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Starting this post because Robin48274 takes great notes and I not so much, but at least I try.

Putting the programs title and notes- on program per post- below. Hopefully Robin and others will do the same. I may not- probably won't- get to watch all of them, so PLEASE add your notes here.



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5 Steps To Healing Leaky Gut- Josh Axe

Consume better foods

Use supplements

Change lifestyle

Eat right for gut type

Remove triggers

No sugar
No milk- use goats milk kefir- over 20 chemicals in milk

Gluten or foods not properly prepared- hard to digest grains- causes inflammation

Eat like infants one food at a time- peas, sweet potatoes, etc.
GMO- stay away- sugar beets are GMO

Stay away from all artificial sweeteners

# 1 Med drug that is worst- causes leaky gut- is antibiotics- called the “A-Bomb” for gut

Birth control causes yeast and fungal overgrowth

If liver isn’t able to break down fat with bile- more strain on other organs like small intestines and gall bladder

“Antibiotics are killing us”.

Not for the “rest of your life” protocol for healing gut

Warning signs for leaky gut
Not always digestive symptoms
Bloating and gas or fullness
Food sensitivities or allergies
Adrenal fatigue
Joint pain arthritis
Skin issues
Type one diabetes
Sinus problems

Good food
Bone broth- ligaments tendons bones of beef, chicken
Need colagen and amino acids found in it
Cellulite buildup needed
1-3 days just drink bone broth
And/or chicken veggie soup

Raw cultured dairy- goat milk kefir or yogurt based kefir- one serving a day

Fermented foods & juices- a few fork or spoon full a day (start with one spoon a day)
Coconut kefir

Steamed veggies- in crockpot or steamer
NOT raw veggies- unless liver toxins problems
But those with bowel inflammation stay away from raw veggies
After 90 days you can add in spinach, etc.

Health fats- coconut oil- good for candy

One serving max a day of fruit- sparse if yeast

Wild caught salmon, mackerel- big in Omega 3 fats

1. Need probiotic 1-2 times a day

Lacto planterium
Soil based

2. L- Glutamine 5 grams a day

3. Digestive enzymes- breaks down food particles

4. Frankincense essential oil

5. Vitamin D

6. Fish oil

7. Aloe Vera

8. Ginger

Emotional stress causes leaky gut too

Treat stress- Type A person is automatic stress

Workaholic is stressful- severe form

Financial problems




Personal growth and scheduling in relaxation during week

Cup of epsom salt and camomile soak in tub

Chinese medicine
Emotions you experience- more organ based illness
Fear damages adrenal glands, thyroid & kidneys

Blueberries, kale good

Frustration- anger- liver and gall bladder won’t break down fats

Nourish milk thistle, artichokes, beets

IBS- immune gut type- grief and depression- financial - affects colon and lung- white food- onions, cauliflower, etc.

Acid reflux- heart issues- eat lots of bitter foods- such as chard, sauerkraut

Candida gut type- spleen, pancreis- eat corn- p’au d arco tea- best for candida


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Secrets to Overcome Candida and Yeast- Donna Gates

Dr. Josh Axe- Interviewing Donna Gates

She introduced Stevia to USA. Helped with coconut kefir in our diets.

Yeast grows tentacles to intestinal lining and attach, then become systemic. Can be anywhere in body.

Sinus infection can be fungus.

Nystatin considered the safest drug. Don’t always work. Don’t last for getting rid of it totally. Monistat the same situation. Class of anti-fungal drugs not good.

Great Plains, Genova tests can test for yeast.

BC pills can be problem. “Absolutely”. Yeast feed off estrogen.

Antibiotics wipe out good bacteria in gut.

Autism babies she’s seen all born with yeast.

79 toxins released by yeast. Overwhelms immune system.

Yeast eats nutrients we need. Yeast is making oxalates. Plants have lots of oxalates. Oxalates is a protection for plants from insects.

Oxabaxter ?? (spelling) is in our body, but antibiotics kill them.

Some people have issues, born with it- forms kidney stones. Goes everywhere in body.

Get rid of oxalates, often causes fibromyalgia symptoms.

Too many oxalates can make someone go to bathroom a lot of times a day (pee).

Soy causes calcification in stomach- stalagtites.

Green tea high in oxalates.

Need to be- Sugar free, casin free, gluten free via diet.

B-6 and lysine good to take.

Vitamin C keep under 2,000 a day. IV drips are 50,000 Vit C- don’t need it.

