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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » General Support » Just got back from ER... Mikayla has SCARLET FEVER!!!!

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Author Topic: Just got back from ER... Mikayla has SCARLET FEVER!!!!
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Icon 9 posted      Profile for lymebrat     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Hi all,

I mentioned in an earlier post today that my daughter was sick with a fever and sore throat.

I took her to the doctor on call today and they did a rapid strep test that came back negative. The doctor then said that Mikayla looked like she had strep and ordered another strep test to be cultured over night.

She said she'd have someone call tomorrow with results and sent her home with no meds.

She woke up about 8:00 tonight burning up..despite having Motrin 2 hours prior..

Her face and body is covered with a rash that looks like she has a severe sunburn!!!. Even her scalp is bright red.

So I called the on call doctor, told her the story and she said " She has Scarlet Fever, get her to the ER"

So I did!.

And sure enough, she has Scarlet Fever. He said that he hasn't seen a case of scarlet fever in years, but that he has diagnosed 2 other patients with it in the past week...

The poor kid is miserable. Luckily I think we caught it early and as they put her on antibiotics, she should feel better in a week to 10 days...

I can't believe the on call doctor didn't give her something earlier today when she saw Mikayla..I would think that if she suspected strep, that she would have at least started her on meds until we get the results tomorrow afternoon... ohhhh I am so frustrated..there isn't a darn thing I can do to take the pain away...

I was told to expect high fevers, severe sore throat, headaches,the rash to continue for up to 10 days and that usually by day 6, her skin will peel, mostly on her hands and feet..

She is so miserable. Her head and throat hurt very badly. My sister came over to spend the night as Mikayla clung to her when she met us at the ER..

The poor kid can't even sleep..she is wide awake and her throat is killing her. Luckily I have my sister here to help as Derek woke up this morning with a fever and my sister thinks she noticed his face getting red tonight

...I hope he doesn't get it as well..I was told by the ER doctor that it is very contagious...

Has anyone had a child with scarlet fever? If so, what can I expect..any help would be greatly appreciated!

Isn't scarlet fever the sickness the child in the story The Velveteen Rabbit had? If so, thank God we now have powerful antibiotics to help our kids!

I honestly can't believe our run of bad luck lately.... this on top of all the other gastro/reflux/chest pains, she has been having for the past 3 weeks.

Luckily she is on antibiotics, and does have an appointment at the Children's hospital next week, so we are in good hands...

Well I have to go cuddle with my baby...thanks for letting me vent and for always being there for us! Please keep the prayers coming....


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yikes! poor kid. I'm sooo sorry

I dont know much about Scarlet fever, but it sounds like she's in good hands.

I'm sending healing thoughts and hugs to both of you!

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so sorry to hear that.

that is not a common disease in the US anymore. a few of my european relatives have had and got over it fine.

there is some nasty viruses going around all over the northeast right now... but scarlet fever!

and the doc has seen a couple of cases! yikes!

anyhow, best remedy is hugs, kisses and macaroni & cheese.

best of luck!!!!!!!

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Dear lord Missy!

Who would have guess that one?

I've heard of scarlet fever but don't think I've even known anyone to get it. It's still around?

Have you tried the new Tylenol Sore Throat medicine you swallow. My husband always has sore throats and he swears by this. It works for both of us the best. I do think they have a child's version of it. It works quicker than any of those sprays for sore throats.

Here is some info (guess it's from strep throat):

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Here's a link that may help. Any chance the Scarlet fever was causing her GI/chest problems ?

[This message has been edited by NP40 (edited 16 April 2005).]

Posts: 1632 | From Northern Wisconsin | Registered: Jan 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I'm so sorry to hear that Mikayla is continues to feel so badly. I'm wishing she could get a break soon. and you too from the worrying.

I had scarlet fever as a baby. Is it bacterial or viral?

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I am terrily sorry LB.

I hope your little one will be feeling better soon.

You too must be exhausted from worry and care giving.

Take care.

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Hi Everyone,

I have a few mins, so I wanted to give you an update on Mikayla. Thank you all for the psots and prayers, they are gretly appreciated!!!!

Here is an update I posted over in medical:

posted 16 April 2005 17:48

Hey Everyone,

Thanks a million for the posts, support and prayers. ..they are greatly appreciated.


Mikayla is soooooooo sick....the poor thing.

She can barely hold her head up as she is so lethargic. Her fever remains high even though she is on Ibuprophen every 6 hours and Tylenol every 4 hours. I just can't get it down.

Her scalp, cheeks, tummy, legs, arms, back ( and backside) look as if she has a real bad is the oddest rash I have ever seen!!!!

Her throat is still very sore...I am giving her karo syrup with lemon, pedialite Popsicles, gingerale and anything else I can find to help soothe her throat.

She has no appetite, so I am pushing the gingerale and Popsicles.

A doctor from her pediatrician's office called twice today to check on her and said they want to see her again tomorrow if I can't get her fever down.

I am still stewing that the on call doctor didn't give her antibiotics yest. when she suspected Mikayla had strep.

