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Posted by teragram (Member # 45011) on :
I can't take abx because of remitting relapsing c. diff.

What should I do if Myco is active in the lungs? I have a really bad cough.

Should I use Buhner, Byron White, Raintree, or what? I am taking a tsp cryptolepsis a day, but that's all I can manage right now.

The only thing that really helps is my FAR infrared sauna.

I got this at the beach, but now that I've come home to heavy rain, it's gotten much worse.

I am also positive for mold.

Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Pming you -
Posted by tulips (Member # 44773) on :
I don't know if this would help you or not. I had a really bad, long lasting sinus infection which left me with a deep, dry cough; one of those coughs that feels like it's coming up from the soles of your feet.

Pleurisy Root tincture helped somewhat but I've found that Taking just one MucusFix per day has really helped to the point that now, my cough is almost gone.

I bought both items on Amazon.
Posted by bluelyme (Member # 47170) on :
Do you have a rife ?...lomatium helped my cough...

also is there any one that can donate fmt for you?
Posted by teragram (Member # 45011) on :
Ah see; this is what I like about this forum. People actually reply!

Robin 123, I'll check your pm.

Tulips, those things might help, but I'm finding that what helps for some coughs doesn't necessarily help Mycoplasma. It requires a very specific kind of treatment. I don't have a sinus infection, but I use BEG IG spray.

The abx for bronchitis hasn't helped at all. I've found that the Far Infrared Sauna helps, as does Cryptolepis, and so far, I'm up to two tsp a day--not easy at all. Crypto is part of the Buhner protocol for Myco, but I can't do the whole protocol; it's too strong.

blue lyme, I don't have a rife, but I do have the F Infrared sauna (tubular kind).

Lomatium is a thought; again, I'll check Buhner.

I think that if I can manage 3 tsp. of cryptolepsis a day (UGH) and two sauna sessions, it should help, but my herxing might be pretty danged bad. Buhner also says Serrepeptase is important for Myco, but that makes me feel even worse, herx wise. I think the sh-- hides in your body, and adapts on a cellular level.

Good Lord, if I had ever known it would be like this !!!!


I'm almost certain it's Myco, bc I've tested positive for it so many times, and the abx for bronchitis don't work.

Also have urinary problems and headaches.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
The best form of Lomatium I've found is from

Barlow Herbs

Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

LICORICE ROOT EXTRACT -- Informational Links

ZAGARESE - The Organic LICORICE Company

This tiny pellets are great to soothe throat & quiet coughs
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Recently I started taking Raintree MYCO. Seems to be agreeing with me. Sharing just a sliver of my study notes in next two posts.

Mycoplasmas - Stealth Pathogens

Article / Research - By Leslie Taylor January, 2001

Raintree Formulas - MYCO Capsules / Tincture

Raintree Formulas

MYCO Capsules - Ingredient research - scroll down for 3rd party research bibiliography on each ingredient - just click on each herb name to see that
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections: Complementary and Holistic Treatments for Bartonella and Mycoplasma

by Stephen Harrod Buhner - book released May 2013

Click on "mycoplasma" in the right side menu for a quick overview.

Serrapeptase: 1 capsule daily on empty stomach – this will help break the mycoplasma cell walls open and make them more vulnerable to the herbs; . . . [cont'd at site]

[poster's interjection: A gluten free diet is recommended. This can help so much to soothe cough by reducing phlegm. A Dairy free diet helps, too. And corn can cause a lot of phlegm for some folks. Foods that cause phlegm also tend to trigger a lot of inflammation that can smother breathing.]

Buhner's site search for: Mycoplasma - 38 entries

on BUHNER's site, search: Myco - six entries - but most have to do with mycoplasma, itself. One:

Q: was wondering if you think it would be beneficial to add Raintree’s Myco product into the lyme protocol to help eradicate mycoplasmas that may co-exist? . . .

Stephen’s response - February 22, 2012:

"It can’t hurt to use it and I have heard from a few people that it has helped." [end quote]
Posted by bluelyme (Member # 47170) on :
Keebs you are amazing ...i am trying byron white myco and its pretty to bee venom everything is a walk in the park though. ..

that being said .i would add thieves essential oil to a diffuser 24 7 and get a bunch of propolis .gargle

..vit c 3000 mg a day ..they even make a bee venom pill for hpylori ..may help your cdiff ...
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
While it may help some, for others, essential oils can irritate the lungs, especially in a diffuser. Thieves is very strong. It was very hard for me to tolerate even a couple drops sitting in a little water in a dish. Could be that MCS made me less able to have it in my presence, though.;f=1;t=131809;p=0

C difficile - prevention - links
Posted by teragram (Member # 45011) on :
Yes, yes! An enthusiastic thanks for all the info. I have Raintree Myco, but am afraid to add it to everything else. Definitely going to try Licorice.

I've never been able to do essential oils. I do find them irritating.

Propolis is a good idea.

So bluelyme are you saying you do or don't do bee venom? And you think the Byron White formula is effective?

Where would I get bee venom pills?

I think I might have Lomatium somewhere. I guess I could add it to my cocktail, and risk more herxing?

Thanks both!! Margaret
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Lomatium - "could add it to my cocktail"

Best to take separately - away from others. It's very strong. In at least 2/3 cup of water, starting low dose.
Posted by bluelyme (Member # 47170) on :
Yes i am making gains using everything in rotation ...with bee venom in consistancy...
these people claim 1/2 a sting per cap ...i have not tried but i love cream and real deal.

did you see the post of a ladies mcs clearing with parasite treatment ?

Some gi docs are doing fmt frozen pills ...if you have a donor it may be easier
Posted by bluelyme (Member # 47170) on :
Too early to tell on byron white ..i like whole herbs and decoctuons ..but a fng and a bart seem to help when i tested candida ,and bartonella ...

lomatium is more of a broncheal antiviral if i remember is strong kinda turns water white and tickles throat some ...kicked my aunts flu in 2 days
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
I don't know if you could try this simple device: the violet ray.

I use it for all colds, and it is AMAZING how fast it deals with viruses.

I guess some PEMF devices could do something against viruses?

the best is to treat the infection with a couple of different approaches, at once. It works much better than when one uses a single substance.

I had myco, but that was loooong ago. I don't remember what I used.

In the past, before I knew the violet ray, I used to use frozen garlic pills for most infections. Check if it is still found in Biopure.

It's MUCH stronger than garlic, nothing compared. All garlic supplements can't compare to frozen garlic. You open one or two capsules in water, stir them, and drink. It's a wow reaction!!
Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
I don't have myco (that I know of) but I do have CPN and lung issues. Nebulized albuterol and the Biomat are the only things that seem to really help. The biomat has Far Infrared Rays too so that's very interesting that the FIR sauna is helping you too.

I also take Transfer Factor Plasmyc but it's hard to tell if it's doing anything.

I am about to add in Serrapetase because of the great things I've read about it but no personal experience yet.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
my doc put me on mucinex extreme 1600 per day nonsteroid inhaler.

ive had this nonproductive cough for at least six months. sometime I cough so hard I choke and cant breath.

dr jus says bronchitis. my sister has this and has to be hospitalized and put on oxygen.

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