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Posted by Liz D (Member # 16739) on :
Went to the local pound and asked about a little cat called Toes that kept being featured in the spca ads. There was 'something' about her face that made me bond with her even tho I had not met her. She had been waiting for her 'forever home' for well over a year, and so we took her home. A month later she is settled in, getting us trained, loves the outside and is so affectionate its almost heartbreaking. So to all of you who are thinking of adopting - this little cat has brought untold joy already, and maybe the same would be for you.
blessings to all - especially in the feline form [Big Grin]
Posted by dmc (Member # 5102) on :
what a happy story, congrats on giving Toes a home & love.

On March 2nd my service dog, Arco died...internal bleeding from a tumor on spleen. I was devastated. has thousands of dogs looking for forever homes.

I fell in love with Nico, a German shepherd's goofy picture.

Our home now is Nico's "forever home".
Posted by sammy (Member # 13952) on :
All of my pets have been adopted from a shelter or taken in from the cold, hungry, and injured. They all have been wonderful blessings in my life. Each one unique. They make me laugh every day and comfort me when I'm feeling ill. They are a part of my family.

Congratulations Liz! I wish you many happy years with your new kitty [Smile]
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Toes was just waiting for YOU!!

That's wonderful news!
Posted by joalo (Member # 12752) on :
I have a new kitty, too. He was a stray and was already neutered. My daughter posted pics of him all over town and nobody claimed him.

He has been the biggest joy in my life in quite some time. He's part siamese and has blue eyes that are crossed!! Just looking at him makes me smile!!!
Posted by Liz D (Member # 16739) on :
such lovely stories. Comes with heartbreak tho, like your doggie DMC. 2 weeks before we got Toes we had the vet come to our home to put down our old and much treasured kitty Gracie. We cried all weekend (yes, my big burly manly hunter husband too) and could not imagine life without her. After 2 weeks with no loving feline in the house we rushed to the spca - and our house became a home again. Pet lovers (pet adorers??) are special people. hugs to all and your pets.
Posted by TnFlowerChild (Member # 24717) on :
I have always said "animal people are good people!" You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat animals! Toes is the lucky one!!!

Purrs from my motley crew (11 cats + 4 dogs)! [hi]
Posted by desertlily (Member # 13894) on :
I'm so happy for you Liz, that you have a new kitty to love, Toes is such a great name! What does she look like?

PJ's and Oobi say Hi!
Posted by Liz D (Member # 16739) on :
Desertlily = our Toes is white with black markings, and on her front paws, where the dewclaw should be, she has an extra 'paw', a little 3 clawed paw that look little a little hand. When she was dumped at the spca the 'owner' said she was called Lump. The spca staff were totally offended and renamed her Toes bcause of her little extra paws.
She is loving and learsn quickly - when the alamr goes off each morning at 06.45 it means it time to jump on the bed for cuddles.
I dont know what we would do without our furry and feathered friends. They are such a joy.
Toes says hello to PJ's and Oobie and all other friendly critters.
Posted by desertlily (Member # 13894) on :
Liz - How interesting!

My cats have the morning routine down pat too. I get up around 1030 every morning, and my husband says that at almost exactly 1010 both of them start hovering at my door. Oobi (the more "vocal" one,) starts his very persistent calling and PJ's just waits patiently lying near the door.
Posted by Liz D (Member # 16739) on :
Toes now has what we think is her very first Christmas stocking waiting to be filled by Santa. And my, how she has enjoyed rolling around in and attacking the Christmas lace tablecloth and disembowelling the big cellophane bag of Christmas bows and ribbons.....
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
i have always said that animals are just angels in furry coats....
Posted by burnsjw (Member # 11819) on :
I love my baby kitty girl. She was about to be homeless and I took her into my home. She is the joy of my life and she helps boost my immune system more than anything.
Posted by Liz D (Member # 16739) on :
burnsjw - congrats on your little girl. I hear you - when I cuddle with Toes and she is so loving I can feel stresses melting away; have always felt that the love and companionship of a pet is incredibly theraputic.
cuddles to your little angel, hugs to you.
Posted by Liz D (Member # 16739) on :
Am having a huge relapse and my kitty seems to be the only one who cares and understands. Her warm purring loving llttle body snuggles up and it makes things so much better.
Posted by annier1071 (Member # 28977) on :
Liz...THANK YOU for getting your kitty from a shelter. I help out bigtime with city shelters and placing pets in their forever home.
I have two orange tabbies from local shelters and they are the love of my life.

Yes they stay by my side and know when I am not well that day. THey will lay right next to me or look at me with those big eyes. They make my day!

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