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Author Topic: Eyes Wide Shut..(later gators!)
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My God.

The past few weeks here have been a frightening display.

We have a Mole, not unlike a Troll..except that he has been a member for some time.

I see blindness in the political arena..that I post on, and some don't take kindly to it. It deeply concerns me the state of our Nation be it..but this is different.

Now, we have a masterful sociopath right here among our group..preying on us and using charm and wit to win supporters in allowing him to continue berating and abusing
others. He's freighteningly good at this, and clearly enjoys it.

First, were unrelenting attacks on a poster he FOLLOWED here, despite claims he wants nothing to do with her. They were appahrently once he had knowledge of her state of mind, the fact she is not doing well in her illness right now, and how to push her buttons.

He pushed, and pushed, and pushed them some more. She reacted emortionally based on circumstances I really don't think anyone can rightfully judge.

It is important to note that 24 has done this before on a number of different subjects. He finds someone to attack, and does so in a very clever and systematic, unrelenting manner. While doing it, he builds himself up with surrounding posters.

**As soon as the abuse was called out..out came the posts garnering endearment..cute cat pictures and music..

**While continuing to berate the women he dislikes..and relishing the women's attention he has managed to secure. Even getting them to feel protective of him..seeing him as a misunderstood, unfailry attacked, smart, fun guy..

**His well-timed compliments toward them keep him in good standing..and are tools he uses in which to do that.

CLASSIC abuser profile. Think.

So, then there's me..I have had no personal contact with 24, but have experienced this very kind of attack on another medical forum where my views and questions (to others on SUBJECT) clearly irritated him. Without going into any futrther detail, there, he was somewhat successful in projecting an unfair perception of me amongst other members. This was a source of potential Medical help, so his doing that was an obstruction of my being able to contribute, and be seen as a conciencious respectful member. Which I clearly was, in actuality.

Luckily..I had other medical avenues to persue, and simple withdrawal didn't harm me much. Had I been depending on Medical asistance from that group, what he did would have been much, much more harmful than it was. For all he knew..I was dependant on the information!

I guess I'm asking that those interested in what's going on take my word for it, that I did not in any way deserve the treatment I recieved from him. Amd neither did Marnie. He was nearly banned for that. We all lost a wealth of information in that case.

When Mike came here..I simply continued to debate as I always have here..on issue..and happen to assert opinions and articles that are in direct contrast to his political views. I also called out this behavior from him when it AGAIN returned..his treatment of Lisa..only after witnessing it for weeks.

This angers him, and so he simply berates me, with an overcast of sarcasm..JUST so those he wishes to stand behind him will see me as something I'm not..and dismiss anything I say now. A form of the control.

Now..I'm sure most of you don't care much about the treatment Lisa and I recieve from Mike..that has been made clear. For whatever don't see clear to speaking up against it, I think because he has fooled you (no offence, he is masterful at it), and maybe also because we do not share political viwes with you.

In any event..his infiltration and control has quickly turned this forum into a frightening place, to those of us who see it.

I'm leaving because of that, and made attempts to only ask that members join in holding 24 to the standards of the group, as set forth by the Lymenet rules.

None of you will do that..I have my answer. Sad as it is..

This is really a job for the Moderator, but I think the infiltration is a bir far-reaching for them. So..IMO, it is the groups responsibility to call it out, and ask that it stops.

It seems he has done it again. Lisa has left, she was here for weeks before he was, and I am leaving. I have been here for years.

I am a big girl, and perfectly capable of taking my lumps here when going toe to toe on issues..( )..and I think have proven myself to be in no way "overly sensitive" ..

..and have also never been known to call out anything like this unless it is WAY out of control. This is. a result of Mikes control over this lottle group, the winds have changed..and there is no room for civil, respectful, flavorful debate any more.

The Mole has succeeded in squashing that.

So..enjoy talking amongst yourselves..all in agreement..and praising Mike for his unchallanged views.

He will soon grow bored with noone to berate..and will leave, calling you all idiots, as he does when there is noone around to abuse.

Just wanted to call it as I see it for any of you who can be objective.

I'll miss this's just gotten too gross to stick with..and Mike has taken away most of what was good about this place.

Mike..enjoy..this time it only took you a couple of weeks! You're geting better at what you do!

Listen, honestly..I KNOW what you need is help, and I feel for that to some degree..but the amount of hurt you inflict on people and situations overrides any concern I may have for you.

Illness or no illness, abuse of others is intolerable.


[This message has been edited by Mo (edited 17 October 2004).]

