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Icon 1 posted      Profile for hiker53     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I weigh 93 pounds and am 5'3', so I am practically anorexic. Any suggestions as to how I can gain weight? I follow the yeast free diet prettly closely, although since I am allergic to eggs, I do eat cereal in the morning and I eat one piece of fruit per day and no juice. That leaves me with meat and vegetables(I am allergic to milk and gluten as well).

To top it off I keep getting yeast in the mouth.

Thanks for your help. Hiker


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Hey Hiker

my heart goes out to you as I can empathize here.
I was up untill 2 weeks ago 92lbs and falling at 5'3"

I have also struggling with my weight. Specially with stomach problems and anit-yeast diet.

Even before my stomach went bad on a good day have trouble gaining weight..

Interestingly in my 7 years in remisson I had no trouble gaining weight. Now since my last relpaspe 4 years ago I have a heck of a time keeping my weight up.

The only thing I have found is drinking 1/2 & 1/2 & tons of butter, sour cream. I added potates & pasta too. Hate to think of the cholestral or yeast issues. But this gained me 5 lbs recently in the last 2 weeks.

When I am really good on the anti-yeast diet and only eat veggies & meat my weight drops so fast it scary. Even with LG amount of nuts or nut butter.

Be interested to hear what others have found as my "method" is only a temp fix

Take care

make sure to talk over everything first with your LLMD


Posts: 4432 | From some where over the rainbow | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Hi Hiker,

Ouch...I am same height, but started worrying at 107, my worst.

Seems like there are 2 problems:
1. Yeast despite a low carb, minimal fruit diet.
2. Very low weight

So, I would look at these factors (and yes, I seem to have a systemic problem, but not in the mouth, skin).

a. I have decided to take 4 probiotics/day whether on or off abx: 2 Theralac, 2 PB8.

b. I was instructed to do bifidus enema 2/week by alt md.

c. I threatened abx non-compliance unless I could also use some diflucan!!!! (in a friendly way of course !).
I take it after a 5 day pulse. LLMD said 2/week. I try to avoid it, fearing resistence with a new strain. But I have decided I would risk that, rather than continue with an infection. I do not take it every week, though.

d. I use garlic. tested at 2xday

e. I also do caprylic acid/or SF7222, and molbydenum
when not on abx. I am looking into another herb for rotation, and pau d'arco tea for every day. The pau d'arco has to be purple or red kind, as I read where some retailers are not using the appropriate kind, or are including non-therapeutic parts of the tree which decreases effectiveness.

f. yogurt (stevia)

g. avoid anything with vinegar or honey/big time sugars.

Basically, it is the diflucan that does the trick for me, since I can feel the difference in the pelvis, and in attitude/brain.

Weight gain from snacks:

Avocado, hummus, nuts, rice crackers,and eek, potato chips cooked in lard, goat cheeses.

I have not done well with a severe carb restriction. Some do , some do not. I figure as long as I do not overdo it, and perhaps use a snack as a carb, & then reduce a dinner carb, then it all balances out. I read somewhere that a low carb is about 1400 g. (I may be wrong on this number, but it allowed for carbs at meals)

(I also added potatoes, but had to avoid gluten and cow dairy - except for butter & cream on cereal, and yes yes to the butter mentioned above! I just read somewhere that raw milk butter is better, but have not located any)

I have gained 10 pounds this year, so feel comfortable with that.

But, if you still have yeast despite restricted carbs, then maybe additional "tools" i.e. "hammers" are needed?

I feel it is always an ongoing battle for some who are still on abx, which will continue even afterwards.

Hope my viewpoints/experiences are of use for you.


[ 14. August 2006, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: northstar ]

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Almond butter has lots of calories AND tastes good. You can eat it on [Roll Eyes] celery, cucumber slices, rice cakes, etc. [lick]

Like you, I was desperately trying to gain weight for years. After finally getting diagnosed with bartonella and treated for it, I have started to gain weight again, and now feeling plumb at 115 lbs.

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I didn't gain a pond on almond butter but it would be worth a try hiker

Glucernia drinks for diabetics(less sugar) are scary/they have so many chemicals in them -but do help.

