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Ok. This may be a bit graphic but here goes... Ladies, read with caution...

With my latest relapse of Lyme/Babs I have had many of the same symptoms with the exception of a new one. I have had some bladder issues such as feeling like I need to go and then having to wait a minute or so because I can't go, feeling as if I have not gone enough, and some dribbling after going. I know it can't be my prostate gland because I take Propecia for thinning hair which in a stronger dose is a treatment for prostate gland enlargement. So, here is the new one. Occasionally, I get the feeling like something stabbing inside the end of my penis. It comes and goes and typically only lasts a day or two max then dissappears for a while (days or a week maybe). The other bladder symptoms occur more often. Anyone else have this feeling? Any thoughts - Lyme related? Should I see a Urologist for something that is this fleeting? That is just what I need, another doctor...

Posts: 139 | From Boston, MA, USA | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I have had the bladder thing. Not the other problem though. Sorry can't help on that one.
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I'm not a guy but I'm an emancipated woman and I'm allowing myself to the luxury of having stabbing pains in my urethra, also, once in a while

As it comes and goes since many years and never a reason was found, I guess it's just one of these weird Lyme things.

As to the peeing problem: my hubby (also a lymie) had this. Got worse and worse and one day he couldn't pee at all anymore. This was before we knew he had Lyme. He got a prostate operation and since then, it is okay. We still wonder if this was induced by Lyme.

Could it be prostatitis in your case? You better get this checked by an urologist - it's not fun when you have a full bladder, getting fuller and fuller and you cannot pee ...


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I had something similar & a urologist gave me Elmiron as he suspected it was interstitial cystitis. Elmiron was helpful.

Here's a study on the subject.

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Similar symptoms bothered me for years while I was undiagnosed with Lyme. At times, felt like the neural messages just weren't getting through. Antbiotic treatment eventually resulted in most, if not all, of these disappearing.
If you believe that Borrelia can get deeply imbedded in tissues, then a Borrelia infection of the prostate is a plausible explanation. The chances of a urologist figuring that one out are just about nil. Another possibility is that the neurotoxins are causing this.
In terms of what to do about this, probably starting with your LLMD would be best, provided you are under thirty-five (the youngest age I have heard of prostate cancer occurring) or so. It would not be surprising if your PSA is somewhat elevated. If you are thirty five or more, a checkup by a urologist would be a good precautionary measure against anything emergent and dire.
Hope this helps.

[This message has been edited by David95928 (edited 27 July 2004).]

[This message has been edited by David95928 (edited 27 July 2004).]

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for treepatrol     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Yep I had that its gone away now but for awhile dribble dink

I think yeast problem can compound it also.
Take more acidophilis.

[This message has been edited by treepatrol (edited 27 July 2004).]

Posts: 10564 | From PA Where the Creeks are Red | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Ed, what does Dr. R. think? Has she suggested you see a Urologist at the MGH?

It's hard to disseminate whether Lyme can be the culprit but my LLMD sai it can cause epidimitis, Prostatitis, & other uro issues.

Posts: 1010 | From Mars | Registered: Feb 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
chainsaw joe
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That pain was one of the first things that really bothered me when I first got sick.I didnt think anybody else had this.Pain right in the tip and I also had it along my whole urethra but mostly the tip.Thank God that it went away after about 6 months of antibiotics but not completely,I still get it once in a while.Its scary.I even had a cystoscopy and psa and and nothing showed.The only thing that gave some temporary relief was a hot bath.I also have bartonella and maybe babs.Also tried diflucan at the time and that didnt help.Better safe than sorry with a urologist but I have a feeling you will go through alot of tests like I did and they will find nothing but dont not go to the urologist because of me.
Posts: 225 | From mass. | Registered: Mar 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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My husband, also a lymie, had both the urination thing and the stabbing thing. And the latter was NOT me in a lyme rage...

Both are completely gone now, along with the most crippling and painful of the LD sx; can't tell you what particular set of abx made it go away, but he did a lot of abx. Still has other LD sx, but those are going away now with the LD/Babs combo treatment.

Just because of the chronology of tx, we think the stabbing pain was probably the LD neuropathy. However -- he also had H. pylori and c. difficile around the same time as the stabbing pains, and it did resolve around the same time they were treated. He was also on IV abx for LD at that time. So I dunno -- but if you're having a lot of stomach problems as well, do look into h pylori and c difficile, too.

