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» LymeNet Flash » Questions and Discussion » General Support » Hope our CT friends from UOS are okay (school shooting tragedy in Newtown, CT) (Page 1)

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Author Topic: Hope our CT friends from UOS are okay (school shooting tragedy in Newtown, CT)
Told you I was sick
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What an awful tragedy that has transpired today.

Remembering well the cast of characters from the film, Under Our Skin, of course, Elise (Brady-Moe) comes to mind. As some of you might remember, Elise's town was featured as 'Newtown, CT' in the documentary. When you reference the webpage for Under Our Skin, you see that Elise's profession is listed as 'school administrator in Connecticut.' Let's pray that Elise, Elise's family (children), Elise's friends, and Elise's school community all remain safe this afternoon.

With a heavy heart,

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My heart is broken.....prayers for all the children, family and friends involved. Such a senseless tragedy!
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So Heartbeaking!!!1 Can't stop crying over this sensless, horrific tradegy. Prayers for the children and fsmilies. So deeply sad for these people.



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Makes me cry too. Elementary school - that's an innocent place to be.
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I live in friend used to work at the school where the shooting occurred. Thank the universe she wasn't there today. This is an UNBELIEVABLE tragedy. Jess.
Posts: 870 | From ct | Registered: Nov 2012  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Profile of a mass murderer as defined by several psychiatrists:

Narcissistic, revengeful egocentric, with low self esteem. Why don't they just kill themselves and stop killing inncocent people/children. Sorry, I am just so furious and sick of these people who think they are so self important.

President Obama is crying on national TV.



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LSG Scott
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they also are usually on some kind of psychotropic drugs something needs to be done about the over harmful subscribing of these drugs.

god help them through there sorrow and pain

LSG Scott

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They may be on psychiatric drugs, but that is because they are

Pysco Crazy!

Hard to believe such evil warped people in the world.

Lyme positive PCR blood, and
positive Bartonella henselae Igenex, 2011.
low positive Fry biofilm test, 2012.
Update 7/16- After extensive treatments,
doing okay!

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Told you I was sick
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Posts: 315 | From Negative (-) to positive (+) | Registered: Nov 2011  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Just read on Huffington Post that Adams brother Ryan said Adam was autistic and had a personality disorder. So Sad all the way around.


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I've never seen it so quiet here on a Friday nite...people are absolutely somber -
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So sad. IMO, I wish guns were outlawed, at least handguns and automatic weapons. This is so sad. I can't stop thinking of the parents of the children that were killed. My heart breaks for them. :'(
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wouldn't surprise me of some of the people committing such acts have untreated chronic neurological infection with heavy metal toxicity
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Newtown Connecticut,

I lived in Ct all my life
and worked in the area many times on construction jobs for homes.
I'm still in disbelief and sadness for those mothers and fathers who will not see their daughter or son anymore.

I know a Principle of another school and she believes that teachers should be allowed to have gun permits and training for these kind of situations if they want ; .If any of the staff had a gun they might have been able to at least prevent some of the deaths.
I'm in full agreement with this .
I do think better screening and holding gun owners responsible for their weapons would be a good thing.

Posts: 789 | From CT, | Registered: Jun 2006  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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It was reported that the shooters mother bought him the guns. It that is true, can't imagine what she was thinking. The guns were legally registered. she was supposedly a responsible person. NOT!

I agree that everyone should be able to protect themselves from these horrific kinds of situations. How do we keep guns out of the hands of such unstable people to begin with.

Don't think there is any easy answer unfortunately even if we had stricter gun laws. I am so sad about what happened to these children.



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My heart aches for all of those innocent victims and their families. Those poor babes who witnessed this senseless act will now be haunted for the rest of their precious lives.

We need to do something to stop this. More enforceable gun control laws? Better help for those with mental illness? Less social tolerance for all the violence out there in movies, electronic games and music lyrics that our young people grow up with?? It is frightening what has happened to our society.

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I agree, there is a huge breakdown in our society.

Is it the lack of parental participation in a childs life, is it GMO food, is it environmental pollution?

Who knows, but what I do know is when you restrict guns the only owners will be the criminals.

I have lived in remote area where probably 1/2-2/3rds of the farmers carry guns in their vehicles daily.

We have not had one incident like this in the 55 years I have lived here.

It is a way of life here and have been taught respect of guns and actions.

Of course, we are also about 20-30 years behind in every aspect of todays world.

We are still the Mayberry of USA.

Dumb and innocent to a lot that happens in our world today.

That said, we are changing, our town has become home to many that did not grow up with our morals or accountability.

We are changing and I hate it. This used to be the perfect place to raise children.

It still is a very sheltered area.

The present world will never be as innocent as the 60-70s I grew up in.

