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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » Why be concerned about mercury or amalgam fillings?

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Author Topic: Why be concerned about mercury or amalgam fillings?
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Following Betty's advice, I am editing my original post.

Betty, are you looking because you have an interest or are you looking for something to gripe about? You are a pain in the you know what. [Wink] Maybe trying to retrain your autonomics might help you - that's what I did.

My doctor a long time ago recommended because I was so seriously fogged and "stupid", forced me, gave me projects to do on the computer trying to get my brain activated. I had no idea how to work the blessed thing, but did it. And it paid off. A child will not learn to reach if you do not stimulate its desire to reach for it!


Should you worry about Mercury - should you remove your amalgam fillings?

Chelation is a misnomer. Dr. K. has worked with metal toxicity since the eighties and has never used that word. I never heard the word chelation until I came to this board!

You cannot bring mercury out of the brainstem or frontal lobe by shooting some stuff up there hoping it will hang on to it and pull it out of the body.

The mercury entered the brain not via the blood. The way the brain becomes toxic is not through the blood brain barrier. It does not travel in the blood to the brain (maybe 2-3%, yes), but about 97% of it travels in the nerve, in the tubulin inside the nerve, to the brain.

(I have posted about ``tubulin'' recently --- it was ignored by most. Read about the destruction of tubulin caused by mercury. Tubulin is the transporter of our neurotransmitters essential for life. Tubulin dead? Nerve starves to death.)

Picture the brain, and some nerves that hang down like hoses. Dr. K. describes it like a ``medusa''. The mercury, once placed in the teeth: Through biting, hot and cold, movement of jaw, mercury vapor forms that attaches to the mucous membrane and a large portion of it travels inside the first cranial nerve. (Stoertebecker/Karolinska Institute, Sweden) straight into the limbic system (if you don't know anything about the limbic system, look it up! It is The home base of our Emotions.) bypassing the blood-brain barrier.

It doesn't travel in the blood to the brain; it travels in the nerve, inside the tubulin that is in the nerve, to the brain. Mercury leaves behind itself a destroyed tubulin. The tubulin, through which our neurotransmitters are supposed to go where they have to go for us to funcion.

And then the other one: Stoertebecker, the brilliant Swedish dentist (who lost his position at the Karolinska Institute when he put that on paper) realized that a far more important transport mechanism is the autonomic nerves. You have got 8 cranial nerves with wrappings of autonomic nerves in the mouth.

The amalgan mercury vapor and the abraded particles get directly taken up by the nerves to the brain -- go straight to the brain stem within 24 hours and from there to the brain. They all bypass the blood brain barrier.

The mercury does not get to the brain via blood and it therefore does not come back out via the blood.

If we have a sensory nerve ending or a Sphenopalatine nerve from the 9th cranvial nerve; or the vagus nerve in the tonsil area and you have some abraded mercury particles that get flushed back to the tonsil area, it gets taken up by the nerves there, travels inside the nerve and nothing restricts it from going into the brain. There are other routes the mercury travels.

As long as the filling is there, the mercury will travel, filling up certain portions of the brain with mercury. There is a point to point relationship between nerve and brain area.

If the mercury comes from the first molar; it is very different if it is from a high filling or a low filling; it is very different depending on how much copper is part of the filling and how much zinc as to where it ends up in the nerve and where it travels to.

The reason I am saying all this is that the mercury did not get into the brain via the blood stream and and there is no chance that it can come out that way. It came in through a certain door and it will go out through that door. That is how Dr. K. describes it.

The mercury is bound somewhere in the brain, because it has lost two of its electrons on its way and that automatically sucks it onto the proteins in that area. The detox agent that is used is so designed as to give the mercury its electrons back. The carrier can then take it out. (IV Vitamin C)

The carrier will take it out exactly the same way it came in. It travels back down the nerve, doing all the collaterals. So when you detox the brain, you could suddenly get blurry vision, pain in the jaw, or a sore neck, or a pain in the shoulder. Or we start to have the organ problems - the liver the kidney, because the vagus nerve is one of the hoses that goes to all these organs. You can literally touch the Vagus nerve right behind the ear. It goes down to the organs.

