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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » Artheritis getting worse?

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Author Topic: Artheritis getting worse?
Member # 6078

Icon 1 posted      Profile for Graneet2     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Is any of you long timers finding your arther is getting worse?

Seems now my arther is getting me to where i have so much trouble walking im afraid im gonna end up in a wheel chair at this rate. Started using a cane already. My knees and hips are killing me . Doctor put me on neruiton thank goodness it has helped a bunch but he also gave me predisone for inflamation i keep trying to not take it but then like to day my joints throb. I gave in. ITS very small doses of it for those concerned about steriods.

I wonder if the lyme is causing this now?
I have had for the last month neruopathy horrible pain in my left hip and leg from the siatic nerve. Went to hosptal and they said Arther could be causing it.

Does this mean its gonna get where i cant walk from this great fighting lyme and other junk to be dibilitated with arther.

Just thought id ask .thanks a bunch Graneet

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Icon 10 posted      Profile for Tincup         Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
What meds are you on now?

Are you worse due to herxing?

Sorry Gran.. don't have enough info to give a good idea.

Yeast can also cause your joints to act up and be very painful.

I have found though.. if it is Lyme.. and ALL over the body.. that sometimes indicates a herx. If it were ONE joint.. maybe not.

Wish I could be of more help.

Posts: 20353 | From The Moon | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 6078

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Hey tin,
Well i havent taken any meds for treatment of lyme or babs now for a month since that siatic nerve caused the neruopathy pain in my hip and leg. Which isnt gone but the neuriton is makeing it much less painfull it still is weak when i stand on it.

The hospital said it is probably from arther in my hip.

I know when i would get treatment for the lyme or co infection i had increased pain. However this is on its own now doing its own thing. Just cant hardly walk at all. YEASt does this too HUM interesting.

I havent taken my acidopholus off of meds this month. Im figuring doc c will put me on bicillin shots next and im thinking perhaps this might help at least once they rough stuff goes away.

Was just wondering if others who had arther was having problems with this even after treatment.

I know there isnt a cure for arther and my dad had it really bad so perhaps this is just old age i would have had anyway. Frustrating trying to get my life back with lyme etc and then be dibilitated with arther. One thing or another. But guess it could be worse so many other things so many are coping with im gonna just try to be thankfull im not worse.

Thanks bunches Graneet

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for mjbucuk     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
prednisone is a bad idea from what I understand. My son had to take some to fend off an upper airway problem; his lyme got much worse.

Is plaquenil a possibility? Dr Jones used this for my son and he ended up going from a wheelchair to running track over the course of 6 months.

Posts: 758 | From now TX | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 6078

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yeah predisone isnt great but it was a desperate situtation not ment for long term. My pain was untouchable with even pain meds. Guess the inflamation was sever or is.

Im thinking maybe the lyme is going bazerk because of taking it but doc is bringing out the big guns next month so figure thats why hes allowing this for now. But only limited. It most certainly takes the edge off. I was on the lyme babesia treatment which im wondering some has said the babs treatment will set off the nerve problem.

BOY what a mess this stuff is hard to know whats up or down other than me LOL.
Thanks to all Graneet

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for guiney     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Hi, Graneet, I also have arthritis. Some days my legs hurt so bad that I have to wrap them up in a heating pad or heating blanket.

Last year I upgraded my one cane to the kind that has feet. Whenever the weather changes I hurt all over but especialy in my legs.

My llmd put me on Vioxx, but since we've heard all this stuff about it I'm not using it anymore.

I went in to see her one day and I was in tears and shaking the pain was so bad. She gave me a shot of cortisone or something to that effect.

I felt so much better for about 2 weeks then bamb!!! I was in bed again. I am also on nuerontin. I'm on a heavy duty pain pill too.

I'm on treatment for lyme- Doxy thru picc. That helps it some days and others it doesn't.

I wish I had the answers or something really profound to say to you to make you feel better.......but I don't

I did just get approved for disability, thank goodness, brcause I'm gonna need a wheelchair too.

Hang in there!!! Jamie

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Icon 10 posted      Profile for rosesisland2000     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
If you are seeing Dr. C of MO, why aren't you getting Prolotherapy for your pain? go to his site and read about it.

IMO, most arthitis symptoms start to ease with treatment.