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It is being reported that the gunman had autism. Autism is Lyme in the brain. If any of you watched the recent ILADS conference in Boston, you saw the presentation (including dramatic videos) by a man describing his son's descent into autism, and dramatic recovery following antibiotic treatment.

This school shooting is another example of Lyme rage. The chimp in Greenwich who ripped apart that woman's face had LYME DISEASE. The guy who shot that pastor in church years ago had LYME DISEASE. These are facts - do a google search.

Here in CT, I estimate 9 out of 10 Lyme cases are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. I was one of them, misdiagnosed for decades.

I know what Lyme rage is, because I had it myself. So did my mother. My mother was a kind, sweet, shy, sensitive woman who became a screaming banshee because of undiagnosed Lyme Disease. She died of it, altho we were told it was the Parkinson's (preceded by epilepsy, early dementia, schizoaffective disorder, swallowing problems, major depression with hallucinations....

Sick since at least age 6, now 67. Decades of misdiagnosis. Numerous arthritic, neuro, psych, vision, cardiac symptoms. Been treating for 7 years, incl 8 mos on IV. Bart was missed so now treating that.

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Not everything is Lyme. Autism is also caused by vaccine injury, environmental toxins, etc. There are people who have real mental illnesses such as paranoid schizophrenia, and there is usually some psychosis if not schizophrenia going on with many of these types of situations.

I think to say the school shooting is Lyme rage may be oversimplification. Lyme rage is real but doesn't generally cause one to go kill 27 people. This guy had some serious mental illness going on as well.

NO PM; CONTACT: [email protected]

13 years Lyme & Co.; Small Fiber Neuropathy; Myasthenia Gravis, Adrenal Insufficiency. On chemo for 2 1/2 years as experimental treatment for MG.

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Well, this horrific tradgedy has deeply affected me.

I have children this age. It is truly horrifying.
I'm quite stressed.

Lyme positive PCR blood, and
positive Bartonella henselae Igenex, 2011.
low positive Fry biofilm test, 2012.
Update 7/16- After extensive treatments,
doing okay!

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Originally posted by Tracy9:
Not everything is Lyme. Autism is also caused by vaccine injury, environmental toxins, etc. There are people who have real mental illnesses such as paranoid schizophrenia, and there is usually some psychosis if not schizophrenia going on with many of these types of situations.

I think to say the school shooting is Lyme rage may be oversimplification. Lyme rage is real but doesn't generally cause one to go kill 27 people. This guy had some serious mental illness
going on as well.

Lyme can cause SERIOUS mental illness. The autistic child in the ILADS presentation developed autism after getting MMR vaccine. The vaccine was the trigger for Lyme to become activated. Any trauma can serve as a trigger. Antibiotic treatment worked because it was Lyme causing the autism. The presentation was very compelling. Please watch it if you can.

Sick since at least age 6, now 67. Decades of misdiagnosis. Numerous arthritic, neuro, psych, vision, cardiac symptoms. Been treating for 7 years, incl 8 mos on IV. Bart was missed so now treating that.

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I used to teach elementary school. This was so senseless and horrifying.

Praying for all.


moving to general support

Opinions, not medical advice!

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One of my sons has classic autism, and was severely oxygen-deprived at birth. Another son was mildly oxygen-deprived and has a mild form of autism. My youngest son was not oxygen-deprived and he is a typical child. For my family, oxygen deprivation seemed to be the cause.

That being said, I cried my eyes out over this tragedy. I have been heartsick and depressed as I buy my children Christmas presents. How many of these families had presents wrapped under their trees for little hands to open - only to see them now as sad reminders of what can never be? Will any families who knew the true meaning of Christmas feel the light of their faith extinguished forever? I pray one day they find peace.

How many parents across the country with young children will be at least a little afraid to send their children to school on Monday? Too many - myself included.

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From an article by Dr. B, the ILADS psychiatrist:

"The recent attention on Lyme disease began after a chimpanzee with Lyme/tick-borne disease became violent and assaulted their owner in February 2009. Then a few weeks later a patient with late stage Lyme/tick-borne disease shot and killed a minister in Illinois. Since these two incidents occurred in close time proximity and both drew considerable media attention there has been an increased attention upon the question of whether tick-borne diseases can cause violent behavior. Lyme disease has been associated with causing aggression in dogs and other animals."

Interestingly, I know a teacher in the Newtown public schools (he does not teach at Sandy Hook) who has Lyme himself, altho he has been in denial about it. I have been bugging him for years about seeing an LLMD, but he always resisted. His own PCP tested him and he was pos. on a few bands. Took the standard doxy for a few weeks. Finally, he called me two months ago and asked me what he should take for "the chills" that he is now getting in the evening. Basically, I told him what he should take is a visit to an LLMD and a viewing of Under Our Skin. Don't think he has followed through.

