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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » drug companies make me sick

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i went to the orthodepic surgeon the other day for a followup on ruptured achilles and low and behold the drug rep for celebrex and bextra comes in, with a monsterous try of food and drinks for the staff.
the he stands by the counter and invites the docs to Ruth chris for dinner next week, and an outting with the philadelphia eagles in 2 weeks for food and fun.
this is all right in front of me with in the waiting room.
when i went to my llmd the general quack got a cattered platter everyday i was there from the drug companies.
do you konw prilosec otc is the same drug as nexium except 10-20 times the price. the patent went off prilosec so now docs use nexium instead of prilosec even with the same research.
how about vioxx the wonder drug. when motin lost its patent it was the wonder drug but the docs wrote for vioxx which is 10 times as much with no evedence of better pain relief.
now i feel better a little venting on friday night since i don't have the strength ot go out, or move down to florida.
whew, now thats better.

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I wish you'd tell us how you really feel Dave!!!!!!!! But please don't take your wrath out on your poor wife....not fair

I couldn't agree with you husband was put on Lipitor a number of years ago. Drug companies are really pushing these statins...even to suggesting that they be given to children.

My husband has paid a big price for his doctor's ignorance of the dangerous side-effects of these drugs. The drug companies don't care...these drugs are making them BILLIONS of dollars.

My husband has been having confusion, loss of memory and severe muscle pain. His doctor agreed the muscle pain was a warning and switched him to provachol. But he denied that the mental confusion or memory
loss was related to the statins.

I did a little research on the internet....and it didn't take me any time at all to find out that these drugs do indeed cause these symptoms. The things I read were positively frightening.

If anyone is prescribed a statin to lower cholesterol....please think twice....and do some research.

These same drug companies entertained the Republicans and Democrats at their conventions with lavish parties. Add what Dave says about the way they treat docotrs to goodies and add in their huge advertising costs and you'll know why we are charged such high prices for their drugs.

Your government won't protect you from these wolves either. The FDA exists for the drug companies! Before a drug is approved by the FDA the drug companies use THEIR OWN studies to show that their drugs are safe. There is no outside evaluation which might protect us.

Well....thanks Dave....I, too needed to vent!

Go give your wife a hug!

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Kara Tyson
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ALL sales people do this. No matter what the industry.

When I worked for ATT, the cell phone makers would come with gifts and spent $2K on dinner and drinks.

When I was a Real Estate broker we were offered gifts all the time.

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Let me add one more story to your litany of outrageous advertising and money-grabbing. At one time, I was the editor of a famous holistic newsletter, Dr. Julian W. "Health and Healing." He is a huge bigshot in the world of natural medicine along with Andrew Weil and those guys. A pioneer and the newsletter was named one of the top ten health newsletters in the country by Time magazine.

Here is the dirty part. The company which put out the newsletter for which I worked also made all of his vitamins. The newsletter, which poor unsuspecting readers would follow religiously to "heal" themselves, would tell them if you have diabetes, heart trouble, etc, etc, take this and take that to get well.

Well "this" and "that" were his vitamins made by his company, money in his pocket. It made me sick. As a journalist, it is a rule under God that you do not mix advertising with editorial material, which what they were doing to sell the vitamins. The newsletter did not make that much money, but the vitamins made millions.

AFter screaming my brains out about it for six months, I quit the job and wrote Time magazine that they had missed the real story completely. That Health and Healing was nothing but a scam to sell vitamins. You can imagine how little they cared or would admit how ignorant they had been.

Is money the root of all evil???

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I overheard a pharm rep in a doctor's office say, "We need to schedule another fishing trip."

We dropped that doctor.

I, too, once believed in the medical route...I was trained in it.

My faith has been shattered.

Please, please, please find my post "In a Nutshell". It's long and all documented. Print it out and study it.

Pay CLOSE attention to the Romanian abstract (last page). At a cancer hospital in Romania, doctors cured lyme patients by restoring very, very deficient Mg levels WHILE giving abx.

