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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » 6-day herx, no let up

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Author Topic: 6-day herx, no let up
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for lymelady   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Holy Cow,
I am on 10th day of Biaxin, 1000 mgs in morning. Premed, had alternating vertigo days, now every day the floor rolls underneath me like a tidal wave, ears popping and itching. Started on fourth day of med. I hang on to furniture just to get from room to room.

I worry because so many of you folks don't seem to have this hidious ongoing vertigo or do you?

How long can a herx last for God's sake. As Popeye said, "I've had all I can stand; can't stands no more."

I'm new, don't know much.


[This message has been edited by lymelady (edited 22 September 2004).]

Posts: 484 | From Fredericksburg, Va USA | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 10 posted      Profile for rosesisland2000     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Don't really know your story, but, are you seeing an LLMD? You should consider calling him is you do have one.

I ask, 'cause some LLMD recommend that you ease up on your abx for a dose or two up to a day or two and then re-start again. This will allow your body to fight your infection rather than the herx reaction.

I don't know if you are seeing an LLMD or not who practices this method, so, if you are seeing one I suggest that you call and ask that.

Some times we get an over load and rather than keep fighting the herx, we need to back off a tad and start all over.

You really don't lose ground this way, but, the opposite is true. I made the mistake of trying to ride out a really bad herx while taking Flagyl and rather than me just missing a day or two I wound up having to be off Flagyl for one whole month while my body tried to get over the herx reaction.

Six days, IMO, it way too long for your body to be fighting this. It's time to get your body back to fighting the infection.

Remember, "it's the Turtle that wins this race, NOT the Hare."

Here is another good one to remember, "When chasing two rabbits, you will never get one." Or something like that...consider the fighting the herx, one of the rabbits, AND, consider fighting the infection, the other rabbit. You can't catch either.


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Icon 10 posted      Profile for Tincup         Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
"I eat all my spinach

And fight to the finish..."

Well, Olive Oil...

Shiver me timbers!

Sounds like you are having one of those...

"Make the world go away" days.

The good news is...

The vertigo WILL go away.

I know you think I am fooling.. but tis true tis true.

It won't go away soon enough to suit you... like RIGHT NOW.. but it will go away.

And yes.. many of us have had this HORRIBLE symptom.

Mine was so bad that I would be on the floor.. in a kneeling position.. with my butt lowered to the backs of my legs.. and my face laying on it's side on the floor.

That was the only position I found to make the room stop moving under me some days.

And yes.. I had to hold on to something to get around in the house.

And my ears felt like they needed to pop.. as if I had tried to go up the mountains and they got "stuck".. and wouldn't pop.

I wanted to cry I was so frustrated and scared. I thought I would have to live with that feeling forever.

The ducks gave me a med called antivert. At best it did nothing. At worse it make me even more horrible.

Hang on for a moment...

Be right baclk.

Posts: 20353 | From The Moon | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Hi Rosemary,
Yes, I am seeing Dr. J in N.C.; doing this regimen to try to get positive dot blot urine or something like that. Also waiting for results of tons of blood work done at clinic. Must stay on this for at least two more days to complete dot blot, then I will back off, believe me.

Thanks so much for reply, needed to hear from you guys.

Posts: 484 | From Fredericksburg, Va USA | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Thank you Tincup.

It makes me feel better to know others have gone through this; lots better.

I am going to try the position you described.
But then you have to see all the crap on your floor, because you and your vacuum cleaner have not been hanging around together lately.

I'd hang by my toes out my bedroom window if it would help.

Thanks again and again!

Posts: 484 | From Fredericksburg, Va USA | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for UsedToBeVibrant     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
"I worry because so many of you folks don't seem to have this hidious ongoing vertigo or do you?"

Hi Lymelady,

I'm new here too but just wanted you to know that I know *exactly* how you feel, I had the same thing for about 2 weeks. I was so dizzy I almost fell down the stairs, and so depressed about it that I considered throwing myself down after catching myself.

But it ended, mercifully. The dizzyness went away imperceptably untill one day I had a semi decent day, and then I had a few flashes of actual good days!

I"m saying all this because I want you to know that you're not alone. And that you're not a weak or 'dizzy' person, this feeling is totally the disease which will be concored. You will be your self again...maybe not this week or even this month, but at some point in the not so distant future you'll be your old strong and fiesty self, and look back on this and shake your head with disbelief about how much pain you were in. It'll be a war story, and this is your battle.

YOu can get through this, just keep holding on.

Posts: 20 | From Wilmington, DE | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for dullchime     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I hated the vertigo, talk to someone then turn around and WHOOAA. Even when I wasnt moving. My one ear kept doing the popping thing in the car when we would go up or down hills (weird) and all kinds of itchy. Every minute felt like a week and every week felt like a year. It does subside. Just hang in there. The anxiety was the worst. You keep asking yourself if it EVER ends. Dont worry- it will.

