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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » Medical Questions » Proof that Spirochetal L-Forms were Weaponised 70 Years Ago

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Author Topic: Proof that Spirochetal L-Forms were Weaponised 70 Years Ago
Eight Legs Bad
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Hi everyone,

Please read - this is extremely important.

Spirochetal L-forms were cultured by Japanese biological warfare scientists over 70 years ago for transmission by the airborne route.

This may be new and shocking information for some of you but I assure you it is true. Below I provide the evidence.

I hope you will take time to read this information and to think about its implications.

Borrelial L-forms have been a militarily sensitive subject for decades. The US and allied governments prefer to pretend that they are either nonexistent, or of no importance.

At the URL below is an article in which I have summarised a chapter from "Japan's Secret Weapon", a book published in 1944 by leading scientist Barclay Newman, published by Current Publishing Co, New York.

Here is a quote from Newman's book.

"Sometimes the Japanese think up the damnedest experiments, such as the transmission of syphilis by spraying the spirochetes into the air or into the eyes of animals or volunteers.

Infection is thus accomplished. Japanese technicians have been not only the outstandingly successful cultivators of spirochetes and many other very deadly germs but also the sole successful mass producers of the most dangerous and horrible microbes....Some of the apparently fantastic claims of new methods of transmission by Japanese specialists have been investigated and their truth established in American laboratories years after the claims were first made.

Therefore, if you want to speculate further about the possibilities of spirochete warfare, you can be sure that the Japanese know how to spread any spirochete disease - slime fever, syphilis, yaws, sodoku (3), relapsing fever - by spraying droplets laden with specially cultured spirochetes. So they do not have to drop infected fleas, rats or even leopards from planes, as suggested by popular writers."

There is a lot more information, and in particular, ***about the cell wall-deficient forms***.

Once you have read this information, and understood its significance, you will understand why there is a coverup at the highest levels.

And, having understood the nature of the cover-up, you are now in a position to educate others.

I truly believe that if we all work together we can bring an end to this coverup, an end to the mass suffering it has caused, and usher in a new era of hope.

Elena Cook
29 Nov 2008 23:40 GMT

Justice will be ours.

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So maybe this is why many of us do not recall a bite, nor do we remember a rash.

We just became very ill.

I could puke if this is what happened.

Feelfit [rant]

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Iggg, uhh, uhhh, eeeew.

This is too creepy, but necessary to read.

Now I get where the term "conspiracy theory" comes from. The term itself is created as propaganda to discredit those who take a hard look at reality.

Didn't your mother ever tell you that two wrongs don't make a right? You can't fight evil with evil.

Little boys have been playing at being God with thunderbolts, and they've been missing their mark.

This does make me wonder if there may be some health technology available in Japan for fighting or preventing lyme that we have not had a good look at yet.


"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Having my father tell me stories from Vietnam and other friends and family tell me about things they heard and witnessed in the military......It would shock the majority of people in this country.....We have a "government" that represents us on TV and in the media.....Then we have the "people" who really run this country and the world......Most of the stuff that goes on in this country will never be talked about.....Its not conspiracy, its just evil......

As Einstein once said........The biggest danger to human existence on earth is the widening gap between technology and the development of the human brain.......

Does anyone else see the dangerous irony between our military budget and the "dumbing down" of our society.......

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"Does anyone else see the dangerous irony between our military budget and the "dumbing down" of our society......."

I see a causal relationship there (the expansion of the former causing the latter.)

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Icon 1 posted      Profile for dguy     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Am I missing something? That article appears to discuss syphilis, which has been known for centuries, rather than lyme.
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Relapsing Fever=Borrelia=Lyme

[ 29. November 2008, 10:28 PM: Message edited by: adamm ]

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But Elena-- are we talking person-to-person spread via coughing, sneezing, kissing, etc., or
do the bugs have to be in some special preparation (in higher numbers than those in which they'd be found in saliva) for it to be contracted that way?

Do any researchers have any idea what the infective dose is?

[ 30. November 2008, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: adamm ]

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This is interesting information. Perhaps someone could put together a timeline of all of this.

There are some things to consider... I don't believe that the Japanese came up with what we know as "modern" Lyme here. It think it was developed later by scientists from Operation Paperclip. I might be wrong, though.

There are a number of factors that may have contributed towards it's development -

- the Tuskegee Experiment - 1932 through 1972
- German scientists from Operation Paperclip in the US who perhaps had access to Japanese research
- Japanese scientists here after WW2 (although I never heard of them here up until now)

"Though the US government has long denied it, not only were they fully aware of the Japanese and Nazi biowarfare programs, but also, incredibly, after the War, they protected the architects of these programs of death from prosecution as war criminals. This was in order to recruit them for the American biological weapons program against the Soviet bloc, which they duly did."

This is what was known as Operation Paperclip. I have read that the German scientists were divided between the US & Russia to keep alive & use the "valuable" research that was done in concentration camps by the Germans.

A major German Nazi scientist was also in a very high level position at NASA, too.

I don't think the first intention was to use the bio-weapons on Russia at that time. I think this came later with the ramping up of Cold War. I could be wrong, though.

"Fujimori (sic) was testing out the effects of spreading two different parasites into the same guinea pig at the same time. The Japanese discovered that one parasite promotes the lethal action of the other. He demonstrated that diphtheria bacilli are more virulent when used along with syphilis ..."

This, I believe, is very significant!

I ordered the book so I'd like to read it before any further comments. There's a huge amount of disinformation & propaganda out there. It's important to read everything as to not take things out of context.

Thanks for posting. I agree that this is at the root of our problems. There are a number of other factors to consider, as well. There have been alot of developments since the 1940's which contribute to modern Lyme as we know it...

There are also the issues of:
- Morgellon's Disease
- SV40 re: Polio Vaccines from the 1960s onward & other vaccines
- Chemtrails
- Toxins in the environment like flouride in the water, pesticides & plastics which effect hormones, genetically modified foods, hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn sweeteners, etc.
- Heavy metals, lead, mercury...
- Mad cow disease
- Nano-technology
- Gulf War Syndrome
- "Russian Doll Cocktails"
- Mind Control in various forms & Psi Warfare

When you look at the whole picture - it really seems that they (whomever "they" are) are trying to kill us off... It's not a coincidence.

If high level people, making the decisions were concerned for the well being of the planet, they wouldn't be doing stuff like this.

If people don't recognize this - we won't be able to have a starting point to consider how to get well.

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Eight Legs Bad
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Yes, dguy, you are missing something - in fact, you are missing everything.

The chapter of Newman's book summarised in my article discusses not just syphilis, but the spirochetes **as a group**, ie including also yaws, leptospirosis, relapsing fever etc etc.

In particular it discusses the fact that the Japanese were culturing the "invisible" or L-form of spirochetes for the purpose of airborne dissemination.

I suggest you read the article again, more carefully this time.


Originally posted by dguy:
Am I missing something? That article appears to discuss syphilis, which has been known for centuries, rather than lyme.

Justice will be ours.

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Eight Legs Bad
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Hi Adamm

Remember that we are talking about weaponised spirochetes of the 1940's, which are not necessarily the same as spirochetes infecting people today. So the info on Newman's book on spirochets in 1944 is not enough to answer a question on the modes of transmission of Lyme-causing Borreliae in 2008.

However, among other things, the book does teach us,the following which appear relevant:

1. As far back as the pre-WWII era, spirochetes were being studied for their biowarfare potential.

2. The Japanese were particularly interested in culturing the L-form of spirochetes for ***aerial dissemination***.

3. Weaponised L-forms were resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics available at that time. They also were (and are) extremely hard to see if you don't know what you are looking for.

4. At the time of the Japanese spirochete warfare research, Relapsing Fever Borrelia was raging through colonial Africa, infecting millions. This would certainly not have escaped the attention of the world's biowarfare scientists.