How is this working? IV doses to bring Mg level back up. And something "acidic".

Hydrogen is ONE of the things that inactivates enzyme Bb is dependent on.

A lot of acids react with a mineral to produce hydrogen. To get hydrogen INTO the cells = CoQ10, which we happen to make all the time, esp. when we exercise.

There is a U.S. an Italian doctor named Valletta. He cured RA, ulcerative colitis and invasive cancer (cancer also follows the glycolysis pathway) using Mg pyrophosphate and sublingual B6. IV doses to start. Cured in 6 months, better in 3. It is titled: Magnesium for autoimmune.

Why? Restore the balance. Once again...a mineral plus acids (B vitamins are acidic).

Why aren't researchers here paying attention to the Romanian abstract (which is not avail. on Pubmed) and Valletta's patent?

There's no money in it.

P.S. Florida allows alternative treatments. "R" is available down here and is quite effective. Lots of people on this board know about it and can help with the learning curve. Seems to be our only alternative until the truth surfaces.

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Kara Tyson
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There are 2 Romanian Dr.'s at my church (Orthodox). The wife Dr. told me one time that in Romania they had to learn how to cure people WITHOUT ANY MONEY.

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Research DOCTOR Lorraine Day.

Amazing. Not really. Didn't cost her anything to cure her own cancer.

We have to be willing to make some life changes and attitude changes. The latter is harder. We all start with the mindset that the "medical route" is the only way. It isn't.

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Golf Tick44
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I agree totally with everything said. The drug companies are the worst case of immorality that I have ever seen, also the insurance companies!

I have a friend who works as a hospital administrator, has for many years. He oversees 10 or more hospitals across the US. He makes a huge salary! He told me personally, that if at the end of one year, any of the hospitals did not make a profit from the year before, he was automatically fired. The care of the patients did not matter at all, the bottom line was money!

nan, my brother and a very close friend were on statin drugs for a number of years for high cholesterol. Just in the last couple months my friend had a massive heart attack and almost died. My brother had to have heart surgery for a almost totally closed aorta. I guess the statin drugs weren't doing their job.

In my opinion, this country has one of the most insane health-insurance policies in the world. Keeping in mind that we are the richest country in the world, this is what happened to me.

Ever since I was 10, I worked and I paid into Social Security. I hardly, if ever, used my insurance which was covered by my employer. The day I got sick, and was unable to work, I lost all my insurance benefits! This is exactly when a person needs them, what a totally insane system. As long as you're healthy you're covered but the minute you are unable to work, you're screwed. Guess who thought up this scheme, maybe the insurance companies?!!!!

Boy it felt good to get that off my chest,Phil

Posts: 34 | From Prescott, AZ | Registered: Aug 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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AMEN! (Except for the part about your wife).

I too was brought up in the medical field and feel totally betrayed. Having my eyes opened to the truth was painful.

[This message has been edited by rdcallen (edited 30 October 2004).]

Posts: 71 | From Warren, Mi, USA | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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hey what's wrong with hating my wife, with my lyme rage ,i hate everybody. I'm not particular i hate everybody and everything equally.
but i do have to say i hate docdtors, lawyers, insurance companies and drug companies the most.
give me time i'll have a list a mile long.
the reason i hate the drug companies is because i know what the drugs cost the pharmacy because i still have a dea license and can by wholesale drugs.
a bottle of 100 clonazapam 2mg cost me $3.25 from the wholesaler and the pharmacy charges $40 for the same prescription. that's over a thousand percent markup, and i resent it because only docs have access to the drugs wholesale and most get for free.
once my license expires in jan i will have to pay full price for medicine because of Bush"s wonderful prescription plan.
Hey Bush how about paying for our drugs instead of giving us a 15% discount???

ok, i also hate Bush, you got me.

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Your quest for health (and that of your sister) and the research that you have shared on this forum is invaluable!

Since I have been on this site I have only seen you post a couple of times (probably missed the others), but want you to know that I appreciate you and all that you have shared!