I re-read your post about the dairy problems so now I am so stupid for suggesting it.

For the tongue/thrush have you tryed a tonge skaper? Works good for me. I use it after everything I eat turn it upside down in alchol to disenfect it. And All toohbrush's too. They live there, But rince really well before you use them again.

The VERY important after you brush your teeth to open a apho cap & sprinkle some in your mouth. This helps replace the good flora that brushing,toothpaste, mouth wash can kill.

Take care

Make sure th talk over everything frist with your LLMD


Posts: 4432 | From some where over the rainbow | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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How allergic to milk? My SigSomethingOrOther showed elevated, but not severe cow dairy problems.

Cow dairy is casein. Goat is supposed to be ok, no casein.

ART testing showed really a minimal milk problem.

Then I read somewhere that butter and cream were ok with casein allergy.

But then again, maybe it just depends on how severe an allergy is.

I also had a slightly elevated soy allergen, too.

I've never been allergic to anything prior to this. The gluten/soy/dairy/soy sensitivities are a result of this illness/or treatment.


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Hi Hiker,
93 lbs and 5'3". I am two inches shorter than you and also weigh about the same. It is frustrating.

At my lowest, I was 84lbs. I saw a GI doc who did a fecal fat anaylsis with showed positive starches and fat. So basically I am not absorbing or digesting some of the food I eat.

Doctor thinks my digestive system problems are due to leaky gut, candida and parasites. I have been on a number of antiparasite treatments, L-glutamine, slippery elm, and probiotics in a effort to heal the gut.

I started taking digestive enzymes a few weeks ago and my weight went from 89lbs to 92lbs. I take the enzymes at the end of the meal to allow my digestive system to work, and then give it some extra help at the end.

Hope some of this helps

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avocados and nuts would be safe as regards yeast issues

Opinions, not medical advice!

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Hiker we are twins...

Im weighing in at 91lbs every morning now..5'3.its very very scary. Before all heck broke loose last year at this time, i was trying to gain weight. that time i was 105lbs...eating 1000 calorie breakfeast and still no weight gain.

everyone at work said i was wasting away....and i was.....i just thought it was my matablism.

So here i am today on the anti yeast diet...trying to maintain weight....and i eat like crazy....nothing puts weight on me....nothing.

so i can relate to you. Raw organic almonds may help you, they helped me for a bit, but now cant tolerate them at all.

My new llmd suspects parasites.......i just dunno.

I'm always hungry, always eating and gain 5lbs in a day and loose it overnight(water weight im sure)

Do you have any muscle left.....mine is all gone...eaten away.

"Say it straight simple and with a smile."

"Thus the task is, not so much to see what no one has seen yet,
But to think what nobody has thought yet, About what everybody sees."


pos babs, bart, igenex WB igm/igg

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Interesting to hear all this. I too am allergic to gluten/soy/dairy/eggs. My llmd said I probably had the tendacy towards the allergies pre-lyme and then the lyme triggered the full blown allergies. So, with such a limited diet, I too am struggling with weight as well...5'4"/100 lbs.

My son has been making home made french fries with olive oil...a huge treat and the most fattening thing I eat! What labs and what tests determined your allergies??? I think we might have some hope that these allergies may not last forever....I am hoping for that!!! Good luck! Betsy

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I'm in the same boat. I need to gain weight also and it's almost impossible for me to do while on abx. Almonds are not good for putting on weight because there is something in them that blocks absorption of fat. Go with pecans or walnuts if you want to add nuts. They are both high in good fats. I read something in a post that Lonestar Tick made about a whole lemon/olive oil drink. It sounds good to me and I think that I'm going to try it. Here's what it says:

Reprinted from HIV Treatment News

by Mark Konlee,

In May, 1995, I received a letter from a reader who is HIV+ who stated he gained 21 lbs. in 9 weeks using a home drink made from whole lemons, olive oil and fruit juice. To date, 10 PWAs have reported that this drink reverses wasting syndrome and malabsorption of nutrients and amino acids. The average weight gain is about 1.5 lbs. per week. Several persons with neuropathy have reported complete remission of their symptoms in about 14 days. PWAs with neuropathy also reported additional benefits by adding two 19 grain lecithin capsules with the lemon/olive oil drink used three times a day. Fifteen PWAs have told Keep Hope Alive that with the daily use of the Whole Lemon/Olive oil drink, swollen lymph nodes return to normal size in 5 to 7 days.

