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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » Oh No I just lost it in a rage

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Author Topic: Oh No I just lost it in a rage
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Icon 9 posted      Profile for MADDOG     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Hi Gang,I just went stark raving crazy.Yelling at the neighbors dog for barking .The dogs keep me up all night at various hours.I tried to out bark the dog yelling lowder than it could bark.Then yelling at the neighbor to shut up the dog or I would cave its head in with a stick total lyme lyme is temporailary out of control.I am at a meds .stop due to irritable bowel syndrome.I cant take anything without getting total diareah.I am so ashamed of how I acted.My ph theripist said today thatI am unable to continue my job.I allready new this but it hurt to hear it. Ashamed MADDOG
Posts: 4005 | From Ohio | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 11 posted      Profile for Mo     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Oh man. So sorry.

Between my son and I, I know exactly what you are talking about.

I can't believe how much this infection gets in there and messes with our heads.

Doctor Jones told me about a boy who raged in his office, throwing things and tearing pictures off the wall, ect, ect..

And without having been told anything about Lyme yet..he said "Mommy, I can't help it, I've got buggs in my brain"!!

So he could sense it.

How long do you have to be off meds? Is there something here on helping the IBS along?

Can you use something herbal or RX to calm you to get you through till you can resume treatment?

Hang in there, least you were true to your name tonight..GRRRRRRR!!


Posts: 8337 | From the other shore | Registered: Jul 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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What a blessing that you can "breathe" here. Believe me, I know the stares, I can feel the eyes, trained upon my back as I walk away. Funny how I used those same words yesterday, "shame" Except I feel often that the doctors purposefully manipulate the office visit to where they waste all of my ten minutes ranting about the internet or something or another.

But my LLD doctor looked at me on Friday and said,
"so how is the emotion" That was the first time he ever mentioned it, and I though surely he must have had hidden cameras in my home last week. I managed a smirk and said, "well okay , except for those sudden outburst of crying jags. They only last maybe fifteen minutes and then quickly disapate, but they take me by surprise.
He thinks it is because this sleep apneas won't let me get to stage four sleep to replenish my serotonin. I agree,and understanding helps a little.

I know this sounds strange, but lately I've had this feeling that the doctors feel if they can shame us into hiding then their problem will be solved. After all, they don't believe in a valid illness, so what is the harm they think? Do they view it as a little "tough love" maybe, that shame, shame on you for needlessly taking up a doctor's valuable time?"
I don't know, maybe it is just me, but it seems my word for the day lately has been shame and I don't know why.

well, maybe I do.......
After my doc appt. in houston, we went to my son and daughter in laws home to rest before traveling back home. I crashed on their sofa and instantly was alseep and yet I could feel three pairs of eyes wathcing me for hours on end, they sitting in their recliners with eyes trained on the sofa where I lay. Finally I just couldn't stand it anymore....I politely said I felt so much better and was ready to head home.
It was just unbearable.
I cannot stand to think that the one people who should be my staunchest supporters are in reality the biggest doubters.
They are lovely, wonderful children. They just don't understand.
And yet, as advocates go, family members would be the biggest asset a lymie would have, because it is "wellness" speaking on behalf of what they do not know, and yet they "know it to be true" by faith.

It just reminds me of the lost understanding, the bridge that remains ajar.
Hope clinging by a thread.


Posts: 44 | From San Antonio, TX USA | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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whooee, this must be the day. I lost it too, had an absolute screaming fit at my husband, and threw the salad fixings onto the floor.

I never never never do this, or anything close to it. It's very upsetting. I'm used to the emotional crying crap, heaven knows, after all these years, but this mepron/zith/bicillin stuff is something totally new. The rage comes out of nowhere and is extreme. How do you apologize for that? "Sorry dear, the lettuce was limp anyway"?

Plus I just don't have the physical markers I used to have. Physically I feel pretty good this week, I'm not aching much, headache is minimal. I thought I was doing OK. Then wham, vegetables flying and me shrieking.