We also know that today, despite official denials, and pretence that Lyme is a hard-to-catch, easily cured infection which can be handled and studied at a low level of biosecurity (BSL-2), in reality, some strains of Lyme, at least, have been studied at BSL-4 - the highest level of containment, normally reserved for the most dangerous airborne pathogens.

Over the past few years I and others have collated a number of these leaked reports or documents accidentally made available on the internet (and subsequently altered or removed).

These documents show that Lyme is studied in maximum containment "biodefense" labs at BSL-4 in the US, Britain, and no doubt, many other countries.

Some examples are here:

Practical observation suggests that most Lyme is not ***highly*** communicable by the airborne or droplet route in the way that flu or the common cold is. If it were the case, we would have instantaneous epidemics involving entire neighbourhoods, and all the healthcare personnel who treated the casualties would fall ill as well.

We would not have doctors sitting across from us at their desks, calmly informing us that as all routine tests are negative, we don't have an infection. Instead, they would be conveying their muffled thoughts from behind a weapons-grade mask, gloved and gowned from head to foot, as they shuffled nervously around our isolation cubicles, hoping their protective clothing and the special pressurised airflow system of the building would not let them down.

Whether it can be passed person-to-person among people by the airborne route between people who are in **prolonged** , continual close contact, such as family members, classmates at school, etc, is a different matter. TB is believed to be spread in this manner. I don't have the information at this moment to answer that question regarding Lyme.

What is known for certain, is that Lyme occurs in clusters, not just in an area, but within families. However, this could also be explained by the fact that family members are exposed to the same environmental factors, such as ticks.

Your other question about whether Lyme would need to be in a high concentration of particles to be successfully spread by the airborne route is a technical one which I can't answer. I would guess it would depend on the strain, how it had been cultured, etc.. Passaging cell wall deficient spirochetes though living human brains could theoretically, at least, have stepped up the virulence and neurotropic nature of the bug tremendously.

Sadly, both the Japanese and the Germans during WW2 would have had no shortage of living human beings through which they could passage this horror, if they so desired.


Originally posted by adamm:
But Elena-- are we talking person-to-person spread via coughing, sneezing, kissing, etc., or
do the bugs have to be in some special preparation (in higher numbers than those in which they'd be found in saliva) for it to be contracted that way?

Do any researchers have any idea what the infective dose is?

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Lots of good information Elena! Now...if it is true that Bb has been weaponized and or that ticks have been purposely infected with many different organisms (this is done to confuse diagnosis , teatment AND the immune system)...then we need to try and figure out what faction(s) or groups may be orchestrating this.

It's not just the United States that is experiencing this plague. It is spreading throughout the world...even to places that have historically been inhospitable to the deer tick. This phenomonon is being blamed on global warming. I feel that it is more likely due to the genetic engineering of the tick to withstand harsher climatic conditions.

It is obvious that there is a push towards globalization. People will not willingly accept One World Government without a fight...that is unless they are made to believe that it is good or necessary. It could also be that nations are being intentionally disabled to make the whole process somehow easier.

When governments are destabalized or taken over from within, it usually involves highly sophisticated propaganda to aide this process along. Therefore, I would think it would make sense to try and determine who is in charge of the TV media, the print media, Hollywood,music industry, etc. Then try and determine if the same groups of people are involved with biowarfare research and or Lyme disease.

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I got the book. It depressed me.

Dying is easy. Living is harder.

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Daystar--Yoor notions are well-supported by the facts. Google In Lies We Trust.
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Syphilis spirochetes do not live outside the human body. So spraying them in any form would not work.
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Originally posted by Eight Legs Bad:
Yes, dguy, you are missing something - in fact, you are missing everything.

The chapter of Newman's book summarised in my article discusses not just syphilis, but the spirochetes **as a group**, ie including also yaws, leptospirosis, relapsing fever etc etc.

In particular it discusses the fact that the Japanese were culturing the "invisible" or L-form of spirochetes for the purpose of airborne dissemination.

I suggest you read the article again, more carefully this time.


nah, I'm probably too stoopid
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I don't believe that Lyme can be spread via air... (yet, anyway) There's data about tick saliva as being part of the vector. The tick saliva suppresses the immune system so it can't recognize the initial Borellia infection.

I agree that everyone would be infected with Lyme if it were easily spread via air, blood supply, sex, kissing. I don't completely rule it out but we've had modern Lyme for about 30 years. Everyone would be ill if it were easily spread.

Thank you for your research, Elena.

It seems to me that the plan is to decrease the world population in a way that won't cause overt alarm.


PS - re:
"Fujimori (sic) was testing out the effects of spreading two different parasites into the same guinea pig at the same time. The Japanese discovered that one parasite promotes the lethal action of the other. He demonstrated that diphtheria bacilli are more virulent when used along with syphilis ..."

This demonstrates the importance of the concept of co-infections.

Some of the co-infections seem to me to be just as bad as Lyme. It also seems intentional to combine Lyme with bart, babs, various herpes viruses, tick borne encephalitis (which is viral), vaccines, mercury, environmental toxins, etc.

Please read the info I posted about polio & the polio vaccine. SV40 is very serious, as well. It may be the (or a) cause of CFS & Fibromyalgia...

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The Lyme Spirochetes are transferred directly into our body from the saliva of the tick. It cannot live outside of our bodies. Therefore it could not be spread via airborne.
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Great info. Thank you all for sharing.

Sad too.


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The book says something about suspending the spirochetes on droplets.

Also, supposing they knew how to make the cysts or pleomorphic forms contained in a dried form like dust, and then suspended the particles in a medium?


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Thanks so much for posting this, Elena.
I have a couple of recommendations for follow-up reading:
On the topic of the government killing people off, I suggest people Google "population control" or simply research the history of American Eugenics (Hitler admired the American eugenecists and was said to have borrowed many of their ideas). There is nothing far-fetched about the idea that getting rid of civilians was part of the agenda. But also, the development of incapacitants was apparently a big priority in biowarfare: debilitate an entire country and you ruin their economy and their military power, by creating a rash of disabled folks instead of outright killing them.

I also recommend the book, The Extremely Unfortunate Skull Valley Incident, which documents the creation of weaponized brucellosis and how it might link to CFS. Brucella is of course tick-borne as well.

Which antibiotics do work against cell wall deficient organisms? I was reading a longitudinal antibiotic study on people with gulf war syndrome that found most people did NOT improve on antibiotics (to treat mycoplasma, which are cell wall deficient) -- this is different from what Garth Nicolson found.

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I can't see what borreliosis has got to do with population control really, it would be more of a disabling agent that causes long-term sickness and uses up a nation's resources.

What Elena has shown us here is that spirochetes, including the borrelia types, have long been studied by the military bioweaponeers.

Perhaps some of the leptospirosis types were more deadly, but not Lyme borreliae.

The next point is that we have a new form of bacteria, disputed to this day, which was actually known about and researched in secret, for military purposes.

Perhaps the Lyme epidemic was an accident - who knows? - but they have kept the knowledge of the CWD nature under their hats, leaving tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of victims, suffering with so-called syndromes like CFS/Fibromyalgia etc etc. Perhaps some of the strains were more virulent, the ones that cause ALS for instance.

We need to look at this as a source of info that reveals the hidden CWD nature, and the facts that have been kept from general medical knowledge.

This is surely what we need to emphasise, without getting into world population speculations. That won't help. Let's stick to finding out where this points us, and try and see what other information we can find. And then demand an enquiry. At least, can some proper researchers with access to old publications try and follow this up?

A professional factual investigation would help us all, and here is one of the smoking guns.


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If people are disabled & do not reproduce as much it will eventually decrease the world population.

Also, this illness is congenital... so, it can effect the genes for generations down the line. Do some research on epigenomics...

Decreasing the world population is a long term agenda from what I have researched. It's not meant to happen all at once. People would rebel.

The people making the plans are much smaller in number than the rest of the world populace. It wouldn't be hard to overthrow them if the masses actually realized this is what was going on.

I'm not saying that eugenics are taking place but this is what seems to be happening. Why else would the authorities be denying the existence of Lyme?