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I didn't have time to read everyone's response so I apologize if I repeat something here. Are you on abx? If not you may just have a bladder infection. Those symptoms sound a lot like my Dad's and it was a bladder infection. I put him in the hospital. But if you are on abx I doubt it's that.
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Thanks to all who replied.

ChainsawJoe, your description sounds exactly like mine. I took a hot bath yesterday and it alleviated the pain for a while. I am calling my PCP today for a referal to a Urologist. I am also calling a Urologist today. Want to get this thing resolved. The strange thing is that I had the pain about a month ago for 2 to 3 days and then it resolved itself... except for the urinary issues. So, on to another Dr. and more crazy tests... when will it end???

Posts: 139 | From Boston, MA, USA | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Oh yea. I had the dribbles, painfull testicles, loss of erectile function, pain and loss of feeling on the left side of my "friend" as well as that same sharp pain at the end. It has all gone away now. Thank God. The testicular pain was the worst, it would last for joke.


Posts: 740 | From frederick,md,usa | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Yeast Iam a guy and had that
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lymie tony z
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I don't recall having the stabbing pain on the end of my penis. Way early on before my actual dx and before my bells palsey or at the same time(can't remember) I experienced numbness down the whole right side of my penis and right testicle felt like I was kicked there.
If you say this pain is comming back every month then I would hazard a guess that is is the cyclical symptoms we get when the spirochete is actively reproducing itself.
I get my "period-sorry ladies" and men every month...the farther I get from my last round of abx's the worse they get and every six months (dependent on last abx treatment or really lack of one) I get a major flareup.
So if your symptoms come back every month it's probably lyme related and your urologist may know of disease that it is mimicking...but his tests won't yield the proper results.
I would however go see a urologist...if I were anymore skeptical I would blame the drug companies for unleashing this disease on us and mainstream medicine is in on it so they can have us on all kinds of meds for all kinds of symptoms and keep changeing them cuz we don't really have the disease or problem we're supposed to have so the drugs correcting these symptoms won't work...

Coffee time...........the zman


Posts: 2527 | From safety harbor florida(origin Cleve., Ohio | Registered: Jan 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
chainsaw joe
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Lymeinboston,Let me know what the urologist says.If he recomends a cystoscopy it aint fun but its not as bad as you will imagine.Because I had this problem for a while and still do ocasionally I did some homework on the subject,from what Ive read even for guys if its yeast there would be some discharge.I tried cranberryjuice and lots of water but nothing worked,just the hot baths(kkets dont like the heat).There is a real good urologist here in New Bedford if your interested.
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Thanks for the response. I am feeling a bit better now. Did yours come and go in intensity? Mine has and when I think it is on its way out, wham. Anyway, I am seeing my primary care doctor tomorrow morning to discuss and then a urologist if she thinks it is necessary...

Posts: 139 | From Boston, MA, USA | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
chainsaw joe
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Yes it would come and go,more like I would get a momementary stabbing pain in the tip a few times a day.The lenght of my urethra was just uncomfortable but the stabbing pain was just in the tip.I remember having to tell this problem to a few docs,embarrising.I definatly have a bad case of bartonella,maybe you should look into that.I know I caught my lyme in Taunton Mass,maybe it the same strain in our area.
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Well, I'm not a guy, but I had to peek

One of my sons first signs of lyme was testicular and penis pain. His doc said it wasn't uncommon in lyme.

The tip of his penis hurt very badly. he said it felt like someone was putting needles in it.

He also had a few times where he tried to urinate, but couldn't. He also had times where he urinated every 30 mins and woke up 5- 6 times a night to urinate.

He went on meds for lyme last May and by July most of these symptoms went away. He still gets a sharp pain every once in awhile, but nothing like he use to.

Good luck!

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This was for guys only... But I would have peeked too if I were a woman! Thanks for the comment. Just saw my primary care doctor... she is going to be fired soon. I spoke to her office last night and she said she needed to see me before sending me to a urologist. I go in to see her and without examining me she says you need to see a urologist - no ****! Isn't that what I said over the phone? Oh well, off to a urologist...

Posts: 139 | From Boston, MA, USA | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Do you have a HMO or PPO. I know lots of HMO's and even some PPO's require a referral before you can see a specialist. Its crap I know.

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