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Posted by jessie86 (Member # 20045) on :
ok, i Finally got my Igenex results from my doc, It says i'm Igenex & CDC Neg.

but theres some bands present.could someone take a look and kinda give me some ideas?

IGM results
18kDa. +
22kDa. -
28kDa. -

IGG Results
18 kDa -
22 kDa -
**23-25kDa -
28 kDa-
30 kDa-
**31 kDa-
**34 kDa-
**39 kDa IND
**41 kDa ++
45 kDa -
58 kDa -
66 kDa -
73 kDa -
**83-93 kDa -
thanks in advance for any help.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
OMG, I had to see this to believe it. Igenix does do negative tests!!!!!!!!! Wow. [Smile]

Some will say the IND on band 39 IgG may be meaningful and to do an antibiotic challenge and more bands may pop out. It could be.

We need more info (symptoms, exposure, etc.) to comment better. In all my time here, I've never seen such as negative IgM and IgG WB from this lab. Usually, they always toss in a bunch of IND bands at minimum.

If I saw more tests like these, I'd have more faith. That aside, I truly hope you find what's ailing you.
Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
41 means some bug with flaggelin. 39 is very

specific for Bb. I would find a LLMD who can help

you. You may be one of those like me you have to

kill some before you get a good reading. It is

called a challenge. I did before testing I

am pos.
Posted by jessie86 (Member # 20045) on :
i know seekhelp, my thoughts also.

i have about 50 of the 60 or so symptoms of Lyme, and have been diagnosed with cfs/fibro for over 15 years now.

i can remember being bitten by ticks as a child, and was never really healthy after.

i have also been bitten a few times as an adult, so i know theres possible exposure there.

i honestly dont know what to do, if i go to a Lyme Doc, it's gonna cost me $ i dont have, although i have great Ins.

And my cfs doc, who is Great, would probably not put me on abx, as she thinks it's not lyme because of the Igenex test.

i have even thought about doing the abx on my own, but dont want to make myself sicker. it's a loose loose situation..... Sigh

But thanks to you & Pinelady for your input, i appreciate it.
Posted by jessie86 (Member # 20045) on :
ooh yea, Pinelady, what is Flaggelin?? some nasty parasite from the tick?
Posted by Lymeorsomething (Member # 16359) on :
The flagellum is the whip-like appendage some bacteria use for propulsion...
Posted by TerryK (Member # 8552) on :
jessie -
You've probably already heard this before but in case you haven't, let me start by saying that a diagnosis of lyme is a clinical diagnosis.

A negative test cannot rule out lyme disease. You need a doctor who understands lyme disease and can evaluate you properly. If you don't already, please get an ILADS doctor.

Look at Dr. C's WB explanation

Even according to Steere, band 18 NEVER shows up in controls.

look at page 75 and 78 for info on band 18.,_LIA.pdf

Seek - I think around 45% are found negative. By the time someone is tested at IgeneX, most other illnesses have been ruled out and lyme disease is higly suspected so lyme is a likely diagnosis.

PLUS, all the other things that you already know.
IgeneX tests for more bands, more strains, etc. etc....

Many people who get tested and are negative take their doctor's word and don't even bother to post here. I had 5 bands positive at IgeneX and an IgeneX positive but didn't post here because my doctor said it was negative. 3 different doctors told me it was negative. They were wrong.

Best of luck to you jessie.

Posted by Pinelady (Member # 18524) on :
I'll second that TerryK. I had only one band

migrating in IgG region in 07 and now I am IgM

positive. And told for 2 years we don't have Lyme

here. Great Outline TK I wonder if the IDSA has

sent it out to their paying customers?
Posted by LizaLu (Member # 21483) on :
The flagellin is the tail of the spirochete. Only spirochetes it will identify is Bb and Syph i believe. 41Kda was the only one i got positive before IgeneX. Had 4 positive bands and 3 IND's IgM and 3 IND's on IgeneX. Several IgG's but not positive enough there. Here's a link with info i've seen posted elsewhere, but i dont know how valid this source is...seems good.