[ 30. November 2008, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: sparkle7 ]

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This is just something I wrote a little while back. It basically says what you all are sayin

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Wasn't able to read much but a bit of what you posted.

I was reminded of a thought I had when this first hit.

I kept thinking whatever this is, we would not go to war if those fighting were in this condition.

They just wouldn't have what it took to fight.

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Exactly....and that's what Gulf War Illness is ...basically. Somehow Lyme and mycoplasma and GWI are all tied together....and it may even be more than just due to coinfection. I'm still trying to figure out the connection
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Hi Sparkle,

I guess I just can't get my head around the total evil that this would involve, but I appreciate your point. We don't know how many millions of us are now so changed/damaged by these bugs. Fertility levels are plummeting in some parts of Europe.

That Tuskegee thing, how could that be allowed? Whoever did that must have had some kind of purpose to make them override their normal humanity.

But I wonder what they got out of it, having known about the final stages of syphilis for a century before then?

I imagine they were studying the L-form. Perhaps they were taking blood samples regularly and seeing what they could culture. Some of the victims had had one or two doses of penicillin at the beginning I believe, which would have sent the spirochaetes into the L-form.

But this borreliosis, I know from my own symptoms it's a relapsing fever and I know it's the worst sort of torture of the mind and body. Wouldn't it have been better to just poison us and kill us?

I still think the spread has been an accident, but the main thing is the cover up, that's totally evil in itself. In the UK there are almost no warnings, perhaps a few here and there after the 2 small Lyme charities raised awareness.

Those in charge would rather pretend it hasn't reached the UK yet and allow unsuspecting people to become infected. That's what makes me so angry, the denial of the epidemic. So you could be right, they don't care how many get sick in the end, the more the better - but I just can't hold with that - yet.


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Wow... I'm impressed. We have some heavy hitters on this thread.

Thanks for all your investigative work!

Andromeda13 - I'm not that far from Lyme, CT. Maybe about an hour & a half away by car. It's the same here with lack of knowledge.

One would think all the doctors would be familiar with it since we are so close to ground zero. People have been getting Lyme in this area for over 30 years...

It took me 9 years & $10,000s to find out that I had Lyme.

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In Michael Moore's old TV show The Awful Truth he did a segment called "The first Gulf War Syndrome fun run" which is basically all of these very sick GWS vets having a "run" to raise funding for GWS -- basically a parody of how impossible it is to do any form of activism -- let alone fight a war -- when one is totally disabled. It might be online somewhere but is also on DVD from one of the seasons of the show.

From a biowarfare perspective, as I said, incapacitants could be much more destructive than agents that outright kill the enemy, as they can strain an entire economy as well as immobilize an army.

For the person who mentioned chemtrails: do you believe biological agents are being dispersed through chemtrails?

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There's alot of info about chemtrails on the internet. Do a search on Google.

This website is good -

It's hard to say what they are spraying everyone with... there's no disclosure of what they are doing.

It's going on around the world. It must be costing someone alot of money. Who is paying for it & what it is, even...?

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Another thought concerning transmission of Bb and or mycoplasma.....are antifertility vaccines. You may find it interesting to read "Challenging the Immune system: The Development of Anti-Fertility Vaccines" by Ute Sprenger and "Are New Vaccines Laced with Birth Control Drugs?

In the 70's the WHO was working on antifertility vaccines. Garth Nicolson was involved with the WHO Task Force at this time.

From what I understand through the reading....the vaccine needs "carriers" for the agent which turns our immune system against the female reproductive organs, which in turn creates infertility. This is supposed to be reversible within a few years. The carriers can be microbes and mycoplasma was listed in one of the things I a carrier.Could Bb also be a carrier? We know that with Lyme disease there is much infertility, miscarriage and still births. The same is true for mycoplasma

So....could many of our vaccines be laced with antifertility agents and could the resulting autoimmune cascade be one of the causes of our autoimmune diseases? Also...could this be one of the reasons for the spread of mycoplasma and or other organisms? Can the vaccinated woman pass it on to sexual partners or to any future children (after the vaccine wears off/)

Supposedly bacteria can incorporate into our DNA which then effect...can alter our species in certain ways...I think.I asked Prof Nicolson if the diseases we are infected with could be used for Eugenics purposes and he thought that this was possible and may be one of the reasons why they don't want us treated.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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Oh....I forgot to mention.....when I was reading about these mentions that vaccines can be made to also disable the male organs...but it is much more effective to target the female organs. So....coould that be one reason why women have more autoimmune diseases than men? Just a thought
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Another crucial article for understanding what might be going on is..."Biological Control of Rodents - The Case for Fertility Control Using Immunocontraception. When reading this article, try substituting humans in the place of pests or rodents and think of mycoplasma and Bb as some of the vectors for the hormone which affects fertility
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Interesting... I'd have to do more research on it in connection with Lyme.

Maybe that some of the reason for the push to vaccinate all young girls for HPV? Part of it is money - for sure...

I have read the Gulf War Syndrome is spread through sexual contact.

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Yes...I've also wondered about the HPV vaccine.

From what I understand.....GWI can also be passed on to family members without sexual contact. Nicolson says it is moderately contagious and that usually for someone to catch it they have to be with the infected person over time.

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WHat has he said about Bb's transmissibility?
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Eight Legs Bad
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I think it's very important to stick to facts rather than speculation when we talk about this issue. There is nothing in the factual material I have published that proves that your government or mine is deliberately trying to wipe out its own population, or reduce the fertility of its own women.

What it does prove, is that the US and other governments are ***covering up*** the biowarfare significance of spirochetal L-forms.

It's really important to be able to reference everthing we say with hard evidence when we talk about this issue. Otherwise we won't have a hope in hell of being taken seriously by scientists, journalists, historians, congressmen/parliamentary reps etc.. And without at least some of them on our side, we will get nowehere.

To those who said that Lyme or syphilis could not be spread by airborne dissemination because they don't normally live outside a living human/animal/tick - please remember that bioweaponeers long ago found ways round these technical problems.

You can read in the open, non-classified literature about how Borrelia was lyophilised decades ago. (This is a method of freeze-drying microbes so that they can be stored, with their virulence intact.)

Almost since the dawn of bacteriology as a science, scientists have been experimenting with ways of infecting test subjects (usually animals, but sometimes humans) with microbes in ways that would never occur in nature.

For example, very early on it became common practice to infect mice with viruses by injecting intracerebrally. Even though this never happened in nature, the mice acquired the disease - often fatally.

Pulmonary anthrax almost never occurs naturally - most victims through the centuries got it through the skin, where it was a less ferocious disease.

Yet look how successfully anthrax infected humans through the airborne route in 2001 - with tragic results.


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I disagree Elena. In some arenas we should have the facts to back up our statements. However, we need to be free to ask questions in areas we don't totally understand. This is a free country and we have the right and duty to make sure our government is not being deceptive.

I have made friends with a molecular biologist and this friend has explained to me the extreme lack of regulation over the biotech industry

As we know the corporations...biotech included, are very intertwined with our government. Whenever anyone says that we should never say anything unless we have the facts...they are being unrealistic. How can we find the facts if we do not question and do research to try and connect the dots?

You of all people are aware of that. Your research is very good and I'm sure you had to ask questions before you came up with your facts.

Also, discouraging people from looking further into these areas because we have to remain one method the people in charge are using to keep us ignorant and quiet.

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Originally posted by daystar1952:
How can we find the facts if we do not question and do research to try and connect the dots?


We do have to question and we do have to research and we do have to connect the dots. However, if you think about a "connect-the-dots" puzzle, you only solve the puzzle if you connect those dots that are part of the picture.

If we connect every dot to every other dot in the world, regardless of whether there is cogent evidence for a connection or not, we do not solve the puzzle and we do not see the picture. We just end up with a mess.

You are correct to say that some in Lymeland, including some in influential positions, try to stifle any discussion about biowarfare by saying it makes us appear not credible. This is motivated IMO by fear more than anything else.