Condroitin sulfate- good to take. Mag and calcium good.

Stay away from oxalates. Black pepper, rheubarb, dark chocolate, spinach, soy, peanuts, green teas.

Need raw food diet, kefir, fermented veggies

Yeast killers- Pau d arco tea good- Burburine- Oil of Oregano

Protein, plant foods, good

A lot of diversity- like in fermented veggies

Lacto bacillis Plantarium- produces folate, helps methalation also, degrades histamine (builds up in gut)

We produce methane in gut- byproduct arcaia is made, and takes our hydrogen and makes methane- causes gas, bloating and constipation.

Wild yam- rare- in Japan- shirataki is made from it. Clears toxins from gut. Few weeks reduces bloating, gas, and constipation.

Go to to sign up for newsletter.

Can find products such as coconut kefir, etc. on there


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Good for you! And thanks for watching and recommending it to others! I'll be back later to see if I want to add anything or not -

Hope you'll watch the other 3 too -

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Program 4- Healing the Gut with Herbal Remedies & Surprising Foods- Sayer Ji

Website for presenter-

DNA of gut.

Why epidemic of gut issues? 30 ft tube, about 3-4 pounds. Houses micro-organisms, bacteria, etc. We are exposed to environmental everything thru gut.

90 strains of bacteria able to breakdown gluten.

B vitamins are produced by bacteria in gut.

chit chat chit chat- genes and micro-biomes history, etc.

Antibiotic resistance. Use too much. Created monsters. blah blah blah...

Refers to Director of CDC- oh well.

GI Health- damaging intentional lining- NSAID drugs like ibuprofen. Baby aspirin. "automimmune, blah, blah, blah."
Alcohol. Gluten.

Gluten free contains triggers for damage. People don't go far enough. Going to ancestral diet is needed. Any packaged gluten free product can produce problems.

IBS- peppermint is best. Oil capsules, enteric coated.

Helpful using probiotics. Silymarin - milk thistle- artichoke all good. Artichoke has "pre-biotics" which is good.

Cultured food is best. Trillions of living cultures. Psyllium good but causes constipation- use little.

Curcumin good. Whole plant root etc. Use powder.

Splenda- worst chemicals. Causes IBS- ??

GMO's- Glyphosate- blah blah blah... long term harm, but none have been studied. Contributes to mineral depletion.

Oats- can be labeled non-GMO, but can have problems too- contamination. Certification issues.

Chrons and Ulcerative Colitis- 30 substances of efficacy on his website

Cur-cumin good, fish oil (high quality) and fatty fish good. Resveratrol. Garlic, manuka honey- good.

Causes- BC pills, statin drugs, iron supplements, sucralose, nightshades.

Leaky Gut- Gliadin, cupic sulfate (inorganic copper like in vitamins), NSAIDs, all cause it.

Mono diet can be tried- Heal leaky gut- people used banana diet in years ago, so sometimes eat a banana. Oats good. Not every one does well, but helps many

Curcumin good. ECGC good. Catechin good. Quercetin good. Cultured food good.


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Thanks Robin733899,

I am wearing very thin here, hard to be lectured for hours at a time. In fact, a few minutes of lecturing has been known to cause my head to explode. HA!

One more to go tonight. Will try in a bit, need a break.


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I know the feeling - how nice of you to post the notes - [Smile]
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It's your turn now! Here is the last program of the day.

Program 5- How to Overcome Autoimmune Disease by Healing the Digestive Tract- Amy Myers, MD

Practices Functional Medicine- Was diagnosed with Grave's Disease- Liver Damage- Thyroid Problems- Trained in Emergency Medicine- Wrote a book, The Autoimmune Solution.

Helps people with Leaky Gut. Stool testing, other work-ups, starts there with chronically ill patients.

Two levels of programs- get out toxins first. Then if still problems works more on nutrition. Autoimmunity patients- remove grains, nuts, etc.

Yak, yak, yak about making food in their kitchen and eating it.

Misconceptions about thyroid health- what she's done for herself blah blah blah. New book coming out, blah, blah blah.

Anyone new to this need to know TSH is only test done by most doctors. T3 opinions.

Reference range for TSH is much too broad. Need reverse T3 and regular T3.

Gluten free diet for thyroid issues. Autoimmune blah blah blah.

Need zinc, selenium for some. Will talk about iodine in her book.

Iodine is being replaced by other elements in thyroid. Sometimes people worse on iodine, very few.

Heavy metals can cause problems.

