This is topic Allergies ??[ Histamine Intolerance ?] Getting concerned. in forum Medical Questions at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< LymeNet Family >>>>>,

I'm puzzled, and concerned about what is safe for me to eat, and what may be triggering allergy problems.

For the last month and longer several foods I've not had any issues with,suddenly are an issue.

Symptoms include : diarrhea, scratchy sore throat, headaches, sniffles and so on.

Newest culprits : Pork products[such as roast,or mild sausages], and Salmon.

Recently mentioned issues in another post, were: eggs, tomato, and celery. It was suggested that these could be a Histamine intolerance.

I've been checking/reading some about the Histamine problem. Could it include Meats?

I know, egg, salmon, pork, and to some extent Tomato[has some proteins in right?], are proteins.

Last night I had a burger[beef], it seemed okay,tasted good and such, this a.m. I had some Turkey bacon [regular real bacon hurts my stomach, to greasy I think...].

Today I am fighting diarrhea again, happened a few days ago, after having pork meat also. I tried a bit of salmon in a soup, and some pork roast, along w/ some spinach. I was hoping the meats wouldn't bother me.

I also have to be very careful about peanuts/ peanut butter, tho' that is more a heartburn/burping issue.

I am noticing tho' how much of these foods are proteins and/or have some protein components.

Twice now counting today,salmon has been a problem, and at least three times pork products. After waiting several days and trying again it still seems a problem.

TxC' eats some Gluten product [altho' rarely], I am gluten free. We are careful about cross contamination.

I have heard of the red meat allergy connection and Lyme Disease, is it getting common, and can it include other proteins?

We've had friends that couldn't eat shell fish or tuna, because of allergy problems.

I tend to have ongoing sinusitis, which seems common w/ LD and Co's but this is getting ridiculous. it is one thing to have some sinus issues,which I take meds for low dose only.

Another problem for me, is allergy to most ABX, maybe the meats are being tainted w/ more
ABX?? We try to watch for good safe meat that is economical and not loaded with chemicals and junk.

TxC' does most of the shopping, and tries to be watchful checking for Gluten free foods. I can't get out very often at this time.

If it is all allergy, why is it hitting all of a sudden??? We are both going thru some stressful things, but life gets that way sometimes.

I have to eat something, and if I am not really really carb conscious I start gaining weight, and my blood glucose levels go too high.

I do eat apples, and some berries, and now and again almonds too. But, I am careful not to load up on carbs.

We occasionally can have pumpkin, and enjoy a good 'Spaghetti' Squash. And now and again i have GF waffles.

Anyone have any ideas, what could be causing these symptoms 'out of the blue' so to speak?

Thanks for any tho'ts and ideas that you post! I don't know what to do from here out... have to eat.

[Topic Title Edited to hopefully avoid confusion.]

Puzzled,concerned Silverwolfi

[ 03-29-2015, 08:18 PM: Message edited by: Silverwolf ]
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Aargh, I hope this is making sense...

Tried to edit, meant to say, after waiting few days,after allergy like symptoms from salmon, and then pork, I had tried them again today, and experienced diarrhea issues.

And I had had a beef burger last evening.

I can't seem to think and type in things right today.

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Silver, I'm glad you've been researching. You might want to check out some of the Facebook groups on histamine intolerance and/or check out Low Histamine Chef.

YES, that includes meats! Big time. Especially salmon and pork and anything ground.

Leftovers can also be a big problem.

Histamine intolerance is basically a gut issue... and those of us on long term antibiotics are prime targets for this.

I'm sorry you may be in the same boat I'm in. It's not fun at all.
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
I have a lot of the same issues, Silverwolf, right down to being carb conscious. I am very particular about my carb intake, and suddenly having reactions to the main staples of my diet has been very difficult.

I haven't been able to learn much yet from researching this, so many other things I'm focusing on with treatment. What has helped me much in the meanwhile is eating around it.

I was mostly meat, eggs, and veggies before, so I'm a little lost without the meat portion of my plate. I've found that while hemp protein doesn't provide the satisfying mouth feel of a ribeye, it is an awesome protein substitute. Low carb, mixes well, hi protein, high fiber, and tastes inoffensive.

So to get my macronutrients right I've been making a protein shake and loading up on veggies and butter. It's not a permanent solution (I hope!), but it's working for now. Eliminating all the offending foods and adding some digestive enzymes has helped me a lot with digestion issues.

I hope you are able to get this figured out!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Here's another good link:
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
That "Cascade of Symptoms" chart at the histamine-intolerance website is terrific. Thanks for posting that, Lymetoo. It's interesting how many the symptoms of histamine intolerance overlap with those of lyme and co's. It seems like if lyme/co's isn't directly causing histamine intolerance, it is affecting all the systems responsible for those symptoms.

I've been having more better days that before, overall. I'll take it any way I can, but it has me wondering if the diet changes have more to do with it than anything else.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo, and gz >>>>>,

Thanks for the links and replies, Sorry that you two are going thru this as well.

TxCoord and I are hoping to go check on some more supplements and such the early part of the week.

I'll check prices on some protein supplements too, and we'll see what is gluten free and affordable.There is a nice supplement shop close to us!

A couple of supplements we've found inexpensively thru Amazon. So we'll be checking there as well.

I've been reading a little from the Low Histamine Chef, but didn't notice much about the meats, course sometimes I look right at something and still can't see it... Aarrghghhh.

I'm still searching,and the links are a big help! The Paleo one was interesting and surprising to me. Not only can many foods cause Histamine reaction, but there was quite the list of food that can bring on an issue,even tho' it is low Histamine.

TxCoord and I joke 'bout the' Nirvana Diet
= Green beans and water' the state of perfect nothingness, but I am even beginning to wonder if my beloved green beans could cause a reaction... I sure hope not!

I'm trying to get the IBS symptomology to ease,especially cramping right now. The 'Tortoise and Hare' have been racing about and my intestines and colon are not amused.

Well, if it takes cutting out more foods for now, I guess that's what I'll do, and hope I can find a good protein that doesn't hurt my tummy.

Thanks again for tho'ts links,and replies, I'll be checking back in from time to time. Not giving up!!!

Trying to get me,TxCoord and Pup Dog Muad'i back to a healthier state of being...

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by gz:
It's interesting how many the symptoms of histamine intolerance overlap with those of lyme and co's. It seems like if lyme/co's isn't directly causing histamine intolerance, it is affecting all the systems responsible for those symptoms.


Silver: Green beans are one of the few green vegetables I'm able to eat! So it's green beans and water for me!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo, and gz >>>>>,

Searching and reading, I find myself wondering, just how many folks immune systems are breaking down from LD and co-infections, and if the Histamine Intolerance and so many other problems are the result?

[oh joy, I think I just did a run-on sentence question...sorry].

How many folk have LD and Co's and don't have a clue? I've had all sorts of health issues since I was a child,and only found out about the LD in 2006.

I'm off to check more info' on the Histamine Intolerance [in between restroom visits [Frown] , rough night lastnight]

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Jus' me again,

Should we start the Nirvana Diet-Green Beans and Water club here? Aaarrgghhh.

I was looking at those two links more, how does one tell the difference between Lyme and Co's, Yeast issues, Histamine Intolerance, Heavy Metals issues, and Mold-Mildew issues.

This goes way beyond scarey. And right now,around here in the desert we've got grasses and other things blooming that cause allergy reactions too.

Now where did I put that map to my Hibernation cave?? Have to find some non-trigger foods to take with me, and a good pure water source.

I'll be back later on...

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
When I first broke out in hives I began searching and not knowing what was wrong, I ate a diet to avoid both problems (salicylates and histamine)... There wasn't much left to eat!

So far I have not starved .. so all is good!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>,

Wow, I was looking up the salicylate food lists, I'm glad you were able to find something safe for you to eat.

I didn't realize so many foods had salicylates in them, and then to add in the Histamine Intolerance list. That has to be very limiting.

If I read correctly pealed Pears don't have Histamaines and Salicylates in,so maybe we could modify the Nirvana diet and add Pears.

Is there a chance of you being able to eventually add a few things back into your diet? Or is it usually once Histamine resistant, and Salicylate restricted always?

I know there are Aspirin allergy problems or like *penicillin allergy, which *I have. That is disconcerting to say the least,if one has the Salicylate intolerance, no aspirin, and watch skin lotions and make-up.

I have to check all skin and beauty products for Oat/Aveenen. A lot of lotions,and powders. eye shadows have Oat product,and some foundations too.

Well,I better go offline for now, TxCoord has a program lined up for us to watch on TV.

BBL... Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
My freezer is filled with green beans [lol]

Oat was one of my early offenders. I started into a bowl of oat bran and immediately felt itching and swelling in my facial tissues.

That's about when I experienced a whole slew of crazy immune reactions, I guess that is when the biggest part of my histamine intolerance really bloomed, along with the worsening of other lyme symptoms.

If I strictly avoid the foods that I know give me histamine reactions, then I can usually get away with little bits of stuff here and there, like a smear of guacamole of sprinkling of cheese. The bad thing about doing that is I believe consuming these foods will contribute to the reaction happening eventually.

I might not be mounting enough histamine with little bites here and there, but I think it can build up if it's not clearing. Like if I eat chicken and have a full blown reaction, a small bite of anything offensive will keep it going or cause another reaction.

So I just try to avoid all the stuff that aggravates my histamine if I can. I figure it's better to try and not irritate my immune system, otherwise I might end up with worse issues. While I can't address this stuff now, I am really hoping my body heals from it as I am rid of lyme and co's.

I must confess I couldn't help myself by not eating a bit of steak I made last night. It ended up making me fell so sick I couldn't go near the kitchen until my husband put it away and cleared the dishes up [bonk] . I've done that enough times, hopefully I've learned my lesson. Taking it easy with the kind and gentle hemp protein today.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
gz .. Supposedly, the salicylates will build up in the body... and if you think of histamine as your histamine "bucket" .. You will understand that the more you put in that bucket the more likely it will "overflow."

Here is a great link that discusses sals and histamine:
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I am going to try a first six hour colostrum that is said to reduce histamine and allergies amongst other things.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Keep us posted!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< gz,Lymetoo, and ukcarry >>>>>,

I'm curious to know about the colostrum, I hope it will help! <<<<< ukcarry >>>>>.

<<<<< Gz >>>>>, I am seriously allergic to oats, I don't eat them in any form, be watchful of beauty and skincare products which may have Aveenen/oat in them.

And some Taco companies use *Isolated Oat Protein*. I got really ill after eating Taco Bell food because of the hidden *IOP*. It is used as a preservative.

If you use oil pastels, or charcoals in drawing and art work beware of textured papers, some use Oat tag.

I like the analogy about the bucket <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>, Mine seems to be overflowing w/ Histamine unpleasantness at the moment,so I am home near the restroom.

I'm wondering if a short term elimination diet might help, if I can find two safe foods to eat,I'm going to see if I can find what all is triggering this mess.

I was reading the safe foods lists to TxCoord, he's trying to figure out a budget,so we can both find safe foods to eat.

There was some good helpful hints, use the freshest meats possible,and be sure to refrigerate,or freeze meat leftovers promptly. Also skin any chicken one cooks.

It looks like pork products are out for me, I like good fish but will need to try to find fresh caught when possible [we do have a friend who fishes now and again], so we'll see.

That Low Histamine Chef advised checking the safe list carefully,and adapting it to our needs,as some may have a reaction to things on it too. Also some folk can eat some of the foods on the 'NO NO' list.

Not sure I want to chance that, my intestines are still letting me know they are in misery. Trying to be watchful,and mind our super tight budget. Have to eat,so we'll see what happens.

Will check in later on...

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Carol in PA (Member # 5338) on :
For sources of protein, can you have
almond butter,
or pea protein?

Sardines are low in mercury, as they are at the bottom of the food chain.
Salmon is at the top of the food chain, and accumulates mercury because it eats other fish.
Fish from local streams and lakes has mercury too.

I have not tried pea protein, but when I looked it up at, it gets many enthusiastic reviews.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
No sardines for me .. high histamine. No almonds due to salicylates. Peas are OK.. I'm sprouting peas, which are supposed to help with the DAO enzymes that help combat histamine.

I'll go look at the pea proteins, but I'm sure there are additives in the preparations that will likely X it out.

I don't do any fish. Too big a risk. I'd love to have some fresh fish though!

Silver .. Have you tried Zyrtec or Zantac? Zantac is a good stop-gap remedy. Don't over-use either one.

An elimination diet is a very good idea. Get yourself calmed down and then add one food at a time.

Oats contain gluten .. I hope you are also avoiding gluten??
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I looked it up.. Looks safe.. I don't imagine it's very tasty in water though!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Carol', and Lymetoo >>>>>,

As a modified low-carb, diabetic dietary person, I am seriously restricted food wise already.

After checking the links that were posted here and a couple others I am even more restricted now.

Other than an occasional Maize tortilla shell,no corn, carrots, peas ,or beets, they are all loaded with sugars and carbs. When i eat such things the blood glucose gets to high.

And I cannot take the lab created meds such as Metformin,or Glipizide ,they do a number on my Liver. Instead I am using GlycoX-berberine product and modified low carb diet with my Drs. okay.

I will check the Pea proteins and see about that,maybe the sugars are lower?

Almonds and most all nuts can be a Histamine trigger or release to be avoided [and darn I like almonds.]. And unfortunately Sardines and several other fish are considered High Histamine.

Supposedly, most fresh caught fish,as well as fresh meats properly cooked are 'okay'. As you pointed out Carol, there can be Mercury issues with fish, even fresh water fish.

And add to it, the drug and ABX pollution in lakes,streams and so on... one wonders if any food is safe???

Canned meats,cold cuts,sausages and so on,are on the -Avoid List- too.

And also Histamine Triggers to avoid are: strawberries, pineapples, bananas, avacados, chocolate, milk, nuts and shellfish. Chocolate is ...well I am basically addicted to dark chocolate.

On what is the -Good Low Histamine Food list is Oats among several things, and oats even oatmeal soap can cause me to go into anaphylactic shock.

Lymetoo, [Smile] , you warned me back in 2006 that Oat/Aveenen was a Gluten,and I went Gluten Free. I have unwittingly got gluten w/o knowing it, because of hidden gluten. But I stay as far from gluten as possible.

Just learning about all these High Histamine-and food triggers, and it is hard to find things that are safe for me to eat.

I will have to ween off Dark chocolate now,most likely. I never know what will trigger,the IBS and IC. And even many supplements have Histamine producing things in them.

Top it off, w/ TxC's VA Disability Finance Wait Listing, My aged Dads failing health, and many other issues I wont go into, and I am/we are fighting stress big time. I stay close to the restroom, and don't get out really.

It's getting we try to keep our chins from scraping the ground. I am trying to figure out whats safe to eat and so on.

I'll try to check back in again soon...

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I know, Silver. It's really hard finding things to eat. I worry about not being able to rotate my diet very much since I only have a few foods I can eat.

Stress is what sent my problem into a downward spiral last year. It was a temporary stressful event that was compounded by several other factors and away it went.

I ended up with hives and was close to anaphylaxis myself. Now I'm extremely sensitive to meds and never know when one will set me off.

I hope you guys get some good news from the VA soon.. it's criminal that they are making you wait so long.

Be sure to try Zantac for that stomach. It has an antihistamine effect and it will help.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>,

The Diet rotation factor has us concerned as well. TxC' found out about a little shop that does meat butchering,so he's checking prices,and hoping to find some lamb, inexpensively. Not sure how that will work.

Lamb was a recommend on a couple of elimination diets,so I'll try that w/ green beans, and we'll see what happens. {drat TxC' just called they don't have lamb right now, he'll check back in a few days w/ the shop].

I lost my reply to this yesterday,and had to start over. I tried Zyrtec pre LD diagnosis, and it didn't do anything for me. Haven't tried
Zantac yet, we'll have to check that out.

The anaphylaxis is frightening, I used to have an EPI-pen but it expired. I've had a Hobo spider bite[similar to brown recluse,I think]a few years back, and w/ the weird allergies that hit me, there's been some concerns.

I stay far from Oats, because I came so close to the Anaphylaxis from that, I literally couldn't breathe,and my chest tightened up,and was spasming.

Also wondering about some sort of Genetic issues MTHRFR or something similar. I get such odd reactions to medicines,so I know what you mean there.

As to the VA and disability benifits, Our Congresspersons VA Liaison has been trying to help. They told her we are probably looking at another 18 months or more,to even get an answer.

Right now,it seems like they are bouncing our file between a judge, the BVA,and the *American Legion* [ *A L* tries to help when VA/Govt. keep dragging Vets' files and procedures on and on].

