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Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
So I talked to a lady in Aizona that was so sick she could not leave her house for 5 years. At a point of no hope she tried a mild hyperbaric chamber for 1 hour per day. She felt no difference first 60 days and was ready to quit but persisted. 8 months later she was back to the health before lyme. Anybody try this with this level of committment. I wonder if you could combine this with photon therapy?
Posted by birdie67 (Member # 35994) on :
The newest success story here is from this. He did it 1 hour a day and bought his own chamber. Very interesting.

Not sure about combining it with photon's. I just started photon treatment.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hello, all...

I was just about to start a new thread on mild hyperbaric, then found this one...

I believe you both are referring to my story:

I had severe neurological Lyme w/Babesia & Bartonella for 8 years...considered an antibiotic failure, and so ill I was homebound for 5 years straight.

My symptoms were extreme and relentless; too many to list here. I was told, even by LLMD's, that I needed a miracle, and there was nothing more they could do for me (I tried many, many protocols with never any improvement, just a continual spiral downward).

I eventually became so toxic and environmentally sensitive that I could do no formal treatments (except homeopathy) for 5 years before starting MILD hyperbaric treatment w/supplemental oxygen (I bought my own chamber and self-treated 1 hour daily).

I now have my life back...working again, running (I had been a runner for 17 years, pre-Lyme), traveling, etc. It has been a miraculous recovery, and it is 100% due to mHBOT (along with meticulous diet, and gradual exercise).

I believe success depends on the frequency and consistency of use...many people say they "tried hyperbaric, but it didn't work"...but if you query them, inevitably they didn't do it consistently or frequently enough...or for a long enough duration. You must be committed to this treatment to have success.

I almost made the fatal mistake of returning my chamber after 40 consecutive "dives", not feeling any improvement at that point. Fortunately, I was talked into continuing treatment, and felt the first "change" (not necessarily "improvement") after about 2 months.

It was a rocky, 2-step-forward, 1-step back road, but after several months, although I was not completely well, I was functional again, and after 1-1/2 years, I was "back"...

Now, 2 years from the beginning of treatment, I am still noticing benefits from the chamber...and truly have my life back...very active restrictions...

Low (pressure) and slow WORKS...I'm living proof...

P.S...Birdie...I am a "she" [Smile]

[ 10-05-2015, 04:53 PM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by nitsuj1225 (Member # 39866) on :
May I ask what chamber you purchased? There are so many out there, what are the "best" ones?
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
Phoiph, awesome!

Do you or did you have babs too? I vaguely remember reading that oxygen was bad for babs (not really sure about this)?
Posted by Pam08 (Member # 19203) on :
For those of us that don't know much about HBOT can someone please elaborate on what mild hyperbaric treatments would be as opposed to regular HBOT?

Pam :-)
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Mild hyperbaric chambers are soft shelled like a big bag to climb into. They have lower effective dives called ATA of 1.3 versus hard chambers going much higher. People who use oxygen uses through an oxygen concentrator with a 92% purity versus hard that can be pure chamber oxygen or mask breathing pure oxygen. Big difference is ATA which can be thought of how deep under water. Mild as I understand can be used daily while chambers usually are 30 days on 30 day break. Oxyhealth is probably the largest distributor of mild hyperbaric chambers. Try searching You Tube for Mild Hyperbaric Treatment.
Posted by Pam08 (Member # 19203) on :
So mild hyperbaric uses less pressure and less than 100% oxygen? Is that correct?
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
I use it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Mild hyperbaric technically refers to the use of pressures at or under 1.5 ATA.

FDA approved "mild" or "soft" chambers reach 1.3 ATA (4.2PSI). The chambers can be equipped with an oxygen concentrator, which, although not sold together with a new chamber, can be purchased separately with a MD's prescription (as an off-label use). The chamber also requires a prescription.

The oxygen concentrator must be of a specific power to be used effectively with a hyperbaric chamber, but has the advantage of not needing refills of oxygen cylinders, etc.

Unlike some commercial chambers, these "mild" chambers have a continual circulation of room air going through them (via compressor), and oxygen (approximately 90%, depending on the concentrator) is fed through a tube via a port on the chamber, and is breathed through a mask. This has the advantage of keeping the internal percentage of circulating oxygen lower, which is much safer (less fire hazard) than the units which are flooded and pressurized with pure oxygen.

Studies are showing that the lower pressures are more beneficial for neurological and other conditions...which is explained in this article by Dr. Harch, who has been researching HBOT for 20+ years, and written a book called "The Oxygen Revolution":

Commerical chambers can reach higher pressures, which is necessary for other applications, (e.g., wound healing, etc.).
Posted by poppy (Member # 5355) on :
Does this cause a herxheimer reaction?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes, it can...I experienced flares and changes before improvements...2 steps forward, 1 step back, as I mentioned in my first post...but it is easier on the body than higher pressures for this application.

Hyperbaric raises the level of oxygen not just in your bloodstream (which can only carry so much oxygen), but throughout your tissues, lymph, plasma, etc., and is forced into places where your circulation can't reach.

Many non-beneficial organisms cannot thrive in an oxygen rich environment, and are killed off by the oxidative process. The body then has to not only clean up the resulting debris/toxins (which is helped by hyperbaric, as it supports the organs of detoxification), but it also has to ramp up its production of natural anti-oxidants as a protective measure from the oxidative process (which studies show it does).

This process is crucial and might feel like ups and downs, but the general trajectory is upward.

I also didn't (and don't) do other therapies that might interfere with this process...just consistent, ongoing, daily treatments, with scrupulous, gut and nerve healing diet, and mild, increasing exercise to move lymph and energy...
Posted by Pam08 (Member # 19203) on :
Thank you for the explanations. This sounds a bit it really safe for people to do this on their own?

Phoiph...if you don't mind me asking what chamber did you purchase?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I have 2 chambers; one purchased new, one used (for my cabin). They are both "Rispiros" manufactured by Oxyhealth can view them at

The chambers are very easy to use. I have done over 750 dives without assistance.

Oxyhealth claims a perfect safety record. Oxygen concentrators (purchases separately) are designed for home use. You will need a prescription written by an MD to purchase both.

Like anything else, there are a few things to know if you're thinking about purchasing/using one...which I'll be happy to share if you are seriously looking into it...
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Well no pun intented, I took the dive today and got a used one. I think it was a great price as I got the Oxyhealth Vitaris 320 with an oxygen concentrator and cooler for $7K, not cheap but either is the 17 years our family of 5 has been fighting this disease. Also getting a PEA1 next week. These are my research $ for everybody. It will take several months to know how things go.
Posted by Pam08 (Member # 19203) on :
Phoiph...Thank you so much for the information. It is good to know that you have used it for so long without any problems.

It looks like purchasing a hyperbaric chamber is pretty expensive. Unfortunately I can't afford to do it but I will keep the info for future reference.

It looks like OxyHealth has a rental program where they allow people to rent them for a monthly fee and if you decide to purchase it they will put all of your rental payments towards the purchase price which is awesome. That could be a great option for those that can afford the monthly rental fee.
Posted by Pam08 (Member # 19203) on :
Wow that is great JCarlhelp! Definitely keep us posted on how your family does with both of those purchases.
Posted by Stubman1 (Member # 41135) on :
I wonder how much the monthly rental program is..Anybody looked into that and would care to share?

Also can you do the hyperbaric chamber and still be on meds? I just started Mepron etc for Babesia..
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
It has been helpful for some people who can't afford their own chamber to team up with another person or two in their area and share costs...

I have also discovered a company that specializes in loans for medical equipment...

Using both options together can bring the cost down to about $5.00/day for people

(No, I'm not a sales-rep for any company :)
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hyperbaric treatment increases the metabolic rate, and so can "potentiate" the effects of some medications, so this has to be taken into consideration.
Posted by Pam08 (Member # 19203) on :
Stubman1...I am not sure what the monthly rental cost is but I did just e-mail them and asked for that information. I will pass the info along if they reply back to me.

Hopefully it will be a good price for those that might be able to afford a monthly payment.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Last time I checked, the Rent-to-Own option for a new chamber offered by Oxyhealth consists of a down payment (can be put on a credit card), then interest-free rental payments are divided by 10 months, charged to your card monthly, and go toward the purchase of the chamber if you decide to buy. This can make the monthly payments pretty steep for many people, however, since the charges are being put on a credit card, they could technically be paid off over time.

The other option, as I mentioned, is to buy a used chamber and/or team up with someone in your area for cooperative use and shared expenses...may be less convenient, but more economical...
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
$7k for a vitaeris is great.
Can add sauna if you like.
Posted by WPinVA (Member # 33581) on :
Phoiph - You mentioned you have/had babesia as well. Do you mind if I ask if you had babesia duncani and if you're "cured" of that now as well as the Lyme?

When I looked into HBOT, I read that it is not recommended for people with babesia, as the babesia is supposed to thrive in an oxygen-rich environment. Not sure if that is true, and would love to hear your take. thank you!
Posted by cottonbrain (Member # 13769) on :
phoiph, are you affiliated in any way with the company whose name you provided?
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
There is one like I bought with an oxygen concentrator on Ebay right now with a starting bid of $6.500. I think that phoiph has said a number of times she is not affiliated in any way with Oxyhealth but I guess she should answer that.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Only get oxyhealth. It is FDA approved. There have been accidents with others.

I had babesia and no problem with deep dive and mhbot. I am not sure if that is urban legend or valid.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
The one on Ebay is an Oxyhealth
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
WPinVA. I have a friend that did Oxygen and her Babs came back like crazy!!!
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Hsley, was it mild or deep dive
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
As I mentioned, I am not a salesperson, nor do I represent any company.

I am simply trying to inform people of how I got well, and assist them in obtaining affordable and accessible mHBOT. In my opinion, this is a very powerful treatment that is totally misused, misunderstood, and underutilized.

Helping other people discover hyperbaric makes me feel like my 8 years in hell had some purpose...

In answer to the question about babesia, I have yet to find research that supports that mHBOT is contraindicated if you have babesia. I had a full blown case (as well as bartonella), and it was the ONLY thing that worked. I have no babesia symptoms, and I am on no medications.

Even if babesia were to "like" oxygen in vitro (which I have yet to find research on this), consider that things are very different within the body. Hyperbaric is unprecedented in helping the immune system to recover and function properly...which allows it to fight other infections effectively.

It is more than just chasing "bugs" is about putting the body/immune system back in charge...

By the way, please be careful when buying a used chamber online. There are ways to protect in using an escrow company to hold funds until you can inspect the equipment and are satisfied. Also, there are some dishonest brokers out there who advertise as private party sellers...but there are ways to check things out. If anyone is seriously interested, they can PM me and I can help them with this.
Posted by birdie67 (Member # 35994) on :
Just wanted to thank you so much for taking the time to share and explain your healing with mHBOT. It is very interesting and something I am hoping to look into further.

It is always so encouraging to hear of ways that people have healed from this horrid disease. Unfortunately, not everyone get's well from the same protocol and sharing what has worked for others gives me hope.

P.S. Sorry I called you a he [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You're more than welcome...:)
Posted by Pam08 (Member # 19203) on :
Well the OxyHealth company e-mailed me back and the rental rates are extremely expensive so I doubt that would be an option for a lot of people.

Here are the rental rates that they sent to me.

Solace 210: Rent with Purchase Option (includes frame and mattress)
$750 � per month
$250 � home delivery
$300 � return shipping and cleaning/sanitizing fee
$1000 � security deposit (we cannot accept credit cards for security deposits)
Example: Cost to ship out a chamber is $2300 ($750 + $250 + $300 + $1000)
Security deposit will be returned 30 days after the receipt of all equipment. All rental monies and return shipping cost may be applied towards the purchase of your chamber.

Respiro 270: Rent with Purchase Option (includes frame and mattress)
$1250 � per month
$325 � home delivery
$375 � return shipping and cleaning/sanitizing fee
$2000 � security Deposit (we cannot accept credit cards for security deposits)
Example: Cost to ship out a chamber is $3950 ($1250 + $325 + $375 + $2000)
Security deposit will be returned 30 days after the receipt of all equipment. All rental monies and security deposit may be applied towards the purchase of your chamber.

Vitaeris 320: Rental Chamber Rent with Purchase Option
$2150 � per Month
$400 � home Delivery
$450 � return shipping and cleaning/sanitizing fee
$3000 � security deposit (we cannot accept credit cards for security deposits)
Example: Cost to ship out a rental is $6000 ($2150 + $400 + $450 + $3000)
Security deposit will be returned 30 days after the receipt of all equipment. All rental monies and security deposit may be applied towards the purchase of your chamber. Used chambers are typically between $15-16K.

Vitaeris 320: New Chamber Rent with Purchase Option
$3000 � per month
$400 � home delivery
$6000 � security deposit (we cannot accept credit cards for security deposits)
Example: Cost to ship out a new chamber is $9400 ($3000 + $400 + $6000)
Security deposit (minus return shipping cost and cleaning/sanitizing fee of $450) will be returned 30 days after the receipt of all equipment. All rental monies and security deposit may be applied towards the purchase of your chamber.

* Please note that used chambers are rented/sold based on availability.
Posted by C.P. (Member # 38378) on :
I'm hearing a lot of great stories about HBOT, but when I asked my LLMD about HBOT treatment, he said, "although it can be helpful, it doesn't work well for Babesia."

I would love to know if this is true. Has anyone researched HBOT for Babesia treatment?

If so, please let me know what you've found.

I'm glad some people are finding relief!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks for this information.

When I became well through hyperbaric, I started attending the local Lyme support group to spread the word and let people know of this option.

I thought it would be an easy process, but the reality is, as I mentioned in my previous post, rental costs are too steep for most people (even if the payments are interest-free, and go toward the purchase price).

I then started networking with people to help them access more affordable hyperbaric treatment. I've had luck assisting people in finding used chambers (many from private party sales), and people can either get financing (there are companies that provide loans for medical equipment), and/or share the cost/use cooperatively with someone that lives in their area.

This may not be the most convenient way of doing things, but I'm finding that people actually appreciate the support of having someone else to share costs & discuss their treatment with. And, if it is the only way someone can access treatment, I believe it is worth it if it means a chance to get their lives back.

Another thing to keep in mind, is that these chambers are an investment...they have a resale value, so much of the cost can be recouped if one decides to sell.

C.P...Please read my previous post regarding Babesia (5 messages up)...
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :

Have you heard of this site? If you haven't, can you look into it and see if it is legit?

I am seriously considering a chamber because I would like to see some progress in my treatment but more importantly, just want to get some relief from my symptoms.

I don't understand much about what is needed etc.
Can you suggest some sites where I could get educated?

Here is the url.

Thanks for help.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Soccermama...

I have looked on this site, but have no experience with this vendor.

Since you are at the point where you're seriously considering this, just private message me, and we can go into more detail about what might suit you best, as there are several factors to consider, and it is a decision based on individual needs/circumstances...

I'm more than happy to help you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I just tried to respond to your private email, but your mailbox is full and I can't send it...
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Originally posted by CD57:
Up. Phoiph I just PMed you.....I did 40 dives at 2.4 ATA at a clinic, it helped me to feel better during that time and a few weeks after, but did not help at all with my disease it seems. I?wonder if mHBOT may be different>

My LLMD also said it was contra-indicated with babesia, but also bartonella loves oxygen, or we should say, these two infections use oxygen. It's borrelia that hates it, and in theory that means oxygenating the body would make it unhospitable for borrelia. However.....what does it do for the other two pathogens, who hang out in the RBCs and endothelial tissue where the oxygen is?

Maybe mHBOT is different?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I replied to your PM on 8/12...did you get it?

In answer to this question...I am repeating what I stated in a previous post above:

Regarding babesia, I have yet to find actual research that supports that mHBOT is contraindicated if you have babesia. I had a full blown case (as well as bartonella), and it was the ONLY thing that worked. I have no babesia symptoms, and I am on no medications.

Even if babesia were to "like" oxygen in vitro, consider that things are very different within the body. Hyperbaric is unprecedented in helping the immune system to recover and function properly...which allows it to fight other infections effectively.

Babesia alone, without the immune suppressing influences of Lyme disease, is rarely an issue (as long as one has a spleen) only becomes a problem when the immune system is compromised.

It is more than just chasing "bugs" is about putting the body/immune system back in charge...
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Phoiph, thank you for sharing this info to help others. So it sounds like the oxygen, by getting into your tissues and blood stream, helps to strengthen and modulate the immune system.

Before getting well, do you know if you had any of the problems that often go along with lyme, such as heavy metal toxicity, parasites, chronic viruses, and other infections? I would be curious to know the effect of the oxygen treatment on any of these things.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I had the litany of chronic viruses/conditions that rear their ugly heads when one's immune system is compromised, including high EB, HHV6, mycoplasma titers, etc.

I also had severe dysbiosis and inflammation of the gut...and gastritis, with lots of undesirable microbes showing up in samples. Some tests suggested parasites, but I'm not sure how accurate they were. It is probably safe to assume that in the condition my immune system was in, I was a "host" to just about anything that cared to take up residence.

Although I didn't have specific testing on heavy metals, I suspect I have high mercury levels because I have had many fillings since childhood.

At some point, I stopped testing for things, as it was always bad news, and there was really nothing I could do about the worsening results, as I couldn't tolerate treatments, supplements, medications, or procedures anymore...(none of which had helped me previously anyway).

My opinion is that many of these viruses, parasites, and toxic conditions are coexisting in our bodies all the time...and when we are "well", our functioning immune system is able to keep things in balance. However, since we live in a very toxic environment...our toxic load may be high to begin with, putting stress on the system just by our everyday living habits. Then, when something, like Lyme, tips the scales over the edge, the immune system can't keep up, and then, like a dam breaking loose, all of the other undesirables have a chance to flourish...

So...what do we do? We usually keep trying to kill the bugs and relieve ingesting MORE toxic substances, ignoring the fact that our immune and other body systems need nourishment, support and repair and a reduction of toxins to be able to gain the upper hand again...or how could any state of health be attained or maintained?

The beauty of hyperbaric is that it does creates an environment that is toxic to the undesirables, but restorative to the system...

It is also just as important, in my opinion, to combine consistent hyperbaric with a gut/nerve healing/rebuilding diet, and to start gentle movement/exercise and increasing as able, to help help move energy through the body. In other words, bringing the good stuff in, and helping the undesirable stuff to come out gently but effectively, as the body can handle it. These 3 things take commitment and results may not be felt immediately, even if the process is improving things below the surface...
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
It's a good thing you didn't give up on this! Thanks again for this valuable information. I wish it was more affordable. If I decide to try this at some point, I will PM you - as you seem to be very knowledgeable about this...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Sounds good, dbpei...

I have helped people find creative ways of financing chambers, new or used, and/or pairing up with other people who want to co-own or share there are options...(again, even though I may sound like it, I'm not a salesperson, nor do I represent any company...just glad to be alive and well and pass on what I've makes me feel as if my ordeal may have had some "purpose" after all...:)
Posted by Stubman1 (Member # 41135) on :
I was thinking about getting or trying a hyperbaric chamber and stumbled on to this website..


Now I am somewhat apprehensive.. I really don't need my ear drums blown up. Plus my LLMD said his chamber could go up to 1.5 which seems like a no no if you believe what the aforementioned web site says..
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

As I mentioned above in this thread, there are caveats about buying and using a chamber and oxygen, just like any other drug or medical device.

There are proper ways to use the equipment, and ways to protect yourself when buying a chamber from a private party, etc.

I don't know what kind of chamber your LLMD has, but it may be designed for clinical use that is approved to go up to 1.5 ATA (and possibly beyond). Although 1.5 ATA is still considered to be "mild" hyperbaric, soft chambers designed for home use are only approved to only go up to 1.3 ATA.

I am more than happy to help you with your questions/concerns/options if you are seriously considering can PM me if you like...
Posted by VV (Member # 38828) on :
Also this:
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
I have a dear friend of about 20 years who sells the soft shell Oxyhealth chambers. Lance is also like a clearing house of Lyme info. He lives in the Southeast and gave me a good deal. and being a lady, I lucked out that a friend of his came out with an oxygen concentrator & set the whole thing up for me! Honestly I cannot comment on results as I am recommitting cuz I terribly procrastinate on using it.

Here is my friend's contact info. I'm not a selleer, get no referral $, etc.
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
I have a Respiro, as the Vaetaris seemed a lot more to me, the Respiro is smaller on the inside, but big enough to bring my laptop into and watch online stuff. BTW the ear pressure thing is easy- you just sawllow like you're going underwater. the relative pressure with the softshell "Pods" is like going as deep as the deep end of a pool.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
I wanted to bring something up here.....I was at high altitude again this past week with my family (I live at sea level and went to 6500 ft). I instantly felt better at altitude, almost well in fact. This is VERY bizarre and is the opposite of what my doc said to expect.

I'm hoping Phoiph will drop by here to comment but I had to wonder....since bartonella is my biggest issue, and it is aerobic/oxygen loving....could it have been starved out with lower oxygen in the air last week?

It is enough to make me want to try moving to altitude and seeing what happens. But this reaction would seem that oxygen is CONTRAINDICATED in my situation,
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I don't believe that your feeling an instant improvement at altitude has anything to do with "bartonella being starved out" due to less oxygen.

It is more likely, in my opinion, that other factors might be at play...

1. The barometric pressure changes (lowers) as you increase altitude...some people feel better at different barometric pressures, at least initially.

2. I have read that altitude can have an effect on thyroid function...possibly increasing T-4 levels, and some report even having to adjust thyroid medication at altitude.

***Remember though, if you're considering doing hyperbaric treatment for Lyme, you MUST take your altitude into consideration...

The higher in elevation you go, the more pressure is required in the hyperbaric chamber (to compensate for the lower atmospheric pressure) to achieve the same result...and depending on the elevation, this could put a mild chamber in the "useless" range for treating Lyme, as it will not take you to a high enough pressure to be therapeutic...
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Sorry about the mutiple weird posts, I tried to delete and couldn't.

yes, I have read that too...but have also heard that it takes several weeks for your body to start making extra T3 and the extra pint of blood at that couldn't be it...maybe barometric pressure for sure.

So, Phoiph, the 1.3 ATA that you used....was that when you were living in AZ (low elevation)?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
The air is generally drier at higher altitudes also; some people report more energy when there's less humidity.

My elevation is about 3500ft.

I know of someone who treated at about 6,000 ft. at 1.3ATA with supplemental 02 without success; and by doing the math, this would make sense. He plans to try again when moving to near sea level in CA.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Sorry about the mutiple weird posts, I tried to delete and couldn't.

yes, I have read that too...but have also heard that it takes several weeks for your body to start making extra T3 and the extra pint of blood at that couldn't be it...maybe barometric pressure for sure.

So, Phoiph, the 1.3 ATA that you used....was that when you were living in AZ (low elevation)?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
The air is generally drier at higher altitudes also; some people report more energy when there's less humidity.

My elevation is about 3500ft.

I know of someone who treated at about 6,000 ft. at 1.3ATA with supplemental 02 without success; and by doing the math, this would make sense. He plans to try again when moving to near sea level in CA.
Posted by lemongirl (Member # 42208) on :

Wow! I am so incredibly impressed by your recovery! So I believe you had depersonalization and derealization (I think I had read in one of your other posts?) I believe I have the same thing currently-things look strange, cars move too quickly, I cannot follow movement or it almost leaves a trail or something behind, I feel out of body, my visual focus is strange-almost like it is zooming in and out of the background and object closest to me if that makes sense). Did you have these things? They are 24/7 for me -though these symptoms have gotten better slowlyyyy (they are very troublesome and still scary today). I always worry they will not continue to get better and my improvements have actually been staggered for quite awhile. That is when I thought I actually may have mold toxicity poisoning (I first became sick in an extremely moldy building I had been living in for a month. I fainted and then all of my symptoms appeared). Do you think it is possible you also have mold toxicity? I wonder...

Also can I ask you what your diet looked like? Do you still keep this diet today? No caffeine, alcohol, sugar (do you eat fruit sugar?), gluten? My diet is very good (in my opinion) though I think it can be better. Are you able to tolerate some of the foods you took out of your diet while you were recovering currently?

Would to hear more about you....

And I cannot thank you enough for coming back to report on your success. You didn't have to do it. And yet you are here, giving us hope.

I am so thankful~
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank YOU, for the feedback, lemongirl...knowing that I might be helping somebody keeps me checking the forums...

I don't believe I went through 8 years of hell and was given my life back to just go on my merry way (although it has crossed my mind to run and never look back :) ...I believe I was granted wellness for a reason, and with that gift goes a responsibility to share my experience in hopes it will be of benefit (it is actually very rewarding)...

Yes, I had severe depersonalization and derealization also...nothing was familiar anymore, everything was distorted perceptually, and it felt like I was perpetually trapped between panes of foggy glass. It was an extremely disturbing way to try to exist, and was only a fraction of what I was experiencing at the time.

All of those symptoms have disappeared completely.

I believe that ultimately, whether or not I had mold toxicity in addition to Lyme and co-infections is a moot point, as hyperbaric treats the common denominators of many illnesses, including "toxic encephalopathies". That is the beauty of it...

In other words, hyperbaric treats hypoperfusion, inflammation, immune dysfunction, supports detoxification, improves mitochondrial function, destroys pathogens, heals neural tissue, promotes angiogenesis, releases stem cells (shall I go on?)...issues common to many diseases...this is why it is so effective for complex conditions involving multiple systems.

Regarding diet...I feel it is a crucial part of recovery and lifestyle...(along with hyperbaric and gradually increasing movement/exercise). When I was really ill, I had so many sensitivities, and my gut was so compromised, I was only able to tolerate about 5 foods for several years. I believe that bone broths were crucial in keeping me alive, and I continue to make and freeze soup made with bone broth and eat it frequently...almost daily. I do not eat gluten, and avoid most grains, but will eat quinoa, for example, on occasion. I eat lots of good protein and fats, grass fed beef, oily fish, eggs avocados, leafy vegetables, fruits, goat's milk dairy in moderation, etc. I recommend whole foods, nothing pre-prepared, NO microwave (destroys enzymes and nutrients)...

I can send you more on diet(or anything else that would be helpful)if you would like to PM me...
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
I notice that LymeMD is using mHBOT and reporting good results. He says that patients may have to buy their own chambers.

Would the 1.3 ATA not work at altitude then? Would you have to go deeper?
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
I notice that LymeMD is using mHBOT and reporting good results. He says that patients may have to buy their own chambers.

Would the 1.3 ATA not work at altitude then? Would you have to go deeper?
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
I notice that LymeMD is using mHBOT and reporting good results. He says that patients may have to buy their own chambers.

Would the 1.3 ATA not work at altitude then? Would you have to go deeper?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi CD57...

I'm not completely sure I understand the if I don't answer it, please clarify...

I believe LymeMD's blog comment about patients possibly needing to buy their own chambers is in response to my previous post in his blog that emphasizes the need for frequent and consistent treatments over time (which isn't always practical in a clinical setting due to cost and/or logistics).

So, if you're asking if the 1.3 ATA pressure that is provided by a home chamber is sufficient pressure to treat Lyme, the answer, in my opinion and experience is yes, as long as you don't live at high altitudes. At high altitudes, you would have to increase pressure to achieve the same result, and at this time, home chambers are only approved by the FDA to reach a pressure of 1.3 ATA.

In other words, in my opinion, at high altitudes, you would have to seek treatment in a chamber that reaches higher pressures to treat Lyme...
Posted by Tanya R (Member # 41817) on :
Hi all. I've been a lurker for a long time. I am in the process of getting a Mild chamber. I am actually a patient of LymeMD and he suggested I purchase one. I've been in treatment for Lyme and Babesia since 2008. I've suffered from pain, fatigue and chronic daily headaches for over 20 years. I recently switched to LymdMD after 4 years of failed antibiotic, herbal therapies. I felt like I needed a change and what I was currently doing wasn't working. I did complete 20 dives in a hard chamber and felt a bit better, but due to costs I didn't continue. For the $3500 I paid, I could have almost purchased a mild unit. Anyways... I just wanted to say hi and I'm hoping to post my own story of hope from doing mild dives.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Can you give us any information as to what LymeMD is experiencing with his patients using mild HBOT.
Posted by Tanya R (Member # 41817) on :
I have an appointment on Thursday, the 10th. I'll ask him then. Last time I was there he said many of his patients felt much better.
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
Phoiph, do/did you have PR? Or, do you know if HBOT works for those with PR?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hello TNT...

I have not been tested for PR; I stopped testing for things a couple years ago when I started to improve with hyperbaric, and testing for that parasite was not common at the time.

I do have theories about PR and hyperbaric, however.

PR is reportedly a Babesia/malaria-like protozoan organism that thrives in oxygen-rich blood cells, which may intuitively cause one to suspect that oxygen therapy would promote growth (as many people suspect is the case with Babesia). I do not agree, however, and this is why:

***Hyperbaric oxygen therapy promotes free radicals (i.e., oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species [ROS], etc.) which are damaging to protozoa (fortunately, studies show the body protects itself from this damage through increased production of natural antioxidants).

Here is a quote from a study of the effects of ROS on Babesia in dogs from a veterinarian journal:

"...Many parasites including protozoa are sensitive to oxidative stress. Sensitivity to oxidative stress has been reported in malaria (Rockett et al., 1991), hepatozoonosis (Kiral et al., 2005), tropical theileriosis (Visser et al., 1995), and babesiosis (Stich et al., 1998). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS) are powerful oxidants and nitrating species that can inactivate enzymes and initiate the process of lipid peroxidation and nitration, which leads to radical chain reactions that further damage membranes, nucleic acids and proteins (Muller et al., 2003). These processes may ultimately lead to the killing of parasitic organisms (Rockett et al., 1991; Kiral et al., 2005.)..."

***PR reportedly requires iron to thrive, and ROS disrupts the availability of iron to pathogenic organisms

***PR reportedly decreases blood flow and causes hypoperfusion; hyperbaric reduces hypoperfusion, inflammation, and promotes angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels)

***PR reportedly competes with the body for oxygen, causing fatigue and impaired metabolic activity; hyperbaric improves oxygenation within cells, tissues, fluids, etc.

***PR reportedly creates biofilm; hyperbaric is known to destroy biofilm (this is one of the ways it assists in wound healing)

***Hyperbaric increases efficiency of immune function and detoxification, as well as promoting the release of stem cells, allowing the body to deal with pathogenic organisms as it was meant to do...

I believe that one needs to get out of the mind set of "chasing bugs"...(because there are ALWAYS bugs!)...and instead focus on what will assist the immune system in gaining the upper hand...once the immune system is in charge again, many of these pathogens become a "non-issue"...
Posted by mlg (Member # 35383) on :
Hi Phoiph,
I want to thank you for sharing your experience. My homeopathic doctor took classes with Dr K. He told me we can't chase around killing all of the bugs. We need to build the immune system. He uses PEMF, homeopathic, and acupuncture. On my own also done infrared and colonics which really helped for me.
So last year I was with s top notch LLMD. Heavy duty protoco. Mepron, zithromax, bacrtim, rotated art and crypto. Then suddenly started to get chronic kidney infections. I did not have time for that. Somebody in one of my support groups referred to homeopathic doc, which turned things around for me
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
Thanks, Phoiph, I really appreciate your input.

Tanya R, I would be very interested in what your doc has to share concerning HBOT and PR.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Phoiph, I REALLY want to thank you for sticking around here to share your experience with mhbot. It really helps those of us who are struggling to read about what has helped others in this terrible journey. I have to admit that on my worst days I log on just to read and re-read what you write as a way to stay positive and keep fighting.

I was bitten by a tick at the age of 4 (nurse sent me away saying it was a spider bite)...and I am now 26 and have been pretty much bedridden for the past six years. I didn't even get to complete college =(

I have been treating for the past two years (Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella, etc.) with oral and IV meds but have yet to see much improvement.

I have started regular HBOT sessions 5 days a week for 90 minutes at 2.4 ATA and will continue for at least a total of 120 dives. Then I plan on purchasing a mild hyperbaric chamber to continue daily treatment.

It is still much too early in my treatment to really notice much improvement (and I am currently herxing so I can't think very clearly right now..sorry if this message is all over the place)but to anyone out there wondering if I have experienced any benefit in this short amount of time (I am going to my 13th dive later today) I want to let you know that I experienced almost immediate relief in pain (I have had severe daily muscle, joint, bone pain especially in the hips and spine for years). From a scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst pain) I would rate my pain at a 2-3 now.

Hope to update in the future with more improvements... and once again, thank you to Phoiph and everyone else in this community for being so encouraging.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Phoiph I would also be interested in anything you might have to say about bartonella, as it also likes oxygen.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Phoiph I would also be interested in anything you might have to say about bartonella, as it also likes oxygen.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi spinning122...

Thank you very much for the comments. I promised myself that if I got well, I would do whatever I could to help people get out of this hell-hole...and am now on a mission...

I know exactly what you mean about needing daily reassurance...I was the same way, but it was almost impossible to find. This is why I keep posting...people need to know there IS a way out of this nightmare.

I am really glad you are doing hyperbaric...good for you!

I do have a concern about the high pressure you are using, however. Please read this article by Dr. Paul Harch (who has been studying hyperbaric for over 20 years), discussing how studies show that more pressure is not necessarily better for neurological and many chronic conditions. It may give you another perspective:

The hyperbaric practitioners I know are also using this mild pressure (1.5 ATA) protocol. (Dr. Harch also has a website:, and a book entitled "The Oxygen Revolution", which includes compelling SPECT scan results...).

I would really like to discuss this more with you...I tried to private message you, but I think you may have that option turned off...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

As you know from our conversations, I had severe bartonella (and Babesia) for 8 years, and was unable to treat with any mediations or nutriceuticals for over 5 years prior to mHBOT. I am now well and on no medications.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, in my opinion, it is not about "chasing bugs", it is about allowing the immune system to come back "online" so it can handle these infections.

Hyperbaric not only provides an inhospitable environment for these organisms, it supports the immune system so it can start doing its job again, releases stem cells, rebuilds neural tissue, detoxifies...I could go on...

When oxygen is administered under pressure, it reacts differently in the body than you may think. It generates "free radicals", or "reactive oxygen species (ROS)", which fight infections. Our bodies also do this naturally in response to infection, if the immune system is working properly. The body also produces natural "antioxidants" to prevent damage to our own cells from this process.

So, with hyperbaric, even if Bartonella were to "like" oxygen in vitro, the hyperbaric oxygenation process works very does not provide more oxygen (fuel) to these organisms, it actually creates an inhospitable environment for them, while supporting the immune system and helping the body to heal in the process...
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Phoiph, here is something I wonder.

As you know I did 40 HBOT dives at 2.4 ATA, what the llmds were ordering per Dr B trials. I felt pretty good whilst doing them but gains were lost when stopped.

Do you think you could quit doing them daily now and be fine? I am wondering if it's a long term/life thing or if people stop.

Or maybe just thinking too much. I am still strongly considering this therapy but as you know it's a huge commitment requiring family members to be on board. [Smile]
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Phoiph, here is something I wonder.

As you know I did 40 HBOT dives at 2.4 ATA, what the llmds were ordering per Dr B trials. I felt pretty good whilst doing them but gains were lost when stopped.

Do you think you could quit doing them daily now and be fine? I am wondering if it's a long term/life thing or if people stop.

Or maybe just thinking too much. I am still strongly considering this therapy but as you know it's a huge commitment requiring family members to be on board. [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

As we discussed, if I had stopped at 40 sessions as you did (and I almost did), I would not have recovered...

It took about 60 consecutive sessions to notice a change (not necessarily an improvement), and it was 2 steps forward, 1 back from there, but always moving in the right direction.

I thought I was well after the 1st year...but I have continued to make improvements since. I am now up to just over 2 years; about 750 dives.

I recently was without my chamber for 5 weeks due to a repair issue with the compressor (the repair didn't take that long; the shipping company dropped it on the return trip and it had to be re-repaired). The good news is that I had no feelings of regression whatsoever. I was actually traveling at the time and felt totally fine.

That said, would I voluntarily quit the chamber? The answer is "no"...because of the incredible health benefits above and beyond what it does for Lyme. Knowing what I know now about hyperbaric, I would own an use a chamber regularly regardless of whether I had Lyme or not...
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
What about for an adolescent?

Any thoughts on this?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Mild hyperbaric is used with younger people and children all the time. It is also frequently used for children with autism.

My observation is that younger people tend to respond more quickly, but, of course, this depends on many variables and circumstances...

You will need a doctor's prescription for purchase/use of the oxygen concentrator and chamber.

Also, since hyperbaric increases metabolic function, it may change how one responds to medication, so this needs to be monitored...
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
I wouldn't want him more hyper than what he is.

Is that what you mean when u say it increases metabolism?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

When I stated that hyperbaric "increases metabolic function", I didn't mean that it would make one more "hyper", although many people report an improvement in energy and stamina.

Hyperbaric improves metabolic function at the cellular level, allowing the body systems to work more efficiently overall.
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
Phoiph, you mention an oxygen concentrator. I see from the information I have looked at that in a clinic setting an oxygen mask is often used inside the chamber.

But you can use the chamber (like the ones for in-home use) without one. Is this a significant difference?

Is the added oxygen (mask) a big improvement over just the mild hyperbaric chamber? Or is this addition unnecessary? I hope this question makes sense.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Yes, there is a big difference between using a mild chamber with and without supplemental oxygen.

It is important to reach high enough oxygen saturation in the tissues to disable/kill the Lyme spirochetes, and for other healing reactions to occur. One needs the combination of supplemental oxygen (i.e., from an oxygen concentrator) PLUS increased pressure to achieve this.

The mild hyperbaric chamber is used without supplemental oxygen for other applications (e.g., altitude sickness), but for Lyme, in my opinion, supplemental oxygen is a necessity.

It is also important to invest in a concentrator that will work properly with a hyperbaric chamber...I have more information/resources for this (and chambers options, etc.) if you'd like.

Oxygen concentrators are sold separately from chambers, and you will need a doctor's prescription for purchasing both.

Please feel free to PM me about this...
Posted by Carmen (Member # 42391) on :
I have found ways to purchase oxyen in tanks to be refilled without perscription if anyone wants to know that.

One thing for sure, if the oxyen is administered in a hot sauna it will penetrate the skin. One cannot get too much oxyen. EWOT therapy is aother adjunctive approach. None of this may cure but it may help.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The good news is that you don't need oxygen tanks with mild use an oxygen concentrator instead.

As far as hyperbaric is concerned, I have to CAN get too much oxygen.

Please refer to this article:

Because hyperbaric treatment produces free radicals (necessary for destruction of pathogens), our bodies must increase production of natural antioxidants to prevent damage to our cells (which the body does, as research shows).

If we upset that balance with too much oxygen, the body may not be able to keep up its antioxidant production to counteract the free radicals, and oxidative stress can occur.

Oxygen is considered a drug, and hyperbaric treatment is a VERY powerful treatment that is commonly misunderstood and underestimated...
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :

I PM-ed you. Now that I see your recent post, I have another question.

If oxygen produces free radicals, I wonder if this could be a problem for patients with methylation troubles?

The body may not be able to keep up with the production of natural antioxidants. (ie : like methyl donors for tissue repair)

I don't know very much about this, but I'm learning, so maybe it wouldn't be an issue if one has their specific defects covered and are taking plenty of antioxidants. ???

Maybe it would be safest to just use a chamber without the concentrator, at least at first.
Posted by Carmen (Member # 42391) on :
I guess I would have to look into this more. Oxyen when delivered in though just the lungs as in normal breathing, there seems to be no upper limit for most people for measured periods of time

But when oxygen is artifically forced into the body as with pressure that may be different I guess.

When people us ozone therapy the ozone pushes up the capacity for detoxification. There is little hope for me to ever use this hyperbaric method anyway so I should probably not post on this thread.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi TNT...

I answered your PM...

I am also very interested in methylation. I have not been tested, but suspect I have some form of the mutation...I may get tested to possibly shed some light on the hyperbaric/methylation relationship.

The thing about hyperbaric, is that it is hugely supportive of detoxification...which I suspect greatly assists those with methylation issues.

I am in contact with a 21 year old woman who has had Lyme most of her life. She also has a double methylation defect, and is working with a naturopath who specializes in this, and is treating her with supplementation/diet.

She recently started mild hyperbaric...and has had a remarkable shift...she went through an intense symptom flare, and is now seeing huge improvements. Of course, it is early in her treatment, and I suspect she will have many more ups and downs, but she is feeling very hopeful for the first time...

You could consider using the chamber without additional oxygen at first to get used to the pressure, then add oxygen in steps until you reach treatment level. In my opinion, you will ultimately need the additional oxygen to treat Lyme...
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
It will be helpful to hear of your friends progress, Phoiph. I hope it continues to help her.

Maybe she would be able to post to lymenet herself, even.

Those of us who deal with methylation troubles need all the help we can get with these diseases!
So, yes, let us know if you have some of the snps if you get tested.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi TNT...

She has posted:

Yes, I will let you know if I decide to get tested, and what the results are...
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Up....spinning, how are you doing?
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :

How, how are you feeling at this point?
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
CD57, I PM'd you a long response to my progress [Smile]
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Wow Lyme brain, I meant "about my progress"
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Thanks can't wait to read it!

I have another question about doc and I discussed the other day and he said I would need 1.8 ATA...I have also seen 1.5 ATA mentioned here by Phoiph. I don't think the home chambers can go up this high, does anyone know? I am researching this now.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
CD57, home chambers are not designed to go up to such pressures. I believe 1.3 ATA is the max... LymeMD (the doc who blogs) said that he had supplemental valves that bring it up to 1.5 ATA but I wouldn't alter my home's not worth the risk to me.

Have you seen his blogs about HBOT?
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
Hi spinning122,

I have just started doing mHBOT with a concentrator and would like to know more about your progress as well, as this may help me stay positive about it and would be helpful to see any symptom similarities.

Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
TNT... PM'd you :-)
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You know from our conversations that I recovered using mild hyperbaric (home chamber) at 1.3 ATA (with supplemental oxygen via oxygen concentrator).

1.5 ATA and under is considered "mild" hyperbaric. This is the pressure that much research has been done on neurological issues, and found to be safer and more effective for many neurological and chronic conditions (See Dr. Harch's research/book/website: ).

The neurologist that I am familiar with who runs a hyperbaric clinic says the difference between 1.5 ATA that is typically used in clinics, and 1.3 ATA reached by home chambers is negligible.

Can you enlighten me as to what your doctor's rationale is for saying you would need a higher level of 1.8 ATA? Maybe you have some sort of other condition that you haven't mentioned, as it is not a commonly recommended treatment level...(?)
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
No he just said "studies" when I asked him and did not elaborate. he believes that some of my chronic symptoms, possibly the depersonalization and ever increasing neuropathies and fasciculations and memory/cognitive issues, may be due to treatment / drug toxicity and not the infections, as I have gotten much worse in these areas since starting treatment. Some of the meds like Tindamax and Flagyl he suspects as neurotoxic in my case (although I personally thought Rifampin was the worst in that regard).

So in addition to infection, which is definitely still there, I am dealing with healing the CNS. I suspect that is what he meant by my needing higher pressure.
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :

Sorry to diverge from the topic, but your case sounds very similar to mine. So I have a question. Do you have a lot of subcutaneous nodules-ones that would normally be considered Bartonella?

I have them in my muscles and along my bones, and are getting worse. I believe they are infection related, but sometimes wonder if connected with toxicity.

If you have these, did your earlier 40 dives make any difference with them?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

If your doctor believes that your chronic symptoms are more "due to treatment/drug toxicity and not the infections", then that is all the more reason to go "low and slow" (i.e., mild hyperbaric) and avoid the higher pressures.

Higher pressures can be toxic for some people, and can actually result in regression in some conditions. Research has shown that lower pressures are safer and more effective for many chronic neurological conditions, and more is not always better in these circumstances.

Please read this article by Dr. Paul Harch, which illustrates this point:
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Hi TNT, no I do not have nodules. My symptoms are primarily CNS and heart related.

I felt great during my 40 dives, but as with most who post about this, the gains, if that is what they were, did not last. I know several folks who did 100 dives at 2.4 and it did not help them conquer the infection although it did seem to help with symptoms while they were doing the dives. I suspect that like Phoiph, people who are quite ill will need to do this for a long time to see any kind of turnaround, and then keep going past that point to hope that the gains hold.
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
Thanks CD57,

I hope you can successfully get at your Bartonella infection. Maybe long term mHBOT would be helpful for this? It sure gets depressing when the typical treatment for most people doesn't work with yourself. I feel for you.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
I believe some were wondering if/how HBOT helps with detox...

From an interview with the President of the International Hyperbaric Medical Association (although it is not specific to Lyme treatment I still found it enlightening):

"Does hyperbaric have any therapeutic benefit in so far as helping with detoxification?

Well, it certainly seems to. By opening up the circulation into damaged tissues that alone helps with the detoxification process and certainly by normalizing various enzyme systems it helps with the detoxification process because a metabolically healthy cell will be able to participate in the required chemical steps to detoxify." (you can read the whole interview here)
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Sorry to budge in on this topic.

Just a question for those of you with your own chamber at home...

Is the air compressor just as loud as any air compressor?

I'm asking because I live in an apartment and I'm pretty sure my neighbours would be bothered by a regular air compressor.

Thank you.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
It is a relatively small compressor, and if working properly, not as loud as the larger ones you may be used to hearing.

If necessary, you could place it in a room without walls that are shared with neighboring tenants, close doors, and/or place sound-dampeners (like pillows, blankets, etc. around the compressor (but definitely far enough away so they wouldn't impede air flow)...

The Oxygen concentrator also makes noise, but it is quieter than the compressor.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
If any help, we have in 1 upstairs room and cant hear in anothet
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
Thank you. Both those responses are very helpful.
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
I spoke to a rep at Oxyhealth concerning the altitude question. He said the only time anyone had a problem was someplace in Colorado at 9,500 feet. I live at 5,000 feet so I was concerned because I just bought a used Respiro with concentrator for my very ill daughter and son.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Update from doctor using MBOT
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Some years ago he was totally against my posts about glutathione IV and mild hbot. Sheesh.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Sounds like things have c hanged Oxygenbabe. Could you go to that thread and post your experience (what is it, by the way? Did you improve entirely with mHBOT like Phioph?)
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
They help me--I have a whole protocol. It's not a cure and I do it about twice a month. Although occasionally more often if something is bothering me (injury or muscle strain)
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :

Are you referring to the IV glutathione or hyperbaric sessions when you say twice a month?

If you are by chance referring to hyperbarics, have you done it regularly in the past for an extended period of time and found it not any more helpful than doing it twice monthly?
Posted by lymeboy (Member # 24769) on :
How much does it cost to treat every day for 60 days?
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
TNT, both. I originally, six months into lyme did a month of deep dive. Unfortunately this was in a multichamber with hood without any protection to my eyes and I had irreversible eye changes because of the oxygen toxicity across the cornea at 2.4 ata. I advise anybody to consider this--some will be vulnerable, some won't. Consider closing eyes, using a mask, or using lower pressures than 2.4 ata which puts a lot of 02 into the system.

I did nothing more for 18 months and completely relapsed, so I did 2 more months at 2.4 ata but I did it with eyes closed, which seemed to make a big difference to the eyes.

After that I realized that deep dive was only temporary, and I found out about mild hbot and got one. At first I used it more often. Over time I created a self designed protocol by experimenting. It's far from perfect. But it makes a huge difference.

In an ideal world i'd do a deep dive chamber at 1.5-1.75 for 1-2 months with eyes closed followed by a mild chamber at home for maintenance. Or rather, had that all been available and I'd known about it then.

I think its a highly underutilized therapy, probably because it's expensive. It's adjunctive, though. It doesn't kill borrelia, just suppress. It also helps undo damage to endethlium, blood vessels, hypoxia, free radicals etc.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
I should add, I don't see it as generally curative. It's more like a support. It allows one to function (my particular protocol is low dose and geared to me, including dietary and significant lifestyle changes). I have all the Buhner herbs, which I need to try.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Interesting that you say it is not curative, oxygenbabe. Why would you think it is not?

Did you have co-infections by chance Oxygenbabe? How did you do with those?
Posted by GretaM (Member # 40917) on :
I priced out 40 dives at an HBOT clinic.

They just do HBOT; the clinic is solely HBOT therapy.

$8500 for 40 dives.

Seems like an awful lot for only 40 dives.

It seems it would be more cost effective to buy a unit so one could dive as much as required for some relief.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I respectfully disagree completely.

Hyperbaric is extremely powerful, and is most definitely curative; my case in point.

It has to be used consistently, frequently, and for an extended period of time, and this is where I have observed treatment failures can occur...people give up too soon, or are not consistent in their treatment.

Please refer to this study on how reactive oxygen species (ROS), produced by hyperbaric treatment, affect Borrelia:

A quote at the end of the study reads, "...This indicated that Borrelia membranes can be damaged simply by exposure to physiologically relevant concentrations of dissolved oxygen..."

Hyperbaric is not just an "adjunctive", or "supportive" treatment, or "suppressive" by any means...on the contrary!!!

If you read this entire thread, you know that I had one of the most severe cases of neurolyme that LLMD's had seen...and was deemed an "antibiotic failure" and left for dead...but I have my life back completely...with NO adjunctive therapies (other than homeopathy prior to starting mHBOT), restrictions, or medications...I consider myself "cured" thanks to mHBOT...

[ 10-05-2015, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
yeah it really is inspiring Phoiph. Do you know anyone else who was as severe a case, multiply coinfected, who has stuck with mHBOT like you and is better?

I am determined to get a chamber, as I just read the 2013 ILADs notes today which say "bartonella is antibiotic resistant and immune evasive". Great, so if it is going to kill you, like it will me, I have nothing to lose by trying this!
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Thanks for the link to that study, Phoiph...that was exactly what I was looking for.

Planning to print it out and bring it to my LLMD...and hopefully convince others that pharmaceutical drugs are not the only way to attack this disease.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi CD57...

Yes, I do...particularly the person who convinced me to continue with mHBOT after 40+ dives, when I thought it wasn't working. He not only saved his own life with HBOT, but I credit him with saving mine as well...

There are also a number of people who have started mHBOT more recently, and are experiencing promising changes thus far...

On the flip side, do you know of anyone who was as severe a case, multiply coinfected, and who has stuck with the protocols that you (and others) are discussing/practicing/promoting on this forum and have become completely well?

Just wondering where they all are...and why they're not on this forum coaching others?
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
yes, good point Phoiph....the answer to your question is "NO" !

How is the young woman doing that you have been in touch with?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I spoke to the young woman's mother a few days ago...her daughter has recently enrolled in college (after being homebound for years)...

She still may have a rocky road ahead (2 steps forward, one back), as she hasn't been doing mHBOT for an extended period yet...but she finally feels hopeful that she is getting her life back...
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
WOW! that is spectacular!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Agreed...I took a video of her before she started mHBOT, then another more recently...the change is beyond amazing...
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
If this is ChelseaSmile, would she be able to post some more specifics on how she feels she is being hit by it (what symptoms became more problematic at first).

Are some symptoms flaring, some symptoms improving. How long has she been doing the dives to date? A few specifics on what has been par for the course.

I know that I get an episode almost every dive where I feel like I can't breathe and get a little lightheaded, even though I am breathing oxygen from a concentrator.

There are some other interesting things that would be worth mentioning, but I would really like to hear other's experience so I may compare notes, and not feel like this or that was mentioned because I mentioned it.

I guess I'm looking for these specifics at this point since I am analyzing my responses (good or bad) and hoping it will begin to take the shape of a turn around. Though, I'm not giving up - I'm sticking to it on a daily basis.

thanks for your replies
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi TNT...

As far as I know, she doesn't regularly follow this forum...but I will send her the link so she can respond if she chooses.

Just a comment on your post...I believe documenting your symptoms briefly on a daily basis when doing mHBOT is VERY important, but I discovered that trying to "analyze" what is changing on a daily basis is not a very accurate way to interpret progress. It is better to compare the changes that occur in, say, 2 month intervals. These are the more lasting patterns that show an overall "trajectory", rather than the day-to-day ups and downs...
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
TNT, great! you are diving? what ATA? did you decide to go to clinic or purchase/rent?

Sorry if you posted this elsewhere, I took a quick look and couldnt find it. Yay!
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
Hi CD57,

I am using a home chamber (1.3 ATA). Some may consider what I am using contraband, but I have been doing hour sessions daily for 3+ weeks now, with a concentrator.

I am currently dealing with a "slide" that is related to increasing my daily dosage of Plaquenil. It seems every time I try treating protozoas more it backfires with increasing neuropathies, coordination troubles (especially with walking), joint deterioration, more nerviness, mind fog, twitching, vibration sensitivites, etc. It's just terrible!! My nervous system gets so flared up I cannot relax or barely sleep.

I don't know what is happening, but feel it is related to bart. or lyme coming to the surface. I don't think it is related to mHBOT given the circumstances with the meds. If anyone has a clue, or had a similar experience, please reply or PM me!

I plan on continuing the hbot as long as I am physically able to climb in and out. I just hope this is helpful for me.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
TNT, I had a similar (minus the walking and joint stuff) flare happen with Plaquenil. I had to quit. My doc told me later that he has found that Plaquenil is really hard for some people to take - ie; neurotoxic. I know that when I was on it, I had terrible dreams, crying, extreme nervous agitation. Come to think of it, I have had a similar exp on most if not all abx.

So my point is is may be the plaqueinil itself that is bothering your system, rather than a kill off etc. Maybe go back to the smaller dose rather than increasing? I assume your doc wrote for 400mg/day?
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Also of course depending on what you are taking it with, it could be as Dr H book says, alkalinizing the intracellular compartment so your other meds can work better. I get the impression that is why he uses it, less so for a killing aspect.
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
I just brought this thread back up so we can report on our progress with mHBOT

I am at 50 hours. Huge flare in symptoms with some nice progress in some areas.

Looking forward to hearing more about others experiences.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
I find this a very interesting topic. I am also battling with "MSIDS" (lyme, babs, bart, etc.) and feel that antibiotics do not provide enough improvement. mHBOT seems like a promising add-on to my therapy.

Im very new at mHBOT, never used it before, so i am trying to figure out some of the details.

Originally posted by Phoiph:
The oxygen concentrator must be of a specific power to be used effectively with a hyperbaric chamber, but has the advantage of not needing refills of oxygen cylinders, etc.

So, how do you know that an oxygen concentrator will be powerful enough to be used with mHBOT? Do you need a certain amount of airflow to compensate for the additional air pressure?
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Phoiph, have you stopped all sessions for six months or more? If it's ongoing you're simply suppressing. There was a study in guinea pigs where they infected them with borrelia then built them mini hbot and did sessions at 2.4 ata. TOtal suppression, but after 3 months of no hbot, total recrudescence.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
In addition, 1.3 ata in a mild chamber with a mask at about 50-60% 02 (that's what you get with that type of plastic leaky mask and a flow of about 8 lpm because of pushback from the chamber on a 10 lpm concentrator, you won't get enough into deep tissues or ligaments to necessarily damage--only suppress, and you won't do bupkiss to cysts and "seeds" (that syphilis and borrelia throw off).

It's a very useful therapy, but I am think you will need it ongoing.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
well, I'll take suppression too, as long as with the co's it works also!
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
Amen to that!!
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Yes, nothing wrong with suppression that's quite right. And much more benevolent than longterm antibiotics.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You mentioned the guinea pig study before on another thread, and I asked you if you had a resource...but didn't get a reply. Do you have a link? I have been researching hyperbaric intensely for over 2 years and haven't come across it, but would love to read it...

In terms of "recrudescence" or "suppression"...consider the study done by Texas A&M on 91 subjects with CDC positive Lyme treated with HBOT. 84.8% showed "significant improvement", and after discontinuation of treatment, "many subjects continued to show improvement for up to 8 months. Follow up, from 6 years to 6 weeks, showed that the benefit was sustained in approximately 70% of patients..." (from the Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine, K.K. Jain).

Remember also, that it's not just about killing spirochetes (which oxygen does...see "Fife" study, for example), of equal importance is that strengthens and normalizes the immune response, which is 100% necessary to become well and stay well...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You need an oxygen concentrator that has enough PSI that can handle the backpressure from the chamber.

The unit that I prefer has 20 PSI (pounds per square inch), and 10 LPM (liters per minute) oxygen flow. The oxygen purity is +-93%.

20 PSI is a little higher PSI than you actually need for use with a home chamber (which is pressurized to 1.3 ATA, 4.2 PSI), but there will be less stress on the concentrator over time and it will last longer...
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
A little bit on ATA. All of Oxyhealth current soft shell models are 1.3 ATA unless tampered with which would be a stupid thing to do. Oxyhealth does make a hard chamber that goes higher but $70K. I think they are coming out with a soft chamber that can go a little higher. The lyme doctor that can go higher uses a Best bet in my mind is a used Oxyhealth with guidance from Phoiph who makes no money off helping people. I bought a used Vitareus with compressor for $7,000. It is a 2006 but is working find. I am about 20 dives in. Definately helps inflamation and muscle pain. I will keep this board updated but as I have said before I am not as sick as most of you. I am also doing photon treatment alongside. We will all know more in next few months. I have 5 family members including my children that have fought this awful disease on and off for 17 years. I don't really care so much if there is a cure or not, just an equilibrium of immune system and pathogens just like chicken pox. And of course I would like to have healthy grandchildren some day but no need to get into the sexual transmission issue as I have read all the different opinions.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
I agree. If it requires ongoing therapy, but it is able to give you your life back, then it is worth every penny!

I wish all here good luck with this and hope there will be more success stories like Phoiph's.

I have been looking around for oxygen concentrators and was hoping to get away with one of the cheaper ones, but i guess because of the hbot backpressure that will not be possible. I see I can get something like an Airsep Intensity 10L here. I suppose this will do then? 10L, with 20psig outlet pressure.

Also what kind of headpiece do you all use? I see one could use a nose tube, or full oxygen mask. What would be more sufficient in terms of oxygen concentration?
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
I use full mask made by Salter labs. Very inexpensive.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi S13...

I have a resource for the Airsep 20LPM 10PSI that is $1350 new, which is the best price I have found.

I also can get a discount on new/used chambers from the manufacturer...part of which I pass on to the buyer, the other part is kept on account toward chambers to be placed in the community for qualifying people that can't afford treatment (I take no personal "cut")...

Full masks deliver more oxygen than the nose prongs.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Correction, 20PSI, 10LPM...
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Anyone want to address the Dr J.S. study on patients doing HBOT with babs and bart? Neff had brought that up on another thread.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Sure, if you have a link for that study?

Phoiph, ive send you a PM!
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
I don' was mentioned on another thread, I think it was an informal observation noted in Dr JS's books....
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
I'm not on lymenet often so not seeing some of your posts, Poiph. Since it's nearly 2014 and my first hbot was in 2001 (January), I researched it very intensively. I was speaking with a researcher. I spoke with every major researcher in the country (not clinic owners) and did thorough investigation. I am not going to argue with you. After all my research, it's clear to me it is suppressive, even at 2.4 ata, and not borrelecidal (sp?). That doesn't mean it's not really useful. It's great adjunctive therapy. And in fact I think 2.4 ata is just too high, for the benefits. I'd do under 2.0 ata anyway.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
A nonrebreather mask supposedly facilitates oxygen uptake but I don't like them. A typical plastic mask used in the Oxyhealth and other similar chambers leaks, so it provides about 50-60% oxygen. A cannula might work a little better, who knows, but probably similar.

You must contrast that with a professional chamber at 50 lpm with 100% oxygen from tanks.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Fife did one small study and later admitted it was not definitive. I don't put much truck in Fife's small study.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Fife did one small study and later admitted it was not definitive. I don't put much truck in Fife's small study. As to the other study, were they on antibiotics at the time? Most people doing hyperbaric in clinics use it adjuntively, added on to antibiotics, both IV and oral. I didn't because I can't tolerate antibiotics.

Anyway, no point in arguing. Have said my view after 13 years. I like the mild chambers. I think they need to be used longterm and almost always are adjunctive. Of course everybody is individual in their immune system strength and in the strain(s) of borrelia. Some are mild. Some are self limiting. Some are really virulent. Miramatoi is known to be more virulent for instance. Etc.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I'm not interested in arguing either...we are all here to learn from each other.

For that reason, I was just wondering if you had a reference for the study you mentioned (twice) or other research resources related to your viewpoint that hyperbaric is suppressive, only an adjunct, and does not kill Borrelia.

I am already well, and don't need any convincing about hyperbaric, but others might...and my goal for volunteering my time here is to provide as accurate a picture as possible so that people can make informed decisions...which I believe means backing up strong statements with resources whenever possible...
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
CD57, you are talking about this study?

If so, im not sure this study applies to mHBOT. The study uses greater pressure (2.0-2.85ATA) which is not necessarily beneficial for lyme treatment as Phoiph previously mentioned:
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
yeah I think that's it. Thanks!

Wait a second....question....if you buy a mHBOT chamber and O2 you still have to wear a mask inside the chamber???
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
OMG, so you are lying inside the chamber with a mask on? wow. Any way out of this? I did not have to wear a mask when I dove at a clinic at 2.4 ATA but they had a hard shelled chamber so perhaps that is why?
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
You need to wear a mask to breath a higher level of oxygen. It really isnt bad at all. Watch a football game and you will see players doing this on the sidelines after a long run. You are using an oygen concentrator. The air inside the chamber is not 100% oxygen.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
oh i see. then how do you know you are getting up to 1.3 ATA inside the chamber? I thought that was the whole point, to have your whole body bathed in 1.3 ATA, not just breathing in the equivalent?
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
1.3 is the equivalent atmospheric pressure provided by the pressure equivalent to 11 feet under water. Even without the supplimental o2 provided by oxygen compressor the normal oxygen of ambient air is purported to increase. The compressor provides more o2 to chamber both through mask and by definition of supply. This is why it is important to get a compressor that delivers enough psi and lpm. At least 8 lpm. There are a number of them that are only at 5 lpm. Important spec if you buy a used unit albeit you can get a new concentrator meeting specs for around $1300.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Phoiph, it's not a viewpoint, it's informed by research--and it's simply a fact imho. As to you're well, I assume you are doing ongoing treatments. If you stop for six months entirely and feel just as good, please report it here, that will be a novel report and interesting.

Borrelia are microaerophilic, not anaerobic. They also exist in several forms and some are pretty much inert metabolically. Those would be cysts and what seem to be granules/seeds (like syphilis, ketes have been seen throwing off these granules/seeds which might be comparable I suppose to eggs). In those forms they are more resistant to any killing or suppressing mechanism. Active borrelia can be slowed or suppressed by hbot, but there is no evidence they can be killed especially in the tissue reservoirs where they often nest, which even with hbot are low oxygen (bone, ligament, tendon, etc). Just as refractory osteomyletis usually requires hbot at 2.4 ata plus antibiotic therapy (and *those* bacteria are anaerobic generally, not microaerophilic), chronic lyme may be viewed in the same way.

You might say that you are in remission with continued treatment, and that you were one of the lucky ones, since a mild chamber alone with no other treatments doesn't generally lead to remission. However, your immune system might be strong and you might have a milder strain than some. There are a variety of strains and some are far more disabling than others--even though they all might make someone sick.

You need to do your own research, I don't have time and don't have references at the ready from 10 years ago, when I was in NY. You need to do your own research at hyperbaric medicine centers. You could call some, at universities with research facilities and doctors that specialize, to get a sense of what 1.3 ata with about 50% oxygen at about 8-10 lpm per minute would do in terms of saturation of which tissues to what extent.

'Nuff said. I've always said hbot is underutilized although because it's only suppressive, I don't like the higher pressures that only one small study by Fife set out. I think a month or two of 5-7 days at 1.5-2.0 ata is sufficient, with antibiotics if you can, and then maintenance with a mild hbot. I can't address this again I just don't have time.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
I should add, the cysts will degrade over several years. Nobody knows how many but at some point they won't be viable. Cysts can give birth to multiple daughter spirochetes. And of course those spirochetes can encyst (by wrapping around themselves essentially) and those will be viable for several years etc. The granules have really not been studied in lyme, and not in depth in syphilis, but they are likely sources of spirochetes, too. Whether they stay latent and dormant really depends on a lot of factors including life stresses, immune system, reinfection, any kind of infection, surgery, anesthesia, stress etc
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
The mask is no big deal. It's a soft leaky plastic mask and not unpleasant. Rebreathers are kind of unpleasant. Cannulas tickle and may not be as effective, not sure. In a Vitaeris you can sit up, play with your ipad, or one guy I know rigged up a tv so he could watch movies while lying down with head on pillows.
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
To me, people are trying to debate "science and research" regarding hyperbaric that does not exist yet. There are no well-designed, properly controlled studies on the effects of hyperbaric oxygen on borrelia, co-infections etc. We do not know correct depths, time of treatment, mechanism of action, etc.

We can piece together ideas, look at work in other species and organisms, read blogs, listen to patient reports, etc but none will give us a definitive answer on how to cure this thing we call lyme.

This is an extremely complex illness, and especially when undiagnosed and given the opportunity to wreak havoc on multiple body systems with many forms of virulence, it can seem insurmountable.

To some degree, we are all taking risks and experimenting with and without Dr's. support with this illness. Whether its long-term antibiotics, herbs, rife, parasites, chelation, hyperbaric, you name it.

Every person and every person's illness is different. Unfortunately with long-term, chronic illness we must take our health into our own hands and CHOOSE what we feel is best for US.

Hyperbaric may help some or a lot of lyme patients, for others its strictly antibiotics, or rife or photons or ....

In the end, we each need to make our own decisions about our health, take a risk based on what we know to date and how we feel, and hope it helps in the end.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Amen mbdq
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Agreed mdbq!

Oxygenbabe...I have also done extensive research, and understand everything you are saying regarding cysts forms, and the tenacity of Borellia in general (by the way, far from a "mild" strain, I had the European, neurological Garinii strain, implicated in ALS, Alzheimers, Schizophrenia, etc.).

This is why I maintain that mHBOT must be done frequently, consistently, and long-term to be effective. I have been doing mHBOT for over 2-1/2 years, (800+ dives) and don't plan on quitting any time soon...that would be insane. I will likely use my chamber at some level indefinitely, as I believe it offers benefits above and beyond treating Lyme Disease.

(For the record, I was without my chamber recently for 5 weeks straight due to a repair issue...and felt symptoms of relapse whatsoever.)

I believe that eventually, cyst (and other) forms will periodically morph into forms that are vulnerable to mHBOT and a now-healthy immune system, or they will degrade over time.

My concern is that mHBOT is not always used this way (people often think of it as an "adjunct", and to be used infrequently and/or for a limited number of treatments), and I believe this results in treatment failures.

Meanwhile, I am happy to say that relaxing in a chamber for 1 hour per day is a small price to pay to have a full, active, med-free life back...even if it were to be a life-long commitment...
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Phoiph, you're an N of 1. I do know a Lymie who sells them and has done it daily for years. He has lots of health issues and thinks some are Lyme related and some are not.

It's definitely individual. Mostly hbot deep and mild are adjunctive for any condition whether stroke, osteomyelitis, Lyme, cerebral palsy, diabetic wounds, surgical recovery etc. it just is not seen as a curative therapy in the literature. And it makes sense your treatments are ongoing. The guinea pigs relapsed after three months. I agree an hour a day to have a life back is a small commitment.

Virulent strains-- I was thinking of the strains Luft wrote about and of b. mitamatoi
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
By the way, phoiph, why don't you go public with your real name and story? If you honestly are in this to pay it forward and not to earn commissions. If you think it's curative used daily long term. I admit to wondering why you are ardent bit anonymous.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
This thread has become very disparaging. This is not a contest to see who is right and who is wrong. I think it has been said numerous times that everybody reacts differently and chooses their treatment. I for one appreciate both Phoiph and Oxyenbabe observations and advice. Both of you have been gracious to answer direct PM's for me as well as direct emails. Maybe we all need to come up for a little oxygen [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by oxygenbabe:
By the way, phoiph, why don't you go public with your real name and story? If you honestly are in this to pay it forward and not to earn commissions. If you think it's curative used daily long term. I admit to wondering why you are ardent bit anonymous.


It is inappropriate to attack someone's integrity because they disagree with you.

I am not sure what you mean by my being "anonymous"...aren't we all anonymous on Lymenet...or is your real name "Oxygenbabe"?

And yes, your right...maybe I should go public...write a book or something...I might make more than the imaginary "commissions" you suspect I am taking...

I think it would be best for us to agree to disagree, and refrain from any more contact...
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Since i am now orienting on the mHBOT market, what is your opinion on "Summit to Sea" chambers?

They are a bit cheaper than OxyHealth, and ive heard you can get an upgrade to 1.5bar for something like 1K$.

I believe some of their components are actually manufactured in Europe which means less import taxes if you live in a european country.
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
I know opinions can get pretty strong about issues related to Lyme disease/treatment, but we cannot attack one another... because we need the valuable input from one another.

Everyone's experience is valid, and just because one person found this or that helpful and another didn't, doesn't mean it's not true.

I want to say that I really appreciate Phoiph coming to lymenet to share her amazing recovery and how that happened!

I also appreciate what Oxygenbabe has contributed on the subject, especially the input on some of the practical/technical details concerning mHBOT and her experience with higher pressures.

If we are going to get a good understanding of this treatment modality, we need everyone's respectful collaboration-otherwise we all will suffer!

I think mHBOT holds promise for each one, and hopefully in a few months we will have more feedback concerning this. Until then, please keep your friendly comments coming--personal updates, new info, studies, etc. And continue to lend that personal support.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Im curious TNT, how is your treatment coming along? Still a rough ride?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi S13...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi S13...

It is illegal to sell a pressure upgrade kit along with a chamber...FDA only approves soft chambers to 1.3 ATA.

Chamber dealers are also not allowed to sell oxygen concentrators along with this puts them into a different medical class which is not FDA approved.

Oxyhealth voids their warranties on any chamber that is upgraded to a higher pressure.

The company you mentioned has had safety issues that you can research before you make a decision...
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Ok, perhaps the upgrade kit is non-FDA country only option then?

I will research the safety issues. This is an important consideration for sure!
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
I am doing daily dives with a concentrator (20 psi, 10 lpm) in a soft chamber (1.3 ATA) for an hour each day. Today will be my 29th dive (consecutive days).

Yes, still a very tough time. But I don't think because of the hbot. I have been on low dose ABX for a few months now, and don't feel like we are getting the right combination.

Everytime I increase my protozoa treatment, or add something (even extremely low dose) for this, I get a major flare. And then I waste away a little more, and feel less and less human. More bone and joint deterioration and pain, more coordination deterioration, more muscle pain, twitching, and muscle wasting. And this is a weekly pattern.

I have lost 20 lbs. and an inch of height with a very gradual wasting and worsening of physical and mental condition since a "reaction" to Flagyl 2 years ago. I now face a weekly cycle flare, and a resulting deterioration each week.

I am not able to properly transcribe what has and is happening to me. My brain gets overloaded every time I try to describe this to someone. Suffice it to say that I am wasting fast for someone who is in their mid thirties.

I have suspected all along that treating my protozoan infections has allowed the bartonella to come out and that my symptoms for years have mainly been bartonella (looking back). My opinion is that it has gotten out of hand, and ripping me to shreds. It could be the lyme as well. But my feeling is mostly bartonella.

I have been taking low dose amoxicillin and bactrim for a few months now. I have also been taking low dose plaquenil for a couple months with that. The week before Thanksgiving, I upped my Plaquenil to 100mg daily, and have deteriorated quickly again. So, I stopped that and have added low dose Cipro to the mix, and honestly, for the first time in 2 years I feel like maybe this is helping.

(I have tried treating bart. with monotherapy zithromax, bactrim, and even a week of Rifampin-each one helped some, but didn't stop the slide. I also have not been able to come down off 20 drops 2x daily of A-Bart for many months).

With methylation issues, MCS, food sensitivies (now), and the lack of real help from any adjunct, and etc, etc, etc, my case is very difficult and extremely complex. But I feel like the main issue has probably been an out of control bartonella infection that we can't get on top of.

I'm sorry for the muddled, long post. Like I said, to try to understand all this and to put it into words is really beyond me at this point. And, I have been pretty much at the end of my rope for a couple years and the doctors have not known what to do, and I have all but given up, and friends and family don't know what's going on, don't understand me, and don't know how to help. That said, family and friends have been willing to carry me financially. But they honestly don't know how to relate--they think I'm some psychiatric case to a certain extent.

The mHBOT has been somewhat of a last ditch effort, but I honestly don't feel it has helped yet. But (and I hate to say this because of a let down, and for getting other's hopes up) I think that this Cipro may be helping. And I feel strongly enough about the potential of mHBOT (from what I have researched myself) that this will be a very synergistic adjunct to my healing and restoration if things start to turn around. If things do turn around at this point, I will have a hard rehabilitation and may not ever be able to get back to a normal life.

So, to answer your question more directly. I do not feel hyperbarics are helping at this point. But I will continue until I cannot get in and out any more. Time will tell....
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
I can relate with you TNT. I think my case is not as far advanced as yours, but i see the same pattern.
For me too it was bartonella that has been causing me most problems, but it wasnt until i started treating babesia that bartonella really flared up. Before babs treatment i was still able to work and drive in my car a bit. Now im at home and cannot even get my own groceries.

Bartonella sucks! Or is it BLO? No one knows. Good thing you are still tolerating cipro. I got tendon issues after 1 dose. Now im on rifampin for 4 weeks and it is very slow going. I hope the hbot can give the additional push i need to get the infections under control.
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
I want to add that if mHBOT does help, I will attribute trying this treatment mainly to Phoiph coming back to lymenet and making this modality more visible to others because of her own experience.
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
Hi S13,

I know some people can't handle the fluoroquinolones because of the tendon toxicity. I was previously on Levaquin (a few years ago) and didn't have any trouble then.

I probably would have some issues now if I would start out with a full dose like I did with the Levaquin, but I start everything at really minute doses now. I took 125mg of Cipro once a day for the first two days to begin with.

It's extremely weird, but my tendons really feel better since starting the Cipro. For months, the nodules were getting worse and worse (and WORSE!) until they became strings of little painful nodules tied together. I could (and still can) feel the nodules on the tendons move across the bones when I move my feet. But the pain is less!

Yea, Bartonella is a horror! I believe like Dr. S that it is a world epidemic. I have analyzed this to a fault, but I see a strong correlation of Parkinson's to bartonella infection.

And why else is road rage and psychiatric cases on an alarming increase? I don't say these things to very many people because they think I'm off my rocker saying things like this.

Well, I'm getting a little off the subject now....but hopefully mHBOT will prove to help with my bartonella and my healing.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
My question was valid. If someone claims to be cured (actually in remission with ongoing sessions, and repeatedly questions input that borrelia is not killed in vivo even at 2.4 ata in a chronic Lyme patient, claims to receive no commissions and set aside half in a pay it forward fund (I received a commission two years ago for recommending the mhbot to a doctor who then bought it btw so I know commissions are routine) I'd like to know their real name. Generally even then I take cure stories with a grain of proverbial salt even if true because of how different we are.

I want to emphasize its an excellent underutilized therapy generally and I'm glad if it helps anybody here.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
TNT, possibly your bartonella is a problem because you have done mostly monotherapy for it. You really need to do double intracellulars for bart, Buhner says it, and all the LLMDs. I think Dr H in NY discovered this several yrs ago. So perhaps you should consider one of the Dr H combos for it:

there are several listed in his new book. Please check it out. It could be very beneficial.
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
Thanks, CD57, I have done triple ABX treatment for short periods, but had to stop because of all the gut issues.

But I now wish I had stayed the course somewhat longer the times I was treating more aggressively.

And... if I had not used Flagyl, I believe I would definitely be in better shape to hit things more aggressively.

According to some labs, it does appear that my fungal load is minimized at this point, so that is in my favor hopefully.

A local friend has a copy of his book, and I should be able to read through it soon. I will definitely check that out.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Perhaps you can do low doses of triple combos?
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Perhaps you can do low doses of triple combos? I wonder what it was about the Flagyl that set things off, that is interesting.

And you notice a flare every time to try to do antiparasitics, which is also interesting. Maybe it's not bartonella?
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
So would a combo of Mino and Rifampin be considered double intracellular?
Or should i add bactrim/septra ds for example?
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
mino and Rifampin is a double intracellular. Some docs add a third, or Plaquenil to alkalinize the intracellular compartment.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Another recently released interesting article.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Ive decided also to take the "dive".
It will take a couple of weeks to get everything shipped here, but after that i should be good to go!
Fingers crossed [Smile]
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
allright! keep us posted.
Posted by BBinme (Member # 34131) on :
Phioph, I cannot seem to send you a pm until you respond to my last pm...not sure why it works that way and I cannot figure out another way. Can you pm me please? Thanksd
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
So, i already got the air concentrator, an intensity 10L model. Was just playing around with it since i have no mhbot chamber yet.

Wat an awful sound it makes! I thought it would be quiet since it is intended for home use, but no way... My ears are oversensitive because of neurological bart, so looking for ways to make it less noisy. Any ideas?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The AirSep makes a "test alarm" sound for about 5 seconds when you start it up, then should just make a repetitive "whooshing" sound, with a low motor hum in the background.

Remember that you will not hear this as clearly when you are inside the chamber, and you can always wear headphones (after you are up to full pressure and have cleared your ears).

You can also move the concentrator farther from the chamber and use a longer hose, but the longer the hose, the harder the unit has to work, and you may lose a little flow/purity.

I had huge sound sensitivity issues as well, and was able to tolerate this (and the sound of the compressor) once I got inside the chamber. Just don't turn it on until you're ready to use it...

Also, a precaution...don't ever turn your concentrator off before the chamber is depressurized completely; the backflow from the chamber can damage it...

I wrote up some basic step-by step instructions/precautions on how to take a "dive", and care for your equipment that I can send you if you like...
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:

Also, a precaution...don't ever turn your concentrator off before the chamber is depressurized completely; the backflow from the chamber can damage it...

Ah yes that is good advice indeed!
Guess ill see how it goes when the chamber arrives, perhaps the sound isnt as annoying then.

And yes please send me the instructions! That would come in handy for sure.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Thank you very much Phoiph!
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
Phoiph, Will you please send me the instructions too? My daughter starts mHbot next week and FIR Sauna to help detox. Thank you.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I just PM'd you...
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Even though I am not using it at present, I would appreciate a copy of your instructions. I have someone who may be start using out chamber.

Thanks in advance
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Even though I am not using it at present, I would appreciate a copy of your instructions. I have someone who may be start using our chamber.

Thanks in advance
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Even though I am not using it at present, I would appreciate a copy of your instructions. I have someone who may start using our chamber.

Thanks in advance
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I just PM'd you...
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
My chamber arrived today! [Smile]
I will start tonight, slowly for 30mins. Im very excited!
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
I found some research regarding mhbot and brain oxygen delivery:

They use SPECT imaging to show improvements with mHBOT after 10 treatements at 1.3ATA.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
yay S13! keep us posted.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Great post S13!

Here's more SPECT PDF to view...
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Ah yes, good find too Phoiph!
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Phoiph, great site. I will enjoy reading it. I saw My LLMD yesterday. She is not convinced in its effectiveness. She thinks hard shell and benefits are temporary.

I said so are the benefits of antibiotics for alot of people. When I can afford it, I am getting a chamber. I don't care if I have to do it every day. If it gets rid of my symptoms, it is a small price to pay.

Maybe it requires long term maintenance but if you can have two to three weeks before symptoms start back, that is enough time for a vaction etc.

Last year I maxed out both my in-network and out of network expenses to the tune of $10,000 that is what my insurance covered. Most of that money was spent on symptom relief and a hospital stay after an ER visit.

I had an additional, $1600 out of pocket for IV rocephin that did nothing for me which my insurance did not cover.

I haven't added up my other nonreimbursable expenses for supplements, medicines etc. that I paid. I have a pile of papers in a folder.

I am sick of spending money and not seeing any benefit.

My PCP thinks my infection is now gone and that most of what is left is damage to my system.

I have a new mhbot clinic 30 minutes from my house. They charge $100 dollars a treatment.

After I save some money, I am going to set up some treatments. If I experience symptom relief, then I have my answer. Not too much else is working.

All who are doing mHBOT, please keep us posted on your progress. Even in stops and starts, if progress is made, it is helpful to know.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

In my opinion benefits are often only temporary as your doctor said...but this is often because people quit treating too soon with mHBOT, or don't treat consistently enough.

I may sound like a broken record, but this is not a sprint, it is a marathon. I treated daily for one whole year without taking a day off...and then it was a short vacation, and I resumed immediately when I returned.

I thought I was well at that point (I was actually traveling again, etc., after not having left the house for 5 years), but now that I have been using my chamber for 2-1/2 years, I realize how much further I have come since then. Healing takes time.

If I had quit treatments after the usual 40-day protocol (which I almost did, as I didn't notice benefit yet at that point), I am 100% positive I would have not become well.

So, although I'm very happy when I hear that people are considering mHBOT, my concern is that they will buy 40-60 treatments a clinic, and spend thousands, and regardless of whether or not they receive benefit in this short time, it is most likely not going to be enough time for the treatment to "stick"...and they are left with no ongoing treatment.

This is why I encourage people to consider a home chamber...which is an investment that can always be re-sold...
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
I share your opinion. My plan is to get a chamber for home. What I was trying to say is that last year alone I spent the money that could have been used on a chamber and did not see any improvement.

I am not going to make that mistake this year. However, I will try some sessions at this clinic so that I will now what to do etc.

mHBOT works for alot of things. I think it will truly help with my remaining symptoms at the very least. If it provides a "cure, then I am blessed all the more.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Great. I know I keep belaboring that point...but I just want to be clear and don't want to mislead anyone!

I agree about the money...I try not to think about how much I spent over 8 years trying to get well...I could have bought a fleet of chambers...:)
Posted by Ruwondering2 (Member # 43108) on :
Hi all, I've had my own chamber for a few months now. It's a used chamber and came with a 10L oxygen generator is that adequate.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
If you mean 10 liters per minute, it should be. What is the maker? Has it helped?
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Make sure the oxygen concentrator provides enough pressure to compensate for the mhbot chamber. Otherwise you will have no flow.

If your concentrator has an airflow indicator you can verify this easily.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes, as S13 said...

There are 2 main things to consider when buying an oxygen concentrator to be used with a mHBOT chamber...

1. The PSI (pounds per square inch) must be high enough to compensate for the backpressure of the chamber. If it is too low, it will not only produce less 02 flow, but will damage the concentrator. The oxygen concentrator that I recommend is 20 PSI (well above the 4.2 PSI backpressure of the chamber).

2. The LPM (liters per minute) must be adequate. This is important, because when breathing 02 through a mask, the flow must be high enough to push the exhaled carbon dioxide out of the mask vents. The oxygen concentrator I recommend is 10 LPM.

A respiratory therapist I have spoken to recommends using a mask that covers both your nose and mouth, as both the nasal cannula and nose mask deliver less oxygen...
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Please remember, Phoiph's experience is rather unique. Many have done far more than 40 treatments, and not gotten seemingly completely well. Just because hbot both hardchamber and mild is a very helpful adjunct treatment, please don't take an N of 1 and Phoiph's "opinion" which can be stated in such a way it seems to be fact, that buying a chamber and using it daily will get you well over time. It is helpful, but it is extremely rare that on its own, it brings people to full functionality.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I appreciate Oxygenbabe's point.

Again, I believe my success (and what makes me a "N of 1") was/is due to the length of time I have done mHBOT daily consistently (along with the diet and increasing activity).

As I have said, I have not found any mHBOT users yet who have also used mHBOT in this same way, as many have given up after 40 or so treatments (as I almost did), or have used it longer but only inconsistently over time.

All I can do is post my observation and "N of 1" experience, which I believe I am obligated to do.

In my opinion, what would be really helpful information for all, would be for someone who already has a chamber and is very knowledgeable (i.e., Oxygenbabe) to commit to a consistent, 1 hour daily protocol for at least 6 months, and give us a progress report at that time...
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
You're incorrect. I personally know someone who has done it daily for about 10 years. Is helpful--but hasn't stopped all kinds of health problems, surgeries, etc, due to lyme sequalae as well as other problems.

"I believe" is belief.
I think you are very lucky--and more power to you--and most people are not going to have your response just doing mild hbot.
It's a great adjunctive therapy, as I always say.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
As to me, Phoiph, I got sicker and could not function when I tried to do it even 3-4 times a week. I cannot do a lot. I have a feeling it starts stimulating yeast, but I can't say that for sure. But it felt like yeast symptoms, including low grade fevers, itchy, foggy, etc. Very yeasty. No, not like a lyme herx which I know very well from doing deep dive. Deep dive was highly effective but it's prohibitively expensive and I do not think it's healthy to do longterm even though I know a few who have.

Whatever the reason, I was able to tolerate about twice a week mhbot without losing function--and that twice a week was very helpful. I had to find the happy medium. Then eventually I went to twice a month. I would never do it every day, I'd end up losing all my gains.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Oh, and I should add, unlike you--I had an immediate (same day) response to both deep dive and mild hbot. Different--deep dive killed off a lot, caused herxes, and gave much more energy, and started healing some other problems (but after stopping slowly lost most of those gains tho I always credit deep dive for saving my life initially).

Mild...when I finally got to do it after 18 months of no doing any hbot, one hour, and my buzzing toxicity was gone. I felt much better. So I always had an immediate response. I'm very sensitive, though.

As I said, it's a nice and powerful adjunctive therapy. And it's good that chambers are fairly reaosnable now--with leasing programs, and craigslist--BUT it's very YMMV (your mileage may vary). So dont hold out too much hope for that single-approach magic cure, folks. Mostly, chronic tbd is not that way.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks for sharing your information; it is really valuable. I believe the more we post details about our experience with mHBOT, the more realistic and accurate picture we can get about how it works across personal conditions, protocols, etc.

So, to recap:

-You felt better (less toxic "buzzy" feeling) with your first mHBOT dive after an 18 month break from HBOT, and felt benefit by doing dives twice a week, but couldn't tolerate more frequent sessions, or you would feel more ill.

-In my case, I felt no positive effect for over 50 daily mHBOT dives, but then with continual daily dives, experienced a gradual 2 step forward, one step back pattern that resulted in return of wellness over time.

-Variations in our experience/background include the fact that you had previously done HBOT but stopped 18 months before starting mHBOT, and I had previously done antibiotics, but stopped 5 years before starting mHBOT. Another variable, of course, is the different protocol we used (daily vs.twice/week).

-You also mention knowing someone who has done daily dives for 10 years, for whom it has been "helpful", but they still experience health issues.

-I am currently in contact with several people who have recently started regular mHBOT, and, although their early responses are up and down, they are reporting some very positive changes.

The truth is, nobody knows how many people will reach the level of wellness that I have with mHBOT, and I appreciate that you don't want people to believe that everyone will have the same results, or that this is a "magic cure" for everyone. I have never claimed that, or wanted to raise false hopes, either.

That said, I also don't believe I was just "very lucky", nor do I believe I am completely unique. I believe there is potential here for other people to get well also, and that potential needs to be explored.

We simply don't have enough data to draw conclusions, and unfortunately, with oxygen being un-patentable, we can't hold our collective breath waiting for more research from "Big Pharma". So, like everything else with Lyme, we're left to figure it out ourselves.

I trust that with more people committing to regular mHBOT treatments and reporting their results, a clearer picture will begin to emerge over time...
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
I would add that another strategy of HBOT first then MBOT immediately after has not been fully vented, at least know one has mentioned that. I know that Phoiph advocates slow and steady for detox, building immune system etc. My wife is in the process of HBOT for 20-40 treatments and then will immediately switch to MBOT. She is seeing both improvements (joint pain especially) and rough days of what is assumed to be a herxheimer. I will continue to post. It has been my reading experience that HBOT was a very hot topic after the Fife study and lots of people started doing it. I have talked to at least 4 chamber operators in the last few days and some have claimed great results and even said lasting remission. I am a little suspicious of this because HBOT seemed to wane a little attention in the the last 10 years but seems to be popping back up again.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Here is another interesting piece of information. Byron White of Byron White formulas that are well recognized on this site wrote an article many years ago on MBOT. I contacted his office with the following responses:

1. Am not at liberty to speak for Byron's personal life and what he used but know he advocates for mild hyperbaric.

2. Yes our formulas can be utilized at the same time as using hyperbaric. In fact some people take the formulas 30 min prior to using their MBOT.

Seems that some people use these two in combination. Lots of unanswered questions that only time and further experiences will tell.

I am not a doctor so none of my posts should be taken as any kind of medical advice.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Phoiph, I am really glad you're better but I take issue with your stating beliefs in a persuasive way, when they really are not based on good evidence. "That said, I also don't believe I was just "very lucky", nor do I believe I am completely unique. I believe there is potential here for other people to get well also, and that potential needs to be explored."

That's why I keep pushing back, while keeping in mind I think it's an underutilized and valuable therapy so in that way, it's good you're highlighting it.

JCarl, yes, doing deep dive followed by mhbot, that would have been ideal had both been available to me way back then.

Oh, I forgot to add that I was having debilitating migraines, and mhbot helped. I have had to do a lot of things, though, to handle the lyme induced migraines. I've had to give up beans, drink lots of fermented beverages, get lots of fresh air, avoid too much sugar, and the mhbot--and all those things together have helped the crushing SLYME migraines.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

This is a "forum".

Beliefs, theories, opinions, observations, and experiences are encouraged here, even those that may be contrary.

My "beliefs" are based on my experience/observations, just like yours are based on your experience/observations. They just happen to be different. This doesn't make either of our positions less valid or less worthy of expression.

The truth is, neither of our positions are "based on good evidence"...because there is really not enough data at this point to draw conclusions...
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Phoiph is right on there being no data. I have spent hours scouring and looking for data; there is none. WE are the data. I for one am so glad that she has posted her experiences and offered to spent much of her own time offering information offline. Thank you Phoiph!
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
But Phoiph, what are your beliefs based on?

There are people such as James Johnson a long time ago who did 150 deep dives in a row, and went into remission for quite a while.

Wild Condor on these forums, only believes in monochamber deep dive, and did hundreds of them along with many antibiotis, to recover.

It's not like you're the only one. WHen I did deep dive in Great Barrington for 2 months, there was another gal who did it for probably five or six months, without antibiotics.

But those were all deep dive.

I know of one other person when I first posted about a chamber, noodly doo, bought an mhbot, who got a very good response. I don't think he was nearly as sick as you. This was about ten years ago now. If he stopped for a few weeks, he'd stat to relapse.

Your belief isn't reflected in the experiences out there, where in your case, there is no response for months, and then steady improvement JUST doing a home chamber for these complex tickborne diseases.

YMMV, folks, but I doubt you'll get any reports back as extraordinary as yours--and unusual in that there was no response for so long, and then a response. The issue is, people are spending many thousands of dollars based on hope they'll have a similar response to yours. That's why I'm leavening it with all I've seen heard and experienced myself. HBOT and mHBOT are not new treatments. OTOH, will people be helped? I think so.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
I don't think people are blind or being manipulated. Of course, we are all looking for something that will take us across the finish line.

I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars and owe many, many thousands of dollars still on various treatments. I am now having to think outside the box.

No one knows for sure, what is working because so little research is being done. However, one FACT is known based on the placebo and nocebo effect and that is a person's belief in a treatment is crucial to its success.

Therefore, when someone continually posts a dissenting opinion it can undermine a treatment that may be beneficial.

I think we have the point that mhbot may not cure and that we should not base our opinion on one testimonial. Enough said already.
Posted by Chipster (Member # 43143) on :
I second soccermama in supporting Phoipfs posts.

Hyperbaric and its son MBOT is a mainstream, widely used modality with many conditions that are reimbursable.

As someone new to the site, it is helpful for me personally to read what has really worked for some patients, especially if the treatments are mainstream and relatively safe.

Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Cautionary opinions from me who has long experience with both forms and knows numerous people who used hbot and mhbot short and longterm is useful when $10,000 or more is at stake.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
The expense is certainly an issue for most people, so I often help them find alternative ways of accessing a chamber...including:

-Finding quality used equipment that is usually 1/2 to 2/3 of the cost of new equipment

-Passing on a portion of the discount (on new and used equipment) granted to me by the manufacturer (no, I am not a sales rep, nor do I take a cut...the other portion goes into a fund held by the manufacturer to purchase chambers to be used by the community on a donation basis)

-Finding cooperative partners in their vicinity to share costs/use

-Passing on information about creative financing possibilities, through benefactors, the manufacturer, and lenders that provide loans for medical equipment

Also, it must be kept in mind that a quality chamber is an investment that can be resold...
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Why has the manufacturer granted you, a patient, a discount on purchase of all chambers? You mean that you buy the chamber and sell it to a patient, apparently at the same discount? Who can even verify the numbers, then? Even stranger yet, you've obviously talked to them at length, and created this unusual agreement--but you're doing this all anonymously on lymenet?

In fact, I think you would have to have set yourself up as a distributor--though I'm not sure what the legalities are? I can see why they'd benefit (the discount doesn't mean they aren't profiting. If you're selling chambers for them, they're happy).

Can you tell us where the fund is? Who at oxyhealth can verify this, and how do they decide to whom to donate chambers? What is the discount on a new solaris, a new respiro, and a new vitaeris? How large is the fund now, and are they donating it for lyme patients?
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Cooperative partners rarely works out. Someone has to keep the chamber at their place--while others visit--I've not seen that work out very well.

Even used, chambers are expensive.

Selling them is not simple--though it can be done.

I'm trying to sell my oxygen concentrator now and though it has a 3 year warranty, and is very well priced, I've had absolutely no interest in it at all so far, nationwide.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
The manufacturer has granted me a discount because I have developed a rapport with one of the reps that I coordinate with, and I asked for the discount (to be passed on to the buyer) based on how many people I had referred to them. The rep knows that I became well with one of their chambers, and of my mission to spread the word on mHBOT. It is a win-win for both sides.

I do not buy chambers from them and re-sell to buyers. The transaction is done through the rep, and I handle/receive no money whatsoever. The accounting/fund is also held by the manufacturer through the rep.

The donation of the first chamber will likely be to a clinic that can provide space and supervision; these details have not been completely worked out yet.

I have set up many cooperative partner situations that are working out surprisingly well. The most challenging part is proximity...but when you are working with a Lyme support group, for example, there are usually enough people in need that live close enough to each other.

I have helped a number of people find chambers to buy/sell (no fee); finding a quality used chamber can be more of a challenge than selling one, in my experience.

I know of several people that may be interested in your concentrator, depending on the model, price, etc. Why don't you PM me, with the details?

Also, since I don't post people's personal information, if you PM me, I can give you the rep's contact information that I am coordinating with if you would like to verify my story...
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
I am going to leave off posting about oxygen on lymenet for a while.

My final comment is: an anonymous poster, an anonymous rep, a fund nobody on the outside is monitoring, I suggest you get your chamber directly from oxyhealth, or via craigslist. But I don't really care what Phoiph and her rep are doing, or what the money situation is. I can just say, that nobody else has come on here yet to say they are getting *well* too just by mhbot. Some have some improvements. As to be expected, it's often a useful intervention along with all the other stuff people can and must do.

My concentrator is an Integra Sequal analog (little ball goes up and down), reconditioned with a 3 year warranty. Sequal has been bought out by AirSep, but this used to be the preferred one for OxyHealth. I don't want to do this secretly--you can have anybody interested post here or PM me. I only want my costs back, which was $550 to recondition, plus $75 ground shipping anywhere. Thanks. (Why do I have the sneaking suspicion Phoiph won't be forwarding people to me to PM directly? Just a hunch.)

[ 01-29-2014, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: oxygenbabe ]
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Phoiph has recently worked with me to find an affordable chamber, it was very creative, I am greatly indebted to her.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Who knows, CD57, what the real financial arrangements are. We never will. Let's see if *anybody* else who uses Phoiph's protocol reports remission.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Oh, and those who don't, should post. Nobody should be shy about mixed or negative results. We should know who has bought an mhbot since Phoiph has posted, what their protocol is, and their results. There should be a thread where people can assess. No?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
We haven't heard from TNT in a while. I wonder how the mHBOT treatments are going. Are you out there TNT?
Posted by lemongirl (Member # 42208) on :
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Is it normal to have an irregular heartbeat during and after decompression? Ive never experienced a symptom like this before. I do have a pounding heart which comes and goes for the last 6 months now.

But just today i noticed the irregularity on decompression. My heart seems to stall for a second or so, and it feels a bit funny inside my chest (hard to explain). After this it continues normally.

It kept repeating a few times, and now 15mins after decompression i dont notice it any more. Any thoughts?

Note; in the last few days ive started to focus more on a possible systemic candida. Perhaps that could be related? Oil of Oregano, gluten free diet, lowered carb intake.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Strange, just now it happened again a few times. Seems to be triggered when im moving. While im sitting still my heart is ok. So perhaps it is not related to the mhbot decompression?

So could it be the candida then?
Oh yeah, also started taking SF722 3 days a go.

Another sidenote; in the last days ive also experienced more joint crackling/pain and dizziness.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
I did take a sauna earlier today, about 2 hours before the mHBOT session. Could that together with the altered diet result in shortage of electrolytes?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi S13...

I'm not sure if it is the same in the Netherlands where you live, but here a doctors prescription is required to buy a new or used chamber/oxygen concentrator from a I'm assuming you were medically cleared for mHBOT...

That said, I doubt it is related to hyperbaric itself. I think it is more likely related to the it can definitely deplete minerals and electrolytes.

I also don't recommend doing both the chamber and sauna therapies concurrently, especially when just starting treatment. It is a lot for the body to handle, even for a person who is well.

At the very least, consider lengthening the intervals between the 2 treatments as much as possible (without cutting back on your daily mHBOT [Smile] ...

[ 01-31-2014, 01:08 AM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Hi phoiph,

no, we dont need a doctors prescription for mhbot here. There is no regulation for it because it is not used that much.
But then again, i should be medically fine, since all doctors in the last year couldnt find anything wrong with me. So medically speaking im "healty".

Yeah i also doubt it was the mHBOT. I have read that candida can mess with your heart, which may be why i have had a pounding heart for almost 6 months now.

What is your opinion on mHBOT and candida? Some say the oxygen can cause candida to thrive?
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
S13 I felt the deep dive was fairly suppressive to candida which rebounded badly when I stopped; while the mhbot promoted the candida if I did it daily. Just fyi.

Also--you really should ask a doctor to check the heart and do a holter monitor. Asking someone online in another country if they think the mhbot is responsible for heart issues, isn't the best idea--not for you or for the person answering. They have no idea.

Best of luck.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I agree that if you haven't been checked out or cleared for mHBOT, you should be...

My experience with candida was like all the other opportunistic infections I harbored; it faded over time as my immune system strengthened, and eventually became a non issue...
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
So what kind of checks would they need to do? What is the criteria your doc uses to grant mhbot prescriptions?

Im in a difficult part of my treatment i guess. Treating for bartonella is clearly showing improvement in neurological functions, so i wish very much to continue with the rifampin. But that also means yeast is allowed to endure...
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
For regular HBOT the doctor required a chest X-ray, don't know if necessary for MBOT or not.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
There are absolute contraindications and relative contraindications. The chest x-ray is to be sure you don't have pneumothorax I'm pretty sure--you can't pressurize the lungs then. You shouldn't do either one when you have a bad cold or sinus infection as you won't be able to equalize the ears. If you already have cataracts they can ripen faster with hbot, so that would be a relative contraindication (patient and doctor would decide). It would be wise to be seeing a doc knowledgeable in hbot to at least consult with over this, although mhbot is a relatively safe "treatment".
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Oh, and you shouldn't do it right after a tooth filling, you're supposed to wait at least some days, I can't remember how many (that would be deep dive. Not sure if it matters with mhbot). The filling has to settle properly I think.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Ok i should be good to go then. No probs with lungs, and my eyes are examined each 6 months.

Today i didnt notice the heart irregularity, but i also didnt took the sauna. So it could be electrolyte shortage due to the sauna / candida diet and an already stressed heart from the infections.
Posted by BBinme (Member # 34131) on :
S13 and lemongirl, I wonder if you could tell us details about your journey so far with mhbot? How long you've been doing it? How you have felt while doing it? Hers reactions. And how you are now? Has it helped? Thank you for elaborating
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Im only up to 25 dives, so i have just started. While i generally feel im moving in the right direction, ive also started to attack candida with some natural supplements a little over 10 days back. That is giving me a worsening of symptoms now.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I used to have horrible vertigo--would HBOT bring that back?

Do people do HBOT while still on meds, or do you have to be off of meds first?
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
I believe that HBOT is more effective when done with antibiotics if you have decided to be on antibiotics. Just an opinion.
Posted by BBinme (Member # 34131) on :
S13, are you also on antibiotics or any other treatment for Lyme/confections??
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Yeah im still on antibiotics for Bartonella. Mino and Rifampin.
I know that doesnt help the candida at all, but im making progress. Some bartonella symptoms are close to resolving, and my Giemsa bloodstain show less and less bacteria adhering to my RBC's. So im going to continue with bart treatment for at least 3 more months, and then see if i can quit abx all together.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I had to quit all antibiotics (pulled my pic line) and formal treatment (except homeopathy) 5 years prior to starting mHBOT due to increasing toxicity, chemical/environmental sensitivity, gut issues, etc. (in essence, I became too ill to continue treatments).

In my case, even though I didn't have a choice, I believe doing mHBOT without antibiotics ended up working to my advantage, as I wasn't continually taking in more substances that required detox.

This is my experience only...others may differ...

[ 10-05-2015, 05:28 PM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by BBinme (Member # 34131) on :
S13, how long have you been on mino and rifampin? I believe I also have bartonella, I'm taking septra and zithro currently, I was unable to tolerate rifampin. Also what supplements are you taking for yeast? Think I have issues with it also..
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Im doing rifampin for 3 months now. The Septra and zithro never worked that great for my Bart (but at that time i also had babs). Rifampin and Levo were the only ones to touch it.

My yeast protocol now consists of:
- Diet (Phoiph has also been very helpful with this and provided some good tips and recipes!)
- Lots of coconut oil
- SF722, 15 caps/day divided in 3 doses
- Lufenuron
- Phellostatin (berberine containing supp)
- Tinospora cordifolia (berberine containing supp)
- Probiotics, VSL3 and Theralac
- Kefir
- Oregano oil
- Now Candida Support

In a few days i will start fluconazole. I will then stop with the berberine herbs, and possibly start with a pure form of berberine. (perhaps the tinospora will be left in, because it has liver regenerative properties, which will be very helpful with the fluconazole and rifampin)
The lufenuron was a bit of a gamble, but did point me in the right direction of candida. I dont think it can cure a systemic candida infection however.

I think when i started doing mHBOT i already had small increase in candida symptoms. Perhaps it is able to deteriorate the candida biofilm? I dont think mHBOT kills the candida though.

[ 02-04-2014, 06:41 AM: Message edited by: S13 ]
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
I doubt mhbot "deteriorates" biofilms...
Can you tell me how you did with the lufeneron? I've heard very few reports from actual users. Thanks a lot.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Well, at least I didnt die, so thats nice [Wink]

I did get more fatigue and a bit of an emotional/depression kind of herx. After the first dose my leg muscles which normally feel "toxic" fatigued, all of a sudden felt calm and relaxed. I hadnt had that feeling for a long time. But after the 2nd dose (and especially now that im throwing everything i can at it) the toxic/fatigued feeling became worse than ever before.

I find vitamin C to help a lot with the emotional/depression part.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Hmmm. I had read it stays in your system for weeks, though. Well at least you didn't have a weeks long horrible reaction. I'd try it but am afraid of the length of time it sticks around.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Yes it is supposed to stay in your system for a few weeks. But even Sarah Vaughter states:
"More serious semi-systemic Candidiases may need multiple treatments and are at least temporarily improved"

Temporary improvement is not a cure. But in my opinion it is always good to attack from different angles at the same time.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on : asked, "...What is your opinion on mHBOT and candida? Some say the oxygen can cause candida to thrive?..."

Here's a quote from "The Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine"; K.K.Jain regarding Candida Albicans and HBO:

"...Effect of HBO treatment and antifungal agents on Candida albicans has been examined in vitro. There was no response to increased atmospheric pressure alone, but addition of 100% oxygen under pressure led to growth inhibition of p02 of 900mmHG and killing of organisms at a pO2 value of 1800 mmHg. Clinical use of HBO for this infection and a study of the interaction of HBO with antifungal agents has been suggested by but not tested clinically..."

So...even though the oxygen saturation levels shown to inhibit or kill candida in this study are higher than those reached by use of ordinary mHBOT or HBOT therapy in vivo, the study at least suggests that candida is not promoted by these therapies either...

The text also mentions that HBO improves the immune mechanism of the body, including phagocytosis (which is necessary for the body to manage candida and other infections)...

It also assists in detoxing the byproducts...
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
So how many ATA does a pO2 of 900mmHG correspond to?
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Ah wait I found this:


So 1.3ATA = 840mmHg paO2

So to get to 1800mmHg killing levels, you need at least 2.5ATA.
For 900mmHg inhibition levels you need 1.375ATA. That is actually not that far from 1.3ATA mHBOT. I would assume that even if it is not inhibiting candida at 1.3ATA, it would at least slow down the growth.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Actually, there are a couple of other factors that affect amount of 02 that ultimately dissolves into the tissues...

To use a quote from the Austin study:

"...if the patient were placed in a hyperbaric chamber and the pressure increased to 2.36 atmospheres, absolute (ata), the total barometric pressure would be 1794 mm Hg. If the patient were then to breathe pure oxygen the inspired partial pressure of oxygen would be 1794 mm Hg. Inspired oxygen is diluted by carbon dioxide and water vapor in the alveoli, so that the arterial blood would be exposed to an oxygen partial pressure of approximately 1700-mm Hg, and the tissue oxygen would be between 200 and 300 mm Hg...

Also, with mHBOT using a 10LPM 20PSI 02 concentrator, you will be breathing approximately +60% oxygen, rather than 100% as in the above reference...

That said, at least it wouldn't be likely increase growth, and the increased efficiency of the immune system would have a positive effect...

As I mentioned, in my case, candida became a non-issue as I became well with mHBOT...
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
I have not done any other research but the Lyme MD posted this on July 22, 2013. He was talking about biofilms and hyperbaric.

"Hyperbaric therapy, in addition to producing reactive oxygen species, also produces reactive nitrogen species. One of these products is nitric oxide.

The effects of this compound are complex and protean with literature that goes on forever. But one demonstrated effect is the dispersal of biofilms. This may be of additional benefit."

So, maybe it has an effect on biofilms. If it truly does, then hbot may dissolve the biofilm and allow the medicine to get to it. Wouldn't that be awesome.

Another thought is that mhbot works on many, many levels. Maybe its mechanism isn't killing like antibiotics or antimicrobials.

Maybe, its mechanism is supporting and healing the body. Keeping the detox pathways open etc.

As a result, the body does not have to work on repairing etc. and has the resources to actually attack.

Just a thought.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Agreed, Soccermama!

Although mHBOT is also antimicrobial, healing is about so much more than just "killing bugs"...

In my opinion/experience, doing consistent mHBOT over time is what allows these multi-level healing/repair processes to take place...
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
It may promote candida simply the way antibiotics do, by killing off competitors. In this case, all the anaerobes, and possibly at higher pressures in clinics, some of the microaerophilic ones.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
The difference being that antibiotics and hypoxia suppress the immune system, whereas HBO improves it, and good immune function is necessary to keep opportunistic organisms in check.

Probiotic supplements and a diet that includes probiotic-rich fermented foods are also important...
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Phoiph, after I finished doing two months of deep dive I had a terrible candida flare, with frequent diarrhea on eating any carbs. It was very unpleasant.

During the deep dive, I didn't have it.

I found that if I tried to do mild hbot daily, I got what felt like yeast symptoms--chills, itchy, fluey and did not feel good. Can't prove it was yeast though because I quickly dropped it to twice a week. Wasn't going to continue with whatever flare it was causing, which did not feel like lyme herxes at all.

That's my experience, and I always did probiotics. If people are experiencing candida flares during hbot, then that's what they are experiencing. There are always side effects to every treatment.

My point was not that they are one and the same (antibiotics). My point was that you are doing something artificial, especially with deep dive (which is what you cited from hyperbaric medicine in regards to candida growth) that will alter your flora. Deep dive definitely kills off anaerobes. Mild, maybe, who knows.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Hyperbaric is very useful. It is a great adjunctive therapy. It is not for everybody. It is not a panacea. It is not an unalloyed good. It is not without side effects.
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :
This has been a very informative thread--and am watching the "Calling all Mild Hyperbaric users" thread as well.

Am considering this treatment. (Phoiph, if you are around, I just sent you a PM.)
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by soccermama:
I have not done any other research but the Lyme MD posted this on July 22, 2013. He was talking about biofilms and hyperbaric.

"Hyperbaric therapy, in addition to producing reactive oxygen species, also produces reactive nitrogen species. One of these products is nitric oxide.

The effects of this compound are complex and protean with literature that goes on forever. But one demonstrated effect is the dispersal of biofilms. This may be of additional benefit."

So, maybe it has an effect on biofilms. If it truly does, then hbot may dissolve the biofilm and allow the medicine to get to it. Wouldn't that be awesome.

Another thought is that mhbot works on many, many levels. Maybe its mechanism isn't killing like antibiotics or antimicrobials.

Maybe, its mechanism is supporting and healing the body. Keeping the detox pathways open etc.

As a result, the body does not have to work on repairing etc. and has the resources to actually attack.

Just a thought.


Will W. (the cytologist who has recently started posting) shared a technical article with me on how LOW oxygen keeps antibiotics (and possibly the immune system) from penetrating biofilms:
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Great link. I had to read it several times but I think it validates what Lyme MD has said.

That is great because biofilms are a huge problem.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
I wonder if HBOT primarily hits the CWD form of Bb which maybe actually the hardest form to rid.

I also suspect barometric *pressure changes* (the aches and pains many of us old folks experience when a storm is approaching) may also impact some pathogens...setting up a "herx"/ inflammatory response as a *result of* the die-off.

It might not be a good idea to go scuba diving if you have lyme.

Persons who live at higher altitudes (less oxygen) sometimes have a tougher time if they have lyme, others do not.

Here is one link:

Going way back...a long time ago we talked about patients with "arthritis" going into deep caves for relief i.e., radon exposure!

Go here and scroll down to conclusion:

There are various areas around the country that have these supposedly "healing caves", here's one:

Then there is a "flip side" i.e., healing warm mineral springs.

One of the best in the world is near me, but is closed because the city and county both own it and they can't agree on what to do with it. For shame on them!!!

It is called Warm Mineral Springs in Venice, Florida. It is on YouTube (videos when it was open a year ago).

All I can say is after a few hours floating in that mineral rich sink hole = feel FANTASTIC and you don't want to wash off your skin, it feels like a baby's skin.

Our guests (all ages) LOVED to go there!

Back to HBOT! Sorry...I have a tendency to go off track ;-)

HBOT is normally only "approved" (insurance covered) for treating "the bends" (scuba divers coming up too fast) and for gas gangrene (skin dying).

HBOT is also a treatment for clostridial myositis.

Clostridia ***lack superoxide dismutase***, making them incapable of surviving in the oxygen-rich environment created within a hyperbaric chamber. This inhibits clostridial growth, exotoxin production, and exotoxin binding to host tissues.

In horses, that infection can follow *IM injections* of...Ivermectin ( antiparasitic) and it is fatal.

That same drug is "Heartguard" for our dogs to prevent heartworms.

Which makes me HBOT clearing some of Bb's foot soldiers...compatriots? Making it easier to rid #1?

Bottom line: HBOT maybe working on multiple levels from different aspects than we are currently aware of.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Did/does anyone use a cyst buster like Flagyl or Tindamax while doing any form of oxygen treatment. Any thoughts on this?
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Ouch, again having problems with my heart. It skips and i get that butterfly feeling in my stomach for just a second or so.

Last time i got it after i had taken a sauna and was doing mHBOT decompression. But this time it had nothing to do with that at all! I havent taken a sauna since, i make sure i stay hydrated, and my electrolytes should be fine too. I still need to do mhbot in a few hours.

3 days a go I started diflucan which gave me a worsening of some symptoms (especially today i feel like cr*p). So having this heart problem now also, makes me think it is caused by a candida (die-off) toxin.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Marnie, interesting thoughts. We could use your research techniques in this area.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Originally posted by JCarlhelp:
Did/does anyone use a cyst buster like Flagyl or Tindamax while doing any form of oxygen treatment. Any thoughts on this?

I'm currently using Tindamax with mHBOT. I'd love to try out Will's protocol with mHBOT though I don't know how I'll be able to convince my doc to prescribe so many antibiotics at once.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Here is a testimonial from Sara's Garden near Toledo, Ohio. The clinic is non-profit. I am not sure how much treatments cost but the mission is to provide HBOT affordably.

There are two multi-chambers and it is not mhbot.

Anyone in the northern Ohio area should check out this clinic.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
I sold my Integra Sequal (to a guy who needs it for his Cpap).
I am hearing that they are out of business, and that the quality of the build of the Sequal is way better than the AirSep Intensity 10, which is what is available now. I was told by one guy that you should set it at 8, not 10, as it can't handle the chamber pressure. I was told by another guy that if you set it less than 10 you won't get a therapeutic session.
Phoiph and others what do you hear. They arent making Sequal anymore, because AirSep bought them out and does not want to make two. I was also told the way the Sequal was built is too expensive for this day and age, not enough profit.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I am aware that Sequal was bought out by Air Sep, and the Sequal Integra 10 has been discontinued.

I have both an Air Sep 10 New Life Intensity and a Sequal 10 Integra.

I greatly prefer the the Air Sep New Life Intensity to the Sequal Integra, because although they both offer 10 LPM air flow (liters per minute), the Air Sep has a PSI (pounds per square inch) of 20, whereas the Sequal has a PSI of 7.5.

I was advised that the Sequal should be set at 10 LPM oxygen flow prior to inflating the chamber, and then left at this setting even if the LPM drops due to the backpressure of the chamber as it fills. If the oxygen flow is set too high on this unit when using it with a hyperbaric chamber, it has to work too hard to compensate for the backflow, and the oxygen purity will decrease as a result.

An Airsep should be set no higher than 8.5 LPM when using a chamber, otherwise the backpressure will cause it to go into an oxygen "on demand" mode.

I recently had a Sequal serviced, and asked the opinion of a respiratory therapist there who owns the shop...he agreed that the Air Sep is a superior unit.

I have a source for the Airsep 10 New Life Intensity ...$1350 new, free shipping...this is the best price I have come across.

[ 05-02-2014, 03:09 AM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Vitality Medical offers the AirSep Intensity 10 with digital oxygen monitor for $1335 plus $15 shipping in USA. They are in Utah. No need to be secretive about the source, Phoiph.

I heard just the opposite. Sequal is better built and doesn't heat up nearly as much. But it's too expensive to do those quality builds these days.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Phoiph, you had "a" Sequal serviced, or "your" Sequal serviced. Are you stocking up on used concentrator to sell with your discount package?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

FYI, I had "a" Sequal (not mine) serviced as a favor for someone who was too ill to lift and transport it themselves...

Your ongoing accusations are unfounded. As I have explained to you, I do not sell chambers, concentrators, or "packages". I OFFERED YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO VERIFY THIS, BUT YOU REFUSED...

These negative exchanges are inappropriate and not helpful for anyone on the forum...
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Agree, I believe a moderator stated earlier that their is no indication that anyone is attempting to profit from this thread. I am more interested in getting my family better and we need data from users attempting MBOT as enough time is given.
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
I have a friend from many years ago that recovered from lyme with a home hyperbaric unit. At that time the idea of paying well over 10,000.00 just to see if I could replicate his results seemed unrealistic.

I should say I participated in one of Fife's studies at TAMU and felt an oxygen buzz for a few hours after each treatment and my bloodwork came back better. It was a CFS study and not a lyme study as I was misdiagnosed at the time. So the whole idea of having access to a more affordable used unit to use every day has my interest.

With that being said it's geting very tiring to see Oxy constantly attacking Phoiph at every twist and turn. I was glad you made your point Oxy at first that your results were not the same as Phoiph as we need to hear both sides of the story. At this point you have taken it way beyond that.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Maybe I'll turn out to be right.
At this point, I guess I'll have to go investigate, which is not hard for me to do. I've let sleeping dogs lie until now.
Engaging with Phoiph directly will prove nothing to me (she wanted me to contact her by PM because she said some folks might buy my concentrator, and I said she could have them contact me directly, not surprising that nobody did.)

My original point here is that the Sequal is a better machine, it's sad that it isn't being made anymore.

I also have given everybody, rather than saying "I have a source" which requires them to contact me privately!! for the best price (which makes me wonder, and this should not be an attack, but it makes me wonder about comissions from this source, or otherwise, just list the source!) the best price in USA, and any of you can just buy it directly from Vitality Medical. I have no problem being transparent, rather than an unnamed "source". I also know where you can get reconditioned Sequal for $650 and a two year warranty with free shipping both ways if it needs repairs (according to a doctor friend of mine). If anybody is interested, I'll post the source HERE, openly.

How is that not helpful, and open, and transparent? Why claim a source, but you have to contact me by PM!?!?!
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
I can honestly say I talked with a seller yesterday and he said go with Air Sep over Sequal. So it's okay if you prefer Sequal there is no need for anyone to be "right" or "wrong".

As far as Phoiph asking to pm you over a business transaction, I would have done the same thing. I don't want to read all the details of someone selling something on lymenet nor do most. I would have been grateful if someone offered to help me out and would have happily used pm to discuss things nobody is interested in reading on a public board.

I inquired with Phoip about a used chamber and the only thing she has access to at the moment are small chambers so she offered to help me look at the private market such as craigslist if I was too sick to research it on my own. I as well as most of the other posters on this thread don't consider her to be the shady person you imply she is.
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
My understanding, from having communicated with Phoiph, is that she is not selling anything. Everyone knows that rule here and needs to abide by it on this site.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Yikes, O2 babe! what is the deal with your posts re Phoiph??

Forgive me, but you sound a bit paranoid. Phoiph has freely provided her time and guidance to any of us who are interested. We have said this several times on this thread. You act as though she is hawking suspicious snake oil, when in fact she is not hawking I understand it, she was very ill and wants to share her story in the spirit of paying it forward. Oy!

Don't mean to attack *you* but I am getting tired of this....some of us need to gather all the info we can when we are ill, to make our own treatment decisions. The LLMDs just dont have all the answers. This is the frontier of mHBOT home use chambers, there really isn't data out there about anyone else having done it ... consistently and for a long time.
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
Yikes is right! Enough O2 babe. You are not protecting me by asking Phoiph those deep, inquiring questions, you are just being accusatory and annoying. We are all grown ups here and capable of coming to our own conclusions. I'm looking for useful information and I don't give two sh!#ts whether Phoiph is selling chambers or not. It's not yours or anyone's business what she does. I have found Phoiph to be nothing but helpful, resourceful and caring. I would appreciate it if you would stop this nonsense, it is very unproductive.
Posted by Catgirl (Member # 31149) on :
I'm so bummed. I wanted to try this but my lyme specialist shot it down. He said that oxygen is bad for babesia (makes it grow). He also said that HBOT works for people who just have lyme, but not so well for people who have co infections.

But he did tell me that it does other things that are beneficial. So maybe it boosts the immune system into gear so people can fight what's making them sick. Clearly Phioph has had success with it.

He also told me that he has seen people who tried it and were told to ride the herx (keep going), but it just made them worse (maybe they did it too high--not sure?). He also didn't recommend doing mild HBOT. :(
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Catgirl...

I had severe babesia and bartonella.

Here is a quote from LymeMD in response to a question posted on his blog about Babesia and hyperbaric:

"Jeera" said...
"...Great to know mild hyper chambers work too, but I am concerned about co infection, are not they will thrive in oxygen rich body? babesia, bart?

Couple of patients report of babesia , bart symptoms increased, pre hyperchamber babesia negative, but post hbot babesia positive and severe fatigue and pain in legs...

I am anxious to know your views on these..."

October 29, 2013 at 4:32 PM

Lyme report: Montgomery County, MD said...
"...I know this answer is a bit long-winded. This question keeps coming up over and over again. I do not know here this myth came from. But is absolutely false. I fear it may be keeping a lot of patients away from a treatment which might be very helpful.

If this were true nobody would get better since virtually every Lyme patient has co-infections. People do Herx with HBOT so getting worse for a while is part of the process.

Oxygen does not act like a fertilizer to promote the growth of various aerobic pathogens/parasites.

What is important to hear is that HBOT creates a milieu of: a natural antibiotic, decreased swelling, improved immune function overall, healing of diseased tissues, increased glutathione and improved mitochondrial function.

HBOT is used to heal severe non-healing wounds in diabetics, patients with gangrene and other non-healing surgical wounds. All of these infections have a combination of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. The treatment kills both. And very importantly, HBOT helps break down biofilms..."

[ 02-16-2014, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Oxygenbabe, I deleted your most recent post for the following reason: you can post what you know here, but you are not allowed to harass another poster here, namely Phoiph.

Lymenet is a place where everyone discusses care options and we need to keep that conversation civil and considerate. Please help us keep it that way.

You're welcome to pm me if you want to discuss further.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Just to clarify...

I do post models, brands, and manufacturers names, but I don't usually name specific vendors on the public forum unless someone PM's which case I give them all the resources/contact information I currently have access to.

There are several reasons for this...First of all, sometimes that would involve posting names of private sellers, reps, etc., and I don't post personal information.

Second, some of that information changes over time, and I don't want people referring to a post that is obsolete later other words, I may currently have found a better resource.

I also try to make any connections I can with vendors, NOT for commissions or personal gain, but because the greater the number of people I refer to them, the better the chances that they will work with me to offer a better discount to the people I refer, and ultimately, this furthers the mission of the hyperbaric project...which is to help people access mHBOT more affordably...
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
I have a friend with lyme who also has chemical sensitivity to a lot of things. She wants to use my chamber but the overwhelming smell of plastic makes her ill. Any suggestions?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Toni...

I was also chemically sensitive when starting mHBOT, and "off gassed" my chamber and mask for a time period before using it, by letting it sit in a well ventilated room for a several days.

It is less of an issue for most people when you are actually using the chamber, as you are breathing 02 through the mask, and fresh air is being circulated through the chamber.

However, I have heard of people with severe MCS using custom masks made of alternative materials such as stainless steel.

Although I haven't needed to try this, a solution was recommended to me by the manufacturer that can be used on a chamber to reduce the smell:

1. Sponge wash bladder (vinyl portion) of chamber with a diluted detergent like "Mean Green" or "Simple Green"

2. Sponge rinse THOROUGHLY with water

3. Let dry

4. Sponge wash with white vinegar

5. Sponge rinse THOUROUGHLY with water

6. Dry w/lint free cloth

As I began to get well with mHBOT, the chemical sensitivity symptoms faded away and became a non issue. I don't have it anymore.

Of course, as always, your friend should be cleared for mHBOT and 02 by a physician, and have a prescription for both before starting mHBOT...
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
There is an environmental health clinic in Texas (can't remember the name off-hand) that sells ceramic masks for use with oxygen concentrators, and also tubes that, while plastic, are better than some other plastics, designed for those with MCS.
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
Does anyone use their O2 concentrator for O2 therapy other than using it while in the chamber? I wonder if it would help my daughter's fatigue. I'm not asking for medical advice, just if anyone has found O2 therapy helpful.
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
Before I knew I had lyme, I used one for 2 hrs/day at 5-6 liters/minute for 4 months or so, and it was indeed helpful. Not absolutely amazing zowee, but helpful. It did improve energy. It improved oxygenation in the blood, and that is a good thing. Perhaps it was contributing to bug killing on a very low level. It did reach the limit where it was no longer helpful.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Just to were using an oxygen concentrator alone, without a hyperbaric chamber, is that correct?
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:

Just to were using an oxygen concentrator alone, without a hyperbaric chamber, is that correct?

That's correct.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Good to know Michael, thanks.
Posted by BBinme (Member # 34131) on :
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Here's the latest post on Babesia and mHBOT by LymeMD:
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
How is everyone doing? Please keep us posted. I am grateful that the LymeMD keeps posting about his use of mHBOT.

I want to see if Phoiph's results can be replicated.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
"this is not true" as regards about that!
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
Update: My 19 year old daughter just completed her 30th dive in our Respiro 270. She dives 5 days a week with 2 days off. She is in college 25 minutes away so this schedule is the best we can do for now.

She is also taking ASEA. I just got a text from her and she is herxing big time. Lots of very bad symptoms. Back spasms, nausea, worse fatigue than usual, headache, painful sensitive skin...

She is very toxic and won't agree to colonics so after talking online to my support group, I will be starting her on Sonne's #7 and organic psyllium husks to help detoxify her. This combo is suppose to be the next best thing to a colonic.

Many of them mentioned that Welchol has helped them detox but that is a prescription item and I'm not sure her doc will write it. Since moving to Colorado we do not have a LLMD, just a primary care doc who is lyme illiterate.

Mon and Tue are her days off from hyperbaric so hopefully she'll get through this and dive on Wed.

I'll keep you all updated. Toni L.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
What about alkaseltzer gold or finding complimentary doc for glutathione or oral redi-sorb glutathione
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
I'm not familiar with alkaseltzer gold or what it does. Please explain.

She does take glutathione and the ASEA she takes increases your own glutathione by 500%.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
would she agree to do a coffee enema? this would help big time as well. kind of a pain to do, but worth it.

is she taking abx?
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Dr. H. gave his treatment for a herxheimer reaction at the 2010 lyme conference.

I thought it might come in handy for those of you who have never heard of it.

Here it is:

Herxheimer reaction (from 2010 Lyme Conference):


It does NOT matter what antibiotic you give people, they will NOT get better without detoxification

For Herxheimer reactions:

2 Alka-Selzer Gold (no aluminum) in 8 ounces of water with lemon or lime followed by 6-8 capsules of glutathione or 1500 mg or oral liposomal glutathione.

70% will feel better in hours

On the topic of water: Dilution is the solution to pollution. This suggests that in order to help our bodies detoxify, we must drink more water conference-takeaways
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
Thank you for your input. We'll try the alka seltzer and glutathione. Coffee enemas are a no go. Does anyone else get fevers while herxing?
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
Tried the alka seltzer and glutathione. She is on her third day of 103 fever and is absolutely miserable. Fever has never been one of her herxing symptoms. ?
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :
just want to chime in and let you know that we are beginning mild HBOT today at home with a rented chamber. My 24yr old son and I will be using it.

He has been sick since age six, dx at 10 with Lyme, and later with Bart and Babs and has been in treatment since. We've been seeing one of the top LLMDs for several years with some improvements but then relapses. We've tried many modalities except the oxidative therapies.

He has had a continual headache for 12 years which has been resistant to any treatment. Lately, his herxes are so intense that we're giving abx a break.

I also have Lyme and Babs and Lyme-induced RA, and am doing fair on mino and herbals but will be treating myself as well.

I will check in frequently and am hopeful about this modality but know it will take time and commitment. Thanks to everyone who is participating here.
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :
Hi Toni,
Sorry to hear that your daughter is having such a rough time! I would think that having that high a fever for three days might indicate a viral infection, although it is possible to have some fever with herxing, I think--but that sounds unusual to me.

You didn't mention if she has co-infections? My son has experienced fevers immediately after treating aggressively for Babs--don't know if it's been documented much, but it seems to have happened with him.

Whether viral, bacterial or a herx, I would take it easy for a few days and if the detox remedies aren't working she may just need to rest and get plenty of liquids. Hope this passes soon--keep us posted.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I just emailed you...

I don't believe this is a "herx", and think she should go to urgent care to be checked out just as a precaution.

With the high fever, headache, and the fact that she's in college, they may screen her for spinal meningitis, just to be on the safe side.

I know that as my immune system came back "on line" from mHBOT, I had a few flu/colds from hell...which is actually a good sign, but think in this case it should be checked out regardless...
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :
good to be safe!
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
Her fever has not stayed at 103 but it fluctuates up and down. Today it has not gone above 100, BUT her normal temp is 97.4 so it's still up there. She took some advil and tylenol and it's at 98.1 now. I'm waiting for a call from her dr.'s office, which will most definitely be a nurse. They know nothing about lyme, herxing, detoxing or anything concerning chronic illness.

She had the meningitis vaccine when she moved into the dorm but that is still a concern.

I did some research into "herx and fevers" and some people to get fevers when they herx. It's all a bit disconcerting and I'm a wreck waiting for the nurse to call.

Thank you for your input and support. My hope is she comes out of this a little better than when it started (Monday morning).
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
Went to the doc yesterday and he doesn't know why she has a fever other than it's viral or an infection. They are doing CBC and urine and a mono test.

Today she hasn't had a fever but she is sweating a lot. I don't understand that. She drinks lots of good water. Everyday I give her some detox supplements but she's always queasy so it's hard to take sometimes.

I haven't seen her this sick in a while and this kid has been through hell. I really hope she doesn't have mono on top of lyme.
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :

I think it's could she's sweating.

I do so when I'm really sick, and my body is finally kicking in to fight.

It's killing microbes, taking toxins, and kicking butt.

Keep her hydrated.

Hang on, it should be over soon-
Posted by 2roads (Member # 4409) on :
"good" not could........ugh
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
Thank you so much for your support through this rough patch. Olivia's blood work is back and she has Mono. Fatigue on top of fatigue. This kid can't catch a break.

We had to stop mHBOT until she feels better. I suppose you lose progress you made when you stop. This is the second time she's had to take a break from it due to illness.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Oh my gosh Toni! that is just awful. Mono is EBV I think.

On the bright side, perhaps it is a good sign that she is getting the mono, as it means her system may have been buoyed by the mHBOT enough to mount a response to this virus? Kind of like IRIS in AIDS patients when they are on road to recovery?

Please keep us posted. Phoiph will hopefully stop by with some good info.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Toni and I have been in touch...

Toni's daughter will continue using mHBOT, as it has antiviral properties and increases white blood cell production to assist the immune system in fighting the virus.

I had a raised EBV titer (activated EBV) when I started mHBOT also...many people who are very ill with Lyme do.

Up to 95% of the general population carries EBV, which usually lies dormant, but can become activated when the immune system becomes compromised by Lyme or other chronic illness.

There is also some suggestion that EBV might work synergistically with Borellia...
Posted by Brian (Member # 43432) on :
Hello all,

Thank you to everyone here for posting their experiences with mHBOT. I am considering one for the home and was brought here via a google search for answers. This thread has been enlightening to say the least.

I noticed that the Vitaeris is popular with folks... I was wondering if anyone has used one of the Healing Dives versions or worked with the company before.

Thanks and I wish you all well.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Brian...

The company you mention has had issues which you can google:

I favor Oxyhealth, because although they may be more expensive, they have been around the longest and have a perfect safety record. Their chambers are also easier to use, as they don't involve buckles.

The Vitaeris is popular because it is the largest chamber, and is often used with children with autism, because an adult can "dive" with the child.

I use the Respiro, which is the middle size. It is a personal choice based on comfort level and cost.

I have also worked out an arrangement with Oxyhealth where I am granted a discount on new and used chambers. I pass a portion on to the buyer, and the rest goes into a fund held by Oxyhealth to be used toward a chamber(s) to be placed in the community (for qualifying persons who can't afford treatment to be used on a donation basis...donations to go toward rental of space and repairs). It is a win-win situation.

I am not a sales rep, nor do I sell chambers or concentrators, and I do not take commissions. I do, however, help people find creative ways to access chambers through cooperative use and/or financing. The above is only one option, there are others to consider.

I do this because I became well via mHBOT, and feel it is a underutilized and misunderstood treatment option.

You can PM me for more info if you like...
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
that is great re Toni's daughter Phoiph, thanks for the info! I hope she gets it under control very soon.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
I am going to confirm this in writing, but I spoke with Oxyhealth twice in the last month. Nobody there knows anything about this. Those who would know said there is no such thing.

In regards to: "I have also worked out an arrangement with Oxyhealth where I am granted a discount on new and used chambers. I pass a portion on to the buyer, and the rest goes into a fund held by Oxyhealth to be used toward a chamber(s) to be placed in the community (for qualifying persons who can't afford treatment to be used on a donation basis...donations to go toward rental of space and repairs). It is a win-win situation."

They said they don't have such a fund, and that it would not be legal anyway (to grant one person a discount, and use half the discount for a fund--for whom? and how do they "qualify"). But I will follow up on this in writing.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
O2 babe.....PUH-LEASE don't start again......
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Earlier in this thread, I offered you a chance to PM me, so I could give you the rep's name at Oxyhealth that I have the agreement with, so you could confirm the arrangement and put your suspicions to rest.

You refused.
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
This discount arrangement with Oxyhealth is true and I personally utilized it.

I received a discount on my chamber of which a portion was set aside in a fund for future use to put a chamber in a needy community.

I have a respiro. And I make my final payment on it tomorrow.

I think it is one of the best things I have done to help me recover from chronic lyme. You could not get me to return that chamber at this point.

I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to purchase it at a discount with the help of Phoiph.
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :
glad to hear that you are happy with your chamber. I saw your post from February on your progress in another thread. If you feel like it, I (and I'm sure others) would love to hear your update. So glad that you are seeing progress!

I, also, want to say that Phoiph has been instrumental in helping us get set up with a chamber. Even though we didn't end up getting it through her, she is continually supportive in helping us figure out logistics--I appreciate her ongoing help very much.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Sorry, but I will have to confirm it in writing from Oxyhealth. That's fair.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
I too received a substantial discount from Oxyhealth as a direct result of Phoiph. Mbdq, can you please tell me where I can read more about your story here on Lymenet?

I just received both my Chamber from Oxyhealth, and my concentrator via another company a little over a week ago. Phoiph, has also helped me every step of the way (IE), everytime I have a question or concern(-: I will try to keep you guys updated on my progress every couple weeks.

After completing "Seven Dives", varying in duration from 1 hour, to 30 minutes I have experienced some "Flares or Herxeimer", like reactions which are to be expected.

I have decided to cut my dives back to 30 minutes @ five days a week until I can tolerate the "Flares or Herxeimer" reactions.

I purchased a Solace 220 directly from Oxyhealth, and an Airsep concentrator from another party. I'm following for the most part a "Paleo" based diet and drinking lots of water. At present time I am for the most part homebound, only leaving the house when it's absolutely necessary.

[ 03-20-2014, 12:43 AM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
I think it should also be noted that everytime, I have a question or concern Oxyhealth has been very supportive as well.

I really looked around with the help of Phoiph, before ultimately going with the "Solace 220" as previously stated from Oxyhealth.

I learned very fast much like all commerce (IE) prices change regularly, Not all chambers are created equally, and last but not least you get what you pay for just like anything else!

It was really nice to have someone like Phoiph, helping me out on an item which is fairly expensive.

On the days I felt well enough I called various companies, middlemen, etc for information pertaining to chambers. With a little research anyone...even those of us with Lyme induced Encephalitis can see this is a fairly "Large Business".

With the aforementioned being said, I'm not saying someone couldn't possibly be helped using another companies line of I'm sure some have.

I just knew for me personally I felt comfortable knowing the chambers history, warranty info, and how I would ultimately pay for the chamber when the time came.

I also know that each and everytime I have had a question "Post Sale" in regard to my chambers performance Oxyhealth has been more then helpful.

I'm learning as much as about hbot on the days I feel like my "Brain Fogg Engulfed", brain will allow me to. On the days I can't figure things out on my own it's nice to know that I have both Phoiph, and Oxyhealh as resources....oh and Lymenet as well!

[ 03-20-2014, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
O2babe, I appreciate that you continue to share your knowledge and resources with us, but I'm not quite sure why you are so hellbent on vilifying Phoiph. She is not the fraud you are making her out to be.

I am incredibly grateful to Phoiph for all that she has and continues to help me with, and yes that includes a discount on my Oxyhealth Respiro.

We are so lucky here on Lymenet to have people like Phoiph who have recovered and continue to reach out with the goal of helping others.

I know that with my Lyme brain and exhaustion...I'm in horrible condition, I would not have been able to put together the chamber/concentrator if it weren't for Phoiph's support and extremely useful set of directions.

Back on topic, I have completed 38 dives and continue to enjoy little to no muscle/joint/bone pain. No improvements elsewhere, but I am only starting on this journey.

Thank you to everyone who continues to update us on your/your loved one's progress!
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :

How intense was you muscle/joint/ bone pain before MBOT.
Posted by BBinme (Member # 34131) on :
Those of you diving, can we have a update?
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :

My pain was constant, extreme, horrible. On a scale of 1-10 it was always around a 9 or a 10. I had the "fibromyalgia"-like pains, everything ached, felt swollen, my joints, spine, hip pain was extreme. Every time I moved my joints would crack and pop. I started limping because my left hip started giving out on me. It was pain that painkillers and muscle relaxants couldn't touch.

Around 15 dives in (regular HBOT) I realized I had no more pain in these areas. The pain has not returned, as I continue to dive daily with mHBOT.
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :

Another question, if you don't mind, were you taking antibiotics or herbs while doing the regular HBOT, and now with the mHBOT?

Glad to hear of your improvements!
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
levity, yes, on oral antibiotics. I have been on Biaxin + Tindamax the whole time with HBOT and mHBOT.

I would love to be able to get to remission with purely mHBOT treatments like Phoiph did... that way we wouldn't have to play the guessing game ...with so many variables affecting the outcome. Who knows which drugs are helping/hindering progress? But I'm not courageous to drop everything just yet.

An update for you guys. Saw my LLMD yesterday. Babesia is back, tested positive for B. Duncani again. I had previously treated for 9 months on Mepron and Biaxin. Did not have any babesia symptoms for the whole duration of HBOT. After a bout with the flu in January, (what I consider to be) coinfection symptoms flared up again. Air hunger, night sweats, fatigue, headaches, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, spleen pain, liver pain.
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :

oh no...sorry to hear that the Babesia is rearing its head again. My son and I have both relapsed several times with Babs...very tough to get rid of.

We used Cryptolepis and Sida Acuta after months of Malarone. Hang in there and hope you get it under control soon.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
[Smile] Thanks levity!
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Spinning, are you taking any for of glutathione or glutimate or precursor supliments. I think Beau Seiberts article sheds some real important concerns on this.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Right on JCarl... I read through whole thread about glut/glutathione and babesia a few days ago.

Unfortunately, too late... I had been getting IV Glutathione 3x a week for months during HBOT treatment. Have been getting it once a week since [Frown]

I'm curious if others had any Babs flare up after glutathione supplementation. Input?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
HBOT/mHBOT has historically suffered a "bad rap" when it comes to Babesia...(unfounded, based on my research/experience).

Maybe the actual connect is too much concurrent IV glutathione (which could possibly protect Babesia from HBO)...?
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
First of all I am not a doctor and this question and the interpretation of the article should be addressed to your doctor. My son did HBOT last month beginning with improvement but crashed right around the time I.V. Glutathione was introduced. This needs further exploration by lyme literate doctors.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Spinning, were you on babesia treatment during HBOT or MBOT?
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
I was done with my babesia treatment (Mepron+Biaxin) about three months before I started HBOT, so no I was not on any babesia treatment during.

Funny thing, I brought up IV Glut to my doc when I first started it, and he was not in support of it. I'm fuzzy about why he objected... something about how supplementing it naturally protected the bugs, decreased the immune system's own strength to fight off these infections (don't quote me! Lyme brain!) Anyhow, I decided to go ahead with it because so many people were saying that it helped with herxes detox yada yada.

JCarl, so interesting that your son crashed around the time IV Glutathione was introduced. Has he discontinued it? I didn't "Babs-relapse" until after I stopped regular HBOT.

Phoiph, good point regarding hbot+babesia, concurrent IV glut. The question you bring up about it protecting babs is not to far off from what my doc trying to tell me...
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :
could you please point me to 'Beau Seiberts article', that you mention? thanks
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
OK, this is what happens when you try to reply on an Iphone, wasn't trying to make a triple point. I think this is a complex question with the possibility of a number of different conclusions but well worth being aware of.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
One of the ways HBO works to kill pathogens is by "Reactive Oxygen Species" (ROS), also known as "Free Radicals". Our own bodies also produce these free radicals naturally in a defensive response to infection.

Fortunately, it has been shown that our natural antioxidant production also increases when using HBO to protect our cells, thus keeping a balance.

It makes sense in theory that too many supplemental antioxidants (e.g., I.V. Glutathione) may thwart the HBO process by upsetting that balance...causing an abundance of antioxidants that inadvertently protect certain pathogens...
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :
yes, very complex..thanks for the link.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Phoiph et thing I don't get about HBOT...if we are experiencing an abundance of free radicals with this treatment, shouldnt we in theory be taking anti oxidants exactly like glutathione to protect us? At the very least Vitamin E?

We don't hear too much about this. Does Harch or anyone else in the know recommend antioxidants when undergoing HBOT treatment?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The effects of mHBOT on oxidative stress and antioxidant status has been studied by Dr. Rossignol with children with Autism:

"...This prospective open-label pilot study in children with autism indicates, as measured by changes in plasma GSSG, that HBOT ranging from 1.3 to 1.5 atm and 24% to 100% oxygen was not significantly associated with increased intracellular oxidative stress..."

"...A review of the literature indicates that oxidative stress can occur with HBOT but appears to be less of a concern at hyperbaric pressures under 2.0 atm [58]. In fact, with long-term and repeated administration, HBOT below 2.0 atm can actually decrease oxidative stress [59-61] by reducing lipid peroxidation [62], and by up-regulating the activity of antioxidant enzymes including SOD [60,63], glutathione peroxidase [64], catalase [65], and paraoxonase [62,66]. Furthermore, at the pressures examined in this current study (1.3 to 1.5 atm), a search of the literature failed to identify any studies indicating that oxidative stress worsened with HBOT..."

I think it is very important to eat a diet rich in antioxidants, and possibly basic supplements, but am concerned that over-supplementation might counteract the mechanism that HBO uses to kill pathogens...which is, in part, via reactive oxygen species (ROS)/oxidative stress/free radicals. Apparently our bodies are able to compensate by raising natural production of antioxidants to protect our own cells...
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
Great discussion. I put an update of my progress on the other mild hyperbaric thread.
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by JCarlhelp:
OK, this is what happens when you try to reply on an Iphone, wasn't trying to make a triple point.


**** I just deleted NUMEROUS "duplicate posts" .. If you accidentally make a duplicate post, please edit it out.

Click on the "pencil/pad" icon and click "delete" then "edit post."

Thanks.. I think everyone on the thread will appreciate it! ****

(JCarl.. sorry to "single you out".. many here are having the same experience)
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Interesting article on how ten days of mHBOT helped improve brain function for people exposed to mold

Not sure if the results are lasting but it is encouraging. Also, just mHBOT no supplemental oxygen.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Moderators what happened to Lookingforhope's post?
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
CD57, The Powers to be here deleted it! I'm not going to repost here as it simply isn't worth the frustration. I thought this was an open forum conducive to helping one another for altruistic reasons? A simple reply from the moderators here explaining why my post which I was in the process of posting "Part 2", was rejected by the mods here?
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Looking4hope, PLEASE continue your posting on if and how you are improving from mhbot. Many of us (including myself) are watching this thread to see if mhbot is worth the investment.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I had a great visit yesterday from someone from Canada who I had helped get started with mHBOT via phone 1-1/2 years ago. We had not met previously.

She had been very ill with a long history of Lyme and Babesia...homebound...and needed 24 hour supervision at that time.

She has used her chamber daily since then, and considers herself well now.

She brought a friend with her who had been with her throughout her ordeal and subsequent recovery. Fortunately, they both allowed me to do a video recorded interview...
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
The moderators only removed DUPLICATE POSTS. When I posted the above, LN was experiencing problems and things got crazy. That is probably why there were so many duplicates that night.

Feel free to post whatever it was again.

Thank you for eliminnating any duplicates that might occur.
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
I purchased a used Respiro a month ago so I have about 30 dives to give you feedback from. I do thank Phoiph for guiding me thru the purchase even though I did not purchase it from her connections.

As I told Phoiph in an email earlier I remember her saying after she did about 40 dives she considered returning the chamber.

In my case after 20 dives I would have said "over my dead body does this chamber leave this house"!
Phoiph was more ill then me when she started out and I have my gb4000 with MOPA to thank for that. I still was not well enough to return to work though.

I was able to find a used 08 Respiro for 5,750.00 with oxygen concentrator. My only regret is that I wish I had purchased one years ago when I had a friend from a support group recover with a chamber. I thought he was just one of lucky ones as there no data for home chambers with lyme.

Since I'm only 30 days into this deal all I can say is that I'm pleasantly surprised at the direction my health is going in such a short period.

I continue to use IFR suana, supplements, collodial silver and rife which seems to be more effective combined with MHBOT.

Will post another update in a month or so.

[ 08-05-2016, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: jarjar ]
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :
Phoiph,it's great to hear another success story.

JarJar, please keep us posted--really glad to hear of the direction that your health seems to be going.

It's too early to report much on our end. Took us a while to find a mask to fit my son, and now he's been up to 60 min/day with oxygen for the past week.

Editing with a question, Phoiph, was the Canadian woman doing MHBOT alone or did she combine with abx or other treatment?

[ 04-02-2014, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: levity101 ]
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Not sure if this has been posted, thought it belonged in this thread. Notes from 2013 ILADS meeting,

Dr S** spoke on "Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Management of Lyme Disease".

There are soft shell and hard shell units available, but soft shell units cannot go to the depths of the hard shell units.

1 ATA is sea level. 3 ATA is 66 feet below sea level; a hard shell unit can go to this level where soft shell units can only go to about 1.3 ATA.

HBOT therapy can provide the body with 22 times more oxygen.

Stimulates over 5,000 genes. Increases growth factors, reduces swelling, promotes the growth of neural pathways, activates sleeping neurons, increases ATP, and downregulates inflammation.

Dormant mitochondria produce 2 ATP; whereas after HBOT, 36 ATP may be produced.
VEGF increases which is associated with improved blood flow.
Stem cells may be stimulated.

HBOT may have an antimicrobial impact being both bacteriostatic and in some cases bacteriocidal for anaerobic infections and even some aerobic. HBOT may create a toxic environment for Borrelia.

Interleukins, TNF-alpha, and others improve.
If one has a genetic predisposition to biotoxin-associated illness, HBOT may improve outcomes.

1.5-2.0 ATA may support detoxification. 2.4 ATA may have antimicrobial effects and support reducing inflammation.
HBOT may help minimize Herxheimer reactions.

- See more at:

**edited name of LLMD**

Breaking this up for easier reading for many here - Robin

[ 04-05-2014, 12:11 AM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Below is what I originally posted here on Lymenet close to two weeks ago or March, 23 2014....hope this helps(-:

I'm relatively new to these forms so before I proceed I would like to give a brief history. I'm a 37 year old male who went from being a very busy Personal Trainer, working ridiculously long hours to near collapse over 2.5 years ago!
Like many hear my body was giving signs my "System", was breaking down (IE) frequent colds, headaches, and intermittent nausea. I attributed the above symptoms at the time to a very nasty divorce, coupled with work related stress, and poor sleeping patterns.
Around June of 2011, I became really ill with all the typical Lyme "Trimming And Fixings". I had a really stiff neck, excruciating headaches, intense nausea, relentless fatigue, dizziness, and an overall feeling of not feeling well.
I took a leave of absence from my job at the time....not exactly easy when you have anywhere from 26-32 clients and averaging anywhere from 120-140 sessions a month as a trainer.

Nonetheless, I left then came back only to leave for good in December of 2011, as I was now sicker then ever!
It should be noted during this time I voluntarily went to the ER, saw numerous Doctors, who all stated they couldn't find anything wrong with me. I became so sick, I had to move back home with my parents in another state.
2012 was filled with a series of "Ups And Downs". After doing a great deal of research I suspected based on my symtomology I was a fairly good candidate for having contracted Lyme Disease. I decided to consult with an LLMD or Lyme Literate Medical Doctor in July of 2012.
During the appointment I was given an Igenix testing kit. Feeling I was already getting better doing my own treatments at the time...I elected not to go through with the testing.

Looking back...part of me didn't want to face the grim prospect I had this "Big Green Monster", called Lyme Disease to possibly deal with!
So I packed up my bags, and headed back to where I was living before I fell ill.. where both my son and girlfriend were residing.

Within a couple months of moving back, I started getting sick again. The following year was in which I would get sick, then "Kind Of Rebound", then get sick again.
It wasn't until around April of 2013 that I awoke one morning to what can best be described as a "Living Purgatory". Everything was "Off",

I had trouble speaking at times, couldn't tolerate loud noises, couldn't think clearly, had intense head pressure, and had to force myself to keep my eyes open. I truly thought I had endured some sort of stroke during the night time hours.
These symptoms became progressively worse over the next month ultimately forcing me to move back home to another state once again.

Upon arriving home I had an MRI performed with and without contrast. The MRI showed small whitespots on my frontal lobes. My neurologist stated I had nothing to worry about, and there was no need to test for Lyme Disease.

I proceeded to tell her, I still wanted to go through with the test. Shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head she reluctantly agreed.
Two weeks later my test results come back "Inconclusive". She then states via the phone I don't have Lyme Disease and I'm simply wasting my time. I told her I respectfully disagreed with her and hung up the phone.
I then went back to the LLMD, I originally saw in my hometown and had my blood work sent to Igenix. Not to my surprise my test came back "Positive", for   Lyme Disease meeting both CDC criteria as well as Ig Igenix criteria for diagnosing such.

I didn't test positive for either "Bart", or "Bab", however that doesn't necessarily mean I don't have either one or possibly other "CO-INFECTION"?
The last year has been filled with a very wide and dizzying assortment of "Lyme Disease" treatments.

The only thing that "Kind Of Worked", was various forms of Ozone Theraphy. With that being said I still intuitively knew after roughly six months of Ozone Therapy it wasn't going to do everything I was hoping it would do.

I continued to lose weight going from 5 "9" weighing 170lbs with 7% bodyfat in early 2012 to 140lbs.
My encephalitis also continued to spiral out of control! It was roughly 60 days ago....I won't go into all of the "Gory Details", however I really was losing all capacity to continue living on this great big old "Spinng Rock" also referred to as planet earth.
So at this point I'm basically homebound, spending a ton of time in bed. So there I was lying in bed with my Kindle Fire, which has a couple tabs opened one of which was "Lymenet".

I somehow stumbled upon this thread and just started reading. I had heard of HBOT in the treatment of Lyme Disease, yet I had never heard of "Mhbot".
The more I read the more interested I became. Let me rephrase that....I became as interested as someone with Lyme Encephalopathy might be able to become? I was still miserable, both Physically and Mentally yet I continued to read.
I saw these posts from someone in Arizona who goes by the username "Phoiph", here on Lymenet. After reading all of the posts I very reluctantly reached out to Phoiph via private messaging here telling Phoiph just how sick I was.

It was only after hearing about Phoiphs experience first-hand which BTW gave me the chills as they were earaily similar to mine!

I truley thought I was the only one on earth who felt the way I did. It didn't matter how many testimonials I read from others on various "Lyme Boards"....I truley thought my case was unique and different before hearing Phoips story!

Let me further state that no one can make this "Stuff Up"! It's one of those things where it "Takes One To Know One"!

I believe even the brightest of minds filled with compassion can't begin to grasp on the most elementary of levels just how painful this disease can become!
So after working with Phoiph for a couple weeks intermittently via email and such, and seeing my Dr I place an order for my chamber through Oxyhealth.

However before placing the order I went to a naturopathic clinic here in town and tried out "Mhbot" first hand.
Now remember at this point I had been basically homebound for months, and was extremely nervous even being around people.

After the treatment I wouldn't say I felt any different, with the exception of one little caveat. I drove myself to the store when I was done with the treatment....something I hadn't done in close to two months.
Four days later my chamber arrives, and I do my first official dive by myself with supplemental O2. Again when the session is over I get out and don't feel any different.

The next day however I'm herxing like crazy, yet I dive again for another hour with supplemental O2.

I reach my fith dive and I'm now looking at the chamber which lays on my bed next to me with "Great Despise"..LOL! I'm herxing like crazy, and decide to cut my dives back to 30 minutes.
It was after my "Ninth Dive", which I did without Oxygen for thirty minutes that I began to start feeling "Different".

I Can't put my finger on it...the only thing I can tell you guys is that it felt like something was working on a "Really Deep Level".

I can tell you without question that when the chamber was deflating it felt like my brain was "Waking Up", as I just lied there motionless in the chamber.

The last four days has been filled with energy, and my Brain fog has decreased by at least 50%. I know it's still to soon to tell what's going to happen as I continue Mhbot,

however these changes are near unbelievable for those who have seen me at my worst over the last couple years.

"Update" 4/3/2014...I continue to do Mhbot, for 30-40 minutes five times a week. I continue to make progress each and every day...with some herxing here and there.

I missed Four days due to first time on an airplane in three years followed by rigorous walking while away!
For now I'm SOLEY using just the chamber without supplemental oxygen or the oxygen concentrator. I Just couldn't handle the Herxs when using 02..again everyone is different.

Eventually I will resume with supplemental oxygen, which ultimately I feel intuitively heals me personally on a deeper level. I simply need to work up to it as this is a progressive processes.
I'm not a doctor, so please don't take what I'm doing as any type of medical advice etc. Everyone is different, in regard to how they handle dieoff.

I don't subscribe to the "More You Herx", the better camp. Most here have already been sick for far to long and don't need to feel even worse. As Phoiph, says here on these boards "Slow And Steady"!
I'm not using Antibiotics, just Mhbot and I'm following a Paleo diet 80% of the time. I should be Paleo 100% off the time, as it's not only condusive to treating LD, and Co-infections but also helps in my experience with my Herxs.

I also drink as much purified water as possible, which helps my Herxs.

If anyone has any questions feel free to "Fire Away", that's how we learn...good luck to all of you.


Breaking up the text for easier reading for any here -

[ 04-27-2014, 11:29 PM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Hope, are you using anything to clear out the toxins when you herx? I have to keep chlorella, liquid bentonite clay and charcoal around.

You should be able to accelerate your healing when you are able to get the toxins cleared out of your body faster.

I will send a pm showing what I use and where I order.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Hope, I am so glad you came back to post! yay. I have also been working with Phoiph and she is a godsend and a savior. She was also very sick and abx did not work for her, nor have they for me (although they sort of seem to keep stuff getting worse).

What forms do your herxes or flares take? What kinds of symptoms do you have.....brain fog, psych, nerve pain, gut pain, muscle, etc?

So interesting that you are not using the O2 also....I think Phoiph has posted about another woman doing that as well.

You are very lucky that you have seen results so quickly, that is pretty amazing.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
My herxs are mainly deep throbbing headaches, with an occasional "Retracing", of old symptoms.

The old symptoms coming back are back pain, and nausea at times. When the body heals or begins to heal for that matter this phenomenon often occurs.

As far as my symptoms pre Mhbot go....I was pretty much as "Bad", as Phoiph at times. Horrible burning pain all throughout my body which literally felt like acid was being poured all over my body!

This coupled with intense nausea, chills, flulike symptoms, pain, numbness in both hands and feet, horrible fatigue, insomnia, sleeping to much, agoraphobia, depression, OCD, Anxiety, and Encephalopathy!

Out of all of these symptoms... I would have to say the encephalopathy was the worse hands down! I really have a tough time talking about it as it was the most traumatizing thing I have ever been through.

I would be willing to expand on this for you guys...however it's pretty frightening to say the least.

As far as detox goes Mhbot, will eventually do just that...especially when I add 02 again.

I have tried everything from IV L Glutathione, to my own Infrared Sauna, bentonite clay with Pyhsillium Husk, and to many other things to mention.

In my opinion the less variables the better. How can one truly know what's working, and what's not working if they add to many variables to the equation?

On top of that I believe you have to ask yourself the question....are all of these variables I'm adding even sustainable long term?

Mhbot is incredibly simple, even when following a Paleo Diet. With the aforementioned being said sometimes the simplest of things are the most difficult for many to execute.

As a formal competitive natural bodybuilder, and personal trainer....I had witnessed this for years observing clients who couldn't follow a very simple "Meal Plan", or regular training schedule.

[ 04-27-2014, 11:32 PM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
I also wanted to add that my "Brain Fog", is just about completely gone! Also worth mentioning is the inital surge of energy I get from Mhbot right after I get out of the chamber.

This burst in energy usually lasts for roughly 12 hours or so now, before a herx comes on. I then get complete wiped out..

largely attributed to all of the things I'm trying to do that I haven't been able to do both physically and mentally in three years.

I have a long way to go, however for now I will take "Colors Seeming Brighter", "No Sound Sensitivity", "A more relaxed disposition", and a more physically capable body.

I'm not benching 365LBS, Deadlifting 450LBS, and Squatting 315LBS as I used to before getting Sick.

For now my exercise simply consists of walking...often times barefoot to attract the energy from the earth. I also try and get moderate amounts of sunlight when available.

[ 04-27-2014, 11:33 PM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Hope did you not do any antiobiotics?
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hey CD57, no I have never personally used regard to treating Lyme Disease, and Co-infections. I truly believe I was infected when I was in the fifth grade.

I spent two hours trying to remove the ticks at the time which were deeply imbedded in my Private Area...Yah OUCH! Later that year I started experiencing horrible headaches.

At age 21, I had a catheter ablation surgery after being diagnosed with SVT, or Supra Ventricular Tachycardia. Now looking back I'm almost positive these were all early manifestations of LD.

[ 04-27-2014, 11:33 PM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
That is amazing story. You have such good early results hope it keeps going. Keep posting!
Didn't the LLMDs want to use antibiotics?
Posted by Lymetoo (Member # 743) on :
Looking4Hope .. Please leave more space between paragraphs for easier reading. Most here cannot read large blocks of print.

Thanks! [Smile]
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
CD57, My LLMDS and myself never really discussed the whole ABX thing simply because I never followed up with them.

I just found myself observing many spending both allot of money and time on both LLMDS, and ABX who were still sick years later.

ABX, do work for some no doubt about it. However I'm a very intuitive person and didn't feel they were for me.

I have many reasons for not going the ABX route personally.....most of which involves the duration of time I believe I have had LD.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
I also recently saw a very prominent Lyme Doctor, and actually have a follow up via the phone in roughly two weeks.

I will comment more on this experience if I feel any value can be extracted from it for you guys and gals here!
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Phoiph, thanks for sharing the story of the lady in Canada. The more "I recovered" stories the better.

It also dovetails with your personal story. Give it time and don't expect miracles overnight.
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Originally posted by Lymetoo:
Looking4Hope .. Please leave more space between paragraphs for easier reading. Most here cannot read large blocks of print.

Thanks! [Smile]

Betty G approves of this message!!

Sorry I couldn't resist. [Razz]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I posted this experience I had recently on the "Family Diagnosed With Parkinson's" thread, but wanted to include it here also:

"...A volunteer where I work has a husband who was diagnosed with Parkinson's and dementia (no telling if it was Lyme induced), and she was unable to care for him anymore at home. He was using a walker and falling frequently, would sit and stare for hours, and needed 24 hour supervision.

She finally agreed to have him see my friend, who is a neurologist and also runs a hyperbaric clinic with a 6-person chamber. He was prescribed a block of 40, 1 hour treatments at 1.5 ATA (considered "mild" hyperbaric, or "mHBOT"), with further treatments if necessary.

At 20 treatments, there was no discernible change, according to the wife. At 39 treatments, the wife flagged me down as I drove into work, and told me her husband's dementia was "gone". She also said he was walking without a walker, using a cane only, on occasion.

A week later, I asked her how he was doing, and she said she had left him home, because he was busy building something in his workshop (using power tools). She said he had been talking about the future, and making plans to travel. She said he was "back". They plan to do another block of treatments, and/or possibly purchase a home chamber.

I spoke to my neurologist friend who had given him the treatments, and she said that he was one of 3 Parkinson's patients who had started treatment at the same time, and all 3 were doing well.

A great resource regarding mHBOT and neurological (& other) conditions is "The Oxygen Revolution" by Dr. Paul Harch, and also his website: Both include before and after SPECT scans which are remarkable..."

Update: I saw the volunteer (wife) again yesterday at work, and she and her husband are willing to do a video testimonial of their experience...

If they (and others I have videotaped) grant permission, I hope to post their videos on an educational website I'm working on...

I also think the fact that it takes many fewer mHBOT sessions to treat Parkinson's (and many other neurological conditions) than it does Lyme is a testament to the tenacity and complexity of Lyme disease...
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Has HBOT helped with insomnia?
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Soccermama! What a coincidence! I just logged on to report my experience with improved sleep and mHBOT...

It took me a while to realize this, but mHBOT has improved my sleep so much! I go to bed at a decent hour, am not tossing and turning for hours, or waking up every two hours, or waking up way too early and not being able to go back to bed. The sleep is refreshing and I'm able to hop out of bed rather early in the morning. No dragging around, or "just ten more minutes pleasssse"

I am 55 hours in, btw. So overall improvements: PAIN gone or greatly diminished (bone, joint, muscle, nerve, headaches). Insomnia gone.

I also sometimes take a nap inside of the chamber during my 1-hr dive. It is most refreshing.

Phoiph, I am so happy to hear about more success stories. Thank you for sharing, and I can't wait for your website!
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
This is really encouraging folks. Please keep posting!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
About sleep...

Severe insomnia was one of my first symptoms, and one of the last to leave. It returned to normal gradually; in increments, over time with mHBOT.

I asked my friend, the neurologist/HBOT specialist about this recently...and she said that sleep architecture is very complex, requiring many areas of the brain to be in synch, so can be one of the later symptoms to resolve.

This can take time...but improvement of sleep is a very good sign...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

"...Editing with a question, Phoiph, was the Canadian woman doing MHBOT alone or did she combine with abx or other treatment?..."

She had been off and on antibiotics over the years which had helped her temporarily...but this time around she was unable to take them, as they made her too ill (she said she "didn't think she was going to make it"). She was not on any other therapies when she began mHBOT 1-1/2 years ago, or throughout the subsequent daily mHBOT treatments.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
I have recently begun diving with the help of Phoiph. I don't have much to report because I am not very far in and have not made it up to an hour per day consistently (recommended).

My symptoms are highly neurological and cognitive/psych in nature.

I have been diagnosed with two strains of bartonella, Lyme, the usual elevated viruses, and possibly FL1953, parasites, and/or babesia (not sure about those three).

I don't seem to fit the usual mold here at LN in that I have done a lot of treatment with IV and oral, herbs, silver, ozone, and seem to have killed off a lot of Lyme but possibly unable to touch "bartonella".

It *feels* to me that somewhere along the way my immune system lost the ability to kill anything, possbly induced by the treatment itself? very scary.

The treatment for "bartonella" made my symptoms swarm and worsen, flare, but never improved.

Now I am stuck with the symptoms that emerged during the time. Sometimes it is really hard to keep going.

Abx for me don't seem to really kill anything but seem to prevent my worsening...although I get toxic after 4-5 days on them.

I am really hoping that this treatment will help reboot my immune system and come back online and do what it is supposed to do.

[ 04-27-2014, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :
It's so great to hear of progress being made. What an amazing story, Phoiph, about the man with Parkinson's.

It does seem that Lyme takes longer and I'm guessing it's because we're not only addressing neuro damage, which seems to respond remarkably, but that those with chronic Lyme need a 'reboot' of the immune system, as CD57 so aptly put it.

The immune modulating effects have been documented--changes in stem cells and white blood cells, etc. but it will take longer because the system is so taxed and possibly still fighting active infection, which has to be dealt with as well.

...therefore, slow and steady...makes sense.
Posted by BBinme (Member # 34131) on :
jarjar, would you mind telling us what has gotten better since adding mhbot? Thanks [Smile]
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Wow CD57, I'm so happy to hear that you are doing this. I have a good feeling about it.

I may experiment soon, but I'm doing other things right now. Hoping my ear problem will get better and then i will try it at a local place that has a chamber.

Please keep up posted.
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Originally posted by BBinme:
jarjar, would you mind telling us what has gotten better since adding mhbot? Thanks [Smile]

Mental clarity and energy/stamina.....two of my worst symptoms.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Jarjar, what were/are your diagnoses?
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
CD57 the usual lyme and co-infections..bart, babs and mycoplasma. With my MOPA I was hitting several other infections also.

I should add my symptoms are better but I'm only a little over 34 dives or so. I still have a ways to go. I'm more interested in where I will be in 2 or 3 months from now. Then I will be interested when I have 6 months invested in the treatment.

[ 04-09-2014, 06:19 PM: Message edited by: jarjar ]
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Glad to hear it jarjar. I have fear about growing the bartonella that Phoiph has been helping talk me out of. I'm glad to see others w this infection posting and doing mHBOT.

The bartonella specialist I used to see had a chamber in his office and thought that the physiology of Bart was such that it would be "resistant" to hbot, probably since it is aerobic. But he did not say that it would make it grow. So I am holding on to this and going for it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
At the risk of sounding like a broken record...

Bartonella and Babesia are usually not an issue for people who have intact immune systems.

With mHBOT, although it has antimicrobial properties, it is more about strengthening the immune system so it can do its job, rather than just "chasing bugs". It also has the advantage of treating multiple issues in the body simultaneously.

These are just a few of the reasons why mHBOT is effective for so many different conditions...
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Phoiph never will you sound like a broken record.....

any idea what mHBOT does against viruses, do we know? My viral titers came back extremely high and LLMD wants to address...
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
I think it's unwarranted to say most people with intact immune systems don't have a problem with bartonella or babesia. The latter can cause serious problems in healthy people all on its own, including needing hospitalization. The former has a lot of veterinary research indicating it's a significant pathogen, and under-recognized for its morbidity.

I do think worrying about mild hbot stimulating babesia or bartonella is probably unwarranted though. It's not enough oxygen to do more than change the terrain in most cases.

With more significant treatment (deeper dives, and/or a clinic chamber with 100% oxygen at a high flow rate) you may indeed upset the balance of organisms and get a rebound effect when you stop, because you will have allowed the growth of organisms not vulnerable to oxygen.

[ 04-27-2014, 11:36 PM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
My daughter completed her 43rd dive and so far no changes that she notices. She still has insomnia, headaches, brain fog, fatigue and a host of other symptoms.

We're in it for the the long haul so we'll see what the future brings.

She is currently diving 5 days on and 2 days off. After May 8th when she moves back home she will be in the chamber every day.

Someone from Oxyhealth said she should go in the chamber 2 times a day with a minimum of 4 hours in between. He was not specifically speaking about Lyme just in general. Has anyone done that?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Here are some quotes from a few research articles that support my statement that "Bartonella and Babesia are usually not an issue for people with intact immune systems."

Regarding Babesia:

"...The babesias are one of the most ubiquitous and widespread blood parasites in the world based on numbers and distribution of species in animals..."

"...Most cases of B. microti infection are mild and usually resolve on their own, without treatment..."

"...The most severe infections occur predominantly in the elderly and in splenectomized or immunocompromised hosts..."

"...Additional factors determining the severity of babesiosis are asplenia and coinfection with other infectious agents..."

"...Coinfection with other tick-transmitted infectious agents can result in more severe manifestations (108). This could be due to an overall immunosuppressive effect that facilitates establishment of infection, or perhaps there is a more specific synergy between organisms that occupy the same transmission cycle..."

Regarding Bartonella:

"...the Bartonella genus, one of the most common types of bacteria in the world..."

"...infections are usually self-limiting..."

"...The nature and severity of the clinical presentation correlates well with the status of the hosts' immune system. Individuals with impaired immune function, including HIV infection, progress to systemic infections more often. The reduced ability of the hosts immune response to control bacterial infection apparently results in a bacteremia of longer duration..."
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I also had high viral titers, including HHV6, Epstein-Barr, and more (which can become re-activated when the immune system is compromised).

These resolved with mHBOT (I never took anti-virals).

HBOT is also showing promise with HIV by penetrating the lipid coating of the virus...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I'm glad you are in it for the "long haul"...because, as you know, I didn't have any overt improvement after 43 dives...

I am not in favor of diving 2x per is my opinion that it may upset the balance of free radical production (which is necessary to harm the pathogens), and antioxidant production by the body (that is necessary to protect our own cells from the free radicals).

As Dr. Harch states..."More is better is just an illusion..."
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Interesting article on mHBOT and mold exposure:
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
I am glad you reposted this article. I posted here some weeks back. I had mold exposure in past and apparently have the "gene" that does not detox well.

Spent $4500 from HSA for medical and $4600 out of pocket this year. This does not include bills that I have not paid. With the exception of the surgery I had, it was money wasted.

Trying to convince my husband that we could all benefit from a home chamber and that the cost would be worth it.

Really tired of throwing money away and not seeing any benefit.

Phoiph, please pm me what you think the monthly cost of everything for a small decent chamber.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Phoiph, I'm not going to do a battle of citations with you.

Here's a thread on page one of lymenet here, where the doctor himself talks about babesia being immunosuppressive and hard to shake:;f=1;t=128593;p=0

One patient was treated for five years and couldn't shake it, finally crytopleptis and Byron White formulas made him feel better.

It's simply careless to make the assumption that bartonella and babesia don't have significant morbidity in some people.

Bartonella is truly under-estimated in human illness. As are ricketssia, if you do a literature review, and look at chronic rickettsial infections worldwide. There's no reason to assume they don't exist here, too.

Veternarians will treat rickettsias for 3-6 months...while humans are treated for a few weeks. Etc.

OTOH, mhbot imho shouldn't cause a significant increase in babesia or bartonella, but what do I know. I know in me, daily was a problem.

Something was stimulated (a bug, I thought yeast. Who knows). OTOH deep dive, did not have that same effect (stimulating a bug).

[ 04-27-2014, 11:36 PM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Also, nobody should accept at face value what another patient says, in terms of a therapy.

Take it all with a lot of grains of salt and skepticism.

And be under the care of a good LLMD who isn't overly fond of antibiotics or your money. Be followed while on any treatment, mainstream or alternative.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Lyme, Babesia and Bartonella almost killed me. I am not disputing that they are "immunosuppressive and hard to shake". If you read carefully, I never made a "careless assumption" by saying they "don't have significant morbidity in some people". Of course they do.

I was pointing out that in MOST people with healthy immune systems, the infections (Babesia and Bartonella) can be mild and even asymptomatic. (For example, I have read that people can be carriers of Babesia and not be aware of it, and this is one of the ways it gets into the donor blood supply.)

I was not referring to people who likely have immune dysfunction, including those with Lyme or other pre-existing conditions or cofactors, nor do I doubt your statement that these infections may be underreported.

The point of my original post was to suggest the possibility that if/when the immune system becomes healthy and balanced again (in my case with mHBOT), then the immune system may be capable of dealing with these coinfections.

You called my statement "unwarranted", and I provided references.

[ 04-16-2014, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Up. Any updates?
Posted by janej (Member # 43272) on :
Hi im writing an update on my daughter. It has been 7 months since we bought the chamber.

The first month was brutal. The pain increased and it was hard. She wanted to tough it out so she kept going.

The changes over time have been very positive. When shes in the chamber her pain is usually gone and her energy increases. She gets out in a good mood due to feeling better.

In the beginning of the treatments her pain has become extreme at times requiring morphine.Now her pain is 70 percent better. It has been two steps forwarded 1-4 back but now her recovery has started to look better.

Her memory is still somewhat impaired and she has fatigue but is much better overall. We can laugh together and have long conversations. We all have hope. ♡

[ 04-27-2014, 11:38 PM: Message edited by: Robin123 ]
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
That is wonderful Jane! Please keep
Us updated.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
Phoiph, lyme can also be asymptomatic. Many test positive to borrelia all over the world and feel well.

It's simply not the case that lyme is the bad infection and the rest of them are usually not problematic.

Often the others, particularly babesia, are extremely problematic. There are people who don't get well until they aggressively treat babesia--and people who treat it and relapse--or who need to be on constant treatment.

There are people I know who have been able to get rid of all their other tickborne infections but are still treating babesia.

And though hyperbaric oxygen is a potent adjunctive treatment, emphasis on it as potentially curative is, in my opinion, mostly overselling it.

Helpful yes. A monotherapy, especially when at mild pressures (1.25 ata), that treats all the tbi?

I don't know *what* you had. Without documentation, they are simply anonymous anecdotes--ones that should be followed up on with one's doctor and independent research.

** edited to remove argumentative comments towards another board member **

[ 04-28-2014, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: sixgoofykids ]
Posted by Robin123 (Member # 9197) on :
Please, everyone, remember to break up your posts into a couple lines so everyone can read them - I just broke up lots of posts here.

Also, seems to me that everyone here can testify about treatments and discuss them. Best to bring the best info forward and let people do with it as they wish.

I don't think it's necessary for a big argument between Phoiph and Oxygenbabe here - point is, you can present info here for people to evaluate, but please stop the personal attacks. Terms and Conditions for use of the board ask for no harassment of one another.

If anyone has questions or concerns about this, you can report a post to the mods who evaluate postings according to Lymenet rules.

[ 04-28-2014, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: sixgoofykids ]
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Thanks Robin for posting this.

Phoiph, don't leave ok? You've started such a groundswell here. Such hard work! We need you!

** edited **

[ 04-28-2014, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: sixgoofykids ]
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :
Jane, thanks so much for posting your update. So glad that your daughter is continuing to improve with mHBOT! I can relate to the rocky beginning.

We're in a holding pattern right now due to some other medication related issues with my son's pain meds, but are still committed to continuing and will update when there is news.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
How does HBOT help out?

"Second, the research showed the way that adding in extra oxygen helped.

This discovery had to do with the normal brain molecule, glutamate, mentioned earlier.

In stroke, this molecule is released in excess in the body's attempt to keep the brain working.

The problem is that extra glutamate acts like a poison to nerve cells and causes damage.

Adding more oxygen helps to convert the excess glutamate into much needed energy for the cells.

A special protective factor called "GOT" (glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase)

***facilitates the conversion of glutamate into fuel for the brain.***

GOT makes the system work even under conditions of lower oxygen so the brain doesn't release too much toxic glutamate and damage the nerve cells."

Cut and paste section of my reply under vagus nerve post.
Posted by yanivnaced (Member # 13212) on :
I have read through this thread and it looks interesting + promising.

Is mhbot approved for children under 3 years of age? I am thinking it might speed up the healing process for my son.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
hopefully Phoiph will stop by to weigh in on this. I do know that the man who helped me with my chamber was having young folks use it, including his very young son.
Posted by oxygenbabe (Member # 5831) on :
A qualified doctor should weigh in on a toddler using mhbot...and the toddler should be under that doctor's care and be followed and monitored closely. Especially since the neurological system is still developing at that age, and nobody has studied what repeated exposure to oxygen even at mild pressures, might do, on a longer term basis.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi yanivnaced...

My neurologist friend routinely treats young children and babies with mild hyperbaric, as does her colleague, Dr. Paul Harch (see "The Oxygen Revolution").

mHBOT has been successfully used with children with birth injuries, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, etc., and there are many research articles available.

There is a great network/website for parents, called "MUMS" (Mothers Unified in Moral Support) that discusses how mHBOT has helped their children with different conditions:

If you'd like to share what your son is recovering from and the area of the country you're in (PM is fine), I can ask my neuro friend if it is something potentially treatable with mHBOT, and if she recommends someone in your area for an evaluation for your son...
Posted by yanivnaced (Member # 13212) on :
hi Phoiph,

my son is currently treating his Lyme with abx for the past couple of months with no improvement yet. He got Lyme in utero during my wife's pregnancy.

His symptom is arthritic type pains in hands and feet. Hoping we can see some gains for him with the mhbot.

Any practitioner info would be appreciated. We are in the NY/CT area.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I just PM'd you...
Posted by yanivnaced (Member # 13212) on :
pho - thanks for the PM. I tried to reply but your box is full.
Posted by springshowers (Member # 19863) on :
I tried to reply to your pm about cold laser and your mailbox was full. Are you looking into cold laser ?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Sorry...please try again!

springshowers...someone had asked me about cold laser, and I was going to point them to your thread, but it was gone...
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Up. How is it going with those who are diving? Please continue to post updates. I am still watching.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Looking into and seriously considering getting a mhbot machine and concentrator into my home.

Nervous about my most severe symptom which is extremely severe brain swelling. It is mainly the reason I am purchasing. If it can help and even if I have to do it every day for the rest of my life it'll be worth it. I am currently on abx, both IV and oral with no real change in this symptom.

Hoping someone will weigh in on if it initially made it worse or had any effect at all.

Thank you all so much for this thread.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi joahsark...

I had brain inflammation/encephalopathy to the point that I was non-functional, and didn't think I would ever make it back, mentally or physically...

Here's a link where you can download a PDF (see icon at bottom of page) which illustrates before and after mHBOT SPECT scans of people with various brain conditions:

I have lots of info/resources I can share with you if you like, just let me know...
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Just a quick update for you guys and gals here. I continue to make progress, and I'm now back in the gym working out!

I'm gaining my weight back 'In A Good Way", gaining around 10lbs of quality muscle! Those who have known me for years say both my skin color and complexion look back to normal " I Would Have To Agree"(-:

I continue to dive without supplemental oxygen.....just utilizing the chamber and that's it. i do various breathing exercises while in the chamber and also watch movies on my Kindle Fire HD.

I'm still following for the most part a roughly 80% Paleo based diet. I drink 1 to 2 42.5 FL OZ of mineral water daily which I purchase at the $1.00 store.

I wake up much earlier these days and feel like I have both the energy and stamina to get things done like a "Normal Person" should.

With the aforementioned being said I still believe I can improve even more! This is most certainly a "Two Steps Forward One Step
Backwards" process with the healing coming in "Waves".

I have found it beneficial to decompress in the chamber SLOWLY (IE) around 10 minutes....however I think this is the norm?

I feel like my mind is "Really Clear", and now would be a fantastic time to take the "Cognitive Tests", I had previously taken only months ago.

The amazing thing is I had completed only "Nine Dives", before taking the Cognitive tests yet still performed really well in certain categories. Without the "Nine Dives", I'm 100% positive the scores would have been radically different.

If any of you have any questions please feel free to PM me or just post on this forum. I encourage each and every one of you to "Keep Up The Hope", and pray you all find the answers you deserve!
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
I would be very careful about mineral water as some indication depletes bone calcium. Wife drank for years the has very serious osteoporosis.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
@Jcarl I was told to drink mineral water, however maybe I won't drink so much....sorry to hear about your wife.

On a sidenote I increased my training volume today in the gym by 50% and felt like I could have continued training! I trained for roughly one hour and did both allot of stretching, and self myofacial release in between sets.

My reasoning behind the self myofacial release is twofold. The first part consisting of me breaking up scar tissue which grew worse over the years the more sedintatary I became.

Last but not least the second benefit of self myofacial release is it help stimulate the GREAT lymphatic system.

Between the healing benefits associated with the chamber, and my continued use of "The Stick", which I use when doing self myofacial release I feel my recovery ability is greatly enhanced.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Hope, what happens when you use the supplemental oxygen? Are you still getting herxes without it, or just improvement?

Your testimonial is interesting because not only does it go to show that mHBOT is effective but also that the supplemental oxygen may not even be necessary for some....just the pressure....

Your case really must be unusual. But congrats!
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hey CD, I still herx if I overdo it (IE) I still can't tolerate 50 minutes everyday. So I do 50 minuts one day then 30 minutes the following day. I'm still not using O2...just relying on the chamber.

I really seem to get different results every time I dive! Sometimes it gives me allot of energy while other times it tires me out.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
I have had to break it down a bit, ie have not been able to jump right in with diving with supplemental oxygen for an hour. I have had some pretty intense flares of psych symptoms that were not tolerable. So weird! So I am doing just the o2 concentrator or just pressure in the chamber but not the combo.

[ 05-16-2014, 01:20 AM: Message edited by: CD57 ]
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
With ambient air temps increasing the chamber becomes unbearably hot and my daughter can't stay in it. Any suggestions?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Toni L...

1. Make sure the oxygen concentrator and the compressor are separated by at least several feet; each generate heat, and that heat is sucked up by each machine and sent into the chamber.

2. Have a fan blowing near the oxygen concentrator and compressor to circulate the warm air away from them.

3. Take a block of "blue ice" inside a zip lock bag and wrapped in a thin towel inside the chamber and lay it on your chest.

4. Coolers are available for the chamber...they consist of a modified water cooler filled with ice, inside which the tubing that runs from the compressor to the chamber is coiled. As the air passes through the tubing (which is immersed in ice), it is cooled before entering the chamber.

These coolers are expensive for what they consist of, but you can also buy the parts and make your own...
Posted by levity101 (Member # 1528) on :
We have purchased a window a.c. unit to supplement cooling, and hope to get it in today or tomorrow. We're in Florida, and the room with the chamber was added on to the house and doesn't get sufficient a.c.

Hoping that by cooling the room down substantially before sessions, that will do the trick.

Update--my son has been having some new health problems that have slowed down his mHBOT usage--gallbladder issues and possible infection. So, we're still in the early stages of figuring out what is going to work and getting up to speed.

Will let you all know how it goes.
Posted by Toni L (Member # 42785) on :
I could immerse the coiled tubing in an ice bath to cool the air going into the chamber. Anyone see a problem with that?
Posted by canadianmama (Member # 36298) on :
Toni, maybe sealed ice packs would be better then water baths around electrical equipment?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Toni L...

The issue with submersing the coiled tubing in ice water is that it will collect condensation inside the tubing...

The commercial coolers have a condensation trap to collect moisture, but even so, the cooler and tubing has to be dried out between uses, or mold could potentially form.

The tubing can be dried by blowing air though it with the compressor while it is not attached to the chamber. You could do this also, but it wouldn't prevent moisture from condensation gathering and being blown into the chamber during use, since you wouldn't have the condensation trap to catch it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I just received this email update from the mother of the 22 year old who has been doing mHBOT for 9 months.

She has posted here before about her daughter...and will return to elaborate on her progress, but I wanted to share this in the interim:

"...Hi ******, I wanted you to know that ****** has been so good this whole week that we are both amazed. She said today that it felt like the Lyme is gone. Now we know this is probably not true but it's the best she has ever been. She is going out, swimming, running with friends, being active. She tries to be careful not to over do it but is doing well. ****** still takes naps and rests in between stuff like an older person but is doing so well. She came over this morning at 9 am to go to breakfast. We spent the whole day together shopping and watching a movie. She is now at a graduation ceremony. It's surreal for sure. I am taking her to Rocky Point with my sister and her kids on Tuesday for 4 nights. I'm so excited to have a real vacation with my daughter. It's like she is back. She doesn't have the manic episodes anymore either..."

In retrospect, I am very glad I did a video of her before she started mHBOT, because the difference is astounding...
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Phoiph, was her protocol daily 1 hour dives with oxygen.
Posted by janej (Member # 43272) on :
Hi JCarlhelp, Im the mother that wrote the original email to Phoiph. My daughter uses the chamber everyday with oxygen mask and concentrator for one hour. We really started to think the chamber just helped with her inflammation, increased her immune system and made her feel well for a little bit but after 9 months she has been good for over a week now. We saw forward and backward movement with the first month with severe herxing over this time period. She asked me last night when we were exercising if this is what normal feels like. It made my heart sore. After 8+ years of being sick it certainly reinforced my choice to buy the chamber. We were desperate for so long.
Posted by janej (Member # 43272) on :
Hi JCarlhelp, Im the mother that wrote the original email to Phoiph. My daughter uses the chamber everyday with oxygen mask and concentrator for one hour. We really started to think the chamber just helped with her inflammation, increased her immune system and made her feel well for a little bit but after 9 months she has been good for over a week now. We saw forward and backward movement with the first month with severe herxing over this time period. She asked me last night when we were exercising if this is what normal feels like. It made my heart sore. After 8+ years of being sick it certainly reinforced my choice to buy the chamber. We were desperate for so long.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
That is great news. We have had a chamber for quite some time but for various reasons are just beginning a true commitment.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Janej, I'm so happy for your daughter....what an Amazing Story! I almost had tears in my eyes when you wrote "She asked me last night when we were exercising if this is what normal feels like"?

I continue to dive as well and have experienced similar to your daughter the "Forward And Backward Movement" of this modality. With that being said I would have to say for me personally it's been "80% Moving Forward And 20% Moving Backwards".

I plan on using my concentrator in conjunction with the chamber after revisiting some of the benefits associated with 02 and the chamber. For those of you who are to busy to read previous posts etc....I have been diving for "Three Months", without the use of the concentrator.

Today I plan on going for a run, which will test both my "Slow Twitch Muscle fibers", and Cardiovascular system. Based on my recent performance in the gym however (IE) I don't feel winded etc.

I still have a ways to go, however I would like to thank Phoiph for all her help throughout this whole process.....I wouldn't have moved forward with purchasing the chamber had it not been for Phoiph(-:.

In closing I experienced some mild nausea last week, however traced it back to "Too Many Stevia Based Drinks", in my diet. I also added Keifer every other day which seems to soothe my stomach and help replenish the good flora.

Many of my symptoms are better, however I still have pain especially in the morning. I also feel like my body is "Retracing It's Steps", as I experience symptoms that popped up over 3 to 4 years ago when I first started to feel "Unwell", at times.

My Neuro Symptoms are much better it's almost "Unbelivable"!
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Quick Update.....

The run was a horrible idea.....initially I felt great however last night I began to feel like I was coming down with the flu for the first time in three years!

My body ached like crazy, and of course I have a monster headache. I just completed a dive this morning and as I was decompressing my head started "Crackling", due to all the congestion.

I feel maybe the lack of Oxygen I experienced while running might have set my body into a full blow herx? I also broke out in a rash on my looks like something bit me four or five times!

I just feel like I have the flu, everything aches and overall I just feel crummy. I'm going to flush as much as possible today as the run probably also invoked a ton of toxins.

"Slow And Steady", should be by mantra, however I feel pressure to fully regain my health as fast as possible. Everyone is always asking me 'Are You Back To 100% Yet", you look great etc....Sigh)-

I'm doing the best job I possibly can, and I knew from the get go this wasn't some "Overnight Get Your Health Back Phenomenon". Well i just wanted to share this with you guys and gals in hopes that it may help some of you 'Slow Down" as well.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Looking4Hope, It sure is easy to do too much to fast especially after only (3) months. Hope you bounce back. I do the same thing, play intense tennis and then feel bad the next day. I think branched chained amino acids helps (BCAA) and I do think NT Factor Energy helps recovery. Unfortunately I have tennis elbow and shoulder right now so I am on hold.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks for reinforcing that message, Looking4hope...

Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to true takes time and patience. The more you try to rush it, the longer it takes. The body knows what it needs to do.

I didn't start running again for well over a year (started with very short walk/runs), and then gave myself long breaks in between each run.

If I did a lot of something else that week (i.e., yard work, etc.), I skipped the run that week and let myself recover, even if I wanted to push it. I did yoga regularly, however.

Gradually, I could do more and more, and recover more quickly in between, until now back to baseline (albeit 10 years older than pre-Lyme)!
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Thanks guys and gals for your words.....much appreciated! I'm going to put running on hold Phoiph, and just stick to training with both weights, and stretching!

Jcarjhelp, I hope you can play tennis soon. I have an Uncle who plays tennis regularly and he has the same issue as you. I used to be heavily into BCAA's when bodybuilding....I too believe in the power of Amino Acids.

I remember what the flu feels like, and this does indeed feels like the flu. It doesn't feel "Limey", if that makes sense? I took a steaming hot shower, and scrubbed my skin with a brush which I do after each and every Mhbot session.

I try to open up my pores as much as possible in an attempt to drain the lymphatic system. I will also sometimes incorporate "Cold Water", for one minute following the use of hot water to help close the pores when done. I used to do this when I was really into the Sauna and it seemed to help slow down the Herx's at the time.

In closing this was a huge "Wake Up Call"! I knew I wasn't truly healing on a deep level this early in the game....i just knew it! The problem is convincing both family and friends of this when you appear to be seemingly healthy.

Moving forward... I'm going to both stay away from and ignore those who "Don't Get It". I have worked my tail off thus far, and unlike both work and competing there is no "Medal Or Trophy" on this road to recovery. Life is both short and precious and like many of you I I have already lost a great deal of time.
Posted by Pam08 (Member # 19203) on :
Any new updates from anyone doing this treatment? Just curious to see how people are doing.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Would love to hear too!
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Im in about 160hours now. Initially combined with antibiotics, but i gave those up 2 months a go.
I havent made much progress by doing mhbot, but i havent regressed either when i went off abx.
My primary symptoms are mostly neurologically (brain fog, concentration problems, memory loss, emotional instability, very zombie like feeling), nausea and some fatigue (but i can still do 5mile+ walks).

From what i can tell from my own microscopic research (live darkfield and giemsa staining) the mhbot seems to keep the borrelia infection at a very low level. The protozoan infection which really seems to like my brain is not at all affected by mhbot.

So after about 6 months of diving i can conclude; mhbot - good for suppressing borrelia infections - not so good for protozoan infections.

I have never herxed from mhbot, but that seems only logical since my lyme load has always been fairly low. Recently ive started a trial of albenza and got my first small herx ever! wohoo. So I will probably revert to treating my protozoan infection with regular medicin and continue the mhbot to keep the borrelia infection suppressed.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
In terms of interpreting timeline...When comparing others progress to mine, I find it more accurate to begin counting sessions from the time the person stopped antibiotics (since I wasn't on antibiotics when I started mHBOT).

So, in this case, I consider that I had not made much progress in 2 months of mHBOT fact I was considering quitting at that point.

With consistent treatments, eventually all infections, including protozoan, resolved...

It is remarkable that many people have been able to get off of their antibiotics with the support of mHBOT, however, there is much detox and repair to be done during and after antibiotics, and in my observation, this may ultimately require more time.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Quick Update:

It turned out that I was suffering from both Bacterial pneumonia, and the shingles simultaneously!

As bad as things were... it wasn't nearly as bad as when my Lyme symptoms were at there worst!

Having both of the aforementioned at the same time was a setback)-: I'm now diving 4-5 days a week and have added "Oxygen", twice a week.

I can definitively state without reservation that I'm extremely tired after my dives when implementing "O2".

I do feel in my heart however that this is the direction I need to go in in order to continue the healing process.

As excited as I am in regard to the results I have received thus far.. I still have a long ways to go(-:

I'm going to list both my symptoms "Pre Mhbot", and "Post Mhbot" to date using a scale of "1-10". "1" will serve as no symptoms while "10" will serve as severe symptoms.

"Pre Mhbot" "Post Mhbot"

Nausea-10 Nausea-2
Fatigue-10 Fatigue-2
Enchapolopathy-10 Enchapolopathy-1
Anxiety-10 Anxiety-1
Pain-10 Pain-7
Muscle Twitches-10 Muscle Twitches-6
Hot/Cold-10 Hot/Cold-2
Low Body Temp-10 Low Body Temp-1
Nightmares-10 Nightmares-2
Flu Like Feeling-10 Flu Like Feeling-1
Headaches-10 Headaches-3
Car Sickness-10 Car Sickness-1
Auditory Issues-10 Auditory Issues-2
Light Sensitivity-10 Light Sensitivity-1

A the above illustrates I have made marked improvement in certain areas. I hope this gives some of you with no hope "Hope".

I often times wonder on this "Lonely Journey", how others here are doing? Rarely do I meet anyone who has Chronic Lyme of the reasons this journey is so lonely at times.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm extremely thankful for this "Thread", and chiefly "Phoiph", for helping me get this far.

I still however can't help and think about the "Time Lost", due to this disease and unfortunately some of the relationships that fell by the wayside.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I can honestly say that no one could have been more furious about losing a decade of my life than I was! I thought there could be no redeeming value about the experience whatsoever, and that it was a ridiculous waste of a human life.

In hindsight, that perspective has changed completely. I now see how and why the experience had to be as it was, and realize that there was absolutely no time wasted...every moment that I spent in "hell" was absolutely necessary for the transformation that I have experienced.

There was wisdom beyond my comprehension in all of it (and if someone tried to point this out to me at the time, it would send me into a rabid fury), the extent of which I can only now begin to appreciate.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
I know you suffered a great deal Phoiph...10 years is almost impossible for me to fathom!

The vivid detail of your journey serves as a testimony to your incredibly resilient spirit!

Anyone who listens to your story will leave with an indelible footprint of truly how fragile and precious life is!

I'm trying to "Connect The Dots" so to speak in hindsight looking back as to why things happened the way they did?

While I continue to Grow, Heal, and Evolve as a human being I can now connect certain dots with a remarkably different perspective on life and what's important.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you!
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
I have reached 207 hours of chamber use. It is mostly continuous, since September. I am striving for 30 hours per month but had to take a week off this month due to gallbladder surgery.

Overall, I continue to improve and believe the hbot is helping. When I look back to a year ago, two years ago, etc I have less symptoms. I am currently not on Rx antibiotics but I have a comprehensive program in place to focus on regaining my health100%.

I am doing the m hbot with oxygen, using samento and monolaurin for additional microbial control and six weeks ago I took my diet to a new level and started the wahls paleo protocol. I have been "paleo" for about a year and always ate healthy but not as targeted as this.

I still have fatigue, migraines, burning pain, joint pain etc but they are not as bad as they used to be.

I feel my gallbladder issues were just collateral damage from years of lyme and all the antibiotics I took including IV Rocephin. The surgeon said it had scar tissue and aadhesions so I am glad its out.

I am also still having "windows" where I feel quite well and get excited that I am making headway. One of the hardest things right now is that I am comparing how I feel to those windows instead of how I used to be. This is an important insight and I must remember that healing will take time and overall I am showing improvements. Otherwise it is easy to second guess myself and question my progress.

So for now, I have a plan in place and I am working the plan. I am hopeful this will all continue in the right direction.
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
Hi, this is my first post. Just wanted to let you all know I am new I have just started on mhbot this week.

Thank you Phoiph and all others very much for your effort in sharing online about your experiences!

And my special thanks to S13 for his support and inspiring me to get this treatment in its most affordable option to Europe. I am sorry to hear about your neurological symptoms, your harsh battle on protozoa and that you are still waiting for much progress to come.

In short about me: In 2010 I was diagnosed with late stage Lyme disease.
I have been ill since 1996, a teenager at that time. I was misdiagnosed with ME/CFS and because of that, shamelessly mistreated.

For the last 7 years I’m 85-90% bedbound and depending on in-home care-givers.

Previous to this severe worsening of symptoms I had a carbon monoxide poisoning (replaces oxygen on red blood cells) and toxic mold exposure from living in a wastewater damaged mold house.

This has also been the onset of reacting severely chemically / environmentally sensitive.

Not until just a few years ago, I was financially able to move out of the mold house into another home.

I empathize with Looking4hope and others describing the pain about the loss of time because life being too short and so precious, same here.

Years are passing by with keeping my weak body alive in this horror as it despite treatments feels like slowly fading away.
And I can’t tolerate borrelia-antibiotics at this time.

I am desperately in need of a suitable multisystem supporting at-home effective self-treatment that’s slowly adjustable to tolerance.
Almost all treatments so far make me feel more ill, like relentless herxing.

A year ago oxygen therapy got my attention as an additional treatment for the CO-poisoning and mold exposure.
I didn’t know about oxygen and Lyme then. But I am learning on the way.

Because of the big expense I first spent months reading everything I could find about mhbot and hbot (as far as possible with my encephalopathy).

There is no doubt - I must try this!

Tired of composing this post and translating into english I not even got a chance to mention my 5 co-infections, my 100 symptoms, my FIR sauna and my juggling with meds, supps and herbs.

I am all settled, installed and ready for diving.

I will post my mhbot-experiences next time.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Survivorgirl1

Welcome...please feel free to PM me anytime if I can be of help.

Just be sure to start slowly, and gradually work up to full pressure/02...
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
To Survivorgirl1 "Congratulations" I wish you the very Best!
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Welcome survivorgirl =) I look forward to hearing about your improvements with mhbot!

I am 137 dives in as of today (1 hr dives daily). I have been using the chamber in conjunction with antibiotics but feel it is time for me to stop the antibiotics... I really feel like the drugs have taken me as far as they can, so I will be discussing tapering off/discontinuing the meds with my doctor next week.

I suppose I have reached what they call "treatment fatigue", having been on antibiotics nonstop for 2.5 years now.

I have had Lyme for 23 years and I'm only 27... so I definitely know what you guys mean about wasted time being sick ;-).

As for improvements... I am now able to exercise for 40min-1hr daily which I couldn't do previously without feeling like I was run over by a truck for the next two weeks.

I am still fatigued and in bed quite a bit. Brain fog and anxiety/depression come and go.

For the past two weeks I had been experiencing extreme painful, red sore throat, swollen lymph nodes and puffy face/mouth pain. Just yesterday did it let up and I'm feeling back to "normal" now, just extremely tired, so I don't know what that episode was about.

But overall, I feel like I am making progress.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Wow there are a lot of very ill people here posting now, making progress. I am delighted.

As Phoiph mentions please go slowly if you need to!

Amazed by looking for hopes progress in such a short time. And thanks to mbdq for her updates and welcome Survivorgirl!
Posted by Pam08 (Member # 19203) on :
I appreciate all of the updates! Glad to hear people are seeing some progress.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Hyperbaric oxygen benefits links:

Especially (my favorite links):

Yes, Bb sure does use glycerol...Phospholipase D helps Bb to convert phosphatidylcholine = (PC) to phosphatidylglycerol = (PG) esp. in the tick.

BTW...Hg (mercury) upregulates phospholipase D.

Google: PQQ mercury/Hg !!!


The above REALLY is mitochondrial dysfunction...which is WHY PQQ and perhaps MitoQ can work if someone can't afford HBOT...perhaps.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Does anyone know how the mhbot would effect a virus?

Any thoughts.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
HBO has demonstrated anti-viral properties both through direct action, and secondary action by fortifying the immune system so it can better fight infection.

Here's an article regarding the effect of HBO on the HIV virus:
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Thought it was time I give an update on my mhbot treatment. I started diving in early March and have no regrets whatsoever.

My body just functions better with the treatment and it complements using my rife machine along with it. I had knocked down a lot of infections with my rife machine (gb4000 plus MOPA) prior to mhbot but still had lingering cognitive issues and fatigue.

The mhbot treatments reduces those two symptoms. So I am very pleased with where I am considering the short period I have been diving.

Very happy with the anti inflammatory response of the diving also. My eyes are the whitest they have been in a long time.

I will add that recently I tried doing 2 separate one hour dives a day just to judge my response. I ended up having headache symptoms pop up afterwords. Not sure if it was a neuro herx or more oxidation then my brain needed. Either way I backed down to 1 hour dives for the time being.

Happy Diving you guys!
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Jcarl, your mail box is full. Yes, I used supplemental oxygen from day 1.
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
Thank you guys for posting and sharing updates.

My update, I’ve had my 5th dive. In the past weeks I’ve slowly increased from 5 to 20 minutes each. Once every 3 days. On 1.3 ATA with 9 L/m oxygen from the concentrator.

I react very sensitive nowadays, I think at this way I’m taking it slow… I appreciate Phoiph and others sharing the importance, considering my overall gained impatience with this illness.

In the days in between I do FIR sauna (low EMF saunabag) and Epsom salt bath from which I feel benefit. And sometimes just oxygen without hyperbaric pressure and also focus on some longterm supplements and herbs.
This 3-day schedule currently seems to work for me.

Before I started diving I used just the oxygen-concentrator for about 5 weeks, once every 2 days. Increasing from 2L/min to 6L/min, from 10 build up to 45 minutes.

The first increasings of dosage on just oxygen caused some headaches and migraines. Later on it caused some small improvement of my bowel function (and thus benefit for detox, eating, stomach and digestion) and small improvement on the effectiveness of my supplements and herbs.

My first 3 ‘shots’ of mhbot were very good.
Afterwards I feel calm and relaxed on a nice way, sometimes less nice on a very tired and sleepy way.

And I’m happy to say that the day after my dive, I seem to feel an improvement, a very small increase of overall strength and energy. Very very small but noticing it. Feeds my enthousiasm about this treatment.
And again my supps and herbs seem to work a little bit better.

But then… the day after my 4th dive I got very ill.
The trouble started just after my infrared sauna and some sunburn from being outside for about 30 minutes which I had not been since a very long while.
This altogether must have been extra challenging my immune function?

I got very flulike ill, with seizures of trembling, feverish, near-fainting/ losing consciousness (I have this more often), headache (back of my head other pain than my usual migraines), earache,

eyepain, hip and knee pain (my problematic-lyme-joints), severe sweating, cold, exhaustion, decreased heartrate (42) (have it more often), a big increase of my (existing) heart arrhythmia and pvc, difficulty breathing / out of breath,

impossible to think and remember what I was thinking or saying some seconds ago (worse than normally), crying with no reason and fear of getting no help, and so on.

I thought it was about time to get help from my first time homemade liposomal glutathione . [Razz]
So I took a big swig… and in a few hours… I couldn’t function at all anymore!
It made it worse!?!

I’m still ‘investigating’ to learn if it’s because of too much of detox from the big amount of glutathione in my depleted body, or I hope not babesia reacting on glutathione, or the combination of the desperate intake of liposomals which was only about 30 minutes after my intake of artemisinin and monolaurin (lauricidin), perhaps it emulsified the artemisinin in a way resulting in increased absorption thus herxing.

Well what ever it was, about 48 hours later I was feeling a big half better.
And I was already looking forward to climb in for my 5th dive, so I did. And I felt nice and relaxed.

But when I woke up the next day I felt terrible again, felt like I was run over by a truck and in a tremendous amount of pain, feeling as if I had a severe increase of inflammation. In my knees, upperlegs, hips, high-back and neck.

Pain in joints, muscles and nerves, even touching my skin so painful. Some swelling also. Can’t hardly move, haven’t yet found a position to lie comfortably to stand the pain.

This is taking 48 hours now. I hope it’s of some kind of use and getting some of the bad and the ugly out of my body.

I thought hbot helps against inflammation…
I’ve read so much about these treatments. But in the heat of the battle I know nothing and feel a bit helpless.

My brain to blurry to think straight what to do in this kind of situation, I took a quite random handful of potentially herx-supporting supps from my ‘in-home-pharmacy’ desperately in need for relieve.
So far no luck.

If any of you has any suggestions how to get through this inflammatory pain… or this notorious lyme-herx-desperation…please post.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Survivorgirl1

It sounds like you have been careful working up slowly with your mHBOT...however, in my opinion, the other therapies are too much in combination.

This is a case of "too much too fast", and this is why I have concerns when sensitive people do several concurrent therapies, like FIR sauna and other detox methods, supplements, herbs, and drugs.

mHBOT is very powerful, and some of the many benefits are that it greatly enhances immune function and the detox process. Naturally, the body needs a chance to assimilate the treatment and rid itself of the toxins, etc.

In addition, if someone doesn't have fully functioning detox pathways (many of us do not), then this process may be less sufficient and take a little longer. In this case, "more" (therapies) is not necessarily "better" and can easily overwhelm the system (especially FIR sauna, which can dehydrate, deplete minerals and electrolytes even in a healthy person).

Drinking lots of water (with added minerals), rest, gentle exercise, eating a clean, gut/nerve healing diet, and simplifying the protocol (with your doctor's approval), while slowly (when your are up to it) increasing time in the chamber until you reach an hour at full pressure with supplemental 02 daily, is the best advice I can give, as this was the key to success for me...

[ 07-09-2014, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
HIV...a retroviral protein...

"enabling HIV-1 binding to the nicotinic receptor acetylcholine binding sites"

"For example, adult participants who

inhaled oxygen

sixty seconds before the presentation of a word list that was to be studied, showed

*improved recall*

compared to a group who did not.


Increasing levels of acetylcholine

can result in improved perception, concentration,

*memory recall*,

verbal fluency and better overall cognitive function.

Looks like HIV and lyme may have have nicotinic receptor acetylcholine in addition to mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, etc.

This looks to have to do with acetylcholine RELEASE from its receptor. H3 receptors regulating acetylcholine release maybe involved.

Read the last sentence in the link above...with a focus on "ischaemia" (a shortage of oxygen and glucose)

Florida doc believes HBOT AND Pycnogenol (1mg per pound of body weight) is effective for lyme.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
This maybe WHY HBOT works:

B. burgdorferi does not encode any known Na+ pumps and appears to

rely solely on the H+ cycle.

The hydrogen bacteria oxidize H2 (hydrogen gas) as an energy source.

The hydrogen bacteria are facultative lithotrophs as evidenced by the pseudomonads that fortuitously possess a hydrogenase enzyme that will

oxidize H2

and put the electrons into their respiratory ETS.

They will use H2 if they find it in their environment even though they are typically heterotrophic.

Indeed, most hydrogen bacteria are nutritionally-versatile in their ability to use a wide range of carbon and energy sources.

Some hydrogen bacteria possess an NAD-linked hydrogenase that transfers electrons from H2 to NAD in a one-step process.

NAD then delivers the electrons to the ETS.

Others have hydrogenase enzymes that pass electrons to different carriers in the bacterial electron transport system.

Most grow best under microaerophilic conditions.

***They do this because the hydrogenase enzyme used in hydrogen oxidation is

inhibited by the presence of oxygen,***

but oxygen is still needed as a terminal electron acceptor.

Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :

I have to be careful with how much sun I get especially in the summer. Your remarks about staying out of the sun for awhile but then staying out for 30 minutes and getting a sunburn would be hard on me even more so when I was more ill.

I find I do way better just getting short amount of sun everyday and stay protected with proper clothes,hats and sunscreen when I will be out for long periods.

Some patients can handle sun more so then others. Sounds like you are one that needs to be cautious of it. The Marshall Protocol explains all this if you ever want to google it.

I'm also very cautious about the temp and length of using my IFR sauna as it can aggravate my bart if I over do it. I never turn it up more then a medium temp and only use it 15 to 20 minutes.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
I too have "Sun Sensitivity" issues)-: I had my shirt off a couple weeks back while throwing batting practice to my son for a mere 20 minutes.

I was extremely sunburned the following day and then started peeling shortly afterwards)-:

I used to enjoy both "Sunbathing", and working out really hard. For now however I'm okay with not being tan and simply doing Yoga, stretching, flexing my muscles etc.

Like many of you I have come along ways! I try and show gratitude for the gifts bestowed upon me.

The mere fact that I'm able to write "This Post" right now and "Hold My Head up", is simply "Beautiful"!

The mere fact that I was "Out In The Sun", throwing batting practice to my amazing son is simply "Out Of This World"!
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Good for you Looking4hope throwing batting practice with your son. I know that feeling you were describing.

I use to consider myself an accurate football passer but when I let my arm muscles go downhill my passing game was embarrassing. I will never forget the day I got my muscles built back up some and was able to go out and throw long accurate passes to my son. It's little things like that are so important to share with your kids.

Speaking of building muscles I've been shopping around for a reclining bench press and barbells recently. Of course I will be using light weights but I know the fact that I'm shopping for them is because of increased stamina from mhbot.
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
I much appreciate your replies!
I’m going to do a bit less and a bit slower on each element to not overwhelm and not damage my body.

And so increase the amount of days that I feel mhbot gives me the bit of physical strength and energy. 

Besides the infections, the detoxification is definitely a big problem for me.
In the past week I mobilized too much toxins at the same time, not quickly getting them out, contributing to horrible days.

Artemisinin and monolaurin are for me among the rare killers I do tolerate, so for now I stay on them concurrently.
I feel lucky to notice a small benefit of both of them, resp. a bit less bowelpain and a bit more energy. I rotate and pulsate.

I’ve read about the Marshall protocol before, the problems about vitamine D metabolism, acting as a steroid, decreasing immune function, aggravating infections and lots of other problems. Correct me if I’m wrong, Jarjar.

I remember a previous time I had a flare when I did FIR sauna and being in the sun on the same day. So I’m slowing down on that too. And I don’t want to possibly ‘tickle’ my bartonella.

My FIR saunabag is less intense as a normal sauna cabin. It’s a kind of blanket with low EMF, far infrared, adjustable heat. My head stays out, it’s nice, warm and comfy to lie in.

I get out at 4 minutes, that’s often when my sweating begins.
I replace minerals and trace-elements, also after my ‘ordinary’ sweat-attacks, incl. applying them on my skin after showering.
I thank you for bringing the electrolytes up, all helps me to remember and focus.

Even very small positive effects make already a massive change in my daily survival and harsh symptoms.

Marnie, I take choline as an emergency medicine that helps me when I have seizures of temporary almost-paralysis or non-responding, to increase acetylcholine which i.e. borrelia neurotoxins shut down.

Would love to be able to lift up my acetylcholine with mhbot. Does this match your scientific posts? (hard for me understand on english and brainfogged)

Will update in a month or so…
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Any updates on the people that are doing this?

Are you cured yet?!

I will be doing several sessions of mhbot and then will decide if I will buy one. Did my first one today [Wink]

[ 07-26-2014, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: Haley ]
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
When you refer to "Cured Yet", what exactly do you mean? I'm not sure if I will ever be "Cured", or have no lingering symptom's here and there....time will tell(-:

I know that many of my symptoms have either dissipated or are not as severe as they used to be. I do have severe pain typically in the morning, which I'm working on.

I look at it this way...a person with MS for example might always have MS however they might be able to live a better quality of life using a certain "Modality"

I think many like myself will have to learn to live in "Harmony", with the Lyme which took over their body for years.

Of course, like everyone else I would love to be "Totaly Cured", however that may not be possible for everyone.

Everyone also has different "Situations" (IE) children to take care, and other responsibilities. I do find it hard to dive "5 Days A Week", and usually do 3-4.

I always seem to have tons of energy after a dive without "O2", however roughly 12 hours later I start to experience "Mild Herxing", in the form of burning pain in my legs and upper body.

I haven't been great with my diet, and made a concerted effort today to simply "Live Out Of My Vitamix", for one week!

I believe we are all so different, and I know that you are hurting in the form of severe "Brain Fog".

Only you will have the "Key", to finding out how many dives it's going to take you and (IE) frequency, with "O2", without "O2", duration in chamber....30 minutes, 1 hour, 1.5 hours?

Haley, I wish you the best and hope that you continue on this journey and don't give up! It make take you some time. Look no further then Phoiph, while she was pioneering this whole expedition!

Phioph, showed no sign of recovery for over two months! She was ready to send the chamber back, yet she trusted her GUT and the guidance of a few close to her and persevered.

I can't imagine what I would have done without Phoiph! Can you imagine "Phoiph didn't have a Phoiph" to lean on...she only had her strong intestinal fortitude which in my opinion is "Beyond The Scope Of This Post"
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you, Looking4hope...but I really can't take that much credit...I was simply down to no other options.

I only wish I had found mHBOT sooner rather than later, but in that case I might have not realized the full extent of its healing power.

Everything happens for a reason...
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Phoiph....I agree I too had now more options. I had all but given up after unsuccessfully trying a myriad of different modalities!

My "Back Was To The Bed", instead of the to the wall at this point and I remember Phoiph you telling me "You Will Get Better".

My Stepfather who didn't really understand what I was doing at the time, now says "It's Like The Chamber Is A Cocoon For You", and you come out of Cocoon a different person(-:
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks for posting Looking4hope.

I'm sort of kidding when I say "are you cured?", but sort of not kidding also [Wink]

Of course, we all would like to be "cured".

I did a dive on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. I'm very fatigued; will see if I begin to bounce back on my days off. I do feel that it is doing something, but I'm still brain dead. I plan to do it every other day.

Coincidently (or not so coincidently), my hairdresser mentioned that she has a client that has a facility with HBOT chambers. They do mostly hard chambers and don't seem to think that the mild chambers are as good. I am going to call her and speak with her. It turns out she has/had Lyme disease along with 2 other family members. That is why she got into the business - fighting the war on Lyme. Somehow I sense oxygen in my future, I know it is part of the plan.

BTW - what PSI do people usually do? I'll also look through the posts for information.

keep breathing oxygen [Cool]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

There is controversy over high vs. mild pressures...sort of like the polarized camps in Lyme world.

I would suggest reading "The Oxygen Revolution" by Dr. Paul Harch, who has been researching HBO for over 20 years. He and a colleague of his (a neurologist/HBOT clinician who is also a friend of mine) use mild pressures (1.5 ATA or less) for most neurological conditions.

Here's a great article on that subject:

"More is Better: The Recurrent Illusion of Higher Pressure HBOT in Chronic Brain Injury, by Dr. Paul Harch":

Home chambers only reach 1.3 ATA as per FDA regs. I became well using a home chamber only (no clinical treatments) with supplemental O2...1 hour daily with total commitment to consistency, which I believe is key...along with nutrition protocol (very important) and gradually increasing activity/exercise...
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks for the article Phoiph. I don't know if this information is applicable to bacteria. I have downloaded his book onto my kindle and will read more, although probably won't retain a thing.

Have you heard of S.O.D. (Superoxide Dismutase)? It's an antioxidant, this was recommended to me by a doctor. I took it while I was using an oxygen concentrator.

My diet is good, the exercise will take a while.

Thank you so much for taking the time to help us.

By the way, you are an excellent writer, you should write a book.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks, Haley...

About the book...maybe someday! Not sure who would want to read it though [Smile] Right now I'm just trying to find the time to finish my website...!!!

S.O.D is an antioxidant which is also made by our bodies, and is made in greater supply when doing HBO to compensate for the extra free radical (oxidant) production to protect our own cells from damage (free radicals are also produced by our bodies and are a defense against infection, so are necessary as well...).

It is optimal to strike a balance between free radicals and antioxidants, as both are you have to be careful with too much supplementation.

About whether lower pressures are effective against bacteria, here are my thoughts (which were posted on a different thread):

Many doctors and HBOT clinicians base their treatment protocols for Borrelia on a study in 1993 by Austin, which demonstrated that the lethal level of oxygen for a spirochete was somewhere between 30mm Hg and 160mm Hg.

They estimated that HBOT at 2.36ATA while breathing 100% O2 would raise the tissue 02 tissue levels to between 200mm Hg and 300mm...WELL above the range necessary to kill Borrelia.

This information was later used in a study with human subjects by Fife in 1998.

Unfortunately, the study didn't include research on what the lowest effective range was, and so this level continued to be used over time for treating Lyme disease, in spite of treatment failures and drop-out rates.

There are several problems and risks with higher pressures for Lyme disease and other neurological conditions. Some of these greater risk of oxygen toxicity, visual changes, and releasing of toxins more quickly than the body can handle.

In addition, the oxidation rate may become faster than the body's ability to generate antioxidants to compensate, causing oxidative stress. Of more concern is recent research the indicates the possibility of regression with some neurological diseases when higher pressures are used.

Another consideration is that Lyme disease is different than the infections that many clinicians are used to treating, considering its reproductive rate and ability to morph into protective forms, requiring, in my opinion, long term treatment to avoid relapse, which is cost prohibitive in a clinical setting for many people.

One of the biggest benefits that people who do short term treatment miss out on, in my opinion, is the healing process that is offered by long term mHBOT treatments. This is not just about "killing the bugs", but about bringing balance to the body and supplying it with what it requires to repair and restore itself to full health...
Posted by Leeintn (Member # 25999) on :
Hello Phoiph

When you get a chance could you PM and give me the details on the hbot ie rental and equipment needed.

I am having a difficult time deciding on doing treatments @ my docs office an hour away or having one in my home.

Thanks so much [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Ok...just sent you a PM...
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
I'm not sure what's going on, however I will do my best to explain..

My "Short Term Memory", has slowly been getting worse over the last week or so. Then "Mid Monday Afternoon", I noticed I was in a "Fog", while walking in the store.

I am without hesitation stating that my brain is indeed "Inflamed Right Now". Now the the trick is trying to figure out a remedy to reduce the inflammation, and what may have triggered this?

What's weird is I have been talking to someone on the phone frequently who always mentions how intact my "Long Term Memory Is"(-:

As I write this, my head feels "Full",... kind of like someone filled it up with Air.

I'm so scared right now, it's not even remotely funny.

The only other time during this Journey or starting Mhbot that I felt something very similar was when I had both Bacterial Pneumonia, and the shingles.

I did awake to two large bites on the back of my right foot coupled with a bite on my right arm last Sunday? I'm wondering if I may be experiencing the shingles again......or?

My nephew was out here from Virgina, and I slept in the same bed he did....what if I was infected again?

I'm diving with "O2", for 1 hour a day. I keep praying to God the "Lights", will come on once again(-:

It's this fullness in my head particularly on the side of my temples which is absolutely horrible)-:

I changed some things around in my diet which maybe added to this? I stopped drinking the magnitude of mineral water I was drinking prior to all of "This", happening, and deviated from my diet.

So here I am in front of all of you guys and gals here with a brain which feels like it's "Full Of Compressed Air".

I'm also having a difficult time staying focused etc. Leading up to this CRASH, I noticed I kept losing both my wallet and my cell phone.

I'm all over the place here, however I wanted this post to reflect as accurately as possible what's going on with me?

Phoiph, I know you had some setbacks however do you remember anything like this?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Looking4hope...

You said you felt something similar when you had other illnesses, which suggests it is a reactive immune response.

What you're experiencing sounds to me like a "cytokine flare", possibly resulting from the toxins in the insect bites.

When I was recovering, my immune responses were very volatile...I had to be careful not to expose myself to too much, too soon, or my head would feel more pressurized, along with many other symptom flares.

I would get back on your anti-inflammatory gut/nerve diet right away, start drinking lots of water't overdo, and keep diving...I believe this symptom will resolve in time like it did after your bout with shingles and bacterial pneumonia...
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Thank You for your fast response "YOU ARE SIMPLY AMAZING"!

"This Time Around", I vow to do things even better (IE) Diet maybe 80% raw 20% cooked "Anti Inflammatory Foods Only When Possible(-:

Phoioh, you stated "What you're experiencing sounds to me like a "cytokine flare", possibly resulting from the toxins in the insect bites."

I agree with the body is fighting something "But What Exactly"? Only those who have LD truly know what "This", feels like)-:

Phoiph, I had a ton of energy leading up to this....then "Bam", after the bite my whole world got flipped upside down!

Last time as noted it started with the "Shingle Rash", and yes my brain felt like it was swollen for around five days, and I had lingering headaches for weeks afterwards)-:

I wish my family would just understand that I'm "Not Cured", and I still have allot of work to do.

I'm not "Superman", even though at times when I have energy I appear to be...just ask Haley(-:

Yes Phoiph, I agree "Rest", and not overdoing it are indeed important! I was told from the very beginning this was a "Two Step Forward One Step Backwards", process.

I myself still have a hard time with the "Step Backwards Thing"(-:

In closing so this may serve others in the future.....

I haven't been sleeping enough and have also been dealing with a multitude of "Stressful Situations".
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on : is very easy to slack on the protocol when you start to feel better, but discipline is key to getting all the way back.

It is usually not just one thing that sets you back...for example, you mentioned stress, diet, sleep, water, exposure to toxins...

The good news is you're still diving and have worked up to an hour a day w/02...that's an accomplishment!

You could consider this a "speed bump"...
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Yes, looking4hope, I can attest to that. When I met you you had so much energy I was sure you had super powers. I believe my comment was - "if I could have 10% of your energy I'd be happy."

I hope the setback is brief and that the stressful situations resolve.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Phoiph, I pray to god this is a "Speed Bump". When you experienced "Speed Bumps", did you get scared (IE) "This Feels Reminiscent", of how I used to feel?

Haley, I wish I had "Super Powers", again this is surely "No Bueno".

Phoiph, wss your "Brain Fog", or "Brain Swelling, so bad at times throughout this process that you thought "Here We Go Again"?

Your right on point when you use the word "Volatile". I feel like my immune system is extremely volatile and I have to be as close to perfect as humanly possible right now or I'm going to get even sicker.

Last night was a long night....lot's of tossing and turning, weird dreams, and I was and still am "Extremely Exhausted".

As stated above I had weird dreams all throughout the night, and had to wear ear plugs to drown out the noise which I had stopped doing for some time)-:

I don't know what to say other then my brain feels incredibly inflamed)-: My brain feels clogged and I can actually feel it crackling when I'm decompressing in the chamber.

I dove again this morning for one hour with "02", and unfortunately the "Tears Started To Run Down My Face")-:

I had come so far and was making by all accounts incredible progress!

Usually the pain I experience in the morning is really bad all throughout my body, however slowly subsides as the day goes on.

The last couple days however the pain in my body hasn't been as bad, and seems to have "Set Up Camp", or migrated to my brain?

I read the "Oxygen Revolution", over the last couple days once again however I'm having a difficult time remembering things.

In closing I don't what to say other then "I'm Really Scared". My entire Nervous System feels out of whack, and I''m having a difficult time keeping my eyes open.

Phoiph, what did you drink for energy when you were really tired? I can barely keep my eyes open?

Phoiph, any "Symptom Flares", you experienced etc would be of great comfort right now.

I did admiringly take on way to much, way to soon. I however have personal obligations which didn't allow me the "Rest", I knew I intuitively needed.

In closing it's like this "Thick Layer", of Gook feeling that is enveloping my brain right now. The "Gook", feels like it's not allowing my brain to fully "See The World", as it is)-:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I'm calling you...
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Looking, I wanted you to know that you're not alone..I am experiencing pretty much everything as you described in your last post.

I am 178 dives in and continue to do daily 1 hr dives with oxygen. I discontinued antibiotics a couple weeks ago and am focusing on rebuilding my body now. Mhbot. Diet. Sleep. Gentle exercise.

Stress definitely throws my body off (both physical and mental/emotional). Lack of restful sleep also messes me up big time.

Lately, I have swollen lymph nodes, my throat feels tight, my brain feels swollen and I have severe brain fog, short term memory problems, problems following simple instructions., Exhaustion, sweating with minimal exertion, etc. Also.anxiety and clouded emotions. I feel empty and dead inside, no motivation or "zest" for life. But I know this is isn't the real me, so I won't dwell on it.

WI wish Lyme recovery could be a straight road of steady improvements but I guess we have to deal with the bumpy "one step forward two steps back" journey instead, and keep hoping that we are moving in the right direction in the meantime.

