the morning, at lunchtime and at night.

If this approach makes sense to you and you would like to learn more, please read: Information.

What you can do!
If you are affected by allergies or other disease you now have the choice between a scientifically approved medical therapy (de-sensitization or immune therapy) that has known side effects and can only alleviate symptoms and a new therapy that is not sufficiently scientifically proven yet but is completely without side effects and possibly offers the chance for healing.

You may certainly alleviate your symptoms by taking medication and hope for conventional medicine to find solutions. There are not only side effects, they may also lead to further health problems.

You may also try many other alternative methods that alleviate temporarily but often do not last.

Or you may try our REGU-Immun treatment by ALLERGIE-IMMUN - without instantly asking for scientific proof. Our experience shows astonishing results (see under German comments from Herr P. from Germany or Frau A. from Austria).

Allergies are no small thing but often the beginning of serious disruptions in regulation and the basis for many diseases (according to the results in our longstanding research).

Please don�t let anyone tell you allergies are incurable just because it is unknown to conventional medicine what the cause of erroneous reactions and disrupted regulations is. Take charge of the solution for your problem. Conventional medicine is currently not able to find the cause.

The REGU-Immun treatment helps you to recognize and correct energetic disruptions in regulation. According to us chronic disease mostly develops when this ability to regulate has been disrupted for a longer period of time.

Get to know the importance of a well-functioning bio-energetic regulation system and the effects of disruptions on your well-being.

Allergies and alongside other chronic ailments inexplicable by conventional medicine are indeed curable. Time and again we see that people overcome their disruptions in regulation with the REGU-Immun treatment, even though it was said that their state was hopeless or beyond treatment.

Please use all of our knowledge and experience to correct your allergies (energetic disruptions) with the REGU-Immun treatment gently and completely without side effects. Break the mold with us.

If you want to achieve something never achieved before, you will have to do something never been done before"

(Albert Einstein).

The responsibility is entirely yours."

[ 05-12-2010, 02:01 AM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Quick question: Will having a lymphatic drainage (where they use that rod thing) during the AI treatment interfere with my results?

I am wondering this as I know nothing about the Bionic treatment, but do know the lymphatic tool is plugged in, etc.

Just curious as I had one done about 5 days ago and just sent in my sample today after completing my 4th round of drops.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Gettin, I don't understand your first sentence question and "rod Thing"???

Lymphatic drainage will not interfere with AI. We are draining lymph normally all the time.

Also do not understand your reference to "Bionic with plugged in lymphatic tool?" Which one are you talking about?

Please clarify ----
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Michael, I answered you earlier, but I see it hasn't appeared.

I just wanted to say that the example of 3 rounds of drops is really aimed at people with issues that are more minor than Lyme, such as an intolerance or hay fever.

It seems that with Lyme there are a whole range of 'disregulations' to be addressed.

Additionally, apparently some Americans seem to need more rounds than some Europeans. In my own case [I'm from UK], I have never lived in a big city, have always eaten relatively healthily and, for the last 18 years, largely organic food....yet I'm about to start round 9!

Best Wishes,

Posted by ping (Member # 6974) on :
Guess we can make the number cleared by AI in the last week an uneven 3... Got my clearance yesterday, after Round 8. I also have a couple of indicators still in red, but not as critical as they originally were. I will send in a sample for re-check in 90 days.

Wish I could say that I can note a difference in the way I feel from this treatment, but at present, it's not apparent. The obvious improvements to my health came after my appendix rupture in Oct. '09 and the subsequent draining of the abscess. My doc and I agree that the forming of an abscess, by the 5th day post rupture, is proof positive that my immune system is in good shape, otherwise, I'd be dead. Major improvements began within one week after being released from the hospital.

I'd very much hoped see some sort of improvement in my hypertension with PSP, as it is clearly an inherited trait in my family, but no changes as yet. I would cut back on my meds in an effort to see if a difference was present, but had to be very careful, as with diabetes, cancer, etc., left untreated, hypertension is deadly.

Perhaps improvements will show themselves in the next year or so. Will decide then if PSP is worth the redo. (No, the tx is NOT permanent! Even HG says it must be performed every few years. AI had it posted in writing when I ordered my tx.) Hopefully, the folks at AI will continue to learn and improve the treatment as they get more results from people outside Europe.

I would NOT recommend PSP as a tx for TBD's and am very glad I took the route I did and had abx tx first. This statement will no doubt anger some posters on this thread, but they'll just have to deal with it and move on.

Really think the video clip posted is a good one and think this is the program I saw on BBC a while back. Places an interesting emphasis on the Biblical statement (paraphrase), "Our sins will be passed to the 2nd and 3rd generations". Hmmm, maybe the Olders knew the power of genetics and epigenetics all along. Truly, "There is nothing new under the sun."

Regarding AI not being in business for 'profit' - That's absurd. If a business doesn't show a (financial) profit, then, it won't be in business for long. It's not a bad thing that a business should be profitable; why this is painted as a negative, I don't know. It could be even more negative if such a 'business' were in operation for reasons other than financial profit.

Wishing all of you presently in tx with PSP and those about to embark on it, the very best of results. Please feel free to email me at:

[email protected]

I'll be away on the weekends, but will answer during the week. Likely going back to Alaska in late June and can hardly wait to go!

[ 05-12-2010, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: ping ]
Posted by Michael_Venice (Member # 17254) on :
Zombie, UKCarry and others,

So, many of you are into 10+ cycles? This is at $600+ per cycle?

This thread is so long and has gotten so deep, I'm having real trouble trying to distinguish who has improved from it aside from Gigi....and/or if Gigi had lyme, etc.

I have a concern...I mean, I don't think I'm too eager to stop antibiotics for months and months, order to do AI therapy.

In addition...and please, I am not saying this to start trouble, but it's difficult to seems as though Gigi is such an advocate for this, it feels like 'selling'. She is answering questions that would seem better directed at one's doctor, or passing information between patients and feels like a thread largely centered around Gigi and her directives to patients. And that just seems very odd to me.

Gigi, if you are reading this, in no way am I trying to insult you or question your sincerity. If a particular therapy did wonders for me, I would likely crow about it too. And I also can understand if you've become somewhat expert through your own experience. However, the thread reads more like you are the practitioner and/or salesperson, and not a patient yourself. I think it's fair to ask if you get any financial benefits from your advocacy. And if you do..there's nothing wrong with that.

Because of this, and also hearing people say that they can feel particular metals moving through their bodies, etc...which is quite difficult for me to's very difficult to get a sense of what this really is all about.

I am going to try the therapy, but I wish this thread was a bit more clear.

[ 05-12-2010, 09:17 PM: Message edited by: Michael_Venice ]
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Gigi - I apologize for not being clear in my question. I had a lymphatic drainage session at CMC and they use, I believe, the "Lymphstar Pro" tool which uses electricity. I wasn't sure if this would interfere with AI.

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
That's $600 per whole treatment regardless of # of cycles.
Posted by Michael_Venice (Member # 17254) on :
to thejoje,

Really? they continue to send indefinitely? I have been quite confused about that and I've sent a couple of emails to the company asking about it...and did not receive a response.

I want to reiterate something I wrote above. I am interested in this therapy. I trust my doctor, and he recommended it. He didn't give me the impression it was miraculous (which would make me doubtful anyway), but did think it would help me.

Also, in what I wrote above..I sincerely do not intend it as any sort of attack on Gigi. But this thread in general is so top-heavy with the issue I wrote is very difficult for me to get a sense of what it really is about for people who've tried it.

There's a couple of strong advocates (which is good) and a number of people who did it for months and seem sort of puzzled at the end of the therapy.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
"Indefinitely" is probably not the right word. The treatment does come to an end when the dysregulations have cleared. This happens at any time -- up to a year or over from what I can judge. But the cost is a one time fee.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
The cost is a one-time fee, plus $10 in cash for shipping charges each round. I just staple a $10 bill to the letter that goes with my sample.


Cass A
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
MichaelVenice - Not sure if Gigi will respond here but since she is a close friend of mine, I will attempt to reply.

She is a very intuitive person. She has been posting here for a long, long time and was speaking up about amalgam fillings, toxicity and the like before many had made the connection to those things and illness.

She is a close friend of Dr. K and many fine practitioners and has gained a wealth of knowledge from them and from her own research. She is not trying to play doctor to anyone.

She found Allergie-Immun before Mr. G was bombarded with American clients and as she speaks German has had the opportunity to pick his brain to some degree.

She was well long before she started Allergie-Immun but was still looking for ways to help her husband.

Antibiotics were of no help to me and I did not stay on them for long. Through my own research and common sense, I decided that my issues were due to toxicity and that lyme was only a small part of the picture which probably would never have emerged if I hadn't had such a nice, toxic terrain for it to establish itself.

This was the reason I did Allergie-Immun - to get to the bottom of "how could I have gotten so ill?"

I know plenty of people who have had repeated tick bites and never got sick. These same people also happen to have no amalgam fillings, no root canals, etc. etc. etc.

When I sent of my first saliva sample at the end of 2008, I did not feel I was dealing with active lyme anymore but neurotoxins left behind along with who knows what else. I wanted to know what the "who knows" parts were and I had not found a different way to discover this. Having a look on a DNA level made sense to me.

I was quite shocked to see all the issues on my report from AI and it truly was an "aha moment."

I know people who have never heard of Lymenet that have done this therapy and never really felt a thing. Some have completed and some are still on it, still not having any real problems with it. A runny nose or some emotional days have been it for them.

These people are also not obsessed with disease and thinking everything is lyme. Not saying you are but there are people who live that way.

I went through many of the same things that are talked about here - heart palps, anxiety, whatever. But I also experienced (somewhere after the first round) a glimpse at an inner joy and sense of power that I had not felt since my 30's.

The fact that it was alive and well somewhere, waiting to be free, was enough for me to endure whatever AI would bring. Some days I wanted to throw my bottle of drops in the trash and then I would remember that glowing ember in there.

When all was said and done, if I had compiled a list (and I wish I had), the benefits I received far outweigh and rough days I had.

There are plenty of complaints on here about emails not being answered and questions about why the heck he doesn't hire some people that speak English. He could hire a hundred people but how in the world would he teach them the knowledge he has gained and the gift he has.

I think I would rather have waited for an answer or had to write a few times, than to have had a reply from someone who might now really know what they were talking about - but were in training.

I don't think it's like teaching someone to drive a car, too many variables, so many people and a gift that has been passed down through his family.

So, is Gigi an employee? No, but perhaps she should be for the time she has spent making phone calls for people and helping people get their questions answered when it feels like an emergency.

I don't know why some people have had success with this and some have not. Again too many variables. Energy follows thought. "I think I can"... will take one further than "this is a hoax but I'll try it."

This is in no way directed to any individuals who post here or read here, just my thoughts about this therapy and about a woman that none of you really know (only one or two that I can think of).

I have no way of knowing where my life would be without her help and friendship but I have a feeling I would be sitting around making a list of symptoms and trying to figure out which co-infection it could be.

The first strained, English words I ever received from Mr. G, alerted me to his feelings about the tick vs the terrain.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
This is just a support thread for the AI new readers...don't expect to get individualized info here about the AI therapy for your conditions....only suggestions from those who have gone before you.

We are all just reporting what we personally experience and this varies by individual...

I am not selling anything...just reporting to my friends here on the same path. I end up editing my posts several times after i re-read I am ultra concerned about trying to not offend " anyone with my written word...but it gets tiring.

As we can all attest...sometimes what we write does not come off all "huggy- feely". ...but I cannot take people "reading into" my know I only have good intentions to all...or I wouldn't post my private info to help others compare!

I would prefer the respect of a private message if someone takes offense...rather than venting about me here on this post...please give us all that respect. If for fact I have led anyone astray...then by all means post it...but false accusations are not respected. We need to give each other the benefit of the doubt before blasting someone here on this support thread.

I suggest you look for the common thread of regulations that others have experienced, and PM those you feel may help you individually that have a similar situation.

Some here took care of lyme before starting the therapy...and others still had full blown symptoms before starting it...hard to compare if you do not know each persons situation. Because of this, there are varying degrees of how people feel while doing the drops. The more toxic the body load...the more to clear...

Many posting minimal regulations are ones that still have mercury amalgams in their mouths or have continued other on going therapies to keep their unique symptoms at bay....that may disrupt the complete possible regulation of the AI therapy.

This is an individual choice.

Understand who you are taking recommendations from...use your common sense.

I have had a very positive outcome as I have posted, and have been on no other therapies while doing the drops. Although I had already been detoxing well before starting AI.

Treated co-infections successfully before the AI as well. I did not know about the Ai therapy when I first began lyme and co-infectin treatments. Timing was right for me when I began. Got rid of mercury metal amalgams prior to starting.

Still lyme positive with symptoms after long courses oif antiabiotics...was ready for a break...but found lyme symptoms were very manageable after I had detoxed several months to rid myself of the die off and antibiotic residual...and my co-infections were gone.

I decided to set myself up physically, mentally and emotionally to get the best outcome of this unique therapy. I do not like to waste my time or money...and like to do things in a methodical get the best results possible.

I was ready for this "experiment". I did not feel I needed any additional lyme therapies to get through the year.

I suggest you prepare yourself as well for the best possible outcome if you decide to go this route...before beginning so you are confident and can maintain the course of treatment to the end.

From my observations...those who prepare themselves emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, are the ones who benefit most and have the positive responses here on this thread. Only you know what needs to happen...take some quiet time daily to meditate and pray about your unique situation...and clarity will come.

If for some reason you are questioning...there is always a reason. It may not be your time. My advice: Do not try anything you do not feel good about. No rush!

To everything there is a season!


[ 05-13-2010, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Cost? One price for the complete therapy! I love this. So refreshing to know what the expenses will be for a therapy from start to end! Not the American way for sure!

For me..I did not need to see my "out of network" LLMD anymore nor need loads of supplements or antibiotics during the the cost was excellent for my was a savings on my yearly medical!

Although I did learn about binders and liver support natural remedies...which I did purchase on line or at Whole foods....

I will use this education the rest of my valuable! Thanks friends!

I suggest those who have read the threads to glean what you can about detox and support will not find this wealth of information in one place! Gigi is to be thanked for sharing her gifts with us all.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :

you will not find this wealth of information in one place! Gigi is to be thanked for sharing her gifts with us all. [/QB]


Even my LLMD has benefitted indirectly from Gigi's posts. [Big Grin]
Posted by ping (Member # 6974) on :
Originally posted by Michael_Venice:
I have a concern...I mean, I don't think I'm too eager to stop antibiotics for months and months, order to do AI therapy.

Michael_Venice - If this is how you feel, then, please don't stop the abx. I didn't stop them and am very grateful that I went all the way with them, into remission.

There are many tx's and agendas pushed on this board, some harder than others, some work for some and not for others; abx, Bionic 880, KPU, PSP...It's mind boggling. Bottom line - It's your life and you have to deal with the consequences of whatever actions you take. It's very difficult deciding, I know.

Best of decision-making to you.

[email protected]
Posted by Michael_Venice (Member # 17254) on :
Thanks to everyone who wrote. Again, I did not in any way mean to write anything that should be perceived as an attack.

I am trying the therapy. I am a bit frustrated that the couple of questions (regarding cost and taking antibiotics during tx) have gone unanswered by the AI people themselves, when I've emailed them. And I sincerely had difficulty with this thread often seeming as though Gigi was a doctor-patient liason. It IS unusual.

The best way I understand my own situation is that I've had multiple infections, some metals issues and a 'terrain' that has been compromised.

As far as optimism or a positive/winning attitude about beginning AI...I've learned not to get my hopes up too high with ANY treatment now. The troubles with treating this disease run the gamut from the IDSA's nonsense to some genuinely exploitative snake oil cures. We've all been through this gamut, and it's always difficult to sort out what is what in order to try to make the best decisions to help ourselves get well.

thanks again.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I may or may not comment on the above -- after I have breakfast -- . First things first.

Here is the portion of "The Patient Information for Bioenergetic Blood Analysis" which I received as many of you have telling about the do's and dont's when doing the AI therapy. I believe it has been posted on this thread already drbrtsl months ago.

It's good to remember that any translation may lose some of the finer nuances. Babylon!

Bio-energetic therapy - how to

Disorders of the bio-cybernetic system
Physical and psychological discomfort of
any kind that do not stem from disease,
ailments or physical injury and that may
not be causally be explained by
medicine, especially:
- degeneration of psychological and
physical performance
- allergic discomfort, intolerances,
painful conditions
- anxiety, psychological false reactions,
general psycho-somatic discomfort

Absolute contra-indication

Acute therapy with antibiotics or
chemotherapy; non-functioning immune
system; severe psychological disorders
with suicidal hazard.

Relative contra-indication

Maintenance therapy with cortisone or insulin,
modification or reduction of medication only with
medicinal consent (doctor or naturopath).

Risks, side effects, complications

A drop of blood is required for the test. It can be
drawn from the tip of a finger and is to delivered to
the lab together with the accompanying document.
Please use a sterile lancet only. If you should use
alcohol on the injection site, let it dry completely
before drawing blood.
In rare cases it may come to skin irritations at the
injection site if hygiene is neglected.


The body �s synergetic uptake of energy has a
broad effect, aside from desirable effects it may
also have some undesired ones. The essence of
this method is to change undesired aspects of the
bio-cybernetic program.
It is common for psychological and physical
conditions to become more intense during therapy.
That applies in particular to negative conditions
(fatigue, depression, pain).
Normalization and improvement usually happens
during or shortly after therapy. Reprogramming
(altered sub-consciousness) may lead to situations
that can leave you reacting differently and

Therapy �s goal is a brand new bio-cybernetic
regulatory circuit. In a few cases, especially if you
do not drink enough fluids, it may come to
circulation problems. They are usually harmless.
During therapy or right after it may come to overactivation
of physical and psychological functions,
e.g. rise in blood pressure, increased perspiration,
urge to defecate and urinate, sexual arousal.

Bio-energetic therapies and other methods

Bio-energetic therapies and cortisone

A bio-energetic therapy together with
cortisone is only possible to a limited
extent. Cortisone is a hormone that the
body normally produces itself and that is
a transmitter to control the immune
system. It filters and relativises the body
�s alarming messages about the need of
immune system activities. Cortisone� s
purpose is to stop the immune system
and to not fight every small disorder with
full force.

When cortisone is added from the
outside, adequate production of the
body �s own cortisone is ceased
completely (command center gets
deprived). Depending on the dose and
duration the immune system may be
either disarmed or completely
immobilized. Now it is clear that for
instance all measures to strengthen or
stabilize the immune system go come to

What is worse: they lead to confusion of
information in the body. The body then
cannot deal with this contradictory

A cortisone therapy should not be
discontinued abruptly since the
mechanism of the body �s own
regulation and production does not
restart to ensure an adequate cortisone
therapy. Depending on each individual
condition, the immune system may be
impaired partially or completely or it may
come to overreactions. One of the most
well known overreactions is the
prevention of new cell formation in the
dermal areas that leads to the effect of
�thin skin�.

One alternative is to specifically on
preventing the body �s own production
from being stopped and to restart it.
Tapering off the cortisone drug therapy
would be a lot easier and without

Bio-energetic therapies and diabetes

Diabetes needs to be treated and is therefore
basically not responsive to a bio-energetic therapy,
although diabetes has quite an effect on the bioenergetic
state of the body. A complementary
(supportive) bio-energetic therapy is recommended

The problem in diabetes is the diet recommended
by doctors that is contrary and counterproductive to
a bio-energetic therapy.

Even according to the latest findings in
conventional medicine, diabetes is viewed a lot
more complex than a few years ago. It is widely
understood that diabetes (especially type 2) is not
a �sugar disease� but a bio-energetically induced
disease of the cell metabolism.
Since conventional medicine has not yet found a
bio-energetic therapy method, diabetes remains an
incurable disease where one can only prevent (bioenergetically
induced) long-term damage.

If, in accordance with the attending physician, a
diet can be abandoned then a bio-energetic
therapy is possible - even when resuming the use
of medication (conventional method for diabetes).
Intervals between doctors visits may be shortened
however and once the bio-energetic condition has
improved, medication may be corrected

Bio-energetic therapies and cancer

Cancer needs to be treated and is therefore
basically not responsive to a bio-energetic therapy,
although cancer has quite an effect on the bioenergetic
state of the body and a bio-energetic
therapy usually has a therapeutic effect on the
body, especially since cancer is most likely a
disease that makes for loss of energy. A
complementary (supportive) bio-energetic therapy
is therefore recommended. This refers to all levels,
namely follow-up care after operations. We need to
consider though that chemotherapy builds up irreparable blockades so that bioenergetic
therapies are useless at the same time
of chemotherapy.

Bio-energetic therapies and dietary

In bio-energetic therapies basically no
certain foods are forbidden. There is no
advice either to avoid certain foods but it
requires uptake of energy-relevant

Elimination diets (abandonment of
certain foods or substances) and
supplementation (high doses of
supplements) should not be taken
during the bio-energetic therapy.

Bio-energetic therapies and

Homeopathy works on a bio-energetic
level. Our therapy however works on the
information level. High potencies are
especially effective. The reason: certain
information becomes available by
massively diluting substances
(electromagnetic conditions with longlasting
waves - coherent conditions - are
produced). Those high potencies need
to be prescribed by doctors or
naturopaths. Principally we welcome a
simultaneous homeopathic therapy.

It is easily conceivable - although not
proved yet - that it may come to conflicts
when the bio-energetic Energetika and a
homeopathic medium convey different
information, both effective in its own
way. We exclude this possibility though,
otherwise homeopathy would have
already cured the disorder.
Self-medication with homeopathy can
be tricky though. The risk to block bioenergetic
information is a lot bigger.

Bio-energetic therapies and

Acupuncture is also a therapy effective on the bioenergetic
level. Homeopathics and our
ALLERGIE.IMMUN �s Energetika use fluid to be
distributed in the body. Acupuncture uses
meridians to distribute information (non-material

It may also - although not proved yet - may come
to conflicts because the bio-energetic REGUIMMUN-
Energetika by ALLERGIE-IMMUN and
acupuncture might send different information. It is
not unusual that different information can reach the
same target because our body uses the
redundancy principle. This means that certain
tasks can be applied by various information
Figuratively speaking: one can send an invitation
by letter, fax, email or sms. The information `june
4th, 4 pm, my place` is the same, no matter what
means. Depending on each medium it may arrive
at different times though.

Bio-energetic therapies and Reiki

Especially if you have unsatisfactory results in the
diagnosis areas 2, a supply of Reiki energy could
support the bio-energetic therapy.
Reiki has different approaches. It is important that
the Reiki therapist is able to master and modulate.
A lot of people doubt that Reiki is purely a
channeling energy. When Reiki is linked to fasting
and cleansing rituals, bio-energetic therapies are
counterproductive when used together.

Bio-energetic therapies and psychotherapy

Our diagnosis comprises psycho-somatic
parameters, cybernetic programs of the conscious
and unconscious and the transmission of
information, as well as behavioral imprint on bioenergetic
processes. We assume that essential
psychological processes can be displayed in bioenergetic
parameters. When psychological
diseases are caused by bio-energetic disorders
then the bio-energetic therapy can have a positive
effect on the client.

A psychotherapeutic treatment is never part of the
bio-energetic therapy though, not even if
a naturopath, doctor or psychotherapist
implements it in his/her capacity of bioenergetic
Usually a psychotherapeutic treatment and a bioenergetic
therapy do not exclude one another.

You can get a copy of this if you write AI. If you wish, mail me and I will send you the complete copy of my document.

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
It has been brought to my attention that it sounds as though I went straight from short term abx to AI, excluding bionic treatment.

I believe I have mentioned on more than one occasion that I was treated with the bionic and that I felt it helped me with lyme.

I have also mentioned the negative affects I experienced with the bionic.

I hope that clears things up.
Posted by Michael_Venice (Member # 17254) on :

Thank you for posting that. It occurs to me that it would make everyone's lives easier if the AI people or the admins of their website would make some of these things clear and accessible in well-translated English. I know they're a German company, but with any enterprise that works in different territories, it's best to provide clear, well-translated information to consumers. Their info that already IS in English is pretty clear (except the cost / cycles of treatment thing, which I had trouble understanding)

And especially with nuanced or technical type writing, Google translate leaves way too much open to confusion.

Even my LLMD's office had trouble knowing whether it is necessary to discontinue antibiotics and other things for the duration.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
MV...most of the questions you have are answered at length on previous many others have had the same good questions over the past year.

The responses you have gotten are from the same people, like me, who have been the main people who have been responding from the beginning. We are repeating ourselves many times here...making us look like we are "promoting" this therapy...when in fact we are just wanting to share responses to the therapy and compare with others. We do take a lot of personal time to answer others questions in detail...while others do not. We are learning oursleves, and are not here to be promoters...but here to heal.

and in general, just happy we have something positive to share that can help others who suffer.

So please do not take offense if we sometimes have shorter and quick responses that come off snippy or bad in print. Totally not intended!

We are not irritated...but just weary of responding to the same questions that have been posted earlier. I would never recommend anyone do this therapy without reading the entire thread.

Sometimes better to ask PM's as the rest of those who regularly are reading this thread, also had to read all the previous posts to get their answers...and did their own research...and then can post questions that have not been asked or posted previously to help all for clarification.

Individually in PM's we can all give individual help on the basics.

As you are aware, the therapy is German and mostly has been done by Europeans...Gigi has brought this to us and I believe we on this board are probably the first to be doing this in the USA in mass.

They are not totally up to speed with the American demands of an English informational website that fully meets our needs...but when we all started there was nothing in English at the ones posting and finished now with the therapy, did not have the advantage of all that is posted on their website now in English. We translated the German into broken english and worked form there!

It is evolving and will get better over this year to be sure.

Hope this helps...
Glad you are part of the AI club!

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I just spoke with my German fried who is totally healthy and lives in a pretty small town with fresh spring water and few toxins. My friend did AI and had to do 7 rounds, despite no symptoms of any illness. So the number of rounds does not necessarily reflect symptoms.

My friend called Mr. G and he said the bionic is not likely to affect AI.

I will not be posting much as I feel as helpful as forums can be they can also keep one too focused on illness.

I will let you know when I resend my sample to AI.

Best wishes.

Posted by Michael_Venice (Member # 17254) on :

Thank you for writing. Yes, I mean...this thread is thousands of posts long. I spent quite a bit of time reading, but just got lost in the multi-subject, cross-subjects and etc. You can pick a page in the middle of the thread, and find yourself in the middle of 20 responses to a question about almagrams from 2 pages before. Easy to get lost.

I do wish the AI people were more on point in responding. If it's a therapy that asks people to stop pharmaceutical treatment for an extended period of time--that's quite a big thing to ask, and it should be more clear.

Thanks again
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
ok..back to reporting interesting regulations.

I have found in the past month that each time I test myself...and also when tested by others with ART at the 4 day seminar...I have completely open regulation. While others being tested have the traditional blocks that we were practicing learning to open.

Even today...feel like I am in the healing mode...and the balanced yin state for those who have taken ART....although it is hard to test yourself...and be accurate.

Anyone else with this...feel now as being very open , versus the past, always needing to do something to get their regulation open to test with the biotenser? Is this a possible AI regulation? I"m curious.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
LP, you said it well - to Michael V 5/14 at 11:08. I don't have the time to be as patient as you are - and I just say - please read the thread.

Open regulation: When the body and disease has become chronic, the autonomic nervous system is in chaos. The longer, the worse. Now you had many of the errors corrected with AI and there is order back in the system, you are open most the time and it is easy to test. It's like driving a car in a strange city - you make one wrong turn, and then follow it with another change in the wrong direction, and then again, and before you know it you are so totally lost --- you stop and turn ---- to AI and have them guide you back mile by mile, bottle by bottle. The mudd you collected by driving in the ditch and country road will have to be ---- detoxed, with some guidance.

When I first met Dr.K., I was blocked for a solid two years. He could open me temporarily for testing, but I snapped back into it very quickly. I was still too damaged by root canals and their toxins, etc., which was my major problem. A lot of what we know today was not known in 1998; it is a constant evolution. It took him much time to be able to open my regulation: to find the frequency of the toxin, or the frequency of the bacteria of the cause, or to find the remedy that would open the regulation because it is a good medicine.

Yes, you are well on your way. I don't know what you mean by "is this a possible AI regulation?"
Every error that is removed with AI brings us closer to where the body is able to cope with exposures and then start to shed the toxins and start healing.

Now I am only blocked when some toxin comes out of hiding and I have not prepared by having enough binders on board. It is usually caused by metals that are being mobilized and can't find their way out quickly.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
One thing that should be mentioned: If you continue to take supplements of any kind, since most of us were allergic to wheat/grains/soy/corn, many chemical groups, many mucor, fungi, many metals --- it stands to reason that you will have the symptoms that you had when taking them before AI also during some of the stages of taking AI.

Not all of these, especially the chemicals (involved in the process), can be eliminated with the first bottle. The damage caused by the leaky gut has to heal. All of that takes times. I was told it can take months and longer than a year to heal the gut.

If people who have done the therapy and have not adhered to the recommendations from AI, i.e. added more of the disagreeable substances to the body, rather than stopping them, that is their responsibility.

People who entered the therapy and did Bionic or other photon treatments probably hurt like we did when we finished photon treatments before AI. we were allergic and the body therefore unable to regulate any of the toxins the photons stir up. And do they ever stir things up!! I know because I was tested by the best following photon treatments and I had awakened every sleeping dog in my body, every virus that had gone dormant, I was pushing metals with the accompanying symptoms that nearly drove me insane. I vibrated for many months, day and night. I warned about photons on Lymenet, I warned the people who asked me, and most of you know how I was persecuted.

Let's just say- I know who I am, and whatever your attitude toward this or any other therapy, do your own thing. But don't blame others or the therapy, especially if you have not adhered to recommendations. AI will not ever tell you tonot do this or not do that. Common sense is applicable. You may need some help by a practitioner who can identify what is happening in your body, i.e. the metals are moving and you need to get busy with binders, etc. Read the Information booklet. It is very clear on the subject of life-supporting medications, or acute situations.

You may have some "deja vu" experiences - at least I had them, but they are short lived, seconds, minutes, 3-4 days that feels like an old ailment, but really isn't. I relived a hip pain that I had experienced years before. No reason for pain, just memory flashes.

Some of you entered this therapy still heavily loaded with toxins, and that does not make it easy if you add more to them. AI will start to clear things out, but you will need to help and support your organs. Make sure you read about liquids, about binders to catch neurotoxins of any kind, rather than tons of plain water. Plain water runs right through you and flushes out the few minerals many of us are lacking badly. Detoxing heavy metals without a good mineral base is impossible, even if AI is finished. You still need to make sure you do.

I copie a portion of the AI ``Patient Information for Bioenergetic Blood Analysis'' a day or so ago, where it is clearly explained what AI thinks about homeopathics, etc. Read it closely, read it twice. Anything translated from another language often loses some clarity.

It is very clear to me, AI has nothing to do with homeopathic type treatments, and it is better not to use them to avoid confusion for the system. Our system, after a few years or months of Lyme is very confused, and that means the chaos in the autonomic nervous system needs to be corrected before we can really heal.

All I can tell you, I feel superb and the toxic metals are still flowing out, with my help plus the various information I get from Dr.K., Dr.A.D. and their assistants. My major attention now continues to go to my husband. We
had our second visit at for the first time today to hopefully rekindle some of the lost motor functions. Mr. HG told us within a months or two of starting AI that there are certain motor functions which my husband has to learn anew, just like a little child would when first learning to raise the shoulder, bend a knee, make a sawing motion, etc. He has mastered how to open a jar again! Infections can destroy.

I very much disagree with Ping's statement made earlier. That very question was the first question I asked HG. The corrections are permanent. All. Wheat, gluten and all. The healing starts with the first bottle and continues while all errors found are corrected and long thereafter.

In today's world, however, it is quite possible that the chemists will find a few new formulas that our body is not able to deal with and that may cause a new dysregulation. Vaccinations. I you have an accident and suffer something the body cannot deal with. New medicines and concoctions. That would be the time for me, if I noticed any such thing, that I would get a new therapy. Some people, I was told by another practitioner, do that a few years after the first therapy to be on the safe side. I asked this question regarding permanency at least five times from HG and others. Answer ``permanent''.

Take care.

[ 05-15-2010, 03:35 AM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Gigi, what I meant to say is..."has the regulations with AI been what is now allowing my body to have open regulation more as a that my therapy is complete...? As I have not found myself blocked since then when testing..

I think you answered it already...Thanks.

Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Hi J-Dog, I paid with PayPal.
Posted by Imaginit (Member # 20399) on :
Hi J-Dog,
I paid with a credit card about a month ago. Not sure if they have changed their policy. Could it be a problem with the credit cards you are using won't work for foreign purchases?

That's the only thing I can think of. Sorry no one has answered before this. Keep at it. I think it's worth it.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I used paypal. I have heard of other German companies have problems with Visa for some reason.

I also used paypal every time I sent money for postage.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I used paypal too - and my paypal is credit card funded if that makes any difference. Might make things simpler to just get a paypal account and then you could use your credit card that way.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Question for anyone who has a child on AI -

SO far I haven't been giving my little ones anything for support - I'm wondering tho if other people did, and what they used? Or did you find it wasn't necessary? My 2 year old has started having quite extreme temper tantrums, so I'm wondering if it might be related. IT's a bit tricky to get anything into her regularly tho.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
My teenagers use no regular support...but I"m sure need some at times. although they do not complain or think any minor issue is related to the AI...but they are kids.! Hard for them to know.

You can test them with the biotenser...when you are sensing they may need something.

The times I "made them" take a support product...the items were either for liver support or detox support. When they had very bad symptoms of needing detox...and said they felt sick and were looking at over the counter meds...

When they complained about a headache, seemed dehydrated or when I saw unusual acne breakouts, or changes in their stool patterns. Those were signs for me to test them.

I suggest to have on hand some milk thistle, chlorella, apple pectin powder, electrolytes and liquid minerals. You can add some of these items to apple sauce or smoothies to get them to take them when you deem appropriate. Those were the most common items that tested well for them when I chose to test them.

Biopure's matrix minerals is used by many. My kids also test well for the Mango flavored Intramin mineral supplement. This was helpful to my daughter during the last few months. She felt great when she started that...took it once a day for a month or two as she was feeling low on energy previous to her taking it. I tested her and she was moving it was the right time to start least 6 months after beginning AI.

In the teens did go through some emotional issues, lots of tears, that I believe were related to AI. They are very even tempered now...months later.

During the therapy over the past year I have noticed them becoming more wiser...growing up...and making good choices...communicating so much better...and they have become free of past hurts that have weighed them down. NO more big melt downs when having to deal with big issues!

They will not say that this is the AI...but I can say that this is more than a coincidence....I am very please with their results so far...and they are not complete yet. I will be sure to post in the end of their treatment when I reflect on my observations.

[ 05-17-2010, 07:10 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I have a 5 and 3 year old on it (finished our 4th round) and have been giving them 1/2 tsp (it comes with a small scoop) of Microsilica, some chlorella, fish oil, Vitamin D, Matrix Minerals and Vitamin K. I was thinking about giving them some of my Quintessence for support too, but need to read about if it can be given to kids, etc.
I did notice that my son (he's the 5 year old) had a lot of tears while on the second round which is odd for him. His stomach gets upset sometimes on it too. My daughter was very sleepy the first round. I have not noticed a change, yet, in their food allergies, but my sons skin condition that came on after the chicken pox vaccine (yes, NOW I know that he shouldn't have ever had it so please know that!) finally went away after round 2 so we are thrilled.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Thanks for sharing - my teenager has obvious detox symptoms, but isn't interested in taking anything else, so I leave her to it. My 2 youngest - 2 and 4 have definitely been more emotional, especially recently for my 2 year old. She wakes around 3 am almost every night for toast - but never eats it. Mainly just wants to hang out and chat with dad, who is a bit too comatose for conversation at that early hour. I do hear him talking sweetly to her, but I'm guessing he's not taking in much of what she says in her 2 year old lingo [Wink] I wondered if waking at that time was a sign of liver stress? DIdn't someone say that in this thread somewhere? IF so then - Milk thistle? Is that ok for a 2 year old? I could probably get a tincture into her if needed. SHe's been quite the cling on child lately - just like velcro [Wink] Also not her style - I've got a cold tho, so she may have a bit of one with no obvious symptoms. I'm fairly certain it's a cold too - came in on a passing teenager [Wink] and now a bunch of us are sick. Passing bugs can create quite an interesting time around here with our big family - 7 + and extra teenager and my aunt. Once one goes down we just hope like heck that my dh and I don't both get hit hard at once.

One exciting improvement that came with the 2nd round (forgive me if I already posted this - my memory is terrible) My 7 year old has stopped wetting the bed. THere is a huge family history of bed wetting - 12 years old for both my parents, and both my brothers. WIth the first round he went from wetting frequently, but with some dry nights, to wetting every single night. SOmewhere in the 2nd round tho he just stopped. I think he's wet once only in the past month. Laundry mountain just got a little smaller [Wink]

our third round has just arrived - I was thinking of waiting to get over this cold, but I don't know if I want to wait that long - coughs often hang around for me - I have tended towards an asthma cough - only having issues when I get sick, but then having trouble kicking it after. I may just jump right in.....
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

Waiting to send a sample to AI for a new test, as I was supposedly done, but was taking Intrinsic Factor, which could have skewed the results.

I've been taking the BioRay Liver Life for about two weeks at a very low dose, and added BioRay NDF Plus a few days ago. I also decided to use their CytoFlor product to help with getting bad bacteria out of the intestine and good bacteria re-established.

It's been kind of rough--still need a nap every day at an unpredictable time, easily upset at times, a couple of patches of nausea (meant I was at too high a dose, according to their info), brain fog rolling through.

I've been taking chlorella, charcoal, ground flax seed, Bentonite clay, and pectin as binders as often as possible.

Hope things improve soon!!


Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Often when you think "cold", viral bits often surface when we start detoxing -- detoxing anything, because virus is also part of the total ecosystem. I would not worry about it. I can tell when testing, if Vit A tests (I keep that in my test kit for that purpose), you deal with a viral flare-up. I would not worry. So are caughs. The toxins have to find an outlet somewhere. We have never stopped drops to wait out anything. It is all part of the AI event that will be going on for weeks and months.
I was concerned when I dislocated my ellbow recently, because an injury while in the middle of detox (AI) is tough. And I felt it in my joints and bones. But that is past. Detox while a physical injury is not recommended. The body needs all efforts to be directed at the injury.
But, it took me a while to figure that out, I can't stop the process once it has started with AI -- it is ongoing.

Sounds all good, Skiesmama. Emotional release seems to be a dominant factor and I think emotional conflicts are at the base of most disease. Dr.K. invites all patients to a place once a month or every other when he is in town where he does Family Constellation. That is one of his favorite treatment modalities. Everybody pays a small fee for the room and people participate as family stand-ins. Read up on it everybody, if you are not familiar with it When Bert Hellinger, the founder of this, holds a seminar in Germany, easily a couple thousand people come.

Dr. K. asked me to transcribe a DVD of such a program once, so that he had it in written form. I could barely make it through this display of a family history - and now I think DK asked me to do that for my own therapy because I avoided Family Constellations. Some of the corrections made with AI is the memories that has been engraved onto our DNA - fear of Lyme, fear of any new/old symptom, and it's best to stay away from this exposure, especially here on LN - where there seems to nothing exist any longer in this world but Lyme. It took me a few years to realize how I ate, slept and lived Lyme 24/7, every minute. HG has mentioned that fact to me and his concern many times during various talks, that people are so entrenched in the situation. I am certain that is part of the reasons that we begin to lose friends and sometimes family ------ HG tells me he has had many tickbites - ( he would be the going- fo- a- walk-the- woods person-)--- Also one of his family members had Lyme a few years ago. Couldn't attend school and sports, but is totally fine now.

Just talking a bit and getting ready for bed - we cut down a huge Laurel that was taking our small vegetable garden ---- Lot of work - and desperately waiting for my husband to be able to take part in the garden again.

Hoping everyone will wake up to a sunny Sunday!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Gettin, let Dr.K. tell you about the smoothies his students make for their chlorella babies in
Germany. Add fruit, sweet, with chlorella.
Children on chlorella develop beautiful dental arches - and chlorella is a most complete food. I posted a week or so ago about the nutrient value of it - can't remember which thread it was. Sorry. Children detox much, much easier without a lot of extras. It is easiest if you are able to test them (tensor, pendulum, muscle), as LP does. Though I only offer testing to my children only if I am asked!!!! (I know better.)

You could make a lot of "jello" with pectin and different fruit juices and top it off with some whipping cream. That takes care of binders.

I make jams with pectin and don't feel guilty about it. We cannot live without glucose - our brain cells die!! I have never avoided sugar throughout our Lyme/abx process and never had a problem with candida. Everything in moderation.

I grind up an apple in a little blender, add a bit of juice and pectin - we have that often with breakfast.

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Lovely ideas for children's natural detox, Gigi!

Cass A, I sympathise with how you are at present....soooo familiar: hope you come out the other side soon,


[ 05-16-2010, 09:12 AM: Message edited by: ukcarry ]
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Very confused.

I understand about not being on an elimination diet while on AI, but what I don't get is, while your body is re-regulating and trying to clear itself of a wheat or egg allergy, for example, do you still consume wheat or eggs as the gut is trying to heal while you are on the AI drops?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
If something is bothering not eat it! But you do not need to avoid the offending substance altogether for regulation to happen...or for your gut to heal.

Eating wheat or egg will not stop your gut from healing...but may cause you some symptoms if your body is not recognizing those substances yet...I believe. That is our experience.

Things that used to bother us...(foods)...we found did not by accident! When the only food was daughter who was allergic to tomatoes, cheese and wheat...ate it...and had no bad hives or open sores on mouth nor no stomach ache or diareah...

She still does not make a habit of eating the things she remembers as harmful. But notices she does not have bad reactions anymore to dairy, wheat, gluten, or acidic fruits.

WE find the best choices...are always the whole food choices...not the processed choices that our kids crave. You will do well to add more of the whole foods...instead of the elimination diet when you feel they can handle them.

IN previous threads there was in depth discussion n what is actually lurking in our food supply...and the problem with what we feed our cattle and poultry...causing disruptions eventually in our body when we consume unnatural things thinking we are getting wholesome food.

So stay as natural as possible in what you consume I would recommend.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
OK, I get it now.

Don't avoid the substance, but don't binge on it either.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Another thought about foods...

I found as our guts were beginning to heal (they are still healing), we were not able to digest foods correctly, and needed digestive enzymes regularly for a digestive aid.

At that time, in the beginning of the therapy...we were taking lots of smoothies and found that my kids were able to digest them easier and feel better immediately with "liquids" versus solids.

This has finally changed...over time. Although liquids are always more easily absorbed for they are athletes...they utilized their storehouse of energy/nutrients very they would literally feel the smoothies that I made for them with all my "green" juices, etc....very beneficial. Immediate mental focus and 15 minutes.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Can you share a smoothie recipe made with "green juices"?
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Yes, LP, I'd love a glance at your green juice smoothie recipe.

I am having terrible GERD right now along with anxiety and fuzzy thinking. This was very much part of the beginning of Lyme for me, so I hate it.

I wonder if in the beginning of AI, the terrain is being swept into order. Now that I am probably dumping heavy metals in Round #5, I wonder if the tougher gut symptoms are from that dysequilibrium.

Physical energy is a little better than with the flu, but mental energy and gut are yucky. The symptoms are not passing quickly.

Any one have similar experience with symptom flares?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, please take chlorella, chlorella, chlorella of every kind. Plus pectin, pectin, pectin. I had to take from 1 - 9 capsules of activated charcoal, for a day or 2, and then zero. The toxins feel miserable when they are being recirculated. Gut takes time to heal until things can run more smoothly. You cannot, cannot take drops and go without binders.

You can grind the chlorella into apples with some pectin. Add apple juice to liquify it. Let the apples start turning a little brown (helpful enzymes).

I use a 3-cup chopper EHC650 Black & Decker for under $20. Last ones I got at Walgreens and Amazon. Walmart carried it for years, but not lately. It is the simplest one, small, easy to clean in a minute. Dr.K. has asked me for another one because he gives them away. I use it for all, adding fibers (veggies) to smooth soups,
for raw potato pancake batter to detox concoctions. Fruit/pectin/organic whip cream deserts - takes seconds (unless you want fruity butter).

You can start with a basic organic chicken broth (I make it or get it at Trader Joes) and grind raw veggies into it (or steamed left overs) and warm the soup a bit = lots of absorbing fiber.

This type of liquid gives you the nutrients and liquid (instead of plain water, which runs right through you taking the few minerals that you still have with it) that you need.

Let your imagination fly!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I have a vitamix blender...that pulverizes all fruits and veggies., minus the seeds or we get the fiber..this is helpful to the body. I highly recommend purchasing one of these type blenders. Very easy to use and practical. Especially if you need more than one serving.

I also use it to make instant soups....right in the gets hot!!!also can make healthy slushies in minutes! (this is not an infomercial!)

I use the whole produce in my mixes.

It is not recommended to mix many fruits and veggies together as digestion is harder...but apples and lemons are no problem mixed with veggies.

I make two is mostly fruits and the other mostly vegetables...I also change it up depending on what I have fresh in the frig. But secret is to always have frozen fruits and the vitagreen powdered mix in your house for the days you dont have the fresh veggies.

My kids like the fruit one the best.

1 cup of purified water
1 cup of frozen blueberries(or fresh)
1 cp of frozen strawberries (or fresh)
1/2 apple
banana optional(if I have one in)
I find the banana/apple hids flavors of the vitagreens.
1 scoop of vitagreen...(from Whole food)
1 scoop flax seed
1 tbsp omega 3-6 oil
electrolyte mix or selectrolytes 1tbsp.

Green Veggie Smoothie

one cup purified water
several leaves of Organic Kale(rip off center tough stalk)
large handful of organic spinach
1 stalk of celery
(or 1 scoop vitagreen if no fresh vegies)
1 scoop flax seed and/or 1 T omega 3-6 oil
1 organic carrot
1/2 red apple (cuts the strong green flavor)
1 whole rind or seeds
electrolytes...1 tbsp selectrolytes or whatever you use.

I don't stick to quantities....I just whip it up...taste it and adjust to meet the kids tastes.

You can also add some binders etc...use your own imagination...

I add fresh garlic to my own smoothies...but that flavor is not good for the kids tastes.

We tend to drink these in the warmer weather with seasonal fruits.veggies. I used to pick my kids up from school and give them each a smoothie on the way to their second swim practice of the day...they swam great with this...and recovery was excellent after practice when they took these. They made me bring my blender to all their travel they had their energy smoothie before big races.

Have fun.

[ 05-17-2010, 06:43 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thanks, Lp, I think I'll try these myself!
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks for the recipes, lp. Can't wait to try.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks for the recipes, lp. Can't wait to try.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Thanks for the recipes, LP!

Gigi -- thank you for the binders reply. Did this reaction happen to you too?

I had stopped taking any form of supplement because my gut is so sensitive and I feel so awful. Really achey and woozy and nauseous. Part of this is the flu; the other part, no doubt, is not the flu. My boys are just now getting better.

I'll keep you posted in what I hope will be change for the better.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, I suggested the small blender because
you can use it to make your cocktail of the few things you can take. A little juice (a few Tbsps) into it open any type of capsule, powder, pectin, artemesinin for biofilm, interfase, microsilica, phospholipids, most of it would get lost in a big blender container. Whatever tests and fits the purpose,
goes into the cocktail.

As of this time, I do most everything with grapefruit juice as part of the cocktail. Prepared for AM and PM - all in one, and it's done and also avoiding the gelatine capsules.

No, I rarely had these difficult reactions. Because starting with the first complaint, I was told to "get a handful of chlorella and then we will talk about it". I learned that it always, with few exceptions, always came down to being careless with binders. The pattern: we feel not too great, rest and do nothing, rest some more and do nothing. And by then we feel really bad, or really wake up feeling worse. Now before I take my husband for physical training, I load him up with binders. Because I know, the body will start screaming for them before he is halfway through the training hour.

Plain water is not doing it. Neither does lemon water much, except over-alakalinizing. It's fine for the moment, but the binder is what is needed.

If I take an agent that turns the detox on, if it is as effective as the AI drops, the binders need to follow rather quickly throughout most of the day and before going to bed. Not preparing for this will backfire. I think I finally learned at least this.

Feel bad haven't made it back to you -- our children came this morning bringing us Sunday breakfast! With babies and dog and prepared food ...... there went half the day with some great fun!The shoebox size dollhouse of my childhood was unpacked and Thomas' train started to buzz over the carpets ---
tiny little daisy heads were picked from the lawn and brought in to be put in little vases ---
while a raccoon slowly moved across the garden as if it owned the place -- what a glorious Sunday!

Glad your boys are doing better and I know you also will get over the rough spots soon. Just remember the arsenal of binders!

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Sorry you are experiencing those flu symptoms!
Daughter just got over the flu after two weeks...(since we met at the seminar)...and it was a brutal strain...very high fever...severe body aches...dehydration...diarea...headache... was quarantined at school and missed her final exam.

Had to try her on homeopathy to stop it finally. I was hoping it would just run its course without adding anything. In one day fever dropped with the homeopathy treatment. But now, as she is home, has a lingering deep chest cough...the cough has been over a week. So 3 weeks of lingering effects...

As you say...I believe part is flu related and part is not...She is nearing the end phasae I believe of AI, and was thinking this possibly may be a part of a final clearing? Seems that many report a big reaction at the a final push.

This flu reminds me of in her childhood...
after her first tick bite...she had severe flu symptoms with croup.....that lingered for many weeks. Interesting I had that memory...not sure of any relationship to AI...but want to report what she is experiencing.

She now tests for loads of binders...and Apple cider vinegar!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Thank you Gigi and LP!

I'm chomping more chlorella and apple pectin like a madwoman. Too early to tell how it will work; I'd stopped taking stuff when my gut was in such pain. Guess that was the wrong thing to do.

Is is okay to take charcoal simultaneously? I was thinking of adding it tonight before bed.

Gigi, a couple months ago I invested in a Blendtec blender which has a flat bottom that makes it very easy to rubber-bowl scrape into a glass as well as clean. It sounds like the airport, but boy can it blend! THanks for the information on the three cup chopper; I'll look around for it. I'm geared up for the raw veggie/chicken soup blending festival!

Gigi, what is "interfase?" Also, I have very good Artemesian capsules from Dr. Zhang -- do you think they will be okay to blend into a drink? I also have Zhang's Allicin capsules which cause one to smell strongly of garlic -- perhaps the chlorella will counteract that. I cannot drink grapefruit juice due to skin reactions, so I'll put it into cranberry water with frozen fruit.

My stomach is protesting about the Matrix minerals right now. Guess that it's okay not to take them while I'm popping so many binders -- they might get absorbed anyway.

I am ordering phospholipids and microsilica despite the $$. I have apple pectin tablets and have had to order the powder that no one seems to have in the stores.

LP, I'm having my first green shake tonight!

So, I'm still in the game, but I feel pretty rugged, flu-ish and spacey. Herr G wrote and said "It is the changeover of the body..." Oh boy is it ever!

Once again, thank you LP and Gigi for your clear support. I'm surfin' on the chaos and hoping for the best,

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

Are you still on the AI protocol yourself or have you cleared. I understand even if you are done with AI, it takes time for the body to get "back to normal."

Just wondering how many rounds you have had to take.

Thanks. Have a great day.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Good chart to have on hand. Maybe add your own discoveries to the different sections.

Be back tomorrow - heading for dreamland now!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Good chart to have on hand. Maybe add your own discoveries to the different sections.

Be back tomorrow - heading for dreamland now!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hello all,

3 months, no drops. It has been up and down, mostly in terms of energy. Pretty much a roller coaster. One day up, next day dragging.

If you have malabsorption, leaky gut, digestive issues, have your mineral base checked.

I just got my hair test results and although I have managed to dump some heavy metals, my mineral base is practically non-existent.

With the exception of zinc, molybdenum, germanium and selenium, they all look pretty bad.

I have been supplementing with the Core and Matrix Minerals but there is much work to be done in that area. Dr. A. D. is adding more minerals to what I am taking.

As I write this there is a Baltimore Oriole hanging upside down, trying to drink from my hummingbird feeder. If you know birds, it doesn't fit. Very comical.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wiseforit, since you mentioned artemesinin -- the following is the reason for the grapefruit juice. Excerpt from Dr.K's "A look Beyond Antibiotics (2004):

"Artemisinin provokes the intestinal wall to secrete an enzyme which destroys the medication before it can be absorbed. This process builds up over 3 weeks. After a one week pause the enzyme has disappeared and takes another 3 weeks to reemerge. Grapefruit juice prevents formation of this enzyme."

Back later.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Has anyone used MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) while on AI? Dr. K recommended it for me and so I've been doing it and now am maintaining the drops at 6 each night... they said possibly for 6-12 months! Depending on how I muscle test when I go in Friday! Anyway, I was also wondering if it is bad for your teeth? Seems like mine are getting more senesitive (maybe coincidence?) and it seems very acidic.

Just curious.

Also, to those that have asked about kids support Dr. K recommended that I look up his "Vitamin K" protocol within the autism section I believe as parts of it can be helpful for all children.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I have had some tightness in my chest area...feels like the arteries around my heart...or possible indigestion? But with heart palpitations. Have had this for several weeks now.

I had this same feeling mildly...that lasted a few months in the middle of the AI therapy...was concerned, so had my heart checked...and the heart muscle is healthy...

It all cleared on its own then...but now is back for the past month...just when I completed the AI.

I"m always it something to reallly be concerned about...or is it something clearing...

Guess I"m still caught up on protocols..or working on things that show up...rather than just waiting it out...but when its around the heart area im concerned.

Wondering if it is related to my now higher cholesterol numbers...(never had any cholesterol problem before lyme treatment) and possible plaque when I test my heart area with the tensor...the area around the heart tests as a problem...not the heart itself. Also veins in my leg test as a problem. I have no visable varicose veins...have always maintained healthy cardio...

Just find this all new and odd.

Any idea if this could be related to die off and detox? Possible after effects of treatment? With possible biofilm plaques or cholesterol build up in the arteries?

The fact that I still have issues with re--circulating toxins keeps me on guard.

[ 05-19-2010, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I have been having eye twitches, eye pressure and headaches in only the left eye, but interestingly the only times it was relieved was after a lymph drainage session and colonic as well as when I tasted metal in my mouth seems like I must be detoxing!

I know there was someone else here who experienced eye symptoms as well.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Eye symptoms for me were an almost constant come and go. I would be very surprised if you were not detoxing, Gettin! Just don't overdo. AI takes care of a lot without our adding too much.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I have come to the conlusion that the less we help by mobilizing, the better it is. This I would think is especially important for people who start AI while still in a very toxic state (which was not the case for me). That makes binders that much more important . Binders, elimination, lymphatic drainage, light brushing, chi machine (don't need an expensive one), colonics, but not added anti-this's and anti-that's. Nothing that mobilizes more toxins. We shouldn't forget that most of them were in hiding probably for a long time, slowly putting the whole body out of action. AI awakens the system - and easy does it - should be the rule.

If I can tolerate anything with Chlorella and added agents (such as cilantro) doesn't mean everybody can. That is why energetic testing is so important. And fooling oneself with testing happens easily unless you are a master at mind control. I am not, and I know I would much rather do a little extra pushing to finally reach the other side, it does not mean everybody can do that.

Cholesterol rising is a sign that the body is trying to wrap things up - protect itself! Low cholesterol is not always a good sign - low is not necessarily for the best. Dr. K. said recently that he can tell every time his cholesterol went up, he had a flair-up or it was linked to a heavy detox activity.
Don't remember his exact words, but he told me that same thing 10 years ago. When he graduated from Med School, An acceptable cholesterol was a lot higher than today. I think there is money to be made with statins!

I would not worry, LP. We also have to learn to not keep pushing. I find this just as hard to do as everyone else. That is probably why our young ones do just fine without a lot of special attention.

Remember metals are well distributed over the various body compartments (Law of Osmosis) and they are in the feet. If the body starts to work overtime, we feel it. After all, it took us probably a lifetime to accumulate all the toxins, we need to give it a chance. I have had similar episodes as you feel them. Detoxing can take years. At least it does for me. "A few months of chelating mercury'' as I hear so often - sounds like someone is telling a joke. What I am trying to say is --- do not do any extra mobilizing. I think it backfires.
Maybe you are not guilty of that, but I tend to push harder and feel it when I do it.

Dr. K. recently, after I nudged him into it, did Direct Resonance Testing on my foot. , I had a plate and seven 1-1/2" long screws installed in my little foot (size 7) after a fracture severa; years ago. I talked the surgeon into removing them one year later, because K. pushed me. But I was positive that some residue was left behind because my ankle kept swelling on and off. Oh,
the surgeon said, arthritis cannot be avoided. Dr.K. found Titanium in the foot and ankle with DRT a few days ago. The same as I had found with my tensor before that. The metals trying to escape from there now can cause inflammation and swelling. I had suggested some weeks ago to read the text accompanying the different Biologo products which beautifully explain some of the reasons for certain ingredients.

You can DRT yourself using any of the vials, slides (for pathogens) and/or remedies/products you have to see what is causing symptoms. It is a method Dr. Yoshiaki Omura taught - Dr.K. always gives him credit. Hold the substance close to the area you want to test, and use your tensor. Maybe your ND can test you with ART.

Gravity - metals move to the lowest points in body. They are referred to as heavy metals because they are heavier than water - jaw, reproductive area, feet. None feel good. With it often comes some of the lingerers of the eco-system (remaining neurotoxins).

Maybe this helps some. Please --- Don't spend too many hours on it.

Take care.

[ 05-19-2010, 11:59 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I have titanium plates in my upper jaw [Frown] I don't actually think they can be removed at this point -the surgery happened almost 20 years ago. At the time they went back in and removed the screws from my lower jaw as it wasn't healing properly - my body was rejecting the screws (smart body) But they said they couldn't remove the plates on my upper jaw - not sure why.

Interesting that you should mention that - I was just remembering about them the other day, and wondering if they are problematic
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Skiesmama, if they can't be taken out, try to have someone desensitize you toward the material.

It may be possible that if you do AI, the sensitivity can be corrected. Nothing is impossible, if you ask me.

Take care.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Has anyone had terrible insomnia during taking AI or after clearing the drops. I have had it for a long time now and wonder if the insomnia is related to Ai even though I cleared 2 weeks ago.


Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks always have a way of posting the things that are relevant...and helpful!

And you confirm many of my own thoughts or possible directions!

Not sure if I am guilty of right now have not been doing too much of anything! Although a few weeks ago I was testing for NDF and and on...and did use the NDF several times, spaced out over days.

Also did take some garlic and on...

so moving and killing some things did occur.

I have even forgotten to take chlorella for days...and then will do it...then forget again. Having lots of emotional family issues to contend with...and not taking care of myself lately.

Recieved my biopure order...with all the mobilizers. binders etc from the Dr. K seminar...things I tested for then...and haven't worked up a protocol yet...

I was planning on "going wild" with clearing the debris the best way possible. But have not started microsilica or any of the basic protocols.

The one thing I know could be an issue, is mineral depletion. I have been out of minerals for a month now...ordered them from bioure and just got them...but havent even taken them.

I'm sure I am depleted...and possibly is contributing to the heart palitations.

I will test today.

I did learn the "O' (Omara) ring test and have been practicing a little. I do agree, its hard to know if I am "neutral" when testing. I think I am, but the subconscious is most likely not neutral with all the info I am learning...and guessing.

Besides the heart palps and chest tightness...I am feeling great physically.

Lymph still needs help moving here and there...but overall, I am feeling very balanced. Even with all the emotional turmoil in my family...I am able to cope in a balanced way.

Thanks to all.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I had and have insomnia off and on...

Mine is waking between 2-4 am...

When I work on liver support...I seem to sleep better. For me it seems to be organ related...and toxin build up...

also, if I exercise in the day...and don't go to bed too early...or sleep in too late , I will sleep through the night. Getting the sleep rythmns in line.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

just tested for what resonates with the heart area using tensor, and "o" ring, with the test kits and remedies on signal enhancers.

Mercury (only) registers big time around the heart area...not within the muscle...but in the veins and arteries around and through the heart...with Smilax Glabra tincture, PC Noni and Chlorella P. as remedies. Of course I don't have any Smilax or Noni...

Mercury, lead and aluminum also resonate big time in my gut, intestines, and liver !!!!! Mercury only is in the kidney area!!! No metals in feet or below intestinal/kidney area.

Before today...Mercury tested only in the brain..front left lobe, and base of skull...and it is still there now too.

Yes...appears things are moving! And most likely with the help of NDF those few times I took it I tested the NDF with the Mercury...and it is also around the heart!

With a big no to taking this again for now. cilantro by iteslf tests NO...detrimental.

I do want to protect myself...any more thoughts friends.

[ 05-20-2010, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks for the PM's all.

I did finally open my box of goodies from Biopure...and took the matrix minerals...and took chlorella 4 hours later as suggested to spread it out so my minerals will have a chance to absorb...and not captured as suggested.

Then I tested to use the "green laser" for 1 minute around the area of discomfort.

Pretty quickly...chest symptoms subsided.

so far so good today.

[ 05-25-2010, 07:52 PM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Everything's so quiet? All must be doing well.
Just ordered the next bottle, #13.

LP, How are you doing with the green laser? Hope you are careful. When I used to do it, our visiting dog definitely moved to the couch further away. Amazing stuff?

Enjoy the leaves and blossoms!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Doing well, body still adjusting after finishing drops almost 4 months ago.

I had some insomnia for awhile after stopping (and during) but that seems to be gone. Sleeping through the night and an hour or so later than I usually do. I was usually waking during the "liver hours".

I did notice I was really tired for a few weeks and that seems to have subsided as well.

Feels good taking a break from binders and all. Don't feel like I need anything except minerals right now.

Hope you are all doing well - haven't been on here for about a week so wanted to check in.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I"m doing well...but interesting that Nana posts about being just yesterday (all day) I am getting that deep tired feeling...the same feeling as when I began the drops.

This is not fatigue...but a sense of deeper healing. I have been going through a lot of family emotional turmoil, unrelated to health. I feel that my body is releasing all of this. Like the calm after the storm.

I too had been waking at the liver hours each night the past several months pre and post ending drops. And I usually wake refreshed (suprisingly so at clockwork) Today I slept til 7:30... and through the night...I could not believe it...

Gigi...I haven't used the green laser since...but originally got it as recommended for my teeth situation...Have also used it on a minor injury...hit my leg on the car door..left a scar under the skin! The scar is milder looking with the laser. I'm not recommending the green laser here for others to experiment I have been trained on this as a novice...(I get advice before trying things...and before I used it around the heart...) it can be dangerous if not used correctly. Just posting my experiences.

Interesting...had my teeth cleaned yesterday...and took chlorella prior to that.

A few hours later, had the pressure/pain return around the heart. First time since using the laser. It appears now to me that chlorella may be linked to this...and possible indigestion. Never had that reaction in the past year when taking boat loads of chlorella...but was taking chlorella during the previous more recent episode.

I am also testing for Acai around the heart ( I have the biopure test kit). Not sure what Acai is used for...but it is testing strong for me to try. Have not ordered it, as I am taking a break from all binders as well. Like Nana...I too have been only taking the liquid minerals for the past few weeks. (until yesterdays chlorella episode)

I do not believe in is fascinating that Nana and I are having similar experiences regularly! Even after ending the AI.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I am also experiencing much fatigue and more of my mild seizures than usual and I have been done with AI for a month now.

Unfortunately I don't sleep so well, but a sleep study may show I have the mild seizures during the night which would affect my sleep. We'll have to wait and see on that.

Yesterday was a full moon and I could tell!

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Electroylte Enhanced Matrix (Biopure). Just wanted to let you know that the ingredients listed on the website for this product are not correct.

The product now contains a small amount of lithium in the form of lithium chealate and I was surprised to see that when it arrived. I don't understand the point of the lithium chealate in it as it does interact with some medications such as high blood pressure medications, and lithium also interacts with sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate which are two of the other ingredientss in the formula. Although it seems like a small amount, people need to be aware of this.

Also the matrix is spring water not distilled water as stated on the website.

I called the company and suggested they update the site immediately. They are going to refund my money as well.

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
We just received round 5 of the drops!

Although I had something disappointing happen.

Has anyone else's bottles been delivered with the liquid spilt inside? It didnt spill so much that there's a lot gone, but just enough to smear the labels off of the bottles I accidentally had mine and my sons out of the bags at the same time and now I am not sure who is who's :-( I emailed HG for help.

But, good news is that AI seems to be REALLY working!!!

I recently went in to have my supplements and protocol muscle tested and all of the items that make you get rid of metals my body said "no" to and all of the binders they said "YES"....I told them my body felt like it is oozing metals and they said "I think you are right!" even without anything just binders I still am just getting rid of metals everyday it seems like <knock on wood>.

Still have food allergies, but obviously there's a lot to clean up before we tackle that I guess :-)

Lastly, I recently found something that works great for regularity (a fiber mix that contains flax seeds, chia seeds and inulin-FOS plus citrus and peels) it is AMAZING!

However, I think I'm realizing that I need to drink way more water (of course with electrolytes!).

I went in for a lymphatic drainage and colonic today and had an experience afterward that I have never had (usually I'm as light as a cloud and feel great!). My stomach began to hurt as I was checking out and then I started to sweat a lot and my face turned very pale and I started to feel like I was going to pass out. After laying down with a cold washcloth and taking more electrolyte water I felt better, but I was disappointed that it happened. A lot of people at the clinic said that it had happened to them as well before.

Has this happened to anyone else? I'm going to try to be really well hydrated prior to the next colonic and see if I can avoid it!
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Also, one other thing I thought I'd mention for those with kids on son (5) occasionally mentions "pain" in an elbow, on an arm, a leg, a knee - he hasn't hit the spot and can't describe the pain really, but as soon as I give him "lemonade" (microsilica, lemon, water and stevia) within 10 minutes the pain is gone. I know when I had "pains" in my bones earlier through this process it turns out I was releasing lead and after taking microsilica my "pain" was also relieved.

So....just letting you know if they make a complaint such as this then it may be worth upping the binders and watching to see if it makes a difference.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lee, usually all products that Biopure sells are energy tested on people or it is known what they are lacking through testing.

In recent testing of several of the people I am close to, everyone had little or no trace of lithium in their mineral base. And without it, we cannot function well. If you check most natural minerals, most of them contain lithium.

In fact some people are supplementing with lithium orotate or aspartate. I remember I had to do that years ago when I still had Lyme. Now my mineral picture is great.

If you have doubt, don't self-treat, but make sure that you get tested before you take anything. That is probably a good idea for almost everyone who is still very toxic.

I do think that Biopure carries several different electrolytes, because I got some recently of the kind that is on the website, no lith. If you don't find the item on their website, maybe it's a good idea to ask for details before you purchase. They probably have not had time to update their website yet. I have a hunch that this item was added because it became so obvious that many are deficient in certain substances. lithium a major one. Dr. K. and all the practitioners around him, including all the ones who practice in Europe, share what they find - in Europe he has several hundred of them and they all have patients --- that makes for a lot of input. But it looks like you solved it by returning it. That is good.

GettinHealthy, I have come to the same conclusion as you quite a few months ago that the metals are literally just dribbling out and the only concern is with binders and keeping minerals from depletion and lymphatics working and all else moving out.

I think that AI has taken care of a lot more than I ever thought possible. And we are not even finished yet. I am very pleased with the results.

And once you start treating a few parasites, if it is necessary, more metals will be forthcoming. I find this happening with a couple of people who are sharing with me, and one of them is my husband.

Please read my post about parasites that was running on LN lately.
They can cause numerous problems, and hardly anyone thinks of this. It is, as Dr.K. said years ago, probably the most overlooked holdup. Treating it once, as my husband did several years ago, was not enough. So it is something to watch.

It is so nice that you contribute all that you are learning.

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Getting glad you are experiencing benefits! Thanks for sharing.

Over the past year, we have also received a few drops that had been moist on the outside of the plastic bottle, with the label falling off.

although I do not believe anything actually dripped it was sealed well. It appeared to me that there was some sort of moisture in the bag...or on the outside of the bottle when they put it in, or possibly around the rim of the cap...causing condensation of some sort during the air travel. It did not effect the amount of drops for us...just the label was moist.

If you have a can test your bottles and see who's they are...who they resonate with.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I've never had a colonics...but I have had those same type of reactions to other things...or physical procedures....and each time it was related to my vagus nerve...

Also had it once when I was going to have a breast biopsi...and the nurse told me she broke the IV needle in my vein, and said dont worry I can gerri- rig it and it will be mind created the vegas reaction...and my heart almost stopped!!! No biopsi happened, but they pulled out those heart paddles...and I was almost shocked with them...that was a scare!

both the mental subconscience and physcial stimulation can cause this from my experience!

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
My daughter has complained of pains in her legs and arms too - where do you buy microsilica? I looked at biopure and see they sell it there - it's rather pricey tho - is there a more cost effective option that is still effective?

I've had the same thing happen with the leakage too and labels coming off - I'm always really careful now to open one at a time and relabel them - we have 7 bottles coming at once.

I'm still having quite a bit of kidney pain - not severe, but enough to make me feel like I need to be doing something more. I tried a castor oil pack and htat actually made all the pain go away, so I'll do more - I'm wondering how often I should do them?
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I buy the microsilica where I go into see Dr. K and pay about $150 I believe - it is pricey, but it is the best thing it seems!

LP - That is interesting about the mental subconscious because I was really worried, at the time, about being able to pick my son up from school on time (was really rainy day and traffic was horrible) so was trying to rush through....could have had something to do with it!

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Phosphorus is major agent that moves toxins through the kidney. Urine should be stinky and NOT light in color. If it is light, kidneys are not filtering the way they should. Also avoid drinking lots of plain water - it rushes through you taking the few minerals with it that you will had. Liquids containing other nutrients that have to be metabolized thereby avoiding therushed flow-through. Phosphorus is contained in Biopure electrolytes. Renelix helps kidneys. Would suggest you make sure that mineral base is okay. An inexpensive way to do this is getting a Doctor's Data hair test analysis ($46) which also shows if the bad minerals=toxic heavy metals are starting to move through hair and out.

Maybe your practitioner can help. We are supplementing the missing minerals that showed up. Mine were great, but husband's were horrible. He had unrecognized food/wheat/corn, soy allergies, while I had none. These are the things that create the leaky gut and malabsorption of nutrients. If you had these food allergies, check out your minerals. Without a good mineral base, detox does not happen.

Too much metals through kidneys at one time is not good. I would not add any Microsilica, especially untested. We stopped microsilica a while ago because of overload for kidney.

AI corrected regulations takes care of a lot and adding more metal agents is not always okay. Binders, yes. But nothing else aggressive. It didn't go in and settle all in a few months - so it will take many month to come out, if you want to avoid stressing the most important organs and doing damage there

Just my alert; don't want anyone to get hurt. It rhymes too!!!!!

Oh, and about Lemon: is alkalinizing and not the thing to do often when trying to keep things in balance with pH to detox metals.
Metals only go into solution for detox in acidic environment. Once or twice would be okay, but not often.

See Rehydration Cocktail by Dr.K. I posted it a few months ago and it's on the internet.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Oh I know my mineral base is low - 16 years of either pregnancy or breastfeeding, 5 babies, and undiagnosed gluten intolerance/celiac until 3 years ago. I'm tapped. I am taking a liquid mineral made of aloe vera juice and 9 sea vegetables - that seems to be helping to remineralize. I'll have to be more careful to get my liquids in ways other than water. I am still nursing - I have to make sure i get enough fluids.

I was taking the rehydration cocktail every day, but ran out of hte electrolytes - need to order more asap.

I don't have a practitioner - there isn't anyone anywhere near me who would even remotely understand AI. There aren't any good ones period. I live quite rurally.

A hair test could be good tho - see if the sea weed drink is helping at all.


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Heather, I don't know anyone in BC except a great dentist who has worked with Dr.K. for many years and does ART. He is in Victoria. He may know someone up in your area. Here is to a healthy baby!
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Ohhhhh!! COuld you PM the name of the Dentist in Victoria? I've been looking for a better dentist.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
My last bottle of AI drops had leaked when I unpacked it. There was water inside the plastic bag and the scotch tape came off.

I think the dropper lid was not screwed on the bottle tightly, and the cover cap also did not seem to fit tightly enough.

I traveled with that bottle and it leaked some more. I salvaged what I could. Next time I travel with a bottle of drops, I will make sure I have it inside a box or something to protect it so the lid doesn't get jostled.

I ended up not having enough drops to last the full two weeks, so I had to cut way back on the number of drops I took the last 3-4 days. Hopefully I got enough.

Just wanted to caution everyone that the bottles can leak.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Please, anyone who got a bottle that leaked, send a mail to HG telling him. That's the only way to find out. I am sure part has to do with pressure at high altitude.

Skiesmama, it's Dino Paulos. Tell him hi from me. He was on my side when life was very tough in 1998. Good person who knows Lyme from A-Z. I have mentioned AI to him, but he is not on it yet. I don't know anyone with Lyme history who does not need it.

Take care.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
This is confusing to me:

Oh, and about Lemon: is alkalinizing and not the thing to do often when trying to keep things in balance with pH to detox metals.
Metals only go into solution for detox in acidic environment. Once or twice would be okay, but not often.

If lemon is alkalinizing to an acidic system, why not add every day to water?
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I add a squeeze of lemon to their "lemonade" because that is what I was instructed by Dr. K and because Microsilica recommends it on the bottle - I'm sure this little amount is ok.

I tested extremely well for Microsilica in fact they said, joking, "sheesh, your body acts like it wants 17 scoops a day!" really works well for me. And the 1/2 scoop given to my kids when they complain of aches works well too.

Gigi is right, if you can be tested it is always better!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I believe Gigi was trying to say that metals detox better in an acid environment and and not an alkaline environment, so lemon would not be good. Please correct me, Gigi, if I did not interpret your post correctly and I will delete mine.

Also, too much lemon will ruin the enamel on your teeth.

Hats off to those who sacrified for our country as we remember them on Memorial Day.

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks Hiker,
It makes perfect sense now.

Takes a couple of explanations for me sometimes!
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Question about absorbing toxins.

Are there any binders that can be taken 30-45 minutes before a meal? I know activated charcoal needs to be taken at least 2 hours before or after, so I usually only take that in the late evening or at bedtime.

Chlorella doesn't agree with me very well, so I only take 1 tablet occasionally. Not sure if that is enough. If I take more than one or take it every day, I get the runs.

I've been taking various fibers 30-45 minutes before meals, but I'm getting too much fiber some days, even if I only take a small dose.

Just wondering if anyone has a favorite binder that works to mop up the toxins and metals from AI.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on : chlorella is never enough...usually the more the many times I test to take 30 to 60 at one time.

Some people have posted that taking more is better for them to handle than a lesser amount, for some reason.

Dr. K recommends chlorella as the best selection with no testing...but there are other pectin.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

It might depend on the brand of chorella that you are taking as to how much you can take. If LP is speaking of Biopure I know people take more of it than some other brands at one time.

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I've been wondering about the same thing actually. What about apple pectin - that one is taken with food no? Would that be a good option? (taken closer to meals I mean.) And waht about glycine?
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi LP and Hiker,

I figured 1 chlorella (I think they are 200mg each) was not enough, but maybe better than nothing. I don't think it's good to have the runs all the time, though.

I tried several brands a few years back and Kyo-Chlorella was the only one that didn't give me nausea and make me burp the taste for hours. I'm not anxious to try a more expensive brand and end up with yet another bottle I can't use.

I am currently taking NDF Plus liquid, which contains chlorella, and so far I'm tolerating that OK at 2 drops every morning.

Just looking for something that will bind up toxins but won't absorb all the nutrients from a meal. I want to take this before meals on an empty stomach to absorb toxins that come out when the liver secretes the bile. I know activated charcoal and stuff like clay have to be taken well away from food and supplements because they will absorb those too.

It works for me to take it 30-45 minutes before a meal, and I've mostly been using fiber for this. But with all the veggies and other stuff I eat, I'm getting too much fiber some days.

Just looking for an alternative. Maybe there isn't anything that will work for this timing.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Try Betasitosterol - half hour before meals. I never did charcoal during the day, because I eat frequently. Charcoal in high amounts is perfectly safe, once in a while, at bedtime. Alternating is a good idea. Never taking the same thing all the time - that is the quickest way to force the body to reject it.

I also took the pectin in a chopped apple as I started to prepare breakfast, not with breakfast. It is good to prepare the apple ahead of time to let it turn brown providing enzymes that way.
Here at about page 50 you will find more info on binders, etc. on about page 60 more on binders.

And to learn more about the Biofilm - a few pages before the binder info.

Take care.

Please read Dr.K.'s Neurotoxin Elimination Protocol re
problems with chlorella, taking not enough, changing to vulgaris type, etc.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Here is a radio broadcast interview with Dr.K. with some important remarks about lithium, and of course lots of other stuff.

Please check your mineral status. Many of us have little or no lithium. Doctor's Data hair test is a good way to find out and at the same time also find out how you are doing with toxic metals.

Take care.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Thank you, GiGi. I will look into the betasitosterol and check out those links you posted when I get a chance.

The results of my hair analysis should be back any day now. Many of my minerals have always been low, both with the hair analysis and RBC tests. I'll be interested to see what's changed, presumably from doing the AI drops.

Much appreciated,
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Regulations are still happening:

feeling great and seems that my lymph and fluids are moving on their own...and I'm back to my body size puffiness and my bras fit again!

Only taking minerals with occasional chlorella.

But am now testing to take acai, neem, mucana powder, garlic, and chlorella. Believe I am in need of clearing plaques or biofilms or cholesterol from arteries. Will continue to test before starting all this. Cleaning house phase I believe...but feeling great.

I am still experiencing regular "open regulation"!

This is so refreshing.

[ 06-04-2010, 06:34 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Importance of having someone else energy test you!! I just want to reiterate how important it is to have someone else periodically energy test you or use the biotensor.

My biotensor has been saying it was okay to eat gluten and wheat again. So, I tried it last week and had some of my small seizures. Was not sure if it was the wheat/gluten or weather changes or fatigue. Today I was energy tested for the foods I have been allergic to and gluten/wheat did not test well. However, the eggs, milk, and pineapple all tested fine. Still allergic to cherries.

I have the celiac genes, but AI has not cleared those yet and it remains to be seen if it will do so.

Anyway, make sure you periodically get someone else to test you for various things.

Blessings. Will not be posting this summer--I need to think of myself as well and sometimes going to this site is not good for me, although the people are wonderful.


[ 06-03-2010, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I believe that wheat allergies just as with egg allergies have more to do with the chemicals and pesticides and not the food itself - especially after many rounds of AI.

All kinds of things are put in grain silos as preservatives, including mercury.

As long as anyone has lots of chemicals showing up on their tests, they could be the culprit until they are recognized and dealt with properly by our bodies.

Same with cherries - I don't know where they are in season right now other than maybe South America. Not much restriction there with the use of pesticides.

Not always the food, often what it's been soaked with.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
To address some of Hiker's remarks and for others in the same situation:

Some of Dr. K.'s publications spell it out very clearly that seizures are caused by toxic metals. This is one I saved because I used to have tiny seizures years ago. They are of course long gone.

Quoting Dr.K. from his detox and clinical pearls article written a number of years ago:

Muscle aches indicate the redistribution of toxins into the connective tissue and an insufficient program. Depression, headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, seizures, increased pain levels indicate redistribution of metals into the CNS [central nervous system] and an inappropriate detox program. Eye problems and tinnitus that occur during detox indicate redistribution of metals into these organs and require selective mobilization from these locations before the program is continued. End Quote.

So it is important to get some help from an expert. Added mobilization of any kind whether done with lights or biochemicals has to be dealt with carefully and certainly not without the help of someone
who understands what can happen when metals are shifted around (with chemicals or exercise or photons, whatever) and can't find the exit.

This is one of the reasons AI recommends no other therapies while the body is so busy correcting its errors.

Much of what we call gluten/gliadin/wheat allergies are in fact chemical problems our body cannot deal with. We had assumed our son had a wheat allergy. No, he is still being treated for chemicals, chemicals, and toxic metals. Dairy allergy is actually a wheat allergy because cattle eat grain (frequencies) And how they are stuffed with corn to fatten them up!!!! and how they are fed antibiotics many causing aallergic reactions. Egg the same, they eat grain. So if one is okay and the other isn't, there probably are other factors involved, such as one of the thousands of chemicals we have become allergic to.

Overall, the adjustments continue to happen long after the last bottle of drops is done.

HG told me yesterday that they had been treating a very ill person through many bottles. Then nothing could be found any more and they stopped. About 7 months later it became obvious that something had not corrected yet and they did two more bottles. That did the trick and the person started to feel
fine having no more symptoms from that time on.

So have some patience and it is wise not to force mobilization - photons do a heck of a job, of redistribution, unless specifically addressed, prepared for with the necessary agents. And it is especially tough if the allergies/dysregulations have not been addressed yet. Do we know what is in our body??

I agree with Nana. Also want to mention that one of the reasons HG suspects this program takes so much longer for Americans is that we have much more exposure to genetically engineered foods. Please look at any labels -- listing fructose --- made from corn, most of it genetically engineered. I don't think you can find many ears of corn that are not of that kind. Watch the movie King Corn! Or Soy -
The Europeans scream and do not import American beef or any of these foods. There are many reasons why we have become allergic to so many foods.

But - with patience - we are getting well.

Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
HG told me yesterday that they had been treating a very ill person through many bottles. Then nothing could be found any more and they stopped. About 7 months later it became obvious that something had not corrected yet and they did two more bottles. That did the trick and the person started to feel fine having no more symptoms from that time on.

Thanks for that Gigi, I have the same feeling that I may start feeling better afterthe next few bottles. Think I'm at 8. Seems a few of the very ill folks take quite some time. I heard froma few who felt nothing till like #10 and then BAM!!!!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, I don't think we realize that during all the many bottles of AI, the body has to detox constantly getting rid of what had been packed away somewhere for many years, some of it over a lifetime. That takes time. Most of us are unable to grasp that quite yet - I keep reminding my husband and myself.

I know you deserve to get the BAM soon!! I think I heard mine already, but it is somewhat muffled in that I would like to hear the BAM for my husband too. But I will settle for things to come knowing that I am doing my darndest.

Best wishes to all and take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Thanks, Gigi. Bless you.

You really gotta write a book!

Have someone edit the mountain of your posts and emails and you'll have something golden!!!!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Hey, while I'm here, let me ask you a kinda off topic question.

I still haven't done too well with disbiosis. I'm pretty sure the bad terrain down there is creatib a majority of teh surreal symtopns.

The bio Ray stuff looks good. been taking the Liver product and I have a gut reaction (ha) that this is a very good product. I think you just kinda know. Any ideas on their prebiotics and something to do.

Thanks, Hobo
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, I would suggest you go to their website and contact them asking your question about Dysbiosis. Their products are usually first class and maybe they can suggest and send you a test sample or samples that may be right for you.
Then you have a chance to use a pendulum or tensor!! Or just take a drop of the sample when you feel you are having a day where you need it.
Sorry and glad at the same time that I am not bothered by Dysbiosis and can't answer you. But I am also certain at the same time that once you get your dysregulations corrected, all of them, which may take more time, that Dysbiosis may correct itself also. Don't forget that the body has to also heal gut/tissue, etc. and that will take a bit more time than just doing the corrections with the drops. That "damage" did not happen overnight and will take some time to heal. I am sure you can heal if you stick with doing the right thing.

All the best to you, Hobo.

P.S. Yes, about that book, maybe once I have nothing else left to do, I will get to that. Friends suggested that also. Right now, if just one person got better or was helped, that is all I want.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi -- I start Round #6 today. Round #5 has knocked me for a loop with flaring symptoms, emotionality, fatigue and rashes. It's been rugged.

So, I have been trying to increase my consumption of binders. But need some advice on when to take minerals and vitamins.

I start the day with a fruit smoothie with apple pectin. two hours later I take chlorella; I take chlorella before dinner too. I take charcoal before bedtime.

So when should I fit in my minerals, resveratrol and vitamin D3?

Also, will the AI drops be affected if taken too close to binders?

Best to everyone,

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Have you been able to work with your tenser yet?
This would be helpful when figuring all this out?
Contact me if you need some help.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Minerals should be taken with meals - they're supposed to be in our food but probably not much there anymore.

I don't know about resveratrol but I take D3 after I eat breakfast.

Dr. A D's office told me chlorella won't grab up the good minerals the way charcoal and some other binders do.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
All I can tell you is what we do:
Chewing food creates enzymes which are lacking in many people and smoothies therefore have never been a favorite for us. If your smoothies contain vitamin C, it will negate the effect of chlorella, especially if the digestion is slow. And chlorella is taken too close.

The first thing, half hour before breakfast. I would take chlorella, as many capsules or tablets you can take. Or chlorella powder in a liquid.

Then Breakfast with protein (the brain functions much better if it gets protein).With breakfast take vitamins and mineral supplements you think you need. If still very toxic, taking a lot of these concentrated things is not a good idea and Dr. K. is trying to get people away from doing that. But if you take them, they should be considered as food and taken with food.

Take more chlorella or other binders one half hour before lunch. Then lunch with supplments if needed.

The same 1/2 hour before dinner and supplements with foods.

We only take charcoal if really feeling bad (at bedtime). If feeling really bad, I would take them no matter when. Feeling bad accomplishes nothing. Otherwise before bedtime take as much chlorella and other binders that you like. I used to take quite a bit of betasitosterol at that time, either with more chlorella or not. Avoid constipation at all cost. Take teas and products that help things move.

The AI drops are not affected by anything because they are simply frequency information stored in water. There is no biochemical involved at all. We take one load in the morning, one 5 drop load in the afternoon, and one load in the evening.

Rashes are also a sign of overload and organs not able to eliminate. Consider colonics. Dr.K. would say get three in a row. Sometime that is the only way to get rid of the backlog. Do Chi machine or get lymphatic drainage. Now more important than ever. Trampoline if you can manage. Your body is mobilizing and you need to get active and help it out. It cannot do it on its own yet. That will come later once you start regulating better.

Testing oneself energetically is difficult when so unstable. I used to have open regulation one second and blocked the next, even under Dr. K.'s guidance. Am not sure I would depend on self-testing when things are as you describe. Tapping does not last in this situation. But you could still try to learn testing, any kind, and eventually it will help a lot if you do.

This text is from Dr.K. Neurotoxin Elimination Protocol available everywhere on the internet.

Dosage: start with 1 gram (=4 tablets) 3-4 times/day. This is the standard
maintenance dosage for grown ups for the 6-24 months of active detox. During
the more active phase of the detox (every 2-4 weeks for 1 week), whenever
cilantro is given, the dose can be increased to 3 grams 3-4 times per day (1 week
on, 2-4 weeks back down to the maintenance dosage). Take 30 minutes before
the main meals and at bedtime. This way chlorella is exactly in that portion of
the small intestine where the bile squirts into the gut at the beginning of the
meal, carrying with it toxic metals and other toxic waste. These are bound by
the chlorella cell wall and carried out via the digestive tract.
When amalgam fillings are removed, the higher dose should be given for 2 days
before and 2-5 days after the procedure (the more fillings are removed, the
longer the higher dose should be given). No cilantro should be given around the
time of dental work. During this time we do not want to mobilize deeply stored
metals in addition to the expected new exposure. If you take Vitamin C during
your detox program, take it as far away from Chlorella as possible (best after
Side effects: most side effects reflect the toxic effect of the mobilized metals
which are shuttled through the organism. This problem is instantly avoided by
significantly increasing the chlorella dosage, not by reducing it, which would
worsen the problem (small chlorella doses mobilize more metals then are bound
in the gut, large chlorella doses bind more toxins then are mobilized). Some
people have problems digesting the cell membrane of chlorella. The enzyme
cellulase resolves this problem. Cellulase is available in many health food stores
in digestive enzyme products."

You are in the active phase of detox and need to take as much chlorella and other binders as you can manage. Try a drop of NDF (get a sample from Bioray and see how that feels). We love the Biologo, but that is not readily available yet. NDF is very close.
Check some of the self-help protocols from Klinghardt-Derksen. I have posted a number of them.

Running for an appointment!

Take care.

Take care.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Trying to keep switching my binders around. Anyone know the doasge for macuna Bean and when to take it. Friend gave me theris.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Mucana bean powder is to be mixed in a cup of warm water...1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon, 2 -3 times a day...or energy test it for yourself.

My notes say:...good for neurotransmitters, enhance mental alertness and increases muscle mass and strength, lessened numbness, fatigue, joint and muscle pains, and disorders of the reproductive tract for male and female, as well as spasms associated with Parkinsons or Bells Palsy. Has L-Dopa content. A mild laxative effect aiding digestin. Also an Ayurvedic Aphrodisiac!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
LP, Nana, Gigi -- thanks for your replies. I've stepped up the chlorella quite a bit and woke this morning to the worst metal taste in my mouth! They're on the move in my joints and bones and brain and in my! Round #4 & #5 kicked detox up a major notch.

The past few hot days exhausted me, but today is lovely and cool and I feel a bit better. This detoxing makes me feel like my body thermostat is broken and I get really hot and really cold in the snap of finger with no rhyme or reason.

LP and hobo, that Macuna bean sounds like I should git me some! The neurotransmitter enhancements and the aphrodesiac effects sound far too attractive! Actually, I'll keep Macuna in mind down the road in the future -- I've got enough on my plate to try right now.

Gigi-- thanks for the protein breakfast advice. I have been pretty nauseous in the a.m., so my smoothies help start the engines at a more gentle pace. I throw raw apples, strawberries and a carrot into the blender with a splash of cranberry water and a 1/2 teaspoon of the apple pectin powder.

Glad to be on Round #6 as it also appears to help calm the detox frenzy just a bit. Most of all, everyone's support, reading suggestions and replies has helped me to piece things together slowly but surely.

Best to all,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
For anyone interested: "I have been pretty nauseous in the a.m"

"Nauseous" means your liver most likely needs more support. And that you should also help with colonics. Try Liver Life from Bioray, or Ayush Livit 1 and Livit 2. Or any thing that you know supports this important organ. You may want to try Unda 243, a homeopathic supporting both liver and kidney. Pharmax has it and they also carry a Betasitosterol.

Castor Oil packs help.

You are not alone in this - Done all that years ago because it is impossible to detox successfully and
not feeling sick without these aids. If you were Dr. K. patient, you would get colonics for sure! It was never my favorite thing, but once used to it, it became a relief. The more toxin you have stored, the more you have to lend a helping hand.

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi Gigi -- Thank you for the reply...more pearls!

I am going to check out Betasitosterol in addition to the Liver Life that I already have.

My question is this: I just called an energetic practitioner about lymphatic drainage and she uses The Light Beam Generator from Tesla/Tech (rife-like)? It sounded like photons and made me worry about what some had experienced in Germany.

Am I correct in thinking that I should avoid this type of photon-oriented lymph drainage? I don't want anything messing up AI signals!


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
"My question is this: I just called an energetic practitioner about lymphatic drainage and she uses The Light Beam Generator from Tesla/Tech (rife-like)? It sounded like photons and made me worry about what some had experienced in Germany."

Wise, I am very familiar with the Light Beam Generator. I think it is a great instrumeht unless you are loaded with toxins (sorry, to put it that way). It would mobilize way too much for what your body seems to be able to handle.
We have talked a lot privately, so I think I know where you come from.

I am not familiar with Tesla, and I would put it in the same category as another mobilizer.
All you want right now as far as lymphatic drainage is a "light feathering" over the skin, hardly touching the body, just feathering into the direction of the lymph exits. Anything stronger or forceful is too much for many who are doing AI.

"Am I correct in thinking that I should avoid this type of photon-oriented lymph drainage? I don't want anything messing up AI signals!"

None of these machines would mess up AI, but you should not be shaking the tree any more than you are already doing with only AI itself. It activates plenty, and super plenty for you.

No machine can replace the hands of a well trained lymphatic drainage therapist. You would be better off simply helping yourself: take a very soft brush, very soft, or your hands and gently move over the skin starting at your feet, step by step, up to the middle of chest; Reach as much of the back as you can also brushing upward; Then do the same thing starting at the top of the head, down behind and in front of ears to the same middle of the chestm gently stroking over neck (lymph node) area to middle of the chest.

Pull up a lymph chart on the internet and see what that network looks like.

A chi machine (we bought this one years ago for under $100. and if we don't use it, our grandchildren bargain over who goes first! It works very fine. And you can use it every day and relax on it while things are moving -- most gently slinging sideways like a fish in the brook.

Take care.

P.S. Yes, Photons cold turkey, onto a toxic metal- loaded, chemical-loaded body must turn
into disaster. And note, I am not saying "may turn". It takes preparation and knowing how to deal with the fallout afterward.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Does anyone know if the AI team is on holiday?

A friend is trying to contact them for the past two weeks unsuccessfully by email or phone to see if they received her sample or sent out her second set of drops. She doesn't post here. Just want to give her some guidance.

Posted by kateaton (Member # 24871) on :
I think I'm going to take the (AI) plunge- at least with my 4 year old daughter for now.

I've been considering this therapy for some time now and it doesn't make sense for me at this time, but my 4 year old has extensive food sensitivities and celiac disease. She has dark circles and intermittent diarrhea. We cannot figure out what else is going on with her, but from everything I've read here I feel like AI is the right thing for her.

I'm really hoping it will clear some/most of her food sensitivities and allow her body to get nutrients from her food instead of fighting it.

I feel like this is a huge leap for me to try this. My husband is extremely skeptical but allowing me to make this decision. It's also a lot of money for us right now with all the other health expenses with have relating to lyme, etc.

Very unexpectedly we were give a very generous sum of money from someone anonomously, and I feel strongly that AI is one of things that we are supposed to do with it.

I really hope this is the right decision for her and that we're not wasting money.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Please keep posting and asking questions when you start your daughter. I will give you support!
My daughter has improved tremendously during her treatment in a variety of ways, not all physical, but emotional issues have improved. These are the most noticed by us both!

AS your daughter is so young, she will not be able to tell you much, nor hopefully will she have to go through what my daughter went through pre treatments. The teenage years can be rough with chronic illness. I wish I knew about this when my daughter was 4...that is when she was first bit by the tick and things started to progress.

My thoughts are that your daughter will get rid of those food and chemical sensitivites and inherited miasms. Great beginning. Although as she ages, after AI, she will most likely acquire new environmental things that are unavoidable...chemicals pesticides etc. can newly accumulate over time. Outside activities always bring the risk of tick bites, may need to do the AI or somethng like this in the future in her early adulthood...this is to be seen.

But you are giving her a gift and a great head start, in my humble opinion!


[ 06-11-2010, 05:45 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hi, I just posted this under another thread and thought it would belong here also:

"I saw Dr. K. today on an after hours friendly basis. He told me that he is no longer allergic to wheat, after having suffered from it most of his life. This came about during the first three bottles of doing the Allergie Immun therapy.

He also told me that he is recommending to patients where he finds an autoimmune problem to do the Allergie Immun therapy because a major problem is thereby being eliminated.

I am of course delighted to hear when he says he can now sleep again like he has never slept in many years and that his wheat problems are gone.
I have known him as a human being for 12 years and always wished that the man could get a good night's sleep because he literally works all day and late into the night.