Robert M. of Brooklyn, NY, stated that the Whole Lemon/Olive oil drink reduced swollen lymph nodes to normal for the first time in two years suggesting that unidentified factors in lemons and olive oil may inactivate the HIV virus in the lymph system.

(Rapidly heals Neuropathy and promotes weight gain by detoxifying the liver and normalizing saliva pH values)
Into a blender, add 1/2 a lemon (cut-up) including the rind and pulp. Be sure to first wash the lemon well and scrape off markings from artificial coloring. To the Blender, add the cut up lemon plus one Tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and one cup of orange or other fruit juice. Blend at high speed for one minute. Pour through a strainer (screen type) to remove pulp. Use a spatula to press the pulp. Discard the pulp. Drink it all at once.

If you have problems sleeping, drink it just before you retire to your bedroom at night. It will help you get a good night's sleep. The therapeutic value of this drink comes from the whole lemon and the extra-virgin olive oil. The orange juice or other fruit juice is added as a sweetener. You may use 1 cup of any kind of fruit juice that you desire. However, if you have thrush or yeast overgrowth, avoid fruit juice which stimulates growth of yeast. It is better to use plain water.

Note: Extra Virgin Olive Oil is cold pressed. Light olive oil is heat processed and may not have the same benefits. I would suggest checking with your local health food store for a high quality cold pressed extra virgin olive oil.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil Flushes Toxins from the Liver.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil increases the flow of bile from the Liver. This helps the liver get rid of accumulated toxins and poisons. Lymph fluid then drains into the liver for processing and eliminating waste products of cellular metabolism. Some persons have reported that just drinking lemonade reduces the size of their lymph nodes. The mechanism of how lemons do this is not known.

It is common knowledge that in AIDS progression, fat and essential fatty acids are not well absorbed. It is also well known that any normal overweight person who goes on a very low fat diet will lose weight - mostly fat. Fats and oils raise saliva pH while grains lower the saliva pH. Essential fatty acids are needed by the body for the production of various hormones (Preston). Pectin from citrus rinds and from apple sauce (not the juice), helps in the assimilation of fats and oils. When oil is added to water, it will not mix. However, you will notice that the Olive oil is totally dispersed throughout the Whole Lemon-Orange drink. This dispersion of the oil is caused by the pectin in the rind of the lemon. The proof of absorption of the oil could come from a blood test, but is also indicated by the rapid return of saliva pH to normal-6.4.

In addition, the lemon juice acts on proteins to break them into a free form, which are more easily assimilated. Also, the lemon juice helps to dissolve minerals in the food for better assimilation. This drink should be used with all dietary supplements to improve their assimilation. In PWAs, I have found that when saliva pH is less than 6.0, they tend to lose weight. Weight gain starts when saliva pH reaches 6.2 or higher. Low saliva pH also indicates low calcium levels. The most absorbable form of calcium is Limewater (calcium hydroxide). The normal value is 6.4 when the saliva pH is tested between meals in a resting state. The normal after you have just finished eating is 7.2.

You're only a failure when you stop trying.

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Hi Hiker,

I had low weight problems, too. Had candida before I was diagnosed. Since tx (1.5 years now) and dosing myself heavily with probiotics, I have had no problems with yeast at all! KOW

I had an immunologist here on the West Coast who specializes in allergies test me for food and inhalant allergies. I was tremendously allergic to molds, dairy, onions, corn, wheat, and other I can't remember.

The immu gave me Nizoral spray for inhalant allergies and has treated me with Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD) for all the allergies. He also gave me and Rx for pancreatic enzymes which I use religiously. The type of enxymes are really important since those closest to human enzymes work best. The immu explained to me that these enzymes cleave the proteins at similar places to where the human body's enzymes do. That means the small chains of amino acids (proteins) are in chunks that the body can use best.