Thanks for sharing your experiences Looking. Nice to know I (and anyone else following the thread) am not alone in this journey.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
I so appreciate you all continuing to update and post on this thread. You offer so many of us hope.

Horrific brain problems were my first and continue to be my worst symptom. Intense pressure, complete inability to think, feels like my head has been injected with a large amount of some thick poison sludge that nothing can get through, brain zaps, pain and sickening vertigo are 24/7. Had made some progress on IV but right now feels like I'm back to the start.

Now pretty suddenly my legs have begun to stop working and walking is becoming very difficult.

I am traveling to a clinic to be sure I can "pressurize" adequately and then plan to get a machine in the house. On top of all that my 13 year old daughter is fighting this with her worst symptoms being gastrointestinal and brain.

Thank you all for being here, praying and wishing us all the same success as Phoiph!! And a huge "Thank you" to her for all the guidance.
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
I know these flares are scary and they shake your confidence, but I think they are part of the process.

In my experience, they are either
1. Herxheimer reaction
2. Biofilm break down with immune system activation/herx
3. Immune system getting stronger and doing battle with other viruses/bugs etc
4. Flare of symptoms when body gets even further out of whack due to bad diet, lack of sleep, etc.

I have had flares of some of my worst and even new symptoms since starting mhbot, some really scary stuff. But overall it is helping. Its a long process, we wont get better overnight. We will still have times we will be very sick.

This is when we need extreme self care. Sleep, rest, diet, water.

Follow your intuition, get quiet, keep breathing in and out. This isnt for the faint of heart but we can get through this. Just keep going and take the best care of yourself you can.

After a really bad month I started combining the wahls protocol diet with the hbot. It significantly improved my energy. You need to give your body the proper nutrients to go with the oxygen therapy. I had always ate healthfully, but this is a whole new level.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I agree 100%, mdbq...
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hey All-
Thanks Phoiph, Spinning, and mbdq for your input(-: Joasark I know exactly what you mean in regard to the head pressure!

I can barely eat, yet everything is still going right through me. I have zero energy, my short term memory is shot, and I just feel plain old "Sick")-:

I dove again this morning for 1 hour with 02. The pressure in my head subsided for a bit last night, however came back today, with Gastro issues.

I feel extremely bloated even though I'm living on Mineral Water, and salad right now. My nausea is hitting me hard.

I haven't felt quite like this in months. However as I discussed with Phoiph there were a number of changes in regard to my (IE) Sleep, Nutrition, Stress, Water Intake, and other factors leading up to this.

I also intuitively feel like my body is fighting something, and I'm constantly "Thirsty".

Has everyone who is doing Mhbot here experienced these "Flares"? I used to get out of the chamber prior to this last week with Tons of energy "Usually"!

I could actually feel the chamber working on my body and I knew if I was feeling nauseated etc mhbot would help.

Right now when I dive I don't feel anything. I'm trying to comprehend all of this however it's "Terrifying"!

My head was so clogged yesterday, with an added headaches however late last night it was like all the pressure came out and I had energy?

As I write this, I feel worn out, sick, bloated, tired, and my head feels "Full".

Thank you all for your input it is much appreciated!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
We also can't rule out that it could be another bug...there are many (especially intestinal) going around right now.

I know with me, as I recovered I started to get colds, flus, etc., which was a good sign that my immune system was beginning to have the vitality to take on "normal" things. However, at the time, it didn't feel like a "normal", pre-Lyme cold or flu, it felt highly intensified, and temporarily brought back symptoms that I thought I had already recovered from.

That was VERY scary, because I thought I may be relapsing, or at the very least losing ground...but it was just part of the process, and I actually made bigger strides forward after the "event".

It is often said that true healing is like "peeling an onion"...there are myriad layers that must be shed, and some of them are more difficult than others.

I have also heard that healing takes place in reverse order. I found that to be true; my most recent symptoms left first, but my worst and earliest symptoms (i.e., head pressure, brain fog, insomnia, etc.) were the last to leave...but they DID leave...
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hey All-
Thanks Phoiph, Spinning, and mbdq for your input(-: Joasark I know exactly what you mean in regard to the head pressure!

I can barely eat, yet everything is still going right through me. I have zero energy, my short term memory is shot, and I just feel plain old "Sick")-:

I dove again this morning for 1 hour with 02. The pressure in my head subsided for a bit last night, however came back today, with Gastro issues.

I feel extremely bloated even though I'm living on Mineral Water, and salad right now. My nausea is hitting me hard.

I haven't felt quite like this in months. However as I discussed with Phoiph there were a number of changes in regard to my (IE) Sleep, Nutrition, Stress, Water Intake, and other factors leading up to this.

I also intuitively feel like my body is fighting something, and I'm constantly "Thirsty".

Has everyone who is doing Mhbot here experienced these "Flares"? I used to get out of the chamber prior to this last week with Tons of energy "Usually"!

I could actually feel the chamber working on my body and I knew if I was feeling nauseated etc mhbot would help.

Right now when I dive I don't feel anything. I'm trying to comprehend all of this however it's "Terrifying"!

My head was so clogged yesterday, with an added headaches however late last night it was like all the pressure came out and I had energy?

As I write this, I feel worn out, sick, bloated, tired, and my head feels "Full".

Thank you all for your input it is much appreciated!
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Quick update To All My Friends Here(-: I feel like we are all in "Good Place", when we come to this thread for both "Hope", and "Inspiration"

After coming down with both the "Shingles And Bacterial Pneumonia", I had to increase one of my medications due to the extreme pain which wreaked havoc on every fiber in my body!

I tried cutting the medication to fast and paid the price dearly! I'm slowly tapering the medication and feel much better!

I'm currently drinking "Keifer Daily", along with both potatoes and adding rice tonight.

I feel like my stomach was getting extremely out of balance and needed an adjustment(-:

I'm also back to drinking a "Gallon Of Water Daily", and have made the commitment to Dive Five Days A Week With "02" from here on out!

Oddly enough my morning pain seems to be getting better throughout this whole ordeal(-:

My gut intuition tells me the chamber combined with 02, is wiping me out "Energy Wise".

With that being said however I feel like diving with 02 five times last week did something in regard to my usual morning pain(-:

I feel like my body is really oxygenated right now if that makes sense to any of you...LOL(-:

Thank you Phoiph for the abundance of time you give "Pro Bono", for everyone here!

The "Oxygen Revolution" is indeed a fabulous resource, however it only briefly touches on Lyme Disease and "Mhbot".

The "Real Life" experiences Phoiph went though keep me "Grinding" each and every day!

I hope you are all finding some Peace, love, warmth, and deep healing as we all continue to work at this together each and every day!
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Shingles and bacterial pneumonia are actually probably a good sign, horrible as that may be. This is a phenomenon that was described to me by a doc as what they see when someone's immune system is coming back online.

I don't get colds flus fevers, bugs ,etc, and I have kids. I will welcome some "other" stuff when it decides to show up.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
CD57 are you using the chamber? Any results.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
I have not been using it regularly but am working w/ Phoiph to try to re-commit. I work full time and have to balance family life so don't have the time I need to myself to commit to getting well. It's been very difficult.

So there's my pity party for the day.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
I saw that Bryan Rosner has a chapter on mhbot in his new lyme book. Has anyone read it?
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Hello all of you mHBOT enthusiasts.

I received my chamber a couple of days ago. I have not used it as I was trying to arrange a SPECT scan before I start. I had hoped that the before and after SPECT would be a part of my story, however in the mean time I'm declining rapidly and need to get some oxygen!

I will document my journey here, maybe check in every 30 days. I plan to do an hour a day with weekends off.

Wish me luck!!!

[ 08-28-2014, 04:20 PM: Message edited by: Haley ]
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Way to go Haley! We are committing right around the same time, so here's to you! Make sure to keep tea k of your symptoms and log them. Phoiph had me doing this, has been very helpful.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Yay CD57! I'm sooooo excited for both of us! I did one dive, but my doc sent off prescription for a SPECT scan, so I'll probably start diving next week after the scan. Will keep posting.

Phoiph is such an inspiration.
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
Haley welcome and good luck!
We have now about 20 people diving in this thread!
Start slowly and adjust according to your respons… I’m curious about the results of your upcoming spectscan.

Spinning122 and Joahsark, a very rough time…I hope you feel better now or very very soon.

Looking4Hope, glad to read you feel better again after your huge flare.

Mbdq, thanks very much for sharing.

Thanks Phoiph for sticking around sharing your knowledge and your own experience with mhbot to help others.

CD57, I wish you calm moments to ‘lie still breathing in and out’, between juggling with illness, work and family life… Can be hard to fit it in…

Soccermama, I haven’t read Rosner’s book, but it makes me curious.

Currently I dive early in the morning, for 30 minutes, once in 2 days. Sometimes I skip a day extra if I feel too ill, it’s still pretty intense.

On the ‘diving-day’ I skip most of morning-medication (incl. herbal anti-oxidants) and take it about 4 hours later.
That seems my ‘recuperation’-time, after that I get a little boost of energy.
Still figuring out what works best…

-Do you guys have any thoughts about keeping some time between diving (oxidating) and taking medication or supplements?

My LLND doesn’t know. I’m his first patient on mhbot…!

-Haley, did your doc who recommended you S.O.D. while you were on oxygen from a concentrator say something about a time in between?

I feel mhbot is very supportive to my body, from a deep level. It feels good I’ve started it. 

I will update when I have more experience to tell about…

Wishing you all progress,
also to the ‘quiet’ divers and diving families!
(who are possibly reading along) I hope you feel support from diving.

Take care,

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks for the recap! I also am following many people who are doing mHBOT, but do not choose to be on Lymenet.

I have some thoughts on your questions, based on my own experience, and what I have observed with others who are doing well.

With people who are on a lot of medications and supplements, and have not become well over time with this protocol, mHBOT appears to be a 2 phase process.

Phase 1 consists of doing mHBOT daily, with the goal of supporting the body enough through mHBOT to gradually remove as many toxic influences as possible . This includes antimicrobials and most supplements (under doctor's supervision, of course). During this time, they are focusing on improving nutrition for rebuilding and repair of the gut, immune and nervous system. (Many people are initially tempted to try to move the process along with ancillary detox therapies; but many find that this may overwhelm the system and actually interfere with their mHBOT progress.)

Phase 2 is a continuation of regular, daily mHBOT, which supports rebuilding and repair, with a continual focus on nutrition and graded exercise.

It is a simple protocol, which is ironically difficult for many to follow, because they are so used to following complex routines. It is based on the fact that mHBOT itself is very powerful, and treats so many facets of chronic illness. One of the most important benefits besides detoxification at the cellular level is improvement of immune function so that the body can resume the upper hand against invaders, as it was designed to do.

Regarding when to take antimicrobials in relation to mHBOT sessions (for those who are still on them), it would make sense to take them as far away from your mHBOT dive as possible (but again, clear this with your doctor). The same "rule" applies to acupuncture sessions or homeopathy; practitioners often recommend that you allow these therapies to "do their thing" with as little interference as possible for a period of time after the session.

There is also evidence that HBO can potentiate some medications, and reduce the effectiveness of others, so that is something to keep in mind as well.

Although it is documented that HBO may potentiate antibiotics, this may be of more practical benefit with conditions such as chronic wounds, rather than chronic illness such as Lyme disease, where people's systems are already very toxic (my observation only).

In terms of the free radical action produced by radicals are a necessary part of the picture, because they have negative impact on pathogens (they are also produced naturally by the body for antimicrobial purposes).

It has been shown that in response to HBO, the body creates additional antioxidants (e.g., SOD) to protect our own cells from damage. There is a balance here that must be struck...too much oxygen can cause "oxidative stress", and too many antioxidants (e.g., possibly supplemental SOD) may not allow the free radicals to do their work against pathogens.

"More is not necessarily better..."

[ 08-30-2014, 11:10 AM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Thank you SurvivorGirl1 and Phoiph as always.

Trying to recover from a major very long flare, have been taken off IV and now starting (very slowly) an aggressive oral protocol to address Bart before going after the Bb since my most severe symptoms are from horrible brain involvement, although with this last flare very "MS" type symptoms came back, not able to walk, severe body wide pain etc.

As soon as I am stabilized I plan to get the machine in the house and begin. Following this thread closely and wishing you all the BEST!
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :

I’ve enjoyed reading your success story with just doing mhbot (along with diet and eventually graded exercise). Thanks for your thoughts about time between diving and medication, let it do its ‘thing’.

I see you’re worried about people can add (more) toxins with medication and supplements. And that you and a number of the people you follow, are proof that it is possible that just using mhbot (plus) can get someone symptom-free. Hope is alive… [Smile]

I’m still balancing, I try to be carefull with toxins (or overwhelming) and at the same time I’m also not yet feeling enough confidence to rely completely on just mhbot.
Some supplements support me to just get through the day. And I (and my doc) want to concurrently treat my co-infections, at least for now.

I’ve read your view about this, your immune system eventually could take care of things like that. Reading that gives me a calm feeling, that I have this stable foundation of mhbot supporting on so many different facets.

There are so much differences between how and to what extend people respond to treatment. I suppose these differences also exists with mhbot and maybe that can cause a need to individual adjustments and combinations.
Sharing and reading different experiences all helps me to make choices in my journey to recovery, and to get inspiration and stay motivated. Thanks all! [Smile]

Phoiph, or someone else, have you heard of people before, that feel changes (down and up) to every single treatment right from the beginning, or am I some kind of weirdo on that?
Oxygen seems like a totally new thing to my body! [Wink] I was thinking it might have something to do with my carbonmonoxide poisoning or my 92% of failing mitochondria slowly awakening...

Oh well if someone recognise something I say please do respond.

Wishing you all well!
Joahsark, I hope you’ve killed a lot of it in your IV flare, hold on…

Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Survivorgirl - I would reply to your question, but I don't completely understand it - maybe it's my encephalitis [Wink]

You said "have you heard of people before, that feel changes (down and up) to every single treatment right from the beginning, or am I some kind of weirdo on that?"

Are you saying changes after every mHBOT treatment, such as herx like changes or healing changes, what type of changes?

I have only done 5 dives so I don't have much to report yet. Yesterday I had much more energy than usual, but today I'm in bed all day.

I am trying to decide if I should dive in the morning or the evening. What do most people do? I was going to do it early in the morning so I would be done for the day, but I find that I get hit with extreme fatigue, so I think I will do it in the evening before bed.

Next week I will experiment with adding exercise, just 5 minutes every other day. It doesn't sound like much, but it kicks my butt completely. I use a pilates DVD, I can choose a 5 minute workout or a 50 minute workout, it's difficult stuff. I will add an additional 5 minutes each week until I am up to 50 minutes or 1 hour. God willing!

Some changes that I notice already -

1. The color of my skin. My pasty whitish, yellowish appearance has become more tan or pink. This shows me that the blood is circulating.

2. Wounds healing quickly. I had an experience with a cut and a burn that healed very rapidly. This shows me the healing capacity on a cellular level at least in the skin.

3. Moments of lucidity in my mind. I have noticed this on a few occasions, usually when I have had a bit of a break from the oxygen and a good nights sleep. I'm still waiting for for my brain to switch on. Cognitive problems, fatigue and weakness are my worst symptoms.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You are right that I am concerned about adding more toxins into the mix, but also want to be totally clear that I am not advocating for people to go off of their medications unless they are under supervision of their doctor...

It is encouraging, however, to note that people have been able to get off of antimicrobials with the support of mHBOT...but it is a process that should be done with careful thought, planning and monitoring, of course...(just as you mentioned you plan to do)...

As far as early reactions to mHBOT...people differ in their reaction/sensitivity to oxygen, not only from each other, but from day to day.

Many times people experience an initial energy increase when starting mHBOT, and then a 2 step forward, 1 step back pattern. Other people (as in my case) feel very little changing for several weeks, then the pattern begins to emerge.

It will be interesting to hear what kinds of reactions you are noticing.

Haley...those are great observations...and, in my opinion, very positive signs. You have just started, though, so please be very careful not to overdo the exercise Just gentle movement is good enough right now to improve circulation and move want to avoid having to "recover" from a workout at this point, as your body has a lot to do right now [Smile]

Regarding the question as to the best time of day to do a session, that depends on your reaction. Some people find mHBOT stimulating, so shouldn't do it before bed. Others can do it before bed, and it doesn't affect their sleep.
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
- Haley, sounds nice, your positive changes!

I recognize getting hit with extreme fatigue and also the improved circulation, I notice it in my upper legs.

My question was a bit unclear, but I think you got it. [Wink] I mean any change, I feel both, sort of herxing and sort of healing. It’s a bit ‘shakening’ after every dive.

So your answer and update are very helpful to me!
After a week or so my rollercoaster gets calmer, till I increase time and frequency a bit again…

Time of diving is just what feels most comfortable to you! I tried different times, ended up with diving in the morning.

- Phoiph, thanks, I'm happy with your reply, gives me reassurance and more understanding! Very encouraging…

I will work on an update in the upcoming week...
Find me some brain to create descriptions… [Smile]
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Phoiph - that is good advice about the exercise. I don't realize that the Oxygen is very powerful. My body needs to adjust to the oxygen and then I will do 5 minutes every other day, then incrementally work up to more.

I need to conserve my energy, I always forget that when I start to feel better.

I'm just so excited about mHBOT!
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
My update, hopefully contributing to more data on this treatment:

I’m at 30 dives now on 1.3 ATA with 9,5L/min. oxygen from the Intensity concentrator. I use a Summit to sea Shallow dive.

I’ve gone very slow because of my oversensitivity and herxing (or whatever) right away. I have been increasing time and frequency over the past 2-3 months up to 30 min. once every 2 days now, to eventually reach 1 hour daily. Before doing mhbot I did a month on just oxygen from the concentrator without using the chamber.

1. Straight after diving I feel tired and weakened or more flu-like for about 4 hours.

2. But about 6 hours after diving I feel (relatively) increased energy and strength from a deep level inside my body. Big smile!

3. The next day I’m feeling toxicated and tired again, along with a mild headache, brainfog or a feeling of totally neurocognitive crippled. Sometimes multivitamin helps a bit then.

4. I’ve had two massive flares at the beginning, possibly herx, and a few weeks ago I had another very big one.

5. My monthly women thing seems to have improved a bit, less cramps, less days.

6. I have had only just one migraine since the start. Normally I have lots, so that has improved.

7. My bowel-function has a little bit improved, my stomach has worsened.

8. I feel a bit more calm in my head and legs. And being in the chamber relaxes me.

9. My (probably co-infectional) drenching nightsweats had been less for a few short periods and now have worsened again... I'm adding C.S.A. Formula to the mix...

10. My knees seem more painful and swollen, and I have more pain in my neck and lowest back. Muscle and tissue are sometimes a bit less painful.

11. At the moment that I’m actually in the chamber my heartbeat is of the most strength and regularity I’ve ever felt in the past 7 years! (that's when my CO-poisoning was added to the mixture) Very promising.

12. Diet and my medication seem to work better since I’m on oxygen. Although, there are still only a few foods that I can eat without getting more nerve-pain, more heart- and breathing problems or more nausea.

13. It seems that I have more trouble handling tiring things around me lately. I.e. noises, light, and I’m having a hard time tolerating my at home caregivers around me, needing their help, but so overwhelming…

Well... overall I have some improvement. I feel cautious and confident...
Views, ideas, insights, questions or guidance are always welcome.

Wishing you all patience, support, love and much progress along this harsh lyme-road!!

Also to the ones in this thread that haven't posted for a very long time and have 'open-endings'... I feel a little worried about you... Please feel invited (not obligated!) to write some personal words online (not necessarily in this thread) about your mhbot, if you feel like and have energy to do so...

Reading experiences all helps me to make choices in my journey to recovery.
TNT, I'm going to pm you.

Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :

I got your PM, and will try to reply to it. If I don't reply right away, I am going through a flare right now, and trying to figure it out to get things stabilized.

I haven't read this thread in months, and I truly admire your courage and fight!

For the other divers:

I briefly scanned over page 7 and 8 of this thread the best I could right now (eyes feel like they are in a vice, and stiff neck), and some of people's symptoms stood out to me.

I cannot remember what symptoms went with whom, but some that were mentioned were "new-onset" symptoms while continuing mHBOT.

Things like lack of appetite, looser bowels even while eating good (and no ABX), lower back pain, panic attacks, GI issues, nausea, sweating upon minimal exertion....

These all could read like Brucella symptoms. Very easily! And the thing with brucella is it can produce "malaria-like" symptoms.

I am not trying to worry or discourage any one of you, that's for sure.

But I would at least look into Brucella and it's symptoms if you are experiencing a worsening while doing mHBOT. And discuss it with your LLMD.

I have some great links (please look at them all very thoroughly) on the brucellosis thread here:

It seems like I have more than 5 links somewhere, so I may bring that thread back up with some added links.

I wish you all continued courage and complete healing!!!
Posted by TNT (Member # 42349) on :
Hi, everyone.

The subject of SOD came up with Haley on page 7 of this thread (7-27-14).

And Phoiph has explained that mHBOT interferes with detoxification because it creates more free radicals that the body counters with increased production of SOD. I think I have that right.

She wondered (in the non-mild HBOT thread) if my genetic make-up was contributing to my lack of success with mHBOT. I guess she thinks it is possible that I was producing free radicals faster than my body could deal with, especially considering I was also on ABX.

So, I thought that I at least owed it to everyone here to explore the possibility that my genetic mutations were interfering with my ability to detox properly, thus making my condition worse with mHBOT.

So, I dug out my genetic profiles to verify my mutations.

It appears that most of my snps for detox are fine. A few have 1 mutation (heterozygous). So, they should not be causing much trouble.

But I do have a double mutation (homozygous) on NOS (D298E).

***It appears that I have been tested by two different labs for SOD II (A16V). One lab lists me as no mutation ("neither chromosome carries the genetic variation"), or (-/-).

And the other lab lists me as double mutation (+/+). So, I am not sure which one I am. All other snps between the two labs agree.

The SOD II snp affects the mitochondria.

Here is the commentary from the lab that shows I am (-/-) on SOD II:

"Superoxide dismutase is the primary anti-oxidant enzyme within the mitochondria of cells
(where most of our energy is made). SOD2 converts reactive oxygen species into less reactive hydrogen peroxide.

The wild-type genotype (-/-) is associated with higher SOD II activity and a greater sensitivity to antioxidant status compared to the other genotypes.

The combination of higher SOD II activity and low antioxidant intake and/or excessive oxidative stress (e.g., smoking) may result in an accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and increased risk of cancers of the breast or prostate.

This genotype has also been associated with a higher risk of motor neuron disease. Risk of cancer may be reduced in individuals taking anti-oxidants.

Because the (-/-) genotype is particularly sensitive to antioxidant status, liberal consumption of dietary antioxidants in colorful vegetables and fruits is recommended.

Broad-spectrum anti-oxidant supplements may also be helpful, including agents that help to raise glutathione levels (e.g., vitamin C, N-acetylcysteine, milk thistle) and support glutathione peroxidase (selenium)."

Also found this:

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an antioxidant enzyme that converts reactive oxygen species into less reactive hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is then neutralized by catalase and GSH-peroxidase. SOD2 is located within
cellular mitochondria and uses manganese as a cofactor.

The only other detox snp that would be causing me any trouble would be the GSTM1 (1p13.3). I have an "absent allele" on this one.

From my test results:

"Glutathione S-transferases (GST) are responsible for detoxifying certain products of oxidative stress and a variety of electrophilic xenobiotics and carcinogens such as solvents, herbicides, pesticides, polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, steroids, and heavy metals.

GSTM1 is located primarily in the liver, whereas GSTP1 is located primarily in the brain and lungs.

When there is no gene present on the GSTM1 chromosome it is called an "absent" allele.

This results in reduced capacity for hepatic detoxification and increased risk of various cancers, chemical sensitivity, coronary artery disease in smokers, atopic asthma, and deficits in lung function.

Risk appears REDUCED for colorectal- and head & neck cancer, but ONLY when cruciferous vegetable intake is high."

It also says, "Decreased glutathione conjugation capacity may increase toxic burden and increase oxidative stress."

It does appear that detox is an issue for me, but exactly how it would affect my ability to use mHBOT, I'm not sure.

So, if a genetic/mHBOT expert would like to weigh in on this, go right ahead. I am sorry that the SOD snp is confusing.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
"And Phoiph has explained that mHBOT interferes with detoxification because it creates more free radicals that the body counters with increased production of SOD. I think I have that right."

"She wondered (in the non-mild HBOT thread) if my genetic make-up was contributing to my lack of success with mHBOT. I guess she thinks it is possible that I was producing free radicals faster than my body could deal with, especially considering I was also on ABX."

Just to clarify...(especially since we're mixing two threads here)...I did not mean to imply that mHBOT interferes with the detoxification process, on the contrary, it actually initiates/enhances a detoxification response at the cellular level.

In addition, oxygen produces free radicals (ROS), which are a double edged sword; a certain amount are necessary to disarm pathogens, and too many will damage our own cells. To protect our cells from damage, the body produces antioxidants like SOD and GSH (in greater amounts when exposed to mHBOT) to compensate. (Conversely, taking too many antioxidants in supplemental/IV form can theoretically thwart the ability of the free radicals to fight pathogens.)

So, in TNT's scenario (see the non-mild HBOT thread), my question/concern was that her situation may be more complex if there were other factors, including a significant detoxification defect present, and wanted to explore this possibility since I thought it might have contributed in part to her negative response to mHBOT.

I wondered about a possible predisposed inability to detoxify or produce specific antioxidants, combined with other factors, including:

1) The daily ingestion of toxins (e.g., antibiotics, supplements etc.), plus

2) Methylation supplementation; the dosing requirements of which may have changed with the addition of mHBOT (methylation dosing is a complex and variable "art" to begin with, that can cause severe symptoms similar to the ones mentioned when not dosed properly), and

3) That additional oxygen via mHBOT may have initiated a greater detox response (normally a good thing), which, in combination with the "perfect storm" above, may have released toxins into the body at a greater rate than they could be removed, causing build up and worsening of symptoms.

This is a just a possible consideration on my part, because I personally believe that symptom flares/worsening can't always be attributed to the growth or spread of pathogens themselves; and that there may be more to the picture if we look deeper.

I would like to be optimistic that more formal research on long term mHBOT is forthcoming, but the truth is that since oxygen is not patentable, there is not much impetus to throw money in this direction...which is why everyone's experience/contribution is so valuable and important to consider carefully...
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks for that explanation Phoiph. It's going to take a while before I comprehend the free radical / antioxidant balance, but I think I am starting to get it.

I would like to ask if anyone has this side effect of mHBOT... I can't catch a breath and feel like I can't breath in enough air, also have rapid heart beat. Not saying this is bad or good, just wondering if this is a side effect.

It reminds me of when I had internal bleeding (I lost about 1/3 of my blood), so of course my hemoglobin was very low, my heart was pounding trying to circulate the small bit of oxygen that was in my system.

I wondered if low hemoglobin and mHBOT may have this effect. I do have slightly low hemoglobin.

Anyway the point of this post is, I'm wondering if I should take a day off. Maybe I have too much oxygen in my system. I have done 10 days, will be day 11 today.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :

I'm thinking probably not but do you know of any research related to successful treated of C-Diff while treating Lyme and Bart? Just came down with my fist bout, now more than ever determined to get a machine in the house since options are getting even more limited.


Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Prescription dificet
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

From K.K. Jain: Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine

Pseudomembranous Colitis

Pseudomembranous colitis (induced by antimicrobial agents) is caused by a toxin-producing organism Clostridium difficile. The presence of the organisms and toxins upon assay is suggestive of the diagnosis that can be confirmed by proctoscopy and colonoscopy. Most of the cases of this disease are self-limiting. Vancomycin has produced symptomatic improvement in some cases. HBO therapy has been shown to be useful in the management of this disease, but further research is required.

Unfortunately, this reference doesn't indicate at what pressures HBO was found to be useful in managing the disease.

I would suspect, however, even if higher pressures were necessary to actually kill the pathogens, mHBOT would still be beneficial due to its immune enhancing effects.

I also know of someone who recovered from a particularly difficult case of c.diff with ozone treatments. I can connect you if you like...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
In reference to Haley's post above...

The symptoms she described reportedly improved after drinking more water. She had been drinking less than usual, and may have become a little dehydrated.

It reminded me to emphasize the importance of being conscious of water intake and staying hydrated when doing mHBOT...
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hey Guys & Gals! Well, I'm still trying to figure out a way to peel the last layer of this Onion. The last layer of this onion is predominatly Pain. Sometimes the pain aches, and other times it burns like crazy.

I'm eating really clean, and have even cut way back on caffeine. I continue to drink a gallon of water each and every day? It is extremely bothersome at times, however I guess I should be greatful with the progress I have made to date:-)

Its extremely weird....ever since my bout of both the Shingles, and Bacterial Pneomonia my pain worsened. I'm aware of post Shingles pain etc....its just really frusterating.

I will continue to keep you guys, and gals updated
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks for posting looking4hope. I hope the pain gets better.

Would you say that your brain stuff is still gone?

I've only done this about 20 dives, some symptoms are better. My brain is still a pile of mush.

I may need to take some medicine if I want to keep my job. Trying to trust that the brain will clear, just seems to be getting worse. ugh
Posted by BBinme (Member # 34131) on :
i too decided to take " the plunge" so to speak.
However its still fairly early to assess at this point if its helping. There are some things that have improved for sure but some of these pesky symptoms continue to return at time. Maybe it herxing..i think that it is.

I've been taking it very slow as well b/c i am also very sensitive to everything. Maybe its a methylation block. Anyway i have just completed dive #50. I am currently diving 3 times a week at 1.3 ata for 45 minutes with o2 at 10 litres the whole time. I am slowly increasing the length of dive and when i get up to one hour i will increase days.

Some of my symptoms that have improved are headaches, head pressure and fog, however for some reason these have been acting up again recently for some reason which discourage me.
These have been one of my hardest symptoms to get rid of and i thought i had them licked [Frown]

Fatigue has improved but sometimes my insomnia will flare up from. diving which can cause fatigue. Dizziness is gone. Tingling hands and feet have improved but still flares up at times. Pain has improved but still get worse at times..when i started diving i was having nerve pain off and on and joint pain which i have not had in a long time.

Stiffness in neck and back is still a lingering and annoying symptom for me that just doesnt go away.
Im going to continue diving and hopefully get up to daily hourly dives someday soon...i just cannot rush it unfortunatly.

I also am curious about the detox effects of mhbot and taking of detox supplements as well...trying to make sense with my lymie brain. What about supplements to improve methylation? Is that too much detoxing combined? Does it interfere with the effects of mhbot? And what about other detox supps like glutathione, nac, alamax etc?
Thanks Deane
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi BBinme...

You're having some very positive changes, and that is great, but in my experience, 50 dives (at 3x per week) is very early in the process, and way too soon to evaluate symptoms that are still present.

It is a 2 step forward, 1 step back process, with symptoms waxing and waning before they finally disappear over time, in my experience.

The questions you asked about methylation supplementation are good ones and not easy to answer, as there are so many variables from person to person with methylation and detox issues, and no specific studies that I know of involving methylation and mHBOT.

That said, we do know that mHBOT makes the detoxification/methylation process more efficient, so my thoughts are that you have to be careful with adding on a lot of other concurrent detox protocols, as to not overwhelm the system.

Also remember that free radical activity (which naturally occurs in the body, but is increased by mHBOT), while potentially damaging to our cells in quantity, is also an important part of the process of fighting/disabling microbes, so you don't want to try to eliminate it altogether with antioxidants.

Fortunately, it has been found in studies of children with Autism that natural antioxidants also increased in response to mHBOT, so oxidative stress was not of concern.

There is also the impact of supplements on the gut to consider, as well as "muddying the waters" with multiple treatment variables.

I personally couldn't take any supplements at the time I started mHBOT (due to severe sensitivities, reactions, and gut issues), and became well without them.

People may react differently; unfortunately there is no clear cut answer that I know, in my opinion, "balance and moderation" would be the thing to keep in mind.

By the way, regarding the LPM setting you're using on your concentrator...I believe you're using a Sequal concentrator, is that right? If so, be sure to set it at 10LPM before you pressurize the chamber, and not touch the setting again after pressurizing (the LPM will drop a little due to the backpressure of the chamber during use...this is normal). If you try to crank it up again to 10 after pressurizing, it will not function efficiently. (There is a different procedure for the AirSep concentrator...that one must be set below around 8.5LPM, then left at that setting at all times when used with the chamber).
Posted by BBinme (Member # 34131) on :
Hi Phioph,
I guess i was more curious about taking the vitamins( methylfolate, methylcobalimin and b6) used to help with methylation. Ive never been tested for methylation problems but i would not be surprised if it was positive b/c im so sensitive to everything.
I think i understand the detox supplement issue with mhbot. I have stopped glutathione awhile ago. Im still taking nac and alamax but have cut back. I plan to stop both soon when i run out.

Yes im using a sequal concentrator. I turn that on to 10 before starting the pressurizing and then dont touch it again until i get out of chamber and i always shut the pressure off before the concentrator. Thanks
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Coincidentally, the methylation subject came up today with a naturopath who's opinion I really trust.

In her experience, before considering methylation supplementation, you have to be careful to have all hormones/endocrine levels in balance first, otherwise it can easily offset that balance and potentially cause lots of issues and reactions.

It is a complex process that, although many people take it on themselves, should probably be initiated and monitored by someone that understands it thoroughly and can look at the whole I have known people who have been really helped by it, and others who have had very negative reactions and setbacks.

Good about the concentrator...just checking...:)
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Hi Phoiph,

I am doing 1 hour everyday, almost at 30 dives. I am considering doing 45 minutes 2 times a day. Do you think that is too much? I notice my symptoms come back before 24 hours. I just wonder if it might be more effective, although I'm not sure how I will work it into my schedule.

I also thought about this after seeing this 48 second microscope clip from the microscope thread. This is a 13 hour time lapse, you can see how long the bug will stay in cyst form.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Haley...

I think it is important to do the full 1 hour session (at full pressure, not counting inflating/deflating time) daily to get the most therapeutic benefit.

People differ in their tolerances to oxygen "dosing", and each individual can differ day to day. Since people with chronic illness tend to be very toxic and sensitive, it is best to be conservative, in my opinion. Oxygen is considered a "drug", after all.

The effects of a 1 hour session stay in the body for over 24 hours, and are cumulative, from what I understand (but it takes a certain number of sessions before the results stick). My personal opinion/experience is that more than 1 session a day (or sessions longer than 1 hour) are more than what is necessary for our purposes, and may be too much for sensitive people.

I know for me, the few times I have accidentally fallen asleep in the chamber for more than 1 hour, I felt as if I had overdone it. Same thing when I had tried to do more than 1 session per day early on in my treatment.

There are many other indications that require higher pressures or more time in the chamber (such as wound or bone infections, for example), and I have known people who have these conditions in combination with chronic Lyme who, unfortunately couldn't tolerate these protocols.

I can see why you thought about this after watching the clip...but consider that much of the force behind mHBOT is not just through direct antimicrobial action, but via healing/empowering the innate immune system overall so it can deal with the "bugs" more effectively...
Posted by BBinme (Member # 34131) on :
Thank Phioph. I am taking Metanx which does have the same things that people take for methylation blockage...not sure if metanx helps or not with methylation( i would think it doez), but my llmd put me on it for nerve issues, numbness and tingling etc. Ive been on it for awhile now with no reactions so i think i will stsy on it for now. [Smile]
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thank you for the reply Phoiph. I will stick at one hour a day. I usually have the concentrator on 10. I have not missed a day, tomorrow will be 30 days for me.

I posted that one link as I think it is interesting that the effects of the oxygen "wear off" around 14 hours. I do, however, feel a cumulative effect. My main symptoms are weakness, fatigue and severe brain problems.

I have definitely improved my overall strength, for example I am doing Pilates 3 times a week, but only 10 minute each time. In the past I would be completey exhausted for a week if I did one short work out, in fact getting out of bed was a challenge for me. I now feel stronger with each workout and actually look forward to these workouts. It's a big deal.

My brain is still a mess, but I have faith that this will get better as time goes on and if I need to take medicine for it I will.

I feel that the oxygen is knocking out anaerobic bacteria while simultaneously empowering the immune system.

I believe the reason Lyme is so complicated is that we all have different pathogens due to the fact that we are bitten by a different tick in a different geographic area. Also, one person may have 2 pathogens and another 100. MCIDS (as Dr. H puts it). Its as if each one of us has an entirely different illness. Drs can't test for everything under the sun and they are often guessing when hitting these things with medicine.

That's why Oxygen makes sense to me. It boils down to 2 different types of bugs - anaerobic and aerobic; the Oxygen will take down a lot of stuff. This is easier to grasp than trying to treat 50 different pathogens.

Carry on mHBOTers.

[ 10-07-2014, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: Haley ]
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
So sorry for the late reply.....I have been through a great deal lately "Not Really LD Related"

I agree with everything Phoiph states above....I do believe in my heart eventually in TIME 'The Lights In Your Brain Will Come Back Online"(-:

Have you been following your diet, and a host of all the "Little Things".... with an emphasis placed strongly on the "Little Things"?

I like Phoiph believe that one should keep this "Process", as KISS or Keep It Simple Stupid as possible(-:

The only adjuncts I really ever added to Mhbot, were Earthing, Diet, Increasing Voltage in the body, and Exercise....and that has always pretty much been it.

Haley, the fact that your now able to exercise more frequently is a HUGE indication in my humble opinion that you are indeed headed in the right direction.

You have always intuitively felt like some form of Oxygen was going to get you to where you needed to be.....and the fact that your NOW training the way you are is nothing short of AMAZING at this stage of the game "Congratulations".

Mhbot, is a very slow process at times Haley. With that being said we are all as human beings living in one of the fastest paced civilizations in recorded history! That fact alone makes things that much more difficult!

I know it's hard as someone who has battled and is still battling right along side you Haley in the trenches each and every day.

In closing no one hear I believe is a doctor so we obviously can't give medical advice. What we can do is simply share "Our Personal Experiences", with this modality.

I'm greatly encouraged to hear about your success in regard to your exercise. Like you I have read a great deal about Mhbot, and other literature which interested me on the topic of TBD or Tick Born Diseases.

After "Adding Everything Up", I have my "Personal Opinions", as to why some heal, some don't, and other heal very slowly.

With that being said, I do believe Phoiph, who has unselfishly donated an abundance of her time and energy to helping others has illustrated "Personally", how powerful Mhbot can be for some.

I have always loved Phoiphs "Simple", straight forward approach as it coincides with much of the research I have done personally in regard to Mhbot.

Again sorry for the late reply Haley...I hope all is well(-:
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
I thought I would chime in here with a conversation I had recently with someone amazing that Phoiph hooked me up with. This gentleman has a lot of personal experience diving and is a researcher as well. Not Lyme, but other health challenges.

When we talked the other day, he mentioned to me that as regards aerobic pathogens potentially "growing" or spreading (this came in in course of discussing tick borne infections) he said that even aerobic pathogens create an acidic, low oxygen environment in which to grow. It was sort of a light bulb moment for me (that takes a LOT, right Phoiph?) and I am not really afraid of that anymore. I was afraid of "growing" bart.

If people have bad reactions to the chamber (I did, jumped in too much too soon) it's probably not because aerobic pathogens are "growing". The chamber is a methylator and a detoxer, so I would think that it's more likely that something is going on in that regard.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks Lookingforhope. I'm sure that my brain is getting better, there are subtle improvements.

Glad to hear that you still have maintained the cognitive improvements.

CD57- I was trying to elude to the fact, that even if (hypothetically) the chamber caused other bugs to thrive (which I don't think it does), the oxygen kills A LOT of bugs while it's boosting the immune system. This puts the body in a position to take down what it once was not able to take down. That's just my opinion.

I am extremely excited about this therapy, but I'm trying to refrain from saying anything and make sure the results are lasting. It's just so difficult to not say anything when I have had days where I actually felt alive!!!! It's been 7 years since I felt that way. The "good days" are sporadic and few, but wow are they good!!!

I do have to add that I am taking Erythromycin, this was prescribed by my doc for some bug that I have. So currently, I believe it is a combination of the antibiotics and the oxygen. I also use a PEMF mat one hour a day.

I know that Phoiph is not big on abx, so I hope that this doesn't disappoint her. After all, she may have saved my life; I will be forever indebted to her.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks to everyone for the kind words...

Haley...I am "not big" on antibiotics only when they don't work or cause harm for people (like me)...but if they are working for you for whatever reason, of course you have to go with what you and your doctor feel is best for you...

I am very happy to hear about your positive responses (and I know that you are aware that there will likely be ups and downs to can be a rocky road...). The "good" days will eventually outnumber the "bad" ones...:)

Of course you are not indebted to me!!! I am grateful to be well enough to get the message out to others...and as I have said before, it makes my 8 years in hell seem like it had a purpose.

Remember, someone did it for me...and you will do it for the next person...
Posted by BBinme (Member # 34131) on :
Phioph, you said earlier that in studies with autistic children they found that mhbot increased natural antioxidant activity. Do you have the link to that study? Would like to read it thanks [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Here are links to a few articles indicating that mHBOT raises glutathione (the master antioxidant):

How Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Works and Why it is Good for Our Children, by Julie A. Buckley, MD, FAAP : apy-works-and-why-it-is-good-for-our-children.pdf&ei=q79AVNDWOZHgoATr44CADQ&usg=AFQjCNF5DwDHvaKvO9g3IbFrcvMvhbl6TQ&sig2=O75ULzrRKrau_5bPWo7lFA&bvm=bv

Interview with Dr. Dan A. Rossignol: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may improve symptoms in autistic children in Medical Hypothesis: JAVJmqOc_koAS12oLADQ&usg=AFQjCNFhj2W68J1Gxz_TDqfBAJ7oNPIqDw

Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Autism:
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
I just got back from urgent care. I now have an "Ulcer of the Pharynox or Hypopharnx" and "Dysuria".

My immune system just can't catch a break. I feel like I'm back in this "Tunnel", with no connection whatsoever with my surroundings etc)-:

I have no energy, feel physically sick, and was told by someone I know that "I Just Need To Simply Use My Survival Skills"

I worked so hard to get to where I was...this is all just seems like a bad dream right now. My head feels so full, my legs feel week, I have bouts of intense nausea, hot cold, sweating, frequent urination, dehydrated.

I wish none of this was true....however unfortunately it is)-:
Posted by BBinme (Member # 34131) on :
Thank you [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Great article by an MD (with her own health challenges) who ran a hyperbaric practice and continues to use supplemental oxygen as a therapy with her patients:

The Most Overlooked, Effective, Prescription Drug, by Dr. Jamie Deckoff-Jones:
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
I think this doc also had Lyme!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes...there is a link in the article to her blog.
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
Hello fellow HBOTers!

It's time for an update on my journey. I have reached 288 hours of mild HBOT. I still feel it is a very helpful modality to treat lyme, support the immune system, detox, etc.

In July and August, I felt I was stalled out with the HBOT, like my body was adapted to it and instead of getting little steps forward, I was just treading water. I went back to my LLMD and he suggested I go back on abx (I had been off them since Nov 2013) to move forward and really try to kick this.

I didn't feel completely comfortable going back on abx, so I went for a second opinion with an Integrative Medicine practice that a friend recommended. With that practice, I was able to get a lot of new blood work done, including tests with the BCA clinic in Germany. At that lab, they do a T-cell test that is better to determine active infection and has a very high sensitivity. It also tests for 5-6 strains of Borrelia versus typical western blot that tests for 1 or Igenex that tests for 2.

My results came back that I have not 1, not 2, but 3 strains of Borrelia plus Ehrlichia/Anaplasma and very high Epstein-Barr titers. My Epstein-Barr has always been high, but this is the first time I tested positive for Anaplasma. Now, this might seem like bad news (and having 3 strains of lyme certainly is!) but I also recognize that the test said that my t-cells (needed to fight lyme infection) were reactive to the lyme antigens. This to me is a good sign. It means my immune system recognizes Lyme and wants to take care of it.

So, this new practice convinced me that I really need to be treating more than just with HBOT (especially with 3 active strains)and suggested some simple treatment with doxy and malarone. I am also loaded up with multiple types of probiotics.

I've been doing the abx/hbot combo for 3 weeks now and I've really been herxing this past week (During week 2 I couldn't do HBOT due to travel). With this herxing, at least I feel I am not stuck and something is "happening" and I am hoping for an uplifting of the herxing stuff soon. The good thing is the herxing is not too bad. Certainly not as strong as when I started HBOT over a year ago. It also seems to be coming in waves that then the worst passes in a few hours, especially after I do the chamber. This is better than my old pattern which was just herxing forever with little noticeable improvement.

My husband also has Lyme, is on antibiotic therapy and has recently been using the chamber as well. It makes him herx pretty hard, and then he feels better in 2-3 days. He is using it as a supplement to his treatment to make the antibiotics more effective and detox. He thinks it's very helpful.

So that's the update for now! I will let you know how things progress for both of us.

Take care.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Wow, MBDQ thanks for the update. How interesting!
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
I am super interested in these tests. Do you know how I would get more info?
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thank you mbdq.

I'm also am interested in those tests.

Are you doing supplemental oxygen? I notice that this really helps a lot when I suck down the extra oxygen.

I agree that a low dose of medicine along with the oxygen seem to work well (for me anyway). I am concerned about yeast.

What do you take for probiotics? How many billion units? I have increased my probiotics to 200,000 billion and 5 billion sacromyces boulardi.

[ 10-21-2014, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: Haley ]
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Does anyone here get clogged ears that don't unclog? What do you do to remedy that?

I have tried Afrin, Nettie pot, all sorts of things for sinus.

Any suggestions would be helpful.
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Have you tried earplanes
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
Haley- I have really sensitive ears that don't always clear very well. At times they have gotten clogged. The best thing that helped me was hot showers/steam.

Also the Neti Pot, but the hot shower was better, I think because I was standing up and they could drain.

Also, to help my ears clear in the chamber it is much easier for me if I pressurize while laying on my stomach in the chamber, with my upper body propped up on my elbows in a modified "cobra" position.

It seems to stretch my eustacian tubes and help them clear more easily. After reaching full pressure, I flop over very ungracefully.

For the inquiries about the probiotics, here is what I am taking:

1) VSL #3- 112.5 Billion CFU/cap. 2 per day

2) Enterogenic Intensive 100, Mfg by Integrative Therapeutics- 100 Billion CFU/cap. 1 per day

3) Saccharomyces boulardii, Mfg by OrthoMolecular Products- 5 Billion CFU/cap. 2 per day

4)OrthoBiotic, Mfg by OrthoMolecular Products- 20 Billion CFU/cap. 2 per day

Also, for those of you going through the first couple of months of HBOT and are having huge scary flares and other things going on, I remember what this was like. It's very scary.

I herxed so strongly I thought I had oxygen toxicity. I was feeling like I would pass out at any moment and I got some horrible colds/flus/sinus stuff that was very disconcerting.

I needed to back off and take the hbot slowly. A few times/week instead of every day. Try to listen to your body. Don't be too much of a warrior to your own detriment.

Oxygen and pressure are a strong modality. I do combine breathing oxygen with the chamber. I still herx in the chamber on a regular basis.

It increases my twitching and my head pain, shooting nerve pains in my head.

For inquiries about testing, my doctor sent the blood to a lab in Germany called Infectolab. The website is

It is part of the BCA clinic in Germany run by Armin Schwarzbach, MD, PhD. There is a youtube videos about his testing procedures if you search his name/lyme from a talk he gave in Florida.

Also, feel free to PM me.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
JCarl - I have those I will try them.

Thank you so much mdbq. That is some great information. I probably will send you a PM at some point.

I tried the Cobra position, and I think that helped. My ears will stayed clogged for days, but I never take a day off of the chamber. My guess is they would unclog if I took a couple of days off.

Also interesting about the tests and the probiotics. I will take a look at those probiotics, I never know how much to take.
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
Hey group- here's another update:

I am up to 306 hours of mild HBOT with O2. That's quite a committment! I am still diving every day I reasonably can. Basically, if I am in the same state, I am in the chamber.

I went to my LLMD last week after being back on ABX for 5-6 weeks. I was back to my usual pattern- initial herxing from abx, then a "stalemate" between the herbs/abx where I basically have low level flares/herxs with no real improvement. They wanted me on an additional antibiotic- I said no. Better yet, my being/body said NO!

I explained how I've been down this road before for YEARS. It apparently doesn't work for me. I asked- What else can we do to support my healing? And their answer was to try some herbs (I've been down that road too, but it fit better with my vision) So I have discontinued the abx and I am back on some herbal formulas. Also trying some Manuka honey.

I realized when I was driving home from the Doctor that I really feel it's pretty much up to me at this point to get well. I've been to the best. I've spent 10s of thousands of dollars. I've taken all the drugs.

It's not as scary a place as I thought it would least it is something different.

I will continue with hyperbaric and work with some supportive therapies as I feel fit with my healing journey. I may get fully well. I might not.

I am working on being OK with that. I am not giving up, but I am accepting and surrendering to my situation, which I know will help on many levels.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Just so you know...I was NOT fully well at 306 hours (10 months for me) of mHBOT either!

At that point, I was much, much better than when I had started, but it still took several more months before I could go back to work part time, etc., and resume a semblance of a normal life.

I truly believe you are still healing and will get all the way there. There were many times where I felt that things were probably going to stay as they were, then I would take a step forward again. It wasn't predictable, and I never knew if I would become fully well...or just stop making progress at some point.

And, although I felt recovered after 1-1/2 years, I waited another 6 months to post my story to be confident I would hold on to gains. In retrospect, I have continued to improve in many ways since then (now 3+ years since beginning mHBOT). is a process...and I'm glad you aren't giving up on it!!!
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
MBDQ thats a huge achievement and you are to be commended! I hope that it is as Phoiph says and there is more healing to come.

You have come a looong way though.
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
Greetings All,

I'm returning after a long absence. Knee and hip replacements done and recovered, and a couple meds dropped as well. I am recommitting to HBOT and my Respiro.

I have done 3 dives so far,= 8 hours so far. I figure that while I'm in there I may as well stay a while, and my die off hasn't been really noticeable until today.

This morning I started shivering. I wasn't cold. I began to be aware that the die off was in my brain, maybe via the Central Nervous System? So I just snuggled back into bed to ride the wave. It went on for 5+ hours!

So that's my first herx, after 3 dives equalling 8 hours. As a result my mind seems clearer, less processing thru cotton balls.

Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
Greetings All,

I'm returning after a long absence. Knee and hip replacements done and recovered, and a couple meds dropped as well. I am recommitting to HBOT and my Respiro.

I have done 3 dives so far,= 8 hours so far. I figure that while I'm in there I may as well stay a while, and my die off hasn't been really noticeable until today.

This morning I started shivering. I wasn't cold. I began to be aware that the die off was in my brain, maybe via the Central Nervous System? So I just snuggled back into bed to ride the wave. It went on for 5+ hours!

So that's my first herx, after 3 dives equalling 8 hours. As a result my mind seems clearer, less processing thru cotton balls.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Beloved...

Welcome back to mHBOT [Smile]

I think we may have connected before you had your knee replacement(?)

I am very happy to hear you are using your Respiro again.

Are you using supplemental oxygen from an oxygen concentrator with your chamber? If so, I am concerned about how long your sessions are...1 hour sessions are recommended so you don't overdo and produce more free radicals or release more toxins than your body can handle...

Oxygen really is a drug, and can be "overdosed" on.

Hope you don't mind my unsolicited advice...but I know it wasn't good for me when I occasionally fell asleep in my chamber for a few hours...
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
Yes, Phoiph, we did PM to touch base just before the surgeries. I don't know yr email any more; perhaps you can't find mine...

I did email with our friend L* about my # of dives vs hours in the chamber. I'm waiting to hear back from him again.

I Can say his friend that sells the compressors said that the dive loses it's efficacy after 1+1/2 hours in the Chamber. But my LLMD Dr says to try to stay as long as one can, to try to stay in overnight.

I couldn't get comfy enough for overnight; the best I can do is lay on my back, rest, maybe pray. I can't sleep on my back.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Some people stay in the chamber longer if they're not using supplemental oxygen...does your LLMD know you are using the chamber with 02 (if, in fact you are)?

Here's a good resource on the subject:
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
Yes, I am using both compressor And concentrator. I'm keeping track via journaling. After 3 dives this is my first herx. Also I had prayed that my brain might get some recovery in the beginning. It certainly gives me encouragement for this journey.
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
Yes, Phoiph, my LLMDs clinic has 2 Chambers, and we both interact with the people at Genox.
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
Greetings, fellow Lyme MHbot travelers.

I read, 'It's not the goal, but the direction you choose.' In our cases I think it's both. It is a direction that gives me hope.

I have had this demmed disease for 23 years, October in it's first week of 1991. I spent my 30s thru my 40s, now going into my 50s with this cruelty straight from the pit of hell. But on some level I have to hold onto my sanity by thinking that this circumstance protected me from something much worse, and/ or what have I learned through this.

I'm at 13 hours/ 5 Dives so far. I welched on my dives last week; the Chamber is in the unheated glassed in porch and we had a cold snap. A dear friend says "Then be sure to dress warm!" [kiss]

I concede that I can't do such long dives as I started. I was in the 'Pod' for 3 hours Saturday plus 1 hour for depressurizing. As a result: yesterday I was pretty immobile as well as slept longer than usual. Mostly from feeling crappy. I do feel better today.

So I am going to aim for 90 minutes, as per my MHbot selling friend of 20 years says the Hbot dive has 'a max rate of return, probably around 90 minutes.'

After 13 hours I think my mind is a bit clearer and I think less pain. Positives are Feeling more upbeat, and singing more throughout the day. (I have/ had a degree in music. But who wants to sing- using one's whole body- when one feels like crap?!!!) I hate the part about 1 step backwards after 2 steps forward. The progress is so subtle! But still I'm just starting. I must hold on to the cumulative steps forward.

I'll check in again when I notice another landmark.

All Good Things
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
I almost forgot: I am noticing some relief in my left shoulder. Since my left hip & right knee replacements I have gone from 1 cane to 2 canes, using them more for support than balance. Getting old stinks! [Wink] . Using the canes more for support has really aggravated my left shoulder. I also seem to be walking a bit more strongly.

Also itching more. Agitating the buggers? I would like to think so.
Posted by Pam08 (Member # 19203) on :
Thank you for sharing your updates Beloved! Some of us are definitely still interested to hear how others are doing with this.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I wanted to share this testimonial video I just received featuring people with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) who participated in hyperbaric oxygen treatment as part of a study in Pocatello, Idaho.

Note that many of the mental challenges and symptoms are similar to those experienced with Lyme Disease:
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Hi Phoiph,

Thanks so much for sharing this! It's been awhile, things are continually getting worse for me and I have every intention of getting a chamber in my home after the holiday.

Wondering, and I hope I'm writing this clearly, is there any info on brain injury that is continuing to take place? Meaning, these people that have been in accidents etc., the injury is severe but complete, with my case (as in most of us with Lyme, bart etc)the infection still lives and continues.

Wondering how that affects success. Hoping this finds you still doing amazingly well!! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!

Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks for the video Phoiph.

I have been doing MHBOT since September 3rd and I am doing fairly well.

I still have some issues, also I believe I had some oxygen toxicity so I now will take off a day or 2 a week.

My brain problems have definitely gotten better, which was my biggest concern. I still have some problems with weakness and fatigue, but my doctor an I are always finding pieces to the puzzle.

I want to ask people here (if anyone is still following this) what type of diet so you follow? I know that Phoiph eats mostly Palio.

Also, does anyone think about the "free radical" effect of oxygen, do you take any supplementation to address this?

Any feedback is appreciated. In fact if anyone knows an article or book on the subject that would be great.

Overall, I am doing quite well, I have come a long way in many regards.

[ 12-13-2014, 08:21 PM: Message edited by: Haley ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Joashark...

I have helped several people who have traumatic brain injuries (without Lyme) get started with mHBOT, and find that in general, there are differences in their reaction/response to mHBOT compared to those who have had toxic exposures or infectious conditions (like Lyme & coinfections, mold exposure, etc.).

What I have observed, is that in general, people without infections or toxic conditions (i.e., traumatic brain injury only) don't seem to need to work up to the protocol as slowly, as they are not as toxic and don't have "herx"-like detox reactions.

Also, they may not require treatment over as extended of a period of time as those with Lyme, although each case is individual.

People with Lyme not only have multiple infections and toxicity to deal with, but often have been ill for a long time, and require healing of multiple body systems. There may be many "layers" of illness to address, and this takes time.

That said, it is possible that people with Lyme may have an advantage in the brain department over a traumatic brain injury, since their brain dysfunction, although ongoing, may be of a functional nature (i.e., cells are idling "offline", but not "damaged"), as opposed to an actual traumatic injury that may involve physical insult.

One of the great things about mHBOT, is that it not only increases the efficiency of the immune system (so it can better fight the infections), but releases stem cells and helps to grow new nerve it can be very effective in both situations.

I am a good example of how mHBOT heals brain dysfunction from Lyme and my worst, I couldn't figure on out which corner of an envelope to place a stamp, nor could I remember what I was doing long enough to complete a simple task. This went on for years, and I was certain my brain was permanently damaged...but full function eventually returned via mHBOT.

I'm currently working on gathering video documenting the progress of people with Lyme using mHBOT...but in the meantime, you may be interested in this mother's video testimonial of her 9 year old daughter's recovery from viral encephalitis with HBOT:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Haley...

So glad to hear you're doing so much better overall. That's great progress, especially considering the relatively short time you've been doing mHBOT!

To respond to your question about free radicals, I was at an office Christmas party last night given by my neurologist friend who runs an HBOT clinic. We were all standing around the 6-person chamber, and someone asked the very same question regarding oxygen and free radicals.

I wish I had recorded my neuro friend's explanation, but the upshot of it is that the free radicals created via oxygen under (hyperbaric) pressure react very differently in the body, and are actually a beneficial part of the healing process, and not harmful. She said this is a common myth/misperception, that unfortunately deters people (including doctors) from pursuing HBO.

I have asked her for a more in-depth explanation, and will post it when I receive it from her...

Although she doesn't recommend antioxidant supplements (which are best obtained through diet), she does recommend 2 supplements to her neuro patients:

Ambrotose (a glyconutrient for cellular communication and immune function):

Stemgevity: (assists stem cell mobilization)
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thank you Phoiph. Very helpful.

Am I the only one on Lymenet that is still doing this protocol?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Here is the response to your question regarding concerns about mHBOT and free radicals from my neurologist/HBOT friend:

"...Free radicals are a necessary part of the healing activation that takes place with HBOT. Oxygen radicals interact at a DNA level to modify gene expression: upregulating healing processes and downregulating inflammatory and destructive processes. In a hyperoxic condition, the physiology is different. Oxygen radicals are broken down by enzymes after they have been effective. In hypoxic circumstances oxygen radicals linger and are destructive. There is a research article that I can give you as a reference. [Oxidative stress is fundamental to hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Stephen R. Thom. Journal of Applied Physi9ology 106:988-995, 2009.]..."
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Wow Phoiph, thanks for that great explanation!

Haley, you're not the only left on Lymenet doing this protocol ;-) I'm guessing most are rather quiet in this thread since results with this treatment don't happen overnight, and sometimes there isn't much to report.

I am 295 dives in now (1 hr daily). I stopped all antibiotic treatment on July 13th, not because I was symptom-free, but because I felt that the drugs had taken me as far as they could. So I've been doing just mHBOT for 5 months now and have not experience any rapid decline after stopping the drugs.

As far as symptoms go, I believe mHBOT has kept my muscle, bone, and most nerve pain in check. I only experience intermittent burning spinal pain at the base of my neck where it meets the upper back. I believe my brain is clearer now and I experience windows where I feel like "the real me" is peeking out (if that makes any sense?) In fact, I've starting contemplating going back to finish school sometime in the near-ish (not too near!) future, whereas half a year ago I couldn't even think about doing such a thing. And lately, I've starting feeling the desire to take up my oil painting again...a passion I had lost many years ago when the illness completely took over my mind/body. And I'm grateful to even be able to feel that desire again. Also, severe fatigue comes and goes, but overall, I am able to stay out of that darn bed most of the day now :-)

The past couple of months, though, I have been experiencing many upper respiratory symptoms? My lungs feel kind of full, like I need to hack up something, a kind of wheezing feeling. And I have a constant sore throat, tender lymph nodes behind the ear, congested head and running nose that gets stuffed especially when I am lying down. And burning tired eyes, puffy swollen face, which I generally have all the time.

I have a question for Phoiph or anyone else using the oxygen generator... How do you clean the filter in the back and how often? I wash mine out with hot water every month or so and let it completely dry before putting it back in, but I wonder how well I am cleaning it, and how well it is at filtering the air I am breathing through the mask... I do have a dog in the house, and I assume, the general amount of dust and mold in the air... I guess what I am saying is, I hope breathing that air through the mask is not contributing to my allergy/lung issues? I was so concerned that I even bought a super expensive air purifier with 6 different filters to run in my room all day.

Anyway, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone :-)
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Wow Spinning that is amaaaaazing. You have come a long way from when you first started, remember!?

Haley, I don't post because I can't consider myself as doing the protocol as of yet. I'm not in it for an hour.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Lol CD57, now that you mention it.. yes, in my earlier emails to you I was in pretty awful shape, huh? It's hard to realize when you're making progress with this because it's so gradual. I really hope that you can eventually work up to the protocol and make some solid improvements as well CD57! Sending you my best!!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Spinning...

Thanks for the update...I especially like the part about your renewed interest in oil painting (you must post one of your pieces for us)!

You are doing fine with cleaning the can do it more frequently if you like. You can use mild dish soap and warm water, rinse well, and let dry thoroughly before putting it back on the concentrator.

It is very dry and dusty where I live, and sometimes in between washings I take it outside and clap it between my hands.

There are also filters on the compressor...they are the 2 black metal spherical things on the side. You can unscrew them from the compressor, then twist them open (but they are sometimes difficult to open). There's a paper filter inside that you can dust off. The compressor also has a long glass filter, which you don't need to maintain.

The air you're breathing in the chamber, which is filtered via both units, is cleaner than what you're normally breathing in your home, so no worries there...

I am wondering if some of your discomfort has come from the dryness, either with heat in the house, or from the drying effects of the oxygen on your airways(?). There is a humidifier attachment for the concentrator, but I hesitate to suggest it, because it requires meticulous maintenance for health reasons, and there is no real evidence I have seen that it is of great help...but something to consider if you think this may be the problem. We could contact the vendor for more thorough information if you're interested, and should also run it by your doctor if you decide to try it...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on : are always so supportive of others...we are sending you lots of encouragement and know you will get there!
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Hehe, I said that I've recently been feeling the desire to paint again..didn't say I actually started or that I'm any good at it [Razz]

Thanks for the info Phoiph. The discomfort is definitely not from dryness in the house (I kinda wish that were the case!) so I don't think I would need the humidifier attachment. Where I live, it's almost always moist and foggy (side note: the possibility that mold might be hindering my recovery process terrifies me [Frown] )

Haley, I just realized that you asked earlier about our diets. Yes, I am also following a Paleo-like diet as much as I can. Anything to nourish the body and keep inflammation down to a minimum.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Thank you so much for explaining Phoiph, that makes perfect sense. I will watch the link and be encouraged.

Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thank you beloved and spinning. I know that it takes time and effort to come by the thread an update, but it really helps me.

Even if it's just to know that I am not alone in this journey. I find that we can learn about this therapy as we continue to get feedback from everyone.

Phoiph - Thank you so much for the article. I've printed it out an will sit down and read it. My simplistic way of looking at it is, yes the free radicals help in this therapy as they can destroy bacteria, but maybe in some small way it is like antibiotics as it can also affect the good cells. With antibiotics we make sure we take probiotics and eat well. With Oxygen maybe we need to supplement antioxidants. I'll read the article first before trying to comment on such a technical subject.

That is so funny about the stamp. I had the same experience. I remember thinking to myself, "wow, this is an all time low, I can't figure out where to put this stamp".

I am finding that the oxygen exasperates issues with my skin (an infection on my skin) and it also exasperates issues in my gums and teeth. I'm also having some heart issues, which is most likely unrelated to my illness or to the oxygen.

In my humble opinion this makes sense, certain pathogens that manifest on the skin "like" oxygen. So, I will treat the bugs that are not being "helped" by the oxygen (after I identify them, that's the tricky part). It' like a Rubik's cube, but thanks to the oxygen and to Phoiph that puzzle is slowly being solved.

Please, all mHBOT users, continue to come back every few months and post.

Also thanks for the diet tips, I am eating a good percentage of raw foods, but I do eat meat too.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Haley did you find a way to get around your ear problems in the chamber? I experience pain on one side of ear but have had this always. I get stabbing ear pain sometimes but think that may be unrelated to chamber as it's been there along.all
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I wanted to share an encounter I had a couple of days ago.

I was listening to some musician friends perform in a very small, out of the way town 25 miles from where I live. It was crowded, and someone I had never met sat next to me. He happened to mention that he used to be a sports medicine doctor years ago, so I asked him if he had ever heard of or used hyperbaric.

Turns out, he not only had used hyperbaric for himself and his patients, but in the 80's was the researcher and co-developer of the original Gamow Bag...the first soft chamber (developed originally for altitude sickness), and predecessor of the home chamber, the company which was eventually bought by DuPont, then Oxyhealth. He still owns a few of the original bags.

The conversation was very interesting...I learned a lot from him, and he reiterated what I already knew...the amazing powers of oxygen under pressure.

What are the chances? Probably pretty good in my world...things like this seem to happen to me all the time these days. It was a gift to have had the chance to let him know that his knowledge and research had given me my life back, and was helping a lot of other people...there are no coincidences!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Wow, Phoiph, what a great story... and yes I need to remember more often that there are no coincidences... I would love to talk to that guy.

CD57 I still have problems with my right ear, but I am now able to go in the oxygen chamber. The first time in the chamber it was so painful, I thought my eardrum had ruptured.
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
That is a fantastic story Phoiph- thank you for sharing! We are all connected.

For those with ear issues, my ears remain a bit "sticky" at times but overall I am tolerating the pressure changes very well by pressurizing while on my stomach in the cobra position. Don't forget this position if you haven't tried it!

My husband is now using the chamber every day for an hour. We have to plan our schedules so we can both get in. He is no longer on antibiotics (not that there aren't plenty of docs who would prescribe them, but we felt they weren't really helping him progress and he needed a break). He feels the HBOT is helping, but he is also very frustrated that he is not 100% better yet- he isn't a very patient man and we worry that he will end up like I did- sick and in pain for years on end. We are grateful that we have this modality to treat.

I still use the chamber every day and I am seeing some nice time periods where I am PAIN FREE! It's a few hours here and there, but wow it's like being on some type of high! Energy is also good. I am at 338 hours.

As for diet, we are basically doing a combination of the Wahl's protocol and the GAPS diet. I am really focusing on helping both of us heal our guts. All the antibiotics have taken a toll. I am sure I have had gut dysbiosis since I was a child. It's time to address that piece of the puzzle. Lots of broth soups, cooked veggies, etc. I am gearing up to do the full intro diet for GAPS after Christmas. I will let you know how it goes.

Happy Holidays to all! Keep diving!
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Spectacular MB ! I've admired your dedication to the plan. You make time for it and its paying off.

Phoiph amazing story! Just in time for Xmas.
Posted by Marz (Member # 3446) on :
Cd57 I had a similar experience flying last week. At a certain.point in the air my headache stopped, stiff neck went away, and my thoughts were normal.

Thought it was due to cabin pressure but maybe it waz due to altitude. I literally didnt want to come down to earth!
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
spinning sent you a PM
Posted by noodlydoo (Member # 3273) on :
Just wanted to add that mHBOT has been one of the best treatments I have done over the years. Not a cure, and it was a S L O W process. Can't emphasize enough that for me, it took a solid 2-3 years. But when I got 24 months into daily 1.3 dives roughly 5x a week for an 60-90 min's, plus cutting sugar and gluten from my diet and some supplements, I eventually looked back and said, wow! It's a journey, not a destination. It was two steps forward, a step back. It was NOT overnight. By far, one of the treatments I would never give up. You can probably search for old posts of mine, have not been on Lymenet for years. I suspect a certain amount of commitment is truly needed to recognize any gains. Best of luck.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
amazing noodlydoo! what is your story - what infections and conditions did you fight?

did you really do daily dives for 2 years, wow?
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thank you all for the posts over the last 18 months. I've read each of them and contacted Phoiph to start the process.

I have learned so much from reading what others have done and what therapies or meds you each are using.

I've been sick for 25 years and have tried all the meds and therapies out there and some work to a point. I look forward to reading more updates and will post once I get started.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Posted by MichaelTampa (Member # 24868) on :
I had a session HBOT (not mHBOT, but HBOT) at a doc office, was looking for some thoughts/suggestions on what happened.

The problem I had was sinus pain, above my left eye mostly, and they adjusted the pressure so I could manage to be comfortable, no doubt with safety a concern. After the session, he said he had to put it just at "chamber pressure", that it didn't get close to up to the pressure they would normally use, that it was even less than 1.0 ATA.

The last comment, less than 1.0 ATA confused me. I kind of thought 1.0 ATA would be regular atmospheric pressure at sea level. Is that something else?

So I am assuming what I had was even less than what mHBOT would be?

I really just had one session scheduled, trying to scope out for the future, if I wanted a whole series of HBOT treatments, or I wanted to get a mHBOT machine, or if I wanted to go in a completely other direction.

What he told me, if I wanted to puruse, I should do a number of anti-inflamatory and other anti-this-or-that type things. He really spoke too fast for me to remember everything he was saying, but I heard ibuprophin was one of the things he listed, the others fell in that general category to my untrained ears as other things people take for pain relief.

Generally I have avoided the ibuprophin and aspirin and that kind of stuff (though he did not mention aspirin by name), knowing some cause GI issues and others cause liver issues and I have enough of those.

I had taken 2 grams of quercitin about 1 hour prior to the treatment, intending that would help, but still I did have that problem.

My conclusion is maybe I need to treat whatever problem I have in my sinus before pursuing, perhaps there is an infection in there, I believe there was in the past, and I have always had problems in airplanes.

If anyone has any thoughts on if there might be friendly enough ways to deal with the sinus issue, though, I am curious to hear.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Michael...

It is possible that they were referring to 1 PSI (pounds per square inch), rather than 1 ATA (atmospheres absolute).

In that case, you were probably only able to pressurize a little (still somewhere below 1 PSI), which would convert to only slightly above 1 ATA (1 ATA is sea level).

It sounds like your sinuses were congested and wouldn't allow air to equalize (the ears being the other place that this can happen).

I suggest ruling out an infection (w/your doctor or ENT), and discuss trying natural ways of clearing your sinuses (e.g., saline and sterile water rinsing with Neti pot, acupressure, etc.). Naturopaths usually have good suggestions.

Be cautious of nasal sprays, etc., as these can only be used for a short time and can have a rebound effect when you stop...and I agree with your concerns regarding ibuprofen.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Anyone talked to Looking4Hope?
Posted by nitsuj1225 (Member # 39866) on :
Well I just received my chamber yesterday and finished my first 30 minute dive tonight! Just wanted to add to the thread that another lymenet user is using mhbot. Will update periodically.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
CD57 I have not heard from Looking4hope, I tried to text him, but never heard back. I have since lost all of my contacts. I wonder if Phoiph has heard from Looking4hope.

nitsuj1225 - welcome to the one and only Lyme mild hyperbaric oxygen group. You won't regret it. Keep in mind it takes a long time. That's what Phoiph kept telling me.

I'm here to give a brief update, I'm sure that I will repeat some of the things I have already said, oh well, it's an update.

I have had my chamber since 9/3/14. I have been in almost everyday for one hour, but I am beginning to take a couple of days off a week. Partially because I am doing many different things, not something that Phoiph recommends.

I also have an extremely clean diet which includes 64 ounces of green juice a day and 3 to 4 liters of good water. I pay someone to make juice for me, but since I am beginning to have more energy and less weakness I also make them myself. I just throw a bunch of healthy stuff in a blender. The hardest part is cleaning and cutting up fruits and veggies. There are ways to make them very tasty, just google creamy smoothies (or something to that effect).

I have a PEMF mat that I use about an hour a day, if I can fit it in to my health ritual.

Additionally, I have started the Cowden protocol, only because my SIL sent me the first month and had to try it. I truly believe this protocol helps, but it does make me tired.

Hopefully, I am not speaking too soon, but I do believe I am at a place where I will not have to go back to antibiotics (God Willing). Antibiotics have been the only effective treatment for me in the past. I have not been on them for at least 2 months, and sense that my body is continuing to strengthen along with my immune system. Believe me, I still have days when I can't get out of bed, but I'm confident that when I am off of the Cowden herbs the fatigue and weakness will lessen.

All I can say is that my bodies' systems are "working" better. For example, when I go in the sauna I sweat buckets. In the past, I would go in the sauna, not sweat much and come out feeling worse. When I wake up in the morning my head does not feel like a bowling ball that I am unable to lift off of the pillow (although still some fatigue, no doubt).

My biggest issue now is cognitive. I become easily confused and feel as if I'm floating or drugged. Sometimes if I'm speaking to a group of people I feel like I am not making any sense at which point I say to myself "whatever, I'm still fabulous!".

I thank God for Phoiph and those like her that have unselfishly paid it forward, looking for nothing in return. These are the people that have provided each piece of my puzzle. I hope to one day follow in their footsteps.

My advice after having been sick since 2007, diagnosed and treating since 2009......

Pray that God would lift the fear and keep breathing pressurized oxygen... believe that our perfectly designed bodies will prevail in the midst of all the darkness and suffering... one day you will tell your story to someone else and pull them out of the black pit of hell.

[ 02-08-2015, 11:31 PM: Message edited by: Haley ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Encouraging update!!! It made my day, and I'm sure is an inspiration to others!

Thank you for the kind words...and I love your advice. I also love how you call yourself "fabulous" no matter what...(now that's the spirit!!!)

I have connected with Looking4Hope...he's very busy and has been through a stressful time , but doing well overall. He said he will post an update sometime soon...
Posted by nitsuj1225 (Member # 39866) on :
4 dives in so far. Started at 30 min, then increased 5 min every session so I will be doing 50 min tonight and eventually be at an hour on Thursday and remain there.

Definite herx (increase in most symptoms) but manageable which is why I have been increasing the time. I'm glad I didn't start at an hour. I had horrible anxiety over the weekend and yesterday morning but that has subsided some so I'm glad I pushed through.

One thing I notice while I'm in the chamber is improved circulation. I have chronic cold hands and feet. After 10 minutes in the chamber, I feel normal blood flow returning to my extremities. This lasts until the morning so I'm hoping over time, this will be more of a permanent improvement.

Nerve pain and head pressure are my worst symptoms that I'm hoping to hit with the chamber. Time will tell.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
So glad to see all the new journeys with mHBOT beginning. So thankful for Phoiph. Still planning and saving to get a chamber in my home. I can't wait to see if any of those with horrible brain pressure, anxiety etc get relief.

Thank you all for sharing your stories.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Many thanks to Phoiph for pointing me in the right direction during the purchase process. It was worth the money to have a chamber at home to use.

I've completed 14 dives 1 hour each. The first 3 days I felt more energy and thought wow this is great and then I woke up on day 4 to a herx reaction. It wasn't bad but enough to know something is happening. I did my detox and green juice and was feeling better by 1000. I've had herx reactions each day some a little more than others but nothing terrible.

Benefits I have been logging in my journal
- fall asleep quickly
-don't wake up stiff in the morning
- better circulation in my hands and feet
- no migraines
-no muscle twitching
- less brain fog
- no afternoon naps needed
- better energy
- less joint pain
I'm on no medication or supplements, just a balanced diet and green juice. I have 80-100 oz of water a day and I use coffee enemas for my detox.

More updates to come
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hey There-
Guys and Gals, hope everyone is doing well.

I have been somewhat "MIA"....I had a ton of stuff going on in my personal life which prevented me from doing "Mhbot", on a regular basis.

I did however manage to get "Lots Of Skateboarding In", with my son who is doing AMAZING things. I thought this was pretty cool considering this time last year I had trouble walking and for the most part was homebound(-:

Over the fiscal four months I have been diving without supplemental oxygen on average of only "Two Days A Week"!

Now I'm not suggesting anyone do this as I only did this because I was simply trying to "Maintain", the gains I had made over the fiscal nine months or so.

Here is what I noticed during that time.

I drank a gallon of freshly squeezed orange juice everyday which I like to call "Liquid Sunshine".

For the most part I was 80% RAW and 20% cooked I also consumed allot of "Rice Based Pasta", covered in tomato sauce with basil and onions.

I'm also able to digest most fish fairly easily as well. I did continue to consume caffeine in the morning as I would be totally lost without it.

I continued to wear my high powered energy pendent everyday which I believe does help me increase the Voltage in my body.

I also continued to get plenty of sunshine, and for the most part got rest when I could find a way to get some.

I have since started diving more often and I'm going through some herxes right now however I simply take a day off if I feel it's stressing my body out to much.

Over the fiscal months I was simply in "Maintenance Mode", I'm now trying to move forward and really make some appreciable gains over the next year!

We all have different "Personal Life Situations", which can affect the way we utilize MHBOT.

Some of us have others we care for or who depend on us which makes healing challenging. The herxs can be viscous for no apparent reasons at times, and other times it's simply "Calm Waters And Smooth Sailing".

I have found that within five minutes of using the chamber, I can mitigate my Herxs somewhat by first taking a steaming hot shower followed by "Freezing Cold Water", for two to three minutes!

The Key I have noticed is to end the shower with "Cold Water", which seems to close my pores.

I have read this not only helps strengthen your immune system, but also helps close your pores for those of us who sometimes sweat in the chamber.

I would say I'm 75% percent better, however getting back to 100% or possibly even better "Pre-Lyme", is going to take serious work and discipline on my part.

It's kind of analogous to those who become champion athletes....what separates them from their piers who are either average or just really good.....NOT GREAT?

It's not always just talent alone, or in this case the "Chamber", that's I believe is going to get most there.

There are a number of variables that I believe must be adhered to regularly!

I'm not a doctor I'm just sharing my own personal experiences and observations with MHBOT so it may serve others on their Healing Journey.

Like Phoiph, and other here I believe we are all connected and creatures of a much higher power at work.

If even the smallest amount of my written text, or my words effect someone in a positive light who has either currently suffered or is suffering then I would die a happy man tomorrow(-:

I will try to update regularly moving forward, as I have started diving more regularly once again(-:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Several times on this thread questions have been raised regarding the use of additional antioxidant supplements due to possible concern about oxygen free radicals produced by mHBOT.

I had posed this question to my neurologist friend who runs an HBOT clinic, and her response, which I posted earlier in this thread, was:

"...Free radicals are a necessary part of the healing activation that takes place with HBOT. Oxygen radicals interact at a DNA level to modify gene expression: upregulating healing processes and downregulating inflammatory and destructive processes. In a hyperoxic condition, the physiology is different. Oxygen radicals are broken down by enzymes after they have been effective. In hypoxic circumstances oxygen radicals linger and are destructive. There is a research article that I can give you as a reference. [Oxidative stress is fundamental to hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Stephen R. Thom. Journal of Applied Physi9ology 106:988-995, 2009.]..."

Today, I came across this article which gives a great explanation of why free radicals are important and how antioxidants taken in supplement form (rather than synergistically in food) can be overused and defeat their purpose:

One more:

[ 05-08-2015, 01:35 AM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I'm here to give an update but I'm doing this the easy way and posting my 3 min videos. I took Phoiph's suggestion before I started and I journal every day all that I do, how I feel and anything better or worse.

This first video is my first day of this mhbot journey.

My second video is at the 18 dive mark

My latest video was at dive 70

I will continue to update through videos and post them on YouTube so others can find information on this awesome and natural treatment.

I'm also taking face photos at the end of each month and have seen some positive changes already. Even in the videos I see a big difference.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Wow Peimomma... that is sooooooo awesome. I love those videos!

I wish I had done that, maybe I'll start now.

You and I have the same exact set up, same concentrator also. I also do a minimum of 32 ounces of green juice a day.

Are you still on Cowden or did you stop that? I have been doing Cowden since the beginning of the year.

Phoiph - a couple of technical questions .

Is it okay to take electronics in the chamber? They say it's very dangerous, if there should be a spark it could be flammable. I usually only have my phone in there.

[ 04-18-2015, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: Haley ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Haley...

In response to your question regarding taking electronics in a soft/home chamber (when pressurized to 1.3 ATA with room air, and used with supplemental oxygen through mask via oxygen concentrator), here is video of experimenters attempting to start a fire in a chamber under the same conditions:

Circumstances are much different, however, when a chamber is pressurized using oxygen vs. room air, or when supplemented with 100% medical grade oxygen as in many clinical settings. In these situations, electronics, newsprint, jewelry, synthetic clothing, etc., are not allowed due to spark/fire risk.

That said, soft/home chamber manufacturers are not likely to outwardly encourage the use of electronics, so one must make their own decision...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hey Haley,

No I haven't been on the Cowden protocol since Jan 2014, that was my 6th month. I was still positive and all my numbers were worse. Cd57 dropped to 6 from 18 and Ca4 went from 11,000 to over 68,000. I don't know if my body was in fight mode because even though my numbers were worse I felt a little better.

So after the 6 month I stopped and was only seeing my acupuncture doctor and taking the herbs he gave me for what he saw in my condition on my tongue and he held my wrist? It was in March 2014 I started a constitutional homeopathic remedy. That's all I did for 2014.

Then I started MHBOT February 2015. I still take my remedy as needed, Chinese herbs for sweating and a liquid vitamin added once the herxing began a few weeks ago. I do my 3 coffee enemas a day and keep on going.

I think I'm doing well because I spent 18 months with no meds in my body and just focused on building my immune system. Over the last week in my journal I've track my herx reaction and know they set in 7-9 hours after my treatment. I choose to treat in the early morning so they start around 1-3 in the afternoon and I can drink plenty of water and do a CE before bed so I sleep well.

Me and hubby bring our cell phones and iPads in the chamber, I've never heard of an issue in the mhbot. They must have been referring to the hard shell chamber.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
And Haley it's never to late to make those videos. It's kind of cool to see how you change, like I'm smiling by the third video. There are days I actually feel like my old self. I forgot to add in my video that to celebrate my 60th dive hubby and I did a 220 mile motorcycle ride to the beach. No pain on the ride day or after just some fatigue from the wind.

And thank you, I'm glad you like them. I hope one day my video will show me going for a run and leaving for my new job...but for now I have a goal of walking a 5k in June.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Here's my latest update but plan on a video in the next few days as well.

I have my first medically documented improvement with the treatments.

My eyesight has improved, I still have a slight astigmatism in left eye, but my right eye had no astigmatism any longer. Reading prescription is better too.

The doctor was shocked because he just saw me in mid November 2014 for a new eye script because left eye had deteriorated so much just since April 2014. First eye exam where there was positive changes. 91 treatments in the books and I told him I'd see him in 6 months to see if my eyes continue to improve with the O2 treatments.

I'm walking more each week as I keep track with a Fitbit and can look back each day, week and month to see progress.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
My latest video at 114 dives
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks for posting. What is the liquid detox? The one in the brown bottle.

It's so great to hear that you are feeling better.

That's interesting that you know when you have a herx. I will try to pay attention to that. I have no idea when I have a herx.

You may have already explained how your herx feels. What exactly do you experience when herxing?

I'm still experiencing a tremendous amount of fatigue and weakness. I may add the enemas. I do them as needed. 3 a day seems like a lot. Have you tried it without the coffee? Do you notice a difference between coffee enema and no coffee enema?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
It's called Whole Body Detox Liquescence. Not to be taken near coffee, mint or any strong food. Should not consume food for at least 30 min if possible.

For me I start to feel nauseated first, then my head feels full and the brain fog sets in again. It's hard to think and find words. I might have some pain and fatigue if it's really bad. Yesterday I was really fatigued because I had done 3 days of 2 dives this week and knew I hit the wall when I felt it coming on in the morning after the 3rd day.

I have been feeling well on two separate occasions and thought I would skip an enema and sure enough it made a difference. That's why I like to journal because it reminds me of the good and bad, what works and what doesn't make a diff so I can stop if needed.

It does take time to commit to them but I have to say it is the main reason for me that I can do daily dives and sometimes 2 per day.

The detox mentioned above has really helped the aching in my armpits, but have to do it 2 times per day to clear my system.

I didn't mention in the video that if I do to much my body does fatigue because it will take time to build my stamina and endurance back from the years of illness. But to much to me is walking 3 miles, cleaning the house and going to a social event in one day.

Today I walked 1.5 miles, road motorcycle for an hour and went to a friends BBQ and I'm doing really well still. We plan on a 200 mile ride tomorrow.
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
Hiya diving crew! Good reporting PEImomma- glad you are seeing such great improvements!

I am here to report that I have reached 420 hours of mhbot. I continue to slowly but surely see improvements. I have less symptoms and the symptoms I have are less severe. I have improvements in mood, energy, passion for life, exercise tolerance, neuro symptoms, pain and PMS.

My changes have been very slow, very up/down and very hard-earned. I am sure some things I have continued to do (work fromhome, travel when necessary, not say no enough, etc) have hindered my progress but they are all part of my learning and journey! Being on a gut healing diet -GAPS- has been key.

Other good news is that my hubby who was also using hbot for lyme is now feeling great. He is not currently diving because he feels so good. His LLMD said his next step was IV and we have completely avoided that with diet, exercise, hbot and herbs. He is another one that pushes himself too hard- I am always on him to rest and try to slow down.

So thats it for now. Will post again at the next milestone. Best wishes to all.
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
up - fantastic!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
I have a question on exercise.

I looked back through some of the posts and saw that Phoiph didn't exercise for a year, BUT she says that she did Yoga regularly. Phoiph, How often did you do Yoga?

I am doing better, but still have lots of fatigue and weakness. I'd like to work some exercise in, but don't know if I have the strength to even do Yoga.

I can see that Peimomma is kicking butt with exercise.

What about others here, what are you doing for exercise?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Haley...

I hadn't been able to exercise for the last 7 out of 8 years of my illness (although I had done yoga for several years and been a runner for 17 years pre-Lyme).

To answer your question, I looked over my log, and determined that I started gentle yoga (2x per week) about 4 months after I began mHBOT.

I recall having the sensation that I had, in many ways, become disassociated from my body in an attempt to cope with the constant pain and bizarre sensations, and yoga was instrumental in helping me reconnect with my body.

At about 6 months, I started walking regularly. I also tried to do as much yard work, etc., as I could, although at that time, it was still a huge challenge. I was very motivated to be outside, however, after being homebound for over 5 years.

I think it is very important not to overdo it, especially with aerobic exercise before you are ready. Your body has a lot of healing to do, and it requires energy and rest.

It is important to improve breathing, circulation, energy and lymph flow, however, and gentle yoga is a great way to start.

With yoga, there is no competition or judgment; you only do what you can on that day, in that moment. The benefits are amazing.

My recovery was based on 3 basic elements: daily mHBOT, nutrition, and gentle movement/exercise. I don't believe I would have become well if any one of those elements had been missing from my protocol...
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks Phoiph.

I'm going to challenge myself to do a bit of exercise.

Not sure why I am so weak and fatigued.

I know that it is important for the lymph system to move this junk out of the body.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

What does your (entire) protocol look like (i.e., what are you doing/taking in addition to mHBOT, and what is your mHBOT schedule)?

Also, diet, water intake, etc.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
I drink 2 or 3, 33oz. bottles of Kangen water a day (usually 9.0 ph).

My diet is primarily Paleo, I eat 3 moderate meals a day. I was also doing 32 oz. of green juice (which is 3 cups of water blended with raw fruits and vegetables) a day, but I'm cutting back on the green juice. No sugar.

I am doing the Cowden protocol, so I am taking some herbs, but I had this fatigue and weakness before starting those herbs.

I don't take too many supplements these days other than Magnesium, I'd like to start iodine, but am waiting on test results.

I know that it is vitally important to have the lymph system moving, but I don't want to be to exhausted to work, I still have to work even though I work from home some days.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Haley...thanks...what is your mHBOT schedule?
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
I do 1 hour a day with supplemental oxygen, but I have been taking off one day a week for the past 2 to 3 months.

Any tips would be appreciated [Wink]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Just some thoughts...

1. About the water...I am concerned that the higher alkaline PH over time could cause issues.

It can raise the alkalinity of your stomach, which may reduce the acidity enough to impair digestion/absorption of nutrients (especially protein) properly, and may cause deficiencies (including mineral) over time. Lower stomach acidity can also provide an avenue for pathogens to enter, and cause imbalances in good bacteria. I have also read that it can be harder on the adrenals.

I know there's a lot of controversy over the water issue, but the stomach PH is definitely concern, because it involves absorption.

2. I agree with your decision to reduce the (raw) green juice for now...and it may be beneficial to replace it with cooked vegetables instead.

3. Some people on a paleo-ish diet need to add some (healthy) carbs from time to time for quinoa, for example. (It is best not to combine starchy carbs and proteins in the same meal, however.)

4. Have you tried doing your mHBOT sessions before bedtime? Since it raises your cellular metabolism, it can be a little like exercise to the body, which causes some people to feel sleepy afterward. Others can find it stimulating though, so it varies among individuals.

5. If you do start exercise, I would do yoga, not aerobic at this point.

6. How is your thyroid function?
Posted by FromTickToPicc (Member # 45683) on :
Is anyone here doing HBOT *with* a PICC or Port and IV meds? If so, I'd love to hear more about your experience and if the dual approach sped up the recovery process at all (and what meds, etc., you were doing by IV). Thanks!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thank you so much for your reply Phoiph, it's so helpful to have some guidance through this process as there really is no one to go to.

Yes, I could cut back on the 9.0 and the green juice, I understand the concern. I only drink it between meals, but I understand what you are saying. Some people drink 2.5 with their meal and the more alkaline on an empty stomach. But I'll stick to clean water. (just trying to get my $5000 worth from that machine [Wink] )

I can't eat Quinoa, but could look at some other carbs. My body just doesn't like Quinoa. I think I overdosed on it when I did a Vegan diet.

I usually do my mHBOT in the evening after work. I am going to try some yoga classes.

I just had a ton of tests run by an endocrinologist, I see her on Friday to get the results. She should be able to tell me if my thyroid is off.

FromTickToPicc - I had a port in my chest while doing mHBOT, but just recently had it removed. I have not done any IVs while using my chamber other than Heparin. You should give it a try. IVs took me from my death bed, others here don't think pharmaceuticals are useful.
Posted by FromTickToPicc (Member # 45683) on :
Hi Haley, it's actually great to hear about your port and doing mHBOT with it, as I just got a PICC so am a newbie with infusing meds, and I actually did a single session of super mild HBOT since getting the PICC but want to do more in a more organized way, so I'm trying to find out how to make that possible. I think for me if I can manage the herx I want to combine the two as much as I can. Are you doing heparin for babesia?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Haley...

Hopefully your endocrinologist is integrative-oriented and performed the more in-depth testing for thyroid, etc., as many don't...

Also, as you probably know, some give wide latitude for interpretation as to what is within "normal" range.

Good to know that you can always have a second opinion/interpretation on the results from a naturopath or integrative medicine doc., etc., if you still have questions.

Also...could you clarify your comments to TickToPick for me...are you saying you had your port in while doing mHBOT (recently removed), but didn't infuse anything but heparin during that time?

Thank you!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Hi Phoiph,

I believe this doc does take a holistic approach and knows which tests to take, this is her website Would you remind me which are the best tests for thyroid? I see her on Friday to discuss the results.

Do you take thyroid medication?

I have had a port for a long time. The Heparin was used to clear my line once a month, I was not using any IV meds while in the chamber. In fact I have not used IV meds for a while. I considered doing one last round of something like IV Artemesia before pulling my port. I was apprehensive to have it pulled because I am not well yet, at the same time I thought it may be hindering my achieving wellness because it is a foreign object in my body.

TickToPick - I did consider doing the Heparin for babesia, but didn't know if it was a good idea with the mHBOT. I didn't want to get an embolism (although nothing really phases me these days [Wink]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks, Haley...that is what I thought you had been doing.

I was concerned that FromTicktoPick may have misunderstood you to be doing IV infusions and mHBOT simultaneously, so wanted to clarify.

I looked at your doctor's website...impressive! You are fortunate to have found an integrative endocrinologist! It looks like you are in great hands.

There are 6 main thyroid tests: TSH, T3, T4, Free T3, Free T4, 2 antibody tests, and Reverse T3. There are also nutritional deficiency tests that can be done. Adrenal function should also be considered.

Many non-integrative docs will just do the TSH, but it doesn't always reveal "subclinical" thyroid issues, so many are missed.

To answer your question, I am not on any medications. I was on T3 for a few years early on in my illness, but had stopped it (along with all therapies(except for homeopathy), meds and supplements) about 5 years before starting mHBOT. Although I still had symptoms of hypothyroid, I had become very reactive to all medications at that time. I have no symptoms now.

Just something to be aware of...mHBOT can potentiate the action of certain thyroid meds. Some people have been able to reduce or go off of their thyroid meds once they have done mHBOT for awhile.

Keep us posted on your test results...

[ 10-05-2015, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks Phoiph. I will make a note of those tests.

Hope that we can catch up soon.
Posted by FromTickToPicc (Member # 45683) on :
Thanks for that clarification, Haley, I get it now : )

Do you think an embolism would be a concern if one is using heparin flushes twice daily with a PICC (which is standard) while infusing? I hadn't even thought about that risk. I know with a port you likely weren't using it much if it was just for flushing and you weren't on meds then.
Posted by FromTickToPicc (Member # 45683) on :
Also, Haley, I'm really curious where one gets IV artimesia. I read about Dr. Z. (Lyme TCM guy) using IV garlic (in a purified, liquified form I assume) but my understanding was it was nearly impossible to obtain in the US.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Hi Ticktopick. You should really ask your doctor about the heparin and embolism. Many people have done IVs along with HBOT, so I don't think it would be a problem. It came to my mind because of some of my symptoms. I have had times that I felt I was having a stroke, so I felt that the heparin would not help that.

IV Artemesia is very rare. I heard that there was a place in Los Angeles that carried it, but I had my port pulled and never looked into it. I first heard about IV Artemesia at a medical conference. It's usually used to treat Malaria.

Are you using a hyperbaric chamber?
Posted by FromTickToPicc (Member # 45683) on :
Yes I just started using a home chamber, along with my PICC/IV meds, but I have not worked up to much time or full pressure yet, so trying to figure some details out first.

I actually did find some sites in China years ago from where one could import IV/injectible herbs (I wanted to inject), including things like houttuynia (for bartonella) and prob. artemesia, but it didn't seem safe to do . I think if one had a safe source, though, it might be possible to import -- like you, I didn't pursue it all the way and just stopped then.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Hi mhbot users,

I just finished reading this thread from beginning to end. PHEW! It took a few days.

I have had Lyme for 8 years. I wasn't accurately diagnosed until 6 years into it.

So for the past 2 years I have been trying various of Lyme treatments including oral abx, cowden protocol, and most recent Zhang protocol which I am still on.

I have not made any real gains while treating Lyme but I have seems to stop getting worse which is a wonderful thing. I would describe myself at 30% of what I should be with ups and downs.

So a couple months ago a friend of mine was at his chiropractors office and asked the doctor what that chamber was. Turns out the doctor had chronic Lyme and treated himself with the mhbot.

He also has treated about a dozen others with Lyme. Everyone has seen noticeable gains from this treatment except for one person who would commit to healthy eating etc.

So with such encouraging odds I decided to buy a chamber and I am now on my 12 dive.

I have noticed with each dive I am extremely tired afterward. Also by dive 5 I started to feel exceptionally poor and began to feel that it was a herx although it was more gradual and different then the herxing I have experienced with abx.

Anyways I just thought I would introduce myself and let you know my story.

I appreciate all that have chimed in and offered info about this subject. Although I didn't find this until after I began diving it had been useful seeing how others are doing on this. And a special thanks to Phioph for taking the extra time and effort to help lead the way.

Posted by Legolas (Member # 45737) on :

I've just read this topic about mbot and lyme disease. First of all thank you all for your willingness to share your experiences with others.
I'm interested myself in trying the mhbot therapy. I'm diagnosed with lyme and Bartonella, having symptoms for more then 10 years now. I've improved signifcantly in the last 2 years with the samento/banderol/cumunda protocol. But i'm still far from recovered. Maybe adding mhot can speed things up.

I hope someone can help me with the following question.

If i understand correctly, an oxygen concentrator with mask should be used. How exactly do you connect an oxygenconcentrator with mask to the chamber?
Is it strong enough to blow against the pressure? Doesn't it create some kind of leak? It's hard to find proper technical information on the net about this. I've looked at some Oxyhealth models but there doens't seem to be some kind of specific connection in the chamber for this.

Many many thanks in advance.



PS: Phoiph, your inbox is full.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Monti...

Welcome...I just replied to your PM...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Legolas...

Thanks, I just emptied some PM messages.

Regarding the oxygen concentrator hook up...

A home chamber must be sold separately from an oxygen concentrator in the US (FDA Regulations), otherwise, the combination would place it in a different medical class.

This is why you likely won't see instructions on the internet on a manufacturer's website as to how to hook the two together.

That said, the FDA doesn't regulate how doctors prescribe or use equipment, and many doctors prescribe the use of both the chamber and oxygen concentrator together. This is perfectly legal, providing one has a prescription to purchase both units (separately).

To answer your question, you must purchase an oxygen concentrator that has enough PSI (pounds per square inch of pressure; the one I recommend has 20 PSI) to counteract the backpressure from the chamber. Then you must be sure to set the LPM's (liter's per minute) correctly (this differs a little between models).

There is a port on the chamber which the tubing from the concentrator slides through, and a mask is attached to the tubing on the inside of the chamber. There is a hook-up kit available with some simple hardware for this purpose.

Even though you are in Europe, if you decide to buy a new or used chamber, you can take advantage of the discount through the "Free Radical's Hyperbaric Project" I have been working on. If you're interested, you can PM me, and I will send you more information.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hi All, thought I would give a little update as things change every few weeks. I just finished dive 130 today but I don't plan a video until the first week of June as I would like to report on an Alaska trip I have planned and a 5k walk.

Mbdq, thank you for your update. This seems like such a lonely journey when you are in the beginning so it's nice to have others post that are further in the process and feeling well.

Haley, I can't believe you are working....that's great. How do you fit it all in your schedule? haha

After my last video I had two weeks of steady herxing so I adjusted a few things. I've gone down to one coffee enema a day because it seems my body is doing a fine job of detoxing on it's own finally. I don't have a full or toxic feeling any longer. I've also started walking more to get a little sweat going. My goal this last week is 10,000 steps a day M-F and rest on the weekend.

I walked more than 10,000 steps all of last week, and then road motorcycle with hubby over 350 miles this weekend. I'm feeling great today and already have 9,000 steps by noon today. No joint pain or fatigue.....YIPPEEEEEE

I plan to add a light yoga in this week for some stretching and strengthening.

The lows are a bit hard to get through but totally worth getting to the other side and feeling a little better than before the herxing.

Welcome to all the new mHbot'ers. I look forward to reading as you post your progress. Would love to see some
Posted by nikkabelle (Member # 43604) on :
CD57...are you active still on here? Can I ask you a question??
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Of course, Nikka, what;s up?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thank you Phoiph.

On dive 13 as we speak. So far it seemed that around dive 5 I started herxing.

Symptoms were light sensitivity, extremely tired, weak, dislzzy. Oh and brain fog.

Around dive 10 it began letting up and thought I was over the hump. Yesterday I discovered my 02line was loose and had been getting looser and looser the past few days.

So now I am back on a good flow of 02 and find myself wondering if the dreaded herx will return. I have a feeling it wasn't done with me and the lack of pure 02 stopped it early.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I always suggest that people who have Lyme and/or toxicity start very, very slowly, and work up to the full hour under pressure (1.3ATA/4.2PSI) with 02 daily.

For example, in your case, if you are already up to full pressure, you could do 20 minutes at full pressure for a week to 10 days, then, if you are doing OK, add 20 more minutes for another week, then the final 20 minutes. Some (many) people will need to go more slowly.

Although it is definitely a 2 step forward, 1 step back process of peeling layers, I don't feel that strong Herxheimer reactions are particularly good for the body.

In my opinion, it shows we are trying to rush things more quickly than the body can handle, and it is showing signs of "overwhelm". This sets up a stressful, rather than a healing situation....

What is your protocol (i.e., frequency, pressure, time, LPM,), and what kind of equipment are you using?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Hi Phioph,

I bought a used summit to sea "dive" (28") and it came with a OG15 concentrator. I got a great buy on it for $6,000 and it was only lightly used. The concentrator isn't what I would have chosen but it came with the deal. It is rated for 12 psi at 7lpm. It seems to push plenty of 02 into the pressurized chamber.

What I have been doing was an hour a day with 02 seven days a week. I am more then willing to cut it back some if you feel it might be easier on my system. The herx I dealt with was really rough.

I would rather go slower and build up (avoiding some of the extreme fatigue etc) if it didn't take anything away from the end result.

I eat very healthy. Whole foods, organic, no sugar or grains. I do eat some dairy though.

I have done very little abx. I was on cowden for a year and then switched to Zhang for the last 6 months.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

In my opinion, it would be better to start more slowly, as I mentioned, and work up to the full hour (at full pressure w/O2 daily) over a period of time (consistency is key!).

If anything, it will make the process go a little more smoothly, and you will still benefit from the treatment as you work up.

Also remember to increase your water intake to stay hydrated.

This treatment is very powerful, and often underestimated!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Nice, Peimomma!
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

So at this point since I've done about 13 dives at 1 full hour with 02 should I cut back to something like 30minutes each day? And do that for a week and see how I feel? Or two weeks?

Thank you!!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

In your case, since you are already up to full pressure, you could do 20 minutes at full pressure with 02 daily for a week to 10 days. Then, if you are doing OK, add 20 more minutes for another week to 10 days, then the final 20 minutes.

This way, you are working up to the full hour over the course of about a month. You can go more slowly if necessary (some people need to go much more slowly than this, some don't), while working toward the goal of the full hour under pressure with 02 daily.

Remember that you are still benefitting while working up...and you can tweak your protocol during this period if you need to, but once you are at the full hour, try to remain as consistent as possible...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
I will do that starting tomorrow [Smile]
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Welcome Monti. That is great to hear about the Chiropractor with the 12 patients!

So great to see all of the feedback here.

CD57 - how is the diving going?

Peimomma - you go girl!

Phoiph - I didn't even know that the concentrator had a PSI, I have no idea what mine is, but i think it is a good concentrator. It's 10 LPM.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

If I recall, you have an AirSep New Life Intensity that right?

If so, it is 20PSI, and you should have it set to 8.5 LPM, and leave it there...turning an AirSep too high when used with a chamber will put it into an oxygen-on-demand mode, which you don't want for our purposes.

It is a great concentrator.

Check and see and let me know...because if it is a different manufacturer, you may need to set it differently...
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Yes Phoiph that is the concentrator I have, which is set at 8.5. What is oxygen on demand? Also do I need to clean the filter? I've checked it, it looks perfectly clean so I don't mess with it.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

Thanks for the welcome


You have said once I hit an hour a day I would want to be consistent. I do have one concern about that. We are going away for a week in July and I won't be able to bring my mhbot with me. Is that going to be a problem?

Or is the "consistency" that you spoke of more about doing this for a long time aka years. I do plan on doing this long term.

And by the way I really liked what you said about starting slow and not putting your body under stress by hitting it hard at first. That makes a lot of sense especially with this type of treatment. It's about healing.

Oh and one other question. Is it that mhbot can make you dehydrated or is it that it's important to stay hydrated to help flush toxins?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
One last general question. I am new to lymenet and haven't yet figured out how to be notified when someone makes a post on this thread. Can that be done?
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
Hi all!
I keep having trouble logging in to this forum, it says it has to do with my IP! [Frown]

Welcome new divers, Monti, Nitsuj1225, FromTickToPicc, nice to read your posts! Please do take it a bit slow and steady… [Wink]
Lots of info is in the book The Oxygen Revolution, it’s mainly about hbot, but also a bit about mhbot, it has been a great help to me.

Peimomma, very nice to read your updates and see your videos!
Mbdq, Looking4hope, Haley, thanks very much for your posts and updates!
Phoiph, thanks for helping out!
Monti, a break for a week is no problem, just enjoy your holiday! You can get notification emails when you post a reply and scroll down and check options: email notification.

Legolas, I read you live in Belgium, maybe this is of some help: There’s e.g. an online store in The Hague in The Netherlands that sells the 10L Oxygenconcentrator. The Summit to Sea chambers are possible to be partly shipped to you from France instead of from the USA, that will save you much money in shipping costs, custom duties and taxes instead of importing one such as Oxyhealth from USA to Europe. There’s a nurse in Germany that can help with that.

Phoiph, this nurse would love to have your email-adress and get in contact to share success stories and in case someone asks her about Lyme disease and mhbot she can direct them to you. If you like, can you contact her through her website?

Next comes my update…
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
My update..
I’m still reading along in this threat and still diving, for about 10 months now! I use a Summit to Sea ‘Shallow Dive’. With a 10L Intensity Oxygenconcentrator. I’m on 100-120 hours. One hour a day seemed to be too much for me, that’s why I do 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week. To me for now that seems perfect. On the day off I use lots of anti-oxidants.

I had a 6-week break, due to a stomach infection. I still don’t know exactly what it was and I don’t know if it was promoted by mhbot.

I have improvements… they are small, but to me they are very big because I was more dead then alive when I started. (I wrote a few posts on page 7 and 8) I’m very happy with my chamber, it gives me much support!

1. I have no more migraines at all, except I had one on my 6-week break,
2. My blood flow is better I feel a bit warmer and a bit less dark circles under my eyes,
3. Pain and restlessness in my legs is a bit less,
4. I feel less 'toxicated',
5. Energy and strength a little bit better (but still bed ridden), maybe because of improved mitochondria,
6. My bowel-function is a bit better and
7. The mhbot together with cholestyramine has given me a little bit improvement in MCS-symptoms.

I’ve added abx now, I couldn’t tolerate it before, but now I seem to do so and I have some little improvements from it. I had tried herbal protocols with minimal results.

Thank you contributors on the internet for sharing experiences!
Wishing you all very much progress and health!! Good luck and keep breathing!


P.S. I don’t know when I can update again because of trouble getting logged in to the site. Please webmaster if you read this reply my email.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Oxygen-on-demand is an "intermittent", or "pulse-dose" mode the concentrator goes into when it is set very high to conserve senses when the person is inhaling and sends oxygen at this time rather than continually.

Setting the AirSep model at 10 when using it with a chamber (since it has to compensate for the backflow pressure of the chamber) will put it into this mode. This is why we set it at 8.5.

Different models, like the Sequal Integra, however,doesn't have this function, so that model should be set at 10LPM. The meter will drop to around 8.5 as the chamber inflates and the backpressure causes it to work harder. The LPM dial should not be reset at that time, just left as is. It will bounce back to 10 as the chamber deflates.

Survivorgirl...I will certainly contact the nurse and give her my website (still under construction) address and email (she can contact me through the website also). Thanks for making that connection!

Also, thanks for the great information about options for obtaining a chamber in Europe. My advice to Legolas would be to compare costs WITH discount included via Oxyhealth just to be sure before making a decision (Legolas can PM me for info.), as the discount may be enough to offset costs. There are also differences in the 2 manufacturers to consider...

I will PM a moderator to let them know you're having trouble logging on...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Drinking more water helps you flush out toxins, although oxygen can also be a little drying to your nasal passages and throat.

About your week vacation in July...I am very conservative about taking time off, especially in the first year, but since you already have this vacation planned, I would just enjoy your trip, and get right back to your mHBOT as soon as you return.

Sometimes travel can't be avoided, but an option in the future might be to take your chamber with you (without the frame, mattress, & bolsters) if traveling via car. Always make sure the concentrator travels upright, and is cushioned well...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thanks for the welcome and info. I guess I needed to use the "full reply" instead of the quick reply to see the email option.

Interesting that the one headache you had was during your break from the treatment.

Thank you again for the help. Upon my return after a week off should I resume my dives at the same level I had been doing prior to leaving or should I build myself back up again?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

By that time, you will be up to full pressure/time, and should be able to resume at the same level...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thanks Phoiph

One more question for ya. I think I saw a post where you said to have the 02 mask on as you are pressurizing. I'm not able to do that and still equalize my ears since I need to pinch my nose and blow. How important is it to do this?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You are need to have the mask off when pressurizing so you can equalize your ears.

It is more important to keep the mask on when you depressurize...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I forgot to answer your earlier question about cleaning the filter on your concentrator.

Once every 2 weeks or so (more often if you have a lot of dust or pets), take the nylon filter off the back, take it outside and clap it between your hands to get the dust off, then put back in place.

Every couple of months or so, take the filter off and wash it in warm, soapy water (dish soap); rinse well and air dry thoroughly overnight, then put back in place.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks Phoiph . Will do.

Carry on mHBOTers.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I had a BANNER week!!!!

Phoiph don't cringe when you read this😉

I walked over 10,000 steps each day M-F, 3 days of yoga and rode 600 miles this weekend and I'm feeling great😍. slowly building the stamina and endurance. I think the heat while riding still bothers me but maybe with time that will improve also.

I finally cut out the sugar😒 so that probably helped
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I'm cringing happily for you, Peimomma... [Wink]
Posted by Pam08 (Member # 19203) on :
That is fantastic news Peimomma!! So happy to see your progress. Were you able to be active at all before you started the mhbot?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thanks Pam08.

I was at about 30% when I started the mhbot treatments. I was pretty much house bound except doctor appointments and a few local outings. I was feeling so poor that I was ready to go on IV antibiotics because I just didn't know what else to do as I have tried several therapies with little success.

I would say I'm at 50% now and improving every week. If you haven't watched my Youtube videos you can find the links on page 9 of this thread. There are 4 and have documented my journey leading up to choosing mhbot, improvements and struggles during treatments.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thanks Pam08.

I was at about 30% when I started the mhbot treatments. I was pretty much house bound except doctor appointments and a few local outings. I was feeling so poor that I was ready to go on IV antibiotics because I just didn't know what else to do as I have tried several therapies with little success.

I would say I'm at 50% now and improving every week. If you haven't watched my Youtube videos you can find the links on page 9 of this thread. There are 4 and have documented my journey leading up to choosing mhbot, improvements and struggles during treatments.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

That is both impressive and encouraging. I would describe myself at 30% currently. I am sure 50% must be a wonderful wonderful thing. And you are just starting [Smile]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Monti I just completed dive 138 this morning😊. I began treating 1 Feb 2015.

My husband and I were talking about prior to treating with mhbot and how if I had ridden for 50 miles or more I would have been down for 3 days recovering. I was back at my 10,000 steps yesterday and yoga, what a difference some O2 makes.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

It's amazing how fast you are recovering compare to others using mhbot. I think you are the exception.

I am so ready for this. I am on my 21st dive but I reduced the time from the full hour to 20 minutes about 5 dives ago.

Phoiph suggested I start off easy and build up to avoid putting myself thru unneeded misery. That was wonderful advice.

I think I am on the verge of upping the dive time to 40minites since at this point the only issues I am having is some very mild light sensitivity which I am 100% sure is caused my mhbot.

I can't wait to experience my first step forward. I've been 8 years stepping backwards. I am so ready.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Monti I did what I would call "prep therapies" prior to finding mhbot which is why I believe I have done so well. Even though none of them got me to a point of functioning I think they kick started my immune system.

The pain, fatigue and brain fog were the symptoms I couldn't see any improvement until mhbot. My gut issues and migraines were much better after having Chinese herbs specifically made for me in fall of 2013. My sleep and pain were somewhat better but not to the point of restful sleep or pain free if I tried to do any sort of activity.

If I exerted myself at all I was down with pain off the charts. In January I attended a ladies event for about 2 hours one evening just sitting and was down for a week. The fatigue was so bad I would take a nap around noon each day and was in bed early but still felt tired in the morning.

I think I had less going on outwardly then most on this board starting out. I still had issues like losing my eyesight and dental issues that hadn't improved until my mhbot treatments. Now I know from the doctors my eyes and teeth are improving, my next step is to visit with my LLND and have my numbers and tests run again from last year to see if those have improved.

I think that is great that you are getting ready to move up to the next level. It goes by fast and soon you will be at 100 treatments. If you aren't keeping a journal I would recommend doing one because it helps you look at how you feel each day and put it in words. I write if I'm tired, woke up, no pain, whatever I'm feeling so I can look back. You will be surprised at the progress you are actually making.

There is a young man in my area that just started treating and his mom said he enjoys going in the chamber because he has much less pain while he's in there after just 5 dives. But when he gets out the pain comes back. Small progress like that gives us hope that our body is healing. It just takes time and like you, I wanted it now because I've been sick for so long.

I know to you I probably sound normal but When I hear my sister is working a day job, a par time night job, baking cakes for money and helping with little league baseball I feel like I am just scratching the surface.

I like seeing others post because it gives me hope that I will be at work in the future and living normal again☺️
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

I may have a reasonably fast recovery too then since for the past 1.5 years I have only been treating with healthy approaches like Cowden, Zhang, and I have been eating very healthy for a few years. My abx treatments were oral and brief and 1.5 years ago.

Since then it's been similar to you in some ways since its been more about healthy eating and things that didn't damage my body.

My primary issues are severe fatigue and at times severe brain fog. I have managed pain over the years by eliminating inflammatory foods. For me grain seemed to be the worst one. Prior to eliminating it I had lighting bolts of pain in my body along with joint pain.

So your post continues to be encouraging for me as were/are your videos.

50% compared to 30% is incredible but still a very long ways off.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Peimomma - sorry if you already posted this.

What did you do to get your gut in shape? I know you did enemas and that you took an herbal supplement. Do you think the enemas were key in getting the gut repaired?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Haley I started seeing a Korean acupuncture doctor that also cooks up Chinese herbs specific to each person. He gave me two month of that and now I can eat everything again with no worries of dashing off to the restroom or vomiting.

I used the enemas to detox the liver and am back down to one a day as my body has finally kicked in and started doing the work. I can tell this from the smell of my armpits. I don't use deodorant and when I'm toxic the pits are really smelly. Now I can exercise and go the entire day and have just a little smell.

I learned to listen to my body during 6 months of massage therapy school 15 years ago.
Posted by sheminesque (Member # 45770) on :
I have an AirSep New Life Intensity 10 concentrator 20 psi with an oxygen monitor that will sound an alarm if you ever go below 90%. I bought it last year and it only has about 50 hours on it. I didn't use it much. It works perfectly. It had a five year warranty, however I just called and the warranty is only for the original owner.

I have received some PM's and will give details on there, too. It cost me $1300 originally. I didn't keep the box and foam insets (my bad, I know) but I can order them again for safe shipping via UPS ground.

[ 05-15-2015, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: sheminesque ]
Posted by sheminesque (Member # 45770) on :
PS I got it to help with fatigue and migraines. Oxygen is known to help cluster headaches. However, I got rid of my migraines by drinking coconut water kefir and using apple cider vinegar.
Posted by A.G. (Member # 44713) on :
Just started at my PCP's office last week. I don't know what to expect.

But he charges way too much per visit. I hope to lease one? if all goes well with the treatment.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi A.G...

What is the protocol (i.e., pressure, O2%, duration and frequency of your dives)?

There are several lease can PM me and I will send you a summary.
Posted by A.G. (Member # 44713) on :
Have no idea what my protocol will be. My PCP's ND is weaning me up to an hour. I've only had my 1st visit of 5 minutes.

I had an oxygen tube in my nose as well. She had me chew gum to help with the ear popping.

I suffer from intense neuralgia and myalgia. I was in pain before I got into the plastic chamber. During the session, I was pain free.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hello mHBOTers,

I've been out enjoying the great state of Alaska on vacation. I rode a mountain bike for the first time in 9 years, off road, up and down hills through sand and rocks. The first day as a warm up I biked 2 miles.

Then I completed what I call a 2 day triathlon, I hiked 2.5 miles, kayaked 5.5 miles and mountain biked 7.5 miles. It was fantastic😍. There were so many other activities, mushroom picking, enjoying live music, tasting my first beer and so much more.

Arrived home Tuesday ready for some O2. Therapy. I had one day to rest before a friend came to visit for two days. We spent Thursday in Seattle at Pike Place Market, the Aquarium and rode the Great Wheel. Yesterday we drove to Mt Rainer and found a few waterfalls and took in the beauty of the mountain.

Today I'm resting😏 Next Saturday is my 5k walk and I will record my update video at the finish line.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I forgot to mention, last night was dive 150🎉🍺🎈😁
Posted by SLML (Member # 42986) on :
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Great to see people making progress with mhbot!

Ive decided to give mhbot another chance. Last year i gave up because of lack in progress.
This year i am again going all natural, no abx, no supplements. I was terrified to stop abx however, because rifampin kept me mentally stable the last 9 months or so.

This time i decided to do the GAPS introduction diet, which i think is something similar to what phoiph was doing. And i must say, that makes all the difference! Now even without abx i remain mentally stable, not regressing at all. I was important though to leave out vegetables (fiber) for now, because i think that was just feeding bad bugs and causing toxins in my gut. So its a lot of broth im eating.
In conjunction with GAPS intro, im also doing intermittent water fasting. The writer of the GAPS diet actually suggests this for people who's detox system is derailed. The detox days are horrible, but well worth it. Im actually underweight and malnourished already, so water fasting was a bit of a gamble. But with this intermittent fasting im pleased to say im no longer losing weight, and the nausea is getting less, yay! [Smile]

I feel a major source of my bodies toxicity is from bad bugs in my gut. So the diet and fasting helps. But im also suspecting i have Ileocecal Valve Syndrome, which causes colon toxins and bacteria to spill over in to the small intestine (where they are absorbed in the blood). So im hoping i can correct this problem over time and Mhbot can be of assistance i hope.

Mhbot also keeps pain levels very low (hardly noticable), so its doing a good job of keeping borrelia suppressed. On abx i had no pain at all, so mhbot is not as effective as abx, but at least it gives me a chance to restore my gut and get to the root of the problem.


Diving 215 hours and counting!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
My doc mentioned this at my last visit but I have claustrophobia and the thought of doing this scares me to death. Has anyone here had to overcome this fear?
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
S13 I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. I also have not felt the oxygen alone is enough to take the infection down. I have decided to do a short course of antibiotics intermittently and hope that at some point my body will be strong enough to take over.

We all have different levels of illness, some people may not need antimicrobials, that doesn't mean that is the course for everyone.

I know that the oxygen has significantly improved some of my symptoms, however maybe I have more obligate aerobic bugs (the ones that thrive on oxygen) and less obligate anaerobic bugs (the ones poisoned by oxygen). I still have faith that the human body is an amazing machine that will come through in the end and that overall the oxygen is helping my body recover.

Peimomma, that is amazing recovery. So happy that you are feeling strong!!!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I did overcome my fear but still have a few freak outs if I don't have a fan going in the chamber. Once I got in, zipped up and started telling my husband to unzip For whatever reason if the fan is blowing on me I'm fine, maybe it tricks my brain into believing I'm on a beach...haha

I would first try a big chamber or as big as you can, take your phone or iPad in with a Netflix movie ready to watch, it totally takes your mind off the space. There are windows but that doesn't mean much to those that deal with claustrophobia 😊. I had the lady or someone you know stand at the window and talk to me at first and just remember, you are breathing O2, like that helps right?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thanks Haley!! You are so right, we are all at different levels with different bugs so the healing is a process. I believe my prep move has moved my recovery along at a nice clip but not ready to attempt work yet as I know that is not within reach for now.

Slow and steady is what Phoiph continues to remind us all as we journey on. Consistency is so important she even when I just don't want to chamber cause I hate Lyme, I do it anyway.

Try journaling if you aren't, it shows me the baby steps and keeps me going.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Peimomma. I will try to journal specifically about the oxygen. I do keep a calendar and log what I've done and how I am feeling etc.

To tell you the truth I get very confused, in fact it's one of my worst symptoms, almost like an alzheimer patient. So, I start to do something and then I forget. I have notes all over the place, but not sure what they mean hahahaha

That is a good suggestion. I will start a journal only on the oxygen [Wink] I'll keep it in my chamber, so I won't forget. Do you write something everyday or weekly or ?

Kaibyrd - I did feel claustrophobic when I first tried the chamber, but it went away quickly. I now see the chamber as a haven, a place that I can go away from the world. I am in a complete state of gratitude when I am in my chamber. Worst case scenario... if you felt that you needed to get out, you could unzip the chamber.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Peimomma and Haley!

Oh so if I have a real freak out, I can just get out, calm down and try again? I thought once you're in, you gotta stay there.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Haley I journal every day only pertaining to Lyme therapy, exercise, and symptoms. My memory/mind has been one of the symptoms that has improved the poor brain is locked in a sick body still😉. Hahahaha

Yes Kaibyrd, as long as you don't inflate you can unzip. Once you are in it takes 10 min or so to decompress. The problem for me comes when the chamber has just been zipped and the top is hanging low before it puffs up. That's when I need the person in the window talking to me. Once it's inflated I just have to stay occupied.

Haley I agree that it is a place of refuge and peace from the world. I've been able to nap a few times but usually surf the net or watch Netflix. We have a remote in our chamber so I can shut it off at anytime if something is bothering me and need to decompress and get out.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Pie Mamma. I really want to do this if I can afford it but just watching videos makes me panic. I'll have to work on that and maybe I could start slow with just 10 minutes and add a few each day. The benefits just seem to be so great that I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I've found a therapy that's helped me with other anxieties called Tapping so I'll start watching more videos of people in the chambers while doing that. Maybe that will help get me to a better place with this.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Sorry Peimomma, spell check changed your name for me. [Razz]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
No worries Kaibyrd😊 I think we all have a love hate relationship with spell

I want to share about the last few days and my treatments. Due to pollen from cottonwood trees my allergies and sinuses were acting up and I wasn't able to clear my ears the last two days. So no dives but I did sit breathing the O2 for 2 reasons, first to keep my routine of treating and second the O2 is still beneficial 😊. I'm back in the tube today, YAY!!!
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

Were you able to dive while on vacation in Alaska? I know some people take their chambers with them.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I didn't take my chamber and it was a nice break from therapy.
I had 5 days of no chamber and felt very good the entire trip keeping the crazy pace I did with a bunch of healthy people.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
I want to encourage everyone to keep posting their progress. I am trying to work up the courage to invest in a chamber.

I have tried so many things since my crash in 2011 and while I have improved, I am still not 100%

Very frustrated but learning to live with my current limitations.

A chamber is so expensive and I have already spent thousands upon thousands of dollars. I just don't want my family to suffer financial loss anymore.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Do you know anyone in your area that you could cooperatively share a chamber/expenses with?

There are ways to rent a chamber and divide expenses. For example, if you had 3 other people involved, your cost could be $125./month each (about $4.00/session).

That is only one way...another would be to rent-to-own a used chamber, for example.

One thing to keep in mind also, is that a quality chamber is an investment that can be resold, so you can recoup much of your investment if you decide to sell.

Feel free to PM me if you'd like help or information...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Soccermama I hear was the most difficult decision for me as well because we had spent 10's of thousands of dollars on therapies, a clinic in Reno, Rife machine, sauna, massage chair, herbal protocol and numerous vitamins and medications. Not to mention a new bed, car, vacuum and many other things to help control my pain...ugh

Phoiph was instrumental in providing us with sound information that helped us turn the corner and take the leap of faith. I'm so happy I bought and am looking forward to having my life back in the near future. It does take persistence and consistency to do daily treatments even when we start to feel better.

We bought not only for my health but for my husband to treat as well. He turned 50 this year but was told the other day he looks 39😊. We absolutely look at our chamber as an investment and a medical expense tax write off at the end of the year. I hope to see you posting your progress soon enough too👍
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Peimomma, did you go to the Sierra Integrative Medical Center?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
CD57 it was called Reno Integrative Medical Center when I went in Jan 2010, not sure if they changed the name??? It was a few months before my positive Lyme test.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Dive 157 happening now😊

I finished my 5k run/walk this morning in 43:55 minutes and recorded my video shortly after with others still finishing in the distance.

Feeling good and energized to keep treating. It is so overwhelming to think just 4 months ago I was pretty much housebound with pain, fatigue and all the other horrible symptoms that go with this illness.

I still have a lot of healing to do so I can get back to a job and do all these activities I've been doing lately. Pacing myself and conditioning my body to go just a little more each time.

For the month of June I have decided to do the 10,000 steps M-F, and do yoga or light weight training M-F rotating. This was my first week and actually had some muscle soreness, not Lyme A few headaches but nothing the lasted after getting out of bed and moving/stretching.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
That's awesome Peimomma!!!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thanks Phoiph and Kaibyrd,

Yesterday we rode 180 miles on the motorcycle to meet some family for lunch and I did great in the heat.

I felt so good this morning during my walk I started to run and soon I felt like Forrest Gump....I just kept running and running until I hit 3.1 miles. This afternoon I did my light weights, drive to a meeting and helped hubby hang window film.

Not sure when my next herd will hit but I'm taking advantage of this good streak while it lasts. I've cut back the coffee enemas again to 3-4 a week. Still taking greens, vitamins and homeopathic remedy once a month.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Not sure when my next herx will hit, not herd. Although it does feel like a herd has run over me when they come😳
Posted by CD57 (Member # 11749) on :
Phoiph, hoping you can talk more about the diet aspect of your recovery, or anyone else?

Someone turned me on to this blog of a young man with an unoperable brain tumor who was eating lots of plant fats and getting worse....then he went on a ketogenic diet and has gotten a lot better. Ketogenic diets are known to improve seizures.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Interesting read CD57. Has anyone tried this diet?
Posted by A.G. (Member # 44713) on :
I couldn't get past 5 minutes in my Drs office. It made me flare so bad I was bedbound for 2 weeks.

I don't know if it's because I cannot genetically detox, or what.

I had such high hopes because it took away my neuralgia and myalgia immediately while I was in there.

Anyone have this problem and still keep going and make progress?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Most people with Lyme and chronic illnesses need to work up very slowly with mHBOT...but with the proper starting protocol, they are able to continue and work up.

Unfortunately, most clinicians don't fully understand the sensitivity of people with Lyme, and will start them too quickly or with too much pressure.

Also, many people underestimate the power of mHBOT, and will initially try to do many other protocols along with it. Often times this is more than the body can handle, and can be counterproductive.

You can PM me to discuss an initial protocol if you like...
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Originally posted by Peimomma:
Interesting read CD57. Has anyone tried this diet?

I am now actually following the GAPS introduction diet (stage 2), without vegetables except for sauerkraut juice.
Thats basically a ketogenic diet, no carbs at all.

And it is helping me tremendously, and allowing me to rebuild my gut and gut flora!
Also it strengthens my immune system. That does imply some healing reactions, but those are expected.

I think Phoiph actually followed a similar diet when she started her path to wellness?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
CD-57 & S13...

I was only able to eat 6 of the same foods for a number of years after stopping drug therapy and prior to starting mHBOT.

I was force feeding 3x/day, and wasn't digesting much at all, but the foods that kept me alive were: bone/meat broth, avocados, sardines, soaked and baked nuts, eggs, and peeled green apples.

As you can see, it was a diet high in good fats, and I continue to eat these good-fat foods...but of course, have a much more expansive and rounded diet now that I am well.

I still don't eat gluten (and likely never will), and rarely any gluten-free grains; but do include sheep and goat dairy, grass fed beef, salmon, fruits, vegetables, quinoa/seeds, and dark chocolate.

I buy organic as much as possible.

Even though I didn't follow the GAPS diet exactly (I was too dysfunctional to follow anything and the outline wasn't as clear back then!), I do highly recommend the introductory GAPS diet...and then moving on to the GAPS to help heal the gut...even if you don't believe your gut is a problem...
Posted by A.G. (Member # 44713) on :
Phoiph: your mailbox is full. [Big Grin]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Sorry...I just deleted a few...
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Phoiph, would you say the diet with probiotics was responsible for fixing your gut? Or did you feel mhbot also had a role in this?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Originally posted by A.G.:
I couldn't get past 5 minutes in my Drs office. It made me flare so bad I was bedbound for 2 weeks.

I don't know if it's because I cannot genetically detox, or what.

I had such high hopes because it took away my neuralgia and myalgia immediately while I was in there.

Anyone have this problem and still keep going and make progress?

Hi A.G.

I've been doing Mhbot for about 3 months now. I started at the full hour treatment and quickly discovered that it was much to much for me. After talking with Phoiph I reduced my treatment time down to 20 minutes.

I know 20 minutes is still much more then your 5 minutes that you couldn't tolerate well. But the point the point I wanted to make was after 5 weeks I am now finally able to do a full hour treatment without negative results.

I know your PMing Phoiph which is great. She helped me and I am sure she can help you too.

Now to begin making gains [Smile]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Yay Monti!!!!!😁

So happy you stuck with mHBOT and are now up to full speed. I look forward to seeing you post your gains.

I'm in a cycle of herxing with joint pain and fatigue but still far better then my days in January and before.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
I look forward to posting gains as well [Smile]

I have noticed this...Up until a few days ago each time I finished my dive I would feel extremely tired for a few hours. About 3 days ago that tiredness after the dive wasn't their. I figured it was a one time thing but so far it hasn't come back.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The diet kept me alive, but wasn't healing my gut alone, by any means.

It wasn't until I did mHBOT for several months in conjunction with the diet that the gut (and ultimately my entire condition) started to improve.

mHBOT is very healing to the digestive mucosal tissues (e.g., see use with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's), but works synergistically with a gut healing diet. In my opinion. Both are crucial!

I actually remember the day my digestive system started kicking in again. I began to feel the first "hunger pangs" I had in years while in the chamber (I had severe Lyme-induced gastroparesis). Around this time I also felt the stomach acids starting to be produced again, at which time I was in a much better position to gradually add foods to my diet.

Sometimes people do have fatigue when they first start mHBOT. It increases cellular metabolism, so it can be like exercise to your body, and may requires rest. Usually this phase passes as your body adjusts as it gets stronger...

A.G. and I are currently discussing why the difficult time after 5 minutes of mHBOT. I have shared that I strongly suspect it is not the mHBOT per se, but the addition of mHBOT to an already taxing protocol that may have been the tipping point...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Great observation Monti, it's the little gains that have helped me keep the strict schedule of diving every day even when I want to be doing something else.

I have noticed that my dips come near a 60 dive interval, 60, 120, 180. My first big wall was near dive 60, the April herx was right near dive 120 and this one is at dive 172.

For those that may not have read in my past postings that when I started mHBOT my gut issues had been resolved along with most of my migraines which is one of the reasons I believe I am doing so well in 4.5 months treating. It took two months on Chinese liquid herbs before I was able to tolerate most all food again. I also was diagnosed with gastroparesis in 1996.

Thanks Phoiph for keeping us all encouraged as we go through these changes with our bodies during this healing process.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks to you, too, Peimomma, and to everyone here for having patience, commitment, and resolve!
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
It really is a wonderful thing to have this support and shared experience from everyone.

Group hug [group hug]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Lab tests are back, and after 3.5 months of treating with mHBOT.

CD57 is 23, was 19 in 2014

C4a is 64,000 and was 68,000 in 2014.

First time my numbers have moved in a positive direction. I will retest in January.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
LOL Monti

Group hug
Posted by SacredHeart (Member # 44733) on :
Speaking of the gaps diet, I tried the first hardcore part that is expected before I knew I had lyme. It was a disaster. By week two it felt like I had knives going through my legs at intersecting points.

I think it is a great idea, but I'm an ectomorph, and I need tons of carbs. I wasn't getting enough carbs from the veggies in the home made bone,meat,and fat broth soups.

I'm considering just going with some kefir grains and making my own at home that contains no sugar. It has way more good strains than any probiotic out there.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
I also thought that i needed carbs. I was always a carb person. Rice, potatoes, pasta, bread etc. Somehow i felt my body just needed carbs in order to survive, like a basic instinct. So i just figured i was a carb person. How else was i supposed to get my daily energy and not loose weight?

Well i was wrong. Im now on zero carbs (that means no veggies either) for more than a month and it just feels better! It helps to follow a diet that specifies meals with healthy fat content, like gaps. I believe anyone should be able to do a zero carb diet without feeling like crap. Your body has evolved to do so! So if you are not able to, then something is wrong.

The craving of carbs is psychological, and driven by bad gut flora. They want you to eat all those carbs, otherwise they are going to make you feel crummy!

Kefir is a good starting point, yes! Very cheap and loads of good strains of bacteria and yeasts. But if you keep eating loads of carbs, the pathogenic flora will just regrow over and over again each time you eat.

Remember, gaps also boosts your immune system, so some healing reactions are expected! Maybe for the first time in a long time you were actually feeding and nourishing yourself instead of the bad bugs!? And then your immune system kicked in and started attacking borrelia?
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Right on, S13. Thanks for sharing your experience with the zero carb diet. A couple of months ago I started getting pretty strict with my diet because I was frustrated that I wasn't making much discernible progress.

It essentially turned into a plant-heavy ketogenic diet (lots of avocados, leafy greens, olive oil, coconut oil, etc) but with sardines, grassfed meat, eggs, and bone broth, too. I kept getting sicker and sicker. I emailed Phoiph in a panic because I got horrible sinus inflammation so bad I couldn't dive, and cystic acne started popping up everywhere, but I didn't put two and two together that this increase in plant foods could possibly be the cause. I thought it was "toxins" or that I was just peeling off the layers of the onion..

Now that I think about it, I've always felt sicker when increasing any plant foods (you know how green smoothies became the "thing" a while ago?) yea not good for me. Herbal protocols always make me feel worse (and not in a herxing, it's doing something good kind of way). I understand that this can also be related to leaky gut but I have been working on that for so long and things are fine until I increase plant foods?..

It wasn't until I came upon Andrew Scarborough's personal blog ( about fighting brain cancer on a "zero carb" ketogenic diet (CD57 has also linked to his story above) that it dawned on me that the salicylates could possibly be messing with me (Andrew started feeling much better after he removed plant foods).

And haha, smart me, I was applying topical salicylic acid on my acne and it was just getting worse and worse. I stopped that right and switched to a salicylate-free toothpaste and mouthwash (I've been dealing with painful gum/tongue/mouth inflammation) and cut out the avocados, most vegetables, coconut oil, etc. that pretty much took care of a lot of inflammation.

I know this can be kind of a touchy subject because we've been taught "plant good, animal bad" for so many years... But I'm going to try out the animal-based (grassfed/free-range/wild, of course with lots of bone broth and organ meat to supplement...can't seem to find brain in the U.S. though...) ketogenic diet for a while and report back.

I assume that my lack of tolerance for the salicylates in plants is related to mitochondrial dysfunction from Lyme so hopefully with time (and mhbot of course ;-) ) things will heal on their own.

By the way, I am 477 dives in (still 1 hr each day) and it keeps my pain at bay and I feel like my brainfog is getting a little bit better. I plan to increase exercise soon as I don't feel like I am moving enough on a daily basis. It doesn't help that I am on the computer a lot for homework (I am back in school whoo-hoo).

I also want to add that low thyroid was a big piece in my Lyme puzzle. I knew that there was something wrong with my thyroid for years but my then-doctor never tested the right numbers and everything came back "normal" and I assumed that as I healed, the thyroid problem would go away on its own, much like in Phoiph's case. Well it was just getting worse!

A little over a month ago I started getting horrible thyroid pain. It was choking me, making me cough and gag and I felt so flu-ish. I was scared it was hashimotos so I started doing a lot of research (which was when I realized my previous doc had been testing all the wrong things). My doctor now is helping me treat my thyroid and with t3 added, it is like night and day. (Hopefully this is just temporary support while I heal with mhbot?)

I want to thank Phoiph for your continued support [Smile] And welcome to all the new mHbot-ers. It is incredible to see some of you making such rapid progress.

Sorry this was such a long read, my update was long overdue! Carry on mHBOT-ers!
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
That a lot of dives. How would you rate how you feel now compared to before you started? You mentioned you are back to school. Is that due to mhbot?

Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Yeah spinning I appreciate the long timers coming back and reporting. My progress is slow, but I do believe it is helping, I have days I'm not so sure. This September 3rd will be one year for me - one hour mostly every day.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Here is another testimonial. I know that can't compare to actual research but there is no existing treatment that has been proven by research.

The only evidence of any treatment modality for lyme has been the people who have been cured by it.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
I wonder if pain is the symptom that is usually helped first. I don't have too much pain (thank God). I have mostly fatigue, weakness and cognitive problems.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

How are you now compared to when you began? One year at 1hour dives is significant.

Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thanks for the link soccermoma
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Wow!!! The guy in the article only did 2 weeks of treatment and his symptoms subsided? Is that possible? Now I wonder if this is where people are getting the idea 20 treatments and all will be well.

After 24 years of deterioration in my body it's going to take more than 2 weeks to fix. That's ok cause I'm a patient lady and as long as I see progress I'm staying the course. I certainly didn't get sick overnight so to believe you will heal in a short period of time is not realistic.

The difficult part I'm finding now is I'm in this weird place of not sick as most Lyme people anymore but not a healthy person. Phoiph any suggestions on how to cope in the in between stages of healing? it's not even easy to describe to people where I feel like I am.

I went to lunch with a friend yesterday and tried to explain but she's a healthy person, hiking, diving literally, going to school full time for a Masters. On the other end I don't have all the symptoms like I did in January and before so I don't fit the group of those searching for answers. I have my ups and downs with this therapy but I know what's causing the issues.

And because the healthy people see me more active they think that I'm all better.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You are right on about people getting an erroneous impression that mHBOT is a "short term" treatment. It can be short term, and is for many conditions, but not chronic Lyme/illnesses. This was the reason I almost sent my chamber back after 40 dives without overt progress, as there was no other information out there about long term treatment...

Sometimes people have an initial "honeymoon period" where they feel energized by the 02, but that is usually followed by some rocky times as the real "healing and dealing" begins.

I can relate to what you're saying about being in limbo (i.e., not 100% ill, yet not well either).

When I started mHBOT, I had no idea if I was ever even going to improve, much less make it to the finish line. Once I started making gains, I wondered if my progress would plateau somewhere in the middle, and that thought was unacceptable to me. So, I tried not to over-think it (thinking wasn't exactly my strong suit at the time anyway), and doggedly kept getting in the chamber every day...

It was very surreal for me when I started to enter the world again after being homebound and in a "walking coma" for 8 years. I would think I was doing quite well, until I was around non-ill people who's energy seemed so "large".

So many things had changed, (e.g., "smart phones", new bills/coins, construction/urban sprawl, etc.) that I felt like an old person who needed a teenager around to decipher the world for

To add to the strangeness, I started to see nieces and nephews who were born when I became homebound (and couldn't tolerate visitors), and were now 5-6 years old...

Making ordinary conversation with strangers seemed inane...I kept thinking, if they only knew how psycho I was just a few short months before, they would begin to back away

Miraculously, at some point, everything starts to mesh seamlessly, and you step back into your life...with many new insights, gifts and rewards that you had no idea were coming your way...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Good posts!
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Hi Monti,

It's a funny thing, trying to rate how I feel now compared to where I started. I guess if I had to rate it, I think I started out around 40% and now I'm at 70%, but it's definitely hard to put a number on this!

The changes and improvements are so gradual, almost imperceptible on a day-to-day basis that I often don't realize how far I've come, and I get frustrated that I'm not making quick enough progress, especially as new and different issues pop up constantly (peeling those onion layers!)bMy general trajectory is up, though.

When I started with mHBOT I had already been down the road of antibiotics for 2.5yrs, and had just finished 80+dives regular HBOT (which gave me the most rapid improvements in pain!) so mHBOT has been an extension/continuation of my treatment path. It is the only thing I do now (no more killing drugs anymore, I honestly don't feel like I need them).

I have been infected for 24 years (I'm 28 now) so I don't expect to heal overnight. And this is actually where it becomes hard to rate my % of health because honestly I don't know what it feels to be functioning at 100%.

Peimomma I actually have the same feelings as you do about being in limbo, getting better but not exactly healthy like a normal person. Strange place to be..

Jumping into my chamber daily is as automatic as brushing my teeth to me now. I am 100% dedicated to continuing with this all my life.

Monti you asked about me being back to school. Yes, mHBOT made and continues to make that possible. I had horrible brain fog and inability to concentrate on anything. I could not make sense of or retain any information. Honestly putting together my mHBOT chamber was so complicated to me that I almost cried while setting it up! The instructions made zero sense to my scrambled brain.

Two years ago I couldn't fathom returning to school, but here I am, learning new things again (haha!) and I just turned in my final project a couple hours ago [Smile]

As you can see by my elegant and coherent writing style (*SARCASM HERE!!) I have a long way to go before I consider my brain healed.

Phoiph, how do you feel about this venture into a salicylate-free lifestyle I am about to try out? I know that conventional wisdom warns against animal-only diets, but then again Lyme isn't a particularly conventional illness. Something is just not right with my diet at the moment and I feel like I need to get to the bottom of it.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

Thank you for your reply. 40% to 70% makes a lot of sense to me. I like using percentages when describing how I feel.

Wow I can't imagine not knowing how it feels to be Lyme free. To be sick since 4 years of age is crazy.

I know exactly what you mean about feeling like you wanted to cry when trying to set up the mhbot. Many times I can't formulate a thought. I am looking forward to that getting better.

The fact that you now can go to school is a big indicator of improvement! Glad this is working for you and that you no longer take bad meds. Sorry for all your years of illness.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Monti- i've been using the chamber for about 10 months now; at times I feel that I have improved , other times I feel I should be much further along. I am still taking some Cowden products, which may be contributing to my fatigue and weakness. I plan to stop those soon and then I can better assess my level of improvement. I do notice some cognitive improvements which for me is the most important. God take my body just don't take my mind.

I can relate to the conversation about not feeling normal when I'm with healthy people. Sometimes I think I'm getting better , then I sit in a meeting and I realize how much slower I am than everyone else I try not to get down about it .

Phoiph - I bought the GAPS diet, I hope to try this out. I really don't have the energy to cook , but will try to make a big batch at a time. I am even going to eat liver, which in the past has made me hurl. I'm committed to getting well, so I will even eat liver 💪
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Hi Haley,

I am currently doing Zhang protocol as I begin the mhbot process. I did cowden for a solid year but all it did for me is hold my health in place. I think Zhang is doing about the same. Hoping mhbot is the ticket.

So you have improved some but it's minor?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

10 months at full 1 hour dives?
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Yes Monti - 1 hour a day (the Phoiph protocol [Smile] ). Yes I would say minor results, but there are days that I feel the results are more significant than I realize... For example - I had live blood analysis on Friday. I decided to tape the conversation with the practitioner because he talked a lot. I listened to the 45 minute recording and realized that I AM better. I usually would have a very difficult time conversing, comprehending, but the conversation flowed and I did not feel completely drugged or floating as I usually did in the past. Also, I'm reading some difficult books which I seem to take in, I may not remember everything, but it seems the synapses are firing to some degree!

Do you have a good concentrator for supplemental oxygen? It may be my imagination, but I feel that I get more results when I take in lots of supplemental oxygen. I close up all the holes in my mask and I breathe in deeply for one hour while I'm in the chamber . I believe this gets the the oxygen deep into my brain.

[ 06-20-2015, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: Haley ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Please don't close the holes in your mask...they allow the C02 you're exhaling to get out so you don't rebreathe it!
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

Ok well it sounds like slow but steady improvements so that really is a good thing. It would be nice if your gains were more noticeable being a year into this but it is working so keep it up [Smile]

Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
Hi guys! Some great updates. Congrats to users that are making great strides quickly and for those of you on the long and slow journey like me, keep going and dont give up!

I am up to about 450 hrs of hbot. I am definitely improving via a very long, slow, up/down process up the trajectory is up! In Sept it will be 2 years for me.

I have had improvements in migraines, head burning, joint and muscle pain, tremors, fatigue and more. I can still experience my major symptoms although they are less painful and dont last as long.

When I started HBOT I said I wanted to improve to the point where I could "live a little old lady life." I wanted to be able to work a little, be able to run one errand a day, see some friends fora quiet get together, etc. I am happy to say I have surpassed that goal! I am working full-time (probably shouldn't be but thats my own stuff and I mostly work from home), can run multiple errands on the weekends and I am riding my horse consistently.

I know exactly how you all feel about feeling better but not 100% even though you look normal. Its a strange place to be and one I've been in for 6 years- I have been one of those lyme patients that never looked that bad despite the catastrophe going on inside my body.

I also know how it feels to be scared and doubt this treatment because my improvements have been so slow, but I figure my body has a lot of healing to do and its doing its best. I am sure I have also slowed my progress by continuing to work with some mandatory travel about once per month.

I have a lot to say about the GAPs diet (been very helpful for me and husband who also has lyme) and will post that later. I was on abx for 4 years- my gut was a mess. GAPS and hbot are helping to fix that.

Keep going divers....low and slow....
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

Have you been doing any other types of treatments during this 2 year hbot period? And are you doing hbot or mhbot?

As long as this moved me in a forward direction no matter how slow I will do this. 2 years a long time but to be able to work and travel and live better then a little old lady sounds amazing!

Does your husband use it? Any gains for him? Has he achieved "little old man" health level yet? [sleepy]
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
I was on abx with hbot for the first few months. Also went back on abx for one month last summer. No abx at this time. Some low level supportive herbs via LLMD on and off- garlic, turmeric, artemisia, etc.

I do mHBOT (phoiph method ☺). I used to do 1 hr per day but in the past two months, I have slowly worked up to 80 minutes per day. I did this because of the time I miss in the chamber from work travel. My goal is to get to, but not beyond 30, hours each month.

My husband is markedly better. He was struggling with his Lyme treatment and LLMD said next step was IV. He did mHBOT and GAPS diet with me and he is much better! He doesn't even use the chamber anymore, works out daily, lost 30 lbs, works 70+ hrs/week in his own business and is maintaining with acupressure massage and acupuncture. He flares from the acupuncture and mhbot will still flare him a little too but he doesn't feel that he needs the chamber now.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
I like hearing this stuff!!
Thank you
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
Some more thoughts-

In our household, I have seen mHBOT help very quickly (my husband did about 30 hrs) and then also take much more time (my case).

However, my husband had pretty cut/dry case. Bullseye rash, on doxy and other abx immediately, prolonged therapy for ~4 months and felt better. Then he relapsed a year or so later after very stressful stretch at work. He went back on abx but they were not helping much after a few months- the IV did not feel comfortable for him, so we did the hbot and diet. He is doing very well.

I, on the other hand, was misdiagnosed for at least 11 years. I went to the best LLMDs and took huge amounts of antibiotics including 8 months of IV. After 2.5 years of antibiotics I tested positive via the culture test. As of last summer, I had antibodies to 3 strains of Lyme and was + for anaplasma. So I have been a complicated case, with a lot of drugs along with alternative treatments as well (Cowden, Byron White, sauna, etc) but slowly gaining on this beast via mHBOT and GAPs diet.

So I think the disease load, toxic load, health of gut, length of misdiagnoses, other outside stressors, etc all contribute to how quickly hbot helps. Some of us have a lot more healing to do and it will take longer. This has been our experience.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Phoiph, how do you feel about this venture into a salicylate-free lifestyle I am about to try out? I know that conventional wisdom warns against animal-only diets, but then again Lyme isn't a particularly conventional illness. Something is just not right with my diet at the moment and I feel like I need to get to the bottom of it.

Hi Spinning...

My thoughts are that I have confidence that you are a good detective...and you have been doing mHBOT long enough now to carefully and selectively tweak certain things that are still a nuisance (as you did with your thyroid).

I don't have experience with the salicylate-free diet, but I think the most important thing is to do things gradually and methodically (so you can see what's really helping) and not to go to extremes, as to not shock your body in any way.

Keep us posted...we are all learning so much here from each other's experiences...
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Thanks Phoiph, I appreciate your input, as always [Smile] I will definitely go about this cautiously and methodically and let you guys know how I am doing in about six weeks.

One more question for you. Do you feel the need to supplement anything (like magnesium, vit d, vit c, probiotics) with your current diet or do you feel like the foods you eat pretty much cover all the bases? I do take the supps mentioned above and I don't know whether or not they are helping/hurting/just plan draining my wallet.

Mbdq, wonderful update about you and your husband. I hope you continue to make steady gains!
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thanks mbdq for your posts. And as always thank me to everyone else too!!
Posted by Pam08 (Member # 19203) on :
I would also like to thank people for their updates. It is so helpful to see how people are doing with this. Some of us are still following along in hopes that we may be able to try it ourselves at some point.

Glad to see people are improving...even if it is very slow progress.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Spinning...

In response to your question:

Do you feel the need to supplement anything (like magnesium, vit d, vit c, probiotics) with your current diet or do you feel like the foods you eat pretty much cover all the bases? I do take the supps mentioned above and I don't know whether or not they are helping/hurting/just plan draining my wallet.

I am selective when it comes to most supplements, since nutrients work synergistically and are best balanced, absorbed, and utilized when they come from food. Studies are showing now that taking certain supplements in isolation can actually be harmful.

It is also concerning that some people think that they can forgo a good diet because they can make up for it in supplements...unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.

In my opinion, probiotics are crucial. They are best from fermented foods, but we rarely get enough of those, so I believe in supplementing. I also include Saccharomyces boulardii.

Select other supplements are OK for a time if you're low (e.g., if your red blood cell magnesium or vitamin D levels are test low), although I would still try to bring those up via food sources simultaneously.

Some supportive herbs & spices are good, like Turmeric, for example, but I'm not a big fan of detoxing supplements and antioxidants. I also filter and add minerals to my water, and use plenty of Himalayan sea salt.

Here is a good article about what happens when certain supplements, like antioxidants, are taken in isolation:

Congratulations on going back to've come a long way since we first connected! You have been an absolute trooper...
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Thank you Phoiph! It is still daunting to me to take on this whole school thing since I'm still trying to fix nagging health issues and I have to be very careful not to overdo it, but mHBOT definitely helps keep me going.

Wonderfully thorough answer about the supplements. As always, thank you for your valuable input [Smile]
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Sorry if this is off topic... I am trying the GAPS diet... It's really difficult... mainly because there is a lot of cooking... what are the easiest things to start with... do you have links to easy recipes? Raw sauerkraut is easy, I've been eating a lot of that
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Bone broth shouldnt be too difficult. If you can make a large batch, you only need to reheat it later. I usually make a batch that lasts me the entire week.

Sauerkraut is easy yes, though making the batch can be a bit of a struggle.

Fermenting fish is not that hard, and i personally like the taste. I use mackerel or herring, cut it in pieces, add some whey from my kefir batch, and add some herbs (like black peppers, dill and cilantro). Let it sit for 4 days on room temperature and its done. You can make a batch that lasts for about a week in the fridge. You can find the recipe in the book btw.

I think its good to focus on the fermenting foods of the gaps diet. The introduction diet also guides you through this process.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks S13, I'm going to try to ferment some things. I buy the sauerkraut , but it's top of the line stuff. I've never heard of fermenting fish. I must have skipped over that part. I mostly read the theory behind it. Ive always known casein was a problem for me, but very interesting to read about her research.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Also, you can freeze the bone broths/soups in sized containers, which when thawed will last a few days at a time...
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
I just wanted to add an observation of myself concerning the GAPS diet and mhbot:

Once you stop feeding the bad bugs in your gut with carbs, and toxins no longer continue to poor into your system, then and only then(!) your body will finally start to detox!

Mhbot can aid in boosting this process, but stopping the inflow of bad toxins is the first step everyone should do!

Once the detox really kicks in when on GAPS and mhbot, you will probably notice detox reactions. The mobilisation can be horrendous, and you have to be carefull all those toxins dont cause additional bad growth in the gut. Maybe use binders, or gentle herbs like ginger, olive leaf, nigella, to keep bad flora from exploding during the detox phase.
Ginger can be of particular help if you have nausea (like me).

I also find that magnesium is my rate limiting factor for the detoxification process now. So if i want to feel like crap i just use more magnesium. And remember, its not a fast process!

Ive been in this detox phase for 6 weeks now, and have made considerable progress. I look healthier (less yellow/brownish skin), have more energy, better cognitive functions and way more stable psychological symptoms like depression and panic attacks. But all in all i think ive made an overall 30% recovery in that time. So it takes time! Keep that in mind.

I hope this helps other people as well.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks Phoiph and S13.

S13 - what do you mean that magnesium is your limiting factor? Does that mean that you don't think you should take it?

Also - do you get constipated on GAPS? had to ask
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Magnesium is not very well represented on the first stages of the GAPS introduction diet if you also skip out on most veggies. Only the fermented fish i make has some magnesium in it.
And my magnesium stores were low to begin with, given that i also did intermittent water fasting.

Later on when adding more veggies and nuts like almonds, you get more magnesium from the diet.
So now i supplement. But it doesnt take a lot to start noticing the detoxification reactions. I can tell a difference when i take just one Mag Tab SR (thats only 84mg of elemental magnesium). When i up it to 4 tabs (336mg) i get serious reactions, including heart palps, breathing difficulties, more nausea, feeling cold, anxiety attacks.
So its slow and steady for me.

There is a bit of constipation, yes. But tbh i dont think it has a lot to do with the diet itself. The oils and sauerkraut should be enough to get normal transition time.
Its probably due to the detox reaction (the constant dumping of toxins in to the small intestine).
And its just a longer than normal transition time. I do have movements about once a day. But usually after a meal, so the new food pushes the old food out. So on occasion i do an enema to speed up the process and get rid of the toxins faster.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Has anyone had viruses come out after using oxygen? I remember one person had shingles.

I'm not saying the oxygen feeds them, but maybe it kills off bigger bugs which release viruses.

Just wondering if other people see this. I have some scary symptoms, I believe it may be a virus but there is no rash yet. I'm hoping it's not shingles.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

What are your "scary" symptoms?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
200 dives in the books!!!

Wow, what a busy month I've had since completing my 5k. We had family visit from out of state during three different weeks, attended BBQ's, shopping at malls, motorcycling, lunch with friends and touring local areas.

I've been running 1.5 miles 6 days a week, and increasing my weight training. Two weeks ago I started training with my husband and I have to say it's good to see my muscles coming back to life. I really enjoy the sweat I get from the run and feel refreshed and flushed to start the day.

I sleep at least 8 hours a night and I'm taking a protein shake once a day for my muscle recovery.

It has been so nice this last month catching up with friends and actually laughing again. I can hardly wait to read these comments next summer after I have had another 500 or so dives in the books.

If I knew I was going to feel this good and have this kind of quality of life 6 months ago, I would have paid 50k for a chamber. I would guess I'm running at about 70% and still building the endurance and strength back in my body. Retraining my body to function at a normal level is the part that takes patience.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I think I saw a comment wondering what my 100% will look

A day in the life of Peimomma at 100%
0500 wake up
0530 run/weights
0800 start work....YAY a job!!!
1730 arrive home from work
1800 cook/eat dinner
1900 project around the house, shopping, walk
2000 read a book, watch TV, internet surfing
2100 prepare for bed
2200 sleeping

It will be at least 9-12 months until I will feel confident in doing the above without being worn down and possible relapse. I do take days off of everything except diving so I don't burn out. after a day or two off I'm excited to get started again with my workout, seeing people, appointments and more.

My schedule these days looks like this
0600-0700 wake
0730- mHBOT
0930- coffee detox or not
1000- morning errands outside the house
1200- lunch
1230- rest for an hour outside or just light reading
1330-1400 house work, laundry, meet friend
1600- run/weight workout with husband
1730- cook/eat dinner
1830- rest, hangout, read, phone calls
2030- prepare for bed
2130- sleeping

I no longer nap during the day but still need rest time for my body.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
And what was your schedule prior to mhbot? [Smile]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
good question Monti....

0600-0630 wake to see hubby out the door
0700- back to bed
0900- coffee detox, massage
1000- out of bed to do a chore like one load of laundry or vacuum downstairs
1100-1200 lunch
1200- clean up kitchen from the morning
1300- lay down for a nap
1500- greet husband
1630- watch TV with no particular interest, just wasting time
1730- eat dinner, I rarely prepared meals because of fatigue and or pain
1800- back to couch usually wrapped in a blanket to keep warm
1900- prepare for bed
2000- sleeping for maybe 5 hours before waking for 2-3 hours.

Rarely spent time out of the house unless husband drove because it caused to much confusion and fatigue for days. I met with a friend a few times a month to sit and talk or some walking but usually ended up with sore hips and back for the next three days....ugh, I don't miss those days.
Most of my time was spent putting around the house or resting. To even lift a light 2 pound weight would give me a 3 day migraine.

Today I was doing shoulder press with 30 pounds, rows with 55 pounds, 100 kettlebell swings, 30 second plank twice and 45 pound goblet squat and this was after my 1.5 mile run. No headaches or body pain. I usually get my 10k steps not trying now along with the weight workout.

This week has been slow because I've been without a car but I've made good use cleaning walls, and other chores that never get noticed.

I think the thing I've noticed with the working out is that my body was very very out of shape. It has taken 3 months to build to my current state of function. I started in May walking the 10k steps M-F and then added beginners yoga halfway through the month to start building strength. Every two weeks I upped my schedule and added in something to challenge my body.

I have a long way to go to get to where I was functioning before illness, I was a very active person outdoors in addition to working out. I've made great progress and am so grateful for the gains I have seen. I have been strutting around in shorts this summer, first time in 5

How are you progressing Monti? Are you journaling your days? I can not stress this enough so you know where you have come from. It's a pain in the butt I know because I do it every day, but I can hardly look back at the first days in my journal without an ache in my heart for all I was going through.
Posted by abp (Member # 37656) on :
Wow, this entire thread is so fascinating. I did 3 weeks of regular HBOT last year at 2.4 ATA and cleared mold out of my body, but felt no great changes otherwise. I have Lyme and am at the point where Peimomma was before mHBOT, in needing a nap in the afternoon or if I don't, being wiped out the next day. Can anyone suggest a source or listing of used mHBOT machines? Thanks!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I know we haven't had time to connect yet outside of an initial PM, but I have good resources for used chambers, both with private buyers, and through the manufacturer (plus, I pass on discounts...and FYI, I don't take compensation for these referrals, or anything to do with mHBOT).

There are caveats when buying used chambers that I want to discuss with you before you purchase something...just for your protection...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

On May 13 I began full 1 hour dives. So about 2 months worth at this point. It took about a month to build up to that level.

Last week we went away on a 1 week vacation so I wasn't able to do any dives. Other then that I have been very faithful.

So far I don't really see any noticeable changes. I do suspect some mild improvements in different areas. For example I do seem to sleep better more often. Beyond that I don't dare to report anything since every time I have in the past it turned out to not last.

I was journaling daily but with such a lack of change I stopped. However I do not plan to stop mhbot even with zero improvements for at a least a year. I have a very strong feeling that won't happen though. I am confident I will receive some level of benefit.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Monti...

It is still very early in the game...don't be concerned about not noticing overt changes yet. Remember that I almost sent my chamber back at that point...what a mistake that would have been!

Sleeping better is a positive sign.

I admire your commitment of consistent treatments...and please do keep up your'll be glad you did (and so will we...:)
Posted by sheminesque (Member # 45770) on :
Phoiph, is your mailbox full?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes, sorry...I just deleted some...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Hi Phoiph,

I appreciate your thoughts. I will start journaling my progress but I don't see the point in a daily journal. Maybe once a week type of thing would make more sense.

And I'm not discouraged. I know this is a process and not everyone makes gains quickly. You helped me to appreciate that [Smile] . That's really the key to success with this I think.

I have noticed that the week off has seemed to set me back a bit as far as how the chamber effects me. I once again feel tired when I come out of it. That is something that had gone away recently.

Also I have the feeling or sensation in my eyes. I guess I would describe it as a light sensitivity type of feeling. That also was something that had cleared up.

I am not surprised these things have returned since I had stopped for a week so early in my treatment. It couldn't be helped. But now I am home for a long long time so look out [Smile]
Posted by SacredHeart (Member # 44733) on :
I don't check this thread much. Is anyone else getting better using this method?

I am starting to think it is the only way to kill these things.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I hope you take the time to read the thread.

Many people here are reporting benefit, and there are many more that I am in contact with outside of LymeNet.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
6 months of treating and 230 dives thus far😍. I'm still making gains and of course a few rogue symptoms appear every so often.

3 days last week my hands and arms were going numb at night while sleeping, a symptom I haven't had in months. Knee pain is another symptom that pops in periodically to let me know I'm not well yet.

This week we leave for a 1000 mile round trip drive to Montana for a wedding. This should give me a challenge and see how strong I am at this juncture of my journey. We will split the drive over into 2 days, attend the wedding on Saturday and drive home Sunday. We hope for no family drama at the wedding but who knows what will happen. I feel good and prepared for the trip.

We had a neighborhood BBQ last week and when I talked to people about Lyme disease that had heard of it and/or knew someone with the illness. Wow, what a change from a few years ago when people had never heard of it in WA.

I hope you all are doing well👍
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Since really starting to exercise in June I started to notice after a few days some fatigue, sore arm pits and a little brain fog. I found this article recently on a board about exercise and the effects it can have on the Lyme which could produce herxing if to much die off happens at one time.

I believe this is what I've experienced from raising my core temp for an extended period of time. Diving every day and then the exercise is like diving 2 times a day in terms of killing and making toxins.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Wonderful timing on this. Thank you very much for sharing!

I've been diving for a number of months now and feel it's time to start slowly adding some excersize. Not so much because I am feeling better but more because I want to feel bette and I feel my body has had some quality mhbot sessions.

I also purchased a high quality juicer last week and have been drinking 3 8oz freshly juiced glasses a day of locally grown organic produce. Mainly vegetables (not much fruit)

This is in addition to my normal meals and not a replacement.

I am so ready to start making some noticeable gains.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
"...Diving every day and then the exercise is like diving 2 times a day in terms of killing and making toxins..."

mHBOT is actually similar to exercise for your body in several ways. Both raise your cellular metabolism, promoting detoxification at the cellular level, and more efficient transport of nutrients into the cells. They both also produce free radicals, which are necessary for disarming pathogens and raising production of white blood cells, improving immune function. mHBOT also stimulates the production of natural antioxidants.

This is why it is important to go slowly and gradually at first, and not overdo the exercise, because your body is doing a lot of healing work already, and that is where you want your energy to go...not to repairing exercise related micro-injuries.

I know when I first started exercising again, I had exaggerated stiffness and soreness after every activity...but this effect has normalized over time as my body has recovered.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Monti that is good news!! I think I started adding some exercise in to my day in month 4 which was May. I started with trying to walk 10k steps M-F and then in mid-May added in light yoga. Def go easy and slow😊

Thanks Phoiph for the explanation, my recent up and downs make more sense now and I need to reevaluate what I'm doing for working out so I don't set myself back in the process.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
If you were a very active person with an exercise routine established before Lyme it is very difficult to try to not immediately jump right back into the pre-Lyme groove!

But...the exaggerated soreness told me that my body needed more time...and once I accepted that, with moderation everything came back naturally in its own time.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

Do you think I am rushing into the exercise thing? Like I said before, I don't really feel any better yet. But I have been doing 1 hour dives for about 3 months now. (I did miss one week due to a vacation).

I guess I just want to be sure I am not holding up progress by not exercising. Not that I really feel like doing any.

I understand what's being said about starting slow.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Monti...

I don't think you're rushing into exercise at is a crucial part of recovery.

Just start slowly, with something gentle like walking and yoga, as Peimomma mentioned. Those two exercises are great because they move lymph and increase circulation/oxygenation, and are easy on the joints.

I would definitely give yourself rest days in between to see how you are doing with it and to give time for recovery.

I also remember that it was very easy to injure myself at first (i.e., pulled muscles, etc.) which is understandable when someone had been homebound for years walking on the same level surfaces, doing the same things, etc.

If you're not trying to push, your body will tell you when it is time to increase...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thank you
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Interesting website with an archive of hyperbaric articles (by condition):

Includes an article entitled, "Portable Home Chambers treat Chronic Lyme":
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Great articles Phoiph, thanks for posting.

Well, I survived the drive to MT but really paid for it over the last week😏. No pain, fatigue, GI issues or other issues while on the trip but I crashed when we arrived home a week ago.

No pain but my fatigue and brain fog have been really bad. It must have been the fight or flight that carried me through the wedding and long drive. I'm slowly recovering but boy what a set back in my therapy. I've not done any physical activity since returning a week ago and might wait another week to introduce walking again.

This is not an event I could have missed as it was my husbands son that married but if the future I will definitely evaluate trips because of the decline it can cause when I am so early in my treatment.

On a positive note, I did get to share my Lyme story with a gentleman that knew a woman that has Lyme and it seemed as though I helped him realize this illness is real. I shared this site, Phoiphs website, my videos and other beneficial MHBOT info to help her out. I guess if nothing else it was worth my setback if I can help another Lyme patient find healing😊
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Hi Peimomma,

Wow I'm sorry you got such a set back. Didn't u do a trip elsewhere without such a setback or am I confusing things?

My update...

I''ve been up to 1 hour dives since June 13th. I missed one week due to a prescheduled vacation. At this point I really haven't noticed any changes yet other then perhaps some improved cognitive function at times.

But it's only been about 2 months which is nothing when it comes to this treatment. Still very early. I remain very excited!

I started walking last week for some mild excersize. I can only go 1/5th of a mile before I start to feel dizzy. That distance seems pretty consistent which surprised me but I am glad for. Now I have a means of measuring my progress.

I bought a high end juicer a few weeks ago and I am now drinking 3 to 4 8oz glasses of vegetable juice every day in addition to my meals. Things high in nutrients like leafy greens etc.

And I continue on the Zhang Protocol. I can't help but think in a few more months I should start experiencing some noticeable improvements. Even if they are mild.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Yes, I did travel to Alaska in June and thrived on and after that trip. I think the differences were.....I flew to Alaska, I slept well, ate well and little to no stress. Unlike this last trip, driving drains me especially driving hours. We slept like poop, maybe 12 hours over three days and it was interrupted too. Because we were in hotels we had no home cooked meals so we ate out and in the area we traveled it was hard to find good meals.

At least once a day we did have a good meal because we brought our protein shake with greens and added a banana. I know I also wasn't drinking as much water because of the travel and schedule we had. I really had no exercise this trip either where in Alaska we were hiking and biking so I was sweating to detox.

Lastly there was family drama that added stress to the situation this trip so I was drained emotionally and physically. Never underestimate how much a stressful situation can set us back.

That is great news that you are doing some walking. Something is better than nothing, even just walking the stairs once a day. You are so right, you are still early in your 1 hour treatment schedule that more progress will come as you get more dives.

I'm a bit disappointed in my set back but I'm also someone that pushes the limits to see how much I can do to get a set back....and so the rest of you know it's not all roses in my world😁

I know I will get back to where I was before MT, it will just take a few more days to recover. I now also see that it will be 18 months for real until I can see some sort of normal life. This was a reality check for me, I'm still very sick and this trip just gave me that reminder.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I call this a "speed bump"...:)

Thank you for sharing this important experience...I can't reiterate the message enough not to overdo in the early months of treatment even though you may be feeling better.

Travel is one of the most stressful things because everything is different, and your body has to make so many adjustments/adaptations.

I promise there will be plenty of chances to overdo it later on...believe
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Nice job Monti.

Peimomma - sorry to hear about the set back. You are still my hero, as well as Phoiph [Wink]

September 3rd will be one year of mHBOT. I have not made the strides as others have. My situation is more similar to the woman that wrote about having the goal of a "little old lady" life. Have not been even close to being able to exercise until just recently, but I have added a couple of things to my protocol.

I started IV ozone (MAH) where they drain the blood out and put it back in. I only purchased 10 sessions, have 2 more to go. I then plan on doing a session once a month.

When I started this treatment my main concern was severe weakness and fatigue, unrelenting, unable to do much of anything. I also still have severe cognitive issues, but at times they do seem improved.

I have to say that my weakness and fatigue have improved significantly. It's quite amazing as I have been dealing with this for years. The crazy thing is - I don't think it is the ozone, but a supplement she suggested - Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer with BioPQQ by lifeextension. WOW... she told me to take 4 a day, but I have cut way back, it's too much (it seems to give me headaches). I am not only able to exercise, but I long to exercise. It's short intervals, but so grateful for that. I hope it lasts.

I still need to get my brain back. I don't think my brain is permanently damaged because I have moments of clarity, they are brief and short lived.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Haley have you gotten any benefit from the mhbot? If so, about how much?

Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
And have you been somewhat consistent in 1 hour dives along with O2? Thanks Haley
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Yes Phoiph that is exactly what it feels like.... A speed bump that caught me by surprise and shook me up. It was like I hit the bump and my engine quit😎

I'm back to my schedule and the fatigue is slowly resolving. We also had company for the last week since returning home which added to my issues because I was tired but felt like I needed to be "on" if you will. House is empty now, hubby returns to work tomorrow and I get my therapy schedule back on track. YAY!!!!!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
HI Monti. I do believe that there has been benefits, but the progress is so slow and subtle sometimes it's hard to see. I am doing one hour a day.

Frankly, one of my problems is my brain. I have a lot of confusion and memory loss, so sometimes I forget the good days lol, but also forget the bad days. So your question seems simple, but I have a difficult time gauging my progress.

I have been writing everything on a calendar and it seems that I am having better days, that's all I can say.

My biggest concern was getting some cognitive improvement and I do notice at times that I am doing things that I could not do before. For example, having a conversation with a super intense person at work was like running 3 triathlons for me, now it seems that I can follow this person and converse with her, it is not such an arduous task now.

Even something as simple as writing this post, in the past would be super confusing, now it comes to me a bit easier.

I'm sure that doesn't help at all, but that's the best I can do for now.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Haley I think you have made more progress then you realize, but glad you are writing it somewhere to keep track. I know some days it seems useless but when you look back in a month you will see the changes.

You are doing great at a year, working and seeing gains in brain function😃. I feel the same way about how my brain functions now, I can hold conversations with people and writing on these boards don't wear me out to just think about what to type. I would imagine since you have the stress of working your progress will be slower and it will take longer to get to 100% then someone like myself.

I don't work so no stress there or in commuting, I can sleep as many hours as I need to and exercise to strengthen my body. You should be proud of where you are, I wish I could work but I know it will take me down right now just as quick as this past weekend did.

One thing my brain struggles with is remembering that I'm still sick and I need to take the time for rest and repair.....I can't do what the healthy people are doing YET😁.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Oh, I have one more thing to add that I know added to my setback this week.....only for the ladies

My monthly cycle. I've noticed the last two months especially that I have fatigue just before I start😏. This week was no different and will definitely be tracking it more closely in my journal.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thanks Haley.

You progress sounds like mine at this point. It's really hard to see any real progress but I think cognitively I have improved some.

Of course that depends on the day. Many days I'm a mess. But other days or times during the days I am more aware of my surroundings and more with it.

Again for me though it's only been a couple months. I don't really expect/hope to notice anything for 6 months or worse case a full year.

Are you working full time?
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks for the the encouraging words Peimomma.

I say that I "work", but I really just somehow drive myself to my workplace 3 days a week and then do close to nothing, the other 2 days I work from home. I can lie in bed with a laptop if I need to. My employers can see that I am not capable of working the way I did in the past, for some reason they are keeping me. I sometimes feel that I am hanging on by my fingernails to keep my job. If I lose it, I lose my health insurance, my home, pretty much everything. I do not have anyone to help.

I have to keep going. This illness is so bizarre, one day I feel like exercising and the next I feel like I'm dying. I have so much compassion for anyone that has this illness.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Hang in there Haley!! Eat healthy and stick to your treatments.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thank you Monti. I'm so glad this group is here.

We are pioneers in a sense. I don't think there are many people that have stuck to a specific protocol with mHBOT for a long period of time.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I'm back up and Feeling back to pre MT trip finally. Ran today, washed 2 dogs, vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen and 3 loads of laundry.

Don't read this next sentence Phoiph😉

I started twice a day again and boy did that make a difference in my energy and brain fog. I'm definitely outside the box when it comes to treating so let me just say "don't try this at home". Lol

The reason I went to 2 treatments is because I was feeling good for part of the day and then the fatigue would set in so I decided to try a second dive and it worked. I'm also back up to 2 CE's a day to detox as well. I won't keep this pace up for to long as I will start to herx.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
It's been 3 weeks since my return from my Montana trip and I went through a week of fatigue, then pain and last week I had a headache for 4 days. I finally feel like I'm the pre-trip person again and went back to adding in weightlifting 2 days ago with the 1.5 mile run.

Finally got around to recording another video after 3 months and I hope to put another one up soon with me doing some of my activities.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Great documentation, Peimomma! Much appreciation for doing is so valuable to have a video record.

I have posted all your videos on my website...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Nice video Peimomma! You look and sound so much healthier then the first couple.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Hi Everyone, just doing the final research into choosing a chamber for our home. I have reached out to Phoiph and am waiting for her to respond.

Wanted to ask if anyone has any positive or negatives about the Newtown Hyperbaric chambers compared with the Oxyhealth which I know are the top. I have found only one or two reviews on them which are pretty good but want more feedback before deciding to purchase/rent/lease.

We are planning to treat myself and my 14 year old daughter.

EXTREME brain involvement, constant (20 years) pressure and pain as well as all the joint stuff. But really praying for the brain healing. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks so much!!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thanks Phoiph and Monti,

I recently watched those first videos and you're correct, what a difference. Looking back in my journal is one thing but to see me back then is so encouraging now. I've come quite a distance and encouraged for the rest of the journey.

We hope to see you up on the big screen one day Monti👍😊
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by joahsark:
Hi Everyone, just doing the final research into choosing a chamber for our home. I have reached out to Phoiph and am waiting for her to respond.

Wanted to ask if anyone has any positive or negatives about the Newtown Hyperbaric chambers compared with the Oxyhealth which I know are the top. I have found only one or two reviews on them which are pretty good but want more feedback before deciding to purchase/rent/lease.

We are planning to treat myself and my 14 year old daughter.

EXTREME brain involvement, constant (20 years) pressure and pain as well as all the joint stuff. But really praying for the brain healing. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks so much!!

Hi joahsark...

Welcome back! I just answered you via email...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I was deleting old email this morning and came across a few I thought I'd share. This is an email I sent a friend Feb 2009, a year before my Lyme diagnosis.

I wrote:
Ok so health wise, I saw the rheumatoid doctor last week and I'm positive for the HLA-B27 marker which my sister has as well and has had a year long bought with reactive arthritis from it. I wonder if that's what's causing my pain.

I started seeing the trigger point injection doctor last week and laughed historically through the first appointment as it was so painful. I would have cried otherwise. They hurt really bad but are supposed to get better with time????? I go for one today and then again Thursday.

I'm feeling really hopeless with all the pain and no life. This is the last thing I know to try. I'm scared I won't have a life ever again. This weekend I didn't do much as I was very tired. I cried a lot, it seems as my life is work and sleep to get ready for work and sleep and work and …….

I used to do even common things around the house, cleaning and doing errands, now I just don't have the strength or energy to do them. It's like the inside of my body is wasting away and they can't seem to identify the problem. I can't imagine what it will be like in a year or two or five for that matter. Will I be able to work, drive, it scares the crap out of me if something doesn't work soon. I feel the worst for Joe as this impacts his life tremendously, we don't go out much because I'm so tired and sore. He's a trooper and loves me even in spite of my "temporary" issues, I hope.

Then I found a few logs I typed up of my daily routine...yikes!!
Keep in mind I was taking all this because someone along the way on the Lyme boards or doctor recommended them to help, kill or heal something. This was written 13 Oct 2012

Lyme disease
- Bicillin shot 2 times a week

Before eating
- Coffee enema liver detox and pain control
- serrapeptase for biofilm buster
- candida cleanse tab

Breakfast protein shake with almond milk
- Niacin 300mg for depression
- Colodial silver
- probiotic stomach support
- milk thistle liver support
- Vit D3
- Adrenal support tabs
- garlic tabs blood cleaner
- Samento

- Omega oil
- Trace minerals
- Grapefruit seed extract cyst buster
- milk thistle
- B Vitamin
- Magnesium
- Multi- Vitamin
- candida cleanse tab
- L-Glutamine for muscle and tissue protection and immune

- candida cleanse
- omega oil
- Samento

Before Bed
- EDTA for heavy metal detox

One to two times per week
- sauna with lemon water 45 min at 127-135 degrees
- rifing for any diagnosis I've been diagnosed with on a rotating schedule

- Walking 2 to 3 miles a day

- whole food, no sugar, starch or dairy
- minimum of 24 oz of green juice a day
- drink a lot of water

What a crazy bunch of supplements and I guess it's why I quit everything finally in 2014. It seemed like every time I turned around there was some new supplement to take to help. I found one from April 2013 that was similar but no Bicillin shots or other medication.

Thought I'd share how crazy my life was just a few years ago.

[ 09-16-2015, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Peimomma ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Knowing how well you're doing now compared to the recent past makes my day!

Looking back at the extensive and ridiculous list of doctors I saw, methods I tried, and things I took...all for naught...led to my mottos: "less is more", and "bug chasing leads to tail chasing"

That's why I want people to never give know that wellness is not as impossible, elusive, and distant as it feels at the time...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
We need those on a shirt Phoiph. I swear I felt crazy and toxic from supposedly taking supplements that would help...HA!!!

Love my less is more now, leaves me time for all the things I like to do like exercise and going for a hot chocolate and pizza on game day 🏈 with hubs👍😍.

One of my husbands coworkers thought he was 42 as they were talking this week and was very surprised to learn he is 50. We are both looking healthier with every month of treatment. And we haven't been sick a day since starting treatment😁
Posted by Tanya R (Member # 41817) on :
Hi all. I have stalked the mHBOT board for about 1.5 years. I also have a chamber (Newtowne 31") and concentrator. I am a patient of LYMEMD (Dr. J). I have been diving on an off since October 2013.

I am a chronic Lyme patient who was DX with Lyme, Bart & Babs in 2008, but sick for 15+ years prior. I did orals and herbals from 2008-2014. I did 4 months of IV rocephin, zithromax and flagyl in the spring of 2014. I felt the best I ever have in my entire life, but unfortunately my insurance company wouldn't cover it anymore. I quit all oral antibiotics in July 2014. Tired of taking pills and my stomach couldn't handle it anymore. I slowly declined again, plus I wasn't diving on a regular basis.

My goal is to journal and try to be more consistent. I was pleasantly surprised to see the author of the youtube videos here. I watched them several times to see what I could expect myself. That gave me the idea to journal so I could have a timeline of how I'm feeling.

I do not have a full time job, but operate my own part time photography business and I'm Mom to a 13 and 10 year old.

Anyways, I hope to be more active on this thread to help encourage others to try mHBOT. In May my pain was at an all time high. The type of pain you have when you have a fever. I am just now being more consistent with my dives and the pain is MUCH better. I still have a list of other symptoms which I hope will eventually go away as well.

Right now I'm experiencing a lot of anxiety / fog shortly after doing my 60 minute dive w/ oxygen. I wonder if I am jumping in too quickly. At one point, I was doing 90 minutes. Anyone else experience anxiety after a dive?

Sorry for the ramblings. I'm having a bad brain day at this moment.
Posted by Tanya R (Member # 41817) on :
joahsark - I have the Newtowne 31" chamber. I highly recommend them and my salesperson was Marie. She is very responsive to questions and I've had a great overall experience. I've had my chamber since 2013 and have had zero issues.

Originally posted by joahsark:
Hi Everyone, just doing the final research into choosing a chamber for our home. I have reached out to Phoiph and am waiting for her to respond.

Wanted to ask if anyone has any positive or negatives about the Newtown Hyperbaric chambers compared with the Oxyhealth which I know are the top. I have found only one or two reviews on them which are pretty good but want more feedback before deciding to purchase/rent/lease.

We are planning to treat myself and my 14 year old daughter.

EXTREME brain involvement, constant (20 years) pressure and pain as well as all the joint stuff. But really praying for the brain healing. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks so much!!

Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Hello, Everyone. Thank you to Peimomma for inviting me to this discussion. I'm very seriously considering mHBOT.

My main physical complaint is limited mobility, so that is also my main purchasing concern. Getting down on the ground (intentionally) would be very awkward for me, getting up off the ground would be taxing and darn near impossible without help. This isn't just a matter of strength, it's also because of how my body is broken and doesn't work.

Does anyone know of links to video showing people getting in and out of portable units? They seem to always be shown on the ground, does it seem reasonable to put unit on a low platform, say chair height? I'm thinking maybe I could sit on the side and get in similar to getting in/out of bed?

What are contradictions for using mHBOT. Did I read something that people with cataracts should not use this therapy?

Thank you and nice to meet y'all!
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Hi and welcome. I do know that one of 3 companies that sell mhbots in the U.S. makes one that you basically can walk into and sit in a chair. I believe Summit to Sea is the company.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Thank you, Monti. Peimomma sent me a link to one like that. The price of that one scared me! I actually prefer the idea of reclining over sitting and hope that option can work out.

You are still hanging with mHBOT, Monti?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Yes, an hour a day everyday. I've been at that level for 3 months now. I haven't really experienced any improvements yet but 3 months isn't very long for this treatment.

Yeah I looked up that chamber to see the price. Ouch! You can likely find one used for half price. I bought mine used fof about half. Many vendors sell both new and used.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Welcome to ALL!!!

So happy to see new people on the board😊. Journaling every day as tedious as it seems has helped me tremendously. Also doing the videos so I can look back and see how bad it was, you don't have to post yours😁. But I would love it if I had a YouTube

As Phoiph has said "consistency" is a key to my recovery. Probably if I'd quit vacationing I'd be a bit further along in my recovery. I'm going to double down (Phoiph don't read this) and go away for 3 days Oct 8 to a spa with a friend in CA. I'll be flying this time and two days without my treatment.

You all know by now I push the limits to test if I'm really feeling better so I figure we will see what happens with another short trip. I'll post after my return the outcome.

I'm currently at 7 1/2 months of 1 hour dives and some days 2 dives. Currently 267 done.

Haley how are you doing these days?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Tanya...

I will answer your PM in more detail, but wanted to share some thoughts on your post here as well...

A few people have told me they have experienced "heightened emotions" right after a dive (including transient anxiety). It seems to be an initial reaction and that goes away after the person has been diving consistently for awhile.

It is unclear why it happens, but I have some theories.

It is possible that in some people, it has to do with blood sugar changes, as mHBOT can lower blood sugar (try eating a little protein before diving).

Also, there are blood flow and metabolic shifts in the brain (and body) that are taking place with mHBOT as a necessary part of healing the hypoperfusion-state, which theoretically could cause some initial reactions.

If someone has an impaired ability to detoxify, is very toxic, and possibly doing a lot of therapy protocols and/or taking a lot of drugs and supplements that their body is mot assimilating well, they can have a reaction if mHBOT is started too rapidly.

Another very interesting thing about the chamber is that over time, it can take someone through not only a physical healing, but also an emotional one, where (sometimes intense) emotions can briefly surface and can then be dealt with. This seems to be similar to how homeopathy works; where physical and emotional "layers" are transverse through the course of healing.

I actually "revisited" some childhood issues through the course of my healing that I thought I had long ago dealt with. The good news is that once those issues are briefly revisited and brought to light, the negative emotion surrounding them really feels "gone"...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Toyswalk...

There is definitely a way to use a chamber if you have limited ability to transfer in and out.

I can give you more detail on this, but you can place the chamber on a bed or a similar platform, and rotate the chamber so that the zipper is almost level with the surface of the platform.

That way, you can maneuver yourself in without having to go down to floor level.

Just a FYI, there are also mechanical lifts available for people who are non-mobile.

(Also, FYI, the upright chamber model and manufacturer you are referring to has had serious issues, which you can Google...)
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Music to my ears, Phoiph! That puts my mind at ease!
Posted by Tanya R (Member # 41817) on :
Phioph -

Thanks for the info. I actually purchased some Lithium Orotate after reading the page for psych supplements. I was hesitant to take it the first time as I didn't know how it would make me feel. Right after my 60 minute dive yesterday I felt really anxious. I took one Lithium Orotate and within 20 minutes the anxiety had subsided. Usually the anxiety lasts until I go to bed. I wanted to share this info with anyone suffering from feeling anxious after diving. According to their page, you can take 1 pill 3x day.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Replying from full reply comment box so I will be emailed updates to this thread. Learning my way around the forum, guess I will stick around for awhile;).

Hoping to find a place locally to test drive a mHBOT. My main concern is stil access because of my mobility, dexterity limitations. If anyone knows of a person or clinic in the Central Texas area, please let me know.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I will PM you some information...
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Thank you!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Peimomma - Hi I just saw your post.

Thank you for asking - things are going okay. I had someone visiting for about 10 days and realized that I am capable of doing more than in the past. Yay for those 10 days. I was so nervous about this visit and thought that I would not be able to do anything. So - I do think there is some progress.

I have to add that the IV ozone definitely helped, but even if I could afford it (which I can't) I think that it would be hard on the body and the veins over time. I plan to do IV ozone once a month and continue with my chamber every day.

Not much of an update, but I do believe that I am moving forward very slowly.

Are you still going in the chamber twice a day?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Haley that is great news that you see progress. Glad you were able to enjoy your company. 10 days is a long time to entertain and be "on".

I'm back to one dive a day, I could only dive for 6 days at 2x and then the herx set in at 0100 and woke me up so I went back down to one a day. I decided to go to 2 because after the trip I couldn't shake the fatigue so getting the extra O2 helped get me back to where I was before MT.

Thanks for the update 😊👍
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I hope everyone is well💚

I thought I'd post an incident that happened this last week. On the 16th I was mowing the lawn and afterwards I noticed my left upper arm was itching. I thought it was a mosquito bite so I applied the homeopathic remedy Ledum. The itching stopped and I went on about my day. The next day I did a body scrub and noticed that bite area a little itchy again so I applied another dose of remedy.

I finally got a glimpse of the bite in the mirror on Friday and to my surprise it was about 2-3 inches in size, swollen and reddish. At that point I thought a spider bite and took some homeopathic remedies for the possible bite. It did nothing so then I thought maybe a black widow spider bite.

I finally posted a picture in a local group to see if anyone could give info on possible NW bugs that would leave a bite like this. People suggested it was a lyme rash and comparing the picture it did look similar. That same night the bite changed and was swollen and bright red and my doctor then thought it might be infected.

The next morning it was back to the lyme looking bite so I drew a line around it with a black marker to keep track of the size. However the following morning it changed again and started to disappear. This was over a weeks time from the start of the bite to the beginning of disappearance.

I went back to my journal and sure enough the night I got the bite on my arm I didn't sleep well, and had some night sweat, some pain, some fatigue and all this carried on until the following Wednesday.

After looking back at my journal, where I was outside in shirtsleeves on a sunny day I wasn't sure it was a bug bite but possibly some of the old vaccines I had received in the military. It was in the exact area they were given and with the constant change of the bug bite it seemed to make more sense that maybe the homeopathic remedy and mHBOT have pushed this to the surface.

I guess I'll never know for sure except to watch for future episodes in the same area. I'm wondering if others have experienced any old injuries or illness come forward?

[ 10-13-2015, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: Peimomma ]
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
Within the first few weeks of starting mhbot, I broke out in multiple bright red rashes on my back that resembled tick bites. I took a picture for my own sake. I felt like it was old tick bites coming to the surface. Also, I had botox for one year at one point to try and help my debilitating migraines. The botox didn't help, but I feel the hbot helped move "leftover" botox out of my body. I had a few bizarre weeks where I could move my eyebrows more and I felt like I needed to keep moving them. Crazy!

In reading your update above, I was afraid you might have been bit again and I certainly hope not! I do think I was bit again this summer about two months ago. Started as small raised itchy bite and progressed to a red rash with two shades of circular red. I've had an increase a bit in some symptoms and it is disconcerting to say the least! My LLMD thought it was a tick bite and wanted me back on antibiotics. I started with some mepron but after a week, I had enough. I really felt it wasn't the right path for me right now. So I stopped the mepron and I have continued with the hbot and also adding weekly acupuncture.

So despite this scare, I am trying to focus on healing, healing, healing. Also doing some emotional work I think I really needed. Hoping it will all be enough to keep me moving forward. I am at 557 hours. Better than I used to be health wise but striving for 100%. Seen some improvements in exercise tolerance, so that is good.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

Wow, that's good to know. I also took pictures of the area on several occasions. I find it doubtful that mine is a tick bite here in WA state in my backyard. I know we have lyme here but just not as prevalent as other places.

Regardless I would treat the same way with mHBOT so I'm settled about it now and will check my numbers on my 1year mark with oxygen therapy. I think I'll print these pictures though to putt in my journal if they pop up again.

[ 10-13-2015, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: Peimomma ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
After several months of treatment, the place where the nymph tick had originally attached on my wrist became red (like a small mosquito bite), but not nearly as pronounced as it was originally. I also had old scars become more prominent at times.

It fits my theory that mHBOT healing phases follow a similar pattern as healing with classical homeopathy...bringing the inside toward the surface, and revisiting symptoms in a reverse order as the layers are transversed...

Fortunately, it seems the revisited symptoms are less severe and shorter-lived than the first time around...
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Not to sidetrack the discussion... but, are there any online resources for finding mild hbot clinics?

I live in central Virginia and the only ones I've found are a bit of a drive.

Alternatively, how much should I expect to pay for a rental? And would a rental include the O2 compressor?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I will PM you with some information and options...
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Just sent my payment off to get my chamber in the house. Feeling hopeful (a bit overwhelmed) and cannot wait to begin journaling and sharing my daughter's (14 yrs old)and my progress. Unlimited "Thank you's" to Phoiph for continuing to support and guide me through these first steps! When it arrives I will definitely be reaching out to you again for help with the set up etc. as I have never even been near one in person.

Joahsark [confused] [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Congratulations, joahsark...

I will be glad to continue to help, as I know will everyone here...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
I am excited for you both!!! Just be consistent and don't expect anything to happen to quickly. It may start to help quickly but more likely will take a number of months.

I have to say I look forward to laying in my chamber at the end of every day. I'm tired most of the time and I have no problem spending a quiet hour laying down in peace.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Thank you Phoiph and Monti. Your support is so appreciated. We are definitely committed for the long haul. Will have it 6 months to start and then purchase if anything at all is noticed.

Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
That sounds like a great idea. I know for me it took about 6 weeks to build myself up to one hour dives. And in some ways it's once you hit the one hour mark that the benefit really starts to develop.

Try not to miss a single day. I had a 1 week vacation and I felt like it set me back a month.

I'm almost 3 months at 1 hour dives and I believe I am just beginning to see some very mild improvements. But my attitude is don't expect anything for 6 months-12 months. With this attitude I won't get discouraged. At least not for a year haha! But I believe in a year I will be pleased and see some worth while gains.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Welcome to Team O2 joahsark 💚💚

We are all here for you and your daughter 😊 on this journey.

I have a standing invitation if you and your daughter want to make videos😁 and join me on YouTube. I'm at 282 dives already. It goes by quick when you are keeping track of the number of dives, journaling every day and enjoying the gains month after month.

The hardest part these days is just doing the dive every day. When it's nice out I have to make sure I leave time to dive. We are having beautiful crisp sunny days here so I've been squeezing in motorcycle rides with the hubs.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Thanks Peimomma! I may take you up on that invitation if I ever feel comfortable enough to be seen on camera. LOL.

Definitely will be disciplined about making the time and journaling.

Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
As promised here is my update from my 3 day trip to the Napa Valley. It was almost identical in length to the MT trip, left Thursday afternoon and arrived home Sunday afternoon but I flew this trip.

I ran and lifted weights the morning I left and was up until 11:00 chatting with friends. The first night I slept ok, the second night was bad sleep due to a snoring roomie and the third night I slept well.

I drank wine 2 of the three days and ate out for every meal. I was able to sit in a dry sauna 2 of the days and had a massage one day as well to detox. I feel great after arriving home and went right back to my routine and working out.

My friend had a cold/flu before and during my visit and we bunked together and even shared wine glasses at the tastings and I have no signs of illness. She on the other hand is off work today as she is still sick. I told her she needs some O2

On a super cool note, Joahsark and I figured out we only live about 15 mins apart in neighboring towns.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Peimomma... further reaction to the bite on 9/16?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
It is still there on my arm, the red dot where the bite/injection site is and only when I've been in the chamber for 20-30 min does it itch a little.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Just put up my newest video😁.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
GREAT VIDEO!!! Keep going strong!
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Chamber arrives tomorrow!! Anxious about the learning curve. Really hoping I can figure out the set up and use. Thank you to those who sent me links to videos! Can't wait to start journaling for my daughter and I.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
No worries, can email me with any questions...

We should also go over how to work up to full pressure slowly...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Yes, please go slow, don't take days off and follow Phoiph's advice👍😍

I would not recommend my path as I have a tendency to push the limits to see what's working for me and what's not, will something set me back or won't it....

I fully believe everyone using mHBOT will get to recovery, although it's a little different pace for each person. Dive every day, journal every day and soon enough you will see the gains.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Thanks again Phoiph and Peimomma! I'm definitely going to start slow, the only major herx that worries me is increased cranial pressure which is a 24/7 major problem for with flares that would put any "normal" person, not us, of course, in the hospital. Of course I want to be extra careful with my 14 year old daughter too. I'll definitely be reaching out you both.

Best and sooo much gratitude,

Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Good Morning mHBOT Family😎

My mom sent me a message after she watched my video letting me know when she saw me running on the treadmill she began to cry. She is the only person who has seen our Lyme life behind closed doors as she stayed with us for a month the year my depression and symptoms were off the chart. She was here when the paramedics came and took me away after a seizure. She knows how huge this progress is for me and she was crying tears of joy for this transformation.

Yesterday I went to my dentist for another cleaning and checkup and my hygienist ask how my O2 treatments are coming along. As I told her about my newest video her eyes began to fill with tears of joy as she has watched me for the last 5 years go through this Lyme process. She was so happy for me and the progress I am making with mHBOT.

I went back and started looking at my journal writings from the first three month of diving and I have to say I was still having just ok days. Compared to now, almost 9 months of treating it's a lot different. I'm only a third of the way to the 2 year treatment plan....I wonder what life will be like with 900 dives??

Congrats Penny and I enjoyed the arrival photos of your chamber. It's fun to look back on "history" after you are much further along in treatment. Do the before photo😁 and of course the selfie in the
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Good stuff Peimomma [Smile]
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Anyone here in Central Texas? It would be nice to connect with someone in my area.

Monti, I've got my eye on you. Watching your progress with hope.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thank you toyswalk [Smile]
Posted by whitmore (Member # 28721) on :
Looking into these machines. It appears that you need an Rx to purchase one. Has anyone managed to get a doctor to prescribe one?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Yes my doctor did after providing her with some supporting documentation. Phoiph is very good at helping that process along.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I just finished an interesting conversation with a man who built a chamber for his 68 year old wife with a traumatic brain injury.

So far, she has done 12 sessions of mHBOT in a clinical setting, and 10 in the home chamber.

She had an interesting thing happen. When she was in 6th grade, a classmate stabbed her in the shoulder with a pencil, and the lead broke off and became imbedded. In spite of different efforts over the years to remove it, it has stayed embedded under scar tissue.

Last night she felt what she thought was an itching insect bite, but when her husband looked at it more closely, he found the piece of lead coming through the surface of her skin, and removed it easily.

This reflects my and other's experiences posted here, regarding old scars, bites, injection sites, etc., coming to the surface and becoming visible, then disappearing with mHBOT treatments.

It also mirrors the path that is considered "true healing" in homeopathy (e.g., traversing layers, often from the "inside out")...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Wow Phoiph that is fantastic😊. Thank you for posting this information.

Now I'm curious about the chamber he built, he must be quite handy.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Phoiph that is incredible!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Another example is from a woman with Lyme and coinfections who doesn't post here, but was one of the most ill people I've come across yet...

She and her doctor both called me over a year ago as a last resort, as they were completely out of options, and had vaguely heard of my recovery through the local Lyme support group where I spoke about my experience.

For many, many years pre-mHBOT she has had what she calls "bowls of infection" under her skin...some deep, some superficial, some smaller, like marbles, some large, like a "bowl".

During phases of mHBOT treatment over time, she has watched these surface and break open as sores on her skin, scalp, and inside her mouth, then heal. Sometimes the "deep bowls" which were older would not surface, but on occasion she would feel one of them break open inside her, and would become very, very ill afterward for days...but then once recovered, would be better than before the episode.

She is not yet 100%, but the last time I spoke to her she had coordinated her home remodeling and sale, and was able to move to another state, which she had wanted to do after years of being home and bedbound...

You can't make this stuff up...
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
What do you mean by bowls of infection? Are they lumps on her skin?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
She described them as either lumps under her skin, or deeper masses (i.e., "bowls") that she was able to feel for years and that were painful.

For example, she described one in the area of her throat/upper chest that felt constricting and would affect her swallowing reflex at times, making her gag.

The way she described them surfacing on her skin made me suspect Morgellons, although she never described seeing fibers.

There was no end to how this woman suffered.

My point was that after doing mHBOT for a time, whatever they were started to break up and come to the surface...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thoughts and opinions anyone??

Now that the weather has changed in the great Northwest I have noticed a little joint stiffness. The last three days When in the chamber the pain disappeared so yesterday I decided to do 2 dives and it fixed the issue.

I was talking to my husband about the possibility of my body using more O2 since the weather has gotten much colder and damp in the last 2 weeks. I did a little research on the internet and found several references to cold weather using more O2.

I'm wondering if anyone has noticed a similar experience when the weather gets colder. I decided to take a break from exercise this week until I can figure out my treatment schedule to keep my O2 level high enough to keep the pain away. I definitely don't want a set back.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Phoiph, I think the word for the woman's skin condition is 'boils'. My step father dealt with those and they seemed miserable.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
That's what I thought at first...(I questioned her about that)...but these were definitely not typical "boils" according to her...

Apparently not something her doctors had seen or could explain either...
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
My boyfriend has lipomas. That's why I asked. He has had them a long time, they are harmless and don't hurt.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I will post an email of hers with a description if I can get her permission first...
Posted by Tanya R (Member # 41817) on :
Hey all. I wanted to give an update on how I'm doing. I am on dive 40, though technically I have over 400 hours in my chamber. A few months ago I felt horrible again. I had quit all meds and basically gave up. I wasn't dedicated to using my chamber. I came across Peimomma's YouTube videos and it reignited my hope for mHBOT and my Lyme. Thanks to the help of Phioph I did a slow reintroduction to my chamber and am now up to 60 minutes a day with full oxygen.

Some things are better such as my anxiety and mood. I feel like I had a major relapse of my babesia over the past few months, which is contributing to a lot of other symptoms. I have restarted my cryptolepis herbal (RX from LymeMD from InfuServe) and am currently only tolerating 5ml 1x day. I have to work up to 5ml 3x day.

Thanks again to everyone for posting their progress.
Posted by Tanya R (Member # 41817) on :
Quick question. For those using the chamber, how many of you have Babesia? And is it Microti or Duncani?

I have Duncani (tested positive through lab and also diagnosed via a gemsia stain blood smear).

It is what causes my most severe symptom, fatigue. I would consider it my worst symptom as there is nothing you can do to help, no matter how much sleep. My doc prescribed me Tramadol for pain and I've found that it acts as a stimulant and really helps on those days where I can barely put one foot in front of the other.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Dear Tanya.

Phoiph is the expert on this. I know she thinks the chamber will help Babesia too as it helps the immune system.

I have been in the chamber an hour a day for just over a year. I believe that my remaning infection is malarial/parasitic /protozoan. I believe it needs to be treated in addition to the oxygen. This I just my opinion. I have no regrets buying my chamber and I do believe I am getting well due to mhbot. I will see some one on Wednesday to discuss getting on something for my remaning infection.

My main remaning symptoms are severe fatigue, head and face pain and cognitive problems. I do think the cognitive stuff is s bit better.
Posted by Tanya R (Member # 41817) on :
Haley -

My doc just wrote a blog post touching on mHBOT and Babesia. I'm trying to treat just with the herbal Cryptolepis. I'm going to give it a few months and then see how I'm feeling, I'll decide whether I'll see my doc about adding Coartem & Malarone.

Take care!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Haley...

I'm so glad to hear that you have no regrets re mHBOT, although I know you are still struggling. I admire that you have never given up on it and have always been encouraging to others here. I KNOW you will get there!

Tanya...I can tell you that I had severe Babesia when I started mHBOT as evidenced on a blood smear. I had horrible symptoms. mHBOT took care of it completely over time.
Posted by Tanya R (Member # 41817) on :
Phoiph -

That is encouraging. It's hard to realize that this is such a slow journey. I want to be at the end already. I wake up every day wondering how I'm going to feel.
Posted by Tanya R (Member # 41817) on :
How many of you deal with heart palpitations? Or low platelets?

I saw a cardiologist last May and was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse. Not sure if that is related to Lyme & Co's. I could have worn a 24 hour heart monitor, but never went in for it. I just feel like most doctors are clueless to Lyme and Co's.

I am also seeing a hematologist every 3 months due to low platelets. I also received 5 weeks of IV iron to raise my ferretin.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
I'm going for my first dive today. That's all, just thought I'd share :-)
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
We will be there with you [Smile]
Posted by Trinity333 (Member # 46923) on :
Hi everyone,

I'd like to join in the conversation [Smile]

With the help of phoiph, whom I contacted via a different site, I purchased my chamber in January of 15. I used it daily until March when I became sick for a month with the yearly "crud" going around. My immune system couldn't fight it off and I was out of the chamber for 6 weeks because I couldn't clear my ears.

I struggled to get back into the groove over the summer. Northern CA summers are hot and the chamber became what I termed a "hot coffin". I have used it for the last few months, but not religiously.

3 days ago, I made a commitment to get back in, and commit to using it daily.

I'm excited to see another success story (peimomma!)

Did the chamber help me over the last 10 months? Even though I haven't been diligent?

Well, at the same time I bought the chamber, I went off the antibiotics that I'd been taking for 18 mos (pills, shots and IV), took my estrogen patch off that I was using for menopause symptoms and changed my diet pretty dramatically. Like most of you, I've done it all: sauna, coffee enemas, biomat, foot baths, castor oil packs, chiropractic, every potion and pill imaginable. I can't speak to whether or not the chamber has helped over the last 10 months because there was so much I changed.

I did have a few awesome weeks over the summer and was able to get out and do a few things I haven't done in years. In August I backslid after taking cholestyramine for mold as prescribed by my LLND.

I will say this: I am FAR better OFF the antibiotics than I was ever able to achieve on them. My goal is to stay off of them.

I'm ready to commit to being in the chamber every day. I'd like to join you guys on your journey!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Dive 314 in the books

Welcome back Tanya R and Trinity333

It's awesome to have more people chiming in on the thread. I hope to see some positive posts 😊.

I was going to combine abx when I was first looking into mHBOT but after reading this thread in its entirety I felt that those not doing abx had less complications then those just using the chamber??? Just my opinion.

I'm quickly approaching 47 and my weight seems to creep up a pound or two each year and my diet hasn't changed except I cut more out to try and keep the weight off. Last week I ran across a book, The Plan and started following the 20 day process of finding the specific foods I'm reactive to. Anyone read this book? Anyway, I found on day 2 that I'm reactive to almonds and I was eating those every day. And red wine, day 4 but I'm not a big red wine drinker so no big deal. However, chocolate is a thumbs up👍.

Trinity333 my chamber is on the second floor of our house on the side the sun hits all day in the summer. I treat as early as possible and put a fan in the window to bring cool air in the room. I also have a fan blowing the hot air out of the room from the concentrator that sits near the entry to the room.
In the chamber I have a third fan to blow air on me.

I'm glad my videos inspired you both to get diving again.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I posted this article on the "stem cell" thread...thought it also might be of interest here...

Penn Study Finds Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments Mobilize Stem Cells
Recovery of Injured and Diseased Tissue the Ultimate Goal

(Philadelphia, PA)- According to a study to be published in The American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulation Physiology, a typical course of hyperbaric oxygen treatments increases by eight-fold the number of stem cells circulating in a patient's body. Stem cells, also called progenitor cells are crucial to injury repair. The study currently appears on-line and is scheduled for publication in the April 2006 edition of the American Journal.

Stem cells exist in the bone marrow of human beings and animals and are capable of changing their nature to become part of many different organs and tissues. In response to injury, these cells move from the bone marrow to the injured sites, where they differentiate into cells that assist in the healing process. The movement, or mobilization, of stem cells can be triggered by a variety of stimuli - including pharmaceutical agents and hyperbaric oxygen treatments. Where as drugs are associated with a host of side effects, hyperbaric oxygen treatments carry a significantly lower risk of such effects.

"This is the safest way clinically to increase stem cell circulation, far safer than any of the pharmaceutical options," said Stephen Thom, MD, PhD, Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and lead author of the study. "This study provides information on the fundamental mechanisms for hyperbaric oxygen and offers a new theoretical therapeutic option for mobilizing stem cells."

"We reproduced the observations from humans in animals in order to identify the mechanism for the hyperbaric oxygen effect," added Thom. "We found that hyperbaric oxygen mobilizes stem/progenitor cells because it increases synthesis of a molecule called nitric oxide in the bone marrow. This synthesis is thought to trigger enzymes that mediate stem/progenitor cell release."

Hopefully, future study of hyperbaric oxygen's role in mobilizing stem cells will provide a wide array of treatments for combating injury and disease.
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
Greetings All,

I've been off the Grid for a couple years, but I'm resuming my HBOT dives. It's been quite a year.

Back in January I started the LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) Protocol, to relieve my Lyme etc symptoms. It kicked my pain levels down from an 8 to about a 3-4 (though stuff's been kicking up again over the past month because of ABx, getting off Elavil & starting up my HBOT dives again.) As a result of being on LDN I have been able to extricate off Lortab, Ultram, Cymbalta, Pyridium (for the bladder urgency), Klonopin (last year. Ugh! Nasty sleep drug to detox!). The last 2 were 1/4 tab Xanax (for sleep) and FINALLY 100mg Elavil at bedtime for sleep. The chief goal for me has been a clearer head & less brain fog. The Elavil was cold turkey 2 months ago. I had left my new Rx in the car and was too beat to go get it at bedtime. When I woke up the next morning it was, Oh my Gosh my Mind is so clear I am Never going back! I then stood up out of bed & my #2 completely evacuated (courtesy of cold turkey Elavil).

It's been like a return from 20 years in prison for my brain. The other symptoms of Lyme pain, fatigue etc are still there. Also My sleep and my bowels are whacked. The sleep Dr said that my brain's neurons are permanently changed & will not be able to sleep w/o synthetic assistance. She also suggested going back on less Elavil; I said Nope, not gonna happen. Also the bowels are whacked somehow from being on Elavil for 20 years. That's a work in progress that I'm still trying to figure out. Though an occasional Ultram helps bind me up I can't let that be a regular thing.

Paraplegics and our neurogenic digestive tract; ever a topic of table talk- [Wink] .

Right after quitting the Elavil I got hit with an ESBL E.Coli UTI, something tenacious like MRSA. I've been through 4 rounds of Antibiotics over 2 months- 3 of Macrobid and a final 1 of Levaquin. The Macrobid was so bad I spent most of it in bed; though not AS bad the Levaquin was still pretty bad. I did not realize it until last night that the 2 ABx were hitting the Lyme disease- MacroBid the Bart & Levaquin the Babs.

So, all that said I'm finally back in my Respiro, the Blue Womb, 1 hour a day. I'll keep pushing for 6-7 days a week for now, maybe taking Friday night's off for a bit so I can have an easier Saturday.

When I went thru my first set of 10 Dives I had one day of perfect bliss right after the 10th dive. So since it was that way before I'm praying that the rhythms of wax and wane begin again around 10 dives. When I first did my introductory 10 Dives 4 years ago at my LLMD's there were no H2O masks in the chamber! I held the cannula close to my nose much of the time but don't know how much that helped- of course I complained.

So that's my Journey update. Phase 1 was the LDN & getting off my brain fog meds. Phase 2 is getting back on the Hyperbaric wagon.

Over at Health Rising Cort wrote an article on how our Reward pathways, the 'runner's high', the bliss,the Joy, are somehow blocked or somewhat suppressed deep in the brain. Titled, Are All the "Feel Good" Pathways Blocked?" (October 21st), there could be a blockage in the basal ganglia and dopamine pathways. That hit me like a lightbulb. If there is inflammation going on in that nexus, then Hyperbaric Oxygen would be treating that inflammation, giving me that One Good Day of Joy after 10 Dives.
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
Note to Phoiph: so the Nitric Oxide stimulated in HBOT also helps break down the biofilms?
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
Note to Peimomma and Trinity333-

at my old apt my Chamber was in the unheated/ no AC sunroom. In the summer I could put 2-3 blue freezie blocks inside. Even do a pre-chill by putting the blue blocks in, zipping it shut for an hour then do my dive. It's my understanding that the interior can heat up 15° higher than the room's air.
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
Originally posted by Beloved:
Greetings All,

I've been off the Grid for a couple years, but I'm resuming my HBOT dives. It's been quite a year.

Back in January I started the LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) Protocol, to relieve my Lyme etc symptoms. It kicked my pain levels down from an 8 to about a 3-4 (though stuff's been kicking up again over the past month because of ABx, getting off Elavil & starting up my HBOT dives again.) As a result of being on LDN I have been able to extricate off Lortab, Ultram, Cymbalta, Pyridium (for the bladder urgency), Klonopin (last year. Ugh! Nasty sleep drug to detox!). The last 2 were 1/4 tab Xanax (for sleep) and FINALLY 100mg Elavil at bedtime for sleep. The chief goal for me has been a clearer head & less brain fog. The Elavil was cold turkey 2 months ago. I had left my new Rx in the car and was too beat to go get it at bedtime. When I woke up the next morning it was, Oh my Gosh my Mind is so clear I am Never going back! I then stood up out of bed & my #2 completely evacuated (courtesy of cold turkey off Elavil).

It's been like a return from 20 years in prison for my brain. The other symptoms of Lyme pain, fatigue etc are still there. Also My sleep and my bowels are whacked. The sleep Dr said that my brain's neurons are permanently changed & will not be able to sleep w/o synthetic assistance. She also suggested going back on less Elavil; I said Nope, not gonna happen. Also the bowels are whacked somehow from being on Elavil for 20 years. That's a work in progress that I'm still trying to figure out. Though an occasional Ultram helps bind me up I can't let that be a regular thing.

Paraplegics and our neurogenic digestive tract; ever a topic of table talk- [Wink] .

Right after quitting the Elavil I got hit with an ESBL E.Coli UTI, something tenacious like MRSA. I've been through 4 rounds of Antibiotics over 2 months- 3 of Macrobid and a final 1 of Levaquin. The Macrobid was so bad I spent most of it in bed; though not AS bad the Levaquin was still pretty bad. I did not realize it until last night that the 2 ABx were hitting the Lyme disease- MacroBid the Bart & Levaquin the Babs.

So, all that said I'm finally back in my Respiro, the Blue Womb, 1 hour a day. I'll keep pushing for 6-7 days a week for now, maybe taking Friday night's off for a bit so I can have an easier Saturday.

When I went thru my first set of 10 Dives I had one day of perfect bliss right after the 10th dive. So since it was that way before I'm praying that the rhythms of wax and wane begin again around 10 dives. When I first did my introductory 10 Dives 4 years ago at my LLMD's there were no H2O masks in the chamber! I held the cannula close to my nose much of the time but don't know how much that helped- of course I complained.

So that's my Journey update. Phase 1 was the LDN & getting off my brain fog meds. Phase 2 is getting back on the Hyperbaric wagon.

Over at Health Rising Cort wrote an article on how our Reward pathways, the 'runner's high', the bliss,the Joy, are somehow blocked or somewhat suppressed deep in the brain. Titled, Are All the "Feel Good" Pathways Blocked?" (October 21st), there could be a blockage in the basal ganglia and dopamine pathways. That hit me like a lightbulb. If there is inflammation going on in that nexus, then Hyperbaric Oxygen would be treating that inflammation, giving me that One Good Day of Joy after 10 Dives.

Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Welcome back Beloved!!!

The more the merrier 😁

Thank you for that awesome tip with the ice packs, I will be using that one next summer.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
" brain's neurons are permanently changed & w/not be able to sleep without synthetic assistance..."

I don't buy it! My neurologist/HBOT clinician friend says that sleep architecture is very complex, involving many brain areas to be working together in synch. Healing the brain takes time.

Sudden, severe insomnia was one of first symptoms I experienced. Not even normal doses of anesthesia could put me out (I would awaken during procedures and needed doses high enough for someone over twice my weight). No amount of sleep medication worked; and I went without sleep for over 7 years.

Although it was one of the last symptoms to improve, as my brain healed over time, sleep gradually returned.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Hello everyone! An update from me...

I am now 600 dives in, 1 hr every day. I continue to have persistent fatigue after normal daily tasks like going to school, sometimes migraines, random swelling, brain fog, mood swings, anxiety, and depression/apathy.

I notice horrible mood swings, a crop of pimples in my mouth area, and extra swelling, constipation, and blood sugar problems whenever I eat anything with salicylates and it is frustrating. I consume mostly bone broth, sardines, grassfed meats and organs, and eggs now. I know it sounds dreadfully unbalanced, but whatever keeps me from feeling worse, for now I guess.

I have found that when I am severely sick, my adrenals ache. I have added b5 (pantothenic acid) and I feel so much better when I supplement that... makes me wonder what's going on with the adrenals (obviously shot from battling chronic infection for so long).

However, I took the saliva test a while ago, and everything came back "normal". I noticed a change (just coincidence? I don't know) in how my skin reacts to the sun. I would get blistery rashes after just a tiny amount of exposure to the sun (we are talking something like 3 minutes) so I would have to work my dog walks around that, and go early in the morning or late in the evening.

Since the supplementation (or is it long-time mHBOT therapy?), I no longer get rashes even though I walk home from the bus stop in full noontime sun for 15 minutes at a time.

Not sure where I'm at now. I am obviously going to continue my daily hour-long dives, I don't feel the need to be on any antimicrobials.. but I am also frustrated because I want to be normal (whatever that is) without all these little invisible handicaps that keep me from reaching my full potential.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

Sounds like you are struggling😒. Do you eat any vegetables? When we don't get enough nutrition to run our bodies things start to snowball and new symptoms appear as old ones stay around and possibly get worse. Lack of vitamins and minerals can have negative effects. Do you supplement with anything? Also in order for the body to repair it needs those vitamins, minerals and proteins in a healthy balance.

What kind of an eating plan are you on? Many vegetables and seeds have protein as well as much needed vitamins. I hope things turn around soon.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Here's a list of general symptoms that can occur from deficits that I found on a site I will post with the basic vitamins listed.

Pallor (pale skin)
trouble breathing
unusual food cravings
hair loss
periods of lightheadedness
heart palpitations
feeling faint or fainting
tingling and numbness of the joints
menstrual issues (such as missed periods or very heavy cycles)
poor concentration
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Here's the website, and there are many more with more information.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Can you remind me if you have or are treating thyroid issues?

Also, I know you are not on antimicrobials anymore, but any other meds currently?

I think your improvement with B5 is a clue (I'm going to ask my methylation guru friend about this...)

I appreciate that you have come a very long way (as you are now able to go to school, etc.), but are definitely struggling and not yet experiencing "normal health"...
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Peimomma, thank you for that information, I appreciate it!

I have been tweaking my diet for years, grain-free sugar-free, (paleo I guess you'd say), did lots of juicing fresh organic vegetables, soaked seeds/nuts, avocados, sardines, bone broth etc. and never felt quite right.

Maybe about a year ago, I started getting horribly sick with severe acne, weird flu-ish symptoms (not my normal Lyme Babesia Bartonella etc sick) and I found that I had become severely salicylate-intolerant. So I as I cut out the worst offenders, I felt better and better.

As far as supplements go (I know we should get most of what we need from food and all the foods I eat are extremely nutrient-dense), I take probiotics (from custom probiotics, florastor, prescript-assist), magnesium, Concentrace in my water, Ester-C, vit D, b-complex once or twice a week, and most recently B5.

Phoiph, yes, a couple months back I had that terrible thyroid attack where I felt like it was swollen and choking me, painful, cold, gaining weight. My doctor had the levels checked and I had a high TSH (still normal in their charts but I know those numbers are rubbish) and low t3 so I am taking t3 now (which makes me feel better). My numbers are back down to normal.

I'm not on any other meds/supplements besides the t3 and supps mentioned above.
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
3 Dives, I took 2 days off from die off. I'm back to diving tonight. My main symptom is bad dragging. After 8 hours sleep I went back & slept another 4. I hope the heavy drags are the worst of it.

Since getting off Elavil & even after ABxs I know my diet is also suffering. Not enough appetite. And If I eat heartily then I'm hitting the bathroom with urgency. A lot of canned soups, a few frozen entrees, Some Chinese, Thai & Vietnamese take out as I can squeeze into my budget (craving their soups) and my fave- Pomegranates are in season, so there's Vitamin C.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

In my experience, diet is a crucial piece of the recovery protocol with mHBOT.

I had to have there someone that could help make homemade meals (e.g., bone broths, etc.) for you?

Also...I'm sure you've been checked for C. diff?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

All that you mentioned for food has a ton of sodium. I have been buying fresh squash, broccoli, carrots, onions, Swiss chard to steam, sauté or roast in the oven with Italian seasoning. I make enough for two days at a time. A few apples and pears to switch between with raw pumpkin seeds and raw sun flower seeds.

Diet can cause brain fog, decreased energy and more. Our bodies are in repair mode so we need sleep and good nutrition. I took almonds out this week because I found they were causing nausea, slow thinking and a few other minor symptoms. I had no idea and had been eating them every day because they are a good snack, just not for me.

I hope the herx slows😃.
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
Unfortunately for the past 5 months my diet has been more about survival that nutrients, etc. I've been in too much pain and physical weakness to cook. Since I'm on my own (dysfunctional family) I have no partner or caregiver to cook meals for me. Food has been going thru me at such a rate that sodium retention has been somewhat helpful. It's calmed down a great bit but it's still erratic. My tests were negative for C Diff.

On some level it's probably been good that I have tended to be an introvert; it's made me less reliant on others when honestly, there has been very little physical support. It's the isolating dynamic we with chronic illness fall into.

I'm too weak for the PT and exercise that I should be doing as well. I'm trying to rhythm out my capacity without crashing and burning.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I survived on only 6 or so foods for over 5 years when homebound...but they were very nutrient dense and kept me alive.

I was also not able to cook. I contacted the local Westin Price chapter and found someone that was already following their diet (e.g., grass fed bone broths, fermented vegetables, etc.) and was cooking for their own family. I paid them to cook extra and freeze it for me.

I know it is exhausting to think about, but this is a piece of your recovery protocol that has to be figured out somehow...

Because of your gut issues I think the GAPS Intro diet would be worth considering...
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
It's not so mych a gut issue as it is a colon- mechanics issue. My bowel is paralyzed- i am an incomplete paraplegic. It means that the peristalsis mechanism is out of whack. 20 years of Elavil stalled it out; I knew how to work with that. Off the Elavil the peristalsis has been over-activated. I'm slowly introducing more regulating foods.

Today & TM are grocery & Farmer's Market's days. Lran proteins, some vegs & fruits. Usually for breakfast I've been doing egg whites, a banana or pear and occaisionally a yogurt. I need to find an alternative to coffee & tea ( mildly sensitive to caffeine [not coffee] and tea).

I'm going to try to cut back on my Internet/Email/texting time because it is so easy for me to lay in bed & do that when one hurts to move & too tired to do much. I already keep a rolling chair in the kitchen to sit while I prep & cook. I also put off all day getting into the hbot chamber. Setting a timer on my cell phone should help. Ive gotta try to get in my chamber by 9p.m.; there are 2 children in the apt over my head & I don't know if the sound of the compressor bothers them.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

have you tried warm lemon water to replace tea and coffee? I drink 70oz of water a day which is half my body weight.

And to help move things along have you added flaxseed or chia seeds to your breakfast meal?

It's a slow process of change in all we do but one day at a time and one change at a time😊.

Could you dive in the morning when the children might be at school?
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
I've got flax seeds here. The Gastro' s P.A. suggested citrucel/benefiber daily but the effect has been involuntaries (uncontrollable diarrheal accidents, I.e. all over clothes, carpet etc) so I'm a lot more cautious right now. I'm already drinking about 48oz of water a day.

I can try hboting in the morning. I've been doing the hboting in the evening because it's been making me sleepy.

Yep, it really Is a slow process of change. I've taken off my Ritalin/ Wellbutrin duo the past few days to see where my bran fog + fatigue are at. So now I'm praying for the hbot to begin opening an energy window. I don't know Phoish how you did it for 60 days waiting for a change!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I call it a "slow miracle"...:)

It will be interesting over time to see how mHBOT affects your intestinal motility issue.

I had the opposite would sit in my stomach for days and not digest or move, as the nerves weren't functioning properly, and I had no stomach acid.

I remember the day when I started to feel a slight "hunger pang" contraction in my stomach and felt the stomach acid kick in again...I was in the chamber when it happened. It was actually quite painful at first (like the tin man getting oiled)...but also felt amazing...

I am hoping that (over time) nerve function will become more normalized in your situation as well...
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
I REALLY hope it's not 20 years on that d***ed Elavil that has permanently skewered my colon. Ugh!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Remember that the body has an amazing capacity to heal itself...

I never thought conditions I had for so long could be reversed, but I was happy to be proven wrong...

Did your condition of "incomplete paraplegic" predate the Lyme in your situation?