When we have concrete hard evidence of something, as we do with Newman's book, we don't need to fear not being "credible".

Not long ago the families of soldiers in the UK who died or became disabled, decades ago, after volunteering for what our military told them was "Common Cold Research", demanded a public enquiry. They did the research, and found out their loved ones had not been exposed to the cold virus at all, but to nerve gas.

They got the public enquiry because they were able to provide enough hard evidence of their allegations. The parliamentary reps who backed them and media people who took up their story did not consider them "not credible" just because they were talking about biowarfare issues.

However, if I just stood up and said "The Japanese created spirochetal bioweapons" without presenting evidence, then yes, I would lack credibility.

If I went further and said, without any evidence, "The Japanese created spirochetal bioweapons in the 30's, they disseminated them in New England in the 1970's to wreck the US economy, I think this is because they have a secret plan to take over the world, and we're not being told about it because all our media and government have been infiltrated by agents secretly working for Tokyo, then yes, I would lack total credibility, although a small percentage of people might believe my story, especially those who never really liked the Japanese.

However, the moment anyone challenged me to prove my allegations, I would look like a fool - and lose all credibility.


Justice will be ours.

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We can be inspired by the hard-won victory of the victims of chemical weapons testing at Porton Down, Britain's top chemical and biological weaponry research institute (which incidentally studied Lyme too, though our government denied it in Parliament.).

While the compensation they won hardly makes up for the destroyed lives, nevertheless they at least won recognition of the truth. Injury by nerve gas may be permanent, but acknowledgment of our chronic infection opens the door to treatment.

The passage below is taken from the bulletin of a top law firm which defended the victims of the phoney "common cold" research done by our military.


"At long last the Porton Down Veterans are
celebrating a victory upon a successful completion
of their chemical warfare litigation.

The case against the
Ministry of Defence has been handled by Alan Care since 1994.

Porton Down - A brief history

Porton Down in Wiltshire was established by the War Department as an
experimental base in 1916 for British research into the use of offensive and defensive
chemical warfare, in response to the use by the German military of mustard and
lewisite gas during the ongoing First World War.

From 1940 (during the Second
World War) it also became the centre of British interest in biological warfare. Armed
Forces servicemen went to Porton Down to take part in non-therapeutic
experiments. It is said that 20,000 servicemen attended in this way in total over the

The Porton Down Veterans Support Group
Following allegations by some veterans of being ``duped'' into attending primarily
during the 1950s, but continuing into the 1960/70s and even the 1980s, the Ministry
of Defence set up the Porton Down Helpline.

Also, at about the same time, Wiltshire
Police set up their ``Operation Antler'' which resulted in about 1,000 enquiries but no
criminal prosecutions. Soon after that, the Porton Down Veterans Support Group
was established.

It is worth mentioning that in 1959 a Ministry official who was
apparently somewhat concerned about the recruitment methods for securing
servicemen to attend Porton Down had said: ``If we tell them that the experiments
could be lethal there would inevitably be a sharp fall off in numbers, and probably a
degree of embarrassing publicity. On the other hand, if no more warning of the
danger is given than at present, we may be quite rightly accused of deliberate
misinterpretation in the future.''


The veterans' allegations certainly had merit. The first and most widely-reported
incident related to Ronald Maddison who in 1953 had been given an `uncontrollably
dangerous' 200mgs dose of the odourless and colourless nerve agent Sarin resulting
in his death within an hour.

The initial inquest was held in secret and a verdict of
misadventure (the modern meaning being suggestive of a lawful human act, which
takes an unexpected turn and leads to death) was recorded.


A long crusade for justice continued...

Police, as part of ``Operation Antler'' reported their concerns about Ronald Maddison's
original inquest to the Wiltshire and Swindon Coroner who applied successfully to the
Lord Chief Justice to have the 1953 inquest verdict overturned. A new inquest was
ordered. We represented Ronald Maddison's family in what was at the time the
longest inquest in British legal history which concluded with the jury returning a
different verdict, that of death by gross negligence manslaughter. Thereafter, we
negotiated a settlement of the family's claim for compensation.

Claims of other veterans
Following this, attention focused on the many claims of the veterans, the majority of
whom confirmed that they had been misled by notices at their units that were said
to have been posted across all arms of the services. Some notices they said called for
`volunteer/observers' for common cold research.

Other servicemen however said
they had been ordered to go to Porton Down. There were about 350 veterans
seeking justice so we joined with another firm of solicitors, Leigh Day & Co, such
was the magnitude of the litigation. The experiments carried out on the servicemen

= Mustard Gas.
= Nerve agents including Sarin variants GB and VX in both liquid and gas form.
= Incapacitating drugs including CS/Tear Gas in both forms and glycollates.
= Psychotropic drugs including LSD, BZ (quinuclidinyl benzilate) a substance that
disrupts normal perceptual patterns, rendering someone completely out of touch
with their environment.
= Other unnamed hallucinogens.


We settled outside the group litigation certain claims for servicemen who had been
given psychotropic and other un-named hallucinogenic drugs. We were not dealing
with a uniform client base. What we had were a variety of chemical exposures with a
variety of different symptoms.

The servicemen wanted justice, an apology and
expected compensation. Despite the fact that the claims were so wide-ranging, one
beneficial feature was that we had a collection of level-headed ex-servicemen (or their
next of kin) who were willing to accept the same level of compensation as each other,
rather than embark upon a potentially costly and lengthy assessment of the value of
each individual claim.

With this, it became possible to negotiate globally for all of them.
The advantages were speed, certainty, closure and a feeling of even-handedness; they
were all equal.

The first wave of Porton Down veterans' claims were settled by the Ministry of
Defence for �3,000,000 compensation in total plus their legal costs following a
Mediation in January 2008.

Of no less importance was the need for the veterans'
treatment and suffering to be acknowledged. Part of the settlement included the
giving of an apology in the House of Commons (as confirmed in Hansard).

Ministry of Defence's statement acknowledged that the long-suffering veterans had
been ignored by government for all those years and may be seen as truly historic in
that the UK Government has finally faced up to Cold War excesses. The veterans
eventually got what they wanted.

The second wave of claims

This settlement was widely reported in the media. As a consequence, other former
servicemen who had been unaware or not involved in the first group action made
themselves known. We are now in the process in collating further information ready
to present the second wave of claims. The Ministry of Defence will consider claims
arising out of injuries caused by ``volunteering or ``observing'' at Porton Down
providing that they were notified of such claims by 30 June 2008, the final cut off date.
We may well be reporting on a second class action in due course."

--source of above:

Justice will be ours.

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I appreciate both points of view regarding suggested "conspiracies".

I'm not thinking that "credible" people out there will think I'm a fool if I post thoughts & ideas here. I guess it's not a big issue with me since I'm not publishing this info in a scientific journal or something like that.

There is evidence for eugenics & population control. The gov't has tested many bio-weapons on civilians. I could list the references but I'm too busy with other things right now to post it.

There is factual data for this if you do a search of the internet. It's not a big stretch of the mind to consider that Lyme may have been released intentionally or accidentally.

It would be hard to prove in any case about Lyme in particular since there is an obvious cover up of all things related to Lyme.

Elena - I respect that you need to maintain credibility since you publish your work.

This is an open forum & I don't care if people don't want to believe in some theories that I present. Most people don't believe what I say even if I posted a mountain of evidence. Belief systems are tricky to change in people.

I don't mean to be alarmist or get people's danders up. I've done alot of research & I think there are programs going on to depopulate the planet.

I think it's important to be aware that there are things going on that may not be of benefit to the populace - even if the proof isn't on CNN or in a scientific journal.

It's just my humble opinion. I'm not a journalist, scientist, doctor, or leader.

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Cold Feet
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Japan's Secret Weapon -- 89 books currently in the public library network.

You can request a copy through your local/city library. It should take 1-3 weeks to get to your hungry brain.

