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Posted by ugagal (Member # 18471) on :
Can anyone tell me a good probiotic to use? I'm currently taking a product called Jarro-Dophilus EPS. Any feedback on this particular probiotic would also be appreciated!

Also, is it possible to experience a herx when starting a probiotic?? I started the probiotic a couple of days ago and I now feel terrible with increased nightsweats, chills, body aches,etc.

I did experience a huge herx when I initially started taking my new supplements a couple of weeks ago. The probiotic was the last supplement to be added to my daily supplement cocktail.
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :
My LLMD recommended Renew Life "Ultimate Flora" 50 Billion cultures from the Vitamin's the link...

I did not herx from probiotics so I can't help you there. I take 2 caps twice a dose 2 hrs after my AM antibiotics, and the other dose right before bed.

My LLMD said to take at least one a day, but I could take as many as I want....even 10 a day if needed....except that would be really expensive.
Posted by SForsgren (Member # 7686) on : is by far the best I have ever encountered.
Posted by bwillis (Member # 18811) on :
The Jarrow products are some of a very few that actually have passed the testing on probiotics and have in them what they say and at the amounts reported. They work very well especially in conjunction with Florastor.

Many probiotics actually have harmful bugs in them that sometimes go unnoticed because of the effects of the abx. Internet claims are not easy to verify. If your LLD says use it, I would try it.

I use both and have no bowel issues. (Am taking 3 abx at high levels and an anitviral)
Posted by lymeinhell (Member # 4622) on :
Posted by FuzzySlippers (Member # 13658) on :
I've had tremendously good results using:

1. VSL #3

2. Saccharomyces Boullardii (by Pure Encapsulations). This brand is like Florastor but is Lactose-Free, unlike Florastor.

3. Del-Immune V

I have to take large quantities of the VSL #3 and Saccharomyces B. I've had lots of bowel issues with Lyme/Co's and also have had set backs with C.Diff infection and systemic candida. So, I decided to switch all the old probiotic brands I had been using.

Adding these three probiotics have made a difference for me. My LLMD recommended these to me as a replacement for the old probiotics, which weren't strong enough or doing the job for me.

Posted by ugagal (Member # 18471) on :
Thanks everyone for the recommendations. I will research each one thoroughly.

Has anyone ever used the specific one mentioned in my post..Jarro-Dophilus EPS??? It says it has 5 billion organisms per capsule and I take 2 per day. Also, it says it contains 8 different species of probiotic bacteria.
Posted by bwillis (Member # 18811) on :
The Jarrow EPS is specifically the one I use. I'm taking one now. Have had great results.
Posted by ugagal (Member # 18471) on :
Good to know bwillis!! Thanks for the info.
Someone else recommended a product called Progurt...VERY EXPENSIVE. I do not think I could afford to spend that much $$$ on just my probiotic so I'm relieved to hear that the one I'm taking is sufficient.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Theralac or Ultimate Flora!!!
Posted by gemofnj (Member # 15551) on :

Your product has 8 strains/5 billion cultures.

There are lots of products but the best ones are high culture / high strain refrigerated kind is the way to go.

Replenish often and take alone, or at bedtime for maximum benefit.

These products seem to work well for me:

Iflora Professional (by Sedona Labs)
14 strains / 20 Billion Cultures

Renew Life "Ultimate Flora"
10 strains / 50 billion cultures

VSL #3 (in Rite Aid Pharmacy Dept.)
225 billion cultures /

5 strain / 20 billion cultures

Good luck!


They need refrigeration because the cultures are living.
Posted by Need Lots of Help (Member # 18603) on :
I use the ThreeLac and Shakleys.

They were recommended to me by lifelyme and she is 70 and has been fighting lyme since she was 30. She feels better now.

Not 100% but she is 80%. So, I will follow her guidelines!!

Posted by Fordace (Member # 14874) on :
I've used ultimate flora for a long time, still have minor problems with constipationn etc...
I truly don't know how well it works, but I pulse the antibiotics, one week on, one week off.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
I've tried at least 10-15 different brands through the years, and Progurt has so far been the strongest. Dare I say, a probiotic gave me a herx.
Posted by m0joey (Member # 13494) on :
Also I think that the price of Progurt matches the philosophy: instead of merely being a complement to other supplements or a buffer to antibiotics, the high-dose human strain is intended to be a primary treatment in and of itself. Also, 1 trillion CFU for 20 bucks comes out to $0.02 per 1 billion CFU. That comes out to $1/50 billion CFU, which is slightly more than the cost of other probiotics.. except it is the only human-strain probiotic I am aware. The cost makes sense to me.

[ 03-17-2009, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: m0joey ]
Posted by sugarfreak (Member # 19376) on :
Have any of you tried the Probioplus DDS by UAS Laboratories? That's what I use as recommended by the Whole Approach.

Just wondered if anyone has had success with it or tried it and didn't like it. I think it's the one my LLMD recommended as well (Dr.C in MO)
Posted by ovmck (Member # 19457) on :
I used Jarro-Dophilus EPS for awhile. It is a great product, I like it.

But when I changed my abx protocol to a very strong combo of 3 oral abx and Flagyl pulse, I had to move to a more potent probiotic.