If you could travel, it would be wonderful if you could come here and be evaluated by my neurologist/HBOT clinician friend...
Posted by Beloved (Member # 37415) on :
Yes. I have been a walking, incomplete paraplegic for 32 years. Both my rehab and my neurologists, neurosurgeons, most all my doctors are through the Shepherd Spinal Center in Atlanta. You're welcome to pass that on to your neuro/hbot friend. However, I'm in very good hands as per my spinal cord injury. My Lyme melange is 24 years now.
Posted by GMO Amigo (Member # 46949) on :
Hello Phoiph,

Thank you and also the other posters for this thread. So much great info here!

I have just PM'd you with a question on how to obtain a mHBOT unit. Please let me know what you think.

Thanks in advance!

GMO Amigo
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome GMO...

I just replied to your PM...
Posted by GMO Amigo (Member # 46949) on :
Thanks Phoiph!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Welcome GMO!!! Happy to see another new 😊

A small victory today at the doctors office...for the last 4-5 years I've had an elevated temperature of 100 and they always asked me if I knew why. This is not a Lyme doctor but I would try and explain as they glazed over. Well today my temp was 98👍. I even enjoy the small gains, shows my body is healing.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
I'm setting up my Respiro tonight. We bought a used model and didn't get a manual. Any tips or warnings?
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
Recommend you PM Phoiph as very important to do it correct and have a protocol.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I just emailed you with the set up video, diving instructions and precautions to take with your equipment, etc....
Posted by GMO Amigo (Member # 46949) on :
Phoiph - Did you receive my email? My email server sometimes acts up.

Peimomm, I have followed your story, and it is awesome. Another family member w/ Lyme watched your last vid and started bawling. Time to ramp up the HBO. Thanks for the welcome.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
GMO Amigo....

I know this goes without saying but I just wanted to mention that peimommas progress from using mhbot has been unusually fast. And I just don't want anyone who starts this treatment to be disapointed that it takes them longer.

I truely feel this treatment will help you and your family member tremendously over time if you stick with it. But how much time is unknown. 6-12 months is what I tell myself.

That way I won't get discouraged and give up prematurely, missing out on its benefits.

I am about 4 months into it at this point and have very consistent 1 hour dives. I believe I am making some small gains but it isn't anything like Peimomma. Not yet anyways [Smile]

I'm sure I am stating info you know all to well. So just be consistent and view it as a marathon not a sprint.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thanks GMO, I hope I see more videos posted like mine in the future😊

Yes Monti my progress has been on a fast pace and I attribute it to a few things I do that are out of the norm as I haven't seen people post about them.

1. I do 1-3 coffee enemas a day to keep my liver and colon clear of toxins that can be absorbed back into my system.

2. I drink at least half my body weight in water every day to flush the other main exit for toxins.

3. My load is extremely light, no meds, no supplements for my body to breakdown and process.

4. I get 8-10 hours of sleep every day because that's when our body repairs. 9 pm and I'm in bed.

Here is a good article on detoxing the colon and the benefits.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Anyone using mHBOT with mobility problems? Mine are not so bad that I'm ready to trouble with a lift. I'll be able to get into the chamber. My problem will be getting off the ground. I'm dreaming of some kind of power pulley or hoist to get me up off the ground til someone can slip a bench under me. From there I can pivot and get to my walker.

I've tried rotating the chamber sideways on a raised platform. That was a no go.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I know you've tried rotating the chamber sideways on a raised platform...but have you tried it on a double bed (or larger) so you have room to maneuver in and out while on the bed?
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
We are going to hardware store over the week end to get supplies. We will figure this out!
Posted by LymeMEnaide (Member # 46997) on :
Hi Lymeneters,
Im new to Lymenet.
Im being treated for chronic Lyme and M.E.
I am very interested in MHBOT and am looking for a used unit to buy. I have been reading and research but would really love any help and suggestions I can get from you more experienced users.
I have direct messaged Phoiph on here and would love to get in touch with her. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance,
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
LymeMEnaide...I just replied to your PM...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Welcome LymenMEnaide!!

Glad to have you join this lovely group of peeps😁

I've decided I'm moving to a warmer place☀️☀️☀️

Rain, cold, and wind are the enemy. So for now I'm pretending and set my thermostat to 70💚
Posted by Trinity333 (Member # 46923) on :
Thanks you to Beloved and Peimomma for the ideas to keep the chamber cooler in summer. Beloved: are you actually doing the dives with the cold blocks inside?

Peimomma, we also set up fans around the chamber room, but they're just moving hot air around, haha! I started turning the A/C way down to cool off the room before I did the dive. That seemed to help some. I'm considering moving it to the other side of the house.

Are you having a setback? Sounds like maybe winter has brought some symptoms back? or no? I ask because this has been my own experience this year and the last few years...I get sick in Nov when the weather turns here. I know a lyme gal in town who winters in Palm Springs...not an option for me, lol.

As for my progress in the chamber, I did 3 dives and got a sore throat/congestion and couldn't pop my ears again, forcing me out of the chamber for 2 weeks. I've been back in for 2 days and the ears are popping so after a bit of delay I'm back on track!

To all those getting chambers (and it seems like a lot) welcome!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I know you're just starting, but I want to mention that before I had Lyme, If I were to get a cold, etc., it would be when the weather changed in the Fall (and I live in a warm climate).

When I was very ill with Lyme...I never got a "normal" cold or flu.

When I began to heal via mHBOT, I worried about traversing that time of year...and sure enough...I got a couple of colds and flus from hell that first season (after doing mHBOT for about 6 months). My homeopathic MD was it showed signs of my immune system reacting in a more "normal" way.

I thought for sure I was "relapsing", as the symptoms were so intense (with residual Lyme pain, etc.), but after getting through it, I was far better than I had been a month before; in fact, I had taken a big step forward...

Something to keep in mind when you're miserable with your first cold or flu in years...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Trinity333 I'm far better off this winter then last when I wasn't treating with mHBOT😊. I got spoiled over summer in the warm months so I'm a bit grumbly😏

Once the cold damp weather sent in a little over a month ago I've noticed what seems like my blood thickening. I find that I have less energy because I'm constantly fighting to stay warm here with the dampness. I'm fine in the morning after my treatment but find by 1-2 in the afternoon the blood is thickening and I feel slow.

I don't have joint pain or muscle pain like last year, it's just that my O2 seems to be used up now that it's cold. I noticed that when I put the thermostat up to 70 things get flowing and I'm off being active. It's weird because it's not something I dealt with before, I was always just fatigued all day even after 12 hours of sleep. I guess I'll wait to see the electric bill😉

Glad to hear the ice packs helped in the chamber, we will try it when our weather warms up next May...ugh. I've felt a few times I had a scratch in my throat and started taking Cold Calm a homeopathic remedy combo. Glad you are feeling better.
Posted by Trinity333 (Member # 46923) on :
Phoiph, if only it was my first cold/flu in years [Wink] In the 3 years before I was officially diagnosed, I was sick at least 2 times per year with cold/flu/pneumonia. I would get real sick, end up with pneumonia and need a course of antibiotics. I was having weird reactions to the abx, which I now realize was herxing. I've had "mono" twice and my blood tests continue to show active EBV and chlamydia pneumonia. My hopes with improved diet and the MHbot is a healthier gut and immune system!

I got the chamber last January and haven't been diligent. I would estimate my dives at 150 or so over the last 11 mos. My intention when I started up again a few weeks ago was to commit to 1 hr per day. After 3 days I got sick and couldn't clear my ears...which was a major letdown because I was revved up and ready to go, haha!

Peimomma, it still sounds like you are on the right track! I've some of your background from here and your videos, and if you're like me you measure your health in months or years. If your better than last winter, you're doing great!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Sometimes it takes a little while to get on track...

I can tell that you understand the importance of frequency/consistency and diet, and are ready to re-commit as soon as your ears cooperate...good for you...
Posted by Trinity333 (Member # 46923) on :
Oh for goodness sake! I can't get off the starting line again with the chamber...a seal broke during today's session, the chamber is useless. I imagine it's warranteed, which will probably involve shipping it and waiting. Not to mention a disappointment for a chamber only used 150 times!

Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Whoa!!! What brand chamber do you have? Definitely I would hope there is a warranty.

Okay, this is the last speed bump before you start new👍😊

Hope there is a quick turn around time for repair.
Posted by Trinity333 (Member # 46923) on :
It's the same one you have, the OxyHealth Respiro. It split at the window at your feet. A little scary to have it decompress so fast while in it!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I just PM'd you...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I thought I'd give a little update on something I've been experiencing for the last 3 weeks. I started having memory flashes from the past, places, people, events just random. If I try and focus in and think about them it stops.

The other process I'm going back and forth with is the desire to get a job. I'm feeling good and a little bored at home and have been thinking about a part time job at my one year mark.

When I started mHBOT I committed to 2 years of treatment before going back to work. I know treatment has to be my priority for the next 14 months but it's kind of nice that my brain and body are having the desire to get back in the work force.

I settled on daily dives for now with a few extra dives a week to combat the cold and things are back on track. No herx and no fatigue. It's a fine balancing
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I remember the phase where I experienced the seemingly random flashbacks...this felt like neural "circuits" being reconnected.

There was also a time when I "revisited" emotional events of my past, going all the way back to childhood.

This seemed to be an emotional healing phase with layers coming to the surface, and once acknowledged, they passed rather easily.

We all know that true healing is more than just physical, so this is no surprise...but it is a testament to the body/mind healing powers of oxygen...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thank you Phoiph for the confirmation 😊

The first week I just blew them off, the second week I really started to notice and be aware of them. And now I look forward to the next one, good or bad. It's been a long time since I have had memories.

BTW the red dot is still on my arm and it still itches every few days while in the chamber.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Hello, all... I am new to this forum. But I am desperate for a little encouragement with mild hbot. I have been sick five years with neurological head pressure and other miserable head sensations.

I recently began mild hbot at my home and first half hour dive was miserable the next two days with increased symptoms. I quit because I am terrified of permanent damage. I CANNOT afford that! I seemed to get better than and tried it again for quite a while no problem. I upped it to one and a half hours.

AND CRASHED again. [Frown] My Dr. wants me to work up to two hours. I can't find anyone who does hbot this long.

Should I keep quitting when I worsen and than restart? or BLAZE my way through no matter how I feel?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Welcome Foxy Loxy😊

I have found that 1 hour is sufficient for treating and healing the body over time. It is consistency and allowing your body time to heal after each treatment.

Many will say I've progressed quickly and I can't do 2 dives a day on a daily basis. I did in the beginning until the herx set in and then backed off to one a day. With the cold winter zapping my energy I've found that every 2-3 days I do two dives to offset the energy I lose from staying warm.

I'm certain other especially Phoiph will advise against more than one hour a day as that is how she treated and healed herself. As many will say on this board it's a slow consistent process.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks Peimomma, you don't know how excited I am I found you all!! I feel so alone and unsure in this new treatment.

A friend had tried it for four months and continually worsened on it and now I get fears I shall do myself more harm than good! WHAAA

I am definitely willing to give it a long try as long as I can handle it. I suffered through IV rocephin for a year and felt horrible, without much gain, and feel reluctant to insist it is always just "herxing."

my Dr. is the infamous lymeMD (DrJ)and told me he has never seen oxygen therapy not help, especially with abx. He wants me to shoot for two hours a day. I assume this is all at once not broken up, but should check.

So far hbot makes me dream wildly and makes me sleep. I am only a few weeks in tho.

Peimomma, I take it you started diving two hours separately a day? Cuz, I was doing it all at once! maybe that's the reason I am not doing well..
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

It sounds to me like you have started mHBOT too rapidly...many people underestimate the power of mHBOT, especially when they are already compromised and are doing a lot of other therapies, including antibiotics.

Frequency and consistency is crucial. Based on my own experience (I have done over 1200 dives) and observing others over the last few years, I don't recommend doing more than 1 hour daily sessions (for chronic Lyme).

If you would like to PM me, I can help you work out a schedule to work up slowly...
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks Phoiph, I have been aching to talk to you and have tried to PM you twice now... maybe I am not getting through? Lookin' forward to your advice!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
foxy loxy...

I double-checked...I haven't received any PM's from you...and my box isn't full...

To PM, click on the envelope icon above this post...
Posted by mbdq (Member # 26277) on :
Hi every one, time for an update! As of yesterday I have reached 600 hours of mHBOT! My health continues to improve, albeit very slowly and with many ups and downs.

Taking some notes every day over the past two years of hbot has really helped to show my improvement. Otherwise, you get up every day and think "My head still hurts, darn that knee is sore again, etc." Overall, the intensity of my symptoms and number of symptoms have reduced. I am leading a very busy and full life.

Its interesting that the topic of emotions came up, as I have been in the THICK of working on emotional issues these past few months. I feel I was holding a lot of emotional trauma and energy in my body. I am working with some great practitioners (EFT, acupuncture, etc) and it has been extremely helpful.

I can tell you that the chamber can be a good, safe place to explore emotions, understand beliefs that are keeping you stuck, and have a good wailing cry!

Overall, mHBOT is my base treatment, along with the GAPS diet and now the energy/acupuncture work. I find the more I work on my gut and really nutrient dense eating, the more positive "bumps" I get. I am not on any herbs or abx specifically for Lyme, but I am using a little bit of Biocidin herbal tincture to try and help my gut out.

I feel I have severe dysbiosis after years of abuse and neglect from 4+ years of abx, birth control pills, stress, sugar, etc.

Its been a long road for me, but I am living and enjoying my life. Prior to finding hbot, I was desperate and had a lot of suicidal ideation because I couldn't see a way out of this mess. And believe me, I spent a lot of money and saw the "best" doc for two years.

I may not be cured, but I am healing. My body still has more work to do and I plan on supporting it any way I can.

We've got quite the group diving now, and I look forward to seeing everyone's progress. We are all going to improve and have many ups/downs at different rates. Try to listen to your body and support yourself.

Hugs to all you brave souls....
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

Very encouraging post. Thank you!
Posted by purplehaze (Member # 40385) on :
hi mbdq and phoiph,

I just started on the hyperbaric oxygen

I had one dive last Thursday, one on Saturday and two yesterday
there are two instructors at the facility, on Saturday my first day the lady instructor told me to have the mast on and on her instructions via intercom outside the chamber to then begin tightening the straps of the mask once she turned oxygen pressure on. all was fine throughout the whole session all the way up to maximum [24ft] no problem with blocked ears or any major discomfort

then on my session yesterday the other instructor was on duty and according to his instructions he told me not to tighten the mask straps until he had increased the pressure all the way to maximum
so wile pressure was building up my ears felt very painful and pressurized. as of now 16 hours after coming out of chamber my right ear still hasent popped properly and I feel discomfort

my question is, should I have the oxygen mask on and tightened in place ONCE the pressure is coming through the hose and being increased?

thanks for any help
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi purplehaze...

Would you mind sharing some more information? I have some questions for you to better understand your situation/protocol...

Are you being treated with HBOT for Lyme?

It sounds like you are being treated at a higher pressure than mild hyperbaric (i.e., 24 ft. vs. 11 ft.) are you diving at around 1.75ATA?

What kind of mask are you using?

Were you taught different methods to clear your ears?

It also sounds like you're treating more than 1x per day on some days? What is your diving schedule?

About your ear discomfort...

There are several variables that could have contributed.

The second instructor could have pressurized you more rapidly than the first, not giving your ears ample time to adjust.

And/or, you could have had some congestion in your Eustachian tubes on the painful day (which you may not have been aware of) which caused them not to clear properly. This can cause the sensitive tissues to stretch, and cause pain during and after the dive.

You should not experience ear pain in the chamber; pressure is OK, pain is not. If you are having pain, you should alert the operator immediately, and they should depressurize slightly to allow your ears to adjust, and slow the rate of descent.

Did the operator know you were having ear pain?

If you know you have ear congestion, (i.e., from a cold or allergies) which prevents you from clearing your ears, or have any ear pain, you should not dive at all until that has cleared up...

It doesn't sound like the type of mask you're using makes a super tight seal, so don't think having your mask loose during pressurization had anything to do with your ear it is more a function of the building pressure in the chamber, how fast you are pressurizing, and how well your ears can adjust and clear on that particular day...

(Having the mask loose while pressurizing allows more freedom for clearing the ears via yawning, Valsalva maneuver, opening and closing the mouth, etc.)
Posted by purplehaze (Member # 40385) on :
hi phoiph
thanks for response

to answer your questions

well I was never officially diagnosed with lyme, but all the indications are that I do have it plus possibly/probably co-infections

the hyperbaric centre I am attending are treating all kinds of ailments and probably carry out the same process on patients irrespective of the disease/condition being addressed.

I did tell them that I most likely had chronic late stage Lyme [bitten in 1993] and they said I would need at least 20 sessions/dives

I travel three hour round trip to the facility so that is why I had 2 sessions yesterday and Ive scheduled 2 sessions again this coming Friday and one on Saturday

I wasent aware of any possible congestion on my right ear
incidently now that you mentioned pressure, the first day with the lady operator that particular chamber went down to 24ft [had no issues] but the third day with the guy operator the chamber [different one] went down to 33ft

I did not tell him of the big discomfort with my right ear

yes, but operators explained the clearing of ears process similar to what you have stated here

I don't know the official name of the mask type I was using,
maybe you can view his following link here, there is a guy wearing the mask in one of the photo there

sorry I cant be any more help
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Welcome Purplehaze😊. It's great to have new people posting on the board.

Today I thought I would give an update on my husbands progress after 173 dives. He hasn't been tested for Lyme but with all the information about it as an STD he started treated in February as well, just not daily.

I would consider him in very good health at 50, no medication and no illnesses that we know of to date. However we have been monitoring his progress and have seen hair growth, better sleep and he started enjoying reading. He is someone that wouldn't read, in fact I can count on one hand the number of books he's read over the last 9 years. This month he is reading 3 books at one time on different subjects and enjoying them all.

He has also decided to learn a new hobby and signed up for a photography class. It's like the oxygen has awakened his brain.

As for me, this is the first year I'm excited for the holidays in many years. I'm ready to put up decorations, cook big meals and enjoy the company of family and friends.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi purplehaze...

This is very helpful. I also read about the facility and looked over your other posts on Lymenet to get some background.

Please note that I'm writing this as a non-medical professional, but am basing the information on research I have done, my own experience, many conversations with a neurologist in the HBOT field, and from observing and working with other people doing the treatment.

I'm not giving advice...just relaying what I have learned, and you will have to decide what to do.

There are 2 "camps" on how to treat chronic Lyme with HBOT. One camp is using high pressures (High pressure is greater than 1.5ATA...your 33 foot dive put you at 2ATA), mostly based on a study done years ago that noted that Borellia was killed by high pressures. The problem with the study, is that the lowest pressure threshold to kill Borellia wasn't measured/reported, and so the higher, more risky pressures have been traditionally used. Here's the study:

Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Lyme Disease:

Treatments under this premise are usually high pressure and done in short term blocks (i.e., 20 or 40 sessions). The problem, aside from greater risk involved, is that I haven't found many people who have had long term success with chronic Lyme from this method. It appears many people cannot tolerate the reaction, and it doesn't address the long term healing of the immune and other systems.

More recent study has shown that neurological conditions are better treated with lower pressures, and that higher pressures over time can actually worsen neurological conditions and be immune suppressive. Chronic Lyme Disease is a neurological condition.

Here's a paper written by Dr. Paul Harch who has been researching HBOT for over 20 years (I would also consider reading his book, "The Oxygen Revolution"):

More is Better: The Recurrent Illusion of Higher Pressure HBOT in Chronic Brain Injury, by Dr. Paul Harch:

As I have written many times, the way I became well is through consistent, 1 hour, daily, mild pressure treatments (via home chamber with supplemental oxygen) over a span of time.

Oxygen is a drug...and it produces free radicals which are beneficial against pathogens. When oxygen is done under pressure, the body produces its own extra antioxidants to "mop up" the free radicals after they have done their job.

A balance must be struck; if someone who is already in a compromised state of health via chronic illness does high pressure treatments (especially multiple times per day), they might not only experience significant reaction from the die off, but also oxidative stress, as their bodies may not be able to produce enough antioxidants to "mop up" the free radical load. (Taking artificial/supplemental antioxidants doesn't solve this issue.)

The high pressure, short term therapy which focuses on "killing the bugs", also doesn't take advantage of the most important long term HEALING effects of mild hyperbaric...(e.g., modulating/empowering the immune system, regenerating neural tissue, mobilization of stem cells over time, etc.)

The concerns I have in your case are the random, high pressures/depths being used, the multiple treatments per day, the short term nature of the therapy (although you wouldn't want to do long term, high pressure therapy due to risks), your ear current ear pain, and whether or not someone knowledgeable is following your case.

Another concern is whether you are taking anti-microbials or other therapies that may interact or the effects to be potentiated or reduced by the high pressure treatments.

I'm not trying to discourage you at all...on the contrary...just concerned about the method, as hyperbaric is a powerful treatment, and is often underestimated, particularly when treating chronic illnesses...

Please feel free to PM me also...
Posted by purplehaze (Member # 40385) on :
hi phoiph,
many thanks for your great reply
after reading through all your message and the link provided, I said to myself "here we go again" its so typical of this sphere of chronic infection and treatments/remedies that it would have to come down to major ambiguity as to how one should go about solving this puzzle.

I think the facility I'm attending are definitely going on the principle of "more is better" because there are two chambers there [one at 24ft and one at 33ft] and judging on the little info they have imparted to me I will be treated inside the 33ft one
this leaves me in quite the predicament

I had planned on treatment tomorrow [double session] and one on Saturday but after explaining my ear discomfort issue to the main administrator/operator she said I should stop for now and get doctor prescription for antibiotics as it may be latent/lingering ear infection I'm dealing with

right now I'm not taking antimicrobials, but am doing the MMS protocol [started in July this year] plus Essiac tea, Magnesium oil and supplements [B6, zinc, copper]

will keep you posted....
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I know, I is so discouraging and exhausting to have to fight through all the different information, opinions, methodologies, etc.

If you wanted to continue to dive at this facility, they likely could adjust the pressure/depth to no more than 16 ft., which would still be mild pressure (approximately 1.5 ATA). (It does sound like this is a community facility though, and I would guess coordination of other schedules would be necessary so members were diving at the same depth at the same time...)

The distance issue remains; how do you dive daily when the facility is a 3 hour round trip, not counting the time spent in the chamber?

This is not only a dilemma in Ireland (at least Ireland has such facilities!) is the same here, with the additional expense per dive in a clinical setting.

The other option would be to purchase or rent a home many here have done...and/or share expenses with others in close proximity who need treatment and could use it cooperatively.

If you are interested in doing this, I can connect you with a liaison that handles chamber purchases or rentals can PM me for more info.

I hope you don't give up on this therapy. Where there's a will, there's a way...

As for your ear, I agree that you shouldn't dive again until it is better. It may not be an infection, however,...they could've just pressurized you too quickly, which stretches the delicate membranes and can cause be sure to discuss this possibility with the doctor...
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Purplehaze . I had the same experience when I first dove. I had so much pain in my right ear that I thought I had busted my eardrum. I have had a low grade infection on the right side of my throat/ear for a long time. So based on my experience , it will exasperate an infection if there is one. I agree that lower pressure would be better until the pain is under control.

I continued to dive and the pain is mostly gone now. I'm still not well , but continue to dive.

Best of luck in your mhbot journey.
Posted by purplehaze (Member # 40385) on :
thank you for wishes

well that is interesting you had very similar situation,
I will take antibiotics [if doc prescribes them] and see if that helps to handle this issue.
then hopefully I can resume the hbot asap
Posted by purplehaze (Member # 40385) on :

wow, 173 - that is some serious diving

glad you and hubby are doing well, and its really encouraging to hear results like these are achieved by people doing the hbot
Posted by purplehaze (Member # 40385) on :
hi phoiph

my pm to you was rejected, your inbox is full
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Apologies, purplehaze!

Should be OK now...
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
I'm super stoked. I have been watching this thread for some time and like all of you have tried so many different things to restore my health.

While I believed that Mhbot was beneficial, I just couldn't seem to justify the cost after having wasted my money on so many things. Finally, my husband said, "we just need to do it."

I contacted Phoiph but I had a problem. I had not seen my LLMD since February. I had scheduled an appointment with a functional medicine doctor but couldn't get an appointment until February.

Anyway, my husband called my old LLMD for me and asked for the prescription and I got it in the mail yesterday. I can now move forward.

Now we just have to go through the process of purchasing one. Since we will have to finance, we may wait until January for tax purposes but it is going to happen.

Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Wonderful!! I hope this makes all the difference for you!!
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Man, I feel like I am back on IV rocephin on mild hyperbaric if I do to much. Brings on neuro head jazz... yuckers!! Phoiph helped me cut way back and so far I seem to be going back to my normal cruddy head. Dive away friends! [Smile] anxious to see how you all continue to do as well! Go soccermama!
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Just a quick update on my experience with mhbot. I have been diving daily for about 1 1/2 years 1 hour daily. My feelings are the same about this therapy.

I have NO regrets buying a used Oxyhealth chamber as I function better with the daily diving and can tell a difference when I skip a day. I find diving not a silver bullet for me but a tool along with my gb4000 with MOPA (rife machine) to be able to function better.

Also diet plays a major roll with me. No gluten, low fat and sugar free (use a little stevia for substitute when needed).

I remember phoip saying she was really careful with her diet and was big on bone broth during her healing best of my memory.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
jar, jar, I am too lazy to see if you posted much help have you find hbot to be and how bad were you? Thanks for posting!
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Just completed my first home dive!

I have major mobility issues so getting me out was a real challenge. But, as I've told friends, we managed to do it without calling the fire department or filing for a divorce! Hopefully we learned a few things and it will be easier tomorrow.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :

Wanted to ask this question on the public forum so all can benefit. When I spoke with you about which chamber to get you spoke about the difference between the vitaeris and respiro.

I know the size is the biggest difference but you also mentioned something about the compressor, I think.

Also, do we have to get a bigger concentrator or will the Airsep 10L work?

We qualified for a loan so it looks like we might be able to purchase a unit outright depending on the cost.

Thanks for the help!

Also, do we have to get a bigger
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Soccermama...

Just to clarify...

The compressor is what is used to pressurize the chamber with room air.

The oxygen concentrator takes room air and removes nitrogen, concentrating the oxygen. This is the oxygen source that is breathed through the mask, and has little to do with pressurizing the chamber.

The Vitaeris (larger chamber) comes with a larger compressor, so it can fill faster (sometimes with older chambers, 2 smaller compressors are hooked together). The Respiro (medium chamber) comes with a smaller compressor.

Both chambers (plus the Solace, the smallest chamber) reach the same pressure (4.2 PSI, or 1.3 ATA); the main difference between them is the size.

The oxygen concentrator that is used with any of the chambers must supply sufficient PSI (pounds per square inch) to counteract the backpressure from the chamber. The Airsep you mention has 20PSI, which is plenty, as it well exceeds the 4.2 PSI of the chambers.

The LPM (liters per minute) refers to the how many liters per minute of oxygen the concentrator can supply. In this case 10...but with the AirSep, it is important to set it at 8.5 when using it with a chamber (no higher). This is because the backpressure from the chamber will make any concentrator work harder, and this model will go into a protective "on demand" mode (instead of continuous flow) if set higher (to preserve oxygen purity). Setting it at 8.5 will avoid this, and still provide plenty of 02.

Hope this wasn't "too much information"... [Smile]

To summarize...your Airsep 20PSI 10LPM concentrator will work great for any size home chamber, and is the best choice in my opinion...
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
I need some expert opinions - am I on the right track?

If you plow your way thru this, I guarantee you will be amazed by some of the information.

I think Bb is very similar to the following pathogen (which is PHOTOSYNTHETIC):

The phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus contains a single,

oxygen-responsive superoxide dismutase (SODRc) homologous to iron-containing superoxide dismutase enzymes.

Recombinant SODRc, however, displayed higher activity after refolding with Mn2+, especially when the pH of the assay mixture was raised.

SODRc isolated from Rhodobacter cells also

***preferentially contains manganese,***

but metal discrimination depends on the culture conditions, with ***iron fractions increasing from 7% in aerobic cultures*** up to 40% in photosynthetic cultures.

Therefore, SODRc behaves as a Mn-containing dismutase with cambialistic properties.

Rhodobacter capsulatus is a gram-negative phototrophic bacterium that can thrive under a broad range of environmental conditions.

When the *oxygen tension is low*, these microorganisms *synthesize ATP through a light-driven, anoxygenic electron transport* around a single photosystem

whereas in the presence of air

they shift to a

respiratory metabolism

after ***expression of oxidases and dehydrogenases.***

NADH ***oxidases*** from Borrelia burgdorferi and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate ***dehydrogenase*** (GAPDH) in Borrelia burgdorferi…

”Oxygen is key to the phagocytosis and killing of bacteria by neutrophils or polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs).

This process involves the production of oxygen radicals and superoxides and is directly influenced by the oxygen concentration in the tissue.

As the oxygen tension falls below 30 mmHg the efficiency of bacteriocidal action of PMNs begins to drop off dramatically.

This was demonstrated by Knighton et al in 1984 where the phagocytic activity of neutrophils in ingesting Staph. aureus was compared to oxygen tension.

One of the reasons why I believe Bb is "photosynthetic" has to do with the potential of the Western Fence Lizard to completely destroy Bb.

And like the other pathogen mentioned earlier, Bb appears to be influenced by oxygen tension levels

- preferring low oxygen tension

to make ATP through a light-driven, *anoxygenic* electron transport.

For newbies...that lizard has a pineal gland on top of its head. It also has a BLUE (cyan) belly. It hunts for food at night (insects)and has to be able to see in darkness i.e., HAS to have a lot of eye rods. Thus it can capture ANY available light (moon light, star light)in order to see its prey.

While hunting, the WFL is covered with Bb infected ticks, but when they fall off, they no longer contain any Bb.

It is believed the WFL has an enzyme (destroyed if the blood is heated) that is protective and is capable of destroying Bb. When the WFL's blood was heated and Bb was re-introduced, Bb survived. So heat, destroyed a beneficial protein.


Light inactivates this enzyme:

AANAT is rapidly *inactivated* when animals are exposed to light at night.

It causes serotonin -> melatonin.


We KNOW serotonin levels are low in lyme:


The data indicate a role of the immune system and particularly of endogenously formed cytokines, like

interferon-gamma and tumour necrosis factor-alpha, effecting tryptophan

and neopterin metabolism in patients with acute Lyme neuroborreliosis.

PMID: 7865624

AND...HBOT therapy - serotonin:

whereas in the subgroup treated with HBO2 the clinical effectiveness and the appearance of plateau in the binding curves indicated that the oxygen therapy could act through serotonergic pathways.

PMID: 9171470

While Bb is very tryptophan dependent...

does forcing the tryptophan -> serotonin "direction" (but inhibiting melatonin production)

rather than

using IDO (enzyme) which helps tryptophan -> KYN (elevated in MS, HIV, etc.) and ultimately to niacin...

"do in" Bb?

Does light inactivate IDO? (Remember, we BLINK)

Keep in the sun rises...melatonin gets converted BACK to serotonin and of course we also need to make niacin via tryptophan w/ IDO route.

The reverse process begins to happen as the sun sets (serotonin -> melatonin).

How important is it to INACTIVATE IDO?


Taken together, our findings support the suitability of d-1-methyl-tryptophan for human trials aiming to assess

the utility of IDO inhibition to block host-mediated immunosuppression and enhance antitumor immunity

in the setting of combined chemo-immunotherapy regimens.

Sidenote: my sis (now autoimmune from lyme) looks to have prevented "neuro" lyme via taking the highest level of Prozac allowed.

This is very complex because Bb needs norepinephrine and epinephrine and locks onto them. Prozac increases norepinephrine, but it also

increases serotonin.

So while it does appear HBO therapy (esp. in conjunction with abx.) can clear Bb, I think the use of light frequencies (Hz) - very specifically 432Hz (perfect A, the frequency of light) with a binaural beat of 8Hz - can also be very useful.

8Hz is very is the frequency between theta and alpha brain waves, supposedly the bridge between consciousness and subconsciousness.

It is also the frequency of ...get this...hydrogen. 432 Hz resonates with a frequency of 8 Hz (which corresponds to the note "C")

8 Hz is the resonant frequency of 432 Hz (the frequency of light) and is the resonant frequency of hydrogen AND

is the frequency of the double helix in DNA needed for replication!

How does HBOT relate to DNA?


Promotion of DNA transcription and DNA signaling

More here:

For HBOT researchers - a book:

I love the reviews from others in support of the above book! Tremendous "insight".

As an adjunct to HBOT, consider listening to this CD (WITH HEADPHONES):

I believe a cure IS possible and I believe sharing knowledge and experiences will eventually -> a cure for all.

God Bless.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I'm interested and have questions.
Thanks to all that post here with your experiences and your words/offers of help.

I looked into mHBOT about a year ago - tried to find a place near me to try a few dives.

I remember reading something about a side effect of cataracts? That scared me off a bit.

Thoughts/questions about a home unit:

I am extremely chemical sensitive - do the units smell? The portable units are a kind of fabric?

The system is the chamber, oxygen of some kind and a compressor? My ears are so sound sensitive - wondering if I could tolerate the noise?

I have head pressure and recently eye pressure (an eye herx from Rocephin?). Also allergies and/or respiratory infections* and am usually congested. My right ear seems to always feel congested. A no-go for mHBOT?

*I have the immune deficiency CVID - which means respiratory issues. I just started seeing an allergist/new immuno about allergies and IVIG/SCIG. (I do SubQ Gamma).

It's a problem having CVID and Lyme - I always feel bad - but cannot tell if I am having alleriges, a cold/flu or a bacterial respiratory infection.

A poster on this thread brought up the subject of Lymie's not getting colds. I had forgotten about that.

Also some folks that have an ID don't show the outward symptoms - like lots of sneezing and coughing.

I am gearing up to see the allergist/immuno for a follow-up next week. I told him I have Lyme and he did not poo-poo that at all.

When I saw him my eyes were in bad shape - blepharitis. He made a comment that with my ID my immune system might not make the "pus" commonly seen in people with healthy immune systems that excrete copious amount of yellowish pus when they have blepharitis/conjuncitivis.

I thought that was interesting. He also mentioned the inflammation in the eye was from the toxins the bacteria secretes.

I went to see him thinking allergies - because of clear thick discharge from my eyes.

Point: Atypical symptoms presenting when one has Lyme and/or CVID.

I have not had a cold in years - since Lyme Dx. Or maybe I have had one - just feel awful - but no sneezing. Because my immune system is not mounting a response?

So.......mHBOT is helping folks with their immune system and Lyme?

Curious if doing mHBOT for Lyme would help with other infections?

Sorry have written so much - when I get tired - I get wordy..........

I am seriously thinking about trying then buying a unit for myself. If it is not too loud and chemical smelling. And if I can figure out why I have nasal and ear congestion. As no mHBOT with ear congestion, right?
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Undermethylated-high histamine.

Genetically and/or pathogen triggered.

Due to your respiratory issues, HBOT may be too risky for you.

That's not to say you can't go a different route...Rife.

A very healthy diet and exercise (AS TOLERATED!) is important too.

Listening (with headphones) to the CD I linked (not expensive) may help too.

If serotonin IS the key (and I believe it is - read my post yesterday - 12/8)...we may have a problem systemically.

Excess serotonin in the gut = N/V. Zofran blocks it.

If Bb is in the gut...we desperately need Tritec (Rantinidine Bismuth Citrate) which rids all forms of Bb in the gut...all forms.

Rantinidine is Zantac. Bismuth citrate is NOT Pepto Bismol.

I believe Tritec is still available in Europe and could certainly be compounded in the U.S. with a prescription from a doctor.

Oddly...a lot of serotonin is made in the area of the bowel where our appendix is.

Skim this abstract (appendix-serotonin) here:

The above will give you insight re: serotonin-inflammation.

I've said over and over...we have to tame down inflammation AND hit Bb.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

To answer some of your questions...

--Maturing of pre-existing cataracts and myopia (usually reversible) is more of a risk with higher pressures and 100% medical grade oxygen as often used in clinical settings, but have not been associated with the lower pressures used with home chambers.

--New chambers, masks, and tubing do smell and can be effectively off-gassed for sensitive people. Used chambers are available, as are ceramic and stainless steel masks.

--The compressor and oxygen concentrator do make noise, but there is a sound dampener inside the chamber, and it is more of a "white noise" inside. Once up to pressure, you can wear noise-cancelling headphones if necessary.

--Yes, one of the many benefits of mHBOT is to increase and modulate the immune response, as well as release stem cells. By normalizing the body's immune response, it has a broad effect. It also has a direct effect on pathogens, inflammation, hypoperfusion, etc.

--You must be able to clear your ears to equalize the pressure when "diving". If you have congestion that prevents this, you must either wait until it clears, or if it is chronic, there are other methods people have used successfully. It becomes less of an issue for most people as they do more mHBOT.

--You will need a prescription/clearance from your doctor to buy a chamber. I would also suggest doing a few sessions first to learn how to clear your ears and see how your ears adjust.

If you PM me, I will give you information on possible locations near you where you can do a few sessions, and also information on options and discounts for renting or buying a home chamber, etc.

I also have lots of resources for you to read, if you like. A good starting point is "The Oxygen Revolution", by Dr. Paul Harch. Also, here is a link to a short, animated video that describes how hyperbaric oxygen therapy works in general:
Posted by JCarlhelp (Member # 15957) on :
I know when my wife was doing HBOT and felt at all stuffy she would take Claritan about 30 minutes before dive.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Did anyone notice Excessive dreaming on mHBOT? or am I crazy??? I mean every night since...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
The way I understand it, more REM (dream-state) sleep is a sign that your brain has access to more oxygen...and cerebral blood flow...

REM sleep burns more fuel (oxygen/glucose), and there has to be enough fuel "on board" to attain this state:

"...REM sleep time is strongly reduced by hypoxic and increased by hyperoxic atmosphere, in accordance with the existence of an O2 diffusion limitation. Any pathological decrease in arterial PO2 and/or O2 delivery creates a specific risk in REM sleep..."

I remember lots of bizarre brain "trips" (both awake and during sleep) as my brain was awakening and knitting back together. I would have phases of enhanced creativity and imagination, as well as memories I hadn't recalled in decades. Then, this state would "normalize", and another phase would begin.

In retrospect, it makes sense that the circuits were being reconnected...
Posted by purplehaze (Member # 40385) on :
well I've never had a problem with dreaming over the last several years, I mean I tend to dream a lot, its actually quite exhilarating and many times I go to bed thinking - "hmm I wonder what am I gonna dream about tonight" as though looking forward to it..
since starting the HBOT I haven't noticed dreaming any more than usual
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
There is a great deal of evidence that acetylcholine is associated with REM sleep.

For example,

release of ACh in the cortex is highest during waking and REM sleep,


lowest during delta sleep.

Further, drugs that act as ACh agonists increase REM, and

antagonists decrease REM.

More benefits of HBOT:

Plasma AOPP (advanced oxidation protein products ) levels were lowered significantly

after fifteen consecutive HBOT sessions (between-day variations).

***Decreased AOPP levels*** suggest that increased oxygenation of tissues due to HBO therapy may activate some endogenous
factors that prevent hazardous effects of the disease itself.

Advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) are defined as

***dityrosine containing cross-linked protein products***

and are reflect oxidized protein damage.

AOPP has been used extensively as biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress.

Several studies have been shown that AOPP levels are increased in many pathological conditions such as diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, coronary artery disease, Behçet's disease.

Results also revealed the prevalence of dityrosine crosslinks in amyloid plaques in brain tissue and in cerebrospinal fluid from AD patients.

Aβ dimers may be stabilized by dityrosine crosslinking.

These results indicate that dityrosine cross-links may play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and

can be generated by reactive oxygen species

***catalyzed by Cu2+ ions.***

The observation of increased Aβ and dityrosine in CSF from AD patients suggests that this could be used as a potential biomarker of oxidative stress in AD.


However, TMA studies have revealed that tissue copper levels are

above normal in patients with osteoarthritis.

This can be explained by the calcium-copper-vitamin D relationship discussed later.

Generally speaking, we find that

copper deficiency causes a disturbance in cellular

while copper excess causes a disturbance in

humoral immunity." = Th2.

(Sidenote: Wilson's disease = bipolar trigger is caused by high copper levels. Genetic transporter problem -> AD.)

Humoral immunity, also called the ***antibody-mediated*** beta cellularis immune system.

Humoral immunity refers to antibody production and the accessory processes that accompany it, including:

Th2 activation and cytokine production,

germinal center formation and isotype switching, affinity maturation and

memory cell generation.


Zn-Cu balance...Zinc down, copper up.

NORMALLY women have more copper than zinc (men the opposite) because it is used to make an enzyme called

DAO which blocks histamine in foods (H2).

That enzyme goes up a LOT (!!!) during pregnancy because excess histamine is toxic to a fetus.

Tritec to rid all forms of Bb in the gut contains rantinidine (= Zantac = H2 blocker) + bismuth citrate (is NOT Peptol Bismol)

A really good link follows:

Generally speaking Bb's OspA triggers IFN-A not IFN y (interferon alpha, not interferon gamma).

"If an invader triggers a TH1 immune response then these molecules are predominantly triggered:

• Interluken-2 (IL-2), Interluken 12 (Il-12) , gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and IgA (Immunoglobulin type A), amongst others;

For a predominantly TH2 immune response, these molecules are activated for defence:

• Interlukens (IL)4, 5, 6, 10, alpha interferon (IFN-alpha), IgE (Immunoglobulin type E) and IgG.

See where our first response to Bb was Th2 via IFNa and not IFNy = Th1?

Ascorbic acid lowers Cu. Timed release vitamin C (in gelatin capsules) may help. NOT Na + vitamin C. If zinc is low and copper is high, to restore a balance we need to raise zinc and lower copper.

Remember how that is the "formula" Zn+ vit C to help prevent colds (viruses)?

A Novel ***Copper Chelate*** Modulates Tumor Associated Macrophages to Promote Anti-Tumor Response of T Cells

The use of the product mentioned above ->

"not only allowed strong Th1 response marked by generation of ***high levels of IFN-γ*** but also reduced activation induced T cell death."

"Our results show the potential usefulness of CuNG in immunotherapy of drug-resistant cancers through reprogramming of TAMs that in turn

reprogram the T cells and reeducate the T helper function to

elicit proper anti-tumorogenic Th1 response

leading to effective reduction in tumor growth."

If you've followed my serotonin links...

These results imply that

copper reduces N-acetyltransferase activity,

which results in a

***decrease in N-acetyl serotonin synthesis.***


Melatonin when coadministered with copper appears to

prevent the N-acetyltransferase inhibition by copper.

Copper exerts contradictory effects on 5-methoxytryptophol synthesis.

Further investigations need to be carried out to examine the effects of copper on the pineal enzymes.

The substrates for IDO (the enzyme that makes tryptophan -> KYN (too much KYN)

include serotonin AND melatonin et al.

Eliminate one substrate...melatonin via "light" and up goes tryptophan -> protective serotonin.

" Direct evidence has also been provided that serotonin is capable of releasing acetylcholine from the Auerbach plexus.

It is very likely that serotonin stimulates ganglion cells, which in fact leads to firing and, consequently, to an increase of acetylcholine release from the nerve terminals."

There are a LOT more benefits to HBOT which I will post later with links.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Purple haze...

Your dreaming experience is the exact same as mine. I also often wonder where my dreams will take me.

I would say that ever since in contracted Lyme my dreaming has intensified. But no noticeable change since using mhbot.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks for the input...y'all. I found all posts fascinating! Phoiph, that is so interesting that you had weird head "phases" because I do feel like something is happening upstairs, just not sure if it is for the better yet or not!

I wonder if I dream more because I normally dive before bedtime? When do the rest of you dive?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
I dive around 4:30pm each day
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
foxy loxy...

I realize you are just beginning mHBOT...but am wondering if the quality of your sleep has changed (for better or worse)?
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
I've been watching this thread for awhile and will be starting mhbot in January; thank you for sharing your journeys. I just bought my oxygen concentrator and have been using it daily. Excited to begin.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Phoiph, I would say I am not sleeping with such a "dead" sort of sleep, I used to have... but I am not having trouble sleeping.

Since becoming sick I go to sleep... BOOM!! Fast! now with mHBOT I dream... one thing after the next in almost A.D.D fashion!

I would say mHBOT makes me sleepy/tired. That is why I do it before bedtime.

Welcome Jolley! We do have quite the diving group! I hope mHBOT helps you! [Smile]
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
I hope this has not already been posted:

"Lyme disease is the most commonly reported vector-borne illness in the United States, but it is relatively rare in Taiwan.

Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotic agents, but approximately 20% of these patients experience persistent or intermittent subjective symptoms, so-called chronic Lyme disease (CLD).

The mechanisms of CLD remain unclear and the symptoms related to CLD are difficult to manage.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) was applied in CLD therapy in the 1990s. However, reported information regarding the effectiveness of HBOT for CLD is still limited.

Here, we present a patient with CLD who was successfully treated with HBOT."

I can't post link because of ( ) in the link. See if you can find it using words in the quote above.

Does HBOT "compete" with Bb's nitrite reductase -> toxic NO (to Bb) versus Bb using nitrite reductase -> nitrate (Doxy inhibits!)-> ammonia?

Deoxyhemoglobin triggers

nitrite reduction to nitric oxide normally, but Bb "steals" and uses nitrite.

Cytochrome c nitrite reductase is a bacterial enzyme that catalyzes the six electron reduction of nitrite to ammonia; an important step in the biological nitrogen cycle.

The enzyme catalyses the second step in the
two step conversion of nitrate to ammonia, which

allows certain bacteria to use nitrite as a terminal electron acceptor, rather than oxygen, during anaerobic conditions.


Bb - NapA

Transcripts of genes that encode proteins containing iron-sulfur clusters or iron, including NapA (nitrite reductase)

Copper and iron are involved.

Collectively, these data strongly support a central role of ***NapA in promoting both Treg response and immune suppression in the CSF of patients with chronic Lyme borreliosis***

and suggest that NapA and the Treg pathway may represent novel therapeutic targets for the prevention and treatment of the disease.

Treg = T regulatory cells. Often high, but not always!

Tregs were depleted by ***PC61 antibody*** in nephrotic mice treated with M(2a) or M(2c).
(Treg = T regulatory) 2013

PC61 mAb (anti-murine CD25 rat IgG1).

Treg depletion diminished the superior effects of M(2c) compared to M(2a) in protection against renal injury, inflammatory infiltrates, and renal fibrosis. Thus, M(2c) are more potent than M(2a) macrophages in protecting against renal injury due to their ability to induce Tregs. 2013

M2a and M2c are upregulated via HBOT.

In Lupus,

Further, apparently *reduced populations of M2a and M2c* subtype macrophages may contribute to the lack of anti-inflammatory activity apparent in the disease.

M2b subtype macrophages may actually have a role in causing disease directly.

HBO upregulates IL4 & IL-10 (M2a and M2c respectively) and - immune response anti-inflammatory

which down-regulates pro-inflammatory species IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-γ (M1), matrix metalloproteinase-9, nitric oxide synthase, myeloperoxidase, and reactive oxygen species.

Colorful picture here to compare the above quote with:

To "see" where HBOT is working...what it promotes and what it inhibits.
Posted by Koco800 (Member # 47160) on :
Hey all,

I am starting mild hyperbaric therapy. I got Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, and who knows what else in 2004. I've seen a few LLMDs, but have never gotten totally well. I've tried a lot of antibiotics and other therapies. I got a prescription from my LLMD for a portable home chamber and oxygen concentrator. I'm about a week in, every other day for about 45-50 minutes (trying to take it slow). I may build up to an hour every day. Not much to report so far, but I plan to continue. I'm also still on antibiotics and malarone. I finally learned how to zip the chamber myself, which will make self-treatment easier (it's still pretty hard to zip all the zippers though).
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome, Koco800...

What kind of chamber and oxygen concentrator did you purchase?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Welcome to all the Newbies😊

So encouraging to see new posts, experiences and gains.

367 dives to date and today I submitted a resume for a part time job👍. I'm in no hurry and causally looking, mostly word of mouth for now.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Welcome koko800. I remember being completly exhausted after zipping myself in. These days when I get down about my health , I get in my chamber and I realize how exhausting it was just to get in. I then stop take a breath and realize I AM making progress. I have not been exhausted from getting in the chamber for a long time. Sometimes the changes are very subtle!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
I would like to buy a regulator for my oxygen tank and try to put that through my chamber. Any ideas? What type of regulator do I get. I think the pure oxygen would increase the efficacy.
Posted by Koco800 (Member # 47160) on :
Thanks for the replies! I am using the Newtowne 24'' chamber and an Airsep Intensity concentrator...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Haley...

I'm sure this is possible using an 02 tank, but my concern would be that it may raise the ambient oxygen level inside the chamber enough for there to be greater risk of fire.

In commercial chambers where 100% medical grade oxygen is breathed through a mask (even when the chamber is pressurized with room air), there are restrictions...(e.g., no synthetic clothing, electronics, newspaper, perfumes/hairspray, jewelry, etc.)

I will ask Oxyhealth about it...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

An important FYI...

You may already be aware of this, but if you have the AirSep "New Life Intensity" 10 LPM, 20 PSI, you should set it at no more than 8.5 LPM when used with the chamber.

(For explanation, refer to the 2nd post on this page...)

Also...very important to always have your concentrator ON whenever there is pressure in the chamber...otherwise, the backpressure from the chamber will damage it.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
I just set it at 10 LPM and it works fine.

I dont know if american Airseps are different, but my Intensity does not have an on demand feature, so it works continuously up to 10 LPM without problems.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi S13...

It may seem to be working fine (and may very well be), but setting the AirSep at 10 while using it with a chamber will shorten the life of the unit.

It is a great unit (the best, in my opinion), but these concentrators were not made to be used with running it at 10 combined with the backpressure of the chamber is overworking it.

You may not even know it is going into a pulse/on demand mode to conserve oxygen purity. The technicians might not even tell you that, but the engineers will.

It is unlikely anyone who is resting/laying down in the chamber would breathe 10LPM 8 to 8.5 is a better setting that won't sacrifice 02 purity, and will extend the life of your concentrator.

By the way, does your AirSep have a small yellow light (02 monitor/alarm feature) which lights up when you turn it on?
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Yes it has the small yellow light.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on : has the 02 monitor/alarm feature...which will sound if the electricity goes out or the 02 purity falls below 80%.

Some AirSep units don't have this feature (they are less expensive) but I don't recommend them for obvious reasons.

Also, even though the purity alarm on your AirSep hasn't sounded (while the unit is set at 10LPM when being used with a chamber), it doesn't guarantee that the unit is not overworking to maintain that purity level (and/or is forced into a demand/pulse mode)...and again, over time, this will shorten the life of the unit.

Other models/manufacturers work differently. The SeQual 10LPM, for example, should be set at 10LPM when used with a chamber. Once the chamber is inflated, the LPM reading will drop to 8...and should be left at that setting throughout the dive. It will rise back to 10 once the chamber is deflated. If someone resets the dial to 10 while the chamber is inflated, however, this will overwork the unit.
Posted by Koco800 (Member # 47160) on :
Thanks for the advice. I do have that concentrator. So far I have been setting it at 7. I will most likely move it to 8 tomorrow, but will make sure to stay below 8.5
Posted by Koco800 (Member # 47160) on :

I may not remember to update this all the way through treatment, but so far I'm 11 dives in.

I haven't noticed anything huge, except maybe some
weird intestinal changes. I had diarrhea the first two days
after starting hyperbaric...not sure what would have caused
that. No huge symptom relief yet (it's early) main lingering issues are neuropathy, anxiety, intermittent insomnia, fatigue....and a lot of other stuff that never resolved with antibiotic treatment
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Hi Koko800...

When I first started the treatment made me very gassy for the first few days and then that went away. It's not the exact same issue as you but in the family.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You may have had a chance to read the entire thread yet, but for most of us, the lasting changes happen over an extended period of time.

In my case, it was a few months of daily dives before I noticed the first "shift" (not necessarily an improvement, but a change). It was a 2 step forward, 1 step back process, that eventually led to recovery. Diet and gradual exercise was also crucial.

It helps to keep a log with short daily entries, so you can look back over time and see the changes. It is easy to forget where you came from when you're feeling better, and the changes are gradual.

I also recommend doing periodic videos every three months or so...
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I am JOYFUL to report that I am currently in an "up" phase!! I feel like it won't last, BUT! I will say I have NEVER had such an UP as THIS UP!!! I am SOOO excited but trying not to be because I think I will probably crash again!! but I have times when my head just feels GOOD! not better but GOOD!!

I am two months in. It made me sicker at first so I backed way down and started much more gradually. I still am only at an hour and lay the mask under my chin. I am hoping to gradually start breathing in the oxygen a little at a time.

I am feeling so good the last few days I hate to break the waters!!! OH what bliss to have a normal head!! even only for short times!!!

OH, I hope this is working... praying...praying...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
foxy loxy...

Has it really been 2 months already? I'm very glad the gradual approach is working :)

Pleeeeeze continue to go slowly...and try to resist the temptation to over do it (I know how difficult that is when you have a "window").

There will definitely be ups and downs...that is a given...but now you know that you are capable of feeling better, which is a big help, both mentally and physically.

Are you logging?
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Phoiph - your PM box is full.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Apologies, SusanK...should be OK now.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
18 'dives' and LOVING IT!!! I'm working into it slowly, I'm just at 47 minutes without supplemental oxygen. I started noticing subtle signs of improvement after just the first few dives. Very, very excited and encouraged!

If you do Facebook please join the closed (private) mHBOT group I've started. Newbies, pros and might wannabes all welcome. Just type mHBOT in the Facebook search and it should pop right up. No desire to replace this superior and informative resource here! Just thought it'd be fun to have a casual place to post while we are doing our dives. Today I posted a pic of the clip on hanger my husband made for my Wilkie talkie. A couple of us have posted pics of our views from inside our chambers :-). mHBOT mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy is full name of the page, join us!
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Yes Phoiph, 51 dives in. Of course some of those were terribly short and I am currently not using the mask yet!

I can hardly believe how powerful this is even without the mask!!

My Dr. gave me a different mask with a bag that gives more concentrated oxygen. I think I will get used to mine first before trying it.

Don't worry Phoiph, I think I have learned my lesson about too fast! Now I don't want to change anything! [Smile] Thanks for the encouragement!! Means a lot...

I am so EXCITED!!! Toyswalk,I don't have facebook, so be sure to continue to log on here! I want to know how you do!

P.S. Oh and YES I am logging...
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :

Look forward to sharing more improvement updates with you. I check in here a couple times of day to see what's up.

May the force be with you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Is that a "non-rebrether" mask? If so, it requires flow rates of 10-15 liters per minute to keep the bag inflated, which is more than the output of the oxygen concentrator you are using...

If you use it with lower LPM (8.5 LPM is the highest setting at which you should set your AirSep when used with a chamber), you run the risk of the bag on the mask collapsing, and breathing in your own carbon dioxide.

I would definitely bring this up with your doctor (if it is indeed a non-rebrether mask)...

A standard "Hudson" (aka "simple" mask) that covers both your nose and mouth is adequate, and safer for this application...
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Why do people use a rebreather mask as opposed to a non-rebreather mask? Just curious. Mine has the bag on it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
The "partial rebreather" and "non-rebreather are both "reservoir" masks (with a bag).

A non-rebreather mask has 1 way valves that prevent the rebreathing of carbon dioxide PROVIDING the flow is high enough (10-15 LPM) to keep the bag at least 1/3 filled with 02. It has to make a tight seal, and if the flow is not adequate and the bag deflates too much, the person could be deprived of oxygen. With proper flow and seal, it can deliver 90-100% 02.

A partial-rebreather mask is similar but has open valves that allow a portion of room air to enter and mix with 02. It also allows rebreathing of some carbon dioxide, which is sometimes necessary in certain illnesses (e.g. COPD) where the person's body requires this "cue" to continue the breathing response. The bag must be kept at leat 1/3 full, and the 02 flow requirement for the non-rebreather mask is 8-12 LPM. With proper flow, it can deliver up 60-90% 02.

People using either reservoir masks require supervision to make sure the bags stay inflated at all times.

The "Simple" or "Hudson" mask does not have a is just a mask that covers the nose and mouth with holes on the sides to allow carbon dioxide release and mixing of some room air with the 02. The flow requirement is 6-10 LPM, and with proper flow, delivers up to 60% 02.

Although the simple mask may not deliver as high of a percentage of 02 as the reservoir (bag) masks, it is an adequate and much safer option for use with a home hyperbaric chamber...
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks toyswalk for the shared camaraderie! [Wink]

Yes, Phoiph, the mask IS a rebreather mask... Shoot! I was excited about it. Thanks for the heads up. I was hoping you would have something to say on the matter! [Smile]

Def. will be asking my Dr. about it. So far I seem to be responding to it anyway so maybe I don't care! Yay! Yay! and Yay! LOVE my tank so far!!!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thank you
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Can someone enlighten me on the difference between a concentrator with single flow versus dual flow and whether or not you need an oxygen monitor?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
A single flow concentrator has 1 hook up port (for one person), and a dual flow has 2 hook up ports, to accommodate 2 people at the same time.

On a dual flow, the Liters Per Minute (LPM) is also split between the 2 people (in other words, a 10LPM unit will only put out 10LPM regardless of having 2 ports).

A built in oxygen monitor is an essential feature on a concentrator in my opinion, because it will sound an alarm if the purity drops below 80% (on an AirSep) for any reason. (Otherwise, how would you know there was a problem?)
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :

Just for clarity purposes, some concentrators have a green light on them also. I have two that don't have the light but have the alarm. Are you saying to just have the alarm as a minimum or the light also. In addition, you can take the concentrator to many local oxygen providers and they will put a gauge on them to tell you what your unit is producing.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Jcarl...

Different manufacturers have different lights and audible alarm indicators.

The AirSep New Life Intensity 10LPM, if equipped with the oxygen monitor feature, has a yellow light and audible alarm if 02 levels drop beneath a preset level. When the unit is first turned on and is warming up, the alarm sounds briefly, and the yellow light will come on. It will go off when the unit has reached the desired 02 levels.

The SeQual Integra 10LPM, if equipped with the oxygen monitor feature, has a green, yellow, red light, and audible alarm.

While warming up, all 3 lights will come on and the alarm will sound briefly, then the red and yellow lights will go off when the unit reaches optimum 02 levels.

At normal operating 02 levels, the green light is activated. At slightly lower than normal levels, the yellow light will come on (but no audible alarm). The red light activates and the unit alarms (and may shut down) if 02 levels fall well below normal levels and/or the system otherwise malfunctions.

I'm not sure about other kinds of concentrators, but you can look up operating manuals online.

Yes...oxygen equipment suppliers have 02 monitors (these are expensive to buy) and they will usually check the 02 output of the concentrator for you. It is a good idea to have the 02 output checked after a concentrator has been shipped...or periodically if your unit doesn't have an oxygen monitor feature.

Also...the external filter should be cleaned weekly (or more often if you have pets)...just wash in warm soapy water and air dry thoroughly before replacing.

My area is dusty, so I often take the filter outside and clap it between my hands in between cleanings.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
How can you determine the life of the compressor. Do they have hour meters like the oxygen concentrators?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes, they have "odometers" which show how many hours they have been used. Some are external, some are internal, some are analog, some digital, depending on the age and make of the concentrator.

The quality concentrators are designed to be run 24/7, for tens of thousands of hours. A 3 year warranty could potentially cover almost 26,000 hours if the person was using it continually.

If you are thinking of buying a used unit, although you can't be sure of the history, it should still come with a warranty (usually a current warranty isn't transferrable from private owner to private owner though....).
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
For those still considering HBOT therapy...

Here is a link to how HBOT effects the immune system:

HBOT stabilizes CREB ***(= cAMP responsive element binding protein)***:

CREB and the immune system:

:-) !!!


***HIV-1 *** Tat protein down-regulates CREB transcription factor expression...

And HBOT is now being used to treat PTSD at our naval bases!

See # 18 here under Current Accepted Applications of HBOT:

Elevated cAMP impacts cGMP levels also.

Elevating cGMP is under trials for AD via inhibiting PDE9 - preventing cGMP breakdown.

PDE4 breaks down cAMP. cAMP -> CREB. PDE4 inhibitors are being researched to treat "autoimmune" as well as fragile X (have less cAMP).

Forskolin + ginger?
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Fascinating articles! I'm hoping that HBOT will improve restorative sleep.

Phoiph, have you heard of an onyx concentrator? Is it ok to get another type of concentrator as long as it run 10LPM with 20 PSI?
Posted by Nula (Member # 38409) on :
So far, I've only read 7 pages of this thread, but will read all of it once the brain fog clears.

Thanks so much to ALL of you for sharing your mHBOT stories. Greatly appreciated :-)

I'm considering mHBOT treatment but have a full-blown case of babesia WA1/duncani (IGeneX PCR/FISH test positive) ...

Is there anyone on here doing mHBOT despite a Babesia duncani diagnosis? And in this case I am not referring to a clinical diagnosis, but a positive PCR/antibody/FISH test?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The Onyx is made by Airsep, and is their model marketed for "industrial" purposes (e.g., jewelry making, glass blowing, etc.).

It doesn't have the built in oxygen purity monitor option, and from what I can tell, it doesn't appear to be less expensive than the AirSep New Life Intensity...

Here's a link with the specs:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Nula,

I had a positive Babesia blood smear prior to starting mHBOT...
Posted by Nula (Member # 38409) on :
Thank you, Phoiph :-) Will respond to your PM as soon as I get the chance!
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Nula, I have tested positive for Babesia... TWICE. And I am two and a half months in on mild HBOT.

When I first started, I will admit to feeling like I maybe had a babesia flare. Air hunger, sweaty, etc. but since that flare, it improved.

My Dr. said he often keeps his patients on Babesia meds because he wonders if mHBOT doesn't work as well for that infection. He doen't believe it makes it worse, in his experience.

Hope this helps! [Smile]
Posted by Nula (Member # 38409) on :
Thank you, foxy loxy. This is very helpful!!
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Hi Nula,

I have also tested positive for Babesia (and Bart)...had treated previously with the typical Babs meds but it kept "coming back".

Fast forward to 658 (1-hr daily) dives later... I didn't realize that I have no Babsia symptoms anymore, didn't even realize it until you asked about it.

Phoiph [Smile] you'll be happy to hear that I finished another quarter at school with straight A's..only able to take a couple classes at a time but working my way through slowly but surely.

Still dealing with what I feel are brain/gut/hormonal issues though. Severe fatigue and feeling of set back if I am stressed or push myself too much (and by push I mean trying to be normal doing normal ppl things).

I wish you all a happy new year full of hope and healing. I am not out of the woods yet but making my way slowly through it. My greatest advice would be to feed yourself with only the most nourishing foods, supplement as needed, get adequate and restful sleep every day, and just keep on diving.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Phoiph ( or anyone with severe brain symptoms), as I've posted, severe brain pressure and the dizziness , anxiety etc that go along with that are my most horrible symptoms, it never lets up only has degrees of intensity.

My question is that mostly every time I'm in the chamber it gets dramatically worse as the pressure climbs. I have been able to get up to full pressure with the concentrator and have been doing it mostly daily except for a three week break recently due to a horrible brain herx, 30 dives total. I feel a lot more sick inside the chamber. Is this normal while healing the brain or something that may be dangerous? Thank you, trying not to give up.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Phoiph ( or anyone with severe brain symptoms), as I've posted, severe brain pressure and the dizziness , anxiety etc that go along with that are my most horrible symptoms, it never lets up only has degrees of intensity.

My question is that mostly every time I'm in the chamber it gets dramatically worse as the pressure climbs. I have been able to get up to full pressure with the concentrator and have been doing it mostly daily except for a three week break recently due to a horrible brain herx, 30 dives total. I feel a lot more sick inside the chamber. Is this normal while healing the brain or something that may be dangerous? Thank you, trying not to give up.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks for the update! CONGRATULATIONS on not only your accomplishments with going back to school (and straight A's), but your commitment to mHBOT...

And...for understanding that this is a journey/process, and it continues to evolve. I experienced improvements/enhancements even after 2 years of diving, well beyond when I thought I was back to pre-Lyme baseline.

(BTW, I'm now at 4-1/2 years of diving, and I had a very stressful 2015...lost my mom and aunt within 3 months of each other, 2 friends took their lives [one with Lyme], made multiple trips back and forth across out their homes, making arrangements, settling affairs, etc., and have kept the pace without any signs of regression.)

I also agree with and appreciate your simple advice to others. I often marvel at how long, circuitous, complicated, and confusing the Lyme maze was for me, when it all came down to a simple plan. All part of the "journey"...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

How fast are you pressurizing?
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
joahark, I too have a lot of brain symptoms. I have head pressure, waves of anxiety and quite a variety pack of neurological head sensations.

I too have seen it feel worse sometimes in the chamber. Nothing so scary though that it makes me want to quit.

Just wanted you to know you are NOT alone even though it may seem like it.

I actually haven't seen many people with this issue. Even my Drs kinda look at me like huh? Mostly no pain. Just misery.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Yes, I agree with foxy loxy, joahsark... you're not alone with severe brain symptoms. Although I have largely controlled these symptoms with a low-salicylate ketogenic diet and magnesium supplementation. How are your magnesium levels?

Perhaps intercranial pressure is a problem since it gets worse with the diving pressure added? If this is the case, I find pressing firmly on certain points at the back of the skull useful for releasing this pressure buildup:


Basically, I lie face down on a massage table and have my mom use her elbow to gently but firmly rock against specific points all along the base of the skull.

Phoiph, what incredibly stressful and painful times these must have been. All the more gratitude I feel towards you for so generously donating your time and effort to help all of us, THANK YOU!
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
I agree with spinning122 in regards to all the Phoiph does for us. What a difficult time you had to endure. How incredible it is that the amount of stress you dealt with didn't knock you down.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you very much for the sentiments!

I'm just VERY grateful it all happened when I was well and could handle it...and not when I was would have been completely devastating at that time.

It is a testament to mHBOT...

Happy 2016 to everyone!
Posted by purplehaze (Member # 40385) on :
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL HERE and happy safe diving in 2016

could you please elaborate on the low- salicylate ketogenic diet,
what did yours consist of exactly, I'm curious
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Hi purplehaze,

I am hesitant to give diet advice because I'm rather unusual in that foods high in salicylates (basically most plant matter and the yummiest stuff like avocados [Frown] ) tend to give me migraines (I have not figured out why yet), but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for anyone else? Basically, you have to work out what works for you since we are all unique and special little snowflakes [Wink]

But basically, I eat nutritious foods high in good fats (good balance between omega-3 and 6...most ppl have too much 6 nowadays=inflammation, DHA is real important for brain health). I tend to eat sardines, salmon, bone broth, grassfed beef, grassfed liver (bison, lamb, beef) and other offal meat, eggs, ghee, tallow... it's just been trial and error and trying to get the most nourishing foods in me without triggering negative effects.

I am most interested in healing my brain at this point. And to give you an idea why I do what I do...
Andrew Scarborough- Managing brain cancer and epilepsy with a Ketogenic Diet

This intelligent young man puts together a ketogenic diet and supplement regimen to manage his incurable form of brain cancer and epilepsy, and I am very interested to following his brain healing journey. He is also starting HBOT soon, which is exciting.

Hope that helps!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Happy 2016 to all of you special little snowflakes ❄️

I want to tell you that I am taking cordyceps and my energy has improved substantially. have also added a couple of other sups, but I believe the cordyceps is getting the oxygen deep into my system. I don't know if all brands are good. I take my docs brand.

Cordyceps increases cellular Oxygen Absorption by up to 40%.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Everyone...

I don't know if any of you have been following Lymeboy's thread, "Pericardial Effusion", but he's been in a precarious crisis state, and I have been very concerned for him:;f=1;t=133186;p=0

He has tried it all, as many of us have, and is out of options and at the end of his rope physically, mentally, and financially. I suggested that he consider mHBOT, but the cost is completely prohibitive for him, even if there were cooperative sharing options.

So...he decided to start a "GoFundMe" campaign in hopes of raising funds for a chamber... [Smile]

I know of another person who raised the funds for a chamber this way. And...when I recently checked out the site, I was surprised to see, for example, that $11,000 was raised for a pup's vet bills in less than a week...

If this works out for him, it could be a possible option for others.

Since Lymeboy's campaign isn't included on a public search engine, he needs our help to post and share his link with any promising contacts, groups, and resources we can think of...

Many thanks in advance!
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Thank you so much FoxyLoxy, good to know I'm not alone, and yes, I agree not a whole lot of people with this particular horrendous symptom. I do find that those who have it find it extremely rough to get rid of and all of the docs I've seen agree. Holding out hope the chamber can help repair some of the brain damage. The pressure does lead to pain especially at the base of my skull and into my neck. Horrible. I hope you've found relief?

Spinning122, it is most definitely inter-cranial pressure. It is constant, not only in the chamber, just worse in there. Pressure points have not helped unfortunately.

Phoiph, I am just letting the chamber pressurize as fast as it does by itself with the valve closed. I de-pressurize very slowly as it makes me even sicker than going up in pressure. Going to try to go back to just the chamber without the mask for awhile.32 dives in, definitely no changes in brain symptoms but I know it may take quite a long time. Committed for at least 6 months, if nothing after that I'm back to being sure this pressure will not end.

Thank you all for taking the time to respond. Wishing all of you the very best on this journey!
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Hi Friends. Please read the following.:

Originally posted by Phoiph:
Hi Everyone...

I don't know if any of you have been following Lymeboy's thread, "Pericardial Effusion", but he's been in a precarious crisis state, and I have been very concerned for him:;f=1;t=133186;p=0

He has tried it all, as many of us have, and is out of options and at the end of his rope physically, mentally, and financially. I suggested that he consider mHBOT, but the cost is completely prohibitive for him, even if there were cooperative sharing options.

So...he decided to start a "GoFundMe" campaign in hopes of raising funds for a chamber... [Smile]

I know of another person who raised the funds for a chamber this way. And...when I recently checked out the site, I was surprised to see, for example, that $11,000 was raised for a pup's vet bills in less than a week...

If this works out for him, it could be a possible option for others.

Since Lymeboy's campaign isn't included on a public search engine, he needs our help to post and share his link with any promising contacts, groups, and resources we can think of...

Many thanks in advance!

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I would definitely slow down the rate of pressurization (by using the valve). You should take a minimum of 10 minutes to inflate, and 10 minutes to deflate. For you, I would try 15 minutes for each...

I had constant, severe head pressure that, when I started mHBOT, would become more acute behind my ears and around the sides and back of my neck when pressurizing. (It felt like my head was going to implode or explode, I couldn't tell which...)

Of course, all of this eventually resolved.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Thank you so much as always Phoiph!!! It's so reassuring to know someone else did have this. I will pressurize much slower. Happy New Year!
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Dive 30 Report. I'm going very cautiously, pressure only for now, today I did 56 minutes. I plan to get to 60 minutes, stay there for a week or so before starting to add supplemental oxygen.

mHBOT has absolutely life changing for me! My main complaints are mobility, fatigue, weakness. All are so bad that we had to rig up a system using a winch, pulley, triangle grab bar and a couple of pots/pans to get me out of the chamber. It keeps getting easier everyday! Walking (using my walker) is getting easier, life has gotten a little easier. I'm starting to look forward to things for the first time in a long time.

Thankful to Phoiph and all the contributors to this very informative thread. I'm So Happy!!
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Dive 30 Report. I'm going very cautiously, pressure only for now, today I did 56 minutes. I plan to get to 60 minutes, stay there for a week or so before starting to add supplemental oxygen.

mHBOT has absolutely life changing for me! My main complaints are mobility, fatigue, weakness. All are so bad that we had to rig up a system using a winch, pulley, triangle grab bar and a couple of pots/pans to get me out of the chamber. It keeps getting easier everyday! Walking (using my walker) is getting easier, life has gotten a little easier. I'm starting to look forward to things for the first time in a long time.

Thankful to Phoiph and all the contributors to this very informative thread. I'm So Happy!!
Posted by purplehaze (Member # 40385) on :

I appreciate your explanation and yes I totally understand
Posted by purplehaze (Member # 40385) on :

can you please tell me what kind of cordyceps you are consuming?
brand and how much each day?
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
So encouraging toyswalk! [Smile]
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Purple haze - two a day, one in the morning, one in the late afternoon or cut back to one a day if too much energy .
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
"Or cut back if to much energy"??? Wouldn't that be a wonderful problem haha!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Here to give an update 😊

395 dives and a very busy and productive holiday season. We are working on my next video for my one year mark coming in about 3 weeks.

I have my first cold in several years and if this is what healing feels like I want to go back to the other world👎🏼. This has been like having a reverse cold, it started with tightness in my chest and a dry cough. That lasted 3 days and then yesterday started with a stuffy nose and very sore throat. Almost like the bronchitis I had 5 years ago. I'm treating with homeopathic remedies and EOs and just letting it run the course.

I tried to dive yesterday before my sinuses were stuffy and did okay until the decompression. The chamber began to spin and I felt like I was going to pass out. It went downhill from there for the next hour and then slowly recovered. Just doing O2 today😁.

I haven't been able to run/walk much lately due to a toe issue that needs surgery this month but hope to be back at it by March. I go for my one year lab tests in a few weeks and will report back the results, good or bad.

[ 01-07-2016, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: Peimomma ]
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Peimomma, hope you are feeling better soon!! Great to hear you had a wonderful holiday.

That is the exact way I feel in the chamber all the time while pressurizing, even worse depressurizing. Taking it much slower but it's super scary, really hoping it eases up one day.

Not quite sure how long to give it before giving up but I think six months is adequate to see if there is any change at all?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thank you joahsark😷

I was feeling well until I woke up this morning. Now it is full force, stuffed/runny nose, head pressure, cough and sore throat.

Yikes on dealing with this every day👎🏼. If we hadn't been through seizures and other debilitating issues I think my husband would have gone into freak out mode. I've never had room spins like that, even after too much to drink in my younger days🍷🍷. I was happy just to sit with my O2 mask today as I gave my chamber the stink eye😁 haha

No shame in going slow and adjusting for what your body tells you. Not sure when I can get back to treating because I've had no colds since beginning treatment. However to keep from having another spinning episode I will wait at least 3 days.
Posted by purplehaze (Member # 40385) on :

thank you

will probably order some of it soon
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Any mHBOT contraindications? Cancer?

Like Lymeboy I am worried about cancer - seeing a hematologist this week. Having CVID increases the risk.

If this has been discussed already I apologize.

I think I have read that doing HBOT if one has cancer is a no-no. Also for mHBOT? ???

Also - as it happens - I have a dear friend who just completed chemo and radiation and is really struggling. His family asked MDAnderson about HBOT and they said absolutely not. MDA has a chamber. I think they use it for some people post radiation. I don't know why they said no for my friend.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Before it was researched, there was concern that because HBOT promotes growth of blood vessels (angiogenesis) that it may "feed" tumors or cause them to recur, however this has been studied and refuted.

It is proven that cancer develops and thrives in a low oxygen (hypoxic) environment (e.g., the level of 02 inside tumors is very low).

HBOT is also effective in treating radiation injuries related to cancer treatment.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and cancer—a review:

The Ketogenic Diet and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Prolong Survival in Mice with Systemic Metastatic Cancer:

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and delayed radiation injuries (soft tissue and bony necrosis): 2012 update.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
susank, if cancer is a concern, I encourage you to further explore the current research into ketogenic diets, fasting, and HBOT for treatment.

As in my previous posts, I recommend Andrew Scarborough's brain cancer blog, and regarding your questions, this post is quite relevant. his twitter, useful tweets

Thomas Seyfried PhD (mentioned in the blogpost) leads the way in addressing cancer as a metabolic disease Thomas Seyfried lecture (great lecture) and his book

Also look into Dominic D'Agostino's current research D'Agostino into using HBOT and keto as a way to attack cancer. good interview

To dumb it down: starve cancer of glucose+glutamine using therapeutic calorie-restricted ketosis, once BG and ketones are at therapeutic level, hit cancer with HBOT.

Obviously not that simple but it's a starting place.
Posted by mjo (Member # 7876) on :
Just a minor correction. Rifampin has a long half-life. So does Mepron.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Could you clarify which post you are referring to?
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
One of the things I've noticed since starting to dive is that my body temp seems to always lower while I'm in the chamber. I'm sort of obsessed with taking my temp, hoping it will eventually help me determine a health clue. I'm not liking that my body temp is always a little lower when I get out (I dress warmly and even do some light stretches/exercise while I'm in chamber). Any ideas? Anyone else temp obsessed?
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Haley, your pm box is full. I tried to reply :-(
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
We picked up our chamber and concentrator today. We have a few more items and then we will be set.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Hi toywalk . My mailbox is open now . I was going to send you another email but I am not able to pm anyone right now ( not sure why ). My question to you was - how do I find the facebook group? I can't find it. Thanks
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Haley try this link
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Or type in the search bar

mHBOT mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and it should show a little pink bottle looking thing next to the name
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Sometimes it is hard to tell what is a herx, and what is lyme flaring. Do any of you have internal muscle spasms, like vibrations in the nerves of your spine and legs, or difficulty with eye tracking following dives?
Posted by Jordana (Member # 45305) on :
I have a question -- I have an ear that got operated on for a cholesteatoma. Can I do HBOT if I have this?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Jordana...

Definitely a question for your ENT.

Do you have difficulty clearing your ears (i.e., is your Eustachian tube affected) when you fly or change altitude?

Do you have chronic ear infections/issues, or any residual problems from the cholesteatoma?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Jolley...

I had the internal vibrations and eye tracking issues all the time when ill...but not necessarily exacerbated by diving.

Are you working up slowly?
Posted by GMO Amigo (Member # 46949) on :
I want to thank Phoiph for her great help in navigating the process of our chamber purchase. She gave impartial advice and spent a lot of time educating me -- even when I was thinking of buying from a third party. Kudos Phoiph!
Posted by GMO Amigo (Member # 46949) on :
And: If you happen to live in Oregon and want to try mHOBOT, I just finished working with a good clinic in Eugene. They provide free introductory dives, have fair prices, and offer some interesting other modalities that can be used in conjunction with the mHBOT if you so choose. A pretty good way to go if you want to experiment with this therapy. PM me if you have questions.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Jolley, you sound a bit like me after a dive. I dive before bedtime and laying in bed my nerves feel like they are misfiring all over my head and sometimes my body starts jerking.

Sometimes I even jerk in the chamber. This isn't really a new symptom, but one that diving does seem to exacerbate for whatever reason.

I also still dream a lot, and it seems like my mind goes more whacko for brief periods of time.

Phoiph, I am taking it VEEEERY slowly!! I am up to an hour with 45 min with the mask!

79 dives in, and see overall improvement, but it isn't anything too substantial to report yet.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Many thanks, GMO Amigo...and congratulations on your new chamber!

Just want to reiterate that it is easy for me to be impartial, since I don't sell chambers... [Smile]

There is the hyperbaric project "fund" agreement I have, however, where the discount I would get (if I were a representative) is split between the buyer and the fund itself (which is held by the manufacturer), to be used toward "community" chambers for people who can't afford their treatment.

So, as I'm always happy to see this fund grow, there may be other purchase or rental options that are more optimal for an I do try to give a balanced picture of all the options I know of so the person can make an informed decision...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
foxy loxy...

Great that you're going slowly...and already seeing overall improvement...

Looking back, I remember those first months being very rocky...when things started to shift, there were lots of weird sensations and "brain experiences"...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

How are you doing?
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Phoiph, sorry that I didn't get back with you. It has been a busy week with medical appointments. I will call you next week, promise.

I want to get feedback from users. What oxygen mask do you use? Do you use it over and over? If multiple people are diving, do you purchase one for each person?

While the mattress comes with a covering, I want to use something additional that would be easier to wash. What are you doing? Do you just use a sheet? Do you change it every day? Weekly?

Any tips on diving? i.e. what you do that seems to work for you?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Phoiph, I thought I was starting slow, but may not be slow enough. I'm at 40 minutes pressure only and it is my first week.

Foxy loxy and Phoiph, glad to hear others have internal muscle spasms, difficulty tracking too, it is just really strange, especially when it is really exagerated. Maybe I need to detox more or stay where I'm at for awhile with my time in chamber.

[ 01-24-2016, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: Jolley ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Here's an example of a "Simple Hudson Mask". It can be used over and over, and cleaned periodically. Each individual should have their own mask:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Jolley...'re doing full pressure (4.2 PSI) for 40 minutes without additional 02?

What kind of oxygen concentrator and chamber are you using?
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Phoiph, yes 4.2 PSI for 40 minutes without the oxygen concentrator hooked up; I need to get another mask that has longer tubing. The oxygen concentrator I have is an airsep.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :

Thank you so much for checking in with me. Pretty discouraged. I caught a cold/virus a few weeks ago and due to the pressure haven't been able to get in the chamber since.

It takes sooooo long for congestion to leave my head once this happens. I'm still feeling absolutley horrible because of it and it began back on the 13th with a sever sore throat.

Before that I was struggling quite a bit with the dizziness on the way up and down in pressure but had been following your suggestion on taking much longer for each. I'm allowing a good 10 minute each way to fully presurize. Once I'm up to pressure I do stay in for 60 minutes.

I had been using the mask for the entire time also but backed off on that at your suggestion.

Before this setback I have 31 dives in, but there was a two week period previously, due to increased head pressure when I had another break so not consistent.

Seeing it sit there at with the rental being such a burden is definitely dis-heartening and I must admit I do think about throwing in the towel.

I am off abx and know I have a really heavy candida load that must be addressed and may be a huge part of this brain problem. Using the ACS200 silver spray program for that and detox.

Recently read a post on a FB page I follow that a lady had used it consistently for a solid year with many improvements in body pain but nothing substantial for the brain. Discouraging.

Really so happy for everyone here getting such amazing results!! I can't even begin to imagine at this point.

I thank you so much again for checking in on me.

You have a heart of gold.

Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Interesting combination of ginko biloba and hyperbarics n_Rat_Model_of_Alzheimer's_Disease_
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
hmm interesting link jcarlnew. Makes me wonder if hobot doesn't potentiate any herb/medication you take in more ways than just circulation enhancement?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Foxy loxy...

mHBOT/HBOT can potentiate, minimize, or have no effect on certain medications/substances...

It can also have the combined effect of changing, reducing, or eliminating the need for certain medications and effects should be considered and closely monitored...
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks for that info Phoiph! Tonight when I was in my chamber, I suddenly noticed that when I turned my valve to what I THOUGHT was off, the air quit hissing out my hole.

I suddenly got scared I am turning my valve the wrong way. my valve isn't supposed to hiss when I am diving right????
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Foxy loxy...

The valve will hiss whenever it is not completely closed (turned toward "inflate")and there is sufficient pressure in the chamber for air to escape.

By releasing air in this way, the valve provides a way to adjust the pressure or keep the pressure at a certain level.

To keep the chamber at full pressure, the valve has to be all the way closed (turned toward "inflate). It will hiss if it is not all the way closed.

Of course, it will also hiss when you release the pressure to depressurize.

Are you using the diagram/arrows to remind you which way to turn the valve?

Additionally, when the chamber reaches full pressure, you will hear the 2 pressure release valves at the foot of the chamber open up and begin to release air. This keeps the chamber at 4.2 PSI max, and prevents it from overfilling.

It can really help to have a gauge extender so you can view the pressure gauge through the window from the inside...

I hope I answered your question...not sure if I understood correctly???
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I think I am doing it right... I just don't understand why when I turn my valve (to what I think is off) it quits releasing air through the hole beside the valve. (the one you can push to release air even faster.)

When I am diving I think I feel air going out this hole, and when I turn my valve to what I think is off it hisses loudly, but the air quits escaping the hole. This suddenly felt opposite of what is should be!

There, is THIS clearer? Sorry, I am having trouble explaining...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

If the valve is "hissing", there is air escaping through the valve. It will stop hissing after it loses enough pressure to stop making noise, or if you turn it all the way toward "inflate".

When you're turning the valve to what you describe as "off", are you trying to inflate or deflate at the time?

When you're inside the chamber, and you think you're turning the valve "off", are you turning it clockwise, or counterclockwise?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

Is the hissing sound the air escaping from the O2 tubing hole? I know when mine fully pressurizes I hear the air hissing sometimes depending on how the tubing is coming through the hole.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
My tank doesn't say "inflate" or "deflate" or tell me anything. I think it must be an old one.

Phoiph, I turn it clockwise to inflate. When I turn it "off," I am trying to deflate. (and turn it counterclockwise.)

Peimomma, I think what I am hearing is what you are describing... just a slight hissing. Not sure what O2 tubing hole is, but that sounds like what is going on.

Thanks guys... you are tops!! I just suddenly thought what if all this time I am not doing it right? [Frown]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I just looked back at my notes, and see you have a different brand chamber than most of us are using.

I think it would be a good idea to call Summit to Sea and describe what is happening so they can troubleshoot and give you instructions on how to use their equipment (I'm not familiar enough with it)...

Here's the website I found for them:
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Foxy it is where the O2 tubing comes from the outside of the chamber into the chamber and you connect your mask😊
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Oh!(she blushes) got it Peimomma! It isn't the same hole after all. Maybe I should look into this a little harder... Sigh...

Thanks a million Phoiph, for your efforts!
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Foxy Loxy

I use a summit to sea chamber which I believe is what you are using. In my chamber the red valve that I turn to allow the chamber inflate or deflate will sometimes hiss even when it's in the inflate position. If I push on the valve it stops. If I pull on it it will start hissing again. I think this is part of the design. I'm not sure if that is what you are describing or not.

Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I came to the conclusion my air must not hiss out at my feet. It must be near my head where I deflate. I think I am good. Thanks all, you input helped though!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Foxy loxy...

Do you have a pressure gauge on your chamber? If so, what does it read when you are diving?

If you are hearing hissing near your head (not at the foot where the automatic release valves are), chances are you're losing air for some reason...and so may not be reaching or maintaining full pressure...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
The summit to sea chambers have a release valve at your head that hisses once it's up to pressure. This is what holds the pressure at 1.3ATA. There is also a second backup release valve at your feet as a safety backup.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Good to know, Monti!
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks Monti! [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
foxy loxy...

Could you still confirm what your pressure gauge is reading when you're diving?
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Phoiph, my dad looked at the gauge last night and he thought it read 4 and two marks in the red which would be 4.2 psi, I assume? It doesn't quite reach the second mark, but close...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I am following this thread. Is it just me - or is the print off kilter to the right? And slow to scroll down? This only happens to me on this thread - the text off to the right. Other threads seem to take too long to scroll down. Hard to follow/read.
I am very interested in this conversation - just frustrating to try to read it.
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :
Hi Phoiph,

You checked in on me up the page and I did respond, just wanted to make sure you knew. You have been such a great help to me. There has been a lot of posts lately so just making sure.

Best to everyone.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi joahsark...

Thanks for following up. Are you over your cold/virus? Have you been able to start diving again?

You'll have to be very careful of your ears when starting up again, in case you have residual congestion...
Posted by joahsark (Member # 20598) on :

Yes, my head, with the constant pressure, and even more severe with a cold, takes weeks to a month to fully recover from the congestion. Still have not been back in.

Think I'm throwing in the towel. Just too expensive to sit empty far more than I've been able to use it. If only my head would cooperate but it just will not. I've tried--hard.

Thank you for all your support, I truly believe in this therapy for those not battling this severe constant head pressure, or for those who can purchase outright. The rental option with only a portion going towards purchase isn't panning out the way I'd hoped, we simply cannot afford to "waste" the money on the chamber sitting empty. Maybe one day we will hit the lottery and I be able to purchase.

Best to everyone on this amazing thread!!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I am so sorry to hear this, but I do respect your decision.

Before you completely "throw in the towel", however, please consider speaking to the chamber owner about your circumstances...he has been known to adjust the rental fees in times of hardship...
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Phoiph, do you have to be out of the chamber for the duration of a cold, or is a little congestion ok as long as you aren't coughing and can safely clear your ears?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
It is really about your ears and sinuses...if you can safely and easily clear them, and your sinuses aren't clogged, then you should be OK...
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I dived when I was congested in the sinuses and it HUUUURT while going up to full pressure... than once the pressure leveled off, I was fine.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Very important...

If you ever feel pain in your ears or sinuses, you should immediately release pressure via the valve...

Stay at a lower pressure where you're not experiencing pain or discomfort, and/or wait to dive until less congested...
Posted by Tanya R (Member # 41817) on :
Wanted to give an update. I am on dive 114! I experience fog / moodiness and sometimes anxiety shortly after I'm out of the chamber. I started taking 5 mg of Lithium Orotate, which seems to help most of the time. Also trying to take fish oil again in the mornings.

I am also seeing a hematologist for low platelets & low iron. I told her all about my Lyme / Babesia and she said they don't know much about it and could certainly be the cause of my issues. I am on week 3 of weekly IV iron. This is my second round. I did 5 weeks back in May and slowly my anemia returned. If it isn't one thing, it's another.

Also trying to exercise a few times a week. Mostly doing yoga as that doesn't completely wipe me out.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Can people give me suggestions about how to get the oxygen tubing connected to the mask? What size oxygen tubing seems to work? The oxygen tubing that is in the chamber now is too small for the hudson mask and any connectors we have tried?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The mask should have come with tubing attached to it that has a female end on it...

The tubing from the concentrator is usually just a raw end cut off at an angle...that fits snugly into the female end (if you push it).

You don't want to add any unnecessary connectors that can restrict flow...

Can you take a picture of the ends you are working with and email them to me?
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Phoiph, do you have a reason for your warning about diving congested other than the fact it hurts?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on : is called sinus or ear "barotrauma"...

When you can't equalize the pressure in your ears and/or sinuses due to congestion, but continue to increase pressure, it can cause injury/trauma to the eardrum and/or sinus tissues...
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
good to know! hope I didn't hurt anything...
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Phoiph- There was a recent blog article I read about babesia, in which the author mentioned oxidative therapies and some people having more difficulty with them due to not producing SOD which clears free radicals from your system, or not having sufficient catalase to break down by products of oxidative stress. It was a little unsettling to read, but I figure it is just one person's opinion; do you have any information on this?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Jolley...

I'd like to read the blog you have a reference or link?

A certain level of oxidative stress is desirable, as it is a natural mechanism by which pathogens are kept in check. There is a balance that must be struck, however, between oxidation and the amount of natural antioxidants that can be produced. This balance us less likely to be upset with mild hyperbaric than high pressure hyperbaric, which is another reason that it is preferable for many chronic illnesses.

The subject of mHBOT and oxidative stress has been of concern regarding children with autism, for example, as it is known that many have low levels of natural glutathione/SOD/antioxidants.

Results of studies have indicated no adverse effects in antioxidant status, and some studies show an increase in natural antioxidant production related to mHBOT.

Below are 3 articles/studies on the subject of oxidative stress and mHBOT:

The Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Symptoms in Children with Autism:

Oxidative stress is fundamental to hyperbaric oxygen therapy, by Stephen R. Thom. Journal of Applied Physi9ology 106:988-995, 2009:

Interview with Dr. Dan A. Rossignol: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may improve symptoms in autistic children in Medical Hypothesis: eritas.pdf&ei=VMJAVJmqOc_koAS12oLADQ&usg=AFQjCNFhj2W68J1Gxz_TDqfBAJ7oNPIqDw[/B]
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Here is another weird point to consider for anyone interested in research.

Stephen Buhner mentions L-Arginine as being helpful for Babesia. If you research this, it does a lot the same as mHBOT as it increases oxidation.

If you look into this online, taking L-Arginine with hyperbaric was actually found to be beneficial...for example they thought it would provoke seizures in mice and here it helped!

Some scientific web pages went on to say that people who respond to hyperbarics are those who are naturally higher in oxidative species.

I don't have any links but it is definitely on the web. I personally am taking Arginine and feel like it gave me a small boost... and I do NOT respond to supplements or herbs.

My question is why would higher body oxidation increase protection from MORE oxidation?

I mentioned this to my Dr. and he said oxidation does so many things in the body...he said he was going to research it but never heard if he did. Maybe I will ask him today, as I have an appointment.

interesting stuff...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
foxy loxy...

Hyperbaric stimulates more natural antioxidant production in the body, which may mitigate the effects of excessive free radicals...

(Remember, though that free radicals are an important part of keeping pathogens in check, and even stimulate healing in some ways...)

L-Arginine and mHBOT both increase nitric oxide (NO) levels which is linked with stem cell release and other beneficial effects.

(However, a diet high in L-Arginine,and low in Lysine, is contraindicated for people who have issues with Herpes viruses...)
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks Phoiph... I really, really hope this works. I can tell my Dr. doesn't know what to do with me anymore, and today he was suggesting IVIG which kinda scares the socks off me as it seems like is carries a lot of side effects.

So far 104 dives in 22 of those being full one hour dives. My Dr. really wants me to go an hour and a half. He says other patients are doing this and getting good results!! He said one patient dives THREE hours... gracious!

Sigh... he also insists I use the nonrebreather mask. I told him what you said Phoiph, and he seemed stubborn about it. Now I don't know WHO to believe. [Frown] If you care to expound more on this Phoiph, I would appreciate it!

I still have teeny times when my head feels "good." This is definitely from mHBOT as I never felt this way since being sick. It is only little bits and certainly not everyday.

I still feel worse mentally though, not sure why. Dr. is quite confident hyperbarics isn't making it worse so I guess I tarry on...So glad your here Phoiph. This is really one of my last hopes..
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
It isn't a medical article, but I was intrigued by the mention of SOD as I hadn't heard it before.

Thanks for passing along the articles Phoiph.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Today I made an appt. for Monday the 22nd to try mHBOT for the first time.
I will see the naturopath doctor there for an hour - then hopefully do a dive.

This place has a mild chamber and also an infrared sauna - the latter I probably won't ever do. At least I might get to see one!

After the doctor's name (not an MD) are the letters: CNC, CNHP and MH.

Also this doctor has a Bio-Set for allergy testing. Not sure what this is.

I am so excited to do this - but so tired - I hope I can make it to the appointment.

I hope my ears will be OK. My right one always feels "stuffy" with a bit of pressure.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Yay Susank! Hope your first dive goes well.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
I had 23 dives then got a cold and was out of my chamber for 5 days. The past three days I haven't been able to work up to full pressure and have had to camp out at 2.5-3. How long does it take for your ears to recover from a cold? Is it better to take a break from the chamber to let your ears totally heal or get it at a lower pressure? I was feeling really great the first three weeks of diving and seeing results but quickly wilted when I couldn't dive. I'm so ready to be back in at full pressure.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I need to know about ears and mHBOT as well.

Is a doctor supposed to look in your ears?

Really - how does one know the ears are "good to go"?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
foxy loxy...

I understand in theory why he wants to use the non-rebreather mask, because with high enough flow, it can deliver more 02. The problem is, the flow we use is not high enough to keep the bag consistently inflated (I and others have tried), and this is not a safe situation.

If he is insisting you use a non-rebreather mask, I would ask him these questions:

1. My oxygen concentrator is set to 8-1/2 LPM (recommended optimal AirSep setting for use with chamber). I understand that the LPM flow is further reduced due to the backpressure of the chamber.

If the recommended flow to prevent a non-rebreather bag from collapsing (resulting in my breathing my own carbon dioxide) is 10-15 LPM, how can this be safe?

2. If I fall asleep in my chamber without supervision, and the bag collapses due to less than sufficient flow, what happens then?

My opinion is that the risks don't outweigh the benefits in this situation...(I became fully well using a simple Hudson mask...)

As you know, I also believe in "low and slow" are only 22 (full) dives in...and already getting some positive "glimpses"...why risk overdoing it with longer dives? More is not always better!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks for the article.

SNPs are complex and I don't think we fully understand the implications (there are so many variables, combinations, and external influences)in terms of how, when (or if) they will be expressed in an individual.

I have to go back to the empirical evidence that so many children with Autism have SOD SNPs...yet... this population also does remarkably well with mHBOT.

There must be more to the picture~
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Jolley & susanK...

Regarding ears...

It is best to wait until a cold with congestion is over before you dive...if your Eustachian tube is blocked, you could cause trauma to the tissues/structures and this would prevent you from diving even longer...

If you don't have a cold and are just starting mHBOT, the practitioner will look in your ears for obvious blockage before you dive...

If they look clear (from what they can see), you will have to increase pressure slowly and continue to pop your ears (they will show you how via yawning, moving your jaw, etc.).

If you have any pain while pressurizing, you will need to tell the practitioner, and reduce the pressure in the chamber immediately...then stay at a lower pressure (below the pain level) for that dive. Some people have naturally narrow Eustachian tubes, or "hidden" congestion.

This doesn't necessarily preclude you from diving, it usually just means you will have to be patient, go slowly, and work up to full pressure over a number of dives.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Thanks. (asking self: where is the E. tube anyway?).

I have been researching and practicing.
I just can't tell about my ears.

I've lived with everything wrong with me for so long I can't tell what is normal anymore.

I can do the turn head left then right and swallow.

The Valsava method - don't think I can do that.
Have tried gently. If doing that correctly one should hear air moving - out of the ears?

I won't force this one - but gotta I stopped up somewhere?

Phoiph- thanks again all your help.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Just remember to pressurize very slowly (make sure they show you how to work the pressure valve yourself) and continue to pop your ears as needed as you feel the pressure building. Also, don't stay at pressure for long on your first dive...maybe 10 minutes or so...

Then see how you do in the next day or two before increasing your time...
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Phoiph, does a partial nonrebreather mask have the same problem?

And I am understanding that as long as the bag is inflated it would work right, but 8.5. isn't enough to keep the bag inflated?

Yeah, I am scared of overdoing it... I am going to keep it at an hour at least for now...

Thanks angel friend! [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
A partial rebreather mask allows some of the expired air to be retained in the bag, and likely doesn't raise the 02 much more than the simple Hudson mask.

It still requires a higher flow to keep the bag inflated, so again, in my opinion, not worth the risk...

This article explains how a non-rebreather mask works, and mentions the difference between this and a partial rebreather:
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Does the amount of clothing matter when diving? Does it inhibit the oxygen from being absorbed into the skin?

I seem to be the oddball because I actually get cold in the chamber so I usually wear thermal pants and long sleeve shirt. Sometimes, I use a blanket to stay warm.

Is that bad? I don't want to minimize the effects with a blanket and clothing.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I am wondering some things also - preparing for my - hopefully - first dive on Monday. What to wear. No wool? Not even wool socks?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
With mild hyperbaric using a soft/home chamber that is pressurized with room air, and 02 is breathed through a mask, the majority of the oxygen delivery is via the lungs.

In this case, you can wear whatever you're comfortable in, or use blankets...there are no restrictions.

In commercial chambers where 100% medical grade oxygen is used, the majority of the oxygen delivery is still via the lungs, but you are not allowed to wear synthetics (100% cotton only), jewelry, cosmetics, perfumes, or take electronics or newsprint inside due to fire risk. will be using a Vitaeris (soft/home chamber) at your clinic, so unless they tell you otherwise, you can wear whatever. theory is that although the temperature in the chamber rises due to the pressure, some people get cool because mHBOT causes temporary constriction of the blood vessels. This is one way that it reduces inflammation, while the pressure allows for greater oxygenation of the tissues.
Posted by LaniMo (Member # 37384) on :
Hi all:

I just wanted to thank everyone for your detailed, honest experiences. I am inspired to rent a mHbot, and tried out a session at my doctor's office to see if I could tolerate it.

I have a silly question: How do you pass the time while you are diving?

I have pain in my neck and arms which would prevent me from holding anything up (like a book or phone) for a long stretch of time.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
How about audio books, guided meditation, or music?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
You can also use a wedge to prop up your head and shoulders so you can view a lap top without holding it up...
Posted by LaniMo (Member # 37384) on :
Can you all give me an idea of what it realistically costs to run the mHBOT for a month, assuming near-daily use?

I'm thinking electricity, oxygen, and other things I might not have considered in addition to rental fees for the unit and concentrator.

Posted by LaniMo (Member # 37384) on :
foxy loxy: What brand of L-Arginine do you take? Supplements rarely help for me either.

FYI: Sounds like we have the same LLMD.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

If you're using an oxygen concentrator, you wouldn't need to purchase oxygen.

I did some rough calculations on the electricity...using both the concentrator and compressor for 1-1/2 hours a day would come to around $5.00/month.

You would have to base it on the kilowatt charge in your area. Here's the formula:

For each machine, calculate:

Listed Voltage X Listed Amps divided by .001 (kilowatt) X number of hours used per month X local kilowatt hour charge = cost per month
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
LaniMo, someone on Facebook posted a photo of how they use a lightweight board straddled across the wire supports, they set their iPad on the board so they didn't have to hold it in their hands.
Posted by LaniMo (Member # 37384) on :
Thanks, toyswalk -- that's a great idea!
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Preparing for my first dive tomorrow.
I will believe it when/if I am actually in the chamber.
(that my transportation works out - ears OK etc).

I am feeling congested from allergies.
Normally I would do a saline nasal rinse after getting home from the barn - being around animals/barn dirt/dust.

Wondering if I should do a rinse tonight?
Or could liquid get in my E. tubes? And stay there? (sorry my dumb questions).

I also have made a mix of peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils to inhale throughout the night.

I am worried my right ear - or E. tube - might not clear. TIA any thoughts.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I can do the "Toynbee" technique. Just tried it a few times. Pinch nostrils and swallow.

By being able to do so - does that mean anything?
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I did it. My first dive. Long day. More later.
To summarize:
I think it went fairly well.
I think I was in the chamber for about 45 minutes total.
Time to pressurize - stay at a pressure - then depressurize - (?).
I got uncomfortable with my right ear going from 1 to 2 - so we stayed for a few minutes at 1.
Not sure what the numbers mean - not sure what's with my ear.
The goal is to reach and hold at 4?
The most difficult part (ear-wise) is getting past 2?
I'm upset with myself for wimping out/staying right around 1.
My right ear kinda hurt for a few hours after - is getting better. So dunno.
Maybe to be safe I will try to see an ENT.
Anyway, since I only did half a dive - I will go back to finish and do another half dive.
I felt completely comfortable with the facility - loved the ND and her staff.
I have been given some hope.

[ 02-22-2016, 10:24 PM: Message edited by: susank ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You did the right thing by staying at 1 PSI if you had ear discomfort when you went beyond that point.

The fact that your ear hurt afterward emphasizes that point and the need to go slowly. Don't push to reach 4 PSI quickly...take your time over multiple sessions to let your ears adjust gradually.

The ears have to do the most adjustment from 0 to 2 PSI; it actually gets easier from 2 to 4 PSI.

Nice work!
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Thanks P.
Curious - the "1" level - does that do anything? Still some benefit?

I think I have a "deal" with my ears. Or maybe its "just" Lyme and Co's. Or allergies.

Many years ago I did have an eardrum rupture - don't remember which ear - but assume it has totally healed.

But again today - walking in - I felt like a kid in a candy store. I don't get out much - only read about things.

Opened the clinic door - and smelled peppermint essential oil. There were diffusers in most rooms. I could hear the chamber - someone was in it. FWIW also saw an infrared sauna.

Had an hour consult with the ND - and really really liked her. Out of all the doctors I have seen the past 20 years - I rank her in the top five of those who really care - and want to help.

Anyway, she treats Autism mostly (I think) but has Lyme patients.

I told her that I had mostly given up on any treatment - and she said - no - don't think that way at all.

So tired - pardon my rambling..

[ 02-23-2016, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: susank ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Good to hear...

Did they have an oxygen concentrator/mask hooked up to the chamber with you, or were they using it with pressure only?

Any increase in 02/pressure can be beneficial, but your goal would be to gradually work up to full pressure...
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Pressure only. No mask. Thanks so much all your help. I'll need more of it - so thanks in advance.

To add: I don't think O concentration - we did not discuss it. So I don't think so.

Concentration is only with a mask, right?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
They could have been flowing 02 from the concentrator into the chamber without having you wear a mask, which is OK to start...

It sounds like they were careful to take it slowly with you... :)
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Oh my Goodness, I just received the best news after one year of treating with mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy (mHBOT). My lab tests are back from 2 February 2016

Ehrlichiosis is now negative
Ca4 52,000 down from 64,000 May 2015
CD57 26 up from 23

I am over the moon about my progress and my labs confirm my improvement in my Lyme journey.💚

Phoiph I'm requesting copies of my lab tests and will email them to you when they arrive😊
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
All those labs were last tested May 2015
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
I've never tested for that top thing but Negative sounds AWESOME!! Great report!!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
It's a Lyme co infection.

My C4a started at 68,000 and my CD57 was 19 for a reference point of how far I've come in a year.

The biggest gain being the negative result on the co infection 😊
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :


And...thank you for providing such great documentation, both with your labs and is invaluable...

What does your doctor say about your progress?
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I called and I did receive concentrated O2 while in the chamber. Via a tube in the chamber - not a mask. ???

I have been very tired/sleepy since my dive.
That may have nothing to do with the dive itself - just getting there etc tiring for me.

I still have concerns about my ears. Have made an appt. with an ENT to have E. tubes, etc checked out. If all OK I will schedule more dive/s.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

I used to get very tired after my dives. It would last hours or longer. Now I may be tired for a few minutes but that's it. Sometimes I don't get tired at all. I think it's a very good sign [Smile]
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

I'm so happy for you!
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :

Thanks all for posting!

My update:
I'm diving for 20 months now in my Summit to sea shallow dive.

Before I started mhbot I was getting sicker and sicker for over 15 years. Not any of the hundreds kinds of therapy I did and doctors I consulted helped to stop this ongoing deterioration. I got diagnosed with lyme and co a few years ago.

I’m still 80% bedridden, in wheelchair and very sick. But my daily mhbot is the first treatment that has made my situation more stable and is giving me improvements! I love it!

Symptoms such as migraines and severe pain-attacks have disappeared. Symptoms such as vomiting, trembling/shaking, exhaustion and digestive problems have improved. My energy-level and overall tolerance is a little bit better.

I feel no improvement in brainfog nor in my daily nerve, muscle and joint pain (yet). Although I still have severe mcs, abx and herxing are no problem anymore to tolerate. Cholestyramine does also help me with that. I’m on IV ceftriaxone with azithromycin and pulsing tinidazole and I feel this helps too.

I’m so happy I’m feeling a little bit better and my body is getting stronger!!

Some of my earlier updates:

@Phoiph or someone else who might know, if I may ask, can you help me find an article about tinnitus and mhbot? It’s Lyme-induced without hearing loss. I’m asking for a friend who’s considering mhbot.

Thanks for sharing your experiences on mhbot!
Wish you all the best and hold on!

Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Has anyone had an increase in allergies after treating? I began having anaphylaxis in response to foods this summer which was why I discontinued antibiotics to take time to restore my gut and consider other treatment options.I have experienced anaphylactic reactions from food (twice in the last two weeks) and am wondering if it has something to do with treating and my body being overloaded. The first month I felt really great and now I am feeling more fatigued in general. Probably need to detox more, but am just disheartened because I don't want to cut more and more foods out of my diet. I drink bone broth everyday and am avoiding all foods I know I am allergic or sensitive to, which feels like a long list.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Researching - hoping my ears "vet" to be OK for mHBOT.

Questions about the Oxyhealth Solace.
There is one about an hour from me - listed on eBay. Great price. Bolsters included as well an Invacare LPM concentrator. One year old.

I think the Solace is considered too small for most adults? I was not giving the Solace or eBay any thought until I stumbled upon the ad.

I am 5'2" 100 lbs. Not claustrophic at all.

I just measured my couch - where I spend a lot of my time.....If the Solace inflated is 21" - that is a few inches more height and width than my couch/cushion area.

I've heard a few people say the Solace (even the Respiro?) is so tight that one's face would be right up against the ceiling. ???

Does the Solace face window protrude out a bit - maybe giving an inch or two more face area?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Great to hear of your improvements...!!!

Here is one article on tinnitus and mHBOT. It would seem that the outlook would be even more favorable without hearing loss...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

There are definitely some crucial questions to ask the seller if you are thinking of buying a chamber and concentrator from a private party.

There are also more than a few scams going on out there, so beware! You can email me with the link and I can help you check it out if you like.

Some people are just fine with a Solace...and it is more affordable, but others find it much too tight, particularly for long term use. You would definitely need to see it.
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
Thanks very much Phoiph!
I can't find the pressure that they used in the cited study. What does 2.5 times normal mean? Is it 2.5 ATA?

Would 1.3 ATA show similar results? Maybe even better if it's chronic tinnitus instead of acute tinnitus?

SusanK, cheapest new one from Summit to sea is 4000 dollars (excl. concentrator) and 24" diameter. It's a bit less luxury and less quality then Oxyhealth's. But to me it works perfect, it's nice and bright from the inside.


[ 02-28-2016, 02:35 AM: Message edited by: Survivorgirl1 ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I know. At the beginning of the article, it seems they were just describing how HBOT is used in general (i.e., 2.5 ATA), and not in relation to the specific studies.

I would wager that lower pressure over time would be safer and more effective, especially if it is chronic-Lyme induced.

I had screaming tinnitus when I was very ill, which has resolved to pre-Lyme levels. Torturous "brain static", auditory hallucinations (always music I hated) and severe hyperacusis also resolved, thanks to mHBOT.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
P - thanks again. I'll try to send you the link.

I was looking at Oxyhealth's website and tried to click on "see chambers near you" or something like that. Link wouldn't work - so I googled my city and Oxyhealth and ended up seeing a Hyper-Oxy on Craigslist (cheap) and the Solace on eBay.

I had never heard of the Hyper-Oxy before - wonder what year they were last made?

Anyway - interesting - on FB there was an article
posted past days about HBOT and fibro. Photo of a gal in a large clear chamber. My friends "shared" that info - there is lots of interest. Folks don't know the treatment is available - where to get it - or that they could even get a home chamber.

I'll try to send you that link as well.
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:

I would wager that lower pressure over time would be safer and more effective, especially if it is chronic-Lyme induced.

Yes thanks I totally agree. Also in Harch's book The Oxygen Revolution mild hbot for chronic problems seems to be the best in multiple ways.

Originally posted by Phoiph:

I had screaming tinnitus when I was very ill, which has resolved to pre-Lyme levels. Torturous "brain static", auditory hallucinations (always music I hated) and severe hyperacusis also resolved, thanks to mHBOT.

I'm sorry that you've gone through all that. And it's always good to hear how mhbot helped you tremendously. I'm also so glad I've started it. Thanks for helping out.

Originally posted by Susank:

Folks don't know the treatment is available - where to get it - or that they could even get a home chamber.

Yes good point susan, we have to change that...

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks, Survivorgirl...

I'm so sorry you have gone through so much as well...but it is so encouraging to hear that mHBOT is helping you... :)

As I've said many times, it helps me to believe that my 8 years in hell had some purpose...and life is definitely sweeter on the other side...

Looking forward to seeing everyone get there!
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Hope this URL works re: HBOT and Fibro:

Feb 2016: (scroll way down to see the clear chamber - which looks rather comfortable - and probably very expensive to use).

Re: The Solace

Realistically - what size person would not fit in a Solace? I would fit - but I am thinking of others that might want to use it. Ugh - am tempting providence/whatever to discuss getting one.
I should stop thinking about it until I get info about my ears. (what if its fluid?)

The FB article took me out of "just wait a few more days" mode.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Please help me understand the relationship between mHBOT, oxidative stress and taking antioxidants.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Curious about something.
My one dive - I made it to just past "1" - went back to "1" and stayed there a few minutes.

The levels are 1-4, right?
Level 4 =~10 ft deep/under water?

What would "1" be? Two feet?

[ 02-29-2016, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: susank ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

It is really a matter of balance.

Free radicals are a natural part of our metabolism and play a crucial role in health. Too many, and we have "oxidative stress". Too few, and we have less defenses against pathogens, for example.

mHBOT creates free radicals, and also stimulates the body to produce more of its natural antioxidants to compensate.

Taking too many "artificial" antioxidants (i.e., in isolation; not from food) is now being shown to be detrimental for a number of reasons. In theory, taking too many antioxidants while doing mHBOT could thwart the beneficial action of free radicals.

On the flip side, doing TOO much mHBOT (i.e., multiple times per day...just like too much of any good thing) could surpass the body's ability to keep up with antioxidant production, creating oxidative stress.

Here are some good articles on the subject:

Oxidative stress is fundamental to hyperbaric oxygen therapy, by Stephen R. Thom. Journal of Applied Physi9ology 106:988-995, 2009:

Interview with Dr. Dan A. Rossignol: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may improve symptoms in autistic children in Medical Hypothesis: JAVJmqOc_koAS12oLADQ&usg=AFQjCNFhj2W68J1Gxz_TDqfBAJ7oNPIqDw

The Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Symptoms in Children with Autism:

Antioxidant Supplements – Not So Good!

Note: That last link appears to have been removed from the internet. Here's a couple more:

[ 03-01-2016, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

1 PSI would convert to about 2.31' depth.

To calculate, first convert PSI (pounds per square inch) to Atmospheres (ATM), then depth equivalent using a conversion table:

1 PSI = 0.0680459639 ATM
0.0680459639 ATM = 2.31' depth.

For comparison, full pressure (in a home chamber) is 4.2 PSI:

4.2 PSI = 0.28579304838 ATM, rounded to .3 ATM
Add 1 ATM for existing pressure at sea level = 1.3 ATA (atmospheres absolute)
4.2 PSI = 1.3 ATA = ~10' depth
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Good news from ENT today.
My ears are normal acc. to the tests they did.
The very nice doctor said that some folks experience pain with HBOT and get tubes put in their ears. Glad to know that would be an option.

I saw my eye doctor right after the ENT - right across the hall.

My eyes are a wreck (Meibomian glands)and I asked him about eyes and mHBOT. (eyes and pressure..).

Get this: he said he had just gotten off the phone - right before he walked in to see me - with a charitable group he is associated with. They are in the process of buying a chamber.
It would be too far away for me to use - but still........!!!

Anyway, he said he thought mHBOT would be good for my eyes.

I am seriously considering purchasing a Solace i/o of a Respiro.

So tired............but what a relief..

[ 03-03-2016, 08:18 PM: Message edited by: susank ]
Posted by MoniLuv (Member # 47603) on :
I am considering purchasing a Hyperbaric chamber for home use in treating chronic Lyme. Is there any sugestions on which company is best to use, also which machine and what is the correct pressure should it go to? Thank you
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi MoniLuv...

I just sent you some information via PM...
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
You are working so hard and being so proactive with all this, I wish you luck (my Texas neighbor!).

Phoiph, thank you for info and links on subject of antioxidants and oxidative stress
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I am now the proud owner of a chamber.
The purchase took a few interesting twists and turns........but I got one.
It's sitting just a few feet from me - as I type. I still don't believe it.

In fact I'm going to have a peek and make sure it's really there...

It is! It looks like a blue canoe - deflated.

I don't have the foggiest idea what to do with it. I need to let this whole thing sink in - then study - and of course ask questions.

I can think of one right now: once inside the chamber one cannot see the gauge? (that's kinda strange..). Thats why I've seen photos of chambers with mirrors?

How does one afix a mirror on the outside?
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Susan, my husband found an app for my phone. While it doesn't correspond with the psi on the gauge on the outside, it does tell me how many pounds it goes up and I know when I hit 4.2.

The sad thing is I had to factory reset my phone and I lost the app so I have to wait until my husband comes back from out of town work so I can get back on my phone.

When I do, I'll post the link so you can use it.
Other people get a gauge extender so they can see it.

Right now, I just wait til the hisses and then start counting my time then.
Posted by bluelyme (Member # 47170) on :
Would i be able to dive if i got a chest port put in? Do people do abx and dive ?
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
bluelyme, I had a Groshong catheter in my chest when I started diving (in hard chambers) but had stopped doing IV abx by then and was only doing orals. Anyway, I would think that it is definitely ok to dive in a soft chamber with a chest port in.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
My plan to put the chamber on twin bed mattresses on the floor will not work.
Right now the chamber (with bolsters) is on the floor. Will be too hard on my back.

I don't think I want to put anything inside the chamber with me. (like a foam mattress).

Wondering - what could I use to put under the chamber- between it and the floor.

Pillows - end to end - the length of the chamber?

Today I had help moving furniture/dusting etc.

Eventually (soon I hope) I'll study how to set everything up - and might actually do a dive.

Still don't believe this.........
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
susank, did your chamber not come with a mattress pad? Or is that not enough?
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
susank, my chamber came with a mattress pad. I believe I've even seen them for sale on eBay (I know I've seen the covers, believe I've seen the pads also).
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
The chamber did not come with a mattress pad.

The seller said he used something different - not something from Oxyhealth.

What are other ideas?

I am very chemical sensitive and need things to be off-gassed already.

Can one put something between the chamber and the floor?

Or is it really better to have a pad in the chamber? That would obviously make more sense - especially in the larger chambers.

For the Solace - dunno - how much space a pad would take up - and if that would even matter.

FWIW - I sleep on a "Shepherd's Dream" wool mattress on a slat frame. Most folks that buy those also buy the latex strips to go between the slats and the mattress. Whatever latex that is - has not bothered me. Will research that.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Hi susank
I use a different brand chamber then you so my understanding may be off a little but I would think you would want to put something inside since these chambers harden up once under full pressure. If the pad is outside I'm not sure you would be benefit much from it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You could use a comfortable cotton blanket folded to fit inside.

Once I was able to, I built a padded platform on locking casters for my chamber. It adds a little extra cushion, and allows it to be moved easily, even if someone is inside.

It is not difficult to make, if anyone is interested. Have a home store cut MDF or thick plywood to size (a couple of inches wider and longer than the chamber on bolsters). Cut (to span width) and attach three 2x4 cross braces underneath the platform with wood screws, spaced evenly. Attach a caster to the ends of each 2x4 (6 casters total). Cut padding slightly larger than platform (so it will pad edges) and attach lightly. Cover padding with fabric, stretch and wrap underneath platform, and staple gun in place...
Posted by fatjack (Member # 47532) on :
Hey everyone. I want to thank you all for keeping this thread alive. It convinced me to try a low pressure Hyperbaric Chamber for 5 dives. I then bought my own, assembled it and had my first dive with it last night.

I was diagnosed with Babesia Duncani (WA1)and Lyme Disease almost 3 years ago. I have had the disease since July 2010. My main issue is Babesia. I realize this is a slow process to see results from the Hyperbaric Chamber, but I will post any updates to this thread.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Hi Fatjack, good luck and please do keep us posted!
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
I'm still diving using just pressure (about 90 dives). Regarding material for your cushioning, any material you do not react to seems reasonable to me. Also, something substantial because whatever you use will shift around as you get in and out and get settled.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You can purchase a gauge extender so you can see your gauge through the window.

Let's talk soon via phone, so we can go over all these questions/concerns in more detail and get you started...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
The fabric content is not an issue with home chambers, as it is with commercial chambers that are pressurized with and/or using 100% medical grade 02.

I mentioned cotton, as it is a natural fiber and people are generally less reactive to it. You can use whatever is most comfortable for you.

The gauge extender is purchased through Oxyhealth...
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Geez Phoiph, there you go being bossy and controlling again. [tsk]

Welcome Fatjack, keep us posted!

SusanK, I'm excited for you even though I know it's pretty complicated getting set up.

I'm rather chemically sensitive and just got myself a new mask for the oxygen concentrator, and whew! it gives me a bit of a headache. Just a heads up for when you get it, susank, let the mask air out a bit before you start using it!
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I just did a trial non-dive.
I got in the chamber. Sheesh.
It does not have a frame.
(I did not think I wanted one anyway).
Deflated - it was like wrestling with an alligator.
I am so weak - and my muscles/joints hurt so badly - doing the zippers was a bit rough.
Of course I did not zip them all the way.
I def. wish it could be a foot or two off the floor.

Interesting - when I was unzipping - preparing to get in - I saw something inside. At first I thought it was a dead scorpion. ??? So of course I reached in and picked up the "object".

It's some kind of gemstone. A pink opal I think - mounted on what looks like silver..

I will let the prior owner know about this in case he wants it back. (I hope he doesn't!).

Pink opals are said to have healing powers?

The guy I got this chamber from is pretty special. That he would perhaps be holding an opal in the chamber would not surprise me.
Hoping that would also not be an "in chamber" no-no?

Sorry - tired - rambling.........
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Spinning123...just my nature, I guess...LOL!

SusanK...the reasons for using a frame, is that it takes MUCH less time to fill the chamber, makes it easier to get in and out, and keeps it from resting on you while its being inflated.

I know of someone who built their own frame out of PVC for their Solace. I can put you in contact with them if you like.

Otherwise, a frame and mattress from Oxyhealth cost $300. each.

Please contact me about the gauge...I will give you info.

The chamber would not be fully inflated until it reaches 4.2 PSI on the gauge.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Susank, I have the frame from Oxyhealth inside of my Solace and it can inflate in 3-4 minutes, although I typically take longer than that to go easier on my ears. The frame keeps it off of my face when I get inside, which is nice, although it still falls down on top of my legs.

Update, I am 45 dives in. I had a lot of symptom relief for my first 3 weeks (less brain fog, better energy), then have had a lot of herxing over the past three weeks. Am hoping that it is just a temporary cloud before I get a few more sunbeams.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Hi fatjack. Glad you are sharing your story.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Jolley...

It becomes a 2 step forward, 1 step back pattern after an initial "honeymoon" period (for some).

In my experience, when I would go through a flare, I would think I was regressing, but then would come out a little better than before each time.

Keep the faith!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome, Fatjack...

What kind of chamber/oxygen concentrator are you using?
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
I think tossing a sheet over an unzipped chamber sounds like a great idea. I leave mine unzipped after use because humidity often builds up during dives. I have my chamber in an unused extra room so I just usually close the door.
Posted by fatjack (Member # 47532) on :
Thanks everyone.

Phoiph - I purchased a Summit to Sea Shallow Dive E-Series Chamber and an Airsep 10L oxygen concentrator. Getting my (open) mask soon. I have had 5 dives so far. Almost fell asleep in it yesterday. I have an alarm to wake me up now.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi fatjack...


FYI...I'm sounding like a broken record again, but you've probably already read that when using with a chamber, it is important to keep the LPM setting on an AirSep no higher than 8-8.5 LPM. (Otherwise, it may go into an "on demand" mode rather than continuous flow...)

Also, you may already know to be sure to always have your concentrator "ON" when there is pressure in the chamber, otherwise backflow could damage it...

Are you going to be using the open OxyMask from Southmedic?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

How would you know if the concentrator went into On Denand mode?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I'm not sure if you could tell when you're inside the chamber and the concentrator is on the outside, but the unit will pulse the 02 instead of continuously flowing.

The vendor has told me that it is not something the reps or the manufacturer mention in their manual, but the engineers have informed him, and so he puts a warning in every unit he sells for use with a chamber.

It is of particular concern when in use with a hyperbaric chamber, as the unit has more demand placed on it due to backpressure from the chamber. It is not a design flaw, but a conservative measure to preserve oxygen purity and flow/LPM.

Other brands without this feature, such as the SeQual, will automatically drop the flow/LPM to compensate for the backpressure.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

Thanks for the info. So could it be damaging to the concentrator or is the concern more that you wouldn't receive as much 02?

I set mine at 8.5 and occasionally think maybe it's not producing as much air. Then it seems to produce plenty again. Almost like it goes into in demand mode and then out of it again. I wonder how much of it is my imagination. Maybe I could have my wife come down and look at the lpm meter when I am suspicious of it happening? Would she see the level fluctuate if it was in that mode?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I don't think you'd see it fluctuate, because that is the whole keep the 02 and the LPM consistent.

There could be other factors at play that cause the unit to work harder, such as temperature and humidity, so you could set it at 8.0 if you have doubts.

The concern would be that there is no need to make the machine work harder, it could affect its longevity...and also it is better to get a consistent flow of oxygen for our purposes.

Remember that these machines weren't created to be used with a hyperbaric chamber. The AirSep has 20PSI, however (one of the highest for home use), and is a great unit and may or may not ever have to go into this mode (even over 8.5 LPM) is just a precaution, since people usually want to set it at 10, thinking "more is better".

The SeQual (7.2 PSI) works differently; it should be set at 10LPM and allowed to drop down during the dive (without someone turning the LPM back up on the outside). It will rise to 10 again once the chamber deflates.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Ok thank you Poiph!

You have an email by the way [Smile]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hi fellow mHBOTers

I posted up my new video with my updates. Wow, what a difference a year makes😊👍

Phoiph, I haven't talked with Dr B about my results, someone else from her office called with my results. I plan to meet up with her soon to chat and see what she thinks and what's next.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
How often do you clean, swap out your oxygen mask. I use the Oxymask

For those who clean them, what do you use to clean.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Peimomma, congratulations, that is awesome. Thanks for making the videos, they are so exciting to see. You look great.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
How do you clean the filters on the air compressor? How often do they need to be cleaned?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks for the awesome update! Very happy for you...I know how great life can be on the "other side", and glad you are experiencing that! FYI...I improved a lot between year 1 and 2...even though at the time I didn't realize there was still much healing to be more subtle ways.

Jcarlnew...I was advised to clean the chamber with a solution of 1/2 hydrogen peroxide (over the counter strength), mixed with 1/2 water. You could also use this to clean your mask.

Jolley...It depends on your situation...I was told that the compressor filters (not oxygen concentrator) don't need to be cleaned very often (maybe every few months), but if you have pets, you will need to clean them more frequently.

With the Oxyhealth compressor, you would unscrew the 2 round black filters from the compressor, then (this can be difficult), twist the halves apart. There is a paper filter inside that you can carefully dust off.

The filter on the oxygen concentrator, on the other hand, should be cleaned more frequently. Remove the square mesh filter from the back of the unit, clap between your hands outside, wash with soapy water and rinse well, dry overnight.


The tubing is not sterile...the ends should be left open.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The frame is metal, not plastic.

A mask is more effective than a cannula. It off-gasses in a few days by putting it outside in the shade.

If you absolutely can't tolerate a Simple Hudson Mask, an "open mask" is an alternative. They are more comfortable, but I personally find them more difficult to off-gas.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hi Susan,

You asked how do those of us that don't use extenders see the gauge? I don't, we timed how long it took me to pressurize the chamber in the beginning and we used that plus however many minutes you are treating that day. For me it's always been 60 minutes plus pressurize time from the beginning, but I'm an exception to the rule.

Thanks Monti,

How goes your treatment after nearly a year? I hope you are getting to the point you are noticing some improvements.


Thanks for the reality check concerning continued improvements over the next 10 months. It's hard to believe life will get better than what it is today, but I certainly look forward to total restoration and healing.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

Thanks for asking [Smile] Progress has been hard to see. Phoiph and I were talking and long story short we discovered my original used oxygen concentrator was not working properly. I do not know how much 02 it was delivering, how long it began to malfunction, and if the malfunction was consitent or not.

So I purchased a new unit about 3 weeks ago and promptly experienced sever fatigue from using it. I'm pretty sure it was a good old fashion herx which was a great sign. It lasted almost 10 days.

So let's see what the next year brings me. I believe it will be helpful. I really do.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Wow Monti

I had a herx flashback 😱. I remember those days as it was a year ago I was on the herx roller coaster.

Happy to hear it may have been faulty gear and not your body refusing to heal👍

Keep the faith!! The journey is long but the reward is amazing
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Monti, what happened on the other side of your 10 day herx? I've tried to add supplemental oxygen a couple of times but have gotten discouraged by the overwhelming exhaustion. I wasn't convinced it was something I should just try to push through.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

The herx basically went away as fast as it came on.

It's recommended (as im sure you know) that you build up to the full hour dive with 02. The way I originally did it was I started doing only 20 minutes dives with 02. After a couple weeks and once I felt like my body had adjusted to it I increased to 25 minutes. I kept making increases as I felt I was able (roughly every 2 weeks).

That required me to push myself some. I was anxious to get to the full hour and as soon as I felt my herx symptoms relaxing I would increase by just 5 minutes.

So jumping forward almost a year, once I discovered my used 02 concentrator wasn't working at full potential I decided to start off at the full hour as a test to see if it gave me a herx. I was hopeful it would since that would suggest my lack of improvement was due to a faulty 02 concentrator.

Once it became apparent that I was herxing I almost backed down since the fatigue was significant. But I decided to ride it out since I felt I could deal with it and wanted to really be sure it was a true herx and not something else. This was proof to me that my old 02 unit wasn't delivering 02 as it should have been.

The faulty unit was not one that has been encouraged to use on this thread. It just happen to come with my used chamber.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Did the frame not come with allen screws or set screws? Mine are little black ones that are used in my frame.

The filter and O2 tubing sit inside the circle of the frame in my chamber.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Working to get the frame in.
Was not sent an Allen wrench.....the little black connect the pieces.
Should that have come with the frame?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
It has been so long since I put mine together I don't remember if it came with it or I had it already.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Got it done. Sheesh - that was not easy. It took my engineer neighbor about an hour. Thankfully he had an Allen wrench - so now I know what that little thing is. You would think that little 20 cent item would come with the frame.........
Getting closer to testing everything.....

PS - Yes came with "set" screws. Again - thank goodness my neighbor knew how to do all this - as the Respiro vid. makes everything look easy. Again - mine is a Solace.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kudos for getting it done!
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Monti, thanks for the input. Today was my dive #100. Instead of my usual hour with pressure only, we hooked up the O2 concentrator again. I did 25 minutes with mask just laying aside. Think I'll see how this goes for a few days and get in touch with Phoiph to discuss how to proceed. I got out today feeling ok but I sort of missed having my whole hour in the chamber and the routine I've developed of meditating, stretches and arm exercises.

Susank, good on you for getting chamber together!
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Interesting. I just got a low CO2 result which means I am low in carbon dioxide.

At first, I thought it was because of my oxygen, but did a little research and doesn't have anything to do with it.

Sounds like the lower your CO2 the lower your oxygen is... so I hope what I am doing is helping. I am not sure how to fix this, but thought I would post that it is important to have the right level of CO2 in your blood!

I am at 142 dive with 57 of those being full one hour dives.

I still get lovely short times of feeling good, but I can't say anything substantial.

I definitely am more brain foggy, and forgetful. [Frown] not sure if it is oxygen caused or disease progression.

Phoiph, (or any other dear oxygen breathing soul)

my oxygen concentrator, for a little bit wasn't giving me oxygen. Then it would sort of work again... a few times it shrieked at me so I got out and made sure there were no kinks in the hose.

It stopped yelling, but I sometimes wonder if it is giving me the full amount of air I should be getting? I sometimes think the air isn't blowing as strongly as it was through my mask. I turned it up a leeeetle bit (not much phoiph) and it helped a leeeetle bit I THINK.

Monti's experience made me say something about it. I would hate to waste time... so precious!
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Foxy Lady,

Does your doctor think low CO2 could be caused by your diving? This site has alot of good info on HBOT. Maybe you can contact them and ask that question?

It would be helpful information to have.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Foxy loxy...

You should have your concentrator checked. Contact an oxygen supply/equipment company that services concentrators, and they can use a meter to check purity, output, etc. Sometimes they will do this for no charge if you bring the unit to them. Remind me...what model do you have?

About your low C02 blood levels...what was your PH reading?

SusanK...The compressor switch is on the cord. Where did you get your frame? If from Oxyhealth, you can let them know it didn't come with a tool, and they will send you one.

Also...Please give me a call or email so we can set up a time...
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Soccermama, I don't know. I haven't seen my Dr. yet. I tried to research it and all I found is that low CO2 is NOT good.

I couldn't find anywhere that oxygen makes it worse though only that if you are low in carbon dioxide you aren't using the oxygen right that you breathe etc.! [Frown]

Phoiph, I don't know what my PH reading is. I guess that wasn't checked, but I imagine I will.
Do you know if extra oxygen can cause this?

My concentrator is an Airsep brand... the good one. It is supposed to be new too. Maybe, I am just anxious for nothing...
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Foxy, how do you test CO2? Blood pH stays very, very constant or we would die. Saliva and urine ph fluctuate but I do not believe blood ph will?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The relationship between the carbon dioxide and the PH levels of the blood can indicate different conditions.

I don't think your low C02 levels are related to mHBOT...but do let us know what your doctor says.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks Phoiph for that info. I have been on tetracycline for a while and that may be the cause as it can lower bicarbonate levels.

Toyswalk, the test was a blood test. I must say that is sounds pretty important to have be normal!

Last night I again really thought about my concentrator. I just don't think it is giving my enough air. It used to blow into my eyes and bother me, and it doesn't anymore.

I think I will try to get someone to look at it! Sigh... I HATE equipment problems...oh and if I crank it to max... it suddenly puts out a LOT... but only when it is maxxed out does it seem to make a difference in a lot more oxygen output.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Foxy loxy,

That sounds similar to what started happening with my concentrator. What really clued me in on the problem was that the lpm would start off at a good level and by the end of the dive when I climbed out of the chamber it was about 2 lpm less. It shouldn't do that.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Monti, thanks for chipping in here. SO what ended up being the problem?

The guy I am borrowing this from stared at it this morning and peeked at its guts. He couldn't find anything wrong, but thinks too It might not be giving as much air.

I called the company, and she said they would bill me if nothing is wrong. [Frown]

I do have someone that said they would check it and see what is wrong but won't repair it. I think I will get it checked, but it is quite a hassle to find someone to fix it/look it over.

One lady thought it might be a fan problem?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Foxy loxy...

The next logical step to repair my unit would be to replace the media that helps filter the 02. I can't remember what it's called now but is was close to $500 to get it replaced and assuming it fixed it I still would own a concentrator that provided 7 lpm instead of 8lpm and around 90% O2 instead of 93% O2 like the Air SEP. So I decided to just buy a brand new Air Sep and be done with it all.

I don't think the problem is a fan. What they had me do is get a spray bottle of soapy water and spray all the internal parts along the air line where connections were to check and see if air was leaking. It wasn't.

Then they had me take apart a fitting and clean a diaphragm. That didn't help either.

Then they said the next thing to do was change that expensive media. That's when I decided to get a better unit.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
oh deeear Monti... that wasn't good. I don't know enough to try soapy water tricks, and I am afraid I will ruin it:(

My concentrator is supposed to be new, so assume it is under warranty. But I could tell the company didn't want to fix it.

The lady said "as long as it isn't smoking..."
I thought, gracious! does it have to be smoking in order not to work??

I did have it tucked in a corner and the lady said it does NOT like to be next to walls. So maybe I will try this first. before lugging it around to get checked. grrrrrrr
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Foxy and Monti, now you two have got me all worried about my concentrator... [dizzy]

I'm going to check the lpm when I climb out of the chamber tomorrow, thanks Monti for your input.

Foxy, sometimes I have the same feeling about how the air flow used to bother my eyes but now it doesn't so much... I wonder if it's my mind playing tricks on me. I'm not good with assembling and disassembling equipment..
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Foxy loxy...

If your AirSep is new, it should have a 3 year warranty.

As I mentioned, an oxygen supply/repair company will usually pick it up from you for a fee...but likely will not charge you if you bring it in if they are just checking PSI and 02 output.

I'm not sure why your alarm went off (possible kinked hose, lack of clearance around the unit, or power fluctuation). The alarm warns you that the 02 purity has fallen below 80%.

What do you have the LPM set at? Are you keeping the filter clean?

AirSeps are very reliable units; it is probably fine...checking it is just a precaution.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I have the LPM set at the 8.5 like you suggest, and the filter is whistling clean.

because it has quit working a few times, I feel like I should get it checked. When I say not working, I mean the airflow ceased, for a bit.

spinning, I am sorry to make you feel insecure! I am blaming Monti!! [Smile]
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Lol foxy, no I'm glad it was brought up. Good to be aware of possible problems.. I think mine is good! I hope you get your concentrator sorted out soon. Gotta get that O2! [Wink]
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Lol Foxy Loxy
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Monti, What brand concentrator do you own?

Phoiph, why is the amount of LPM important? Monti mentioned that his concentrator puts off 7 LPM as opposed to 8. Why is that concerning?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Both volume/flow (measured in Liters Per Minute) and purity (percentage of 02 in the air that is flowing) are important. In particular, when using a concentrator with a chamber, there is a relationship between the two that must be in balance.

Too low of flow (LPM) setting = not enough air
Too high of flow (LPM) setting causes machine to work harder against backpressure of chamber = lower oxygen purity

The PSI (Pounds Per Square Inch) that the concentrator is equipped with determines how capable it is of working against the backpressure of the chamber, and maintaining both LPM and purity.

Monti had a concentrator that wasn't flowing properly, and it also didn't have a built in monitor alarm to warn him if the oxygen purity dropped below 80%.

Even if he made expensive repairs, his point was that it still wouldn't perform as well in terms of LPM, and without a monitor/alarm, there was no way to know if there were issues with the purity. wasn't so much a problem with receiving 7LPM vs. 8LPM per was the overall functioning of the machine that was of concern.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thanks for clearing that up for me Phoiph!

I replaced my used OG-15 with a new Airsep New Life Intensity which gives me greater LPM, O2 purity, and that built in alarm for O2 purity. I would not have replaced my OG-15 but it clearly began to have issues.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
When I purchased my used Respiro it did not come with a plug for the hole where the oxygen hose feeds through. Anyone know if Oxyhealth might sell that part? My husband has rigged something up but I'd like to dive with supp oxygen one day and without the next. It's sort of a hassle to change out, I'm thinking a plug might be easier.

Otherwise, Dive 117, 60 minutes, just pressure. Feeling good. Have made many subtle but significant improvements that feel real. New moons are usually my Achilles heel, this one has been a piece of cake!
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

That is really nice to hear [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Toyswalk...

The plug is actually a threaded screw.

I need to call Oxyhealth about another issue anyway, so will ask them about this part as well.

Glad to hear you're doing better!

I will answer your email soon...been very busy!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Here's what you need from the hardware store.

It is a threaded brass pipe screw:

1/8 - 27 NPT (national pipe thread)
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Thank you, Phoiph. I suspected I overwhelmed you [Wink] . All is good here, plugging along.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Is anyone doing bee venom therapy? Dare I even consider doing mHBOT (pressure only, no supplemental oxygen) and BVT? I'm asking before I even start to research BVT, I'd only be able to do it two weeks out of a month (if I did it).

Btw, I started diving in Dec. The last two weeks I've enjoyed better quality of life than I have in years. I did have a lousy day but my lousy day wasn't as lousy as many of my previous days that I considered good days. I'm very inspired and optimistic. The mHBOT hasn't fixed what I wanted it to fix the most which is my mobility. But it's obviously busy working on some other things that I wasn't aware of.

One concern is my last blood work showed some high inflammatory markers and a high liver enzyme. These numbers shocked me. Absolutely no history of problem in these areas?
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Just completed dive 70 last week. Overall am excited about my progress, although the first three months have been up and down. I have had two extended herx periods where I've had a lot of fatigue and sore/stiff spine, and then later chest pain, but overall have had much less brain fog and better energy. Went to my doctor today about the chest pain and she thought it was likely a herx so I'm excited to get back in the chamber after a week long break; it's funny how you start to crave being in there everyday and hate to miss.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
O2 finger measurement proves efficacy for me. I have had bronchitis up until a week ago and during that time my O2 measurements were sometimes as low as 91-92, finally had to have an inhaler for a couple days. After I got over it or pretty much so, readings have been 95-96 with anything over 95 normal. So I took the fingertip measurement in the chamber tonight. Sure enough it jumped to 98-99 with most of the time at 99. I have not had these high of reading outside the chamber. To me, this verifies the increased blood saturation with MBOT.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

That is amazing progress in 4 months!

I would say "hold the BVT" for're making good progress now with mHBOT...why not see where that takes you without taking the chance of doing something that could interfere?
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Phoiph, I hear you. I was hoping maybe with experience would give it a bad review so it would be easier to get the idea out of my mind. Things are good. A person at a lyme luncheon the other day is doing BVT, three months and she is walking, of course hearing that caught my ear.

But, yes, my progress is good. I went from being pretty much home bound to getting out 6 of the last 8 days. Four of those days I went completely on my own, today I drove into town (I don't remember the last time I ventured that far on my own). I
even got a compliment from a complete stranger on my healthy, glowing skin (thank you HBOT, I've NEVER gotten a compliment on my SKIN!)
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
When my wife did deep dives and their was any question of congestion they had her take a Claritan in advance.

In addition some people have had some success with Ear Planes the silicone inserts they sell at must drugstores for air travel. Pholph would know more though.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi everyone...

Not sure how many of you follow Lymeboy's "Pericardial Effusion" thread, but we're trying to gather support there for him in his effort to obtain mHBOT treatment:;f=1;t=133186;p=2#000130

Many of you are on Facebook (I am not), and other social media if everyone could please spread his twitter page, it would be greatly appreciated.

This is one of the latest updates from his thread:

"...Thanks to everyone's generosity, he has finally received his chamber, and we are going to get things set up and started via phone in the next few days.

As I have mentioned, his concern now is that although he has enough raised funds to cover 3 months, there is still the major issue of ongoing financial support that will be necessary to provide uninterrupted treatment after the 3 month budget runs out. This needs to be planned for now...

I am not allowed to provide a direct link to a "GoFundMe" account here on LymeNet, as that is considered "solicitation".

Instead, I will share with you John's twitter page, on which you can find related information and links:

I am hoping that if this method of acquiring funding for mHBOT works for him, it may also work for others who can't afford their treatment...
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I guess one does not dive during a thunderstorm with risk of losing power.

That would cause rapid depressurizing, right?
Not good?

Bad storms here this evening. Pooh.

I won't even think about losing power w/o a storm. (where do I come up with these lulu questions?)

IF that should happen - loss of power - what would one do?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
This has happened to me several times. Mostly, it is not good for the concentrator.

The concentrator will likely sound an alarm (as it does when it loses power or the 02 purity drops).

The chamber will start to deflate, since the compressor is no longer pumping air in, but it will not be immediate deflation.

You will then just deflate as usual (although it will happen more quickly) and end your dive.

Be sure to turn the compressor and concentrator switches off after you get out of the chamber.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
susank, my husband was in the chamber when the power went out and the chamber still took about 4-5 minutes to depressurize; although scary, his ears were ok.
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
Hi everyone...

Not sure how many of you follow Lymeboy's "Pericardial Effusion" thread, but we're trying to gather support there for him in his effort to obtain mHBOT treatment:;f=1;t=133186;p=2#000130

Many of you are on Facebook (I am not), and other social media if everyone could please spread his twitter page, it would be greatly appreciated.

This is one of the latest updates from his thread:

"...Thanks to everyone's generosity, he has finally received his chamber, and we are going to get things set up and started via phone in the next few days.

As I have mentioned, his concern now is that although he has enough raised funds to cover 3 months, there is still the major issue of ongoing financial support that will be necessary to provide uninterrupted treatment after the 3 month budget runs out. This needs to be planned for now...

I am not allowed to provide a direct link to a "GoFundMe" account here on LymeNet, as that is considered "solicitation".

Instead, I will share with you John's twitter page, on which you can find related information and links:

I am hoping that if this method of acquiring funding for mHBOT works for him, it may also work for others who can't afford their treatment...

Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Hi Everyone! I am new to this group and wanted to introduce myself. I live in Arizona and my son who is 21, has been sick for 8 years. We only received a diagnosis of lyme in August. Lots of history, too much to post, but he just began diving two weeks ago and I believe is herxing already. He says his body hurts all over, nerve endings feel sore. Had some chest pressure too and mild coughing. Have any of you experienced these symptoms as well?
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
I am on Facebook a lot and started a Healing Lyme with mHBOT group. I am looking for stories of healing lyme through the use of this therapy, so if anyone has a story to share, please join the group and share your healing journey. Thank you!
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Have done four dives in my chamber.
1st max 1 PSI
2nd max .8
3rd max 1
4th max 1.5

Before dives 3 and 4 I breathed in a steamed mix of essential oils. (Peppermint and Eucalyptus).

I had read to also "steam" one's ears - so I did that, too. I held my uncooperative right ear over a mug of steamy essential oils. I think it helped. Don't understand how it could, tho.

I also chewed gum furiously during dives 3 and 4 - as well pulled on my earlobes - anything I could think of.

I was so happy to get to 1.5 PSI - which I know is not much - but I consider it a milestone for me. Strange, tho, how I felt a bit more panicky ear-wise at around 1 PSI - moreso than 1.5 PSI.

1.5 seemed less bothersome????

Also - I inhaled a bit of the O2 directly from the tubing. Still not using a mask.

Dive 3 was 30 minutes and 4 was 45.

Hoping to gradually increase the PSI and time spent under pressure.

Baby steps........
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Good job, SusanK! I find for my ears that after about 2 the pressure feels less intense. I plug my nose and blow one more time, but sometimes I don't have to. So it doesn't surprise me that 1.5 felt less bothersome.
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
[Smile] yay, SusanK! Happy for ya!!!
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I feel pretty dreadful today.

Not sure if from dive #4. (a bit higher PSI and longer time in the chamber).

I never know what causes my truly awful days.

Next dive will aim for 1.5 PSI again and stay there only ten minutes. No O2 tube at my nose.
(maybe no essential oils either).

Did I read somewhere about hydration/dehydration in regards to mHBOT?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome, Karen! Keep us posted! kgg said, the most intense time to clear the ears is usually below 2.0 PSI. It gets easier for most people from 2.0 to 4.2 PSI.

Good idea to go more slowly while you're working up to the full protocol. Also, for now, I would just let the 02 flow in (not breath it directly).

And yes...stay hydrated. O2 can be drying, and the water helps to flush toxins from your system.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
I'd like to ask if members could share their herxing symptoms. My son has been diving now for 3 weeks. He says he feels drained and depleted of energy. He also complains that his whole body aches, as if the nerve endings are bruised. Often times, he experiences a dull pain in his intestines. And, during the first two weeks, after his dives he would tell me he felt a pressure or heaviness in his chest which was accompanied by coughing. Have any of you experienced similar symptoms?
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
I'd like to ask if members could share their herxing symptoms. My son has been diving now for 3 weeks. He says he feels drained and depleted of energy. He also complains that his whole body aches, as if the nerve endings are bruised. Often times, he experiences a dull pain in his intestines. And, during the first two weeks, after his dives he would tell me he felt a pressure or heaviness in his chest which was accompanied by coughing. Have any of you experienced similar symptoms?
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Hi Karenthebeetlady, sorry your son is herxing.

I recently had a lot of chest pain which would be sharp at times and achy at other times-right side near sternum. It left after 4 weeks and I still don't know if it was a herx or GERD (since I'm now on supplements for that.) I didn't have coughing, only pain.

I'm 80 dives in so relatively new, but have periods of more intense herxing, followed by periods where I just feel a little fatigued and foggy. I had been out of my chamber for a week, to see if that would help with the chest pain, so think the increased herxing is from that, and now have a lot of joint/bone pain, stiffness, breathlessness, fatigue, and anxiety/mood shifts. Lots of water and activated charcoal helps; hoping it's only a rough week or two and not another month of hard herxing.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

I had to send my chamber in for repairs and was without it for 2.5 weeks. I'm now on day 5 of 1 hour dives with 02 and I'm experiencing significant fatigue. It's not my typical Lyme fatigue but more of a sleepy fatigue. I'm 99% certain it is from diving again and thus is a type of herx.

Also I do deal with dull to moderate stomach pain off and on.

If these are new symptoms since he has starting diving I would take that as a good sign [Smile] . Might not be what a young fella wants to hear though.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
I have a couple of questions also. I started full hour dives with supplemental oxygen on 3/14. Did 13 dives and experienced a few problems with chamber that we fixed. Restarted on 4/4 and did 11 dives when I got sick with a bronchial infection.

Finally, restarted today. The question I have is do you lose progress if you have to miss a period of time from diving? My next question is I feel some symptoms coming back that had "resolved" like stomach pain, nausea, and anxiety. Plus an increase in restorative sleep. Could I be herxing already? I've only completed 25 dives.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

I think the general belief is when you first get going (the first 6 to 12 months) it's important to be a consistent as you can. Missing days can take away some of the progress. At times it can't be helped but personally I NEVER miss a dive unless I have no other choice.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Karenthebeetlady, is it possible to back off on the length of time that he is diving? Is he using O2? When I originally used my chamber, I felt awful. It was long ago enough that I can't tell you specifics. This time I started low and have been going slow. Starting with 15-30 minutes and no O2. It has been much more successful this time around. Less intense negative symptoms.

I am concerned about the chest pressure with coughing symptom. Does he have asthma? Hopefully, Phoiph will come along and address that issue.

I have had the dull pressure in the intestines feeling. It does not last long. Might be pressure from gas/flatus?

If I start feeling too awful from herxing, I take a day off. It gives my body a break.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Susank, It is not clear from your post whether your dry eyes and dry mouth are specifically related to diving. If they are symtpoms you had prior to the dives, this is rooted in iodine deficiency. Supplemental iodine will correct this for you.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Jolley, Monti and kgg, Thank you all for weighing in on my question. We did take two days off and started back up with the dives. He is in for one hour and up to 3.0psi. The heavy, pressure like feeling in his chest is now minimal, as is the coughing. Fatigue and the feeling of being drained of energy is still present. Interesting someone mentioned mood swings, I am definitely seeing that, as it's often directed at I have been reading some of the pages in this very long thread and see that flu-like symptoms are herxing and I would say that's pretty close to what he is experiencing, so I think this is a normal reaction.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by susank:
How can the O2 be dehydrating?
Not from the pressure, right - but the O2 from the concentrator?

(FWIW I have dry eyes/mouth so know about low humidity, wind, not putting my face to a fan, etc.)

Why do some folks have trouble with the O2 from the concentrator - and do better with pressure only? (separate question from dehydration).

Also.......could someone explain why getting to 2 PSI is more difficult (for some) than getting from 2 to 4.2?



--Higher oxygen = lower humidity (this is from the concentrator, not due to the pressure). Once you start using the mask, you can use goggles (optional) to avoid the 02 that leaks from the mask from blowing into your eyes. I use inexpensive safety goggles from Home Depot that have a strap, and no vents in the sides. These also fit over reading glasses.

--Some people are very sensitive and take longer to adjust to the 02, but find they improve with just pressure, as it raises the 02 to a lesser degree. It is not known if they will do even better with 02 added, given the time to adjust.

--The pressure change per foot is the greatest at shallow as you "dive deeper", theoretically it will become slightly easier on your ears.

I just read about this product, "Clear Ease" recommended by a scuba diving instructor which uses "natural enzymes" to help the ears to clear. I don't know anyone that has used it, so can't speak for it:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by soccermama:
I have a couple of questions also. I started full hour dives with supplemental oxygen on 3/14. Did 13 dives and experienced a few problems with chamber that we fixed. Restarted on 4/4 and did 11 dives when I got sick with a bronchial infection.

Finally, restarted today. The question I have is do you lose progress if you have to miss a period of time from diving? My next question is I feel some symptoms coming back that had "resolved" like stomach pain, nausea, and anxiety. Plus an increase in restorative sleep. Could I be herxing already? I've only completed 25 dives.


I agree with Monti...consistency is key, especially early in treatment.

mHBOT is cumulative, and it takes a number of consistent treatments for the effects to begin to "stick". It is like exercise in that takes awhile to become conditioned.

I didn't take any days off for the first year, and when finally did, it was only a 5 day vacation, then right back to diving. I dove daily for 2-1/2 years (with a few short vacations), at which time my body told me that I could reduce the frequency, and still hold my gains. This has turned out to be true (in fact, I was without my chamber for over 6 weeks straight recently due to travel for family issues). Had I been inconsistent in the first year, I don't believe I would have become completely well.

And yes, you could definitely be "reacting" at 25 dives. (I don't use the word "herxing" much, since I feel this reaction can better be thought of as your "immune system coming online" and starting to do its job...:)
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
"And yes, you could definitely be "reacting" at 25 dives. (I don't use the word "herxing" much, since I feel this reaction can better be thought of as your "immune system coming online" and starting to do its job... [Smile] "

That is a very neat statement because the fatigue I feel is just like when I am fighting a bad cold which is very different from typical lyme fatigue. It's more of a sleepy fatigue as if my body is saying "hey, we have some work to do. How about you rest for a bit and let us fix a few things" LOL
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
OK. That's what I thought. Both times I had to stop due to circumstances beyond my control. Once due to a chamber issue and the second time due to sinus congestion which made it impossible to clear my ears.

Your response answers my other question which is if you begin to feel "worse", you dive your way through, instead of taking a break.

Thanks for the help!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

During the period when you're working up to full pressure/time (before you start diving consistently), it is OK to go more slowly or to skip a day if necessary if you're having a very intense reaction.

Once you are through this period and are up to full pressure/time, then it is crucial to be consistent. You will definitely still have a 2 step forward, 1 step back pattern, but your body will have had a chance to adjust to the treatment.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Exactly, Monti!

It's not always as much about mHBOT killing the bugs (which it can do), but more about our immune systems healing...

I have heard it said that no type of "anti-biotic" can work without a functional immune system helping out. is not unusual to start experiencing colds, flus, etc., when the immune system function improves...
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Has anyone experienced a 'burning' feeling all over their body or in specific areas, like an arm or leg from mHBOT therapy?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
My right forearm has felt like it had a sunburn a few times. It wasn't from mhbot directly but I am pretty sure it was Lyme related. I asked about it a while back on this forum and sure enough some people have experienced it.
Posted by bluelyme (Member # 47170) on :
At susan k....have you tried ozone ear sufflation or garlic drops For your ears ?

Karen ,yes i have been getting burning feeling in hands ..

does retracing through sx happen with mhbot too?...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I experienced retracing of symptoms with general, the latest symptoms resolved first, and the earliest symptoms last.

I also experienced this in the mental realm, going back to what I thought were resolved issues from years past...even childhood.

Fortunately, each phase of the physical and mental "trip down memory lane" was less intense and shorter lived than the first time around...
Posted by dal123 (Member # 6313) on :
Susan, try supplementing with coconut oil from trader joes, rub around eyes and take internally for the dryness. I have found this to be the best and it's a good price.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Susan K. Everyone with lyme will eventually develop hypothyroid. Dry eyes and dry mouth are specifically related to iodine deficiency. You can add more iodine rich foods to your diet, or supplement with Lugols; however, if you do use an iodine supplement, you'll also need the companion nutrients, magnesium, vitamin c and also selenium.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Monti and Blulyme, What do you suppose is causing the burning? Is it some sort of die off?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
I'm not really sure. The first time I experienced it I wasn't doing anything to cause a herx reaction. For me it just seemed like another obscure lyme symptom.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Thank you, Monti.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Susank...

Not sure if you saw my post earlier re your question about people diving w/out supplemental 02?

IMO, it is most important right now for you to focus on increasing your pressure as your ears will allow. Next would be to work on increasing time in the chamber, and finally adding mask time in increments. Your goal would be daily, 1 hour dives with full pressure and 02 w/mask.

I think it is best to let the 02 flow in while you're working up, but if you decide not to use your concentrator, remove the tubing and replace it with a brass screw. If your chamber didn't come with one, here's what you need from the hardware:

threaded brass pipe screw
1/8 - 27 NPT (national pipe thread)

Reminder: Always have your concentrator ON whenever you have pressure in the chamber. One way to remember this is to have your concentrator ON whenever the zippers are closed. Turn it OFF only after the zippers are open.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
No worries,'re doing great.

If screw is in place, your concentrator cannot be hooked up to the chamber, and therefore would be OFF.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
How long do you "react" from diving? I'm experiencing a return of stomach pain and nausea as well as anxiety. I've not had these symptoms to this degree in several years.

It makes my mornings completely unproductive and then seems to get manageable as the day progresses.

I was given a z pac for my bronchitis. I took two pills on Wednesday and it has been off to the races ever since. I had terrible, loose stools just from two pills. I never had loose stools when I was taking ongoing antibiotics.

Then, the nausea, stomach pain, and anxiety started. Yuck. I just want to see a steady incline toward health because it's hard to gauge improvements when it's back and forth.

Just needing some encouragement that this decline is actually good and not a blackside to hell.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Soccermama, a z pack is notorious for stomach upset and gi disturbances. I would think that may be the cause of your renewed problems. Not sure about the anxiety though.

Unfortunately, I don't think a steady incline of recovery is realistic. Phoiph as said that it is a two step forward one back pattern. Do you chart your symptoms and time? I think that is a good way to see your progress.

Hang in there. You will get there!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

In my experience, over a period of time, mHBOT did kick start my stomach acid production again (which had been nonexistent)...and you can certainly "feel" this happening...but the acute stomach pain an nausea does not sound like a typical mHBOT reaction to me.

I agree that the likely culprit was the sounds like it did a number on your gut.

The gut issues can definitely cause the anxiety.

I would focus on gut healing foods, like meat/bone broth, good fats, and also probiotics and fermented foods to help rebalance gut flora...

Also...have you tried DGL licorice losenges? Slippery Elm powder?

[ 04-28-2016, 02:04 AM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Dive #5. Made it to 2 PSI.
Stayed there a couple of minutes.
Still with O2 tubing loose in the caboose.

Want to try a few times w/o suppl. O2.
Got the brass plug today.
Not sure what to do with it tho.
Pho - will need your help with this.

Presently there is a brass thingie the tubing passes through. Not sure what to do with that one.

Remove it?
Screw the new one onto that one?

I don't want to touch anything until I know what to do.

Thanks again everyone's help.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Unscrew the brass fitting that attaches the concentrator tubing to the chamber port.

Remove the tubing from the chamber.

Insert screw in port to plug opening.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
soccermamma, VSL#3 is an excellent probiotic that will keep your GI in check during antibiotic therapy. You can get it at Walgreens. Also, Sacchromyces Boulardii, will get rid of yeast caused by these drugs. Yeast overgrowth will cause anxiety.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Does anyone split their dives into two 30min sessions instead of 1 60-min chunk? Or would the benefits be lost doing it this way?
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Thanks for all the replies. Yes, I definitely think the Z pac did something. But I think something else is going on.

I might be in a flare, although I haven't had those symptoms in a long time. It is very reminiscent of when I first got sick.

Karen, I have both VSL #3 and Sacchromyces Boulardii and have been taking them since this weekend.

It has been mentioned on this site that the chamber can cause a resurfacing of symptoms so maybe that is what is going on.

That's the crazy thing about this disease. There are so many unknown variables. But I'm on day 5 and will keep pressing on.

Nothing so far has managed to get me into complete healing so I'm hopeful.
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
Hello Everyone,

This is my first post...I'm 16 years with Lyme and have managed to get by, mostly, on just the GAPS diet.

MCS keeps me from doing more. Rife and homeopathy were ineffective.

For a month I've been going in a Solace at an NDs office, twice a week for 50 minutes.

I feel really weird for 2 days after, very energetic and somewhat agitated. Is that normal?

There is a slight herx feeling, but mostly not.

Also, the ND doesn't use a mask, says he has the oxygen concentrator installed in line somehow so that the whole chamber fills with oxygen.

Is that safe? Effective? He says that's how the company taught him years ago.

Anyway, I would like to purchase my own chamber, have PM-ed Phioph (if I did it right).

I'm so sensitive that I can't imagine diving daily, will have to start low and slow like so many of you.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome to the thread, Kristine001. I get that wired feeling off and on. I have found diving mostly to help with my energy, but sometimes it tires me too.

Many of us just start out with the oxygen just flowing in the chamber without a mask. The goal is to eventually wear the mask for 60 minutes.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi spinning123...

From what I have been told, it is more therapeutic to do a one hour dive, rather than 2 thirty minute dives with a break in between.

That said, it is also more therapeutic to do a 30 minute dive at full pressure, than a longer dive at lower pressure. (That's why it is generally more important to work up to full pressure first, then increase time, then add the mask.)

Spinning...I haven't forgotten to answer your email...I'm currently a little backed up...:)
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Thanks for the input, as always, Phoiph! Take your time with the email, there's obviously no rush [Wink] still chugging along..
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Checking in.
Did two dives this week.
One I managed to get to 3 PSI for a few minutes.
This evening I got to 3.5 PSI.
Now thinking getting to 4.2 will be OK after all.
Was real worried about that.
I'm a bit congested but think I'm figuring out how to pop my ears - finally.
And to figure out what it feels like/sounds like when they pop.

I had an appt. yesterday with allergist/immuno - suffice to say I will be off IVIG/SCIG for three months. (Will discuss this another topic).

I'm kind of relieved about this. Perhaps I have been having awful side effects from it. Three months off should let me know - and am hoping not to go back on it.

Also did not want to be on it while starting mHBOT - the less weirdness I put in my body - the better.

That being said.......I worry about getting infections and am concerned about allergies.
I want to do IV Vit. C again.
Not high doses - but just enough.....
OK to do with mHBOT?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I vote "no" to the IV Vitamin C w/mHBOT.

Too much, high potency "artificial" antioxidant (I.e., not from food) can theoretically counteract the necessary effect of the free radicals to fight pathogens.

There are studies out that are showing that taking large amounts of antioxidants in isolation is not good in general. You can do as many antioxidant foods as you want.

IMO, best to keep your protocol as simple as possible when doing mHBOT. Instead, focus on the basics: living a clean lifestyle (reduce toxic exposure, reduce stress, more sleep, etc.), improving diet (a huge factor), increase movement like gentle yoga, and mHBOT...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hi Phoiph

I have 2 questions

1. How many dives in a chamber before I should have it checked by the manufacturer?

2. I had that toe surgery January 25th which included scraping of the bone, cut tendon and a pin down the length of my toe from the top to the base in the bone to hold the toe straight for 5 weeks. While the pin was in the toe I was not able to put any pressure on the foot at all. A month ago the doctor took an X-ray because I was still complaining of pain in the first joint. There was some fibrous material growing in that joint so we talked about doing some massage on that toe to help facilitate healing.

This week I returned for a check up and to tell him I continue to have pain in the first joint as well as the joint at the base of the toe. We took another X-ray and found a pocket that appears to be forming on the first joint bone that he thinks is now arthritis and the bones now look like they are becoming porous on the first and second joints.

My first thought is that because I had no real blood or O2 flow to the toe for 5-6 weeks that the Lyme bateria congregated in that area and are doing some damage. The doctor is perplexed and would like me to seek out a second opinion with Dr B and see what she thinks.

Any thoughts??
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Peimomma...

1. There is no need to have the chamber checked unless you are having issues with it (e.g., not holding pressure due to a seal leak, zipper problem, etc.). (General note: There are simple ways to troubleshoot leaks before sending in the chamber for an expensive repair...)

The concentrator, on the other hand, requires routine filter cleaning at home every week or two, depending on conditions.

It is also a good idea to have the oxygen purity and pressure tested by a technician yearly.

2. I know you visit AZ sometimes. If you were to get down to my area, I think it would be worthwhile to have a consultation with my neurologist/HBOT friend here. If it is a bone infection, it could warrant higher pressure HBOT for a number of sessions...(?).
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thank you Phoiph, as usual a wealth of great information.

No issues with the chamber at all and we have over 700 hours to date.

We are building a house in AZ and it will be completed in Dec And ready to move into. I have been applying for jobs down that way at Luke AFB as I feel really ready to get my feet wet in the work force again.

I will be in the area in 2 weeks time from the 23 May to possible the 31st if needed. I can see about having the X-rays sent down with the reports?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
What's involved with cleaning the filters on the concentrator? Is it just simply pulling them out and taking them outside to shake loose the dust?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Awesome! Just email me and I will give you her contact information. I can also give her a head's up...

Monti...the filter on the outside back of the concentrator (the plastic mesh) can be removed and washed in warm water and a little dish soap, rinsed, and air dried thoroughly overnight. You can also take it outside and clap it between your hands in between washings.

There is an internal felt filter on some models that will need professional servicing after 5,000 hours. This would likely only be a concern on a used it would take years to reach 5,000 hours at the rate we use it (remember these concentrators were designed for 24/7 use)!
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thank you Poiph! I know you have explained that before but it would take hours to locate the post lol!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
This is a long thread!
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I think I may have a problem with the chamber.

Tonight my ears cooperated so decided to let it go to 4.2 PSI.
I put my glasses on to see exactly when the gauge hit 4.2 - which would be my first time - and a red letter day.

I waited and waited. The pressure maxed at 3.8.

Got out/zipped it back up to test w/o me in it.
Same thing - max 3.8.
It started hissing/releasing at 3.8.

When I first got the chamber and tested it - it went to 4.2 and that's when it started hissing - IIRC.

Doubt would make a difference - but I don't have the O2 tubing connected now - have that hole plugged.

I tried to troubleshoot - only thing I could find was that the compressor was hot - on the top - the metal parts.

Thoughts? Dang it............

To edit/add: Perhaps I have misunderstood the max PSI I should see on the gauge/how high the pressure goes. 4.2 or 4.0? Anyway, tonight it only went to 3.8.

Again - I previously had maxed at 3.5 due to my ears.
When I got the chamber/tested it ~two months ago it had the O2 tubing in the chamber and no gauge extender.
Now no tubing but has gauge extender.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You first need to check your compressor connection. Take the tubing off at the chamber and compressor, and reattach it, making sure it clicks.

Next check the gauge connection to make sure it is screwed on snugly (as well as the nut behind it).

Also check the plug to the 02 port.

Now, from the outside, zip the chamber shut, making sure to smooth the gasket in between the zippers, and also making sure both zippers are closed all the way (by pushing each all the way closed with your finger). ***Make sure the zipper tabs are flat and aren't creating a bulge which will let air pass through.

Turn valve ALL THE WAY to inflate, and time the rate of inflation. It should take roughly 6-7 minutes.

Check gauge; and if not reaching 4.0-4.2 PSI, feel and listen around outside of chamber for air escaping (especially check zipper ends and around connections). Feel around window seals, etc.

Let me know what you find out...
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Thanks Pho. Will do.
Curious why it would start hissing/releasing at 3.8 - like it thinks it's at 4.2.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
It usually does start hissing a little before may just not have heard it. It is easier to hear from the outside of the chamber.

Just make sure that hissing is actually coming from the release valves at the foot of the chamber, and not the valve or any of the other connections mentioned above.
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
My new Oxyhealth chamber is arriving Friday, I'm so excited! 16 years with Lyme and MCS is quite enough.

I expect I will have to let the chamber off-gas for a couple of weeks because of the MCS. Can it be set in the sun to speed things up?

Also, I have friends who want to get in the chamber. Are there liability issues? Should I be asking for their doctor's permission?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Kristine...

Please don't put your chamber in the sun! You can off gas it in the shade (providing there is shade all-day), as long as it is not too hot.

The tubing seems to need more off-gassing than the chamber.

You can also pressurize the chamber and let it run for a few hours at a time, and this will accelerate the process. Be sure to detach your oxygen concentrator and plug the port.

Do make sure your friends have prescriptions for both the chamber and 02. You should also have them sign a release of liability.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Checking in - rough week - migraines?
Tonight I finally was able to test the chamber.

It maxed at 3.8 PSI both times I tested it.
Once with the O2 port plugged.
Once with the O2 tubing in place.

It inflated in 6-7 minutes (Solace).

I could not detect any air escaping.

I got in the chamber - still with the O2 tubing connected. (had been diving w/o it).

Maxed at 3.8.

I decided to feel around the inside of the chamber - knowing I wouldn't find anything that way - but.........I briefly placed a finger over a "port" and felt some suction.

The hand on the gauge went a little nuts - but then calmed down and settled on 4 PSI.

(Realizing the "suction port" was the underside of the gauge.. ).

I tried this a few more times - just briefly - two seconds max each time - and same thing - back to 4 PSI - if not a hair less.

Not sure what to think about this.
Something with the gauge/extender maybe?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

It could be a sticky gauge, but there is one more thing I would try...

Inflate the chamber (from the outside), and when it is up to pressure and the valves at the foot start hissing, give it a few firm knocks near the valves. They may be a little sticky...
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Thanks Pho.

Valves at the foot of the chamber......I noted one seems to blow harder than the other one. ???

If in the chamber - would be the one on the right.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
That is how it is supposed to be...the two are set differently, but the louder one is not necessarily on the right or left.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
As of today I am at 201 dives. (116 of those being full dives.)

I now have times (days in a row) where I feel better. I am still crashing frequently though and returning to all my troubles.

I have to look at the overall picture, and what I used to be. It definitely has helped me and I do love my chamber.

I actually have times where I enjoy life again!! They are brief but ohhhh so lovely!!

AAAAAAND I am not on any antibiotics!!! That's right not even ONE. I don't think they are doing/did much for me.

Maybe the mHBOT is keeping me from worsening?

A major concern I have is that ever since starting mHBOT I get the strangest brain "misfires." ( promise I am a very SANE sort of person...)

I now hear "crashes" occasionally esp. when my brain is relaxed. Sometimes (again... when brain is relaxed)I get weird pop up thoughts that are almost dreamlike in quality.

For example, in bed this morning my nephew suddenly popped into my head and said SLEEP! I wasn't remotely thinking of him or anything. I was fully awake, but drowsy.

It is soooo strange and I worry I am losing my brain!!! [Frown] mostly I hear "crashes" that sound kind of like a bomb going off in the noggin.'

This hasn't happened EVER...but since hyperbaric this has slooowly crept in. I was wondering has anyone else had this problem?????

Phoiph, I know you have had some weird neuro jazz. Can you explain how it was for you and when this went away? Do you think mHBOT could make this worse???

My dr. must be right when he said mHBOT doesn't affect Babesia. I was good with night sweats and air hunger for a while off meds but they came roaring back a few nights ago. I am went back on crypto and am thinking to go back on Babesia meds. GROAAAAN.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
BTW just FYI I have been like three months off abx.

Oh and Phoiph, my concentrator seemed to develop a bit of a rattle... like it sounds congested, almost like the blower is rattling. Do you think I should get it checked? I never got it checked then.

I had a hard time finding someone to look at it without spending zillions of dollars.... [Frown] The company said they would look at it but would charge me anyway... even if nothing was wrong.

It is a new airsep concentrator. THANKS a MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post here but I've been on LymeNet since 2005. I don't post much as I try to keep the drama in my life to a minimum!

I'll introduce myself at a later date but suffice it to say, I have done over 400, one hour mHBOT dives in my Vitaeris Chamber with considerable improvement in my condition.

I just want to say to Susank that there should be no suction at the pressure gauge port. That is where your leak is. Probably one of the connectors in your "extender" but it could be a leaky gauge too.
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
I received and set up my Respiro yesterday, and it is off-gassing. How long have others run it before getting in?

I couldn’t find instructions for hooking up the O2 concentrator to the chamber. Any tips?

Also, when fully inflated the gauge reads just above 4. Am I supposed to open the release valve a bit so it stays between 3-4?

Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Just hit 100 dives and overall have had improvements with energy since beginning. At times, I feel more mentally clear and at other times I feel worse and my mood is just really up and down.

I feel so achy and breathless everyday, which has been worse than before I started diving. My doctor thinks I may have mast cell activation disorder, so I'm wondering if a lot of high histamine foods were making me worse. So far, a little less than a week on a no histamine diet and I feel improvement.

Does anyone else have a similar experience? mast cell/ histamine issues?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Kristine, the OxyHealth tanks are designed to go to ~ 4.2 psi.

The only reason to lower the pressure is if you need to go slow due to your unique condition, intolerable herxing, or not being able to clear your ears.

FWIW, I started at full pressure but only did 30 minutes for the first month.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Foxy loxy, glad you are getting some relief.

I don't hear crashes but I do have a lot of moments of intense emotions (anxiety) and startling, at times it feels like time speeds up and is going to come to a screeching halt, but that is typically short lasting.

There are times when I've had vertigo too where I feel like items are falling above me, or I am tipping over.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Just hit 100 dives and overall have had a lot of improvements with energy since beginning. At times, I feel more mentally clear and at other times I feel worse and my mood is just really up and down.

I feel so achy and breathless everyday, which has been worse than before I started diving. My doctor thinks I may have mast cell activation disorder, so I'm wondering if a lot of high histamine foods were making me worse. So far, a little less than a week on a no histamine diet and I feel improvement.

Does anyone else have a similar experience?
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Jolley, how is it I am ahead of you in dives? I thought you were a patriarch before me?? [Smile]

Glad to hear you have more energy. Yeah, the anxiety and startling is me too. Hateful! [Frown]

Thanks for chipping in, Digby! That was encouraging to hear your report...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I can totally relate to the crashing/explosion sounds, as I had that as well. It was jarring, to say the least.

Google "Exploding Head Syndrome", and it will describe this condition as "benign", possibly related to mild brain wave abnormalities when entering REM stage.

It resolved for me over time with mHBOT.

I do think you need to have your concentrator checked due to the rattle. Isn't it still under warranty? I would contact the vendor (not the company).

Please PM or email me if they don't take care of it, and I'll give you contact information for someone who can advise you.

Congratulations for getting off your antibiotics. mHBOT is usually a 2 stage process for many people....stage one is becoming strong enough with mHBOT support to wean off the drugs (with doctor's approval), and phase 2 is moving forward with deeper healing.

Also, remember that I had full blown Babesia, and it eventually resolved with mHBOT. This process definitely took more than 116 full dives to complete...

About the neuro/brain symptoms...

Here's an article that describes (very last section on "Personality Changes") how there can be shifts in neuro/brain activity when an injured brain is healing via mHBOT, as different parts of the brain may be targeted at different stages, etc. Although this may not be exactly what you're experiencing, it does suggest a reason why things can get a little strange for awhile...

Hyperbaric Oxygen and Depression:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Please also refer to the article above about mood swings, etc. (last section) while going through mHBOT.

At 100 dives, you are still in the very early stages of healing, and I would expect you would have mental and physical ups and downs. When your immune system starts to function more, it will make you feel more achy, etc.

That said, you're is very important to get a handle on diet and any food triggers and focus on healing the leaky gut through diet, as it can be a huge strain on the immune/overall system...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Kristine...

Let's talk again via phone before you actually start we can work out how to work up slowly.

Your concentrator should have come with a hook up kit and instructions in a plastic baggie. I can walk you though it...but for now, just leave the plug in the port and don't hook it up while you're off-gassing your chamber.

Some people off-gas it for a couple of weeks, running it periodically for an hour or two at a time...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post here but I've been on LymeNet since 2005. I don't post much as I try to keep the drama in my life to a minimum!

I'll introduce myself at a later date but suffice it to say, I have done over 400, one hour mHBOT dives in my Vitaeris Chamber with considerable improvement in my condition.

I just want to say to Susank that there should be no suction at the pressure gauge port. That is where your leak is. Probably one of the connectors in your "extender" but it could be a leaky gauge too.

Hi Digby...

Glad you're here! Also glad you've had success. Have your 400 dives been fairly consecutive?

Regarding the gauge...both my chamber gauges have a very slight amount of suction from the port behind them (on the inside of the chamber) but the gauges read 4.2...

That could definitely be Susank's problem though if she is feeling a strong suction there...
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Phoiph, Yes, as close to consecutive as possible. I have missed a day or two a month and a week or so a couple of times for other reasons.

Re: Pressure gauge, I also had suction at the port but it is completely gone after I reworked my gauge extender connections. However, it is common for these cheap gauges to leak a little bit. If it is holding pressure, then it doesn't matter.

Re: Exploding Head Syndrome, I've experienced this three times and it is a bizarre thing. It sounds like a 45 caliber gun has gone off in the middle of your head. Woke me from a deep sleep one time. All three were before HBOT. Haven't had it happen since starting treatment.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Wow guys!!! You can't believe how relieved to know I am not nuts!!! I am so excited my problem actually has a name. I googled it and Exploding head syndrome is definitely what I have.

Phoiph, so relieving to know you have experienced this and came through ok. Thank you so much for that plug. As long as I am not permanently damaging my brain I am ok with continuing.

I just worry, because It seems hyperbaric has really brought out neuro/brain issues... BUT having said that...

It has helped some with the gnawing nerve sensation that grinds and grinds and grinds till I think I shall go bonkers!!!! [Frown]

Digby, weird mHBOT helped your EHS and mHBOT seemed to bring on mine. We are all different...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Good to know about the gauge.

It makes sense that technically it should work like a tire pressure gauge with no air escaping...
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Phoiph, that article was great! Thanks for posting, it was so relevant to what I was experiencing and nice to see that others have that happen as well.

On a different note, so excited about Harch's research. Thinking of all the veterans who are regaining their lives.

Digby, thanks for checking in, so glad you are doing well.

Foxy loxy, that is funny, I am newer to mHbot than you [Smile]
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Thanks re: possible leak.

It's probably the extender since all worked fine before attaching it.

I'll get engineer neighbor to look at it/connections.

Until then - it's OK to use?

Not understanding the suction from the gauge port.

I thought that might have something to do with how the gauge measures the pressure. ???

I guess not - but now I'm curious - how does the gauge measure the pressure?
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
yay, my vendor is swapping concentrators!! [Smile] Thankfully, the man I borrowed mine from had this vendor's number. Thanks for the direction Phoiph.

Goodbye, rattling concentrator. Hello, one that works. (hopefully)

Its funny. At this time I am usually in it. It feels so weird just to go to bed. It is like not brushing your teeth! (or eating pills):/
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Foxy loxy...

What kind of concentrator will you be getting in the swap?

If it is going to take a long time, you can always dive without your concentrator for the time being. The pressure is still beneficial, and the 02 content inside the chamber will still be slightly increased.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :

He said it would be the same one. He was willing to take it back because it is still under warranty. I was so glad. I only had to pay fifty bucks to ship it!

He said I should get it the end of this week, so only a few days without it. Good idea to keep diving Phoiph. I never thought of that! [Smile]
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Ok so I got my "new" concentrator. It rattles too!!!!! [Frown] It isn't as loud as my old one, but I am assuming they all do a bit?

The air quantity seems the same as my old one, so now I feel kinda stupid. But it didn't USED to rattle...grrr

Does anyone else have a concentrator that rattles?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
No...I'm going to email you the contact information for a vendor who you can trust to ask about this...
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Question about air quality in the room where my chamber is located. Probably it's not the best.
The room has carpet - and the chamber, compressor and concentrator are on the floor.

I can't keep my house as clean as it should be.
There is probably (lots of) dust and animal dander in the carpet. I do have a Hepa filter/tower running in the room.

I think the compressor and the concentrators both have filters? I have an awful feeling I am pumping allergens into the chamber.

I have not been diving with supplemental O2.
I think I have noticed, though, that when I have - the air in the chamber seemed "cleaner".
(Another good reason to be using the concentrator?).

Even though the air from the compressor and the concentrator come from the air in the room.

Thoughts/ideas? Thanks.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi SusanK...

If you have a lot of dust and animals, you will need to clean the filters more frequently; probably weekly.

Is there a reason why you're not using the concentrator to just flow in the 02 (without wearing the mask at first)?
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Tks Pho. Is there a filter on the compressor?
Maybe the thingie that one end of the tubing is connected to?

(I did not get any instruction manuals).

I thought that perhaps I was having a bit of trouble with the supplemental O2- so have tried diving w/o it. I guess time to hook it back up - and not use a mask.

Regarding the pressure issue I may be having; neighbor and I ran the chamber with and w/o the extender. The gauge still reading just a hair short of 4 PSI - not going past that.

I banged around the foot valves - that did not seem to help. FWIW we briefly covered the foot valves with our hands - and IIRC the gauge read above 4 PSI - which I guess would be expected. Wondering if that means anything?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
There are two round black spherical filters on the compressor. They have a little paper filter inside that catches dust and can be gently brushed off.

They are difficult to open and don't need to be cleaned very often, from what I've been told...but if you do have a lot of dust it might be a good idea to do this more often.

To remove, you would unscrew the spheres from the compressor, then twist the two halves apart.

About your sounds to me like it is working, if it goes above 4PSI when you must still be losing a slight amount of air somewhere...and I suspect it is your zipper tab which can easily get bunched up and create a gap.

Next time you pressurize if from the outside, once it gets near 4.0, put the palm of your hand over the closed end of the zipper (at the large window end) and put some weight on it to seal it. See if it creeps up to 4.2...

If so, try to get those tabs flattened out when you zip up.

[ 05-29-2016, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Now I know where the filters are on the compressor. (Your third paragraph above - you meant compressor, right?).
Are tools required?
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Pho - questions about diet.
I have been trying to follow the GAPS diet as best I can.
I note where you did that as well - and I eat much like your (famous) six foods. Except I could not do sardines.
My sister cooks for me.
Perhaps the last batch of broth was bad - anyway - something made me real sick - so I can't much think about broth for a while.
But wanted to ask - did you have veggies in your broth. What veggies did you eat?
I really don't want to eat.
I try to eat salads/greens daily - but tonight just threw it all out.
I'm trying to eat real/raw/fresh, etc.
I know we need veggie/fruit fiber.
Probably should not be eating fruit (sugars).
Truly the only vegetable I can think about is an avocado - and IIRC they're not even vegetables. ??
I have had a rule for years - must eat one green veggie a day.
What did you do for fiber if I might ask?
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Another question - re: cleaning inside of the chamber.
A gal on a mHBOT FB page said some folks place a bowl of peroxide in the chamber and let it run.
Don't know if that means wiping down the insides after or what.
Or if the correct way to clean/sanitize is to use a solution and by hand wipe down the insides.
Ugh - can't imagine doing that - but if I must....
So - what's the easiest/most effective way?
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Originally posted by susank:
Pho - questions about diet.
I have been trying to follow the GAPS diet as best I can.
I note where you did that as well - and I eat much like your (famous) six foods. Except I could not do sardines.
My sister cooks for me.
Perhaps the last batch of broth was bad - anyway - something made me real sick - so I can't much think about broth for a while.
But wanted to ask - did you have veggies in your broth. What veggies did you eat?
I really don't want to eat.
I try to eat salads/greens daily - but tonight just threw it all out.
I'm trying to eat real/raw/fresh, etc.
I know we need veggie/fruit fiber.
Probably should not be eating fruit (sugars).
Truly the only vegetable I can think about is an avocado - and IIRC they're not even vegetables. ??
I have had a rule for years - must eat one green veggie a day.
What did you do for fiber if I might ask?

I had trouble progressing through the GAPS introduction diet. Finding a source of fiber was very problematic for me. Adding veggies would make symptoms worse. But i discovered it was the fermentable veggies that mostly did it. FODMAPS. They feed intestinal flora (good and perhaps some bad types) and can trigger all kinds of different reactions.
Good flora for example pushes the immune system and that can cause all kinds of problems when you still have a toxic body. Good flora can also kill off candida and that leads to toxin release in your body. Bad flora produces these toxins on their own. What exactly is going on will probably remain a mystery, but these reactions dont seem to happen with non-FODMAP veggies for me. The exception being kale and spinach, being so nutrient dense they can trigger some detox symptoms. They did for me initially.
However these veggies are import ones to add to your diet eventually. And now after a couple of months i can handle them just fine.

So maybe try non FODMAP veggies first and only after that try to add medium FODMAP veggies like avocado.

Also you can use psyllium husk or pure cellulose powder as fiber supplements. They dont seem to feed the gut flora and will just pass through you, absorbing some of the toxins along the way.

Also for me being toxic with an overloaded liver, i found that eating all the fats from the GAPS intro diet would really stress out my liver even more. Lots of nausea. So try to keep your calories to a minimum to sustain your weight. Dont overeat.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

As per the manufacturer, the best way to clean the chamber is with a 50/50 solution of over the counter 3% hydrogen peroxide and water.

If you are sharing the chamber it is important to do this more frequently than if you are just using it yourself.

When not in use, keep the zippers open so air can circulate inside. You can set a box of baking soda inside if you like.

I couldn't handle raw vegetables at all when I was ill and down to 5-6 foods, except for the fermented foods which were more tolerable for me.

I ate lots of avocados. I also ate soaked and oven dried raw nuts (walnuts, almonds, & pecans). Preparation here is everything; the soaking removes the tannins which are what irritates the gut. I also ate peeled green apples (later I could handle the peel). There is a lot of fiber there.

You can also use the soaked/baked nuts to make nut milks and nut butters (as I know you said you need to put on weight).

Here are some recipes for the nut butters:

Raw Nuts Done Right: A video on healthy preparation of nuts and nut butters for best digestion and nutrition:
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Re: 50/50 HP and water.
What to do?
Place a bowl inside and run the chamber and that's it?

Wipe down windows - but also the insides - by hand? back - thinking about this.
What do others do?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

A 50:50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water mixed in a spray bottle. Just spray and wipe the inside occasionally.

You can put a bowl or open box of baking soda inside when not in use.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Thanks. I will be sharing the chamber with one other person.
I guess there is the worry of germs breeding in the chamber with the heat and moisture/sweat.
Parts of the chamber will be difficult to reach by hand.
Ideas for a long-handled "something" to get to the (perceived) difficult to reach spots.
Asking - because the Solace is small - and I hurt everywhere. Getting on hands and knees - contorting to clean the ends etc - need help.
Sorry to be such a pain asking these questions.....
Thanks in advance.
(Can I run an essential oil diffuser in the room when the chamber is not in use? Peppermint - or something similar in regards to killing germs?).
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Remember that the chamber is not a sterile environment, and you won't ever make it so.

Of course, you will both have your own masks, and your own clean sheet/pillow each time.

If the other person is stronger, have them wipe the chamber down before and after their use, and you won't need to do it.

I don't know about a diffuser...I personally wouldn't want any smells to permeate the chamber.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hi Everyone,

I’ve read this whole thread from the beginning and you are a wonderful bunch of people even though you struggle with your health. Kudos for being such a respectful, kind group of people.

I’ve been sick for many years. Got diagnosed with Lyme in 2005. Like many of you I’ve tried “everything” from Antibiotics to Nutriceuticals, from Rife to Ozone. So far nothing has helped as much as mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT).

I read Phoiph’s story and reached out to her for assistance and all I can say is; she is an angel here on Earth. Her help was freely given and I credit her with my improvements.

So I started with 18 dives in a big chamber at 2.0 ATA which did nothing but cause herxes. I am now a believer in the slow but steady approach of MILD HBOT.

I’ve done well over 400 dives in my Vitaeris Chamber and have gone from walking to the mailbox with a cane and taking a cart during a rare trip to Wal-Mart, to walking 2 to 3 miles on local trails without any assistance. I recover much faster when I overdo it, sleep better, and can tolerate foods, supplements and environments that use to put me in a tail spin.

I am far from cured but for the first time I am seeing improvement in spite of my advancing years.

There are a couple of things that I think are essential to a successful mHBO therapy. One is eating a real food, low carb, high fat diet. It may not be for everyone but the research shows anti-inflammatory effects, increased mitochondrial activity and a more efficient Kreb’s Cycle with lower reactive oxygen species production.

Which brings us to the second important item. Reduce antioxidant supplements. If you load up on C, E, CoQ10, etc. while diving, you will block the increase of our endogenous (made within our bodies) antioxidants like glutathione, catalase and SOD.

I have to admit that cutting back on my antioxidants which I had been taking in large doses for decades was really hard for me. I was convinced my body would fall apart but instead I just keep getting stronger. There is research supporting both sides of this issue so I can’t say for sure which is right but I can say that my lab rat (me) is thriving with fewer antioxidants and it makes logical sense.

Good Health to All,
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thanks for sharing Digby I found your post encouraging [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks for the kind words and sage advice, Digby!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Phoiph I have a question about elevation and diving. Currently I live at about 500 above sea level but we are moving to AZ where it will be 1600 feet above sea level.

What changes can I expect from the elevation difference.

As always much appreciation of your knowledge and wisdom😊
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Aw...thanks, Peimomma...

I don't think you'll notice much change. My elevation in AZ is 3400 ft.

Are you still doing 1 hour dives/day? If so, you could add 15 minutes once you move.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Hello Digby! Your post certainly encouraged me, and it's timing is beautiful, thank you.

Have you researched, considered or are you even aware of any concerns over a person with SOD genetic defect doing mHBOT? There is an article online by Pharmacist Suzy Cohen that made me start pondering this issue.

I do not understand the action of oxidative stress, the human body and mHBOT. I will heed your antioxidant warning (I'm currently only taking two capsules of Vit C (with dinner which is usually six hours after my dive).

I am on dive 168, was just recently able to start adding supplemental oxygen leaving mask just laying to the side. My difficulties making progress (and it taking so long to add oxygen) are what has my pondering this SOD gene angle.

I look forward to using a cane to get to the mailbox. I currently need a walker to get to fridge and bathroom.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :

I haven't looked at that but I will. Keep in mind that even with a gene deletion the body can usually still make the final chemical in the cascade. It just has to use work arounds.

That's where epigenetics come in to play and HBOT is a significant intervention that can turn on genes that increase endogenous antioxidants.

If I find anything of interest, I'll post it here.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Oh, and one more healing has been so slow and subtle that for a long time I was convinced HBOT was just another failed therapy.

The thing that helped me was that I'm stubborn, so I just kept at it through the herxes and the boredom. :^)
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Phoiph, thank you

Yes, once I return from vacation I will be back to one hour dives.

I will keep that in mind once we get relocated.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Digby how long was it before you clearly started noticing improvements?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Digby...I'm so happy you're here. (He has knowledge & background, people! He's helped me connect the dots on many subjects...)

Just wanted to add my earlier email response to Toyswalk on this subject:

In my opinion, the article grossly simplifies the antioxidant process and takes it out of context. It is actually a very complex and integrated process, with multiple endogenous and exogenous factors at play. Focusing on a single snp doesn't give an accurate "big picture", as the body has many compensatory strategies.

I also don't lump mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy into the same category as ozone, hydrogen peroxide, etc. It is a much more healing and comprehensive therapy.

Think about all of the neurodegenerative diseases and those associated with aging (e.g., MS, Parkinson's, Dementia, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, etc.). Many believe free radicals damage is a huge factor in these diseases, and that this population has less ability to fight them. If mHBOT was contributing to their free radical damage, why would it be the ONLY known therapy that regenerates neural tissue and promotes recovery in these people?

Think of the autistic population. They are known for high free radical levels, snps, and inability to detoxify. Yet this study points out that their low levels of endogenous antioxidants increase after mHBOT therapy:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Autism Spectrum Disorders:
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Thank you both. Digby, please contact me directly by email if you are interested in my SOD links. Phoiph can give you my contact info.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Monti, Ha! There was nothing clear about the process. And I fought it all the way. After decades of failed treatments I was pretty sure this would fail as well.

So, the best answer I can give you is that in retrospect I was seeing benefits after about 200 dives (maybe even before) but I wasn't willing to attribute them to the chamber until fairly recently. Hope that helps.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Pho...Thanks for the kind words. I agree with your succinct post above.

BTW, I have a medical Ozone Generator and used it extensively in the past. It will increase endogenous antioxidants, especially if injected but it is not equivalent to mHBOT in other ways.

Ozone helped some specific symptoms but in no way affected the deeper illness. Perhaps that is the difference... deep healing instead of chasing symptoms.

Toy...Feel free to IM me with the links.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi All Trailblazers: This is such an encouraging and incredible thread. Your documentation and help to other Lyme sufferers is really incredible.

I would like to learn more. I am diligently reading this thread (actually for a second time) as it is sticking better this time.

Phoiph: Your gift to us all with your shared experience and guidance is truly beyond words.

I have sent you a PM. I look forward to hearing from you when you are able.

I am ordering the Oxygen Revolution book now. I Thank you all for your contribution to so many.

[Smile] WBT [group hug]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome, willbeatthis (and you will...:)

Thank you...I'm a little backed up at the moment...but will answer your PM very soon!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thank you Phoiph! You are so encouraging. Thank you.... No rush.... My reading material is on its way and I am still reading through this thread.

Thank you so much.... [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
My new AirSep concentrator doesn't seem to be working, although it makes breathing sounds and there is a light air-flow out. But no effect in me like at the doctor's office.

I am sending it back anyway because of external damage from shipping and I received the wrong model, but it will be 2-3 weeks before the right one comes.

Is there any sense in using the chamber w/o O2 until the new unit arrives?

Is there a simple way to test if this unit is actually emitting compressed O2?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Kristine...

Yes...There is definitely benefit to using the chamber with pressure only. Just plug the 02 port with the brass screw.

The only way to test the concentrator 02 purity is with an expensive 02 gauge. 02 equipment/repair shops can do this for you...usually at no charge if you bring the concentrator to them.

This is why you want to make sure you get the model concentrator with the oxygen purity monitor...because it will alert you if the purity falls below 80%. The AirSep New Life Intensity 10 with this feature will have a little yellow light on the front panel.
Posted by project (Member # 46200) on :
I haven't read through this entire thread, so I apologize if this has already been discussed.

I've been researching ways to heal infected parts of my jawbone that seem to be related to Lyme & co.

I noticed that HBOT is actually recommended for this:

"Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT). If you have chronic osteomyelitis and you are not responding to other treatments, or the osteomyelitis involves bones of your spine, skull, or chest, your doctor may order HBOT.",150/

I wonder if this is why some Lyme patients are having success with mHBOT/HBOT, and maybe someone's response to it correlates with their degree of bone infection.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi project...

HBOT is recommended for refractory osteomyelitis, and it is one of the 13-14 "covered" conditions that insurance companies/medicare may pay for.

It is usually treated at a higher pressure (HBOT, not mild hyperbaric, or mHBOT) for a specified number of treatments, which is done in a clinical setting.

Note: People with Lyme will need to be very cautious about doing higher pressures...

That said, there may very well be benefit from long term mild hyperbaric. I would recommend seeing a true specialist in HBOT/mHBOT...I know one of the best neurologist/HBOT specialists around if you get down to AZ...
Posted by project (Member # 46200) on :
AZ is not too far.. can you pm me their name?

Why do you say that people with Lyme should be cautious doing higher pressures? There is an HBOT place 15 mins from me and I was thinking of doing a session to try it out.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes...I will PM you her name.

Generally and in a nut shell, neurological/brain conditions (of which Lyme is one, as is Autism, MS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, ALS, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, CP, etc.) respond to mild pressures (i.e., a "sweet spot") and can show regression with higher pressures.

Here's an article that explains that concept:

More is Better: The Recurrent Illusion of Higher Pressure HBOT in Chronic Brain Injury, by Dr. Paul Harch:

Higher pressures are also carry more risk, and cannot be done long term, which is necessary for the comprehensive, deep healing required for Lyme.

Many people have "tried" higher pressures, but have experienced significant reactions that prevented them from continuing. Or, their therapy was typically short-term, which did not allow them to hold on to their gains.

Consistent, mild pressure over time has been much more successful in my experience, and is what most of the people on this thread are participating in.

[ 06-15-2016, 12:46 AM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by mofarmerswife (Member # 48102) on :
Hi, Phoiph -

You have a new PM....
Looking forward to touching base with you soon on sources of chambers and oxygen concentrators - like others on this board, we're setting our sights on a bright future that has this disease under control and being a resource for others who are battling for a "normal" life again!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Phioph- there is a message in there from me as well and now your messages are full. Thank you so much for all your help! WBT
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you...I'm backlogged.

I'm answering earliest calls/messages first...but promise I will respond very soon...
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thank you, Phoiph! Appreciate all you do! [Smile]
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Stumbled upon this while looking for something else:

LymeMD blog - Thursday, June 2, 2016



. . . Cognitive impairment is one of the most disabling symptoms seen in patients with Lyme disease. . . .

. . . Clearly if we are dealing with germs in the brain we need to use antimicrobial agents which are powerful, able to penetrate into the brain and able to target the specific organisms of concern.

Typically, the focus is on spirochetes, pleomorphic variants, blood parasites, bacteria in blood vessels, biofilms and perhaps other organisms, like worms.

What else? How do we make the brain work better? . . .

. . . Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. For practical reasons most patients only have access to home units with offer a low pressure.

A new unit can be purchased for as little as 5500 dollars. Patients who do the best spend 2 hours or more per day in the chamber.

The treatment reduces oxidative stress, promotes glutathione and has been specifically shown to improve neuroplasticity with reversal of abnormal SPECT scan patterns. . . .
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I have held off - but guess I need to buy an Oxyhealth mattress.
How thick are the ones made for the Solace?
How cushiony are they?
What are they made of? Need to off-gas?

Does everyone have a mattress in their chamber?
If not one made for the chamber - what do you use?

Is there something better than the Oxyhealth mattress for someone with a very painful bony back?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The mattresses are convex shaped to fit the curve of the chamber on the bottom, and flat on the top.

They are several inches thick in the center; made of foam zipped inside and a nylon cover.

The off-gassing would depend on an individual's level of sensitivity to that material. It hasn't been much of a problem for most people.

If you decide to use other materials (i.e., cut mattress pad foam layers to fit, etc.), you can always add an extra layer under your chamber (between the chamber and the floor).

When I made my platform on casters, I added a foam layer to the top of the MDF (cut slightly larger), then stretched fabric over it, and stapled it to the underside of the MDF. (Cutting the foam layer slightly larger makes the edges soft when the fabric is stretched over them.)
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Has anyone traveled with your mHbot and concentrator? I was looking to see if it would be easier to take the oxygen concentrator by plane (as baggage) or if I should ship it. I still have the box it came in which I will use to package it. Does anyone have experience with this? What is the easiest way?
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I'll probably buy the mattress online.

Price: $300

Looks like the same (size) mattress is sold for the Solace and Respiro.

Does this sound right?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Some airlines ship medical equipment for free, and don't count it as one of your bags. As you said, it should be packed in the original box/packing. I would check with the airlines about size/weight restrictions, insurance, etc.

That said, it is a gamble to ship OR send it via it is supposed to be kept upright at all times...and we all know how that goes.

Another option might be to rent a concentrator at your destination if there is an oxygen equipment supplier nearby. Of course, you would have to make sure to get one with enough LPM and PSI...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Since it is the same price from Oxyhealth, why not just get it directly from them...then you will know you are getting the right size, etc.?
Posted by mofarmerswife (Member # 48102) on :
Hi, Phoiph -

So sorry to have missed your call! Like WillBeatThis and others on this board, we appreciate all you contribute, and look forward to talking with you soon!
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Any thoughts or comments on the Lyme MD's thinking that 2 hours or more per day is needed? He was addressing cognitive issues in his post. Just wondering what people on this thread thought?
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Found this article - do the calculations look correct?

I'm trying to find out how much O2 comes from:

-No supplemental O2
-O2 tubing loose in chamber
-Nasal Cannula
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I disagree unless perhaps you are diving without breathing supplemental 02 via concentrator; (i.e., just using pressure).

For those that haven’t read it, I will post this article by Dr. Harch once again. He is the HBOT specialist that has researched and treated cognitive/neuro conditions with mHBOT for over 20 years. The article discusses concerns regarding higher pressures and length of sessions in regard to cognitive/neurological issues:

More is Better: The Recurrent Illusion of Higher Pressure HBOT in Chronic Brain Injury, by Dr. Paul Harch:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The calculations look good on paper, but the percentage of tissue saturation varies from person to person, and day to day.

Without supplemental 02, the pressure alone will raise the 02 level in the chamber form approximately 21% to 24%.

Laying the tubing down in the chamber (not wearing the mask), will raise the 02 level in the chamber to approximately 29%.

Although an oxygen concentrator might put out 93% O2, the amount of available oxygen delivered directly through a simple mask is approximately 40-60% at 5-10 LPM, and 20-40% through a cannula.

Of course, these numbers represent only the amount of 02 that is delivered through the mask or cannula, for example, however the available amount of 02 is greatly increased when the 02 is breathed under pressure (as the article states).

That said, the amount of actual tissue saturation will still vary.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Originally posted by soccermama:
Any thoughts or comments on the Lyme MD's thinking that 2 hours or more per day is needed? He was addressing cognitive issues in his post. Just wondering what people on this thread thought?

Here are some random thoughts on this issue...

First off there are no studies that I know of that test this hypothesis.

Even if there were, I suspect that each individual would have a different tolerance, not only to the time spent in the chamber but to the pressure and O2 concentration.

Finally and I think this is an important concept to wrap one's head around; HBOT is a hormetic intervention. Look up HORMESIS. Basically it says that the treatment in high doses is toxic but at the proper dose it stimulates the body to heal.

Other examples are sauna, cold exposure, Ozone, etc.

If you think of HBOT as hormetic, the varied responses to the treatment seen on this thread make perfect sense.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Lyme MD has told me that since 1.3 isn't as strong as 1.5 staying longer in a home chamber could possibly be equivalent to the 1.5 chambers which in his experience have been more successful.

THAT is his reasoning. I think too it depends on your condition. I have a delicate nervous system and he has been more cautious about the length of time with me.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Pho - thanks. Just wanted to know for my own info.
Also after mentioning to my allergist/immuno that I was getting a chamber - he asked if 100% O2 and I said no. I could not tell him what percentage on the O2. Felt kind of stupid about that.

When researching hyperbarics and O2 - mostly it's mentioned 100%. I had to explain to the doctor that I was getting a "mild" chamber - as I think he was getting a bit concerned.

As an aside - he is a scuba diver.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Hi Everyone! I just wanted to share an update on my son, Cullen. He has just completed week 9 of diving and is showing great improvements in his GI health and brain clearing. Cullen is 21 and has had a spectacularly clean diet for 8 years. He has not used drug therapy and the herbals we tried, he abandoned within the first week because they gave him GI distress. He is diving for 1 hour each day and is up to 15 minutes with the mask and has added several foods to his limited diet and is more interactive and conversational. He spends less time in his Media Room and more time with us now. We see the healing and he said he feels it too. I am so grateful to have found this modality and the gift of knowing Phoiph who has brought this into our lives. I hope you all experience the same healing.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Phoiph... Thank you! Your call and help has been a true gift. I will be staying in touch!

Foxy - do you go to Lyme MD? How are you doing overall with your treatment. I'm so glad to see he supports this modality- I've always thought a lot of him.

Karen- How truly wonderful for Cullen and your family... continue to keep us posted please!

Digby- thanks for the info on Hormesis!

To all that contribute... THANK you! WBT
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Thank you, willbeatthis, I surely will.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I have been researching the "Borrelia cannot survive" levels.

I am confused - Fife said something like 30-160 mm Hg?

There's a devil in the detail here - as that range looks close to levels w/o using a chamber.

I have seen mm HG expressed:

No chamber,
1.3 ATA with or without supplement O2,
1.5 ATA and up with 100% O2.

Has it been determined which of these can/cannot have a negative effect on Borrelia?

Anyone have the data on the levels?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Here's a link to the study you're referring to:

Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Lyme Disease:

Here's a quote from that study:

"...the spirochete could not survive in an oxygen partial pressure of 160-mm Hg (the partial pressure of oxygen in air), but could survive in a partial pressure of 30-mm Hg (which is the partial pressure of 4% oxygen at 1 atmosphere, absolute (ground level pressure). Therefore, it seems clear that a lethal level of oxygen for the spirochete falls somewhere between 30 mm Hg, and 160mm Hg.

It also is known that while the inspired partial pressure of oxygen is approximately 160 mm Hg, at the tissue level, the partial pressure of oxygen normally is approximately 30-35 mm Hg.
Thus, it would not be expected that breathing air at ground level would cause any damage to the spirochete..."

Unfortunately, although this study determined a range of 02 levels that can kill spirochetes (using higher pressures), it didn't attempt to determine the lowest level of tissue saturation necessary to kill spirochetes.

To further muddy the waters, tissue saturation levels vary from person to person and day to day, as do other variables, such as breathing rates, elevation, etc., making the levels difficult to determine in the body.

I do think it is somewhat misguided to focus too much on the "kill-spirochete" aspect of mHBOT (although by my rough calculations it does fall in the vicinity of the maim/kill range). More important is the engagement and empowerment of the formidable immune system to do its job again...

This is likely why some people have become well using only pressure, with no supplemental 02. The saturation levels would not technically become high enough to kill spirochetes, however, they may be raised high enough to turn on healing genes and fortify the immune system, etc.

On the flip side, some people with Lyme who have done short term, higher pressures (HBOT, not mHBOT) have not maintained their gains. IMO, although they may be killing spirochetes, they may not be getting the long term benefits of healing the immune and other body systems to fight the battle necessary for the long haul.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Tks Pho.
The "kill" aspect had not been my focus - but.. reading about mHBOT and CP - had to wonder.
(Cerebral palsy).
You probably know the study to which I will refer - the HBOT and the "sham" controls.
(Doctors Mukherjee, Collet etc).
HBOT with supplemental O2.
HBAT ambient air.
Supposedly the outcome of the "study" showed no significant difference for those children - HBOT vs HBAT.
What could that mean for pathogens? For fibro, pain syndromes etc.?

Also - for me - I have the added burden of having an immune deficiency. I have stopped IVIG/SCIG for a few months. The doctor wants to do testing off gammaglobulin replacement. I know my baseline total IGG. (low as well as three subclasses).
Anyway - will be curious to see what my IGG level will be in Sept.
Will mHBOT have done something - like help my immune system?
Or have incapacitated (decapitated!!!) some spirochetes -perhaps helping my immune system?
Will see.......

Point: having a very compromised immune system - well - complicates things. I don't know if my immune system can be fortified.

By my own choice I am not taking antibiotics or doing IVIG. This is risky business - but I could not tolerate the ABx anymore.

I seem to have trouble with the small amount of supplemental O2 - so will be diving sometimes with it - and sometimes not.

I certainly feel like I am herxing.
It feels like something is dying.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Just pressure alone raises the amount of 02 concentration within the chamber.

The fact that both groups...those using just pressure, and those using pressure with supplemental 02, showed benefit over short term treatment suggests that general healing reactions can occur with even slight increases in 02.

The few people I know that have used and benefitted by pressure alone have done sessions 2x per day (although I wouldn't suggest this when using supplemental 02). Those people had pathogens, "fibro"-like syndromes, pain,cognitive issues, etc.

Possibly, it is a matter of dosage...

It is possible that 2x per day with just pressure may be roughly equivalent to 1x a day with pressure and supplemental 02...but this would be difficult to measure, with all the variables from person to person.

Of course I believe your immune system can be fortified!

I think it is most important right now to be consistent with your diving, rather than be overly concerned about the supplemental 02 via mask. You are still receiving benefit with just pressure, especially if you are flowing the 02 in the chamber.

Of and reducing "body burdens"/exposure to toxins as much as possible is huge...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

Thank you for all the time you spend answering posts and helping others.

If someone isn't able to tolerate 02 thru a mask but can tolerate it flowing into the chamber near their head, would diving once a day for 1.5 hours be a good treatment plan compared to two one hour dives w/out 02?

My preference would be to do it all at once but I don't want to sacrifice benefit.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Foxy - do you go to Lyme MD? How are you doing overall with your treatment. I'm so glad to see he supports this modality- I've always thought a lot of him.


Yes Willbeatthis, I have been seeing Lyme MD for probably a year now.

He is a very kind person, and does what he can, and is available which means a lot to me.

Currently, I am at 233 dives. The first three months were not full dives.

I am now off all antibiotics which is exciting. Not sure what would have happened without the mHBOT but I certainly am not worsening.

It is really hard to tell if it is really doing anything, because if it is working it is terribly slow in my case.

On a good day I think it is helping. On a bad day, I get discouraged.

overall I am doing as well as I ever have. I am encouraged enough to keep at it.

I am now doing one and a half hour dives because that is what my Dr. told me to do. not sure I noticed much difference. If anything it is better than before, but that might have happened anyway.

Sorry, there is no definitive report. That is why I haven't written in for a while. [bow]

Hope this helps people!! Monti, how are you doing?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Susank, consider that a boost to your immune system can cause a herx too. I think we are missing the mark by focusing on trying to kill Borrelia.

Enhancing immune function is a much better way to remove bugs and improve health.

Having said that, I do think that testing for and treatment of co-infections might be necessary, but only to lower the bacterial load, making the immune system's job a little easier.

I did see that you have an "immune deficiency" but I can't comment on that without more information.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
At dive 150 I decided to add 02 back to my dives, tube to the side. That went well so I decided to add 15 minutes mask time at dive 170. I felt a little fatigue the first day but decided to push through. After day three of 15 min mask time in a row, my energy was so zapped I could hardly get out of the chamber. I decided to ditch the mask (let 02 flow to the side) and pulse using the mask every other day. By day 178, I removed the supplemental 02.

Forward to today, dive 190, twelve days since I unplugged the supplemental oxygen and I'm having my best day since starting out! I may add 02 again with tubing to the side at dive 200. But, for now, I'm losing the mask. I'll take the slow, steady route. Or, I may consider longer dives. I need physical assistance getting in and out of the chamber, inconveniencing someone else to help me twice a day is not realistic.
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Curious if anyone that has had difficulty adding supplemental oxygen has done their genetics/23andme?

If so, what is your SOD status?
Posted by project (Member # 46200) on :
I tried my first mHBOT session at a local chiropractor's office yesterday. I believe it was an Oxyhealth Respiro with supplemental oxygen via a mask.
I was in for 60 minutes and I think it did trigger a mild herx. However I feel pretty good today.

I've been researching them a bit more and came across this statement:

"A typical mild HBT session will involve pressurisation to 1.3 ATA breathing 30% oxygen for about one hour. Under these conditions, each breath has an oxygen pressure of 0.4 ATA (296 mmHg) and the arterial pressure is likely to reach a more modest 0.3 ATA (230 mmHg). This is the same oxygen pressure that can be attained by breathing about 35% oxygen at sea level. To put it another way – this amount of oxygen can easily be achieved with out the use of the chamber at all."

Can anyone confirm if this is accurate? Has anyone tried breathing oxygen without a chamber?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Monti:

Thank you for all the time you spend answering posts and helping others.

If someone isn't able to tolerate 02 thru a mask but can tolerate it flowing into the chamber near their head, would diving once a day for 1.5 hours be a good treatment plan compared to two one hour dives w/out 02?

My preference would be to do it all at once but I don't want to sacrifice benefit.

Hi Monti...

Thanks for the kind words...

Given the option, my vote would be diving once per day w/02 flowing vs. 2x per day without...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by project:
I tried my first mHBOT session at a local chiropractor's office yesterday. I believe it was an Oxyhealth Respiro with supplemental oxygen via a mask.
I was in for 60 minutes and I think it did trigger a mild herx. However I feel pretty good today.

I've been researching them a bit more and came across this statement:

"A typical mild HBT session will involve pressurisation to 1.3 ATA breathing 30% oxygen for about one hour. Under these conditions, each breath has an oxygen pressure of 0.4 ATA (296 mmHg) and the arterial pressure is likely to reach a more modest 0.3 ATA (230 mmHg). This is the same oxygen pressure that can be attained by breathing about 35% oxygen at sea level. To put it another way – this amount of oxygen can easily be achieved with out the use of the chamber at all."

Can anyone confirm if this is accurate? Has anyone tried breathing oxygen without a chamber?


Congratulations on your first dive...

Just like anything else, when you research HBOT/mHBOT, you have to take into consideration that there are 2 sides to every story, and information may be presented in a way that supports one side or the other.

In the case of mHBOT vs. HBOT, there are often 2 "camps". A more extreme faction of the high pressure, HBOT camp has an investment in selling clinical HBOT sessions, and would very much like to discourage the use of mild, home chambers for obvious reasons.

Of course, certain conditions respond to higher pressures, others to lower...both are beneficial in the appropriate situation.

The statement you quoted is referring to the use of mild pressure with some supplemental 02 (i.e., a mild chamber with 30% O2 would be equivalent to flowing the 02 into the chamber and mixing with compressed room air, but not actually wearing the mask), and compares this to breathing slightly more 02 (35% from an oxygen source) at sea level (without additional pressure).

It states, "...this amount of oxygen can easily be achieved with out the use of the chamber at all..."

IMO, even if the math were correct, there are a few reasons why this is not a linear comparison. The major reason I see is that when someone breathes supplemental 02 (without pressure) even at sea level, the blood (hemoglobin) can only carry so many oxygen molecules before it becomes saturated. At that point, there are many variables (e.g., PH level, temperature, circulation, etc.) that determine how much of that 02 will reach the tissues.

On the other hand, when 02 is breathed while under pressure, once the hemoglobin fills to capacity, the additional oxygen molecules are forced into plasma, spinal fluid, tissues, etc., by the pressure, greatly increasing the likelihood of 02 perfusion into the tissues.

Oxygen starved tissue is very sensitive to small changes in oxygen tension, and many healing reactions can begin to occur on the cellular level when hypoxic tissues begin to receive 02. This is one of the many reasons why there is an advantage to breathing 02 under pressure (vs. supplemental 02 alone), as there appears to be an independent effect.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
In case anyone is interested in following Lymeboy's progress with mHBOT:
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
project: I used supplemental O2 for years with no benefit beyond relieving my air hunger for a little while. mHBOT however has had a very significant benefit and seems to be actually healing me.
Posted by project (Member # 46200) on :
Thanks Phoiph and Digby for your information.

I'm considering trying to go the mHBOT route to get the last 10-20% and achieve full recovery and am wondering if you can tell me if this might be a good strategy.

I had late stage chronic Lyme for 20+ years, started treating four years ago and haven't been working for the past two years.

I have made a lot of progress over the 4 years and can do vigorous exercise, my brain works fairly well again, and all in all I'm feeling okish. I still have some residual neurological symptoms like mild anxiety and depression. I also feel a bit toxic and need to use the sauna 2/week to eliminate this. I'm currently treating for parasites and hoping this will net me a few more %.

My issue is that I'm going to run out of savings unless I can go back to work within a year or so. I could probably work now if I stopped my current treatment, but the herxes from Rife are still quite bad. I can't really see being able to work while using it until I've got the bacterial load down to the point of not herxing at all anymore. But I'm not sure if this is realistically achievable within the next year.

So one option I'm considering is getting an mHBOT setup and then continuing to use it when I return to work. My question is, does mHBOT work relatively gently or do you get occasional bad herxes from it? I need a treatment modality that will continue the healing and prevent relapsing while only causing mild, predictable herxes.

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Project: mHBOT can be adjusted to your needs by altering the pressure, frequency, time in the chamber and the amount and delivery method of the O2.

If you get a chamber you will find your sweet spot where you rarely used, but slowly improve.

BTW, I found Rife treatments to be too intense for me.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Hello Everyone. I will post an update soon. I am about 425 dives along.

A question for Phoiph - I did look through the posts on this thread to see what you did for diet and I did find some posts. I will try to make some bone broth even though my bone broth tastes like pee.

Would you mind sharing what type of GI issues? Maybe you don't want to give details. Constipation? Pain?

I have severe GI issues and Ridiculous constipation. I'm probably going to see a specialist and get some images to see if there is blockage.

I am currently on a modified version of the Wahl's protocol, about 6 cups of vegetables and Paleo. I don't eat processed food and I only drink water.

I am considering trying the plan that Digby is on, but I'm not sure how that will be on constipation. I ordered the book for that plan.

I believe that once I get the GI and Bladder issues solved, I may be on my way out of the abyss.

[ 06-26-2016, 12:30 AM: Message edited by: Haley ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

As Digby mentioned, you have control over how quickly you work up to speed. Going slowly and working up gradually in the beginning is key to not having severe reactions. IMO, herxing is overrated!

Once up to the full protocol, commitment and consistency becomes crucial.

For me, it was definitely a 2 step forward, 1 step back process...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I'm really not sure there are words to describe how bad my GI issues were.

You asked for details, but I apologize in advance if this is "TMI"...(you can't make this stuff up!)

My stomach continually felt as if it was filled with glass shards, and that a giant had his fist shoved into my solar plexus. I hunched over my stomach constantly with a heating pad, and could never take a full breath. Eating was sheer torture. I force fed myself 3x a day, each time with my head on the table, sobbing, and wondering how I was going to do it again (5-6 of the same foods for 5 years due to severe allergies/intolerances). If I tried to eat a different food, the vibrations in my nervous system/gut would increase to the point of wanting to crawl out of my skin. Then, I would have a night from hell, like on a "bad trip". Retching every morning, gastroparesis, and NO stomach acid, Whatever I managed to get down just sat there undigested until the next time...

I remember when I had the first inkling that something was healing in my gut. I was in my chamber (several months after beginning treatment), and I felt the first hunger pang that I had felt in years. I was so overjoyed at that basic sensation...I had totally forgotten what it felt like to actually want to eat...

Once the stomach acid started flowing again, I was able to gradually add more foods, and things began to slowly improve.

I do think the bone broth kept me alive. (Mine probably tasted much like yours but I didn't have much sense of taste at the time.) Once I started absorbing again I feel it really began to help.

I'm happy to say that I have no gut issues anymore, although I continue to eat as cleanly as possible.

Have you seen these resources?

Bone Broth Recipe/Info from the Weston A. Price Foundation:

The Healthy Home Economist: Stock vs. Broth…Are You Confused?
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thank you Phoiph - much appreciated. I will check out those links. I'm sure that I am making it wrong.

I appreciate all of the information. I really think this will be huge if I can solve this problem.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Haley I think so too! That may just be what tips the scale for you [Smile]
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thank you Monti. I hope so. I now have a sciatic nerve issue. I have never had anything like this before. I have no idea how it happened. It's soooo painful.

It seems like anytime I feel that I will emerge from Lyme that I get hit with something else. It fees like a test sometimes. So crazy.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Bone broth is incredibly healing to the GI system and aids in the repair of leaky gut. It is a very nutrient dense food. If you visit The container Store, you can pick up small serving sized glass containers to freeze the broth in.

Applying magnesium gel topically helps with sciatic nerves. It relaxes muscles surrounding the nerve.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Hi all - a couple of questions.

Re: Broth

I need to do this again - would like easy "recipes" for bone marrow broth and vegetable broth.
A friend who is clueless about this will have to make this for me. (I'm pretty clueless/helpless about this myself as I can't/don't cook). My sister had been making broth for the both of us - but she was recently in a terrible car accident
- spinal fractures etc - so cooking is out of the question. I very much wish she could do mHBOT. If I had the money I would buy her the one that is wheelchair accessible.

Re: Dysautonomia/POTS and mHBOT

Today a friend of a friend called me.
Her daughter has Dysautonomia/POTS - has been housebound for four years - is still a teenager.
So sad. Lyme negative but have suggested they test with Igenex.
Anyway, wondering - would mHBOT be helpful or contra-indicated for POTS?

To mention - I have been diving - not daily - depending on ears and how I feel. Back to using supplemental O2 with tubing loose in the chamber.

I was having trouble zipping/scootching on my bad back - to end up with head under the window.
I figured out I don't need to have my head under the window - (do I?) - which eliminates scootching the length of the chamber. I dive with my eyes closed anyway - don't need to see out. I can also now dive w/o seeing the gauge. I have not bought a mattress yet - for now use small pillows and put under my back (lumbar area) a hot water bottle - which really helps. I don't use hot water - but anyway - it acts like a mini waterbed under my back.

This has been a rough past few weeks - but I am soldiering on. Being hopeful.

Thanks all.
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
SusanK, you can buy bone marrow broth at places like sprouts.

I just through in frozen veggies (soup mix from Kroger), pre-cooked chicken, rice, and spices.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Thanks - did not know that about Sprouts.

I just remembered the name of the veggie broth - can't believe I remembered it. Bieler's broth. !!!???

I hope it's something like a clear soup - ie throw away the veggies like one throws away the marrow bone. Or else the veggies pureed or something. I have trouble chewing veggies.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I have POTS and my condition has not worsened. I personally have found low dose hydrocorstisone to work like a charm.
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
I have had my chamber for about 6 weeks and have already found myself in there with several big spiders and one Hawaiian centipede. (Despite my house being very clean!)

Does anyone know if the Oxyhealth chambers function the same without the blue fabric cover? I think the bugs would not be able to walk up the white rubber/plastic stuff.

I'll keep the chamber zipped up for now, but I don't want to create a moldy environment in there.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Now that you mention this, I realize that behind the cover would be a great place for spiders.

The cover just makes it look friendlier and helps protect the vinyl from scuffs, so you can safely take it off. It doesn't do anything else unless you have the Quamvis chamber, which has belts on the cover.

I'm a pretty tough guy but diving with spiders would freak me out. Hopefully it was just a little dust spider and not the scary ones.

Oh and you might try putting a glue trap in the chamber to collect any that are hiding under the mattress. Good Luck!
Posted by project (Member # 46200) on :
Does someone on this thread know if home mHBOT chambers are legal in Canada? I came across a blog post stating that they are not available for home use. Can't find anything definitive stating that they are or are not.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Yes they are used in Canada and there is a dealer in Canada that I have purchased accessories from Jean-Francois Tremblay.
Posted by project (Member # 46200) on :
Thanks Peimomma
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Everyone...

Many times I'm asked about people's progress who don't post on LymeNet.

I wanted to share an email I received a few days ago from a father who's 30-ish daughter has been ill for several years with suspected Lyme, high Epstein Barr titers, surgeries, etc., etc. etc. She has been through many protocols without success.

These kinds of emails are so rewarding and are a humbling reminder of the power of this therapy, and the need to raise awareness and educate others as much as possible. We never know who we might reach. After all, if we don't do it, who will?

"hi *****
I hope this finds you in good health and spirits. It has been a long time since I gave you a report on ***** but it is time to fess up as best I can at the moment.

After ***** bought the used chamber she started using it regularly and I've noticed a steady improvement in her overall health - Maybe she is not the model of perfect health yet but she is so much better that every time I see her or talk to her I want to lower my head and thank you and thank ***** for connecting ***** to you.

There is no way to tell you how grateful I am for your efforts to educate us and help us get an effective healing therapy.

You were right - ***** needed oxygen - she got a little of it w/ the H2O2 IVs from Dr. ***** but those had limited effectiveness that wore out in about a week.

so thank you and best wishes -

***** *****"

Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks for the encouragement Phoiph! we need that so much.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Warms my heart
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thank you, Phoiph.... I needed to see this tonight. What an inspirational story....

Thank you for all you do for so many. Words seem trite when trying to adequately express the kind of gratitude this engenders in us all....

BLESS you Phoiph and Peimomma and all those that have gone before paving the way.... You carry light as you go and really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you..... Hugs!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you, willbeatthis, and everyone...

I'll try to remember to post more of the feedback I receive outside of LymeNet.

Being well and helping out is a privilege...and it is epically rewarding in cases like this where I have personally met the people involved and see the improvement first hand.

