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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » LAB Results - LAB CORP - Please help

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Author Topic: LAB Results - LAB CORP - Please help
Member # 16639

Icon 1 posted      Profile for sameetra     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Just got a copy of the results ordered by my LLMD for my upcoming 1st appointment - next month.
Must admit, it feels a little awkward using ``my'' when I haven't seen him yet but...

Any help given in interpreting the results would be most appreciated.

Please bear with me if I do not post this properly. I have been struggling to get this to post this a way that makes sense.
I am not able to post this the way I want to - help?

Lyme, Western Blot, Serum
Lyme Ab IgG by WB:

To save space & time, all 10 bands say: ``Absent''

Lyme IgG WB Interp. Negative

Lyme Ab IgM by WB:

IgM p41 Ab. Present Abnormal
IgM p39 Ab. Absent
IgM p23 Ab. Absent

Lyme IgM WB Interp. Negative

Okay, so I get it - it's a resounding negative to the establishment.

I know that band 41 is NOT specific.

I have read all the advice on how to interpret WB's but I still don't get it...

Do they only check IgM for those 3 bands?

Why don't they do IgM for the 10 that they do for IgG ?
Am I totally missing something here ?
I am sure that I must be.

What does IgeneX or Stony Brook, or other labs do?
How many bands in both IgG & IgM do they use ?

Okay on to the other stuff...

EBV Ab VCA, IgM 14 Negative <100

Cytomegalovirus CMV Ab, IgG 14.4 High

index 0.0 - 0.8
Negative <0.9
Equivocal 0.9 - 1.0
Positive > 1.0

Cytomegalovirus CMV Ab, IgM <0.9

EBV Ab VCA, IgG: 2743 High
AU/mL 0 - 99

Negative <100
Equivocal 100 - 120
Positive >120

BUN: 4 Low mg/dl 5 - 26

BUN/Creatinine Ratio: 7 Low 8 - 27

I don't know why they separated the EBV & CMV like that?

How high is the EBV & CMV ?

I can't seem to find anything on the net with regards to reference ranges.

But my results seem really high compared to ones provided by the lab -eek!
2743 of anything can't be good, right?

Am I wrong to assume that since the IgG's were abnormal and the IgM's normal that I do not have active infections with these viruses, even though I feel like I do ?
Something is kicking my butt!

Could those play a role in having no antibodies to the B.b show up ?

I could be totally mistaken by this point - my head is reeling - but didn't I read somewhere that if your body is trying to fight off other, what it deems as potentially more threatening, invaders that it won't/can't produce antibodies to B.b ?

And that if I can somehow manage to clear those viruses, would that be by taking anti-virals?, that would allow my body to produce anti-bodies for Lyme on a Western Blot?

Is there any truth to that?
Any studies or links about the effects of current infections.

Or as improbable as it seems, maybe I do NOT have Lyme but some sort of immune system problem, some sort of Chronic EBV infection, what is that? or what?

Am I crazy?
I feel like I am at this point.

Also, I know that with certain lab studies, especially those with very narrow reference ranges, being close doesn't really matter but with other assays a borderline result can be significant.

So, I am also asking about the following ``normal'' results:


Complement, Total CH50
51 U/mL 22 - 60

While this is within normal range, it's fairly close to the upper end. Any signifigance?

And C3+C4:
Complement C3, Serum
97 mg/dl Adult 90 - 180

Again, within normal range but closer to lower end. I'm so confused.

A different DR ran an EBV test a little more than 2 weeks prior to this and never mentioned the results. I just now got the results:

Abnormal Final result
Value Flag Low

EBV IGG VCA 378 H <18.0
EBV IGM VCA <10 <36.0
EBV Nuclear Antigen >600 H <18.0

Value: This Ebv antibody pattern is consistent with a prior EBV infection, reactivation of an EBV infection, Burkitt's Lymphoma, or nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

Now that is scaring me a bit.
Do I have cancer?

Should I see an Immunologist?
What do they do for you?

Thank You,

Posts: 68 | From Pittsburgh | Registered: Aug 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Lymeorsomething     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
You have a lot of information to digest there. LabCorp is not the best lab for lyme testing.

You should repeat the WB with Igenex when you get the opportunity. My LapCorp WB only listed 2 IGG bands and I was later shown to be IGM positive through an Igenex WB.