Lyme is rampant in Newtown.

**please do NOT post names of LLMDs on LN per rules**

[ 12-16-2012, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: Lymetoo ]

Sick since at least age 6, now 67. Decades of misdiagnosis. Numerous arthritic, neuro, psych, vision, cardiac symptoms. Been treating for 7 years, incl 8 mos on IV. Bart was missed so now treating that.

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Paulie -

I tend to agree with you.

When someone pointed out on another Lyme site that the mother in Under Our Skin lived in Newtown ... I immediately thought ...

wonder if the shooter had Lyme.

Here's another chilling observation. When my mother bought her beach community home in southern Rhode Island, she was pleased to get it at a discounted price ... because the former tenants in that house (a couple) had succombed in a murder-suicide.

After two tick bites (that we know of) on that property over ten years, she now suffers from neurological Lyme.

Now I often wonder if the shooter in that house might have had Lyme.

This disease is a nightmare.
But largely in part, to the ignorance of the medical community.

May our loving Lord send His comfort to these families.

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My heart goes out to the families and the community. Also to Adam Lanza, the older brother. He's lost so much as well.

The choices and events made this a sad and evil tide of destruction. The tragic loss of potential, of celebrations is so enormous that it is hard for me to view or read about it without crying.

Today I was able to go to church. The minister made a special point of our remembering that today's advent candle of joy is also to remember love, loss, and sacrifice in our faith history and in the tragedy in our nation. She said we need and seek joy at times such as these.

One of my joys is knowing that though I feel alone with what I'm going through, if I look within this community, I know I am not.

'Hope' is a thing with feathers, that perches in the soul-- Emily Dickinson

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i am so sorry for these people and what they are going through.

i wonder if this young man was getting any kind of mental help? was he seeing doctors?

i question the mother. what was she thinking?? denial?? and anyone with a person in the family like this, should not have guns in the home. responsible gun owners know this.

and yes i thought of lyme first thing.

do not look back when the only course is forward

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I agree with paulie as well. No, of course, not everything is lyme, but this is. I know a bit about lyme rage as well, having suffered from it as well. I feel fortunate to be alive and not in jail as a result of some of the things I have done during lyme rage. What was I thinking! I was thinking, but it was not rational, for sure! Sometimes we get lucky.
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Gee thanks for that visual Maddog
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MADDOG...agree with AuntyLynn. Terrible visual. What are you smoking? Kidding


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ah, coulda done without that one...

you've been watching too many ninja movies. stay off netflix...

do not look back when the only course is forward

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Well, I'm sorry. I come from a family that hunts. I have no problem with rifles and shotguns ... but these semi-automatic weapons? Come on!

In this case, the shooter used long arms ... but he had semi-automatic weapons with him. The theatre massacre of a few months ago - ditto - semi-automatics ... and plenty of clips!

You don't need this kind of weapon to shoot a darned deer! Heck, my cousin and his son both each took down a 4pt and 7pt buck this year, with BOWS!

If you're worried about Uncle Sam coming to imprison you in a labor camp - just stock up on some dynamite. Or better yet, pay much closer attention to your government and VOTE.

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When it comes down to it, it's really about the sick mentally unstsble individuals that perpetrate these unspeakable acts and choose to act out this way.

We have always had guns and mentally ill individuals, but can't remember when they chose mass murder in public places.



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While I agree with the premise that if guns are criminalized, only the criminals will have guns; but there should be some common sense restrictions.

Like background checks, for criminal or mental health records. We have them in my very populated state, and it takes about 90 days just to get a permit to own. (Carry permits are mostly limited to former law enforcement personnel.)

But when someone can cross a border and pick up whatever they want at a week-end gun show, it makes my state law useless.

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Originally posted by MADDOG:
I was making a point,it does not take a gun to be a terrible murdering fool.

True .. but ..

The very same day, some idiot stabbed a bunch of school children in China. None died, however.

I'm with you, Aunty. I hate gun control because it is a precipitous path we go down. But semis are not needed for hunting.

Hmmmm.. they are wearing green ribbons in the ceremony tonight

Opinions, not medical advice!

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I wondered about the green ribbons as well.
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Green was the favorite color of Victoria Soto. The heroic teacher that was deemed a hero for saving so many young children. R.I.P



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Read the story written by a mom. "I'm Adam Lanza Mom". It's all over the web.

It really tells us the direction we need to go....dealing with all the mental illness in children.

There is no place in American society for assult weapons. None


"Never, never, never, never, never give up" Winston Churchill

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Cris Cuomo and the psychologist they had on The View this morning said it best. There is a common denominator with these mass murderers. Dr. Drew has basically been saying the same things.

