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Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
1. I would like to go on a covered wagon journey.

2. I would like to have Thanksgiving Dinner at the hotel in Awanee Yosemite.

3. I'd like to spend two weeks in Yosemite during the off tourist season of the park.

4. I'd like to spend two weeks in the Grand Tetons/Yellowstone National Park Area.

5. I'd like to be around water, but I need to be more specific about this...before lyme I was thinking I would like a convertible for my next wheels...I ended up with a power chair...not exactly what I had in mind..but it is a convertible.

I also was thinking I would like to swim with the dolphins...looked at the wall of the therapy pool recently guessed it...I was swimming with the dolphins.

So...for number 5...I would like to actually be in some sort of controlled environment where real dophins are use to having people join them and swim with them. I have heard of a couple of places that do this but can't recall the names or places now.

Still haven't decided what convertible I would like to have or even if I would like to have a convertible now. Somethng that is good with gas mileage, comfortable, reliable, and has a cover that is easy to put on and off and is available at all times.

[ 18. May 2007, 08:22 AM: Message edited by: kam ]
Posted by Andie333 (Member # 7370) on :
I want to go to Africa and back to India.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
What did you like about India?
Posted by AZURE WISH (Member # 804) on :
1. Start my carreer as an art teacher

2. get to work on my art and use power tools again

3. Submitt my work to galleries so I can start collecting rejection notices [Big Grin]

4. Work on ideas I have for a couple kids books

5. rollerblade again

6. get my masters degree

7. get my own house and decorate it how I see fit and grow lots of dandelions in whatever yard I have.

8. Go to first friday in philly ( lots of art galleries have their opening the first friday of each month)

9. Go to the beach at dusk/nite and listen to the waves, feel the breeze rip through my hair, feel the wet sand squish inbetween my toes, and just breathe it all in.

10. wear stilletto heels again

11. Go back to paris. Maybe check out the south of France and I think Amsterdam would be cool too. Maybe go back to Italy ... maybe Florence or Rome definetely not venice though.

12. Learn how to weld

13. Learn french

14. Build my mucles back up so I am not so weak... I was pretty strong for someone my size before I became disabled.

15. Visit gugehiem (sp?) and the met in NYC

Believe me I could go on and on but I think I have bored you all enough [Big Grin]
Posted by Kendrick (Member # 10990) on :
Get Ph.D., teach college, work out again, go back surfing--go to beach more, write book that is revolutionary(unfortunately, it would be an economic theory or finance theory--you know boring stuff, but I love anything theoritical and numeric--numbers are the most beautiful art), learn foreign languages(again--->more)marry, have kids, live life, get some new sandals, laugh, laugh, and laugh, get drunk, and laugh.
Posted by Vanilla (Member # 11155) on :
I would love to own a home and travel again and perhaps live outside of the USA.

I would like to start designing again - more.

I would love to start earning a decent income again too.

I would love to swim laps and have my energy to hike for hours again.

I would love to get rid of this disease so I could have a boy friend again.
Posted by 5dana8 (Member # 7935) on :
I would like to:

Have more quality time with my family & travel to see them more often

Work at a pet shelter

Make more friends & get outside my house more.

would love to paint again.

Have the strength to have a puppy

Swim again

Make some money so I can feel like I am contributing to my family's finances

Read a book, from start to finish

Get up early in the morning with a cup of coffee & a danish & watch the sun rise....and have a full day.

These are my biggies. Dream ,wish, sig...
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
good one kam as usual! [group hug] [kiss]

since i'm 58 and disabled/retired, my working days are over and i'm content with that

wish hubby's health was normal vs. essential tremors and i'm afraid now parkinson's which we'll find out end of month.....

so i don't have much on my wish list....

be able to walk without walker and cane after my hip has recuperated more so i feel steadier, and can walk like i used to for exercise and enjoy all the gorgious yards of flowers!

i'm content to watch the travel channel and see thigns up close vs. the pain of traveling since i can't get any delta 4 sleep....

what i'd really like to do WHEN i get my lyme under control:

Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Wow. This is fun to read. Lots of good things.

Betty wrote:


Let's hope we do not forget those who are still struggling once we do get a life again.

We do need to get the above and other things like better testing, education, etc. in the main stream of things.
Posted by just don (Member # 1129) on :
Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
Amen Just Don!

And on a selfish note go to The BAhamas and drink a Pina Colada!
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :

Help others is a given for me too.


went to the Bahamas on Carnival Cruise lines years back.