I'm probably not explaining that the best, but it's a mess. We know many other veterans who are going thru this.

And don't get me started on 'Choice cards' [for outside medical treatment when there aren't enough specialists ] that they will not let the Veterans use... and then complain that no one uses them. Aaargh.

All I can say,is those that are delaying medical treatment,and proper funding for the Veterans will have to stand before God someday to answer.

Yes, It is in fact criminal, for certain. The loss of TxC's sister, and my dads heart condition aren't helping, the stresses. But what can one do??? So We pray... a lot!!!

Thanks for the reply and the commiseration, it helps to be able to talk it out a bit.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Carol in PA (Member # 5338) on :
Silverwolf, what happens when you eat sardines?
Have you tried them?
I don't understand how eating them is different than eating salmon, except for the lower mercury.

I am not familiar with the histamine problem.
How were you diagnosed with this.
Perhaps you mentioned earlier, but I can't recall.

Regarding pea protein powder, peas are a good source of protein.
I don't think they would affect your blood sugar, as they are high in fiber, which delays absorbtion.

As Lymetoo pointed out, pea protein likely doesn't taste like much just mixed with water.
However, if mixed into soup or broth, it would be tasty.
I guess that's why they also sell it with chocolate and vanilla flavorings.

How much Berberine are you taking daily?
If this is keeping your blood sugar within normal range, what happens when you eat peas, carrots, or beets.
Does your blood sugar go out of control?

If you are having continuous loose stools, have you looked into trying kefir?
I know when I was drinking kefir a while back, my digestion improved, I had much less flatus and even the aroma improved.

Several people here have commented that they wouldn't even try kefir because they can't eat dairy.
That shouldn't be much of a problem, because the bacteria that culture the milk convert the lactose into another form.

I think kefir costs about $4 per quart at the stores, but you can make it for half the price using powdered starter.
You can also make it with fruit juice or sugar water...the bacteria convert the sugar.
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
Fish, any meat, as soon as it dies certain bacteria start converting the amino acid histadine into histamine. Depending on how it was handled between harvest and canning can affect histamine content a lot.

I immensely enjoy kefir, but it is one of my worst offenders. The microbiological activity of anything fermented causes a much higher histamine content.


Histamine and its precursor, histadine (along with other bioactive substances) are present in almost all foods in varying concentrations. However, foods that have been matured or fermented tend to have higher histamine contents.

This is due to the bacteria and yeasts that are involved in this maturation and/or fermentation process have the HDC enzyme required for the conversion of histadine (an amino acid – contained in any food with a significant amount of protein) to histamine.

High histamine concentrations are found in microbiologically produced foods such as mature cheese, sauerkraut, wine (particularly reds), or microbially contaminated protein-rich food such as fish, meat, and sausages.

Pea protein looks like a good alternative, priced about the same as hemp and whey. I read that it goes down very easily if mixed with extra water. The NOW brand has a lot of good reviews, but I would double check before purchasing as it appears the peas are sourced from China.

Fibers can cause blood sugar spikes in some people. No matter what is it, it's always a good idea to check it by the blood glucose meter.

Silverwolf, you may want to consider going "grain free" if you haven't already. Anaphylactic reactions are no joke, and there is tons of cross-contamination in the grain industry.

I also hope you get good news soon from the VA. My family members and their friends who go through VA have difficulties with nearly everything, it seems. Echoing Lymetoo, it is criminal.

Re the antihistamine effect of Zantac... the last time I got hives was the worst, I was covered from head to toe and thought I had a communicable rash! I'd never seen them so bad before. A round of prednisone with benadryl did nothing. As soon as I started the Zantac they disappeared!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Carol’ ,Lymetoo , and gz >>>>>,
Lymetoo, thanks again for the links posted in reply #2 and reply #4, and the pea protein link in reply #19.

Gz, thanks for the link in reply #24 and the information on Histamine and meats. I am Gluten free, which includes most all grains, the cross contamination problem, is real, but gluten free product producers try to be aware of that to avoid cross contaminants in their products.

An even safer option is if one can find, the Celiac Foundation emblem on a product. It’s a guarantee of non- cross contamination. I also make sure there are no oats, even steel cut oats that some Gluten free folk can eat.

I am allergic to any form of oat. And sorry to hear that you are as well, it is scary. Welcome to the ‘Nirvana Diet’club, the no Oats Chapter. I will be doing more research on Gluten free ‘flour mixes’,such as chick pea and rice.

-------- Carol’, I usually find your comments, questions, and tho’ts very helpful, this time however, I think you have, perhaps, misunderstood the general gist of this topic and the conversations w/in it.

I have been reading on other LymeNet Topic posts about, Allergy/and Histamine Intolerance. And I had another post up from March 11th, about “foods I can’t eat,and allergies“, or similar wording.

If you are able to find the time, please read the links in the replies for this current topic that you are reading this on. It will clear up a lot of things for you, I think. You will see we are referring to a literal list of foods that are high in histamines, and cause a whole host of allergy type symptoms ,as well as diarrhea, indigestion and so on.

Also if you read back thru the replies,you’ll see various mention such things as Salicylate intolerance, and oat allergies. Of the protein sources you mention in your reply # 17, two of the three are on the Histamine Intolerance lists of foods to avoid.

There’s a couple of lists of foods to avoid, one is High Histamine level foods, the other is Low histamine foods that release or liberate the histamines [in this case releasing the histamines is not a good thing].

Then there is a third list, that is usually safe foods for those who might be, or are, Histamine intolerant. I have allergies to even some of those foods.
I do not have a formal DX at this time, I have personal observation and experience, that I am going by. Obviously something is not good to eat, if it causes one allergy symptoms, diarrhea, and indigestion/heartburn every time it is consumed.

Per your question in reply#23, I never mentioned anything about sardines, or sardines and salmon together. I tried to answer back in reply #20, as per your protein sources mention in reply #17, that sardines were high in Histamine level.

If you will read carefully, Lymetoo explains in reply #18, that She does not eat sardines because of the high Histamine levels.

Now as to foods that I don’t eat on the restricted diet, TxCoord and I are on a Special Low Carb diet. We are instructed not to eat corn, carrots, peas or beets.

We do not eat/or use, sugar or sugar substitutes, with a few exceptions on my part, my diet is modified to meet my needs. TxCoord will explain more about this in a separate reply.

I have been on GlycoX /Berberine for at least a year and am still taking it. I take enough for my body, enough that my non LL Doctor is seeing the difference[in last blood tests], and wants me to continue. Dr is in the know and on board w/ my modified Low Carb diet as well.

The kefirs that we found while shopping are too high a sugar content, even for my modified diet. I do have a limited amount of natural sugars, in some fruits, and some dark chocolate[very limited], all carefully monitored. Fruit juices are too high in sugars, so I wouldn’t be making or using Kefirs per my dietary instructions of no sugars.

Back to Salmon and sardines for a moment, I have had sardines maybe 9 or 10 times in my life this starting in 2013. I do not know if they cause problems for me as yet. Much of my food problems, meats, fish, celery, eggs etc. started/in the last two months.

So I am trying to find out, from information here and elsewhere on the net, what might be causing allergy like symptoms.

Again if you are willing to go back thru this all ,and read the topic ,the links and the replies,it will hopefully clear things up for you. As you stated, “ I am not familiar with the histamine problem.”

TxC’ is helping me check on Pea protein, to see if the sugar content would be a problem for my diet. I know I skip back and forth, in the replies, and subject matter. I have ADD type issues [probably Lyme related],I obviously am not a good editor, and Autism spectrum disorder in my family, and in TxCoords as well.

I am doing the best I can to make sense of things, to learn what I can ,to help me recover my health as much as is possible. We are doing so on very limited income, My husband, TxCoords‘ SSDI.

All my medical expenses are out of pocket, we have tried to get insurance, and have others helping us look for a way to afford it.

So far we fall between the cracks, and I literally cannot afford health insurance. Professionals who are trying to help us, are at a loss, and agree we have fallen thru the cracks. We are literally that one pay check away from disaster at this point. And yes, we are trying to carefully manage our monies, difficult when keep a roof over head takes up almost half our monthly income.

This is getting too long, so I’ll get it posted, and TxC’ will come in later and explain more about the special diet, and over a thousand graduates of the diet plan, who are living a healthy life and diet style,now. Many of whom are no longer on prescription meds.
Jus’ that Silverwolfi

[ 03-29-2015, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: Silverwolf ]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I would stay away from ALL fish unless it is caught FRESH.

Kefir and anything fermented is really really bad for those with histamine issues. I found out the hard way .. eating sauerkraut.

I'm not sure lamb is OK, Silver. Maybe. I do OK with "cornish game hens" because they are not filled with antibiotics and junk. I buy mine at WalMart ..

I am hoping to find some locally that would be fresher and cleaner.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Info on histamine:
Posted by TxCoord (Member # 9204) on :
Just an update on the life style change we are in.
I am being medically supervised by two doctors, 3 R.N.’s, 2-3 nutritionists and a nutritional med tech. I weigh in at the most every 3 weeks usually more often. At the weigh in, my temp, pulse and B/P are also logged.

Silver’s doctor is not only aware of the life style change we are in, but approves because of the improvement in her B/P and Blood sugar count. Women are allowed a higher carb count per day (20 and a little over depending on the person) and she tries to stay within it.

Every 4 months or so I visit with my dietary doc and she gives me a fairly good once over including a BMI. She wants to know what my problem areas are and how I am handling the change and if there are any other physical issues cropping up.

We are on a low carb diet (I’m under 15 carbs a day) that is a modified Atkins. I do not eat rice, taters, or noodles (unless it is Shiratake – GF and no carb) or bread with typical grains (all of these turn to starch which is not good). No sugar or sugar substitutes as the body does not differentiate when it comes to converting.

I am allowed 5-6 blueberries a day. Not ounces, individual blueberries. I can have 24 almonds, again 24 individual almonds. No other fruit (sugar) and no other nuts (carb count too high).

No corn, peas, beets, carrots – sugar issues.

It is a high fat diet, ergo butter is good, meat with marbling, bacon, eggs, fish, etc. Green leafy veggies are good too, but in the list that was given for histamine issues, spinach is in it – that makes our “can have” list a little shorter.

Silver’s issues with allergic reactions are so new that we did not know where to turn for answers so she posted her question here. Fortunately, we have checked the links provided for the histamine issue and it fits so we are adjusting her intake accordingly.

Like Lymetoo said, we don’t know if lamb will be suitable for the elimination diet and I spent a bit of time yesterday trying to find a butcher shop here that sells any. You can find lamb at the regular stores, but the price, per pound is astronomical and cost prohibitive.

It may just boil (no pun intended) down to maybe a chicken breast with the green beans (for Silver) and hope to get the issues under control.
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
I am going to try cornish game hens! Never eaten them before. Always see them frozen, maybe they are frozen quickly after slaughter, which might halt the accumulation of histamines in the tissues?

I am seriously missing meat. Thanks Lymetoo! Do you have a favorite way to prepare them [Big Grin] ?
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
TxCoord and Silverwolf, your diets are how I've been eating for the last 5 years. Love my shirataki noodles! But add histamine intolerance and take carbs off the menu and things get a little tricky. I am very new to histamine intolerance myself.

Silverwolf, it's so great you are controlling blood glucose without meds! The pea protein is very low in carbs (Now brand has 1 gram) so probably okay. Sometimes protein can cause a glucose spike in some people, sometimes hours later, never know until you try it and test a bit.

Whey protein tends to spike insulin, something to keep in mind. Good for delivering nutrients before/post workout, but can mess with your glucose/insulin levels. Undenatured whey has immune boosting properties, so I add small amounts to my hemp protein shakes.
Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
I am sorry to hear others are going through this. I started developing allergies out of the blue last year and I thought I was going to lose my mind. First to Bactrim, then to shellfish (but reacted to fish too), then tested positive to xanthum gum. And I had already cut out gluten.

At this point I was terrified to eat. I cut way, way, back to a very basic diet. Chicken, rice, turkey, kale, grapes were on it and not much else. Then I slowly added in foods one by one. I didn't have any more full-on allergic reactions but some foods didn't feel right (oats, bananas, blueberries and some others). Dairy is something I can handle in small doses and only when I don't have a cold or anything.

Still, one year later, I eat a very restricted diet. There are still a lot of things I haven't added back in, either just haven't had a chance yet or am too scared to try. I avoid ALL additives in foods, and try to either avoid processed foods or eat ones with real ingredients I can understand. I am also very careful with the ingredients in my meds and supplements.

I also take SyAllgen daily.

Interestingly, we just redid my allergy test for xanthum gum and now my #s are normal. I haven't had a chance to talk with my allergist yet, so I have no idea what that means.

I've been interested in the posts about histamine and salicylates, and wondering if perhaps this is the common thread for me as well. How did you come to realize this was the issue for you? Is there a test or just going by what you react to?
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello to <<<<< Lymetoo,gz, and WPinVA >>>>>,

Lymetoo, the last link you posted is really info' packed, Thank you!! We are still investigating about Lamb, not sure if it will work,hard to know how fresh it is.

Gz, hope the Cornish Game hens work out,glad Lymetoo mentioned that another possible meat to try.

Since I had to go off Metformin, because of my liver I've been using GlycoX/berberine to help
control Blood sugar,as well as a second formula that contains Gymnema.

It takes the special diet,and a combo of things for me to keep it under control. Thanks for the kudos!!
We are checking into the pea proteins,and the hemp protein as well. Much will depend on our finances.

WPinVA,sorry to hear that you've been fighting this allergy/histamine mess too. It's no fun. For me,as I am just learning about it, and I don't have access to specialists, and so on, I am going on the basis of personal observation and experience.

My hubby,TxCoord, is a Veteran, and he's got some great Doctors helping w/ the diet. I am not VA so I don't qualify, but he asks questions for me. I go to a Slide Fee Clinic about every four months now.

Unfortunately, The Veterans Admin',is a mess right now,and 10's possibly 100's of thousands of Veterans and their families,are not getting the medical treatment they need,

and 10's of thousands, are being denied compensation for their disabilities. Sadly it hits us in the pocketbook. We are fighting back, but it takes years in most cases.

We feel fortunate, that TxCoord got into the Low Carb diet group, that he describes above.

Those of us, here ,on this topic thread, have been jokingly calling this 'the Nirvana Diet =Green Beans and Water'. Welcome to the club, it's not fun.

Extra hugs for us all <<<<< Lymetoo, gz, UKCarry, WPinVA, Hubby-TxCoord and me-Silverwolfi >>>>>, [group hug] [group hug] [group hug] and anyone else trying to figure this all out.

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
gz .. I just throw the chicken in a 9X9 glass pan with water and bake for an hour and 15 min .. give or take a few.

I haven't tried just boiling them because it doesn't appeal to me. I'd really like to get a pressure cooker to do it.

Regarding the proteins, I think it would be safer to go with pea protein than hemp.

I just happened upon the information when I got hives last year. From there I just did a lot of research and realized I had an issue with either salicylates or histamine.

Now I know I have both. My doctor was clueless... as most are. He's very good and very good at finding natural things to help instead of drugs but he knows nothing about all of this.

All of you responding here also need to research Mast Cell Activation Disorder. I have found MANY people on FB pages who have this AND LYME. Evidently Lyme can cause it. (same with the salicylates and histamine)

I have only had a test for histamine thus far and of course it came back "normal." That's the story of my life.

At the root of all of this is the condition of our gut. I know that most of my troubles began when I fell off my candida diet .. though I think I've had this for many many years.

PS .. I'm currently being treated by my allergist who is also clueless but considers this to be an auto-immune problem so at least he treats the symptoms.
Posted by Carol in PA (Member # 5338) on :
I didn't mean to upset you with my questions about your diet.
In working with patients, I learned to ask a lot of questions about all aspects of the problem.

Asking questions helps the nurse or doctor figure out all the symptoms, what the patient has done so far that helped (or hurt), and how much they understand about the suggestions they are given.

I couldn't figure out why you were deleting so many foods from your diet when you didn't know if they were actually causing a problem.
That's why I asked

How much Berberine are you taking daily?
If this is keeping your blood sugar within normal range, what happens when you eat peas, carrots, or beets.
Does your blood sugar go out of control?


I think I misread what you wrote about salmon, and I thought you were able to eat it, but didn't want to try sardines.
I see now that canned fish are included in lists of foods that may be high in histadine.

I did some reading at and all I can say is yikes.