You have not been in treatment very long, have you? Dr. C says it's the turtle that wins this race, not the hare.

Go back and take a look-see at Dr. C's handouts... they explain many things and in terms that make sense. Dr. C put a lot of thought into those handouts so his patients will have a better understanding of what to expect with each treatment.

What ever you do, please don't compound it getting worse, by being given steriods...they will only make it worse in the long run.

When you take abx and you are infectied with a spirochete bacteria, such as Lyme Disease, then when the abx are killing the bacteria, you will feel have to feel worse with this disease, before you feel better. That's just the nature of this bacteria.

In Dr. C's handouts you'll see where he explains Herxheimer reactions, herxes or herx, and he has the patient ease up on their abx during these periods.

He does this in order for the patient's body (own immune system) to be fighting the bacteria, rather than be fighting the herx.

To herx is good, to herx too badly, can do damage.

I hope this helps and since I didn't see where you were from, I did take the liberty of assuming (yes, I know what that means) that you were a patient of the DR. C that is in MO.


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Icon 10 posted      Profile for Tincup         Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

I have some thoughts...

Unfortunately I can't remember everyones personal info... so please excuse all the questions... ok?

Are you living in DE?

Do you have insurance?

Sorry to keep asking questions...

But yes...

Kill the yeast. It can make the joints hurt!!!

And hang in there!!!

Posts: 20353 | From The Moon | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for AGuess   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Hi, I was first told that I had RA, not lyme. RA was in the bottom of my feet, and would aldo move from my hand to my sholder.

RA doctor tried everything and nothing helped. I then was put on Embrel and this stoped the RA in its tracks. I could walk again. However I then found out I had Lyme, so I started the oral treatment and continued using the Enbrel. After about 5 months on the oral treatment for Lyme, all pain went away. I then stoped the Enbrel and when I saw the RA doctor again, he said "you tought me something". He did not think I had lyme.

It has now been 1 year since I started lyme treatment and I have not used any type of artheritis treatment for 5 months.

So, if you are having bad artheritis from the Lyme and you want to stop the damage to your joints, talk to your doctor about Enbrel. This is an injection you give yourself. It helped me.

Good Luck.


Posts: 45 | From NC,USA | Registered: Jan 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for graneet     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
First of all i want to say thank you for all your comments.

Tin i live in ohio and nope no insurance at all. Everything is out of pocket part of the hinderance for treatment. Doc c wants me to get the blood test for thick blood but just cant seem to get money together right now.

Rose doc C put me on the cortisol or predisone its small dose and im out now im trying to wean myself off of it. He limits the amout i get like nine pills at a time. Im gonna try this week to stay off them cause i know the damage it can do. But the pain was so sever i wasnt sleeping night or day had to do something. Pain pills was making me sick and dizzy. I know about the shots but i dont go back to doc c until July.

I have phone visit in nov. He will most likely be putting me on bicillin. Because seems the meds arnt working something to do with my liver he said. I have been on treatment for six almost seven years with several docs. Finally with to doc C.

Thankgoodness the neurotin is helping major.
Still get the joint pain tho or did when i posted its eased now.

guieny sounds like you and i are having the same issues. I know my dad had arther bad so wondering if im likely to have this anyway and lyme is just adding to it.
Guieny does your legs from the hips down feel like mush sometimes. If i try to push or sit to long i cant hardly get up. Im not sure if its the siatic nerve causing this or the arther or both.

Yes if this does keep up i will end up with a wheel chair. I cannot get my leg to wake up it is numb and then tingles like it wants to wake up when i stand. Drives me nuts.

Rose maybe when i go in July i might get one of those shots in my hip perhaps it might stop this.

thank you all.Graneet

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Icon 10 posted      Profile for Tincup         Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Hey Gran...

Thanks for the update. I can't always remember every detail for folks... sorry!

My plan A just went out the window.. but I think you are on the right course by switching meds.

If you are in that much misery after so long.. something different needs to be done.

Here are some thoughts.. not even suggestions really...

Take them for what they are worth... ok?

1. Yeast. Must not be allowed to be bad. Joints will hurt... body will hurt.. mind will be foggy.

2. A chiropractor. It took me being IN a wheel chair first.. and having to crawl from the bed to the bathroom... to say "hey".. I need to do SOMETHING!

