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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » Feel completely normal some days

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Member # 7887

Icon 1 posted      Profile for going_crazy79     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Do any of you have days where you feel like a completely normal person for the most part...even sometimes for a week or so, and then all of a sudden you feel like you are back to square one?

I am not in lyme treatment yet, i have only been treating myself for candida for 8 months and now i am considering lyme too. i am confused on the waxing/waning symptoms thing?

I have waxing/waning symptoms and it all depend for the most part on if i avoid foods that cause reactions in me. I am still trying to figure out if this is just candida, or if it could be lyme as well.

Posts: 70 | From Quakertown, PA | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Lisianthus   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Why are you not in treatment yet? Have you been tested?

I also treated myself for Candidia a year before I began abx.

The one thing I found out.... your body can't fight off high yeast because your immune system is allready compromised fighting lyme. You'll never get rid of yeast until you fight lyme.

Healthy people don't have yeast problems, they can eat bread sugar and not be sick from it. Our bodies are supposed to have a certain amount of yeast and good bacteria. The problem starts when your immune system is so taxed that it just gives up.

This is opinion, and what I have learned from my own body. BTW --- my Candidia improved after I started on Abx.


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i am not in treatment because i didn't know and still don't know if i had lyme.

i took antibiotics for a year and a half for acne and have been sick ever since. but i also have been bit by tons of ticks so i am considering lyme disease now too.

i do not want to ruin all of my progress though because i have been beating candida but i still have symptoms i can't get rid of. and i am wonderring if something else is causing them.

i have a history of tickbites but have not tested positive for lyme yet.

Posts: 70 | From Quakertown, PA | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for luvs2ride     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

I am confused about how abx can help yeast, since they are known to cause and/or excerbate yeast.

Are you sure your symptoms came from yeast? How do you know?

Please don't think I am challenging your statement. I'm just surprised by it. We learn something new everyday.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Lisianthus   Author's Homepage     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I think being on things that boost your immune system do help to fight yeast.

I thought when I started the abx I would have gotten really bad Candidia, especially since I had yeast prior to abx. But it actually got better. I still had to replace good bacteria because the abx were killing that off.

How did I know I had yeast --------

I knew I had a yeast problem prior to abx, mostly because I was overwieght(gaining about 10lbs a year) for no apparent reason. I would eat very little but craved sweets and bread. I had allergies and acid reflux (both disappeared after treating for yeast) And they come back when I have cheated on my diet. And of course the furry white tongue all the time!

And after treating just for yeast alone the first year I lost 15lbs. After treating for lyme & yeast I have lost an additional 30lbs. Which I needed to lose. And I don't crave sweets or bread any longer.

I hope this answers your question. I think we all could learn so much from each others experiences. I don't take your question as a challenge.


Have you had any lyme tests done at all? If you did what were they? and negative doesn't always mean negative when it comes to lyme.

If you had a Western Blot post the results here and people can help you.

My one son had a negative western blot but because he was seeing a good doctor, the doctor knew how to read the results. Because he had certain bands that were specific only to lyme he has been treating him. He is improving!

Good Luck

[ 07. June 2006, 10:16 AM: Message edited by: Lisianthus ]

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Jill E.
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Lyme Disease itself can wax and wane. I am not one of those patients - I was getting progressively worse very fast. But when I went in for my first consultation with my LLMD, he said many patients wax and wane (MS can wax and wane, too, and I would thing other diseases can). So this could be consistent with Lyme.

I agree with the other comments that it's important to get a Western Blot from a reputable tick-borne disease lab such as IGeneX because with your history of tick bites, it all sounds like you have the potential.

I was only bitten once by one tick and got nailed with Lyme and multiple tick-borne disease - all in a city that is not considered a typical Lyme area! So it's worth getting approprate testing and medical evaluation.

I battled with yeast for years long before I was bitten, and I have to say, my Lyme symptoms are pretty different than my candida symptoms, but I know in many people they are similar.

Good luck,

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I do have good days, and then I have really bad days.

Lyme disease suppresses the immune system. Candida suppresses the immune system ( if not more)- look at HIV patients, if they get thrush, doctors actually USE that as a diagnostic tool to say "we're sorry, you have thrush and HIV, now you have AIDS"

WHy? Because thrush indicates immune system took a vacation.

Antibiotics DO NOT HELP the immune system. Maybe I read that wrong in someone's post. In fact, antibiotics SUPPRESS the immune system. But, I take them.

Antibiotics feed yeast so that it "shuts up" so to speak. I call it the crying baby. If the baby is hungry, give it milk and it quiets down. Take the bottle away and the hunger starts AGAIN.

There ARE some antibiotics that act like antibiotics ( flagyl) that actually kill yeast at the same time ( and the cystic form of lyme disease) so double punch there.

It has been stated in research that diflucan ( another yeast killer) actually kills the cystic form of lyme disease as well. Reason being is that both of these drugs inactivate the P450 pathway in the liver- something both candida and lyme use to regenerate, etc. I think I worded that right.

I am not a medical doctor, I dont profess to be. I might as well be one though, shouldn't we all? [Smile] BUT

you took doxyccline for a long time for acne. You have a history of tick bites. You have symptoms that indicate BOTH yeast and lyme- this by comparing them to myself who also has lyme AND candida.