I thought this would entice some people to pay attention to what I have been posting about Allergie Immun. It's all right to ignore it too. We all have a choice.

Take care.

(and no, I don't get paid by anyone for promoting this fantastic therapy. I just know that it works, and to know that it works for others besides me is great.)"
--------------------------------------------------I think I will call HG soon and tell him because Dr. K. has not had a chance to ever exchange a word with him.

Get better, get well and take care.
Posted by kateaton (Member # 24871) on :
thank you LP- I definitely needed that encouragement. I swear that sometimes these therapies feel like you're jumping off a bridge (kind of terrifying).

I just really know that we have to get her immune system to straighten out.

I'm so glad to read what Gigi posted above about Dr. K recommending AI for anyone with autoimmune problems. Since my daughter has celiac she fits the bill.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
The numebr one binder I'm taking now is Dr. Jernigan's basic Anti-neurotox formula. ANyone chime in? I really don't know if it's doing the job. Also take apple pectine and occiaonal charcoal. Is this the best product?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hobo, would you list the ingredients, all of them, including the fillers, please.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Ingrediants are:

Beta sistorel
Siphinum Lacinatium
Rice owder as filler and gelatin cap
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I posted awhile back that when we opened our 4th round of bottles they were all smeared and I accidentally mixed up mine and my sons. I emailed HG and never heard back as to whether to take these (not knowing whos is whos), but a new package showed up today so I guess I'm re-starting my 14 days with these new bottles just in case (hope that's a good assumption). Anyway, wish us luck!

I do have a question though...I honestly feel that my food allergies are getting worse (that makes me feel better though Gigi about Dr. K) for some reason. I'm going to ask Dr K about why he thinks this is happening when I see him in 2 weeks. Not sure what is making my leaky gut worse. Things that I never reacted to before I'm now reacting to and things that were mildly reactive are now really reactive...I am frustrated :-(

Anyone else experience this prior to getting better or has everyone else seen a steady positive direction in regards to food allergies?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Did you write to HG and tell him. With our son we always thought his allergies were wheat based.
They were not, it took the elimination of many different chemical groups that caused his symptoms and it was a very gradual process. It did not happen until later in the process. He just finished his therapy and I am sure he will experience changes from hereon out. The body does not release all the stored up toxins immediately. It is gradual and can happen over a long period of tiem.

You are doing another protocol and that may have a bearing on it. I don't know.

What are you reacting to? If you are releasing toxins now, these events are not always pleasant. I certainly had my share of it and was doing no other treatments at all, only binders and support. I had some form of inflammation, but it was very brief, a day or two, and understanding metal detox, I knew what was happening and why. And I did not have the leaky gut problem which I am sure takes a long time to heal.

Some of my symptoms were definitely caused by a combination of allergies toward different substances.

I hope you find the answer. Dr. K. has not nearly the number of allergies that most of us came up with. That alone makes a huge difference. After all, he has been detoxing for ages and entered the therapy in fairly good condition. My own treatment went quite well because I had no single food allergy.

Again, I hope you find out.

Take care.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I did not. He doesn't seem to respond anymore. No worries though.

I did do MMS for about 2 weeks, but not during the 2 weeks of AI....I do not test for anything but binders so that's all I'm taking.

I just want to ask Dr K why my leaky gut may be getting worse. Garlic for example used to only cause minor indigestion and now I look like I'm pregnant after eating only spaghetti sauce or hummus with garlic added. I also, now, no matter what I eat get red blotchy hot skin after eating. I never had that before either.

Not sure if it's related, but also for whatever reason the "bartonella rash" seems to appear very very frequently now unlike before.

I just seem more sensitive all the way around. I know that I am detoxing a ton, but I wish my leaky gut/food allergy symptoms would improve and not slide backwards.

I know that what I'm doing cannot be bad so that keeps me going, but just eager to check in with Dr K at the end of the month to make sure.

Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
GettinHealthy -- I am experiencing similar food sensitivity issues. Suddenly, eating brown rice or peas or beans bring on intestinal pain. These foods always used to set off my mother, not me! I started having problems with them on Round #4. I'm on Round #6 and have to be very careful with garlic and onions too. Again, these were my mom's issues... genetic review? Chemicals? Metals?

My Lyme rash of bullseyes is reappearing on my left hip in annoying itchiness just as your bartonella rash seems to be doing. In addition, chemical sensitivities are cropping up along with my feet/shins aching again.

I am choosing to trust that this will pass in time and that alot is being stirred up as metals release. I just went through intense sweats for three weeks. The sweats are starting to subside now.

Round #6 is not as tough as #5 was, but then again I'm only one week into it. I believe I've stepped fully onto the Detox-O-Rama Ride.

Thanks to the folks on this thread, I'm doing chlorella, pectin and charcoal. I have to say that hobokinite's mention of Jernigan's Neurotoxin Formula has my binder curiosity peaked. So far, binders take the edge off of things, but I am not out of the woods of discomfort by any stretch of the imagination.

I'm trusting this process as going through the fire rather than building a toxic dam that antibiotics had become for me. Onward and upward, eh?

Best to all,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Garlic is antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitical anti metal. So are onions - all in the sulfhydril group.

Maybe you are doing too much too fast without having really disposed of a lot of toxins yet.

Also be aware, that once the metals are stirring up and ready to leave, so are the parasites. The list of symptoms of awakened parasites is endless. I have just been posting about that - maybe you should check that out.

I definitely would not do MMS - especially being on AI where everything is - all of a sudden - being remembered by the immune system. Many people on this program underestimate this. The body starts working like it hasn't worked in years!

So if you think you can get the toxins out of the way with a couple of chlorella, that will not be working. You need to do binders before every meal and at bedtime; make sure that you do not get constipated.
There are teas and remedies to help with that. Even when doing charcoal, you will have to counteract it. Do colonics - do lymphatic drainage, rather than more anti-agents. Do trampoline if you can handle it.

And watch for parasites. Get tested or test yourself with parasite testers or artemesinin or any antiparasitic in your testing kit. If you test for artemesinin, think parasties. If you test for garlic, think parasite.

Parasites will escape through the skin if they feel they are being chased. They do not want to leave and/or get killed. Most are not visible to the naked eye in the stool.

When tensoring or testing, you may alternate from metals to parasites back and forth, one day this, the next day that. Don't ignore it. Parasites feel as uncomfortable when threatened as metals als Lyme and co.

When metals are stirred up, parasites are also stirred up. One eco-system. They do not have their sweet individual cottages. They enjoyed the run-down laidback existence and weren't prepared for AI.

That is how I experience it and that is how I look at it. This is confirmed 100% by Dr.K. AI is not an aspiriin that has no consequences. We have to be aware of that. It may be easy for people like my son, who feels little or nothing and disposes of the bits of metals automatically.

But we have more to get rid off, especially after abx and lots of capsules with fillers and such.

MMS can be very irritating to the gut and I am not sure what happens when it meets parasites!
I have never done it.

You are trying to get through the toxic dam and are probably not doing enough to help that.

And remember, the leaky gut has to heal before you expose it to strong stuff. And your immune system is now zeroing in on everything - neurotoxins produced by the old infections, by candida die-off, metals, many chemicals, fillers, all the reasons that made AI necessary, and why HG didn't want us to load up more on any of these.

Just my thoughts as I listen to your "suffering".

Be sure you replenish your missing minerals.

Take care.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Wow, Gigi you are a wealth of knowledge :-) I always read your posts hanging on every word because it is so interesting and always hits it on the "head" - how do you do that? :-)

I am taking 2 parasite meds currently: Albenza and Artemenisin. Maybe that is what is happening that they are being stirred up?

I just ordered a book on fiber and am going to try that route to get things to exit quicker :-) Hopefully some combination will work. I have Hashimoto's which is low thryoid which is terrible for having things exit quickly.

It is a good reminder to do more binders because for some reason if I don't feel the need I often forget, but should just write out a schedule so that it becomes a checkmark rather than trying to remember.
Posted by Rob Kurylo (Member # 19916) on :
Can someone tell me if it is ok to start AI before mercury fillings are removed? I'm trying to come up with a game plan. Also...does metal toxicity cause your face to ALWAYS have an orange glow to it. My face has been very orange for a long time.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I am sure it is okay to start AI, just make sure you pay a lot of attention to binders when you get going. I was curious myself - remember the organe skin on some infants when eating lots of carots. Maybe the "orange glow" is an allergic reaction - the "glow" makes me think of that.
Get your iron tested and talk with your doctor.

Good luck, Rob.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
GIGI wrote: "And your immune system is now zeroing in on everything - neurotoxins produced by the old infections, by candida die-off, metals,"

yes, yes, yes!! Almost five months since I finished the drops. I have had hardened white crystals (dead parasites?) coming out of my skin.

Coughing up what tests to be yeast coming out of my lungs... and the metals just keep coming.

Seems as though my immune system is on high alert now and going after everything. Not always comfy.

Thank goodness GIGI is here to remind us.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :

I've been having those hardened white crystals for years, wondering what the hell it was. i thought it was salt or minerals were coming out.

Anyone???? Any ideas.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hobo - I'm not positive that's what they are. I actually saved one but have no idea where to get it looked at - maybe the local vet.

My Mom removed one for me as I couldn't reach it, it left a hole where it had been.

I am treating for parasites now and one of my arms has completely broken out. I suspect they are on the run!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi -- how much apple pectin powder can one take in a day?


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, a heaping teaspoon full twice a day. Best in some fruit with added liquid (juice or water).

Make sure you especially have enough binders on board when going to bed because most of the detoxing happens in the middle of the night.

Don't forget the Betasitosterol - it is easy to take and it works well also.

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi -- I wanted to ask a question. I have been taking Electrolyte Enhanced Matrix Formula thinking that it was minerals I needed to add for rehydration, etc. I bought it for the Rehydration Formula drink.

When I looked at a BioPure ad that I picked up at the Klinghardt seminar, it also lists Matrix Minerals (different from Electrolyte Enhanced one.) Are the same minerals included in each formula? Does one just have Electrolytes added?

Should I be taking the Matrix Minerals as well?

I really want to understand this stuff....


Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi -- thanks for the Betasitosterol reminder along with the Pectin amounts.

I got my BioPure chlorella and it is so much more powerful than the Whole Foods junk I was taking while waiting!

I also am awaiting my new Chi Machine and really looking forward to swimming like a fish.

"Keep on swimming, keep on swimming..." said Dorey of "Nemo" fame.

Paddling along,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wiser - Matrix Minerals contain many, many, many minerals. The electroyles contain a few for rehydration, Matrix minerals is for minerals supplementation.

Often when we lose heavy metals, it takes the good minerals out with them - if you're not careful or aware.

Chlorella will not take the good minerals out but some binders do and are best taken far away from minerals.

I certainly think it's wise to supplement with Matrix minerals. My recent hair test showed I was quite depleted.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Has anyone had vomiting that they felt was AI related?

We've had what I thought was a stomach bug - tho a visiting relative who isn't doing AI has had the same symptoms - it's just so odd - leaving and then returning within a week. SHort bouts of vomitting that come on quickly - Usually not more than a few minutes of nausea followed immediately by vomiting. I've had 3 rounds now. THis last one had me quite scared. I had pain all the way around my middle - sort of an odd pain mixed with the nausea - reminds me of the feeling I had once doing a liver gallbladder cleanse - only much worse. This time there was also mucous with a little blood - (sorry - gross - I'm trying to not go too heavy on the icky details)

It scared me enough that I ended up taking a combination homeopathic for tummy upset - it stopped the vomiting - which may have prevented a trip to the hospital. Now I'm wondering if takign the homeopathic has caused possible problems with the AI?

I've got us all taking oregano oil, and will add in digestive enzymes, and maybe GSE as well. IT was suggested that it may be giardia? I'm hoping that taking these things won't interfere with AI, but at this point with 8 people all just getting sick over and over again it's really making life frustrating. Our visiting relative and myself have been sick the most times, but everyone has been affected in some way - with most of us having it come back again.

And we are not ones that ever get tummy flus - until recently I could count on one hand the number of times I'd had to deal with vomiting in 15 years as a mom.

If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear -


Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I have not experienced those symptoms with AI. But we have never been prone to that before with any illness.

The only things we have had come up, are past type symptoms, that seem to revisit us when regulation is occuring in that area.

Also when our immune system is finally working and awakened, we were finally getting colds and my daughter and son did get the different times. My daughters was severe which did include vomiting which was unusual, but she had severe high fever that lasted a week, dehydration, muscle aches, typical flu symptoms, that later developed into pneumonia! A complete month of severe illness during her final exams period. She is on round 10 of the drops. She did not take the drops during that very ill time.

Interesting that the only other time she had anything like this was after her tick bite...where she contracted Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever at the age of 4.

I tell you this, as I am still not certain that this was a new flu...or was it the "leaving" of old hidden past infections. AS things are always on the move out while on AI and during a time after.

For your situation..if many have this at once..I would guess it is a new bug.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
New symptom...or possibly regulation happening for me.

I have no back issues usually.

for the past three days, with no injury or bad movements, I have severe pain upon moving my lower back from sitting to standing or tossing in my bed. Out of the blue!

I did have an old pain , in the exact area about 10 years ago, that also came from no where...went to a physical therapist and they did some heat and stimulation treatments for a series of two weeks...which helped the pain temporarily at the time, but did not make it go eventually resolved in a months time on its own, not re-occuring until now.

The unusual thing about it at the time, is that the pain moved from the left side of the spine, over to the right side...the therapist said this is unusual, and does not happen...pain should not migrate...this was before my lyme diagnosis.

Anyway, this is the kind of pain I am feeling again, but it hasn't migrated yet. So I tested myself today to see if I resonated with metals...NO. But I did resonate with some dormant, non-active viruses and Bartonella and Babesia! I was never diagnosed with Bart nor Babesia, but do know I have had mild symptoms of those things most of my life. Always thought I did have it at some time...but no extensive tests were ever conclusive. At one time with my second ART testingk, Babesia showed up, but as in remission. So I never treated for it.

I do not have symptoms at all now! Except this painful area is resonating with this now.

I believe I am moving these...old dormant viruses, and bugs out!!!! My spine is testing positive to EBV and Herpes 6. I test to take nothing with my test let my body just work on its own.

I will be tested by an ART practitioner this week.

Thought I'd share I am done the drops, but still regulating it appears.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Dear LP! Have you treated parasites? If you have, would suggest you do it again in a serious longterm way. You have the ability to tensor test yourself, if you test for anything such as artemisinin or even the babesia slide (one day you test positive, next day not!) protozoa/parasites are a factor. Get some parasite vials - I have one for parasite mix with ovum - if it tests, even yes or no sometimes, concentrate on treating parasites.

To start with, do it the Klinghardt way: Test the 5 Levels of Healing: Problem in Physical Body? Problem in Energy Body? Problem in Mental Body?

Then test for details - the seven factors:

(1) Heavy Metals, neurotoxins, chemical compounds?
(2)Test asking if Nutritional Deficiencies, biochemical imbalances?
(3) Structural Problems?
(4) Interference Fields (scars - dental infections)
(5) Geopathic and Electromagnetic Stress
(6) Food Intolerances
(7) Psycho-emotional or systemic Conflicts or Trauma

And go from there. Honest neutral testing will point you in the right direction.

My hunch is - if you have not treated parasites seriously, they can cause plenty of back problems and shifting pain. You have done the metal game, now the parasites are becoming homeless.

Good luck.

P.S. Parasites can be a major problem stalling total recovery! Do not ignore it - there is a good reason why Dr.K. treats these early in the process. If you have eaten in a restaurant, you have parasites that you do not want to keep for long. Organic foods? Who knows? Pets in and on your bed? Children and puppies? But they are a huge problem for many people.

P.P.S. Even if you test for Freeze Dried Garlic -
think parasites? 4 Capsules opened into warm water - drink any time - twice a day. It's a good start or in between the stronger Albendazole, Biltricide,high dose artemisinin, long term Alinia
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I wonder if it's possible that AI brought up giardia for me - (suspect looking back that I may have had it undiagnosed) and then passed it unknowingly to my family?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thanks Gigi...great input.
Will do my homework!
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Hi Skiesmama,

Could you have had a norovirus--it's a virus that affects the digestive tract, but not the same as a flu (influenza) virus.

It causes nausea and vomiting like you mention, plus digestive/cramping pain, diarrhea, fever--some or all of these symptoms. Highly contagious.

It's been going around WA state, and probably other areas too. I had what I assume is norovirus twice in April--I had no nausea or vomiting, but had severe intestinal cramping and pain, plus fever, chills, tender to the touch all over.

Hope it's gone now and you don't have a recurrence.

Take care,
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

I have been in touch with Gigi while trying to figure out how to post on here; hopefully this will get thru.

I am on round two of the AI drops and am also studying Dr. Klinghardt's DVDs. I have had ART in the past and recently went to a practitioner four hours away who insisted that he do a metabolic profile (Nutrispec) which showed anerobic and parasympathetic problems. Aside from not being able to eat anything sweet including fruit and no dairy including butter (I am already on a gluten free diet) and Dr. K says no nuts, no tea, no coffee or chocolate as they open BBB and the spirochetes ride them in and may stay there forever) . . . my food options are dwindling.

Anyway this ART practitioner's report suggests four supplements that are just loaded with Bs, magnesium (which Lymees are not supposed to ingest) and a ton of other items that he didn't even test with ART. I can't believe that someone who is so well known in the field wouldn't pick up on at least the magnesium part.

I told him l0 times that I'm on the drops which he obviously has almost no familiarity with. When he tested me with ART (before metabolic testing) I tested for four products -- one a homeopathic, one a liver complex with a lot of detox items in it like turmeric and methionine, androphagis (which is not just a liver support with is a big detoxing agent).

So I'm not taking any of that stuff -- I know Dr. K says he recommends metabolic typing early on and I see that he thinks highly of Real Time Functional Medicine (Timothy Ray's metabolic program). Has anyone tried it?

My main symptom is wobbliness/dizziness which has been exacerbated since starting the drops. According to HG's latest report, there are only two chemicals that I had not cleared -- all the heavy metals and miasms seemed to have cleared -- which doesn't make sense in view of my symptoms.

ART testing (and every other testing) shows Lyme and mercury (systemic).

Any comments appreciated.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Metabolic typing for some does well. I do not believe in it. BTM is great help for some - it was a waste for us. There are many things that were tried years ago that Dr.K. does not bother with any longer having learned more and finding the missing links. AI for me was a major missing link even though I made it through Lyme without it.

When the corrections are made with AI, The body will start to recognize and mobilize unwanted metals as well as many other deposits that are in the way. So of course they will test with ART as will any neurotoxins remaining in the body.

If you are watching DVD's from six years ago - a lot more has been learned since then and that is what you should concentrate on. People still need to take magnesium - some may not. If you are deficient you need it. Now you need to make certain you are no longer deficient in minerals and concentrate on that. That is a big eye opener for many. Possibly do a hair test that will show you what is happening as AI starts to become effective. You are probably a long way from having cleared all errors with AI, as testing continues into deeper areas.

Many are bothered with KPU that does not disappear overnight either and you may look at replenishing some minerals in that manner as you go through AI. Look up KPU in or in some of the longer protocols. And paying attention to binders is probably another most important thing as you go through AI. A hairtest will also tell you if KPU is a problem. Your practitioner should be aware of that. It has been a major discovery for most Lyme patients

Glad you found your way to posting.

Take care.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Hair analysis report from Hiker53: I am happy to report that the results of my hair analysis from 2 different labs show no metal toxicity. I think that may be why I rarely test positive with energy testing or the biotensor for chorella. I have used the bionic, so perhaps the idea that the bionic moves heavy metals around is not correct for everyone.

I do lack a few minerals, but KPU does not appear to be a problem.

I am still exhausted, but think I am in the healing stages and that will take a lot of energy.

Blesings. Hiker53
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Hair Analysis results for Hiker53: Two labs show I have not heavy metals. That may be why I rarely test positive for wanting chorella with the biotensor.

I have used the bionic, so the idea that the bionic simply moves metals around is not true for everyone.

No KPU indicated either!

I do lack some minerals and will work on correcting that. I am still exhausted, but have trouble sleeping. I cannot take binders at night due to my seizure meds at night. I do think I am finishing up killing Lyme and entering the healing stage which I know will take a lot of energy.

Blessings. Hiker53
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :

It doesn't feel like a virus - there's no body aches, no cramping - the pain I had was different - kind of a gnawing ache mixed with nausea that went all around my front and back. The vomiting comes on fast and furious usually in the middle of the night - and it doesn't usually last longer than a couple of hours.

I saw a Dr yesterday - and surprisingly enough they agreed that it sounds like giardia. I'll send in a stool sample for testing today. They did blood testing for liver, kidney and pancreas as well since it's been going on so long.

We have chickens - I hadn't known that you can get giardia from chickens - no more roaming the property for them - they'll be contained. I also live in the country - and it's been raining alot, so risk of giardia is higher - a lot of people have water sources from creeks - ours is a well and is clean/been tested. WE may have drank water at a friend's house - I don't know.

THinking back tho I wonder if I've had it for a long time and it's just come in and out or dormancy - not sure how it works exactly.

I was remembering interestingly tho that there was a brand of enzymes that I couldn't take without having extreme sulphur belching. They were enzymedica brand. THe practitioner who recommended them was always stumped by it -

I've gone through periods in my life too where I had unexplained nausea and low low fever - coming on for an hour or so and then leaving - often for an hour or so every night.

ANyway - we'll see - tho I know that testing for giardia doesn't always pick it up.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I am not responding to your private e-mail, Hiker, because I feel my comments here may benefit the group. And it appears that you feel like you have no problem in that area and that is good.

In general, when doing a Doctor's Data Hairtest, it shows which metals are leaving via hair and which ones are not. If none of the toxic metals show or only little, they are not getting into the blood stream and therefore not into the hair and thus are still somewhere in the body . As long as there are neurological problems and symptoms of almost any kind, metal roxicity is a major factor not to be ignored. I have never heard of anyone having seizures and/or sleep problems without having a toxicity problem. It goes hand in hand. If I were to ask this question of Dr. K., I am certain he would say ``detoxing, detoxing'' .

KPU is tested with a specific test, not a hair test. See protocol. And many doctors are treating it if zinc and an array of other essential minerals are showing up as deficient, without even doing the KPU test, and simply energetic testing. It is easier to decide when a practitioner knows the history of a patient well.

If you are lacking minerals or the balance is thrown off
between the ones you have, they need to be corrected, and it takes months to do that, especially if the absorption/leaky gut was a problem for a long time and probably still is not quite up to what it should be in a healthy body. Minerals are not easily absorbed and it is tricky to find the ones that work and get absorbed. We are doing several different ones at a time. Rehydration cocktail has a reason.
Drinking tons of water is not a good idea flushing the ones out that you still have, etc.

I would encourage anyone that has unidentifiable symptoms to seek a practitioner who is familiar with these problems. Any ND can order a hair test. I am sure even the ones you have heard of will do it via some telephone consult if you cannot get to one. It's worth a try.

So again, if the hairtest shows N O toxic metals or little, that is where the problem is buried. It cannot and is not coming out, because the hair is one of the best barometers of what is happening with the metals. Without the essential minerals to tie up to, the bad ones (toxic metals) are stuck. Pay attention to the bad hair days - I think mine correspond with metals leaving! My husband's hair gets frizzy.

Very often it also indicates that untreated worms/parasites are the problem and are holding up toxic metals, etc. Often with parasite treatment, toxic metals show in testing. It is almost a daily back and forth. Test energetically for parasites one day, metals next.
Sometimes both at the same testing. Releasing biofilm is another factor.

All have to be addressed to make it work.

The Bionic did not give me seizures, but it almost killed me because of the metal circulation. It certainly put my autonomic nervous system totally out of sync. Bad, bad, a time I will never ever have to go through again. It took me a whole year overcoming this problem. So anyone playing with certain photons, beware. Red, green, blue, all have different effects. THE TOXIC METALS DO NOT COME OUT ON THEIR OWN. IT TAKES A LOT OF SUPPORT. READ THE PROTOCOLS OF DR.K. READILY AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I am not responding to your private e-mail, Hiker, because I feel my comments here may benefit the group. And it appears that you feel like you have no problem in that area and that is good.

In general, when doing a Doctor's Data Hairtest, it shows which metals are leaving via hair and which ones are not. If none of the toxic metals show or only little, they are not getting into the blood stream and therefore not into the hair and thus are still somewhere in the body . As long as there are neurological problems and symptoms of almost any kind, metal roxicity is a major factor not to be ignored. I have never heard of anyone having seizures and/or sleep problems without having a toxicity problem. It goes hand in hand. If I were to ask this question of Dr. K., I am certain he would say ``detoxing, detoxing'' .

KPU is tested with a specific test, not a hair test. See protocol. And many doctors are treating it if zinc and an array of other essential minerals are showing up as deficient, without even doing the KPU test, and simply energetic testing. It is easier to decide when a practitioner knows the history of a patient well.

If you are lacking minerals or the balance is thrown off
between the ones you have, they need to be corrected, and it takes months to do that, especially if the absorption/leaky gut was a problem for a long time and probably still is not quite up to what it should be in a healthy body. Minerals are not easily absorbed and it is tricky to find the ones that work and get absorbed. We are doing several different ones at a time. Rehydration cocktail has a reason.
Drinking tons of water is not a good idea flushing the ones out that you still have, etc.

I would encourage anyone that has unidentifiable symptoms to seek a practitioner who is familiar with these problems. Any ND can order a hair test. I am sure even the ones you have heard of will do it via some telephone consult if you cannot get to one. It's worth a try.

So again, if the hairtest shows N O toxic metals or little, that is where the problem is buried. It cannot and is not coming out, because the hair is one of the best barometers of what is happening with the metals. Without the essential minerals to tie up to, the bad ones (toxic metals) are stuck. Pay attention to the bad hair days - I think mine correspond with metals leaving! My husband's hair gets frizzy.

Very often it also indicates that untreated worms/parasites are the problem and are holding up toxic metals, etc. Often with parasite treatment, toxic metals show in testing. It is almost a daily back and forth. Test energetically for parasites one day, metals next.
Sometimes both at the same testing. Releasing biofilm is another factor.

All have to be addressed to make it work.

The Bionic did not give me seizures, but it almost killed me because of the metal circulation. It certainly put my autonomic nervous system totally out of sync. Bad, bad, a time I will never ever have to go through again. It took me a whole year overcoming this problem. So anyone playing with certain photons, beware. Red, green, blue, all have different effects. THE TOXIC METALS DO NOT COME OUT ON THEIR OWN. IT TAKES A LOT OF SUPPORT. READ THE PROTOCOLS OF DR.K. READILY AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET.

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hiker - here is my experience with hair tests and the like. I had one last year that showed zilch in the way of metals. The guy from the lab thought it was awesome but I knew it was not. They don't leave in a matter of months and I knew they should be showing up if they were leaving.

Since that time, I have seen a skilled ART practitioner and she knew instantly that I had a mineral deficiency and put me on KPU treatment - no test involved.

It wasn't until I had been on it for at least 5 months that things started to change. A subsequent hair test showed much more in the way of metals.

It's a real balancing act with the minerals - one that I am still working on.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Skies, Giardia is a protozoa = parasite. Just one of the ones that can invade us. That is why it is important to treat parasites early on.
Figuring out exactly which one or ones we are dealing with is difficult, because labs are inadequate. If toxic, parasites are part of it.
I heard that from DK ten years ago. Most doctors are asleep at the switch when it comes to chronic problems. Sorry it is so. Glad you are getting tested.

AI is waking up the immune system.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Is anyone using the silver-coated mosquito netting (sleep sanctuary)? I have been using it for three weeks and find my sleep is deeper and I get more of it. Am also working on de-EMFing my house.

Thanks Gigi for your reply. My hair is on its way to Eidon and I am upping the ante on the liquid minerals.

My gut feeling tells me the metabolic typing would just add more stress to the equation.

I know I'll be on the AI drops a while. As Robert Frost once said, "I have miles to go before I sleep."
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I had thought that it wasn't advisable to treat for parasites this early on. We are waiting for round 4 - are we far enough in to do a parasite cleanse?

Also - prior to a parasite cleanse - taking a food based mineral drink - is that just feeling the parasites?

Can someone reccomend a good parasite cleanse?

I'm also dealing with children - my 2 year old has diarhoea again.

RIght now we're giving the kids nutrabiotic and or oregano oil - depending on the day and the kid and what is easiest to get into them.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Premier Research Labs has a good parasite cleanse -- Paracidin for the big guys and Parastat for the amoebas and giardia . . . but you need to take gall bladder complex with the Paracidin to kill the eggs in the gall bladder duct and you need to support the kidneys as well. One definitely needs to muscle test for doseage on this and ask the co. to send directions. Parastat is a 30 day cleanse and sheets and clothing must be washed using Oxyclean to kill eggs.

With Parastat a castor oil pack needs to be done three times a week (with heat) over colon area -- this hatches the eggs so the Parastat can kill them. Again kidney support a must.

The reps at PRL are helpful but please be aware that the doses on this stuff is higher than one might imagine -- Humaworm twice a day? I don't think that does much. It may kill some bugs but it doesn't make much of an impact. Also psyllium contains gluten.

Good things,

Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
Has anyone had IVIG while using AI? Anyone have thoughts on that. It's "physical", not "homeopathic", but gosh, it's DNA from a bunch of other people put in your veins.

I am on the path to be starting IVIG soon, but did want to do AI.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Parasite treatment is probably not a good thing when barely started at AI.

I also would not use any killing agents, such as oregano oil or similar while doing AI. The natural forces of the body are taking over when doing AI and all else is too much.

I would Stick with binders, especially for children, such as chlorella. Pectin - make tasty deserts out of it. You can do this with a healthy juice every day or mixed into berries that are now fresh everywhere. You could make smoothies with chlorella in it - and apple juice an more fruits added.

Feeding children what they don't like backfires -- that has been my lifelong experience. It usually brings zero results.

AI is not supposed to be mixed with other therapies unless a doctor who can test or understands the protocol stands by.

If it were me, I definitely would not consider IVIG.

Take care.

No, I am not a doctor - and the decision is yours alone.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I just wanted to chime in that between the BioPure p. chlorella and LiverLife, my pain level has dropped more than 50%! It is really amazing. (I'm not endorsing products here...) Charcoal helped with bladder symptoms, but chlorella has really helped with flu-like aches and joint aches. LiverLife seems to be helping with the tinnitis too.

The chlorella I had gotten from WHole Foods was totally useless and I was in horrible metals-recirculating pain until I got the better chlorella. I feel almost human again!

Got a long way to go, but I had to shout out the good news of feeling so much better. I'm still sweating like crazy, but at least I'm not hindered by pain and exhaustion from too much pain.

Round #6 is going much more smoothly. Even my vision is a little better. I still have discomforts, but they are so much more do-able. Thank you Gigi, Nano, LP and everyone for stressing the importance of the binders and liver support!!!

Best to all,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, that makes me feel better too!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
That's great news wiser. I had a feeling the chlorella you had wasn't doing you any good.

So glad you are feeling better.

Happy Father's Day to the dads.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Hmmmm. Maybe I need to up the Chlorella?????

Anyone on the Bio Pure liquid or the Bio Ray stuff? the liquid sounds easier to digest.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
All Bioray stuff has other detox pushers in it, such as cilantro. You do not want to use anything that pushes more metals forcefully. You want only binders that bind what your body is now able to release.

For people who have never done effective detoxing to speak of and are still, as indicated by feeling miserable, very toxic, they should only be taking the chlorella tablets or powder at least three times a day, 1/2 hour b e f o r e the meal, plus - without fail - lots of chlorella of the same kind before going to bed.

Sometimes, if things are really feeling miserable, charcoal before bed - 3-4-5-6-7 capsules depending on how you feel and of course testing.

Liver Life is good for liver support. I would not do NDF or NDF plus if you have never detoxed for any length of time.

You should at least take a little hand full of chlorella when you feel out of sorts. 6-8 pills plus more.

Watch that you do not get constipated --- that would be counterproductive. Drink a tea or get some Trifal or meds from the chinese - anybody that sells some of the chinese herbal products helpful when constipated. Take digestive enzymes with it. You have got to capture the toxins or meet them again and again and again. That is the purpose for binders.

And throw in some Betasitosterol - it is not expensive and does a good job as a binder. And again the pectin that can easily be added to juices and does a good job binding.

B I N D E R S !

And/or use some of the clay products.

Take care.

P.S. The first thing Dr. K. would always tell me when I frantically called - "take a handful of chlorella - then we will talk". Please get the message. Sitting on your butt suffering is not the answer. Do something about it --- such as taking binders. If you don't do well with two chlorella - take ten. Read the Neurotoxin Elimination Protocol by Dr. K. - it's all over the internet.
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I wish I only knew then what I know now. Well, If I did I wouldn't have gone hiking on Shelter Island :} Okay,. the answer to the question is just up your dose when you feel like Hell. Gonna order mas more. THANKS
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
About the chorella, if it is so important, I need to ask for more details.

I know someone who used to have a machine that could test mercury levels in things. From this, I know that chlorella sold in health food stores, at least as of a few years ago, all has pretty high levels of mercury in it. I expect this is partly because it is good at soaking up mercury. But, it makes me wonder how helpful it is to take that stuff.

Anyone knowing that a particular chlorella has really helped them, I'd love to know what brand it is, where you purchased it.

wiseforit--Which of the BioPure do you use--the pyrenoidosa? How did you choose which kind, and how did you choose the BioPure brand? I don't see much information on their website regarding their products.

GiGi--Care to share what brand you have found so helpful? Do you consider the chlorella as a binder, or helpful for some other reason?

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Gigi - I wouldn't be taking any oregano oil or GSE or anything like that, but I've had a bout of vomiting 4 times in the past month. If it's giardia then what would you recomend I do instead?

The rest of my family has had symptoms - including my aunt who is not on AI - I can't do nothing. This last round of vomiting really scared me - the pain was indescribable and there was blood. My gut tells me that there's is something else going on - that needs attention now.

I understand that taking these things routinely isn't advised, but this feels like a crisis. I really want to do the right thing - and I don't know what that is.

I just know I can't keep on with violent vomiting once a week.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
And Lex - thanks for the recomendation for the cleanse- I'll hold off until I have a better idea of what is needed.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Skiesmama, please follow the advice of your doctor. This is not something to self-treat.

Hope you get through this quickly.

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
MichaelTampa --

I have read this AI Thread repeatedly and have gotten so much wonderful help and suggestions from the people on the thread.

I also attended a Dr. K conference in NYC -- which is where I got a BioPure flier -- and he spoke at length about the different types of chlorella.

Even though Gigi, NanaDubo and LP have talked to me about different support products, having the BioPure ad in my hand helped me visually piece their ideas together.

I was slow to follow-up on the chlorella advice and used an inferior brand that did not help me. Boy, do I regret that!

The pyrenoidosa is supposed to be a really good metal detox mopper. I've been warned that the vulgaris may be less harsh on the stomach yet not as strong a mopper of toxins as the pyrenoidosa. I am not an expert on any of this, since I'm new to it, but to date the pyrenoidosa hasn't bothered my stomach.

I am thankful, grateful and relieved!

Good luck in your path,

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
If I take too much cholrella will I hulk out or be able to march in teh Saint Patty's Day Parade [Smile]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

I learned in 1998 about chlorella from Dr. K. I think he is really the one who learned about this through his research and because he treats only the sickest people --

He searched for years for the cleanest chlorella. Much of chlorella is grown by many everywhere and then taken to a collecting point as is done with much of the fruit and the cattle in Chicago! You never know where it comes from and how it is grown. He searched and found this years ago, the same as he searched for years for the best organic garlic. Biopure carries some of the products that he recommends to patients. He cannot afford to take a chance on bad products because his patients would suffer. They are constantly tested for purity.

I will take his word for it any time, because following his advice - that is how I got well from Lyme.

But please feel free to check out other sources.
There must be others.

Take care.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
The BioRay site states that a very high percentage of the commercially available chlorella is contaminated with metals. As I recall, it was 6 out of 8 or so.

He doesn't recommend a brand of chlorella, however--only states that his products have chlorella in them that's been tested.

The only other site I've found making that claim is BioPure.

If anyone knows any others, it would be good to have the data.


Cass A
Posted by psr1 (Member # 22957) on :
I have seen SUN Chlorella recommended: does anybody have experience with that?
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
My daughter and I got our first round of drops today!


All of our test results are in the high yellow or red areas. Tons of energetic blockages in spine areas as well as subconscious and inherited blockages.

And of course, lots of recirculating toxins.
No surprise there.

Will start taking this afternoon.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Good luck, thejoje: hope you both do well on AI therapy.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Good news...welcome to the club thejoje and daughter! Let us know how you feel as you progress!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I have taken both Sun Chlorella and Biopure's various chlorella products. Both are good for me when I test. Recently I have been testing to use bioure's chlorella with electrolytes. They have different varieties to choose from. But I cannot verify purity, just going by what others recommended to me initially and what tests well energetically. So far so good.
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :

Yes, good luck!

I just paid for the therapy yesterday and also then sent in the sample. Curious how long it took you to get your drops from the time you sent in your sample?

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
It took 18 days from the time we sent in our samples, but I understand that there was a big German holiday in there somewhere.

Good luck to you too!
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
I'm out usually takes 15 days from the day I mail the new sample to the day I receive my new drops and brief report.

Probably a little longer for the first sample and for the extensive report to be produced.

Good luck!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
We have been doing 14 bottles and not one of them arrived within the same time frame as the next.
Mail within Germany takes one day. Mail between US and Germany can take as long as 25 days to 4 days. The US Postal Service and DHL (now only in Europe, no longer in the US) do not work well together. I guess we will have to live with it as is. We basically think of doing one bottle per month if you mail your saliva sample in on day 15. That cuts it close, but it averages out in the long run.

Take care.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
How far into the AI protocol should one consider doing a parasite cleanse?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Since I have no idea what your situation with toxic levels (metals, chemicals, leaky gut problems) is, I would think relax and see what happens. Usually parasites are showing up when metals are starting to move. It depends how dysregulations have affected you. You can probably tell by your first test, and how much work your body now has to do to clear the errors. One thing at a time -- this is not the time to add more of a load. It's best in the beginning to just role with it and depending on your condition to add binders and liquids.

Take care.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Hi all. Just taking a quick poll here. My test results showed 23 spinal energetic blockages. Daughter has 24.

Is this in the very abnormal category, or do most of you have quite a few blockages as well?

Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
My 1st report showed 9 spinal blockages.

Bottle #12 arrived today: 12 energetic blockades.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
It always sounds like everyone is blocked, allergic to everything, etc.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seekhelp, that is how all the problems started. Nothing in the body was working any longer and the immune system's gone to sleep.

This therapy changes that.

I just sent in for my grandchildren and daughters-in-law! One of my boys just finished the therapy and now the others get the message. Why suffer?
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Just completed Round #6 and have sent saliva sample.

Did anyone experience feeling overheated and dizzy-ish all the time? I'm not sweating as much, but feel overwhelmingly hot even in airconditioning!

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
thejoje - I had 9 blockages in the spine. 3 lumbar which were involved in compression fractures.

wiser - my ND told me a long time ago that my feeling of feeling overheated related to too much liver heat (Chinese medicine).
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
NanaDubo -- I started taking Liver Life and am up to a whopping 5 drops a day (not so whopping, I know..) Do you think that is tweaking the old Liver Heat? Should I back off a bit? I have a nagging back of head ache too with this.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I just purchased Beta-Sitosterol -- which lists 392 mg Beta-Sitosterol, 200 mg. Campesterol and 144 mg Stigmasterol.

Haven't opened it yet since the other two ingredients besides beta were unknowns to me. The brand is manufactured by NOW BRANDS... the only brand the store had.

Suggested usage is 2 caps 3 times daily with meals.

Anyone familiar with this?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

As a whole we have 7 Cervical vertebrae

We have 12 Thoracic Vertebrae

We have 5 Lumbar vertebrae

Totaling together 24 vertrebrae in all

If your test shows C4 - 7: that means what you have a blockage in C4, 5, 6, &7 = 4 blockages

If your test also shows TH9 - 12: that means you have a blockage in thoracic 9, 10, 11, &12 = or 4 blockages

If your test also shows L4 - 5: that means you have a blockage in L4 and L5 = 2 blockages

Red x in Steissbein = 1 blockage

Red x in Kreuzbein = 1 blockage

Totaling 12 energetic blockages in the spine. These are energetic blockages which disturb the flow of energy and thereby generating pain symptoms

This is how it was explained to me. Just insert your numbers and you will get the total.

I have often heard that emotions are stored in the spine. I have also heard that memory of pain is stored in the spine. Probably a mix of both.
In any case, the polarity was corrected in this area with your first bottle and the releases should follow. That is my interpretation of it, but the explanation of the numbers are from AI.

Take care.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Patricia Kane's Elyte company sells a chlorella that is made in a test tube in Germany -- she claims it's the purest on the planet but alas, it contains mag stearate!

Has anyone tried Chitopower? It's supposed to be the most powerful type of chitosan, passes blood brain barrier, grabs the bacteria and takes it out the colon. I spoke to a distributor who had MS/Lyme and used to fall when she tried to walk but she said the Chitopower is what did it for her. I have started taking it two hours after raw egg yolks. If you tell the co. that you have Lyme, they'll give a discount.

Is anyone else taking raw egg yolks? Dr. K. said in his ART I DVD that the German remedy for heavy metals is 6 a day. Natural phospholid therapy.

I don't think there is any chlorella sold in a health food store that is really safe to take no matter how cute the packaging might be.

One last question, anyone using the Takara foot pads? I really like them. They are available on Amazon.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, The ingredients all seem to be the same in the different brands. I used Pharmax when I still needed them. Now was always a good brand. Compare size and price and you should be okay.
If you find one without Mag stearate (to avoid more biofilm), I would pick that one. But I have not found one yet.

Be sure that you do not get constipated with any of the binders.

And I used to take more than just one. Wish you could learn to test yourself.

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi Gigi --

Thanks about the binders and the beta. I've been using Vern's bobber every day on everything I take. It's getting a little easier, but I'm not trusting it entirely yet.

I'll try the beta tomorrow; the bobber likes it for me today.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, I forgot - take the betasito one half hour before meals and at bedtime. Not with the meal!
And it is a good idea to always alternate with other binders, so the body does not start to turn against it.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks for the spinal info. I get it now. Daughter and I are both loaded with these blockages and glad to get the polarity corrected in this round.

By the way, how do we know what gets corrected in which round?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
thejoje, Everythingthat is marked in the first 16 page report has been corrected. All of them. Now the immune systems starts to recognize that good wheat is good wheat, that metals neeed to be detoxed, and that fungi needs to be recgonized as for what it is, some good, some badf. The leaky gut caused by any of these dysregulations, however, needs time to heal and the toxins will start to move. If you give it the proper support, liquids, etc. and rebuilding of your mineral base which is most likely not in the best shape because of malabsorption, you should start to feel better. Finding out what you are missing is important, because if you do not have the good minerals, you can't get rid of the bad ones (toxic metals/minerals).

When you get your next test back and it tells you a certain number of chemicals and/or blockages found, that means they were corrected. Some of the chemicals may play a part in many of the foods you eat or have eaten, and it may take time to find all that your body cannot deal with. Hayfever is not caused by pollen, but by chemicals in/on the pollen. That is why it will take probably a numbr of test/bottles to clean up and correct all the errors in your DNA. So it is a slow process, because not all can be found and corrected at one time. The body cannot handle all at once - the organs could not deal with all the fallout. You will be able to tell when your body is working hard when you get tired more easily and need more down time.

In short, whatever is found at the time of testing, is being corrected at the same time. It's like moving a switch, i.e. changing the polarity from minus to plus or vice versa, whatever it is supposed to be. Some day I am going to go overthere and watch it being done. The drops are infused with the correct frequency/polarity and your body makes note of it when you drink them. Energy medicine at its best. Energy first, then biochemistry. It's easier to understand why some people know to bless their food before they eat.

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wiser - I don't know if Liverlife cranks up the heat or not. I still use it sometimes but am taking a combo of Chinese herbs specifically for the heat issue.

If you built up to 5, maybe try backing down to 4 for awhile.

Headaches can be liver related but can also be a million other things. If you are releasing metals there can be aches and pains.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Very encouraging information, Gigi. It helps me to be more positive now that I know that my polarity errors are being corrected with every drop I take.

I've started to get blisters on the tops of my knuckles. I'm assuming that there's nasty stuff inside.
(I'm very tempted to pop them so they don't get reabsorbed.)
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Quick questions: Do metals get released in a certain order? For example, alumunum among the first and mercury last?

My hair analysis showed some release of aluminum and arsenic some time ago, but my biotensor has never wanted chorella even with the release of arsenic and aluminum. Now it is wanting it big time and I am wondering if mercury is coming out now as well? It would be great if this were the case as I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

However, the chorella is doing a number on my stomach!

Also intersting that AI did not show aluminum or arsenic as a problem.

Thanks. Lee

[ 06-26-2010, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Lee ]
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
WE got our 4th round of drops yesterday - I'm wondering if I should wait to take them. I'm taking grapefruit seed extract 3 times a day in hopes of ending the whole vomitting weekly/ possible giardia thing. I need to take it this way for 3 straight weeks - I'm about 8 days in.

I understand that standard antibiotics can affect AI - but what about natural remedies - same thing?

I know it's not ideal - under the circumstances tho it seems the best option to start with - and much better than taking regular antibiotics. Just wondering how to proceed with the drops now.


Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Heather, if you're in any doubt, I would say leave the drops for the moment: they won't come to any harm and at least you'll know that they are out of the equation, so to speak.

I have 'sat' on my 9th round of AI because I was going away for a week and then, when I got back, I had a bad return of heart symptoms [similar to last summer, when I became suddenly hyperthyroid whilst on thyroid meds; now I'm off all thyroid meds ,so can't really blame them for my heart symptoms!].

I had to start a beta-blocker[and aspirin] a week ago whilst waiting for a 7 day holter [yum] and a reappraisal from the cardiologist. I am feeling much better on the beta-blocker after a few days of extra fatigue, nausea etc, so am very relieved and hope to restart AI next week.

It really sounds as if you have enough to contend with in short term and you will be able to feel more wholehearted about the drops when you resume....just my opinion, of course!

Best Wishes and I hope for a speedy improvement in your current sickness,

Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Hi Heather, I agree w/ Carry --you can take a break from AI if you have a pressing health concern... Hope the pain/vomiting ends soon.

HUGS to you, A & the kids.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Skies, the drops won't run away. But see a doctor and find out what it is. I would not touch grapefruit seed extract. It is not exactly an easy medicine and may be completely wrong if your doctor finds a different cause. Pain and vomiting is serious enough to make sure.

When an acute infection arises, I would do what
my medical doctor recommends. You will find this remark all over the AI website.

Don't wait around and don't guess. Get checked.

All the best to you.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I did go to the Dr - I'm still waiting for the test results - but i've read that giardia often doesn't show up on the first test, or even the 2nd. I've had really good success with GSE in the past - I'm also playing it by ear. The Dr was pretty sure it was giardia. I was reading too that giardia can attach in the bile duct mimicking gall bladder pain - which is what the pain felt like it might be. I have had one more round of vomiting since I started the GSE - and it was much much quicker - just two times vomiting that time and then a good nap and I was eating again no problem within a couple of hours. Apparently you need to give the natural treatment a good 3 weeks to make sure you get through the lifecycle 3 tiems to make sure you get it all.

THe Drs aren't going to prescribe anything until I get a positive test, so it's best to start now - that way I can possibly avoid the drugs.

I guess I'll hold off on the drops then for now, until I know better what is going on.

Drs can never figure out what is going on with me - I always end up having to figure it out myself, so I'm not really holding my breath in that department. I have a pretty good track record for figuring out health issues for myself and my kids, so I'm not really worried.

Thanks [Smile]

And thanks for the hugs Zombie [Smile] You too [Smile]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lee you wrote -
"However, the chorella is doing a number on my stomach!"

Are you not digesting it well?

I let my chlorella dissolve in water and and drink it. That seems to help. I also sometimes chase it with some magnesium (per ND) to make sure it keeps moving.

Heather - hope you are feeling better soon.

Anyone hear from Runner? No word for quite awhile.
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Hi Nana and Gigi, I am here...I have had on and off internet connection...and went to florida for a while to visit my mom.

I continue to detoxify. and still am up against a few challenges.

Nana, that is a great idea aobut letting the chlorella dissolve in watter!

I rely alot of the microsilica and i cannot tolerate chlorella very well. lead seems to be a big issue for i am working on that and in the background is mercury.

i tested clear according to AI about two months ago, and it is soon time to send in another sample.

hope all is well! ineed to catch up a bit on my reading here :-)
Posted by zombie (Member # 23294) on :
Not everyone tolerates chlorella. I don't, that's for sure.

If something makes me feel ill, I avoid it!
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I'm having a rather strange symptom. WOndering if anyone can chime in. maybe it's just stress or the full moonh.

Sometimes, my jaw with clamp down for no reason. Chomp down hard, bear trap style like an involultary muscle spasm. This is rare, but I sleep with a mouth guard just in case it happens at night.

I was eating something today that required a wide mouth and a lot of chewing and twice I seemed to clamp down extra hard really hurting my teeth. I'm afraid to chew right now in case it happens again. Why is this happening?

I've had so many weird, surreal symptoms but this one is taking the cake.

Any suggestions????
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
tmj, the muscles around the mastoid get really really tight and this can happen, almost liek they spasm.
correcting this with a reputable dentist can make a big difference, even in brain functioning
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
does anyone take phosphorus?
Posted by n.northernlights (Member # 17934) on :
I started AI.

9 in spine,
9 inherited traumas,
6 traumas plus
birth trauma.

all four genetic toxins (those which the homeopathic books list)

cow�s milk, gluten, soy, corn.
I did not know about the corn but I am very very intolerant of gluten and most gf mixes do have corn here...

5 things in the red
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
n.northernlights, it's a good thing you started AI. With patience, you will start to feel better, I am sure.

Runner, Phosphorus is in one of the Biopure electrolites. I use it in the Rehydration Cocktail. Just check the details.

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
n.nothernlights - you didn't mention any metals, where there any checked off?
Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
I got my ninth round yestersday. Oy. I think they found more junk than before.

12 Chemicals, 7 energenics and 4 biological.
Posted by n.northernlights (Member # 17934) on :
yes, metals and I keep recycling metals.

I think most people have problems with metals, don�t they?

I amn not really sick with lyme, but my mother has the symptoms and she even tested positive, and she has the anxiety, and she even went to court against me and my sister.

I do not want to turn out like her, I might have gotten it congenitally. I have the gluten intolerance without diagnosis of celiac, and I have had periods of fatigue, and I have pain in my spine and shoulders.

So AI made sense for me.
I have tried other alternative medicine but none did anything dramatic.

I read that for alternative medicine to work, one must stay hydrated, and sleep enough hours, and several other musts.
I am not good at drinking liquids and I do not sleep enough, I must be more diligent now I try AI.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I went to an ART practitioner this morning; she found Borrellia in liver and right foot (that explains the constant tingling and pain in the arch). She tested the drops which are great for thyroid and many other things but not for the borrellia. We tested just about every product we could think of and what she came up with was
intravenous antibiotics. Immediately the hair on my arms stood up. Told her I can't continue with the drops if I do the antibiotics and yatta yatta.

Gigi, what are your thoughts? I am not going to take the antibiotics. The only things I brought that tested okay were my minerals and M water as well as pectin and charcoal.

We ended the session with PK where I went into a deep yin state. She said she could not test any further to see if that did anything with the borrellia/liver.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Re health food store chlorella, in an old DVD Dr. K said he used Sunshine chlorella but NOT Sun Chlorella. It would seem that at least one of the chlorellas in the BioPure test kit would test well for nearly anyone who needs chlorella.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Not to jump ahead of your question lex, but thought I'd just write when I had time.

My leaky gut is soooo much worse :-( Ever since I had that bad reaction after the colonic I have had more exaggerated symptoms to things I was already allergic to and then tons of new food allergies suddenly like organic baked chidken...have an appointment with Dr. K Wednesday and am so hoping that he has a suggestion. I was hoping that all of this time and money would help things and not make them worse.
Am confident it has nothing to do with AI, but sad it is headed in the wrong direction.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
chicken is one of the hardest meats to digest. One needs the right enzymes to break it down.

Sometimes what seems like a set back is really a fork in the road.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Does chlorella bind with medications. I know it does not deplete minerals, but does it bind with drugs?

I take klonopin twice a day and have to watch when I take binders like pectin or activated charcoal.

Anybody tried Mercola's chlorella? Not much info given about it on the site I saw, but his office is close to where I live. My credit card can only stretch so far and Biopure is expensive for me.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, I had been a Klinghardt patient for a few years and never ever did he direct resonance test my liver or foot or any other body part for Borrelia, i.e. say "this is where the bug is". Even if you test for any of the remedies, that does not mean you have that particular disease.

Artemesinin for instance tests beautifully for biofilm. It does not mean you have Babesia.

It sounds as if she does not understand Allergie Immun. AI does not search or treat specific diseases. All it does is an attempt to find the errors that have crept onto your DNA in an effort to start to awaken your immune system. Even the memory of a disease is engraved in the DNA if you have thought of it long enough - the fear alone!

The toxic metals are usually also in the feet (gravity) and who knows what actually causes your tingles? Neurosymptoms are much alike and telling them apart is like throwing darts in the dark, no matter what people say.

Of course it is up to you to decide, but antibiotics and AI do not belong together, and only if I had a really acute problem would I consider doing abx while stopping AI. Read the Information for Clients booklet by AI.

I am not so sure that with ART we are not also testing for the neurotoxins/dead proteins of the microorganisms. Who says it is a life bacteria?
I bring that question up to Dr.K. whenever I have a chance, as well as to other ART practitioners, and they pretty much agree - not sure;
could be neurotoxins from dead organisms. Neurotoxins can hang around for a long time, especially if the immune system has gone to sleep. It is the neurotoxins that give us the pain, not the bacteria, etc.
It's the neurotoxins the fungi produces that bother us - not the organism.

Some people who were on AI did for other reasons go back on abx or other strong meds, and they had to wait a few month before AI could test again for another bottle.
If she doesn't understand AI, she as your doctor should at least make the attempt to learn how it works.

I know you will make the decision best for you.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Gettinghealthy, what else are you doing besides AI? If you are doing some of Dr. K.'s regimens, I can see where you are possibly doing too much.
The body can only tolerate so much.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I am not sure about Klonopin, etc.
Binders are supposed to be taken at least 1/2 hour before meals and then again before bedtime. I would take it away from binders. Ask your doctor to make sure.

Mercola has been in this metal detox thing for many years and I am sure he carries good chlorella.

Take care.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
One other question, Gigi (or others) that you might be able to answer for me?

I know Dr. K has recommended cilantro with chlorella in the past, but I don't know if he still does and cilantro really scares me as I believe it can cross the blood brain barrier and redistribute metals back into the brain.

Your thoughts?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lee, cilantro should for the reasons you mentioned only be taken at certain times; i.e. when the lower body regions, gut, etc. has been treated for metals, and metals from the brain and central nervous system can then be more easily eliminated. In other words, timing of cilantro has to be right. After doing AI amd correcting the allergies to metals, you probably will be able to detox toxic metals much easier.

Of course, Dr.K. still uses these agents, because there are not too many natural ones to pick from.
But he is guiding the patient.

Take care.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
The only things I am doing are binders (that is what I tested for with him last time I saw him) so things like CGF, microsilica, chlorella, charcoal (only when really moving metals) and then Quintessence and Curcumin. That is absolutely it and it doesn't seem like that should have caused this.
I wonder if the colonic caused the hole in my gut (leaky gut) to be bigger?
Not sure if I'm being naive on leaky gut, but that is the only explanation I can come up with. I am barely able to eat anything anymore or I bloat and get awful headaches and I thought I was on the road to recovery!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
GettinH, I would avoid Quintessence. Those are antimicrobials and you are probably too early in AI to do much of that. I recall you also did the Artemisinin. I probably would also not do microsilica. There were many times when we would not take it when testing every day. There are days when we do not take anything at all, but an innocent binder. I also went very slowly and not until about bottle #11 before my husband did KPU/Core. I am even reducing that now because for some people too much is simply too much. You should not be hurting like this.

I am sure you will be fine, but lay off for a while. It will only set you back if you hurt like that. I don't think leaky gut works like that. On the other hand, don't overdo colonics either.

There is no way to get done any faster - your body needs its time. There is also a reason why HG recommends to take it easy and not add other anti's to the drops. The body is very busy dealing with what has accumulated over many years.
Dr.K. has been detoxing for years and years - we are new at this!

Take care.

P.S. Curcumin can have side effects! So I would not use that either right now. Read up on it - I just did, because I have not used it much and am not really familiar with it.

P.P.S. Lex is right - was 13.l on the AI test marked - your Enzyme production? That also takes time to regulate.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Having a way to test daily or many times a day has been a huge help for me.

I hung on to a Core capsule for many months and did not test for it until I had been on AI for a year (9-10 rounds).

Same with microsilica. Got some at a conference and never tested positively for it until around the same time. Took it for a week, then not for several weeks, a day here and there and then didn't test for it for months.

We might test very nicely for something in the office but doesn't mean that AI is not trying to correct the same issue and it becomes too much.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Thank you so much for the insight as I assumed that all of the things I mentioned were just helping to support or absorb what was coming out thanks to AI....perhaps Wednesday I can ask Dr G to help me to learn to test myself?

Gigi, you are right I was still taking Albenza and Artemensinin too maybe my body was releasing too much and not able to get rid of it fast enough.

I'm sure I will find out more Wednesday. It is just difficult for me because I feel very lucky to have gotten "in" to see Dr. K and don't want to lose my 'spot' if you know what I mean by taking a break to do AI, but perhaps this time Dr K will understand more about AI and will help me through my gut issues first and foremost.

As of today I'm going to try to avoid all food except for some rice to give my body a break from being so inflamed. Last night I couldn't sleep all night because of a raging headache that I know was a result of my dinner of organic chicken and vegetables.

It is too bad that my body is allergic to so many of the good foods.

Thanks again for your help.

I will keep you posted.

PS Yes, 13.1 enzymes was checked as well as 12.1 for thyroid (I have hashimoto's) and pancreas..
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
FYI: about chlorella. I called Mercola's office today and they said their chlorella was Chlorella vulgaris not Chlorella pyrenoidosa.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

In one of Dr. K's DVDs he puts the borrellia vial on different parts of the body on a patient -- when he places it near the patient's jaw, she tests weak.
He said the borrellia is not getting in there but after tapping and the correct remedy it no longer tested weak.

When a patient is on AI, does Dr. K test differently? My new practitioner is interested in the drops and tested the drops against the viruses found in thyroid and the response was that the drops help the viruses clear.

Trust me, I am not going to run out and get IV antibiotics -- I am sticking to the AI.

The only Lyme vial that tested positively for me was borrellia -- no coinfections. Another ART practitioner two weeks ago only found borrellia. I am trying to find a practitioner who is up to date with this stuff but it seems that even Dr. K is starting to incorporate AI.
Posted by UnexpectedIlls (Member # 15144) on :
Has this AI actually helped anyone? I am trying my best to skim through this.. but I have massive EMF sensitivyt so it is a little difficult.

I have nasty 24/7 neruo symptoms that keep me bed and home bound.. i have been to over 50 doctors, hospital, etc... no can can figure this out.. i am now seeing a klinghardt trained Dr. .. but I am not sure how much he is going to help me.

I am suffering severly and 24/7.. I cannot even take care o fmy own children...

If this has helped anyone PLEASE tell me... I am running out of options..

Thank you!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Curcumin/turmeric is powerful; it IS used in treating Lyme. The newest brand is ENHANSA which is nanonized and it's important to really go slow with it. Die off can be severe. I believe Dr. K uses it in clinic. When I got on AI, I stopped Enhansa and anything that can create additional herxes.

Gigi, I really appreciate all your views/experiences/information. I just wish I trusted my own muscle testing on myself --
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Unexpected, people definitely get rid of horrible allergies and dysregulations. If your body cannot regulate as it should, the immune system is asleep, your body is in stress because it cannot regulate the autonomic nervous system normally - you have to start somewhere. AI is a good place to start. Then see what happens.

Eliminating any toxic metals is very difficult if you are allergic to them. I don't know which one of the many all Lyme people seem to come up with is the worst. Probably the wheat, because it ruins your absorption abilities. And if you cannot absorb your food - what is left. You certainly can eat all the supplements you want and they will not get you out of the hole.

All I can say, if I had known about the existence of AI, I would have done this therapy before all others. What follows after AI, is a totally different ballgame because you will get back a functional immune system if you are patient and stick with it.

I am the only one in my family who had Lyme and I gave it to my husband. No one else has Lyme. But they are all starting to do AI - because they all, everyone of them has allergies, that do not get better over time, and only get worse.

I can only encourage you.

Take care.

I think I have corresponded with your before privately. Somehow your name rings a bell.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Micromineral question here.

Does anyone get specific body pain whenever they take the microminerals from Biopure?

I have never had hip pain before, but all of a sudden, when I sarted to take 1 tsp of micromin with my meals (after having taken about 10 chlorella 30 min before the meal), my right hip explodes in pain several hours afterward and I have trouble walking.

At first I didn't see the connection. But when I eliminate the microminerals, I have no hip pain and all is normal.

I do my own version of muscle testing on these minerals, and I always test very strong.

I know I am depleted in minerals and need them desperately. It makes me sick not to be able to take them.

Any suggestions????
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
thejoje...minerals cause your body to detox the metals...because the metals are sitting where the minerals should be. You are kicking them out of their hiding place with the minerals, I have been told. I actually visualize that when I take minerals...feels like I'm going to battle with those invaders.

But sometimes that change over does not feel so good.

Suggestion: You may want to try to test for some other binders when this is may want to help mop up what is moving if it is too painful to take.

I recently tested to take green clay for two days...after two weeks of very bad lower back pain. didn't test to take the clay before...but tested for items that confirmed to me what was happening...moving loads of metals and other things that live with metals. Took chlorella off and on...but it did nothing for the pain at the time, just it was wanted by my I am sure it helped move debris out from other areas...not necessarily from the spine where the pain was...I think metals move from loads of places...when they move.

For me, by adding that different binder at that time, helped clean it up. Am not testing for it now at all...feeling great!

My thought after completing that things are moving naturally now...and when the pains come...its a sign of the movement...not a sign to kill some more...even if I test for parasites or viruses, or bacteria....but a sign to mop up naturally...and let nature take its course.

It feels like old things stored in deep places that before were untouchable, are now leaving.

I am grateful for what many of you have shared about binders as well as the support and hand holding while going thru these mini crisis.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Aches and pains -- just a suggestion -- when you're feeling an ache, why not use Omura's hand diagram?
Or you can use Koryo Hand therapy. Look up where the organ is on the hand and massage with a pencil eraser.

When you're taking your minerals, go to part on hand where the hip pain is and massage to send energy there.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, I will not comment on Dr.K.'s testing techniques. Every practitioner has their own methods, and to explain the different acts you have seen on videos and CD's is way too complicated. It is even hard to follow if you sit right there watching every detail unless doing it oneself. I have attended most seminars over the last 12 years, here and some abroad.
Nothing in medicine is black and white. Once you understand that you are ahead of the game.

Even a practitioners "powerful" appearance can affect the testing results. Testing oneself is difficult when autonomics are super sensitive. My husband used to slip back from blocked to unblocked in seconds and testing is only accurate if you know or can determine the difference.

Dr. K. to my knowledge does not use a borrelia vial. He uses different test material for Borrelia and co-infections. So whatever you saw him use, may have been fir a different reason.

The AI drops do not contain any anti-remedies or supporting meds. They only contain the specific polarity frequencies to correct the errors found in the DNA for that particular round of testing.
If they test well overall, that is of course a good sign. But they do not specifically address microorganisms, etc.

Dr.K. does not test any different if a patient is on AI. But I was told that testing is easier and "cleaner" because some of the chaos in the ANS has been cleared by the AI therapy. Sick, really sick people's autonomics are in a mess. Just listen to some of the sick people on LN! Lymed people are often difficult - don't we all know that???

But sometimes it is not Lyme. Just messed up autonomics.

Take care.

P.S. The tester has to be healthy and with open regulation/cleared. If he/she has similar problems as the patient, but is not aware of it to clear before testing, the results are not conclusive. In other words, the tester has to be healthier than the patient or at least a step ahead.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks for the great suggestions. I do have some clay on hand. do you think I could take it during the day? I've read somewhere that it should only be taken at night.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Again Gigi thanks for your wise comments.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
UnexpectedIlls - yes, AI therapy helped me tremendously. I too would have done it before anything else had I known about it.

I no longer have any food allergies, my gut is healing, the metals are leaving, neurotoxins are leaving - it is a huge milestone to rid a lot of the chaos in the body.

I am not having to take much of anything for all these things to leave. Just supplementing minerals at this point (and binders for mop up).

I completed AI after 10 or 11 rounds which took about 14 months. The before and after test results of blocked organs, unrecognized toxins, etc. etc., have all changed quite dramatically.

I am very pleased with the results.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Would all of you agree that chlorella does not soak up all metals?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Premier Research Labs sells ultra pure products.
They use a machine to test for toxicity in all the raw materials that they receive and if they have just a hint of toxins they are sent back. I understand that Dr. K's clinic uses PRL products and from what I've been told from one of the employees, they always test rock solid. So I would test their chlorella. They also have Heavy Metal Nano which is a liquid.

PRL uses their own testing technique called QRA which I used to practice religiously but my complaint about that system is that it doesn't take into consideration bioregulation or the lack thereof. The protocols backfired on me twice.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I haven't been posting on this thread for a while now, as I was told I was complete, and didn't agree. I just sent in another sample to AI for re-testing.

However, I wanted to comment on CHLORELLA. I finally decided to follow up on the BioRay data that such a high percentage of chlorella products were contaminated with heavy metals.

I'm in the middle of my research, but wanted to pass on what I have found out so far.

I called BioRay, and their product specialist told me that the chlorella from BioPure is "clean."

Swanson Chlorella has test results for cadmium, lead, arsenic, and mercury. The USP limits per day for these elements are 5.5 micrograms per day for cadmium, 10 micrograms per day for lead, 15 micrograms for arsenic, and 15 micrograms for mercury.

Swanson Chlorella, in one gram (about 1/3 of the usual dose if one is doing a heavy metal detox) is 4.1 micrograms of cadmium, less than 2.75 micrograms of lead, 10 micrograms of arsenic, and .03 micrograms of mercury. These levels are obviously unacceptable.

I've asked for test data from Source Naturals and Earthrise. I'd recommend asking for test results from any brand you're taking. And, when you get them, please send them to me (the original document, if possible) at [email protected], as I'm compiling the data to post here.


Cass A
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
That's good to know Cass - thanks for looking into that. Glad I have stuck with BioPure.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thank you for the work, Cass A and I look forward to hearing how you get on with your latest AI test,

all the best,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Thanks Cass; I will spread the word . . . good of your to share.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Chlorella is grown mostly in Asia by many and taken to a collective where it is then put out for bid just like the grain, lifestock is in the US, apples, oranges, all. Where does the stuff come from and how is it grown?

That is why it took DK years to find a source that is not involved in this type of situation. The chlorella has to be grown under the best conditions and is repeatedly analyzed for purity. Yes, you can write to the companies who sell chlorella and ask to get a copy of that analysis.

The similar problem exists with garlic. By nature garlic absorbs the metals and other toxins - which is the reason we use it, not only for the aroma. If it is grown in a field that has been soaked with pesticides, insecticides, etc., It is already loaded before you pay good money for it. I do not touch chinese garlic. It took DK and a manufacturer many month to find a farmer, a field, that was not contaminated to grow organic garlic. It takes years for the contaminants to be cleared, if ever.
That is why it is more expensive.

I trust the Biopure products because I know they are closely, very closely supervised by the practitioners who use it. If DK's patients can't get better which would become very obvious quickly by ART testing, before the product is even used (because the body would decline it before use), why would they jeopardize their patients.

So check around - I really believe in pinching pennies, but in this case it doesn't pay.

Thank you, Cass.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I just wanted to provide an update as I just got home from my appt. with Dr K. The reason that I have increased food allergies is that my ileocecal valve in my colon is not working properly so it's allowing waste to come back into my system. Has anyone ever experienced this?

He gave me some things to try as well as said worse case I could travel to a chiropractor to have them make adjustments that would help.

He also said to write to HG and let him know that my allergies have gotten worse.

I hope there is indeed a fix to this as it seems like this is a very important function in the body!

But, on the bright side at least maybe there's an answer as to why they are getting worse :-)
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Thanks for sharing. What has he suggested to try?

Posted by hobokinite (Member # 6132) on :
Do an internet search on ileocecal valve massages. These help. I think Hiatal hernia probs come from this too.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
He recommended ketotifen, chlorophyll perles and Liver Nano detox.

Also, he said my gall bladder was really not doing well so when I mentioned that a long time ago I had done Hulda Clark's liver flush and got tons and tons of flukes out he said to definitely do that again.

Has anyone done this? It says to not drink or eat after 2PM but I really think that would be dehydrating (I mentioned I didn't think my kidneys liked the flush, but he tested my kidneys and looked at test results and said they could handle it).....I want to try to drink some water this time.

Also, it was interesting to note that on my Allergie-Immun results it noted C7, T10-12 and L4,5 and a lot of those have to do with the Ileocecal valve!

Dr. K said to email HG with the updates of what he found.

What I'm worried about is that a lot of this can be caused from eating "raw" and trying to eat healthy foods (seeds, etc.) (when this first started to bother me was ironically when I had tried the vegetarian diet!) am wondering if It'll get better and then can resume eating raw things or if I will always have to be careful...

Also, wondering about colonics. He recommended doing colonics that were with the bigger tube and someone is there the whole time (can't remember the name) versus the one where it's with a machine and the person is in and out. I have read that the only safe colonic is a gravity fed one (similar to an enema) which, I believe, is the one that someone comes in and out. Any thoughts?

Anyway, he also upped the amount of parasite drugs that I should be taking because he said that is still a huge issue and could be causing this as well.

Meanwhile I still can't eat much, but he said that sometimes we have to get worse before we get better.

He also said that it takes time (like peeling an onion) to learn what is really the underlying cause of something and we are getting closer.

So there's hope!

Off to email HG :-)

Thanks Hobokinite I will search that!
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Quick update. Seem to be done with this wave of toxins. Went from craving chlorella and binders to not wanting any. Confirmed by energy testing.

My reliable energy tester also confirmed (she did not know my results of my blood and saliva tests) that I am low in progesterone and estrogen dominant. That might explain my insomnia.

Still have some digestive issues and gut issues, but am over 99% healed. God is good.

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
question on energy healing: I am done with AI (will resubmit a sample to make sure in a few weeks).

Would energy healing interfere with AI now?

My energy tester feels that opening up the chakras might help release more toxins. It certainly did a few years when I went to an energy healer--herxed like crazy.

Anyway do energy healing and post AI mix? (finished my last round of AI at the end of April)

Have made a lot of progress since then--especially after I relearned to walk with the "cross walk" correctly.


[ 07-01-2010, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Lee ]
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Just listened to Dr. K's ART II DVD where he said that people with leaky gut should use caution with clay.

Gettinhealthy, have you done any emotional work
for the allergies? Family systems work?

After my PK session on Sunday, boy did that dump the stuff -- I have felt lousy ever since. She used the blue glasses and I assume the hand movements/eye movements contacted areas in the brain with stores of neurotoxins.

I am so happy for those of you who can have personal sessions with Dr. K. Those of us from out of town, if we do get an appt., have to see one of his assistants. So I keep reminding myself I'm on the AI drops and am trying to take Dr. K's advice when he says give your illness one hour a day and your life the other 23.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I did try one session with the allergy antidote specialist that Dr K recommended, but it was over the phone and there was a delay so it was a bit diffucult to do.

I have not tried the family systems work.

I feel very lucky that I get to see Dr. K.

His assistants are amazing as well.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Could you elaborate about the leaky gut/clay caution issue?

I'm sure that most of us have gut issues and am surprised that the clay caution has not come up before now.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I attended the seminar...where Dr. K said that all clays contain aluminum...some higher levels than others. Green clay contains the least amount of aluminum..he said.

Dr. K recommends to only use the green clay for no more than a month. As clay will slip through the leaky gut into your system. Clay can be beneficial in the short term, when needed as a binding agent.

I always test t see when I need it...and for me, its only a day or two, after using other binders. It appears to me that timing is important when using clays.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
It looks like lightparfait answered the question about the clay. K said that MOST people do okay with green clay, but there's that magic word MOST. I usually don't fall into that category.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Clay --- with leaky gut - the texture alone - sort of sandy - may not feel all that great leaking through the gut into the bloodstream. We do have to use common sense. I don't think I would be using it more than ONCE a month.

I have never used it internally, except years ago with Arise& Shine, long before Lyme, and
after a wasp sting, or other skin impurity.

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Lee, I can't answer your question, but would like to congratulate you on your improvements; that's great news,

all the best,

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Oh shoot!
I am so sorry to hear about the clay containing aluminum. It had been working so well for me in alleviating my morning headache as I took it right before bed. [Frown] [Frown] [Frown]

Thanks to all for the info. I, too, fall into the "exception to every rule" category.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Dr. K. still recommends clay...but not to take too much of it. Says a little aluminum in the clay for short periods of time will not harm...especially if you do not have the leaky gut it should not be absorbed by the body nor be an issue.

The problem comes with the leaky gut and clay and many other things.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I wonder how many people who are doing treatments like this *don't* have leaky gut these days [Wink] It's pretty common- and likely a given with anyone who is struggling with their health right?

I don't want to speak too soon, but I think I've kicked the giardia or whatever it was - it's been over 10 days now with no symptoms other than occasional mild nausea which is sometimes an issue for me anyway.

My husband is still getting lots of big whiteheads on his legs. More actually.

My oldest daughter is very excited to start the next round - she doesn't have any obvious to her symptoms from eating wheat anymore - which is quite amazing considering it used to trigger rages, migraines, swollen painful knees, insomnia, and acne breakouts. It was very obvious when she ate it once we'd cut it out for a while.

It feels good to be moving forward even if it does feel slow at times - I'm good with slow [Wink] I know that there are huge changes happening under the surface, so I can be patient. There are other changes too that are more difficult to word with my other kids.

I'm so pleased to be able to do this [Smile]
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Congrats on the kicking of giardia!

I also have a daughter on the drops with 2 more getting ready to start next month.

When did you all start?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :

Fingers crossed about the gardia and great news too that your daughter is showing such encouraging improvements.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Dr. K says the aluminum in green clay contains larger particles which makes it okay for most people.

Has anyone had herxes from the colored glasses?
Man, that last PK session has me wobbling all over the place for six days now.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
thejoje -

We are about to start round 4 - there are 7 of us - my husband and I, and all 5 of our kids [Smile] (2, 4, 7,9,15 yo) It's definitely interesting [Wink] Not sure how much benefit my oldest is going to get from it - aside from the initial round tho, as she is just hitting the teen party time age. She's planning on moving out too, so she's really hit an age where she's going to do what she's going to do and I just cross my fingers and hope she's making smart decisions [Smile] So far pretty good, but still a fair bit of partying which is pretty counter productive as far as AI goes. I'll be happy tho if all she gets is the gluten allergy healed - that was the biggest issue for her by far - all her symptoms seem to be linked to that.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Happy Fourth of July everyone!

I am having a hard time right now and wanted to know other people's experiences with pain management.

I am doing the best I can with binders: chlorella, charcoal, betisitoserol, apple pectin. I've found that baking soda baths give me temporary relief as does rebounding and chi machine.

Nonetheless, all joints, bladder, intestine, skin and even head just hurt as in major detox.

The pain seems worst on the two weeks off the drops, with lots of ear ringing and emotional stuff and sweating.

This is not minor; it feels really major and I have that awful "I can't stand it" feeling. I try to stay active with my kids, but I'm starting to really lag from the pain -- not loss of energy.

I am thinking of ordering/trying Microsilica and Biologo Inflamme. These will take time to get... so....

Any good pain relief ideas in the meantime?


Posted by psr1 (Member # 22957) on :
I would love to find a good ART practitioner and/or a follower of Dr K in the NY area. I am doing some metal detox with Dr H and it is really helping: would like to explore this some more...
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
wiseforit - I'm sorry you are suffering so much - I personally don't have much pain tolerance and would have reached for something pill like by now [Wink] Not ideal tho. I have seen comments tho that it's ok to take pain killers sometimes if you really need to - I have a few times for the sake of being able to parent. I hope you find relief soon!

I've heard people mention using the detox foot pads - would they help keep things moving? I really have no idea, just been wondering about them for myself - with the usual question of would they be appropriate with AI - I know that earlier in the thread people mentioned using them, but then no mention in ages - I know that sometimes along the way what seemed like a good idea urns out not so good -

Can anyone comment? Zombie? You used them right? Just curious whether they would be advisable or not -
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
The footpads I'm quite certain won't interfere with AI. They are not homeopathic and are not introducing anything new into the system. If anything they protect the kidneys. You can put the pad on the pain as well, esp. if the area has moisture or sweats. Like under maxilla.

I am one week done with ROUND TWO, and feel pretty lousy. I seem to do better when I'm actively taking the drops.

Klinghardt himself takes over the counter meds for pain when he's up against the wall. He talks about this in one of his ART I DVDs -- had a terrible sinus pain, forgot everything he knew and I believe it was advil he took and he praised the product for helping him out of a hole.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
There is a doctor on Long Island named Gurevich (or something like that) who practices ART. He's an MD. I'm sure if you Google you'll find him. He also heads up a study group.

Marc Schwartz is in Jenkintown--a chiro. who has studied with Dr. K for years.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Warning - this is choppy - I was interrupted by a couple of phone calls!

Page 67 gives the explanation of what happens during detox and why anti-inflammatories are sometimes necessary when detoxing.

Please take a pain pill if you hurt.

Here will find some helpful remedials, I am sure.

I am not sure I would use foot pads or microsilica which pull even more of the toxins.

Take MSM. There are many posts about MSM starting in 2000 on LN under my name. At least a teaspoon morning and night. It picks up the lactic acid that feels uncomfortable from the areas/joints where everything was stored that have not seen any action probably in years. I used to take 3 and more teaspoons at a time. Put it in juice and it goes down easier. You can buy it by the pound.

Any anti-inflammatory with Tumeric in it. The different glucosamine products that are available. Some have MSM in it.
The longer you are doing AI, after the first few bottles, the toxins start to move, and it is important that we recognize that and help it along, not by detox agents, but by supporting products - binders, binders, comforting baths (not hot). I am sure you will find several here

You are way ahead of the game if you make a serious effort to learn to use a tensor or o-ring testing or pendulum, even muscle testing with your partner. Doesn't have to be ART for self-help. You can pin down the problem easily: if
positive for a liver support product, you will instantly know that your liver is stressed and needs support. If you test positive for tumeric - you know tissue is aggravated and wants to be calmed down. The product that the body likes
tells you the body's primary problem for this moment. Tomorrow it may change to something else.
and it may tell you to use more binders by testing the different binders

Suffering is not necessary - and trying to learn how to go about it of course is easiest when you are not in the middle of a crisis. Alkalinizing somewhat helps for brief periods to get pain under control. Lemon juice. A bit of baking soda. My husband always feels better with any products that has micronized chlorella in it -

Call Biologo and check if they now have a better way to get the products overhere or if someone is importing them. Check the or call them for a product that will buffer.

If all fails, go to the grocery store buy some organic tumeric. Go to and talk to Sarah what she can offer to help the pain. She is a wonderful lady.

Again, I would not use anything that pulls more toxins out of joints and tissue now. I would not use microsilica and would not use foot pads. If you learn to tensor, you can test the products before you use them. You will need tiny samples to test.

It is a learning process, no doubt, but finding a doctor who can test you every day, because that is how often things can change, is impossible. So it really pays to learn self-testing. Pendulum, tensor, 0-ring testing, muscle testing. Dr. Klinghardt's mother, who is 85 years old, tests with her tensor and travels with it and her pendulum. You should have seen her, some years ago, when she was overhere kneeling on the floor at the fancy new Whole Foods place(where I never shop) testing out the different magnesium products that she needed with her pendulum! It's a great place to test what may work for you. because all the products are there on the shelves. I use the cord that comes with my tensor, and I am sure some people
wonder about the little old lady! and her magic wand.

Have courage and keep going - it won't hurt forever. That I can promise.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Psr1, if you are not doing AI, make sure you are not allergic to the metals. It won't work permanently until you clear the DNA allergy/dysregulations. AI does that beautifully.
And before that, make sure that your mineral base is good -- we cannot detox metals and chemicals if we don't have the good essential minerals needed to do the job.

Take care.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Does MSM bind with any medications? I could not find my answer on the internet.

Is any particular brand of MSM better than another?


Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

Re minerals -- when I up the minerals I really detox. And I'm not overdoing it with Matrix Mins, electrolytes and micro mins . . .

you are probably right re the detox foot pads --
I think while they detox well, it may be too much action while on AI
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
I read where MSM can pass the blood brain barrier? Would this perhaps recircualte mercury back into the brain? I am a little confused on the MSM.

Can it be taken with minerals etc?

Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I have a question:

1) I was reading early posts and it seemed as though people got full analysis letters with each bottle. Is this so?

The last 4 letters I received with bottles of drops had the very same letter about the apple & worm. The letters were identical except for the number of blockages part, which changed from letter to letter.

I know they are very busy, so this is not a complaint -- just an observation about earliest posts. i also understand that it would be impossible for AI to identify every chemical by name to list what was going on. Just seemed like the early posters were getting more detailed letters.

that's all....
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
I started AI in January of 2008 and only my first two letters had details. The first one was very detailed and the second one listed the known chemicals I was allergic to that had not shown up in round #1. Every other round after that was just like you described.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Only the last test when it is found that no more dysregulations can be found is accompanied by a letter that will give the details for the sections 1.1 through 10.l., i.e. the status of the dysfunctions with the green/yellow/red indications.

The letter that comes with the last test results also says: " might take some time for your body to restructure all matter. Please allwo your body the time to do that. Our rule of thumb is that a restructuring may take up to one year if disruptions existed for ten years."

They cannot identify by name any of the 80,000 chemicals individually that could possibly be causing the dysregulations. They are referring to chemical groups, not individual chemicals.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, you would be the first one on Lymenet I think with an excessive essential mineral base. Maybe have a mineral test done to see where you are and to make sure that they are balanced. Usually, people with a perfect mineral base do not accumulate toxins -- the body is able to get rid of them. Lack of essential minerals is one of the reasons we cannot regulate.

We may not realize it while on this therapy, but the body is very busy trying to end the disruptions, and adding more to this I am not sure is necessary. We are not getting any place faster by overdoing it. The opposite. All of us are doing a major overhaul! whether we know it or not. That is at least my understanding and explanation to how I react to the therapy. Whenever I have talked to AI, they always encourage "listen to your favorite music, smell the roses" -- they don't say push more with this or that.

Support, yes.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
MSM and Neurological Diseases

The brain is extremely sensitive to the effects of toxic materials such as heavy metals and organic compounds. Many of these compounds tend to accumulate in nerve cells where they can cause severe oxidative damage. Neurological disturbances such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, may be the result. MSM is one of the few antioxidants which can easily pass the blood-brain barrier. It prevents and repairs oxidative damage and restores cell membrane elasticity and permeability. This allows the nerve cells to start excreting waste products.

The powerful action of MSM is illustrated in the following example. An older woman suffered from poisoning caused by exposure to aluminum. This heavy metal had accumulated in her brains and caused severe neurological damage. The woman had been confined to her bed for six years, unable to communicate with her surroundings. All this time she had not spoken a word. Medical doctors could no longer help her and had given up on her. She was completely dependent on her husband who took complete care of her needs. A natural health care practitioner advised two teaspoons of MSM (about 15 grams) daily. The MSM passed the blood brain barrier, and restored the permeability of the brain cell membranes, following which her brain cells were allowed to purge the heavy metal poisons. Two weeks later, the orthomolecular physician prescribed a warm bath to her in which special substances had been added to help her eliminate the released poisons through the skin. After twenty minutes in this bath, the woman suddenly smiled and said "Gee, I feel much better now." These were the first words she had spoken in years. Several months later, the woman was capable of leading a normal life again (7).

(From a 16 page article all about MSM, the best one I have ever found, that I posted yesterday again on LN)
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

I know I'm mineral deficient, more so now that I stopped taking mag glycinate. My calcium also went down the drain too as I was taking coral legend (Premier Research Labs). My ph is 5.8 -- way too low.

Am waiting for hair analysis to come back.

Hope you all had a good Fourth.
Posted by psr1 (Member # 22957) on :
I am supplementing with a multivitamin, multimineral (and extra zinc) supplement that I think Dr H developed. I also take magnesium. I do know that I am feeling better doing this. I did not even know AI existed before starting my abx/herbal treatment...will certainly do it once I am off the abx.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Gigi, I wonder what the substances were that the physician prescribed to go in the bath...any ideas?
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Hi all,
Today we heard that my oldest daughter tested positive for KPU and also has very high lead and mercury in her system. (Boy, does this explain a LOT!)

It is a blessing in a way because it has prompted her to go on the AI therapy sooner than originally planned. So she is weaning off her thyroid and adrenal meds.

Will the drops release the lead?
Are there any special binders for lead?

We have apple pec, chlorella, microsilica, glycine, anc activated charcoal.

Also, approximately when should she start with mineral supplementation for KPU?

THere are now 5 people in my family who will be on AI. I'm going to go buy some different colored sharpies as someone suggested, but overall, I am slightly overwhelmed.

It is a blessing tho, and I am truly grateful for the chance to change our rotten DNA.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

glad your daughter found what she needs to begin to improve. When my daughter started the zinc...and then the core, she felt better mentally very quickly. She had no other reactions to the KPU protocol. Said she was finally feeling normal and had more energy and could cope with school stresses better.

also then beginning the liquid multi minerals...she knew she was finally improving. Got much stronger physically too. Although she did experience some detox issues with the aches and pains as metals were moving...she just did not complain, as she had worse feeling in her joints previously before treatments.

WE both began movin lead from the long bones...especially in the shins. Came out on its own around round 6 or 7 if I recall. Lead and aluminum were our largest "dumps" to begin...mercury is slow but steady.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Wow, 5 people on AI therapy. Talk about costly!!! Well, I guess so is medical care when we get sick so it may work. This AI therapy is becoming the next big thing on Lymenet. It looks like the trains are getting packed. [Smile]
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Very encouraging words Lp.

Do you remember when your daughter started the zinc. Was she already on the drops?

Did your daughter use the biotensor too?

Was she faithful to use the binders?
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Does anyone know if Alinia is ok to take while on AI? I just looked it up and sometimes it is referred to as an "antibiotic" yet it is for parasites mainly.

I can email HG as well, but just curious if anyone else already knew.

Also, HG did email me back regarding my ileocecal valve and being allergic now to almost every food and he said that it can happen in between drops where the body is a bit in chaos.

Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Is HG a physician (MD)? How does this person know of all medical conditions? I'm just curious what this person's medical specialty is. It seems AI fields tons of medical issues like this.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Seekhelp - I live in New England where many of the "fine medical schools" are. I know many physicians (MDs) who are experts in handing out an rx to make the symptoms go away. This is how many of our problems got started - suppressing the bodies own response.

HG is not an MD. If it is your natural path in life to study how the body reacts when in chaos, how blocked organs function or do not or to even know how different systems work together - you are likely to know more about about the root cause of "medical conditions" than some MDs.

If I break my leg, send me to the ER. If I want to know what chemicals I need to recognize in order to clear them or to find out to what extend the recirculation of toxins is affecting my health - send me to HG.

There are some MDs I would trust in those departments but not many.

Too many times I asked "what causes this?" to and MD and got "I don't know".

Just my opinion.

[ 07-07-2010, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: NanaDubo ]
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Can anyone explain the difference between BioPure's MicroMinerals and MatrixMinerals? (I am taking the Electrolyte Enhanced Matrix Formula but want to add minerals.)

Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Can anyone explain the difference between BioPure's MicroMinerals and MatrixMinerals? (I am taking the Electrolyte Enhanced Matrix Formula but want to add minerals.)


P.S. Most of the pain I had been experiencing off drops has stopped as I began the next round of drops (#7). I guess it is reordering the chaos! Thanks to everyone who made suggestions to help with the detox bone/muscle pain.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
thejojoe, and others with teenagers on AI...

Daughter never used the tensor...and I do not use it around her or my family on a regular basis...she is not open to energy medicine in general,(laughs at me a little as Mom's silly things) but only took the drops to get me off her back originally...and because it caused me to stop feeding her mega doses of pills and capsules daily. Although she does allow me at times to test products for her...and she humors me.

She never believed the supplements worked for her that she was on for two years...and now I know she was correct as she was not able to absorb them or digest them well before AI with the leaky gut, etc! Said she felt sick from them!

Taking only a few drops daily was a mental relief for her... and because of her positive experiences with them...she will now not do without them now. She is a believer in AI, especially because she can now eat all foods, and be in nature, and hug cats and dogs with no problems and breath swimming in chlorinated water twice a day. (she had very severe allergies)

As she is away in college...she will only take minimal things and they have to taste good and be a simple protocol for her to comply. I cannot monitor her as if she was home. It actually has been a healing release for me as well, as not trying to have her on the perfect protocol, just a good simple healthy one that will not harm her. Childrens' health take a big toll on a mothers health!

She does not take binders regularly or hardly at all and in general does not have any physical complaints. Although I do know she has had detox issues (she doesn't really get it)...and at those times I have suggested chlorella which she did say she took to help her through.

Any aches and pains she has had, she attributes as just normal for athletes, or any viruses etc that have come out, she just gets through it and tells me about it too late.

I send in her saliva and ask her how she feels...always first says problem, then when I probe with detox type questions...I hear of her aches and pains that have come and gone. I do know that if things were bad, she would call me to ask about what to do...which she rarely has done, except with she had the flu (possible swine flu for three weeks...and then pneumonia during finals).

So her mental attitude is not of someone who feels like she has a chronic illness any longer. This has changed positively. No depression any longer. It is so refreshing to have a happy teen.

She started the zinc after starting the the first rounds. She was actually on the complete KPU protocol for about 1 1/2 months, but found it to difficult mentally to do, taking each individual mineral throughout the she refused to continue, even with her extreme KPU....this was before Core came on the scene.

She agreed to just stick with the Zinc alone during breaks between the drops. She was living at home in senior year of high school then. Now in College ...we found Core...and she has been taking Core, only between AI rounds. She is not taking it religously...but certain weeks on and certain weeks off.

I know whe sould physically benefit from taking the individual KPU ingredients...but taking only Core is better than nothing at this time. The zinc is what I believe has given her the relief from depression. So she now knows that helps her versus taking an antidepressant. She experiences the mental benefits.

At that time we also started her on liquid minerals. They tested ok to take with the AI and the Core was not too much at once for her. She likes to take the mango flavored Intra-Min by Drucker labs. Easy to take in the measured ounce/cap tha comes with it for a teen. Stores easily in her frig and comes in small bottles when she travels with sports. She feels fantastic with this, and takes it off and on weekly. It tests for her as good as the biopure matrix minerals, but more convenient for her to take. ( I do test products for her, before getting them...)

When she was done school, I looked in the plastic box I loaded with binders and emergency health products...and saw none of them open except the chlorella! So even preparing some teens with the right weapons for health defense is useless!

Just want to encourage you to make it simple for a teenager if possible. When my daughter feels in control and makes her own positive health decisions it is all good. Otherwise if she is forced to do something that is mentally distasteful to her...she will not comply and will not improve and hide that fact from me. Creating more angst for the whole family then we will not remain healthy! It be patient and help her keep it simple.

Her protocol may not be so perfect...but at least she will do something that will benefit her rather than nothing. Less is more for teens!

They will have to learn on their own with a little positive reinforcement from us. As they mature they will know how to care for themselves.

Just my personal experience to encourage you.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wiser - glad you are feeling better!

I inquired at BioPure last year about the difference between MicroMinerals and MatrixMinerals.

They said that usually DK suggests Micro for supplementation and Matrix for supplementation/detox.

The minerals list on the two differ in that there are many more in MatrixMinerals.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Very good advice, Lp. I am writing all of it down.

Maybe we could co-author a book one day about the ways to make our kids well -- "How to Sneak Your Kids to Health", what do you think?

When you get a chance, could you share what dosage/brand of zinc you purchased?

And thanks for the great advice and all that you went through with your daughter's illness.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
That was a lovely post, Lp and one I can identify with: I send my son [the one with Gilbert's Syndrome] off to university each term with a few supplements and things for flu, but most of them still come back little used!

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I had another question as I think candida may be an issue for me as well. I'm trying to eat less sugar, but need to keep weight on and found that gluten free vegan baked goods help :-) Also, the candida diet says vegetables and various meats, but I'm trying to be easy on my digestive system and I think meat is difficult to digest?

Anyone have thoughts?

Also, HG emailed me back within 1 day! That was reassuring.

Waiting for our 5th round of drops! Starting my husband on the drops as well so hope it goes well for him too!
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Hey all,
I just sent payment to AI and noticed that they are tacking on an additional $6 for postage. Has this additional charge always been there (and I didn't notice) or is this something new?

Either way, do we still send out the $10 separately for postage?

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I always just send it via Paypal and include my PSP numbers so they know for sure who sent it.

I knew to send postage money when I started back in February, but not sure it said $6.00.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
AI asks to send 6.00 Euros for postage for each bottle/package. Call it shipping & handling. If you look at the label of the yellow box the drops come in - you will notice that it costs
that much. It is stamped right on the label. Before the value of the Dollar/Euro changed, that equalled $10.00 (US Dollars). So anyone who wanted to reimburse them in cash, would send a $10 bill. This is how most Germans do it.

Not sure it is safe. German friends of ours ordered a CD once from some American company and put the cash in the envelope (they did it while they were vacationing here in this country and had no checking acct) and of course never saw the CD nor any other response. I tried to make up for the loss later and sent them a CD, but of course it was not the same as the CD of The Fifties' Music that they had listened to and wanted.

So they ask either $10.00 or 6.00 Euro (symbol is E with dash - not on my old keyboard) for each shipment.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

This sounds good - will do it that way tonight!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Gettin and all, It is difficult to detox without the right proteins. There are some tribes up in the high mountains of Peru or somewhere who live on nothing but sweet potatoes and are perfectly healthy. That does not work for us. DK repeats again and again - "have never met a healthy vegetarian".

Most of us need digestive aids, at least for a while, especially after the leaky gut has done a number on us.

As you are releasing metals, you will notice fungi/candida neurotoxins flaring. But it changes almost daily. If you learn to test yourself, you will notice during AI, one day candida/fungi shows up, next day possible a few bits of virals. A bit of a herpes/mouth is typical. It is the first thing that shows. All part of a general detoxing period. It needs to be addressed on a daily basis. Candida shows, I up garlic or antifungals. Same if viruses test for a day, I add Vit A or garlic or any of the antivirals - for just a day or two.

It all is part of the detoxing - because all in our ecosystem are now on high alert and their way of life is disturbed. After a while all returns to calm. So no need to panic. It is not new, it is exactly as Dr.K. has been preaching for years - "If you have one thing, you also have the others". This is not a reinfection or acute - it is neurotoxins on the move and we feel them.

