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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » Congenital Lyme.. Please read

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Author Topic: Congenital Lyme.. Please read
Member # 267

Icon 1 posted      Profile for Seton     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I really need everyone's thoughts on this one, especially if you can point me towards some literature. I'm tired of searching.
I've had Lyme since 1988. Shortly after I was diagnosed, my sister exhibited similar symptoms. She was tested (only a titer) and tested negative. Over the years, she's had some problems, not as disabling as mine, but general, non-specific type stuff. She had a baby 6 months ago. The baby started having seizures at 3 months. He was diagnosed with infantile spasms. They have not found a cause for the seizures; he is not doing well. I mentioned this to my LLMD on one of my visits and he said that the doctors should test for Lyme. I didn't mention this to my sister; I don't know why, I guess I didn't think it would be well received and I forgot about it. Well, yesterday my sister noticed an indentation in her leg. She went to her family doctor who referred her to a neurologist. She really became hysterical; this is the last thing she needs right now. Her husband, in an effort to calm her, took her to a friend who is a chiropactor. He said that the muscles in her thigh were separating and asked if she had had any tick bites!! He told her he didn't feel that they needed to investigate the possibility of Muscular Dystrophy (which is what the doctor suggested)
I know the chances of this being Lyme are extremely slim and I hesitate to even mention to my sister now what my LLMD said. But I can't get this off of my mind.
If you could give me any advice/thoughts/ ideas, I'd appreciate it.

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Icon 7 posted      Profile for Sammi     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Mary, I think it would be a good idea for your sister and nephew to be evaluated by Lyme knowledgeable doctors. I think it would be very helpful to either rule out or verify Lyme. Where does your sister live? You may email me at [email protected] (the _ after the ko is an underline) for doctor information.
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Icon 6 posted      Profile for Caryn     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
my husband just tested pos. the only way i got him to agree to the pcr test, ws that if he's got it too, i won't get better until he gets treatment too. he has mostly just some problems w/memory, cognitive stuff that i see but he doesn't, and very little physical complaints. i just see how very common it is and know it took me many yrs and several infections to get very sick. i passed this onto my kids. my daughter is athletic, does extremely well in school and to the casual observer is a very healthy girl. she even tests pos by elisa at stony brook (allen steere's own test). your sister's and your sister's child may not have lyme, but what with how common it is, how little experience most drs have in diagnosing it and just how many ways it manifests itself, why not test for it (and coinfections) to rule it out?
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Do you sister a favor... have her take the baby to Dr. Jones. Now. Before that poor child goes through any more tests, grief, dumb ducks, etc. He has a very good knowledge of congenital Lyme and if anyone could help... this is the place to go.

Your sis would be tested too...with good tests this time. And her hubby perhaps? No sense dragging this out and having her crazy with worry.

Do this child and your sister a favor... love enough to insist they do the best for them and get the best help... and do it soon. We don't want that little angel to have any more problems.

If it isn't Lyme... then they can go from there. You are sweet to want the best for them. Take care of you!

Posts: 20353 | From The Moon | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Here are some articles from Art's site. You may want to copy them for your sister. Good luck.

Posts: 20353 | From The Moon | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Dear Mary, I am sorry about your situation.I can surely understand your predicament. I just now convinced my husband after at least over a year that he may be suffering from lyme. He is responding to antibiotic treatment just as usual for lyme. Herx-ing all over.I wish he would have been convinced because he would have had earlier intervention and less problems. What I found extremely interesting was the "dent" on her leg. I discovered one on my led about 9 months ago. Never had it before and my legs are normally very smooth and slim.I have read some on lyme patients developing cysts. The more I feel it there seems to be a cyst in my leg perhaps pulling the muscle or tissue down, thus the dent look. I am trying to figure out who I can see to take it out and test it for lyme spirochetes. anyway good luck and God Bless you and yours. Catherine
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Icon 12 posted      Profile for Sarah   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

Idiopathic seizure disorders can *definitely* be caused by Lyme!!!!

We have 3 people who were at one time diagnosed with muscualr dystrophy in our support group- a young boy who was diagnosed with Reflex Sym Dsytrophy, a woman who was diagnosed wiht the same (she was also diagnosed wiht MS) and another woman who was diagnosed with "myotonic" (sp>?) dystrophy. All 3 have been repsonsive to abx and the boy in particular he is just doing great (and he is a sweetie!!!) ANd yes- the biopsies can show the same thing as the dystrophy causes!!!

Posts: 2641 | From Aptos, California | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 267

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Can you give me any other information? I'm having a hard time convincing my brother-in-law that it's even worthwhile to check this out. He doesn't want my sister getting more upset than she already is. The baby's seizures are ideopathic (although they don't know the cause). He also has a rash on his face that the doctor's say is not related to his anti-seizure medications.