I know the fight. Do I take the antibiotics and probably make the yeast WORSE , or take the yeast treatment and maybe the lyme will get worse? Or even better? "Ok, which one is at it NOW, the yeast or the fricken lyme?"

I, as you, was not sick until I took antibiotics. I didnt even take them for a year. I took a Zpac ( zithromax) in powder form. Looking back, I took the whole freaking powder packet. I think I was suppossed to space it over 5 days or something. ( I have never seen packeted zithromax since- maybe it wasnt even that)

Anywho, four hours after taking it my life CHANGED and has NOT been the same since. And, I will never again take zithromax, I can tell you that. So that IS one antibiotic I avoid.

I was diagnosed with yeast before lyme treatment. And , it has been a slow but uphill battle. I wasn't positive for lyme either. I was equivocal. ( two years after treatment I became positive, even by CDC standards,

to the point the PA health department called me to "make sure I didn't get bit in PA" duh.. yeah I got bit here.

But anyways, point being...

you had tick bites. You are sick. PERHAPS, and only perhaps, you were GOING to get sick

but you didn't, because you got on doxy for acne ( which oddly enough, was MY first symptom of lyme before ALL heck broke loose on zithromax). *Maybe* after you stopped taking the doxy,

the lyme surfaced, because really, all you were donig was treating it *maybe* and didn't know. Maybe you have coinfections, maybe u need different antibiotics.

There are alot of maybes, and it is YOUR body.

But, if I were you * and only if I were you* which I am not, I would treat them both, the lyme and the candida. Think of it this way- what have you got to lose? your health?

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thank you so much for all the responses. especially this last one.

no need to worry...i am well aware antibiotics suppress the immune system and i disagree with whomever posted that it helped our immune system.

and i actually had a WHAMMY too while on cipro. i did not post my full story because it is such a long thing to type and i actually posted it last year. (i will see if i can find a link to it and post it on here).

but basically i started feeling funny after two weeks of stopping the long term antibiotics for doxy, and i was diagnosed with a UTI. which was complete and total crap btw. anyways...

i was put on CIPRO for the supposed UTI. on day 5 of the cipro all hell broke loose and i went through three months of complete and total hell.

symptoms got worse and worse to the point that i literally thought i may need to be drawing up my will and this was only a few days after my 26th bday.

so after 3 months i started treating for yeast and i rapidly got better.

well now i think after almost 7 or 8 months of straight yeast treatment and avoiding foods i shouldn't have to the best of my ability, the yeast should be gone and my gut should be healed.

yet my joints still crack all over, i still have horrible food allergies, i still have waxing and waning symptoms (all unilateral (right sided). so this tells me something else has to be wrong.

maybe candida can do all this, but i am starting to doubt it. i get no vaginal infections at all nor have i ever. so it is hard for me to tell if this is strictly a yeast thing or not.

i definitely had yeast issues because i had many weird rashes (loss of pigment in skin), acne which has cleared up for the most part through detoxing, and tons of other weird things going on that had to be from yeast.

just like you said, i often wondered if lyme was dormant in my system and maybe the doxy activated it and kept things at bay until i stopped taking the pills.

i got nailed like a tornado. it wasn't like i had a slow progression of symptoms over the years as most people do with yeast. it was like i ran into a brick wall at 100 mph.

but at the same time it is so hard to tell what is going on because i have some days where i feel so normal that it makes me wonder if i could really have lyme. i mean today for example. not one single flare up of symptoms.

i have been able to work this whole time...and i have been able to control things through diet for so long that i am scared to start treatment for lyme and ruin any progress i have made if this is all just yeast.

i see an llmd next monday. he is supposed to be one of the best in the area. dr. l in phillipsburg, nj.

not sure if any of you have heard of him. it is actually a tickborne disease center. he is supposed to be very knowledgeable and has come highly recommended from a bunch of people i know with lyme.

well i guess all i can do is get retested again...see how the results go, and go from there. i know a negative test doesn't mean i don't have lyme. i already had two negative tests last year but this was after taking all those drugs so it was probably near impossible to get a positive test for antibodies at that point.

maybe now things will be different since i haven't touch a prescription of any sort in about 7 or 8 months.

i will definitely post my results up here when i get them.

thanks for the advice. i tend to agree with what you said...that i probably have lyme due to my history of bites and all those drugs got things going on top of giving me yeast problems and leaky gut.

Posts: 70 | From Quakertown, PA | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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here was my first post that i said i would try to find so you can read my initial symptoms.;f=1;t=037496

now the majority of those symptoms are all gone and i got rid of them by going on the candida diet. so i am nowhere near as ill as i was last summer.

so you still think it could be lyme on top of candida? i guess i will just have to trust my gut after speaking with an llmd.

Posts: 70 | From Quakertown, PA | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I cant believe both you and I got sick the same way, sorta. I didnt have a build up of symptoms either, and as you, I was drawing up my will. I had HORRID headaches, vertigo, etc. Im going to read your symptoms so that I can compare.

It really would suck if antibiotics activated dormant lyme in both of us. Weird thing is though, in MY case, that seems it can't be true because I was on several abx before that stupid zpac crap and they did nothing to me.. except give me yeast.

Im going to read your other post and symptoms. We could talk in PM too. I have heard of Dr. L

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Posts: 3169 | From Greensburg, Pennsylvania | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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