I would not do Alinia at this point, even if you test for it. It is going to be a much easier process after you have finished a few more bottles and eliminated other dysregulations. Alinia definitely "digs deep" and I would not have wanted to try that during the early rounds.

We just started it on #14 - and we are fully aware of the effects --- the are definitely there. My husband had done Alinia 6plus years ago! These buggers do not go without putting up a fight! Alinia works on all including biofilm. They lived in "heaven" all these years. The body is doing double duty and I do not believe in forcing things too early. That is a decision you need to make. Remember, Dr.K. has been detoxing for twenty some years and more and did not have as nearly as bad AI test results as any of us did. So even though he is doing the drops, his reactions are there, but probably much milder than some of us have experienced. So I don't always do what he says or tests! I learned that many years ago - he is a tough cookie when it comes to tolerance. Don't tell anyone I said so!

Ready for breakfast!
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Thanks Gigi. That is interesting and you make good points.

I'm doing a lot better after starting Ketotifen. I noticed when I did a search on "ketotifen" here on Lymenet that you posted about it a few years back saying it did indeed help leaky gut. I feel so happy! Perhaps because the sun is finally out too :-)

Thanks again.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I called BioPure about the minerals and they said they cannot give out any information. The guy in K's office, Sam at the dispensary, said the same thing. I wonder if taking the minerals with food would cut down on the brain feeling like it was hit by a truck.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Minerals should always be taken with food. It actually is, or used to be when food was still food, a part of food.

I do not know how far you are with AI, but one of the reasons AI cautions on taking a lot of products or any products is because you may still be unable to regulate, i.e. still allergic, to some of them. Minerals are a perfectly healthy thing, but when the system turns chaotic, who knows. Go with a bit less, or change the brand, and take them with food. And don't take everything every day.

The more of products you take that have a strong detoxing effect, the worse you may feel because your body still is unable to deal with big loads of toxins.

I had call from a doctor this morning in Europe who told me about a detoxing device that captures the toxins while the person is connected to the device. He was talking that one can actually see the dirt that comes out, visible then in a container, to the naked eye. It's probably a good idea we don't all know how much of that garbage is tugged away in our body.

He mentioned to me to eat two organic bananas a day to get at the enzymes more readily.

Yes, Gettin, I have posted many things over the years - in one ear and out the other for most people. If it doesn't work like a pain pill with instant results, people seem to pass over it.

Yes, the sun is finally out, and I am going to climb up on the roof in a minute to put up sun blinds over the large skylights, so that we will not have to smother in the heat. One of my kids was smart enough to "confiscate" Mom's 24 foot ladder - but I have a shorter one that still reaches where I need to go. Keep your fingers crossed!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Quoting Nana:

"Too many times I asked "what causes this?" to and MD and got "I don't know".

You said it well, Nana. And if you are old enough as we are to see an old people specialist - he/ she will all tag it onto the "part of getting old" list.

The problem with that is that now kids have problems that already fit that "old" list.

Just got back grandchildren's AI tests. They have everything and more than the parents. So it is a good thing to start early, or as recommended by HG, to do AI before having children. Our 8 months old grandson has all his parents have and some extra.

ukcarry, sorry, I don't know what they put in her bath water in addition to the MSM she was taking.

Take care.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
One of my holistic MDS told me, You have a disadvantage in that you have a methylation defect and you're also up in years (I am 63), but don't let that dissuade you." I could have slugged him.

Yes, I will take the minerals with food. I was under the impression that liquid minerals should be taken away from food and minerals in tablet form with food. But nothing is cast in marble.

I didn't know it got that hot in Seattle, Gigi -- isn't that where you live? We are in Maryland and let me tell you, 105 degrees is sizzling.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
the jojoe...
the zinc picolinate we use is from Moss Nutrition....Cardiovascular Research Ltd. 25 mg.

Must test for individual amounts and when to take.

I suggest your daughter get tested for individual products in the KPU protocol along with testing the multi mineral core mix designed specifically for KPU for better direction for her.

Also, I do not test to take Core or Zinc any longer now that I am done with AI. I am plannng on testing my daughter this weekend when she comes see if she still tests energetically for it.

We will both do the KPU urine test again when she is done with AI, to see what our numbers are. It would not surprise me if we will eventually be free of KPU as things seem to be clearing for us in general.

[ 07-08-2010, 07:41 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Good suggestions. Thanks Lp.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Just got my 14th bottle of drops--been doing AI without a break for well over a year.

The latest report shows 4 energetic blockades and 6 chemical subatances.

I started the new drops today, hoping I do OK with them in the heat of summer.

Best wishes to everyone!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Just a warning: do not take zinc on your own.
Zinc needs the supporting enzymes and more. Many of us test with AI with a defect in enzyme production. Look up your AI test, section 13.1. Zinc can do the opposite, i.e. carry metals where you do not want them. Read Klinghardt literature carefully before you extra dose with single minerals and base it on good energetic testing or lab work.

Better safe than sorry.

Take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Good comment Gigi....I agree.

When I mentioned Zinc usage for my was used with proper lab and energetic testing...for her.

Always a risk to follow someone elses protocol.

I give what has worked for us so possibly others can get a direction to explore, or support if going thru the same issues....not to have others follow exactly what we are doing and to blindly follow without knowing individually what is needed at the time.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

Because the BioPure products contain frequencies, I am wondering -- HG says not to do any other frequency work. If they contain the KMT or Rife frequencies, that could explain why I'm having a hard time with BP minerals.

Premier Research Products are also energized.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, Biopure products contain the ingredients listed. Nothing more, nothing less. I have used them for many years because I know DK does not promote a product or use it in his practice unless it is clean and has proven to work. He does not use a product if his patients do not benefit from it.

Maybe you know something I don't when you talk about added frequencies!!!!

AI in itself is a powerful act and if you overdo it by adding too many and too much of mobilizing products, that may be a part of your problem. There is a definite reason why AI recommend not to add much, but liquids. If you have been toxic for a long time and your body has been unable to regulate, it means that going slow is better.
Detoxing is definitely a balancing act that is different for every person.

You always have a choice - stop doing AI or reduce it and/or stop adding extra products your body can't deal with yet. Only you can control that.

Hope things start working for you soon. It is difficult to comment without knowing exactly what you take and do.

Take care.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
I just noticed that for my first round AI documented items from 1.1 through 14.1, but the last letter they sent where they said I had not disregulations, they only showed results from 1.1-10.1.

Nana and LP, did that happen with you?

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
In one of Dr. K's DVDs, he mentions that Rife frequencies are added to the cilantro and in the ART III DVDs he mentioned that the products have been energized.

I am not taking much of anything but did try the minerals and electrolytes. I take enzymes and betaine with meals. Trust me, I have dropped a lot of the things I was taking..

I ask a lot of questions because I'm also a practitioner and want to be able to be a good detective. This Lyme stuff has humbled me greatly and I bow to you,Gigi, for sharing your journey with all of us.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lee - I am away and do not have my "end" test results with me but mine did not include everything that the first test did.

Only things that still show dysregulation, even if they went from red to green but not still in the "perfect" range, those are the ones that are listed.

If it's not there, I think it's same to assume it was cleared (even if it takes time to work all of it out).

Lex - check the dates on the DVDs about cilantro. Things change as new things are learned. Cilantro is something I keep my hands off. If someone's body is loaded with mercury and you start pulling it from the brain..... not something I would want to do.

I was at the ART III seminar and I don't recall anything about products being energized but maybe I missed something. I would think it might have to say so on the bottle.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Hi all,

I know that cilantro is a hard hitter and I have avoided it for years. Once was enough. As a matter of fact, I have avoided most things -- detox is something I was afraid to do because every dr. that put me on this or that caused backfires.

In the ART III dvds it mentions that neem is energized and I believe he said that the BioPure products are energized as are those from Premier Research Labs. Since I don't exactly know what "energized" means I thought I would bring it up and dig deeper hoping that someone has the answer.

Perhaps the interview with Mercola and DK is an old one (it's on the Web) where K. mentions that cilantro contains Rife frequencies. Since then DK uses the KMT frequencies. I have the machine with the 12 frequencies which I have not used since going on the AI drops. Even when I used it, I did so very little as all I got was more herxing.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Dr. K did mention on several occasions at the most recent seminar, that the Biopure products are produced pure and with his specific instructions or direction, with some special attributes. I just received my tape from the conference, so I'll take not when I review it.

I do not recall specifically what he said, as it was vague, but it also did make me think it was either frequencies, or gems, or some sort of energy or intention that make the products very special and effective in his opinion. I seem to recall him saying something like special or unique many times, which did catch my attention. They seem to test well for most people.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

As you may or may not recall, I was told in April that I was done. I didn't agree. GiGi and I had some email traffic about what I was taking at the time, and found that the Intrisic Factor in one of my supplements for methylation (detoxing) could throw off the results.

So, I waited (impatiently) for a couple of months to pass and sent in a new sample.

It was not a pleasant couple of months, either. I had seizures, high temperature, a migraine that had me screaming in pain (never had one that bad!!), and other problems.

And, I finally investigated the one tooth with a root canal in it, found it was defectively treated, and had it pulled and the cavitation handled.

I recently got the results from AI--I'm not done. I received Round # 13 drops, and am now taking them.

And, due to metals issues and inadvertently giving myself more with the brand of chlorella I was taking, I'm now getting some EDTA chelation intravenously. I actually found a doctor in my area who trained under Dr. K!!!

More news as I get it.....


Cass A
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Cass A,

Thanks for sharing your news as this info will be helpful for many on this thread. Glad you are now getting to the "root" of things. I do hope your other issues begin clearing!

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Cass A, sorry to hear that you've had such a bad couple of months. I'll bet you weren't surprised to learn that the AI was not finished:

Did you have a lot of disregulations?

Best of luck for round 13,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Question re parasites -- I know I have them. When I eat fruit, they are very happy but I am not. How soon into AI is it advisable to clear parasites?

Cass A, nothing like starting over with a cleaner slate. Success to you.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
I would also like to know the answer to Lex's parasite question.

And I have another to add:
Is it OK to take concentrated oils while on the drops, eg. salmon oil, evening primrose, etc.

Posted by n.northernlights (Member # 17934) on :
about the bottel you get, I figured out how to best open it:
First, just press your thumb against the hard plastic top, the white one to get it off, it does not unscrew, just push it.

Second, no scissors to snip off the plastic tip of the inside plastic tip.
There is a recession into which you have to press a needle, or the needle end of a safety pin.
That is enough to make a small hole.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
From my experience, the less killing done while on the drops, the better. And the less, unnatural substances taken, the better for your body to regulate with the drops. Also to only take the essential supplements for best results.

That being said...if you have a major parasitic the blood tissues organs along with digestive tract(we all have parasites, but some have an overabundance)you would benefit from treatment...Dr. K does start here with severely parasitic patients and uses drugs. Herbs will not kill them all.

I will always remember his analagy of when to treat with big time drugs or not..."when the house is on fire, call the fire dept and hose down the house. YOU may loose some prescious things or damage some things that will need repair in your house, but you will save the house and most of its contents if you do this in time. You will live, although repair will most likely take time."

"If only a pot on the stove is on fire, use a more directed "fire extinguisher" to stop the smaller blaze so other items in the house will not be ruined instead of hosing down the entire house for the small flame. Only minor clean up needed."

My opinion, if it was major, with the guidance of a doctor, I would take the anti parasitic drug that tests for you with a script. And then go off the drops until after treatment. Othewise you may not regulate with the drugs. There will be clean up required, then start the AI again.

But another idea, if your condition is not major, would be to use the antiparasitic herbs for a month to see if you get intestinal, stomach, and digestive relief. If that is where you main parasite issues are.

I did take humaworm, which has these herbs, for a month in the beginning of doing the AI as I only learned of parasites at that time. I was following the advice of others I respect, and did get noticeable relief.

I did not have major parasitic symptoms, only digestive symptoms, which improved for me while taking that month of herbs. I could actually see the parasites that were eliminated in the toilet water. This was very educational for me! I became a believer in parasites overnight!

Not saying that I only had or have intestinal parasite, but they seemed to be living in harmony for me during my AI treatment, expecially after the humaworm and the first rounds of drops. Now things are rebalancing again naturally after my AI is done. All things now seem to move in a cycle...sometimes metals, sometimes parasite, sometimes toxins...I am still regulating but very manageable with occasional binders and organ support.

I thought the herbs was less of a problem for me to take while doing the AI. There are also spices that can be added to your food that keep the population down in the digestive system. I always add spices by habit now. Many posts about this on lymenet related to parasites. Also check curezone. This helped me, but Humaworm and spices do not kill ALL the parasites.

Killing has consequences and clean up is essential when doing this.

I do not recommend to do too much...but the parasite issue is very individually related to how bad your situation is. Dr. K does see many of his severely ill patients as having a major parasitic infection...along with the viruses, fungus, chemicals and heavy metals...If you have one, you have the others residing together. If you work on one of these issues big time...the others will over compensate and take over the terrain, so its a constant balancing act.

So this is why you do not want to do too much, as your body is already starting to accept a new balance with the AI. There is no hard rule of when to do the parasite treatment...unless you find it first and start there, which would be optimal in most situations with extreme parasite infection.

Most of us that have done the AI for a length of time find that our bodies are more ready to handle an additional therapy, finally our immune systems are functioning well....things work better and faster after AI regulation.

I recommend getting tested to see if parasite killing is YOUR priority at this time. Don't just go by what others are doing...its your precious body and your unique set of issues!

[ 07-14-2010, 10:09 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Thejoje....Natural oils are ok to take...any natural food substance is ok with the drops...I would test if you are getting good at that.

I always asked myself, is this supplement considered a food or not...that helped me when deciding what to take. Or if it is a mineral I am lacking I take it with food. I do not just follow a protocol any longer...but test individually avery few days to see what I am in need for if my body tells me something is off.

I found the longer I was on AI, the more regulations I experienced and the less was needed on a regular basis.

Make sure you are absorbing it and able to break down the capsules with enzymes. I was not originally and needed to stop many good things until my digestion and absorption started to work properly. I used to need enzymes with no longer need them.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
How does one know if he/she is breaking down capsules or not--or if one is in need of digestive enzymes?

I am expecting round 2 and already have experienced much digestive relief. My intestines used to be so sore in the morning upon waking. No more.

(No more constipation either--all this with just the first round!)
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Thanks for the insights. I'm a practitioner and in the past years have done a number of parasite cleanses. My digestion works fine and elimination is great.

I got back my hair analysis from Eidon and while I was glad to see no lead and low mercury, aluminum is high and arsenic borderline. So I will supplement with the minerals suggested but start slowly. I've been taking the BioPure minerals with meals and that seems to work much better than on an empty stomach.

]Am frustrated about my thyroid results (blood test). The TSH is so low and not budging and while I make enough T4 the T3 uptake is just not cutting the mustard.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Metals love to sit on the thyroid - maybe just give it some time.

Thejoje - if elimination is working and you have already had digestive ease, maybe digestive enzymes aren't needed.

A tsp of raw apple cider vinegar in water before meals can help make your own enzymes get going.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanka, NanaD. I will try the vinegar suggestion.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I have a question. My kids and I are on round 5 of the drops, but my husband just started round 1. He is not "sick" at all in terms of outward symptoms, but I told him he should try this since he has amalgams and plans to get them out.

My question is that he has been "regular" all of his life and goes 2-3x/day like clockwork (so jealous!) and now after starting the drops he is extremely constipated and frustrated about it.

I told him to drink prune juice and eat apples...which he did. Haven't asked him how he is today, but will when he gets home.

Did any of you experience this on round 1? I thought I remember most of you saying the opposite that finally your constipation went away for the rirst time in your life...

Just curious.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I had constipation my whole life, and after a few rounds I finally became regular...this was one of my first signs that I was regulating something that made me very happy, even if I did not get another regulation! Intestinal parasites also did not help my situation previously.

A change is obviously happening in his I would recommend up-ing his intake of good fibrous veggies...Make your meals mostly some steamed veggies and less protein. Some brown rice or another good whole grain. Or make a smoothie type drink with blended kale, spinach, apple, flax seeds or veggie powder and see if he gets a change. And do not forget hydration with good water and mineral water. He may also need some electrolytes added daily so his cells absorb the fluid...many posts here about water alone not being enough.

If you are feeding him chlorella or binders for the first time, this could cause constipation in some who were once regular. Just starting out, he may not need binders...and maybe not at all if he is not ill.

Also, someone suggested to me to try at night, Peter Gillians magnesium/calcium product called Natural Calm...this helped as well to wake without constipation. I used this off and on for a few months at night when it was bad. Others may have some good suggestions.

In general I am now very regular...this is like a miracle to me...but occasionally I have had a few minor bouts with constipation when metals seem to be moving after AI...I am still regulating but 95% better in that area!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
the jojoe,

Many people do not feel well in the stomach with some nausea when taking supplements in the form of capsules or pills, and need to take them in liquid form...this is sometimes a sign that your natural enzyme production is not functioning well, so the food is not broken down properly for digestion. Also stools show that food sometimes comes out looking undigested or not broken down properly. This would be a sign of the body not recognizing what we consume.

Some people have been adding enzymes after each meal before regulating with AI. This was my case, and especially with the fish oils...I would belch, and feel as though I was not absorbing them. My daughter would actually "throw up" the supplements into her throat...(sorry for graphics)I would even see whole capsules in my stools!

You will know what I am talking about if this is your situation.

Love Nana's suggestion of AC vinegar...this has been a help for me through many situations that occurred while doing the AI. Good to add to your basket!
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Thanks LP - I will try the things you suggested for him...great idea about smoothies, etc.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I am including gIGI'S explanation which I saw on another thread re binders:

It's usually a good idea to take binders away from food on an empty stomach, or as one theory proposes you could take it 1/2 hour before eating then it will be in your small intestines by the time bile is released and they'll be mixed together(the bile holds heavy metals and toxins the liver has just removed). Then another time to take it would be right before going to bed on an empty stomach or you could take it in the middle of the night if you wake up to pee or something anyway. That gives it a chance to move through and coat your gut, then metals present in the blood that passes through the digestive membranes can bind to the binder (pectin, chlorella).

positive babesia duncani and FISH test
WB IgM 31 IND, 39 IND, 41 IND, 83-93 +
WB IgG 31 IND, 41 +, 66 +
CD57 = 357
highly elevated mercury and lead
Posts: 493 | From Indiana | Registered: Oct 2007 | IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 259

Icon 1 posted 07-03-2009 07:02 PM Profile for GiGi Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Pryorka explained it beautifully. I like the way Dr. K. describes neurotoxins, all neurotoxins and how they move through the system. I will link my favorite of his writings below. Many of the mobilized toxins are reabsorbed by the many nerve endings lining the intestinal wall and colon, and this in effect is really what is making us ill. Many of the toxins never leave unless we do something, a lot of something about it.

The body is doing its detox work when we are supposed to be asleep and are not busy with other activities. Most gallbladder attacks happen late in the evening, and if you tend to wake up in the middle of the night, your liver is probably in overdrive trying its best to dispose of some of the toxins. Take a look at the biological clock linked below.

The effect of the apple pectin is noticable in that after you evacuate, there is hardly any need for toilet paper. The film of the pectin seems to wrap around the stool and things just sort of slide out leaving little or no residue to wipe.
I visualize the same thing happening further up the tract not leaving much for the leaky gut to do its thing.

After doing AI, I noticed that many are allergic to corn (DNA level), and the loose pectin is often mixed with corn. So make sure you are not allergic (without any obvious noticable symptoms)
to corn. I buy the Life Extension in 8 oz containers and use them in everything from fruit mousses to the fanciest deserts. But regularly for sure in an apple I grind in a 3 cup Black & Decker blender (I use this thing at least 3 times a day - from chopping apples to chopping onions to chopping potatoes for potato pancakes!). I add a couple teaspoons of the apple pectin to it. You can put in some green juince to make the grinding quicker and add the pectin.

All the other binders I used to take before going to bed: Apple Pectin, Zeolite, Chitosan, Charcoal, Clay, Cholestyramine, Betasitosterol, Glycine, whatever tests good with tensor.

My definite favorite has become Biologo Detox (only available in Austria), because it covers all levels of detox including emotional. Since my husband has been taking the AI drops, he tests for Biologo Detox literally every day; not the first 3-4 rounds, but now that we are on round #7.
The fur is really flying! since the allergies are being corrected.

The after-care following mobilizing and killing agents is for certain the most neglected part of detoxing, and any time you do not feel good after a procedure or a couple hours later, test your binding agents because you can really help yourself to feel better very quickly. I keep mine in a separate basket (from nutritional support supplements or killing agents and metal and chemical mobilizers) and in one two three I know which is the dominant toxin ready to leave.
It's nice to have at least an idea what is going on in the body. But to do that on our own, without a practitioner, we learned tensor testing.

Cheryl, I don't use capsules because I do not want to swallow capsules any longer. A teaspoon or two mixed into some good food is so much easier. And a lot less money. I also put the pectin in shakes of all sorts! Along with the Galactose, BetaGlucan, and Show me the Whey and other protein drinks.

I will post the links later - have to run to get to our grandson's birthday dinner now!

Take care. Posts: 7478 | From Washington State | Registered: Oct 2000 | IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 259

Icon 1 posted 07-04-2009 10:04 AM Profile for GiGi Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote

Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 259

posted 06 April, 2007 06:54 PM
To find what's keeping you awake or waking you up, it helps to learn about our Biological Clock.

1-3 AM Liver
3-5 AM Lungs
5-7 AM Large Intestine
7-9 AM Stomach
9-11 AM Pancreas
11 AM - 1 PM Heart
1-3 PM Small Intestine
3-5 PM Bladder
5-7 PM Kidneys
7-9 PM Circulatory System
9-11 PM Endocrine System
11 PM - 1 AM Gall Bladder

posted 06 April, 2007 06:54 PM

Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
I recently came off antibiotics for lyme, with a big decrease in neuro symptoms, so I know we got rid of a lot of the lyme bugs. But, as I've come off, I am having a lot of phlegm and coughing and sneezing. I have had tests done that show I am not properly making antibodies to strep pneumonia, and it is all around the environment, and probably inside me.

All this makes me think that the phlegm/coughing/sneezing is from strep pneumonia or a similar bacteria I am not properly taking care of inside me.

I did just recently start the AI treatments, and am hoping if AI helps people properly recognize and process food and heavy metals, it can do the same for strep pneumonia and other bacteria. Does anyone have any experience with AI having this result, or heard that it can? (If not, some use IVIG for this, but was hoping AI could do it.)

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

I got off the gluten around the time I started AI
as certain doctors believe that when you have Hashimoto's all gluten should be stopped.

A week ago I started introducing it -- breadcrumbs on fish two times. This morning I got a craving for Ezekiel bread but am thinking that it's the bugs that want it, not me. My energy level has plummeted. I am waiting for Round 3 to arrive. I've never felt so clobbered.

Wanted to just see if body could handle the gluten but I think it's best to just stop it again. I know AI suggests eating the foods that have given us trouble.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

It may take awhile before you can eat gluten. I started AI in January of 2008 and finished this April. I still cannot eat a lot of wheat or gluten.

Energy testing shows the gut is over 90% healed and probably eating gluten is 90% safe for me, but I am going to avoid it awhile longer.

AI showed an allergy to soy for me, also, and while I eat little of it, I can handle soy without problem. Most of my other food allergies seem to have cleared and I can eat things like eggs and dairy with no problem now, but I don't eat a lot of them.

Hang in there. I know that AI was very hard on me, but you will get through it and see improvements. I rode my bike 25 minutes yesterday and then walked last night in the 90 degree heat and humidity. Could not have done that even one month ago.

Peace. Lee

[ 07-16-2010, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: Lee ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Great news Lee! So encouraging to others who have it tough!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
thanks Lee . . . next to my bedside I keep Byron Katie's LOVING WHAT IS. Puts things into perspective.

Marvelous about your bike ride and your walk thru a steam bath. Well deserved.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Still unclear on MSM. If MSM passes the blood brain barrier and makes cells more permeable isn't it possible that like cilantro it could move mercury or heavy metals into the brain?

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Another question--this one about chlorella. Does it only work in the digestive tract or as it is digested itself (and I know it is hard to digest) does it get into the blood and mop up toxins like heavy metals?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lee, my understanding of what MSM is and does - replenishes much needed sulfur to the cells. It does cross the blood brain barrier but isn't what you might call a heavy metal chelator. It is needed for detoxification but doesn't actually grab heavy metals.

I've heard that often when someone undergoes chelation therapy it can be unsuccessful if there are low sulfur stores. The cells grab up all the chelating agent because they need the sulfur.

Chlorella does not just work in the digestive tract. Google Dr K chlorella and you will find a wealth of information on the benefits of it.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Re sulfur -- a good idea to eat a fair amount of beans and eggs if possible. I recently got back my hair analysis and Eidon suggested two tablespoons of sulfur before bed.

Premier Research Labs sells Medi Amino Bean which is a super food -- it's great used as a soup. One can put it some of their tomato concentrate for potassium and some nutritional flakes for Bs -- a great way to get nutrients without taking a capsule.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

Thanks for the information. Someone else told me he only uses MSM for dental work, which led me to believe it is a heavy metal chelator and a lot of sites about mercury detoxification say it will chelate mercury. It's hard to know!

At any rate my hair test didn't show low for sulfur, but I do make sure I eat lots of organic foods with sulfur in them.

About chlorella:

Quote from Dr. K "For example, the alga chlorella is ideal for removing virtually all toxic metals from the gut but has too little effect on mercury stored in the brain." 2007

The exception might be if one use the nanosized chlorella in the Biopure matrix metals.

I know that chlorella is nutritious and has many wonderful qualities but it sounds like regular chlorella only works in the gut.

In a video from 2008 Dr. K does say that it is helpful to try and remove the other metals first and that cilantro is better for other metals than for detoxing mercury (I admit I am afraid of cilantro), but I don't know how you would know which metals you are removing unless you did some constant testing.

Also seems like Dr. K like all doctors is constantly changing the protocol and it is hard to keep up with new details.

And others like Andy Cutler would totaly disagree with using MSM or chlorella or cilantro at all for heavy metal detox. I am not saying Dr. K is wrong--just others have different opinions and it is hard to sort through them all.

Guess I will assume the metals will come out naturally and I will continue with nanozeolite, apple pectin, activated charcoal, and chlorella.

I can tell by more sweating and sticky hair that I am releasing some sort of toxins right now! Biotensor wants chlorella, but not more than 5 biopure tablets at a time, so I think I am releasing very slowly.

Thanks for the info.


[ 07-17-2010, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: Lee ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lee- I don't see anything about nanosized chlorella in Biopure Matrix Minerals. Am I missing something?

[ 07-17-2010, 05:54 PM: Message edited by: NanaDubo ]
Posted by Hiawatha922 (Member # 10796) on :
I took a break from AI but I would like to return. Is it ok to continue sublingual immunotherapy while receiving AI treatment?
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
hi,i have been chelating and i am itching like crazy. it tests as nickel or lead.
has anyone heard of nickel or lead making you itch? it wakes me up in the nite.
ihave been to 4 dermatologist. and iam living on antihistamines..any thoughts?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
hi runner - the only thing that pops into my head is sometimes intense itching can be an overworked liver. Not sure it that's the case for you but maybe you can get that checked out.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi, I have suddenly phased from less physical pain to profound confusion/depression. I'm thinking it's mercury or something, but wonder how to spell relief.

I'm doing lots of binders as usual... have tried to take thirty minute walks and do the rebounder a little. Any other suggestions?

Waiting for glycine to be delivered to the Health Food Store...

It is the best of times; it is the worst of times...

Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
I'm just a couple days away from the end of the 2 weeks of taking my first set of AI drops.

For those that energy test (or biotensor or however), have you noticed that you stop testing good for the drops at the end of 2 weeks? Do you stop based on the 2 week time period, or based on what the testing says?

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

Then nanachlorella is in the BioPure Matrix Metals not minerals--at least according to the 2008 video interview of Dr. K that I watched on line.

Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :

I usually just stopped at the end of the two week period. There were a few times when I stopped before then because I couldn't handle the drops while working and then finished the 2 weeks at a later time. Don't know if I should have done that, but needed to go to work.

The biotensor would always say "no" to my drops after I finished 14 days, but that could be my emotional influenece on the tensor, too.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Hi Runner et al

Mercury can definitely come out in the skin. It happened to me. It was on my neck and arms. In Chinese medicine it is said that if the colon is not working, the lungs try to do its job and they do a crappy job. The lungs are related to the skin. Coffee enemas helped a lot. Why not a colonic?

As for depression, when I feel mercury or lead (or perhaps aresenic or aluminum) detoxing in the brain, I often get depressed and so do a number of people I know. I use MAP (amino acid combo) to help with that and it works great.

To help with binding and amino acid support, I make a soup with beef broth. I throw in onions (sulfur), carrots, a variety of dried beans (soaked overnight), spinach, celery, mushrooms and okra (which is mucilagenous). The okra thickens it a bit and seems to act a lot like pectin.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Lex et. al.,

Thanks for the soup/MAP recommendation. I'll start cooking today!

The darnedest thing just happened about two hours ago: I feel the metals moving slowly from muddled head into my neck. While I still feel teary, the depression fog is lifting and my neck is out completely in spasms. Can't even turn from side to side.

At least things are on the move!

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :

Sometimes itchiness can be overworked kidneys too.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

sometimes a good chiro or osteopathic adjustment can really get things moving from the head and free up the "bottleneck"
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
does anyone else feel the positive effects of the drops waning during the 2-week-off period when you are waiting for the next round?
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Hi all,
Just saw this book about "info-ceuticals". Is this man connected to our drops somehow?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
thejoje - I don't think so. I read on AI's forum that they do not divulge how they do what they do.

The translation is rough but it sounds as though they do not want it to fall into the wrong hands.

I think more things like this will be coming down the road.

There was a documentary (bbc I think) called "The Ghosts in Our Genes". They have figured out that DNA errors are passed generation to generation but haven't gotten as far as being able to correct them (the scientists involved with the film).

You can google the documentary - worth seeing.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Thanks, Lex. I actually just came back from the chiro. He said, "Boy, you are really locked up, but even so, your joints have never been so easy to adjust!" He also commented that my eyes and face look much clearer.

Some things are changing....

And, thejoje, I do always feel at the end of the 2-week-off period that I really need the next round! i've had some rough ending weeks that are always changed by starting the next drops. Sometimes the changes are great; sometimes not so much.


Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I was hoping my round three would arrive today. I asked HG twice when they would be sent but no response. Then I remind myself that everything happens when it's supposed to. Trying to push a river is such a waste of time.

I feel like I really need them badly -- yesterday I had some family systems work done and that sure stirred up the toxins. The practitioner also tested me against the hormone kit and what came up was right on target.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
My husband just got his first round of drops 2 days ago and discovered that taking 4 chlorella bothers his stomach. 3 chlorella is OK.

How many chlorella do you all take before meals?
(I can take fists full with no problem.)
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

It depends on the size of the chlorella you are taking. There is no hard rule...but in general, the more you take ,the better.

When I was taking sun chlorella, with the very small pelet sized pills, I took minimum 30 to 60 and sometimes 100 depending on my testing and if I was majorly detoxing metals. On the package it says take 15 for nutritional purposes,(which is the lesser daily amount that many take) and add more for improved health in 15 pill groupings. Sun Chlorella also can be purchased in larger pill size, equivilant to 5 little pellet each chlorella Manuf. has a varied size.

I am now using the biopure powdered chlorella, and am testing now for 1/4 tsp in water...three times a day. This is a more powerful product...this may be a better way for your husband to take it...but it also could be more potent...and not handled well...must test.

so again , you must test...

Many have reported here that taking a small amount is not effective or makes them feel sick in the stomach...and the larger amounts work better.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Larger amounts?? This oughta be interesting. We will test to see what pans out.

He is currently on vacation, which means that he is tending to outdoor projects around the house and working up a tremendous sweat. I think the sweating will carry him through the detox for now, but if he doesn't test well for chlorella we will have to switch to another binder.

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Warning: stupid question about to be asked.

WHen you all test for amounts of chlorella, do you physically hold the chlorella or the tensor over the chlorella, or do you say the amount and then test?

Thanks [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
ENERGETICALLY ENHANCED is printed right on my new bottle of Quintessence.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
thejoje, I hold the chlorella or item to be tested in front of me but fairly close. I hold the biotensor over it and start saying - I should take 5,10, 15 etc. until it stops giving me a yes.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
OK. Thanks ND!!
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Hair falling out! I have noticed an increase in my hair clogging the shower drain since I have been releasing metals. Has anyone else noticed this?

I do not have a thyroid condition and I am taking the Biopure core minerals and electrolytes.

Also, in talking with Hiker53 we both noticed our hair is sticky when we detox. Anyone else see this?

Will this release of metals never end? LOL

Thanks. Lee
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I have ghad periodic extra hair loss throughout the illness, so it's hard to relate to anything I'm doing at present.

I do notice that my hair is heavy and wayward during rough times. At present it is lifeless and feels as if it's got insects in it. I get this all over at times and sometimes I've been getting quite pronounced 'bite' or 'sting' sensations on my skin, just like an insect bite [minus the insect!].

Still getting the sore underlip [internally from lip to chin] quite regularly and a bad taste at the back of the tongue that is different from a metallic taste....both these do seem to be related to AI, so I'm hoping something nasty is leaving the body!

Hope the hair loss stops soon, Lee!

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Has anybody heard from Gigi? Perhaps she's on holiday.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
hair loss me too....I think it's the heat.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
ukcarry and all - Gigi is away on a long overdue
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Yes aBout the hair happened at different intervals during the drops. Started with metals moving. Now I have it again...though it feel hormonal now.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
In oriental medicine, the kidneys "flower" on the hair. So loss of hair may mean the kidneys are overworked and the chi is weak. So kidney support might be considered. Also, a lot of sick people still dye their hair -- that stuff is toxic.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I decided I needed to have some serious metal removal, so I'm seeing a naturopathic Dr. for EDTA IV chelation.

He had me do a 24 hour urine test, using the EDTA chelation as a "challenge." I just got the results.

The worst (very elevated) were cadmium, gadolinium, and lead. Elevated were aluminum, nickel, tungston, and uranium.

I'll be seeing the Dr. about the results this coming week.


Cass A
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Good luck, Cass A. I know EDTA is said to have the best affinity with lead .Hope it helps,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Well, I bit the bullet and took 28 chlorella caps
yesterday with no big side effects. Testing also asked for galactose and it's interesting because yesterday was the day I didn't take any!

Success Cass -- they have to come out sooner rather than later.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
A note about EDTA ivs.....I once had EDTA and noticed the 300 pound guy sitting across from me was getting the same amount as I (and I'm 123 pounds). When I got out of there I couldn't feel my feet, so my suggestion is to make sure that the amount they give you jibes with your weight and size.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Lex,

Thanks for the cautionary note!

I'll have quite a lot of things to discuss with my Dr. when I go for the IV chelation on Monday!!


Cass A
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Hi All,

Looking for some advice for my 3rd and final daughter who is about to send off saliva samples next week. She gradually weaned herself off of all thyroid and adrenal meds (liothyronine and cortef). Now she is extremely tired and works full time.

We recently had her tested for heavy metals and sure enough, she was loaded with lead, mercury, etc. so I know the drops will help to detoxify her.

But I am wondering now if it is dangerous to be off of these meds and having such a tremendously low energy level.

I think that in the long run, she will be much better off having no meds while on the drops, but I am starting to question this decision.

Does anyone out there have experience giving up these meds while doing the drops? I would greatly appreciate any advice.

Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :

Can't really answer your question, no experience with that. But, wuld encourage her to try Iodoral brand iodine (much better than some other lower dose brands). This can do wonders for the tyroid. Some other things that also really help the thyroid, if you're deficient, are n-acetyl tyrosine, and copper. These 3 things are the big components a thyroid needs to make the hormones. I was almost put on thyroid hormones, but avoided the need by adding these. I don't need the tyrosine and copper anymore, but still take the iodine.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
As it happens, I have weaned off both these whilst taking AI, the Cortef I stopped altogether in Jan/Feb, the T3 I stopped in March. I didn't stop them because I was on AI, but because the endocrinologist I was seeing wanted me to experiment without them.

Perhaps because last year I suddenly became hyperthyroid [and the T3 was the last thyroid med I retained], I haven't really noticed any changes that I can directly relate to being without these drugs.

My Thyroid Stimulating Hormone and free T3 is within normal boundaries....has your daughter had these checked?

If she has stopped them purely because of AI, it might be a good idea to check this with HG if you haven't already done so,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I would be cautious about getting off meds. Once on the drops, when improvement is seen, then one can wean off. But to just stop cold turkey? I wouldn't do it.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
HG told me to continue necessary medications. I think he just doesn't want people to use too many supplements or too much homeopathic things, but I would not jump off meds prescribed by a MD all at once.

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks Michael and Carry for your suggestions.

Is there a difference between n-acetyl tyrosine and plain tyrosine?

I have not informed HG about this issue. Would I do this in English or German?

On a humorous note, today my 3 daughters threw a surprise 25th anniversary party for my husband and I. Two of the girls are on the drops and said they had to take naps during the preparations. The 3rd daughter (who weaned off the thyroid meds) actually had the most energy! Many family and friends were invited and they managed to pull it off, despite all their detox reactions and health issues. It was truly an amazing feat!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Happy Anniversary thejoje!! What a nice surprise your daughters cooked up.

I'm pretty sure from past posts, HG has suggested not getting off things like heart or thyroid meds before starting the drops.

Ask her doctor - I wouldn't mess around with individual supplements for her thyroid - too much iron can be as bad or worse than not enough.
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
N-acetyl tyrosine is more expensive and, because it's already combined, is more readily absorbed by the body. I had tried regular tyrosine and it did not help me at all, but when I tried the n-acetyl tyrosine, it really helped a lot. So, for me, the n-acetyl made all the difference.

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks ND,
I will def be contacting HG for advice.

The warm breezes are blowing up quite a bit here. The dry air and cooler weather are great for napping!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Referring back to an old thread regarding BioPure products being energized. Just heard Dr. K say on a DVD that Quintessence (the five herbs for Lyme) is energized by putting it through a Rife-like machine. So . . . you know what HG says about not taking items that contain frequencies.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Yowie! Out of the blue my right leg feels like someone hit a portion of it with a baseball bat. It is on the upper part of my fibula.

I'm looking at it and there is nothing out of the ordinary visible to the eye. But man, is it sore!

Anybody else have this?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Try traumeel cream.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
When odd pains or issues occur out of no where...give them time before treating if possible. But do use your common sense. Take a quiet moment to think back in your when you even had that issues previously...if yu did, you may recognize some of this as past pains and issues being addressed now with AI. Expect this to happen...we all have these type of stories.

This has occurred for most of us who are complete with AI now...we have revisited the past pains and injuries on many occasions. They took care of themselves in most cases in three or four days...or a week or so. I understand temptation to treat and run to a specialist when things occur..use your intuition as a guide.

I had very bad again physically when I used steroid cream many years ago on rashes. I got that pain again on AI...for no reason. It felt like it was gong in reverse...from pain to free from reverse.

I also re-suffered my broken ankle...from a past injury...just the pain memory...not the break. I re-suffered the low thyroid symptoms...very scary...from an old thyroid dysfunction...lasted for two or three weeeks...I went to a specialist for this one and got blood tests...they found all resolved on its own...when on AI! Same thing with a kidney bladder infection...had the pain and symptoms...but after testing...had nothing.

This is real and does occur...IF you treat with something that could harm your recovery you will regret it...go light and natural if treating anything if possible.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Additional minerals and AI: I e-mailed Mr. Grundmeyer today and asked about the extra minerals that many of us are taking. He said not to take them, but to just eat healthy. He was unsure if they would affect the AI treatment or not. He did not address the issue of detoxing.

Interstingly, I sent in a new sample as I felt I was not done with AI and I was correct and am now on round #10. I tested my minerals after beginning the round and the answer was "no" to most of them.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thanks, Hiker. Maybe I should take a break from minerals, though I'd be loath to stop magnesium altogether.

I've just sent off the sample for my 10th round, so just behind you!

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks Lp,
My gut instinct was to wait it out, since it literally came out of the blue.

Many of you speak of "heavy metals coming out of the longbones".

What does this feel like, or is there no feeling at all, just tensoring to verify.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I had pain in my long bones, shins and upper arms. Lead often gets stored there. They just kind of ached and felt slightly bruised. It happened a few times but never lasted more than a few days.

Hiker - good to know how HG feels about minerals but I wonder as he has never seen people with such high toxic metal accumulations as those of us in the US.

I eat all organic foods but I also wonder about the soil depletion in this country.

Guess I'll experiment with the minerals.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I am not giving up my magnesium, either!

I don't know what HG knows about detoxing and minersls. I do know that the binders cause mineral depletion. Binders might be necessary for detox, but don't overdo them.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Binders can definitely contribute to mineral depletion. More than a year ago I was careless with the timing of charcoal which I think contributed to my low levels of minerals.

If I use that one now, I try to only take it before bed.

Dr. D in Bellevue told me that chlorella does not have the same affect on minerals as some of the other binders.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
HG also says in literature that ph balance is important and the food in this country is not going to do it unless you take l0 green drinks a day. Even then I have doubts . . .
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Seems like tricky business. I agree about ph balance but then there is the notion that metals only go into solution when there is a slightly acidic state.

I just came across this article and although it has probably confused me more than anything else....
it certainly has a lot of info

There are a number of things in the article I don't agree with - like having your dentist coat bridges or wires with clear nail polish!!... but
it does make a strong case for HGs thoughts on "just eat good food".

It also supports DKs quote "I've never met a healthy vegetarian".

Came across the article while mentally wrestling with the "to take minerals or not to take minerals" question.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
More from HG:

I doubled checked today and the Pekana products for detox are okay to use with AI as is the bionic. Different energy loop he said.

Hg also said once you are totally well you should recheck a sample with AI every two years. Thus it may not have a life long lasting effect.


[ 07-28-2010, 01:27 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Just a note--spoke with someone who did lots of rounds of AI and is resubmitting a sample. This person is detoxing and said that Selectrolytes seem to work fine and that she does not need a lot of minerals or binders for the detox to happen easily. Hmm.

Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
One good way to get minerals into the body is to take green juices. They then get straight into the bloodstream being easily digested. One can eat the fibre too, that would be ideal but somehow I cannot face it - oh ok I should eat it and am now eating it.

I must say I am horrified by the statement I read on the AI site, that it is fine to have a cola drink when taking the treatment and that one should not give up any foods. If one is wanting to improve the terrain that allowed pathogens to grow, then change IS necessary.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
What changed with the AI is life long I have been told...but what is not life long is any new pathogens or environmental toxins absorbed.

They recommend repeating it if you notice a change worth working on.

In other words, it does not wear off...what has changed has changed...but what is new may need to be cleared if you deem it necessary. As we are always surrounded by toxins...cannot avoid them.

Possibly what ever caused some of the be re-absorbed and cause a gut issues.

It can be healed...but it also can get hurt again.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Was the cola statement in the German version as I did not see it in the English version. I would guess that he is not advocating drinking a lot of soda. One cola now and then is not going to hurt you.

I did avoid the foods I was allergic to until I was sure I could eat them again. Sometimes we have food allergies we did not know we even have and they cause inflammation etc. I did blood testing and was shocked to see I was allergic to eggs etc, because I have eaten them my whole life without the "typical" allergy reactions.

I will probably do more blood tests at some point as I don't trust energy testing enough to assume I am allergy free of foods. I may always be sensitive to gluten as I have the genes for celiac disease.

AI might, indeed, help us a lot, but it is not a cure-all--in my opinion.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
If we think we're right, we cannot learn anything new.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
ditto what LP said
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
ditto what LP said
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
About pH balance. There is really very little you can do to change the pH balance of the body. The urine may show a change or the saliva, but the blood, through the process of homeostasis, will maintain its normal pH no matter what you eat. I know some will argue with me on that one, but I have taken too many biology, chemistry, and nutrition courses to think any differently. But each to his/her own opinion.

Of course you can temporarily change the pH of the stomach with foods and antacids etc, but not the blood.

Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :

Yes it was in the English version. Herr G is going against all of the joint wisdom in the healing world with some of his theories especially this one - that extra minerals are not required when one is detoxing and that it is ok to have, even if just occasionally, something that is quite poisonous to the system ie coke drinks. Anyone who is truly rebuilding the immuune system soon finds out that a relapse is the result of slipping up on some dietary item besides we must abstain from these things if we want to lose our taste for them.

This idea that one can continue to eat the things which brought about the production of an internal terrain which allows these pathogens to take hold by correcting the DNA sounds very tempting but a load of nonsense to me. It is not merely DNA and allergies which are the problem but the toxicity of many foods which are putting into our bodies and I believe that the only way to really achieve health is to allow the DNA to recover naturally through a drastic change of diet and maybe AI can help but I would not depend on it whilst still doing the things that made me ill in the first place.

When Herr G speaks of a healthy diet, I wonder if he really understands just what the average diet in the US is where everything is full of sugar. Going by the average German diet which will be classed as healthy by many, and which consists of a lot of bread, processed cheese, cured meat, white pasta, beer and cake, I fail to see why he does not see the need for drastic change. Walking around the streets in one city, I am shocked at the state of the elderly people. Yet they will all say they eat a healthy diet. And this is in a country which is generally eating a better quality of foods than in the US with less additives and pollution.

I would also like to challenge the quote mentioned here that one doctor has never seen a healthy vegetarian. Well that may be so, I cannot comment on that, and it may be that consuming dairy products is the reason that their health is not superior to meat eaters although statistics seem to show that they do not suffer the same rates of cancer. The healthiest people though, are raw vegans and one can easily find their gurus on You Tube though again not all raw vegans are healthy. Some make the mistake of eating too much fat proportionaltely which is easy to do through eating too many nuts for eample. But the ones who do not make this mistake can be found who have entirely recovered their health and some of them from a very low state, or addiction and would never dream of ever visiting a doctor and indeed never need one, leaving doctors with a false idea of what state of health can be achieved. Unfortunately I cannot eat raw vegan due to my impaired digestion but will do one day. Many sick people should not be eating meat which taxes the kidneys.

I just wonder whether the people who are really very sick indeed are healed through this therapy and continue to watch to see. Much of what I am reading here however, goes against common sense.

ps btw, regarding the problems you have been having - welcome to Germany where customer service is atrocious.

[ 07-29-2010, 02:31 AM: Message edited by: mati ]
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
What happens if one day AI just goes out of business? Ever consider this?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Well seek - I guess the earth could get hit by a giant asteroid tomorrow too. Too many "what ifs" exist.

Mati - the quote about vegetarians, I guess you would have to ask the doctor himself. I imagine he has met a few people in his time.

Sometimes a drastic change in the diet can have positive effects. Sometimes they last, sometimes they don't.

I was a vegetarian for over 20 years and feel much healthier eating pasture raised, organic beef, chicken and eggs.

Whether or not the people who are really very sick are healed through this therapy - one just needs to see their test results to see just how sick they are or what direction their health is headed.

My husband is quite healthy, a runner and bicyclist. He was not sick when he started and finished AI but his test results would indicate that the therapy was a bit of health insurance in his case.

10 years from now, he might well have been sick indeed.

His test results did not look much better than mine. Does having all excretory systems almost completely blocked but you are at a point where you are still walking around seemingly healthy, have less dyer consequences for the future than a lyme diagnosis? Guess it depends on what you mean by "really very sick".

Cancer - The Weston Price Foundation puts out a very nice publication that has some very up to date information about cancer.

One can read that mercury toxicity and even a heavy parasite infestation can lead to cancer. I would doubt eating meat as part of a healthy diet can solely be blamed for that unless one is eating caged up, antibiotic fed, hormone laden animals who are eating feed soaked with chemicals on top of all of that.

A diet that works for one does not work for all just as some people are meant to run marathons and some are meant to do yoga.

I can't possibly list here the lasting changes and improvements I experienced from the AI therapy - which I did for over a year. There is one person here who rarely posts that I get together with from time to time and her comment to me recently was "you have come a long way since I first met you" she met me just before I started AI.

Be well
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Klinghardt asked the same question . . . if he does, there'll be something else to take its place.
Hopefully HG has trained others. I prefer not to dwell on "what ifs" and statements from HG that don't make sense. Most of the replies I get from him are totally unintelligible.

I am on Round Three and am grateful for this type of treatment. It has helped me more than anything else. I feel even better since starting the BioPure minerals and electrolytes as well as chlorella vulgaris . Again, as Gigi keeps saying, test to see what your body wants. The biotensor is a delicate instrument that is quite helpful. I like it better than the pendulum.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I personally heard that particular Dr. talk about not seeing a healthy vegetarian in his practice, and he emphasized it was due to not doing it it is hard to truly get the correct balance of proteins and nutrients for enzyme production, etc. Also most already have leaky gut issues and low enzyme production.

Many are living on liquid type, juicing/soup diets with not eating the majority of foods that require the correct amount of chewing for enzyme production. Or live on loads of supplements versus whole foods with complete balance in general.

It has to be a meticulously planned and executed vegetarian balanced diet...proteins are essential....which usually does not occur with his chronically ill vegetarian patients who have a hard time with protocols in general.

Too much effort to do correctly for them, and they crave only certain foods. Proteins are very lacking and muscle wasting. Find they are not absorbing nutrients...leaky gut issues. Which in some cases led them to this type diet in the first place along with fear of what is in the food we consume. There are always reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet.

There is an emotional component with vegetarianism, I believe. Could be either positive or negative for some. Just my thoughts from experience.

[ 07-29-2010, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: lightparfait ]
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Cola statement...I did see that a while back when going over the AI site...and it did make me chuckle...and realize that HG is not a nutritionist...just a biologist/researcher and still learning himself about health across the world. I wouldn't go to him for nutritional advice.

He posts what others report experiencing or doing..not what we should do specifically. He post others experiences on the therapy...or answers questions about "can I take this or that...or do I need to stop eating or putting this on my body? for the treatment to work."

What he says to avoid are things that will stop the therapy from working...not what is good for you to do or eat n general.

He is not a doctor...but does know certain basic things that will stop the therapy from progressing. I would follow those things.

I would never recommend taking cola products...but to each their own vice! I still die my hair! Shame on me! I still have some vanity...and need to feel I do not have gray hair! I do not think I would be healing as rapidly if I felt bad about myself...for me that is a big emotion. I wish this was not how I felt...but I do. This feeling is lessening all the time, and I do believe I will feel able to go all grey at some point...but not today. It is a next step for the future that I recognize but do not dwell on today. For me there are other toxic vices I was able to work on and still working on.

I do not recommend that to anyone! But the AI therapy still worked for me...with the hair die.

Think you must make your own choices and not worry. For the purists...I say go for it...clean the whole terrain and refrain from anything toxic and you will succeed to the best your body can...most likely better than me I pray for you!

Some of us are still working slowly over time to change the issues that others seem able emotionally to change more easily. This is an individual journey, with emotions attached to all habits of behavior, that can change over time or immediately if we are ready.

I'm not saying...take the easy way out, and not to change things. I encourage all to challenge yourself and identify the things you feel are "out of order" in your daily life and change the things that you feel are necessary...and are hard...but can be done with freedom as the emotion you feel doing it!

Many times reading some of these posts will resonate with you...and you are led to follow that particular posters ideas...I say then pray and do what resonates.

Its a cycle: a change first, causing emotional release, causing mental or physical healing...and then mental and physical thing at a time, and the cycle has the potential to happen again with the next issue to tackle. I envision a spiral moving upward toward whole body healing over time. AI Therapy has been the missing "informational link" that helped my whole body move forward along this path, layer by layer.

It made all my issues easier to tackle and the priority of what to choose to work on unfold before my eyes. Things are happening step by step.
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
It is my understanding that the blood pH does change, but not by a large amount, because it is doing the balancing act of keeping the tissues the proper pH.

In another words if the tissues are too acidic, the blood will become more alkaline in response to bringing the tissue into line. This is why checking the blood for alkalinity can lead to false conclusions. The blood can be slightly acidic but this is because the tissue is too alkaline, and vice versa. Plus transitional phases in between.

It is a complex subject, but I generally agree there is little you can do to promote changing it one way or another. All you really can do is make sure you eat some foods that are alkaline to help the body do what it want to. Our diets are generally more acidic than alkaline.

Also keep the Lymph system moving so it can circulate what it needs.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Along my last thought, I want to share two recent positive events toward healing for me.

I was invited to participate in a family constellation a NJ psychotherapist. I have never been to any such thing, nor any therapist previously. I went to just observe and participate for another person that was seeking help and bringing their issues.

This is a kind of therapy where others "step in" as a part of another persons situation that needs healing...kind of like acting out parts in a person life.

Well, bottom line, it was very unique...and while I was acting in place of someone I did not know...I personally had some very deep emotions inside myself, silently, come to the surface with my family member I have had issues with...they were revealed in the quiet of my heart and mind. As I quietly, and silently recognized this ...I felt a change occur in me...a release, peace and emotional freedom and compassion well up inside of me. I did not vocalize this to a sole.

That night, at home, I recieved a phone call from my mother...(where my issues are) who has not been speaking to me. She told me for some reason she is now at peace with family things. This is BIG. It has to do with various types of abuse on many levels with many family members. It happened that day...for no reason, while I was at this workshop. She was the one I was lifting up in my thoughts during this workshop.

Anyway...the emotional release I received during her phone call, caused me to have the deepest full night of sleep I have had in years. I never sleep through the night. I have now for the past 4 days.

Also, two days later, another person invited me to experience NET...for the first time last night. In light of my last experience, I took her up on this!

This is a personal one on one session where specific issues you would like to change and feel blocked can be addressed to see where the root cause lies either physically or emotionally. My issue to address was "blockages to doing things for myself" I am a caregiver to many.

Anyway...found the root issue and it surprised me. The idea "miffed" came up....and that word resonated big time with me. We worked on this thought...and found something from my past that I never recognized as a block. Of course related to my mother...from years past, relating to miffed. Dealt with this and it helped me again, move forward in healing.

I now expect more physical healing to follow in some area. Emotions, mental and physical healing are intertwined.

I share this to say...there is always more to

We have been focused here on this thread to discuss all our physical issues and changes...but the emotional component is so essential that I hope others do not overlook it.

Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
Hi Ip

Yes of course the doctors see the unhealthy veggies that do not eat healthily but that gives them a false impression that it is doing without meat which is the problem and I agree that it is easier to be an unhealthy veggie than an unhealthy meat eater but it is perfectly possible to be very healthy and a vegetarian and it is not difficult - you just eat natural foods and not the packaged ones found in the supermarket. It is not hard to get protein when you do that - chia seeds for example are 25% protein. The idea that muscle wasting occurs if no meat is eaten is not true. Look at the animal world and young babies fed low protein breast milk.

I have never seen healthier looking people than raw vegans. Here is proof that he diet is healthy - sorry about the quality

I agree with you on the emotional aspect of eating healthy. It is much harder to stop food addiction from allergies when one has emotional healing to do.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
I"m not disagreeing with you...just reporting what I heard that Dr. say in context. He just happens to deal regularly with chronically ill unhealthy vegetarians. When he goes over their weekly diet, he finds the amount of proteins they consume is far below the minimal amount for for a balanced healthy diet for the body to function properly.

I happen to know a few very healthy vegetarians who do take the time to plan their protein sources daily...but the majority of the ones I know as well are chronicly ill, and admit they don't always eat protein foods daily as they don't always have them in the house, or work a meal plan around proteins. Pretty much just eat veggies/seeds/grains in a variety of ways.

I eat mostly vegetarian...but find I am better overall with a little meat or alternative protein daily. Although I would choose vegetables over meat any day...I know I need the protein in a variety of sources. Each is different. Variety is the key!
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thank you for sharing those very personal emotional changes and healings. I tend to overlook the importance of the other aspects of my being and focus totally on the physical.

It sounds like everything worked together to bring out this deep healing for you, and the timing was perfect all around.

Very encouraging. Thanks again.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Have these drops helped anyone overcome a nightshade allergy (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant)?

I would love to be able to eat tomato sauce again.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Greeting All ---

thejoje -- I used to break out with eczema on my shins when I ate nightshade veggies. I'm moving onto Round #8 of AI and I'm eating summer tomatoes/peppers most happily with no eczema. I hope that this continues and wish you the same good fortune!

QUESTION:I have been taking Beta-Sitosterol 1 pill 800 mg 3 times daily as a binder. I am following the directions on the bottle in doing this. Does anyone know if it is okay to take more than this? (I am asking since we can really step up chlorella doses.)

Best to all,

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Oh Yay!
Please God, let it be so!!

Molto Mario, here I come!
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
My husband started eating potatoes again with no reaction pretty early on - the 2nd round maybe? He used to have an instant reaction much like hay fever within minutes of even one bite.

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Nice report, Skies! [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I've had a rash for about two weeks -- sometimes it itches. May be related to measles I had as a kid.
Am on round three of drops but am reticent about eating gluten just yet.

Skiesmama, that's great about your husband eating potatoes again!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :
Thank you Lex..sorry i am late here.

the itching has been insane. sauna does seem to help as kidney suppot.

i am finding the itching is overloading of the organs...

havent been able to catch up with all the infor due to lack of internet, hope all of you are well..
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

I can now eat night shade veggies too!!!So happy as they are my favorite and I had bad reactions for many years to them until AI.

Let us know when or if your intollerence to them changes!
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Does anybody know what happened to the electrolytes on the biopure website? It seems they are no longer offered.
Posted by Healerdealer (Member # 23032) on :
Hi Everyone,

I'm waiting for my fourth round of drops and I wanted to know if anyone knows about taking the drops and having neural therapy.(Procaine injections in scar tissue to open up blockages).

The 2nd round of drops was a killer for me - so exhausted, achy and depressed. Felt like full-blown Lyme symptoms. I'm over that now but have watery eyes and am slightly spacey.

I'm also on IMD Intestinal cleanse which is basically silica for metal binding.

Does anyone know about this product and AI? All I can say is my intestinal tract is so much better but I'm concerned that this might interfere with the therapy.

I wrote to Mr. G and haven't heard back. I don't think he knows what it is. My holistic dr. prescribed it (he is also on the drops) but it seems that the less you do the better.

Any comments?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Maybe there is a problem with the website. When I click on electrolytes, it sends me to a different page that isn't all there.

Have you tried calling them?
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
No, but I will try. Thanks ND.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
It would seem that the intestinal cleanse would help, not hinder, as it appears the product Healer Dealer is talking about is for the colon (n'est pas)?

I am so happy that I am able to handle chlorella vulgaris (the tiny pellets) -- it is helping so much including my mood.

The last two days I've had ear pain and symptoms similar towhen I had Meniere's. Seems to have been the AI clearing it because today that is fine.

The small intestine has a very short span for absorption. The more stuff you take, the less absorption you'll get. If you take a really good product and l0 others that are hit or miss, you won't get the impact that you need for the good product. I just finished listening to ART III with Dr. Klinghardt -- man, I feel like I've run a marathon. He stresses over and over how less is more -- we are so used to adding thinking that a truckload of supplements will do the trick when in reality the more we take the less we absorb.

As far as BioPure Electrolytes not being available, that would be tragic. However, there is always SELECTROLYTES which Klinghardt used to use and they are great as well.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Biopure told me a few months ago that the electrolytes will soon come in a "sachet" to add to purified take care of the plastic bottle issue. Glass bottles are easily broken in shipping so there was a problem with that packaging option. Not sure if that is why the product is off the page...but did hear this info. first hand.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Healerdealer - I don't know about that particular intestinal cleanse but... I did have neural therapy once while on the drops. I don't think they interfered with each other and I felt like I got a lot out of the neural therapy.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Healerdealer...welcome to the discussion!

Interesting question about neural therapy and AI.

I haven't heard of anyone here talking much about doing the procaine injections,"neural therapy". Although DR.K does say it works for clearing blockages caused by scars.

Anyone every have neural therapy here? I am wondering too about the timing of it during AI treatment, versus prior or after AI. As I hear it opens up the detox flow very quickly. Many things released I hear.
Posted by eds (Member # 5700) on :
Isn't AI the same thing as an allergy homeopathic made on any EDS machine such as an Asyra or Biomeridian? It seems the resonance is imprinted on the drops and there are any number of EDS machines that can analyze the sample and imprint the drops. Any insight would be appreciated.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I do EDS testing with an IQS machine and I have never had reactions the way I do with AI. The AI process is a secret -- God only knows what machine HG uses. Also with EDS remedies, there's usually no restrictions . . . many homeopathics can usually be combined.

Procaine has been shown to be carcinogenic. I wouldn't let anyone inject my scars with it. I did once, before I knew about the carcinogenic properties. I believe a saline solution could work.
Anyway, clays work. I use them in my practice all the time for scars (Premier Research labs protocols only). Clays are powerful as most people find out who play with them.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi Lex --

Exactly how is clay used for scars? topically? green clay? Bentonite?


Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Electrolytes--From what I can tell the Selectrolyte contains more potassium and magnesium than the Biopure Electrolytes.

Lex, I am also interested in the use of clay for scars.

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
My daughter was in the hospital recently with fever, hives, and some trouble breathing. I just got test results back positive for borrelia hermsii. I've heard people mention borrelia here, but I relaly don't know anything about it other than that it's often co-existing with lyme (my daughter doesn't have a lyme diagnosis)

Can anyone direct me to a website with good info? I'd like to see the associated symptoms, but I'm not really finding much (might be that I'm in a hurry as I have to head out for the day lol)

SHe had the symptoms come on after taking diflucan for a yeast infection - I'm wondering if the diflucan wiped everything and the borrelia flared up perhaps? She also tested positive to strep in her throat, but the symptoms were really mild ( mild sore throat that was gone by the time the test came in)

She has a history of bizarre neurological symptoms that come on out of no where and then disappear (absence seizure, 2 month migraine, half her body going numb starting at her foot with extreme pain and moving up her right side of her body leaving numbness behind. Recurring hives. - there's more I'm sure)

I'm inclined to not do the antibiotics and just keep on with the AI.

SHe's taking a short break right now anyway because of the diflucan, and also because one of my kids got ahold of her bottle of drops before she'd had any and dumped them out. (sigh)

SO if the antibiotics were a good idea then I suppose now would be a good time since we could just extend her break.

I'd love some input on this (obviously I'm going to do other research and make the right decision based on all the information, but I know people here are quite well informed - just want to cover all the bases [Smile] )

She doesn't currently have any symptoms other than possibly some mental stuff (not sure lol it might just be a teenager thing ; ) So it's not a crisis unless weird mental stuff goes with borrelia and even then I'm not sure on that [Wink]
Posted by kateaton (Member # 24871) on :
I'm confused. I'm not sure if this has been discussed here or not, but I thought that people here said that they submit a follow up sample the day after they finish a round of drops.

On the instructions that came with my drops it said to wait 2 weeks then submit a sample.

Also, I got the second round of drops for my daughter within a week. Should I wait another week before giving them to here. Does there have to be a 2 week wait in between?

So far, I have not noticed any changes whatsoever. I'm really hoping these do something.
Posted by Healerdealer (Member # 23032) on :
Hi Lex,

Where did you hear about procaine being carcinogenic?

I know my doctor tested me with a few solutions so I don't even know if it was procaine. I'll mention to him about the procaine.

Well. I guess I'm glad I'm on the drops!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I need advice!

I was awaiting my Round #8 drops and got a letter stating that my saliva sample did not show any further "energetically relevant disruptions!"

Yet, I still feel awful. Achey joints and tissue, ears ringing, emotional and extremely fatigued and sleepy all the time.

I do not know how to proceed. They discussed that it would take up to a year for "restructuring" to take place for disruptions that existed for 10 years.

What now? Any ideas?

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Wiser, several others have been surprised when they apparently had finished treatment and HG suggested to them that they wait2 or 3 months and then send in a new sample. Perhaps you could check with them whether you should do the same?

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Kateaton, many people did not leave the 2 weeks before mailing a new sample because, given the typical mail time from USA, it would slow down the treatment considerably.

As I live in UK, with a shorter time for mail delivery, I have sometimes waited the full 2 weeks, sometimes mailed the sample after about one week.

If it is less than 2 weeks since your daughter finished the previous drops, I would be inclined to wait until at least the 2 weeks are up.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
A friend of mine who is a practitioner and who had breast cancer had all her scars done with procaine only to find out later about the carcinogenic effect. She's a meticulous researcher and wanted to kick herself. If it's a concern for you, best to do some Googling. She herself is an EDS tester and figures a lot of things out for herself. I would not feel comfortable giving out her name. But I will email her to see if she can direct me to a particular study.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Skies, sorry to hear about your daughter. I'm afraid I don't know anything about borrelia hermsii except that it is associated with relapsing fever.

As for antibiotics, if the borrelia h is of recent origin, there would seem to be a good argument for taking them now.

If it is an older infection, and you suspect it may be the cause of your daughter's history of symptoms, then timing of abx would not be as crucial.

I find it hard to say more, as I'm not familiar with that species of borrelia.

Good luck with your research,

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Have any of you had a resurgence of Lyme while taking the drops? I think that this is the problem with the terrible arthritic pain in my leg which seems to be getting worse.

I stopped abx treatment to do the AI and felt a lot better when I went off all the drugs. Now my leg is on fire. It has been almost 2 weeks since this pain started. It is a brand new symptom and not a resurfacing of an old injury.

I'm going to tough it out with the drops, then probably go back on the abx when the rounds are finished.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

Your leg pain might just be the bugs surfacing from a deeper level where they weren't noticed before. They may have been encysted deep within the tissue and now with the drops their hiding places have been revealed.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
What you say makes sense; however, I would now like to blast these bugs to Kingdom Come. I presume they are having free reign now that the killing agents are gone.

Should I rely solely on the drops at this point, or should I take something to boost my immune system.

Also, HG says aspirin is OK, but does anyone know if a few Advil is OK to take on occasion?

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

Many of us starting AI before you have done some natural therapies after getting of antibiotics, prior to starting the AI.

These things, whether killing herbs, rife, photon machines, clearing dental metals, detox things, etc...did help many have a lower load prior to startng the AI.

so it is hard for me or some others to recommend with any form of certainty as to what to do now that you are experiencing lyme-esque type symptoms...while trying to stay "natural" on the drops.

There are times that many of us on the drops shared that we have taken some sort of remedy when experiencing a strong issue. I have taken advil one time with extreme ankle pain...but I hesitate to recommend anything extra. I also took some iodine for a thyroid blast. And I wish I did not!

I think those who have had a harder time getting through the AI, are the ones starting with a higher load of toxins and pathogens, that were not addressed enough to begin with. It does not mean you cannot get through this...but so hard to compare your issues with others.

Hang in there and do what your body is telling you. If I were to take anything...I would give AI a break for awhile after taking anything, take binders to clear all that out, before sending in my new sample, so it still has a chance to recognize that your body is not in balance, and not fooled by the extra killers or supplements. Just some common sense with this.

Another thought, if you come back as being done the drops...and you know you are not truly completely may want to take a long break, get ART tested, and see if there is something to help with clear some symptoms before re-sending in your sample.

There may be a very large emotional component to address that will clear your symptoms! This happens for many! Do not just look on the first level...the physical. There are 4 other levels that the root may be lurking that causes the symptom or block...that once this block is addressed, it releases things so AI's "informational component" can flow and release even more.

Practitiners that do ART have commented that in general, if patients present with physical issues, on level I or II,(physical or electromagnetic) the root to address is most likely on the higher levels, and visa versa, if the problem is mental, informatinal or consiousness, the issue is either in the matrix or physical level.

AI works well on miasms, and anxiety, depression, but does not seem to release ALL your emotional blocks...especially if they occur daily! I'm not certain about scar blockages either as to if they need to be addressed after AI or not. But scars do create very large blocks. I have witnessed this.

I observed a patient being ART tested, when a scar was found crossing the midline...very deep cesarian. A big block...practitioner found her body was virtually "cut in half", as the lower portion was not responding at all to any treatments post the cessarian. Her body looked like a balloon on the top...could not ever loose weight. Like two different bodies to treat. Major emotional blockages in the scar! Could only get so far without neural therapy, the practitioner recommended.

I'm still wondering if AI will clear scar many practitioners who do the scar clearing, do not understand AI yet!
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thejoje,in my case, I never stopped having Lyme symptoms, as antibiotics had not made any noticeable difference during the year or so I was on them. I have many symptoms.

Recently, I did have a particularly bad stretch of Lyme arthritis/extreme stiffness and cramping, for example, which was especially bad at night. As with the general ebb and flow of my illness experience, the intensity of those symptoms has died down somewhat for the moment.

I have been ill a very long time and it made sense to me to try AI before any other major 'killing' plan, but I still experience my major Lyme symptoms, along with some new different symptoms such as widepread skin rash, sore underlip, distinct chemical taste at back of tongue....these I attribute to the effects of AI.

I see no point in taking much, if any, killing modalities whilst on AI, which is seeking to reregulate and reopen the channels of detoxification. That seems to me like shoving more rubbish down a broken garbage disposal machine!

So far as your question about the immune system is concerned, I sometimes take, for example, beta glucan and I am sure others have mentioned it too.

I take some herbs and turmeric/curcumin and have also taken the odd pain killer rather than suffer unnecessarily,

all the best,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Maybe as our immune systems start to wake up, they go after some things they couldn't recognize or be bothered with before?

I had times of pain, stiffness and some muscle cramps but I did not refer to these as "lyme symptoms". All of these can be attributed to many other things.

Lingering lyme neurotoxins can feel every bit as bad as active infection.

Metals leaving the tissues (of stuck in) can feel pretty bad sometimes. DK calls fibromyalgia - mercury stuck in the tissues.

If you had years and years of toxins, bugs, parasites, fungus - whatever - build up, I would not expect all of them to wake up and make their way out without experiencing some discomfort.

HG has always said "if you have a headache, take an aspirin, there is no need to suffer." Taking too many things is another story as we see it tends to contribute to no dysregulations being found.

If the drops are working on the process of enzyme production and we start taking digestive enzymes at every meal, maybe that signals that the function is working when it in fact is not (for example).

Just my thoughts.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

You raise an interesting question about the digestive enzymes. Now let's apply it to minerals and electrolytes. We know that many who are on AI are releasing toxins of all kinds including heavy metals.

Does this mean we should not use binders while on AI as it might signal the function of getting rid of toxins is not working?

Does this mean we should not take electrolytes when we have cramps as it might signal the function of the body is working when in fact it is not?

Does this mean we should not take minerals as has been heavily advocated on this site as the might signal that the functions of the body are working when in fact they are not?

I pose these questions seriously, not to be rude or to contradict you.

I know that after a year of AI I still cannot eat gluten and I take a "safety digestive enzyme" for that reason. I know I still have leaky gut and take L-glutamine. I take milk thistle to protect the live from toxins. I take magnesium or potassium when I get muscle cramps. Should I not be taking these items?

If that is the case, Biopure will go out of business. LOL


[ 08-04-2010, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thank you all for your serious consideration of my problem. There I was thinking that advil or abx is what I truly need. (Talk about short-sighted!)

I have had 2 C-sections and a couple other minor operations-- and I'm sure there are emotional blockages galore.

Sharing what you all have been through is a tremendous help. I now have something to remind myself of when the pain is bad. Thank you all so much.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hiker - I don't think there was anything on the AI test about lack of minerals. We don't detox properly without them - that is why I take them and they certainly are not in our soil or food in the amounts they once were.

My minerals levels were always fine until metals started leaving.

Taking binders to soak up the metals or toxins does just that I think. The test shows the level of contamination due to metals recirculating. I wouldn't think we want them recirculating - hence binders or overload the system.

We are not talking about a run of the mill every day type of detox that the body takes care of daily on its own. These are some major detoxes that can push the body and may need extra help.

HG stresses being hydrated and not with plain water that would wash minerals and nutrients away. So why would their be a problem with electrolytes? They are just minerals as well.

My comments were specific to functions that the drops are trying to regulate. Enzyme function could be one.

Our bodies do not make minerals and if they are being wiped out when the metals exit, it makes no sense to me not to replenish them.

I had a short stint with glutathione which was a disaster and I can't help but think it was because the drops were trying to help me produce more of my own and my liver just wasn't up to the added stress of trying to absorb it.

To me, taking minerals and binders is not the same as taking killers, or immune enhancers or anything that the drops are trying to rebuild or get the body to do on it's own.

If I get a muscle cramp I take electrolytes or magnesium as well. I don't think I said we shouldn't take those things - simple things that should be in our food.

HG always told me that when the detox really starts happening that organ support is a good thing.

My statement about enzymes was:

"If the drops are working on the process of enzyme production and we start taking digestive enzymes at every meal, maybe that signals that the function is working when it in fact is not (for example)."

I said - for example and I do not know if that interferes or not - I was putting it out there for thought. I did not say you should or should not take enzymes.

If you still can't eat wheat, maybe your gut needs more time to heal.

Mostly, what I was trying to say is that every ache of pain is not necessarily lyme related as there were several posts about lyme symptoms.
Posted by Healerdealer (Member # 23032) on :
thejoje - I had full-blown Lyme symptoms (extreme fatigue, body aches and depression) when I was on my second round of drops.

I was ART tested and Lyme came out as a priorty. I'm waiting for my fourth round and the severe symptoms seem to be gone. (Hope it stays that way!)

Still have some fatigue in the mornings.

On the subject of digestive enzymes - did you know that fermented foods like sauerkraut is full of digestive enzymes!

My doctor suggested I add more fermented foods to my diet to improve digestion and I think it's working 'cause I feel a difference.

Has anyone ever heard of the GAPS Diet? Go to for more info. It has to do with healing the gut and how the gut effects your brain and so on.

Doesn't talk of Lyme but it addresses candida. Candida is a big problem for all of us!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

You make a good point about supplements, such as enzymes, that are normally made in the body might not be great to take with AI.

And I think with the exception of zeolite the binders I take are foods--the chlorella and apple pectin (but not the activated charcoal).

The amino acids for my stomach would normally come from food and then be synthesized by the body to make peptides, so perahps they are okay to take.

I know my gut is not healed, yet, which is why I sent in for more AI even when they said I was through. I am now back on AI.

Anyway, I hope I didn't offend you.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
You did not offend me. I simply felt that the enzyme question wasn't the same as binders or minerals and so was trying to explain.

Most binders are foods as you say, so I didn't understand why you were asking if they should be stopped. Same with minerals. We can't live without those.

All is well.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Chlorella as binder. Chlorella won't deplete minerals--anything but. Chlorella is probably the healthiest thing one can take and can take the place of all the other supplements most people take. It has minerals, amino acids, SOD, many of the Bs including B12, folic acid, vitamin C and the list goes on. Not to mention all the cleansing chlorophyl. Sometimes I'm amazed at how much my body wants -- it has been calling for 50-60 at a time when I use the biotensor, other times just 9 or 10. I only use charcoal when I have a miserable headache.

Round 3 of AI has been probably the roughest but it seems to be clearing more junk out than the other two rounds.

Good health to all.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Would you kindly explain how you use clay for scars. I have a large scar from a hysterectomy that might block healing.

Thank you.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
yes - chlorella has been talked about here lots - it's a wonderful food.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

You can get the protocol on scars/clay from Premier Research Labs. It's a long complicated process but first you have to put clay on the hands and feet that test weak (to open drainage). If a scar is what is called primary (meaning that it's an interference field) then it need to be claypacked.
If it knocks off GV 20 at the top of the head, then the head also needs to be claypacked along with it at the same time. IF you email me privately, I can give you more information. It's not something that you want to do on yourself; you really need someone who has been trained.

Also, if you're on AI, then you don't want to use the clays as they are magnetic and could interfere with the drops. If you're on the drops, you turn into a juggler.

Before I tell anyone to go on AI, I help them with their scars first because I don't think that AI is going to dissolve scar tissue. I think if the hands and feet are open and drainage is happening, the AI won't cause as many serious detox reactions. In fact, I'm wondering if those who have been on umpteen rounds don't in fact have interference fields and blocked "downloads" (hands/feet).
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Thank you for the scar information. I have been wondering if my scar is causing slow healing.

I doubt anyone near me has been trained, but I will ask around. The closest ND is over 3 hours away, so I rely on a energy healer for a lot of information and for energy testing.

Blessings. Hiker53
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi all --

I wanted to ask if anyone has had a similar experience with what I am now facing.

I've been achey and sleepy for about four days. Suddenly today I have swollen glands around my neck and collar bone and a quasi-sore throat. The achiness and head fog are pretty bad. Feels real Lymic.

I've been taking binders all along and alternating Epsom Salt baths with Baking Soda baths and lots of dry skin brushing.

I am officially off AI as they told me things looked good after Round #7. Hmmm.... what's wrong with this picture?

Feeling pretty wretched. Don't know what treatment to seek for relief. Patience is running a little low.

Any ideas?

Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Nobody awake this weekend?

THought I'd try again.

I read in some Dr. K articles that the Lyme stuff piggybacks on heavy metals, and as the metals release, you can wake up sleeping Lyme junk. He says that you need to treat the Lyme when this happens. *GULP* I'm avoiding any and all abx... Quintessence? Freeze-dried Garlic?

I'm torn between thinking in the AI-manner that neurotoxins feel just like Lyme but aren't Lyme -- versus Lyme (or inadequately treated Bartonella) rearing its' ugly head from the heavy metals sounding the call.

The worst of this is that Herr G's saliva testing shows that I'm done after 7 rounds.... must wait one-three months before sending in another saliva sample. In the meantime, I'm on binders and LiverLife. I've been avoiding killers to support the detox and not make it harder.

For the larger audience out there, Any thoughts?

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi Wiser,

Flu-type symptoms have been a major feature of my illness right from the beginning, though I probably experienced them a little less often as time went on [or is that just that you get used to a level of illness?!].

Whilst on the drops, I often have the 'liquid' eyes , a sore throat and cough, swimmy head etc and I hope it's related to the detoxing of metals and chemicals. I also get spells of being extra stiff, achy and crampy, especially in bed.

Although you have finished the drops for the moment, your body should be working away at correcting itself, so your symptoms may well be caused by this...but who knows for sure? I understand how you are torn about it, as I often feel the same way!

Do you take any MSM as one of your binders/detox agents? It sometimes takes the edge of the achiness for me. Taking something like Japanese Knotwood in low dose while you wait may also help to maintain the status quo without stepping too much on AI's toes.

Good luck: hopefully, the 3 months will pass quite quickly for you without you feeling even worse and you can concentrate on eating well, minerals perhaps and binding as appropriate,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hi Wiser - just some thoughts. If I understand the drops, they wake up the immune system like rebooting the hard drive.

If this is the case, maybe your immune system is going after these things on it's own - or trying to. Seems I remember him saying or writing that this is the hardest work the body will ever do.

Maybe the head fog is a yeast/fungus die off. A couple of times when I tested strongly for anti-fungals I took a fair amount of freeze dried garlic which intensified the situation. A pretty strong killer.

If it is a lymph drainage issue causing the collar bones to be tender and swollen glands - red root tincture could help. It has some killing qualities as well but quite mild compared to freeze dried garlic.

Do you know of a good lymphatic drainage practitioner? I used to see a woman who practiced Upledger techniques and it worked very well.

I have some Quintessence that I have never opened and I NEVER test to take it. My body seems to want nothing to do with anything that kills.

Crampy - Dr. A D told me that when one is taking a lot of minerals, electrolyte balance can get thrown off and if magnesium wasn't helping with cramping, to add a little more electrolytes.

I don't think Mr. G would mind if you didn't wait three months.
Posted by n.northernlights (Member # 17934) on :
my EMF sensitivity is way decreased, I noticed!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

AI said I was done with the drops after round #9, but I still had items in the red and yellow on the graphs. I submitted a new sample and did need more drops. I waited 2 months and wish I had resubmitted my sample right away.

Check your results and if you went down in any area or have areas in the red and yellow I would suggest you send in another sample to AI.

I also agree with Nanodubo that your own immune system may be kicking in. I just had one of the most powerful lyme herxes I have ever had and know I killed a lot of the borrelia this week. I probably messed up AI with some of the detox I had to do, but I couldn't believe the herx reaction.

Blessings. Hiker53

[ 08-08-2010, 12:32 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hiker, what do you think has caused borrelia to be killed? Do you mean that you think your immune system is kicking in and therefore killing it?

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Yes, I think my immune system is kicking in. I did go out on a limb and see a Christian energy healer Wednesday and after she worked on me is when I herxed like crazy. As a Christian I think it is God working through the healer and my own immune system. The effect is so powerful that my lifelong toenail fungus is just about gone. (sorry to gross you out)

In June when I thought I was done with AI, I had a night where my immune system kicked in after a long prayer time and I killed some of the borrelia then I am sure, but did not herx like I have done the past few days. I know AI and energy "stuff" does not mix, but I felt lead to use this healer. She helped me when I had terrible insomnia. I had it for three months and no drug or supplement would help and one day after she worked on my pineal gland I have slept well since.

I do think between AI and the bionic and energy healing techniques my immune system is now functioning on its own. I got my first bad cold in 7 years this summer. I give God the credit!

Blessings. Hiker53
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
That sounds great, Hiker and thanks for explaining.

It does sound as if you have found a really good healer and also as if you are making real progress,

all the best,

Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Thank you healerdealer, ukcarry, nanadubo,and hiker for all of your responses.

healer -- thank you for the information on the I looked at the site and was inspired to make bone soup.

ukcarry -- what round are you on? do you still have the flu-like feelings?

hiker -- when you have flare-ups do you always consider them your body's immune system killing something? I'm always afraid that it's my body not being able to detox completely. Your healing experience sounded amazing; I am happy that this came into your life.

nanadubo -- I am going to the store today for red root tincture! I must admit that my diet is not perfectly devoid of gluten and sugar. I wonder if fungus and candida are an issue that is cropping up. Lots of tears and confusion in conjunction with this onset of pain.

Overall, I'm sweating, exhausted and finding it difficult to stay positive. I keep hoping this is all for a good cause and that I'm continuing to detox. I'm supposed to pack up for vacation -- we're leaving on Friday -- and I'm having difficulty motivating myself towards that organization.

Just trying to "be" while I ride the chaos surfboard....

Best to all,

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Wiser, I'm waiting for round 10 to arrive.

I no longer feel as horribly fluey all the time as I did right at the beginning of illness, but I do still get those symptoms I described, especially if I've had to over-exert myself [physically, mentally or socially].

With AI, I've noticed that the symptoms often start to appear in the evening, but don't tend to develop further, as they used to; I will then take chlorella or my herb and clay capsules as binders and often feel clearer in the morning, though I have noticed more of a constant mildly sore throat recently.

I'm sweating enormously too, especially at night [and still not sure how much is menopause and how much babesia!]

Be aware that red root is a strong coagulant and some people [myself included according to tests] with this illness already have a degree of hypercoagulation. Those on blood-thinning meds should also be wary of it.

I know how hard it is to get ready for time away when you feel lousy, so I hope you start to feel better soon and are able to enjoy your vacation,

Best Wishes,


[ 08-10-2010, 06:16 AM: Message edited by: ukcarry ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Carry brings up a good point. I am only taking red root as I ART tested so strongly for it. Guess it's a good idea to test for anything you are going to take.

Just got my July hair test results. Compared to the April test - I am still releasing a lot of heavy metals but my mineral base is much, much better.

Calcium and magnesium are still a little out of whack and some minerals (like lithium) are on the high side now with most things in the normal range instead of totally depleted.

Having phone appointment with my doctor in WA next week and will go over these results.
Posted by Healerdealer (Member # 23032) on :
I agree NanaDubo that head fog could be a sign of yeast die-off.

Last year (before AI) I rifed for candida and I had a huge herx that felt just like Lyme. At that time, my Lyme was in remission.

Does anyone here drink Kefir. It's a natural probiotic. I just started drinking the kind made from goat's milk.

I also started adding fermented foods (preservative-free sauerkraut, pickles and kimchi) to my diet along with homemade chicken stocks.

The fermented food helps to make the good bacteria in your gut.

Started reading Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, Has to do with natural treatments for Autism, ADD, Depression, etc.

Talks about candida, allergies, chemical sensitivities, heavy metals and de-tox. The main focus is healing the gut so that symptoms will subside.

It's not an easy diet - but it's worth it if it works. No gluten, no grains, no dairy, no starchy vegetables.

Foods you can have are all fruits, fresh-pressed fruit juice, non-starchy vegetables, meats, seeds, nuts and some beans.

I'm on a modified version for candida. Going on week two and feel pretty good.

Wiserforit - I used to have chronic sore throats. Then I went to a dr. that used a green laser in my throat and I haven't had any sore throats since.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Just received my 15th bottle of drops and started them this morning. The report shows 4 energetic blockades, 2 biological substances, and 6 chemical substances.

Still working through the layers of stored toxins, I guess. I wonder where it will end!

Also, is anyone using Selectrolytes or other brand of electrolytes in place of the BioPure electrolytes in Dr. K's rehydration cocktail?

I'm almost out of BioPure electrolytes and would like to continue taking some kind of electrolytes with the rehydration cocktail.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
My goodness, Nutmeg, that's a lot of rounds! Are you feeling improvements?

Sorry, I can't help with your question, as I use a UK brand of electrolytes,

Best Wishes,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Nutmeg, Morin Labs has Selectrolytes but I haven't tried it. I had several bottles of Electrolytes stocked up before the "shortage" happened.

They look to be pretty much the same although you probably saw that Selectrolytes can be ordered in glass bottles.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Dr. Klinghardt used to use SELECTROLYTES of Morin Labs and they are made by a man with great integrity.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Crayhon Research makes "Peltier Electrolyte Concentrate."
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Crayhon Research makes "Peltier Electrolyte Concentrate."
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I have not posted in awhile so thought I'd catch you up. My kids and I are on our 6th round of AI and my husband is now on his 2nd.

My husband started AI because he still has amalgams and I thought it would be wise to have his body get started on AI prior to their removal. However, he has noticed, off and on, a slight runny nose after eating wheat throughout his life, but nothing very bothersome. After his first round which he described as being extremely tired and his limbs like dead weights he now has no runny nose!

As for myself and my kids, I have not had the nerve to try the foods that we were allergic to and see if we still have a reaction. I just figured I would do that once AI said we were done. However, tonight my husband accidentally gave my kids and I organic ice cream cones instead of gluten free! I was panicked when I saw the box, but thought that I should calm down and use this as a trial. So far, I do not have the immediate brain fog that typically occurred after eating gluten so that is great. I will keep you posted tomorrow or the next day to see if any excema, etc. pop up.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I thought everyone would want to know - Zombie (she is my sil ) - is in the Hospital - she is very very ill. Please everyone hold her in your thoughts and prayers. She's come so far - and so close to beating this....
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I'm so sorry to hear that. If you speak with her or visit, please tell her she is definitely in my thoughts and prayers.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Finishing up Round 3. A lot of toxins coming out of the skin. My inner upper arms burn and inner elbow swells up like a balloon. I have a feeling it's breast toxins trying to find way via the axilla -- I think the electrolytes and minerals are allowing the body to push this stuff out.

I have a feeling that those who are on the drops for a long long time might consider interference fields (scars, cavitations).
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
SELECTROLYTES used to come in glass but now it comes in "safe" plastic.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Skiesmama, I am so sorry to hear that Zombie is so ill; please do give her very best wishes from me and ,I'm sure, everyone on this thread,

Posted by Healerdealer (Member # 23032) on :
Skiesmama - sorry to hear about Zombie. I wish her a full recovery.
Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
Healing prayers for Zombie.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Zombie is in my thoughts and prayers too.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
God bless Zombie, and give her strength to come home.
Posted by Nutmeg (Member # 7250) on :
Thanks, all, for the info about electrolytes. I found a small bottle of electrolytes at my health food store, so I'm going to try those for now and see how they work.

I've bookmarked the info about the Peltier electrolytes too...thanks.

Lex, interesting thoughts about potential interference fields from scars or cavitations. Years ago I had scar neural therapy by an MD I used to see--twice I think. Have never had cavitations addressed, so that might be a factor.

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Hi all,
Crisis here.
2 of my daughters on the drops are experiencing wicked depression: crying for no reason, overreacting to very small things, needing lots of hugs and reassurance, etc.

It's round 2 for one daughter and round 1 for the other.

I've been giving them burbur detox, chlorella, 3 pekana drainage, zeolite, pectin. Nothing is helping.

Does anybody have an idea about how long this could last?

I'm glad that the toxins are releasing from their young brains, but it has been very tough on them.

Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
Is the Allergie Immune Test a good way of finding out what you're allergic too?

I'm afraid i have some allergies that I'm unaware of (Soy, etc)

Doesn't Allergie-Immune send you results of what you're allergic to?

(Sorry to dive into the longest running thread on lymenet : )
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
My daughter had a really rough time with round 1 - and 2 for that matter. Lots of tears, sadness, anxiety, panic attacks. SHe also had traumatic memories from her childhood return. ROund 1 was hard for my boys too - just a general overall extra everything - anger, aggression, tears, meltdowns. They have mellowed a lot since starting (we are waiting for round 5.)
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I forgot to say - It's pretty hard to know how long anything will last with AI - for some it's just a few days, others it can go longer. The only thing I really count on is that it will pass.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thank you for that. 4 rounds of heavy duty emotions must have been rough.
Glad there is a light at the end.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
This therapy scares me because the majority of users seem to be feeling worse or having a difficult time. [Frown] It's too dangerous for me.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi everyone -- I am about to go on vacation for 10 days and I wanted to send hugs and blessings to one and all before I go!

A special prayer and thoughts out to Zombie!

I had a German-speaking friend call Herr G. and talk about the pain that I have been experiencing as well as my worry over the 7th round being an ending point.

She translated something interesting: if you are experiencing alot of symptoms but still have energy to do things, you are having "an aggravation." If the symptoms do not go away after about two weeks and you are flattened with no energy, you may be relapsing and in need of more AI regulation.

HG told me he found no Lyme and that I should try to wait out 2-3 months before sending in my next saliva sample. He said it is better to see how the body responds to processing the immune system with new information. The symptoms may change: score Team Body! If the symptoms are persistent and do not change or get worse for a longer period, it's time to zoom the saliva sample into AI.

My pain has lessened somewhat. I'm hoping Cape Cod will sooth my savage beast even more!

Best of the best to everyone,

Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
How can HG possibly tell you if Lyme is your issue? I thought the testing did no medical diagnosing? Interesting.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wiserforit2 - have a wonderful time and thanks for sharing HGs comments.

Canefan - Allergie Immune will find what you are allergic to. He uses the term allergie to describe an inappropriate response to substances. It is usually not the substance itself but an inappropriate response due to all the chaos in the body.

Your immune system may go on the attack when it detects soy, but do absolutely nothing if it detects an industrial toxin or the like. Just doesn't recognize things properly.

The many pages of test results are eye opening to say the least.

Thejoje - that all sounds rough but pretty normal with the drops. The crying comes and goes but emotional release can take someone a long, long way toward healing.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Seekhelp - the AI therapy takes time, patience and a lot of courage. It is not about kill, kill, kill and hope the symptoms go away - it's about re-booting the hard drive so the immune system can do it's job.

Many people get tick bites and NEVER get sick. Some people get sick and stay sick and there is a reason for that. Getting to the bottom of how I could ever have gotten so sick was the reason I did AI - through good times and bad.

It's not a magic pill but a worthwhile process with lasting affects.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Wiser, thanks for letting us know that: I was surprised to learn that HG said he could find no Lyme, as I didn't think he looked for specific conditions.
Posted by Healerdealer (Member # 23032) on :
My 17 year old son just finished his 8th round of the drops. If I remember correctly, his second round was the roughest.

He was tired, depressed, extremely moody and emotional. By the 3rd round, his mood and energy improved.

When he was on the 6th round, he had an emotional episode, sobbing hysterically for being told that he was grounded for a few weeks.

He has been grounded before but never reacted that way!

To me, his sobbing was an emotional "cleanse".

It only happened once and he is in much better emotional state now.

He is happier and more stable. He knows that the drops are helping him.

I just keep telling him to hang in there!
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
Does anyone have thoughts on being pregnant while on AI, or while having just done some AI? I'm not talking about someone necessarily with lyme, but someone who would have some detoxing to do (like so many of us). Has anyone ever spoken to HG about this?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
The best approach is to detox before pregnancy -- that goes for the mother and father. To get the body ready to receive the gift.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

zeolite is a big detoxer - I would not use it on AI.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
correction just checked my bottled of SELECTROLYTES--it does come in GLASS
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :

So someone could get the allergie test done (for $$$ ?)

But not necessarily have to go on the treatment right away?

I'm more just curious what my allergies are.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Yes, you can just get the test results if you want.

It's 90 Euro for the test (about $115). If you decide you want to do the therapy at some point, the cost of the test is deducted.

Go to

and click on English version.

You can p m me if you want further instructions.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Canefan17, I'm guessing you will be allergic to corn, wheat, soy, molds, etc. [Smile] I think everyone but GiGi is. I had the testing done a long time ago. I couldn't get myself to pull the trigger.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Mine is the NutraMedix Zeolite -550 mg, taken once every few days in the pm. I thought this was OK to do on the AI.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

zeolite is a mobilizer -- anyone I've ever spoken to about it says to go easy with it. When on AI, HG says use binders, not mobilizers. Although some things are both. If you are feeling crappy, I would just try eliminating the zeolite and see how you feel without it. I avoid it like the plague.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
In regards to zeolite--not all zeolite is created equal and I found ACZ nanozeolite to be extremely helpful when I began releasing metals.

Below is a quote from the website about how ACZ nanozeolite works. It seems to be a binder and a mobilizer.

"The cleansing mechanism of ACZ nano� is simple. With each dose, near countless numbers of sub micron size zeolite crystals enter the body as energized, negatively charged cages. As these crystal cages travel through the blood stream, heavy metals and free radicals attach to the zeolite crystal cages in an action similar to a magnet attracting iron filings. This unique exchange mechanism is called the Cation exchange capacity. These toxin filled cages then pass naturally out of the body after only 5 to 7 hours."

I don't know if I am totally finsihed with metal detox, but I am not releasing any at this time and do not need the zeolite, but I would not hesitate to use it again. If you do use zeolite drink lots and lots of water as it can be hard on the kidneys.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Dr. Klinghardt says that too much water is hard on the kidneys and whenever possible to give the kidneys a break and use binders that pull out thru the colon.

Anything nanonized is going to mobilize even more than something that isn't nanonized. The cleanest nanonized products from Premier Research Labs knock me into the next city. I am really sensitive; others with a stronger constitution may be able to handle zeolite. Only one way to find out.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
I have always muscle-tested strong for the zeolite before I use it, but I will be more cautious now that I know it is a mobilizer.

Lex, what are your favorite binders?
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Binders also pull out a lot of water and minerals, since the colon is the place where reabsorption of the water back into the bloodstream occurs (water is necessary for digestion, but a lot if reabsorbed so you don't get diarrhea).

If you take other medication you have to be really sure you take the binders well away from the medication, too.

I think one needs to be careful with both binders and mobilizers. Moderation is the key.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I like the chlorella vulgaris from BioPure. Sometimes I call for l0, other times 60 at one time.
I also like apple pectin but lately my body hasn't been calling for it. When I have a bad headache I'll take one or two caps of charcoal.

I like to take the apple pectin with a couple of tablespoons of apple sauce. Sometimes I make a soup with bones and add a lot of vegetables and eat that during the day for fiber.