You asked if tomatoes have, they don't.
Several people mentioned cornish game hens.
Be sure to read this:
It's a small chicken!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yes, I know it's a young chicken. It seems to be cleaner than the other crummy chicken in the stores. I figured that because they don't fatten the chickens, they are not "as full" of chemicals and junk.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Information on Leaky Gut .. the main culprit here.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Carol', Lymetoo, gz, WPinVA, and anyone else who may be reading >>>>>,

Lymetoo, thanks for the link info', I'll be checking more things shortly!! I greatly appreciate the help finding info', Lately I can't seem to connect things very well.

I actually just had a brief interview, for getting hearing aids, which usually takes about 18 months,so we'll see what happens.

There are a couple of Groups here that are trying to help fill in the gaps for those of us that
don't qualify for SSDI/SSI medicare/medicaid ,and
so on. So hopefully I can get the hearing aids,and maybe upgraded glasses[mine are over ten years old]. I don't know if it will help the
brain fog go away?!

Carol, thanks for coming back in an reading some of the info'! Hubby TxCoord's reply ,will tell you what we do and don't eat in general,on our specialized dietary lifestyle.

As a Diabetic,both hubby and myself, we were counseled not to eat the veggies that I mentioned.The paternal side of my family is riddled w/ Diabetes, the Maternal is not,but Maternal Grandmothers para-thyroid glands literally rotted, after surgery she was treated w/ Diabetic meds and diet, tho' she was not diabetic.

Most of us were told, no corn,peas,beats,or
carrots, even with meds or in my case supplements to help keep it under control. My diet and TxC's is a Low Carb Diet, mine is more modified than TxCoords. He can explain more if you need,but his reply should give you the basics.

I will still be checking into pea protein,and a few other things, checking carb counts,sugars and so on.

Carol, Your questions,were seeming almost like an interrogation to me, and it puzzled me.[ My cousin is an RN,as is a friend of ours.].

I am slowly checking learning, and finding out what is causing me issues, and if a food, causes me issues, I will be giving it up. That's why I'm going to do an elimination diet.

Lyme Disease Neuroborellosis[sp?],Bartonella, and Babesia,w/ Diabetes; IBS, IC, FMS/CFIDS symptomologies, tendon issues, and much more have given me an overflowing platter to deal with, like many others here on LymeNet.

Again,I am glad you came back in to check on all this! I've always found your replies helpful before this. Lyme Disease and it's co-infections, can cause so many problems. Sometimes it is discouraging to say the least.

Gz, and WPinVA, hope y'all are doing okay, and can find answers that will help !!!

I'm sure my posts and replies must all be clear as mud,as the old saying goes. Between brainfog, and Neuro' issues w/ brain lesions on my Limbic system area ,among other things ,I am a bit scrambled.

Onward I go, trying not to trip over invisible lint... or as some folk from my former adopted state would say : 'Squirrel... because I'm a Potato.'. Now tho', I live amongst cactus and palm trees so I might be a Coconut, and other random tho'ts.

Back to the allergy/high histamine issues, I'm hoping that I can find helpful answers,and don't have to give up too many foods. Off to research,read,and rest. BBL...

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Jus' me again, the stresses,and 'Lyme ADD' are in full swing for me today... sorry the reply is so long. I can't express things as succinctly as I would like.

Editing in for a moment: Lymetoo, I was just checking on that leaky gut link... wow... definitely gotta research this more. I noticed a lot about proteins.

jus' Silverwolfi the wordy here.

[ 03-30-2015, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: Silverwolf ]
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
I think an elimination diet may help you, eapecially if you make sure that food's high in histamine are also excluded. When I did an elimination diet though, I was so varied as to how ill I was with the Lyme that I couldn't decipher what were food reactions and what weren't!

It may be worth trying out a test period of avoiding the worst histamine culprits and making sure that any meat or fish you eat is bang fresh....and no leftovers. Then, if histamine is involved, you may have 'emptied the bucket' enough to try some of the foods out one by one.

By the way, unless my memory serves me badly, kefir and other fermented foods are very high in histamine.

[ 03-31-2015, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: ukcarry ]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :

(yes, fermented foods are high in histamine, ukcarry)
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< ukcarry, and Lymetoo, and Any one else who may be reading >>>>>,

TxC' had to do an errand and a little shopping, but he and I are discussing possible safe alternatives for me,for an elimination diet.
Green beans will be a part of it.

Lymetoo, thanks for the newest link, I'll be checking it shortly, as I had an attack of what seems to be 'MCS flu' its been an Imodium couple of days.

And this morning I was checking hair and skin care products... it is scary what is in supposedly safe products. Mine had Salicylates, and also Sorbitol. The Sorbitol can cause diarrhea if one gets much of it.

When I was firts DX'ed w/ Diabetes , some of the Sorbitol and Manitol candies had warnings about diarrhea, if one got to much of the candies. I don't do sugar substitutes at all now w/ the Low carb' Lifestyle diet we're on.

It got me thinking tho', and now I wonder, i'm figuring that maybe Histamine Intolerance and MCS might just be a hand in hand type of thing, w/ Each problem worsening the other.

Gotta check that link... BBL

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Allergies/ and Histamine Intolerance folk >>>>>,

After reading thru lists of symptoms, Good foods,and bad foods ,for allergies and intolerances, I am trying to find some way to balance everything.

For many of us w/ budgetary constraints, this can be/could be very challenging.

I am still blown away w/ all the things that have salicylates in them. Why pray tell,does this aspirin type chemical need to be added to hair care products for instance??

Or why do they add sorbitol [ can cause diarrhea in those who may be sensitive ] to so many things? Chemicals can enter our systems thru our skin and hair too.

And why don't they make safer products,and foods at a lower more economical price? I don't get to get out to go shopping or much of anything else right now. So Hubby/TxC' gets what he can find as afford-ably as possible.

He checks labels,but misses things sometimes as he is totally blind in his right eye. And Neuropathy issues can make holding on to some things difficult for him.

Life is getting more and more challenging, but we keep on keeping on. It's certainly not boring.

Just thinking out loud/in type here. I do hope each one who has been following this topic thread is finding help and answers. I'd love to know what you find that helps,and I will try to share things we find helpful too.

I'll check in later again...

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Lymetoo, are you still following a diet for histamine and salicylate intolerance? Have you seen improvements?

I did cut out histamines as far as possible for a couple of months and am still avoiding some of them, but was not sure how much it helped.

At the moment, however, I am getting more and more eczema, burning mouth syndrome as well as continued gastro problems and am thinking of trying out a low histamine AND low salicylate diet for a period.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yes, I'm still following it. Some days are better than others. Today is not a good day.

Any deviation from the diet brings misery.

Some say not to restrict for too long.. but if I don't restrict, I pay for it.

Silver, the salicylates in the hair care products is usually from all the "natural" things like aloe vera, neem, coconut oil, etc.

I know with a limited budget it gets really hard. I don't know what I'll do when our budget gets lower as we age. Sigh.

Have you been able to try Zantac yet, Silver? I think it will really help you.

Yes, MCS is linked in here too. I know I have it. I believe it has something to do with phenols. Anything ending in "OL" is not good for us.

(mannitol, sorbitol and more)
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
More info:
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Mast cells, histamine, etc .. Very informative slide show.
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
Yikes, looks like there's lots of everyday stuff with salicylates. I think I'm sensitive to those also, most certainly if I ingest them. I saw coconut oil mentioned as something high in it. I used to eat it often straight on an empty stomach and get flushed, I thought it was from it's possible effects on metabolism [Roll Eyes] . Aspirin definitely gets me.

For WPinVA, my histamine intolerance is all observation. I became aware of it four years ago when I started reacting to chicken. I thought it might be one of the aminos in it. Now practically everything sets me off.

Years before that I should have had a clue, when I used to drink at one point I suddenly could not tolerate a single sip of wine or beer, instant histamine intolerance. That was around when I developed fibromyalgia and other lyme sx.

Lymetoo, can you say why some think we shouldn't restrict for too long? I think if we eat foods that cause immune irritation even on occasion, we just add to the inflammation and set ourselves up to having even worse reactions to said foods. Perhaps I'm missing something really important?

I've read some about mast cell activation, that's what got me so worried about all of this to begin with. I have MCS also. Right now I am trying to not irritate this stuff while I get lyme and co's out of the way, I'm really hoping getting rid of lyme will get rid of the histamine issues.

I had dinner the other day and ate a plate of food without having any reactions. Fresh roasted turkey, fresh asparagus, and just a tiny bite of sweet potato. Too bad that with turkey there are always leftovers!
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Sorry to hear that you haven't (yet) reached a point where you can make small deviations from time to time, Lymetoo I suspect that I may be like that. Many of my warning symptoms have been around for years, but are worsening.

Silverwolf, I so agree with you about the unnecessary ingredients added to things. Why does a beta blocker have to have lactose in it? Why do so many medications and foodstuffs add aspartame, known to be one of the most risky sweeteners?

I hope everyone manages to find something to treat themselves with for Easter!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by gz:
Lymetoo, can you say why some think we shouldn't restrict for too long? I think if we eat foods that cause immune irritation even on occasion, we just add to the inflammation and set ourselves up to having even worse reactions to said foods. Perhaps I'm missing something really important?

I believe it's because the green foods are healing .. but it depends upon how severely the foods are affecting you.

The Low Histamine Chef (Yasmina) was healed by adding green foods and foods that are natural anti-histamines. (for example: broccoli)

It's really complex and I don't see how I can do what she did. I just haven't been able to see a way to do it since I react too severely.

Also, if you over-use anti-histamines, you run the risk of making things worse because anti-histamines reduce the DAO enzyme which is needed to stop the histamine reaction. (sheesh!)

So I have been sprouting my own pea sprouts because they provide natural DAO. You can also take DAO supplements but I don't tolerate Vit C and all of them contain C.

One thing I've been using is Living Clay .. it's a bentonite clay. It seems to be helping.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< Lymetoo, ukcarry, gz, and any other Lyme Family reading >>>>>,

Lymetoo, was trying a sample of Zantac, when this round of chemical flu hit, had a strange rash on my chest show up. So I've been getting things under control as best I can,and will try again in a day or so. i hope it will help.

Thanks for the new links, I'm collecting and reading the different links, to try to understand what's up and how to treat this mess.

Ukcarry, About added ingredients and fillers, I want to know too,why do they put lactose, sorbitol, and other stuff. There are odd things in skin care/hair care products too.

That sorbitol is even in a cream that TxC' and I use to fight heat rash,and athletes foot. Why does it need to be in that product. LOL, we're certainly not going to need it to taste good. It's not for ingesting!

Gz, how are you doing? Are you feeling any better? I know the Lyme and Co-infections is difficult to fight, and sometimes what helps one or two folk wont help the next one.

The foods lists are, a handful and a half to deal with, what is safe, will something else affect us suddenly that was okay before?? At least they are a starting point.

I am also going hunting for links on safe hygiene products, skin and hair care and so on. Way to many of the products I've been using have ingredients that just are not good for us. We've tried to use caution,but they keep adding in junk.

Lymetoo, aging and reduced finances is scary, I fall in between ,on many things. To young to get this benefit,to old to qualify for that one. TxC' is 4 years, 11 months and one day older than I am.

We've been looking into options since we moved, and there aren't many available. I will be on a list for hearing aids soon, but it can take up to 18 months. And it will depend on if available vendors can meet the need.

Tinnitus/Hyperacusis and Musical Ear Syndrome w/ worsening Nerve deafness issues can be hard to work around. I've heard that the specialty aids to cancel-out/equalize some of the tones that ring in the ears are very expensive.

Figured it is worth taking a chance ,if they can find something that helps any. We cannot afford it on our own at this time.

Gotta go, TxC' is back from clinic and working on a late lunch for us. BBL...

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Just Silverwolfi here,

Wow, that link- slide share on Working with Histamine overload has lots of info', even chemicals to avoid in hygiene skin care products and such.

The other one on mast cells, from Natural Nutmeg link is also very interesting!!! Thanks again for finding these <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>> !!!

Jus' me
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
You are welcome .. Have you been able to figure out if you are reacting to the salicylates?

I know I am for sure and found out that what I put on my skin is way worse than what I eat.

In other words, making sure there are no salicylates in my shampoo or skincare makes me way more functioning than just avoiding them in foods. Hope that makes sense.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo, and Others Fighting the Histamine Intolerance and Allergies Issues >>>>>,

Happy Easter and Passover to All !!!

Lymetoo, I'm still not sure what all is causing this, but am suspicious it is a combination of things. And I agree,it is wise to use caution w/ skin and hair products, cleaning products as well.

I am highly suspicious, that certain combo's of chemical may set off the problems. I am eating carefully,and trying to note any problems and symptoms that show up.

Really suspicious of a texturizing spray I used, it has salicylates in it, as well as oils of several herbal plants. I had some rashes show up, still some on my arm. Behind my ears and on my sternum-chest area is better, it was broken out a bit.

I'm gonna have to print up the foods, safe and not safe, and chemicals lists, so we can check when we purchase items. Then we can find safe foods and hygiene products.

I've even had problems w/ women's sanitary napkins/incontinence liners. So had to go to using cloth products [a friend made them].

I think it is the bleaches and chemicals they use to make the products. The symptoms can be exceedingly uncomfortable to say the least.

Have to get control over all these issues tho', else I'm stuck in the house most days W/ 'IBS'/IC and food poisoning like symptoms.

So I will continue to search and see what I can find that I can tolerate, and is economical.I am going to try Zantac again this evening, and hope for a good response, if it helps that'll be fantastic!

Here's hoping that all Lyme folk who are suffering with the HI/ and Allergy attacks can get some relief.

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
For skin products, you may want to check out the Free & Clear line. It's worked for me.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Very comprehensive article on histamine intolerance:

WP ... I have the Free and Clear shampoo but I am reacting to it. I think it has coconut in it, which is high in salicylates. (sigh) I have yet to find a shampoo I can safely use.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< WPinVA, and Lymetoo >>>>>,

The next time I am able to get out, I'll see what I can find that is, hopefully, safe, and economical.

I had heard of Free and Clear shampoo, but have not used it. Have to check more on what is safe, and hope I don't react to anything else.

Lymetoo, that Healthy Pixels link is really info' packed, all tho' some of it seemed almost contradictory. it truly is a complex problem.

The various links are really full of information tho'. So that is why we want to print some of the lists of safe/unsafe foods and chemicals.

That will give us a guide to refer to,and maybe help identify some of the problems.

I'll be glad to get this puzzle figured out, hopefully fairly soon. Between Lyme and Co's, Histamine Intolerance, Allergies, Diabetes, and general stresses. I feel like a prisoner in my own home.

I appreciate the information links greatly!!! Here's hoping that each of us, suffering w/ these problems can find an answer to help us toward healing and betterment of our health.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
Lymetoo, are there conditioners you tolerate well? Many hair types do well being washed with conditioner instead of shampoo. I use a cheap silicone-free conditioner for scalp washing, I had to give up sha mpoo a long time ago.

Sensitivity to topical salicylates easily explains the raging dermatitis I'd get from exposure to certain lotions! Now I mostly use pure oils or make my own skin care products because of the reactions and sensitivities.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Silver.. I found it a bit confusing too. I need to read it again.

gz .. I never use conditioners. I doubt I would have any better luck finding a clean one. Last year I sent back the shampoo from Cleure, but I may need to order it again!!

I didn't like it because it didn't lather at all. Just really wasn't happy with it, but I didn't realize how sensitive I was... or at least how sensitive I would become.

I use safflower oil on my skin. That is all I use.

gz .. What is the conditioner you use?
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
It's a cheap one from the Dollar Tree. Spa Haus I think, comes in a green bottle. Sometimes I get scared it's discontinued because it disappears for long stretches. Tried lots of conditioners, it's the only one my scalp agrees with.

Conditioner doesn't lather like shampoo, but it is very cleansing. Another alternative for hair might be washing with Indian herb powders like shikakai and aritha, can add others like brahmi, tulsi, etc. Aritha is soapberry, or soapnut, which is what I use for laundry. Soapnuts are very gentle, can use them for washing body, hair, or even general cleaning in the home. They are also extremely cost efficient.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Lymetoo, gz, and any others on the quest to stop the Histamine Intolerance problem >>>>>,

Gz, the Spa Haus conditioner,at least may give an option, I've heard of soap nuts before,but don't know much about them. Have to investigate and see what we can find here.

I hope you're feeling better, and getting some helpful options for treatment! I'm hangin' in here, trying to figure out for sure the causes for me.

Hey, Lymetoo, I am starting the search for skin and hair products that wont break me out, or make dandruff- eczema flare. So I've been watching for ideas here.