What supplements? She recommends lots of supplements from the "git-go". Then later get off them.

MTHFR- can't use folic acid and B-vitamins.

Change diet and focus on gut. Focus.
Recommends good multi- vitamin, fish oil, probiotics and Vitamin D. Digestive enzymes (HCL).

Autoimmune supplements- meriva and glutathione.

The Meyers Way- not a diet and more of a life style. Stress is not good. She is very busy. She had blah blah blah. Moved to bigger office, ordered air filter, sauna, massage, does it all. Orange lightbulbs in her home.

Chit chat. She does- Cryotherapy. Floating whatever.

Small bowel overgrowth. Even parasites, yeast, viruses, etc. living there. get out of balance. Histamine intolerance. Eating high carb meals can cause bloating.

In beginning get off fermented food.

Microclear- on her website to buy. Mixed herbs. She recommends.

Diet 30 days, no fermented foods. Add back in fermented foods later. Some stuff works for some, others not.

No right answers. Multiple ways to get to end results. Listen to your own body.

How do satisfy sweet tooth. Organic dark chocolate.

Desserts in back of her book. Banana cookies. She never does gluten or dairy. Doesn't do soy often, or corn.

Figure out your "no foods".

Get her book it is like seeing her without seeing her.

Go gluten free- a must IN HER OPINION.

Book, book, blah blah blah.


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Excellent notes, Tincup! Thanks!

Here's notes from the 3rd speaker, Dr Eric Zielinski, on using essential oils to heal the gut

He did the healthy oil summit -

80% of antibiotics sales for livestock feed. When we eat the animal products, can cause bacterial resistance.

Refrigeration changed people's diets. Prior to, people ate fermented food, as it would last longer. Now we don't eat enough fermented foods.

The ratio of bacteria to human cells is 10:1. 10,000 species of microbes occupy our gut. They help break down our food and produce vitamins, enzymes and anti-inflammational compounds. Collectively, they are called the microbiome.

The human genome count is around 22,000 genes in us. Microbial counts run up to 800 million cells - so much more of them than us.

Bacteria work together and can pinch-hit for one another, if a species is MIA.

His major teaching concept - essential oils - EOs - can be used to replace antibiotics.

They're checking this out with animals now. EOs are used to keep freshly weaned pigs healthy.

Can use EOs with probiotics.

EOs wipe out pathogens.

Soil-based organisms in dirt are good for young folks. Babies put everything in their mouths, which includes organisms of all kinds - actually good for their immune systems to deal with.

Three good organisms to aid with digestion -

Soil-based organisms can treat allergies, asthma, IBS, ulcerative colitis, flatulence, indigestion, malabsorption, autoimmunity, nausea, etc

EOs helps bowel health.

Thyme oil and yarrow herb - helps health of chickens.

IBS - irritable bowel syndrome - is an alteration of gut flora. Could also be SIBO - small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Peppermint EO is good to use. Do enteric-coated capsules so it gets through the stomach to the intestinal tract. Start small to see how you do on anything. Work up to 6 drops 3x daily.

Cumin oil also helps with IBS. Work up to 20 drops every day for 4 weeks.

Coriander seed, peppermint oils best for IBS. Also mentioned lemon balm.

For SIBO - small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, do thyme and geranium EOs. Small intestine normally does not have a lot of bacteria in it, but does if it overgrows. Too many will use up our nutrients.

Thymal is the chemical compound in thyme, geranial the chemical compound in geranium oil.

The EOs can help make chemo more effective, if that's what people are doing.

When thyme and cinnamon EOs were used with digestive enzymes, very helpful to the gut. Mucosa macrophages (WBC) count went down, inflammatory interleukin markers went down. The lining of the ileum part of the digestive tract regenerated.

A blend of EOs together kill pathogens. Thyme and geranium EOs suppress pathogens in the small intestine, IBS, doesn't affect the colon. Put a drop of each one in enteric-coated capsules, before you eat. Work up slowly to more drops.

Cardamon EO - for healthy colon and GI tract. Increases gastric juices and bile.

Good for ulcerative colitis, constipation, acid reflux, diverculitis.

Peppermint EO helps to relax digestive muscles. Start with a drop and work up. Can rub it on stomach or put a drop on the roof of one's mouth or put it in a glass of water.

Good for diarrhea, IBS, menstrual cramping. Opens up bronchial passageways.

Clove EO helps to reduce inflammation of intestinal lining. Relaxes the smooth muscles of the GI tract. Has high levels of uginal (sp?) in it. Reduces diarrhea, bloating and gas.

