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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » Nobody else can smell it and i'm going crazy!!!

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Author Topic: Nobody else can smell it and i'm going crazy!!!

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I have pretty bad MCS, it has worsen so in recent years. I don't wear perfume, spray aerosols, even use natural scented products. I have trouble cleaning the house, even with natural cleaners.

I hate it, it is awful. I can smell mold a mile away.

We had a water problem in basement, so I told my husband to clean up left over mess that he left. UGHHHH!!!! That was a few months ago, and what a mistake. Since then I feel the problem is worse in basement, so much so I don't go down there and he has to do all the laundry now.

I have been telling him for a few months now, that I can't live here anymore. (it is our home). He can't smell it, people that came over the other day, couldn't smell it either. I am so sensitive, that if laundry was left on floor down there and then washed I can smell mold on it.

We have had many arguments over this, and he keeps telling me I am smelling something else, and won't budge on moving issue.

I know this has been discussed before, but I just had to have my say, cause I am so PISSED over this. especially since dry eye syndrome has worsened considerally the last 6 weeks or so, and hair is falling out like crazy for a month. I know lyme is involved here, but feel this problem is seriously contributing to my demise.

I absolutely can't get through to him, and being dependent on him, cause I am sick, have no money to leave and prove my point, that I am not playing around and joking or something.

I have done reseach on diseases and mold/allergies and everything and might as well talk to the wall.

No one can really help with his stubbornness, but have to vent, cause I am so discouraged and medical doctors are no help here.

I am going to see a environmental doctor who knows about this stuff, and hoping I can get through to him that way, but most likely it will just turn him off the doc, and tell me he a quack who is trying to rip me off or something like that.

Sometimes men are the worst. Espcially if there are not sick. He has bad lungs and emphysema in the family, but still doesn't care or beleive me that it is dangerous or a serious problem.

He tells me some people at his work had bad sewer floods in their basements with sh*t floating around and they never moved, so what am I complaining about.

I keep telling him that it's cause I AM ALLERGIC TO IT!!!!!, but says you don't know if you are. OMG!!! - see what I am dealing with here??? When they were handing out sensors to find a man with compassion, I WAS MISSING IN ACTION!!!!

Sorry to vent so and yes I am babbling, but so FRUSTRATED. Anyone else having this problem. Worse thing is I DON'T WORK ANYMORE, SO HOME ALL THE TIME.

Thanks for listening.


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IO used to have SEVERE cleared as the infection disappeared..but, is coming back a little, since I am regressing some.


I am also VERY sensitive to molds..and, we have been finding more mold in our basement ALL the time.

Luckily my wife is helping me clear it out as she is a gem of a girl.

I don't know what to tell you.

I do empathise with you...truly.

Yes, men can be terrible...I believe the only reason many MEN in my wifes immediate family don't question my because my wife is a nurse and she backs me up...100%.

Something that helps me is VERY hot bathes with baking soda in them....1/2 box per really helps down play my MCS.

Hope this helps.

(A guy...that get's it.)

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My home has a very bad, bad mold problem. I am moving however, to a home that has hardly any/cant smell it.

AND YES, I CAN smell mold, and YES it is a hazard, and YES he IS nuts.

And I had somethign else to say, and for the life of me, I have no clue what it was!


Uh, ok well the thought it gone, but if I rememeber, I will be back!

Posts: 3169 | From Greensburg, Pennsylvania | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Thanks. I find the clean up hazardous, cause the spores get loose and go everywhere. I have looked for mold kits at home depot and they don't have any, also, called health department they said not a serious concern and all you can do is clean it up and air the place out. Guy at home depot says use bleach, but websites say not too.


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My doctor says you need to reduce ALL mold exposures, which will help reduce your reactions. Maybe you can't talk him into moving (yet), but you could avoid foods with high mold counts.

That, along with antifungals for the actual mold infections I had, helped a lot. Now, don't make yourself crazy with this diet! It's not worth it. Just try to do as well as you can, and reduce the worst culprits. Over time you will become sensitive to the ones that are worst for you.

Mold Free Diet

Also, for the clothes, I find white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide in the wash helps.

Yes, it would probably be best if you move. Remediation is very difficult. But there is no guarantee the next place you move will be mold free, or stay that way. Out here in CA, because it never gets cold enough to freeze the mold spores, mold is bad everywhere all the time.

You might look into getting a good air filter. I find that very helpful, and it's cheaper than a new house! Every way you can reduce your exposure will reduce the load your body has to handle. Hope these things give you some options. That's the worst, when you feel it is totally out of your control.