They feel neglected and want to "Go Out In a Blaze Of Glory" Killing children will get them the most recognition that they think they were missing in life. They have a feeling of entitelement.

They want to be recognized as "Larger Than Life" and killing children will bring this kind of shock to people. We live in a culture of violence (video games, movies etc.)

The theme here was that this was not about mental illness (not saying these people were not mentally ill)or guns, but again about violence in our culture.

These mass murders were pre-meditated and about a life choice. I really have to agree with all of this. I hope I got this right as I am listening to the program this morning.



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I agree that it seems to be some need for recognition and/or notoriety!

Interesting that this doc cited our "violent" society. I do NOT like some of the video games kids are entrenched in these days - nor even some of the cartoons! Look at the top five movie releases each week, they all feature crime battles, wars, or some other form or violence. We are steeped in this sensationalist mindset.

Does anyone take their kids to church these days? Just wondering!

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Killing little children brings the most"SHOCK" because it is so outrageous. More press and coverage for his demented ego. The whole world is grieving with us. This guy (not mentioning his name) riddled these children with bullets. This is pure evil.

Grief has several stages and one is anger. I am still very angry and heartsick. I have 3 grandchildren in New England and am petrified.



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I think a big part of the problem in society today is the acceptance of violence in movies, TV shows and video games.

I remember taking my kids to "G" or "PG" movies and telling them to hold their hands to their ears while pulling them close to me so they wouldn't see or hear the violent movie previews. It's pretty disgusting that a parent should have to do that while attending a movie appropriate for children.

The amount of violent video games out there is staggering. It blows my mind that parents think nothing of buying them for their kids.

TV violence is rampant as well. Many times as we watch age-appropriate comedies, violent commercials appear before you have a chance to change the channel.

This of course is no excuse for a 20 year old young man to set out to murder precious innocents in cold blood.

And the guns. Why on earth did this man's mother own such high-powered weapons? Why would anyone, other than law enforcement?

Too many questions, not enough answers and not enough movement/discourse on the part of our government officials. I surely don't know the answers. All I know is that I don't ever want to wake up to such horror again.

My prayers and thoughts are with the families.

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I checked the facts. He DID use a semi-automatic, with a 30 round clip. He had 2 more clips with him.

While his mother WAS stupid to teach him how to use these weapons, and they SHOULD have been locked ...

here's a question for you Maddog, are ALL of YOUR firearms locked? Most people keep at least ONE gun "handy" in case of emergency.

Obviously this kid was using a copycat scenario - black outfit, bullet vest, combat boots.

The testosterone of a 19 year old and the brain of an 10 year old - NOT a good combination!

I saw an interview with the woman who wrote "I am ____ Lanza's Mother" - she has a mentally retarded son, who she says FRIGHTENS HER when he gets angry.

If this kid only had access to a pump shotgun, things might have been very different.

Moreover, do you actually think you're going to mount a one-man assault against a group of armed police/military? Dream on.

Time to pull the semi-automatics from the market - if NOT from the population. PERIOD!

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Those semi-automatics have no place in our society. In the UK, all cartridge ammunition handguns were banned after a horrific school shooting of 16 young elementary students and one teacher in Scotland in 1996. Since then, there has not been one school shooting in the UK.
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"We are the only industrialized country in the world killing each other" Quote by Mayor Bloomberg" I agree, we need to get rid of semi automatic weapons. NO QUESTION!!!

BTW, I was a carrier of a semi automatic weapon and got rid of it several yrs ago. Just felt very negative to me and I didn't want it around me anymore.

I had a permit to carry and had extensive weapons training because of an ex who was stalking me for over a yr.

The case sighted in the UK by dbpei is PROOF that getting rid of these types of guns prevents this kind of carnage.



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somebody asked me why hunters use semi and full auto. i couldn't believe it. she actually thought anybody who owned a gun and hunted had these. hunters do not use semi or full auto.

my husband hunts. i'm familar with guns, not very good but i do know how to shoot.

but that's the image she has. it's all hunters and nra fault. no, it's not.

i agree to ban semi and full auto. there's no reason a person needs the capability of a military type assault weapon.

but they'll find something else.

in 1927 there was a school official, michigan, i believe, who used dynamine to kill school children. can you believe that? dynamite...

there will always be crazies. we just have to figure out how to identify them and what to do.

and i know hollywood plays a part in all this. i mean, have you seen what's even on tv? killer zombies, gangsters, rednecks looking like idiots toting guns around, and lots of t&a...

and the video games. my looser nephew is in his 40's and he's still playing those sick killer games. he's still in college, never graduated and wants to be a "game designer". ain't gonna happen. and he grew up playing these games.

who's to blame for this killing? mother had a lot to do with it here. rumour is she was a prepper who hoarded food, etc., and had guns. this kid should have never been around guns. she should have them in a safe where he couldn't get them.

mad, i don't have children either, never wanted them. but i feel so sorry for these parents. all these innocent little babies.

my take is, this kid knew he wasn't normal and wanted to punish these children because he knew they were happy,normal and loved. and he wanted to destroy that.

we'll never know.

do not look back when the only course is forward

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Good point dbpei!