My LLMD put me on a 5-day rotation diet for 3 months when she saw my allergy test results.

During the rotation diet I really had to make an effort to eat. I still had to avoid the things I was allergic to that had a 2 or above IgE or IgM (can't remember which) score.

5 months into the EPD tx and at the end of the 3 month rotation diet all my food allergies but one had vanished. THe one that was left was positive with a score of only 1.

Now I am able to eat almost anything except moldy foods. Immu gave me a list which I posted in an allergy discussion (Search for moldy foods). Carbs, sweets, fruit, veg etc. No yeast problems. (BTW I take 2 Metagenics UltraFlora DF at night with fruit and again in the am on an empty stomach. I think the label recommends 1 a day! - hee hee :-) This has made it a lot easier to gain weight. Of course, now I have to deal with the opposite problem for the first time in my life! But it's not too bad.

If you're interested in EPD and do research on the net, know that my doc was trained by the guy who developed the technique and he keeps it really simple. Some of the stuff I read on the net about EPD seemed dang near impossible to do! My doc's protocol is really workable.

Oh yes, I eat all organic, whole grain foods and a really wide variety, too. I want to minimize any extra toxins since my body has to deal with abx and other meds, too.

I know this doesn't respond directly to your situation but I thought it might be helpful. My lyme brain can't explain exactly why ;-)


Do send me a PM if I can help with more details or doc contact info.

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Hi everyone. I suggest making an appointment with a nutritionist who could recommend healthy suggestions that would incorporate the restrictions you have.
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i loss weight frecuently, for me is good the next:

- exercice, gym, always anaerobic; a few of whey protein after (->...but contain lactose);

- i always make diet, but if i need gain weigh, i wait to have well the bowel and eat bad food until be bad; i don't know why but the foods that break my bowel also gain weight; about two months (short cycles of 2 or 3 days);

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As difficult as it was to read antsettler's post,it was on target. I know it is muy difficle to translate at times!

If one tries to gain weight ONLY by eating, one will gain fat...not good.

IF YOU need to get to a gym and BUILD MUSCLE. I am NOT suggesting you become a muslce head. If you have swollen joints from Lyme, do NOT use weights, as irrepairable damage might occur.

Whey Protein Isolate is very easily absorbed and has a low incidence of causing allergic reactions.

If you work out you need 1 gram of protein per Lb. of body weight per day...IF is the key here.

Try whole grain breads and unrefined, whole grain cereals...I found absolutely no difference with oral Candida when I ate regular, GOOD foods.

However...that does not mean you can do the same.

Losing or gaining body weight without exercising is an invitation to an unhealthy body...and this can only hurt your attempts to fight Lyme Disease or any other problem.

Oh yes...stay out of the woods!!!!!

Do not pay high prices for Whey Protein...try this company's brand:

Their BodyTech/Wheytech is what I use for my daily supplementation for the one can replace a meal with some added fruit and a tablespoon of Olive Oil and some Oat Bran or Wheat Germ.

Good luck!


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Is it that you can't gain weight on your diet, or that you don't have an appetite and can't force yourself to eat?

I couldn't force myself to eat last year and was losing weight quickly. The only thing that helped was for someone else to cook the food and put it in front of me even if I said I wasn't hungry and didn't want to eat. It helped if I went upstairs or outside so didn't have to smell it cooking.

I have gained 15 lbs in the last year--now I'm ready for it to STOP! Blessings to you. Jen902

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I can't gain weight either. I have an appetite and eat well, but I just never put any weight on. I think some of my weight loss is also muscle.

Is there anything natural that can help kill any possible parasites? I will start taking digestive enzymes and stuff like Whey Protein and see if it helps.
It is very hard especially when on a diet to help the Lyme and yeast infections.

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Olive oil is an excellant way to add calories as are nuts. Butter is wonderful if you can have it.

I can eat heavy whipping cream, it is very low in lactose. Whipped with almond extract and over berries, who needs carbs!

I too was struggling with yeast and not quite kicking it even with diflucan.

My llmd said that I had too eat no refined carbs or grains for three weeks, and I would be symptom free. He was right.