Maddog, I'm so sorry about the job. It's a terrible shock to not be able to work, even when you see it coming. And especially after you've worked through so much already. The barking dogs would have had me out with a howitzer, so don't feel bad.

Larry, about your son and daughter--it's very difficult to let yourself realize that someone you love and who has always been strong is seriously ill. Especially when it doesn't seem like you can do much to help. I'm sure your kids believe in you, but are in resolute denial about how sick you are.

I've done it myself with my folks; they've both aged very suddenly and significantly these past 2 years and I can hardly bear it. This illness does make us feel dreadfully insecure; I think the extra helping of shame comes partly from that.

And hey Mo. Read your babesia post the other day about being pissed pissed pissed. C'est moi!

We should form a band. The Hangdog Mightily Enraged Blues Singers. Dibs on the singing saw....

[This message has been edited by minoucat (edited 13 May 2004).]

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How about some ear plugs to shut out the noise of the barking dog for now?

In one town I lived in, you could report the barking dog and they would fine the person if it continued.

Noise can really get on your nerves when you are well, much less battling bugs in your brain.

Posts: 15927 | From Became too sick to work or do household chores in 2001. | Registered: Dec 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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i'm sorry you are all going through this....I used to do this too, as did my son. Babs and bartonella are so close in sytoms...but both dr. H and dr. Jones felt that the Rage part was caused in our cases by tends to settle in the limbic system more than any other coinfection...

just wondering aloud if any of you have been treated for bartonella.? Once we were for about 4 monthss I noticed a big change in our rage, anger adn emotional upheavals...

just a personal note...

i hope things get better soon...


Posts: 4713 | From saunderstown, ri Usa | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Hey Maddog

Man I am sorry too hear about this. Keep in mind it is the lyme and not you. Last thursday I did almost the samething to Nan. We (I) was freakin over 3 dollars and I lost it. I left her at church to find her own way home,(what a jerk)

Sorry too hear about the work thing. I do know how you feel. I know this is the last thing you want to hear ,but it will get better. Maybe you could bring the dog next door a beer and his master a bone (or is it the other way around)to kinda patch things up.
hang in there
John (appleseed)

Posts: 96 | From wi | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Originally posted by MADDOG:
Hi Gang,I just went stark raving crazy.Yelling at the neighbors dog for barking .The dogs keep me up all night at various hours. MADDOG

I think its your freakin neighbor who's dog is barking is the problem as far as Iam concerned the neighbor should control there animals they are responsible not the dogs.
People need to more considerate and not so self indulgent that they leave there animals run rampant on there neighbors. PS Iam going through the same thing its down right ignorant on there part. Alot of people sorry to say are sadistic sob's.

Taking joy out of other peoples suffering and anybody reading this that dosen't believe it wait and see.

There are alot of good people in the world but I would bet today that the good bad levels are becoming a lot closer together I would say. Its a real shame because God loves us all and dosen't want it that way but free will is free will.

Iam so sorry for your suffering I hope that you can get it worked out try talking to them if that dosent work try the Dog Law Enforcement officer. Sometimes there is also ordinances in boroughs,twps, etc. Good Luck

ps I do love dogs and even cats hahaha

[This message has been edited by treepatrol (edited 13 May 2004).]

Posts: 10564 | From PA Where the Creeks are Red | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Curley911     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I think you handled it spectacularly! The barking dog is horrid. They even did a whole Seinfeld episode on it where Elaine hired Newman to kidnap it.

When I was little out neighbor's dog kept barking all night and despite our requests, they didn't do anything. I thought it was totally normal that my Dad stuck a BB gun out the 2nd story window and popped it one. There was one yelp and no more barking. What's interesting is how bad it bothered my Dad and none of the rest of us, hmmmmm . . .

A client of mine had the same ongoing issue with a neighbor who "raged" at her dogs, called animal control and did wild things like accuse the kids/dogs of being in her yard. I told my client that there is no way this woman enjoys being this way about your dogs. I said I suspect she has health problems and the slightest things are very upsetting to her. My client thought about it and said she thought I was right. I KNEW the lady had lyme rage.