Clove EO treats candida. Can put it in a capsule with honey as a carrier - honey helps it to be better absorbed.

Clove EO is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.

Tea tree oil and oregano oil as antibiotics - in WWI and WWII, there were no antibiotics. Soldiers used oregano oil as an antibiotic.

Put one drop of tea tree oil and one drop of oregano oil in water or capsule.

Tarragon EO - stimulates secretion of digestive juices into stomach to start digestion. Stimulates bile, other acids, peristalsis.

Can make an EO digestive blend in a bottle from any of these - peppermint, ginger, carroway, fennel, tarragon, anise, coriander. Add orange or lemon. Mix with coconut oil, rub on stomach. Absorbed transdermally.

For acid reflux, put 1 drop of peppermint EO in water or enteric-coated capsule.

Colds and flus are a gut issue, since 80% of the immune system surrounds the gut. Can mix any of the following EOs in a tsp of honey as carrier - clove, orange, cinnamon, rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus.

Lemon EO is anti-nausea. Can smell it, diffuse it.

Dr Axe uses frankincense EO a lot.

Dr Eric Zielinski's website is - he has free downloads there, oil pulling articles, etc.

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Notes for Day 2 -

Izabella Wentz - Getting to the root cause of thyroid disease

She's a pharmacist by training. Her website is

She's written a book, "Hashimoto's: The Root Cause"

She conducted a Hashimoto's health summit in 2014.

She offers an online Hashimoto's course - - training for practitioners.

She developed Hashimoto's thyroid disease, in which the body basically destroys itself. The immune system thinks the thyroid gland is foreign, attacks and breaks it down.

Hashimoto's is named after a Japanese doctor who discovered it in 1912. It was the first recognized autoimmune condition.

1/4 of people in US may be affected by it. Symptoms include hair loss, joint pain, inability to lose weight, fatigue.

The thyroid is our on-the-go organ. It helps provide energy for our cells, helps with cell turn-over, helps our hair grow, helps regulate our internal temperature, helps burn our calories.

Without good functioning thyroid hormones, we may feel unmotivated, want to take naps, feel depressed.

As compared with adrenal fatigue symptoms, which are we feel wired but tired, edgy, anxious, mood off.

Can check thyroid functioning by checking our morning temperature. If low, it means low thyroid. If it's low but jumps around from day to day, it indicates adrenal failure.

Thyroid lab testing - test for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), free T4 hormone, free T3 hormone, rT3 (reverse T3) and thyroid antibodies.

T4 is the storage form, called thyroxine. It consists of an amino acid, tyrosine, surrounded by some oxygen and nitrogen molecules, and by 4 iodine atoms.

T3 is the active form - it's triiodothyronine. It's produced when an enzyme, 5'-deoidinase separates one of the iodine atoms from the T4 molecule.

We're supposed to have some reverse T3, to stop thyroid-stimulating activity, but not have a pathological amount of it, as in thyroid not functioning properly.
Adrenal test - saliva test.

Theories for autoimmune Hashimoto's condition -

1) molecular mimicry - some antigen looks like the thyroid tissue so the body attacks the thyroid.

2) bystander effect - the body tries to attack a toxin and gets other tissue too.

Dr Alessio Fasono said three conditions can create Hashimoto's - genetic disposition, environmental triggers (infections, toxins, stress) and intestinal permeability, otherwise known as leaky gut. Has seen leaky gut in every case of autoimmune disease.

If no working gut, no working immune system, as the majority of it is in the gut.

Might show up with IBS before get autoimmune condition - more diarrhea or constipation. Also can present with acid reflux, bloating.

People showing signs of thyroid dysfunction. Infertility is high. Lots of miscarriages. Boys don't have adequate testosterone. Baby boomers weren't breastfed.

TSH test - can pick up hypothyroid. Acceptable test results are too broad at .4 - 4.5. This happened because people with thyroid autoimmune disease were initially included in the pooled blood testing. Test result should be under 2.5. Ideal is .5 - 2.0.

CANDIDA (capitalized here since a lot of us have this!) can prevent thyroid hormone from getting into the cells. The candida acetaldehyde toxin prevents T4 to T3 conversion.

NOTE - I find this above statement very interesting - can a lot of our low thyroid be due to candida? I don't know. Comment as you wish -

TSH is a pituitary hormone. It's elevated if there's low thyroid hormones

Can test for thyroid metabolites and their globulin antibodies.