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We use a canister sprayer with 1/5 bleech, the rest is water with vinegar mixed in..I wear a double canister mask and the windows.....spray and then scrub....have slowly done the whole needs to be done.

I can't believe he won't help.

That ticks me pun intended.


Now is the time in your life to find the "tiger" within.
Let the claws be bared,
and Lyme BEWARE!!!
Iowa Lyme Disease Assoc.

[This message has been edited by troutscout (edited 09 September 2004).]

Posts: 5262 | From North East Iowa | Registered: Sep 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Hahaha Glad to see you got off the pot long enough to pop your head in here TroutScout.

Haha ha

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You don't have a mold problem...

You have a MAN problem!

I know guys can be real toads sometimes.. and I am NOT taking up for them.. not at all.


It is illegal to shoot them.. and they ARE kinda handy dandy sometimes.. so we have to put up with them.

There are professional mold cleaner uppers... please check the phone book.

I also have used the clorox solution that Trout mentioned. Works for me.

So.. get mad... but get mad at the mold.. not hubby!

And feel good that mold is the ONLY problem right now.

Compared to my brown recluse spiders, snakes, mice, scorpions, etc...

I'd take the mold!

At least I can get rid of it!

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Tell me about mold. We were putting a 2nd story addition on my shore house. The day the contractor cut off the roof, we got a storm with 60 MPH winds, hail, the whole 9 yards. Needless to say, my whole downstairs got wet. By the time all the insurance adjusters got out to look at the place, it was crawling with mold. We had to completely gut the downstairs but even the remaining joists and rafters had mold on them. I spoke to someone at the EPA about removal. I was told that we could remove it ourselves, which I opted to do. We bought bio masks and made sure we laundered all of our clothing after working in the house, to minimize exposure to airbourne spores that got onto us during the cleanup. The EPA recommends a bleach and water solution to clean up. Bleach will kill the mold spores.

Posts: 23 | From Philadelphia, PA, USA | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
[email protected]

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What is MCS...I don't see it anywhere? I'm thinking there is a very strong connection between the LD and the yeast one must deal with from all the ATB's. Any exposure to ANY mold therefore increases symptoms.....


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MCS=multiple chemical sensitivies. I have systemic candida AND lyme, AND mold problems, but Im pretty pretty sure that the MCS is coming more from the mold/yesat issue.

You know, I was thinking. Im just thinking outloud too. Oh and herxing, so bare with me.

Canuck, would your insurance pay for restoration , your home owners insurance? I m ean if your foundation is leaking, etc.. you m ay be able to get it paid for?

My ex father in law had HUGE leakage problems in his garage, and they basically gave him enough money to gut it, recement it AND REroof it..

just a thought??

Posts: 3169 | From Greensburg, Pennsylvania | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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MCS is multiple chemical sensitivities (how that for spelling, having spelling problems again)

It is common with lyme, as we react to everything around us, some are worse than others. Overburdened immune system, screwed up response etc.

Thanks guys for the recipe. Slowly is the key I see, so that too many spores don't get loose.

I am looking at an air exchanger, to see how much they cost etc. Need to investitage price etc.

My aunt has one and only needs to dust like once a month. I know they are pricey, but told my husband, IT"S CHEAPER THAN MOVING. I wish I had thought of this earlier, not that I have money or anything, but could save as planned purchase.

I already talked about the mold inspectors coming in the house and he says..I could do what they do. BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I'm always saying when he is questioning some therapy for lyme or something.

You are..just as bad as the ducks, just as bad as the ducks. LOL.

I have done some experimenting on him. Why not..need entertainment..soo bored.

I have given him some potent garlic..say you should take this..good for you..

Then after about a week or so...he's complaining..I think I am coming down with the flu..I am so achey, must be something going around work.


Maybe you're herxing on the garlic...get outta here with that nonsense..

Few weeks later still on hand is numb..right by the thumb and finger.
Never had numbness before. I tell him to go to doctor-doesn't beleive in doctors.

He's psychotic. Once he walked around with a collapsed lung and wouldn't go to the doctor for a day and half. Finally went.. walked there and smoked on the way.

Doc is looking at him,,you need to go to the hospital. Sure enough that's what it was. Unreal. That's my husband, promagnum man. After..doesn't follow up or anything. Happens again, only partial, cause he's an expert now.. and he knows and takes his time again..going to the hospital.