Another update...I realized I just passed my 5 year anniversary of starting mHBOT. I spent several days "unplugged", camping in the mountains, hiking, and running trails around the lake with my beloved Aussie cattle dog. It wasn't so long ago that not only was I so ill I didn't think I would live, I was certain I didn't want to. Moral of the story: wellness may be closer than you think. Never, never, give up!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thank you so much Phoiph for this beautiful picture of wellness and happiness you shared with us! Five years and you are truly living! I have a magnet on my fridge that says Never, Never Give up! Like you, it is a beacon... thank you for making my day with this. Sending you hugs! And CONGRATULATIONS! [woohoo] [woohoo]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you!!!
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Hello everyone, it's time for an update...

I was reluctant to post this but i think it is helpful to share both positive and negative experiences mhbot.

Due to a recent disaster (housefire), i have been without my chamber for over two months now. (I had been diving consistently for 1 hr daily, at about 800 dives...)

During those years, my lyme pain/inflammation was kept in check but i continued to experience other issues, tooth decay, gum mouth inflammation, thyroid problems, increasing food/environmental sensitivites, yeast/mold/fungal issues, etc. i kept diving hoping that eventually all these issues would resolve themselves.

Now that i have been without my chamber i am experiencing SEVERE relapse of all my old issues and am unable to function at all. Severe brain inflammation, inability to think, pain everywhere, joints cracking, flu, fever chills, twitching, light sound sensitivity, nausea, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, etc etc.

It is so bad i cant sleep on a mattress and have to lie down flat on hardwood floors with ice packs behind my skull.

I was retested and came up positive for lyme, both babesia duncani and microti (previously only positive for one of these), and bartonella hens. again... So every infection is active and i feel it, very acutely.

I have not given up on mbhbot as it allowed me to be mostly painfree for the basically the whole time i was diving, but i wanted others to know that it wasnt the magic bullet for me [Frown]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I'm really sorry to hear that, Spinning...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Where's the like button👍, so many posts that I would like to thumbs up. Not yours Spinning👎🏼😓💚. Sorry to hear this.

I thought I would pop in and give an update on my foot, my pits, my body pain and life in general.

My foot is doing so much better since my last post, it just needed some good old fashioned walking to get the blood, O2 and healing back in the area. It went 5 weeks with no pressure and a pin. After the pin was removed the toe and surrounding area were swollen and tender so not much walking. After my June doctors appointment he said to walk more so I got to it and now the toe/foot looks and feels great again. Good color and mobility.

I believe I wrote a post awhile back about my armpits aching and feeling full after treating and I was using a homeopathic detox. I'm happy to report no more aching pits and no need for the remedy.

I dive 2 times a day 3-4 times a week with no issues and I am down to my coffee enema detoxes one every 2-3 times a week.

I think I also posted about achy joints due to our crazy weather in the PNW, rain and cold still with only a few warm days. A nice lady suggested some topical magnesium and that fixed the issue.

Many know I'm a less is more for my body with supplements so I only use what my body says it needs.

I'm running close to 100% feeling good but we will see where the labs say I am in January.

I love seeing all the new people here and many more coming onboard in the FB groups thanks to the wonderful ladies that started them.

I hope my next post is announcing the start on my new job😊
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I am so sorry you are so sick Spinning!! [Frown] WHAAAAAA (mini tantrum)

Thanks for sharing your experience though! It is encouraging that you were able to keep it more or less under control with hyperbaric.

I feel at this point the same way. Not a whole lot better but kinda leveled out and able to be off antibiotics.

my family dr. just asked me about it today and I said "yup, I am still doing this. It is "free" and painless!!

I will be surprised if I get anything more than this out of it, but I am a stubborn lady...I attempt to give everything a good TRY.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Peimomma, I'm so glad to hear about your great updates! Looking forward to even more good news with that job update [Smile]

Phoiph, it's not over til it's over..and it's not over just yet [Wink] just waiting on getting new equipment now so I can continue my dives..miss clear brain, no-pain so much...

Miss Foxy, stubborn is the best way to be! Being stubborn and foxy at the same time, obviously. It'll take you far [Wink] sending my best and will shoot you an email soon <3
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Spinning, so sorry to hear that; I hope you're able to get back in soon and be pain free again. Sorry about your home too.

Peimomma, excited you are doing so well.

Foxy, I hope you get more out of it, stay stubborn [Wink]

Wanted to give a quick update, am 150 dives in, and have had improvement overall. Better energy and less brain fog, although there are still ups and downs.

I continue to have a lot of symptoms that flare and then go away like muscle spasms and pain in mine spine and hips, nightmares, but these are more manageable than they used to be.

Overall, my anxiety level is down from when I first started diving, which has been nice; that is typically how I know if I'm killing something off along with fatigue. Looking back over my symptom journal has been helpful to see I have less symptoms overall although I still have a lot more ground to cover.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Today we road 240 miles on the motorcycle to visit Jolly😊 We have seen her in months since she came to our house to try my chamber. I just want everyone to know she looks fantastic, life in her eyes, great color and full of life and conversation. It was so nice to see what only 6 months in an oxygen chamber has done for her.

My husband didn't recognize her from the day she showed up to our house last year. He commented on how much life she has now and how healthy she looks.

I look forward to seeing her again in the future as she continues to treat with mHBOT. I don't think we see the change until others point out the differences they see.

Keeping a journal helps, videos are by far the best to see months later how completely sick and void of life you are when you begin. You don't have to be as public as I am but it has helped many people find this therapy and this thread.

I forgot to post my dive count: 572
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hello There,
Ladies and gentlemen I trust this message board is still "Alive and Well" as it appears to be "Awesome"!

When I first found this "Thread", and chiefly "Phopih", I was both in poor health and spirits to say the least!

I don't want to go into all of the gory details, however if you read some of my older posts you will get a firm grasp of just bad things were at times!

After 200 plus dives, I'm considerably better! I would have loved to have followed the initial program or 5 dives a week @ one hour a session.

Unfortunately I was one of those people who tends to still to this day experience really nasty "Herxeimer" reactions , when doing Mhbot.

I did however discover for me personally that diving outside on either the ground or white cement which makes contact with the earth helps mitigate the "Herxeimer", reaction many of you may get?

Also I think this may have something to do with the fresh air outside etc(-:

Now my interpretation of the aforementioned can best be described as positive effects yielded from "Earthing Or Grounding"!

I also wear hematite which I have done since day number one, when my encephalopathy was so bad I couldn't think my way out of a "Paper Bag".

My preference is to do a ton of "Earthing", both before and after each and every dive!

Earthing for me personally is a Free powerful "Anti Oxidant", which makes sense "Scientifically" as to why it helps with the Herx's(-:

I tend to sweat allot while diving, however even if I don't I take a luke warm "Very Cold" shower for 10-15 minutes post dive! For me closing my pores "Post Dive", has always been beneficial.

My diet for the most part is "Rice and beans", a few vegetables and pure orange juice. I try not to consumer any dairy, meat, or wheat! I also try to cut out "Gluten", 95% of the time.

In all sincerity to this form so that it may better serve those of you who may be struggling.... I would like to express the following!

I wasn't your "Text Book Case", as I never took ABX, however I was most certainly bed bound, and had a horrible case of encephalopathy! At my worst I had over 30 plus symptoms!

After my appendix burst last December which was followed by both laparoscopic surgery, and numerous bags of (IV) "Flagyl" I was in rough shape.

"Praise the lord", this didn't happen prior to me finding both this thread, Phoiph, and Mhbot.

The (IV) Flagyl hit me hard and I immediately started Herxing, while simultaneously dealing with a very painful post surgically removed appendix area!

I refused the (IV Flagyl), initially however was forced to take it post surgery as I could have died due to infection associated with having my appendix burst gangrenous fluid throughout my body!

Fast forward seven months and I'm still improving! I was desperately lacking "Spiritual Growth", however as my faith in the "All Mighty", has increased beyond anything I could have ever imagined healing once again is moving forward!

Interestingly enough I would often times pray to "God" before coming out of my "Encephalitis" riddled brain!

I quit praying after I came out of my encephalitis riddled brain and was focused on both strictly the scientific, and physical realm.

Maybe this is all my body, brain, and soul were capable of handling at the time on a deep level?

I should have "Slowed Down", however at the time I just wanted to get well both "Physically and Mentally", as fast as humanly possible!

Phoiph, told me to think about "Slowing Down", however at the time I had someone else in my life pushing me "Fast and hard"!

In closing each and every one of you will undoubtedly have a different experience while on this journey!

The key to making all of this happen was "Faith"! I had a sincere "Faith", in both this modality and Phoiph at that time in my life as my guide on this journey!

For those of you who have been "Blessed", to have found both this thread and Phoiph, after years of struggling I wish you the best! I was hanging by a "Thread", no pun intended when I found this forum.

[ 07-26-2016, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: Looking4hope ]
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
SIAP Haven't looked at LymeMD blog in awhile but noticed he posted this last month. Found it interesting that his patients doing 2 hours or more are doing the best.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. For practical reasons most patients only have access to home units with offer a low pressure. A new unit can be purchased for as little as 5500 dollars. Patients who do the best spend 2 hours or more per day in the chamber. The treatment reduces oxidative stress, promotes glutathione and has been specifically shown to improve neuroplasticity with reversal of abnormal SPECT scan patterns.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
If you do two hours I would build it slowly. I went to two hours too fast and felt miserable. I backed off and am at one and a half hours. I am considering two though... my dr wants me too... now hmmm I wonder which dr. that would be???? [Smile]

I am a little scared to tho.
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
I almost suggested that this should only be an idea for those that have been "tanking" for awhile foxy,and very comfortable with an hour at a time.

Phoiph recovered with 1 hour a day sessions so I shared this info for those that have been at it awhile and may want to increase time. I remember a poster awhile back said her doc recommended 90 min sessions.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
You can't argue with success. Maybe if an hour isn't doing much for people they could explore this possibility?

Phoiph was successful at an hour but she saw positive gains with it eventually. Maybe it should be bumped up only when there isn't any gains.

Maybe everyone's "Sweet" time is a little different, like possibly even how ill you are.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I do 2 hours but split in the morning and afternoon.

My bladder would never last 2 straight hours😊

Dive 580 in the books👍
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
How many hours need to pass between a dive and a flight on a plane?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Jolley...

There is very little information on this, except in the scuba diving world, and there is disagreement there, as well.

It seems that there are many variables with scuba diving (e.g., how long, deep and frequently one dives, etc.) that come into play, so they have come up with general guidelines, but not all agree.

The U.S. Navy tables recommend that you wait at least two hours before you board a plane after diving; the U.S. Air Force says you should wait 24 hours; DAN recommends a 12-hour minimum surface interval before flying.

In the hyperbaric world, that I know of, there are only guidelines for how long to wait to fly after receiving hyperbaric treatment FOR decompression sickness (The Bends)...not for regular mHBOT or HBOT.

It seems likely that when doing mHBOT we are diving so shallow that it is not an issue (although we do dive frequently). If you want to be extra cautious, you could wait 12-24 hours.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
I had a similar problem I tried messaging you however your mailbox appears to be full? I believe I told you about this a while back? This modality cleared up almost all of digestive issues and intermittent constipation!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
FYI...and please share with practitioners:

HBOT2016 – The 10th International Symposium Conference & Expo

Deploying Hyperbaric Medicine and Adjunctive Therapies into the Health Care System:

Combining Public Policy and Clinical Outcomes
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Hi - lookingforhope.

Nice to see you here.

I have deleted some emails, please send me the information. I do eat really well, but can't seem to get the correct diet. I would like to do just bone broth, but still have difficulty making it. Not to mention that I live in a small place.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Phoiph are you going?😊
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I'd really like to...but have other commitments on those dates...
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Good Morning, I have a couple of items to share. My son has been diving now for roughly 4.5 months. He always experiences chest pressure and last week when he increased his time on the mask from 30 to 35 minutes, he had to exit the chamber due to chest pressure and then could not breathe. Once he was out, he was fine. That night the chest pressure was intense and radiated to his back as well. Now, I know it is Esophageal Spasms and I'm not sure if he can continue diving with this condition. Have any of you experienced this?

Second question. I am hearing about the use of Ivermectin for treating Lyme. The herxing is meant to be awful, but I have two friend's whose boys are doing really well on it. Is there anyone in this group who has used this approach? What were the results and do you recommend it?

Thanks very much for any insights you could provide.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I forwarded the info to my doctor and she's now going and wondered if you were attending 😊
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
That's great, Peimomma...

Wish I wasn't already committed on those dates...

Hopefully she'll bring us back some good information!

My neuro/HBOT friend here is also coordinating/presenting so we'll be able to access information via her as well.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :

I have had esophagus spasms due to tetracycline. I was headed to the emergency room the pain was intense!

Drinking a glass of water will help this problem esp if it is medicine induced.

I am also on ivermectin as well. I am not sure it is helping yet, but I know of many people that it has done wonders for.

If you have any questions feel free to PM me. I don't want to hijack this mHBOT thread.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Hi Foxy Loxy,
Thanks for your reply. This is a new symptom brought about by using the mask. He has always had the chest pressure from the first day he dove, but it was not until using the mask that it intensified and he gets shooting pain across his chest from one arm pit to the other. I have him sit in magnesium chloride baths, as well as spraying mag gel topically. Now, every time he eats, he is nauses. Just when we thought we might be making some progress with this therapy, he is worse instead of better. The Lyme attacked his GI system so this is not a result of drugs. I am interested in hearing more about your ivermectin therapy. I understand the herxing is horrendous, but once you've moved through it, people are much better. Having said that, I did read something this morning, somewhere in all the threads, that when you go off of it, your symptoms return. Hav you had this experience? Not sure how to email you, but feel free to email me. [email protected]. Thanks.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I haven't heard of anyone being able to go off ivermectin when they feel better, but I have heard it helps, and some people dramatically.

It can make you feel worse before you feel better, but it is also anti-inflammatory.

Your sons reaction is curious. I don't know what to say about that. I am sorry you are experiencing this. Something is obviously irritating it.

You can PM me by hitting the people with the envelope on my posts.
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
Jolley - Last week I took a short 50 minute inter-island flight just 2 hours after 45 minutes in the chamber, with no issue.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Foxy Loxy, So, are you saying that once you start on ivermectin, you have to stay on it in order to keep the inflammation at bay? If that's the case, then I dont want to explore it any further. It would seem to me to be a brief reprieve, not a permanent one. There really isn't any healing then.

The oxygen is causing the irritation, I'm just not sure if it is part of the healing process or not.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Karen. You may want to consider having him tested for parasites. If his lungs and his G.I. tract or bothering him it is possible he is dealing with parasites. I personally do not think the oxygen will help large parasites, that's just my opinion. If someone is dealing with parasites in their blood they need antiparasitics. Check out this website - lots of info -

The MIT graduate's entire family got sick, she figured out all of their issues and gives a step-by-step instruction guide on what to do.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
Hi Haley, Actually, when he first became sick 9 years ago, I ran a CDSA which came back positive for D.Fragilis and even though he was treated for it, that is a bug most people don't get sick from. In the end, it was lyme all along. The lyme has attached his GI and the symptoms he is having are those of esophageal spasms. thank you.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Karen, Nobody knows for sure WHAT ivermectin does. Both Drs I have gone too shrug their shoulders but say it helps.

I haven't seen anyone be able to stay off it but I am pretty sure there are people that have.

There are a LOT of people stuck on abx stuck on herbs etc. There is no cure. If ivermectin helps me feel better, I am staying on it.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
foxy loxy, I just spoke to someone whose adult child is on it too. She told me his doctor said ivermectin is a life sentence. In other words, you are on it for life. That is not the program I want for my son. I'm glad you are finding it helpful, but every drug has side effects and I dont' want him to be faced with a life time of drug therapy. Unfortunately, the only person I am aware of who has cured their lyme through mHBOT is Phoiph. There are several people on my Healing Lyme with mHBOT Facebook group who are using this therapy and have been for quite some time, but no one is near where Phoiph is and it's an expensive therapy. My son has been diving now for 4 months and the progress is minimal at best. I am disappointed, but Ivermectin is definitely not for us. I wish you well.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Remember that your son is not even up to the full protocol yet...he is only reached 30 minutes using the mask, and he has made progress.

Even so, 4 months even at the full protocol is still too early to judge...

There are many people on this thread who have made significant, life changing well as people I am in contact with outside of Lymenet...

Don't lose hope, or quit too soon, as I almost did.

That said...IMO the "esophageal spasms" need to be fully checked out...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Karen I don't believe there is anyone on this thread that has treated for 2 years straight like Phoiph had to regain her life.

I'm at 18 months and I can assure you at my 2 year mark I will be at 100% if I continue on my current path. 4 months is just the point of a first breakthrough in this therapy.

It takes time to heal our bodies and there is NO quick fix to Lyme disease as much as all of us would like over night healing.

Stay the course and he will regain his life like myself, Phoiph and many others on this path.

I've done 602 dives and I would say that I'm at 95% healed. I could fully function at the stage I'm at and not treat every day but as I stated in the FB group I want my all my labs to read normal not just some. I continue to treat so that my labs will prove that this therapy alone can cure Lyme, yes it takes time but it's all natural. It has already cured my Ehrlichiosis on a lab test.

I don't consider this an expensive therapy because it has given me my ability to get full time employment again, something all the other therapies and medicine did not do. That money is gone and my health only grew worse, never better until the chamber. My chamber = priceless

I see so many get frustrated in the first 6 months of treating but at that point they are only 1/4 of they way through the amount of time it took Phoiph to regain her life.

I wanted it now when I started treatment and Phoiph reminded me to be patient and not get ahead of myself. Slow down on living life and let my body heal. My hope as people begin this therapy is that they commit to the 2 years of treating and they don't give up on this amazing therapy.

I don't know what we would do without Phoip's dedication to posting and answering questions, I can only imagine it gets draining 😊 I know I needed reassurance and Phoiph was there but I also needed to reach deep down in myself and believe that this therapy would work if I gave it daily commitment and time. I thank Phoiph for always being here to answer the same questions over and over and for encouraging all of us faint of heart people.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you for the kind words, Peimomma...and for continuing to share your journey with us...
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
I am glad to know you are doing so well, Peimoma and that you believe so in this modality. We are committed, of course, but I not in this with blinders on. I keep an open mind as there are many paths to healing, not just one. I explore other things as they come to my attention. I would be foolish not to.
I wish you continued healing.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Although this is off the path to mHBOT, I wanted to post for all to benefit. My symptoms started in my stomach. It was a hard road. In my research I found a reply by Stephen Buhner that talked about rantinidine bismuth citrate for gastrointestinal lyme.

He recommends a compounding pharmacy in Texas but I also found it in a product called Paragone by Renew Life. I took that product on and off for a year and I believe it helped me.

Hope that helps.
Posted by Karenthebeetlady (Member # 47866) on :
rantinidine Bismuth Citrate reduces stomach acid. Why would anyone want to do that?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Ranitidine is also an antihistamine. Which may be the source of stomach pain/symptoms. This is especially true for the Lyme patients who also have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Additionally, the Bismuth will protect the stomach by lining it creating a barrier. Just need to be careful with constipation.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
The short answer is because it can cure you. However, the long answer is in the United States, they do not put bismuth citrate in randtinidine anymore.

If you read the link from Stephen Buhner, he did not recommend rantinidine bismuth citrate, he just recommended bismuth citrate. I just wanted to give context for the study published in ncbi.

You can get bismuth citrate without rantinidine from a compounding pharmacy or in paragone. I was just trying to be helpful.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Needing people to weigh in on this. I had lab tests drawn in late June. My human transfer growth factor beta 1 test came back elevated. It's actually 2x the high end of normal.

It's been a long time since I had blood work done and will need to see if this has been tested before.

Am wondering if mhbot can elevate this test? Any thoughts, phoiph? Peimomma, you have blood work done. Have you been had this test and if so has it changed during your therapy?

Anyone else who would like to chime in, that would be great.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Soccermomma, I just had this test extremely high on my lates blood labs.. Over 10,000 when norm range is around 300-2,000.

This is after two years of daily mhbot diving (over 800 dives). Unfortunately, I don't have previous results to compare with.

My doc mentioned something about mold, inflammation, but was vague about how to address this.

(My issues are Lyme and co, gut issues, severe mold intolerance, mcs, etc)

Check out

Has a good explanation of TGF-beta...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Let us know if you can find earlier lab results for comparison.

Hypoxia (low oxygen levels) supposedly contribute to high levels of this mHBOT is generally thought to help.

Great article, Spinning!

I asked Digby to weigh in...
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
I need to have a molar extracted. How long should I wait to dive both before and after? Worried about bleeding since I seem to bleed more easily with daily dives.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Jolley...

I was told by my Neuro/HBOT specialist friend just today that many people (who are not necessarily doing regular mHBOT) will schedule 5 sessions before and 5 sessions after a surgery.

The pre-sessions are to prime the body for the stress of surgery, and the post-sessions are to help flush out the toxins from the anesthesia and to promote healing.

I don't know that this would differ much from having a molar removed...however, I would definitely run it by your oral surgeon.

One thing I would ask about is the drying effects of the 02 you are breathing through the mask...and whether this would affect clot formation (i.e., dry socket).

If this is a concern, you could always just run the 02 into the chamber and not wear the mask.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Joe went in the chamber before and the day after his tooth extration. It was the front too the and he had to have a bone graph as well. The dentist told him it would be beneficial to go in the chamber to help heal the area.

He had his front too the fall out from an old injury after he started diving so he had to have the rest removed and bone graphed,

It all healed up really well. He waiting a day after the surgery to give his body a rest.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Thanks Peimomma and Phoiph, I appreciate your help.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Wanted to give a quick update. Just complete dive 203. I have really turned a corner over the past month. Brain fog is gone, stamina is strong and more consistently throughout the day, and anxiety is down. The lingering symptoms I have are intermittent and include nightmares, breathlessness ,fatigue, achy hips/spine (infrequent), chills (infrequent), blood pressure issues (which seem to be food related), and word finding issues (rare.)

Not sure if it is just because of diving for many months now, or figuring out that histamines were an issue, but either way I am really encouraged with the results I'm getting. For the past three months I have been able to dive everyday, which I wonder if the frequency and not missing 1 day a week, could have allowed for greater benefit. I have been able to walk most days recently and make it through the day without feeling like my body is made of sand or that I have to lie down immediately. If I could stay with this level of symptoms forever, I would be very very happy.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
What a nice post to wake up to!!!!
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Yay... go Jolley!!! Took you a while!

My dr. is upping my time in the chamber. He wants me to work up to two and a half hours. I had been consistently doing an hour and a half.

I will try two hours but that is a long time to be stuffed in such a small space! [Frown] He said all his patients do better with two and a half.

I think my primary symptoms are Babesia and my dr. said the chamber doesn't seem to help Babesia directly.I recently started Mepron, and now things seems to be happening.

Another problem I have ( I am pretty sure) is a glutamate/gaba imbalance.

Not sure if mHBOT can help a chemical imbalance or not but it seems to help the gnawing nerve sensations in my head!! [Smile]

It will be a year in Nov. since I started the hyperbaric, and I am able to stay off lyme antibiotics without regressing.

How are you doing Monti?
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Foxy Loxy
I've had to many interruptions to expect anything noticable yet. A quick summary...

The first 12 months I used a 02 concentrator that wasn't producing the 02 it was suppose to. I am unsure how much I actually was getting.

Month 13 I got a brand new air sep 02 concentrator which solved my problem but then my chamber ruptured which lead to a 2 week wait while it was repaired.

Month 14-16 another failure on my chamber (same general location) so another 2 week wait.

Months 16-19 I enjoyed 3 consecutive months with no interruptions using fully functioning equipment and then my chamber failed a third time. 5 days later (today) I did my first dive in my brand new chamber.

So I don't feel my results are worth reporting yet. Give me 6 months or better yet 1 year in fully functioning equipment and then ask me [Smile] . In other words ask me next September haha!
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Monti, congrats on your new chamber; surely this one will not have the issues of the last one. Did they figure out what caused the failures? How frustrating to be stalled due to equipment issues.

Foxy Loxy 2 hours is a long time. Keep us posted on the mepron, glad it seems to be working. Glad you've had enough success to stay of antibiotics. How did you figure out the glutamate/gaba issue?

As soon as I typed my happy message I got a call from my doctor that my C4a levels have gone up by 10,000 (now 22,000) in 4 months. Although I'm feeling better, I am so frustrated by this. I saw that high C4a is related to anaphylaxis which has been a big problem over the past year. Has anyone else had their C4a levels rise?
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :

I believe this has been talked about before but should you take antioxidants ie COQ10 etc while doing MBOT or any other type of suppliments if there is any oxidative stress
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi jcarlnew...

As I understand it, if supplements are done in moderation it is probably OK (and not in lieu of a good diet).

The interference comes with the high dose antioxidant treatments, like IV vitamin C, glutathione, etc.

My HBOT/neuro friend and a neuro-pharmacologist are co-authoring a research paper on this topic as we speak. I will be sure to post it once it is published.
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
phoiph, check your email. Good news. THANK YOU!!
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Phoiph, so do you take anything specific for MBOT?, not for other supplementation.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
wow, Monti... sorry about all that! [Frown] I won't ask till next year!! [Smile]

Jolley, sorry about the C4a.. sorry, I can't help with that. I don't know much about it!

My dr. was beginning to put me on seizure meds. I began thinking maybe I was more physically anxious then what I realized. So I did a little googling and found l-theanine naturally boosts gaba.

I took it and what do you know???!!! my noise sensitivity is better and I don't startle as badly. I am quite bug eyed and whizzed up. I have been treating for five years without much help at all... I think my head even feels better!!!

I am so hoping this is my ticket. I am staring at a drug called Gabapentin trying to decide whether I am scared of it or not!!

If my problem is a chemical imbalance, I am not sure even lyme treatment would fix it... dunno.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
I have been contemplating this issue of supplemental antioxidants interfering with oxidative therapies... doing a lot of reading scholarly articles lately.

I am aware of the hormetic response to this therapy etc. and am worried that my intake of vit c could possibly have gotten in the way of my treatment since I did two straight years of daily hour dives and I am still slowly, progressively getting worse...

Problem is I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place because I have tried to go without supplementation and rapidly developed signs of scurvy which resolves or at least lessens when I take my daily 1g of vit c.

I understand that real food always trumps supplementation but I have severe intolerances that don't allow me to stomach much fresh veg/fruit. I try to time my supplementation as far away from dives as possible.

Is the 1g too much, in your opinion? (Phoiph or anyone else). Do any of you take supplements? Any input is appreciated!

I am honestly thinking about restarting abx again, if only for a brief period to get my infectious load down to a manageable stage again..the stress of fire disaster sent me into a spiral and I feel as sick (and in some ways worse) than when I started the treatment journey four or something years ago..
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by jcarlnew:
Phoiph, so do you take anything specific for MBOT?, not for other supplementation.


No, I don't take any supplement specifically related to mHBOT, and when I was very ill and when I was healing during the first years of mHBOT, I took no supplements/drugs at all (too chemically sensitive). Looking back, that may have helped in healing my gut.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Your progress is very encouraging! I totally agree that increasing the frequency and consistency of your dives has made the difference.

About your raised C4a...I think there's still a lot that is unknown about interpreting these tests, especially when treating with mHBOT.

It seems some things improve while others appear to flare for awhile, until everything eventually settles down and improves. It is the "2 step forward, 1 step back" pattern.

It is also possible that you've had a recent exposure to something (e.g., mold), and your body is reacting.

I'm not at all saying to disregard the testing, but want you to remember that your clinical response has been very positive, and that is a very good sign.

Peimomma may be able to help more with the C4a questions.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by spinning122:
I have been contemplating this issue of supplemental antioxidants interfering with oxidative therapies... doing a lot of reading scholarly articles lately.

I am aware of the hormetic response to this therapy etc. and am worried that my intake of vit c could possibly have gotten in the way of my treatment since I did two straight years of daily hour dives and I am still slowly, progressively getting worse...

Problem is I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place because I have tried to go without supplementation and rapidly developed signs of scurvy which resolves or at least lessens when I take my daily 1g of vit c.

I understand that real food always trumps supplementation but I have severe intolerances that don't allow me to stomach much fresh veg/fruit. I try to time my supplementation as far away from dives as possible.

Is the 1g too much, in your opinion? (Phoiph or anyone else). Do any of you take supplements? Any input is appreciated!

I am honestly thinking about restarting abx again, if only for a brief period to get my infectious load down to a manageable stage again..the stress of fire disaster sent me into a spiral and I feel as sick (and in some ways worse) than when I started the treatment journey four or something years ago..

Hi Spinning...

Well...IMO, if you have developed a Vitamin C dependency (which happens at different levels for different people), then at some point, it may have been too much for too long.

The question is, how to safely reverse the dependency...

I know of a neuro-pharmacologist that may be able to help with can email me for his info if you like.

Of course it is difficult to say how much the high antioxidant intake has interfered with mHBOT. The neuro-pharmacologist is currently working on a research paper on that subject, so I'm sure he could address that question. I'll also be posting a link to the paper as soon as it is published.

About going back on antibiotics...I am wondering if you are sure it is infection you're dealing with, or could it be an ongoing inflammatory response flaring due to the stress of the fire and all you've been through lately?

I'm concerned that if you are having difficulty tolerating foods, will you tolerate antibiotics? Gut health is so important.

Looking back, I know you came a long way with mHBOT (getting off antibiotics, going back to school, painting again, etc.), but there was a point that things started to decline again (even before the fire).

I know you must have gone over and over this in your mind...but am wondering if you have any further insights as to what factors (besides the possible antioxidant connection...which I think is relevant) might have been thwarting your progress?

There are so many insightful and knowledgeable people here that can help brainstorm! Maybe a "sequence of events" would be helpful?
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Thanks for the input Phoiph, I really appreciate it. I am always grateful for your guidance and encouragement.

Regarding the Vit C dependency, yes I thought of that before. I imagine a slow taper would allow the body to acclimate.. I'm just wondering, are no other mhbot divers taking supplements besides me? I'm so confused! My health issues only improve when I add supplements, so I do not feel they are hurting me.

Yes I have been reviewing my notes and I can see a steady progression of new issues pop up and worsen when I decided on taking the abx break. My biggest improvements came with regular HBOT sessions which I responded to very, very well. And I started mHBOT during that upswing of finishing many deep dives combined with abx. But I wasn't able to keep/make more gains w/ the mild.

I am curious to see if I am one of those who needs the 2+hrs in the chamber that LymeMD recommends. I seem to do better with more intensive treatments.

I ended up with worsening chem sensitivity, food intolerances, mold intolerance, thyroid problems, gum disease, clumsiness, nerve issues etc. as time went by, despite my daily mhbot dives. I was off drugs and supplements for a good year during this time.

I kind of tried to fake it and go back to school, which was a disaster, and I never got to the painting because of severe chem intolerance.

I have had Lyme and co for 25 years now so I imagine that plays into this not being a simple straightforward case.

Anway, I will continue to dive but I am going to explore more options at this point..
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Thanks Phoiph, yes, progress is encouraging; I think I've just hit a two steps back patch. My doc is now wondering about heavy metals so I'm looking into that as well, but it could be mold again, who knows. Either way, I want to stay on the coarse with mHbot.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Greetings Fellow mHBOTers

I thought I would check in and give a brief update. I'm in my 21st month of treatment, 664 dives complete.

I have to admit I feel at 100% and have been extremely busy the last few months preparing our home to sell, packing and going through the house lightening our load to downsize into our new place. We have also been traveling between WA and AZ to check on our new home being built, so many irons in the fire and a lot of stress.

I have no issues but do want to continue my course of 2 years treating before I retest my labs.

In the meantime I will begin a new journey of testing my hormone levels due to my age (48) and physical changes I definitely attribute to perimenopause/menopause.

I hope to put up my next video by the end of November with updates, and maybe even a job prospect.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Congratulations Peimomma!!! You have encouraged me to share my progress.

I am at 548 dives over 2 years and I am much better.

The short version of my story is...

I rarely went out of the house. I went from walking to the mailbox with a cane and using a cart at Walmart, to walking/hiking up to 3 miles on local trails and riding a bicycle up and down hills for up to 6 miles.

I still have a long way to go as far as pain goes but I now have a life.

A big Thank You to Phoiph for helping to get me into mHBOT!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
AWESOME updates! SO rewarding to hear...:)

I'd like to put our heads together and share thoughts/ideas for some of those who we haven't forgotten are still struggling...

Spinning & Haley? Care to give us an update?
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Hello, yes so glad to read these positive updates.

I've made rapid progress with weekly multi-pass ozone MAHT combined with daily mHBOT. The ozone has brought about some incredible changes and I feel perhaps even a little better than my (crappy) baseline five months ago. Before the crisis, I had already been steadily going downhill in spite of daily mHBOT dives and needed to start taking herbs to control Babesia symptoms.

I am off herbs now, able to restart yoga and light weights. Strength increasing, toxicity/inflammation way down. Thinking better, able to feel (periods of joy and creative inspiration) again. Far from functioning normally but I would say that ozone+mHBOT pulled me up from a 10% to 50% within a couple of months.

Remaining symptoms include severe/worsening allergy/sensitivity/intolerance issues, migrating head face teeth/mouth/jaw neck pain and migraines, gut issues, fatigue, brain fog.

Am looking into jaw cavitations and parasites, both issues that I don't feel mild hyperbaric can touch.

Other things I have added that I found extremely helpful: binders like chlorella, Takesumi supreme, enterosgel. LDA for food/chem/inhal intolerances.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

So glad to hear you're doing better and you've found a combination that's working for you.

Thanks for sharing may benefit someone else...
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Hello Everyone.

I'm still not ready to give an update, but would like to share this young Man's story. It's not a short video, about 56 minutes.

I was so struck by this video because he finally gets some reprieve from HBOT, after going to many doctors and trying several different modalities of treatment. BUT HBOT did still not cure him.

Zack finally went to an ID doctor from Africa who found a specific parasite, which the doctor was able to treat with herbs (Zack doesn't know what was in the concoction). I did feel that I was making a lot of progress doing mHBOT and pharmaceutical anti-parasitics, I felt that I was on my way out of the abyss. I did not continue with that medicine because it will permanently destroy my gut. I'm hoping that has not already happened.

So, now I am trying to find an alternative way to treat parasites. Most natural methods were not strong enough to help my parasites.

My point is - if you are not getting well with mHBOT, get tested for parasites and/or treat them as aggressively as possible without destroying your gut.

Zacks story:

This is from his blog:

6. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy- This was the first modality I used that I saw significant improvement with my condition. Had I not had the parasite lurking in the background I could've easily seen this being a big piece to putting me into remission. It's extremely expensive, but if you have the financial means to pursue an option like this I would highly suggest it! Look for a center near you with a chamber and for an LLMD that is familiar with this option if you're not having success with your current treatments and would like ot give this a try.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Thank you so much for sharing this Haley 🙏🏻 We will find a way out ❤️
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

Is mHBOT or ozone contra indicated for people with genetic oxidation issues? How does one find out if they have this issue if so?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Peimomma...

Do you mean people who have low antioxidant levels/activity due to genetics and who have difficulty detoxifying?
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
I got a chamber recently and have already seen improvements in my energy level!!!!! Thanks for your help, Phoiph. You rock!!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
You're very welcome, me...keep us posted on your progress...mHBOT rocks!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I'm not sure. It was a blanket statement posted in a FB group about oxygen therapy they had heard from a doctor and a person that had a bad experience. I tried to get more information but they became agitated and began to attack me so I will just let the ignorant be.

I read an interesting article on Dr Harch site and decided this individual is speaking about something they know nothing of except second hand info. Unfortunately it may keep people from a very good therapy.

I give you props for sticking with educating people👍
Posted by TF (Member # 14183) on :
Good to hear, me. How long have you been using the chamber?
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Only about a month!
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
But I'm also on my 3rd month on IV abx and a year into treatment. But I do think the chamber is helping.

I stayed in too long one day and herxed so bad. With the appropriate time being in the chamber, I now have mild to mild/medium herxes.

Joint and muscle pain and fatigue. I think it holds promise. Dr. J hopes this will take me to the next level towards remission.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Peimomma...

Sorry that happened to you...welcome to my world...LOL...

If they are talking about conditions that are often associated with oxidative stress (e.g., neurodegenerative, etc.), suffered by individuals who typically have low levels of natural antioxidants due to genetics or environmental factors, then they would be talking about the very conditions that mHBOT is known to be most helpful for.

For example: Autism, Parkinsons, MS, Dementia, Stroke, Metabolic disorders, diseases of aging, etc., are all associated with oxidative stress.

In addition, mHBOT has been shown to increase the production of natural antioxidants.

If I come across someone who has reported a truly "negative" experience with hyperbaric...(not at all talking about the people on this site who are still struggling)...IMO, I can usually trace the issue back to how it was used (e.g., they used short term, high pressure for a low-pressure, long term indication, they started too rapidly and experienced reactions, they did too few treatments or were not consistent, they were doing a lot of interfering treatments, etc.)...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

I recently learned I have a gene mutation that discourages detoxification. COMT I think it was. I was wondering if Mhbot helped with that or not.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Monti...

MTHFR, including COMT, is a complicated, whole body issue tied to many factors, and takes a lot of study and expertise to understand the complexities of the subject. I know of more than a few people that have tried to self-treat MTHFR issues with only a little knowledge and have learned this the hard way!

I certainly don't claim to be an expert in this area. In very general terms, the way I understand it (as it relates to your question only) is that there is a less than optimal regulation of substance removal in the body.

Methylation controls detoxification, and detoxification controls inflammation.

Depending on the particular defect(s), there can be a slow removal of certain substances (including neurotransmitters, hormones, adrenaline, etc.), causing an accumulation and toxicity, or removal that happens too quickly, leaving depletion of certain substances. Each scenario leads to different imbalances and symptom pictures.

The dis-regulation can be caused or made worse not only by genetic predispositions, but by environmental stresses (including infections; especially gut). On the flip side, these pathways can function more efficiently, and symptoms can be greatly reduced or disappear by taking stress of the body and improving general health.

mHBOT helps all systems in the body to work more efficiently, starting by detoxification at the cellular level. It also assists all organs of detoxification. In this way, it helps to reduce the body burdens that are inhibiting to the detox pathways.

mHBOT also assists in healing the epithelial tissue and improving the immune status of the gut, which relieves an enormous stress on the body (IMO, you can't be truly well without a healthy gut).

Inflammation reduction and improved circulation is another huge benefit of mHBOT.

So...the answer is a big "YES"...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thanks Phoiph,

I can't wait to have lunch with you😊

It's so frustrating the misinformation that spreads about mHBOT because of heresy.

If people would just read this entire thread and The Oxygen Revolution I believe it would put to rest many of the rumors that continue to be spread throughout the health community.

I had one of the MTHFR genes that inhibits detoxification and I'm doing great.

Okay, I'm off to start my week of moving. See you on the sunny side☀️
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thanks Phoiph. I was hoping you would say something like that [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I would wager that most of us who have had a severe case of chronic Lyme have some combination of the snps. about we pack lunch and I take you on one of my favorite hikes? I'll show you some petroglyphs... :)
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Yes Phoiph that sounds great

I look forward to gleaning more information on the benefits of mHBOT and general health, how many time to dive after my 2 years and laughs.

I'll be in touch when I get settled.
Posted by Koco800 (Member # 47160) on :

Just thought I'd give an update on my treatment.

I am at 247 hours in my Newtowne chamber w/ concentrator
set at 8.5 Lpm.

Over the past year or so I haven't been in every day, but have been moderately consistent. These days I've been told to try for 3 hrs. per day by my doctor. I'm also on antibiotics. Trying to get back to work.

Progress has been slower than I would have hoped.
I seem to have gained back weight I had lost, and am now
back to what I consider my "normal weight". Not sure
if this has to do with the hyperbaric treatment.
I don't necessarily feel better, but I do sometimes think
the dark circles that were always under my eyes are less noticeable and severe.

I still have neuropathy, sleep issues, and fatigue, which I'd like to improve. I got Lyme in 2004, so I've had this a long time, and have been on various treatments, mostly antibiotics and herbs.

I'm on a high dose of Bactrim in the past month, and had some days last week where I actually felt fairly well, so I'm hopeful I'm headed in the right direction.

Anyway, that's my story so far, in case anyone's interested......
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Can even 20 minutes in the chamber cause a herx? I'm sicker than usual. Wondering if I should lay off for a few days bc I had to call in sick to work today.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I reacted BADLY after a half an hour first time. I had to really work up slooooowly... It really caused a flare in Babesia style symptoms for me.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Yes, me. Even 20 minutes can cause a herx reaction. imo.

Koco800, thanks for checking in. I hope that you start seeing some more gains soon.
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Thanks KGG. I appreciate it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Koco800...

I may have some suggestions that will hopefully help you along in your progress. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to connect and talk more about your situation...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Me...I just emailed you...
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
me...I started with 30 minutes and herxed, 2 years later and I do 90 minute dives with only occasional herxes. My biggest problem now is that I overdo my exercise (6 mile bike ride!) which sets me back for a while.

Please understand, I've been sick since 1974 (yes you read that right) I finally became fully disabled (housebound) in 2000, so it's been a long ride. As you might expect, I spent well over a hundred thousand dollars and tried everything...reasonable and bat sh*t crazy treatments during that time.

Hang in there. The progress with mHBOT can be so slow that you only notice it looking back over large chunks of time.
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Thank you Phoiph and digby. Digby, are you in remission?
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Thank you Phoiph and digby. Digby, are you in remission?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
I don't really know! I've been sick for so long that I don't have a baseline for what health feels like. Plus, I have grown old during this so I don't know what it should feel like to be in my sixties.

I still have fatigue, insomnia, some brain fog and muscle and joint pain but the levels of those symptoms are much reduced and other symptoms are gone.

Hope that helps.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Would you remind me what type of mask to buy?

I need to buy some masks. I know that there is a post on it, but have no idea where it is.

Also, how many hours does the concentrator go before it starts to go out?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

It is called a "Simple Hudson Mask". (NOT a non-rebreather with a bag).

Here is a link:

Quality oxygen concentrators can go 10's of thousands of hours. They should be checked yearly just to make sure they are putting out normal 02 and pressure.

Usually, an oxygen supply/repair will do a check for free if you bring the unit to them (call first to make sure they can do it while you wait, so you won't be without your concentrator).

Are you having issues with your concentrator?
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thank you Phoiph.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Is anyone having tooth pain? I am having excruciating pain in one of my root canal teeth. I have had pain in other teeth as well. While researching I noticed there is an entire specialty called aviation dentistry. Apparently, pressure on the teeth can cause cracks and other issues. I think I'm going to have to have a large molar pulled. Yikes. Any help appreciated.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Omgosh Haley, I just had a dentist visit yesterday and was told I might have a crack in one of my molars.. the same tooth that was giving me excruciating pain a couple months ago... also the same tooth that has a tiny amalgam filling I am going to have taken out early next year....

My experience has been that I get awful migrating nerve pain and pressure moving around teeth gums jaw that becomes excruciating while I'm in the chamber.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
OMG Spinning. That is crazy.

Unfortunately, I have about 8 root canals, one of them done for no reason. I was having pain in a filling and the dentist did a root canal.

My entire face hurts. It's also my sinus and my ear. I'm not sure what to do.

So heads up for anyone with fillings or root canals, pay attention to any pain you have.

Spinning - Does your molar have a filling in it?

[ 11-02-2016, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: Haley ]
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Here is a link about teeth and diving for anyone interested:
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Yes Haley, the molar (that might have a crack in it) has a small amalgam filling in it from about 20yrs ago :-(

Thanks for the link above. Ugh this dental and parasite situation is driving me up the wall. I honestly think I would be healed by now if it weren't for these issues...

Phoiph... I would love to talk to you on the phone whenever you are free!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Haley, I would encourage you to be in contact with your dentist about your face, sinus and ear pain. I look at pain as a warning sign. Please heed it.

I actually have a tooth right now that probably will end up with a root canal. But it seems that diving is keeping it calm at this point.

I have a lot of cracked teeth, especially molars. But I grind and clench my teeth. Have for years. And it was years before anyone suggested a mouth/teeth guard. So I did quite a bit of damage before I started using one.

Thank you for posting the dental article. The article does not indicate the depth of the diving that was being studied. But I bet it is deeper than our 9 feet below the surface that mHBO represents. So I am not sure it is applicable or not. It will be interesting to hear Phoiph's opinion on it.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Phoiph,Peimomma, Haley and all Mhbot warriors! It is so good to continue to see so much progress made here! Forgive me as my work life as a college consultant went nuts after I finally got over a 4 plus week virus that had me very congested- my chamber has been waiting on me and I've decided it's time- things are beginning to calm down. My rife has kept things doable; however, not to a place where I am happy being- but thankfully, doable! I want to profoundly thank you all for your help- Phoiph and Peimomma especially! You both are angels on this earth! I will be in touch soon Phoiph to get started [Smile] . Thank you so much for bearing with me! Hugs!
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Spinning, glad things are leveling out for you and getting back on the right track. Does the mepron continue to be helping?Thanks for sharing Koco800.

Yay Peimomma and Digby, glad you two are doing so well.

Haley, thanks for sharing the article about teeth. I also have tooth pain that comes and goes in a molar with a large filling in it. Was surprised to see that article, but makes sense and good info to have.

Excited to see you here Me and willbeatthis!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Haley and I spoke, and she is going to have her pain evaluated by a biological dentist. It will be good to know the results.

The only cautionary information I have ever come across about dental issues and hyperbaric, is that it is a good idea to wait 24 hours after restoration work before diving in the rare instance that any air is trapped under a filling.

The report cited above does mention issues reported by scuba divers at depths of 33-80 feet (which equals 1.97 - 3.36 ATA; we dive at approximately 11 feet, or 1.3 ATA) , and experiments in vitro on crowns, etc. at 3 ATM (which equals 4 ATA; and we dive at 1.3 ATA). So, there is quite a difference there in terms of depth and pressure.

Unfortunately, chronic illness, especially when it involves nutritional deficiencies and acidity (due to malabsorption, etc.),can generally weaken teeth, as the body will pull minerals from the teeth and bones to maintain homeostasis in the blood, etc.

Maybe this, plus other factors (e.g., quality & age of previous restorations, etc.) makes certain people more vulnerable...I don't think this has been researched.

As usual, we're pioneers in Haley...please give us an update when you can...
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Haley and all: When I was in Germany doing aggressive photon treatment- I had terrible molar pain to the point where after treatment I was up all night and went to a German dentist that couldn't find anything wrong. I then got back to clinic to tell my doc and he had me direct photons to that area and said something to the effect of Lyme liking teeth and the jaw. His thought was die off. It did resolve. I thought I'd add this in the event it may help someone. I think the advice from Phoiph is the way to go - covering bases. Looking forward to joining you all! Hang in there Haley!

Me- are you one of Dr. J in DCs patients- he was my first Lyme doc. I'm glad to hear he supports mhbot! Hope you are feeling better!

Peimomma- I pray your move is going great! Look forward to your being all settled in your new sunny home! Hugs!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Spinning- have you tried a zapper or rife for parasites- Haley too? That's something photons didn't do either and I use a zapper every day as well as hit them with rife when they show up via zyto scan. Trust me, if I wasn't doing pretty darn well, I would not subject myself to these other means- daily for the most part! Feel free to message me if I can answer questions. No doubt there are many pieces... thank you all- especially Phioph for the knowledge and support given and shared here. Hugs!
Posted by lymedad (Member # 8074) on :
I haven't read through this entire thread, so someone may have already made this suggestion concerning Hyperbaric Chamber treatment; I highly recommend the HBO clinic in Chico, California (assuming it's still active).
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome, lymedad...

Thanks...good to know.

Most of us here are using home chambers, as it is much more cost effective in the long run for daily, long term treatment

That said, some people do elect to do a number of sessions in a clinic initially to make sure they can tolerate the treatment before investing in a home good to have an endorsement.
Posted by spinning122 (Member # 42223) on :
Thanks Jolley! I'm actually not doing Mepron, I took it years ago and it didn't help. I was taking some Crypto for a few months but my Babesia is no longer bothering me atm so I am not on any herbs or abx. Just oxidative therapies and binders (which help a lot!!!!) while I plan my next move...

Willbeatthis, thanks for the input [Smile] I have not tried a zapper but I read somewhere that it only agitates the parasites... I do have a violet ray now that I want to test out, after I get my amalgam filling out...

I do think the teeth and jaw facial skull pain business has to do with toxins and/or die off. I can control it as long as I swish with binders as weird as that sounds...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

I wanted to share an article I came across today. It lists the top 10 songs that a study found to reduce anxiety up to 65%.

The author also created a free 50 minute playlist that can be downloaded.

If you are able to listen to music (I couldn't), I thought this might be a good arrangement to play while in the chamber...
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Phoiph! I hope you and all of the MHBOT warriors had a great Thanksgiving! I think this playlist will be very helpful. Looking forward to connecting Phoiph when it works for you!

Spinning-I have had great success with a zapper for parasites. I work with someone that scans me and so far, so good. I've come a long way and it seems all of the modalities I've used have helped. I'm just hoping beyond hope- mhbot will be the most helpful piece and I can get back to living fully! Peimomma- I hope your move has gone well! And Jolley- I hope your doc is figuring out if there is a heavy metals piece. Haley- I hope your tooth pain has resolved as I know that has to be very disconcerting. Hugs to all!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Greetings mHBOTers

I arrived in AZ 31 Oct and have been a very busy bee to include interviewing for a job. We drove in a Penske 26ft truck for 3 days and then began a week long unpacking and decorating party at the new house. I survived it all with no issues.

Now for the great news

********I'm going back to work********

Yes, I got offered a job last Wednesday and should be starting in the next 2 weeks after sorting out all the paperwork. It's a GOV job so there is lots of paperwork:)

Completed 693 dives to date.

Will make a video in the next week with my updates and still on track to do labs this spring with my doctor in WA and report back.

I did get my labs tested for hormones a few weeks ago and was very very very low on testosterone, about half of what I should be for B12 and Vit D3 and slightly low for estrogen and progesterone. I decided to go with the BHRT testosterone pellet and it has definitely made a difference in the moods. I'm rechecking those levels in 2 weeks to see where they all stand and make adjustments.

Life is Great!!

I love you Phoiph and mHBOT:)
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Yay Peimomma, that is so wonderful! New house, new job, wow, you burst through the other side of this thing. So happy for you.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Awwww...BIG congratulations, Peimomma...SO very happy for you!!!

Also, many thanks for contributing to "the cause" by sharing all your videos and lab results with is such valuable information.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Congratulations, Peimomma! Great things are going on. You give us all hope. Thank you
Posted by mofarmerswife (Member # 48102) on :
Hello, all -

It has been quite some time since I last posted here, but Phoiph asked if I would share the update for my husband, Mofarmer.

Mofarmer has been ill with tick disease for 12-14 years - but has really gone downhill healthwise in the last 3 years.

He was finally diagnosed with Masters disease (the Midwest equivalent of Lyme) in September 2015. After rounds of antibiotics (with very little gain), we decided to go the mild hyperbaric route, with coaching from Phoiph.

Mofarmer has now completed 138 dives (on his way to 730 - the total for 2 solid years of diving), and is definitely making progress.

One encouraging sign - the slow but steady return of his personality. Mofarmer was an energetic, full of life, quick to laugh person before the tick disease robbed him of his ability to think and interact well with others. Over the years, he drifted into "yes" and "no" as his primary conversation, as he was self-conscious about slurring his words, or trying to talk through the brain fog (with no success).

This year, for the first in several, he is excited and pleased about Christmas, participating in Christmas activities and thinking about/buying gifts. As his caregiver, I feel like I'm having my Christmas right now just seeing him come back to life and to me.

We give the hyperbaric chamber all the credit - and it is truly creating results! At a recent doctor visit, we were astonished when his red blood count, white blood count and platelets all came back in the NORMAL range! Literally, it has been years since that last occurred - he is definitely healing internally.

Phoiph asked me to share this good news with you - because I read this forum every day, and search for things that cheer me up on bad days, and encourage us to continue on the long path. There is hope, and there can be progress.

Mofarmer and I wish you all the very best for Christmas, and the hope of "BETTER!" for us all for 2017!

Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Congratulations Mofarmer for your re-entry into life again. Isn't it wonderful.

So happy for both of you. mHBOT has given me back my life and I know it will for others if they commit to Phoip's treatment plan.

I start full time work on January 9th, my first job in 4 years.

Merry Christmas

What a wonderful gift to have your husband coming back to life💚
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thank you for sharing...:) It is a gift for all of us!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Mofarmerswife...thanks for sharing your success.

There is getting to be quite a few of us that are seeing benefits. It is hard to hang in there for the long term but well worth it.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Mofarmerswife, thank you for sharing. Kudos to Mofarmer. I am thrilled for you both!
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Congratulations! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Hello every one I am wondering if I will get any benefit from mild hboc because I live at 6400 feet elevation.

Anyone with knowledge or experience?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi dan67...

As you know, as you increase in altitude, you decrease in atmospheric pressure.

Home chambers (originally portable "Gamow bags") were designed to treat altitude sickness for mountain climbers by increasing the pressure inside just enough to reduce the relative altitude by a few thousand feet in an emergency situation (not necessarily to bring the pressure down to sea level or below).

If I am calculating correctly, in a home chamber that reaches 4.2 psi/1.3 ATA (atmospheres absolute) at sea level, you will reach only 0.95 psi/1.064 ATA at 6400 feet (a loss of approximately .5 psi per 1000 feet of altitude gain).

Since 1.0 atmosphere of the 1.064 ATA includes the 1.0 of natural atmospheric pressure at sea level, you would actually only be reaching a fraction of pressure above sea level (.064 ATM) using a home chamber at 6400 feet.

Although this would be more pressure than your body is used to, and combined with supplemental 02 may still signal some healing reactions, I would not count on this being enough pressure to be totally effective for treating Lyme/chronic illness.

Hard chambers can adjust the pressure higher to compensate for altitude, while still treating with mild pressure. Unfortunately, it is not affordable for most to do long-term mHBOT in a clinical setting.

Any chance you could move to a lower altitude?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :

You are so damn smart!

Could dan67 use the OxyHealth Quamvis with the outer jacket?

It's designed to go to a higher pressure with the jacket and high pressure valves. It's still expensive but not like the hard shell chambers.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Haha Digby...I consider that high praise considering I'm always asking you the tough questions...LOL

Yes...I PM'd dan67 about the Quamvis. It is a soft/home mHBOT chamber (more often used by practitioners) that is rated for higher (mild) pressures.

That said, the manufacturer is still required to state that it is against FDA regulations to sell/raise the pressure of any home chamber higher than 1.3 ATA, and that doing so by the consumer will void the warranty.

In the past, other entities sold "pressure kits" which included release valves that could be interchanged so the pressure could be raised. These entities were warned by the FDA, and required to stop selling the kits (although it is likely still being done).
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Today was dive number 600! That is over 2 years, so it's obvious that I missed quite a bit.

Most of my missing dives were due to hospital visits, surgeries and an accident. The latest was because of a vacation. How cool is that?

I haven't had a vacation in almost 30 years. I hope to miss more dives due to vacations in the near future.

Hang in there folks. It takes a long time with setbacks along the way but it is worth it!

Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to all.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Merry Christmas Digby

And congratulations on your new level of health.

This therapy is definitely worth the time and commitment it takes to see the results.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Years ago, a doc in Sarasota claimed HBOT *AND* (along with) Pycnogenol (1mg per pound of body weight) per day could heal Lyme disease.

I've recently been researching Pynogenol - again! You may find the following interesting (I hope).

We know Bb makes use of Mn-SOD - an antioxidant enzyme. It is manganese superoxide dismutase. It helps superoxide (a dangerous free radical) become H2O2 (a little less dangerous free radical).

Bb and HIV may contain similar proteins that impact Mn-SOD levels.

First, this is what Pycnogenol does:

Prominent biochemical alterations

induced by PYC (pycnogenol) were the

***elevated expression of an intracellular antioxidant protein, manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD),***

and the inhibition of phosphorylation of the ribosomal S6 protein.

Interestingly, ectopic expression of Mn-SOD

inhibited HIV-1 replication as well.

Inhibition of HIV-1 replication associated with induced expression of Mn-SOD in cells treated with PYC suggests the potential of this natural antioxidant inducer as a’

new anti-HIV-1 agent.


HIV has a "TAT" protein. TAT means transactivator of transcription. HeLa cells are cancerous cells that can contain HIV (virus). We know - I posted a long time ago - that Bb also can lock onto and even invade HeLa (cancer) cells.

Look at what the TAT protein triggers:

This study demonstrates that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Tat protein

amplifies the activity of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), a cytokine that

stimulates HIV-1 replication through

activation of NF-kappa B.

In HeLa cells stably transfected with the HIV-1 tat gene (HeLa-tat cells), expression of the Tat protein enhanced both TNF-induced activation of NF-kappa B and TNF-mediated cytotoxicity…

In both T cells and HeLa cells

HIV-1 Tat ***suppressed the expression of Mn-dependent superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD), a mitochondrial enzyme that is part of the cellular defense system against oxidative stress.***

Thus, Mn-SOD RNA protein levels and activity were markedly ***reduced in the presence of Tat***

Decreased Mn-SOD expression was associated with decreased levels of glutathione and a lower ratio of reduced:oxidized glutathione.

Similar protein in Bb:

One intriguing possibility that remains to be explored is that perhaps BB0250 somehow substitutes for a functional Tat pathway in B. burgdorferi.

Tat stimulates HIV-1 gene expression ***during transcription initiation and elongation***

Does Bb’s TAT-like protein * suppress* Mn-SOD -> beginning of cellular destruction -> increased nutrients for Bb to use to replicate?

Mitochondrial ***MnSOD-deficient*** cells exhibit decreased oxygen consumption and increased O2•− production, suggesting a key role in the response to pathological stressors.

For example, in response to acute alcohol binge in mice,

MnSOD overexpression prevents,

and ***MnSOD deficiency exacerbates,***

NOS expression, plasma nitrites/nitrates, nitration of complex I and V proteins, and

***mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) depletion.***

In a transgenic Alzheimer's disease mouse, MnSOD *overexpression* led to

increased catalase protein levels,

decreased total oxidized proteins and amyloid burden,

and improved spatial memory.

(Catalase is another protective antioxidant.)

Personally, I'd try HBOT daily AND take 1mg per pound of body weight also.

(If you weigh 150 pounds, you would take 150mg of Pycnogenol, for example. That dose is considered safe and is used in many trials. It looks like Pycnogenol alone helps many persons with other medical problems in about 3 months/12 weeks time.)

Restoring Mn-SOD levels in our immune T cells is a way to support their function which is clearing the infection WHILE preventing injury to self (loss of mitochondrial DNA).

Near me in FL...MILD (!) hyperbaric treatments are available.

ALWAYS take probiotics.

Where there's a will, there IS a way.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Hmmm Marnie, VERY interesting!! Thanks so much for sharing!

I have been majorly studying L-arginine and its effects. I read that taking an antioxidant along with l-arginine and l citrulline is very helpful in maintain the endothelial cycle that is broken in people with babesia. (and other diseases)

Since hyperbaric produced nitric oxide as well, I really wonder if taking an antioxidant wouldn't enhance the effects?!

I say this because from what I read, antioxidants don't negate Nitric Oxide, rather they support it.

So weird, because I always thought they were at odds with each other.

If anyone want to put me straight or have something to add, I am open minded! [Smile] 23&usg=AFQjCNE7KVFtdlClDLwLOTaS7C2CkoFuPA&sig2=gJcdzXnDE1pQV-yYtmWwrA resaha%2F92%2F1%2F88.full.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGKUvsRMXqcqdbsI5XsFDbPPrOxtQ&sig2=ah5_mRnaT-ZEqv0NAhmRwQ

[ 12-26-2016, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: foxy loxy ]
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Here is another oddity!

"HBOT not only

increased antioxidant enzyme expression,

such as Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase, but also significantly decreased pro-oxidant enzyme levels, such as iNOS and gp91-phox, thereby

***decreasing net oxygen radical production
by means of negative feedback.***

Furthermore, HBOT decreased the expression of several MMPs while simultaneously increasing tissue inhibitor of MMP (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase)."

Metalloproteinases cleave (chop apart) proteins…such as those that are precursors to the Vitamin D binding protein…uhm…GCMAF…

HBOT and Pycnogenol look to act in synergy.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks Marnie! Can you look at my thread on l arginine?

I would like your intelligent opinion on this! I am very interested in Nitric Oxide and its effect on infections and immunity...

BTW l arginine is way more effective when used in tandem with pycnogenol. hyperbaric oxygen and l arginine are similar so I am not surprised they like each other! [Smile]

[ 12-27-2016, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: foxy loxy ]
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
That information is very interesting...also in Florida)
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I have always been hesitant to supplement with l arginine because of its impact on viruses. I have been supplementing with l Lysine for years to suppress viruses. I would encourage you to do some research on l arginine and viruses before you add it to your regimine.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I agree with sure to do your research on the impact of l-arginine on reactivation of herpes viruses, including Epstein Barr.

Other possible concerns I have regarding the combination of L-arginine supplementation (outside of dietary sources) and mHBOT/HBOT is that mHBOT has a vasoconstrictive effect (initial) during treatment. This effect serves to reduce inflammation throughout the body, while oxygen is infused into the tissues.

L-arginine is a vasodilator. It is unknown if this would affect the positive anti-inflammatory effect of mHBOT, or would result in a possible stalemate.

Also, because of the vasodilation effect, the dose of oxygen delivery may also be altered/increased, which could have an unknown effect on sensitive individuals.

In addition, be aware that both mHBOT and L-arginine lower blood sugar. It is unknown if this could have a concomitant effect, and what the effect on an individual might be.

Since mHBOT/HBOT alone increases Nitric Oxide levels in the brain, I would (and did) only supplement with dietary sources. High dietary sources of L-arginine include, cage-free eggs, cultured goat yogurt/kefir, grass-fed beef, pasture-raised poultry (including turkey and chicken, liver and organ meats, wild-caught fish, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, seaweed and sea vegetables, spirulina, brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, coconut meat.

I am of the camp of "more is not always better" when it comes to dosing, and am more interested in what can be removed and simplified in a mHBOT protocol, rather than added, as this is how I became well. In retrospect, I believe it worked to my advantage to have become too ill to tolerate medications/supplements, otherwise I would never known what actually got me well.

Foxy...I am not trying to discourage you from researching and doing what you feel is right for your body. I just know from your other posts that you are taking a lot of drugs and supplements. Remember that healing the gut is a non-negotiable part of becoming well. IMO, it is important to not lose sight of this, as sometimes, "less can be more" when it comes to allowing our bodies to heal.

It astounded me that in my case, the answer turned out to be a very basic protocol, when I had been searching, analyzing, and overthinking things (with a very impaired brain) for so many years.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Can people comment on Babesia and Mhbot? I have observed with some clarity that my Babesia gets re-activated when I increase oxygen therapies.
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Dan67, Can you please elaborate on your comment that you have observed with clarity that mHBOT reactivates babesia? I am very interested in this topic.

I am having a significant babesia relapse, and it happened after I started mHBOT. However, I went up on time waaaay to quickly ( my own fault), even though people warned me, in a sprint to feel well. I stopped mHBOT for now.

Have you observed this personally, do you have info on other people experiencing this, or do you have any other info regarding mHBOT reactivating babesia?

Thank you!
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
It didn't happen from mHBOT for me. It has happened with other oxygenating therapies such as breathing pure oxygen without pressure, and intense aerobic exercise. I can't claim for certain that it is a cause and effect relationship, but I would state it at 90% certainty.

With mHBOT, though, maybe the Babesia "coming out" of hiding is necessary to get well? Maybe it is a part of the process? If it is always right there under the surface ready to relapse, that's also not good or sustainable. I'm speculating here...
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks so much for that info Phoiph! That was very helpful... but very disheartening. I was hoping they would work well in tandem. I am not sure what to do....

Dan67 and Me, I am 100 percent sure of this. After I started mild hyperbaric my Babesia symptoms become predominately worse.

In fact, after only a half an hour the first time in my tank, I suffered the next few days, with very suspiciously babesia style symptoms.

I never had air hunger before and months after hyperbaric, developed this.

I have been doing mHBOT for over a year now. I have dived as consistent as can be.

I am off antibiotics, but I am not sure they were ever doing me any good anyway.

I must admit, I am becoming discouraged with mHBoT. I have increased it after many months of one hour to two hours and have felt zero change.

I am not saying the mHBOT feeds babesia or anything like that. I have no proof. All I know is that I have heard several people say their babesia got worse on it for whatever reason. Somehow, I don't think the "coming out" of new symptoms is a good thing! but maybe...

I am currently on a stout antibabesial regimen and it appears to be doing very little. I sometimes wonder if the mHBOT is inhibiting progress.

I will say that my head does feel "funny" in the tank at times. (it feels strange and gross all the time but....) Once when I had a bit of a cold sticking in me and when I deflated I had a spell where it felt like my brain froze and I couldn't think at all.

Also, sometimes I can feel the blood pounding in my skull, almost like a blood pressure problem. (this doesn't happen in the tank, but like when I get up, or drink water.)

I also know that my blood is very thick and my veins are small. SOmetimes when my head feels really bad and I shake it like an etch a sketch, it seems to help... (while it is in motion) I guess that made me bark up the arginine tree.

Now, that I have been taking arginine, I have had a mild headache for about six days. My air hunger is worse. My head feels really thick" and "full of blood" today.

Last night, it took a while to sleep, and usually I'm so exhausted I feel narcoleptic.

The Arginine has DEFINITELY done something. I just can't tell if it is for the good or not. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHG this disease is SO frustrating!

Phoiph, I KNOW that you would love to see me go off medications. Who knows. I guess if they aren't doing much, maybe I will!

To be honest, I don't really know WHAT to do anymore.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Maybe mild hyperbaric makes babesia worse in SOME PEOPLE but not others. Maybe it's the strain, or genetics, or immunity. Who knows. But it does seem like it only does it in SOME cases.

Maybe ozone therapy would be another oxidative therapy that would NOT make babs worse. Not sure.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on : 2Fliteraturdb%2Fproject2%2Fpdf%2FBitterman%2520N.%2520-%2520EUBS%25201994%2520-%2520S.%252067.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGsf-CpVpNKv-U1KLXBmOlf_jmwJg&sig2=5l-hhBZQRkZjK2v-ZpKkoQ

Well, I guess it won't give me seizures! I was worried the most about that, like a possible overdose of nitric oxide, but it looks like it has protective properties.
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Thank you, Dan67. I know some people with babesia have had success with mHBOT and others feel like it caused a flare of some kind. As for me, I'm currently laying off of it bc I think my medicine regimen is too intense to combine it right now. I wish I would have increased the mHBOT time at a slower pace . . . I was forewarned. Silly me. Sigh.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
me...I am on Dive #244 as of took me 2 months to advance to 1 hour per day with the 02.

My Cardiologist mentioned the heart monitor was positive with small signs of extra beats....this happened mostly during the first 2 months?

These situations occurred while I tried to jump right in with mhbot....1 hour...sometimes an extra 30 minutes at the end of the day...WOW...did I pay the price (Phioph warned me,lol)

Looking back,after all the drugs and herbals and so on....I wish I stayed the course,1 hour per day...let my body do it's job.

I wish you all a Happy New Year and wellness for all)

Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Thanks, Reminder. So if im understanding what you said correctly, when you increased the time in the chamber too quickly, you had setbacks too, and when you increased gradually, over time, you are seeing the beneficial effects?

Phoiph warned me too--wish I would have heeded the advice.
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Thanks, Reminder. So if im understanding what you said correctly, when you increased the time in the chamber too quickly, you had setbacks too, and when you increased gradually, over time, you are seeing the beneficial effects?

Phoiph warned me too--wish I would have heeded the advice.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
Hello me,

Oh I felt it and backed it up....stopped all meds and herbals one month ago(too much)...good results.

Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Thanks so much, reminder.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
"Here, we report that the host neuroendocrine stress hormones,

epinephrine and norepinephrine,

are specifically bound by B. burgdorferi

and result in increased expression of OspA."

Propranolol significantly reduced uptake of B. burgdorferi by feeding ticks and

decreased expression of OspA in B. burgdorferi recovered from ticks that fed on propranolol-treated mice.

Our studies suggest that B. burgdorferi may co-opt host neuroendocrine signals to inform the organism of local changes that predict the presence of its next host and allow it to prepare for transition to a new environment.

***Another reason for Pycnogenol*** =

The same study showed that after one month of treatment with pine bark extract (Pycnogenol),

***norepinephrine levels decreased significantly***

and correlated with improvement in ADHD symptoms. e-deficiency/

Stimulation of bacterial growth by heat-stable, norepinephrine-induced autoinducers

We conclude that OspA serves a critical antibody-**shielding role*** during vector blood meal uptake from immune hosts and is not required for persistence in the tick vector.


The major component of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) named apolipoprotein A-I (ApoAI) advidly binds phospholipid molecules and organizes them into soluble bilayer structures or discs that readily accept cholesterol.

(A component of HDL accepts cholesterol for reverse transport – normally.)

ApoAI forms an amphipathic shield for sequestering IMPs (integral membrane proteins) from water and promoting their solubilization.

Borrelia burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease, has cholesterol and cholesterol-glycolipids that are essential for bacterial fitness, are antigenic, and could be important in mediating interactions with cells of the eukaryotic host.

We show that the spirochetes can acquire cholesterol from plasma membranes of epithelial cells.

In addition, through fluorescent and confocal microscopy combined with biochemical approaches, we demonstrated that B. burgdorferi labeled with the fluorescent cholesterol analog BODIPY-cholesterol or 3H-labeled cholesterol

transfer both cholesterol and cholesterol-glycolipids to HeLa cells.

The transfer occurs through two different mechanisms, by direct contact between the bacteria and eukaryotic cell and/or through release of outer membrane vesicles.

Thus, two-way lipid exchange between spirochetes and host cells can occur.

This lipid exchange could be an important process that contributes to the pathogenesis of Lyme disease.

NA = noradrenaline = norepinephrine

Another point of view:

NA has also been shown to regulate the expression of the OspA protein in Borrelia burgdorferi,

which is important for the survival of B. burgdorferi in the tick host


its infection of mice.

(NA = noradrenaline = norepinephrine.

RA = retinoic acid)

For instance, the dopaminergic system is regulated by retinoic acid in the embryo

but the influence of RA on dopaminergic systems in the adult brain is less well understood.

***RA appears to decrease noradrenaline in the short term***

by inducing the noradrenergic receptor which

terminates noradrenergic neurotransmission through reuptake of the neurotransmitter

Retinoic acid is a metabolite of vitamin A (retinol) that mediates the functions of vitamin A required for growth and development. Wikipedia

The WFL's absolute favorite food is crickets.

Crickets are also important sources of numerous necessary nutrients such as the 8 essential amino acids, vitamin B12, riboflavin, the biologically active form of vitamin A (***retinol,retinoic acid***, and retinaldehyde) and several minerals such as Iron and Calcium.

Crickets are also high in healthy and low in unhealthy fats and oils: ***low in saturated fat***, rich in omega 3 fatty acids, and with the ideal ratio of Omega 6 and 3 fatty acids.

the retinoic acid *precursor* retinaldehyde, which is released from illuminated rhodopsin, thus providing a mechanism by which light can directly influence gene expression.

Thus....rhodopsin + light -> retinaldehyde -> retinoic acid -> decrease NE -> negatively impacting OspA which Bb is very dependent on.

Do NOT!!! take huge amts of vitamin A. Eating crickets would not likely do any good either.

L-Arginine aspartate + Pycnogenol = Prelox for men...

***Hyperbaric Oxygen Induced Vitamin D Receptor***

and ROS Responsive Genes: A Bioinformatic Analysis


"The treatment of severe anemia with hyperbaric oxygen is one of thirteen indications approved by the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society for appropriate use of the therapy."


Yes, it is true HBOT doesn't "kill" Bb, but restoring the Vitamin D receptor on macropages...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by dan67:
Can people comment on Babesia and Mhbot? I have observed with some clarity that my Babesia gets re-activated when I increase oxygen therapies.

Dan67…this is a question that comes up I would like to share my experience.

Foxy & Me…I want to preface this post by emphasizing that I do believe you when you say that you had a flare of symptoms (Babesia-like or otherwise) when starting mHBOT. I had flares as well, I just didn’t know how to categorize them as Babesia-like, Bartonella-like, Lyme-like, viral-like, or other. Fortunately, it didn’t matter...everything resolved over time.

I had severely symptomatic Babesia (and Bartonella) for years, and was positive on blood smear just prior to starting mHBOT. I had previously treated (years before) with Mepron, etc., which caused me to become very toxic (Mepron turned my vision yellow, as if looking through tinted glasses). The drugs had no effect on the Babesia or Bartonella, they just made me sicker. The ONLY thing that cured my Babesia and Bartonella was mHBOT.

Dr. J, who uses mHBOT in his practice, wrote this in his LymeMD blog in response to a similar question/concern about oxygen “feeding” Babesia/Bartonella:

Question: October 29, 2013 at 4:32 PM "Great to know mild hyper chambers work too, but i am concerned about co-infection, are not they will trive in oxygene rich body? babesa, bart? Couple of patients report of babesa , bart symptoms increased, pre hyperchamber babesa negative, but post hbot babesa positive and severe fatique and pain in legs...I am anxious to know your views on this."

Lyme report: Montgomery County, MD said...
Answer: "I know this answer is a bit long-winded. This question keeps coming up over and over again. I do not know here this myth came from. But is absolutely false. I fear it may be keeping a lot of patients away from a treatment which might be very helpful.

If this were true nobody would get better since virtually every Lyme patient has co-infections. People do Herx with HBOT so getting worse for a while is part of the process. Oxygen does not act like a fertilizer to promote the growth of various aerobic pathogens/parasites. What is important to hear is that HBOT creates a milieu of: a natural antibiotic, decreased swelling, improved immune function overall, healing of diseased tissues, increased glutathione and improved mitochondrial function. HBOT is used to heal severe non-healing wounds in diabetics, patients with gangrene and other non-healing surgical wounds. All of these infections have a combination of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. The treatment kills both. And very importantly, HBOT helps break down biofilms"

I also want to share an excerpt from a veterinary research study of Babesia in dogs. It is suggestive of how Babesia and other parasites are damaged by oxidative stress...similar to the description of how oxidative stress damages the membrane of the Lyme spirochete.

Oxidative stress is one of the many therapeutic mechanisms in hyperbaric, and, fortunately, with mild hyperbaric, does not damage the body due to an increase in natural antioxidant production.

Here's the quote from the research article:

"...Many parasites including protozoa are sensitive to oxidative stress. Sensitivity to oxidative stress has been reported in malaria (Rockett et al., 1991), hepatozoonosis (Kiral et al., 2005), tropical theileriosis (Visser et al., 1995) and babesiosis (Stich et al., 1998). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS) are powerful oxidants and nitrating species that can inactivate enzymes and initiate the process of lipid peroxidation and nitration, which leads to radical chain reactions that further damage membranes, nucleic October 29, 2013 at 4:32 PM acids and proteins (Muller et al., 2003). These processes may ultimately lead to the killing of parasitic organisms (Rockett et al., 1991; Kiral et al., 2005)..."

Lastly, a related article on the importance of Oxidative Stress (free radicals) in relation to HBOT:

Oxidative stress is fundamental to hyperbaric oxygen therapy, by Stephen R. Thom. Journal of Applied Physi9ology 106:988-995, 2009:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

It is understandable...everyone wants to feel better faster. You can always start again (much) more slowly, as reminder (and others) have done.


I can also understand your frustration. I have some thoughts on what might be inhibiting progress. Just PM me if you'd like to set up a time to talk.
Posted by me (Member # 45475) on :
Thanks so much for the info and encouragement, Phoiph. . I definitely plan on starting again at a MUCH, MUCH slower pace in the future.

Now is not the time for me, though. I just started a new regimen and am feeling the effects of it. I am still treating aggressively with abx and tons of anti malarials. I think doing mHBOT with the aforementioned while still recovering from a downslide is too much for me right now.

In due time, in due time . . . I'm just not good at this waiting thing. Although I know you figured that out a long time ago! Ha! [bonk]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on : are not alone! It is very common for people to underestimate the power of mHBOT.

With some people, there is a "honeymoon period" in the beginning from the initial effects of the 02, before the deeper healing pattern begins to take place. During this time, it is often difficult to convince someone to take it slowly, as they get a taste of feeling better, and understandably want to move ahead full speed.

IMO, you are wise to wait to start mHBOT again until you are not treating aggressively with antibiotics, anti-malarials, etc.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Is there any science on mild hyperbaric helping to rebuild joints, cartilage, etc?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes...mHBOT promotes collagen production and mobilizes endogenous stem cells for repair.

This is one of the reasons mHBOT is very popular with athletes and in sports medicine. Many pro-football players have home chambers.

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet uses it along with endogenous stem cell therapy for joint repair:
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
The day finally arrived for me to return to a full time job.

740 dives and feeling great. 13 days to make my 2 year goal of treating with mHBOT.

Video 9 is my most recent update "Back to Work".
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Awesome, Peimomma...hope you love your new job.

Thanks for the video. I watched it side by side with your first video from 2015...what a transformation!

You mentioned cutting back on your mHBOT sessions. I also cut back on daily sessions at around 2-1/2 years. FYI, as I did this, I found that doing the 3 to 4 dives per week was more restorative if done in succession, rather than skipping days in between.

Keep us posted!
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
If anyone knows of any doctors in Indianapolis either D.A.N. doctors or other that offer mild hyperbaric treatment please P.M. me as I am trying to help a family that has children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Interesting study.

They are interested but would like to take a couple dives before making a big financial commitment.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi jcarlnew...

I know we've already discussed other options via phone, but if they still would like to experience a dive before they commit, I can ask the manufacturer rep if any chambers have been sold to practitioners in their area...
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Phoiph, that is a great idea. As you know, they are in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Posted by 6Hypnone (Member # 47629) on :
Just starting to get info on this. Is anyone interested in sharing a rental? I live in the Lisle, IL area.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Congratulations Peimomma! So happy for you!!!

Phoiph and you have been true life savers and your contribution so great to us all! And, to all those contributing- Digby, Jolly, me,FL, Spinning, Haley, Marnie... (forgive me if I left anyone out) You all have been so kind to share your experiences...

The stories are encouraging and I look forward to starting very soon! Keep moving forward Team Mbot! To health, life and never ever giving up!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thank you

Today is my 2 year anniversary 😍 It seemed like a lifetime away when I began. What a transformation it has been, day by day.

My schedule now looks like this
Work 5 days a week M-F 0730-1630
Weight training 3 days a week M-W-F
Walking 3 miles a day
mHBOT 4 days a week T-Th-S-S

I will test the treatment schedule and see how it works with all I have going on these days. I'm in my fourth week of work and feeling great with all my additional activities listed above.

I plan to sleep in 5 days to 0600 and wake at 0430 on T-Th before work as I'vee been doing for the last month. I still get 7-9 hours of sleep a day😊
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Wow Peimomma! You are rocking! I am so happy for you! I remember you writing about wanting to be back at work and now you are! I am truly so happy for you!

Thank you for posting your schedule- it is great to see how you're progressing and how others may want to follow!

I sure have Phoiph and you to thank! I am writing from my chamber and my 5th dive! I am beyond excited!

I knew I was running out of time with Rife- in essence, the program I used that helped a lot has become less beneficial and my knees started to really give me trouble as well as fatigue etc. Well, by day 4 it seems my knees are really responding positively with less pain- and I feel I have energy and life force again, even color in my cheeks! I notice less inflammation as well- I have ankles- who knew! So with immense gratitude I thank Phioph for getting me to this place...Your selfless dedication to us all is awe inspiring... And to all those that came before me that have contributed by sharing your experience... Thank you with all my heart! Onward and Upward! Peimomma keep us posted on your continued wellness! [group hug] [group hug] [group hug]

[ 02-02-2017, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: willbeatthis ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks for the kind words, willbeatthis...

Looking forward to being part of your mHBOT journey...:)
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
That's great news willbeatthis. I always invite people to do videos like I did so they can look back and see the transformation and so others will benefit from watching your journey. 😊

I will definitely continue my updates so people can see my continued success because of mHBOT.

I would love to see more updates from others that have been treating for about a year now👍💚😊
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi All: Just another small update. I'm up to an hour and encouraged. I know mhbot can help regulate body systems and I seem to be seeing this. For example it used to take me a long time to sweat in the infrared sauna- I generally do this 1x per week and now it is nearly immediate. I am having some migratory joint pain and neuropathy flare a bit but I believe in the healing of mhbot - so my two steps back- I understand. Thanks, Phoiph and all of you warriors here! I'd love to hear how you are doing! Hugs!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Way to go, Peimomma! Keep the updates coming!
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Hi everyone,
I completed dive 338, and just had my one year diving anniversary over the past few weeks. Wow, what a difference a year makes. I am back in the game.

I am able to make it through everyday without feeling like I'm dragging myself through it. I am enjoying interacting with people, playing with my kids, going on daily walks, knitting and card groups with friends. I've maintained my job through having Lyme but at an intense cost to my personal relationships; getting to rebuild what has been neglected is a fulfilling challenge. Feeling that those who love me are graceful in understanding I was doing my best, although I just couldn't connect well, much of the time. Enjoying the return of my sense of humor and compassion for others. I am still me underneath, but just couldn't get to so much unlived life in me for so long.

A year ago I expected to feel an unending gratitude for feeling well, if it happened, but have had this paradoxical reaction. On a bad day here and there I find myself saying "what is this crap" or "I don't have time to feel bad." It is funny, in a way, that I am losing the sense that I am a "sick person" and meet each day expecting to connect well with others and do what I please.

Most days I am symptom free besides some dietary restrictions. I still have some racing/ perseverative thoughts which I anticipate will clear over the corse of the next year; there is a lot to healing the brain. Occasionally I have a lot of internal muscle twitching, intense anxiety, difficulty eye tracking, breathlessness, and fatigue which lasts a week or two, then symptom free again. It could be Lyme, hhv6, or low iron, who knows, but it doesn't keep me down.

My really good gains have come with the consistency of daily dives. I have been very consistent since dive 75, and have missed sparingly (less than a day every month or two.) I was scared to think this therapy would work for me, but am thrilled with what I am able to do and how well things are going. I do not plan to update my labs until the two year mark which will be next February.

Phoiph and Peimomma thank you so much for helping me find this path and your encouragement and support through a rough beginning!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Awesome update, Jolley...congratulations!

You reminded me of when, after about a year of mHBOT, without thinking I found myself using the "Lyme-label" in the past tense (i.e., "I HAD Lyme..." vs."I HAVE Lyme..."). That was a great realization.

I think you'll find a lot of healing takes place between the first and second year of mHBOT...I actually didn't cut back on my dives for 2-1/2 years...
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Jolley, do you feel like the breathlessness could be Babesia? Just wondering. That is one of my big remaining issues.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
It is encouraging to hear about your improvement. Thanks for sharing [Smile]
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Thanks Phoiph, very excited to see what year 2 brings.Thanks Monti 😊

Dan67 I'm not sure about the breathlessness episodes but they come every few months. They seem to be getting fewer and farther between. I have very high c4a levels and very low vegf so my doc thinks it is either mold, Lyme, anemia, or hhv6 or a combo of those. I treated babesia with pharmaceuticals and herbs for 2 years and didn't seem to get better or worse. I hope mHbot helps your situation too.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Oh Happy Day! Jolley- I am SO happy to read your update! What a gift to be given your life back... I think any of us are cautiously optimistic with any new protocol and I think with the two steps forward, one back, if I've gathered it correctly from the warriors that have gone before me, you just keep going. I'm thrilled to hear that you are back in the game and I'm excited to see what this next year brings you! Do keep us posted and I want you to know you made my 6 months with this post! Hooray and thank you...

Hi Dan and Monti! Dan, I hope the breathlessness improves- it's encouraging to see that for Jolley it's lessening over time!

Thank you Phioph and Peimomma too!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by dan67:
Jolley, do you feel like the breathlessness could be Babesia? Just wondering. That is one of my big remaining issues.

Have you considered that breathlessness can also be caused by an acidic PH and/or chronic dehydration, which is common in chronic illnesses?

It can be the body's attempt to restore balance. 8-37/
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Good for you, Jolley! It sure seems that those of us that hang in there for the long haul are seeing benefits.

For those of you not there yet, try not to micro-manage the process...just get in your chamber each day and you will eventually see benefits.

Happy Diving to All!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Digby, for that encouragement! It means a lot... I am hoping to be part of the success on this thread! I appreciate the time people take to keep us updated as we all can use the lessons learned and encouragement!
Posted by 6Hypnone (Member # 47629) on :
Try #2....

"Just starting to get info on this. Is anyone interested in sharing a rental? I live in the Lisle, IL area."
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi 6Hypnone...

I haven't forgotten you and am still looking and keeping an ear open.

Keep trying to find people locally through any Lyme groups, alternative practitioners, etc., who may know interested people...

Another alternative that has worked for 2 people I know of is crowd funding through GoFundMe. One person raised enough to rent a chamber for 3 months (at which time he became well enough to work again and continue to fund it himself), and the other raised enough to actually purchase a chamber.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :

Quick update:

Dive #280 as I write.

3 years ago my labs were (stated by many Drs) showing signs of some major illness.

Going to keep this short for I am still trying to recover.

Yesterday I went to my LLMD and he told me "you are not out of the woods,however,some very positive changes in your blood work")

It took me some time to actually believe that diving would work for off all Lyme (with coinfections) meds.

The more I read about this therapy,the more convinced I,everyday,without hesitation,an hour in this chamber and actually having moments feeling like my old self again.....can't put this into words.

I will update again soon and reading these posts is such an inspiration.

Quote Phioph...."low and slow"

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Very happy for you, Reminder!

Many thanks for the update. People new to mHBOT ask me all the time for "testimonials", so these posts are invaluable to others.

Please keep them coming!

That said, in our excitement over all the successful reports, let's not forget to put our collective heads together for the few we know are still struggling...Monti...Spinning...Haley...
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
That is very encouraging to hear reminder. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks Phoiph [Smile]
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
Starting in May 2016 I worked up to 1 hr/day with the mask, taking 149 days. I am now at 237 days and have had great improvement. I have lots of energy, no longer suffer post exertional malaise, and feel happy nearly all the time. My cortisol levels are normal for the first time in 17 years! I never did the antibiotics or other Rxs because of chemical sensitivity, and am seeing some improvement there too. I am still severely underweight and my gut bothers changes there, despite all my hard work.

For the last couple of months I have had increasing skipped heart beats. 100's a day. It is worst while lying down so I really notice it in the chamber. I've been wondering if the cause is the chamber/O2 since increasing my electrolytes, taurine, d-ribose, etc., hasn't helped. I see Reminder mentioned skipped beats as well. Any thoughts on this? I am a canary in the coal mine, whatever weird side effect I can get I will.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Wow, Kristine- that is great progress! Thank you so much for the update! I am sorry but I don't know anything about the heart skipping. Maybe Phioph will chime in. You may want to get checked out for safety reasons but I defer to Phioph here as she is the experienced one here. Thinking of you...

Thanks for all the updates and encouragement! Go Divers Go! Hugs!
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
I forgot to mention that I also got my brain back!!! That's the best part!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Kristine001...

So great to hear of your progress!

About the PVC' be on the safe side, have you had them checked out?

Some thoughts:

Are you on a good absorbable magnesium (e.g., ReMag liquid), and CoQ10? Do you use filtered water and add minerals?

How is your thyroid function?

I am wondering if the ongoing gut issues that you mention might also be contributing by preventing absorption of some key nutrients...causing electrolyte imbalances (even though you've tried to supplement electrolytes).

Also, stomach issues can irritate the vagus nerve, which has a direct connection with heart rhythm.

You might also try changing positions, especially lying on your right side to see if this helps...
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
Hi Phioph,

The soonest I can get the PVCs checked w/o an ER visit is the 21st. I've been to Dr with fewer PVCs but they never occur when I'm there or when wearing a monitor so Dr says I'm imagining it. He's also never heard of Lyme Carditis so I don't trust him!

I do epsom tubs because magnesium hurts my gut, as does CoQ10. No luck finding a transdermal version. I take minerals (except calcium and iodine) daily. Adding calcium last week hasn't helped. I do think absorption could be to blame, and I especially want to get that CoQ10 in.

The Vagus nerve is also a possibility...working hard on my gut and getting nowhere.

If it were you, would you take a break from the HBOT and risk losing the gains? Drop down in time? I don't want to tell my cardiologist I'm using the HBOT, he would completely balk.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Kristine- Have you heard of the GAPS diet and book. That has definitely been a cornerstone for me and recovering my gut. Mine was shot from years of abx even before Lyme I think but especially after. I hope this might help you. They are big about healing the gut lining and beneficial flora. I still use it as the foundation of my diet now. I always have the makings of bone broth on the stove. It's easy with a cut up chicken! My butcher has been a Godsend. Hugs!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
One last thing Kris- I also saw a turn around with digestive enzymes. I went from always showing\testing for malabsorption\low protein despite eating a lot of it to normal levels. I do believe Gut health is crucial. So happy for your success and I trust you are on your way to figuring this other piece out!

FYI: and Dr.Natasha McBride is the author of GAPS- a wonderful resource for sure! Made the gut health piece plain and simple for me! [group hug]
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
You guys are awesome! I did the full GAPS diet for 3 years and it made a HUGE difference. Could barely eat at all before. I still eat mostly GAPS with a little rice and quinoa for weight. Still, I can't handle even a tiny sprinkle of enzymes, and only d-lactate-free probiotics. I just know if my gut lining were good enough for enzymes I could get over this hump, but they inflame my gut terribly. Any thoughts welcome!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Kristine, I am sorry to hear this. At least you can do the d-lactate free probiotics. There was a time when I couldn't even do probiotics so I get where you are coming from.

Have you tried Digest More Ultra by Renew Life-- even one with some bone broth before a meal or with a meal? Could it be that you need these better enzymes? They are not cheap but they are free of allergens. I hesitate to recommend anything in the event they hurt you. You might want to look into these in the event the ones you have - have something in them - that is an additive by chance that bothers you? You have me stumped. I don't have a ND. It seems to me that's who you might need here.

Calling all experts for Kristine.... [confused]

Help please! Please see above post. Need advisement on enzymes. There are so many learned people here... I did a little web research that turned up nothing right off the bat. When I have time, I will look more into this....

HUGS and keep up the progress, girl! You've encouraged me big time!

[group hug]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
What an immense honor to start Page 23 of this incredible thread. The lives it has touched are too many to count.... the success stories too... too many to count but each and every one... like a star in the sky.... Help light OUR WAY FORWARD!

To Phoiph, who with immense selflessness, continues to share what saved her life. Tireless, with great compassion and care... She will walk beside you in this journey to see you to the other side. I don't know of a greater gift...

I am left without words and changed forever... Having caught a glimpse of my old life this morning (wellness), even for a fleeting moment, it was beyond all words.... I almost cried... This illness has a way of making you forget what those moments were like and that surviving is an achievement (and believe me, I am not saying it's not- I've done a lot of that).

Thank you, Phoiph, for holding out HOPE and a life raft, for me and for so many.... This one is for you...

With all the gratitude my heart can hold... And, to all that have come before and helped to light the way...I express my sincerest gratitude... It takes many stars to light the night sky.... SHINE ON...

[group hug]

[ 02-11-2017, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: willbeatthis ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Awww...I don't know what to say. Thank you so much for your kind thoughts! I honestly don't deserve that much credit it is a privilege and super rewarding to me to witness people's progress. (Let's see how you feel about me if/when things get rough...LOL...just kidding... [Smile] )

Kristine...I can so relate to your gut issues. I was there as well...the same 5-6 foods for over 5 years, and couldn't take supplements. Although you haven't made progress in that area yet, I am hopeful that continued mHBOT will help your gut, as it did mine.

If I understand this right, you are on dive 237, but 149 of those dives were working up to full protocol. So...for comparison, my gut was still very much healing at that time. I believe that if you stick with your GAPS and mHBOT, in time you will see more improvement.

About the PVC's. I haven't been able to find anything in the literature that oxygen or mHBOT would promote those (actually on the contrary), but if you feel it is having an effect, then you could back off until you can see your cardiologist on the 21st. That is only 10 don't worry too much about taking that break from mHBOT at this point. It would also give you a chance to see if anything changes. didn't mention if you have had your thyroid levels tested (complete panel) and/or are on thyroid meds...(as this can greatly affect PVC's)?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kristine, I too, do not tolerate digestive enzymes or oral magnesium.

I am concerned about the PVCs. The amount. Whenever I get an appointment that feels like it is way out in the future, I ask to be put on the cancellation list. Many times, I will get in sooner that way.

It is also very common for people to wear a cardiac monitor and not have their heart act up while it is on. If that happens, many times they will wear it longer than just the 24 hours that is initially prescribed.

I have used the referral system in the past. I don't know where you live. But you put in your zip code or town/state and check cardiologist. And it will come up with Lyme literate cardiac physicians in your area or nearest you.

Imho, there are symptoms you push through and things you don't. Your heart acting up is not one I would push through. If being the chamber irritates it. If this was me, I would not get in until I saw the cardiologist. Keep a chart or journal of how often you are getting them. Sometimes docs seeing charting of a symptom speaks louder to them than an oral report.

Lastly, my gut has been acting up. Both my PCP and naturopath suggested the low FODMAP diet. It is different that GAPS or paleo. I found out very quickly that is was the right diet for me as many of my gi symptoms quieted. I am now in the re-introduction phase, adding back in foods individually to see what I am reacting to. The hardest part of the diet is that you eliminate onions and garlic. Yup, I know. Every thing I eat had them in it. But when my gut quieted it was enough improvement to keep with it.

It is a diet out of Australia. The Monash university developed it. This is my favorite blog/web site for it:

Please keep us updated on how you are doing and what the doc has to say.

Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Update to my 2 year update😊

With my busy schedule diving only 4 days a week didn't seem to keep me at my peak level so I started back to 7 days diving and feel much better. I'm not sure if it's in my head or if I really need the extra O2 while adjusting to so many changes recently. Did I mentioned where my new job is, a hospital so there are extra bugs to contend with that I haven't been around for years.

I think I also forgot to mention I still do a CE to detox once a week.

I'm not a good resource for the gut, I healed mine with a Korean acupuncture Doctor cooking herbs for me for 3 months.

I did have heart issues and went in for an EKG at one point in my first year of treating. I was having SOB and intermittent chest pains. All was negative so I just assume it was the Lyme die off and of corse it resolved.

It's awesome to read all the updates and if you journal you will be shocked when you look back over the year or 2 and see your progress.

I can relate to those getting a glimpse of your old self, it's a great feeling and just know it will be a daily feeling at some point during your journey. I have to watch my video to remember how bad it was and how far I've come. I'm definitely living a normal life, and even doing more than the young kids I work with😍

How did I ever function without O2.
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
After a 2 day break and a seeming decrease in PVCs, I did 40 mins in HBOT w/o the mask. About half way through my heart started wigging out again.

Can anyone think of what the mechanism for this would be? Or know of a HBOT specialist who could answer that via a phone consult?

I will be distraught if I can't use my HBOT!

Thank you willbeatthis, for the enzyme recommendation. I just began high-ish dose Vit A for my gut lining (I genetically can't convert beta carotene to A and my A is always low), so after a few weeks I will try your enzymes. I usually only buy Pure Encapsulations or Designs for Health, which should be okay, but yours look good too. I'll try anything!
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
Some of your posts didn't appear on my monitor before writing the above, so here's more...

I don't take thyroid meds because they make my heart race (even miniscule doses), although my numbers are always a bit low. Plus nodules and borderline Hashi's.

I will look into the Lyme literate doctor referrals for a cardiologist, great idea, though I'm in Hawaii and there used to be no one. My doctors here never believe I have Lyme, despite positive PCR.

I have been thinking about FODMAPS, shouldn't be too difficult given that I haven't tolerated garlic or onions for 17 years!

Thank you all for your ideas, and I will (mostly) stay out of the HBOT until I see the cardiologist.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :

I deal with pvcs as well but I haven't had them during my dives very often. I do however seem to get them when I feel a level of stress. In fact just typing that and imagining myself in a stressful situation generates a couple PVCs.

I'm not sure what I can say to help other then I do deal with them. As you likely know caffeine is a big trigger along with alcohol and stress. If you have any of this in your system when you dive it might be contributing. The dive may be a form of physical stress.

Have you tried laying in the chamber without pressurizing it but let it inflate and simply lay inside for an hour? I would start with that and if that didn't create any pvcs I would try it while breathing 02 but again don't let the pressure build up. Keep adding things until you find what is triggering them. It may help you find the solution.

Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
That's a terrific idea Monti, I will try that and report back. If I were to guess I'd say its the pressure, but we'll see.

The only real stress in my life is Lyme, but that's so much better with the HBOT. No caffeine, no alcohol, no vices, how boring! I aspire to an occasional glass of wine someday.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Kristine and All: Wow! I knew the experts would come out... You sure got some great directives here and I look forward to hearing how things go. Thank God for Lymenet and the dear souls that stick around to help out always....

You are a trip, Phoiph! I am pretty sure I am still going to think pretty highly of you... it hasn't been a picnic of late but I am a tough, determined soul. So- ONWARD and UPWARD.... Thank YOU for all of your help and guidance [Smile]

WOW PEIMomma! YOU ROCK! You are just at your two year mark... I think Phoiph still does daily dives (Phoiph) will have to answer this. I am glad you found with daily dives you are back to your best self and maybe it is just this transition time.... you've made a big adjustment and yes, germs, they are plentiful where you are I imagine. I work with students so man, I understand [Smile]

To bed for now ladies! I look forward to diving tomorrow and will be thinking of you Kristine.... I know you will find the answers you need. HUGS!

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I am very glad you are being cautious and seeking an opinion from a Lyme Literate cardiologist. Also great to hear you might try the FODMAP diet, and that it has helped kgg [Smile]

Just thinking out loud here...

I do know there are several kinds of PVCs, and many different factors that can trigger them (some of which have been mentioned). I thought this was a good article on some of those triggers:

Also, oxygen (with or without pressure) does have vasoconstrictive effects, and it is unknown if this is somehow a factor for you (although you have done mHBOT for some time, and your PVCs have only recently increased).

I can say that my neighbor has serious A-fib issues (has had 2 ablations), and went to see our neurologist/HBOT specialist here, who prescribed a home hyperbaric chamber w/supplemental 02. She is doing much better now with mHBOT, and has been able to go off of some of her medications.

That said, I agree you are doing the safe thing by holding off on mHBOT until you are evaluated.

Please keep us updated...
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :

Along with many others I have (on and off) these issues.

It was much worse early on while diving and are much better now,along with a potent (well adsorbed) magnesium I started to take a loaded multi vitamin....with minerals added and it seems to have helped.

Still suffering from constipation (sorry for too much sharing) however,is somewhat better.....and the reason I bring this up is,it seems the heart palps happened more when I did not dispose the waste in a timely manner??

So was (and is) mhbot destroying the bad stuff and I have to figure out how to rid of it?

That's my take,however,I am NO Dr....though even my Cardiologist stated "the Lyme can cause these".

I dove with the heart monitor was only a 48 hour? wanted to show the Dr what was happening and now he saw it.......even suggested beta blockers....I said not quite yet.

I wish you the best with your decision and hope these get better,can be quite stressful while they are happening.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
I will be fitted with a 30 day event monitor in a few weeks as well as doing a couple stress tests for my pvcs. My man issue with them these days is I can't excersize to the point of breathing heavily without then being bombarded with pvcs until my pulse slows back down. This makes excersizing near impossible and also concerning.

My Lyme doc said it's likely something that I can build a resistance to over time if I slowly build up my excersize program. But for now the first thing I need to do is make sure it isn't a threatening issue.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Monti, I am sorry you are having to deal with that. It gets un-nerving. But I am glad you are having the monitor done. Sorry that you have to wait a few weeks though! Nothing is speedy in health care anymore.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Thanks kgg. A few weeks isn't a bad wait at all. I've had to wait 6 months and longer many times as I'm sure we all have.
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
You guys are so great with all of your input. I don't know where else I could have turned. Thank you so much!

I put on my O2 mask outside of the chamber and went 75 minutes with zero PVCs, so if anything it helped. I will wait to try the pressure until just before my cardiologist appointment.

Turns out there is only one Lyme literate doctor listed for Hawaii, she is a DO and on another island. At least that's someone, but no cardiologist. My LLMD in CA who I have phone appointments with was not able to comment on the PVCs. He's been "off" lately.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Kristine001, have you tried an absorbable form of Magnesium, like the Glycinate chelate? It's very tolerable and slower to cause any bowel disturbance than most other forms.

You might try titrating up till you get loose stools and then lower the dose by 100 mg. For some people it works like magic for PVCs.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kristine, I am wondering if a lyme literate cardiologist would look over your chart and do a consult that way? Or have your LLMD consult with a LL cardiologist for you.

What do you mean your Lyme doc has been "off" lately? Physically not at work? Or not focused?
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
Kgg - My Lyme doc has been unfocused. It happens occasionally. I stick with him because he understands my chemical sensitivity and doesn't require me to physically see him once a year. I have a lot of difficulty traveling, and everywhere is far from Hawaii.

I may take your recommendation on seeking a LL cardiologist if my appointment here goes nowhere.

Digby - I have magnesium glycinate but it hurts. It's not loose stools, its gut pain and inflammation. Like so many things. Citrus, vinegar, enzymes, vitamin C, most supplements and foods. Its as if the mucous lining my epithelial layer is totally eroded. Epsom salts or magnesium citrate in the tub gets my blood levels up, but doesn't affect the PVCs.

I've had much less trouble with PVCs since taking HBOT break, which is a relief but also disappointing because I've been so happy with my progress and don't tolerate herbs/abx. Too many SNPs, plus the gut thing.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Kristine001:
I put on my O2 mask outside of the chamber and went 75 minutes with zero PVCs, so if anything it helped.

Kristine...You had mentioned that your PVCs were worse when you are lying down. Were you lying down when you did this?
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
Phoiph - Yesterday I was sitting up. Today I tried it again (just O2) sitting up, then after 20 mins I layed down and it started again! But not nearly as bad as in the chamber. I sat up after 20 more mins and didn't notice any PVCs, but it may have been because I was absorbed in a book.

Another possible clue is that I tested out a few sweet potato chips (not a normal part of my diet) just prior to putting on the mask, and something in them irritated my mouth, so it probably irritated my gut. I'm wondering about some relationship to the vagal nerve.

I might try light pressure in the chamber in a more upright position, although that may be difficult in a Respiro.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Sometimes I have lots of irregular beats, SOB, and a pain in my chest like I'm being stabbed through the breastbone. Never figured it out, but the last time I ended up taking a week away from mHbot and it resolved. I think it might be some kind of die off, but who knows, at other times I thought it improved with magnesium, or acid reflux supplements. It isn't fun to have while diving.

So hope you get into the doctor quickly and they can give you some answers, it is hard to wait. I still feel better knowing a cardiologist said it's nothing serious. Hope you are able to get some reassurance.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :

That stinks with the exercise and PVCs, what a pain to want to exercise but not be able to. Hope you get some answers to.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
So an update on me- since I live at 6400 feet and many say this hurts the effectiveness of the chamber, instead I've just been breathing pure oxygen once or twice a day for about 20 min, and incredibly, I can say it seems to be helping. I'm not in any way claiming this is the same as a chamber. It's just what I had on hand so have been giving it a go.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Dan- I think it is great doing what you are able too and that you think it's helping!

Kristine- I hope things are going better for you and the pvcs are resolving.

Monti- I am sorry you are going through pvc issues as well. I think it is great you'll be monitored here before long.

KGG- I've heard great things about the low FODMAPS diet. I'm glad it's working for you!

Digby and Phoiph- it's always good to hear from you. We are super blessed by the support here!

I'm still at my hour a day with the mask and cruising along. I have ankles now- I did not realize how much edema I had!

I am less fatigued so that's nice but am going through the emotional piece others have described and some pretty intense migratory joint and muscle pain at times. Mhbot allows the deeper tissues to be penetrated.

Would love to hear how everyone is doing when you are able to post! Hugs! [group hug]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeathis, I had to smile when you wrote that you have ankles now. =) I have cankles and have hoped that it would reduce with diving. I am still waiting for it to happen, but glad it has helped you!

I had to take a break from diving for 3 weeks while we re-mediated mold in the lower level of our house. The longer it took the more tired I got. Plus I could feel the neuropathy in my toes was resuming. I was not a happy camper. Three days after I started diving again, my husband said, "Wow, what a difference diving has made for you! You could not do that last week." (I was shoveling snow......again)

He called my chamber the "tube of life" this morning. I liked that name!
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Kgg, tube of life, I love that name.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Hi everyone, I need help making a decision. I am very chemically sensitive, especially to plastic and PVC type material.

I am debating going with a NEW vs USED chamber. I'm worried the new one will smell too strongly of plastic. Can people please weigh in with their experiences?

Thank you.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I bought an used chamber for that specific reason. It was a year old. It still had an odor but not nearly as strong as if it was new.

Additionally, there are some brands that are stronger smelling than others. My chamber is from OxyHealth.

People have reported that Summit to Sea aka Healing Dives have a very strong off gassing smell. One member of our facebook group never got used to it. Plus, I know of a chiropractors office that had a Summit to Sea chamber. It kept blowing seams. My OxyHealth chamber is 11 years old and holding strong.

OxyNova supposedly is made of a material specifically used to prevent off gas smells. But I don't remember the material. They are a Canadian company but can ship to the US, if that is where you are from. Here is their website: Their rep on the FB group seems knowledgeable. If something happens to my chamber, I have decided that I would at least investigate OxyNova's product. But I still like OxyHealth chambers the best. fwiw.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Kgg, so you've had your chamber for 11 years now!? In all that time has it put you in remission?
Can anyone comment on the odor of Newtowne Chambers?

Another question. Does this scare anyone? any comments?

Lastly, can anyone recommend a good oxygen concentrator? What flow rate do you use? Does it require a prescription?

[ 02-25-2017, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: dan67 ]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
No, I have not used my chamber for 11 years. That is how old it is. I have been diving for about 9 months.

Typically, there are only two concentrators that are recommended to be used with mHBO chambers. It depends on what unit you end up buying. Yes, I believe it requires a prescription.

That case was a very sad case. But we have all discussed that we would never leave a child alone in a unit. Who knows what really happened? OxyHealth is the one company that is FDA approved. There is a risk to everything we do to get our health back. Risk vs benefit? For me, mHBO wins every time.

Have you read on this site yet? She discusses what concentrators to use.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Two questions then... If some people take naps in the u Chambers, don't we worry about axphixiating while asleep since we wouldn't be aware of something happening like what I shared in that link?

Secondly, is it dangerous to fall asleep and have two long of a session due to oxygen toxicity?

editing to ask a third question: there is a massive price difference between the 27" vs 32" models. If I could sit up a bit and work on my laptop or read in the 32, it might be worth the price difference. can people comment on this?

[ 02-25-2017, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: dan67 ]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Kgg- we sound a lot alike! I love the tube of life as well! Your husband sounds

Dan- I too am SUPER chemically sensitive. Thus, I purchased a used oxyhealth for this reason at least in part. I am kind of a second hand gal due to these sensitivities. I have an Airsept concentrator and the smaller Solace as it was what we could afford at the time. If you want to sit up- not gonna happen in a Solace. I guess I'm a bit average weight semi petite(130 5 5"on a good day I might add;))- so honestly for me, dealing with the zippers etc (easier to maneuver I think because they are closer to me)- I think I prefer the Solace but if you're not somehow on the smaller end- even if you are my size and you want to sit up- I think you need the next size up. Had my husband been into this too, we'd needed the 27 inch. Phoiph and many others have the 27 inch and they can weigh in. Kgg gave you a great link to Phoiph's website. It will help if you read that website and even this thread- immensely.

In terms of falling asleep- I take my phone in and set an alarm. You can do that with a timer as well. I agree with Kgg- risk benefit! This is manageable with a huge upside I think. I found my system on and Phoiph and Peimomma were godsends. It helps to do the background reading so that you are ready to embark safely on this journey! Let us know how we can help! Dive on my friends! Hugs!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I will answer one question and then let others respond. I bought the Vitaeris because my son tends to get claustrophobic. Plus he is a big guy. We put a wedge pillow in the unit to lie on. And a boomerang pillow for on our legs to support a tablet/laptop. Works slick!

As far as sleeping, there are athletes that sleep in them all night. So, no. For me it is not an issue. Sometimes I will nap. But most of the time I just read.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Note: I had several professional NFL athletes (who knew each other) contact me asking if I could connect them with anyone interested in buying their smaller chambers, so they could upgrade to larger ones.

I asked them whether they actually sleep in the chamber all night. They all responded that if they do so, they are not actually wearing the mask and directly breathing 02 all night (which might cause 02 toxicity, IMO).

I definitely don't recommend sleeping in a chamber all night. I once fell asleep (slept through my alarm) for 3 hours (with mask on), and didn't feel well directly afterwards (I then skipped a few subsequent dives and was fine).

A good, LOUD alarm is very important, as you can definitely fall asleep more soundly than usual in a chamber...

As per the tragic accident where the son with autism was left unsupervised (and a bureau fell on the compressor tubing and disconnected it)...

It is my impression that he must not have been using supplemental 02 via mask from a concentrator as we do (i.e., just using ambient pressure), otherwise he would have still had an 02 supply in this situation...
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hi All,

I bought a new Respiro and it had at least a month of off gasing. I'm 5'3 and can't sit up but can put my knees up, read, turn from side to side and get comfy. I bought the Respiro because I'm claustrophobic and needed something a little bigger then the Solace.

I don't worry about any risk with the chamber, I completed 777 dives (full pressure 1 hour) and I've had no issues. My husband has completed 253 dives with no issues except more hair growth, better brain function and more energy. 😊

I have the airsep 10L concentrator and have had no issues, bought it new.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
I love the extra room in my Vitaeris. It allows me to do simple stretches in the tank as well as having a wedge pillow and "accessories" in the tank with me.

I sleep in my tank when I feel like it but I use an alarm in the form of a meditation timer app on my tablet.

In that law suit, the court ruled against the plaintiff. The situation is very sad but in my opinion the law suit was frivolous.

My chamber was ~3 years old when I got it and it had no outgassing odor and I have a very sensitive nose.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Has anyone NOT been able to use their new chamber due to offgassing?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I have read of only one person not being able to use their chamber because of off gassing. It was on the FB group. I don't know if they are on this group or not. The chamber they had bought was a Summit.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
How do we know the benefit of mhbot isn't just breathing pure oxygen? I know they've done studies but have they compared pressure to just breathing o2 alone? Has anyone here compared?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Dan67, I used an O2 concentrator @ 5 lpm for over 2 years before starting on mHBOT. I actually used it much more than the hour a day of HBOT, sometimes sleeping with a nasal cannula all night.

I didn't see any improvement in my health other than not waking up with air hunger during the night.

There you have N=1 experiment. FWIW!
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
Digby- that is very useful info!
You didn't mention whether mhbot helped you though. If it has not, then there would be no difference in the o2 results and the mhbot results, which wouldn't show they are different.

If mhbot has helped you can you share your story or a link to your story? I'm certainly willing to get an mhbot just Doug my due diligence on whether I need to spend the money or can just use breathing o2. Thanks!.

[ 04-07-2017, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: dan67 ]
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Dan67. If you are not ready to invest in a chamber, I would start grounding. Check out the book "Earthing, the most important health discovery". I did use a chamber for about 2 years, but stopped due to facial pain. I began doing an hour a day of grounding , simply walking with bare feet or lying on the beach. It's very powerful !

I'm hoping to get back in my chamber again and start posting again, but had to take a break for a while.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Yes Dan67, it has helped me immensely. I have shared a bit about my improvement earlier in this thread. Can you search on my name and find it? I don't know how to link to a post.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Good to see you back Haley! Glad you found something to help you...

Thanks, too, Digby for your comments on your experience with just O2. Very helpful.

I don't know how to link posts either or I would do it... Dan, you should be able to find it under his name- Digby.

Have you thought about going to a local place to try it or renting a set up. I understand the research. It is a significant investment.

Like I told my husband the other night, I feel it is the best money we have spent so far with all of this and I have been to Germany for photons etc. I have been diving daily since Jan. 29th - So today was my 29th dive. I can tell you that Thursday night I had to be at a school to represent the company I run and quite frankly, I had a window of feeling better than I have felt possibly before I got sick. Thus, a TRUE glimmer of hope. I have simply read too much and learned too much to not believe this can do the trick.

If you think about it, the immune system must have the upper hand. Without that, we can have all the drugs etc in the world and still fail (other treatment modalities too). I have learned a lot by looking at how I have done with treatment for the last nearly 9 years and without a doubt, I think lyme replicated in me fairly fast (had a very fast moving acute case as my doc. said) that went chronic. I think when you have so many life cycles going in the body, it makes sense why I could never pulse antibiotics in the beginning (had to switch doctors because of that- now I see Dr. H and am very happy) and basically have to continually beat this stuff down on a daily basis. About 2 plus years ago, I started rife and until I started a program that hit the big three- (lyme, bart and babs), I wasn't making any real progress -- so again, the pulsing for me did not work. Quite simply, for my body, it has taken beating the heck out of it on a daily basis to gain any ground. My hope is that mhbot will bring the immune system/body some help with stem cells and the like as well as reduced inflammation (sorry but the book The Oxygen Revolution written by Dr. Harch would be a better reference here). The inflammation reduction has been amazing. I now have ankles and defined knees. Yes, I even like to look at them now I am so amazed. And for the record, I have not had a true babesia flare.

I will say this first month has had ups and downs and I have not been surprised. I can tell it is working. I had fairly bad brain effects with word usage etc and man that was kicked into high gear the first week or two ... thus, I knew it was getting to the places I needed it to get to. If you read the thread you will see people talk about retracing and that is what I feel is happening.

I am a very thoughtful (by nature a questioner) person and I do not just drink the Kool-Aid. I cannot afford to. I have been super research oriented about every step I have taken on this journey and so far, I stick by this being one of the most if not most powerful tools in my arsenal. I will say each piece -- meds (under Dr. H), Photons in Germany with Dr. W, Rife and concurrent herbal treatment under Dr. H has all had its place. I would add to that the importance of a good gut healing diet and exercise. Gentle with mhbot to start as I am too wiped for anything but. Phoiph recommended all of these things and I credit her and the loving souls before me to my success with all of this. I am able to run two businesses and know that would not be possible without all that I have done. Affording treatment can be tricky. Phoiph has resources and suggestions that can make the mhbot more affordable should you wish to go in with others in a community etc. She will tell you about the connections she has if you are serious.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
I will finish by saying, I think the gut healing diet and exercise have been invaluable. If you read Dr. Burascano's guidelines, he says you will not reach remission without exercise. Those guidelines are posted on the main medical questions page. I will admit I thought I could around that one... not so fortunate. Literally, the gut healing diet (GAPS) (no sugar, gluten, egg or dairy - so basically paleo (gluten and dairy allergies) and moderate exercise with the other pieces I have done, I believe have gotten me to a fairly good place. I wish to share anything I have learned along the way to help anyone on this journey as I feel we can all learn so much from each other.... Keep Diving! [group hug]

I should add detox. I am a BIG believer in detox. I have chem. sensitivities that went into high gear with Mepron some years back and infrared saunas and coffee enemas have been very helpful to me.

That's all I have...
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Hello everyone!

I've been lurking here for a few weeks now.

Some of you may have read of my recent troubles. I had been feeling very good for a number of years until a puncture wound on my foot in September. This wound gave me what I believe to be a mild case of tetanus. I began to have muscle spasms and tightness for the first time in my life, almost immediately after the wound. I was in and out of the hospital several times last year.

The trauma also caused my Babesia to flare. I hadn't had symptoms of Babesia for years. Air hunger, hot flashes, headaches, fatigue. The symptoms were immediately recognizable to me as Babesia. I had long battled Babesia back in the early 2000's.

Fast forward to today. While I seem to have improved and stabilized a bit, I'm still not out of the woods. My foot still hurts and burns like crazy, right where the wound is, and in surrounding tissue. I've even noticed that the hurting and burning has gone up my ankle and into my leg a bit, which is terribly scary. However, all of my tests for osteomylitis and other serious infections have so far come back negative. Plus, tetanus isn't a highly invasive bacteria, so it wouldn't make sense that tetanus is causing this.

So, knowing that tetanus is averse to oxygen, I have been using a prescription to obtain medical grade tanks of oxygen and using a mask I have been breathing oxygen periodically, about once every day or every other day for a period of 20-40 minutes.

This is where you guys come in. I need your help!

There's no question that breathing this oxygen has helped me. But it has also seemingly made the babesia symptoms considerably worse - air hunger, shortness of breath, hot flashes, fatigue, etc.

So on the one hand it is helping me but on the other hand it is hurting me.

I don't want to get into the whole debate about HBOC flaring Babesia. I've read a few people on this thread who say it has flared their babesia, and a few people who say it hasn't. Do we really know for sure? I don't think we know for sure.

Phoiph has been kind enough to call me and speak with me. I believe her hypothesis that we need to get the immune system back online, instead of chase bugs, is a very valid approach.

One strange thing that has been happening to me is that breathing the oxygen has made the pain in my foot and lower leg WORSE, not better. This leads me to think that whatever is in my leg, is Babesia perhaps!? Why else would it get worse? Unless the oxygen is increasing inflammation and causing my body to fight more?

I'm considering getting a chamber because as I mentioned, the breathing of oxygen has helped me in some ways. But I'm also worried that it has seemed to make Babesia symptoms worse, and also has made the pain in my leg and foot worse.

Would love any input or ideas. (By the way, if you read my other post on my recent challenges, you'll see that yes, I've tried countless things in the last few months to combat this. If you want to suggest other modalities to me I am of course open-minded, but I don't want to hijack this mHBOT thread. Please keep your responses on this thread related to mHbot. If you want to talk to me about other treatments, please use this thread instead:

Thanks in advance for your help and ideas.


Bryan Rosner
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome, Bryan. I read your other thread when you posted it. I am sorry to hear that you are still not feeling better.

I have no medical articles to post to back my thoughts up. (I thought I read an article that mild hyperbaric was better than just breathing supplemental O2. But can't find it. =/ ). But since you are having a positive response to the O2 but not on the foot, is it possible you need to add the pressure of the hyperbaric? To deliver the O2 deeper?

Is it neuropathy pain? That's what it sounds like. mHBO helps me with that a lot.

Perhaps it is making your Babesia symptoms worse because you are not impacting the immune system with the supplemental O2 like you would with the mHBO?

I would assume that Phioph suggested to start low and go slow, like she does with us all. I second that suggestion. It helps to keep the herx at a manageable level.

I have Babesia confirmed by Quest lab, that tends to miss it. I did not have a rise in my Babesia symptoms when I started diving. fwiw

I know it is a big decision.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Phioph, thank you for clarifying that the athletes don't use the oxygen mask while sleeping in the chamber all night. That is the first time I have heard that. Good to know, as I don't want oxygen toxicity. (Not that I think I could sleep in it all night anyway).
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
No it's not neuropathy pain, it's very localized in certain tissues. It feels like an infection in the soft tissue.

I guess my question regarding babesia, boils down to this: Has anyone used the chamber, had their air hunger get worse, kept going, and then seen air hunger subside later on?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hi Bryan, I haven't been tested for Babesia but I have had all the symptoms. I've been using mHBOT for a little over 2 years now and I can report that my air hunger is rarely a problem anymore.

I tried breathing O2 with a cannula prior to starting HBOT and it never helped beyond shortening an acute attack.

I still have drenching axillary change there but I've never been sure if they are from Babesia or just a sympathetic NS aggravation. If it were full body diaphoresis I would be more inclined to think it was Babesia.

If your "infection" is not from Babesia, I would think using a chamber should help. Have you considered getting treatment in a regular HBO chamber to test the waters?
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Bryan sorry you are dealing with the leg infection. I also had symptoms of babesia but no positive labs, so am not sure if I'm treating babesia, mold/low vegf, hhv6, anemia, or what, but my breathlessness did get worse (multiple times) over the course of the year I have treated. I would have weeks of breathlessness, stabbing chest pain, and fatigue, that would then get better. I am better now than I have ever been and have felt really consistently well, albeit mild flares happen a few days here and there. Hope you find what works for you.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Hey Bryan,

Interesting you bring up the Babesia and mHBOT thing again...

I too have the exact same classic babesia signs that you have... (minus the foot thing of course) but hot flashes, occasional night sweat, and AIR hunger.. (lots of that)

Before mild hyperbaric, I only had veeery occasional night sweats. When I started mild hyperbaric, I right away flared with what seemed was a Babesia flare...

Since faithfully diving for over a year, I would say my babesia infection is WORSE than ever! [Frown] I am so frightened that the mild hyperbaric has held me back!

I developed air hunger and my fatigue worsened. I recently (and reluctantly, I actually like diving) decided to quit hyperbaric and see what happens. I have been off it about a month and I so far I haven't worsened.

I did start high doses of arginine two months ago which made my air hunger worse,(but helped Sensitive hearing PTL!!!) and It seems l arginine and mild hyperbaric work in a similar way, by creating nitric oxide. I have been thinking about quitting that too... I don't knoooooooooow!!!!

I certainly don't want to be antagonistic... It obviously doesn't harm everyone with babesia as we know by Dear Phoiph and others... but what IF?? There are some people it DOES?!!!
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Jolley -- do you attribute your great improvement to mhbot? You are still using it?

Foxy, thanks for the info. Did you make other gains doing mhbot for a year? Other symptoms improve? Breathing pure o2, I feel Babesia has worsened but other symptoms may have benefited. Not sure if it's a worthwhile tradeoff though...

Or perhaps, diving with just pressure and not o2 would be a compromise?
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
my Dr. does a fair amount of mild hyperbaric therapy. He did admit to me that it seems the hyperbaric doesn't help Babesia, (I take that to mean directly, obviously for some it did) for whatever that is worth...

My primary symptoms are odd nerve sensations inside my head and nose. I didn't see any improvement that I can definitively say. In the beginning, it almost seemed like it was helping.

I had increased dreaming, and seemed like it may have relieved a certain aspect in my head... but then it kinda petered out and nothing else happened.

Because of the increased babesia symptoms after my first half hour dive, I only did the pressure for a while. I didn't react as badly with that, but not sure I saw improvement either?

Oh, and my dr did say that he often sees some sort of improvement in his patients that use hyperbaric. He thinks it can keep lyme infection down without antibiotics. That's a pretty powerful thing to say!

I will say, I did go off lyme antibiotics and didn't crash... but they also didn't seem to be improving me either...

I hope my unbiased viewpoint is helpful... I am experimenting myself!

Oh, I also had a neighbor that tried mild hyperbaric for about six months. He thought it made him worse, and quit and improved some.

I don't know! There are a LOT of variables in here. I used antibiotics and antimalarials in conjunction, so maybe that's the reason hyperbaric didn't work for me. Maybe I didn't have enough faith to let it be my sole therapy!

If anyone has any advice or wisdom on my babesia problem, I am all ears and am VERY open minded to suggestions...
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Foxy lady, you are right. There are so many variables. My naturopath wants me at least on herbals for my Lyme/babesia/bartonella. But I keep resisting her. First, when I tried just one drop, I felt worse. Whereas, at that point, I had been only diving and had felt better. So I have yet to add in herbals. At this point, I am going to tell my naturopath that on herbals we are going to have to agree to disagree. ;-)

I wish I could offer some wonderful wisdom for you on Babesia. But I really don't have anything to offer. I did the Mepron/zith route twice. I hope to never have to swallow the yellow paint again. Considering I was not symptom free, I would guess that Babs still played a role in my poor health. But mHBO sure has helped me.

It is so hard with tick born illness, because we all react so differently to treatments. Interestingly, my young adult son, who never reacts well to any treatment and still struggles with fatigue issues responds well to mHBO.
Posted by dan67 (Member # 20344) on :
I just talked to Samir , the CEO for 20 years of Oxyhealth , and he said you do not need to breathe o2 in the chamber and that a recent study showed you get results without o2. Does anyone know which study he is referring to? This is a big statement coming from the CEO of Oxyhealth.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Very interesting Dan. I wonder what simply diving without the o2 would do to the Babesia?

I think. Somewhere in the back of my head... that there was a study with mold. and that mild hyperbaric was very helpful but there was no supplemental oxygen.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Wish I could attach it here but Samir sent me a PDF with some studies in it showing that no o2 was required. I mean, real scientific studies. I'm not saying the o2 doesn't help (I know Phoiph will be here shortly to chime in...). But it's good to know that the Babesia issue may be circumvented by experimenting without o2. Or, maybe something like, use o2 every 3rd dive.

I have the interesting benefit of being at 6500 feet elevation where I live, so whenever I visit sea level, it is like a hyeprbaric treatment! And I usually don't have babs flare ups when I visit sea level so I'm assuming I won't in a chamber with no o2.

Samir also said he didn't think my elevation would be a problem with hyperbaric because it is the RELATIVE change that heals the body. My body is already in equilibrium at 6500 feet so the "punches" (his words) of pressure will work the same regardless of what elevation you are at. Which really makes sense, since sea level is really an arbitrary elevation, there's nothing magical about it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Regarding altitude, it depends on what you're using hyperbaric to treat.

If you are an athlete who lives at a certain altitude and wishes to treat an injury (or just improve your performance), then in theory, adding mHBOT will help as it is a relative change to what your body is used to, and will signal healing reactions.

If you are treating a specific infection, however, then there are certain levels of oxygen saturation that must be reached in the tissues to disarm or kill that pathogen. This is why different conditions are treated at different pressures (e.g., infected non-healing wounds are treated at a higher pressure than a brain injury).

In this case, the amount of pressure you receive matters, and you will receive less pressure as your altitude increases. Adjustments are made for this in clinical HBOT chambers.

That said, it is not ALL about killing pathogens through mHBOT, but by enhancing immune system health so it can do the job it was meant to do on the pathogens.

Treating with mHBOT at your altitude of 6,500 ft. will be a relative change for your body, and depending on your state of health, may help you. But, as we discussed, I know of someone with Lyme who treated at 5300 feet with a home chamber and supplemental 02, and their condition did not change. My neurologist/HBOT specialist friend concurred that the altitude was likely too high for this amount of pressure and rendered the treatment less effective in this case.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by foxy loxy:
Very interesting Dan. I wonder what simply diving without the o2 would do to the Babesia?

I think. Somewhere in the back of my head... that there was a study with mold. and that mild hyperbaric was very helpful but there was no supplemental oxygen.

The mold study was done with supplemental 02:
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Bryan, I am sorry to hear that you are still struggling with babesia and your foot injury. I wanted to chime in as I am a relatively new diver so to speak but I seemingly have done just about every treatment out there- photons and the like. I can tell you that I had hesitation about the potential babesia concerns that others that have discussed as it was a big problem for me. Dr. H was okay with me trying mhbot as long as my babs was not flaring. He really did not tell me more than that. At that point, I was ready to give it a try because the rife program that had helped me so much began to be less effective. Additionally, the doctor out of Maryland I believe addressed this concern rather well and it allayed my fears- as well as Phoiph and the others that went before. Now, true, not everyone has had the same experience. I wish I had an answer for you. What I learned from Phoiph seemed to just ring true for me and make sense. Basically, getting the immune system on board. Something I know I lost sometime ago. Well, I think my first dive or so, I had a babs flare (1). And I have been diving for an hour for about three weeks with oxygen and have had no babs issues. Drenching sweats are my tell tale. Now I am using rife and herbs right now until I gain more ground with the mhbot. Have you thought about renting a system or talking to Phoiph about options to try out what you have discussed above- that way you wouldn't have to make a full investment. I would have to say that babs was probably my worst infection and so far so good. If anything, I am fatigued and I can feel that the oxygen gets to places I wasn't able to get to before as I am having some brain herxes etc and retracing but no real babs. That is my experience anyway. I will be thinking of you and you sure have come to a great spot for assistance with this modality. Godspeed.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thank you for making the point that there are a lot of variables involved, and that your were treating with "antibiotics and antimalarials in conjuction", with mHBOT, which may have affected your results. In observing and comparing people's reactions to mHBOT over time, it appears this can definitely be a factor to consider.

Also, if someone has been on pharmaceutical treatment for a long time, there are more layers of toxins in the body to remove. It may actually take more time to see results in this case than someone who is even more symptomatic, but has not been on a lot of medications, for example.

I'm not saying this is necessarily true in your case, but am agreeing with you that everyone brings a different history to their treatment.

Sometimes it takes some brainstorming and tweaking to discover anything that might be interfering with progress. If you decide at some point you wish to continue with mHBOT...please feel free to PM me so we can do that!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Regarding using a chamber without supplemental 02...

Using pressure alone raises the oxygen level in the chamber slightly.

I personally know of someone who (at sea level), improved tremendously by diving twice per day, 1-2 hour sessions, for 1 year without supplemental 02.

She stopped diving at 1 year, and unfortunately relapsed after a very stressful time in her life. Once she started diving again (once a day for 1 hour with supplemental 02), she recovered.

It is unknown if her treatment would have been more effective had she treated the first time with supplemental 02. Regardless, I am quite sure that 1 year was too soon to quit diving in her case. your case, where you are already at a disadvantage due to your altitude, I would strongly consider using supplemental 02. Even if you don't use the mask at first (and you wouldn't if you are going to increase your dose slowly in the beginning), you can still let the supplemental 02 flow into the chamber.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Bryan, yes, I am only treating with mHbot and dive daily. I'm not planning to discontinue until I'm totally symptom free for an extended period. It would be great to wean down a bit around the two year mark, but I might daily dive indefinitely.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
For anyone who bought a Respiro chamber, can you please tell me the dimensions of the boxes that it was shipped in? I am buying a used one and the seller doesn't have any boxes. Thanks!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hey Bryan- How about just asking him to take everything to UPS and have them pack it. The seller did that for me as its so important with the compressor in particular and in my case the air concentrator as it has to be upright etc. I got on the phone with the UPS person at the store that day to reiterate how important it was to get to me in working order. She understood and extra care was taken. I paid for this of course but it was worth it! Congratulations on this step! Welcome! [group hug]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Feeling it today! Worst herx yet. I am thankful to Mhbot - Phoiph and Peimomma for walking me through this. So thankful to know my immune system will finally be back in charge again. On an interesting note I am always hungry now and seem to be less chemically sensitive. I'll take it! Thank you all! Everone else doing okay??
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Yay willbeatthis,

Funny how we count the little steps like less sensitivity as such good news😍 I was herxing for a couple of months, constantly feeling terrible, up in the night but then a few hours of energy here and there.

It's like seeing some sunbeams through the clouds. I was looking back at my journal from 2 years ago and reading over some of the terrible nights and days I had but also the small accomplishments.

I hope you are keeping a journal.

I love your updates, it brings back memories of my journey. You started almost 2 years behind me so I look forward to reading your posts in Feb 2019. It goes fast💚
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Awww... I have never needed a post so much.... Thank you, Peimomma.... I am indebted to you and to Phoiph. Your encouragement has truly been the light at the end of the tunnel even before I started this journey. I haven't been keeping a journal as well as I should but I will starting today. It is truly comforting to see that you had rough patches like this too....

It gives me hope. Thanks, Phoiph for warning me that rough waters were ahead. And, never letting your light diminish.

I will continue to update you all and Peimomma.... again, thank you.... I am SO GLAD you are where you are today and yes, I look forward to to my posts in Feb. 2019. Maybe we need to plan a trip... We could meet up with Phoiph and have lunch... Gosh, I hope your new job is going GREAT and that you are making your way back to where you were with the mhbot. You have accomplished so much.... it is no wonder that with such big changes, you may have needed more bonding time with your Respiro! Let me know how you are...

Phoiph... I hope you are doing well! Thank you for all you do for so many....

Kristine, Kgg and Jolley... How goes it?

Digby, are you still making strides? You too have been SUCH an encouragement to me....

Thank you all.... [group hug]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks for the encouragement to post, willbeatthis. I had a return of a low grade fever this week, that left me lowly motivated. Then yesterday the fever left.

I was able to attend a women's breakfast yesterday. I was able to interact with people. By the end I was really tired. I was wiped out for the rest of the day. But it was really nice to be out.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thanks willbeatthis.

I'm loving my job and still holding up beautifully. I have continued treatment 7 days a week to give my body the extra boost as it adjusts to the busy schedule. My work days are 10 hours with commute, lunch and actual work time. I start with a dive at 0430 then get ready and off to work. I arrive home at 5:00, eat dinner and off to the gym I go usually arriving home by 7:00 pm for a little relax time, shower and off to bed by 8:30.

I walk about 2 miles during work split between breaks and my lunch to get fresh air and O2 pumping. In total I walk between 5-7 miles a day.

I try to get 7-8 hours of sleep and a little more on weekends.

When you keep a regular daily journal it will encourage you as you continue to see on paper those small breakthroughs that keep pushing you toward your goal.

Gentle hugs mHBOTers
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Kgg- It is great to hear from you and that your fever is gone. Also, that you got to go out to the women's breakfast. I will pray that you keep improving. Thanks for posting. I hope your son is continuing to respond well too. It's a blessing to find a natural treatment to work- as I hope too to never swallow the yellow paint again- that Mepron is just awful. That is really when I became super chemically sensitive- had trouble finding a car I could drive. Thankfully that's much improved now.

Oh- Rock Star- Peimomma! Wowser! You really know how to inspire! You are doing fantastic! Five to 7 miles a day! That is perfectly awesome and then putting in a full day with a commute. Well, my hat is off as you've worked so hard to get to this place! I know your husband must be so happy too!

Hey Jolley- how are you? And Haley, is the grounding still helping you?!

Has anyone watched the Thyroid Secret you can watch for free right now- each day is a new topic online. You can google it. It's been very informative- until 6 pm today's it's on chemicals - very interesting with good detox info. Just wanted to pass this on!

Keep diving!
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
I'm excited to report that I am getting a used respiro to try to finish off this foot business and the havoc it has caused.

The seller says it doesn't come with the part that goes around the concentrator hose in the hole in the chamber to keep from letting air leak out between the hose and the chamber. Maybe this is called a hookup kit? Can people share what they use? Thank you.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

There is a "hyperbaric hook-up kit" made and sold by the concentrator vendor I mentioned.

It consists of tubing with a brass fitting that screws onto your chamber 02 port. There is a piece of electrical tape wrapped around the tubing to act as a "cork" to keep it from sliding out.

If your chamber doesn't already come with this, it can be ordered separately...but let's see what it comes with first, so you don't buy something you don't need...
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Thanks phoiph. She told me expressley that it does no come with that part. So I need to buy one. What part number to I reference when contacting? And is it the same gentleman who you sent me to for the concentrator info?
Sorry for typos typing on phone
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kudos, Bryan!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Yes...if you look back on the attachment I sent you re the concentrator, all the info on the hook-up kit is there, including pricing. If you need new masks, you can order them at the same time.

If you need me to resend the attachment, let me know.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
This is my latest theory. - mHBOT + not eating = success.

I eat healthful foods, but have noticed lately that if I dont eat at all I feel much better.

I thought about Phoiphs journey and wondered if that may have helped her to turn a corner.

I am back in my chamber and will experiment with bone broth only for a few days, then eat very little food for a while. I will let everyone know how it goes.

Welcome to the group Bryan.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Oh Haley. I'm so sorry that food seems to not be helpful right now. I thought I was eating really healthy paleo type diet, only to have my IBS symptoms flare on me. Eggs for breakfast. A big salad for lunch. Dinner was meat and veggies. Snacks were nuts and fresh berries. Both my naturopath and PCP mentioned the FODMAP diet. It is not an easy diet. It eliminates onions and garlic right off. (Of course my homemade bone broth had both onion and garlic in it!!). Almost everything I ate that was savory had those in it! Plus the type of nuts I was eating were high FODMAP. I found out my "healthy" diet was not healthy for me!

Now, my constant nausea is gone. My IBS-D is much improved. I can leave the house without my immodium. ;-) It helps people with chronic constipation and reflux. The low FODMAP diet is from the Monash University of Australia. FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo- Di- and Monosaccharides and Polyols. Examples of FODMAPs are lactose, fructose, sorbitol, mannitol, fructooligosaccharides, and galactooligosaccharides.

It is not a diet to embark on lightly. Many people see a dietitian that is FODMAP certified to navigate. But it has been very helpful for me. I like this website/blog for info:

I am concerned about you diving while eating very little food. What are the symptoms you are dealing with?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Willbeatthis, I had a bit of a set back after getting a virus over the New Year Holiday. So, I've been tanking for well over 2 years and I can still have flares.

However, I am a bit unusual in that I've struggled with this in some form or another since 1974. Now, I know that I've said I've been sick since 1991 but that was relevant to this forum. Prior to that I was Dxed with CFIDS/FM.

So what I am trying to say is that even after all this time I had a 2 month flare but I am now back to where I was the end of last year.

And even during the flare I was able to walk and work around the yard. Things I couldn't do at all prior to HBOT.

The healing continues!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Haley, I have been on a ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting, since just before starting HBOT.

I coach people on the diet and I am convinced that the combination of keto adaptation and fasting can significantly improve the symptom picture for people with Lyme. It improves immune function and reduces inflammation systemically.

I have tried many diets over the years from raw food vegan to FODMAP, including macrobiotic and adjustments based on food allergy/sensitivity testing and this is the only diet that helped my condition. Plus I no longer have pre-diabetes or hypercholesteremia, all with no drugs.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks for your concern kgg. I appreciate it and am so happy that you are feeling better. I am familiar with most eating plans, including FODMAPs. It is important to stick with small portions with FODMAPS, which supports my theory that small portions may be better. This is just a theory for now.

Digby, I am familiar with that plan also. I have not done the intermittent fasting. For how long do you fast? I really do want to try it, but don't have much fat on my body, so will probably get very skinny.

[ 03-06-2017, 09:39 PM: Message edited by: Haley ]
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Haley, I lost ~ 20 lbs of fat and then stabilized. I've since put on some muscle, now that I can exercise if I am careful.

I was water fasting for 2 consecutive days every couple of months. Now I do a 24 hour fast (these are very easy when you are keto adapted) once every week or a bone broth fast for 2 days every couple of months.

I want to do longer fasts but I think it is important to respect the hair trigger stress response that is so common in Lyme Disease.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Interesting Digby, do you think you were less symptomatic on your water fast days? What is hair trigger stress response?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Water fast days vary wildly. Sometimes I feel wonderful and other times very sick. I don't know if it is due to a herx or a "cleansing" response.

By hair trigger stress response I mean the Amygdala/Adrenal/Cortisol system is often easily triggered in PWL, regardless of the stimulus.

For example it can be a scent, a food intolerance, too much noise or an emotional issue that would be annoying in the average person but becomes a major stress response in a PWL.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Goodness! Thank you all for your posts! I'd buy stock in this thread if I could. It sure helps to hear how everyone is doing and the tweaks that can be made with diets.

This information is super! Kgg-so glad you have found a diet that works for you!

Haley, I look forward to how your new tweak works out... you have always inspired me to never give up! I am thinking of you!

And, Digby- wow- you are an amazing source of information! I am glad even with flares you are much improved. I basically do a protein heavy diet but have been interested in going ketogenic. Wouldn't be that much of a leap.

Kudos, Bryan! I'm honored to be starting at about the same time as you! I know you have to be excited about your Respiro!

Thinking of this whole team! And to Phoiph and Peimomma... Thank you as always! [group hug]
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Does anyone notice that it is easier to equalize their ears when their head is in an upright position compared to laying down? Maybe it's because I've been a bit congested, but I find it much easier and less painful to be upright.

This presents a bit of a challenge in the Respiro, though it is doable.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
One of our mHBOT friends here, who has ear issues, posted that the "Cobra" yoga pose helps her clear her ears while inflating.

Just an important reminder that if ear pain is experienced during inflation (pressure is normal as long as it can be cleared), then the pressure valve should immediately be turned toward "deflation" to a point where there is no pain or discomfort...

Never push through ear pain!
Posted by rainboworiver (Member # 45562) on :
I went for the hyperbaric treatment today for the first time at 2x ATA for 90 minutes 100% oxygen. I am not experiencing any herx, instead I feel better. Much less pain, more energy, and clearer brain.

As matter of fact, every time I used oxygen mask, I felt better.

What does it mean? What organisms does oxygen suppress?

Has anybody experienced immediate relief of symptoms? Like within hours?
Posted by rainboworiver (Member # 45562) on :

On fasting/eating little, I once was so sick no matter what I did, I just decided to stop eating. Everyday, I drank some organic veggie juicy, like two glasses per day for 3 days. I also did a liver flush at the end.

I felt like a new person, like I have never been sick before.

As a result, I try to do a 2-3 fasting every month or two.
Posted by rainboworiver (Member # 45562) on :
correcting some typos here:


On fasting/eating little, I once was so sick no matter what I did, I just decided to stop eating. Everyday, I drank some organic veggie juicy, like two glasses per day for 3 days. I also did a liver flush at the end.

I felt like a new person, like I have never been sick before. It didn't last more than a week as I started eating more.

As a result, I try to do a 2-3 day fasting every month or two.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Rainboworiver I am one of the few that started treatment at full pressure with O2 for a full hour since my first treatment 785 dives ago. I began feeling relief and thought if one dive is good, 2 must be better so for 3 weeks I dove 2 times per day for 1 hour until I hit the wall at about 60 dives and then it was herx for 3-4 months.

I had a good detox protocol set up that worked for me to clear toxins and press on each day with one hour treatments but it is pretty intense. I'm a person that pushes the limits to see how much my body can handle (probably the years in the military that warped my thinking😏) I wouldn't recommend it if you have children, a job or other commitments because you will hit the wall and your symptoms will intensify. I had none of the above and a husband that was very supportive and did a great job of helping when I was going through the worst part of the treating.

Phoiph's famous quote "one step forward and 2 steps back". It's a long journey, 2 years and counting for me but worth all the ups and downs along the way.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Most of you know I'm back to work and unfortunately they are pushing me to get immunizations. I have sent in a letter from my doctor for an exemption but it doesn't seem to be enough to satisfy the GOV standards.

I'm hoping someone might have some good links to articles or studies on vaccines and immune compromised patients or supporting documentation that LD and vaccines are not recommended.

I'm present my labs today with my H&P but you all know how it is trying to educate the uneducated medical community about LD and all our issues.

Thank you in advance
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I know we are going to try to connect by phone this coming week, but after reading your post I wanted to make sure you are aware that if you are diving at 2.0 ATA at 90 minutes with 100% medical grade 02, you are doing HBOT, not mHBOT.

IMO, that is a very high pressure and length of session, especially to start, when you are dealing a with chronic neurological illness like Lyme.

My suggestion is to ask your doctor and the clinic if you can dive at 1.3-1.5 ATA, starting with less time in the chamber, working up slowly.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Sorry to hear you're being pressured about immunizations at work.

I would contact/Google D.A.N.(Defeat Autism Now) for research and back-up literature on vaccinations.

I will also try to find some for you.

(P.S...Hopefully the journey is "TWO steps forward..." [Smile] )
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Peimomma, I have a nurse friend who may be able to give you medical articles. She is on FB. If you are willing to PM me your email, I may be able to connect you two.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks for the feedback rainbow 🌈 I'm going to give it a try
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Peimomma- I am sure thinking of you! Some great suggestions have been given here. I know what you are dealing with is stressful but I am confident you will get the information you need. I will look around for you as well!

Welcome Rainbow!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Digby, Do you know of a good book on ketogenic dieting\fasting in terms of boosting the immune system? I would love to read it-seems I feel better too with less food when I'm not ravenous from mhbot. I've never been so hungry. Thank you!
Posted by kah419 (Member # 31572) on :
Does anyone know if mHBOT is ok to use if you have a CBS mutation/upregulation (plus BHMT mutations) that has led to sulfur intolerance and sluggish phase II liver detox?

IV Glutathione (also Bactrim, milk thistle, DSMO, DMPS, high sulfur foods) made me feel much worse, so at least now I know why (CBS). Doesn’t mHBOT increase glutathione production? If so, shouldn’t I hold off on trying mHBOT until I am further along in treating CBS mutation (just started molybdenum glycinate) and liver detox (starting castor oil for now)?

A little history --

Bullseye 2010, diagnosed lyme/bart 2011 by PCP (although most likely bitten 1st time 30 yrs ago), diagnosed clinically w/babesia by LLMD 2014.

I’ve been on combination Rx abx as well as few natural ones for much of the last 6 years (one year break), initially w/PCP then with LLMD, both attempting to follow Burrascano/ILADS guidelines, but having to try other combos/alternatives because of my inability to tolerate so many abx. I also refuse IV abx as well as some orals with serious potential side effects (like Levaquin/Cipro).

To this day I have not been able to tolerate the “right” combination of antibiotics at the right doses for the right length of time, so although I have treated for a long time, I have essentially undertreated in my opinion. Just did Advanced Labs lyme culture test, waiting on results.

I finally gave up on using long term Rx abx last year once my GI symptoms got worse--have SIBO/dysbiosis, now leaky gut (starting L-Glutamine powder), possibly gastroparesis—thanks lyme/bart (having GI workup). No doubt all the Rx abx are partly to blame.

May have ANS testing for vagus nerve. Cardiologist I saw last year for chest pain, palps, SOB felt vagus nerve could be reason for heart and GI symptoms. Now seeing GI doc who thinks probable motility issue (so vagus nerve).

My diet is so limited there are barely any foods left: gluten-free & dairy-free (both pre-lyme diagnosis), now egg-free, sugar-free, low histamine (mast cell activation), low FODMAP (SIBO), now low sulfur…it’s ridiculous! How I’ve gained 30 pounds in the last 6 years I do not know ☹ I know many of you can relate.

I’ve been working w/excellent lyme literate herbalist to help get on core Buhner protocol for all 3 infections. But unfortunately I’m also having trouble even tolerating many of the detox/support herbs needed before getting to core protocols/killing infections (other than cryptolepis which I seem to tolerate and have been on since 2015).

My gut just can’t tolerate so many things. And I’m fed up with so many pills, tinctures, etc. making me feel so much worse (way more than just GI symptoms). I need to simplify my treatment plan.

So I’m stuck…..Needing to heal my gut and address CBS and liver detox, but also treat infections as naturally as possible. I’m considering one or more of the following: mHBOT, UBI/UVLRx, RIFE, hopefully some more herbs eventually.

Can someone tell me whether or not it’s ok to use mHBOT with CBS upregulation since increasing glutathione has made me feel worse? Should I treat the CBS mutation/liver detox for a certain length of time first? How long?

I’m trying to decide whether or not I should try my first mHBOT session yet (20 minutes max with no supplemental 02). I’m claustrophobic but need to just get over it. My PCP has an Oxyhealth Vitaeris 320 that I can try for $100/session, or can rent for $1,200/month, which is better than buying my own right away.

PCP also offers UBI treatments, and has one chronic lyme/bart patient who improved a lot with a combo of mHBOT and UBI. There is also a local doctor (not mine) who has the new UVLRx but don’t really want to add yet another doctor to the list.

I appreciate any advice. Thanks.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
In this pdf ( it states that mHBO increases glutathione by 15% for 24 hours. I bet any IV or oral supplementation of glutathione is higher than that level, but I cant find documentation to verify that. But I would think that mHBO would be a gentler introduction of glutathione to your system. I bet Phioph has those stats. I do know that when I tried IV glutathione push. I did not feel better afterwards. So much so that I did not pursue that treatment again. mHBO did not do that to me.

I hear you about being fed up with pills, tinctures etc. That is why I bought our chamber. I knew that I could not take antibiotics for the rest of my life. It has proved to be invaluable to my health. It has been as beneficial as IV antibiotics (that I have done twice for months at a time).

But as far as your specific question about the CBS mutation and how mHBO impacts that. I am not sure it can be answered. MTHFR science is in its infancy. To know how it affects mHBO treatment has probably not been studied.

The mantra here is with mHBO treatment is to start low, go slow. That way it is tolerated better. Some us started that way. Inflating the chamber for 10 minutes, 20 minutes without oxygen, then 10 minutes for decompression/deflating. Not increasing the time until it is tolerated. There is no extra points earned for pushing too hard.

I definitely think that this mode of treatment worth consideration.
Posted by rainboworiver (Member # 45562) on :

Thanks for sharing. Is there a single place where you documented your treatment journey so I can read it?

Has anyone done a combination of mHbot and bee venom therapy? And how did that go? Did it speed up the treatment?

Also I have a brain aneurysm of greater than 5mm? Is it safe to do the dives?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

Here's the link to my 2 year journey documented in 9 videos.

I wanted to be as transparent as possible so I did videos as I was treating over the last 24 months. I also kept a journal to refer back to as I went day by day and it definitely helped me see the gains I made over time.

Kgg I sent you a message....or maybe not? Trying to forgive out who's who on FB and this page.

Thanks to those for the good leads. I took my lab reports in and an explosive of what they mean to Lyme patients. I look as this as an opportunity to educate the medical community that is still oblivious to what we endure. I'm very thankful that both of my bosses are extremely supportive of the exemption for me so they are willing to plead my case. Regardless I won't take the 4 vaccines they are requiring.

I'll keep you posted💚☀️🌵
Posted by rainboworiver (Member # 45562) on :
Peimomma, I watched your videos. Very encouraging!

I am very eager to get started. Can someone recommend where to buy used chamfer and tank?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Rainboworiver, this is Phioph's website with purchase/rental info on it:
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
willbeatthis, I don't know of any books that are specifically about immune function and fasting/ketosis but there are lots of studies on it. You can find them on
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Digby! Appreciate that very much. I'll get on pubmed!

Rainbow- you may want to get an all clear from your neurologist before purchasing etc. Phoiph may
know the most about this but I'm afraid I know nothing on that. Godspeed!

Peimomma- Continue to be a rock star please! You're amazing! Hugs!

Phoiph- hope you are doing great - thanks for ALL you do! [group hug]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Question- does diving make you more hungry? I've been ravenous and really can only say diving has been the only change. I'm worried I'll gain weight at this rate- any hints! Thank you!!
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Hi everyone I got my chamber and did my first dive today. I do have a few questions.

1) Is it normal for the compressor to get pretty hot to the touch during use? This seems like a big deal.

2) Have any of you replaced your stock mattress in the unit with something thinner to gain a bit more room?

3) Is it normal for the o2 concentrator to make a pumping sound approximately every few seconds? I know Phoiph has mentioned the concentrators sometimes go into "conserve" mode or "on demand" mode but mine was set at 7 LPM at the time, so hopefully that isn't happening... on another note, I spent hours researching oxygen sensors and even talked to the CEO of this company, so I am picking up this unit to monitor my o2 concentrator. A lot easier than sending it in to be checked. And I am glad for the peace of mind this will bring. 44cf2bac1795a2

4) Any advice on how best to care for the zippers? I've heard they can break first.

5) Any problem with a pretty long o2 cord from the concentrator? Mine is about 10 or 15 feet long, it's kind of gerry-rigged. Maybe I should get a shorter one.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
"...Can someone tell me whether or not it’s ok to use mHBOT with CBS upregulation since increasing glutathione has made me feel worse? Should I treat the CBS mutation/liver detox for a certain length of time first? How long?

I’m trying to decide whether or not I should try my first mHBOT session yet (20 minutes max with no supplemental 02). I’m claustrophobic but need to just get over it. My PCP has an Oxyhealth Vitaeris 320 that I can try for $100/session, or can rent for $1,200/month, which is better than buying my own right away..."


mHBOT improves mitochondrial function, which helps the body assimilate nutrients and detox at the cellular level. It also supports all the organs of detoxification.

This is very beneficial to people with genetic detox difficulties, but you will have to go very slowly. IMO, I would not do other detox methods at the same time as starting mHBOT, as you may release more toxins than your body can keep up with. You would also have difficulty discerning what might be causing a reaction.

I wouldn't worry about the glutathione. This is a natural, compensatory reaction of the body to the increased oxidants (which are necessary to fight pathogens, etc.), and is not produced in excess with mHBOT.

Regarding rentals, I have a contact that will rent for less than half of what you have been quoted, with 50% of that rental cost credited toward a purchase if you decide to buy.

You can PM me for the contact info, and we can discuss different options.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

As we talked about today, I definitely agree with willbeatthis about having clearance from your neurologist before treating with mHBOT due to the aneurysm.

Once you are cleared, I'm looking forward to helping you get started...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

mHBOT will increase metabolism...much like it can also increase appetite.

I think this is a good sign that your body is requesting fuel for recovery and repair.

I know you are conscientious about your diet. Are you eating lots of good fats (e.g., coconut oil and avocados) and protein (e.g., eggs and oily fish)? Another filling food would be prepared nuts and nut butters (must be pre-soaked and dried to remove tannins).

Although these are higher calorie foods, they are satisfying so you eat less, and are building blocks for nerve and gut repair.

Eating a little bit of protein before going in the chamber will also help with any low blood sugar issues that some people experience after a dive.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

1. Yes, the compressor does get hot.

2. No, I haven't tried a thinner mattress; not sure it would be as comfortable, but maybe others have.

3. Yes, it is normal for the concentrator to make a pumping sound every few seconds. This is the way it removes nitrogen from the air to concentrate oxygen.

Also, I would set your LPM at 8.0-8.5. You need to have enough flow to flush the C02 from the mask, but not so high that you sacrifice 02 purity.

My understanding of oxygen meters is that they need frequent calibration (and are expensive), which is why I have chosen not to buy one. Have you spoken to the 02 concentrator contact I sent you to get another opinion on this unit before you buy?

4. To take care of the zipper, you must not open it when there is pressure in the chamber (wait until there is "slack" before unzipping). Also, always unzip it (using the tab) completely to the stop; (i.e., don't spread it apart to open it while exiting). Of course, be gentle with it, and never force it. Lifting the zipper up to straighten it out while zipping in helps.

5. The longer the 02 tubing, the more resistance to flow (plus there is backpressure from the chamber to consider), but anything under 20 feet with your unit should be OK. I would use the shortest length that is reasonable for your room set-up.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Thanks for the useful info Phoiph.

Your concentrator contact did offer me a sensor option for around $700. However, it has two other measurements which I don't care about -- flow rate and flow pressure. These may be useful measurements for some situations, but not mine.

Actually in my research I've discovered that this thing we are trying to do -- measure o2 purity -- isn't really complicated or exotic at all. It is done all the time. Scuba divers "spray" a bit of air across a sensor before they jump in the water to make sure it is the right level of o2. In other words, this isn't like a controversial topic -- "how easy is it to buy these and do they need to be calibrated." It is very easy and very commonplace.

The one I purchased (yes, I did just place my order) can easily be calibrated for different elevations and has a sensor life of about 3 years, after which it is about $70 to replace.

To me, this represents a very good purchase. Not only will it allow me to have peace of mind regarding the o2 purity, it will also allow me to do so on a more frequent basis than taking my unit in every year, and it will save me the time and money and hassle of doing that. A win-win-win in my mind...

However, before anyone else buys one let me use this one for a while and I'll report my results. I should have it by Thursday.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Yes, Bless you, Phoiph! Your answers and guidance are so helpful. I'm going to try your food suggestions- I think I'm missing out on good fats and over doing protein. The snack before diving sounds great. I've been somewhat baffled by this as I've never been so hungry in my whole life and with as much laying down between rife and diving- this really answers my question. Thank you...

Thanks also for the suggestion on the zipper by lifting it up- I worry to about my zipper!

Sounds like Bryan you are getting all squared away! Do keep us posted on your concentrator gadget that measures purity. I'm interested to hear!

Thanks, Phoiph! You're the best! Go team go!
Posted by kah419 (Member # 31572) on :
kgg - thank you for the info/advice. That's good to know that even though you didn't do well with IV glutathione, mHBOT did not have that same effect.

Phoiph - thank you for your response. I will PM you.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Many people don't do well with supplemental stuff that increases glutathione or moves around metals and toxins. This is quite common.

It is believed, though, that stimulating the body to increase its own production, whether by mHBOT or by amino acid supplementation, etc., will not have the same negative effects.

In fact, it is probably impossible to get well without doing so!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
That makes good sense Bryan. I've never been as sick as when Dr. H did a glutithione push on me in his office. We never did that again.

Thanks, All!
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Check out the work of Andrew Cutler PhD with regard to glutathione. Specifically his book Amalgam illness.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Is Mhbot helpful with fighting cancer?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
"...However, it has two other measurements which I don't care about -- flow rate and flow pressure. These may be useful measurements for some situations, but not mine..."

Actually, these three measurements are inter-related, which is why they test all 3.

If a concentrator is not putting out adequate flow pressure (PSI), the flow rate (LPM) may be affected (especially considering the additional backpressure of the chamber).

Flow rate and oxygen purity are inversely related. In other words, the higher the flow rate setting, the harder the machine has to work, sacrificing some 02 purity. If a machine is not working properly, a symptom might be that the flow rate may have to be set lower than it should to reach or maintain adequate oxygen purity.

That said, your Air Sep oxygen concentrator is almost brand new, so you should be fine.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Bryan, will do!

And Phoiph- for all you do!

Monti- good to see you! Seems I've read it is but don't know of a study to point you to. Maybe others will chime in!
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
A couple questions for people. How long does it generally take you to go down, and come up? I've been at about 20 minutes for each. Is this normal, or long, or just right?

My right ear has been giving me some grief, also. It does seem to equalize OK, it just gets irritated from all the activity. I've always had problems with my right side sinuses, this is the side I get sinus infections in, etc. Any tips? Maybe ibuprofin to calm it down?

Yes Phoiph those other measurements are useful but my purpose is basically just to shove the sensor in front of the concentrator and make sure it's putting out a reasonable o2 level. I'm not looking for precision, just a ballpark.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Go down and come up?! I'm guessing you mean to be fully pressurized. It takes a few minutes for me; I'll have to time it next time I'm in the chamber. I would say 3 to 4 minutes.

I had severe pain in my right ear the first time I tried the chamber. I actually thought my eardrum had ruptured because it was so painful. I too had some mild isssues on the right side of my throat and sinus area before I started. I still have problems on the right side and may have done some permanent damage. I have no regrets and feel that the benefits far outweigh the cost .

Ibuprofen or Afrin would probably help .
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Are the ears more likely to be damaged when pressurizing or depressuring?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I know I sound like a broken record here, but it is best to take at least 10 minutes to pressurize, and 10 minutes to depressurize, not only for your ears, but for you whole body.

This is not just my opinion, but also that of my neuro/HBOT specialist friend.

Pressure in the ears is normal if it can be cleared, but pain or discomfort is not; if this occurs then depressurize immediately to a PSI level where there is no ear pain. Stay at that level for the remainder of the dive; and try again to move up slowly during the next dive.

It pays to allow your ears the time they need to adjust. Many people have narrow Eustachian tubes, scar tissue, congestion, and/or inflammation, which requires more patience during the adjustment period.

If you push past pain, there can be irritation or damage to the delicate tissues (as Haley mentioned), and this can take time to heal and an interruption of diving for an extended period of time. Not worth it!
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Have people noticed a honey moon phase? My first few dives, I felt fantastic. Now, that feeling is gone. I'm not really herxing, just back to baseline.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Yes. Phioph has discussed/warns about this. It's that wonderful two step forward one back dance. But don't get discouraged. The fantastic feeling will return.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I concur with the 10 minutes inflating, 10 minutes decompressing. I have been diving over a year and still take that long.

Like others here, my right ear is my problem ear. Had it not equalize during a flight years ago. Very painful. And I have a cryptic tonsil on the same side that flares and causes ear pain. I either take Aleve or if my sinuses feel full will take a decongestant. There are trigger points around the ears that if massaged with help with that ear pain. Heat helps as well.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
I take 10 to 12 minutes each to pressurize/depressurize. I had problems with my right ear due to an airline flight where it wouldn't clear and it bled.

Going slow and frequently clearing during the pressure changes helped a lot.

I also used an old "swimmer's ear" remedy in the beginning to reduce inflammation. Simply a combination of Mullein Oil and Grapefruit Seed Extract, dropped in the ear canal and blocked with cotton, twice a day. It helped within 24 hours each time I needed it.

After the first 6 months of diving I no longer had any discomfort in my ears.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Reporting the results of my purchase of the Analox o2 eii pro nitrox oxygen analyzer for $260 on eBay.

I have some pure 100% bottled oxygen laying around, so I used this as the "control" test to compare to my concentrator. I set the calibration to 16.9% ambient oxygen since that's about what it is where I live at 6500 feet.

First I tested the bottled oxygen which read: 85%

Then I tested air from my concentrator which, after the concentrator had time to warm up, came in at about 78%.

So that means my concentrator lags the o2 bottles by only 7%, which I think is fantastic.

Now I realize this is a very unscientific test. I'm not a professional and I don't play one on TV. But this to me is definitely worth doing. The peace of mind is very worth $260 when I am spending 2 hours a day PLUS $10,000 on a treatment. Why not spend 2% more to know it's working correctly.

Theoretically this should save me from ever having to get my concentrator checked out. Now, granted, it helps to have some bottled o2 around as a "control" for the study but I don't think it's necessary, or at least not mandatory.

Anyway, I consider it a good use of $260 and I'll keep the thing around and do periodic tests.

By the way, I'm also very excited to see what the ambient air o2 levels are INSIDE the chamber but away from the mask. Phoiph and others always say to lay the mask down during the adjustment phase, which is good advice, but soon I'll have some solid data on exactly what that means -- how much o2 a person is breathing in the chamber when the mask is off.

Also, I'm going to bring the meter into the chamber next time and I expect the o2 levels to be higher all around because of the increased pressure.

I'll report back with my results...

In the meantime here's the meter I bought: 44cf2bac1795a2

Super user friendly, took me less than 5 minutes to set it up. The sensor says it will last 3 to 5 years per the instructions, and it is only $75 to replace, so that's a cost of about $15-20 per year for peace of mind.

PS- By the way, this thing is actually very accurate. It is used in scuba diving and peoples' lives literally depend on it. For us, if the concentrator is broken we are still breathing room air in the chamber and won't die. For divers, it is a much bigger deal. So I think it is plenty good enough for my purposes.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
In the past I've noticed that the netti pot may increase inflammation. Do people find netti pot is good or bad for diving?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I have used a netti pot sporadically. I am not convinced it helps me. But what I do, is prior to diving I use Simply Saline. Between the woods stoves this winter and the drying effect of the oxygen, I find saline helpful.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
So Bryan... how does that device work? Can I test the oxygen anywhere? For example if I go to the beach could I test the oxygen or does it need to be connected to something.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Haley, you can test the air anywhere. When you turn it on, it just shows the ambient air o2 level. It has an in-line hookup if you want to hook it up to your concentrator, and it also has a little hole on it that detects ambient air.

So... I was in my chamber and when not breathing from the mask, but with the mask on, the ambient o2 was consistently around 30%. Might be useful info for those who don't use the mask. Probably more like 35% if you live at sea level.

And in the mask, it was around 90% pure my concentrator is functioning well.

I still am very glad I bought the gadget. It annoys me that the concentrators don't have a gauge on them. Sure maybe they have an alarm that is "supposed" to go off, but I prefer a real measurement of something this important. FYI.
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
Cool experiments with the O2 meter Bryan, thanks!

Regarding Peimomma’s vaccine issue, for anyone who has a 23andme report, you can get a free “increased adverse event risk from vaccines” report at by Dr Stoller (the HBOT doctor). Perhaps it could provide additional validation that you and vaccines don’t mix. There are other vaccine reports too but I haven’t run them. Type in “vaccines” under Gene Library, which is under Genetics.

I was having lots of PVCs and PACs, but they stopped, just in time to see my cardiologist. That was a few weeks ago and I’m diving again with no symptoms. I hesitantly attribute the problem to perimenopause, or just my crazy body.

Dive 263 today and I’m so much stronger than when I began. Since I don’t tolerate meds HBOT has been a Godsend. My only remaining complaints are my gut and chemical sensitivity. I am looking into the mast-cell/histamine thing for my gut, since all the obvious stuff makes it worse.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Great information Bryan and at least gives us an option to monitor our concentrators ourselves if we choose. One thing I've noticed about living in AZ with the elderly population is that anything medical is overpriced. I called about service for my concentrator and asked how much they sell an Airsep 10L for and the lady told me $2400, that's twice the amount we paid.

I've already put in an order for the O2 analyzer to test the O2 level on my unit. I like the way you think and it is a small investment to ensure optimal levels of treatment in an expensive chamber.

Thanks for the vaccine info Kristine. I'm still waiting for another ruling by the higher ups and have passed my lab work along to educate the misinformed if nothing else.

I've added swimming to my exercise routine and cut back on the walking with the temps in the 90's now. WOW is that a workout. 10 laps, weights 3 times a week, working full time and socializing. Still diving daily as my body continues to adjust and condition to my new more demanding life. Tomorrow we head to a NASCAR race and I will see how I do with the heat and loud cars😳 Last time that mixture gave me a seizure so this should be a good test. Luckily the 2 others I'm going with are willing to leave if it's uncomfortable.

Finally had my 2 year labs drawn this week so now the waiting begins. Video to come in the next six weeks with updates.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Yes, thanks, Bryan for the link and great description of the O2 meter. My Airsep is so heavy and upstairs- to try to carry it somewhere to be tested is virtually impossible. I'll likely invest in one of these at some point in the near future.

Kristine- It is wonderful to hear the pvcs havr resolved and you are only dealing with gut issues and Chem. Sensitivity. Not to down play those issues but it sounds like you have made great gains!

Well, Peimomma- you are something! It's great that you can swim now and do weights. I bet you'll handle the AZ spring well this way- summer too! I bet the sunshine is a real blessing!

Glad that you have so much support on your vaccine issue- do keep us posted! I'm praying for you today at the race- good you can leave if you need to but it sounds like you will be a okay! What a monumental thing really!

Yay for your blood work! We cannot wait to hear.

Bryan, hope all is going well for you- Kgg and Haley too!

I'm still diligent about my daily dives, hungry as ever(fats and protein have helped-thank you all- but man- wowser!), feeling herxing a good bit of the time- mainly pain deep in hips right now- not awful, but good to experience it goes deep!

Wishing everyone a great weekend! Thanks, Phoiph, for being there every step of this journey- it means more than you know!
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Do people fire up their concentrators for a while before going in chamber, since it takes them a while to max out o2 level?

Also, does your concentrator lpm flow drop a bit when you are at max pressure?

Lastly, is it safe to exercise right after diving, or is the body too "whacked out" from the dive?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I just start it as I am getting into the chamber. It is my understanding that it does drop in lpm which is why there are specific oxygen concentrators that are used with mHBO chambers.

As far as the timing of exercising, I don't know. I think Phioph probably has some good info on that.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hey Bryan- I let mine go until the yellow light goes off and then I turn on the compressor and climb in. Kgg answered your other question and I agree Phoiph needs to shed light on your question re: exercise right after. Interesting- how long do you see that it takes your concentrator to get to max capacity? Thanks!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Depending on conditions, it can take 5 to 15 minutes for a concentrator to reach max 02 purity. That's why it makes sense to turn the concentrator on in advance of getting into the chamber.

With an Airsep concentrator that is 20 psi, the LPM should not drop when using your chamber at the full pressure of 4.2 psi.

If you were using a SeQual concentrator, that is 7.5 psi, for example, you would expect the LPM to drop slightly when using the chamber at the full pressure of 4.2 psi. Anything lower than 7.5 psi wouldn't be recommended for use with a chamber, as it can't counteract the backpressure.

How much is your LPM dropping when using the chamber? Are you sure there are no kinks in the tubing? (Be sure to check the port where it enters the chamber on the inside.) How long is your tubing, and are you using any connectors to join lengths of tubing?

Regarding exercise and mHBOT, IMO you should space your mHBOT and exercise sessions as far apart as possible.

Exercise requires a lot of oxygen...and you want your mHBOT therapy to go toward healing, not filling an exercise-related oxygen deficit.

Since Both exercise and mHBOT are similar in that they raise metabolism, generate free radicals, and promote antioxidant production, it is best to spread the two out as much as possible as to let your body process, rest and recover in between.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Thanks for the input Phoiph and everyone.....

Another quick question. I know sinus congestion is a reason not to dive, but what are some other reasons to stay out of the chamber?

How about a headache? Or a non-sinus related flu?

I am in my chamber now and I got in with a headache... I hope that is ok. It's not a Lyme headache, I think it may be a cold the kids passed on to me. My sinuses and ears are fine, but will the headache cause problems?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
mHBOT (and sometimes oxygen alone)is used to treat migraines and cluster headaches.

If it is the flu, it is not recommended to dive if you have a fever.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Is it beneficial to dive if you have a cold\flu but no fever and congestion but not in ears etc(or marked let's say). I've gotten something and my body's trying to fight - seems like this would help it fight. Thanks, All!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I have been working through this thread (IT'S LONG),I've heard lots of good things. I am not too far into it, but I was wondering if people could give me a 'this worked' or this worked ___%. Or didn't work at all. It's a big investment and I'm just trying to do my homework.

Simply the size of this thread says it's something to think about. [Smile]

Also a question for phoiph... do you still use your chamber daily? I noticed in 2013 you were about 2 years into your dives. Wondering what your regime is now.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
HW88- I've just started about the same time as Bryan so I think it's too early for me to tell you.

Reading through the thread is an education in and of itself and then Phoiph has a website you can look at as well. Reading the book Oxygen Revolution may also help.

I'm sorry but I cannot find the link to her website but I know it is posted here in the thread.

I did my homework and it is the treatment at this time that makes the most sense to me. It allows your immune system to take the helm again. Until this happens with chronic lyme- I think you are symptomatic plain and simple. Godspeed!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Phoiph can help you too in terms of ways to do it that are more affordable. With guidance, thank you, Phoiph, I found my system on Let Go of all places. I am thankful every day!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Here you go HW88:

This is packed with info! Let us know how we can help further.... I know you are waiting on some percentages and such. Good for you that you are doing your homework!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
HW88 I didn't come on scene in the thread until the end of 2014 and began treatment in Feb 2015. I only treated with mHBOT after declining on all other therapies and finding myself unable to work or function.

I documented my 2 year journey using mHBOT in 9 videos to date. I have completed my 800th dive this morning 😊 I just started full time work in January so I still treat daily while my body adjust to my very busy schedule of work, weight lifting, swimming and walking as well as carrying on a normal social life.

Here's the link to my videos, they are between 3-4 minutes each.

Welcome to the thread
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi All: Due to congestion, I have to stop for a bit. I tried to dive tonight and honestly it hurt- didn't realize I had so much congestion in my ears. So I decompressed and called it a day. Thanks all for your support!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeatthis, I see you are in the South. Perhaps Spring allergies? Have you tried a decongestant? Not sure what Phioph thinks of using them to help dive. I have done it a couple of times. You are smart not to push through the pain. Hang in there!
Posted by kah419 (Member # 31572) on :
Anyone with chronic sinusitis using mHBOT long-term without any major problems?

I’ve had sinus issues my whole life, but worsened significantly with lyme in 2010. I believe one of the infections directly affected my sinuses because it was one of my first (of many) symptoms along with bullseye. And I have definitely had increased sinus symptoms at times as part of a herx.

Had sinus surgery and home mold remediation in 2015. Since then symptoms well controlled, as long as I do my daily saline rinses and homeopathic nasal spray (has decongestant in it). Also on antihistamines for mast cell activation. I do not take a daily oral decongestant and have only needed one this January with my first and only sinus infection since surgery.

So sinuses doing well and cleared by ENT to try mHBOT as long as no acute flare, which he would want me to temporarily stop mHBOT then.

Can mHBOT cause a flare in sinus symptoms?
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks KGG! I'm using musinex d however last night I think I tried to dive at the tail end of coverage so it might have been a timing thing. Wowser- it was an eye opener as to why we aren't supposed to dive with significant ear congestion. My ears just were not going to take it!

I am on the mend I think thankfully. Good question KGG as I read somewhere I think that some use decongestants to fly and dive- would love to hear Phoiph's thoughts on if it is okay.

Kah- I've always had sinus issues and honestly for nearly two months-I'm a newbie- no issues at all. It was a big concern for me initially. I think your doctor's recommendations sound very sound. A rental option may suit your needs if you'd like to test the waters or even pay to go use a system at a facility in your area if there is one. I have been pleasantly surprised at how well my ears have done. I'm pretty sure this is a cold- fairly standard. I am sure others will chime in.

Thanks, All! What a team!
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
I've always had sinus congestion, prone to sinus infections, especially on my right side. I never experinece completely clear sinuses.

I've had about 12 dives now, and at first the minor ear discomfort especially on the right side, was very scary to me. However, I've now noticed that the discomfort quickly goes away when I get out of the chamber, and hasn't worsened over 12 dives, so I feel like it may be just fine.

I have been trying hard to do what I can -- not eat cheese, for example, and blow my nose and clear as much as I can.

Also, salt in the neti pot is good specifically because it creates an osmodic reaciton which draws out the mucus. Just be careful not to overdo it on any rinses, as they cause inflammation and irritation too.

I've also found taking Boswelia, Curcumin, and Tart Cherry before bed, really helps keep the inflammation down in the sinuses and keep things open.

It also helps for me to lay propped up in a certain position in the chamber - I can't emphasize this enough. Without the proper positioning, I don't think I could do it.

Lastly, I did have some ear pain one time that caused me to abort the dive. The litnus test for me is if I can hear popping in the ear. Popping = OK to dive. Means the ear is clearing.

I bought some ear drops with various ingredients and I'm holding those in reserve in case I need them. I also have Mucinex and some other items, also holding those in reserve and haven't used them yet.

I live at 6500 feet and my chamber takes me to the equivalent of about 2000 below sea level (on dry land, not under water of course). That's an 8000 drop in elevation.

The thing is, I regularly drive down to sea level, which is about 70% of what the dive pressure change is. Many people with sinus issues drive up and down mountains. So I think this is doable for us, even with sinus issues. It's not like the 2.4 ATA dives where there is EXTREME pressure change.

Finally.... I take it REALLY slow. I find taking about 20 to 25 minutes to compress, and same to decompress, really helps me. If I go too fast, my ear gets much worse. This is in line with my observation that people drive up and down from sea level all the time, but they do take it slow.

This does add to my overall time in the chamber, but oh well, it's worth it.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Kah419 were you ever tested for MARCoNS? I was positive and after 30 days of antibiotic nose spray was much better in sinuses.

Here's a link. My LLND tested me with a huge Q tip swab up my nose.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you for everyone that responded. Peimomma, I watched your videos.. LOVELY!

Theoretically and scientifically it makes sense... just our bodies all react so differently.

I love reading these posts though.

Thanks!!! If I decide this is the best option, I'll be in touch more. [Wink]
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Peimomma, which antibiotic nose spray did you use?
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Interestingly enough- after three sinus infections last spring back to back(with abx and lyme getting up in arms as a result)- Dr. H's NP put me on MARCoNs spray from Infuserve as well as a herbal regimen for the regression. It worked! No more infections after that. It might be worth reaching out to Infuserve in Fla. Generally, my allergist here is not too keen on it- go figure- as he says there can be a lot of different compounded formulas. Glad Dr. H's office thinks bigger. I need them both so I just deal. Thanks for the great info Bryan and Peimomma!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Bryan and Team Mhbot, I have a question re: netti pot or squeezie bottle nasal irrigation. I've never used a netti pot but I have used the squeeze bottle and I believe it may have forced infection deeper into my sinuses. I've purposely not done that this time but I have used xclear nasal spray- their regular bottle and some astelin. So far my ears are still clogged but I'm not getting the headaches behind my eyes etc like when I use the big hydrator. I wondered your thought on this having dealt with sinus issues as you've expressed as until my ears clear- I cannot dive. Thanks for any and all help.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Does anyone think Afrin may unclog my ears? Promise that's it for today! Just don't want to venture into sinus infection land. [Frown]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

She put a script in for GERM spray through a compounding pharmacy to be used 2x per day.
Posted by kah419 (Member # 31572) on :
Thank you everyone for your replies.


that’s encouraging to hear you haven’t had trouble with sinuses while using mHBOT. My PCP has the Oxyhealth Vitaeris 320 and it’s $100/session. Thanks for the advice. I agree with you, that would be the best way to begin, at least for a month or so before deciding to rent/buy.


thank for the good info/advice. I didn’t realize too much saline rinse can increase inflammation. I only use the rinse 1x/day, plus GUNA homeopathic sinus spray 4x/day (anti-inflammatory/decongestant etc.) and this combination has been working well for me. How much saline do you think is too much?


thank you for that link. I have heard of marcons and was concerned about the possibility once we realized we had mold in our home. My MSH was low at the time (=8) by Shoemaker standards. LLMD didn’t test me for marcons, just assumed I had it and put me on BEG-IB spray for few months before finally sending me to ENT when BEG spray wasn’t helping.

Turns out it didn’t help because I had a deep, severe frontal sinus infection on both sides that no topical treatment could reach because of extensive scar tissue from prior sinus surgery.

ENT did surgery and removed the infection, said it was mostly fungal plus some bacteria that wasn’t too antibiotic resistant. Treated with anti-fungal/bacterial nasal rinses post-surgery to be safe. I improved after surgery, but even more once mold remediation was complete. Hoping my current sinus treatment keeps on working and I won’t have any more major sinus issues.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeatthis, I have used Afrin spray in the past. It would make sense that if your sinuses are not congested that it may help your ears. But not sure. As it says on the bottle (or used to), do not use more than 3 days in a row. The reason being that the mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity get used to it and when you discontinue it causes some major rebound. Then you are back to square one.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I would stay away from Afrin for any prolong use of more than the recommended use as there are many side effects. When I met my husband he was using Afrin as a way to decongest at night but ended up with nose bleeds due to side effects.

I use homeopathic Cold Calm if I feel any cold symptoms coming on or essential oil daily to prevent colds and flu. Working in a hospital now I come into contact with sick co workers or patients daily and I have stayed healthy.

Take time to let your ears unclog, it took my husband 3 days to unclog after his first dive. The one time I was sick I just tested each day in the chamber if I was able to pressurize. Once the pain and squeaking noise was gone from my ears I was fine. I'd have to check my journal but it was 3-5 days I was unable to dive.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
So continuing on the topic of ears...

Today in my dive, my ears seemed to pressurize just fine. No ear pain on the ear drum.

BUT, I did have little sharp shooting paints around my ears, maybe an inch below and an inch around, kind of on the bony area of skull. I think this is where the equalization crystals are.

And sadly, I also experienced some vertigo which is still lingering even after I'm out.

Strangely, my actual ears and ear drums felt fine, no pain or pressure.

Any advice, anyone?

I may be a bit more congested than usual, so that could be the culprit...
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
KAH - I'm not sure exactly how much saline is too much. It's a balance and you want to avoid irritation and inflammation.

Pei - What exactly is GERM spray? What is the ingredients? Is that the official name of it?
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
You all are the best. I tried again today and again it was a no go. I had a very pointed pain in my right ear that only went away with decompression so it appears I can't dive with any congestion in my ears. I like your litmus test Bryan- I wasn't able to pop or clear that ear.

As soon as I'm feeling better I will call infuserve for you to see what was in my spray.

Peimomma and Kgg- thanks for the Afrin words of wisdom and support. I just hate having to stop so soon in but don't want to be stupid and end up out longer due to hurting my ear. I'm using essential oils too. I keep thieves oil in a diffuser when I see clients and use something called Cold Snap- and I feel like these things have kept me from really getting sick- Zicam too. Hugs Team!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hi all,

We received our O2 tester today and at our elevation of 1600 ft and it set for our humidity and temperature today the O2 level was 94.5% from the concentrator. Tomorrow I will test ambient air inside after pressurized and then what the mask is also.

Bryan I will have to dig further into my records for more info on the GERM spray. While doing research I did run across this info on the BEG spray for MARCoNS
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You asked how often I currently use my chamber.

For the first 2-1/2 years, I dove daily. Although I thought I was doing very well at 1-1/2 years, I noticed significant improvements between 1-1/2 and 2-1/2 years.

After 2-1/2 years, I reduced my dives to 3-4/week, consecutively.

I started diving in 2011, and have done over 1500 dives to date. There have been times (after the 2-1/2 year point) that I was without my chamber for up to 6 weeks in a row, and had no symptoms of regression or relapse.


Oxygen can be drying to the sinus tissues for some. There is a humidifier bottle available for the oxygen concentrator you could try if this becomes an issue.

Regarding ear/sinus congestion...I suggest researching acupressure points and massage/manipulation for both...
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Bryan, I agree with Phioph about acupressure points. I was going to call them trigger points. If you look up the trigger points ears, I believe you will be able to see an illustration.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeatthis, hang in there. So glad you decompressed when you had pain in your ear. Just a caution if you are using the Zicam nose spray. I have read accounts of people losing their sense of smell by using the spray. The oral Zicam does not do that but the spray may. Just a heads up.

I hope this sinus issue resolves quickly for you!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
BTW, I have lost track of who has mentioned an increase in appetite, but DITTO!! I thought it was cabin fever as I have not experienced this before with mHBO. I have felt very hungry for a few weeks now. I am hoping it passes soon before I require larger clothing. ;-)
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
I did a dive today and my ears seemed fine, I'm glad about that.

I will say though that the Respiro chamber is a bit too small for me. I really like to move around and be more upright. The Vitaeris isn't much bigger, and it is also very expensive.

Can people please weigh in on which OTHER brands, other than Oxyhealth, they use? Any testimonials? I was looking at maybe a Summit to Sea "Dive."

Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Bryan I know there are people in the mHBOT group that have various brands, you might want to post there as well.

On another note, I learned that my employer will only require the flu vaccine. My question is has anyone received that vaccine and did you have any reactions?

Any thoughts from others?
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi KGG- That's me- hungry, hangry at times girl! Yes, I'm slightly concerned about clothes too.

Bryan-sorry the Respiro isn't as big as you'd hoped. Pei's suggestions were good I thought.

I'm diving now- yay! Did a very long compression and will do a long decompression. Thanks for everyone's encouragement! When you can't dive this soon in its a little disheartening as you don't want to lose ground. Thanks for the support!

Oh, and KGG- thanks for the info on the zicam nose spray. I only use the meltaway lozenges. That is good to know. The nose spray I use is xclear and then pantenase (non steriod script). So far so good!

So thankful to have been out only 3 days. I hope I can stay in!

Bryan - I'm pretty sure there is a chamber you can sit up in. I wonder if it would be easier on ears as well. I think it's summit to sea- I saw one on Ebay I believe.
Are you seeing relief of your leg pain? I sure hope so!

Pei- I don't know much about the flu vaccine. Perhaps others can weigh in. So happy for your victory!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I would avoid the Summit to Sea brand. I have read many comments of users where the seams are not very secure and give. Multiple times, I have read or heard this.

There is a Canadian company that I would consider when my Vitaeris bites the dust. Jean-Francois Tremblay sells them. He is on the FB group. Within the last year he posted that they now can ship into the US. Talk with Phioph about them. I value her opinion. They also developed an interesting product using a cooler to reduce the temperature in the chambers during the summer. My son hates being hot, so if he ever starts using the chamber regularly, I am going to get one.

Have you looked for used Vitaeris chambers?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Try for the OxyNova website. I didn't know that they are shipping to the U.S. That's great news.

I love my Vitaeris but would like to have a comparable option. I agree with kgg that the Summit to Sea is not as well made.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Oxynova looks great but is even more expensive than oxyhealth!!

Any other brand possibilities?
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
For those with a vitaeris, can you sit upright in it?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Is the price you looked at for Oxynova in CAD or US dollars?

You can message the owner directly on FB and he is very good at answering any questions

I have been in a Vitaris and I can sit upright but I'm only 5'3
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
It is CAD bout still just as expensive as OxyHealth in USD.

Can you let me know the contact info of the owner on FB?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I tagged you in one of your posts on FB with his name Bryan
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I cannot sit straight up. My head would be slightly bent. I am 5'1". I think oxynova has one size larger than the Vitaeris.

We use a fairly large wedge pillow in our chamber. It makes it more comfortable than lying flat. Especially if we are reading or on the lap top.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Bryan, I'm 5'8" and I can't sit up without bending my head over. But like kgg I use a large wedge pillow and a round bolster for under my knees. It is very comfortable.

FWIW, it is big enough that I can also do some simple stretches. I can even do push ups in it.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Bryan. Yes you can sit up in Vitaerus. Look at Newtowne though. One of the Lyme doctor's uses. You will. E able to sell your Respiro and get a new Newtowne. Oxyhealth still the best but I have read good things on Newtowne.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I had forgotten about Newtowne. Thanks for the reminder.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
So I should stay away from summit to sea, but newtowne is good?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Bryan I located the ingredients in the GERM spray I was given but can't post the pic here so I will post in the FB group. It's the actual receipt from the purchase.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Honestly, Bryan, I'd get with Phoiph on this as I believe she's seen it all so to speak. Hi Phoiph- thanks for all you do!!

Just a small update- back diving again. Seems to help clear congestion thankfully. So maybe with the inflammation reduction among other things it may be a good thing for sinus suffers. Definitely taking much time to compress and decompress is advised!

Pei- Have you used that spray more than that one time? I'm getting with Infuserve this week- as the compounded spray I was prescribed really did the trick last year and I want to have it at the ready if I need it again. [Smile] Thanks all and KGG and Digby hope you both are great too!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I only had to do the spray the one time. It is only good for 30 days and must be refrigerated. We retested and I came back negative after the 30 day GERM use.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Willbeatthis...glad to hear you're able to dive again...

Thanks...Bryan has already contacted me, but I think he's trying to get a variety of opinions from the group.

I still recommend Oxyhealth chambers, as they have been around the longest and have the best "track record", etc.

That said, I have been carefully watching Newtowne as an alternative, as they are generally less expensive, and cost is the biggest obstacle for people trying to access chambers. So far, so good, but I am giving it a little more time before I commit.

OxyNova makes high quality chambers, but also higher priced.

I personally would not recommend the other manufacturer mentioned due to a history of issues, (especially not the upright model), although I have heard positive comments about their customer service.

Generally, it comes down to affordability...but I personally would put quality, age, and condition before size.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Just for the record, I'm not trying to be a picky unsatisfied pain in the butt when it comes to wanting a bigger chamber. My ears equalize much better when I'm in an upright position, and in the Respiro, it is really injuring my shoulders to be shuffling back and forth between the cobra position and other positions to try to remain upright. I think I'd have a much more peaceful time in a chamber that I can sit upright in. Other than this, I have no qualms at all about a small chamber. And yes, Phoiph's advice has been invaluable, but she is right in that I was also just curious to hear others' experiences with various brands.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Bryan, I don't think anyone thinks you are a picky unsatisfied pain in the butt. We all get it.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeatthis, (I love that name!) Yay, on getting back in the chamber!!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Kgg & Bryan... comment about putting size last was only when it comes down to affordability.

Size is important for those who need (or want) it and their finances don't preclude them from getting a larger chamber.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
I have 2 older Oxyhealth that I just had refurbished at $1,000 each. Fortunately I only paid $5K each for the Vitaerus. The only reason I mentioned Newtowne is affordability. They will give a military discount to if you have ever had anybody like father, grandfather etc. I think the cost for military discount chamber is about $5,500. They will also send you a sample of the materials they are made out of. They are not an Oxyhealth but if you are cost constrained they are at least worth looking at. It does give me solace that a well known lyme doctor that posts on the web uses them.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Regarding oxy nova --

Their chambers and website do look very good and professional. However, appearances can be deceiving. Has anyone actually used one? How do we know they are premium quality?

Interstingly, some of the Oxy Nova chambers go to 5.7 psi instead of 4.2 psi. Wonder if this would be useful.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
This is one great team! Thanks Peimomma on the GERM spray info. I used mine a month too and am calling Infuserve in the am as I am going into another infection and I can feel it. So I'm gonna see if my allergist will bite and give me it with whatever else. I honestly cannot lose any more time from work etc right now. Funny how you get to a bring on the drugs mindset when you know you need them.

Thanks KGG on the encouragement!

Bryan- as KGG says- we get it! I hope you find what you need. What is funny is that I have a Solace and don't think I'd want bigger as it is somewhat of a struggle for me to zip it up. I'm kind of small. You really don't know to some degree what you need until you are in one. You'll find what you need. You're on your way there. Very interesting on the higher PSI- look forward to hearing about that!

Dive on team! Thanks as always for the round table here- appreciate it much! [Smile]
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
willbeatthis, FYI, I think the BIGGER chambers are actually easier to zip. From my understanding.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Really- goodness knows.... this is very interesting because for me, it is a real struggle. Not a deal breaker but possibly close. And, if I could equalize my ears better.... well goodness, please keep me posted.

Just found this from Infuserve America: RE: MARCoNS spray. Thought you may want it.

It is down at the bottom (ingredients)! Fingers crossed my doc tomorrow will be open minded. I have this to take to him. This may be good for anyone else that deals with repeat sinus infections. FYI- at least, worth looking into!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hey PEIMomma- Can you compare your spray to what is listed for MARCoNS here:

Per Infuserve America:
Gentamycin/Bactroban/EDTA/Diflucan/Cipro Nasal
(.1%, .2%, .1%, .2%) Please see link as I tried to list it just as I see it- but there are 5 ingredients but only 4 percentages listed. Maybe this is all that is needed. Anyway, this stuff really did the trick for me after three back to back sinus infections. Hopefully if I get it to begin with, I can head anything else off.

Thanks ALL! Amy
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Just an FYI on this MARCoNS spray- my local doc here was concerned because he said there are different formulations of it (didn't have this info. with me last time)-- so in essence, I was curious PEImomma if yours was the same. Definitely at your convenience. I know you are so busy these days. Any word on Flu vaccine and lyme... I have been thinking of you! [Smile]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

The GERM spray has Rifampin, EDTA, Gentamicin and Mupirocin

No resolution on the Flu vaccine. I'm definitely not taking it so just waiting to hear the decision. Balls in their court😊

[ 03-28-2017, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: Peimomma ]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Interesting. Now I see what my local doc meant.

Lyme vaccine- Peimomma- I thought you said flu vaccine. You couldn't pay me millions to take a lyme vaccine- nope, would NEVER do it.

Please tell me you meant flu. Goodness, I hope so! And I don't even know if that's advised for chronic lyme. Keep me posted! I'm praying! Hugs!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Sorry, yes flu....I made an edit.

My head wasn't in it last night when writing.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Whew! Thought so! Hugs Peimomma! [Smile]
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Isn't gentamicon the one that can cause hearing problems.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Looking for personal experiences - has anyone had heart or chest pain issues exacerbated wirh Hbot? It's definitely a herx for me, not some underlying heart issue. I've had it before. But it's still scary and I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this and pushed through.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi JCarl- yes, Gentamicin can cause ear issues and exactly why my local doc said NO GO. I only used it last year after 3 back to back sinus infections with three different abx used and then significant regression with my lyme. I know my nurse prac. made the right call for me but of course, this needs to be discussed with your doctor as with any medical treatment.

Bryan, I am so sorry to hear this. On page 23, Kristine001 and Monti detail issues with pvcs I believe. Please read. One or both have gone on monitors I think. Girls, would you chime in please.

Thank you... and Bryan, Godspeed with this piece!
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
A few interesting things I've heard. Dr. H, who's treated over 12,000 Lyme patients, says that he's personally seen HBOT reactivate Babesia. He told me this in an email today. FYI. I'm still finding the HBOT to be well worth it, though.

Also, the gentleman who I believe told Phoiph about HBOT years ago, and who she credits for saving her life, has told me that he does believe it is OK to "stack" HBOT with other therapies, of course being forewarned that HBOT can potentiate and change how the body responds to therapies.

I'm not personally taking any stance on the above points, and I'm not trying to start a debate, just thought it would be interesting to point out these two items.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
I would agree that the oxygen does not seem to help protozoan or parasitic disease. I choose to treat that in addition to HBOT.

I think the hope is that the body will get stronger and take down whatever has not been hit by HBOT.

Thanks for sharing the information ... very good to know.

How are you feeling?
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Haley, the HBOT is definitely helping me and my foot. There's no question about it. Been about 14 dives now.

I do have a nasty mercury stir up about once every year or two. It used to be much more often, but chelation with the Andy Cutler method has knocked it back to being very infrequent. So I'm dealing with one of those right now. But other than that, I'm becoming a believer in the chamber!

I'll prepare a more detailed update over the coming weeks.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Bryan and Haley! Haley I always love to see your posts!
Did your sickness from the ocean resolve? I've been thinking of you.

Bryan, that is great to hear your chamber is helping you. I'm going to get Cutler's book. I'm sorry you're going through that piece.

Dr. H is so wonderful. Thankfully in my case, no babesia flare. I just talked with JF via phone consult and we want to give this 9 months or so. I do know that compared to my hours of rife- Dr. H was much more supportive of trying this.

Bryan, do you ever worry about emfs with rife? That seemed to be his biggest concern. Until I can wean off - I'm at about 3 hrs a day.

Haley, I'm using rife for parasite stuff when I need it- I have someone that zyto scans me so I'm able to know what needs addressing. What do you use for these other pieces? I also have a zapper I use daily for parasites. Goodness knows 10 years ago prelyme- I had a lot of free time on my hands. The zapper tends to keep parasites fairly at bay.

Good to hear great reports! I'm relieved for you, Bryan!
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
EMF is a concern. 3 hours per day is a lot. I tend to find when someone is using the rife devices that long, there may be other therapies out there that are better targeted. In other words, that much time means the rife isn't working very well or targeting very well. Rife for borrelia shouldn't take more than about 1 to 2 sessions per week. For co-infections, it may need to be used more often, but may not be the most efficient approach.

I know Dr. H isn't a big fan of rife, he's told me that before. I respect his opinion. Rife has been the primary therapy, though, which brought me out of my deathbed and back to a normal life.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Bryan, for your response. I agree with you that Dr. H is not a big rife fan. Though I will tell you, I think it did a similar thing for me in terms of marked effect.

I agree totally that something is not working with it, thus, I landed here. I think it might be time to back off as I had planned to do. I'm really glad it helped you as much as it did. You make a strong point- I'm going to go to hitting lyme 1-2 times a week and confections daily and then back off there. Phoiph, hopefully this sounds like a good plan to you as well.

I sure appreciate the round table here, it is invaluable.

Bryan, have you had any luck with bigger chambers? So happy for your success! Thanks for your insight here as well. Much appreciated!

Kristine, KGG, Peimomma, Digby, Et al- How is everyone?
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I appear to be responding more to babesia medication now that I stopped hyperbaric.

I hate that it isn't working for me!! [Frown] I like diving!

My Dr. agreed though that it is probably best to quit the chamber too. He didn't out right say it, but I got the distinct feeling he didn't act like it was totally off the wall to think hyperbaric might be somehow keeping the treatment from working!

He thinks maybe later after the babesia infection is better I could go back on it. But if my weird head would clear on babesia meds... I might be scared to try hyperbaric again!

I will keep you posted as to what happens next. If I continue to respond to medication, It would really appear that the chamber was doing something negative in my case. HOWEVER...

There have been a few slight variations in my other treatment. I just somehow don't feel as though that is what has caused the change though.

Now one of my friends is trying it! She is having trouble with her ears too, so I am not sure if she can do it or not! It will be interesting to see how she responds to it.

Thanks Bryan for passed on info from Dr. H. I found it helpful.

Thank you Phoiph for your support in my case as well! You really are wonderful! [Smile]
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
Magnesium has helped the heart symptoms....120 days off meds and my gut feels like it's trying to function again.

Less joint pain.

Brain fog (slowly) getting better.

Some strength is back.

Depression has settled down.

PVCs....Cardiologist says my heart is strong enough...did offer a beta blocker at one point and I refused.....sensations not as bad...when compared to just under one year of diving.
Keep in mind I started Very slow due to some intense reactions (was on 4 different meds at the time).

Today is my Birthday...the calls and well wishes are far and few between (due to a secluded life for a few years).

Phioph has helped me tremendously and I am thankful I discovered this may have saved my life.

Less is more strategy seems to be working for me (fingers crossed)....if the light Babesia symptoms are still around in a few months then I will add a very light herbal remedy.

I still can't believe that I now look foward to my daily dives).When I first started I p!ssed and moaned about doing so......until some of the original nasty symptoms started to retract.

My mind is trying to clear....apologies for the jumbled post.

Been reading these posts and just inspired by the will power of a group in a situation......trying to find answers.

My next Birthday I plan on being well....90-100% well)

Warm Regards
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Happy Birthday and congrats on the continued progress Reminder🎂🎁🎈🎉

It is a long road to recovery as I am still experiencing even though I'm back to work.

I was reminded this week how much my body still has to heal when I received a few of my labs back. I am happy to say that my CD57 has climbed to 40 from 26 a year ago but I must confess I was disappointed 😞 HHV6 is still positive and maybe someone knows if that will ever go negative? I'm waiting for the C4a still, had to redraw it this week.

My coinfection still negative and I'm still diving daily and working full time.

I posted that I was going to the NASCAR race a few weeks ago, I only lasted 90 minutes at the race. It was 98 degrees and we were in the sun, the noise was out of this world loud and the smell of tires and engine fluids rounded out the perfect trifecta for this girl. It's taken about a week of rest to normalize and feel better.

Work is still going great and my body is holding up with the 10 days. I'm still sorting out my feelings of disappointment over the labs. Part of the frustration is I know I've had Lyme for 27 years so how much damage was done in those years is hard to tell and how much is permanent? The lingering question for me is will I have to dive everyday so that I can work? I plan to retest my labs again after a year of working to see if my numbers have improved, decreased or stayed the same with the stress of the 10 hour days plus living a life.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Yes, Happy Birthday, Reminder! I am extra happy for your gains!

Foxy- I am glad to hear you are responding to your current treatment. Lyme and Co.s are so tricky- what you need a year from now may be different. I think we have to be flexible- gosh, I've learned that!

Peimomma- look at the strides you've made in two years! They are incredible! You are working 10 hour days with commute and exercise. I think it may take time for your blood work to catch up- there is so much we don't know, I think celebrating your gains is so important. I believe Phoiph dives 3to4 days in a row every week to date(hope I read that correctly). I think that's a great goal to work toward. I think right now you have to remember you've gone through a move, working 10 hour days and maintaining a full life. It makes sense to me you may need extra support.

Phoiph-just a quick update. Feel like I'm making some progress despite being sick of late. I'm not going to change anything right yet and I will be in touch with you before I do. Thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of us all. Praying for your family-

Thanks, Bryan, too for your contribution and help.

I appreciate you all! Dive on!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Could anyone tell me the dangers of oxygen toxicity? Is that possible with mHBOT?

What are the signs?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks to everyone for the kind comments [Smile] . It is great to read all of the updates!

Bryan...You mentioned that Dr. H has "personally seen HBOT reactivate Babesia."

Do you have any more information that would help us understand the context in which he was speaking?

For example, is he talking about HBOT only, or also including mHBOT in this observation? What protocols were these patients doing? Were there competing or interfering therapies involved? Could the "reactivation" symptoms/flare have been a sign that the immune system was actually starting to fight the infections?

FoxyLoxy...I wish you all the best, and do hope you continue to keep mHBOT in mind. If you find you want to return to it, I would be happy to help. Maybe together we can sort out some of the variables...

reminder...Happy Birthday! The best is yet to come...

Peimomma...hmmmm...let's went from very ill to working full time, exercising daily, traveling via motorcycle, moving out of state, tolerating 90 minutes of direct sun and 98 degree heat with deafening noise levels and toxic air, have an improved CD57, a negative co-infection result, and you're feeling disappointed? Your progress is amazing!

I believe you will reach a point where you will not "need" to dive every day to maintain your lifestyle. But...there is an "energy in, energy out" equation that you have to consider. You are living a very full life and putting out A LOT of energy...and since you are still healing, you will need to provide ample time for restoration.

Right now, you might be breaking even, but you don't want to push too hard and fall back at this relatively early stage. If you find yourself becoming mentally tired/down, this may be a first sign that you're stressing yourself a little too much, and need to take time to recharge your batteries.

willbeatthis...glad you're doing a little better. Thanks for all of the encouragement and support you offer here.

HW88...Susceptibility to oxygen toxicity varies among individuals and can vary even in the same individual from day to day (as evidenced in scuba diving). That said, if you are only doing 1 hour of mild pressure with 02 from a concentrator per day while resting in a chamber, it is unlikely that this dose would result in oxygen toxicity.

Are you having concerns?
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Oh yes, Phoiph, I definitely am still keeping mHBOT in mind. [Smile] And YES, I may just bug you again about it one day!

But as long as I think I see improvement without it, I probably won't. I haven't seen substantial improvement in six years, so this would be pretty momentous for me, if I keep improving...(always big IF, right?)

I was really, really hoping it could be a therapy that I could do the rest of my life (or at least a long time) to keep Lyme away... and maybe it still can be. I shall have to see!

I will still lurk around on this thread though. I am curious to see how others will respond and think it is still a GREAT therapy!!!!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks phoiph,

I am just trying to do all my homework and covering benefits/risks--which everything has.

I would actually really like to try it, but not quite sure how to get started without paying 10K for something that may or may not be the right therapy for me.

peimomma, I would go with how you feel... and from what it seems, you feel great. I doubt we can rid EVERYthing in our bodies. You are one that gives me hope that someday I'll have my full life back.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I can help you with getting started. There are options other than buying outright, such as renting, and renting to own, etc., or group sharing.

You can PM me...
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Peimomma.... I second HW88. I am not sure we can rid our body of everything either... Thanks for being an inspiration to us all.

HW88- I would be happy to talk to you as well about how I proceeded through this. You can message me as well. I would say I am beginning to get really good results now... It is still early yet but I had similar concerns as you did. Phoiph is WONDERFUL and a godsend of a resource. She will walk you through everything. If I can answer any questions, of course, I would be happy to as well. I believe Bryan and I are both the most recent folks to take the dive (LOVE that).

Foxy, I pray your treatment will continue to move in the right direction and your support here is always welcome. You're a kindheart... it is obvious!

Haley, I am always thinking of you and wondering how you are doing. Any updates?

Kristine and KGG? How goes it?

Phoiph.... WE THANK YOU! [Smile]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
phoiph, I PM'd you a couple days ago. I was waiting for you to respond. Let me go look at my PMs and see if it actually sent.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Darn, it didn't send again. I've sent it twice. I'll try again. Wonder if your mailbox is full?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Phoiph- When you put it that way😳....thanks for the reality check.

HW88 you humble me and brought tears to my eyes. My heart hurts for all that are still fighting to get to my place of health.

Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement💚
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
So good to hear from you Haley! You were around when I went to Germany in 2012 and I've always admired your tenacity!

I will definitely look at this real food rebel website. It sounds like you are doing really well- getting to the beach everyday and even exercising! Kudos!

Glad the facial pain is better. I remember being in Germany up all night after a photon session thinking I had something really wrong- lots of pain- in my jaw like a bad toothache- saw a dentist, he said no issue and I treated the area with photons per my Dr. and it finally went away. I think Lyme can burrow as we know. Have you thought it could be getting at some Lyme in your face? I just wondered. It is alarming regardless I know.

Sounds like you are overall moving to much higher ground! Hooray! Thanks for the smoothie recipe as well! Thanks for posting!

Bryan, how's it going for you? Any luck on a bigger chamber?

Hugs All! To O2! [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

It's human nature! Once we began to feel better and life "normalizes", it is so easy to lose perspective and forget how far we have come.

It has been almost 6 years now since my first dive, and I'm amazed at how even the most tortuous experiences fade over time. I credit the chamber for that, with its ability to treat PTSD and trauma.

When I look back at the log entries I kept during that dark time, it is a difficult and sobering reminder, but reading them gives me a humbling sense of awe and gratitude. My current every day concerns seem laughable in comparison!
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Question about power outages.

If the power goes out, we lose not only fresh air from the compressor, but also the mask o2 turns off.

Will there be enough time to decompress and get out, before we die of oxygen deprivation in the closed space?

Has anyone had a power outage and got out just fine? Just curious, as it is super windy here today and there's probably a 30% chance we'll lose power in the next 24 hours!

EDITING TO ADD: I was talking to one of the owners of an HBOT company and they said ear damage can ONLY occur during inflation, NOT during deflation. he said he's run tests where they deflate from 7psi to zero, in about 5 seconds, and no ear damage. I'm not suggesting we all go do this, but it's good to know in the event that you need to get out fast.

[ 04-06-2017, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: BryanRosner1 ]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
I sure hope so Bryan! I remember Phoiph talked about this and it seemed you just decompress right away and get out.

Phoiph- I'd love to hear your thoughts on this- and anyone else for that mater. We've had bad weather here too!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
The guy from oxyhealth that set mine up said it's no problem to completely decompress quickly , in other words turn knob all way to open valve.

I usually do it slowly, but know that there is no harm in doing it quickly.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
I have solved the power outage problem thanks to Jean-Francois Tremblay (he works with oxy nova in canada) idea. I have a computer backup battery and tested it and it will run my compressor for 20 minutes in a power outage. I will use it plus an alarm on my power outlet to notify me of a power outage. This will allow for a smooth non-rushed exit. It may be overkill but i don't care, I really don't like the idea of a power outage turning off my compressor. In windy stormy weather we do get power outdages often. This is the battery backup I have, FYI
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Pei, I'm sorry your labs weren't what you had hoped. I'm glad you are feeling well, but that is still a bummer.

Bryan, my husband was in the chamber during a power outage and did fine. The chamber deflated within 4 minutes; no concerns about suffocating, I think it'd take awhile to run out of air.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Haley, glad you are finding a diet that works for you 😊
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Phoiph, how often should you switch out tubing to your concentrator? Do you ever replace the big tube that links with the compressor?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I've been in my chamber many times when the power has gone out.

The oxygen concentrator will sound a loud alarm (the same test alarm you hear when you first turn on the concentrator) whenever the power to it is interrupted.

The chamber will begin to deflate slowly, and at that point you would simply turn the valve toward "deflate" as usual to end the dive.

Jolley...If you're not using a humidifier with your concentrator, there is really no reason to switch out the tubing that connects to your concentrator unless you see moisture inside, or the tubing becomes stiff over time.

The same goes for the food-grade tubing that attaches to your compressor.

Changing the tubing more often is more of a concern for people with medical conditions that require use of their concentrator 24/7 (and are using long tubing which begins to tangle as it gets older), and/or when using with a humidifier bottle.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Bryan, I have had the power go out while diving. You will not run out of air in the short time it takes to decompress. I take my time...about 8 to 10 minutes of decompression.

I do recommend that you pinch the O2 supply line so the concentrator doesn't get damaged by the back pressure.

How many volt/amps is your Uninterruptible Power Supply?
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
This is the batter backup I have, you can read the specs.

It will run my compressor for 20 minutes. It doesn't like the concentrator at all and won't run it, too much power.

I've been taking 20+ minutes to compress and decompress due to ongoing sinus issues, so I like having a little extra time if the power goes out. But, I'm a beginner, so this is just my gut feeling for the moment.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Thanks Bryan, that's the UPS I run in my computer room. Good to know it will handle the compressor!

Have you tried my suggestion of using mullein oil (sometimes mixed with GSE) drops in your ears a couple of times a day to allow you to clear more easily. It's a cheap fix if it works.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
...I do recommend that you pinch the O2 supply line so the concentrator doesn't get damaged by the back pressure...

Great advice!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
You people ROCK! This is the best team on Lyme Net and I am completely objective [Wink]

Thank you for the info. on the decompression in the event of a storm. I love the pinching the O2 Digby and the backup power, Bryan. Really, you all are tops.

Digby, I am going to get my hands on some of that mullein oil mixed with GSE a couple of times a day.... That may really help me. I have the sinus issues too.

Thanks Team! You all rock! Jolley, so good to see you here my Solace twin... I hope things are still going well. I think so far so good... I am impressed.... Let's just say that. I am a little afraid to jinx myself.... BUT PRAISE GOD above, Phoiph and TEAM O2..... This Charleston girl is doing much better!

Thinking of you all and wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Bryan, How is your leg? Has the pain decreased significantly? I so look forward to hearing when you have time to update!

[ 04-08-2017, 04:14 PM: Message edited by: willbeatthis ]
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Willbeatthis glad you are encouraged and are off to a good start.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Bless you Jolley!

I definitely had some major herxing at first-after the honeymoon- but gosh it seems to be the first thing to nail the progression in my knees. Thus, I am very encouraged.

I will say that I am dealing with a lot of emotions seemingly but it appears I am able to process things in a more healthy manner but I have been weepy of late. It is as if I am critically aware of the moments I've missed because the old me seems to be coming back. Honestly, I never thought I'd see this day! Heck, it's no wonder I'm weepy! I'm very thankful to Phoiph, Peimomma and this group! Thanks seems so inadequate. I am grateful beyond measure! [group hug]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi willbeatthis...

The emotional reaction is a common piece of this mHBOT "journey".

In my experience, it is an important part of the healing process, and will ebb and flow as the layers are traversed.

I found that I revisited many phases in my life that I thought were "ancient history".

The good news was that these phases seemed to pass quickly and resolve on their own without much thought or effort on my part, as long as I didn't try too hard to figure them out.

Right now you are deep in the process, but I am certain that the sadness about the "missed times" you are currently feeling will eventually be replaced by the sheer joy of wellbeing...
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
phoiph, your mailbox is full. I got the GREEN light from my LLLMD and would love to chat with you about mHBOT options.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :


Mailbox should be OK now...
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks so much, Phoiph! I do feel deep in the process right now and profoundly grateful. If someone broke into my home- I'd say take it all but please leave the mhbot! Funny how I cannot imagine not having my Solace! Thank you for the continued support and encouragement!

Great to hear HW88! I think you will be thrilled you did this!

Real quick- something to note- on the decompression valve watch that the cloth of your cover doesn't get caught in there- somehow that happened with mine today- it scared me as the valve would not turn and I was inside. Simple enough- got the piece of thread out and put tape over that area of the cover. Love a simple fix! Just FYI! Hugs all!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks for mentioning this. I never brought it up because I thought it was just a quirk with my own chamber cover.

The chamber cover does have a protective plastic piece sewn in where the valve rubs against it, but if the threads there begin to fray and unravel, they can wind around the valve and prevent it from turning.

As you mentioned, (Duct) tape is an easy fix.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
willbeatthis, I had the same problem with my Vitaeris and used a rubber band to keep it away from the valve.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
You all rock! Glad it's an easy fix! Sure tells you none of us want to be without our chamber!

Thanks,Phoiph and Digby! [Smile]
Posted by Ed1717 (Member # 50143) on :
What a wonderful and informational thread. I too was one of those people who went years without knowing what was going on with my body, and only recently had a diagnosis after 16 years. Many of the stories here are like revisiting my own journey.

I have a question about a used Vitaeris that I am considering buying from a clinic that I use. The oxygen concentrator (to be included in the purchase) is connected directly to the compressor, so that the O2 it supplies is used first to pressurize the capsule, with the remaining intake of air required by the compressor supplied by room air. As a result, I have no idea what the O2 concentration would be in the capsule. The concentrator is only 6LPM, and although I'm not sure of its output pressure, it shouldn't matter since it is supplied to the compressor as an input prior to pressurization. So my question is, is there any chance that it might be at a high enough concentration that I would not have to buy another concentrator to supplement with a mask? If not, is there any risk of too much oxygen (thinking along the lines of toxicity) from having two concentrators running (one into the compressor, and one to a mask as recommended in this thread)? My practitioner doesn't think I should alter the current setup, as that is the way that it was medically approved and received from the vendor.
Thanks for any help!

Here is a good explanation as to why you only have to worry about your ears when pressurizing the capsule (keep in mind, pressurizing the capsule is analogous to descending in an airplane, and depressurizing the capsule is analogous to ascending in an airplane):
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
In my opinion there is no way you will get sufficient Oxygen without a mask. Why is it hooked up that way. And even if it was not, 6 LPM is to low. Can it be unhooked as compressors certainly do not need. How old is it he chamber?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Ed1717, I've never heard of hooking up the O2 like that. The hard shell chambers use pure O2 to pressurize, so you are breathing 100% O2.

I wouldn't know how to calculate the amount of O2 that you would have in your set up without an O2 meter, but I would guess it would be much lower than with the standard set up.

Personally, I would leave it and add a proper 10 LPM concentrator hooked up to a mask. Obviously I am not concerned with O2 toxicity at these levels or for the limited time we spend in the chamber.
Posted by Ed1717 (Member # 50143) on :
The chamber is 5 years old. Hooking it up that way actually makes a lot of sense; as Phoiph has explained, you need sufficient pressure output from your concentrator to overcome the pressure of the chamber. This kind of setup completely eliminates that issue, as the oxygen is supplied to the compressor as an input, so it will readily use all the oxygen provided and increase the normal oxygen concentration of the chamber as opposed to just filling it with compressed room air (which only slightly elevates the oxygen concentration in the chamber). The big question is exactly what would the oxygen concentration be, and unfortunately, I think the only way to find that out is going to be with one of those expensive oxygen meters. I'm not sure if I can unhook it, as there is no cap to block off the input, but it might possible as it would likely only result in room air being sucked in from 2 ports provided the one way valve is upstream of it.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
ED1717, if you read back a few pages you'll see that a few of us - including myself - have purchased oxygen sensors, so your question is easy to answer.

The air in my house while not doing any treatment is about 17% o2.

The air in my chamber NOT near the mask, but with o2 coming in, is about 30%.

But the air coming out of the mask is about 90%.

Therefore, I think you'd lose most of the benefit if you aren't using the mask.

I personally bought my o2 sensor because I was sick of "relying" on some repair shop to make sure my concentrator was working, I wanted to test it myself.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
I am not sure that there is no back pressure on the O2 compressor even if fed through chamber compression. One thing I know is with 10LPM and a mask you feel the 92% O2 coming to breath.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Ed1717~

Welcome to the thread, and thank you for sharing the interesting aviation link...

It is my understanding that it is possible to hook up a concentrator directly through the compressor, however, IMO it is not the best option.

As you mention, it is true that hooking it up this way may allow you to use a lower PSI concentrator with your chamber without damage from backpressure, but considering a 6 LPM 02 flow mixed with compressed room air, I would guess-timate 26-27% oxygen concentration in your chamber.

While this 02 percentage is higher than compressed air alone, it is still less than half of what you would receive via mask with a more adequate concentrator, and may or may not be a therapeutic level for you. Personally, I wouldn't want to invest the extended time to find out.

There is no problem unhooking the concentrator from the compressor; the tubing is likely fed into one of the ambient air intake filters, and will return to taking in room air once you remove the tubing (do not cap it).

My suggestion is, if you decide to buy the Vitaeris (and there are inquiries that should be made about any used chamber before you do), is to definitely not try to hook up an additional concentrator, but to sell the 6LPM concentrator and purchase one that is more powerful and adequate for use with the chamber, and feed the 02 tubing (with mask) directly through the chamber port the traditional way.

I don't sell equipment, but if you like, I can help you ask questions about the used Vitaeris before you buy it, and provide you with resources for other options if you are interested. I also have a good resource for oxygen concentrators.

Also, just a FYI about oxygen sensors...I have been advised that they require additional calibration when used under pressure to give an accurate reading...(OR you must divide the reading by the ATA). Bryan...what does your manufacturer say?
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
This is why Phoiph is the "go to" person of MBOT and such a blessing to the community.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Awwww, thank you, jcarlnew...

Let's not forget that you started this thread!
Posted by Ed1717 (Member # 50143) on :
Thanks everybody! Phoiph, I sent you a PM regarding the info you mentioned.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Well, said, jcarlnew!

Well, I am bummed. My 11 year old Vitaeris chamber burst a zipper today. I was 4 minutes into inflating when it gave with a whoosh.

I am two weeks post op from an appendectomy and was so glad to have my chamber to heal!

Now to weigh my options. And figure out what to do next. Fix the zipper or call it good with this chamber and use OxyHealth's exchange program. Will let you know what we decide.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Oh goodness-KGG! So sorry to hear this! Please keep us posted. Wishing you a speedy recovery as well!
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
kgg, In regards to Oxyhealth exchange offer, I have reason to believe you can negotiate with them. I went the repair route on 2 recently, but they were windows, not zipper. In addition, I still am keeping my eye on the Newtowne military discount chamber as it is cheaper for a new chamber than their exchange program. But of course their is not as many years of experience with the Newtowne, albeit a couple have gone that route.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thank you, Jcarlnew. That is food for thought. I had not considered changing brands. I definitely do not want a Summit-to-Sea. I wonder if the Newtowne has a strong off gassing smell? Any one here have a Newtowne?

I would not qualify for the military discount. I also wonder how much the dual compressor is? Hmmm will be making calls on Monday.

Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
They will send you sample materials. The military discount is very expansive, like even great, great grandparent.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
They will send you sample materials. The military discount is very expansive, like even great, great grandparent.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Really? Thanks for letting me know.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Happy Easter Gang! Yes, thais great info Jcarl! Thinking of you KGG- no one wants to be without their chamber. Hope it will be speedy! Hugs!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thank you, Willbeatthis. (Still love that name!) Lots of phone calls to be made today.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
We decided to go with a Newtowne chamber. After they received my physician's prescription this afternoon, they shipped it right out.

We have had a lot of extra expenses since the first of the year. The bottom line was I could not justify spending the extra money with the exchange when Newtowne was so much less. I have peace about that.

My main concern was with the off gassing smell. But I was going to deal with that with a new chamber from OxyHealth as well.

I can't wait to get back to diving again.

Editing to say, thank you Jcarlnew for mentioning Newtowne to me! Much appreciated
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
It's been a while since I checked in. willbeatthis... I just read your post. THANK you for allowing yourself as another walk through contact. I can't express my love for everyone on this site that I don't know personally, but have given so much to help me... I can't express my gratitude for not being alone in this.

OK, so on to my question. Anyone with experience with nertowne chambers? Good/Bad. I think that is the direction I will go as well kgg. Same reasons.

Thanks everyone!!!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, I asked on the FB group mainly about off gassing. But the two Newtowne owners that responded said they were happy with their chambers and with the customer service there.

I would be glad to give a comparison with the Vitaeris once I get my unit set up.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
kgg, looking forward to your evaluation of the Newtowne Chamber. Thanks.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
Check in every now and then....mhbot is starting to work for me...7 days feeling semi normal is amazing to me.

I go in and out....fallback and push foward,however,as of late noticing another level of wellness and words can't describe the sensation.

Not getting my hopes up (happened before) staying positive and just letting for brands,will review a couple brands (on my 3rd now) very soon....just giving it that break in period for an accurate reply.

Keep goal....socializing again for the first time in over 3 years.

Well wishes to all here.

Thanks Phioph
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
kgg I would love a comparison. I'm trying to 'try it out' at a local dr. office first to make sure I can handle the pressure and then I'm diving in! [Smile]

Hoping for some good gains.

reminder, what dive number are you on?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Honestly, I would have to do some figuring. I am 14 months into treatment. I missed some time this past Fall and then recently with my surgery. So I don't have a true dive # off the top of my head.

I hope you are able to give it a try locally. The only thing that is of concern is that some want you to inflate faster than many of us started at. I still inflate taking 10 minutes. Please have a discussion with them about how fast they want you to inflate the chamber and what you are comfortable with.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
HW88...Dive # 345,however,I stopped all meds approx 6 months ago.

I rarely miss a day (5 since starting).

Admitted skeptic from the start,until I started thinking more about "healing" than destroying...if that makes sense.

Learned quick fix with this situation.

The more info I read on diving,couldn't wait to get started.

I wish you the best on your decision and future updates on progress.

Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
KGG did you get your Newtowne?
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
This is so exciting KGG! Keep us all posted!

I will tell you all I am in one of those two steps back stages. I would say my Bart is really rearing its head right now and I can feel it most in my feet with pain and neuropathy. Not horrible but definitely letting me know some work is being done.

I am grateful too so much to this group for being so supportive as we navigate our way with mhbot and Phoiph... YOU ARE AMAZING!

My gratitude is pretty much endless...

Soon I will be into my 4th month-- gosh, how time flies. I do my best not to miss a day and thankfully due to a cold I only missed two days.

KGG, I cannot wait to hear about your new chamber! Looking forward to your continued success!

Thanks, Remember, for keeping us updated! It is always so encouraging to hear of progress!

HW88 -- I hope your time at the clinic is fruitful and do let us all know how we can help... we are HERE!

HUGS to all!

PEIMOMMA- I miss you! Any updates!??? Phoiph, I hope all is going well in your beautiful life.... Thank you for your service to us all! [group hug]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Bryan, how is your leg?! I am crossing my fingers and praying.... much improved!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Yes, Jcarlnew, the Newtowne arrived Thursday. Since Thursdays are crazy busy days for us, we set it up Friday. I was diving by 1PM. =)

I have no regrets buying from a different company. Although it is different, obviously. So all of my automatic motions are not so automatic. But awkward. I know by the end of next week I will be fine with it all.

I bought the 34" military chamber. So it is 2" larger than the Vitaeris. The extra room will not hurt my son's feelings when he starts diving. He has shoulders that require extra room.

There are less windows in the Newtowne. The one I bought has two. The Vitaeris has 5. But I don't really miss the windows. I turned the chamber towards my room windows and have a light on at the end and it is plenty bright in the chamber.

My husband prefers the brass fittings and the connections over the ones used with the Vitaeris. He thinks they will last longer as they are brass and the hoses are connected with c clamps instead of plastic connections. We ordered it on Tuesday before 2PM and we received it on Thursday by UPS. That is pretty fast!

The Newtowne has an external frame vs. an internal frame with the Vitaeris. While not very attractive to look at, I actually prefer the external frame as I was the one that had to take the internal frame out when we went on an RV trip last Fall. Not as easy feat. Where as with the Newtown, you just slip the D rings out of the connection and go. They say you can set it up on a bed and not use the outside frame. Which is what I will do when we go in the RV this summer.

We bought two compressors as it is a larger chamber. And that was what I was used to using with the Vitaeris. We did not ask if we needed two, just requested two. I mentioned to my husband that we should have asked. And he said he was glad we had two. If something should happen to one I can still dive while the broken one was being fixed.