It all worked out when the lady was feeling better; she apologized and said she didn't want to loose the friendship.

I'm sorry you're going thru this. It is horrible enough to feel sick AND have lyme rage. I can picture myself doing everthing you described. The best part I can tell you is it WILL GET BETTER. I just hope it gets better soon for you. This is very difficult. Glad you someplace to come where we understand this is totally normal.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for nellypointis     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Hey Maddog!

If a neighbour's dog wakes me up several times a night, I will go and scream at the neighbours and I will not feel that there is anything wrong with ME!

Plenty wrong with letting dogs bark all night, not with your reaction. Please don't blame yourself, maybe try and speak to your neighbours during the day when you're not so angry. Afterall you have an absolute right to sleep at night and if they have dogs it's their responsibility to keep them barking all night long!


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Melanie Reber
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Good evening Maddog,

Wow, there is so much going on with wonder you are feeling like biting back!!!

The suggestion of calling animal control is certainly a sound one...(ha...that was funny, get it?) I also have had to resort to earplugs when my roosters would crow at 2:30 am each morning! They didn't seem to bother anyone else...just me!

About the IBS...I had a huge issue with the big 'D' for a full year...then tried a stint with Questran, and that worked like a charm.

The working issue is a really hard one. I am so sorry to hear that. Looks as if you need to take a break anyway and re-focus on your health...perhaps this will give you the opportunity to do just that?

If nothing else...I'm glad that you will be on the Lyme Float to protect us all when a rage is needed !!!

My best,

C O L O R A D O * S U P P O R T * S Y S T E M
[email protected]

Posts: 7052 | From Colorado | Registered: Mar 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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hey Kayaker!

You know what, i dont blame you at all!
Barking dogs are really annoying when you are sick, even when you are not sick.
Good for you!
Dont beat yourself up over this, most of us here would have done the same thing!

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Hi Gang,thanks for all the ideas.I called security,the dog warden,and the sheriff.The dog warden says its the sheriffs job the sheriff says its the dog wardens job.After all this is cornfield county.I am picking up alovera tomorrow and will make some yogurt then get back on ABX.I run fans on both sides of the bed and the airconditioner all night to cover up the barking. MADDOG
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Thats funny we put the air conditioner in and are sleeping again hahaha our neighbor said did you guys here that big dog barking started at 4am she said she yelled at it a 7pm well I found out the owners let it outside and went away for the night. This is usually the quite dog.Nice owners inside dog outside allnight.
Posts: 10564 | From PA Where the Creeks are Red | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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The emotions has been one of the hardet parts for me with lyme-especially isnce on IV abx---I have been totally off the wall and go from yelling, to whinning to down right being nasty for no reason. It was not until I saw a clinical psychologist that I found out that this is all part of it. She has a web site that has some helpful stuff on it that you might find helpful. I know I did.

Hang in there --last nihgt I about threw a fit because the laundry was drying and I could hear a coin inside the dryer, but everytime I went to get it out I could not find it--I finally RIPPED the clothes out of there yelling at the clothes how they were coming out now whether they were dry or not!!! My family thoiught I had lost it and you know what at times I do. Some nioses will make me batty!!

I believe we have all done it once or twice try not to feel so ashamed.


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i WENTthru this early on in my illness....I called the cops...they called the dog catcher, etc...wellllllllllllll

Dog catcher hated dog, too...could NEVER get it when it was out....

So, I told my neighbor...that I was and would they watch the dog's barking?

They didn', every nite the dog barked ...I gave it 15 minutes....and then went over and rang the door bell until it dropped off the charts...they were usually pissed about that...that's when I told see it my way or this would happen every time.

Once...when my neighbore were in their back yard...I sat there and barked...REALLY loud....for a long time...until they were can also buy tapes that have dogs that bark, too.

But....I always did it with a sense of humor,

and they knew that.

Don't burn bridges. have EVERY right to be mad at them.


PS.....sorry about work my friend.

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