Maddog, although I once felt as you do about the right to bear arms, I have to disagree with the whole civil defense premise.

If you have "millions of Americans" rising up against an illicit government power, by sheer numbers that power can be defeated - with slingshots if necessary!

Take a look at Tahrir Square - or the Orange Revolution in Eastern Europe. When most of the population rises up against a corrupt government they do not need semis or even Scuds to prevail. A workers strike can bring profiteers to their knees. Or in the case of our Constitution, an Article V peoples' convention!

Now, I am not advocating the kind of gun control that Australia brought in - where even family heirlooms were confiscated. But we do not need semi-automatic weapons in our streets - so that dozens of people, even little children, can be snuffed with a single clip.

People who HAVE guns, tend to USE guns.

Pass Federal Restrictions on purchase - require background checks and waiting periods in EVERY STATE! Abolish "gun shows" and prosecute those who sell firearms from the trunks of cars.

Then we might restore some sanity, and protect the innocent.

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Just came back from Macys which is located in Center City Philadelphia. There were big trucks/trailers parked right in front of the store. I asked a security person standing there what the trucks were for? He said a movie was being filmed(many movies being made here)

I asked the name of the movie. He said "Paranoia" I mumbled "Just what we need" Hollywood doesn't want to take responsibility for any of the violence in movies in relation to helping unstable people go off. REALLY??? Quentin Tarantino just reinforced that feeling. Unbelievable!


There will always be unstable mentally ill people.

If they are armed with a semi automatic, you have a much greater chance of being killed. Agree with what AuntyLynn is saying.



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I have a cousin who is in his 50's, borderline psychotic, believes the mafia has a contract on his life, and believes all his neighbors are mafia out to kill him. Except for rare occasions, never leaves the house, lives alone now, with GUNS. He has Borrelia burgdorferi in his brain.

How do I know this? Cuz he HAD Lyme years ago, was diagnosed and treated for it. Of course he was UNDERtreated. Two years ago he told me he woke up with a rash on his arm in the shape of the letter "C" - he said the mafia gave it to him in the middle of the night. A PCP told him it was RINGWORM. No, it was NOT ringworm, it was the secondary rash of chronic Lyme. I know this because I and thousands of others have had Lyme rashes misdiagnosed as ringworm.

My cousin's situation has been going on for YEARS. I expect things to come to a head any day now. He refuses mental health treatment. Social workers are too afraid to go to the house. The police are finally involved, but they are walking on eggshells, for fear of triggering a shootout.

Like I said, Lyme is RAMPANT here in CT, and it can cause SERIOUS mental illness.

Sick since at least age 6, now 67. Decades of misdiagnosis. Numerous arthritic, neuro, psych, vision, cardiac symptoms. Been treating for 7 years, incl 8 mos on IV. Bart was missed so now treating that.

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I believe that Lyme can and does cause some serious mental illness. My question is,(1) how do we keep guns away from people that are so mentally unstable??? (2) How do we get guns away from these people? This is an accident waiting to happen. I guess the good news is that he never leaves the house.



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PaulieinCT -

Just wondering ... is there soem way the police can disarm him, since they know he is "unstable?"

We had a case here a few years ago, where a local Police Chief fired off a couple of rounds from the roof of a local health club, on a "lark." He was going through a nasty divorce - and the Divorce Judge ruled that his weapons should be confiscated.

Townspeople were outraged! Imagine a Chief of Police who was not allowed to carry a weapon? Women were espeially upset, because the guy was proven to be "irresponsible" with firearms, and was accused of raping his estranged wife. They picketed the Town Council meetings demanding his resignation.

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Originally posted by glm1111:

I believe that Lyme can and does cause some serious mental illness. My question is,(1) how do we keep guns away from people that are so mentally unstable??? (2) How do we get guns away from these people? This is an accident waiting to happen. I guess the good news is that he never leaves the house.


There is a law in CT that the State Police can remove guns from a person if a doctor certifies that the person is mentally ill and dangerous. The problem is, you need to get that person to a psychiatrist, and my cousin refuses to go.

What will probably happen in my cousin's case, is that there will be some kind of confrontation where he will go berserk and the police can then involuntarily bring him to a psych facility. The facility can keep him confined if they can show he is a danger either to himself or others.

Then the State police will take his guns.

Hopefully, this will all happen without any loss of life.

