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Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
i have been informed that i posted some material i should not have.

well others have done the same but sadly some of you reported me.

i have always tried to be polite and not mention names and i thought i did, but some of you have a problem with me.

so i'm leaving the board.

sorry to have to do this but i feel it's necessary.
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
Hey Bear,

I don't know what is going on.....but please don't go.

We need all the input we can give each other.

Please rethink-


Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :

I also don't know what happened, but I would ask you to wait a few days and reconsider leaving.

You do alot of good here and we all need each other.

Perhaps, give it some time and let yourself have time to calm.

I pray that you will work through this and stay here with us....we are all one big family in the same huge boat.

[group hug]
Posted by joalo (Member # 12752) on :
Oh no! Don't leave us randibear. [kiss]

Your wisdom/advice has helped me so much. We need you here to keep this ship afloat.

Please, please reconsider and come back after a short break.
[group hug] [group hug] [group hug]
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
randibear, please don't go!

You are such a blessing and encouragement to all of us. Please reconsider.

I will miss you if you leave.
Posted by JamesNYC (Member # 15793) on :

There are always going to be a few uptight people anywhere you go. You shouldn't let them define your whole experience here.

Plus, you don't know why they reported your posts. Sometimes it's just to get the mods attention about something else.

I found out that many of my posts have been "reported" too. But the mods found nothing objectionable in them.

You have friends here. Don't let a few petty, mean people spoil your involvement in this community.

Posted by ping (Member # 6974) on :
randibear - I second what JamesNYC says. Please don't leave under these circumstances. If you need a 'rest', then, by all means, take it, but please return to us soon.

Don't you just love this holly-jolly, wonderful time of year?! No kidding, the pressure will likely have subsided once the New Year rolls around.

Come back and see us, ya hear?!

Much love, [kiss]

"We are more than containers for Lyme"
Posted by Ocean (Member # 3496) on :

Don't leave! It seems that possibly people are flaring right now with weather changes. There have been a lot of heated things going on and I remember last November a few of my friends on got kicked off due to arguments, ect...makes me wonder if there is a flare that happens at this time???

As others have said, there is always going to be someone who has issues with something..just ignore them!

Posted by kellyjk4 (Member # 19731) on :
Randi - you are by far one of my absolute favorite people here!

Please, please don't go!
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
NO, I'm sorry. That is not allowed!

YOU can't be like a tree and leaf. NOT going to happen so get your butt back here and make me laugh!


And NOT to worry about being reported!

And that comes from someone it happens to a lot!

Not many months go by when I don't get at least one or two kick in the pants reminders from the moderators.


And as OC said .. it is pretty nuts around here lately! My guess, there is a fungus among us.

And it ain't YOU!

[Big Grin]
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
you know i have been sitting here and reviewing what i "thought" i might have done. i've gone around this barn so much i've worn tracks in the mud and i'm driving the animals crazy.

i have always tried to be polite and tell the truth. ok, sometimes i stretch a little, but normally i'm pretty accurate. so when i see others climbing on a boat, i admit to saying things i shouldn't, but it's the truth and i stand by that.

this ole redneck gets her feelings hurt pretty easily and being told, however, politely, to shut my big ole mouth is hard for me to do.

i've seen others hurting on this board and have always tried to encourage them and lift them up, however small a gesture or kind word.

it's not in me to be cruel or vicious so if i've done something i would appreciate the courtesy of having someone pm me privately instead of telling the moderators. i'd rather my friends stab me in my ample chest instead of my chubby back.

i'm like silverwolfie a little. this is my home away from home and the only place i can truly discuss lyme, because as ya'll know my husband thinks it's a "woman's way to get attention". male chauvanist that he is...

i often wonder why we can put one man on the moon we can't put them all there, but that's another story.

if i could i'd just sit down and have box of chocolates and a ton of coke, but unfortunately i can't. somehow celery and carrots don't seem to measure up when you're down.

could be the holidays coming, who knows, but i'm still pretty hurt and maybe i just need to back off and rethink this. after all, a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile.

so let me try to recover my composure and i'll leave ya'll to try and figure out what i've just said.
Posted by ping (Member # 6974) on :
randibear-baby: You're going to hurt yourself going 'round & 'round trying to figure out what you did or said that was wrong. Nobody on this board is in complete agreement with one another and given the lovely Holiday season, I'm not surprised that a number of us are back-stabbing each other. (Why do you think I disabled my PM a couple of months ago.)