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Ideopathic means when the cause is unknown.

Fwiw, my teenage Son and Husband and Myself all have Lyme and/or co-infections. Son only showed with Lyme, but I believe he has Babesiosis as well. Husband showed with active and old Lyme infection along with HME and HGE. I showed with Babesiosis and neg for Lyme....but LLMD believes I have Lyme as well.

My Son isn't the biological child of Husband's as I was married before. I do think there's a distinct possibility that I gave Lyme to my Son, as he's been a sick kid since Birth and now is still that way at almost 14. Mostly, it got worse with each passing year.

My Sis in FL had a problem with ticks in the house....the dog kept bringing them inside. She won't have any of the household checked out unless problems appear. Other Sis in CA we know was bitten by a tick on her scalp as a 1st grader. She's recently gotten bad health wise but won't take the time to get checked. Even though I bug them once in a while about it...I can't make them do it.


Posts: 323 | From Michigan, USA | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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We took my 2 year old to dr. J last week. He said that it is congentital lyme ( I was diagnosed after she was). My LLMD told me that the transfer rate from mother to child is close to 100%! I am in a similar situtation, as my mother has may lyme-like symptoms, her sister, and my cousin ( who is 7 weeks pregnant!) My LLMD has done lots of research on congential lyme, and has traced it 4 or 5 generations back in several families. He is publishing a paper on it that will be out later this month. Let me know if I can help! kj
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Icon 12 posted      Profile for Sarah   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Personal Story from Lyme Alliance


I am writing to hopefully get you to inform others, and save them the trouble I have had to go through. I will try to be brief, and upon request I do have ALL files and tests results to back up my story.

You see, two years and two months ago, I had a Grand Mal seizure. I was hospitalized and medicated. I have continued to have seizures off and on since then, with them getting progressively worse since March. I have been on Depakote, Dilanton, Tegratol, and Topamax. I was told these seizures were from a car accident I had in 1989, when I hit my head on the windshield. End of discussion: accept it , take medications, don't drive, and move on with your life. One option was to look for a scar, and do surgery. Although this was a hard decision to make, I was told I was a good candidate. It was scheduled for the end of August.

By chance, I met a Lyme disease specialist, Dr. Gregory Bach. My husband and I went to meet with his wife, who is a dog trainer, to see if our dog could be trained to help with my epilepsy. When we arrived she was not available yet, so we chatted with her husband. I explained a little of my health condition and why we were training our dog. Something I said seemed to spark a question regarding my diagnosis. After speaking with Mrs. Bach about training our dog, she asked my husband and me if we would mind talking some more to her husband, as he was very interested in my medical history. After several hours of talking, he hit us with a bombshell! "I think you have been misdiagnosed. I think you have Lyme disease. If you would be available, I would like to run tests tomorrow." Talk about speechless!

We went home not knowing what to think, but within one week every test they took came back positive for the disease. The test Dr. Bach did was sent to IgeneX Laboratories in California, and is much different than the regular test run at a regular lab.

All I can say is by the grace of GOD!

To make a LONG story short, I have been treating with antibiotics, am seizure- free, and feeling the best I have in two years. My neurologist from the University of Pennsylvania, (who was to do my brain surgery before it was canceled), agrees now, after testing, the seizures were caused by the Lyme disease going undiagnosed for so long, allowing it to progress to the late stage.

PLEASE help me to inform more doctors and patients, and save them the terrible time my family and I have gone through. I am a 29-year-old female, married to the most supportive and caring husband, and have 3 children who all suffered through years of anguish. The doctor now wants my whole family to be tested for Lyme disease.

This could, and should, have been avoided with a simple blood test in the beginning. Should I even mention how much blood work is done monthly when on these kinds of seizure medications? I ask for your help in spreading the word and helping others that may have the same condition.

Thank you, Tara Stoop

Case Report: Lyme Disease and Complex Partial Seizures

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Icon 4 posted      Profile for trishden     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Hi Mary, Please convince your sister and her baby to be tested. You wrote: " I know the chances of this being Lyme are extremely slim". Well I don't agree. I think that Lyme is very real and probable, especially in NJ! Lyme disease is highly endemic in NJ. And if you live near the shore, it's even more so. My lyme went undiagnosed for 2 years, partly because my symptoms were so mild, I didn't think much of it. But then when I was put on Antibiotics for an unrelated ailment, it triggered all of the worse symtoms and I went down hill from there. Please appeal to your sister, about how it can stay dormant for a long time and show her what everyone wrote. Also, you may want to read about Karen Forschner's plight with her baby that unfortunately she passed the disease onto him in utereo, he died at age 6. ( I think he was plagued by seizure too). The story may be somewhere on this site, because her and her husband started the LDF. Don't worry about feelings at this point. It's the life of a baby your talking about!!! Good luck and let us know what happens. I know many of us will be praying for all of you.
P.S. There is a LLMD Pediatrician in Monmouth, if your interseted in his name email me at [email protected]

