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Posted by paulieinct (Member # 17514) on :
Read this if you don't mind your blood pressure going up 20 points:,0,5257058.story

[ 06-19-2009, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: paulieinct ]
Posted by lou (Member # 81) on :
Sorry, not safe for me to read it. But what else could we have expected from this rag? They are obviously insurance company captives.
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

I got as far as " never a documented death from Lyme disease" - oh, my. Had this doctor been in any of my journalism research classes, that line would have warranted an failing grade.

I better "steer" clear, too. However, for those sturdy souls who can read it, can you see who advertises with them?

As Lou suggests, insurance companies may have them in their grips. My guess is that they also get heavy funding from the local hospitals, hence the IDSA. This is a case with many newspapers, radio and TV. Just look at their advertisers.

Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
please reply to tracy's post in activism where we have many comments going on & 37 REBUTTALS ONLINE TO HOG WASH LEFT BY ZEMEL ....

Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :

Yes, Betty, I went back and am pleased to see so many well versed and intelligent comments for this article:

Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I too have read the responses and agree they are well done. I pray someday we are all right and are cured/in remission. I hope one person/one organization will provide true proof Bb is in our bodies and the cause of our symptoms! WB Ab testing is just not good enough by any means to convince anyone.
Posted by paulieinct (Member # 17514) on :
My reply to Dr. Zemel's drivel:


It is very clear to me that if Dr. Zemel were practicing medicine 150 years ago, he would have railed against the then novel idea that surgeons should wash their hands before operating. If Dr. Zemel were practicing medicine just 50 years ago, he would certainly have ridiculed the first doctor to proclaim that stomach ulcers are caused by a bacterium, not stress or diet.

Several points for Dr. Zemel to consider:

1. Study after study proves that Borrelia burgdorferi persists as a live squirming spirochete in the body even after a round of antibiotics.

2. If symptoms persist after treatment it is because INFECTION is persisting after treatment. There is NO proof that infection has been completely eradicated in these cases.

3. Even CDC cautions that the standard ELISA and Western Blot are NOT to be used to exclude Lyme as a diagnosis. Lyme is a CLINICAL diagnosis.

4. The cause of drug-resistant infection is due to UNDERTREATING an infection, whereby small numbers of organisms remain that are resistant to the antibiotic being used, and which then proceed to proliferate.

5. Refusal to treat an ongoing bacterial infection is a VIOLATION OF THE HIPPOCRATIC OATH.

Clearly, no patient in their right mind and with any intelligence would be consulting with Dr. Zemel if they thought they might have Lyme Disease.

The vote in both houses of the State legislature was UNANIMOUS because the enormity of the suffering of tens of thousands of Lyme patients was undeniably clear to the legislators. It is THEY, their FAMILIES and NEIGHBORS who are suffering terribly because of the denial by "mainstream" medicine of the seriousness of the Lyme pandemic.

Dr. Zemel, it is time for you and others of your ilk, to step aside and get out of the way. People are DYING and we are coming through to help them.
Posted by Gerifrog (Member # 17990) on :
Seekhelp - I feel like I've been run over by a steamroller. I just tested IgG positive on my western blot AGAIN. I am

housebound a large part of the time. BUT, I will make every effort to support advocacy for Lyme. Because if no one

speaks out, NOTHING will change. If my voice helps change one mind or one law, it's a start. Sometimes that's all

that keeps me going. My DH is healthy but working 6 days a week trying to make up the financial loss my illness has

caused. He is my support & encouragement in the battle I'm fighting against Lyme. Just because he doesn't post

comments doesn't mean he doesn't care.

Posted by METALLlC BLUE (Member # 6628) on :
Dr. Wormser just responded on the news site " A Cure That Dose Harm". (Or someone who wants us to think it's him)

" Posted - 6/19/2009 3:49:49 PM
Looks like all the "lymies" have come from "lymenut" ( to tell their sob stories. But, no amount of amount of science will convince this small but very vocal group of patients that they do not have lyme disease. For others, the New Englad Journal of Medicine has published its evidence based appraisal of "chronic lyme disease".

Dr. Gary Wormser
New York
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
Would he really be so unprofessional to call us "Lymenuts?"
Posted by Lymeorsomething (Member # 16359) on :
Here is another recent article as well:
Posted by METALLlC BLUE (Member # 6628) on :
Tracy, I wouldn't be surprised, however anyone could sign in and say something like that under someone elses name. What concerns me is that I don't know anyone who would be so motivated as to sign in and say something like that unless they were batting for the other team an following news reports like this.

Who knows.
Posted by Lymeorsomething (Member # 16359) on :
The arguments against the bill are peculiar because the bill only seeks to give a little more freedom to lyme docs (insurance co's will not necessarily be impacted)...

They talk about evidence all the time but have little of their own to disprove chronic lyme...nor can they unmask other ailments like CFS, etc....