Are you feeling better? Sorry to hear that you were having issues over Easter. I don't get out in the mornings, so TxCoord let me know about services. Lately I haven't been out in the afternoons either, since this HI/allergy mess has gotten bad.

We are looking in to recorded messages from our church services. They had some sort of problem awhile back but I think it's up and running again. Until I can get out a bit more often, that will have to do.

I am hopeful that changing what I eat and the products I use will calm all this down. It is taking some time for us to find out what is setting it all off.

This is a great thing about LymeNet, we can come and ask questions and share information. it's a huge huge help!!!

Jus' Silverwolf here
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by gz:
Aritha is soapberry, or soapnut, which is what I use for laundry. Soapnuts are very gentle, can use them for washing body, hair, or even general cleaning in the home. They are also extremely cost efficient.

Oh, thank you!!! I have soap nuts! I love them. Not sure they are salicylate free though. Hmmm.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Silver, yes I'm feeling better. I was not happy about having to miss Easter Sunday! GRRRRR

Sorry you haven't been able to go to services. I absolutely HATE missing. I did find some good services on TV that morning.

Here is the link to the soap nuts. I bought a 2 lb bag more than 2 yrs ago and it is still half full!!! Now that is cheap!!

Be sure to order extra bags (the small ones) since the soap nuts last so long and you don't want to pay shipping to order new bags. They don't wear out very quickly, but I like to share with friends sometimes to introduce them to the nuts. I ordered 5 or 6 bags.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo, gz, WPinVA, and Any Other Readers too >>>>>,

Thanks for the Soap-Nuts Link, Lymetoo!! I'm glad your feeling better!!

I am hopeful, that finding out what foods/chemicals are causing me/us issues will ease the IBS/IC issues,enough that I can go to services,I miss it a lot.

I don't go, because I wouldn't be able to stay
in service I'd be in the restroom. Same thing with movie going. We just wait till the movie comes out on DVD now. When we can find a decent movie that is.

I am excited to have the food and chemicals lists listed in this thread, gives us a starting point. Awhile back I was at a church supper, and the cleaning chemicals for the restrooms got to me. Just Pine-sol type stuff, but it was hard to breathe.

Well, I'm off to check other links and info' for now...BBL

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
The SpaHaus does contain preservatives, the evil "MI," I think, but I do okay with it. Any conditioner can be used, they can work quite well diluted 50/50 or more. Not sure about the salicylates, that's more for me to learn.

Silver, so far I seem to be doing okay with lyme tx. Many symptoms much better, traded for new stuff like histamine issues! A little nervous, going to start treating bart in the near future.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
gz .. I would not be able to use something like that. Isn't it made in China? If it has ANY fragrance then it's OUT for me.

I went ahead and ordered the Cleure shampoo today.

Good luck with the bart treatment.. yuck.

Silver.. I would do an elimination diet and go from there. I eliminated sals and histamine (nothing left, trust me). Then added foods that I might be able to eat. You have to get things calmed down first.

I just found out that nearly all water filters have coconut instead of charcoal. Since drinking only bottled water the past few days, I'm feeling better and my eczema is better too.
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
Lymetoo, it's made in Canada but it does have fragrance :/. I feel like I'm walking on thin ice with many of the products I use, since I seem to keep developing worse sensitivities out of nowhere.

I often wonder if a modified fast would help my gut heal enough to blunt any more reactions, except I'm pretty active and restricting my diet to liquids would be too much torture right now.

Thanks for good luck, I just need to get it started and get it over with!

Agree with Lymetoo on the elimination diet. That was/is how I'm able to figure the foods I'm sensitive to. If I slip or have a histamine reaction I go back to my protein powder and veggies and start all over again.

Little slips are causing me smaller reactions, so I know eating clean is helping me clear histamine. But even little slips still tickle the immune system, even if there is no immediate reaction, so best to abstain from offending foods so gut can rejuvenate with rest.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< gz, Lymetoo, and anyone else researching this *HI/and-allergy issue >>>>>,

TxC' and I are gearing up for me to do an elimination diet. We are waiting on our payday,and will see what we can do.

I'm doing a shorter version elimination diet right now, green beans,and skinless chicken breast. I'm temporarily weaning off supplements,and hoping I wont have problems with any of them when I go back on.

I have tried Zantac twice a couple days at a time. I keep getting the diarrhea, trying to figure it out . Some years ago I had the same thing happen w/ Prilosec. I'm gonna wait awhile and then try the Zantac one more time.

I am somewhat at a standstill regarding treatment of Lyme and Co's, and not a whole lot better. So if I can figure this HI/allergy mess out, maybe the supplements I will use will work better in my system.

Oh, Lymetoo, you mentioned drinking bottled water. We by bottled water here,as the tap water isn't safe to drink [unless you are in the resorts]. That actually brings our water bill, from $13 up to $23 dollars a month. Still that's not terrible.

I just wish they'd get the water issues fixed, water was off again recently. That's 30 times now between Nov.2012 and the last part of March 2015.

[Just seeing water in the gutter on our side of the street is stressful.We start checking faucets and filling containers.]

I found it interesting that coconut is used in most filters now. I had thought most were doing charcoal. That's scary, how many folk w/ allergy or HI problems may be getting ill from it.

Thinking here, I still need to check on the pea proteins,hemp and such after payday. Somehow,I've got to get this under control.

Aaaarghh....OwoooWoooooo , it's frustrating but, I'm not gonna give up.

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by gz:

I often wonder if a modified fast would help my gut heal enough to blunt any more reactions, except I'm pretty active and restricting my diet to liquids would be too much torture right now.

Yes, a modified diet will help. No need for a liquid diet .. no need for hemp. I would be leery of that one, Silver. If you will back off the chemicals, salicylates and high histamine for about 6 wks you will see a huge difference provided that is the problem for you.

You will then know. Then start adding back foods one by one to see how you react.

Silver, saccromyces boulardii will stop me up in no time.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
How green smoothies can devastate your health:

Indeed true for me .. and add in the issue of their being high in salicylates.


Green smoothies are all the rage these days with many people consuming them every day or at least several times a week in an attempt to get healthy and “alkalize” the body.

Whenever I visit the cafe of my local healthfood store, there are usually several people in gym clothes lined up to order a green smoothie to sip after their workout.

Green smoothies are made by blending large amounts of raw leafy green vegetables with fruit to soften and sweeten the taste. Typical vegetables included in green smoothies are kale, spinach, swiss chard, collard greens, celery, broccoli, and parsley.

Is the green smoothie fad a truly healthy habit over the long term or can consumption of these seemingly healthy drinks in fact contribute to serious health problems?
Raw Leafy Greens Contain High Oxalate Levels

Frequent consumption of large quantities of raw, leafy green vegetables as occurs when a person drinks green smoothies can be deceiving at first as a person will probably initially feel great after adopting this habit particularly if he or she is coming off a highly processed, nutrient poor diet.

The vegetables used in green smoothies are almost without exception high oxalate foods. Over time, a high oxalate diet can contribute to some very serious health problems particularly if you are one of the 20% of people (1 in 5) that have a genetic tendency to produce oxalates or if you suffer from candida or other fungal challenge. In those cases, a high oxalate diet can deal a devastating blow to health.
Oxalate Toxicity Not a New Problem

Humans have suffered the effects of oxalate toxicity since ancient times. A 2000 year old mummy from Chile was discovered through x-ray analysis to have an oxalate kidney stone about the size of a golf ball!

Oxalates can be deposited almost anywhere in the body and wherever they land, pain or worse is the result.

75-90% of kidney stones are oxalate related with 10-15% of Americans afflicted at some point during their lives. As the star shaped crystalline stones pass from the kidney, they cause pressure and pain in the bladder and urethra and can actually tear up the walls of the urinary tract.
Oxalate Stones Can Form in Any Tissue

Oxalate stones can show up in any body tissue including the brain and even the heart.

Oxalate crystals resembling shards of glass which become lodged in the heart cause tiny tears and damage to this vital muscle with every single contraction pumping life giving blood to the rest of the body.

Oxalate crystals which end up in the thyroid can cause thyroid disease by damaging thyroid tissue.

A frequent location for oxalates to end up is skeletal muscle which will cause pain with even normal movement and make exercise nearly impossible. Dr. William Shaw, Director of The Great Plains Laboratory for Health, Nutrition and Metabolism who has studied oxalates extensively, is convinced that oxalate toxicity is a factor in fibromyalgia the pain of which can absolutely devastate a person’s life.
Vulvodynia – Painful Sex

Cases of women experiencing painful sex are on the rise with oxalates a possible culprit.

Vulvodynia, a condition causing pain in and around the vagina, is linked to oxalates deposited in this delicate reproductive tissue. Oxalate crystals are very acidic and they cause irritation, burning, and stinging sensations for affected women with an accompanying feeling of rawness whenever they engage in sexual relations.
Oxalates Are Fungal in Origin

A surprising finding is that oxalates are produced in large amounts by fungus. Large stones have been found in the sinuses and lungs of people suffering from systemic fungal infections such as candida or Aspergillus.

Therefore, anyone who suffers from any sort of candida or other fungal challenge like fungus nails or dandruff would be wise to be very concerned about oxalate intake via the diet.

Consumption of green smoothies would not in any way contribute to improvement of health in these situations. Given that the majority of people today suffer from gut imbalance/fungal issues caused by antibiotic and prescription drug use along with consumption of processed foods, a high oxalate diet which includes green smoothies is an unwise practice for virtually everyone.
Does Cooking Destroy Oxalates?

Would it be safe to prepare green smoothies with leafy greens that have been lightly steamed first?

Not really, because oxalates are extremely stable and while cooking high oxalate foods like leafy greens (and discarding the cooking water) does reduce the oxalate level, it remains quite high.

Since green smoothies are consumed so frequently by those who swear by them, a light steaming of the veggies first would not make a significant difference over the long term.
Healthier Alternatives to Green Smoothies

The best course of action for health, then, is to opt out of the green smoothie fad.

If you enjoy green leafy vegetables, enjoy them in moderation in salads or cook them and carefully drain and discard all the cooking water – never use it in soups and sauces! Be sure to serve cooked leafy greens with a healthy, traditional fat like butter (not margarine or any factory fats synthesized with rancid and/or GMO vegetable oils) for maximum absorption of minerals.

Another option is to drink raw cultured vegetable juice or eat raw cultured vegetables. Not only will you get enhanced nutrition from the culturing process which adds enzymes and nutrients, but you will also get a beneficial and therapeutic dose of probiotics to help balance gut function and improve digestion.

Another option is to do shots of fresh, green wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass juice is very low in oxalic acid. Click here for my favorite green juice recipe using wheatgrass juice.

If you already are suffering from some of the ailments described in this article and suspect a high oxalate diet which includes green smoothies or a daily spinach salad may be the cause, stop this practice immediately and consult with a holistic physician who can guide you on the road to recovery and how to best rid your body of the oxalate crystals that are potentially irritating one or more of your body tissues.

Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist

Author, Get Your Fats Straight


The Role of Oxalates in Autism and Chronic Disorders, William Shaw PhD

Think Raw Veggies are Best? Think Again

Yet Another Reason to Cook That Broccoli

Determining the Best Traditional Diet for You

[ 04-19-2015, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Lymetoo,and any Readers learning like we are! >>>>>,

Thanks for the 'green smoothy' dangers link, I could only read a page of it, have to try again later.

I have always been leery about any drink that looks like it came from scraped lawnmower blades. Not a fan of the green stuff in smoothy form.

I was checking for something to use, on occasion, milk shake like,low cost w/o milk and a bunch of chemicals and No Soy,

The info' on Pea protein that I found,said there is not enough DAO in most of them,or no way to measure amounts to keep it consistent.

Still learning here, but the nutritionist dieticians that are working w/ TxC' and others in the low carb program,said please don't juice everything. We need the chewing action, and for our bodies to break down the fibers.[TxC' could explain it better, don't think I explained it well].

Not saying never to juice anything,but try to use a balanced approach. Right now,I am not adding anything new. Just finishing a mini- elimination diet,and trying to be gentle w/ my tummy and intestines.

Have a bit longer to wait for our payday, then TxC' can check on more safe foods. I'll wait a couple weeks and then try again, on elimination diet. But for my next meal,I get to try one thing I haven't been eating for a bit, probably some beef.

I am trying to be careful to stay away from chemicals, anything I don' have to use, I don't. I may end up getting gloves for dish washing at the very least.because anymore I never know what will set things off.

Pine cleaners,and *lemony perfumes, are a no go,no do, for me...had to many reactions to them.
I don't know if it is *lemonine, salicylates or???
I am hoping that it isn't a salicylate problem, but on my next elimination diet...I hope to find out.

My other issue, the diarrhea, I will try that s. boulardii , part of the issue, is if it stops, then it backs up to severe constipation, which sets the IC going crazy. And cramps my intestines fiercely. So I am looking forward to identifying the causes.

We continue to pray for a decent answer from the VA, so many Vets and their families are fighting to get their proper disability benefits. It would make life a lot easier for us, if we had a better financial situation.

I'm going to try that don't drink the 'green smoothies' link again. if it wont work right I'll let TxC' see if it's our laptop,or the site. I saw something recently but don't usually drink green smoothies so hadn't checked it closely.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
True about the DAO and the powdered protein. I'm still trying to sprout my own peas. I keep ruining the batches, one way or another.

I use Dr Bronner's UNSCENTED for cleaning. I add baking soda if I need to scrub something.

I have the same issue with diarrhea and constipation. It's a balancing act.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< Lymetoo, and any Folk following this Thread as well >>>>>,

Sorry to here you have this 'IBS' symptomology too. Hard to balance it all sometimes.

I'll be looking up the info' on the Dr. Bronner's in a bit, and we'll see what's affordable for us come payday.i want to check out those soap nuts and bags too.

I tried a bit of a favorite beverage, after my mini-elim' diet, it didn't go well. So TxC' and I will plan some more elim' diet for me soon.

Have to figure out a safe way to take my herbal sugar control meds, for awhile until I know if that will behave. I can get away w/ a couple days off the meds, but I don't like to mess w/success.

Need to check on a couple more things before TxC' heads back here from church.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
Thank you for posting the link on green smoothies. that was fascinating.

I don't have most of the ailments mentioned, but I was drinking a lot of green smoothies when all these new allergies/sensitivities popped up. Do you think it might be related?
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< WPinVA, and other Reader/Repliers >>>>>,

I'm not in the medical field, but it wouldn't surprise me, if the green smoothies might trigger a Histamine Intolerance/or-allergy attack type problem.

I finally got to read it on Facebook, Thanks <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>, it wouldn't move past the first page on the link here,for us.

The whole problem can be disconcerting with HI issues, and what to eat/avoid. It can be difficult, especially, to figure out specifically what one can eat and how to vary the diet somewhat, without triggering a problem.

I hope each one wading thru the puzzle of these issues, is able to find help and relief soon!

BBL jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by WPinVA:
Thank you for posting the link on green smoothies. that was fascinating.

I don't have most of the ailments mentioned, but I was drinking a lot of green smoothies when all these new allergies/sensitivities popped up. Do you think it might be related?

I think it was one of my triggers. Now perhaps I've had this for many years and the smoothies, etc pushed me over the edge.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>,

I am glad you found the info' link,on the green smoothies. And sorry to hear that probably was a big contributor to the Histamine Intolerance, for you.

Hopes and prayers that you,and all battling this, can get the Histamine overload, reduced enough to be able to eat safely again.

I think there is so much chemical junk in food now days that it is making the problems hugely worse.

My Dads cousin used to raise beef,and he wouldn't use any ABX,or any additives other than what was specifically required by law. His beef was delightfully tasty!

Just checking back in BBL...

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Histamine Intolerance/Allergy Fighters >>>>>,

Hope each of y'all are finding answers and improving!! I think I got a clue as to part of my issues, after my first initial mini-elimination diet challenge.

I don't do very much dairy, I never cared for just plain milk. Once in awhile, I use a small bit of heavy cream, as allowed in our Low Carb diet. I am modifying some more.

It seems the cream is to much for my system. And the Histamine bucket loads up a bit too quick, with cream. Who knows what histamines may be the problem. But likely Casein, like gluten, in the dairy product is an issue.

Sometimes it takes a bit for things to dawn on my brain, [Embarrassed] [bonk] Hopefully staying away from even a little cream will help, ease the situation.

Will be doing some more elimination challenges in the near future, as finances permit, and see what else may be part of this puzzle. I feel sorta stupid, for not connecting this earlier.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Awesome sleuthing, Silver! Keep a'going!

