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Posted by sickofthepain (Member # 39579) on :
How many have been diagnosed with this?One more issue. Told to take prilosec. Been taking alkaseltzer gold.At least finally a nurse(colonoscopy nurse) heard my irregular heart after getting an

all clear a few weeks ago. What I have been talking about for years. My husband heard it as well with a normal and then a drum roll.

Evidently it could be electrical. sighhhhh
My lyme dr no longer takes insurance(and I no longer go there but only could see him every 3-5

mos and no phone calls) but had suspected that I have babesia. The only test I could manage to get was a malarial smear from infectious disease and

was neg of course. I think it was even done in- house. Had to have iron infusions because iron and other levels had become so low as well as red blood cells. Won't do that again though. Reaction.Itchy hands and really bad gut pain.

Going to attempt the last llmd in this state who is still accepting insurance now that we have it and are forced to pay for it. Btw, I have only had acid reflux this past year and when I was pregnant.

Didn't know that I had this but mother has it and probably daughter. I suspect my mom has lyme as well.

The remainder of eye tumor is has grown since surgery to Dec's mri and highly suggested that I get radiation which will kill my vision in that eye

entirely since on the optic nerve.Can't take anything hormonal because it is progesterone receptive. Feel like taking up drinking and smoking at this point. Feel like those who do are healthier than me anyway.
Posted by bluelyme (Member # 47170) on :
Sympathy and empathys ...the heart thing and eye tumor sound like priority...have they said what the eye thing is caused from? What is your viral load..?

How long have you treated ? I get weird acid reflux but reducing digestion wont be good...i would get a cigar and a rife machine and a microscope . Check for babesia in rbc Have you tested your mom /daughter..
Posted by Jordana (Member # 45305) on :
I've had GERD for about 5 years.

I don't know a single thing about eye tumors but I can tell you something about my experience.

I've had horrible GI stuff for a while. I finally sucked it up and got a colonoscopy, and it was found that I had gastritis and intestinal hyperplasia and also some sort of inflammation in my esophagus -- not Barrett's, I don't think.

So they prescribed cholestipol, which binds bile.

Miracle. Overnight, I'm not kidding.

Sometimes bile reflux can back all the way up through the stomach to the esophagus and cause inflammation, and that can really mess with nearly everything.


Heart rhythm.

I know you have several things to sort out, but if you have a GI doc I suggest you shoot him an email and ask him for a trial of bile binding resin of some kind. It binds toxins but it also stops the inflammation cascade moving through the stomach and into the esophagus.

If you don't like it you can pitch the bottle.
Posted by sickofthepain (Member # 39579) on :
Thanks. Yes Jordana about the binder. I have been taking cholestyramine for almost 2 years.

Babesia on Igenex was neg 3 years ago. Can't afford to test my mom and daughter. Have no work. I would if I could.

Bluelyme, I am not sure what the viral load is. I cannot find a dr,even llmd who would check something like that. I am going to go to the last llmd here in

Mi who still accepts insurance in April. I have tried sooooooooo many supplements.Just tired of all of this. It doesn't end for some.
Posted by bluelyme (Member # 47170) on :
Sick - you are in my thoughts and prayers... can you get epipen from md . Say your neigjbor got bees ...there is place that will ship them if you cant find honey fsrm locally..?is there support group in your town ? Maybe someone can lend or let you use their rife machine gotta do something between now and april?...
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
I'm sorry you are dealing with this yet on top of things! I think I read that d-limonene helps with this. I know it helps with GERD which I think is the precursor to Barretts Esophagus. Worth a try.

I would not take Prilosec or any of the other antacids or proton pump inhibitors!!! They will definitely give you GI problems! If not now, they will down the road. I speak from experience.
Posted by LisaK (Member # 41384) on :
TNT, what kind of problems did you have from prilosec?
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
Originally posted by LisaK:
TNT, what kind of problems did you have from prilosec?

Just as a disclaimer, I've had GI problems ever since I was a kid.

But, to answer your question, it seems a few years on Prilosec has caused my stomach to produce insufficient HCL. Now I have to supplement (HCL) or I don't digest properly.

Stomach acid is very important not only for food breakdown and enzymatic processes, but also for protecting us from food-borne germs.

Supplementing with HCL has helped with my GI problems and seems to have helped decrease my pathogen load there. Western medicine wants people to decrease their stomach acid (take antacids and proton pump inhibitors), when many times (probably most times) it needs to be increased.

This sounds far out, but I actually had a very successful natural practitioner tell me that she has patients that have gone into remission from cancer by supplementing with higher dose HCL.

