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Posted by jennyflyer (Member # 12792) on :
I've read Dr. Burrascano's treatment guidelines and have read up on this site about all the supplements he suggests.

I'm wondering, though, should I begin taking any before checking with my LLMD? I started abx 3 weeks ago and I go back to the LLMD next week.

Only supplement I've been taking is Acidophilus, which hasn't helped all that much because my stomach has still been all tore up.

I'd love to do something for the tingling and burning and even the twitching(spasms?) and most especially the fatigue and feeling of heaviness.

Should I wait and check with my doc?
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
I would wait and talk to LLMD, yes.

SOme people take SO many supplements!!!

My angel LLMD used to just shake his head-
he felt it sometimes interfered with healing
if oyu overload the body-
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
But taking prophylactic care
of the gut is important!*)!*)!!
Taking care to be anti-yeast
BEFORE you get a problem can keep
a problem away*)!* )!!!!!!
Posted by jennyflyer (Member # 12792) on :
Thank you Sarah. I've been a bit confused about the anti-yeast thing.

Is the use of a probiotic the only way to accomplish being anti yeast, i.e. the use of acidophilus?
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
Locally many of us started using the pretty much same regime which was developed by a Lyme doc in Sonoma named Doc P!!! He was very into gut health and he recd'ed the following which since we had some of his people locally many ended up on- and ever since have recd'ed on-

SOlaray Yeast Cleanse- but any will do, brand not important- caprylic acid formula-

Acidophilus by Jarrowdophilus- again, any brand will do, just make sure equivalent thing

Saccharomyces Boulardii- again, any brand

the last is a friendly yeast that eats candida (unfriendly yeast) and which also eats c.difficile

C Difficile is an antibiotic related diarhhea which can kill you. Earlier Aids patients, bless them, discovered that Sacc Boulardii works for some 60-70% of abx related diarhhea-

But EVRYTHING in the body is a balance- you don't want to overdo anything- Sacc Boulardii if OVER used can become a systemic infection ITSELF!
so don't ever think because something is a supplement that it can't hurt you- because it can!!!!!!!!! Moderation*)!!

SO taking Sacc B once a week is good-
same for yeast cleanse- some people daily-
and acidophilus daily-

As far as other supplements I have avoided them entirely and so have many people I know who have done great- some people like them though- and some people do need them- people vary-

Take care!!!
Posted by jennyflyer (Member # 12792) on :
Yes, that old adage "everything in moderation" is a good one to live by.

I will try the things you listed, especially the Sacc B because at this point everything is going through me and I'm worried I'm not getting enough nutrients in my body.

Thanks again!
Posted by CaliforniaLyme (Member # 7136) on :
You're welcome Jenn*)!*)!!

Cavey, nope never went to him but he came and drove hours to Santa Cruz years back to give us an excellent lecture and slideshow (and included a coouple of photos of him & his wife in Italy if I remember righT*)! He is/WAS an AWESOME lyme doc!!!! GREAT human being- WISH he was taking people-!!!!!!!!!!!! He's another angel*)!
Posted by jennyflyer (Member # 12792) on :
Your doc P sounds like a wonderful person.

Cavey, I have not gotten the H. pylori test, I don't even know what that is so I'll have to do some research.

I see my LLMD next week so I'll ask him about that.

My mother has been on my case about taking Magnesium for a while now, so I'm gonna pick some up today. And yes, I'll continue with the Acidophilus.

Like the way I've picked up on writing in short sentences with spaces in between?! [Wink]
Posted by pmerv (Member # 1504) on :
The spring special integrative medicine issue of the Lyme Times had articles on probiotics, drug-supplement interactions, medication-induced nutritional deficiencies, etc. To get a copy, contact Marisa Battilana or call 415-499-3172 (west coast time zone).
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by cave76:
There are also many good sites on the Internet that will list drug/supplement/herb interactions.

But stay away from sites that also sell them, obviously. [Smile] Or sites filled with testimonials.

HUH?? I buy most of my supplements from Vitacost. They are 40-60% cheaper than my local health food store....same products.

The best probiotic I've ever taken is from Theralac. It is sold ONLY on the internet. Why should someone NOT purchase from companies such as these?????????????????
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Jenny, are you taking your abx with food??? Make sure to do this!!

And as cave mentioned, take the HIGH QUALITY acidophilus two hours away from any abx.
Posted by jennyflyer (Member # 12792) on :
Tutu, I take Nature's Bounty brand, I get it at CVS. Actually all Nature's Bounty is on sale this week at CVS,buy one get one free, so I stocked up.

Is this a good brand?

And yes, I do take my abx with food. Maybe it's my diet.
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