For breakfast I often make myself a shake with hemp, glactose, colostrum, tocotriene, acai powder and rice powder. If I have blueberries I'll thrown them in and when I think I can handle it, half a banana.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
You may want to check out the Zyto technology. With a hand cradle the software reads the acupuncture system and can determine many things including what supplements the body is calling for. IT can be used at a distance if one has the cradle. I just got the system and will load into it the BioPure product line.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
My SIL just did the hand cradle thing with her LLMD. Very cool. But as I understand it, Zyto can only be done through a doc and it is programmed toward suggesting certain supplements, abx, herbs, etc. I don't think my LLMD knows about most of these products as he uses his own preferred regime.

Can the Zyto be helpful with a doc who doesn't quite understand the tst results or supps? Do you think it's worth the trouble?

Also, on the AI, wouldn't it be beneficial to wait until all rounds are finished before doing the Zyto?

Does the Zyto interfere with the AI?

And is programming a product line difficult to do?
(sorry about the question bombardment)
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Re Zyto, the software has unlimited capabilities.
Most docs use it in a limited way. You can certainly use it to find out what support you need;
you don't have to use it to find things that kill bugs. You can find out what organs need help, you can determine if any of your teeth are problems. It can work with scars when using the Premier Research Labs protocol. It can be used to determine what detox remedy you need for kidneys, liver, colon. It can offer emotional support like what flower remedies might assist. The list goes on.

I bought the Zyto because I am a practitioner and to be able to offer patients specific information that would normally take hours to muscle test is appealing. It saves them money in the long run.

If you do the biotensor and muscle testing, why not the Zyto? One can work with Zyto to make sure it does not interfere with AI.

It's also a wonderful tool in that the hand cradle can be used at a distance. The person just plugs into their computer and the information is transferred to the practitoner's office. There are a lot of MDs who have it included Dr. Cowden, a LLMD.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
re Zyto and programming in a product line -- it's tedious to do, just like it's tedious to program items from different companies into an electrodermal screening device which I also use in my clinic.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Interesting. It looks to be valuable indeed, even while on the AI!

I'm definitely going to have my LLMD check it out.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
skiesmama...any word on Zombie? I have been away and just saw your post this morning.

Let her know I'm praying for her recovery...she has come so far over the years of her posting here on lymenet, and has been a great support for many of us as well.

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I haven't heard anything new. We live on the other side of the country, so it's really challenging to stay in the loop.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
My teenage son has completed his AI therapy this month. Only 7 rounds.

For those who are new to this thread, he is the one with no symptoms before starting the AI therapy. I only started him on this as a precaution, to clear inherited miasms and any toxins I passed to him, and a chance to clear things unseen. He has had no major physical issues all along but did go through some emotional things in the beginning of taking the drops.

To compare, he had many disregulations, like us all on his original test. All things have improved upon completion of the AI therapy for him, but there are still some areas on the yellow for him,(that are said to clear more over a years time) and are similar to my areas in the yellow.

And one still in the red, as I have the same one in the red...3.1 available Bioenergy is still low.

Many are intestinal related!

2.2 Secondary Energy Supply
3.1 Available Bioenergy
4.1 Recurculating heavy metals/toxic body burden
7.1 Biolux Value
8.1 Incorrect Cell Polarity
10.1 Psycho transmitter performance

Just passing this on for others who are still in process of clearing for comparison.

My testing: I also sent in another saliva sample for me to check any changes after 4 months from completion...which came back with no further resolutions for the issues still in the Yellow and the 3.1 in red(low available bioenergy capacity).

Recent ART testing shows intestinal issues related to parasites, which did not show in inprevious tests. Priority now for me is to treat them systemically. Wondering if working more on parasites will allow my body to clear intestinal dysregulatins that show on the AI test.

I have not done any treatments for quite a while now while on AI and off for 4 months. I have been feeling great...and improved so much with the AI therapy. But still notice some intestinal issues and occasional constipation/and digestsive issues flaring at times. Candida/yeast/molds and parasites are becoming an issue to address for me now. But still much better than before AI.

I am beginning parasite treatment soon. I do think treating parasites prior to AI may have been a good idea for me, as I only did a round of humaworm, and found I did have parasite issues prior to my AI...but not sure as we all have different timing for things to work on.

Lately I have also had an eye issue, (increased eye sticky fluids and puffiness) and ART testing revealed candida/mold accumulating around my eye area...I feel it is releasing there.

I will keep you all posted as changes occur with treatments. Hoping others are experiencing positive changes as well!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I had one in the red and sent in a new sample and they sent another round, so you may not be done. Just a thought.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Yes, I was hoping that maybe i was not done since one is still in the red...but second test says I am done for now!
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks so much for sharing the information Lp.

It is so valuable to know each others' experiences on the AI journey, especially at the end--concerning one's own expectations vs. final test results. It's also amazing that the drops continue to regulate even after months of being off them. Please continue to keep us posted.

And concerning parasites, I wanted to share something that happened to my daughter last night. After being on only one round of drops, she expelled a parasite via her urine. It was about an inch long and was wriggling around. We all circled the toilet and stared at it(and each other) in disbelief.

I did not realize that the drops alone could do this, and she is not taking any other pills other than probiotics. She has had bladder issues for a year or so--we thought it might be IC, but no one never made a parasite connection.

Another piece of good news: this is also the daughter that suffered from intense PMS and menstrual cramps for days. And now after only one round of drops, she had no PMS and the number of crampy days reduced from 3 days to 1 day. This is so important because it reduces her excrutiating pain and advil load by a lot.

So today, even though we are all dragging around from exhaustion and detox, we are happy.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
the joje - great news that things are going well for your daughter.

Wanted to give you all an update on "6 months later".

About a month ago I was testing for parasites but according to biotensor, they are dead. I wrote to HG and he said "of course the drops can help the body recognize them." Feels as though AI is a little like seek and destroy that continues on (or seek and correct).

I did voice testing with my doctor in WA a few days ago and she said my testing is spot on in that my body wants absolutely nothing to do with killers of any kind.

She said I am dumping metals fast and in large quantities - no chelators necessary (I wouldn't take them anyway). I definitely attribute the ability to excrete metals to AI and mineral support. She was amazed to see how quickly my minerals bounced back from being completed depleted 3 months ago, to now almost all in normal range and some even a little high. She said she does not see this often.

No lyme, no co-infections, no parasites etc.

I am still experiencing some colon issues which she said is due to metals - a major stressor to my colon and nervous system. Can't wait until they are all gone! I am living on LARGE amounts of chlorella.

Just a note about the previous Zyto discussion. I have done it twice. I believe it can be helpful to get a bigger picture of what might be going on but.... many of the recommendations were totally contradicted by ART testing and the biotensor.

What our bodies want changes so quickly - I personally would not rely on it to come up with a long term protocol. I prefer to test for "right now".

LP - I'll bet you are sleeping easy knowing your son is clear. That is great.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Fabulous news! I am so happy for you.

If you would, please refresh my poor memory: had you finished an abx protocol before going on the drops? Did you ever do any chelators of any kind while on the drops?

Also, what is voice testing? How does it differ from the Zyto?

One last: would you mind sharing your mineral protocol?
Thanks, and sorry for all the questions.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I did a few months of abx but had stopped taking them 2 years before AI - Bionic treatments were in there too (prior to AI). I knew pretty quickly that abx were not for me.

Voice testing is just using ART while listening to someone's voice if their body can't be there.

Not an expert on Zyto by any means so can't compare.

I tried Detoxamin a couple of times early on but stopped.

Right now I take Matrix Minerals - 1 TBSP x2 or more if I test for more.

Comprehensive Minerals 4 per day alternating with Minerals of Life (liquid).

The Core 2 per day.

I also have a little Sole in warm water most mornings.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thank you Nana dear.

Sole? Filet of sole?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
To make Sole - you put chunks of Himalayan salt in a jar and cover it with water. This is not the same as drinking water with salt in it.

You keep it covered and add more water to keep the salt covered in water.

*According to the website*
It helps re-mineralize the body with minerals and trace elements essential to health.

Ionic/colloidal form assists in cellular absorption of minerals (angstrom size). Replenishes electrolytes and helps balance the bodies pH.

Significant positive changes in respiratory, circulatory, organ connective tissue and nervous system functions.

I put a spoonful of "Sole" in warm water (not fish [Wink] ). I like the way it tastes and my body usually wants it a several times a week.

Do a search for Himalayan salt/sole. Chunks, not small crystals.

The book "Water & Salt - The Essence of Life" talks of studies done in Austria about its benefits.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
About menstrual cramps - I had really really awful cramps for the first few years of menstruating until a woman told me to try not eating any fruit on the day of my period. I tried it the next month and had zero cramps. I forgot part way through the day and within 15 minutes I was doubled over. I've done it ever since and now at this point I have mild cramps sometimes, but nothing like if I eat fruit - and if I forget? Instant cramps.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Gosh, thejoje, that was pretty dramatic for round one!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Husband and I are using the Zyto and are impressed with it. We own many machines -- this one is easier to use than most, especially for the patient.
What I found with myself that I didn't find anywhere else was a very high charge on a parasite with a long name that comes from snails. We believe it probably came from lettuce not carefully washed. Anyway, it may explain the neurological problems which I've been attributing to Lyme and co. as research says that it affects the brain and can cause meningitis.

Also giardia came up with a lesser charge but still pretty high. The herbs that I tested for I use every day with patients but the machine picked up for much less dosage than when muscle testing.

I went and tested with biotensor and the read was that my body wants the herbs. I am between Round 3 and 4 and will be sending in a saliva sample in a few days.

For chronic illness, I wouldn't suggest that a person have one Zyto session and forget about it. It's really something one should keep up with to see what has changed. I also like it because it can show what teeth are having problems, can pinpoint scars and what mudpacks are necessary and a host of other things that would take a very long time in clinic to muscle test for. Zyto also works at a distance if the person on other end has a hand cradle. Many drs. are using it now including Lee Cowden MD.

I was happy to see that the Zyto does have all the Lyme and coinfections in there.

Dr. Klinghardt once said one day ART will be "in a box." Can't wait.

Voice testing has always fascinated me and if someone could email me the name of a practitioner who works at a distance I would be grateful.
Posted by Healerdealer (Member # 23032) on :
Thanks, Nanadubo, for the info on the Himalayan sole. I never heard of it but it sounds like it would be very effective.

We're all lacking in minerals. Does it taste like plain salt water? Would love to get my family to drink it.

I'm on the fourth round of the drops. Still feel fatigued in the morning but that is steadily improving. Can wake up at 6:30, take a 10 minute nap at around 7:30 and I'm good to go.

Dealing with teary eyes, runny nose(only in the mornings), and exzema flair up on my fingers.

Haven't felt any brain fog or spaciness and I'm crossing my fingers.

I was wondering if anyone has had symptoms subside then flair up in later rounds of the drops?

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Yes, I have had that happen with a non-troubling rash, more like an invisible, bumpy skin surface and the sore inside of mouth between bottom lip and chin that I have mentioned a few times.

The flu-type symptoms, runny nose, 'swimmy' eyes etc come and go in intensity, but then so do my Lyme symptoms in general....the rash and underlip are speciifc to the time I've been on AI.

One positive is that I THINK my whites of eye are a little clearer, less red [and yellow] than before I started AI.

[ 08-21-2010, 05:03 AM: Message edited by: ukcarry ]
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
re sugar and cramps -- sugar lowers the activity of the immune system. The thymus gland automatically tests weak when you put sugar in the field. During a menstrual period, one is releasing a lot of toxins and many of the systems are not working at full speed. Adding sugar to the mix is a sure way to exacerbate symptoms.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
It's funny tho - I know that sugar isn't good - but it's the fruit that gives me cramps - I can eat sugar and it doesn't have any obvious affect. I do try to avoid, but it's definitely a time when I crave chocolate etc.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
For some people fructose can be an issue especially if candida and fungus is a big deal -- try eating more raw vegetables when you have your period and I bet you'll see a difference.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi everyone! I'm back from Cape Coddy!

My vacation was wonderful. I had enough energy to make meals and bike and swim and hike and laugh every day -- and even have a glass of wine and an ice cream cone every now and then. I even skonked my husband in Scrabble!

I haven't been able to even think about doing any of that for years. It's odd though, I have the energy to do, but not without a fair amount of pain and brain mush.

My feet and ankles hurt every morning and I am getting tingling in my fingertips again as well as neck and back pain. I get up in the morning and start moving as soon as possible to get away from the pain. In the afternoon and evenings my ankles and tops of my feet swell and hurt.

I did have wacko dreams and mood swings in the a.m., but I just shook it off and kept going to different beaches. The ocean air and activity were such a tonic! I was moved deeply by the beauty of the sea and the beach plums/roses/sea grapes, etc. even the stars at night made me thankful for that spiritual presense that is so much bigger than we can comprehend....

I stuck with my old friends Betasitosterol and Chlorella P. along with vitamin D+K, omegas and magnesium. I've added glycine 3x a day too. My apple pectin ran out, but I'm picking up my replacement tonight. i didn't take Electrolytes while in the ocean, because I just didn't feel like it. Wonder what I absorbed from the ocean water on my skin?! Now that I'm home, I'll start up the electrolytes again.

Still keeping it simple. Waiting a few more weeks before I send in another saliva sample to Germany. Will they start me up again? We'll see...

You all sound like things are moving along. Nano, congrats on the metal dumping and good phonecall!

Best to all,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
dear wiserforit:

have you checked electromagnetics in your house as well as your bed? Box springs? Metal on bed? Etc. etc.?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Really glad you had such a good time away, Wiser. You did manage to do a lot! I too find holidays by the sea such a tonic, once I've recovered from the travel.

Good luck with your later sample,

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Anyone have experience with the Soluna Remedies?

I tested strong for a few related to my eye issues...and things are clearing very well with them.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi all,

Two days home and some energy is lagging after a mighty good stretch by the seaside.

Starting today, I began smelling mold everywhere outside and inside. I know that the weather is changing what with recent rain and cooler temps. I cannot help but wonder if AI is torquing up my mold issues and the smell is haunting me more than what is actually in the air. It's that Whitman-chocolate-sampler-box-smell-gone-rancid that I keep getting a whiff of... it's giving me a headache.

Lex -- I haven't checked electromagnetics in my house/bed, etc. I live in an urban area, so I'm certain that we're surrounded with all sorts of electromagnetic disasters. We do the best we can under the circumstances.

I have a solid wooden bed except for an iron rosetta on the headboard. I dread the thought of going through getting a new mattress, because I am so hypersensitive to smell. My couch has been falling apart for the past 4 years, because every time I bring something new into the house, I end up returning it because it made me sick.

Carry, thanks for your good cheer. You and I must have some dolphin in us, since we both respond to the sea, eh?

LP, I want to know more about the Soluna remedies in regard to your eye issues! My eyes are truly trying to sort stuff out and it is simultaneously exciting and frustrating. Pray, tell more. I know that Buhner recommends Stephania for eye stuff, but I haven't tried it yet.

We're out buying school supplies and preparing for September. September always feels like a time of new beginnings....

Wishing you all health that continues to surprise in the best of ways,

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Does anyone know what the cause of the following might be:

1) a deep, unscratchable itch underneath a fingernail or toenail

2)hardening of a small group of leg veins (2-inch diameter), then a sudden bursting underneath the skin with a resulting purple bruise.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Soluna (sol+sun, luna=moon)

They are Spragyrics...made from all natural flowers/botanicals in Italy, grown in the soil where the Pelegrino water comes from. I saw a video of the production of the products. It amazed see how they are making the aold Monestary, all picked by hand, done the tradtitional way of the Alchemists. Using the sun and moon calendar for production,etc. they are time tested combinations of botanicals for specific blends.

I would not recommend them during your AI treatment, as they are energized, as I think the less you take the better.

As I am done AI, I now am testing for them...along with other things off and on for support, drainage, or binding...but I am not testing for much at all.

My eye has been draining off and on all during the Ai therapy...but now, afterwards, it had gotten very bad...crusty, etc. ART did find mold and candida in my eye. It was a big problem..not a little problem. I feel the AI heled me start to move candida and other things from my head area...and the eye seems to be the portal for the drainage to leave!

ART practitioner had the Soluna test kit and tested me with it along with other remedies, and I got very strong positive responses to the Solunates. So I did get the specific remedies for the eye ...(can get these on line at Foresthealth, etc...if you want.)

Just wondering if anyone else has used Soluna Remedies...and how they did on them versus other similar remedies.

My eye is not totally clear, but it is so much better.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I used to live in Northern Italy. The Italians were always into natural foods and going to spas "for the waters." They were suspicious about anything that came out of a can or box. Everything was organic even tho that word was never used. Pesticides were just not an option.

The Soluna remedies sound great and the area where the plants are grown is pristine. Worth trying when the drops are out of the picture (which might be a ways down the road for many of us).
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
LP -- went to my quasi-ART practitioner for a check-up and she recommended Soluna for blocked Lymph.

My lymph glands by my neck and collarbone are not unblocking after two months of discomfort. I have not taken AI for six weeks and am trying to make it thru September before sending them my next saliva sample.

I was looking to Soluna as support. Do you think it will mess up my next AI information?

Glad the eye remedy is moving stuff along for you. What is the remedy named?

Best to all,

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Wiser...did your ART practitioner test you for taking the drops with the AI? Did you take your drops with your for testing?

My only concern is that if you use the Soluna...your body will test regulated when sending in your next saliva sample...

The video tape of Soluna production says they are "naturally energized" remedies. Also they do say you can take them with other remedies...but no one understands AI I would not necessarily trust a ND who will tell you that a product will not "counter" the effect of another one if they did not accurately muscle test it.

I believe the Soluna will not harm you at all...but it may cause your AI test to say you are complete with therapy now!!!!

PM me if you want to chat further about it.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wiser - good lymphatic drainage practitioner?

Do a search for someone with experience and training:
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Allergie-Immun Experts,

Today we received initial test results for the last member of our family to undergo the AI therapy. This daughter, 23, is easily the sickest member of the family--has tested low on thyroid and adrenals; high on heavy metals; has a host of known food allergies; tests positive for mold allergy,sex hormones are all messed up; tests positive for KPU, joint pain all over, etc, etc.

Her test results came back all in the green area, no known allergies, no contamination from toxins, no energetic blockages, no genetic blockages --she's perfectly healthy according to this test.

So obviously, there is a mistake. I plan on emailing HG, but I first wanted to know if this has ever happened to anyone.

The bummer is that we've waited almost a month for these drops, and now we will have to probably resend.

The bigger question here is, whose DNA has this type of profile?
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
thejoje -- it is so confusing to have gotten that as results!

I found a friend who was fluent in German and she called HG and spoke with him with a list of my questions. I sat and listened as she spoke and she would question me and translate his replies.

Needless to say, it was extremely helpful. Do you speak German? If not, do you have access to someone who does and can translate for you?

I emailed HG often, but found the phone contact very reassuring. HG was very generous with his time on the phone.

I wish I had more ideas about the saliva analysis, but I can only think that it is a mistake. Is your daughter currently taking alot of abx or any other remedies that might have interferred in the analysis?

Best wishes and hopes,

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
She went off all meds/supps for 2 weeks before sending the sample.

I'm sure it must be a case of mistaken samples.

Good suggestion about the German translator. I do have an acquaintance that speaks the language.

Maybe that is the best route.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
thejoje - how long did she take abx?

If it was a long time, maybe two weeks off before sending sample wasn't enough?

I definitely would have your acquaintance call for you.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Well, believe it or not, I emailed HG and briefly explained the problem in English because I couldn't wait. Even though it is a Saturday, he responded and said that there was a mix-up with the orders.

He sent the corrected test results, and they look just like the rest of the family's.

Hopefully her drops will be forthcoming even though we were asked to resend other family members' samples.

End of saga. Yay.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I'm glad you have cleared up the mystery!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Mercury is retrograde, folks. Mix ups common.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
My daughter and I are free of lyme after photon therapy for quite some time now. My husband was the healthiest of all during all those years my daughter and I were sick with lyme.

This summer, he got in contact with cats and developed a strong skin allergy. He had asthma before after being in contact with certain cats, but now, the allergy didn't go to his lungs, but on his skin only. But it was pretty bad.

I convinced him to try the AI therapy. So he finished now round 1. No more cats around, and his skin is much better. He still got rashes from sweat though.

I decided to include my daughter on the AI therapy too. So far, no noticeable results. She has no lyme anymore, and is not 'sick', that's why it is difficult to see any results...

She just has a tendency to get allergic to things and she can fall sick again with infectious diseases, specially in winter. So the AI is like a preventive for her.

The only thing that happened to her is that she drinks more water than usual.

She was very allergic to mosquito bites here where we live, and so far, no mosquito bites to check. The swell like bee bites for allergic people, but it takes days to get that big (while after a bee bite, it's a matter of minutes or hours).

I'll write here if I see any improvements or not!

both husband and daughter had almost same type of test results for almost everything. Many things in the bad range.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

So glad things are better for you and daughter...I remember all you have gone through when I almost met you in Germany!

Hopefully your daughter will not experience anything to complain about. My son and daughter did not complain about anything, but I did notice some things with my daughter that I think were regulating with the drops which were posted throughout the thread.

Many "old" issues came and went quickly with her...and she did notice them briefly for a day or three, but would easily forget they happened a month later! Today she would say she knows the drops have helped her, but she says she does not notice anything as it changes. But I notice and I keep track, like you!

There is a very "freeing" element for me as a mother with this therapy. The heavy weight of being the caregiver for a sick child has finally been removed. The urgency of treatment after treatment for her has left me with her improved health...gratefully! It is a big part of my healing!

I now feel I have done all I can physically to enable the best health for my teens as they move into adult life on their own. Their lifestyle and future choices will cause the health changes, not their toxins passed from me! The rest is up to them now!

thanks for keeping us all informed...

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Glad you are finally getting around to it, Brussels.

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi Selma: I'm glad to hear you're still well and it will be great to read your imput: good luck to your husband and daughter with the drops!

LP, very eloquently put: I thoroughly understand the 'freeing' element and hope to start my son on the drops after I've finished, probably in the university hols next summer, where I can keep an eye on him!

Gigi, it's lovely to have you back: I hope you had a wonderful holiday!


[ 09-01-2010, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: ukcarry ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hey there Brussels - nice to see you here.

Off topic - hope all on the east coast stay safe during these hurricanes. Busy today removing potential projectiles from the yard!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi everyone -- I have a parasite question.

For the last two months I have been watching a rash crop up and not leave. It starts as a circle the size of a dime and then the edge begins spreading in a jagged pattern like a crooked letter "C." The center is faded brownish and outer edges have a thin, raised, crooked, red line. Only the line is itchy.

I had it tested by two different inept dermatologists who said it is "nummular dermatitis" not Lyme or Babesia.... It doesn't look like a bullseye rash. It is also not ringworm.

Nothing makes it go away and it is cropping up on both hips and the sides of both breasts. It is not fading; each rash has gained more territory to the size of about the circumference of a coffee mug.

The shapes are crooked and I'm beginning to look like a map of continents including Europe, South American and Africa!

Can parasites on their way in or out do this? Candida? Fungus?

I know I need to do some more ART and Gigi suggested testing an Alinia. Any other ideas?

Thanks in advance. Hope you are all doing well.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, I still feel that way, especially if you have not treated parasites before.
You can test with any antiparasitics and get a better picture.

The skin representing our largest detox organ will often detox matters that are not able to exit the more common way - urine, stool, lymphatics, etc.

From your previous posts, I would think that
lymphatic drainage ever so often would help you a lot. And get tested or test yourself for parasites. There are several posts of mine on LN where I talked about what I learned re parasites.

Parasites are also holding on to other toxic material, especially toxic metals, so avoiding them is not a good answer.

Good luck - maybe give your tensor a try!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Dear Wiser: You might try the Zyto. It's pretty right on. Even if one is on the drops, I would think that if one has parasites, they need to be taken care of. I'm waiting for Round Four -- sometimes it seems to take forever -- I know I have parasites but I keep waiting for my body to recognize them. At a certain point, I think the bull needs to be taken by the horns.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Thank you all for the good wishes. We're waiting for second round. I thought daughter's Korean mosquito bite allergies were gone, but not. They came back just now but not as bad (for the moment). The bites got as big as bee stings to her before the AI. Huge.

Husband still fighting problems though. I'm on vacation from all treatments as I leave AI work to see what it can do by itself.

So I'm trying not to work on any issue for them (even the swelling after mosquito bite, I know how to 'cancel' the allergy temporarily but until she can live with it, I'll let it act by itself).

LP, great that things look lighter for you and family. I'm glad to hear about that. Sort of great relief that life can come back in track again. Congrats!!

I UNDERSTAND what you mean by your load being passed to your kids. Perfectly understand it (another reason to try AI with my daughter).

I'm the only one not doing it because, really, I became like the healthiest of the 3 here at home. So I use the 2 as experience mice to see what happens.

What is funny is that I feel hubby's emotions being lighter now, despite extreme stress in work. He still suffers from some skin allergies, problems with sweat, extreme heat ect. But in general, his mood is better, which sounds funny. No external reason for that, I mean.

I'm just observing, and OF COURSE, he would NEVER attribute that to any energetic drops whatsoever!!
I do though. But I need to see more changes to be more sure it's not a coincidence.

The other interesting thing I would like to write here is about the 4 elements used to classify people's miasms in homeopathy.

He didn't get the psorinum ticked as a problem in the AI report, but he IS a psorinum person according to his homeopath. Because of that, he has been treated with psorinum homeopathic for many years already! Maybe because of that, homeopathy canceled his psorinum problem?? All other 3 elements appear as 'problematic'.

I found that interesting. My daughter has all 4 elements ticked (showing problems). She was never treated with psorinum...

Is that sort of common for all you guys (to have all 4 miasmatic elements showing up in the report?). I find it somehow mysterious and difficult to understand... How can the 4 show up and not only one?

After the last photon treatment in May 09, I didn't relapse so far. Since then, I never touched any of the borrelia nosodes again and didn't do any other anti lyme treatment, or immune boosting, whatever.

So it's been 1 year 4 months lyme free, treatment free. But my daughter relapsed briefly in January (she was 8 months in remission, without any lyme treatment either). That is the main reason for trying AI trial with her. Let's see if she goes through winter without a relapse.

Lyme got under control very fast again with photons (it really took less than a month of treatment), but I would like her to be free from relapses for much longer than 8 months. I also hope that she stops catching all possible infections from school too, during winter time.

So from now on, I'll be trying to refrain from use of homeopathy with her and let the colds get her and see how she reacts.

That is the LAST thing I would like to feel free now. Free from being the 'anxious mom' who is afraid of every infectious bug that may cause my daughter serious harm.

I do hope to feel free like you, LP! To believe her body can take charge of her health by itself.

I still carried my PE1 during my long trip of 2.5 months, you know, just in case. I wonder when I will fell free from taking it here and there.

The weather here is sooo hot and humid, and we're waiting for next typhoon to hit too. Hopefully it won't hit us here in the south...
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
alinia is a rough medicine
i use it frequently here and have taken it myself...
am i OK with prescribing it for you...but it is a big "gun"

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
has anyone had any adverse side effects from microsilica?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Alinia is probably not the one to start with for parasites, but rather an albendazole and biltricide for the smaller ones and then Alinia. I remember posting a bunch on paraites. If Alinia energetically tests well, Alinia caused minor reactions, if any, at our house or with friends. We stop using it when it does not test energetically.

We have had no side effects from microsilica specifically. But detoxing metals is usually not without some reactions where one feels that things are happening. But it definitely is not a mobilizer that tests positive constantly. The body definitely wants a day or more of a break from it. This more or less falls in line with the body simply does not wanting the same thing all the time. It needs breaks to be able to dispose of the toxic "debris" and give the organs a break. This is what we have learned over the years.

Hope everyone is in good spirits and getting on well.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I took a 5-day course of Alinia a month ago. Definitely made a difference I think!
Posted by un_ptit_gars (Member # 24307) on :
Hello everyone,

I have also started the AI therapy, and i am going to finish soon the first round. For the moment, it's not too hard, little more headache and neck stiffness, but not bad herx.

I have two questions if you can help me! [Smile]

1) Do you wait some times before sending a new blood sample after finishing the drops? It's written to wait 2 weeks before sending a new sample, but i don't really like to wait two weeks without any is there some people here who has sent the sample immediatly after finished the round or do you all wait some time?

2) have you had some response of AI recently? They usualy were answering to me the next day each time, and i did'nt have any answer about several mail for two weeks there a problem? I hope they are just busy, so if you can tell me if someone has had a mail recently?

Thank you very much!

Renaud, The french lymie guy [Wink]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
They are probably taking a break and a few days of vacation. Maybe try again. You will probably be better off if you wait to take new drops after two weeks have elapsed. If you are sending the samples from France, it probably gets there within a day or two. I think most people here send it in when finishing the 14 days of drops because it takes at least two weeks from here to get the next bottle.

Please note that this treatment is not one that works any quicker by rushing it. The body takes time to adjust to dealing with the new regulation and disposal of toxins. But do call or write them. For us it is always a welcome break to be "dropless" for a couple of weeks. Even though you may not be taking any drops for two weeks, your body/ organs are very busy dealing with the toxins and preventing overload.

Take care.

Posted by un_ptit_gars (Member # 24307) on :
Thank you very much for your response gigi! [Smile]

I understand very well what you are trying to explain to me.
I will surely wait some time before sending the next sample, as you said it's a long run and not a sprint, i should remind it sometimes. But i am as everyone here, ill for a long time, and hoping to see the end soon. But it takes time, i really know that!
Thanks again,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
This waiting period for Round 4 == I am zonked, not sleeping. And Gigi, I see your point about not taking the same binder all the time. I was feeling great on chlorella vulgaris, now it makes me feel worse. Have the microsilica in hand and will give it a whirl. Thanks for your suggestions re the parasite drugs.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Bonjour Renaud,


I have been waiting for round 3 for over 3 weeks, and let me assure you that there is much activity going on in my body, even without the drops!

My energy has slowly been increasing and for the first time in years, the afternoon nap has become optional.

I have even taken on a very small tutoring job. Even the thought of such a thing would have been overwhelming a year ago.

You will find excellent support here. Best of luck on your AI journey.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Bonjour Renaud, vous parlez anglais tres tres bien!

I am in the UK and I usually wait at least a week after the drops finish before sending my saliva sample back. My next drops tend to arrive within 14 or so days of my posting the sample.

Good luck on the AI therapy and I look forward to hearing how you get on,

a bientot,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Not a good idea to label oneself as a "Lymee."
Good to step out of that box.
Posted by un_ptit_gars (Member # 24307) on :
Thank you all for your mails [Smile]

It's really nice to be able to speak with people who can understand this very hard disease. I have been ill for 5 years now and have also tried a lot of therapies, some with success, and some without, but i really know now how hard is it to overcome this disease...i don't remember where i had seen this, but i've read somebody saying that we are litteraly "warriors" of modern times [Smile]

I try to find some good points about the disease, telling myself that it has brought me on more faith and spiritual connection, it has allowed me to realize some very importants things about how goes the world and the health practices, it has allowed me to really become my own doctor, it's not useless, but... now i have had enough pain, enough tiredness, enough fear about future: i AM going to heal and to be happy for the rest of my life, and i won't give up until i have reached this goal! I hope that AI will be a good step to achieve this goal, and step by step go back to true life, as before [Smile]

Thank you all for you nice mails, i wish you all the best too!

Talk with you soon!

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Life will never be like "before" and we will never be the same old us.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Renaud, you are close enough to this type of "recharging run down batteries", a therapy that is being done in a number of places in Europe.

I give you the links and you can pursue it from there and find out what it is all about. I myself would only do it after the major allergies have been cleared with AI, i.e. the food and metal problems.
Here are the sites:

The treatment is being done in this country, but very quietly.

Take care.
Posted by un_ptit_gars (Member # 24307) on :
Thank you for this information gigi, i really don't know about this electromagnetic device. I will see in future if it's possible for me to go on germany to do such a treatment, and will keep you update of course [Smile]

I have read some informations about this device and it's mainly dealing with electrical potential of cell membranes, just like one i wanted to buy some times ago: the "dan's enhancer" or "molecular enhancer", do you know it? It's a device which deal with cell membrane electrical potential too and maybe it could be a lot easier to buy it and do it at home? I guess also that this two device aren't the same, for sure, there is so much quantic healing device nowadays that it's not so easy to find the right one for our problems.
If someone here has already tried the enhancer, it would be great if he can tells us if it's a good device or not! [Wink] Also is there someone here who has tried the one you talked about?

Thank you!

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
seems like the main guy in US who does the above therapy is a Russian dr. in Beverley Hills -- I'm sure the price tag is enormous.

I seem to make headway with AI, then fall back to terrible fatigue and awful heavy metal detox. I am waiting for ROund Four ... fatigue so enormous yesterday that I gave myself a QXCI treatment using organ support and clearing away unconscious baggage.
Slept like a baby.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hi friends.

Via this link, you can hear a brief talk by Dr. K. discussing the An Di treatment.

I can tell you a few things about the An Di therapy in general:

The price per treatment at An Di Wellness in Southern California is $200 per treatment. Max treatment needed within 2-3 weeks is average 10. And they probably charge for the water which is not much but contributes about 40% part to treatment success. I.e. recharge your batteries and go home and then drink the specially prepared water (i.e. highly alkaline ph 10-11 and very acidic ph 2-3. I do not know any other additions to the instrument that prepares the water, but possibly there are. Detox starts with first treatment and continues thereafter - for months or year. Water is for lifetime benefit. Some people need another recharge treatment several months later; some don't.

It is a most interesting treatment and it especially shows how many dead cells or semi-dead cells we are walking around with. Of course, the older, the lower the voltage and reduced capacity in the cells. The actual treatment is a very simple method of recharging the system. Totally non-invasive and without side effects, except the reactions as detox sets in and cells are disposing them. With many of us who have suffered through years of Lyme and the accompanying body burden of toxicity, some of the body compartments can be in sad shape. I would not want to see the damage done to people after years of abx.

People take the treatment for a variety of purposes. It definitely speeds up the detoxing and regenerating process, especially when nerve regeneration is needed. It is anti-aging, and effective for all the problems listed on the sites I posted. It includes Lyme.

It is a fabulous device and the water prepared by a separate less expensive device wakes up the dead and has to be taken with caution, at least by still very toxic people. A teaspoon of the acidic water, used internally and externally under doctor's care, goes a long way.

I would suggest to anyone interested that you contact any of the practitioners/physicians who are using the device to get more informtion. There are several in Germany and some in the US.
That is what I did. I spent a day and night making phone calls and that told me all I needed to know. I do not know of a similar instrument. Their charges vary.

In the US, a medical doctor would not advertise this type of treatment. In Germany, they do.

Anyone wanting more detailed info is welcome to contact me privately.

From my experience, it takes AI and An Di to tackle a chronic type of disease. This is the first thing I would do or would recommend to anyone who asks me. And, oh, are the both so simple!

Take care.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Dear Gigi

How does one contact you directly?

My main complaint is that detox reactions cause me a lot of neurological symptoms that prevent me from enjoying life. I have done so many things including AI that of course perpetuates this. We are going to put our house up for sale and go house hunting in another state and need my energy and sanity to do this.

Do you suggest doing the AN after the AI? I am starting on Round Four.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Hi Gigi

What does one Google to find out who is doing An Di in the US? I found the guy in Beverley Hills a couple of days ago but now it seems the An Di practitioners are not easy to find. ANyone on the East Coast doing this? And does one need to be an MD to buy a machine?

The Klinghardt interview by Mercola just briefly mentions An Di -- they go on and on about the politics of energy medicine.

Well, folks,,,,,enjoy what's left of the season the Chinese acknowledge as "late summer."
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
The link you posted was part 4 of 7. At the begining of your link, Dr. K is halfway into explaining the An Di. Do you have a link to part 3 so we can hear the beginning of the description of the treatment. I check around Youtube and only found parts 1, 4,5,6,and 7.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I also checked YouTube and all I heard basically was the An Di machine uses a blue light and tx. in every other day. If anyone knows who else is doing it besides the doc in Beverley Hills, would appreciate having that info. Thanks and blessings to all.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
thejoje, Dr. K. has interviewed some people after their treatment and that is all I know through that You Tube/Mercola presentation. I never found that total interview and I don't know if there was more to it. What I heard on that portion I posted from him and a brief personal remark to me is all I needed to hear to start investigating myself. Yes, it is simply a brief exposure to light, which awakens the cells and treats the system at the same time. You can see the device on one of the links I posted. You need to go through all the links within the links to see it. If you cannot understand the German, use Google translate - and you will find out most you need to know.

It takes some investigating work to find other doctors who use the treatment. I am trying to locate one I heard about who is in Nebraska, supposedly just having trained in Germany. As a doctor, bringing the machine into the country is the difficult part I suppose. We purchased the
An Di Aqua Bioelectrolusator and had no problem
whatsoever for totally private use. We are two old folk, long without Lyme, but want to undo some of the damage done in years past and stay well.

The treatment, if done too aggressively, such as every other day, is very potent and therefore not suitable for most people who are still having very strong reactions to other detox methods.

More later when I have time. If you need to know more, Call Dr. B. in Tuebingen - he speaks enough English. You find his phone number via the link that explains the way the method works. He is often in contact with the inventor to whom I have spoken several times (in Rotterdam), but his German is very Russian and he speaks better German than English. So Info should be gotten from Dr. B. or the link, Dr. P. who now has moved to Mallorca and opened his practice there. His website is still at
and we were treated by
Both speak English.

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Do you mind my asking, Gigi, if you had multiple treatments or a single one, and also what improvements you experienced?

Best Wishes,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Responding to Carry, but meant for all interested:

Carry, in my opinion, a single AnDi treatment is not sufficient. The cells will hold the charge immediately, but for permanent it needs more than one for certain. You were very close to Baltimed spitting distance to Denmark and England. But now moved. I have been told that he was flooded with clients from England. He is now in Mallorca. I picked Tuebingen because I like the man from the get-go
and it turned into a most positive experience. We mainly went for my husband to help correct possible nerve damage. Changes are happening, but I was told that the motor dysfunction takes longer. I discover that the detox flood is huge and unreal right now, but I tensor test and ART assist when I want to make sure I am moving in the right direction, and I use all the supporting waters and remedies as they test. I do nothing without tensor testing first because one size does not fit all.

So far I am most pleased with what is happening.
Lyme is long gone from both of us, and I am positive most of you do not have any active form.
Most people are dealing with the remainder of neurotoxins which can be substantial, depending on your previous treatments and toxicity level.

Effective detoxing is a science and most doctors have very little experience in it. So don't depend on an An Di doctor except a few to guide you afterward. Anybody needs to learn their own testing to be able to determine what is happening in the body and to keep on the right road and pick the best support. I test approx. 60 substances in a few minutes, and it tells me immediately what concerns my body or my husband's body. Throwing darts is not good enough. If you really want to get well, learn to test yourself. I can only encourage everyone to make the effort. You can get an inexpensive tensor -- I am going to make the next one myself. You can get a tensor for little money from Vern Johnson - I have posted his site numerous times. I would be lost if I had depend on other people. This way I can test at least twice a day and avoid a lot of problems. Please consider energetic testing.

Toxicity level determines how you feel, especially since there is no way to determine exactly what causes the symptoms. Neurosymptoms are all alike. That is one thing I learned for certain during my own ordeal. Even the night sweats are not always Babesia caused, unless they are these dripping sweats that I had years ago where one needed to change beds in the middle of the night. But any good detox will cause a sweat here and there and is not due to Babesia.

Got to go.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Gigi, you are a pillar of strength for so many of us. I'm going to just hang in there with the AI drops until I see the light at the end of the tunnel. And yes, we all need to learn to test ourselves if we want to make it to the home stretch.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thank you, Gigi, for all the information and cautions, and good luck to both you and your husband with all the detox.
Posted by un_ptit_gars (Member # 24307) on :
Thanks gigi for theses very good informations!
I agree with you when you talked about doing our self energetic testing: a tensor is quite cheap...but the problem for some of us is not here i think! I have bought a tensor some times ago, and would really like to do energetic testing with it, but i can't! [Frown] I don't know if it's because of the illness, or if i have some very deep energy disruption, or if i don't do it well...but the fact is i can't make it move (like pendulum which doesn't move too). I guess i am not the only one who would really want to do energetic testing with the tensor and who don't succed? Do you think gigi that even energy blocked people can do tensor testing? If you can give me some advices (or if you have a small docuement which explain it clearly?) about how to do right tensor testing, i would really appreciate...i have already looked about several topics here on lymenet, but the information is spread eveywhere and in the end i don't really know how to proceed.

As i really want to test my products, even if i have trouble with the tensor, i have bought the device "Zyto compass" , is someone here who knows it? It's pretty cheap and allows to see how many bio-energetic markers i have in good range or bad range (according to the hand energetic testing). This device is especially sold in order to give you advices about there own products, according to the energetic profile they found during anaylisis, but i use it a bit differently: I look just about my bio-markers, and then do another test, while holding a specifis substance on my other hand and near my chest, and see if the bio-markers really change: it seems to be a good method because i see some good differences when i choose quality products, like reichregulat or some other that i have tested. Do you think gigi that this kind of test is as usefull as using a tensor? The only drawback that i actually see is that each test last 2-3 minutes and if i want to test severals products, it could be long.

Thank you! [Smile]

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

You have a block about doing your own energetic testing which can be cleared with EFT. Google "EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - Gary Craig." Tapping to statements like "Even tho I believe I can't test myself, I completely respect myself."
It's too long to go into here, but check it out. Gary Craig has many CDs -- or you might borrow them from someone. Or just have a session with someone.

YOu can also Google "Roger Callahan Thought Field Therapy" who was the founder of tapping.

YOU CAN. If you continue to say I CAN'T, you simply won't do it.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
So many people I know on AI who are doing parasite cleanses including alinia. HG just wrote me and said "the problem is not the parasites; the problem is your body not recognizing them. No brief is necessary." I guess "brief" in Germany alludes to a parasite program.

Apparently Dr. K does not take the drops into consideration when testing people with ART.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
He is right, body ANS is out of balance and no longer recognizes a lot of things, chemicals, foods, and microorganisms. It has after years of exposure to the "wrong" stuff, shut down and given up dealing with it, including parasites.

That is why we get allergic to so many things, once it has gone too long. The Lyme infection most likely was just the straw that broke the camel's back, and now we are all trying to correct things, so that the system tunes in and is back on alert. Patience.

HG had his mail translated and "brief" definitely has nothing to do with parasites. Often the computer translation translates a word that has many meanings. The word Brief as a nown has many different meanings. Just forget it and believe what he says, i.e. the system has become blind to parasites because in general it is overwhelmed, for a variety of reasons.

There is no reason why Dr. K. should take the drops into consideration when testing people. They always test great on the people. Mine test great for me; my husband's don't test positive for me at all -- it almost knocks the tensor out of my hand. Same with ART testing.

If he recommends Alinia, he has good reason, because the parasites are not wiped out overnight or very quickly, especially if they penetrated the brain. So the quicker, the better, if tolerated well.

The system takes months and possibly years to regulate again properly and Alinia speeds up getting rid of parasites, and probably handles things more readily, when the first bottle AI is done and major allergies corrected. It's easier to kill toxic metal carrying parasites after allergy correction than while still allergic to all the stuff the parasites are holding in their coat! Klinghardt calls parasites the knights in shining armor -- for this reason. Another reason to do AI first, then tackle the parasites - which is not always but mostly on the priority with him. Everytime parasites die off, you may find metals testing again, as well as viruses, etc.
One solid ecosystem that got us ill and not easy to take out.

Take care.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Regarding those on AI who are also on a parasite cleanse, are you saying that HG's advice to them would be " cleanses are not necessary"??

If this is so, why are so many here on Alinia and other cleanses?

I am assuming that people are testing themselves energetically for the Alinia before using it. If it is not necessary, they should be testing negative. No?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
All I can tell you what HG said ...what I want to know is this: do you folks put the drops in your field while testing energetically for other things?

If I'm on the drops, it seems to me that I would introduce them into my field along with anything else I'm taking to get a correct answer or whatever else might be needed. Leaving out just one thing can give us a different result.

GiGi has been telling us to trust HG and the drops but then I hear people getting all sorts of other treatments. It makes me scratch my head and wonder, but my sense is to trust the AI and let it take me as far as it can. I have terrible heavy metal issues and to kill parasites on my own could open up a whole new can of worms, no pun intended.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
HG is not saying that cleanses are not necessary. The whole purpose of AI is to initiate detoxification, something that was not possible before the correction of the dysregulations. Any detoxification, depending on the severity, of course will need some sort of support.

Further, once the metals are being mobilize when the body starts to regulate again, this mobilizes
automatically other toxins and microorganisms that house together with the toxins, including parasites. Depending on the type of parasites, I don't think I would want to sit idly by, especially if some of the antiparasitics start testing. I would not use Alinia, the strongest of them all, if it did not test. As long as it tests positive, I would and we did use it. It stopped testing within about a month or more and we did not use it. I still test it during my dayly routine testing (I test my husband and others), and if it tests, it is used; or whichever antiparasitic tests.

Lex, there is a difference between treatments and treatments. It totally depends on the basic condition of the patient whether I add additional treatments or not. Of course, if the patient is now after the metal allergies are eliminated, moving mountains of metals and the patient starts feeling horrible, of course I help with supporting agents as long as they test.

I am not looking for gigantic herxing, but rather make sure that the patient is not hanging around with blocked regulation. That is unhealthy, and sometimes, whatever opens the regulation I will carefully use to keep the channels open. Herxing is not my aim - I never had one myself under Dr. K.'s care, and I try to keep things in balance with mild agents. If my husband is blocked, which I can tell by simply observing him, and NDF
(I use Biologo which is similar) opens his regulation, I certainly will use it.

Tapping is for me only a momentary help -- it does not help when a molecule of lead and aluminum is stuck somewhere on its way down. Tapping on the emotional level is not always called for.

A lot of what I am trying to say here depends whether you are on early AI or on bottle #14 or such.

I do not include the AI frequencies in my daily testing or every other day testing. I test it if things cause strong reactions otherwise and may even skip it a time or two when too much is on the move in the body.

All I can say, I would be lost if I could not test energetically. I understand very clearly now that even while under Dr. K.'s treatment there were times when I should have stopped taking this or that which he had included. Now I know that in order to get through these tough times, it is not necessary to suffer herxing.
I refuse to believe that serious herxing is necessary and put a stop to anything that would cause me or my husband to do that. Herxing is a body suffering and that is not necessary. I myself got well from a most serious and debilitating Lyme Disease without what I learned later was supposedly necessary to heal. It is not. Sometimes a better days than others, but that was it.

More later.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
re parasites - my doctor in WA tested me for parasites after I had been on AI for a year and she did not find them.

I was recently tested again with the same result.

At one point with my own testing, I tested for every anti-parasitic I had in my arsenal for about 3 days, but did not take anything. HG also responded to my email at that time that "of course the drops help the body identify them".

So.... I wonder if these amazing bodies of ours can kill them with enough rounds of drops under out belts?

Regarding blocked regulation - I don't find it very often these days but when I do - it's ALWAYS metals. The last time I experienced it, I found that just putting my jar of chlorella in the top of my jeans and leaving it there for a few minutes was enough to open things enough for me to continue testing, and find the proper amount to take.

If it's not chlorella , it is always something else that is alkalizing that opens things up for me.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Perhaps what AI does in the long haul is allow our bodies a pathway where the microorganisms just "pass through" without laying eggs and setting up permanent housekeeping.

I am reluctant to go on any big parasite cleanse right now because the metals are detoxing big time (round four AI) and if the critters are forced out, then the metals can latch onto tissue instead of the bugs.

Interesting, Gigi, that you say that you don't welcome a herx. Most practitioners do! I do everything I can to avoid them for myself and my patients. You give a patient a big herx and you never see them again.

Re the Zyto Pro, yesterday I did an assessment on a couple who had loads of microbes and pathogens and vertebral subluxations. After I reassessed with just flower essences and colors and basic nutrition like probiotics and enzymes, all that showed up came into range. Very impressive.
Posted by snaps (Member # 25104) on :
I began reading this thread back in May and have slowly made my way through it (no small task!).

I just wanted to say thank you to those who share their experience and expertise here. A lot of what is said really resonates with me. Thank you, thank you!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, yes, I am sure once the stagnation caused by all these multiple dysregulations will be gone once AI is done and we will not build up a settlement of microorganisms and most of all metals and chemicals as we have experienced when finally Lyme took over and really messed things up.

But -- I would not want to sit idly by and not help these undesirables out of my body, because they will be taking my nutrients and run my life until the excess of these are gone. I don't have the patience to wait for months to come if I can show them the way out n o w .

I am familiar with Zyto, but it is not something that makes my socks roll up and down!
So we all have certain preferences and that is a good thing.

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thank you for the perseverence and kind words, Snaps: how are you doing?

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I have the Zyto LSA Pro that uses the Quantum Reflex Analysis protocol including addressing interference fields, mud packs etc. My husband and I are impressed with it.

Dr. K. said one day ART will be in a box. That is what I'm waiting for.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I just realized there were some personal emails waiting for me. Takes me a while to catch on, friends. Sorry it took me so long.

Well, I guess I'll go after the parasites...have to get some drug samples to have tested as well as various herbal remedies. Thanks for the push, GiGi.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I am glad you can help yourself, Lex.

"Dr. K. said one day ART will be in a box. That is what I'm waiting for."

Dr. K. has been aiming at the shoe box for years. What he means is that he would like to have all he needs to treat a chronic disease fit in a shoe box and his ART. He is very close to that already with his ART testing composing his cocktail mixes.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Praziqauntel and mebendazole are two popular drugs for parasites. Has anyone out there had any experience with them? My dr. told me he believes Alinia can be a rough drug.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

Well, I sent off my sample after Round 13 a couple of weeks ago.

I'm currently getting IV chelation.

My practitioner ART tested me, and I'm still reacting on Lyme, Babesia, Erlichia, herpes, and other viruses.


We decided to do some ozone treatments to lower the critter level.


Cass A
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Cass it sounds to me like you might have scars, interference fields going on. May also be that your hands and feet aren't open -- Premier Research Clay can open them. You can call the company and get instructions. It can't hurt you. But can do a lot to get things open. All acuupuncture points either begin or end in the downloads (paws,feet,hands).
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
As for testing: I would certainly add AI drops first, then get it tested. If tested good, then I would add others TOGETHER to see if they still test or not. Always test things you want to take in the same day TOGETHER. That's what practioners do.

Many are the questions when you do that.
1- if they all test as needed, you still need to know when, how much, if they can be taken together or separately.

2- you got to learn a way to test priorities, which ones are the most important and let the others down in waiting line. With the time, you'll trust the tests if they work for you.

As for the bottles of daughter and husband, they tested for each other!! Their problems were VERY SIMILAR (the AI reports showed that), with very small differences, so they tested for both drops!!!

When I asked priority, then it was different though, each of them testing for respective bottles best.

On the contrary, I tested for none of them. Very strong negative for both bottles.

My daughter is suffering now from candida on GI and skin. She NEVER suffered from skin candida that I remember. She's got now the EXACT same problem I had for decades.

I suspect detoxing from AI going on (heavy metals). Almost every time I got my heavy metals being flushed out, I got some sort of pathogenic revival of something (specially candida or fungal infections).

She's back on chlorella that she had been away for many months. I treated her field with photons and candida nosodes because her skin infection was getting annoying.

I maybe did wrong, but I couldn't avoid. Skin was TOO MUCH itchy and today, started to be very painful.

Some symptoms of GI candida die off started from today on. She started a light anti candida diet from today too (she hadn't been on any diet for about a year)....

Her mosquito bite allergies are back, not full force, but about 40-50% of strength before AI drops. I'm not treating them, just letting her body react by itself.

We're still waiting for round 2.

I'm with Gigi concerning herxes. I hated them and avoided them as maximum I could. Without herxes, my days could go on 'almost' like normal, even after multiple bites and reinfections on top of my chronic lyme. Even if I had to take about 40 different substances or more to keep me herxless, I did that.

Chlorella, cardamon, Recthsregulat and MSM were my best friends for years on and on....
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
thanks for your feedback re herxes. The bottom line seems to be if you can catch the toxins before they reabsorb, you're in business.

Herxes are promoted by many practitioners and are even welcomed. What they don't realize is that people may be patients, but they are also office workers, parents and have responsibilities in life.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Re alinia

does anyone know if the generic brand would cut the mustard? Anyone tried it?
Posted by kadee (Member # 21199) on :
Originally posted by thejoje:

The link you posted was part 4 of 7. At the begining of your link, Dr. K is halfway into explaining the An Di. Do you have a link to part 3 so we can hear the beginning of the description of the treatment. I check around Youtube and only found parts 1, 4,5,6,and 7.


having just stumbled over this subject, here is part 3 of the interview.
Dr. K. starts to talk about it at 8:45.

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt (Part 3 of 7)
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, under guidance from Dr. K., generic is what we used. You can get them with prescription at a Canadian pharmacy for much less than otherwise.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Glad you found this Part 3 covering the An Di, Kadee. Thank you.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
thanks Gigi

by the way, what do you think of using the parasite program on the KMT while on AI?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thank you, Kadee: I found it interesting to hear Dr K. talk about how even mainstream electrical diagnostic machines can falsely affect the outcome of diagnosis. He explains very well.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Canada Pharmacy charges $119 for 60 200 milligram tabs of Alinia. Does K. prescribe 200 or 500 milligrams? Anyone care to share what they have taken? I will have an ART practitioner test me for it in a day or two but I'd like to give my dr. some guidance.

Posted by Lauralyme (Member # 15021) on :
Quick question
Is the sample to be sent immediately after completing the drops?

Lex: Re Alinia...I took the generic at 500mg 2X
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
The AI sample should be sent two weeks after taking the drops to give the body a chance to regulate. I usually wait l0 days and send mine in.

This Round Four is the toughest so far.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

where did you get the generic because every pharmacist I speak to says there is no generic;
that includes a pharmacy in Canada.
Posted by amberini (Member # 21281) on :
I have tried to find your recipe for spiced nuts but can't seem to find it.

Maybe someone else has a copy or knows where it is...??

Could you post it again, if it's not too much trouble, please?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I know I saved this for some reason:

Just cleaning out some of my files, here is a better understanding why if we are allergic to wheat, sensitive to gluten and other gluten containing grains (BROWS = Barley, Rye, Oats, Wheat, Spelt), life can be quite miserable, and the healing time when doing the AI therapy can be quite long. Because EVERY FUNCTION OF THE BODY IS AFFECTED. Here is the google translation - at least it gives you some understanding of what so many, so many, so many are up against.

Here is the German text - I highly recommend reading it very carefully:
German to English translation
"30/07/2006 10:59" M59

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


soon to be published in our book, which deals with the CAUSES of allergies. It is an exciting journey and reveals many misunderstandings.
Here's an excerpt:

"Gliadin intolerance - system failure made clear

On the basis of gliadin intolerance can study well what the consequences will be if triggered by intolerance to gliadin complex biochemical processes.

Celiac disease is perhaps the most well-known disease that is associated with intolerance to gliadin in combination.
As a result of celiac disease often occur biochemical abnormalities. Three processes are observed very frequently:

1st impaired esterification of fatty acids
2nd a reduced uptake of amino acids
3rd a lack of segregation of lactose

To make it clearer: In celiac patients disappear in consequence of the intolerance that are important for the digestion villi. You are responsible for the absorption of several important substances. The body reacts because of Zottenschwundes (Zottenschwund means gradual disappearance/shrinking of villi --- inserted by GiGi) with cell proliferation and hikes to offset the loss in the overall system.

The damage to the small intestine of celiac patients often leads to decreased function of the pancreas. The gallbladder is affected, they contracted or not much, which means that bile salts are rarely paid. The apparent image is a sensitive gallbladder. The dysfunction of pancreatic and gallbladder can together lead to an impaired degradation of fats and proteins.

A total of celiac disease in less than necessary salts and minerals absorbed by the body. This may mean that patients complain of bone pain and weakness.

Milk intolerance occurs in untreated celiac disease is also common. Often there were also emotional fluctuations in those affected.

What appears on the surface as unrelated diseases, has a deeper cause an intolerance to gliadin, which triggers a chain reaction in the biochemical machinery.
Everyone has their own laws in the entire system. Freeing him from the ground but the main cause allergies than any other damaging possibilities, one is a step further in order to prepare future generations better on all factors.

Reason allergies are not immutable genetically-programmed fixed, but variable information stored on a level. "

Your AI team
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The Alinia we took is labeled

Nitazoxanide Tablets Nizonide 500

Available at a tolerable price at a Canadian pharmacy - can't find receipt just now and would not post name here.
Will alert you when I find it and you can contact me privately.

Take care.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Lex,

Thanks for the info on Premier Research Clay. I'll look into that.

I received Round 14 drops today! Still have a few disregulations to fix....

I just purchased a Whole Body Detox protocol (all herbal and nutrient based) to do soon. It takes about a month, starting with intestines and going on to liver and gallbladder, etc. I'm going to complete this round of chelation first--I have about three more to go before getting my next urine analysis done to see what the body is expelling.

I still have a bottle of Alinia from when I took it before. I'd guess the best would be to do that before the rest of the body detox. I'll have my practitioner ART test me for that.

A friend of mine who also has Lyme just called me and says she is getting very, very good results with a Chinese herbal doctor near me who is also treating other Lyme patients.

This could be my next step after AI is completed.


Cass A
Posted by Lauralyme (Member # 15021) on :
PM sent
Posted by Dawn in VA (Member # 9693) on :
D here. Sorry to be so abrupt, but my eyeballs are having a hard time reading the many pages of this AI thread. I've been interested in it for about a year, but funding is in short supply.

Would any of you who have been using AI for a considerable amount of time be willing to give me a low and high estimate of what you have spent via private messages? I think I may be able to afford it soon, but want to make sure I look b/f I leap. I'm particularly interested in gut and gluten-related aspects of it.

Thanks for any input in advance!
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

Regarding the timing of sending in the samples--

Lex talks here about waiting 2 weeks. For those of us in the U.S., GiGi had previously recommended sending the next sample in within days of finishing due to the delays in getting the drops from Europe.

This latter is what I have done, for better or worse.

Any current opinions on this matter??


Cass A
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :

I tried to send you a PM at your request, but your mailbox is full.


Cass A
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Dear Cass

re when to send in your AI drops -- my understanding is that your body needs a chance to regulate after taking the drops -- that giving your body a chance to clear and catch up with the last round. But it's a personal thing--for example, after this Round Four, I wouldn't want another round too soon as this has been the round from hell.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
When we started AI, we were told to send in the follow-up sample for testing after finishing the previous round of drops right away. It can take a week or 2 weeks at times before the sample arrives at AI to be used for preparation of the next bottle of drops. They send us the new bottle which can take another week to two weeks, sometimes longer. This makes for a long therapy.

There is no need to wait unless a person wants to for other reasons. The body has the "information" it needs to work with after using the drops the 14 days.

The total cost is now, I believe, 450 Euros for the total therapy from beginning to end, no matter how many bottles it takes to accomplish the therapy. They are only asking to send in $10 for the postage each time. I think this is the bargain of the century. The price went up for Americans because they take much longer to get through the therapy. Are we more toxic?

There is no reason to have to avoid foods, because most these major allergic reactions are eliminated, permanently.
Posted by Dawn in VA (Member # 9693) on :
Thanks a lot for that cost info, GiGi. I didn't realize it was that expensive. I know it's probably worth every penny to many people though. Don't know if I'll be able to do it or not right now, but I will be consulting my piggy bank change and trying to slowly add to it. [Big Grin]

Cass, I will clean house. Thanks for trying to send me a message.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
There is quite a bit of confusion corresponding with AI -- I read paragraphs over and over thinking I understand only to be told over and over that what I thought WAS is NOT. So I bow to Gigi's experience and wisdom --
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Is it okay to take binders (ie: chlorella, betasitosterol, charcoal....)when you have the flu?

My son brought home a cough/fever/stomach virus which I am now sharing with him.

Want to pop some binders, but thought I'd ask first.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
If I had the flu I would check Red Root, it's a great lymph drainer. Whatever you test for, .....
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Androphagis (spelling) is supposed to be great for colds and flu symptoms. You can check it out at Dr. K's website.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, while on AI or on any detox phase, you should always take binders of one sort or another, whether you have the flu or not. A fish based Vitamin A helps with viral infections (which by the way always show up here and there while the body is detoxing the metals). The same with fungi --- they are also testing on and off because the ecosystem is disturbed when the metals are starting to leave. Coconut oil helps with viral; garlic helps with that also. We use coconut oil as a spread on a good bread, with a sprinkle of salt, and love it.

Take care.

P.S. I would not add anything as powerful as andrographis. And would not add anything that I don't test for energetically.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Lex and Gigi -- thank you for your replies. It has been interesting to have succumbed to this flu. It feels so much simpler than what I went through with Lyme or with recent detoxing!

Lex, thanks for the Red Root and Andrographis thoughts. I am going to stick with what I've been doing with the binders, since they are a known entity that works for me. Feel too vulnerable to introduce new stuff yet.

Gigi thank you for the Vitamin A recommendation -- I used that years ago along in addition to Neti Pot therapy for sinus infections. The Vitamin A really assisted in spiriting healing along, as I recall. I never thought about putting coconut oil on bread as a spread. I can hardly wait!

The flu really hit me in the joints once the fever was burning. I wanted to make sure that my binders weren't going to confuse anything. I can tell you that I am looking forward to downing chlorella again. Apple pectin is on hold until tummy stuff is a little better. Food doesn't feel great right now; but, I am mending.

I have to remind myself to praise my immune system for rebooting since the inception of AI! Mailed my samples in and am anxiously awaiting the news as to whether they still think I am done after 7 rounds.

Big hugs and healing thoughts to all,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I am reprinting this from Gigi which contains so much good information and encouragement while on AI: for the newbies and old timers who still need to be reminded of the basics, here it is. I printed this out and when the going gets rough as it is right now on Round Four, I read over it and it puts everything in perspective:


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Frequent Contributor (1K+ posts)
Member # 259

Icon 1 posted 05-05-2009 07:45 PM Profile for GiGi Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote Having briefly read this thread , I would like to add some personal observations. This is just a brief appearance by myself and I will go back into retirement after I hit the ``send'' button.


Not all dysregulations or allergies are found during the first AI testing. As AI testing continues through the many different body systems, more are found and more are corrected as testing continues. Reprogramming/Clearing/Correcting the allergies or dysregulations or errors stored in the electromagnetic system does not mean all the accumulated toxins are then gone from the body instantly, as expressed by someone here. The correction is made by correcting the polarities.

As the Immune system then starts to recognize the metals, fungi, mold, and thousands of environmental toxins, and as the emotional releases start to happen, the body builds new regulation pathways, and starts to dispose of the toxins. It no longer tries to hide them, adding more burden to the body, as it has done probably for many many years as we took medicines and substances the body did not know what to do with. Some of these made us ill.

As the wheat is again acceptable as a good basic food, when the polarity has been adjusted during the correcting process, the leaky gut can eventually start to heal and the toxins are no longer being released into the blood stream, entering the damaged brain blood barrier (toxic metals?) that put many of us on a wild neuro ride. The gut will take several months to heal, so I am told.

Certainly, all the toxins accumulated over many years, often since birth, are not expelled overnight. Some of them are, but it will take weeks, months and for some longer before the effects can be fully felt. Sometimes it may be the industrial chemical that is contained in the wheat food that has not been cleared yet!! If all the toxins were to head for the exits at once, we would probably die in the process. We have masterful organs, but they do have limited capacity.

I was aware from my training with Dr. K., but still surprised how many emotional blockages we seem to brush under the rug over our lifetime and the number of conflicts and and inherited toxins we can store from our ancestors. I suppose -- just as we inherit the blue or brown eyes, certain talents, we inherit some of their conflicts that were probably passed down to them by earlier generations. All these are engraved as an electromagnetic pattern in our DNA and cause us to respond in certain ways, sometimes hanging on to toxins that will eventually cause us to become chronically ill. As some and eventually all these are found via the AI therapy and the errors corrected, healing can begin. Spirit, soul, body.

Photons are not used in the AI therapy process (PSP = Polarity Signature Programming) It is merely a process of finding the errors and adjusting of the polarities throughout the whole system.

I know from experience when using photons in the past, which I no longer do, many toxins are being mobilized. That is when I also learned on my own body that, if the body does not recognize them, i.e. when allergic to any of them, these toxins are then merely shifted around within the system and stored. Even though I had been very well for many years, I started to become very ill, with many unpleasant neurological problems.

If the body does not recognize any of these mobilized toxins (metals, chemicals, fungi, etc.), i.e. we are allergic to them, as became obvious to me because we started to feel worse and worse, I realized that these are merely shifted from one place to the other to be deposited in any body compartment available. As some time passed, I became very frightened and very disillusioned, as I was going from very well to worse very rapidly. My husband lost all mobility literally from one day to the next, and could no longer walk at all or put a spoon to his mouth. Today he shuffled a deck of cards and played solitaire. This is what happens as the regulation circles are being changed with AI.

We had not taken the AI test at that time yet. Now I know that all the IV's, the pills, the supplements many of which we were allergic to at the DNA level, could not possibly bring the results we wanted. It became very obvious to me that for myself and my husband I had caused an avalanche within our bodies which only started with the application of biophotons (with or without nosodes) and I became very worried, started my search and found AI.

Sometimes certain chemicals are combined with certain foods and cause allergic responses. All need to be found and corrected.

I compare our own situation to one particular MS case that was treated successfully with AI (from wheelchair to bicycle) where it took about a year for all the chaos in the system to be eliminated. Fortunately, the person was a younger person. The older the person, the more accumulation, the longer it takes to clear them over time. We are finding this out now. Nobody can forecast what is permanent - but we know synapses do regrow. All takes time and a lot of patience and hope, and continuing the drops.

The body is working day and night when the AI changes are taking place. Mainly at night when all other activity is absent. And for some the night is not long enough to accomplish all, so we felt very tired during the daytime. I can feel the effects of the drops within an hour of taking them. By using photons, I had mobilized an avalanche of toxins that basically could not find the backdoor to get out. I was allergic to most of them and did not know it. My husband had all the major ones - wheat, corn, soy. Now we know why all soy-based supplements didn't work before !!!!! Every time we took any, we stressed our body more.

For most people, the sequence in AI testing has to follow the different''wrong'' paths the body had taken over the years. I liken it to a traintrack - a blockage here, removal, taking another turn, a blockage there; it may take many turns and only very little and minor improvement before all blockages - allergies - dysfunctions - errors in the system are corrected. Sometimes the last blockage found, the last switch brings the turnaround. But the process has to go backwards the very same way as the dysregulations set in. If the body does not know how to handle a substance we take in, it stores it; the more, the worse. For some, benefits start immediately and/or partially as toxins can start to release. There is a huge amount of emotional clearing! Cry me a river.

A friend, just recently lab diagnosed with Lyme, is showing many improvements on AI drops, now bottle #3. Her old depression left with bottle #1. Her cat which she had to move to the basement because she became so allergic to it - is now back with her in the rest of the house. She is very excited and only concentrating on positives in her life, leaving the other behind - starting a vegetable garden and planting a tree! She has lost a couple of her major pain symptoms. She is much less concerned with Lyme at this point and doing what feels good.

We have a dynamic system, one part dependent on the other. I keep thinking of the bicycle I rode almost seventy years ago, with the dynamo on the wheel turning on my headlights!! If the dynamo didn't touch the wheel, or the wheel wasn't turning, no lights.
If you stop after the first bottle, or second bottle, you probably will not reach the point where all errors have been found and eliminated to where the body can function unencumbered. So AI's mantra is ``keep taking the drops'' until your symptoms are gone or until they can no longer find any dysregulations when testing.

The first two or three rounds are the easiest. Getting rid of the most obvious problems. Then AI gets busy changing the polarity addressing the nervous system, the synapses, and so much more - most of it I do not understand and AI does not have the time to give me more than a few hours of lectures over the phone. I am very grateful for that. When all the vibrating sensations are finally gone every day and every night, that is all I care about at this moment. Luckily I am almost there. A lot of toxins exit through the eyes - mainly chemicals.

I am glad that I did not attempt KPU when I heard about it originally, and would not attempt that program as long as my system is not clear of dysregulations. I have heard years ago from Dr. K. that many people are allergic to zinc! But this is based on ART testing, not AI's testing method. We suffered enough due to not really understanding and knowing facts.

Our aim is to start eliminating the toxins and, extremely important, releasing the emotional conflicts and stored pain memories. AI seems to be one of the easiest psyche couches. The other day, I relived an event in my life from WWII. As I was sitting on the couch quietly one evening, this memory - like an old movie was running before my eyes: A 500 ton bomb falling near my home, accompanied by the sound of a tornado, knocking the air out of me for a moment - just as I lived through it more than sixty years ago. I clearly relived it -- my childhood friend sat next to me and my Mom across from me in the bunker underground - all of us the picture of horror. My Dad was the warden
making sure all people reached the bunker on time.

It is quite common to relive old pains - marked in the DNA as an electromagnetic pattern from many years ago. All subjective - and it disappears within a short time. The hip pain that I experienced several years ago during a fall reappeared recently - that's all I need, so I thought - no, it disappeared totally after 3 days. The pain was tolerable, but I definitely remembered the accident. DNA memory removed.

AI is not concerned with the details of the emotional conflicts. It merely finds the blockages when testing and corrects them. The correct information is infused into the water. With the reprogramming, the allergies are lifted, the body starts to recognize the toxins, the memories, all the stuff it had been packing away somewhere in some body compartment without ever being able to eliminate them, thereby lowering our immunity and making us susceptible to any microorganisms, Lyme, parasites, viruses, endlessly. The body was not able to distinguish good from bad and accumulated toxin thereby damaging the terrain where many pathogens would be able to take up housekeeping safely. Dr. K. published about that in the nineties. Suggest you read it again - I had posted it many different times (``Heavy Metals and Chronic Disease'' during the ten years I had been posting on Lymenet.

I think I said it above, but will repeat it to respond to remarks about ``still retaining toxins'', thankfully, our body is a highly intelligent work of art. It knows that if it were to get rid of all toxins and unwanted medicines we had accumulated over a lifetime all at once after taking a few drops of informed water, it would not get us well, but kill us instead. For further protection, the body seems to grow fungi, but we often then become allergic to fungi, mold, etc. These allergies were lifted with the first AI test, but again it will take time for the die-off. Our organs only have limited capacities.

I have often heard it said - it took years to accumulate, it will take time to get rid of it. And the longer the system had to live with it, the longer it will take to get it out. Age plays a role - .Biological information does not work at the molecular level, but rather via the electromagnetic imprint (Polarity Signature Programming = PSP).

It doesn't matter much to try to figure out which allergy causes what -- rather, per AI, it is the combination of all errors that cause the problems; these same errors causing different problems for different people. We are unique.

So I don't expect instant rewards, but a few, savoring even the very the small ones as little as they may be, until the system can shake itself out and improve step by little step every day, with every drop. With AI, I have found that it often means 4 steps forward, three steps back. But we still gain the one with every move. Like a fever, it has to reach the highest point before it can do the repair. My husband is doing just that. AI confirms that this is often so. All body systems are addressed, as you can tell by studying your first test results that contains all the important details. They will not mention many of these in future tests, because it would be way too cumbersome to do that every time. The just go on and find.

For some people it will take three months, for some people it will take a year, with checkups/controls the following year.

The main message for me: when trying to mobilize toxins in our system through any means (medicines, biophotons, herbs, physical/structural treatments, exercise) it will not bring total success or any success as long as the immune system does not recognize the toxins that are being released, as long as it is allergic to any of them. If we stir things up, try to mobilize toxins through the different means, while the immune system does not recognize them as a toxin or misinterprets any, it is forced to stashing them away in any available body compartment, joint, organ, etc. No gain this way, just more misery now or down the road and another aching joint. So getting rid of these dysfunctions, allergic reactions, reprogramming, in my mind, should be done before anything else. All else causes added stress and weakens and robs the system of more energy and resources.
That is what we finally figured out. I have talked about this before.

I had learned many years ago from Dr. K. that if allergic to a substance, the body does not know how to get rid of it.\ It also causes us to be unable to absorb certain substances properly. If a wheat sensitivity, hidden or known, lasting long enough, to damage the small intestines, many become iron deficient, because the gut is damaged by the allergy and will not be able to absorb nutrients the way it should I was not aware of how many we really had been dealing with most of our lives. ART did not detect them at the DNA level.

Now through AI, I learned that even the worst, wheat allergies, can be eliminated through DNA corrections permanently. They have never had a case in many years where a wheat allergy had to be treated again once it has been corrected. We can then eat all the wheat we want and even brush our teeth with wheat-containing toothpaste, or eat the sausage containing wheat, or eat the eggs from chicken who live on grain, and then no longer be stressing our Autonomic Nervous System. Live and learn, and learn more.

Sometimes chemicals are part of any food and if that is the case, all have to be found and treated. That means all the layers in the system have to be tested and errors found.

All the above stems from my own more recent observations and asking questions and learning. Even the memory pattern of Lyme is engraved in the DNA - while the real bugs are long gone. I would like them to stay ``gone'' and no longer make the idea of Lyme my constant companion. Therefore I shall now go back to my beloved retirement from anything called Lyme. We are doing nothing but the AI therapy until we get the'' all clear'' . My husband will probably take a year or longer. Chaos in the system.

We are not doing KPU while some of the energetic blockages remain, because I do not want to force any allergic toxins into the system before they are all dealt with. And I am certain that when we are done with AI, we will not have to worry about any blocked pathways. Because that is what AI is all about. It takes time. Life has become quite simple with 3x5 drops of ``informed'' water a day for a couple of weeks. The break in between is nice, but the body keeps working with the new knowledge - that I can feel.


Everythingthat is marked in the first 16 page report has been corrected. All of them. Now the immune systems starts to recognize that good wheat is good wheat, that metals neeed to be detoxed, and that fungi needs to be recgonized as for what it is, some good, some badf. The leaky gut caused by any of these dysregulations, however, needs time to heal and the toxins will start to move. If you give it the proper support, liquids, etc. and rebuilding of your mineral base which is most likely not in the best shape because of malabsorption, you should start to feel better. Finding out what you are missing is important, because if you do not have the good minerals, you can't get rid of the bad ones (toxic metals/minerals).

When you get your next test back and it tells you a certain number of chemicals and/or blockages found, that means they were corrected. Some of the chemicals may play a part in many of the foods you eat or have eaten, and it may take time to find all that your body cannot deal with. Hayfever is not caused by pollen, but by chemicals in/on the pollen. That is why it will take probably a numbr of test/bottles to clean up and correct all the errors in your DNA. So it is a slow process, because not all can be found and corrected at one time. The body cannot handle all at once - the organs could not deal with all the fallout. You will be able to tell when your body is working hard when you get tired more easily and need more down time.

In short, whatever is found at the time of testing, is being corrected at the same time. It's like moving a switch, i.e. changing the polarity from minus to plus or vice versa, whatever it is supposed to be. Some day I am going to go overthere and watch it being done. The drops are infused with the correct frequency/polarity and your body makes note of it when you drink them. Energy medicine at its best. Energy first, then biochemistry. It's easier to understand why some people know to bless their food before they eat.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks for the refresher course, Lex.

Turning once again to parasites, if one does not have an ART practitioner, when should one begin to contemplate doing a parasite cleanse-- sooner, or later while on the drops?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
thejoje that was Gigi's course above . . . worth printing out and putting it with our bedside reading.

I had my husband test me for parasites with Quantum Reflex Analysis and sure enough, all my brain points were off as well as the usual parasite points--liver, gb, spleen, pancreas. My body wants paracidin and gall bladder complex for now, now a drug. After I get done with this 30-day cleanse, I'll test again and see what's left. The gall bladder complex (premier research labs) moves the eggs into the intestines where the herbs can kill them. That is what is usually overlooked with most herbs. Parastat is for the amobeba and giardia which we usually use after the paracidin cleanse, if the person tests weak at small intestine point (navel). While on parastat, one must do castor oil packs with heating pad on intestinal area to hatch the critters so the herb can then get them.

If you are near someone with a Zyto who knows QRA you can be quickly tested. Or manual testing is pretty quick too.

Just a suggestion. I find ART too cumbersome to learn when I'm under the weather. I don't feel comfortable taking a drug.

If you scroll up, you will find Gigi's advice about parasites -- they need to be addressed even while on AI. But the only way to find out what you need is to test, one way or another. SHooting in the dark is too frustrating.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Here in Maine, shooting in the dark is the only way for a family of 5 with Lyme.

Coincidentally, and speaking of shooting, another adult parasite came shooting out of my second daughter while on the drops.

We saw it swimming in the toilet.

I hope this is a sign that many more will follow in his path (or her path).

[Smile] [Smile]
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

Wow. That is fantastic. You have your own indoor pond going! Long live AI.

The other day a neighbor's dog pooped near our mailbox and as I looked closer I saw about six inches worth of tape worm. i wrote them a note and told them to please scoop it up but better yet, take note.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
My 6 year old has started eating so much after she did the first AI bottle. I wonder if this is a coincidence or not? She never ate a lot, she's skinny and avoided dinner. Now she's hungry at evening too, and she asks for food and finishes her plate.

Has someone's children got the same experience? I wonder if this is not a coincidence, but it's already one month or so since she started eating that much (= like a normal child)...

Another question, has someone's allergic reactions changed after being on AI? My husband is getting strange pimple like red spots on his skin from sweat, and I don't remember having seen these since I know him...

Thanks for any input!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Brussels, I had all kinds of things going on with my skin. Lots of breakouts from sweat, some not from sweat and a severe reaction to poison ivy.

I had always gotten poison ivy but when I got it last summer, my arms felt like they had chemicals burns. I decided it was from all the "products" I had used for p i in the past. I think they were all coming out.

I have since had a couple of run ins with that plant and the little stripe of blisters from the oil that appeared, went away in a day rather than spreading everywhere.

I think lots of things exit through the skin. Makes sense that toxins would be released with sweat.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I get itchy skin shortly after going on the drops.
A tip off that the colon needs support.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I've had a widespread rash at various times on AI, though not until round 4ish.

Glad to hear that your daughter's appetite has improved, Brussels: what a good sign,


[ 09-21-2010, 09:26 AM: Message edited by: ukcarry ]
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi -- I wanted to chime in about the pimples and rashes (sounds like kibbles-n-bits!).

I have had lots of strange pimples, white heads on my back where I can't reach, and rashes on my hips and the sides of my breasts. Recently I had a poison ivy related breakout from hugging neighbor's dog -- yet the blisters were so much oozier than usual.

Comes and goes; comes and goes.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
When on AI, many odd skin things came and went...either related to detox i can say now...or also related to old issues on the skin where I USED STEROID CREAM! IN THE PAST. I even had very severe pain on my skin where I had poison ivy..the same place i had as a up again with the ai...then it just left. expect old things to show up again.

I did sweat alot off and on, as I feel my system wis changing. Very bad smells coming from skin...where I was never able to sweat much before even with extreme exercise. Now I do!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I, too, was unable to sweat before AI. Now I sweat all of the time. Even when I eat my gluten free crackers there must be something in them the body does not like, because within 30 minutes I am sweating like crazy. Same if I drink a glass of wine or a cup of coffee.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Getting sick. One other thing I have noticed. In the past 7+ years that I have had Lyme symptoms I have rarely gotten sick.

Within the last month I have been ill 3 times. I know I am getting the infections from the kids I teach, but at this rate I'll burn through sick days in no time. Never happened before.

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
We also have now gotten sick with colds that we never seemed to get before. A sign we are getting back to normal.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Thank you all for all the info about skin rashes and detox!!
I guess it makes sense.

What about change in appetite? I wonder if it happens only in kids? I suspect she is going through a growth spurt or something alike, but it never happened for sooo long as now. She's been eating so well for more than a month. Before, she only ate a bit better for a week or two, then stopped eating again...

I wonder if the AI unblocked something on her and now she's got normal appetite??

congratulations for the colds, Hiker and LP!!

I also went through that long ago, when lyme was finally becoming weaker AND when my candida /fungal infection on skin started to get better.

During DECADES before that, I was almost immune to colds.

Now I often catch colds, but it rarely gets too bad.

You'll soon forget how bad it was not to have colds BUT have lyme instead and start complaining of getting colds like everyone else! Human beings are never happy!
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :

As far as food changes, my kids started to like foods they never would eat before...not sure if it is because they are maturing and taste buds changing, but I did notice they are eating many unique foods.

My son was not able to mentally eat things put together like stews and soups...does not like mixed foods or unique flavors until now. So I think the AI can change some mental thoughts. We know emotions were all is released.

Possibly your daughter had a form of anorexia...not desiring food. Possibly an emotional release to investigate..or just enjoy the healthy change, that is great!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi guys -- it is interesting to read what you all have to say about skin changes and getting sick.

Right now I am dealing with pneumonia! What?! Yes, pneumonia. Out of the blue; all of the sudden; no warning.

I've been off AI for 2 1/2 months, after being told to stop at Round #7. I just sent in my saliva samples last week.

I really think my lungs are trying to detox some how. But, you can't fool with pneumonia... so I had to go back on antibiotics. Started Zithromax for three days, which ends tomorrow and now I'm supposed to do Augmentin for 10 days more. i wrote to HR and he said, "Do ist!"

Feels yucky, but the doses are miniscule compared to the LLMD recommendations for Lyme, so I know I'll find a way to handle it.

In the meantime, I never caught anything during the Lyme years and this just blows my mind. Since starting AI, I know this too shall pass and I just bless my ever-strengthening immune system.

Here's to the odyssey!

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Seeking advice on the use of Ambien.

Husband works a full-time job and needs his sleep. Several times a week, he relies on 1 or 2 Ambien per night after those high stress meetings.

HG says to take whatever is needed. Do I need to send him a sample of Ambien along with hubby's saliva??
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
WIserforit2, well, looks like your body is finally able to do some pushing altho it doesn't feel so great. "Pneumonia" like anything else is just a label -- something that is passing thru like weather.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

A comment on Ambien first, then an update.

For getting to sleep after high-stress meetings, I would recommend about 300 mg B-1, and a calcium-magnesium drink. We use A to B Calm, a powder you can get in a health food store, and add CALM from Peter Gilliam, also in health food stores and on-line.

Ambien can have really nasty side effects.


I'm on Round #14, and have recently been getting IV chelation. I also got a few ozone treatments, where the dr. infuses ozone into your blood and then puts the blood back into your body.

Anyway, I just had a foot detox session where they use an electric bar that ionizes the water so that toxins get pulled out of the body. Usually, when I've had these in the past, the water turns brown in the first 5 minutes, then gets BLACK and stinky!! This time, for the first 15 minutes, the water stayed almost perfectly clear! Then, over the next 15, it turned slightly yellow.

My reflexologist said that he's only had 3 people have this treatment where the water stayed clear! He said I must be 95% detoxed by now, for it to be so clean!


Cass A
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Re foot detox ionizers -- from what I understand, the water turns brown/black/yellow/green simply because of the mineral content of the water. It's different based on that only. The color has nothing to do with what is being detoxed from the body. If the water didn't turn any color, I would think something was amiss.

They tell you the color has something to do with what is being detoxed to justify the high cost of the machine, a scam.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I am not for or against foot detox machines, but I have owned one for about 6 years and , although it is true that the water will change colour even without you putting your feet in, it is also true that consecutive seesions with different people [but more or less the same water at the same time] will vary substantially, as will the scummy fat content and thickness of what is produced: I have occasionally seen the very unusual thin yellow colour Cass describes and it may come immediately after a thick greenish black one.

So clearly it is wrong for practitioners [and nowadays it is usually the naivete of the practitioners rather than the manufacturers trying to mislead] to say that such and such a colour equates to release of a particular substance.

However, having witnessed countless examples of this, I am not entirely convinced that the individual foot has no impact at all.

Wiser, hope you feel better soon!

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I gave away my foot ionizer. From what I understand, the scumminess is a sign of toxin release but to be honest, I never felt great after any session and wonder if some of what is released is not something the body needs. Too many grey areas here. I do know that after a session one is advised to replace with minerals, so it's each person for themselves when trying to figure this stuff out.

The first machines marketed were MLM and the ones who first had them were chiropractors who were wowing their patients with the color change -- I know when I first saw my water turn black and they said it was metals I was stunned. The chiro said the machine was $3,500. They are available for less than $300 on the Web -- they are made exactly the same way as the ones that cost thousands.

Reports of many people who bought them are that they are sitting on a shelf in a closet.

I've had it with "being had," ladies and gentlemen.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Yes, I heard the one about the black bits being metals released too! Never swallowed that one!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
So I need a weigh in of opinions on this one....

I originally stopped all abx for Lyme after years of treatment because I felt toxic and that my body couldn't process them. At the time that I stopped I was getting Bicillan injections.

Yesterday I took Augmentin (Penicillan derivative) for pneumonia and today I broke out in a full body rash. The doctor was nonplussed after having been the one to give me Bicillan for months.

I'm thinking that my body stored all the abx junk because it didn't recognize it and I grew toxic. NOW my body recognizes it and says that penicillan is wrong for me.

But wasn't AI supposed to reverse that some how?

wiserforit2 is feeling curiouser and curiouser....
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, yes, "I'm thinking that my body stored all the abx junk because it didn't recognize it and I grew toxic. NOW my body recognizes it and says that penicillan is wrong for me."

"But wasn't AI supposed to reverse that some how?"
Yes, that is the body's reaction; not actually a reversal, but actually getting rid of it as quickly as it can. That is the result of no longer being "allergic" to penicillins and the body instead of storing it away in some dark hole making you eventually very ill, now pushing it out the best way it knows how.

Why complain?

The skin is the largest detox organ our body has available and in your case it is putting it to good use - even if it feels unpleasant. Had you tested your body energetically before taking this Augmentin, it would most likely have given you a strong no - telling you not to use it. The only difference now after the body learned to regulate, it will tell you that it doesn't like it by pushing it out.

Would suggest you send HG a sample of the med, so he can test it, because who knows what else is in it that your body does not like. Most meds are now made in foreign countries under often very different conditions. Sad we are still being charged the same high price, pharma getting richer.

Main thing is --- your body is now able to dispose of substances it does not want, which it was most likely not able to do successfully before AI.

Hope you can continue your drops soon and get many more dysregulations out of the way.

I have learned to take any diagnosis with a grain of salt und know that many people on AI are having lots of discharge. What is a doctor to say if he/she is not familiar with a serious detox symptom that looks like pneumonia and not being familiar with AI. Lungs were probably a weak spot for you and are now freeing themselves. I think some of these symptoms are to be expected.

Best to you!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Re Detox Footbath

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater..

There is the Toxaway Ionic Footbath (Australia/improved by Switzerland) which has been tested and the results measured by some therapists in Europe. I think that Scott wrote about it several years ago. I remember Dr. K. telling me that the before and after tests, done properly including cilantro, were definitely positive.

You may want to read up on it. I never bought it because I did not want to be bothered washing out footbath for two people.............. there are more fun things to do

Under the right conditions, there is definitely a release of toxins via the feet. I remember most vividly my brother after returning from prison camp WWII and his socks! He did lose his feet and lower leg from diabetes and had he listened to his little sister probably wouldn't have needed to suffer. Only you guys know how persistent I can be talking about AI to all these wheat-avoiding people on this baord who simply ignore it all. So be it. We all have a choice.

Take care and get better!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by GiGi:
I have learned to take any diagnosis with a grain of salt und know that many people on AI are having lots of discharge. What is a doctor to say if he/she is not familiar with a serious detox symptom that looks like pneumonia and not being familiar with AI. Lungs were probably a weak spot for you and are now freeing themselves. I think some of these symptoms are to be expected.

Isn't pneumonia dxd by X-ray? Are you saying that the X-ray could be showing a detox problem? I don't think so. To tell someone that they don't really have pneumonia is dangerous.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi Tutu -- long time no see!

I didn't take what Gigi said as my not having pneumonia. I do have pneumonia as shown on an xray. However, in the cascade of detoxing that has been going on in my body, clearing my lungs out seems like just another rung in the ladder towards health. And the phlegm is phlying! Pneumonia may just be a short-lived vehicle to clear out the gunk.

It was odd and out of the blue that I got pneumonia, especially since my lungs have never been a weak point to date. I take a philosophical stance: it might be stirred up by detox, but it is definitely pneumonia. Who knows in the context of healing?

The worst part of it is that the penicillan that I used to be able to take has given me a horrible rash/hives. Yet my pneumonia is mending, but the hives are daily even off the abx!

This Pneumonia cycle is whupping my energy reserves. And the Benedryl for the hives makes me dopey. This too shall pass, but I miss the energy and mental clarity of the AI results and hope that they return soon.

Best healing thoughts to all,

Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Chiming in.... Many dormant infections show on and off during healing... More than during disease, in my opinion.

It's quite known in lyme disease treatment that if you kill a pathogen and the treatment works, then another will show up and you need to address that 'new' one then. How many times we haven't seen that fall of symptoms then sudden change to a worse condition than before?

I don't think this is particular to lyme only.

Just do a good chelation (which AI probably is helping to do 'naturally') and something you never had before (you THOUGHT you never had it before) WILL certainly pop up.

Be it parasite, fungus, candida, bacteria, protozoan, whatever...

I've seen the rise and fall of dozens of different pathogens /diseases during this long healing journey.

Recetly, I saw my daughter 'catching' athlete's foot that she never had. I attribute that to AI, while it was probably releasing toxins / releasing pathogens.

Her infection was gone as fast as it came, without much treatment. I think some release of mercury (she was testing positive for mercury on that batch of AI) could have contributed to that...

My guess!

Thanks for your input on your son LP! That's also happening to my daughter, she is eating food with sauces for the first time!

It also probably has to do with the allergy reaction that is 'instictive' to many children.

If they feel some food doesn't go well with them, they will avoid that food (like with tomatoes, milk, wheat, ....). At least, my daughter did that many times since she was a baby. And she was allergic to many many foods.

If her allergies are less strong, I guess her body get again 'happy' to have these foods. Who knows?

She continues eating well to this day, enjoying food.

But it's interesting to think about a possible change on 'mental blockages' too!

We're starting 2nd batch now. Let's see!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

The hands and feet both eliminate toxins--called "downloads." I use clay to pull out the stuff. Works quickly and well. Premier Research Labs has information on it.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Lex or anyone,
Question about the clay from PRL. Do you think the clay is a mobilizer and is dangerous to use for those whose drainage is not great?

I'm equating the clay to the liquid cilantro drops which some have used topically and have had extreme results like seizures. The use of this form of cilantro has been cautioned by many here.

Or does the clay simply draw toxins directly through the skin and the skin alone?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

some interesting titbits about mobilizing and detoxing. This is an almost endless subject and the more we know and understand, the easier for us to find our way through.

Take care.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
RE PRL clays

One really should see a QRA practitioner because it's tricky getting the hang of how to do the clays.
Second best option is to talk to a rep and have them walk you thru the steps. If one of the downloads (feet/hands) are plugged up, body cannot detox. One needs to determine the correct liquid to mix with the clays -- it's usually heavy metal nano detox. This is where the Zyto LSA PRo can help people beautifully!

When the downloads are cleared, then one tests the detox organs (this is not done in a couple of days, one rests between the clay packs). If liver is plugged up, needless to say you can't detox. Same with colon and kidneys.

From there one is tested for scars -- vaccinations, mole removals, etc. A scar can be reflexing to an organ. One needs a practitioner to figure this out.

When the downloads are cleared, when the detox organs are good to go, when the scars and reflex areas are cleared, the body works better.

If you just take the clay and put it directly on a sore knee, you will be sorry because the steps just mentioned need to be done first.

I am very careful with patients. I give them written instructions, they email me step by step,
I retest them to make sure the downloads have cleared before they move on.

After three clay packs are done, one always soaks the feet in another type of clay because the download clays will stir things up and the gook releasaed needs to come out.

While on the AI drops, I am cautious but I have come to realize that if my downloads are plugged up, as they often get when on the drops because of all that is being released, I feel better when I clear whatever foot or hand is having trouble staying open.

A dentist I know just willy nilly took some of the dental clay and put it on all four quadrants without paying attention to the protocol and he got a rude awakening.

If you don't have a guide to help you initially, I wouldn't do the clays. But once you get the hang of it, you have a good tool there to help you thru some tough times. I remember once I felt very depressed and after I cleared a download the depression instantly lifted.

My husband recently had an ear infection that was very painful. The hand on the same side was blocked. Once the hand was clay packed, the swelling went down. The pain was gone and then we were able to work on the infection in other ways.

So, that's it. I hope this has been helpful.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thank you, Gigi and Lex for your information.

If I understand correctly, clay is not to be toyed with.

In Gigi's article, however, there is mention of the clay bath as being a fabulous detox tool. I did not get the impression that the use of clay in this way was as dangerous as applying it to specific points on the body.

With no QRA or ART practitioners anywhere within a 2000 mile radius of my home, I am tempted to order some clay and sprinkle a little of it into my next bath.

But then again, if my downloads and organs are not cleared. . .

Is the FIR sauna a safer method of detox? Does one have to worry about mobilizing toxins in a sauna the way one would worry about it in a bath?
We have a sauna in our basement, but I am too afraid to go near the thing.

I do feel that the drops are mobilizing something-- especially around 8 or 9 o'clock at night-- when I am sitting in one position for a while and then stand up. My hips feel very heavy and sore. It is difficult to walk the first few steps at this time, whereas during the day, the hips feel perfectly normal.

As a side note, is there anyone here that had successful metal detox using binders and drops only---with no help from extraordinary, gifted practitioners??

(I can't get the biotensor to move. It is dead still for every member of the fam. We are relying on arm-testing to check our binders.)
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
If anyone has any information to add to the BioPure RIZOLS, please do so: A friend sent me this --

Rizols are mixed with Castor oil...and infused with Ozone for 6 a lab in Germany

THey are strong Antimicrobial, antiviral, anti bacterial and anti-fungal

Gamma is very potent and can be used for many many things-great also for anti-mold and as a parasitic treatment

Zeta: Same as Gamma but tweaked towards anti-viral (ex. herpes, epstein barr etc...)

Epsilon: Especially good for Bartonella and Mycoplasma

Mu: great for Bartonella (tastes very bad) Most aggressive and should only be used for 2 mo. and then stopped.

THese work great transdermally. Can use them in the groin, underarms, on painful joints

when you take these: turn them into an emmulsion by pouring water into the drops. It will turn milky white...
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
To get tested at a distance using Zyto, you need a hand cradle. THat would be one way to determine where and how to use the PRL clays. I can't believe there is no QRA practitioner closer to you--did you call Premier Research Labs and ask them?
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
No, but I checked a listing of QRA practitioners.

I did just make a hand cradle appointment. A friend just bought one and we are sharing. [Smile]
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Most QRA practitioners do not have Zytos.

Success to you, thejoje.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi all -- well, AI sent me Round #8 after a 3 month break. 6 chemical substances and 7 blockages. Makes me go "hmmm...."

QUESTION: I am just getting over pneumonia and am wiped out and still coughing. Would it be nutty to start #8 right now? I'm torn, because I can't imagine also being thrown into a heavy detox mode.... yet, perhaps it might calm things down in case all this lung stuff is detox.

i know nobody can give me a definitive answer, but I would love to hear opinions from folks who where told to stop AI and then retested and put back on it. Thanks in advance!

Hacking away yet stayin' positive,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, I have never found a clear answer from one bottle AI to the next. Some are tough, some are smooth. Some we can only handle a drop or two on certain days, and the following day the usual 5.