As the woman in Legally Blonde said, "If you're going to let one, stupid pr*** ruin your life, then you're not the girl I thought you were". Now, being from TX, I know how thick-headed we can be, but you're only allowed to be thin-skinned for a short amount of time. If you let it go on, then the narc wins.

We want you here! Don't let the jerk(s) win! Take a short breather and come back soon. [group hug]

"We are more than containers for Lyme"
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
Randi, I'm so sorry....whatever transpired, I know you didn't deserve it. You are the kindest, most giving person who has personally stuck up for me lately and reached out to me day after day just to make sure my family and myself were okay when we were having a rough time.

Whoever did this to you, I'm a gonna kick their butt. When I'm able to, that is. So they better be a watchin' out.

So there.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
TC is right! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE!! It would make the rest of us look silly!!!!

I saw what you wrote yesterday and NO names were mentioned. 99% of those on this board had no clue who you were talking about.

So get your little butt back over here!!! [Cool]
Posted by Brandimc (Member # 22017) on :
Please dont leave...we share a doctor, and I need you and your encouragement.
please take a breather and believe that god has you here on this board for a reason.
Posted by Abxnomore (Member # 18936) on :

Please, NO, you must reconsider. We ALL need you here.

Take a breather, enjoy some chocolates but come back.

Toughen up that skin and don't let these things bother you. You know inside the kind of person you are. Don't worry for one minute what someone else thinks about you. We all get our posts pulled from time to time and of late things have been a bit rough around here.

But, we all need you and your willingness to speak up. We need members like you who will speak up when the situation calls for it.

If you leave, you give in and let them win...... [tsk]

I'm operating under the assumption that I will continue to seen your posts around here... [Smile]
Posted by Silverwolf (Member # 9196) on :
<<<<< Randibear- Angel-Sister >>>>>,

You are family to so many many of us here...the board wouldn't be the same w/o you!!!

When you are ready,please come back home to LymeNet!!!

Love Silverwolfi-Sis'
Posted by aklnwlf (Member # 5960) on :

I don't know what's going on...(nothing new there [Big Grin] ).....

What posts of yours that I've read have been very helpful and encouraging.

Don't let folks run you off.

Posted by pab (Member # 904) on :
Don't go randibear!
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
I don't think you should go either - this is a home for you here -

With new moderators, maybe the board has some growing pains to go through, to get sorted out what is wanted here and what isn't.

I think you are owed clarity on what happened.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Randi, I hope you stay. [Smile] I don't know what specifically happened (I don't think I was the one to edit your posts), but I know a lot has gone on over the past couple weeks. It's been CRAZY!

Just take a couple days off and come back. We all have to do that once in a while. [Smile]
Posted by JamesNYC (Member # 15793) on :
Originally posted by randibear:
because as ya'll know my husband thinks it's a "woman's way to get attention". male chauvanist that he is...

i often wonder why we can put one man on the moon we can't put them all there, but that's another story.

Let me get this straight, you husband thinks I'M A WOMAN for talking about lyme? Tell him for me that a) I'm gonna hit him on the head with a rolling pin, and b) I'm not cooking for him anymore!


She has a very strict immigration policy!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by JamesNYC:

Very, very true!

James, will you cook for ME??? Please???
Posted by mtree (Member # 14305) on :
Originally posted by randibear:

i often wonder why we can put one man on the moon we can't put them all there, but that's another story.

too funny Randi!!! [lol]

hope you have decided to stay!!! [tsk]
[group hug] mtree
Posted by carly (Member # 14810) on :
NO, NO, NO...



[group hug] [group hug] [group hug] [group hug]
Posted by shelly23 (Member # 16124) on :
So sorry to here this Radi,
I think sometimes ppl forget we are in this together, we get stabbed enough on the outside,
i dont know what you did or said you did ..
sorry hope it all gets cleared up.
Best wishes
Posted by ticked-offinNc (Member # 15420) on :
You better not leave, or your gonna make me cry!!!xoxox
Posted by PB4 (Member # 20799) on :
I have been off the forums for a couple of days, so I don't really know what happened. SO many people would be sad if you left.

I still marvel at that wonderful post asking who needed help. You didn't just read them and say "that's too bad", you did something! You reached out to hurting people.

