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Posted by Noriah White (Member # 23216) on :
I am wondering if any of you have used dark field microscopy to diagnose lyme disease and/or if you have had IVs of dioxychlor and sulfoximine? I am scheduled to see a MD who uses these and I have become worried as these methods seem to be the ones used by Dr. Bradford who has been charged with fraud. He is also the developer of the Bradford microscope which he said was able to diagnose lyme disease. Wondering if I should cancel my appointment! Thanks for any thoughts!
Posted by glm1111 (Member # 16556) on :
Hi, I am VERY open to alternative tx including the salt/c protocol which I currently do. However, I would NEVER let any doctor run an IV of dioxychlor or sulfoximine through me. I just feel it could be dangerous.

I have used dioxychlor oraly yrs ago and it did nothing for me. I don't have a problem with the darkfield microscope and other alternative protocols.

Just my own feelings. Hopefully others will come along with insights for you.

Posted by Noriah White (Member # 23216) on :
Thanks you so much for your reply! The idea also makes me quite nervous - so thank you!
Posted by jlp38 (Member # 27221) on :
My original Lyme diagnosis was via darkfield. You could definitely see the spirochetes. I've found it very helpful. I don't know anything about the other treatments you mentioned.
Posted by sickofsick (Member # 29258) on :
One of my daughter's docs used a microscope to examine blood. We observed a spirochete trying desparately to get into a red blood cell, and then morphing into the cyst form! Later we saw one successfully get into the cell. Creepy, but good confirmation of what we were dealing with! However, the tests "were not for diagnostic purposes."
Posted by Noriah White (Member # 23216) on :
Thanks so much for your input. I think I will see this doctor and go through his diagnostic process and see what he is recommending. I will think long and hard and ask a million questions before subjecting myself to anything that I think is questionable. This is quite a journey!
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
Just in case you are not aware of this, dioxychlor is chemically the same as MMS.

I have nothing against MMS Dioxychlor or more accurately chlorine dioxide as a treatment method. I use it myself, but orally, and not for Lyme.

I just think you should know exactly what it is you will be using as a treatment.

Posted by Noriah White (Member # 23216) on :
Thanks for your input but what does MMS stand for? And can you let me know what you are using it orally for, as in, what are you treating? Thanks!
Posted by D Bergy (Member # 9984) on :
MMS is Miracle Mineral Solution. When mixed properly it produces chlorine dioxide which oxidizes acidic pathogens in the body.

The FDA is trying to stop its distribution, and warns against using it as a treatment for anything.

I have used it as a Crohn's Disease treatment, and for Flu, Colds, food poisoning, etc.

It is quite effective for many things, but it is a tough treatment to take for Lyme. Some people with Lyme do not do well with it. Others swear by it.

It worked quite effectively for my wife, who does have Lyme, but it also caused her stomach problems after a while. This is often the case for her using any oral treatment.

She had to stop using it for that reason.

Hope that helps.

Posted by shachar (Member # 31825) on :
I go to a LLMD that uses the darkfield test at every appointment to check my process of my treatment. It has been very helpful in determining the progess and of the effectiveness of my current treatments. I do have regular labwork along the way too. It is a great way to check and see the current statis of my blood and if are any active spirochete, fungus and etc in my blood. I would definitely give it a try.
Posted by Noriah White (Member # 23216) on :
Thanks so much for your input! It does certainly seem like it would be a useful way to see how the treatment is going!

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