Sick since at least age 6, now 67. Decades of misdiagnosis. Numerous arthritic, neuro, psych, vision, cardiac symptoms. Been treating for 7 years, incl 8 mos on IV. Bart was missed so now treating that.

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I just heard on the news that the Newtown school shooter's mother...........had MS.

What does that tell you?

Sick since at least age 6, now 67. Decades of misdiagnosis. Numerous arthritic, neuro, psych, vision, cardiac symptoms. Been treating for 7 years, incl 8 mos on IV. Bart was missed so now treating that.

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i disagree. most hunters i know and people who have guns, do not use them.

our friends in wyoming who have a ranch, have guns. they rarely use them.

most of our friends who shoot, do so at a range or hunting.

of course, they are middle aged, prior military, or professional people.

none of them, i truly believe, would ever hurt another person. but they would defend their families if they had to.

not everyone who has a gun is a nut case.

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randibear -

I was NOT insinuating that if you "use" a gun you are a nut case! You use them in target practice, skeet shooting, hunting - whatever - but you do intend to use them in some way when you seek to own them!

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well yes you use them, but not against another person.

but there gun owners who collect some that you do not "use". say for instance sharpes original 1840 or so. these are the original buffalo guns owned by hunters during the 1800's. very expensive. collectors would not dare take them out and treat them like regular guns. they are strictly showpieces.

and anybody who uses a gun like this is a nut case. hey, i don't support semi or full auto either but people are going to get them, hook or crook, they will.

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And 16 in Colorado, and a Congresswoman maimed, and a college campus strafed ...

Are you calling gun control supporters traitors?
Just because we're trying to figure how to keep guns from the hands of NUTS?

I am not UNamerican because I don't believe in policing the world, or in starting illegal wars. I want my country to be BETTER than that!

I want my country to LIVE UP to its ideals! Not become just another colonial power whose theivery is funded by my taxes!

Guns are not an extension of patriotism - nor are they an extension of manhood! And those who think they are, might be a part of this problem.

At least the NRA has the good sense to keep out of this argument right now.

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Christian Science Monitor, May 11, 2012

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I don't think the argument is that no one has the right to bear arms. The argument is that semi automatic high powered guns should not be part of anyones arsenal.

Hopefully the Mayan calender is referring to a shift in consciousness, and NOT the end of the world. Maybe the shift will leave the lower vibrational entities behind in a different dimension. I actually read that somewhere.

Just listening to Dr. Oz on Piers Morgan. He is commenting about their is a difference in the brains of people committing these kinds of crimes, that torture animals etc and have no empathy.

They showed a picture of a brain scan where there was an area of the brain the controls empathy. A large area was in a different color to depict this. These individuals lack this part of the brain. So it's not always pathogenic.



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Oh God, here we go again with the end-of-world crap. No one knows when the world will end. I for one, pay no attention to this stuff. When it ends, it ends and no one will have advance notice as far as I'm concerned. Too many times since just prior to the year 2000, predictions were made about the world ending and too many people got themselves worked up in a tizzy over nothing. It's 2012 and we're all still here to talk about it. And I predict we'll still be here in 2013!

Anyway, MADDOG, I couldn't disagree with you more. There is no good reason at all for the populace to "own the exact same weapons as the police and the army."

Do you honestly believe for a minute that you and other citizens exercising the "right to bear arms" per the second amendment could in any way maintain a "balance" amongst the three branches of government? Do you really believe that carrying semis on your person every day will prevent "tyranny?"

When you go to the pharmacy or the supermarket or the mall, do you notify your neighbors that they should don their bullet-proof vests and load up their semis just in case? Hey, let's meet at Dunkin Donuts for a cup of joe--don't forget to prepare for the worst. Who can live that way? Who would want to?

I wonder what our forebears would think of this train of thought and life in America today where we have witnessed far too many times the awful loss of life at the hands of people exercising their second amendment rights. Certainly, our forefathers could never have imagined the carnage we have witnessed.

I am not saying people should not have guns. If you feel the need to protect your home and family, by all means you are within your rights to legally own and operate a firearm, provided you have a permit. If you are a sportsman/hunter, by all means, you are within your rights to to legally own and operate a firearm, provided you have a permit. This to me is what the second amendment is about.

There is NO REASON AT ALL for ANYONE other than law enforcement/military personnel to be in the possession of semi-automatic firearms. PERIOD.

And I completely agree with AuntyLynn's statement:

Pass Federal Restrictions on purchase - require background checks and waiting periods in EVERY STATE! Abolish "gun shows" and prosecute those who sell firearms from the trunks of cars.

MADDOG, I do not think that this awful tragedy in any way could lead to the end of the constitution, bill of rights and our great nation.