The Newtowne has 3 zippers. The Vitaeris has two with 2 rubber gaskets between the zippers. That seems to be the thing that will challenge me the most. The middle zipper is the air lock zipper and the most important one to be tucked into a horseshoe shaped area at the end of the zipper. That takes moderate strength. I do not have a lot of arm strength and so far have needed my husband to get in the right place so it seals. Otherwise the zippers are easy to move. I typically dive early in the morning before anyone is up. So I hope at some point I will get the hang of it so I can dive without assistance.

My ears adjust differently to the inflation and decompression. But that is a user adjustment. I knew automatically where to turn the release valve and when, according to how my ears were doing. With the Newtowne it is a brass lever that you turn. So I just need to get used to where to turn it to while I am adjusting the pressure.

Finally, yes, there is a new smell. I asked about this before buying. She said that they lay the material out and air it for 2 weeks before putting it together. It is not offensive or very strong. I will try to speed the process by cleaning it with water and H2O2 for a while. I knew with both chambers that I would be dealing with the new smell. Thankfully, I don't seem to react to it. So I will just live with it until it airs out.

Bottom line? I am happy with this purchase so far. I will compare it to buying a Cadillac vs a Mom van. Well, I have never bought new expensive cars and have always been very comfortable in a Mom van. My bank account is happy. And I am back diving very quickly. That makes me a happy camper. =)

Thanks for reading all of that!

[ 04-22-2017, 01:45 PM: Message edited by: kgg ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks for sharing this great, detailed information on the Newtowne.

Since you will soon have had experience with both manufacturers, your opinion is very please keep us informed!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Jcarlnew, my husband specifically requested that I thank you from him about mentioning the Newtowne chambers. He is very happy with it and says thank you!
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Your welcome. I hope you like it as well as your husband. As you have clearly detailed there are going to be differences between a $5K and $20K chamber. I had to have both of my 2006 Oxyhealth chambers repaired for windows this year at $1000 per crack. And guess what, when they repair, they just cover the side windows. The technician says that to many windows raise the risk for window failure. Don't know how many windows the new one comes with. You will be a great assistance to this community if you report that people can get into MBOT at a much lower price point. I email with Phoiph quite regular as I joke I started the thread but she does all the work. I know she wants more experiences with Newtowne before she can recommend, but everybody I know so far has been happy.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
My OxyHealth Vitaeris was 2006. Wonder if that was a bad year? ;-)

Just covering the windows is not my idea of "repair".

I will definitely keep people updated on the Newtowne.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
kgg.... Wow, great review! Thanks for taking the time and effort to write that up.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
They repaired the big and end windows
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
So they only patched 2 out of the five and repaired the other 3. KGG you do know that Oxyhealth went to one compressor, must have been sometime in 2006 as one of mine has 2 and one has one. I talked to Newtowne about this and they said using one is just as fast as our 2 compressor Oxyhealth. Other than backup this surprises me. Do you have to throttle back because of rapid compression? Thanks for great info.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi KGG~ I am beyond happy for you. Thank you for all that you have shared. You are a wonderful contributor to this group!

Please keep us posted! No doubt getting a chamber at a more affordable price is huge.

Honestly, had I not found my chamber - Solace- on Let Go and with lots of guidance from Phoiph, I am not sure I would be diving now. My husband was a sweetheart and gave it to me for my birthday. Best present I have ever received. I love hearing your success Reminder. Time for bed but I wanted to say.... HOORAY, KGG and Reminder.... Keep us posted and thank you as always for the support! Go team Go!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Jcarlnew, perhaps we really should have discussed the need for two compressors. I don't think they charged us more for the two. My husband was the one who was on the phone ordering it so I don't know exactly how the conversation went.

Yes, I throttle back because I find that my ears like 10 minutes opposed to five. Initially, I used to inflate over 5 minutes but it caused my balance to be off. And I really did not need additional help on that. =/ When I went to 10 minutes the imbalance seemed to resolve.

Willbeatthis, I love your enthusiasm. =) Thanks

Reminder, thanks for the update. I like that...think of healing instead of destroying. Think I will adopt that as well. Thanks!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by jcarlnew:
...I know she wants more experiences with Newtowne before she can recommend, but everybody I know so far has been happy.

The biggest obstacle that I face in helping people with mHBOT is cost/affordability, so I truly hope Newtowne will stand the test of time. So far, so good.

It will be difficult to compare until we know at what general age the Newtowne chambers (which have been in regular service) begin to need repairs, the cost, and how many of those repairs are possible before the life of the chamber is expired. All of that information will be helpful to weigh the pros and cons in the future.

Again, I am very hopeful that Newtowne is a more affordable option, as cost is a huge deterrent for many who could be benefitting from mHBOT. This is why I so appreciate those that are moving forward on it and reporting back to us over time.

Regarding the 2006 Oxyhealth chambers needing repair (I also had a 2007 that also needed window replacement)... I agree that repairs are overpriced, a huge inconvenience, and the warranty should be longer. That said, would we expect an 11 year old vehicle never to need service, parts, or repair?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Awesome short video: "Oxygen's Surprisingly Complex Journey Throughout Your Body"

After watching, one can better understand how mHBOT is crucial to this this process for those who's systems are impaired through chronic illness, etc...
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Totally agree with Phoiph's assessment. I know this 60 year old vehicle needs lots of maintenance. I am hopeful the repairs on my Oxyhealth will extend the life another 11 years. I am not recommending Newtowne, just throwing it in the mix for consideration as financial access to MBOT. Phoiph is a tremendous rescource to check used Oxyhealth chambers and visit about the options.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Phioph said, "That said, would we expect an 11 year old vehicle never to need service, parts, or repair?"

Not at all! I knew I was just biding my time because of the age of my chamber. And kicking myself for not using it more, sooner!

But by the time you add up the $1575.oo for the zipper repair, plus my shipping it to them, plus the rental for the estimated 6-8 weeks of repair time ($800/repair cycle plus shipping), the warranty being a year and I wanted them to either check the windows or replace them while they had it, so that would have been more. When we added it up, buying Newtowne new seemed like the better option.

As far as the repair warranty goes, he offered a year warranty. And if in the year the zipper went again and we wanted to use the exchange program, he would take the repair cost off of the exchange cost. Which I think is fair. But my husband still wanted new. And I did not want to spend big bucks new.

I truly appreciate your help and feedback on all of this while trying to make this decision Phioph. It was very helpful.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I agree with you both! I was just responding to the possible concern that 2006 may have been a "bad year".

And...I can't express how happy I am that everyone is so open, inquiring, generous and helpful here...

It was very difficult in the "old days" when I was a "party of one"...trying so hard to convince everyone on the merits of mHBOT, how ill I truly was, and that it really had made me well.

Now, thanks to everyone here, the thread has taken on its own momentum, and we can all learn from each other's opinions and experiences... [Smile]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I have a quick question. How long did it take everyone to start moving in a forward direction with mHBOT? I have improved over the last year on antibiotics, but it took until about month 5 before I could honestly say I was making progress.

From there it has been two steps forward, one leap back.... and so on.

I was just wondering about time frames for mHBOT.

I went to a clinic today and dove for about 30 minutes. I did fine and so I'm hoping to start soon with my own.... Just wondering what exactly to expect as far as improvement.

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, My experience with mHBO is that it takes an attitude of patience. I didn't feel any benefits for the first 3 or 4 months. And when I finally saw some improvement I doubted the changes.

My best advice if you are thinking of starting with mHBOT is try not to micromanage the process. Keep a journal and review it no more than once a month. It's not easy to do but will save much unnecessary suffering.

Good luck to you on your hyperbaric journey.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Phoiph, for your ever present support. Because of you, I believe this thread acquired true momentum- see what true service does- it CHANGES lives... THANK YOU!

And to team O2- many thanks! You've all been an immense help. Reading the entire thread a couple times was an incredible education and led to a great level of comfort-so thanks again!

I love that Newtowne is being reviewed so to speak- way to go, KGG! I've always been a mom van kind of person too! Keep us posted!

Digby-thanks for your response to HW88. I'm into the end of my first quarter- Jan 29 was day one for me and soon to be in my fourth month. I am doing the two steps forward three back but overall I have windows of feeling better I believe than the pre-lyme me. I am very grateful. I remember being really tired the first 6 weeks or so as my body adjusted. Welcome HW88- I think you'll be pleased!

Peimomma and Jolley and Haley- any updates? Loved hearing from you Remember! So happy for your success! [group hug]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you! I will probably be ordering tomorrow.....

I'm sure I'll gave lots of questions. Thank you everyone for your support!

Hugs and goodnight!
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
HW88, what will you be ordering and have you checked with Phoiph on specs and units?
Posted by kah419 (Member # 31572) on :
Question on how slow to begin…

I’m hoping to try mHBOT soon for at least a month at my PCP office (he has an Oxyhealth Vitaeris) so I can decide if I want to rent/buy my own. I will need to schedule some sessions (without supplemental 02), and the most I can do is 3x/week because they only offer sessions M/W/F.

LLMD says go ahead and start with 45-60 minutes, and work up to 2 hours per day (with supplemental 02) 5-7 days/week. I know from reading this thread that low and slow is the way to go, which is what I plan to do.

How slow should I start out? Maybe 2x/week the first week, at only 20-30 minutes (in addition to the 10 minutes each needed to inflate/decompress)? Then increase to 3x/week if doing ok?

Which is better to increase first, frequency of treatments (at same length of time) or amount of time in chamber?

Is there a general protocol for beginners that most of you have followed?

So much to learn...trying to read through this entire thread, it’s just taking me a while.

Thanks for any advice!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome, kah419! This is what we have in the files on the FB group.

Week 1

Days 1-3: 20 minute dive at full pressure (not counting compression and decompression time). Do not wear the mask, but set it down inside the chamber so the oxygen is flowing in, mixing with compressed air.

Days 4-7: If no major reactions are happening, increase full pressure time to 40 minutes. If having previous reaction, stay at 20 minutes (still no mask; just let oxygen flow in and mix with compressed air).

Week 2

Days 1-3: If no major reactions, increase full pressure time to 60 minutes. If having a previous reaction, stay at 40 minutes (still no mask).

Days 4-7: If no major reaction, continue with full pressure 60 minute dive, wearing mask for 20 minutes, and laying it down in the chamber for the rest of the dive. (If having reaction, don't move forward; stay at last step!)

Week 3

Days 1-3: Continue 60 minute dive, wearing mask for 40 minutes, and laying it down in the chamber for the rest of the dive.

Days 4-7: Continue 60 minute dive, wearing mask for entire 60 minutes.

Again...don't move forward to the next step until you're not having major reactions. It is best to move up slowly so your body has time to detoxify and adjust.

You don't need to wear the mask while you compress (so you can clear your ears freely), but do wear it when you decompress.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
To continue, I had a friend who rented time at a Chiropractor's office. I showed her this schedule. But the chiropractor told her to start right at an hour. So that is what she did. She did not want to go against what he was suggesting since it was in his office. I don't know if she regrets starting at an hour or not. But I just want to acknowledge that it is an awkward situation.

Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Is there any advantage to doing more than an hour if you are hitting some major herxes. In other words going longer to get it over with?

I'm having some major foot pain, it's scaring me, and I'd like this to pass quickly. I'm currently doing an hour with around 10 min for compression and decompression.

Has anyone done this? I don't want to be foolish- but I am struggling big time right now. I can really feel it getting into my knees and feet at the end of a session? Any thoughts- I've had Raynaud's in the past so circulation may not be a strength for me.
Thank you!!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
I need to add when I was at my worst- dehabilitating foot pain- primarily arch area and now seemingly toe joints and flaring knees - both are back now in high gear. At one time abx worked well for these and rife and herbs kept them gone. No night sweats so I don't think it's a Babs flare thank goodness. Any thoughts? Thank you!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeatthis, that is a hard call. And this is a question that we kind of discussed on the FB group. This doc recommends longer treatments and also twice a day treatments. Most of us agreed that we would stick with the hour plus the compressing and decompressing.

One person because they felt like they were not able to increase their oxygen time, increased their chamber time instead. I am not sure how long she did it for, but eventually decided to go back to an hour and very slowly increase the oxygen time again. She was finally successful in increasing her O2 time.

Have you been in contact with Phioph? She has the most experience of us all. And the gathered experience of us all that communicate with her. Surely, she could tell you whether increasing the dive time would help or hurt.

I think of foot pain and joint pain as Bartonella or Lyme. Especially if it hurts more first thing in the morning to step on your feet.

I am sorry it is so hard right now.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Additional thought here. Have you taken a day off? Perhaps instead of more time you need a break?
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
I haven't taken a day off per se but I have gone longer between dives and not dived until late at night lately and it wasn't any better or worse. I just dived 1x today and wonder if trying a second time wouldn't be smart just to see what it does-- increases or decreases the pain. If it increases the pain, I would think I need to back off.

Thanks, KGG. I did email Phoiph and she said she had phases where her bones felt like they'd be crushed (in hands and feet) for example if someone shook her hand and Peimomma said to just keep pushing through that this would pass.

I really appreciate the thoughts.... It means a lot. The doc that is in Maryland that blogs encourages 1.5 hours I think.

I think I am going to try this tonight as I have time to do it for once and being off my feet is a definite do right now. BLESS YOU ALL!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Please let us know how it goes.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Positive news! So, I treated tonight about 2 hours ago and the pain is dissipating. I am so thankful. No doubt mhbot gets where no other treatment has reached. Thanks for being beside me in this journey!
Posted by kah419 (Member # 31572) on :
Thank you kgg! That is so helpful. It’s exactly the info I was looking for.

Does it even make sense for me to test out mHBOT at PCP office for a full month if I’m only able to do it there 3x/week max, and without supplemental 02 (he doesn’t have concentrator/mask option)?

I’m just trying to see if I’m ok with the claustrophobia aspect, plus see how I do in general before doing a rent to buy.

But at only 3x/week is it worth the time and money ($100/session)?

Or would it better to just test it out a few times for a week or two, then if seem to do ok, move forward with rent to buy options?

Then having a rental at home for a month to use daily will give me the info I need to decide to purchase or not.

Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
willbeatthis....did you increase your time in the chamber before seeing a result?

After a conversation with a Dr....he mentioned staying in longer,however,just adding a minute per session until you reach that 1.5-2hour max??

Tried this on 3 occasions and REALLY FELT being a type A personality...maybe I look for the punishment and push too hard.

That being said,I knew mhbot was doing something positive,however,like other fast can the body dispose(or detox)?

Best Wishes
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeatthis, Yay!! WootWoot!! So pleased for you that increasing the time was beneficial not harder. Will have to keep this in mind when I hit a wall. So happy for you to have the pain be less intense!

kah419, I was wondering that very same thing. I would definitely try it out for the claustrophobia. It is hard to say for the other. Phioph encourages people to not miss a day but regularly dive once you reach the one hour time with oxygen.

My experience initially was that I would dive for a few days and then feel like I needed to take a day off. But the schedule you describe is more than just a day off here and there. Plus at $100/session for a month, 3 times a week is $1200. (Did I do the math correctly?). Plus he doesn't have the O2 option (which makes me go... tilt? Why not?) If it was me, I would trial it for the fit and then rent. But that is just me. We all have different circumstances to deal with. Have you been in touch with Phioph regarding the rental/purchase?

Reminder, we are all so different sometimes in how we react. My son is very medication/supplement dose sensitive, that I could see him reacting in a similar way, feeling every increase. It makes it so hard to predict how others will react. I am a fan of slow and steady.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
jcarlnew, i ordered the newtowne military 34". I did talk to Phoiph. She was very helpful. I did some research between oxyhealth and newtowne.

It really came down to price in the end. I think newtowne is starting to make a name for itself and they were really great to work with.

I'll keep you posted so I can add to or discredit the newtowne brand. [Smile]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
It comes tomorrow. Thanks for posting a possible starting protocol. I'm hoping for good things to come.

Wish me luck. AND thank you everyone for posting here. I love reading it all and trying to educate myself as much as possible.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Congratulations! HW88. Please keep us posted on your journey.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
FWIW, I am up to 700 dives. The last 200 have been at 90 minutes at pressure. I also use a non-rebreather mask (which BTW, Phoiph doesn't think is a good idea) so I get more O2.

I don't recommend this for anyone just starting out but ramping up to it has worked for me and I no longer herx from using the tank.

I do want to say that I don't think it would have been possible to push it like this if I weren't on a Ketogenic diet. The anti-inflammatory effects of the diet make it tolerable.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Willbeatthis, Congratulations on getting over your foot pain but please be careful. When I started to increase the time, I did it in 5 minute increments and only every other day.

I suspect that the increased time is cumulative and can bite you in the butt after a few long dives like you did. Please go slow.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Interesting, Digby. My Newtowne came with a rebreather mask. Which I don't use. I have not thrown it out. Perhaps I will consider using it.

Thank you for the caution of going slow. Experience is priceless.
Posted by kah419 (Member # 31572) on :
kgg- I agree, a trial for fit/claustrophobia, then rent my own does seem to make the most sense given the frequency of treatments needed.

I’m still about a month away (hoping early June) from even testing it out because of other issues that must be addressed first before I try it.

I have not yet spoken with Phoiph, but will be PMing her soon for advice once I gather a bit more info.

I’m in the process of comparing Oxyhealth vs. Newtowne since I’m almost sure I would want a rent to buy option (new rather than used). LLMD says go with Newtowne since it’s half the price. I’m not sure yet.

Regarding the supplemental 02 option…

PCP (who is local for me so easier to try his chamber) says research shows supplemental 02 has only marginal added benefit so he doesn’t think it’s necessary. He’s had great success using his chamber to treat patients without any supplemental 02, but I believe it’s mostly autistic and other patients, not chronic lyme. He’s only mentioned one other chronic lyme patient who used his chamber temporarily, ultimately buying her own.

LLMD (who is 3.5 hours away so not possible to use his chamber) says the exact opposite is true, that research shows supplemental 02 is of great added benefit, and he does not advise mHBOT without it for lyme & co’s.

I do plan to use supplemental 02 if I end up getting my own chamber.

Thanks for your advice with this…I suspect I will be back here asking many more questions!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
What an amazing team! Thank you!

KGG,Digby and Reminder, I did 1 hour 15 minutes at presure yesterday and 1.5 hours at pressure today. I have less pain that is for sure and mercy, it was not fun Monday and Tuesday. I know we are so individual and I thank you so much for sharing your experience. It is priceless... will give the non rebreather mask some thought for down the road. Right now, I'm testing the waters. It is amazing how deep this modality goes!

Kah- I'm thinking of you and HW88 congratulations! So happy for you both! That schedule KGG posted I started with too! Thanks for doing that KGG!

Really, Thank you all... I needed some support and you were there! Hugs! [group hug]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
How many people do mhbot along with antibiotics and how many are solely using mhbot?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I agree with Digby...please be careful about increasing your time so early in your treatment. It may feel good at first, but there can be a delayed reaction if your body can't keep up with the pace of the treatment. Especially since you are doing Rife concurrently.

It can be different for people who don't have chronic infections (e.g., traumatic brain injury, etc.). Often times, they can start at full protocol, and do longer sessions. People with chronic infections are more toxic, and usually have detox issues, so have to go more slowly. Digby is doing the ketogenic diet, which is likely helping him to flush toxins more efficiently.

kah419...I just want to emphasize that this schedule was written as just a very general guideline. Many people must skip a day or two in between sessions in the beginning to allow their bodies to acclimate, and also to evaluate how they are tolerating the treatment. It doesn't pay to rush in the beginning, but consistency is key once you reach the full protocol.

I agree with kgg that it makes sense to try a treatment or two at the office to become familiar with the process, but then move on to your own chamber, as you will ultimately need to do this anyway. Just make sure that they inflate and deflate slowly (request that they show you how to use the inflation/deflation valve), and keep your sessions short in the beginning.

The reason I am against the use of a non-rebreather mask, is that they are designed for minimum 10-15 LPM flow rates to keep them 2/3 full, and we use 8.5 LPM (actually less due to backpressure from the chamber). Remember that with the AirSep concentrator, It is not advised to set it at 10LPM with a chamber, as it can go into an "on demand" mode to retain purity.

If the non-rebreather bag collapses due to low flow, it will cut off the supplemental 02 coming in. In this case, you may still be able to breathe some room air (although it would be mixed with your own C02) if the mask isn't too tightly sealed, otherwise, there is a risk of suffocation.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Phioph, thank you for that very thorough explanation about the non-rebreather. I will not be using mine.

HW88, I did not use antibiotics while diving. But I have done my fair share over the years. Twice with IVs. My naturopath kept wanting me to do herbals concurrently. I bought them but never really gave them a try. I was comfortable in seeing what diving was going to accomplish for me without confusing the picture. And that is easily done with my brain. ;-)
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks as always, Phoiph! I will be careful and thank you for your explanation of the non rebreather mask. I'm getting close to a ketogenic diet and I would say I'm pretty good about detoxing. This foot pain is just flat out weird. I'm relatively assured it's bart and it is in there good (the tops of my feet included). Amazing that with having not the best circulation to my extremities prior to mhbot allowed it to entrench pretty well. I'm so thankful for mhbot! Yes, still doing rife and herbals concurrently. Looking forward to the day when I'm mostly or all mhbot. Thanks for guiding me so well! [group hug]
Posted by koo (Member # 30462) on :
I would like to try this. What is the procedure for doing this? I saw a wellness clinic in my area does it but it entails a consult with the MD.

I see our hospital systems all offer it but I imagine that would also entail another consult and be more $$$$ as well. Speaking of cost, what do these dives cost?

Where are some other places to look...a chiropractor's office?

Can someone also explain what happens before, during, and after these dives. Are you being monitored? Are there any contraindications?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm having trouble sifting through 27 pages of info.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
koo, The 27 pages take a long time to read but it is well worth it. I read every post before chatting with Phoiph and getting started.

You don't need to sift through it, just take your time and read it all. It's a big investment of time and money...well worth the read.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Koo: I agree with Digby, reading the thread at your leisure is I believe a necessary education.

I would say that you could call one of the local mhbot clinics in your area and ask them these questions and their experience with lyme. This is not a cheap modality. You'll want to be educated.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Based on my own experience, I am thinking the pain you're experiencing in your feet is actually a sign that the circulation is improving and being restored to that area. I remember going through a phase like this.

Koo...welcome. Please do read the entire thread if you can. You can also visit for more educational resources. Athough this site is still a work in progress, you will find your basic questions answered (e.g., how/why it works, contraindications, etc.), plus some great research articles.

Unless you have one of the few "medicare approved" conditions, you will not be covered via insurance for hospital-based treatments. You can do a few treatments at a practitioner's office to become familiarized with the process, but it will be costly (generally, prices range from $50-$350/session, depending on where you live).

This is why it is more cost effective to have your own chamber (or share cooperatively), as mHBOT requires a daily commitment.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Bless you, Phoiph, it seems to be resolving. Cannot thank you and this team enough!!! Hugs!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
First dive today!!! [Smile] It was short, but good. Onward, right?

Thanks for all the help. (I'm sure I'll have more questions! [Wink]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kudos, HW88!! My biggest struggle with the Newtowne chamber is the zippers. The outside one to be exact. It may be just me and my weak arms, but I am not getting that outside zipper all the way closed. I still have to have my husband finish so I know for sure it is closed. Even though less expensive, I would hate to blow a zipper because of operator error. So just a heads up on being sure they are all zipped closed.

Keep a journal on your symptoms and the time of your dives. Did you get a chart for record keeping?
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Congratulations, HW88! Kgg- sorry to hear of the struggle with the zipper. On my Oxy Solace, two zippers are hard for me and I know everything is relative. Hang in there! I bet your arms will get stronger and you'll get the hang of it. Glad you're back to diving regularly!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Here are some tip for dealing with the zippers on the OxyHealth chambers:

1. Keep the rubber gasket material clean. It can be difficult to get all the lint, hairs and dust off of it, so if after wiping it clean, it still has junk on it, try a can of compressed air. I've found this works well.

2. Always make sure you tuck the outer zipper all the way closed at the end to avoid stress on the zipper teeth.

3. When closing the inner zipper, make sure to tuck the gasket up without wrinkles as you zip up.

4. Of course, never open the zipper until all the pressure is gone. Every time you are in a hurry to get out and open it under pressure, you stress the zipper. It won't necessarily break right away but it will eventually.

I have a method for zipping up from the inside that is quick and easy but I don't know if I could describe it.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks, Digby! I used to describe zipping the inside of my Vitaeris, using monkey feet. I would be on my back and start zipping. But when it got so far, I would use my feet to straighten/flatten out the top so it would zip easier without resistance. Not sure if there is that kind of room in the smaller chambers. But that's how I did mine.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks, Willbeatthis! I am thrilled to back in the chamber.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks everyone. Kgg, It's the middle zipper that I have a hard time getting all the way closed... I think I've got it now though.

Phoiph, again thank you for the communication and support.

I do have a tracking calendar that I write everything on. I was reading a journal entry from a year ago and I really have improved. It's just so slow.

marathon...not a sprint.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Digby! That's a big help! That gasket is something. I use a swiffer sometimes just for it. With no chemicals of course. I think the compressed air may be the ticket. I am getting the hang of it but it is almost as if this is our mantra.... DO NOT HURT the Zippers.... Om....

Thank you all of the support and KGG!! So happy for you and HW88... yes, a marathon.... You'll GET there!! [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by kah419 (Member # 31572) on :
Phoiph, thank you for the advice on starting out. I will definitely PM you soon for some advice on rent/buy options.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
How do you know when the chamber is completely decompressed and ok to unzip? I went by when my ears stopped popping and the chamber had some creases to it... not sure.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Your gauge should read near zero, and when you push up on the zipper near your head with the palm of your hand, there should be some "give" before you open the zipper.

If it still feels firm when you push up on the zipper, wait a couple more minutes and try again.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, you might need to move your pressure gauge so that you can see it through the window. It's pretty easy to do. I think Oxyhealth sells a "kit" to do it but it's much cheaper to buy some fittings and tubing and do it yourself.

The low tech, no cost way to do it is as Phoiph said, just push up on the zipper area and unzip when it is soft.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, in the handbook, there is a pic of what the end near your feet should look like when it is OK to open the zipper. There are creases in the end piece.

There is not much give to it (when you push with your hand on the top wall of the chamber) as the Vitaeris I used to have. That one was more obvious that it was OK to open the zippers.

I will look for my manual and see what page the pic is on.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, it is page 23. But they only show the creases on the outside. =/

They said they are in the process of editing the manual. Perhaps this is something that would be helpful. A photo of the inside, with the creases at the point where it is OK to open. Think I will call them tomorrow.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you everyone....kgg let me know what they say. I think they are closed on Mondays. I'll do the zipper test for now.

Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Weird Question.

I've only done 2 short sessions without oxygen mask, so I'm not sure this is related to mHBOT. .. BUT

Today I've had a weird feeling in my chest. It's almost like I put on icy-hot on my chest. This is a new one for me.

any thoughts?
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Hw88-I've never had that. You've come to the right place to ask! Hang in there! [Smile]
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, I don't know what that feeling is but I can say that I had lots of weird transient symptoms, especially in the beginning.

That's why I tell people not to micro manage the process. It can make you crazy. :^)

Hopefully it will go away soon.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
I needed to hear that as well Digby! I am not wanting to get on the crazy train either right now!

Couple questions:

1) Do you all use your cell phones to surf the net while diving? I do it often to pass time. Would that affect the success of the dive at all? I know microwaves are not the best to have around us all the time.... Just looking to know I am not messing anything up! (I don't use wifi in my house)

Background: When I went to Germany- Dobel to get Photons we were advised and it was strongly encouraged that we be disconnected while being treated so I was-- and in the middle of the Black Forest with a hotel that had no wifi. Just making sure I am making the most of my treatment in the chamber- if I should always be in airplane mode, I can do that.

2) How about a kindle? Is that okay? I use it on airplane mode.

3) Digby, how much of a difference have you seen with the 1.5 hours vs. the 1 hour with compress and decompress added? I have done this a few times when I am really herxing and it seems to help. I feel like the treatment gets deeper if I am in past an hour though I won't go over 90 minutes and honestly do not have time to do that all the time.

Thank you all for your help! GO TEAM O2!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

IMO, to get the most out of your sessions, especially in the beginning, it is ideal to let your brain rest while in the chamber.

It is routine to prescribe mental rest for healing brain injuries:

Personally, I wasn't able to read or attend to the computer initially anyway, and in retrospect, I believe the "forced rest" was to my advantage. I do use my laptop now when I dive, but I have noticed an increased "restorative" benefit when I just rest inside the chamber instead.

If you think about it, your brain metabolism/oxygen demand increases with it makes sense that rest will allow more energy to go toward healing.

I realize your question was about the impact of EMF's, which no doubt also play a part, since they impact the quality of rest and immune function.

So..."powering down" may have dual benefits...
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Phoiph. That is what I will do... I seem to feel I derive more benefit when I am at rest and it seems it is all I want to do in the chamber. I struggle to read even.

Thank you for your quick response to my question!

Thank you for the link as well! Very informative!

I have completed 91 dives since January 29th (only two consecutive days I had to be out with a flu/cold).

Thank you for your dedication to us all!

Hugs to all! [group hug]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I guess I am the opposite. I take both my phone and Kindle in the chamber with me. I check my emails, FB and research. I also read books on my Kindle while in the chamber. My son takes his tablet in and watches movies to pass the time.

Kudos on completing 91 dives, willbeatthis

HW88, I took a pic of the inside of my chamber at the foot end when I was ready to start unzipping. But I am not savvy enough to post it. If you want to PM me your email address I would be glad to send it to you.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks willbeatthis and digby... Today, chest is fine. Such WEIRD things. I guess I'll see if it comes back. When I first started treating, I panicked about everything symptom.

Now, I usually give it a few days before I think it's serious (mostly the weird ones go away), But I always ask for others opinions. It helps.

THANK YOU! skip today. Will dive tomorrow--building up slowly.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
willbeatthis, I do use my tablet in the chamber. I even made a tablet holder so I don't have to hold my arms up the whole time.

Having said that, I agree with Phoiph that the time is best spent in deep rest. So, I also spend most of the time in meditation (I teach meditation) while diving.

I wish I could answer you question about EMFs. I am not sensitive to them and the science is all over the map. I do know that when I lived out in the country where there was no cell signal I felt worse than I do now, living in a suburb. So????
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, Glad your chest is feeling better. And I'm happy that you are taking it slow.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Digby. Good to hear this info. I'm finding rest very natural in the chamber and will work to keep it that way.

With regard to length of time if you don't mind my asking, what is the difference for you diving 90 min vs 60? I notice my feet and knees start to hurt which to me means- we are striking gold(a positive way to look at it). I've always had circulation issues thus I bet the lyme and cos loved that and are now being attacked. One can only hope.

Any thoughts on that?

Thanks so much!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
willbeatthis, I don't really feel any difference in the longer dives but I did when I first started increasing time. Just increased symptoms...the usual herx. I increased 5 minutes at a time and only did it every other day.

My thoughts on your hypothesis are that you are absolutely correct! As you know Borrelia are microaerophilic, which means they need a small amount of O2 to respire but more than that is toxic to them.

Diving forces the O2 into all the tissues of the body killing the spirochete...hence the herxes.

Of course that's only one benefit. I believe that the slow but steady effect on the immune system is the real gift of mHBOT.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Digby. What a great explanation and help to me honestly. I am really amazed at how much my extremities- especially my feet are really feeling the kill so to speak.

It's great to have a hunch confirmed. My perfect storm going into lyme really is likely what I have needed mhbot as you said. I certainly had that -- bad gut (undiagnosed gluten and dairy allergies at that time), tons of abx over the years for sinus infections, hypothyroidism, bad circulation (renayud's), weakened immunity due to the death of my mom - things quite frankly, I just lived with up until lyme. And helped lyme entrench obviously.

Thus, I am really grateful for the last part of your post and honestly what was the hook for me with mhbot-- immune modulation. When Phoiph and I talked and I learned of her history and then matched it with mine ... down to chemical sensitivities.... well, it all made perfect sense.

You have been a huge contributor here and your knowledge is extraordinary and a real gift to us all. I have always been a why person so thank you for helping me to better understand! I am glad things are going so well for you!

Here's to Borrelia's microaerophilic nature! Sweet revenge [Wink] Thank you so much...

Blessings Team! Cannot thank you enough! [Smile]
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :

I can’t really keep up with reading along this thread. [Big Grin]

Small update: [Smile]

I’m still diving! For almost three years now in my summit-to-sea shallow dive on 1.3 ATA.

Some of my previous posts/progress:

I love it very much, at the same time I’m still very sick, but I'm slowly making progress.

I'm about 15-20% better than I was before I started diving.
When I skip 3-4 days I feel more tired and weak.

I couldn’t tolerate most of foods, meds, herbs and supplements. That has improved a lot thanks to mhbot!

Mhbot has been the only therapy that stopped my ongoing getting worse year after year. By the time I started I was more dead than alive.

I’m mostly bedbound for almost 10 years but now I'm able to exercise. I ramped up from 30 seconds to now 15 minutes every day! (hometrainer and light weights)

Antibiotics did definitely contribute to that too.

In a few months I almost certainly get a PICC line (rocephin), do you know if I have to take any precautions when diving with it? Any experiences? Thnx.

Wishing you all the best of health and keep diving!


[ 05-03-2017, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: Survivorgirl1 ]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Survivorgirl1, I am so happy for you and the improvements you have had! And I love your stick-to-it-ness.

My son had a PICC and was diving in our chamber when we first got it years ago. Our NP at the time said it would be no problem. Well, I am sorry to report that he developed a clot in his axillary vein. Would he have developed a clot even without the mHBO? Probably. He had hypercoagulation at the time. But I don't know what part the mHBO had.

It is good that you are asking. I hope that you are able to get a clear answer on this.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Survivorgirl- Good to hear from you! I hope as well someone can answer your question.

Kgg- how are things going with your new chamber- Hw88 too- I wonder the same.

Still moving forward! Digby is right! Don't try to micromanage the process. It is a ride that is for sure! It is amazing to me the areas this gets to that nothing else came close to hitting this hard- I'm grateful!

Onward O2 Warriors!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I am thrilled to be able to get in the chamber daily. When the zipper on my Vitaeris blew, I told Phioph it was a sad day. Indeed it truly was! So I am happy to have the Newtowne chamber.

But, I have yet to conquer the outside zipper on my new chamber. Every time I think I have it closed my husband always reports that it is not yet closed completely. He is going to cut a dowel to see if that will help me to get it tucked into the area that completes the zip. Otherwise, I am very happy with the new chamber.

I am still not back to square one from my surgery. Last year this time, my energy was so much better. I am impatient to get back there.

Willbeatthis, glad to here you are still doing OK with the increase in time.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :

I'm doing well with my chamber. I'm pretty sure I'm getting all zippers closed. I found it easier to close with the zippers on top rather than the side.

I should have my husband check for me. The outside zipper has to be pushed up and tucked in a little slot, so I can see why kgg says she's having issues with the zipper.

kgg, I bet the dowel will help. Something to push it in the little slot/pocket.

I'm doing pretty good so far. I've been going really slow, though. Every other day. Adding 5-10 minutes each time. Then I will add in the other days. THEN the oxygen.

Happy so far with my purchase and decision. Hoping for wonderful things to come.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I'm still a bit away from using my oxygen concentrator, but I was wondering what I should set my oxygen levels at?

Maybe this is something I ask my LLMD or is it pretty standard?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

It depends on which concentrator you have...

AirSep New Life Intensity 10 should always be set at 8.0 to 8.5 LPM. Gradually increase your time using the mask, as opposed to changing the LPM setting to work up on the dosage.

[ 05-07-2017, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks phoiph. I will look and see which one I have.

I will gradually add time using it. Do I just take it off and lay it down for the rest of the time in the chamber?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
This was probably Phioph's suggestion. But what I did was not put it on when inflating. I wanted to be able to clear my ears without the mask interfering. I would time it so I put it on and finished my dives with the mask on.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Kgg, the rest of the time did you just leave it next to you in the chamber?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Yes, you can just lay it down in the chamber during the rest of the dive. That way, you are still receiving some extra 02 while it flows into the chamber, but not as big of a dose as if you were wearing the mask the entire dive.

kgg has a good is best to leave the mask on while deflating, so wearing it at the end of the dive works while you are titrating up to the full protocol.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Phoiph.... or anyone on this thread who knows or thinks they do...

I have a friend who has taken my mild hyperbaric chamber and it trying to use it.

She seems to have allergy problems though, and it bothers her ears even afterward.

She has been inflating veeeeery sloooowly, but it still seems to bother her?

Should she stop? or is there any solution for her?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you phoiph and kgg!! [Smile]
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
foxy loxy, She could try Quercetin and/or an alcohol free mullein oil preparation as drops in the ears.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I inflate over 10 minutes. Usually I only have ragweed/end of summer allergies. This year I am starting with spring allergies. So I have been using Alavert. That has helped my ears clear easier. I have also in the past, used Sudafed to unstuff my sinuses.

If her ears aren't equalizing/ clearing then they would bother, even afterwards. At least I have experienced it.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Foxy- My ears too took a bit to get used to the compressing and decompressing(I've had chronis sinus issues most of my life). I use Astelin and Nasocort (1 spray each nosrtril 1x per day). I also take Singulair daily and like kgg- Sudafed on occasion. I think it is something you have to have patience with. Digby had great suggestions too. Godspeed!
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks so much you guys! I will pass along this info and hopefully something will help! [Smile]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Crossing fingers... The will is a POWERFUL thing... GODSPEED!
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Hi everyone. Wanted to give an update as I passed my 1 year mark of daily dives and have completed over 400.

Successes: more energy over the course of the year, brain fog decreased, less pain in spine and hips (more diet related than mhbot I think), less anxiety, fewer anaphylaxis episodes, cd57 up to 90 from 70, c4a down to 12000 from 20000

Challenges: intermittent episodes of chills, muscle spasms, racing thoughts/depression, low energy, spine stiffness, difficulty with eye tracking, nightmares (3 days a month), low VEGF, high HHV6, high mycoplasma pneumonia, anemia (low serum iron, ferritin, and hemoglobin saturation- now taking b vitamins and iron)

I am starting to realize that although I thought my diet met my needs, it did not, and am trying to figure out how to nutritionally meet my needs best. I am looking into both mold treatment and Andy Cutler chelation after my nutritional status has improved as I continue to have difficulty maintaining mineral balance in my body.

Overall it has been a great year. A recent flare had me feeling really setback. Our emotions can be fragile; this is a rough ride. It takes courage to hope and keep pushing forward.

I wish you all health, and am thankful for our shared journey.
Posted by TF (Member # 14183) on :
Nasacort is a steroid. It can weaken your immune system and cause you to catch illnesses from others.

There is a warning about that that comes with the Nasacort.

I experienced it myself after I had been rid of lyme for a number of years.

The doc had me spraying with it daily. After 3 months, I noticed that I was catching every illness that came down the pike.

I stopped the Nasacort and started weightlifting again (to boost my immune system) and all the various illnesses ended.

I had no idea I was spraying a steroid into my nose daily!

Here is an example of a warning that comes with Nasacort:


Persons who are using drugs that suppress the immune system are more susceptible to infections than healthy individuals. Chickenpox and measles, for example, can have a more serious or even fatal course in susceptible children or adults using corticosteroids. In children or adults who have not had these diseases or have not been properly immunized, particular care should be taken to avoid exposure. How the dose, route, and duration of corticosteroid administration affect the risk of developing a disseminated infection is not known. The contribution of the underlying disease and/or prior corticosteroid treatment to the risk is also not known. If exposed to chickenpox, prophylaxis with varicella zoster immune globulin (VZIG) may be indicated. If exposed to measles, prophylaxis with pooled intramuscular immunoglobulin (IG) may be indicated. (See the respective package inserts for complete VZIG and IG prescribing information.) If chickenpox develops, treatment with antiviral agents may be considered.

Corticosteroids should be used with caution, if at all, in patients with active or quiescent tuberculosis infections of the respiratory tract; untreated local or systemic fungal or bacterial infections; systemic viral or parasitic infections, or ocular herpes simplex because of the potential for worsening of these infections."

"Corticosteroids may weaken the body's ability to fight infections. This may make you more likely to get a serious (rarely fatal) infection or make any infection you have worse. This effect might also rarely occur with corticosteroids inhaled through the nose (such as triamcinolone). The risk may be increased if high doses are used, especially when used for a long time."

This may not happen to everyone, but it certainly happened to me.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks for checking in Jolley. Congratulations on completing a year of mHBO. Loved reading your list of improvements.

We are in the process of treating mold in my young adult son. I think between metal chelation and mold treatment, I would address the mold first. Then see where your health is at. Unfortunately addressing mold is not a fast process either.

You are correct TF. Nasacort is a steroid. Best avoided if possible. But if a steroid is needed for sinuses, I would rather do a nasal inhaler than an oral one. Only temporarily though.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Foxy Loxy

A while back I was starting to have great difficulty with my ears especially when I dove. In despiration I removied dairy completely from my diet (something I probably should have done long ago). It has made all the difference. My ears are clear now I no longer have to pinch my nose and blow. Instead I just swallow.

Also for the first time in many many years I no longer need to blow my nose every 15 minutes.

Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :

I had that same experience with soy. Very difficult to clear my ears then magically it was gone when I quit drinking any soy milk.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Thanks KGG. Hope your son has improvement too. I treated mold a while back, but we're wondering if we need to treat again. It is not a fast process either way. I think that is what makes this journey so challenging.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Question about the oxygen mask. My mask came with a bag attatched to it. If I take the bag off, there is just a hole that I'm assuming the oxygen will go out of.

Is there a plug of some sort? Do I use the bag.

I do have the new life intensity 10.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
KGG, talked to Marie at Newtowne and mentioned the zipper issue. She wants to get in touch with you as she indicated she has many tricks to assist you in the closing. You may have already talked to her but just letting you know.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
good idea Monti!

And thanks for the info TF. [Smile] I don't think she will want to be on steroids... She is pretty naturalistic kind of person.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thank you, Jcarlnew! To call her is on my to-do list but have yet to do it. It is nice to hear she may have some pointers. Will try to call tomorrow.

HW88, that is the other thing I want to talk to Newtowne about. That is a non-rebreather mask. Phioph does not recommend using them. I wanted to ask why they prefer them. But no, there is no plug for it.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi TF: I consider you my angel. Yes, the last cold and trip to the allergist, I succumbed to 1 spray in each nostril; however, I think I'm gonna give it up now. Thanks for the clear reminder and your contribution to us all!

And, Monti- and all, I solved constant sinus infections when I gave up dairy. There is data out there that says the protein is too big for humans to digest causing mucus. Yuck! Though I do miss the good Ole days with Honey bunches of os and milk- what a dream that was!

Yay, Jolley! One year down... Remember Phoiph said her second year she was still making real gains. Sounds like you are approaching things methodically and you are sure to come to a good end.

Hw88- Phoiph advises a nonrebreather mask- simple Hudson mask- it doesn't have a bag.

Keep up the great work team!
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
I still am very fond of my OxyMask.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
For those experienced divers, how many of you combine mHBOT with other supplements and treatments, and what have your observations been in this regard? Do you fare better with HBOT alone, or combined with other therapies?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
hmm. both the masks I was given have the nonbreather. If I take it off, it's just a hole. I guess I need to purchase a different one, unless there is some sort of plug for it.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
oh, I just read kgg's post. NO PLUG for it. I guess I will be purchasing a different one.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
jcarlnew, do you find oxygen escapes through the holes in the oxymask? Do you get as much oxygen?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, Phioph has posted the stats on it. Or was it on the FB group? Can't remember well. But the Oxymask is as efficient as the other. I wish I could get used to the smell. It is a medical PVC that they use now. But I just looked it up and they have some that are non-PVC. So I might buy one of those to see if it smells the same. It is certainly less hot to use.

Bryan, I have yet to use an antimicrobial with mHBO. My naturopath has sold me two Beyond Balance herbal tinctures for Babesia and Bartonella. But I have not used either. Mainly because I wanted to know what was doing what.

I do use some supplements. Not as many as before but I still take some. I take them later in the day as I dive in the morning. And I want to space them away from the dive.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
kgg, can you post the website where you discovered that Oxymask has non-PVC masks.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
PLEASE post where we can get a non PVC hudson mask. That would be amazing. I have the ceramic mask I can use but it is bulky. I am currently using a hudson mask that had aired out and not used by the prior owner.

Bryan, I am using the Rife with mhbot as well as Zhang supplements (coptis, HH2 and Circulation) as well as Cryptoplus. I guess I am doing it all.

I do use my rife too when I scan via zyto and it shows parasites or something that I know I should hit.

At some point, I hope to be just mhbot, I just haven't gotten enough ground taken back to do that.

I hope you are doing well!

Thanks, All!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Is this the NON PVC, praise Goodness!

Thanks, Team!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, Yes, you have a non-rebreather mask. That's the one I use and I prefer it over the simple Hudson mask as you get more oxygen.

If you decide to use it, leave the bag in place and make sure at least one of the vents is open, without any washers on it. That is what allows fresh air into the mask so that if you breath heavily and use up the available gases in the mask and bag, there is fresh air available.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
I had unsuccessfully used antibiotics and herbals but quit both then started mHbot. I am just starting to add in some supplements (e.g. Iron.)

In general I feel mHbot alone has given great progress, but there are nutritional aspects it won't correct and possibly other things as well.

I don't do many therapies at once, partially because I am so reactive to supplements and foods; for my own peace of mind I need to know which treatment is doing what.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Willbeatthis, hope you get your mask soon. Glad you are here.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
This is where I saw the non pvc mask. I have yet to see where it can be bought.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I have emailed the company. I checked on their "where to buy" page. But so far I have yet to see a company that sells the non-PVC mask. I will let you all know what they have to say.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
I had extensive conversations with their rep and I don't think they plan on changing the materials but were very cooperative. I bought my Oxymask here but they are not non-pvc.

They are also available on Amazon but are more expensive.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks everyone.

I'm still on an every other day basis, no oxygen, but I feel it hitting BART. My extreme insomnia is back (uggh) and the anxiety is heightened. I'm doing my best to detox and take it at a pace I can.

Glad it's doing something, but man, the down before the good is tough.

Thank you again for all the help getting started.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hang in there HW88! I think you are smart taking your time. Yes the down time is tough but just remember the way we get through this illness is truly through it. Wishing you better days here soon!

Thanks Jolley and KGG!

Bryan, how is your leg?

Thanks Digby as always and Phoiph too!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, I find I have to dive early in the day or I have difficulty falling asleep. What time of day are you diving? I'm sorry the Bartonella is rearing its ugly head. I hope it calms down for you quickly.

Jcarlnew, thanks for making that phone call to the company. That's a bummer about the non-PVC masks. When I had a procedure done lately, they put a nasal cannula on me. That same smell was there. Wish I wasn't so sensitive.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
hmm. kgg, that is interesting. I usually dive early afternoon. Maybe I will try mornings. Thanks for the suggestion.

I don't sleep well on my "OFF" day either though. hmmm.

I'm just hoping that the first thing 'fixed' is my sleep. uggh. I think it might be my hardest symptom to deal with. ... Sooo, it will probably be the last symptom to go.. HAHA.

I haven't been sensitive to plastics, etc. so hopefully the mask I just ordered will be a good one (once I actually get to the point of adding oxygen.)

Willbeatthis, thanks for the encouragement.... It was needed.

Hugs and goodnight to all my fellow divers. Again, thank you for the help with the learning curve!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, more thoughts on sleep. I also added a supplement called l theanine 200mg. It has a calming effect. But I also found for months that I slept less hours, but was tolerating the lack of sleep better than prior to diving. So I ended up just going the flow.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
My neurologist/HBOT friend explained it to me this way:

Sleep architecture is very complicated, and many factors need to be in synch (e.g., hormones, digestion, neurotransmitters, brain waves etc.).

For this reason, it may not be one of the first things to improve (although with some it does).

For me, it was one of the last things to improve, but like kgg, I tolerated the lack of sleep much better throughout the process. Gradually, I began to sleep more deeply and for more hours at a time, and eventually, a normal sleep pattern returned.

Also remember that mHBOT increases metabolism, etc., which may be stimulating for some(especially at first), so the suggestion to try diving earlier in the day is a good one.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you kgg and phoiph. I'll look into l theanine. And phoiph, thank you for your explanation on sleep. It makes sense that all those things need lined up. It will come.....

I dove early this morning, so we will see if mornings work better. I bet it will at least help.

I have definitely had more energy since starting mhbot, so maybe it is more of a stimulant for me.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, I had more energy too. It was kind of weird. Because my brain felt more awake but my body was fatigued. I would be able to do something, like the dishes and have to sit down. But then 10 minutes later I was up doing something else. Then I would have to sit down. And so my day would go. I really knew I was making progress when I was up doing the supper dishes at 6PM. That was normally my got-to-go-lie-down-before-I-fall-down time. Who knew being happy about being able to do wash dishes was something that would happen?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Oh kgg, I feel like that could be MY post. [Smile] Here's to more energy and health!!!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Glad you are getting some energy Kgg! [woohoo]

That's a Woohoo moment!

Hw88 hope all is continuing to go well. [Smile]

So I've got a question...
I'm trying to figure out the best time to dive. I dove last night after walking about 4 miles(no other time to work out right now than at night) and I definitely herxed more after but I was in bed so it wasn't so bad. I feel like I tend to want to sleep when I dive and or read so I thought it might be a good pre bed activity-to wind down. I also get the fatigue you are talking about Kgg and Hw88. Thus, it's led me to thinking that using that to my advantage sleep wise. I really need to do more sleep inducing things at night it seems. If not, I have a tendency to be a night owl. It really comes down to me working full time, seeing clients at night and having to fit my treatment and dives in as well as get to the grocery, cook, detox and the like. I'm not complaining, just looking for suggestions!

I'm up to 90 min plus compress and decompress and I'd love any suggestions for best time of day to dive. Does anyone dive at night? Thanks all!

[group hug]
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
KGG, will you let's us know when you call Marie at Newtowne and discuss your zipper issue and her suggestions.

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Jcarlnew, thank you for the prodding to call Marie at Newtowne. This time of year when the sun finally shines, I am usually out gardening/weeding. And the days get away from me. I just called Marie. She suggested using the end of a paint stirrer stick. Which was a better idea than my husband's dowel idea. And I believe I have an unused one in my paint supplies. So I will be trying it tomorrow.

Willbeatthis, since you tried it in the evening last night, did it interrupt your sleep? Or your ability to fall asleep? That is what happens to me. It wakes my brain up and I cannot initiate sleep. (Which is different than my typical insomnia of waking at 3 and not being able to get back to sleep).

As far as exercising and diving back to back. I mentioned to Phioph in an email once that my son was working out and then getting into the chamber. She recommended to put some time between the two activities. I am going to copy and paste so I quote her accurately:

"This is not a hill I would choose to die on, but if there is any room for suggestion, I would say it would be best if he alternates his exercise with the chamber. In other words, space it apart from each other (by alternate days if possible), not do a session right after exercising. In theory, there is an oxygen demand and free radicals created by exercise...and if the chamber is done right after, it may be that the effect goes toward that demand (which is fine, but we want it to go to supplemental healing). mHBOT is also a little like exercise in the way that it increases better to space it apart from other exercise. Same with taking antioxidants."

I don't know if that information helps you decide easier when to dive or more difficult. I am not a night owl. Just the opposite. I am a morning person. So I would say, as long as you could fall asleep after diving, it might be that night time is the time for you to dive.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
willbeatthis, I did mhbot for a good year before bedtime. I too felt it was relaxing and a good way to fit it into my day. I even worked it up to two hours before bedtime and I slept fine!

Wishing you success!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Kgg and Foxy lady! Thank you so much for the expert feedback. I really appreciate it.

I am a little pressed for time in my schedule these days so I may have to just accept that I fit diving in when I can whether it be at night, sometime after exercise or during the day when time permits prior to exercise.

I have become very hungry after doing mhbot and it is harder for some reason (not really surprising) to lose a little weight so I am trying to exercise once a day or close to it - mostly gentle stuff- walking and/or elliptical but I have to do that only briefly as I overused the elliptical prior to mhbot and have some knee damage that seems to be getting better. I am part of a weight loss group and goodness, lets hope I can reach my goal.

My nails are growing like crazy and I have never had them be this strong (they used to always break no matter what). The only thing I can think of is the mhbot. I am not doing anything differently other than eating a little more because I'm pretty hungry. I know that seems like a small thing my nails but it is really something to see. I cannot trim them quick enough and they are hard as ever. To me, this means mhbot is doing some great things for me.

Thanks KGG on the feedback from Phoiph and yes, I do try to space them even by an hour or so (or longer if can) and I tend to now have a real go with the flow and I just have to get the mhbot in right now. I am not always this busy.

Foxy, how is your friend doing with her ears and diving? I hope you are continuing to improve.

KGG, the paint stick idea sounds like a good one. I am crossing my fingers you can get this solved.

So far so good, I am still at the 90 minute mark. I am into my 4th month-- more recently the 90 minutes. The foot pain seems to have gone for the most part but my knees are still reactive and herxing which is good. I need to get the lyme out of there.

Weirdly I have been having ice pick like quick pain in my head every now and a again and pain in my teeth. I am so pleased with mhbot.

Thank you all for your encouragement and support... it means the world.

Keeping on Keeping on.... HUGS EVERYONE and thanks for being there for me! [Smile]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeatthis, ice pick headaches says Bartonella to me. I too have had to cut my nails more frequently lately. But they are not much stronger at this point. If that is going to happen, I would be a happy girl. I am not one to paint my nails. I am not foo foo. But to have them split or break is a pain.

You do not mess around! Fourth month of diving and on to 90 minutes! You go girl!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Just for the record, daily 90 minute sessions (as opposed to 60) still concerns me:

More is Better: The Recurrent Illusion of Higher Pressure HBOT in Chronic Brain Injury, by Dr. Paul Harch:
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, KGG! Glad to hear your nails are growing too. I am not a painter either as I am in too much water for that... dishes etc.

Foo foo! Ha! Sound like you are not much of a purse dog kind of person either [Wink] the poor dogs!

Thank you for this post, Phoiph. Seems I should back down and see where I am at. I can always go back up. Thanks for always being there...
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Quick question, does anyone know how the doc, LymeMd's patients have done. I think he has recommended longer times.

I am just curious as honestly, the longer times have seemed to help with some unrelenting knee progression and foot pain of late. It was like when I was getting ready to get out is when I could really feel it beginning to work in those areas. Anyone else have this same experience.

I sure don't want to do something that is toxic to me. Thanks again Phoiph.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Different people have different tolerances, and the same person can have different tolerances at different times.

There is a balance that must be struck between beneficial oxidative production/therapy, and the body's ability to produce natural antioxidants. The tipping point toward oxidative stress is likely not the same for everyone, but if someone is very ill, the tipping point could be at a lower threshold.

So, although 90 minutes may be working for certain individuals, my concern is that 90 minutes could become misinterpreted as an across the board "standard" protocol (especially those new to the thread), and as the article mentions, this could be detrimental to some.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
One of his (LymeMD) posts on FB. But not very often. I think she is on here too, but I don't remember her user name. Hopefully, she will see your question and answer.

Thanks Phioph for the explanation.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I am a patient of LymeMD... He told me that he sees better results in his patients at longer times. He told me to do the two hours.

Quite honestly, I am not sure a saw much of a difference. But then again, hyperbaric hasn't done much for me that I can directly tell.

I am sure Phoiph is correct in the fact that what may be ones "sweet time" may be different and that if you are seeing improvement at two hours it may be what you need.

I seem to be continuing to improve since stopping the hyperbaric!!!!!!!!!?????? I am scared to even say that because... well.. you all know how it is!

I have become "seizure" free at night, and don't get the strange sensations of "oh no, am I gonna pull through this!" odd head sensations?"

My Dr. keeps thinking that maybe I could go back on hyperbaric if I can get the babesia symptoms under control.

Truth be told, I am a little scared of it now.

Sometimes, I wonder if the oxygen is just too stimulating for me? I know too much oxygen can bring on seizures.... Phoiph if you have a comment on this I am all ears!

Willbeatthis, I love to read your posts! You seem like such a nice, positive person! [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi foxyloxy~

I am so glad to hear you are improving!

Yes, IMO, 2 hours daily was likely way too high of a dose, especially with all of your head/neuro symptoms. I'm not surprised you've improved with a break, and I can understand why you'd be apprehensive about starting again! That is exactly why I am concerned about people doing such long daily sessions. I am well, and I would never do 2 hours daily.

The article on this subject (posted above) was written by Dr. Paul Harch, who has been researching and treating with mHBOT for decades. He talks about oxygen as a drug, and the implications of the cumulative effects of over doing it, especially with neurological conditions.

I also realize you did not feel you made significant progress when doing mHBOT less than 2 hours daily. If I recall correctly, you were doing a variety of other protocols simultaneously, so, in all fairness, it is really difficult to know what, if anything, could have been interfering or impeding progress with mHBOT.

My impression is that many of Dr. J's patients are also doing other intensive therapies in combination with again, it is difficult to know what is actually helping them when so many factors are involved.

The difference is, I see mHBOT as a main therapy that works best with minimal interference...but maximum focus on scrupulous diet and gentle movement/exercise. This is how I used it, and how I've personally seen the best results in others. If someone is already on antibiotics or other therapies, it seems they start to see more progress once they become more stable from mHBOT and able to simplify their protocols.

Others may see mHBOT as an ancillary, supportive therapy to their main treatment (e.g., antibiotics, etc.) only. IMO, this is a completely different way of using mHBOT, so results (and interpretation) may vary greatly between the two philosophies.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Thanks Phoiph! [Smile]

Boy, I wish and hope there will be a day when all I have to do is dive to keep symptoms away!

That would be WONDERFUL! I like diving and it would be such a simple fix...

I am not sure I am brave enough to quit all my meds and rely only on hyperbaric... yet...

My symptoms are very scary. I have lived through extremely frightening head sensations... and so I cling mightily onto whatever my Almighty Dr. says!!!!

He has been a lifeline in this whirlpool of madness! (God bless him hundredfold)

He thinks the mHBOT helps the medicine get to where it needs to go. I think that is why most of his patients are doing both abx and mHBOT.

He did tell me once that he though mHBOT powerful enough to keep lyme away. I thought that a powerful statement!

ahhhhh!! so hard to know what to do! But since I seem to be possibly improving (is that tentative enough?) I had better stick with this a while!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I totally agree...I think you should do what you and your doctor think best...and I am very happy you are making progress.

I am not in any way trying to go against his advice or trying to influence you in any way...just offering another perspective for the sake of discussion.

Keep us posted on your progress!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thank you, Kgg, Foxy and Phoiph!
It truly is something how powerful mhbot is.

In the last couple of days I've had true bone pain right underneath my knee. Reminds me a bit of the foot pain but my guess is - if these bugs communicate- they are saying Whoa Nellie! Or for all you folks that watched Sanford and Sons- I'm Coming Elizabeth! And I'm saying Dynomite- like JJ from What's Happening!

All you can do is laugh! Bless! Hugs all!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeatthis, you certainly sound like you are hitting the critters. My right knee has been talking to me in the last few weeks. Thankfully, it is not stopping to me, just talking. ;-)
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Kgg! I am glad your knee is just talking- not stopping you! Were you able to get the painters stick to help you get zipped up? Seems like your doing great with your new chamber! Thanks for your encouragement always!

Hope everyone else is doing well too! Hw88 how are you doing?

Happy Saturday! Go Team O2! Hugs!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Kgg! I am glad your knee is just talking- not stopping you! Were you able to get the painters stick to help you get zipped up? Seems like your doing great with your new chamber! Thanks for your encouragement always!

Hope everyone else is doing well too! Hw88 how are you doing?

Happy Saturday! Go Team O2! Hugs!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Yes, thank you for reminding me to post about the paint stick. (I will know I am totally healed when I actually have a mind to focus and short term memory). I have used the paint stick twice now. And both times it worked like a charm. I have my husband check just to make sure. One more time and he will be relieved of zipper duty. =)
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
willbeatthis, I'm doing pretty good. My sleep is starting to calm down a bit for now. (it's still really unpredictable, but it's not as bad as last week?) I'm working my time up. Taking it kind of slow, but getting there.

I do feel it is helping. Hoping to wean off other meds after I'm up to speed.

I am also Dr. J's patient. He is excited that I am doing mHBOT and really believes in it. He told me everyone has a different 'sweet spot' in regards to time.

Like Foxy, my head issues are the worst for me. Hoping they improve with mhbot.

So far I'm hopeful... It is definitely a 2 step forward, one back. I just have to remind myself that during the step back.

I do love reading this thread.

Thank you for asking about me! Hope everyone else is doing well this Saturday! [Smile]
Posted by TF (Member # 14183) on :
Hi, HW88. I saw this post of yours and wanted to tell you how happy it makes me that you are doing pretty good!!!

Pretty good is great when you are treating lyme.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on : really is. I have a wats still to go, but I look back a year and I'm suppose to barely Making it minute by minute.

I thank God every night I found this support group and loving people to walk beside me.... you are a big part of that...

Moving forward feels good.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Hw88 and TF! Hw88 this is great to hear! Yes, TF is a true angel!

Thanks also for the info about finding your sweet spot with time. I really appreciate it! I'm thrilled Dr.J is excited for you to be doing this! He's given a lot to our community! Keep up the great progress [Smile]
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Question for everyone. I've had yeast athletes foot on some of my toes on my right foot for years. Itches like crazy.

Since starting mhbot, it has spread to the other foot! I know it is the mhbot, as this issue hasn't changed with other stuff in 10 years.

I wear socks in the chamber so it isn't something simple like my feet touching in the chamber. My feet have touched each other much more in bed, etc.

Then I started researching and found many people saying mhbot exacerbated their yeast issues. Most still felt the benefits outweighed this, but I still think this was an interesting thing to uncover during my research!

Can anyone comment if they've had yeast flare ups?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I have not had a flare up. But I remember when I was reading a lot of Amy Yasko years ago that she said it would flare yeast. I asked Phioph about this when I first started, but I don't recall her answer. But I don't believe it was a concern.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Brian- An old poster here Oxygen Babe said it did. I would say that yes, I've had to be more diligent like no sugar whatsoever (even pumpkin puree in smoothies a no go right now).

Sorry to hear about your athletes foot. I imagine candida protocols may help. I like Candex and SF722 Thorne as well as capryllic acid and saccromyces bouladari. That's my regimen and no real carbs other than green veggies.

Kgg- when you say your knees talk can you describe? Thank you!!

Hang in there Bryan!

HW88 -hope all is well!!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeatthis, I feel pain in my right knee going down stairs. It is more apparent then than other times. It is not a new symptom, but more recently started up again. Unfortunately, we are in a two level house, so I am climbing stairs a lot.
Posted by Monti (Member # 45718) on :
Kgg are you eating a non inflammatory diet? I know when I start to slack on my diet pain in my knee quickly returns.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
How do people recommend staying away from carbs and fruit, when also working out and exercising?
Posted by TF (Member # 14183) on :
To Bryan:

Eat just meat and non-starchy vegetables. You can also eat eggs, seeds, and nuts. Drink kefir daily.

That is how I had to eat the entire time I was treating lyme disease. And, I was doing 1 continuous hour of weightlifting every other day as required by the Burrascano Guidelines.

Did you see jory's post about how to get rid of candida on the skin?

"Brussels, for your chronic candida try using 3g of no-flush niacin (niacinamide or nicotinamide) once a day every day. It does wonders for me and entirely cleared up my GI candida and a horrible yeast skin overgrowth.";f=1;t=133921;p=0#000024

In this thread, jory gives a medical research reference for this remedy:

Evidently about 90% of it will be gone in a week.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Back to the rescue TF. Thank you as always for looking out for us all.

Bryan, I hear you... that's why I had the pumpkin in there(my smoothies) generally before a workout. Now I just eat copious amounts of non starchy veggies. I did try some rutabega tonight as it is supposed to be antifungal and okay for candida. So far so good. I didn't have that much though. Workout went well.

TFs recommendations for folks that can do nuts and dairy would be a great way to go. I cannot do dairy, gluten, eggs or nuts really - so that is why I do AIP(Paleo autoimmune). I'd be on the floor without my protein and copious amounts of veggies. I do consume a good bit of bone broth too and I cook my veggies with it- chicken bone broth- makes frozen organic cauliflower into a mashed potato like dish. I really need flavor or my diet gets very real very fast. [Eek!]

TF- you rock! Bryan, I hope these Jory suggestions and TF suggestions get you feeling much better soon. I'm gonna try her suggestion myself tomorrow with the niacinamide.

Kgg- Yep, I know what you mean! Both of mine are talking, feel tight across the top and really come to life in the chamber- they burn too then. Interestingly my anti inflams don't help much with this. I'd say it's got to be a mass killing. It's about time.

So interesting the phases you go through. O2 is powerful!

Thanks for being the best support a girl could ask for!

Thanks Team O2! [group hug]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Have you tried soaking and oven drying nuts? It removes the substances that make them hard on the gut and difficult to digest. Even at my most ill, when I was down to 5-6 foods for years, I could eat nuts prepared this way.

Here is an easy how-to article/video. You can also make nut milks and nut butters with nuts prepared this way:

Raw Nuts Done Right: A video on healthy preparation of nuts and nut butters for best digestion and nutrition:
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Phoiph! I really appreciate this!!

I have a question for all:

Do others feel a slight vibration (though it is definitely there) in their body (mine lasts a couple hours) - I equate it to if you think of water molecules moving to get hot -- I have been feeling this vibration particularly in my legs after diving. I am sure it is all good but I just wondered if I was the only one. Just wanted to ask!

Thanks for all team, YOU ROCK! Amy
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
willbeatthis.....the vibrations left leg and used to happen up my spine,however,now they just occur in the leg...a quiver sensation,it has subdued over the last 3-4 months.

When this all started I even had "zaps" in my head and they also settled (were the worst).

Hope this helped)
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Willbeatthis, yes, I get that sensation too. I get it during flares and sometimes in response to supplements. Recently B vitamins had it "vibrating" out of control. It is often in my spine or legs and feels like an insect fluttering. At times magnesium has helped.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Reminder and Jolley. I am glad it is normal. I am curious as to why this would be so. I definitely feel it is a flare. Does anybody know what coinfection or what have you might cause this. I suspect Bartonella with the pain mainly in my legs and the burning too. Wowser.

Getting ready to get in my chamber to wind down and go to bed. You all are the best.

BTW - the rutebega- well, I think you must have to have a pretty tough stomach. I could not digest it hardly at all even well cooked.

No sleep for me last night due to that experiment.

Hugs all for the support. It means a lot!! Really! [group hug]

And, Phioph, YOU are still my HERO! HUGS!!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thank you, Monti for the reminder to look at my diet. I am on a low FODMAP diet for IBS symptoms. I am slowly adding foods back in as I tolerate them. In addition I am diary free and gluten free. It is heavy in night shades. Perhaps that is causing the return of my knee pain.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
My wife has experienced some rapid heartbeat after MBOT. I found this article.
I am inclined to believe it is long duration hard shell but it is scary for her. Any thoughts?

[ 05-25-2017, 11:46 PM: Message edited by: jcarlnew ]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Jcarlnew, is she on any meds that have the side effect of a prolonged Q-T interval? For example zithromax or sometimes asthma meds.

I agree since it was written in 1984 I would assume it was a commercial deep dive it is referring to or actually diving. Since it is cited as Undersea Biomed Res.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a link to the full article. Does anyone have access?

As mentioned, we would need to know more details about the type of 02 mixture breathed, depth, time etc.

Is she taking a good liquid magnesium and mineral supplement?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Jcarlnew, the study you referenced suggests a lowering of heart rate and they say "prolonged" dives so it probably doesn't apply to an increased HR.

Does your wife have claustrophobia? Could it be mild anxiety? There are many possibilities.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Sorry, I do not have full access.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
She does take magnesium and may need to add COQ10. I think she was no longer anxious until this began. I have a real good holistic cardiologist that we can discuss this with

[ 05-27-2017, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: jcarlnew ]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Jcarl- I'm so sorry to hear this. I am glad you've got a good cardiologist to see. We will all be thinking of you all!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Happy Memorial Day!

Jcarl: I sure hope your wife is doing better.

How is everyone else?

Hw88 and KGG?

Thanks again Reminder and Jolly.... How are you all?

Digby, are you still making improvements?

When did the fatigue part end for you if you don't mind me asking?

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Willbeatthis, the fatigue, what I use to call "atomic fatigue" didn't even begin to get better until I completed a year of diving. I still have to take time every day to meditate or I have an afternoon crash but I recover after a night's sleep instead of weeks of suffering.

It's hard to tell if I'm still making improvements but then I never really could tell other than in retrospect. Ask me again in 2 months and I'll tell you if I'm better than I am now.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
willbeatthis, thanks for asking. Actually right now I am really struggling, BUT... 2 steps forward, 1 leap back, right?

I built up my time and oxygen in the chamber. About 3 days after completely building up, my CRAZY insomnia took over again. The last few nights I've only had a few hours of sleep.

It is CRAZY!!! I actually think I would feel pretty good if it weren't for that, but my head is going crazy with pressure (feels like I only had 2 hrs of sleep.. blah), my quads go really weak when I don't get sleep. Anxiety shoots and I'm super shaky today.

It all points to Bart for me I think. SO, good news, mhbot is working because I'm herxing like crazy right now.

I think it's targeting my brain pretty darn good, which is awesome and hard at the same time.

I see my sleep dr. tomorrow, but honestly, when I get like this even heavy sleep drugs don't touch it. It is CRAZY!!!!

I'm going to back off the oxygen mask and just do the chamber for a while and see if it will calm down. THEN slowly add back in the oxygen.

I've been diving for a month now, so I feel like I built up pretty slowly, but I've always been VERY sensitive to new drugs and have always had to go slowly or half dose.

Oh how I wish I could sleep.....

hanging in here.... looking for the 2 steps forward. [Smile]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
oh and my shins are achey.... I really do think this is a crazy Bart herx or flare... hoping some good is happening somewhere in this craziness.

I was having some pretty good days. I'll get back there... hopefully even better.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, I am sorry things are hard right now. Not sleeping makes everything harder!! It sounds miserable. I took 3 months to ramp up. I know that is incredibly slow. But it was at a pace that I could tolerate. I am glad you are backing off on the oxygen mask. I was going to suggest a day or two off and see how you feel. I still do that occasionally and I am about 18 months into it now.

Hope the sleep doc can be of help. Hang in there!!

{{{Gentle hugs}}}
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks Karen. I thought a month was a pretty long time to ramp up, but I probably did it too fast for me.

How are you feeling these days being 18 mo. in? Mostly functional. I think I remember you had a surgery recently, right?

ugg, just looking for a bit of hope.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

It occurred to me that I just passed the 5 year Lyme-free mark...thanks to mHBOT.

I hope that gives you encouragement and something to look forward to. The best is yet to come...
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I love that line- the best is yet to come....

HW88, I am doing well. Mostly functional. Not able to work. I was better last summer before my appendix decided to be a problem. Lately, I am better every day. Thanks for asking!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Oh thank you my friends!!! The best is yet to come.

Thanks for the hope tonight... Let's all pray I sleep! HA HA.

I think I'm going to put a giant sized post it note in my room that says the best is yet to come!!

I can do it!
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Hang in there HW88; sorry it's tough right now.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Congratulations Phoiph! And Thank You for your encouragement and guidance.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks, Digby!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Yes, Congratulations, Phoiph! What an incredible milestone! Like Digby and everyone else- I am so grateful for your guidance and encouragement!

HW- Hang in there! The first month can be tough! Yes, there is a pony in here somewhere!

Kgg-Glad you're having good days and Digby-thanks as always for sharing your experience! I will ask- you know it!

[woohoo] Five Years Free! Phoiph... Thank you! You INSPIRE us all!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Many thanks, willbeatthis!
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Yay Phoiph, that is fantastic! Happy for you.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Much appreciation, Jolley... :)

Keep your eye on the prize, is very good on the "other side".

As willbeatthis said...there really is a pony in there...:)

Never, never give in or give up!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thank you for the encouragement Phoiph! You're a gift to us all! [group hug]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Phioph, the thing I appreciate most about your 5 year mark is that you are still advocating for mHBO. You haven't left us in the dust with living a healthy life, too busy to be bothered. For that I will be eternally grateful.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Awww...willbeatthis and kgg, thank you...

I am so grateful to be well and to see other people benefiting.

As I have said many times, it makes my journey through hell seem like it had a purpose...
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Yeah for everyones uplifting words. Yeah for phoiph.

I'm doing better than the beginning of the week. I dropped the oxygen mask and seem to do better. I will gradually add that back in.

I guess I just went too fast.

I'm hopeful though. Thank you for providing hope on the days I need it most!

Hope everyone has a good week this week!
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
After a long hiatus due to a window blowing in my chamber, we finally scrapped together the funds and had our chamber fixed by Oxyhealth and I am back on line.

I'm currently at 30 minutes with oxygen mask and will go to 45 minutes tomorrow. I have two questions for the group.

My predominant systems are chronic low grade pain in my joints, connective tissue, and muscles as well as abdominal pain that flares. My LLMD believes that my symptoms mimic Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Does anyone know if mHBOT will help that condition?

From the article Phoiph posted, More is Better: The Recurrent Illusion Of Higher Pressure HBOT in Chronic Brain Injury, the author stated near the top of page 2 that "large chunks of treatment beyond 80 treatments are toxic as I and others have demonstrated". Would people care to comment?

I know he is talking about treatment pressures at 1.7 and treating 2x a week for 7 days but the above statement seems to be talking about HBOT treatment in general.

He also stated on the bottom of page 1 that "besides toxicity there is a metabolic fatigue that occurs reproducibly". Is it possible that Foxy Lady may have experienced this issue as opposed to the oxygen feeding babesia?

I look forward to posting progress and that pony
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Soccermama- Glad you are getting back to treating, that is wonderful. I know being without a chamber would be hard!

I don't have any answers here to your questions but I do have a question for the group.

Have you all experienced burning pain behind the knee caps when diving and afterwards (I would say achy as well- this has made working out somewhat difficult and I am currently going low impact and slow)? I have a feeling it is die off but I am trying to decipher if it is my overuse injury (I was doing the elliptical pretty hard at one point) but what is interesting as it seems to get worse when diving which makes me think die off? Did you find this got better over time? Theoretically you would think with the anti inflam properties of mhbot it would work to heal my knee injuries-thus, I feel led again to die off?

Any thoughts... would be GREATLY appreciated. Trying to determine if I need to go back to the PT guy and that cost real money and time. Thanks...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome back, soccermama!

I had all the symptoms of MCAS when I was ill, although at that time there was no label for it.

Since MCAS is an immune driven syndrome and mHBOT modulates the immune response, IMO it will be very beneficial.

About the article...
This was also my concern with foxy (which I mentioned in my post to her), especially when she was doing other treatments combined.

Different people have different tolerances to oxygen and mHBOT, just like they do to any drug.

Yes, Dr. Harch was referring to the dangers of treating neurological conditions with frequent treatments, at higher pressures with 100% medical-grade 02.

Even so, there are still individual tolerances and sensitivities that should be taken into consideration even at the mild pressures and lesser 02 percentages that we use, especially if someone is doing longer sessions, more that one session per day or taking in a lot of medications, etc.

Metabolic stress can happen when the free radicals (which are necessary to disarm pathogens, etc.) created are greater than what our natural antioxidants production (promoted by mHBOT) can handle. This can contribute to metabolic fatigue (among other things), causing the energy of the cells to be used up faster than the body can replace it.

Just like anything else, there can be too much of a good thing. Balance is the key.

Regarding large chunks of sessions (over 80) without break possibly being toxic...with high pressures and 100% 02, I believe that would be true. Also, with mild pressures using 02 more than once a day for an extended period, I believe could be too much for certain individuals. The truth is, we really don't know all the answers.

Personally, I have done over 1700 sessions (1 hour, mild pressure with 02), but after 2-1/2 years dropped down from 1 session daily, to 1 session 3-4 times per week. I intuitively knew it was time to reduce my sessions. I feel every day would be too much for me now, but I absolutely needed the daily treatments when I was very ill.

Again, this is an individual thing, and IMO this is why it is safest to go "low and slow", and monitor your reactions.

There are still many questions where mHBOT is concerned, but overall, especially when compared to other therapies, it is very safe when not overdone.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I experienced a "revisitation" of pain, etc. in many areas of previous injury when healing with mHBOT.

I even had old scars resurface, then disappear.

It is part of the "peeling of the onion". Fortunately, the revisitation usually is shorter and of less intensity than the original injury.

The pressurization and depressurization of the chamber may also be contributing to the achiness (think of bones aching when a low pressure storm is coming).

I would definitely rest your knees and do low impact while going through this phase. Also, stretching is very important (are you doing Yoga)?

Also...if you do go to the PT, I would ask about a possible muscle imbalance in your quads. At one time (pre-Lyme), I had pain under my knee caps, and found (from running), I had built up one side of muscles more than the other, causing my knee caps to be pulled to one side and become inflamed. I did some specific leg exercises to strengthen, stretch, and balance the muscles, and have not had issues since.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Bless you, Phoiph! I really appreciate the support.

Does the achiness subside with pressurization \depressurization over time. That makes perfect sense to me.

Yes, I'm resting them for sure and will look into local yoga. I stayed away with my low back but that seems better and yoga would be the speed I think my body needs right now. I am stretching. You can bet if I go to the PT I will ask about the muscle imbalance. I have a feeling that could be happening. I will call tomorrow to get an appt. Given that I will likely need to rehab with the yoga. Thanks for an amazing plan as always! You are the BEST! Hugs! [bow]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Yes, in my experience, it does subside over time...unless, of course, you are continually overworking an injured area.

I have always thought we need to be cautious in attributing everything to a "herx", when we could be overlooking the fact that it could be something from the past that our body is now trying to heal.

I like yoga for many reasons, one of which it uses the body's wisdom to reach places that need the healing...and that you only do what your body is asking for in that moment; never more.

With a good instructor, there are always compensatory positions (and use of props) for injuries and issues (like lower back). I would look for a restorative-type class that does a lot of stretching and balance to begin with.

Keep us posted!
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
What does metabolic fatigue look like?
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thank you, Phoiph, again! This is super helpful. I will reach out to some local yoga places tomorrow for a restorative class. I think going easy is what my body needs right now.

I will keep you all posted and again... thank you!

Jolley, I Am not sure... maybe someone else will know...

Hugs, Team! Thanks for all the GREAT support [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Jolley:
What does metabolic fatigue look like?

Possibly like "chronic fatigue" symptoms, from what I can gather.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I will say in response to the "metabolic fatigue" I didn't feel at all that the chamber in any way made that worse.

I don't think I would worry about that so much.

Energy, has never been too bad! (thank God) My symptoms really do seem to point to Babesia.

Now the million dollar question is... did the chamber antagonize this infection?

I still don't know, but I do know, it wasn't helping in any way that I could feel.

I didn't feel different at an hour. (which is mostly what I did that year.) And I didn't feel better at two hours. (which I did the last few months.)

I really did like the chamber and am still quite stumped as to why it didn't help or poss. even made things worse! :/

I am not writing to be antagonistic or discouraging! I think everyone should try the hyperbaric and am SURE it can be quite useful and helpful.

I am only writing in case someone else has my same symptoms and can be helped by my experience with it.

I still may try it again in the future, if I can get the Babs symptoms under control! (although I must confess I am a bit scared of it.)
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks, foxy...your input is very valuable!

(Also...please know the following is not at all directed at you personally, it just prompted me to bring up a few points I've been wanting to mention...)

IMO, there is big a difference between "flaring" and "feeding" an infection/condition.

I don't doubt that mHBOT might "flare" a condition (such as Babesia). A flare refers to symptoms related to an immune response to an infection, etc.

(For example, you might have a fever flare when fighting the flu which will cause you to feel worse.)

I personally don't agree (and have never seen any evidence) that mHBOT "feeds" conditions (like Babesia or yeast). As Dr. J has mentioned, in the body, oxygen doesn't work like "fertilizer" to feed or grow Babesia.

That said, it will strengthen the immune system to react more strongly against a pathogen, and the symptoms may flare while that pathogen is being fought by the immune system.

Curiously, if someone is taking antimicrobials and experience an increase of symptoms, they will call this a flare, or a "herx", and interpret it as a good thing. With mHBOT, however, it somehow is construed to be "feeding" the pathogen.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
You make some good points here Phoiph. Quite frankly on the yeast front, if you really clean up your diet, I don't think it would be an issue.

We all know that for the lyme and cos to lose their foothold, the immune system has to recover the upper hand. I think my babesia is acting up a little but I expect this.

My bart sure has. I think it is smart to be in tune with your body and try other means of support if you can't turn a corner. Much like Foxy lady has done.

As you know I still rife and use the Zhang protocol so I'm not sure there is another angle I could come from and I'm getting ready to experiment again on tapering down rife wise. I am getting close to my 5 month mark- woohoo- and I think very much that mhbot and oxygen is a drug so to not expect herxes and or what some term as feeding an organism is mistaken in my view. Not unlike any other therapy with lyme you have to adjust for your body's response.

I can say that there is no doubt to me mhbot goes deeper than any other medium I've used including IM Bicillin, rife and photons. I am very grateful to Phoiph and the others that share their very valuable experience here.

As we all know treating lyme and cos and having them exact a certain level of fear and folks like Phoiph that stay grounded in science and personal experience are beacons in the night when on this road we experience times of darkness and uncertainty.

At times it is easy to lose hope. I have come to the place of finally understanding that true love and a lot of research indeed casts out fear.

Trusting your body and your experience(through whatever means makes sense to you for healing) to guide you as well as your doctor to me is key. At some level we must save ourselves. Hopefully all that we learn in the process benefits another... like it has here.

Bless you Phoiph and Team O2 for sharing your journeys and being light for me and so many! [group hug]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Just an i.e. I've been hypothyroid for a really long time and on a fairly significant dose of nature thyroid;however, I still present as very hypothyroid. I have done my homework of late- still have a lot more to learn. However, I just discovered adding natural iodine to my regimen with selenium is a game changer for me. None of my docs figured this. The information on iodine alone and breast cancer is enough to make one want to know more. I'm so thankful to be sweating again and feeling like a truck hasn't hit me. I'm no expert but gosh, I'm so glad I read up!

If you have autoimmune thyroid issues, you need to be careful and in all cases talk to your doctor! [Smile]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Team! Anyone got an update? Hw88- you're our newest...

Jolley! Soccermama, KGG, Digby?

Hope all are doing well! Hugs!
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Well, I have worked up to a full hour with the oxygen mask. It has been different for me this go around. It is much more fatiguing but stimulating in the sense that if I use the chamber at night, I have difficulty sleeping. Similar to how I feel if I would consume caffeine before bed.

I am having an increase in body pain,fatigue,flu-like symptoms, headaches from neck pain, and morning abdominal pain.

I just remind myself that my body is adjusting. Any time I change something with my body I have a flare.

I need to get better at keeping track and journaling so I can remember the improvements. You get so used to symptoms that they become "a part of you" and its in keeping track that you can see patterns and the fading of symptoms.

I'll keep you updated. So grateful for the forum.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I've loved catching up on this thread. It's been a few days since I've been on because I've been doing things... Isn't that nice to say!

I dropped my oxygen back to about 20 minutes, but am doing the chamber for about 55 minutes each day. Slowly adding back in the oxy.

I've had 2 people tell me in the past week that I'm looking better than I have in a very long time. I also feel that.

I know this is a 2 step forward 1 leap back game, but I'm so so happy for the 2 steps forward and for the feeling of progression.

I am journaling, so that when the 1 leap back comes, I will be o.k. and know 2 steps forward are coming!

The best is yet to come!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks for the updates Hw88 and soccermomma! It sounds like your both making progress! That is always good [Smile]

Hw88- that's awesome that you've been able to get things done you're looking more well! Hooray!

Do you mean 20 minutes with the mask and the rest of the time with the mask off I assume but oxygen streaming?

I'm moving along! Hoping my knees will feel better soon. Also experimenting with iodine. That is a bit of a road but we will see! Hugs all!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
willbeatthis, Keep in mind it is possible to get too much iodine as it is stored in the body. It is best to test for it. As I recall, there is a urine test for iodine that is pretty accurate.

The selenium helps convert T4 to T3 as well as other benefits against cancer. Once again, you can get too much so if you are on a high dose, limit the time you are on it and go to a maintenance dose. I personally use 2 - 3 Brazil nuts a day for my selenium dose.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
willbeatthis, Yes, 20 minutes with the mask on the rest of the time mask is off and streaming.

I'm goin to be cutting the dose of my klonopin, so I'm afraid I'm in for a couple of bad weeks due to withdrawal, but overall, I'm moving in the right direction and REALLY so grateful for the recent good days.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I was also on klonopin.

My thought is it would be worth seriously considering waiting until you are further along and more stable with your mHBOT before tapering it.

Getting off of klonipin can be seriously traumatic and stressful on one's body/mind for many reasons. My concern is that it might throw you into a spin just when you are starting to improve. It also has to be done extremely carefully (see Ashton Manual).

I understand why you'd want to get off of it (and definitely should at some point)...but how important is it that you withdraw right now?
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
I take Estazolam for sleep every night (waiting to try and stop anti anxiety meds) and it works....our bodies need to stay calm,vital while trying to heal.

As usual great advice from Phoiph
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Digby. I'm experimenting with 6.25 mgs right now. Good idea on the Brazil nuts. I'll do that as well.

The urine iodine test is with 50 mgs of iodine and honestly I am scared to attempt that(I can feel 6.25- a little jazzed up until it settles). What would be your recommendation? I am currently not sweating though iodine has helped that and other various hypothyroid symptoms-basal temp 96.1 recently- I'm on nature thyroid 195 a day (3 grains I think). Any suggestion would be appreciated! Thanks all!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
With a basal temp that low, I'm surprised your doctor hasn't raised your thyroid dose. And yes the 50 mg of Iodoral can cause pretty intense anxiety. I would think 6.25 mg is low enough to be safe.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Well, Digby, it's partly my fault because I haven't told her. I'll make the appointment tomorrow. I didn't realize until I read about taking my basal temp being a good indicator of thyroid treatment success. I would say in the last month it's come to a head in that I can't shrug off the symptoms any more. Dr H and all my docs felt like at 195 of nature thyroid and a suppressed TSH that they haven't known what to do. They even tested me for bone loss in my urine repeatedly and there has been none. Okay, time to deal. Thanks, Digby. I really needed the push. I'll call tomorrow and see if I can go in with a list of tests to ask for. She's really pretty open so at least I know how to read my labs etc. Perhaps we will be able to help each other.

In terms of doing 50 mgs of iodine, I'm truly concerned. Good to know the 6.25 should be safe. Quite frankly I don't think I could handle 50 just with my reaction to 6.25. I think I'll stay at this low dose and see if it helps any. I have been warmer and I'm sweating a bit. Big improvement.

Thanks again, Digby! This team rocks! [group hug]
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Willbeatthis: Just wanted to pass along some information my daughter gave me yesterday. I've looked at her blog before but haven't investigated it. She is a pharmacist who was diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroid at 27. She's got amazing information and has written two books.

Given your current symptoms and problems with the thyroid, she might have helpful advice on how to attack the problems.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thank you Soccermomma! I go to the doc Monday and will be reading up furiously prior. Honestly, I've been eating a boatload of cauliflower that I rice- and this too could be part of the problem.
Thank you again for thinking of me. Look forward to reading up! [Smile]

Digby too [Smile]
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
I ruptured the ligament in the bottom of my foot playing tennis, does MBOT help in healing ligament tears?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Ouch! Jcarlnew that must hurt. I would say yes it will help in healing. Unless it is not attached. In which case, I would think you would need surgery then the hyperbaric.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Phoiph and reminder, Thank you for your thoughts and love. I'm not in a hurry. I only dropped it by .12 and I won't drop it again for another couple of months.

I don't really have any reason to rush it, except I don't like being on such an addictive drug. I don't feel like it's helping anymore.

I do agree that the withdrawal puts me back, so maybe waiting is a good idea... But I bounce back after a few weeks... hmm.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

That sounds very painful.

I partially tore my Achilles tendon when I started to become active again after being ill for so long. I believe the tendon was weakened as a result of the quinolones I had taken for Bartonella years earlier (that didn't help me, BTW).

It was very swollen and painful, but it healed well with mHBOT (no further problems), although it took time.

mHBOT is very popular with professional athletes and in sports medicine. Here are some references in regard to how it helps soft tissue injuries:

•HBO has the effect of inhibiting leukocyte adhesion to the endothelium, diminishing tissue damage, which enhances leukocyte motility and improves microcirculation [Mortensen, 2008].

•HBO reduces edema, partly because of vasoconstriction, partly due to improved homeostasis mechanisms. A high gradient of oxygen is a potent stimuli for angiogenesis, which has an important contribution in the stimulation of reparative and regenerative processes. [Mortensen, 2008].

•Hypoxia in normally perfused tissue typically occurs in sports injuries due to an inflammatory response and edema. HBOT corrects hypoxia and dramatically reduces inflammation and swelling.

•HBOT increases fibroblast replication and collagen production. It also raises the RNA/DNA ratio in the tissues, indicating increased formation of rough endoplasmic reticulum of cells in the wounded area.

Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
jcarlnew.....Sorry about the Achilles,however,you inspired me with thoughts of being active on that level again)

HW88.....As for drugs,my ultimate plan is to slowly ween off ALL meds,over time of course...some are gone already.

Wishing everyone wellness on this positive board and very thankfull.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Thanks Phoiph, I will go on the attack.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Have you had it looked at? As kgg suggested, a total rupture would be a different story...
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Yes, went to podiatrist, ultrasound identified aerial tear/ rupture was his worlds. Crutches and air boot. Time is the treatment but also am doing cold laser, MBOT and ultrasound. It developed classic rupture bruising. He pretty much said use it to pain tolerance. No major activity for quite a while. He even said I could ride my recumbent bike. Wife thinks I should be completely off for 2 weeks but not what doctor said. He told me he has never seen somebody make a tear worse. As it was the plantar fascia ligament sometimes when they do surgery for PF they actually make little cuts to release tension. Weird !!!
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Has anyone experienced vertigo/dizziness as a result of hbot. Last night when I went to bed, I laid down and had dizziness so badly it made me nauseous. When I looked at my clock it was going round and round.

I don't know if I jerked my neck when I laid down or what. I eventually took a zofran and ativan so I could sleep.

In the morning it was improved but still there. It's gone now but I was just wondering if anyone else experienced it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Sorry to hear this, but very glad you don't have to have surgery, and you have your chamber to help heal this injury.

It will be interesting to hear what the podiatrist thinks of your progress in relation to others that don't do mHBOT and these other therapies...
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
I am so sorry to hear this JCarl.... It sounds like you are on a healing plan. If you can get your hands on a photon machine, the healing frequency helps to heal things of this nature too.

I am glad you have a solid plan.... God Bless You! I am sorry you are going through this....

Soccermama, I am sorry you are going through this. I have not gone through this exact thing but I think weird things are to be expected. Maybe dial back your time right now? Bless you....
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Willbeatthis I have a PE1 Photon machine, would have to check frequencies but thinking to many things. Might be overkill. MBOT #1
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Phoiph,it has become progressively harder to snap in my hose. I called the company and they sent a new male end that attaches to the chamber; it worked a few times but it is still hard to snap in. They are sending another piece although I'm not sure exactly what. Do you know what is wrong with it?

Soccermama, I had a dizzy feeling when I started along with intense anxiety and backed off a bit or took awhile longer to increase and it went away. Mine only lasted for a few hours at most. Is yours transient or does it stay awhile?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Soccermama, I have had that but not associated with mHBO. It is horrible! If this was me, I would inflate and deflate much slower. It may be ear pressure related.

Additionally, before I started diving would get vertigo. The Epley Maneuver helped me with the vertigo. The theory is that there are crystals in the ear that have migrated to a place that causes the vertigo. The maneuver gets them back where they should be. You tube has some good videos on how to do it.

Hope it passes quickly for you.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Kgg, My husband did that maneuver on me the following morning and the vertigo went away. We learned about the maneuver when I went to Cleveland Clinic.

Jolley and Kgg, I think it might be ear pressure related also. I have increased my inflate time because that is when I seem to have the most problems.

It's actually just my left ear. My right ear has no problems.

Willbeatthis: Your right that the chamber will probable cause weird reactions. I think it is from the body's transition from the immune system.

I'm going to keep plugging along. It has only been 11 days at full pressure with oxygen mask.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
soccermamma.....full pressure with mask....nice and congrats)
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Good reminder to all of us to take our time when inflating and deflating. It is not just better for your ears, but for your whole body. you need to take the compressor hose on and off every time you dive? If so, it might be wearing out the connectors a little faster (I have had this happen).

If you have to disconnect the hose each time (for storage of the compressor or whatever), maybe alternate between the compressor and the chamber ends (or if one end becomes a problem, leave that end connected, and only disconnect and reconnect the other side).

Just be sure the connectors are always securely snapped in; you don't want it to disconnect while in the chamber (this has happened to me also).

Hopefully they aren't charging you for the new connectors?
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Thanks Phoiph. I normally unhook them due to space issues. Yes, I think it is $40 or so to get the new parts. I am just glad Oxyhealth will pick up the phone when I call to assist.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Yes, I do remember one day not taking proper time to decompress and I did feel veritigoish. I'm sorry I forgot that.

A little update, still making progress. Most days I'm at 90 minutes(newbies don't do this) but an hour when that's all I can manage. Upped my time when the Bart was going nuts in my feet. That has resolved! And knee pain is starting to as well. Now I have to add, of late, I have begun a ketogenic diet. Yesterday was the first day I can remember in a year or so having NO knee pain when walking gently on the treadmill. I nearly wanted to take over the gym dancing. They already know I am very much my own person! Ha!

Okay, the keto diet was started because all I would have needed was a redwood deck- I was bursting out my clothes, eating cauliflower,veggies and lean protein and ravenous all the time. We'll, something had to change. Also I had terrible bloating after meals-thats gone too. Maybe I had some SIBO. *And the CLARITY!* I can be a little work horse now!

No doubt this is tied to hypothyroid as well- thanks for everyone's help. I actually see the NP of a chapter author tomorrow of Stop the Thyroid Madness. Dr. S. Ironically enough he's an ILADS doc as well. Fingers crossed!

So now I'm eating high fat, mod. protein and trying for below 20 carbs. Get this, I can eat macadamia nuts, just ordered some sprouted and I have sprouted almond butter. Sorry Phoiph- if I've committed to something- which I was I Autoimmune Paleo- I'm pretty dedicated. I had heard you though- just was too afraid to take that dive. Mom died of Amyloidosis- a blood cancer essentially, and likely Autoimmune.

Praise God for Mhbot, functional medicine, MD medicine when you need it and caring souls like you all!

Jcarl I hope you are healing up nicely! HW- how you? Kgg? Digby? Soccermomma- I pray things are smoother! Jolley always good to hear from you.

Onward and upward! Gentle hugs to all!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeatthis, you sound like you have made amazing progress! WootWoot!! I am a little confused about what diet you are undertaking. Keto or Autoimmune Paleo? Are they not similar?

I am continuing to dive daily. I am still attempting to find out whether mold in our home is causing a health problem for myself and son or not. It is not a quick process. That tends to take up most of my mental energy. Trying to get my vegetable garden in and my perennial beds weeded takes up my physical energy. I am very grateful to have energy for both!

I am still impatient with my health as far as recovering from my appendectomy. Since I have not ever had surgery with general anesthesia before I don't know what to expect. People tell me to be patient. That is not my strength. =/

Would love to hear how others are doing. =)
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Kgg- Well, yes, there are similarities between the diets but I didn't limit protein or veggie carbs and was not using much fat. Thus I've drastically reduced veggie consumption- still eating them but in normal portions. I guess Weight Watchers stayed with me all thse years and I tried to fill up on veggies. Eating loads of them - clearly because I had no fat for satiety. Paleo Auto Immune does not do nuts at least in the intro phase. Well macadamias and sprouted nut butter and coconut oil have been great. The book Keto Clarity is great! Tonight I counseled three students back to back and I was on - like the old days! I'm loving it. Truthfully, if I lose weight great. If not, I'm free from this hunger roller coaster, can think more clearly than I have since getting lyme and the inflammation reduction is leaving me nearly pain free. Now, I think mhbot has a real chance.

I am so sorry you are ferreting out whether you have mold. I've been there 3 times and it is an exhausting feat. When you get your place mold free- if it's there, you may get feeling much better soon! Yes that patience word is hard. Hang in there. We are all thinking of you and knowing you'll be on to the best days yet! Thanks for the support and encouragement!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :

I am happy that you started the Keto diet. I firmly believe it accentuates the mHBOT benefits. That and not taking antioxidants really helped me.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
As I recently looked more closely at the Keto diet, I realized that it has been the way I have been eating for years.

Even when I was very ill and down to 5-6 of the same foods for those years, unbeknownst to me, they were keto foods.

When I started to improve with mHBOT, I was unknowingly adding more foods from the keto diet. I continue to eat this way.

I have always known that nutrition, especially lots of good fats, played a large part in my recovery.

Thanks to Digby for connecting the dots between the Keto diet and mHBOT [Smile]

P.S...I didn't take antioxidants either...
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
You know what, Phoiph, I had an intuitive feeling you ate this way! I am ready to do a happy dance!!

Bless you Digby too for sharing that you eat this way and it really helps!! What a powerful confirmation from Phoiph and you!

The difference is really astounding! I feel like now mhbot will be accentuated like Digby said [Smile] Onward and upward!!

Thank you so much for the support!!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I am going to have to look into the keto diet. Honestly that is a struggle for me. Trying to combine a paleo, low histamine, and gastroparesis diet has had me stumped. I'm going to check into it. I'm not nearly as nauseated anymore and am tolerating more foods. I feel like that piece is missing for me.

Glad to hear of everyone's progress. I'm still doing the two steps up one back dance, but overall I'm happy with the progress and much better than I was a year ago.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
This is great to hear HW88! You are much better than you were a year ago! Hooray!

You definitely have some diet limitations. I think if I had not done Gaps and still do to some extent with bone broth etc - I always have that on hand. I use it as the base of smoothies- cold of course and low carb. That diet really helped me turn the corner. So far, I'm tolerating macadamias and sprouted nut butter right now and I love it. Wish I had more for you! You'll fix this too! Happy for you!
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Foot is coming along good. Prayer, MBOT, cold laser and transdermal ibuprofen seem to be helping.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Good to hear, Jcarlnew!
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
As Ketogenic as one can get....Candida doesn't cheese or even eggs?

Like others here,this could be the missing piece of the puzzle.....tough when an LLMD keeps saying "take plenty of antioxidants"?

Now thinking about just Magnesium and a good quality Multi vitamin?

I am much better than last year also....just trying to figure out that missing link.

Great to hear the progress here)
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Yay, Jcarl! That is super to hear!

Reminder, are you asking if I can eat eggs or cheese, I wish... dairy is the worst of my allergies, gluten and eggs next. It's definitely a learning curve ferreting out how many carbs, how much protein and fat I can eat to stay in ketosis. I just ordered a blood monitor so I'll feel better moving forward. I suspect I can eat an awful lot of fat- 80 or so grams, 20-30 of carbs and about 60 protein. Quite frankly if someone had told me I'd be doing this, losing weight and feeling mentally clear and better than ever- well, suffice to say, I had such a fat phobia from being an overweight teen and dieting from then on basically - well I wouldn't have believed this was possible.

I am thankful for the others out there like Phoiph and Digby that have shared their experiences in such profound ways. Finding our ways out of all this... the support along with mhbot is more valuable than I can express.

I hope this may help you Reminder. This is such a special team! Hugs all! [group hug]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Unfortunately, many of us grew up in the "low fat" propaganda era, and weren't aware of the differences between good and bad fats. The pressure to be very thin was also very high at the time, and so there were a lot of "food substitutes" (e.g., margarine, saccharine, aspartame) designed to cut calories from fat and sugar.

I believe eating this type of low fat diet for years, combined with over-exercising can deplete many crucial nutrients, including Vitamin A. This can potentially make one vulnerable to illnesses later in life.

Although I though I was healthy, I often wonder if this type of lifestyle contributed to the severity of my Lyme illness, as I may have had less reserves.

You can Google "Weston Price" for great information regarding diet, fats, recipes, etc.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Wondering what brand of bone broth.. (I know it's probably best homemade, but being honest, it won't happen.

So happy to hear everyone's progress. I had some big family stress come up (We are moving) and I took a major dip.

Stress seriously does a number on our bodies. Before that, I actually slept through the night for several nights in a row.

That is unheard of for me for YEARS! Now I'm back to not sleeping. Doh. But those night I did sleep...ahhh. the BEST thing ever... it will come again. Gotta keep the stress level low with this move somehow.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

If you look up the Weston Price chapter in your area, you should be able to contact them for local sources.

Also, there may be Amish farms in your area that sell broth.

If you don't find one, I know of an Amish farm in Pennsylvania that makes/ships broth, fermented foods, grass fed butter, beef, etc. I can check in with them if need be.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, if you need a packaged bone broth, try

They have Organic beef and chicken bone broth. It's a bit pricey but very good.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hello All,

I thought I would post a quick update, considering I had to "Unread", private messages from those inquiring about my "Health", years later!
I want to first start off my stating I don't necessarily "Dive", or even eat for that matter the way I initially did when I first started diving!

With the aforementioned being said I both currently are & planning to change both these variables now that I have a little more time to do so(-:

I currently dive every couple months, for one hour duration "And I personally don't use my air concentrator".

The reason I don't dive more often is because my "Herxes", have always for the most part been somewhat difficult however this is my fault I believe?

If my diet were (IE) better as history has illustrated then my Lymphatic System, wouldn't have to do so much darn work getting rid off the left over debris "MHBOT", destroys!

I have noticed that when I personally "Dive Outside", "Earth", "Eat Clean", "Drink Lots Of Water", a few days leading up to the dive the Herx is usually roughly 50% less!

Two weeks ago, after not diving for over three months I became super fatigued etc. As history has illustrated I knew it was time to "Dive". So here I am two weeks later feeling much better & really focusing on what I need to do in order to start diving more often!

I made a ton of progress when I was diving five days a week initially, and plan to get back to that schedule this year "Slow & Steady"(-:

Looking back on this whole journey I truly believe things like "Environment" are often times overlooked! Of-course "MHBOT", "food", "earthing", "Magnet Therapy", "Increasing Voltage", in the body all helped while healing however "Environment", also plays a crucial role!

I'm also incorporating a more rigid "Training Program", into my protocol lifting extremely heavy "Iron", for only 25 minutes 2-3 times a week!

My Theory is that by doing so my pituitary gland will be forced to produce more Growth Hormone, which will strengthen my immune system!

This thread along with an abundance of genuine altruistic love & guidance from "Phoiph", saved my life!

I will post here once again after I start diving more regularly coupled with some of the the other variables mentioned above. I have already started incorporating "Lifting Heavy", which I tend to have flare up from for approximately 6-8 hours after training!

So after reading the above I hope this gives some of you "Hope"(-: I personally believe the potential of MHBOT is still in it's infancy!

We are learning more and more about the awesome potential of this amazing healing modality everyday often times via forums such as this!

I also truly believe that I personally will achieve or attain a level of health more akin to "Phoiph", once I start diving more regularly again!

It's not fair to compare myself to "Phoiph", as I haven't exactly been the best student at times "Chuckle"(-: Once I figure out a way lessen the blow pertaining to "Herxes", which I will do make no mistake about it "Game Over"!

I know some of you out there are extremely ill right now, however please hang on there is "Hope"!

I had lost all Hope after years go going to a myriad of different doctors etc as we all do with nothing seemingly getting better....only worse!

My encephalopathy was so bad I literally couldn't think my way out of paper bag. My story is documented here for anyone who wishes to read it!

If anyone has any questions please feel free to message me, and I will get back to you ASAP! I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner to those who messaged me...for some reason I wasn't alerted or the alert ended up in my spam folder)-:

In closing this thread has awesome potential should one step out and take a true leap of "Faith", or in Greek "Pistis"!

The genuine "Agape", or Love here without question saved my life! I sincerely hope some of you here are making progress and wish you all the best! [Smile]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you phoiph and digby for the recommendations. I will look into it.

I've been diving for 2 months. It is a dance for sure. back and forth. But I have had better days than I have in years. And the down days still stink, but more and more good days are coming. The best is yet to come.

Thanks for the hope looking4hope. I think that is one of the things ALL of us need during this journey over and over again. Hope.

I still feel diet is my missing piece. Trying to figure out some balance there.

thank you all for the love and hope!
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
HW88, Always remember how fortunate you are to have a chamber for the rest of your life! It will undoubtedly serve you well for the rest of your life should you need it for anything!

Your absolutely right "Diet", along with increasing voltage in the body are "HUGE". I found that when I started diving outside on "Concrete", or the grass it really helped mitigate my Herxes and increase the efficacy of my dives!

Your on your way to healing "I can tell", after years of both personal experience and that of hearing from others!

Your going to have your "Good Days", and "Bad Days", however just remember many of us have gotten through it and so will you(-:

Even though I knew the Herxs would eventually fade while I felt like some of them were going to last forever! The faster you can figure out a way to lessen the blow pertaining to the Herxs the more inclined you will be to complete more dives.

Give yourself time to heal this isn't race but rather more akin to a marathon.

If one was to help a Buttterfly out of it's cacoon to fast one might damage the butterflies wings. My point being even though the butterfly made it out of the cacoon it died shortly after because the process was "Rushed"(-:

Your not alone and have an abundance of help via this thread should you need it! Just reading some of these threads while I was super sick personally gave me "True Hope"...they still do from time to time when I come back!

Keep doing what your doing...sometimes the changes are so small that they almost seem
negligible! However eventually all of those negligible changes will be extremely noticeable in due time to both yourself and those around you(-:

[ 06-29-2017, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: Looking4hope ]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi HW88: Yes, please hang in there. This too will pass. Yes, just figuring out how to handle the stress of moving, maybe doing a little bit each day in preparation might help you. When I had to move, I tried to reframe it. I cleaned out stuff so that when I moved, it was a a paring down experience and honestly, having done a little each day, well, that is what got me through. We are thinking of you... Yes, Digby's and Phoiph's recommendations are great. Believe it or not, it really is not that hard. If you have a Whole Foods or something around you that can cut a whole chicken into 8 with the backbone- no gibbies, and then you just put that in a pot with some salt and water and I put it to a boil and then bring it down to the lowest temp and leave it overnight. I then take the meat from the bones in the morning. It is healthy for you as it is easy to digest cooked like this. You transfer the broth to a glass container - I like the 8 cup rubbermaid glass ware and cool/store that in the fridge. It will typically gel up. Good stuff. Then, after getting the meat off, take those bones and cut them up and the skin, cartlidge etc and put that back in the original pot with water and boil that for ( I use a slow boil if I have a lot of time) and a rapid boil if I don't and can be right there watching it. I do the best I can too with this. Generally I let it boil for 12-14 hours if I can. I learned this from GAPS. You then strain that and the broth if you didn't strain that originally and put it in a pot and yum, yum, you've got what you need. Now there are more fancy recipes and ones that include ACV- I just stick to what I learned from Gaps. Seems to have served me well. It really does the work on its own assuming you've got a butcher. I am not so good with butchering a chicken so my butchers have truly become friends to me on this journey. God bless them. I hope this may help you!

Phoiph and Digby.... You are SAINTS! Thank you for all of the love and encouragement!

Looking4hope- Glad you are finding your way to healing. I think we all have such unique journeys.

So far so good in these parts [Smile] I am navigating the ketogenic diet (had some food allergy flares- macadamia nuts and avocados) but it seems now that I cleared those out, I am in a better place. Just ordered a ketonix. Found a good deal on ebay. That way I can measure my ketones without pricking. I found I was not too good with that.

Trying to sort through the information on Candida as it seems to be flaring but I believe it is more of a cleansing. Paul Jaminet says Keto is not good if you have Candida (I think I only have a bit left)-- but quite frankly, if I ate his Perfect Health Diet- I'd have a bad case of candida. So, it is honestly such a personal journey for each and every one of us.

On a hooray note, I seem to be handling chemicals better. I had to have some work done around the house that would have set me back in the past I believe so -- goodness, I am grateful to MHBOT and to Phoiph, Digby and all those that contribute here! Onward and Upward!

HW88- I will be praying for your peace, comfort and strength through your move....
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi All- to comment on my last post re: ketogenic diets and candida, if you listen to Jimmy Moore's podcast number 25- a doctor was on there saying that the Jaminet info was outdated and a fallacy. So indeed, I'm getting rid of the last little bit I have. Hooray! Very interesting this journey! Hugs All!
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
I wanted to report my status. After reaching 60 minutes full pressure and oxygen mask on June 9th, I had an abdominal flare three weeks later that sent me to the emergency room.

I spoke with Phoiph and decreased my time but my condition has not improved. I stopped the chamber a week ago and I'm still not at my "baseline" normal.

I have a 15 minute phone consultation with my LLMD and will be asking him about what could have caused this flare up and why is it still here.

Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty disheartened and am currently afraid to chamberize.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Oh soccermama, I am so sorry to hear this. I think you are wise to speak with your LLMD. I am praying for your healing.

When you say a stomach flare, what exactly do you mean? Is it possible you had real GI involvement and the oxygen was hitting it. I know if it sent you to the ER it had to have been scary. Just trying to better understand. Glad you are talking with your doc soon. Thinking of you!
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
The stomach flare is abdominal pain and nausea. It starts in the morning and is unrelenting. It is the first symptom I experienced in 2011 and has remained on and off despite treatment.

There is no rhyme or reason and I can't find the triggers. My doctor believes that it is mast cell activated. He also thinks that most of my symptoms are mast cell related.

He was not the original doctor that I saw in 2011. I never saw the gains from lyme treatment that I thought I should from antibiotics. I was bit by a tic in May and started on herbal treatments five months later with antibiotic treatments in January.

My doctor doesn't believe that mHBOT is curative for lyme or mast cells and actually thinks that the oxygen could have activated my current condition. It is his opinion that I should stop the chamber.

My husband disagrees. He said that even good, open-minded doctors can rush to an opinion and he thinks I should get stabilized on the medicines my doctor is recommending and start back in the chamber with a very slow progression.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Soccermama, I am so sorry that you are having these gi symptoms. So hard. Are you able to pin point the pain?

Let me tell you about my experience and see if it resonates. I would wake up feeling a little off. As the day went on I would feel worse. By noon I would be in bed nauseated, diarrhea and feeling yucky. There was no specific place to point to that bothered me in my abdomen. Then as it resolved I would be aware of lower/mid right sided discomfort. It would last a few days as I slowly got my appetite back. It would occur episodically. After a year, I found out it was my appendix.

I had a colonoscopy. Clear. I had a GYN ultrasound, clear. I did not have an elevated WBC. And only ran a low grade fever if any.

I truly hope that they are able to get to the bottom of this for you quickly. Nausea is just the pits.

{{{Gentle hugs}}}
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :

Sorry you are having nausea and pain. I also have mast cell issues and find diet really tricky to figure out. In my case foods and environmental allergies trigger me and mHbot does not. Keep us posted.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Soccermomma- Kgg really shared some good info. I hope it helps you. I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. It sounds really hard. I agree with your husband. I will be honest in saying that nothing has helped me as much as this has so far. I hope you can slowly build back up when you're stable. Godspeed.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Wow, thank you for the support and love!!! I've been working at going through a little each day to prepare for the move and then relying on my husband, like I do for everything else. He's the BEST!

Soccermama, so sorry for the flare in stomach issues. Nausea was one of my biggest symptoms for so so long and MISERABLE. It is finally starting to do a bit better. I had a gastro emptying test done and my vagus nerve wasn't pumping my food in my stomach. It would just sit there.

Most if not ALL of my symptoms have been due to the nervous system. NOT FUN!

I remember the first time I heard my stomach gurgle and felt it move. It was amazing. Lol.

After almost 2 1/2 months, I've worked up to an hour in the chamber with 50 minutes of oxy. Only 10 more minutes to add on.

Sending hugs to all in need today!
Posted by etb6855 (Member # 48383) on :
Hi, I am new to this post. I searched it after my son who lives in
San Francisco called me to tell me a friend had texted him about an MD friend who runs a regenerative medicine clinic in So Cal.

He said that the MD has had almost 100% success with hyperbaric ozone therapy; hence researching this topic.

I cannot process 90% of what I am reading but do understand you need a prescription. What diagnosis code does the doctor use on the prescription for the chamber and the oxygen concentrator (yea I remember something from 35 years of nursing)

Does anyone know of someone in New Orleans LA area that may have a chamber? Obviously I cannot afford one as have not worked since 5/2016 and still awaiting SSDI determination.

Also can someone send me a link to the diet? Is it like Ideal Protein?
I have been pretty strict Paleo WAY before I got ill...was a huge cyclist, taught 2 spin classes a week since 1997, functional training and yoga. Now I can barely get out of bed and move to the sofa and have gained 12 pounds.

My doctor wants to test me for SIBO but it costs $900. I have Medicaid but only Doctors Data and Genova do the tests the doctor wants.

Thanks; desperate to get my life back as I heard a friend of my husbands say that he was sharing "how bad it is, she can't even wash dishes"...hopefully he didn't share that he has to help me to the bathroom, shower or wash my hair some days. [loco]
Posted by etb6855 (Member # 48383) on :
Hi, I am new to this post. I searched it after my son who lives in
San Francisco called me to tell me a friend had texted him about an MD friend who runs a regenerative medicine clinic in So Cal.

He said that the MD has had almost 100% success with hyperbaric ozone therapy; hence researching this topic.

I cannot process 90% of what I am reading but do understand you need a prescription. What diagnosis code does the doctor use on the prescription for the chamber and the oxygen concentrator (yea I remember something from 35 years of nursing)

Does anyone know of someone in New Orleans LA area that may have a chamber? Obviously I cannot afford one as have not worked since 5/2016 and still awaiting SSDI determination.

Also can someone send me a link to the diet? Is it like Ideal Protein?
I have been pretty strict Paleo WAY before I got ill...was a huge cyclist, taught 2 spin classes a week since 1997, functional training and yoga. Now I can barely get out of bed and move to the sofa and have gained 12 pounds.

My doctor wants to test me for SIBO but it costs $900. I have Medicaid but only Doctors Data and Genova do the tests the doctor wants.

Thanks; desperate to get my life back as I heard a friend of my husbands say that he was sharing "how bad it is, she can't even wash dishes"...hopefully he didn't share that he has to help me to the bathroom, shower or wash my hair some days. [loco]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
oh etb, welcome and I'm sorry. Your story is like so many of ours. Very active people brought down to needing help taking a bath.

Have you been tested for lyme? Are you seeing a LLMD?

There are many here that can answer your questions better than I, but I was doing some reading today. This is an article on bacteria and oxygen from Penn State that is interesting if you feel like a little reading.
Posted by etb6855 (Member # 48383) on :
Thanks! My extremely active life came to a halt 3 weeks to the day that I was hiking the Greenbelt in Austin with my daughter. Saw a tick crawling on her, flicked it off. We did quick tick check all good, cont on and then wham 3 weeks later could not walk and in worst pain of my life. And I can say that from numerous cycling crashes over the years!

Nothing like it, immediately had foot drop and was told it was a "acute radiculopathy due to pinched nerve", 3 rounds of steroids, then came the tremors, uncontrollable leg movements, HA, fatigue, vision etc etc.

Was sent to neurologist and tested for everything including Lyme by Quest which was of course neg. None the less he treated me with 30 days of Doxy and 2 weeks of IV Rocephin. Some symptoms a little better and some worse.

6 months after possible bite went to Integrative Medicine MD who sent labs to Igenex (2 months after completing Rocephin) and tested IgM positive for 31, 34,41 &58 and pos IgG for 41. IFA was "equivocal".

Also tested positive for black mold, glitoxin, and MARCONS. Now have all the "collateral damage"; HPA axis dysfunction, hormone irreg, major inflammation, dysautomomia and on and on.

Eye sight JUST got better so reading article now! Thanks!!!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Etb- I do not know of the codes you would use. You may want to message Phoiph to see if she knows of any groups in New Orleans where you could share a chamber.

The diet I've used has been from the book by Jimmy Moore- Keto Clarity. It can be ordered from Amazon and he has a podcast.

The GAPS Diet is also good to heal your gut.

It sounds like you need appropriate and potentially aggressive medical attention right now from what you've described until you can locate a next step-mild hyperbaric or whatever. Your case seems to be aggressive from what you've described. I would try to get to the best Burrascano like doctor you can as a first step. Seeking Doctors thread could help there. Godspeed for your healing.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome, etb6855. Im sorry you are having health problems but glad you found us. I am not aware of anyone in the New Orleans area, but that does not mean there isn't anyone. Isn't Dr. Paul Harch from there? He wrote The Oxygen Revolution. He runs a place that does deep dives opposed to the mild chambers we use.

Are you out of the mold at this point? I am just now exploring mold for both myself and son. It is a Pandora's box.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Phoiph and others, I'm hoping you can weigh in. I I read this information on this site.

Inflatable chambers cannot achieve internal pressures over 1.3 ATA (10fsw)—yet scientific studies show that oxygen becomes bacteriostatic at 1.5ATA (16fsw) and that pressures lower than this cannot kill bacteria but will actually enhance the growth of certain molds, fungus and aerobic bacteria.

(Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine, page 143,4th Revised Edition, K.K. Jain, et al.)

I tried a google search to find more information and every HBOT site that doesn't believe in soft chambers has this same quote.

I also found the textbook. He has an updated version that discusses HBOT use in lyme disease but the textbook either in the 4th or latest version is over $100. Too much money to spend to verify if they are using the quote in context.

Just wanted to know anyone's thoughts on this
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
It is my understanding that mild hyperbaric oxygen treatment does not kill bacteria. But it does modify the immune system so that it can deal with the bacteria.

I recently read an article that mild hyperbaric improves mold toxicity or at least some symptoms of it.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Just messaged Phoiph. I think she is the person to answer these concerns SM. I have the same understanding that KGG has. Godspeed!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I have seen the link/site you posted. I have contacted them in the past about their propaganda against soft chambers and to let them know that a soft chamber saved my life. They never responded, and they don't let on as to who they are.

Unfortunately, manufacturers and vendors of clinical hard chambers have a lot to lose if word gets out that people are having success with their own home chambers.

I don't find the statement quoted (p. 143) in your post in my (5th edition) version of the "Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine" by K.K Jain. It does state on p.137, however, that pressures lower than 1.3 ATA can promote the growth of aerobic bacteria by enhancing oxygen delivery to injured tissues.

This is likely why higher pressures are indicated for different conditions, like infected, non-healing wounds or burns, for example.

More importantly, IMO, it also states that phagocytic leukocytes (white blood cells) present the first and most important line of defense against microorganisms introduced into the body...and that the capacity of the leukocytes to kill depends largely on the amount of oxygen available to them.

So, although mHBOT does have certain pathogen-killing properties, I agree with kgg that empowering the immune system to do its job is likely the broader and more important effect.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
soccermama, I agree that the main effect of mHBOT is the immune function improvement, however I have to say that I have done both, the big chamber (2.4 atm) and the mild chamber...the big chamber made me much worse and the mild chamber has given me my life back.

I agree with Phoiph on the agenda of that site...follow the money.
Posted by soccermama (Member # 35101) on :
Okay,Phoiph. If I understand your post correctly, the statement was in reference to wound healing and people on other "hard" chamber sites have taken that information out of context and used it for ALL conditions.

I really believe that the Lyme MD is a well educated man and not prone to use treatments unless there is some science behind it or it has to make common sense to his mind.

He has documented on his blog numerous times the use of chamber as at least an adjunct to treatment and is still trying to figure out the "sweet" spot for curing.

I've just had a really bad flare that seemed to be triggered by the chamber. It was unexpected because last year when I first purchased the chamber, I went over 34 days at full pressure and mask without any incident before a window blew out and I had to stop.

This time I was at 16 days when I had a complete crash. So I'm a little spooked. It's been two weeks since I've been in the chamber. I'm now on antibiotics for a UTI. (Go figure where that came from.) After I finish, I'm going to begin again much more slowly.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The statement wasn't in my revised copy (5th Edition) of the textbook at all (at least not that I could find, and not on P.143).

I don't have a copy of the 4th edition, so I don't know if that statement actually appears in it, and in reference to what, or what context.

I do know that propoganda-makers like to hyper-focus on statements that grab attention and invoke fear and doubt in those that don't have a broad enough knowledge base to put the statement into a relevant context.

I am sorry you had a crash...we did talk about the time gap, what has happened between then and now, and why you might have reacted more intensely this time.

IMO, you are wise to start very slowly next time.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Phoiph and Digby. Your experience and expertise are 2nd to none.

Hang in there soccermoma. We are rooting for you... slow, slow, slow [group hug]
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
Thanks Phoiph.....dive ketogenic (not easy for me)and feeling much better 80% of the time...I was very sick a few years back.

Slow is right willbeatthis)
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
SM, I'm sorry you crashed after 16 days. I thought I was working up slowly and did so in a month. I realized even THAT was too quickly for me. I'm at about 2.5 months, 1 hr a day and ALMOST 1 hr of oxygen. I'm about 10 minutes off.

On another note. Does anyone know how well mhbot works with PTSD? I have so many traumatic memories that surround this illness. Sometimes I do pretty well with it and then it will hit me. I will go to a certain store or down a road that will remind me of something and BAM, the fear and anxiety fly and I can hardly bring myself to think of those moments without panic.

Hoping that goes away sometime.

How is everyone else doing?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I can attest to how well mHBOT works for PTSD.

Often times, during my illness, I thought that even if by some miracle I were to get well, I would be psychologically scarred and traumatized for life due to the protracted, and tortuous nature of the ordeal.

It still amazes me that I am able to talk about my experience in detail without trauma or discomfort. I believe 100% it is due to the brain healing effects of the chamber.

Not only do I believe mHBOT is responsible for this effect, but during my healing with mHBOT I also mentally "revisited" difficult times and unresolved issues in my pre-Lyme past, and feel much more at peace with these issues as well. None of this emotional repair took any effort; the issues were just more present in my mind for a time, then faded away, as if they were being worked on in the background.

You may know that mHBOT is being used to treat PTSD in Veterans:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome, etb6855...

You do need a prescription to purchase a new or used chamber from a manufacturer, but the prescription does not need to include a diagnostic code.

A diagnostic code may be necessary if you are seeking insurance reimbursement for mHBOT...but best of luck with that. Unless you have one of the 15 conditions approved by Medicare, they won't cover it, and will not pay for a home chamber even if you do have one of the 15 conditions.

The 15 approved conditions are included in this link:

I don't currently know of anyone in your area who is sharing a chamber. That said, there have been people who have used crowd funding (GoFundMe) to raise enough cash to rent a chamber from month to month from a resource I will gladly share with you. One person who used to post on LymeNet ("Lymeboy") did this as a last resort, and is now doing great and has his life back fully.

I (we) will help you navigate the process.
Posted by TF (Member # 14183) on :
Phoiph, I have been wondering how Lymeboy was doing. I corresponded with him a lot years ago.

I am SO happy that you say he now has his life back fully!!! I can hardly believe it.

Please tell him how much it means to me to hear this!

And, I am so happy that you stepped in and helped him in his very dark, dark time. Wow!!

I would LOVE to hear from him.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I am so very happy for him also!

He keeps promising he will post here again...but is having trouble finding the time, as he is so busy now. I'll twist his arm...:)
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks Phoiph as always you are a giver of hope.

I love that there is another success story. I would also love to hear from lymeboy. [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Aw, thanks HW88...I've seen so many people turn around, that there is great reason to have hope...
Posted by etb6855 (Member # 48383) on :
Thanks Phoiph and all who posted here! I have another possible treatment venue that another friend turned me on to just like our friend who shared about HBOT with my California son (which then led me here!!)

I will post under seeking doctors but just if the chance someone on this thread is familiar, has anyone seen Dr. W in Idaho? You can PM me!

Thanks again...trying to explore it all when I have the energy, eyesight etc to do so...
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Yes, SO incredible for Lymeboy! It is always so encouraging to hear how well he is! Phoiph- you have been so good to so many!

July 29 will be 6 months for me with daily mhbot! I'm excited. I'd say the gains are pretty tremendous- I feel like I am getting my real life back one day at a time! Hang in there team! We can do this! [group hug]
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Yay Willbeatthis, so happy you are doing well.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
was 80% ketogenic,now all in.

for the longest time taking a "green powdered drink" every morning....just reviewed the label (with a semi clear mind) and realized it's loaded with wheats,barley and I'm allergic to these ingredients,I see the benefits of other ingredients,however,trying to get the most from diving,really starting to think the diving is doing enough so why add so many supplements?

Thanks,good health to all)
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
willbeatthis, yeah!!! So glad to hear of your progress.

I asked this over in medical, but no responses, so I'll ask here. a lot of my symptoms are improving, but the one that WILL NOT BUDGE is my head.

It's a dizzy, buzzy, eye strain, pressure type feeling. Any thoughts or suggestions on this? I think if I could get my head (and sleep, which, I feel like goes with my head issues) to improve, I would be SOO close to feeling mostly normal.

Any thoughts?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I remember that feeling well.

IMO, the answer is: "It takes time". With mHBOT, symptoms resolve in their own time and particular order...and it may not be the order we would choose.

I found that some of the earliest, worst and most longstanding symptoms were among the last to resolve, but to my surprise, resolve they did.

Also, make sure your diet is in order, along with graded gentle exercise. I can't emphasize the importance of these two pieces of the puzzle enough. The gut rules the head!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks phoiph. I'm trying to get diet in order and working on gentle exercise.

My head and my stomach were my first symptoms, so.... I guess they are going to be my last! LOL

Thank you so much!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi HW88- Glad Phoiph could help with that.... Hang in there...

Well, most of you all know that I was thinking my hypo had reared its head - well it did...

I had my doctors appt. yesterday and my TSH was 5.0. It is supposed to be between 1-2. Thus, he has me on a new regimen supplementing my natural desiccated thyroid medicine (T3 and T4 combo.) with T3. I am SO thankful.... I was definitely at my lowest...

Thanks for all of the encouragement here. Onward and upward....

Way to go, Reminder on the Keto! I am all in and I don't think I will ever go back. I wouldn't say that I try to get deep into ketosis but ketosis definitely works for me!

Keep going strong O2 Team!

Digby, Jolley, soccermama, Kgg- any updates. Thinking of you all!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
TSH of 5!! You must have been dragging big time!

I am hanging in there. Maine is finally having summer weather in the last couple of weeks. I was beginning to wonder if it was going to be the summer that wasn't.

In the process of finding mold and having it remediated in our home, we have come to the conclusion to down size. My husband had his heart act up. Which made us all evaluate the what if's? So we found a home. Now we need to sell this one.

I continue to dive daily except when I wake up stuffy. So about once a week I miss a day. Not sure what is making me stuffy at night. I have rag weed allergies but they are not out yet. At least I don't think it is.

Hope every one is having a good summer.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Hi everyone, I need to catch up on this thread, but for now I need help with what could be an urgent question:

My compressor gets VERY hot to the touch after a 1.5 hour session. So hot I could only touch it for about 3 seconds before I pull my hand away. This obviously scares me since, if it lit on fire while I was IN the chamber, I wouldn't even know it. Can people confirm if this is normal, or an issue and I should get a new compressor?

Thanks for your input.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Yep, KGG 5.180- crazy. I knew I was in the dumps. Worse though are my titers EBV. EBV Ab VCA, IGG was greater than 600 (the range is 0-17.9) Yikes, I am cringing typing this. My CD 57 was 82. I don't have an old one to compare to.

He has me taking monolaurin, L Lysine and something called Immucore for 90 days. My EBV acute infection IGM is negative. So this is an old infection obviously.

Enough on all that. I am in the right hands now.

With regard to you waking up stuffy -- well, honestly, if you are re-mediating mold.... that is very likely the cause if you were me... I always get stuffy with mold. In the deep southland here [Wink] it is humid and moldy.... I run dehumidifiers as if they are non negotiable here because they are.

That sounds like a good plan to downsize, take off some stress and find a MOLD FREE home if you can. Do check the air system. Folks forget to check that and if it is in the ducts or system itself-- well, it spews out. I had a 20,000 dollar remediation because of an old air system about 6 years ago. And sure enough, before I figured it out, I was stuffy and my allergies were going nuts.

Hang in there KGG! All of this sounds like it is coming to a good end. Enjoy pitching things and donating what can be used (or selling). We don't need so much stuff anyway.

Thanks for the encouragement. I think higher ground is in the works for the both of us and this team as a whole...

Soccermomma, I sure hope you are feeling better.

Digby, do you have any suggestions with my EBV rearing its head other than what I have been given (up above). You may know of my doc, Dr. S who wrote a chapter in the Stop the Madness Thyroid book and is also an ILADS dr. God bless him. He is getting filled to the gills here.

Thanks for all team... you rock!

Hey, sweet Phoiph, any suggestions on my recent blood work? HUGS ALL!

[group hug]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by BryanRosner1:
Hi everyone, I need to catch up on this thread, but for now I need help with what could be an urgent question:

My compressor gets VERY hot to the touch after a 1.5 hour session. So hot I could only touch it for about 3 seconds before I pull my hand away. This obviously scares me since, if it lit on fire while I was IN the chamber, I wouldn't even know it. Can people confirm if this is normal, or an issue and I should get a new compressor?

Thanks for your input.

The oil-less smaller compressors do get hot.

It helps to allow air circulation around the compressor, and place it on a hard surface (rather than carpet, etc.). Make sure there are no kinks in the tubing, and check the air intake filters (the 2 black spheres) to make sure they are not clogged. These can be unscrewed from the compressor, then twisted apart (sometimes difficult to do). There is a paper filter inside that can be dusted off if necessary.

I would also check with the Oxyhealth technician at 877.789.0123.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Thanks Phoiph. Can you tell me if this is a normal thing to have connected to the compressor? It looks like some kind of inline air filter?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes, that is standard to your compressor...
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks,Phoiph,for always saving the day! Bryan, I hope everything is a- okay with your compressor and you are making strides!! [group hug]
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
Hi divers!

I’m still diving.
For 3 years now and counting.
I’m still very sick but doing much better than I was 3 years ago.

In 2 weeks I get a PICC line for a month. (rocephin)

Does any of you know if it’s okay to dive with a PICC line?
Do I maybe have to take any precautions?

Hope to hear…. [Smile]

@kgg, thnx for your previous reply in March!

Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Good to hear from you Survivorgirl! Phoiph will know this answer!

Glad you are doing better... [group hug]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
It's been a few months since I've posted. I've been busy with work, treatment, exercise and fun. I'm still trying to find a good balance in my life and ensure I'm getting enough rest to stay strong.

Here's my latest update video. I hope everyone is still experiencing gains and a new level of health.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Survivorgirl1~

My best advice would be to talk with the surgeon who is placing your PICC line.

Let them know you are doing mild hyperbaric with supplemental oxygen, and at what pressure, and ask if there are any precautions (e.g., regarding air in the line, etc.).

I'm glad to hear that you are doing better than 3 years ago, but very sorry you are still struggling.

There are very knowledgeable and helpful people here that may have suggestions if you feel inclined to share an update...
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Peimomma, thanks for posting your update video. It gives great encouragement to watch them. There is hope!

I am thrilled to hear that your c4a is within normal range now.

Quick update: I keep saying I need to sit down and count what # dive I am on. My record keeping since last Fall has not been efficient. We listed our house yesterday. We found a new one in the same general area. So my near future is going to be maintaining a show ready house and packing. Ugghh. I said I would never move again. Never say never!

The symptoms that I am most aware of are short term memory issues, chills and low energy. I think the low energy has a lot to do with moving yet again. I also dropped my T4, the chills and low energy could be from that. I have not had my levels checked in a while. It also could be from not taking my bioidentical hormones since April. I see my PCP in a couple of weeks. So hoping to sort this out then.

Lastly, I have not totally given up on the FODMAP diet. But I have eased into using some good products that I used prior. My gut is not totally happy with it. I think onion and garlic are not my friend.

That's it. Hope everyone is doing as well as possible!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi KGG- That sounds like thyroid to me-chills and no energy. Do you take basal Temps in the morning? That may be a good thing to bring your doc. Thinking of you - quite frankly getting out of mold will be worth your efforts- inch by inch, anything is a cinch! Thanks, Momma! How I miss her!

Peimomma! You Go! So proud of you! Yes! Thank you for doing these videos and all your help! You and Philoph are amazing! I get the struggle with balance...Thank you for all you have given to this community and beyond! So happy for you!

Thinking of this dear team- dive on! Hugs!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hey KGG: I think all those symptoms may be thyroid. That is encouraging you know.

I backed off the dive time and could definitely tell a difference. I am now at my 90 minutes again and I can still feel herxing after but it tends to keep me in good shape needing the rife less (THANK YOU ALMIGHTY GOD and FRIENDS HERE- PHOIPH [Smile] ) So, here's to dedication and time with his mode of treatment. Keep diving team... HUGS!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeatthis, so you stayed at 90 minutes?! I am glad you are tolerating it OK.

My house went under contract yesterday. So now I am in packing mode.
Posted by lapis29 (Member # 47626) on :
looking to get a chamber. couple questions

can you operate the chamber yourself or do you need help? Referring to the basic shallow chamber you can pick up for about 4k

is there a basic protocol written out somewhere? I mean how much, how long, etc?

thanks for any imput.
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
@Phoiph, thanx for your reply on my question about combining mhbot with a PICC line for abx. I think my surgeon doesn’t know but I will ask! Maybe he can call with someone who does know.

I’ll give you guys a new update in a month or so.

My previous updates:

I also use the summit to sea shallow dive. For three years now. One hour a day. I’m very happy with it.

You can easily operate it yourself. But it’s nice to have someone around on your first few dives. The zippers also open and close from the inside. It comes with an instruction vid.

It’s nice, cosy and bright on the inside. I read books, listen to music or surf the internet on my mobile when diving.

In short: Start very slowly (minutes) and then very slowly ramp up (in months) to one hour a day. But I think Phoiph has a protocol that you can use, she knows most about it.

Most (all?) of us also use supplemental oxygen from an oxygen concentrator, that can provide at least 8-9 liters/minute oxygen. You'll have to ask summit to sea for an adapter/connector for that.

I use the airsep intensity 10liter/minute. You breath in the extra oxygen with an oxygen mask when lying in the chamber. It enhances the effect of the mhbot.

Good luck!

Posted by lapis29 (Member # 47626) on :
@survivorgirl1 thanks so much!

I have weakness in my arms and hands, how difficult if the zipper to pull closed on that model?

so to start out with you just go for maybe five minutes then gradually work your way up to an hour?

also, will I see and improvement diving only 4 days a week?

thanks for any input.
Posted by lapis29 (Member # 47626) on :
also, I have an O2 concentrator, but its only 5 litre/min max.

will that work?
Posted by lapis29 (Member # 47626) on :
one more question

I have SEVERE hyperacousis, like EXTREMELY senstive ears right now. new thing.

do you think the pressure is going to be painful for my ears?
Posted by Survivorgirl1 (Member # 44031) on :
An oxygen concentrator of 5 liter/minute is not suitable. It lacks the power to deal with the back pressure of the chamber.

The zippers of the shallow dive go smoothe, the last inch less smoothe because you have to push and check it tightly closes.

I don’t know how weak your arms are?
When I started I was very weak. Crawling in an out of the chamber was very hard but I managed. I had to use both hands for the zippers.
I’m not yet at jumping in and out [Wink] but climbing in and out goes very okay now and I’m zipping easily with one hand.

After 2 years of diving (and one year abx), I was able to go from bedridden to start exercising. I ramped up with a hometrainer now more than 5 minutes a day and for my arms I can use 1kg light weights repetitions for over 5 minutes. Still slowly ramping up.

I’m not sure you’ll see an improvement if you dive only 4 days a week, 7 days a week is best. Phoiph knows most about it.
In my own experience I feel more tired if I skip a few days, and I feel better if I keep diving at least 6 days a week.

About your hyperacousis. The sound of the motor and airflow is hard, you’ll need something that’s noise-cancelling like a good headphone and/or earplugs.
Can you relieve ear pressure when it builds up? Yawning, swallowing, etc. Is it due to the lymedisease or do you have anything else that’s bothering your ears now that should be adressed first?
I think the other divers can tell you more about it.

Phoiph and others,
I wanted to let you know that I talked to a doc today who’s specialised at hbot. About my question/worries if it’s okay to dive with my PICC line.
He said it’s fine, just make sure it’s properly disconnected and there’s no air in the line, which isn’t because it’s filled with saline or heparine or something like that. He treats patients on 2.5 ATA who also have PICC lines for abx.

Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi All: Can anyone tell me if they experienced burning in glutes, hips, legs and groin(feels nervy and like joint pain too) that was a part of their mhbot experience. I'm praying I'm hitting some deep stuff but it hurts. Thanks all- I'm 7 months in of daily dives.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

At 7 months, I was definitely still traversing layers and in the throes of flares. I had random pain, burning and stiffness which would migrate.

That said, it would be worsened by over activity (which didn't take much at first) of a certain area.

Have you changed anything with your exercise or activity? Are you overworking those areas in some way?

Thank you for passing on the info re the PICC line...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Study posted by Tincup (on separate thread):

The Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Orthopedic and Rheumatological Diseases:
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Yes, thank you Survivorgirl1. That feedback from the doc about your PICC line. That must be very reassuring.

Willbeatthis. I have had sciatica flare from time to time with my Lyme. Although I do not have burning pain with it. Just pain. I hope this is a short lived symptom for you.

I see my PCP on Monday and hope to tease out whether he thinks my current symptoms of chills, muscle/joint aches, low fatigue and dull headaches are from dropping my T4 too much, a Lyme flare or a new Lyme tick bite problem. Should be interesting.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hi All, Sorry I haven't been here lately but I just got back from a vacation! First time in over 20 years.

I only wish I had found Phoiph and mHBOT years ago. At this point in my life I am fighting aging along with the remaining symptoms from Lyme/CFIDS/FM so it's hard to tell what my healthy baseline should be.

What I do know is that I've gone from disabled to functional, from a wheel chair to riding a bike on the trails and from home-bound to a 2 week road trip.

I can confidently say that my improvement has been from mHBOT and the Ketogenic Diet. No other variables that I'm aware of.

So, hang in there...just keep diving every day and don't micromanage your symptoms. The progress is very slow but when viewed from where I am, it it huge.

Hugs to you all and thank you for freely sharing on this forum. Reading your stories and the encouragement from Phoiph has kept me focused on healing instead of giving in to the illness.

I only wish we could make this amazing therapy available to everyone.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Awesome update, Digby! So happy for you, and thanks for the kind words.

If it is any consolation, I wish I had found mHBOT sooner rather than later, too. But then...if I hadn't been so ill and close to the brink and when I found it, maybe I wouldn't be as convinced of its power.

I agree, and it is my mission to make it more available to everyone. I'm researching starting a non-profit-type program as we speak.

Thanks to everyone here for their amazing contributions...these posts are so valuable.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
WOW,thank you Digby....the timing on your post was needed)So happy for you!

Phoiph, through even that kind stress....slowly coming back,if I can do it with all the other things pulling at me.....who knows what this year can still bring.

Keto/Diving not a science guy here,however,something to it.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hooray, Digby! Gosh I needed to see this today! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us-Phoiph, Peimomma and you have given me so much hope!

I had backed off the rife rather significantly and perhaps while my thyroid is being adjusted, I need to keep things rather status quo.

Kgg- look forward to hearing how your doctor's appointment goes- We all need to Keep the Faith and Keep Diving! Thank you all for your support through this journey- sure wouldn't want to be doing this alone.

I love what you said Digby that Phoiph and this journey kept your focus on healing- not succumbing! To Keto and diving- I'm doing both now religiously. Perhaps the keto is allowing my body to fight more and thus, the herxes. I'll be hanging in there and CANNOT thank you all ENOUGH!

So happy you just vacayed Digby! As my students would say- that's sick (awesome!).

Hugs Team O2!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
willbeatthis...Are you sure that your "herxes" are not "keto flu?" If they are, it is very fixable.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Aww, Digby! You're the best. I don't know honestly- the burning is more like lyme Et al. I have had the keto flu though-perhaps it is part. Thank you for the feedback:).
Posted by lapis29 (Member # 47626) on :

thanks for taking the time to answer my quesitons, appreciated.

I will let you know when i get my chamber
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

It sounds like you'll need to upgrade your oxygen concentrator for use with a chamber.

I have a good resource if needed...just PM me.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
We are happy to have you here Lapis29!

SurvivorGirl- thanks for sure for getting us that info. on the PICC. I am so happy to read of your progress.... Please keep us up to date [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by lapis29 (Member # 47626) on :
can someone explain the biological mechanism as to how the mhbot actually works?

like what exactly is it doing to the body?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

In a very small nutshell, the pressure forces oxygen beyond your red blood cells and into the plasma and tissues, triggering thousands of healing reactions. It also has antimicrobial properties.

I really like this brief, animated video. It gives an informative introduction and broad overview of hyperbaric oxygen and how it works in the body:

Another great resource is a book entitled:
“The Oxygen Revolution“, by Dr. Paul G. Harch and Virginia McCullough, and his website

There are also many resource articles on my website:
Posted by lapis29 (Member # 47626) on :
thanks Phoiph I will check that out
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
It's been fun catching up on the thread. I'm back to the land of wi-fi. [Smile] We are about 3/4 done with our move (Kgg... showing house and moving.. ugg, I get it)

There is still a lot of work to be done, but we are taking it a day at a time and doing what we can do.

I'm still doing the dance, but moving in the right direction. Every now and again, I will have days that ALMOST feel normal. It's amazing. But it's still sort of like a wave... up, down, swell, recede. It is definitely a dance, but I'm grateful for the better days.

Kids start back to school on tuesday, so I will have a bit more 'me' time to continue healing. [Smile]

Happy diving everyone!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, hang in there! 3/4 done is almost there! I think the hardest point is the last 1/4. I am thinking of hiring someone to come clean once it is empty.

So happy to hear that you are having days when you feel almost normal. Yay! Long may it continue and multiply!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Yes, HW88- that's wonderful your 3\4 done! That is truly wonderful as well you are having some really good days! [woohoo] Kgg- hope you are doing well too. Getting the thyroid figured out is a dance too. Know we will both be feeling better soon! Keep Diving team! [group hug]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I agree that the last 1/4 is the hardest. I've had several friends ask to come help clean after the last of things are moved. I just might take them up on it. [Wink]

Also, I was looking back at my symptom calendar a few days ago. Before starting mHbot, I was recording 4 or 5 major symptoms each day. The last few months I have only written down around 2. My head is everyday, and usually another that rotates in and out.

I like to look at it on paper and realize some of these dumb things are getting better. [Smile]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I just found out a friend is suffering with gastroparesis. I had/have this, but it is due to Lyme messing with all my nerves.

My question is. Do you think mhbot would be helpful for this disease if it isn't caused by lyme?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I had this also.

Gastroparesis is associated with dysfunction of the vagus nerve...whether the cause is Lyme, diabetes, etc.

Since mHBOT is healing to the nervous system, IMO it would definitely be helpful, no matter the cause.

The question is what would be the best pressure and length of treatment of HBOT or mHBOT for her case, and that would be best determined by taking into account her overall diagnosis (e.g., diabetes, etc.), and an evaluation by a doctor who knows HBOT.

In what state does she live?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
She lives in OH. She doesn't have diabetes. At this point it is idiopathic. She's down to 74 lbs and has been at the children's hospital for 4 days now. I think she will have to get a feeding tube.

My gastroparesis has cleared a lot with treatment, but since I don't think she has lyme, I don't have many suggestions for her. It is a miserable disease.

I will mention it to her mom, though. See if there is someone knowledgable to talk to. If you know of anyone in the cincinnati area, let me know.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
How old is she?

I will check with my neuro/HBOT friend to see if she can recommend someone near there.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Quick question amazing folks-
So my thyroid was in the garbage can at over 5. Something. So doctor has prescribed t3-cytomel - generic(gluten free) and since this change- my nature Throid was reduced to two grains as I am creating a lot of Reverse T3.
Since this change, I have been super herxy(real muscle pain and vibration after and in chamber) in and out of the chamber and dehydrated to some degree.

I'm drinking more water but my question is - has this turned on my immune system. It makes sense that if the body was kept at 96 degrees-where I was- the bugs would have a better chance- just wondering if anyone knows how much hypothyroidism impacts the immune system?

I know mhbot can make us need more water- correct- so I am drinking, drinking. Thanks all- You rock!

Hope everyone is doing great!!
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Hi all,

I could use some input.

Last week I was blowing my nose, and I felt a "pop" in my neck like a blood vessel had burst. Within an hour, I had a huge number of strange symptoms show up... symptoms I've NEVER had before.

- dizzyness / loss of balance
- weakness in my arms and legs
- some nausea
- slowed mental processing
- strange blood flow sensations in my head

Turns out, I probably have CCSVI, which is basically when your veins in the neck can't remove blood from the brain fast enough. This must have been aggrevated by the pressure of blowing my nose.

5 days later and the symptoms haven't really gone down much, which is scary as hell. Doing some research, turns out this kind of thing is implicated in multiple sclerosis. Do I now have MS? I kind of doubt it, but either way it's scary.

I did the chamber once since last week and it exacerbated all the symptoms including the neck pain and discomfort. Of course, this could have been a helpful healing reaction, not sure.

Just looking for any thoughts, input or similar experiences.

Did any of you have MS-type symptoms like balance issues, leg weakness, etc? Did HBOC help it? Thanks.


PS - I realize that what I'm describing could be construed as inner ear equilibrium issues. That is not what it is. I've had sinus infections on and off for years and I know exactly what it feels like to have unequal pressure in the ears and be off balance from that. It's completely unrelated, though I wish it were that simple. Thanks.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I suspect the pop you heard was your neck going out of alignment.

Google "Cervical Spine Instability" and compare the symptoms with yours...they are identical. It also affects blood flow.

I know someone who has this. A chiropractor trained in the "Atlas" method has helped him tremendously, along with mHBOT.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Hi Phoiph, thanks. I've had that before actually and this is not related. It's definitely a blood flow / vein thing. Didn't involve any bones or connective tissue, it is on the outside of my neck about 1/2 inch from the surface.
Posted by lapis29 (Member # 47626) on :
bryan - CCSVI is NOT related to MS.

Have you had this looked at by a doctor? what did they say?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Willbeatthis, it is my understanding that the thyroid does impact the functioning of your immune system. Not sure what the vibration stuff is about. But you may want to check in with your prescriber.

Bryan, I am wondering if you have a cerebral spinal fluid leak. For a while I thought that was what my son was dealing with. It turned out it wasn't. And I am glad. Because having a blood patch done is not the quick cure I was hoping for. Is your nose runny? There is a youtube video of a doc in California who has a daughter that had it. Let me see if I can find it.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Bryan, you did not mention if you are having headaches with this. I forgot headaches is one of the major symptoms. Anyway, here is the video.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
Thanks for the info KGG. I do not think that is what I have based on your info.

Digby, I'm strongly considering trying a ketogenic diet, wondering what the fix is for keto flu? I've tried ketosis several times and usually by the 2nd day, I'm a complete mess. If I try it again I'd like to know what to do when this happens.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by lapis29:
bryan -

Have you had this looked at by a doctor? what did they say?

Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
I have not had it looked at by a doctor yet, but plan to if the symptoms don't subside. When I take anti-microbials, the neck area flares now, along with other Lyme areas, so it seems to be a Lyme thing to me. Also, I talked to another Lyme patient who had a similar thing happen. Looking to start a keto diet to try to stabalize things.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
BryanRosner, so sorry for the trouble you are having.

Phoiph, sorry, I didn't get back sooner to your question, but my friend is only 16. She has been fighting gastroparesis for 3 years.

I am almost to dive 100! woot woot. I am very happy with the progress I've made. I still have strides to go, but my progress seems to be quicker. I feel I've made more progress in the last 3 months than I did the previous 9 on antibiotics alone.

I'm on a 4 days on, 3 days off antibiotic protocol. My Dr. wants to see what happens in those 3 days off. So far, so good.

Happy diving!
Posted by lapis29 (Member # 47626) on :
bryan, that sounds potentially very serious. I would go see a Doc ASAP!

keto is not going to address this issue. Get to the ER, get a real diagnosis, dont **** around.

you could have a Carotid Aneurysm, which could be potentially fatal, or worse
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Yikes! Please Bryan- I agree.

Let us know how you are once checked out!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by HW88:
She lives in OH. She doesn't have diabetes. At this point it is idiopathic. She's down to 74 lbs and has been at the children's hospital for 4 days now. I think she will have to get a feeding tube.

My gastroparesis has cleared a lot with treatment, but since I don't think she has lyme, I don't have many suggestions for her. It is a miserable disease.

I will mention it to her mom, though. See if there is someone knowledgable to talk to. If you know of anyone in the cincinnati area, let me know.

I found this center near Cincinnati:
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
AWESOME! Thanks! I'll pass it along.
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
What is the consensus on taking magnesium? There are many studies that show it builds biofilm. But it is also a nutrient we can be deficient in. Apparently the topical spray is best used for easy absorption. But a good idea to use? or bad idea?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I have read that some Lyme docs say not to use oral Magnesium because of that. I used injections for years mainly because my stomach does not tolerate oral Magnesium. But the shots are painful and they use a small amount of aluminum for a preservative. That never thrilled me.

For me, this falls into the category of we just don't know. People in the US are known to be low in Magnesium because our soil is so depleted. It does at least 300 things in the body. That sounds very important. It helps me with energy, muscle pain and sleep.

Over the years, two things have been my foundation in treating my fatigue problems: IM B12 and Magnesium. If I could tolerate oral I would be taking it. And perhaps take a biofilm buster with it. fwiw
Posted by lapis29 (Member # 47626) on :
Originally posted by kgg:

Over the years, two things have been my foundation in treating my fatigue problems: IM B12 and Magnesium. If I could tolerate oral I would be taking it. And perhaps take a biofilm buster with it. fwiw

do you have a script for your b12?

used to be you could get injectable b12 w/o a script, now i cant find that anymore.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by BryanRosner1:
What is the consensus on taking magnesium? There are many studies that show it builds biofilm. But it is also a nutrient we can be deficient in. Apparently the topical spray is best used for easy absorption. But a good idea to use? or bad idea?

Chronic inflammation drives biofilms, and magnesium reduces inflammation (among many other benefits).

I'm not a fan of taking lots of supplements, but IMO magnesium is crucial for all body systems to function properly, and as mentioned, our soils are depleted, so it is difficult to get adequate amounts from food.

I personally like ReMag liquid.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hi, Lapsi29! Yes, it is a script. I never have seen it available without a script. What I have seen recently are B12 patches. I first saw them on Amy Yasko's site:
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
kgg, it took me literally years to find an oral magnesium I could tolerate. I found Shaklee Vitalmag and have been taking it for years. I am not in there multi-marketing system, just use there product with success.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thank you, jcarlnew. I will see if I can find some. Magnesium makes such a difference for me.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
I just ran my O2 concentrator without the external filter for an entire dive. Do I need to worry about anything?
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
Hi all, new to this thread and forum

Has anyone had lightheadedness, sensory overload, and weakness improve with HBOT?

Also does it make sense to try it at a center first before buying your own or are the two too different?

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome, Jesse2233! I am unsure of what is offered at the center you refer to. Many try mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy at a chiropractor's or physician's office first. If the center you mentioned has commercial deep dives, that would be different. Also, many do a rent first or rent to own.

I have had many symptoms improve with this treatment. But I am not sure I suffer specifically the symptoms you listed.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Jolley:
I just ran my O2 concentrator without the external filter for an entire dive. Do I need to worry about anything?

Hi Jolley~

Not ideal, of course, but you should be OK for the short time you ran your concentrator without the filter.

It is easy to forget to put the filter back in after washing and letting dry overnight. I put a sticky note on the front of the concentrator as a reminder.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All
It is exiting to hear from people getting better with HBOT
I would like to try it before I invest in a HBOT unit

I am wondering if there are any Wellness Centers in the San Francisco Bay Area that would let me try a few sessions around 100 dollars per session?

Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Phoiph thank you! I'm feeling symptom free mostly and have for quite awhile. My doctor suggested cutting back to diving 2-3 days a week. I feel torn as part of me wants to dive two full years and another part of me is so ready to be done with the time commitment of daily dives. How do you start cutting back?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

When you say you have been "symptom-free mostly" for "quite awhile", can you be more specific?

I personally didn't want to take any chances in this area. I continued to dive daily for another full year after I was fully functional and symptom-free. I was amazed at how much I improved during that time.

So...I dove for a total of 2-1/2 years daily before cutting back. I then went to 4 consecutive days on, 3 off. The decision to cut back was easy; my body told me it was time. I didn't have to second guess it; I just knew.

The fact that you are "torn" about cutting back suggests to me that you may not be at that point yet. Your mind may be "done" with the time commitment, but your body knows the truth and it will let you know.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I had all of the symptoms that you mentioned and many more, all of which resolved with long term commitment to mHBOT, diet, and graded exercise/activity.

I just replied to your PM so we can discuss further...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You can contact Dr. Ken Stoller in San Francisco for information:

Since you are new to the thread, I just want to be sure you are aware that for Lyme and many chronic illnesses, results from mHBOT are seen after many sessions over time.

It is unlikely that you would have lasting results from just a few sessions, although it may familiarize you and increase your comfort level with the process.

Also, if you do your first sessions at a facility, you may want to request to go more slowly than the usual protocol; as people with Lyme and chronic illness can be more sensitive than others they may be used to treating.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Phoip
How many sessions would you suggest until I know it will benefit me?
I would prefer to spend the least amount on trying it out and save that for my own unit.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I don't know your health situation, but for someone with chronic Lyme, It can (and usually does) take months of daily sessions to begin to see changes and lasting results.

It is a very gradual, 2 step forward, 1 step back process that takes time to traverse the many layers involved and to rebuild/restore.

In other words, although you might experience an initial "honeymoon period", you will likely not realize the deep lasting results for some time.

Since it is cost prohibitive for most people to do long term treatment in a clinical setting, some people will opt to do just a few sessions to become comfortable with the process before buying or renting their own chamber.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks again Phoip
I don't think I have Lyme but instead CFS maybe they are the same thing I don't know

I wonder if there is anyone in the San Francisco Bay Area that would want to split the cost of a rental maybe 3 or 4 people or more
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All
Exiting news
I found an affordable HBOT company in Albany California Bay Area
They are significantly cheaper than the other places I've called
They are called Holistic Hyperbarics
They use soft shelled chambers
Talk to Alex
If you use them please mention my name Steve from Lymenet this gives me free sessions
I am not invested in the company in any way just wanted to pass along this information for people that want to try but can't afford it
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
I'm about a week into using my chamber, so I thought I'd share my experience.

My symptoms have almost always been Bartonella related, and they're mostly neurological.

My anxiety has ticked up, which is normal when I herx. When I'm in the chamber it also feels like my bones ache, this is true mostly in my arms and hands. Feels a bit strange.

I'm not sure when it happened, but sometime in the last few days I've developed a bartonella rash on my back. I have long purple looking scratches that run almost parallel to my spine. They look fairly dramatic.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Have you experienced a herx at all?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome, Charles12! Thanks for sharing your experience. It certainly sounds like your immune system woke up.

When I initially used mHBO, I started right off with an hour dive. That was too much for me. Then I read Phioph's and another member's (can't remember her name! sorry) recommendation to start low and go slow, I found it much more tolerable.

So I started at 10 minutes of diving plus inflating and deflating 10 minutes each. That was without wearing my oxygen mask. I just had it laying beside me. After I was up to an hour then I added wearing the oxygen mask for 10 minutes at the end of my dive and ramped up from there to wearing it for the whole dive.

Here is the schedule that I followed:

"mHBOT Diving Schedule (for those just starting out)


Week 1

Days 1-3: 20 minute dive at full pressure (not counting compression and decompression time). Do not wear the mask, but set it down inside the chamber so the oxygen is flowing in, mixing with compressed air.

Days 4-7: If no major reactions are happening, increase full pressure time to 40 minutes. If having previous reaction, stay at 20 minutes (still no mask; just let oxygen flow in and mix with compressed air).

Week 2

Days 1-3: If no major reactions, increase full pressure time to 60 minutes. If having a previous reaction, stay at 40 minutes (still no mask).

Days 4-7: If no major reaction, continue with full pressure 60 minute dive, wearing mask for 20 minutes, and laying it down in the chamber for the rest of the dive. (If having reaction, don't move forward; stay at last step!)

Week 3

Days 1-3: Continue 60 minute dive, wearing mask for 40 minutes, and laying it down in the chamber for the rest of the dive.

Days 4-7: Continue 60 minute dive, wearing mask for entire 60 minutes.

Again...don't move forward to the next step until you're not having major reactions. It is best to move up slowly so your body has time to detoxify and adjust.

You don't need to wear the mask while you compress (so you can clear your ears freely), but do wear it when you decompress."

Hope this helps.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
I have symptoms (low energy/ cold) from anemia/ low iron which improve with supplementation and return when I stop supplementing. Have been symptom free from Lyme for six months or more, not including the anemia issues, which were difficult to separate out at the time. I also continue to have asthma and aches in response to certain foods but I know what not to eat for the most part and am symptom free if I stay lower histamine. My concern with continued dives are my periods are much worse over the past year and I wonder if mHbot could have contributed; I'm in a low iron rut. I sort of feel "done" at least with Lyme; the rest is management. With that said, a few months ago I missed 3 days in a row to visit my parents and felt the urge to get back in the chamber ASAP.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Did your doctor determine a cause for the anemia?

I'm assuming you been checked for hormonal imbalances (that could contribute to your heavy periods and cause anemia)?

Are you including plenty of iron-containing foods in your diet?

HBOT is actually used to provide oxygen to tissues in cases of anemia due to large blood loss, or when transfusions aren't possible.

IMO, if you are already oxygen deprived due to anemia, I personally would not consider cutting back on daily mHBOT at this point.

The urge to get back in the chamber asap after missing 3 days is a good indicator.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Don't really know. When I take iron my levels go up so probably not an absorption issue. I think it is from bad periods; I've tried balancing hormones in the past but am really sensitive to progesterone; may try TCM/ acupuncture for it.. I'll hold off on cutting back until my iron levels are higher. Thanks for your help.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Hi All,

Wondering if you have some great breakfast suggestions?

I think my diet is the biggest piece I need to work on right now. I couldn't eat hardly ANYTHING for so long. Now that my stomach is doing better, I'm having a hard time having a strict diet. So, I figured I would change one meal at a time.

SOO.... taking all breakfast suggestions!!! [Smile]

Yeah hbot team. Still progressing in my up down fashion. [Wink] So thankful for mhbot.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I used to eat eggs for breakfast. But my stomach does not like them now. So I have peanut butter on a brown rice cake. And coffee of course. So I guess, I am not much help to you. Sorry.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Haha.. kgg, I can do eggs occasionally. I don't think everyday, but it's a good rotation!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I eat spinach (or other vegetable) sautéed in coconut oil, 2 eggs, and 1/2 avocado for breakfast.

Try to think of protein and vegetable for breakfast instead of the usual starchy breakfast foods. If you can digest them at this point, you can stir fry vegetables and add a protein (e.g., grass fed beef, salmon, etc.) to it.

If you are not at that stage of digestive health yet (or even if you are), breakfast is a great time to have bone or meat broth.

Fermented foods are crucial to gut health/healing and would go well here.

For better digestion, food combining is important, too. As a general rule, try not to mix starches with protein. Avocados are a nutritious neutral food and combine with anything. Fruits should be eaten on an empty stomach at least a half hour before a meal to avoid fermentation.

You can also make nut butters and nut milks, but be sure to prepare your nuts properly in advance to remove the anti-digestive enzymes and make them more absorbable.

There are some recipes for nut preparation, bone broth, fermented foods (and other links on diet/nutrition) on this page of my website:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Sent from digby:

Portable Home Hyperbaric Chambers Treat Chronic Lyme:
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you phoiph. That is an excellent starting point.

I've thought about adding things for gut healing, but wonder if I'm wasting time since I'm still on antibiotics 3-4 days a week.

I guess it still helps.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you phoiph. That is an excellent starting point.

I've thought about adding things for gut healing, but wonder if I'm wasting time since I'm still on antibiotics 3-4 days a week.

I guess it still helps.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
uggh, I was doing so well... making progress, living life... then SMACK, I feel like someone put me in a time machine and transported me to 6 months ago. Someone please remind me this is normal..... And it will get better again!

Hope everyone else is doing well and making progress!!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
So sorry. It gets discouraging when we do the two step back thing. But it will pass. And you will get better. Hang in there!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

This sounds like a "speed bump".

Moving is very stressful. It likely took a lot of reserves, and your body is now wanting you to slow down so it can recover.

Have you made any other major changes (e.g., stopping/starting meds, supplements, travel, stress level, foods, etc.)?

Even changing diet (for the better) can have an effect.

My best advice would be to keep things as stable as possible, rest, do your chamber, eat well, and don't overdo. Give your body the time and resources it needs to restore its reserves.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I forgot and totally agree with Phioph. Moving is very stressful. True but almost sounds like an understatement (no criticism intended). I am going to our closing today. People tell me that this process was fast. It felt never ending. And I am still looking at boxes that are not unpacked. Where is my coffee maker??!!

I have hit a level of fatigue that I have not felt in years. Hang in there, HW88. We will bounce back from this and be the better for it!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I agree!!! Luckily I felt my best during the actual move part.

I have to confess despite phoiph's suggestion of waiting to decrease my klonopin, I did decrease it by . 12. It's been about 5 weeks and I haven't bounced back yet... I just want off it SO BAD! I don't know why, but I feel like my brain will heal better without it.

I'm really not sure how long a withdrawal 'speed bump' could last, but from what I've read it can be a while. I'm down to .5 mg.

Good news: before I dropped I had felt the best I had in YEARS!!! Bad news: withdrawal STINKS!

Thanks for the encouragement.... I'm hanging in here. It's so hard to go backwards (mentally).
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Hope you both feel better soon HW88 and Kgg!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks jolley. How are you?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, if you are trying to wean off of Klonopin then consider yourself very strong even though you feel weak. From what I have read that is a very difficult thing to do.

Willbeatthis, where are you? Haven't heard from you for a while. I hope that you are doing OK
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
thank you kgg. It is a miserable drug.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
HW88 I'm doing well these days. Thank you for asking [Smile] Excited more and more people are starting their mHbot journey. Glad we're here for each other too; it's a tough road.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Aww... KGG and Phoiph... Thanks for asking and I must apologize as I really must check in time to time no matter what. We are in this together.

I have been dealing with thyroid meds being adjusted and truthfully, it has been a roller coaster of the last 8-9 weeks. My temp is finally at 98 in the morning- up from 96.2. That is a big deal for me. On top of this, I have never been so busy as a college consultant. So balls in the air- yes and MHBOT helping to make it possible - WITHOUT A DOUBT!

I have been doing the chamber every day no matter what. I will tell you that I have had days better than I have ever had which is terrific but there are also days where I am still going through so to speak. My husband may take a job out of town, I don't think I will move; however, it has been VERY stressful. He is my rock.

HW88- I a sorry to hear that you have had the back stepping of late and I have no doubt it was probably the stress of the move too. I am not sure other than a death of a loved one that there is anything much more stressful. I am remembering the charts I used to look at when studying counseling but it has been sometime. So... there are likely others.... but goodness, I am glad that is over for you.

Klonopin is something. They had me on it years ago prior to lyme when I was trying to get my sleeping habits back to normal after all nighters in grad school-- well, that stuff, geesh, I was on a very minimal dose and literally could sleep until 3 in the afternoon - so they got me off it and put me on Ambien and then I had to get off of that. My cousin was on Klonopin for anxiety all through the day and until the doctor got her off of it-- the poor girl was honestly, not doing well-- which of course, I understood with my brief experience.

I think listening to your doctor and weaning off if you can is very smart. Inherently, I think we know what we need to do as you said you didn't think your brain would heal without getting off it. Trust your inner wisdom and it seems you are being prudent and doing this the right way. I know you will get back.

I've had speed bumps too and now into my 9th month of daily dives. I am so grateful to this thread and to Phoiph, Digby, KGG and all...

I will catch up with the thread soon!! Thanks for thinking of me...
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks for checking in, Willbeatthis!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Good to hear how you are doing. Thanks for the encouragement. I was given Klonopin for sleep also--due to lyme. I think it helped for a few months and after that, I don't think so.

I'm weaning slowly. I think it really will take me another year.

I 'think' I'm starting to come out of my backward steps. I say that cautiously, but the last 2 days have been better than the last month... [Smile]

Thanks for the encouragement. Hope everyone else is moving in the right direction. [Smile]
Posted by shoelover414 (Member # 50891) on :
Phoiph - I tried to reply with my contact info but it says your mailbox is full. I would like to speak you regarding a chamber. Is there another way to contact you? Terrie
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Sorry, shoelover...I will empty the mailbox. Please try again.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, so glad to hear that you are starting to turn the corner!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All
I have a question
I just had my fifth dive in one of the smaller chambers
(This is the first time in this smaller chamber)
After the dive I had die off but this time I have experienced pressure in the head and a ringing in the ears ( kind of a buzz)
The only two things I did different was the smaller chamber and I took a cilantro capsule in the morning

Any ideas?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hominahomina...The size of the chamber won't make any difference unless you are claustrophobic.

The cilantro however, can redistribute mercury into the central nervous system which could cause your symptoms.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Homina~

I assume you were taking the cilantro to assist with detox?

My understanding is that cilantro helps mobilize toxins from cells, but does not help remove them from the body.

My concern is that with the combination of cilantro and mHBOT, you released toxins faster than your body could remove them, causing reactions.

I personally would not take cilantro supplements with mHBOT. It already does a great job of moving toxins out of cells, and assisting your organs of detoxification to remove them in a timeframe which your body can handle (if you start out slowly and carefully enough).

IMO, the best way to assist detox when doing mHBOT is through a clean, gut healing/nerve rebuilding diet and carefully graded exercise (e.g., starting with yoga) to move lymph. Also, don't forget how important it is to stay hydrated.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Yes I think you are right
What about cilantro between dives?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I vote no, unless used as a spice in food.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Are you breathing supplemental oxygen, or just using pressure during your soft chamber sessions?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
supplemental oxygen
I am breathing that
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
This is an oxygen concentrator question
While diving the concentrator automatically shut off

The owner said it was something about the level of oxygen or something they shut it off and turned it back on again

Is this typical behavior from a Oxygen concentrator ?
Here is the brand
Airsep Newlife Intensity
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
No, it is not typical, but it does happen for the following reasons. Did you hear an alarm?

It could have alarmed/shut down due to:

1. Power outage or interruption
2. Kinked tubing or other blockage
3. Lower than 85% oxygen purity
4. High/Low Pressure output
5. High temperature

It could have been incidental, but if it continues to happen, I would ask them if they can explain why it is happening, and when it was last serviced.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I asked the owner of the machine
She said it started beeping because the oxygen concentration was at max or above which would be a 10 or above setting
She said when they adjusted it to about 8 there was no longer a beep

[ 10-07-2017, 07:53 AM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
The higher the LPM (liter per minute) flow setting, the greater the drop in oxygen purity.

If you add the backpressure of the chamber to that formula, the unit has to work harder to produce LPM flow, and so purity may drop at a lower LPM threshold. The age and hours on the unit may also affect performance. Other factors like temperature and humidity play a role too.

So what likely happened was.... the LPM (liter per minute) setting was set high enough that, due to the backpressure of the chamber, the unit was pushed beyond its capacity to maintain 85% oxygen purity, and the oxygen monitor alarm sounded/the unit shut down. When they dialed the LPM down to 8, it reduced the flow demand on the unit, allowing it to raise oxygen purity back up somewhere above 85%.

Other brands of concentrators work differently, but AirSep New Life Intensity 10 concentrators should never be set above 8 - 8-1/2 LPM when used with a home chamber.

That said, I have not known one to alarm if accidentally set higher when used with a home chamber (actually, it should go into an "on demand" mode to conserve purity).

In this case, although you can't be sure how efficiently the unit is functioning, at least you know it is equipped with a oxygen purity monitor alarm, which will alert you if the purity drops below 85%.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :

I am planning on installing the chamber in my minivan
since I don't have space anywhere else

I am wondering if there are people out there that would pay for a mpbile HBOT service

That might be a good side business

Just a thought
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
I have been reading about brucellosis as my son has tested positive several times for this and it is a dormant/ relapsing pathogen. I just read an article that it is killed by the body creating an "oxidative burst". Does MBOT have the potential of creating this. Anybody with brucellosis using MBOT?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi jcarlnew~

Here is an article which states under the mechanisms of action that HBOT helps with the
oxidative burst:

A video of oxidative burst in action created by the body:
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Thanks Phoiph
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Hey phoiph ( or anyone else that had sleep issues that resolved)

I remember you saying you had severe insomnia. I was wondering if you are sleeping through the night now?

I know it's better, but I was wondering if you sleep from the time you go to bed to the time you wake up in the morning.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
It is too soon to say but my sleep seems to be imrproving but I do a lot of other things for sleep
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
what do you do for sleep hominahomina?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
This is my current schedule
Big meal at beginning of day not end
Magnesium at sleep time
Rena Food at beginning of day by standard process
Regular exercise
Gaba at sleep time
Ashwaganda at sleep time
Grounding helps alot at sleep time
I think the diving helps too but not sure yet
16 hours before I go back to sleep
Sometimes I have to use pharmaceuticals
If you have any questions let me know
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Two things I notice after five dives
My appetite is slightly higher
My old root canal is starting to hurt
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I have gone through stages of increased and decreased appetite. Can't say I have had old root canal teeth hurt. But have had others hurt. But Lyme does that.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by HW88:
Hey phoiph ( or anyone else that had sleep issues that resolved)

I remember you saying you had severe insomnia. I was wondering if you are sleeping through the night now?

I know it's better, but I was wondering if you sleep from the time you go to bed to the time you wake up in the morning.

Yes, I had extreme insomnia for years when I was ill. I do sleep well through the night most of the time now (unless my dog wakes me

I think I have mentioned before that restoration of sleep took a long time and improvement was a gradual process. My neuro/HBOT expert friend explained to me that sleep architecture is very complicated, and requires many areas of the brain and body to be in synch.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I think the old root canal pain has something to do with the dives time will tell
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
8 dives in at a clinic at 1.3 ATA, having improved slightly brainfog and energy. Got a long way to go but it's good to see some benefits

Thank you to Phoiph for helping me get set up with a chamber, mine is coming soon!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks phoiph. I remember you saying that about the brain and also that it was one of your last things to work out. I'm looking forward to good sleep... someday! [Smile]

Hominahomina, Sometimes I get 'pressure' in an old root canal of mine, but it happened before diving.. so not much help here.

Jesse, Welcome to the dive group. I had a bit of a honeymoon period when I started with a burst of energy I hadn't felt in YEARS.. it was so refreshing.

Continuing to make progress. I'm excited to hear your progress!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi HH and Jesse! So glad things seem to be going well for you now.

Phoiph is an ANGEL on this EARTH! Yes, my appetite definitely increased. So much so, I make sure I do my dive earlier in the day as I will eat too much before bed otherwise generally.

HW88 seems I have hit a speed bump. You are in good company. Phoiph is so great... she keeps my chin up when I want to look down.

I am nearing 9 months of daily dives and yes, it has been one step forward two steps back and frustrating (and sometimes scary at times) as we have to trust those that have gone before us and that we can RECOVER... I think what scares us is when we go backward and because we all have been so ill for the most part-- it takes our breath away thinking OMG am I going back there.

I think at some level too like with teeth hurting... it is overwhelming to consider how deep these bugs go and I think on the positive, we need to thank GOODNESS and God that our immune system as Phoiph would say is online again.

Just a note for those that hit a speed bump. It is very tempting to get scared to death... and I am tough but when you have been so sick, I think we have to THINK Bigger than the FEAR.

Thank you all here for your constant support and encouragement. I too am having windows where I feel I am getting back to my old self. I find I am laughing easier etc. In essence, I am coming back PRAISE GOD and this team... Especially Phoiph.

I do have one question. Does anyone feel pressure in their quads and glutes when in chamber and then even vibrations after. That heaviness that has been described as babesia.

Interestingly enough, if I detox, the feeling mostly goes away. Praise God for that too...

Thanks, Team... YOU ALL ARE A GIFT! HUGS!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Does anyone here have a Chamber for sale?

Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi HH: I found mine on letgo of all places. I checked the specs with Phoiph. Have you talked to Phoiph about this? She has many wonderful connections. I hope you find one soon!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Willbeatthis What kind of chamber did you get ?
How much did you pay?
Are you happy with it?
I hope Pholp will chime in on other options available

I am wondering if anyone has tried the Summit to sea Dive Vertical chamber

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thank you as always for the kind words.

In addition to what we already talked about...are you taking enough magnesium? Do you add minerals to your water?

Are you over doing it with the exercise? IMO, if the rest of your life is more taxing than usual, cutting back on the heavier exercise temporarily to allow some recovery time might be in order...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Yes, I do know of some chambers for sale and rent/rent-to-own. You can PM me.

I would be careful re the upright chamber, as they have had issues in the past.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I messaged you Phoip
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thank you, Phoiph. You are a sage advisor... thank you... cherished too [Smile] Gosh knows I hope you know that...

I am going to make sure I am getting enough minerals and cut back on exercise. Cannot thank you enough... you always seem to have the answers... like you have been here before [Wink] God bless you...

HH- I have an Oxyhealth Solace (the smallest chamber) I am very happy with. We paid I think 3,300.00 plus 900.00 shipping- it came from CA. I'm in SC. My husband gave it to me as a bday gift. This year I got a card [Wink] I tell him all the time, it was the best gift.... why try for something else [Wink]

This included the Air Sept Concentrator too so it was the whole deal. I checked everything out with Phoiph. It seemed to good a deal to pass up. A nurse with Lyme owned it and was an angel too.

If you aren't too big, the Solace is great. I am about 130 or so (5'5"). I don't know if my husband would be comfortable in it - he's 6 foot and 200 or so (I don't even know). Neither of us like a scale.

Okay, I hope this helps you. I think if I were doing it over again, I might do a Respiro. The size up just for a little more room. If I keep doing this in the foreseeable future, I think that is the route I will take via Phoiph's sources. Given that it is a daily thing with no seeming end at least for now, that is what I would do. If money is tight like mine was, I had to do what I could. Renting too is not a bad option as the nice gentleman Phoiph refers folks too puts the rent towards a chamber. That is a good option too... Thank God for options [Smile]

Thanks again, Phoiph. Off to take minerals! HUGS!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Does anyone know how mhbot controls glutamate? DR. wants me to take a med that inhibits glutamate, but honestly, I don't want to take another drug that controls my brain chemistry.

Today is one of those days that I need to keep looking up. MAN, this disease is incredibly difficult.

Willbeatthis, I appreciated your words. And yes, we must trust the ones that have gone before us.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
A quick search showed that hyperbaric oxygen therapy decreases glutamate in the brain. But that was deep dives. There is not a lot of research on mild dives.

Willbeatthis, one of the top symptom that I abhor in this illness is the heavy leg feeling. Hope it passes quickly for you.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks Kgg. That's what I found too, but wasn't sure on mhbot. Kgg, are you treating with antibiotics as well or just mhbot?
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
I should give a little background myself for those tracking people's progress...

- 31 year old male

- sudden onset after flu-like illness in December 2016 (was in excellent health before)

- tested positive for mycoplasma pneumonia IgMs (from LabCorp and Quest), Bartonella IFA antibodies (from Galaxy), streptococcal antibodies (from MAYO), and Coxsackievirus B4 antibodies (from ARUP).

- test positive for the entire Cunningham Panel, a-1 adrenergic antibodies (POTS related), myocardial autoantibodies, and anti-smooth muscle antibodies

- elevated TNFa and PGE2a

- treated thus far with LDN, IVIG, supplements with modest results (was bedbound / housebound previously)

- have not yet taken any antibiotics

- negative IgenX / Western Blot / CDC for Lyme and other co-infections

- normal MRI, have not had SPECT

- no history tick bite or rash, no pain symptoms

- major symptoms are severe lack of physical stamina, POTS, brain fog, pervasive lightheadedness, unrefreshing sleep, exercise intolerance, mild chest pain, occasional muscle weakness

- Walk 1.5-4k steps a day. Cannot yet work or live independently (my two major goals! I'm ok with not running marathons [Razz] )

- 10 dives in @ 60m o f1.3 ATA w/ supplemental oxygen (over 3 weeks at a clinic, but I will be getting my own Vitaeris chamber soon and will use daily)
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks willbeatthis

How old was your chamber when you bought it and how many dive hours did it have on it?

Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
You mentioned the upright chambers had some problems
What sort of problems?

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, I have used a lot of antibiotics in the past. None while I dive. One of the reasons why I bought the chamber was that I did not want to take antibiotics for the rest of my life, my stomach does not tolerate them.

Welcome, Jesse2233! Sounds like you are off to a great start. Over 50% of the people with Lyme do not recall a tick bite or a rash. So don't discount Lyme. You have had some interesting testing done. Some of which I am going to research.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Kgg, that is one of the reasons I went to mhbot too is so I can eventually be off of antibiotics. I wish I could get a decent jump forward and I would feel better about stopping antibiotics.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hw88 I think patience is key. When did you begin daily dives?

Homina- I know my chamber was a floor model(at Oxy befoe the nurse bought it)- but I don't know many hours honestly. I remember telling Phoiph the number of hours on the compressor with the reader on it and she said it wasn't many. The nurse didn't have a muffler on it either so quite frankly- I don't think there could have been many. She found success with Hortolf Med. In California with allergy like therapy and moved on pretty quickly from mhbot but the truth is- I don't really know.

I did call Oxy Health with the serial number before purchase and their had been no issues. I'd definitely do that if you find yourself in a similar spot. God speed!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you willbeatthis. I'm hoping time and patience will pay off. I started diving early May, but it took 3 months to work up to 1 hr with oxygen.

So, I guess only 2 months of daily 1 hr with oxygen dives.

I've found that because this disease is so up and down I need a lot of reassurances. So thank you everyone for continuing to reassure me when things go south.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Is anyone using Summit to Sea Shallow Dive?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Do you know the year?
I am trying to compare yours with another
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
Thanks kgg! Good point on the 50% w/o a bite or rash
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hom Hom- It is 2010 - had to go back to my records and was 2700 with 900 shipping (From CA with Compressor- pretty heavy) So total of 3600.00 hope this helps you. To bed.... Amy
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Okay Thanks
That is helpful
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
How's it going Homina? I'm thinking of you! Hw88- you've just gotten started really. Hang in there. I know about the reassurance. I honestly think PTSD is a part of Lyme and Cos. God bless you and keep Diving!!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
How's it going Homina? I'm thinking of you! Hw88- you've just gotten started really. Hang in there. I know about the reassurance. I honestly think PTSD is a part of Lyme and Cos. God bless you and keep Diving!!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
It is going Okay Phoip is giving me leads for a chamber
I hope to have one soon
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks willbeatthis. I know I struggle with PTSD. I have days that it doesn't bother me, but then out of the blue, I will pass a store, or see something and all the panic and trauma of this disease comes at me like a 5 ton truck.

I really have just started. Thank you for the reassurance.

QUESTION: My Dr. is suggesting join up in my dive time to 2 hrs. I remember there was a conversation on here at some point about dive times, but I'm horrible at finding what I want on this site. Can someone direct me to that conversation?
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by HW88:

QUESTION: My Dr. is suggesting join up in my dive time to 2 hrs. I remember there was a conversation on here at some point about dive times, but I'm horrible at finding what I want on this site. Can someone direct me to that conversation?

I don't think there's any data unfortunately.

O2 is toxic to some bacteria, that's one of the reasons why hbot is effective, it's also toxic to the brain at higher concentrations though.

If you look at the brain injury studies, outcomes are better at lower pressure (1.5 ata) and outcomes are worse when patients go into the chamber too often, and for too long. They regress, unfortunately.That appears to be the result of oxidative stress. The same mechanism that kills bacteria.

Longer treatments times may help with your Lyme, but there may be downsides.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I am not in favor of diving 2x per day for chronic neuro-type illness like Lyme. IMO, it may upset the balance of free radical production (which is necessary to harm the pathogens), and antioxidant production by the body (that is necessary to protect our own cells from the free radicals), which could cause oxidative stress, especially in someone who is already compromised.

I agree with Charles in that it is useful to look to the brain injury models of mHBOT treatment from an expert like Dr. Harch for guidance with a neurological disease. Like any drug, there is a dosage "sweet spot" that the brain responds best to:

More is Better: The Recurrent Illusion of Higher Pressure HBOT in Chronic Brain Injury, by Dr. Paul Harch
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The good news is that hyperbaric is being used with veterans to successfully treat PTSD:

When I was in the early stages of recovery with mHBOT, I wondered how, even if my body were to become functional again, would I ever deal with the psychological fallout of going through 8 years of mental and physical torture.

I can tell you that, although it took time and came in stages, miraculously, I am able to talk about my experience, without reliving the trauma and experiencing psychological pain. I can only attribute that mental healing to mHBOT.

As I was recovering, I would sense that my emotional brain was healing on another level...without my conscious participation in the process.

You are just beginning with mHBOT. Given time, I am optimistic that the PTSD will work itself out just as it did with me, and has done so for others.

You are early in the process. Keep the faith...and if you can't, we will keep it for you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
For those who have been trying to reach me~

I've been deluged with lots of calls and messages as of late...

If I haven't returned your message yet, I haven't forgotten to respond...just a little backlogged!

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, FWIW, I upped my time from 1 hour to 90 minutes and STOPPED getting benefits. It took a while to figure it out but when I went back to 1 hour I continued to improve again.

If I were ever do that experiment again I would go to 2 X day and maybe reduce the time under pressure to 45 minutes.

However, the protocol that Phoiph has set up has helped in a number of cases now, so in my mind I see no reason to change it.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you all. My heart is full with the support I find here. I find myself going in waves and when I need reassurances, you all are here.

I love diving. It's interesting because my hair is growing faster, my nails are stronger, and my gums are more pink. I notice little things like this and I know it's doing something.

It will work on the bigger issues too. TIME!

Thank you all!
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
After having problems with repairing window on my 06 Oxyhealth Respiro I laid off diving but still felt I was getting benefit from using my concentrater.

Looking at buying something new this time that I can get a 5 year warranty and affordable.

That brings me to looking at Newtowne and Summit to Sea. I know several years ago Oxyhealth had a false smear job on Summit to Sea that was cleared up after investigation.

Would love to hear any input be it pro or con of either of these manufactures.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I have a newtowne. I like mine. I have had it for about 6 months.
Posted by jarjar (Member # 8847) on :
Thsnks for the input HW. I notice where you can purchase new Newtowne's with warranty on Ebay plus they have an option to offer a lower price.

If anyone purchased one on ebay and they accepted your lower price would be curious about how much they came off asking price.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I had 06 OxyHealth Vitaeris that the zipper blew on it. Instead of repairing and missing dive time, I bought Newtowne. So far very pleased.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
You all are such a wealth of information. Thank you.

Finding your sweet spot with time is tricky. Like Digby used to do, I'm at 90 min. So far so good- I've had some two steps back for sure but also many steps forward.

Hw88 did your doc want you to do a two hour session at one time? I'll be honest, that sounds hard. 90 minutes is the max I can do as its hard for me to even go this long without a potty break.

Is your doc the one in Maryland that writes some on his patients and mhbot? I'd love to hear your doctor's experience with going longer. I liked what Charles posted and Digby's feedback. Depending on time, sometimes I'm at an hour or a few less. Something to really think about. I think it is very easy to underestimate the power of this treatment. How about what Digby said- 2 x at 45 with pressure or just simply allowing yourself more time and sticking with the 1 hour protocol- like Digby said- tried and true. I went up in time when I felt bone pain in my feet and it seemed it took that long for me to feel relief of that stage.

I feel I've made some real gains of late so I think I'll stay this path. Digby, Charles and Phoiph, thank you for your exceptional guidance. Will keep your experience in mind Digby moving forward!

Yay, Homina! Keep us posted. Kgg glad the Newtown is a fit! HW88- how encouraging on these milestones even if they appear small! Progress... always a blessing. Hugs all!

[ 10-26-2017, 02:11 AM: Message edited by: willbeatthis ]
Posted by BryanRosner1 (Member # 49076) on :
I have a Respiro + concentrator that I'm selling. They are like-new. Concentrator reads 100 hours. Very low time. Chamber is also like new. I paid $10,000 for both in January. I will accept $7,500 now. The reason I'm selling them so cheap is that I believe my house has been making me sick and we are moving out. Now, my wife isn't sick, nor my kids. So, it could just be my own sensitivities. But, if someone were to buy these, they may have to scrub them down -- or maybe not, maybe they would be fine for you. I do like mild HBOT and will re-purchase one later when we are settled somewhere new, since we will be on the road for a while with no place for the chamber. Location is South Lake Tahoe CA. I'm not able to ship, you'd have to pick up. Thanks! I'm not able to check this thread a lot so please email me direct at rosner.bryan at

I will also say this -- I DO NOT think mild HBOT failed me. I just haven't been able to be consistent with it, and as Phoiph has pointed out, I am at 6500 feet elevation and I think this has been a factor in why it hasn't worked for me.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
I've been using my chamber daily for about two months now. I go in daily for somewhere between an hour and an hour and a half.

I still get what I'd describe as a bone ache at the hour and a quarter mark. It feels like something I suppose. My neck and back also feel awfully stiff when I emerge.

I would ascribe that to herxing.

As others have written, I don't feel miraculously better, not immediately. But it's fair to say my head is clearer, and the anxiety symptoms that I get from my Bartonella have lessened. It's also easier for me to wake up on schedule, and get out of bed in the mornings. That's always been a struggle for me.

I felt like my personality disappeared into the void when I got sick. I became something of a zombie.

I hope that's getting better.


I should mention, I'm down to one medication. And that's real progress.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome, Charles12! Long may the improvements continue! Slowly but surely.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
willbeatthis, Yes, he wanted me to reach 2 hrs all at once. I don't think I will do that. I may do the 45 X 2. Not sure. Yes, you have the right dr.

I'll have to ask him about his other patients and the time they use.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi All: Bryan- I wish all of your family wellness.

Charles12- I had some bone aching and when i'm about at the hour to hour and 30 I get pain in my most hard hit areas. I view it as herxing too.

I've tried to go back to an hour but it seems 90 minutes is the best for me. I think you have to figure that part out. It sounds like you have had great improvement.

HW88 - it was because of hearing your doc had recommended longer than an hour, I tried the 90- now, I would not advise anyone to go beyond the hour - this is just me. I have found it to be helpful.

Digby went back to an hour, so like him, I will have to see how it continues to go. Like lyme, this too is personal. Any luck with your headache? I pray so- Hugs! WBT
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
How are you KGG? I pray well- and the rest of this O2 team- Keep Diving!
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by willbeatthis:
I've tried to go back to an hour but it seems 90 minutes is the best for me. I think you have to figure that part out.

I live at altitude now, but I had the same experience when I lived closer to sea level. I didn't feel a noticeable reaction till I hit the hour and half mark.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Charles. This is a real help. Yes it seems 90 minutes here in Charleston is my sweet spot.

Thanks for the feedback! It helps a lot! I hope you are doing well!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Hmm, I wonder if elevation plays a role in the time of the 'sweet spot?'

I've finally had a few better days in a row again. I think my crash was from the klonopin drop and it just took 2 MONTHS to get back to base level.

The best is yet to come......
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks for asking, Willbeatthis. Just started diving again yesterday. The house move had me missing almost 2 months of diving. I had just got it set back up, dove 3 times and came down with a cold. Missed another 3 weeks. Then we had a wind storm that knocked the power out for 3 days. So I feel like I am starting back a square one. And I have that heavy tired feeling. The one I hate. So I begin again....
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
Wanted to share some progress...

I have done 43 dives so far..

- Increased energy
- Have gone from ~2k steps a day to 4.5k (see Fitbit data
- Can now drive for several hours

- Better sleep
- Feeling somewhat more rested waking up
- Higher percentage of REM / Deep sleep on Fitbit

- Reduced brainfog
- Can start to do things for my business again
- Can more easily watch high intensity movies (saw Thor and Bladerunner in theatres, would've been way too intense before)

- Reduced muscle twitching

I hope these benefits continue!

Thank you phoiph!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All
I am looking in to Oxygen Concentrators (Airsep Newlife Intensity 10)
I can get one for under a thousand used but they have thousands of hours on them and I am wondering if they are any good?
A new one is a little more expensive with no hours

Does anyone have any experience with the used ones or an opinion on new vs used?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hominahomina, I don't have experience or an opinion on this. I don't even know what hour count is consider out of limits. So I too am interested in this info. Part of me would like new, not knowing how or where it was stored and used etc. But my pocketbook sure would like to buy a used one.

Hopefully, someone will chime in with an answer.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Great start! Just be sure to continue "low and slow", and resist the temptation to overdo because you are doing a bit better. This can lead to a crash in the early stages...

Through the resource I shared with you, you can sometimes get a refurbished AirSep concentrator with lower hours...can also be a demo unit or short term rental just depends on what comes in. These are usually around $900-$1,000 with a 2 year warranty. You can also ask to be put on a waiting list for one, but no telling how long it might be.

These units are designed to run 24/7 for years, so having a few thousand hours is not a lot in terms of the useful life of the unit. That said, the fewer the hours the better, and if you can afford it, for a few hundred dollars more ($1395), you will have a brand new one with a 3 year warranty.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
A small update.

I'm herxing consistently now.

My neck will grow stiff, and throb. The purple streaks have returned to my upper back. They run almost parallel to my spine on either side.

Some days I feel breathless, as if I have to fight for air.

My hands, and perhaps my forearms, will ache. And I feel somewhat grumpy.

My head is clear though and the inflammation in my lymph nodes has receded.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Charles12, you sound like your body is working on Bartonella. When my young adult son was briefly diving, a stiff neck is what he had for a herx reaction too.

I am glad you are seeing small signs of progress too! Hang in there. They will increase.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I thought I would pop in and say hello to all the mHBOTers, welcome the new divers and give a little update.

I'm feeling fantastic and would say I'm at 100% so I'm going next month to have all my tests run one last time in hopes they are all normal and I can move on to improving the residual damage the LD left behind.

I'm still working full time which equates to 10 hour days 5 days a week, I start off with a 2.5 mile walk in the morning with the dogs, and another 1.5-2 miles on my lunch hour of walking, 3 days a week on weights and a lot of after work activities and fun.

My most recent accomplishment was a 8.5 miles hike that did leave me sore for a few days but worth getting back on the trails. I also completed another 5k a week before the hike.

Jesse2233 your progress sounds much like mine in the beginning and I crashed at dive 56 pretty hard but still had good days in between the herxing.

Forgive me for I don't know all the new divers names [Smile]

For the one with a stiff neck, I also suffered with that and over time it resolved.

I'm so excited to see more divers having success and telling your stories. If you follow Phoiph's guidelines you will have success, it will take everyone a different amount of time to achieve wellness but it possible.

Thank you Phoiph for continuing to donate your time to this therapy and educating those who are searching for a natural cure. You definitely changed my life in January 2015 [bow]
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Peimomma:
I'm feeling fantastic and would say I'm at 100% so I'm going next month to have all my tests run one last time in hopes they are all normal and I can move on to improving the residual damage the LD left behind.

You've been using your chamber for two years?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I'm sooooo happy for you...and glad I had the opportunity to help...but you did the work!

Also, thank you for again for contributing your progress documentation and videos. I truly hope you continue to post your videos from time to time for everyone here!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

Yes. I started treating 1 Feb 2015. If you haven't seen my 10 short videos from day one of treatment to 6 months after beginning work, here's the link.

I have less than 100 treatments since my 2 year mark of Feb 2017 and rarely get in my chamber these days. At most I treat on the weekends for general health but I think it's been almost 3 weeks since my last dive. My total 1 hour dives with the oxygen mask is 907 to date.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
kgg I am investigating the availability of good used concentrators I will let you know
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
Phoiph - good point on not doing too much. Think I had a mini crash yesterday where my head felt inflamed after too much activity over the previous 3 days. It's so hard not to go out and start living again, but I have to remind myself this is a marathon not a sprint.

Peimomma - Thanks for sharing that. I'm on dive 52 now, so close to where you were when you started Herxing. How long did that period last? And at what point did you start having sustained uninterrupted progress?
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
Als Peimomma... do you think there's a chance that your crash was in part from oxygen toxicity from diving 2x a day? I'm watching your third video and you say that it got better when you went back to 1x a day
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

No, my dives were only 60 minutes in length and at least 6 hours between each dive. I read before I began that the O2 only last 4-6 hours from a soft chamber as its not 100% pure oxygen.

It got better when I went to 1 dive a day because I want having as much die off happen.

The herxing period lasted about 3 months and then I started feeling better in May and even having a few great days. From May until August I was doing really well and then I had a month long set back from stress and fatigue. It was up and down for another month and then I started making good progress.

I had a few set backs but always rebounded stronger. It's like layers being peeled away and you just have to be patient and stay the course. This is why a daily journal is so important, you can look back at the ups and down and make changes if necessary.
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
Thanks Peimomma that makes sense, and it's good to know on the amount of time needed between dives

Interesting on the layered healing. the body certainly has it's own wisdom

Did you track steps during your recovery?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
What do you mean by tracking steps? literal walking steps LOL
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
This is a strange thing to write, but my personality is coming back. Or my sense of humor is at least.

I started diving around August 20th, and I've been using it daily ever since.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
it's so good to read everyone's updates! I've been having good days again. It took a little over 2 months to climb out of my klonopin decrease crash.

I will post one success today (although there are many small successes)

I hadn't slept through the night in over 8 years. Since starting mhbot, I've had 3 episodes of sleeping through the night. The first 2 lasted 4 nights. This last one lasted 6 nights. I know this might sounds crazy, but for someone that hasn't slept through the night in YEARS, even one night of being able to fall asleep and not wake until morning is amazing.

I'm hoping more of that will come!

Oh, I too get a stiff neck. I also believe it is my bart.

Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Charles12 that is exactly what I started to notice too. I started to laugh again and find joy in having conversations with people whereas in the past I avoided eye contact so I wouldn't have to waste energy talking to anyone.

HW88 that is great news and only those that have suffered chronic insomnia can truly understand the excitement. I'm so happy for you. Stay the course it only gets better.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Me too, Charles12.

Although I still felt beyond horrible for quite some time, I noticed a faint glimmer in my mental state that began to come and go.

I had no idea at the time if that glimmer meant anything (or if it was just another cruel joke), but over time, I got myself back...(and I think it is actually an improved version...LOL).
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Yay, I can chime in that I am laughing again too!

HW88 so glad to hear you are beginning to sleep through the night!!! [sleepy]

Jesse- hang in there... there are definite ups and downs but don't be discouraged. You tend to rebound stronger [Smile]

PEIMOMMA! Oh happy day! So happy to see you here and that you are working 5 10 hour days basically and only treating a couple times a week - WOW!! I am so happy to hear this.... [woohoo]

Charles, good to hear you are making such progress too. I don't have much to report but I think I am on an upward trend. You do have to balance treatment with herxing as the veterans will tell you....

Thank you all for your continued support.... I am almost at ten months of daily dives (minus about three days of illness - congestion). [Cool]

KGG... Hopefully you are on an upward trend too now. I am glad you are better from that cold/ illness.

Phoiph- SO good to always hear from you! I am still so grateful for PEIMOMMA and YOU! [bow] I am hoping for an improved version [Smile]

Dive on Team! You ROCK! [group hug]
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
Thank you Willbeatthis! I appreciate the encouragement!

Peimomma lol yea I mean walking steps. i have a FitBit that counts them, wondering if you did too
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

Yes, I actually logged in my journal when I started hitting my 10,000 steps in a day and days I fell short.
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
Oh cool! at what point did you hit 10k steps?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
The end of April was my first 10k day 4/27/15 at dive 123. Up until that point I was walking 30 minutes a day on the treadmill.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Some days are better than others. I'm still getting the occasional headache, they start behind my right eye, and they're something else when they happen.

I also, still, have periods of anxiety.

On the whole though, I'm feeling better. The swelling in my lymph nodes has disappeared. And just I feel more like me.

That's been really welcome.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Charles12, I am so happy to hear of your improvement. I have had those headaches behind my right eye before. Not fun, in the least. I hope that the anxiety is another symptom you can say you no longer get very soon!
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
I have a cold (sore throat and mild sinus congestion) for the first time since being ill. Not sure if this is from mHBOT waking up my immune system, me accidentally overdoing it last weekend, or just coincidence.

Anyone else experience this?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Jesse2233...

Usually this is a good sign. Just be sure you don't dive if your ears are congested and you can't clear them. You shouldn't have pain in your ears when diving...if you do, reduce the pressure immediately!

Also, don't dive if you're running a fever.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I had my first cold at the end of my first year of diving (dive 395). I made the mistake of going through the hour dive and when I went to decompress I became extremely dizzy, the chamber was spinning and I almost passed out. After we got the chamber unzipped I had to crawl out and lay on the floor for 20 minutes until things got better. I was very nauseous and didn't feel better until the next morning.

Be very cautious when you have a cold or sinus issues.
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
thanks Phoiph and Peimomma [Smile]

I'm gonna skip the next couple days while my sinuses are impacted and just treat with normobaric oxygen

Happy thanksgiving!
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
What is the size of the brass "screw" that the tubing goes through?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Jolley~

Are you looking for the brass screw to plug the port? If so, I would call the technician at Oxyhealth 877.789.0123 and see if they will send you one.

If you are looking for part of the "hook up kit", the oxygen concentrator vendor that I refer people to has the pass through parts you need.

He includes the "hook up kit" when you buy a concentrator, but he will sell the kit or parts separately as well. He may also know the size and type of screw.

I just emailed you the vendor's contact information.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Hi everyone,

I know it's a few days past thanksgiving, but I wanted to tell you all how grateful I am for this team.

I feel like I'm back and base level and hopefully will continue seeing improvements. I had 2 quick questions.

1. How do I clean the filter on the oxygen concentrator and how often?

2. Did anyone else notice weight gain after starting mhbot? Before becoming extremely ill and figuring out I had lyme, I was about 20 lbs over weight. I was going to the gym 5 days a week and was very diligent about my caloric intake. This is what I had used to lose weight after all my babies and it worked. But it WOULD NOT BUDGE.

Fast forward to when life crashed around me. My gastroparesis went crazy, I lost over 30 lbs because I was only eating about 400-600 (good day) calories a day.

Now I can eat better. I don't feel like I eat a lot, but the weight just keeps adding. At first I was happy for the lbs so I didn't look so sickly, now... not so much.

The weight gain seems to correlate with the time I started mhbot. not sure if it's because I can eat better, or what. BUT, the weight still doesn't want to come off.

Is this a metabolic issue caused by lyme? Or something to do with mhbot? Any thoughts in the matter would be helpful. I don't want an unhealthy weight to deter my goal to health.

Again, thank you all so much. I'm a mhbot believer and believe I will get completely better following the mhbot/eating/graded exercise that is suggested.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by HW88:
Did anyone else notice weight gain after starting mhbot?

I've noticed some weight gain. I don't know if related though.

I have started running again so hopefully that will even things out.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I have an old Regalia with a black filter that sits on the top. I wash it in the sink with warm soapy water. When I am good it is once a week. When not on top of things once a month. But I keep a cloth napkin over it so it doesn't sit there and collect dust.

I did not notice weight gain when I started diving. But I had chronic appendicitis so I did not have much appetite and food just ran through me.

Lyme/borrelia loves the thyroid. I am like you, I do not lose weight when I want to. I can exercise and my clothes will fit differently, better. But my scale won't budge. I always attributed that to my thyroid.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Charles, I can't wait to be in a place that I can start running again. I miss it.

kgg, I think our equipment is different. I'll have to look at mine. Maybe I should read the manual [Wink] LOL

I've had my thyroid extensively tested and it always comes out fine. Although I wonder sometimes because thyroid issues (siblings with cancer, goiters, etc.) Run far in my family tree.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, which O2 Concentrator do you have?
Posted by atxlyme (Member # 50287) on :
I'm looking to try doing hyperbaric chamber treatment in Austin, TX. I've heard the type of machine you use makes a great difference. Could anyone help point me in the right direction of which facility to use?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

A couple of thoughts about the weight gain.

First, as your gut heals with mHBOT and diet, you will start absorbing nutrients/calories again.

Second, when you had gastroparesis, consumed only 400-600 calories/day and lost 30 lbs., your body likely went into starvation mode which slowed your metabolism.

As you get better, you can very gradually add light resistance training to build muscle mass, which will help increase metabolism. Also, be sure to eat enough protein.

About your concentrator filter. If you have the AirSep, just remove the mesh filter on the back (ideally once a week or so), wash it in warm, soapy water, rinse and air dry thoroughly overnight before replacing.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The type of chamber you are using (e.g., hard vs. soft), is not as important as the degree of pressure (mild), whether you are using supplemental 02, and the length and consistency of your sessions over time.

Most of us here are using home chambers, because chronic conditions like Lyme require daily, consistent, long-term treatment, which is not usually cost effective in a clinical setting.

Some people feel more comfortable experiencing their initial sessions in a clinical setting, however. If so, make sure the staff allows you to work up slowly to the full hour session over time/multiple sessions. Often, clinicians are not aware of how sensitive people with chronic Lyme can be to this powerful therapy.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Phoiph, I do have the airsep. Thank you!

The thoughts on weight are interesting. Hopefully with time, my metabolism will increase.... as well as my endurance for exercise.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

It will in time...but don't rush anything!

Not a good idea to cut calories while you're healing; be sure to continue to eat lots of good fats and protein.

Maybe look into the keto diet as per Digby...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

When cleaning your Airsep is very easy to forget to put it back in the concentrator; and running it without is not at all good for it.

I put a sticky note on the front of my concentrator whenever I remove the filter to remind myself...:)
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks phoiph, I'm not planning on 'dieting' for weight right now. I'm just so happy I can eat better.

I'm going to work on my diet for health and nutrients.. I will continue looking into the keto diet. It is far from what I eat right now, so I might just have to make small changes at a time.

Good idea about the sticky note...
Posted by atxlyme (Member # 50287) on :
Have you tried other oxygen therapies like ozone or EWOT, and if so how did they compare to your experiences with this?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
atxlyme....I'm not sure who you are asking but I have done extensive Ozone therapies and tried to do EWOT. These therapies have their place but nothing helped me more than mHBOT.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Has anyone started mhbot on antibiotics and then weaned off them? When did you wean off them?

I'm currently doing 4 days on, 3 off, but after taking antibiotics for over a year and a half, they start to feel like poison....

Just curious if anyone had helpful advice.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
mhbot with antibiotics?

yes....I did for months and felt it made the abx more potent?

however,my gut started healing and felt it was working again after I stopped the abx and just went chamber only.

hope this helped)
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, I know what you mean when you say they start to feel like poison. My hat is off to you for making it that long. After 30 days, my gut and body say no more!

I have not taken antibiotics with the mHBO, so I can't help with the weaning. I would hope that mHBO would help the process.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I'm noticing I feel better on the days I don't take my antibiotics. I'm on a 4 day on, 3 day off.

I don't know if that means I need to keep taking antibiotics and I'm herxing, which I hate, but I guess is good???? Or if I would heal faster without the antibiotics messing up my gut.

I go back to my Dr. in early January. I think I'm going to see what his thought are on doing a 3 month break of antibiotics and see if I keep progressing without them.

Thanks everyone.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, FWIW, I was much improved on mHBO after stopping antibiotics.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I was not on antibiotics when I started mHBOT, but have had the opportunity to work with a lot of people who were.

Generally, it seems the most successful plan is to stay on whatever antibiotics you are already on when starting mHBOT. Then, once you have gained enough stability and strength through extended mHBOT, begin to VERY GRADUALLY wean off of the meds, one at a time (with practitioner's supervision), while continuing mHBOT.

If done slowly (as to not shock your body), many people will begin to make strides forward in their healing after this process, as the body can begin to traverse the layers of toxins and heal the gut, etc.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks everyone. Stopping one med at a time makes sense. I didn't think about that.

I started them one at a time, It makes sense to stop them one at a time.

I've been having relatively good days... or at least more relatively good than bad days.

Thanks everyone!!!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Does anyone here have any experience with Newtowne Chambers specifically the class 4 27 inch?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I have a newtowne, but it is military 34". I really love it.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Ditto to what HW88 said.
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
Wanted to report that I'm continuing to have ups and downs and still have a lot of symptoms... but...

Since my first dive on 9/20/17 (80 dives total) my TNFa has gone down substantially, 77 to <5; Ref <22, and my NKC function has gone up 9 to 22; Ref 7-125.

Of course correlation is not causation, but previously my TNFa had been steadily inching up.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Love hearing about improved lab markers! I hope that you have more up days than downs going forward.
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
thank you kgg, same to you!
Posted by Tickboy (Member # 48796) on :
Hi everyone! I used to post on here as Lymeboy. But then I had a freakout and deleted my account! Anyway I am back. I have a LOT to say. But for the moment I will just say that I've been doing MHBOT for over a year and I can report amazing results. Mind you, I didn't get where I am with just the chamber alone. But in conjunction with everything else I've done to get where I am, it has been a friggin miracle. Literal miracle. I am not "cured" but Iam in better physical shape than ever and I feel grateful and healthy every day and still going at it. It's late, so I'm gonna cut it short, but I will be checking in to help out and answer questions for anyone looking for their path. (We are all different and what worked for me may not for others)
I had a bad case of neuro Lyme. I had heart issues, fatigue, severe shivering chills, and over the course of 6 years or so, I had every damn symptom lyme can throw at you! Today I am winning the battle. Let's hope it is for good.

It can be won. For me, I wouldn't be alive if I hadn't undergone a complete change of lifestyle and way of thinking. Sounds like a lot but it is the simplest part of all this Lyme business.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Tickboy/Lymeboy, Congratulations on your success treating with mHBOT. It has turned my life around. From wheelchairs and home bound to hiking and biking! Yet, I can also say that I am far from fully healed. It's an interesting journey.

I don't think mHBOT is a complete cure for everyone but it raises the baseline health enough that other treatments are well tolerated. Figuring out those other treatments to get to full health can be an ongoing challenge but much more manageable when you are coming from a body that has some energy and a mind that can think clearly!

Keep up the good work!
Posted by TF (Member # 14183) on :
Hey, Lymeboy! Great to hear from you. And I love your good report. I have thought of you often. So good to know you are now in a good place, and also in California!

Keep in touch with us!!!!
Posted by Tickboy (Member # 48796) on :
I will keep in touch. I've been out running around living the life I thought was gone forever. In fact, being crazy already, I went a little crazier and lived about 3 years worth of life this past year. Injuries sustained and all.

I want to help those that are still suffering. I've been through a lot and I think I have some good stuff to offer here.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
It's great to hear good news from others. It always brings so much hope.

I wanted to jump on and update also. I am SO grateful for mhbot. I as well continue to go up and down, but feel I'm moving in the right direction.

These last few days have been some of my BEST days in YEARS!! I know this is a 2 step forward one back, but I figured I would post on a good day.

I took around neighbor christmas treats with my husband yesterday. 1. I actually MADE neighbor treats this year
2. I actually enjoyed talking to people and not just thinking, "when can we go so I can lay down."

Happy diving, team. and Merry Christmas!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
tickboy, what were your other treatments that you did along side mhbot.

Also, you say your are in good health, but don't consider yourself cured? Curious what you mean by that. Are you symptom free, or just functioning? Just curious?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Lymeboy~

So happy you have come back to share your success is an amazing one!
Posted by Tickboy (Member # 48796) on :
HW88, I am not totally symptom free. I have not been able to shake Bartonella. But I do manage it with A-bart. Stuck on this one. I'm not sure if certain strains of Bart can be eradicated. Not giving up though.

If I have a bad day, it's a few hours, and it's more of an annoyance than anything else. Most "flare ups" involve temper flares, which I was (much less) prone to before getting sick. I do feel a bit of insanity now and then.

"Protocol" - Clean eating, yoga, and MHBOT, along with A-Bart, rotated in with various Bartonella herbs I've been messing with.

I will stress that I had a strict diet for 5-6 years prior. I quit drinking completely in 2010. I started yoga in late 2014. But I didn't come to health, as I'm calling it, until adding HBOT. This was what made me feel normal again. And after so long just scraping by, I felt superhuman at times.
There is A LOT to add here. I cannot say I am cured. I don't know if you can walk around w/ Lyme for 10 years and be rid of all the infections and damage it does. But I am in very good physical health and the best mental health I've experienced in many years. I feel better than I've felt in decades in many ways.

After the holiday craziness dies down, I'll give some more details. It's not quite as simple as I made it out to be. Happy merry holidays everyone!
Posted by Jesse2233 (Member # 50818) on :
Tickboy, how many dives did it take before you noticed dramatic improvement?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
What kind of chamber do you use ?
How often per week and how long do you dive each time?

Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Yay Tickboy! I am so happy to hear you are doing well!!!! Congratulations [Smile]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Congratulations Tickboy,

As someone who is in the 3rd year of treatment I can say I didn't feel 100% until around 30 months and nearly 900 dives.

I felt well enough at 2 years to go back to full time work but still hit a few bumps trying to find a balance in life. I rarely dive now and have gone almost 2 months with no dive. I have residual damage from 20 years being undiagnosed but I'm very confident my lab tests that were recently taken are going to show great things.

Keep diving mHBOTers
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Happy Holidays to everyone!

Congratulations to all who are now well and able to enjoy their holidays.

For those who are still struggling...I truly understand how difficult the holidays are. Have hope and keep the faith. I never thought I would see another holiday, much less enjoy or participate in one. If it was possible for me to become well, it is possible for you.

Looking forward to healing for all in 2018. The best is yet to come...
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Everyone! Happy almost New Year! Tickboy!! Wow~ it is so good to hear from you... Phoiph told us you were doing well! It is great to hear it from you!!

Peimomma- so good to hear from you and that you are still doing well!! HW88 - sounds like real progress is being made!

Sorry I have been out of the loop. I pulled my back out at the end of November and thankfully, am well on the mend now. Still doing my daily dives and on January 29th it will be a year [Smile] So happy!

I have made great strides. I fought my doctor on LDN as it made me herx a lot but he told me that was my immune system turning on so I pushed through and I believe that with mhbot has been life changing. I have very little migratory pain anymore and no headaches to speak of. Pretty dramatic.

Thank you, Phoiph, Digby, Peimomma and all those that came before me. You all are beacon's of light...

To 2018 and continued healing for all.... HUGS!!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Wishing everyone here a Healthy, Prosperous and Peace Filled New Year.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
Happy New Year to all here....over 600 dives and having the best 3 days in a row in YEARS.

I know there will be more speed bumps,the difference now is I expect them,will conquer them and enter the next level of wellness)

Enjoying a few gluten free beers and lettuce burger watching football today.....sending a message to anyone looking for hope.....mhbot is working.

All the best,

Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks for the hope reminder.

I need a bit of advice tonight. I gradually came off antibiotics. I was on a 4 days on 3 days off scenario for a while. Then gradually dropped less and less.

I felt the BEST I had since being sick for about 2 weeks after completely stopping antibiotics. Then, crash. I haven't felt like this in a while, which induces quite a panic.

So, my question is: do I go back on antibiotics? Is this normal for coming off antibiotics and if I keep going, I will get over this and continue doing better soon?

Any advice would be really appreciated tonight. I just need some hope and advice from those that have been there.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, Is it possible that without the abx on board, your immune system is kicking in and causing the symptom flair?

I don't think anyone can really answer your question definitively but if it was me (ok, actually it was me at one time) I would stay off the antibiotics and give the HBO a chance. The hardest part is wrestling with the fear when symptoms return.

I hope your flare is short lived. If it is a herx type reaction, you should be feeling better than ever in the next couple of weeks.

Hang in there. May this new year bring us all improved health!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you digby! I really just needed to hear from someone tonight and their opinion.

The fear that I will suddenly crash back to where I was at the beginning is hard to fight... well, that and all the bart mental symptoms, but I need to trust in the process and healing methods I've chosen.

I'm hoping it's just a herx and I will be feeling even better in a few weeks. I've said all along, one of the most frustrating things with this is not know what is going on... is it good that I feel worse? is it from this? from that?

I really do hope it's a good thing and I will be doing MUCH better soon!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi HW88: I agree with Digby too. He is right - the fear is the worst. Dr. H- whom I still see - says that typically you will never go back to where you were. So, Praise God, you are making strides and you just have to keep moving forward. The way I look at is -- you can always go back on the ABX down the road if you really feel the need. I know when my thyroid doc wanted me to do ldn due to my mom dying of amyloidosis- in essence, preventative medicine for me- and I flared heavily and I mean heavily- I freaked. I told him NO way. He looked at me with these sad eyes and his nurse and observing nurse - the same eyes and I felt I was the worst patient. So he said, after telling me my immune system was coming back on board and it was a herx not a flare- (And that I needed to call things correctly as well - love those humbling moments)- that I needed to try one every other day and that I could probably push through and if not, I could stop forever. Well, I went home and said, he knows of what he is talking so I went back and pushed through. Gosh am I glad I did. It was a missing key for me I think with mhbot. Praise God for both modalities and for abx when I needed them. For me it has been all about the right tool at the right time... I pray you will start turning the corner. Believe you will... I think that helps too... The mind and body connection cannot be overlooked either. Godspeed friend.... WBT
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I'd like to add that it is often overlooked that many antibiotics have anti-inflammatory effects, and if your body is used to them, there can be reactions when you come off.

Technically, it is not the bugs themselves that make people feel badly; even when it is the flu, for example. It is actually the immune system reacting which makes us feel badly. So, that lends more credence to the idea that you are feeling your immune system kick in, without the benefit of the anti-inflammatory effect of the antibiotics.

As mentioned, know that it is always an option to go back on antibiotics if you feel the need to. I have known people who have done this; waiting until they had more mHBOT under their belt, then successfully have gone off on the second try.

Just like anything else with healing from Lyme, even "good" changes have to be made slowly as to not throw the reactive body into shock.

Remind many consecutive dives have you done to date?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I'm at dive 230. It took me about 50 dives to get to everyday and oxygen.

I'm ok if this is a speed bump. I just panic that everything is coming back!!

Thank you!! I'm going to set about a week and hope I've bumped back up. If not, I will re-evaluate....

I didn't know some antibiotics have anti-inflammatory properties.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
HW88 Everyday and oxygen?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
yes, everyday with oxygen?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

So, you have done roughly 6 months at the full protocol.

At 6 months, I had improved in many ways, but I was still very unstable. I clearly remember contracting the flu and was absolutely sure that I was regressing and going back to square one. It was very scary.

Turns out, I came through each of those rough patches a little better than before I went into them.

This may be the case with you as well!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Yes. I'm about 5-6 mo. at full protocol.

This is my hope. I look back on this journey and since starting treating, I've dipped and usually come out better afterward. I just have to remember that.

Thank you everyone for the love and support!!!
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :

You will come out of it....keep your chin up.

Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi All: I second that Reminder! HW88 -- at 6 months- I was not at the best place that is for sure. Phoiph is always the best authority for questions of this nature. I remember well dealing with not having the anti inflam effects of abx. It is very real. Hang in there girl! You can do this!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks everyone!!! I really can't tell you what your support means. The last few days have been a bit better. I'm hoping I'm on an upward trend.

It's a bit discouraging because I'm revisiting symptoms that I thought I had put behind me. Like I said in other posts, It's hard not to panic when it feels like things are sliding.

I'm hoping it was a bad patch and I will come out of it even better.

I do find it interesting that ABX have an anti inflam effect.

Just started drinking bone broth and going to work on my gut. Not really wanting to go back to antibiotics, but I need to see myself progress without them to have confidence I'm on the right track.

ok, I'm babbling now. Thanks for listening.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi HW88- the GAPS diet- foundation bone broth- turned me around when I was coming off of abx. I actually think it helped me come off of them. I think gut health is so important. I know the seemingly backsliding is scary but I think you need to know in your mind that nothing is off the table until you decide for it to be. As one doctor said to me one time, you have many tools in your tool chest, use them. This is a tricky illness that I think you have to handle in stages according to what your body needs. It will tell you. I think we have to lose the fear to some degree and know that indeed, we WILL BEAT THIS! Hugs to you.... I have some bone broth on the stove tonight. It is still a foundation of my diet. Funny, my husband is like please, I want broth with bones, cooked vegetables to the point where you cannot recognize them and basically ripping on the food I eat. Well, so good so far. Thank God he likes to eat what he wants to eat when he wants to eat it and thinks cooking is a poor use of my time (did you hear me say Thank God!) Yes, I am grateful! This is a journey but I believe like Lymeboy, PEImomma and Phoiph, Digby et al.... WE CAN DO THIS! HUGS!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :

For you, HW88 for pushing through!! I am proud of you....

Bone broth cheers! [group hug]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
willbeatthis, I would love your recipe for bone broth. I purchased kettle and fire, but I don't really love the taste. I think if I could add my own spices and flavor, I would enjoy it more.

It is so strong of a taste to me, I have to water down 1/4 of cup ... but I guess you start somewhere, right.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Also, recipes say to simmer for 24 hrs (chicken). How do you do this without worrying that the stove is on while sleeping?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, you can use a crock pot or do what we do and make it with a pressure cooker! Much faster and tastes the same.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hey HW88 and Digby: I would recommend the pressure cooker. My recipe is really straight from the GAPS diet book at is no more than an organic chicken cut into eight - with backbone and no giblets. I bring it home submerge in water and heat it with some salt in a big glass corningware soup pot to a boil. Then I turn it down to low and I leave it over night. Then I take it out in the morning, strain the broth in to a pyrex glass container (7 cup) and then I get off the meat, put it away and then I take the bones and skin, cut the bones so marrow can come out, and put this back in the original pot with water and I simmer that for a day or two. So I may not be doing it like others- I don't use vinegar. But it is sure tasty and mild. You could jazz it up. I would encourage you to read the GAPS Diet book about gut health. It is awesome. It truly helped me to come off abx I feel sure. I hope this helps. Like Digby says- a pressure cooker will do it much faster! I'm kind of leisurely with it and it is just part of my life now. Keep moving forward girl! You can do this!! [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Forgive me, I left you wondering what to do after the bones simmer for a day or so. Then, I strain those out, dispose of them and then combine the broth which becomes very gelatinous if you leave the chicken in overnight on the lowest setting - with the bone broth that has been strained into a new soup pot that I actually freeze some, use the majority for the base for the cooking of my vegetables - need the flavor and I use some of it in shakes - better than you can imagine. I don't know that I would doctor it up if you want to use it in shakes. GREAT STUFF! Very soothing and the body really digests the slow cooked chicken well too -- really am grateful my practitioner here (one of them) got me on to the GAPS diet. Thinking of you and sorry, it's been a long day. Sorry I forgot the last part -geesh! Night, Night!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
thanks digby and willbeatthis! i don't have a pressure cooker, but i think i would feel safe about the crock pot! I'm going to give it a try!

thank you!!!!! I will look into the gaps diet!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
willbeatthis, Is there a reason that you don't use the vinegar? It helps quite a bit in removing some of the mineral content of the bone as well as speeding up the process of moving the collagen into the broth. I don't find it adds any noticeable flavor but that might just be me. BTW, lemon juice works well too.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Digby: Well, it's honestly because I just always went by the recipe in the gaps book and I don't think it uses vinegar.

I know this may sound a little odd but a couple years back in a row I tested rather high from lead. In my gut, I wondered if it came from the bone broth-- that could be not right- so, I have not given up the bone broth but I have never leaned towards putting anything else in there to bring out any other element so to speak. It was only a hunch as we really did not know where all the sudden it came from. We tested water etc. The bone broth was about the only thing I was doing different at the time.

Thanks for the encouragement. I would be interested to hear what you think on this. Thanks...

PS I love the crock pot idea!! Amazing!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
willbeatthis, Well you are right that bones can contain lead. So, if you are using bones from factory farmed animals you could have a slight risk of increasing your lead load but we always use range free, organically farmed animal sources (usually from a local grower) so that should mitigate the risk.

I like the idea of getting all the minerals in absorb able forms, like Ca, Mg, P, MCHC, etc.

The crock pot just seemed safer and more efficient than leaving something on the stove over night but now that we have perfected using a pressure cooker we like it the best.

Of course there is always Kettle and Fire. I like this product but find it a bit suspect because it doesn't gel. We will often use it mixed in our broth, to extend the time between making more broth ourselves.

BTW, if you can find organic chicken feet for your looks bizarre sticking up out of the pot but they are loaded with collagen and makes the thickest gel.

Happy Bone Brothing!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Digby, where do you find range free chickens? and feet? I'm learning lots!! Also, how much does it gel? Do you add water to it to drink it? Or does it un-gel (not a word, I know) when you heat it? [woohoo] [woohoo]

Willbeatthis, what GAPS book did you read. There seem to be a thousand?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, we get ours at the local farmer's market. Sometimes the butcher shop gets them in but you have to ask for them.

Yes, it "un-gels" as you heat it. :^)
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Digby, Awesome. I will have to check that out. Thanks for all the help!

I was reading some earlier posts on the mhbot thread. Does anyone know how many of those earlier people have gotten better? I'm just curious if there are a handful, or lots?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I may be able to give some updates if you have "names"...
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
So, a few from around 2013 are:

tanya R
kgg (I've seen her on here. Don't think she's 100% yet??)