If we have nutrient deficiencies, we will have too much rT3 - reverse T3, which stops thyroid from getting into the cells, ie not able to activate our metabolism well.

Infections, stress, heavy metals and other toxins also affect thyroid hormones. Maybe adrenals are causing high reverse T3.

We need stress reduction. Need to have balanced blood sugar, lowered inflammation, good nutrition, sea salt, Vit C, B vitamins.

Need to limit intake of sugar. Get protein and fat.

Start day with smoothie, with good fats and protein, fiber. Can put veggies in, don't put in much fruit.

Take a little coconut oil throughout the day.

Eat good fats like avocados.

Dave Asprey focuses on teaching about getting MCT - medium chain fatty acids - in our food/coffee. I think that means he's using butter - not sure.

Stress affects the liver which then deals with more cortisol from the adrenal glands, which raises blood sugar and causes blood sugar imbalances.

Combine caffeine with fat, like the MCT oil or coconut oil or coconut milk.

1/3 of people have the 1A2 SNP - single nucleotide polymorphism - meaning a defect in the genetics that produces an enzyme we need - and these folks can't clear caffeine easily from their system.

Synthroid was the top Rx'ed drug in America in 2014. It's synthetic T4. The problem is that many don't convert it to the active T3 form, due to genetics, infections or poor nutrition.

Thyrosin (sp?) is a better-absorbed form of T4.

Other thyroid supplement options - Naturethroid and Armour and WP Thyroid all have both T3 and T4 in them. There's also compounded T3/T4. Listecki-Snyder is a good compounding source. All are better absorbed than Synthroid.

Take thyroid 1/2 hour to 1 hour before meals, to better absorb it.

Take other supplements, like Ca, Mg and iron 4 hours away from taking thyroid.

If take T4, will see results slowly. If take T3, will see results more quickly.

NOTE - I started on Armour and saw results within 2 weeks.

Taking betaine with pepsin is a digestive enzyme that aids in the production of stomach acid.

Ferritin is an iron storage protein needed for thyroid function. Low thyroid usually goes along with ferritin depletion. T4 is not converting to T3. Symptoms include feeling out of breath, hair loss, low energy, cold intolerance.

If we're low thyroid, we probably will also be deficient in selenium, B12, zinc, iron, Vit D. Can test alkaline phosphatase for zinc deficiency.

We need at least 200mcg of selenium methionine daily. It helps reduce thyroid antibodies and helps us feel better.

Candida consumes iron stores.

Less stress - take time for oneself, do what we enjoy.

Also take probiotics and eat fermented foods.

Take selenium, 200-400mcg, on an empty stomach with Vit E, 400 IU.

Prefers supplement over getting selenium from brazil nuts, since the amount in the nuts could vary alot.

If have an iodine deficiency, could have an adverse reaction to selenium.

Get at least 250mcg/day of iodine. Iodine got added to salt.

But too much iodine can trigger Hashimoto's.

If adrenals are affecting thyroid - may show as high TSH and lowered T2.

Balance blood sugar - lower sugar and simple carbs, up intake of protein and fat.

Start with something - good fats, proteins and fiber, light serving of fruit (my caution - watch fruit if you have candida).

Add coconut oil, avocado oil.

To lower the cortisol stress response, put MCT oil (through Dave Asprey) or coconut oil or coconut milk in coffee.

She doesn't like proton pump inhibitors. Says it stops production of stomach acid. It should not be used for acid reflex. Most acid reflux is caused by too little stomach acid.

Meds can bind with cell receptors and prevent the hormones from getting into cells.

A root cause of Hashimoto's can include low stomach acid, so take digestive enzymes.

Other causes - not enough animal protein (for the iron, I think). Infections like H pylori and parasites that feed on iron. Heavy metal toxicity and copper toxicity also involved.

[ 01-20-2016, 10:02 PM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]

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Day 2 - Shelena Lalji - Go with your gut: Balance hormones, shed weight and increase libido

She's an OBGYN in TX, author of "I Am Woman," very involved in her immediate community as well as worldwide.

Her website is She has a free e-book there, "8 Steps to Achieving Hormonal Balance and Vitality."

Likes the labs Design for Health and Douglas Laboratories.

Says men's hormones also matter. The equivalent of menopause for men is called andropause, when hormones start to drop.

Food sensitivities means digestive system involved.

Food sensitivities can be misdiagnosed as IBS, irritable bowel syndrome; also Crohn's and colitis.