My biofilm film:
2004 Mycoplasma Pneumonia
2006 Positive after 2 years of hell
2006-08 Marshall Protocol. Killed many bug species
2009 - Beating candida, doing better
Lahey Clinic in Mass: what a racquet!

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I saw reference to the Polio vaccine, but have not seen what folks have posted on that. Can you direct me or copy here?


"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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This book seems to be readily available from Barnes & Noble and Amazon. If anyone knows the author, I'd appreciate an introduction for future research.

Thank you.

A Plague upon Humanity: The Hidden History of Japan's Biological Warfare Program by Daniel Barenblatt


From 1932 to 1945, in a headlong quest to develop germ warfare capability for the military of Imperial Japan, hundreds of Japanese doctors, nurses and research scientists willingly participated in what was referred to at the time as 'the secret of secrets' - horrifying experiments conducted on live human beings, in this case innocent Chinese men, women, and children. This was the work of an elite group known as Unit 731, led by Japan's answer to Joseph Mengele, Dr Shiro Ishii.

Under their initiative, thousands of individuals were held captive and infected with virulent strains of anthrax, plague, cholera, and other epidemic and viral diseases. Soon entire Chinese villages were being hit with biological bombs. Even American POWs were targeted. All told, more than 250,000 people were infected, and the vast majority died. Yet, after the war, US occupation forces under General Douglas MacArthur struck a deal with these doctors that shielded them from accountability.

Provocative, alarming and utterly compelling, A Plague Upon Humanity draws on important original research to expose one of the most shameful chapters in human history.


Daniel Barenblatt holds degrees from Harvard and UCLA, and his writing about the Japanese germ warfare program has appeared in the Washington Post. He lives in New York City.

Sample Chapter

A Plague upon Humanity: The Hidden History of Japan's Biological Warfare Program

Chapter One: A Doctor's Vision

``Few have the imagination for reality.''

-- Goethe

It began in Kyoto in 1927. Dr. Shiro Ishii had his decisive revelation while going about his customary routine, thumbing through a stack of scientific research journals, making his usual effort to keep abreast of the latest research literature. At the age of thirty-five, the physician had just received his Ph.D. in microbiology from Kyoto Imperial University, one of the world's top institutions in that field and a school comparable in distinction to an American Ivy League college. Ishii was a rather eccentric young man, but he was even then highly respected among his Japanese peers and professors, with a reputation for brilliance and innovation that caused many of them to overlook his extracurricular activities and tastes.

Browsing through a medical periodical, Ishii came across an article that electrified him. He had discovered a report on the Geneva Convention of 1925, to which Japan had been a signatory. The article, written by a War Ministry delegate to the conference, First Lieutenant Harada, explored why Japan had signed the convention, a treaty organized by the League of Nations that banned the use of chemical weapons.

As of 1925, some 1.3 million men in Europe and North America still suffered severe health problems resulting from their exposure to poisonous gas in the battles of World War I. Few in the league wanted to see this calamity repeated, and to the convention was added one more prohibition: It was also forbidden to make weapons from the germs responsible for infectious disease epidemics and pandemics such as bubonic plague, or the Black Death, as it was called, which wiped out 25 million Europeans in a five-year period during the fourteenth century.

Ishii read the text of the Geneva Convention over and over again, with both fascination and a sense of validation, for this was the direction in which he had been heading for some time. Titled the "Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare," the compact states that "the use in war of asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases and of all analogous liquids, materials or devices, has been justly condemned by the general opinion of the civilized world ... [T]he High Contracting Parties ... accept this prohibition, agree to extend this prohibition to the use of bacteriological methods of warfare and agree to be bound as between themselves according to the terms of this declaration."

The treaty was signed in Geneva on June 17, 1925, by 128 nations -- nearly every country on the planet. The prospect of germ warfare obviously created universal feelings of terror and revulsion among the civilized nations of the world. But Shiro Ishii took a different lesson from the Geneva Convention. If the prospect of germ warfare created such dread, he reasoned, Japan must do everything in its power to create the most virulent germ weapons, as well as effective methods for destroying wartime enemies with lethal diseases.

For years Ishii had spoken to colleagues and military officials of the strategic military potential of disease, and now the framers of the Geneva Convention had inadvertently done the Japanese physician a great service. Their fear of germ warfare catalyzed him to new levels of action. He would visit offices of Japan's top military officers, trying once more to persuade them that a program to conduct biological and germ warfare was the key to victory for Imperial Japan in any future wars.

By 1927 the nation had already conquered and occupied Korea and large portions of China, and powerful men in the ruling circles of Japanese society hungered for further expansion. Ishii now saw the way to make real his dream of state-of-the-art laboratories that could produce billions of deadly germs upon a general's request. The bacteriological weapons so reviled by the dignitaries who had traveled to Geneva in 1925 would become Japan's secret weapon. Ishii would be their mastermind.

At nearby Kyoto Army Hospital, to which Ishii had been attached as an active duty officer soon after attaining his doctorate, he proselytized about the military's need to make biological weapons. He took a train to Tokyo to see his old army buddies posted at the Tokyo Army First Hospital, where he had been on staff as a military surgeon five years earlier. There he managed to charm his way into the offices of high-ranking officials. He also got in to see top commanders and tacticians in Japan's War Ministry.

Ishii pleaded with them to begin researching biological weapons, citing the Harada article. He urged them to make tactical plans for the deployment of germ weapons. He also reminded them that most of the nations that had used chemical gas weapons in World War I also had ratified the Hague Convention of 1899, which banned the use of poison gas. One had to expect, he argued, that in the event of war, other countries would again develop banned weapons regardless of whatever international treaties to which they had sworn agreement.

The generals, colonels, and military scientists listened politely to Ishii, and not for the first time. The young doctor's face was well known around staff headquarters. "He always emphasized the role of bacteriological warfare in our tactical planning," wrote General Saburo Endo in his diary. But Ishii's ideas fell on deaf ears at the War Ministry.

The government at the time, under Prime Minister Giichi Tanaka, had stressed a more limited role for the military and a less aggressive foreign policy. The Japanese army and navy commanders went along for the most part with the Tanaka directives, and those heading up Japan's military were unimpressed with the theoretical concepts of biological warfare. They preferred to abide by Japan's moral obligations as outlined broadly in the 1925 Geneva Convention, which Japan had signed, although not ratified.

Japan had ratified the 1899 Hague Convention, which banned chemical weapons ...

A Plague upon Humanity

The Hidden History of Japan's Biological Warfare Program. Copyright � by Daniel Barenblatt. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Available now wherever books are sold.

Customers who bought this also bought:

Unit 731 Testimony : Japan's Wartime Human Experimentation Program Hal Gold

The following was taken from, who also carries the book. Here are some editorial reviews:

Editorial Reviews - From Publishers Weekly

Only last year did a Japanese court acknowledge that Japanese germ warfare experiments in China took place during WWII. A useful overview of the history of biological warfare provides a historical context for the gruesome experiments on humans that began in northern China in the early 1930s, linked to the military expansion Japan began during the 1930s and fathered by scientist Shiro Ishii, who figures prominently in the book among the 20,000 Japanese professionals involved (some of whom knowingly distributed tainted food). The accounts of experiments on humans and massive germ warfare attacks against civilians-more than 400,000 Chinese died of cholera after two attacks in 1943-include the testimony of Chinese victims and witnesses as well as some Japanese. While most atrocities were committed against Chinese and Koreans, some Westerners, including American prisoners of war, were also victims.

The most thoughtful portions of the book, Washington Post contributor Barenblatt's debut, explore how such atrocities "...coldly preserve medicine's scientific devices while annihilating all its high ideals." Shameful U.S. government efforts, spearheaded by MacArthur, to protect the Japanese perpetrators from prosecution in exchange for their research, even to the extent of characterizing the only war crimes trial that prosecuted perpetrators as propaganda (it was conducted by the Soviets), are well documented.

The postwar material includes highly controversial claims of America's use of biological warfare during the Korean War. Although many of the gruesome facts have been published before, Barenblatt brings together the many contexts of how Japan's war machine came to commit medical-biological war crimes on a massive scale, with a final death toll of 580,000.

Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist

Journalist Barenblatt, an expert on Japanese biological warfare, valuably summarizes the known facts and reasonable speculations about it. Like many other aspects of science in Japan, the country's knowledge of biology was much more advanced before World War II than the rest of the world believed. Japan's biological warfare capability, carefully developed with the direct support of the emperor, had been tested upon Chinese and Western subjects and deployed operationally at the cost of as many as a million Chinese lives.

After the war, cold war politics prevented war-crimes prosecution of Japanese biowar experts and may have led to the use of their talents and stocks of material in Korea (Barenblatt grants that such use has not been proven). Barenblatt's useful addition to the literature on biological warfare and WWII belongs on the same shelf as Iris Chang's The Rape of Nanking (1997) and studies of the comfort girls, where it may, however, raise the hackles of Japanese still in the dark about their country's war crimes.

Roland Green

Copyright � American Library Association. All rights reserved

Product Description

In wartime Japan's bid for conquest, humanity suffered through one of its darkest hours, as a hidden genocide took the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Cloaked in secrecy and protected under the banner of scientific study, the best and brightest of Japan's medical establishment volunteered for a major initiative in support of the military that involved the systematic murder of Chinese civilians.

With the help of the United States government, they were allowed to get away with it. Based on important original research, this book reveals as never before the full extent of this crime, in a story that is as compelling as it is terrifying.

Beginning in 1931, the military of Imperial Japan came up with a new strategy to further the nation's drive for expansion: germ warfare. But they needed help to figure out how to do it. So they recruited thousands of doctors and research scientists, all of whom accepted willingly, in order to develop a massive program of biological warfare that was referred to as "the secret of secrets."

This covert operation consisted of horrifying human experiments and germ weapon attacks against people whose lives were seen as expendable, including Chinese men, women, and children living in Manchuria and other areas of Japanese occupation. Even American POWs were targeted.

At the forefront of this disturbing enterprise wasan elite organization known as Unit 731, led by Japan's answer to Joseph Mengele, Dr. Shiro Ishii. Under Ishii'sorders, captives were subjected to deeds that strain the boundaries of imagination. Men and women were frozen alive to study the effects of frostbite. Others were dissected without anesthesia. Tied to posts, victims were infected with virulent strains of anthrax and other diseases.

Entire cities were aerially sprayed with fleas carrying bubonic plague. All told, more than five hundred thousand people died. Yet after the war, U.S. occupation forces under General Douglas MacArthur struck a deal with the doctors of Unit 731 that shielded them from accountability for their atrocities.

In this meticulously documented work, Daniel Barenblatt has drawn upon startling new evidence of Japan's germ warfare program, including firsthand accounts from both perpetrators and survivors.

Authoritative, alarming, and gripping from start to finish, A Plague upon Humanity is a powerful investigation that exposes one of the most shameful chapters in human history.

Note: check again in 2009 to make sure this important book is still inventoried on Amazon.

My biofilm film:
2004 Mycoplasma Pneumonia
2006 Positive after 2 years of hell
2006-08 Marshall Protocol. Killed many bug species
2009 - Beating candida, doing better
Lahey Clinic in Mass: what a racquet!

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About polio, post polio & polio vaccines, SV40...;f=1;t=074828

It's important stuff... (Especially for you, Bejoy. I know in homeopathy, vaccines are a big issue - that's why I posted it. I don't think many people took notice. Millions of people were vaccinated with SV40 tainted jabs in the 1960s & even later. Check it out!)

Also- if you want to find a used or rare book you can use:


PS - I posted this earlier:

If you want to know... the secret history of Lyme Disease.;f=1;t=074048

May be familiar to some of you.

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Cass A
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The "contageon" of GWI can come from passing on the radiation from depleted urainium to the spouse via the sperm and the genetic defects in the children.

This would be one of several possible causes, and is mentioned in theinterview with Dr. William Deagle, which is the link in the first post on this thread.

Just as a side comment--the amount of evil unmasked in this discussion is definitely difficult to fathom. However, there seems to be a small percent of the population that wants everyone else very incapable or dead. And, enough of these monsters have plenty of $$$$ to get people to work on their plans--some knowingly and others glimpsing only a small part, so they can "justify" their participation.

Part of depowering them is EXPOSURE to the light of truth.


Cass A

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I agree disclosure is very important. The more people know - the more they can't be fooled by all the disinformation.

Please check the thread about Plum Island that was recently posted.

I added a link to a 30 minute video interview with Michael Carroll the author of Lab 257 & an interview with Dr Bill Deagle & Gary Null.

I think Deagle can be a bit alarmist but I think there is some truth to what he says.

PS - I think it's more than just the depleted uranium that causes the contagion with Gulf War Syndrome... they did find mycoplasmas, as well. They may be contagious, too...

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Here's a video with Dr Nicholson explaining mycoplasma

I probably saw this link somewhere on here fairly recently


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Hi Sparkle

When I first heard Deagle speak I thought...oh wow...he's telling alot of truths but then I began to get a very bad feeling about him. I started to research him and found that he was the first responder at Columbine and then I listened to some interviews with Donna and her son Mark Taylor.Mark Taylor was one of the victims who survived. Donna Taylor seems to have a little too much fun disclosing some facts but it seems as if she is telling the truth.
Here is the link

It really doesn't have to do with Lyme disease so probably only those of you who are interested in the bigger picture , will want to go and listen to those interviews.All the interviews are interesting but they all don't have to do with Deagle. If you just want to hear about him then scroll down till you see his picture.

It's very difficult to know who is telling whole truths and who is telling partial truths so I am learning to try to take everything with a grain of salt and piece things together the way I think sounds credible...but then I want to be sure that I remain open to changing any perspective I may entertain....because there is just so much we don't know

Because we know so little, it is never wrong to pose questions and to offer alternate points of view. However, it IS wrong to try and suppress open discussion. As long as we treat each other kindly and are sincerely seeking truth...that's what really matters. I think that those who try to suppress Truth must be fearful of certain things in life and that fear may be what motivates wrong actions. Fear of not being accepted, fear of not having enough, fear of not being loved, fear of death...etc. I think that fear underlies much if not all of what we term "evil". I don't believe that any PERSON is evil.

Well..I kind of got side tracked but I guess the point I want to make is that if fear is causing much of the world's chaos...then we don't want to add more fear to the pot by reacting to crimes against humanity with hatred, revenge, etc..because it just adds to the problem. We need to expose but only for the purpose of making things better for ALL of us...including the perpetrators.

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Thanks for the info about Deagle. You really have to be careful with these Genesis Communications Network radio hosts. I think alot of it is disinformation or hype to scare people into buying certain products or maybe worse...?

Some of these people can be agent provocateurs.

I have some doubts about Gary Null, too.

It's on all sides of these issues like Lyme, biowarefare, etc. Some of the info is real, though. It's not all crackpot stuff... It just takes time to study everything carefully to see which is real & which is not.

The nature of disinformation is to mix credible information with complete lies so people don't know which end is up anymore.

And then, they get people pumped up with fear mongering & everyone is about ready to go protest out in the streets & get arrested.

Very tricky...

I think Michael Carroll (Lab 257 author) is credible.

(PS - I may be offline for a couple of weeks since we are moving.)

PPS - After a brief review of the site (re: reference to Columbine high school student blog which was written by Eric Hufschmid) - I wouldn't necessarily trust Eric Hufschmid, either! He seems to think everything is a Zionist plot...

Sorry to get off topic. Disinformation is an important consideration...