Medicine does involve some risk taking...and I think the risks associated with abx are within reason....many do longterm abx for skin problems...
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
I need to step away from reading these articles/rebuttals. This Lyme war seems so childish and it's bothering me even reading it. Never ever does anyone w/o Lyme comment on these articles. I've never seen a disease in which no one seems to care like this. Sad.

it's like the jedis vs. the dark side. Really archaic for modern times. [Frown] Endless posts arguing. No way on earth will either side ever sway from their beliefs. It's not an argument. it's a war.

Why does Nick Harris at Igenix never step in w/positive comments/support of their techniques? They get bashed constantly and are the core of this whole Lyme war. I would think he'd be adament of supporting his testing methods? What about the power LLMDs? I feel like they leave the arguments/research to us ill people and could take on bigger burden.
Posted by randibear (Member # 11290) on :
you know i probably shouldn't say this but dang....don't you just wish for once that they knew somebody who had lyme?

or maybe it wouldn't make a difference.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
It's always the same...if you don't have an illness yourself or it hasb't affected very close family members like a spouse/child, no big deal for people. I think we're all viewed as a burden to society by many readers/healthy people. I wish I was more optimistic on this topic, but it's hard to be given the last 20+ years of history of Lyme.
Posted by Tracy9 (Member # 7521) on :
I think they do know people who have Lyme, there is no way they couldn't, and I'm sure they treat them or recommend long term antibiotics behind closed doors.

No question. This is all about saving their asses. They don't really believe all their BS.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
please JUDGE his, no. 62! disagree, mean, clueless

[cussing] [toilet]


i'd also appreciate some MORAL support right now by your leaving a short message on this ongoing saga!

i've never been called this in my life and i DESPISE WHAT HE SAID. 24/7 LIAR!! HOG WASH at its best.
my reply, no. 77 just now....

my you have lived up to your nickname of "the WORM"! how appropriate for you. MUDSLINGING, NAME-CALLING .. HOGWASH!

it's drs. like YOU who have caused me to be physically sick for 39.5 yrs!

i resent your INNUENDO; well, i guess "it takes ONE, TO KNOW ONE"! now we know where you fit in.

i'm surprised the editors PRINTED your vicious post with SLANDER towards me!

worm, you are not worth another word from me! PU.

bettyg, iowa lyme activist

[QUOTE who="Gary Wormser"]

I have read all your sob stories. And, I feel badly for you, but the reality is that, while you may be "ill", it is most certainly not with "chronic lyme disease."

Medicine is not driven by case reports or anecdotal stories. Rather, we follow evidence based medicine, not influenced by emotion or bias.

And, every randomized blinded patient study has failed to demonstrate any lasting benefit to long term antibiotics for "chronic lyme disease."

"LLMDS" are the lowest of the low.

These, often poorly educated physicians, have sold out the medical system to make a buck (or a couple hundred thousand) by treatment the naive and vulnerable with potential risk therapies.

And, finally, BettyG is just plain psycho.

This woman claims to have had chronic lyme disease for what, I think 40 years? There is absolutely NO precedent for that type of infection at all.

SHe posts an AVERAGE of 20 posts a day on lymenut and has the energy to seemingly be very productive, and active, but is very vocal about how she lives off her disability income.

Her life REVOLVES around this supposed illness. She is obsessed with it.
Seems like all the trademarks of a psychotic disease...

Gary Wormser, MD[/QUOTE]

go get em lymenet members!! make him eat crow or shall we just say any tick!! [tsk] [puke]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
to all who replied above, a heartfelt thanks for your comments and those of you who went online to the courtant newspaper article and posted there as well as voted for our comments.

i've been working on several things, and trying to get ready to honor hubby tomorrow on DAD'S DAY!!

again, THANK YOU to all above & on the other posts who gave ME needed support when i was dealt a low blow !! [Smile] [group hug] [kiss]
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
was 201 last time i read!! [Smile]
Posted by liesandmorelies (Member # 15323) on :
Woo-hoo Betty!!!!

Bet they wish they didn't go to print with that rag of an article now!

That's a lot of comments.
Posted by bettyg (Member # 6147) on :
lies/others, i'm no. 211 now.

go read paulie's 210 letter ... paulie, you outdid yourelf on that one! i'm so proud of you. [Wink]
[group hug] [kiss]


What an outstanding letter you wrote above for yourself and all the lyme patients in Conn. who have suffered from the above teaching college!

Yes, the tide is turning but NOT fast enough to save other lyme and co-infections lives especially SUICIDE since they have lost everything in this world!


We just want to be cured for those bitten & treated fast enough and for those with decades of CHRONIC LYME/co-infections a REMISSION WITH QUALITY OF LIFE with our loved ones & friends.

That is NOT asking to much!

Please put aside your DIFFERENCES and work for the PATIENTS; not your egos, patents, grants, & other conflicts of interest being board members on pharmacy companies !!

TIME'S AWASTING FOR US LYME PATIENTS ... WE WANT HELP NOW! thank you for listening to me and ALL of us who have suffered for unnecessary DECADES of not being correctly diagnosed and treated!

BETTY G [group hug] [kiss]

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