Went snorkling at the site that they filmed the James Bond Movie...For YOur Eyes Only.

That in itself was worth the trip for me. I looked off to the shore from the reef and wanted to just swim over there and stay.

I really regret not purchasing the video's they made of us swimming the was my daughter and I.
Posted by heiwalove (Member # 6467) on :
get my MSW, become a social worker and work with homeless youth (i'm applying for grad school for fall 2008!).

learn guitar (already started!).

write and perform my own songs (voice/guitar).

start performing violin again.

write lots of poetry (starting to..), maybe even a novel someday.

become a yoga master. [Smile]

travel, travel, travel!! (latin america, india, africa, nepal, turkey, iceland)

become fluent in spanish.

live, love, adopt a couple kids, change the world! [Smile]
Posted by Vanilla (Member # 11155) on :
I am adding this to my list.

Return to St. Barts and rent a villa for a while - that is after I win the lotto too.

Teach yoga again.

Travel to Ladakh and Costa Rica.

Study healing and psychic reading again.

Do political work to improve understanding and get more support for LD. And Change the world.

Make movies.

Relax and not have to think about taking meds or being sick or over doing it so much.
Posted by Andie333 (Member # 7370) on :
more on my list:

write more songs;
write a book
go on a long bike trip (there's a wonderful bike trail I heard about in Canada).

finally write about Lyme
Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
oh and maybe go on a date again! It's been a long time...
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Don't know why...but reading all these things is putting a smile on my face.

Hope it is putting a smile on your faces too.

heiwalove...for some reason I can picture all those things coming true for you.


that bike trail in Canada sounds intriging.
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
1. Go back to teaching.

2. Go hiking again. My goal is to hike to a waterfall in each of the 50 states. Only a few more to go.
Posted by yourtroubl (Member # 11087) on :
1. Swim with daughter
2. Stay out of bed for one whole day

I have simple wishes
Posted by livinlyme (Member # 3773) on :
I would like to get back to earning my way through this stupid not being able to live my life with lyme rut..

I hate not being able to earn a decent living and relying on everyone else..

I can make my own life great if I could only earn a pay check.. I was doing alright .. I wasnt rich, But I know I could have been ,,, this illness sucks!

Right now I would love to be able to bend over without pain.. or even get out of bed without pain.. so without Lyme there is nothing I couldn't do ..

so it would not matter what I would like to do cause I would be able to do it all again!
but that is just a dream.. a pipe dream

because right now even if they found a cure the damage is already done and there is no reverseing that part.. but man give me 10 years ago before the real damage.. and I would have everything again!

OH reality just shot me in the head again!
Posted by kitkat32 (Member # 9682) on :
This is such a great thread.

1. Finally goto nursing school. I have been pushing it back for 10 years. Was supposed to start this fall but I will be waiting 'till next fall now. I wanted to surgical but I have changed my mind and now want to do mental health.

2. Go parasailing again. It was the most peaceful and beuatiful thing I have ever done.

3. Show affection to my husband instead of just passing out every night.

4. Start a support group in my area for not only lyme suffers..but others who are living with a disease that no one understands.

I could go on and on..but those are my top ones.

Posted by LisaS (Member # 10581) on :
Hiker, can I come with you? That sounds so nice!!
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Hiker...I had a goal of seeing all the waterfalls I one point in my life too. I had forgotten about that. I had wanted to take pictures and write a book.

I also wanted to do the same with natural hot pools.

...Many moons ago. I think others have accomplished this now and published.

yourtrouble...i really like the idea of keeping it simple and realistic and taking small steps at this time.

1. I'd like to have a clean, organized home 6 months from now. Since this has not happened since I came down with this 6 years ago this would be a big thing.

2. I'd like to be able to go to the movies only leave because I do not like the movie, not because of my health.

3. I'd like to be able to sit and watch the sunrise and the sunset while drinking something ...non alcoholic of course...never have been a alcoholic drinker or soda pop or anything carbonated.

4. I'd like to be able to walk to the lake that is within 15 minutes via my power chair....not sure how far it is on foot.

5. I'd like to be able to walk to a local restaurant and have breakfast but for now, I would be content to go via the power chair.

6. I'd like to be able to attend church regularly and be able to sit upright and take things in while I am there...for now..I would be OK with reclining while I am there if need be and taking the provigil if it would help me to take things in and be able to attend Bible Studies, etc.

