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Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
I have this weird headache now from a little levaquin.

Does it go into the brain?
Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
For better or for worse.

Very important: Make sure to not take any NSAIDS's for the headache (or drink coffee), as the interaction between them and the Levaquin can cause CNS damage, and be on the lookout for the other ADR's.

I personally know someone who developed numbness from it, and I don't think I would ever take a drug in that family.
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
adamm I know, I cant help but take NSAIDs.

They lead to GABA antagonism which decreases gaba.

I need to treat.
is all nightmare stories like this site at lymenew!
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
Any particular reason why you have to stay on the Levaquin, then? Sounds like you're playing Russian Roulette...

Well, hope your headache leaves.
Posted by VB (Member # 16824) on :
I'd like to know the answer to this as well.
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
Russian Roulette it is with everything!!!!!!!!!

There are no options to treat my mycoplasma.

Dont know if the cure is worse then the disease.

Maybee i will die of a brain hemorage if im lucky!

I allready feel brain damaged.

then i can collect disability.
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
Posted by VB (Member # 16824) on :
I agree...I'm willing to take the risks now if it will help me feel better.

I'm planning on starting levaquin today. Started several months ago for 2 days and got scared from some of the posts on here and stopped.

Now, it's worth the risks to me. I'm tired of struggling with infections.

If anyone can help answer the initial questions... whether levaquin penetrates CNS... that would be much appreciated [Smile]
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
exactlly, im chronically sick.

Thats the worst part.

If I have pain I will stop.
Posted by AndrewInCA (Member # 2010) on :
I just found a book on Quinolones online that has a chart which shows CSF (cerebrospinalfluid) penetration of Quinolones, including Levaquin.

For Levaquin, without inflamed meninges - 16% penetration. With inflamed meninges - 61% penetration.

They point out that good CNS penetration is a double-edged sword because it also increases the chance of adverse effects from the quinolone on the CNS.

All I know from my experience with 6 months of Levaquin is that it helped considerably with my Bart, the symptoms of which were 90% mental/brain related.
Posted by VB (Member # 16824) on :
great info Andrew. Thank you

Just took my first pill!
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
im taking micro amounts.

even then I get the start of a migrane with that.

could be good
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
well right after I took this micro dose the veins in my arms next to my wrist started hurting and popping out!

What the hell.

They look all swollen, the veins not the tendons.
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
would this be an allergy or blood pressure?

it was very strange
Posted by adamm (Member # 11910) on :
I've heard of that happening with allergies. you should contact your doc tomorrow.
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
I am going to see him anyway for blood work
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
LLMD sounded unconcerned, why am I not suprised.

He also said his patients dont really have problems with it...?
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
^ up up up
Posted by NMN (Member # 11007) on :
Lymeherx, Thats probably because its true. Very few people experience toxicity from levaquin. I have read half of the "horror stories" online and I am of the opinion that these people are actually herxing.

Levaquin is a very strong inter cellular antibiotic and I would be dead without it. I did Bactrim and zithro in its place for 3 months and STILL relapsed. A week of levaquin and I am 40% better in a week.

Had I listened to all the horror stories on here I would probably be blind from Uveitis (which is now in remission thanks to 750 mg of levaquin) and insane from infection of the brain from Bart borrelia or whatever we are treating with this ****.

When you kill thee bugs crazy **** happens.What do you expect?? they are swimming around your body and every bit of you. Above all you need to trust your LLMD or get another one. After all the **** I have been through, I would not be surprised if a monkey crawled out my butt during a herx.

Ring your doc. Tell him whats up. Then obey his recommendations.

I feel like myself and Adamm have been tit for tatting everytime there is a post on levaquin. The fact is its a life saver for many.

In my personal experience Advil is not a problem with it either. In fact I had a headache last week when I had a massive herx on levaquin and I took advil for it. Slept like a baby.

Adamm I bet after all this it will turn out to be the drug that cures you. And Shmangosteen will cure me LOL

Oh and levaquin absolutely penetrates the CNS and brain.
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
Someone I work with took it for a UTI she is in her 50s at the time, never had a problem.

For me I got my name from Biaxin and the flood to toxins from the bacteria.

Then I developed MCS/vertigo

It wasnt the Biaxin, it was the killing.

I think now that anything would have done it. It was the straw that broke the camels back.

I know that the leviquin is making me herx because my skin feels different afterwards.
Posted by NMN (Member # 11007) on :
I know. I started with 200 mg of doxy daily 2 years ago. 4 days in I had about 20 symptoms that I had excused away flare like mad. 5 days in I got a ringing in my ears. I knew I had lyme (but not Bart) because that what I was on doxy for.

Had I not known I would be posting all over the internet that "doxy ruined my life", It literally opened the can or worms proper, and they ain't going back in the tin.

In my experience with meds. If I don't herx then I don't get any better.

The only meds I fear taking are: quinalones and flagyl,doxy+rif. why?? because they make me herx like hell. I know there are old timers that would disagree but for me its no pain, no gain.

Lymeherx I hope you make real progress soon.

"I know that the leviquin is making me herx because my skin feels different afterwards"

Thats not a herx thats sounds like a holiday [Smile]

Try curled up in a ball in the dark feeling like a mental case for a day or two. Its a bitter sweet feeling [Wink]
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
well what I mean by my skin feeling better is this:

All the time my skin feels tight(painfull) and is in pain.

Right after I herx, my skin feels cool and refreshed and its as if I can "feel" more.

I realize that thats the way normal peoples skin should feel!

I have come so far from that normal nice feeling that yes it feels like a holiday, but it doesnt last long at all.

I dont think theres any other way to go about it.
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
well took 1/8 of a pill after work yestuerday.

I woke up at 7:00 pm.

Is that a herx of what, then I felt groggy and in a bad mood, usually happens with a herx.

Today I feel a bit better.

Its strong stuff. Its absolutelly hitting the mycoplasma.
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
up for this strong drug
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
ive been having some tendon pain but I dont know if this is normal or not?

Ive only taken 1/8 the dose. I wish there was a blood test to monitor whether or not this is going to affect my tendons.

Does extra mg help?
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
dont know yet if its psychogenic.

I do herx on a small micro dose, as some posters on this board do.
Posted by lymeHerx001 (Member # 6215) on :
levaquin doing me good so far, its taking away my pain and clearing my head.

...have yet to clear 20 mg yet.

I feels simlar to doxy though without all the suicidal thoughts

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