Re IBS, it shouldn't be about labels. Need to ask why it's happening. Look for causes.

Food allergies means immune system is involved.

Food intolerance - means intolerant of a particular ingredient.

People can be sensitive to food additives like sulphites, which are in preservatives in canned goods, wine, dried fruit.

MSG used in Asian food prep. Artificial sweeteners. Food colorings. All not good for us. Causes inflammation in the gut. We're not equipped to deal with all this. Body is triggering an inflammational response.

There are tests to study 200-300 foods to see what we're reacting to. If can't afford tests, cut out a number of foods and then reintroduce them one at a time and see how you feel.

Symptoms of inflammational gut - bloating, constipation, cramping, abdominal pain, sinus problems, headaches, brain fog, low energy, weight gain.

Inflammatory foods include anything with gluten, in it, dairy, soy, sugar. Start by stopping those.

Dr Jeffrey Bland recognized that tiny amounts of something can attach to cell receptor sites and cause inflammation.

Do a 3-month period of elimination of inflammatory foods. You'll get a clearer mind, higher energy level, lose some weight, most people feel better.

Modern diet is too processed, leads to inflammation. Not enough nutrients in it.

The liver needs nutrients for detoxification.

Try to drop sugar. Fruit has fructose in it - ie sugar.

We need mostly vegetables, protein, and a little fruit.

Inflammation produces insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas to assist in getting sugar into cells for energy. When there is too much sugar, the pancreas gets tired of producing insulin and essentially doesn't produce enough anymore. That's called insulin resistance.

Then more fat gets stored because insulin is a fat storage hormone too. A lot of the fat gets stored in the abdomen - all those pot bellies out there...

Fructose - ie fruit sugar, turns into fat.

The gut is where everything happens. When there is gut inflammation, the body will go to glands and organs like the thyroid, adrenals, sex hormone production and take their nutrients.

If there is gut inflammation, we won't absorb hormones.

We also become estrogen dominant, over progesterone, which leads to weight gain, mood swings, depression, insommia.

Re thyroid, 20% of T4 is made in the gut. The body doesn't have receptors for T4. It has to be converted to T3 to bind to receptors.

Most of us are not capable of converting T4 to T3. That's why Synthroid doesn't work for a lot of people, as it is only T4.

Millions of people have low thyroid. The normal range is too broad. Re TSH levels - thyroid stimulating hormone, .4 - 4.5 is considered normal, but the person still isn't feeling well. Optimal range is .4 - 1.5.

Doctors need to test for free T3, reverse T3 and T4 if the gut is inflamed. When the gut is inflamed, says T4 does not convert to T3.

NOTE - this could be a reason right there why so many of us are low thyroid.

Good thyroids are Naturethroid, Armour, and bioidentical thyroid. They are natural and contain both T3 and T4.

If someone is taking Synthroid, they should also take Cytomel with it (I think she said it's a form of T3?)

Re reverse T3, which stops thyroid action, stress and low iron will lower it.

Inflammation creates reverse T3, which fills up receptor sites, so no room for free T3.

Hashimoto's is auto-immune thyroid. People may have no idea they have it.

Patients need to be their own advocates. Conventional medicine has not caught up yet. She had to teach herself, as a doctor.

Ask the doctor for the tests you want them to run.

90% of those with Hashimoto's cannot tolerate gluten.

Yeast interferes with gut function too. Also antibiotics - they kill healthy bacteria and can cause yeast overgrowth, chronic fatigue, brain fog weight gain.

Take digestive enzymes, probiotics, do a nonyeast diet.

Can test for yeast - IgG, IgM, IgA and immune complexes.

Only certain fermented foods are ok. Kombucha has wild yeast in it, so not the best choice for those with candida.

Cortisol is a stress hormone and has a negative influence on the gut. It's higher when there's IBS.

Saliva test - can check circadian rhythm for adrenal's cortisol.

Good to have calm time, quiet time, "me" time.

Sex hormones get released into the body. Estrogen dominance usually starts in one's 30s and 40s, but can start earlier.

Perimenopause - sex hormones decline, sometimes thyroid declines also. So do testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, thyroid.

Gut inflammation can lower hormone levels.

Men have the same list re andropause, and also PSA.(prostate) hormone.

All symptoms can be worse during menstuation - connected to unhealthy gut. Gut has receptor sites for these hormones. Inflamed gut cannot capture the hormones.

Estrogen dominance increases when gut is inflamed.

When menopausal women balance their hormones, gut inflammation decreases also.