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Wait!! Correction!!! I guess RSD is not a type of Dystrophy but a peripheral nerve thing- I didn't know that but osmeone wrote me!*!!!
Posts: 2641 | From Aptos, California | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Hi Mary, Had to get this out to you, PLEASE READ!!! It's quit compelling. If this doesn't get your sister to at least have the baby tested, to be on the safe side!! I don't know what will. You're a good aunt Mary. Don't let this go. Trish

Posts: 305 | From NJ | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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To The Top
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Tired Mamma
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My 3 year old son may have gotten lyme from me in utero and has been frought with problems. He started with agression, sensory problems, diareah, malabsorbtion, intestional yeast and bacteria, obsessive compulsive disorder and more. We took him to Dr. Jones and he is now just starting meds. WE are also treating his individual symptoms as well as the lyme. Dr. Jones is great as Tin cup said. Forget the other doctors and go to Dr. Jones. We went and spent our own money as insurance would not cover it and it was well worth it.
GOOD LUCK and let us know what happens

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Hi Sarah nice to see you back here.
I know a woman with RSD and I tried to convince her to get a lyme test but she wouldn't. Really nice woman, too. It's a pain syndrome I guess diff than fibromyalgia but its all over body pain and hyperbaric has been shown to help it (so, I wonder if thats because of anti-infective properties of hyperbaric)

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I'm so sorry your family is sick and naturally you don't want to make your sister and brother-in-law worry more. But, if they are in NJ too they HAVE to consider Lyme.

My son had an unexplained rash on his face when he had Lyme. The doctor same it wasn't related to Lyme. I believe he was wrong. It went away with abx. My son also had the bulls-eye rash at the same time. He was 10.

I hope this helps.

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Nothing more precious than the children.

We MUST keep going to help them...

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Icon 6 posted      Profile for Kerryblue     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I found this can be a touchy subject to try to inform friend,fam. or other.

My daughter has shown many signs through the yrs.Of either lyme or fm. She has had tmj,leg prob. growing up. She was with me when deer came up to us. She ran high temp. couple days, no flu or cold. That was all at the time. I ended in hosp for 10 days with meingitis/known now prob. lyme infect.

She has called me about weird rashes,depression,torn rotator cuff, no sleep. List goe`s on. The she got pregnant I tryed to warn her. She got very angry.

I think she saw me such a active,athletic,social,plus hard worker etc. Turn into a blob. Mis dxed for many yrs.

Baby was born with something unknown they said with blood. Heart irreg. Broke out in facial rashes, very fussy.

I can`t bring up the topic or we would have no commuication. It taps into her vulnerability, says do you want us like you?

I was in denial for yrs. So I understand. Just feel so bad she will not get tested or the baby. I even tryed to put big time fear how sick young ones can get. She even got more upset.

So that is that...It hurts me to watch. But she is an adult it is out of my hands. I have send her all kinds of info no responce.

Prob. get deleted. So have to becareful how you approach it. Good Luck, hope it goe`s better for you... Sometimes sisters can get through better than moms.

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oh, KerryBlue, I just do not understand why people do not want to RULE something out. Does not make any sense to me. But sad to say, a lot of people listen to there ducks so much that they think they know everything just because there is an MD behind there name.
My daughters are not going back to the pediatrician they have been seeing for the last year. One daughter actually has a CDC positive test and was not going to treat her! The insanity!!!!!!

[This message has been edited by lookin4answers (edited 06 August 2004).]

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I passed lyme to all three of my children.

My son was BORN with development problems, and at 9 years of age is mentally retarded, autistic, developmentally delayed, hearing impaired and basically mute.

My 11 year old has my symptoms of lyme; vertigo and migraine, stomach problems, eye problems.

My daughter is a freaking medical history case. Do I know if her problems were caused by lyme? Not sure. Do I know for certain that they cultured spirochetes from the inside of her bladder and one of her plastic ureter implants? Yes.

Make a long story short, she was born with a cloacal malformation. No vaginal opening, no anus opening, TWO vaginas on the inside of her, both connected to her bowel and bladder. She has extensive kidney damage. And has had many many many surgeries, and more plastic inside of her than Barbie herself.

She now has to cath herself every four hours with me or another adult watching. She has such a neurogenic bladder if she sneezes, she;d be lucky if she can squeeze out a drop, but if I cath her, I can get 200 cc easy.

She has many more problems on top of this. By the way, she has had infantile seizure disorder.

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