In short, there can be massive disparities on lyme tests so you can't go by bloodwork alone.

List your symptoms as well.

Viruses, like EBV, can co-infect the lyme-weakened patient or they can cause problems on their own.

Cancers related to EBV tend to be rare. Do you have any swollen lymph nodes? Keep in mind that almost everyone has been exposed to EBV.

The Cyto virus can also cause issues. You may want to query another poster called "Timaca" about any virus concerns.

From my own experience--and this is conjecture--lyme weakened my immune system to the point that I developed full blown mono at 36 years of age. During this infection, lyme was able to spread like wild fire reducing me from a very healthy person to a very sick person.

I'm from the camp that feels that viruses will be controlled adequately by the body once lyme is subdued. However, others disagree and say that these common viruses need to be treated along with lyme.

Some believe CFS is caused by EBV and/or other viruses...

I can only suggest to do as much reading as you can and get a LLMD for proper testing. Most LLMDs can recognize viral issues too and treat one or both if necessary....

"Whatever can go wrong will go wrong."

Posts: 2062 | From CT | Registered: Jul 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 16639

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Thank you so much for your reply, Lymeorsomething.

Your screen name aptly sums up my feelings, right now.

Yes, I know it is overwhelming up above.
I'm sorry.

My heart hurts a lot tonight - it IS scary!

Yes! Me too with the Mono.
This latest bout of illness (the worst and longest to date) seemed to come after we all had MONO. Me at 34 & my husband at 39!

Back in May, he developed the more typical throat/neck symptoms right away - it was fairly severe. He was tested and treated and fared much better than I.

But with me - feels like I've had it since last year- the infection is just lingering. It's like my body's defenses are stuck in slow motion... the throat stuff more mild (so far) than with my husband and it worsened after a CT scan of my neck? [dizzy]


Thank You,

Posts: 68 | From Pittsburgh | Registered: Aug 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 16173

Icon 1 posted      Profile for usyankee     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Lymeorsomething:
LabCorp is not the best lab for lyme testing.

You should repeat the WB with Igenex when you get the opportunity.

Question: How does one get labs done through Igenex? When the doc sends me to the lab (Quest or Labcorp), they draw the blood. How does one get blood drawn to send to Igenex? Where does one go?
Posts: 37 | From Connecticut | Registered: Jul 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 16173

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Originally posted by sameetra:
He was tested and treated and fared much better than I.

PS. How did he get treated for mono? I had mono and they did nothing. It's a virus. I had it bad (couldn't even lift my arm to comb my hair) and get mono relapses when I push myself too much or get bronchitis or when I get flu.

PS. I just found one of my CEBV labs (chronic Epstein Barr virus-chronic mono)It's very faint--a copy of a copy of a copy. I used to make copies for ******* doctors who liked to tell me there is no such thing as chronic mono (I guess the same type as tell people there is no such thing as chronic or late stage Lyme).

The EBV Capsid AG (IGG) was out of range at 640 Normal is less than 20. The IGM was less than 10 (normal) The EBNA antibody titer was 'equal or greater than 128' (normal less than 2; and someting else it's hard to see that is 40 and normal is less than 10. I was having a relapse after having surgery (was trying to get pregnant and had a laparoscopy) At that same time a Lyme test was done and doc said it was negative. It had been 10 years since my bull's eye rings.

My current "fibromyalgia" happened after I got stuck with a needle at work and had a tetanus shot that night at the walk in. I have never been same since. I ? did I catch something from her? (I and patient were checked for Hepatitius and HIV but if Lyme can be transferred through sex like HIV can it be transferred that way?) I did have bullseyes on my lages years ago. Was Lyme dormant and initiated at that time? Did the tetanus shot give me something? I started with muscles spasms and turned to burning boiling pain throughout my body with every day exhaustion (unlike where the mono relapses only happened once in awhile when I pushed myself too much or had bronchitis or flu or surgery)

Posts: 37 | From Connecticut | Registered: Jul 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Originally posted by usyankee:
Question: How does one get labs done through Igenex? When the doc sends me to the lab (Quest or Labcorp), they draw the blood. How does one get blood drawn to send to Igenex? Where does one go?