Because you were willing to help others, you are one of my heroes! Don't you think this crazy, mixed up world needs more real heroes. Not the ones who make loads of money in sports or entertainment. Real heroes-like Randibear!

You'll be in my prayers.

Thought: If you keep wearing out the soil by going round and round your barn, you will eventually have it worn down to the point of being a mote(or is that moat). I've always thought that a moat might be quite handy if you didn't like your neighbors(or in-laws). Then your barn could be your castle!!!!!!!!

Posted by WildCondor (Member # 434) on :
I don't blame you one bit. What a mess this board is. I'm outta here too if all the current chaos keeps up, atleast until/if things get organized and fixed, I sure tried to help.
Posted by JamesNYC (Member # 15793) on :
Can I safely assume that since you're still here and posting, that you have reconsidered? [Smile]
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
oh shut up james. a woman is entitled to change her mind, right.....LOL

and yep, still think about that car. what would you buy?? camaro or corvette...

figure you can be miserable or look really good and still be miserable...some choice huh?

i've never ever had a really hot car. always wanted a 67 pontiac gto but never bought one. always looked and sighed...maybe i should just give in.

mike's had lotus, pantera, porsche, you name it, but not me.

i always went practical. 4 cylinder little putters...and i always went straight to the hot ones when i looked but never bought.

maybe it's time.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
It's definitely time for a HOT CAR!!! Pick which one you like better. [Smile] Keep in mind, do you need a back seat? (I think the Camaro has one).
Posted by jenny76 (Member # 18205) on :
I hope things are better today randibear.

Corvette for sure! Just my vote! ;-)
Posted by opus2828 (Member # 15407) on :
I hope you stay randibear. I enjoy reading your posts.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
hey if you enjoy my posts you would love my accent....LOL

[ 11-23-2009, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: randibear ]
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
I'm with Tincup. I think we have fungus among us.

For what its worth my mother used to always tell me-

They can bite you, but they can't eat you.

I suspect it is some jealous hearted beast trying

to pull in new recruits to their site instead of

being here. When I first came here I was getting

emails etc of warnings by what I thought were

devil worshipers. LOL I ain't afraid of no

ghosts or the devil. Anyway it was very low

considering I was so sick. They got reported to

cyber cops.

[ 11-30-2009, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: Pinelady ]
Posted by pab (Member # 904) on :

I think you should change the title of this post. Each time I see "i am leaving the board", it makes me think that you are leaving again. [Smile]
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
I agree with pab. I think, oh no... here we go again!

[Big Grin]
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Yup, me too .... I keep checking the thread when it's bumped thinking, "Oh, no, not again!"
Posted by lymie_in_md (Member # 14197) on :
Six -- careful with the "Yup, me too"

Because the title is "I'm leaving the board"

right under with sixgoofykids "Yup, me too"

I'll pay you to stay, I'll supply all the vanila ice-cream you could want. I hear tincup has butterscotch bits. What'd ya' say TC, can put some up to keep sixgoofy around. [lol]
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :
HA! I'll have to ask the manager... and YES ... I DO have an ice cream manager here... if we can spare some butterscotch.

I WON'T tell them it is for a mother of six goofy kids though. We have strict regulations governing the distribution of all ice cream toppings.

Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Haha! I think I'll leave the "Yup, me too!" It'll keep them guessing! Now, when my name is off for the weekend, people will really wonder what happened!

Thanks for slipping me past the managers Tincup .... I'll take carmel instead of the butterscotch!
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Have you ever had a peanut butter milkshake? OMG Swirl in some hot fudge.
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
LOL Going from leaving the board to Peanut butter milkshakes.. LOL haha

SO which is it??

: )
Posted by Tincup (Member # 5829) on :

I just ran from a post by hooz over in medical cause she was talking about using chicken feet in her broth.

So even though a peanut butter shake doesn't sound fantastic right about now, given a choice...

I'll take it!

[Big Grin]

And spring... glad you are hanging in with all of us.
Posted by lymie_in_md (Member # 14197) on :
There are some fringe groups that think it is therapeutic to use your own feet in broth. They are very woowoo. [lol]
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
Oh My. Should we be ashamed of ourselves?

Or does a full moon do this to all Lymies?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Randi won't believe this thread when she gets back!! I think Sixgoofy should change the title to "Lymenet drivel"!! [Big Grin]

You're really making me hungry for ice cream and it's too early in the day ... isn't it??

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