You can follow the symptoms, using the proper detox agent for the area, to clear out the areas affected. If the mercury was absorbed from the gut, it travels up the vagus nerve into the brain. It is going to come down and you will feel it in the gut as it comes down.

That is called Reverse Toxicity.

Once you understand this, when you have dental work done, and go on an effective detox program , you can expect the symptoms to recur in the area where the mercury first came in. You have to treat that area and use substances that will move it from there in ways that mobilize the mercury from this area and ideally not mobilize it back into the brain - but out of the area.

The other issue is: Wherever the mercury was for a long time, this is where the chronic microorganisms settle: Lyme, the mycoplasma, the funguses, the molds. When you start doing this reverse movement, down the cranial nerves hanging down from the brain, we will have to deal with the typical bugs there........

Do you have a choice? And leave things the way they are and stay on antibiotics, herbs, and supplements?

That is your decision.

I recently saw a photograph from a well known researcher/scientist done with a certain device of a pulled tooth that still had the amalgam filling in it for over fifty years: The tooth was still ``steaming'' - the vapor was still visible in the picture -

My constant companion through this episode in my life was the microcurrent ( works in a biological range). Dr. K. published an article sometime 1994 ``Microcurrent: The Poor Man's Antioxidant Therapy''. The microcurrent of the KMT gives the mercury its missing electrons back, so it can be carried out.

Take care

P.S. Don't confuse the toxicity caused by root canals with mercury. The toxins produced by root canals are known as thioethers and mercaptans and are carcinogens. They are a lot worse than any other toxin we know. They are worse than mercury or arsenic, etc.

[ 25. February 2006, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: GiGi ]

Posts: 9834 | From Washington State | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Thanks for the exhaustive info. Unfortunately my fogged brain can't absorb it. Sorry to be blunt: What are you advocating? Removing Mercury filling? Then what do you do to get rid of toxins?

My doctors discouraged me from removing saying that the big time vapor from removing is MUCH worse. I really have no idea on how to remove Mercury safely. Blue Green Algea is supposedly Mercury remover, but now some say it just move Mercury around, not getting rid of it.

Very confused on the Mercury thing. BTW, I tested 99+ percentile four years ago... complete mercury poisoning. Still Doc discouraged removal of filling.

Posts: 43 | From New York City | Registered: Feb 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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L, I am not advocating anything. I am giving you condensed information as I learned it over several years through my own disease process and through the teachings of my doctor who has worked in this field for many years.

You may think about it or leave it. If it clarifies anything for you, I am happy. If not, I am happy too.

Take care.

Posts: 9834 | From Washington State | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Gigi -

My post came across all wrong. All I was trying to ask is your 3 line opinion. I just can't get through your post, my brain doesn't let me. This issue is so divided, I don't know which side makes more sense.


Posts: 43 | From New York City | Registered: Feb 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Gigi, I was starting to slowly obsorb this when you got into the LONGER paragraphs, and my mind shut off immediately.

Could you edit where you have many longer paragraphs so our neuro lyme brains can try to comprehend it please? I think that it what luvs was saying in her own way. Thanks Gigi.

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My advice is to print it out! Gigi may not have time.

Also personally I find reading from a book easier so you could find a book that covers this area.


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I'm a simple person who likes to break complicated things down to a simple level. So here is my best explanation of Mercury filings and root canals.

1-Mercury filings are bad. Not good. Not for anyone. A dentist must be specially trained in how to remove mercury filings, because the toxic vapors are stirred up at removal. In other words, it is leaking some while in your mouth, but when disturbed, it will leak a bunch of vapors at once and you need to be protected from this exposure. Find a qualified dentist and get them out!

2-It is not overly expensive nor painful to remove a mercury filing. I had 7 removed without the proper procedure and yes, I now test highly toxic for all the mercuries: ethyl, methyl, phenyl, sodium ethyl. By the way, those seven came out because they were old and loose. Nothing was suggested about toxicity at that time.