Says 50% of women have IBS.

There are 3 kinds of estrogen - estradiol, estriol, and estrone.

Most common estrogen given to women is premarin. It's from pregnant mares' urine. It has 94 typical estrogens. Our bodies don't know what to do with that! So we create metabolites, which can cause pain, cancers, heart disease.

Some estrogen metabolites -

2-hydroxy estrogen - is a good one for us.

To increase it, give diindolylmethane (DIM), 75-300mg daily, microencapulated. BioResponse DIM is best. Do 75, then 150, up to 300. If cancer factors, do 300mg.

DIM can slow down estrogen dominance in men too.

Saw palmetto is good for a healthy prostate.

4-hydroxy estrogen is involved with the CYP1b1 cytochrome detox problems. Lack of these needed enzymes can lead to lung, colorectal, breast and prostate cancers.

16-hydroxy estrogen has been implicated in breast cancer and autoimmune disease.

Unless balance gut, hormonal imbalances will not go away.

Start with digestive wellness. Education first. Need healthy bacteria.


Probiotics - 1x/day or 2x/day if bad gut

Digestive enzymes - to produce digestive enzymes. Take with meals.

Take protease - decreases inflammation in gut. Take inbetween meals.

Re bowel movements, want a couple a day, not a couple a week.

Melatonin is also made in the gut by specialized cells, more than produced by the pineal gland in the brain.

It helps us fall asleep and stay asleep.

During sleep, melatonin acts with prolactin, a pituitary hormone to thin out the microbiota in the gut, the ones that produce endotoxins.

People who have trouble sleeping - this can be related to insufficient gut melatonin production due to gut inflammation.

There is some connection between melatonin and cortisol (I guess they're opposites).

NOTE - it's always been a medical mystery why my prolactin got elevated. I had brain surgery and the surgeon found no pituitary tumor and declared me a medical mystery. That was 6 years after the tick bite happened. We had no idea what was going on and still don't.

So, this is the first time I'm reading about another explanation for what the prolactin could also be doing - have no idea if this is describing what happened to me or not.

So, prescription for a better life:

Heal the gut with probiotics, digestive enzymes, protease, change your diet, balance your hormones. You will feel better.

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Bless your little pea-picking heart. I've lost all ability to listen and record notes at this point, so thank you for doing this Robin59375965. Too much input for me.


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RitaMarie Loscalzo, DC, acupuncturist, author, nutritional speaker.

Offers online courses through her Institute for Nutritional Endocrinology.

There's a back-and-forth relationship of impact of external hormones on the gut, and the impact the gut has on hormones.

The gut is the biggest secretor of hormones.

If there is testosterone deficiency, can lead to inflammation in the gut. Testosterone lowers as people age. In men, it's called andropause. Chronic stress can make it happen sooner, as it uses up needed precursors. Young men are showing up with low testosterone.

Women need testosterone too, but not as much.

Estrogen dominance can lead to gut issues and estrogen-type cancers.

Estrogen dominance can be caused by pesticides, plastic leaching in our food and drinks from plastic containers and from plastic containers being heated in microwave ovens.

Out-of-balance bacteria in the gut produce endotoxins which cause inflammation in the cell walls of the intestines.

Then digestion becomes sluggish, constipated, not able to get rid of extra estrogens after being conjugated by the liver. The estrogens get recycled and this is a cause of estrogen dominance.

Progesterone helps to soothe and calm.

Autoimmune disease means intestinal permeability - ie leaky gut. The body starts attacking itself.

Two theories -
1) caught in the cross-fire - the body is trying to get rid of pathogens and healthy tissue gets attacked too
2) molecular mimicry - an antigen is similar to body tissues, other body proteins, so the body can't tell the difference.

Most doctors don't test for Hashimoto's antibodies. Put people on thyroid without testing them for antibodies.

Look for the root causes of gut inflammation.

Heal the leaky gut.
Get rid of gluten, casein (in dairy), whatever you're sensitive to, to heal the gut.
Get enough fermented foods.

Journey to wellness -

Create energy, treat infections, clean out toxins, correct digestion

Do the right tests. Do a full thyroid panel, for example.

Be on the right thyroid medication.
Synthroid/levothyroxin is not the right thyroid medication - it's synthetic.
T4 conversion to T3 happens in the gut.

20% of T4 is made in the gut. Rest of it happens in the liver, called enterohepatic circulation.