I do get my answers by tensoring and I am sure you can get it through other energetic testing. It is easiest to learn to do that yourself and you have your answer any time you need it. It is soooooo simple to do this. A little practice and trust in yourself will do it. There is no magic to this. Simply the fact that you can define what is happening to your body at a certain moment helps to find the way through and gives a sense of direction and where it is going.

If you test for organ support remedies, you know it's time to slow down. If you test for binders, you will know it is time to slow down mobilizing and instead get a lymph treatment or just support elimination and put the massage off for another time because body says "have had enough for right now". Common sense has to prevail to avoid overflow trouble and feeling horrible.

If you find that the metal vial gives you a yes, you will know the body is still busy working on that. If you test for a vitamin A and/or garlic, that is my sign for a viral flair. There are also CD's available to test for the different type of infections. If you test for Rechtsregulat , it tells you that your blood is a bit sticky from a debris and you need to help that. These are very simple signs to learn. If you test for cilantro tincture, it could tell you that the body is busy clearing the brain. If you test for MSM, it tells you that your body is clearing out old deposits from joints/etc. etc. or that you exercized a lot. If your body does not test for DMSA, it tells you that you don't want that right now. If you test for Hyaluronic Acid, it tells you that your body is busy replenishing collagen/joints, etc. and would appreciate support.

Collecting a few of these samples and then testing with them answers many questions. No doctor can tell you that ahead of time, because the body changes daily and hourly. I find that it helps a lot if I test a couple of times a day. I even test the different waters that we use at different times of day. I use some very high ph and some very low ph water. It takes a few minutes but eliminates the guessing. My "intuition" is not always right - so I have learned to trust my tensor. The more you use it, the better you get at it.

If it does not move, thejoje, you are probably lacking electrolytes and fluids, and if mineral deficient, testing becomes very difficult. It's also important to clear the room of naysayers or onlookers. Turn off all noisemakers and relax. Maybe do some MFT tapping for a couple of minutes to open all the blockages. It works wonders. Google Klinghardt MFT and I am sure you will find the photos showing how to do it. It takes less than a couple of minutes. It is a tapping procedure developed based on some older ones and taught by Dr.K. all over the world. I learned it years ago and have taught it to others. It is very helpful to tempoarily unblock especially when in the middle of a detox.

Wise, have you done a lymphatic drainage. I am sure it would help you clearing some debris - from whatever cause.

Just trying to help........... hope everbody makes progress.

Take care.

There are times when doing nothing is okay also, and it is amazing how well the body responds to that. I hardly ever do what the "doctor tells me", because there is no way that he can forecast how the body reacts to certain substances and treatments. Common sense.

Swing that tensor a little and it may just tell you to wait out the hour or go ahead.

We have found that the last bottle we got tests as a huge support for liver and kidney, but even at that there is a day here and there where we use less than on others.

You can really protect yourself from surprises if you learn one of these methods. No doctor can test that for you, because it changes from day to day or hour to hour.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
A good idea to print out GiGi's last post and keep it by the easy chair or bedside.

I have a huge headache and my left knee puffed up.
My body just wants me to not do anything. For breakfast I just ate some of those GO RAW goodies--they take the edge off and I find taking a bag of GO RAW items on a auto trip is a godsend. I really like the dehydrated kale and pumpkin biscuits.

Have a good October everyone.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
was looking for side effects possible with Phospholipid Exchange which we are using and ran into this: =clnk&gl=us

Alwasy something more to learn!

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :

I cannot thank you enough for your steady supportive words. I am using Vern's bobber wand every day and have become much more reliant on it.

I have my first Lymph Massage this week after having postponed it because of the pneumonia. Still rebounding and taking binders, liver support, minerals, etc. accordingly.

Where can I get vials to test? This is something I haven't done yet;

Thank you also for the Live Longer website. Pretty eloquent, eh?

I must wrangle my boys and cannot write longer, but I send thanks and hugs over the wires.

Best ever,

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Hey all,
Parasite #3 appeared today in the toilet. This one was a different color than the other 2, and was a champion swimmer!

It doesn't make sense why these things are coming out one by one, weeks apart. Does anyone have any insight on this?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

It's amazing to me that the swimmers land in the toilet bowl alive! Have you taken photographs? I would love to have a look.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
"It doesn't make sense why these things are coming out one by one, weeks apart. Does anyone have any insight on this?"

Most "invaders" and unhatched offspring are not visible with the bare eye.

"It's amazing to me that the swimmers land in the toilet bowl alive!"

They have learned and mutated to survive. They are highly intelligent and learned to dive and smile at our spraycan techniques.

Read the last part of Dr. K.'s "Lyme Disease: A Look Beyond." He wrote that in 2004 and the bugs have become smarter yet.

Some/most people need to treat parasites for months.
You caught a few during onset of full moon when they reproduce to start new life cycle.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Just posted this on another thread re lead:

Most important is elimination of any allergies to correct malabsorption and mineral deficiencies.
There is none better than Allergie Immun. Mobilizing metals without the body's ability to regulate due to errors in the DNA does nothing but shift the toxins from body compartment to often worse compartments.

Metals attach themselves only in places that are programmed for attachment of metal ions. Mineral deficiency provides the opportunity for toxic metals to attach themselves to vacant binding sites. A healthy mineral base is a prerequisite for all metal detox attempts (selenium, zinc, manganese, germanium, molybdenum etc.). Substituting minerals can detoxify the body by itself. Just as important are electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium), which help to transport toxic waste across the extracellular space towards the lymphatic and venous vessels.

Make sure you fill up the mineral base. The damage to gut (leaky gut) takes a long time to heal.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Well, maybe before long the bugs will be squirting us out in the toilet bowl.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
I never made the full moon/parasite connection, but given the timing, it does make sense.

Lex, on the next full moon we will have our cameras ready. The parasite will be tough to see -- only about a half inch or so. I will try to take a movie of it, otherwise it will only look like a bit of string floating in the water.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
On another note, my husband used to work in a plastic extrusion factory for a number of years. Clouds of white PVC dust floated everywhere with no ventilation. I'm sure that much of it collected in his body. Since it is not a heavy metal, does anyone know a good binder for PVC?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
thejoje, for plastics exposure -- Carnosine 500mg several times a day. Best to determine how much by energetic testing. And don't anyone buy your kids the flame retardant pyjamas! They sleep in that toxin!!!!!!

Here is a lot of important ways to help detox. Pay special attention to the Phospholipids. We find them to be very effective especially after eliminating the allergy to soy. Many supplements are soy-based. Wonder what we do to the body taking that stuff for years not realizing that we were actually allergic to it. I was not allergic to any foods, and I understand why my husband did not test well for soy products, lecithin, phospholipids, but soaks it up now almost daily.
I avoid giving or taking anything when it does not test with tensor. It may test again a few hours later or the next day. &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

If you google Carnosine and Klinghardt you will find more info on carnosine. I took it for quite a while, and I will have to add a capsule to my test kit, so I don't miss testing it once in a while just in case more pthalates/plastics are surfacing.

Wise, I got my test vials (metal mix, etc., pesticides, insecticides) and treatment vials for lymphatics (with a green laser) from who was and still is Dr.K.'s top assistant in every respect. I think she will send you what you need. The vials are not expensive, unless you get the green laser. I use the laser often to treat a bruise or a hurt plus the lymphatics with the lymph vial.

Besides these, I have made myself a test kit with every capsule I own, liver, kidney, binders, vitamins, antifungals, antivirals, antiparasiticals. As I quickly test through all these with my tensor, I can quickly determine what my body is up to and needs for support. It
avoids guessing "what's wrong today?" If you don't own glass vial or don't want to purchase, wrap them in a bit of saran wrap and label it. A few glass vials are affordable and available on the internet, and as long as you learn to tensor, you might as well have a test kit -- even if it is just for a cold after all the present problems have faded away!

Take care.

P.S. AR also has a test vial for tonsils, kidneys, lymphatics, etc. - about 6 of them - and if you own the little green laser, you can first test with tensor and then treat with the laser - a few seconds is all it takes. I have stumbled and twisted a thumb - laser a few seconds - no bruise - no pain. A cut heals much more quickly if lasered right away. Etc., etc.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
GiGi et al

Premier Research Labs in Austin, Texas carries pure quartz crystal vials which are not expensive.

Andreanna's site is really informative. It's great that she shows viewers how to use the green laser.

I have one of those automatic green lasers -- hardly use it on myself.

GiGi, do you find you get a detox reaction from using the laser? Do you have an ultraviolet laser that Dr. K recommends for cases like cancer?

Dr. K. cautions that when we use a laser on another, the frequencies come back at us thus recommending the automatic one. Any comment?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
New moons are also a time of high parasitic activity. I am more sensitive to new moons than full. An old woodcutter told me once that he always found more worms at new moon in the trees than at any other time.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thank you Gigi!
Very helpful info.

Is there a difference between Carnosine and L-Carnosine?
Posted by feelbetter (Member # 21957) on :
Who can tell me how much does it cost for test and treatment?

Is it only treat for allergy or lyme also?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Hi friends. Little update on daughter.

She is doing FANTASTIC! Still on AI, but lately is "spot on" mentally at school, physically performing at high level with her sport, and happy!!!

I haven't experienced this with her since her very young days.

All I can say is that I am grateful for this therapy, and the help it has been to get her through the hard times.

Thanks to Gigi for sharing your wealth of health knowledge & wisdom. You have been a blessing to many, especially me!!!

I am feeling great as well! I share this for others to know there is improvement ahead if you keep on course!

many blessings

Posted by feelbetter (Member # 21957) on :
I want to send you a private message but don't know why can't sent it.

I want to ask you

1.whats this allergy immune therapy for?
2.Can I take those drop along with lyme treatment?
3.Can pregnant women take those drop?

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Great news LP!!
I am so happy for you.

How many rounds has she finished so far?

I'm sure that her youth has played a big role in her recovery.

Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi there -- so my pneumonia is stemming from Mycoplasma that I think AI may have awoken!

Sad part is that my older son also has it but luckily we caught the pneumonia early on. He was getting the same itchy rash I have been having every day for a week, except he hadn't taken any medication yet. His pediatrician said we both had Myco, based on our cough, pneumonia and blistery rashes. My younger son managed to heal himself after three weeks of coughing. tomorrow will make three weeks of coughing for me. Doc said to expect a few more weeks of coughing, rash and fatigue. I'm staying a little more optimistic than that....

Andrea Candee tested my saliva last year right before I started AI and said I harbored Mycoplasma (along with other stuff). If so, perhaps this is yet again detoxing of the stuff at a week viral moment in my family.

LP -- your daughter's good health (and yours) is inspirational reason to keep on plugging along with AI -- Congrats!

Best to all,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
"You do not find this book, it finds you."

Highly recommended!!! German author says "Health is only achieved through illness." No one on this planet, he says, is healthy. And our astrology chart is really a study lesson for our life -- life presents us with a series of problems to work out and that's the secret to accepting life at it is. We rail against illness, rail against this and that when things don't work out OUR way. Is there anyone on this site whose Lyme has not lifted them to a higher level of awareness?
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Apple pectin question: Does apple pectin only bind toxins or metals in the digestive tract or will it get into the blood and bind them there as well.

Am doing some heavy metal detox again and wanted clarification on this.


Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Apple pectin does not work on a blood level. Protease does.

Working thru Round 5--I have to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, I have had amazing energy today. I am totally amazed. Got rid of two truckoads of "stuff" as we get house ready for sale. I never could have done this even a month ago. Stamina greatly improved.

Long live AI.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Thanks, Lex, for the answer on apple pectin. Glad you are feeling energized. Weather is so gorgeous here that I am spending my long weekend outside in the yard, caulking holes in the cement driveway etc.

Am still pouring off metals like crazy--my washing machine is getting a workout cleaning all the sweaty t-shirts I have been through (about 4 per day).

I think this wave of metal detox is almost over, but who knows if/when more metals will be released.


Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
A sage once said, "The way to health is through illness."
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear GiGi and Lex,

I've got a situation with conflicting ideas of what is necessary here that I'd like help resolving.

I have been working very hard on detoxing, including a round of ten IV chelation treatments, using chlorella once a day, taking a fiber drink using bentonite clay, detoxing foot baths, and now detox foot pads (again--they helped me before and seem to be helping now).

I was interested in doing the QRL clay packs on the download areas to help clear up the detoxing pathways. When I ordered the supplies to do the clay packs, the customer service person said that I had to have a urine pH of 6.4 to 7.0 to be able to start them.

I have been following Byron Ray's recommendations, and have been using the Bio-Ray products LiverLife, NDF+, and Cytoflora for several months now.

There's an article at on "The Importance of pH Management During Detox." In this article, he states, "If the acid wastes of metabolism, and other acidic toxins are successfully leaving the body, the urine pH will reflect this by being acidic, at about 5.8-6.2....If one drains these acids, one also sees the saliva pH gradually return to where it should be, at about pH7, or alkaline....
"The more efficient you are at keeping the urine pH at 5.8, draining the acids, the sooner the saliva pH will respond towards alkalinity at 7. The goal is a saliva pH of 7 and a urine pH of 5.8....
"One cannot completely correct excessive aciditiy prior to heavy metal detox because the heavy metals are acidic and acid forming by a multitude of pathways....The person is taking loads of minerals, eating alkaline forming foods, regulating their elimination, practicing stress relief, yet the first morning saliva pH stays acidic (= pain and low energy). Once the metals are removed, the restoration of the alkaline reserve proceeds more smoothly."

So, it looks to me like I am being told by the QRL personnel to have already gotten rid of the heavy metals--and therefore have an alkaline pH urine--before I do the steps to get rid of the metals!

Is this correct?

Or, can the mud packs on the download areas of the hands and feet be done when one still has an acidic urine?

Or, is the BioRay data incorrect, and the most vital thing to get the urine pH up to 6.4-7.0??

Or, is there something else entirely that I ought to be doing?????


Cass A
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Cass, You ought to seek out the services of a QRA practitioner because it seems to info you are getting is skewed.

PH is very important and necessary to detox without going thru a lot of problems. PRL believes you should not detox metals etc. while system is acidic.

It is all too complicated to get into now -- the PH is the basics -- other things are built on top of that.

As I mentioned before, I would not do the clays without a practitioner holding your hand esp. if you are in a sensitive state. A healthy football player would have no problem. But when we're full of toxins, I believe we need the help of a qualified practitioner to get us thru the humps.

Dr. Marshall, founder of PRL, also has an office in the L.A. area so why not make an appt. with the master himself or someone in his clinic who has been doing this stuff a long time? My suggestion is don't try to figure it out yourself. A voice on the phone, when you are really struggling, will not get you a home run.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Cass, You ought to seek out the services of a QRA practitioner because it seems to info you are getting is skewed.

PH is very important and necessary to detox without going thru a lot of problems. PRL believes you should not detox metals etc. while system is acidic.

It is all too complicated to get into now -- the PH is the basics -- other things are built on top of that.

As I mentioned before, I would not do the clays without a practitioner holding your hand esp. if you are in a sensitive state. A healthy football player would have no problem. But when we're full of toxins, I believe we need the help of a qualified practitioner to get us thru the humps.

Dr. Marshall, founder of PRL, also has an office in the L.A. area so why not make an appt. with the master himself or someone in his clinic who has been doing this stuff a long time? My suggestion is don't try to figure it out yourself. A voice on the phone, when you are really struggling, will not get you a home run.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Cass, I just spoke to one of the top reps at PRL and he said that he never heard that one had to have their Ph balanced before doing the packs.

You misunderstood or the person on the other end was new.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Lex,

Thanks for looking into this for me. That's so sweet and caring!!

I just called again, and spoke with the person who's been helping me, and he said if I'm getting enough minerals and am working towards being more into the alkaline range, it's OK to start with the download areas.

I'm going to go slow on these and see how it goes.

I don't intend to do any of the other areas until I see a practitioner.

Back onto the phone for that....


Cass A
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I haven't been around much lately - busy busy life. My family has just finished the 5th round. I haven't been noticing much change at all. A few subtle things - my spider phobia appears to be lessening significantly which is nice [Smile]

On the other hand, my little girls - 2 and 4 have been waking in the night *alot* as in wide awake for often up to 2-3 hours. I think I may have written about this a couple months ago - it's been a long go of it.

I ordered the 3 pekana products for liver, lymph, and kidneys and they arrived today. I don't have a tester and do not have access to anyone who can do ART - I need to somehow figure out how much to give them. It seems to be pretty consistently 3am which makes me think liver. The older one has been really aggressive lately too - which is fairly normal for 4, but is feeling a bit excessive lately.

So I guess, to be clear - what I'm asking is what people who don't have access to ART testing or a bio-tensor are doing. Ideally I'd love to buy a bio tensor, but at this time I can't spare the cash. I also need to support 7 people in this, and practically it doesn't really work logistically anyway -

Soooooo any ideas for how to proceed?

At this point I'm thinking just give her half dose of the pekana products for several days - but then would that be all at once? Or one at a time?

It's confusing enough figuring it all out for me, but when it's 7 people - it's a wee bit overwhelming. Mostly it's fine - I haven't felt much going on actually.



PS - in case anyone has been wondering about Zombie - I haven't updated because as far as I know there's not been much if any change. Still holding her in our prayers here and hoping for the best.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Not having heard from Zombie, I wonder if she is
aware of KPU. I have a hunch she should check that out.
Many with chronic problems have KPU, aka
The majority of Klinghardt patients have KPU. My husband needs four Core every day. If he misses it one day - he crashes the next. I don't need any. I did not have any food allergies per AI.
He had all major ones.

Heather, please don't give up! Wrap these bellies in an old piece of white t-shirt and castor oil; warm it; cover with seran wrap all the way around including back/kidneys. Leave on overnight or half hour. Milk thistle. Dandelion tincture. Ayush Livit 2, etc. Alternating is important.

Vernon Johnston
made one of my tensors. It is inexpensive and can be carried in the purse. I have a tensor at least in three rooms of the house, because I constantly use it - even if I want to know whether my body right now would prefer alkaline liquids to acidic liquids or the other way around.
It is amazing how this changes from hour to hour and different most mornings. If I didn't have a tensor/bobber, I would be lost. I can test instantly which organ is in stress, whether metals are blocking my husband, etc. etc. Do look into it. You will use it all your life.
I am sure if you explain to Vernon your situation, he will make you one for very little.

All take care.
Posted by feelbetter (Member # 21957) on :
Can someone plese explain to me what this person said from the mail I sent to the Germany.


our treatment has no effect from drugs. You can take you further. Also, pregnancy is no problem. On the contrary. There are indeed correct errors that are not even then transferred to the child.

Best regards

Heinz Grundmeyer

He said our treatment has no effect from drugs,does it mean can't take it with drug or can..??
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Feelbetter, I wrote HG that his translation does not make sense - and offered to translate short notes when he has a problem answering. I am sure he understands English to some degree, but not good enough to answer without a translating engine. If you drop him another note, maybe he will contact me.

I am sure what he means is that when on antibiotics and pharmaceuticals that are not necessary for life support, the AI therapy cannot work because the body will not respond to the testing because they put the immune system out of commission.

Further, if you do the treatment before pregnancy, the allergies/dysregulations are not transferred to the child. Allergies/dysregulations of the DNA are inherited by the children. Most babies born today have food allergies.

Take care.
Posted by feelbetter (Member # 21957) on :
Thans for the explain,so you mean I can't even do the testing when Im on the antibiotic or any drugs,correct?
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Round 4 arrived yesterday. Understandably, still have a lot of chemical and energetic blockages.

New symptom however: Bubbles in my urine--not super frothy-- Should I worry or wait it out?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Feelbetter, I will write HG and get the official answer from him. I will post when I hear.

Take care.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Hi friends,
2 days of round 4 and I am being pummeled.
Back pain,fatigue,sadness, daytime sleeping... all mixed in with a big dose of hopelessness.

I would love to fast-forward this round.

In addition, Chlorella has started to bother my stomach. I can take 3 or 4 pills during the day, but not at night anymore.

Anyone else have this problem with chlorella?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
thejoje, some rounds can be rough. Think I remember #4 bringing a lot of emotional releases.
Maybe try taking fewer drops - 2 or 3 and see if that helps.

If I grind up my chlorella to a powder and mix a glass of water in, it doesn't bother me at all.

Bubbles in the urine happened on and off. I think I remember lightparfait writing once about a LOT of bubbles. I never had it investigated and it stopped.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Feelbetter, the official answer from AI/HG is that you do not have to stop the abx before/when doing the test only.

Once you do the therapy, the recommendations are different.

Hope that helps.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks NanaD,
I'll start grinding tonight and see what happens.

If I take less drops, do I take them for a longer period of time?

Also, your suggestion about the minerals helped my leg cramps within just a few days.
Thanks again!
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Gigi, I am currently treating with Rife for Lyme and coinfections. I know mercury is part of the picture and I am about to start having my amalgam fillings removed.

I am considering the Regu Immun therapy, but I'm wondering about whether or not this is the right time to do it. Should it be done after all of the amalgams are removed, before they're removed, during the process, or does it matter?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Dr. K says more chlorella is better than a few.
I cannot handle three or four but can handle 30 or 40 at a time.

Round four was miserable for me -- Round five was amazingly freeing but right after I sent in my drops many symptoms came back. This full hunter moon is a biggie --

I put my Rife machines away while on AI as the AI stirs up enough toxins.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
thejoje - ditto on the chlorella. Small amounts do not make me feel any better. Some days I test for as many as 60 (ground up of course for me).

Taking fewer drops doesn't mean you need to take them for a longer period of time. HG said somewhere "even if the information is whispered, it is still there" - - for those rough rounds.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Lex and NanaD,
When you say that you cannot handle a few chlorella, does this mean that the few that you took gave you unpleasant symptoms?

Could you elaborate?

I tried a little Glycine last night as a binder, and did OK with it.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

``Gigi, I am currently treating with Rife for Lyme and coinfections. I know mercury is part of the picture and I am about to start having my amalgam fillings removed.

I am considering the Regu Immun therapy, but I'm wondering about whether or not this is the right time to do it. Should it be done after all of the amalgams are removed, before they're removed, during the process, or does it matter''

My response/question: What is your body going to do with the toxins that are set free, even if removal is done very carefully, if your body has forgotten how?

Amalgams and other toxic metals usually go together. The part that makes it all worse is the fungi and mold that these toxic metals create and attract. So on top of having to live with the possible Lyme and co-infections, you also are most likely living with the more devastating effects of fungi and mold and of course the toxic metals which caused the problems in the first place and made it possible for pathogens to take a hold. The body creates fungus, etc. in order to protect itself because the metals would kill the body. They are the cover for the metals. But the fungi and mold also are living organisms that live, poo and pee and die. So in addition to the Lyme neurotoxins and possible others (biotoxins, environmental toxins) you have to deal with a much worse condition caused by the mold and fungi.

The effects of fungi and mold are most miserable in the brain beyond coordination, dizziness, balance problems, and of course gut. They keep growing until the metals leave, the parasites leave, and are also attracting some viral stuff.
So what does that tell you? If you want to believe my own experience and that of many others you take care of the dysregulations/allergies first, and then move on to the rest. The rest is not all that easy to deal with, but a lot easier than if you keep only chasing the toxic metals around from one body compartment to the next and then still find them ten years later in another knee-joint. When they enter the brain, it is not easy to deal with at all. I hope you believe me. My husband is finally releasing toxic metals with AI and now the fungi is starting to show up. Don't blame the metals, if the symptoms get worse momentarily. Fungi and mucor are ugly and all Lyme people who have taken the AI test are allergic to many of them. The majority is cleared with the first bottle.

We learned a very hard and dreadful way what photons can do. That treatment robbed myself and my husband of many, many months of life - and to this day we are living with the repercussions. I learned quickly and posted about this, but was accused and threatened with all sorts of ugly stuff. My warning stands: don't do photons unless you know what is living in your body and be prepared that there is more that you never knew you had.

Photons and Rife and other instruments work well if done right, timed right, but be prepared for the die-off and protect yourself. The photons go anywhere without asking you whether it's alright with your body and open up areas that you may not be prepared to deal with if your immune system is still asleep and does not respond. People can really start to get sick that way.

I was originally told photons would take care of all co-infections as well as toxic metals. Naively, I believed it until I had to deal with the reality of what photons really do. Calling it borrelia-free does not mean lyme-free. Lyme always means multiple problems need fixing. Unless you do, getting well is difficult. You need solid support to test and treat.

Make sure also that you do not fall into the KPU category (many with Lyme do) which makes detoxing difficult, as does any mineral deficiency. Lots of talk on LN.

Similar problems arise when doing Rife, because again it will set deadly toxins in motion - metals, fungi, mold, parasites, viruses, etc. - and if you are allergic, your DNA/body is no longer able to regulate; your autonomic nervous system is no longer in touch with your immune system, the results will not be as you would like them.

AI does not take the place of other treatments or therapies and some people stop before or don't follow the recommendations and can't be tested for a short period of time. Knowing what I have learned over the last couple of years, when dealing with a chronic condition, I would do AI first before anthing else and then deal with the rest. Horse first, then the cart.

Take care and hope everyone has a wonderful day.

[ 10-23-2010, 01:00 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Excellent Gigi.

thejoje - I wasn't the one who said I cannot handle just a few chlorella. Just a few don't do anything for me in terms of binding toxins. Larger amounts help. I think Lex said she can't handle small amounts but can larger amounts.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
GiGi, doesn't Dr. W in Germany cure most he works with though with the Bionic 880? It is just that his IV modalities are so effective to detox stuff?
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi -- I was just reading through and thejoje mentioned that glycine was a binder. What does it bind? Do I recall correctly that someone wrote that it works well on neurotoxins?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Quote about glycine-

"Glycine is the most important rate limiting amino acid in the detoxification pathways used to eliminate solvents, PBDBs, phthalates and other chemicals which are almost always involved in ASD.

Toxins harm enzymes involved in methylation. The damage may be to the genes, the epigenome or other mechanisms. The activation and silencing of genes is dependent on methylation, the restoration of glutathione and many other issues.

To bypass the glitch, consider methylB12, folinic or methylated folic acid, Same-e and Di - or Trimethyl glycine, says Dr. K"
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Thanks Gigi.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
How to Read Hair Analysis - Doctor's Data $46.

I learned this many years ago: First one needs to look at the Essential Minerals - the copper, zinc, etc. and you can tell from there whether they show as fairly normal, moderately disturbed or very severely disturbed when they are all on the under 50percentile side of the test.

Then you check the Toxin levels (upper portion of the test). If the mineral metabolism (below) is severely disturbed and the toxic metals (mercury, lead, etc. not coming out, that means severely heavy metal toxic.

If the toxic metals (upper portion of the test) are not showing and are mostly absent or very low and the good metals are all on the left side of the test below the 50%ile it means severe toxicity levels.

A mild case of "almost-done-with-detox" is the one where the minerals look absolutely beautiful and everything is square in the middle of where it should be.

The moderate (in between) condition is when mineral disturbance is moderate and with moderate toxic metals showing.

With the hair test, you have to look at what is not there and then look at the others.
When looking at the hair test,
it is the absence of toxic metals and the severity of the disturbance of the good metals that makes the diagnosis of severe mercury and/or other metal toxicity.

If I knew how to copy my hairtest on here, I would do it. It is easier to understand if you have the test in front of you. But I am still a computer novice.

Take care.

(learned that from Dr.K. many years ago)
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

thanks for that information on how to read hair analysis.

After I sent in my sample for round six, I started to feel lousy (drops stopped). There is a lot of stress involved in getting a house ready for sale plus my mother has gone into the land of dimentia and we have to find a place for her. I lie awake worrying about her which doesn't help.

Do you find that you detox more while on the drops or after the "break in between" or does it vary? I'd be interested in hearing your experience. I had a few fabulous weeks there . . .

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, as more and more of the DNA corrections are made, detoxing takes place more and more. Once most errors have been corrected, only God knows how long it takes to detox it all. My husband is putting out more and more and more, even while his minerals are not corrected yet. It looks as if the body is using some of the good stuff to help get some toxic stuff out and therefore it is difficult to bring the mineral status up. Some people do it more quickly; I did it more quickly, suspecting that because I had zero food allergies that literally destroy much of the gut functions.
My husband had all three or 4 major food problems, and that takes longer to correct especially at his age. But nevertheless even he is pouring out some nickle now, lead, etc.

I had a lot less problems because I was not allerlgic to any foods and the restoration of my good mineral levels started a long time ago when I still had Lyme. That is why I can dispose of the remaining toxic metals more quickly.

Try to forget about the break in between. That's not really indicative of anything. Detoxing happens in phases with stops in between. Thank God, it all didn't get hung up in one organ, or none of us would survive with metal toxicity.
It's slowly starting to trickle out, and it takes what it takes.

I like to see a hairtest every couple three months to keep understanding what is happening.

Be sure you have ruled out KPU. My husband still takes 4 capsules of CORE. If you zinc on hairtest is low, try to test yourself and see what you are missing. The "correcting" ingredients are listed on the Biopure website under the CORE product. If you lack any of these, even at this stage of the game you may still have a KPU problem. I take a CORE whenever I test (with tensor) to make sure I don't drop below what the body needs to detox. I am sure it takes a couple of years for the body to get over most the damage it took.

Be happy you have seen a few fabulous weeks.

Has your mother ever been tested with any of the different methods to see what she is missing?
My husband will be 85 in another few weeks and the easiest thing would have been to "find a place." I am sure he would no longer be alive in those pill-popping places.

Wishing you all the good things you need.........

Take care.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

You said before to be careful with KPU while on AI.
I think you mentioned that you would wait . . . ???

As for my mother, I am sure she is missing a lot but I am not near her and my brother who will be closer to her thinks what I do is weird. My symptoms have gotten worse with the stress of my mother.

My mother started giving her money away to every charity or psuedo charity and I got there just in time to freeze her accounts or close the ones that were in danger of being wiped out. She can no longer reason most of the time. But when I get there in a few days, perhaps I can check out who will be looking in on her and advise them to at least give her some micro mins and electrolytes.

It's so tough to see someone you love lose their mental faculties.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I really sympathise, Lex, as we are in the same position with my mother. She has just broken her hip and her dementia makes it especially hard for her to understand what's going on and to work at the exercise the physio has just given her.

She totally lost her grip on her alcohol intake along with the increasing dementia and was constantly falling and injuring herself after the booze, which was a terrible worry.

It IS tough and of course it is stressful, both for logistical and emotional reasons. I hope you can sort out the best situation for your mother,

Best Wishes,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Carry what's the real rub is that medical doctors do not take elderly people's symptoms seriously. When she complained about excess gas, he told her, "I have gas, too. Everyone has gas."
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Yes, sadly, Lex. Sounds familiar to us [ie. with Lyme], doesn't it?

Good luck,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Life is a maze . . . ing
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
A friend just offered to do Bowen Therapy for me, for free - she's just learning, and needs practice patients- Does anyone know if Bowen Therapy would be ok with Allergie Immun? I've finished 5 rounds. I won't do it if it might be a problem, but if it would be complementary then I'd not turn down a chance for free body work [Smile]


Thanks [Smile]

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I am not very familiar with Bowen therapy, though it was very much talked about a number of years ago. So I don't understand the concept.

If the therapy releases toxins, it may be too much to handle. Depending on how much toxin you are still holding (my guess, from your posts, still quite a bit) and only having done bottle #5, I would not push it. Possibly you are still reacting to some of the chemical substances and other blockages at this early stage of AI, and it may not be quite the time to do more mobilizing.

You will probably find out quickly if you try it. From my experience, I would not do it that early. I don't think it interfers with AI, but it may mobilize too much for your body to handle.

It also depends how effective and well trained the brandnew therapist is. It is probably okay for a fairly well person to be the guinea-pig, but not if you are still under the weather a bit too much.

Best wishes!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Sometimes free things cost a lot.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I did have some 'free' Bowen therapy some years ago from someone also learning and wanting to practise. I was already ill then.

It is very gentle and not likely to produce dramatic reactions: infact I did not have a big reaction of any sort to it, good or bad, but of course, we are all different.

I also know someone else who is an experienced Bowen therapist and is very enthusiastic about it.

Perhaps you could try one session and then judge whether you want to continue,

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
My health isn't as bad as it was right now - I've improved quite a bit [Smile] It's hard to put my finger on what - I think the brain fog has lifted quite a bit actually- that was my biggest frustration that led me to do AI. IT was quite severe and debilitating. It's so much better now - I don't often have whole days that are foggy - it's usually just if I'm tired. SO that is good [Smile]

One thing tho - I've started gaining weight. I know that some people have gained weight at the beginning - I'm getting nervous about it tho - I've gained more than 15 lbs now. This isn't normal for me at all. I'd been carrying a little extra baby weight in the last few years, but it was slowly coming off - I've not gained outside of pregnancy before, just had trouble losing it after.

I'm wondering if this is "normal" for AI? (continuing weight gain I mean) It sounded like some people gained a little in the beginning, but then leveled out and lost it later in the treatment? How long did it take until the weight left? I've never gained weight this quickly other than pregnancy - and I'm definitely not pregnant (husband had a vasectomy, and I'm having regular periods)

I'm getting more sleep in the past month after over a decade of being up at night lots with my little ones - I had thought that would help me lose weight, not add more. I've gained 10 lbs in the past month. When a friend of mine night weaned, she started losing weight right away, so it was a bummer to gain. I know our bodies are all so different, so I should know better than to have any expectations, but it's still disappointing.

I wondered if I was retaining water? My lower back started hurting more when I started AI - maybe it's kidneys?

I'm testing the pekana remedies using a pendulum, and taking them accordingly.

I'm also taking chlorella ( the good kind )

We have had quite a delay with this round, as one of my kids' drops didn't arrive with the others, and I ended up waiting to send in all our samples until his drops had arrived, to keep us all on the same schedule - it's too hard to keep track of everyone if we're on different schedules, and shipping would be a PITA. I"m feeling a bit impatient now for the next round to arrive. The last couple of rounds have been much much easier on me tho - I've hardly had any times where a nap was non-negotiable - the first 2-3 rounds had me napping almost every day, which was tricky with 5 kids. I haven't had any of the wild and wacky detox symptoms others have described either. I did laugh tho at the note that came with the 5th round that said that I was probably thinking nothing was happening right about now. I wasn't worried about it, but it was true that it did feel a bit slow. I do trust the process tho, so it's all good.

my 8 year old has been a total maniac lately tho (the whole family is doing the drops) He's been really really hyper alot, and has been a bit OCD with things like routines. I tested him for the pekana remedies today tho, and he's been really mellow all morning since then. I definitely feel a shift with the pekana remedies.

My teenager is doing really really really well - she's in a great head space / mood. Much more even keel than ever before. A lot of old resentment /anger has gone.

My 4 year old is sleeping wonderfully. Tho she complains of stomach aches fairly often, and leg cramps - tho she's growing really fast right now, so that's not a huge shock. She asks for cal/mag too.

My 2 year old is still waking in the wee hours, tho not every night. It's a bit later now too - used to be 3 am, now it's between 4 and 6 am - which is better.

My husband doesn't notice much so far on the drops, other than being able to eat some foods he couldn't before, but he's also a pretty strong healthy person.

My 10 year old - I haven't noticed much change. He's still got a pretty loud temper, and tends to be pretty unmotivated. He has a lovely side too of course - I'm talking symptoms.

I guess that's about it - this post feels a bit rambly, but I don't have time to go back and edit, so I'll leave it as is.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Skiesmama and All,

First--to Skiesmama--I have found that the most workable handling for weight problems is the concept in the Zone diet. It doesn't tell you what to eat or not eat, but rather helps you make good choices among the things you like in the right balance.

Dr. Barry Sears research on this many years ago is now being vindicated by the latest data on carbohydrates. I recommend his book, Mastering the Zone. If you want all the biological background of why it works, Enter the Zone is the book for you!

The website is

An update on AI and other things going on here:

I tried the Quantum Research Labs clay on the detox key points (hands and feet) and DEFINITELY am more able to think clearly and keep on task for a useful period of time! Whoo hoo!!!

With one treatment, my eyesight changed for the better (got more clear) as I was doing it.

Thanks to Lex for recommending it and helping me to get going with it!

I am using time release B 6 now to control the nocturnal seizures, and haven't had one since I started using that every night.

I'm still doing many detox things: chlorella, BioRay NDF Plus and complementary BioRay producs, a fiber drink with Bentonite clay and pectin in it, detox footpads at night.

I just sent off my sample at the end of Round #15.

I am still taking the KPU supplements daily. I tested myself for zinc sufficiency recently--still not in the ballpark. Ugh.

Oh--I recommend the Coconut Creme from Tropical Traditions! It's 70% coconut oil, tastes GREAT!!! I eat it every morning right out of the jar with a spoon!!! Also good on toast, etc.

Best to all,

Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
All nice to hear. Best wishes to all.

Take care.

P.S. If all the Europeans like us had to go thru that many bottles as most of us here, the price would have to double. There is definitely something very wrong with the way we live here and I haven't figured it all out. Lifestyle? Exposure? Foods?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
All 3 I suspect. Many European countries have banned wireless internet in schools and public libraries. Think that will ever happen here? HA.
How many countries will not buy our GMO foods?

But.... the US brings in plenty of pesticide, insecticide and chemically soaked produce.

I have wireless and shut it off at night. Even with it on I have extremely low EMF readings here in the woods.

I met some folks at a "lyme" support meeting once a long time ago. Several of the women had lyme and breast cancer. They all live within a 1/2 mile of the same cell tower.

I think the priorities are a little messed up in this country - at least the priorities of big business.

The dollar over human well-being any day - generally speaking. There are exceptions. Ray Anderson comes to mind. Was an industrial engineer and started thinking about the legacy he was leaving behind for his grandchildren by putting petroleum waste products in landfills. He has turned his "big business around". It can be done.

At any rate, AI would be worth it at twice the price.
Posted by feelbetter (Member # 21957) on :
Who can give me their website? I want to email them.

Is it a good idea that I stop abx and do the AI treatment for a few month to clean my boday then back to abx?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Well, I've only been to the USA once in my life, so I can't blame it for my number of rounds [currently awaiting round 12, with plenty of errors still on last evaluation]!

My lifestyle and food has been well above average, in terms of being healthy, all my life and I have never lived in a big city [except, ironically, Munich in Germany for 6 months!].

I can only think for me it must be a complex mixture of genetic predisposition and exposure.

Is anyone here still on AI therapy after 20 rounds or similar?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Cass A, it was good to hear of your progress and especially that you have stopped having the seizures since you started the B6.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear ukcarry,

Thanks for the validation! I must admit that it was a combination of factors. First, due to having kept a symptom and treatment log, I was able to figure out the feeling I got just before the seizure. This is called an "aura." Then, when awake, I'm able to give myself B 6, which turns the aura off.

Unfortunately, when I'm asleep, I can't tell that I need B 6. Ugh. So, I've been having (rarely) seizures while sleeping. We found a time release B 6 product, and I've had no recurrence of seizures since I've been taking it--a bit over a month.

However, I have in the past had a year with only one seizure episode, so I've been searching my diaries to find out what had changed recently, as I've had seizures 5 times this year! And, they've been occurring closer together!

In doing more research here on Lymenet, I found that I was taking B 12 in the past when I had no seizures for 10-11 months, and I had recently stopped taking any.

So, I started up with B 12 again last night.

The other hopeful part is that I've had much fewer of the "aura" occurrences since starting with the B 6 time release. And, also, doing the QRL clay packs, etc., as I reported in my most recent post.

As part of my research here on Lymenet, I found an article that Keebler had posted about alternative treatments for seizures that talks extensively about Vitamin B 6-dependent seizures!!! These apparently show up usually in newborns--B 6 turns off the seizures immediately! And, the article discusses the use of B 6 in adults with seizures, also.

Again and again, I am soooo very grateful for the existence of Lymenet!!!!!!!

Best to you all, my friends!


Cass A
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
That's most interesting, Cass A and thank you for the explanation. I hope the combination of B12 and Time release B6 keeps the seizures away for good now [and good news: they're not even expensive supplements!],

all the best,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
feelbetter - their website is
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Has anyone had warts come up during AI?

I've always had plantar warts on my feet since I was a little girl - tons and tons actually, they would come and go tho. I've had periods as an adult where there were none, but right now I have quite a few.

In the past few months tho since starting AI everyone in the whole family is just busting with warts! This morning I was looking at my 4 year old's foot as she had a small cut, and discovered that both of her feet are *covered* in plantars warts! I didn't count, but I'm going ot guess that there are at least 20 on each foot! She also has regular warts on her hands. My boys have them in weird places, like on a knee, or the top of the foot.

I wondered if this was a detox of sorts - warts are viral right? Could it be the virus leaving their body?

Just curious if anyone else has experience this - I know that weird skin stuff is common - I just haven't heard any mention of warts.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Heather - I used to have 4 REALLY painful plantar warts. All but one has gone. I thought they were more of a fungal thing than viral but I'm not really sure.

Does sound something is leaving.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Since round 1 of the AI, the treatment totally cured my decades-old problem of constipation.

Lately, however, I have been adding 1-2 more mineral pills per day to my regime (Comprehensive Minerals by CRL), and have noticed that the constipation is becomming an issue again.

When I go off the minerals, all is well.

I thought that maybe the calcium was the culprit, but there is a 1 to 1 ratio of calcium to Mg in these minerals, and they are at a pretty low dosage -- 250mg of each.

There are also about 10 other minerals in each pill - all at very low doses.

Does anyone have a similar issue?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Family breaking out in warts -- probably what is happening are generations of viral infections finally getting an outlet.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Please read this carefully. ghardt&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Once the metals are starting to be mobilized when the immune system is waking up, it is very common that the other "occupants" are starting to show up. We are already deep into supporting fungal detox which was brought about by the metal dumping. AI turned the immune system on and this is part of the consequences of the body now cleaning house. But you need to support it.

Binders binders binders - and if you can learn to test or find someone who can test you, it helps a lot.

If you are not done with the AI, changes happen, sometimes better, sometimes symptom gone and then returning, that is not seldom. There are numerous fillers in supplements that are not specifically identified and that may cause a reaction of some sort. If you have really been sick for some time, it will take a lot more rounds before all can be found and corrected.

Try to go on their Forum and translate some of the write-ins from people who are doing the therapy or translate some of the AI Team answers.
It helps to understand the therapy better.

Take care.
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Gigi, what is the process for the Regu-Immune therapy? The website doesn't seem to explain it very well. From what I gather, you order the test and the therapy on the website, then they send you a test kit with which you send them some blood and/or saliva. According to the test results, they send you some drops. How does it work from there? I've read on this thread that there are several rounds of drops required. How does that work? Are you tested after each round to determine the next round?

What about support from the provider? How are you guided through the process? Is there someone to whom questions can be directed? Who provides advice such as that which you provided in your previous post about binders, detoxing, etc.? How is your progress monitored?

I want to undergo this therapy, but I'm concerned about the process being so cumbersome due to language and cultural barriers, distance, time zones, support issues, general lack of communication, etc., that it negates its entire value. International telephone calls are very expensive. Is there an American rep?

Am I getting concerned over nothing? How does the whole thing work?
Posted by feelbetter (Member # 21957) on :
Should we completely done all the abx or herb treatment and then go to AI drop or stop abx or herb for a while then do the AI and go back?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I don't believe he recommends abx unless there is an acute infection or life threatening situation. Two or three posts up - Gigi wrote this and it is a good idea:

"Try to go on their Forum and translate some of the write-ins from people who are doing the therapy or translate some of the AI Team answers.
It helps to understand the therapy better."
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Chaps, if you take the time to read portions of this thread, you will find many of the answers. Look at their list of participating therapists/ND's/ MD's - maybe you will find someone there to answer your questions. Other than that I still have not managed to get through all the different links on the AI website. The info is endless. Everyone here will help sharing some of their experience, but you will still have to do some of your own legwork. If you find a practitioner who uses this therapy in practice, I don't think they would guide you through the therapy free of charge. So it is a good idea to learn some of the basics of the detox that is bound to start once the immune system is back in charge.

To answer Feelbetter: I don't think you will be fully successful with abx and/or herbs, unless you eliminate the dysregulations/allergies that are holding most people back from actually getting better or well.

One should really take the time to read portions of this thread and/or translate some of the Forum, the website info, etc.

Take care and hope everyone is making good progress. The longer you have been ill, the longer it takes on AI. The best part is that the price for the therapy stays the same. All you have to do is learn to deal with it, learn to support detoxing, and I for one am still soooooo
grateful that this therapy exists at all.

Take care again.
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Thanks for your response.

The entire thread is so vast I was hoping to get a simplified assessment from a usability standpoint.

It seems from what I've read thus far that it's a real pain-in-the-butt with the language barrier, the lack of accessibility, and all the guesswork, but maybe worth the trouble?

It's really puzzling that this organization doesn't have an English-speaking liaison for international (American) customers in light of the fact that a high percentage of people in Germany speak English.

Sorry, I know it's not your fault. I'm just being whiny today, it's one of those days.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
If I can chime in here - at the very beginning of this thread (maybe first few pages). There was a link posted that allows the ENTIRE site to be read in English - translated from German to Spanish to English I believe.

I bookmarked the thread but it does not seem to work when I forward it to someone. I am still able to use it to read their forum and all the responses from AI.

It has been very informative regarding chronic disease, allergies, fibro, and an endless list of topics.

If you find the link, see if it will work for you.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Try this one to translate:|en&u=|en&u=|en&u=|en&u=|en&u=|en&u=|en&u=|en&u=|en&u=[/URL]

[ 11-07-2010, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I'm curious..42 pages of ihfo on this thread. 1,000+ posts. Up for 2 years now almost. Anyone consider themselves cured yet after all this time?

I'm shocked how few I've read actually completed treatment after such a long time period. I get concerned it's a road with no endpoint, but if somewhere on the road = 80-90% improved health, then that's all good.
Posted by feelbetter (Member # 21957) on :
So are you free of lyme now or still have some mild symptom?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
seek - no one ever said it was an easy treatment. I'm sure many have dropped along the wayside if it got tough but there are many hundreds of people (or more) doing the therapy that are not on lymenet. I know of at least 8 myself that are doing AI and never heard of LN.

So, what you read on this thread is a small portion.

You ask if anyone considers themselves cured. Do you mean cured of lyme? I no longer had lyme when I began AI but being free of the things that allowed lyme to take over is a different story.

I have been in heavy detox mode for a year and it was only due to AI that I was even able to begin detoxing.

Detoxing will always be a part of life for those who wish to stay well.

[ 11-05-2010, 07:17 AM: Message edited by: NanaDubo ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seek, "cured" of what?
Feelbetter, No, I do not have any symptoms and I don't have Lyme. Getting rid of toxic metals is not painful. More like having worked too many ours in the garden and sore muscles that come and go. That is mainly due to the lead (pb) that is stored in the long bones and moving out, gradually.

If you read the thread, you will learn that completing AI does not mean you are cured or have gotten out all the toxins you accumulated over a lifetime It also has nothing to do with curing a specific disease. Finishing AI means that all the errors/ dysregulations that have been found in the DNA have been corrected. When that finally happens, the immune system starts to function again and detoxing can take place. If the body were to detox all the toxins instantly, our organs would not be able to handle the flood. Gradually they leave, but it still means you watch out and support that none of it gets stuck again and reabsorbed as often happens with certain toxins. I am sure you are aware of this.

I would guess that most people on Lymenet are not dealing with the actual Lyme after years of abx, but mainly with the neurotoxins they leave behind and of course the collection of debris and dental toxins that most people accumulate when the body system is no longer able to handle them. Dead cells do not regenerate overnight - it takes time. I am always trying to picture where all the magnesium stearate is hiding that is in all the supplements we have been taking.

I have not had to deal with Lyme in many years, but merely dumping the metals and that for me is not a bad experience. I know it is happening, and I am glad for it, because I do not have to face them again. To me they caused the toxic terrain where Lyme was able to get a foothold in the first place. Not the other way around.

As Nana said, I think we are at a point where unless we are in an ongoing detox mode, we will be in danger of catching something we would rather not have. The dysregulations/allergies don't go away by themselves. Only a weakened immune system got us to fall flat. Many people are infected, yet do not get ill as many that post here. I was fortunate enough to have a doctor who helped me lighten the load (infections, dental infections, some metals, some chemicals, parasites, etc. early on into Lyme, and that helped me to overcome the disease a long time ago. AI for me is a matter of cleaning up the remaining heavy metals and dental toxins and of course supporting my husband while he is having a tougher time with all. Lyme for him is also long gone. Like most here, he was allergic to all major foods, metals, fungi/mold and unloading all of this is quite a chore. Luckily I did not have any food allergies and therefore no leaky gut problems and malabsorption which caused problems for many until they started and kept going with AI.

For me it was the best thing I ever did and wish I had known about it when I first came down with Lyme. It's a good thing we have a choice. So hope that you make the right one.

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Chaps, the process doesn't really need to be cumbersome and if you do need to check something with Herr Grundmeyer during the therapy, usually someone will help out with translation.

So far as how the pocedure works: you send off a saliva sample or order their test kit and send the sample that way; you get detailed results and if you decide then to do the therapy, the cost of the test is deducted from the price of the AI therapy.

You are sent round 1 drops, take them three times a day for 2 weeks and then send another saliva sample, either immediately [given the delay in post between USA and Germany] or after 1-2 weeks.

You will receive abbreviated results and your round 2 drops....and so the process continues until your results show no further dysregulations/blockages. This may mean 3 rounds or may mean 23, for example. No extra charge is made for many rounds of drops except for postage reimbursement.

During the therapy it is better to concentrate on helping your body to eliminate [eg with 'binders' and minerals] rather than to overload the body with antimicrobials and 'killing' treatments. Antibiotics especially are not a good idea during AI treatment unless you need them for an acute trouble.

I hope this answers some of your questions,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
ukcarry, you are a genius for spelling this out so clearly for Chaps. I am going to keep a copy in case you are not around the next time someone asks.

Thanks and take care.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Checking in with my friends! I have completed the AI now for many months and am doing fantastic! Want to encourage those starting on the road to persevere, as it is well worth it!

A comment on the WART question on an earlier post. My daughter had many warts appear while on treatment, but had them off and on prior to starting AI. Now all are gone. They were pretty severe on her feet, (swimmers get those regularly), and one large ugly one on her hand. Now clear. She is still on AI.

I had one appear on my finger joint near the end of my AI therapy, in the exact place I had a scar from a wart in my youth! Interesting! It went away after a few weeks! I find it interesting how things come and go from past issues, revisiting them. Not pleasant experiences, but great to know they are now gone! Glad I went through it all!

I will continue to check in every now and then.

many blessings and healing to all,

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thanks, Gigi!
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Thanks lp - I thought it must be AI related, and wasn't really worried, more just curious to know if it was a positive thing [Smile]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Please note that this link will translate all sections of the AI website including the Forum and responses given on the Forum by HG.|en&u=

There is a lot of good information on the whole website. Wish I had more time. My husband still spilling out metals by the ton! And now also the fungi and mold.

If you test energetically for Vitamin A, consider it a viral flair caused by release of neurotoxins, mainly the metals. It usually does not last long - a day or so. It's always good to remember that all these invaders have set up housekeeping in us together. When one is forced out, the others are departing also. Metals, fungi with viral remnants in between.

Have a beautiful Sunday!

P.S. I learned years ago from Dr.K. and through my own experience that toxic metals often move to the feet (specific weight/gravity) or hands, or reproductive area low point - (men / prostate) and I am not surprised that viral warts and plantar warts are often in that area too. Meridians all end in hands and feet and where will toxins and "friends" go from there if not pushed out by some other means. Just trying to make some sense out of this.

Forgot, yes, the metals also move to the lower jaw! It is another favorite point and one reason why so many problems originate in the mouth. The bugs go where the metals destroyed the terrain and blood circulation/oxygen is not a problem for them. They are smarter than most dentists.

Check this out -- research from decades ago!

[ 11-07-2010, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Thanks Carry for the explanation. I didn't see it until just now have been incapacitated for a few days (see "What to Do About Hemorrhoids" thread).

I am eager to do the AI therapy. I am also eager to getting the amalgams out of my mouth as I have a lot of them.

I know that I should complete the AI first, then remove the amalgams, but there's a problem in waiting for AI to be completed. Three, maybe four of the teeth with amalgams are crowns with amalgam buildups. There is also some decay on these teeth and if I wait too long, the teeth might die and then I'm going to lose them 'cause I don't want root canals.

If the amalgams are removed by an holistic dentist with all the right equipment, shouldn't the mercury exposure be minimal enough to handle?

I just want to get this stuff done before things get worse and not cause myself more harm through analysis paralysis; waiting till this is done, that is done, etc., prolonging the whole process.

So what I'm proposing to do is the AI while simultaneously removing the amalgams, then chelating after I've completed the AI and amalgam removal. Is that a risky plan?
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Well, I'm taking the plunge! I placed my order last week. A little nervous......

I may wait just a few weeks before I send my first sample to AI because I have decided to move forward with having my last 2 amalgams out first. I found a dentist that is very, very careful about the whole process. I'm thinking it's best for me to have them out, rather than to be continually exposed to the vapors every day releasing into my system. Plus I have a cap that has been sensitive for some time. The porcelain cracked off on one spot and the metal is exposed. That can't be good.

Chaps - to find a good biological dentist, someone posted this website that was a help to me: There is also a youtube video showing a safe removal process:

Wishing you all good healing,
Posted by feelbetter (Member # 21957) on :
Im going to order the saliva test,but does anyone know can I still do the test when Im taking abx? will it affect test result?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If you start the AI therapy now, within two weeks of the first bottle you get, your DNA is being corrected and the immune system should recognize the toxic metals, at least the major ones, and act accordingly, i.e. recognize them as toxins and do what a functional immune system should have been doing all along.

When AI does the first test, the toxic metals and food allergies usually are corrected with the first bottle. At that point, your immune system should start to recognize them (the toxic metals as toxins) and start acting the way it should have been doing all along. The same with the foods (wheat, gluten, corn soy, etc.) if they show up on your first test as a problem.

That does not mean that all the toxic metals are out of the system, but rather that the body starts to deal with them. The same with the foods, the leaky gut, malabsorption, and whatever else the foods caused are being dealt with via the immune system; the body should start healing.

Everything that is showing up on your first test, all the dysregulations that are marked on the test results that you will be getting, have been corrected, and for the body to really get the full message, you are taking the drops with the correcting frequencies for 14 days. The drops are infusing the new information, with the corrected frequencies.

If you take some time and read the website, you will learn and understand this.

If you go and have your amalgams removed before this correction is given to the body via the first drops, the body will deal with any
fallout as it has done probably for years, i.e. pack them away with the rest of the toxins in the different body compartments and who knows causing more problems now or down the road. Many people who thought they had gotten rid of the toxic metals would be surprised to know what is left behind.

If one is allergic to the toxic metal, the body cannot release it; it also tends not to absorb the good stuff (minerals, etc.) if it has turned allergic to it. Read some of the Dr. Daunderer writings I posted recently. Dr.K. has been telling me this since 1998. But I did not find an effective allergy elimination method until I found AI. I tried all I could find. They did not last. AI is permanent for all intents and purposes.

The thing to do, if it were me, is eliminate the allergies/dysregulations so the body can do what it should have been doing all your life to help keep your body clean.

You need to learn to deal with binders and support agents to protect your organs. A doctor or practitioner who can muscle test is of great help. At least learn some of the energetic testing yourself, so that you don't have to constantly depend on someone and the next appointment weeks away. Many are doing it, but it takes to quit listening to the naysayers and the doubting thomases.

The body will step in and start mobilizing the toxins and we need to learn to deal with it. You don't need to hang on chelating IV's etc. Chelating is the wrong word, because there is no such thing. There are only mobilizing agents and at some point binders to guard from reabsorption and recirculation of the toxins.

Had I known about the existence of AI when I had the metals removed from my mouth 12 years ago, the only thing that makes any sense now is to do the test and at least the first bottle to "put the body on notice" to do the right thing. Without that it is asleep at the switch!

Take care.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Can anyone please make suggestions on binders and support products (brands and dosages)? I don't yet have someone who can ART test me, but my LLMD does muscle testing. At least that is something. In the meantime, what products should I purchase to have ready?

Thanks so much for any suggestions.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Feelbetter, when I questioned AI, you can take the test when on abx. But they do not recommend abx when you start taking the drops unless you have acute problems or need medicines for "life support". You can take a pain pill if you need to.

Have them send you their information booklet to clients in English. It is also somewhere on this thread. Maybe someone will remember the approx. date when others and I posted it. Look back about a year and a couple of months. There is info you need to read.

Take care.

Take care.
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Thanks Tammy. I've got a good biological dentist, although he's very expensive. I think I gave some specifics on this on another thread.

It's just that I've heard that even with the best dentist and the best removal practices, you still get some mercury exposure. Hard to imagine, with a rubber dam, high powered suction, clean-up tip, oxygen with triangular nose hood, dent-air vac, how can any of that stuff be inhaled? I've also heard that it can penetrate the rubber dam, but I thought that some chlorella, activated charcoal, and vitamin C can take care of binding that up and moving it out.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Gigi,

Thanks for all the great information and support!!

I've read the various detox protocol issues you've posted links to, as well as the dental detox methods!

One idea, from an early Klinghardt protocol, was that the "bad bugs" sop up metals. So, our bodies tend to make a "deal" with the bacteria and viruses--they can live inside us as long as they keep the toxins inside THEM! Otherwise, the level of toxins we carry would kill or incapacitate us! WOW!

When we get rid of the metals, the body doesn't need the bacteria and viruses any more, so can get rid of them.

Also a caution on trying to kill the bugs off too quickly, eh??

At any rate, I'd appreciate a link to the most recent Klinghardt detox protocol, please. I'm getting ready to order what I need from his on-line store, BioPure.


Cass A
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
There is no biological dentist out there who is inexpensive. And no matter what precautions they take, if you don't methylate, you could have issues.
So best to get your body ready for such a procedure as it changes the entire terrain. Even when I get my teeth cleaned, I'm out of it for a few days.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

have you tried the Omron inhaler with TriQuench that Dr. K discusses in his DVDs?

Posted by feelbetter (Member # 21957) on :
Will it help if I start the AI treatment when Im at pretty bad shape?

Seems like most people who do the AI treatment here are usually when their lyme symtpom are not that bad..

any ideas?
Posted by jlp38 (Member # 27221) on :
what are the drops made of? is this a homeopathic remedy?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

Many of us started the drops when in "bad shape." No time like the present.


I suggest you go back to the beginning of the thread and read posts by GiGi. All your questions will be answered. Best not to reinvent the wheel here -- you owe it to yourself to spend the time doing the research and educating yourself.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Wow! I started Round #8 after a three month break and it is kicking me around the block. I'm taking alot of binders and liver support yet still feel tissue pain, joint and bone pain, and fatigue. Also have monkey mind that cries out "Mercury Head!"

It is pretty amazing to see how quickly the old detox engines are revving up. I know I've been detoxing all along, but geez!

Rock and roll!
Posted by feelbetter (Member # 21957) on :

Many of us started the drops when in "bad shape." No time like the present

To Lex:
Im sorry,Im not a native english speaker and I don't understand what you mean,do you mean many of people started the drops when they feel bad and get better after that?
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Wisefor it - can you explain "monkey mind" in relation to mercury? Right away my son came to mind- he's been a total monkey lately, and I'm sure mercury is an issue for him - I've been feeling like we're hitting the more intense detox stage lately....
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
FeelBetter--I started the drops when I was feeling bad and they have been very good for me. I have more energy and have been able to do things I was not able to do beforehand.

The reason for taking the drops for most of us is that we weren't feeling well --
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

I am on Round Six and am slowing down - yesterday didn't take any . . . the stuff deep in brain started to detox and I felt that awful vertigo one nite and my temporal lobes felt like they had wings.

The microsilica did not help make me feel better--contrary to popular belief, it mobilized stuff more.
So it would seem that the deeper you go into the treatment, the deeper layers are released and we just have to remember that this is good even tho we may not like it.

Also when you're feeling lousy, it's not easy to test yourself with BioTensor to see what binders you need. I just load up on chlorella and apple pectin but will really watch that microsilica.

Another thing: when we're hit by a lot of stress, the microbes feel it before we do and start procreating. We just put my mom in assisted living, disposed of her stuff in her apt., and all that emotional baggage that goes along with such transitions threw me for a loop.
Guess it's time for family constellation work.
Posted by feelbetter (Member # 21957) on :
I know it's all personal choice but Im really confused.

I don't feel well at this moment (having lots of pain,fatigue,brain fog...etc)
I don't know should I do the aggressive abx treatment first then do the AI later or directly jump to AI treatment.

I don't know what the AI treatment can help for lyme and co-infection..
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Tammy wrote:
Can anyone please make suggestions on binders and support products (brands and dosages)? I don't yet have someone who can ART test me, but my LLMD does muscle testing. At least that is something. In the meantime, what products should I purchase to have ready?

It appears that Tammy's questions may have been answered via PM or just not answered (yet). I have the exact same questions.

Before I do things, I like to know what I'm getting into and what it's going to involve.

So far what I've gathered is:

1. You order the testing and treatment and pay online.

2. They send you a kit so that you can send them your DNA either saliva or blood.

3. They send you these drops to correct your DNA dysregulation issues. I guess these drops are taken sublingually? You will have up to 6 or 7 rounds of drops (depending on your individual case). Along with the drops, they give you instructions in Deutsche.

4. Taking the drops and correcting your immune dysfunctions will cause whatever toxins they are working on to mobilize. Your detoxing pathways will not be able to safely eliminate all of the toxins generated, so you need to use binders to help get them out.

This is where it all falls apart for me. I would expect that the company providing the drops would clue you in and let you know what binders to take, but apparently that's not the case.

So you have to go to a doctor for ART testing (I don't know what that is) or muscle testing (which I think is hocus-pocus) to figure out what binders to take?

This is where it gets a bit frustrating because I'd hate to have to pay an ND just to find out what binders to take.

Can't you just take some broad spectrum binders, like chlorella and apple pectin as Lex mentioned?

It seems a little irresponsible for AI to send you these drops without advising you on detoxing.

Some people use a Bio Tensor machine to figure out what binders to take? What is that?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I would suggest to all of you who have questions to read the AI website by googling|en&u=

There is no shortcut to getting well. For the fee AI charges for the total therapy, you cannot expect to have them holding your hand all the way through in your language. They are available all the time during office hours for you to call, but they are not hiring people to speak in your language. In Germany, the language used is German.

Everything possible question is discussed somewhere through this thread.

If you cannot do it yourself, you will find some practitioners listed on the AI website who are working with this therapy in their practice in this country. Check them out.

Other than that, if you send them the saliva and short list of symptoms, and pay the fee, you do not need to wait for a test kit. The way to do it is described in this thread several times.
Translate the website.

Ask AI to send you the brochure "Information for Clients" or find it in this thread.

Search LN for Biotensor, ART testing, Autonomic Response Testing, Pendulum testing, etc. Or go to the internet and search. We all learned about it. You need to learn to do your own homework.

Sorry, I am tired of having to repeat things over and over and over. If you read this thread, you will learn. It took me 12 years to learn to help myself to get well and I am still learning more every day. But nobody handed it to me "free of charge". Dr. K. put me to "work" researching the first visit telling me that this is a disease where the patient has to participate. I took home a sack full of videos and CD's and started to learn. Nothing was without effort. Please think about it and don't call AI "irresponsible." That doesn't fly with me at all. They have gone out of their way to communicate. They are a German company, are ready on the phone for everyone that wants to call, but in Germany the language is German and that's the way it is. Learn German or use other methods to communicate.

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Feelfit -- your mailbox is full. Trying to reach you.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I don't see how AI could send you information on detoxing when everyone handles detoxing differently. Different binders work well for some and not for others. That is where your health care provider can help if you can a practioner who knows something about detoxing. Or you can energy test.

I was surprised at how extreme my reaction has been to releasing heavy metals and it seems to go on and on, but I am muddling my way through.

Best wishes. Hiker53
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Chaps - no one sent me a PM on binders, detoxing agents, etc. Regarding AI, I'm just taking a leap of faith, hoping it will all fall into place.

AI participants - it would be really helpful if you would be willing to send a new post here about what binders and detox agents have worked for you. (brands, etc.) It would be a great help to us AI newbies who are still trying to pull together all of the pieces. Would appreciate any advice you could offer.

I've been reading this thread since the beginning. I'm almost on pg. 10. Very engaged with all of your stories. Still have many, many more hours to read.

Thanks so much,
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Was just browsing through my thousand notes from Dr. K.

One stands out: "Parasites are at the core of what makes Lyme patients sick."

Be sure you have addressed that issue and readdressed it again. Often they will not be gone with the first, second or even third treatment.

As I keep testing, I find them again in people -even if I thought they are now taken care of. No, they aren't. Learn to test yourself with an anti-parasitic and you will get your answer very quickly and can address the subject again.

Untreated worms mess with our system if we let it go. They take the best out of us and we are left with little to heal. I have posted repeatedly on LN about this for years.

Take care.

[ 11-13-2010, 03:20 AM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Tammy - having used a biontensor for two years, it has become really easy to know what binder or any other substance is appropriate at any given moment.

A protocol that tells me to take something every 5 hours (for example) does not work for me.

Timing can be everything when dealing with heavy metals. What might work well on Monday afternoon, your body may not want on Wednesday -

The binders I use are:

Chorella from BioPure

Charcoal (careful timing or it will bind nutrients)

Apple pectin



There is DMSA and the like but I think those are best used under the care of a practitioner.

Some days I test for large amounts of chlorella, other days my body wants none or something else.

That is the beauty of being able to test yourself.

There are lots of binders and I may have left some out, but those are the ones I use.

Other than that I get a hair test every 3 months so I can see what is leaving in the way of heavy metals and how my mineral base is.

I take a LOT of minerals and a few things for organ support.

Hope that helps.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
NanaDubo - yes, this does help. Thanks so much!!!

I only found a German site for the biotensor. If I just order it, will I be able to figure it out on my own? Or did yours come with an English manual by any chance?

If it's not too many questions, may I ask what mineral products you take and what organ support?

Thanks so much for your time. I really appreciate it.

Have a beautiful day,
Posted by feelbetter (Member # 21957) on :
everyone talks about binder here,what's the reason to take it? can I just take the AI drops?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
The biontensor comes with a booklet in English. It just takes practice.

I take Minerals of Life, Matrix Minerals, Core and magnesium glycinate. Sometimes Comprehensive Minerals.

Organ support when needed - LiverLife, Pekana Renelix for kidneys and Itires or red root for lymph.
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Hey Tammy:
HERE is a link to a place in Canada that sells one. The site is in English.

Thought I'd answer that one for you before you got your head bitten off as I did.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
For Tammmy and others interested in finding answers:

This is the website we talked about a few days ago on the phone of Vernon who makes a lovely inexpensive tensor. I use the one he made for me and I really love it.

I started several years ago with this tensor from (use google to translate). I also have Dr. Oberbach's book which he wrote many years ago. But it is very technical and I have not managed to get through it yet. The Oberbach tensor is undoubtedly the best I have seen and is used by MD's and ND's in practice. It is a very fine instrument.

In general, I have found it best to start practicing and get help from others who use a tensor often.
The best way to learn is to practice. As I promised you, I will help if you need it. So just call me.

Take care.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Thanks Gigi. I sent Vernon an email.

I remember you telling me about him. But I thought you were just offering a lower-cost alternative. Now knowing how much you love it, I think this is the one I will go for.

Thanks again!
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Chaps - thanks for this site above.. Although it's not the original Biotensor, it claims to be a "precise version" of it. Looks good. And the price is nice also - only $35.75.

Gigi - if you have a moment, would you mind checking out the site above that Chaps provided? How does this look to you?

I'm going to see what info Vernon comes back to me with. Then I'll make a final decision.

Great info.

Thanks, friends,
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Feelbetter, the idea of using 'binders' is to help escort out of the body any viral debris/toxins that the drops may encourage you to release into your bloodstream.

People with Lyme and other chronic illnesses often have problems clearing this for themselves, and in any case, can become overloaded.

Chaps, you mention up to 6 or 7 rounds on AI, but most of us are taking/have taken far more than this: I'm about to start round 12 and there are lots of people further along than that.

One reason that AI do not give advice re. 'binders' [or indeed other quasi-medical advice] is that the therapy is not there just for people with serious illness such as Lyme: many people do the therapy for hayfever or a food allergy and they are likely to complete treatment more easily and in fewer rounds.

Herr G is not a Lyme expert as such and cannot be expected to give advice as if he were.

Like Nanadubo, I have a number of 'binders' to hand, including Biopure's Chlorella P., charcoal, apple pectin powder, MSM, amongst others. I use the chlorella a lot and also a blend of binders and herbs[such as clay, apple pectin, charcoal, linseed, Marshmallow and fennel seed] that I buy in UK.

Best Wishes,

Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi -- quick question: I have recently been getting horrible heartburn that radiates from my sternum throughout my chest tissue and sometimes into the middle of my back. Can chlorella p. cause this? I take a fair amount as well as daily apple pectin.

I don't have heart problems, don't have gallbladder problems, but I have had this heartburn for the last week or so! Pepcid AC is helping put some of the fire out, although I'm not thrilled to be taking it. I'm avoiding Prevacid and other proton-pump stuff.

Any thoughts?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, please go here and scroll down. Take a break here and there and take less. More is not always better.

Alternating with some of the other binders is also a good idea. Our body has the tendency to become allergic to some of the best stuff especially when it adds some burden for the body which it is not used to. Chlorella also mobilizes some toxins from the extracellular space.

I have always tried to alternate literally everything we take. Never the same constantly. Once you start testing energetically, you will realize how much the body changes as it moves along doing the cleanup.

You may want to try Betasitosterol as a binder.
I really like Swanson's Vitamins Liposan Chitosan. It can be taken with the meal and you do not have to take it before as with others.

But do test anything you use. And with any binder, make sure that you do not get constipated.

I also use charcoal. But always test and add something to avoid constipation which would be counterproductive because elimination should follow as quickly as possible. And all these, because they are high fiber content, tend to do that.

If lowering/alternating chlorella doesn't help it, need to look further.

Are you taking any digestive enzymes?

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Tammy, the tensor, besides the fact that some are constructed scientifically and are therefore much more sensitive and accurate, it is important that it feels good when you hold it and responds with your own energy.

A wonderful German Klinghardt therapist years ago sent me two tensors, exactly the type she uses in her practice. She is fully booked all year.
Those two did nothing for me. They simply did not budge/move to anything I was trying to test.
I could never get them to work for me.

Then I found the Bioplasma tensor. The second I held it in my hand I knew that's the one. I bought it and have used it for several years now many times a day. I then wanted to have a less expensive one and asked Vern to make me one. He builds it with the tester in mind. It also works quite nicely for me, but never as precise as the Bioplasma one. It does a good job and I really am comfortable with it and I carry it with me in my purse or testing someone in the hospital --- !
I have been looked at a few times as probably the crazy lady! So be it.

It is difficult to describe and it takes having them in your hand and feeling it. I would say start with Vern's and learn and if it works for you save your quarters for a while for the more expensive one. My guess is that the one shown (Canada) if the metal is stiff because it costs a lot less, it is more difficult to use.

Take care.
You be the judge.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Tammy - I ordered a very small (didn't know until it arrived) biotensor from Italy a couple of years ago.

It looks just like the one from Bioplasma but is very small and has never moved for me or for a doctor in Germany who tried to use it when I was there.

I also have one made by Vernon that I like for traveling but it is no where near as sensitive as the biotensor.

If I had started out with one of these others, I might have been discouraged, but they might work well for you. Like Gigi said, holding it in your hand is key.

I have tried a few that other people have and I still have not held one that feels the way the one from Bioplasma does.

My local health food store has one that I had never seen before. They keep a little pile of them for people to use before buying supplements etc (nice).

I really like the one they had. I'll go back and see how much it is and try to find out the name of it.

At some point this conversation will have to go to how to test to see if your regulation is open or blocked (if you don't already know how). If you are blocked, nothing will test properly. At a later date.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
wiser - now that you mention it, when I was taking rather large amounts of chlorella a few weeks ago I did have a little nausea and heartburn.

I used Alka Seltzer Gold and got quick relief. I think you can only get it through Amazon.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Could someone post a link about where to buy betasitostaerol and chitosan. There are many options of the web and I'm not sure which is the quiality product.

Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
I'v not read all the posts, just sending an update for my husband and daughter, both doing AI.

Her awful mosquito bite allergies are much better (not gone though, but much better). She got a recent rash on her leg that is going out now. I wonder what that means...

I feel she's stronger (not catching that many colds like last year).... But only time will tell. She's also on Vit D3, so I'm not sure what is making what.

Her appetite is good, but not as good as in the beginning of the therapy. But I feel she eats more or less the right amount, while before AI, she ate so little. I feel she's less picky to eat too.

She's on her 10th month lyme free... I wonder how this winter will go (she was sick with lyme for the last 4 years in winter...). We are waiting for the round 3 of AI.

Husband: he never got lyme but got many allergies since he was born. His general health condition has improved, his skin is beautiful except for his hands, his mood is better too despite extreme stress in work. He still got many food allergies though and he's eager to get some improvement there too!

We're barely taking anything to help detoxing... But still things improve without any pain. My daughter tested once for chlorella, then never more, so I didn't give her. She's taking Rechtsregulat daily though.

As for warts, she's got one in her foot too, but that was before the AI. But she's going to the pool 2x week for months and haven't got new ones. I hope this one will go...

her warts are viral.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Gigi, thank you for your post. I am waiting to hear back from Vernon.

NanaDubo, thank you also. When you do find the name of the one at your local HST that would be great. Thanks.

Also, interesting about possibly being "blocked". I would not have even thought of this as a possibility. When you have a moment and could share more, that would be great.

It's so nice to share info and coach each other. Thank you much.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

Desseret Biologicals has Betasitoserl (homeopathic capsules) with mycoplasma dilutions.

Google CHITOPOWER -- apparently it is cleaner and more powerful than other chitosan products on market. An MS patient recovered from Lyme solely on that product. Goes after the bacteria, crosses blood brain barrier and pulls out the bad guys.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, can't seem to find CHITOPOWER. Can you give more details, please. Thank you.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Try this site for chitopower. I am not sure it is the one Lex is speaking of, but it has some information.


Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
yes, that is the site and CHITOPOWER has helped many people with serious Lyme. It's not cheap. Apparently it passes BBB and scoops up the bacteria and pulls it out.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
CHITOPOWER also (in my experience) does create a detox reaction. Can feel it pulling stuff from brain.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Having just told some people that I am about to start round 12, I have just received the 'no further energetically relevant' letter and the detailed current results alongside the initial results.

Like some others, I am baffled by some of the results, although most show improvement, 13 results are still outside normal range and 2 have apparently worsened. For example, 3.1 Available bioenergy capacity in percent has a normal range of 60 to 90 [%]. I started on 21 [%] and am now 6 [%]. Can anyone shed light on this ?

At this point, any improvements I feel are subtle [I do seem to be able to stand and to walk for a little longer before feeling much worse and desperate to get off my feet].

Do other people recommend that I contact Herr G and suggest sending another sample after 2 or 3 months?

I'd be very happy for any help/advice here,

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Lex, can you say any more about Chitopower? Have you been using it long and how did you hear of it? How many do you take per day?



Do you think it is contraindicated if you are high in copper?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Carry, Have you done any intake of abx, etc.? It happened to a number of people that testing would not reveal more after they had done abx and/or numerous other therapies while on the drops. They waited a few weeks and retested.

Have you checked out KPU/HPU? If you are missing the very basic minerals for whatever reason, detoxing cannot happen. Maybe you should listen to the video below.

The longer you have been ill, the longer it takes. And remember that the results of AI do not happen instantly for everybody who has been really ill. AI turns the key to the engine - and the immune system steps in. But don't expect an instant miracle.

If KPU is a factor, which is the case for the majority of the people, you need to address that.

Have you done a hairtest to see your mineral status? It is part of the hairtest at Doctor's Data for $46. That will reveal a lot! Lacking essential minerals, detoxing is not possible.

You may want to check these out.

Take care.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thank you for your reply, Gigi. I did take antibiotics in the gaps for the first 2 rounds of AI, but not again after you posted the fuller information in translation. I have only really taken vitamins, minerals and binders.

I have taken most of the components recommended for KPU, and have an unopened CORE bottle but have not been tested and I haven't had a hair test for a number of years either, so I will look into those.

My previous test results still showed lots of dysregulations, which is partly why I was so surprised. I think I will write to Herr G and ask if I should resubmit later.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Carry, Any good practitioner can judge by your hairtest/ minerals whether KPU is a factor. The body grabs whatever mineral it can to heal itself until nothing is left. Further, the tests in Europe ( are more reliable than the ones here. I know there are some practitioners in England who are familiar with all. Or start learning to test yourself. That is how I figured out very quickly that KPU was a problem in my husband. Then you can still do the lab, if you want another test. As long as they are only semi-accurate as here, I am not going to depend on them. If you listen to the video I posted for you, you will quickly understand what a huge problem this is for so many. AI corrects your dysregulations, but I don't think it can supply you with major missing ingredients if that is the case. Absorption is a problem that cannot be overcome instantly. Leaky Gut has to heal. Supplementing minerals in the right way is so important.

Yes, write to HG.
If you want, suggest to him to send his German answer to me and I will translate. I think he understands what you will tell him, but has problem writing you in English. He knows that I will happily translate.

Take care.

P.S. I tried to fiddle with the individual missing components and decided on CORE, because as Dr. K. learns more, it is also being revised. He changed the composition already from what it was a couple of years ago. He is not satisfied at all with the Depyrral available in Europe and he is in constant touch with many of the ART medical doctors/ practitioners worldwide who all deal with KPU patients. Nothing stays the same. More and more is learned.

Take care.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
We are awaiting our 6th round. My husband recently air gunned a 1 inch staple right through the end of his finger nail, right through the bone. He's now had to take both antibiotics, and a tetanus shot. We live on a farm, and there is tetanus in our area, so it felt like the right thing to do in this case. We took a wait and see approach with the antibiotics, but it still got infected.

My question is: I understand that he will need to wait to send his next sample in - is 6�weeks the right amount from the time he completes the antibiotics? What about the drops tho - can he take those after he has finished the antibiotics, or does he need to wait to take those as well? I thought I remembered someone saying here that it was ok to take the drops, but to wait to send the sample. I just want to make sure.

Thanks [Smile]

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thank you so much, Gigi: that's most kind of you.

I have just watched the video you posted [except for the last 20 minutes, when I inadvertently closed the page and sent it back to the beginning! I got to the part where Dr K has talked about Microsilica and was talking about a Garry Gordon product ACZ Nano? Zeo Gold?
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
My computer was out of commission for a while.

Thanks to Lex and Hiker for the chitopower information.

Also just watched the absolutely fantastic presentation above by Dr. K about KPU. I did note one important finding for me, and that is that some people experience nausea with zinc supplementation. This is because most people with KPU do not make enough stomach acid to break down the Zinc.

Although Dr. K referenced it on the video, he did not really offer a solution.

So what have you all done to improve you stomach acid capabilities?

Also, how slowly did you all start your Zn? Trace levels are about all I can handle right now.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I have heard back from HG to resubmit a sample in 3 months,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

to encourage a little movement after dinner on a
Hopefully Happy Thanksgiving!

Best wishes to all of you!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I took one CORE cap. for 2 days in a row and felt terrible. Dizzy. Depressed. Wobbly.

The microsilica MOBILIZES matter what anyone says. I felt like my brain was going to fly away.

Would seem betaine HCL would help stomach acid -- I take two after each meal (Premier Research Labs makes a clean one from beets).

One could start off with one quarter of a tab of zinc and then build up. I had no problem with zinc.

I do better with the MicroMins and use mag. oil on my skin as Dr. K. says those with Lyme need to be careful of taking mag. internally.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Have you done the KPU test? I would not take any CORE unless tested with a dependable method. My husband tests for 4 or 5 CORE almost daily. I test for none or one. With tensor and same with ART.

Lex, I would send a CORE cap to HG with your next saliva and have him test and include it in your next bottle. Crush it and flatwrap it, so it gets through the mail okay. You probably are not nearly done enough correcting and anything.

I myself even though still holding on to some metals do not test often for Microsilica. I simply do not use what I don't test for. Nobody knows it better than my body. Same for my husband.

Remember that when you are finally letting go of some metals, the fungi follow right with or behind it. The die-off of fungi is much more felt in a negative way than toxic metals. You will feel horrible.

I can only say it over and over again. Learn to test yourself before you put anything in your mouth considered supplements. It is so easy to get a simple tensor and a few minutes every day to practice a little, and in no time you can test 50 items in a very short time.

I make a cocktail out of everything that tests that is not a typical mineral. I take the minerals away from binders and cocktail. I alwasy include phospholipids and make a smooth drink topped off with grapefruit Juice.

I thought you had some testing equipment that would indicate whether CORE is okay for you now. If you are not far enough through AI, I would wait a bit. There are many obstacles that will be cleared/corrected as the therapy continues. You may not be able yet to produce all the necessary enzymes that are needed for the metabolizing of certain substances. I don't know. Just have some patience.

Testing every pill I put in my mouth - whether it is the same old calcium or different forms of magnesium -- when my body wants it, it tells me via the tensor. The ingredients in my drink change every day. I test and then prepare the drink/Dr.K. calls it cocktail for two days and keep some in fridge.

When my ART doctors who do this for a living test my cocktail they are amazed at the quality of it. We are not alike and have different needs. T
I do it with the tensor. Others use whatever works for them.

I made the cocktail as suggested by Dr. K. without actually testing me only once and learned my lesson. Again, we all have different needs.
I follow the basic principle, but I let my body decide the rest.

For anyone interested: this is Vern's website for an inexpensive tensor
I even decide which binder today, or low or high ph water. I have found that my first cup of a good brew of coffee unblocks me for testing, if I have had a strong detox night. Or someone may test for lemonwater in the AM or midday. All that can guide you successfully through the detox days. The ph requirements change by the hour, and if you can test, why not and feel more comfortable.

Just some ideas to avoid some of the pitfalls of detoxing.

Make yourself a test kit: one capsule or a few drops in a vial of all the different supplements and remedies you have, binders, organ supports, etc. If you test through these and come up with your kidney drops or dandelion tincture, you know it's high time to support your organs and slow down the rest! If you test for charcoal, you know too much toxin needs to find its way out. Slow down a bit, etc. etc.

Take care.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Lex or others,

Why does Dr. K say to avoid Mg internally. I get foot cramps a lot from sweating out toxins and the potassium always seems to come with magnesium, whether it is in liquid form to drink or capsule form.


Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Apparently the Lyme critters feed on magnesium and he states emphatically that mag. needs not to be given orally. Good luck trying to get into your system as much as you need!

I don't understand what you mean by "the potassium always seems to come with magnesium. "
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
"Why does Dr. K say to avoid Mg internally?"

Hiker, could you give the place where you found this specifically?

Thank you.


"and he states emphatically that mag. needs not to be given orally"

Please give the link where Dr. K. said this. If it is on a DVD, please tell me which one. I have so many and would like to go back to find the discussion on this to refresh my own memory.

Thanks a lot.

Take care.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Can anyone tell me what to do about my previous question? I have read the entire thread, but I can't remember - and i have no idea where I would find the answer.

My husband is taking antbiotics. We are expecting our 6th round to arrive any day in the mail.

I need to know first off if he needs to wait until finished the antibiotics to take the drops, and secondly how long he should wait to send a sample after that - 6 weeks? 2 months?

I emailed AI and the response was that he can send the sample immediately, which doesn't sound right.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

Best to ask Dr. K directly because I don't know the DVD it was on. I am getting ready to put our house on the market and my notes etc. are not at hand.

I do remember him saying this and underlined it three times and immediately stopped taking my cal mag. Soaking in mag. salts takes time and I'm not sure just how much is absorbed with the oil.

If there's anyone on here who has his DVDs, please
let GiGi know exact location of that information.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
I will be doing my first round shortly.

I emailed them explaining that I was currently taking antibiotics and was this okay. I also questioned about having amalgams.

Their reply was: "they must not do anything about it."

This is how it came back from Heinz. I take it as 'don't change what you are currently doing'. I sent a clarifying email but received no reply. I hope my interpretation is correct.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I don't know when/where/if Dr. K said not to take Mg internally. I was just commenting on what Lex said. I do know that I don't need as much Mg now as I used to, but I do need potassium when I sweat out toxins or I get foot cramps. The potassium supplements always seem to have Mg in them which loosens the bowels too much.

If you know of a good potassiun supplement without Mg, please let me know.


Blessings. Hiker53

[ 11-28-2010, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

My MD got a product to me which she says really works to get magnesium into the body through the skin.

It's Derma-Mag, contact info 1-888-249-857, www,

Supposedly, this can be found at local health food stores, etc., as well.

I've been using it for about a week or so. No problems.


Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

We have been using this for a long time.
Magnesium stearate (as well as titanium dioxide) used in many medicines and supplements is used as a filler in capsules and tablets and only contributes to the biofilm we are trying to break up and get rid of. Please take a look at your supplement containers --

We need magnesium to live, even though microorganisms feed on it. By reducing the toxic burden of metals and chemicals, microorganisms will not find the terrain needed to survive.
The minute we start dumping metals, parasites are in danger and fungi start to die off also. That's why binders are needed. It is all one ecosystem.

Take care and a Blessed First Advent.
We lit the first of four candles last night.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Please listen to this video a couple of times. It is loaded with information. Someone mentioned loose bowels, etc., listen carefully, making notes. It is so packed with info, that it is easy to forget watching it only once.

I am convinced that everyone with food allergies has KPU, either inherited or acquired with Lyme.

KPU is easy to repair.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Please listen to this video a couple of times. It is loaded with information. Someone mentioned loose bowels, etc., listen carefully, making notes. It is so packed with info, that it is easy to forget watching it only once.

I am convinced that everyone with food allergies has KPU, either inherited or acquired with Lyme.

KPU is easy to repair.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
up - It is too important a subject to let it drop into the basement.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I had a semi-garbled message on my phone when I got home from visiting my husband at the rehab.
Couldn't make out who it was, but guess from here. So please try again and leave me a good message.

Take care.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear GiGi,

The link you posted is to a PDF document, not a video.

Is that what you meant to post??


Cass A
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Tammy, I don't know exactly what is the answer to your question. I guess that effects of the AI therapy are lowered (or the analysis can get messed up) when someone is taking artificial chemicals.

I remember reading Heinz saying to avoid even vitamins, or to try to avoid main food allergens if they appeared as problematic in the first analysis. But I see his advice for the 'normal' people with minor health problems.

For lyme and other serious diseases, I don't think he would advise you to stop your drugs at once to just do the AI instead.

I understand your concern not to stop the abx. I guess you should just relax, do the therapy, wait to see if your husband improves and slowly wean from the abx if he feels he can do that.

I'm not an AI expert and I no longer have lyme. The people who are doing the AI at home (daughter and husband) are fine too, and we are having good results, but no one had lyme when we started. It takes a bit of time though, but we slowly see the positive changes.

I hope I'm not too wrong. I just answered because no one did (probably your answer is somewhere dumped in this thread).

Good luck, and relax!
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Recently, my daughter tested for a thymus supplement on the Zyto machine. She also tested for Olive leaf extract to use as an antiviral.

Does anyone know if these things would be OK to use while on the drops?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
thejoje - I think killers (which olive leaf extract would be), could interfere with results but maybe someone who knows more will offer an opinion.

I do know one thing - when metals leave, some yeast/fungus dies off and viruses start popping up. Then the whole thing starts up again.

I am testing for olive leaf extract like crazy.

Was the thymus something that showed up as being blocked on her original test? Maybe the drops are trying to straighten that out.

I can't remember if the thymus is something he lists on his test results.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
I just checked the original report from HG and the thymus area was not checked off. The thymus has come up before, however, on a different test from her past.

How are you faring with the OLE?

I would like to hear what others think about killing off viruses, especially since it seems to be OK to kill off parasites.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I take herbal antivirals as I feel I need them, and more recently if i test that I need them (only just learned how to test)

I try to limit it, but I have 5 kids, so I can't just let myself get ultra ill.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I'm doing fine with OLE.

HG told me that the drops certainly would help the body recognize parasites.

I don't seem to have a virus that is making me feel ill - ART tested for viral stress unleashed from metals I guess.

At this point, the old buried viruses that are popping up - I'd just as soon help them move along.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Thank you Brussels for reaching out. Your suggestions are good.

My drops are in the mail! I should be starting soon. (My husband is not doing AI, it is me. Although I think he may try it at a future point.)

For those who broke out in warts during AI -- did they clear on their own? Or was any type of treatment needed?

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
We're taking a wait and see approach with the warts - I know that they can literally disappear overnight, so I'll wait until a while after we're done and then reassess.

Interesting about the virus's being released - we've had quite a lot of really short lived viruses - wake up totally ill thinking it's got me good, and within a few hours I'm fine.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I am about to finish Round Seven and have to say that Six and Seven were the pits. Yesterday I was do dizzy and depressed I couldn't even talk. Today I feel better but this is a truly long haul.

Olive leaf extract kills and kills quickly and can cause some strange herx reactions. Why not ask if more support/drainage remedies might not help to move out the viruses or whatever? Or ask if more binders wouldn't handle the load instead of doing more killing?

As far as question re thymus extract/OLE on Zyto, ask your practitioner to "copy" your drops into the machine, then reassess. If you don't put your drops into the mix, the answer you get will not take into consideration what the drops are already doing. This will take longer but at least you will get a more accurate answer.

To copy the drops, put five drops into a quartz crystal vial and have practitioner copy from there. If you keep them in the plastic container, you will only copy the frequency of the plastic, not the drops.

Sometimes all you need with Zyto is to nourish with the appropriate flower essence made in the proper homeopathic dilution. As Dr. K often says, an emotional block is holding toxins in place. If you remove the emotional block via essence, the toxins will release. Again, to get a clear read, your drops need to be in the picture and you may have to educate your Zyto practitoner as most nutritionists don't know about AI.

Happy holidays to all.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks, Lex. Very good suggestions.
I will look into this.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi all -- haven't been here in a long time due to general busy-ness.

Finished Round Eight and all heck has broken loose! I am certain metals are recirculating. All joints and spine hurt and my eyes are tearing, burning and not in sync with one another.

I had to cut back on binders due to horrible GERD. It's a catch 22 since the binders would help with the aching.

Anyone experience anything similar?

Best to all during the holiday season,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on : I said, I just finished Round Seven and am wobbly, brainfogged -- doesn't seem to matter if I take binders. My left eye is ticking and I'm working on releasing a layer of family issues that sticks like glue. The first four rounds were a breeze -- I am looking forward to a break. I haven't been able to take the recommended doseages -- some days I took one dose and some days I didn't take anything.

If you're not off gluten, might help with GERD. As soon as I have even a tinch of gluten, I'm a mess for days.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Thanks for the GERD advice, Lex, sugar and gluten do set things off right now.

Sorry your rounds are sending you in a tailspin. All this flurry of symptoms points to hard work being done. I ached whilst taking the drops and am aching more while waiting for the next round!

My hope is to prevent whatever's in upheaval from staying too long as an unwanted visitor!

I'd rather keep feeling "ho-ho-ho" rather than feeling so "oh-oh-oh," if you know what I mean!

Hugs for strength,

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
We're on round 6 and it's been rougher than the previous couple of rounds for sure. Tired and achy, and my eye has been doing funny things too. My daughter started remembering trauma from her childhood almost as soon as she started her first round, and it's been coming on fast and furious off and on ever since.

People are always asking me how it's going - but I find that people want ot hear of improvements, and I keep explaining that it just doesn't work that way - its' a process and a long one.

IT's good to hear that other people are suffering from brain fog - mine improved at the start, but that didn't last [Wink] My daughter is having a terrible time with it too.

STill excited about the process tho despite the frustrating parts.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
I'm scared. I haven't started yet. Hearing about the tough road ahead scares the heck out of me. I worry I won't be able to handle it.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi Tammy,

I can tell you that after treating my Lyme with antibiotics for four years, I felt too toxic to continue. I was very glad to have the option of beginning AI.

Each round has been very different for me and the clarity and energy I have found along the way has been well worth it. I have not taken antibiotics for 14 months now. Many, many symptoms from my lyme years are gone.

That said, there have been rough bouts of detoxing for me, but I had been very, very toxic from all the antibiotics and lifelong exposure to chemicals. There are symptoms that resurface only to leave after a time.

I am happier to stay optimistic and antibiotic free for now. [I did take antibiotics for 5 days for pneumonia two months ago..yuck.]
Many very good changes have been made so far. There are many more to be made, which may not always be without discomfort for me.

The story is very, very different for each of us. Please don't be scared off by my rough points, because the goods seem to be outweighing the bad. I always feel like I'm moving in a more positive direction towards better health.

Best wishes,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
AI is not like taking an aspirin for a headache. If you have really been piling in the toxins over a lifetime, the correction to the DNA is putting the immune system, probably sound asleep til now, into action and detox starts to happen.

You will need to go to some of the Dr.K. protocols that I have been posting for a while, browse through them and find the area where you need the items for support.

You will find everything you need in here. When the cells start dumping which is brought about by the correction of DNA, then you need to step in and do something. Start making yourself one of the lighter cocktails with Phospholipid Exchange as the base. That will clear things through the liver, etc fast.

Nobody knows what you are dumping until you get tested or learn to test yourself as several of us have been doing. If you cannot do that on your own, then you will need someone who understand what works for what to assist you and test you.

Doing nothing or not much may work for some people who are not as toxic as many of us with Lyme are (were --- in my case). There simply is no easy way around this. But while you were trying to detox without AI and it really never worked because your system was no longer responding, now it works and that is the time to step in and support yourself.

You definitely should not be suffering from a brain fog - either go through the protocols I have listed or google Dr.K. with your problem.
I do that all the time because there is no way I can remember 10 years of lectures. Thank God it is available on the internet. Then brew yourself a cocktail, mild or major. As long as you do not do pharmaceuticals, you will be okay.
Sometimes they are necessary if an acute situation arises. My husband had one like that recently.

And then take into consideration that when you finally start dumping the metals, which probably has been the worst for most, recall my post on The Babuschka Principle -- and understand that more is coming. AI does not take away the parasites, it dow not take away the accumulated fungi, etc. Consider how much biofilm we all have built up (count all the vitamins swallowed containing mag stearite) and it's now time to start working on that and helping it break up.
It hangs on the vascular walls blocking things - try curcumin.

Plasmanex1 (so I was told recently) works well as an enzyme to move the blood (replaces Lumbrokinase). I still use Rechtsregulat every few days -- whenever it tests with tensor.

If you have a hunch that KPU is a problem, you need to explore that. I don't think it will go away on its own for right now - later, who knows. I also posted a total multiple page protocol on it and you can listen to the video I posted on that with Dr. K. speaking and thoroughly explaining what it is all about. It is a wonderful explanation from A to Z.

Tammy, nothing is worse than fear and I hope you can put that away and out of your mind.
Whatever you expect to happen is most likely going to happen. But you can change that I am sure and things will work out just fine.

Please all spend some time reading over some of the protocols I posted. There is no other doctor who is as generous with the information as Dr.K.
All you have to do is start reading and finding what concerns you. If you can't do it yourself, you may need to find someone who can test you and help you find the items that will work for you as support.

Don't give up before you start and you can definitely help yourself with all I have posted.
I make a cocktail every day. Whatever I find testing in my test kit arsenal goes into the cocktail and it usually is different every or every other day. Repeating the same is not a good idea. Right now I keep testing (not for myself) for Butyrite and Galactose against ammonia. To keep the blood thin is important so that you are well oxygenated. Thick blood feels horrible and causes pain and healing cannot happen.