I did NOT believe in them AT ALL. I was WRONG! They have saved me so much pain and helped me so much... unbelievable!!!

3. Glucosimine chondroiton (spelling?). I was taking it and it did help. The pills are just so big.. and I have trouble swallowing .. so I am not real faithful with it.

4. Vitamin E will help "thin" the blood. Do NOT take it unless approved by your doctor.

5. When I get that AWFUL neuro pain... like my body is bruised and "squishy".. many times it is the meds and herx? They intensify it... and it is unbearable.

Doxy (right now even) is making me feel like I have acid in my veins and it is burning my tissues as it goes through. If someone looks at me too hard I want to scream and cry.

Don't EVEN think of touching me.

The ONLY way I know to stop it, is to go off the doxy and let all the garbage clear out... then start again.

6. Decaf green tea as a daily beverage.. cold or hot. It will help with energy, slow detox, and will make you feel better... usually.

7. If you are swollen or retaining fluids... dandelion capsules or better yet.. mix dandelion tea with your green tea. Swelling causes pressure on nerves. Pressure causes pain and does not allow the blood to flow through properly which in turn leaves the toxins stuck where they lay.

It is funny how MANY folks I have seen in person don't think they are retaining fluids. They don't see physical swelling.. but I see their feet and/or hands are puffy.

8. Ibprofen. I suggest to those who can use it to get on it.. in a high dose.. and stay on it. None of this, a little here and a little there. It needs to build up in the blood to be most effective. DO NOT take this without your doctors approval. It can cause problems in some folks.

9. Sweat. Get hot.. and sweat out the toxins. Be sure to shower after sweating to remove the toxins from the skin so they won't be reabsorbed. OK?

10. Lots of water.. with a squeeze of fresh lemon. Or make a sugar free lemon aid with fresh lemons. The lemon helps rid the body of lactic acid.. which is what causes the "burn".

Well.. I hope something here helps. Please let us know what you are doing and how you are.. especially after your next appointment.

Posts: 20353 | From The Moon | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for weeza3     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

TIN TIN TIN, When are you going to write a holistic, nurturing, Spirit inspired book for Lyme patients?

You have all the right stuff, please pray about it.

In addition to all those terrific suggestions from TC. here's something that has helped me with muscle/joint pain.

I do take Gluchosamine/Chondrotin tablets which have proven very helpful. Additionally, from a dietary offer, I try to drink a soy protein shake daily.

I use soy milk and add a soy protein powder to it, some plain yogurt, 1-2 Tbs.

As i'm not currently on antibiotics, I can have fruit in mine which I prefer. But as TC and Mo. offered you have to watch your diet because of the yeast factor which will make your Lyme arhritis worse!

You could add peanut butter to the protein shake for flavor; just avoid sugar added peanut butter. Stevia, an all natural plant sweetener is a great alternative to refined sugar. I use it a lot as I do have a horrid sweet tooth. hee hee

Hope you find relief very soon a step at a time as you use some of these suggestions.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for treepatrol     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Graneet2:
Is any of you long timers finding your arther is getting worse?

Seems now my arther is getting me to where i have so much trouble walking im afraid im gonna end up in a wheel chair at this rate. Started using a cane already. My knees and hips are killing me . Doctor put me on neruiton thank goodness it has helped a bunch but he also gave me predisone for inflamation i keep trying to not take it but then like to day my joints throb. I gave in. ITS very small doses of it for those concerned about steriods.

I wonder if the lyme is causing this now?
I have had for the last month neruopathy horrible pain in my left hip and leg from the siatic nerve. Went to hosptal and they said Arther could be causing it.

Does this mean its gonna get where i cant walk from this great fighting lyme and other junk to be dibilitated with arther.

Just thought id ask .thanks a bunch Graneet

I would get back on abx's opinion for what its worth. When I was having some severe pain knee, lower back, foot I stuck to the abx's I have very little pain now.And just came off a stint of 14months straight abx's.
Feeling pretty good not quite back yet but when you been sick since 1988 I think Iam doing pretty good out of shape though.

Anyway I would get on the abx's and see what happens?? Herx?

Posts: 10564 | From PA Where the Creeks are Red | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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