Posts: 232 | From kennett square, PA USA | Registered: Aug 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Ive had vertigo for 3 months strait now.

6 pills of guaifenessin and 4 anti histamines a day didnt touch it.

Neither did 20 fenugreek capsules every day at the cost of $300

Just started accupuncture for it which is painfull. He said the pain was good, it is the chi moving around.

The vertigo started after one month of sauna therapy,,,, was feeling excellent!!!!!

They replaced the wooden boards with toxic PVC mats and i sat there 6 days like that before the vertigo became too much,

i had big plans to recover and enjoy it.

Cant even get drunk any more to mask it

thanks to the stupid gym
my immune system
and this damn vertigo that wont leave.

Just when i found something that was working...

I became screwed again.
Its hard to justify this

Now im on nasal steroids.

Posts: 2905 | From New England | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Dear usedtobevibrant,

Bless you, and thanks so much for comfort

what meds were you on to finally get over vertigo?


Posts: 484 | From Fredericksburg, Va USA | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Wyattbw09     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Vertigo is a rare side effect of Biaxin. I would consult you LLMD (one who is also a MD) to insure that you severe vertigo is not causing any long term damage.

"What side effects may occur?
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Side effects cannot be anticipated. If any side effects develop or change in intensity, tell your doctor immediately. Only your doctor can determine whether it is safe for you to continue taking Biaxin.

More common side effects may include:
Abdominal pain, abnormal taste, diarrhea, nausea, rash, vomiting

Less common side effects may include:
Headache, indigestion

Rare side effects may include:
Allergic reactions, altered sense of smell, anxiety, behavior changes, confusion, convulsions, disorientation, dizziness, fungal infections of the mouth, hallucinations, hearing loss, inflammation of the mouth, liver problems, mental problems, nightmares, pancreatitis, ringing in the ears, sleeplessness, tongue discoloration or swelling, tooth discoloration, tremor, vertigo, very low blood sugar
Side effects of Biaxin XL are generally milder than those of regular Biaxin. They may include diarrhea, abnormal taste, and nausea."

Posts: 26 | From Racine, Wisconsin, USA | Registered: Nov 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for kam     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Dear Lyme Lady,

The limo is on its way to take you away from all of more more more poking.

Bring your dog too. Don't worry about packing...I am sending someone to do the packing for you.

We just need you. You will be pampered and fed. All you need to do is enjoy the view....haven't decided where to take you away to fill in the blanks.

I just no it is to no vertigo land.

I also know that when things get overwhelming for me.....I stop all meds or back off a little to see if that helps.

But, I am not a LLMD.

I also know I had the vertigo before being dx and treated for lyme. I wasn't taking any meds when this was happening to me for the most part.

Posts: 15927 | From Became too sick to work or do household chores in 2001. | Registered: Dec 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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September 16, 2002 until February 8, 2003- severe, constant, vertigo.

Did not stop at all, no matter what I did.

Have you asked your doctor about splitting your dose up? 500 mg morning, 500 mg night? So at least you can try to sleep off the night dose, try.

I hope this lets up for you. Dont discount the many folks! Vertigo was my FIRST symptom.

Posts: 3169 | From Greensburg, Pennsylvania | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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"what meds were you on to finally get over vertigo?"

I was on doxycyclene and kind of wallowing with exhaustion and joint pain for about a month before the dizzyness started, but I"d caught it relatively early. My major mistake was stopping the meds too soon...I started feeling ok and my 2 doctors were both saying that I"d be fine to go off.

In two days, whamo, I was back in h e double hockey sticks.

The wiredest part for me is how I don't seem to think straight, have you noticed that?

I"m an engineer and find it exceedingly difficult to do simple things that used to be no problem, like not only is the earth reeling, my brain is too, I have a hard time holding onto ideas. Plus, what about these run on sentances, never mind the spelling=)

But I know that it'll get better, it won't be like this forever. You'll look back on this time and be amazed at the strength you showed in the face of this terrible hardship and wear your battle scars with pride.

Posts: 20 | From Wilmington, DE | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for lymelady   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Wyattbw09:
Vertigo is a rare side effect of Biaxin. I would consult you LLMD (one who is also a MD) to insure that you severe vertigo is not causing any long term damage.

"What side effects may occur?
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Side effects cannot be anticipated. If any side effects develop or change in intensity, tell your doctor immediately. Only your doctor can determine whether it is safe for you to continue taking Biaxin.

More common side effects may include:
Abdominal pain, abnormal taste, diarrhea, nausea, rash, vomiting

Less common side effects may include:
Headache, indigestion

Rare side effects may include:
Allergic reactions, altered sense of smell, anxiety, behavior changes, confusion, convulsions, disorientation, dizziness, fungal infections of the mouth, hallucinations, hearing loss, inflammation of the mouth, liver problems, mental problems, nightmares, pancreatitis, ringing in the ears, sleeplessness, tongue discoloration or swelling, tooth discoloration, tremor, vertigo, very low blood sugar
Side effects of Biaxin XL are generally milder than those of regular Biaxin. They may include diarrhea, abnormal taste, and nausea."