Really, I guess I just need to hear some success stories. [Smile]
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
Any reason not to do MBOT if you feel like you are coming down with chest cold but no congestion.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :

I originally started the thread under JCarlhelp because Phoiph and I had talked and she is such a great resource. I bought the chamber mainly for my wife but she has had issues using it and is not a good example. I was diagnosed with lyme back in the early 2000's but am high functioning including playing tennis 3 times per week at 61. I use the chamber about once a week just for inflamation etc. I have followed this thread closely and I know talking from Phoiph she has seen many improvements.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
jcarlnew, I have used the chamber when coming down with a virus and I think it helps upregulate the immune system to fight the bug. The only contraindications for this condition would be a high fever or any condition affecting the ears/eustachian tube so you can't equalize the pressure.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
thanks Jcarl. I'm glad you are doing well. I hope your wife is as well. It's good to hear happy stories. hopefully phoiph knows about the others.

First, I'm sorry for posting so much recently, I'm just trying to make it through this transition of no antibiotics and trying to figure out what is going on in my body. so a few questions?

1- could bone broth cause insomnia? I know it's touted as a sleep aid, but I'm seriously struggling with insomnia again and the only changes have been no antibiotics and bone broth.

2- Any women out there have hormonal issues after stopping antibiotics? I'm spotting half way through my cycle and feel all the pms symptoms, but I should have another 10 days or so before I have to deal with all this. Wondering if my hormones got out of whack once I stopped antibiotics.

I think I just need to sleep... ugg. I wish I could.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, Keeping in mind that everyone is different, it is unlikely that the bone broth is causing the insomnia. Bone broth is high in Glycine which is said to help sleep.

I don't know how long you've been on abx but if it has been a while, there are many levels of rebalancing that needs to occur to get back to homeostasis. Most people think it is only the gut biome but abx also affect immune function, inflammatory cytokines and even gene expression.

I feel for you. It's hard to know what is actually happening in our bodies, even with lab work and our unique symptom pictures. That is why I encourage people not to micromanage the process. You have nothing to lose to just choose to believe that the long game will be successful healing as you suffer in the short term! Easier said than done, I know.

Hang in there!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Digby, thank you for sticking by me the last few days. Your thoughts are valuable and helpful. I remember you saying early on not to micromanage the symptoms.

I just need to ride this out and let my body adjust. It definitely is easier said than done, but I'm going to give it my best.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I found after all the medication and years of illness plus age my hormones were off. I read the book “How your doctor is slowly Killing you” and learned a lot about what robs us of our hormones.

I started on BHRT 14 months ago and it made a huge difference for the last piece of my healing journey. I can tell when it’s getting close to pellet day, I’m tired, cranky and my joints are a little achy. After my pellet I love

In the bookt tells the different levels of hormone testing and most doctors don’t test deep enough to know how your body is really doing.

I just passed my one year mark of working full time and I’m doing better than I was when I started a year ago. I’m applying for higher level more stressful jobs, leave it to me to test the bounds of wellness...Hahahaha
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Peimomma, thank you! I am going to check that book out. I went to a gyno that does TONS of testing right before I figured out I had lyme. My progesterone was off a bit, but nothing huge stood out.

I've always struggled with my hormones, so maybe the book will help.

I'm so so happy for you. I can't believe it's been a year already since you started working. I remember you posting at the beginning of your 'working' journey! I'm so happy for you! I think about you and others a lot when I need to remind myself I can do this.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
Hi Everyone,

HW88, hope you are on the mend, the ups and downs of this journey can be really hard. Hang in there.

Tickboy, so excited for you! Thanks for sharing. So happy for you and the life you are getting to live [Smile]

Wanted to send a quick update in case it would help anyone. I quit daily dives a little shy of the two year mark. Although I initially had a little dip an recurring symptoms, I am on the mend, and able to function working full time, exercise most days, and enjoy life doing whatever I want to do. What an amazing gift. This therapy is truly amazing, and I can't thank Phoiph and Peimomma enough for helping me get started. To get to do whatever I want each day is a miracle I never thought I would experience. There are a few lingering symptoms but they are so so so minor compared to where I started that I just don't even really care.

I feel that the ONLY possible negative of mHbot for me was that my periods got progressively worse and I ended up very low on iron. Supplements helped for a while, but once I quit daily dives, my cycles improved to where I was bleeding less, and I feel much better (no longer overly cold, short of breath, lethargic, etc.) At one point my ferritin level was 9, so I really had to supplement with iron. I will report what my levels are when I go back to my doctor, but know they are much improved. If this is the only downside, then bring on the O2!

Since I quit daily dives, cholestyramine has helped mop up some of whatever was left in my system and causing me to feel sort of depressed or overly stuck on my thoughts. I may be exposed to mold at one of my work sites or home so will continue with this, or charcoal, or whatever to mop things up if this lingers. I continue to work to find a diet that is right for me, and have some lingering food allergies, but am not overly bothered by this, as it is just part of life for some.

If you are continuing to treat, know there is a light at then end of the tunnel. Healing sneaks up on you! Life is an amazing gift, getting to be a part of this, and connect with people without limits is something I am cherishing and not taking for granted.

I would not have quit shy of the two year mark, but had experienced no more gains in over six months of daily dives, and the fear of what would happen when I quit, and if I would relapse, was counterproductive to my healing. So I quit, for 6-8 weeks, before resuming dives twice weekly. All is well and I will continue diving twice weekly, possibly forever [Smile] This is a good space to be in.

At my last appointment, when I first quit daily dives, there was a drop in my CD57 from 90 (something) to 60(something); however, I'm not relapsing now so not worried. My C4A, which was 24,000 before I started, is now down in the 4000 range!

Rick Hanson has a daily email called "One more thing" which is free to sign up for. It has helped me with daily practices to increase my well being. As my physical health has improved I have realized I need to add a few things to help grow my mental strengths as well.

Wishing everyone the best in this new year, a year of healing, reconnecting, and loving well.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Jolley! Thank you! Thank you for your update. It came at a needed time for me. I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying and living life fully!

Your post really gave me a boost.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Yes, thank you for the update Jolley. So good to hear that you are doing well. It is encouraging. Long may it continue!

HW88, I had mid-cycle spotting off and on for years. I was put on progesterone, because I was low in it. It sometimes helps mid-cycle bleeding. I really like the sense of well-being it gave me. An ultrasound revealed some good sized fibroids which was why I was spotting. Unfortunately, I was told by a naturopath and a MD that progesterone cell size is too large to effectively be used as a skin cream. I was on a troche for a while. But found it very expensive. So recently I went back on it but by mouth. Prometrium.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Can you give me some insight on something that continues to puzzle me?

I don’t understand why people say “well everyone is different and maybe oxygen worked for you but it didn’t for me” or I don’t think it would for me”

Here’s why I don’t understand this statement. Yes every person is different but anyone that gets picked up by an ambulance or goes to a hospital gets.....OXYGEN!!!. The staff doesn’t say “wait what do they have? Oh they can’t have O2.”

Everyone gets oxygen right?

While I understand that everyone will have a different length of treatment and different ups and downs I cannot understand when people say to me that oxygen won’t work for ....

Before I began my journey you told me to read 3 things
1. The Oxygen Revolution
2. The entire Lymenet thread
3. Your story

As I read all 3 I noted that oxygen is needed desperately by every person and that those treating on Lyme net had the best gains when using your recommendation of 1 hour dives with mask for 2 years and no other therapy like herbs or ozone or abx.

I understand that I had Lyme for 20 plus years and my treatment plan would be longer than say someone like Jolley that may have only had it for 10 years, or the different infections etc, etc, etc.

MHBOT is not a get well quick therapy, one doesn’t exist for Lyme or any other chronic illness.

BTW I’m enjoying a treatment as I type😬 love my chamber and will never give it up.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Your post made me chuckle, as I have heard and wondered the same thing many times [Smile]

Oxygen is the great equalizer...we may have individual differences, but when it comes to the need for oxygen to sustain life, we are all the same!


Take heart, there are numerous success stories. I promise you, I would not be wasting all of our time and effort on this if there weren't! I'll try to contact a few people and ask them to update. I know how important it is to have reassurance when you are going through rough times.

In the meantime, to help lift your spirits, here are a few messages I received (from non-LymeNet mHBOT users) on New Year's Day:

"Dear ******,
Thinking of you a lot, with so much gratitude. Three years since starting to see Dr. *******, and a year of using the home chamber. Brain and body much better. (Further to go, but able to continue...)
With deep appreciation,
"Happy New Year, ******!
Here's an update on my daughter and her LYME.
She has had the machine now for 3 months, she is slowly getting well. The changes are slow, but very evident. She worked 49 hours last week. She did spend one year where she worked 22 hours a week on her best week. Words can not express the gratitude I feel towards you, Dr ******, and ****** for helping us find HOPE. God Bless you!
Thank you,
"Hi ******,
It has been awhile since we corresponded. ***** continues to show improvements in her general health and resistance to getting ill. I hope this finds you in good health and spirits..."

Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you so much!!! I finally had a good day again yesterday, only to be up all night tonight. I haven't slept a bit. It's getting really hard with insomnia. I still have a lot of anxiety from past insomnia experiences.

Any advice is welcome here. I think I might try a light box and see if it will help my circadian rhythm. I will try to make appts. With my sleep dr. And sleep.psychologist soon. I feel like I'm going to lose it when I don't sleep.

I'm guessing if I hold on a bit, my body will find a homeostasis without antibiotics, but not sure I can wait too long without sleep.

Help!! Ugh. However I am seeing improvement in other areas .... Just hold on, richt?
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
I have told everybody I know that I have use this app for many years to help sleep. I use it with airtube headphones and it definately helps me go back to sleep. I use the Sleep Stream as main setting and binaural beats settings of 45min Stress to Sleep at bedtime and if I wake up Power Nap 45
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I will try it!!! Right now, I will try anything!! LOL Thanks jcarl.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Consider again this quote from Digby:

"I don't know how long you've been on abx but if it has been a while, there are many levels of rebalancing that needs to occur to get back to homeostasis. Most people think it is only the gut biome but abx also affect immune function, inflammatory cytokines and even gene expression."

Also, I know it has been months, but I believe that withdrawal from Klonipin (in addition to the antibiotic withdrawal) may still be affecting your neurotransmitters/hormones/sleep.

I don't know any more effective treatment for this other than time, mHBOT, gut/brain healing diet, and gentle movement (e.g., yoga).

Even if you can't sleep, lying down in a dark, quiet room will help rest your adrenals. Sleep will return; it just takes time.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Is 1.3 ATA enough ?
Hello All
I am reading people that are having success at ATA higher than 1.3
So I am wondering if 1.3 is enough to kill off Lyme and other bacterial/ viral infections long term?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks phoiph. My gut tells me to wait it out and things will settle down again. I know my body is doing weird things chemically right now. I've been spotting for 10 days. Thought I was actually going to start my period and then stopped completely.

I'm trying to be patient. No sleep is a hard one for me, but I'm hanging in here.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The answer to your questions is "YES". If 1.3 ATA wasn't enough, I (and others) wouldn't have become well.

In fact, if you read this entire thread (which I hope everyone who can, will do), you will find a references to an article by Dr. Harch which I have posted many times that explains why "more is not better" when it comes to neurological conditions (which Lyme is).

In the past, the hyperbaric protocol for chronic Lyme has focused on higher pressures over a limited number of treatments, mainly based on a single study that showed that pathogens were killed at a given higher pressure in the lab. Lower pressures were not tested.

Newer theory and experience focuses less on the "kill" mechanism (although that is a benefit), and more on the "low and slow", consistent approach over time that empowers the immune system, allowing it to do its job on pathogens as it was meant to do.

In this way, the treatment is generally better tolerated, and deeper healing is allowed to take place over time.

There is no quick fix, and I think you will find that if you dig deeper, the initial results that may have been apparent from higher pressures used for short term treatments may not be sustained over time as they are with the consistent lower, slower treatments.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
okay thanks
I have not read the article by Dr Harch
I will look over this thread to see if I can find it
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
So another thing that is helping us is improved mitochondrial density and function from our chamber use. Here's a link :

Hyperbaric therapy is so powerful in so many ways!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I have been looking the links for Dr Harch on this website which was posted here

I could not find anything on Dr Harch recommending a lower pressure with HBOT
Most of the links referring to Dr Harch are not working

Maybe someone can help out Thanks
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Here is more current information I found
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Here are some links for you, Homina. Dr. Harch treats his neurological patients with MILD hyperbaric (1.5 ATA or less):

More is Better: The Recurrent Illusion of Higher Pressure HBOT in Chronic Brain Injury, by Dr. Paul Harch:

Before and after mHBOT SPECT scans of patients with different chronic brain conditions (download PDF from icon at bottom of page):

"The Oxygen Revolution", an informative book by Dr. Paul G. Harch and Virginia McCollough, along with his website: Dr. Harch has been researching and utilizing hyperbaric oxygen treatment for over 20 years. Includes compelling SPECT scans.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
homina, are you currently diving?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I found a youtube series of a woman that documents her progress with HBOT I will post it later I also will read over your posts

HW88 No I am not currently diving I am doing some research and close to getting a chamber
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I have having some symptoms and I am wondering if this is Lyme?
I am hoping some of you can offer feedback

When I have an especially active day maybe get some light exercise and go to work and I am feeling pretty good, this happens

I either can't get to sleep easily
My sleep is troubled (don't rest well) (in general my sleep is not good but it gets worse on an especially active day )

This is my interpretation
I get wound up and can't wind down easily

Does this happen to other Lyme sufferers?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hi Hominahomina

I think you are referring to me:). I started my journey 3 years ago and last year at year 2 went back to work full time. I’m doing fantastic and so thankful for oxygen therapy. I will continue to dive because we all know we are oxygen deprived even if we have no illness.

It’s always great to see new names on the thread exploring all this therapy has to offer, it’s endless.

I hope to see and or read your updates soon

Dive on mHBOTers
Posted by Legolas (Member # 45737) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
Here are some links for you, Homina. Dr. Harch treats his neurological patients with MILD hyperbaric (1.5 ATA or less):

More is Better: The Recurrent Illusion of Higher Pressure HBOT in Chronic Brain Injury, by Dr. Paul Harch:

Before and after mHBOT SPECT scans of patients with different chronic brain conditions (download PDF from icon at bottom of page):

"The Oxygen Revolution", an informative book by Dr. Paul G. Harch and Virginia McCollough, along with his website: Dr. Harch has been researching and utilizing hyperbaric oxygen treatment for over 20 years. Includes compelling SPECT scans.

Hey Phoiph,
I've been diving now for about 20 months. I've clearly improved but i'm still far from being recovered.
You're a strong advocate of mild HBOT as it has helped you to fully recover. I wonder if i could somehow improve/accelerate my healing by trying a HBOT pressure greater than 1.3 ATA or even greater than 1.5 ATA.
The article above by dr.Harch seems to be about brain injury and pediatric disorders. We have trouble with our brain, but the underlying cause is immune/metabolic dysfunction. Our brains never suffered an acute lack of oxygen. Do we need to stick to that 1.5 ATA limit? In the study of the fibromyalgia patients they used 2 ATA for 90 minutes, 5days/week and 100% oxygen. Patients improved dramatically after only 40 sessions.
Since CFS and fibro are related, maybe a higher pressure (not 2 ATA) could benefit us too??
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hi Legolas,

Do you dive every day for 60 minutes in your chamber with oxygen for the last 20 months?

What altitude do you live? This might be a factor.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Here is the link to the youtube vlog I mentioned
Is this you?

I appreciate that you documented your progress
You seem to have made remarkable progress
What is your diving schedule now?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Legolas:
"Hey Phoiph,
I've been diving now for about 20 months. I've clearly improved but i'm still far from being recovered.
You're a strong advocate of mild HBOT as it has helped you to fully recover. I wonder if i could somehow improve/accelerate my healing by trying a HBOT pressure greater than 1.3 ATA or even greater than 1.5 ATA.
The article above by dr.Harch seems to be about brain injury and pediatric disorders. We have trouble with our brain, but the underlying cause is immune/metabolic dysfunction. Our brains never suffered an acute lack of oxygen. Do we need to stick to that 1.5 ATA limit? In the study of the fibromyalgia patients they used 2 ATA for 90 minutes, 5days/week and 100% oxygen. Patients improved dramatically after only 40 sessions.
Since CFS and fibro are related, maybe a higher pressure (not 2 ATA) could benefit us too??"

Hi Legolas,

Brains with Chronic Lyme often suffer from hypoperfusion as clearly demonstrated on SPECT scans. In other words, there is a lack of blood supply and oxygen reaching parts of the brain, causing cellular damage, and a cascade of reactions and dysfunction in the body (including immune and metabolic).

So, IMO, it makes sense that Lyme is treated with mHBOT in a similar way as one would treat a brain or other neurological injury, with lower pressures (especially when it has been shown that higher pressures can cause neurological conditions to become worse).

In the study I read, the CFS patients were only given 15 sessions. Their symptoms improved, but they were not cured, and unfortunately, we don't know how long their improvements will last. It takes time to reverse chronic conditions, and higher pressures cannot be sustained over long periods of time safely. I wish it were that easy!

Please let us know more about your situation/treatment so we can try to help. For example, what is your diet like? Are you doing other treatments concurrently? Are you on medications/supplements?

Also, Peimomma asked about the frequency/durations of your mHBOT sessions and whether you are using supplemental oxygen?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
How does the altitude we live at affect treatment?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Yes Homina that’s me:)

Last year I was diving a few times a week but it tapered off as the year went on until the last 3 months I was in maybe 5 times. I’ve since gone back to diving a few times a week if I can fit it in my schedule and the reason is I want my C4 a to come down to normal. I went from 54k I think on my last report to 13k in December. I’m due for. 3 year video update but was waiting for my lab results so I can report.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Just a quick question
What does mm HG mean in relation to HBOT?

Yes Peimomma do another video since you are doing so well it is good you document your progress like this

Also someone here mentioned an app that will tell you what the pressure inside the chamber is
Does anyone know what that app is?

[ 01-22-2018, 12:47 AM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

"Hg" is the periodic symbol for mercury, and is used as a unit of measurement for pressure (as in a blood pressure reading).

One "atmosphere" (ATM) is the atmospheric pressure at sea level, and is equal to ~760 mmHg (torr).

In mild hyperbaric, 1.3 "atmospheres absolute" (ATA) refers to the 1 atmosphere that is already present at sea level, plus the .3 atmospheres of added chamber pressure. 1.3 ATA equals approximately 988 mmHg (millimeters of mercury).

To answer HW88's question: The higher you ascend in altitude, the lower the atmospheric pressure. So, the 1.0 atmosphere of pressure present at sea level lessens as you ascend in altitude.

At altitude, the pressure delivered by your chamber will remain .3 atmospheres (~4.2 psi/pounds per square inch), but the atmospheric pressure will be less than the 1.0 that you would receive at sea level, making the overall pressure (ATA/atmospheres absolute) received at any given altitude lower than at sea level.

For example, at 8,000 ft., the atmospheric pressure drops to about .74. Add the .3 atmospheres delivered by the chamber, and you will receive ~1.04 ATA (vs. 1.3 ATA at sea level).

So, the higher you go in altitude, the more pressure you would need to use in a chamber to compensate for, or to maintain the same ATA as you would be receiving at sea level.

You can google conversion tables/calculators for these equivalencies.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Haley:
Is anyone having tooth pain? I am having excruciating pain in one of my root canal teeth. I have had pain in other teeth as well. While researching I noticed there is an entire specialty called aviation dentistry. Apparently, pressure on the teeth can cause cracks and other issues. I think I'm going to have to have a large molar pulled. Yikes. Any help appreciated.

After about five dives and old root canal started acting up it seems to be related to HBOT
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :

I'm at 810'. So, if I did the conversion correctly, I am pretty close at approx. 1.27

Homina, did you start to dive? I had teeth react a bit as well, but nothing bad, just 'hmm, something is happening.' But went away. I assume the oxygen was working it's thing.

Go slow in the beginning. It took me 3 months to build to full time and oxygen.

Although I'm currently in a bit of a set back, I LOVE mHBOT and I feel like I've made really good gains with it. I just quit antibiotics about 6 weeks ago and my body is trying to adjust, but I hope to make even greater gains.

Thanks everyone for sticking around and helping. You are an answer to so many of my prayers. I'm about 6 months at full protocol. Hoping the next 6 months bring wonderful things.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by HW88:
How many people do mhbot along with antibiotics and how many are solely using mhbot?

I plan to use mHBOT with antibiotics and with an herbal formula based on stephen buhrer's book
I don't plan to use these regularly but one a week as a kind of pulse
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Are you already on antibiotics/herbals, or are you just thinking of starting them?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I have been on them in the recent past right now I am not
Posted by Legolas (Member # 45737) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
Originally posted by Legolas:
"Hey Phoiph,
I've been diving now for about 20 months. I've clearly improved but i'm still far from being recovered.
You're a strong advocate of mild HBOT as it has helped you to fully recover. I wonder if i could somehow improve/accelerate my healing by trying a HBOT pressure greater than 1.3 ATA or even greater than 1.5 ATA.
The article above by dr.Harch seems to be about brain injury and pediatric disorders. We have trouble with our brain, but the underlying cause is immune/metabolic dysfunction. Our brains never suffered an acute lack of oxygen. Do we need to stick to that 1.5 ATA limit? In the study of the fibromyalgia patients they used 2 ATA for 90 minutes, 5days/week and 100% oxygen. Patients improved dramatically after only 40 sessions.
Since CFS and fibro are related, maybe a higher pressure (not 2 ATA) could benefit us too??"

Hi Legolas,

Brains with Chronic Lyme often suffer from hypoperfusion as clearly demonstrated on SPECT scans. In other words, there is a lack of blood supply and oxygen reaching parts of the brain, causing cellular damage, and a cascade of reactions and dysfunction in the body (including immune and metabolic).

So, IMO, it makes sense that Lyme is treated with mHBOT in a similar way as one would treat a brain or other neurological injury, with lower pressures (especially when it has been shown that higher pressures can cause neurological conditions to become worse).

In the study I read, the CFS patients were only given 15 sessions. Their symptoms improved, but they were not cured, and unfortunately, we don't know how long their improvements will last. It takes time to reverse chronic conditions, and higher pressures cannot be sustained over long periods of time safely. I wish it were that easy!

Please let us know more about your situation/treatment so we can try to help. For example, what is your diet like? Are you doing other treatments concurrently? Are you on medications/supplements?

Also, Peimomma asked about the frequency/durations of your mHBOT sessions and whether you are using supplemental oxygen?

Hey, I've been diving for 20 months, about 5 times a week. I mostly did 90 minutes sessions the last months. But I've increased it last weeks to about 1h45 min or so. The vivid dreams have come back, just like the other times i increased my duration in the chamber. I consider it a good sign though (brain healing) and it makes me think i still have "stretch" on hyperbaric therapy use. I use supplemental oxygen, and the oxygen is flowing just fine.
I have high dose vit B12 shot from time to time, they help. Sometimes i take some magnesium pills. No other supplements. No AB's (anymore). No other treatments. There is probably some space for improvement in my diet. I' dont have much time or i'm to fatigued to prepare really healthy food. I try to stay away from the processed sugars and soda's.

I'm really greatfull i purchased my hyperbaric chamber and it's worth every cent. But i haven't (yet) achieved the gains some other people did.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

If you are not already on antibiotics, IMO it would be better not to start them with mHBOT.

In my observation and experience, for most people with chronic Lyme, mHBOT works best without the body burden that antibiotics create.

In my experience, keeping the protocol as simple as possible, without a lot of drugs, supplements, or concurrent therapies is best.

Emphasis should also be on a very clean, gut-healing diet with lots of good fats. Gentle, graded movement exercise (like yoga) is also necessary to move lymph. These 2 elements are crucial parts of the mHBOT protocol.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Legolas~

You say you are diving "about 5 times per week".

First, I would suggest that instead of increasing the length of your dives, that you would dive 7 days per week consistently at 1 hour to 1.25 hours max.

(If you want to stay in the chamber a little longer, remove the mask and just let the 02 flow in.)

Second, diet is crucial! Healing the gut and providing nutrients for the nervous system is non-negotiable. This must become a serious focus in order to get well. For a start, you can scroll back to the previous page in this thread, and read about preparing bone broth (which can be frozen for daily use). You can also read up on the GAPS diet.

Also, you may already be doing this, but incorporating gentle movement (like YOGA) will move lymph and help the body remove toxins.

I am hopeful that you will enhance your healing and progress by making these 3 changes.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

If you haven’t read this entire thread I would highly encourage that and for every person that wants to use MHBOT to treat. It provides a lot of information and you can see the results of those that treated with oxygen alone had much better gains than those that treated with multiple therapies at the same time.

Before I began my journey I read this entire thread, The Oxygen Revolution and Phoiph’s story. You will gain a better understanding of the struggles during treatment, this is not an overnight fix to a illness that has plagued most of us for 10, 20 or more years. Throwing more therapies or varying the prescribed time to hurry things along only seems to complicate the process and frustration grows and people give up and move on.

It is incredibly important to keep a journal so you know how long you dive for with oxygen at the prescribed 60 minutes every day of the week. To look back over a year and say I treated for the last year and it hasn’t worked is not a true statement if the treatments weren’t daily for 60 minutes with the mask.

I was in your position 3 years ago, I wanted wellness and I wanted it the fasted possible way. I’m here to tell everyone there is no quick fix to Lyme and chronic illness. Patience and consistency are required to get back your life.

If you read this thread you will see the pattern of consistency and wellness and most move on to their new lives. A few pop in for updates like myself. Bless Phoiph for sticking around this board and beating the drum to educate all that come by to see what oxygen can do for them.


What altitude are you at? I believe after about 90 minutes of treatment your cells have no capacity to retain more O2, they are at that point oxygenated so any additional time is really a waste. There should be 4-6 hours between treatments for the body to again be able to retain any oxygen. I wouldn’t advise the latter as it creates a heavy load of toxins in the body.

If you haven’t treated for 60 minutes with oxygen every day for 20 months then you should expect to take longer to reach your goal of wellness. Throughout the thread Phoiph has explained consistent oxygen to the body every day is needed to reach healing.

Here’s the equivalent of not treating consistently. Your doctor gives you antibiotics to take every day but the patient decides they will take it most of the time and then they report to the doctor that it’s not helping. Phoiph has made it clear that treatment every day for 2 years is the mark. If, like some you feel better sooner than 24 months of daily treatments like Jolly then you can choose to change up your schedule. However if like me it takes you 24 months to get to that 100% place then push on. We have all been sick for varying lengths of time and I believe Phoiph told me it takes a month of treatment for every year you’ve been sick. I was sick since 1990 and started treating with MHBOT 2015. It took me the 24 months to get to wellness.

IMO of course. Dive on:)
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Well said, Peimomma...thank you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Posted by Homina on a new topic (copied here so it wouldn't be missed):

Hello peimomma
I just finished reading the entire thread
That is a lot of reading so I may have missed something

From Phoiph:

Hi Homina~

Thank you for reading the mild hyperbaric thread.

I agree, there is a lot of information there, which is why we encourage everyone who can to read it all. It really helps to have a background to put things into context as you're following the thread.

If you have questions about anything feel free to ask. I'm going to copy this post back to the mild hyperbaric thread where the people using mHBOT will see it; as I and others often just frequent that thread, so a new topic like this on mHBOT could get buried.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I loved reading the latest posts by phoiph and peimomma! Thank you.

Homina, I just stopped antibiotics. I can tell you that chemical changes on my body ALWAYS set me back (adding or taking away drugs/supplements). I do much better and make greater gains when I keep things as consistent as possible.

I'm looking forward to chemically adjusting to no antibiotics and moving forward.


I made my own bone broth. It didn't gel. What did I do wrong?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, If you post your bone broth recipe maybe I answer your question.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
This is the recipe I used.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
It looks like a good recipe. Did you use chicken or beef bones? We find that chicken bones and feet gel better than straight beef bones.

I would increase the apple cider vinegar to 1/4 cup, you still won't taste it and it will help draw the nutrients out of the bones.

The only other thing I can think of is the amount of water to bones. Too much water and it won't gel.

Happy Slow Cooking!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks Digby. I used ox tails and some other beef bones. I don't think I had enough bones.

I will increase the cider vinegar next time and the amount of bones and see what happens.

Thank you so much!!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Ox Tail is supposed to make awesome bone broth! Throw in some chicken feet or the cartilage from the chicken breast to help with gelling.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks Digby.

Ok, I'm sorry, but I'm posting a plea for help or encouragement or ... something.

The last 5 weeks have been horrible. I've been averaging probably 4 hrs of sleep Only 3 last night). My mental health has been in the garbage and all over the place with anxiety, depression, etc. My head has been horrible and the last few days, my body has just ached all over, but especially my legs.

I just keep telling myself it will get better and just keep going, but I'm reaching the end of my rope where I just want everything to go away and have no hope.

I'm about 6 months into full protocol. I've been off antibiotics for about 7+ weeks. I don't want to go back on antibiotics. I feel like I'm going to Lose it and end up in a mental hospital or something?

AM I herxing? Is it because of coming off antibiotics? I'm sorry for being so needy right now, but I could really use some help before I completely lose it.

I'm so tired--physically and mentally. Help.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

Funny you should post this. I was at my 7th month (Aug 2015) when I crashed hard. It felt like everything was coming back. My fatigue was terrible, nauseous, migraines again and pains coming and going. Looking back at my journal it wasn’t until October that I started doing better daily but still had ups and downs.

I wasn’t on any meds so I can only imagine with your recent meds it may take you a little more to pull out of this nose dive.
Keep the faith, you will turn a corner. Once I was through this set back I noticed a higher level of healing.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :

Thank you so much for responding. It helps to know that someone that got better had some same experiences.

at what point did you stop having crashes or downs?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :

Thank you so much for responding. It helps to know that someone that got better had some same experiences.

at what point did you stop having crashes or downs?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

Looking back to my journal I see that January 2016 was the next time I had a setback, first cold I’d had in a number of years and it kept me out of the chamber 8 days. Had some rough days and had to take another 4 days off in mid February. Then it was back to little issues, stiff or tired.

After I started work for 3-4 months I had another 3 week setback of fatigue, migraines and other small issues. Nothing since that last one though almost a year ago now. I think the last one was my body adjusting to the full time schedule of work, working out and socializing.
Posted by Jolley (Member # 46454) on :
HW88, I'm so sorry you are in a hard time. You will turn a corner.

If you have noticed a change since the broth you might consider cutting it out briefly. I know it helps heal the digestive tract but if you have histamine issues it could possibly cause insomnia, aching, or anxiety. It probably isn't the problem, but just consider it if you continue to struggle.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Are you doing anything to help you to sleep during this rough patch
I have had sleep problems all my life and have found a lot of things that can help
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you peimomma and Jolley. I'm hanging on looking or my corner to turn.

I've wondered about the bone broth as well. I took it out of the routine for a few days and it really didn't make a difference, so I don't think it's the bone broth. I honestly think it was coming off antibiotics and I'm just hoping I really will turn the corner and make progress without antibiotics.

Homina, I have tried MANY things for sleep. Nothing really seems to help. [Frown]

I just need to keep going and make it till things turn around again.... <sigh> this is hard.

Thank you for all the love and encouragement.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
HW88 I can PM you a list of stuff that helps
You might find something that helps
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
That would be great! Thank you!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
B12 Oils
Hello All
I have been using for about a month and have found them to be very potent. Specifically I have been using the hydroxy

Buying in quantities of 3 or more is advantageous for two reasons price per bottle drops from 50 to 40 dollars a bottle and if I buy with another person we can split shipping which is approx 23.00 coming from Australia

Is there anyone here that would like to go in with me to keep the price per bottle down and we could split shipping?


[ 02-03-2018, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
How is everyone doing?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by HW88:
How is everyone doing?

Doing okay
I hope to start diving regularly soon
and you?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Honestly, I'm still struggling a lot. I thought I was starting to do a bit better and now I'm not. I'm having symptoms that I haven't had in a VERY long time.

I feel like I'm starting over. Very discouraged.

I'm trying to trust the process. I've been off antibiotics for about 2 months now, so I think I should have bounced back by now.

Trying to decide my next step.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I honestly need help, but don't know where to turn.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, have you tried cutting back on the time in your chamber or diving without O2? If you are experiencing your old symptoms, it may be a herx. If you slow down a bit it should clear up quicker.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks Digby. I'm honestly wondering if i got a touch of the flu. My daughter had the flu and I crashed hard about 3 or 4 days after she came down with it. Although I didn't really get too congestion on get 'typical' flu symptoms.

I'm starting to tighten down on my diet the best I can.

I've done a LITTLE better the last couple of days, but still not back to where I was before stopping antibiotics.

Hoping my corner is close....
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, how are you feeling today? I am hoping that it was not the flu you were experiencing.

For me, I feel like I hit a stall. I will continue to dive daily.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Hey off. I had a few better days, which I'm grateful for. I chatted with phoiph and I've adjusted some diet issues.

Today I feel like I'm going back down. I think I have some hormone issues because every period, ovulation, etc. I tend to crash. Not sure if I should wait it out and see if hormones get better with time, or get hormone treatment????
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
FWIW...I always recommend that my clients get their hormones balanced using bio-identical hormone replacement therapy with a good doc that uses both blood tests and patient history to prescribe.

HBOT by itself will probably not improve your hormones but getting better over time may do the trick. Repeated blood work will also help you titrate off the hormone therapy once you are recovered.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you Digby. I just wasn't sure if HRT would interfere with mhbot progress? But I dread ant time when hormones change because I know I will digress... I think I will look into some places that provide this type of help if you don't think it would interfere with healing lyme?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Actually HW88, it should help you heal from lyme! It isn't a cure but it will help regulate your body's functions and typically helps people feel better.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks Digby. I've done a bit of research and think I've found a good option that does quality testing and takes a natural approach. I'll keep you posted.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I know when I started BHRT in Nov 2016 I started feeling even better. I’ll be 50 in 10 months and I’m feeling very relaxed as long as I get my pellets every 3 months😂. I get a T and E pellet and just started P last month to fine tune a few things.

I sleep like a baby😊
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Gang: I am sorry I have been away! I need to catch up on the thread. I just want to post something positive here as I know positive posts really give us all hope and power to stay the path!

Well, about 6 weeks ago, I had a babesia fare and it was pretty bad and I believe it was really due to some undue stress. Well, Dr. H put me back on Babesia herbs as I said no to Malerone and it looks like I am headed back in the right direction. I went through a bit of a scare and did not want to scare you all as I know everyone has a bit of a hesitation towards mhbot if you have ever had bad babesia even if it is not founded. Phoiph to the rescue, God bless her and she said I should post if I wanted to but again, I didn't think you all needed to hear what I brought on myself with a dumb financial decision. Thank God that is over and I actually made a little money but goodness. That's over now.

So, I had my year anniversary on January 29th and I am still going strong daily. So this past weekend I went to a social dance with my husband, long dress and all .... shoes and all... And, I had fun! And, it is very clear to everyone I am doing much better. So, you just must stay the course. You can do this. Phioph did it, Peimomma did it, Lymeboy (for the Love of our Savior did it), Jolley, Digby and I know there are too many to count...

I also understand the road can be dark at times. Mhbot is a powerful treatment and you have power through - or shall I say- consult the team or Phoiph with regard to your rough patches and just keep moving forward. I will catch up on the thread tomorrow and in the interim, I will be praying for you HW88 as I think I understand you are going through a rough patch.

Gentle hugs to this dear team! Oxygen on, you will not regret it! [group hug]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Oh goodness HW88- I’m sorry you are going through this! I can imagine this has been horrible. How are you feeling now? So if I inferred correctly from your post- you stopped abx in early December. I imagine you discussed this with Phoiph and your doctor. I’m really hoping you are getting over the hump.

I too am on Nat. Hormone replacement and would not want to be without them.

I am still on herbals for Lyme, bart and Babs. I am so much better than I was but as my post above said- I had a really bad babesia flare and thank god for the herbs. My hope will be to go off them at some point. I’m only a little over a year in if daily dives.

I think talking with Phoiph and or your doctor may be in order if you are still not progressing.

I am thinking of you and please let me know if I can do anything to help you!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
willbeatthis, thank you so much for your prayers and love. I have had some better days, but like I said, my hormones always make me crash. I'm going in for a consult on Thurs. for testing.

I'm REALLY hoping it will move me in the right direction. I'm only 37, but I think Lyme has really messed up my hormones.

Honestly, Sleep is a HUGE issue for me right now. I'm hoping fixing my hormones will be helpful with that.

I had to send my chamber in to have a part fixed today. I will be without it for at least 4 days.. [Frown] Wasn't too happy about that, but I'm glad it's still under warranty.

Thank you everyone for the support. I'm blessed with a team to keep me going.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Had my hormone consultation today. I will take the test in a little over a week probably. It takes 4 weeks to get the results (that seems SO long to me. oh well)

Here's hoping I can balance my hormones!! [Smile]

Thanks everyone!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, That does seem long. The doc I work with takes one week.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, what company is it with that it takes that long? Just curious.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Mine only take a week to come back as well. They use Lab Corp
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
HW88: My hormones are back in a day like Peimomma. I've used labcorp too. Have you already paid money to these folks re: consultation and for labs? If not, I would encourage you to look around maybe to some other resources. There should be folks near you - aren't you in Cincinatti- that are quicker. I go to someone that is a Gyn that specializes in bioidentical hormones and she's amazing. A month is a really long time if your hormones are out of whack. Not trying to sway you just trying to find you a quicker solution than a month.

How are you doing now that you have been off ABX since the first or so of December? Has there been any improvement? Have you tweaked time, talked with Phoioph etc? I am a bit concerned you may need some medical guidance at this time re: Lyme and cos. I have had to definitely dive but continue other methods of treatment. As I told you, I am still on herbs and rife. Though my rife thankfully is a lot less than it was. But recently I had to go back on herbs for babesia as it was a marked issue. Is has calmed down and I will work to get off of these things too at some point. My doctor just for the record said that most everyone in their office that uses mhbot is strongly encouraged to also have babesia coverage. Am I hoping long term the immune system completely takes over- yes, and I encouraged it will but I think we are all different and you have to heed that inner knowing and have good help (Phoiph) and medical advice I think. Thinking of you.... Hoping that you are better than you were in December and January and that February and March you have seen some improvement of some sort.

I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and I am confident you are on the right path with mhbot, I just think we all have individual differences which demand a protocol that is aligned with you uniquely. Hang in there and I hope I hear you have had some improvement. Thankfully there are experts on this thread and I know they have been helping you along the way.... just want to make sure you are a-okay. Will check in tomorrow. Hugs!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
This is the test

It is a urine test collected over 18 hrs. They explained to me why this is better and how they can get a better picture from it all, but 4 weeks seems FOREVER to get results. Plus, I have to use an ovulation kit to figure out when I ovulate, then add 7 days and that is the collection day.

Uggh. I'm REALLY hoping they can help me sleep. Insomnia is a nightmare (literally) right now.

willbeatthis, I have been in contact with Phoiph. I haven't addressed this with my Dr. because if I've chosen to NOT do antibiotics, there really isn't much he can do for me at this point. If I have to go back on antibiotics, I will contact him.

Luckily, I have done better than January and February. I've come out of the dive mostly. Insomnia and fluctuating hormones tend to throw me still.

I really like the place that is testing my hormones, so I think I'll stick with them for now and hope it will be worth it in the long run. They had GREAT recommendations from some friends.

Thank you all for the thoughts. I'm REALLY hoping my hormones are the insomnia problem and it will at least help some. I finally fell asleep at 4 last night with the help of several aids. [Frown]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I have to say when they put me on P this last month I was out like a light. Definitely helps sleep and you take it before bed only 15 days a month. Some like creams better but I’m really bad at the creams and much better at remembering a pill.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Peimomma, it is my understanding that the cell size of Progesterone is too large to be effective as a cream. At least that is what my Naturopath said. I love progesterone. Helps me sleep and gives me a sense of well being that I really miss when I am not on it.

HW88, that makes sense that it is going to take that long if they are going to time the collection with your cycle. Just seems like a long time when you are not sleeping. Hope the time passes quickly for you.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks peimomma and kgg. It is a long time when not sleeping.

This specific place only uses creams. They feel they work better in the long run and don't have to worry about absorption issues in the gut and the liver doesn't have to break it down.

I've heard both ways. I guess I will just see if it works and if it doesn't, I'll move on to a diff. doc and ask for the pills.

How long did it take after starting HRT to see a difference?
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi HW88: Thanks for clarifying that you are improving even if it is in little bits.

I am glad you have been in touch with Phoiph. What you were describing just plain worried me.

Sounds like you have it all under control as best you can right now. I am relieved to hear that you are better than you were. I think coming off ABX can be REALLY hard. Again, so glad you are on the upswing [Smile]

Keep us posted with your hormone success. For me, it pretty much helps right away. I am hoping the same for you. I am glad you found a place you like. Sometimes that is worth waiting for, regardless! Hang in there [Smile] Thinking of you...
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks for the care and concern willbeatthis. I feel the love.

I got my chamber back today... YEAH! I missed 5 days, but I'm back at it.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Yay for you, HW88! I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us up to date with your milestones. I know that when I used the GAPS diet while on ABX, it really helped me turn the corner and may have been part why I could get off. I know that is such a tough spot to be in and very depressing. I crashed each time they pulled me. I am so glad you have found mhbot. I think you will be very thankful one day soon of some real gains. Hang in there and keep working on that gut.... I think it may really help you. GABA my doctor recommended for sleep with melatonin and those things are helping me as well. Just thought I would through that info. in. My sleep has been WAY messed up. Thinking of you and the rest of our team!

Keep the Faith! You too can be like Phoiph, Digby, Lymeboy, Peimomma and I am thinking I am getting there too!

Hugs to all and thanks always for your support! XO
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Gaba also helps me with sleep
D Ribose too about a gram at bedtime
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, HominaH, My gaba is 750 mg just fyi HW88 [Smile]
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Therapeutic effects of HBOT on the brain
Maybe you guys have already seen this
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks for the tips willbeathis and homina. I haven't seen the youtube video, but I've read a LOT on hbot and the brain. [Smile]

I'll keep you all posted.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Update 10 dives
Hello All I have done 10 dives so far
No noted improvements so far
The first dive I had hot urine a few hours later
Subsequent dives I have had same thing to a lesser degree.

I get a herx after each dive and I have to lie down for a little and I get kidney pain as my body filters die off
I use coffee enemas to take the load off of my kidneys and drink lots of water
I also get a real itchy scalp after some dives and I notice the skin on my face tightens after each dive.
If I eat before a dive it is better if I dive on an empty stomach it takes a lot out of me

I have been diving three times a week for one hour and also sixty five minutes on a few dives I did one dive for 70 minutes but it was to much

I can't dive daily because of die off but I am going to try every other day

I am using a newtowne 27 inch chamber and an airsep New life intensity oxygen concentrator set on 8

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks for the update Hominahomina. Are you diving at home? Many of us did not start out diving for a full hour. I used a method of ramping up on the dive time. That way the herxing is more manageable, imo. I will post the schedule I used below.

The oxygen can be drying. So I use coconut oil melted on my hair once in a while.

It also can lower your blood sugar. So it is good to eat something before you dive. I found when I didn't I would come out of the chamber really grumpy.

Week 1
Days 1-3: 20 minute dive at full pressure (not counting compression and decompression time). Do not wear the mask, but set it down inside the chamber so the oxygen is flowing in, mixing with compressed air.
Days 4-7: If no major reactions are happening, increase full pressure time to 40 minutes. If having previous reaction, stay at 20 minutes (still no mask; just let oxygen flow in and mix with compressed air).

Week 2
Days 1-3: If no major reactions, increase full pressure time to 60 minutes. If having a previous reaction, stay at 40 minutes (still no mask).
Days 4-7: If no major reaction, continue with full pressure 60 minute dive, wearing mask for 20 minutes, and laying it down in the chamber for the rest of the dive. (If having reaction, don't move forward; stay at last step!)

Week 3
Days 1-3: Continue 60 minute dive, wearing mask for 40 minutes, and laying it down in the chamber for the rest of the dive.
Days 4-7: Continue 60 minute dive, wearing mask for entire 60 minutes.

Again...don't move forward to the next step until you're not having major reactions. It is best to move up slowly so your body has time to detoxify and adjust.
You don't need to wear the mask while you compress (so you can clear your ears freely), but do wear it when you decompress.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I did something similar kgg, but it took me longer than 3 weeks. It took me 3 months to get to full hour plus oxygen. I increased time first, then once I reached an hour, I started adding oxygen 5 minutes at at a time until I reached the full hour.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi HH (Homina Homina): I did a similar thing that KGG and HW88 did in terms of getting to a full hour. I think Phoiph has posted on this thread that this is the way she did it. You have to work up. I think that is why you are experiencing such die off. Hang in there! It will be worth it!!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks KGG HW88 and Willbeatthis
I have been using antibiotics herbal tinctures and essential oils for about six years trying to kill this stuff off and I have made some progress. When I read of the great success some of you are having with HBOT I was impressed so I was able to get a chamber myself

Since I have made some progress so far I am comfortable with a mild herx, in my mind that shows HBOT is working

I still have to take it slow though

[ 03-19-2018, 03:01 AM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Yes...taking it more slowly in the beginning will avoid a crash and setbacks later.

Some people will go full tilt in the beginning, as they may feel better initially, and then crash after a couple of weeks.

"Herxing" is very stressful on your body, and a sign that you are releasing toxins faster than your body can naturally clear them.

It is really better for your body not to "herx" to the point that you can only dive 3 days per week. It would be better to do less per day in the beginning and work up slowly, as that may enable you to dive more days in a row and build consistency.

Remember...the point of mHBOT is not necessarily just to kill the microbes (although this is a benefit), but to heal your immune system so it can begin to do its job effectively again on its own. The purpose is also to regenerate and heal the body systems, and this process takes time and patience, as there are many layers to traverse.

It requires a different mind-set than what some people are used to with antimicrobials, etc.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Posted by Tincup on a separate thread:

"Since Malaria and Babesiosis are kind of kissing cousins, thought this might be of interest to some."

Inhibition of hypoxia-associated response and kynurenine production in response to hyperbaric oxygen as mechanisms involved in protection against experimental cerebral malaria.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Thanks, Phoiph. I will share this with my doc [Wink] Hugs!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I know we are all different, but I sure would like to know when the swings stop and healing is more of an upward movement.

I sent in my hormone test. Now I just have to wait 3 more weeks to get results. I think it will be worth it. This test is SUPER comprehensive.

I felt really good at the beginning of the week. I took my kids to a museum and stayed over night in a hotel with them. I was happy and enjoying the day (mostly).

Then I hit my period yesterday and BAM! I'm on the couch praying for a miracle.

Any others that went on HRT have crashes during hormonal changes with lyme before starting therapy and did it help after you started therapy?

Still keeping up my daily dives.

Would love to hear from anyone on how you are doing?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, so happy to hear that you had a time of feeling good enough to travel and go to the museaum. Yay!

I can't say whether mHBO helped my periods because I no longer had periods when I started diving regularly. I can say that I always felt horrible with my periods. I had to go on the pill so that I did not miss class time in nursing school because I was out of commission for 3 days every month. I did not know I had Lyme at the time.

I hope that the test is more than helpful to you and the doc.

I am not doing great and I am not sure why. I am having a flare which includes a daily afternoon low grade fever and fatigue. My mood is weepy, which I hate. It has been going on for about a month now. The fatigue longer than that. I don't know the exact # dive I am on, but it is 450+. I am finding it discouraging and I don't have a Lyme doc right now. And even if I did, going back on antibiotics is not appealing. I am not sure what I am going to do.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
KGG, I'm so sorry for the flare. I think one of the hardest things is not knowing why. It makes it hard to treat. I understand not wanting to go back on antibiotics. I had this conversation with my husband last night. I've cried for 2 days straight. I was doing pretty good and then CRASH. I feel worse than I have in a long time.

We talked about the option of going back on antibiotics if I continue to get worse, but it isn't appealing to me. I think I'm going to wait for my hormone tests and see if that helps before moving that direction.

Has anything changed for you in last month? I hope it is just another layer being peeled back, but it's hard when the layer takes so long to peel.

Sending hugs, my friend .
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks, HW88. Appreciate the cyber hug. Stress. Big time stress is I think what triggered it.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
UGG yep. stress is a trigger for sure. I hope you find a way to decrease your stress.
Posted by CeeDee (Member # 47857) on :
Hi folks,
Sorry if this has been covered before...can't read a long time on a screen...i have done a lot of mhbot in my own chamber but for the past 8 months or so did not do it. Question is about nasal cannulas vs mask. the cannulas are so much more comfortable for me. i have a 10 LPM oxygen concentrator, and with the mask, i use it at 8.5. what is the best setting for using cannulas? it seems like 8.5 produces a really strong flow. also should i be humidifying the oxygen when i use cannulas (it feels a lot more drying than when i use the mask, and i never use the bubbler when i use the mask.)

thanks very much for your help.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi CeeDee~

I would not recommend using a cannula with mHBOT, as they are only designed to be used at flows of less than 6LPM, and deliver less 02 than a simple Hudson mask.

As previously suggested on this thread by jcarlhelp, you might try an "Oxymask" (by Southmedic). It is an open mask with a diffuser that can be used with higher flows, and delivers more 02 than a cannula, and possibly more than a simple Hudson mask.

I have tried the Oxymask and found it very comfortable, but it has a strong smell that has never off-gassed completely, so I continue to use the simple Hudson mask.

What is the make/model of your oxygen concentrator? If it is an AirSep New Life Intensity 10LPM (20 psi), it should be set at no higher than 8LPM.
Posted by CeeDee (Member # 47857) on :
Thank you very much, Phoiph! It's a great help.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I need suggestions:

I can not seem to get my feet under me. I've been at full protocol for 8 mo. Off antibiotics for 3 months. I crashed for 2 months after coming off antibiotics. March has been a bit better at the beginning, but I recently crashed hard again.

I feel like I had maybe a week where I felt I was as well as I was before coming off antibiotics.

I'm doing my best to eat grain/dairy free. I'm not perfect here, but much better than I was. I'm drinking bone broth and trying to heal my gut.

I'm having my hormones tested since I seem to crash with hormone changes.

WHAT ELSE? What am I missing?

I know patience, right? but I honestly feel like I'm going in the wrong direction. I have been on the couch today thinking, "This is how I felt before I even started treating for lyme."

Could hormones be playing that big of a role?

I feel like I should be better for being at this for 8 months.

All thoughts are welcomed.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, did you treat yeast when you came off of the antibiotics? I went to one LLMD that when her patients stopped antibiotic treatment she put them on a yeast cleanse for at least 30 days if not longer.

Yes, hormones can make a big difference. But it is individual as to how big.

The other thing it could be is chronic viral infection like EBV or HHV6. The only way to know if it is viral is a blood test, I think.

Another thing to consider is mold. There are some people who can be severely affected by it. We found it in our laundry room at our last house. It can be a Pandora's box looking into mold. I would encourage you that if you do, don't get overly involved with the mold groups. It makes the drama in the Lyme world look mild in comparison.

I am in a similar circumstance as you. I have done the lifestyle modifications and am not happy where I am health wise. I discussed it with my husband and I called a Lyme doc yesterday for an appointment. They have not returned my phone call yet. I don't want to go back to a full antibiotic protocol. But I don't want to do this solo anymore either. I feel like sometimes I just need an objective medical person to give feedback and wisdom opposed to winging it. The problem is limited funds, location and who is available as with most people with Lyme. But I feel like I need to do something. Sometimes that's a good thing sometimes not. Time will tell.

Hang in there. You are not alone.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Yes, you have been doing mHBOT for 8 months, but that is not an extensive amount of time considering your circumstances.

During that 8 months, you have made a lot of changes, including tapering a benzodiazepine and quitting antibiotics. These types of changes, especially if they were done quickly can, and usually does, make the mHBOT process take longer. You also had mentioned being under stress.

I have known people who take a year to get off of antibiotics while doing mHBOT, then start counting their months of treatment from that point on for progress comparison purposes.

I do think there are hormonal issues (and possibly thyroid imbalances) contributing to your crashes, as the timing is consistent and cyclical. Hopefully your tests will reveal some issues so you can get support in that area to help balance your body.

Also, you have also just recently made dietary changes and, healing the gut takes time. We did talk about an anti-yeast diet as well.

I do understand your frustration, and am happy you are looking deeper for reasons for your crashes. I just wanted you to know that when you compare time frames and progress, there are many individual variables to consider.

I am looking forward to hearing the results of your testing...
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks KGG and phoiph,

I have made a lot of changes over the time frame. That is true. I have not done anything for yeast specifically.

Because my crashes tend to happen along with my cycle, I am REALLY hoping hormone therapy will be helpful. It just SO hard to feel so low. I am having blood work done for my thyroid tomorrow.

I will keep everyone posted on my hormone results.

I may start seeing a functional medicine dr. He is also a LLMD, but he may help with nutritional deficiencies, the viruses kgg mentioned or other hiding factors.

<sigh> It feels like I keep re-setting my healing clock.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
HW88 and ohh

I have to second what Phoiph wrote above. You can’t rush mHBOT and adding “other” things seem to complicate and slow down the healing process.

I stated way back in one of my early posts after reading the entire thread that I noticed the people that chose to mix therapies with mHBOT didn’t seem to do well and became frustrated with oxygen therapy.

Kgg how long have you been treating at full protocol?

I didn’t look at hormones until I was nearing the end of my second year around 800 dives that I went to a hormone specialist. I think it was my 7th month that I had a very big crash after some stress and was down for 3 weeks. Even after my 2 years of treating I had a setback when I started work.

Are either of you journaling so you can see where you have come from? I know if I didn’t have my journal and videos I would have been deeply depressed when I hit a setback.

I don’t know how Phoiph feels about adding new therapies before a solid 2 years of treatments but I wouldn’t do it. That’s just me, I committed to 2 years of daily treatments with no other therapies to give oxygen a shot. Lord knows the other therapies failed me.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you Peimomma, Yes, I journal in quite a bit of detail. Like phoiph said, there have been a lot of changes--decreasing meds, etc.

I just feel like I keep crashing and don't have the overall up pattern. I'm doing my best to do my part. At some point, I need to see some better days though.

I keep thinking I will have the 'I felt much better after that crash' experience, but I'm not. I barely reach the point I was at before the crash for a few days and then crash all over again.

I really do believe in mhbot. I really think it will get me well. I'm just not sure how to hold myself together until then.

I'm holding on to hope, though.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, I tend to agree with Peimomma that you shouldn't mix too many other treatment modalities with HBOT, however I do not think that balancing hormones will interfere in any way. As long as your doctor monitors your levels with testing, you should just feel better from the hormones.

I started hormone therapy around the same time I started HBO and I think they worked synergistically.

Just a thought...Do you take antioxidants? They can block the healing response to the HBO.

Hang in there.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I do not take antioxidants. I really don't do anything right now except mhbot, diet and trying to move my body.

I wanted to thank everyone for commenting and sharing experiences and love. It really does help to not feel so alone.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Dear HW88 - hang in there. It takes real time for this to work. Jan 29th was my one year anniversary and I can tell you hands down this year is a lot better than last. At times I feel really normal. I credit mhbot for that.

Since I am rather new to this and everyone else like Digby, Phoiph and Peimomma, I would listen to them. Just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers and I believe you will turn the corner .... have faith. I know it is hard when times are tough it is always darkest before the dawn. Bless you.

KGG, sorry you are going through a spell too. Stress sent me into one but I seem to be gaining my ground back. For the record I am on herbals, mhbot and use rife some. Largely because I when I started, I crashed if I did not have rife and the herbals, with a recent babs flare, I am not willing to pull yet. I would say overall, I have made great strides.

One think I will mention that I do think has really helped me has been detoxing. Like Peimomma Coffee enemas really helped me at times and still do. I also think the infrared sauna really helps. Next, I eat VERY clean. No sugar, grains or dairy (largely due to allergies) but still eat the GAPS diet as my foundation and cook all my vegis down in bone broth. I am on progesterone and some testosterone with hit or miss periods. I used to flare notoriously the first week of every month and now that has abated pretty well. I am still under Dr. H's care and practitioner in NC re: rife. I am not the poster child for how to do this but due to running two companies, I have found what I have to do to keep them up. I hope one day to be confident in dropping periodic rife and herbals but I am not there yet.

Thinking of you all and knowing at times this is really hard. You have to remember the peeling of the onion. I was much sicker before I was at this place. God bless you all.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
So, Good news....I finally have had about 4 days in a row that I feel at a somewhat functioning level. This is usually the point I get before crashing.

Bad news. My sleep Dr. is making me taper off klonopin right now since it's not helping with my sleep. This is going to be rough. oh people, pray for me. This medicine is nasty stuff and I crash hard when trying to decrease.

I'm still eating clean and I will get hormone tests soon. I feel like I have TOO many working pieces right now. Hopefully once I'm off klonopin, I will have a steady ground to work from.

Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hang in there HW88 -- yes Klonapin is tough to get off of. I will be honest in telling you, it is worth doing as you know. Hang in there. What about something like Ambien for sleep? Or even, Melatonin and gaba? Thinking of you and praying for you... Just took my melatonin and gaaba. Hugs!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks willbeatthis! I'll keep everyone posted as the week goes on. I have tried a lot of things for sleep. When my body doesn't want to sleep. Nothing works.

I'm doing o.k. I cut the dose by a smaller amount this time. We'll see how it goes.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks, Willbeatthis. I appreciate your response. I went to my physician and he put me on Biaxin for a month for chronic sinusitis. My daily afternoon low grade fever is a little better. I plan on starting some herbals when done because it is causing a herx.

HW88, that is wise to take the taper slower.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
KGG, keep us posted. I'm glad a few things are a bit better. Hopefully they will continue.

Can someone tell me how mhbot helps the immune system 'turn back on'?

I've read through this thread and also read oxygen revolution, but my ability to 'hold' information in my brain is seriously lacking.

I was just wondering about it this afternoon. I've had some new things pop up. Wondering if it's just another layer of the onion. Wondering if my immune system is 'turning back on' and how to know if it is getting better or not.

Anyway, just wondering.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The short answer would be that mHBOT helps block the action and toxins of certain bacteria, assists tissues in resisting infection due to increased oxygen/blood flow, increases the white blood count and improves their ability to find and destroy invaders.

A longer list of benefits supportive of immune function might be:

Activates 8,101 healing genes, stimulates DNA to produce growth and repair hormones and receptors, reduces inflammation, reduces hypoperfusion,/increases blood flow/circulation, releases stem cells, improves immune function (increases white blood cell production), promotes angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels), has antimicrobial properties/treats/helps prevent infections, improves cellular metabolism/efficiency, assists in healing and regeneration of neural tissue, promotes wound healing, decreases biofilm, reduces swelling/edema, increases production of collagen, reduces pain in certain conditions, improves bone regeneration improves rate of healing from surgeries, decreases effects from radiation injury, improves recovery from athletic over-training/injury....etc.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I am concerned because you have recently been experiencing severe symptoms (which you think might be related to hormones, but have not received your test results yet), and are now going to wean off of a powerful benzodiazepine (which sent you into a crash last time).

Would it be possible to talk to your doctor again and rethink this as a future goal once you are stabilized and the hormonal questions have been answered?

It is very difficult to make sense of symptoms when many big changes are made at once...

What are your thoughts?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I totally agree with you phoiph. My sleep dr. Doesn't acknowledge lyme though. I say something about it and she just changes the subject. She doesn't get it.

I feel similar to before starting antibiotic treatment. I crash, barely get my head above water for a few days and then crash...repeat. I really don't want to add weaning off klonopin to the mix until I feel more consistent.

I feel like I have too many moving peices. I'm not sure what else to do.

Trying not to lose faith in the process I have chosen, because logically it makes sense. I know I have more variables than when phoiph or peimomma started, so it's hard to compare but I feel I'm struggling more than not....
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
On 4/12 you posted that you finally had 4 good days "at a somewhat functioning level", but that this sometimes happens right before a crash. How have you been since then?

Are you having adrenal testing as part of your hormone panel?
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I had 6.5 good days. Then ... down I went. But, I decreased klonopin on day 4 So the crash could be from klonopin (although I didn't decrease by much).

Also, I'm about 5 days from period, so hormones could be playing a role also. I should get my test results back today even though my dr. Appt isn't till next week.

Yes, my adrenals were tested. I'll post later once I get test results back.

I would love to get some forward traction, but I have too many moving pieces to get moving forward.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
So, I FINALLY have my hormone appt. tomorrow. I got back the results, but don't understand them all, but my estrogen was super low and a few other out of whack issues.

I could use any good vibes/prayers this way. I'm not sleeping and I just cry all the time.

I have no clue if it's herx, hormones, withdrawal, or digressing. I'm hoping hormone support will help at least enough for me to keep moving forward. I REALLY don't want to go back to antibiotics, but I will if I don't see improvement from hormone therapy.

hugs diving team.
Posted by Bartenderbonnie (Member # 49177) on :
Hi HW88

I'm not on the diving team. . . yet.

But I would still like to offer you strength and resolution to your current situation. Your fighting spirit is still intact. Your hormones are just another piece to the puzzle. And without proper sleep every night, you will struggle daily. You must find a way to get a decent night's sleep, so important.

Sending prayers and will be thinking of you tomorrow.
Hope you find relief asap.
I am picturing you smiling as you leave your doctor's appointment. [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
HW88 For what it is worth I have found so far that Cordyceps powder helps me sleep
Molybdenum does too (among other things)
I use a lot of things but I already listed them to you
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you BB and HH.

BB you should join the diving team. I really think it has been the best thing for me so far. I've hit a wall coming off antibiotics, but I'm hoping it's just a snag.

I do need to figure out good sleep. Hoping hormones will help.

HH, I have the list of things that helped you. Most of them I've tried, but there are still a few I'm planning to look into. Thank you so much.

I'm pretty sure Bart in my insomnia culprit. [Frown]

I'll keep everyone posted tomorrow on my experience. Hope it's good.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
OKee, Dokee,

So, for those of you interested in my test results, read on. For those of you not... skip this post.

So, I thought my ESTROGEN was really low, but it's ok. Actually the bad kind of estrogen was low. The other two are good.

PROGESTERONE needs to be a bit higher and will also help stretch cycle to 28 days: STARTING PROGESTERONE CREAM


ferretin: 33 needs to be above 90. (2 years ago when I couldn't eat meat, it was 16. So in two years It has come up some.); WILL START DESSICATED LIVER SUPPLEMENT--Iron supplements are hard on my stomach.

Vitamin D3: 35. Needs to be 60-80. STARTING D3 WITH K1 VITAMIN SUPPLEMENT

SEROTONIN AND MELATONIN LOW: possible 5htp supp.

THYROID: All the numbers are within range. However, my ratio between FREE T3 and rT3 is 12. She wants it above 20. Which basically means my body doesn't have enough of the active form and too much of the inactive form: STARTING VITAMIN SUPP. WITH THYROID SPECIFIC VITAMINS (Iodine, zinc, selenium, etc.). ALSO VERY LOW DOSE OF FREE T3.

oxidative stress: GREAT. Thank you mhbot.
Methylation: GREAT. Thank you mhbot.
Glutathione: LOW. 31 should be 37-70

O.K. I think that is basically it. There were other things tested, but they were o.k.

Would love to hear phoiph's thoughts on this if she is around. Also, anyone else with experience with any of these supplements, etc.

I'm hoping for some improvement. If nothing else, better sleep!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I hope you get better sleep too
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

It looks like you have a few more pieces to your puzzle. My E is fine for the most part but I get a little with my T pellet due to headaches I was getting at my period. I started having a cycle every 2 weeks and they decided I needed P to “thin the grass” as my doctor stated.

She said I also needed D3 and fish oil for cramps. The P definitely helps you sleep and is why they recommend you take it at night.

Looking forward to an update
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
30 Dive update
Hello I wanted to give an update on how I am doing after 30 dives one hour per session 3 or 4 times a week every other day some of this is subjective

Lessened allergies: cheese eggs milk cause drying out of cuticals reduced about 60%

Fingernail growth accelerated and harder (started with first dive)

Facial skin tightens after each dive

Decreased Herx after dives

can go 10 minutes more slow pace swimming
takes less warm up time more staying time under water

Heavy exertion does not produce as strong PEM

Increased muscle strength after each for about an hour

A coffee retention enema with one tablespoon ground robusta beans from deans beans held for 15 minutes
with chlorella taken early in the day has reduced kidney pain coming from die off 70 to 80%

[ 04-27-2018, 06:07 AM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks fornthr input peimomma and IN. I will keep you posted. I was happy to learn a few more pieces to the puzzle.

HH, love to hear the positive updates.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HH, thanks for posting your encouraging progress.

HW88, I am not sure how I missed your post on your results. There are lots of reasons you feel the way you do! As a heads up on the 5HTP. If you have a stomach that does not tolerate B vitamins, many of the 5 HTP supplements have them in it. So be a label reader. I think it was Allergy Research Group that had one that did not have them in it. But not totally sure.

Take your Adaptans early in the day, so they don't interfere with falling asleep. Use the Progesterone cream at bedtime. It helps me with sleep.

Hopefully, with your dissected liver supplement you can get your Ferritin up and feel more energetic. Can't think of anything else. I hope that by addressing these things you will start feeling much better!
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
progress report

875 dives in and I am 80....sometimes 90% better.

Still dealing with those setbacks (we all have)...still do live in fear of falling back,however...slowly letting that go by staying focused on eating right and clean living.

Noticing a trend.....people I speak with throughout this seems diet,light exercise and saying no to things we know are bad for us is very important.

This mindset was very hard for me,however,on those days that I feel is worth it.

No antibiotics or herbals,also said no to heart med during very scary heart sensations along with anxiety and panic.

Stomach is just starting to digest much better and here is a list of improvements.

Joint pain much less

Stomach much better

Heart sensations getting better

Energy level good improvement

Blurred vision almost gone

Neuoropathy almost gone

Anxiety level lower for labs...results have changed in many different ways...Male hormone levels have increased,kidney functions are better (was acute and hospitalized with a GFR well below 50 range)now GFR around 68,WBC still shows white cell raised,not out of range (still fighting infection),sodium,chloride,potassium levels always bounce around,however,not as bad,blood glucose is very good.....when this all started my sugar was high?....not now and I do eat 90% paleo....and leaner than I have been in 25 years...gallbladder was 30% functioning 2 years ago with horrible pain...pain is gone and I did not have it removed as requested.

There is so much more....I was a mess...sometimes I still get those sensations in my head,fuzzy,ear ringing,brain swelling,however,I meditate and get through it,fades.

Diving has kept me off the meds and herbals (tried them all)the process is slow but very powerful,I was tired of "shocking" my body with Herx reactions on a constant basis,even when I first started diving,for months I was taking abx and the reactions were constant and rough.

Still doing 1 hour per day....couple times per week I step it up to 90 minutes (now I feel my body can handle it)...take an afternoon nap daily-meditation.

Red rashes still show up on my thigh regions,not a s pronounced,like 3 years ago even last year.

Working out with light weights 3 times per week and walking 2 miles per day 5 days per week....used to be very athletic,just had to tone it down....Cardiologist doesn't think I should run my heart rate up yet.

Patience I never I

Wishing all well and keep diving and inspiring)


sorry about the jumping around,lot's to say,just can't glare at the screen too long or I do get a minor visual blur
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
Must add

Starting noticing strong improvements within 1 year around 2-300 dive mark.

And thanks Phioph)
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Reminder, it's always good to hear positive updates. REALLY good!

KGG, Thank you for your thoughts. Have you had experience with adaptagens? They are in the supplement she wants me to take at night in order to lower cortisol. In your experience do they help calm or stimulate?

Thanks for the heads up on 5-htp. I usually do ok with b-vitamins. I'm adding all these things one at a time, so I'm taking it slow.

REALLY hoping it will help with sleep.

Hugs to everyone.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
So happy for you, Reminder! Long may it continue! And yes, patience is a gift.

HW88, yes, lowering cortisol at night helps with sleep. Some of the adaptans I have been put on had adrenal cortex in them. That is what I found I needed to take early in the day, otherwise it would interfere with my sleep.

Good to hear you are adding things one at a time. Smart.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks kgg, My supplement doesn't have adrenal cortex in it. I'm saving that one for last because I've had bad experiences with herbs at times and always react strongly to them.

How are you doing kgg?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Informal Poll
Hello All
How many of you believe your Lyme disease was triggered or exacerbated by some stressor in your life ?
Emotional physical etc?

Thanks very much
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
I had manageable Lyme disease for many years but after a major stressor (surgery with complications) it completely disabled me.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I am 60. (I can't believe I just wrote that! Where did time go??!!) I have had Lyme since I was 10 when they thought I had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Anyway, stress always causes me to flare. I was hoping that diving would prevent a flare, but that was not the case for me. Of course, my stress level has been off the charts, with surgery, death of my sister and then a move. I will say that my level of functioning has not dropped as low as I usually do. For that I am thankful and credit diving for that.

HW88, I am doing better. Thank you for asking. I am able to walk a mile or two almost every day, without payback. I am not spending my afternoons in bed anymore. So that is an improvement. My sleep is still broken. Rare is the night I make it passed 3:30AM. I took two weeks of Bactrim then switched to Ceftin per my doc. I am hoping I won't be on it long as in months because my stomach doesn't tolerate it indefinitely. I check back with my doc in 4 weeks.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I'm not sure if I had a stressor that triggered it. I know it was gradual and that I had 'episodes' before it full on took my life.

Soo, venting. . . And I'm sorry for this, I just need people that understand what I'm going through to hear me.

I didn't sleep well last night... again. I don't feel like I"ve slept hardly at all since coming off my antibiotics in December and even before that, it wasn't great.

I'm an emotional ball. The Anxiety shoots through the roof when I don't sleep and my brain and eyes just feel like they are on fire. It just WON'T SHUT OFF. I literally feel I'm going to have a break down at times.

I did have about 4 pretty good days again... I'm slowly adding in the above mentioned meds. But I feel like if I don't get consistent sleep soon, I really am going to lose it.

I'm sorry to be debbie downer today, I just cry and want this to all end.

BLAH, ok, I'm going to stop crying and go for a short walk. then maybe try and rest. I don't know how much longer I can do this. I need sleep!

Sorry again.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Don't be sorry

I wish there were something we could do to help you get a good nights sleep.

You said you started having sleep problems when you went off antibiotics why not go back on them or try and herbal antibiotic?
I used to use an herbal formula fashioned by Steve Buhrner it was pretty cheap considering how long a bottle lasts

I am sure you have considered these options
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
Informal Poll
Hello All
How many of you believe your Lyme disease was triggered or exacerbated by some stressor in your life ?
Emotional physical etc?

Thanks very much


I was not under any unusual emotional stress when I became ill with Lyme, and I was in the best condition of my life, physically. Even so, I hit rock bottom.

That said, after becoming well with mHBOT, I have faced some intense emotional and physical challenges over the last 5 years without regression or relapse.

I hope that is encouraging!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, I continue to wake a 3:30am recently. It is frustrating. But to deal with the insomnia you are dealing with sounds beyond words. I don't want to be a stumbling block to you if you are trying to only use mHBO. But why not go back to an antibiotic? I am not talking about multiple. But I have found some of my symptoms improved with going on Ceftin.

To me, sleep is foundational and very important. Used to be that most LLMDs addressed sleep first because it is so important.

{{{gentle hugs}}}
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks HH and KGG. I am seriously considering taking at least 1 of my antibiotics. I didn't sleep well even on antibiotics, but it was MUCH better than right now.

Also, my mental state is quickly going down hill. I'm having days of anxiety, panic, extreme crying fits and complete brain fog are taking over. I really wanted mhbot to be the only therapy, but right now I have to pick sanity.

I'm slowly starting to take the things for my above hormone, thyroid, and deficiencies. But I'm seriously having meltdowns daily. I can't take it and I have 4 kids to care for.

I'm trying to get into a different LLMD. One that has been highly recommended and takes more of a functional medicine approach, but he's booked until late aug.

Unless I get sleep and can get a grip mentally, I won't make it till then. Uggh. I feel so conflicted in what to do.

I've been off antibiotics for 5 months and feel I'm losing ground despite the positive changes.

Bartonella is my culprit....and it seems to be winning this war.

Thanks for the love, prayers, concern and advice. I'm going to give my hormone therapy 1 more week and I will probably start back on 1 of my antibiotics.. <sigh>

I feel like I will never make progress. So very discouraged. Thank you for the gentle place to land.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks HH and KGG. I am seriously considering taking at least 1 of my antibiotics. I didn't sleep well even on antibiotics, but it was MUCH better than right now.

Also, my mental state is quickly going down hill. I'm having days of anxiety, panic, extreme crying fits and complete brain fog are taking over. I really wanted mhbot to be the only therapy, but right now I have to pick sanity.

I'm slowly starting to take the things for my above hormone, thyroid, and deficiencies. But I'm seriously having meltdowns daily. I can't take it and I have 4 kids to care for.

I'm trying to get into a different LLMD. One that has been highly recommended and takes more of a functional medicine approach, but he's booked until late aug.

Unless I get sleep and can get a grip mentally, I won't make it till then. Uggh. I feel so conflicted in what to do.

I've been off antibiotics for 5 months and feel I'm losing ground despite the positive changes.

Bartonella is my culprit....and it seems to be winning this war.

Thanks for the love, prayers, concern and advice. I'm going to give my hormone therapy 1 more week and I will probably start back on 1 of my antibiotics.. <sigh>

I feel like I will never make progress. So very discouraged. Thank you for the gentle place to land.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I’m sorry to hear of the continued struggle. I may have missed it but can you give us a run down of a day in the life of you?

Maybe Phoiph or someone can see something that is a trigger that keeps you from consistent sleep.

Caffeine/stimulants, what time is bedtime, what time is wake time, relaxation techniques to quiet the brain? What sort of activities do you do in the day, reading, TV shows.....

4 children to care for is a lot to think about, I can’t even imagine the fatigue that comes with that alone.

The struggle is real and this is when the tweaking for each individual comes in to play. I don’t have children and know that can be an extra drain on the energy just being there emotionally and helping them. It would be like me trying to work while I was treating, I don’t think I would have healed as fast as I did. I literally spent 5-8 hours a day doing therapy like massage, CE’s, naps, light walking, MHBOT. I don’t know how I would have fit all that in with children to tend to, and thankfully my husband was self sufficient.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks peimomma,

I don't even know what it would be like to not have responsibilities while being sick. I'm grateful for my 4 beauties, but it is demanding.

My day looks something like this, but of course there are variations.

wake up around 7 (sometimes earlier, later. My insomnia SUCKS, so sometimes I'm up at 4, but get out of bed at 7. Sometimes I just move to the couch and 'direct' until everyone is on the bus.)

I usually try to get my required things done--1 load of laundry, 1 load of dishes, 1 bathroom wipe down. This is what HAS to happen or things fall apart. If I'm doing horrible, I leave them and eventually get to them when I feel a little better.

Hyperbaric chamber at 9 a.m. when my last little one gets on the bus.

After the chamber, I try to run any errands that need to done or piddle around the yard if it's nice enough. I always feel better outside, although I don't have the strength to do much. Sometimes, it's just sitting in the sun. Sometimes I can do some yard work.

I eat lunch around noon. I then rest--watch a movie, listen to audio book, try to sleep (which rarely happens.) for a few hours before my kids start coming home.

My older 2 are good at being self sufficient and get/do what they need to. My younger 2 need more guidance. Once they are home, I try to help with homework or anything needed. On bad days, these things fall through and teachers have been supportive of me when assignments are not turned in etc.(this is usually all done from the couch.)

I next try to prepare dinner.. unfortunately, it is usually something from the freezer isle. If I'm really good, I'll have something in the crock pot.

The evenings are always pretty crazy. This is when I'm usually driving people to/from practices... I CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER. Nobody has sports, etc. in the summer.

On Wednesdays, I get a weekly massage. On Sundays, I attend church and try to engage with the family the best I can.

I usually try to make sure I get a walk in somewhere with some light stretching.

That's about it. I'm wondering if my T3 medication is making my brain fog/head worse. Anyone with experience here?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I found T3 to help with energy. But if it is too high of a dose it can cause anxiety. What dose are you taking?

Editing to say, that when I initially started taking T3 I would pulse it because it made my heart beat too fast.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

In our last email exchange, I mentioned that when I was ill (homebound and functioning at a much lower level than you are), at least I didn't have the daily responsibility of people depending on me, which is very stressful and energy consuming. Although I was never able to rest, I still didn't have the added demands that you do.

Peimomma asked a very revealing question regarding your daily routine. I am stunned that you are continuing to maintain this much responsibility/activity while trying to get well.

I know my labs were much more out of whack than yours, and I still got well. It was a 2 step forward, one step back pattern, but I didn't have to put out the energy that you do to function (I couldn't have, actually). I do believe this extreme energy output is impeding your progress, and may explain why you begin to recover, but fall back in a cyclical pattern because your body doesn't have the energy stores to maintain the recovery.

In the past we talked about requesting support with cooking food, etc.,from friends, church/community resources, which you were able to do. Would you also be able to request some help with cleaning, laundry, rides for the kids, etc.? You could still spend quality time with them, just less on the high-energy routine activities.

I know this is easier said than done, but IMO, conserving your energy is crucial for your recovery, and is non-negotiable!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
I do have a lot on my plate, I guess. It's hard to compare to anything else when this is all I've known. I'm just grateful my kids are old enough to do things for themselves.

I have had SOOO much help over the years. One who came to do laundry, MANY bringing meals, rides for my children, etc. etc.

I do not have permanent help, but I have people to call upon when needed.

My husband is AMAZING and will do dinner, clean up, etc. We usually have to divide and conquer to get everyone where they need to be each night. But I do so little compared to what I should.

I'm not sure I could hire someone to do all of this. It would be a fortune and I don't feel right about asking someone to volunteer this much.

Summer is coming with less demands. [Smile]

I'm on the lowest dose of T3 5mcg. Just to try and bump my ratio a bit.

Thank you for all the love. I really really appreciate it. I'm in a pretty dark hole right now. My kids may be a big responsibility, but they are honestly the only thing keeping me here. Otherwise, I would just give up. I do not want to ruin their lives though. They need a mom....even a sick one.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

Wow, I can’t imagine keeping that schedule when I was sick. That really is a schedule of someone functioning at 75% well.

We all understand the love for your children and husband, but maybe starting in the summer and running through the next school year they don’t do activities after school so you can get some rest. I don’t believe there is any therapy or medication that is going to help you heal until you help your body rest. I know a year seems like a long time but your struggle is real and what a difference it would make to get you over the hump to better days.
Basically I see the treatment in the chamber you are doing now as just a maintenance schedule for you, no healing because your body isn’t resting. Meaning you give your body oxygen only to use it on the above daily activities.

You can only take spoons from the next day for so long before the deficit is to large and you crash again. It took me a year to feel like I wouldn’t regress but still had bumps and I wasn’t doing your schedule. All the activities might be hindering your sleep, too much on your plate for your body to relax.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Well said, Peimomma.

I also understand that this is a mind-shift. It is difficult to ask for help, but it would not be forever.

Imagine the payoff for you and your family. If you commit to taking this time for true healing, imagine what you can give back.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Hmm. I understand what you are saying. I'm not sure what you are saying for me to do is possible--which is kind of depressing. I really would have to hire another mother. Even if we cut out extra activities, there is still so much. HAHA

I will have to discuss this with my husband. But I don't see this happening.

I do appreciate your input and thoughts. I'm going to try to think of ways that I could get help in these areas.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

How old are your children if you don’t mind me asking? You don’t have to say, my point is that when I was a child my mom left us a chore list to do because both my parents worked. When I was in 4-6th grade we dusted, cleaned bathrooms and helped with the laundry. It may not have been to a cleaning ladies standard, but it taught us how to clean and responsibilities as well as helping out my parents.

I use Norwex products to clean my house and there is no chemicals needed, just water and a cloth so it’s very safe for children to use. Plus it’s better for your immune system not processing the chemicals when cleaning.

I don’t know anyone that has used MHBOT to get well that didn’t take time to rest and let the body repair. I see it post after post on this page and FB that people are trying to rush getting well using MHBOT. It’s not possible in the majority of cases and many have said that I healed quickly and they believe they are more ill than I was.

Bottom line is I spent nearly every day in my chamber for 60 minutes with oxygen and allowing my body time to heal. The few times I would push myself, Phoiph would warm me to take it easy so I don’t crash. Of course you can go back and read about my setbacks when I over did my activities.

Just my opinion [Smile]
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
14, 12, 10, and 9.

I appreciate all opinions. My kids also get chore charts. I don't demand a super clean home.

I have been thinking a lot about the above conversation. My husband even read through all the conversation. He said he admits he doesn't understand a how basic things like driving people places is hard. I tried to explain and he was thoughtful.

I do feel I have made many adjustments so I can rest. I have my groceries delivered. My kids put them away. I pretty much buy anything else we need on Amazon.

I'm trying to think of the balance between all of this. Being a mother and resting. My kids are really good to let me rest when I need it and they are old enough to do most things on their own.

I guess it comes down to driving people places, and making dinner that are my biggest drains.

But also, sometimes getting out does me a world of good. I'm not sure the balance, But I REALLY appreciate the conversation. It has given me some things to think about and figure out what works for me and my family.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

It sounds like you are on the right path and have an extremely supportive family. I can promise if you take a year off and cut back to a plan Phoiph suggests you will see big gains. I know my problem was when I saw gains I then did more activity and had a crash.

I also wrote at one point on this thread about the difficulty walking with a foot in each world, the sick/tired world and the healthy good days world.

I had to learn to balance my desire to be productive and take the time to do my daily therapy and rest. Believe me there were many events, holidays and years that past and I have no idea what I did except sit on the couch or do therapy when treating. BUT and it’s a huge BUT the life I live now was worth missing every holiday with friends and family while I was recovering.

I was blessed with a wonderful friend and my first year when I would visit with her we just sat in the garden and chatted, my second year of therapy I was walking around the park with her. I saved my exercise for a prescribed time and counted my house work as part of that exercise. I wore a fit bit to track my steps. I hardly drove my first year except in my town to appts, it’s very draining to be “on” all the time and does take a lot of energy.

In my first year I would tell my husband we can to one “event” a week, going out to eat, or to the mall, a motorcycle ride.... any more than that and I would have been exhausted and would have a hard time catching up. Has your husband read the spoon therapy story? It’s a very good description of the world we live in and how to manage our energy level. Healthy people don’t understand that it only takes them one spoon to make it to 1000 for them and for a person like yourself it would take 4-5 spoons to make it to 10 am. I had a very good friend of mine read the story several years ago before MHBOT and she really understood how tired I was. She cried and asked me how she can help.

Praying God helps you find a balance between life and healing.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Oh, thank you!! I haven't heard of the spoon story. Maybe you can send me a link.

Thank you everyone. Really. I'm not sure yet how to find this balance, but I'm going to try.

I really am trying my best to get better. I'm trying to do my part.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

Here’s a great link for the spoon theory.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you. That is interesting. I will have my husband read it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

We all recognize that you are trying very hard and doing a great job!

You have already identified two major things that require the most energy for you: driving and making dinner.

People underestimate the energy that driving takes, due to the countless micro-decision, reactions, concentration, and filtering out of extraneous information required.

When I was recovering and starting to drive again, I would venture out on a Sunday morning to avoid heavy traffic, and drive only a few miles at a time.

When I returned home, I felt as if my brain had blown a few fuses. I would be zoned out and mentally exhausted, and not able to pay attention to anything more that day.

Same goes for attempting to make dinner and cleaning up. I would actually break down and sob when faced with a few dishes to be washed.

Now that I am well, these tasks are automatic, and seem to require little or no energy, but I am also much more aware and grateful for the miracles our bodies perform for us every day "behind the scenes".

If you can identify and eliminate as many major energy drains as possible, and make the conscious decision that you are doing this for yourself and your family and you are not going to feel guilty about it, IMO over time this could make all the difference.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Today I have reached a deeper low. My body feels like it's shutting down--just as it did before starting treatment. I cannot even walk alone. I just keep getting worse and I can not stop crying.

I have decided to go back on antibiotics. Thank you everyone for all the input and help. I feel like I've let you down, but maybe sometime down the road, I will be able to try again.

I am suicidal, and it is better that my family have me here--on antibiotics--than not at all.

I felt the best when doing both antibiotics and mhbot, so i will continue with that until I feel I can try again.

I really really appreciate all the help, comments, etc. It has helped me keep going. Doing all I can to hold on right now.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

So very sorry to hear this. Of course you have not let anyone down! Ultimately, you must do what you feel is right for you.

Please keep posting as often as you can; we care!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thanks for the love phoiph. I will keep posting.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HW88, this is not defeat. It is being strong when you feel so weak. Making the decision to go back on antibiotics is the right decision imho. You have given the effort to be off for much longer than I would have with much more severe symptoms, plus 4 children!! You have continued to be there for your children under very difficult symptoms. Moms do not have the luxury of just hitting the couch indefinitely. But you found what worked for you to take care of yourself and your family. Sometimes the infection is just stronger than our desires, will power and capabilities.

Now, get the antibiotics in you. Be kind to yourself and I look forward to hearing that you are feeling so much better. I believe the mHBO will help you tolerate them much better.

{{{gentle hugs}}}
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :

functioning around 80% wellness.

3 is 21 years old with Autism.

I get it....go with your plan,on meds w chamber and slowly back off again later.

Sounds like you have a very strong support system...good)

Proceed with ONE thought...I AM GOING TO GET BETTER.

The reactions are tough...I still get them,however,diet,diving and rest,plenty of water and many modalities listed by these very knowledgeable people will help.

You sound,I get angry at this illness(kind of an "oh yeah") and try not to go to that place....everyone here gets it (how you feel).

One step at a time and I wish you wellness soon,

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HW88, You might talk to your doc about starting the antibiotic at a lower dose than usual. There is some evidence that mHBOT increases the potency of antibiotics. You can always ramp up but you might avoid a herx that way.

Wishing you Peace during your journey.
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Thank you for your kind thoughts and for being such a gentle place to land. I do need to believe I will get better. It is hard to believe, but if I'm going to get there, I need to believe it.

I'm going to ask my dr. To just start with 1 antibiotic. See if that will take the edge off some of the symptoms and go from there.

Again. Thank you for your support and love. You are all a blessing to me.
Posted by Madagascar (Member # 51256) on :
HW88, I've not posted on this thread before, but my heart is really going out to you. My age 20's daughter is the one with Lyme. I commend you for putting one foot in front of the other and keeping on going. It's hard to raise 4 kids under the very best circumstances, much less with Lyme & co "helping."

In any case, if you are still struggling to sleep I was going to suggest you investigate timed-release Melatonin. Sleep is everything, and it's hard for anything to be right if you're not getting quality sleep. My daughter just started taking it and it has helped her sleep.

We can get 2mg timed release at our local Natural Grocers, basically a health food store. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that her LLND wants her to take anyway, and while not perfect, it has helped her sleep improve.

This thread, and all of you who have updated through the years, has been very inspirational. We've just begun the mhbot journey with a chamber we bought in March. It causes my daughter to herx quite a bit so she is at about 1/2 hour, 2 days on, then 2-3 days off. She was doing it once every couple of days, but then I read the book "The Oxygen Revolution" and realized the importance of at least 2 consecutive days. She said it's actually helped her to have a couple of consecutive days. Oxygen is flowing into the chamber, but she's not using a mask at this point.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome to the thread, Madagascar! I was one of those that started right out at one hour and found it very hard. I was actually thinking of selling my chamber when Phioph convinced me to give it another go at a slower pace. I will be forever grateful for her encouragement. It has been a game changer for me. I hope that will be the case for your daughter as well.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Looking for suggestions
Hello All I am sorry if I interrupt serious discussions for a smaller item

We have recently acquired a dog that needs to be walked at least an hour a day

I can't do this with lyme and the walking services can be expensive

I was thinking of one of those mobility scooters
Has anyone else had this challenge here?

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HH...Do you have a fenced yard? When I was unable to walk the dogs I would go out on the deck and use a laser which my dogs would chase for 1/2 hour or so. I was easy on me and they loved it. I did have to start wearing a mask to avoid the pollen which I was very allergic to at the time.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I have one dog that needs exercise and we put her on the treadmill to get out some of her energy when I was unable to walk with them.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I have a friend in Arizona who uses a wheel chair for distance. She can walk around the house briefly. She has a service dog. There is a learning curve for getting the dog used to the noise and presence of the wheel chair. But otherwise it is very successful. But you need to make sure the scooter is approved for outside use. She found that one scooter she was considering buying to be only used inside.

What about a high school neighbor? There may be one that loves dogs but doesn't have one that would be willing to walk your dog. Just a thought.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I asked a young lady who also had a dog if she would walk ours too when when she walked hers she is not a high school girl though
She and her sister are asking a lot of money so I don't know if that will work out
I am still thinking of options
Thanks everyone for giving feedback on one of the small problems we face as lyme suffers
Posted by toyswalk (Member # 45981) on :
Hello. I have posted in awhile, but I have been diving (about 825). I have some catching up to do on reading posts! While I work on that, I have a question.

I know that hard chamber HBOT is contraindicated for patients with COPD. But, what about mHBOT? Has anyone researched this or have an opinion based on personal practical experience? Thanks!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Many years ago when I was in nursing school, they taught us that people with COPD should only have 2 LPM of oxygen. Any higher than that and it decreased the reflex to breathe. Which would not be good. I haven't worked in years, so I don't know if they have changed that number or not. But I would say a doc should be conferred with to make sure it is OK to dive.
Posted by Toby Wong (Member # 51419) on :
Hi. I had metronidazole toxicity 10 months ago. My main symptoms are:
1.anxiety- which are getting worse and worse as time goes on
2. supplements sensitivity- I can't tolerate 90% supplements

I don't know do I have lyme or not.

I started hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Did 15 sessions, each lasted about 58 minutes. I feel worse these 15 days. Is herx common for all HBOT patients, even if they don't have Lyme.
Also, metronidazole may elevate mercury levels . It is possible that I have mercury toxicity. Does HBOT helps detoxing heavy metals from the body?
Posted by Toby Wong (Member # 51419) on :

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Toby, I felt worse when I first tried mild HBO. I started at a full hour. The second go, I started at 10 minutes and ramped up on my time. It was much more tolerable that way.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :

Take kgg advice,

Almost 1000 dives later and I still have to be took me a few months of daily 20-30 minute dives to work my way up to 1 hour with a mask (02).

Monitor the supplements,herbals or any additional
therapies....learned first hand...I felt any and all of them.

Wish you well
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Are you doing HBOT, or mHBOT (mild pressure)?

If you are doing HBOT in a clinic, what pressure (ATA or PSI) are they giving you? Are you wearing a mask?

As mentioned, it is crucial for many conditions to use lower pressures and ramp up slowly.

Yes, mHBOT definately assists with detoxing (at the cellular level), but again, this must be done slowly, as to not release toxins faster than they can be eliminated. People vary in their ability to eliminate toxins.

Also, a clean, gut healing diet and gentle exercise (like yoga) is crucial, as well as not adding on additional detoxing therapies, or taking too many supplements/antioxidants at the same time.

You will likely need more than 15 sessions.

[ 05-30-2018, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by toyswalk:
Hello. I have posted in awhile, but I have been diving (about 825). I have some catching up to do on reading posts! While I work on that, I have a question.

I know that hard chamber HBOT is contraindicated for patients with COPD. But, what about mHBOT? Has anyone researched this or have an opinion based on personal practical experience? Thanks!

Hi Toyswalk,

I will repeat some of what I answered via email to you here:

As I understand it, care must be taken with the use of oxygen in general with COPD if the person retains carbon dioxide, as it may diminish the breathing reflex. To prevent this from happening, they may be prescribed only a specific amount of 02 to keep their blood 02 within certain parameters.

That said, here is an encouraging article about COPD and hyperbaric oxygen: icleTemplate

Do you have a pulmonologist? I would definitely ask about how 02 relates to your condition specifically, and how you can use it safely.

This is one of the reasons why people are technically supposed to have prescriptions for oxygen/oxygen concentrators.

I think you are wise to research this...even if you were cleared for mHBOT a couple of years ago, it is always good to revisit issues if you feel you are not making the progress you hoped for. I feel there is always a reason, we just have to keep looking.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Hello everyone.... I’m back. I thought I would try to get back into mHBOT.

I am too brain dead to explain everything that has happened. Bottom line is I am sick as hell 😫. Lyme disease was a walk in the park compared to my symptoms now. I have Morgellons now.

I can’t remember the time line when I was diving before, but I did get to a point where I was emerging from the abyss. I was walking on the beach every day , swimming in the ocean. I felt that there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. One day I swallowed a bunch of ocean water and got sooooooo sick 😷

I developed sores all over my body, had severe itching, severe GI problems (Chrons, colitis type symptoms), my mouth and gums are swollen, my brain more messed up than before, heart problems, UTIs, inability to breath, weakness and fatigue. I also had this incredibly disturbing symptom that things were crawling all over me, in my organs etc.

I write some of my symptoms here because I’m hoping mHBOT will help and I can mention which symptoms have changed.

I’ll be praying 🙏 for the group and diving every day (God Willing).

Thanks for the words of encouragement Phoiph
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Welcome back Haley,

Sorry to read you’re in a worse state now.

There is hope when consistency can happen.

I rarely dive and am working full time and walking 8-10 miles a day. Life is completely different now for me, it’s normal. I live life as a 50 year old would and have more energy then most of my work mates.

These first weeks will be hard most likely since you are so sick but there is a light at the end and you’ve been there before.

Keep us posted.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome back, Haley! I look forward to reading when your symptoms list dwindles. Happy diving!
Posted by Rodge (Member # 51434) on :
Hi guys, i just joined today but have been reading the boards. Lots of great info.

Phoiph, i have a question about you for this mask. I know you said you have to be careful with the non-breather mask. What do you think about this set up?

Theres a video he made for me on how to make it. Its several different masks put together. Please let me know,thank you!.. [Smile]
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Welcome to the group Rodge!

The mask the guy made at that link you posted seems like too much trouble to me. I prefer to keep it simple and use a simple, non-rebreather mask with valves to let air in if you over breathe the content of the bag. I always take them out of their plastic and air dry them for a week or two to get the smell out.

BTW, Phoiph doesn't agree with using this type of mask but I've recently completed 1000 dives and it has worked well for me.
Posted by Rodge (Member # 51434) on :
Hi Digby and thank you for the warm welcome! I like the non-rebreather masks too because youre getting more oxygen. And wow, youve done a lot of dives. I dont know your whole story but after how many dives did you really start to feel a shift? I know everyone is different. Its seems its like in the 70-80s.

Also i have MTHFR & CBS mutations and wondering your thoughts on that and mHBOT? As well as what supplements you think are good while doing this therapy? Thx!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Rodge, I think I finally started to feel a shift in my health around 120 dives in. I almost gave up but Phoiph asked me to stay the course and I owe her a huge debt of gratitude for all her advice.

My advice to anyone doing mHBOT is to remove antioxidants from you supplements. They interfere with the oxidative processes that the HBOT induce.

My other advice is to eat a Ketogenic diet. I firmly believe that it was the combination of a strict keto diet AND the mHBOT that has caused me to go from homebound/wheelchair to hiking and riding a bike.

I don't concern myself too much with the genetic mutations because I think that the positive epigenetic lifestyle changes shift one's genetic expression to a more homeostatic balance.

Hope this helps.
Posted by Rodge (Member # 51434) on :
Digby, thats what i was hoping to hear about all the things youve said. Im glad you stuck with it and finally started to feel better, kudos to you and Phoiph!! Genetics get tricky and some ppl tend to hyper focus on them. While i know they can hinder certain things, your lifestyle plays a huge part in turning them on and off. I already eat keto and have read a little bit about how much it can help while doing mHBOT. Can you send me a link to the mask you use/have?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Awww, thanks, Digby...but giving up is not your M.O...:)

Welcome, Rodge...

I agree with Digby about the antioxidant supplements. Getting them via your diet (as opposed to supplements) is best.

Digby mentioned that I am not in favor of the non-rebreather masks for our purposes, and I'll explain why...then you can make your own decision.

Non-rebreather masks are designed to be used with oxygen flows of at least 10-15LPM. IMO, using them at lower flows creates safety and effectiveness concerns.

The oxygen concentrator most frequently recommended for use with a home chamber (the Air Sep New Life Intensity 10), should be set no higher than 8 -8.5LPM, or the backpressure from the chamber can cause it to go into an “oxygen on demand” mode to retain oxygen purity.

A 10-15LPM or higher flow is recommended to ensure the non-rebreather bag will stay partially inflated (at least 1/3-2/3 full) with incoming 02. If the bag does not stay inflated properly due to less than adequate oxygen flow, then the following is possible:

1. If the non-rebreather mask is equipped with a working safety valve, it will allow normal room air to be inhaled if the bag deflates. If this happens frequently due to inadequate oxygen flow, then I am not convinced that the person will receive a higher 02 concentration than with a Simple Hudson Mask.

2. If the non-rebreather mask does not have a safety valve, but has had one of the side vents removed for safety, then 02 will be diluted with room air and it will function similar to a Simple Hudson Mask anyway.

3. If the non-rebreather mask is not equipped with a working safety valve (and the mask fits snugly and no other side valves have been opened or removed for safety) there is a risk of suffocation if the bag collapses.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
What kind of non rebreather mask do you use?
Do you notice greater benefit?

What kind of mask do you use?

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :

I shop them each time I buy so I don't have a link and I can't figure out how to add a pic of the label on this platform.

So, the label says it is a Dynarex Oxygen Mask, High Concentration, Non-Rebreather, Check Valve, one side valve.

Reorder # 5303

Let me know if you can't find it on Google.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
From what phoip says it has to have a safety valve and that makes sense
I see them on ebay will have to look again
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Just to be clear, I personally don't recommend the non-rebreather for the reasons I mentioned above; I use the "Simple Hudson Mask".
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Okay Phoip I will check out Hudson mask too
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :

Question about hunger and diet.

Been diving for some time now and finally keeping weight on my body.

I see this as a positive,however,now my hunger is overwhelming?

It may seem trivial but eating Paleo for some time and ALWAYS being hungry ?(blood sugar is fine)

A good friend emailed me stating "your body is probably absorbing nutrients now")

That being said still around 80% and glad to be there......just hunger?

Thanks you all
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Reminder, I go in and out of being hungry like that. Almost cravings but not quite. I try to keep healthy snacks handy. I have a bad gut, so I considered it a healing thing. I think I remember reading that others experience this too.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Is their any other rebreather mask you like?

For others including Phoip

Does the new life intensity 10 concentrater have sufficient airflow at 8 to properly inflate the bag on a non rebreather mask under pressure?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HH, I really like the one I mentioned above, mainly because it has 2 valve openings so if you over breathe the bag, the air will come in one of those openings. Other models may have only one opening which to me, increases the risk of running out of air.

I use an Sequal Integra concentrator and with it set to 10 I never run out. I don't know how it will work with the New Life unit.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Reminder...There are lots of versions of the Paleo Diet, so it's hard to comment on your question. If you are hungry, you may need to reduce carbs and/or increase healthy fats. That will typically take care of the hunger.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :

Yes more good fats and olive oil,mostly chicken,fish.....not as much beef....bone broth...veggies...berries

One big question,I drink a couple cups of coffee w coconut milk and pure stevia on a daily basis,it helps with the constipation.....sorry for too much info,decaf green tea also.

Lastly,the rebreather sounds like an option if you are starting to heal?I couldn't imagine starting mhbot with that high level of o2?

Now,however,you have me thinking.

Always great info here....grateful
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Sounds like a good mix of macro nutrients. Not sure what your question is but check the carb content of your coconut milk. You might try coconut cream if your's is too high in carbs. It is a good addition to a Paleo diet.

Yes, everyone has to figure out what level to start at based on how sick they are. Slow with incremental increases is best.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
and as for coffee? just can't give that one up
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Coffee has lots of beneficial components, the only problem is if you are drinking more than ~ 3 cups a day in which case you could find it irritating to the intestinal tract. Of course depending on your genetic snps and liver detox pathways, too much caffeine can be a stressor to the central nervous system and the adrenals. Moderation grasshopper!
Posted by 20PlusLyme (Member # 51446) on :
Hello all, I just registered today but have been reading other parts of this forum for years.

I have had Lyme symptoms for over 20 years. Eventually my doctor suspected Lyme and I started testing negative over 10 years ago. Increasingly severe symptoms led to further testing, positive 5 years ago for Lyme + Bartonella. Since then I have done about a year of daily IV antibiotics, years of oral antibiotics, herbal protocols, Rife plasma, diet adjustments, detox, etc. through multiple LLMDs, trips to the ER and hospital admissions.

These years of treatments made some improvements from my worst, but I still have a high constant level of pain and other rotating symptoms with no relief. I have been researching treatment options intensively for the past 5 years, and I saw HBOT mentioned but discarded it as yet another wacky treatment for symptoms only.

A few months ago I was having increasing stomach problems with the latest oral antibiotic plus herbal combination I was on, but if I stopped the antibiotics my symptoms got much worse (raging neuropathy). When a friend with Lyme said they tried mHBOT a couple of times and it helped with symptoms I took a deeper look at it and was surprised to find credible references (including this forum) for oxygen not only killing Lyme, but helping to repair the damage.

I tried a few mHBOT sessions at a clinic to understand the mechanics and make sure I could tolerate it, then purchased my own chamber for home use. I got a Newtowne chamber with an AirSep Intensity 10 concentrator and have been diving for 60-70 minutes daily with a mask for the past month and a half. I spent my hours in the chamber reading this forum from the beginning (that took a while!) and the Oxygen Revolution book.

My stomach problems got worse just before I started diving consecutively and I had to try stopping the oral antibiotics. No massive symptom increase yet and I have been off antibiotics now for much longer than I was able to be previously, so maybe the mHBOT is helping.

I had a few spikes of symptoms between sessions that I was able to control with detox and may have been herxes. I usually feel better than usual for a few hours after diving in the morning, but over the past couple of weeks have had increasing pain and headaches, consistently worse than my average level. The better is encouraging, the worse is getting discouraging and making me wonder if I need to take breaks or make other adjustments?

What has been the most successful protocol for how often and how many minutes to treat?

I have run across the following so far:
60 minutes twice daily
60 minutes daily, no breaks
60 minutes 5 days on, 2 days off per week
90 minutes Monday Wednesday Friday
60-90 minutes once or twice a week
Sets of 40 treatments (daily or 5 on 2 off) with a break between?
Any others?

Much as I didn't want to, I stopped my consecutive diving yesterday to research further and seek advice.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Welcome 20PlusLyme to the group.

I am a 60 minutes every day believer for 2 years minimum as Phoiph recommends. You are early in treatment so things will get worse and better. You will read the slogan “two steps forward, one step back. Journaling is a great way to track progress, setbacks and any tweaks that might be needed.

I was 20 plus years sick as well and I believe Phoiph told me it’s one month of treatment for every year you have been sick, minimum.

It’s a marathon not a sprint. Looking forward to your updates. I know many that have NT and like the chamber.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
Coffee has lots of beneficial components, the only problem is if you are drinking more than ~ 3 cups a day in which case you could find it irritating to the intestinal tract. Of course depending on your genetic snps and liver detox pathways, too much caffeine can be a stressor to the central nervous system and the adrenals. Moderation grasshopper!

I drink coffee, but it’s worth mentioning that caffeine is an immunosuppressant.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Peimomma:
I was 20 plus years sick as well and I believe Phoiph told me it’s one month of treatment for every year you have been sick, minimum.

I’ve been sick for nine years now. I’ve been diving for ten months.

My neural symptoms, like anxiety, brain fog, those are mostly gone.

I still have POTS, exercise intolerance, and chronic low grade inflammation - with all the damage that does.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I also dive, or attempt to, daily for 60 minutes. When first starting there were days that I would skip if my herx was more than I wanted. Typically it only took a day off to feel back to "normal".
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
If anyone is concerned about the immunosuppressant action of caffeine, here's a deep dive into it:

From reading this my take away is that it is immunosuppressant but in a way that reduces inflammation. Moderation is the key.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
20+...I think most of the people on this forum who have had success with mHBOT (myself included) have done 1 hour/day at pressure. My experiments with 90 minutes dives made it clear to me that less is better.

If I had the time to do it, I would experiment with 2 30 minute dives a day. I have reason to believe that may work better but it's just too much of a time investment now that I'm feeling better.
Posted by 20PlusLyme (Member # 51446) on :
Thanks so much everyone for the welcome and helpful comments. I was hoping to see more improvement after 50 dives, but maybe its just a bad time. I got back in the chamber today after two days off and will try to stick with it, 60 minutes daily again.

@Peimomma - I definitely agree with the value of keeping a health journal. I started writing down notes trying to relate my various symptoms 13 years ago. This is how I figured out that I probably had Lyme despite the negative tests and demanded more testing that was finally positive. I still keep my journal every day - it has been extremely helpful.
Posted by 20PlusLyme (Member # 51446) on :
Speaking of keeping a journal, when I was in the hospital every day for IV antibiotics they were always asking me what my pain level was for their records, so I started keeping track of it in my journal as well. It makes it easier for me to measure each day, along with more detailed notes so I can try to figure out what might have caused the change. I searched for good descriptions of each level to try to keep my ratings consistent. Here is the scale I use in case it might help someone else:

0 Pain Free
1 Pain is very mild, barely noticeable, most of the time you don't think about it.
2 Minor pain. Annoying and may have occasional stronger twinges.
3 Pain is noticeable and distracting, however, you can get used to it and adapt.
4 Moderate pain. If you are deeply involved in an activity, it can be ignored for a period of time, but is still distracting.
5 Moderately strong pain. Can't be ignored for more than a few minutes, with effort can do work or some social activities.
6 Moderately strong pain that interferes with normal daily activities. Difficulty concentrating.
7 Severe pain. Dominates your senses, significantly limits ability to perform daily activities or maintain social relationships.
8 Intense pain. Physical activity is severely limited. Conversing requires great effort.
9 Excruciating pain. Unable to converse. Crying out and/or moaning uncontrollably.
10 Unspeakable pain. Bedridden and possibly delirious. Very few people will ever experience this level of pain.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
If anyone is concerned about the immunosuppressant action of caffeine, here's a deep dive into it:

From reading this my take away is that it is immunosuppressant but in a way that reduces inflammation. Moderation is the key.

That makes sense to me. My vision sometimes improves when I have a few cups.

On the other hand, I can get some pretty nasty headaches if I overdue it. Probably the Bartonella.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
20+...I think most of the people on this forum who have had success with mHBOT (myself included) have done 1 hour/day at pressure. My experiments with 90 minutes dives made it clear to me that less is better.

If I had the time to do it, I would experiment with 2 30 minute dives a day. I have reason to believe that may work better but it's just too much of a time investment now that I'm feeling better.

At 60 minutes I don’t really feel much of a herx. At 90, I do.

That doesn’t make going longer better I suppose.

For me, I start to feel pain and stiffness in my joints. Also long bone pain.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :

With a rebreather much does the O2 increase... Compared to the regular hudson mask?

As percentages go....and thanks)

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :

A rebreather mask will deliver 85 to 90% O2. I don't know how much a simple hudson delivers.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Digby I checked on the Dynarex Oxygen Mask, High Concentration, Non-Rebreather
If Phoiph is correct it takes 10 to 15 lpm to properly inflate one of these masks

How would it work on 8 lpm?

What is your oxygen concentrater setting when you use the mask?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HH...I have a Sequal Integra, which I run at 10 lpm. It fills the bag fine and I don't run out of air unless I engage in deep breathing during the dive. Actually I don't run out of air at all...the bag empties but the valves allow air in.

I don't know how it would work at 8 lpm.
Posted by 20PlusLyme (Member # 51446) on :
I use a Salter 8140-7 'non-rebreather' mask which comes with both side valves installed, no open ports. I don't like 'rebreather' masks (which don't have an internal valve to the reservoir bag) because if the flow of oxygen is inadequate or stops you can easily end up rebreathing your own CO2. If the oxygen flow stops with a 'non-rebreather' it's pretty obvious because I can't inhale (if all valves are installed and you have a good seal) and am forced to immediately remove the mask.

According to this article the normal resting minute volume is 5-8 liters per minute

I have to adjust my mask and strap carefully to make a good seal. When I first started diving, sometimes if I got in the chamber and put the mask on right away my respiration rate was fast enough to empty the reservoir bag and I had to remove the mask until I relaxed more from the effort to get in and zip it shut. I resolved this by simply resting until the chamber was up to pressure before I put on the mask. It works well for me with my Intensity 10 concentrator running at 8.5 LPM.

Here is a table comparing oxygen delivery methods with HBOT that I found at:
Which I think is great site by the way. Note that EWOT Mask = Non-Rebreather Mask in this table, and there is more detail at that site.

HBOT Partial Pressures of
Oxygen Table

Room Air Nasal Cannula Simple Mask EWOT Mask Pure Oxygen

1.0 ATA 160mmHg (1.0) 182mmHg (1.1) 380mmHg (2.4) 532mmHg (3.3) 760mmHg (4.8)

1.3 ATA 207mmHg (1.3) 237mmHg (1.5) 494mmHg (3.1) 692mmHg (4.2) 988mmHg (6.2)

1.5 ATA 239mmHg (1.5) 274mmHg (1.7) 570mmHg (3.6) 798mmHg (5.0) 1140mmHg (7.1)

1.75 ATA 279mmHg (1.7) 319mmHg (2.0) 665mmHg (4.2) 931mmHg (5.8) 1330mmHg (8.3)

2.0 ATA 319mmHg (2.0) 365mmHg (2.3) 760mmHg (4.8) 1064mmHg (6.7) 1520mmHg (9.5)

Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :

I started last week...NRB 10-15 minutes per day...something is happening and it is positive,however,waiting for any "fallout"or reactions....great article!

Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks 20 Lymeplus
You say you get the Salter with both side valves installed
Does that mean you have an extra valve installed or does that mean all the Salter 8140-7 mask have two valves installed ?

Please Clarify

Thanks again
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
20PlusLyme, I remove the valve from one of openings so I always have access to fresh air. Would that work for your setup?
Posted by 20PlusLyme (Member # 51446) on :
reminder - glad to hear you are making positive progress, looking forward to further updates.

Hominahomina - the Salter 8140-7 comes with two valves installed, see the picture in the spec sheet I linked below. "valves" sounded complex to me at first, but they are actually just small flexible plastic discs pushed onto a pin over the holes. If they are installed they only allow the air to flow in one direction. You exhale through the ports on the sides of the mask, and if the discs are installed on the outside of both ports it prevents inhaling external air, so only oxygen can be supplied from the reservoir bag. The internal port from the reservoir bag has one of these discs also, but it works in the other direction and only allows the oxygen to come in. This prevents you from exhaling into the reservoir and then "rebreathing" your CO2, thus the non-rebreather name. If you search for the Salter 8140-7 on eBay you can find a medical supply place selling them very reasonably, that is where I bought mine.

I found the spec sheet for the 8140-7 with a good picture in the PDF documentation.
The description of this model is "Elongated high-concentration non-rebreathing mask 7' safety tubing and without safety vent"

Digby - if one or both of the exhale valves are removed then external air will be inhaled and mixed with the O2 so the concentration will be less. It will use less oxygen from the reservoir bag so it will stay more inflated, and like you mentioned you will always have access to fresh air even if the bag deflates. I think removing one of the valves adds the 'safety vent', maybe required for patients who can't physically remove their own mask if there is a problem?

With a nasal cannula or a simple mask some (50%+?) of the oxygen is wasted because the oxygen is flowing while you exhale and it goes out the vents. With a reservoir mask that oxygen is stored up for when you inhale next. The concentration you get is a matter of how good the seal is. A small amount of what you exhale is retained in the mask so I often try to pause for a second after I exhale so the CO2 is pushed out of the mask before I start to inhale again to get the maximum possible oxygen concentration.

I'm new at this though, only a few weeks into diving, others here have much more experience. Is more oxygen better? Looking forward to hearing other opinions and results.

I'm not a doctor so please don't take any of my posts as medical advice.
Just another Lyme victim sharing my personal experience.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks that is helpful
It is worth a try
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Everyone...this discussion is very concerning to me. Please be careful. I repeat, none of the non-rebreather masks you are discussing are designed to be used with the low oxygen flows we are using.

If you are not using the safety vents and fall asleep, pass out, or have a seizure and deflate your bag, what do you think could happen? Masks such as this are designed to be used under supervision.

If you are using the safety vents, you are inhaling room air mixed with O2 just like a Simple Hudson Mask anyway (with some resources reporting the same percentages of 02), so why take the risk?

I understand this has worked fine for Digby (and we are friends that agree to disagree on this one), but everyone breathes at a different rate and volume. Your risks and results will vary.

Neither the Sequal nor AirSep New Life Intensity 10, when taxed by the backpressure of a chamber, will put out the bare minimum 10LPM flow recommended for the non-rebreather mask (many resources suggest minimum 15LPM). The Sequel, when set to 10LPM, may drop to around 8, and the AirSep must be set at 8-8.5 max LPM to keep if from going into an oxygen-on-demand mode to maintain purity.

More is not always better, and I am concerned about everyone's safety here...
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Phoiph your concerns are noted and I will proceed with caution
Posted by 20PlusLyme (Member # 51446) on :
Thanks Phoiph, I'm new at this and certainly don't want to lead people in the wrong direction. You have much more experience and success with treatment.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
20PlusLyme...nice explanation of why it's called a non rebreather mask! Yes, removing one of the valves will allow some air to enter the mask but most of it will come from the bag.

Phoiph, you are correct that we disagree about the mask issue, even though I owe you a huge debt of gratitude for keeping me on task with diving when I was about to quit. You are an angel posing as a former Lyme sufferer! Still, your wrong about the masks...just kidding. Actually, I think it depends on the level of disability, i.e. for someone really sick that may have trouble removing the mask, I agree that a simple hudson mask is best. Some people might even do better by using a cannula at first.

I do maintain that if one of the valves is removed, you shouldn't ever run out of air. I have even put my mask on before hooking it up to the O2 supply and although it takes a little more effort, I can still breath.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Here is a study that addresses the safety concerns of the non-rebreather mask and suggests a safer and more effective alternative:

Southmedic OxyMaskTM compared with the Hudson RCI® Non-Rebreather MaskTM: Safety and performance comparison

Thanks to jcarlhelp for bringing this mask to our attention very early on in this thread.
Posted by Rodge (Member # 51434) on :
Hey guys! Wanted to get everyones opinion on doing multiple(2x) 1 hour dives per day...? If you have the time and you feel good after the first one, why would it not be a good idea to do another hour later on....? TIA!... [Smile]
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Rodge, it's not a good idea because HBO is a hormetic stressor. In other words, it's your body's response to the stress that creates the healing. Think of it like working out with weights, if you don't have a rest period between workouts, you don't build strength, you just break down the muscle tissue.

I have wondered if 2, 1/2 hour sessions a day would be better but I'm not willing to spend that much time on it to find out.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
50 Dive update
Hello All I wanted to give an update
I have done 50 dives
I dive 3 or 4 times a week 80 minutes
I include an herbal lyme formula from time to time

I experience a herx for about an hour or two after each dive and I use chlorella and coffee retention enema which really helps clear out my system and reduces kidney pain 85% My urine is dark the next morning

Normally the herbal formula gave me a considerable herx witout HBOT
using the formula and HBOT which is a pretty big hit on lyme does not produce a comparitive herx
I say this because it shows HBOT is working

Diving makes my nails and hair grow faster and my skin still tightens on my face after dives
I am deep breathing during the dives with a hudson type mask

I am planning on 90 minute dives including a non rebreather mask from now on will let you know how this works

I am using a 27 inch newtowne chamber and an airsep new life intensity 10 concentrator set on 8
The chamber is holding up nicely so far


[ 06-16-2018, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HH, FWIW, After I had done about 500 dives I started 90 minute dives for a while, thinking that more is better but that was not the case. I got worse and it wasn't a herx, so I went back to 60 minute dives (Thanks again Phoiph for talking me off that cliff!) and my improvement continued.

I've expressed this many times before but I think that due to the hormetic nature of this therapy, adding more time tends to increase the oxidative stress on the body. Perhaps beyond what we can respond to in a healing way.

I have wanted to experiment with 2 half hour dives a day which I suspect may be more healing than a one hour dive but I currently have 3 people using my tank, so the logistics are too complicated.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Oxidative stress is a good thing, in moderation. It’s the primary benefit of HBOT, it’s what kills the bacteria. Too much is a bad thing though, too much can hurt your inner ear, for example.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Charles that is an interesting point
Do you have any support for the idea that oxidative stress is the principle action of HBOT

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Oxidative stress is fundamental to hyperbaric oxygen therapy, by Stephen R. Thom. Journal of Applied Physi9ology 106:988-995, 2009:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks for the kind words... [Smile] .

Regarding doing mHBOT for 30 minutes 2x per day instead of a full hour 1x per day...I read that there is a "sweet spot" reached about 45 minutes into a dive where the optimum benefits begin to take place. (I believe it was in Dr. Harch's literature.)

There is no rushing this process, but IMO you would progress faster if you were to work up to diving daily for 1 hour only (rather than 80 minutes 3x per week). mHBOT is a cumulative process, and it is best to do consecutive days. (This has been studied and documented by Dr. Paul Harch, who has pioneered mHBOT.)

Like you, many people here have tried to rush the process, only to set themselves back. This is why I encourage everyone to read the entire thread so they can learn from other's experiences, and they won't be tempted to re-invent the wheel.

You can have too much of a good thing, and oxygen can be toxic. As Digby mentioned, if you overdo it, your endogenous antioxidants will not be able to keep up, and your body will experience oxidative damage. This is the exact opposite of what you want to accomplish!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks for the link Phoiph
If you have that link from Dr Harch on optimal dive duration I would like to read it

I post my progress reports to add my experiences to what others are saying so newcomers will have a good picture and can decide how they want to procced

If I am wrong about my protocol I will note it in future reports
If my protocol works better for me I will also mention that

So far I notice no adverse reactions with longer dives but I may not know for sure for awhile


[ 06-18-2018, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
Charles that is an interesting point
Do you have any support for the idea that oxidative stress is the principle action of HBOT


Many drugs work this way. Artemisin does, for example. The immune system too.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
You can read his book: "The Oxygen Revolution", by Dr. Paul Harch.

His website is:

This article, which I have posted many times, discusses optimum duration of treatment for neurological conditions:

More is Better: The Recurrent Illusion of Higher Pressure HBOT in Chronic Brain Injury, by Dr. Paul Harch:
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Okay thanks Phoiph I will check that out
I did not know drugs worked that way Charles12

Why does Lyme take so long to kill off ...... anyone?

[ 06-17-2018, 03:58 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Phoiph, I finally read that study on the masks and was concerned about the CO2 concentration being higher but then realized that it is only higher at 2 lpm. At the higher level there is no significant difference. Unfortunately, they tested 2 lpm and 15 lpm, not the 8 - 10 lpm that we use for mHBOT.

I want to make sure everyone understands that I wouldn't suggest a non-rebreather mask (NRBM) unless it has 2 vents and one of them has the valve removed. That is the only configuration that is safe because it allows enough air to maintain life :^) in a situation where the O2 is cut off.

I really wish they would have tested the mid range in that study. If the CO2 would be higher with the NRBM at 8 or 10 lpm I would switch to the simple hudson mask (SHM) immediately but I don't see how that is possible because the only real difference is the bag. The SMH has 2 open vents vs. 1 open vent in the NRBM. Now I have tested the NRBM without the O2 concentrator running and I can still breathe albeit slower than with it running.

What really surprised me was that the O2 concentrations seem to be the same with each mask. I really thought the NRBM would deliver a higher volume of O2 because of the bag but that study suggests otherwise.

Thanks for the link to the study. From now on I will go with the less expensive of the 2 masks because there doesn't seem to be any difference in the O2 delivery.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
OK, rather than edit the above post, I will admit that I was mistaken about the O2 delivery. After I reread the study I see that the SMH provides a slightly higher lpm of O2 across the board. I still don't understand why and I know I read the opposite but it was from a manufacturer's site not a well designed study like this one.

Guess I need to get the SMH. And I take back what I said earlier about you (Phoiph) having it wrong (even if I was kidding). Thanks for the education!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks, Digby...but I think there is still some confusion here.

This study was comparing a non-rebreather mask (made by Hudson) with an "open mask" by Southmedic (not a Simple Hudson mask). If you look at the photograph closely, you can see the open structure.

I was suggesting the open mask as a safer and more effective alternative to the non-rebreather.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
anyone....ear ringing is one of my biggest problems now and wondering if maybe too much o2...too fast?

this started over 1 week ago...along with what feels like a "mind herx"? swelling in brain

the good part is my body feels pretty good....

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Phoiph... Thanks for the clarification. I guess it's back to the drawing board.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello Folks
Some of the people on this forum have been diving hundreds of times something like 800 to 1000

Can anyone explain why this is such a difficult bug to kill off?

In what part of the body does it like to hide?

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HH...I don't have the time to answer your questions fully but I will say that although HBOT does kill off some of the spirochetal forms of Bb in the blood, it is pretty useless against the other pleomorphic forms like blebs and cysts that often hide in connective tissue.

That said one of the main benefits of HBOT is that it upregulates your immune system, which is effective against all the forms the bug can take. That also explains why the process is so slow. Hope that helps.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Digby that is helpful and that helps to explain why it is so hard to get rid of

The longer it has been in your body the longer it has to infiltrate right?
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
Thanks Digby that is helpful and that helps to explain why it is so hard to get rid of

The longer it has been in your body the longer it has to infiltrate right?

Posted by Rodge (Member # 51434) on :
WHEW!! I just finished reading the threads from
beginning to end(5 years worth of info!) and my brain is fried but i have a smile on my face.. [Smile]

First i want to say that i didnt mean to throw everyone off asking about the non-rebreather masks. I think after reading everything Phoiph is right about the SHM. Keep it simple and safe.

I also want to say that Phoiph is truly ANGEL as im sure most of you already know. Complete dedication to help herself and others to this day speaks volumes.

So many of you have made such great strides and have helped many in telling your success stories and answering questions...Digby, Peimomma, Tick/Lymeboy?(And i truly apologize for not naming more names as my brain is a bit tired lol)

Ive been wanting to do mHBOT for close to 20 years and finally got an mHBOT about 2 weeks ago. Ive been sick and getting help for over 22 years. The first 18 years Drs said the extreme anxiety and depression were all in my head and put me on meds. So i struggled for many many years never giving up knowing they were missing something. And then about 4 years ago we found some infections...Mycoplasma, EBV, etc etc....but i never bombarded my system with antibiotics for more the 3-4 weeks a few times. I tested false-positive in the Western Blot and just got my DNA Connexions test back and is was Negative across the board. But i talked to a guy there who said just because i tested negative doesnt mean i dont have it. I like to just say that my body is in a state of non-homeostasis and its healing.. [Smile]

Im treating with a CIRS Dr. now in Tucson for Mold, MARcons body likes the dry climate better. It calms my central nervous system is think..? Im soo glad to have stumbled upon this thread for soo many reasons. One, so i could set my 02 concentrator @8.5 and not blow it out lol, two, use the right mask and keep it simple and safe and steady. And most importantly being able to meet all of you. So many stories of hope and progress and i will be one of them, i have no doubt. Yes i am a Taurus and i am stubborn lol. I have been going slow and steady(10 dives) and know when to back up a bit if need be thx to Phoiph because of her non stop effort to sound like a broken record has sunk deep in my brain. 1x a day for 60 mins for at least 20 months+

I just have a few questions, one for Digby who has recently talked about this and anyone else who knows a lot of the subject-HORMONES-I had mine tested through LabCorp and everything came back "normal" but i know they are off and that there is better testing. I know being able to get these in better shape will make a huge difference. I still have lots of anxiety, depression, brain fog, CFS, and the list goes on but those being the most prevalent. What is the best test and how expensive is it? Also im living in a mold free space finally which has helped tremendously. Im taking charcoal at low doses to pull out the mold, toxins, etc that has been in my system for years. I know that mHBOT promotes better detoxification and kills and causes some herxing so Phoiph was is your current thought on taking some sort of binders while doing the chamber maybe lessening the herxs? I'll quit rambling now but just wanted everyone to know i am truly grateful to how found this group as im sure all of you are too.. [Smile]


[ 06-19-2018, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: Rodge ]
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
I wouldn’t be surprised if the normal hormone range varies, and there could be issues, even if your results fall in the normal range.

Do you need additional testing though? If it is a problem, mhbot will help.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
What kind of setup did you get ?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Reminder, I was hoping that mHBO would get rid of the ringing in my ears (tinnitus). It did not. Although I have read about it helping others.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
Phoiph... Thanks for the clarification. I guess it's back to the drawing board.


Have you tried the Southmedic OxyMask?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thank you very much for the kind words, and most of all, thank you for reading the entire thread.

I truly wish everyone would put out that effort before they begin mHBOT, as it is so important to have the background information and learn through others' experiences.

To answer your question about binders...although I was very toxic, I did not use them, as I was too sensitive to anything I ingested.

IMO if you go slowly and carefully enough with mHBOT, your diet is clean, you move lymph through yoga and gentle exercise, and you're not trying to detox using other methods or take a lot of drugs/supplements, you really shouldn't need them.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Rodge, My Integrative Medical Doc specializes in Bio Identical Hormone Therapy (BIHT) and he uses Lab Corp for the labs.

As Charles12 said, "normal" isn't very useful information. You need someone who knows BIHT to order the right tests and determine the best levels for you.

I have worked with a client that was having bad herxes each time he used the chamber. He was successful in getting over the herxes and tolerating the chamber by doing coffee enemas. That suggests that appropriate detox procedures may well be important for some people.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Phoiph... Not yet!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I use coffee retention enemas and they help significantly with detox
I use green unroasted robusta beans from Dean's Bean's I roast and grind them and use tablespoon of ground up beans heated up the day of the dive.
I just put the jar with ground up beans and water in the hot sun for a few hours and shake the bottle frequently it brews up nice

I also use chlorella take 6 or 7 tabs the morning of the dive and vitamin c too
Posted by Rodge (Member # 51434) on :
Digby and Charles12-Thank you soo much for the
info, i will look into BIHT for sure.

Hominahomina- I got an Oxyhealth Solace and an
AirSep Intensity 10.

Ive done coffee enemas before and will explore that as an option, as well as the chlorella, thx guys!

Phoiph-Yes i agree reading the whole thing can

answer soo many questions you may have about soo

many different things not just about mHBOT but

about time, duration, genetics, brands, etc in

conjunction with mHBOT. Ive been doing yoga for

about 18 years now and for the last 5-6 years

since my energy has dipped significantly body loves

YIN/Restorative. I cant highly recommend this

enough to everyone. Even if you have very little

energy you can find an easy and very simple class

that gets you moving,calms you down and builds

community. This illness can be so isolating and

yoga has helped me beyound words in soo many ways.

I hope more ppl try it.. [Smile]
Posted by 20PlusLyme (Member # 51446) on :
Reminder - I had consistent loud tinnitus before starting mHBOT. I'm two months into daily diving and the tinnitus seems less frequent and not as loud lately.

Wish I was showing general body improvements like you are, but I'm hoping and trying to stick with it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
Phoiph... Not yet!


The first time I bought a Southmedic OxyMask several years ago, I wasn't able to off-gas it, and it continued to have a very strong vinyl-y odor. Although I found it very comfortable, I only used it a couple of times for this reason.

I recently bought another OxyMask, and found that this time, it off-gassed fairly quickly. (I did leave it in the rain overnight by accident...maybe this helped!)

Anyway, I do like it now, and according to the study I posted earlier, it is potentially more effective than the Simple Hudson Mask or the non-rebreather (and safer).
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Please stick with 2 months you are only at the beginning of the process!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Phoiph...Do you have a link to the mew mask?

I always out-gas my masks for at least week. I just blow up the bag and leave it sitting out. I really don't like the smell at first.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Phoiph I would like to know more about the Southmedic Oxymask too
What do you mean by potentially more effective?

Posted by 20PlusLyme (Member # 51446) on :
Phoiph - thanks for the encouragement, I'm still at it daily.

Digby - great idea leaving the masks out for a week+. I think I will try blowing a little oxygen through the tubing each day to give it more fresh air exposure.

I am very sensitive to off-gassing from new masks, cars, beds, etc. and was concerned about what my Newtowne chamber would smell like when it arrived. I was amazed that it had almost no odor. I still aired it out overnight before my first dive, but didn't have any problems.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HH, I think Phoiph was referring to the study she posted which suggested that it might deliver more O2 than the other masks.
Posted by Rodge (Member # 51434) on :
Phoiph--I like the OxyMask, it looks like it delivers more oxygen. Can you tell a difference?

Digby--Whats your opinion on the OxyMask?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Here is a link for the OxyMask: rc=srch

I think the OxyMask is more comfortable, but I feel no discernable difference otherwise (nor would I expect to).

Because I became well using a Simple Hudson Mask, I'm not overly concerned with a need for more 02. That said, for those who are hell-bent on "more is better", I would rather see them use the open OxyMask, as it is a much safer choice for our purposes than the non-rebreather (and more effective according to the study).
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Thanks Phoiph.
Posted by Rodge (Member # 51434) on :
Hey guys heres an interesting podcast from March 2018 with Dr Paul Harch and Dave Asprey. Wondering everyones thoughts.....
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Rodge...Thanks for that link. I can't believe I hadn't seen this. Wonderful podcast that everyone interested in HBOT should listen to.

I was really surprised at Dr. Harch's support of the mild chambers. For a while he was saying that only the full chambers were efficacious. I'm so happy that he has gone back to his early statements about how the mild chambers have their place.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Rodge...Really great interview...I posted it on my website...thanks!

I agree with Digby. I'm SO glad Dr. Harch is expressing support of home chambers again.
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
Any opinions on using Low Dose Naltrexone in conjunction with HBOT?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
tom f, I know of one person that is doing LDN with HBOT and seems to be doing well.

I personally think that it would be a good match.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Originally posted by HW88:
I'm not sure if I had a stressor that triggered it. I know it was gradual and that I had 'episodes' before it full on took my life.

Soo, venting. . . And I'm sorry for this, I just need people that understand what I'm going through to hear me.

I didn't sleep well last night... again. I don't feel like I"ve slept hardly at all since coming off my antibiotics in December and even before that, it wasn't great.

I'm an emotional ball. The Anxiety shoots through the roof when I don't sleep and my brain and eyes just feel like they are on fire. It just WON'T SHUT OFF. I literally feel I'm going to have a break down at times.

I did have about 4 pretty good days again... I'm slowly adding in the above mentioned meds. But I feel like if I don't get consistent sleep soon, I really am going to lose it.

I'm sorry to be debbie downer today, I just cry and want this to all end.

BLAH, ok, I'm going to stop crying and go for a short walk. then maybe try and rest. I don't know how much longer I can do this. I need sleep!

Sorry again.

It appears you may very well be going through "Klonopin Withdrawal"!

I started my taper last year at a daily dose of 1.5 mg to 2 mg daily! I'm now down to 0.25 mg and plan to finish off my taper within the next three to six months!

I confided in "Phoiph", last year via email and told her I was about to embark on the "Monumental task" of getting off both "Klonopin and All RX Drugs", for that matter once and for all!

Considering you too have children to care for may I kindly share with you some things I would have done differently? Being able to look back objectively at both my battle with "Chronic Lyme", and "All Things Benzos", in hindsight with 20/20 may be of value to you?

As parents with children it really is difficult trying to manage "Living for today", (IE) creating memories NOW... and "Living For Tomorrow" hence creating future memories isn't it?

After Phopih, literally saved my life I was "Ecstatic" some might even argue "Euphoric" at the mere prospect of being able to raise my then 10 year old son!

However I soon realized after diving that I was going to need to come off "All the RX drugs" I was taking "Including Benzos", in order to make a full recovery!

So here I am "12 months later", and nothing I repeat nothing could have prepared me for this "Nothing"!

Looking back on this whole journey I'm not sure how many of my symptoms were related to "Lyme", and how many were related to "Tolerance Withdraw"?

I highly recommend reading the "Ashton Manual", if you haven't already done so? "Slow and Steady", wins this race as "Phopih", is often time quoted as saying(-: Also I wish I would have "Micro Tapered", possibly even liquid tapered for the entire duration of my taper.

(FYI) I just started diving again today after not diving even once over the last twelve months! I read your post while laying in bed and felt compelled to write. I didn't feel both my brain / body could handle any additional trauma "Right Now" which is why I elected not to dive.

The original plan was to finish the taper in six month and then finish with "One to two years of solid MHBOT"! If anything me not diving for the last twelve months should be a testament to the efficacy of "MHBOT", for those who saw me at my worst! I can 100% guarantee you I wouldn't be writing this right now if it weren't for both "PHOIPH", and "MHBOT". MHBOT 110% with out a doubt saved my life and enabled me to raise my son over the last three years "Glory To God"

Before I go I want to clarify that I truly feel 90% of the symptoms I'm currently experiencing right now are largely attributed to "Tolerance Withdrawal"...NOT Lyme disease! The reason being is that when "I'm not in a WAVE", but rather a "WINDOW" I can feel "Decent" for weeks at a time(-:

When I was super ill with "Chronic Lyme", I never had any "WINDOWS",...just a horrible 24/7 365 days a year sick "Lymey feeling!

Please remember I'm writing this to you while going through a massive "WAVE". I will post here the next time I'm in a "WINDOW" as the quality of my writing should be better(-:

"Klonopin Withdrawl", is an entirely different animal... something I wish I would have known more about before I agreed to take that first dreaded pill! I wanted to make that possible connection for you....just in case you're still searching for answers!

I would write more however once again.. I'm currently in the clutches of a nasty "Wave", and barely had the energy / mental capacity to write this! I will post here the next time I'm experiencing a "WINDOW". I wish you the very best and hope some of the aforementioned makes sense?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Looking4Hope, that is so sweet and considerate of you to write all of that when you are in a nasty wave. I understood how hard Klonopin was to come off of when I read many have to use the water taper. Now that is super sensitive!

I hope your wave is short and your next window much longer.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
You say you are starting to dive again after 12 months
Can you describe how you feel the first few dives?

Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
You say you are starting to dive again after 12 months
Can you describe how you feel the first few dives?


So I just finished my "Second Dive" after not diving for over 12 months! The dives have both been 60 minutes in duration without supplemental oxygen! I'm going to consider using my "Oxygen Concentrator", this go around if I can control the "Herx's"!

While going through "Benzo W/D", I have used both "Water Enemas", and "Coffee Enemas", fairly regularly! Both have been incredibly valuable and I wouldn't have gotten this far without them!

Benzo W/D, also has quite literally forced me to eat "Super Clean", something I didn't do "Consistently" my first go around either)-:

My hypothesis is that with both a far superior diet coupled with "Zero RX Drugs", my body will heal and then some this time around! I found a gal on "Youtube", who was quite successful following a similar protocol (IE) "MHBOT","Coffee Enemas", "Great Diet", "ZERO Drugs".. etc

So far I have experienced "Zero Herxeimier Reaction", which is absolutely amazing considering this was the primary reason I was unable to be "Consistent", my first go around!

I believe some of of the reasons touched upon above (IE) "Poor Diet", "RX Drugs", and "No Water / Coffee Enemas", were the reason I herxed so bad the first time around!

The last year for me personally has been spent fighting a fight which has been on par with that of me being extremely ill while battling "Chronic Lyme"! The only difference is I have also experienced beautiful "Windows"...that never happened when I was sick 24/7 365 days a year with Lyme!The "Windows" at times have afforded me levels of clarity I haven't experienced in years!

I will post my future progress not only here but additionally in the "Benzo W/D Support Groups", as well! With so many people suffering I hope to some day be a beacon of HOPE to those within the "TBI Community", "Lyme Community","Benzo Community" etc.. God bless you all!
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
Here is just more info on the Southmedic Oxymask.
This is a video comparison of the Oxymask to a typical re-breather mask.
youtube oxymask
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Thank you tom f. I Just finished my third dive today within the span of three days "So far so good" with "Zero Herx"!

If anything I'm feeling far better then I did prior to using the chamber! This was never possible in my past experiences when using MHBOT as my Herx's were the sole reason I was unable to be "Consistent"(-:

I never got that "True Healing", my first go around largely attributed in my own personal opinion to the following...

1.RX drugs in my body.. chiefly "Klonopin"
2.No method of detoxifying "When Herxing"
3.Lack of consitency
4.Diet not on point 100% of the time!

The goal as previously stated is to eventually use the chamber with supplemental 02 once I feel my body / brain can handle it!

Thank you "Oxyhealth", for the wealth of information you guys provide whenever I reach out to you!
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hey All,

I'm going to post here one last time before coming back in a month or so with an update!

I have now completed five dives in "Five Days" each 60 minutes in duration.

Additional I'm now using "Supplemental O2" and have my oxygen concentrator set at (8.5 lpm). Thus far I still haven't herxed?

I'm both intrigued and incredibly optimistic at the same time as "Herxing", was the primary reason I was unable to remain consistent in the past!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Looking4hope~

Great to hear from you.

So sorry you've been going through a rough time with the Klonopin withdrawal. I often thought my severe symptoms were in part related to constant withdrawal, since I never increased my dose over a number of years, and had surely built up a tolerance. As you mentioned, if you look up the symptoms of withdrawal, they mirror Lyme. So grateful to be med free.

If you look up the interviews with Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac), she talks about how Klonipin took 8 years of her life, and was more difficult to get off of than cocaine or heroin.

I am very happy to hear you're using your chamber again. I would have suggested you start up more slowly, but you know the drill. :)

Congratulations on how far you've come, Looking!
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hey Phoiph,

Great to hear from you as well my friend! Fleetwood Mac is one of my "Old School Favorite Bands"! I have both watched and heavily researched "Stevie's" battle to get off Klonopin once upon a time!

During the last year while performing my "Benzo Taper", I joined an online Benzo Support Group.

There as so many good people there who have been off the drug for "Months / Years" and are still going through "PAWS", better known as "Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome"!

As one can imagine these individuals are extremely desperate.. and sadly many take their lives!

This led me to start researching things such "Drug Related", and "Alcohol Related", brain injuries!

I believe I might possibly be on to something here! I haven't found a whole lot of research on "MHBOT BENZO W/D", unless I'missing something? I will be posting "Updates", regularly via the support group I'm involved with!

(Good News) I'm now down to 0.125 mgs and plan on "Jumping", or getting off completely in the next couple months maybe sooner!

What's interesting is I "Dry Cut", down from 0.25 mg to 0.125 mgs "Only after I started using MHBOT with Oxygen"?

This is absolutely HUGE as I hadn't had the courage to "Dry Cut" or "Liquid Taper", for that matter after going through four months of sheer TERROR after finally stabilizing at 0.25 mg!

Originally my plan was to start slowly as you suggested, however in the spirit of "Science"..I'm going to keep pushing forward considering the aforementioned above!

Thank you once again Phoiph and although I'm far from out of the woods yet...I'm beginning to see that a "Complete Healing" is possible over time!
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
Hi all,
I am starting mHBOT for my illness.
I have Lyme symptoms with moderate peripheral neuropathy. My only positive test is for
Chlamydia Pneumoniae. Anibiotic treatment(Wheldon Protocol) for Chlamydia Pneumoniae put me in the ER so I am trying mHBOT.

I did end up finding a Newtowne chamber - my first dive didn't go so well. My ears did not equalize - I had to stop at 2psi from pain in my right ear and sharp pains when I depressurized from the 2psi. Slight ringing and noticeable hearing loss that lasted about a day.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
tom f, I am really glad you stopped at 2 psi. I take about 10 minutes to depressurize. That requires not closing the valve all of the way but left partially open.

Initially, I would chew gum, using "ear planes" ear plugs and drink water to help my ears. There is also a maneuver where you plugged your nose and gently blow out. That should help your ears pop.
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :

Abvice please.....can't stare at the screen long so I will get right to it.

New pain in feet...light someone is holding a lighter to toes and ball of one foot? (blood sugar is fine)

Stomach issues are is most keto...good high fats and nutrients....gas is still awful...sorry tmi.

Even the rashes on my thighs are now getting larger again?

Dr appointment next week and now liver enzymes are raised and I am usual...

My personal opinion is my body is not disposing of the toxins fast enough and they will eventually destroy my organs...(kidneys have already been compromised)

Any advice would be great....much appreciated,

Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :

started off lorazapam...however,staying on until i get a bit better,it helps me stay calm when I am not well....been taking for years now due to this situation.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Your symptom flare could definitely be related to tapering off lorazapam. Did you begin tapering before the symptom flare?
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
Hello Phioph,

Symptoms started before...weeks ago

Back to benzos choice,a real roller coaster...with new symptoms

thought i was at the tail end of this...not so sure

Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hey Phoiph

Do you remember exactly how you felt when withdrawing from Benzos? I believe you were withdrawing from a Benzo while also healing from "Chronic Lyme" at the same time correct?

Klonopin W/D for me personally at times has been equally as difficult as when my "Chronic Lyme" had me both "Bed Bound / Home bound"!

The symptoms I'm currently experiencing are far different then those I experienced when I was extremely sick with "Chronic Lyme". It seems I have a classic case of all things "Beno W/D"..time will tell!

I have decided not to leave any stones unturned this go around! For instance I'm "Diving Consistently", "Eating Super Clean", "Almost Off All RX Drugs", "Detoxing", and the list goes on!

At times "Including Right Now", I'm 100% agoraphobic which many withdrawing from Benzos seem to be...however that doesn't make things any easier!

I "GHOST" or rather drive to the store late at night in an attempt to mitigate my contact with others right now.

When I read that many of our respected men and women who served in Iraq /Afghanistan were also "Agoraphobic" due to "Benzo W/D" slowly began to sink in)-: This symptom has come and gone many times throughout this W/D..absolutely brutal.

I have now completed my 11th dive with Oxygen and so far "Zero Herx", related symptoms "YES"! I'm just going to POWER it out & don't really have any expectations until around the three to four month mark!

I have read some really fantastic things about "IV Ketamine" however because I'm currently still on a minuscule amount of a "Benzo",.. the therapy historically doesn't tend to work as well)-: Might explore this at a later time need be?

Best Wishes, to all those trying to HEAL from a Benzo(s) while also doing MHBOT therapy! If I had to do it all over again I would have "Liquid / Micro" tapered for the entire duration of my taper!

[ 07-24-2018, 05:49 AM: Message edited by: Looking4hope ]
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Originally posted by reminder:
Hello Phioph,

Symptoms started before...weeks ago

Back to benzos choice,a real roller coaster...with new symptoms

thought i was at the tail end of this...not so sure


Please research "Benzo Kindling"...just looking out for you friend(-: The Ashton Manual is located here
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Hey everyone. I thought I would give an update.

I just looked back at my post on 6/3 and things are way better since that time. It's a slow incline upward.

I would like to suggest something to those that don't seem to be progressing like they should. Get an HTMA (Hair trace mineral analysis), this is a test where they take a sample of your hair and see what your minerals are. You will not see these ratios in blood tests.

I have two words for adding minerals to the regimen, "Game Changer". I started thinking about this, why was it that Phoiph got well, but others are struggling? Maybe it had to do with the bone broth!!! Tons of minerals in a liquid form. I believe at one point she was only consuming bone broth. Not everyone can tolerate bone broth, but there are liquid minerals etc.

I can't say that I'm feeling great yet, or even really good, but these are the very subtle things that I am noticing. My immune system is gradually getting back on line. This encourages me more than having a really good day.

- My nails and skin are strong (which they never have been).

- My bowel movements are becoming regular (This has always been a big problem for me).

- I am sweating buckets. I had stopped sweating (even in my sauna).

- I'm getting a runny nose (can't remember the last time I had a runny nose).

- I'm hydrated (my finger tips don't look like prunes)

- When I walk I don't feel like I am dragging an elephant with me. It's a bit easier.

Here is the lab for the hair analysis if you are interested. You need to find a practitioner that can order it.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :

Do you make your own bone broth ?
How often do you drink it?

Thanks for your report
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Hi Homina- my attempt at making bone broth has been pretty pathetic. It tastes terrible!!! I can tolerate chicken broth, but the beef soup causes me to itch for some reason... I guess it’s a histamine reaction.

I am, however, taking potassium and other trace minerals. One thing that has helped a lot is an adrenal cocktail. Fresh OJ, cream of tartar and sea salt. I needed potassium badly!!!
Posted by reminder (Member # 48228) on :
Looking4hope...........thank you for your kindness.

Still diving...bone broth...added light coffee enemas has helped my liver detox all this junk (benzos) out of mysystem....still going to taper and on that site now)

Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
Is the consensus still 1 hour treatment is ideal?
On paper - 1 hour at 1.5 ATA seems alot different than 1 hour at 1.3 ATA.

1.3 ATA - 4.2psi - 9.7 water depth
1.4 ATA - 5.9psi - 13.6 water depth
1.5 ATA - 7.4psi - 17.0 water depth
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Tom~

IMO, 1 hour daily is ideal (not counting the time it takes to pressure up and down).

Some people do increase to 1.25 or 1.5 hours once they are more accustomed to diving and are no longer experiencing reactions. For others, this is too much.

The more important factor is not whether you do 1 hour or 1.5 hours, but whether you dive frequently and consistently.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
"Do you remember exactly how you felt when withdrawing from Benzos? I believe you were withdrawing from a Benzo while also healing from "Chronic Lyme" at the same time correct?"


Yes, I believe I was in continual withdrawal while I had Lyme, and it was impossible to tell which symptoms were which.

The agoraphobic-type symptoms I experienced were a sense of extreme "conspicuousness", vulnerability, and rawness to the point of not having the strength to be in the presence of others, as I couldn't withstand their overpowering energy. Even their clothes seemed "loud"!

This extreme sensitivity, IMO, is not true "agoraphobia", but in part has to do with the physical GABA withdrawal. On top of all the other symptoms I was experiencing, it constantly felt as if I were wearing my unsheathed nerves on the outside of my body.

That said, I am confident that the chamber will allow your nerves/receptors to heal and rebuild over time, as it did mine.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Haley~

I'm so glad you're doing a bit better!

Good point about the minerals.

I do believe the bone broth was instrumental in my recovery. When I was able to tolerate more substances, I also began the liquid minerals and magnesium that I continue to take.
Posted by Rodge (Member # 51434) on :
Hey guys, hopefully someone will see this sooner than later. I know its in the thread somewhere but should i dive if i have a head/chest cold or wait? Thanks!.... [Smile]
Posted by koo (Member # 30462) on :
This is quite a thread and thank you all for keeping it going. I've been thinking of doing HBOT so I have been doing my homework. I still have many more pages to read.

I am trying to determine if I would even be a candidate for this. It seems those who are using it have a high bacterial load and a lot of symptoms.

I stopped taking ABX routinely in 2013. I have had to go back on from time to time when I feel like I feel like I flare. I do herbals and plenty of supplements. I exercise routinely, reformer and yoga.

I feel like ABX are getting tougher and tougher to handle. I don't feel like I herx anymore but they do seem to make me feel better. My CD57 is only in the 40 range and has been a pretty good marker for me.

Would HBOT, or I should say mBOT, help me? I have put some thought into this and figured if I still had a low level of infection it may help, but also if what I was experiencing was more damage/fallout from disease it should help.

I would like to get to the next level of healing. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I recently found out I have Q fever. Maybe that is why mild hyperbaric wasn't helpful for me?
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Help anyone?

Something very bizarre just happened.

The pressure started going down and then a loud noise from the valve on the right side. Do you know what this is? Is it broken? Yikes, hope not.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi foxy~

Good to hear from you!

I don't think anyone can answer that question for sure, but I don't believe so.

If I recall, you were concurrently on a number of different meds and therapies, which can definitely present a much different, and often more complex picture.

Hopefully you are doing better now?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Pressurize your chamber again while you are on the outside. (Be sure to have your oxygen concentrator "on" so the backpressure won't damage it.)

Do you see/hear an obvious leak?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
"...Would HBOT, or I should say mBOT, help me? I have put some thought into this and figured if I still had a low level of infection it may help, but also if what I was experiencing was more damage/fallout from disease it should help."


I agree!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Rodge:
Hey guys, hopefully someone will see this sooner than later. I know its in the thread somewhere but should i dive if i have a head/chest cold or wait? Thanks!.... :)

Hi Rodge~

I answered you via PM, but I wanted to reiterate that you shouldn't dive if you have sinus/ear congestion, or a fever.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Wow 😮 ok ... there absolutely is a leak. I have never filled it up from the outside.

I now realize this has probably been there all along. Remember when I had issues getting it to fill up in the beginning? I just assumed it was quirky, but it actually was leaking air. If I shut that seam it fills up right away.

It’s coming from the seam around the window. It looks like it could be glued shut, but not sure. I can actually take my finger and put it through the seam.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Yes, Phoiph I AM feeling a bit better thank you for asking. [Smile]

I am doing mostly herbs this year. I at least have ups and downs. It used to be only down. [Frown]

Now that I found out I have Q fever, I have to go back on doxy. Q fever can be deadly so it is nothing to mess around with. I don't want to go back on it but here I go...

Still test positive for Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, Mycoplasma, Epstein Barr and now Q fever. It is so discouraging....
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
who made your chamber?
Can they fix it?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

So sorry to hear that. You will need to call Jeff (tech) at Oxyhealth, at 877.789.0123. Let him know that you depend on your chamber for serious health issues and need it to be repaired as quickly as possible. If it is going to take a long time, maybe he will send you a loaner.

I'm assuming your chamber is not still under warranty. I will warn you in advance that although less than a zipper repair, the window seal repair is not inexpensive...
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Do you have any plans to start mHBOT again?
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Homina - it’s an oxyhealth.

Thanks Phoiph- I’ll call him. It looks like it would be very easy to fix.., I’ll just have to see.

I’ll let you know how it goes.
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :

No, I am consuming a lot of herbs and recently CBD oil has given me quite a boost. [Smile] [Smile]

I am in phase 1 of Q fever so it must have came from a new tick bite I go this summer. So I doubt I had it when I did the hyperbaric.

I recently found out I am loaded with Bartonella. I am suspicious this has been my main problem all along and not so much Lyme.

I don't think I was treated aggressively enough for that! So here I go...

I did love doing the chamber though. I know it sounds weird but it was fun to zip away the world and relax! [Wink]
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Can you tell me
Did you buy the chamber new or used how long have you had it?

Foxy Loxy
Can you elaborate on how the CBD oil gives you a boost and what kind you are using?

Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
I use Charlottes Web. It makes my head feel better! Not all the time and not perfectly, but I will take it!

I have only been on it about a month. It did take a while for me to see results, so hopefully it will help even more.

I encourage anyone sick,to try it!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Does it improve your sleep If so in what way?

Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Homina - I bought it new ( pretty sure this is rare though ).
Posted by foxy loxy (Member # 47053) on :
Homina, I do not have trouble sleeping, but my Dad has Parkinson's and he does. He takes CBD oil before bed and it really helps him!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Is there an easy way to fold the Oxyhealth chamber. This is the biggest workout I’ve had in a while 😊
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Be sure to take off all connectors, sound dampener, tubing, and gauge extender (if you have one). Don't send those with your chamber, as you likely will not get them back.

Zip up the zippers, and lay chamber flat. Pleat the long sides in to make it narrower. Roll it loosely (like a sleeping bag), and try not to crease the window(s). You can put an old towel over the window to protect it (but you won't get that back either).

I'm sure Jeff gave you instructions on how to insure and ship...
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Thanks Phoiph. Yes he gave me the address etc. I do send the gauge though... correct. I have to figure out how to remove the extender from the gauge.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Just unscrew the whole thing at the chamber, then unscrew gauge itself from extender. Screw the gauge back onto the chamber.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
Ok got it 👍
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi All - Sorry to be MIA. Ive had an incredible workload in the last several months and thankfully that should be calming down!

Still diving daily for 90 min-if you are new, I don’t recommend this. Phoiph’s directives are best! I’m at sea level and found this possibly is the sweet spot. We will see.

I’ve been diving now since Jan 29 2016- crazy how fast it goes. I’ve made big gains; however, I think I have hit a rough patch.

I went to see Dr H on the 7th and golly gee about that time the bottom seemed to fall out. I tried walking around
that time and my knees started to kill me with this crazy pain in my thighs or quads. Very strange. Now I started back with weight training at that time too and it was like I woke stuff up. Then to compound things I pulled Stevia and I use a good bit of it thinking it was contributing- had some neuropathy too. Well everything increased pain wise. Stopped working out- added back in Stevia- seems to help.

Igenex showed WB IgG neg and IgM positive. Knees are still not normal- pain in legs resolving some.

Doc said call if I want to do abx, I do not. I’m holding hope that this is a speed bump! Talked with Peimomma and she said she struggled this far in too.

Any thoughts? Praise god I have herbals and riife which has helped. I’m not the poster child for this- just me - trying this all the best I know how. Gut healing diet and now no sugar. Had added a tiny bit back when I took out stevia. Dr H says stevia is a crazy good biofilm buster and part of his successful persister protocol. Any suggestions. I’ll get caught up soon. Keep Diving!!!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks for checking in, Willbeatthis! (I still love that name!) I have been wondering how you are doing.

These are my thoughts, fwiw. Borrelia love tendons because they are a low oxygen area. You might have woken up the bugs. But I also wonder if there has been long term damage because of how long we have been sick. So there might be micro tears on the ligaments and tendons and the weight training made it worse. Because it is a low oxygen area it also will take time to heal. I know you are in the hot Southeast but I would be doing Epsom Salt baths daily. I truly try to stay away from antibiotics. But when I was about 2 years in, I did quite a down hill slide. I did 6 weeks of Doxycycline and Ceftin and it really helped. I was really worried I was going to go back to being bed bound. Since then, I have felt the best I have in years.

I look forward to reading Phioph's response.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Willbeatthis~

Good to hear from you, although I'm very sorry to hear about your flare.

Unfortunately, it is not surprising to me based on what you have mentioned. You have had "an incredible workload" over the past months, and on top of it added weight training! That is a whole lot of extra energy expenditure for someone who is trying to recover from a serious chronic illness.

I remember when I tried to go back to running too soon...and I wasn't even working at the time as you are. I immediately experienced inflammation in muscles and joints, and the nerve pain flared. I was disappointed, but my body made it clear that I wasn't ready, and I backed off completely and stuck to yoga and yard work for quite awhile. It paid off to not push it, as I am now able to run again.

I am glad to hear that things will be slowing down with your work soon. I hope you can take a long break!

I can't emphasize enough the need to conserve energy and limit stress during the healing process. Otherwise, it is like bailing out a boat with a hole in it. You can stay afloat for awhile, but eventually your arm will get tired, and you'll sink a little.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Dear Kgg and Phoiph: Thank you both for your responses. That’s really helpful with regard to the micro tears as this does feel tendon like. It’s different from the hot red knee pain I used to get at the beginning of Lyme. So glad to hear you are doing so well now. I’m trying to avoid the abx now w by honestly making some lifestyle changes.

Phoiph, I hear you. I don’t want my boat to sink. I actually got something from Heartmath as encouraged by Dr. H to help with stress. It’s called inner Balance and seems to really help. Honestly, I’m doing my best to reduce my workload and thankfully I work flex hours and can rest and treat during the day. Most of my work is in the evening. I know this is more a boundary thing than anything else- I have to be able to cut it off. My right hand helper just left and that was a major stress as she’d been with me for 9 years. I am still standing.

I am committed to no working out for now- only floor stretching videos and better sleep, eating and stress management techniques. I have to work to pay for Lyme care as you all know do it’s not that I have a choice. I do have a choice with letting it own me.

Today is my line in the sand. Thank you for the wake up call. Your guidance and care means so much!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Kgg and Phoiph- since tendons are low oxygen- are they some of the last things to heal. How about glutes? I’ve been flaring there too. I’m a year and a half in so some of this is to be expected correct. Kgg, how far along are you and when did these pieces heal for you?
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Haley- So good to hear you are making real progress! I have always admired your tenacity. Sorry to hear your chamber is down. I know Phoiph helped you with breaking it down, packing it and a good oxyhealth connection. Praise God on that! Thanks for the insight on minerals. I do drink bone broth and cook all my veggies in it. I also take a 1/2 teaspoon of Trace minerals at night. They help for sure.

Hope- I’d admire your strength and tenacity! Hang in there. So glad to see you seemed to figure out the pieces to your puzzle. Detox for me is super important!

Welcome, Tom!! Foxy- hang in there- Q fever- will be praying!

Digby I hope you are well. Did you back down to an hour? You provide such amazing knowledge here!

Do I need one of these new masks? Tendons are where I am feeling the pain now- woukd this help me get more oxygen to low oxygen areas? Thank you all!!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
kgg you mentioned borelia like tendons
and tendons are low oxygen that is interesting
Do you have any documentation on that ?
I would like to read up
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
Hi all, 36 days in with surprising improvement - Whats with all this raw-burning /pricking sensation under the skin. Anyone else experiencing this burning with treatment?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hi Tom
I don't know but I get an itchy scalp sometimes after a dive

You say 36 days in
Do you dive every day?
For how long?

Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hey Tom- I am sorry your getting some burning. I’ve gotten some of that and even a vibrational feeling in my legs. Look forward to hearing others experiences. We all learn so much from one another. Hang in there! Congratulations on your dives!!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hominahomina, it has been a while since I did any research on it. Below is a quick search. It is my understanding that Borrelia like low oxygen areas of the body (joints, ligaments/tendons/nervous system) because it is an anaerobic organism.
In pursuing hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy to treat Lyme disease, it has been shown in studies by both Charles Pavia, PhD, and William P. Fife, PhD, that spirochetes exposed to an increased partial pressure of oxygen could not survive.

Because plasma seeps into areas between cells, this increase in the amount of oxygen carried by the plasma allows oxygen to be distributed at very high levels deep within muscle and body tissues, and to areas where normal blood flow is compromised. This causes accessible Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes to be destroyed, interrupts the reproductive cycle or forces them into spore (inactive) form.
Or, the Borrelia spirochete in all its forms are located in host tissue with few blood vessels like ligaments or tendons
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Tom: I wanted to let you know something that

worked for me today with the burning. I think I

should let everyone know. Well, I meditated while

diving today and I truly nearly feel like a new

person. Somehow, I happened upon this website

the musician Jewel put up on mindfulness etc. Oh my goodness, it is so helpful. What a gift it is.

This is by far the best dive I have ever had and I feel a ton better coming out. Thank you all for your candidness and honesty and telling me I needed to REGROUP! I did... Thank you.... Phoiph, I hope you hear me!! [group hug]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Kgg- I must THANK YOU too!! I thought the deep breathing may help the oxygen get deeper and by goodness, I think it did [Smile] My knees and legs feel better!!! SO GRATEFUL for your helpful insight! Thank you....

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I am glad to hear your knees and legs are better~
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Can you describe how you deep breath during a dive and what kind of mask you are using?

Thanks KGG for that information
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Willbeatthis...I do hear you! :)

I'm glad you brought up the benefits of meditation and/or guided relaxation in the chamber.

Even though I'm well, I feel I get so much more out of a session if I listen to a guided relaxation/meditation than if I work on my laptop. The difference is amazing...
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
Originally posted by willbeatthis:
Hey Tom- I am sorry your getting some burning. I’ve gotten some of that and even a vibrational feeling in my legs. Look forward to hearing others experiences. We all learn so much from one another. Hang in there! Congratulations on your dives!!

I dive for an hour from the start, the last 2 weeks I am experimenting with 2x a day, 12 hours apart. I'm taking on Low Dose Naltrexone and am on the Zhang Lyme protocol. I also take Lions Mane also I hour before treatment for nerve/brain regeneration.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Homina Homina - Yes, I used what Jewel taught me -- breath in for five counts deep with the regular hudson mask and then count backwards from 5 and breath out and continue. I try to focus on something I love. That seems to help too.

Do not be judgemental of yourself as thoughts will come but see them as clouds passing and just get back to your numbers. She says this gives the brain something to do.

It helped me a great deal today like I said [Smile] Here is to every day after!

Phoiph - so glad you heard me [Wink] I believe it would be that much of a difference after today! So thankful to know now to do this [Smile]

Thanks, KGG! Me too.... really appreciate your insight [Smile] You are one smart cookie!

Tom -- I am on LDN and the Zhang too. I had backed off the Zhang and I think I may have done that too soon, so I am back on it 3x a day. I feel both things help.

Wow, what is the 2x a day like? Look forward to hearing!! The meditation today REALLY helped with the burning. The only relief I have had in quite sometime [Smile] ONWARD AND UPWARD!!

Thank you all for your support!!!! [group hug]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
2nd day with meditation in chamber- amazing success. I’m going to try to pull rife now. My gut is, it may have been antagonistic to the bugs. Will keep you posted- still on herbals and daily dives with meditation. I feel happy. That too is new praise God. True friends tell you the truth . I needed to be told what Phoiph told me- really, thank you! Thank you all for the vast wisdom here!!
Posted by HW88 (Member # 48309) on :
Hi Everyone,

sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had to mentally take a 'Lyme break' and try to think of other things.

So, I started seeing a different Dr. He is a functional Medicine dr. So I'm hoping he will help me look at the whole body and not just keep prescribing different antibiotics.

I did a bazillion tests. Not much came up that I didn't already know. My viral count is really high. Especially for CMV. There is a possibility that my Dr. will put me on a med called Valycte. Anyone have experience with CMV or the drug Valcyte?

Also started seeing a Chiro that does NUUCA adjustments. Apparently, my neck was in the wrong shape...twisted and crooked. Hoping that will help with some of the nerve stuff.....

I've been back on antibiotics for about 3.5 months and have definitely made progress since being on them, but I still think they will only take me so far. I just couldn't keep going in the wrong direction. I was in a really really bad place after being off them for 5 months.

I'm still working my way off of Klonopin... HORRIBLE drug. Maybe once I'm all the way off of this crap, I will be able to try coming off antibiotics again.... sigh. This drug is a BEAST and would advise anyone to NOT take it.

Sleep is still a giant issue for me. My sleep Dr. advised me to try neurofeedback as a last effort to help me. I started that a few weeks ago.

There are a lot of moving pieces right now. mhbot is still a daily activity for me. I do believe it is a big help. It wasn't THE answer for me as of now, but I'm hoping it will be as I get a few other things straightened out.

Sorry for the giant long post... hope everyone else is making progress.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi HW88-- I am sorry you have had such a rough go of it of late. I am glad you have made progress on the abx.

I would recommend Heath Math and their inner balance in terms of helping neurofeedback wise. It is very cost effective. My doctor recommended it to me last time I was there.

I will keep you in my prayers and know you will continue to make progress!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks for the update, HW88! I do agree with you, that until you are completely off of the Klonopin you will not know what is what. But obviously, don't speed the process. Both my son and I showed up positive for CMV years ago. We haven't really addressed it specifically. I have used Valtrex for something else. It is hard on my gut. So I can only stay on it for about 5 days. It is also expensive. I am not sure if it is the same for Valcyte. I do know you can herx on an anti-viral just like antibiotics. So be ready. Hopefully, getting the viral level down will help you feel better.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All

I wanted to give an update

I have done 80 dives so far on my home chamber

I started feeling better around dive 73
I am not sure why I started feeling better because I am doing other things too to improve my energy
I will know more accurately when I do more dives

I don't think I am unusual in this because a couple other divers on this forum it seems did not start feeling better until 70 plus dives

I have been diving for 90 minutes every other day using a salter non rebreather mask

about once a week I use an herbal lyme formula before I dive and just recently I have been experimenting with colostrum ld
which is yielding good results

After each dive a do a coffee enema to take the load off my kidneys because the die off filters via my kidneys I also use chlorella before the dive which also helps with clearing stuff out of my system

I am hoping to continue diving into the hundreds like some of you

Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
wanted to comment on the mask I am using the salter non re breather mask

It has little rubber plastic "valves" that let air out when you exhale but seal up when inhaling so you will breath pure oxygen that has accumulated in the little bag

Those little valves fall off easily

As mentioned by others a word of caution
With this mask if you try to do a strong inhale you will empty the bag quickly and with not be able to breath in. This could be dangerous if for some reason you fall asleep and do a deep inhale
If this is the case with you take off one or more of those little valves this will let air in no matter what

A slow inhale is necessary to get pure oxygen and to prevent emptying the bag to soon

I like the mask because I get more oxygen per inhale
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Glad to hear you are making progress!

Just wondering why don't you use the Southmedic Oxymask instead of the non-rebreather?

As posted in an earlier discussion, it is safer and this study indicates it is more effective:

Southmedic OxyMaskTM compared with the Hudson RCI® Non-Rebreather MaskTM: Safety and performance comparison

In addition to the risks you pointed out, the non-rebreather is not made to be used with the lower flows that we use (which is why you are emptying the bag).

Here is a link for the OxyMask: rc=srch
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Phoiph
I looked over the link
Just wanted to give the non-rebreather a try

I am wondering who else is using the OxyMask
I would like to hear from them to see how they compare the Non-rebreather and the OxyMask
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I use the OxyMask. So much more comfortable to wear. I never used a non-rebreather so I can't compare.
Posted by Zandarkoad (Member # 51645) on :
Hello all! My sister has Lyme, and hyperbaric is just about the closest thing to a panacea that I've seen. So I'm interested for my own family as well. Personally, I'd just like to have greater mental clarity and focus, and I've seen enough testimonials to know that it's not out of the question. We have enough children that locking myself in a small chamber for an hour a day is sure to produce positive results, even without pressure or O2! [Big Grin]
Posted by Happydays (Member # 51567) on :
Hello All,

Just wanted to throw another HBOT success story into the mix. I was most likely carrying Lyme, Bartonella, and Babesia around for quite some time, but about four years ago I had some traumatic events in my life, in addition to working fifteen hours a day every day, and my immune system (in addition to multiple other systems in my body) crashed over a several month period, until one day I was nearly bedridden. My symptoms included hallucinations, panic attacks, anxiety, nearly unbearable shoulder/neck pain, systemic inflammation that prevented me from being able to walk up a flight of stairs, blurry vision, brain fog, POTS, insanely low blood pressure, vertigo (ran into several walls), severe hormonal issues, five nuclear atrophies discovered on a Neuroquant MRI, cavitations, open lesions, and IGG subclasses that were barely registering on labs. I saw approximately fifteen doctors over a six-month period, and after I received a negative ELISA test, I was forced to start running my own labs with a series of functional medicine doctors. Eventually this led me to 8 positive Lyme and co-infection tests from Igenex, Galaxy, Fry, Microbiology DX, as well as to purchasing a phase contrast microscope where I could see the spirochetes myself. While being an A-type personality is what got me into this mess, I was determined to get well.

Misguided in my early thinking, I focused exclusively on killing bacteria, parasites, and fungus (both candida and massive mold toxicity). Some of my treatments included: Cavitation surgery, Amalgam filling removal by a biological dentist, Stem cell therapy (adipose), Dr. S’s CIRS protocol, a lengthy CFS protocol, DMPS, DMSA, Albenza, Ivermectin, Alinia, Biltricide, 10-pass ozone therapy, Buhner, Cowden, Byron White tinctures, Rifampin/Minocycline/Tindamax combo for 6 months to treat Lyme and Bartonella, Mepron/Zithromax/Bactrim combo to treat Babesia, Nasal Amphotericin B, Nasal Nystatin, a plethora of binders, Diflucan, oral Nystatin, Sporinox, LDN, LDI, Heparin, Cortef, Clomid (for test), T3, daily Epsom salt baths and coffee enemas, dry skin brushing, IV’s galore, IVIG every three weeks for 8 months, and about 20 other medications and more than a hundred supplements that got rotated in and out.

During this time, I also purchased equipment in an attempt to bring down my bacterial load, including: RIFE, Biomat, PEMF mat, Infrared sauna (which nearly killed me), and a Longevity ozone generator.

Outcome: While I feel the triple antibiotic regimen for a year was able to bring down my bacterial load and remove some of my primary symptoms, it absolutely ravaged my body’s terrain. I still had head pain, blurry vision, night sweats, and massive exercise intolerance. For someone who used to be a professional kickboxer, the exercise intolerance was a really tough one to deal with, seeing that I couldn’t do so much as three pushups without suffering for days. I was determined to go down fighting, but there were some very dark days where I was pretty sure that I was going down. During this time, I thought a lot about people suffering similarly who had children, and I couldn’t imagine what they were going through.

When I went off antibiotics, things improved slightly. Not sure if my microbial load had been dramatically reduced, or my body was simply happy being off the devastating antibiotics. Around this time, doing about eight hours of heath research a day, I changed my thinking. I had already switched to using all-natural products, from charcoal soap to natural toothpaste, deodorant, cleaning supplies, etc, but I hadn’t addressed the other toxins in my life, both metal and physical. Suspecting we brought mycotoxins from our previous home to the one we were now in, we gave away everything we owned (including computers, paperwork, literally everything, including our RV.) Only wearing the clothes on our back, we moved into a brand-new home and started over. Understanding the importance of mental health, I went through DNRS training, did Timeline release therapy, and hired fifteen people so I could focus on health and only work with my company a few hours a day. For food, I switched from Paleo (which I had been on for eight years), to a strict Paleo/Ketogenic diet, with fifteen hours of fasting a day. For my body, I started with Yoga. At first I could only do a few minutes of stretching, but over the course of several months, I was able to up that to nearly an hour. I spent 30 minutes in the sun between the hours of 10 and 3, and was able to increase my vitamin D levels from 23 to 68. I created a strict regimen where I did my pills four times a day, and then spent another four hours on treatments. I did daily coffee enemas and Epsom salt baths, and I repurchased a ton of equipment: Another infrared sauna (even though I still couldn’t use it), Pulse Centers PEMF mat (very high intensity), Veilight, NanoVi, Braintap (to increase REM sleep), low intensity PEMF mat (IRMS), and Joove near and mid infrared lights and, most importantly, a Summit to Sea HBOT.

While I experienced massive gains over about three months from my current protocol, which included nasal nystatin and cholestyramine, I still got smoked from as few as three pushups. Then came HBOT.

Before I mention how HBOT helped, I should share some of the other things I added in at the exact same time. Realizing my gut was probably shot from all the antibiotics, which lead to leaky gut and a possible immune reaction, I went on megaspore biotic and Bravo probiotic suppositories, as well as did BPC-157 orally to help with my gut/brain axis. Also realizing that my remaining issues were primarily mitochondrial, I started daily high intensity PEMF in attempt to release toxins (both bacterial and mycotoxins) from my cells and hopefully reverse the cell danger response and jumpstart my ATP production. I added hours of focused diaphragmatic breathing daily and cut my calories to 1500 in the hopes of getting to get to 6% body fat, which would in turn dump toxins from my adipose tissue. While all of these undoubtedly helped, my gut tells me HBOT was the big driver in the changes I was experiencing.

HBOT: The first day I did fifteen minutes without oxygen and experienced no negative effects. The second day, I did thirty minutes and herxed fairly hard that night. The next day, I upped it to forty five minutes without oxygen, and herxed harder than I would have liked. Night sweats, flu symptoms, etc. So I backed it back down to 20 minutes, and then increased slowly. Over the next ten days, I managed to get up to the full sixty minutes, and now, 26 days in, I am using supplemental oxygen for 45 minutes of those sixty. While I wasn’t expecting any massive gains, that is exactly what I got. About twelve days in, I’d wake up in the morning with this feeling of lightness. At first I wasn’t sure how to take it, but then I realized it was the feeling I had carried around my entire life prior to getting sick—it is the feeling that your brain is communicating with your body, a feeling that makes you happy to just be alive, a feeling that allows you to put your focus on other things in life because the suffering isn’t there.

I’d had these brief moments of feeling well in the past, but every time I tried to do pushups (which was many times) I would suffer for days and days. Something told me this time would be different, but instead of doing pushups (perhaps there was some sort of metal block with them), I went for a hard mountain bike ride instead. My energy and coordination were there, but when I got back, I waited for the negative symptoms to kick in. This usually happens within an hour, but nothing came. And when I woke up the next day, very sore but no bad symptoms, I honestly couldn’t believe it. After waiting a few days, I went on another bike ride, this time much harder. While I did get a couple of negative symptoms, they all cleared by the following morning. And now, 26 days in, I have gone on five or six rides and wake up every morning feeling…well…close to normal again. It’s something I honestly didn’t expect, and for the first time, I feel I am going to come out of this illness stronger than when I went in. I can suddenly see past the fog that had hidden my future for so many years, and I see a long, healthy life stretching before me.

To add to HBOT, I also purchased a NanoVi, which supplies EZ or “ordered” water through vapor. My goal was to repair any cellular damage caused by additional ROS generated by HBOT, but after reading The Forth Phase of Water, I think it might also be helping with protein folding and enzymatic processes that might have been stunted due to my illness. But beware, the NanoVi can also cause a significant herx.

Honestly, if it wasn’t for this tread and everyone’s contributions, I don’t think I would have purchased an HBOT. I’d done research on it very early in my sickness, and after seeing mixed reviews, I ruled it out. And honestly, I don’t know if it would have had the same effect early on, simply because I was dealing with so many issues. But after sitting down and reading this entire thread over two days, I figured, “What can it hurt?” I wish I could reach out to everyone who has posted here and give you a big hug, especially if you are still struggling. If could offer any advice from my journey, it would be to focus on improving your terrain as much as you focus on killing microbes. Our bodies are meant to keep these nasty bugs in check, but something along the way, either a genetic issue that got expressed or our internal buckets started overflowing from all of the toxins we were raised to believe are harmless, and our bodies broke. HBOT has been the most influential thing I’ve done to repair my damaged terrain, but I also feel that simultaneously improving my gut with Keto and fasting, improving my limbic system with Yoga and mental training, and cleaning out my system with massive detox stratagems, is what allowed HBOT to work so quickly. Well, that and three years of antimicrobials. Anyway, thank you all for helping save my life.

[ 09-13-2018, 12:37 AM: Message edited by: Happydays ]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Congratulations Happydays,

I’m glad you stuck with the process and let your body do it’s job with the O2.

I look forward to reading more of your contributions on the thread to encourage others.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
HappyDays...we have used many of the same treatments. I am not yet well, but I am 70% better and I attribute that to the mHBOT and the Keto diet. I've been diving for 4 years and it is still the most effective Tx modality that I've used. Went from a wheelchair to hiking the Ozarks. Keep at it...the benefits are cumulative!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :

Wow you spared no expense to find out what your problem was unfortunately not everyone can spend like that so thanks for sharing what helped you Please keep us posted about what is helping you

You mentioned you found 8 problems including Lyme and Co-infections and you mentioned Bartonella and Babesia what were the others?

Maybe you can answer the next 2 questions or maybe someone else can

Is it common for Lyme suffers to have other infections going on at the same time?

why does this happen and what are the most common co infections that like to hang around with Lyme?


If you don't mind can you say what your approximate age and gender are? and were you an excerciser before you became sick? I ask these because I am trying to determine different people recover differently

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome, Zandarkoad! I was like you. When I initially started diving I would dive about 3 in the afternoon. It was my "me" time. Bliss. But then I realized that I needed to dive earlier because I was having difficulty falling asleep if I dove to late in the day. I look forward to hearing how mHBO is helping you!

Welcome, HappyDays! I thought that I had spent or done as much as anybody to get my health back and for my young adult son. But you did even more! It is so encouraging to read of people's success and improvements with mHBO. So thank you for the testimony.

Hominahomina, Lyme, Bartonella and Babesia are the usual 3 co-infections. But there also can be present Ehrlichia, Tuleremia, Powassan Virus as well as other viruses. That is not a complete list but the usuals. Yes, you can have all the infections. But usually Lyme docs will address the most prominent symptoms and infection and then treat like peeling an onion. I found when I was using antibiotics that when I got the pathogen load of one down, then another would become more prominent and would then treat that.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thank you
How did you treat the different infections;was mHBOT effective against them all?

I have another question that I am hoping someone can answer

Do any of these three amino acid supplements act as an antibacterial?
leucine, isoleucine and valine

The reason I ask is because they seem to cause kidney pain and usually that means die off for me
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hominahomina, I treated both Lyme and Babesia. Ehrlichia tends to be treated by the same antibiotics that treat Lyme. For Lyme I have used Cephalosporin antibiotics and for Babesia Mepron and Zithromax. My stomach does not tolerate more than a month on antibiotics so I have used IV treatment and Bicillin twice over the years.

Due to my stomach, cost and availability in the future, I bought my chamber. By the time I began using it I was better but slipping. I found it as effective if not better than the antibiotics. I have not used many herbals. My medicine cabinet is full of them, but I don't tolerate them as well as medicine. I am extremely happy that I have mHBO available.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
The meds I had taken in the past for Babesia and Bartonella didn't work for me, and I was still positive on blood slide tests and extremely symptomatic just prior to starting mHBOT.

I hadn't been on meds (except for homeopathic) for 5 years prior to starting mHBOT (due to severe sensitivity), so it is clear that mHBOT took care of all of the co-infections over time.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Has anyone tried colostrum for some of these
When I get very very over exerted sometimes I feel like little electric shocks jolt my body

Is that lyme or one of it's co infections?

[ 09-12-2018, 05:28 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :

Thanks for posting your journey.

Do you feel that the BP-157 helped? Do you mind if I ask how much you paid for it?

Just curious- have not come across anyone taking this. I have come across people taking the injections.

Posted by Happydays (Member # 51567) on :
Hominahomia--Sorry, I didn't mean I had eight co-infections. Reading so much about the downsides of Lyme testing, I tested through every lab out there, including Igenex four or five times. So I had eight positive tests, both IGM and PCR (never tested positive for IGG), for Lyme and Bartonella. Microbiology DX got a sample from my cavitation surgery, and that was the only test that showed positive for Babesia. Igenex had a borderline result for Babs. Based upon those two tests, I decided to treat it using Mepron/Zitho/Bactrim because I knew Zitho and Bactrim had good crossover for Bart, which seems to be much more difficult to beat than Lyme. As for co-infections, once your immune system gets suppressed, which can happen through stress, an accident, a death in the family, Lyme or co-infections can take over (which makes it difficult to know when you got Lyme), and once they do, they continue to suppress your immune system. I had very low IGG subclasses 1 and 3, which is why I qualified for IVIG therapy for eight months. But once your immune system is suppressed, other pathogens can move in, including fungus and most certainly parasites, which is why I did Dr. K's parasite protocol, which included high doses of biltricide, ivermectin, albenza, and alinia (and I passed a LOT of nasties). Each for two weeks. I also got hit hard by mycotoxins. I have the dreaded haplotype 4-3-53, and with my detox pathways even more impaired by Lyme and systemic inflammation, that also made me very sick and led to, in my opinion, cell danger response. With toxins in my cells, they basically shut down, which lead to a severe decrease in ATP production (hence, my profound exercise intolerance.) So what eventually got me in a position where HBOT could really help, in my opinion, was raising by body PH using sodium bicarbonate, helping the krebs cycle by switching to keto, and using detox strategies for several hours a day, including the IonCleanse foot bath, Epsom Salt, Charcoal, Bentinite Clay, cilantro, dry brushing, oil pulling, biomat, etc. I tried DMPS and DMSA, in very, very small amounts, and both came close to killing me (if I had done the IV chelation, I am sure it would have killed me).

As far as my age and gender, I’m a 46 year old male. A dozen or so years before I got sick, I was a professional kickboxer, used to bicycle across the United States every five years or so, and worked out with weights about an hour and a half a day. I think if I had maintained that lifestyle, my body would probably have kept all of these pathogens in check. However, I made the bright move to open a company, and then decided to work 15 hours a day, seven days a week. After about nine years of this, it broke me. It’s what allowed me to spend about 750k to consult with all the top lyme docs and buy any piece of equipment I thought would help, in addition to doing both good and bad treatments (stem cell being the WORST), but I would gladly have kept my vagabond lifestyle and still be living in a van and hang gliding in Central America.

I’ve switched my thinking a lot in the past six months. Instead of trying to kill pathogens, I’ve focused exclusively on getting as healthy as possible, both mentally and physically. I would like to think that if I had to do this treatment all over again, I would do it totally naturally, meaning just Buhner’s herbs, in addition to keto, fasting, sunshine, not stressing, etc, but I was in such bad shape, the antibiotics pulled me out of a very large hole. It’s funny, I put my father, who has COPD, on Cordyceps, Alcornia, and Cryptoleptis, and it got rid of his lung infection that had been there for thirty years. He no longer gets a fever every day, and he no longer has to cough up dark phlegm. He’s taken every antibiotic in the past twenty years and nothing helped him like these herbs. However, I was on all of these herbs, in addition to many others, for two straight years and they didn’t even make a dent in Lyme and Bart. Just goes to show how NASTY this bacteria is!

Haley--I got BPC-157 from Peptide Pros online. I think I paid $94 for two vials. However, I don't inject it, rather do it sublingually and hold it under my tongue for a minute or two. HOWEVER, start very slow. My first day I did 15 units from an insulin syringe, and my energy shot through the roof, almost too high. That died down after about a week, and now I am up to 15 units. I'm not sure how much it actually helped (how do you judge that when you’re doing so much), but at this point, I know that anything I can do for my gut health is helping. I think even more than BPC-157, Megasporebiotic and Bravo Probiotic suppositories helped the most. But Megaspore is also something you have to start very, very slowly. I broke open 1 cap into a glass or water, drank ¼ of it, and threw the rest out. Eventually, after about 10 days, I got up to the 2 caps a day.
Posted by Happydays (Member # 51567) on :
Wow Digby, thanks for the advice, and I am absolutely going to stick with it! That is incredible the gains you've made! Maybe I'll see you out on the trail one day on my mountain bike!...Since I wrote my first post, I have been improving about a percent a day. I've been going for harder and harder rides each day, and today I decided to see just how hard I could go. The first thing I did when I got back was jump in the chamber, and while I started getting some slight head pressure about 30 minutes in, it all cleared about thirty minutes after I got out. I told my pop, who has suffered through all of this with me, and he simply couldn't believe it....I know it is super, super rare for people to respond this quickly, so I don't want to get any ones hopes too high up, but even if I had to do this routine for two years straight to get these kinds of improvements, it would be well, well worth it!!
Posted by Zandarkoad (Member # 51645) on :
So my "symptoms" are not as overt as many others here. I'm trying to improve subtle things like ability to focus. Executive function. Emotional outlook. Etc. Does anyone know of a recommended list of cognitive or standardized tests that I could take before and after so that I can more effectively track improvements over longer time periods?

Amazing testimony, Happydays. Thank you for sharing! And likewise with everyone else!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Happydays...I have so many questions and comments for you but no time right now to cover it all. So here are a few:

1. You seem to have a good handle on your Tx protocols. My only advice is to pace yourself on the exercise. I've been blindsided, e.g. thinking I could do a 20 mile bike ride and work in the yard the next day...I was fine after the ride but the day after the yard work (moving rocks with a wheelbarrow) I crashed and it lasted for weeks. I call it the "heal / crash syndrome." The disappointment when I crash is overwhelming, more so now that I am feeling better than when I was really sick. I'm sure everyone on the forum knows this process.

2. I'm interested in your sauna experience, as that is something that helps me now but was too intense when I was really sick.

3. I've tried the BPC-157 but I can't tell if it helped, even when I injected it. I may give it another shot. see what I did there?

4. I have the same Ozone generator as you. I've not had any good results from it with the exception of breathing Ozol...have you tried that? It's very helpful.

5. Have you tried coffee enemas? Awesome for detox. Although again, it was too much for me when I was at my worst.

6. I've been doing Platelet Lysate injections for cervical pain and was thinking of trying stem cells. Can you share your experience with that? If you don't want to post it publicly, you can PM me.

Well, that's more than I planned on writing. I need to get ready for clients today. Oh BTW, we share the same first name too.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Oh and Rife nearly killed me. I used a dual coil Doug machine and while everyone on the Rife Forum encouraged me to push through the "herxes," I felt that it was doing damage rather than creating a healing crises. I am struggling with trying to sell the equipment because I have such a negative feeling about the machine, that I wind up talking people out of buying it. Duh!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
One last thought on the Ozone. I was out in the woods yesterday and I got bitten by a tick. First time in 6 years! Rather than go on Doxy again, I ozonated the bite with high gamma ozone and then started on Colloidal Silver internally (I make and sell CS, so I have it readily available).

there is a fascinating study done where the researchers use an Azithromycin gel topically, immediately after removing the Lyme infected tick and got fantastic results. No other Tx was used but no Lyme disseminated! That's the rationale for using the ozone topically on the bite.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Very happy to hear of your early progress!

A caution though...I agree with we discussed earlier in the PM, pleeeeze resist the temptation to overdo it with exercise too early on. I promise there will be time to do that later if you take care now!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Digby...just wondering...are you having the tick tested?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Is anyone living in the path or Hurricane Florence?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Phoiph, I'm not having it tested. I'm trusting/hoping that the Ozone Tx will do the trick if it was infected.
Posted by Happydays (Member # 51567) on :
Phoiph—Just curious if you’ve heard of anyone having success using 1.5-2ATA for Lyme and all of its related conditions, such as POTS. I’m strongly considering picking up a hard-shelled chamber that goes to 3ATA. I’m doing this both for ease of use and to be able to experiment with higher pressures later on in treatment. Most of the published papers I’ve read state that in order to have good bacterial die off, you need a pressure of 2.4ATA, but after going through this forum and hearing other testimonials, it seems that die off occurs quite frequently at 1.3ATA, and I too experienced a herx-like reaction the first time I went to 45 minutes at 1.3ATA. When, if ever, would you recommend going up to higher pressures, and since I’ve been told oxygen concentrators don’t work above 1.3ATA, would you recommend just doing pressure or adding pure oxygen tanks into the mix?


Sauna—When I first got sick, I purchased an infrared sauna and, unwisely, spent 20 minutes in there at 113F, and I went through the worse herx ever, even though at the time I didn’t know what it was. I tried a dozen times to get back into it over the years, for as little as five minutes, and every time it was the same. Personally, I think my intolerance simply had to do with toxicity. The sauna just dumped things too fast and my binders couldn’t keep up. For a spell I thought perhaps the sauna had picked up some mycotoxins because it came from our original house, but when I bought a brand new Clearlight Sauna, same thing happened. I’m chomping at the bit to get started on that detox protocol, so I purchased Joove near and mid infrared lights to remove the heat aspect, but I herxed like crazy standing in front of them for ten minutes. In the hopes of adjusting, I restarted with the Joove for three minutes a day, 1.5 with the front of my body, and 1.5 on the back of my body. I increase the dose by 10 seconds every day, and now I’m up to 3 minutes on the front and three minutes on the back. When I can get up to 20 minutes without herxing, I’m planning to give the sauna another shot.

Ozone—I started with ozone and hydrogen peroxide treatments here in town, and always seeming to feel a bit better afterwards, I decided to try the big guns and traveled weekly to Carson City to do 2 10-pass treatments with Dr. S. This runs much like a dialysis machine where they pull blood, ozonate it, put it back in. This is done 10 times in a treatment, and although I experienced die-off and chills every night of the treatment, I always felt better the next day. However, after making the drive for five weeks and not really noticing any lasting effects, I purchased the Longevity unit and stated doing rectal insufflations, nasal insufflations, and taking ozonated olive oil. I got nothing from the rectal insufflations, the nasal insufflations seemed to target the biofilms and MARCONS in my nose due to CIRS, but the ozonated olive oil was by far the biggest mover. I’d experience die offs and chills every time, but now that I am on Megaspore, I don’t think I would have the same effect. At this point, I gave up on Ozone, mostly because after doing extensive geneic testing, I seem to have issues with peroxinitrite, high levels of hydrogen peroxide, and issues utilizing iron in my heme pathway due to having multiple varients on the HFE gene. I’m on multiple protocols to scrub my excess iron and hydrogen peroxide (brought my ferratin down from 370 to 180), and although I’ve stopped a very aggressive antioxidant protocol to allow HBOT to do its thing, I feel continuing with ozone would produce too much ROS.

Coffee enemas—I have done a coffee enema every day for the past year and a half, mostly because I continued to pass what resembled rope worms. I had one biopsied and, as expected, it came back inconclusive. I even did the Russian rope worm protocol, which did pass a lot. However, I have come to believe these “rope worms” were simply sluffling of my intestinal tract. The minute I stopped the coffee enemas about two weeks ago, I stopped getting the “rope worms” in my stool. I might continue to do them once every few weeks, but I haven’t decided on that yet. To replace that therapy, I am going to start doing Caster Oil packs.

Stem Cells—I did my stem cell therapy in the US, and it was by far the worst treatment I have done. They put you in a semi-conscious state, open an incision in your lower abdomen, and then take a long needle and jam it up into your abdomen. Because I didn’t have a lot of fat on my belly, they had to dig and scrape for thirty minutes. Under normal circumstances, they would pull enough fat to do a treatment that day, and another treatment a few weeks later. But I had just enough fat for the treatment that day. From what I understand, stem cells will typically go to where they are needed, and when you inject them the same day you had them removed, they tend to go right back to your abdomen to repair the damage caused by the surgery. Adding that type of insult while already super sick was devastating for me, and I honestly believe it dramatically delayed recovery. I understand they have better luck injecting stem cells directly into the site of injury, such as a knee, rather than putting them back in through an IV in the hopes they will go where they are needed to heal a systemic insult. Personally, I feel Lyme and the damage it creates is just too far reaching to hope that stem cells will actually find your core issue and help. For me, I noticed absolutely no benefits, and to this day my abdomen just doesn’t look the same. Platelet therapy, from what I understand, works better. I had my platelets reinjected after my cavitation surgery, and I did seem to heal quite quickly. Whether or not it was the platelets, I don’t know.

RIFE—I had the GB400 with plasma tube, and after running through hundreds of frequencies, both for Lyme, Bart, and Babs, I gave up on it. I gave my machine to my uncle who has prostate cancer.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Happydays- what a great story! So happy you have found mhbot. You seem to be a wealth of information too [Smile]

Question for all-- I boarded up for the hurricane- we were in the path originally. So sad for those in coastal NC.

Anyway, my Airsep Newlife 10 - went on the fritz today. It is likely 6 or so years old - maybe more. I got it secondhand. Anyway, does anyone know who I should buy from that might have a discount and can get it here somewhat fast. I have reached out to Phoiph as well.

Thank you all for your help! Also, has anyone else been in this position and do you just dive without air I'm guessing till the new Airsep gets here. Thank you!!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Gang: I think I found the contact. Let me know if anyone might need it. Phoiph had given it to me sometime ago. Thank you all....

Do let me know if anyone has been in this spot before and if you just continued to dive without oxygen. Thanks!!
Posted by Happydays (Member # 51567) on :
Digby, forgot to mention that I read a paper that stated that doing HBOT in tandem with stem cell can improve the efficacy of stem cell therapy. Might be something you look into.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Gang, I found the solution thanks to Phoiph! The storm had me on high alert and I was thinking I needed a new one- Phoiph to the rescue! Bless you, Phoiph!

Just for anyone else- should you have a power surge - even if you cannot tell, the Airsep can need a reset with the fuse button on the front -under the counter.

So thankful my dives will not be interrupted. That is my Hurricane Florence Blessing! God bless those folks in NC Wilmington area....

Happydays -- wow! You are an inspiration and I admire your will not give up attitude [Smile] You are a fighter too!

I recommend ANY and ALL folks trying this modality to READ the thread. It is GOLDEN! Full of insight that honestly cannot be replaced!!

I have to through you a big KUDOS too -- HAPPYDAYS!! You are right -- TERRAIN is EVERYTHING! I don't think I fully believed that until I saw recently how tweaking my diet and really going full on Keto -- I was keto (very mild- likely in and out) due to eating boatloads of veggies. Now, I would say I am FULL ON KETO and man, the difference. Have been using keto stix etc and my ketonix to measure. I snack on bone broth and some stevia dark chocolate (so very good-- -- sandy is so dear). I also love Eating Evolved Ketocups (no sugar and very low carb with MCT oil- now you must like dark chocolate as this isn't for people wanting a sugar like treat - but for those of us that like HEALTHY- GOD SEND!). Steph is an angel there!

Keto is really helping my body- as well as, resting more - Thanks to all of you an especially Phoiph for giving me a talking to. I NEEDED it.... That is a real friend [Smile] GOD BLESS YOU PHOIPH! [bow]

And PEImomma -- thank you for your encouragement of late, Digby and KGG -- you all ROCK!

Keep up the good work Team-- such knowledgeable folks here .... Thanks for sharing all you know and for offering support..... YOU ALL ROCK!!

[group hug]
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Asking for feedback
Hello All

I still "crash" do you?

I have done approx 85 dives so far but I am still crashing (completely run out of gas)

What preceeds a crash is overexertion over an extended period of time ..

Usually what accompanies a crash in addition to laying down a lot is junk food cravings and weight gain

I think with mHBOT and all the other antibacterials I have used the crashes take longer to happen and I bounce back sooner but I still am crashing

Here are my questions

Do any of you vetran home chamber HBOT users still crash and aside what do you do about it when it happens?

How many dives did you do before the crashes ended?

Have any of you had amalgams removed done Dr Klinghart protocol or any other protocol before during or after mHBOT that has helped with crashes?
Thank You in advance for your feedback
Posted by Cindy83 (Member # 51672) on :
After about a year of antibiotics, IV and oral, I still had debilitating cognitive problems, deficits, etc. I did 40 dives in a hard chamber, 2.0 atmospheres. I did it five days a week, an hour each dive. It worked wonders!!! Saved, healed my brain. Started noticing improvement after about 10 treatments. I have neurolyme and Bartonella. Still had physical symptoms but the cognitive stuff was mostly restored.
Posted by Happydays (Member # 51567) on :
I should have listened a little closer to Digby and Phoiph. After a month or so of diving, I felt great and could start exercising again. Then I decided to find out where my max levels were, pushed it as hard as I possibly could biking, and experienced a crash the next day. After 5 days, I'm recovering well, but having just purchased a hard chamber, I decided to go to 1.5ATA and had another mini-crash. Now I'm determined to go low and slow, and when I start feeling better again, I'm going to have to constantly remind myself not to overdo things. It's like there is this sinister little voice in the back of my head that always whispers, "Go faster, go harder, you can do this!" Balance can be the hardest thing to accept.
Posted by Happydays (Member # 51567) on :
Hominahomina--I had 6 amalgams removed, just make sure you use a biological dentist that takes all the precautionary measures to ensure you don't end up eating chunks of mercury. Funny, but the only time I have been sick since I got Lyme was right after my amalgams were removed. There is also a test you can run to show which alternative fillers work with your body to make sure you don't replace the amalgam with something equally toxic to your body.

Dr. K is a big proponent of the IonCleanse, and I have been using that three times a week for a couple of years. He mentioned that there were a number of studies showing it was amazing for heavy metal mobilization, primarily aluminum. He suggest taking cilantro when using the IonCleanse, and recommends only using it a couple of times a week because you continue to mobilize heavy metals for three days afterwards. Every time I do the IonCleanse, I make sure to take more Zeobind and Bentonite Clay.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks you guys for responding
Happy Days
You did not say if you benefited from the amalgam removal and the Ion cleanse
With the Ion cleanse is that a foot bath?
Where are you located?

For me crashes come after doing a lot of exertion over a longer period of time It used to be I would have a larger crash after one season of exertion

where did you do your dives?
Posted by Happydays (Member # 51567) on :
Hominahomina—From my research, it is really difficult to determine if you have heavy metal toxicity. I did a porphyrins test a few years back (24 hour urine collection), and I had really high levels in Coproporphyrin III, which can signify a mercury toxicity issue. However, there are a slew genetic issues that can also affect your porphyrins, so I ran a Doctors Data Hair Analysis and used Andy Cutler’s method of interpretation. Instead of looking at the heavy metals found in your hair, which many find unreliable, you look at your mineral transport chain. The idea is that if you do have heavy metal toxicity, it will impair other minerals. You end up having to do some rather detailed calculations, and my end result was borderline. So I decided to remove all amalgams in one go.

Once they were out, I started a very slow chelation process. Cutler believes that if you mobilize metals in your body fat too quickly (faster than your binders can pull out), you run the risk of having them cross your blood brain barrier and cause serious trouble. So I avoided ALA and glutathione in the beginning and stuck with your garden variety binders, in addition to doing IonCleanse with cilantro. While I have heard of people who had their amalgams out and suddenly felt amazing, I think those people don’t have other serious issues that block their detox pathways. So once they remove the source of mercury, they clear what is in their body and they feel better. In my case, having the dreaded haplotype 4-3-53, my detox pathways were totally blocked. So while I eliminated a primary source of mercury, I still needed to remove it from my body and brain, and just as with many of these chronic issue, this can take between 1 and 3 years of steady chelation. From what I remember, the idea is to pull it from your body fat first (not your brain, so no binders that cross the BBB), and with your body constantly trying to stay in balance, mercury will redistribute from your brain to your body to balance that void. After a couple of months, I believe Cutler suggests adding in ALA and other binders that can cross the BBB.

So to answer your questions about whether amalgam removal helped—yes, I am sure it did. However, I didn’t feel any better in the months following the amalgam removal because I was still most likely riddled with heavy metals. I only started feeling better after about a year of steady chelation. But during that year I was also treating POTS, Lyme, Bart, and Babs, so what percentage did the amalgam remove contribute? Impossible to tell. It is also impossible to tell if the IonCleanse (a footbath) played a part or not. When I first got sick, I thought the IonCleanse was an absolute joke, but after reading a bunch of published papers and listening to Dr. K, who I really respect, rave about it, I added it into my routine. Dr. K mainly talks about the IonCleanse being great for Aluminum.

Some healful tips I learned along the way: I attempted both DMPS and DMSA to chelate heavy metals, and I took perhaps 1/10,000 of what they would administer in an IV, and even at these miniscule doses, I swear I thought I was going to die. About an hour after I took them, I would get organ pain like I’ve never had before. So had I done the IV, I probably wouldn’t be here today. That’s not to say the IVs don’t work for some people, but I would HIGHLY recommend doing a test dose orally prior to doing the IV. A lot of doctors just like to throw people on the IV, almost second nature. In my opinion, this is very, very dangerous. I’ve heard of people never recovering from IV DMPS. But then again, I am sure there are people out there it worked just fine for.

As for my location, I am in Las Vegas.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
From Happydays:

"Phoiph—Just curious if you’ve heard of anyone having success using 1.5-2ATA for Lyme and all of its related conditions, such as POTS. I’m strongly considering picking up a hard-shelled chamber that goes to 3ATA. I’m doing this both for ease of use and to be able to experiment with higher pressures later on in treatment. Most of the published papers I’ve read state that in order to have good bacterial die off, you need a pressure of 2.4ATA, but after going through this forum and hearing other testimonials, it seems that die off occurs quite frequently at 1.3ATA, and I too experienced a herx-like reaction the first time I went to 45 minutes at 1.3ATA. When, if ever, would you recommend going up to higher pressures, and since I’ve been told oxygen concentrators don’t work above 1.3ATA, would you recommend just doing pressure or adding pure oxygen tanks into the mix?"

Hi Happydays~

The reason I promote "low and slow" mHBOT for Lyme, is because that is what got me well and has benefited so many others since.

I have yet to meet someone who has become well (long term) from Lyme using higher pressures (and I know of a lot who have tried). IMO, Lyme is a neurological disease, and it is well documented (see Harch) that lower pressures are beneficial for neurological diseases, but higher pressures can be detrimental. More is not always better!

Also, higher pressures can not be done over the long term, and consistent treatment over time is necessary for chronic Lyme and many other chronic conditions to fully heal the body.

True healing is worth the wait. There are no short cuts!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Cindy83~

Glad to hear of your cognitive improvements!

Do you plan to continue your treatments with mHBOT to address your remaining issues?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Do you have to have your amalgams out before using the ioncleanse?
What machine do you have?
Posted by Happydays (Member # 51567) on :
Hominahomina--Yes, I had them removed prior to doing IonCleanse (the actual brand name of the machine). However, I don't believe there is any concern about the IonCleanse pulling mercury from your amalgams as there is with certain binders. I just didn't bother with chelation techniques prior to removing my amalgams.
Posted by Happydays (Member # 51567) on :
Phoiph--Yep, I hear you loud and clear now! With 1.5 still being such minor pressure, you'd think that it wouldn't have a detrimental effect, but it sure did produce a much greater herxy effect than 1.3. So now I am back to 1.3 and feeling much better.

Another quick question--do you suggest doing 40 dives and then taking a break for a week, or do you recommend staying consistent every day?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
So one could do the Ioncleanse with amalgams
How much did you pay for yours?
Posted by Happydays (Member # 51567) on :
Hominahomina-- That is kind of a catch 22. IonCleanse mobilizes toxins that are in your adipose. If your detox pathways are working well, your system should flush most of them out. However, if your detox pathways aren't working well, you now have a bunch of mobilized metals, which will circulate round your system, possibly crossing your BBB. You would need to add binders to mop up as much mobilized metals as possible (remember, binders don't mop up everything, and the bond is weak, so as the bound metals move through your system, many of them will become un-bound.) But if you hop on a bunch of binders while your amalgams are still in in at attempt to mop up the mobilized metals, there is a possibility that those binders will pull mercury from your amalgams and distribute them, which you don't want. Most doctors suggest getting amalgams out prior to trying to chelate. I studied this a long time ago, but I know there are lots of good published papers floating around out there. Personally, with metal chelation being a marathon rather than a sprint, I would wait until your amalgams are out, but that is my non-doctor opinion.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Happydays, "Balance Grasshopper" You made me laugh...I struggle with knowing how much I can do all the time and I still overdo it and crash. Well, it's not really a crash anymore...more just musculoskeletal pain.

You asked about higher pressures...I did 25 dives at 2 to 2.5 atm at my doc's office and it made me significantly worse. I still can't figure out how Phoiph talked me into the soft chamber but it is the best intervention I've tried and I've been dealing with this for decades.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :

Please elaborate how a higher ATA made you worse

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

LOL...I don't remember trying to talk you into starting mHBOT...I just recall trying to talk you out of stopping!

I dont think you would have ever quit though...its not in your vocabulary...:)
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Well, everytime I dove I got a severe headache that required serious pain meds. What was interesting was that the headache would disappear
while I was at pressure and come back an hour later.

Over the course of the 25 dives (I did 5 per week) I got worse over all...just an intensifying of all my symptoms, especially fatigue.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I remember...and it was amazing that you still kept going.

In retrospect, do you have any theories as to why you had the headaches (at the time, we had discussed possible vascular shifts during and after the dives)?
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
What an amazing round table. Table of experts - Digby and Phoiph.

Just wanted to give a little update since going KETO full on. OMG how come I did not do it FULL ON sooner. I have virtually NO pain. It is miraculous (well in my life anyway). And, I feel my MHBOT is going better too. Much easier.

I am so thankful to have the level of caring support that we have on this team. Phoiph- thank you for your call and helping me from a storm breakdown [Smile] Did not know about the fuse!

Happydays and Hominahomina, hang in. Keep moving forward. NEVER, EVER give up.... HUGS ALL AROUND!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Phoiph, I wish I did. Headaches are still in my top 3 symptoms. The soft chamber doesn't make them worse anymore, even if I pressurize quickly. I'm sure the vascular response is part of it.
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :

Do you have any dental materials in your mouth? I’m having all my crowns removed and several root canals pulled.

I had one tooth done that still had mercury in it. I woke up for the first time in years without a clogged sinus.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Haley, I do have quite a few composite filings. I had all my amalgam filings removed in the early 80s and chelated in various ways pretty consistently since then. I can't say that I felt any better from all that.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You're very welcome...glad it was just the fuse, and was an easy fix.

So happy to hear you're doing better!
Posted by Haley (Member # 22008) on :
As long as you don’t have metals in your mouth, then the headaches are probably not coming from your mouth.

I also realized, when checking my pH of my saliva every morning, that my teeth are soaking in acid because of all the metal in the crowns. I don’t have any mercury in my mouth, but I do have lots of cheap metal crowns.
Posted by OzLyme (Member # 51660) on :
Thanks to all for contributing to this very informative thread. Im gradually making my way through it, but it's very long and will take me a while haha

I really want to start mHBOT sometime, but unfortunately I have quite bad eustachian tube dysfunction, with popping and crunching in one ear for YEARS. This is the ear where I was bitten by a tick id imagine, and where I got a very bad otitis externa infection whilst swimming in thailand. Showed it to an ENT on numerous occasions to no avail. Aside from them prescribing me steroid spray which im convinced allowed the bugs to migrate to my brain.

Im doing my best to clear my nasal passages from the infections that are no doubt there, with sprays etc, but i think i have some paralysis from Lyme + cos in my neck muscles and extreme tightness (along with general parkinsonian and cognitive probs)... so im not convinced the sprays + physio etc will sort it out enough, before HBOT.

I hope to be starting HBOT sometime and will post my results. But any ideas on how to work around this eustachian tube / sinus problems? Or is a complete contraindication? I think i can improve them, but probably not completely until I treat the Lyme + cos... which is why im looking at HBOT... which comes full circle again!

Any pointers much appreciated
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome, OzLyme! I don't believe it is a complete contraindication. But it is important. When my sinuses are stuffy and I am concerned that I won't be able to clear my ears, I will use an allergy med and a decongestant about an hour prior to diving. I also make sure I take 10 minutes to dive and stop if I develop any ear pain.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi OzLyme~

I agree with kgg, that is not necessarily a deal breaker, but you must approach the process slowly and carefully.

If you feel any pain (pressure that can be equalized by clearing your ears is normal) while pressurizing, you must release some pressure from the chamber immediately, and dive at a slightly lower pressure (where you have no pain) for that session. If you continue to work up in this way, your ears should adjust over time.

If you have trouble equalizing your ears in general, you can try the "Cobra" yoga position in the chamber while pressurizing and depressurizing.

In more extreme cases, people have had ear tubes placed so they could do HBO.

MBDQ, one of our earliest divers here, posted these suggestions on a thread in 2013:

"...I have had ear issues as well, doing the mild HBOT. I gave myself barotrauma by going in the chamber while I was congested and not being able to easily clear my ears. I am doing better now, although I can still hear crackling in my Eustachian tubes when I yawn and swallow.

The barotrauma absolutely terrified me because I feel like the mHBOT is really causing me to herx and it has helped my debilitating migraines. I want to be able to continue treatment.

An ENT confirmed the barotrauma and I had to take a break for a few weeks. I then worked back up to full pressure slowly.

I use the following to help:
1) Go up and down as slowly as possible so you can concentrate on clearing your ears and "staying with and ahead" of the pressure changes. Basically, keep clearing your ears constantly- which for me is leaning my head back and yawning, moving my jaw from side to side

2) If an ear is not clearing easily, go back up and get to a depth where the ears are clearing again, then you can try descending again

3) I use a device that has been helpful called an ear popper if I feel I am having trouble clearing. It blows air up your nose while you swallow, popping the ears. You can purchase without a prescription via Amazon. $250 but worth it for me and my ear issues. Some HBOT places have them for patients to use.

4) Do not put a pillow behind your head in descent and ascent- I find it is easier to clear the ears with the head tilted back and flat on the mattress.

5) Out of the chamber practice the valsalva maneuver or other ear clearing practices to train your ears to clear more easily. This is still tough for me, despite being able to clear in the chamber. I guess my anatomy doesn't like it.

6) If necessary, use decongestants to help you. Some HBOT centers have people use Afrin and/or Mucinex. For me, this is not ideal as they can cause rebound mucous and dependence.

7) try to make sure you are as decongested as possible before going in. Get your lymph moving via a short brisk walk, gently rebounding, bouncing on an exercise ball etc. I also use a neti pot to try and keep the sinuses clear. I am prone to stuffiness and have enlarged adenoids.

Overall, do not dive if you have barotrauma. You need to heal first then try again. I'm sorry. This is so frustrating!!..."

Posted by 20PlusLyme (Member # 51446) on :
Originally posted by Happydays:
With 1.5 still being such minor pressure, you'd think that it wouldn't have a detrimental effect, but it sure did produce a much greater herxy effect than 1.3. So now I am back to 1.3 and feeling much better.

ATA and small numbers can be confusing. To compare 1.3ATA to 1.5 ATA, subtract the 1 (since we are starting at 1 atmosphere) to see the relative change.

Increasing from .3 ATA to .5 ATA is adding .2, which is a 66% increase in pressure, not a minor change.

BTW, to convert from ATA to PSI, multiply by 14.69

.3 * 14.69 = 4.407 PSI

.5 * 14.69 = 7.345 PSI
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Another way to look at it:

1.3 ATA (0.3 atmospheres) is equivalent to the pressure at approximately 10 feet underwater.

1.5 ATA (0.5 atmospheres) is equivalent to the pressure at approximately 16.5 feet underwater.
Posted by OzLyme (Member # 51660) on :
Thanks kgg and Phoiph!

Ill look into getting one of those ear opener things. Really, for me, i think whatevers stuck up in my eustachian tube / sinuses / god knows where... is a big part of my problems. Maybe a biofilm, maybe fungus, not sure. But I felt something sliding in my ears last night, and my muscles were tightening and relaxing as it moved. Scary! Was half expecting a worm or a biofilm to fall out, but it never does, unfortunately.

(Btw ive seen an ENT numerous times, sinuses mostly "normal" on camera, and my brain MRI showed mild sinus inflammation / swelling... so they think its a mild, acute infection event theyve captured... but its been ongoing, been that way for many many years now, so im sure its contributing / heavily implicated in my illness)

So ill keep researching HBOT via this thread (i actually emailed that company about shipping to Aus but havent heard back yet) and keep researching possible solutions to my inner ear probs.

I look forward to adding my HBOT experiences to this thread once i get there

[ 09-24-2018, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: OzLyme ]
Posted by OzLyme (Member # 51660) on :
...and i just learned i have mild to moderate sleep apnea. Though just on the surface it seems like it would help a lot, Ive read conflicting things - that HBOT helps, and other sources saying it doesn't.

Anyone know anyone who has used it for helping with sleep apnea?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Phioph may have interacted with someone with sleep apnea and mHBO. I have not. My young adult son has what they call mild sleep apnea. Mild being that he stops breathing 14 times in a hour. That does not sound mild to me. Anyway, he uses a CPAP and he feels incredibly worse if he does not use it. So he has 100% compliance.

Imho, sleep is the foundation of our health. Any good Lyme doc starts with how we are or are not sleeping. Please look into a CPAP or APAP machine.
Posted by OzLyme (Member # 51660) on :
Oh, I definitely am. I booked into the next available appointment as soon as the sleep doc rang me today, and tried to get in sooner. My interest in HBOT is not for apnea treatment, its for Lyme mostly, to perhaps help reduce the damage I've already done. Sorry I should have made that clear

Im already sleeping terribly. Mostly night sweat style things, but im afraid its actually REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder, which goes along with Parkinsons / Lewy Body.

Considering ive been going to see Drs for about 8 months telling my symptoms, being told its in my head etc, and no one mentioned getting my sleep tested, until I asked for the study.... Im pretty annoyed with them.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Honestly, OzLyme, it is the same here. And it is criminal. Good for you for advocating for yourself! Many can't or won't and they are worse off for it. I am not familiar with REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder. Will go look it up. I hope it is just the regular sleep apnea that getting the right machine and mask will help. And that given some time your sleep deficit will be taken care of you will feel a little better.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Oz and 20Plus- Welcome! Glad you are both here!

Oz, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you get these things sorted. My dad has sleep apea and the CPAP has been invaluable to him.

Thanks, Phoiph, again for your help! I have been down with something viral but am getting better!

So thankful for MHBOT. Hugs all!
Posted by zeitgeist (Member # 17280) on :
Dear Group

Thank you Happydays for all the good information about your healing journey. You certainly know a lot about this disease.

I need some help when it comes to my treatment with the hyperbaric soft sided chamber.

I got the chamber in 2016 and I have used it for 3-4
Hours a day most days since I bought it.

Until recently I always felt better and even good after one of my sessions.

Recently the hyperbaric hasn't been going well. I have woken up after sleeping for a while in the chamber and I've woken up in bad bad pain in my pelvis. It will hurt to move my hips to each side or forward and backward. It has happened many times in a row. I have needed to take tramadol for the pain.

What can I take to make hyperbaric more effective or less painful for me afterwards?

What is a "binder" and where do I get the good ones?

Besides hyperbaric I've done antibiotic doxicycline for 6 weeks and I also did two different herbal protocols one of which was called "beyond balance".

I also did I.V. vitamins.

I only found relief with the hyperbaric and I want to go on using it if it stops hurting!

Thanks all,
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Greetings, Zeitgeist. Am I reading it correctly that you are diving for 3-4 hours per day? There are some of us that are diving for 90 minutes but many find that too much. I just wanted to clarify that is what you meant.
Posted by zeitgeist (Member # 17280) on :
Thanks kg for responding.

Yes--I most definitely go for a "dive" every single day and it has been three to four hours for every session.

I have almost always felt great after the hyperbaric.

But now for the first time I'm getting bad pelvis/hip pain.

I have had the hyperbaric since February 2016 and I've used it almost every day since.

I would really like to use it right now because I did an accident to my thumb where it got jammed and my thumb hurts from that right now.

I also have a complicated form of schooliosis which causes me much back pain and injuries and these different sports-type injuries have benefitted from the hyperbaric chamber.

Now I'm so scared to go in there so I'm staying out for a bit.

Any insights or personal experience you can share will be so appreciated!

Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
If you would be so kind

What are you doing for sleep APNEA ?

How did the vitamin IV help you or did it?

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
zeitgeist...I can't comment on your specific symptom but I will say that 3 to 4 hours a day of mHBOT is excessive and could lead to Oxygen toxicity. The normal hormetic response to increased O2 is to upregulate endogenous antioxidants (among many other responses). If you push the response too hard you will have MORE reactive oxygen species at the cellular level which is just bad!

If it was me I would take a break for a few days and continue at the 60 minute level which we know works.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Important question:

During your 3-4 hour daily sessions...

Are you breathing supplemental oxygen via an oxygen concentrator with your chamber?

Or, are you using the chamber with compressed room air only?
Posted by OzLyme (Member # 51660) on :
Hi Hominahomina

For sleep apnea - Ive just been diagnosed. For the time being, I'm trialling a CPAP machine and think its working quite well. Im really enjoying being able to sleep through the night without depriving my brain of oxygen!

However, since I'm in my early thirties, and would have to potentially wear this thing for many years.... and since I'm always interested in the CAUSE of my conditions... I've been doing some research.

In my case some hormonal drugs i was given my an endocrinologist a few years back may be to blame. Along with Lyme and mould toxicity. Oh and some structural problems with my neck and congestion in sinuses!

So the list is long. However I intend to view this as a kind of challenge, and seek to address all of these problems. In the meantime, I will gladly keep using the CPAP machine. But hopefully Ill get to the stage where one day... i may not need it. Thats the hope / goal, at least

I heard a very interesting podcast where a guest speaker, a neurologist called Dr Gominak did the deep dive on the causes of sleep problems such as sleep apnea, REM disorder, etc.

She links it to the gut microbes and vitamins, and claims that getting the correct vitamin D level along with B vitamins and correct microbiome... can lead to great results.
E.g. REM sleep disorder (Parkinsons) improving, which is usually unheard of. And sleep apnea improving - not needing the CPAP machine in time.

And she mentions how critical sleep is for our health - sleep is when we heal. This has always been terrible news for me, since I've had horrible sleep problems, especially this year. A lot of damage has been done I'm sure. However she also mentions how the brain seems to "keep score" of all the required repairs it needs to do, and tries to "make up" for this once sleeping is restored. So if you can restore the sleep, you can self-heal to quite an impressive extent.

Google Dr Gominak if you're interested.

I intend to also add HBOT in at some stage, to try to help undo some of the damage due to hypoxia, to whatever extent possible.

In the meantime -CPAP is invaluable to me. Good luck!
Posted by zeitgeist (Member # 17280) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:

Important question:

During your 3-4 hour daily sessions...

Are you breathing supplemental oxygen via an oxygen concentrator with your chamber?

Or, are you using the chamber with compressed room air only?

Posted by zeitgeist (Member # 17280) on :
I have been breathing through a canula every single time and yes I have an oxygen concentrator that I use with the hyperbaric every time.

I am scared--very very scared so I have done less hyperbaric lately. I did skip several days altogether, then the last few days I've done just 90 minutes or 2 hours. Yesterday I did two hours and instead of feeling better afterwards like I always have for years, I seem to feel worse today than yesturday.

This new injury to my back is something I haven't experienced before. I hurt it by doing some back traction on a back revolution machine which tips you upside down from the waist to your head while holding your feet in the air and placing most of the weight on a padded section for your thighs. I have used this machine for traction for years and years but when I used it last it really hurt me and while I was doing it it didn't hurt at all--it felt good and soothing. But the next morning it hurt like hell. It has been eight days of terrible pain and I've used ice, some heat, Muscle relaxers called "soma", Advil, CBD oil, and then I also see a chiropractor every few days to get me in optimal alignment. Even when he gets me optimally aligned, I still feel pain and that is different for me.

What I haven't tried is a hot tub or a bath or an infrared sauna. Our baths are designed for children so I'm worried if I try that that I'll pull a muscle or be in a bad position for my back. Maybe tomorrow I'll go to the YMCA to use the hot tub for a while.

Any encouragement or insights about this back injury and what to try for it and how to use my hyperbaric better and smarter would be appreciated,

Just a warning: I tend to worry excessively especially when people point out things which might be dangerous for my health.

Please be gentle with your experience, strength and hope--thanks

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Zeitgeist~

For reasons that Digby mentioned, IMO you are doing much too much mHBOT.

My suggestion is to take a break from mHBOT for a time (at least a couple of weeks or a month). Then, start up slowly, using a simple Hudson mask or a Southmedic Oxymask instead of a cannula, and to stick to 1 hour per day (not counting pressurizing and depressurizing time).

What type of concentrator and chamber do you have? What LPM setting are you using on your concentrator?

Also, this is not a criticism at all, but I do want people to be safe, so I'm curious as to where the information/advice came from to stay in your chamber for 3-4 hours straight while using 02?
Posted by zeitgeist (Member # 17280) on :
I don't know what the issue with the cannula is; I just find it more comfortable than the whole face mask.

I did have to lower the flow rate with the cannula vs the face mask; I think I am at 5 LPM with my Airsep Concentrator, and I have a Vitaeris 320 chamber. I was using 10 LPM with the face mask.

Nobody told me that three or four hours a day was ok. I just worked up to that feeling better and better each time. So I guess you could say my own body told me because I felt better and better. Is it written down somewhere that going longer than 60 minutes is bad?

I know one hour appears to be some kind of "standard" but I haven't heard of any experiments comparing longer durations either--has anyone studied this?

I learned about my exact hyperbaric from my functional medicine doctor who recommended it for a whiplash injury after a car accident. It helped a lot for that. My doctor said I could do three hours all at once instead of doing 3, 1-hour sessions on three different days because that would save me gas money and the 25-mile trips to her office. That was three hours all at once but it still was only 3 hours a week.

When I got my own Vitaeris I had just received a terrible injury to my arm while a nurse was drawing blood and she wiggled the needle in my arm puncturing a nerve that ran down my arm to my fingers. I got TWO of these Injuries, both from the same office, and exactly one year apart--so actually, I had nerve injuries in each arm. These were foremost in my mind when the hyperbaric was new.

I have cut down on my times lately--keeping it to 90 minutes or two hours.

But now I'm totally scared to use it at all!!

Do you really think taking a few weeks off would be helpful? Why that long?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The cannula delivers less 02 than the Hudson mask or Southmedic Oxymask. I think you might find the open frame Oxymask as comfortable as the cannula.

When using either mask, your Airsep should be set at 8-8.5 LPM, no more, no less. This is the "sweet spot" for efficiency of the Airsep concentrator when used with a chamber. If you go higher, the concentrator will go into an "on demand" 02 delivery mode to conserve 02 purity. This is not ideal for our purposes.

In terms of time spent in the chamber, you have to remember that oxygen is a powerful drug, and like any other drug, dosing is everything. Doing 3 hour mHBOT sessions at once is not the same as doing 1 hour sessions every day for 3 days, just like taking 3 ibuprofen at once is not the same as taking 1 every 12 hours.

You can refer to this explanation by Dr. Paul Harch, who has been researching and treating with mHBOT for decades:

More is Better: The Recurrent Illusion of Higher Pressure HBOT in Chronic Brain Injury, by Dr. Paul Harch:

The reason I believe time off from mHBOT might be a good idea, is that you have been doing a high dose of mHBOT for a long time. A 30 day break is often given to patients who have been doing higher dose clinical treatments after 40 to 80 sessions, for reasons Digby mentioned in his earlier post.

Also, I know this is a long thread (40 pages), but I would highly suggest reading it from the beginning to take advantage of other people's trials, errors, and successes. That way, you don't have to re-invent the wheel.

Hope this is helpful...
Posted by zeitgeist (Member # 17280) on :
Dear Group

What can I do now to heal my body today if I've done too many dives for too long?

Is there a supplement of some kind?

Should I take a bunch of antioxidents?

Should I eat a whole bunch of blueberries?

I'm hurting and I miss the chamber but I've stayed

away from it for about a week or so

Should I be doing my far infrared sauna? (I HATE how I feel in the sauna--I've only done it once but it does wonders for my husband Nick who has Lyme Disease too)

If my back bones continue to hurt a lot is it safe enough for me to use the hot tub at the YMCA at 110 degrees farenheit? For how long?

I would consider an Epsom salt bath if our baths were not made for children making it easier to get hurt in the bath.

I could do an Epsom salt foot bath with my feet in a bucket...

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I don't think you have to "heal" your body from doing too much mHBOT, just take a break, eat quality food, drink a lot of water, rest, etc.

It sounds like your injury was from the inversion table. I would consider consulting a sports medicine specialist for advice on that.

A trained cranial-sacral practitioner may be helpful as well.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hey Phoiph

I'm now 50 days both "Klonopin Free/ ALL RX drugs free" for that matter after a grueling fifteen month taper!

