This is topic 8 Years misdiagnosed and cant get them to listen! in forum General Support at LymeNet Flash.

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Posted by cjnelson (Member # 12928) on :
I had the bullseye rash in 1999 with major flu like symptoms. So bad my dad basically carried me into the clinic. They treated me for a spider bite - a shot and 10 days of penicillin. I saw and heard of the bulls eye rash for the first time 3 days ago watching Mystery Diagnosis. I still cannot believe that is how I learned of this.

Since then I have had so many unexplained health issues. I fear the damage done. Heart palpatations, Hive outbreak from Zpack treatment, Fatigue OMG the fatigue, Bells Palsy - leaving me with facial weakness, spasms, pain, weird sensations, mental fogs, short term memory issues, chest pains, rib pain, arthritis, throat issues, peripheral neuropathy, TMJ, vertigo, GI issues....i could go on, but I am depressing myself...oh yeah, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, neck pain, shoulder pain....and now my local doctors want to do an ELISA ONLY! I just found a LLMD in NC an hope to goodness he will see me quick. So much damage is already done.

I want to start on an antibiotic today. Every minute I realize this is still doing damage and I feel so &#%@ desperate right now. But know it could be weeks or more before I can even see someone for help. And I can only imagine my insurance issues ahead.

Frustrated in Tennessee......
Posted by just don (Member # 1129) on :
Pm sent. So what is your present age?? Reason I ask is are you now considered adult treatment or pediatric?? thanks from --just don--
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
Hey CJ!*)!*)!

Posted by hopingandpraying (Member # 9256) on :
Hi Christy!

Don't waste your time with ducks. They'll probably tell you "it's all in your head".

Go straight to see a LLMD. You need to have the Western Blot test done (NOT the ELISA which is unreliable) through IGENEX.

God bless you. I hope this is the beginning on your road to recovery. Take care and don't give up. It WILL get better, but it takes time.
Posted by cjnelson (Member # 12928) on :
Thank you all so much. My Internist wants to do the ELISA. I already requested the Western Blot through IGENX and he balked. Wants to send me to an infectios disease dr locally. Fine and dandy but doubt I will get much more there. I have a few leads on LLMD's and plan to start there Monday am. I sure hope that this does put me on a road to recovery.
I am scared about the damage already done....the spasms, facial, throat issues, etc but most of all the palpitations. They get so darn bad. It is sooo scary.
I am grateful to have found this place though. And I am so sick and tired of hearing it is all in my head too. I have left the drs so many times balling with another script for antidepressants and suggestion for counseling. I have questioned my sanity one too many times....NO MORE!!!!
Thank you Thank you Thank you ALL!
Posted by Skyler (Member # 11549) on :
You can handle this. Now you know what it is and when you find the right doctor you will get tested and treated.

lol, I too learned why I had been sick for so long from the show Mystery Diagnosis... The one about the girl with Chronic Lyme.

Thank god for that show, because it is saving lives.I am just glad you finally figured out what has been making you sick!

Hang in there, things will get better, Lymenet can help with that journy. [group hug]
Posted by chiz (Member # 10301) on :
Hi Christy

Just to say welcome. Sounds like you have found the answer to your own mystery illness.

Good for you for finding this board. You will find lots of helpful advice here. Most importantly it is worth finding a good LLMD. I know how you feel, wanting to start abx straight away but with this illness it is the tortoise that wins the race....

Here's to your better health (but it will get worse before you get better - that's the way with lyme treatment)

Posted by ladycakes (Member # 12619) on :
Oh wow I love that show. So far I've only been diagnosed officially with Fibromyalgia and CFS, and I watch that thing all the time just in case...

Haven't seen the chronic Lyme one, I do hope they rerun it.
Posted by kbholley (Member # 12938) on :
I seen that episode, it was very informative, while watching it my 15 yr old daugter was telling me that I had a lot of the same symptoms that the girl had, and I was like DUH, I just can't get the drs in Florida to accept the fact that I had the bulls eye rash and the major flu symptoms because its not common in Northern Florida, and I keep telling them its bull.

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