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Posted by willo7 (Member # 24263) on :
Is this something you can buy? And is so, where?? Who has done this and what is your success? Thank you!
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
look here... I'm off to find the extensive thread on this... it had tons of replies...

bionic and PE-1

"17hens" .. her experience:
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I did this treatment and I got better.

You have to go to Germany to buy it. Many here buy the PE1 instead. There are several active threads on it.
Posted by willo7 (Member # 24263) on :
Thanks to you both! Sixgoofykids- Did you go to germany? If so, could you send me some more info on the dr., costs?, do they have a place they reccomend you stay? How many times did you have to go there? Thank you!
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I did. I went one time for three weeks then continued treatment at home. They do have a place they recommend you stay because there's no wireless and it's in the mountains where the air is clean.

I didn't add up the cost since some was in euro and some in dollars, but all inclusive (housing, food, eating out, rental car, doctor, etc.) it was about $5000, plus you'll need a light to continue treatment, either a PE1 or a Bionic 880.

Bionics are about $8000 and PE1's are about $1600.
Posted by Kramberry (Member # 34032) on :
does it cover coinfections and else or thats for lyme only?

i dont think everyone can afford it especially those with multiple members affected
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Well, $5000 was a BARGAIN for me. I had to fly to NY to see my LLMD so ONE trip there was about $2000 .... my yearly medical care was around $20,000 and I have good insurance. I NEVER had to have another doctor appt regarding Lyme once I came home from Germany. Lyme care is expensive no matter what you do!

I treated my daughter once I got back. She wasn't as sick as me, so she didn't go to Germany with me.

This was 3 years ago. Except for moderating here, Lyme isn't even a thought in my life anymore. When I refer to my previous illness, I say, "I used to have Lyme."

My coinfections are gone, too. I really don't know whether it was the Bionic that treated them or whether it was my own immune system once the borrelia was gone. It took only 3 weeks to get rid of the borrelia in Germany, then another 9 months to get rid of the coinfections.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Most info is found in the 3rd link above.
Posted by ukcarry (Member # 18147) on :
Sixgoofy, it's so nice to hear you say that you now refer to your health as 'I used to have Lyme'. I expect that it gives you a bittersweet feeling when you say it, but mainly sweet!

Good for you for continuing to be a moderator here once your illness is gone,

Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Thanks, Carry. I was well for a long time before I said "I used to have Lyme." It sure wasn't something I started saying right away!!

I actually became a moderator AFTER I got well! [Smile]
Posted by willo7 (Member # 24263) on :
Sixgoofykids Did you buy the bionic 880 or the PE1
Posted by willo7 (Member # 24263) on :
If I would buy the pe1, how do you know how to use it?
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
There are some here who have the PE1 .... I used the Bionic .... but those of us who got well on the protocol stick around to tell others how to use the treatments since there's no where to really learn it.
Posted by 8man12 (Member # 7664) on :
How bad was your Lyme? How many hospitalizations?
How long were you infected before treatment? These answers may help some if their thinking of taking this route to recovery. I personally know 2 patients who went to Germany and it did not help at all, maybe it depends on the severity of the patient.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
8man, did they continue treatment after returning?

Yes, there was Joey who didn't get well, but he cured his lyme disease, he stopped taking antibiotics since returning from Germany but his chronic fatigue didn't lift. He is now trying to treat other causes, but antibiotics are past history for him.

Another lady who posted here too, she (or her son?) did relapse after returning but she didn't continue ANY treatment with photons after the 2, 3 week treatment in Germany.

I would NEVER expect to get fully well after a 3 week treatment. I needed about 5 months and so did my daughter.

I used the PE1. My lyme was not as bad at that time I used it, but I couldn't get rid of it and I got reinfected and relapsed too often. I had been battling it for about 4 years and my longest treatment-free symptom-free phase was 4 or 5 months. I always fell sick again.

Photons helped me not to relapse anymore, that's all. It was fast, 5 months of treatment and I am still in remission, 2.5 years after!!

My daughter was bad, in great pain. We were both chronic sufferers though, and the disease never really left our lives. It kept coming and going. Now lyme is past.

No treatment, no symptoms, no more desperation, no more cycles of constant disease, of buying new products the whole time, of ingesting loads of things in a day to keep surviving.