7. I'd like to be able to travel via Amtrak to see my lyme doc successfully.

8. I'd like to be able to rinse the dishes off and put them in the dishwasher and empty the dishwasher out routinely and put them away.
Posted by buggedbylyme (Member # 9556) on :
I want to be able to hold my first grandchild
(to be born in July) safely and without pain.

I want my daughter-in-law to be able to know the
person that I was before neuro lyme hit me hard.

I want to play with my grandchildren and not be
irritated by their loud, happy voices (sound

I want to live out my plan of being an active, vibrant , young grandmother, since I was married
and had children young (all with the plan of
not being an old koot when the grandkids arrived)

I want to be "Fit by Fifty" and do all of the
active things (hiking, biking, etc.) that my
husband and I had planned on doing together and
with our children , when they arrived.

I want to give back to my husband a hundred fold
throughout the remainder of my years the love, patience and and support that he has given me
since contracting Lyme.

I want to be able to read a book again and actually comprehend what I am reading.

I want to mentor high school and college age girls like I did before neuro symptoms became
too severe to do so.

I want to be an encouraging person to people on Lymenet who will still be suffering.

I want to be an advocate for those who cannot
afford proper lyme treatment. I have been
fortunate- I can afford whatever treatment is
available - which perfectly illustrates that money can't buy you everything

I want to be able to help care for and encourage
both of my ailing parents, which I have not been
able to do the past few years.

I want to be able to adopt my 4 year old neice
who is in the custody of my parents due to my
sister being a meth/crack addict. I want my parents to enjoy the few years that they have left.

I look forward to not being startled so easily
at every little thing, which happens now,due to
my neuro symptoms that have developed .

I want the HOPE that I cling to, of feeling well again, to be a reality and then be able
to pass that hope on to others.

I want my husband to have the peace of mind
while at work during the day, that I'm OK and
that he doesn't have to worry about me.

I want to enjoy nature again without the paralyzing fear of an additional tick bite.

I want to entertain in my home again.

I want to travel with my husband and enjoy
vacations at the beach with my kids and grandkids-to-be.

I want to take a more active role in educating
and getting proper treatment for Lyme patients.

I don't want to be so obsessed with "catching
up" on what I have missed out on in my life that
I put my last "I want to" on the back burner.

I want to meet, in person, many of the people
that I have either pm'd with on Lymenet or have
contributed so much to this board and that I have
come to admire.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Bugged by lyme...great list. I do believe it is possible.

Looking forward to hearing about you actually doing these things.
Posted by TheCrimeOfLyme (Member # 4019) on :
1.) Get my Master's Degree and perhaps my PH.D. I only have one year left for a Masters.

2.) Breed dogs.

3.) Open my own herbal/natural/beauty ( organic) company- something in the works of a Natures Way, but better.

4.) Invest major $$ in real estate.

5.) Walk the March of Dimes. Lyme took away my ability to walk without having Neurally mediated hypotension. I live to walk without it.

6.) Do seminars, etc, whatever on domestic abuse.

7.) Buy my OWN home, finally.

8.) Get a helluva better job.

9.) Buy a new car.

10.) Find someone and get married.
Posted by iceskater (Member # 8655) on :
When my lyme is under control;

1. Not be in pain

2. skate again

3. help support others with lyme through their journeys

4. Wake up politicians and the ducs.
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Ice Skater,

What a happy day that will be when you write into lymenet and let us know you are ice skating again.

Very Cool!
Posted by kam (Member # 3410) on :
Don't know if I posted this or just thought about it one hundred and one times.

I'd like to..darn...can't even write it out yet..but it has to do with being around the grandkids and doing things with them.

This is the toughest part of having lyme disease.

Not knowing what I will be able to do with my grandkids.

Not being able to be around them much and when I am around them needing to keep it very short.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
adding to skater's list...

skating professionally again and earning a spot on OLYMPIC FIGURE SKATING TEAM...go skater!!! [group hug] [kiss] [group hug]
Posted by treepatrol (Member # 4117) on :
Run and walk 6 or 7 miles a day be down to my best weight 210lbs lean and mean again Look out wife hahaha and my sence of humor back
Posted by hopeful123 (Member # 3244) on :
i am much better than i was, but still get real tired real fast and go through too many moments of not remembering words like flurescent. not the spelling, the word. so, i guess i am wishing for more energy to stay out late a couple of days a week. late like 10 and go to work the next day.

also, i would like to have some more of my brain back to do creative work and to read and to appear brighter at work.

i am grateful that i have made a lot of progress, however no matter what i may wish for.

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