It won't be long and you'll be out and about more often!!

Posted by delljen (Member # 25090) on :
Silver wolf - It is my belief that histamine reactions may be a symptom of gut/probiotic imbalance as well a stomach and liver enzyme imbalance.

There are probiotics that may help your histamine reaction as well as probiotics you should avoid in order to rebalance.

These are some of the probiotics that may be helpful because they degrade histamine Bifidobacterium infantis and then Lactobacillus rhamnosus and salivarius and sporogenes and Lactobacillus gasser.

These are some they say you should avoid, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactococcus lactis, Enterococcus faecalis, and various types of E. coli.

In addition, there are certain enzymes that you may be lacking in your digestion process that help to prevent histamine from reaching the blood stream. One such enzyme is Diamine oxidase (DAO) which I think can now be found in supplement form.

Anyway, those are just some ideas that may help.

There is also a lot of research and information out there on the above if you google, histamine probiotics or histamine enzyme etc.


Here are some research articles if you want to read more:
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by WPinVA:

.... but I was drinking a lot of green smoothies when all these new allergies/sensitivities popped up. Do you think it might be related?


I think it was related in my case. Our livers can only handle so much.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Amazing article:
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
delljen.. I thought plantarum was a beneficial strain?
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello there <<<<< delljen, and Lymetoo >>>>>,

Thanks for the links, so very much, been looking at them.

I don't think my Adrenals are in very good shape, among other problems. Last test was a few years ago,and not real great.I seem to remember the number being 33?? It was in summer of '06.

Took DHEA for a time, probably need it again. Will be studying the various links more,and try to get back in on the weekend.

High winds,and gut issues, have made things tough here... but I'm hangin' in here.

Thanks again for the links, hope all are finding help. BBL...

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Jus' Silverwolfi,

Hello <<<<< Histamine Intolerance and Allergy Fighters of LymeNet Family >>>>>,

I'm still fighting some gut/IBS issues, but doing okay. The weather is hopefully calming down a bit.

Can't stay on long, unexpected company coming, w/ a little bookshelf/cupboard when TxC' gets in from church in a bit. Course the House is a disaster right now, but our shelves runneth over,so we need this.

I hope all are finding answers and feeling better. I think most dairy foods are out for me, it seems to cause, stomach and intestinal problems.So no more of that.

Hopefully after a time, I can at least have a bit of butter, right now, I'm not gonna brave that tho'. Will see how things go.

Jus' me, myself and my Silverwolf-I-ness
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Jus' me, Hi <<<<< LymeNet Histamine Intolerance and allergy fighters >>>>>,

So far I am staying away from most dairy products, still some minor nausea, and IBS-'the running hare' issues, but it is lessening so far.

I'm wondering about what is best for probiotics, digestive enzymes and so on. We are on very, very limited funding,so it has to be super inexpensive. I know there is some good product out there, but cost is an issue.

Will continue hunting up info' and reading links, hopefully I wont be so house/bathroom bound soon. Just for general info' I'm not a medical professional, and just trying to learn as
I go along.

Jus' Silverwolfi checking in...
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
This is what I use:


It's 90 capsules of 50 billion CFU's each, so it's very cost effective.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< Lymetoo, and any Readers learning like we are >>>>>,

Thanks for the link, that looks like an excellent product!!!

Will have to do some figuring in the budget, but it gives us a place to start. Thank you for the info'.

I know I've said it before, but the access to knowledge, and info' links we can find thru Lymenet is hugely helpful.

On the *Histamine Intolerance front, one site was calling it *HIT, I pretty certain, I cannot do most dairy products anymore.

I have tolerated a -small- pat of butter w/o any bad issues. Most everything else doesn't work with my system anymore.

TxC' and I are gearing up for me to do another elimination diet in a few days, it will be of interest to see what I can actually tolerate.

I'll check in again later,as we want to copy some of the foods lists. Trying to get things calmed down,w/ my system.

If I can get IBS symptoms calmer, I may be going to a wedding very soon. Young relative will be in area,and proposing to their intended soon. They want us to come,if all goes as hoped.

Gotta dash, TxC' should be back from his appt. soon,and off loading a bit of groceries.

Jus' Silverwolfi here

[ 04-26-2015, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: Silverwolf ]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That would be great if you would be able to attend the wedding!

Once you get better you should be able to make some ghee.. which is butter without the casein. It's the casein that is troublesome for so many people. There would also be no lactose in it.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo, and other HIT/Allergy fighters >>>>>,

I'll have to check on ghee, butter w/o casein or lactose sounds interesting.

Things are still iffy if I get to go to the wedding, but I am hoping to go! Young relative's intended said yes to the proposal [Smile] !!!

I'll check back later on...

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by delljen (Member # 25090) on :
Silver wolf, it sounds like you are on the right track

Lymetoo, I absolutely think Lactobacillus plantarum is a beneficial probiotic. I actually think they all play a role in our digestive health.

My thought is (but I am no expert) that it is all about gut balance and probiotic symbiosis. If your gut gets out of balance and/or you have a genetic issue with DAO production than you may have problems breaking down histamine.

So in order to rebalance I think you can try and add certain probiotics and try to stay away from others to see if you can rebalance your gut.

You could also try a DAO enzyme supplement to see if DAO deficiency is your problem but again these just my thoughts.

Also, I have to second Lymetoo on Custom Probiotics they are my absolute favorite Probiotic Brand of all brands I have tried.

The enzymes that work the best for me are Source Naturals Daily Essential Enzymes.

Silverwolf- I hope you can make it too the wedding! : )
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Lymetoo and delljen >>>>>,

[Smile] We got to go to the wedding, our new niece-in-law is just a sweet heart of a lady!!! nephew is blessed to have found her!!!

Didn't get to stay long afterward, but the wedding was worth it. It was held at the historic 'Little White Wedding Chapel' in Las Vegas NV.The one with the Pink Elvis-mobile caddy.

I wish we could have visited longer, but both TxC' and I were pretty worn out. If we ever get to go back down Southern US way,we'll stop
and visit them. This was the Nephew that sent us tickets to Trans-Siberian Orchestra for our 35th Anniv. in 2013.

It was a small wedding, informal, but just beautiful.When we got home, Neice-in-laws son had posted some pic's and filmed the was really sweet, and so cute. I'm not sure I've seen someone as surprised as the new Neice!!

I am still fighting some 'IBS'/IC type issues, so not getting out much yet, other than the wedding.

Starting the next elimination diet,in a couple days. And I found out,that I cannot eat more than a couple of almonds w/o problems.

For now, Almonds, Egg whites, celery, and most dairy is on my do not eat list.

It'd be so great not to feel like I am chained to the toilet!

Still,I am elated that we got to go to the wedding. And now we have a new niece[in-law], grand nephew and his wife, and great grand niece.They are just wonderful!

Well I'm still on the hunt to find out the causes of these HIT/allergy attacks. Will check back in when I'm able.

Gonna look up that ghee info'!

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
So glad you got to go to the wedding, Silver! Progress!!

Almonds are high in salicylates, so that may be your issue there.

delljen.. I use the same essential enzymes!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< Lymetoo, delljen, And Any Others following this Thread >>>>>,

Well after my most recent mini-elimination diet, I tried Raw California Almonds, to check if it may have been the oils the other type was roasted in.

Uh... wont be making that mistake again, I tried them yesterday evening, and still feel like I got run over by a truck.

Sinus/Allergy issues, sore red,patchy throat, and 'IBS'-food poisoning like symptoms. Happened about ten minutes after I ate them, ten little nuggets of misery.

Drat, it wasn't the oils... hard lesson to get the food lists so TxC' and I can figure out safer foods for me.


Jus' Silverwolfi guts-still-a-grumblin'
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Jus' me here <<<<<< Lmyetoo,and other HIT/allergy warriors of Lymenet >>>>>,

Still fighting diarrhea issues, and Zantac gives me the diarrhea too... Aargh.

We are awaiting our next payday,and I'll try to find a different, low cost H2 product to help.

I've had this happen before, my guts are just super sensitive. But I now know, most dairy is out with a capital O-U-T.And almond.almond products are on my do not eat list now.

Wish I had better news, but at least I know a few more things that don't work for me now.

How are all w/ this issue doing? Any one finding more answers? Here's hoping each one can find the right things to help!!!

Editing in... checking out info' on CBS mutation as well, it seems many factors can be involved w/ the Lyme and Co-infections.[ This is in response to seeing a question that SusanH, had put up about Epsom Salts and CBS mutation].

I have read a little about MTHRFR , didn't know about the CBS mutation... lots of things to check on...but I will find answers!!!

Jus' Silverwolfi

[ 05-11-2015, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: Silverwolf ]
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
Having good luck with having eliminated most everything. I seem to be doing okay mixing half pea protein and whey together. The pea protein is a little gross to me, but there's worse things.

I pushed the envelope and had kombucha yesterday, yogurt the day before that. No flushing, but I felt loopy. I think it was consuming large amounts of kefir that made my HI so prominen to begin with, so hopefully avoidance will enable healing. Must practice strict avoidance to let that happen though.

Last bloodwork showed some allergy markers slightly elevated or high end of normal. I wonder if from the HI, parasites, seasonal allergies, or something else.

Silver, glad you are getting some stuff figured out with elimination. I love almonds myself, but they are the absolute worst for me. All nuts really mess up my gut, they were bothering me before I recognized the HI. I hope you are able to continue seeing results with continued elimination.

Lymetoo, thank you for the link to the probx. I've been needing to switch and that one looks great, going to try it.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< gz, Lymetoo, and any other HIT/Allergy warriors here >>>>>.

Gz, be watchful about the fermented products, I've been hearing they can make HI' issues worse in some cases.

It seems to be a matter of testing each food, and is a long process, I was bummed about the almonds, but the diarrhea,is slowly calming down,and now the IBS wants to go the opposite way.

I'm still mostly housebound, as when the IBS acts up either direction, I have to stay near the restroom. I am missing my church, way cool people,but I'm in and out of the restroom enough to feel like it'd be a bit disruptive.

I am encouraged that it is slowly calming down tho', Finally!!! If I am not having to much issues, I may get to see a friend this weekend, that we haven't seen in a few years. It'll be where if I have to head to the restroom, I wont
be bothering anyone!!

And perhaps next week I can make a Church service, that would be refreshing!

Gotta head off for now BBL ...

Jus' the Silverwolfi here.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That's progress, Silver! It would be so nice if you can get back to church and be able to visit friends. That is so essential to life!

I'm doing "OK".. still battling a sinus infection, but it is getting better. I've had it for months, so am happy it is on the upswing.

I was able to eat some broccoli last week without incident, so that is nice. Hope to be able to add more good foods bit by bit.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Excellent article on histamine intolerance.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo, and other HIT/Allergy Warriors of Lymenet too >>>>>,

The broccoli eaten w/o incident sounds great!!

Even if our progress is little steps at a time,it's still progress!!! [Smile] .

Got to go see our young friends, its been probably five years since we saw Zeke, and we go to meet his travel buddy, Mic' nice young fella.

They had a late supper,and we met them at a local restaurant, we got a bit of coffee, and water as I was leery of eating. It was really good to see our friend, he's grown so much.

They are in area for a two day concert, so we may get to see them later again, depending on schedules.

Sinus issues seem to be hanging on a lot this year. The southern Nevada weather is weird, and it is getting a lot of folks sinuses right now,including me. I sure hope your sinus issue goes away completely and quickly, Lymetoo.

Thanks for the new HIT link, I'll check it out. I've been learning about some mutation issues too,and wonder if all of these things don't tangle into a complicated mess for folk w/ LD and Co's.

A scarey note here, there was a recent report about asbestos, that occurs naturally here, the dangerous type w/ the fibers. The scientists/geologists that discovered it have been trying to warn folks for a couple years ,and keep getting shut down[ which is odd ].

The news casts that got out do say,to be more watchful of windy weather. Most folk don't stay out any longer than necessary in the winds. They get pretty fierce, and no one likes sandy grit and dust in eyes and mouth, or on clothing.

Hopefully, they'll be allowed to explain more soon, and can give folk ideas for safety.

I am doing some better, and slowly ramping back up on various supplements, making sure nothing there is triggering the problems.

Gonna check that link, and BBL...

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello All <<<<< LymeNet HIT/Allergy Warriors >>>>>,

How everyone doing ? Any successes w/ fighting the HI problem?

For me, it is is slow, still battling some of the IBS/IC issues, I think it may just take extra time for intestines,and UT to heal.

I'll be doing some more elimination testing soon too.

Hope each of y'all are doing better!

Jus' Silverwolfi checkin' in...
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Glad you were able to see your friends, Silver! I hope you continue to improve.

(Do you always drink coffee??)

I'm not doing so well today but better than last night. I decided to eat an orange. What could happen, right?

I didn't realize that it's not only high in histamine, it's high in salicylates too. It really messed up my sinuses. UGH.

Hoping the reaction calms down in the next day or two.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< Lymetoo and Our Other HIT/Allergy Lymenet Warriors as well >>>>>.

Had an Appt. w/ Dr. yesterday, glad it wasn't today w/ this earthquake activity, good report.

Doc' tho't the elimination diet was a good idea, he is puzzled why the allergies are hitting so bad. But pleased about my Blood sugar levels staying down. And I'm still losing weight [Smile] !!

I'm down 40 lbs. from last year at this time, just going slow and steady,on weight loss.

We were overjoyed to be able to see our young friends. And as to coffee,I usually have just a cup or so in the mornings. It makes me sleepy, but bladder wakes me up if I have it after 2:00p.m.

It was windy when we went to see our friends, and the coffee helps my breathing, but I pay for it later if it's to late in the P.M.

<<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>, Hope you are feeling better, sorry the orange caused you so much trouble. I don't take chances w/most dairy products now, because of sinus and IBS problems. I haven't tried much in the way of citrus.

TxC' does put a squeeze of lime on our fish and such. And I've found some mild fish that I can eat, Tilapia, and cod. I'm unsure about the rest...we'll see.

I'll probably do another mini-elimination diet next week. They seem to help, me find out the problem foods.

Gotta go for now... BBL

Just Silverwolfi here
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Just me again, Hi to our <<<<< HIT/Allergy LymeNet Warriors >>>>>.

It's weird,the earthquake seems to have messed up my sleep patterns a bit. Hmm, it was strange,but I didn't think it was that awful, the 6.4, I went thru as a child was far worse.

I am probably going to do another elimination mini diet toward the end of the week. My symptoms are some what better, so maybe I can see what else maybe an issue.

Local raw Honey, was suggested to us too, in case some of the area pollens were making the Histamine load worse. I'd have to be very very watchful. I finally have the Diabetes under control, and don't want it going all off again.

There is a good clean source at the Farmers markets, so we are researching and debating, depending on costs etc.

If we decide to try it for me, I'll let y'all know, what happens.

Jus' Silverwolfi... hoping each of y'all are finding answers and getting better !!!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I would be very careful with coffee and honey.

Hope your evening goes well and you continue to find things that help.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Histamine Intolerance, mast cell activation disorder:
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Silver ...

I hear this is "safe" coffee ...
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>,

Thanks for the links, I'm still researching lots of things, and this will help.

I wish that coffee in the link, was even less expensive, It looks good!!! Coffee can be that two edged sword, It's the lesser of evils for me, when my lung acts up. But if I am having the 'racing hare' 'IBS' symptomology it is to excitatory [if that's a word?].

Things have calmed down somewhat, so that helps. Still if I have coffee after about 2:00 to 3:00 pm. I am up several times at night.

Different subject for a moment, here's hoping that you and any of your Texas area family is/are safe, and your family lands too! TxC's brother in Alabama called us, and let us know, our nieces and their families in Texas are safe.

How are our other <<<<< HIT/ Allergy warriors >>>>> doing? hoping all are safe, and finding relief from the Histamine mess!

Thanks again for those links, Lymetoo, I will be checking more about the mast cell issue too. I am still researching about honey, it seems to have some good and some not so good effects.

My Dad used to have a bit of honey from an area where he was staying when he was young, it seemed to help him acclimatize better, he's always had sinus issues.

Well I'm off for the moment, BBL

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello to - Silverwolf's brain- from ... Her Intestines...

News flash...a small amount of fruit occasionally may be tolerated. However, Cream Cheese however small the amount... is in fact a dairy product... We do not like dairy products... they cause the Bunny Hare IBS parade.

Aaaarghhh, I do try to be careful, but I missed it on that one... so trying to calm down my intestines and colon. Must find brain and get it to wake up.