When I first came on board I read your Mg research and went out and got on oral Mg. At the time I was having muscle spasms and nuchal rigidity so severely that it awakened me in the night and was very painful. The Mg and B-6 worked! (smile)

I think the comments that you make about doing our own research and stop letting the propaganda frighten us into thinking that Big Pharma has all the answers is very valid!

Peace and Blessings,

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can
change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
-- Margaret Mead

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Kara Tyson
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I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Day. She wrote a book called What The Gov. Isnt Telling You About AIDS.

HOWEVER, she is also very outspoken in her belief that the Holocaust did not happen. I have a problem with that.

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Doc, here's some required reading for you.

My did you wake up on the wrong side of the bicuspid or did Donald kick you tush on the linx?

Posts: 1010 | From Mars | Registered: Feb 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Originally posted by docdave130:
hey what's wrong with hating my wife, with my lyme rage ,i hate everybody. I'm not particular i hate everybody and everything equally.
but i do have to say i hate docdtors, lawyers, insurance companies and drug companies the most.
give me time i'll have a list a mile long.
the reason i hate the drug companies is because i know what the drugs cost the pharmacy because i still have a dea license and can by wholesale drugs.
a bottle of 100 clonazapam 2mg cost me $3.25 from the wholesaler and the pharmacy charges $40 for the same prescription. that's over a thousand percent markup, and i resent it because only docs have access to the drugs wholesale and most get for free.
once my license expires in jan i will have to pay full price for medicine because of Bush"s wonderful prescription plan.
Hey Bush how about paying for our drugs instead of giving us a 15% discount???

ok, i also hate Bush, you got me.

So why isn't your beef with the pharmacy marking up the drugs, then??

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I guess i see things from more than one angle. I work in health care and have marketing responibilities. I'm not a drug rep. When I call on a physician, they start making demands. They want lunch brought in, and even name the restaurant, and then order more than enough so they can take the extras home. They are very bold about asking for goodies. And I DON'T have a drug rep's budget. How much is the fault of the drug industry and how much can be blamed on the MD office getting greedy??

In addition, my spouse works for one of the drug companies you hate so much. Many people in my community work there too. They work hard to help people, and take their work very seriously, and you paint them all with the same broad brush. They have one of the highest percentages of giving to the United Way, take time to volunteer in their communities, interact with school kids, and numerous other things most people will never know about.

Wheter any of us like it or not, pharmaceuticals are market-driven. They are investor-owned companies charged with earning a profit for shareholders. The shareholders do not go to annual meetings and say, well, lets vote to take no profit. That's just life. What is the alternative? Gov't run pharmaceuticals? Kind of like Amtrak?

i can buy your argument if you have issues with particular practices. I think the marketing goes way overboard, and I don't think drug reps should be able to give away drugs. I think they should be educators and put on inservices for physicians. And they should have a clinical background-- RN, pharmacist, whatever. My former sister in law was a travel agent and is now a drug rep making 70K+ per year. No college education but she fits the profile. Thin, under 35, aggressive marketer, cute.

Posts: 688 | From CT | Registered: Jan 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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first i am not blaming anything on the workers at the drug companies. it think that they are totally ignorant to the way the system runs.
drug companies don't advertise, don't smear docs don't give out samples, spend that 35% on research and decreasing the price of meds and everybody is happy. the docs ,most of them anyway, I was a dentist, don't like drug reps in their office.
there is non of this nonsense in Canada for the same drugs and the prices are sometimes less than half.
how come there is a large 30,000 sq ft drug store on every corner and no small drug stores left????
the drug companies do there own research then pay off the fda to get the drugs approved. the drug companies control the drug studies not the fda,nih cdc or any governing agency.
the drug company has more lobbyist in DC than any other group in the country, more than the number of house of representatives.
Everybody wants to make money, but 1000% and more profits on drugs is crazy. the product cost less to make than the advertizing they spend on the drug.

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