Altho Europe is doing fairly progressive work on IgG and IgM bands...but IgM supposedly shows active infection whereas IgG shows past exposure (according to some docs). I'm on the fence with all that--you got bands and symptoms, you got probs. Check this list out and hope it helps!
Posted by Dekrator48 (Member # 18239) on :

Your history of tick bites, plus your 50 lyme symptoms, plus bands 18, 39, and 41 means you should find a good LLMD ASAP to get a thorough evaluation for tick borne illnesses.
Posted by gemofnj (Member # 15551) on :

this link explains what each band means.

if you have symptoms you need to see a lyme literate doctor. you can also have coinfections that are organisms that travel with the lyme bacteria.

if you dont already have a copy of these guidelines, please print and use for future reference.

good luck and keep us posted. [Smile]
Posted by kitty9309 (Member # 19945) on :

I had a very negative Igenex WB.

It only showed a +41 band and an IND 41 band.

All other bands totally negative.

And I had a bulls eye rash 15 years ago, followed by very typical Lyme symptoms.

I do test positive for Bart. vinsonii berkhoffii.
Posted by seekhelp (Member # 15067) on :
Kitty, that's quite interesting. My Igenix WB changed drastically 6 months into treatment after I took a 30-day Abx break. It lit up. Almost CDC positive on both sides. I think Igenex is very careful about issuing CDC positives for some reason.

I guess the lack of immune response issue is real. This is sure a scary disease given it hides so well.

How can anyone test for that strange Bart strain with modern tests? [Smile] Only ones I've heard of are Quintana and Hensale.
Posted by kitty9309 (Member # 19945) on :
The Bart was id'd by NC State Vet lab.

Do a search for Breitschwerdt and Bartonella.

He is the leading authority in Bartonella.

B. vinsonii berkhoffii is found in dogs and can be transmitted by ticks and other vectors.

I can't wait to re-do a WB, even if it is by Quest, where I work. (It would be no charge for me). It also makes me nervous to think of another negative WB.
Posted by jessie86 (Member # 20045) on :
thanks all for the information,since i had a hard time even getting the copy of my test i had a feeling someting wasent right.

even tho it says cdc & igenex would think more doctors would treat with a person having so many symptoms

But ooh yea,theres NO LYME in Tx,i don't know what im going to do. i have so many things wrong with me, it's hard to figure out what to try & fix next.

ooh and also does anyone here have sky high EBV titers also?? seems the sicker i get the higher they get. is that a symptom of Lyme also??

im guessing the Lyme keeps our immune system from doing its Job & then we cant fight off any past Viruses we have picked up along the way?

thanks again,
Posted by Nicole_Denise (Member # 20620) on :
Hi Kat,

Just thought I'd say I had nearly an identical WB to you.

I am seeing an LLMD, and doing an antibiotics challenge.

However, I already herxed quite badly with my antibiotics, and my doctor has said that is more than adequate proof of Lyme.

A positive WB is nice, but you can have Lyme without it.

As to your question about EBV- a lot of people have high EBV titres with Lyme. Lyme screws your immune system up, and lets other viruses back in.
Posted by jessie86 (Member # 20045) on :
Hi Nicole,
thanks for the post. are you doing IV abx? or just oral??

i will have to do some hard thinking about finding a DR.i have a few here in Tx within driving distance to me.

i will also have to try & get the husband on board, as he thinks it's not Lyme,( because of the neg test)

i can't seem to make him understand that just because it's mostly Neg, dosent mean it's not Lyme.

Not only are my evb titers up, my kidney function is elevated for some reason, all my cfs doc says about that is Drink more water,Geesh!

theres nothing simple about this disease im afraid, its all an uphill struggle and i keep rolling back downhill [Frown]

thanks again for your Post!

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