But photons will ONLY deal with the pathogen, mostly borrelia. When the borrelia load falls, it gets easier to treat the rest. Difficult to believe, but that is how things are.

We, who fall sick with a 'simple' infection like borrelia must treat other things than infection.

Healthier people NEVER fall sick with an infected tick bite. It is difficult to accept, but all my neighbors never fall sick, despite constant bites for GENERATIONS!! They live in tick land, and so do the animals. All these cats, horses, goats, sheep, cows, dogs, they don't get lyme despite bites.

Only few fall sick. It took me and my daughter ONE BITE to fall sick. We treated until stabilizing, for months, or years. Every year, almost every new bite, we would fall again sick.

Photons will deal with the pathogen(s), but not with ALL other issues (gut problems, immune disorders, allergies, toxicity, heavy metals, teeth problems etc). That is how I see it.
Posted by willo7 (Member # 24263) on :
Brussels- I am a bit confused, did you just use the pe1 or do you and your daughter also go to germany for the bionic treatment?
Posted by kimmie (Member # 25547) on :
Posted by willo7 (Member # 24263) on :

Have you used this??
Posted by 8man12 (Member # 7664) on :
What about radiation absorption? I am afraid I would go with hyperbaric oxygen which is probably less a cost, has a better percentage rate, and is far more convenient in the USA. I am not cutting down the proceedure but some people are different chronic. I have 2 sons one would be sore and complaining if he mowed the same yard as the other, who would think nothing of it. If both got kicked by a horse the same son would swear he was dying the other would be playing football in the yard 20 minutes later. I have spoke with many LLMDs, their is a difference in chronic. The difference in chronic lyme tells us what therapy works. If there has been treatment failures with this therapy than its a big sum of money for some to waste when maybe they should try a hyperbaric chamber first. Many patients on here do not have the means to go to Germany and many have told me it was not worth the trip. Knowing what we all know about BB every patient is different. Some carry a gene that makes ridding BB near impossible. So it is great this board offers help for patients who are financially strapped, and cannot afford a trip to Germany, many are cured right here in the USA. So if your a lyme patient you do not need to read these posts and think there is no cure here, it takes time.
Posted by kimmie (Member # 25547) on :

No I have not. I purchased the PE-1 and intend to use it but have not started yet. THe more I research light therapy the more I am convinced it has its place in treating chronic infections.

I just emailed the doctor from the above link to see if he treats lyme with this therapy. He does use nosodes and i thought his web page explained a lot about how this treatment works.
Posted by GiGi (Member # 259) on :
It's time that I also talk about photons. The beautiful healer - the light.

Be very very careful with photons unless you have a knowledgable doctor support you with the fallout events.

Photons do not distinguish between nosodes or anything else. Light is light is light. And you have to be able to deal with the fallout that photons bring about. Neurotoxins, other infections, and more neurotoxins.

My husband, who has passed on two days ago, started to go downhill within a couple
Three weeks after returning from Germany. In my opinion, the doctor there is totally ignorant of anything else concerning Lyme besides Borrelia. He wrote me and told me by phone when I inquired before taking the journey, "photons will bring out the metals, co-infections and all (though he had at that time no idea what constitutes co-infections, etc.� I had to tell him that before he could answer.

I am glad, Brussels, that you are finally starting to speak reality. I do not know a single one of the 38-40 patients who went to Germany for the treatment with this doctor who are well today, besides one. I am in contact with a number of them since returning 08/09, and most of them are worse off today or were until they found other treatment methods.

Photons are wonderful, but only under the guidance of a professional who understands this multi-faceted disease, called Lyme Disease. Photons will deal with pathogens, yes, but which ones and how and what happens to the toxicity brought forth by this treatment.
Timing with detox phase is important. Not even Dr. K. can answer all that and he admits that freely. A doctor has to know and admit before he causes damage. The whole body is in high alert with photons.

I tried and failed miserably by not being on high alert. However,
I am still using photons to this day. But anyone who does not have accurate testing and has follow-up available, the knowledge to deal with certain fallout in time and in the right way, is shooting in the dark.

The majority of people who did the three week treatment may have killed a few borrelia,
And are not well and often worse. The doctor there was and most likely still is ignorant about all that is involved in Lyme, and when I first made my feelings known when I was watching my husband, he threatened me with the law and sick accusations sending the same e-mail to everyone who had been there threatening to shut me up. I did, because I did not have time to waste and had to do all I could to get my husband better.