Don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that sickofthepain's problem is too low HCL (because I don't know), I'm just commenting on what I feel is an overuse of the antacids.
Posted by sillia (Member # 23994) on :
Are you gluten sensitive? i have a relative (not a lyme patient) who was just diagnosed with Barrett's--they found this during a procedure to check for celiac disease. She definitely has celiac. She never knew gluten was a problem, had been increasingly sick and that was one of the suspects. Possibly the conditions are related. Once the gut is healed from the gluten and digestion returns to normal, the GERD/Barrett's issue may go away.

I'm so sorry for all you're going through. We all need help, that's for sure!
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Common Heartburn Drugs Linked with Kidney Disease

By Dennis Thompson - CBS News - January 11, 2016

. . . Proton Pump Inhibitors . . . .
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

C difficile - a terrible infection that is very hard to shake. Keys to prevention.

Also avoid PPI Rx [Proton Pump Inhibitors]. They have been directly linked as a contributing "set up" to c. diff.

PPIs also have other risks aside from this issue.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
There are many excellent ways to help prevent, recover from irritation of esophagus issues. You might look up here

Diet for Illness (variation given);

Slippery Elm Bark


Licorice (DGL)


The ONE EARTH HERBAL SOURCEBOOK (Tillotson, et al);f=3;t=034980;p=0#000000

LICORICE ROOT EXTRACT -- Informational Links set

COPTIS & EVODIA --- start with this, actually

Editing to add after remembering and then stumbling on the Coptis & Evodia article while search Berberine.

This helped me within an hour at times of severe heart burn. I've used it various times over the years and it never let me down. From ITM, one of the very best herbal groups in the world. They are located in Oregon. I've studied their work for many years and have used many of their formulas.

Gastrointestinal Support

Evodia: Traditional and Modern Uses

. . . Evodia for Acid Regurgitation . . .

NEW USES OF BERBERINE - (Coptis included in this article as coptis contains berberine)

Biothermodynamic Assay of Coptis-Evodia Herb
Couples - Aug. 2015

[ 03-02-2016, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: Keebler ]
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Excitotoxins; MSG; Aspartame; & "Natural" Flavors (that are not likely natural at all).

GMO foods that destroy the GI Tract; Gluten; Dairy. Good Articles here explaining how these can cause all kinds of GI trouble.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

H. PYLORI - Herbal Treatment & other related LINKS
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
irregular heart:

Magnesium – the Ultimate Heart Medicine;f=1;t=123746;p=0

Topic: MAGNESIUM - Informational Links set
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
This holistic doctor's site and his book are excellent - a starting point, anyway as to other things that might be of help in some way:

Book & website: THE EYE CARE REVOLUTION - by Robert Abel, Jr. M.D. (Ophthalmologist);f=1;t=121034;p=0


PubMed Search of Medical Literature:

Berberine, Optic - 31 abstracts

Berberine, Cardiac - 199 abstracts

Berberine, Inflammation - 177 abstracts
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
"Had to have iron infusions because iron and other levels had become so low as well as red blood cells. Won't do that again though. " (end quote)

Stinging Nettle Eclectic Institute capsules

brought my iron levels up [the doctor said he'd never seen them so low in anyone] to normal so very nicely - several different times through the years (before I knew Babesia was the cause - and even after that, too).

I found I did best to just stay on it. It also helps in many other ways for comfort.;f=3;t=031228;p=0

STINGING NETTLE LEAF (not root) - Links set

FLORADIX - Iron & Herbs.

The Au site, but you can read about it here and then order it from a trusted vendor or from a good food market here in the US / your home town.

Once opened, must be stored in the fridge and all used within a short period of time (see bottle).
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Michigan Association of Naturopathic Physicians

Your local lyme support groups may know of one who is LL. And, you could also call this group and ask - and about someone who would be more experienced with the eye situation especially.

The LLMD's office with whom you say you are going to give it one last try might also know of a good ND to hold you over until you can see the LLMD &/or for continuing co-care. Even if you have to wait to see the LLMD for a while, their office manager might have some names for you by phone.

Oh, be sure to avoid ibuprofen as that causes all blood vessels in the body to constrict and that can cause all kinds of trouble for eye circulation.

good luck to you.
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
count me among those whose GERD/acid reflux was not helped by the proton pump inhibitors (acid reducers), but is helped by taking HCl with meals
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Heartburn Can Be Treated Without Hazardous, Habit Forming Drugs

By Dr. Mercola - March 02, 2016


. . . Beware: PPIs Are NOT Advisable for Majority of Heartburn Cases . . . .

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