He said I would have to experiment with what kinds of carbs I can tolerate. If you end up with sysmptoms it's either too much, too frequent or just off your eat list altogether.

I have discovered that taking probiotics before the meals when I am eating carbs seems to be preventing symptoms.

I struggle to maintian weight too.


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there was a woman being treated by the same LLMD as myself who was very thin, she was on oral antibiotics, but they did not help her, so

the LLMD put her on the IV and she gained back weight.

So, possibly for you you need IV or stronger orals?

She had what was called a wasting disease, I dont have that, I have gained weight.

I dont know why some gain, and some loose,

maybe your treatment with antibiotics is not working, or you need to give it more time?

Maybe it is something other then lyme with you, just posting what I heard about another lyme person.

all the best,


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Hi Hiker,

When I first got sick I dropped twenty pounds in the first three weeks. This is a woman that never missed a meal and loves to eat. I was nauseated all the time and was lucky to get one meal down.

I had lost fifty pounds by the time I got to my LLMD. I am 5'10" and was 130. For me that was not good. I had been a rower before getting sick and had a lot of muscle mass.

I have to say it is scary to lose weight and not be able to control it. During those days I could not believe I had ever complained about extra weight I had carried in the past.

I was on orals for a while at pretty high doses. I followed a strict diet for a year. It was basically the no yeast diet.

I have to say when I started to feel better I decided to introduce most all fruits back in my diet. Damn the yeast, I just felt there were things I needed that I wasn't getting. I got stronger and stronger. I even lived it up and drank orange juice.

I have been able to fend off any serious yeast issues and have to say I eat almost anything I want now. Now I need to stop gaining weight and watch it.

I understand why the LLMDs recommend a strict diet and really watching it, but in my recovery I had reached a time when I needed to depart a bit from that, start dialing back the antibiotics and see how I did. I had a lot of severe food allergies but after making it through treatment most of them have resolved.

I basically try to follow a whole foods diet although I am known for sneaking a treat now and then.

Take care and I hope you start to gain some weight soon. Olive Oil and high quality, health food grade Coconut Oils are very good for you and would definitely help with the weight gain.

One thing I have done in the past to keep the yeast down in my mouth is one of Dr. B's recommendations to scrape your tongue then to mix a little hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and brush your tongue with it. Spit it out when you are finished and rinse, Do Not swallow.

Take care - Oh, one other thing a nutritionist recommeded to me was a product called 'UltraClear'. It is Medical Food in powdered form that you can put into a smoothie for instance or just mix in water and drink. It has a lot of nutrients and 170 calories in 2 scoops. It promotes metabolic detoxification. It is by 'Metagenics'.

Good luck on your road to recovery!

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I had that problem at one time too. I'm 5'6 and at my lowest was 97lbs. I'm now 118 after doing a parasite cleanse and dealing with leaky gut.

Digestive enzymes would be very helpful and also protein shakes from the health food store. If there's someone at the health food store you trust, ask them what shakes they recommend and what is the best course of action.

All the recommendations listed sounded good to me and should put weight right back on.

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Something else that you might try are Branch Chained Amino Acids. They have 3 of the essential aminos in it. It could be that your liver isn't able to break down food properly in order to get the quantities that it needs of these. It would be a good addition to the whole lemon/olive oil drink listed above.
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Creatine, digestive enzymes, and maybe glutamine. I use CreaPure brand creatine. 5-20g a day. A lot of people say this and that against creatine, but it works great for me. Even if I don't exercise, I definetly get bigger and stronger.

Make sure you have enough carbs around the time you take creatine, and consume foods higher in protein shortly after for best results.

This Hemp protein looks real cool too.
. You might want to take some lysine with that to balance out the arginine NO induction.

Good luck.

"You know, the worst, meanest, nastiest, ticks in the world are politicks," - Steve Nostrum

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The Lyme Disease Network is a non-profit organization funded by individual donations. If you would like to support the Network and the LymeNet system of Web services, please send your donations to:

The Lyme Disease Network of New Jersey
907 Pebble Creek Court, Pennington, NJ 08534 USA

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All Rights Reserved.
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