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You are right about the tactics of disinformation and it is so important for people to learn these tactics. Being educated in this area really helps one to spot propaganda, infiltrators, etc

I also think that Hufschmid is a bit strange. Nothing is ever all caused all by one person, group, or entity....and that's what makes it so hard to figure things out. I'm so glad to see you and others on this list being so aware of the possibilities

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You are right about the tactics of disinformation and it is so important for people to learn these tactics. Being educated in this area really helps one to spot propaganda, infiltrators, etc

I also think that Hufschmid is a bit strange. Nothing is ever all caused all by one person, group, or entity....and that's what makes it so hard to figure things out. I'm so glad to see you and others on this list being so aware of the possibilities

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Eight Legs Bad
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Originally posted by sparkle7:

It's on all sides of these issues like Lyme, biowarefare, etc. Some of the info is real, though. It's not all crackpot stuff... It just takes time to study everything carefully to see which is real & which is not.

The nature of disinformation is to mix credible information with complete lies so people don't know which end is up anymore.

I think you have raised a very important point here, Sparkle. This is one of the reasons I said it was so important that we deal only with factual material, not speculation. I know others here have interpreted it as "suppressing" info - I'm not. I'm not a moderator here; I'm not in a position to stop anyone saying anything.

What I am trying to do is encourage everyone to do exactly what Sparkle has said, ie examine things carefully to see what has a factual basis, and what does not, when we discuss the issue of Lyme's connection with biowarfare.

Otherwise, as you have pointed out, we lay ourselves open to getting sucked into unwittingly supporting people who have an agenda to manipulate us, and who use the age-old tactic of mixing credible info with disinfo, in order to create confusion, as you have said.

A perfect example of a victim of that is Kathleen Dickson. Some of you may know of her as a chemist and long-time Lyme activist who did some very valuable work in the past. She uncovered information about some of the fraudulent science involved coming from the Steerites, testified about the danger of the Lymerix vaccine at the FDA hearing etc.. She could have been a major player in a credible movement to expose the Lyme cover-up.

Sadly she became vulnerable because of ill health, problems in her personal life and persecution from McSweegan et al. The result is she came under the influence of the extreme right, and today spends as much time posting antisemitic hate messages on the internet as she does on exposing the Lyme fraud (which she in any case attributes to a global Jewish conspiracy to control the world).

The result is, most people listening to her nowadays think she is mad, and ILADS (which has a number of doctors of Jewish ethnicity) want nothing to do with her. Tragically, the valuable insight she had, as a chemist, and sometimes still has, into the biochemical details that prove Steerite science is fraudulent
are now lost, because no one but a few racists are listening to her.

Blaming the Jews also neatly takes the focus off the US and other governments who are responsible for this crime.

Elena Cook

Justice will be ours.

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Dr. Shiro Ishii was not evil? Hitler was a bit ``misguided?'' Of course people can be evil. Where this dark force originates, we can all argue until the bug-ridden cows come home!

Yet, the scale of suffering that some EVIL people have brought upon modern civilization is almost indescribable. The crimes against civilians are well documented; many are mentioned in this topic. Lest we forget: these biowarfare programs did have origination points (people!) under the auspices of national defense; experiments continued throughout the decades and continue unto this very day.

Some time ago, I recall reading the book ``People of the Lie.'' M Scott Peck did a nice job at dissecting different manifestations of evil, and in particular, the notion of group evil. He also explains my point: the only way to combat evil is to admit to its existence and to recognize its danger. More now than ever, this is an important topic that should be discussed openly!

But I digress, and Eight Legs Bad makes a good point: sticking to the facts makes more sense than arguing philosophy...

My biofilm film:
2004 Mycoplasma Pneumonia
2006 Positive after 2 years of hell
2006-08 Marshall Protocol. Killed many bug species
2009 - Beating candida, doing better
Lahey Clinic in Mass: what a racquet!

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Sometimes, people like Kathleen Dickson can be both brilliant & really out there. It does make for a loss of credibility...

I believe there is a connection between Lyme & eugenics. I would have to spend some time researching credible references. I don't think I can do it now since we are doing a long distance move in about a week.

I just think it is good to cross-reference everything. Many people have agendas - either to sell products, because they are megalomaniacs, or to whip people up into some kind of frenzy so they can be rooted out.

I think it is best to be aware of the possibilities & that some people in high places & authority figures are not really our friends. This can be true of all sides of the issue.

It takes alot of study & scrutiny.

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I can't see Lyme as being a good candidate for eugenics-minded scientists, when there are so many instant killers out there, such as tularemia, anthrax, plague etc..

One possible exception being if it is proven that a variant of Lyme borrelia, or Lyme borrelia -plus- co-infections and/or co-factors, causes ALS.

What makes more sense to me is Lyme as an incapacitating weapon **par excellence**.

Also, for anyone to carry out a programme of eugenics within the borders of their own country, they would need the political framework for that to be in place. With Hitler you had a regime and a population that was happy with the genocide and forced sterilisation of Jews, Roma, learning-disabled and other groups of people.

In the US in the early part of the 20th century, you had a government and society that was amenable to the forced sterilisation of people with learning difficulties, but you don't have that today. If anything, the current vogue in thinking is that people with learning disabilities have a right to a sex life like anyone else, and even a right to parent if they are able, although there is still much discrimination.

Without the right political framework, you could not easily get the thousands of medical and other personnel that you would need to concur in such a thing as a eugenics programme, or at the very least agree to turn a blind eye to atrocity.

With an incapacitating bioweapon, on the other hand, all that needs to happen is for the relevant medical personnel to be told the magic words "biodefense", and "national security", and hey presto - everyone shuts up.

Or, like the Steerites, publish medical disinformation and false diagnostic guidelines.


Originally posted by sparkle7:

I believe there is a connection between Lyme & eugenics. I would have to spend some time researching credible references. I don't think I can do it now since we are doing a long distance move in about a week.
...It takes alot of study & scrutiny.

Justice will be ours.

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I'm sure this has been posted before...

Discreet Methods of Biological Warfare by Marjorie Tietjen

How many of us are burdened with chronic disease or know a friend or family member who is totally or partially disabled?

It is almost as if it has become normal and accepted for a large portion of the population to be ill with conditions or "autoimmune " diseases which have no known definitive tests, causes or cures.

Certainly our diet and the chemicals in our environment play a significant role in determining our state of health. However, we need to begin to question as to whether or not something more deceptive may also be taking place.

The media has become a monstrous propaganda machine. Apparently their main goals are to mislead, distract and manipulate the population through fear.

When we become aware of the tools used by the media to control us, that is the first step in gaining back our freedom and autonomy.

The Centers for Disease Control, the Media, The Dept. of Defense, and other government agencies, would have us believe that the most threatening biological agents are lethal microbes which cause acute disease and then death.

A couple of examples would be anthrax and smallpox. It appears that we are being intentionally misled as to where the real danger lies.

Government biological warfare documents speak of incapacitating agents as being the most effective weapons for disabling a nation.

When a population is infected with a lethal agent, it is very obvious that protective measures need to be taken, such as quarantine, antibiotics, etc.

These actions help to curb and abort the epidemic. A much more discreet, diabolical and effective method of disabling a country, would be to employ a moderately infectious organism, or combination of organisms (Russian Doll Cocktail), which would pass slowly through the population unnoticed.

Some of the criteria for effective disabling agents are:

1. A biological agent which lacks objective signs that can be determined by medical testing.

Many patients who are extremely ill with Lyme disease, mycoplasmas or other emerging co infections, are told all their tests are normal and therefore their problems must be all in their heads.

Many people labeled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Gulf War Illness, and Fibromyalgia, are told the same thing.....if they would only get a new job, a hobby, or begin to exercise.....then they would be fine.

2. An agent which would produce so many symptoms throughout the body that it would appear as if the patient was malingering or faking.

This criteria prevents the medical community from taking the disease seriously. In the meantime it moves quietly through the population, being labeled as many separate diseases and conditions.

3. If the disabling agent is a combination of several diseases or microbes, some of which could be genetically engineered, then it becomes very difficult, if not impossible to diagnose and treat.

4. Diseases which are spread by insect vectors are very much sought after and have been used for years in biological warfare. Using insect vectors makes an epidemic much easier to pass off as a natural event, while concealing the identity of the perpetrators.