My husband passed away two days ago, from Babesiosis. I now know that the effects of the treatments he received from that doctor were totally out of place and downright dangerous. I was naive and believed. I believed the group of German patients the doctor picked for me to interview. Personal friends living in Germany went there and were hurt. He chased me for many months with bills and collection agencies for tests I had never seen nor agreed to until I chose to get an attorney involved. Not good news about anyone that calls himself a healer.

Warning: Do photons only with a licensed expert doctor at your side who will follow every step you take and guide you through the fallout = timing and detoxing is absolutely necessary, and only in a manner your body can manage to handle so that your organs suffer the least possible damage.

Take care.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
I was SEVERELY INFECTED. I was disabled. I would get to 90% functionality in the afternoons sometimes, then I would cycle to mostly in bed again. Something like cutting the grass was an impossibility to me.

I was infected for over 30 years. I was in remission and got bitten again, this time contracting bartonella and babesia, that was almost 10 years ago.

I did have some symptoms resolve on abx treatment, but the ups and downs were still severe. I actually didn't think I was going to be healthy enough to make the trip the few weeks before I went because a mold exposure put me over the edge and I was bedridden again and had to go off all meds.

I don't know what you're talking about with radiation absorption.

As Brussels mentioned, the only people I have heard that are not well from it did not have Lyme as their primary issue OR they did not continue treatment. I treated for 9 months before I was well.

There were others who came back and used it every day against the doctor's recommendations (he recommended twice a week for three weeks then a month off). Those pople had problems as a result of overuse. The treatment is strong and must be respected and not overdone (as with any treatment).

I highly doubt hyperbaric oxygen is cheaper, but I wish you luck with it.

[ 10-27-2011, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: sixgoofykids ]
Posted by kimmie (Member # 25547) on :

so very sorry your husband has passed. Praying for peace...
Posted by kimmie (Member # 25547) on :

Why do you still use photons? I thought you were in remission. Is this for detox? Just trying to understand. Thanks
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Thank you all for the insights.

I always learn here!

I do believe your story, Gigi. And I know that photons are powerful and can be dangerous when it moves heavy metals and wakes ups some critters.

However I got pathogens waking up and getting in dormancy WITH all other treatments I did. All other treatments that involved CLEANSING, in a way or another, will bring up dormant pathogens to wake up.

Heavy metal cleansing for sure brings many candida and fungal infections up, causing symptoms again.

Any parasite cleansing is like opening a box of Pandora, the pathogens pour out from everywhere.

I always saw these as part of cleansing, though. Killing from big to small, as dr. K always say, is a cleansing process in the end. And it brings pathogens to wake up, at least for me, in a clear and direct relation.

Everytime a heavy metal treatment works well, I know I will deal with candida or fungi. It happened too many times to deny the relation. Dr. K. also said that, right?

So having pathogens coming out and causing symptoms with any treatment will happen ANYWAY.

You read about that even with abx. People kill one pathogen, get better from symptoms only to fall sick with another pathogen, and get a new set of symptoms!!

And they have to shift medicines to keep improving. It happens here all the time in LN.

So today, if I feel my body is strong enough, I even feel that having these critters awaken is somehow 'good', part of the peeling the onion process.

So that waking up process can be good or not, in my view. Good, because you anyway need to clean that up one day (like critters who hide in heavy metals come out when they can't hide anymore, as heavy metals kill white blood cells).

It can be though bad, when health is fragile and cannot deal with the new coming infection. It's better to keep the heavy metals inside and wait until it comes the time to clean that up then.

that is how I see. What's your opinion about it?
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
As for energetic tests, I do agree that without these, I would be in the same place or still sick. It was the best thing I learned DUE to lyme disease.

I can't stress more how important I find it.

Laser therapy, flashed through vials of Borrelia or whichever vials, is not even CLOSE to what infrared therapy does. Dr. Ksl. above speaks about this other mode of treatment, called Laser Detox by other practioners.

Well, it is similar in the way it should work, but in EFFECT, I almost can put my hands on fire it is MUCH weaker than dr. W's infrared therapy. I used laser for long enough to know the difference. Even though I used green laser, not red.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
So, yes, for the ones who can afford a good practioner, who does energetic tests and UNDERSTAND the whole body's problems, not only lyme, like dr. K does, go for this practioner.