So you can understand if he not the most supportive guy in the world when it comes to anything medical. Trying to get through to him on just about anything is just as difficult.

He's lucky to have me...I am way out of his league..and he knows it.LOL.

Brainwashed me during one of my lyme moments.

Oh..he's not all bad, just can't think of anything good RIGHT NOW.LOL

I got RIGHT off topic again. I feel very sarcatic today and can feel the brain cells slipping away from me.

Take Care

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I too am very allergic to mold and i had bad MCS 5 years ago and now it is only moderate-much improved. I think taking betaine HCl can help reduce your reaction to mold exposure. It is a digestive enzyme used to digest protiens it's strong if it creates a burning sensation in your stomach then eat a non protien food to mix it up like fruit or veg.
Stay away from mold foods such as Keifer yes it has yeast in it. Sauerkraut is fermented . brewers yeast also sickens me , miso is fermented all these types of foods are good for other people but not us mold sensitive ones.Sour dough bread is the worst.
An ozone air purifier will help neutralize mold in the air. I speak from experience. Take care, Krispy

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I had a post going on it might not be lyme, might be another neurotoxin, or something like that. I received a good answer from someone, about how to treat mold infections..Haven't done it yet and can't find the post due to time..

I was told by two people, both Drs that bleach isn't good enough..It won't kill the roots.(One was the mold ghru).There is a professional cleaner that is supposed to do the trick..Do a search..I haven't done that yet either..

A cousin that is a chemical engineer told me a quick thing is Tylex..Not sure that it isn't a MCS problem too.

UV lights help and dehumidifiers. WE have an old house that we own and it has an odor.After doing a lot to the problem basement, we may have to rip off wallpaper and tear up the old carpets. Any fix will take time.

Not sure my feeble mind is much good today with this..I do think that Chlosteramine is a good thing to cleanse the mold from the body if you can tolerate it.

Ok, I am better and have doen the high school trip...The title of the post was It's not always the neurotoxin we think it is.
http:/flash.lymenet.ort/ubb/Forum1/HTML/027369.html I had a response about a paper by Dr. Vincent Marinkovich.

Now for the husband, the protocol is a 2x4 used as needed or until symptoms subside!! I think if they don't have the disease they do not understand..My daughter has too much to deal with and he suffers from her rejection due to some type of obsessive compulsive, but he still doesn't get it.

ie...He does historic slate splitting demos and has to keep some slate in a local stream. He didn't need any but checked on his stash last week..It has washed out and was over 100 feet down stream due to the storms.

He was tramping around in the stream and thru probably over 200 ft of high weeds. I asked him if he had used any deep woods off or anything as he parked his body in the lazy boy with dirty clothes on and his shoes still on..NO was his reply..I was ready for more than a 2x4. Did he check himself well, he rubbed his pants off with his hands..Smoke was coming out of my nostrils at this point and he didn't get it..

Then the payoff..this is good, well, there were a couple of deer drinking next to me by the stream..I slowly got up and went upstairs and threw him some new clothes and said please change outside..WWIII ensued..So I know about husbands!!!!

[This message has been edited by lymemomtooo (edited 10 September 2004).]

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ps. And this was a man that had a deer tick 2 months ago and was on a month of Doxy.
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Not to get too far off the topic and diss men, especially considering that a lot of you posters may be of the male persuasion out there, but I found that my hubby has no understanding whatsoever of what I am going through. If I attempt to tell him about my symptoms and how lousy I feel, the discussion always turns to his medical problems. He had carpal tunnel and herniated disc surgeries and tells me I don't know what pain is!!!! He has really sensitive comments for me know you're getting old, must be menopause, etc. etc. He even tries to diagnose me and tell me how to treat myself. ie. I think you have depression. Well duh....who wouldn't if you think that you have this to look forward to for the rest of your life. I can certainly understand your plight with a hubby who has no understanding, sympathy or support for you.

As far as your mold problem. I got my info straight from the EPA. I was told that the so called "mold removal experts" Who will charge you an arm and a leg to clean up your house use nothing more than a bleach and water solution. Although they do not reccommend a do it yourself removal in major mold infestations, because the removal process can cause sickness, you can remove mold yourself. Following these steps.

First: You must eliminate the source of the mold. Waterproof basements, eliminate leaks, place a dehumidifier in areas that tend to be damp, etc.

Second: You must protect yourself during removal by weaing a respirator or mask designed for biohazard removal. Make sure your entire body is covered and launder all items you wear during the removal process in bleach.