Posts: 8337 | From the other shore | Registered: Jul 2002  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Icon 1 posted      Profile for Pepsi     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote sad. Again it happened. another leaving because of this cruel person 24bit

this happen to marnie and on marshall board
then arizlisa, no one could see her suffering and they blame her!!
and now MO
may God Bless you Mo

God blesses and forgives those who are true in their faith in real actions, not empty words, and who treat all others with always real respect and kindness, not phony empty scripture

i see what is happening , so u do right thing, if those here condone abuse, u must leave

see how they dont seem to care though??
24 bit lies more
they believe him
as azlisa said she did believe him
until turned on her i think she say
u right on in his sneaky clever ways
if they looked real close though, it is easy to spot as classic, classic profile
of abuser-mental and verbal-but especially mental the worst kind

gary, please help keep eye on 2 bits as can only take so much

humbly yours

[This message has been edited by Pepsi (edited 18 October 2004).]

Posts: 176 | From Seattle, WA | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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I really appreciate your concern.
I'm posting on one issue I feel is warranted.

I need to say what I've said and let it stand on this thread.

I do appreciate your concern..and hope you can worry less sbout it all and please take care of you..


[This message has been edited by Mo (edited 17 October 2004).]

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you didn't do anything wrong,either did liza...enjoyed reading your banter.i had to say you know i don't post here...just read.

don't know the just stated them...

i guess some women like the fairy tale stuff...create visions in there head...rose colored glasses..

prey on little girls..thats about what it comes down to...lyme eats at your brain.conditioned to believe what there told by halfassed doc' trust in that condition....people 30 years old ,can't even put their shoe's on right..

then this greazy bastrd move's in...

wonder why he don't let them women have his email address? if he did you would see....

see him sitting there at his computer typing with one hand....about right 2bits? like i said,your a sewer rat..and we know what they eat...

mental molestation.....i'm gonna go puke...
i will still stand shoulder to shoulder mo and pepsi and liza...gary


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Originally posted by GEDEN13:

see him sitting there at his computer typing with one hand....about right 2bits? like i said,your a sewer rat..and we know what they eat...

That is SOOOOO gross!

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You don't fool all of us, Mike. Remeber that.


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gross? what was that? that he can type with one hand?or the sewer rat?

mo...leave...delete my don't deserve this stay,do to him,what he wants to do them.....

also, you are a joy to read.gotta thank you for that! did't mean to be rude in front of you,forgive me..gary


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I appreciate your candor. You didn't offend me.

Truth is..what's been happening IS gross.

You did nothing wrong in being a guy who would call it out.

Abusers do not deserve PC treatment, IMO.



[This message has been edited by Mo (edited 17 October 2004).]

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Originally posted by 24-bit:
Mo, I wish you the best. I really feel sorry for you that you have such a complicated way of picking up on things that aren't there and making up grand conspiracies.

I have a medical website that I started 1.5 years ago. It has a BBS with about 200 members, has hundreds and hundreds of posts, most of them are women. There hasn't been one rude, nasty, or even slightly un-civil post ever put on there. The environment is classy, helpful, nice, etc. I run that place and it's a reflection of my good character. People can say what they want, when they want, and it's a great group of people. It's what I wish this place would be like.

[This message has been edited by 24-bit (edited 17 October 2004).]



I know your BB and no fights because no posts hardly ever including u!! I am on there by the way buddy boy (ha ha ha) and i looked recently
hardly ANY NEW POSTS or new people






[This message has been edited by Pepsi (edited 17 October 2004).]

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I'm a little worried about you.

Your emotion over this (for your sake) THOUGH you are right on re: 24..let some others handle it for a while and see if we can't take care of things, eh?

We see it..don't worry.


[This message has been edited by Mo (edited 17 October 2004).]

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MO..ok? sorry for outburst against i so disillusioned.. i am just despondent honest.. i do not like this sneaky mental abuse he is doing and good people left
board in bad way now! plus people are HURT for no reason other than his own jollies

thanks pal Gary keep up fight against this type of man like 24 bit
from one good man to another good man
cannot believe his lies

[This message has been edited by Pepsi (edited 18 October 2004).]

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look up on msn. there is a bunch of jackoffs like him there...

yea,pepsi, slow down! got his number now...just rest ..let it go for now..just watch and take notes


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ok thanks man
i despise with all my strenth this abuse to females
and then turn around and say they imagine or make up, this lowest lowest lowest scum of the earth play these mind games

classic sociopath act like this and then wife end up dead or girlfriend..loser of the worst kind

and these ladies dont see

see how i get, will go rest. keep up the work and dont allow it! enough already

i like to see him take ownership but never will that apology to anyone.just more you imagine or other BS
treat mo like this marnie azlisa others on marshall place and here..also to mamalyme,shoprat,notice all females who stand up to him
he is the devil in the flesh

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Originally posted by GEDEN13:

see him sitting there at his computer typing with one hand....

What do you think people with think when they read that? Of course, I have a sicker mind than most but even my baby sister would think the same...