Hope you will start looking at some of the super info on line. It is also well organized into sections and not hard to locate what you are concerned about.

Take care.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Thank you so much Gigi and wiserforit2 for your replies.

I have read so much information in recent months that I think my mind is on overload. I have to review all of my notes and re-read some of my favorite posts and documents I have downloaded so I can clear my thinking a little.

I feel certain KPU is a big part of my picture. My hair analysis and blood test both showed low zinc. (According to Dr. K it is unusual that low zinc would show up in a blood test. I can't remember his exact words, but he made it sound like low zinc in the blood is like the final stop before the train leaves the station, so to speak. Not good.)

I also got back my hair analysis and I am in the 95th percentile for Mercury!!!!!!!!

So I am not sure what should come first as far as treatment. Or should I do AI and KPU treatment simultaneously? Will it (or when will it) become necessary to have chelation therapies?

I found a Dr. who follows Dr. K. (she is a chiropractor) I have an appt. with her on Monday. I'm in a rough place right now. I really need good things to happen. Soon.

Thank you for your encouraging words. They mean a lot.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Tammy, I waited to start KPU treatment until I was through a few rounds of AI.

Although the purpose of KPU treatment is not detox, it does happen when the minerals start being replaced. I wanted to be sure my system had a chance to recognize what was what before treating KPU.

My experience with AI is that metals start moving on there own and organ support and binders are needed. Having a way to test these things will be most helpful.

I think when you get your emailed test results from AI you will have a better picture. If not much is working correctly (as was the case for most of us) give AI a chance to get some of the cars going down the right track.

Just my thoughts.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Tammy, if your Doctor's Data shows mercury in the high percentile, it means that it is moving out. When it shows in the hair, detoxing is happening.

Check the good minerals on that test - the lower portion of the test "Essential and other Elements" on that test: If they are all on the right=hand side, upper 50 to 100 percentile, you are in good shape as far as the needed minerals go.

If the Essential Minerals are all in the lower range - 0 to 50%ile, you need to immediately start bringing these levels up. It takes the good minerals to detox the bad ones - the toxic heavy metals. Then most likely you need to do treat KPU. If that's the case, I would start treating right away by using CORE. Maybe your chiropractor, if she is knowledgable, can test you for KPU and also interpret your Hair Analysis.

Take binders, because if you are moving metals to the hair, you are also moving them into the other direction. Be sure to take lots of kidney support (Renelix, UNDA 243, etc. ) and binders half hour before meals and before going to bed.

AI is difficult when people do not cover themselves as I outlined in my previous post. Binders, binders, binders and organ support. Colonics and lymphatic drainage help. Soft skin brushing - very, very gentle. Chi machine. And smelling the roses as much as possible!

Take care.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Gigi - thank you for this post. I always feel like you are a kind guiding force for me. I really can't thank you enough.

I have to look at my report again when I get home, but I do think the essential minerals were on the lower end of the range, not the 50-100%.

Thanks also for your suggestions on kidney support, etc. I need to learn more about binders (products, doses, etc.)

This weekend I will be searching out your previous posts so I can re-read them.

Thanks again,
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Wow -- AI postings have drifted back a few pages and I want to bring them forward again!

Waiting for Round #9 and getting worried that the tail of the spirochete is back to taunt me. Despite binders, skin-brushing, chi-machine, rebounder, organ support... I have pain in my chest, ribs and all joints as well as tissue pain and muscle pain. The chest pain bores through to my back. This is how my original Lyme began 5 years ago.

I've had a brief visit with a gastro-doc who is having me go to a cardio-doc to rule out heart stuff. My gut burns from time to time along with the heartburn pain.

Went for lymphatic drainage and she began working on my lower abdominal scar tissue as well as inflammed esophagus. She say's I've been very blocked there.

I'm also thinking about parasites and treatment, but my gut hurts too much right now to feel safe ingesting harsher substances.

Will be trying ND nearby who does ART, but I have no idea how well he does ART. I have also placed a call to someone special Seattle way and am waiting for callback.

I truly want AI to be my single treatment right now, but I'm reaching a two month mark of increasing pain and discomfort as well as fatigue. I'm sure heavy metals are flying about, but some of this feels too familiar and doesn't seem to be passing.

This path is truly zig-zagging all about.... my bobber wand and I can only go so far, so I am looking forward to further ART guidance.

That's all for now...

Wishing everyone a healing holiday season and lots of joy all in between,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, treat parasites. You can do this alongside AI, especially as you are far enough into it to have cleared the major allergies months ago.

Releasing lead and toxic metals is never painless. Try some glucosamine/MSM products to lower the stabbing. I feel the metals in my finger joints - in my long bones/joints - etc. Glucosamine and natural anti-inflammatories ease it.

Be sure to keep your blood flowing thin: Rechtsregulat, Plasmanex1 (replaces lumbrokinase). Vit. K2 2-3 droppers full. Avocada has the most K2.

And again, treat parasites because all other toxins and pathogens live within each other in the parasite. Babuschka Principle I posted about.

You cannot make AI your single treatment because the engine is now starting, something it probably hasn't done for years. Now the toxins are starting to flood and you need to help them out.
All you are doing seems okay. Be more consistent with binders - what you are feeling is neurotoxins of all kinds that are being released.

Determine with your bobber what is primary that moment ---- metals? parasites?
Fungi? Mold? Virus? and then load up on the treatment until the next one shows as priority.

ART guidance should help you. But don't let her get carried away if she does not understand AI or KPU. Have you addressed KPU -- I can't remember?

If you have not, that may be your answer right there. Have your ART person test you for the ingredients in CORE (zinc, b6, manganese, biotin, etc. and/or do the official test.

scroll down to listen again.

Take care.

P.S. with Inflamed esophagus, test for lungworm
aka varestrongylus Klapowi and read up on it. I recall your previous "pneumonia" diagnosis. School medicine knows only that term - similar symptoms plus gut affected if it goes too long if lungworm. Treatment is simple and effective.

Remember how often I have repeated Dr.K's statement of "treat parasites first".

Take care.

P.S. don't have time to refine this - please take it as is.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
What is the best way to treat parasites - good programs?

And how many rounds in does one need to be to start taking core capsules, or parasite treatments?

I've just finished the 6th round is that enough?
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
I received my first set of drops a few days ago. I just opened the box today. I'm disappointed because my specific results are not included. I only received their standard document explaining the test. I sent them an email. Hopefully they can email my personal results. I was very anxious, so I am disappointed.

I was planning to start today. Instructions were not included in my box either. I understand from previous posts it should be 5 drops, 3 times per day.

Must it be taken away from food and beverages? Or does it not matter?

I am doing this all without a practitioner guiding me. Is that okay? I am assuming if I add binders I should be okay?

Happy Holidays.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Tammy, look back through your emails. The first set of results are sent in PDF form to your email address. Usually before the drops arrive.

5 drops, 3 times a day but don't make the opening in the bottle too big. Taking less than 5 drops is okay if it ends up feeling like too much but I think the 3x a day is important.

Work them in between meals
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Thank you NanaDubo! When they notified me that my drops were in the mail, the report was attached in the email. I just had not noticed it.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Tammy, the first AI report is some 16 pages long. Print it and study it. 1 mm removed from the tip of the bottle, after removing the outside white cap, is enough. Use a razor blade. Or maybe a teeny bit more until the drop comes out without having to squeeze too hard.

I squeeze the five drops
right into my other hand and lick them off. I got tired of using a glass or counting them falling into my mouth. That works very well.

Be nice to yourself and know that changes are happening in your body when taking the drops. Do things that you enjoy and don't forget to smell the roses. Lymenet is not conducive to get well and everytime you think Lyme, your body records another memory of it. Memory or reality - doesn't matter. Energy always follows the thought.

Blessed time for everyone!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I am taking paracidin and gall bladder complex for parasites (from Premier Research Labs). When on the right dose, it takes 35 days to get rid of the worms(once you are going full throttle with dose). When those are cleared, then parastat along with castor oil packs on abdomen 3 x week to clear the amobeba, giardia and smaller critters. You need a QRA practitioner to test to see if that is needed and if so, what doses.
(Google Premier Research Labs in Austin, Texas -- you can ask them for a list of practitioners in your area.) I do not trust the Zyto for correct doseage for parasites -- I do that part by hand for patients. It only takes a few minutes to determine if parasites are ready to be dumped. When the brain points are off (hypothalamus, pineal/pituitary, GV 20) that's a tip off that the system is overwhelmed by the parasite excrement. Once the remedy is in the field, those points get strong. When there is too much in the field, body tests weak -- that's how correct dose is found.

The gall bladder needs to be supported because the eggs tend to back up there. The gall bladder complex opens up that area so the eggs can get down into the intestine where the paracidin can do its work. So many parasite remedies dont work because the gall bladder issue is not addressed.

When it comes to the amoebas etc. and one is on parastat, the warm castor oil packs on abdomen are necessary because that is what hatches the eggs so the parastat can kill what comes out. Another thing overlooked by the run of the mill parasite cleanses.

I have my doubts whether the drugs can get to the eggs.Klinghardt recommends drugs for parasites -- I am not comfortable with drugs at this point.

I am waiting for Round Eight and decided to bite the bullet and just address the parasites. There is no doubt that my system is just flooded with toxins and this started really becoming noticeable with Round Six. My sleep has really been disturbed the last couple of months which is a tip off that the parasites are having their feeding frenzies between 1 and 3 -- liver time.

I don't do a lot of research on Lyme and I don't discuss it with anyone -- I feel if I did I would never move on. Self pity and gloom are great magnet that keep us attached to staying in one place.

Wishing you all a new year filled with awareness, courage and a spirit that is bigger than any spirochete.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
I just started by drops yesterday. Please send good wishes my way:)

I previously email Heinz asking about the Mepron and Zith I am taking. He said that was okay.

Since then I have started Armour thyroid.

My AI report says to not take supplements. I am low in zinc and iron. And would like to take these supplements. Do you think it's okay? I've emailed Heinz, but I haven't heard back.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Thank you Lex- this is where it gets tricky in my case, as I don't have access to any decent practitioners where I live - too rural. Plenty of naturopaths, as it's quite an alternative area, but I've never found any that are any good.

Do you have any ideas for how to treat for parasites if one doesn't have access to someone who can help? My whole family is on the program too, which complicates things.

My oldest daughter is really struggling and I'm not sure if it is a good idea to continue. SHe has very unbalanced moods - always has and often violent raging outbursts. Since starting AI, she has had a huge increase in anxiety and depression and has been remembering traumas from her childhood that she had blocked. It seems like everything blows up every time she starts the drops, and she never quite gets back to normal again. She won't comply with any organ support of binders or anything.

I'm not sure how to help her through it since she won't do anything to help herself through - she's very unstable to the point that she won't be able to live at home anymore (not the first time tho) She also figured that she was good to go on gluten again after doing the first round and gluten does such a huge number on her brain - makes her crazy. Not really sure how to proceed - and can't imagine how I'd come up with a clear email to AI to ask advice.

I had such high hopes that AI would help her.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
It is difficult for Mr. Grundmeyer to email any lengthy responses and may not even be familiar with the names of some of the things people take - like Mepron (possibly).

If I had a complicated situation like Skiesmama, I would find someone who speaks German, write a list of questions and have them call on my behalf.

It would probably not be very easy for someone to remember the whole phone conversation so the important thing would be to record it so your German speaking friend could interpret it as many times as needed until you understand what he is saying.

Recording it would be key because if it is a long conversation, there is no way to jot everything down. Just a suggestion.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

The Zyto can be done at a distance if you have a hand cradle. It's great at pinpointing the emotions that are setting off the whole system and drops can be made to go along with the AI.

If patients are not compliant, there is nothing one can do. So many of my patients were noncompliant, I just had to let them go.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
I started my drops on 12/26 noon dose. I have sores under my tongue. Unusual. I use to frequently have many cancer sores, etc. when I was younger. Haven't had them in quite a long time. Maybe something is clearing??

My report showed no allergies to milk, grain, mold/fungi or industrial toxins. I was surprised by this. A few metals did show up -- nickel, copper and mercury.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
How much easier it all would be if we just regarded symptoms as messengers telling us that something that we don't need is being escorted out. I go to the supermarket, I feel woozy and while a part of me wants to run out and scream, I center myself and remind myself that the system is being flooded, that it's better than having everything being trapped so it can't get out. This too shall pass. I try to focus on other things like the moment at hand. This is a great opportunity to train the mind to put the reins on fear and worry. We let the drops do their work and just hold on giving the system the support it needs and just trust.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
If only I such a good attitude Lex. [Smile] If only we knew in fact that is why one feels ill at the time. It's guessing.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
The only one who can change our attitude is us. When we let our fears runs away with us, they drag us with them and we are reduced to victims.

There's a great movie: THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS with Will Smith -- it is so inspiring and think it has a message for us all.

Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
I think I know why I have sores under my tongue [Frown] -- I think it's the preservative (ascorbic acid) in the AI drops.

Anyone else have this problem?

I know Gigi puts them on her hand and licks them off. Since my mouth is so sore, I think I need to dilute them in water and gulp in down.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
For Gigi:

Several people said you were done with AI and had moved on to other things. I wanted to know if you still recommended AI?

Thanks. Lee
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Lee, of course she does. 95% of her posts recommend AI as the way out of Lyme Disease or at least a crucial start to removing toxic burden. I think it's fair to say she believes this therapy is one of the most important, if not the most. I'm sure she will chime in.

Lex, not knowing doesn't make me a victim. None of us can know with certainty why we feel ill at a given minute in time. Seriously. We can guess, some do ART testing, but nothing in our world is absolute but a few things that we know already.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lee, Yes, I have not changed my opinion about AI.
Seek is right.

The wind has sort of been taken out of my chimes. I am threatened with being banned by this place repeatedly and moderators altering my posts without my permission doesn't sit well with me.
Dr. K.'s name cannot be removed from the healing world of Lyme.

Take care.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Thanks for your reply, Gigi. I wlll set the record straight for those who weren't sure about you still recommending AI.

Happy New Year to all!

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
yes happy new year to all and a healthier one at that.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
A number of homeopaths recommend rubbing drops on wrists or putting on carotid artery. One homeopath once told me to just hold the bottle for a few moments. Why can't this work with the AI drops? It's worth a try if one is having trouble taking via the mouth.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I like your positive thoughts. AN energy healer recently told me to say my positive intents aloud and even if I did not believe them at the moment my mind and body would soon believe them.

So, now I am orally saying with gusto that I have enough energy to do my physical therapy exercises even while detoxing.

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I have pneumonia - combined with asthma that flares if I get a cough - otherwise I don't have symptoms. I'm on antibiotics for the first time in 10 years. Also a ventolin inhaler. Not sure if I will continue with the inhaler, as it doesn't seem to help. I just finished my 6th round and I came home and did a saliva sample before using the inhaler or the antibiotics. Hopefully timing-wise this won't delay things too much since I have to still ship off the samples, and wait for the drops to arrive.

Any ideas for helping pneumonia? I thought perhaps it was something AI related, but I'm not messing with pneumonia, especially since I live almost an hour from the hospital.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
My husband's pneumonia diagnosis from school medicine turned into the Lyme-common lungworm aka Varestrongylus klapowi as tested by Dr. K. He is being treated for it now by Dr. K. Symptoms from wheezing, tons of mucus, luckily no gut problems which others complain about, but had swallowing problems. Never tested for it prior to AI. Dr. K. mentions it in his writings, usually under the parasites in a number of the multiple page power point presentations I have posted.

Treat parasites - it is super important. They hold the the fungi, the metals, the bacteria and the viruses --- Babuschka Principle. See my post.

Skiesmama, see if you can find someone who muscle tests. It is so much easier. Just noticed that does AI in North Vancouver, BC. Check it out on AI website where they list all the practitioners who use the therapy in their practice.

Take care.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I'm responding immediately to the treatment tho - would someone with lungworm still respond to antibiotics? I can't believe how much better I feel already.

I'm very open to treating for parasites, but I was under the impression that I was better to wait until further along.

I'm not someone who turns to drug treatment often, but I couldn't breathe - I'm relieved that it's helping, and I'll happily address the parasites once I can breathe again.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
ACk - I'm really not feeling well - I'm sorry if that sounded snippy - reading it it does to me, but I didn't mean it to....
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Tammy, several rounds in I developed a lot of soreness in the under- tongue area and especially the inside of chin/lower lip area. I remember it being hard to bear for a while. I still get it from time to time, even though I'm not on the drops for the moment.

I have always taken the drops by licking them off my hand just as Gigi mentioned, but don't think this made a difference to the soreness in my case, which seemed more to do with an INternal reaction [to detox actions or indeed to illness].

Happy New Year everyone!

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Didn't sound snippy to me. I hope you find out what you have and that you feel better soon.

I have a lot of lung issues pop up. I think round 9 or 10 I started coughing up clear mucous. Still do on and off.

My doctor in WA thinks it could very well be biofilm being released and who knows what lives in that stuff.

Suzanne Sommers was told she had lung cancer and it turned out to be a fungus very common in CA.

A friend of mine recently had a lung lobe removed as they thought she had lung cancer. Turned out to be a fungus she picked up in AZ. They were able to pinpoint where the fungus came from but seems they are quick to misdiagnose.

Good to know the drops will help us recognize the fungi.

Lex - the drops could work that way though I always put them in a little water.

Two years ago when my first bottle arrived, they were frozen solid. I put them on my night stand to thaw overnight and being close to my head while sleeping, I felt them doing something.

May 2011 bring joy and good health to all.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
We are all entering the new frequency of a new year.
I am looking upon 2010 as a bag in which I dump all things useless and the sparkle that's left I take with me into 2011. May you all move forward with ease.
Posted by Lee (Member # 23768) on :
Parasites--How do you treat them? Although I have never tested positive for parasites medically or energetically I would like to know how to treat them if I need to.

Do people who have parasites tend to lose weight?

I have gained back all of the weight I lost when I had Lyme.

The vet for my dog says he just takes the Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Rid Worm Liquid that he uses on dogs--it is only good for roundworms, but he claims it is safe for humans. I don't know, though.

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Yes - I would really appreciate it if someone could even direct us to a good book or website where the info is up to date and accurate. I know there are many different methods and beliefs on what is the best and most effective method. ALso need to know how to approach the children - I've got 2 who swallow pills willingly, one who's too little still, one who can just barely, so one is fine, but more would likely kill her willingness, and one who has a pill swallowing phobia and won't take anything on a daily basis (the oldest - the phobia is trauma related, and I totally understand, but it makes it hard to help her)
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
I have treated parasites with the BioPure Gamma Rizole and then Zeta Rizole and then two days of Biltricide (prescription). This is what Dr.K. described in one of his slide presentations, and it energy tested fairly well following what he said. All this has helped, as has taking 1-2 drops of cumin seed oil per day, and an herbal called "Debile" from Dr. Chi's remedies.

The thing that has helped the most, though, is avoiding foods with onions, garlic, and mustard. According to Hulda Clark, these foods have substances that feed the parasites.
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
Question about delivery these days. I've been waiting about 3-3.5 weeks for my latest drops. It's normally about 2 weeks. I'm kind of guessing it's just holiday related, but was wondering if others were experiencing the same thing, which would help me confirm it's not something specific to me.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
It mght be the holidays, although I did have one round that either was never mailed or got lost and they had to resend it. You could e-mail and ask. Keep the English simple and use google translate to also put it in German. Give your PSP #, too. That number is on the info they send with the bottle or on the plastic bag the bottle is in.

Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Ok, my mouth is RAW RAW RAW. It started with sores under the tongue. Now I have them all along my upper gum line, and also a good portion of my bottom gum line. Tip of tongue is also sore. Each day I am taking the drops, and each day it is getting worse and worse.

Does anyone have any idea what this is about? Anything I can do to help myself through this?

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Does it look like herpes virus cold sores? (You can google image if you don't know) My girls recently had an outbreak of these, and I wondered if it was AI related. I know that usually the sores are on the outside of the mouth, but I guess it's common for the first case to be inside.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
I am not sure if they are canker sores or herpes sores. They are only on the inside of my mouth. It's gotten very painful. Last night I didn't even take my drops. [Could this be a reaction to the preservatives or other ingredients in the drops??? I'm wondering. I'm also wondering if I'm developing sores in my GI tract??]

I use to get these types of sores frequently in my mouth. Haven't had them for many years (thankfully!). I don't mind if my body is "clearing" them; then it would be worth the misery. But I hope this didn't re-open a chapter where they start visiting me again.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Can I take the drops transdermally - just put them on my arm?

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I'm quite sure I've read about people putting them on their skin - you could email AI and ask. Have you tried googling under images to see if you can tell which it is? I did - it was gross, but it made it really clear which it was. They look quite different.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Oh - I meant to say that I doubt you are reacting the the actual drops. People have some pretty intense reactions to the drops at times - I'd be more likely to think that your body is reacting to some of the new information it just received.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Gigi are you planning on going to Dr. K's February seminar in NYC? Please message me privately anyone who plans to go so we can hook up.

I took my first CORE cap. this morning and boy did I feel it.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Can you explain what you mean by "I took my first CORE cap. this morning and boy did I feel it."

How would minerals make you feel bad?

Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Thanks skiesmama. I think you are probably right.

If anyone does go to Dr. K's seminar and will be in town, I'd love to hook up also. Would be so nice to have a meal or a cup of tea together.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :

One of my daughters also felt the fallout from one Core pill last week. I believe this is a result of metals being displaced by the minerals in the Core.

Heavy metals bind easily to sites in our bodies that these minerals should have bound to. When minerals are taken, they swap places with these metals, causing the metals to dislodge and float around our bodies looking for a way out.

When detox organs are blocked for whatever reason, metals are sometimes recycled and cause inflammation reactions in various spots all over the body, hence the expression "boy did I feel it."

Have you taken a Core since that first time? Any different reactions?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I only took the one CORE, Hiker. I have to test myself on the EDS machine to see if indeed I should be taking it. And if so, correct dose.

Even when I started taking the MicroMinerals BioPure
I felt more detox reactions. So, the strategy is to go down on the dose and slowly ramp up.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
just got this note from HG

i suspect not Borrelia. Rather, there are many regulatory disorders. I can measure not Borrelia.
The drops are on the road.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Has anyone noticed their sleep disturbed after going on drops?
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
I just read about the rubbing the AI on the wrists or body. I wonder... I do think AI is NOT homeopathic for the sole reason that you can mix it to juices and it still works.

In homeopathy, that wouldn't work.

I rub homeopathic solutions when I want them to reach some region of the body that I find is not being well reached only with 'ingestion'.

I don't know if AI would work this way (rubbed), but somehow have the feeling that it wouldn't. I feel we actually need ingestion.

My daughter is not allergic to KIWI anymore!!! First time since a loong time!!

She got one infection, but it went away with little treatment. She didn't catch any nasty colds or the flu the last months. I do feel her immune system is stronger than last year!!

The last 2 years she relapsed from lyme in January 2009 and 2010. I'm crossing fingers that this year she won't.

I could treat her preventatively, with photons and homeopathy, but I won't. I want to know if her immune system can cope with winter. Her only treatment is AI and Vit D3 supplementation.

As for kids taking pills, my daughter doesn't take any. I just smash anything then add water or honey. I test before to see if honey is fine or not. Sometimes I mix with agave.

She's taken andrographis, and very bitter and awful things by mouth like that since she was 1 year old, when she first caught lyme.

She always took them, even in tears, but swallowed whatever I gave her crushed.

One way to help is to swallow with nostrils closed, as without breathing, there's no taste. Before opening the nostrils, take water, then release the nose. The taste is considerably reduced.

good luck!
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
My nighttime sleep is much better while on the drops.
It gets worse when I am waiting for the next round.

I cannot nap well whilst on the drops, however. I have to rest during the day, and sometimes I fall asleep for 2-3 minutes and wake abruptly.

Totally different story when I am off drops. Can take nice long naps.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Ever since I started the drops, I can feel like I'm made of lead and then suddenly I have energy.

I just got the 8th round but have not received any graphs since the first round. Have any of you been getting colored graphs?
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
BRussels - I wish my kids were that cooperative [Wink] 3 can swallow pills tho. I find that with so many of us I tend to forget in the busy day to day life to give them anything.

We've had weird sleep too, but we've had weird sleep all along - none of my kids have slept well. USually I give them melatonin - lately tho it's not helping my 8 year old. He's often still awake at midnight. I'm assuming that any upheaval will be a good thing in the long run tho.
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Those going to the Dr. K Seminar...Dr. K will be giving a special talk in NYC Sat 2/12 at 7pm, to the lyme community "Healing from Late Stage Lyme Disease without the use of Antibiotics"...hope the NY Area lyme community will come out for it! Open to non seminar Patients and Practitioners as well!
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi Lex, I haven't gotten the colored graphs since the first time. I just keep getting the repeat of the worm/apple letter. It includes the new number of dysregulations in it.

Congrats on #8; I'm going for #9 !! It's a bit rugged right now with joint/spine pain and fatigue. Am exploring ART practitioners and possible parasite treatment.

Best to all,


P.S. Happy 2011!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, no, there are no graphs until the last testing. Even at that point, the work of adjusting the different graphs is barely starting. So they won't all be in the green. The body starts to having its work cut out once the corrections in the DNA are made. And that is the time changes will be happening. Until then AI only reports the number of blockages, errors, etc. that they still find as they move through all the columns of the different body systems.

Some day I will go there and watch it being done!

No, I am not going to New York for the seminar.

Brussels, right, AI I is not related to homeopathy in any way. It is simply correcting the existing electromagnetic errors in the DNA that have snuck in over time.

Often what appears to be an infection can be the
surfacing of old remains of an event or illness that are clearing when doing the drops. Usually this type does not last longer than 3-4 days. I heard of people reliving a kidney infection - the memory thereof - that felt very real without any actual biochemical evidence.

The memory of Lyme engraved in the DNA is a very potent one and can feel very real. But it isn't. Spending hours on Lymenet therefore is not a healthy idea and it takes time to be free of that. The remaining neurotoxins need to clear even if the infection is long gone.

Take your binders, binders, binders. Change from one to the other - not the same all the time. And avoid getting constipated by the binders - take some tea or mild softener. When the metals start flowing, parasites can become an issue. We test energetically - and treat. Only if it seems to be a longstanding hefty bug do we do a parasite test. We are doing one now and waiting for results for my husband. We know it is an old problem and a longstanding one that never really surfaced as strong until the metals started to flow. The treatment is not difficult at all, because so much of what really can bother people is out of the way already --- the toxic burden is usually the metals and chemicals and for that you need to really concentrate on binders all day long and at bedtime. Be sure to pay attention to liver and kidney support and lymphatic drainage, etc. These create the discomfort if you are not paying attention.

A wonderful New Year to all of you!

P.S. Smoothies for hiding the stuff for kids are ideal. Take a look at the Klinghardt cocktails. I make them daily for my husband -- with everything in it but the kitchen sink and they test fabulously. I always include Phospholipids to carry the agents where they are needed! Google and check out some of the cocktail recipes that are in many of the Klinghardt power points I have posted.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I thought this was the best place to pop in and ask about allergies. I was reading this power point of Dr. K's -

In it he mentions "HPU disarms the immune system by catastrophic depletion of zinc, manganese, arachidonic acid, histamin, taurine."

I just had a really bad reaction to fish. I have been becoming increasingly allergic to it. My DO just prescribed me an epi pen and recommended some antihistamine herbs. He also thinks I should go through an allergy treatment (it's all natural).

Anyway, I found it interesting that Dr. K says that histamine is depleted by HPU. I wonder if that's why my fish allergy seems to be increasing? Maybe it's just my response is increasing because more histamine is available?

At any rate, is allergie immun right for this type of treatment? I'm still testing negative for Lyme, bart, and babesia. I do test positive for heavy metals and fungi (not candida, but I did have mold exposure).

Thanks for your help.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Hi Six - I don't have answers for you because I am a newbie to AI myself. I hope you get answers that will guide you to your solutions. Best to you.

A few questions I have for those familiar with AI:

- If I cannot continue with 3 doses per day for the 2 weeks.... whatever is left undone will it be corrected with the next set of drops? The growing number of sores in my mouth and along my tongue are very close to intolerable (and I'm not a wimp). I'm just about at my max. The 3 doses I took today were just one drop each. The pain that followed shortly after each dose is hard to believe. The power in these drops is amazing! I am doing my best to hang in there. I don't want to short change myself on this treatment that's why I am curious to know if corrections will be made with future drops.

- Can I have acupuncture done while on the drops? I remember reading somewhere not to have energy work done. Thought I'd double check.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Tammy, see my post on the other thread about your inability to sweat. As long as you whisper the info to your DNA, and what you have already taken, will work. Whatever is still blocking will show up in the next test.

I hope you are not taking any killing agents or any other mobilizers at the same time. That is not allowed, especially not on the first bottle when all the major dysregulations are addressed.

See my other post and suggestions to remove the fallout toxins. That is what they are. You are releasing it and you feel it.

Do not do acupuncture - in fact I do not like them at all while heavy metal toxic and the releasing still a problem, or overload still a problem -- acupuncture will move the toxins around, not necessarily out, and you don't want that right now. Your body is working overtime right now - no need to add more of any form that will mobilize more. There is a huge difference between mobilizing toxins and removing them from the body. You only want to remove them now, but not mobilize more creating a flood......
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Gigi - Unfortunately I am taking killing agents -- Mepron and Zith. I asked Heinz and he said I did not need to stop. This was a tough decision for me. I wanted to do AI alone, but I had recently started Mepron because babs had never been addressed and my LLMD thought it was an important next step.... my iron was very low, so I knew it was draining me. I don't like meds but I have to say I felt better right away after starting this med. I never had a herx or any depression, I just felt better and more energized.

I wish wish wish I had started AI first, then I would have somehow put off the meds. Since I started the meds first, I don't want to undertreat, and possibly create a more virilant resistant strain of babs. My goal is to be done with meds. I've never been afraid of stopping. But because of how stubborn babs is suppose to be, I wondering if it's too risky to stop now.

btw - I did skip my meds yesterday because I was experiencing what I thought was kidney pain (I don't know if it was from jumping on the rebounder or if too much stuff is flowing in my system).

Maybe a good compromise is to stay off the meds until I am finished with this round of drops (sun. or mon.... I have to check my calendar).

If you have any thoughts you could share, please let me know.

Thanks so much, Tammy
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Tammy - I started having lower back pain that I associated with kidneys when I started AI - it was quite a problem for several months - I kept thinking it was lower back issues instead possibly, but then it just stopped. Gone. ACtually now that I think about it I think it might be since I started using the pekana products occasionally. Hadn't made that connection actually. I'm realizing that it wasn't a good idea to slack off on the binders and organ support - I've had a wicked flare up of asthma with a virus I got recently, and I'm convinced it's because my body is overloaded with the detox. I'm finally getting better now that I'm giving my body that attention it was literally gasping for.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Skiesmama - thanks for your reply. What type of binders and organ support do you use?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
has anyone experienced excessive vaginal discharge?
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Tammy - I use the biopure chlorella, and sometimes charcoal at night. I've been using the Pekana products - I use the liver, kidney, and lympathic ones - test them individually. Not everyday tho.

And Lex - *yes* and probably tmi - but odd odours too.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Has anyone's thyroid been bouncing around while on AI?
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi Lex -- my thyroid appears to hold steady on bloodwork, but I'm now coming out positive on the ANA and Sjogren's. That's explains my pain, but I don't think those results will necessarily stay the same. At least, I hope it will keep changing with AI changes!

Also, vaginal discharge gets interesting depending on how much probiotics I consume....
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lex - I had thyroid testing a few months ago. The results made no sense to ANYONE who looked at them.

Lots of lymph flowing through that area (or not - for me). Metals also like to sit on the thyroid.

Thyroid gland was checked off as blocked for me on original AI test results. I suspect it might be trying to figure out how to work correctly again.
Posted by tricia386 (Member # 29623) on :
Okay, I am new to all of this ...what is Allergie Immune?
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Any comments about my previous post? (Thanks, Tammy, for your comment)
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Six, Why not go ahead and get the test done? If you are still testing for fungi I'm guessing you might have several checked on your results, meaning that your body is unable to recognize and deal with them.

My initial results showed I had several and they easily multiply with any EMF exposure if your body literally doesn't know what fungi is.

We can take all kinds of precautions to protect ourselves from EMF exposure, but if we don't know mold from from a petunia at a DNA level - there is the problem. We just stash it away.

We also produce it at a quick rate to protect ourselves from heavy metals. Often those metals are not recognized either.

If you were able to handle fish in the past and are now reacting - still some chaos going on - dysregulations. This is what AI is all about.

Hope that is helpful.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Just a thought--

Maybe the fish contained mercury, and maybe your body has an allergy to mercury.

I think that is why I developed a mouth full of cancer sores after just 2 days on the drops. I did a hair analysis and I am in the 95th percentile for mercury. When I received my AI report, it showed an allergy to mercury. I still have 3 amalgams left. I think that is why I had such a strong reaction to the drops.

As soon as my mouth sores heal I am having the amalgams removed.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
As far as I know, nearly everyone here has mercury and other heavy metals marked on their initial AI report, which is to be expected with Lyme because of its multi-factorial nature.

With energetic testing, although mercury has always showed as a problem, fish has never done so, despite its likely contamination, so metals may not be the whole or main reason for the intolerance.

I really sympathise with your desire to get those amalgams out, Tammy, but wonder if you may stir up a hornet's nest if you do so too early, especially if you are still thinking of starting some KPU components too:

Having the amalgams out is a whole big thing to handle on its own, even with only 3 remaining and can escalate into bigger candida problems afterwards. I don't think active chelation is recommended whilst on the drops, only binding, as AI itself seems to trigger metal release for most people.

I do hope your sores heal up soon,

Best Wishes,

Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Thank you for the suggestions. It wasn't the mercury, it was the fish. I've been reacting to shellfish since before I got sick (er) with Lyme about 8 years ago. As is "normal" for this type of reaction, it has gotten worse over the years, but isn't new.

This was definitely an anaphylactic reaction this time, which is relatively common to fish/shellfish. If it were a toxicity type reaction, I'd agree with it possibly being mercury. This time seemed to be to trout, but there was a special on shrimp that night, so it could have been contaminated by the shellfish. Now I get to carry an epi pen.

I was tested months ago, and it was *only* fungus and heavy metals. I say only because it sure beats earlier when I tested for all kinds of infections.

It's good to know that AI might help with all these, thanks, that's what I was wondering. [Smile] I still wouldn't actually eat shellfish again to test it since it was an anaphylactic reaction, but I thought after I used AI I could go to an allergist to see if I'm still allergic, and if so, what exactly can't I eat?

My DO wanted me to do an "allergy desensitization" protocol and he offers two of them, so I wanted to be sure AI did what he claims these can do.

I'm planning on ordering, I am waiting for my husband to call the credit card company to tell them we're ordering from overseas. They always turn those down and then decline our card for everything. He has to call because it's in his name.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
To anyone who is thinking about AI -----Please take the time and read portions and as much as you can of the website. Please also read the orange links. It explains everything. Sometimes the Google translation is a little wobbly, but that should not stop anyone from trying to undersand the therapy before getting into it.|en&u=

Allergie Immun is not a desensitization therapy as it is known in school medicine. Information medicine (Energy Medicine) vs. Biochemical Medicine.

There is a list of practitioners and doctors on the website who support patients who do the therapy in Europe and also more recently some in the US. It was practically not known here until I became aware of it through a German doctor friend and started to spread the news here. By now our extended family is on the program. Many dysregulations are passed on to our children and their children. All my grandchildren have the allergies of our children, etc. etc. One side of the family may be stronger than the other. I had no grain problem, but my husband did and most grandchildren have more. The same with the miasms.

Do some reading and become informed.

Take care and good luck to all who are still hitting the little "informed water" bottles!
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I understand it is different than what my DO/naturopath is offering, that is why I was asking. I did read their English website. I was wondering if it would accomplish what my doctor wanted to attempt to accomplish in a different manner. My doctor's therapies aren't resonating with me at all .... if that makes sense.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Not sure I know much if anything about the desensitization protocols, but for me..... I would rather correct the error that told my body that certain leaves growing in my yard are poison, than to become less sensitive to them. Seems like a temporary fix.

The miasms in particular were something I wanted to take care of. No sense carrying around the memory of great, great grandma's TB when it's her memory and not mine (example).

Sometimes the drops have to take care of a whole shopping cart full of other problems before it reaches the one that is most noticeable to us.

Makes perfect sense not to do something if it doesn't resonate with you.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
well said NanaDubo ...

Sometimes the drops have to take care of a whole shopping cart full of other problems before it reaches the one that is most noticeable to us.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Thanks, Nanadubo, that is what I was wondering. That makes sense and is what I was thinking it might do.

My mom had polio as a child .... interesting on the miasms.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Can chia seeds be used as a binder? I think I remember somebody saying that flax seeds are good for that too. Or not? Anyone?
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I use Garden of Life Super Seed for fiber and both flax and chia seeds are ingredients.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
On Round 9 and my MCS is back with a vengeance. Anyone experience this?
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Maybe your liver is struggling? Maybe start with paying extra attention to organ support?
Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Six, sometimes fish allergie is really a parasite issue. Get ART tested and see. With all you have been through, you should really finish up with the AI! Only my suggestion. but I believe you will benefit big time. There is only to gain with this.
best to all
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, I had brief moments in between many bottles to where I got some of the odors that "normal" people don't get. You are detoxing chemicals by the hundreds and I think that is all very normal.
It's all part of the road you are on. When it happens to me, I try not to internalize or even worry - because I know that the only way to get rid of it is to bring them to the surface to be resolved and forgotten.

Many dysregulations/allergies have an emotional origin. Someday I will remember the other 3 of the four types of allergies and post them.

Happy Sunday!
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Thanks, lightparfait. I no longer have parasites. [Smile]

BUT, sometimes it's an allergy TO parasites in the FISH. I thought of that.

I talked to my daughter who used to work in this restaurant. They had a special on a breaded shrimp that night, and my fish was breaded. It sounds like a cross-contamination issue, so truly the shellfish allergy, though it was still my worst reaction to date, but I'm glad to know it's still *just* shellfish.

I am planning on doing the AI. [Smile]
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Quick question -- Since there were days I could not come close to handling the full dose.... some days I just did 2 doses (one drop each)..... should I extend beyond the 2 weeks and continue for a few more days?

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
With 7 of us taking drops, we often miss doses - i just add extra doses at the end to make up for it.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wiser - Yes! I remember last year driving somewhere and all I could smell was hair perm chemicals. No beauty parlor in my back seat! Figured I was getting rid of chemicals put on my head from years past.

Also spend the better part of a day telling my family every few hours that I smelled gasoline. No one else smelled it.

Made me wonder as when Dr. A D saw an old hair test of mine, she asked if I used to pump leaded gas for a living! [Eek!]
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Another question -- I'm struggling with whether to take Mepron/Zith or not while on the drops. Before starting the drops, I checked with Germany and they said yes, antibiotics can be continued. They also said yes to supplements. [Even though they said yes, I think it's best to keep everything at a minimum because the body is going through a lot. I think it's an easier time to just do the drops, binders and maybe some probiotics.]

All that being said....after the first week being on the drops, I stopped the Mepron/Zith and supplements to see if it would help with the crazy reaction I was having in my mouth (multiple sores), plus I was having some kidney pain. Almost immediately after stopping I had a resurgence of symptoms, mostly neuropathy. I continued to stay off for the week (until finished with drops).

My neuropathy is off the charts. I am 'plugged in', humming, buzzing, numb, tingling, etc all the time. These symptoms were quiet on the meds (for which I was immensely grateful). Right now I feel that it is more than I can handle. I know suppression of symptoms is not ideal, but sometimes you just need relief.

I was planning to go back on the meds today or tomorrow. I felt that I was making headway with these meds (more energy and relief of symptoms) and do not want to create a resistant strain of babs. I have been on for about 7 weeks and was hoping I would be "done" within a few months. I realize this decision is mine. But I wanted to ask your opinions as well.

Also, is anyone else on meds while doing drops?

Thanks so much,
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
I thought I'd give an update.....

I had a major clearing in my mouth. All sores are just about completely gone! This feels very exciting to me. When I first broke out in all of the painful sores... along all gum lines, under the tongue and along the front edge of tongue.... I was worried thinking 'oh my, what have I started?' ( There was a total of about 25+ sores.) It was incredibly painful (especially the tongue!) and worrisome. Well, now they have healed, and I am so happy to know something major has cleared within me.

I am really surprised at the power in these drops. Sometimes I could only handle one drop, and would still feel a strong reaction. If I were to guess, I'm thinking it may have been a 'correction' with mercury. But, who knows, whatever it was, it was a MAJOR.

So glad this episode is behind me. Being able to eat again normally makes me so much happier.
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Glad to hear the good report Tammy.

Why do you have to "guess?" I thought each round of drops was is identified as to what it's supposed to correct, no?
Posted by momlyme (Member # 27775) on :
I am so happy for you Tammy!

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Chaps, yes and no. The first round of drops covers a LOT. If you have reactions, it is difficult to narrow it down.

Subsequent rounds can come with a short list, for example: 6 energetic blockages, 8 chemicals, 2 biological substances etc (depending on what he finds).

If someone had a "silent" wheat allergy their whole life, their intestines are likely a mess and it takes quite a while for that to heal. So, sometimes it's hard to tell exactly what is going on other than that strong corrections are taking place.

Tammy, I think you are right about the mercury. That's why I suggested rinsing with pulverized chlorella and water. If it was chemicals, I imagine it would have helped with that as well.

So glad the sores are gone!!
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
That whole thing with the sores sounds like a scary experience.

Sores in the mouth usually stem from viruses, which suggests that these drops may have somehow activated a virus or counter-acted viral antibodies?

Can anyone offer a possible explanation for these sores?
Posted by trishc (Member # 28731) on :
Can you help me. I have tried to order the test and I am sure I am doing something wrong as I can read the information in english but when I go to complete the form and submitted it the response came back in german to my email. so I am not sure what to do. The form i was to complete wouldn't let me pick the us for the country and didnt ask for a state either. Any help you can give me as to what i am doing wrong is appreciated. thanks.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
trishc - I don't really remember the payment process but just went to the site. Did you go to "English Version" and then click "order now"?

It should automatically go to paypal.

Copy the email response you got and paste in at - it will give a translation, although rough.

Maybe it will give you more info.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Great news about the sores, Tammy!

Posted by trishc (Member # 28731) on :
Thanks, will the results come back in english? I just kept getting redirected to the german site and all correspondence to my email has been in german.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Trishc--when you send the test in send a short note in German (use google translate) that you would like the results in English.

They now also have a credit card option, not just pay pal.

Posted by aMomWithHope (Member # 19255) on :
Wow, I've actually FINALLY gotten through this 44-page thread and proud to say I've read every word--phew!

I still have to visit and view/read all the links added in certain posts, but otherwise I feel I have a very good understanding of AI and what to expect.

I do have a question though that I kept hoping to stumble upon, but it surprisingly never came up--unless I missed it.

So, my question is: Am I the only one concerned about what AI is actually doing to the DNA at the DNA level, i.e., how does one truly know if it is "messing" up our code rather than just fixing it? I know there is praise galore for the AI doctor, but the product is still man-made thus open to man-made errors. Not trying to be negative, just want to get info........

I am hesitant to try this on my child because I'm not quite sure how this is working on the DNA level. I don't want to be changing her DNA in a possible negative manner that doesn't present itself until a later time in life. Or, is this not something that is a need for worry?

I'm probably not understanding AI as fully as I believe I do, or maybe this question has been answered but on the German website (which I will be reading and researching too)?

I appreciate input from those who've researched this, have used it without worry, and found it risk free (as well as those who've had opposite reactions)--want both opinions--

Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Thanks, friends, for your kind replies. As quickly as the sores came, they went. (With good riddance!!)

chaps - it's hard to say what it actually was from. Mouth sores can be viral, from chemical/toxin exposure, stress or an immune issue.

Some recent awarenesses have come to mind..... Many years ago I use to get cancer sores all the time. Usually several at once, frequently. And I remember a particularly stressful and challenging time in my life (about age 20) when I was going through an extremely trying time (physical, emotional, relationship, family, financial, etc. etc.) At this time I remember a mouthful of sores, worse than I had had previously. And recalling it now, I realize I never really felt good since then (and had suffered episodes of severe decline since then).

I'm wondering if the clearing I just had has any relation to this period in my life. I also wish I had my dental records from all those years ago. I wonder if amalgams were the catalyst to my downfall. I did show an 'alergy' to mercury on my AI report, and I have very elevated mercury according to a recent hair analysis.

While I was on the drops I also had significant kidney pain. Clearly things were circulating in my body and I was concerned because I was continuing Mepron/Zith (Germany had said was ok). I stopped meds temporarily for relief and because I was afraid of causing myself harm. Well, I just realized today, back when I was having that most challenging time in my life, I had a terrible kidney infection. Then subsequently developed an allergy to the med and ended up in quarantine for 6 days because my wbc went down to nothing.

Now it's got me thinking that this clearing perhaps relates to this past episode in my life. All very interesting stuff.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Sounds like you hit the jackpot Tammy.

I had several energetic blockages from traumas experienced in life (#9.1 on the test results) and some he calls "energetic relics or burdens inherited from parents, grandparents etc." (#9.2)

These definitely come up and since they can have a huge impact on our health - its wonderful to know they can be cleared.
Posted by momlyme (Member # 27775) on :
Wow - aMomWithHope you read all of this thread and you came up with the same question I have... you saved me a ton of time!

I have the same concerns as you!

I don't want to try something out on my son unless I know what it does. You voiced my concern and I am so grateful to you for that! And for doing the reading and letting me know that the answer does not lie in those pages somewhere!

I wish there was a search function of just this thread!

It does sound pretty cool, though. I am quite interested.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Early in this thread, the person who originated it posted a link that allows you to read the entire AI thread in English, including everything hi-lighted, underlined, as well as their forum etc.

I believe it was first translated from German to Italian and then English so it can be a little rough going but has a LOT of information.

I think if you read it, there will be a better understanding of correcting chaotic, electromagnetic errors that have caused us to perceive/receive information incorrectly. This can impact the way cells communicate with each other (or do not) and every system in the body eventually is affected.

I don't pretend to be able to give a thorough explanation but can say that every time I have read there, it all makes sense to me.

I think Gigi has also posted a link more recently.

There is also a list of practitioners (most are in Europe) but you could find one that speaks English, request a phone appointment and see if your questions can be answered by them.

Here is a tiny portion from something I read there. You can see what I mean when I say the translation is a little rough but you can easily get the idea.

Who accepts allergies, evade them in the long run only, or by force (chemical) is suppressed, has sometimes no protection against the worst chronic diseases and is also all infections - the most is the alarming experience of ALLERGY IMMUN, with over 80% of all people now suffer and die from "chronic" diseases!

This allergy is no disease per se, but rather the result of regulatory failures (cause). Only the result of allergies (Greek: the foreign reaction) we call general disease (effect).

Hope this is helpful. Now I have to go shovel a few more feet of snow!
Posted by aMomWithHope (Member # 19255) on :

Thank you for your support in my concern.

AI does sound very interesting and promising, and I would love to start it with my child as well as myself; however, I feel my concern is a big one.

Since I don't speak German and the answer to my question wasn't in this thread, it seems like I will now have to go over and spend a good amount of time reading everything on the German translated website. I planned on doing that anyway but was hoping one of the experienced AI users would know this answer.

My child is currently still on abx, so I'll have to wait to start her on it. Depending on what I can uncover on the German website, I'm hoping to start her on it come spring (when I hope to take her off abx).

I hope AI has the answer on their website.

I'll keep you posted if/when I find out more.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Does anyone know if shiatsu is ok during AI?
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Not for regular treatments - just one or 2.
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
Do you have an email? I notcied your PM box is turned off (don't blame ya)
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
One more question...

Is AI contraindicated for all cases of diabetes? The cases I'm thinking of are children - so Type 1.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Phospholipid Exchange -- I took a few doses of it and had such a violent reaction -- heavy metals flooding my brain, dizziness galore. Micro silica also screws up my brain.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Lex, I had the same reaction with one dose of PE. Nausea, dizziness, general feeling that all is not well. Will wait a few months and try again.

Question to all:
I was reading over some of DK's material and saw a reference for using Alginate as a binder.

Found this product after a quick search:

As my binder options are limited, I thought that Alginate might fit well into the rotation. Does any one out there use this stuff?

Posted by TS96 (Member # 14048) on :
I'm not on AI, but I have taken Algin by Nature Sunshine. For me it was very constipating as all the binders are.

My binder options are limited as well.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Can't give you a lecture on DNA. Look at the effects of mercury as I just posted, and you will see why we are messing with the blueprint of our DNA. I don't think you can build a house with a flawed blueprint. Some we inherited, and as Nana wrote, why would we want to live with the burden of our ancestors, who probably had to put up with the burden of their forefathers.

My grandchildren have the imprint of the Plague that happened some 500 years ago caused by rats. I certainly was happy when that was corrected. I love their blue eyes and brown eyes and their talents, but love to see the bad imprints corrected.

I did not show any miasms in my test, but my husband had some. I am glad that my children agreed to do AI, mostly for the sake of their children. There is cancer on one side of the family. I talked enough to HG to understand that it is a good idea to free the children of these wheat and grain allergies. Hardly any child today is born without them, and certainly not without dysregulations in that they can't handle the toxic environmental metals and chemicals.
Blocked Enzyme production: I think most of the people who took the AI test, the first 16 page report, cam up with this problem. How far are we going to go with a blockage in the enzyme production. We need thousands of them to function.

By all means, if you have doubts, don't get into any therapy that you do not understand. I searched the AI website for "DNA" and a bunch of articles came up. Please do read them.

Sorry it is in German - but that is the language of the land and its people. But it is well worth the extra effort if we want to understand. I sat for weeks reading and still go back to learn more.

All I can tell you - it works and it worked for me and is still working for me way beyond expectations. I am getting rid of accumulated toxic metals and chemicals - none of which happened to this extent before AI. I cleared Lyme many years ago, but I knew that I was still dealing with some residuals.

Please note that any effects are slowly, slowly coming. The drops only turn the switch of the system into the right direction, correcing polarities, then the body has the correct information in the form of electromagnetic imprints to start working again. How much damage has to be undone, who knows, and it will take a while. If you have taken antibiotics and pharmaceuticals for a long time, it takes a long time to dig up what should not have been there in the first place.

That is why AI recommend to take abx only in actute situations, and we all know by now what all the fillers do and what creates the biofilm and hiding places for the pathogens/metals/ and more.

But when you get through making the corrections and the wires are reconnecting, the immune system will be able to do its thing. Just be patient and remember that it took probably years
before you hung out the sign "out of order" and it will take some time to get the train back on track. HG talks about the blocked autobahn forcing detours, etc.

One thing he said to me for a while: Even the memory of the Lyme event is imprinted in the DNA -only the memory causing blockages. Energy follows the thought. Thought first, then energy.

Hope and wish all are getting better.

It's past my bedtime. Will come back tomorrow.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Phospholipid Exchange is a strong stuff. It knocked me down quite a few times. I wouldn't take this WITH AI, unless AI changed me only a bit.

PE is not something to play around as the KPU is NOT something to play around. These are strong stuff that move heavy metals around considerably.
If my memory is good, I was EATING chlorella and binders to keep functioning during the PE trial.

Cilantro does little for me in comparison to PE or the KPU. After months on PE, I could handle it without many reactions. But the first doses felt like a tsunami!!

Gigi, how do you discover imprints of plague today? You mean, they test as having the plague in dormant form (with the plague nosode)?

That still makes sense though... I see TB (tuberculosis) all over, even though people don't feel sick with TB, but they do test for TB strains!!

When you talk about the plague, I am almost sure I had plague positive at one point of my lyme treatment. My ancestors though were from Japan. I wonder if plague reached Japan too or if I�'caught' that while I lived in Europe somehow??


My daughter is so much better in eating habits and her immune system is much stronger than before AI. And she's also growing more than usual. I feel that clearing some blockages just helped her digest foods much better and she is just growing (?). Does that make sense?

If that is correct, this is an amazing and surprising change that I would never expect from any treatment!!

Thank you for insisting on the AI!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
The first time I did mircrosilica and PE together with a little lemon juice it knocked me for a loop.

I was on my way from Gigi's to the airport and wasn't sure I'd make it without a stop off at the ER!

That was over a year ago. I waited a few months and rounds of AI and neither of them presented a problem anymore.

My doc in WA has suggested and ART tested me to take PE by the teaspoon full with our without mircrosilica - which ever way I test with the biotensor. I have no problem at all with it any more but I have also gotten rid of some mercury since then.

Both substances may be something you want to go slow with - and get some guidance.

Great news about your daughter Brussels! It IS an amazing therapy.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Thanks fellow travelers for feedback on PE and Mic. Silica -- I really thought I was done for after taking PE. What did help me get back on track was a coffee enema.

A chiropractor who consults for Apex told me that when one has auto immune diseases, herbs can be a kiss of death. I stopped the herbals I was on for parasites and am going to ask my MD to give me a perscription for flagyl. The chiro. said such people do better with a drug.

Dr. K. also says that when one has Hashi's, not to take the natural T3/T4 -- that synthroid works better. Because the immune system regards the natural stuff as an invader and starts the fight.
Whereas it ignores the synthroid and the drug can go right to work.

My thyroid blood labs showed a great improvement. My RT3 was 657 and it's now 357 High normal is 350. Hashi's didn't register. T4 was a bit high.
I am trusting that the AI drops are the reason.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
After the PE (I took three teaspoons in three days) was about ready to dial 911 and I actually at times thought I was dying.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
OH my God.

3 teaspoons Phospholipid Exchange in 3 consecutive days?? You're a hero.

Good you didn't die!!! ER wouldn't have a hint on what to do with you, so good you didn't call 911!!

I hope the AI helps on those heavy metal sensitivities and that detox goes smoothly.

My daughter today was blocked (blocked regulation). I was wondering why and she tested for chlorella, meaning, something is on the loose. She's on round 3 or 4 of AI (I can't remember) and NOW releasing heavy metals!!?

Apart from AI, I can't see any reason for her to need chlorella now... It's been months we're not taking it. Good to know her body is releasing heavy metals without the help of anything else than AI.

I'm a bit nervous as the last 2 weeks of January is the time she relapsed from lyme in 2009 and 2010. Looked like clockwork!!!

It's mid winter, that is when she relapses. I'm not giving her any extra treatment except for the Vit D3 and AI.

If she doesn't relapse, I think I will HAVE to try AI myself!!
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Anyone have a good remedy for motion sickness?

Drops are bringing this out in 3 family members.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
You probably need to support your detox better. I remember it being mentioned by Dr. K. - here it is
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Good article. Thanks Gigi.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :

I would like to have my 3 amalgams out as soon as possible (I feel a deep urging within to get this done asap). The dentist I found removes fillings in the safest way, with oxygen mask and ventilators, full dam covering the mouth, etc.

I just finished Round 1 of the drops. With the reaction I received (many sores in mouth), my guess is that I had a correction to mercury.

Is there any reason (while early with AI) that I should wait?

I was going to have the blood test done this week to check my chemical bio-compatibility with the dental composite materials that are available. This way the dentist can pick the composite that I am least reactive to. The only thing I'm wondering is if these test results will differ as AI continues. But I don't want to put this test off. If anything, I'm hoping with AI, I will become less reactive to these chemical things. Does that sound right?

Posted by lightparfait (Member # 22022) on :
Hi all...LP checking in again.

New symptoms cropping up. both My daughter and I are having heaviness in the chest and odd back pains in the center of our back behind lung area. Drove to see her 4 hrs yesterday and back because she was scared.

She is having some breathing heaviness and actually went to the hospital as she was scared with shooting pains in her lungs. (they found nothing with all their tests, xrays, etc) Physical therapist saw muscle spasms in her back behind the lung.

I am having heart palpitations and pains in my chest...all the time now, for over a month, wondering if it is heart related? Plaque build up? Never had any heart or cholesterol issues previously, but wondering what all the killing and moving toxins can do in the arteries?

I have been very busy lately and not taking care of myself. Have been taking no binders etc lately...I have not been focused on myself at all physically and mentally, dealing with also the death of my mother inlaw last week who I have cared for over 8 years of decline with alzheimers. Need to get it back together.

Also pre-menopausal? too much to wonder about. but this is very noticeable to me and for my daughter to have similar things is worth questioning. Just wondering if any of this is still regulation with AI? any thoughts? If it is heart/artery related, I want to know what to do to clear it! would love input.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
motion sickness - give ginger a try, either in tea, or the Ginger Chews or caps.

Regarding dental work in the winter, I would think twice. The teeth are related to bones which allude to the winter season in Chinese Medicine (adrenals, kidneys, bone marrow). Energy goes deep inside -- probably best to wait until spring when the body detoxes naturally.
Posted by Maradona (Member # 24552) on :
Light do an heart ECHO to clear things.
better safe than sorry.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Lex adn others,

I don'tknow about when to remove amalgams, but I do know I am detoxing a ton right now. I thought it had slowed down, but since Christmas I have been releasing chemicals and metals like crazy.

If you see someone running around with icicles hanging out their armpits due to the sweating out of toxins, it is me--LOL.

I now it is detoxing and not sweating due to premenopause or menopause, because my ear pressure goes up and I get off balance walking nad I get a few of my minor seizures as the metals and chemicals move through the nervous system.

I can't imagine detoxing even more in the spring!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I don't have any input for you, except to say you are in my prayers.

I do believe AI keeps regulating the body for a long time. I haven't had a drop of AI in 6 months and keep detoxing and getting strange symptoms like knee pain etc.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Please read my posts talking about the "Babuschka Principle". If you have not treated parasites,
it is a big factor and a coverup for a lot of our problems until one fine day it bursts into the open. Read Dr. K.'s Looking Beyond ABX which he published in 2004. He talked about treating parasites early.

Get tested for Varestrongylus klapowi aka lungworm. It is very common in Lyme and hides all sorts of things. Lungworm starts in the gut and makes its way up. Lab tests, as is common with parasites, are inconclusive. You need to find someone who does good energy testing/ART or the like. Or learn to test yourself. Test vials are available through various sources and cost little.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

This is one thread about good old Babuschka.
There are more threads talking about Babuschka. Do a search.

"I do believe AI keeps regulating the body for a long time. I haven't had a drop of AI in 6 months and keep detoxing and getting strange symptoms like knee pain etc." Hiker is right. AI started to turn on the immune system and it is gradually doing what it was supposed to do all along -- before it finally got completely stuck.

Take care.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

What do you recommend to treat parasites. I haven't tested positive yet for them, but may in the future as I keep releasing metals.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
how have you been tested, hiker?

Read my Babuschka post, please. The parasites are holding m o s t o f t h e problems we are unable to deal with because the parasites keep feeding themselves with the nutrients we are desperately in need of. They are multiplying and getting fatter while we starve. Right now - toward and into full moon, they are doing their copulating dance thing and multiplying.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I did read your Babuschka post, but did not see how to treat the parasites. Is there a particular cleanse or drug you use?

I see an energy healer who uses her "second" sight--a gift from God and her tensor. No one remotely close to my area does ART. So far she as been correct in everything she has said. She can even tell which heavy metal or chemical toxin I am releasing.

I know that right now with working fulltime and detoxing fulltime I could not handle a parasite cleanse, but just wanted to know for the future when I have some extended time off work and if/when I test positive for them.

Thanks. Hiker53
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :

I made homemade applesauce today using your ideas
: )

I added apple pectin, gluatmine, aloe, & cinnamon to it.


PS: does anything happen to the glycemic index of a granny smith apple when you chop it up and turn it into sauce?

I didn't know if the fiber content is affected and thus GI affected since it's in a watered down sauce form not bulk.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
For parasites treatment. Since you need to cross the blood brain barrier, pharma drugs are necessary. Get your practitioner to test with different parasite vials and you can easily find what is involved. Don't forget to test for lung worm. It is a common among Lymies, especially when it hits (starting in the gut) the upper region - breathing, throat, swallowing, etc., mucus, etc. You would never think of parasites.
Get the test vials and start testing. I find them with tensor, then confirm with someone else good at it. Labs are almost useless.

Treating Parasites
(the most difficult to lab test, but the first thing to treat)
���� BioPure organic freeze dried garlic
���� Artemisinin pulsed in high doses 3 days on every 2-3 weeks
���� Vermox/Mebendazole (100mg BID * 3days, then repeat after 3
���� Biltricide (600mg TID for one day then repeat in 2-3 weeks)
���� Tinidazole for giardia/amoebas (500mg BID for 10 days, usually
following a different parasite treatment)
���� Albendazole (28 day course)- rarely needed in kids and typically
only for severe neurological symptoms that have not resolved with
other treatments
���� Alinia (dose varies)- 20 day protocol is great for MS and Babesia
���� Herbal Cleanses (Dr. Natura Colonix, Botanifuge...)
���� Salt/C
���� It seems to be very effective to follow prescription parasite
medications with homeopathic support or the parasite CD for at
least another month
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Canefan, I don't think it makes a difference. I happen to like raw apple because the peel is still in it and when letting it sit a few minutes you get the added enzyme action when it turns brown. I know other people throw the brown stuff out. I learned that from my Mom and Dr.K.'s Mom and him.

Forget glycemic index and don't get caught in this no-fruit talk. Try to eat balanced and stay away from oversweetened bakery goods or other. The body needs sugar to live. But you don't have to eat pounds of it. I ate fruit through my whole recovery process and never had a problem with fungi, even though I was strongly metal toxic.

I do not add more than a spoon or 2 full of water when I make a whole pot full of apple sauce in my pressure cooker. Takes one minute. With peel. Then you grind it into sauce with the peel in the EHC 650 B&D chopper. Then freeze it in smaller portions. We love it with potato pancakes, also made with raw potato. With peel, but well washed.
That gives you a lot of fiber. If you run out of binder before going to bed, eat a potato or two.

Let me know what happens when you leave a half of Granny Smith sitting out a day or two - does the cut open part turn brown? Mine stayed white for 3 days and only got wrinkled. I suspect that even organic fruits are UV rayed or something. I have had fruit that simply would not rot, only shrivel up, and it is very disheartening how our food is messed up.

You will have all the fiber.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
By the way, every power point protocol of Dr.K.and/or Dr. A.D. I have posted contains parasite info. I have saved all these and refer to them often. Please look there for some of the answers, especially the latest ones. If you find the info in there, it is good, because it is the result of years of trials and when treating hundreds of patients for similar problems you learn what works and what doesn't.

I would like to be much more precise, but the info is readily available to anyone who wants to have it.

Parasites, by the way, and when in die-off, i.e. when you test for it, also cause balance problems.
Don't wait to treat them. The best time is now.
The treatment in itself is not hard. Moving metals are more difficult. Just be sure to take loads of binders, because if you go for the "kill", a lot of other "debris" comes with it.

We do not pay enough attention to substantial liquids (not pure water that only runs straight through taking all the minerals with it and depleting us even more) but soups, broths, mousses, etc.

Take care.
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
I've been on a parasite killing spree and as a result have been so backed up!

My lower back hurts and tummy.

It's seems to be 1 of 3 things

1) toxin release irritating nerves
2) they r hiding in lower back and stomach lining
3) liver congestion

Anybody a big fan of liver cleanses? I've never done one and don't really want to. ha
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Re your daughter's symptoms mirroring yours, I have this to say: I have 3 daughters. One of them mysteriously mirrors my symptoms to the exact location on the body and the exact time that the symptom begins.

For example, both of us will experience a throbbing pain in our thoracic area at the same moment (behind the lung area- feels just like a muscle spasm like you describe). Both of us have a small area on top of our left wrist which also throbs-- again at the same moment. Then, after a few days, these symptoms go as quickly as they came.

We also experience individual symptoms, of course, but what this all means is beyond me.

Perhaps a miasm of some sort is being addressed by the drops? We both started the drops on the same day, and this daughter is very close to my temperament.

I do not have answers for you, but I definitely can relate to the situation.

Good luck, and keep us posted about your daughter.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Thanks for the parasite info, Gigi. I don't have any testing vials and am not sure where to get them.

SInce my doctors here are typical MD's they would never prescribe me a pharmaceutical drug unless they had proof in a stool sample and I have never tested positive in a stool sample.


[ 01-18-2011, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Hiker, call Ergopathics. Allergies Lifestyle & Health have thousands of vials. If they will not ship to you, talk to your ND who can order them. If you use a tensor or pendulum, it makes no sense not to have vials for testing.
Many on this board have talked about test vials to use when treating with photons. Anytime I hear about XMRV or similar discussions, I order the vial and test. Then I know what direction I have to take. Shooting in the dark gets you nowhere.

ND's at least around in WA State can order pharmaceuticals.

Google test vials for photon treatment or similar to get you some sources to purchase. See what you come up with.

Take care.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Thanks for the information. I will do some searching to get some test kits. I do not have a ND and any ND in my state or surrounding states cannot prescribe pharmaceuticals.

Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
Hi all, even though I finished up with AI almost a year ago, I'm wondering if my latest health issue is part of my immune system regulating itself. I've been battling an URI with laryngitis, cough, stuffed nose for about 7 wks. now. I've never had a "cold" last this long with a lot of mucus being expectorated. Except for a low fever for one day, I haven't felt terrible.

My thought is it could be clearing up lots of sinus infections, etc. from the past that I suppressed with antibiotics. Wondering if this could be possible?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Clancy, I am sure it could, but doubt that it alone would last that long.

Test if you caught anything from your partner, i.e. we all do.

Gather some scrapings of your remodel material and send it to AI and have them test it. Maybe you have "met" a new chemical your body does not know how to deal with.

Get tested for Varestrongylus klapowi, aka as lungworm very common with Lyme. Vials available from the usual places. Do not drink raw milk and wash your greens very, very carefully. If it's in Hawaii, it's in other places.

I got bit in 1996 by an insect while I was sitting watching grazing cows on the Big Island of Hawaii. If that isn't strange?
I passed the Lyme to my husband 14 years ago and now he is giving it back to me in form of the lungworm......... grateful sharing! Mucus is a strong sign. Nothing else is visible. Starts in the gut, but moves up and breathing, throat, nose, eyes can be affected.

I often think of dreaming up a new boardgame -- Who done it? What's the one called - the bad man with the rope in the library?

The lungworm treatment is 6 weeks long and not difficult to do. Lab's won't find it - energy testing will.

AI won't clear that - having done AI will simply crystalize problems more and they are a lot easier to find because so many other unknowns are being dealt with during the therapy. People with some AI therapy behind them are much easier to test - a lot of the huge confusion is gradually being eliminated with every little bottle.

I hear that from ART practitioners already.

Take care.
Posted by Clancy (Member # 8774) on :
Thanks Gigi, forgot to say that I'm about 90% better at this point. Do you still think I should consider lung worm?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I gather from Tammy that in future non-USA/Canada members will not have access to Flash discussion to avoid I don't know if this post will appear even!

I just wanted to wish everyone on this thread well and to say I am sad about this decision and I shall miss posting!

By the way, Tammy, thank you so much for letting me know: I tried to reply, but your box is full,

all the best to all,

Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Here is the message from the administrator (under 'General Support'.) We will miss our overseas friends.

LymeNet Users,

We are implementing a process to eliminate or significantly curtail ForumSpammer activity on the LymeNet Flash. Due to rapidly increasing ForumSpammer activity, originating from domains / IP addresses, outside the US and Canada ... mainly eastern Europe, Asia and South America with some from the Mid-East and Africa, we made a Board of Directors decision to limit access only to users in the US and Canada. I know we have valid members in Germany and UK, also a few in Australia who are active ... unfortunately they are going to all be blocked as we do not have any technological way to allow individuals from those countries / regions access to the LymeNet Flash.

Thanks for your patience and understanding as we work to make the LymeNet Flash a safer place for all of you to get help and support in your battle against Lyme and other TBD's.

Lou B
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

Round Eight was really really hard -- so out of balance. What really helps is a fleet enema with warm water whenever the symptoms get worse. And coffee enemas are really godsends.

Thanks GiGi for all the feedback.

I saw on the Web that Mag Malate is apparently safe so I bought a bottle from Source Naturals.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Clancy, all you have to do and get a vial of the suspected invader and tensor or have someone with ART test you with the different vials. Anyone dealing with Lyme should be knowledgable about parasites. The average person carries 12 lbs of parasites, some good and some bad (some very bad).

Take care.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

GiGi what do you think of the above?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, my brother sent me this several years ago from Germany. As you can tell from their website, they have quite a network around the world. They address individual pathogens, each at a high price.

It doesn't make sense to me to treat diseases -- just think how many each one of us come up with -- and not treat the underlying causes. Treating all that is covered under AI would cost a small fortune on Healers method.
I had sent this to HG to get his input and he
responded identical.

Terrain needs to be cleaned - then organisms have no opportunity to settle in. They want you to tell them what was wrong with you in childhood.
I wouldn't have any idea what to tell them. Our DNA is getting longer and longer. AI finds on their own most of what causes problems - which in my case I was never aware of. Same for my children and their children. Would you be able to tell what got you to the point you are at?

Maybe write them with individual questions keeping it short? We all understand by now that Lyme is a multifaceted disease - many of us don't have it any longer, but are dealing with remaining neurotoxins and repair by releasing toxins.

I find now while treating my husband for parasites, he will test for any of the different infections for a day or two. I do little or nothing about that, maybe a bit of Quintessence or antiviral, a rizole, or some metal help. Any of the metals also may show up when testing what blocks him while on the drops or on parasite meds, but test only briefly. It is again proof to me that parasites, aka as the Knights in Shining Armor, need to be treated asap to help clean up.

I usually clear him when he is blocked from drops or any treatment by testing what unblocks him and using any of the remedies that I have learned to clear the blockage. Then he feels better immediately.

Let us know what you find if you pursue Healers. And so sorry you had such a rough #8 bottle.

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
OMG -- I have a sinus infection big time! Haven't had one in twenty years. ENT wants me on Omnicef 300 mg. for ten days. No Neti-Pot/Steaming/Vitamin C/Vitamin A is doing a thing for this infection and my face and head hurt!

Any other options that people have used besides the abx?

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

I am not going to pursue Healers. I agree with you. There's no end to treating individual "illnesses."

I need to learn how to better test myself and find what works to make myself feel better. The dizziness is the worst.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Wise, try Nazanol from Metagenix. Sinus formula (herbal). Per my good friend, it works. She has this problem. She is also doing AI and clearing tons of undesirables. If you do abx, you will create more fungi. And for that matter, whatever went up, has to come down. You are on a therapy that is working and it will again be gone in a a few days. Don't panic.

Take care.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Lex - i was just coming to ask if anyone else is having dizziness - you answered my question [Wink]

I started feeling dizzy 45 minutes ago and it's still going on. I've never felt dizzy for this long before. I took a bunch of chlorella in hopes that it might help - not sure how long it would take to help if it was going to tho.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
2 1/2 hours now of dizziness and wobbling all over the place when I walk. Does anyone know how to make this better? Is there a certain binder or something that might help? I've taken chlorella 2 hours ago.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

coffee enemas are a big help with dizziness; Dr. K. says with heavy metals we should have four to five bowel movements a day. Or just taking a fleet enema with warm water can assist.

You might try taking double the amount of chlorella.
I pour a bunch into a capful (chlorella vulgaris).

I also use homeopathics for vertigo -- helps.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
If you are dizzy and losing your balance and can't seem to walk straight without bumping into things ------

Treat parasites. And treat parasites again. And again.

Babuschka Principle!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
thanks, gigi, yes I am trying to get my dr. to write me a perscription for Flagyl. You once said not to start with Alinia. Any reason why?
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Well, that's me then GiGi. Can't walk straight. Dizzy. [Frown]

Originally posted by GiGi:
If you are dizzy and losing your balance and can't seem to walk straight without bumping into things ------

Treat parasites. And treat parasites again. And again.

Babuschka Principle!

Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :

Funny you mention that

I've been treating parasites and recently added Zymex II (enzymes known to DIGEST tapeworms)

Well i took 8 yesterday and last night I was so dizzy and bumping into doors, etc.

Parasites are a major player for me.

And when I kill them i notice I get candida, bart, & babs flares for a few days afterwards.
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :

Why do some people struggle big time with phospholipids?

And i sent you an email with a question on artemisinin.

I saw Dr k recommended 5 caps (100mg) artemisinin 3 t.i.d. for 2 days each week (3 weeks on 1 week off)

So I see he pulses here - but in his cocktail it has artemisinin powder. What gives?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I agree about dizziness and treating parasites. One thought though - when metals get released, yeast/fungus also gets released. Now that they are recognized due to AI, there will be die-off. I have experienced dizziness and fuzzy head with that before.

I have found charcoal to be the best binder for yeast die off.

Dr. A D writes some about this.

She has yet to find parasites in me but I suspect she will when I am out there - enough metals and fungus out of the way and I believe they start being found more easily.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Until I get a drug, I'm taking VER for bugs by Desseret. It seems gentle enough and I do notice it helps. (homeopathic)
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I would think ten times before taking the Dr. K. Lyme cocktail. I'm wiry, sensitive and am not built like a brick sh-- house, unfortunately.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
"Why do some people struggle big time with phospholipids?"

It is soy based - many are DNA/ allergic to soy - as revealed by the AI test.

A person should be energetically tested. Then it is fine. It is given to children. It also moves metals. If someone is too metal toxic, maybe some prior cleanup is necessary. If allergic to metals, you will understand why they should correct allergies first.

You are talking about an earlier treatment of Babesia that Dr.K. said was disappointing. Now he includes artemisinin in the cocktail, always with prior testing, because it also works on the biofilm. It is available in powder form at Biopure. Much easier than opening capsules. The phospholipids carry artemisinin where needed, along with everything else in the cocktail.

You can use a teeny bit of phospho and a few grains of artemisinin -- all has to be tested and determined what goes into
the cocktail, how much, what not, etc. I was very reluctant until I found out tolerance level, etc. I now put the antiparasitics into the cocktail also, along with artemis and enzymes, liver support, rizoles, everything but minerals. But all has to be tested. Nothing goes into the body or on the body without prior testing. Even the number of drops rubbed onto the kidney or painful spots, always testing. ART=autonomic response testing is what makes this work. No shooting in the dark.

Flagyl is tough and not used any longer, except for c.diff. I think the cyst busting theory is long gone. I took flagyl on my own 12 years ago and will never forget that day. Never again, and only when other toxin levels are such that it can be tolerated. I have never used it for parasites. There are easier meds for parasites.
Dr. K. starts out with the milder ones moving on to Alinia as the last.

I had written the following last night, when I was too lazy to read and correct. I am posting it here as is and know you will understand. It has some add'l comments to what I said above. And now it is too late again for me today to correct it - so here it is:

Seek, your doctor checking allergies won't find them because he does not check on the energetic/electromagnetic basis, but uses a blood test/biochemical basis. Whatever he/she finds by blood, the solution to the problem is "avoid". Let me know if that is not so.

AI tests on an energetic basis, which means the ``recorded errors'' information in the DNA is corrected. If you take the time and read the AI site, you will understand. So you need to make a decision. After the changes take place, there is no need to avoid. People can eat all the healthy food they want, wheat or other.

I would imagine that you also have a KPU problem, and I am pretty sure that you need to treat parasites. Don't start with Flagyl - I did that one day 12 years ago on my own and will never forget it. Flagyl is not bad if you have unloaded some of the burden with general detoxing. but it is tough taking it cold turkey.

If your doctor won't treat parasites, I would try to find another one. He/she has still a lot to learn before he/she could call himself lyme-literate.

You need an ND or an MD who understands Lyme and all its implications. Lyme never comes alone.
Lyme only takes over if the terrain is ready for it, i.e. the toxic burden is at its limit.


"And when I kill them I notice I get candida, bart, & babs flares for a few days afterwards."

That is exactly what is called the Babuschka Principle I have been posting about and not a soul pays any attention to it. I learned from Dr.K. that we are dealing with one body - one eco-system. These bugs do not get the key to their separate chambers when they come into the house. They are all hanging out together. Get the parasites and you open up the nest!

You may notice that the different flares do not last very long. If you tensor you can determine that very quickly. Treat them with the appropriate remedies. You don't have to come with the heavy abx bombs.

Learn to tensor test - I sense you are a handy fellow - and test yourself for the best remedy.

Cocktail: A mixture of Phospholipids with a couple of scoops of artemisinin powder, with some Quintessence, some Cilantro tincture, with the Parasite meds (chose from Dr.K.'s protocol) opened into the cocktail, with a half cup of Grapefruit Juice and some water, Microsilica, possibly Ozonated Rizoles (Gamma or Zeta work well)drops into the cocktail, and whatever else you like. I always add either Plasmanext1, or some Rechtsregulat, to enhance circulation, and you are ready to deal with all at the same time.

You can add your EFA's that you take regularly, liver supports, kidney support, all except the minerals. Take the cocktail in the AM and the minerals PM or with meals (except the EFA's).

I would take the Supernatant or good bacteria replacements separately - 1-2 hours away.

And stick with this always determined by testing first.

Learning to tensor or pendulum (pend. I never did well because it is too time consuming just to identify one substance). Vern makes a nice inexpensive tensor with a lot of heart in it or get the
tensor from in Germany. I use both. Learn how and then follow these results. It works.

Lex, I would not start with Flagyl. If you still carry a heavy toxic load, which I think you do because you are reacting so much to the AI drops.
I will never forget the first Flagyl I took (on my own when Dr. K. was out of the city) 12 years ago. Suggest you look at the autism protocols I have posted and possibly find some remedies there that will not be too harsh for you. Whatever you choose, a drop will do you! Go slow. And learn about the cocktails. It's the best thing Dr.K. ever came up with.

I also add anything to the cocktails that starts to punch holes in the biofilm, which is our worst problem!

You can get many ideas and reminders by reading some of the multiple-page protocols which Dr. K. has been working with for years. I have been posting a bunch of them.

Take care.

Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
Good stuff GiGi.

*What does Dr. K like for Babesia now?
Rizol Gamma & Zeta (plus the artemisinin powder)?

*Is he still big on biopure's garlic caps
(putting into water and taking on empty stomach)

And YES! Flagyl was a b!tch for me when I started it.

One of the WORST neuro-herxes in my life.
Frontal headache and throwing up all night.

Knotweed in high doses can do this to me as well.

So I assumed the flagyl was hitting Bart for me.
*Shrugs shoulders*
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Babesia is a parasite/protozoa where Alinia comes in with the rizoles and artemisinin.

And freeze dried garlic in warm water in between meals, or capsule right after the last bite of meal. Anti-everything.

Most side effects are from mobilized toxic metals, especially if the body doesn't recognize them (allergic?) Gut has to be cleared of neurotoxins first so the fallout from CNS has a place to go. Otherwise collision! Where there is bart, there is metal. Where there is metal, there is everything else.

Computer shut down.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi all -- I just came from a local practitioner who muscle tested me -- correct testing for the first time! Big difference in communication.

Scar blockages and tons of lead with mercury trailing w/iron and cadmium waving their flags too. Despite supports, kidney, liver, pancreas weakness where everything is settling in rather than traveling out. Pain around collar bone area is kidney signalling "uncle!" Helpful also to learn what parts of me are strong.

I am pleased to have this verified and done by a seasoned practitioner who is located only a few towns away. I am also flying out to Seattle mid-February for an appointment with another star ND.

SO, being blocked....all the binders and supports are sort of recirculating around. NEXT STEP: trying to get unblocked and some scar work...

2011 is gonna be all about finding professional guidance and verification of alternative supports. AI has the ball rolling: time to get unblocked to release the junk!

and so it goes,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
has anyone tried

mebendazole or biltricide for parasites?

I need to go after the bugs but don't want to get so sick I won't be able to attend Dr. K's Level 3 in NY mid February.

Gigi, you are always an inspiration to us -- always.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I'm really torn. I had 2 shiatsu treatments, and both brought me further into balance than I've felt in ages. I'm still not clear tho on where shiatsu is allowed on allergie immun. I really don't want to interfere with AI, I'm just struggling with the detox side of things. I'm having a lot of kidney pain lately. Taking lots of chlorella and having lots of epsom salts baths is helpful, but I never really feel like I'm on top of it.

Can anyone tell me yay or nay to the shiatsu? If it's ok then I'll go regularly for a while. He confirmed what I already felt - that my kidneys are struggling. Lungs too. He said i have a lot of stagnant energy in my body, and I feel that too - it feels like I'm recirculating a lot instead of getting it out.

I am in the process of ordering a biotensor - jsut have to decide which of the 3 to choose - anyone have any advise on that one? IT's for my whole family too.

I don't want to start in on parasite cleanses until my little one are weaned - that is coming up shortly I think. I'm not sure tho whether I"ll have access to drug treatments for parasites. Things are really tightening up here regulation-wise.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi! Sorry I missed your post about the Nazanol from Metagenix. I ordered some. Thank you again for the valuable suggestions.

After two weeks of a swollen face and primordial green ooze clogging everything, it started to move to my lungs as well and I succumbed to abx path. I continue the AI, but have added the dreaded Omnicef for ten days.

After having battled the whole pneumonia thing, I didn't want my lungs to be assaulted again so soon. I'm on the fifth day of abx and the green is mostly gone as is the face pain. I am hoping that I can begin the Nazonal when the abx is done in five more days. The delivery times may coincide.

The Omnicef has helped in clearing the immediate gunk, but it also makes me feel spacey, depressed and out of it. I know I'll have to deal with it's fallout. I also know that everything is recirculating around. So much of these abx symptoms are familiar from the Lyme long-term abx days. I will be happy to be off the stuff, but they're serving a short-term purpose.

If sinus stuff should appear again, I'll be better armed with Nazonal as an alternative treatment.

In the meantime, the snowfall is beautiful, the air is crisp and snow shoveling powder is fun. Wishing everyone happy winter scapes.


Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Skiesmama - If I were going to choose one biotensor, it would be the one from bioplasma.

I have another one that I sometimes use traveling but I don't find it any where near as sensitive.

If I had started with that one I think I would have been frustrated. The more sensitive one seemed to help me learn how to use the less sensitive (if that makes sense).

Might we worth the investment if you are using it for your whole family.

Wish I had an answer for you about shiatsu.
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
My biotensor is on the way

Woooo Hoooo

[Big Grin] [woohoo]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I tried the more expensive gold biotensor when in Germany and could not get it to work. So, I went with Vernon's bobbers (small biotensor) and I could get it to easily work.

I realize this is probably the opposite of what Nanadubo said, but you might first want to try a cheaper one (I paid twenty dollars) to see if you can actually make it work. Or try a pendulum or a gold ring on a chain to see if you can get it to move before putting a lot of money into a biotensor. Some of my friends cannot get a biotensor or pendulum to work.

Dr. W in Germany, who uses the bionic for healing, and tests with the biotensor, of course has an expensive gold one, but he suggested I go with the smaller cheaper one or a ring on a chain. It works for me.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Re shiatsu since shiatsu can do what acupuncture does and can move energy around as well as metals and other toxins, I would go easy with it. How about lymphatic drainage massage or gentle Swedish massage?
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :

If I'm just starting out (muscle testing using biotensor)

are there some good videos I can watch?
Introductory stuff?

I'm a newb to the whole muscle testing game
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
People who are still very toxic and have blocked regulation more than not, have difficulty with tensor. Dyhydration and lack of electrolytes don't help. --

It takes patience; it takes a person to be well hydrated with electrolytes, and it takes a quiet room with no tv or radio going. And no naysayers to interfer with bad energy.

Put yourself in the favorite spot of your home and "find your center" before you start. It will not work if you don't. And learn to be neutral putting "wishful thinking" out of the way. It will not work. A sensitive tensor reacts before you are even aware of your thought running through your head. That is due to the difference in construction. It doesn't mean that you can't help yourself with a homemade one. And we can't compare a Porsche with a bicycle.

Learn how to find out if you have blocked or have open regulation. That is the first thing you need to learn. If you are blocked, your body cannot reveal the truth, because the energy cannot flow. Compare it to a lamp that won't light up when you turn it on because the wires are frayed and don't connect.

Once you get it and learn to tensor, there is nothing much better getting you through the day. I totally agree with Nana re choice, but very sensitive decisions I make with the Bioplasma tensor and I know that I will use it for the rest of my life or at least as long as I am able to hold it up in my hand. It is the best investment I have made.

Keep detoxing, so that you can start living with open regulation all the time. When I first got ill, I was solidly blocked for close to two years. I gave Dr. K. a run for his money guessing what might open it, so that he could go on testing. Tapping wasn't known that well in those days and you can at least temporarily help yourself by the tapping procedure. Or you can use your intuition and hold the very toxin in your field that will open you. Then you will know that that is paramount
in your body's mind and needs treatment desperately. You keep it on your body
to keep regultion open, and continue testing for the remedy that your body really craves.

If it turns out to be charcoal, you know that you need to do binder. If it is DMSA, then you know that your body needs this as a mobilizer. If it is Milk Thistle, you know your body wants organ support, etc. If does not test, don't use it. Best way is to mark your testers in such a way that you won't know what is in it without looking closer.

Got to run.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

"I'm really torn. I had 2 shiatsu treatments, and both brought me further into balance than I've"

Agree with Lex re Shiatsu -

Hurting kidneys, etc. is not a good thing. So I would leave more mobilizing therapies alone for a while longer -- later on Shiatsu, it's great. Lymphatic drainage, colonics, and more organ support. Test yourself for cilantro tincture - I am sure you are safe with rubbing a few drops onto the back in kidney area. If it tests energetically, it is nice to rub onto wrists, for upper region, and onto ankles for lower region. Just a few drops. Don't drown in it.

Hold the bottle onto the area that you want to help - if tensor agrees - rub in a few drops. I do it still on an old heel fracture where metals tend to accumulate. Back of neck, little down spine, are all areas where metals get hung up.

If cilantro tests, rub it in. It gets to the area much more quickly than going through stomach.

Don't use a lot of cilantro tincture too early. It does cross the blood brain barrier (science available) and doing it too early in the detox phase is not wise. Use it only if it tests energetically.

Help clear kidneys - they do not repair like liver does - Renelix; Unda 243 (Seroyal, Genestra, Pharmax - in Toronto).

Take care.
Posted by canefan17 (Member # 22149) on :
Good info GiGi


I'm sure it'll just take some time playing around with it.

Yesterday I muscle tested (without the tensor)
chlorella vs modifilan and the modifilan was a clear NO. Chlorella was an obvious YES.

I could feeeeeel my body regecting the modifilan away. Hard to explain.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
I must be blocked. My tensor moves up and down, then side to side, then up and down, and back and forth (like it's confused....perhaps it is, just like me!)

In the meantime, my husband has been doing some basic muscle testing on me (but not all the time).

It is my desire to bring testing into my every day life. I am going to try to find some helpful videos on youtube, etc. If anyone has any suggestions/advice, please let me know.

I will be sending in my saliva sample for round 2 tomorrow. It's been 2 weeks since I finished Round 1. I noticed some folks send in their saliva samples right away. Is that okay or is it best to wait the 2 weeks (as instructed by AI)?

Hope you are all well,
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I can typically feel it when I am blocked now and tensor goes nowhere - dead in the water.

I start grabbing things and putting them in the top of my jeans until I find what will open me up. Also can use vials to see what is blocking you - heavy metals etc.

Gigi taught me the "crown" method a couple of years ago. Works like a charm.

Shape your left hand and fingers like a crown, fingers pointing down on top of your head. Tensor should go up and down. Turn the crown over (fingers point up) and tensor should move in opposite direction. If it does not move - you are blocked.

Before doing that, you can practice by simply asking it to show you "yes" and then show you "no".

I find statements work better than questions. "This would be good for me to take - I should take one, I should take two..... when you reach the right number, it will give you a no beyond that.

If you wait two weeks before sending a new sample, you are likely to be 5-6 weeks in between rounds. The drops you just took already did the work - I would send of new samples right away.

The instructions are old and were formatted when most of his clients were in Europe and the mail is quick. Not the case getting back and forth from Germany.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Thanks NanaDubo.
You are right, now I will be about 5-6 weeks between rounds. I hope that is okay.

I thought the waiting period was to allow the drops to settle in and finish their work. Then send new saliva to see how things have settled.

Next time I'll send saliva in right away.

Have a great day,
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
The crown technique works beautifully (mentioned above). Thanks Gigi for sharing this.

Re biotensor, you got to start somewhere, sometime. No time like the present to start practising, as I am doing. My regulation seems to be on but fungus sets it off.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Is anyone using Dr. K's CDS, where you listen to the sounds for Borrellia, parasites, fungus
or whatever?
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I talked with the practitioner doing the shiatsu treatments more about not mobilzing - he said that he will just focus on organ support. I feel better after each treatment. A lot better. I've been having kidney pain all along - it has come and go.

For what it's worth, he's very skilled at what he does - he worked for a year with the Dalai Lama's physician on top of his other training.

I think I will book a colonic tho - I've never had one, and I for some reason forgot all about them - I'm sure that would be helpful right now.

I'm taking renelix, and doing epsom salts baths daily.

Unfortunately, I'm really limited in my options for support due to my location. I don't think that I would be feeling better if the shiatsu wasn't what my body needs. I have too many kids needing me to be sick all the time.

I'm getting more exercise now too - I just started skiing. It made my body tired and sore, but it sure made a huge improvement mentally. The good news is that I went a 2nd time yesterday, and I was barely even sore, so I think I'm making good progress - in fact the shiatus practitiioner said that he noticed an improvement.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Just to clarify- I've been having kidney pain off and on since I started AI - it didn't start after the shiatsu.

I really appreciate all the input very much. I'll test for the cilantro tincture too - I have my own that I made actually, so that's easy.

One more question - I understand that we don't want to mobilize toxins - but will the shiatsu interfere with AI in another way? Is the reason not to do it soley that we don't want to mobilze, or is there another reason. I feel like I will know if it's not right in terms of mobilizing, from how I feel after a treatment, but I'm still not clear on whether it will actually interfere with the AI treatments?

I've honestly never seen someone who helped me this much before - I really need to feel better so that I can function as a mom to my kids. I've been unwell so much of their life - chronic low health - they need me, and they are growing so fast. I feel like I have to go with anything that makes me feel better.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Skiesmama, go with what works for you. If the shiatu is making you feel better, that may just be what you need to help you detox. I don't think it would interfere with AI in any other way. It's noninvasive, is not adding any mobilizers to the mix. Ask your body when it needs it, how often, how much. A practitioner doesn't have to work for an hour -- they can do a half hour session if that's what your body calls for. Some shiatsu practitioners can read pulses -- those are the best ones.

Even too much walking may not be good for a person; always run things by your body and ask it: do I need shiatsu today? For how long? Can my body handle it? Do I need to take anything before the treatment ? After?

It's not unusual to have the kidneys back up with so much flooding going on with AI. Always make sure you have enough drainers on board, for kidneys, liver, colon. Vary them. Ask. Would an epsom salt bath help me afterwards? Should I take one before tx.? Yatta yatta.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

You wrote this:

I have too many kids needing me to be sick all the time.

You don't need to be sick for your kids, do you?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Skiesmama, shiatsu will not interfer with AI. Yes, the opposite of what you say, we do want to mobilize toxins - that is the purpose to get them moving and leaving the body. But there is a big difference between mobilizing and getting them to finally leave the body.

If - with whatever method - you mobilize tooo much, where kidney and liver and other organs get overly stressed - that is the bad part. So going slow and with a lot of organ support is most important.

Be careful with cilantro tincture and use it only when you test for it. It crosses the blood brain barrier --- I have talked a lot about it and it needs to be used with respect. Make sure you use only organic cilantro.

You may feel good initially right after a treatment - one reason being - things have been moved and possibly shifted or possibly moving out.
Just don't do too much and give the body time to detox what has been stirred up.

Metal detox should only be attempted with the help and testing of someone who knows. It is not a do-it-yourself project. I have learned a lot, but even I go get help when I feel I am off course.

The first act in detox is --- mobilizing, but then you need to appropriate agents on board to get them out. Colonics, several in a row, help.
Read some of the protocols from Dr.K. I have been posting. Binders, etc. are most important.

Got to go. Shiatsi therapist should be able to advise you dealing with the after effects. I hope he understands heavy metal toxicity. If not, you need to find someone who does.

Best to you.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Today I had terrible toxic exposure. I was visiting a sick relative who had a kerosene heater blasting in his basement. when I entered the house, I smelled the fumes in his kitchen.

I didn't mean to stay so long, but I ended up staying an hour or so.

About an hour later, the pain hit me right in my weak spot - the lower back. I can hardly walk now, and have a hard time sitting and standing.

I've done coffee enemas, a sauna, the 3 pekana drainage products, chlorella, minerals, electrolytes, and a large gluten-free pizza to wash down my troubles.

So far, nothing has helped.
Does anyone have any other recommendations?
I had no idea that fumes could cause this much trouble. This has set me back for sure.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
most shiatsu therapists, like most drs., know nothing about metals. You know more than 99 percent of the practitioners out there.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Do the ASK AND RECEIVE on yourself,The Joeje. Perhaps investigate how to do a Religious Science (Ernest Holmes) treatment...the mind is a powerful tool but most of the time we let the body run our lives.

A good book to study is Dr. John Sarno's MIND OVER BACK PAIN. He believes back pain is 99 percent emotional. there's a lot of good insights in there. When we label ourselves with this or that illness we lock ourselves in a cage -- like the mime in the box who can't get out until he just lets the bars melt away.

I am working on these things myself. . .
Posted by gwb (Member # 7273) on :
Originally posted by wiserforit2:
OMG -- I have a sinus infection big time! Haven't had one in twenty years. ENT wants me on Omnicef 300 mg. for ten days. No Neti-Pot/Steaming/Vitamin C/Vitamin A is doing a thing for this infection and my face and head hurt!

Any other options that people have used besides the abx?


My ENT wanted me on steroid spray and I rejected that because steroids about killed me two years ago when I took them. Although, there isn't much that will get into your blood stream with the nasal spray, it's not worth the risk. I had a horrible infection and this is how I got in under control.

Have you tried Xlear?

Additional things I take for my sinus infection (in addition to the neti-pot)...

I use A. Vogel Homeopathic Sinus Relief Excellent reviews.

I also use Homeopathic Allergy relief. Great reviews for this too.

And the thing that I believe helps me a lot is Elderberry Extract.

Sure hope you get that infection taken care of soon.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
My only comment: Very early in the detox phase, I learned to be careful and did not take saunas. The increased circulation can send the toxins in the opposite direction. It was not "recommended" to me to do sauna until many, many months later after starting general detox. I had been treated close to three years before I started sauna.

I never liked these toxic odors and still don't. The level of sensitivity in the early years is so strong that we are almost paranoid about any odors. ANS gone haywire! We smell it when nobody else does. I remember smelling basil once outside a small store that was selling it fresh inside --- I ran like a crazy woman. I still have a strong sense of smell, but now I cook with it all the time.

Don't let the imagination take over. I know, when it hurts it hurts. Just be careful with sauna -- that is all I can say. If the major toxic metals are still in the gut and lower area, they can easily go the wrong direction if pushed.

Testing and timing is important.

Take care.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Curious about coffee

Once in awhile--especially on weekends I like one cup of organic caffeinated coffee. Wonder if this interferes with metals binding in the digestive tract or if it would speed their leaving the digestive tract?