Third: You need to scrub the moldy areas to remove the mold that is attached to solid surfaces to prevent regrowth. (This is what causes mold spores to become airbourne during the removal process)

I was just wondering if your anxiety about the mold isn't exacerbated by your ongoing lyme disease. I had a similar anxiety experience about my carpets. I was going through a really bad spell, and dealing with severe headaches and odor sensitivity for weeks on end. I was convinced that my carpets were making me sicker. I thought after all the years of steam cleaning, I probably had mold growing in the padding. Even when I felt better, I obsessed so much about the carpet that I tore them out. I still get really bad spells...and I know my carpets were not the cause of it but I just couldn't get the idea out of my head and got so desperate to do something to feel better.

Moving may not be the answer to your problem. It doesn't sound like you have a major mold problem, if others can't smell it. You may move to another home where mold is an even worse problem. Take some steps to eliminate the problem, if you can detect where it is, before you consider the more dratic measure of moving.

Posts: 23 | From Philadelphia, PA, USA | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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I think I will start with the dehumidefyer in the basement again. The ozone purifier is probably cheaper than the air exchanger for now.

Both would be good to have. When researching ozone was checking out the prices, good for this too.

Got some prepaid ozone treatments at spa, have only gone once so far, cause 40 minutes drive away. But wanted to experiment before investing.


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Originally posted by lymiecanuck:
I think I will start with the dehumidefyer in the basement again. The ozone purifier is probably cheaper than the air exchanger for now.

Both would be good to have. When researching ozone was checking out the prices, good for this too.

Got some prepaid ozone treatments at spa, have only gone once so far, cause 40 minutes drive away. But wanted to experiment before investing.


Posts: 12 | From oak ridge, nj | Registered: Aug 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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hi there,
i too am chemically sensitive and have been for over 20 years. i won't go into the story but i can tell you a few things that worked for me. clorox does kill mold, but it's extremely bad for the chemically sensitive. BUT an alternative is peroxide. this is just a thought. at sears you can buy a $10 sprayer that folks use for pesticide treatments on their rose bushes or whatever. anyway, fill it with peroxide and spray away (using a mask that has carbon in it) so you don't get sick. then you can put on the de-humidifier to dry it out and an ozone machine while you're out of the house. i have a small ozone machine and would be more than happy to ship it to you so we can share. i don't have an environmental doctor anymore i don't think he knew what to do with me after 40 weeks of iv's once and twice a week (or he just couldn't make any more money on me) but i did learn alot. so email me privately about the machine and we can talk. there is a company in syracuse that you may know about, there website is and they are THE BEST. get there phone number off the website and call them, they have specialists in every aspect of MCS. they also have a huge catalog that is worth reading, lots of info. in there. the one item that has personally helped me, more than the iv treatment by far, was "superficial antioxidants" by New Chapter. it has 380 mg of tumeric.

again email me on the ozone machine
[email protected]

as for hubby, he doesn't understand. you can tell him with confidence, "you would want me around if there were a gas leak.....cuz you won't smell it, but i will" that's what i tell the folks at work who have an attitude.

cleaning i use clear vinegar, borax, baking soda, and i can't remember the name of the clothes detergent, but i'll get it to you. there will be light at the end of your tunnel.

i was shocked to have lyme disease on top of MCS (yikes, like if mcs wasn't enough) but hey with everyone here, we're gonna get it. hold your head as high as you can when you're feeling up to it and never ever give up.

with deep compassion for your situation

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Kathy Boss
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MCS was real bad for me during my bout with Candida.

Dry eyes so bad I could not wear makeup of anykind.

My hair was dry and fell out all over the place. My brush was full.

My skin was very dry and flaky.

I had no idea I had Candida. My serum blood test showed to be fine.

I did not have vaginal itching.

Oh yes, gasoline would throw me into a whril at the gas station.

Perfumes, soaps, a pet in the house, all made me very ill.

Just a thought, you may want to look into it.

Take Care, Kathy

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Kathy Boss
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MCS was real bad for me during my bout with Candida.

Dry eyes so bad I could not wear makeup of anykind.

My hair was dry and fell out all over the place. My brush was full.

My skin was very dry and flaky.

I had no idea I had Candida. My serum blood test showed to be fine.

I did not have vaginal itching.

Oh yes, gasoline would throw me into a whril at the gas station.

Perfumes, soaps, a pet in the house, all made me very ill.

Just a thought, you may want to look into it.

Take Care, Kathy

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