I am acutely aware of the hundreds of thousands who gave their lives on behalf of our great nation, as I have many veterans in my family, going back to the Revolutionary War.

I agree that this man's mother should have NEVER exposed him to weapons, much less have taken him to shooting ranges.

As a mother myself, all I can say is that she must not have realized that her allowing her son access to weapons and target practice would ultimately result in her own demise, along with so many innocent people, including 20 precious little kids.

It's hard to believe no matter how you look at it. I see this kid on the news and when I look at him, all I think of is that he must have been teased and bullied for years and years.

And kids these days are absolutely brutal. There was a girl on the news recently. Poor kid was 11 or 12. Her belly was swollen. What did the mean biotches say? And even boys these days are extraordinarily brutal in their comments. She must be pregnant!! Meanwhile, the poor thing had a growth in her abdomen. But she had to endure so many rude and snide comments due to her medical condition.

But getting back to this young man who committed this unspeakable act of violence and brutality against little kids and their teachers...

I do believe he was mentally ill. I do believe his mother had a hard time handling him. I believe his mother showed poor judgement in teaching him about firearms and taking him to the shooting range.

I know for a fact that there is NOWHERE for a parent of a mentally-challenged child to turn once they age-out of the school system. I believe this is a huge problem in our society.

There are grown men and women who have some sort of mental handicap and due to logistics and finances have no choice but to live with their parent(s).

Our society, for the most part, shuns individuals who are mentally handicapped. As a result, we have a huge number of young people who have no social outlet, no friends, no activities, nowhere to be or go other than at home with their parent(s). And I presume their parents are frustrated by this situation and really don't have anywhere to turn themselves.

This young man comes from a financially secure environment by all accounts. If his parents, who had the means to help him, were ultimately unable to do so because of whatever obstacle, what does that tell us about the likelihood of the rest of us being able to help kids like him? It tells me it's next to impossible to do so, but still possible.

Once again, too many questions and too few answers.

Thoughts and prayers going out to Newtown, CT this evening.

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Like many I watched in horror as this unthinkable event started to come to light on the news.

God bless the children, families and adults whose lives were forever changed. There are no words to express the depth of the grief and overwhelming sadness felt by so many, including myself. It is so horrifying I can not even think about it as it relates to the people involved, nor can I talk about it.

Once I heard where this had taken place I immediately called our volunteer advocates in the CT to try to comfort them, and in turn be comforted.

When I went back to the news they were starting to blame guns for this tragedy, and then sure enough here comes huff and puff on the air talking about lobbying for more strict gun control laws. That made me sick.

I turned off the TV and have not watched it since. I knew, just didn't know how long it would take, that guns would be blamed and people would be distracted from dealing with the real issues.

The guns in this case were registered and legal in a state that has more stringent gun control laws than most. They were used by a person who would have used another weapon had the guns not been accessible.

The laws did nothing to prevent this tragedy from happening. They were useless, just like a protection order is when used to try to keep someone from hurting another person. As even the police say, a piece of paper (restraining order) won't stop a bullet or a knife blade.

Guns generally REDUCE crime when allowed to be carried openly and when not highly regulated or restricted, as in the case of, for example, the state of Virginia where crime was reduced by over 80% when the laws allowed "open carry". Knowing your neighbors and the strangers you meet MAY be carrying a gun will prevent most people from going nuts on another person or committing a crime against them.

Passing more gun laws will not stop this type of tragedy from recurring. It will allow guns to remain in the hands of criminals and take them away from more responsible citizens. Had the adults in this particular case (and other cases like it) been armed and properly trained to use a gun this might have come out differently.

For example, if a police officer were on the scene when this first started chances are it wouldn't have gone this far.

I am saddened to see so much attention being placed on a gun by the media rather than seeing people (politicians especially) seriously addressing the real source of the problem. Like it or not, guns are here to stay, as is shown to be the case in the figures below.

"A 2007 Small Arms Survey estimates there are 88.7 guns per 100 Americans (#1 in the world for guns per capita)"

"A 2010 estimate from the NRA states "Privately owned firearms in the U.S.: Approaching 300 million, including nearly 100 million handguns. The number of firearms rises over 4 million annually."

In my opinion, if you don't own a gun, you should get one and be trained and ready to use it to protect yourself and your family BEFORE something bad happens.

Again, God bless those who suffered as a result of this horrendous event. May your heart be healed.


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Beaches -

LOL! I'm definitely WITH you on the "end of the world" crap! (I hope you got that by my posting the Christian Science Monitor article.)

Sensationalists and charlatans have been touting their "supernatural knowledge" to stir people up for thousands of years. It's pure superstition.