It is like buying the best life insurance policy in the shape of a person. [Big Grin]

He himself suffers from weak health, at least in the past, grew up in the war, poverty, stress. His health was fragile since childhood, he fell sick to lyme and coinfections himself, so he knows what it is to have a weaker body and being chronically sick himeself.

I was lucky to have a whole HOST of good practioners I could choose, thanks to Gigi's introduction.

But I was treating for 3.5 years with them and on my own, but still relapsing.

Photon treatment helped NOT to relapse anymore and I do thank it deeply for that.

That this stuff is strong, and it is NOT a toy, I agree.

If everyone could afford or have the chance to meet wonderful practioners and be treated by them, it would be wonderful as we WOULDN'T need a lyme board like this!!!

Unfortunately, there in the US, many don't even have a health insurance!

And few practioners practice any type of energetic tests, and when they do, they usually have no idea about how to treat lyme disease.

Or the opposite, they know lyme but do not believe on energetic tests... [Roll Eyes]

I think that is when this board kicks in.

Do you wait until you get health insurance, then the right lyme literate doctor who practices energetic tests and can still GUIDE you using photons?

That would be ideal. [Smile]

I still haven't found ANYONE to fit that picture yet. Not even the wonderful dr. K's Institute practioners, no one is using infrared this way so far, that I know.

Now you say, not even dr. W, as he is not very holistic... [bonk]

So yes, if you can, don't self treat.

Don't do this without energetic tests.

Don't treat lyme without a skillful practioner's help. I fully agree.

But if you are not fortunate to find the perfect practioner, well, that is why I keep writing.

In my opinion, only my opinion, in case:

1- I have no insurance, or no money to use expensive treatments.

2- My practioners are FAR from good and I can't find the right practioners and my health is going downwards

Well, my logical conclusion for myself, would be: I would rather try to self-treat, at least parallel to whatever professional help I find around, with the means I have, with or without energetic tests. I would do that, of course, on my own risk.

thank you to put this treatment in perspective though. It is powerful and not a toy, that is right.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
Just a last story. Remember the time my daughter caught FSME and no one wanted to treat her?

I had 1 week to decide what to do, as FSME can cripple in 2 or 3 weeks, or even kill. She had chronic lyme, so the chances she was going to get bad after that new tick bite, were great.

Gigi helped me then. No practioner I knew at that moment would take her, not even the wonderful dr. K' practioners.

This was due to legislation, as they can lose their license if not reporting my daughter to major hospitals.

No way I was going to give her to the same hospitals that denied treatment for myself and that knew nothing about chronic lyme. NO way!

And what can they do for a viral infection of the brain, except give her pain killers for her headaches?

I treated her on my own, with the help of Dr. K's advice through you, Gigi. All my energetic tests said my daughter was going to get permanent damage due to brain infection. Day after day.

She got out, with home treatments, due to your help and dr. K's (even if he never met my daghter!!!). And some other help, I will talk one day...

Had I known photon therapy at that moment, my life would have been easier. I treated her day and night, 24 hours, for 3 whole weeks. That is when my own health collapsed again, due to stress and lack of sleep. Lyme came roaring back in a relapse.

I had no knowledge about photon therapy then. Today, I have all FSME nosodes I could put my hands on, just in case. Not for her, as she is immune (I hope), but for myself or others who look for help, just in case.

I have not a single doubt I would have used photons to treat her FSME, had I known photon therapy that time. Of course, after testing her energetically.
Posted by sixgoofykids (Member # 11141) on :
Originally posted by Brussels:

I still haven't found ANYONE to fit that picture yet. Not even the wonderful dr. K's Institute practioners, no one is using infrared this way so far, that I know.

Same with me. That is why I stick around and share my experience.

I know three people (including 17Hens) who have gone to Germany in the past few months (one is there now, getting ready to come home) and they have all three made great strides in their health. For two of them, it was really a last resort treatment as they had tried everything else.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
PROton therapy (not photon) is now a treatment for prostate cancer.

One particular proton comes to mind.


Our pH (extracellular and intracellular) is so darned important.


I have not been on lymenet for a long time and only by chance read today of your husband's recent passing.

I am very sorry for your loss. May you soon be able to smile with happy memories of him through your tears of sorrow.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Marnie... there is a thread for Gigi in General Support.

"annier" also lost her husband recently .. Both threads are there

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