I'm diving anywhere from 4 to 5 days a week @1 to 1.5 hr each session! So far very little herxing which is a good thing I guess!

My first question is when you first started diving were you off all RX drugs?

My second question is how long do you think it might potentially take for my nerve pain to get better?

This has undoubtedly been the most horrifying thing I have ever gone through. As Stevie Knix, was quoted as saying "It felt like somebody opened up a door and pushed me into hell"!

BTW I'm now on "TRT Therapy" as a blood test revealed my testosterone was that of a man in his 80s! I'm able to workout from home and I'm eating relatively healthy as well.

I tried to do everything in my power to avoid the dreaded (PAWS) or Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome... however that doesn't seem to be the case.

Overall I feel like crap which unfortunately is often times the case when one finally discontinues the drug all together!

Hope you're doing well Phoiph(-:
Posted by Keebler (Member # 12673) on :
Q: ". . . is it safe enough for me to use the hot tub at the YMCA at 110 degrees farenheit? " (end quote)

I don't think anyone with lyme should do a hot tub for any amount of time when it's that hot.

Far infrared sauna is LOW heat - for a reason this is the type recommended to those with lyme and other neurological conditions.

Heat can be very harmful. There may be a few folks with lyme, etc. who could handle heat before and can now but for many it can spell disaster and even nerve damage.

The various nervous systems can also go haywire from getting too hot.

Cozy warm for about 20 is the rule of thumb - if that works. If not, then maybe shorter time, not quite as cozy warm -- or stick to short tepid showers.
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
zeitgeist - going into hot tubs, hot showers and saunas can be counterproductive because of increasing inflammation/herxing that will make you feel horrible. If you have a systematic infection you might not benefit from those things like a healthy person.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Looking4hope!

You've come a LONG way...congratulations!

To answer your questions...

1. Yes, I was off of all prescription medicines (including klonipin, which I had been on for at least 5 years) when I started using the chamber. I was at the point where I was unable to take any medications or supplements (and most foods) without severe reactions.

2. My nerve pain gradually improved over the course of two years, although it was a lot better after the first year. There were times it would flare (like with a flu, or if I overdid activity), but it gradually receded. I was, however, doing mHBOT 7 days per week consistently for 2-1/2 years.

Remember, during this first year, especially, I felt terrible also. This was a very gradual recovery...2 steps forward, 1 step back.

Keep the faith, and keep on will get there!
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
I'm 5 months in with a 20% improvement. Great improvement, but I seem to have plateaued for almost 3 months - while treating at 5.2 psi and utilizing all 92%+ oxygen. I have decided to go on the Dr. Wheldon combination antibiotic protocol with Hbot to eliminate chlamydia pneumoniae, borrelia or borrelia-like organisms. I am no longer intolerant to antibiotics as I was previous to Hbot.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Tom~

I'm not trying to change your mind about going on antibiotics; only offering another perspective.

IMO, 5 months is really not a long enough treatment time to determine that you have plateaued. 20% improvement in that amount of time is very good progress, and I would wager that there are a lot of improvements happening below the surface that you may not be aware of.

The fact that you're no longer intolerant to antibiotics as you were prior to HBOT suggests that it has opened up your detox pathways.

I was improved, but still very ill at 5 months. A number of people here have not seen improvements for a much longer time, only to unexpectedly turn a corner later on.

Also, I am wondering if you are treating at 5.2 psi as you mentioned, or did you mean 4.2? How long are your sessions, and how many days per week?

What are you doing in terms of diet and graded exercise?
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
Hi Phoiph
I have been treating at 5.2 psi not 4.2 psi and utilizing all the oxygen(don't ask). Treatments have been 1 1/4 hours a day, never missing. Considering the amplified treatment, I feel I'm more than 5 months in. All the improvement happen in the first 2 months.

I try to follow the Terry Wahls MS diet for 75% of the time. I have just been doing light aerobic exercise - walking/stationary bike.

I do have clinical symptoms of Lyme but only test positive for Chlamydophila Pneumoniae. I was getting sick from Porphyria on antibiotics previously - this is consistent withe Cpn bug interfering with the liver's Heme biosynthesis.

Maybe the antibiotic protocol will fail and will fall back to hbot only. Hbot does potentiate antibiotics and improve Heme biosynthesis.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello Tom F
Could you elaborate
I was getting sick from porphyia on antibiotics ?

I agree Hbot increases the effect of antibiotics I use flagyl so I know about that for sure and for that matter all the bacteria killers I have tried including colostrum ,Stephen Buhners lyme formula and iodine.

I get significant die off so I do coffee enemas
Lately I have been taking NAC before the coffee enema on empty stomach and get a significant boost in energy and feeling of well being

[ 12-21-2018, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
If you have a Cpn infection, antibiotics can be the tipping point to porphyria...

Secondary porphyria- Depletion of host cell ATP by Chlamydia pneumoniae means that your cells don't have enough energy to complete their normal biochemical reactions.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
i wanted to elaborate on a previous post
NAC in conjunction with Coffee enema

I have found that taking a couple 600mg NAC capsules
a couple hours before a coffee enema really gives me a significant amount of strength and energy. My mind seems to work better late into the night too It does not hype me up and I can sleep at sleep time

This is due I think to increased glutathione which I am probably low on
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Tom...

Well, as you probably already guessed, I don't agree that "amplified" treatment (i.e., higher dose), necessarily means you will recover faster. Deep healing from chronic illness with mHBOT takes time; usually quite a bit longer than 5 months.

Also I'm sure you know, strengthening the immune system and healing the gut is key.

I just want to make sure you are aware of the time frame so you can make an informed decision.
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
I the last 2 1/2 years I have been on the Buhners Lyme protocol, Buhner CPN protocol, Zhang Lyme protocol, Paleo Diet, Paul Jaminet Perfect Health Diet & Terry Wahls MS Diet. I have had a good foundation well before Hbot.

I'm not sure I have Lyme - I tested positive for Chlamydia pneumoniae and the symptoms overlap. I only have clinical Symptoms of Lyme. I am not convinced Hbot can remove Cpn.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Actually, I tested positive for CPN, as well as many other opportunistic infections. For me, over time mHBOT worked for this and the myriad other co-infections I had.

My point was that when your immune system becomes stronger via mHBOT, it is better equipped to take care of the other infections, many of which we are exposed to every day, and usually only flourish due to a challenged immune system.

Again, I wouldn't try to talk anyone out of antibiotics, just wanted to mention that 5 months is not a very long trial for mHBOT, if someone has had chronic illness for some time.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Tom, Ditto to Phoiph's post.

Just keep in mind that mHBOT doesn't kill many bugs unless they are severely aerophobic. Borrelia Burgdorferi (BB) is classified as microaerophilic which means it uses small amounts of O2 but larger amounts can kill it when it's in the spirochete phase.

Unfortunately, in its other forms it is tolerant of higher levels of O2, plus it is hard to get the O2 into the connective tissue where BB likes to hide.

Knowing this led me to actively trying to kill the BB in my system but I just kept getting worse. I did 20 dives in a big chamber at 100% O2 and 2.5 atm and it nearly killed me. I didn't see any improvement even after the supposed herx was over. Of course I tried a lot of other ways to kill it, including abx, herbs, ozone, colloidal silver, etc.

So, why did the mHBOT work for me and a growing number of others? I am convinced that the hormetic effects of the Tx slowly improved my immune function and upregulated my detox pathways, which is why I can now breathe perfumes and drink a small amount of alcohol without getting sick too.

I have a client who has had a 30 year viral infection in her eyes which cleared after 8 months of daily chamber use. To me that suggests a major improvement in her immune function.

So, consider going with the program that has worked for many of us: 4.2 psi for 1 hour at pressure, daily, combined with a low carb/keto diet and exercise to tolerance.

Good luck!
Posted by Oaktree (Member # 51792) on :
HI All! This is my first post. I have really appreciated this thread, the information and in depth sharing, guidance and support that you all have offered over the years! I have read- and re-read at different points over past year as I been exploring treatment options and trying to heal. I will write more about what's been going on for me at another point in time but right now have a question about HBOT and chronic illness (maybe chronic lyme?).

I got a used summit to sea shallow dive that came with an 02 concentrator. (this 02 concntrator has been a confusing and complicated process, more of this later). The short is that I have done about 55 dives over 3 months . I am uncertain the 02 concentration due to variables associated with different sieve beds delivering different 02 at different times.

Recently it seems the the 02 has irritated my lungs during treatment ( I have dry cough after- this is new after sending into manufacturer for repair). So I am waiting for a new 02 hose to see if that is part of the problem.

02 would make me feel worse (herx) so I was working my way up slowly... 20mins, 30 mins, etc..

I have stopped using the concerntrator and am just doing 60 minute dives with room air. In the past, if I would do the dives without 02, I always felt better. More clear headed and more energized, less pain in body. Something has changed. I found that i appear to be herxing (increased brain fog, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, exe. functioning, communicating... etc) even with 60 minutes with no 02. I reduced to 35 minutes last night with no 02, and found that I still feel worse after and the next day.

This is new.

I am wondering if the 40 sessions and 30 days off makes sense for chronic illness rather than just TBI? I see the Digby said something about this, but I don't have the brain power right now to look through the 40 pages of posts to find it.

I have a lot more back story but the main questions are:

How can I make sense of this change... 30 minutes in chamber with no 02 and feeling worse after? (seems like Herx... does improve somewhat with Zeolite, or Alta seltzer gold).

Should I take a full 30 days off? I have taken a week off, and then 2 weeks off, and assumed that without 02 it wasn't really doing much. But not a full 30 days. I don't want to lose progress, but also need my body to keep up with apparent detox?

Would appreciate any guidance perspective or links to relevant posts!

[ 01-06-2019, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: Oaktree ]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome Oaktree! Not sure why no one has responded. Hopefully they pm'd you?

As far as diving without oxygen goes, we have a member on the FB group that dives without oxygen. She has reported much benefit without the payback.

I am not an expert. Some would say keep going. I a not one to put that to practice. When I am doing something that makes me feel worse, I take a break til I feel better and then start at a lower time. fwiw.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
My two cents are
Hbot causes alot of herx and after the herx the body filters out the dead matter

In my case all that (herx and recovery) takes energy and I can only do so much before I take a break

I am currently on a two week break until my energy builds back up

It might be compared to someone that trains as a runner they have a regular training schedule but sometimes they take a break from the routine.

I have not taken a 30 day break yet

[ 01-08-2019, 04:21 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Oaktree (Member # 51792) on :
HI, Hominahomina and kgg!
Thanks for the responses, I have not gotten any PM's yet... seems like this thread goes through active and more quiet periods. I am just amazed it has been going on for so many years.

I know that with TBI's and general consensus with HBOT is to do 40 then take 30 days off then another 40. And that is with o2. It does seem here on this thread that most people do daily... for years if possible?

I am surprised that I am getting the "push back" without 02, that that it has become something that used to make me feel better, to now feeling worse. I am taking a sometime off... and will re-evaluate again when I feel a bit better.

Your input is helpful!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hello All,

I thought I’d pop in and give my 2 cents until Phoiph arrives probably in a few days when she has time to post. If I remember correctly her weekends and first of the week are busy. Anyway from my experience when I was consistently diving the O2 builds up in the body and I eventually (56 dives) hit the herx wall. Mine last 3-4 months and was varied in the degree of how badly I felt.

I continued to dive daily and did detox to help relieve the symptoms. Everyone is different and I didn’t want to rest, I had been out of work for 2 years, had no job except to lay around and feel bad with or without treatments.

As for what I’ve been up too the last several months. I moved back to WA for all of 60 days before the weather, commute (3.5 - 4 hrs a day), and new job learning social security administration was to draining. Oh and I’m 50 now. Anyway, I threw in the towel and moved back to AZ on Christmas Day 2018 and have been doing great again. I start work in a week or two.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks, Peimomma...actually, I was spending some time in the southern Rockies..."unplugged" [Smile]


It is not uncommon for people to have a "honeymoon" period when they start mHBOT. At some point, however, there is usually a flare of symptoms, and/or malaise, fatigue, etc. This phase will eventually turn into a 2 step forward, 1 step back pattern. The entire process may take many months to years, depending on the depth and degree of illness and toxicity.

if someone has ramped up slowly enough in the beginning, drank lots of water, consumed a clean, gut-healing diet and practiced gentle, regular graded movement exercises, this period may be pretty uncomfortable, but should not be unbearable. It is better to go slowly in the beginning, taking short breaks when needed, with the goal of building up to a consistent regime and then sticking to it.

If your flares are severe, then you may need to back off in the beginning, and work up more slowly. In general, work on increasing pressure first, then time, and finally 02 by increasing mask time (you can flow the 02 in the chamber without wearing the mask in the mean time). Evaluate how you're doing in between dives, and if your flares are too intense, you can skip a day or two during this ramp-up adjustment period.

IMO, consistency is very important in mHBOT for chroinic illness, especially in the beginning (after the gradual ramp-up period has been accomplished). The effects of mHBOT are cumulative, and it has been suggested that at least 80 treatments are necessary before the effects start to become permanent. For this reason, I wouldn't suggest taking a 30 day break early in treatment. I personally don't believe I would have become well if I had done this.

It may help to have more background on your situation.

Are you on, or have you been on a lot of meds, herbs, or supplements?

What kind of oxygen concentrator do you have, and what was the repair issue with your concentrator?
(Are you aware that you can use a humidifier bottle with some concentrators to counteract the dryness if necessary?)

What kind of diet and exercise/movement are you doing? I can't emphasize enough the importance of these 2 factors.

Are you doing concurrent therapies that may be interfering by making you detox too quickly?
Posted by Oaktree (Member # 51792) on :
Thank you all for your input and perspectives it seemed good to take a bit of time off and I am starting up again.

Phoiph, I am grateful for your input here, have been reading your responses to many other and want to thank you for your ongoing support for others. Unplugging in Southern Rocky’s sounds great! Hope it was a good break.

The strange thing is that I did a slow ramp up, and thought I was doing ok, then after about 50 or 55 dives, I now am having to go back down again.

I did a treatment for 30 minutes today with no 02 and after about 10 minutes in the chamber I begin to feel this heaviness in my head, a kind of deep fatigue. And after I feel spacey, worn out, irritable and foggy. Zeolite didn’t help very much today.



Current ND thinks that CIRS maybe in the picture. Our house (rental) tested just into the “red” for mold on the HERTSMI-2. Waiting to get some testing of C3a and c4a as well as other markers to determine if CIRS is a likely culprit for the difficulty detoxing and prolonged Herx. I certainly fit the symptom picture of CIRS (and chronic lyme, CFC, ect….)

Treatments in past: Have explored a lot of herbs and supplements over past several years.

Tried Byron White AL formula, for 3 months and it was way too strong! Felt horrible. very rough herx, A ND had me start with 25 drops for a week to “diagnose” me based on a Herx reaction. It was horrible very strong reaction, thought I was getting the flu. And I am not convinced that is a great way to diagnose someone… the herbs in AL are pretty broad spectrum antimicrobial… maybe I am wrong, but it didn’t convince me (although I very well may have lyme…many tick bites over childhood and into adult years probably 50+)

Tried Buhener, JKW, CC and CCC, as well as red sage and others-andographis was also very strong for me. Just was in a prolonged herx for months. Made life very difficult.

Have transitioned to Homeopathic (see below)

What I am currently taking:

Homeopathic virus (1-3 drops 1-2x daily) & lyme nosode, (Lyme nosode “felt” like a very strong “yes” with my version of muscle testing. It continues to feel like an important remedy and sometimes when I take it I feel my whole nervous system relax. I take 2-5 drops 1-2x/day. Not sure if it causes herxing or not.) Homeopathic Allergy for Dust/Mold (amazing)ly helpful)

I am new to homeopathic remedies, have tried them over the years and never felt much benefit. But with this Professional Formulas Mold and Dust, it is amazing, how well it stops allergic reactions for me. So I am trying others more. I don't know if they are complicating or interfering and making me detox too much too fast. I think that when I started the Desbio Detox kit, may have been around the time that I started herxing more from mHBOT.

Zinc, quercetin, NAC, milk thistle, P5P, Desbio Detox homeopathic kit (Cebrebal, Spinal, Matrix, Detox 1, 2,&3).

For sleep: Melotonin, phenitrophic, magnesium, some homeopathics, Lemon balm, california wild poppy, passionflower, Two drops of Byron White AL— for some reason it helps sleep at times.

COQ10, 5-htp, Maca, D-ribose, ashwagandha, L-Glutamine, D3 (one ND said I was converting it into an inflammatory version…?)

What helps:
Zeolite, alka seltzer gold, mHBOT without 02 used to help, some mild exercise, milk thistle, NAC, lemon water/apple cider vinegar, rest, time….stopping anti-microbials. Stopping MhBOT.

I gave up corn, soy, oats, gluten and cow dairy for 2 years…. (have introduced some small amounts back at this point) and for 2017-2018 when I was taking antimicrobials I did not eat simple carbs, sugar, alcohol, dairy, gluten, beans, nightshades etc…. very clean simple diet and still did not feel better.
After eating I often get a lot of brain fog… SIBO negative.

Overall feel like I am a bit lost in the wilderness without too many maps. The "cures" all feel worse than the condition.

[ 04-02-2019, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: Oaktree ]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Oaktree, I just want to agree with you that having someone take 25 drops of Byron White herbals is not something I would do. I have read of people who take 1 drop of the Bart formula and herx for 3 weeks! I can't imagine 25 drops! I think I just read that Dr. Neil Nathan in his Toxic book does that. That would be a "NO WAY!" for me.

I have found over the years that sometimes there is a correlation between what I am doing and how I feel and sometimes not. But this is what you wrote: "I don't know if they are complicating or interfering and making me detox too much too fast. I think that when I started the Desbio Detox kit, may have been around the time that I started herxing more from mHBOT."

I believe it is thought that mHBO will increase in intensity meds and supplements. That is why many of us have to watch our Thyroid meds and decrease them over time while we are diving. If this was me, I would stop and see if there is any improvement. Just a thought.

The other thing I have found over the years is that both herbals and homeopathics are not weak. I have great respect for them. And therefore, I tread lightly with them.

You remind me of my 30-something son. Every cure makes him worse. Beyond frustrating.

Posted by Oaktree (Member # 51792) on :
KGG, thanks for resopnse and input.

In regards to the Byron White... yes super strong stuff... they did have me then start with 1 or two drops and work my way up, but at 4 drops I just kept herxing. I was not doing dives at that point.

That is interesting that mHBOT may increase effects of things Usually that stikes me as blocking detox pathways... like grapefruit intensifying meds because it blocks the detox pathways. I wonder what the effect is .... Or with Thyriod... I wonder if it is correcting the thyroid imbalance and so there are less meds needed?

In that spirit, of simplifying and trying to rule things out... I have decided to stop the Desbio detox kit (will keep feeling into the other homeopathics) and see where I am. I am not taking many other supplements (comparatively) at the moment.

I am currently doing a 15 minute dive without 02, and still feeling worse after... Will see how this goes for the week.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

mHBOT increases the body's ability to detox not only by opening up blocked pathways, but by facilitating nutrients into the cells, and toxins out of the cells.

Thyroid function can improve with mHBOT, necessitating less meds, so you have to be aware of those possible changes.

IMO, overall, you currently are on a lot of substances, even though it might not seem like it, and some of those are potent antioxidants and detoxifiers. There is no way to know how they are all interacting and affecting your system or interfering with mHBOT, but what you do know is that when you add mHBOT to the mix, you feel as if you have tipped the scale. It is all too much for your body to handle at this point.

I have always maintained that a simple protocol works best with mHBOT. If you truly want to focus on mHBOT, my best advice would be to consult with your naturopath, and slowly but systematically remove all non-essential supplements and remedies. Then start over with mHBOT on a slow ramp-up schedule as described in the above post.

Make sure you stay on your diet and do gentle exercise like yoga at this point. Maybe consider a rebounder (to move lymph) for when you can't get outside and walk.

Also, what is the history/status of your oxygen concentrator?
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi everyone. This is my first post. I apologize if I'm in the wrong place and actually am hoping someone will/can direct me to a more appropriate forum if that's the case.

I will try to make my story brief, but like many, it is not.
I realize I may get criticism for what I am about to say. I think I was erroneously diagnosed with Lyme in 2012, when in fact my symptoms were all from mold exposure. I was so desperate to know what was wrong with me (and fix it!) that I jumped on a "barely" positive Lyme diagnosis.

6 months into 18 months of antibiotic treatment, all my symptoms came back when I would go to my parents condo in FL. It didn't make sense.

Eventually, I started "reacting" at our home after we had 2 back to back floods in the basement. I then started to learn about mold and my susceptibility.

2014 we remediated our home.
2015 we remediated my parents condo.
2015, 16, 17 and 18 I was fine in my parents condo as well as our home.

My mold/Lyme symptoms were gone except ongoing diarrhea/loose stools and extensive food intolerances. It used to be I would have diarrhea when I was "in" mold.

Following taking Welchol (bile sequestriant) for mold, I developed SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth) and my food intolerances became extensive. That was 2014.

Last Dec I went to Taymount and did FMTs (fecal microbiota transplants). It helped for about 6 months and then I sort of went back to loose stools/diarrhea. I had added about 5 new vegetables.

I've gotten more FMTs without benefit. ($$)

Fastforward, we went back to spend 3 months in my parents (they are now deceased) condo in Dec. I started reacting. Work the condo association did this summer required the air conditioning to be off for 3 months. The mold is back.

I flew home to WI 3 weeks ago and started doing mHBOT as a clinic opened up near my home. I was a wreck when I arrive and did 8 dives in 10 days and felt really good.

(I experienced a lot of hypoglycemia but once I realized what was happening i started getting ahead of it).

I am considering getting a chamber. However, I am trying to research or find others who have used it long term for mold. Obviously cost is an issue.

While I was home 3 weeks ago, I did a breath test for SIBO as I hadn't tested for awhile and felt that perhaps the SIBO was gone. It was!

But the question then is, what is continuing to cause my loose stools and food intolerances? It is very isolating. Can't go out to eat. I have to cook everything from scratch.

I am lucky in that otherwise, my life has become very functional. (I was bed bound and house bound back in 2014-but that made everything worse as there was mold in our home by this point! Oy.)

So, I am interesting in knowing if you or anyone has resolved GI issues with mHBOT. And/or do you know of a mold group?

I have been trying to read this forum but in a month, I've only been able to get to page 7 and then jumped to some more recent posts. I did see the study of moldies who had better cognitive function after 10 dives. But I'm looking for some more long term and irradication of mold (I recently did a GPL mycotoxins test after this recent exposure and yes! there were high levels of 3 mycotoxins. I don't have a "before test to compare it to and in the mold community there is not agreement about whether this test has value or not.

If you've read this far, thank you!

Have a great day!

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome, Carbokitty~

Here's the study you mention, in case anyone else is interested:

Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Toxic Injury due to Mold Exposure:

I strongly suspect you still have leaky gut and imbalances of gut flora, possible intestinal pathogens, etc. (Have you been tested for h.Pylori?)

I also had severe GI issues which were cured over time by mHBOT and diet.

I was also chemically sensitive, had severe food sensitivities, and reacted to mold and other naturally occurring environmental substances. I tested high for neurotoxins. All of these issues are gone now that I'm well.

IMO, mold sensitivity is just one way imbalance in the body expresses itself. It can also be expressed in food sensitivities, inability to tolerate smells and chemical substances, etc. You likely have a genetic profile that partially inhibits you from detoxing mold, so this is your most obvious trigger. Leaky gut adds to the mix.

With mHBOT, it really doesn't matter, because it treats the underlying issues that are preventing your body from functioning efficiently and doing its job.

I encourage you to keep reading the thread. I believe you will find a lot of knowledge, help and support here. If you need more specific information on chamber options (there are more affordable options now) or opportunities to share time in a chamber, feel free to PM.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
I will PM you. Thanks, Phoiph. (I do not have H. Pylori or candida)
Posted by Oaktree (Member # 51792) on :
Phoiph,thanks again for input and suggestions. I am reducing my intake of supplaments and starting a slow ramp up. I am up to 23 minutes total time (including compression) and feeling okay!

My 02 concentrator I am not using right now. It is an older (9 yrs, 750hrs) ANDI- 15. It has about 7-9 02 pressure and around 7 psi. It has new seives, filters, etc and was recently serviced by the manufacturer. I am not sure if it can accommodate a humidifier. It never made me cough until I got it back from being serviced.

Carbokitty, Welcome, I just joined this forum and have had a very helpful and warm welcome! I toohave issues with mold, sensitivity to chemicals, etc.

My ND thinks I have CIRS (realted to mold and neurotoxins). Do you know of that syndrome ?
Here is a website that has a lot of information:

There is also a guy that writes a lot about his healing from CIRS and also writes a lot about his experience with HBOT. He felt that with CIRS he overdid HBOT. I believe he said that CIRS blocks the ability to process the oxidative stress of HBOT, so it can make toxins stay around longer?

Wondering what folks think about his perspective:

I too wonder about CIRS (if i have it, and how HBOT works with it)

Hope this is helpful.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I suspect they used some kind of cleaner, lubricant, or other substance when they serviced your concentrator, which is making you cough. Have you tried running the unit (not while using it, of course) for 24 hours or so in a room with a fresh air source to see if it makes any difference?

Regarding the article, as he mentioned, he was overdoing the oxygen dosage by creating his own mask which delivered increased amounts of 02. Like any other drug, dosage is everything.

CIRS (and many other issues) may block the ability to produce glutathione and disarm free radicals, however, I don't believe this is a deal breaker for mHBOT; on the contrary.

There have been studies done on children with autism who are known to have low glutathione levels, blocked detox pathways, and high oxidative stress. mHBOT was shown not to reduce levels of glutathione or increase oxidative stress, and in fact improved their detox profile.

Also, "oxidative stress" is an important function of mHBOT. It stimulates the body's ability to produce endogenous antioxidants (read on the "Hormetic Effect" that Digby mentions), and also is anti-pathogenic.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Oaktree and Phoiph~

Yes, I have been diagnosed with CIRS. I saw a Shoemaker trained doctor in 2014 and had the battery of tests done. It was going on Welchol per the Shoemaker protocol that "caused" my SiBO-D. I had to discontinue (or chose to, I guess) any other similar treatment. Pharmaceuticals and I just don't do well together.

I'm on a few mold groups on FB and mHBOT is highly rated as helpful (but not often used, I assume because of cost and access), so I'm not really concerned about this one person's not so good experience.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All

I think someone here mentioned they have dealt with Bartonella before but I forget

Any of you had have Bartonella

If so did mHBOT help or did you need to do something more to kill this off?

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi everyone. I’m so glad to have found this thread.

I started mHBOT three weeks ago but I don’t really have much guidance.

I’ve found information that suggest 5 days a week at an hour a day is enough to improve my health but I haven’t found anything yet to substantiate this.

I know we shouldn’t be doing more than 90 minutes a day but do I need to work up to every day?

If so, it may take some time as I feel really wiped out after 5 days in a row.

I’m slowly reading through all the info on this thread so maybe I’ll learn more soon but it’s difficult as one of my worst symptoms, second only to severe fatigue, is horrible brain fog.

Thanks so much!

[ 01-26-2019, 01:32 AM: Message edited by: Kaibyrd ]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hominahomina, you are probably going to get a mixed response as many of us come to mHBO as a last resort type treatment opposed to initial treatment. I wish I had but by the time I started diving I had had a lot of antibiotics and herbals. But if you are asking if it will address Bartonella the answer is yes.

Kaibyrd, Welcome! Many people on this thread jumped right in diving at an hour. I did but could not handle it. So when I started diving again, I started low and ramped up in my time and time of oxygen use as well. It was much better tolerated. Plus it was daily. Here is the schedule I used:

mHBOT Diving Schedule (for those just starting out) (Author's name removed for privacy)

Week 1
Days 1-3: 20 minute dive at full pressure (not counting compression and decompression time). Do not wear the mask, but set it down inside the chamber so the oxygen is flowing in, mixing with compressed air.

Days 4-7: If no major reactions are happening, increase full pressure time to 40 minutes. If having previous reaction, stay at 20 minutes (still no mask; just let oxygen flow in and mix with compressed air).

Week 2
Days 1-3: If no major reactions, increase full pressure time to 60 minutes. If having a previous reaction, stay at 40 minutes (still no mask).

Days 4-7: If no major reaction, continue with full pressure 60 minute dive, wearing mask for 20 minutes, and laying it down in the chamber for the rest of the dive. (If having reaction, don't move forward; stay at last step!)

Week 3
Days 1-3: Continue 60 minute dive, wearing mask for 40 minutes, and laying it down in the chamber for the rest of the dive.

Days 4-7: Continue 60 minute dive, wearing mask for entire 60 minutes.

Again...don't move forward to the next step until you're not having major reactions. It is best to move up slowly so your body has time to detoxify and adjust.

You don't need to wear the mask while you compress (so you can clear your ears freely), but do wear it when you decompress.

Using the schedule above, I took about 2 months to get to an hour with oxygen. It kept the herx to a minimum so I could tolerate the treatment.

This schedule is from the files on the mHBOt mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy group in facebook.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks kgg! I’m hoping I can keep going at an hour with full O2 but if the fatigue continues to be bad, I’ll start over with your formula.

I’ve been reading previous post, (wow there’s a lot!) and I discovered that I shouldn’t be using my fir sauna right now so maybe that’s what’s causing the fatigue to be so bad.

I think I will stick to just 5 days for a while too if I can continue at the hour mark.

I’m learning a lot from reading this thread but I’m getting impatient to get caught up. 😝 I’m only on page 12.

I wish I had remembered this forum when I first started looking into mHBOT.

I was a patient of lymemd in 2015 and he recommended I give it a try but I wasn’t doing as bad as I am now and my claustrophobia made me not even want to try.

I actually posted in this thread but had forgotten all about it.

Can you share the Facebook group please? I searched for one but only found a group with a bias toward regular HBOT.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hmmm, maybe I should go back and read the thread. I use an FIR sauna. Not daily. But if I get a chill or my muscle aches are bad I hop in there. Will you refresh my memory as to why? I will try to look as well.

I find that the search function on FB is woefully lacking.

mHBOT mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is the name of the group.
Posted by Brussels (Member # 13480) on :
A question concerning ALS for a 'friend'. He does not believe in lyme, anyway, but started doing some oxygen therapies and feels somewhat better.

Is HBOT a treatment he'll have to do FOREVER?

Or is it something like most treatments, you do it for a while, then you are free of it, your body regains health again so you won't need that anymore?

Thank you.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :

I can so relate to your comments! I have been reading since sometime in December and I'm up to page 20 of 40. This thread contains so much useful and helpful information AND at the same time, I want to get to the end.

Brussels-I am also interested in your question. I just read (around page 20) about someone who has been diving for 2 years, cut back from every day to 5 days a week and had to go back to every day.

I guess when I consider that I have to eat every day, brush my teeth every day, sit on the toilet every day, every day (one day at a time) for the rest of my life is not a terrible price to pay to feel good vs not functioning. However, it does give me pause about what mHBOT is actually doing or not doing.

I also came across someone who had a house fire and couldn't dive for a time and all her symptoms came back with a vengeance. Curious what that's about from a medical/scientific perspective.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Although mHBOT is anti-pathogenic, more importantly it is immune healing, and a healthy immune system that is not overwhelmed can handle Bartonella.

I had severe Bartonella that became even worse after drug treatment for it. mHBOT was the ONLY treatment that cured it for me, along with Lyme and all other co-infections.


Keep reading the thread. You are on to something about doing too many therapies when you start mHBOT.

Keep it simple: mHBOT, diet, graded movement/exercise.

The main reason for this is that using both mHBOT and FIR together (especially in the beginning) can release toxins too quickly for the body to process, causing symptom flares. (Kgg, you have been doing mHBOT for some time now and can now handle sauna once in awhile).

Work up gradually and be consistent once you are diving daily.


How long someone continues on mHBOT to maintain wellness depends on what conditions are being treated, how they have been treated in the past, and how advanced their condition is.

For example, I had severe neurological Lyme and coinfections for 8 years, was homebound and mentally and physically dysfunctional. I treated daily for 2-1/2 years (about a year longer after I felt completely well, but noticed I also continued to improve during that last year). I continue to use the chamber a couple of times a week, but I don't NEED to use it to stay well. I have been without the chamber for months at a time due to repairs or travel, without any signs of relapse. I continue to use it, however, as I often work 10 hour days and "play hard" as well, and I know it is restorative for my body and mind.

Many others with Lyme/chronic illness (who do not post on LymeNet) have become well and sold their chambers, however, I will always keep mine, as I know the tremendous health benefits it offers as you age and encounter everyday life challenges.

mHBOT is very powerful, and is the only treatment known to promote nerve regeneration, increase growth factor, release endogenous stem cells, etc. That said, if someone has advanced ALS, MS, Parkinson's, paralysis from stroke, toxic poisoning, genetic and/or congenital conditions, etc., then they may elect to continue maintenance treatments even after they have reached a higher functioning level.

My neurologist/HBOT specialist friend often recommends home chambers for her more advanced patients because she knows they will benefit from long-term, possibly indefinite maintenance treatment (the schedule of which will vary).
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Kgg, that’s why I use the sauna too but I read that it can be too much on the body in the beginning because it causes too much detox when combined with mHBOT.

Thanks for the link. I agree about Facebook search, it’s horrible.

Carbokitty, I’m having to skip some post if they get too technical so I’m missing some information but still gleaning info here and there.

Brussels, I agree with carbokitty, if it keeps me going like a normal person, I’ll be happy to use it the rest of my life.

I had a friend diagnosed with ALS. He found out too late that not only did he actually have Lyme but his whole family did as well. His family is doing better now I think.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi Phoiph! I’m so happy to see you’re still here! I’ve learned so much from you.

I’m wondering if I should stop some supplements my naturopath had me on.

She’s no longer in business so I’d planned on finding another next month but now I think I’ll just hold off on supplementing for a while.

I feel I need some of them still but things like Amino acid and Quercetin, should I stop those? What about liposomal glutathione? Adrenal support?

I’m also on thyroid meds as well as bio-identical hormones so it looks like I need to ask my doctor to keep a closer eye on their levels.

Abx treatments did nothing for me. Naturopathic solutions just seem to stir things up without moving anything out.

Menopause has greatly added to my illness and while the BiHT helps with some symptoms, they don’t provide enough relief to get me back to pre-menopause energy level.

We think I got LD while living in Germany in 1999. I had 2 bites on my leg swell up but not the tippical bullseye and there were no ticks but several doctors have told me since then that spiders can carry Lyme. That’s when the weird heath issues stared so that’s the theory for me.

Symptoms were very slow showing so it wasn’t until 2004 that I knew definitely that something was wrong with me.

I didn’t know I had LD until 2013 and found out I have bartonella and rickettsia in 2015.

I’ve been eating clean since 2005 in one form or another and currently follow the Trim Healthy Mama plan which is a combination of low carb and low fat meals, all containing protein but no sugar or processed foods.

The low fat meals are few, maybe 5 a week but I feel needed to give me good carbs.

I do eat sprouted wheat once in a blue moon but it doesn’t seem to bother me. Mostly I’m gluten free though.

My foods are mostly organic. My meats and eggs and some dairy are from an Amish farm so pastured organic.

Exercise is going to have to wait a bit unless I can get more energy soon.

I’m afraid since it took me so many years to get so sick, the last two being the absolute worst, it may take years to get well.

I have the mHBOT and have overcome my claustrophobia to it now though so I’ve just got to get through the worst of the treatment.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
KB, I am sure Phioph will respond. But definitely do not stop the Thyroid nor the BHT. The BHT was the missing piece for one person on this forum. You may find the combination helpful. The thyroid will have to be monitored by blood work and symptoms. I knew it was time to drop the dose of T4 down when my pulse increased too much, sweats, weight loss or anxiety. Most people who are on Thyroid meds need Adrenal support as well. So not sure about stopping those.

We had a discussion about Glutathione and anti oxidants on the FB thread. Some continue to take them and some don't. Some space them away from their diving time. Some specifically take them prior to diving.

Brussels, if your friend responds well to oxygen therapy that is great!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All

I am looking for somewhere to park my chamber in the San Francisco Bay Area
Currently I do not have a space to leave it in a setup condition

Whoever does this will be able to use the chamber

I would visit my chamber on a regular basis for dives
Please private message me

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I have another question. Are there any Summit to Sea owners here?

I had no choice but to go with this company because of *severe* claustrophobia but reading though all the past post here, I’m concerned if I should get the extended warranty.

I know that won’t help with time lost if it breaks but it may help with money lost.

Why are they such a bad company? Why does no one like them?

I saw a link that Phoiph posted years ago but now I can’t find it.

Can anyone help?
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :

I did decide to reduce my dive after all as my fatigue and weakness just wasn’t subsiding with time off. Thank you so much!!! I think it’s working!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Kaibyrd...I see you are from Northern VA. Just for your information, there is a chiropractor around Herndon, VA that has a Vitaeris chamber in his office. I believe it is very reasonable. If you are interested, you can PM me for more info. Plus I don't remember his name off the top of my head.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Digby, I really appreciate that, but I have a chamber. It’s a Summit to Sea so I’m just wondering what’s so bad about that company and if I should get the extended warrently.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kaibyrd, it is my understanding that the reason why people don't like them is the zippers breaking and window seals going. One person on the FB group that had a malfunction with the chamber said they were a great company as far as working with him to get it fixed. Meanwhile, it is not a speedy process.

My husband is one to not buy extended warranties. He is old school. Why should he buy it? Is it not going to last? But we did buy one on an electronic product for my son once and it was totally worth it. How much is the extended warranty? And what would it cover? Can you afford it?
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks kgg that helps to know there have been those issues.

Do you know if the problems occurred when the chambers were relatively new?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
It seemed like that was the case. But my total recall on these kind of things is sketchy. I did not think it was an older one or a used one.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Ok, I think I’ll get the extended warranty just to be safe. Thanks so much, kgg!

BTW how are you doing these days?
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on : it normal to have very realistic ones? Is there some way I can stop them? If I never have another like last night’s, I may not loose my mind. It was bad.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Whew! I'm up to page 30 of this forum. Only 11 pages to go and be caught up. LOL

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Carbokitty, are you going to read The Oxygen Revolution too? You’re getting there!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kaibyrd, I don't get nightmares. I can count on one hand how many I have had in my life. My son gets them a lot. Thankfully, they don't cause him angst. He finds them entertaining.

Are you using Benadryl to sleep by any chance? I know someone who used to get terrible nightmares and she narrowed it down to Benadryl.

Hopefully someone who gets them will chime in.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :

Yes, thanks for the reminder! I have The Oxygen Revolution but haven't started yet. (I will start as soon as I finish the book I'm reading for pleasure [Wink]

I figure actual users will educate me more about the pros, cons, and actually healing experienced.

Hopefully will get to the book this weekend.

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kaibyrd, I don't get nightmares. I can count on one hand how many I have had in my life. My son gets them a lot. Thankfully, they don't cause him angst. He finds them entertaining.

Are you using Benadryl to sleep by any chance? I know someone who used to get terrible nightmares and she narrowed it down to Benadryl.

Hopefully someone who gets them will chime in.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Kgg no I haven’t taken a Benadryl in years. Thankfully the nightmares didn’t recur last night. I slept pretty good actually except for one wake up during the night. I really hope this type of nightmare never comes back. It was not entertaining at all! Stupid brain. 🤨

Carbokitty, I wish I had known about this thread before I started diving. Soo much info here!
Posted by Oaktree (Member # 51792) on :
HI All,

I have been slowly increasing my time in chamber without wearing 02 mask, (o2 flowing in) am up to 35 mins now and seem to be tolerating it

I do have a Summit to Sea Shallow Dive. It is an older model, probably an '09. I got it used with about 600 dives on it. And the zipper is starting to leak. It is leaking at the seated position, and I have noticed some thread fraying and there is a slight blister at the top of the rubber seat. I still am reaching full pressure, but it hisses.

In this case:

How much does it cost to replace zipper?

Are there other people who do this, or best to send back to Summit to Sea?

Any idea of how common this is and if this can be used for a while longer without this becoming a more significant problem?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Oaktree, I had a Vitaeris from OxyHealth that was a 2006 chamber. The zipper went when it was about 10 or 11 years old. They quoted me $1500 to replace the zipper. I forget now but some more to check and make sure the window seals were good while they had the chamber. Plus the shipping. My plan was to send them the chamber and they would repair it. All of that to say, please contact Summit to Sea.

Meanwhile, you really don't want to be using it. If it blows while inflated it could damage you ear drums. At least that is what I understand could happen.

I don't know if Phioph knows of someone who repairs chambers. Hopefully if she does she will be in contact with you.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :

Yes, its fascinating! Reading from 2013 to the present, its like reading a book. And now, for me, its like I'm really getting to the good part. In 2018, I am starting to read about more and more people getting well and getting on with their lives I'm so happy for so many of you and feel encouraged and inspired!

I arrived here in pretty good shape, having made great strides in my health since 2011. I'm generally pretty functional. My big remaining issue is my GI tract (diarrhea/loose stools) and food sensitivities that keep me from being able to be more social, travel more and in general live my best life That's what I'm looking at this therapy for. I've tried almost everything else (except having my dental implants removed and cavitation addressed).

Thanks so much for everyone on here who has shared their journeys for those of us coming up behind you. I am grateful!

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Completely agree Carbokitty!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Oaktree, I received a cleaning solution for the zipper and a lubrication oil for the seated area for my new Summit to Sea and was advised to zip in a careful way, never pulling out and making sure the teeth were aligned well before zipping so if the previous owner of your chamber didn’t know to do this, they may have damaged the zipper. Do contact Summit to Sea and let them know. I can give you the name and number of the lady I worked with while purchasing.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Phoiph - I sent you a PM.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks, I replied...
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :

I'm fairly new to this group and don't have a chamber yet. I've done 10 dives at a local clinic. I've just read the 40 pages of history (and its amazing and wonderful and such a wealth of information and trial and error and thank you everyone!).

I was struck and concerned about your struggles and how similar they are to mine, or some of mine in the past. I know one or two people mentioned mold and I just feel I wanted to bring that possibility up to you again if you haven't looked into it. I think you moved during your time in this forum and diving, right? And then you reduced your klonopin and then got off antibiotics.

It took me forever (years!) to identify mold as the true source of my health (mental and physical) issues. No one else in the house (my parents and then later ours) was having any sort of problem. And you couldn't smell it. It wasn't like there was a moldy/musty odor.

After a year of treating Lyme, I got sicker and sicker. First it was my parents condo in Florida. When I would go back home, I'd be ok. But then I wasn't. Suicidal and not sleeping AT ALL (like you), I eventually starting learning about mold. I hired an environmental engineer to come test (air and dust). He did his master's thesis on mold in wet damaged buildings. He explained that the levels in our basement and one room on the mail level would not bother "normal" people, but the 24% of us without the gene to identify and detox mold, it makes us very sick.

For 6 months I lived on the 3rd floor that he deemed "safe" for me, coming downstairs to use the bathroom and to leave the house. My husband remediated. I eventually detoxed with binders and fresh air.

I've wondered what happens when the oxygen concentrator is used in a house with mold. Does it concentrate the mold exposure to the person using it?

I am currently in southwest Florida where mold is rampant. For that reason, I am not getting any mHBOT at any local clinics because of my fear that there could be mold in the environment where the chamber is.

Anyway, this may or may not be your story. After reading everything, I just couldn't let it go without sharing my story and my concerns. I know one of the members of this forum also discovered after mHBOT that mold was part of his story too and pursued mold avoidance. the best remedy for mold sensitivity and exposure.

Please be well and consider this if you haven't already.

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Good info Carbokitty. I was concerned about my concentrator. Because our last house had mold in the laundry room. Someone (I wish I had saved the post!) on the FB group had said that the filters should be enough to prevent that. What I recently did with mine, (since the warranty has long expired) is open it, dust it and change two filters in it. I wish that I had the $$ to buy a new concentrator, but I don't. It is working fine. So that will have to do for now. I still see improvements from diving, so I am assuming I am OK.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
I want to add my symptoms when I'm in/exposed to mold: my "big" 4 are severe insomnia, diarrhea, anxiety and depression, which can be severe at times. Then crying, heart pounding, burning tongue, brain fog, head pressure, twitching, itching, blurred vision.

Again, in case this helps anyone.

Keep diving!

Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~
I'm reading the book now, The Oxygen Revolution. A couple things so far have stood out to me and have so far helped me understand how this therapy might have application to me.

"Accidents that result in oxygen deprivation including...exposure to neurotoxins" (mold and Lyme)

"the understanding is that we are simply using pressure and oxygen, two entities to which all living organisms are sensitive, to manipulate gene expression and suppression in or to prompt the body to heal itself"

"HBOT specifically treats inflammation, the common secondary injury process as a result of all acute and chronic conditions"

As i've struggled with "do I have Lyme/don't I have Lyme", so far these three lines have helped me understand that, with regard to using mHBOT, it doesn't matter. And it doesn't matter because, a) I know for sure I have been exposed to mold (neurotoxin) (and still have mold/mycotoxins in my system), b) I like the thought of manipulating gene expression to prompt the body to heal itself and c) it treats inflammation, as result of ALL chronic conditions.

I know we all read the book. Just wanted to reinforce for myself why I might want to do it and what it is doing.

Have a great day!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Carbokitty, great quotes, we can all benefit from being reminded of the deeper processes that occur with mHBOT.
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
Originally posted by tom f:
I'm 5 months in with a 20% improvement. Great improvement, but I seem to have plateaued for almost 3 months - while treating at 5.2 psi and utilizing all 92%+ oxygen. I have decided to go on the Dr. Wheldon combination antibiotic protocol with Hbot to eliminate chlamydia pneumoniae, borrelia or borrelia-like organisms. I am no longer intolerant to antibiotics as I was previous to Hbot.

7 months 60% improvement. I'm having rapid improvement since adding the Wheldon antibiotic protocol. I'm having severe burning and pain when adding the bacterialcidal antibiotic in the protocol. I'm having zero immune response with improvement as if my immune system cannot see the pathogen.

There is no way I could tolerate the antibiotics without hyperbaric oxygen, sometimes I have to go the the chamber an additional 45 minutes to tolerate/relieve the pain/burning. I have been ill since the 90's
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Tom F, I so happy for you that you are seeing improvements! Long may they continue. Since you have been sick so long, it must be incredibly encouraging.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Question for Newtowne owners:

What chamber do you have?

I talked with Phoiph and was looking at the Seal 27. I just got off the phone with the owner and she was saying that for self use, owners are reporting that the Class 4 is easier to use.

My brain fog may be keeping me from understanding. Something about the silicon gasket being a problem with the Seal. But the Seal is more "handmade" and more labor intensive to make and is more expensive.

Just wondering what your experience is. (I will ask on the FB group too).


Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I think I answered this on FB. But I have the 34" Newtowne chamber. I have been told it is a Class 4. It has three zippers to close. I did not find it any more difficult than the Vitaeris chamber with the gaskets between the zippers.

I get in the chamber and pull all three zippers halfway closed. Then recline and finish zipping.

The hardest thing is getting the first/outside zipper closed. I have arthritis in my fingers and weak arms. Marie at Newtowne suggested using a paint stirrer stick to finish closing it where my fingers could not reach. Works like a charm.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks kgg.

Posted by threeputt (Member # 10859) on :
Hello, I am new to this forum. Been picking up a wealth of knowledge from it. Up to page 27 and hope to be finishing it up soon.
I am strongly considering purchasing a used OxyHealth chamber for use by my wife and myself. I will probably be purchasing a used chamber from a private party. Can anyone suggest what questions to ask of the buyer before making the purchase? He says that it is in good working order. The buyer has provided me with a description of the chamber that was included with it when he purchased it from Oxyhealth. He purchased it used from them. I have the serial number of it. Is there a way to tell the approximate age from the serial number? I want to purchase a chamber that is not too old. Thanks
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Threeputt, If you have the serial number, just call Oxyhealth and ask for Jeff. He will let you know the age and if it has been in for any repairs. Beyond that Phoiph is an awesome resource to help in buying a chamber. I would recommend that you PM her with your questions.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi everybody~

I'm still in the process of sorting out the purchase of a chamber. I am currently leaning toward the Class 4, 34'.

I've never seen this mentioned here and wondered if anyone ever had any issues. We have 2 cats. Any issues with the chamber material puncturing from cat's claws?

I have just returned from almost 3 months in FL where I was exposed to mold in our condo and possibly red tide on the beach (because I would become very ill after walking on the beach in bare feet). It was so lovely, warm and sunny there but so toxic for me.

I found a place to get hyperbaric treatments while I was there and had a few, which helped me get through the last month.

Now that I have returned home, I started back at the local clinic. I will get treatments until I order and receive my at home chamber.

I am still unsure about how much my health will improve with treatments. My primary issue is diarrhea and food sensitivities. I have hope after reading all of your stories and The Oxygen Revolution. It makes sense to me that the mHBOT could have an impact and heal whatever isn't working-but I continue to read about others who "haven't yet healed" their digestive issues.

Any hope you can share with me with that regard would be helpful. I am otherwise physically active, working part time and was sleeping well before this recent mold and toxin exposure. My gut and digestive issues all started with mold exposure and then got worse with mold treatment. If the problem is because I am harboring mold in my system, I think mHBOT, by opening up the detoxification pathways, could help me heal beyond where I am. Thoughts?

Wishing you all well ~ and I'd love to hear updates! This forum has been so quiet lately!

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi Carbokitty,

I have a couple cats but they won’t come near the chamber because of the noise. I don’t think they would be able to scratch it even if they wanted to, It’s a very tough material but keep an eye on yours to see their reaction to it, just to be safe.

I can’t speak to the rest of your questions as I’m only a couple months in and in the middle of the “worst before better” phase.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi All: It has been awhile since I posted. I passed the 2 year mark of daily dives on Jan. 29th. I am doing overall- a lot better. This is something you have to be religious about with regard to just diving daily and trusting in time, you will heal.

I have a question. Does anyone know of any resources that would help a parent with regard to potentially using mhbot with PANDAS. She has three children and a husband with it. She is in the medical profession and feels she constantly exposes them to strep and she believes and her husband may also expose them. Thus, she feels they may be exposed a lot and would like something proactive. She was thrilled to see my experience with the chamber for Lyme and thought with the two discussed heavily in the research together from what she told me, it might be good for PANDAS. I just do not want her to be misguided. Thank you all -

[ 03-06-2019, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: willbeatthis ]
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Kaibyrd. I'll keep an eye on them!

Congratulations, willbeatthis! That's wonderful on your progress and getting past 2 years!

I cannot answer your question, however. Sorry.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Bless you, Carbokitty! I cannot answer your questions about mold either. I can tell you that it has been a godsend all the way around for me. I do still have food sensitivities etc however, my gut is generally good. I followed the GAPS diet for quite sometime to heal my gut - do you know anything about that. It works to heal your gut and diminish sensitivities and the like. I would think in your situation, it could really help you. It would just strengthen your gut where the bulk of our immune system is housed. That combined with mhbot- I cannot imagine it could do anything but help. I would rather Digby or Phioph speak on any expertise they have with this question. Phioph also worked on gut healing. I think it is integral to success. God bless.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi willbeatthis~

My response went into cyberspace. Argh!
Thank you for the suggestion of GAPS. I am so glad you have found benefit.
I did GAPS in 2014/15. I had gone all the way through to full GAPS and was thriving and enjoying a variety of foods. Then I saw a Shoemaker trained mold specialist and started on the binder to remove mold from my body. I crashed an *lost* a ton of foods, including all FODMAPS and ferments. I had been making that lovely 24 hour yogurt and sour cream and my own sauerkraut. I can no longer tolerate any of those.
I was hoping stopping the binder would cause everything to go back to the way it was, but sadly, that hasn't been the case.
Still searching, still trying. One step in front of the other.

My best to all,
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Bless you, Carbokitty. Hang in there.... I think we have to refuse to give up and keep moving forward.

I have been having trouble of late too with foods and recently tried a carnivore (meat) heavy keto plan - way less to no veggies and that seems to do best for me. It is so weird how our bodies shift with all this. I plan to take juice plus for phyto nutrients. I tried recently to add veggies bag in and sweelling and back pain came right back on the scene. [Frown] Oh well. I don't love veggies that much!!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :

Sorry to hear about your challenges! I'm glad you've got an alternative to get your nutrients.

Thanks for the support.

Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
I'm kind of freaked out. I just had a treatment at the clinic where I've been getting mHBOT. My husband came to see what it looked like and to listen to the compressor and concentrator. I didn't realize it but the compressor was in the basement.

It's HUGE! Are they all that big? Like between a whole house AC unit and a refrigerator. We have to rethink getting a chamber for home. I don't think we could get it through the door way to the upstairs and up the stairs.

The other option in the basement-but we've had mold there and I wouldn't want to be using the basement air to compress the chamber.

Where do you have your's? Any issues with the size of the compressor? (in all the pictures I've seen on the company's site, there's not picture of the compressor. Just looks like all you have to do is fit the chamber and the concentrator in your room).

Thanks! Be well,

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
No, mine is small. It is heavy, about 45 lbs, but it’s about half the size of a mini fridge.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Great-thanks Kaibyrd.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
You’re welcome Carbokitty. 😊
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Carbo: Mine is small too - just heavy - I have an oxyhealth solace and NewLife Intensity10 Air Sep. I was fortunate and found both used (with Phioph's approval). Both are heavy but take up little space in a spare bedroom. Best money I ever spent. Already have money saved for a new set up when I need it. Keep at this. You will be pleased. Now remember, much like phioph and other long-termers - I had my ups and downs -- this thing really works and now it all seems to have settled and I keep improving. I think you have to set in your mind that this is a daily routine and hang with it come what may. This board is great when you go through rough patches. Hang in there [Smile]
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I’m in a very rough patch. 😕 I’m only 2 months in but it just keeps getting harder. Fatigue has been my worst symptom from the beginning but brain fog and trouble sleeping were not far behind. When I first started, my sleep actually improved as well as digestive issues but about a month in fatigue got worse. Now the fatigue is way worse! I’m talking not able to get out of bed some days and even missing a couple days of diving worse. I’m also in a lot more pain. To top that off, the sleep and digestive issues have gone back to where they were before I started HBOT. So it’s been more like one step forward and 4 steps back! I’m really getting down and I’m so tired I don’t even care if I’m eating right any more because I just don’t have the energy to cook anything. When will I start improving instead of getting worse?
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Shoot, KB. I am, of course, not an expert. And perhaps I am simply enjoying that honeymoon period. 3 days back to consecutive dives at the clinic I started with in late Dec, I am again sleeping well and my stools have become formed (sorry for TMI). I am/was hopeful that those are the things mHBOT would resolve.

I've read the whole forum but don't remember what you said about frequency and time in the chamber each time. However, I feel as if when these issues have come up before, others have asked those questions. And that the issue could be either too much oxygen (oxygen toxicity) or too much die off for the body to manage. So with both of those, I am wondering if the experts (Phoiph and others) might suggest taking a break for a few days, not using the mask for awhile, or reducing the length of your dives. If either of those is the issue, I would think those shifts might resolve it.

Because of my own person history with mold exposure, that's always my red flag. 2 months in, taking air in from your environment-is there any possibility there could be mold in that environment? There's a test called ERMI where you can collect dust samples around the house and send in for testing. We had an environmental engineer in who tested air and dust on all 3 floors of our home-indicating that there were high enough levels of mold in the basement and in one room on the main floor which required remediation to make it "safe" for me. The 3rd floor was already safe. That was 2014. I seem to be fine in our home today-however, I will be putting my chamber on the 3rd floor just to be extra safe. Again, my issue-and want to share because it can easily be overlooked. We never smelled any mold.

Be well everyone.

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Kaibyrd, please detail your protocol with the HBOT.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
You are at the place all of us have crossed. My fist month was good and then the next 3 were pure hell. I just kept treating, detoxing, testing and try to eat as nutritious as possible. You are at the point your body is going through many adjustments with the new oxygen coming on board. Press on and one day things will shift and you will have a few good hours and then that will grow longer and more often. However, at 8 months in I had a 3-4 week setback where I was exhausted and in pain. I just kept treating and soon emerged even stronger.
You aren’t even a quarter through the recommended treatment of 2 years of daily treating. Stay positive, you will emerge.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Congratulations on making it past the ups and downs. Now it just keeps getting better and then one day you walk away from daily dives and start living life without being tired to treating. It’s so great to read that others are sticking with the treatments even though you hit the bumps.

I am still doing fantastic, in my 3rd year back at work and having so much fun.

I am flying my brother in to do treatments in 2 weeks. He has diabetic neuropathy and had a kidney removed in Nov2018. Many of you know I’m pretty hardcore when I treated and he feels the same about trying this therapy to help get feeling back in his legs and feet. He has not recovered like he thought he might after removing his cancer and kidney so I feel like it’s time for mHBOT. I will keep you all posted and would love to hear of others that have treated.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Carbokitty, I think it really is just part of the process as Willbeatthis says. I’m just having a hard time dealing with it.

Digby I started diving Jan 7 and worked up to the full hour with O2 Feb 4. I’ve been at 1 hour a day since then except for missing 1 day last week and 1 day this week.

Thanks Peimomma. That is encouraging. I just have to get through the next few months. Yes please keep us posted on your brother.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Kaibyrd, You might try cutting your time to 1/2 hour or alternatively, you could run the O2 in the chamber but not wear the mask. Either way it will be in your best interest to back off a bit. That is usually a better option than skipping days, though you could try every other day if the above doesn't help. Hang in there... it's worth it!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Ok I’ll try the O2 option and see if that helps. Thanks Digby!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I second Digby's advise, fwiw. That is what I would do. Hopefully, it will make it more tolerable. And truly, you are not missing any benefit.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thank you kgg. That’s reassuring. I don’t want to have to start over.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hang in there Kaibyrd - Yes, Peimomma and I -- and all of us long-termers- went through this. Like Peimomma, I have treated this like a job - so much so that my two year mark passed and I didn't realize it. Diving is part of my day, period. I actually look forward to it. YOU WILL GET THERE. I remember being where you are and it is disheartening and sometimes even scary. Take a deep breath and you sure got expert advice from Digby and we all back it up.

If I haven't said it lately, THANK YOU! Thank you, Phoiph, Peimomma, Digby, KGG et al. You all are ANGELS on the Earth!! Thank you for helping to guide me. I will be checking in more frequently now as I am able as this is important to me to extend to others what was extended to me!

ROCK ON PEIMOMMA! You are a true ROCK STAR! I love that you are flying your brother in. I cannot wait to hear how he does. Please keep me/us posted.

So- I have one question - EARS! I have a cold now that went into a chest infection (on Augmentin right now), and for the last 3 days I could not dive. I am losing ground but I expected that. However, I really would like to be able to dive. I have tried musinex D -- but no Afrin as of yet. Do I need to just do it? My head is not clogged nor my nose- just these ears and it is keeping me from diving (very sad face). Any advice would be helpful! Thank you!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Just to tell you what else I am doing - Musinex D, saline nasal spray (multiple times a day), nasocort (1 spray) (not ideal but I'm pretty desperate) and a non steroid script nasal spray (1 spray).

Now on Augmentin for heavy chest cough, sick a week and bad colored phlegm. (sorry TMI probably)

I am drinking my guts out of water - had a bladder infec. before the cold was on macrobid for that (that has resolved). Thankfully. I just want to be able to dive again soon.

When I get a sinus infection (did not go to the Allergist this time - went to primary care) he always had me use Afrin for 3-5 days with these other sprays until the abx kicked in. I usually have a headache but didn't with this- just a bunch of ear bubbles. I know Afrin can lead to rebound inflammation so I wanted to be careful on this.

I'll use it if it is wise. Thanks all!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I would not go in and I say this because I had a very scary incident when it was just my ears. I got myself through the compression and thought things were fine until the decompression. Holy cow, the chamber started spinning, my ears were hurting and I felt like I was going to pass out or puke. I finally got decompressed but I had to crawl out of the chamber and lay on the floor for 20-30 minutes as the room continued to spin.
I think it was the fluid in my ears that caused the vertigo so severely. If you are going to chance it, please make sure someone is near if you run into trouble like I did.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Willbeatthis... Please take a break from diving until you heal from this. You probably aren't losing ground but it sure could feel that way when you are so sick.

I firmly believe (this is just my opinion) that the effects of mHBOT are cumulative and after a certain point the healthy changes become part of your biochemistry (immune system, antioxidant production, neurogenesis, etc.).
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I second that, Digby! we discussed via have been doing mHBOT for long enough now that the gains have been assimilated. It just feels like a relapse when you are sick with a "normal" illness like a cold or flu.

I would wager that you will come out of this even better than before you became ill with the congestion, etc.

I personally would not use nasal sprays, etc., and would just let the body clear itself at its own pace.
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi All: You are amazing.... I have been taking a break! Thank you for making me feel much better about it.

I went to the allergist yesterday and he scoped me to see if I needed the abx and yes, I do unfortunately. He also said I had to get my passages open to get the stuff out for the antibiotics to work. So I have done what he said. I know have sinusitis and laryngitis. I have never had to be quiet like this.... Anything to heal [Smile]

It sure is good to hear that Mhbot is cumulative and we keep benefiting if we need to take a break.

Honestly, I am not sure what would do without this team!

Thanks for the email, Phioph, your sound advice Digby and Peimomma (glad you recovered from that scary experience [Frown] ) and sharing it so no one else (myself included tries). Thank you all for your support!!

Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Gang: Just to give you an update- I have stayed out of the chamber, still out. When I did go in thinking I was well - it set my sinuses back. So I think I have to be GOOD and well.

This is kind of good news I think... Well, so I am on my third abx for this sinus infection and (augmentin, ceftin and now doxy) I have had hardly no reaction to the doxy. I can tell you that when I was first bitten and given doxy - I could not take it I herxed so bad. I didn't know enough then and perhaps if I had pushed through it, would I be here now, who knows.

Positive here -- the chambers work. Just like Phoiph and everyone else that has gone before us say -- you have to treat it like a daily to do and I imagine if you have gotten this far you are easing into it as Phoiph advises.

On another note, I was told to do the afrin by by allergist so I did for a bit but pulled myself off. I was getting rebound congestion -- and to solve this I found this amazing little machine. It is called Mypurmist - a handheld steam inhaler . The thing is magic. All the drugs in the world couldn't get me this clear. If you have allergies and your sinuses get swollen and blocked -- this may well help you. They are out of Canada and you can find them at I have no financial ties in any way. They are around $150.00 but I had a gift card from Target and that is where I got it. Best gift ever next to the chamber!

Now there are two versions - the first version is one that you can load with water yourself. The other you are supposed to use their little water ampules to make it 99.99 germ, mold free. I tend to want to use their ampules - worth it to me but the expense is a good bit. I read a trick on a review and I will share it with anyone that maybe interested.

Thanks all ... for your support! Kaibird and Carbokitty - how is it going?
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi Willbeatthis! Thanks for asking about me.

Taking off the mask has helped some. I had a couple days of feeling better last week and almost felt like I had more mental clarity.

I’ve taken a bit of a step back this weekend though so still struggling.

I’ll give it a few more days to see if the clarity/feeling better comes back, if not I may need to reduce my time in dive as well.

I hope your sinuses heal completely very soon. I can feel popping in my sinuses at times when coming out of a dive so I can see where it’s important they be clear too.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Kaibyrd~

It's great that you have experienced some "windows" of improvement.

Just a reminder though...this is a 2 step forward, 1 step back process, not a smooth upward trajectory.

Having fluctuations in how you feel is part of the process. I wouldn't reduce time in the chamber if the only reason is because you don't see that window in a few days, because that may or may not happen again for awhile.

To put it in perspective, you have to look at progress over the course of several months, not days or weeks.

You have reduced your dosage by taking off the mask and allowing the 02 to flow in, so if things are tolerable, I personally would stay at that level for awhile, then try to move forward again as soon as you are able.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi Phoiph,

I’ll keep at it then. I just feel like it’s been too much of a decline with the small window this week allowing me to function enough that I was eating right again but now I’m back to where I was before I took the mask off.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi willbeatthis, kaibyrd and everyone!
Thanks for asking about me willbeatthis!

First, I am getting a message that this site is not secure. Then I couldn't log on and my password had been changed. Anyone else?

I am doing well! I am still diving at a local clinic. At my husband's suggestion, I have delayed purchasing a chamber until I get back home from being gone for 2 weeks, the first 2 weeks of April.

Since my return from the mold-ridden and red tide laden southwest Florida, I have in general, felt better. I started diving 40 mins each about 3-4 days/week at the clinic (working around my part-time work schedule and their availability).

Very interesting that by the 2nd day back and 2nd day of dives, my stools started to form and my gut calmed down (not waking me at 2/3/4am). I am beyond thrilled!

I know I am still in the honeymoon period (and I am enjoying it and staying present to it to the max!). I am so grateful. And as I said to someone on Friday, I have hope again for the first time in 8 years.

I am planning to buy the 34" Class 4 Newtowne. My husband prefers getting a chamber with a warranty and the cost is attractive (vs what I might be able to get currently used). I will call her this week and set it up to arrive April 12 or later. I'm excited.

One question I had-everyone seems to track their dives. When did you start counting? First dive ever? Once you got up to 60 mins? Just curious.
I'll have to go back and count again but I'm probably around 26 if you count all dives.

Although I've been doing 40 min dives with oxygen, this week I am going to start 60 mins and see how that goes. I did 2 60 min dives in Florida and didn't think I felt good but I was still in a toxic environment and its hard to know if I got extra "hits" from toxins those days or if the dives were the issue.

Thanks so much for everyone in this community. You have given me such strength, courage and of course information to be able to possibly move forward and improve my health in a way I haven't been able to up until now.

My best to you,

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi carbokitty~

It's good to hear that you are already noticing improvements!

I would keep a log of all of your dives, including dates, duration, etc., but if you are trying to compare your progress to others, I would begin to count when both people began to dive daily at the full hour, at full pressure.

The other factor to consider is if someone is on antibiotics. In my experience, one should also keep a log of all dives, but for comparison purposes, begin to count after weaning off of antibiotics.

Congrats in advance on your chamber!

Also, I have not had the same experience logging in to the site.

[ 03-25-2019, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I vote "yes" for mHBOT for PANDAS, as it is an auto-immune type disorder.

I would caution them to proceeding very slowly in the beginning, and of course consider other factors, such as diet, limiting toxic exposures, etc.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
So good to read people's updates. Willbeathis, I have recently purchased just a facial steamer with a nose adapter from Amazon that I found was incredibly helpful to open up my sinuses. Now I just need to be regular in using it.
Posted by KarenLyme791 (Member # 51861) on :
Hi everyone,
I jsut got a Summit to Sea Grand Dive and am new to this. I have side effects from chronic Lyme disease and am hoping it will really help me. I was told about your forum and thought I would introduce myself.

I also have some questions. I was wondering if you have a busy day is it ok to miss a day or would it be better to get a session in and just get less sleep that night?

I also wondered if you dive 5 days a week or 7?

Right now I am doing 40 minutes sessions with the oxygen flowing into the mhbot machine but i do not keep the mask on the whole time. i put it on for 15 minute periods and then let it rest in there for 15 minutes.

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HI, Karen! Phioph I am sure will be responding. Til then I can answer one of your questions. I find that the later in the day I dive the worse my insomnia is. So I dive first thing in the morning. If I did not get a dive in, then I wait until the next day.

For most of us, we attempt to dive daily. Phioph encourages the consistency of diving daily, except when we are first starting. Once you get up to a full hour with oxygen, you want to be regular.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Welcome to the group Karen. Ditto to what kgg said. Consistent daily diving and ramping your way up like you are doing is best.

If you have the time and mental clarity, I strongly suggest that you work your way through reading this very long thread. You will learn a lot, plus it's encouraging for those times you don't see the improvement. Happy Diving!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Welcome Karen! I echo those above. I just started in January.

At first I felt the dive made me sleepy, then there was a time where I had to dive in the morning because diving late would keep me awake. Now it really doesn’t matter and I dive whenever I can get it in a busy day. I don’t have those very often so mostly I dive in the afternoons.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Welcome Karen!
I too just started in January. I haven't purchased my chamber for home yet.
I was very energized at first with the dives and had to avoid evening dives. Now I'm sleepy afterwards and just want to nap! Now I can't imagine doing a dive in the morning. I'm sure it will switch again.

Wishing you much healing on your journey.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome, Karen~

I agree with the great advice everyone has given!

You have to commit your time to mHBOT and make it a non-negotiable priority in your life while you are healing.

The best thing would be not to eliminate sleep or your dive, but something else in your schedule that you might do without.

Also, in the beginning healing stages, try to rest and relax your mind in the chamber, rather than doing any computer work, etc.

As many people have experienced, the best time of day to dive will likely fluctuate for you as you go through your journey. It shows that your body's reaction to the treatment is changing over time, as is expected.

As Digby mentioned, reading the thread should be very helpful, and you'll find a lot of knowledge and support here!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi everyone~

I'm on a bunch of forums for various diagnoses and I'm not sure which one to write to, but here I am.

I had a horrific night last night. It was all my SIBO symptoms (SIBO-D/diarrhea) starting at 12:30 am. It felt like I had drunk hot sauce from my tongue to my stomach, intestines rumbling, lots of gas and then later diarrhea. I had anxiety, insomnia and while I was burning up internally, I was freezing cold.

At first I thought this must be part of the healing process as I had gone up to 60 min dives this week from 40 min dives previously. Then I remembered that my dentist told me to brush with baking soda to whiten my teeth. I know that was the culprit. I brushed twice with it yesterday.

My ongoing health and GI issues started with mold exposure and a Lyme diagnosis along with antibiotic treatment. When I stopped the antibiotics, I had this experience where I could feel bile traveling along my intestines during the night and it was burning. I feel that experience damaged the tender mucus membranes along the wall of my intestines and I've been mostly having diarrhea and food intolerances every since.

I have been living with the hope the mHBOT will heal whatever damage occurred in the same way it heals diabetic wounds. Does anyone know of any studies along these lines? I'm curious.

I know I am still really early in my journey with mHBOT and I need to be patient. I am just amazed (and ok, discouraged) that my reaction to ingesting small amounts of baking soda would be that severe.

Anyway, part rant, part trying to process, part interested in any research studies on healing internally with mHBOT.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Carbokitty, is it possible that it was a virus? I know of 6 people who in the last 2 weeks have had a GI virus that included diarrhea, nausea, and a slight elevation in temperature.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Carbokitty, Phoiph had no movement in the intestines when she started mHBOT but the day she felt gurgling and movement is the day she said she knew she was beginning to heal. (If I remember correctly.)

My intestines aren’t so bad but I also developed food sensitivities after antibiotic treatment. I’m looking forward to no more food sensitivities! I know it will come, we just have to get through all the bad first. Right there with you, hon. Hang in there. Hugs!!!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Digby~Thanks for the thought. I would only think its a virus that is surfacing from the mHBOT healing. That was my first thought when I woke up with the symptoms. Mostly likely now I think I had a reaction to the baking soda. Trying to hang in there as I am traveling tomorrow and for the next 12 days. I was feeling so good I thought I might be able to get by without diving but it looks like I will need to keep it up when I get to where I am going.

Thanks KB. My initial response to mHBOT has been that my stools have formed and become more solid. Until last night. Maybe its just a little blip in the journey.

I appreciate everyone's support.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
"...I have been living with the hope the mHBOT will heal whatever damage occurred in the same way it heals diabetic wounds. Does anyone know of any studies along these lines? I'm curious..."


If you google "hyperbaric and inflammatory bowel disease", or "hyperbaric and ulcerative colitis" you will find a lot of supporting studies/articles:

I do know that when the gut is first healing, it is very delicate; it seems that anything different can set you back. This is why I didn't try any supplements, new foods, or put anything different into my mouth until I had months of mHBOT behind me, and felt more solid.

IMO, it is not just the lining that is sensitive; but the nerves that are healing can be easily irritated, and can overreact to stimuli (i.e., the alkaline baking soda)

That said, I agree with Digby that this episode could all have been viral, or your immune system could be starting to clean house.

Hang in there! You had a window of improvement, and you will get there (and beyond) again. This is just a "speed bump".
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I thought I’d check in and let you know how things are going with my brother who has diabetes, neuropathy, insomnia and fatigue. The first day was very bad. On the way home from the airport he puked in the car and was pale, weak and nauseous. He suffers from severe claustrophobia for the last 2 years since the brain fog set in. He got in the chamber the first night with all the right prep work and completed 90 minutes with no issues. The next morning he didn’t take ice packs in and didn’t have me near the chamber and had a complete claustrophobic meltdown and got out of the chamber and puked from the adrenaline. That night I had to sit with him while he layed in the chamber and watched him freak out so I finally asked him what is causing the fear? He said lack of control exiting the chamber. I said how long do you think it would take you to get out? He said he didn’t know so I said let’s pressurize and then deflate as quick as possible. It took 2 minutes and 10 seconds to come down as quickly as possible. For the next few dives I had to sit by the window of the chamber and then after 3 of these I started leaving the window for 2-3 minutes and then would check back with him. After 2 dives like this he left the nest and has been diving alone ever since.
Now to the actual dives and his reaction. He started feeling sick like a cold but I assured him it wasn’t a cold but junk being forced to the surface and out of his body. He stated it was white or clear but he couldn’t believe it would be stuff coming out and not a cold. Day two he quit all his diabetic meds and we have managed his sugar with supplements and oxygen therapy. He has fantastic color to his skin, even his toes have some pink to them now.
Upon his arrival he was very unstable when entering the chamber, headaches, nausea, and general weakness.
20 hours of oxygen and he can balance on one foot, squat, get off the floor with ease and walked over 10,000 steps yesterday. Granted he was a little fatigued and sore but in good spirits. He has made amazing strides in just one week and we still have 5 days of treatments left. Because he has no bacteria or viruses he is able to treat 90 minutes now 3 times a day with only positive results. He has 22 hours of treatment left to complete in his time here so I will post again after he leaves for home.
He has asked several times why doesn’t my doctor recommend this for me? He can hardly believe they mention nothing about natural treatment and healing your body.

[ 04-06-2019, 12:12 PM: Message edited by: Peimomma ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks for that awesome update, Peimomma~

It is great to hear, especially considering we don't have many reports re diabetes here on the thread.

Your brother is a very lucky guy to have a sister like you...:)
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks for that awesome update, Peimomma~

It is great to hear, especially considering we don't have many reports re diabetes here on the thread.

Your brother is a very lucky guy to have a sister like you...:)
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks for that awesome update, Peimomma~

It is great to hear, especially considering we don't have many reports re diabetes here on the thread.

Your brother is a very lucky guy to have a sister like you...:)
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks for that awesome update, Peimomma~

It is great to hear, especially considering we don't have many reports re diabetes here on the thread.

Your brother is a very lucky guy to have a sister like you...:)
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Watching him dive this last 10 days not having Lyme and company has definitely reinforced for me the difference between those that have viruses and bacteria and those treating an injury or disease. He was able to continue diving even during the cold like symptoms. Granted he had body aches and fatigue from detoxing but it lasted only 3 days compared to our 3-4 months or more.

I would not recommend an aggressive schedule like we taken on if you don’t know exactly what you are treating. He may have some residual cancer that is also receiving treatment but it would be nothing compared to a Lyme riddled body. I had to laugh during his worst days because it brought back memories of my own journey and feeling like hell after my treatments. I told him he’s fortunate to be through the woods so quickly, in the Lyme world it’s a much slower journey.

[ 04-07-2019, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: Peimomma ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes, so true...and hyperbaric clinicians who don't recognize this and will often overtreat a person with Lyme, either by starting them too quickly, too frequently, or by using high pressures.
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :

These lyme advocates put hyperbaric oxygen therapy very low on the list of effectiveness.

They also put sauna very high. I'm presuming they mean infrared sauna but do not know.

Anyone have any insights on this? I'm looking into these therapies.

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
HI, Lymenotlite. I believe it is low on the list because it costs and not many people have tried it. imho.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
As a Lyme patient that had a sauna and treated every day with no result but with MHBOT gained my life back I would absolutely reverse those two on the list.

How would a sauna treat Lyme and company is the question I ask when people suggest this therapy or any for treatment. We know that Lyme doesn’t survive in an oxygenated environment and oxygen penetrates the entire body. On a cellular level O2 makes sense. For myself and many others that have given this therapy the daily dives with O2 for 2 years have moved on to healthy lives.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I can attest to infrared sauna having little effect on Lyme as well. I’ve had one for 3 years and while it is helpful with detox and pain for me, it hasn’t done much to rid me of Lyme. I’ve just started mHBOT so I can’t yet say if it’s going to give me my life back but I’m reacting similarly to everyone else who’s been through this treatment so I have a lot of hope. 😊
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
I also, love my sauna but it did nothing for Lyme Sx. I truly believe that Mild Hyperbaric combined with a Keto diet is the best therapy for those that fail Abx.
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
Thanks very much for the comments. This is a long thread and it would be tough to go through it. I do have a couple of other questions.

Are many or most using keto in conjunction with HBOT or is this just successful with some? Did those who use it start with keto before starting HBOT (so they could tell whether it was working independently) or are the results mostly noticeable in conjunction with hyperbarics?

Which chambers are people using? As I have a small house, I'm wondering whether I could fit it into my cool basement but still stay somewhat warm in the winters. Maybe hot water bottle or heating pads. I live in the north. If it is portable, maybe I could move it upstairs for the cooler months.

Which machines are people using?

Thanks for your help,

Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I was not eating keto, just a healthy diet. You can get a 27 inch Newtowne for $3895 plus a concentrator. Chambers normally get warm inside from the concentrator heat and compressor heat so I take ice packs and have a fan. In the colder months I have blankets to keep warm.

You can move them fairly easy but would depend on how large the opening from the basement to the main floor is for ease of moving the chamber.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by lymenotlite:

These lyme advocates put hyperbaric oxygen therapy very low on the list of effectiveness.

They also put sauna very high. I'm presuming they mean infrared sauna but do not know.

Anyone have any insights on this? I'm looking into these therapies. Thanks.

If I recall correctly, this study is more of a compilation of general questionnaires.

For hyperbaric, at least, I don't believe critical factors (e.g., length of time used, high vs. low pressure, frequency of treatments, etc.) were asked about or controlled for, which we know are absolutely crucial to the results of the study and success of mHBOT in general.

Around the time the study was first created, I brought this point up to one of the proponents, as I was concerned that the incomplete data would discourage potential mHBOT users. Unfortunately, the input wasn't well received.

I encourage you to take the time to read the entire thread. I think you will find the experiences posted here to be a more accurate guide.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Lymenotlite, I’ve found that I need a small amount of carbs here and there so I follow the Trim Healthy Mama plan which is basically low carb with some moderately high carb/low fat meals thrown in. I don’t do any processed foods and most of what I eat is organic/pastured.

I have a Summit To Sea Grand Dive and I keep it in my basement. I have a beanbag and a blanket in it that keeps me warm in the winter. I live in northern VA. I noticed I would get coldest as I was coming out of a dive during the coldest months this winter but I stayed pretty snug if I wore cozy clothes.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I eat healthy but do not follow a Keto diet
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
Thanks for everyone's help. I will be looking into all suggestions.
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
I recently moved from HI to AZ to get away from the mold. I brought my Air Sep oxygen concentrator which I am using with a Respiro. Maybe its all in my head, but I feel like the Air Sep may be pumping mycotoxins into my chamber. I regularly clean the small filter on the back, but does anyone know if there is an additional filter inside that can be changed? I opened it up and didn't see anything, but I thought I read on here once that there is an internal filter that can be changed by a service person. Having trouble finding contact info for AirSep.

I cleaned the filters on the air pump, as per the instructions, and hope there's not mold anywhere else in there.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Kristine001~

I don't know about the filter question. Sorry. However, am I reading right that you brought the oxygen concentrator with you from your moldy place in HI?
As a fellow moldy-if that's the case, there is certainly a possibility that mold and mycotoxins are in the concentrator and may not be able to be filtered out. Not sure.
Also, if you are detoxing mold, you may just smell it everywhere, as I did when I was detoxing. It was coming out through my pores and everything smelled like mold to me. After I stopped detoxing (large amounts, anyway), those same things no longer smelled moldy to me.
Did you have your Respiro in HI? If so, perhaps that too is harboring mycotoxins?

I hope you are able to resolve it and start feeling better soon!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Kristine001~

Besides the filter on the back of the AirSep, there is an internal filter that should be changed every 6,000 hours (more frequently if you have pets or a lot of dust). This filter can be changed yourself (but at that point it might be a good time to have the unit checked over and serviced anyway).

I can share the contact info for an AirSep vendor who sells the filters and can walk you through he process of changing them...just PM me.
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
Hi Carbokitty,

A fellow moldy! My Respiro was in Hawaii with me, but I don't actually smell mold, I'm just super paranoid of it and where it may be hiding. I left 80% or more of my belongings in Hawaii and do feel better here in Arizona.

I didn't even run my Respiro for several months after arriving, and then only because I was having surgery and thought it would help with wound healing (which I think it did). Since residual pain and brain fog went away at that point, I want to keep it up.

I'm sure it's NOT advised, but I did let all my respiro parts bake in the sun a day or two mid summer when we arrived in AZ, and of course wiped everything down and laundered what could be laundered. It feels mold-free.

I hope your mold symptoms are gone. Any tips on GI healing appreciated, I feel like I've tried everything. I react to everything that helps everyone else. The only thing that's saving me is a low histamine diet.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
The only diet that calmed my gut down was a low FODMAP diet.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Kristine001, Could you get a mold testing kit and place it in the chamber while running the O2 Concentrator and the Compressor for a while? That should confirm the presence of mold or take away any fear if the test is negative. Just a thought.
Posted by Kristine001 (Member # 47901) on :
That's a good idea Digby. I do want to get the internal filter changed on the AirSep, then after that I can clean everything out, do a mold tray test, and hopefully my paranoia about breathing in more mycotoxins can resolve!

kgg, I have been thinking about revisiting the FODMAP diet, we'll see. I'm sensitive to many FODMAP allowed foods, and I'm underweight to start. Maybe once the mold levels in my body come down the food sensitivities will calm down.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Kristine001~

I don't think I'll be much help in the gut department. That's exactly why I am getting a chamber and diving. After a recent exposure this winter in my father's condo in FL, I came home for 12 days and went to a (new) local clinic and started to dive. My stools went from watery diarrhea to formed! So I am hopeful that if I commit to the daily diving for 2 years, I will experience healing to the damaged small intestine.
I am low FODMAPS-mostly animal protein, butter/ghee and a few vegetables.

Welcome to the group! I look forward to hearing about your journey.
Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :

Can someone please tell me how a doctor's prescription should be written for a chamber, and an oxygen concentrator ?

For example, does the doctor have to include the disease condition being treated ? What exactly does the doctor write down on the prescription pad ?

Thank you
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Please PM me and I will give you a format.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~
My own personal chamber is on its way along with the oxygen concentrator! I am excited to begin my daily dive journey.

I'd love to hear about other things you've found helpful. I think a small fan, pillow, blanket. Other things you've added?

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Yay! So happy for you Carbokitty!

I got a light to stick up in the top of mine. Battery powered.

I love the remote that plugs in to the wall that I then plugged the chamber into so that I can turn it on after I’m zipped up and turn it off when I’m ready to deflate.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Congratulations Carbokitty! I bought a wedge pillow for my chamber. I find it supports me at the right angle to either what on my computer or read from a kindle. A blanket stays in there. And I have footies in there for the days my toes are cold

I second the remote you can buy so you can turn the unit off from the inside. I bought mine on Amazon. But they probably could be found at a local hardware store.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Just be sure to position the remote in a place where you will never roll over on it (and inadvertently turn off the compressor) if you fall asleep.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks kgg-
I keep hearing about these remotes. What am I looking for/asking for?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Carbokitty, I use this one. It has lasted for years with no problems.

Low cost too!
Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :
Someone please talk to me about my biggest concern with mHBOT - chemical sensitivities.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
elsworth, what is it you want to know?
Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :

I've spent the last 42 days reading through this thread and making notes. I have you listed as "ME/CFS". I too have this diagnosis, since 1984.

The chambers appear to made out of some type of rubbery material that might smell quite badly, and not be useable by a person with chemical/environmental sensitivities (and an undiagnosed mast cell disorder).

I saw other people who were chemical sensitive posting here that their chambers were not a big problem in terms of chemical sensitivities, and that they outgassed quickly - in perhaps a week, or so. But I still have a question mark in my mind on this. So, I thought I'd discuss it one more time.

Would these soft chambers be a problem for a chemically sensitive person ?

I plan on calling Newtowne Hyperbarics today. I believe they send out samples of the materials their chambers are constructed of.

Thank you for asking.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :

I was diagnosed with Lyme in 2005. Prior to that I had the ME/CFS diagnosis. I also had MCS, which has improved by ~ 80% from mHBOT.

I use an OxyHealth chamber which I purchased used. There was no outgassing at all and I never had a problem in the chamber. For that matter, it sits in our bedroom and there is no smell at all. If it was toxic I would have known when my MCS was bad.

Good idea to get samples of the materials. Let us know what you find out.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Digby! That's helpful.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I also had a diagnosis of ME/CFS in 2005 but was found to actually have Lyme in 2013. I have some sensitivity to scents and I have a new Summit to Sea. I really didn’t notice much if any odor at all.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I too have MCS. I bought a Newtowne. It had a new smell but did not bother me. I forget how long before I did not notice the smell. It was not long. But most importantly I did not react to it. I usually get nauseated almost instantly and then a headache. Never had either.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Has anyone had problems with diarrhea? It doesn’t feel like a virus but who knows? No nausea, just going after I eat. Sorry about the TMI.
Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
I met a very nice young lady from Phoenix Arizon that has long term Valley Fever and recently diagnosed pulmonary hypertension. Any thoughts on with soft or hard shelled hyperbaric oxygen treatments would have any contradictions or benefits for these issues. Pholph, I know you probably may know a bit about Valley Fever.

Posted by jcarlnew (Member # 45378) on :
I met a very nice young lady from Phoenix Arizon that has long term Valley Fever and recently diagnosed pulmonary hypertension. Any thoughts on with soft or hard shelled hyperbaric oxygen treatments would have any contradictions or benefits for these issues. Pholph, I know you probably may know a bit about Valley Fever.

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kaibyrd, I hope the diarrhea has stopped by now. I did end up having spells of diarrhea the second year I was diving. It ended up being my appendix.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi kgg,
I think it’s about gone now. I just have some rumblings and tenderness. I’m wondering if I don’t need as much magnesium as I’ve been taking and that cause the problem. I’ve cut back on it. I sure hope it’s not my appendix!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Kaibyrd~

I hope its not your appendix either! I had that in 2017-not fun!

I'm actually here and diving because of chronic diarrhea following mold exposure and 18 months of antibiotics for Lyme ~ which all led into SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth). After getting re-exposed to mold this winter and trying mHBOT to get rid of the mold, I discovered that fairly quickly (3 40 min dives) that treatments caused my stools to form! Its been 8 long years of varying degrees of diarrhea-and now I have formed stools.

I've done about 14 60 minute dives, 4 with my at home chamber. I suppose at some point my stools might change, just like sometimes I'm super relaxed and tired after a dive and sometimes I'm super energized, but I am hoping (why I even bought a chamber) that the mHBOT and supplemental oxygen will heal the tissues and nerves that got damaged along the way and help me have more proper elimination (and absorption of nutrients).

Anyway, all that to say, that, no, in my short journey, I've had the opposite of diarrhea.
I hope you heal and feel better soon!

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Carbokitty! I’m so glad you’re finding healing so early on with mHBOT! I hope it stays that way.

I’m wondering if mine was a form of healing in that I no longer need as much magnesium and a too high level caused the diarrhea.

I took over a year of abx too but the results were food sensitivities and malabsorption, not diarrhea. I have the opposite as I get constipated without magnesium supplements. But maybe that’s changing...
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Oh too much Magnesium will definitely loosen stools!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Oh too much Magnesium will definitely loosen stools!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I spoke too soon. It’s back. I’ve stopped magnesium supplements but that doesn’t seem to be helping so I’m trying foods and herbs to help control it.
I’m wondering if it’s just another form of detox fr me.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Have you tried liquid ReMag magnesium? It will not cause diarrhea.

I do know there is a stomach/intestinal bug going around.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by jcarlnew:
I met a very nice young lady from Phoenix Arizon that has long term Valley Fever and recently diagnosed pulmonary hypertension. Any thoughts on with soft or hard shelled hyperbaric oxygen treatments would have any contradictions or benefits for these issues. Pholph, I know you probably may know a bit about Valley Fever.


Hi jcarlnew~

I just emailed you and the Phoenix person with Valley Fever.

I'd like to put her in touch with my HBOT/neuro friend here, as VF can be very serious and IMO should be evaluated by a professional familiar with both VF and HBOT before starting treatment.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Phoiph, I haven’t tried that. The brand I take usually doesn’t cause stomach upset but I thought maybe it was. I don’t think it is now since I’ve been off it several days. This could be a bug.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
FYI for interested practitioners:
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All

I am wondering if anyone has any experience or knows of anyone that has used mHBOT to help heal a tooth infection Thanks
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
I use Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) in my bath. Apparently it can be absorbed by the skin and it has been beneficial for my skin. I have a small tub and throw a couple of handfuls into the water.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I love Epsom salt baths! Helps my hurting muscles.

Hominahomina, I have not heard of anything specifically about teeth.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Epsom salts baths hype me up and I can't sleep even 12 hours later

I seems like Hbot would help infected teeth if it helps stroke victims

Here's a question
Does Hbot increase oxygen significantly inside the cell
If so why do you say and do you have any supporting documentation?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Breathing supplemental oxygen alone will saturate the red blood cells, however, they can only carry so much 02. The delivery of that 02 to tissues by the red blood cells is ultimately dependent on the efficiency of one's circulation.

Breathing supplemental oxygen under pressure (HBOT) forces the oxygen beyond the red blood cells, into the tissues (which are made of cells), fluids, plasma, etc. This method delivers oxygen more deeply and efficiently, and is less dependent on one's circulation.

There was a study done in the 50's on pigs. Their blood was removed and replaced with saline solution while receiving high pressure HBOT. The pigs were fine, as their cells were saturated with 02, even without blood to carry the oxygen molecules. (Supposedly their blood was replaced and they suffered no ill effects.)

This is the basic way healing via hyperbaric works, but there is much more to it. I strongly suggest reading "The Oxygen Revolution" (3rd Edition), by Dr. Paul Harch for more background on the science behind HBOT.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Good morning all~
I wanted to give a brief report in and ask a question.
I know I so at the very beginning of this journey. I did about 5 weeks of 4 times a week at the clinic before my chamber arrived. (Plus 3-4 times a week of 40 min dives in Jan and Feb). Then I did 8 consecutive dives with my chamber (1 hour, supplemental O2). Then I flew back to my parents condo for 5 days to help clean it out for the final sale. This beautiful location has been my nemesis due to mold. Many things were gone including and probably most importantly tons of files that my father was unwilling to let go of during/after the mold remediation in 2015. However, my sister and I looked at and touched piles of photos that were very moldy (smell). I had no reaction! Normally, my sleep would be disrupted and I would have diarrhea. I was thrilled to be able to participate in this sorting, packing, throwing out activity without being affected in a major, rendered non-functional way.
That being said, I was very happy to crawl back into my chamber when I returned on Friday evening. I will have 2 weeks of daily dives before I head back to the condo for the final time. I will be gone and away from the chamber for a week. Then I should be able to be consistent.

So my question is what do you record on your log of dives? I have created a spreadsheet to record the date, the time, how I felt. Then because my primary symptoms I am trying to address are my stools and my sleep, I am logging how those are the night and day after that particular dive. Also in the mix are any supplements or changes in supplements as I find those can have a substantial affect on those 2 events. After I've had more dive time under by belt, I will record an track any foods I try as I attempt to expand my diet (but for right now, I'm leaving that alone and sticking with what I know works). I'm just curious if you log anything else. Do you use a notebook? Or electronic?

Happy diving!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hi, Carbokitty! Congratulations on going back to the condo and not having a bad reaction. That must be very encouraging.

I use two methods of record keeping. Phioph sent me these 2 and I just keep photocopying them. One is a symptom checklist that is done initially and then monthly. The other a chart with the month, day and I record how long my dive is. I also use this one to keep track of how many dives I have done to date. I would be glad to send you a copy if you PM me your address.
Posted by OzLyme (Member # 51660) on :
I'm in a dilemma, I still haven't gotten around to HBOT despite it most likely being the absolute best thing for me.

The reason is, I have sinus problems, and Ive been waiting to clear them first before HBOT, but havent had success.

I actually think my biggest problem may be whatevers growing in my nose rather than systemically.

They did a swab and found MARCoNS bacteria and even a fungus growing in there at one point. Ive used silver spray for ages, and even the anti fungal spray for many weeks. But my ears still pop and i think whatevers back there is still back there. and my ears are always blocked. I havent re tested the swab due to expense.

Im also on antibiotics primarily for a CPn / chlamydia pneumoniae infection (wheldon protocol like another here). But though theyve most likely helped some things, they havent made a big impact on sinuses (Cpn). Which makes me think it its probably not the CPn causing the sinus stuff.

My jaw is severely misaligned / out of joint, and it blocks my sinuses. I have a dental splint for this, but I dont know if thats the cause or the effect of the infections back there.

I've tried antibiotics, antifungal spray, silver spray... yet still my sinuses / ears are always blocked and popping and crunching. Was thinking about Ozone might clear it out... but thats also expensive, and HBOT works similarly in many ways.

Im wondering if I should just go ahead and try a mHBOT session on low pressure with some Ear Planes and something. It just doesnt look like im going to have clear sinuses any time soon without surgery, which I dont think is a good idea for me at all at this point.

Or do sinuses that always pop and dont clear easily mean = absolute no go?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Ozlyme, Have you considered Ozone ear insufflations and sniffing Ozonated water? That is a 5 minute treatment and should be very low cost. Unlikely, but if you are in NW Arkansas, I can help with that, otherwise you can try to find someone with a medical ozone generator near you.

Do you have a chamber? If so, you could begin by very slowly increasing the pressure and clearing your ears every few seconds. When you can no longer clear, back off the pressure a bit and dive at that pressure.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks kgg~I've sent you a PM.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Carbokitty, did not receive a PM.

Ozlyme, I have heard that MARCONS is hard to clear. There is a compounded nasal spray that some mold patients are using that some are having success with. But even then it seems like it takes more than one round of treatment.

I agree with Digby's suggestion of trying the chamber very slowly, clearing your ears and not taking it past the pressure you tolerate. If you feel pain, it is a warning sign. Back down the pressure. I have never tried Ozone but if it near you that may be worth a try as well.

Please keep us posted on how you do.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
So I’m pretty sure mHBOT is causing the diarrhea. We took a 5 day vacation (was planned and paid for before I started hbot) and I had no problems while away. I got back late last night so didn’t dive until today. No issues before the dive but now it’s baaaa-aack. 🙁 I have no idea what to do for it since the usual treatments aren’t working.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kaibyrd, I am so sorry to hear that it seems to be causing diarrhea. What do you mean the usual treatments aren't working? You have tried Immodium, etc? Are you taking probiotics?
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Kaibyrd~

I too am sorry to hear about the diarrhea! So frustrating!
So my story and why I am even here is that one of my main symptoms with mold exposure is diarrhea. That became kind of a permanent thing after antibiotics and mold treatment.
If I am in mold, I immediately get diarrhea. Could it be that there is mold in your home? And you are concentrating the moldy air into the chamber? Just a thought.

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Kgg my body doesn’t do well with otc or Rx meds so I haven’t tried Imodium yet but I’ve been taking probiotics and fermented foods as well as detox supplements. Imodium is next though if this keeps up.

Carbokitty, I can usually smell mold and I don’t smell any in my house at all but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. I’ll have to find something that can detect it.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
I haven’t updated in some time. I’d have to go back and look, but I’ve probably been using mhbot for a year and a half now.

I’m better, but it’s not a silver bullet. My immune system has an exaggerated inflammatory response to infections, and I still feel that inflammation a daily basis. It interferes with everything from cognition, to aerobic stamina.

My biggest gains are cognitive though. I have a history of brain injury and my memory, a sore spot since the last incident, has noticeably improved.

If I go on a potent anti inflammatory, I actually feel great. Normal even. But if I do that, the Babesia and the Bartonella symptoms come back, very quickly.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hi Charles12, Thanks for the update. May I ask the protocol that you have been following for the last 1.5 years?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

In addition to Digby's request, could you tell us what your diet has consisted of?

I am wondering if the continual inflammatory reaction originates in the gut.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
So I’m pretty sure mHBOT is causing the diarrhea. We took a 5 day vacation (was planned and paid for before I started hbot) and I had no problems while away. I got back late last night so didn’t dive until today. No issues before the dive but now it’s baaaa-aack. 🙁 I have no idea what to do for it since the usual treatments aren’t working.


This might seem obvious, but what happens if you take a 5 day vacation from mHBOT while you are at home? Do you still have the symptoms?

In which case it would more likely indicate a reaction to something in your home environment, not mHBOT.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by carbokitty:
Good morning all~
...So my question is what do you record on your log of dives? I have created a spreadsheet to record the date, the time, how I felt. Then because my primary symptoms I am trying to address are my stools and my sleep, I am logging how those are the night and day after that particular dive. Also in the mix are any supplements or changes in supplements as I find those can have a substantial affect on those 2 events. After I've had more dive time under by belt, I will record an track any foods I try as I attempt to expand my diet (but for right now, I'm leaving that alone and sticking with what I know works). I'm just curious if you log anything else. Do you use a notebook? Or electronic?

Happy diving!

Hi Carbokitty~

You've already received great suggestions, but I wanted to add that it is important to jot down something simple/new about your daily experience that will jog your memory about that time when you look back on your log.

For example, as I was improving with mHBOT, I would write something like, "brushed dog", or "pulled weeds for 10 minutes". For some reason, when I read this back later, it evoked the feeling of that time, and I could definitely tell the difference between how I was functioning then in comparison to my current status.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
So I’m pretty sure mHBOT is causing the diarrhea. We took a 5 day vacation (was planned and paid for before I started hbot) and I had no problems while away. I got back late last night so didn’t dive until today. No issues before the dive but now it’s baaaa-aack. 🙁 I have no idea what to do for it since the usual treatments aren’t working.


This might seem obvious, but what happens if you take a 5 day vacation from mHBOT while you are at home? Do you still have the symptoms?

In which case it would more likely indicate a reaction to something in your home environment, not mHBOT.

Phoiph, it’s gone again the past two days. I had gone back up on my magnesium while away from home. I can’t always eat well when eating out and magnesium keeps my IBS in check. I forgot to reduce it when I first got home so that could be the culprit but I thought that before the trip and it wasn’t. Since going down on it after returning back home, the diarrhea has dissipated, for now. Still waiting and watching. I’m off the mask still. My body just can’t tolerate it and let me still function so I’ll probably stay off for another week, then try 15 minutes a dive. I’ll keep y’all posted if anything changes.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:

I am wondering if the continual inflammatory reaction originates in the gut.

It's probably just my immune system, and the way it works, and doesn't work.

Regardless, it does appear to serve a useful purpose, even if causes other problems.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
Hi Charles12, Thanks for the update. May I ask the protocol that you have been following for the last 1.5 years?

It depends on the period. There were times when my Bartonella would creep in. So I'd take Rifampin. There were times when Babesia was a bigger problem. And I'd be on Mepron.

I've always been on something, usually a cocktail of three or four drugs.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Charles12...I didn't make that clear, I was wondering specifically about your mHBOT protocol.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
And I was wondering specifically about your diet...
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
Charles12...I didn't make that clear, I was wondering specifically about your mHBOT protocol.

One hour, once a day.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
And I was wondering specifically about your diet...

It’s not my diet. It’s how my body responds to infection. Inflammation and specifically neural inflammation was my first symptom.

I test much higher for IGM vs IGG.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I’m glad to hear you’ve made cognitive improvements since starting mHBOT, but I understand that you were hoping for further gains in other areas by this time. In my experience, there is usually a reason for this, and if the person makes adjustments in their protocol, they can often move forward.

Neural inflammation was one of my first (and worst) symptoms also, and I’d like to offer another perspective on a possible contributing cause of inflammatory cycle you’re experiencing. It is just my theory of what might be happening, based on what I experienced and have observed in others.

As I'm sure you know, most of the immune system and neural system resides in the gut, it can often be the source (sometimes hidden) of a cyclical inflammatory response in the body.

Due to many causes (infections, prescription drugs, etc.), the junctures in the intestine become damaged/leaky, allowing proteins to pass through into the bloodstream, which cause an ongoing immune reaction, and continual inflammation in the body.

If the gut is not allowed to heal (and the junctures to become tight again), the inflammatory response will continue, and sometimes it is even mistaken for inflammation from the infections themselves.

So, from what you’ve said, IMO, what could be happening is this:

You have ongoing inflammation (from infections, leaky gut, etc.) and take a “potent” anti-inflammatory which makes you feel better temporarily, but this further irritates and inflames your gut and flares your symptoms. You take more drugs to fight the Babesia and Bartonella, which further affects/disregulates the gut/immune system, and the cycle repeats itself.

IMO, it is crucial that mHBOT is combined with a scrupulous, gut-healing diet, and gradual weaning of the potent anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial drugs (with doctor’s guidance) once some initial improvement/strength is achieved with mHBOT. Graded movement/exercise to move lymph is also totally necessary.

Once these adjustments have been made, the immune system will have a chance to normalize and stop over and under-reacting, and will be better equipped to deal with infections as it was designed to do. At this point, I would be optimistic that the inflammatory cycle could be broken, and further gains made.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
I initially used the chamber as a mono therapy. This was true for the first eighth months. It was only when my condition began to deteriorate that I resumed medication. There were no major changes in that period. My symptoms just started creeping back in.

I also treated my Lyme within two weeks of the initial tick bite. I wasn’t treated for Bart or Babesia at that time. But in the scheme of things I received fairly prompt and aggressive treatment. I was on antibiotics for four straight months after the bite. And I did two months of rocephin at the six month mark.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Charles12~

Thanks for the background.

So, my thoughts are still the same...the gut would need to be addressed, especially since you had been on 6 months of antibiotic therapy, which certainly affected it.

I am quite certain I wouldn't have become 100% well with mHBOT if I hadn't also focused on gut healing. IMO, diet goes hand-in-hand with this therapy.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I have to second Phoiph’s gut healing information. I went about mine differently using 4 months of Chinese herbs cooked up for me specifically and all that I was struggling with from meds, Lyme, inflammation and more. Each patient was treated differently after evaluation. He is a Korean acupuncture and Chinese herb doctor. He does not treat a diagnosis but symptoms and evaluation of the body.

Charles12 are you still on antibiotics? Why don’t you want to post what you’re eating? It’s hard for people to help with suggestions if we don’t know what your protocol is from treatments to food, sleep, exercise, medication and supplements. Have you been at full pressure with oxygen since the first treatment? Have you treated every day or do you take days off between treatments?

No judgment, we like to know all the information to help give accurate suggestions.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
Hi Charles12~

Thanks for the background.

So, my thoughts are still the same...the gut would need to be addressed, especially since you had been on 6 months of antibiotic therapy, which certainly affected it.

If my gut was the issue, I wouldn’t have relapsed.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Originally posted by Charles12:


If my gut was the issue, I wouldn’t have relapsed. [/QB][/QUOTE]

How do you figure that Charles12? I would like to understand.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I did a history search and read all of your previous posts to try to get more background.

Your posts indicate some great progress! I truly hope you will allow us to help you try to figure out what might be holding you back.
Posted by OzLyme (Member # 51660) on :
Thanks for the responses everyone!

Despite my fears of sinus and ear trouble, I decided to just try mHBOT. I couldn't find anywhere around where I am in Australia that does ozone therapy cheaply - theres just a Russian doctor who charges $250 a session. Whereas mHBOT is $30 for an hour. I may consider buying a chamber later if it looks like its helping.

I started slow like recommended here. It was a chamber that only goes to 1.35, and i stayed at 1.2 for ten mins, then 1.3, then 1.35. Just finished my first session an hour ago and I feel pretty good afterwards!

Definitely felt popping and crunching in my ears and sinuses (but that's not new), but it wasn't too severe. I used "Ear Planes" which may have helped things.

But I'm hoping if anything the HBOT will help my sinus situation. Everything is so blocked up there it feels like. And I know MARCoNS doesn't like oxygen, Chlamydia pneumoniae doesn't like a lot. I'm not sure about the penicillium fungus they found in my nose, but I figure the immune boosting effects of HBOT should ensure its a more positive than negative influence, in the long run.

Apart from this, I felt quite relaxed and clear minded in the chamber quite quickly. A surprising effect was that I felt my joints in various places crack during the session, in a pleasant way, giving way to muscle tension releasing. I sometimes get similar cracking effects from LLLT / red light therapy, but only in the area I use the light - this time it was all over my body, and it felt pretty good I must say.

Will keep everyone posted on how I go. Thanks again everyone for advice.
Posted by OzLyme (Member # 51660) on :
Have had 2 sessions now.

After both sessions I noticed my sleep was a bit worse - it's already rather terrible, so maybe it was a herx or something. My newly arrived Oura ring showed a worse sleeping score. However my heart rate variability and pulse rate were showing a beneficial trend. In addition, maybe TMI... but on the second HBOT session after a night of insufficient sleep, I noticed I got a spontaneous erection in the chamber.. which is usually only something that happens in the morning / sometimes when I'm napping to catch up on sleep.

The guy at the centre said an hour of HBOT gave similar effects to a few hours of sleep. Of course I don't really believe he knows exactly what he's talking about, but maybe it is having some sort of similar effect on me. Or on my... errr, private parts at least.

But the thing that has concerned me is that after both sessions ive had a moment in the night where I felt some mild heart pain. Only briefly, but concerning. Similar sort of thing I experienced once or twice after taking NAC, actually. Maybe to do with oxidation / blood vessels, maybe something to do with my CPn infection (both HBOT and NAC should kill CPn). I'm not sure.

For now, I'm going to only dive every second or third day or so.

The place where I can do the mHBOT is also temporarily offering free molecular hydrogen along with HBOT at the moment. It can function as a selective antioxidant which I read can be beneficial and synergistic with HBOT, unlike other antioxidants, so i might try that next time I dive, before I go into the chamber.

[ 05-23-2019, 10:00 AM: Message edited by: OzLyme ]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
OzLyme, I dive first thing in the morning or at the latest before noon because I find that diving delays my ability to fall asleep. As I continued on in using the chamber I found that even though I did not have great sleep, I would still feel more rested and energized than if I wasn't diving.

I am wondering if in the middle of the night you are having indigestion and not chest pain? Sometimes they are hard to tell apart. Maybe try an antacid when that occurs and see if it helps.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Can you provide a source for the info you read about molecular hydrogen being beneficial and synergistic with HBOT unlike other antioxidants?

I would like to read more about it...thanks.
Posted by OzLyme (Member # 51660) on :
Hi Phoiph, it was in this video.

They mention that when hydrogen is given to healthy individuals their redox status doesnt change, whereas those undergoing oxidative stress see their antioxidant markers improve. It also seems to target the hydroxyl radical, which is the most damaging, and leave alone the other ROS used in the body's signalling. So the idea is that it can function as a "selective" antioxidant.

However it is a Dr Mercola video, interviewing a man involved in the hydrogen "scene" (though not selling products apparently). So I obviously take it with a grain of salt, and am waiting to do more research. I just played this interview on the way to the mHBOT centre to give myself some background info on molecular hydrogen.

Oh and they don't mention HBOT here specifically - they mention that hydrogen should be a good compliment to oxidative therapies in general. Drinking hydrogen water before an ozone sauna is the example they give.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Ozlyme, I watched that video a while back and was wishing they had given links to studies that support the position of selective antioxidant action of molecular hydrogen. They also mention that it works at the level of the mitochondria, which is true of mHBOT also.

I have a Hydrogen water maker. Used it for about a month but didn't see any effects, so I quit drinking it on the off chance it adversely affects the upregulation of endogenous antioxidants from the HBO .
Posted by OzLyme (Member # 51660) on :
I'm not 100% sold on hydrogen myself, as this is new to me. I'm probably in the "curious and hopeful" stage of learning about any new treatment. We've probably all been there, and know for the majority of treatments, it doesn't last!

But I think the idea is that hydrogen shouldn't interfere with endogenous antioxidants at all, since it's not an antioxidant in general, it just neutralises the hydroxl radical and maybe a few other particularly damaging oxidising molecules. And the fact that it's produced by the bacteria in the stomach in healthy individuals, is comforting.

I need to learn a lot more about it before deciding, however.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi everybody!

I've done 35 1-hr dives. Not consecutively because I had to be away this past week. I returned Sunday night. I am thrilled, though, that my stools have remained formed, despite missing 8 days in the chamber. My sleep remained good and my gut remained good.
I did hit a wall on day 6-just exhausted. But that only lasted a day.

I am back home and diving again and happy to be doing so.

I have a question, though. I have been letting a friend try my chamber. We started with a 20 min dive. A week later we did 30 min. And she was handling everything fine and feeling really good afterwards (good energy, good sleep) so we went up to 60 min on the 3rd dive which was about 5 days after the 2nd. Using supplemental oxygen the whole time.
She experienced some fluid retention and joint pain after this last dive which persisted.
She has never pursued a Lyme diagnosis-but she has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and arthritis. She is also diabetic and has high blood pressure and is overweight. Some depression (well managed now)
She has had a "high risk" lifestyle for Lyme-camping, canoeing in the north woods where Lyme is prevalent.
Anyway, from listening to all of you, I suspect she has Lyme or some sort of tick borne illness that is undiagnosed. Her symptoms sound like a herx maybe. What do you think?
I suggested we back off to 30 min today. I am waiting to hear how she feels. Any other thoughts on her reaction and/or modifications we can/should make?

Thanks for all of your support!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Here are my thoughts.

mHBOT is a cumulative process. Each dive builds on the last dive, but the dives must be close enough in time or consecutive to benefit from the cumulative process.

By spacing the initial dives out so far (i.e., 5-7 days apart), it is really like starting over each time. So, for your friend, although 20 or 30 minutes was OK, 60 minutes was too much for a "first time" dive.

IMO, it would be better to do shorter, daily dives on consecutive days and work up to the full hour as slowly as necessary, only skipping days if needed in the beginning (i.e., due to too much of a reaction). Once at the full hour, then become very consistent.

Dr. Harch has recommended no more than a 2 day consecutive break for initial treatment (i.e., 5 days on, 2 days off, but I often wonder if 7 days would be recommended more frequently if clinics were open on weekends.) I have also read that it takes at least 80 consecutive dives before changes are maintained in the body.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Makes sense. Thanks Phoiph.
It does beg the question, however, as to whether there were any studies done on the 2 day break or if that was arbitrarily set for the convenience of the doctor, staff and clinic. I.e. is it really better to have no breaks, ok to have 3 days break, or is it still effective to dive even every other day? And I would guess it’s all dependent too on what one is treating.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
My friend just did a 30 min dive (full O2) yesterday. The swelling and pain in her joints came back. She is also a little queasy and "off". Any ideas?

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
The O2 is what gets me. Maybe try 30 minutes without the mask on, just flowing into the chamber.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks KB. Will try that.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
She sounds she could be a candidate for Lyme. Many "Fibromyalgia" patients have Lyme but don't know it. I like that start low go slow
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Hi Everyone,

After weeks of reading I have finally completed this entire thread. I wanted to say thank you to all who have posted their stories and also say a hello to the lurkers, as I was until now, who follow this thread.

I confess, towards the last few pages, I started to feel a bit of anxiety, as the stories I have read have offered me hope that I may one day get better. As I went from page to page, and saw your updates and histories, each new page offered hope and encouragement, and a bit selfishly, I did not want the pages to end.

I see myself reflected in so many stories here. My story is I have come to believe I been sick since I was in my teens. I went un/misdiagnosed for many years, until, like many, I narrowed my issues down to Lyme (have vague memories of a bad insect bite as a teen camping). Managed to get my blood sent to a US lab (I live in Canada) and it came back positive for Lyme and co-infections. I am in the club of 10s of thousands of dollars spent, over the years trying to get well, or better at least. A few years ago I thought I was on my way out, looking positively skeletal, GI issues (antibiotics were hard on me), and no appetite, super fatigued and mush for a brain.

I decided to look into oxygen therapies as a kind of last hope of stopping my decline. I looked at ozone (MAH) and hyperbaric. At the time I decided to go with ozone and I feel like it saved my life. Even from the first treatment I could feel the fog and fatigue lift from my body and at the end of 6 months I was having people tell me how great I looked. I did feel better, not great, still lots of joint/muscle pain, but my weight is back on, GI issues cleared and I could read and think again at a level that was tolerable.

That was 4 years ago and although I am maintaining, I am not advancing, after the initial progress, in any meaningful way I can discern. I came across Phoenix Rising and that lead me to here. After reading the first page I knew I was going to go diving.

I purchased a chamber, Airsoak model “Nova” and have been diving for 43 days. Made the decision to purchase the Nova, as living in Canada, 1.5 ATA is permissible and the Nova is built for higher pressures and ships with both 1.3 and 1.5 ATA valves. One on the earlier links posted in this thread showed a graph where it showed 1.5 ATA at the top of the bell curve for oxygen saturation, and if I figured it couldn’t hurt to have that option.

Thanks to you guys, and especially Phoiph, I had clear path to follow on just how to correctly do this. I was even more conservative than the recommendations, I started my first dive at 1.15 ATA (the Nova has both internal, and external, pressure gauges, and I used the internal relief valve to control things manually) for 15 minutes. I did this for 3 days, and then went to 1.3 ATA for 4 days at 15 minutes. Then added 5 minutes every 3 days until I hit 30 minutes, this was done with oxygen flowing into the chamber, but not directly breathing it

At thirty minutes, I decided that I would start to slowly add oxygen to my dive sessions; I would start with 5 minutes and increase every 3-4 dives. However, after my first oxygen session I had an attack of vertigo. Now this was not my first time experiencing vertigo, but not for many years. It unsettled me a bit, so I went back to diving without oxygen with the idea of working my way up until 1 hour, then adding back the oxygen when I reached there. Things went smoothly for me, uneventfully working my way up until an hour and then when I added back the oxygen once again, an event, I suffered a panic attack later that night, first in over 2 decades. As an aside, I would add that my dreams had become more vivid, not nightmares in any way, just colourful and “bright”.

The panic attack did not unsettle me too badly, not as much as the vertigo did, as I had them for many years, about 20 years ago, so I knew what I was experiencing (after being diagnosed I learned panic attacks/vertigo were not uncommon in Lyme patients). So once again I returned to diving without oxygen, trying to settle in once more. After a few days, I decided to try to add back in the oxygen, but this time I changed things up. Instead of starting it at the beginning of the dive, at full pressure, I am now doing it at the end. I have been adding 1 minute each day and today did 5 minutes with no issues, feeling good so far. I figured if I started at the end, the oxygen I am breathing will not be under pressure the same way starting it at the begging would have it, giving my body more time to becoming more acclimatized to getting saturated with oxygen. I will be adding a minute a day over the coming weeks until my oxygen matches my diving time.

My thoughts are that this is a very powerful therapy, to be treated with a lot of respect. I started out with what I thought was a conservative program, but those critters in me let me know they did not like me poking at them with oxygen under pressure. I say under pressure because I have breathed pure oxygen before for long periods of time, over the years, and never had any aberrant reactions at any time before,

I figured I will give this at least a year before I make any real pronouncements on its effectiveness for me, I have been ill with this disease a long time and I am prepared to give mHBOT the time it needs to hopefully help me become well/better again. Plus, I kind of enjoy the quite time alone inside the chamber.

[ 05-31-2019, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: Jazzman ]
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Welcome Jazzman! Sounds like you are approaching mHBOT sensibly. Most of the health gains are seen in retrospect with this therapy, so giving it a year before making a judgement is smart. My only suggestion is to continue going slow but don't micromanage your symptoms as long as they are tolerable. Symptoms will come and go at any level of treatment. Wishing you the best!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Welcome Jazzman!
I agree with Digby, symptoms will come and go. You’re doing great with your slow approach. I didn’t know mHBOT should be approached this way when I first started diving in January. I got up to the full hour quickly but about 5 weeks in I had a bad setback. I started over and just got up to the full hour, mask on this week so maybe now I can start counting dives. I’ve had better sleep ever since I started in January though so even when we’re not up to full prescribed dive, we’re still getting results.
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Thanks for the welcome. I agree, and over the years I became use to symptoms coming and going, various "herx" reactions, and won't try to micromanage them to any real extent diving. It was just odd to have vertigo, then later a panic attack raise their head. I am actually taking this as a sign of the treatment having a real effect.

Also, as I think may have been mentioned here before, people with TDB react to oxygen under pressure much different than people treating TBI injuries or other kinds of diseases. I am in full agreement low and slow is the way to go and why I am thankful for those who have gone before laying out plans how to best do this to mitigate negative reactions to the therapy.

[ 05-31-2019, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: Jazzman ]
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~
Welcome Jazzman! And happy diving!
The answer to my question is probably in the conversation above with Jazzman-but I wanted to ask.
I mentioned recently that when I was on a week break due to travel last week, I felt really good for 6 days and then I hit an exhaustion wall on the 7th. I just figured it was from being away from mHBOT. But then I got home and was exhausted and thought it was just from the drive. I started diving and have been back diving for 5 days. I just want to sleep all the time! I have not recovered that feeling of being energized the next day like I have since I started diving in January. (on and off due to access to mHBOT until I got my chamber in mid-April). I am doing 1 hr dives with oxygen at 1.3ATA. Is this a normal dip? I wonder why it started when I wasn't diving and has continued even after I've resumed diving?
I sleep like a log now, since last Thursday but feel like I can sleep some more whereas I was waking at 5:30am previously (since diving). Thoughts?

Thanks to everyone here!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome, Jazzman,

I very much appreciate that you read the entire thread.

Thank you for the kind words, and sharing your observation regarding wearing the mask toward the end of the dive rather than the beginning (when working up) to allow the body to acclimate. Makes sense!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I think you'll find there will be many phases, 2 steps forward, one step back, throughout your experience. It is not unusual at all for some people to feel energized in the beginning, then tired for a period of time.

When your body is healing, it needs rest, and this is what it is currently telling you.

The advice that Digby gave Jazzman is right on: don't micromanage your symptoms (over the short term) as long as they are tolerable, they will come and go at all levels of treatment.

Over the long term (i.e., months), you should see a general pattern of improvement (with ups and downs along the way).
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Phoiph! And everyone.
Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :
[*This post is amended. I spoke to soon. I am reacting badly to the masks/tubing, and it does still smell. <sigh> It was a good idea. It just didn't work.]

I may have discovered something, only time will tell. I am very chemically sensitive, and also probably have a mast cell disorder. I was not pleased with the smell of the plastic masks and tubing that I got recently. They would be very hard on my sensitivities. I laid them out to air, but after two weeks, I wasn't making much progress. I started searching on-line for ceramic masks and tubing for chemically sensitive, but I wasn't making much headway there either.

Then one night I spied a post somewhere (I forget where), where a chemically sensitive person said they soaked their mask and tubing in water and baking soda for four days, and then it was fine for them.

So, I tried it. And bye golly, it seems to have worked ! It does seem to make the mask a bit less flexible, and therefore may limit its lifespan. It also turns the mask and tubing a milky white, instead of clear. But it does not smell anymore, at all. And I used it for ten minutes this evening with no reaction at all.

So, just thought I'd pass that along. Maybe others can try, and we'll see what develops over time.


[ 06-01-2019, 01:19 PM: Message edited by: elsworth ]
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Elsworth, yay! I’m so glad you found a way to make your mask usable!

Carbokitty, I’ve been doing something similar to you only it hit me earlier. Probably because I’m diving every day and you weren’t able to. I started about the same time you did. I had about 5 or so weeks of a bit of an increase in energy but then I crashed. I went off the mask then tried to incrementally increase the time with mask on. Got up to the hour for a week or two and crashed again, too much fatigue. I tried again and got up to an hour last week and I seem to be doing much better this time. I think the fatigue as well as other symptoms are just going to come and go as they please in maybe the first year of treatment. We just have to keep trying.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks KB. I have absolutely loved the oxygen but think maybe I need to try backing off of it a bit. I’m sorry you’ve had those challenges but glad you are willing to talk about them and experiment since it gives me some direction.

I also realized just this evening that I had increased my magnesium glycinate about 2 weeks ago because my stools were getting harder to pass (almost amazing to think about for me) and maybe going back to the higher mag is also relaxing me more and making me sleepy. I had been on this amount previously but I think with all my intestinal issues, I wasn’t absorbing it. It may just be too much for me now. So I’ll try tonight at one tab less and also dive tomorrow without o2.

Elsworth-Congratulations! That’s great news!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Bingo! I guess I was overdosing on magnesium glycinate. Slept well, feel rested and awake at 5:30am.

Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Phoiph, I do think it's important that anybody that is considering purchasing a chamber, and diving, read the entire thread, I personally feel that there is a large amount of information, and insight, which will be missed without doing so.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I agree Jazzman.

Carbokitty, my sleep is all over the place these days. I’ll go from waking up early and rested feeling for several days to sleeping 12 hours with a couple wake ups during. I think it’s just my body needing more sleep to heal.

I keep having to adjust my magnesium too, down and back up. Good news is, I also had to adjust my thyroid med down in dosage! So y’all keep an eye on your blood work, every 3 months. I feel much better since my doc lowered my thyroid med!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

As Peimomma will attest, I used to ask everyone who inquired about mHBOT to read the entire thread before we went any further, but now that it is 43 pages long, I realize it might be too much for some people.

That said, if you only read the last few pages, you miss so much background information.

That's one of the reasons I repeat myself ad nauseum (for the newcomers), but I realize this gets old for the more experienced people, and truly wish that everyone would do their best to read the entire thread as you did!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

For stainless steel and ceramic masks and tubing, contact The Environmental Health Center of Dallas:

Environmentally Friendly Products (including ceramic & aluminum oxygen masks/tubing for for people with chemical sensitivity):

I noticed that they might be in the process of changing websites/online stores. Their recording also mentions a different website:

I would call them. If they don't have what you need, I'm sure they will refer you to a resource.
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Phoiph, yes, I did see you having to repeat yourself over the thread numerous times, and while a pain in the the behind for you, I am sure it has been tremendously helpful for people, with mush for brains, as I and many others have had at times, who just can't manage to get through the whole thread. Also, I just wanted to say that the patience you showed at the beginning of this thread was for me noteworthy. Without your even keeled temperament this thread could have gone off the rails and ended years ago, which would have been a real shame, and a loss for us all.

Kaibyrd, have you ever tried melatonin to help with your sleep issues? For me, I can narrow down the supplements that have been truly helpful for me down to a small handful and melatonin is one of them. I should mention that many companies make it in a 10mg pill dose and if you do some reading you will find that this may end up causing issues, as this dose is high one for many people. I use a sublingual spray that doses at 1mg per spritz/spray, I use 3mg when needed, but you could start at 1mg and go from there. There are a few makes on Amazon to choose from, if you find it is not available at your local health food store.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi Jazzman,
Yes, I’ve used melatonin. Never more than 3 mg. Those 10 mg pills are way overkill. I don’t use it much any more because the liquid form I take at 1mg can be too much if used every night. I’m actually sleeping better now than before mHBOT so I’m only taking my magnesium, progesterone (bio-identical) and ashwagandha before bed. Some nights I have trouble falling asleep but it’s not too bad. Some days I have trouble waking up but I just figure my body is repairing and needs the extra sleep for now.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi Jazzman,
Yes, I’ve used melatonin. Never more than 3 mg. Those 10 mg pills are way overkill. I don’t use it much any more because the liquid form I take at 1mg can be too much if used every night. I’m actually sleeping better now than before mHBOT so I’m only taking my magnesium, progesterone (bio-identical) and ashwagandha before bed. Some nights I have trouble falling asleep but it’s not too bad. Some days I have trouble waking up but I just figure my body is repairing and needs the extra sleep for now.
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Hi Kaibyrd,

Good to hear that you have a good handle on melatonin and that you are managing with your sleep.
Posted by ironmike (Member # 51916) on :
Today makes one year since I’ve started daily one hour mhbot, missed only a few days with a Newtowne 27 inch with the 10LPM oxygen concentrator. Some health history: First symptoms in Feb., 1997. After 15+ doctors diagnosis in 2008. Multiple different antibiotic combos with Mepron/Azithromycin most promising/harsh. That fails to get it all and leaves me magnesium deficient, with leaky gut, and poor gut flora. Switch to herbs, sauna, other alternative methods. Still getting worse, forced to quit work, and self diagnose Heriditary Hemochromatosis (iron overload) from a wellness test and 23andme data. By this time it took 34 pints of blood drawn over 1.5 years to lower stored iron back to normal. Unfortunately some permanent tissue damage with iron storage occurred around eyes/sinus. In 2001, pre-lyme diagnosis, I had an MRI with Gadolinium contrast. Much/most of the contrast did not leave my body in 24 hours as promised and is still there today. Effective Gadolinium chelation strategies are unknown at the moment as well as impact on health. One article cites mitochondrial damage from retained gadolinium.

If I can offer constructive feedback – If you have heavy metal issues you should proceed cautiously or not at all with oxidative therapies until the metals are chelated. If you have iron overload (HH) then you likely monitor Transfer Saturation and other iron metrics. If your iron isn’t under control via therapudic phlebotomies then don’t risk “rusting” yourself. I unknowingly let TS get to 80% while using the chamber – don’t kill your brain. Fortunaly, statistically(1 in ~200) hardly anyone reading this thread will have HH but be forewarned if so.

In general after one year – some things better, some worse. After 10 months with the chamber it seemed I was making some progress with tendons (probably borrelia), skin was clearer (no more Bart? bleeders and maybe some pre-cancerous areas improved, and prostate was improved – soreness mostly gone. However, my air hunger was getting much worse though so I decided to pulse Atemisinin to try and address that. Past experience though – Artemisinin alone is not enough against Babesia. This was concerning since in some circles HBOT is contradicted for Babesia. I tried full on Keto but ended up with acid reflux so backed off that. Also apparently from a genetics guy I have some snp that affects fat processing. You know how it is – what works for one not necessary for another.

What’s next/questions – My inner most layers of Lyme are the tendons or damn Babesia in my red blood cells. After a year of mhbot I think I’ve made a couple steps forward but this major step back – air hunger, is unprecedented and very scary. Can mhbot overcome mitochondrial damage with Gadolinium retention? I have some lead too and am hopefully, slowly, chelating that. Any others on the thread with known metal issues (MRI with contrast). Thanks everybody for posting! It’s been very encouraging and informative.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hey ironmike, thanks for the update. Have you looked into IP-6 for iron chelation? At this point it may help to maintain appropriate levels.

I also have heavy metal toxicity, mainly mercury and lead. Multiple Gadolinium infusions left me with vertigo and tinnitus. I have tolerated mHBOT well over the years but I did have pretty severe air hunger during the first year of diving. I still occasionally have mild air hunger all these years later.

It does make sense to remove the excess iron before doing oxidative therapies. Good luck to you.
Posted by ironmike (Member # 51916) on :
Thanks Digby, this is some more encouragement I was hoping for from you trail blazers [Smile] So many unknowns with Lyme and various health histories. Even with this increased air hunger I've had enough hints of other improvements to keep at it. Hopefully a positive update in a few months.
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Hi ironmike, thanks as well for your update. I, also have episodes of air hunger and they always do pass. They can be a bit disconcerting, but like panic attacks, when I was experiencing them years ago frequently, once you know in your mind to try and relax, and literally not panic too much, they always pass.

I, like many have been on AB, herbs, rife and different supplements to deal with babesia, I am hoping, as per reports here, that mhbot, given time and consistency, will finally deal with my issues with this co-infection.

The information you posted on Gadolinium was eye opening, at least for me. I have been around this stuff for a long time, and was unaware of the potential dangers it posed.

You may be aware of this below, but the Yahoo board seems very active on the subject, there may be some answers for you there on what people have found to be useful in detoxing. Wishing you success.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Hello! I've not been very active on LymeNet for several years, although I always recommend it to people who I find out have Lyme. I've been working with an LLMD who uses a lot of ozone and then recently a chiropractor who uses muscle testing and got me on a more strict diet, and I have done the full Keto thing and am now more on a maintain.

But, I've plateaued and have now read the book, "Oxygen Revolution," read much of this thread (still need to complete THAT!), and have decided to do mHBOT, as I do have brain damage from Lyme and heart problems now, possibly also from Lyme.

I got the bulls eye rash in 1998, but wasn't diagnosed with Lyme (and co-infections) until 2005, so I've been at this a LOOOOOOONG time!

I'll be looking for a mHBOT chamber soon, as I catch up on this thread.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Welcome Cass A! I’ve been struggling nearly as long, 1999 for me.

Question for everyone here, how do I cool down my S2S Grand Dive? My husband and his mother got in it this afternoon after my mother and I had just done an hour dive and they had to come out at about 25 minutes because they were sweating. I have a small styrofoam container that I put ice packs in and ran the hose through but that didn’t help any.
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
HI Cass A, welcome to the thread. I am pretty new to this thread as well (my first post is higher up on this page). Sounds like we may have reached the same point with ozone, my copy of "Oxygen Revolution" just arrived and I am going to start my reading of it over the weekend. I am quite hopeful, in time, I will start to feel the full benefits of this therapy take hold. I am on my 53 dive, although as laid out in my earlier posts, I am not at full therapy levels as of yet. I did reach full 1.3 ATA a few weeks back, but am slowly adding in full oxygen, with a Hudson oxygen mask, I am at 16 minutes as of today and things are going smoothly, outside of the first few starting hiccups. If I could offer any advice to you when you get your chamber take your time, low and slow as they say here.

Kaibyrd, when I purchased my Airsoak Nova there was an option of purchasing an air-conditioning/dehumidifier unit. Unlike some other cooling units that use ice, or other cooling methods, the unit I am taking about is a true electric air-conditioner. This is a link to the unit. I am unfamiliar with the hoses on your unit, but mine takes the same hosing as the Oxyhealth series, compressor seems to be the same as well. In any event, I don't think it would be too hard to adapt the unit, with correct connectors, to fit your chamber.

Also, perhaps a rechargeable fan might help like this one, lots of models to choose from on Amazon. Mounting with self stick Velcro, so the fan can go in and out for recharging.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Jazzman, thank you so much!!!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I take various size ice packs in the chamber, with a blanket on me and lay the ice packs on my core and legs. After some experiments the ice packs need to be thick so they stay frozen. I buy the extra large freez pak from Amazon. I also move the concentrator as far away from the chamber as possible as it produces a lot of heat.

Jazzman we have a member in the FB group that is having a terrible time with the customer service at Airsoak and her AC unit doesn’t work. Do you have a good connection to the Rep she might call? She hasn’t even received manuals on how to operate.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Peimomma!
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Kaibyrd, no problem, Peimomma I sent you a PM.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

In addition to separating the concentrator and compressor a bit, you can try aiming a fan in that direction to circulate the warm air they generate away (so it isn't sucked up into the units).
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Phoiph! I do have the concentrator separate from the compressors already. I’ll try the fan.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all!

I thought I would write an update. First of all, I have great admiration for all of you who have done this for 2+ years! I am finding it requires a lot of patience and there is a huge mental game involved.

I've done 52 1-hour dives with supplemental oxygen. In general, I feel good. Most importantly, my stools are formed. I have added a few vegetables to my diet, which is quite wonderful!

After initially feeling more energized, I am now often more tired and especially after my dives. I think my liver is just overloaded with detox. (I had an annual recently and one of my liver enzymes was elevated). Since my diet is heavy in animal protein and fat (olive oil and cultured organic unsalted butter), I am trying to increase the vegetables and reduce the proteins and fat and give my liver a little break.

I had a bit of a set back last night. I went out to eat with friends at a place I've been to with them before, without incident. I explained my food sensitivities as I always do and ordered my plain hamburger patty. It seems they served me one with spices. I ate it. I shouldn't have. I was up most of the night with a burning gut and feel generally unwell today.

On the plus side, my vision has really improved. One of the tests for mold exposure is a vision test. My vision has remained blurry for these many years. I am grateful and hopeful that the improved vision isn't simply something that is just with diving and not a more permanent improvement.

And so, with the improved vision, I do feel as if mHBOT is helping me detox the mold (I did a urine test in Jan which revealed high levels of 3 mycotoxins). I am guessing, based on listening to your journeys that I need to be patient on the small intestine healing. One day at a time. Two steps forward, sometimes one step back.

Thanks for everyone's shares! I am grateful to be on this journey with you and to learn from your experiences!

Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi again~

I'm back to ask if anyone else has experienced this small intestine burning? For me, it started post Lyme treatment. 18 months on antibiotics. Within a week of stopping the antibiotics, in the middle of the night, it felt like HOT bile was flowing through my small intestines. I could literally feel it going through the tube.
After that, I developed increasing food sensitivities-and in particular, cannot tolerate any spices, black pepper or garlic (plus FODMAPS, etc).
I am hopeful that mHBOT will heal this, like it heals wounds on the skin. But in the meantime, I am wondering if anyone has used any homeopathy for something like this (or anything else!). Thanks for your thoughts.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hi Carbokitty,

I did start a homeopathic remedy when I was using Mhbot but it was a constitutional for many lingering issues. I had great results.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

One of my first symptoms (before Lyme diagnosis or treatment) was severe burning in stomach/gut.

After that, the food sensitivities began in full swing, and if I ate anything with the slightest spice or acid (e.g., citrus, tomato, etc.), there would be increased pain and vibration in my solar plexus which became chronic and spread throughout my nervous system.

Diet and mHBOT healed this, but it took time and consistency with both. If you go off of the gut-healing diet, it can really set you back, like pulling a scab off of a wound.
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Carbokitty, Phoiph, I as well years ago, before being diagnosed, suffered from severe burning in the stomach and small intestine area. It turned out to be H. pylori, I mention this because I find it interesting that you had a bout days after stopping antibiotics (could have been holding things static, but not clearing). The case I had was a refractory in nature and it took months and two bouts of triple therapy and finally quadruple therapy to clear it. If you think this could be a possibility for you there is a non invasive test called the urea breath test that can diagnose H. pylori infection, mine finally went negative after the third bout of therapy.

Also, my understanding is being on antibiotics for extended periods of time for Lyme will most likely not clear H. pylori, it's a combination of a small list of antibiotics along with PP inhibitor and/or bismuth that is required. Something to think about.

[ 06-17-2019, 11:52 PM: Message edited by: Jazzman ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Jazzman~

I was tested several times for H.Pylori, but results were negative.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
I also have tested negative for H pylori. My burning is definitely in the small intestine and occurs 5-6 hours after eating.
I’ve been positive for SIBO-small intestine bacteria overgrowth, which has caused some nerve damage.
I tested negative in January but know I still have injury to the lining.
I’ll be patient with mHBOT (or at least work on my self-talk-LOL). Just looking for an adjunct therapy to speed things along.
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Carbokitty, I am glad to hear that H.pylori is ruled out for you, I hope in time mhbot will help resolve things with your GI problems. I'm not a big believer in coincidences and when you mentioned your issues started shortly after stopping AB it kinda' caught my attention. Phoiph, I remember the pains where so bad I was certain they were going to tell me I had some kind of tumor growing in there, after imaging ruled this out, I was tested for H.pylori, I remember actually being relived that for once I had a firm diagnosis on something. The treatment did eventually lead to a full resolution of my GI issues.
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
Does anyone else experience burning sensations during hbot? I am experiencing burning above the muscle but below the skin mostly in my thighs, calves and hands - do have nerve damage in thee areas. I notice the burning is even worse if a have juice/smoothie and then dive - this makes no sense at all.

[ 06-24-2019, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: tom f ]
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Sorry Tom~so far that is not a symptom I have. I do get burning when I am exposed to mold but its more on my skin or on my tongue.

I wanted to check in. I have just finished my 60th dive. There is a problem with my oxygen concentrator and after troubleshooting with James at ADM where I purchased it, he is replacing it. It apparently is giving me less than 82% oxygen (beeps and the yellow light is on). I have continued to dive under those conditions.

I do feel as if I am cheating, however. After a week+ of abnormal gut symptoms (actually, what was normal for me prior to mHBOT) and disrupted sleep, I added some berberine (goldenseal tincture) and some activated charcoal. I am amazed that these small tweaks made such a huge difference! However, prior to mHBOT, goldenseal and activated charcoal did not make my sleep or my stools "normal" (formed). So for the time being, I am going to continue for a little bit, slowly reducing the berberine.

As an aside (maybe I mentioned this before), I did a hair analysis in January, shortly after starting mHBOT because some in the mold community feel that there is a connection between heavy metals and mold sensitivity. I had no issues with heavy metals, except silver (and so interesting that I had been at my parents condo and eating with actual silverware and not stainless). However, many of my nutritional minerals were low. I am guessing that is because I have been taking activated charcoal on and off for many years because of its ability to bind mold. I have since added back some of the lowest minerals. I do any of this very slowly due to so many sensitivities.

Sorry! Some of this is way off topic! Just wanted to check in. I know my use of mHBOT is a bit different from most of you-however, I feel very connected to this community, having read the whole thread and very grateful for everyone's shares of their journeys and especially for all the help I've received from Phoiph. Thank you!

Have a lovely day,

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Tomf, are you in the FB group for mild hyperbaric treatment? This has come up for discussion there.

Carbokitty, thanks for checking in! I think it is great that you have found those supplements finally helping. I get it. My young adult son takes things and they do nada. Just one more encouragement for him. Thanks!
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
There are many causes of hyperlactatemia and the resulting

lactic acidosis

but the most common is increased production of lactate from anaerobic glycolysis

due to reduced oxygen delivery to tissue cells (tissue hypoxia).

Borrelia burgdorferi contains a L- lactate dehydrogenase gene)

This subpathway is part of the pathway pyruvate fermentation

to lactate, which is itself part of Fermentation.

In comparison, only LDH ( = L-lactate dehydrogenase )
activity was decreased by TUDCA treatment.

TUDCA is a bile salt that contains taurine. It is being researched for many diseases.

Available OTC. IMO, might be best with Doxy too. Synergy.

Ultimate goal looks to be to suppress a liver enzyme called CYP7A1 (= cholesterol to bile salts).
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I don't have a definitive answer, but a theory based on my experience.

When nerves are damaged (as mine were; I had a lot of numb areas & small fiber neuropathy), the areas can be painful (or do strange things, such as twitch, or vibrate, etc.) when "re-awakened" by 02 under pressure.

My impression is that your nerves are responding to the oxygen, but it will take time for the sensations to normalize.

I'm not sure why you observe it to be worse when you have juice/smoothie beforehand, but it may have something to do with blood sugar levels. Maybe try a small high protein snack before instead to keep your blood sugar levels stable.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
I just did a dive after two years of not doing them.

I've had a rough past two years.

Lots of stress - allergies - jaw clenching - pain etc - which made getting in the chamber again seem impossible.

With the help of a friend I just did a test dive tonight - to see if my right ear would cooperate.

She helped me get in/out and did the zippers.

My goal was to make it to .5 PSI - see how my ears would do.

Once inflated the needle went to 1 PSI quickly - and I quickly dialed it down.

I went up and down between .5 and .8 for about half an hour. My right ear did better than expected.

I am hopeful.

Also concerned - getting in/out by myself is painful. I need ideas /help with this. I'm afraid I'm doing more damage to painful areas pre and post dive.

My shoulders are in bad shape - as well my back.

It feels like I'm pulling muscles doing all things "dive" except for the dive itself.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Getting in and out will get easier.

If you haven't already, you might want to try some very gentle stretching before you get in. You could get a beginning yoga DVD and do it before your session.

I know your chamber is small, but if you roll onto your stomach, then get on all fours before standing when you get out, you might find it easier.

I am so happy you are giving it another try!
Posted by notthisguy (Member # 51937) on :
Hi, im about to buy a mhbot unit for lyme but cant really decide which one to buy.
Im struggling between the brands: Summit2Sea, newtown and macy-pan.
i dont really want to buy a used chamber, because i have lots of allergies issues and dont want to risk it. well and also because of warranty.
I hope someone who followed this thread more closely can make a comment about those chambers.
I tried to dig through this thread but 44 pages is really really hard for someone in my condition.

kind regards
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Susan you might try placing your chamber on a bed with the zipper on the side for easy entry and exit up higher off the ground.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
There are many users of both S2S and NT on the Facebook group with no issues. Macy-Pan is relatively new to the market so I don’t know anyone off the top of my head that has one but I’m certain there’s one in the group. Many have discussed the ease of exchange or repair with whichever company you go with to purchase your chamber.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Notthisguy, I’m kinda new to Summit to Sea, having just bought mine in November but I really like it. Very easy to use with the gauge on both the inside and outside, no smell when new, light inside from the white material used to make it. The zippers were a bit difficult to use to begin with but now they move very easy.
Posted by susank (Member # 22150) on :
Pei - Interesting idea. Thanks.

Trying to envision this. Rolling over into the chamber? What about the frame?

Know of any pics doing it this way?
Anyone? Could be sent to my email address?

So the window would be facing to the side?

I'm so tiny the Solace is fine size-wise.

When I did my test dive at a wellness place - it was a Vitaeris. IIRC on a platform with steps to walk up and use to step into it.
Of course the gal there helped me - IIRC held my hand to balance me / did the zippers and everything.

Looking at my chamber now while typing - dunno if possible to roll into it. Thinking about this. Thanks again.

Yes, Phoiph - I'm trying again.
My ears did better than expected - the rest of me - worse than expected.
Posted by notthisguy (Member # 51937) on :
maybe some of you can help me finding a decision which brand to buy.
I'm wondering if anyone here has a summit to sea mhbot and could give me a quick review about their chambers. Do they gas off? How is the quality? Did you have any problems with it? etc.

Thank you very much in advance.
Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :
I'd like to do a follow up on my post about clear PVC Hudson Masks.

I did reach out to Dr. Rhea's clinic in Texas, as Phoiph suggested. I bought one of their metal masks, and some tygon tubing. I've been using this mask daily for over three weeks now, up to 20 minutes per day. And I'm very happy to say that, things have been going much better.

The metal mask is never going to be as comfortable as a PVC flexible Hudson Mask, but at least I can use it without getting the hibbie jibbies after ten minutes (!)

If you are chemically sensitive, just go ahead and order a metal mask from Dr. Rhea's clinic. That would be my recommendation.

Now, onward to the next step. The chamber.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Ellsworth I think people have done this to make it easier to get into for some.
Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :
Thank you Kaibyrd.

I deleted the original post, after I read the manual. It says you can put it on a bed without the frame in the manual. (Hey, men don't read instructions.)

My original question was can you put a Newtowne C4-34 on a bed without the external frame ?

The answer is, yes. But it would need to be a big bed. And you have to make provisions for not rolling off the bed when at pressure.

After doing my test inflation... the bed looks like it's outta here.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Summit to Sea users...can you chime in to help notthisguy?

He could use some feedback on your experience with this manufacturer.

He is limited with his purchase options, as he is in Germany, and has to consider where to send a chamber in if it needs future repairs, etc.

Sending a chamber back to the states for repair would be cost-prohibitive, and the Summit to Sea factory is in France.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Phoiph, my reply is above.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you, Kaibyrd...
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
You’re welcome Phoiph. 😊
Posted by notthisguy (Member # 51937) on :
im wondering if anyone needed 1.5 ATA instead of 1.3 to get some symptome relief?
Since there are also 1.5 ATA chambers out there I always think maybe I just should pay extra to be on the safe side.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

As you may know, in the US, FDA regulations require home chambers to go no higher than 1.3 ATA.

I became well using 1.3 ATA, as have the majority of people I know.

I have heard of a few people who have modified their chambers, but this will void the warranty and prevent future repairs if necessary.

Things may be different in Germany, but I would research it carefully, and consider whether the extra cost is really warranted.

Many people with chronic illness will need to work up to 1.3 ATA gradually, and find the effects very powerful and effective at that dosage (if they are patient). A higher pressure doesn't guarantee a faster recovery, and would be too much for many.
Posted by notthisguy (Member # 51937) on :
germany doesnt care about FDA and doesnt regulate hbot.
we can even buy homechambers with 2.0 ATA (not that I would do it because of fire hazard, but it would be legal)
so the question really is just about if anyone found 1.3 ATA to be not sufficient but did well with 1.5 ATA (or even higher)

I'm pretty sure I will be one of the people who need to work up to 1.3 ATA since im very sensitive to everything (foods, supplements, medication.) But working up to something doesnt automatically exclude that higher pressures cant be worked up to and be more beneficial (if that makes sense?)

Also on another note:
how many people found that mhbot helped them with MCAS?
Because this is my biggest problem right now out of all my symptoms. I can only tolerate 3 different foods without having an anaphylatic shock.....
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Notthisguy, I started with a big chamber at pressures around 2 -2.6 ATA. I did 20 sessions and didn't see any improvement, just felt worse (not a herx as far as I could tell). The mild chamber at 1.3 got me from home bound/dysfunctional to hiking and biking. I still have problems but I've been sick since 1974, so there is probably damage to my immune and nervous system. From my perspective I wouldn't go above 1.5 and for me 1.3 worked fine.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Just wanted to update.

2 weeks ago I had to have a tooth pulled. Last tooth on bottom right. I swelled up big time and had to go on antibiotics, Z-pac 5 day.

The swelling has almost gone away now and I thought the pain was nearly gone as well but Sunday night it started coming back. There’s no new swelling and everything looks like it’s healing well, there’s just pain. I’m not taking much ibuprofen now but I still need one 200mg 2-3 times a day.

Sometimes it feels like I may be having a reaction to the numbing shots I was given when the tooth was extracted. I get itching on the edges of where the numbing stopped and I still have a sore lump in the bend of the jaw where they like to give the injection most for those back teeth. Also, I asked for the shots without epinephrine because my heart races bad when given the shots that contain it.

I feel as if I’m starting over with hbot. Like I did a month in (in February) and I was so wiped out I couldn’t do anything at all. Does anyone have experience with dental issues early in their hbot treatment?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I too have to have lidocaine without the epinephrine. It makes my heart race too. Seems like it is a long time for it to still be swollen. Were you supposed to check back in with the dentist? I have bad teeth, runs in the family. So I can't blame my teeth work on mHBO. My dentist told me to dive after I had a tooth pulled to help with the healing. fwiw
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I usually don’t have problems with my teeth but this one got a hairline fracture in it and was getting bad. I did go back last Monday but he said everything looked good. There’s very little swelling left now so I just don’t know what could be causing the pain I still have. Some of the pain is coming from the injection sites.

I was hurting too much when I got home the day of the extraction to dive but that’s the only day I missed.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi KB~
Sorry you are having pain. I wonder if maybe the injection hit a nerve? Or maybe caused some bruising at the site?
Have you tried putting heat around your mouth and does that help? It may help move any blood that's accumulated there that might be causing pain (like a bruise).
Sometimes people have ongoing problems with things called cavitations that occur at the extraction site where maybe some of the tooth was left. Its an infection that forms in the bone. But because the location of the pain seems to be on the gum and at the injection site, it, thankfully doesn't sound like a cavitation.
I hope it resolves soon and you feel better.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thank you Carbokitty. Yeah it doesn’t sound like a cavitation to me either but if it’s not better in a couple days, I’ll have to go back in.
I was using ice packs last week for the pain I had then but I haven’t tried heat yet. I’ll see if that helps.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
I used to ask for the anesthetic without epi because of heart palps and a general wired feeling. I saw the dentist a couple of months ago and forgot to mention it. I was concerned but had no problems at all. I believe that is due to mHBOT. I am no longer chemically sensitive either.
Hang in there most things improve if you stay the course for the long haul. I had to learn not to micromanage my progress.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi! I thought I would give an update as I have completed 80 dives.
That goal seemed so unattainable and so far away and here I am! Although I am certainly not finished. Its just a milestone.

It was interesting reading Digby talk about learning not to micromanage symptoms. I am still doing that. I am actually glad to an extent that I am.

My symptoms and history and diagnosis are a bit different from others. I had a set back last month after eating a spicy burger out. Just as a reminder, my main symptoms are diarrhea and food sensitivities with a diagnosis of mold sensitivity and SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth). Diving wasn't resolving the injury from the burger. Changes in diet weren't making a difference. I finally did another 2 fecal microbiota transplants. They had limited benefit. I finally added ginger in a tincture form at night before bed. Its recommended as a pro kinetic (to move the migrating motor complex in the small intestine). That seems to have settled and stabilized things.

In the meantime, I bumped up my dives to 90 minutes most days. That also helped somewhat.

I feel that mHBOT now has a better chance of doing some complete healing to my tender lining of the small intestine and the nerves with the bacteria out and not causing ongoing damage-and the ginger is apparently helping do that.

So that's where I am.

I also had a problem with the oxygen concentrator in that it would beep and the light would come on after I was in the chamber. James replaced it and its all been good every since.

Thank you all and especially Phoiph for your support and community.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you, Carbokitty.

I'm sure you have already done thorough testing, but are you familiar with the GI MAP (DNA Stool Analysis) by Diagnostic Solutions Lab?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
The following link is a useful education for anyone wanting to understand mHBOT. It is one man's opinion and I don't necessarily agree with everything he says but it will be very useful for beginners and a great review for accomplished divers. FWIW...
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Phoiph for the suggestion. I have not done that test. I have done several others for parasites but they can be notorious for false negatives. I have been positive for SIBO, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, so I know I have/have had that. I tested negative in January but my symptoms tell me I have sine relapsed. I will consider this test.
I have planned to retest for mold via urine in August but may push that back as I’ve had random (unplanned) exposures since I tested in January and started mHBOT.

Thanks everyone!
Have a great weekend!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Carbokitty, I just sent you a PM.
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
I thought I would post an update. Last week I finally made it to 1h for oxygen under full pressure, wearing the oxygen mask. As I posted earlier, over the last number of weeks I have been slowly increasing the oxygen time a minute a day. When I reached 40 minutes I decided to go to 2 minutes at a time and the interval to 60 minutes was uneventful. As I also mentioned earlier, the timing I was using was timing the oxygen down at the end, instead of up st the beginning of a dive.

I did purchase an Oxymask, after using a Hudson type to start. I can't discern any real difference between the two in delivery: I found the Hudson to be a bit more comfortable and I think I will move back to using it.

Now I guess it's just a matter of being patient and making sure I am consistent in diving every day, which I have been other than when I had a few hiccups at my beginning this journey. No light switch moments, I have been sick a long time and really did not expect any, but I can say without a doubt my neuropathy is considerably better, just about completely resolved in my right hand. My left hand was much worse than my right, but now feels at a level my right used to feel at before diving and my feet have improved as well.

Too soon to comment on much else, but last weekend I did finish a woodworking project that has been sitting for 3 years and enjoyed the work and didn't feel it was a chore. I had a clear head and was feeling up energy levels and motivated.

Notthisguy, the unit I purchased gives the option of switching out the 1.3 ATA valves to 1.5 ATA valves, it ships with both. Because I have been sick for over 25 years I thought, like you, I may need the option of going to a deeper dive. I no longer feel this way, I am in no rush to go to higher pressures, if at all. My understanding is that anything over 1.5 ATA is no longer consider mhbot, but hbot.

One more thing I will say on this is that I used to live out west, close to the mountains, at a higher elevation. I have no current plans on moving back there, but life is strange so who knows. This is where going to 1.5 ATA may be a necessity as higher elevations affects the performance of mhbot chambers. So 1.5 ATA, at elevation, may actually be equal to around 1.3 ATA. There is information out there that I read on doing precise calculations on this effect.

A friend of mine wanted to know how long it will take before I know if it's working, I told it may be quite a while, maybe even a year or two, he did seem a bit surprised by this. I have this treatment, in my mind, kind of like aging. It's slow and gradual, hard to observe changes in the short term, but over a longer term, much more apparent.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Jazzman....Awesome update! Thanks for sharing.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
As I posted previously, I was using mhbot as a monotherapy for about a two years and while I made gains, I experienced a slow relapse over the last year.

I wanted to follow that up with more details.

It looks like the primary culprit was Babesia. I first noticed air hunger in September of 2018 but I met few if any of the markers for traditional Babesia. My other primary symptoms at the time were exercise intolerance, anxiety, poor vision, eye pain, headaches, popping joints, and general inflammation. Also stiff neck, and air passages that seem to close up on me. I didn't feel like myself either, but that had been true for a long time. My personality had disappeared and my thinking was slow.

All of these symptoms have responded to anti malarial treatment, albiet with some herxing.

I didn't understand how this could happen while I was diving on a daily basis. Hbot generates free radicals, and that's the primary method of action for most anti malarials.

So why did my babesia remerge?

There are a few claims out there that hbot can feed babesia, but there are no studies to back up that claim. So what was going on?

I suppose the answer is, who knows, but perhaps it had something to do with the level of free radicals generated, maybe it simply wasn't enough to actually kill the Babesia, or perhaps while it killed some, it left behind too many mutants who could survive the treatment.

I don't think you can draw to many lessons from one persons experience, but at least for me, while mhbot has helped (especially with old brain injury issues) it's not a panacea. And it may only be part of a larger treatment strategy.

- C
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Charles12~

I'm really glad to hear you're making progress with your Babesia treatment, and you raise some good questions.

Can you clarify some questions for me about your mHBOT treatment history so I can understand better?

If I recall, a couple of months ago you posted that you had used mHBOT as a monotherapy for 8 months and made gains, but then started backsliding (at which time you went back on meds for Babesia and Bartonella).

So, I'm wondering about the time frame (i.e., 8 months vs. 2 years), and also whether you just recently started drug therapy for Babesia, or if you have been on meds for some time (but they are just now beginning to work).

I do believe mHBOT can take care of Babesia as a monotherapy (as it did in my case), but I don't believe it generates enough free radicals to do the job alone; the immune system has to have recovered enough to fight the Babesia and prevent relapse. Since most of the immune system resides in the gut, then IMO, attention to healing it has to be part of the larger treatment strategy.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
I used MHBOT from October of 2016 to June of 2017.

And I resumed it in July of 2017. For most of the past two years it has been a monotherapy.

the immune system has to have recovered enough to fight the Babesia and prevent relapse. Since most of the immune system resides in the gut, then IMO, attention to healing it has to be part of the larger treatment strategy.
For some fortunate individuals, I'm sure that's true. It was not for me.

But we're dealing with a population, myself included, that has immune systems that probably have specific and unfortunate weaknesses. There is something about our genetic makeup which makes us more susceptible to these pathogens.

Perhaps it's a mutation that provides a specific advantage in one area, but in this case is a vulnerability.

This is not to down mhbot though. It repaired a lot of the memory issues I had developed after a mild traumatic brain injury.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Charles~

I totally agree that we all have immune system and genetic predisposition that got us here in the first place, as there are many people in the population who aren't affected (or at least to this degree).

Also, I understand you're not downing mHBOT at all, just discussing what worked for you and what didn't...which is valuable information for all of us.

I'm sorry to belabor this point, but I really want to be clear so I can put this in perspective. Could you clarify what you mean when you say (re healing the gut to assist in recovering immune function), "For some fortunate individuals, I'm sure that's true. It was not for me."

So then, was gut healing an integral part of your mHBOT protocol over those months of mHBOT? (If not, then I would understand the possibility of backsliding.) If you did make gut healing part of your protocol, and it didn't work for you, what kinds of things did you do? What did your diet consist of?

I have not known of anyone with chronic tick borne infections (and especially those who have been on multiple antibiotic/drug therapies) to have become completely well without working on their gut health (even with mHBOT).

I appreciate your specific responses...your experiences are very important so we can all learn from them.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
I have not known of anyone with chronic tick borne infections (and especially those who have been on multiple antibiotic/drug therapies) to have become completely well without working on their gut health (even with mHBOT).
I suspect mhbot kills gut flora.

If passed out in my chamber, which happened a few times, and spent too long it, I would develop diarrhea.

And that only makes sense. Mhbot generates free radicals, oxidants, which is why we use it. These oxidants kill bacteria, but they do not discriminate between “good” and “bad” bacteria.

I didn't specifically pursue gut health, but I eat a largely organic diet, with lots of cheese, for example. I also enjoy kombucha, and Kefir, and other fermented foods.

I don't eat processed foods, and I go out my way to avoid plastic containers.

I'm leery of endocrine disruptors.

[ 07-26-2019, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Charles12 ]
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Brief update:

After having the setback with my gut/stools a month ago, I bumped up my dives to 90 minutes when other efforts to get things on track again did not work. Whether it did or was part of the solution in combination with other things, things have improved.
After 2 weeks of 90 minutes, however, I awoke one night at 2:30 with severe pain in my liver area (upper right quadrant of my abdomen). It lasted for hours!
I had to be out of town the next 4 nights and was unable to find a clinic to do dives in so I missed 4 days. I got right back to diving the day we got back and have since settled back in to 60 minute dives.
I think my liver was unable to keep up with the detox of the longer dives-so I'm going to stick with 60 minutes going forward.

I was also able to do some longer bike riding and longer walks while I was away and that felt great! I slept well. I didn't crash and burn from overexertion and I feel my lungs really loving the extra oxygenation that comes with fresh air and exercise.

Have a great day! Thanks for being here on this journey with me.
85 dives and counting.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Studies show that HBOT definitely alters the gut biome, as different organisms have different oxygen needs/tolerances.

The good news is, this study shows that populations of 2 different beneficial gut bacteria (Bifobacterium, and Lactobacillus) were either unaltered (Bifo), or increased (Lacto), when rats were exposed to high pressures. The pathogenic bacteria, Clostridium, was reduced.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
carbokitty...I experimented with 90 minute dives for a while and decided that it was too much. If I ever feel the need to increase my time again, I will do 2 sessions of 45 minutes each in a day rather than a full 90 minute dive. At this point though I really think 60 minutes is the sweet spot for a healthy hormetic response.
Posted by KarenLyme791 (Member # 51861) on :
Sleep: I notice that I am having some difficulty staying asleep at night. I was wondering if there is anything safe to try for sleep or do you just try to wait it out til it eventually gets better? I dont want to take something and have it negate the gains I might be making from mhbot.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Karen, If you can find a natural sleep aid that helps, I suggest you use it. Sleep is a much higher priority in healing than HBO. If anyone doubts that, try going a few days without it! So, my recommendation is to fix your sleep, it won't negate the gains from mHBOT.
Posted by KarenLyme791 (Member # 51861) on :
Does anyone notice that mhbot makes their head feel kinda woozy and kinda lethargic? Is there something I should be using to help with this? Like could it be too many toxins being killed and what helps?
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I noticed the woozy and still do. I think it’s toxins. I have so much detox that I just have to skip a day every now and then but I’m a 20 year Lymer. They’ve been attacking my body for a very long time.

For sleep aid you could try l-tryptophan, Pharma GABA or Valerian or try combination supplements such as Gaia Herbs’s Sleep Thru.
Posted by KarenLyme791 (Member # 51861) on :
Thank you, KB. Is there any kind of detoxification that is recommended by this site to help with the die-off?
Posted by KarenandLeif (Member # 51171) on :
I was wondering how long you have been diving and if it's helped you?

Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
I noticed the woozy and still do. I think it’s toxins. I have so much detox that I just have to skip a day every now and then but I’m a 20 year Lymer. They’ve been attacking my body for a very long time.

For sleep aid you could try l-tryptophan, Pharma GABA or Valerian or try combination supplements such as Gaia Herbs’s Sleep Thru.

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I’m sorry, I’m not really doing well right now. Tooth extraction has me down. I don’t remember at the moment what is recommended.
Anyone else?
Posted by KarenandLeif (Member # 51171) on :
How may ATA's was your wife doing at the clinic in the hard-shelled chamber?

Originally posted by JCarlhelp:
Here is another interesting piece of information. Byron White of Byron White formulas that are well recognized on this site wrote an article many years ago on MBOT. I contacted his office with the following responses:

1. Am not at liberty to speak for Byron's personal life and what he used but know he advocates for mild hyperbaric.

2. Yes our formulas can be utilized at the same time as using hyperbaric. In fact some people take the formulas 30 min prior to using their MBOT.

Seems that some people use these two in combination. Lots of unanswered questions that only time and further experiences will tell.

I am not a doctor so none of my posts should be taken as any kind of medical advice.

Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi KarenLyme791~
One of our long time members, peimomma, who is well and active today after 2 years of diving, swears by coffee enemas. If you've never done one, you can search the internet for instructions. It helps the liver detox. This member has talked about doing even 2 coffee enemas daily to detox.

I started diving in a mild HBOT chamber at 20 min the first time and then I did almost daily dives for 40 minutes each. I tried 60 and didn't feel good so went back to 40 min for awhile. After 2 months, I was able to go up to 60 daily without issue. I still feel a bit tired and out of it when I first finish my dives but its more like I just waking up from a nap. Doesn't take long to feel "normal" again.

Hope this helps.
Posted by KarenLyme791 (Member # 51861) on :
Thanks! I will research coffee enemas.

Do you know how many have gotten well from this type of treatment?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I was even doing 3-4 cE’s In a day while diving in the first several months as I was herxing. I always felt better after and if I began to feel heavy with toxins or (full as I liked to call it back then) I would do a second or third CE during the day.

I agree with Digby, rest is very important to let your body heal. I believe there have been several on this board that have gotten well and left to live normal lives. Others like myself, Phoiph and a few more stay around to guide others in the therapy while living healthy and productive lives.

At the end of my 2 years of treating in the chamber when I knew I was well and wanted to go back to work I began researching Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy BHRT. I was almost 48 and noticed many of my symptoms from Lyme also were symptoms of low hormones so I researched and found a good clinic to get tested that specialized in BHRT. It has changed my life, any fatigue or achy joints that were left over from the Lyme and old age are gone when I get my pellets every 3 months. Many environmental toxins and medications rob our hormones as well as aging.

If you need help with the CE’s, I have made short little prep videos of what you need, how to brew and tips and tricks to a good inexpensive coffee enema. I tried every apparatus, coffee and brewing technique. Once the coffee is loaded in the bag, the rest is up to you😊 send me a PM and we can connect if you are interested.
Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :
I have done 30 days of diving now in my C4-34 Newtowne chamber with Airsep 10 O2 concentrator, full mask. My dives are short, but I am building up slowly. I have a metal mask and tygon tubing, as is appropriate for someone with chemical sensitivities. I got the mask from Dr. Rhea's clinic in Dallas, TX..

I'd like to say a few things about my case, but first I want to thank all the generous people who have posted on this thread, and most especially Phoiph. She was instrumental in helping me get started, and I can't thank her enough. She's a true gem. :-)

Now, about my case. I've been chronically ill all of my adult life, going on 35 years now. I began with a classic case of chronic fatigue syndrome, and have gradually evolved into a mast cell disorder, fibromyalgia, and polyarthritis, with all of the attendant difficulties. I've been tested for Lyme twice via the Western Blot test. I do not recall it showing anything remarkable. However, I'm from a rural area, and I've always lead an outdoorsy life. Tick bites were unremarkable to the people in this area, and I've had thousands of them in my life. If I didn't have a tick borne infection, it would be a miracle.

I've tried many therapies in my "career" of ill health. Few made any difference, with the exception of dental cavitation surgeries, which helped me quite a bit, but for me were quite painful, and never seemed to fully resolve. I wish I had known about MHBOT when I was having those ! Mold remediation was quite helpful. Medicines for the mast cell disorder keep me alive. A strict (and restricted) diet is essential, as is avoiding chemicals and mold. A few supplements are somewhat helpful, esp. digestive enzymes. Practicing the Wim Hof Method has helped my arthritis a bit. The Wim Hof Method involves intermittent hypoxia, so that is an interesting juxtaposition with mHBOT. My suspicion is that they might paradoxically be complimentary to each other. Infecting myself with parasitic worms has been a good step forward for me. I detail my goings ons in my Worm Blog. You're welcome to follow along there if you like.

So, that's it. Now, my journey with mHBOT begins. Pop some popcorn. I am hopeful, but I have no idea how this movie turns out.

[ 08-21-2019, 03:38 PM: Message edited by: elsworth ]
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~

Just a brief update. I'm here because of diarrhea/SIBO and food sensitivities. I was having great results (formed stools) until I had a spicy hamburger out to dinner in mid-June. Nothing was really helping and then I was exposed to mold (through a piece of furniture we brought into the house) (Mold was the original cause of my symptoms). After a rough week and then 4 days away, my stools are back to being good, like they had been in my first 5 months of mHBOT. (I have now done 102 dives).

I recently had a stool test run (GI Maps) at Phoiph's suggestion. There were 4 pages of NO pathogens (no worms, viruses, bacteria, etc). However there were some low levels of beneficial bacteria (I've done FMTs-fecal microbiota transplants for this) and most helpful to know-low secretory IgA-an antibody in the small intestine. Low levels of SIgA can cause...diarrhea and food sensitivities! I haven't been able to find any research showing that mHBOT can increase SIgA. There are a few supplements. The challenge with sensitivities is that I often "react" to substances. So I am trying one by one in very very small amounts. I am hopeful, however, that the combo of mHBOT and supplements can help me turn a corner and not be so sensitive to random exposure to substances.

I came on here today primarily to ask about fatigue and ashiness. Since my turn around last week after the mold exposure, I have been sleeping very well (8-9 hours straight), however, am still tired and feel as if I could sleep all the time. I am also more achy and that's not "normal" fo rme. I am thinking its herxing/detoxing but also just read Peimomma's post above about how BHRT helped with fatigue and achiness. I guess I'll try a CE to see if that helps and then consider BHRT (I've tried to avoid in the past) down the road. Other thoughts about this increased fatigue and achiness are appreciated!

Happy diving!

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I always experience a set back in the Fall. I used to think it was an annual Lyme flare. This year I am paying attention more closely. It has been a very busy summer with gardens and renovating a camp into a studio. Plus it is ragweed season where I am. That always gets me. So for me, it is a combo of things. I have found that mHBO heals what ever it wants. We may be diving to treat this and the body focuses on something else. So I am wondering if your immune system has found something to deal with.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I agree with kgg.

mHBOT helps the body deal with layers, and it may seem like "new" issues or symptoms are appearing.

Although I do understand the urge to act to relieve symptoms as they come up (it is how traditional medicine works), with mHBOT I feel it is important to give the body a chance to work through the layers and phases without too much well-intentioned interference.

As in classical homeopathy, you take a remedy and wait...sometimes for weeks or months while the remedy takes action, and you are advised to avoid mixing many other substances and therapies.

I feel the same advice applies to mHBOT in many respects.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi again all~

I guess I'm the newbie with all the questions. I developed a cold/cleanse/detox/upper respiratory gunk a week ago. I was out of the chamber for 5 days. Felt much better by Saturday and Sunday and resumed my 1 hour dives with O2. Yesterday, I woke up feeling worse again (slight sore throat, nose running, very tired) and I didn't dive. I'm really tired today again. I know these questions have been asked before. I apologize. What would you recommend as this point for resuming my dives (possibly tomorrow). Build up my time again? Wait a little longer to resume? What did you do and what worked or didn't work for you?

Thank you!

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Carbokitty…

In my case, I went in every day unless I had a fever or ear congestion that prevented me from pressurizing.

I can only share what worked for me, as I had no other experiences to draw on at the time, but I do believe consistency is key. You should not need to build up slowly again after being off for only a week.

I believe the cold symptoms and fatigue is your body's way of working through layers, as you mentioned (i.e., cleanse). I remember having the "flu from hell" several months into mHBOT, where I was certain all my gains were lost and I was relapsing.

Unexpectedly, I came out of each phase a little stronger.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Phoiph~

I appreciate your response and sharing your experience.
PS. Although topics of conversation yesterday got to touchy subjects, super emotional yesterday. I assume and expect that that's all part of the journey.

My best,
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes, there are definitely mental/emotional layers as well! But I found that these didn't phases didn't last too long if I just let them process without trying to analyze or judge too much (not to say you are!).

At times, it felt like there was a lot going on in the background of the mental/emotional-realm that I really didn't understand, but that needed to work itself out on another level.

Hopefully others will share their thoughts, as there is a lot of experience on this board now and others' journeys to draw from.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Carbokitty, ask away! That is how we all learn.

If I experienced your experience of resuming and feeling poorly. I might resume diving but at a reduce amount of time. Probably only 30 minutes. If I tolerated that I would then resume full time.
If I still felt off I would continue a couple more days of partial dives then resume an hour if I was back to my "normal" prior to getting the cold.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :
Hey Phoiph

Hope all is well! I'm now amazingly a little over a year off all RX drugs one of which was "Klonopin" which I took for over seventeen years!

I'm going to begin diving again now that my body is as clean / pure as it's been in over seventeen years!

I remember you telling me it would be extremely difficult to make a full recovery until I was ultimately 100% off all RX drugs...can't believe I'm finally RX / Drug free(-:

I'm now able to workout again, and amazingly have recovered my old body "Pre Lyme /Benzo W/D", however I still have quite a few nagging issues!

I have this inner restlessness which many in my "Benzo Support Group" have described as a form of "Akathesia".

It's my most troublesome symptom and I'm hoping by following a "Healthy Diet" and of course diving again I can put this baby to bed once and for all!

Following a strict Paleo diet is extremely difficult for me to adhere to as I'm already naturally lean.

With the aforementioned said I now know more then ever that I desperately need to HEAL my gut in order to to put this LONG chapter of my life behind me once and for all!

If you can kindly suggest other diet(s) others have had success with when combined with MHBOT I would greatly appreciate it! Once again hope all is well PHOIPH, and many thanks as always!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Looking4hope I'm so happy to see you back and feeling better!!! I was really sad to read about your problems as I read through the entire thread.

I was on and off Kpin for many years too. It’s a horrible drug! I’ve been off since 2012. My Lyme symptoms are not improved though since menopause hit. I’m hoping mHBOT will eventually help.
Posted by Looking4hope (Member # 43181) on :

I often times wonder how many of my original symptoms were attributed to "Klonopin", and all of the other RX drugs I was put on over the span of seventeen years?

I can most certainly say that coming off of these drugs after seventeen years of use was a HELL I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy if I had one!

You touched upon the fact that after you went through menopause it made your journey that much more challenging!

I can most certainly relate as years of RX drug use completely destroyed my testosterone levels AKA "Male Menopause".

I was put on a TRT protocol last year which requires one "Test Cyp" injection every seven to ten days.

I started diving again today and have recommitted myself to finishing this chapter of my life off once and for all!

I now look really healthy, however I want to "Feel Really Healthy"...maybe I'm expecting too much considering I have only been RX free for a little over a year?

The prevailing sentiment in the "Benzo W/D", forms tends to be one of "Only Time And Nothing Else Will Heal Us"? While I do believe time is an extremely important factor I also believe there are things we can do to potentially speed up the process.

In closing I really do believe MHBOT can be a tremendous recourse for those both willing and able to follow ALL of steps PHOIPH has outlined here time and again. I really hope you too can put this chapter of your life behind you once and for all as well!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Looking4hope, I agree.

The only prescription meds I take now are bio-identical hormones and natural thyroid meds from a compounding pharmacy.

Thanks so much!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Looking4Hope~

Great to hear from you...and congratulations! What you have accomplished in getting off of 17 years of benzos is truly a testament to your tenacity and dedication to achieving true health. I am so happy for you!

I am very optimistic that you will continue to improve now with diet and resumed mHBOT.

Regarding diet, if Paleo is too strict for your body, you might try a "modified" Paleo, where you incorporate healthy, unrefined carbs intermittently (e.g., soaked and dried nuts, beans, quinoa, etc.).

Keep us posted on your progress.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Anyone looking for a Vitaris Oxyhealth chamber? Send me a message and I can get you in touch with the owner for questions and price.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Coffee enemas really take the load off of my kidneys which can get overwhelmed filtering all the die off out
I take NAC followed a couple hours later by a coffee enema held for 25 minutes really helps
The Nac combined with CE increases glutathione a lot
but the NAC is just something I do

Sometimes two CE a day the second one for not as long so I can get to sleep later only use NAC on the first one

[ 09-30-2019, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Hello again to all!

I've read most of the 44 pages so far, some more than once, read the book, "The Oxygen Revolution," and have decided to do the mHBOT.

I'll be having the money together to get my chamber shortly, and would like some help with acquiring a used one and an oxygen concentration machine, if they come separately. I've been watching on E-Bay, and have seen some "deals" come and go.

Also, I've recently gotten a portable full-spectrum infrared sauna that I haven't started using yet. I've been studying its uses for detoxing from glyphosate and also as an adjuct to Lyme treatment. Dr. K definitely promotes its use for both. I've seen some scattered comments on this thread pro and anti the use of a sauna while doing mHBOT, and I'd like to know what comments are currently?

Best to all!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Cass A, I have used mHBOT and IR Sauna. I used the HBO daily and the sauna 2 or 3 times a week. I limited the sauna because they are both hormetic treatments I didn't want to over stress my body. They do however work on different metabolic pathways in the body so I don't know why they wouldn't work well together.

I don't know if I can say write this on these boards but I do have an OxyHealth Vitaeris for sale. PM me if you are interested.

Phoiph, say the word and I'll edit out the last paragraph.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
What do all you guys do for post dive dieoff?

Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Cass A

There is a FB group that has some used chambers and concentrators almost weekly, different brands and Sizes. Just search mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the group should appear.

Digby are you selling the Vitarus with the concentrator and extras? I got an email from the yahoo group. I can put it up in the FB group if you want me to post it with your contact info? It’s a closed group.

For post dive die off I always used 2-4 coffee enemas a day and a liquid homeopathic detox that you can find on the internet.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hi Peimomma, I couldn't find that closed group. It's a 2011 Vitaeris, just refurbished from OxyHealth. Includes all the accessories plus the inline cooler but no O2 Concentrator. Thanks!!!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hominahomina...just saw your question. The best detox for me has been coffee enemas.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Digby
I also use CE and it helps
I was wondering if you could tell me
How often you do it ?
When in relation to your dive?
What concentration of coffee you use?
What brand you use ?
How you prepare?
Do you use any binders and how do you use them?
Sorry for all the questions

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hominahomina....I just use them as needed. Usually not more than every other day but sometimes I'll go weeks without doing one.

I prefer after my dive.

2 tablespoons of ground organic coffee beans to a quart of water. Simmer for 15 minutes, strain and cool.

I don't use binders in relation to a CE. I don't see the need for them.

I don't think there is anything special in the way I do it. Everyone seems to have their own method. The important thing is to clean out the colon and make your liver quiver from the coffee. :^)
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Digby
I use CE after every dive and I use chlorella
I don't think I could dive effectively without these
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Any response on this comment from the Townsend letter of 2015

(HBOT) has many exceptional benefits, but it does not kill Babesia or any major tick infection. For example, we financed a study for over $100,000 to determine the ability of HBOT to kill Babesia, Lyme, and Bartonella. Participants received 110 to 120 treatments at 2.4 atmospheres for 90 minutes. There was no change in their indirect or direct lab results
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hmm, this was written by James Schaller, M.D. who is a bit of a nut case. I'm guessing if there really is a $100K study, it was never published or he would quote the journal. He also doesn't even link to the study, which is weird.

If I could read the study I could comment but I am suspicious of there really being a study.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I have many are a few:

First, this is a "claim", not a "study". I would very much like to read this "self-funded study", but was unable able to locate it through an online search. I did, however, find many broad and unsubstantiated statements regarding an array of Lyme and coinfection treatments by the same source.

Second, we have gathered through personal experiences and the extensive research done by HBOT expert, Dr. Paul Harch, that high pressure/high dose HBOT (e.g., 2.4 atmospheres for 90 minute sessions) is not recommended for neurological conditions (Lyme is neurological). At high doses, it can actually become immune suppressive, and make neurological conditions worse.

Third, it is recognized that restoration and regulation of host immune function is a more important function of mHBOT than "direct kill" of pathogens when it comes to longstanding recovery, and restoring the immune system routinely takes more than 120 treatments.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Go Digby
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Go Phoiph! [Smile]
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
For those of you that do or did an hour a day
Did you take days off or shorten the duration of your dive when the die off was to much or did you push through? Thanks
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I pushed through and increased my CE from 2-3 to 3-4 when the die off was bad. I only took days off if I had a sinus issue pressurizing or was out of town.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I have to take time off every now and then. It’s just too much even with all the detox things I do. I’ve only had to do so 3 times since I started diving in January but a few days off was definitely needed for me. I’ve been infected for 20 years now and also have bartonella and rickettsia. I wonder if the bacterial load is much higher in me than others but I really have no idea.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
KB I had been misdiagnosed for 25 years when I finally started treatments with the chamber. I have no idea how much my load was because I believe I was given my illness by the Government before my deployment to Desert Storm. If you haven’t read the book Bitten, it was the last piece to my puzzle and solidified for me that they were the givers of my gift that kept on giving for years. I had some very telling information but with all that is written in the book along with info on the net and my own experience I have no doubt I had a GOV infection and no way of knowing all the goodies it contained. They call it Gulf War Illness, but they know they gave us LD.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Are you doing other therapies along with mHBOT?
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Peimomma, I was a military spouse when I got it. The symptoms started showing up while we were stationed in Germany but only after I was bitten by something, twice on the back of my calf. The bites were swollen to about baseball size, red with a white dot in the center but no outer white ring by the time I noticed them after kneeling in the grass and weeding in my little German garden in a little German village. There was no ticks to be seen but there had been lots of tiny spiders running from me so I and the doctor I saw the next day both thought spider bites. He gave me antibiotics but not nearly enough to eradicate Lyme so I think that’s why the symptoms came on so slow. The bug had been reduced and needed time to build up a presence. That was 1999. I suspected something was wrong by 2002 but didn’t know I had something serious until 2004. I wasn’t diagnosed or treated for Lyme until 2013. Abx never did anything for me except give me food intolerance and digestive issues.
I did read some of Bitten. Very interesting read but I never finished it. Lyme brain has reduced my cognitive abilities to the point that if what I’m reading doesn’t read like a story I can follow, much of what I read doesn’t stick well. (I think I have the facts right but I’m never sure and I have to swim through my brain to find what I’m looking for, like a long ago memeory.) I need to find the book and read it again.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
KB, I mostly do audio books now due to my busy schedule and the need to multitask. Plus I can check them out from the library again if it didn’t all click the first time. Some I have purchased because I like them enough to listen again and my husband can listen when he wants on his commute time.
I never was sick until our vaccinations prior to deploying. Once in country I had all the signs of Lyme, weight loss, neck and joint pain, severe fatigue, diarrhea. I just thought it was a bad gut from the food. No one has put together how troops from all the services stationed in different areas came home with similar symptoms. And let’s not forget that family members began having the very same symptoms.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I do audio books as well but I retain better in non-fiction if I have the physical book and can flip back to something much easier to refresh my memory but it’s still a pain getting things to stick right now.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
How long have you been pushing through?
Does all that CE keep you awake?

Phoip I am currently doing only mHbot
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hominahomina I don’t have to push through now, I haven’t been treating for almost 3 years since going back to work. I’m at 100%, no setbacks.
When I was in my first 6 months is when I was pushing through the bad days. I hit a wall at dive 57 and then was herxing for 3-4 months. I would get up and dive, do CE, sleep/rest then do another coffee usually by noon. My herx would start 7-9 hours after my treatment so I tried to get ahead of them with the detox and water intake. I had to introduce a homeopathic liquid detox to help empty my lymph system though.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
What homeopathic remedy?
Did your herx affect your kidneys?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

What about supplements and diet?

Besides CE, any other detox therapies?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Here’s a link to the detox
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Peimomma
What times of the day did you use this and how much?

Phioph Chlorella
What do you suggest as far as supplements and diet ?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Most people with chronic illness have genetic issues with their detoxification pathways, so If your diet is low in nutrients and high in inflammatory foods, you can expect that you will not detoxify well.

Optimally, you would want to eliminate foods that place a toxic/metabolic burden on your body, including gluten/grains, dairy, sugar, caffeine, processed foods, bad fats/oils, preservatives, etc.

I would suggest whole, organic foods, good fats (coconut oil, avocados, oily fish like wild caught salmon and sardines), eggs, grass fed beef, and bone/meat broth, soaked and roasted nuts/nut butters, etc.

Depending on the degree of illness, you may need to start with a very basic protocol, like the GAPS diet and later incorporate more of these suggested foods. I'm also not a fan of multiple supplements, especially when you are healing your gut.

This type of nutrition will optimize your pathways of detoxification and provide necessary building blocks for healing the immune system/gut, nerves, etc. Over time, you may find you can tolerate consistent mHBOT better, and don’t require other “detox” methods.

It helps to remember that "Food is Medicine".
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Phoiph I know good diet is important thanks but I know at least one person who recovered from a bacterial infection long standing that did not alter their diet however I don't think it was lyme
I know people that use folates and b12 to help their metthylation I think that has helped me

On that homeopathic remedy
Did that really help?
I am skeptical of that branch of "medicine"
But I am willing to try
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Was a little disappointed to hear Dr Tania Dempsey state Hbot was not so effective against Bartonella and Lyme Listen and comment if you want
About 2/3 in I estimate
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Dr. Dempsey is very specific and in depth in her knowledge about many subjects in the podcast, but her comments on HBOT are limited and very general.

In answer to the interviewer's question re whether she was concerned about HBOT worsening Bartonella, as it is an "aerobic" organism, she was not, but she was also not convinced it was that "useful" for Bartonella in her observation on patients that were using it for Bartonella and other conditions.

She then asks the interviewer for his own experience, which he states that he "hasn't been particularly drawn to HBOT", but further shares his own general comments (some of which I disagree).

We have no background on how the subjects of Dr. Dempsey's observation were using HBOT (e.g., dosage, frequency, duration), which we know is crucial to recovery.

Of course, from personal experience, I already know it works for Bartonella.

Homina, in reference to your previous question regarding diet, did you catch her comments that diet is 80% of the program?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
If I recall she also said she did not think Hbot was so good for lyme as well
Since I am someone that does Hbot and since there are people here that have had good success using Hbot
I would have similar questions as you Phoiph

No I did not catch the comment on 80%
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Homina I was using it twice a day, right after my treatment and then before bed which was about 7 pm back in the day.

Yes, it absolutely helped lesson my load. I use homeopathic remedies often for myself and my dogs. Do not take it if you have coffee, anything minty or strong in odor that would antidote the remedy. They are very fragile and many people don’t understand how to use them and therefore they get no results. We have brought dogs back to life, healed broken bones, healed surgery incisions and removed the pains of many different people. In the hands of a person that uses caution and care when taking them, they are very powerful.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
You mentioned dogs
Is there anything you do homeopathic for separation anxiety?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Homina I actually use CBD oil for my girls anxiety. I tried remedies at first but trying to look at the deeper picture and what remedy fits her profile I gave up and moved to CBD. I use remedies for acute situations and many times anxiety stems from a deeper issue. It would take some time to dose and watch and then decide when to change to a new remedy and try again.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
What brand of CBD do you use?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
This is the brand I use for myself and my pups.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
When used the homeopathic formula
Did it cause your organs of elimination to work harder?
Did you eliminate more?
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I keep seeing concern over CO2 buildup inside mHBOT on the Facebook page. What is this about and why are they concerned?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I'm not on the Facebook site, so don't know what's being discussed there.

Can you provide more info?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Homina the great thing about remedies is they work very gently when taken correctly. You won’t even notice except to feel better with the toxic load lessening. Keep the water flowing.

Keep me posted if you decide to take it.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Phoiph, I think it’s mostly a concern when 2 or more people share the chamber but some are saying that CO2 build up can become a issue if you don’t have the right amount of compressors for the size chamber or the right amount of oxygen concentrator per person. I’m just finding it confusing I guess and was wondering if anyone here has heard of this before.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
kaibyrd...I think the CO2 issue is just people looking for something to freak out about.

You not only have the compressor pushing air in at one end of the chamber and the escape valves letting it out the other (much faster than you can breath it) but you are also breathing O2 directly from the oxygen concentrator.

There is no way you will have a build up of CO2. Actually you are more at risk under the sheets in bed, than in your chamber. The only way this could be a problem is in a poorly designed home built chamber.

Please don't worry about this.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Digby!!
I wasn’t so much worried as confused as to why others were so concerned about it and why I was seeing it pop up so much.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Does or has anyone here used activated charcoal or other binders as a binder in conjunction with your dives
If you do or did when did you take it before after?

Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Homina~

I am diving primarily for mold exposure (and resulting ongoing loose stools and food sensitivities). I take activated charcoal and I typically take it after I dive. However, if I've had a mold exposure, I may take more than one dose a day and therefore one dose might be before I dive.

Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :

I recently did my 100th dive. And I wanted to report that all is well.

There is one thing that I'll mention though. I broke a bone in my hand (small metacarple) due to mHBOT. Let me explain. You see, for the last 20 years, I either do not dream, or cannot recall my dreams. I know this is not normal, and shows there is something amiss in my brain. But it was recalcitrant to various treatments, and so I eventually gave up on it and moved on with my life.

Well, guess what happened the night after my very first 5 minute test dive ? Yep. I started dreaming like crazy. I continued to dive for only 5 minutes each day, as I was cautious, and very intrigued by the new development. Sure enough each night, I dreamed like crazy, until on the fifth night, I apparently dreamed too much. I was awakened in the middle of the night by a family member screaming at me, "What are you doing ? !!!". "I don't know", I genuinely replied. Well, it turns out I was up in my sleep punching the wall, very hard, over and over and over.

Once things settled down, we flipped on the light to look at my hand. Mmmmm. It was not pretty. You could see that it hand broken bones just by looking at it. So, I went the doctor the next day, and got an X-ray. Fortunately, I had only broken the small metacarpal bone. They put on a temporary cast and sent me home. And the first thing I did when I got home, despite the protestations of my family, was get right back in my chamber ! In fact, I've not missed a dive yet, and I've not had anymore nocturnal upsets either. (And I should add here, I've never been prone to violence, or had problems with mood disorders.)

I had my last visit with the orthopedic surgeon recently. He said the bone had healed well, and he was pleased with my progress.

So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. IMHO, the morale of the story is: mHBOT is a subtle, but powerful, therapy. Strange things can happen along the way.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Carbokitty
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Elsworth, so glad you are seeing progress! And good job hanging in there. I think that would make me think twice about continuing. Certainly understand your family's concern. You must have had a pretty good nightmare stored up. Good for you for not letting the bully get the best of you! ;-)

You are so correct! mHBOT is a subtle, but powerful, therapy.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Buzzing in the ears
It's not really buzzing but that is the best description I have right now
When I dive a lot my head buzzes continuously
Does this happen to any of you?
Is this a detox symptom?
Is it a sign I am overdoing it?
What can I do about it ?

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I have continuous ringing in my ears. It was there long before I started hbot. There were a couple of times after diving that it was louder but it’s gone back down to normal now.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Kalbyrd Thanks for responding
That is interesting the same with me but the "ringing" seems to be more consistent
I wonder why
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
For me, it could have been the noise from the hbot that increased the ringing. I started wearing ear buds to drown out the constant noise and then I got a silencer a couple weeks ago and that is helping but now I have a faulty release valve that is buzzing really loud. Is your hbot loud?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
My Newtowne is not that loud I don't think
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I don’t really know then other than our bodies are trying to heal but sometimes that doesn’t feel like healing. I’m kinda new to this and still having lots of problems.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
For me, it could have been the noise from the hbot that increased the ringing. I started wearing ear buds to drown out the constant noise and then I got a silencer a couple weeks ago and that is helping but now I have a faulty release valve that is buzzing really loud. Is your hbot loud?


Your exit valve could be clogged with lint. You can GENTLY vacuum it from the inside, making sure you are holding the nozzle a bit away from it, and/or clean out with a Q-tip.

If this doesn't work, the Oxyhealth valves (not sure on others) can be carefully unscrewed from the outside and cleaned.

Also, sometimes just giving the chamber a whack with your hand on the outside near the valve when it is fully inflated will stop the buzzing.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi Phoiph!

I called the S2S customer service number and Bruce told me if it’s buzzing that loud (I was in it when I called) that it needs replacing. I’m still waiting to hear back from him though. *drums fingers*
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Maybe it does need to be could always troubleshoot in the meantime just in case its an easy (and inexpensive) fix.

Regardless, I would call him back and say you need one sent immediately, as you can't effectively use your chamber in the current state.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I was thinking of calling him. I have tried several things but nothing helps. I’ll see if I can get a vacuum in there but I have little hope that will do anything. It’s such a loud buzz that it really sounds like a structural issue. Thanks!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Phoiph, I did call Bruce. He apologized for not getting back to me quicker. I had also sent him photos of my windows in my hbot because they started fogging up last month and are completely fogged over now. He’s sending me a whole new shell!!! Apparently the windows can’t be fixed in these particular hbot shells so I won’t have any down time. He will send the shell first (that will also fix the noise issue) and then he’s sending a mailing label for me to send the old one back. That’s great customer service!!!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Good to hear!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Here is an article which suggests why possibly Lyme is so hard to get rid of once it establishes itself in the body It disables the immune system

In Mice
"Dr. Nicole Baumgarth of the University of California, Davis. Her work was subsequently published in 2014 and 2015. She showed that after mice were infected, Lyme/Borrelia bacteria migrate to lymph nodes, which are sites where much of the immune response occurs"

"Lyme/Borrelia, thus, goes to lymph nodes to cripple the apparatus that makes the most effective"

Maybe this happens in humans too and maybe as has been mentioned here Hbot restores the disabled immune system so it can fight lyme if this is true How would regular doses of high concentrations of oxygen delivered at high pressure restore the immune system specifically the lymph nodes?

Experts out there? please chime in

Here is the article

Thanks for reading

[ 11-03-2019, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I think it is well accepted that Borrelia attacks and disables the immune system in humans.

So, your question is whether higher pressure/concentrations of oxygen would restore the immune system more effectively than the "low and slow" method?

If you read this thread from start to finish, you will note that that the entire thread is based on the discovery that the "low and slow" method has been more successful (and safer) than the short term, high pressure treatment for overall recovery, and it will become clearer as to why this is so.

Think of high pressure HBOT as an attempted "kill the bugs" method, as with antibiotics. (Note that the article you posted discovered that the "bugs" came back after discontinuing antibiotics).

Think of "low and slow" mHBOT as a healer, regulator, and restorer of immune function (among many other benefits), so it can do its job against the "bugs" long term.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
(Homina, if I didn't understand your question, please clarify...maybe you were asking how hyperbaric restores the immune system in general?)
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Yes that was my question

If it is true Lyme/Borellia in Humans Attacks the lymph nodes so they can't make IgG which is a more effective antibody

How does Hbot enable the Lymph Nodes to make IgG again or is there some other mechanism that happens to improve the immune system?
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Hi Phoiph,
im from Germany and am at page 5 in this Thread. i wanted to ask you if you know any good concentrator brand that delivers 10 LPM with 20 psi here in Europe? I only found one concentrator that delivers 9 LPM and sadly 9.7 psi.
To my bad i bought this thing allready but for only 200€. it only has 20000 Hours on the clock so i made a good deal. Can i use this with an mHBOT or will this be useless?
It is the "INVACARE Platinum 9"

Do you have any discounts for european users also on chambers or concentrators?

Thanks. Back to reading further in this Thread.

BTW: any other mHBOT German users here?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

To better understand how hyperbaric oxygen improves immune function, you must first consider the cascade effects of hypoxia (i.e., low oxygen levels, which can be cause by Lyme and other factors) on the immune and other body systems, as hypoxia, immunity, and inflammation are closely related.

Here's an article which explains the effects of both hypoxia and hyperbaric oxygen in detail:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome, Broxin!

Your concentrator might be adequate, as the 9.7 psi should (in theory) be strong enough to counter the 4.2 psi backpressure of the chamber.

That said, with a lower psi unit, the backpressure may also lower the LPM flow, so I will check on it this for you with my "concentrator expert".

And yes, you can order concentrators here for shipment overseas, and there are available discounts on chambers. You can PM me for the information if you decide to go that route.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I heard back from the "concentrator expert."

He believes your concentrator will work with a home chamber. He suggests that you run the concentrator for 4-5 minutes prior to pressurizing your chamber to get it up to speed to handle the back pressure from the chamber.

He also suggests setting the LPM to 9. It will likely drop a bit when the chamber is pressurized, but don't adjust it...just leave it wherever it lands for the duration of the dive.

(Please report back on the LPM reading when the chamber is fully pressurized.)

This is the same way the older Sequal Integra concentrators were/are used, and they have less psi than yours (although they have 10LPM).

I would recommend to have it checked/serviced since there is 20,000 hours on it, just to make sure it is functioning properly and any necessary internal filters, etc., have been changed.
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Phoiph, thanks for your time.

Ok ill try that. I exchanged all the filters already. I will drive it to a check point and get the concentration and pressure tested.

I dont have a chamber yet but am talking with a woman who has 40 families equipped with an mHBOT in Germany.

She does this because she belives in it and her husband is a diving instructor and doctor. So a awesome combination and a

Sad story. Her son got encephalitis as he was three years old and was completly disabled by that. He recovered a lot with

The mHBOT. As in Germany HBOT is very unknown and its hard to get a hold of a chamber. she made connections everywhere with a lot of companys and tries to get the word out, quite like

What you do in here for the american side [Wink]
She recommended "Summit to Sea" over the oxyhealth one, because 1. it is way more affordable, 2. the zipper is usable even if you are a small woman. The Oxyhealth is very rigid and hard to close by oneself if you are in the chamber.

That are her experiences.

Added to that, sadly she cant recommend Summit to Sea anymore, as the quality plummeted very badly and three customers one after another got holes in the new S2S chambers where the air was leaking and the customer support also got really bad.

She is on the search for a new company.
She found one chinese direct importer company that is on par with the old quality of Summit to Sea chambers. I dont know the name of the brand though.

So ill gather information and parts slowly and hope for a used S2S chamber from one of those families she supplied years ago (she does this for like 12 years and showed me the map of all those families)

I have lyme diagnosed two months ago and am not on any abx, although in my lyme group everyone pushes me to take them allready... but im sceptical of abx and try for years to keep whatever i have at bay with all kinds of natural and alternatives. I dont want to make it better to make it worse with those abx.

I have 5 strains of lyme tested. All igGs positive (didnt test lyme igMs)
And i have a LOT of co infections. Babs barts... ebv vzv cmv
One thing that frightens me is toxoplasmosis. Its high, even the igM...
you have any info from users with toxoplasmosis and mHBOT?

What would YOU do Phoiph?

Would you go on an extreme abx route? I have all the prescriptions for an very aggressive abx therapy plan given me by an LLMD here.

At this point, i had really every sympthom in the book.
The most frightening is my eyesight gets worse on both eyes, left one in the far and right one in the near *sigh*
more the left one. Stinging Pain behind the eyes. Dizzyness, confused sometimes, dementialIke sympthoms, shakyness, also shaky eyes and doublevision to the sides (due to eyemuscle pain i guess) And a new thing are jointpains everywhere (might be herx due to different stuff im trying like vitC/Salt and other form of alternative treatment.

I hope my joints wont get damaged prrmanently as it also started as i begun working out recently. (Oh and after i got an 10ml igG shot from the LLMD doctor, as he told me it should be done if my viral load is high (i think i shouldnd done that as it started the jointpains immediately)

I also do saunas every day/second day to detox and strengthen immune system.

Ok enough written [Smile]
Maybe youll find some time to answer some of my questions

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You were diagnosed 2 months ago, but how long ago did you start having symptoms?

Also, I know of a private party here that may ship you a chamber overseas.
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Symptoms started 03.2018 as i had fear of death three times over a thrombosis (extreme psychical stress)(weakens immunesystem)

Added to that i got a tick in 2017 and another one in 2018
And a horsefly bit me in my face with heavy swelling and lymph swelling in 2018.

Shipping will be expensive i guess?
What will be the cost roughly we are talking about and which brand?

[ 11-12-2019, 01:19 PM: Message edited by: Broxin ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You said you were positive on 5 strains of Lyme. Was Garinii one of them? (This is the strain I had).

I was also sick for about 1.5 years before diagnosis, as you have been.

I would not ever tell someone not to do antibiotics, I can only share my experience with them.

I did 9 months of IV (and other) antibiotics, antimicrobials, etc., after I was diagnosed 1.5 years after symptoms began. The antibiotics made me more ill (further destroyed my gut/immune sytem). I was told that I was worsening due to "herxing", but I did not recover from the so-called "herxing", I just continued to get worse.

When I discovered and began mHBOT years later, I was still positive for Garinii, Babesia and Bartonella (on blood smear), myriad other pathogens, and sicker than ever.

It was consistent mHBOT, diet, and gradual exercise (all 3 are crucial) over a couple of years that cured me.

It took a long time for me to understand that because my condition was "Chronic Lyme", unfortunately, it was no longer about "killing the bugs" (I had missed that window, thanks to failure to diagnose), but was about recovering my immune system so it could do its job.

I will PM you info about chamber options for overseas.
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Yes Garinii was one of them. Ill post my infection profile later so you have a rough picture of my viral/bacterial load

I am very lucky i got an rarely used summit to sea chamber for 3300€ here in Germany. If im being honest i could not afford to pay more.
Still thank you for your help in reaching out.

Can you tell me if its dangerous to dive at 1.45 - 1.5ata and put oxygen to the chamber?
Ive heard it could result in a fire in the chamber because compressed oxygen is highly inflamable so i didnt try it yet.

I have done my first 60 min dive at 1.45 ata yesterday.

Weirdly the air was really humid and the chamber walls were dripping wet, maybe because its cold outside the chamber?

Also i took a small plastic bottle half filled with water and drank that as the chamber started to fill. This way it was way easier for me to gulp and release the pressure that builds up in the ears.

One must be cautious though. If i would not have pressed out half of the air out from the bottle before deflating the chamber, the bottle would have bursted. Better to not close the bottle at all.


Btw i wanted to start at 1.3 ata with different pressure valves that are included but thought to simply jump into it and go for the 1.45-1.5 ata valves without oxygen first.

I dont know if its to much for my body, wanted to start slow:

60 min 7 days a week
A week at 1.3 without oxygen
A week at 1.45 without oxygen
A week at 1.3 with oxygen
Then for the rest of dives 1.45 with oxygen.

Would that be necessary or can one just start at 1.45 with oxygen? How are the testimonials from users?
Im at page 9 in this thread... so much to read
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hi, Broxin! Welcome. I tried starting for an hour at 1.3. But found that too much. So I ramped up from 30 minutes to 60. Once I reached 60 minutes, I went from just letting the oxygen flow into the chamber to putting the mask on at the end of the dive. Slowly increasing the time I had it on until I reached the 60 minutes. I was able to increase the oxygen by 10 minute segments. But I know people who struggle with adding 5 minutes. So it is very individual. I will post the ramping up schedule.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
mHBOT Diving Schedule (for those just starting out)

Week 1

Days 1-3: 20 minute dive at full pressure (not counting compression and decompression time). Do not wear the mask, but set it down inside the chamber so the oxygen is flowing in, mixing with compressed air.

Days 4-7: If no major reactions are happening, increase full pressure time to 40 minutes. If having previous reaction, stay at 20 minutes (still no mask; just let oxygen flow in and mix with compressed air).

Week 2

Days 1-3: If no major reactions, increase full pressure time to 60 minutes. If having a previous reaction, stay at 40 minutes (still no mask).

Days 4-7: If no major reaction, continue with full pressure 60 minute dive, wearing mask for 20 minutes, and laying it down in the chamber for the rest of the dive. (If having reaction, don't move forward; stay at last step!)

Week 3

Days 1-3: Continue 60 minute dive, wearing mask for 40 minutes, and laying it down in the chamber for the rest of the dive.

Days 4-7: Continue 60 minute dive, wearing mask for entire 60 minutes.

Again...don't move forward to the next step until you're not having major reactions. It is best to move up slowly so your body has time to detoxify and adjust.

You don't need to wear the mask while you compress (so you can clear your ears freely), but do wear it when you decompress.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi Broxin, welcome!

Please follow the schedule kgg has provided. I didn’t remember this forum, much less this thread was here until I was a couple weeks into diving at an hour with full oxygen mask time at 1.3. I crashed hard and had to start over slowly.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I agree with the above schedule (actually, I wrote it for Tanya for her own personal use), but it does apply to many people (not all though).

Be sure to go slower if need be. You can also take your time working up to full pressure if necessary (especially if your ears don't clear). Be sure to reduce pressure immediately, and stay at a lower pressure for that dive if you feel any pain in your ears (pressure is OK, pain is not).

I also think that this may not be the time to do strenuous exercise, but gentle, graded movement (like yoga, walking, etc.) is good.

Resist the urge to add a lot of other detox therapies, especially at first. Give mHBOT time to do its job. Focus on mHBOT, diet, and graded exercise.
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Thank you all.

So you guys would do the whole treatments at 1.3 ata and not dive at 1.45 ata at all, not even at a later time?

[ 11-18-2019, 03:22 AM: Message edited by: Broxin ]
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I wouldn’t. It’s too much for me.
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Ok, good to know.

today i have sinus pain in the front of my nose. If i chew it hurts like the nose was broken :/
I had a cough the last week, maybe the sinuses are still filled with some goo...

Anyone experienced that?
Will sinus pain go away if i take a break from dives or could i have done permanent damage?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You shouldn't dive when you have sinus or ear congestion.

Also, re diving 1.3 vs. 1.45 ATA, you may be able to handle the higher pressure at some point later on in your treatment, but I agree with Kaibyrd's advice to be cautious for now.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All About two weeks ago I fell off a ladder and hit the ground pretty hard on my tailbone back and head

It knocked the air out of me and for a day or two after I had waves of nasea

What puzzles me is while my back is getting better I feel very fatigued with a lot of brain fog very little energy like I have the flue without the fever

This is not exactly a lyme question but could Lyme be involved here and how long will it take me to get back to my normal sick self

[ 11-20-2019, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Are you using mHBOT to recover?
Good wellbeing to you
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I am continuing to dive I am not sure I should
But will play it by ear
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
As ive read mhbot is good for all kinds of traumatic injuries so i think its good you are continuing to doing them.

I think such an heavy injury needs time to heal. All kinds of stuff could have gone bad as you fell. So give it time i would say. Doesnt have to be lyme related.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I am sorry that you had quite the fall, Hominahomina. Did you get checked out for a concussion? The nausea makes me think of the nausea you can get with a head injury. I have also heard of Lyme resurfacing after accidents.

Meanwhile there a many people on the FB group that are people with TBIs. And they are using mild hyperbaric as treatment with success.
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Anyone knows if my mother that had her eye lens replaced for an artificial one because she had cataracs in both eyes, can dive at 1.3 ata?

She is concerned that something might happen
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Broxin, my mom dove several times while visiting me and she’s had cataract with lense replacement surgery. She had no issues with her eyes.

Homina, I’m so sorry this happened. The nausea does sound like a concussion. I hope you get relief soon.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Broxin kgg and Kalbyrd

The Hbot does seems to help me feel better in the lower back buttocks area where the most impact occured
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Nice to hear that mhbot helps you out.

Can the inner zipper of the chamber be lubricated somehow?

I don't want to use oil as I've heard that any lubricant should be avoided if pure oxygen comes in contact
Phoiph you have any info in this direction?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
What chamber are you using?
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Homina, the "Dive" from "Summit 2 Sea"
Its not that the zipper works bad, its just that i want prevent it to wear out and lubricate it a little.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I would like to know too
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
I would like to know too

What chamber do you have?

So I found after some research an uninflamable (that's important) certified for use on devices that work with oxygen, a lubricant named "Klüberalpha YV 93-302"
It's very expensive but very secure to use
(can't cause selfignition if in contact with oxygen)

Here on the German Amazon store for example

Divers use it for their equipment
I don't know if 4g is enough for the whole inner zipper. I'll order it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I would not use anything on your chamber without contacting the manufacturer.

They sell zipper lubricant and zipper cleaner for $7 per tube.

You can contact them with questions or orders via email on their website:
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Homina-

In my experience the fatigue is from detox. If I have more to detox, my liver can't keep up and I am more tired. You are detoxing both from the injury to your tailbone as well as possible injury to your brain.

In my experience, reducing my time in the chamber helps my liver keep up or catch up and my energy gets better. Just a thought.

Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Here's an article on the differences in how HBOT, Exercising With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) and mHBOT work.


Cass A 8015&et_rid=756488451
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Cass A
The article says Hbot acts as a natural antibiotic
I think that is true
Isn't is also true that Lyme knows how to hide from antibiotics? I wonder if this is true for Hbot?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks for the article, Cass A. A lot of people think EWOT is the same as hyperbaric, so it was nice to see the differences explained.


Most antibiotics can only go as far as your circulatory system can take them.

In many people with Lyme and other chronic conditions, circulation is poor. This gives Lyme the opportunity to go deep into tissues and evade antibiotics.

With mHBOT, oxygen (a natural antibiotic) is pushed deeper into your tissues due to the pressure, and goes beyond the reach of your circulatory system.

More importantly, it improves and supports your own immune and other body systems (unlike antibiotics, which disrupt/destroy gut biome, the seat of your immune system).

That said, of course antibiotics are life saving and necessary for many infections, and can be effective for recent Lyme and co-infections.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Glad to be of help!

As for Lyme persisting in areas that are not reached by the blood supply, I found out about that making a BIG difference when my LLMD injected ozone into the areas of my mouth where tonsils used to be---and had pus spurt out!! The result of that and adjunct treatments with IV Vitamin C, etc., produced the greatest benefit of any therapy I'd done before that!

I'm still in the research mode, with my most recent therapies having plateaued. This thread is being very important to me.
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Thanks ClassA

What do you mean by injected ozone? Injected the pure ozone gas with a syringe into the tissue?

Also i gave myself iv vitC 7.5g four or five times and allways felt horrible with stinging and twitches after that (maybe die off)

How much vitC did you get per session and how much sessions?
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Hi, Broxin,

The ozone injected was in some sort of solution and injected straight into the tissue.

I also got ozone solution IVs for a time with the same MD. Then, he switched to what's called MAH--major auto hemo therapy, which is extraction of your blood, mixing it with an ozone solution, and then putting it back in the body---done by IV. Now, he mainly does some IV laser light therapy.

I don't know how much Vit C was in the IVs that I got. I got these in late 2013 to early 2014, and don't recall the number of them off-hand--wasn't that many. From my notes at the time, mainly fatigue after and once feeling the vit C going through my body. I was in a long course of treatment using many modalities at the time, so nothing really specific in terms of the Vit. C.

I was getting ozone injections into the tonsils, "immune booster" IVs, colonics, dental surgeries and tooth re-alignment, parasite cleanses, and more!! Overall, this period did result in the biggest positive changes so far. I got Lyme in 1998, but wasn't diagnosed until 2005.

But, as you can see, I'm still working on it!!!

Best to you!

Cass A
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :

Thanks for the article on How Hbot can affect the immune system It was rather deep but the gist I think was oxygen can help the immune system I say that because when I dive I get die off

My question on bacteria running from oxygen is if one uses Hbot like an antibiotic hitting it hard rather than systematically ie daily a little at a time
Does the bacteria see it and hide from the threat like it would abx

If what you say is true that oxygen under pressure goes places where the bacteria hide then it would have no place to hide but I am not sure about that

If the slow bit by bit method is used then it seems likely the immune system aided by oxygen with all it's complexity would find a way to kill off the bacteria little by little
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I would be cautious about doing mega-doses of antioxidants with mHBOT.

Oxidation is one of the ways mHBOT disarms pathogens. mHBOT also promotes your body to create more of its own endogenous antioxidants.

In theory, mega-doses of antioxidants could thwart this process.

Also, re your mother's eye surgery, do ask her ophthalmologist to clear her for mHBOT, as there could be other factors in her situation. You can let him know that 1.3 ATA is equivalent to approximately 10-12 feet of underwater pressure.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:

Thanks for the article on How Hbot can affect the immune system It was rather deep but the gist I think was oxygen can help the immune system I say that because when I dive I get die off

My question on bacteria running from oxygen is if one uses Hbot like an antibiotic hitting it hard rather than systematically ie daily a little at a time
Does the bacteria see it and hide from the threat like it would abx

If what you say is true that oxygen under pressure goes places where the bacteria hide then it would have no place to hide but I am not sure about that

If the slow bit by bit method is used then it seems likely the immune system aided by oxygen with all it's complexity would find a way to kill off the bacteria little by little


By "hitting it hard" with HBOT (i.e., using a higher pressure, which equals a higher "dosage"), you may kill off more bacteria initially, which is why many people with Lyme have intolerable "herx" reactions with high pressure HBOT.

The down side is, it isn't considered safe to do frequent, long term high pressure HBOT, as it can be toxic and immune suppressive.

So, you can have too much of a good thing, just as with any therapy, supplement, or drug.

When you consider the deep effects of a chronic illness like Lyme and co-infections, the short-term nature of high pressure HBOT doesn't allow enough time for restoring the immune system and healing the body overall.

Your last statement is right on...
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :

Thanks. No, I don't do VitC infusions right now. I did them two months ago.

One question: I have daily increase in joint and muscle stinging and pain (maybe since I began diving?)

I'm on my 12th dive now today. Yiipeey

Now I don't know...

Is that like it feels when borrelia disease progresses or could that be herx?

Also I felt very tired over the weekend. (I've read that some mhbot users encounter that tiredness after diving) (I'm on page 16 now)

I was doing 60min with oxygen in the chamber and three days ago I tried 60 mins with canula in my nose.

I'm confused.
You guys that have experienced lyme progressing, how does progressing joint/muscle pain feels like? Does it hit you all of a sudden and all joints hurt all of a sudden?

It started in the upper forearm in the muscle, a heavy sting that pulsated for almost a week. Painful
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Broxin, I don't know if I wrote this to you already or not. But I think the worsening of symptoms is a sign that you are pushing too fast. I was a wimp when I first started diving. I did not want to feel any worse than I already did so I started at 30 minutes and no oxygen mask. I think I took over 2 months to get up to 60 minutes on the mask. I think I started adding the mask the last 10 minutes of my dive and then the decompression. And increased in 5 or 10 minute increments trying to avoid a herx. Like I said, feeling worse was not an option. I was so over feeling horrible. So I went really slow.

If this was me I would take a day off. Then start back at 60 minutes but only 10 minutes with the mask at the end of your dive. Then see how you feel. fwiw
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Ok i stopped on three days ago and would say the jointpain is much better.
Could it be that my body cant keep up with producing antioxidiants (SOD) and that the cartilage of the bones gets oxidized by the excess of oxygen?
Phoiph, what would you say causes this?
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
In researching options, I've done 5 sessions of Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) with contrasting high levels of oxygen and oxygen deprivation.

Well, the equipment (Live O2 brand) apparently was very volatile-organic-compound toxic, as I got rashes and a swollen face and brain! My MD put me on a 6-day course of steriodal anti-inflammatory, and things calmed down!

One of the posts here led to an extensive "how to" on setting up and using a mild hyperbaric oxygen chamber.

From my experience, it is clear that having a hypo-allergenic set-up, including the mask, hoses, and chamber, is important!


Cass A
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Broxin:
Ok i stopped on three days ago and would say the jointpain is much better.
Could it be that my body cant keep up with producing antioxidiants (SOD) and that the cartilage of the bones gets oxidized by the excess of oxygen?
Phoiph, what would you say causes this?


It is likely a typical flare of symptoms (I experienced the same), due to your immune system kicking in.

This is similar to how your muscles and joints ache when you have the flu. Although the pain is due to the reaction of your immune system (not the flu bugs themselves) many pathogens do have an affinity for the joints.

An additional cause may be doing too much mHBOT too fast in the beginning, where you are killing off pathogens faster than your body can remove the toxic byproducts.

I know of a drummer (who doesn't have Lyme and isn't technically "ill", but had minor health issues) that uses mHBOT regularly. In the beginning, she was very concerned she would not be able to play due to the joint pain that occurred in her hands after starting mHBOT. She continued mHBOT anyway, at the advice of her naturopath, and after passing through that "phase", her joint pain disappeared, and her health continued to improve overall.

I also recall going through a flare phase while I was recovering where the small hand and feet joints were so painful, it brought tears to my eyes when someone shook my hand. I also had flares of overall muscle and joint pain.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
Originally posted by Hominahomina:

If the slow bit by bit method is used then it seems likely the immune system aided by oxygen with all it's complexity would find a way to kill off the bacteria little by little


Your last statement is right on...

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Look at it another way. For 2400 years, people used willow bark (aspirin) without knowing how it worked, they just knew it worked. Exactly how it worked wasn't really explained until the 1990's.

If aspirin was discovered today, it likely wouldn't be approved until its mechanism of action was understood.

We are very fortunate to have access to the equipment and methods that we know work at our disposal, even if there are still questions as to exactly how.

If mHBOT and oxygen were a money-making drug, you can bet that such supporting studies would have already been done.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Amen to that, Phoiph!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Hello everyone. I have not been on Lymenet much over the past few years, but am still doing the best I can to get my old life back. I recently tried 2 mHBOT dives and it is hard to describe, but both dives left me feeling more relaxed with fewer of the symptoms I struggle with.

I am going for my 3rd dive today and may decide to bite the bullet and purchase my own chamber through the help of the doc who runs a local mHBOT clinic.

I have been trying to read through the Lymenet posts on mHBOT, but am only about a third of the way through. I am very anxious about learning how to set things up and use properly, especially since I have some hearing and sinus issues and need to take extra care to protect my ears.

Phoiph, are there any files or posts you can direct me to that provide assistance with using a home chamber for the first time? I will likely purchase something through Newtowne. Thank you so much!
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Dbpei, im at site 26 and done the 25th dive today
I also have problems with the right ear. I have a remote controlled switch for 10$ from amazon where i can cut the power to the compressor in the beginning of a dive if i cant free my ear.
That gives me a BIG secure feeling to have controll if my ear starts to hurt. I stop the compressor and gulp until the pressure is gone then i continue.

There is not much you can do wrong here besides staying to long in the chamber at the first days/weeks.

Start with 20 minutes pure diving time without additional oxygen and incre 20 min per week.

I think you need much more dives than 3 or 4 haha

I think 40 are the minimum.

What does one session cost at your mHBOT doctor?

Greetings from Germany
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome back, dbpei~

I will help you with set up and instructions. You can PM me with your contact info, and we can go over everything.

I can also get you a discount through NewTowne, but we should go over all options before you make a decision.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Thank you so much Phoiph! I will PM you. [Smile]
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi All: I am sorry I have been in the weeds for quite sometime. I experienced almost a years worth of recurrent UTIs and it was likely due to hormones but that with work kept me away. Thankfully, those appear to be behind me. I am still diving everyday and this Jan. 29th I will be doing Phoiph's method for 3 years. I find I don't have to dive everyday now to maintain gains but I can tell that I am better when I am diving. Welcome back Dbpei and Broxin. I spent time in Germany in 2012 doing photons and think of fondly. Unfortunately, it was not the bullet for me. Mhbot has been the best bullet thus far. Phoiph is an expert in all of this so just follow her guidance. I am so grateful to you Phoiph and I am thrilled to hear you are maintaining your wellness! I agree, the three pronged approach cannot be beat. I still have Dr. H on board and I think is really pleased with my progress.

I am running two companies so it can be done! Does anyone know how Peimomma is? Good to be back here!

Also wanted to say that a guy at Oxyhealth my the name of Trevor is amazing if you ever need help there. I got a Solace mattress and he sent me sheets for free! SO nice. My Solace thankfully is still going strong!

I had lots of bumps along the way as I found that it was like pealing back an onion. So don't be scared, sometimes back off a bit but honestly, Phoiph's way WORKS! Hugs all around and I will be happy to answer any questions I can for you. I do not have the expertise that Phoiph has or Digby. I am so grateful to you all.... Happy Holidays!!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Also, I have had Lyme, Bart, Babs, Mycoplasma and who knows what else since 2008 (worked with Dr. J and then Dr. H and flew to Germany). 2016 is when I found Phoiph and Mhbot. All by the grace of God. I am VERY GRATEFUL to Phoiph, Digby, Peimomma and all those that came before me. The thread is an invaluable learning tool. I was worried too about Babs and honestly, just listen to Phoiph. Your immune system gets modulated and Bam... you can beat this stuff!

Finally, I can say that!! My greatest gratitude! HUGS all around! [group hug]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
So good to hear from you Willbeatthis! Yay! On continuing to feel well.

Peimomma will probably respond. But since I am on her group on FB, she is well. Able to work a full time job. She is a great help on the group.

Like you, I will be forever grateful to Phioph and this group.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks, everyone, Willbeatthis, that is the greatest Christmas present ever!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
That is such great news Willbeat this. There is such a high bar to entry for mHBOT...cost, time invested, discipline and courage/faith as one goes through the process but the people that stick it out really get amazing results. I am so happy that you are one of us!!!

Happy Holidays All!
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Oh Kgg... So good to hear from you again too... How are you doing? I pray really well. That is wonderful to hear about Peimomma. I am THRILLED. She had sent me some pictures probably a year ago now visiting her family out West I believe and I tell you what.... She looked like a MILLION dollars! Healthy as could be.... So wonderful to hear!

Phoiph, well, you have no idea the gratitude I have. Thank you for taking all the time with me and sharing all this expertise with so many. And, it really is EXPERTISE. It really is like throwing a pebble into a lake and watching the ripples. Because of you and this thread I have some semblance of real normalcy. I even refer to Lyme etc in the past. HUGE! My students too are grateful because I would not be able to do for them what I do without you.... How can I help you, Phoiph? I pray your family and you are thriving as always....

Digby.... You are so dear and also such a wealth of knowledge. Thank you too for all the time and care. It is wonderful to be one of you.... Honestly, words will never be able to express my gratitude... I am glad to hear you are doing well too!

Broxin- you are in the right place. I do not have the expertise unfortunately that say Phoiph and Digby have but I will be happy to help you in any way I can. Digby is right, it is all about faith, persistence and dedication. You too will get there. This group is great at answering questions!

Good to see you kaibyrd, dbei, HominaHomina and carbo kitty!

Merry Christmas dear team! Hugs all around! [group hug]
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Good morning and Happy New Year, divers!
Yesterday was dive 200 for me so I thought I'd give an update.
Some of you remember that it was mold exposure and chronic diarrhea that brought me here. Your journey's and sharing your experience, strength and hope have been invaluable to me.
I actually did my first 20 min dive a year ago yesterday! That was after being re-exposed to mold in my parent's condo. I felt almost immediate relief and after 8 days, I felt amazing. What was unexpected was that within 3 days of diving, my stools went from diarrhea/loose to fully formed. A miracle.

As most/many of you have experienced, it hasn't been a complete upward journey. It's been up and down, forward and back. I also came here with a tremendous amount of food sensitivities. And low levels of healthy flora in my gut. In July, my intestines got irritated my something with spices that I ate while out and that set me back for at least 2 months. My stools were loose, I had intestinal discomfort, my sleep was disrupted and my food sensitivities got worse/regressed.

I finally did a stool test which revealed that I had low secretory IgA (SIgA). It was the only thing "off" on the whole test (no parasites, bacteria, viruses, etc). That can cause diarrhea and food sensitivities. I tried all the recommended natural remedies (colostrum, l-glutamine and one other) but couldn't tolerate any. A catch 22.

Because I'd had some good success in the past, I wanted to try FMTs again (fecal microbiota transplants). I really felt that the combination of FMTs and mHBOT (gotta love acronyms!) would work. It's not easy or cheap to get the FMTs (I've been to Taymount so buy them through them but have to travel outside the US to get them) but I did that at the end of October.

Boom! I was back on track. My stools have been formed since then. I was able to tolerate goat milk colostrum in order to boost my SIgA and I have been able to very very slowly introduce more foods. Believe me, after 9 years of this journey, I've learned through the school of hard knocks that going too fast with new foods can set me way back (like the July episode with a spicy burger) and it's just not worth it.

My safe foods for all these years have been animal proteins, carrots and bananas. I now regularly eat a variety of vegetables. I was recently able to add blueberries and avocado. I soak and the dry/roast at low temperatures walnuts and pumpkin seeds. I am thrilled! I've only experienced 2 foods (almonds and maple syrup) so far that I didn't not tolerate well and that's ok.

So I dive every day, except when I am traveling and I occasionally miss 2-4 days if I'm out of town. On Sunday, we are leaving and driving to CA from WI to spend 2 months. I am taking my chamber with me (but will miss the days we are on the road).

I am so grateful to all of you and especially to Phoiph for all the guidance and support through this journey. If all of you hadn't been so generous in sharing your experience, I wouldn't be where I am with my health today. THANK YOU!

Wishing you all good health and happy diving in 2020.

Mold exposure 2011
Lyme dx 2012
Antibiotics for 18 months 2012-2013
CIRS dx 2014
SIBO dx 2015
FMTs late 2017
Starting diving Dec 31 2018
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi Willbeatthis!
So good to see you here and doing so well!
Same to you Carbokitty!

Unfortunately I’m not doing so well. I got a chest cold in November but it didn’t stop me from diving so I am getting better at that but I took my hbot with me during the holidays and we got home yesterday. I missed the dive yesterday and woke up feeling awful today. I think I caught a head cold. Someone please remind me, if I can get up to pressure without ear pain, is it ok to dive with a head cold? I took antihistamine to clear my nose and it’s not really stuffy, just runny and sneezy.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi KB~
So sorry you got sick again! What I hear on the FB group is don't dive if you've got congestion/can't clear your ears.
I was sick in early December. I dove while I was not congested but after the 2nd day, I was congested AFTER the dive so had to stop. I started again when I thought I was clear but had to skip another day because diving caused me to congest again. I had to be patient with it.
Since I don't take antihistamines, that wasn't an option for me. That might just keep you ok.
Hope you feel better soon!
BTW having a cold was a GOOD sign for me. It's my 2nd one since I've started diving. I hadn't had a cold for at least 5 years and I think my immune system just wasn't strong enough to enter into the battle and pathogens always just went deep (gut, etc). Now that my immune system is improving, I'm able to enter the "fight", which is where all those nasty and uncomfortable symptoms come from. Yay! I'm getting cold again!
Feel better!
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Happy 2020 to every diver out there

Kaibyrd, its not only the ears that can congest. In your skull/nose area there are sinus pathways that can still be congested
and in the most extreme example as i have read on a divers forum, you could break some sinus walls, even the wall to your brain could break from overpressure because its congested. This could even lead to death.