Vertigo was one of my first symptoms almost two years ago, just a bit at times, then more and more until it became full time around last Sept. Constant since then.

Last November took some yeast deal that had oil of oregeno. Didn't know herx from smerx, didn't even know I had lyme. That night was my first floor-dropping and rolling underneath me experience and my first trip to ER.

After diagnosis, took doxy, vertigo so bad thought I was going to have a seizure, had to quit. Biaxin more bearable than doxy. So I don't think it is side affect, unless I am allergic to everything. J. Clinic seems to think it is ok and to perservere.

Thanks so much for your concern. I love my friends here!!!

Posts: 484 | From Fredericksburg, Va USA | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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usedtobevibrant said:
I"m an engineer and find it exceedingly difficult to do simple things that used to be no problem, like not only is the earth reeling, my brain is too, I have a hard time holding onto ideas. Plus, what about these run on sentances, never mind the spelling=)

I say EXACTLY: can't remember things from one minute to the next, spelling ability is a joke, forget what day it is, did I take my meds, did I feed the dog, did I eat today, why is the furniture polish in the refrigerator? What was that thing I had to do?

I pray the few brain cells I had will survive.

Thanks so much for reply. You guys keep me going!!!!!

[This message has been edited by lymelady (edited 22 September 2004).]

Posts: 484 | From Fredericksburg, Va USA | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by kam:
[B]Dear Lyme Lady,

The limo is on its way to take you away from all of more more more poking.

Bring your dog too. Don't worry about packing...I am sending someone to do the packing for you.

We just need you. You will be pampered and fed. All you need to do is enjoy the view....haven't decided where to take you away to fill in the blanks.

I just no it is to no vertigo land.

I also know that when things get overwhelming for me.....I stop all meds or back off a little to see if that helps.

But, I am not a LLMD.

I also know I had the vertigo before being dx and treated for lyme. I wasn't taking any meds when this was happening to me for the most part.

Dear Kam,
Is it the beach, will Robert Redford be there? (I'm 60 remember!)

I'm packed, so is the dog, squeaky toys and dog bones in a backpack.

You made me remember there is a world out there and I'm gonna be out there again damn it!

Mucho thanks from the heart.

Posts: 484 | From Fredericksburg, Va USA | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Even though this is low-tech, it's harmless, and may work for you.

Yesterday, I started to herx just as I had to get to a class at school. There was no way to put it off, and I didn't want to spend three hours slumped over my computer drooling, so in desperation, I took two Theraflu Non-Drowsy Severe Cold Formula capsules. Again, it's not the gunky powder you mix into hot water, it's the caps. The symptoms disappeared completely for six hours, and I hit 'em hard with abx before going to sleep that night.

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About going slow on the bax, and easing up if too uncomfortable...I HIGHLY agree with this method.....I pushed through years of abx hell thinking I would get better. I never saw improvement until I found a new LLMD and listened to my Body...started on Bicillan... I found I could only tolerate every 10 days or so .....that is what got me better..... So I am a big believer in this. Dont try and be a hero....listen to your own body.
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Lymetoo     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by lymelady:

I worry because so many of you folks don't seem to have this hidious ongoing vertigo or do you?

Just type in 'vertigo' after clicking on the little blue word "search" in the upper right hand corner of this page to see how many before you have complained of vertigo!

How long does a herx last? As long as you continue taking the meds without backing off!

I hope you make it thru the next two days! Also hope to goodness the test comes out positive after all this!!


[This message has been edited by Lymetoo (edited 23 September 2004).]

Posts: 96227 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Originally posted by Lymetoo:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by lymelady:
I worry because so many of you folks don't seem to have this hidious ongoing vertigo or do you?

Just type in 'vertigo' after clicking on the little blue word "search" in the upper right hand corner of this page to see how many before you have complained of vertigo!

How long does a herx last? As long as you continue taking the meds without backing off!

I hope you make it thru the next two days! Also hope to goodness the test comes out positive after all this!!

Hi and thanks so much for your reply!
Actually, in the begining when I first discovered this life-saving site, I did what what you said, typed in vertigo, but not that many questions came up it seemed to me, at least describing the constant bouncing crap I have been doing for 1 year. It worried me cuz I have yet to turn up a big positive Igenex, lots of equivocals, that Tincup read, analyzed and said, "welcome to Lymenet." And I trust her.

Anyway, did my last test today for dot blot and am backing off meds, hooray, hooray!!

Again, thanks so much for reply.

Posts: 484 | From Fredericksburg, Va USA | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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