If there's a lot of dyxbiosis in the gut, it goes to the liver and stresses it out. T4 to T3 conversion occurs in the liver. Won't be able to convert it if the liver is too stressed.

Yeast creates acetaldehyde, which prevents the conversion of T4 to T4.

Cortisol is secreted under stress. It interferes with an enzyme, 5'di-iodinase, that converts T4 to T3. T4 and TSH levels may look good, but T3 is too low. Doctors aren't testing for T3. Need to see whether conversion is happening. Order a free T3 test.

When not enough T3, not enough energy making the enterocytes in the gut do work, so slows the gut down.

Cortisol also causes various sphincters throughout the gut, in its various sections, to shut down.

Cortisol shuts down secretions such as digestive enzymes, stomach acid, bile and lubrication.

A symptom of low thyroid is constipation.

Too much estrogen interferes with conversion of T4 to T3.

Candida yeast consumes estrogen and creates estrogen dominance. We have to fix candida. Go sugar-free. No casein (dairy) in the beginning.

How to destress/lower cortisol -

Take long, slow, deep breaths - get more oxygen.
This helps stimulate the PSNS system - the parasympathetic nervous system with its vagus nerve running between the brain to the stomach is critical - helps digestion.
Be appreciative.
Stop what you're doing and be aware.

Take time to chew your food.

Pancreas produces insulin to get sugar from the blood into the cells.
The pancreas produces digestive enzymes.
Bad food, like fried foods, heavily cooked foods, hard-to-digest foods, will stress the pancreas.

Insulin and glycogon are two hormones that balance blood sugar. The body gets ready for food by secreting them.
Sugar entering the bloodstream needs a lot of insulin to transport it into the cells.
When there is too much sugar in the bloodstream, the pancreas turns off.
The insulin puts the sugar into the fat cells, and we get overweight.

Fat cells make inflammational chemicals. They can release estrogens.

We get inflammation from high levels of insulin, which furthers leaky gut.

Stress causes cortisol to be released, which raises sugar levels.
Sugar fuels muscles.
The cortisol eats up the muscles for sugar.
and insulin stores the sugar as fat.
So essentially the body is tearing up its muscle and turning itself into fat!

Need to do substitute sweeteners, like laconto (sp?) and stevia.

Serotonin is made in the gut. Then it sits in the pancreas beside cells that store insulin in the pancreas. Serotonin triggers the release of insulin.

A healthy gut has bifidobacter bacteria, which produces GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps us fall asleep. Without it, we have sleep disturbances. It's easy to destroy bifidus in the gut, like high saturated fats destroy bifidus.

NOTE - that's interesting, a tie between a beneficial gut bacteria and our ability to sleep - idea for some of us to experiment with taking more bifidus to see if we notice any difference.

Can test our genes for ability to produce GABA, and ability to receive the GABA.

We can test our blood sugar level with a $10-15 blood glucose meter with which we can administer a tiny prick and transfer the drop of blood to strips to be read by a meter.

If we monitor our blood sugar, that will give us info about the impact of processed foods. Get a baseline test. Should be 75-85 before eating.

Eat the meal, then test. It should have gone up a little bit. Test every 15 to 20 minutes for an hour and a half.

Goal is to see when blood sugar level peaks and when it starts to drop. Usually 3/4 for the peak. See how high it goes and how low it goes. It should never be over 110.

Glycogan and insulin help keep it in a tight narrow range.

At 120, it's damaging the peripheral nerves. At 140, that's borderline diabetic. At 140, it can cause retinal damage, called diabetic retinopathy.

If it goes to 200, that's diabetic.

It's not all of a sudden - it's been brewing for a long time, a little more, a little more, until finally symptoms start.

High insulin can cause linings of blood vessels to become stiff, leads to heart disease, hypothyroidism.

Said insulin resistance can produce Alzheimer's symptoms - called it a type 3 diabetes.

What to do:

Reduce/eliminate sugars, including maple syrup, agave, coconut syrup. When we stay away from sugars, the insulin receptors can start to heal, and decent blood sugar levels can be maintained again.

Replace sugar with better sweeteners, like stevia, laconto and munkfruit.

Eliminate processed foods

Get off of gluten.

Gotta go, will finish this up tomorrow -

Posts: 13117 | From San Francisco | Registered: May 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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True, TC - a lot of input and they talk so fast! I often get the first part of the words and go back to get the 2nd halves!

I'm stickin' with it, but it is a bit tiresome. They need to slow down.

Posts: 13117 | From San Francisco | Registered: May 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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