The following quotes are from Science Daily, Sept 3, 2004. They suggest that ticks, especially Ioxdes Scapularis (the deer tick which spreads Lyme disease) would make a very appropriate candidate for vectoring biological warfare agents. As you read these quotes, ask yourself if the Ixodes Scapularis ticks could have already been utilized for this purpose.

"Ticks as small as a freckle can transmit a number of illnesses for which there is no vaccine, and in some cases, no cure. These creatures could even become bio-terrorism weapons."

Perdue University and The University of Connecticut, at the time this Science daily article was written, were undertaking the project of unraveling the genetics of the tick species Ixodes Scapularis.

Catherine Hill, Purdue's co-principal investigator, tells us that "From a bio- terrorism standpoint, it's pretty clear ticks could transmit a number of diseases that intentionally could be introduced and conveyed to people."

Another quote from the same article in Science Daily : "A number of ticks in the United States spread pathogens that the CDC considers potential bio-terrorism agents.

The family to which I. Scapularis belongs, Ixodidae, carries many of the microbes included on the CDC's Select Biological Agents and Toxins list." These researchers are hoping that a better understanding of ticks will help them discover better treatments for the diseases they spread.

Not only are ticks considered an efficient means of transmitting biological weapons, but the spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi (the agent which causes Lyme disease) has also been considered by researchers, as a potential bio-warfare agent.

In fact,some advisory board members to Lyme disease organizations have extensive backgrounds in bio-warfare research.

Dr. Donald MacArthur, who was in charge of the development and testing of biological weapons for the Pentagon, had this to say at a Hearing before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations in 1969.

"Incapacitating agents are a more recent development and are in the research and development (R&D) phase (in 1969). In fact the prime emphasis in agent R&D is on developing better incapacitating agents.

We are synthesizing new compounds and testing them in animals. I should mention that there is a rule of thumb we use before an agent can be classified as an incapacitant, we feel that the mortality should be very low (emphasis mine).

Therefore the ratio of the lethal dose to the incapacitating dose has to be very high. Now this is a technical job. We have some of the top scientists in the country working for years on how to get more effective incapacitating agents. It is not easy."

He also tells us that an incapacitating agent "imposes a greater logistic burden on the enemy when he has to look after disabled people."

When a large portion of the population is sick and unable to work, this puts an enormous strain on the economy. Think for a moment about the Lyme/co-infection epidemic and how many people are unable to work.

We are not just talking about those who have been diagnosed with Lyme, but also the thousands upon thousands of people who are being mislabeled with depression.....and the ever-growing list of those people with so-called "autoimmune diseases".

Many readers are already aware of the great difficulty Lyme patients experience in trying to get diagnosed and treated.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that this denial of treatment is intentional. We are told that Lyme disease has been around for hundreds of years and that ticks are filthy organisms which can spread many diseases in one single bite.

This appears to be true, but, is this due to a natural evolutionary process or is this sudden proliferation of countless co-infections, a process which has had some help from bio-warfare researchers?

Are all these ticks, carrying multiple pathogens, naturally this way or are they the result of the Russian Doll Concept?

Have ticks themselves been modified to endure harsh weather extremes?

The ticks which carry Lyme disease appear to be surviving in climates previously inhospitable to this species. In fact, this disease is becoming endemic in many parts of the world at once and it seems to be just as controversial everywhere it spreads.

As I mentioned before, one of the criteria for an effective bio-warfare agent is resistance to antibiotics.

Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the causative agent of Lyme disease, can often present with persistent infection and is many times incurable with the standard antibiotic regimes. In many cases it is obvious that a patient's symptoms are due to ongoing infection.

There is positive response to antibiotics,(even if not a total or permanent cure), herxheimer reactions, positive tests and even sometimes positive cultured biopsies and autopsies......all after what the mainstream medical system calls an "appropriate course of antibiotics."

Why are they denying that Lyme disease can persist in the body, despite what they consider adequate treatment? I don't believe this stance is due to stupidity or ignorance.

While usually extended antibiotics are necessary in controlling and improving a tenacious Lyme infection, it appears that the organism may never be totally eradicated.

It is known that there are techniques used to enhance bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

So....while on the one hand the medical authorities are warning us of the dangers of the overuse of antibiotics and even limiting their valid applications....on the other hand they are creating and perhaps even letting loose antibiotic resistant germs.

I would like to quote Thomas Keske from his "Origin of Lyme Disease, part 2. The quotes in his excerpts are from the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.

"Oddly, the Lyme agent, though it is a supposedly "old" disease, has a somewhat curious genetic structure that looks like it "was captured in mid-shuttle," like it is "still undergoing construction."

It is riddled with gene duplications and pseudo-genes, fragments with inversions, deletions, frame-shift mutations, inappropriately placed stop codones.

Perhaps the untidy genetic structure is a statistical fluke. Of course another possibility not mentioned is that an odd genetic structure might conceivably be a product of genetic experimentation."

Please take some time to review the qualifications for an effective biological warfare agent and think about them in relation to the Lyme/co-infection epidemic.

Contemplate how Lyme patients are being treated. We are often labeled as hysterical, depressed and as having antibiotic seeking behavior.

By the chance that there is an intentional epidemic being caused by "whomever", this psychological labeling causes doctors to ignore an epidemic which may be passed not only by ticks and other insects but through the blood supply, organ donation, intercourse, breast feeding and through the placenta during pregnancy.

Why are there no studies being conducted in these areas?

We need to put on our thinking caps and not be afraid to mention the unthinkable. When things just don't seem to add up, we must begin to ask difficult questions.

We don't want to simply make wild statements which create fear. However, we do need to raise our serious doubts in a concerned rational manner.

How can we resolve a problem without knowing it's real cause? can we determine the real cause if we don't explore all the possibilities?

The above article was contributed by: Marjorie Tietjen: Marjorie is a freelance investigative journalist with a B.S. in nutrition.

She writes on various topics but has a special interest in public health, education and awareness. Her writings can be found online and in several print publications.


Do some research into "eugenics" on Google... There's alot of info there.

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Kathy Boss
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Diseases have been around for many moons and weaponised, which is why it is so hard to eradicate.

They become super pathogens cell wall deficient to anything that could penetrate, destroying the bug/virus/mixture.

Read anything about plum island.

Read about lab 257

Read anything about mycoplasma, this link is interesting

When I first started reseaching Lyme when I was dx in Aug 2002 it all went back to disease that was weaponised and sprayed across N. America or created for military warfare.

I have always believed Lyme and other diseases are what I call "Government issued".

You will always read where the CDC and NIH worked with the military weaponising diseases.

Somewhere I can't remember at the moment, I read where they were meant to disable, not kill. But over the years the mycoplasma's and Lyme diseases of our world has become a super bug taking lives.

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good info on !

Read the stuff by Elenor McBean if you are interested in vaccines. It's classic!

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Cell wall deficient forms are covered on this site really well:

Amy Proal has put together the facts, and it's obvious that most medics for the last 80 years have had no idea that bacteria go into other shapes and behaviours. Why such fundamental knowledge was hidden, we can all guess now.

There is a recent trend in the UK to give Azithromycin to people with STDs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Teenagers can text a mobile number and be sent a test kit from the regional hospital, then have a confidential reply and diagnosis to their phone after they've sent the kit to the hospital.

They are so worried about the upsurge in this disease that people can go to a pharmacy without a prescription and obtain the Zithromax.
But only 1 dose is given.

Isn't that crazy? I've already noticed a recent paper this autumn saying single dose zithromax is probably causing treatment-resistant infections.

How can this be a health policy, when everyone was repeatedly told over the last decades that you must take abx for the whole course of treatment, otherwise it leaves a few resistant bacteria.

Perhaps the people in charge of health are cost-cutting even for the STDs.

I digress, but it shows how ignorant many docs must be about infectious disease, and how there will be just one person at the top, perhaps with other agenda, who can get away with dictating policy at ground level.


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Interesting link - I'll have to look it over later!
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