Jus' Silverwolfi

Edit in: Hi <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>,
Saw your reply on my Texas and Oklahoma flooding Thread. We are continuing in prayer. And hoping the missing will be found safe. It is so devastating, with such horrible storms and flooding w/ loss of life.

Some memories don't leave us, praying for peace in all this too...

Jus' me again

[ 05-28-2015, 04:54 PM: Message edited by: Silverwolf ]
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< Lymenet HIT/Allergy Warriors >>>>>,

Just a quick check in, will start a new elimination diet challenge probably next Thursday, 6-4-'15. Will test out Tomato at the end of it,and see if that will be tolerable.

Hope all are doing better... will Check back in when I can!

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Glad you are keeping us posted, Silverwolf.

I know for me if I eat anything with corn in it I am sunk for several days.

I avoid dairy and gluten as well, but still have digestive system troubles.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< Hiker' >>>>>,

Tried to post a reply earlier and lost it somewhere...[hope I didn't post it somewhere else].

Thanks for your reply,I too am really careful about gluten, dairy, corn, and soy as well.

I got a hold of something recently, that was supposed to be non-dairy,and wasn't. I'm still worn down from that one.

My plan right now is still a 3 day, elimination diet,starting on Thursday, and then test out tomato. I found out that Almond is not wise for me to eat either.

Seems to be a lot of food allergies in my family,and I am wondering about Mast Cell Activation Disorder.

I'll check back in when Able!

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< Lymetoo, and Other HIT/Allergy Warriors >>>>>,

Wow, Thanks Lymetoo for the -naturimedica- histamine link. This is excellent info', a huge help. Recently we were trying to explain some of this to my brother.

He tho't it was more about improper nutrition when folks have histamine and gut issues. He was talking about the premise of how our soil no longer has the proper mineral content.

While soil conditions, and such are a problem, the Histamine Intolerance/Allergy is a combination of many many things.

Next time we are able to talk, I'll try to have this info' on hand. My brother didn't really realize about genetic mutations being a problem,and so many other things too.

I really appreciate this link!!! Thanks again!!! I was struggling trying to explain it. I don't edit very well [understatement of the year...], and this is concise enough to help me explain more about the HIT issue!!!

Will check in again later on ... so excited, I got to go to Wed. service at church!!! Altho' I overdid a little, Thur. and Friday, so have had to mostly rest, but so glad to be able to get out briefly.

Thursday was a bit of shopping, and Friday, we sorted a few things at storage unit. I tried to take it slow,but will have to have only one or two outings in a week. Once I am rested again.

Okay I'll check in later on... Hope each one is getting better, and finding the right supplements,and foods to help !

Jus' Silverwolfi here [Smile]
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Awwwoooowooowooo Silverwolf! It's your Canadian pack Sis.

Congrats on the 40 lb weight loss and sticking to your eating plan.

I too like a tiny bit of heavy cream once in a while also. Makes me feel spoiled.

I saw on the news that because this is an unusually warm year, instead of the pollens being released concurrently, they are all being released at the same time.

So instead of weed pollens, then tree pollens, then grass pollens.
We get them all at the same time and our bodies (which already have histamine cause of our bugs) go into overload.

I was taking Claritin but had to stop all but my hormones because of other reasons.

My auyervedic friend suggested dipping a Q tip in a bit of coconut oil, and rubbing it just inside the nostrils. Not too far up, just inside the nose opening.
Also inside the ears. (It is good to use separate q tips for each ear and each nostril in case of germ swapping)

And it had helped me a bit since doing this. The bigger pieces of pollen get stuck to the coconut oil.

OK, I am sending some paw licks and some tail wagging to you from up here in sunny Canada.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
HelloooooooOOoooOOo <<<<< Greta' pack-Sis' >>>>>,

Very good to here from you, and hope you are getting to feeling better!!!

I like that coconut oil idea, already have too much histamine build-up, I don't need pollen adding to it.

My cousin up in Oregon said that pollen count from Eugene area [where I was born] down almost to the California border,is a huge allergy mess right now. I wonder if it is the heat, as you mentioned.

I miss heavy cream, and have had to substitute coconut milk which doesn't cause me problems so far.

I've even wondered if along w/ the casein [which is the gluten processed thru the cow into the milk/butter etc.] perhaps some of the other grains the cattle may feed on are an allergy factor for me??

So being very careful about what I eat and drink.
So many things to take note of and use caution now'else I'd never get out of the restroom. Aarrgh.

Thanks for the congratulations on my weight loss, I have had to cut out a lot of carbs and starchy things, to accomplish it. No more lovely potatoes, but I don't have to take liver damaging Metformin now either.

My blood sugar has regulated as long as I stay on the diet lifestyle,and use berberine supplements.

Gotta close for now,as TxC' just got back w/ groceries, and I get to go play doing the laundry... OwoooOOO... [Smile] !

Thanks again for the reply, and the coconut idea!!!

Jus' That Silverwolfi waggin' my tail right back atcha , paw licks received.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< HIT/Allergy Warriors of Lymenet >>>>>,

Greta' pac-Sis' a question, are you having to limit a lot of the foods you eat from the allergy/histamine mess.

There are several folk in my family who have/or had problems with various foods. Glutens, Oats/Corn/ Eggs/Tomatoes/ Potatoes,and Salt too for one of my nieces.

With all the pollens/ and allergins around,w/ this illness we don't need more issues. It seems like we start to get one thing under control,and something else springs up.

Jus' Silverwolfi Warrior-ing along here learning.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Sounds like you are making progress, Silver!

A tiny word of caution on the coconut oil .. if you have found that you are sensitive to salicylates, that one won't work for you.

Just a heads up.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
OK.. I'm too lazy to see if I already posted this research .. so here goes:
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Lymetoo and our various HIT/Allergy warriors of LymeNet >>>>>,

I am hoping that coconut is not a problem food for me, so far in small amounts it seems to be okay. However almonds are still on my do not eat list, altho' I love the flavor.

I don't think this new link you put up was posted on here. Thank you, it's interesting as to mast cells, altho' it seemed rather technical [ I have to research it further just glanced at it quickly].

I checked on a couple of others you had posted here too, interesting info'!!

I had to chuckle when you said you were 'to lazy to see if'... you had posted the latest link.
I don't think it's lazy [Smile] , if it is,well, you are entitled to some lazy moments don't you think?!!

Perhaps you have been blessedly busy lately and need some time to laze!!! I appreciate the links a lot, it is helpful in figuring all this out.

Txc' came home from his Life Long Low Carb' w/ some more interesting info' that may help too.
They were discussing, nitrates and nitrites,and the problems that can occur.

Interestingly, celery and char-broiled meats, contain an excess of nitrates. I cannot eat either of these foods, without burning mouth and a lot of intestinal pain and issues. So I will be learning more about this.

Nitrates and nitrites become a problem when they form -Nitrosamines- ,nitrates exposed to high heat,in the presence of amino acids , turn into the nitrosamines. It seems Vit.C can help avoid the nitrosamine[carconogenic] problem .[ Info' from TxC's class handout.]

TxC' found an interesting link on the Mast Cell problem too. If I can find it will post it later! The more info we can discover and post links to, the more chance of finding answers.

I am so very thankful,we have Lymenet, and folk who research and post links!!!

BBL... Jus' that Silverwolfi
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Good info on the nitrates/nitrites. I do avoid the nitrites in processed meats.

Celery I'm not sure about .. need to try again.

Another consideration is foods high in sulphur.

Hang in there! I hope you can find the link TxCoord found for us.
Posted by TxCoord (Member # 9204) on :
Here's the link for Silver:
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< TxCoord, and all LymeNet HIT/Allergy Warriors >>>>>,

Thanks for getting the 'mast-cells' post up TxCoord [Smile] !!! I had a nice post reply up, but the PC timed out on me,and it seems to have gone away, instead of printing here.

The fourth paragraph down, in the new link,a one sentence has a 'You can read more... here' it gives more good info' on symptoms, causes and so on.

I fight migraines, as many here do,so that aspect hopefully will be helpful too.

On the Nitrates/Nitrites issue, TxC' took notice when they mentioned the charbroiled meats, and celery among other veggies, because of my odd allergies.

And my dad had esophageal cancer, he used to eat dried prunes that were sulfite?/sulfate? preserved. He liked the thin sliced, packaged or deli ham a lot too.

Dad is blessed to have survived, tho' he isn't well, he is 85 and having heart issues.

I hope the mast-cell info' is helpful, gotta go for now, hopefully things will post this time.

Jus' Silverwolfi ...BBL
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
More info on salicylates:
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< Lymetoo, and other Various HIT/Allergy Lymenet Warriors >>>>>,

Thanks for the new Salicylates-and-phenols link [very interesting,as we have Autism issues on both sides of family].

Lymetoo, did you get a chance to look at the mast cell and migraine pathways link that TxCoord put up here for us? I think it is reply #121, anyway just a couple replies up from this.

--We are getting annoyed here, about food labeling,and changes w/o warning,or print to small to easily read on food labels. Trying to be super watchful so I don't get the wrong ingredients.

More intestinal issues,from something that is made to look like it doesn't use milk... Aarrgh. I can't get out often to help w/ shopping, and tiny fine print is difficult for TxC' to read [my eyes aren't much better either].

Then, a favorite food we both enjoyed seems to have suddenly dropped the gluten free ingredients?? Anyway it is really a hassle, difficult to find, fresh, and inexpensive, foods not treated w/ a bunch of chemicals that aren't good for anyone.

Sorry if that came out whiney, it is just difficult to find safe,easy to fix,and inexpensive foods, that are diet lifestyle
compliant for me right now.

I have to be super cautious what I eat, especially anything w/ carbs. I got off the lab created diabetic meds,that mess up liver and kidneys. I much prefer the berberine complex, but I still have to use caution w/ carb' type foods.

I get to have apples,and some berries to occasionally!!! Starting to ramble on so will check back later.

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Whew... I finally found the link! Interesting, but I'm not going to take aspirin nor the Immunothrive. I AM able to take curcumin, but I'm a little afraid of taking 4-5 things that contain salicylates all in one pill.

As for safe food, I don't buy any processed foods. If you do go shopping for them, take a magnifying glass. I have one that is like a credit card that magnifies the print. Most of the time I forget to use it anyway! lol

(PS.. they have them at most of the dollar stores)

I can eat peeled golden delicious apples safely. That is it. Warning: no taste! [Big Grin]
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there, moving a link that Marnie put up elsewhere about HIT.

Thanks <<<<< Marnie >>>>> for the link, I tho't it would benefit us more here, than on a great link about low carb diet.

Hope it is helpful to all our <<<<< Allergy/HIT warriors of Lymenet >>>>>.

Are things progressing well for y'all? Hope you're finding answers!

Lymetoo, I am still testing many foods,as I don't know all of the triggers. I am hoping it isn't a salicylate issue for me,as well as everything else.

And you are in our prayers,you are a constant source of encouragement to us. TxC' and I try hard not to get too discouraged, not easy w/ the battle going on around his disability ,

and the being 'wait listed'[my choice of phrasing here] as to when he will get his proper disability compensation. We just got new evidence confirming his initial diagnosis of Neuropathy in all four limbs.

I am again, expressing our gratitude for LymeNet, the moderators,and the researchers. I don't know how we'd cope w/o our <<<<< Lymenet Family >>>>>

Jus' Silverwolfi continuing in the fight to regain health!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello to our <<<<< Allergy/HIT LymeNet Warriors >>>>>,

Just checking in, we've had an 'assumed' intestinal virus here, I've been fighting it, and TxC' had it too. He's better,I'm still fighting the 'ick'. So that has complicated things a bit.

We are guessing that it is a virus, so hopefully it will calm down soon.

Hoping each of y'all are finding answers that help, and starting to feel better. Will check in again when able.

Just Silverwolfi here
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there all <<<<< LymeNet HIT/Allergy Warriors >>>>>,

After my throat/Esophagus/windpipe heals some more from the June 30th choking incident, I think I'll be doing another three day elimination diet.

Perhaps something I ate was making things worse, as well as my mouth staying on the dry side, even tho' I keep water by my and sip it frequently. One way to find out I guess, that is to try.

Then we'll figure out what to break the test w/ since so many things seem to affect me any more.

Off to rest again,will check in later on.

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Hope you are feeling better each day, Silver. Sounds like you had a really rough time.

What will you eat on your elimination diet?
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>,

This was definitely a rough issue for me, I had what I suspect was Mico' Pneumonia in 2001. It reminds me of that except so far no burst alvioli sacks in lungs, and no bleeding, for which I am thankful to God!!!

I am not sure what besides the trusty green beans, I will do for this new elimination diet. TxC' and I will talk close to payday, and figure out what and when.

I used lamb in the past, and it wasn't to awful [tho' I find it greasy]. But nine meals of it gets boring quickly.

Hope you are finding a few more safe things to eat.So far, I've found a couple of safe fish [quite fresh] and the lamb [ LOL ,when I have to]. The lamb idea was on an elimination diet plan I was sent some years back.

Getting light headed so I guess i'd better stop for now...will check back later.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
So sorry to hear about the choking incident.

Perhaps look into eosinophilic esophagitis?

It's a little known condition and it does cause food impactions, difficulty swallowing and choking. It's closely linked to delayed-reaction allergens and many patients can get the disease under control by identifying and eliminating food triggers.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< WPinVA >>>>>,

Thank you for your kind reply! TxCoord put up the info' on what happened to me, June 30th [His post is about taking Silver to the ER from July 1st on General Supp.].

I actually choked on a supplement capsule, tho' we are not sure why. I tend to have a dry mouth,even tho I sip water constantly. My main concern besides possible Sjogrens Syndrome, is that some food I have eaten may be causing a reaction.

I have no insurance,and we have no idea how to pay the hospital when the bill comes,so more testing right now is likely out. It all out of pocket for TxC'and I.

He has VA which helps him some, but they are dragging their feet and wont settle up his disability compensation yet. So we are dependent on his SS disability, not really enough to make ends meet.

Have another appt. w/ S NV independent living counsel the end of the month to see what if anything else we might could do for some help. They've checked too,and we literally fall in between the cracks as to what can be done.

[We make a few dollars too much, believe me we are not rich. ]. We try hard not to be discouraged, but it is difficult. We don't live in Vegas because of gaming, we live here because of health issues, and generally we stay very far from the strip.

It is much more dangerous there than the average person knows. But in Vegas, TxC' can make it to the VA hospital in 20 min. instead of going over three and a half hours drive to Salt Lake City VA, and then 3 and 1/2 hours home.

The slide fee clinic I go to is only 20 minutes from here instead of an hour. In Idaho and Utah one has blizzards,here ah... not really.

Flooding that makes driving dangerous, occasionally, but not every day! Heat yes, sometimes excessive, had that in Idaho summers before too.

Sorry to get side tracked, back to the matters at hand, I'm just tired, sore, worn down and erring on the side of caution here.

But if I have more trouble the link you sent WP' may be of help. Hoping this is just a one time mess.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Hope you are feeling better today, Silver!

I found some info on Histamine Intolerance from the Hansa Center:
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Lymetoo and our other HIT/Allergy Warriors >>>>>,

Thanks for the new link on HIT issues, will read it as soon as I am able.

I am still very very tired from all the choking incident. Have to go to an appt. to see if I qualify for dental work at the local Dental school here.

I've got three teeth in really bad shape, so I hope they can help. We'll see.

The SNILC appt. was changed to early next month,so if the dental stuff doesn't work out,maybe they'll have some other idea.

We will be talking to a case worker, to see if they have some more ideas for helping us cope w/ ongoing health issues.

Wish I could do more elimination testing, but not yet, throat/esophagus/ and intestines are still not in good shape from the mess.

So I am trying to just eat carefully,and slowly starting back w/ a few supplements to gain back a little energy.

I had hoped things would be calmed more by now, but it went Pneumonia like, so has taken longer to heal. The coughing isn't as bad now but it really makes me dizzy and tired.

Hoping my intestines will stay calm so to get thru the appt. tomorrow,we had to go in the morning, no choice,and that is the worst time for me.

I'll check back later on...

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Jus' Silverwolfi here, searching out this thread,

Will try to get in and actually update soon... finally starting to get a little better.

It's taken a long, long time , and we still have lots of questions,as to what caused the choking.

Hospital situation was a real mess,will explain more on that later.

We finally got a case worker thru the SNCIL group of Southern NV,after all this who realized, we truly have a bad financial situation. And I now finally have medicaid,after years of being told I didn't qualify.