I don't drink it when I am teaching or I would be running to the restroom. [Big Grin]

Hope everyone is safe during the winter storms. We are expecting a foot of snow in the next few days. At least I am well enough to shovel now!!

Posted by trishc (Member # 28731) on :
Ordered Allergie Immune..can anyone tell me how long it takes to receive the test? I ordered this almost three weeks ago and live in the USA but it still has not arrived.
Posted by trishc (Member # 28731) on :
I know it's me but everytime I try to correspond with AI it comes back in German. If I email back and ask for the reply in english, it still comes back in german. Can someone direct me how to do it correctly for get an english response.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Lex - you wrote:


You wrote this:

I have too many kids needing me to be sick all the time.

You don't need to be sick for your kids, do you?

I left out a comma after "me". My kids need me. I'm sick and or depressed much of the time - too much. I was stating that they need me to be well. *I* need me to be well, so that I can be more available to them.

My children are growing up while year after year passes of me trying to find a way to get well. I'm not as ill as many people here, but I've been depressed my whole life, and experience crippling brain fog. I want to be well.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Natural Clinician 973.256.4660

Ecvir (squirting cucumber for sinus)

One of my MDs swears by Ecvir.


our words have tremendous power. Our unconscious mind does not know that we mean; we have to tell IT.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

1) I sent off a sample over 3 weeks ago and have not gotten a reply. The company is small; the demand is high.

2) I doubt you will often get a reply from a German company in English. Once in awhile Mr. G replies in English, but it is hard to understand. Just copy their response and put it in google translator and you will get the gist of it.

3) You could also call, but that would probably be even harder to communicate.

Best wishes.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
It's apparent that HG is a solo practitoner who works from his home as do many of us. We pay once
until we're released -- there's little or no hand holding along the way because of the language barrier. Thanks to GiGi for helping us through. Those of us who have been at AI a while have read all the entire thread. Suggest anyone who is on it or who is considering it, read read read because the answers are there.

We are pioneers -- not an easy place to be -- but this is our fate.
Posted by trishc (Member # 28731) on :
I have read and been reading for many months and you have options as far as just the test or complete as Gigi explained to me. I am not able to retain everything i read due to my illnesses but try my best. So thanks for your advise although I dont post often I read here every day and night.
Hiker: Yes, I was able to get some help and wasn't sure what wait time I should expect. Thanks.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Trishc, I ordered the test from the English site and within two days got instructions via email in English to send in a saliva sample and a list of my symptoms.
Posted by trishc (Member # 28731) on :
six thanks, that is exactly what i finally received yesterday and i also ordered from the english site. It's after several weeks I wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something as I am more than capable of making mistakes like that. thanks for the response
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Terrible brain fog after the Fungus CD...biotensor calling for green clay. A rough road, pot hole after pot hole but my spirit is great. Art therapy helps.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Those of you who are going to be in NYC next week please notify me privately so I know who you are. Would be glad to connect and see your faces. Expect snow; dress warmly. People from all over the world will be there, even Australia. GiGi, I wish you could be with us.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, I wish I could be there too. Just all make sure that you have a recorder and at least some of you sit next to a loudspeaker. That is how I recorded most seminars, long before DVD's were done or available. I warn you that it is very difficult to retain all the info that especially Dr. K. puts out. He speaks non stop, often without any notes, departing from the power point. The last day morning session is often one of the best. And have your questions ready.
I know you will enjoy it as I always have and learn a lot! I am sure he will tell me all about the Lymies that he met.

Take care.

Hiker, I never stopped drinking coffee and never stopped eating the good foods. In fact, last I heard "coffee is an anti-oxidant". Enjoy it.

Re delay in mail from overseas: Since the "printer cartridge" incident, the cargo on planes is checked a lot more and I am sure that accounts for part of the delay. I figure 10 days going and 10 days coming back, and the people there also need some time to do the work. They speak German because that is the language of the land. Google or a second hand dictionary will help. If they were to hire people to do all the technical translating, they would have to charge a lot more. It is a gift as it is.

Their phone is always answered, even on Saturday til 1 PM. I have always been able to talk to them - never an answering machine, but real bodies, to answer my questions (in German). And they are especially helpful when trying to understand the emotional releases that undoubtedly happen. I have never received such great service from anyone I had to deal with as I have from AI. This is not a money business - they really care about the people and want to improve lifes. It is a family business father started many years ago and son took over some 15 years ago. Did you know they are also treating pets? Pets usually need it after they get their vaccinations .........

[ 02-02-2011, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thank you all for your suggestions. The acute back pain is about 60% gone at this point.

Received my 6th round of drops today. All that is left is 3 energetic "blockades". Does anyone know if this means that all other chemical and biological substances are cleared?

I do feel better this month -- fatigue has definitely improved a bit, I do not have any more "crashes", sleeping is better,I'm not as dependent upon coffee, I am much better at remembering things, and I am able to stick to a yoga routine every morning for about 30 minutes--unthinkable several months ago!

I have high hopes for the rest of my family, and all of you as well. We must all have faith, trust that the drops are doing their thing, and work hard to make positive changes to our lives.

Hang in there everybody!
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

"All that is left is 3 energetic "blockades". Does anyone know if this means that all other chemical and biological substances are cleared?"

No, there could be just as many, more, or less blockages coming up, as the testing is entering other/deeper levels.

Feeling better is the main thing. Let the detoxing continue.

Sounds like you are doing real good! Great.

Take care.
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
I think I am finally ready to pursue allergie-immune for my 6 year old twin boys. We think their lyme is gone but they still have some behavior and attention issues. I think KPU could be an issue and am in the process of getting that testing done.

I do plan to read the entire thread but in the meantime, I would like to get my order in, so can someone just confirm that all I need to do to order at this point is click on where it says REGU-IMMUNE THERAPY? Then they will send me a test kit and I send in some saliva? How much is the 450,00 in American dollars?

If anyone can share info on what to expect with young children taking this therapy, it would be so helpful. Can behavior or hyperactivity get worse? Should I expect them to be in much pain? Can this therapy be done while treating KPU and treating neurotransmitter imbalances? Is this a recommended therapy for autistic children?

Gigi - I know your grandchildren have taken it...any info from their experience would be much appreciated. Did they have many symptoms from it during treatment?

I just am trying to get a feel for what to expect as my children take it. Perhaps I will take it at the same time so I can understand what they are going through, as I'm sure I need it as well.

Thanks so much,

Posted by dogmom2 (Member # 23822) on :
Can you order just the test 1st and then the treatment, or do they have to be ordered together?

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
tick battler--450 euros is around 600 American dollars, but the exchange rate varies day to day. I just googled it for today and it was $611.

If you are on the English version of allergie-immun, click on order now and then the pay now portion will come up.

dodmom2--You can just order the test if you wish and than order the treatment later.

They may send you an e-mail of how to send in the sample rather than send a test kit. If the response comes in German, use google translator.

I just put some saliva or a drop of blood on a paper towel or gauze strip, wrap it a bit of plastic baggie, and then aluminum foil and stick it in a envelope to mail. The new address is on the German site, but they may e-mail you that information.

Posted by dogmom2 (Member # 23822) on :
thanks for the info!
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
hiker - thanks so much for the info!
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Wow, that price really jumped. [Frown]
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I am weaning off ativan -- that may be why I feel so dizzy. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I am also getting excited about going to the Klinghardt seminar in NYC. I am on a very small dose but even so....
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
tickbattler - dogmom2

In addition to sending saliva or a drop of blood, also put name of person on the baggie.

Include a sheet of paper (one for each person),with name, age and gender. A list of symptoms (one or two words - no long sentences) should be included in the envelope as well.

seekhelp - yes the price went up but $600 for a therapy that some people are ending up on for 1 or 2 years (in the US mostly) is still pretty darned inexpensive. That's not $600 a bottle, it's $600 for the duration.
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Thanks NanaDubo - I just paid today for two of us so far...maybe will pay for three and then send all of ours together.

Just to clarify - we can just put a small bit of saliva on some gauze or paper towel and wrap it in foil? Should we put it in a plastic baggie first?

Does it matter if we took homeopathic remedies or supplements the same day? I'm wondering if we should stop all remedies and supplements for a day before we take our saliva sample.

Sorry if these are duplicate making my way through the thread but it is very long and I need to go to bed now!


Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
tick battler - yes, put the gauze in a ziploc bag (different bag for each sample).

I don't think supplements will interfere with anything he is testing, although less might be better. If you are sending multiple samples, don't forget to put a little piece of masking tape or something with the persons names on the sample.

Just fold the papers with all the info around the baggies so it all fits in a regular business envelope so you don't have to fill out any customs forms.
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Thanks for the mailing tip Nana.

Well, I did it! Sent in my swab today along with my twin boys' swabs. Can't wait to see what they find. If all goes well, I will do it for my daughter and husband too.

By the way, has anyone heard reports on how this works with autistic children? I would love to hear of any accounts. One of my boys could be on the spectrum with his sensory issues and motor tics and behavior issues.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I don't know of any autistic children on the drops but I imagine there are some. Have you gone to the translated site and read the forum? Might be some people posting there about it.

My doc works diligently to detox autistic kids so I would imagine that if your boys have metal "allergies" it will be most helpful for the metals to become recognized.

I hope you all do well on the drops and keep us posted.
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Thank you so much NanaDubo! I am reading through the thread and am getting even more hopeful about it, the more that I read. It is fascinating. I was thinking the same thing about helping autistic kids, as I know detox is a important part of healing them.

By the way, there is an article in the Wall Street Journal today about linking alcoholism to genes passed down through generations. Would this be a type of miasm (did I spell this right)? They talk about creating drugs to match the specific gene type. I wonder if AI could re-regulate the DNA of an alcoholic so they are "cured"?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
You can read up on Hahnemann's theory of miasms. Some of the more prevalent ones are tuberculosis, syphilis, scabies, gonorrhea.

With alcoholism or any substance addiction, I wonder if KPU is mixed in there - can be inherited or acquired.

PBS did a documentary called The Ghosts in Our Genes. Some interesting research - left me with the feeling that AI took up where they left off.

I think it can still be watched on line if you google it but I watched it about a year ago so not sure.

One of the researchers made the point that they had always believed that children and grandchildren of holocaust survivors carried the memory of the atrocities because they heard the stories so many times.

They began testing women who were pregnant during 9/11. Their babies were too young to have heard the stories, but there it was there in their DNA.

A good watch.

A family of 4 that I know who did the drops - the parents had no miasms, the two kids had all four that HG looks for - so evidently they can skip a generation.
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Wow- thanks for the info NanaDubo - that is so interesting. I can't wait to see what is found in our DNA.

By the way, just got an e-mail from Mr. HG's team telling me to mail the saliva to a different address from what they had told me in an earlier correspondence. I shipped already to the In den Hahndornen 16 address! The second correspondence told me to send to Kurweg 20 in Carlsburg. I wrote back for clarification - hopefully I will not have to reship! Did this happen to anyone else?

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Strange symptom that's been coming on for a while: Very stinky urine. It's really bad. I'm wondering if I should get checked for a bladder infection. No other accompanying symptoms, tho.

The other thought--is this a detox reaction? Anybody else have this?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
AI moved to the next village. I would send the next shipment to the address they have given you with the last drops. I am sure mail on the way is being forwarded to them as it would be here. But make sure on next one you send it to the new address they give.

Healthy detox does smell. When the kidneys filter as they should and toxins are coming through, the urine will be darker and smelly. It should not be that way constantly. It comes and goes with the detoxing process.

Liver and Kidney support is very important. Unda 243 is good (google it) and so is Renelix. It is very important to support kidney with plenty of fluids (not quarts of water that flush all the minerals out), but liquids as described in this thread (soups, mousses, broth, tea, etc. Drinking liters of plain water is not a good habit because it flushes out many minerals that most of us have not enough to begin with.

Galactose (google/Biopure carries it also)is important to take to clear some of the ammonia due to detox. All of this info is in the different protocols I have posted over the months. It is very, very important that you support the organs, move lymph, etc. When things start to get stuck, it is difficult to undo the damage. Watch your urine - should not be cloudy or burn or difficult to urinate or frequent. UTI are quite common if you lack support.

Smelly urine is progress as long as it is within limits. Watch it carefully.

Take care.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thanks, Gigi.
This has been coming on for a few months, and it is constant.

I will add more organ support and talk to my new doc about it.

Thanks for all the info.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Research and try Mannose. It works well for bladder stuff. Please read up on it. It is very helpful. See if you find an article by Dr. Jonathan Wright, Tahoma Clinic, talking about the benefits of Mannose. I first learned about it years ago from him and posted it here. But so much of my stuff as usual is pulled as nonsense or ends up in general where no one finds it. I wish I had a record of everything I ever posted -
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
How many were able to go to the Klinghardt seminar in NYC?

I got caught in traffic, but made it at 7:25 last night. Saw Lightparfait, but didn't have time to read many name tags.

Was there any mention of AI in the daytime talks?

I thought the evening felt well-organized. Klinghardt and Burrascano were terrific!


Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I second the motion for D-Mannose that Gigi mentioned!

I'm having alot of tissue burning on face and in bladder. Chlorella and D-Mannose (taken away from each other) are keeping things down to a dull roar.

Do not use cranberry anything if you do take D-Mannose, because evidently they cancel each other out.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

[ 02-21-2011, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: Lex ]
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Driving back from the seminar, my husband was getting weary of traffic jams. So I thought of him and tapped the MFT points and he perked right up.

I didn't get to the Lyme part of it if anyone was looking for me. I wanted to save my juice for Day Three.

[ 02-21-2011, 11:46 AM: Message edited by: Lex ]
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
AI was not mentioned at the seminar, not once.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

[ 02-21-2011, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Lex ]
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Well, that sure is disappointing if this therapy is so crucial to get well. That alone bothers me a lot. I thought he did it himself (or doing it currently) and is experiencing miraculous gains according to GiGi.

Originally posted by Lex:
AI was not mentioned at the seminar, not once.

Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
My husband and I really enjoyed the Dr. K lyme seminar as well. Dr. K is a very entertaining speaker, as well as a brilliant MD. It was neat to see Dr. B there...the two big brains coming together from seemingly opposite ends...that's why they are so good...they are open to learning from each other and changing their thinking when appropriate...and thinking outside the box. I was hoping to see more of the big LLMD's there to learn about life after abx and hear another perspective.

wiseforit - I tried to send you another pm but your mailbox is full! I was NOT the person with the phone ringing - I remember that! Let me know when your mailbox is clear!

Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
seek - that bothers me too...but perhaps he has not used it long enough to recommend it - not sure. I wonder if he normally recommends it for his patients?

I have seen it listed once in one of his presentations, but it was part of a long list of things and there was no detail given in the slide about it. I was happy to see that he mentioned it though.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Well, I just got Round Nine . . . . and hopefully this week I will start Biltricide. The bugs are keeping me awake. Dr. K also poo poos the idea about blood sugar and eating many small meals a day to control it. What's really happening is the bugs are hungry and when you feed them, they're quiet for a while.

I know people that have been on Alinia for a long time and still test for parasites. There are layers and layers of bugs and if you're in a family where only one person is detoxing, you get reinfected. You kiss kids, lick dogs, cats lick you and it never ends.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I think Dr. K tests everything thoroughly on himself first. A number of his patients are on AI and I don't imagine his picture is on the AI website recommending it without his permission.

Lex is right about the parasites - HG did write me once about it and said "of course the drops will help recognize parasites." Doesn't mean it will kill them of course.

I know I have passed some and not on anything for parasites at the present time.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
So many of the parasites are encased in biofilms (mag stearate can help that along)that it takes a drug like biltricide to burst their hiding places.
Seems that AI can help immune system recognize those that are just hanging out -- immune system can then do it's job but if they are in hiding, I don't think the AI is going to burst their bubbles.

K did say that herbal remedies can cause worse die off than drugs. And I've heard from other sources that those with auto immune disease like Hashimoto's need to take care when taking herbs because it sets the immune system off.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I tried to ask K. about magnesium and Lyme but I was competing with a hundred or so other hands.
However, when I questioned other docs in the room, they all remembered K saying that magnesium feeds Lyme and one needs to get mag. transdermally. I use mag oil twice a day and rub it on my neck.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Lyme and magnesium

Okay, here it is in the latest Lyme protocol handout:

Common deficiencies in Lyme: magnesium: has to be given transdermal or via injection. Oral Magnesium feeds spirochetes.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I don't understand why transdermal or injected magnesium wouldn't feed spirochetes---it gets in the blood and goes to the organs just like digested magnesium.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
hiker53 it's too late for me to become a biochemist or an MD but if I had it to do over again, I would just for the privilege of injecting and writing scripts, if nothing else.

[ 02-17-2011, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: Lex ]
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

[ 02-21-2011, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: Lex ]
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
It has been almost two weeks and I have not heard anything from AI. I have sent them two e-mails asking if I should resend my samples to the second address they had given me. They have not responded.

Considering I was just charged over $1800 on my credit card (for 3 of us), I think it would be nice to have some communication here! I will try to look for additional contact information tomorrow when I have time. I have been replying to the e-mails they sent me...perhaps there is a more effective way through a different e-mail address to reach them. Any thoughts anyone?


Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
OUCH Tick battler, I hope you get an answer soon. I wouldn't be too happy. I don't think they speak much English so you'll probably need GiGi to be the middle person. [Smile] Perhaps mail is being forwarded?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
It takes at least a week to ten days (sometimes even longer) for your mail to get to AI. Since they just moved into another town nearby, the mail to the old address is forwarded to them and probably takes an extra day.

They normally do not confirm arrival of your test material and money, but respond by sending you the test results as soon as they are done.

I am sure your mail is not the only one that has not been responded to. They do not have an extra person there to answer e-mails. If they did, we would not get the work they do for many months for the same price paid in 2008. It would take extra personnel to hire people translating and writing in other languages.

I think we are lucky to get what we get and what we pay for this therapy that seems to be taking a very long time for most Americans. I know that friends of ours in Germany starting the same time as we did have finished the therapy a year ago!
We really live a differnt lifestyle I guess.

Hope you get your answers soon, tick battler, and prepare for some sleepy days!! We are on our 20th bottle and I could sleep all day. That's the only symptom I have while my body still learns to regulate again. But it is a good feeling..

Those are my thoughts - knowing the people well after speaking with them many times. The only thing we cannot expect that all Germans must speak English to make it easy for us.

Their new address from the latest mail we got from them with our 20th bottle is

Allergie Immun
Kurweg 20
D-67316 Carlsberg

Phone: 01149 6356- 60 86 938
Fax: 01149 6356- 60 86 872
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
tickbattler - be watching your email for the PDF test results. That will come before the drops arrive. Some have missed that in the past.

Turn around time is always at least three weeks from the time you mail the sample. Sometimes faster, sometimes longer.

No one else is able to do this work (that I am aware of) so try to understand that just a few people are taking care of thousands.

I learned to just throw my hands up and usually my drops arrived the next day! The only time I pursued it by email was if the whole thing took more than 4 weeks.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Tick battler,
Our last few bottles from AI have taken 6 weeks from the time sent. Hang in there!

On another note, I have good news! For the first time in my life I have fingernails! I wanted to wait a couple of weeks before telling anyone in order to see if the nails lasted, and they did!!!

(I hope this is a sign that my bones are getting stronger.)
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Terrific, thejoje. I'm very pleased for you!

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I took a long brisk walk two days ago when the sun was gloriously shining -- saw a bluebird! A year ago I could not have walked as far -- my coordination is better, I feel strength in the lower half of my body and when I stopped to talk to a neighbor, I didn't feel like running away.

Round Nine arrived and like our wizened GiGi said, sleep time. AI found 20 disregulations this time!

I started on the CORE and hopefully I will be getting tested with ART within the next few weeks by a woman who has been studying K's stuff for the last six years. I have the biltricide but think I need to be properly tested before I take it.

It's an ART Wasteland here on the East Coast.

[ 02-21-2011, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Lex ]
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Thank you all for your reassurance...that helps a lot. I'm glad others have experienced the same thing, so I will not worry.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I have found that when I take AI I need extra sleep, as well. Just can't figure out how to get as many hours as I need as I work fulltime.

Did a brisk walk today with my trekking poles. Can tell I am getting stronger.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
"It's an ART Wasteland here on the East Coast."

You can say that again!!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Has anyone noticed their sleep severely disturbed while on the drops? THe last couple of months has been a struggle.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Well, I went to Dr. A and got ART tested and she's amazing! After all the AI that I have done, things have certainly changed.

Lyme traces are miniscule but viruses abound. I am blocked and really need even greater kidney/liver/lymph support.

I was glad for the validation. I've been feeling really run down due to a run of pesky colds and sinus infections. My ears are really cloggy and after each plane ride they take about five days to calm down.

So, two steps forward and one step back, but improvement nonetheless. I am so thankful for AI and everyone on this thread; I am so thankful for Dr. A; i am so thankful for my body working to sort itself out!

Blessings and good hopes to all,


P.S. Lex -- sleep on rounds 8 & 9 seemed to be broken and full of dreaming both good and bad. Pre-Spring light is also altering my sleep.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

You might want to consider two things for your ears:

milking the eustachian tubes - take your index finger and go back in your mouth to the gag reflex and with your other hand, massage that area on the face back of wisdom teeth. It hurts and you may gag.

[ 02-22-2011, 05:16 PM: Message edited by: Lex ]
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
wiserforit - that's great news!! I've been trying to PM you, but your mailbox is full. I would love to connect with you. I'm going out to WA also. Was wondering if maybe we could chat at some point. Please PM me when you get the chance.

Posted by richedie (Member # 14689) on :
How much are the tests and the drops?????
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

I meant to say neural therapy in the otic ganglion

I spoke to an MD today in Maryland to see if he could do neural therapy. He studied with Dr. K
and thinks he's on the right track but his comment was

"I need to make money."

A colleague came over today and we tested a patient using ART and it took two hours and we could have kept on going.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Be sure you take the AI drops early enough in the evening and not too close to bedtime. They definitely kept me awake when I waited too long to take the last 5 drops.

Also, if you muscle test or ART test or tensor test another person, the result for the person will reflect your own if you happen to have similar problems to solve. I always clear myself first, i.e. test myself first, to see my body's response. I.e. if you are testing for toxic metals today and your testee has the same problem, it may result in the opposite. The two results cancel each other out.

In other words, the tester has to be healthwise ahead and in better shape, or at least able to clear him/herself before testing another person.
If you know you are metal toxic, keep a metal toxin vial or a metal detoxer in your energy field (your pocket) and then test the other person.

Test yourself first and keep the blockage clearing items on you, and then test your child or other person --- whoever.

If you know that you need a certain remedy and test for it every day, keep (the test vial) it on you. If you test your child who may need the same remedy as you do, it may not show up as needed if you don't have it on your body. Your need and his/her need may cancel each other out - negate - and it looks like neither of you need it.

It takes a while to learn all of it. But do remember this. If you test positive for fungi today and so does your child, unless you clear yourself first, both of you may show as "no,
fungi not a problem today" -- while actually you are testing "yes" and you should treat yourself and child for it.

Hope I didn't confuse you more.

I would not have wanted to go through this disease without energetic testing. It's got to be a nightmare unless you know what is causing what and then be able to help yourself. Practice when you can and learn more. Please.

Take care.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
I started Round 2 last Thursday. Stopped taking Mepron/Zith and Armour Thyroid on Friday.

AI is something I wanted to do very much. In hindsight, I wish I had waited until I was in a place where I did not need any meds to keep my symptoms under control. I emailed Germany and asked if meds could be taken during AI. They answered yes, so I decided to proceed. Gigi had told us time and again that we should not be on meds while doing AI, but since Germany said it was okay, I thought perhaps they revised their position on it, and that it wouldn't cause any interference after all. [However, recently Gigi told me, given their position, they would not advise someone not to take meds. Makes sense.)

Since I stopped meds just a few days ago my symptoms have come screaming back. Very very intense electric, buzzing, tingling, vibrating, numb, rattling nerves. All through my legs and feet. Also in my arms and hands. In the center of my torso and up into the back of my skull.

I know 'killing agents' were considered a no no. But in my position do you think it would be a good idea to take olive leaf extract, artemisinin, grapefruit seed extract, or anything else in the herbal family?

Also, is Amour thyroid something that could be continued? Maybe I am throwing my hormones for a loop by going on and off (I did this also with Round 1.)

I posted a new topic to see if anyone has any suggestions on how to help calm these nerves.

If you have any suggestions at all, please reach out. I am in a very touch place.

Thank you kindly,

P.S. I will be going to Dr. K's clinic in WA on 3/28. Not a day too soon.
Posted by richedie (Member # 14689) on :
Has this actually helped anyone?
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

Well, I'm 10 days into Round 18. I thought I was going to set the world record, but I see that GiGi is ahead of me (slightly)!!

At this time, the Dr. K method of taking chlorella and then cilantro tincture 30 minutes later is producing the best and most consistent symptom improvement I've had since I got this #^$&@ disease! I can actually THINK for more than 5 minutes at a time!

(Well, I must admit that Rechts Regulat, which Dr. K also found, is the BEST at handling hypercoagulation)

I've stopped all oral magnesium, which I took for years and years, and am now ONLY using the transdermal magnesium oil. I need very little to prevent the horrific leg and foot cramps I was experiencing. Horray!!

On the other side...

It would be very nice if the areas of my memory that are completely gone would come back.... Or, at least, that I would be able to remember things I read or learn now for more than a day or two.... Suggestions?????

Unfortunately, I've had to be on an anti-seizure drug, as the non-pharmaceutical methods didn't result in no seizures. Since November, though, I have had no seizures. So, at least it is doing its job.

I'm interested in getting more data on the Dr. K and Dr. B seminar just held in the NY area. Was it recorded? On video?


Cass A
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi Cass -- try PMing Lightparfait about the seminar. I think the whole thing was video-ed; she'll know for sure.

How wonderful that the chlorella/cilantro combo is working for you in a positive way! Also, what brnad of trnasdermal magnesium oil do you use? The no-seizures news is fabulous too!

I just got round #9 and my health has taken a dip for some reason -- most likely due to insufficient detoxing. So, I keep plugging along. How did your further rounds treat you?

Best to you,

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
I've just come back from ART testing with D A and found some great info. I have questions, though about how to proceed within the backdrop of the AI.

I did test strongly for killing off a Brucella infection and a few nasty viruses gone rampant.
The drops were placed in my field along with some Samento, Olive Leaf Extract, and Bar-1. The result was a pretty clear yes from my body.

D A suggested going on these killing agents for a month, then resuming the drops cycle. Does anyone here have experience with a procedure like this? Will I have to wait an additional month after I go off of these agents? Does waiting 2 or 3 months between rounds upset the apple cart?

Also, does anyone know which round of AI checks for lead? It turns out that my spine and hips are full of the stuff. I did not test for any type of chelators, though. I'm hoping the drops are taking care of that aspect.And since lead is such a common heavy metal culprit, I'm assuming that it was checked out near the first few rounds.

I took 2 of my daughters out to WA with me. We were all checked and all came back with renewed hope. They both tested very strongly to continue on with the drops, even though they do not experience much relief as of yet.

One of the daughters tested strongly for Diflucan. Again, will she have to wait an additional month when finished with the Rx.

Any experience is welcome.

Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Wiser and JoJe

Thanks for the tip on who would know about the recording of the seminar Dr. K gave!

The brand of dermal magnesium I got from my MD is DermaMag, a magnesium chloride oil. I find that I need to thoroughly wash the areas where I apply it at least every 2 days, or it starts itching. Otherwise, no adverse effects at all. And, I don't get the horrific leg and foot cramps, either.

Joje, I've personally used some killing agents between rounds, as needed. Parasite cleanses and more binders are OK while on the drops.

You should actually ask the AI person about your specific ones. Get your questions written up as simply as possible, use an on-line translator, and then email them.

I don't think there's any specific point where lead is tested for with AI--it comes up when it comes up. After I was on the drops for almost a year, I got a Doctor's Data urine test that showed high levels of lead coming out of my body. Just because it's there doesn't mean your body is ready to deal with it.

Hope this helps!


Cass A
Posted by mattnapa (Member # 26414) on :
I am interested in this discussion, especially because of GiGi's recommendations, but I am not really sure what this is all about. Are there some specific posts that summarize the discussion here?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I really could kick myself for erasing my last dozen posts because someone on the site told me if I mentioned Dr. K I would get my wrists slapped.

I am not a happy camper when I'm gagged and from now on I will not take such advice.

I'm on Round Nine -- I don't like it.

A colleague tested me with ART and I tested well for for all four parasite drugs (six week program).
Now I just need a dr. to prescribe them. I was supposed to have a phone consult with my doc last nite at 5 but he never called.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Hi Lex,

It was me who sent you the PM. I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying...... You can mention Dr. K as much as you like (I do!! and nor will I stop talking about him:). I was just suggesting to not type his full name because you can get in trouble, instead only use Dr. K.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

In all of the AI reports I have gotten, heavy metals were only listed in the first report. That was January of 2009. However, I hung on to some lead until January of 2011. It may not come out all at once. I thank God that I haven't released the metals any faster than I have or I would feel truly horrible.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I sent you a PM explaining AI.

Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
For those of you adding Pekana Detox remedies to your journey, I have questions....

I recently added Renelix and Itires with Liver Life to help stuck detoxing drainage. I test for half the amount suggested and it is somehow really kicking my behind.

I am totally weak, weepy and muddle-headed with blurry vision. I don't feel well enough to walk around muchless drive my kids places. I also can't organize thoughts well, feel nauseous and need to sleep alot.

Am I getting flooded with junk getting unstuck? Junk as in blocked lymphs unloading?

What the heck is going on? Maybe I shouldn't take the drainage stuff twice a day and should try once only?

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Okay;, Tammy, Dr. K it is.

I started on the biltricide yesterday. Also need Core and a few things in the cocktail. . . the color orange came up -- I am using the orange glasses as my mother who has dimentia is a real drain on my energy. I have to disconnect from her often. She forgets everything but remembers when I do not call as often.

Testing showed that I need to be on the freeze dried garlic. ART testing said I don't need the other parasite drugs, ivermectin et al.

Great thing about biltricide is that it's only for two days.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
If anyone has time, could you please help out on my last post.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Wiser - Maybe Dr. A would tell you to build up to the suggested dosage?

I would hang in there with them one way or the other. If you have needed this type of drainage for a long time, there is probably a lot of junk to deal with.

I have been using those remedies for a long time and have never had a problem with them.

Had my appointment with her yesterday. Lots of chronic viruses have come to the surface.

Lead and mercury levels have gone down consistently and now other metals are moving out. I attribute this to the drops as hair tests done a number of years ago (prior to AI) never showed anything leaving.

Have prescriptions in hand for parasites!!!! Have to get them filled out here as NDs on the east coast are not allowed to prescribe and I don't want any hassles.

I asked about herbal protocols for parasites and she said her experience is that herbs kind of make the parasites mad.

I know some will disagree with that but I think both Lex and Gigi mentioned something similar. I know Dr. K says there are usually more die off reactions with herbs. I am happy to go the pharmaceutical route for this one.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Tammy - I hope I am responding to the correct post.

If so, I'm pretty sure it's been written somewhere here that HG does not suggest going off thyroid medication. Maybe at some point you will no longer test for it?

Methylcobalamin (sublingual B-12) can be calming for the nerves.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
This topic has 47 pages. No one can read all that, I can't. Perhaps everyone who has had extensive involvement in AI could post a very short summary of their experience. e.g. did it work for you? What has your journey been like?

A BIRDS EYE picture rather than 47 pages of minute details. Would anyone be open do doing this? WOuld only take you 5 minutes to post a short summary.

You could do it in this thread or start another.

Perhaps label your post with SUMMARY at the top in capital letters so we can identify it. Thanks!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Everyone has a different experience with AI. For me it helped eliminate my food allergies and helped my leaky gut go away. It has helped me release chemical toxins and metals and thus my nervous system is slowly healing.

AI does not kill borrelia or parasites, but by regulating the body systems, it helps strengthen your body to get rid of these pests (although you may still need some "killers" at some point).

I found AI made me very tired and sometimess made my symptoms worse. It has not been easy for me as I work fulltime as a teacher.

However, I feel AI has helped me in my journey to health.

Posted by mattnapa (Member # 26414) on :
dan67 I agree with your take, and i would hope those here would consider responding to the request. I don't think anyone expects some universally consistent story to be presented in order to create a summary
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :

I'm on bottle six now.

The theory is that it helps the body identify things and react to them propertly (heavy metals, bad so detox; food, good to digest not allergically react to; bugs, bad so fight).

It has helped me a lot with detox. Upon starting, I immediately was doing much more detox. I didn't take anything else more to generate the detox, the AI drops caused the detox.

My body is fighting less foods as well. This is great. It still fights some, and that's too bad, maybe that will change with more treatments.

I can hope also that it has helped me better identify and fight bugs, but I cannot say that it has or has not, as I have been taking so many other substances to fight bugs during this time.

Well worth the money and effort for me.

Most useful category of thing I've done for lyme treatment is antibiotics. Close second place is the AI drops. Done plenty of other very useful things, but they were not as great as AI.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Quick question: does the $395 (or whatever) price include ALL the future bottles of AI? In other words, what is the total cost if someone does multiple bottles?
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
dan67 the price includes all futures bottles of AI. You do have to pay a small amount each time for shipping. I have done 10 rounds and have not had to pay more than the price on the website.


P.S. While a summary is nice, it really is worthwhile to read this entire thread. You can scan it pretty quickly and pick out what is relevant to you now.
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Great idea dan67 - I would really appreciate this too.

MichaelTampa and hiker - thank you so much for your posts. Gives me a lot of hope.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Dan and others, re. SUMMARY, one of the difficulties in summing up the effects AI has had is that the idea of the therapy is that the body should go on getting rid of what it has been holding onto for quite some time after the therapy ends.

I understand that, as a rough guideline, a year after the therapy for every 10 years of ask me again in a few years' time!

I did 10 rounds and have just resubmitted a sample after a 3 month gap, as Herr G suggested, so I don't know yet if I will need to take any more drops.

I have been having uncharacteristic nausea, extra mucous, constant bad taste, so hope these are all signs of draining going on continuously.

I have recently done a number of tests through a UK private hospital, blood, stool, urine, hair, all relating to detox capacity, genetics and mineral status, so may be in a position to add more comments when the results come through.

AI is a big time commitment, so may not be for those who want to rush through treatment, attacking in every direction at once. I would recommend wading through the whole thread, making notes if necessary: at a rate of 2 or 3 pages per day, it wouldn't take that long, compared to the commitment of doing the therapy,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I agree with Carry -- none of us has time to wade through all these pages but our health depends on it. We can't rely on a summary, which by the way, there are plenty of them sprinkled throughout by GiGi. If you just read posts by GiGi you'll get the information you need.

By the way, Biltricide is not one of those parassite drugs that knocks one on their fanny -- while I feel it for sure, it's tolerable.
Posted by aMomWithHope (Member # 19255) on :
I recommend really trying to read through all of the pages. I did--took me quite a while--but I feel it was necessary to get the full grasp of the commitment and treatment protocol.

After reading through and not being able to find the answer to my pressing question, I've decided to hold off on treatment until more success (or not) stories are posted on this thread.

That being said, if I was considering it for myself, I would probably go ahead and give it a try. And perhaps, once Lyme expenses for my child are finished, I might.

However, right now, this would not be for myself but for my child, and I'm not convinced yet that this is something I want my child to go through until I've learned even more about this, and she is at a much more comfortable place in her treatment.

That is just my decision, others have decided otherwise--but I don't think I could have come to that decision if I hadn't read all the way through the thread.

p.s. Once one is finished reading through this thread, there is also AI's website that needs to be read as well--it is a big time commitment, but very important to know all the details before committing--at least that's how I feel. It is not a quick fix.

I look forward to hearing more and more AI success stories as the months go by.
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
When hearing in these recent posts about the big commitment involved, I am not sure what people are referring to.

Certainly the cost is substantial, but the cost is mostly upfront, and pretty easy to understand what it is (okay, after translating the euros into dollars). So, I am guessing people are referring to something else.

Mailing the saliva about once a month? Taking 5 drops 3 times a day for a couple weeks about once a month?

Has it been very painful for some people to go through this? The binders a lot of effort/money?

Tossing aside the money, I have not really found this AI treatment to be much effort for me. I am on bottle 6 now, have had some good results. I probably did take more minerals/binders than I would have without this treatment, but I still would have done some. I have been a little extra tired sometimes due to the treatment.

All in all, though, it's been a pretty smooth ride, and looking for the perspective of others saying it is a lot of commitment. (Not criticizing, but just reading those comments and puzzled as it's not my experience, and don't even know what it's referring to.)

Will admit, I started trying to read the whole thread, probably read the first dozen pages, but after that skimmed it, and then read the last few pages whenever that was. Felt that got me as much info as I was looking for.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
I would say that it is a commitment OF TIME.

While doing AI, you're pretty much committing to NOT do such other treatments as antibiotics.

Anti-parasite treatments can be done simultaneously. Detox cleanses can get you into trouble, as AI is already getting the body to release what it can, according to GiGi. So, binders are needed to mop up what is coming out.

I've been taking the drops for almost two years now. Some symptoms have disappeared. Some I still have. But, I was undiagnosed for 9 years (at least) prior to starting any treatment at all.

With recently doing some simple Dr. K metal detox help for the brain now, at least my thinking is finally clearing up! This is one of the most vital for me, personally.

For me, part of the importance of AI is that any other treatment needed after completing it is more likely to actually work.


Cass A
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
I actually have been doing antibiotics and other treatments (antihelminthics, herbs, vitamins/minerals, detoxers, NAET acupuncture, massage, oxygen concentrator) during my AI.

One thing I have done is schedule my NAET acupuncture to be outside of the 2-week periods where I am actually taking the drops.

I wish that issue was clearer regarding the antibiotics. They will say it is better to not do antibiotics with AI. But then they say it is okay if you want. I do feel pretty confident AI has been extremely helpful for me and so have the antibiotics. Perhaps they are interfering with each other some, I don't know, but I feel I'm getting a lot of good out of doing both at the same time.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Antibiotics wipe out the immune system and many of us got into trouble because of abx. AI is trying to revive it.

People who had to resort to abx because they came up with an acute infection of some sort, or people who did too many other treatments alongside AI reached the end or had to wait a few months before the body would reveal more errors that needed correction.

I was told, in German, why would I want to take the very thing we are trying to unload with the AI therapy. Much of it is not needed or helpful and often cause blockages. More is not better. The body is extremely busy and working hard to set the changes in motion. I certainly would not do NAET because AI is an attempt in itself to clear the passage ways in a certain manner and I am not sure that sending the body different signals is a good thing. I did NAET for months
by DN in LongBeach herself and I had
to live with the brain fog it caused me for a couple of years. Metal and toxin distribution into the wrong areas and overactivation - maybe your body can handle it - mine couldn't. Many dysregulations are at levels that are treated much later in the therapy. The train got lost somewhere in the jungle and AI is slowly directing it to find its way back.

More is not always better.

The body, once it receives the new information via the drops, will keep regulating constantly while on the drops, in the weeks in between and long after the therapy is finished years later.

The issue about abx is very clear as far as AI is concerned. Maybe have them send you or find the text of the booklet in English "Information for Clients". It is also contained in this thread - probably going back at least a year or so.

Take care.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
I definitely want to try AI, but right now my body is dumping TONS of metals with KPU -- and thanks to Gigi and others advice I've learned how to mop up these metals with binders, etc.

So, as long as my body is doing this, I think I'll wait on AI. Some people say that after a while on KPU treatment they have a "breakthrough" where the zinc, etc., has got all the metals it can get, and after that, taking the minerals and KPU supps doesn't make you feel bad anymore. Right now the KPU stuff makes me feel like I'm on a roller coaster, some days good, some bad. So I want to allow this process to unfold for a while.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Just posted on the other thread about KPU.

Dan67 said "Dumping TONS of metals with KPU" - but where are they going?

If you are feeling bad on KPU, chances are your body no longer recognizes the heavy metals as toxic.

I did several rounds of AI before starting KPU and did not experience any ill effects.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Well, the biltricide is under my belt but at full moon mid march I will whack the bugs again with another dose.

I was able to attend the annual craft show in baltimore -- something I haven't been able to do for the last four years. It was a zoo but I had a great time even tho my recent insomnia has been a real drag.

Suddenly I start to feel better and the nights are a bear to deal with. Trazadone, which always worked before, no longer works. Tryptothan doesn't do anything.

Today I'll start on a Lyme cocktail -- with about five items in grapefruit juice -- will also start with freeze dried garlic dissolved in water for one minute before drinking. This is what showed up on ART testing.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lex - glad to here the biltricide didn't kick your butt. I'm starting albenza for three days and then moving on a different one for 5 days around the full moon for the next three months.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, sleep problems = metals. You are killing a parasite here and there and you now have to support metal detox. You are right on. Add microsilica if you test for it, add quintessense if you test for it. Babuschka Principle =

Wish someone would teach me to show the five dolls here without having to show the link. But those dolls tell such a story and I remain yours truly, the computer nerd!

Take care.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Thanks GiGi . . . I start the Lyme cocktail today.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Lex - Just curious, what are you putting in it? Everything Dr. K recommends (which are a lot of ingredients) or creating your own version?
I know there are several versions of this cocktail (revised by Dr. K over the years). I have a recipe from Sept. 2010. Is this the one you are going by?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
You really only put in the cocktail what you test for. In mine I put acai, quintessence, microsilica, turmeric, black pepper. I am waiting for the beta rizol to arrive. And somewhere I have Enhansa which I'll use when I find it in place of reg. turmeric.

Later on today I will take some freeze dried garlic in water (let stand for a minute) before swallowing.

I had some bad stomach cramps earlier today after the biltricide which I attribute it to.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I find too much tumeric gives me stoamch cramps and diarrhea.

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Does anyone else burn or itch from transdermal magnesium. It is very unpleasant!
Brand name is Swanson-- Dr. Barbara Hendel's
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Re Magnesium Oil - read instructions. It is supposed to be rinsed off after 20-30 minutes.

Re Tumeric - more is not better. It tests sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. When your body doesn't need it or gets too much, don't take it or cut back.

Take care.

There is not a single supplement that we take constantly and not without testing frequently or daily. That applies to everything.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
K. says that there are many people who are allergic to curcumin.

Woke up with a huge headache -- it's that garlic headache, after having broke open many biofilms.

I find if I load up on chlorella before bed sleep improves. I had a dream of going into beautiful department stores with clothes so beautiful I was on a spree.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I am also having some headaches from treating parasites.

That was a nice dream Lex - hope you have many more.

Thanks Gigi for keeping the reminders going about those critters. Wish they had shown up with earlier testing but it is what it is.

Glad I am parting ways with a few of them and looking forward to going after them again at the full moon.
Posted by gwb (Member # 7273) on :
Lex, when you drink the freeze dried water with garlic does it upset your stomach at all? Do you take it on an empty stomach? Freeze dried garlic and me have never gotten along which is unfortunate because I want so much to be able to take it. Stomach upset always happens when I take it.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
One takes the freeze dried garlic before meals --
you break open the caps, stir for one minute, then drink Says BioPure the best. It doesn't upset my stomach but even if it did, I'd just take it.
Posted by gwb (Member # 7273) on :
I use Biopure. GIGI told me to take the capsule at the last bite of my meal. I did do that and it helped, but still get an upset stomach. I might try the garlic in water and see what happens.

Thanks for sharing.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
gwb how about if you put the capsule in some tomato or vegetable juice?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
gwb many times the critters who live within are going to react negatively to the stuff we take . . .
it's like a tug of war sometimes -- whose gonna win?
If a tape worm gives us an upset stomach, are we gonna just give in or find a way around and sock it to em?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Anyone not able to take garlic, do the AI test at least. Most likely you are allergic/cannot regulate the sulfhydrils which garlic is a part of. Anybody who cannot use sulfur may have major problems detoxing, especially toxic metals.

For the people who miss the fd garlic taking right after a meal, you can dissolve the garlic capsules in a bit of warm water and drink it within seconds - and that can be done between meals getting similar benefits.

Most people who have taken the AI test are allergic, i.e. the body cannot regulate sulfur and thus have problems with penicillins, mucor, etc. Study the connection - I am not a doctor, but know if you cannot utilize sulfhydryls, you are in trouble detoxing. I have yet to see one
test of any Lyme afflicted who do not have a problem in this area.

The total enzyme production is often affected also.

Do the test, at least, and find out.

Take care.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
just finished Round 9 -- and am pleased with the results. It's not a walk in the park but this sure beats where I was last year.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Gigi -- what if you've done many rounds of AI and still test poorly for garlic?

Also, when I was given Augmentin last month for an infection, I broke out in a full body rash almost instantly. Yet, aren't I past the penicillin, mucor correction phase in AI?

I know proper detoxing is a thorny issue for me, but I still must question whether AI has been able to correct those dysregulations.


Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
An update on my end----
I'm just about finished with Round 2 and doing well. Except waking up most nights for about 2 hours.

I'm no longer on meds, and I'm holding well. Was having a lot of struggles. But since doc gave me a Vitamin C drip with Magnesium and B-complex, wow, what an improvement. Also started methylcobalamin B-12 injections twice per week. Supplementing my body with these things has made a HUGE difference in how I feel and has been a tremendous help in allowing me to break the bond with meds. I am so happy about this. This has put me on the path of where I want to be..... working on building myself up in a healthy way.

Looking forward to good things.

Best wishes to all,
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Tammy you bring up an interesting point -- no amount of AI can replace nutritional deficiencies, which is what is neat about KPU. You are refilling the minerals.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Most of my family is finished now after 6 rounds. Myself and my 10 year old aren't finished, my teenager is behind us and hasn't finished the last round yet. My husband will need to be retested tho, as he had to take antibiotics last round.

Lots of improvements - my 5 year old had many many woarts on her hands that left with the last round. SHe and her 3 year old sister are sleeping so much better. The 5 year old who was very gluten intolerant and super skinny has really filled out and feels quite sturdy now.

Many people have commented on how much my 8 year old has changed - he has many ADHD symptoms, as well as a few spectrum ones as well. I can see that he still has some more issues to work through - I may get him retested with my husband actually, but overall he has definitely improved. Time to move on to rebuilding his mineral base.

It's a bit of a relief to know that so many of us are done 7 of us at once was a wee bit overwhelming, but I'm so so glad we did it.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
well i had wheat pasta last nite and today I am exhausted.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Has anyone here used Questran to help mop up toxins? I know its a drug, I'm not talking about using it continuously, just "here and there."
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, As long as the body is regulating and
errors still being found, the party is not over. Just because you are tired after eating wheat pasta means little, because there are hundreds of other factors involved in wheat storage, manufacturing, and I don't think you ate nothing yesterday or the days before but wheat pasta!
Mercury is used in wheat silos and I would guess that you are still working on getting rid of metals besides everything else that was buried.

There are rounds to go before the bases are covered and detoxing alone can be extremely tiring.

As long as you are regulating anew, you will be detoxing.

Anyone read the text that comes with the first bottle and the renewal bottles. It will be going on for a long time to come. What you accumulated and have been fighting for a lifetime is not going to disappear in a year or two.

We have to be realistic. Hoping for the best for everyone.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
A deep bow to you, GiGi, for pulling me back to center.

I am off to get tested by an ART practitioner.
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
I have been using cholestyramine to mop up the toxins. This is also an Rx. I have taken a small amount, like 1/4 of a "packet" (regular dose), every day. This is what I test for.

By the way, I just retook the Willie Shoemaker VCS test regarding neurotoxins (available for $15 on the web) and it showed they were at an acceptable level, rather than quite high when I started treatment months ago.

Cholestyramine is what that website recommends for removing the toxins, among other things. I think, in general, questran and cholestyramine are similar. My doc first gave me questran, but I do better with cholestyramine. It is full of chemicals and sugars or fake sugars, as is the regular cholestyramine. But, I get the cholestyramine compounded (don't think questran is available that way) without that stuff.

I think there are lots of good binders out there, the cholestyramine is one of the ones I use.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Michael I just PM'd you... I just got cholestyramine too but so expensive, looking for a cheaper source.
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
deleted, meant to send as pm, sorry if anyone saw
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Had session with ART practitioner yesterday. One of the things found was need for family constellation -- mother. While I was focusing on need to disconnect from her, my mother fell in her apartment. Some guy told her there was a fire and off she went without her walker.

The power of the tribe is never to be under estimated. Every time I psychically disconnect from my mother, there seems to be a crisis. I need to wear the orange glasses.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Hi --

Just wanted to post a link that is a really nice description of lymph system/detox etc. Take a look:

Best to all,

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Good article wiser - I go to womentowomen every now and then - they are great listeners are at least aware of heavy metals and parasites to boot! Their one size fits all "personal program" is a bit of a turn off though.

If they had an ART practitioner I would probably go more often....... I can dream right?

My thermographers advice about breast/lymph - "fluff the girls daily".
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Nana-D in dah house! I'm still laughing about fluffin' the girls! : )
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Finally some great info on lymphatics, Wise. Thank you.

Vodder is definitely the best system taught for lymphatic drainage and if you can find someone, they are worth a lot.

If the dirt can't find its way out, the good cannot go in. Same as when both directions of the freeway are blocked!

Take care.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Re lymphatic drainage -- Biblical wisdom -- you can't put new wine into old wine skins
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Just received my blood labs. I'm not exactly ecstatic over my CD57 being 39. A year ago in February it was 60. Should be going in the opposite direction.

Thyroid is going more into the hyper range. RT3 is in the high normal range. It was 650 six months ago, the highest two drs. had ever seen.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Would drugs show up as chemical substances found on the AI test? I take clonazepam for mild seizures. Wondering if this drug would show up as a chemical substance on the AI testing?

Also would a good yeast that I started taking such as Saccharomyces boulardii show up as a biolgical substance? Wonder how they tell the good from the bad?


I don't think the CD57 test in a very accurate test, but that is just my opinion.


[ 03-08-2011, 07:25 AM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Well, I received the drops today but still no analysis for my 3 family members. I received a patient information packet but no personal information about our blockages!! Very frustrating.

Has this happened to anyone? I know they are busy, but this sure doesn't instill confidence with regard to their attention to detail.

I just sent them an e-mail to the 2 e-mail addresses I have: [email protected] and [email protected]

Does anyone have any other ideas?


Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
tickbattler - Check your email - it would have been sent via email. You just get this full test results for the first one - and the last one. All the rounds in between will come with your drops, but will only tell you what blockages were found. If not in your email, perhaps your spam filter?
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
tick battler: The correct e-mail for AI is the first one [email protected] I think the other e-mail is just an English translation and they may not realize it does not work. Mine to that e-mail always bounces back.

Also if you know the PSP # for each member of your family that will help.

Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :

By the way, thanks for posting your results about your gives me hope for mine. I love hearing that your children made such improvements. I would love to hear more detail about their specific gains...I will send you a pm.

I don't have a spam filter so I didn't miss an e-mail from them. I had e-mailed them in the past and didn't get a response so I'm really hoping they respond this time.

Will let you know if I hear anything.

Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :

Thanks for that info...will send another with the PSP number. the drops have to be refrigerated? How should they be stored? Will they last a long time if I don't start them immediately?


Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on : I'm really mad. The PSP numbers on my twin boys' bottles are the same!! That cannot be right. I would think that each person would have a separate number. I labeled them very carefully, as I knew there could be a mix up with them having the same birthday.

This is really spend this kind of $$ and to have these errors. I had better hear an explanation from them soon.

And I can't even call them and speak to them because I don't speak German. This is crazy.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
tick battler: I think if I were in your shoes I would resubmit your twin's samples. Each person should have a different PSP #. Just use google translator to write a short summary of the problem. You don't want your boys taking each other's drops. I wonder if there was a way to give them different birthdates at this point--even if a day apart just to keep them separate.

The drops do not need to be refrigerated. Just keep them out of the light.

Are you able to energy test? I do that with every set of drops. Round #11 did not energetically test well for me and a month later it still has not. I had my energy healer energetically test it and she said it did not fit me and even felt it was from someone's elses saliva. I did not take those drops, but gave another sample and will have her energy test the ones I just got.

I understand why you are upset. I hope it gets worked out.

Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
In a dumb accident I seemed to damage a nerve in my finger. OK to take a homeopathic remedy while on AI? I would think it's okay as long as it's not a constitutional remedy, right?
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I don't trust most people's energy testing -- too easy to project one's own ideas. Dr. K discusses this ad finitum . . . it's a game even the most famous doctors play.

It's okay to take a homeopathic . . . HG told this to a friend of mine.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Thanks Lex [Smile]
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
My twin girls each have a separate PSP number.

I'm sure you already do this, but when it's time to submit, I tape each name to each ziplock bag containing the samples.

Good luck straightening the mess out.
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Well, I did finally get the reports today in response to my e-mail. However, the PSP number on my bottle was one number and the report said it was a different number - one ended in OO6 and other other in 066. Same issue with my son...the PSP number on the bottle and report do not match but his number on the bottle was the same as my other son's. One of my son's names was spelled wrong on the report. How can a laboratory make such errors? Has ANYONE else experienced this?

I really want to do this therapy but this is very disconcerting. Maybe they recently hired a dyslexic person in the lab??

I am not ready to ask for my money back yet but would like to start over with all of us and use a new sample with a new report. I don't trust the current results. I hope they agree with this approach.

Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Thanks thejoje - glad to hear that they have successfully handled your twins. Did your twins have many of the same results? Mine did, which concerns me a bit as well.

And now I know they REALLY messed up because I see they listed the same symptoms for my twin boys in the report! And like you said, I had CAREFULLY put each sample in a separate bag with their names and their separate symptom list in the bag. So they probably used the same DNA for both reports!

Does Mr. H. G. speak english at all? Do you think if I called I would have any luck explaining this? I want to start over from samples, new numbers, new reports.

Gigi - what do you think?

Thanks for your input.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Do you trust your own energy testing? The woman I use did not know what was in the AI bottle I showed her, so I think she was reliable. She has been very reliable for me before.

Would you trust ART--afterall it is a form of energy testing and the same bias could exist with ART?

I find it easier to trust someone else with a major energy type question than myself as my emotions play into it. Even my energy healer says if she has a major question about herself she asks another healer to test her.

And if you don't trust someone else's energy testing, how can you trust using AI as it is based on energy testing of some sort?

Just curious as to where your thoughts are coming from.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
re the twins, I would give separate fictitious names so things don't get all messed up. Start over again. Use middle names or nicknames. Mark the plastic with their names -- do everything you can on your end to be clear.

Dr. K cautions ART practitioners not to play the mind games when testing. We have to be aware that this can happen -- always have to have the attitude that we are looking for the answer, that we don't know.

Dr. K also says that if we were meant to be our own healers we'd all have our own planet.

Do I test my energy when I'm in a hole? No, I don't.

If your tester is testing the plastic, you may never be ready for the drops. Best way to test is take some of the drops, put in a quartz crystal clear vial. And using a surrogate is so important -- hard to find a good arm but so often what's going on with us is too easy to project onto patient. Dr. K goes on and on about all this in his seminars.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Just another thought -- HG at AI is not a perfect human being. He is doing his best for all of us. This is not your regular lab where people wear white coats and goggles -- Dr. K said HG is a religious man who cares deeply about helping humanity.

I can't tell you the number of times Lab Corp has lost my blood sample or failed to perform all the tests the doctor asked for. Or the screw ups staff have made like not putting me down for an appt. that I traveled an hour for. Or sending someone else's results to me. Nearly every time I go to a doctor something is missed, something forgotten which requires me to have to spend my time going back to make things right. And not long ago a pharmacy gave my husband birth-control pills!
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Lex, I certainly realize humans are not perfect. I have nothing against HG and I'm sure he is a very nice person. I appreciate that he is answering my e-mails now and after some messages back and forth, he has agreed to start over. I don't think my concerns are unreasonable or unfounded and I feel I am more than entitled to this. Wouldn't you want the same if you were in my shoes?

I feel that there MUST be a strong level of attention to detail when you are charging $600 per person and taking DNA samples and providing therapy to people that you claim will help them. This attention to detail is essential for them to be taken seriously. I hope HG will be looking further into who is responsible for this very sloppy processing.

The mistakes with regard to my samples were numerous and serious. The most important and basic part of lab testing is ensuring that sample numbers match patients and are not mixed up. I have been to Labcorp and Quest many times with my family of 5 and we have only had two mishaps over the past 4 years.

I am hopeful things will run smoothly from now on, as I do very much hope this therapy will help my family.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
tick battler - I think things will get straightened out and run more smoothly here on.

You said "And now I know they REALLY messed up because I see they listed the same symptoms for my twin boys in the report!"

I'm curious, is every single thing the same?
For instance, same numbers under 9.1 and 9.2 for both of them?

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they have the same things checked off for foods, metals, etc., that they both don't recognize correctly. But it would be surprising to me that 9.1 and 9.2 are exactly the same.

I agree with everyone else, to start over and Lex had a good idea about using a slightly different birth date.

Energetic testing - the healthier the practitioner the better the testing. Having that third arm to use with ART and many years of experience under her belt is why I travel to the other side of the country to be tested.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Anytime I ask the energy healer to test something I put it in a clear glass vial and that is what I did with the AI drops from round #11. They did not test well with me first, but I know I might have been "off" that day, so I took them to her in a glass vial and did not tell her what is was. Just asked if these were good for me at this point in time. The answer was "no".

I then became suspicious because the date on the sample was February 17, 2009 and I received these drops in January of 2011. Everything just seemed odd to me.

I have kept the drops and took them back to the energy healer not telling her what the liquid was and it has been a "no" for the whole month.

So, I sent in a new sample and this sample tested "yes" for me yesterday and most of today.
Sometimes if I am really worn out from work I will get a "no" on drops or if I have done multiple rounds in a row, I need a break. This will be the first round since August, since I was supposedly done with the drops in August (done for the seond time-ha!).

I realize AI is a small company and there will be mistakes made. I don't have an issue with them at all. I am just very careful.

I have done energy testing with a healthy tester and and a healthy surrogate and gotten totally wrong results, so I would say that no form of energy testing is perfect all of the time.

Unfortuantely we live in a world that is not perfect and we just do the best we can and help each other out the best we can.

Blessings to you.

Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
NanaDubo - thank you for your post. Not every thing is the same in the two reports and they may very well be from different DNA. But the numbers are very close and with all of the mistakes it made me wonder if possibly the same DNA was used and provided slightly different results which each run. For example on questions 7.1, 8.1 and 10.1 the results were 7, 64, 10 for one twin and 7, 61 and 10 for the other. 9.1 and 9.2 did have different results, which were 5 and 3 for one and 6 and 4 for the other.

What I was really concerned about was that the symptoms that I had provided to them were not correctly listed...they basically put one boy's symptoms on both reports. That, with the wrong PSP numbers was further evidence that there could very well have been a mix up.

I plan to send in my daughter's DNA this time instead of one of the twins. That way, we will have 3 different birth dates and 3 different ages. If all goes well, I plan to do this with the other twin and maybe my husband down the road.


Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
I just checked my twins' first AI results and none of the numbers were the same in any category. They are fraternal twins, by the way.
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Thanks thejoje...that is VERY interesting. It just adds to my reasons for doing this over.

My twins are fraternal as well, with very different symptoms.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
tick battler, if you want me to speak with HG, I will do so. Please let me know.
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :

Thank you for your offer...I do think we have worked things out for now, as he agreed to start over with all of us. His english appears to be pretty good as far as I can tell, but I always sent a German translation of my messages to him just in case.

I just want to make sure we get the full evaluation this time around since we are starting only concern is that they somehow assume this is the second round and forget to do that. If there is a problem with that...I may take you up on your offer down the road!

Thanks so much,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Please note that the translation engines do a horrible job when it comes to the finer or exact part of language. I read the translations that some of you have received and/or sent, and they definitely are not clear at all. Often what he sends makes no sense or very little. But maybe you are referring to his spoken English and not translations. Maybe he is overcoming his shyness about speaking English. Most educated people can read English. Speaking it is a different matter. But if it comes across "stumbling" because of poor translation engine, that is what it is - either clear or still leaves questions open.

If you have not gotten the message across to him that the first results did not seem to be in order, I doubt that by using the translating engine you made things clear now. So why do you still have concern he may still be misunderstanding?
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
I don't have any concerns about him not understanding right now...I think it is clear between us. I put both english and german in my messages and it seemed to me that the translation gave at least the gist of what I was saying....I could roughly decipher it. I warned him that I do not speak German!

My only concern is that the person who receives our samples may not be HG and they may look up the names and use our old numbers and proceed as if it is round 2, and not give us the full report that we should receive with the first sample. I may not be understanding this process correctly, but it is my understanding that with the later rounds, you don't get a full report as with round 1?

I plan to send my samples to his attention so that hopefully they will go to him and it will be processed correctly.

Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
For many many years, I use to have terrible fears/anxiety, etc. And for the last 6 years or so I have been blissfully free of it, thankful and marveling at how it was gone. (I do Qi Gong every day and attribute it to helping.)

Well, now the anxiety and fears are back in full force. It has been building over the last few months. I am becoming overwhelmed with negative worries, fears and concerns. It seems to be an almost constant barrage.

I'm wondering if AI caused this to resurface. I have finished 2 rounds.

I had a lot of dental work done on Wednesday night. Some amalgams were removed. A cap is being replaced (removing the metal). And a wisdom tooth needed to be pulled because the decay under the amalgam went too deep. I was not expecting to have a tooth pulled. I felt complete panic in the dentists chair for a few hours. Panic that continued all through the night (bordering on terror). Worried if things were handled the right way, etc. The assistant seemed a little lax, so I was worried if everything had been properly disinfected (handles on lights, equipment, etc.)

Before I left, I asked if I could see the wisdom tooth. They said I could have it. When I unwrapped it later that night to soak in peroxide I noticed the smaller root was broken off at the tip. This has me concerned that this little root tip was left in my upper jaw. Dentist was not in yesterday to ask him, but I left a message. In the meantime, I called an oral surgeon's office to inquire. They said it could have been taken up in suction (I don't remember him suctioning after the pull, but he could have and I just am not recalling correctly). They also said that if little bone fragments are left behind the body can move them to the surface. I tried to let these good explanations reassure me. But I still cannot find calm in my spirit over this.

And sleep has greatly been disturbed (and has been for several weeks)

Fear, worry and anxiety have now become my worst symptoms. This is not the life I want to be living. I need to find my way back to were I was when these afflictions had disappeared.

I understand acupuncture is a no no when on AI (maybe significant cases like mine are an exception?). Other than massage, any other ideas?

Any advice or words of wisdom would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,

[ 03-11-2011, 10:31 AM: Message edited by: Tammy N. ]
Posted by ping (Member # 6974) on :
Hello AI'ers,

This is my once or twice a year check in -

I started PSP in June 2009 and went 9 rounds to clear. 90 day check put me back on PSP for 5 more rounds. I'm currently awaiting results to find out if I have a round 6 coming.

I'm far more exhausted now than I was during the first 9 rounds; hopefully this means I'm getting rid of toxins, etc. Many skin eruptions, weight gain; lots of old Lyme sx's have come back and have yet to clear. Sleep and exercise both problematic. There's a whole host of other odd things happening, but I'm pressed for time, so not going to list.

I work a 40+ hour work week and am very grateful to have a job. Unfortunately, this makes it tough to get some of the rest and recreation that I'd love to be a part of. The weekends are spent mostly in recovery and trying to get ready for the next work week. I've little time or strength to do anything else.

PSP tx will continue until done. I can only hope that a year from now I feel a lot better and am able to participate in more of the activities that I've been a part of previously.

Will check in again in about 6 months or so.

Wishing you all the best of everything.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

ear acupuncture, in particular "shen men" spirit gate does not mobilize . . . it's calming. Furthermore, five element acupuncture treats constitutionally and does not treat "symptoms" but the spirit. When the spirit is in harmony, all other things fall into place. I would suggest a five element acupuncturist or a practitioner who can just help with anxiety.

You may also need adrenal support. I use VITAL ADAPT.

Be aware also that the spring season is the hardest transition...this too shall pass.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Thank you Lex.

Also, I think you hit the nail on the head about my adrenals. I can feel them mis-firing. All the time. I will look into Vital Adapt.

btw - I am going to Dr. K's clinic at the end of the month. I feel so fortunate. I think all aspects of my condition will be looked at and addressed.... dental, hormonal, etc. etc.

Thanks for reaching out.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Anxiety, sleep interruptions - these can definitely be related to metal toxicity.

Early in the winter when I was releasing a lot of mercury, my anxiety was off the charts. My Dr. K protege confirmed that mercury can cause this and that it was the cause for me.

She also put me on adrenal support recently. I am much calmer and sleeping better.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Nana -
Mercury is an issue for me, so this makes sense.
What adrenal support are you on?

I'm going back to dentist today for an x-ray to see if that little piece of root is still in my upper jaw. I pray for a clear x-ray. Can't handle any type of procedure today.

What's been adding to my anxiety is the memory of the dentist not wearing a mask for a lot of the time while he was working on me. This has caused me 3 nights sleep and tremendous worry. I'm kicking myself for not saying anything at the time. But I was in such an anxious state with the needles, drilling, etc. I'm sure I looked like a worry wart and felt uncomfortable speaking up.

I've been trying to reassure myself about this. Telling myself he was at more risk than I was. But it has me thinking that if he is lax in this area, maybe he is lax with sterilizing and protecting his patient as well. And so the cycle of fearful thoughts continue.....

I will speak with him today about this issue. Since I have to go back for him to address this root tip, and to put on my permanent cap and onlay, I have to finish this work with him. But I won't put myself in the same situation of feeling at risk. He is a very very highly regarded dentist in our area, so you can imagine my surprise.

I also try to calm myself by realizing we have all become germ phobic. Years ago dentists didn't even wear gloves. Remember?

I need to let this go because I cannot go back and re-do the past. I will just be sure to NOT put myself in that position again. I must release this anxiety. It has been a terrible companion these last 3 days. I am just exhausted.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Tammy I am using Vital Adapt for adrenal support.
It contains a variety of ginsengs.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Hi Lex,

Is that a liquid by Natura? I want to be sure I'm finding the right thing. (It doesn't specifically say for adrenal support. But says a lot of other good things like for stress support, sleep, vital energy, etc.)

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Tammy yes by Natura.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Finally getting around to turning off the electricity to my bedroom (from circuit breaker).
Will give it a try . . . sleep was a bit more restful last nite after soaking in magnesium flakes but keeping in mind that a full moon is approaching at which time I will surprise the liver flukes with a dose of biltricide (well, maybe they're listening and they won't be surprised).
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Tammy - what I tested for when in WA recently was AC by Super Good Stuff. She also put me on a small dose of pregnenolone.

I hope you get things squared away with your dentist.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Could you share how small the preg. dose is? I was put on 10 mg and it's not doing too much for me.

I seem to remember a time in my distant past when I was on 30 mg twice a day. I bounced around all day long-- until it started keeping me up at night. Then I wasn't so bouncy and had to go off it.

Are you building up slowly?
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
She had to have it compounded for me as she only wanted me on 5mg.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Have you tried it yet? Is it helping?

I temporarily stopped my pregnenolone because the Bar-1 and Samento combo are making me exceptionally tired. And I have a theory that no amount of pregnenolone will boost me out of this slump.

I'll restart when I am done with this combo.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I have been on both adrenal supports since I got back. I am calmer and sleep more soundly. The trick seems to be remembering to take the second dose at noon which sometimes doesn't happen. It does seem to make a difference.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Ping, very good to hear from you again. Best of luck with your remaining PSP and hope you feel improvements: like you, I have sent off a new sample after 90 days' gap and I am now awaiting the result.

All the best,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
When my doc put me on a minute dose of testosterone, I immediately felt more energy. I wish I had started it sooner. Has made a world of difference.

Learned that gaba for sleep for me revs me up . . .
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Slept straight thru until 5 a.m. . . . after disconnecting the electrical circuitry to my bedroom. Turning off wifi at nite.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
That's great Lex! Do you think it is because of the mold connection? (that's the reason he says to turn it off, right?)

I never thought I had any issues with mold whatsoever. Well, while healing from my dental work last week I was resting on the couch in the living room. Noticed the plants needed to be watered, so did it. After watering there was that familiar wet earthy moldy smell. I dozed off for a short while and woke up with a pounding headache and major throbbing in my jaw where dental work was done. It's as if I was hit in the head with the awareness that my plants are probably contributing mold to my environment. I have plants in every room of my house. We removed them all and are waiting to see.....

Hoping this is another piece of my puzzle coming together.

Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :

Could I take you up on your offer to speak with HG? As you recall, there was a big mix up at AI with the first samples I sent in. I have not yet sent in my new saliva samples but just received new bottles of remedy from AI! Apparently all they did was send me new bottles and rewrite the sample numbers correctly. This was not our agreement.

I thought it was VERY clear that I was sending in new saliva since I am not convinced that the appropriate saliva was used for each boy. I am not convinced that the reports are accurate as well since one son's symptoms were listed at the top of both boys reports. This indicated to me that the reports for my boys may have come from the same sample, which was sent in together with the symptom list.

It was agreed that I was going to send in new samples and start all over and get new reports and new PSP numbers. I mentioned that I was going to use another family member instead of one of my twins so that we can be sure that new analyses are done and there are no more mix ups with the twins in the future.

Here is the my last correspondence to HG:

Dear Mr. Grundmeyer,

Thank you for your fast response and for agreeing to start over. To be sure that there is no confusion this time, I will be sending saliva from my 4 year old daughter instead of one of my twin boys. That way, the birthdates and ages will be different with all of us. There will still be just three analyses, which we have already paid for. So we will have new full analyses with new PCP numbers.

Should I send the new samples to your attention to avoid any confusion and to ensure they are processed with new, complete first analyses? I want to avoid any mistakes in processing so that the samples are not considered to be for the second round of drops since they should be considered as the initial samples. I think it will help to be given new PSP numbers.

Thank you for your help in resolving this mishap.

Sincerely ,

I also sent this German translation...does it make sense?

Sehr geehrter Herr Grundmeyer,

Vielen Dank f�r Ihre schnelle Antwort und f�r die Zustimmung zu beginnen. Um sicher zu sein, dass es keine Verwechslung dieser Zeit werde ich das Senden von Speichel meine 4-j�hrige Tochter statt einer meiner Zwillinge. Auf diese Weise werden die Geburtsdaten und Alter unterschiedlich sein mit uns allen. Es wird immer noch nur drei Analysen, die wir bereits bezahlt werden. Also m�ssen wir neue vollst�ndige Analysen mit neuen PCP Zahlen.

Soll ich das neue Muster, Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf jede Verwechslung zu vermeiden und sicherzustellen, dass sie mit neuen, vollst�ndig analysiert zuerst verarbeitet werden? Ich m�chte einen Fehler in der Verarbeitung, so dass die Proben nicht als f�r die zweite Runde der Tropfen sein, da sie als die ersten Proben ber�cksichtigt werden sollten vermieden werden. Ich denke, es wird helfen, da neue PSP Zahlen.

Vielen Dank f�r Ihre Hilfe bei der L�sung dieses Missgeschick.

Mit freundlichen Gr��en,
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Tammy ever think of getting the propolis diffuser?
Great for mold. We have ours going 24 / 7.

K says the spirochetes start to procreate when they are in a WiFi high electromagnetic environment. Of course mold is always in the mix.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Mold plates did not show mold as an issue in our house.

For the fourth day in a row I slept longer and more soundly. It's an inconvenience to turn off the electricity to my bedroom as I enjoy reading spiritual material before bed. So I leave the lights on in the bathroom and that gives me just enough to read by.

Remember the full moon is on the 19th so if you're starting to get a headache, good time to kick some critter butt. Tomorrow I will start to take the biltricide for two days (second dose in a month).

Continuing with my lyme cocktail slurry and I have to say, when I go up just a little on the phospholipid exchange, it throws my system into a tizzy. The trick is to take enough to detox but not enough to make one miserable. Yes, binders, yes, GiGi, I know.

Blessings to all
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Good luck with the critters. I started albenza this morning for 5 days before, on, and after the full moon. Took mebendazole earlier in the month.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
how did you do on the Mebendazole, NanaDubo?

I also notice the lyme cocktail slurry really energizes me, sometimes a bit too much.

The other thing I want to really share is this: a tiny bit of testosterone is really helping me tremendously. For those of you lagging in energy, discuss it with your health care practitioner -- maybe the kick in the pants some need.
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
I was prescribed testosterone cream by a doctor a couple of years ago. It was recommended that I get it from a particular compounding pharmacy.

When I received the stuff, I called the pharmacy to ask a question about the instructions. The pharmacist ended up telling me that it's not a good idea to take testosterone supplementation because it somehow conditions the testes to stop producing it on its own when the supplementation is being done.

Eventually, the body will produce less and less, leaving you worse off than you started. So I didn't take the testosterone and took DHEA instead.

I'm not an expert on this stuff, just passing along what I was told.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
tick battler, sorry to say, I don't understand this:

"To be sure that there is no confusion this time, I will be sending saliva from my 4 year old daughter instead of one of my twin boys. That way, the birthdates and ages will be different with all of us. There will still be just three analyses, which we have already paid for. So we will have new full analyses with new PCP numbers."

And the your translated letter in German causes more confusion - at least to me. As I mentioned earlier, computer translations are not the thing to do when you want to get a clear message across.
It cannot be done at this time yet, if ever,
by computer.


I am ready to approach HG, but you will have to mail me your full name and address. A SEPARATE page for each person that you want tested, with full name, age, sex, brief list of symptoms; and indication that payment of ...... was submitted via ....... on......

You may want to add one brief remark on each of the twins information page
that he/she is twin of...... . If that is said in clear German, they will understand why the confusion.

If you respond to me with the clear information for each one, spaced in separate paragraphs,
Person l, Person 2, Person 3, etc. I will contact them. My mail: [email protected]

Take care.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
My mouth is starting to break out in sores all over again! All along tongue, etc. God help me. I am at my breaking point.

Had dental work done last week (amalgams removed, metal cap replaced, wisdom tooth pulled because decay was too deep under amalgam, etc.). Still feeling lots of discomfort and sensitivity. Anxiety is starting to subside, thank God. But the nerve sensations in my legs, feet, hands, etc. are pushing me to my limit. Especially legs. I feel sick and swollen. I put a post out seeding advice on how to bring down inflammation. This is probably why my dental work still hurts.

But now the mouth sores are coming out again. I wonder if this is AI at work? Reaction to amalgam removal? (although it was done safely by a biological dentis). Or if it's a reaction to the temporary cap. Maybe I am allergic to the material? The only other new thing I've been taking is' Adrenal Health' by Gaia. It's a combo of herbs.

I don't know if I've been taking enough binders. Don't have someone to test me so I've been taking 12 chlorella at a time (once or twice during the day). I just asked my husband to muscle test me and my arm stayed strong at 30 pills (went weak at 35). Is 30 too much to take at once?

Can't wait to get to Dr. K's clinic at the end of the month. Not a day too soon.

Friends, please send prayers for healing and comfort my way.

Many thanks,
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

35 pills is NOT too much. If you are in dire straits, you may need to really take a lot. When I am detoxing big time I may take a half a bottle of chlorella a day. Sounds like you are not taking enough binders. Perhaps charcoal would help -- that is the big gun but not to be taken for more than three days as it eats up the minerals.

This full moon is a biggie --

no matter how "biological" the dentist, the body is going to detox. When metals are removed, the critters are disturbed.

Again, the sensations you describe tell me that you need a lot more binders.

You will get thru this.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Tammy - I was just reading about mouth sores and mercury. According to the article, it is quite common.

I have taken as much as 50 chlorella at a time so I agree that 35 is not too much.

Lex - mebendazole was quite bearable but I have to say the albenza is kicking my butt.
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Thanks Lex and NanaDubo. I didn't know mouth sores were common with mercury. Makes sense I guess. I will up my binders.

I have really been working on shifting my thoughts to the now, staying in the presence of God. Someone shared some insights with me on A Course In Miracles. The timing could not have been better. If interested, here is a clip:

A few weeks ago I stopped the Mepron/Zith. The bugs are having a field day. Ugh. I want to be medicine free when I go to Dr. K's clinic, so they can really see where I am at without pharmaceutical manipulation. But gosh, it's hard to not reach for the meds when feeling so badly. I'm almost to the point of going back on. I'm at my max.

Lex - what is a propolis diffuser? And how is it effective? Never heard of it.

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I've read A course in Miracles 4 times in the last 15 years and have it on CD in my car. It has really helped at times.

I think we can expect some discomfort when ridding ourselves of various things. It took a long time to reach the straw that broke the camels back and I don't think we can't expect it to all be resolved in a couple of months.

The drops are waking your body up to a lot of things. Rest and try to be patient.

I am in the throws of a fairly rough time killing parasites and I have to remind myself of the patience part OFTEN throughout the day.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Dr. K recommends a propolis diffuser. It's a cone shaped machine that diffuses a propolis capsule into the air altho one can't really smell it. It's supposed to help with mold allergies. I got mine from Bee Healthy on line.

There is a word in Japanese -- "gaman", accent on first syllable "ga." It means endurance, strength, resiliency. It's what got the Japanese thru the camps and it's what they practice in their every day life. When I think of that word I try to apply it to myself. Instead of beating my head against a wall because I'm not where I think I should be, I remind myself that I have the ability to endure, to be there or myself no matter what. I may kvetch every now and again but kvetching in the final analysis, I've learned, only drains the energy I need for healing.

A year ago I never could have walked up and down the big hill near where I live. Now I'm doing it.
That and many other things.

NanaDubo, success with the albenza -- the biltricide is a fairly mild experience altho I feel like my eyes are filled with sand. Spirochetes just love the aqueous humor (no humor there).
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Thank you Gigi - will get the info to you this weekend hopefully.

Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
This morning I was in a very good place in my head. Clear, centered, and in the now. I handled the day well and felt fairly well except lots of tingling, etc. And the discomfort of mouthsores. But things felt manageable.

By late afternoon my mouth started to pound where the two teeth have temporary caps and onlays, and all of my symptoms escalated. I think inflammation is the big thing that's not letting my mouth heal and that's causing me great discomfort with hot, burning tingling everywhere. I'm taking turmeric and fish oil. Also resorting to Advil because the pain is at my max at times.

Does mercury cause inflammation? I feel like I'm at a new level of intensity in my body. Can't sleep. Woke up with very hot sizzling nerves all throughout my body. Very unsettling. Took some charcoal 2 hours ago. No change. Need to reach for the Advil again soon (not like me at all!). Hope it helps. **Just realized now.... part of what I feel is like a niacin flush. After my horrendous reaction Saturday night, I wish to stay clear of this supplement. At about 5:30 this evening I did take B-complex. Just noticing now it has 45 mg of Niacinamide. Could this cause a flush? (When I had a true niacin flush the other night, my hot tingling went crazy.)

Oddly, I feel worried for my kidneys. And I've never really felt this way before,.

I'm trying not to be scared. It's hard when you are feeling so many INTENSE symptoms. I feel worried that maybe the dental work triggered something in my body that's triggered something..... well, I don't even want to say.....

My body needs way more than I am giving it right now and I don't know what to do. I don't see the folks at Dr. K's clinic for another week. I'm wondering if my bacteria load is so high that I should re-start the Mepron/Zith (which also, abx have anti-inflammatory properties, right?). But, then again, will the herx be too much? I'd rather not go this route. But I don't know what else to do. This is too much.

Is this enough binders (or too much?):
This morning I took psyllium husk first thing.
Then I took Chlorella (maybe 20 pills) before breakfast
Charcoal before lunch
Chlorella before dinner (30 pills)
Then 1:00 some more charcoal

When people say binders, binders, binders. I'm not sure what that means. And I don't have someone to test and advise me.

Sorry to be asking for so much guidance/support but I have no idea where else to go until I get to Seattle.

Thank you friends.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

My warm thoughts are with you and your husband. I can't even imagine the stress you both are under.

Warmly, Lex
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Hi Gigi, (your recent post disappeared?? I appreciated your reply. Thank you.)

I too would like to offer warm thoughts for all you and your husband are going through. I pray that you overcome these challenges and comfort and peace surround you and your husband.

Best always,
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hope everyone made it through that big, crazy moon!

The albenza for 5 days was rough (to put it mildly), and everything was certainly accentuated by the full moon. I am pretty sensitive to most everything so others might have a different experience with these meds.

I am happy to say that between the mebendazole a few weeks ago, and the albenza, a few critters must have bitten the dust as I am feeling REALLY good.

Getting through the die-off and the metals the parasites released wasn't the easiest but well worth it.

I had the craziest (but real) dreams ever on Saturday night.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Good job NanaDubo.

I guess there won't be a round ten for me. HG wrote back and said I am not showing any disregulations. I have a long way to go but have to say, I've come a long way and know that without the AI drops, I would not be doing the things I haven't done for a long time.

So if any of your baby birds need a push, I say go for it. It's the cheapest medicine out there and one that I am grateful to have encountered.

I will send in another sample in a few months
and see if all still looks as good.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
That's great Lex. Seems like many more things continue to happen after the therapy is finished. I hope you continue to see improvements and make great gains.

I attribute my ability to finally be able to detox heavy metals (without the need for chelators), thus releasing and recognizing the fungi, viruses and then.... the parasites not being able to hide anymore - to AI.

It is in fact the great untangling.

Big thanks and a humble bow to our friend Gigi for finding this.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Good plan, Lex.

Am busy with chasing my husband's parasites. If I described it, nobody would believe it. But he has had many years to accumulate them and the longer, the worse. Treat Parasites.

I will be back later with more detail.

Thank you, Nana. At the time I discovered this AI thingy, I had no idea what it would lead to, except that I kept being told "it works". I just sent in another saliva sample for Dr. K. He was at our house Saturday and spent a few hours putting needles into my husband ending with an IV that he had brought, on orders of Dr. A.D. hoping to loosen up my husband's tight legs. His comment: "the legs are directed by the brain
". Okay, yes, what else is new!

Treat parasites. They aren't going away on their own. It is a delight for them to eat our nutrients! while it costs you your health and a lot of supplement money and doctor bills.

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Congrats to Lex and NanaDubo for their recent successes! Gigi, I send you love and blessings as you and your husband battle against the horrible Federation of the Ancient Evil Parasites ! No small feat, that.

Here's my update: I just completed round #9 just in time to start Byron White's Myco-A on the weekend.

Mycoplasma infection showed up in labs big time and has been kicking my butt and calling its little friends out to play. Dr. AD is helping me begin this process. The Pekana Drainage remedies seemed bring the symptoms on even harder, so it's more binders, more binders, more binders and less drainage remedies before the Myco-A. Priming the pump, Baby!

Hopefully Byron White's protocol will help me untangle some more junk. I'm not ready for the parasite cleansing yet, but I will feel proud to progress to it! You de-parasiters are a brave bunch!

Sometimes I wonder if the AI drainage is too much at this time. I've written to Herr G to update him on the Mycoplasma and my concerns, but I think they must be swamped because he hasn't responded after three requests.

Keep on Swimming, keep on swimming.

Best to all,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
i hear there are many backups at AI. One woman sent in her money in December and still no drops.

Biltricide is really not difficult parasite cleanse. Clove and wormwood are much more toxic.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
It sounds like it's time for AI to start hiring more people. [Smile]
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
yes I think AI is growing by leaps and bounds -- I just hope they are not cutting corners,
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I wonder how many clients they have and if most are German or the majority from Lyme forums. It would be an interesting breakdown.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Rest assured there is no cutting corners. I have always known them to be above board. They have clients from all over the world - Australia, New Zealand, and other European countries besides of course Germany.

Go to their Forum and read some of the input. Unfortunately, the Germans especially are not the type of people who discuss much on a forum, but there is tons to read and translate.

Call and ask them how many clients they have. I dare say that's none of my business. I have long ago decided that AI is the best thing that came our way, personally. You still need to understand the ins and outs of detoxing which follows as the body is regulating again.

For those who have a tough time when the parasites are dieing off, try the old fleet enema trick: with parasites, fungi, more metals, etc. are coming down the pike. Fill a little fleet enema with a little saline and some dissolved freeze dried garlic and use it as a retention enema. It helps. Much of Parasite die-off is tied with the old fungi, some metals, maybe a couple viruses. Check my post on the Babuschka and you will understand. We are dealing with multiple entities, each one as nasty as the next until gone.

AI works, even when the drops are long stopped. You are on track again.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Before energy testing, in order for the body to be able to tell, you must make sure that your regulation is not blocked. When I was still sick, I used to be blocked for a couple of years - with little interruption.

I noticed that Hiker tested her drops and she says she did it on a day when she was "off". The response will be the opposite. If you are blocked, often the body is in real need of the item to which it responds with a no.

If testing someone else while you are both in open regulation, and the someone else is in need of a support item, if you yourself are also in need of that same support item, you will get a no even though you both are in need of that item.

These are important steps in energy testing, whether with ART, pendulum, tensor, etc. First make sure that you have open regulation, nothing blocked, before you start testing. If blocked you have to find the substance that will open your regulation, keep the item on yourself to keep yourself open, and then proceed with testing. That way you get the true answer.

It pays to take some class - it's got to be taught somewhere as it is in other countries!
The company who makes the tensor usually hold classes once a month or so for people to learn (in Germany, that is).

Take care and good luck.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

did AI ever tell you you were done?
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Quick correction: I have tested the AI drops when I have been tired and then retested them on other days when not tired with the same results. I never have stated that I tested them when I was "off". I also check the drops with another energy tester who has gotten the same results each time as I have and I have not told the tester what I have put in the glass vial.

The first time I tested "no" for the drops I think I was so tired God knew I needed a break from the drops for awhile. I do work fulltime teaching. After a few weeks I tested well for the drops. The second time I tested poorly for the drops I believe (and Gigi agreed) that the company may have sent me the drops meant for someone else. I never have tested positive for those drops, but I did send in a new sample and tested fine for the drops I then received.

I do think that you can detox too much. That may sound really strange, but I think once the body gets rid of heavy metals and a lot of chemical toxins and is healing it needs to learn to live in an environment where we will be exposed to daily toxins. That is why I think AI keeps picking up new chemicals in my body after 3 months of saying and I am done and then again after doing another round I waited 6 months and they found more chemicals. I wonder if the German clients keep sending in samples to AI after 3 months or 6 months like some of us do.

My body has been heavily detoxing for over 10 months now and it could really use a break [Smile]


[ 03-24-2011, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Does anyone know how AI tests your saliva or blood to come up with their results. I imagine they use some form of energy testing. I know they talk about DNA, but I can't imagine they can afford true DNA testing with the price they charge?

Gigi, I echo Lex's question. Are you still on the AI drops?

Blessings to all.


[ 03-24-2011, 03:22 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
One more question: Has anyone been releasing metals that AI did not find? I have released cadmium and aluminum and neither of those were noted by AI.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Well, I have one big numb head. I know that metal feeling from long ago --

Gigi, do you think it safe to do Rifing or ST 8 after done with drops?

It would seem that if we clear what was originally found, and then we send in another sample after the initial "all is clear" and then AI finds more disruptions, a tip off that we've been subjected to something else, but my question is: if the traffic jams are open, why wouldn't the new chemicals or whatever sail on through?
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

I have the same question as you--why wouldn't new chemicals be handled easily and sent on through. Unless the chemicals are revealed layer by layer and have always been there. I don't understand how AI finds what they find, so I hope someone else can answer that.

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Today, I got a notice from AI that, after 5 rounds,all my dysregulations were corrected. I am a little surprised at this, given the fact that I stayed away from all abx and meds while on the drops.

While some symptoms are better, I am far from feeling "good". I do plan on resubmitting saliva in a few months, but I do suppose that this timing is for the best. I have a brucella infection that has to be dealt with, and this is a fabulous time to do it.

Is this the Lymenet record or has anyone else finished in 5 rounds?

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Did AI send you a report with the green, yellow, and red charts. I found that the first time they told I had no disregulations I still had more yellow and red than green and a subsequent sample showed I needed more drops.

I think taking a break from AI is not a bad thing, but I would look at the charts to see how much you have improved, too.

And, as I think you already know, AI does not kill the lyme or any infection, but helps the immune system get back on track.

Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
I've had a big a light bulb -- I think my biggest symptoms are surrounding my kidneys (and or adrenals). I have been thirsty and dry for as long as I can remember (now that I'm learning, I think possibly could be diabetes insipidous.... not the sugar kind). I've had these symptoms for many many years. Always mentioned it to every doctor and nothing was addressed. It has escalated out of control in the last 2 weeks (since dental work) and had a major niacin flush after taking nighttime supplements one night. Since then, it threw EVERYTHING out of balance. If I wasn't leaving for Dr. K's clinic on Sunday, I would go to the hospital. Major thirst (cannot seem to quench!!), frequent urination, mild discomfort in kidney areas, odd taste in back of mouth, and discomfort in mouth (especially after recent dental work where I have a temporary cap and onlay; it's even discolored the temporary cap). I am trying to replenish myself the best I can until I get to Washington. For the first time, I'm taking xanax in the evenings to just help myself get through the night. Anxiety is through the roof. Adrenals are mis-firing constantly. Hope everything is going to be okay.

Saw doctor on Monday. She just doesn't know. Said it was good I was going to Dr. K's clinic. Basic urinalysis came out ok, as did basic bloodwork (except Urea Nitrogen was low, whatever that is). I hope I'm not doing damage by not intervening NOW. But I just don't think I'll get the right help around here.

Please send some prayers my way. This has been a terrible escalation. But at least the awareness is at the forefront for my appts in Washington. Everything happens for a reason....

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
So sorry to hear this, Tammy and I hope things will calm down shortly; perhaps Dr K will be able to reassure you/suggest something to help. All good wishes to you.

Thejoje, I felt surprised as well when I got the closing results after 10 rounds. A few weeks ago, after a 3 month gap, I sent a new sample to the new address and today have received that familiar bottle in its little plastic bag! 13 more blockages!

Lex, I was very pleased for you that you have made clear improvements and wish you well: it's quite likely that you will find more dysregs. after a break too.

Since I had not seriously restarted antimicrobials in the interim [just been using some Buhner herbs on low dose], and have recently had a lot of environmental and methylation/detox genomic tests, it works well for me to be back on the drops.

Following my new British LLMD's advice on test results so far received, I shall be taking CORE [as the KPU test was raised], more minerals, Uva ursi and GSE [tested well for me for yeasts on the Complete Parasitology test] and one or more new probiotics, as , despite 12 years of high dose probiotics, I had, for example, no bacillus at all!

Hair test showed v. high mercury [surprise surprise], suspiciously high calcium, low potassium, lithium, iron, rubidium and slightly low chromium, vanadium.

Lead was surprisingly low [was high in the past], but I'll bet it shows up like mad on the Doctor's Data 6 hour Urine test I have yet to get back.

If anyone skilled at reading the hair test results has any comments, they would be most gratefully received!

Best Wishes to all,

Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Hi Hiker,
Yes, I got the final report with all the charts, and all areas were slightly improved - red areas are now in the yellow, yellow areas are more to the left side, but no green areas yet. Will definitely wait a few more months to double check more dysregs.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
carry what hair test company did you use?

Yes, I have my doubts that I don't have any more disregulations.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi Lex, the hair test is the Doctor's Data Hair Elements.

I had quite a few other tests and am off tomorrow for the detoxi genomic test [very expensive, so hope it's worth it!]. My new doctor is information-gathering so that I will be on a GUIDED detox , with supplements etc tailored to my specific results rather than least, that's the idea.

Getting the 'no more dysregulations' letter from AI in November was good for me in a way because it made me take stock and think about my next move. That's when I decided that I needed to try an LLMD again [there aren't many over here!] and the one I'm seeing was coming back from a sabbatical last month, so hey presto.

I have been unable to get my biotensor to behave itself and give any sort of consistentsign, so hope the new plan will unblock that too.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I don't know what's causing my brain to detox like crazy but I'm on the CORE, four caps a day. I stopped the lyme cocktail for a while.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I have come to decide that within few weeks of AI the metals are flowing without much trying. It takes not much more than avoiding/helping inflammation while it is happening. And of course binders.

I would test what actually is priority for your body right now: are metals still testing? Are parasites popping up? test with Parasite CD or anything that is an antiparasic med. If yes, treat parasites.

Remember that die-off parasites release fungi if your antifungals test. There is also a Fungi CD. It doesn't matter which fungi. If it tests, treat fungi.

Slow down parasite meds and instead treat fungi - do garlic and whatever you know works for you for fungi. Dead fungi feels worse than almost any of the others.

At this stage, I would only treat what tests. Cool off on the others. It does not take long as the house gets cleaner to move from one Babuschka to the next. If you test for Vitamin A or Viral CD tests, that means pulling out your antivirals for testing (Lauricidin, etc.)

The cleaner you get, the more often things change from one day to the next. Do not do the same thing over and over - but only test and treat as you find it with your method of testing.

That's been my method and it usually agrees with the people I can check with for the next move.

The Babuschka line-up changes almost daily. When the parasites fall, the others come tumbling down!

Take care.

P.S. I know I have not answered some things I wanted to - but have little time. My husband has almost the first 1000 IV antibiotic behind him and the reactions are a totally new revelation that I am still trying to figure out.

P.P.S. ukcarry, not sure whether you are aware of it but your posts sound so much better than they did months ago. You are getting better - I can tell!!! Hope it feels that way to you. Sometimes it takes looking back a stretch of time to realize how much has changed in the interim.
Good luck to you and hope you get your tensor working - I wouldn't know what to do next if it weren't for tensor testing. Take care.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
What is a parasite CD?

Gigi or someone,

When you have time would you please explain what you mean by a parasite CD?

Your husband is in my prayers.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
The CDs are actual CDs that you can buy from the Kling Academy. You can listen to them or test with them -- when I listened to the fungal CD I was detoxing so badly for three days I vowed never to do that again. And And. one of K's former assistants said that she thinks the parasite CD more or less just ****es off the critters.

Why not buy the latest manual from the Academy from the March seminar? It contains much info. They also have one on Lyme that is from the evening talk K gave.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
How do you test with a CD. Do you have to have it playing?

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
The frequencies are on the CD, you put it near you as you would a supplement or testing vial and see if it resonates.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

TO clarify--do I turn the CD on or leave it off.

Posted by ping (Member # 6974) on :
Received final report on Saturday; all yellow and green. Clear after 14 rounds & about a 150 day retest.

Saw mention about sores on/in mouth or tongue; I had those on my tongue after amalgams removed (was already on PSP).

Also have Mycoplasma infection for over a year and nothing my Dr. and I have tried seems to knock it down the slightest bit.

I feel lousy. Hope this improves soon, as my work schedule is hectic and resting any time I feel that I need to do so is not an option.

Will post again after summertime is done. For specific communications/questions, my email address is: [email protected]

TTY in October. Hope everyone heals and stays well!
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Hiker, you don't have to turn the CD on, just hold it as you would test anything else.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I have a question for you guys - when on AI, is it okay to take homeopathics?

I'm sneezing and have watery eyes from something that's in bloom now (I get it every spring, but it only lasts a couple weeks). I've been taking a homeopathic and an herbal anti-hystamine for it and it just dawned on me that the homeopathic might be a problem.

I *have* to take something, I can't just sneeze and sniffle while I teach pilates.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
HG told a colleague of mine that homeopathics are fine.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Thanks, Lex. I was testing well for them, so I thought they probably were, but doesn't hurt to check.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
HG told me it was fine. I often take the Pekana detox products and they are homeopathic.

Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I've taken the Pekana, they are good.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Thank you for the encouraging comments, Gigi!

all the best,

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Has anyone had hair regrow in bald spots during AI? We're fairly sure that my husband's hair is coming in thicker on the top of his head - I noticed one day in a busy moment and didn't mention it, and the next day he asked me if I thought it was looking a little thicker - exciting stuff [Smile]

My little girls - 3 and 5 who finished with the last round - 6 - are sleeping so much better. BOth used to wake up repeatedly in the night. Now it's a rare occurrence for either to wake up. My 3 year old went through months and months of waking up between 3 and 5am for an hour or 2. IT's such a relief that has passed! IT's the first time I've been sleeping through the night undisturbed in over 10 years! Both girls are calmer overall as well.

I suspect that my 8 year old will need some more rounds and will retest after 3 months. He has improved a lot, but I still feel he has some more work left to do - we'll see.

My 10 year old and I are the only ones left now - we just submitted samples after round 7.

I'm also curious if there is anyone using urine therapy with AI? Feel free to message me privately if you don't want to talk publicly.
Posted by spirogirl2010 (Member # 31147) on :
Hi Fellow Lyme Group,

I am new to the group and want to introduce myself.

I live in Texas and was dx in April 2010. I'm not real sure how long I've had lyme, but think since 2006.

When I found out what it means to have lyme, I totally freaked out. I immediately requested doxy from my ENT/ allergy MD. I made an appt. to see the only LLMD in my area. Two weeks later I was tested for co-infections and it was negative. Of course I feel that is incorrect. I have sx of bartonella for sure and maybe babs.

After getting deathly sick from the abx after about 6 weeks, I stopped abx tx. Shortly after this my LLMD was threaten before the TMA and stopped treating lyme patients. I now have to go to LA.

The TX LLMD recommended Zhang protocol when I no longer could tolerate the abx. I tried it for 7 months. I began to feel almost normal after 3-4 mos.

I then tried to do heavy metals detox via IV EDTA. All my sx came roaring back after only to IV"s. I stopped the IV immediately. It took two months to start to feel better.

I have switched from Zhang to Buhner and Spiro to treat my infections and am now feeling almost normal after almsot two months on tx.

I did the allergy-immun test a few months ago and just ordered the dropps March 1. I still have not received it. I sent an email to inquire and was sent a paypal bill. I have since straigten this out and not sure if drops have been sent or if they are about to send them.

There was also confusion on billing for the drops. I paid 456 euro, but was told by the company the price is 355 euro. I asked them to adjust the payment and haven't heard anything on this.

They did finally figure out I had already paid and I guess they will now send the drops.

I am feeling a bit disappointed in the confusion on AI's part. And now to see the posts for members here who are also having problems with the company. I hope this isn't a trend and I will from this point foward get better service.

I look forward to being a part of many discussions on this group feed. Thank you for all the great information that I have read.

My prayers are with each and everyone who suffer from this horrendous illness. May you all find your way back to a healthy life.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

Sometimes it takes 3-4 weeks to get the drops. Did they send you an e-mail telling you about your disregulations?

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Welcome, Spirogirl2010, and I hope you get a lot out of the AI therapy, once you get started!

This is a small company that has suddenly received far more clients over the past year/18 months, so turnaround may be slower and is also obviously affected by mail time [I probably get mine faster because am in the UK].

When you add to that the facts that the owner does not have much English and has very recently changed premises, you can see how things can go a little astray at times, but persevere,

all the best,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Dear Folks

just in case you haven't heard about the upcoming Dr. K seminars esp. those in Washington state, listen up: There is one scheduled for beginning of May which contains vital information.
Posted by spirogirl2010 (Member # 31147) on :
Hi Hiker53,

No I didn't get anything on disregulation from AI. What is it?

Also, thank you all for welcoming to the group.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Strange that almost immediately after I get the final report from AI my head turns numb and I feel like I'm back to square one with coordination off, brain fog. I took biltricide last full moon -- I felt no effects at the time and am wondering if this is the aftermath of the biofilms breaking? Or is the CORE, minerals booting out the metals.

I have laid off the cocktail slurry and am just using the micromins, electrolytes and M-water. When I'm like this, no biotensor is going to give me the right answer.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Lex- after my parasite work earlier in the month I had a massive metal release, then fungus, then viruses. Maybe you are experiencing the same thing?

My head gets a little woozy with fungus die off.
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
Lex, I'm planning to be at the seminar.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, yes, listen to Nana. You now have to be active because, based on your previous posts when things looked bad, once the errors are corrected, the immune system is stepping in and letting things move. I posted a couple of days ago how to find out what the major culprit is for the day or a couple of days, whether metals, parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses -- you need to go into the defensive and help this stuff out.

AI in itself does not detox -- it merely turns the spigots on and then you need to support the toxins on their way out. AI is only a method to relay the correct electromagnetic information to the DNA system. If enough of the errors have been corrected via the "informed" water, the detoxification will start working.

Will probably see some of you at the Dr. K. seminar in May. I am planning to be there also.

Since DVD's take weeks to be done, I seat myself near speakers and record all the important info.
I can listen to it again and again afterward. This is how I learned a lot over the years. The volume of information is huge, so be prepared.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
I went for cranial sacral today -- bones all stuck. Sinuses plugged. New moon coming up --

oh brother, the flood gates have opened.

Wish I could be with you all in Redmond, Wa. in May but I just spent a wad in February in NYC plus I bought the manual that includes radiation tips.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

Just checking in. I completed Round #19 today, and will send in a new sample tomorrow.

I've noticed that the turn-around time since before Thanksgiving has been much longer--6 weeks to two months each time.

As for myself, I had to go onto anti-seizure medicine in November. Unfortunately, it has some unpleasant side effects (mainly being cranky, dizzy, and more tired), but these are more bearable than being hospitalized unconscious.

This week, I had my first seizure since November 2010. According to my husband, it was quite brief and less severe than the previous ones. I slept most of the next day, but at least I could be woken up! I was hoping to never have another one.....

I have been taking chlorella with cilantro tincture following 30 minutes later, twice a day, as recommended by Dr. K to pull heavy metals out of the brain. There has been a continuous decrease in brain fog over time since I started this--the one symptom that has consistently improved on a daily basis under any treatment at all. I can actually think for more than an hour at a time now!

Daily, I am also taking a binder drink with Bentonite clay and various high-fiber binders such as flax seed, ground up citrus peel, pectin, etc.

The worst current symptoms are terrible memory and fatigue. Sometimes, I feel like sleep is my only product. However, I am getting more things done these days than I have for a long time.

I really appreciate those who are continuing to post on this thread, and to GiGi for keeping it going!!!


Cass A
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Re Lyme cocktails -- a word of encouragement to those who are just starting out. They really are helpful. Soon after I take my individualized slurry I feel more energy, stronger, clearer, so don't underestimate the power of K's Lyme cocktails. Get tested by a practitioner to determine what's best for you and if you can, as Gigi keeps saying, learn to test yourself.

K says on numerous occasions that many of his patients learn how to manage their own symptoms and I think this is the goal -- to put ourselves back in the driver's seat.

Also just want to share what came to be strongly last nite as I was meditating. Keep your consciousness high. Just listening to the news and all the horrors that are going on the world with threats of a gov't shutdown -- that can really give the immune system a whammie. And thus the microbes get the upper hand. My ongoing objective is to take myself in hand.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Cass and all,

"I have been taking chlorella with cilantro tincture following 30 minutes later, twice a day, as recommended by Dr. K to pull heavy metals out of the brain. There has been a continuous decrease in brain fog over time since I started this--the one symptom that has consistently improved on a daily basis under any treatment at all. I can actually think for more than an hour at a time now!"

Cass, Dr. K. does not recommend
doing heavy metal detoxing in this matter. Cilantro, as I have often posted, crosses the blood brain barrier, and therefore many people are not ready to take cilantro the way your describe it. Cilantro taking should be based on testing before doing so, and if you are tested you will quickly find out that many times cilantro does not test well, while it may be testing at another time.

You should also take the binders (chlorella and some of the others) at least four times a day, 20 minutes before the meals and at bedtime. If you don't, the metals may get hung up, reabsorb and be redistributed in the various body compartments.

If the gut with its many nerve endings where the metals may also be is not cleared before you start taking agents, such as cilantro, they may reach a roadblock downward and the metals may just be shifting back into the brain. In other words, the gut has to be clean before you mobilize metals in the brain.

With or without seizure problems, I would not dare attempt to do detoxing without prior energetic testing.
The timing of the binders is just as important to be in place when the food will bring the toxins down to avoid redistributing.

Binders are chlorella, betasitosterol, chitosan, apple pectin, and some others/ Bentonite clay I stay away from because when timed wrong, it grabs also the good minerals. I myself have never taken Flaxseed as a binder.

If you are in any way mineral deficient, detoxing is a huge problem until corrected. We just discovered with my husband that for one reason or another, he is extremely amino acid deficient, any of which is needed for any detoxing. He is now getting infusions to correct that deficit. Malabsorption, malabsorption, leaky gut, all that left a mark. I don't know how long it will take to slowly fill these empty places. Read up on Amino Acids and their purpose. Be sure you take digestive aids. Be sure you get good proteins and absorb them well.

If you don't know your mineral status, do a $46 hair test with Doctor's Data. Be sure you rule out KPU/HPU. A very high percentage of Lymies have that problem. Start testing yourself. I am doing super well, but I still test the CORE on myself and I do test occasionally for a couple.
My husband tests for CORE every day. It takes a long time to erase the deficit.

If you have not treated for parasites, you are missing a huge contributor to ongoing problems and I now believe you will not solve them unless you treat parasites. Parasites are holding toxic metals in their coat and clearing the metals does not happen very readily unless you treat the parasites. Babesia is a major parasite living of your blood! and nutrients you will not get. You can add a fortune in supplements and it will not benefit you unless you treat parasites.

Got to go! Take care all.
Posted by spirogirl2010 (Member # 31147) on :
Hi GiGi,

I am new to the group and have just recieved AI drops. I am very nervous in getting started with this new therapy.

I was diagnosed with lyme April 2010, but may have had it since late 2006.

I began abx tx with doxy, then added ceftin 2 weeks later. I had to stop ceftin due to allergic reaction. That was replaced by amoxicillin. Then plaquinil was added two weeks later. I then had to stop all abx due to severe diarhea and weight loss.

My LLMD who has since stopped treating lyme due to harassment from the Texas Medical Board, suggested I try Zhang protocol. I did and within 3 weeks I began feeling much improved.

I then did the IV EDTA heavy metals test that showed very elevated levels of lead and gadolinium, and elevated cadmium, and slightly elevated nickle and aluminum. When I tried to detox via IV EDTA I got so very sick. All my lyme symptoms that surface during abx tx came roaring back. I immediately stopped treatment.

I decided to try AI because I feel perhaps I have a problem with my detox pathways.

Before starting my drops I want to consult with someone with experience to make sure I do this correctly.

I am now taking the Buhner herbs and Spiro from Raintree. I am feeling improvement. I ask Heinz if I should stop the herbs and he said no I didn't need to. I hear from some that I should. What do you think?

I am also concerned about how the drops may make me feel. I have just in the last 2-3 weeks got functional and don't want to go back to feeling bad.

What about binders? I have milk thistle, chlorella, bentonite, charcoal and cilantro essential oil. The only thing I take currently is milk thistle and chlorella.

I am a vegitarian and eat lots of raw vegis. I get my omega 3 from flax oil and chia seed.

I still get the burning sensations in my muscles, sinus area, tmj and achey feet occassionally. Not as bad as it was.

I would appreciate your input before I begin the drops. Or the input of anyone with longterm experience with AI.

Thank you.

My D.O. checked my blood for magnesium, Zinc and calcium. Everything was good.

I did a stool sample test for parasites that came back negative.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

I would suggest you not call yourself "SpiroGirl."

Cilantro oil? It's not a binder; it's a mobilizer and as Gigi said in her post above, cilantro needs to be used carefully and only when one tests for it.

Parasites stool samples are worthless. ART testing will reveal if you have parasites and no doubt you do.

Oral magnesium is not to be used when one has Lyme. Dr. K recommends magnesium oil or magnesium flakes which goes into bath water or foot soak.

There are times when I took the drops when I was not a happy camper -- mainly because I was not taking enough binders. The body is basically our laboratory and we need to get over the fear.

The AI drops were a pivotal treatment for me -- one cannot give a guarantee that you won't feel worse, but if you do, chalk it up to improvement.
If you take your binders, you will learn which ones and how much to take to help yourself through the healing crises.

Some people I know felt nothing on the AI drops. My body is a sensitive one and I feel everything.

Gigi lists the binders in her post above -- I want to add one CHITOPOWER which is supposed to be better than regular chitosan.

All good things
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
spirogirl2010 - you said -

"I then did the IV EDTA heavy metals test that showed very elevated levels of lead and gadolinium, and elevated cadmium, and slightly elevated nickle and aluminum. When I tried to detox via IV EDTA I got so very sick. All my lyme symptoms that surface during abx tx came roaring back. I immediately stopped treatment."

When you got your AI test result were some heavy metals checked off? Can't imagine there weren't has we all did. This is not just an indication that you have them but that your body does not recognize them as toxic.

If so, you have "allgerie" (Greek - incorrect response) to lead, nickel etc., these may have just recirculated due to the IV EDTA. Could be why you felt horrible.

Ditto what Lex said about parasites. They are not easy to find with lab tests but if you have heavy metals and lyme, the parasites are there too.

IMO, doing AI is a way of taking charge of your health by giving your body a chance to work the way it was meant to.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Re EDTA intravenous -- some drs. don't know this but the Sumo wrestler sitting beside you is not supposed to get the same amount as the 100 pounder.
Posted by spirogirl2010 (Member # 31147) on :
Thank you all for your respones.

Lex: I call myself Spirogirl after the herbal tx from Rainforest called Spiro. I have been taking it and some of the Buhner herbs for two months and am now beginning to feel almost normal. Today was my best day since I was diagnosed. I was out all day today shopping and running errands, enjoy in warm spring day. It was awesome.

Nana: Yes some metals did show up on the AI test ( mercury, lead, nickle and copper). Recirculating metals was in the red.

I had some molds, 3-penicilliums, 2- mucors. I had mold remediation last year and had aspergillus in my home, but it didn't show up in AI test.

All my genetic toxin had red x's. What does this mean?

Most of my readings were in the yellow and just 3 in the red. I hope this means I'm not too bad

Thank you all again. I do feel better about getting started. I will keep you all posted.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Genetic toxins with red x's are miasms. The memory of disease stored in your DNA from past generations.

Look up Hahnemann's Miasm theory.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

what I meant was that sometimes the nickname we give ourselves can cast us in stone. So when I see SpiroGirl I am going to think SpiralGirl because obviously you are spiraling out of where you were.
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Look Lex, you should leave politics out of this forum. Just because YOU may not have liked Spiro Agnew, you have no right to tell people that they shouldn't adopt his name. [lol]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Spirochetes? Ever heard of them?

Aspergillus falls into the mucor fungi area. They do not look for each individual one, and I don't think I ever head of any Lyme person who did not have red x's in the fungi area. Usually, if you have problems with fungi, metals are the cause.
They also do not look for all the many toxic metals, but just the major ones. Usually if a person has one, it means some of the others are present also. That seems to be the Lyme ecosystem.

Hope for everyone to have good days.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

I was not referring to Spiro Agnew but "spirochetes" .... you know, the critters that are trying to kill us all?

Someone wise on this forum once said it's not a good idea to call yourself a "Lymee" if you want to get well.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
After procaine injections in back, neck and a couple on head, my chin has turned red and swollen.
My entire face feels dehydrated and tight. The day after the injections my right upper arm burned so badly I could barely touch it. I am waiting to hear back from the MD to see if he uses procaine without preservatives.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
claims there are no preservatives in procaine. I don't think I want that stuff again.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I'm pretty sure it was procaine injections I had along a lengthy scar a year or so ago. I had a huge emotional release that lasted the entire next day.

Didn't have any of the other issues you mentioned.

Let us know if it was the preservatives.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Any one else dealing with costochondritis and spine pain? This has been the major biggy for me despite binders.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Nanadubo -- dr. said there are no preservatives in his procaine.

WIserforit2 you might try glucosamine sulfate from Premier Research Labs and cranial sacral therapy. If there is a five element acupuncturist near you, ask them to clear Aggressive Energy on the back -- they know how to do this. It releases a lot of pent up energy and makes the entire meridian system flow.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Hey Wiserforit,
I have osteochondritis and back pain. Is that about the same as costo?
Osteo C is mineral deposits along the vertebral end plates. Lots of back pain- doc says lead is trapped in there somehow. I am looking forward to getting rid of it via AI detox.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
lead is mostly stored in the long bones, joints, etc. Help yourself with having detoxamin tested by your practitioner and taking it for a while. Detoxing metals may take a few years. And sometimes you need to give it a push. I thought you had a practitioner who energy tests!! Ask - they will guide you. It is not taken care with binders and AI only tells the immune system to go into action recognizing the toxins. If you have been living with the toxins for years, it does need a little help.

If you have not treated parasites, give it a strong thought. That's where most of the metals are stored - inside the parasites - tiny invisible or huge. But they are there - there is no doubt. I seem to remember you had lung problems at one time - make sure you test parasites! energetically, because hardly any lab will find anything. Get yourself a lungworm vial and test it yourself with your tensor. Or of course an expert tester. If you don't test positive for them now, as long as symptoms, any symptoms persist, do not ignore parasites. Babesia is a parasite. Lungworm is a very common one among the Lyme people.

Take care.
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
Lex, thejoje, and Gigi --

Thank you for your replies regarding the spine pain/costochondritis.

thejoje -- it looks as though osteochondritis is different from costo- I have pain between my ribs and around my sternum, which seems to be more costo- than osteo-.... That said, I also have pain in all my joints, which came on after pneumonia thought to be mycoplasma. At this stage of the game, who knows what lablel to give any of it!

Lex, thank you for the acupuncture/five points and glucosamine suggestions. Glucosamine is something for me to retry. Right now I think acupuncture may be too much for me -- Lymph massage is hard on me, so stronger stuff might be too much.

Gigi -- I have long kept the parasite importance in my mind as a next step. Dr. A is not seeing the metals and parasites as something to address right away, since inflammation and difficulty with remedies is rough right now. My own testing of supplements, remedies, etc. seems to be pointing in different directions too. So, I'm not ignoring parasites, but I'm not prepared to address them full force right now.

Just got round ten from AI with 4 chemical substances, 4 biological substances and 9 energetic blockades. So, chemicals are way down and energetic blockades are way up.

I may wait a bit before I start the drops, since I'm going on vacation with the kids. So, treatment approach feels a little disconbobbulated right now.... BUT, thank you to everyone for the suggestions, which I will try in time.

I wish everyone Spring-time energy and light,

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

I feel the heavy metals flooding my system. I haven't felt this awful in years. I thought chlorella would help . . . I hate to mobilize more than is already being mobilized after the AI drops.

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, test phospholipids with microsilica. Check if lead shows now. If so, EDTA contained in phospholipids
helps there. Detoxamin suppositories works well for lead.
Wonderlab EDTA. Calcium Disodium.

Lead is easier to grab with suppositories, but you need to test every day. The collection of metals seems to be never ending and you need to every day test what is up front and most important to the body. Do not stay with the same treatment every day, because once parasites were or are being addressed, it shows up one day as metal, fungi, or even viral (which may even cause a slight temp for a day).

You have to be constantly on the alert and test the Babuschkas -- for the most important to treat that day.

It is amazing that once things start moving, they move. Take Joint Care or such, Glucosamine. Test the different ones in the stores if you don't have them at home. My husband always tests for Gluco, while I test for the Joint Care (similar, but not the same from Swanson's), I ALWAYS find that the lead (Pb) test at that point.
Different metals choose different exodus. Testing, testing, testing to find the one you need. The toxin reservoir is huge for the people above 40. Imagine what my husband has stored away at 85 and the emotional cache from WWII that kept things locked up pretty good for years.

He has been found to be very amino acid deficient and is getting huge IV's made based on his lab work. Now the toxins are really, really flowing --- every day a new surprise. Have a hard time keeping up. I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't know how to test myself. It always saves the day.

Lex, again, start the day with testing the CD's and any metal vial (one that contains all toxic metals in a tiny vial). That will give you the direction for the day. Find what resonates with the frequencies and combine them with phospholipids.
Find the post where I posted about making the slurry. We are addressing a total ecosystem, and any toxin can create similar pains/problems. Diagnosing a specific ailment whether costo or such does not matter. Just know the neurotoxins are on their way and you will have to support them as they appear. From my experience, not much is more important than the hidden parasites holding many of the metals; the fungi; some bacteria; and viruses. You can't get at them until the parasites are addressed.
Dr. K. talked about that years ago in "Looking Beyond". Right now we are moving into a full moon, parasites' wedding and replicating. Watch how you feel! But you have got to mop up metals, etc. in between the different parasite treatments.

I know somewhere there is a light at the end of the tunnel!


P.S. the Fungi die-off when it finally happens I find to be the worst. Get your antifungals out and test!
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Hi Gigi,

I finally was able to send you an e-mail this week with the information about the issues with our samples mix up...I just want to make sure you got it. Let me know if not and I will re-send.

Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :

I have been thinking about you and your husband. Sending you both good vibes.

I got on the Biltricide today.

GiGi, I am going to memorize your words in my head one of these days. Every post is such a precious gem.
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Lex and gigi:

I was only making a joke with the Sprio Agnew thing. That's why I put the laughing emoticon there.

Cheeeez! Everyone's so serious around here.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Has anyone tried the Byron White lyme remedies? I have been hearing good things.

Also wanted to ask GiGi if she has ever used thalamus to relieve head congestion.

Wishing you all a peaceful weekend.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
My LLND had me take the A-Bab one before I started on Mepron. He said it made the transition to Mepron easier to take. I did take it for a few weeks, and then was on Mepron/Zith for about 9 months.

My LLND also recommends A-L, for Lyme. I took that for some time.

I took A-Bart for awhile, but nothing happened at all with it.

I haven't been taking any of these while doing Allergie-Immun drops. My husband, who also tests positive for Lyme, takes A-L.

No big reaction, either positive or negative.


Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
No, Lex, I have not used thalamus. Test for lungworm - it is definitely causing congestion big time. Mold is a problem with many and it can cause so many different problems, it is frightening. Even if it does not test early, it seems to be testing energetically after some other layers have been lifted. Dr. K. alerted me to read Shoemakers Mold Survivor. Since my husband is on the amino acid IV's, the neuro symptoms are really popping up severely and besides the metals that I find almost daily, I now find mold. Do some googling for mold symptoms - it's scary. It is his op that mold is undertreated -- I remember him saying that several years ago. Now I find it testing almost daily. Tons of chlorella, 30-40 tabl. 3x a day. That of course delivers a lot of perfect nutrition. Also SSKI nebulized which I also used when treating lungworm.

So I would check lungworm (varestrongylus klapowi) which can cause a bundle of problems looking like pneumonia - and definitely pay attention to mold. Definitely both are common with Lyme and without Lyme.

I have known the person producing the BWhite remedies for at least 10plus years and cannot get excited about him or his products. But that is me.

If anyone still has symptoms of various kind, don't hang your hat on Lyme. I think many people are barking up the wrong tree and it is important to avoid tunnel vision. Many people have long taken care of Lyme, but are not paying attention to the other miserables causing identical symptoms, but are not Lyme & Co. caused.
I know it is easy to develop sort of a phobia about Lyme and this can become a problem. This is really a problem with Babesia - just compare symptoms - and how many people are chasing Babesia to the ultimo while the symptoms are caused by different invaders. l=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&

I think we need to keep an open mind looking more elsewhere than Lyme and the usual -

Wishing good things for all!
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
Gigi, thanks again. Where did you get your lung worm vial?You give us all something to think about. Stepping out of the box . . .

Blessings to you and your husband and all of those who are seeking the answers,
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
PS, Gigi,

what remedies are used for Lung Worm?
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Gigi,

Thanks for your responses and for keeping this thread going!

I have done anti-parasite work several times already, including Humaworm twice, a month of Alinia, and some other anti-parasite stuff. I plan to do more anti-parasite stuff starting again next week.

Thanks for your cautions.


Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
I got the lungworm test vial from several people. But you can easily get it from

The lungworm protocol was posted in detail. Pull up some threads from one of the moms who treat their kids, poster's name starts with Mom......
It is a 6week protocol of Ivermectin, Pyrantel pamoate, Albenza, Alinia. I have the details if needed. It is done in combination with nebulizing of SSKI.

If you still have neuro problems after all this, investigate MOLD. You may not see it in your house and you may not smell it, but check it.

From what I learned, Humaworm is insufficient for a serious parasite problem.Especially if you waited years and years to do this type of colon cleansing.

[ 04-18-2011, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: GiGi ]
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Lex, I forgot - yes I used Thalamus. A homeopathic vial applied to my husband's body with green laser sweeps. I got that from a German Klinghardt practitioners - called Regenersen. Not sure if it is available here. I use it on him to sweep whenever he energetically tests for it.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Weird results from AI.

AI sent me a letter saying they can find no more disregulations and have shown me the graphs again. This will be the third time they have told me this. The numbers are exactly the same in every category as they were in August despite having done another round. Doesn't make sense. If AI keeps working the numbers should be higher. Plus one number was in the red last time and the exact same number is now in the yellow.

Still have 8 yellows out of the 19 categories. The rest are green.


Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
The body will keep regulating for many months to come. All does not happen with every drop you take. Detoxing the problem areas can take many months. AI is not a detox program. Rather it simply corrects the information in your DNA, and when the body has the correct information, it can then get active and do what it has not been able to do probably for years. This is very clear once you spend some time and read the website and learn to understand that the human body is a dynamic system -- one positive creates another positive, and another positive, until finally it has regained total function again. The worm had a lot of time to work through many layers before it got to the core and healing takes time.

If you still face ongoing exposures that do not contribute to healing but go against it, you may have to look into that and see if you need to make changes. I have been posting about some of these constantly.

We have found if the mineral and amino acid levels are still deficient, that would make any detoxin nearly impossible until you have been able to build them up. We have to remember that a lot went wrong with absorption due to food allergies if you had these. Leaky gut is not repaired overnight. Toxic metals take years to leave, and if parasites have not been dealt with,
they (metals, etc.) are locked up with some of them.

It's difficult to understand - but AI is not like taken a few aspirin and then all is well. It is a slow and careful undoing of mechanisms causing damage by improper treatments, medicines, lifestyle. Maybe finding out what you are lacking to improve more quickly will help.

Take care.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I understand that AI does not make one well. I have read their site many times and I lead a very healthy lifestyle.

I am detoxing like crazy--lots of metals flowing. My minerals and amino acids test fine.

Have done parasite cleansing. My hosue has been mold tested and is fine. No bad fungi in my body, either.

I just figured the numbers would change and I still don't understand why the same number in August was in the red zone and now that same number is suddenly in the yellow zone. If the numerical value did not change, neither should the color.

My health is constantly improving--just didn't quite understand the AI results, but I will just not worry about it and go on with living and getting healthier.



[ 04-19-2011, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: hiker53 ]
Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Gigi -

I'm still not sure if you received my e-mail which you had asked me to send but I know you are busy healing your husband so no need to contact HG at this point as you had kindly offered.

HG recently responded to me and I think this time he finally understands that we are starting over with all three of us after this fiasco with the sample mix up. He asked me to send new samples so that is a good sign.

Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :

That's great you have so many greens and that your health is constantly improving. I guess it sounds like you can still have some yellows but they find no more I guess the yellows are caused by something else rather than a disregulation.

I agree that is very odd that the number stayed the same and sounds like a typo or something to me.

I hope my boys and I will be in your spot soon!

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :

My point is that in August of 2010 I had the exact same numbers in every category as I do now and was declared well, yet still had some areas in the yellow. In January they found more problems and I did another round and now they say I am fine. Every number stayed the same--so that is a lot of typos [Eek!]

How can the same number mean red in August and now mean yellow? Doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I am not going to worry about it--life is too short for that. Hope your family is blessed with good health soon.

Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

Yesterday, I got my "end of treatment" report from Allergie-Immun. I've kind of been expecting this for the past couple of months, even though I still have some symptoms that are pretty debilitating. Others, like chronic low body temperature, are just indicators of deeper problems that haven't yet resolved.

However, I'm concentrating on binders now and will be doing some more parasite treatment in the very near future.

After that......


Cass A
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Tickbattler, I talked with HG and his wife, both of them on two difference occasions several days ago. In general, they both commented that a mix-up as you described can technically not happen with the way their system works. I didn't debate the issue, because I did not understand the mix-up as you described it. But hope it will turn out satisfactorily for you this time.

I hope you will send the pages in separately for each member to be tested. Just as you sent it to me. Then there will be no chance for confusion.

I will alert them to e-mail me if they do not understand. I am sure all will be okay.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Again, getting to the point where AI cannot find at the present time any dysregulations, does not mean you are "fine" or totally well or you should not have any more symptoms at all.

It may take time for the body to restructure itself and slowly correct all. The longer you have lived with dysregulations, the longer it will take after they are done. If I remember, if you have you have been living with disruptions for ten years, it can take a year of restructuring.

You should feel better, but the total results will take time.

New exposures the body can't handle, that's another story.

Take care. Off to a long amino IV with my husband. Malabsorption by any cause leaves marks that take a long time to correct.
Posted by Lex (Member # 22860) on :
As a friend who has long completed AI recently told me, once the AI drops aren't needed, then the fun begins and I can attest to that. This is not for sissies. You don't finish the drops and all of a sudden you're home free. That's when the work begins. We all need to learn to test ourselves because no practitioner can be there for us 24/7.
We walk out of their office and things have already shifted.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Here is the Lungworm protocol (Varestrongylus Klapowi)

First 2 weeks:

Ivermectin 12 mg 4 times per day for 14 days.
Pyrantel pamoate 1000 mg once per day at bedtime for 14 days

Second 2 weeks:

Albenza 400 mg twice daily for 14 days.

Third 2 weeks:

Alinia 1000 mg twice daily with meals for 14 days

Get the first two at a compounding pharmacy (check prices, they differ greatly)
The last two are conventional.

Protocol may have to be repeated with some or all 4 meds. Testing is important. After this 6 week protocol directed at Lungworm, when parasites (DVD) test, I test and use whichever one tests.

Once you are dealing with parasites, watch out for metal releases, fungi, etc., and treat with supporting meds. I posted a number of them and their use a few days ago on LN.

Do treat parasites (mold,
fungi, are all in this category, and they make up a huge part of Lyme. When talking parasites, don't think or expect worms. Babesia is also a parasite.

Good luck.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Here is the Lungworm protocol (Varestrongylus Klapowi)

First 2 weeks:

Ivermectin 12 mg 4 times per day for 14 days.
Pyrantel pamoate 1000 mg once per day at bedtime for 14 days

Second 2 weeks:

Albenza 400 mg twice daily for 14 days.

Third 2 weeks:

Alinia 1000 mg twice daily with meals for 14 days

Get the first two at a compounding pharmacy (check prices, they differ greatly)
The last two are conventional.

Protocol may have to be repeated with some or all 4 meds. Testing is important. After this 6 week protocol directed at Lungworm, when parasites (DVD) test, I test and use whichever one tests.

Once you are dealing with parasites, watch out for metal releases, fungi, etc., and treat with supporting meds. I posted a number of them and their use a few days ago on LN.

Do treat parasites (mold,
fungi, are all in this category, and they make up a huge part of Lyme. When talking parasites, don't think or expect worms. Babesia is also a parasite.

Good luck.
Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
Can anyone remember the probiotic called Muttiflor or something, I tried a search but came up with nothing. You get it in Germany so I might as well get it while I can

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Hi Mati, I think the one you mean is Mutaflor,

Posted by mati (Member # 15233) on :
Great thanks!
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Dear Friends,

I have now tried two MDs to get the prescriptions for the Lungworm protocol, and both have refused, citing possible serious adverse reactions.


Well, a holding action now until I can find someone who will prescribe them.


Cass A
Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
How many folks are still actively taking AI? Haven't seen posts in a long while!
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
I'm waiting for round 3. Yes, haven't seen posts in a while. Would be nice to see how others are coming along.

I'm having dehydration issues and hope this is something AI can correct. (Recent bloodwork shows I am missing that ADH anti-diuretic hormone). I pray AI can assist in this area. How else can you get rid of the junk when you are dehydrated and dry?

Best wishes to all.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Do the rehydration cocktail I have posted on this thread and elsewhere. It is extremely important. Simple to make. and until the hormone receptor sites are cleared of toxins, which takes a long time, you will need to support yourself with rehydrating. Remember AI only resets the switches. The rest is then up to the body to correct. And it takes several years. But it gets corrected. I have not found any other means to detox as I do now after doing AI. I tried to detox under the best guidance of Dr. K., but it did not work as easy and successfully as I do now.

If you have not treated parasites, all bets are off. It clearly was spelled out this last weekend during the Dr.K. conference, by him and his speakers, parasites are numero uno and Lyme is actially a side event taking second or lesser place until you take care and eliminate the
parasite load.

Read this and weep -

If you can't find a doctor outside the box, keep looking for one that will.

Please do pay attention to parasites.

Take care.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
I just had a ton of tests done. Metals are way, way down. Amino acids and minerals look good.

I have not done a lot about the metals. Binders, chlorella and some zeolite here and there. They have gotten lower and lower so it has to be the AI showing the body that the metals don't belong there.

I also had an attached tick about a month ago. I sent it to Mr. G and he said he found nothing in me that was in the tick. He did find some more chemicals (no surprise there) so..... I am back on the drops.

My doc in WA also confirmed that she found no old or new lyme showing up.

I will be interested to see how long I will be on the drops this time. It has been pleasant being back on them. No difficulty to report.

For as long as it takes and whatever discomfort comes and goes. It works. Parasites never showed up for me before. Enough of the load has dropped so now they are showing their lovely selves and I am treating.

The drops do keep working for a long time.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I'm still here - just haven't had anything to say. I'm about to send in another sample for those in my family that were told they were done - it's been 3 months, so I figure I'll just send them in to be sure. I think that at the very least, my son needs some more rounds.

I'm having a rough time - went to the city for a mama break for a week (my first solo trip on over a decade) I had too much exposure to chemicals while there - fabric softener mainly, and it triggered vertigo that still hasn't left 10+ days later. I seem to be reacting more again, to things that I was doing fine with before the trip. I'm upping organ support and binders, but mainly it seems that being outside all day yesterday brought the most relief. I guess it will take time for my body to calm down again from this revved up reacting state.

One cool thing tho, is that my husband's hair is growing back - he's been balding for years now. He has a 2 inch patch on top that is noticeably thicker and darker. He has also gained 10 lbs, which has never happened in the 11 years we've been together. He's 6 feet tall, and until now rarely went above 130 lbs. I think he's at 141 right now. His digestion is better. He's not reacting to foods that he used to react to. OF everyone in the family he is the one whose had the most noticeable changes. HE was also the healthiest starting out tho, so it's not really a surprise. I've never been well, so I'm assuming it'll take much much longer for me.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Vrey nice to hear how people are and especially, Nandubo, that Herr G believes that the tick was not infected [or else you were able to deflect it].

I completed round 11 a month ago, but have not sent my saliva off yet because I have had a scare, with tests showing blood in stools [my father died following colon cancer and my mother had many polyps with her coeliac disease] and then, over a month ago now, my stomach distended suddenly, with pain and nausea [realised thatI had had the latter for a few months] and hasn't gone down since.

I have recently had a colonoscopy [clear!] and am waiting to hear about tis week's CT Scan.

I am intending to send off the next sample soon though!

Best Wishes to all,

Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
A close relative of mine has a condition called thrombocytopenia. It's a condition where the immune system starts attacking blood platelets, reducing them to life-threatening levels.

The medical treatments for this condition consist of immune inhibitors, such as prednisone. In extreme cases, they even remove the spleen. Talk about robbing Peter to pay Paul! A classic case of treating the symptom rather than the cause.

It's obviously a case of autoimmunity and I wonder if AI can somehow correct whatever it is that causes this condition?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
AI does not look for individual conditions. It aims to correct all the errors in all layers (onion) to eventually put the system back on line doing what it should have been doing all along. The longer you put it off, the longer your "wagon" is running in the wrong direction, erring here and there accomplishing little if anything.

Please read more of this thread to learn to understand how AI works. Read their website in English. Read some of the links on their website.
There is no shortcut to getting well.

Best to all.
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
I've read enough to know theoretically how AI works.

I'm just thinking that since the AI therapy is called "REGU-IMMUNE" therapy, the prefix "REGU" to me, means "regulate."

To my understanding, an unregulated immune system is one that operates somewhat out-of-control, attacking things vigourously that it shouldn't attack and not having enough energy to attack the things that it should, and in some cases like with mercury, it stops attacking or trying to excrete mercury.

Since AI is purported to correct DNA "dysREGulations" and allergies, I'm thinking that this kind of action might have an indirect impact or interrelationship with other operations of the immune system that have gone cah-cah.

So I understand that the creators of AI can not claim that will represent a "cure" for a particular condition. I'm just hopeful that correcting other dysregulations might have an overall regulating effect that might influence this other condition.

Thrombocytopenia in children often goes away on its own, suggesting that as a child's immune system develops, it corrects this condition by itself relatively quickly.

In older people, thrombocytopenia typically shows up in people who have had chemotherapy, but can show up without the chemo too, which is the case with my relative. In adults it can correct itself over time. Some people take longer than others. In most cases it takes about a year, but in extreme cases, it can take as long as 6 years.

The trouble is that even with therapy, if the person is exposed to the flu or a cold, the immune system will rev up and the thrombocytopenia will start killing too many platelets. They can then have a stroke, heart attack, or bleed to death, so it's not a safe thing to have for that period of time while you're waiting for it to correct itself.

Anyway I was just being hopeful that AI might be able to help this condition. Looks like it's anybody's guess.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
I had reported extreme motion sickness in one of my daughters a while back. Here's a very cool update: her doc put her on a round of Diflucan after finding a yeast infection via ART testing. After a month of the Rx, an interesting side benefit occured -- NO MORE MOTION SICKNESS!!!

She has been on 5 rounds of AI and I do believe that it was the drops that helped her body to recognize that the yeast was the invader, thus making the work of the Diflucan easy and effective.

She had been suffering with motion sickness for over a decade--it got worse with time, very difficult to travel even a few minutes away. Doc now has her on an herbal to take a break from the Rx.

Breakthroughs are slow for some, but sure.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
chaps, I remember Dr. K. talking about thrombo, and know that metals are involved in that problems. Google it with his name and see what you find.

Metal toxicity is at the base of literally most problems and that is why people who act like they never heard about it eventually run into problems.
Destroying the body gradually with abx is insane.

Yes, dysregulations aka as certain allergies is when my body got lost once making the wrong turn, tried anaother turn, wrong again, and then never found its way back to doing what is necessary --- regulate all functions! Lost in the jungle - our meridians acting like a hundred christmas light strings all wrapped up in a chaotic ball somewhere in the midst of it a few lights went out wiping out whole chains....... I know you get the picture.

AI is the only way I found to fix it. It takes understanding and working in the right direction knowing what is happening as things unwind. It helps to have someone to energy test or, best yet, learn it yourself to figure out the proper support.

All is work and learning.

thejoje, sounds good. Watch out for some metals to surface somewhere along the line as she frees herself of mucor. Fungi is usually connected to toxic metals. But easy to work with once the body starts to eliminate them. Watch for mold.

There was a lot of discussion at last week's Dr.K. conference. Often fungi and mold are due to our plastic wrapped buildings/homes, building codes, etc. I have been trying to figure out the reason why American clients of AI take so much longer to clear the allergies when compared to the Europeans who are often done with 6 or 8 and thereabouts bottles.

It's great that she is getting along.

Take care.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Originally posted by GiGi:
Often fungi and mold are due to our plastic wrapped buildings/homes, building codes, etc.

A guy I met who does mold remediation for a living would agree with you on this. I live in a 95 year old house with little insulation. He told me older homes were designed for circulation, not to be airtight. My husband and he would both agree that adding insulation to our old house would be a mistake.

My husband sells building materials and does a lot of cold storage work. When you have refrigeration, vapor barriers are important. When you have coldness (even like a/c), it tends to have condensation like a glass of ice tea on a hot day. That water goes somewhere, and if done improperly, will cause mold growth even without a water leak.

Same concept with beds. That is why they have to use so many chemicals in Select Comfort beds, because it's a plastic bag conducive to mold. The latex beds like the ones at the guest house in Dobel (and like mine), have wood slats, the covers are meant to be folded during the day rather than covering the bed, and they have good circulation to address the sweat put off at night.

Air circulation prevents mold growth by preventing lingering moisture.
Posted by ping (Member # 6974) on :
sixgoofykids - Per your request on the other thread, I'll try to state as much as I can in this post, but might be called away and have to finish tomorrow...

Underwent abx tx for Lyme & cos and was in remission for a number of years. Started PSP tx in June of 2009. I felt pretty good the first 7 or 8 rounds; improvements in food allergies, etc. Appendix ruptured in late Oct. 2009 & I was hospitalized. Continued PSP upon release from hosp. and by Jan. 2010 I felt terrible. Had my amalgams removed in Feb. 2010, still felt terrible... Chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, rashes, sores in mouth, short of breath, bowel sx's, weight gain, etc. Some myoclonus as I used to get with active Lyme. I also have a major mycoplasma infection (7 times normal) that strangely didn't register on tests all the while I was tx for Lyme.

Use all the support w/PSP, incl. mineral replacement, electrolytes, adrenal support, vits. B&C (whole vits), trans-derm Mg and some binders.

Finished PSP in Nov. 2010 and have had NO IMPROVEMENTS. Sx's come and go but still feel very, very tired and quality of life sucks.

I've no doubt that many toxins are draining and will take many more months to recover. Bear in mind that I felt good during the early rounds, just as many are reporting right now. At this point in time, I wish I had never done PSP therapy, but will give it the year that I said I would and report later on progress, or lack thereof.

What concerns me is the mycoplasma infection. Might have to go back on abx to clear it up; not a welcome development at all.

For those just starting PSP, it might actually be to your benefit to be 'resting' a month or more between rounds. Consider that we who undertook the therapy early on got our subsequent rounds within 2 weeks of the preceeding round, it might be that it caused too much release at once.

To those who are thinking of starting PSP, or are in very early rounds, please be prepared for a journey of 2 to 3 years.

As for others who feel as bad as I do, they won't post. Frankly, it would serve everyone if they grew some b@11s.

If you have private questions, please email me at:

[email protected]

If you have questions for me and want to post them here, I will check back and answer as best as I can.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Hi everyone!

I have not posted in a long time as our family all went on a round of abx for infections in the lung of some sort and then I have had surgery.

However, I sent in our samples in March as well as our postage money via PayPal. However 3 weeks ago I received a letter in the mail saying that he thinks my daughter is cleared (I don't think so because she still gets excema after eating certain foods) so I know he received the samples.

Then I emailed 2 weeks ago with a German translation included asking where our drops were and I have yet to receive a reply.

Normally he always replied.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Posted by ping (Member # 6974) on :
Here's some more complete info for you:

Fungal issues ARE major, as is said in earlier posts on this thread! You can believe it! Keep in mind that I felt good in earlier rounds, but as I got into the last few rounds, intestinal fungus, fungus on skin... Fungus everywhere.

There are lots of suggestions as to how combat fungus, but I've got to say that the lady who posted previously about her daughter being rx'd Fluconazole has the most definitive answer. My doc just gave me a script and I'll be eating the little orange pills (100mg) for a couple of weeks.

PLEASE do not try to fight fungus by taking acidophilus or eating yogurt; you're feeding the bad fungus and nothing is getting through to the good microbes. You'll have to destroy the baddies first and then incorporate acidolphilus/yog back into the diet - slowly. Diet is all important; sugar/starches should be much reduced and very little, if any, milk products.

For more info on fungus and some good products at a decent price, try:

I don't take Syclovir, but do use the minerals, etc.

Also, my skin is bone dry. Yes, I do coconut oil, olive oil...every kind of oil, plus topical moisturizers. My skin condition might also be attributable to my age (almost 60). The only relief I get is to scrub (gently) the top, cracked layer of skin off and moisturize the new, fresh layers.

My best to all who are using PSP. Get well soon. Those who want to discuss various products/options can email me at:

[email protected]

Have a great summer! Thank goodness I'll be in Alaska and escape the Texas heat!
Posted by eds (Member # 5700) on :

I have also heard from several others that the therapy did not work, but they are reluctant to post here for the same reason you mentioned. Since I am not very active here, I would guess that the people I know who are not posting are differnt from those you know. That and the lack of disclosure regarding this therapy is some to think about. I'm really happy for all those for whom this therapy worked, but full disclosure and a balanced view should be presented.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
I found that when releasing metals that taking saccharomyces boulardii really helped. This healthy yeast competes with the bad yeast and as the bad yeast release their metals and die off there is the good yeast to take their place.

At the moment it seems I don't need S.b.any more, but I am still detoxing metals and have done so for about a year.

Ping is correct in saying that if you start AI you may be in for a long ride. I often wonder where I would be in my health journey if I had not done AI. Would I be better, worse, or the same? I have gotten the "all clear" three times now and I doubt I will ever submit another sample.

I still think there comes a point when the body should be well enough that you don't need AI drops. When well, the body should be able to handle a small load of toxins, metals, and even a few parasites.

Nanadubo--I am really surprised after all of this time that you have to go back on the drops and I am wondering if that will always be the case--that periodic checks will result in showing more chemicals.

Sixgoofy--totally agree with you about "tight houses" and too much insulation. I'd rather lose a little heat in the winter than be "closed" in too much. Also agree about the bedding and now I have a great excuse for not making my bed up tightly like I was taught to as a child! [Big Grin]

Anyone know how LP is doing?

Posted by wiserforit2 (Member # 18286) on :
I've taken a little break from the drops, because I am doing Byron White's Mycoplasma drops. I didn't want to confuse issues, especially since I overload easily and need to try one thing at a time at first.

The BW drops have helped tremendously with the Mycoplasma. I am taking a very tiny amount every other day. It kicks my behind the day after I take it and then I feel so much better. My joints aren't nearly as bad as they were and I seem to be a bit more resilient.

As I titrate up on the BW drops and reach a good point, I will go back to AI drops. I am glad for the Myco response easing up so much of my discomfort. I'd contracted Myco Pneumonia in October of last year and I feel that it is truly being addressed.

Who knows which turn the path will take next....

Blessings are counted and passed on to all,

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

This is the perfect explanation of Allergie Immun. I had found this article a long time ago, but failed to post it.

I understood the principle, but was never quite able to put it into my own words. This article explains the differences well --- the bio-energetic system vs. the bio-chemical system of our body.

Take care.
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
I asked this question on another thread, didn't see an answer there, so I'll ask it again:

Claims have been made that AI clears food allergies by fixing DNA dysregulations.

My question was based on the premise that most of the food allergies experienced by people with multiple toxicity syndrome are caused by leaky gut, not by DNA dysregulations.

Given this, it seems illogical and impossible for AI to fix the food allergies caused by leaky gut. My contention is that the avoidance and elimination diet is the only way to clear these, followed up by supplemenation and diet to heal the gut.

What say?
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
It is a good question, Chaps, but one that I don't feel confident about answering!

Leaky gut is a thorny issue: I sometimes feel that, as long as there are microbial issues, there is little point expecting the gut lining to heal properly, even with dietary manipulation, glutamine, slippery elm etc etc.

Perhaps other have a clear line on this?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Leaky gut is produced by neurotoxins. The major ones are toxic heavy metals. Remove them and the leaky gut will have a chance to heal. If you are unable to release toxic metals as many Lymies are, AI will instantly with the first bottle correct the metal allergy problem. Then you can go on healing the gut and continue to get rid of the remaining dysregulations aka allergies.

You will need to remove the cause to eliminate the symptoms. Leaky gut is a symptom causing many problems until you remove the cause, i.e. the neurotoxins. Scroll down to leaky gut ....

Since the condition of KPU is also a hindrance in getting rid of toxic metals, you should rule that out or in. Replacing the missing minerals, such as CORE, which causes KPU secondarily, primarily because of the malabsorption caused by leaky gut, will also aid in detoxing the metals.

It is all a chain reaction that needs to be interrupted at the source, eliminate allergies, correct possible KPU, and getting rid of the metals.

The microbes will also losing their safe house once the metals are starting to leave.

Leaky gut leads to leaky brain and you have got to put the stop to it by starting to detox heavy metals. Not the other way around. Whoever posted this nonsense about what should be first needs to get better information.

If the information in the DNA is incorrect, all the dietary manipulation will hardly bring any permanent results. The body works first with the correct "information"; biochemical events are secondary. If the base information is wrong, the body cannot be manipulated no matter how hard you try.

We know from HG that even celiac people can eat again all they want when it comes to grain and gluten as they start being able to produce the enzymes to metabolize.

The word "leaky" tells us enough: the holes need to be healed, and that happens, but it takes time. The effects of the metals being released is evident very early because the major corrections are made with the first bottle that you take for 14 days. Then toxins start flowing and I believe anyone can understand that this is a gradual process and has to be a gradual process, because the organs will need to deal with all of it, and you need to give the proper support with binders and organ support. All this has been discussed in this thread a hundred times over.

That people don't feel super superb every day is a natural. As Dr. K. told me a thousand times, "the only way out of this is the way through". You need to have the patience and learn to roll with it and give all the support that has been so generously offered by everyone here.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
And don't forget the parasites, because they are hanging on to the metals also!

We are dealing with one ecosystem run by very smart microorganisms.
Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Tried to address this on the other thread but guess I didn't answer your question chaps.

I know your thoughts are that leaky gut causes food allergies. I believe that we are born with them (inherited) and that often we are not aware of them UNTIL leaky gut develops. Then we become quite aware of them.

So for all the reasons we get leaky gut that Gigi mentioned above, to me it makes sense to address those issues. Maybe once the gut is no longer being assaulted, it can heal. Given a chance our smart bodies can remember what to do and what order to do it in.
Posted by ping (Member # 6974) on :
For anyone interested in starting this therapy, I'd like to make a few clarifications.

First, I've never said PSP didn't work. What I've said is the people I've communicated with, as well as myself, who have finished the therapy AND also done the retest and finished those rounds (if any), are feeling ill at present. The term 'ill' is rather all inclusive, but they all include fatigue; described in ways from chronic to crushing fatigue. There are a variety of other sx's reported that come and go. Speaking for myself again, I can tell you that the fatigue I feel is chronic, with bouts of exhaustion and shortness of breath.

Second point: The fatigue and illnesses only came on well after early rounds; rounds 9-12 (and a few later) seems to be a sort of tipping point. Although nobody can claim absolute evidence, virtually all of us feel as if the toxins, etc. took many months to start moving (as was posted previously by others) and the consensus is that between rounds 9-12, it starts to become a serious influence. It appears that quite a few of us haven't moved through the point of severe fatigue/illness to the stage where all has cleared out and we don't know when that stage will be reached. This does not mean that the light at the end of the tunnel won't appear, just that only a few on this thread say they've reached that clearing point. Please keep in mind that virtually all of us felt & reported improvements (incl. foods, etc.), even reported feeling great during and through the first 8 or 9 rounds, so those of you working on round 5 or 6, you're not there yet.

All of us who are still suffering the effects of PSP wish we had taken this therapy much, much slower, as it might have avoided the 'log jam' of toxins trying to rush out of our bodies. Binders don't seem to be helping us at present and quite a few of us wish we hadn't wasted our money on these. (Had a big discussion on this one...) Knowing what I know now, I would have waited at least 2 months between rounds, even though it took longer to finish this treatment.

I wish many of you had waited until the vast majority of us 'firsters' had completely finished treatment and were at least done about 6 months before starting this treatment yourselves, but, que sera.

Best wishes to everyone!
Posted by chaps (Member # 25286) on :
Whoever posted this nonsense about what should be first needs to get better information.

Well thank you. That's the answer I was looking for.

I suspected that's the case because I've heard from a number of people that the metals cause the terrain problems and the leaky gut.

It appears that the statement that one "musn't try to get rid of heavy metals before healing the leaky gut" originated from the dentist Huggins, who by many credible accounts, appears to have lost his mind in his old age.
Posted by ping (Member # 6974) on :
This was my post to 'chaps' on another thread -

chaps, I'll do the best I can to answer, from my perspective:

"For instance, if a person reached a particular degree of illness, is it better for them to battle certain pathogenic components of the illness rather than stirring up toxins that can compromise them and cause the illness to progress even further?"

I was in remission and off abx tx for a few years. Not saying I didn't have Lyme, but it appeared to be inactive. If it were my choice (again), I'd battle the Lyme first and get it under control before doing anything else.

"Is the severe fatigue/illness that Ping describes from detoxing action, is it from a progressed state of disease caused by AI mobilizing toxins that were previously "sleeping dogs?"

Probably 'yes' to both parts of this question. Ex. I now have a hefty mycoplasma infection that I never tested positive for in the many years (5) I was treated for TBD's. Don't think I'll ever know for sure if the infection is new, or present all the while.

"I'd hate to think that someone who is at a recoverable state of illness might with AI, put themselves at an unrecoverable state, when they might have gotten better by fighting the disease first, then getting rid of the toxins later--or at least by taking detox in a slower, more controlled manner."

This is the chance that we took and as I said, if I had it to do all over again, I do it much, much slower. I was well into remission when I began PSP.

"I've heard NDs talk about "going very slowly" with heavy metal detox, not trying to take out too much at once to minimize risk to detoxing organs."

Good advice.

"Taking a 2-mo. break in between rounds--so someone's case can go on for 4 or more years? Will they even let your case proceed for that long without charging the fees more than once?"

Well, why not? This is a good question to ask AI (about the length of time, etc.).

'It seems unsettling/disconcerting that the folks at AI are dispensing this therapy to people without testing for their current state of disease or degree of toxicity. It seems that they take a "one-size-fits-all" approach to it. And as Morty Seinfeld would say, "I don't like the sound of that!" '

AI does test you! You get an initial test result and a result every time you turn in a swab sample to them and they send you the next round of drops. Energy testing on a daily basis is up to each individual and is not a request of AI.

I reinterate that I don't think PSP is a tx for Lyme, even if others claim that it might be, or has benefits. I took PSP to rid myself of various allergies and other things that go along with allergic reactions, etc. If you're looking to AI for Lyme treatment - DON'T! I've not seen one shred of proof that it does anything for Lyme, regardless of what AI or others say. This is why I said I wished others had waited until after the group of us that went first had finished and been done for a while. Nobody really knows how long it will be until we feel better or what will happen along the way. It wouldn't hurt anyone to keep treating their infections conventionally, while waiting to see how we all turn out.

Good luck, chaps, with whatever you decide.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Could someone please give me the correct address to send away samples.

I sent the last batch to their new address and HG said he never got them.
On their website is their old address, so where is everybody sending to?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
This is their new address since earlier in the year:

Allergie Immun
Kurweg 20
D-67316 Carlsberg

Phone (if dialed from US): 01149-6356-60 86 938
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
Thank you!
Posted by runner21 (Member # 1974) on :

Does AI deal with autoimmune? I just got a test saying i am reacting to my m2 mitochondria.

Appparently there are two types in the body and this one is associated with the liver that i tested for. i wont be able to talk to the doc untill monday.

i have never ever shown auto immune, so im a bit scared.
i am sending my saliva in again..for i hope they deal with that.

thanks, runner
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Runner, answering you privately.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Has anyone had trouble having HG return emails? We sent in our samples way back in April and I know he received them as we eventually (Mid-May) received a letter stating that my daughter they felt didn't need anymore drops (even though I think she does because she still has eczema).

I have emailed 2 times and sent money via PayPal, like always, for shipping.

It is frustrating me and making me not believe in this anymore!

I used a translator, etc. when writing the email as well, like always, so it was in German.

Advice????? Thanks
Posted by pamoisondelune (Member # 11846) on :
Here's a post for you from Selma. She would like your input. It sounds as if she has had some serious problems.
From: Selma
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, June 21, 2011 4:27:58 AM
Subject: [bionic880-PE1] Chelation with PE1 and thougths about Allergie Immun

As will all chelation methods, each method reach points that others don't. At least, that is how I feel.

The PE1 is no different. I keep trying new chelation methods everytime I can, some I react a lot, some less, but I feel most are beneficial if you know how to drag the toxins out of the body (with whatever binders you have).

I do feel the infrared reaches areas that only ingestion of substances don't. That is why I could still chelate with the PE1 even years after being on different chelators and binders. There was still heavy metals flushing out, even after so many years...

That could be the downside though for very toxic people. IF you kill too much plus chelate at the same time, it could be hell on earth.

But if you had don't chelation before for at least 6 months or 12 months, I guess it's okay to start with the massive killing that the nosodes and infrared do.

As for the Allergie Immun drops, they also cause 'chelation' and I wonder what would be the interaction when we use Dr. W's protocol altogether...

It could be also overwhelming?

My husband is on AI for some time, but had the WORST allergic reaction now. He doesn't really take binders. While I feel the number of allergies he got diminished, I do feel that lack of binders could cause some trouble, as he could redistribute these toxins...

He didn't go into anaphylatic shock, but had I not treated him with autonosodes from his saliva and the food that caused such allergic 'shock', I wonder....

His neck was doubled, his eyelid close, his mouth got so big his upper lips were almost touching his nose, his breathing started to be compromised etc...

My daughter is also on AI, but she complains of burning mouth with certain foods. Her insect bite allergy is MUCH better though.

Anyway, just some thoughts. Has anyone here been on AI too to share some thoughts??

Thank you.

Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Pleasea tell Selma I think AI and the infrared therapy may be too overwhelming. I did both with AI before the bionic treatments and then inbewteen and continued AI after the bionic treatments. Cannot stop releasing metals even though I am good about detoxing and using binders.

For me, getting rid of the rest of the parasites may be the key, but I cannot do a massive kill of the parasites as my body is too tired from AI to handle it all at once. Slow and steady.

Personally, my friends who have gotten rid of borrelia--be it antibiotics or infrared treament and did not do AI are much healthier than me.

Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
How do I get HG to respond? Tried emailing him three or four times (he used to respond all of the time) he hasn't in 3-4 months.

I feel really ripped off :-( Everyone that I know kept wondering if it was a scam and I kept saying "no, these people on the message board have had life changing events in regards to health issues i.e. no more food allergies etc."

Now when we are ready to keep going no one sends me any drops, doesn't reply to emails etc and I don't feel that I should have to beg for something that I paid for nor feel that I should have to call Germany.

We paid the postage, sent in our samples and emailed 3 times politely asking where they are. I know for a fact he received them because he sent a letter stating that they felt my daughter was cleared, but nothing about the rest of us in our family.

No one has responded so it must just be me that is having trouble.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Well, 2.5 years now since the original post on this thread. Who is cured, better, or in remission after all this? I always wonder. [Smile]
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Well, 2.5 years now since the original post on this thread. Who is cured, better, or in remission after all this? I always wonder. [Smile]
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Gettinhealthy, sorry to hear that you have had these problems getting a reply from AI; I agree with you that you shouldn't have to ring and that you have allowed a lot of time for a reply.

I have never had problems getting the drops and never waited long, but have left a really long gap during a recent very bad spell, so, who knows, I may encounter difficulties too when I send the latest sample this week.

Hope this gets sorted for you soon,

Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
Seekhelp--I am much better. I know the AI helped a lot, but I have also done several other things that have also helped a lot. I am not all better yet, and keep working at it.

Gettinhealthy--sorry you are having difficulties, I have not had that difficulty with them. I just finished with a break from AI for a few months, just sent in for the next round a week ago. So, I also have not had recent experience. They moved at some point over the last few months. Could that be part of the issue? Do you have their new address?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
AI is not a scam and they are decent and honest people helping thousands for many years all over the world.

Do not use the translating engines - they do not work. Gettinhealthy, you have my phone number.
Be sure you have address, separation of family members/names/sample/ etc. correct. They are not mind readers. Send your stuff separated, clearly, on separate sheets of paper, with name, age, sex on each sheet and sample attached to that/each sheet, for each family member.

Understand that if you do a hundred other treatments on the side, testing by AI is not as easy as it would be if you don't.

Some people have to wait a couple three months for AI to find more errors. The body does not disclose errors like clockwork. Often it takes one system to fall into place for others to reveal themselves. I don't know how they do it, but that is my sense. It is the same in most other energetic testing systems.

Please don't destroy this thread with comments like this
"Everyone that I know kept wondering if it was a scam and I kept saying "no, these people on the message board have had life changing events in regards to health issues i.e. no more food allergies etc."

It is not helpful and very destructive.

Feel free to call me if you want help. I will make the time to call them, but need correct details, names, etc.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seek, AI does not promise to cure disease. It does not diagnose disease. It simply tries to reset t "information" system so that the autonomic nervous system responds as it should have been doing all life. When the "computer" is corrected, eventually the body will absorb, heal, and detox as it should have been doing all along. For some it may be a bit late when aging gets into the way, and some simply do not change their way of life and it would take a miracle. I am hoping for good results for all who try.

Take care.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
I am not trying to destroy the thread - I read the entire thing when I started. Honestly, I'm trying to find out if anyone else had these sort of issues and if so what they did? Couldn't think of much else to do.
I always send very clear names/PSP #'s etc. using a sharpie and separate ziplocs etc. labels on all.
Then in each of my emails I put in the subject line the names of our family members and our PSP #'s - if they don't look us up by name then my thought was they could look up our PSP #'s very easily.
I am just sad because I have tried so hard to have hope and support this sort of therapy even though so many people are skeptical when thinking of shelling out the initial cost and kept telling them "let me try this first and then do it" and finally even talked my husband into doing it.
I would really like to finish something that we started and feel like we are wasting time waiting :-(

Anyway, I'm glad to see I'm the only one with problems and that everyone is getting through this!

Gigi - I will try to email them one more time (do they have a different email address too?) - I know I had the right physical address because they sent me back a letter via mail about my daughter so they must have received our samples way back at the end of March/Beginning of April.

If I still dont' get a reply I will call you!

PS We are doing nothing else right now so AI would be perfect.
Posted by GettinHealthy (Member # 23824) on :
Gigi - I want to truly thank you for being so nice and generous in offering to call them on our behalf! I know how busy you are....I will keep you posted :-) Wish me luck!
Posted by Healerdealer (Member # 23032) on :
Hi All - I'm finally decided to post my AI experience. Sorry its taken this long - I just have alot to write and I wanted to make sure I got it all down.

First...My teenage son was diagnosed with Lyme, RMSF, MPn, etc...fatigue, depression,allergies, couldn't concentrate in school - you get the idea.

He was on antibiotics for over a year. He said he didn't feel better. He started the AI drops and completed the therapy in 9 rounds.

How does he feel now? GREAT! His CDC is normal CD - 57 is normal. He has no allergies. Besides the AI therapy, he also took chlorella ( not religiously), and liquid vitamins and minerals.

As for myself - I had been chronically sick with Lyme and co-infections, candida, EBS for over ten years - mainly neurological and GI symptoms - fatigue,anxiety, brain fog, bloatedness, sinus problems and numerous allergies...

I was on IV and oral antibiotics. My co-infections finally tested negative but I still didn't feel well, - especially my GI tract and still had the Lyme.

I went on the drops over a year ago. I'm on round 11. How do I feel?

Absolutely Healthy! Have tons of energy! I don't feel chronic. I feel well. I have no environmental allergies!

But I needed more than the drops - my son's immune system and psyche wasn't as battered up as mine.

So I found a doctor - a colleague of Dr K's, who helped me to believe I would get well and treated me with complimentary therapies to the AI drops.

Dr G. (like Dr.K) is a believer in neural therapy. I have had injections of Procaine on scars, dysfunctional organs and emotional therapy.

Procaine - is very safe, BTW. It's basically novacaine that actually converts to B vitamins in the body.

I was on my second round of the drops and after a few days the injections, I completely crashed. I was in bed for 3 days, completely exhausted.

Neural therapy unblocks the autonomic nervous system which controls organ function.

I did recover and slowly I improved month by month.

Sometimes, along with the Procaine, I would be injected with DMPS and ozone.

I also am taking an intestinal detox - IMD - (for heavy metals, etc..) It is safe and it works!

My liver needs alot of support. So I have been taking periodic Saluna drops for the liver and lymph. (These drops tested well with the AI drops).

I'm also doing ..are you enemas!
Coffee enemas cleans the blood and clear the liver of toxins.

It also stimulates glutathione production.I also take lipotropic complex for liver support.

My diet is mostly alkaline. Almost every morning, I drink a green smoothie - organic vegetables, fruit and water that you blend in a blender.

Last March, DR. G tested me and could not find any Lyme.

I also now believe in the power of positive thinking. I'm learning how to deal with negative thoughts and feelings and not letting them harm me. (This is PM material if anyone wants to know).

All I know is that this is what has worked for me. And I believe in the AI therapy.

There's more - but I'll save it for next time!

Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
Great to hear of your successes!

Could you explain what "neural therapy" is, what it involves, why it might help? (I don't know what it is at all, don't even know if it's the same as injections you are talking about, which I also do not understand.)
Posted by Tammy N. (Member # 26835) on :
Michael - I remember you were curious about neural therapy on a previous thread, sorry I forgot to reply.

It's where injections are given at scar sites under the skin (usually using procaine and/or DMPS). There is a long-held belief that scars cause interferences and obstructions to our energy flow. These sites can harbor toxic metals, etc. And the injecting of these sites clears these blockages and restores circulation, etc.

I don't think I'm explaining it well. But I have some good articles. Rather than typing them all out (way too much info), if you'd like, PM me your mailing address and I will mail them to you. I think it is a very valuable therapy.

It was Dr. K who brought this long-appreciated German therapy to the United States. He has developed his own protocols using neural therapy and teaches it internationally.
Posted by Healerdealer (Member # 23032) on :
Thanks, Tammy - for your accurate explanation of neural therapy. I think the reason why this is compatible with the AI is because the injections clear blockages.

As a result, this allows the AI to be more effective and expedient.

When emotional blockages were cleared - I felt this huge release just lifting from my body.

Holistic therapy involves emotions. Emotions can play a big part in organ function or dysfunction.

Here's an example: Let's say my kidneys were blocked. My dr. determined that the problem was emotional.

Maybe it would be a fear. I would talk about a fear - usually the first thing that came to my mind.

One fear I had was that I was afraid that I would always have chronic health problems. That I would be a burden to my spouse and family.

As I said this, my doctor would give me shallow injections around my kidneys.

When he was finished, I would close my eyes and he would give me positive mantras to repeat out loud and to myself.

Initially, I would feel drained but within a few hours, I actually felt like I released this enormous weight.

And, I never felt that way again. The negative emotion was let go and from that day on, I felt like I would get better and I would be well.

I have also had emotional therapy without using injections. I feel that this is an important part of recovery for me.

Identifying negative emotions, unblocking them from your sub-conscious into your conscious, and releasing them.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
It is nice to read some pleasant comments on this thread. This comes to mind:

The Klinghardt Axiom is as follows: "the body strives to achieve equilibrium between stored unresolved emotional issues, toxin storage and the presence of pathogenic microbes."

The reverse axiom is as follows: "a patient cannot be "detoxed" beyond the degree to which also emotional issues are released."

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

Talking about scars.......
Posted by Healerdealer (Member # 23032) on :
Thanks GiGi - for that fascinating clip!
This was the first time that I've heard about this light therapy.

It sounds like it does the same job as the needles - but non-invasive. This is a big plus!

In the clip, Dr. R talks of this women who recovered from high blood pressure that was literally killing her. She fully recovered after participating in family constellation therapy.

I don't know if anyone is familiar with constellation therapy but it is truly mind-opening beyond words.

I won't go into a lengthy explanation but it proves without a doubt that we are energy beings and that we are all connected.

This may be another therapy that compliments the AI therapy. It all involves frequencies. Yes, your thoughts, your emotions, all emit frequencies.

And so do the drops.

Posted by tick battler (Member # 21113) on :
Hi all,

I cut the top of the bottle so the drops will come out but do you find that you need to squeeze the bottle to get them out or should they just drop out when you tip it upside down?

I have to squeeze and the drops are really small. I just want to make sure that I am giving enough.

Posted by Healerdealer (Member # 23032) on :
I cut about an eighth of an inch from the top of the bottle. with a slight squeeze, the drops should fall into your mouth.

As you're taking the drops, give yourself a little mental boost - Say.. thank you for making me well, thank you for making me healthy and SMILE!!!!

Oh...and you must believe, really believe that the drops will help to make you well and healthy.

Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Tick battler, I find it's somewhere between the 2! As Healerdealer says, I cut a small amount away from the top of the bottle, but I choose to let the drops go onto the back of my hand and then lick them from there.

Good luck with the therapy,

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I got my letter that I'm done a couple of months ago. Since then I've been getting progressively worse. I'm having reactions to chemicals that are worse than I've ever had before. We did some renos in our house - and the plywood is making me react severely. I can't be in my house, or anyone else's at this point. I'm staying in a tiny little 8 by 16 foot cabin on my property, but now I'm reacting to that. I'm not getting enough oxygen. I'm in a full on crisis, and I don't know what to do.

I'm ordering an oxygen machine, and am seeing an alt medicine practiioner who specializes in brain issues. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this and has any advise? I don't know if anyone is even reading this anymore, it's been so long since anyone posted........
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Skiesmama, my husband also got the final letter from AI and in the same week got the WORST allergic reaction from his life. I thought he was going to get an anaphylatic shock, so big his lips and face got after eating a cake.

Swollen face and lips, feverish, shivering from cold and hot at the same time, difficulty to think, to stand up, breathing deeply, he just fell on the sofa and fortunately, I know how to prepare the antidotes in homeopathy.

I stayed up until 3AM and saw his allergic reaction stopped growing.

I do think it could be because AI works that it happened.

I'll explain: I do think he's pouring toxins but that he doesn't take enough binders to pull these toxins out.

I think the reaction of one bottle lasts months, not weeks, and when he takes the next bottle, he still continues pouring things from the last bottle, plus the new one.

So, in the meantime, I suppose he gets more susceptible to get more allergic reactions (when the body is full of toxins, that is what happens, right?). And he overreacts.

But I still haven't got the end of his story. He' s giving AI a pause, we'll try to contact them again and re-start, but he's got afraid, I think.

My daughter is somewhat better, as she accepts binders I give her, more than her father! But she's still the allergic type girl, still reacting to NEW foods, or old artificial materials etc.

She's still NOT done with AI though. The only thing I feel she's better is mosquito bites. They still get big, but after one day, they get small. Before, they would grow bigger, every day, for about 10 days or even more.

Ping, another guy who tried AI also said, he had been detoxing too strong too long after AI. If he knew that, he would have done AI MUCH more slowly than what he did.

We haven't seen the end of the treatment for my daughter yet, so I can't take conclusions. Let's see for my husband, how it will go next.

I suppose it does work to pull toxins out, but weather this will be a solution for his allergies, I don't know. We have to wait longer, as I do think AI can work for so long after a bottle is finished...

My husband is still reacting to a HOST of foods he never reacted. My daughter too, even pinepple now, that she loved.

I don't know if this is like cleaning the layers of allergies (like peeling the onion sequence), or just that as she accumulates toxins that are pulled out from cells but not all are excreted, if this increases her allergies...

I guess, right binders could help?

I hoped we had the answers...
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
THanks - It's so hard to find answers, since most people haven't ever heard of AI. I'm seeing a practitioner now who thinks (will confirm with extensive blood work) that I am having issues with the blood brain barrier, and also autoimmune with my brain. She thought that perhaps all the detox is becoming an issue because of the blood brain barrier breach. I'm going to have daily shots of glutathione, and am buying an oxygen machine tho. I'm definitely not getting enough oxygen with exposure and feel like I'm suffocating. I do take chlorella every day pretty much.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Doesn't sound like this was the miracle all hoped for. [Frown]
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
I just want to note that my husband nor my daughter suffer from lyme. Their MAIN problem now is allergy. They are both allergic types of people, since birth.

And they are ONLY doing AI as treatment, nothing else. Very rarely I introduced some of the KPU supplements ONLY to my daughter.

I wonder how AI would be for people with ACTIVE lyme, who ALREADY have to deal with so many die off toxins... If they really shouldn't do this VERY VERY slow.

Just my thoughts...
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Seek, quite to the contrary. It works for many people, but you need to go through detox and support of same afterwards (and during). AI corrects the dysregulation to turn the immune system, but it cannot automatically dispose of years of accumulations of toxins over the years. It takes months and
years to do that. You don't seem to understand the AI as a therapy, and I have long given up trying to explain it to you.

When Skiesmama talks about not getting enough oxygen, I would suggest looking into CCSVI. The biofilm/fibrin deposits is a huge handicap and hinders the necessary blood supply. If you google CCSVI, you will find a lot of information.

There are many facets to this disease and I think most of us have found this out over time.

If anyone has not paid attention to KPU and suffers from that, AI cannot undo that since correcting the mineral deficiencies can take a long, long time unless you actively work it.

Most likely our blood brain barrier is damaged long before Lyme - toxic metals! Detoxing support is necessary and that for many needs help of someone who understands how. KPU can be a big factor in that. Glad you are getting help, Skiesmama. The only agent that crosses the bbb for mobilizing metals in the brain is cilantro tincture. Your gut has to be fairly clear of metals before you use cilantro. Cilantro can be applied to the skin and works very well. Drops only -

Lack of oxygen? Have you treated Babesia? It can cause a miserable shortness of breath.

Chlorella does not treat intracellular metal deposits. It works only in the extracellular spaces and is a great binder if taken twenty minutes before meals. I have posted a lot about that. It has to be in the small intestine before you start your meal. Then it can bind to the metals. Also at bedtime. But the metal detox needs other support = microsilica works great. When doing AI, the metal detox is one of the most important items. And if you have not treated parasites, all bets are off, because they hold on to many of the toxic metals, and most people have parasites whether we like it or not - even some of the good ones.

Please read my post about the Babuschka Principle:
Parasites hold metals, metals are followed by fungi, then bacteria, then viruses. That is the order in which to pay particular attention. None of that is changed by doing AI, except that the immune system is able to respond again after the major dysregulations have been cleared.

As new chemicals are appearing in our world steadily, any new chemical used in growing fruits or used otherwise can cause new problems. Some people redo AI within a few years because of that factor. New exposures the body has never experienced in certain forms.

Got to get to bed now - don't give up - this is a constant learning adventure!

Take care.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I don't have lyme. AI did help the rest of my family - we are still finishing up for 3 of my kids. My husband's hair is starting to grow back where he was balding. My kids sleep issues are much better. Lots of improvements. Just not for me - I was improving, but then just took a nose-dive.

I only have issues with exposure. If I'm outside all day, I have little or no symptoms and feel pretty much the same as normal - not as high energy as most, but decent overall.

I will resubmit a sample too in a month or so.

I take the chlorella at bedtime.

Will look into microsilica and CCSVI - thanks.

IT feels a bit like managing all this is a full time job - and i've got 5 kids and life to deal with, so I don't always devote as much attention as it feels like is needed. I do a lot tho, so it's frustrating when it's still not enough.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Skiesmama, yes, it is a fulltime job. It is so nice to hear the positives from you and your family.

AI is accomplishing nothing more than setting the switches in the right direction for the train to find its way back after getting lost. I have said this same thing on this thread some 3000 posts ago. Chances of fully recouperating with many dysregulations are slim. And as the Grundmeyers have told me many times, many of us carry a much more toxic burden than people in Germany. Dr. K. blames a lot of this on our building construction (cardboard boxes wrapped in plastic) and the heavy electromagnetic exposure everywhere.

Picture this - I heard it recently on a German television station: Family of four and Grandpa sitting at their food laden camping table near a lake and beautiful mountain range behind them - mother and father and kids looking down absorbed in pushing buttons and shoving screens on their tiny electronic "toys", conversations on their cells, except grandpa -
he enjoyed the food and watched the scenery.

I often wonder whether the cell phone actually grows out of the person's ear that just walked by me.........
Posted by flyfree (Member # 34172) on :
Dr. K is speaking to patients live on next Monday night at 5pm PT and 8 pm ESt. Lyme Hope is interviewing him at his academy.
call in number 712-432-0900
access code: 964406
Hope he speaks about AI.
Posted by thejoje (Member # 19976) on :
My oldest had a really rough time with the last round of drops. Body aches everywhere, fatigue, lack of stamina, just wanted to sleep all day.

We all are a little more tired on the rounds, but her reaction has always been more severe. We slowed waaaay down on the number of drops and the frequency, and she was OK after a few days. The amount of drops has to be a lot less for her from now on, even with extra detox.

Her body is apparently just not ready for all the changes.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Are the allergies really diminishing with AI for everyone?

I am really wondering what are people's experiences with allergies. We no longer have lyme, my husband never got lyme, but he is still an allergic type of person...

That is the main reason we started with AI, for allergies.

Things so far didn't change much for him (I think his mood has improved since AI) but allergies not, and as for my daughter, she has grown more since AI, and is accepting more foods than before. I guess some food allergies maybe got better because she accepts eating better. But she remains allergic, and reacting with allergies...

The KPU, we do on and off (only daughter).

any other opinions concerning specifically ALLERGIES??

Posted by NanaDubo (Member # 14794) on :
Brussels - I have had a severe allergy to poison ivy my whole life.

Got it once while on the drops and it acted like no ordinary poison ivy - move like a chemical burn.

My feeling is that every toxic thing I ever put on p i blisters (and that was plenty) came out during the bout with it.

Six months later I got into again and had one tiny streak of it on an ankle that was gone the next day.

This summer I have pulled it out by the roots (wearing gloves). I could not have done that in the past without breaking out with it everywhere - regardless of the gloves.

I have no food sensitivities that I had in the past.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I started taking it because of my very severe shellfish allergies. After three rounds, I had hives for two weeks and a swollen neck for a day after someone contaminated my food by touch. So it apparently has not helped my allergy.

Right now I am testing poorly for it so I haven't ordered round four. When I test better for it (when/if), I will send away for it. I don't thik it's a good idea to take it when my body is saying no.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
And I'm still allergic to hay ....
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
You're only 3 rounds in tho - it's a lot too early to expect that kind of dramatic change.... It's a long long process - and certainly not the only part of the process. I see it as laying the ground work for work to come. We didn't get to this place with our health overnight - it's gonna take a good long while and a lot of work to get the health we're all hoping for.

Not that I'm loving the process - it's so bloody long, but I know that in our family there have been many improvements - I'm just the one with the worst health issues, so I'm going to take a lot longer.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Nana, thanks for your input. Same with daughter's mosquito bites! They still get big after bite, but they go smaller next day.

Before, it was a nightmare, getting bigger every day for weeks and weeks! But her allergies on foods are still around, and still shifting or newly appearing...

My husband is about one year in AI, but he did it slow. His allergies are still there and bad. He doesn't have lyme, never had, never got a tick bite in his life. He is though born 'allergic' so he's got more than 40 years to heal.

But his sun allergy got better. He still though got NEW allergies, and it is clear, his body is still 'creating' new allergies ...

I am trying to have hopes, though, that it is part of the cleaning process.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Up for those suffering from dysregulations of the autonomic nervous system - i.e. half body cold, other half warm; all of a sudden you can't eat certain foods any longer; you can't stand walking through the soap isle in the grocery store] Downy smell makes you sick; can't eat breads, can't tolerate anything but rice and chicken --- leaky gut, and a lot more

Take a look at this. It worked for us big time. Our son no longer snores or suffers from stuffy chest to nose every year -- this methylation pathway problem that was supposed to be an inherited problem ....gone

My husband now mobilizes toxic metals beautifully, except they get stuck because of CCSVI buildup which hampers the perfusion to the brain and body - so that now needs fixing also......

Yes, it will end sometime. This therapy is an easy one - 15 drops informed water a day - the price is one price, whether it takes 6 months, a year, or two years.

Take care.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Truesun, here is for some reading. You can e-mail me anytime and we can talk by phone if you have questions. Remember many allergies are caused by some of the 200,000 that are in our environment now and it takes time to clear these. This is usually not done in the first 3 bottles. Be sure and write if you have questions.

AI does not recommend being on the very meds that are adding to all the allergies we are experiencing - so use good judgement for your son.

Be sure to learn about binders, because once you start clearing some of the allergies, you will need to pay attention to that. Again, write or call or post here. Many people have done very well with it.

Take care.

[email protected]
Posted by bailey22 (Member # 29844) on :
Posted by Truesun (Member # 19735) on :
The Allergie-Immun drops make me feel like I'm taking some sort of speed. I'm all hyped up and not in a good way. My brain is racing. I can't possible take the 5 drops three times a day. Also having some intense pain in my back since starting.

Does anyone know what is exactly in this stuff? I hate to quit when I've read so many positives. It seems like very strong medicine for just some drops. I am doing just two drops a day currently.
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
Just some wild speculation here ... I go through periods where I clean up metals with Detoxamin suppositories, and, always, the first night I take one, I find myself a bit wired and difficult to sleep. So, I wonder if metals are moving and causing that. Again, just wild guess.
Posted by Truesun (Member # 19735) on :
Hi MichaelTampa, I believe you may be right. I know I have serious metal problems and will be starting DMPS in May. I will be increasing binders.

I can't take Chlorella so I am left with silica, pectin, and charcoal. Will see if this helps.

According to Andy Cutler, those of us with mercury should not take EDTA and I learned this the hard way so I will stick with binders and AI until I see LLMD at end of April.

Thanks for feedback. I get sick of the scary symptoms. I think these drops are easier for those of us that aren't so toxic.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Truesun, Take less drops - even one half drop will contain the information your body has lost.

Make certain that you take binders all the time -

Ruling out KPU is very important. I have posted the KPU info many, many times. If you have KPU/HPU, detoxing is difficult, because you are lacking the most important minerals to do so.

Take care.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I'm feeling really discouraged. When I posted last, in the fall, I was unable to live in my home because of the chemicals from the plywood used in our reno. My husband sealed all the plywood with safe coat, and eventually I was able to move in again. *but* I am now homebound most of the time. If I go to town (small town, not even a city) I am wrecked the next day. I am reactive to more foods at this point than I have ever been in my life. I react with a tight chest to bloody near everything. Right now I can eat meat, fruit, and veggies. No night shades tho, and no legumes, so no peas or green beans. I react to every bloody food that has lectins.

The only thing keeping me functioning at this point is daily glutathione shots, and a truckload of supplements - brain support, organ support etc. I test every single thing before I take it. And when I say functioning - that's a just barely functioning. I'm tired all the time, and have terrible brain fog.

When I go in stores or am around people with fragrance, I start to shake, and have trouble walking normally, and my brain shuts off. THe next day I'm flattened and will often stay in bed all day.

I finished with Allergie Immun - but haven't resubmitted yet. My health is way way way worse than it was starting. Except now to maintain this horrid level of so called health I need big $$$ worth of supplements to do it. And no stopping them is not an issue - I get way way way worse when I don't take them.

I really want to believe that Allergie Immun is the right thing to do - but I also don't know where to go from here. My current Dr says that my glutathione recycler pathway doesn't work properly and that I will always need support for it. ALso that I'm reactive to lectins in foods and that that is genetic and won't go away. I really don't want to believe that my diet will always be this limited! But I get shortness of breathe when I eat any foods with lectins at this point.

I live in BC - I already have to drive several hours to Idaho to see my Dr - there is no one good near me. She is by far the best I've ever seen. I can't afford to put out this much money indefinitely tho.

I'm working on gut healing. Taking binders still. Organ support as needed (something twice a day - just different ones). I don't know what more I can do, and I really don't want to lose any more of my life to illness!

The detox seems to have been waaaaay to fast for my body, and now nothing I do seems to be right.

I don't see how I could travel farther for care either because I react to bloody everything, so hotels are out. And I can't eat anything, so without cooking facilities, and a decent store there is literally nothing I can eat. Restaurants - I can sometimes eat a basic salad with chicken - but in most places there will be something in there I'm not able to tolerate, and that just makes me sicker.

I believed really strongly in AI - and really thought I was doing the right thing - but now I'm not so sure.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Have you treated parasites?

Have you and are you treating to help the toxic metals move out of the body?

Do you have the digital Smart Meter instead of the old analog that measures your electricity use?

Allergie Immun itself does not detox you and it takes some of the clathrating agents to help it along. Nobody I know with Lyme didn't have a lot of toxins stored in the body. Allergie Immun merely gives the body the missing information that it lost for a variety of reasons. But your body got that information with the therapy and unless you are exposed to newer chemicals that have not been treated yet by AI, there may still be some reaction to some.

My hunch, from my own experience, is that you are dealing with an overload of the toxins.

Have you ruled out KPU about which I have posted for a number of years and many people choose to ignore that. I have posted the links to understanding KPU many times.

I don't know where in BC you live, but there are several competent doctors in the Seattle area.
Maybe you should look into someone who can deal with detox problems.

Remediation problems in the home have to be done carefully and can contribute why you are getting worse instead of better.

AI opens up formerly closed areas and it is very important to test energetically to help with the needed organ support and missing nutrients, especially, as in KPU, are the minerals.

When I was still very ill and reacted even to the air, I was not able to test myself at all. If your regulation gets blocked by any remaining toxin or other reasons, testing oneself may not give the right answer.

Did you listen to the Telephone call-in I posted a day or so ago with
Dr. K. answering many questions?

I am so sorry that you feel so bad - I am sure there is something you have overlooked. The AI drops alone do not do your detoxing!!!!! They merely give the missing information to the immune system, so that it can start taking over again.
It takes a lot of help that we need to supply.

People who have had extensive and the proper treatment before starting AI will have an easier time with it. Look at your first test results again.

Want to help you badly.

Take care.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I haven't treated parasites - i don't have access to meds for that. And I keep reading that herbs aren't effective. I was also still breastfeeding before, and couldn't do those because of that.

Is there any treatments for parasites that I can buy online myself?

I take Chlorella before bed for metals. I take epsom salts baths. Other things?

I had the test for KPU a while back and it said I didn't have it. IS the testing accurate? I did buy the CORE minerals tho and never tested positive for taking them until just a couple of weeks ago, so I'm taking them now when I test positive. Not a full dosage yet tho usually - just 3 at a time instead of 4.

Seattle is far from me. I have 4 kids too - and no childcare options for that long of a trip, so it would mean bringing them, and as I said above, travel is nearly impossible for me right now being so limited for food, and so badly affected by travel. Could you PM me the names tho? I might be able to figure it out somehow.

The Dr I'm working with right now also said she thought that the fact I got worst after spending time on the coast not long after Fukushima was key - that because I have leaky gut and leaky brain that I was much more at risk from the radiation. It was after that visit and that I started going downhill - then we took a trip in the summer to California and i continued to get much worse, until when we came home, the chemicals in the house from the renos were just the straw that broke the camel's back. And we had them build as clean as possible too. But there is always some chemicals for sure, and it was all too much for my system.

How do I test to see if my system is open? I'm still confused on that. Right now I'm just using a pendulum. I did buy a tensor from the man someone posted about, but have never figured out how to use it, and I have consistent results with the pendulum. I find that the results make sense too - I'll needs a certain type one day, say all adrenal support - then I'll need more immune boosting support. ( I tested as having very low immunity) My brain has been consistently off, and the type of reading to learn the tensor is not one that I've got brainpower for often.

There have been some improvements, but then I'll backslide again and get super weak. I am finally able to successfully fight off visuses tho instead of always feeling like I'm about to get something, now I have found which supplements stimulate the part of my immune system that was weak, and that really helps a lot.

I don't have a smart meter - but I do still have wifi set up. I've been trying to figure out how to shut it down and still have access to the internet for my laptop. I was going to use cords, but I'm worried my kids will trip over them. I heard of a device that you can plug into an electrical outlet to access internet - but haven't been able to track down any info on whether they are safe.......anyone know?

I haven't been following here for a while, so I missed the telephone call you mention above.

I never had Lyme - I found this board because my sister-inlaw was a member here and told my husband about AI.

Would this be a good time to have chelation done to help move the metals along? What else can I do to move things along? I had meant to order some micro silica, but forgot all about it. I've got some of their clay too actually - that's good too right? I can add it back to my basket for testing.

I can't have any milks at all now, so the rehydration cocktail can't have milk added. I can't have nuts, rice, or soy, so there are no alternatives I can add. SHould I make it without the milk?

I'm drinking Wayback water as well.
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :

Antiparasitic herbs and salt/c have been extremely benifical for me in getting rid of parasites.

The key is persistence, staying on them and starting at lower doses of lets say parastroy, then adding Hanna kroeger Wormwood, extra cloves, digestive enzymes and HCL.

The added benefit of salt/c deadly to these parasites as it puts them into osmostic shock and they run for the hills.

It can take several yrs to get rid of parasites, especially if you have the Filarial Worm co-infection.

This combo has also eradictaed the other co-infections. Allergies are high on the symptom list for parasites.

Doing nothing about them is not a good idea. Check lymestrategies for more ideas and the salt/c protocol.

Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Thanks - I bought the ebook [Smile]

Can anyone recommend a good source for zeolite?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Dr. K. does not recommend zeolite.

Skiesmama, some of the testing (most of it) except the physical body touching can be done (legal) by Skype now. Call A.R. in Bellevue - info via [email protected]. I do not do P.M. - it would take up too much of my time.

Getting rid of WiFi is essential if you want to get better. If you live in Canada, you or neighbors may have Smart Meter and not be aware of it. Rule it out.

Forget about chelating until you get some direction of must be first. Chelation only works if done under the right conditions and timing.
If you test for CORE - take it. You cannot detox anything without these essentials. It is very important.

Take care.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I live in the boonies - they haven't put in smart meters yet - tho they are starting to, and we'll fight it as long as possible.

I'm sorry - is that your email? I don't understand who AR is ..... Can you clarify?

Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :

If you want more info, use e-mail given my last post.

Hang in there.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Is Glycine still considered beneficial for detox? Just curious, as I remember it being mentioned a lot earlier in this thread, but now not so much - but I can't remember if there were any negatives mentioned? It was supposed to help detox chemicals yes?

My husband was just remembering - since I'm struggling so much with any chemical exposure. He wondered if I ought to start taking it? If so - what sort of guidelines are there - dosage, fine with meals or not.......?
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Glycine helps with detox of many kinds. Also check your exposure to EMF and RF. (telecommunication towers)
and Smart Meter.

Hope you don't find any of these. Take Glycine a a while before you take other detox meds. It supports heavy metal detox also.

Take care.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
So take it before other binders - but still not with food? And how much? A teaspoon in water?
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
Question about sending in samples:

I remember reading that we can send in a small sample of something like say a rug of we want them to test?

Could I send in a small sample of a food?

When I got really sick in the fall my Dr had me remove any foods that could promote inflammation. One of these was foods containing lectings - well those that were high in lectins anyway. I did, and it helped, except that over time I am getting more sensitive to them. Foods that I used to be able to eat that have just a very small amount are triggering inflammation. My chest gets tight within minutes of eating them. My diet is severely limited from this.

So I was hoping I could send in a sample of a couple of things - maybe nuts? Life would be so much more pleasant if I could add nuts back in - among other things.
Posted by Linnada (Member # 24302) on :
Anyone still doing this?

I just got my results back...almost everything is abnormal including gluten, mold and metal allergies.

Also getting ready to stop antibiotics and looking into purchasing a tensor to test my supplements. Anyone have any book suggestions to learn how to do this?
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I sent in samples again after many months of a break. My whole family has been doing it - 6 of us altogether. Well we started with 7, but my teenager found it too intense emotionally, and stopped after a few rounds. My husband and my youngest are finished - have had 2 checks that said they were done. I've had one letter saying I am done, but am still really ill, so I resubmitted. My other 3 children aren't done yet.

Just be ready for the fallout, because this treatment is really intense. I still think it's a good thing, but you have to stay on top of detox management. NOt so hard at first, but it's such a long term treatment, that you can slip on it after a while - and that is not a good idea. I don't have lyme disease - I just found out about AI from my sister inlaw, and since this is the only place to get english info on AI, I have followed along here.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
Even if you are finished with what are referred to as allergies or energetic dysregulations, that does not mean you are rid of parasites and the toxic metals that are a part of the ecocystem of anyone who is still ill or just not feeling totally super.

Do not forget to check out the effects of EMF and the new Smart Meters that have been or are still being installed in homes, often without the owners or apartment dwellers knowing about it.
Toxic metals and EMF play a most serious role in our condition. I am very aware of this since I have had to go on an intense DMPS strategy, doctor managed and by myself, to work on getting the many metals out. I am old enough to have accumulated many and had all the metal installations in my mouth in form of root canals, crowns and an implant. To this day I am testing for titanium of that one implant and have to still unload much lead. We lived in Los Angeles for many years and I know that I swallowed a lot of smog.

So all of this, in whatever amount a person carries still in the body, will keep one from feeling totally well. After I discovered the Smart Meter in my house, I really started to have a major problem with the high frequency radiation and some distant microwave towers. I got quite ill and only with a lot of DMPS injection and DMSA am I finally getting some relief. EMR of any form resonates with any metal in the body and it is not a pleasant experience -- that's all I can say about it. Knowing that the radiation frequencies penetrate any structure, glass, and building materials of most homes, is not a very encouraging feeling. I thought of selling my home, but where would I go. EMR is everywhere except in the most remote areas, and I am too old to want to live in seclusion.

Luckily lightening the metal load is bringing great relief. So I want to remind you to be sure to take EMR in consideration. There is hardly a place where this is not a problem. I went to Europe to find that it is just as bad or worse there! Be sure you do a toxic metal hair test or urine test following a challenge to find out where you stand. I don't think getting well and retaining toxic metals is possible.

I had no idea that I had been holding back so much, because I have been testing positive for them for many years. But since I did not feel the EMR until just recently, I did not suspect that the metals are more difficult to remove under that condition. EMR has been around for a few years, but has gotten very intense in literally all neighborhoods where people demand more and more and faster and faster connections.

I no longer use a cell phone, or an I-phone, because in the type of surrounding I became the antenna -- am I telling you that does not feel very good? It doesn't - it feels like sticking a finger into an electric outlet 24/7 --- These are the vibrations that many people feel, especially in the early morning hours after having stayed in one spot (in bed) for several hours. We become loaded with this strange energy our body is not able to deal with!

Don't ignore it. Find a way to test your home.


I posted a site today that tells how to learn to tensor or use a pendulum to find out what is happening in your body. Tensoring helps me every day and hour to find my way through the maze of questions I need answered. In Europe, many doctors are using tensor to get answers. Even my doctor uses one at home when he does not have someone available as an extra arm for ART testing.

This is a site where you can check your surroundings for antennas and possible emf falout:

Read some books on EMF and get active against Smart Meters. Mine lets out a burst of serious radiation every 2-1/2 minutes
and the supplier tells me to move or go solar!

My best to all of you!

P.S. This is the site to learn about tensor and pendulum testing

And I have posted the site of Vern Johnson who makes an inexpensive tensor many times.
Posted by Skiesmama (Member # 25680) on :
I'm not expecting to be 100% well when finished AI - I was just explaining that I am resubmitting to be sure that I am done. MY husband needed a few more rounds after he retested, and he is very healthy overall.

I don't really feel that I am a candidate for chelation therapy, as I have had ongoing inflammation in my brain, as well as leaky brain and there is a lot of evidence that chelation can make things worse in that case. I wish it was - I'd be doing it right now.

We did shut down the wifi tho, and my husband installed a fan under the house in case there is an issue with radon (we'll buy a tester, but don't have any money for that right now.)

We don't have any money right now tho, so I'm pretty stalled out as far as pursuing any treatments goes.

I take a lot of chlorella, charcoal, clay from biopure.

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