Either you or your doctor has to order the kit from IgeneX, have the blood drawn on a Mon or Tue and send it out in the prepaid FedEx pack. It also needs to be paid in full or they won't do the testing.
Posts: 261 | From NW Pa ~ Crawford County | Registered: Oct 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Member # 16359

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usyankee, you live in an endemic area so you should obtain the right tests through Igenex for some peace of mind. Find a LLMD...won't be a problem in CT...

And yes, many people on the boards have suspected that their lyme was dormant for a long time before being brought out by a major stressor...

[ 18. August 2008, 10:39 AM: Message edited by: Lymeorsomething ]

"Whatever can go wrong will go wrong."

Posts: 2062 | From CT | Registered: Jul 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 16639

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I should say that my husband's overt symptoms were treated.

His throat swelled so badly that he could not talk - he could not eat.

He was miserable and in a great deal of pain.

1st Doc said: "Looks bacterial - here's some ABX. Do you want some steroids too?"

That was a first - the DR asking US what to prescribe.

Unsure Hubby said, nah.

(How the heck should we know if steroids were needed? )

My hubby tried the antibiotics, but didn't think they were helping and didn't take them.

2nd Doc - does a culture for Strep which is negative and says: "Strep is the only bacterial infection that you can get in your throat. No ABX. Go home."

3rd doc - thought mono & ordered blood test which came back positive for EBV: IgG, IgM, and AG (EBNA)- prescribed predisone. He took that and his THROAT improved.

Posts: 68 | From Pittsburgh | Registered: Aug 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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What does it mean when the test results say "absent" rather than positive or negative? I had some that said "absent" as well, and it confused me. I asked the nurse what it meant and she admitted that she didn't know either!
Posts: 7 | From CT | Registered: Jul 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Originally posted by LJeff:
[QB] What does it mean when the test results say "absent" rather than positive or negative? I had some that said "absent" as well, and it confused me. I asked the nurse what it meant and she admitted that she didn't know either!

I would say it's just the terminology of that lab.

The best lab for lyme testing is Igenex. They test for all possible bands.

You get what you pay for.

Opinions, not medical advice!

Posts: 96227 | From Texas | Registered: Feb 2001  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Sam, I can relate to your issues. I had infectious mono about 2 years ago now and I haven't been right since.

I believe lyme was in the background and disseminated quickly when my immune system was weak.

Keep in mind that some illnesses can masquerade as mono. Lyme is one of them. Lyme can also suppress your natural defenses enough to allow once controlled viruses free.

Did you have a positive monospot when you had mono?

I know how you feel about the heart symptoms--very scary part of lyme infection. I've had palps and low pulse as well.

It's worth it to get a LLMD to get the right tests and to get a more complete picture of your health...

"Whatever can go wrong will go wrong."

Posts: 2062 | From CT | Registered: Jul 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Were you tested for Babesiosis AB, IGG IGM, Babesia microti, Babesia duncani, Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis, Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis, Bartonella henselae & Bartonella Quintana?

It is possible for co-infections to tax your immune system so that the Borrelia can effectively evade it.

Often Txing known co-infections CAN allow your immune system to mount an attack against the Borrelia & then a positive WB can be obtained.

I would not put ANY stock at all whatsoever in a LabCorp Lyme WB. IMO, they are the ABSOLUTE WORST lab for Lyme testing.

I do believe that CMV & chronic EBV can cause some symptoms similar to Lyme, I don't think that Lyme could be ruled out because those tests are positive.

I think that the LLMD will be able to help you decipher what is going on with you. If you have viruses & co-infections going on, you might not even get many positive bands from Igenex because of an inadequate immune response if Lyme IS a factor.

In my non-professional opinion, I think it might be best to rule out all possible co-infections, ESPECIALLY Babesiosis, treat any positives WHILE addressing Lyme (in some manner) & once the co-infections are taken care of re-test for Lyme through a reputable specialized Lab.

Did you have a known tick-bite?

Note: I'm NOT a medical professional. The information I share is from my own personal research and experience. Please do not construe anything I share as medical advice, which should only be obtained from a licensed medical practitioner.

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for timaca     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Looks like viruses could be part of your problem...CMV and EBV, due to your high IgG numbers.

It is possible that you have a viral infection and not a lyme infection.

The symptoms for lyme and viral infections are the same.

For more info on viruses, see: There is a patient's forum there too.


Posts: 2872 | From above 7,000 ft in a pine forest | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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