Waiting on Medicaid to see what all they'll pay on the bills...but some help is better than none!!!

Will try to get in tomorrow for a bit...

Jus' Silverwolfi here...
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
That is good news, Silver! Glad you are finally getting some help!!

I'm not sure how you are doing your elimination diet, but it should be helpful, not make things worse. You just eliminate everything from the histamine list and the salicylate list and then add back one at a time.

Not easy, but it should resolve most all stomach distress right away.

hang in there!
Posted by Jane2904 (Member # 15917) on :
Hope things improve for you Silver. Sounds like thing have been very rough.

Thanks to everyone that has posted links. I think my daughter might have a problems with histamines too.

Also sulfites are a problem for her too.

She has been eating a homemade soup with organic zucchini and feeling sick after eating.

I was reading this thread and looked up zucchini and it is low in histamines so that may be the issue for her.

Hope things work out for you Silver. Hugs
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo,and Jane' >>>>>>,

Thanks for the replies, It may be a bit before I can get back to the elimination diet.

I have to be really super careful what I eat,if meat or veggie is to hard or chewy right now I still have to be careful.

Between whatever caused the choking,and my teeth, three really messed up,one broken into gum line,and supposedly four other teeth w/ problems [long story to tell later], it is hard to eat some foods.

So the problem is finding safe foods to eat while on the elimination diet, that I can chew and swallow.

The three teeth, have been broken for awhile, so i don't think that was the choke cause... don't know still tho'??

Jane', I think it was the Low Hist.' Chef that mentioned that it is a matter of trial and error to find what is causing the Histamine reactions for each individual.

Sorry your daughter is going thru this, I'll keep her in tho'ts and prayers.

Right now, with the Hospital, Doctors,and X-ray, Lab work bills,we are waiting to see what is covered ,how much, and so on, w/ the Medicaid. We're still waiting on one -Dr. w/ X-ray group-, to return call so we can get Medicaid info' to them.

Aargh...typing w/ a mostly numb left hand... the TOS left side problem is acting up,after all the harsh coughing/choking.that supplement came up in bitter burning bits from the Tuesday June 30th it happened ,'til that Friday July 3rd.

I had mostly liquids for over a week and a half, all I could swallow. Then toward the middle of July, it went into a respiratory infection.

We found out since then that Walking Pneumonia,
and some form of Bronchitis[ infectious ?] was going around. I had had a warning,that Pneumonia like problems might ensue. I didn't go anywhere I didn't absolutely have too.

Still haven't been out much lately, hopefully,I can stay well enough to get out some.

Will check back later, gotta rest a bit... will try to get a post going later about the Hospital horror story...

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello again <<<<< All LymeNet HIT and Allergen warriors >>>>>,

Sorry I've been out of touch, want to revive this thread,and go back thru the info'.

After I get calmed down from hearing and vestibular testing[Oct. 12,13], I am hoping to do that elimination diet again.

How is everyone? Hope you finding answers and getting some healing help!

Just Silverwolfi here
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Still miserable about half the time over here. I think salicylates are my biggest issue. That affects everything else.

If I keep them under control, I fare pretty well .. but it's hard!

I hope you pass all of the tests with flying colors and they can find something to help you.

[group hug]
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :

Waiting for my new MCAS med, hope that it will help me tolerate more foods.

Right now I can only eat Boost, plain chicken, eggs, whey protein powder, milk, Gatorade, Cheerios, Kix cereal. Sometimes buckwheat pancakes are ok, sometimes not?

Wow, that is a super sad list. I'm embarrassed to say that I eat some of that. But I am trying to survive.

If I eat the wrong foods, it is like I've been drugged with sleeping pills! Cannot stay awake. Flushed face. Then get violently sick to my stomach with no warning. Next day I pay by feeling ill with lots of symptoms. It's terribly frustrating.

Hope others are doing better.

Oh, and I'm seeing a GI specialist for help, had testing done recently so maybe results will shed some additional light on what's going on. Hopefully something treatable.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello there <<<<< Lymetoo, and sammy >>>>>,

Extra hugs [group hug] <<<<<< Lymetoo and sammy >>>>> [group hug] .

Sorry to hear there are still a lot of food issues for you.These HIT and allergen issues are no fun. I'll be reviewing the info here on this thread some more. Checking what is safe for me food wise.

Sammy, I hope the results from your GI tests are helpful, and you can find some relief.Don't be hard on yourself for eating what you are able to have w/o serious issues.

Lymetoo, it is hard to avoid the salicylates, they seem to be in so many things. I hope you can find successful treatments soon!

Will be continuing in prayer for you both,and for our Lyme family. We pray each night before bed, so many folk are fighting illness and other battles too.

jus that Silverwolfi here
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Silverwolf, I haven't read all the posts. I just want to say that allergies have been one of the main concerns for my daughter, since she was born.

I was strong against allergies, till I got lyme, then went downwards, developing many food allergies and other allergies.

When lyme went dormant for both of us, 6 years ago, many allergies disappeared, but some stayed.

With the years, without lyme, we still developed new allergies, old ones left, and so on. But the number of allergies just increased!!

You know what's helping us there? The Neurophone from Flanagan!!

It's unbelievable that in one week many products we were allergic (even peanuts, walnuts, tomato, many fruits, some cheese), simply became 'acceptable'. I mean, we can eat these without any side effects!

I hope this will last, as I'm only a bit more than a week on the Neurophone (and so is my daughter). But if our allergies go down to 50%, it will make our lives so much easier!

We don't have lyme though, so I don't know how this would work for people with lyme, but for us, it was a very unexpected outcome (we were not expecting any allergy treatment with a brain device!).
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I thought the Tesla was the "answer", Brussels? What happened to that?
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Jus' me here,

Hi <<<<< Lymetoo and Brussels >>>>>,

I'm curious about,the Tesla, and such as well... and what is a Neurophone ??

That is something I don't think I've hard of, but glad to here it is helping y'all Brussels.

I'm still studying on the different links, but my brain hasn't been real cooperative ... hopefully that will calm down soon!!

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< LymeNet HIT/Allergy Warriors >>>>>,

<<<<< Brussels >>>>>, saw your Neurophone thread,interesting to say the least. But difficult to get a hold of for those of us w/o any monies to speak of.

How is Everyone holding up, any other thoughts on,or success with fighting the HIT/Allergies??

For me,I am trying to eat very carefully still. Had a nice fresh soup yesterday,that didn't set well. I'm wondering if it might be the bit of Paprika that TxC' put in it. Or it could be the pork product too.

Will check back in later on...

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Hi, sorry for late answer...

It's working wonderful. Not sure yet it also helps with dust mites and air allergens... Only time will tell.

As for food allergies, it's been an amazing experience, only 2 weeks on daily Neurophone, and daughter and I are eating things we couldn't for years!

We just collected our walnuts, and while I was able to eat them in the past (she was never really able...), we just collected them to burn them in the kitchen fire!!

She's still afraid of them, specially because they are very fresh (and they burn more her mouth!). It tests though good for her. It will take some times for her MIND to accept that and try nuts. I am already eating them! [Razz]

She IS eating ORANGES, daily! And enjoying them, as she used to love them years ago, when she started to be allergic to them!

Tutu, I'm still on the violet ray. It DID solve my daughter's gluten problem, Vit D3 absorption (we never needed supplementation since February!), zinc absorption (probably also silica, as her nails are still slowly growing).

But she had DOZENS of allergies, if not about a hundred... I had more and more allergies to fruits too. Not as much as her, but I was starting to be afraid to become like her.

Anyway, the Neurophone changes someway everyone's guts here (we all reacted there...). Not too bad, but there is some transformation happening there for all us 3. Maybe that is why our allergies are disappearing? And in light speed?

I'm all achy, joints, face, neck, sometimes stinging pains in my knees, I had many heart symptoms after the neurophone, but I think they were like a healing crisis.

Most parts that are achy were 'problematic' parts during lyme. Usually I had no more symptoms during these last 6 years that lyme has been dormant...

I still have pains, that I am controlling with the violet ray and chlorella... I love when things move inside me, as I start to have hopes something is being solved. [bonk]

Really, it's no kidding. I'm in a healing crisis, enjoying apples, oranges and nuts. DAILY. The day my daughter and I will be able to eat kiwi, I'll post here. We're still not that brave. [Big Grin]

The Neurophone is a crazy device, that sort of balance your brain waves (all 4 brain waves get balanced, symmetric). The new Neurophone has got Fibonnaci frequencies, that are never repeated, and those are healing frequencies too.

They are transmitted through ultrasound, not to your ears, but to your inner ears, which were originally a hearing organ. It is still a hearing organ for dolphins and whales, and we, humans also can use it as a hearing organ.

Deaf people (even people without ear nerves, removed surgically), can still LISTEN through their inner ears. The Neurophone was used by them, initially, then by researchers trying to decode dolphin language, then for people wanting better brain performance, for lack of attention span, etc.

You can use for all these functions. But what I am using for, is merely for health purposes, trying to see if it produces health effects.

it is an AMAZING piece of technology. So small, so powerful!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Brussels >>>>>,

Thanks for the info' on the Neurophone, interesting, I hope it continues to help you,and your daughter.

I'll be reading up on it some more.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
More great info:

(but be careful about adding any B6.. it can become toxic)
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Another good link on food sensitivities:
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Histamine Intolerance ..
Posted by oatez (Member # 46848) on :
My wife's LLMD said my wife may have Mass Cell Activation Disorder, which seems to be a relatively new in the field of medicine and could explain why my wife may allergies to many things. He prescribed a concoction of drugs, some of which we're waiting to arrive in the mail via compounding pharmacy.

Perhaps this might explain some of your symptoms too?

See for details.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Yes, read above ... many links on it. Lyme can cause it.

(see the first pages of this thread)
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Limbic retraining:
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< LymeNet HIT/Allergy Warriors >>>>>,

Just checking in, Haven't been well found out I have a UTI,and ? more? I'll find out Monday afternoon,what all [from blood labs and UA].

A little out of it, so I wont post much else, but wanted to check in, good to see more info here! Thanks Lymetoo,and any others who are participating.

I have had a small amount of relief, since addding some digestive enzymes but still have to be very cautious.

Will check in later again...

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Jus' me again,

Haven't posted a lot lately as I'm sure was noticed, haven't been feeling right, and not sure of making sense.

Dr. Appt. tomorrow to discuss my lab results,we'll see what else they found in blood and urine testing last Monday.

Jus' checking in again,and trying to keep the ABX symptoms from imprisoning me in the
'reading room'.

Jus' Silverwolfi here again...
Posted by bluelyme (Member # 47170) on :
Mast cell disorder seems to accompany lyme and friends.not really sure how it works but i am learning trying nettles and ltyrosing and other aminos ithink it has to do with gut flora
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :

Take a look at this abstract. It's saying spirochetes do activate mast cells. It's a very scientific abstract, so I suggest scrolling through for the discussion sections which are more readable.

I just found the abstract tonite and it's explaining a lot about reactions in us. If any of you have the patience to comb through it and comment, fine.

It seems that mast cells are central in responding to the bacteria. Meaning those of us with all our allergic reactions are par for the course here.

Gosh, this is a messy bacteria! It activates so much in us.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
I think I've seen that one before... thanks. Where are the discussion links?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
More info:
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< LymeNet HIT/Allergy Warriors >>>>>,

Lymetoo, and each contributor, thanks so much for the info' links,and keeping this thread going.

I need to catch up on the links reading, lately I haven't done very well as my brain seems to be wandering w/o me.

I still am very careful what I eat, and am finding digestive enzymes helpful too.

Thanks again so much, there is a wealth of info' here w/ these links!

It's another thing I find so helpful about LymeNet. we are blessed to be able to a lot of info' and ideas here, it would take a very long time to track each link by ones self.

Especially if any of y'all are like me, I try to stay on topic, so many things interest me. And then I'm 'Wolfi-wandering-down-the- bunny-trails.

I'll be back to catch up on more info'!

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Jus' me here hi there <<<<< HIT/ Allergen Warriors >>>>>,

Perusing some more links, the Saponins, info' is interesting, among others.

I try to limit any soy foods, tho' we occasionally use a bit of Tamari sauce.

So many foods cause issues now, I'm sure the mess the soil and water are in, isn't helping. All the chemical pollutants makes me cringe. We have to grow foods in the soil,and the plants and animals need water as do we.

Jus' Silverwolfi trying to catch up some more...
Posted by gz (Member # 43818) on :
I think (I hope!) I'm getting some of this put together...

Last fall I got hit with crazy abdominal pain sx, ended up in a hospital stay. Gallbladder scan and all biopsies normal, but the pain came back excruciating every time I tried to go off "bland" diet.

(Then I suspected low b12, noticed my tongue swollen and scalloped. I forgot to mention it to doc, but started sublingual methyl b12 anyway.)

Lowering my carbs was triggering the abdominal pain! Saw this referred to as intermittent porphyria, got real nervous when I realized it. Adding Plaquenil helped immensely, was back to my regular low carb diet within a week.

Reading about all of this, low b12 can really screw up methylation, which is connected to histamine intolerance. I had initially wondered if the porphyria wasn't some "extension" of sorts stemming from worsening HI.

I never got any relief from the sublingual b12, but started some of the b12 cofactors to help with methylation and then started on b12 shots. With much caution I have been eating some of the foods on my "no-no" list, so far so good even with some of the worst offenders but I'm being careful not to overdo it too.

This probably deserves a post its own, but my severe urinary stress incontinence issues have greatly diminished since beginning the b12. It's still a little early to tell if it's a fluke, but I just learned that urinary issues can be a HUGE indicator of b12 deficiency so I am hopeful this will tie a lot of stuff together for me.

I'm flying a little blindly since I don't know my MTHFR status, but I think that b12 and methylation issues could be worth exploring when trying to figure out a way through all this histamine intolerance stuff.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< gz >>>>>,

I wish I knew the status or my MTHFR situation, if it is an issue or not.

I use sublingual B-12, but still have pretty rough, IC issues. TxC' and I are both on Low carb, and it has helped get our Diabetes issues under control.

I think HIT, is prolly involved in a lot of
the gut issues, Urinary tract problems, and a host of things we can't even imagine at this point.

Thanks for replying, perhaps,w/ so many of us,looking for answers to all these issues, we'll find something that can help!! [not sure anything can help my spelling today].

Thanks many times over for each link that is placed here, to help us learn about these issues!! Somewhere there is an answer to the Lyme Puzzle, and all the symptom-ologies.

HIT/ and allergies is one piece of this puzzle for many of us. Maybe we should call ourselves Warrior-Hunters... warriors hunting for answers,weapons to fight these illnesses and infections.

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
gz .. Go ahead and make that separate post and I'll add this information on B12 to it!

It's vital information!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>,

Just saw the B-12 link above, with the folate hiding B-12 deficiency. My mom had some form of anemia. not sure which kind but I'm suspicious about the Pernicious anemia.

Thanks for the link, Neuro' Doc is having my B-12 tested again, in the Neuro' evaluation blood test.

That link holds really important news!

Thank you again,so much, Hope GZ catches this link!!!

Jus' Silverwolfi here!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Good!! I feel so much better when I take my B12 shot.

Here's a great article on histamine intolerance.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymenet HIT/Allergy Warriors >>>>>,

Bouncing this up again for ease of finding.

Still researching links, and hoping to figure this out.

Thanks for that link on B-12 <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>, I keep wondering if my Moms anemia and later, Wegners Disease,was because she didn't get enough B-12 and many other Vitamins

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Sounds like a possibility, Silver!


Salicylate and Oxalate list:
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>,

That new link PDF is really something, there are some things there that I am researching as we use them a lot in our low carb diet.

They don't appear to be to bad, but I think it is good that we usually peel them.

I've got more Eczema type rash lately,so I think I may try to food journal some, and watch what happens to the rashes,as I do or don't eat certain things.

Much of the symptomology looks like both Lyme candida yeast issues. Perhaps it can even cause some yeast problems? if a body is out of balance?

Thanks for the info' I'm a lookin' for answers!!

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by TX Lyme Mom (Member # 3162) on :
Let me introduce myself first before posting my suggestion for you because you won't recognize me since I haven't been active at Lymenet for over a decade. I am friends with both LymeToo and with Robin 123, whom I met in person at an ILADS Conf. many years ago in San Francisco. I'm still active in our Texas Lyme group also, but I seldom visit Lymenet very often anymore unless I need to search topics here for ideas in order to help our Texas Lyme group members.