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Originally posted by Mo:

I'm leaving because of that, and made attempts to only ask that members join in holding 24 to the standards of the group, as set forth by the Lymenet rules.

It seems he has done it again. Lisa has left, she was here for weeks before he was, and I am leaving.

So..enjoy talking amongst yourselves..all in agreement..and praising Mike for his unchallanged views.

I'll miss this's just gotten too gross to stick with..and Mike has taken away most of what was good about this place.

Mike..enjoy..this time it only took you a couple of weeks! You're geting better at what you do!

[This message has been edited by Mo (edited 17 October 2004).]

So, since you continue to be here on OT, was this post just a declaration that you might leave sometime?

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You're right. I can't seem to walk away..
Not feeling too good about that..on the other hand, it's kind of like watching a crime scene outside my window.

..and it's the same perpetrator I've seen before!!

What do I do? I yell out as loud as I can, call the cops, and try to help.

Can you blame me for that?

I also know it isn't right to have a poster such as 24 drive so many women out of here.

And, though I know you're quite capable of taking care of yourself , to be honest, I really hate what he does with some of you who have befriended this abuser. It's downright creepy.

Why does that all that keep happening with hin? Just curious, since you seem to think there's nothing wrong.

..just keep an eye out, OK?


[This message has been edited by Mo (edited 17 October 2004).]

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can't help you with your sicker is the 2nd you bought it up...but nothing to say about sewer rat? starting to understand now....peace little sister....gary


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Originally posted by GEDEN13:
it is the 2nd you bought it up...

i said it a second time because you didn't get it the first time....hence going more into detail concerning the topic

[This message has been edited by JillF (edited 17 October 2004).]

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see you came outa your sewer,bout time...get your belly full of whats down there?

as for you darlin,you do get it!!

guess again 2bitz,no trailer park..come on lets play...mommy let you out to play? come on.....


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Ummmmmmmm, just to let you know, I'm probably a good 11 years younger than 24bits...

So, the mommy remarks just don't cut it

I am glad Pepsi took a break though....

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me too!!!man should not have been abused ,made FUN OF!!! he was only trying to help those he thought needed help.....

not you mommy....sewer rats mommy....can tell your gulible...don't need to know your age,it shows...pepsi can see that too!!! thats why he was helping...if you stopped and read about his sister,you would know what he was saying.....just open your eyes!!! someone shows concern for your wellfare and make fun of him,taunt him....then 2bitz gets you to ask meg ,who is pepsi? let you do his dirty work...get it? he ain't defending you,is he? is about to start,you have a pleasant evening. best reguards,and hugs,gary


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Already mising Shopster, Lisa, DanQ.. and even you, Meg..and (*gulp*) Lab Rateroneous!
Un believable, but true.

I hate this theft of space.

As far as 24, I've seen this all before..not just here and not just with this guy. It's just rotten.

I want this pulled up for the morning crew.

As far as my crime scene analogy goes..I did call the cops, and they didn't show up yet. (wishing Lou was still here!!)

So..I want my thread topic post to be read, for all those who might watch out for this.

The old timers (like me) just might "get it".

Pepsi, easy there, fella..don't blow a gasket.


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good morning from the banks of the mighty delaware!! did ja miss me? long nite,good game...gonna have to be excused today about 5ish...moose on the mound..

anyway,where to start,hummmm,mo! you aint no old timer,called experience,your very brite,thanks for hangin in.i see you can take a hit,good girl....noticed you aint afraid to hit back,thats even better....

pepsi...didn't know you was in the chair(wheel) basing on how you are running around here,you still got alot of fire!! can take care of yourself..40 years to the same woman? congrats!! i like the way you handle chased that ol' cockroach down!! be proud of yourself,i am...but you might wanna slow down alittle,or cut back on them ol'pepsi' sugar for me,marnie sez.doin the mag/cal thing...also no caffine...was never good with that stuff......

anyway,i'll be where is that, shifty sewer rat? hummmm???oh yea!me?potty mouth? gotta do better then that! maybe today i zero in on some good info on you yesterday...jill,he's picking on me,jill ,find out who pepsi is..jill,see me call him potty mouth? ain't i sumtin? it's all in writing!! also see you hide behind the girls you dupe..yep,you sure are a sweet have a wonderful day,2bitz....


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Originally posted by GEDEN13:

got some good info on you yesterday...jill,he's picking on me,jill ,find out who pepsi is..jill,see me call him potty mouth? ain't i sumtin? it's all in writing!! also see you hide behind the girls you dupe..yep,you sure are a sweet have a wonderful day,2bitz....

I don't understand ANY of that...

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sorry bout that jill,realy am...was in a hurry for orthopedist appointment..gotta go back for more bone scraping on rightleg,knee.damn fibro!you would think its lyme arthritis...3rd time is the charm!!

but truly sorry.....gary


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