I 'm not sure if it would have prevented the scarlet fever or not, but she would have had the antibiotics in her system for at least 10 hours before she got them...and maybe it would have prevented some of the pain she is having now..who knows? but it so upsetting to be sent home with no meds when the doc was pretty sure she has strep.

Oh well, I can't spend too much time dwelling on that as I am putting all me energy into getting her fever down and trying to get her comfortable. I have only had 3-4 hours sleep since 5:30 on Thursday ( 60 hours) I am exhausted.

Okay..I just wanted to give everyone an update. I put Mikayla on the prayer list at church and thank you all for your continued prayers.. I'll keep you updated

God Bless,


posted 16 April 2005 21:24



Hey everyone,

I just got Mikayla to settle down in the recliner to watch a movie, so I have a few mins to give you an update. She still has a fever and the rash just looks so painful, but she said it doesn't hurt..just a tiny bit itchy.

Her face, scalp, torso and bum, look like she was in the sun for is that red. I have never seen anything like this.

Her throat is very sore, she can't barley swallow gingerale...and her tongue is red with bright red raised bumps on it..very odd.

I tried the lukewarm bath Dr.W suggested, she actually found it soothing. But it didn't help the fever for long. Though it did take her mind of being so sick. She looks so pathetic..poor kid.

I'm hoping she can get some sleep tonight... wish us luck!


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sorry to hear you have to confront another ailment.seem's you were just seeing daylight.

this is but a minor setback.hope everything goes well,and she is better soon..

prayer's for you and your's.....gary


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Linda LD
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Scarlet fever is nothing more than strep that hasn't been treated--strep will turn into Scarlett Fever. My sister had a child with Scarlet Fever. You are right to be ticked at the doc. The powers that be are so concerned about not over using antibiotics I think the pendeleum may have swung too far the other way.

Where I live, East Tennessee, we have very bad ear infections and the like because the doctors have over perscribed abx and the bugs are resistant.

Also many docs only test for one kind of strep when there are four or five out there. My doc told me they were seeing some weird bands of strep that they usually don't see this year.

God bless you and your baby. I hope she is better soonand will kepp you both in my prayers.


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Scarlet Fever is a strep infection with a rash. This is not that uncommon. Both of my kids had it at least once 7 to 10 years ago. Neighbor kids and kids at school also had it.

It is highly contagious, so watch for signs of infection in other family members. Keep your hands washed!

I remember it came on very quickly all 3 times I dealt with it. Just like you are describing, high fever, cranky, very sore throat, pale skin with that telltale sunburn-looking rash. The rash started on the upper chest and stomach. It responded to antibiotics fairly quickly, within a few days we started to see improvement. So do let the doc know if it does not seem to be resolving. And keep pushing those fluids!

One of my daughters started hallucinating when her fever shot up. We had her in the tub to try to get her fever down, and she was screaming that bugs were in the tub with her. Boy, was that scary!

Sounds like the doc who first saw you was one of those "anti" antibiotics docs who won't give antibiotics until they know for sure it is needed. Mass hysteria, I call it. It's those doctors we need to be afraid of. Any doc who would let a potential strep infection go like that needs to get out of the practice of medicine.

I remember well how horrible it is to have a little one sick. Sounds like she has a good mom. Take care of yourself.

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Icon 4 posted      Profile for bethanie70     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Hi Missy,

I hope your daughter is doing better by now. I had Scarlet Fever in 1999. Of course it's always worse to watch your own child have something than to have it yourself. Keep in mind that nothing tastes good at all. It's more that than the pain of swallowing (although that's part of it to) that kills the appetite.
I was going to suggest luke warm baths myself before I read one of your updates. It's really important to get that fever down. If necessary bathe every hour or whatever it takes. Hopefully by now the fever is under control.
So you know, your child is being truthful, the rash doesn't hurt at all. And as others have stated Scarlet Fever is strep that gone untreated. However, to my knowledge it can cause damage to the heart as well as other areas. It's sounds like you are doing all the right things though, so hopefully she'll recover without any problems.
I'm glad you have your sister there to help. No doubt that makes everything a little easier. Let us know how things are going.
Take care,

Posts: 72 | From California | Registered: Mar 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Linda LD
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Scarlett fever damaged my father-in-law's heart--but he still got to fight in the big one--WWII--so it couldn't have been to bad.

Hang in there--


Posts: 1171 | From Knoxville, TN US | Registered: Dec 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Hope your daughter is feeling better soon. I am a school nurse and every year we see a few cases of scarlet fever. Like others have said, it is a Strept infection usually associated with strept throat. And it is treated,just like strept throat, just to prevent any complications such as rheumatic fever and kidney disease. It is spread person to person by direct contact. I also had it as a child and I remember the rest of my family was started on medication as well. That was thirty some years ago and I know they will not just hand out antibiotics like that anymore. Most docs I have seen, will start the child on antibiotics if they suspect strept and if the culture comes back negative, they stop the antibiotics. Everyone is becoming so concerned about antibiotic over useage that sometimes things get missed. I hope your daughter is feeling better real soon.
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