I skimmed through all 3 pages of this topic to see if anyone had posted a link to the Listen To Your Gut website. (link below) I will be very surprised if their elemental diet product won't help solve your dietary problems on both a short-term and a longer-term basis, even though it was designed for another GI condition -- namely Crohn's and colitis.

Let me tell you about a close personal friend who has used this product since she was diagnosed with a rather severe case of ulcerative colitis last year. After being dismissed from the hospital with Rx steroid drugs for long term use in order to control her GI bleeding and pain, her diet was very restrictive. She had been unable to reduce her dosage of steroids until I told her husband about this elemental dietary formula. She was able to return to work part time just a couple of weeks later after she began using this product for all of meals -- ie, no other solid food at all.

She ate nothing else at all for several months. Eventually, she began eating one meal a day which she carried from home to work for lunch. Eventually after several more months, she was able to start eating her usual breakfast meal at home also, but she still prefers to take this liquid elemental formula for dinner because it is so easily digested when she is tired at the end of a long day at work.

This product helps her get good sleep at night because her body doesn't have to work so hard to digest regular food even though she told me that she could probably switch back to her regular diet at night now also, but she still prefers this liquid diet product instead.

There are several flavor options, but she finds that their simplest naturally sweetened formula with stevia only suits her best because it contains no fructose which her body does not handle well. Therefore, she mixes one scoop of a flavored formula (chocolate or French vanilla) into three scoops of the unsweetened formula because that is just the right balance of sugar for her. This strategy is suggested on the LTYG website.

It's not cheap, but it is indeed cost-effective! My friend credits it with saving her life, and I know her well enough to believe that she is not exaggerating in the least about this because she had been deathly ill before starting this product -- even though she was following a very careful diet and had been taking Ayurvedic herbs as part of her regular healthy lifestyle.

She was able to travel half-way around the globe to visit her family in Sri Lanka for the Christmas holidays by carrying this product with her on her long 24-hour air flight and mixing it with water. That's all she ingested during her entire journey, but she felt well enough to enjoy seeing her family in Sri Lanka (off the southern coast of India) for two weeks this past winter.

There is a lot of helpful information on the LTYG website, including FAQs, etc. I encourage you to spend sufficient time on the website and perhaps to order a free sample of the product to see if you tolerate it. Unfortunately, they do not offer a free sample of the unsweetened flavor, which is the one that most severe patients tend to prefer.

I have tasted a small 2 oz. serving of the product myself, and I can attest that the flavor is quite acceptable and enjoyable, if sipped through a straw as recommended on the website.


PS - I'm editing to add that she did succeed in reducing her steroid use gradually, which was her top priority. I don't know how many days or weeks it took for her to succeed in getting off of all of her steroids completely, but if I had to guess-timate, I'd say that it was probably a couple of months, give or take a few weeks. She has been completely steroid free ever since then.

Like many others from her native Sri Lanka, my friend has been a strict vegetarian for several decades, consuming a lot of rice and lentils and chickpea-based proteins, plus vegetables and yogurt, teas and Ayruvedic herbal remedies also. She avoids all sugars and sweet fruits on the advice of her Ayruvedic doctor in Sri Lanka. She is thriving on this diet and has achieved an ideal weight. I'm guessing her age to be in her late 50s, probably close to 60.

[ 03-14-2016, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: TX Lyme Mom ]
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< TX Lyme Mom >>>>>,

Sorry,I didn't get any further with this,as has been said,maybe it will help some of the Lyme Folk,who can afford it,and don't have allergies to the various ingredients.

We've been wrestling w/ dental problems, car problems, and an upcoming surgery for Hubby TxCoord, since it tends to rain and pour all at once.

Thank you for the link info'.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Histamine Intolerance .. great article!
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>,

Thanks for the link, this is a good one, on HIT!!!

I gotta look up the salicylates list again too,hoping it isn't that. Not sure what I'll be able to have it is.

I have to check about Yams versus Sweet potatoes,evidently the Yams fiber count, makes it okay in a lower carb diet. SSome squash,also have enough Fiber to lessen the amount of carbs our bodies take in.

I cannot spell, evidently bodies is 'bofird' whatever that is... LOL! Have to get off for a bit, headache acting up.Will explore some more of the Paleoleap Histamine after awhile

Jus' Sthilverwolfi
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Jus' me Silverwolfi here,

Retrieving this for info', Mast Cell, HIT issues etc.

Fighting Bladder infection UTI crud again, this time am using D-mannose, to help ease things.

Back in a bit...breaking to eat supper...

Jus' Silverwolfi
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymenet family,and HIT/Allergy warriors >>>>>,

Checking into the mast cell activation, looked at some pictures of the skin rash,as I have frequent itchy rashes, gut issues, headaches sinusitis and so on... makes me wonder.

There was nothing noted, in my blood work as to rheumatoid factor, but there are many symptoms i have. Hearing LD can cause or contribute to this, is making me curious about it.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Sorry you are still suffering, Silver! I take D-Mannose twice a day as prevention. No infections in the past 8 yrs since taking it. I used to get them all the time.

I will make a separate post about MCAS soon.

Here is a good link:
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi there <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>,

Thanks for the link, I put it in favorites,so hopefully I can find it again.

I'll watch for the MCAS post, I do have a lot of the symptoms. One Exception is that my BP runs high,rather than low[tho' it is controlled by meds]. But I've had a lot of atypical reactions to a variety of issues over the years.

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Silverwolf here doing catch-up work...

Hi to <<<<< All LymeNet HIT/Allergy Warriors >>>>>,

Haven't been on as much as I'd like,so just checking in here for more studies.

Jus' that Silverwolfi
Posted by TX Lyme Mom (Member # 3162) on :
Silverwolfi, I was wondering what had happened to you when you didn't participate in LymeToo's recent excellent topic on HIT and Mast Cell Activation Disorders because it generated a lot of interest and up-to-date resources.

Here's the link to that topic for your convenience in "catching up" again, following your absence from Lymenet. (NB - It's a 2 page topic, so don't overlook the many outstanding messages posted on the second page.);f=1;t=133927;p=0
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< TX Lyme Mom >>>>>,

Thank you for checking in,and for the link to the current info'.

I've been battling UTI/Bladder issues, and am still kinda miserable. The GP wont consider Lyme Disease issues 'cause he believes that Lab Corp is just about beyond fault if their Lyme testing comes up negative, Which mine did thru' that lab.

I'm pretty certain that it is the source of these darn infections. Since the ornery 'ketes' get into cell walls pretty much everywhere.

LymeToo is excellent with finding info' like this!! Don't know how TxCoord [my hubby] and I would manage with out this LymeNet group.

We have a couple posts on General, about his upcoming knee surgery,and me 'catching up'.

Sometimes when my brain gets lost in the foggy mists, I just read LymeNet info' and don't try to post. During those times I am not sure I make much sense.

I'll check that post out shortly, thanks again for getting the link to it for me!!!

Jus' Silverwolfi here
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
It's just me, laughing at myself, I was on Lymetoo's Mast Cell post, April 23rd, and didn't remember it. OOPS make that April 26th.

I do believe the Vegas heat is getting to mah brain.

Aarghh... Just Silverwolfi here OwooWooo
Posted by TX Lyme Mom (Member # 3162) on :
Not to worry, Silver. It happens to the best of us, me included -- and I don't even have the excuse of Lyme-brain to explain my lapses of memory.

What's really embarrassing is re-posting something under a topic which I (or someone else) posted earlier. I blame those kinds of mistakes on too many interruptions, which is the honest-to-gospel truth around our household!

Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Silver .. were you able to get on D-Mannose full time yet?
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>,

Yup, I am full time on D-mannose,and it is on my list permanently of 'cannot do without this herbal supplement...'.

For some reason,this bladder/UT infection has been really hard to kill off. I have up on the subject trying to determine what may be the underlying cause. it is very frustrating.

Some herbs, and Ascorbic acid-Vit.C type can skew the test results. As can AZO/Uristat type urinary pain meds. so any time I have to do the test to check for the UTI, I have to go off the herbals and all.

We did the AZO home test,twice and it was a positive for leukocytes[white blood cells] in urine. The other two test were at the

I still have the symptomology as well, not just the tests. The first time it came up positive,I didn't realize to Drs. office and pharmacy called. I just tho't that the IC problem was acting up more than usual.

The Doctor may suggest I see a Urologist if the next test is still positive. As for me, I think the Borrelia attacked my Urinary tract, it seems to attack everything else.

I also think I'm gonna be doing another elimination diet, wondering what is triggering these issues.

The ABX is horrendous strong stuff,and it doesn't seem to be working. I've had two sets of it. Wont be doing more w/o some way to protect against yeast overgrowth.

I am to see my Dr. in a couple weeks but will probably call in for a lab test for early next week or mid week. Trying to work around TxC's pre-surgery med test schedule and various other matters.

If it is Allergy/HIT or MCAS/D maybe a Urologist could find it??? It is just really frustrating. And I have to go w/o any supplements,or urinary pain product for a few days to test properly.

So that is where I am at, I have an Audiologist appt. tomorrow,and will need the meds., supplements, D-mannose ,etc. to sit thru it while they adjust the hearing aids and test things out.

Jus' SIlverwolfi weary right now.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
It's so exhausting, Silver. Yes, it is.

I'm not sure a urologist can diagnose MCAD, but he should be well aware of it.

It's all tied in together. .. that is for sure.

What's really scary is that if you're on fluoroquinolones, things can get even worse. So I really hope you can get off the antibiotics very soon.

Praying the audiology appointment goes well.

[group hug]
Posted by TX Lyme Mom (Member # 3162) on :
Bb loves the bladder. You might want to do a Lyme urine antigen test (LUAT). I'll bet you'd find Bb there.

I'm pretty sure that Igenex still offers the LUAT test, even though it's not listed (openly) on their website anymore -- probably for political reasons. That means that you'd probably have to find an ILADS LLMD to order it for you -- just a strong hunch on my part.

Remember, the way that Willy Burgdorfer got infected with Lyme was when urine from an infected lab rat got into his eye. The two best places to find Bb in lab animals is in the cartilage of the ears and/or in their urine or bladder.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo,and TXLM >>>>>,

The ABX they've had me on is not fluroquinolone, but is dangerous in it's own right.

The info' said that up to several months later, after taking it side effects can occur. Turns out the side effects can occur up to 6 years[ yes,six years later] serious side effects could occur.

Some side effects may be: pulmonary fibrosis, pleurisy type issues, and amblyopia even. I am not a happy camper. They need more stringent warnings.Some of this info' I did not know till this evening.

I just want this mess of an infection to get over and done with.

TX Lyme Mom, TxCoord and I had been talking about wondering if one can find the LD in urine. I had heard there was a test. Thanks for the info'. Now I know it is called LUAT.

Problem is,there are no LLMD's in Nevada,and we've no money to travel right now. And with TxCoord facing another surgery,it'd be

We have been in a 6 and 1/2 years battle with the VA, over disability compensation, and are trying to make ends meet living on TxC's SSDI.

I fall thru the legal loop holes,and only recently,late summer 2015 finally got Medicaid.
(please note,this is informational, not asking for monies here) .Medicaid,such as it is, is the first insurance I've had since we lost our insurance in 2006.

Oh, Lymetoo, thanks for the prayers for my Aud. appt, tomorrow. I am hoping it is a simple adjustment,and wont take long. if it's more than about 15 minutes. I'll be taking a potty break.

Gotta close for now, hoping and praying for some sleep tonight. Haven't had much the lst few nights.

Weary Silverwolfi saying night night for now...
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Silver.. which antibiotic is it?
Posted by TX Lyme Mom (Member # 3162) on :
Originally posted by Lymetoo:
Silver.. which antibiotic is it?

I'm betting that it's Macrodantin, which is notorious for triggering pulmonary fibrosis. I know a victim who eventually died from pulmonary fibrosis because she was given this drug for recurrent UTIs.

Considering that bacteria proliferate in the presence of sugar, be sure that your blood glucose (BG) is as low as possible. Recurrent UTIs can be a harbinger of diabetes type 2.

You might want to invest in an inexpensive blood glucose monitor with cheap test strips. There are lots of options available on the market now (Walmart, Walgreens, etc.). Shop by price of the test strips, not the price of the monitor itself.

Here's a link to a fantastic website about managing BG.

Both AZ and NV have relatively liberal state medical boards. Therefore, it will probably be easier to find a Lyme-friendly doctor in those states without having to go to the expense of travelling out-of-state to see an ILADS doctor.

Luckily, I figured out how to find the hidden info from Igenex about the LUAT test, which is now hidden from public view, probably for political reasons -- thanks to the magic of Google.

Unfortunately, if you're taking strong antibiotics, then the chances of finding Bb in the urine are severely reduced, even if Bb might be hiding out intracellularly within the epithelial cells which line the bladder. In that case, I'm not sure how you can go about proving it.

Since you also have GI problems, do consider that Bb also likes to hide out intracellularly within the epithelial cells of the GI tract. Think about it this way: Bb enters our body via the epithelial cells of our external skin.

Well, the epithelial cells which line our GI tract, bladder and upper respiratory tract are very similar to the epithelial cells of our external skin, for which Bb has a natural affinity. The only reason Bb isn't found there more often is that it's too difficult to collect the samples in those internal organs and also too difficult to identify Bb in samples from those locations.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hi <<<<< Lymetoo >>>>>,

Sorry, Lyme brain and lack of sleep here, tho't I had the name of the stuff in my reply above.

It is Nitrofurantoin a generic for Macrobid,as far as I could tell from the medication info' on several sites,it is not related to fluoroquinolones. It is now frequently used in place of those.

Between restroom visits and an ankle cramp, I am up way earlier than normal and I didn't get to sleep until late. Gonna be an interesting day for certain.

The info' sheet I got w/ the ABX warns about some possible respiratory issues, and some possible bowel issues, showing up, supposedly only occasionally,and p to several months later...but not the severe mess I read about last night.

So I don't think it's a much better choice than the fluoroquinolones, if at all. Some of the bad side effects can be fairly rare. Unfortunately, I tend to be in the -20% percent of the 20% of- folk,who get unusual conditions.

One example of the 20% percent of the 20% percent of- situations was the extra cervical rib issue. About 20% of folk with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome have an extra rib, in 1982 (according to then available statistics)...

only 20% of those with TOS,and an extra rib causative factor had the extra rib on both sides. Hmm I guess that was 20% of 20% of 20% then. Not that good at math, especially with foggy Lyme-brain and little sleep.

I am wandering and digressing here, apologies, symptoms; I've had Costacondritis,and pleurisy both, And tend to have respiratory issues. I was told that the pleurisy is pretty much Costacondritis in the lower portion of the lungs.

I was blaming the sinus and respiratory issues on the tooth extraction,awhile back. Instead it may have been from one of the sets of ABX?? I'm not sure at this point.

The MVP issues, and some Tachycardia issues have also plagued me recently. I've known about the MVP since '06. The Tachy' issues have only rarely happened,and not since 1994-'95. I was blaming it on recent stresses,such as TxCoords knee condition and upcoming surgery,and biopsy.

I gotta close for now, before this novelette becomes a book. I will however continue researching about MCAD,HIT and Allergy issues.

LD/Bb and Co's, and other Borreliosis infections, seem to be causing so many othere conditions. I think it leaves our Immune systems open to so many problems.

Sleepy Silverwolfi the weary here, BBL...
Posted by TX Lyme Mom (Member # 3162) on :
You were posting while I was editing my previous post, so I want to be sure that you see it again.

Also, to do the math, you simply multiply 20% X 20% X 20%. The tricky part is keeping track of the zeros after the decimal point.

If that's too confusing, then multiply 1/5th X 1/5th X 1/5th which equals 1/125th -- or less than 1%. (1/100 = 1%; so 1/125th is even smaller than that.) Or is it too early in the morning after not enough sleep for a math lesson?

Not to worry. Your brain will come back on line again just as soon as the rest of your body finally heals.
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
Hello <<<<< Lymetoo,and TXLM >>>>>,

Lymetoo Aud. appt. went well,minor adjustments,but doing okay so far with hearing aids. Tank goodness appt. didn't take very long.Thanx again for praying!

TXLM, Thanks for the links,will try to read tehm,when I can see better,really weary. Oh,as per my Sig' line i have been monitoring Diabetes since I was Dx'ed in Oct.of '08. my blood glucose acutally averages about 110,a couple days ago it was 96,which is good,for me.

I'll check on those pretty sure the ABX you mentioned is in the same family as the one I mentioned above.

Gotta try to rest for a I'll be checking in later.

And will try to get back on topic here too.
The Lyme Borrelia does so much damage.

Jus' Silverwolfi weary

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