I've been taking now Primadophilus Optima which has 35 bln in 1 capsule and 14 strains.
Posted by Amy C (Member # 19297) on :
Anyone know if any of the above or another good probiotic is a very small capsule? Like round or oval and as small as can be? I can't find pictures on line.

My youngest son can't swallow pills bigger then a round motrin. I need to order something right away because he is starting his treatment on Monday.

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by sugarfreak:
[QB] Have any of you tried the Probioplus DDS by UAS Laboratories?

It's only 10 billion.

You might be interested in this price!!!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by Amy C:
[QB] Anyone know if any of the above or another good probiotic is a very small capsule? Like round or oval and as small as can be? I can't find pictures on line.

I've never seen one like that. Always in capsule form.
Posted by tainabell (Member # 18270) on :
I just saw a doc who told me that probiotics have to be the refrigerated kind to be effective. My brand (Orthobiotics, recommended to me by a different doc) are dessicated.

Are the probiotics recommended above all the refrigerated kidn?
Posted by Abxnomore (Member # 18936) on :
Amy C a good health food store will have liquid probiotics in the refrigerator section. Check there for your son, but make sure to read the labels as many will add flavorings and sugary type substances if it's not a quality brand.

The best ones are the kind that require refrigeration.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by tainabell:

Are the probiotics recommended above all the refrigerated kidn? [/QB]

Theralac and Ultimate Flora are. Theralac can go the few days in shipment without refrigeration.
Posted by Amy C (Member # 19297) on :

Thank you! I think I will check out the vitamin store. Because I can't find pictures of the pills on line to see if they are small or not. Liquid would work too.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
i'm using ultimate flora now but when i run out, i'm starting theralac.
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
My LLD insists I take Ultra Flora DF and Theralac. She will not treat patients who do not take Theralac.
Posted by Need Lots of Help (Member # 18603) on :
I am not going to take anything refridgerated. I don't know who and how they will get it to me and if they care as much as I do about my health. They may ruin it before it gets to me.

The ThreeLac I use can be put on your tongue and dissolve. The taste is not bad. Light Lemon.

My daughter has lyme and my llmd recommended Primal Defense Kids. It is a powder and you mix it in a liquid. That is what I do. She said it doesn't taste bad.

Posted by Amy C (Member # 19297) on :

Thank you for the powder idea. Looks like I can get it at my vitamin store. I need it right away so that is helpful [Smile]

Now I just wish his abx was smaller! I know this is for another thread but does anyone cut their abx pills? The pharmacist said not to but they are too big for him to swallow. Ugh!
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
I use Body Biotics SBO's and haven't had a cold in roughly 10 years and I use to catch several colds a year prior to that and they would last several weeks leaving me worn out.

Not to mention tested candida/yeast free by great smokies labs.
Posted by Abxnomore (Member # 18936) on :
Many brands of probiotics come in loose powder form. It is usually cheaper to buy it that way and you mix it with water. It does not taste bad, doesn't have much taste at all. That is another good option for children.
Posted by Wimenin (Member # 15294) on :
Ive been using Floragen3, and also making my own yogurt mix of plain yogurt with fruit (strawberry or pineapple). No sugars, no additives..
Posted by ugagal (Member # 18471) on :
Thanks to everyone that responded! I never knew there were so many probiotic choices and that the refrigeration type was more effective. Also, I especially liked the info about being able to find liquid probiotics as I have difficulty swallowing pills.
Posted by Leelee (Member # 19112) on :
As for the herx question, I don't know for sure. I was told by someone at my LLMD's office (I can't remember which of the helpful people, there, though)that is possible, so I am watching out for that.
Posted by ugagal (Member # 18471) on :
Yes Leelee, I think I read somewhere that a herx could happen while on supplements. I guess it depends on which supplements you are taking and in what doses.
Posted by 'Kete-tracker (Member # 17189) on :
Re: experiencing a herx when starting a probiotic.
A herx-type reaction... quite possible. Depends on what you experienced.

An Actual herx, as in a Jarsch-Herxheimer reaction?

"Herxing" is a result of die-off of any of the spirochetes... Lyme, syphillis, relapsing fever, etc.
It occurs hours to days after starting the antibiotic(s). the length of delay depends on variables like how genetically complex the 'ketes are, where they're hanging out & how potent the antibiotic.
Just WHY this delayed reaction happens has never been fully understood. (Research continues on this very question.)

Consuming probiotics does just that... It "promotes" biotics/ bacterial "life".
Antibiotics Kill bacterial life. Not quite indiscriminately, though, & some abx are more "wide-band" in their killing than others, but this is why U need to take the probiotics daily.

You replenish what "good" bacteria were knocked out by the abx hours earlier. Wait atleast 1.5 hrs, pref 2, between the abx & pbx.

P.S: SOME herbs seem to indeed cause herxing. A good example is many Wiconson Lyme victims who take doses of Cat's Claw report herxing.

It's believed that certain compounds in the herb are bacteriocidal & may even promote the 'killing kinetics' of abx being taken along side them.
Posted by METALLlC BLUE (Member # 6628) on :
VSL #3 for serious cases. Theralac is a strong choice. FloraSource (Or Ultra Flora Source), The Jarrow brand has received a lot of attention.

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