3-I have two amalgams left. Are they coming out? YES. By a qualified dentist? I'm certainly trying to choose a qualified dentist.

4-Do I want to leave these two amalgams alone? NO. I don't want to continue to be poisoned. I don't seem to have any of the mercury toxic symptoms, but I had two doctors test me for that, one used ART and the other Bioset and both came back positive. These doctors do not know each other.

5-Will I attempt detoxification on my own? NO!
I want to get well. My LLMD has trained with Dr K and claims to know how to detoxify. I am going to find out the best detox method from GiGi and then be sure that is how the LLMD will be doing it.

6-I also have 5 root canals and 2 cavitations (holes in my jawbone) from two removed wisdom teeth. Am I having those treated? YES. I do not want to harbor a bacteria farm. Again, I am trying to learn the best procedure and then be sure the dentist will be using this method. I am having the root canals removed, but want to be sure cavitations do not form here as they did with my wisdom teeth.

My root canals were ART tested and proved to be infected. I hope that by removing this ready made breeding farm for bacteria, it will be a big step in my healing process. This is one big way I am trying to reduce the load in my body and on my immune system.

There is no great medical terminology here to impress you, but I do hope I was able to clarify the relationship of the teeth to bacterial infection and heavy metal toxicity in the body.

A study was conducted of people 100 yrs old and older and one thing they had in common is that they had seldom been to a doctor in their lifetime.

My grandmother just died 1 yr ago at 103 and she never spent a night in a hospital and was not on medication of any kind until age 99 when she suffered a stroke.

I often wonder if modern medicine helps us or hurts us in the long run.

When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power, there will be Peace.

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I agree that heavy metals can be an issue. However, I would be cautious about cavitation surgery. They slit the gums and scrape the jaw bone down. This is exposing yourself to a possible bone infection at a time when your immune system is already at a low point with Lyme. Just be careful.

Also, be aware that any dentist can call themselves a biological dentist. Biological dentistry is not sanctioned by the ADA. Also, dental school do not have cavitation machines.

The highly recommended biological dentist that I went to said I had cavitations, but also said I had a wisdom tooth root left in from surgery and it should come out. I checked with an oral surgeon who used to practice in Lyme, Connecticut and was familiar with Lyme. He said the root was left in because it was so deep. To take it out would create a weaker jawbone.

The highly recommened biological dentist could not get a mercury reading from the 3 amalgram fillings in my mouth. His tech up scraping one so hard to try and get a reading that she cracked it. Then I did have to have it replaced, but not by him.

Research carefully! Hiker


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Luvs2ride -

Thank you! That's very helpful!

Anyone who's removed the fillings correctly - how does a good dentist avoid the massive Mercury vapors?

Posts: 43 | From New York City | Registered: Feb 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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If the dentist knows what he is doing, he will protect you with rubber dam and some other precautions. I do not know it all at this point because my work was done years ago and I am sure that more has been learned since then to do it properly.

He will have compressed air for you to take in (not oxygen from an oxygen tank) and he himself will wear something that looks like a gas mask of WWII. I don't mean a paper mask or any such thing. He will not be breathing the air as it surrounds you while he is working. His office will be wired and plumbed so he can pass inspection/city and state codes/EPA.

Many dentists do not work like this and are therefore sicker than their patients if they have done it long enough. So are their dental assistants.

Mercury vapor has already escaped from your teeth starting within hours after the amalgam was originally/first installed in your mouth probably years ago. It is s t i l l escaping from there as long as they are in your mouth. you swallow it, you breath it in, you breath it out.
Many marriages have failed because the partner was constantly was exposed to the escaping mercury vapor, but of course could never figure out why life was not right any longer.

Somebody described it very nicely recently on this board how it escapes and how it is picked up by the body; how it settles again as a metal of different chemical form, etc.

I can give you hundreds of references - but I have done this many times already and will therefore not bother.

Take care.

Posts: 9834 | From Washington State | Registered: Oct 2000  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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