Moreover, if you're a Christian you know that our Lord told us to "put not your faith in soothsayers" (fortunetellers). Yet "fundamentalists" can be among the worst offenders, IMHO! Look at the Westboro group, for example - or the rapture crowd. But hey, it's a free country, and to each his/her own.

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Originally posted by dbpei:
I wondered about the green ribbons as well.

I found out that green is one of the school colors.

Opinions, not medical advice!

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BTW, please report any abusive or offensive posts.

Opinions, not medical advice!

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Tincup -

Let me get this straight...
we have 300 Mil guns in private homes already - amounting to 87.7 guns per 100 Americans. So according to your theory, practically every home in America IS armed already ...

So your idea that everyone should be armed and trained to use a gun would seem to have been fulfilled.

YET we have had several Mall shootings, the theatre massacre and now the Newtown attacks, just in the past year!

Logically, this would indicate that your theory that everyone should be armed so as to provide "protection" is in direct opposition to the reality.

In this case, a mother actually ARMED her mentally deficient son, by having taken the EXACT POSITION that you propose! (She was said to have been a "prepper." I am a "prepper" but I'm on the fence about arms. I think you can win more hearts with butter than guns, in the event of an emergency. And even a citizen army marches on its stomach!)

I agree with BEACHES on this one -
in that parents who are trying to raise and protect their debilitated children are NOT getting enough support from our society when they become adults! You can mainstream autistic or retarded children in public schools, which I think is a great idea, but when they turn 18, government help is practically non-existent.

We once had massive mental institutions in this country. A Supreme Court decision ruling that these folks have a right to live in a "home like" setting changed all that under the Reagan Administration. Supervised "group homes" are now the norm - but what do we do with young adults who are potentially violent? Except give them antipsychotic DRUGS that can actually MAKE them suicidal? (Many say this is why we are seeing so many suicides in our war vets!)

This is as much a mental health issue as it is a gun control issue. And with autism numbers exploding, we are likely to see many more of these incidents ... without providing more support to families.

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So what you're saying is that psychiatrists are right, when they say that firearms are a subliminal extention of masculine ego?
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AuntyLynn & MADDOGG

Keebler posted a link to an article about the connection to masculinity in the thread I posted in General about the gun control petition.

From the beginning and not irregardless of infections and other brain maladys, I felt that ego and lack of self esteem play a big role in these shootings.



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Well, I just checked and the post was removed. Guess it was not popular with the people that don't favor gun control and there were complaints. Anyway, maybe Keebler will see this and post that link again.



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You know, lots of kids suffer from bullying in school. I'm glad to see that schools are starting to get wise to the damage it causes.

Kids can be unbelievably cruel. But most who are bullied don't go back to class with a semi-automatic.

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MADDOGG! That kind of thinking is exactly why we need gun control. Fragile egos out of control kill people. Sad


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gun control is fine for semi and full auto.

hunters do not use these. and small firearms such as 38 or 45's are what many women use to defend themselves.

some people are saying we should give up all firearms and i'm against that. to do that would put us into a situation where the government is then controlling everyone. not something i want to see happen.

do not look back when the only course is forward

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i think the mother is lot of the blame here. she knew her son was mentally ill, apparently she was at least trying to have him transferred to a facility, which he found out about.

she should have done this long ago. also, taking him to a gun range...OMG!! what was she thinking? bonding?? she was completely clueless..

let's put the blame where it belongs, on the parent here, in this situation.

i know many teachers and they say they all have encountered parents who refuse to say or do anything regarding their precious child, even when it's bullying like mad says, or showing extreme signs of mental illness.

this let's take all guns, is extreme. it's the semi and full auto, and multiple clips, that they should be addressing.

and let's look at the nut in michigan who in 1927 used dynamite to bomb a school, killing many children. this man lost his board election. nobody thought he would do it either. but dynamite?

now we just have to prevent somebody else who's going to say "oh i can do more"...that's the person we should be looking out for.

penalizing legal gun owners and those who hunt is not the answer. going after the nra is not the answer.

identifying those individuals who will do this thing is the answer.

p.s.s i have a friend who took her small children, ages, 11 and 12, to see that movie, umm, what is it, hunter games, or something like that. i was going "wth?". i amend my statements to add that hollywood bears some of the responsiblity here.

do not look back when the only course is forward

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Most favor gun control for hunting and majority of us have guns.

A lot of people who need help though, don't think they do and don't seek it. How do you reach that population?

The school in CT was locked and you need to be buzzed in so I'm not sure what else one could do other than have police patrol our schools on a daily basis.

The news is still saying that there was an altercation with some of the staff the day before and a few of them were killed but one survived and they are speaking with her now.

It's tragic it no matter what. There will now be a committee of many people to decide on how to not let this happen again.

Not just on gun regulations but reaching out to those with mental health and security and better training for school employees.

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[Big Grin]
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