I dont think in our 1.3ata chambers that could happen, but i dove with a cold where my ears would clear but i got a very strong stingy pain on the bridge of my nose, to the cheek side (sinuses) and it did take a week to disappear. Very unconfortable and painful. You could stress the coating of the sinuses anf it takes time to heal. Divers report nosebleeding from damaged sinuses.

I would not risk it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks for sharing your amazing progress...Congratulations!!!

I agree that a cold is a GOOD sign during this process; it happened to me also, and it was a sign of my immune system behaving more normally, and of more healing to come.

I also agree that it is best to skip dives when you have congestion and/or fever.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks everyone! I did dive Wednesday without issue but knew when I woke up Thursday that I was too congested to dive any longer until things clear up. I keep telling myself this is a good thing but I sure wish I could keep the colds at bay until I’ve gotten a lot more dives under my belt. Will missing dives from colds set my progress back a lot?

Maybe now that the holidays are over and there’s nothing planned but hibernating, I’ll be able to go a while without catching another bug. I’m very fearful of the flu bug! No way am I getting the vaccine though.

I’m still pretty congested and now my ears are bubbling when I swallow. I may need to see a doc to make sure it’s not a sinus infection if it’s still bad toward the end of the week. Still feels like a cold right now but I’m ready to turn a corner here. 😝

Y’all be careful out there! I didn’t use my DoTerra On Guard enough while traveling home Tuesday, that’s for sure. *kicking myself*
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Don't worry about the colds setting you back from missed mHBOT sessions. Your body is working hard clearing the latent bugs. IMO, this is part of the process, and a good thing.

You may find that when the colds abate, you take a positive step forward.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
That would be wonderful! Thanks so much Phoiph!
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Phoiph, do you think including antabuse/Disulfiram would work with mHBOT?

I am researching that one right now. It is a drug for alcoholics and is very well tested as it is allready in use for a very long time.

You know about it?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I would direct this question to Digby, he has experience with it.

It is contraindicated with HBOT.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Broxin, DSM blocks Superoxide Dismutase which protects against Oxygen toxicity, hence the contraindication.

Here is a study that addresses that:
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks willbeathis


When you travel and bring your chamber
What chamber do you have?
How do you transport such a bulky thing?
Also you say you started a 20 min dive a year ago
What was your dive progression when did you go to 30 min 40 etc where are you now?

Also for everyone
Do any of you use an earthing mat if so what kind?


[ 01-09-2020, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :

I’ve tried an earthing mat I got off amazon but for some reason I found it uncomfortable. It seemed to make my legs cold and achy.

I traveled during the holidays with my mHBOT and it’s a big one. We got a travel lift that fits into the trailer hitch to put all our suitcases in. That came with a 60” bag that fit onto it. We got another smaller bag that was 40” and the hbot chamber fit in there very nicely so that made for easier carrying. The rest we put into the back of our SUV.
Posted by Gabbysson (Member # 52061) on :
Hello all. This is my first post though having read through all 46 pages (sheesh!) of the thread I feel like I know many of you.

I was diagnosed with LD just a year ago and with no known tick bite I estimate I've had the disease for perhaps 2-3 years.

My symptoms are not nearly as severe as many of you nor have I suffered through nearly as many failed treatments as most. I am humbled by the courage and endurance I have read about on these pages. The numerous successes give me hope of a brighter tomorrow.

I was able to experience a couple of low pressure hard chamber dives without adverse reaction. After reading The Oxygen Revolution and the thread I am determined to begin mHBOT treatment as soon as possible.

I am currently researching available chambers and believe the Newtowne 34" is likely my best option. If anyone has experience with that unit to report or advice about other available units, I'd be happy to hear about it.

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome, Gabbysson! And kudos for making it through the whole thread!!

I have a 34" Newtowne and love it. I had initially an OxyHealth Vitaeris that I had bought second hand. When the zipper blew many years later, I opted to buy new than repair. Mainly, because I did not want to lose diving time. And buying a Newtowne was not that much more than what repairs was going to cost. I have no regrets going with Newtowne.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I also have a Newtowne 34 inch and I find it is so far a sturdy chamber I have done about 200 dives

I strongly dislike three zipper system however,it is also sturdy and seals very well but it is really hard for me to use. I am regularly pulling the wrong zipper when getting ready to dive because it is hard to tell one from another

You have to make sure the middle zipper is fully closed (sometimes one of those little pull loops gets jammed in the closure point and creates a small leak)

When zipping up the outside zipper use a paint stick to push it closed fully because there is not a lot of room to push it closed if you use your fingers

After the dive it is really hard to grab the top zipper (outside zipper) there is not alot of room to get your fingers in to grab the loop as I already mentioned

One thing you can do is remove those pull loops and replace them with color coded or numbered loops so you can tell one from the other. Newtowne may have improved the zipper system since I bought mine

All that being said it is still a sturdy chamber with lots of room to move around in.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You can contact Marie at NewTowne, and she will send you "improved" zipper pulls, which are less likely to drag against the zipper teeth and damage them.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:

When you travel and bring your chamber
What chamber do you have?
How do you transport such a bulky thing?


Homina, when you are traveling with your chamber, you don't need to take the frame and mattress, just the bag, compressor, and concentrator.

Some people opt to rent a concentrator at their destination, if available.

Some airlines will fly medical equipment for free, but you must make arrangements with them in advance and follow size restrictions.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Homina and others~
I also have the Newtowne 34" and I am happy with it (after the learning curve and early frustration with the 3 zipper system.

I kept the box that the chamber came in. We decided to ship the chamber itself via UPS to our destination. Then the concentrator and the compressor easily fit in our SUV along with our luggage. We did pack the frame in the car and just shipped the "blue tube".

Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:

You can contact Marie at NewTowne, and she will send you "improved" zipper pulls, which are less likely to drag against the zipper teeth and damage them.

Thanks for that Phioph I can call Marie and see.
I am not traveling with my chamber I was just curious
Posted by Gabbysson (Member # 52061) on :
Marie at Newtowne says they have had functional problems with the Airsep New Life concentrators in the last year so they have switched to the DeVilbiss concentrators.

Unfortunately they are back ordered on the DeVilbiss so they may not be available for at least 3 weeks.

I have read good reports on this thread about the Airseps. Do you think their quality as slipped recently?

Would DeVilbiss be the next best concentrator and is there a recommended source for it or whichever you think is the best unit?

Thanks for the advice.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I recently asked my very knowledgeable and trusted concentrator resource about this, and he has not had issues over the past year with AirSep, nor have I with the new unit I recently bought. I have also not heard of any problems from anyone who has bought them.

He looked into carrying the DeVilbiss, and a tech at their company advised him not to use them with a chamber. According to the tech, they have a variable PSI, and the backpressure from the chamber could eventually burn out the compressor.

Only time will tell if this will happen, but I am passing this information on to Marie.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by carbokitty:
Hi Homina and others~
I also have the Newtowne 34" and I am happy with it (after the learning curve and early frustration with the 3 zipper system.

Carbokitty Please tell me how you manage the zippers

Thanks Appreciated
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:

I recently asked my very knowledgeable and trusted concentrator resource about this, and he has not had issues over the past year with AirSep, nor have I with the new unit I recently bought. I have also not heard of any problems from anyone who has bought them.


Can you tell us who this is? It would be good to know

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I don't post contact information here on LymeNet, but you can PM me your email address and I will send it to you.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Hello everybody. I am new to this and am more than half way through reading this amazing thread. I wondered if any of you can offer me some guidance.

I am struggling with the 3 zipper system on my Newtowne chamber. My husband is able to help me by zipping from the outside, but if I try to do it myself from the inside, I have an awful time.

I have the most trouble with the middle zipper. It isn't so much getting it started or finishing it, but zipping it along in the middle, it feels awkward, like the teeth are not properly lined up and when I zip, it often feels forced and does not run smooth. I feel like I am doing something wrong.

Do you know if there are any youtube videos I could watch or online instructions to see how using the 3 zipper system is supposed to be done?

I just ordered some cotton gloves to put on my hands, hoping they will make things a little easier and less painful. I will also try using a shoe string to tie on to the end of the zipper pulls to give me more leverage.

My chamber is 34". Is it better to have the opening on the top for easier manipulation and vision of the zippers? I have the opening on the side but near the top now.

Also, I have a remote control to my compressor. Is it okay if when starting the dive, I zip everything up first and then turn on the compressor? A few days ago, when starting up, I tried turning on the compressor before zipping everything up and the walls of the chamber started to tighten up too quickly before I could close the last zipper and I knew something was not right. When this happened, I opened the valve and turned off the compressor to deflate everything and then started again.

I feel like there are so many things you can do wrong! Thanks so much for any advice you can provide.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
dopel For what it's worth
I also use a remote control to start my compressor and my concentrator
I zip up and turn on the compressor and a few minutes later I turn on the concentrator
When the dive is over I turn off the the compressor first and then when the chamber decompresses I turn off the concentrator I do this so as not to waste power and I hope it saves the equipment

Phoiph I think I have that information unless you have a new concentrator man If not I will let you know
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
dbpei, I have the 34" Newtowne. Originally I had my chamber with the zipper on the side. But I found it hard to work around all of the valves. So I put it with the zipper on top. I think you will find the zipper will lie better that way so the teeth line up. I found it easier to get in and out while on its side. But having the zipper on top works best for me.

I get in and while sitting up with my head out, I reach for the zippers and pull them half way starting with the top zipper. Then I lie down and again start with the top zipper to pull them close. I use a paint stick stirrer to finish closing them, especially the middle one. Then I turn on the compressor with my remote.

Hope this makes sense.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Thanks so much for this info kgg and Hominahomina! It is so very helpful! I am so grateful for this support!

The oxygen concentrator arrived today, so we ended up re-positioning the chamber so that the zipper is directly on top and that seemed to make it a lot easier to work with the zippers, but a bit more awkward to get in and out like you said, kgg - I don't mind though! [Smile]

I really appreciate hearing the order you do things too as it gives me confidence that I am doing things correctly. I have a remote for the compressor and I think I will get one for the concentrator too.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I wanted to clarify something about what I do when starting a dive
When I say I wait a few minutes before I turn on the oxygen concentrator I start the concentrator well before the chamber gets to full pressure maybe 3/4 full so the pressure from the chamber won't backup into the concentrator and do damage
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
It is best to turn your concentrator on before you get into the chamber, and turn it off after you get out.

This way, there is no risk of backpressure from the chamber damaging it, as the zipper is open and there is zero backpressure in both instances.

If you use a remote once you are inside, you run the risk of forgetting, waiting too long, or even falling asleep before you turn it on. (It is ok to use a remote for the compressor, just make sure you attach it somewhere so you don't fall asleep and roll over on it and turn it off accidentally.)

Plus, concentrators have a warm up period while they reach optimum oxygen purity. You want to monitor this by waiting for the yellow light to turn off (on the AirSep) before you get in your chamber.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :

If you use a remote once you are inside, you run the risk of forgetting, waiting too long, or even falling asleep before you turn it on. (It is ok to use a remote for the compressor, just make sure you attach it somewhere so you don't fall asleep and roll over on it and turn it off accidentally.)

Plus, concentrators have a warm up period while they reach optimum oxygen purity. You want to monitor this by waiting for the yellow light to turn off (on the AirSep) before you get in your chamber. [/QB]

I have not had any of these problems using a remote with my concentrator
I start my concentrator before full pressure giving it enough time to warm up I have had no problems with the concentrator succesfully completing the oxygen purity check so far so I don't worry about that while using the remote but you make a good point phoiph that it is good to check it from time to time

Thanks for mentioning it

[ 01-15-2020, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Thank you both! Yesterday was the first day we attached and used the concentrator. I did not know you should warm it up first! I think the yellow light was on for a while when I was in there yesterday. [Frown]

So it sounds like I should first turn on the concentrator, then get inside the chamber, zip it up, and once it is zipped up, turn on the compressor?

I think I have read in numerous posts when first getting started with mHBOT, to leave the mask by my side when the chamber is being filled and my ears are adjusting, but to keep the mask on at the end of my dive while it is decompressing. Is there any danger in wearing the mask right away? Or not using it while decompressing?

It is interesting that my first 3 dives, which were in a doctor's office, I was instructed to wear the mask for the entire 45 minutes. I was okay with this, but don't want to run into any issues now that I am doing this on my own from home.

Either way, I do understand about opening the valve to slow down the speed of the compression if my ears or sinuses are becoming painful.

My concentrator is a DevilBiss unit. I am not sure if there is a difference between that and the AirSep, as far as the yellow light and the way they both work. We did have it set at 8.

If anyone here has been using the DevilBiss concentrator, it would be great if you could chime in. Thank you so much!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You can turn on both the concentrator and compressor before you get in the chamber. That way, you will always have good air flow as you are taking your time to zip in.

There is no problem with wearing the mask as you are compressing, but it may be difficult to clear your ears while wearing it, as sometimes you need to open your mouth wide, wiggle your jaw, etc.

Keep the mask on while decompressing.

As we discussed on phone/email, it may be a good idea to start slowly in the beginning, and ramp up to wearing the mask the entire hour.

Even though you were fine wearing the mask the entire time during your 3 sessions, many people will hit a wall and crash after 2 weeks or so of overdoing it in the beginning. There is no way of knowing how you will react, so better safe than sorry.

It would be a good idea to consult NewTowne regarding your concentrator and how it should be used with a chamber (i.e., PSI settings, care, etc.) since that is where it was purchased. My understanding is that Marie at NewTowne has had training by the manufacturer.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Thanks, as always, Phoiph. I agree with you that it would be wise to take it slow. I am so grateful for your guidance. (and so many here, sharing their knowledge and experiences...) [Smile]
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi everyone!
Just reading this last thread here.
We had a major car accident on our way to CA. The car is totaled. The concentrator May have sustained damage-it’s likely although we are not at our destination yet and I haven’t had a chance to asses. But my husband said it traveled like a bullet between us and hit the dash at the time of impact.
So I just want to clarify that I can dive w/o extra oxygen, once we are able to get the chamber set up-right? I’ve always had access to oxygen.
We’re ok-in relative terms. I have a broken foot and am very sore in general. Looking forward to diving again as I expect it to be healing.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Wow, Carbokitty, I am so sorry to hear that, and glad you are relatively OK.

If you find an authorized repair shop for your concentrator in CA, they might be able to provide a loaner (or rental) for you if yours needs repairs or servicing.

Yes, it is OK to dive with just room air/pressure (it still raises the ambient oxygen level), but I would get the oxygen back in as soon as you can.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Oh Carbokitty, I’m so sorry to hear this! I’m glad y’all weren’t hurt worse. I had fears of a wreck when we traveled with my hbot during Christmas. I hate it actually happened to you. Prayers you heal quickly!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks so much for the kind words, KB.
We had a wonderful 8 days of travel before that-not much traffic, no bad weather. A dream actually.
I’m going to need some help (hypnosis, EMDR, etc) to get over the PTSD and anxiety as a passenger. But we are very fortunate. Happy to be alive!
Happy diving everyone!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
carbokitty, glad you are okay! [group hug]
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
That is distressing to hear
What happened?
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I’m sure you will need a lot of TLC and other forms of help after such an experience, CK. Have you ever heard of tapping? I used it after a close friend committed suicide and it helped some until I could go for counseling. There’s an easy video on thetappingsolution dot com if you’d like to give it a try. Take it easy hon!
Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :
I have a 34" Newtowne. The paint stick is very helpful in negotiating the zipper follies. I also found an oven mitt to be indispensable. The oven mitt holds the zippers open, so you don't tear up the zipper cords. The paint stick gives the outer zipper that last little umph at the end. And as kgg noted, zipping up halfway before fully getting in and lying down is helpful also. The zipper follies are quite distressing. I think it could be a new sport at the X-games.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thank you everyone! I’ve now been advised not to discuss.
Thanks for the tapping suggestion, KB.
I have an EMDR appointment for next Friday. Tomorrow I will have surgery on my foot. Hope to get back in the chamber by Monday. (Fingers crossed)

You guys are so creative with the zippers! Yes, I had almost wished I’d spent the extra money for the other zipper set-up, but now it’s all routine and am grateful to have what I have.

My best,
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
I went to the hardware store and bought some bendable plastic coated wire and replaced the fabric pull on the middle zipper on my 34" Newtowne. The fabric one kept getting caught in the zipper teeth.

I can do it all myself now but I always welcome my husband's help when he is around. I turn on both the compressor and concentrator then climb I'm and put the mask on. He zips the outer two zippers and I do the inside one (he doesn't always zip the middle one all the way but I can do that. Since its happened quite a few ti,es, I try to check it before I zip the inside one fully. I also can hear air leaking and I have a pressure gauge on my phone and can see that the pressure is not going up.)

I bought a remote but never figured out how to set it up. LOL.

It does get easier. Hang in there. I like the idea of the gloves! Great idea!

Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Thanks for the good tips, carbokitty. It is getting a little easier, but I am still feeling very dependent on my husband to help me.

I will have to look into that pressure gauge app! I hope your foot surgery goes well and the mHBOT helps you to heal faster!
Posted by Broxin (Member # 52040) on :
Elsworth, what is the oven mitt used for? I dont quite understand
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
In the Newtowne chambers the zippers are pulled on hard plastic loops. The kind of are rough on your hands. So the oven mitts protect your hands.
Posted by Marnie (Member # 773) on :
Another GREAT benefit of HBOT is this:

Mechanism of Hypoglycemia in HBOT

The complex changes in glucose metabolism during HBOT have not been fully elucidated. However, studies have shown an increase in activity of insulin-receptor sites and changes in insulin sensitivity due to

***upregulation of PPAR-γ*** signaling associated with hyperbaric oxygen.

Look closely at other things that are PPAR gamma (y) agonists (helpers)such as
THC and

OTC *honokiol*

and others....


Treatment of Borrelia burgdorferi-Infected Mice with Apoptotic Cells Attenuates Lyme Arthritis via PPAR-γ.

These results suggest that clearance of AC plays a role in the resolution of inflammation during experimental Lyme arthritis through the

***activation of PPAR-γ.*** PPAR-γ agonists, such as rosiglitazone, may therefore be

effective treatments for inducing arthritis resolution.

I need it to deal with my C Pneumoniae triggered problems....happened to find out it can also help lyme.

Get PPARy up.
Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :

The oven mitt is used to help get the outer zipper closed without tearing up the pull cord of the outer zipper on the middle zipper. As you close the outer zipper, you slide the oven mitt along the middle zipper to hold it open so the outer pull cord does not snag in it. You could do it with your hand, in theory. But the middle zipper would gnaw on your hand something fierce.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~
Post accident, I started to dive again at a nearby clinic. They have a side entry chamber and were able to assist me getting in. It felt sooo good to be back in.

I missed 18 days diving. Do I start counting over again? Or where I left off? (I had done 205 dives prior to the break)
Because of their schedule and my driver's (husband [Wink] , I'll be able to dive 4 times a week, one hour each time, with oxygen.

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
If this was me, I would just keep counting from 205.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I agree, keep going. I no longer count. I’m in it till I get better.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks MG and KB.

Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Has anyone developed a plan to fight the coronavirus in case it spreads to our area?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I basically will treat it just like I do the flu season here in Maine. I have stocked up on food items and other daily items. I shop at low people times, typically first thing in the morning. I use the wipes for shopping cart handles. Then use the hand gel when I get in the car. Then wash my hands at the sink once I am home. I wipe down common surfaces of the house with Lysol wipes. And lastly, keep my fingers away from my face. And no, I am not OCD about germs. But this has become my flu season approach, especially since I do not get the vaccine.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I do much like kgg only using the DoTerra On Guard products as well. They have tiny beads you can pop in your mouth as well as a spray you can use on your hands. I don’t get the flu shot either.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hi everyone,

Hope all is well with the divers. I’m doing great but have come to ask:

Does anyone have or know a Lyme doctor in the UK?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I would consider this doc who treats chronic illnesses:
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thank you

The page says she not excepting new patients 😩
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Maybe the office can give a referral?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
True, I’ll pass the info on to the individual.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Yes on the Coronavirus and it’s what I use for all viruses every year with colloidal silver.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Peimomma:
Yes on the Coronavirus and it’s what I use for all viruses every year with colloidal silver.

What brand do you use and at what concentration?

Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I have the generator from the silver edge, the link I posted above. He has a lot of great info.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Peimomma, ILADS has done conferences over in the UK. I bet they have names of docs as well.
Posted by Legolas (Member # 45737) on :
To all the people diving with hyperbaric oxygen:


I started diving with no symptoms and 1 hour later my feet were burning like hell. I could barely walk when i got out of the chamber because of that instant neuropathic pain.

The hyperbaric oxygen causes oxygen radicals which in combination with disulfiram cause nerve damage.

It's now a couple weeks later and i largely recovered from it though. But don't make the same mistake!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
That is awful! I am glad you are mostly recovered! I had read something about this. Thank you!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I’m so sorry Legolas! I’m glad you’ve recovered.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Legolas, were you using mild HBO or a high pressure chamber? Also, may I ask what dose of DSM you were taking?

It is clearly contraindicated for the big chambers but the jury is out regarding mild HBO.

Perhaps I should repost this: DSM blocks Superoxide Dismutase which protects against Oxygen toxicity, hence the contraindication.

Here is a study that addresses that:
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Have any of you that have been diving long term had problems with cataracts? My eye doc thinks I would benefit by cataract surgery, but I don't know if they have worsened because of mHBOT (I've only done about 30 dives so far) or if it is just the natural progression of these cataracts. I already had them before I started mHBOT, but they seen to be bigger now.

I want to be able to continue diving for many months, but am afraid if I have cataract surgery, there might be a period of time that I cannot do mHBOT dives (before or after the surgery). My eye doc is going to try to research this and let me know at my next visit in the spring.

Anyone have experience with this?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

There is some concern that high pressure hyperbaric (HBOT) can "ripen" already existing, mature cataracts, but my understanding is that it does not cause them over the short term.

That said, the lens of the eye is very sensitive to free radical damage. (This is why wearing UV blocking sunglasses outdoors is thought to help prevent cataracts.)

To my knowledge, there is no literature on cataracts with mild hyperbaric. It may help to know I have been doing mHBOT for about 9 years now without issue.

Many people with chronic illness have genetics that cause them to be more susceptible to free radical damage in general, as their detox/antioxidant mechanisms are not functioning properly. Although mHBOT causes necessary free radical production, it also helps to open these detox/antioxidant pathways to compensate. It is all about balance.

I am very doubtful that 30 mHBOT sessions would have worsened your cataracts. That said, in your situation, I would suggest preventing any 02 that escapes the mask from directly blowing into your eyes over the long term. You can purchase inexpensive goggles (without side vents) from any home improvement store. These will fit over reading glasses and are adjustable with an elastic strap.

(FYI, this is a non-scientific suggestion, and is not intended to reduce free radicals which are internally produced, just to reduce the direct exposure of the permeable cornea/lens to the O2).

Judging from others' experiences, there will be a waiting period before resuming mHBOT after cataract removal. Just let your ophthalmologist know that the pressure is 4.2 PSI, and roughly equivalent to 10-12 ft. underwater.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello Folks
It has been a while since I read over the all the posts here
I was wondering if any of you have treated Bartonella with mHBOT and have you used anything else for Bart?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Yes, I recovered from severe Bartonella with mHBOT; it is the only thing that worked.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:

Yes, I recovered from severe Bartonella with mHBOT; it is the only thing that worked.

Thanks Phoiph
Can you tell me
What were your symptoms with Bart?
What other things did you try for Bart?
What other (co) infections did you have before you started mHBOT?

I am reasonably sure you have already told the group all this I just don't remember
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Phoiph, thank you for your thoughtful response. I will give those goggles a try and hope for the best. It is good to hear that after all of the time you have spent diving there was no damage to your eyes. I have read that people actually have better vision after using mHBOT, so that is my hope.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
dbpei...Another option is using N-acetylcarnosine eye drops like Can-C. The active ingredient is an antioxidant that works locally to protect the eye.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
dbpei...Another option is using N-acetylcarnosine eye drops like Can-C. The active ingredient is an antioxidant that works locally to protect the eye.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Thanks, Digby! I will look into this!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I just finished my 33rd dive and I have to tell you all, it is totally helping!!!!! My tinnitus is so much more tolerable and I feel different and better!

My guess is that the mHBOT has been hitting areas that antibiotics and herbs could not reach. I feel things happening in my most symptomatic areas (left side of skull, sinus, ear, face...) I know it is too soon to know for sure.

But I can't keep this in any longer! (afraid I would be jinxed if I spilled this too soon!) Thank you Phoiph - for sharing this invaluable mode of healing with us!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by dbpei:
I just finished my 33rd dive and I have to tell you all, it is totally helping!!!!! My tinnitus is so much more tolerable and I feel different and better!

My guess is that the mHBOT has been hitting areas that antibiotics and herbs could not reach. I feel things happening in my most symptomatic areas (left side of skull, sinus, ear, face...) I know it is too soon to know for sure.

But I can't keep this in any longer! (afraid I would be jinxed if I spilled this too soon!) Thank you Phoiph - for sharing this invaluable mode of healing with us!

Nice to hear Can you tell me
How long are your dives and how often?
What antibiotics and herbs were you using ?
What ATA are you diving at?
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Hominahomina, Here are some answers to your questions.... I don't know how to highlight things, so instead will use quotes.

"How long are your dives and how often?"

I have recently gotten up to a full hour with my mask on the entire time. I am trying to dive daily, but have had to miss a day or two weekly.

"What antibiotics and herbs were you using"?

I am using no ABX now, but have been taking Crypto-plus and Biocidin. I finished Biocidin about 2 weeks ago and I am going to let Crypto-plus run out and see how I do without it. I have been on multiple herbs and ABX in the past (both oral and IV) but have not been taking them for a few years now.

"What ATA are you diving at?"

1.3 ATA

I have a feeling mHBOT is so different for each person. And the way I feel also seems to change from day to day, even hour to hour. I am not feeling as well this morning as I had been last night when I wrote, but am still trying to stay positive and I hope to be able to use mHBOT for the long haul.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Congratulations, dbpei!

I still consider myself a newbie at 215 dives. There has definitely been a bit of up and down for me as well along this path. Although I recently had a health set back with the car accident, my gut stuff for which I originally started mHBOT (well, I started for mold exposure but stayed for gut symptoms) have been stable for quite awhile now. I am grateful for this therapy.
Hang in there! Phoiph always reminds us-2 steps forward, one back. But the overall movement is forward. Glad you are here.

Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks dopel

Are you diving an hour each dive and how often do you dive?
I am also still young as a diver at around 200 dives
I still get a lot of dieoff but it is not a bad as before so I think that is progress.
diving at night makes it easier to go to sleep
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Hominahomia and all~

I was diving daily, except for the occasional 2-4 day trips out of town. Starting Jan 5, I ended up with 18 days away from diving because we were driving cross country and then had the car accident.
After that, I was able to go 4 times a week to a nearby clinic and dive for 1 hour a day. Since 2/5, I've been able to get back into my own chamber where I am able to do 1 hour dives with oxygen daily again.

As I said before, my body, etc is different now than it was a few weeks ago, pre-accident. I am dealing with detox from anesthesia and drugs. I am unable to move/exercise to any degree. (I have just moved from a knee scooter to partial weight bearing with 2 crutches). So I'm now detoxing from all that without the benefit of moving my qi (Chinese medicine term). I am attempting to support my detox as much as possible with some liver herbs, a homeopathic remedy for drainage, lots of water and "walking" within what I am able to do.

I find later dives wake me up or cause me to wake up earlier in the morning so I attempt to dive earlier in the day, before 3 as much as possible. We are all different, aren't we?

Best of luck in your journey.

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
FYI, The Ben Greenfield podcast has done one on mHBO with Jason Sonners, DC, DIBAK, DCBCN.

It's interesting but I kept wishing I could add my 2 cents all the way through. Here's the link:

One bizarre take away is that Ben occasionally sleeps for 8 hours in his tank!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I'm assuming he is using it the way some athletes do; without supplemental oxygen, just compressed air...
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
He wasn't clear on that. Normally he uses O2 but he didn't say if he did for the long sessions.

I think everyone here knows that an 8 hour dive would be disastrous to a sick person. Ben Greenfield is absurdly health, so he seems to survive it well. Although we don't know if he is getting some occult oxidative damage.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes, I hope everyone here understands that, but you never know about new people tuning in to the very end of the thread...

Looking forward to listening to the podcast, thanks, Digby!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
FYI, The Ben Greenfield podcast has done one on mHBO with Jason Sonners, DC, DIBAK, DCBCN.

It's interesting but I kept wishing I could add my 2 cents all the way through. Here's the link:

One bizarre take away is that Ben occasionally sleeps for 8 hours in his tank!

I listened to most of it Thanks
What two cents Digby?
Phoiph What did you think?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hominahomina, sorry way too much to share. I would have to listen again and take notes. I just don't have the time or energy.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I don’t know at what time you dive until the time you don’t feel well but this might help. Because I was journaling all my dives, my detoxes, and how I was feeling I narrowed it down to 7-9 hours after my chamber dive and the herxing would start. It would last for hours and after some detoxing would get better. Next day diving and the cycle would start again.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
My herxing seems to be constant most days no matter what detoxing I try. About a week ago I decided to to take my mask off yet again and dive with the O2 flowing into the chamber. I’ve been feeling better since and feel like I may just need to continue this way because I’ve done this before, several times. I work back up to the hour with the mask or cannula on and then start feeling bad all the time again. I can’t live with this constant herxing, I need time without it to be able to cook so that I’m not eating restaurant food and to clean so I’m not breathing dirty air. Maybe I just need to dive with very low O2 all the time.
Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :

I just completed my 200th dive. All is well. I'd also like to report on an alternative ramp up schedule that I've followed. The ramp up schedule was just something that kind of happened organically. I didn't really sit down and work it all out beforehand. But it seems to have worked well for me. And following it, I had very few episodes of herxing, strange symptoms, or days where I just couldn't go. Here's what I did.

Dive #1 was a test dive. I just wanted to test things out. So, I dove 5 minutes at pressure with full mask O2. Things went well. But when I got out of the chamber, I was like, "Whoa!". I could really feel that I had done "something". And as I've reported before, that night I dreamed like crazy for the first time in 20 years. I could tell something was going on for sure.

So, I continued to dive for just 5 minutes at pressure with full O2 mask, until the fifth night when I broke my hand, as described previously. And again, I was like "Whoa!". This is a serious therapy I'm dealing with here !

I dove for 5 minutes like this for two weeks. Then cautiously increased to 10 minutes, at pressure, full O2 mask. I did that for two weeks, and had a few significant symptoms. Then I increased to 15 minutes. And by this time, six weeks in, I was beginning to formulate a plan. Increase by 5 minutes every two weeks, full O2 mask the whole time. And so that's what I did.

It took me 175 dives to get to a full 1 hour at pressure with O2 mask. In other words, it took me about six months to achieve the commonly recommended dose of one hour at pressure ! That's a long time. But I didn't have many symptoms along the way, and I never had to stop and regress.

Hope this helps someone. Blessings to you all !
Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :
To be more clear, my diving schedule looked like this:

-5 minutes at full pressure, with O2 mask, for two weeks

-10 minutes at full pressure, with O2 mask, for two weeks

-15 minutes at full pressure, with O2 mask, for two weeks

-20 minutes at full pressure, with O2 mask, for two weeks.

- Etc.

I continued to do this until I got to 1 hour, at full pressure (1.3ATA), with O2 mask.

[ 02-19-2020, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: elsworth ]
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Elsworth I love your schedule. It shows you have the patience required to get to full health. Many people hurry along the schedule when it’s meant to be a starting point and tailored to ones needs.

This is not an overnight healing, it’s a consistent and patient process that takes time. I hesitate to say a long time because in my 51 years of life, 2 years was nothing to get my life back.

Thanks for posting.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Elsworth Nice work
At what ATA do you dive?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
Hominahomina, sorry way too much to share. I would have to listen again and take notes. I just don't have the time or energy.

Well you said two cents which made me think it was a little comment or two but in this case two cents is more

If you want to give just a small comment or two about your impression feel free
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
My herxing seems to be constant most days no matter what detoxing I try. About a week ago I decided to to take my mask off yet again and dive with the O2 flowing into the chamber. I’ve been feeling better since and feel like I may just need to continue this way because I’ve done this before, several times. I work back up to the hour with the mask or cannula on and then start feeling bad all the time again. I can’t live with this constant herxing, I need time without it to be able to cook so that I’m not eating restaurant food and to clean so I’m not breathing dirty air. Maybe I just need to dive with very low O2 all the time.

Just out of curiosity how many dives have you done so far and at what pressure ?
I ask because I still get dieoff but not as much as before Thanks in advance for your comment
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :

I never was good at counting my dives. I’ve probably missed 15-20 days since starting a year ago January so I’ve been trying to figure out what my body needs for quite some time now. I’m at the usual 1.3 ata.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:

I never was good at counting my dives. I’ve probably missed 15-20 days since starting a year ago January so I’ve been trying to figure out what my body needs for quite some time now. I’m at the usual 1.3 ata.

Have you tried NAC on an empty stomach a couple hours before a Coffee enema?
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Peimomma, that timing you observed is very interesting! I will try to pay more attention to changes in the way I am feeling during the hours before and after my dives.

My favorite time to dive is late afternoon. I think it is because my body is craving a rest by that time and I welcome it. I feel so relaxed in there. But I usually end up listening to pod casts or audible books instead of sleeping.

It is my head and ear symptoms that are the most troubling for me and there have been a few days/nights following my dives that I felt almost normal!

I am almost up to 40 dives now and I am noticing a subtle improvement over time. There have been very few treatments that could give me this relief, even if for a few hours. I hope and pray that the mHBOT is hitting something that even the IV ABX could not.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:

Have you tried NAC on an empty stomach a couple hours before a Coffee enema? [/QB]
No, I have tried NAC years ago alone but not with a CE. I’m kinda afraid to take things on an empty stomach though. It doesn’t like that. I end up really nauseated.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
Originally posted by Hominahomina:

Have you tried NAC on an empty stomach a couple hours before a Coffee enema?

No, I have tried NAC years ago alone but not with a CE. I’m kinda afraid to take things on an empty stomach though. It doesn’t like that. I end up really nauseated. [/QB]
I take it on an empty stomach because it absorbs better ( I think) that way
NAC is a precurser to glutathione and combining that with a CE (I find) increases glutathione
I feel pretty good when I do this and it helps with dieoff
I am not sure how that would work using NAC with food and then doing the CE
Maybe someone else can comment on this
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
My naturopath had me on glutathione before I started mHBOT but she went out of business. I still have some but was afraid to finish it. NAC is better?
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Glutathione is not very shelf stable and if you’ve had it awhile, it’s probably even less effective. NAC is shelf stable and therefore is thought ultimately to work better. It is converted to glutathione in the body and is not affected by exposure.

Hope this helps.

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Carbokitty!

What is it we’re not supposed to take while treating with mHBOT?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Kaibyrd...You basically want to avoid strong antioxidants. The thinking is that because one of the beneficial actions of mHBOT is to upregulate endogenous antioxidant activity within the cell, taking antioxidants could blunt that response.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Digby!
And Hominahomina for bringing this up and your advice!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
One more question; avoid strong antioxidants in supplemental form, right?

Is there any food we should be careful of, in that regard?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
My naturopath had me on glutathione before I started mHBOT but she went out of business. I still have some but was afraid to finish it. NAC is better?

Like Carbokitty said
NAC is a precursor to glutathione
When I take it on an empty stomach it absorbs well I think Then I do a CE and feel quite good for an hour or two because I think it raises up glutathione
quite a bit. It does not last very long unfortunately but it may give you relief from the herx.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

It is actually best to get your antioxidants (and other nutrients) from whole foods as much as possible.

Antioxidants (especially high doses) taken in isolation don't always have the same effects.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks y’all!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
I just want to clarify, by strong antioxidants I mean, supplemental glutathione, Super Oxide Dismutase, Catalase, CoQ10, Pycnogenol, Vitamin E, etc.

I agree with way to get antioxidants is through food and mHBOT. I do still use them for occasional, specific, purposes like fighting off a virus. Of course then I will use high doses which in the case of Vitamin C becomes an oxidant.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
Kaibyrd...You basically want to avoid strong antioxidants. The thinking is that because one of the beneficial actions of mHBOT is to upregulate endogenous antioxidant activity within the cell, taking antioxidants could blunt that response.

That is interesting Can you share some reference material on that Thanks
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hominahomina, Can you be more specific, please?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Oxidative stress is fundamental to hyperbaric oxygen therapy, by Stephen R. Thom. Journal of Applied Physi9ology 106:988-995, 2009:

Achieving the Balance between ROS and Antioxidants: When to Use the Synthetic Antioxidants:
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Okay specifically Digby

Something That states taking synthetic antioxidants like NAC can blunt increased antioxidants produced by mHBOT

I read over the articles that phoiph supplied Neither of them as far as I can see addressed that


[ 02-20-2020, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You are probably not going to have the luxury of finding specific studies, but you can connect the dots and make reasonable deductions from the information in the above articles.

Let us know if you find anything more specific!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
So my takeaway from this is to not use NAC and definitely don’t use glutathione. Am I getting it?

I’m sorry, my brain fog has become so bad that I can’t grasp things easily and studies are just a jumble of words for me now. I need a “Dummies’ guide”. 😝

I tried googling “strong antioxidants” but couldn’t get a good list but I’m only taking magnesium (low blood levels), Pharma GABA (helps with anxiety and mood), P5P (doc recommended because I’m low), ashwagandha (for menopause help) and vitamin D. Am I taking anything I shouldn’t be taking?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
So my takeaway from this is to not use NAC and definitely don’t use glutathione. Am I getting it?

I’m sorry, my brain fog has become so bad that I can’t grasp things easily and studies are just a jumble of words for me now. I need a “Dummies’ guide”. 😝

I tried googling “strong antioxidants” but couldn’t get a good list but I’m only taking magnesium (low blood levels), Pharma GABA (helps with anxiety and mood), P5P (doc recommended because I’m low), ashwagandha (for menopause help) and vitamin D. Am I taking anything I shouldn’t be taking?

I don't think anyone here can answer those questions with authority we can share our research and personal experience but we are not Doctors versed in mHBOT as far as I know

(If there are any here please comment)

Do you have a Doctor you can talk to about these matters?
Those are good question so I am going to try to talk to a couple Doctors who consult at the Hbot center where I started. I will report back if I find anything out
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thank you Homina. I’m not really looking for an authoritative answer, just someone who can help me interpret these studies. I literally cannot read them and absorb what I’m reading any more. I used to be able to but no more.

No I don’t have a doctor to talk to, not really. I have a good doctor but I only get to see her for a few minutes every 4 to 6 months. My next appointment isn’t until May. If I want a Lyme literate doctor, I have to pay $500 a visit and they want me there once a month. I’ve tried 2 in my area. They did more harm than good.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I understand!

Digby is very knowledgeable re supplements. I'm sure he will help answer your questions.

I personally believe in keeping it as simple as possible, and getting as many nutrients as you can through whole foods, especially when you are trying to heal your gut.

I was unable to take supplements when I began mHBOT, and I believe it was for the best. I could only handle 5 or 6 foods, how could I expect to handle concentrated pills?

IMO, many supplements are too complex for the body to process when the digestive system is impaired.

I do believe a liquid magnesium is helpful.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thank you Phoiph!

Do you know of a liquid magnesium that has several different types (malate, citrate, ascorbate, etc)? That’s what I take in capsule since some types alone upset my tummy. I must take these supplements I listed above just to help me get through my day. Without them or something similar, my issues get worse so I really hope they aren’t interfering with what the mHBOT is supposed to be doing. I’ve worried about them since I read the beginning of this thread but I couldn’t find an answer and don’t know what else to do without them.

My diet is pretty varied and I don’t find much that bothers me food wise except processed foods and sugar which can make my joint pain really bad. I stick to organic as much as I can which is a good bit except for those days when cooking is just beyond me. Some days, getting out of bed is beyond what I’m capable of. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~

Does anyone here track their heart rate? I have a fitbit that I wear. I found that last year and the year before when I was in the moldy condo that my heart rate went up. I could feel it and I could see the difference in numbers on the tracker.

I recently started having a back-slide-an increase in looser stools. After a particularly bad morning like I haven't had since late October, I went back over my spreadsheet where I track my dives, sleep, stools, changes in supplements and food and I was really surprised that there was a subtle but obvious decline in my stools when I started using my chamber in our current airbnb. For 2 weeks prior, I went to a clinic 4 days a week and before that, I'd had surgery/anesthesia and before that the car accident and before that driving for 8-9 days and no diving. Throughout it all and until diving in my own chamber again at this new location, my stools were formed. Hmmm.

Then I started looking at the info collected by the fitbit and I noticed that my heart rate had started to climb again, also after using my chamber here. One of the nice benefits I enjoyed from diving was a slowing of my heart rate and my heart rate had been pretty stable for quite a few months.

So now I'm worried that there is something ambient that I'm breathing in in this airbnb even though I/we can't smell any mold. I'm not really having other symptoms (sleep problems, increased urination). I am having some mild depression but I've attributed that to the accident, being on crutches, not being able to do the things I had planned and dreamed of doing while I am here. I am also not getting exercise and that always helps my mood.

I skipped diving the day before yesterday. Yesterday and today I dove without the mask on but with O2 coming into the chamber. I have now just ordered a new mask to see if maybe something has grown in the tubing. Just wondering if anyone else tracks their heart rate and what they experience.

Have a great dive today!

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
How long has it been since the surgery? I’m just remembering my last surgeries, it took me months to get my anxiety under control, which affected my entire system; loose stools, heart rate, appetite, etc. The anesthesia was the trigger both times. Just a thought.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I add ReMag magnesium and Concentrace minerals to my filtered drinking water. They are both liquid.

You must follow the directions and work up gradually to the desired amount.

Please remind me, are you are off of gluten and grains? Do you do bone broth regularly? Are you eating good fats?
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I know we have had a lot of discussion recently about oxidative stress. The doctor who runs the MBHOT clinic where I was first oriented to it, wants me to take a month off after having done 40 dives. He is going to have me take a urine test to measure either anti-oxidants or some measure of telling whether I need more.

I am willing to do this, but hope by taking a month off, it will not set back any progress I've made. I have read that mild HBOT does not have the same effect as full pressure HBOT with regard to oxidative stress.

Has anyone here had to take time off and resume diving? And if so, did you have to start slow again with regard to duration and the O2 mask?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
Okay specifically Digby

Something That states taking synthetic antioxidants like NAC can blunt increased antioxidants produced by mHBOT

I read over the articles that phoiph supplied Neither of them as far as I can see addressed that



The first article illustrates that oxidation (free radicals, or ROS/reactive oxygen species) produced by HBOT is a necessary and beneficial mechanism of the therapy.

The second article discusses how supplemental antioxidants can be ineffective or counterproductive to the oxidation process.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

"...6.2. Increased “Antioxidative Stress”
Inappropriate antioxidative intake may cause increased “antioxidative stress.” Antioxidants can neutralize ROS and decrease oxidative stress; however, this is not always beneficial with respect to the development of a disease and its progression (e.g., cancer) or for delaying aging [32] since antioxidants cannot distinguish among the radicals with a beneficial physiological role and those that cause oxidative damage to biomolecules.
Individuals who overdose antioxidant supplements could enter the status of “antioxidative” stress (Figure 3). If administration of antioxidant supplements decreases the level of free radicals, it may interfere with the immune system to fight bacteria and essential defensive mechanisms for removal of damaged cells, including those that are precancerous and cancerous [84]. Thus, antioxidant supplement overtake may cause harm [35, 36, 56, 85, 86]. When large amounts of antioxidant nutrients are taken, they can also act as prooxidants by increasing oxidative stress [87, 88]. Pro- and antioxidant effects of antioxidants (e.g., vitamin C) are dose dependent, and thus, more is not necessarily better. Our diets typically contain safe levels of vitamins; therefore, high-level antioxidant supplements may upset this important physiological balance between the ROS formation and neutralization."


"...Presently, the use of supplemental antioxidants could be advised only in cases of well-known conditions, where the depletion of antioxidants is known and can be predicted. Daily use of synthetic supplements has not been proven as beneficial, and excessive use may be harmful. Balanced food still seems to be the best option..."

I hope this helps clarify my point.

Also, as Digby has suggested, you can research "Hormesis". This may further illustrate this process.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The link to the article above also discusses the problems associated with testing oxidative and antioxidative status.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Speaking from my own experience, if I had taken a month off after only 40 dives, I would have had to start over.

Consistency was key for me. I dove daily for 2.5 years (except when I had a flu or fever), and cut back after that time.

Also, some sources suggest that it takes at least 80 sessions before positive changes start to become permanent.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Thank you, Phoiph. Those articles give me pause about adding any more antioxidants to my regimen! My gut feeling is that I should not stop also. I have to decide what to do. I feel some improvement already and hate to disrupt things.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
Okay specifically Digby

Something That states taking synthetic antioxidants like NAC can blunt increased antioxidants produced by mHBOT

I read over the articles that phoiph supplied Neither of them as far as I can see addressed that


First I want to say that I agree with Phoiph's reply regarding the links she sent.

Unfortunately I can't find a study that specifically addresses your concern, so I have nothing definitive. Here are a couple of studies that may help you to come to a conclusion on this.

My take away is that exogenous antioxidants (AO) do affect the reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by HBOT at least in high doses. It is also mentioned that endogenous AO work better. We do know that mild HBOT increases ROS and subsequently increases endogenous AO.

So, I would conclude by saying that taking high dose exogenous AO may interfere with the AO upregulation that occurs with mHBOT. You may come to a different conclusion. If so, please share.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
So my takeaway from this is to not use NAC and definitely don’t use glutathione. Am I getting it?

I’m sorry, my brain fog has become so bad that I can’t grasp things easily and studies are just a jumble of words for me now. I need a “Dummies’ guide”. 😝

I tried googling “strong antioxidants” but couldn’t get a good list but I’m only taking magnesium (low blood levels), Pharma GABA (helps with anxiety and mood), P5P (doc recommended because I’m low), ashwagandha (for menopause help) and vitamin D. Am I taking anything I shouldn’t be taking?

KB, I shouldn't have use the phrase, "strong antioxidants" in my post as that won't help your searching. Perhaps "powerful" or "potent" would be a better search term????

Of the supplements you listed, only Ashwagandha has a lot of antioxidant activity, however I don't know what "PSP" is. You can probably still take the Ashwagandha but perhaps, dose it away from when you dive. Hope that helps.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
From KB:

How long has it been since the surgery? I’m just remembering my last surgeries, it took me months to get my anxiety under control, which affected my entire system; loose stools, heart rate, appetite, etc. The anesthesia was the trigger both times. Just a thought.

It's been 5 weeks since surgery, 6 weeks since the accident. I would have thought the same ~ although if that's the case with me, it's all been a delayed reaction. My stools remained good after the accident, after the surgery and anesthesia and during my taking of ibuprofen to manage the rib pain. It was also all good during the 8 dives I took at a local clinic. My heart rate had started to go back down to what I feel is a comfortable level. As soon as I started in my own chamber again in this rental house, my stools started to get loose and my heart rate started to climb.

I've switched out the pillows I use in the chamber and I dove without the mask on, but O2 streaming into the chamber. I've noticed a bit of improvement, but its only been 2 dives. Time will tell. And then we will pack up and head home on March 16.

Thanks for your thoughts. I am very open to ideas or experiences others have.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Digby, I think Kaibyrd's supplement is P-five-P (active form of B-6).


When I was first becoming ill, my heartrate would soar after eating. I believe it was due to food proteins escaping into my bloodstream via leaky gut.

I am wondering if the anesthesia, surgery, emotional and physical stress from the accident, different living environments, and all the other changes you have experienced lately have put stress on your system, and altered your gut landscape.

It may take awhile for the gut biome to be unbalanced enough to experience symptoms.

Your symptoms could be intermittent because of a forward and back response (i.e., your body gains a little ground, then loses it depending on stressors).

Maybe it is not just one thing (e.g., possible mold), as you also state that you are not experiencing the other symptoms you usually have with mold exposure.

Hopefully getting back to routine and consistency will help. I know that I didn't change anything in my environment when I was recovering (which was not difficult at first, because I was homebound), and then for a long period after I had become well to avoid "rocking the boat".

IMO, It is easy to underestimate how challenging these visible and invisible stressors can be to a body that is healing and trying to establish equilibrium.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:

I add ReMag magnesium and Concentrace minerals to my filtered drinking water. They are both liquid.

You must follow the directions and work up gradually to the desired amount.

Please remind me, are you are off of gluten and grains? Do you do bone broth regularly? Are you eating good fats?

Thanks for the recommendation, Phoiph! I’ll look into those products.

I eat good fats but not as much as I used to before menopause.

I’m not completely off grains but I eat mostly sprouted which does still have gluten but it’s much easier to digest. I’ve gone gluten free for months before with no discernible difference.

I get bone broth from my Amish farmer and use it in soups a lot but not every day.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
So my takeaway from this is to not use NAC and definitely don’t use glutathione. Am I getting it?

I’m sorry, my brain fog has become so bad that I can’t grasp things easily and studies are just a jumble of words for me now. I need a “Dummies’ guide”. 😝

I tried googling “strong antioxidants” but couldn’t get a good list but I’m only taking magnesium (low blood levels), Pharma GABA (helps with anxiety and mood), P5P (doc recommended because I’m low), ashwagandha (for menopause help) and vitamin D. Am I taking anything I shouldn’t be taking?

KB, I shouldn't have use the phrase, "strong antioxidants" in my post as that won't help your searching. Perhaps "powerful" or "potent" would be a better search term????

Of the supplements you listed, only Ashwagandha has a lot of antioxidant activity, however I don't know what "PSP" is. You can probably still take the Ashwagandha but perhaps, dose it away from when you dive. Hope that helps.

Digby, p5p is activated vitamin B6. My Doc put me on it before I started mHBOT and she’s always happy with my blood work now. In my experience, blood work only tells a tiny bit of the story though.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Originally posted by carbokitty:

It's been 5 weeks since surgery, 6 weeks since the accident. I would have thought the same ~ although if that's the case with me, it's all been a delayed reaction. My stools remained good after the accident, after the surgery and anesthesia and during my taking of ibuprofen to manage the rib pain. It was also all good during the 8 dives I took at a local clinic. My heart rate had started to go back down to what I feel is a comfortable level. As soon as I started in my own chamber again in this rental house, my stools started to get loose and my heart rate started to climb.

I've switched out the pillows I use in the chamber and I dove without the mask on, but O2 streaming into the chamber. I've noticed a bit of improvement, but its only been 2 dives. Time will tell. And then we will pack up and head home on March 16.

Thanks for your thoughts. I am very open to ideas or experiences others have.



I agree with Phoiph above ☝🏻 And I think perhaps all those stressors are just now kicking in.

That’s what I end up having to do when I start feeling bad again is take off the mask.

What are you doing for detox? All those meds (pain and anesthesia) may be still causing issues. They definitely do for me.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
KB, Oops sorry, I was rushing through and thought it said PSP. My bad.

I don't know of any studies suggesting P5P is contraindicated to take with mHBOT.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
So my takeaway from this is to not use NAC and definitely don’t use glutathione. Am I getting it?

I’m sorry, my brain fog has become so bad that I can’t grasp things easily and studies are just a jumble of words for me now. I need a “Dummies’ guide”. 😝

I tried googling “strong antioxidants” but couldn’t get a good list but I’m only taking magnesium (low blood levels), Pharma GABA (helps with anxiety and mood), P5P (doc recommended because I’m low), ashwagandha (for menopause help) and vitamin D. Am I taking anything I shouldn’t be taking?

I presented the question about the use of supplemental antioxidants and HBOT to Dr Jason Sonners He has a clinic in New Jersey and uses Hyperbaric Oxygen in his practice and has several years experience with HBOT
I was surprised that he responded at all

His response was supplemental antioxidant are not an issue when using mHBOT (mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy)and could be preferable. But the answer could be different when going to high oxygen high pressure (HBOT)

He also said he does phone consults and you can contact him via email and take it from there. He seems like a nice guy and he might help you out with a little expert advice as he helped me

I will send you a private message with my email address. If you send me your email I will forward Dr Sonner's comments and his email

Also Here is a Facebook group on mHBOT
I am not sure of how competent the members there are because I just joined but it could be another resource and a place to get a more comprehensive answer to your questions
With non experts like us here and on facebook do your due diligence and vet the responses you get
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
KB, Oops sorry, I was rushing through and thought it said PSP. My bad.

I don't know of any studies suggesting P5P is contraindicated to take with mHBOT.

Thank you Digby!!!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
So my takeaway from this is to not use NAC and definitely don’t use glutathione. Am I getting it?

I’m sorry, my brain fog has become so bad that I can’t grasp things easily and studies are just a jumble of words for me now. I need a “Dummies’ guide”. 😝

I tried googling “strong antioxidants” but couldn’t get a good list but I’m only taking magnesium (low blood levels), Pharma GABA (helps with anxiety and mood), P5P (doc recommended because I’m low), ashwagandha (for menopause help) and vitamin D. Am I taking anything I shouldn’t be taking?

I presented the question about the use of supplemental antioxidants and HBOT to Dr Jason Sonners He has a clinic in New Jersey and uses Hyperbaric Oxygen in his practice and has several years experience with HBOT
I was surprised that he responded at all

His response was supplemental antioxidant are not an issue when using mHBOT (mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy)and could be preferable. But the answer could be different when going to high oxygen high pressure (HBOT)

He also said he does phone consults and you can contact him via email and take it from there. He seems like a nice guy and he might help you out with a little expert advice as he helped me

I will send you a private message with my email address. If you send me your email I will forward Dr Sonner's comments and his email

Also Here is a Facebook group on mHBOT
I am not sure of how competent the members there are because I just joined but it could be another resource and a place to get a more comprehensive answer to your questions
With non experts like us here and on facebook do your due diligence and vet the responses you get

Thank Homina!

I’m already a member of the Facebook group. It’s ok but there are so many different issues being treated on there that it’s hard to get advice specific to Lyme.

I will look into this doctor though, thanks!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
So my takeaway from this is to not use NAC and definitely don’t use glutathione. Am I getting it?

I’m sorry, my brain fog has become so bad that I can’t grasp things easily and studies are just a jumble of words for me now. I need a “Dummies’ guide”. 😝

I tried googling “strong antioxidants” but couldn’t get a good list but I’m only taking magnesium (low blood levels), Pharma GABA (helps with anxiety and mood), P5P (doc recommended because I’m low), ashwagandha (for menopause help) and vitamin D. Am I taking anything I shouldn’t be taking?

I presented the question about the use of supplemental antioxidants and HBOT to Dr Jason Sonners He has a clinic in New Jersey and uses Hyperbaric Oxygen in his practice and has several years experience with HBOT
I was surprised that he responded at all

His response was supplemental antioxidant are not an issue when using mHBOT (mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy)and could be preferable. But the answer could be different when going to high oxygen high pressure (HBOT)

He also said he does phone consults and you can contact him via email and take it from there. He seems like a nice guy and he might help you out with a little expert advice as he helped me

I will send you a private message with my email address. If you send me your email I will forward Dr Sonner's comments and his email

Also Here is a Facebook group on mHBOT
I am not sure of how competent the members there are because I just joined but it could be another resource and a place to get a more comprehensive answer to your questions
With non experts like us here and on facebook do your due diligence and vet the responses you get

Thank Homina!

I’m already a member of the Facebook group. It’s ok but there are so many different issues being treated on there that it’s hard to get advice specific to Lyme.

I will look into this doctor though, thanks!

That is a good point
Hope Dr Sonners can help
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
Okay specifically Digby

Something That states taking synthetic antioxidants like NAC can blunt increased antioxidants produced by mHBOT

I read over the articles that phoiph supplied Neither of them as far as I can see addressed that



The first article illustrates that oxidation (free radicals, or ROS/reactive oxygen species) produced by HBOT is a necessary and beneficial mechanism of the therapy.

The second article discusses how supplemental antioxidants can be ineffective or counterproductive to the oxidation process.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

"...6.2. Increased “Antioxidative Stress”
Inappropriate antioxidative intake may cause increased “antioxidative stress.” Antioxidants can neutralize ROS and decrease oxidative stress; however, this is not always beneficial with respect to the development of a disease and its progression (e.g., cancer) or for delaying aging [32] since antioxidants cannot distinguish among the radicals with a beneficial physiological role and those that cause oxidative damage to biomolecules.
Individuals who overdose antioxidant supplements could enter the status of “antioxidative” stress (Figure 3). If administration of antioxidant supplements decreases the level of free radicals, it may interfere with the immune system to fight bacteria and essential defensive mechanisms for removal of damaged cells, including those that are precancerous and cancerous [84]. Thus, antioxidant supplement overtake may cause harm [35, 36, 56, 85, 86]. When large amounts of antioxidant nutrients are taken, they can also act as prooxidants by increasing oxidative stress [87, 88]. Pro- and antioxidant effects of antioxidants (e.g., vitamin C) are dose dependent, and thus, more is not necessarily better. Our diets typically contain safe levels of vitamins; therefore, high-level antioxidant supplements may upset this important physiological balance between the ROS formation and neutralization."


"...Presently, the use of supplemental antioxidants could be advised only in cases of well-known conditions, where the depletion of antioxidants is known and can be predicted. Daily use of synthetic supplements has not been proven as beneficial, and excessive use may be harmful. Balanced food still seems to be the best option..."

I hope this helps clarify my point.

Also, as Digby has suggested, you can research "Hormesis". This may further illustrate this process.

I appreciate your response Those articles take a lot of work to plow through

What it boils down to I think is what do I do then?
These articles don't give personal advice considering our age state of health the type of Hbot we are doing diet etc. We each have to decide how we will use the information according to our needs and decide if it applies to our situation at all.

A good Doctor versed in this field can help I think
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
Okay specifically Digby

Something That states taking synthetic antioxidants like NAC can blunt increased antioxidants produced by mHBOT

I read over the articles that phoiph supplied Neither of them as far as I can see addressed that


First I want to say that I agree with Phoiph's reply regarding the links she sent.

Unfortunately I can't find a study that specifically addresses your concern, so I have nothing definitive. Here are a couple of studies that may help you to come to a conclusion on this.

My take away is that exogenous antioxidants (AO) do affect the reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by HBOT at least in high doses. It is also mentioned that endogenous AO work better. We do know that mild HBOT increases ROS and subsequently increases endogenous AO.

So, I would conclude by saying that taking high dose exogenous AO may interfere with the AO upregulation that occurs with mHBOT. You may come to a different conclusion. If so, please share.

Thanks for your response Digby
I don't seem to have a problem with mHBOT and antioxident supplements specifically NAC (as far as I can tell) at 1200 mg on an empty stomach prior to a CE I find benefit actually This is my experience.

[ 02-22-2020, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I think you might have answered your own question.

I'm sure Dr. Sonners is a great chiropractor, but keep in mind, there are few true experts in the field of mHBOT, and you have to do your own due diligence and make your own informed decisions. It is a relatively new field, and is even more recent in its long term use for Lyme Disease and chronic illness.

(You might want to go to Dr. Harch's website:, as he is one of the founders of mild hyperbaric and has been using it successfully with patients for years, although not necessarily with Lyme.)

Also, I wouldn't underestimate this group's power of combined experience. Even though those here aren't necessarily doctors (although there are health practitioners and naturopaths here), we do our research and have the benefit of first hand years of experiences to share.

It might surprise (or scare) you that doctors have come to some of us for education and experience on mild hyperbaric, and refer their patients to us for information.

That said, I think you are wise to gather information from all sources, and make an informed personal decision.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
For Sale
One year old Newtowne Chamber with concentrator 4k

573 714 3883 text Vince not me
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Here's another

Very slightly used Newtowne 34 inch chamber used two days has 2 year warranty 4995.00

512-789-2788 Michelle
just saw it on facebook group
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Questions about detoxing and mild exercise.

I just can’t seem to get it right. I feel better for a couple of days then crash hard and can’t figure out the best routines.

When you started exercising, did you have to push yourself through crashes for a while or did you tend to listen to your body and ease up during crashes. Am I easing up too much, I guess is my question. What was your routine to begin with? I get a few days of relief from the crushing fatigue so I walk a bit on the treadmill then pause a day then walk again then crash for a week.

When is the best time to detox? How often? I find my infrared sauna to be my best form of detox but I’m not sure if that’s causing the crashes as well.

I’m sorry, I know these questions have been asked and answered many times but finding those posts in this huge thread is just beyond me right now. Thanks, y’all!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Podcast with Dr Jason Sonners on Hyperbaric Oxygen
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
Questions about detoxing and mild exercise.

I just can’t seem to get it right. I feel better for a couple of days then crash hard and can’t figure out the best routines.

When you started exercising, did you have to push yourself through crashes for a while or did you tend to listen to your body and ease up during crashes. Am I easing up too much, I guess is my question. What was your routine to begin with? I get a few days of relief from the crushing fatigue so I walk a bit on the treadmill then pause a day then walk again then crash for a week.

When is the best time to detox? How often? I find my infrared sauna to be my best form of detox but I’m not sure if that’s causing the crashes as well.

I’m sorry, I know these questions have been asked and answered many times but finding those posts in this huge thread is just beyond me right now. Thanks, y’all!

I don't know what others here do

I can't exercise like I want to
I try to get a light swim and a little weight training two days a week

I try to be regular when I am really tired I adjust and do less
When I am really really tired I skip
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Homina, that’s pretty much what I do for exercise too.

How often do you detox?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
Homina, that’s pretty much what I do for exercise too.

How often do you detox?

I don't know if this qualifies as detox but I do coffee enemas daily and when at the gym I do the sauna
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

If you're crashing from walking on the treadmill, then you're doing too much.

I would stick to gentle yoga for now. It was a very important part of my recovery, and its benefits are often underestimated.

There will be time for more vigorous exercise later, but for now, your body is telling you it needs the energy for basic functioning and healing.

I will also PM you the contact info for a doctor that can figure out genetically where your detox blocks are, and give you a targeted, individual plan to go around those. The information will also be useful for determining what supplements are right for you, which you asked about previously. He is also mHBOT friendly.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Homina!

Thanks so much Phoiph!
I was walking because yoga felt more strenuous for me.
I’ll give it another try.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Once I found gentle yoga, I never looked back. There is also “therapeutic” yoga and chair yoga. I personally don’t enjoy yoga where there is a requirement to do the poses exactly right. I have found gentle classes in a number of locations that are very supportive of the student being wherever they are and doing what they can. I hope you can find something similar.

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thank you Carbokitty,

I need something I can do at home. I’ll keep looking for gentle yoga videos.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I personally, am not a fan of yoga. For the 2 plus years I did my treatment dives, I practiced Tai Chi. I specifically practice Dr. Paul Lam's Tai Chi for Health. It is the Sun (pronounced soon) form. This form has less impact and less low forms. So it is easier on the body. My favorites are the Arthritis and Diabetes forms.

Since feeling better, I have in the last year started water aerobics. Yes, aerobics! I can now raise my heart rate to aerobic levels and not have PEM. Yay!! I started with once a week. A year later I am doing 3, 2 hour water aerobic sessions. Definitely has something to do with the water pressure that makes is doable. I still pay if I push it too much on land.

I don't do anything formal for detox except make sure that I am drinking plenty of water and not constipated. =)
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
My husband suggested Tai Chi so I’m lookin into that as well. Thanks for the info!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Tai Chi is a great option, just be cautious as it is more intense than it looks. :^)
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by kgg:
I personally, am not a fan of yoga. For the 2 plus years I did my treatment dives, I practiced Tai Chi. I specifically practice Dr. Paul Lam's Tai Chi for Health. It is the Sun (pronounced soon) form. This form has less impact and less low forms. So it is easier on the body. My favorites are the Arthritis and Diabetes forms.

Since feeling better, I have in the last year started water aerobics. Yes, aerobics! I can now raise my heart rate to aerobic levels and not have PEM. Yay!! I started with once a week. A year later I am doing 3, 2 hour water aerobic sessions. Definitely has something to do with the water pressure that makes is doable. I still pay if I push it too much on land.

I don't do anything formal for detox except make sure that I am drinking plenty of water and not constipated. =)

Being able to do that much exercise is impressive
I wonder if anyone has improved enough to run something very hard like a triathalon?
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Good question, Homina.

Digby I agree.

I did a gentle yoga video today that I found on YouTube. (There are many.) I guess tomorrow will tell me if it’s right but it felt more strenuous than the treadmill hike I did last week.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You might consider beginning "Yin" yoga.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I’ll look into it, thanks Phoiph.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All

It looks like I have to ship my chamber to the company I bought it from for repair

Foe those of you that have had to do this did you find an inexpensive way to ship?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

What company did you buy it from?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
It is a slight tear in the zipper area that does not affect the chamber's ability to pressurize. Marie believes it could get worse and she is offering to fix it even though I am a month out of warranty
Shipping is over one hundred dollars which seems very high

[ 03-04-2020, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I know it sounds like a lot, but it is about what I paid through UPS
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I'm sure you know that you just send the "bladder" (bag), not anything else.

It usually runs about $80.00 including insurance via FedEx (depending on distance), but make sure you insure it for whatever amount Marie suggests.

You can call FedEx and get an estimate based on weight/size of box, zip code, and amount to be insured.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Shipping via UPS from Caifornia to Maryland Chamber or Bladder about 125.00
Greyhound station to station is about 80.00
Fedex was about the same as UPS

I could not find better pricing than that

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
If you haven't already heard, home/soft chambers have recently been outlawed in Canada.

IMO, their "rationale" for banning them is so weak and inaccurate, it screams "ulterior motive".

I truly hope we are not next, but I have been wondering about this for some time, as mHBOT gains popularity in its success. (Remember, oxygen can't be patented!)

In any case, I feel we need to be aware of the situation, and prepared for the possibility.

Here's the statement from Health Canada:

Here is a very angry rebuttal/rant by a concerned citizen:
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
This is so disturbing. I am amazed at the lies and deception (fear tactics) that are so blatant! I thought that Canadians didn't have the corruption we do! But it looks like I may have been wrong.

I am at over 50 dives now and had hoped to take my chamber with me to our summer cottage (in Canada) and now may want to rethink this. I wonder if they would have the right to confiscate it at the border when I go through Customs!

If I don't take it with me, it would mean several weeks without mHBOT. I don't know how much that would set me back. I feel that I am making slow and steady progress.

Thanks for the heads' up on this, Phoiph. I hope it won't happen here in the US, but anything is possible.
Posted by Bartenderbonnie (Member # 49177) on :
Thanks for posting Pholph.

I feel so sorry for our Canadian neighbors to the north.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Any rumblings of this happening in the states at all?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hyperbaric Application to Corvid19
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Cleaning suggestions?

I just returned from being at an airbnb in California. As incredibly lovely as it was in so many ways (beautiful views! Lots of wild/animal life to watch! Sunny and warm!), I was apparently and obviously (to me) reacting to something in the house (I'm a mold sensitive person). I got sicker and sicker as I starting diving in my own chamber in the house.

My tube just arrived via UPS. I am looking for suggestions about how to best wipe it down. I'm not sure if everything is irreversibly contaminated. I want to give it my best attempt at being able to use everything again. Your thoughts?

Thank you.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Carbokitty,

The recommended solution for cleaning the chamber is 50:50 hydrogen peroxide (3%) and water solution, mixed in a spray bottle. Wipe down well.

I have a call in to Oxyhealth and am waiting for an answer on whether UV light would be another option, or if it would eventually compromise the urethane/seals of the chamber.

Reportedly, they have used ozone to disinfect, but it is only used on an individual chamber once for a short time when absolutely necessary, as it could degrade the materials if used more frequently.

Also, remember to clean the filter in your oxygen concentrator.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
I would be careful about using Ozone to disinfect the chamber. At higher concentrations it will rapidly crosslink (degrade) the materials including the foam in the mattress. As Phoiph said, diluted H2O2 is your best bet.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I was told by Bruce at Summit to Sea that the material they use will not allow mold to grow on it. Contact your chamber manufacturer and ask them if that’s the case with yours.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
How is everyone cleaning their masks and is there a way to disinfect the tubing
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks all~

I used hydrogen peroxide. Not sure about the tubing, whether there might be anything in there. Waiting for the filter to the concentrator to dry and then I will start diving.

I don't have an ozone generator so I wasn't going to try that anyway.

I appreciate your input and support.

Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Here is an informative podcast on Covid-19 with Dr Leo Galland
Parts 1 and 2
The best I have heard so far
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~

I just wanted to give an update (as well as say hi to everyone as we shelter in place/practice social distancing)

I've done 3 dives now back in my home and I am fine. I'm not having any of the symptoms I was having at the Airbnb while I was in California. So it appears that the chamber and accessories are not contaminated. I am grateful!

In the meantime, however, I did experience one bad night since I've been back. Insomnia, waking up during the night with my heart pounding and being awake for usually 2 hours is common for me with mold exposure. This one night occurred the 2nd night my husband was home (he drove, I flew and I arrived home 2 nights before he did). On the 2nd night, I had moved "my" pillow (that he brought back in the car) and a throw I had used daily while I was in CA into the bedroom where I was sleeping. I wasn't sleeping on either one but they were close to me. During the night I woke up with my heart racing and wide awake. I finally got up and moved both of those, the pillow and the throw into the closet. I haven't had a reoccurance since. Could it be that I was reacting to my own pillow or this throw the whole time (2 months)? I'm scared to expose myself again but I think I have to to learn the truth.

I have now done 243 1 hr dives in the last year. I know I still have a long way to go and because of a few 4-5 day breaks when traveling, I likely need to extend my healing time beyond the recommended 2 years. Although I work daily on acceptance of my condition (all these sensitivities), I have my moments (now?) when I feel frustrated and a bit hopeless. I do have hope. Those of you who have achieved wellness with this modality do give me hope to persevere and carry on. And I do intend to carry on with mHBOT for sure.

I do wonder sometimes, though, if this whole mold sensitivity is like some theories that some of us lack the genetics to identify molds from wet damaged buildings. And If that is "the whole thing in a nutshell", boosting one's immune system will not allow us to do anything different to identify mold and get rid of it. We'll still have this sensitivity-with all the constraints it causes ("I can't go here, I can't be near this thing, I can't eat that food"). And I'm aware I'm in the wrong group to be talking about this. There's really not a good mold group to talk about using mHBOT. One can really only use a chamber once they are out of mold. Not good to use while in a moldy house and concentrating that moldy air. And it's really not a modality that's accepted for discussion among those who are avoiding mold. Only mold avoiding behaviors are tolerated for discussion. So thank you for tolerating my ramblings. This group has been a life-line to me. (At the same time, please let me know if it's preferred that I not bring up non-Lyme topics).

Anyway. That's my story. Happy the chamber doesn't seem to be contaminated. Still diving and remaining hopeful. Occasionally frustrated about my reactions to "stuff".

I'm sending good thoughts to everyone for good health and good immune response to this virus.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Here are my thoughts on it.

You may have the genetic predisposition, but those genes were "turned on" sometime in your life (i.e., you weren't sensitive when you were born).

Therefore, they can be "turned off", or at least, "turned down".

A lot of chemical sensitivities come from the gut, and will improve when that is fully healed.

8 months of diving is not long enough to judge, so please remain hopeful! This is a gradual process, with many layers to be traversed. Your body knows what it is doing, and in what order. (That may not always seem like "progress" to the "analyzing brain".)

I was chemically sensitive to mold and many, many substances in the environment when I was ill, all of which I no longer even notice.

I do think that reducing the toxic burden by limiting exposures while you are healing is critical though, to prevent setbacks. That was easy for me since I was homebound, but more difficult if you are traveling, etc.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
How is everyone cleaning their masks and is there a way to disinfect the tubing

Just use the same 50/50 solution of water and hydrogen peroxide on your mask.

The tubing doesn't need cleaning, as the oxygen flowing through it is anti-bacterial, and the flow is toward you, rather than back through the tubing.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Carbokitty...One of the big benefits I got from diving is that I no longer have the food and airborne sensitivities that plagued me before. I can now have a glass of wine on occasion. In the past 2 sips would make me feel miserable. I can also go to a toxic place like Walmart and not feel sick. Just stick with it.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
I use alcohol wipes to clean my mask. It is easier than mixing up the H2O2 solution. Phoiph, do you see any problem with that?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Not if it's Tequila, Digby... [Smile]
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Digby and Phoiph~

I appreciate the hopeful and positive messages from those who have journey-ed before me. I do intend to continue on ~ never had any thoughts of quitting. Sometimes I just have to get these fearful/negative/hopeless thoughts out of my head.

Glad to not be traveling this road all alone.

My best to all,
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
Carbokitty...One of the big benefits I got from diving is that I no longer have the food and airborne sensitivities that plagued me before. I can now have a glass of wine on occasion. In the past 2 sips would make me feel miserable. I can also go to a toxic place like Walmart and not feel sick. Just stick with it.

Hello Digby

How long did you dive when you noticed the difference ? Did you have co infections and if so what were they?

Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :

I want to circle back around to the gene thing. Once I learned about mold sensitivity and the genetic component in 2014/15, I suddenly understood my whole life in a way I didn't understand it before. I had my tonsils out at 4 years old. I now know it was likely because there was mold in our house (with a basement). We then moved to another house, which had flooding in the basement from time to time. And I was sick frequently. And on and on with other mold exposures from wet damaged buildings. This more recent exposure that started in 2011 in my parents condo (and then I was treated with antibiotics for a Lyme diagnosis) has resulted in "lasting" gut issues and food sensitivities. While many of my past exposures landed me in various hospitals for what appeared to be mental illness (extreme anxiety and depression), none of the other included the use of long term antibiotics. I would say those genes were turned on very early on in my life. And turned on often. I remain hopeful that this will make a long term difference for me. This combined with FMTs has made a big improvement ~ FMTs seem to be the only way I can boost my intestinal flora. I am, of course, unable to obtain more at the moment and will need to try and feed what I've got going and also continue to dive.

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hominahomina...I was about a year and a half in when I started to notice these benefits.

I'm not sure about co-infections. I had Bart but I stopped being positive on tests (for what that's worth) before I started diving. I also had very high EBV titers.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Carbokitty~

Thanks for the background info.

As you explained, it is usually not "just one thing", but a cumulation of many "insults" in our lives, combined with a predisposition that results in a chronic illness. Many of us are unsure of what those contributing factors might have been in our lives, but you are more aware.

The doctor that I mentioned to you before is brilliant at finding and working around the genetic snps that might exist...just in case you wanted to explore that route.

I'm glad you're committed to continuing to dive, as you've already improved, and it can be a rocky road, but I know you're going to get there.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Phoiph!

Maybe it's time to do that telemedicine consult with that doctor. Or hold out to experience the miracle that Digby experienced. Fingers crossed.
For today, at home, all is well.

Happy diving!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
How's everyone doing? I am so grateful to have my chamber during these difficult times. I've been using it daily except I recently had to take a couple of days off due to a mild cold.

I'm doing better and ready to dive back in today, but will be sure and take it very slow to build up to 1.3 ATA.

I can't help but wonder if (and hope) MHBOT is protecting us in some way, from COVID-19.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi dbpei~


Glad you're doing better. In my experience, getting a cold after recently beginning mHBOT can be a good sign that your immune system is kicking in.

I posted this earlier, but just in case it was missed:

Hyperbaric Application to Corvid19
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I’m actually more worried about my family getting it than myself. They are nearly 1000 miles away but their state leader doesn’t seem to be taking it seriously enough so neither are many of its people, to include my aunt. I’m so scared she’s going to give it to my mother. We, her children had to do some serious talking to her before she started taking it seriously. She’s 80 and has many health issues. But even the younger members of my family all have health issues and most of them smoke. This could wipe out my whole family but I’m working on not dwelling on that with lots of prayers and trusting in God to help us through this. I pray everyone here is safe and staying calm.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I am so sorry Kaibyrd. I have similar issues with my family too. I seem to be the only one who wants the social distancing to go beyond Easter. Most are being careful distancing themselves for now, but think as long as they pray and read the Bible, it will be safe to go to services on Easter and go back to our old way of life. I hope I don't offend anyone here by this, but I just don't believe that.

It's hard enough being so afraid, but to be wasting energy on arguing your point to relatives is not good when we need our reserves to keep our immune system strong! I thank God every day for my chamber. When I get inside, it helps to calm me in so many ways.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Phoiph, I forgot to thank you for that article! It is very encouraging!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
In addition to the article, another thing I find encouraging, is that mHBOT is immune strengthing and modulating.

The drugs and herbs that are being suggested for COVID19 are also immune modulating, which assists in keeping the immune system from overreacting and creating an inflammatory "cytokine storm".
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Phoiph, what herbs are being suggested? I’ve seen probiotics mentioned as well as melatonin and vitamin C.

Dbpei, I agree about family. I’ve tried for many years to get them to eat better and stop smoking but they just don’t care so I’ve given it to God. As for Easter, I’m waiting on God there too.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Phoiph for that tip on keeping tubes clean

Here is an article on supplements to improve immunity by Dr Hoffman
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
I just want to chime in here on the supplements. I’ll paste a link to the Integrative Medicine school in Arizona (Andrew Weil). He cautions not to take Vitamin D during the infection because it could contribute to cytokine storm. Before and as a preventive is fine.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Here's an interview with Dr. Klinghardt that mentions supplements. There may be a more recent interview out now, which you can google:
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Phoiph, thank you!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Homina and Carbokitty, thank you!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
FYI Kalbyrd and others for what it's worth I asked Dr Hoffman on facebook about high doses of vitamin D causing a cytokine storm he did not think that was valid in regard to high doses of vit d while sick Dr Hoffman believes increasing your intake of Vitamin D is warranted

Please listen to part 2 of this podcast to confirm from March 28 about 3 minutes and 45 seconds from the beginning


[ 03-30-2020, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Here's another study showing that HBOT (and even Mild HBOT!) can help in recovery of COVID-19. This is very good news! But PLEASE keep following all precautions to avoid getting or spreading this dreadful virus.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
NYC ICU doctor voices strong concerns re current ventilator treatment and Covid19; Dr. Mercola suggests greater benefits of hyperbaric oxygen for Covid19:
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Thanks everyone for the interesting links!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Does anyone have any suggestions for checking the level of O2 from a concentrator? I use a pulse oximeter in the chamber occasionally and with my old Sequal concentrator my pO2 was always at 100% but with my new (to me) Newlife Intensity unit my O2 runs from 97 to 99. Plus the O2 doesn't smell the same as with the old unit.

Any suggestions? I'm trying to figure this out without spending hundreds of dollars for a sensor. I don't have a company that works on them anywhere nearby.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I will PM you the number of an oxygen concentrator technician here who may have an idea.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
This is amusing, but it's something I've noticed over the last year.

Mhbot turns my hair grey.

I assume it's the oxidative stress, but I'll get patches of grey hair when I dive.

On the other hand, my skin looks younger when I dive consistently.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Charles12:
This is amusing, but it's something I've noticed over the last year.

Mhbot turns my hair grey.

I assume it's the oxidative stress, but I'll get patches of grey hair when I dive.

On the other hand, my skin looks younger when I dive consistently.


What do you mean by dive consistently?
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Hi, Friends and Fellow Divers,

I want to thank you all for your contributions to this thread! By going through the whole thing and getting the book by Dr. Harsh, I decided to get onboard!

Thanks to Phoiph, who helped me procure my set-up and has consistently answered my questions!!!

And, thanks to Digby for his personal help, also.

I've done 21 dives now, and am just composing a list of symptoms I relate to Lyme at this point, so I can do a "comparison chart" over time.

I already do a daily diary of symptoms, meds, activities, etc., and have since 2007. I use one of those daily office type two-page calendars so I can note things in the same place, making changes easier to see.

I have quite the encyclopedia of medical tests, and get some of the same ones every few months: some of them were started as far back as 2005.

LymeNet has been my go-to resource for many years! I made a donation today, and I hope others will, too.

Anyway, glad to be in on the conversation.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Cass A, that's great news! May the Gods of mHBOT smile upon you.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Cass A:
Hi, Friends and Fellow Divers,

I want to thank you all for your contributions to this thread! By going through the whole thing and getting the book by Dr. Harsh, I decided to get onboard!

Thanks to Phoiph, who helped me procure my set-up and has consistently answered my questions!!!

And, thanks to Digby for his personal help, also.

I've done 21 dives now, and am just composing a list of symptoms I relate to Lyme at this point, so I can do a "comparison chart" over time.

I already do a daily diary of symptoms, meds, activities, etc., and have since 2007. I use one of those daily office type two-page calendars so I can note things in the same place, making changes easier to see.

I have quite the encyclopedia of medical tests, and get some of the same ones every few months: some of them were started as far back as 2005.

LymeNet has been my go-to resource for many years! I made a donation today, and I hope others will, too.

Anyway, glad to be in on the conversation.

You mentioned you had a list of Lyme symptoms
Can you share that list? I am curious Thanks
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All

I was wondering what you set your oxygen concentrator on 8.5 9? etc

If possible could you say what concetrator you use and why that setting?

Just doing a little research Thanks
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

If you have an AirSep New Life Intensity 10, and are using it with a home chamber, you should set it at 8LPM.

In general, the higher the LPM setting, the lower the oxygen purity can be, so you want to set it at the "sweet spot".

Remember that when oxygen concentrators are used with a hyperbaric chamber (which they are not originally designed to do), there is a constant backpressure coming from the chamber, and flowing back into the concentrator. This makes it work harder, but it isn't a problem for this model, because it has 20psi of pressure which can counteract.

This particular model also has a built in feature (which most vendors don't know about, but this comes directly from technicians), where if the LPM are set too high (and the backpressure too great) it may go into an "on demand/pulse" mode to preserve oxygen purity. This is not an ideal mode for use with a chamber, as you want the flow to be steady.

It has been determined/recommended that 8LPM is the "sweet spot" for this model.

Other models, such as the SeQual, differ. The SeQual should be set at 10LPM and left that way. It will come down to about 8LPM during the dive due to back pressure.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
☝🏻 What Phoiph said. I have the airsep.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Phoiph and Kalbyrd makes sense
You say the sweet spot is 8LPM is this your observation or did you get this information somewhere else?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
No, as I mentioned, it comes directly from AirSep technicians I have spoken to over the years.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Has anyone taken their pets in? I have a kitty who likes to go in with me every now and then. She’s rather hard headed and when she wants to join me, there’s no keeping her out. She jumps back in before I can zip up. I’m just wondering how long is safe for her?
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
OK--as requested, here's a list of CURRENT symptoms:

leg cramps overnight that wake me up 1-4 times a night (for the last 7 years or so) (chronic sleep deprivation)

blank spots in memory. thinking
can't find words for things or remember names
short-term memory poor

thinking instead of perceiving, then do the wrong thing

knees achy

Temperature sub-normal (since at least 2000)

ears itchy
hearing loss

study retention very poor
food sensitivities

losing things
sweaty at night

I have had very bad brain fog, was sleeping almost constantly for 1-3 years, had seizures from 2007 to 2019, have brain damage that shows up on an MRI, whole areas of my past are completely gone, could not persist at doing anything, could no longer do any task requiring concentration when I used to handle state legislation for a non-profit!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Cass A:
OK--as requested, here's a list of CURRENT symptoms:

leg cramps overnight that wake me up 1-4 times a night (for the last 7 years or so) (chronic sleep deprivation)

blank spots in memory. thinking
can't find words for things or remember names
short-term memory poor

thinking instead of perceiving, then do the wrong thing

knees achy

Temperature sub-normal (since at least 2000)

ears itchy
hearing loss

study retention very poor
food sensitivities

losing things
sweaty at night

I have had very bad brain fog, was sleeping almost constantly for 1-3 years, had seizures from 2007 to 2019, have brain damage that shows up on an MRI, whole areas of my past are completely gone, could not persist at doing anything, could no longer do any task requiring concentration when I used to handle state legislation for a non-profit!

Thanks it sounds pretty serious I am hoping mHbot will help you You say you have done 21 dives so far .. can you say how long each dive and are you experiencing dieoff?
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
I am using Phoiph's gradient schedule. I'm now up to 1 hour at full pressure with mask--as of today.

Can't say that I'm experiencing die-off.

The one thing so far is that my awful leg cramps start later overnight (6:30 am instead of 4:30 am, so I get a bit more sleep, and the cramps are sometimes less intense.

Forgot to include tinnitus in my symptoms list! I've had it so long that it seems normal to me! LOL!!

Anyway, I'm pretty functional currently, can do gardening and some administrative work and can keep most of the housework done. My files are a mess, though. I do like having someone come in and clean once or twice a month!

This wasn't the case in 2008. At this point, my recovery had plateaued, and it is time for a BOOST!!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
While researching the use of mHBOT for Covid19 on the web, I was delighted to come across an article with an encouraging comment from "mbdq", one of the earliest mHBOT users on this thread (last LymeNet post 2015):

(Name Omitted) on April 10, 2020 at 8:22 pm:

"I am in NY and shortly after starting to have symptoms of covid-19, I started mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy via a soft home chamber, with an attached oxygen concentrator that was providing 100% oxygen that I breathed through a mask during each dive. I had previously used this setup to treat a recalcitrant case of lyme disease. The pressure in the chamber reaches 1.3 atm. I was able to get tested for covid-19 on day 9 of my symptoms and the test came back negative. My flu test was also negative. I had all symptoms of covid – fatigue, dry cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, GI symptoms, loss of smell, etc. I definitely felt the hbot treatments helped. Perhaps they made my test negative as well. Awaiting antibody testing to confirm I had it. After two weeks of illness, I now feel well."
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Current clinical trials on HBOT and Covid19:
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I am so grateful to have the mHBOT chamber during these difficult times. It is so good to hear that mHBOT may have helped someone with COVID19. I wish I could find a recent study that showed 1.3 ATA was the best atmospheric pressure to be used for COVID patients, but I am unable to find it. I believe it was a Russian study.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Here is some info on it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Brilliant idea (not the first time proposed) to use idle passenger and military jets as mass hyperbaric units:
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Cass A
mHBOT increases my tinnitus
Not sure why and even if it is really tinnitus
It's not a ringing of the ears but more of a rush sound (Not the band Rush)
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Here's a theory for you:

Taking in supplemental oxygen (even without being used with HBOT) is temporarily vaso-constrictive Vaso-constriction has been linked to tinnitus. (I have experienced this temporarily on a few occasions when I have stayed in the chamber too long due to sleeping through my alarm).

It sounds counterintuitive, but when oxygen is used with mHBOT, it is still vaso-constrictive (which is one of the reasons it reduces inflammation), but even so, more oxygen will reach the tissues better due to the pressure. In fact, HBOT has been successful in treating tinnitus over the long term.

So, it may be that even though you might experience heightened tinnitus temporarily after a dive, it may be helping the overall condition over the long term.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:

Here's a theory for you:

Taking in supplemental oxygen (even without being used with HBOT) is temporarily vaso-constrictive Vaso-constriction has been linked to tinnitus. (I have experienced this temporarily on a few occasions when I have stayed in the chamber too long due to sleeping through my alarm).

It sounds counterintuitive, but when oxygen is used with mHBOT, it is still vaso-constrictive (which is one of the reasons it reduces inflammation), but even so, more oxygen will reach the tissues better due to the pressure. In fact, HBOT has been successful in treating tinnitus over the long term.

So, it may be that even though you might experience heightened tinnitus temporarily after a dive, it may be helping the overall condition over the long term.

Cure it over the long run? Possibly

I don't know what you mean by temporary but my tinnitus or whatever it is doesn't go away after an hour or two If I dive regularly it sticks around 24/7 and it's loud
If I stop diving for a week or two it will turn down gradually slowly

I am going from memory
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Hi, fellow divers!

I'm checking in at this point. I've done about 35 dives total. I had some improvement early on, but then the leg cramps started getting worse and my tinnitus really got bad.

So, looking at when things were improving, it was when I was at full pressure for an hour, but no mask. So, I've backed down to that.

I've decided now to increase the gradient when I'm no longer seeing an improvement instead of pushing until things get worse.

Two other notes: I've found using a saline nasal spray about 30 minutes before the dive to really clean out the sinuses and then putting a bit of olive oil in my ears helps to make the pressure transition smoother and faster.

I appreciate the data on tinnitus just posted here, too!

I found an internet program that supposedly fixes tinnitus, so I'm doing that, also. We'll see how that goes. If it helps, I'll post that data, and then anyone wishing to try it can PM me.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Hi Cass A, I tend to change things up a bit like you when mHBOT is no longer helping the way it had been or when I am developing new symptoms. Sometimes I skip a day as well.

I hadn't tried the olive oil, but do sometimes use a nasal spray such as Clear X to clear my sinuses before diving too. A half hour or more before my dive is probably best.

I know if I don't give myself enough time building up to pressure (or down) that my T is definitely worse following my dive. When I am trying to adjust to the air pressure changes, I tend to do a lot of wide, deep yawning. I notice that some of the yawns result in my hearing the compressor and concentrator noise much louder, so I can tell I opened up the Eustachian tubes!
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Hi, dbpei,

Thanks for the notes and the advice.

Holding at full pressure and no mask for now.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Physician treats Covid19 patient (Tyson employee) with HBOT
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Cass A,

Remind me, are you taking supplemental magnesium for the leg cramping? What kind?

How about liquid minerals added to water?

Also, you must remember to increase your water intake with mHBOT.
Posted by Gabbysson (Member # 52061) on :
Just checking in. I began diving in January this year and have now completed 108 dives begining at 60 minutes and working up to 80 minutes now.

My lyme symptoms have been primarily severe joint pain for which no drug or supplement has been effective at treating.

My experience with hbot has been all positive, not dramatically so, in fact frustratingly slow but nevertheless positive.

My first encouragement came in the first couple of weeks. My CRP blood test which had been in the 60's (normal is less than 1) plummeted to about 4. I was ready to be completely healed in a month.

Of course it didn't work out that way. I began what has been a slow slog where I gain a little better range of motion or a slight but definitely noticeable reduction in pain from week to week.

I regularly think I've recovered more than I have and overdue my exercise or regular life activity. Thankfully it only takes a couple days to recover and get back on the lymie slog.

I'm grateful for God's grace in teaching me patience and appreciation for true value in life.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

This sounds like a very positive report for 3.5 months in; 2 steps forward, 1 step back, but gaining ground slowly.

True healing takes time...and it sounds like you have the patience to be in it for the duration. Good for you!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Good luck Gabbyson! I started around the same time as you and am also on my 108th dive! I only dive for 60 minutes at 1.3 pressure but take about another half hour compressing and decompressing due to sensitive ears.

My symptoms are more neurological (mostly my neck up) than yours, and like you, progress has been slow, but in the right direction for the most part. There is nothing else that I have tried that has helped as much as mHBOT over the last decade.

I have had a setback recently with Covid creating a lot of anxiety that may have resulted in a flare of my symptoms, but I am thankful to have my chamber! I was tested for the Covid virus and happy to report that my test was negative. So I think it was likely a flare for me.

Best of luck to you and I'm glad you shared your story!
Posted by Gabbysson (Member # 52061) on :
I was recently reading about exercise with oxygen therapy (ewot). Once one is healthy enough to exercise normally, it sounds like a good option to continue to use oxygen therapeutically.

Does anyone have experience with ewot?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Originally posted by Gabbysson:
I was recently reading about exercise with oxygen therapy (ewot). Once one is healthy enough to exercise normally, it sounds like a good option to continue to use oxygen therapeutically.

Does anyone have experience with ewot?

I do not but my understanding is it is not as good as HBOT because it does not saturate the body with oxygen as well.

Couple questions
Do you have any bad reactions with 80 minute dives what is CRP and what does it have to do with Lyme? Thanks
Posted by Gabbysson (Member # 52061) on :
CRP is a blood test for general body inflammation. Often used to assist in diagnosing autoimmune diseases. It doesn’t indicate any specific body location of the inflammation.

It was the only indication other than my Lyme WB that suggested I had any health problem. It’s elevated level for me kept the doctors from declaring me nuts when they found no reason for my joint pain.

I have read that CRP is commonly high with Lyme, something like 80%, but not necessarily and of course a high CRP is not necessarily an indication of Lyme.

After I did the ramp up to 60 minutes with full oxygen at the beginning, I did that level for 30 days with only positive response.

Then I began increasing 5 minutes at a time for a couple weeks to assess the effects of that dosage. I felt fine until I went passed 75 minutes when I had a little difficulty sleeping.

I went back to 75 minutes and stayed there comfortably for about 2 months. I only recently moved up to 80 minutes which seems fine for now.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Congratulations on your progressive (slow) positive improvements, gabbysson!
Interesting to read about your initial issues with 75 plus minutes and now being able to increase again.
I'm right at 290 dives. Last year, in July, I tried to bump it up to 90 minutes but after a week, develop pain on my right side, around the liver/gallbladder. Taking a 4 day break resolved that and I've stuck with 60 minutes. Maybe I can slowly increase a bit.

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Gabbysson. thanks for the encouraging report! CRP in the 60's! I thought my son's was high at 27. Thank you for including that info. Long may your improvement continue!!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well, staying well and safe during cover-19.
I have just reached 302 dives. I've been diving just over a year at 1.3 ATA and with oxygen. I initially started due to acute mold exposure (it helped dramatically!) and quickly discovered that it resolved my chronic diarrhea to completely formed stools after 3 dives.
My stools have been up and down over the last year but mostly good.

Last week, I started having tenesmus (spasming of my anus mostly). When it occurred, it would occur for awhile about every 30 seconds. I noticed it mostly when I laid down to sleep. It got a little more intense and further up my large intestine. It can be quite distracting and distressing.

I'm just wondering if anyone else had this as a herx? I'm trying to decide if this is part of the disease process or part of the healing process.

Thanks for reading and any experience you may have in this area.

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hi, Carbokitty. I have not had that. It is hard sometimes to tell between a herx and the disease process. I don't want to sound cliche-ish. But sometimes time will tell. For me that has been the case.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~
Me again. The spasming resolved this week-finally and gratefully.
I know this has been discussed many times but it's my first time with a plugged ear. Just the right side. I would say it's been at least a week, although it was on and off before that for at least another week.
I have finally given in and stopped diving. I'm wondering if others have had a similar issue, how long it took to resolve and how you knew it was safe to dive again.
I started with some homeopathic drops for ear wax and that did very little. Then I started using a combo drops of mullein and garlic that is used commonly for ear infections (Friday I woke with pain that radiated down my jaw so I figured there was something brewing. That has resolved since starting the drops).
I have earplanes ordered and will try that once I start back up. Again, this was during over 300 dives that these symptoms started.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Are you sure it is not some wax clogging your ear? The only way to know for sure would be to go to the doc (I prefer ENT for this) and have him/her look inside and clean it out. Plus if it is something more serious, the doc could advise about treatment, as well as when it is safe to resume mHBOT.

This must be so frustrating after having done so many dives without this problem. It is one of my worst fears that ear problems would get in the way of diving. Good luck to you and please keep us posted!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks dbpei. Almost even as I wrote that, I started getting some relief. It's not 100% and I definitely feels some draining as I sleep (and stay with that ear down).
As I mentioned, I had tried some homeopathic drops that are to work on ear wax with no noticeable benefit.
The combination now of the mullein and garlic drops and I used a little hydrogen peroxide as well and not diving seems to be making the difference. I guess I will keep paying attention and stay out of the chamber until I feel clear (meaning the right feels as clear as the left).
My Earplanes arrived, so I will use those when I dive again.
Yes, frustrating! And so unexpected, having not had issues previously. But one never knows whether this is part of the healing process or what. Helps me work on my patience-lol.

Have a good day and good dive everyone!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I'm glad you are getting some relief, carbokitty! It will be good to know if the Earplanes work. I used to listen to head phones during my entire dive and then read somewhere not to put anything in your ears to obstruct them during your dive, especially when compressing and decompressing, so it is confusing to know what is safe to use!

It is good to trust your instincts for this stuff, I am sure! Happy diving!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Carbokitty, so glad that you have had some relief of the previous symptom! I have found this chiropractor really helpful with some techniques that he uses for clearing Eustachian tubes. I will post a search on his youtube site for his list of Eustachian tube videos. If these techniques don't work I would consider having someone look into your ears.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Regarding ears, I was having trouble getting one ear to completely come back to "normal" after a dive. Phoiph recommended acupressure points that are easy to find on the Internet.

Here's a link:

These worked for me.

To get my ears to go through the compression and decompression more rapidly and with less problems, I have used some ear drops that are mainly olive oil with small amounts of essential oils. I think the olive oil is the key---just lubricates the inside of the ears.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Reporting in!

I'm now at just over 50 dives, an hour at pressure and now with oxygen added into the chamber but no mask.

I had a very bad flare up of 40-year-old back problems that I thought had fully resolved. I could hardly walk at all and was crying in pain. Sitting or standing weren't much better.

I didn't dive for a few days---I wouldn't have been able to get in or out of the chamber due to pain.

Phoiph talked to me on the phone after I emailed her, and convinced me to continue. Well, the pain has backed off and I can now walk OK, just not sit or stand for very long.

Hope this is over soon!!! When I had it from injuries decades ago, it took 6 months to be able to be out of bed and back to work!

Thanks again to Phoiph.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Cass A - so sorry to hear about your back problems returning after all of that time. I wonder if an old injury reactivating is a common occurrence for those who do mHBOT. I have had a few old pains return, but nothing as bad as you are describing.

I hope you continue to improve and will get past this. I wonder if you could try repositioning your chamber if there is a way to get in and out that does not cause so much pain for you. (maybe try zipper on side instead of top?) Good luck and let us know how you are doing.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Cass: Thanks for the ear unplugging suggestions. (Ironically, I'm an acupuncturist! I've been needling myself, but not as a preventive-only after the fact). I use a combination of mullein and garlic oil-since this has happened.
I think the earplanes are working. That right ear still doesn't completely open up right away but it never did. It just didn't plug up like it did 2 weeks ago.

I'm so sorry, Cass to hear about your back! A few years prior to even knowing about mHBOT, I had a bad flare up of back pain. Very odd situation, it seemed to be due to taking a probiotic which caused hugh die off and leaky gut-which they resulting in adhesions. I couldn't sit or stand. Mostly just lay down on a mattress that was on the floor. It was an amazing physical therapist that helped me recover from that. I've never had a problem since.

I agree with dbpei's suggestion to turn your chamber sideways. Simple enough if you're not alone and someone can do that for you. When I broke my foot this winter, the clinic I went to had their chamber on the side. With help, I could get in and out.
At the Airbnb we were staying at, there were 2 bedrooms. We positioned the chamber next to the bed in the spare bedroom so that I could enter from the side of the bed. (zipper on top). That was helpful. It's all hard when you're in pain though.

Hope you are feeling better very soon!

Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Oh wow this topic is still alive! [Smile]
Havent read the last years of it, so please excuse me... I was one of the ealier ones in 2013 that started the MHBOT therapy.

Gosh it has been almost 7 years now and im still using it on an almost daily basis. Thats like over 2000 hours i suppose!?

I guess a lot of you would like to know if this has been the magic bullet for me? And to that I would say that's a difficult question to answer! It has been very instrumental in my healing process, but mostly because its doing a fair job in keeping the lyme suppressed, or at least operating at a lower level. At the same time it isnt as much of a trigger for my MCAS, which in hindsight seems to be a very important factor. Many drugs (antibiotics) were big triggers for my MCAS and because of that werent helping very much.
However i would say that MHBOT is not as powerful in killing lyme as antibiotics. But if you are sensitive like me, those antibiotics can often do more harm than good. I learned that the hard way.

Getting MCAS under control while having lyme obviously took more than just MHBOT. Too much to write about here. And im still struggling with some of it. Especially now during the whole pandemic where i had to switch medication and that resulted in a few bad reactions. So my healing path is now again somewhat compromised.

However i didnt want to withhold this from you. I do feel ive reached a lot in the last few years, more than i was dreaming of.
I guess you could say this was my victory moment last year where i was able to do a 3000ft climb on my MTB:


And no, that isnt an ebike! [Smile]
This is in Spain near Gerona (Santuari de la Mare de Déu del Mont).
Took a lot of hard work and im hoping i will be able to continue doing things like this. But there are no guarantees with lyme and MCAS sadly so we will just have to wait and see what the future brings.

Anyway, just wanted to share that with you. Good luck to all of you!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Awesome post S13! I’m so happy to see you accomplish something so amazing. Awesome job!

What is MCAS?

Abx only made things worse for me too. I’ve actually had to stop diving as well since it was also making me worse but I’m working with a doctor Phoiph referred me to, to find out what’s going on at a metabolic and DNA level. The test are back and I have a Skype meeting with him tomorrow. Emotions are high but there’s hope now.

I have improved since stopping mHBOT but it was basically an effort of will. My PMC told me that the recent increase in symptoms could be from menopause and since hormone therapy didn’t work, exercise is the only alternative. So I’ve been pushing myself to get moving. My husband has a Nordictrack with iFit that allows you to immerse yourself in the workout video you choose. I love hiking and found several low impact walks that I can actually do. I think the motivation of going on a hike in my own home has helped tremendously.

I will be going back to diving but right now I just feel as if my body can’t detox correctly, (among other issues). Hopefully I will find out why and how to fix that tomorrow.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
hey Kaibyrd! Thank you very much [Smile]

MCAS is short for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Its where certain cells of your immune system go haywire with only the slightest of disturbance. Mast cells are basically the gatekeepers of your body. They guard your body for foreign things or anything unusual. Its a lot to explain, but know that many hypersensitive lyme patients actually also suffer from MCAS. And lyme is known to trigger mast cells anyway, so even if you dont have a genetic disposition towards MCAS you could still be suffering from the same symptoms caused by your mast cells if you have lyme.

Anyway, if you are interested, ive learned a lot from the low histamine chef Yasmina:
I know she didnt have lyme disease, so her healing strategy was obviously a bit different, but its still very informative.

If there is one thing ive learned from MHBOT, its that even oxidative stress can trigger mast cells and make you feel worse. An excess of oxidative stress is never a good thing. MHBOT should be a short burst of stress while your own cells & proteins are protected by antioxidants.

Ive learned the hard way that too much isnt a good thing. And with MHBOT pushing it to the max isnt necessary anyway. I find that pressures higher than 1.3ATA are counterproductive. Also, more than 40 minutes per day is counterproductive in my case.
I take a TON of antioxidants nowadays and they dont make the therapy less effective. In fact because they minimize the side effects, the therapy becomes more effective.
I would say that there is a lower limit though. Too little pressure and the lyme isnt being suppressed any more. I noticed that when traveling to elevation. Above 3000ft elevation the 1.3ATA wasnt sufficient any more and i got some of my typical lyme symptoms back (joint pain). I had to increase to 1.4ATA and things calmed down again.

At 1.3ATA the MHBOT doesnt seem to kill lyme right away. It suppresses it only. But for sensitive people that could be the better approach. Perhaps if you would be able to handle 2.5ATA (like in hospital) you could actually kill the lyme, but for many that is too much to handle.

BTW, when i talk about antioxidants i obviously mean Vitamin C (good for mast cell stabilization anyway) and Ascorbyl Palmitate. But even more so NADH and SOD.
-> NADH converts to NADPH and helps to recycle glutathione.
-> SOD, or Super-Oxide Dismutase, is the other master antioxidant in your body that deals with superoxide.
I know these antioxidant supplements are not that widely used by lyme patients, but they made all the difference for me by reducing the side effects of my mhbot treatment and keeping my mast cells happy [Smile]
And when your mast cells are happy your immune system will function a lot more effective thus helping to combat the lyme bacteria.

I sure hope you can get your excercise regime on track. Again dont overdo it. Low impact is they way to go!
Also im not sure what type of detoxing you are doing right now? Cholestyramine has been a lifesaver for me (though recently i have been having issues with different manufacturers and reacting to excipients badly).

I wish you good luck with your skype meeting tomorrow. Hope the tests reveal something.

Btw is Phoiph still hanging around here?
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks for the info S13.

I remember my Lyme doctor being concerned about mast cells and putting me on an antihistamine while I was on abx in 2015. Funny thing was, the antihistamines made my sinus issues much worse. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’ll try to remember to ask my doc tomorrow about what you’ve mentioned above if I get the chance. He likes to talk though. I was exhausted after our last Skype meeting.

I’ve tried many types of detox but most often it was far infrared sauna, Epsom salt baths and watching my diet, eating foods that support detox. Nothing seemed to help. I have a lot of inflammation in the gut that needs to be addressed after all the abx so we’ll see what he’s found the cause could be. I’m off dairy but I’m sure I’ll be taking lots more foods out of my diet. That’s always the hardest part for me. He will be recommending supplements based on my tests results. I’m interested to see what those are.

Yes Phoiph is still here and still helping lots of people. 😊

Take care!
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
I never went the antihistamine route. Learning from Yasmina (the low histamine chef), antihistamines can actually be detrimental to your mast cells, eventually making the situation worse. Ive learned that there are more natural ways to combat histamine and prevent mast cells from activating. Its not an easy process though... A lot of trial and error to find your individual needs (eliminating things you are sensitive to, and including things that make your immune system more stable).

The gut is probably where most problems are for many. Mine as well. Mast cells are highly concentrated in the gut. Getting the gut under control has been my main priority over the last years. Nalcrom is the only medication i use right now, other than cholestyramine. They are both helpful in getting the gut inflammation down. Once the gut is functioning better, your entire body will work better. But its easier said than done if you have lyme obviously.

Ah the infrared sauna! I had one of those! Always felt horrible in and after it [Wink]
Eventually i gave up on the idea that it was detoxing me. I now know im just sensitive to heat and it triggers a mast cell flare. So i just avoid extreme temperatures.

Its actually nothing new for me, even before i got my lyme 8 years a go i remember being sensitive to lots of things. As a young kid i would get attacks of nausea and weakness from just being out in the sun. And parfums would almost choke me. Then again there is a clear genetic trail from my mothers side of the family that shows these problems, so for me there are definitely genes that add to the whole MCAS situation. But im not assuming thats true for everyone, or at least every sensitive lyme patient out there. We are all different in that way.

Well, im interested in what your doc recommends, so please let us know!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi S13! Thank you for your post and update. Congratulations on the climb! Very exciting to be able to live life again and go to that length. I really appreciate you sharing your joy and triumph.

Interesting that you settled on 40 min dives vs 60. What were your symptoms at 60 min that you don't have at 40 min?

When I first started at a clinic (now 315 dives in since April 2019), the first was 20 min. Then I did 40 min dives for at least the first 3 months (did my first in Jan 2019 but didn't get up to 60 min until sometime in March or April and only then started recording my dive #). And only since I've had my chamber do I dive daily. Previously was constrained by my schedule and the clinic's schedule. Of course cost was a factor also.

I don't tolerate Vit C (except lemon juice) due to gut issues. I do take SOD and catalase as part of my B12/tolate supplement.

Thanks for jumping back into the conversation! Always good to learn from others.

Kaibyrd, have a good appointment today. Will also be interested to hear what you learn further!

All the best,
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
So 40 minutes basically gave me the same lyme suppressing results as 60 minutes. And i dont even use supplemental oxygen any more.
More than 40 minutes and it would aggrevate some of my mast cell symptoms, such as restless legs, fatigue, heart palpitations/rhythm and depression.

So at a certain point i realized that more isnt better and the less i can trigger my mast cells while still keeping lyme suppressing effects, the better.

Right now with my mast cells better under control by diet and supplements i could actually do longer dives without too much problems, but i just feel it isnt necessary.

For vitamin C i only use pure powder ascorbic acid. I think some mcas patients report difficulties with vitamin c derived from corn, but im not sure if that is the problem for you?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All

Couple questions

How many here use Nicotinamide Riboside do you like it?


How many use an Air Purifier how do you like it and what brand do you use?

Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :

I don't use Nicotinamide Riboside so I can't comment.

I have purchased a number of Honeywell air purifiers from Target over the years and I've been happy with them. The 2 filters can be pricey and there's that ongoing cost-but the cost of the purifier itself wasn't bad. (don't remember now but less than $200 for sure). I currently have 3 in different rooms. One of the things I actually like about it that other's may not is it creates a bit of white noise and masks some of the noise of my husband coming to bed or his TV watching on another floor when I've gone to bed already.

We have 2 cats and we've had mold issues and I feel these have helped.

There has been a lot of recent discussion within my profession about air purifiers with uv light to help get rid of covid. I've considered but have not purchased.

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Homina, I have used NR as well as doing NAD infusions. Neither has been worth the cost for me.

I use a Healthmate air purifier. They are expensive but mine has lasted 15 years with cartridge replacement ~ every 4 years. It is on 24/7 and is still going strong!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Carbo and Digby
Digby do you dive with purified air ?
If so how do you do it?
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
There is a local doctor that uses IV cord blood stem cell therapy combined with NAD IV therapy, these both for 5 days. Anyone know how effective this might be? I have to wonder whether cord blood cells taken from another might have infectious problems.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Homina, my chamber is in the room where the Healthmate is, so indirectly, yes.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Hi, yes, I'm still here...

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It looks like you've made amazing progress!

I'm very happy for you :)
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Thank you Phoiph!
Good to see you are still providing support and help after all these years [Smile]

How is your tank holding up? Still doing the therapy?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Can you answer a question or two
Do you think longer dives earlier in your mhbot protocol benefited you and now 40 minutes per dive maintains?

How much NADH what brand do you use what time of day and with or without food?
Does NADH affect your ability to sleep?

Coffee Enemas increase glutathione quite a bit but the glutathione levels drop pretty fast it seems due to stresses on the body so I am wondering if using NADH would help keep levels high during the day
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Well no, i actually didnt start to improve until i lowered my oxidative stress. Which meant reducing mhbot time and increasing antioxidants. Early on when i was doing 1.5ATA i was actually doing worse.
And i still get that, if i overdo oxidative stress i get worse. Just finding that minimum suppressing effect of the mhbot and not any more gave me the best results. This has a lot to do with triggering my MCAS, so this might not apply to everyone.

For NADH I use the Enada Mojo twice a day. Sometimes the NOW foods NADH if i cant get the Enada.
No it doesnt affect my sleep at all. In fact i take it in the evening as well. But your mileage may vary.
I did not have much success with coffee enemas or glutathione in the past. Well, liposomal glutathione gave some positive effects, but it was just too damn expensive for the benefits. NADH and SOD while also not very cheap were much more helpful. Im sure this wont be the case for everyone however.
Oh yeah i forgot to mention i also use the gamma-tocopherol form of vitamin E. Gamma tocopherol can neutralize reactive nitrogen species. Nitrosative stress and oxidative stress often go hand in hand.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks S13 This is good to know I could try the NADH and SOD
NAD followed by a CE have provided me temporary relief from symptoms

Here is a question for the group

Have any of you tried cryotherapy for lyme and co infectiona or more specifically Bartonella ?
Posted by elsworth (Member # 51880) on :

I definitely have MCAS like you also. Symptoms since 1991, and some family history too. Thank you for the post and advice on management.


Why are you asking about cryotherapy ? I do the Wim Hof Method, which has cold exposure as a component of the method. I never considered cold exposure as therapeutic for lyme. Do you have information that would suggest that ? Or would the cryotherapy just be a pallative treatment for joint issues/pain ? TY (*The cold exposure did help my joint issues markedly in my hands.)
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :

I ask because a local cryotherapy office here tells me they have lyme patients that have gotten relief from cryo I don't know if it kills the infection or helps with the symptoms
I will know more later
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks for the feedback
I assume you have a Austin Healthmate I hope that is correct
Could you tell me what model it is, what type of filters it has , and if it is good at removing ozone and smog? I live in a heavily congested urban area that has a lot of smog and ozone
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Homina, Yes the Austin Healthmate. The model is the HM400, which is the basic unit. It is very good at removing small particulates and VOCs. So smog would be filtered out. I don't know about the ozone but it typically degrades very rapidly as it oxidizes the particles in the smog.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by S13:
So 40 minutes basically gave me the same lyme suppressing results as 60 minutes. And i dont even use supplemental oxygen any more.
More than 40 minutes and it would aggrevate some of my mast cell symptoms, such as restless legs, fatigue, heart palpitations/rhythm and depression.

So at a certain point i realized that more isnt better and the less i can trigger my mast cells while still keeping lyme suppressing effects, the better.

Right now with my mast cells better under control by diet and supplements i could actually do longer dives without too much problems, but i just feel it isnt necessary.

For vitamin C i only use pure powder ascorbic acid. I think some mcas patients report difficulties with vitamin c derived from corn, but im not sure if that is the problem for you?

The O2 always makes my Babesia come back.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Digby
Why did you choose the HM400 ?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Charles 12~

It is common to have "flares" of symptoms with mHBOT, as your immune system improves and begins to fight pathogens, including Babesia.

It doesn't mean that the 02 is making your Babesia "come back". It is more likely that Babesia (and/or other pathogens) are still latent in your system, and when your immune system begins to fight, you have a flare.

In my case, consistency over time with mHBOT got me through this phase, and took care of my severe Babesia.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Homina: I honestly don't remember, it was a long time ago. All I can say is I'm happy I did. It is a very well made unit.
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
Charles 12~

It is common to have "flares" of symptoms with mHBOT, as your immune system improves and begins to fight pathogens, including Babesia.

It doesn't mean that the 02 is making your Babesia "come back". It is more likely that Babesia (and/or other pathogens) are still latent in your system, and when your immune system begins to fight, you have a flare.

In my case, consistency over time with mHBOT got me through this phase, and took care of my severe Babesia.

It happens if I just use the concentrator separately too. I also begin to react to Babesia medications again if I use it for a sustained period.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Not quite sure I am clear on your last post.

Are you saying that if you use just oxygen from the concentrator (not with the chamber) you have a flare of symptoms?

And, if you use "it" (the chamber, or just oxygen?) for a sustained period, you begin to "react" (how?) to the Babesia medications you are on?

Just trying to understand...
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:

Not quite sure I am clear on your last post.

Are you saying that if you use just oxygen from the concentrator (not with the chamber) you have a flare of symptoms?

And, if you use "it" (the chamber, or just oxygen?) for a sustained period, you begin to "react" (how?) to the Babesia medications you are on?

Just trying to understand...

If I supplement with O2 by using the concentrator by itself, my Babesia symptoms return, and grow worse.

I regularly take anti-malarials, but I don't normally show any herx reaction. The infection is normally suppressed, if not dormant. If I use my chamber for a few weeks, I'll start to herx again. This corresponds with the flare.

If my immune system was just waking up - then I would be herxing on the anti-malarials regardless.

My gut says the O2 does feed the infection.

[ 06-21-2020, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Charles12 ]
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
This whole idea of things feeding microbes in the body is becoming a bit ridiculous if you ask me.
In the case of Babesia, its not like oxygen is the limiting growth factor. In fact it can also thrive without oxygen in an anaerobic state.

So if you say babesia symptoms, what symptoms are we talking about?

Getting worse from a therapy is usually because your body cant handle the toxic side effects of that therapy. And yes, oxygen can be considered toxic to the body if not properly bound by things like hemoglobin and if byproducts arent neutralized by antioxidants. Which is exactly what happens when you do hyperbaric oxygen therapy or when you supplement with pure O2.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Oh just to be clear, im not saying you should continue with the therapy if you feel worse from it. No, in fact if you only feel worse you should definitely stop or change it so that you dont feel worse. You should feel better from a therapy, never worse.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Charles 12~

I just wanted to give you another perspective on your concerns re oxygen worsening Babesia:

Dr. J, who uses mHBOT in his practice, wrote this in his LymeMD blog in response to a similar question/concern about oxygen “feeding” Babesia/Bartonella:

Question: October 29, 2013 at 4:32 PM
“Great to know mild hyper chambers work too, but I am concerned about co-infection, whether or not they will thrive in an oxygen rich body? babesa, bart?

A couple of patients report of babesa, bart symptoms increased, pre hyperbaric chamber babesa negative, but post hbot babesa positive and severe fatigue and pain in legs...
I am anxious to know your views on this."

Lyme report: Montgomery County, MD said...
Answer: “I know this answer is a bit long-winded. This question keeps coming up over and over again. I do not know here this myth came from. But is absolutely false. I fear it may be keeping a lot of patients away from a treatment which might be very helpful.

If this were true nobody would get better since virtually every Lyme patient has co-infections. People do Herx with HBOT so getting worse for a while is part of the process. Oxygen does not act like a fertilizer to promote the growth of various aerobic pathogens/parasites. What is important to hear is that HBOT creates a milieu of: a natural antibiotic, decreased swelling, improved immune function overall, healing of diseased tissues, increased glutathione and improved mitochondrial function. HBOT is used to heal severe non-healing wounds in diabetics, patients with gangrene and other non-healing surgical wounds. All of these infections have a combination of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. The treatment kills both. And very importantly, HBOT helps break down biofilms”

I also want to share an excerpt from a veterinary research study of Babesia in dogs. It is suggestive of how Babesia and other parasites are damaged by oxidative stress...similar to the description of how oxidative stress damages the membrane of the Lyme spirochete.

Oxidative stress is one of the many therapeutic mechanisms in hyperbaric, and, fortunately, with mild hyperbaric, does not cause damage to the body due to a compensatory increase in natural antioxidant production.

Here's the quote from the research article:

“...Many parasites including protozoa are sensitive to oxidative stress. Sensitivity to oxidative stress has been reported in malaria (Rockett et al., 1991), hepatozoonosis (Kiral et al., 2005), tropical theileriosis (Visser et al., 1995) and babesiosis (Stich et al., 1998). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS) are powerful oxidants and nitrating species that can inactivate enzymes and initiate the process of lipid peroxidation and nitration, which leads to radical chain reactions that further damage membranes, nucleic acids and proteins (Muller et al., 2003). These processes may ultimately lead to the killing of parasitic organisms (Rockett et al., 1991; Kiral et al., 2005)...”

Another article on the importance of Oxidative Stress (free radicals) in relation to HBOT:

Oxidative stress is fundamental to hyperbaric oxygen therapy, by Stephen R. Thom. Journal of Applied Physi9ology 106:988-995, 2009:

My concern is that you may stop, or only intermittently use a therapy that may potentially benefit you for fear that it is worsening your Babesia. In my opinion, what might help is if you proceed more slowly (but consistently) with mHBOT, so you don't overwhelm your body when your immune system begins to fight the infections.

I am very glad I continued to dive and move through the flares I experienced, as I would have never become well otherwise.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hello everyone,

I wanted to pop in for two reasons

1. I’m continue to feel excellent, and live a normal and productive life now at 51 y/o. Rarely enter the chamber, maybe 10-20 times a year.

2. This is a video of one of the moms in the FB mhbot group that has used the soft chamber to treat her daughter and Dr Sonners (author of Oxygen Under Pressure). I really appreciate the conversation and answers he gives that seem to linger around soft chambers. He also has a YouTube channel for those interested HBOT USA.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
So happy to hear this and thanks Peimomma!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Peimomma~

Great to hear that you're continuing to do so well!

The fact that you are doing mHBOT infrequently now while maintaining great health supports my belief that mHBOT is not merely "suppressing" pathogens or temporarily masking symptoms, but is truly healing and normalizing the immune and other systems.

I continue to use my chamber 2-3 times per week if I can...not out of need anymore, but because I find it restorative.

Thanks for the video link, and for your continued dedication to mHBOT awareness. I know you offer a lot of information and support on other forums.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Good information from Montgomery County MD
Thanks Phoiph
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
You're welcome, Homina.

This and other related info and comments on the subject have been posted previously in the thread, so I encourage everyone, especially newcomers, to take the time to read it all.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
For those of you with Bartonella

Do you notice if you overwork or overexert yourself that it is hard to get to sleep that night?

Did mHBOT cure that?

Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I did not get a response so let me ask a different way
For those of you that experience insomnia when you overexert yourself what do you do to speed recovery to get back to "normal"?

Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Sleep issues are so hard. I don't usually experience insomnia as a result of over exerting myself. But I do often experience difficulty sleeping through the night with early awakening in the wee hours.

Two things that have helped me are slow release melatonin at 3 mg and edible marijuana. I am a medical marijuana patient so I have gotten advice from my doctor on this. The edible form of marijauna (should be Indica strain to relax you) takes a long time to get into your system, and also a long time to leave it. But you could try a tincture that gets into your system within 15 - 30 minutes, which might be good for your problem.

I don't like the psychogenic effects of MJ, so by taking it at bedtime, when I usually get right to sleep, I am not usually bothered by this. I wish I could offer more help, but maybe some others here will chime in on this. Good luck to you! I know how bad it is when we struggle with getting the healing sleep we so need.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I haven’t really found a consistent help for sleep. I never really over exert these days, I just don’t have enough energy, but I have realized I sleep better when I do a 30 minute walk or lift light weights. That being said, I still have trouble both falling asleep and waking up many days. I take Pharma GABA and magnesium before bed and I know if I run out of those, I won’t sleep at all. Just did that Monday night. Maybe I won’t let myself run out again after that experience!

About the only thing I can advise for recovery after overexertion is to be kind to your body, rest and give it nutrition with whole foods, no processed fake food.

Dbpei, I wish I could get access to MM!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

mHBOT, diet, and graded movement/exercise (without overexertion) eventually cured my complete insomnia, but it was a gradual process, and it was one of the last symptoms to go.

My neurologist/HBOT specialist friend explained to me that sleep architecture is very complex, and requires many body systems to be in synch. This balance may not happen until the later stages of healing.

I also agree with Kaibyrd regarding nutrition and restoration of gut health being crucial. Many of our hormones and neurotransmitters, etc., reside there, and gut biome has a strong influence on sleep. You can google "gut biome and sleep" to read more about the connection.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks all

I think my adrenals become exhausted which is part my fault and I think infection also puts a strain on them

I understand bartonella makes it hard to sleep too

I agree rest and good diet is important to restore the adrenals I find myself craving salt meat cheese raw meat expecially and pumpkin seeds
I am using extra vitamin C too which seems to help

Interestingly mHBOT if I am regular helps me sleep along with other things

I did not know all that about gut biome and sleep but it makes sense

I am hoping as I heal getting good sleep will be less of a problem

Thanks all for your feedback
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hi Folks,

Just wanted to share a quick story about Newtowne Hyperbarics. I have a 34" chamber from them and I had a problem with the zipper.

I emailed pictures of the problem to Marie at the company and 3 minutes after I hit send, my phone rang and it was Marie. She said she was sorry for the problem and would send out a new chamber to me.

I asked when I could expect it and she checked with her shipping dept and said it would go out that day! A few days later I received a brand new chamber. I swapped the hardware (she offered to do this for me but it would have slowed down the shipment) and I'm up and running again.

I am the first one to complain about poor customer service but I also think it's important to share amazing customer oriented service when it occurs. It's rare but this kind of service restores one's faith in humanity and I appreciate it.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all, Homina and Digby ~

Sleep can be such a challenge! It is one of my "symptoms" that occurs in conjunction with gut issues. If my gut is happy, frequently, my sleep is good. It is one of the symptoms I track.

As you all know, I have had mold exposure and am mold sensitive. Sleep is immediately disrupted when I've been exposed...and I often don't know I've been exposed until that night and then I wake up at 2, 3 4am, often with an elevated heart rate.

Throughout my journey with health issues (primarily the last 9 years), I have also developed or uncovered food sensitivities. I am now very very careful to track my foods and not change more than 1 thing at a time so that I know exactly what's affecting me, including supplements. Sometimes that's very hard but its gotten easier b/c my diet is so limited and I've accepted that I can just eat the same things over and over again.

But even this summer, I learned that organically grown lettuce from our garden affected my sleep and gut. I can eat non-organic red leaf or green leaf lettuce from the grocery store w/o a problem. I tried adding just a few leaves from our garden lettuce and I was back to not sleeping and having loose stools and/or diarrhea. I even planted 3 different kinds of lettuce and can't tolerate any of the 3. I discovered this winter that I had similar symptoms to boxed organic spring mix lettuce.

This is just my story. It may not be your's. Because I value good sleep so much ~ it makes all the difference in my day the next day, I work very hard to make it a priority. As I am sure most of us do.

Digby ~ Thank you so much for sharing this great story! I also have a Newtowne. I have not had problems with it so far. I had a problem with the oxygen concentrator early on, which I purchased elsewhere and had a similar experience. He shipped out a new one ASAP and I was only down/without extra oxygen for 2 days.

Stay cool.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Great to hear about the good service at Newtowne, Digby! Thanks for sharing good news!

Gosh Carbokitty, that is amazing how you figured that out with the lettuce. I will have to start doing some better tracking of what I eat to see if I can find any relationships with regard to sleep! thanks for the tips!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :

That is interesting about lettuce
For me eating lettuce at night organic or otherwise helps me sleep it seems and the lettuce from the garden organic seems to work a little better that is a subjective observation

I am sending you a private message about your chamber I have a question
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I have not gotten a response on cryotherapy for lyme from the company that does it over here
I asked how cryotherapy could kill off a bacterial infection .. They did not respond as far as I can tell

Have any of you tried Molecular Hydrogen or done some research on it?

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Homina, I've done quite a bit of research on Molecular Hydrogen (MH) and got excited about it, especially because the antioxidant effect is rapid which works better with mHBOT vs. antioxidant supplements like CoQ10.

FWIW...I tried the tablets and purchased a hydrogen water machine which I used for ~ 6 months with no noticeable results.

Another one bites the dust!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Bites the dust
Posted by willbeatthis (Member # 31111) on :
Hi Team: Wow! It is great to hear you are doing so well Peimomma [Smile] . And S13!! That is awesome. I am still diving daily and I would say my bart, babs and Lyme is SO much better. Thank you to Phoiph, Digby, Peimomma etc on guiding me.

I wanted to share a little bit about Oxyhealth and how amazing they have been to me of late. For whatever reason, there was a manufacturing issue on my solace bladder exchange of late and because of the hassle they are upgrading me to a new Respiro. I run two businesses myself so I like to recognize when businesses that we are so dependent on with MHBOT, go the extra mile for their clients. I am SO GRATEFUL! Just wanted to share this in the event anyone was looking to buy a chamber from Oxy. They will partner with you to make sure you are happy!

Keep diving all.... XO
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Hello, Folks,

Checking in and reading the posts since my last visit.

As for air purifiers, I have three different kinds:

a Honeywell with washable filters for immediate results,

a Venta Airwasher that's primarily for humidifying and exposes the air to water so it also cleans the air,

and a BioGS (prefilter, HEPA filter, plus activated carbon). I use this when I'm sleeping.

I've been cleaning out a LOT of long-neglected things in my house, and needed the Honeywell to make the areas so I wouldn't have a sneezing fit just walking into them. For them, I ran it night and day.

On my chamber, I use a humidifier attached to the O2 concentrator, so all the O2 is filtered through water.

I use an older model Rainbow vacuum that filters everything through water.

These work for me.

Second, on customer service, I got GREAT service from Newtowne Hyperbarics when one of the inside zipper seams failed. I put the valves from the one I had on the new bladder and then shipped off the defective one. UPS picked it up today!

Third, I've had sleep problems for a long time---severe leg cramps that wake me up. I've come to the conclusion that these are a circulation problem.

I'm currently taking Veinesco for this issue---it is supposed to clean out the blood vessels by attacking the calcium-based biofilm surrounding a bacterium and then killing the bacterium.

I have no idea if this "bacterium" is Lyme or something else, but something that deals with biofilm and opens up the blood vessels is sure worth a good try!

I'm doing the mHBOT pretty much daily, and am consistently up to 1 hour with the oxygen mask on.
I seem to get better results if I do it early in the morning.

My back issue is pretty much fixed now--lots of chiropractor and physical therapy visits on top of keeping the mHBOT happening.

I'll check in more often, so I won't have such a long post......
Posted by Donna Campbell (Member # 52157) on :
Oh, thanks for sharing
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Cass A
Could you clear something up ?
Are you filtering the air that comes into your chamber by two means? A humidifier and a Rainbow Vacuum cleaner? please clarify and I would like to see how you do this with a picture if possible
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Would anyone be interested in buying a used chamber?

I believe I'm ready to let mine go. It's a Respiro 270.

Moderators, if this is against the rules, just let me know.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Homina, I believe CassA is saying when she vacuums that it is a unit that also filters the air through water. I did not get the impression that it is attached to the chamber.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Charles12,

I always try to talk people out of selling their chamber unless they have been completely well for at least a couple of years, and even then it is good to keep it for less frequent use.

Bodies take a huge hit with this disease and can use the extra help over time as they age and face other challenges.

Just my opinion. If you are bent on selling it though, I will let people know. You can PM me with the details.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Even if I was not using my chamber anymore, I would not sell it during this Covid-19 issue. Great first line defense against the virus both prophylactically and if you were to get it.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Agreed, Digby!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I'm with you on that Digby! I am so glad I have my chamber during this pandemic!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Digby I am assuming based on your previous posts That have recovered from the worst of lyme

So are you still maintenance diving and if so how often and for how long each time?

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Homina, Kinda sorta. I went from home bound and using a wheelchair to traveling, hiking and biking from mHBOT and a Keto diet. I was feeling fantastic until I tried to do a mercury detox which set me back. I still hike on good days but no travel or serious, consistent exercise.

I find I do better using the chamber daily for 1 hour @ pressure ( I miss a few days a month) while I continue to figure out how to reverse the heavy metal redistribution that occured.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Okay Thanks
What did you do for a mercury detox that set you back and for how long?
Also maybe phoiph and others that have got back there lives could comment on what their maintenance program is like?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Homina, I did IV EDTA and pulsed, oral DMSA and Alpha Lipoic Acid. That was almost 2 years ago and I am still slowly getting over it.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Oh, Digby. That's so hard. I am sorry to hear it's been such a difficult journey ~ and especially when you were attempting to get better! Ugh.

I didn't have the same, but perhaps a similar experience. I was progressively getting better from my 18 months of antibiotics for Lyme and doing the GAPS diet. I ordered some Lactate free probiotics (bifidus only) and even though I took only a very small amount, it was the start of my SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth) starting in 2014. I have been dealing with that and extensive food sensitivities ever since. Getting better. Little by little ~ but yeah, its been a journey.

Mercury detox is a scary thing. And I'm assuming you were working with someone and not doing the IV EDTA by yourself.
Thinking of you.

Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Digby
What would you have done differently ?
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
Even if I was not using my chamber anymore, I would not sell it during this Covid-19 issue. Great first line defense against the virus both prophylactically and if you were to get it.


I actually had it back in April.

For me, it was like a mild case of the Flu. Rapid onset, which was interesting. I got over it very quickly, and I felt normal within a week.

Low fever.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Carbokitty, yes I was working with a chelation doc. It's sad that in the process of healing ourselves we sometimes get a nasty surprise. Who would guess that a probiotic could cause such trouble? Life is risky.

Homina, there was no way I could have known that I would have the reaction that I did to the detox. So I don't know other than with hindsight I wouldn't have done it at all.

Charles, did you continue with the chamber during the flu?
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Charles, that is wonderful that you were able to survive your milder case of Covid. You must be very grateful.

Digby, so sorry that chelation has set you back like that. We all try so hard to get well and sometimes regret some of our choices. I know for me, it has been a rocky journey as well. mHBOT has been so far, the best thing I have done. But I know I still have a way to go.

To everyone here, I am just curious... I started to watch some of the latest Lyme Summit 4 and listened to an interview with well known LLMD, Dr. S on the first day, who said that ATA of 1.3 is not high enough to kill all lyme germs in the body. I believe he stated that you must use a higher atmospheric pressure of 2.4 or more.

I am pretty sure from my following this MHBOT thread, that there are some here who have completely recovered, but needed to do daily dives at 1.3 atmospheres for 2 or more years.

I can try to look up your stories, but it would be so helpful to hear from some of those people to keep us hopeful. Phoiph, thank you in advance!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Dbpei, I am cynical. So please forgive me if I sound sarcastic. But Dr S says that because that is what he has in his office for his business!! There is another doc in MD or PA, can't remember which, who recommends mild units for his patients.

Meanwhile, I like you, feel that mHBOT is the best thing I have done for my health and to recover from Lyme. And most importantly, the improvement has been lasting. I still do maintenance dives as I have had Lyme most of my life. But I would not be without my chamber! I will be forever grateful to Phioph for changing my mind about selling my chamber and giving mHBOT a concentrated try. Her support was invaluable. This treatment changed my life.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Interesting take, kgg. I appreciate it and tend to agree with you. I am so happy to hear about the progress you have made. I'm also very grateful for Phoiph's part in all of this and helping so many of us.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you both so much for the kind words. I would like to extend that sentiment to everyone here on the site who offers their invaluable experience and advice, as it "takes a village"!


Think of it as a difference in philosophy.

Thankfully, we are not trying to kill all of the "germs" in our body; that is not our goal. (BTW, we have more bacteria in our body than our own cells!)

Our goal is to regulate and restore our body's ability to fight harmful pathogens and restore health. This is what mHBOT does so well.

If "bug killing" worked so well for CHRONIC Lyme, then everyone would already be well via antibiotics.

Unfortunately, IMO, until this antiquated "must kill the bugs" philosophy evolves, many people will continue to search and struggle.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :

My question was knowing what you know now about the chelation protocol that you were on would you modify it just not do it at all or try something completely different? Thanks
Can you tell me what your maintenance regime with mHBOT is like
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by dbpei:
Charles, that is wonderful that you were able to survive your milder case of Covid. You must be very grateful.

No, not grateful.

I don't think the virus is a serious threat.

The fatality rate looks like it will settle at around 1% or 1.5%.

Public Health officials made a bad gamble, early on, based on Italy's struggles (which said more about Italy than anything else). And once they made that decision, they were married to it.

They were never going say "we were wrong."

The presidential election is the other major factor. The virus has become a useful political tool.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Homina, I did three dives this past week. The last time I had been in the chamber was March. So I go by how I am feeling. Initially, after I had finished 2 years + a few months of daily diving, I would dive a few days and take a few days off. I think my first long stretch of not diving was 3 weeks. But as time went on I got busy with life and found I did not dive as often. Now I dive when my fatigue gets more than just the business of summer.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Kgg since you are not diving regularly are any symptoms coming back? would you say you are 100
% recovered or a lesser?

Another question to all of you
Do any of you have problems with weak or exhausted adrenals if so what do you do about it?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Yes, I have symptoms return. Mostly the fatigue. But my tick bites were when I was 10. I was not diagnosed until I was 45. Cure, it not in my vocabulary. It also helps with aging. So where I am at in life, I will be hanging onto my chamber. =)
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Kgg A couple Lyme doc I heard interviewed said the same as you... total eradication is not realistic. That is sad and I hope they are wrong.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

As I mentioned above, total eradiation is not the goal; it doesn't have to be to have good health and be symptom-free.

Just because we may carry a potential pathogen in our bodies, doesn't mean we have the disease. Many people live their whole lives carrying Lyme without ever knowing or having symptoms.

Conversely, if you do have chronic Lyme Disease, even if you were able to rid yourself of every last Lyme bacteria, unless you address the ongoing immuno-inflammatory response, you will likely still have symptoms.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Great to hear how well you're doing!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I am wondering if any of you have increased need of b12 and iron because of Lyme and Co infections ?

Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :

I recently discovered that adding B12 in the form of methyl B12 made a huge positive difference in my energy levels. I had been taking a methylfolate and methyl B12 supplement for 2 years, but the amounts of each were really low. The company stopped making the product, wo I searched around for something similar (by the same company) and purchased a B-complex, also in the methyl form. Immediate energy boost and feelings of well-being.

However, methyl groups are not for the faint of heart. Those feeling lasted about a week. Then I started feeling really angry (not normal for me). I learned that that can happen with excess "methylation". One of the key remedies for that is to take the nicotinic acid form of B3 (niacin) (but nicinamide form won't work ~ and for me actually compounded the problem). Once I took a very small amount of nicotinic acid, all that uncomfortable feeling of anger went away.

I know. It's sort of complicated. And a little tricky. But the result is that I have energy and stamina that I haven't experienced in years and I'm very grateful for that. Despite the car accident and injuries in January, I've been able to push myself, do my PT exercises and become more active (walking/biking/kayaking) without the crashes in energy of the past.

Why methylated form? 45% of the population has a gene mutation called MTHFR. (I am in that group) and don't process the non-methyl form and don't really get the benefit from non-methyl folate and B12.

Why did I wait so long? I thought I was getting plenty of B12. I was taking a supplement (it turns out it only had a tiny amount of B12 and folate) and I eat paleo=plenty of B12 in protein-so I thought I was covered. I guess not. Game changer.

Hope that helps.

Hope everyone stays well and safe.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Carbo
What brand of B complex and nicotinic acid did you use?
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Dual Health niacin powder Vit B3 + Biotics Research Bio-B complex.

Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Dual Health niacin powder Vit B3 + Biotics Research Bio-B complex.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
More info on benefits of HBOT for Covid19:
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Thanks for this study, Phoiph. It is encouraging and once again, makes me happy I have my chamber during these challenging times.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All

I found a Dr Rawls discussion of sleep and the nature of Lyme and Co infections very helpful I listened several times

I can't post the link here but private message me for the link

Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I also saw that and found it to have a lot of good information. I have been trying a few of his suggestions to improve sleep. It is still a work in progress these days!
Posted by Red101 (Member # 52188) on :
Thanks to all for their hard working creating this impressive thread on mHBOT. I have yet to read it all. I only just read the first page! Whew. A lot!

So I'm 90 dives into my treatment for ME/CFS and Chronic Lyme. I have a question about decompressing from my 34 inch Newtowne. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

I know most on my mHBOT Facebook group like to decompress after a dive by opening the valve, while still leaving the compressor running. I find this method of decompressing very noisy and stressful. I'd much rather do it my nice and calm way, which is just leaving the valve alone (not opening it) and instead simply turning off the compressor with my remote (on/off) switch. The compressed air slowly exits the chamber. Takes about 10 minutes.

Is there a health reason I can't decompress this nice and calm way?

Thanks to all here for all you do to help this community!
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Well, if you stay in the chamber for too long while the pump isnt running, you might not get enough oxygen. If you also use an oxygen concentrator that obviously doesnt matter.

I dont use a concentrator, but when i want to exit i switch of the pump remotely and then open the valve to its first setting (slowest). Takes about 2-3 minutes to fully decompress. For that amount of time there is more than enough oxygen in the tank (and then there is the excess oxygen leaving your body as well).

However, 10 minutes without any oxygen source might be a bit too long perhaps.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Red, What S13 said! The only concern would be a build up of CO2 and that is only if you aren't using supplemental O2.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I like to err on the side of caution.

If you turn off your fresh air source (i.e. the compressor) while still in the chamber for any length of time, you take an unnecessary risk.

In the unlikely event that you were to fall asleep during the decompression time (or pass out, etc.), then you may be without oxygen. A boy with autism died this way when a bureau fell on his compressor tubing.

IMO, it is best practice to wait until right before exiting (if your chamber doesn't fully deflate on its own), or after exiting to turn off your oxygen supply, even if you are using a supplemental concentrator/mask.

Additionally, it is best for your body to decompress slowly; over 10 minutes if you have the patience.

It is important, too, to practice safe habits because at some point in the future you may be in a position to teach others (who may be more vulnerable) how to dive.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Welcome to the thread, and thank you for taking the time to read it!

You might try using sound cancelling headphones during deflation if the noise is bothersome.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Hi, Divers,

Haven't checked in for some time now. I was going to do the tinnitus program, but it sounds just like the pressure relief valve on my chamber that's open when the chamber is at full pressure, so I'm skipping that for now.

I take lots of magnesium and minerals, so that is not a fix for the leg cramps for me.

I investigated Exercising While Taking Oxygen EWOT) and discovered that an exercise program that switches between EWOT and exercising with oxygen DEPRIVATION is more effective. However, the VOCs from the bag that holds the air gave me horrible face rashes and other problems, so I stopped. Perhaps a different company's product would not have had that problem.

I have found that sometimes I feel pretty toxic. I already had a portable broad-spectrum infrared sauna that seemed to help clear my thinking, so now I sometimes use that, too, separated by many hours from the mHBOT.

I've been doing hour=long dives with the O2 mask since May. Before that, since Februrary 2020, I didn't use the mask.

I got REALLY severe back pains in June that I've not had for years! Persisting in doing the dives paid off, and the pains are gone.

Dr. K recommends doing lymph drainage massage, and a friend has found that helps with her memory and thinking, so I've started doing that also. PM me if you want a link to his free online video on how to do this.

It's HOT here in S. California, and my exercise program has slipped.

Ah, well....onward!

Keep up your successful actions!
Posted by Red101 (Member # 52188) on :
Thanks to those kind folks who answered my question about turning off the compressor as a way to deflate the chamber (instead of opening the valve). I am grateful to you all for your input.

Related, someone else posted this below response when I posed the same question on my Facebook group for mHBOT.

"I posed this question to the manufacturer [Newtowne] and this is the answer:
You can turn off the compressor during deflation to make the deflation faster but you still have to open the deflate valve to release the pressure before opening the zippers. Co2 build up would not be an issue for at least 30 minutes. Also I had the same issue with the noise coming out of the valve so I bought a silencer on Amazon and it makes the noise a lot less. "
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I am going to look into that device from Amazon, Red101! Thank you!

I just want to make sure I understand correctly... So accroding to Newtowne seller, it is okay to turn off the compressor (using a remote switch) before opening the valve? But before unzipping, you would need to release the pressure by opening the valve and wait until the chamber is soft?
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all!

I'm sure this has been discussed before and I'm sorry for asking it. And I realize we're all just individuals trying to get well and not PhD scientists. (However, some of you are so smart and so educated! Just sayin').

Most of you know I am doing mHBOT because of chronic GI issues (diarrhea and food intolerances). In Jan 2019, my stools formed after 3 sessions in mHBOT (20 min and 2 40 min sessions with full O2)! I was hooked and bought a chamber.

Fast forward over a year of diving, my stools have been mixed. What I've figured out is that I was also doing FMTs (fecal microbiota transplants) and the combo really made a difference. Because, as time has gone on, my good stools and calm gut diminish as I move away (time-wise) from my last FMT. (Because FMTs are not approved in the US except for C-diff, I have been getting them out of the country but can only get so many at a time. And its expensive and add in the travel to go get them).

I had this experience before doing mHBOT ~ I feel great initially and I taper down the FMTs and with time, I feel worse again.

And that's where I am now, again.

I've just added a probiotic that I am taking in via retention enema (sorry if TMI). I feel good. (my condition makes oral probiotics part of the "problem"). However, it's an anaerobic probiotic. (maybe they all are?). Am I going to keep killing these little life-savers with mHBOT?
I'm hoping not. Or maybe I should do the enemas at some time after my daily dives?

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.

Hope everyone is well or improving!

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Carbokitty, most of our gut biome is made up of obligate anaerobic bacteria but there are others as well as yeasts and even parasites.

What is the name of the probiotic that you take anally? Is it recommended to be taken that way?

I don't know if Mild HBOT will kill off the anaerobic bacteria in our guts. I don't think so given that many people see improvement in intestinal function from it. I bet Phoiph has some information on that!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
It’s lactobacillus Reuteri.

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Here's an interesting study about L. Reuteri rectally in children. It seems to be changing the cytokine expression of inflammatory markers, plus one anti inflammatory one.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Digby! Interesting article. I don’t have UC. The diagnosis is SIBO (diarrhea). Some in my SIBO community have indicated benefits taking BioGaiai (intended for babies so very mild) which is l. Reuteri in oil.
I feel “better” almost immediately-which was my experience w/FMTs (except the time I was also in a moldy condo + doing FMTs).
As most of us here have learned, I’m going very slowly. But I’m encouraged and am looking at adding other probiotics. Just a very little bit at a time.

So to answer your previous question about studies with rectal administration, no, I’m not sure I had previously found any specific to l. Reuteri. But I had found info on probiotic retention enemas and anecdotal info from other sufferers who have used other multi strain PRE with positive outcomes.

In the meantime, I love my chamber and the O2, so I’m going to continue and stop worrying that it might be destroying my l. Reuteri.

Have a great day! Thanks again for the article.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Carbokitty, just to clarify, what makes it interesting is not the Dx but the cytokine results. :^)
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Originally posted by dbpei:
I am going to look into that device from Amazon, Red101! Thank you!

I just want to make sure I understand correctly... So accroding to Newtowne seller, it is okay to turn off the compressor (using a remote switch) before opening the valve? But before unzipping, you would need to release the pressure by opening the valve and wait until the chamber is soft?

I found that opening the valve and waiting for it to just sound the same so the same amount of air was coming in as was going out was not enough to make it safe for the zippers to open them.

So, I open the pressure deflation valve, wait until the bag is clearly not going to get any less rigid, then turn off the compressor. Then, when the bag is more loose, open the zippers.

I close the depressure valve before exiting, so it will allow the bag to start filling up the next time I use it.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Cass A, I use the same method of decompressing and it has worked for me for years.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All

Is there any research on mHBOT being effective against biofilm ?
If it is effective does anyone know why ?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
HBOT is used clinically for different conditions to disburse biofilms, which thrive in a low oxygen environment. The production of reactive oxygen & nitrogen species, and nitric oxide (free radicals) plays a role.

For certain conditions (e.g., non-healing wounds, etc.), it can be used in conjunction with antibiotics or other drugs to better penetrate the infection.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I may have missed but I did not see anything specific to mHBOT
Is there anything mHBOT specific?
Posted by pajo (Member # 52200) on :
Hi everyone,
This is my first message but I've been reading the forum for a long time now. In fact this is the forum that made me go the mhbot route. I haven't gotten mine yet, but I'm still researching. I don't have enough to get an oxygen concentrator. I have one everflow for ozone, but they said it doesn't work with chambers. Do you have any suggestions for a newbie like myself? Is it ok if I start without the oxygen concentrator first?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Please PM me with your questions, and I can give you more info on reliable vendors, discounts, etc.
Posted by pajo (Member # 52200) on :
One more question, I heard that newtowne has 1.6 ata chambers, but can we purchase those or we can only get the 1.3 ata ones?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
No, they do not sell 1.6ATA chambers, it is against FDA regs.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Greetings Divers,

I thought I posted an update a few weeks ago but don’t see it, so here goes.

I found a new doc in AZ and wanted to have a wellness check done on my CD57 and C4a as well as my entire system. Great news is I’m still improving without diving but haven’t been able to achieve normal yet on both these tests. CD57 is at 4,944 and C4a is at 48. Good news but was hoping for normal rates 4 years post treatment.

Now the reason it is probably not normal. She found I have H pylori and my gut is a mess. I believe the doctors that looked previously with bloodwork (this was a stool test) missed the bacteria and has been an underlying issue since the beginning of my downturn in health in 1990 while deployed in Desert Storm.

Because of the long standing infection my vitamins are on opposite ends, some high and some almost gone, I’m not breaking down food or using protein.

I was started on a 90 day natural protocol to kill, heal and rebuild my gut and then she will put me on a compounded vitamin and go after underlying stealth infections.

Surprisingly I am still doing great which goes to show a good diet and regular detox will hide a host of trouble in the body.

I’ll up date as things progress. I am back in the chamber to help heal my gut.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :

Good you found someone
Can you answer some questions

How long since your last dive ?
What vitamins were high and what was low?
What is involved in rebuilding your gut?

Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

I’ll post my dives over the last 5 years to get a good look at my numbers
2015-2016 = 756 dives
2017 = 156 dives the year I started work
2018 = 45 dives
2019 = 36 dives
2020 = 25 dives I got back in the chamber this last week because our temps have finally cooled off. Before this week I dove when the virus first started to be safe 3/9-3/22

Vit A low
Folate High
Vit C low
Vit D high
Vit E High
Vit K High
A nurse I work with looked at them on Friday and said it’s like my vitamins are in a bad marriage living at the opposite ends of the house. My body hasn’t been digesting my food for years but I thought my gut might heal over time. I guess when you have something like H pylori it won’t. I look forward to having a few skin issues resolve as my gut heals.

To Kill Gastromend, pesto Bismal, Biocidin

Repair Tegricel, ProButyrate, beef gelatin

To replace good bacteria Proflora,

This is for 90 days with no gluten or sugar. I’m not allergic to gluten but to keep any potential inflammation down she wants me to not eat the small amount I consume.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Peimomma and all~

Coincidentally, I was reading about lactobacillus reuteri yesterday, as I have started using it for my ongoing gut issues. This NIH study indicates that it can irradicate H. pylori:

Some studies have shown that L. reuteri has the potential to completely eradicate H. pylori from the intestine (Ojetti et al., 2012). Importantly, L. reuteri is advantageous in the treatment of H. pylori as the supplementation eradicates the pathogen without causing the common side effects associated with antibiotic therapies

and the whole paper:

if interested.

I wanted to share with others that since using the l. reuteri (still by retention enema), I am sleeping like a baby. I do wake up at 5:30-ish to urinate but am able to go back to sleep. My heart rate is down also. (it had been elevate (for me) more or less since the accident in January-although not as high as right after the accident-and I have "struggled" to bring it down).

Anyway, if your Proflora doesn't have l.reuteri, Peimomma, you might consider adding it specifically to your regime. And others, if your sleep is an issue. I'm guessing most or a lot of us who have ended up here did antibiotics for awhile in an attempt to deal with Lyme and likely have imbalances. People without SIBO can, of course, take the probiotic orally.

Have a great day!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thanks Carbokitty

Do you recommend a certain brand?
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :

I started with Biogaia, made for infants/babies with colic-because I am very sensitive.

but because it's meant for babies, may not be potent enough for your situation.

I am now using:


which is in capsules.

(I originally included links but it appears it took everyone to my Amazon account-yikes!)

Hope this helps.

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Does anyone know about using HBOT for Ulcerative Colitis (UC)? Will mild HBO work for that? If so, how long does it take to see improvements? A family member is being pressured into using a hard chamber at 2.5 ATA for 20 sessions as a cure for his UC.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Digby,

Have you seen this compilation of studies?

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment for inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review and analysis
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
These studies include 1.7 to 2.4 ATA:

Systematic review: the safety and efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for inflammatory bowel disease - Dulai - 2014 - Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics - Wiley Online Library
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Phoiph, you are the best! Thanks.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Awww, you're welcome, Digby.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Peimomma for that info keep us posted
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Originally posted by kgg:
Homina, I believe CassA is saying when she vacuums that it is a unit that also filters the air through water. I did not get the impression that it is attached to the chamber.

That's correct--I vacuum the rooms with the Rainbow vac. It is not attached to the chamber. I do use the available humidifier on the oxygen concentrator as an additional level of filtration for the air I breathe.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Hi, mHBOT friends!

I'm still using my chamber pretty much daily. I think it is now causing some detox, as I'm getting a niacin flush sometimes. When I do, I get into my infrared sauna and SWEAT until my temperature comes up to at least 98.6. It's usually lower than 97, so my body is still not winning the anti-infection war.

My schedule has been severely disrupted due to my husband's sudden passing in mid June and having to deal with the (literally) tons of various kind of stuff he left. Hope to get that under control soon. I at least have help from my traditional music friends, neighbors, family, and church, which keeps me really busy!

Good to read about various approaches to issues here.

I still have a leg cramps issue, and was going to try quinine bark tincture in a non-wugar drink, especially since it is also used for malaria, and I have got Babesia in the background, but seems to not be gone.

Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I am so sorry to hear about your husband's passing, Cass A. It sounds like you have a strong support system and I am glad you have your chamber and the sauna!

Your idea about the quinine bark tincture sounds like a good one. I would go very slowly and see how you react though. Maybe some others here will chime in that have had success with it. Good luck to you and God bless.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Cass A. (and everyone) ~ I am also so sorry to hear about your husband's passing. So hard, on top of everything else. I'm glad to hear you have help.

I went back and looked and you said previously that you take "lots of magnesium". How much is lots? I ask because I take 1200 mg nightly. That's more than the RDA but I found that to be my sweet spot through trial and error. Just a thought. Maybe you're already there or more.

Best of luck!

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Cass A,

You may also be losing more minerals/electrolytes via sweating/sauna usage.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I'm so sorry for your loss as well. My husband gets cramps if he does not drink enough water. I find magnesium is helpful. Lastly, my MIL used to get cramps at night. She drank some quinine tonic water before bed and says it stopped the cramping in her legs.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Does anyone know of a used mHBOT system, including O2 Concentrator for around $5000? Please message me if you do. Thanks.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Check with Michelle Faber on the mHBOT facebook group
Cas A I am saddened to hear about your husbands sudden passing
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All
I have been meaning to share some observations with this group The first two are related to mHBOT and the last is something that has been helping me

I find Molecular Hydrogen enhances the effects of mHBOT

I find grounding while diving leaves me feeling less amped or toxic when I am done

Cordyceps is for me a useful supplement because it helps the mitochondria I almost feel normal when I use it and it does not hype me like a stimulant


[ 09-29-2020, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Quick update....We have a chamber. Thanks to Phoiph and those that helped.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
What did you get?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
It was for someone else but we got the same as mine... a Newtowne.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Hominahomina, thanks for the update. I am not familiar with molecuar hydrogen. I will have to research it.

How do you do grounding while in the chamber?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
How I did it with my setup
I ran a wire from the ground socket on my extension cord to the air control valve on my newtowne chamber. Then I ran a wire from the air control valve inside the chamber and put in under my back so it touches my skin while diving. I used a multimeter to make sure the ground worked. You can go on youtube to see how to use a multimeter to test ground. If you want I can send pictures just PM me. If you ground from a wall socket make sure you connect to the ground, you don't want to shock yourself
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All
I was wondering how you keep track of things in your chamber while diving , like cell phones, remote controls, pens, etc.

Since I am on my back while diving and movement is limited things get lost temporarily.

I was thinking of hanging a mesh bag on a sticky hook or something but I don't know if a sticky hook would work.

Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Homina, I use command strips to hang things in my chamber but because of the curve of the bag, they don't last very long. It helps to clean the area with an alcohol wipe and hold it with quite a bit of pressure for the minimum of 30 seconds.

I'm still experimenting with attaching them at various times during pressurizing. It seems that somewhere between 2 psi and full pressure works. That's all I got. If you figure something out, please share.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Thanks for that info on grounding Homina.

I have a small cloth bag with a zipper I use to keep everything in that I might need while diving. I hang my remote to the air compressor on a band that I can easily access from one of the gauges.

I also keep a blanket by my feet (I needed one for the first time in months recently with the cooler weather!)
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
How I did it with my setup
I ran a wire from the ground socket on my extension cord to the air control valve on my newtowne chamber. Then I ran a wire from the air control valve inside the chamber and put in under my back so it touches my skin while diving. I used a multimeter to make sure the ground worked. You can go on youtube to see how to use a multimeter to test ground. If you want I can send pictures just PM me. If you ground from a wall socket make sure you connect to the ground, you don't want to shock yourself


Your post really concerns me! I consulted an electrician friend, and he agreed that this is not a safe idea for a number of reasons.

There are many safer ways to ground yourself without wiring to the ground of a live electrical outlet/cord (while in an oxygen chamber)...just Google them.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
You are Welcome dbpei
I should have mentioned using an earthing mat would probably be a better choice in the chamber if you can afford one. I understand the carbon mats ground better (don't know for sure)
If you are local to me (I am in the San Francisco Bay area ) I have some Molecular Hydrogen you can try. Although it does seem to enhance the benefits of mHBOT. I don't like it.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
In general I agree
Not in my case
That is why I said that is how I do it
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Well, you have to consider that people from all over the world are reading this thread and looking for advice...
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Good point Phoiph
That is what I did in my situation as I said
Of course people should do their due diligence on grounding

I would like to hear if others do it and how

[ 10-06-2020, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All
Just wondering if any of you have tried double dives in a day for example two 1/2 hour or longer dives spaced out Did you get better results or not?
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
HI all~

I just came on to post just the opposite and curious what others think.
I recently cut back to 45 min dives. My last 5 (daily) were 45 minutes. (I'm on dive 418). I decided to try it again as my sleep was getting disrupted and I've found before when I've skipped the occasional day that I sleep through the night.
Well, I'm here for chronic diarrhea and food sensitivities. The last 4 days, my stools have been formed and this morning, hard, almost constiplated. Prior to this but recently, they've been formed but bordering on soft and almost loose (sorry for the TMI).
I went back through my notes and noticed that the last time I tried this (back around dives 311-316), I also recorded formed, almost hard stools.
Then I remembered that I did just 40 min at the clinic for the first 3 months before buying my chamber. And I was SOLD on mHBOT because my stools went from diarrhea to formed after my 3rd ever treatment.

Any thoughts on why my stools might be "more" formed with a 45 minute dive vs. 60 minute?

My sleep has also been better.

The reason I went back up to an hour is that I like the "break" from life-LOL. And I frequently do digital jigsaw puzzles in the chamber and sometimes don't have time to finish a puzzle in 45 min but almost always in an hour-LOL.

My main goal is to be able to expand my diet. I'm not sure if this means I'll be able to do it or not or just that my stools are perfectly formed (LOL)

But again, any thoughts why less seems to be more in my case?

Thanks all. Happy diving!
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
I dont know about your case but i found 40mins to be way more productive than 1 hour. Less side effects, and that means more therapeutic effect. Too much oxidative stress sends me in a downward spiral. A little is good, too much is bad. That is way i use a huge variety of supplements to boost antioxidant reserves.
But you know, that is just my case [Wink]
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
How often do you do 40 min dives and at what ATA?
What kind of side effects?
What kind of supplements?


[ 10-09-2020, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
S13 that is interesting. I may want to try shorter dives to see what happens. I remember reading that taking too many anti-oxidant supplements while diving can be counter-productive as well - taking away the benefits of mHBOT. I hope someone can chime in here on that. Thank you!
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
I do one dive per day at 1.3ATA. When im traveling i might increase the pressure to compensate for elevation. I find i need to add about 0.01ATA for every 100m (~300ft?) of elevation. So at 1000m elevation 1.4ATA works for me. Going to low and i lose the therapeutic effects completely and within days symptoms start to resurface. There seems to be a certain threshold where the lyme bacteria starts to get affected (annoyed, goes in to hiding, cystic form or whatever). But below the threshold it just doesnt care.

So, side effects of too much oxidative stress for me is just a general downward spiral of symptoms. Most immediate ones are increased restless legs, heart rhythm problems, fatigue, general sense of unwellness / sick feeling, nausea, depression, dizziness and brain fog. Just by staying too long in the mhbot with too high pressure i can induce those symptoms. Not a good thing... And no its not herxing, ive learned my lessons the hard way over the years.

As far as antioxidant supplements go, i heavily use NADH, SOD, Gamma tocopherol (vit E) and Vit C (both water and fat soluble).
Ive not found them to be counterproductive with mhbot, instead they make me feel a lot better and allow me to benefit more from the therapy.

But Im just one of those persons with a clear negative antioxidant balance (probably some genetics involved here). So adding antioxidants is of great benefit. That might not apply to everyone obviously.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
S13, so do you take those before or after your dive?

Homina, for Lyme patients, I believe diving twice a day to be counterproductive. On the FB group, usually the ones diving twice a day are traumatic brain injury patients, not people with tick born infections.

Carbokitty, I do not know the science behind your situation. But it certainly sounds like you found a sweet spot for diving. If this was me, I would continue at that time, until things change. There is a paper that speaks of "less is more" in regards to children with CP and diving. I think too many times when it comes to medical things we think that more is better. Obviously, for you, that is not the case right now.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
S13 Thanks That is useful information .
I think grounding is a form of antioxident as it permits a flow of free electrons (Not electricity) into the body. That may explain why I feel better grounding while diving.

About elevation I am wondering if mHBOT is ineffective at higher elevations in all cases?

Can you explain why two dives a day is counterproductive? Thanks
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Homina, I have permission to quote Phoiph. This is what was written back in Feb 2016 in response to Toywalk.

"It is really a matter of balance.

Free radicals are a natural part of our metabolism and play a crucial role in health. Too many, and we have "oxidative stress". Too few, and we have less defenses against pathogens, for example.

mHBOT creates free radicals, and also stimulates the body to produce more of its natural antioxidants to compensate.

Taking too many "artificial" antioxidants (i.e., in isolation; not from food) is now being shown to be detrimental for a number of reasons. In theory, taking too many antioxidants while doing mHBOT could thwart the beneficial action of free radicals.

On the flip side, doing TOO much mHBOT (i.e., multiple times per day...just like too much of any good thing) could surpass the body's ability to keep up with antioxidant production, creating oxidative stress.

Here are some good articles on the subject:

Oxidative stress is fundamental to hyperbaric oxygen therapy, by Stephen R. Thom. Journal of Applied Physi9ology 106:988-995, 2009:

Interview with Dr. Dan A. Rossignol: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may improve symptoms in autistic children in Medical Hypothesis: JAVJmqOc_koAS12oLADQ&usg=AFQjCNFhj2W68J1Gxz_TDqfBAJ7oNPIqDw

The Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Symptoms in Children with Autism:

Antioxidant Supplements – Not So Good!

Note: That last link appears to have been removed from the internet. Here's a couple more:"
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks KGG
In chatting recently online with Dr Sonners he suggested two dives a day for Lyme bartonella etc.
(He did not specify how long each dive should be in this discussion)

I agree that diving too much (overdoing it) may not be of benefit. Everyone is different and after carefully considering the information provided I can decide through trial and error what works best for me including how long and how frequently I dive in a day

I don't think there is a hard and fast rule

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I agree. We are all very individual. It is just that typically by the time a Lyme patient is using mHBOT they are fairly sick. So for them diving twice a day would be way too much. Additionally, I have found that the Lyme docs or health professionals that have the more-is-better attitude are people who are not sick and do not know the reality of a herx reaction and or feeling worse from a treatment instead of better. So no, not a hard and fast rule. A general guideline that I find sound. fwiw
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Great resources kgg. Thanks to you and Phoiph! This reminds me of why I may want to reduce some of the nutritional supplements I have been taking. They could be counterproductive.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
kgg I agree that to much diving while ill at first is unwise. I don't think you or anyone has the authority to say two dives a day is too much. It could be two short dives. Each person after doing research must decide for him or herself

I just read a post by a person on facebook that claims increasing his anitoxidents improved his recovery. It gets confusing. I can say I use NAC in conjunction with Coffee enemas which increases glutathione and I have benefited from this
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I don't believe anyone here is claiming to have "authority" on protocols.

Kgg stated that it was not a hard and fast rule, but a general guideline that happens to work for most of us who have been involved with mHBOT for years.

The info kgg shared is hard won through a lot of people's trial and error, research, and seeking of expert opinions, in the spirit that others will have an easier path and not have to re-invent the wheel or experience the same setbacks.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Phoiph and all
I also have my trial and error so I share it here
I have been trying double diving and 90 minute dives

I tried two one hour dives in a day and that was too much so I dropped down to 25 to 30 minute dives spaced about 4 hours apart and enjoyed good results
I am not going to give a report yet because it is too soon

I have been doing 90 minute dives for a few months
not every dive but when I can. When I started the 90 minutes it was at that point I noticed the greatest reduction of symptoms.

I have to mention I have been diving for quite some time and I had to build up to it also the reduction of symptoms could be because I have been diving for a few years in conjunction with the 90 minute

[ 10-19-2020, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
HBOT as it relates to Lyme
Dr Jason Sonners
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thank you for the link. I appreciate that Dr. Sonners is promoting hyperbaric for Lyme.

The video brought up a couple of points that I feel are worth commenting on, especially for those new to the thread/mild hyperbaric.

Dr. Sonners stated that the study was designed to determine how Lyme patients responded to HBOT at different pressures, and that it was found that it "took a pressure of 2.36 ATA to kill the infection".

I believe the study that he is referring to (as per the reference posted below his video) is a from a 1990 Pilot Program at Texas A&M University, published by Fife in 1998:

Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Lyme Disease:

This study wasn't actually designed to determine the effects of different pressures on Lyme symptoms, as all subjects were treated at the same pressure of 2.36 ATA. It did use earlier research (Austin) that determined at what pressure spirochetes would be killed in a lab setting (in vitro). This finding was used to estimate a pressure that would be higher than adequate to kill spirochetes in a human being (in vivo). As it turned out, 2.36 ATA was used as it fell into the upper level of this range, and was thought would be tolerable by subjects.

My point is this: unfortunately, the LOWEST level of pressure required to kill spirochetes in vivo was not reported in this study, and to my knowledge, it has still not been studied. Using Austin's data from the Fife study, it would seem likely that a much lower pressure could be lethal to spirochetes than what was reported.

I feel this is important to point out because many people, especially to those new to hyperbaric, may have read the Fife study and feel they must use high pressure in order to "kill the bugs"

Fortunately, we now understand the power of lower pressures used consistently over time, which may directly "kill the bugs", but more importantly, enhances the immune system which is the ultimate weapon.
Posted by Cass A (Member # 11134) on :
Hi, Friends,

Just checking in again---every few months I like to catch up on what people are doing and their results.

I've noticed that I start to get "edgy" in the chamber after about 40 minutes, and just want to get out and do stuff.

So, this discussion of time in the chamber has been very interesting to me!

I think I'll try getting out when I feel like it, instead of forcing myself to stay in the chamber for an hour.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I sometimes feel ready to leave the chamber sooner than an hour is up also. It will be interesting to see how you do with shorter dives, Cass A. I remember reading that you can get more healing benefit out of 2 short dives than one long one.

I am considering taking a break of a few weeks or decreasing the frequency of my dives to see if it makes me feel any better. I am at 245 dives and looking back on the past few months, I have noticed that I have seemed to reach a plateau and I am more symptomatic than I was a few months ago.

The doc who runs the mhbot clinic who introduced me to mhbot told me he recommends taking a few weeks off after every 40 consecutive dives, as healing often takes place during the break. For those of you who have been diving for a while, what has your experience been with taking breaks?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I really tried hard to dive daily for 2 years. I may have missed a day here and there, but did not take a break. I too have read the suggestion to take a break after 40 dives. But I wonder if it was suggested in the context of treating tick born infections. Not sure I would have made much progress if I took a few weeks off every 40 dives. But that is just me.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Out of curiosity
Do any of you do yearly or bi-yearly cleanses
If so what kind of cleanse do you do?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I will try to locate the source, but I have read that it takes at least 40 minutes for full oxygen saturation to take place, which is why an hour has been a recommended standard treatment time.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
For what it's worth
When I first started mHBOT in a clinic
The owner said
Its takes 45 min for full oxygen saturation
I am paraphrasing because I don't remember her exact words
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Curious as to why you might think that separated 25 minute dives might be better then?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I did not say better I think it depends on the person and what they want to accomplish

Two 25 to 30 min dives separated by 4 or 5 hours
seemed to be gentler on the system easier to get to sleep later in the day
This an unscientific review I would need more time with the practice to give more detail

Two 30 min sessions wasn't overkill for me
Two one hour sessions was in my case
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Interesting article on HBOT and aging:

Article: In a First, Scientists Say They've Partially Reversed a Cellular Aging Process in Humans cells

Here is the link to the actual study:
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :

245 dives in and you are feeling worse, that’s a good sign. I was not doing so well either. As I look aback at my journal I was having bouts of nausea, a 6 day headache, body stiffness, fatigue, and night sweats. I had many ups and down days and really wasn’t until after the first year I knew I was on my way to doing much better.
Stick with it, some people take longer to peel back the layers and don’t rule out alternative therapies to help with some of these issues. Examples I used were acupuncture, homeopathy, and hormone therapy.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

At 8 months, I was also still in rough/fragile condition.

I did experience a very slow (and sometimes difficult to discern) two steps forward, one step back pattern if I analyzed the big picture.

I am grateful every day that I kept at it.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Peimomma and Phoiph, thanks for your insights and sharing your experiences. It can be perplexing, wondering if we are doing the right thing. I am in it for the long haul - especially after knowing how much hanging in there has helped you both! Thanks for your support.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
This is probably a long shot but...has anyone tried to put an OxyHealth mattress in a Newtowne chamber? If so, does it fit well?
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I have a newtowne and use the mattress that came with it (I find it to be pretty comfy). But FYI, I recently bought a bedrest pillow on Amazon that I like better than using 3 pillows to prop me up.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Thanks dbpei. I had an OxyHealth prior to owning a Newtowne and I found the OxyHealth mattress much more comfortable. I should probably just suck it up and use the one it came with but I spend a fair amount of time in there and love my creature comforts. ;^)

I use a bed wedge to raise my head but that pillow looks really comfy!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Digby, I had a Vitaeris and now a Newtowne 34". I would think the mattress would fit. Although I am picturing the OxyHealth one a little less wide. For me, comfort wise it would not be worth the $$ to buy one to put in the other. fwiw.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
kgg, thanks. Do you notice a difference in the mattresses? I find the Newtowne tends to shift around more and isn't as comfortable but I'm questioning my memory on that.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
So I'm on here, not completely sure I have Lyme. Definitely had mold exposure and benefitted greatly from mHBOT. My ongoing symptoms are digestive (tendency toward loose stools and food intolerances). (sleep issues occur when my gut is a problem).

I'm pretty much following the protocol (I'm back to doing full 60 min dives with O2) and looking at 2 years. My question is, would one consider 365 dives x 2 or 2 full calendar years, even if you've missed days here and there? And I realize there's no "graduation" that occurs at a magical 2 year mark ~

I'm at 1 year 7 months and 446 dives. So clearly, I'm a bit behind the 365 x 2 mark.

My sleep is mostly good. My stools are stable (formed!) ~ but that's without adding any new foods. In the past, I kept trying to expand my diet (with really small amounts of "safe" foods ~ like another vegetable, or blueberries or soaked and roasted walnuts ~ no grains or dairy or anything scary like sugar! LOL. But I've come to really value feeling good and being able to count on feeling good most days so I've been waiting to add another food in. Just wondering if I'm looking at April as a potential end point (2 calendar years) or when I get to 730 dives as an endpoint.

Happy Diving!

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I don't think you can look at either 2 calendar years, or 365 x 2 dives as an endpoint.

It will all depend on how you are doing, and I trust you will know when it is time to cut back on your dives.

For me, I was doing much better at 1.5 years, but wasn't completely solid, so continued daily dives for 2.5 years. In that final year, I gained so much back mentally and physically that I didn't really know I was missing, as I had not known "wellness" for so long. I'm so glad I didn't quit at that point and miss out on all of those gains.

At the 2.5 mark, I just "knew" it was time to cut back; my body felt it wasn't necessary (a feeling of "too much of a good thing"). A few dives back to back per week felt just right at that point.

Now, I have to remind myself to dive...but I definitely still feel the benefits, so try to get at least 2 in per week.

You sound like you still have a ways to go, but you are someone who is very in tune with your body's wisdom, so I am confident you will know when the time is right.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Good luck to you carbokitty. I am in a similar boat, but only at 260 dives. I often second guess myself, wondering if I should take a break.

My symptoms are very different from yours - mostly cranial neuropathy, tinnitus, with episodes of pain and fatigue. Some GI issues come up every now and then, but they seem to be less problematic for me than the head stuff.

Thank you for your thoughtful response, Phoiph. Your posts have been so helpful to me. You keep us hopeful!

I have posted this before, but I wonder if by taking nutritional supplements, I am messing with the benefits of mhbot. I think I could use a class on oxidative stress!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Phoiph. That's kinda what I thought. I was pretty sure there wasn't an exact recipe.
I'm definitely better ~ but again, I'm also not traveling and not exposing myself to mold like I was before.
And I can't get FMTs like I was ~ so I'm actually thrilled at this point that my stools are as stable as they are. So fingers crossed!

Some days I feel very constrained by the need to dive every day. But then that frustration passes and I go back to accepting that this is my life right now. (It could be much worse, for sure!). So I'm good. And I'll stop wondering about the textbook recipe. It doesn't exist.

Thanks for your message too, dbpei! Good luck too!

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

You are only 8.5 months in! As you know, this is a marathon, not a sprint. I was still in rough shape at 8.5 months.

As long as you are improving overall (sometimes you must look back at your notes to see this)...even with some back-pedaling, you are on the right track.

Keep the faith...and we will keep it for you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I think feeling "constrained" by the need to dive daily is a good sign...when you are doing better this tends to happen, as your focus changes, and you want to just get on with your life!

But yes, acceptance of "what is" for now, and reminding yourself that you are still progressing toward wellness will keep you going.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
dbpei...If you think about how mHBOT works, one of its main actions is to upregulate the endogenous antioxidants in the body at the cellular level and that includes within the mitochondria.

If you take too many exogenous antioxidants it is possible to interfere with that action. You will still get benefit because most of the antioxidant supplements don't reach that level, they often become oxidized in the plasma.

This is just my opinion but I think it is important not to take antioxidants when you start HBOT, thereby allowing the body to produce its own. If you feel it is absolutely necessary, it would be best to take them as far away from your dives as possible. Hope this helps.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I was taking no supplements throughout my 2.5 years of daily mHBOT, mostly because I couldn't tolerate them at the time.

Looking back at what I know now, I believe this may have been an advantage, for both creating endogenous antioxidants and helping my gut to heal.

Possibly of greater importance is the role of free radicals in disarming pathogens.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Thanks for this info Digby and Phoiph. The doc who introduced me to mhbot advises me to take several nutritional supplements while doing daily dives. Do you think he might have things wrong?

I have tried to research this and find it very confusing. If you know of any good reading on this topic, I will do my best to review with the hope of having a better understanding of how this all works...
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
dbpei...It's only the antioxidants (probably high dose only) that are a potential problem. Other supplements should be fine unless you are dealing with GI issues like Phoiph did.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
Dont blindly assume what works for someone, must work for you as well...
Some people need supplements, some people dont. Phoiph is one of the lucky ones who doesnt apparently. I take lots of supplements, including antioxidants. I would have been way worse off if i hadnt used them (and believe me i tried...)

Certain inborn errors of metabolism require supplements. Using diet only in these cases often wont work. But obviously these problems are highly individual. So you need to find what works for you, and not what anyone else tries to tell you. They dont live in your body, their circumstances will always be different.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I'm quite sure I was severely deficient in nutrients (tolerating only the same 5-6 foods for 8 years), and I'm sure I needed supplements, but they were too complex for my gut and nervous system to handle. So...not so lucky.

I am not against supplements, I just find that many people take them without really knowing what they're deficient in or what is compatible with their system. Also, depending on how ill someone is, their ability to metabolize these isolated substances is limited.

I have been fortunate enough to come across an alternative medical doctor that looks at genetics/snps, neurotransmitters, nutritional status, gut health, methylation issues, oxidation/antioxidant status, etc., and uses specifically targeted supplementation based on the person's profile. He has been helpful to many people. I can share his info via PM if anyone is interested. He does online appointments.
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
Can hbot help regrow joint cartilage? Thanks.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

HBOT is known to increase collagen production, reduce inflammation, and release stem cells, which is conducive to cartilage repair.

There is literature out there if you Google the subject. Here is one article:
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
Thanks Phoiph, I'm asking for a friend so searching is not as straightforward as it would be for myself.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
I'm sure everyone here has seen the news on this study but Bill Faloon from Life Extension does an interesting video on HBOT here:

It is about high pressure not mild but I prefer mild chamber pressures over the long term to the high pressure chambers, perhaps with the exception of healing skin ulcers or killing some serious infections.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks, Digby...that was an interesting synopsis of the Tel Aviv HBOT/Aging study.

I would wager that long-term mHBOT is providing similar telomere-lengthening/immune benefits.

Hopefully mHBOT will be included in the follow up studies at some point.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Wishing everyone Happy Holidays!
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
I have interstitial cystitis so have been looking into possible treatments. A quote from a review of an IC book on Amazon:

"This isn't the first book to go over this stuff. And yet it doesn't mention ozone instillations. As a urologist, you have the power to bring new treatments to new patients. I highly recommend you look into this. I have been 100% IC free (no flares EVER no matter what) for 3+ years, and I credit ozone instillations I had at Choices in Health in Boulder in 2013. Please stop offering the same useless stuff to patients and telling them their best hope is "managing" their IC. That is NOT success. Recovery is.”

Does anyone know how ozone can be used for IC? It may require a catheter. Could we do this with a hyperbaric chamber instead?

[ 01-12-2021, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: lymenotlite ]
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Lymenotlite...While both HBO and Ozone are oxidative therapies, they have different applications and effects. Mild HBO may help by reducing inflammation and removing infectious agents indirectly, i.e. through the immune system, but as a global intervention, it would probably take a long time to see results.

Ozone therapy for IC works directly on the inner membrane of the bladder and can sometimes result in improvement or cure after only one treatment. A urinary catheter is inserted into the bladder and ozone gas from a medical ozone generator is slowly introduced. At the right dose and concentration the ozone will kill infections and reduce inflammation on contact.

Please let us know what you choose and how it turns out.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Doctors in Greenwich Conn using hyperbaric oxygen to treat covid
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
Turns out my problem was not IC but uterine cancer. I would not be surprised at a lyme connection, especially since I had lymebrain misinforming me throughout.

Does anyone know whether mhbot can be used for cancer? I called a rep at Oxyhealth, said I had cancer, and asked which type. When I told her, she said it could. Hard to find reliable details on this stuff but does anyone know whether a chamber might help?

Any other suggestions appreciated, including clinics, herbs, stem cell, whatever. Essiac tea?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
My brother had kidney cancer and we used mhbot as one of his treatments. He was cleared after 6 months and 12 months of the cancer. He had no chemo or radiation treatment, just natural therapies.
I know many clinics use them with other cancer treatments.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Here are several links on HBOT and cancer:
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
Peimomma, I’m glad your brother succeeded with his natural treatments. Is there any clinic or practitioner that you know of that might succeed with uterine cancer. Travel may be an issue, especially with current restrictions in place. Masks are a problem for me. I’ve heard there are people associated with Gerson methods can coach you remotely.

And thanks Phoiph. Your links will be read and watched soon. Mercola has always been an innovator to me.

I do have a rife machine. There is a place in the Midwest that sells you preprogrammed rife machines and ships them to you.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I don’t know of any clinics, my brother treated at home using the same protocol I used to treat Lyme which was one hour a day. There is a Gerson clinic in Sedona AZ but I don’t know anyone that has actually treated with them. All the cancer patients I know currently that I work with have gone the conversational route with little success.
My neighbor passed away last July, 2 coworkers are currently undergoing treatment with chemo, radiation and surgery.
I have a friend that had stomach and spleen cancer 3 years ago and changed her diet, supplements, apricot seeds, CE’s and put the spleen cancer in remission and the stomach cancer started to recede prior to radiation. She has no additional cancer since being cleared.
I’ve learned with cancer, like Lyme it’s what each person is comfortable with as far as treatments. We have cancer all over in my family and my brother chose the natural route with having surgery to remove the bad kidney.
If I get the cancer diagnosis, I will definitely treat naturally with mhbot as an adjunct therapy, I will never be without my chamber.
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
I used the Buhner herbal protocols for babesia, lyme, and M. pneumonia, all very helpful to successful. I made my own tinctures and after I decided that lyme and company were mostly gone, I stopped with the tinctures, breathing a sigh of relief that I didn't have to keep up with tincture work. Maybe that was premature.

I have a few cases of tinctures in the basement that didn't get used so time to experiment some more. Not exactly a radical idea that cancer might be caused by microbes or microbial imbalance.

I'm starting with echinacea and ashwaganda tinctures, made as per Buhner recommendations. If this succeeds, I think I will incorporate mhbot.

Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I know it must be scary for you lymenotlite. My mom discovered that she had uterine CA when she was in her early 60's. I remember learning that uterine CA is a slow growing cancer with a very good prognosis if caught early.

My mother had a hysterectomy followed by radiation therapy and went on to live another 30+ years, despite having a poor diet and getting no exercise. I think the radiation did cause some incontinence and other problems for her. I believe that if she had access to hbot, she would not have suffered all the side effects of the radiation.

I would think that mhbot combined with a high protein or keto diet and herbal tinctures could make a difference. I have read about cancer patients having an easier time dealing with the chemo and other CA treatments if they used hyperbaric oxygen. Best of luck to you!
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
Unfortunately I did not catch it early, thinking the bleeding was a lyme hormonal issue.

I have a question about the chamber. I'm thinking I could put it upstairs during cold weather and basement for hot summers.

Would a chamber damage hardwood floors? Is there something you could put under it to protect the wood?

Also, I have a friend with serious mobility issues that is taking an interest in using my (possible) chamber. She is not very flexible and getting into a chamber would likely require a helper. Any suggestions? I assume that's doable.

Your support is very appreciated. I visited Sedona years ago. A beautiful place.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
There are many sizes and styles to suit your needs. Perhaps you could get some guidance by joining this group on FaceBook. "mHBOT mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy"

This group includes a few vendors who work with members to find used or new chambers, but they are not allowed to pressure anyone or share information.

You could put a small area rug under the chamber so the frame does not damage the hardwoods. I bought a small piece of vinyl flooring at Home Depot to put under mine, but it is laying on carpet, not wood floors.

Good luck to you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I don't sell chambers or concentrators, but I have developed a relationship with manufacturers/vendors over the years and can pass on discounts.

I also can share a connection to a private party who ships chambers/concentrators on a rental or rent-to-own basis, and charges much lower monthly rates than the manufacturers.

There are ways to adapt the chamber set up for people with mobility issues.

You can PM me if/when you are ready for more information.
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
I'll be contacting you, Phoiph and looks like I'll be joining the FB group.

I have an appointment with the cancer specialist in an hour. Prayers appreciated.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
We'll be thinking of you.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Yes, thinking of you, lymenotlite.

Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
I was hoping that I would not have any organs removed and that is the case but the uterine cancer has metastasized and it is inoperable.

I've looked into alternatives but things are moving fast. Feel free to PM me if anyone has any ideas.

You've been a great group.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
If it were me, I would want the cancer out asap and I would use the mhbot to help me heal. Sending big hugs. [group hug]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
So sorry to hear this, lymenotlite.

Dr. Dominic D'Agostino's work with keto/hyperbaric to starve/disable cancer cells is promising. Here is one of his talks:

Starving cancer: Dominic D'Agostino at TEDxTampaBay
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
FYI to all:

This article discusses the risks of the Covid RNA vaccine to people with chronic Lyme (and other neuro-inflammatory conditions): &cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20210131&mid=DM790791&rid=1072374347
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
lymenotlite, I am so sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis.

Phioph, thank you for the article on the "vaccine". I have yet to meet anyone who plans on taking the vaccine. But my circles are limited.
Posted by lymenotlite (Member # 33166) on :
Dpei, I was told by an expert and that was previously thought to be the case by my primary care person that it was not operable.

Phoiph, thanks for the keto link. A friend from out of the area has recently warned me about the same thing concerning the RNA issue. I have an herbal tincture for Covid that I put together from lyme herbs I had made up earlier but didn’t use. No question the echinacea I’d made up for lyme has already helped and I’m being advised by an herbalist as well. I’ve been told by a friend via phone call that I sounded better today. Only a day but encouraging.

I’ve decided today I’m not going to die from this.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
lymenotlite, it sounds like you are strong and hopeful and those are a good combination of traits for fighting cancer.

As far as Covid goes, getting the vaccine is a very personal and difficult decision for each of us. I have been trying to gather as much info as I can in order to make the best decision for myself and found some great info here:

I am very grateful to have my soft chamber!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Treating COVID Patients with HBOT, Part 2 – From the Author of COVID Diaries
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Has anyone heard from Spinning123 or HW88 lately? I was wondering if mHBOT helped them overcome all their infections or if they needed to add something else to their protocol.
Thank you!
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Phoiph, do you know how many people you have helped who have overcome all their infections with only doing mHBOT? I am just wondering if I should hedge my bets on only mHBOT, or if I should add something to it. I have been infected for 29 years
Thank you so much to everyone who posts on this forum! It has been a wealth of information!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome, Lady T,

I can't give you numbers, but I can tell you that there have been many, many people who have recovered their lives with mHBOT. Not everyone posts here on LymeNet.

Also, everyone has a different history, including infections, genetics, and environmental factors, which all play a part in their recovery path.

If you'd like to go over your individual situation (and how it might compare to others) in more detail before you make a decision, you can PM me with your contact info, and I'll give you a call.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Despite daily dives over the past year, I have been on a bit of a decline and continue to struggle with the difficult decision as to whether to have jawbone cavitation surgery. My dentist (and his interpretation of a conebeam x-ray) tells me that it is likely the cause of my symptoms of facial, ear and skull pain.

I saw a new LLMD, who would like me to consider the dapsone protocol for persister lyme. He tells me he has seen great success with this protocol for some of his patients who have struggled with lyme for many years, especially those who are positive for borellia miyamotoi, like me, with cranial nerve damage.

This new LLMD is also a big fan of mhbot, but he tells me that it is contraindicated with dapsone. I know that disulfram is contraindicated, but I have not been able to find anything about dapsone being contraindicated with hbot. When I told my new LLMD how much the mhbot has helped me on a daily basis, he told me that I could try to use it without O2 and see how I do.

Does anyone here have experience or knowledge of dapsone and hbot? I had hoped to be able to heal without drugs by mhbot and healthy life style alone, but these darn persister bugs are likely living in some hard to reach places in my jaw, ears and skull.

Thanks so much for any insights or info you might have on this.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
dbpei, I think it is because the use of Dapsone is so new that you won't find research with it in regards to mHBOT. I had a friend try Dapsone when they first started using it for Lyme patients. She was on a high dose and had a really hard time. I believe since then they have started using a lower dose. But please discuss with you doc what level of dose does he/she prescribe. It did not really help her. But there are people who iy made a big difference.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I tried it for a few days and it was brutal. But I took the doxy and rifampin as well, which were hard on me in the past, so I am not sure if it was the dapsone or the other ABX bothering me. I had extreme nausea, head pressure and felt toxic all over.

I decided to stop for now and may try again later. It does seem promising from what the new doc told me, but also scary. Dapsone is supposed to be a pretty safe drug compared to disulfiram from what I have read, but I want to continue to do more research on it. Thanks kgg.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Good decision imo.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Is it possible that the reason your doctor believes that mHBOT is contraindicated with Dapsone, is because it may reduce or negate its action?

Hyperbaric oxygen is mentioned in the literature as a treatment/antidote for overdose/low oxygen condition that can develop with Dapsone use:
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All
One of the members here documented her progress recovering from lyme on youtube I forget her name
and I can't find the videos
Is it still up and if so where is it?
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Hominahomina, I think you might be referring to Peimomma (or similar to that?)

That is an interesting concept, Phoiph. With hbot being a treatment for a dapsone overdose, it would make sense that he might think it could reduce its action. I will try to find out more from him about this. Thank you!

On a totally different note, I hope and pray that all of you on this thread are safe and warm with this awful cold snap that is hitting much of our country right now. My heart goes out to all without power and I pray it returns for you soon. Stay safe everyone.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Here are the links that I have to Peimomma's progress videos:
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thank You dbpel and Phoiph
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
I have been treating with hbot for 2 1/2 years daily with no breaks. At this point should I be taking 1 day a week off? There are concerns about long term use with higher pressures, I don't see any info on mild hbot long term.

I have CFS - proposed mechanism being a genetic weakness where Chlamydia Pnuemonia is able to infect the bone marrow - a perpetual loop of the white blood cells being used as a transport system to further infect rather than un-infect. I am improving, but the needle only started moving(nerve damage reversal) when the antibiotics were applied with hbot and the healthy diet/lifestyle.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi tom f,

How long has the "needle been moving" in the right direction?
Posted by Red101 (Member # 52188) on :
Hi all, is it okay to post about a barely used (almost new) mHBOT I'm selling? I am a person with ME/CFS and lyme. Thanx!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Red 101,

It doesn't sound like you used your chamber much...just wondering why you decided to sell?
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
Hi Phoiph,
2 years of slow continuous improvement of fatigue and nerve damage reversal in legs, hands/wrists, face, tongue - pretty much nerve damage everywhere 60-75% improvement. The nerve damage happened so slowly over a long period that I have no reference of without nerve damage is. I also had clinical signs(Cogwheeling) of Parkinson's completely disappear. This ongoing proven damage to the substantia nigra of the brain pushed me towards adding antibiotics.

What's your opinion about mild hbot everyday with no breaks. Long term continuous hbot at higher pressures mention dna damage.

[ 02-28-2021, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: tom f ]
Posted by Red101 (Member # 52188) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
Hi Red 101,

It doesn't sound like you used your chamber much...just wondering why you decided to sell?

Hi Phoiph,

Thank you for asking. I actually already have a Newtowne 34" chamber that I'm using almost daily (240 dives completed). This other chamber that I'm selling for a friend, a Newtowne "Walk In" chamber, is almost brand new. Barely used. Only inflated 10 times, for less than 1 hour total, for all the inflation times combined. So it is like new. A friend bought it for his wife and soon decided he found the Newtowne zippers frustrating (many of us do, I think, but there are also some good pros about the Newtowne chambers). My friend decided he wanted to get a Summit to Sea vertical chamber. So he did, and now I'm helping him sell the Newtowne Walk In. I guess it is okay to include the description of the chamber, and my "ad" here?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Red 101,

I was just concerned you might be selling your own chamber; glad to hear you're not.

It is really up to the moderators whether your post will be deleted or not. If it is, you can always just post that you have a chamber for sale, and that anyone interested can PM you for details.

People often contact me looking for used chambers, so I will let them know.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
tom f,

You have made great progress!

Deciding when it is time to reduce the frequency of your dives is a very individual thing.

I did mHBOT for 2.5 years daily. I thought I was doing quite well at 1.5 years (compared to how ill I was), but I continued daily for another year and made many significant gains.

After 2.5 years, I reduced the frequency of dives because I was doing well and felt solid, and my body truly felt as if daily dives were now not necessary, and possibly "too much". If I had still been progressing and not felt completely well, I would have continued diving daily.

It sounds as if you are still making significant gains with your daily dives, and I think if you tune into your body's wisdom, you will know when it is time to reduce. If you do decide to do so, try to keep your remaining dives back to back.
Posted by Red101 (Member # 52188) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
Red 101,

People often contact me looking for used chambers, so I will let them know.

Thank you! That is kind. I'm motivated to sell it, as I'd like to get it out of my home soon, but do not want to pack it up just yet in case someone wants a zoom "tour" of it. But having two mHBOTs in one home office does not leave much room for my walking to my computer desk. :-)
Posted by Red101 (Member # 52188) on :

May I ask you a question about using my HBOT? I have had ME/CFS/Lyme for decades. I'm pretty sick, mostly homebound and often bedridden. I started mHBOT spring 2020 and slowly titrated up to about 20-30 minute dives without supplemental oxygen. If I did more, I felt too toxic the next day, even with using dry skin brushing and apple pectin for detox. Similarly, if I added supplemental oxygen (with or without diving), I got sicker. So my regime was simple: No supplemental oxygen, and nearly daily dives of about 20-25 minutes each, sometimes twice a day. I was thrilled when I slowly started to be able to go on pleasurable nature walks for the first time in years and years. Then I crashed. Hard. I lost all gains. I crashed hard for 2 months (no idea why), and only did a dive once every 4-5 days. Now I've restarted a near daily routine, for the last month or so, but with no gains. I'm not sure why I crashed. Could it be due to oxidative stress? Any hints welcome. Thank you for your thoughts. Thank you to others for their thoughts too!
Posted by Charles12 (Member # 24729) on :
Originally posted by Red101:
Similarly, if I added supplemental oxygen (with or without diving), I got sicker.

I had this problem. My doctor said that some of his patients experienced this.

I think was Babesia in my case. I wasn't taking any Babesia medication at the time.


Forgive me for not reading back through the thread, but I'm looking at buying another chamber.

What is best cheap option? Is the premium that OxyHealth charges worth it?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I apologize for not answering your email about this yet. I have been a bit backed up on calls and emails.

I will get back to you on your questions via email soon.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Just curious
How many of you are planning to get vaccinated if so why?
How many of you are not planning to get vaccinated if so why not?

Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
It is a very personal and difficult decision for all of us with chronic illness, so I don't cast judgment on anyone for their choice. I decided to get the vaccine because the thought of getting severely ill or dying from Covid scares me more than potential harm from the vaccine.

I did get the first Pfizer vaccine 2 weeks ago and only had some mild soreness in my arm. I could have more of a reaction with the second shot, but I am going to keep doing what I've been doing (healthy living and diet, supplements, exercise, mhbot, ...) and hope we can see some light at the end of this long and dark tunnel.

Global Lyme Alliance is sponsoring a Webinar later today to help us weigh the difficult decision as to whethr to vaccinate for Lyme patients:
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks dbpel I will check out the webinar
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I am not getting the vaccine. I do not pass judgment on anyone who is. But I was functional and working as a nurse until I had the Hep B vaccine series. Had to stop working. Many years later my husband convinced me to take the preservative free vaccine for the H1N1 flu because I do not get the flu shots. He was concerned that it was a really virulent strain. I had three weeks of worse fatigue and shooting pains all over my body. This woman is only getting a tetanus shot from now on. And then only when I need it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Red101:

May I ask you a question about using my HBOT? I have had ME/CFS/Lyme for decades. I'm pretty sick, mostly homebound and often bedridden. I started mHBOT spring 2020 and slowly titrated up to about 20-30 minute dives without supplemental oxygen. If I did more, I felt too toxic the next day, even with using dry skin brushing and apple pectin for detox. Similarly, if I added supplemental oxygen (with or without diving), I got sicker. So my regime was simple: No supplemental oxygen, and nearly daily dives of about 20-25 minutes each, sometimes twice a day. I was thrilled when I slowly started to be able to go on pleasurable nature walks for the first time in years and years. Then I crashed. Hard. I lost all gains. I crashed hard for 2 months (no idea why), and only did a dive once every 4-5 days. Now I've restarted a near daily routine, for the last month or so, but with no gains. I'm not sure why I crashed. Could it be due to oxidative stress? Any hints welcome. Thank you for your thoughts. Thank you to others for their thoughts too!


I'm so sorry to hear about your "crash". It is so disheartening to have experienced improvement, only to be followed by a setback.

In my experience, some of the reasons someone might experience initial gains followed by a setback are:

1. Moving forward too fast with mHBOT instead of working up slowly, especially in the beginning; and/or doing too many or too long of dives per day

2. Adding on ancillary therapies which may cause causes too rapid of detox, and/or toxic overload

3. Overdoing physical activity too soon, due to feeling better

4. Toxic environmental exposures

5. Highly stressful events

6. Failure to maintain clean diet, and gradual, graded movement routine (e.g., yoga)

It doesn't sound like you started up too rapidly, as you seemed to find a pace that worked for you.

My guess is that even though you were improving, you may have not been ready for the degree of physical activity you engaged in.

I also suspect that if you dig deeper, you might remember something that happened or changed around that time. Let us know if you think of anything, even if seemingly insignificant.

I am glad to hear you are back at mHBOT. Try not to be discouraged about not experiencing gains yet; I am optimistic that you will given time.
Posted by Red101 (Member # 52188) on :
"I also suspect that if you dig deeper, you might remember something that happened or changed around that time. Let us know if you think of anything, even if seemingly insignificant."

Thank you, Phioph, for your kind and informative reply. I did start a very low dose of a new med and new supplement around that same time. But I had tolerated it for weeks before this crash came on... so I'm not sure. Perhaps you are right about taking on too much physical activity. I was walking, but it did not seem like too much. I sloooooooowly increased it. Ah well, like I said, I'm trying again. I so appreciate your weighing in like this. Thank you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Sometimes it takes awhile for a substance to build up in the body and reach a "tipping point"...
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Hi all,
I have two questions and am hoping someone will answer.
First, I know taking antioxidants while diving is not good because it impedes the efficacy of HBOT. But what about NAC - which is used to build an antioxidant (glutathione)? Also, what about Chaga mushroom - which is a strong antioxidant, but it's kind of in "food form", so not a straight up antioxidant supplement?

My second question is in regards to Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker and his theories. He believes that some people have "dreaded HLA genes" that will never allow them to detox mycotoxins or other toxins properly. That they will always have to practice avoidance - sometimes extreme avoidance. Does anyone have an opinion? As soon as I am well - I want to live life and not be frightened always of mold and mycotoxins.

Thank you everyone for your wonderful posts - they are always enlightening and helpful to me!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Lady T,

The concern is more about taking mega-doses of antioxidants in isolation, not a few supplements in moderate amounts.

However, IMO, it is best to get the majority of antioxidants from diet. Nature does not produce nutrients in an isolated form for a reason; the other substances present in the food are necessary for that nutrient to work well in the body.

As for your second may have been born with the the "dreaded HLA genes", but I'm assuming you weren't born ill and had to grow up in a bubble.

Genes can be turned off and on. The body is very resilient when given the right tools for healing, and we have the advantage of mHBOT.

Of course, you have to be very careful about toxic exposures while you're healing, as to reduce body burdens. And, when you are well, you will want to continue to live a "clean" lifestyle and avoid obvious toxins, as we all should.

Don't let that kind of limited thinking underestimate your body's amazing potential for healing.
Posted by Lassie27 (Member # 31083) on :
Is there a way to start so slowly so as to not create a herx? My body is not capable of handling herxes right now. Also, how does mhbot help with mold illness?
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Lassie27-

I can answer the 2nd question. I started mHBOT because of acute mold exposure (I had been dealing with mold exposure/sensitivity for years and unexpectedly had another exposure).
I went to a clinic near my home (not the source of mold exposure.. That was my father’s condo in another state). This clinic had recently opened. I did 10 “dives” starting with 20 minutes and the next 9 were 40 minutes (60 being the standard). The difference in how I felt was night and day! I felt great after that and I was hooked. I continued to go to a clinic until I purchased my own chamber a couple months later (Thanks for your help, Phoiph!)

I think it’s really important not to use a chamber that’s in a moldy environment! You’ll only bring mold laden air into your chamber.

I don’t have the link but there is an NIH study showing reduced mold exposure symptoms with 10 sessions of mHBOT. I found it on a google search.

So you know my story-20 minutes the first time, the. 40 minutes each dive maybe for 3 months. Then 60. About 6 months in, I tried to increase to 90 minutes (you know, get well faster-lol). My liver hurt!
I went away for 4 days and my liver stopped hurting. I’m sure it wasn’t keeping up with detox. So I stick with 60 minutes, diving now 2 years. Still healing but feeling good for the most part. (Will post an update soon). Hope that helps!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Lassie~

I believe this is the study that carbokitty is referring to:

Improvement of attention span and reaction time with hyperbaric oxygen treatment in patients with toxic injury due to mold exposure

And yes, as carbokitty mentioned, you can follow a suggested slow start up schedule, which we can help you with if you decide to start mHBOT.
Posted by Lassie27 (Member # 31083) on :
Thank you carbokitty -
What symptoms has mhbot taken away? Do you still do other treatments?

Thank you phoiph - but is this an overall treatment for mold as it seems to be potentially for lyme - enough to heal the body?

Also - does it help with viral issues?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

mHBOT is a treatment for a multitude of chronic conditions, including Lyme and mold, because these illnesses share many of the same common denominators.

For example, Lyme and mold are both neuro-toxic, potentially causing toxic encephalopathy. Both are immune suppressive and/or cause immune dysfunction, allowing opportunistic viruses and other pathogens to overwhelm the immune system. Both cause neuro-inflammation, and an inability to detox efficiently at the cellular level, etc., etc., etc.

mHBOT doesn't do the healing per se (nor does any other treatment), it helps create an environment in your body that is conducive to healing, and gives it tools it needs to heal itself.

Here is a (non-comprehensive) list of some of the potential benefits:

-Activates up to 8,101 healing genes
-Stimulates DNA to produce growth and repair hormones and receptors
-Reduces Inflammation, swelling/edema
-Increases blood flow/circulation, reduces hypopofusion
-Releases endogenous stem cells
-Improves/modulates immune function/increases lymphocyte production
-Promotes angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels)
-Assists wound healing
-Has antimicrobial action, assists with prevention/healing of infections
-Improves cellular metabolism/efficiency, including detoxification
-Assists in healing and regeneration of neural tissue, including brain injury
-Increases collagen production
-Reduces pain in certain conditions
-Increases rate of healing from injuries or surgery
-Assists bone regeneration
-Decreases effects from radiation injury, as in cancer treatment
-Improves recovery from athletic/over-training injury
-Treats Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
-Treats toxic encephalopathy
-Up-regulates endogenous antioxidants
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Phoiph - thank you for your wonderful reply!

Does anyone know what the rules are for mHBOT and flying in a plane? Is there a certain time frame before or after that I need to not use my chamber?
Thank you!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Lassie27 I wanted to mention to the group
I use herb in conjuntion with mHBOT
mHBOT seems in enhance to efficacy of the herbs
I can list the herbs I am using and where I am getting them if anyone is interested
Posted by Lassie27 (Member # 31083) on :
Originally posted by Hominahomina:
Lassie27 I wanted to mention to the group
I use herb in conjuntion with mHBOT
mHBOT seems in enhance to efficacy of the herbs
I can list the herbs I am using and where I am getting them if anyone is interested

Thank you - Yes, please. Could you give some background on your treatment as well? How long you have been treating, for what specifically, and when did you add the mhbot in and your experience?
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I use
Sida Acuta
Japanese Knotweed
Cat's Claw

Ashwaganda to regulate the HPA axis helps me sleep
I might use a little less the day I do mHBOt as I said it intensifies the action of the herbs

I have tried alot of stuff including essential oils iodine azithromycin Doxycycline and Flagyl in the past to treat Clamydia Pneumonia I started using mHBOT alone for a couple years to treat Lyme and Co infections now I am adding in these herbs as tinctures I have been sick for decades been treating for eight years and getting good results

I get my herbs from Woodland essence they are of good quality sometimes they have a sale

[ 04-06-2021, 01:31 AM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :

My primary symptoms with mold exposure: anxiety, insomnia, diarrhea, fatigue, brain fog, depression, heart palpitations
They are all gone. Sometimes I have a rough night's sleep but I also have food sensitivities and I "push the envelope" and try to eat something "new". I can also have insomnia with a mold hit.

Other therapies...I mean, I eat a "clean" (really restricted diet). I had some sort of exposure the other day and I took some activated charcoal. But nothing else currently for mold. I do take some supplements but nothing really specific for mold.

Hope that helps.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
I've really debated whether to share my vaccine story or not. I guess I'll ask first if it's ok to talk about?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

It's great to hear how well you're doing.

Please share your vaccine story!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by LadyT:
Phoiph - thank you for your wonderful reply!

Does anyone know what the rules are for mHBOT and flying in a plane? Is there a certain time frame before or after that I need to not use my chamber?
Thank you!

Lady T,

I don't know if it could be an issue as we are only diving the equivalent of 10 ft. underwater, but to be on the safe side you could refrain from diving for 24 hours prior to flying.

[ 04-21-2021, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by Lassie27 (Member # 31083) on :
Originally posted by carbokitty:
I've really debated whether to share my vaccine story or not. I guess I'll ask first if it's ok to talk about?


Yes, please share
Posted by Lassie27 (Member # 31083) on :
Phoiph, Thank you for all of that detailed information. I can see this is something that can overall help the body from what you write. I have sent you a pm and would love to get your input on trying out mhbot and costs/etc.

Homina Homina, Thank you for your treatment information. It sounds like you are getting benefit from adding in herbs.

Carbokitty, Thank you for sharing how it has helped you as well.

I am very intrigued to see if I could tolerate it but I think there is a chance I might if I start slow at 20mins as suggested.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Has anyone used mHBOT to recover from open heart surgery or do you know of anyone who has?
One of my customers is getting a single bypass Thanks
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
mHBOT was recommended to my neighbor who had heart ablation surgery. She had a faster recovery than her previous ablations, and was eventually able to reduce her medications. Her cardiologist was impressed, and told her to "keep doing what you're doing".

That said, of course every case is different, and mHBOT should be approved by the individual's specialist.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Here are some related articles:
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Does anyone know the rules about mild hyperbaric and flying? Should there be a certain amount of time before and after flying that you shouldn't dive?
Thank you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
As I mentioned before, it may not be an issue since we are only "diving" at 10-11ft (which is considered a "shallow" dive), but here is what DAN (Diver's Alert Network) recommends for scuba divers:
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi everyone! Well, I wrote a lengthy post about my vaccine experience and it disappeared into cyberspace!

The cliff notes version: I had Pfizer. I got the usual flu-like symptoms in the first 24 hours. But the fatigue was WORSE 1 week after. It was my anti-thyroid antibodies! I had to ask to get them tested, as the exhaustion was just like when they were high many years ago. Normal is less than 60. Mine were 1630. A tweak in my thyroid meds helped but I still felt off.
Believe it or not, my primary dr suggested I get auricular ozone. It's a 10 min treatment with ozone in the ears. In 5 minutes, I felt fantastic! My energy has come back and my mood was great.

I just had my thyroid retested this week (all but the antibodies) and all the numbers were good. I feel good.

I have to say, though, that about 6 weeks after the vaccine, I developed a torn meniscus in my right knee. I've never had a problem like that. They said it was degenerative i.e. I'm old-lol. I had a lot of pain! I'm not sure what I would have been like without the chamber. I'm not sure I'm making any sort of miraculous recovery-just a normal recovery with lots of PT and PT exercises and for a while icing, elevating, resting and compression. Not sure if it was related to the vaccine or not. Just seemed sort of coincidental.

I just took a 3 week trip, mostly driving, visiting 5 different friends along the east coast. I have to say, being able to do that with other vaccinated friends made it worth it. I believe we all have to make our own decisions about the vaccine and I really second guessed my decision for a while but I am hoping that any negative side effects are now behind me. I feel really good these days.

Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
And the above being said, after 2 years of diving, and very consistently every day this past year during covid, I just took 3 weeks off to travel.
I felt good even without diving. I think my sleep was better.
So now that I'm getting back to diving what should that look like? I know I should do back to back dives. Do I dive 4 days on, 3 days off or what's the best way to start to cut back?

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Carbokitty~

At 2.5 years, when I started to cut back from daily dives, I went to 3-4 days in a row per week for several years after.

I currently do 2 days per week, but try to get a 3rd day in when I can.

At this point in your therapy, I think your body will guide you and you will know.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Phoiph!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Phoiph!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All

I have mentioned double sessions in a day in the past
Here is an interview with Dr Sonners Where he addresses why that may be beneficial

He begins at 29:49
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I really appreciate Dr. Sonners. Especially his emphasis on research. So I listened to this again and tried to think back on my 2 plus years of daily diving. There were times I think I could have handled twice a day dives but most the time not. What I was doing was enough to handle.

What are you finding? Are you diving twice a day? Are you seeing benefits?

I also worry about the fragile Lyme patients who can't even handle getting up to full pressure never mind twice a day. But this is good info for those who can tolerate twice daily dives, imo.

Thanks for posting.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Agreed kgg.

I appreciate Dr. Sonners also. I just get the impression that the population he works with is not predominantly severe chronic Lyme patients (clue: he pronounces it "Lyme's").

In the 10 years that I have been diving, I have not run across one person with severe, chronic Lyme that could tolerate 2 full sessions in the first 6 to 8 weeks, as he suggests. Those that have tried have crashed and experienced setbacks a few weeks later, only to delay their overall progress.

Hopefully this will warn the newcomers to this site to be careful and start up slowly.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Maybe not two full sessions but there may be advantage to splitting one session in two, I tried two one hour sessions and it was too much but two 30 sessions was fine. If this accelerates recovery from lyme I can't say, but according to the admin Christie Wygant admin on Facebook mHBOT group and an associate of Dr Sonners there is benefit based on her experience. If I take up the practice of double dives I can report back here
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Just an FYI to keep in mind...the typical 60 minute protocol is not arbitrary. It is thought that it takes at least 40 minutes to absorb the full benefit of a session.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
It's the going up to pressure and going down two times in a day that Dr Sonners believes produces the benefit.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
That is interesting about Dr. Sonners believing that the changes in pressure produce the biggest benefit. I would be willing to try this, but one of my biggest concerns is that my eustachian tubes would have a hard time adjusting to so many changes in pressure in a short period of time. I only have one good ear, so want to protect that ear in every way possible.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I understand that the pressure changes is what he believes may have additional benefit, but I would be careful of sacrificing the length of the session to achieve this.

That said, two, one-hour sessions daily is likely too much for someone with chronic Lyme who is very ill/toxic, especially in the first 6-8 weeks, as he suggests.

Pressure changes are also challenging on the body, especially in when in a fragile state.

IMO, this sounds like an experiment best tried once someone has done mHBOT for awhile and has made significant and stable gains...but to each his own.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
I am not sure it's true that length of dive is more important than frequency in a day for these infections For example one hour a day is better than two 30 min sessions or one 90 min dive is better than two 45 min dives.

That is why I posted Dr Sonners interview with Christie to give the folks here some food for thought

Each person must decide him or herself what gives them the best result
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Lol. Yes, I noticed he said "Lymes". I believe he works with a lot of Autism, CP and head injury patients. In another video of his, he also emphasizes really cleaning up the diet. I believe he promotes keto.

Christie is a sweetheart. And as I said, I really appreciate that Dr. Sonners is big into research, especially in mild hyperbaric that is woefully lacking.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Hello all,

I would love for some suggestions. I have been doing mHBOT 2 hours daily for over 8 months now, and have seen no difference (better or worse). I have had lyme + co-infections for 29 years. I eat right, and seem to do all the right things, but I have not had any changes. Is that typical? Any reasons why I am not improving? Thank you - any help is very much appreciated! Even when I leave the chamber after a session I don't feel anything.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
LadyT...The protocol that seems to work is one hour a day at pressure, a low carb or keto diet and reducing or eliminating antioxidants. Also, progressive, low and slow exercise depending on your condition. I started off with 5 minutes of gentle stretching and really had to struggle to even get that in every day.

There are no studies that I know of that show the best frequency and duration of the dives for Lyme, so I am just going off of what I have seen work for most PWL. Perhaps Phoiph can chime in here.

I can tell you that too much HBO will halt any progress and could potentially make one sicker. What I can't tell you is, how much is too much. :^(

I wish I could be of more help.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Lady T,

I agree with Digby.

More is not always better with mHBOT (although consistency is key). 2 hours per day (even if it is divided) for someone with Lyme is likely too much, and can create more oxidation/free radicals than your body can handle, and stalemate your progress at best.

There are other factors that may be at play. More background information, including other therapies you may be doing, daily diet, medications, supplements, exercise, functioning level, and general history/state of your illness would be helpful.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Thank you Phoiph and Digby for your replies! Most appreciated.
The reason I was doing 2 hours was I have endometriosis and there was a study showing the reduction of the lesions with 2 hours for each dive. Also, many docs online suggest 2 hours for the lyme/co-infections.
Functioning is non-existent I'm afraid, and has been for years. I do have my mom help me walk across the house because I know I need to move my lymph, etc.
Diet is high in healthy fats and always all organic foods (veggies, meat, berries).
I do wave1 by fremedica (its a form of light therapy) and because of the lack of progress, I am now doing pulsed IV antibiotics.
Supplements include multi-vit, organ supplements by Ancestral, cod liver oil, probiotics.
I used to do a lot of cultured foods but realized that it was negatively affecting me as I have to watch my histamine.
I have had lyme for 29 years, so don't know what the typical recovery rate with mHBOT is for that length of illness.
My doc is recommending 3000 mg of vit C spread out through the day to help with adrenal function, although I don't know if I should because I don't want that to impede the HBOT. I also take cytomel (for hypothyroid), low dose of hydrocortisone for adrenals (trying to help with POTS-like symptoms), and trazodone for insomnia. To support the liver, I also take milk thistle and NAC (small doses as I know they are antioxidants).
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
One more thing. My mom wants me to get off all antibiotics and do bee venom therapy. Does anyone know if you can do bvt with hyyperbaric? I have asked 3 different practitioners and they all gave different replies.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome LadyT. Phoiph and Digby have given you wonderful advise. I am a beekeeper and don't do BVT. With histamine issues I would be concerned, but I don't know a lot about it.

If I were you, I would do as they suggested and drop down to 60 minutes of dives a day for a long while and see how you feel before trying something different.

Don't give up!!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
kgg, How awesome that you are a beekeeper. Bees rock!

Lady T,
Thanks for the additional information. Just so you know, 8 months is not a long time to have been doing mHBOT in the scheme of things. At 8 months, I was just starting to notice "shifts", but these shifts didn't necessarily feel like improvement.

Some people take longer to realizes differences, but if they keep at it, they eventually do (Digby is a good example).

My opinion is that a simple protocol is best. 1 hour/day of mHBOT (not counting pressurization and depressurization time), consistently.

For diet, I would also consider meat broth (less in histamines than bone broth) to help heal your gut. You didn't mention eating gluten, but I would eliminate that if you do. Continue with lots of good fats and a paleo-type diet. The vitamin C dosage suggested is not that high, but I suspect that it may be too much for your gut at this point. You will have to be the judge.

I know your mobility is limited, but consider a very gentle yoga class which can be done in bed or a chair (many offered on Zoom). Focus strongly on your breath. The gentle movement will greatly help your circulation and ability to move lymph/detox.

Finally, unless the antibiotics are somehow helping, I suggest revisiting the antibiotic choice with your doctor. The state of your gut microbiome is crucial to becoming well, and it is severely disrupted by antibiotics.

Usually, someone who does mHBOT while antibiotics will need to gradually reduce and eliminate them once they have become more stable on mHBOT in order to become well. This process inevitably takes longer than it does for someone who is not on antibiotics.

I hope this helps...feel free to PM me anytime.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Hi. I am going to jump into the hyperbaric world soon I was wanting some feedback on what chamber to get.

For those who have Newtowne, wondering about the zipper issue. Has it been hard to use with no one else there? Any feedback about your experience with this chamber would be great...good and bad.

Also, if anyone has the Solace by Oxyhealth Im wondering how you like this chamber? I am a small person 5'3 95lbs. I know its not as roomy but just curious if anyone has or is using this and your experience. Good and bad.

Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I love my Newtowne, but it does take a little while to figure out the zippers. My husband usually zips up the outside zippers for me and I do the inside, but if he is not home, I am able to do all 3 zippers myself.

Sometimes I need to unzip and start again if I don't get it right the first time, but I have never felt unable to manage things myself. I have the 34", which I find to be very comfortable and I do not feel anxious or claustrophobic in it. Customer service has been excellent as well.

If you are on FB, there is a wonderful group called MHBOT Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy that has been a huge help to me. I remember searcing and finding some videos with instructions when I was a beginner. Good luck with your decision!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I have a Newtowne as well. Marie at Newtowne suggested to me to use a wooden paint stick to finish closing the zippers into the small pocket area that is at the end of both the outside and inside zipper. I find it works well.

For the middle zipper, I make sure I pull up with my arms over my head to seat it well.

I know everyone talks about the zippers for the Newtowne chamber, but I find it no different than the OxyHealth chambers. I had a Vitaeris chamber. I have had more false starts on the OxyHealth chamber where I did not zip up the outside zipper far enough than using the Newtowne.

As far as size, I am 5 ft tall but weigh more than you. I would not like the Solace size. Even though I may fit in it, I like the ability to sit up and move around in a roomier chamber. I have the 34" chamber.
Posted by S13 (Member # 42830) on :
I have a Summit To Sea chamber "the Dive" and it has been working flawless since 2013.

Getting in and out is pretty easy, though you need a bit of flexibility.
I use a wireless remote to switch the pump on and off while im in the chamber, so im in full control.
To the roof ive attached 3M velcro, so i can hang my tablet from the roof and look at netflix/youtube while im laying on the mattress.

I use it approx 70% of the days, so that is about 2000 dives.
Come to think of it, that makes the cost per dive only a couple of euros! Over the years ive probably spend more on certain supplements [Wink]

The chamber hasnt needed any servicing or maintenance, other than me keeping it clean and sometimes lubing the air hose rubber with vaseline (i travel a lot now, and the chamber travels with me, so the air hose gets disconnected every day)

I dont know how long it will last, because traveling does take its toll on the material, but for now it seems to be going just fine. I never use it up to 1.5ATA any more, 1.4 is the max these days and only when im at higher elevation (above 500 - 1000m in the mountains).

Back then the Summit to sea chambers were a bit more affordable and easier to get in the EU. Dont know if that situation has changed since.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hello All
I wanted to share some info and get some feedback

I have found CBD oil a great help in getting to sleep

For some reason some brands work for this and some dont
The Dr Rawls brand works but a couple others don't

I am wondering if any of you have had this experience and if you know why some work and some don't for sleep

Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi keikko! Welcome. I also have the Newtowne. Yes, a bit of a learning curve on the zippers but I don’t even think about it any more. I’ve been diving 6 days a week (7 during most of last year) for 2 1/2 years. I do it myself. Great customer service!
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you for the replies!

I appreciate it so much. With my poor brain function it is hard to make a decision on what is best.

Dbpei, good to know about the Facebook group and you were able to navigate the zippers. I'm not on FB but maybe I should give it a try.

Kgg, thank you for the info. Interesting the was no difference for you with the Vitaris, Ya, I have heard the Solace is small. I guess Im not sure what to except so I didn't know if the was a big deal or not.

S13, I have not heard of that brand but I will check it out. Sounds like it has worked out really well. Thats a lot of dives!

Thank you carbokitty. Good to get your feedback and that you can do it yourself. Im afraid of getting in there and not being able to get out. [Smile]

Hominahomina, I have had a similar experience with CBD oil Some gives me more energy and some helps me sleep. I take it 4 times a day and love it but I take two different ones. one to give me more energy and one for calming. The one I take before bedtime is from One Farm and it works great for me.

Thank you!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks Keikko

What strength and flavor do you use and how much per night ?
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
I get the unflavored just because I dont like flavor too much and I get the 30mg bottle and only have to take 8-10 drops. That way the bottle lasts longer so it cheaper. Im pretty sensitive to supplements and medications so less is always better for me.

I started out with the 10mg strength and have moved up to the 30mg and just use the less of the stronger one if that makes sense. Its organic too:)
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Thanks I might try it
FYI The Rawls brand at 1200mg when on sale is cheaper
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Good to know! Thank you Hominahomina.

I take CBD mostly for anxiety and sleep but it is the one thing in my supplement cabinet that I would hold on to.

It was a process of trying what worked but I was lucky I lived by a pharmacy that carried several brands so I returned them when they weren't helpful.

CBD is so helpful once you get the one that works for you.

I have heard the Charlottes's Web brand has a good one for sleep too but I haven't tried it.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :

I am trying to find out why some works and some does not some companies give a lot of detail so that helps
I can check out Charlottes web I have heard it recommended before
Posted by tom f (Member # 51089) on :
Airsep intensity and "pulse" mode-
Wouldn't be true that if the unit was in this mode and under use - the glass lpm indicator would be pulsing/fluctuating instead of a steady reading?

I want to turn it to as close to 10 lpm as possible.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Tom,

When used with a chamber, oxygen concentrators have to work harder in general to compensate for the backpressure from the chamber (this is why 20psi units, like the Airsep New Life Intensity 10, are recommended).

The reason you need to keep the AirSep at 8-9LPM (max) when using with a home chamber, is that you will retain about 3% more oxygen purity than if you set it at 10LPM.

In other words, the higher the LPM is set, the greater the flow, but the percentage of 02 will drop.

For the Airsep, it has been determined that 8LPM is the "sweet spot", as it provides good flow without sacrificing 02 purity. Other brands will differ.
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Out of curiosity Have any of you been diving specifically to prevent a Covid infection and if so what have been your results ?
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :

I was able to do my first mHBOT treatment yesterday in a Newtowne Chamber. I only did 30 minutes and overall it went well.

Less body pain throughout the day but my brain felt worse and things seemed more surreal afterwards.

I am on a waiting list for a Newtowne Chamber but its going to a while and a concentrator.

I am wondering what was the off gassing like for Newtowne Chmabers. I am very sensitive to chemicals and I am wondering once I get the chamber will it need to sit out for several months to even use it?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Congratulations for your first dive! I too am chemically sensitive. There is a slight smell when I first got it but I did not react to it. There was a time that they would send you a sample of the material but that was just going to delay the arrival of my chamber so I did not request it.

I don't remember how long the smell lasted. Maybe a couple of weeks? But again, I did not react to it. I usually get nauseated and increased fatigue when I am exposed to chemicals. That did not happen.
Posted by Lassie27 (Member # 31083) on :
Phoiph - I am pming you for some information!
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you Kgg!
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Hi. My chamber will be here next week and I finally have a concentrator.

Im trying to find the link to the oxygen mask some have purchased off amazon. Does anyone have it?

Anything else I will need to get started? I have read this thread twice and it all leaves my brain in seconds. I should have written more down. Im going to have to read it again [Smile]

Hoping I will be able to successfully do this with such poor brain function.

Thank you
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi keikko,

If you purchased your concentrator from the resource we talked about, it will come with masks.

If you need to purchase one, here is an example: r=XFX1TJR9VT6ZRRKMN28E&pd_rd_r=ecb79039-3ea8-49b8-9259-23887f8d79a4&pd_rd_wg=8ANB4&pd_rd_i=B00NWZGNXI&psc=1

(I strongly recommend NOT using a non-rebreather mask [with the attached bag]. Those are designed for more oxygen flow than our concentrators provide when hooked up to a chamber, and could be counterproductive at the very least.)
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
This is the one I bought off of Amazon. It is an OxyMask. Less hot to wear, imo. I started with the one Phoiph has listed above. But changed to this one. Btw, it may be cheaper elsewhere. But you requested an Amazon link so that's what I did.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks, kgg!

The Oxymasks are great if the simple mask is uncomfortable (I use one). You just have to make sure they are manufactured by Southmedic/Medline Industries, and not a knock-off brand.

I am glad you found this link, as they were unavailable for awhile without a prescription.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you Phoiph and kgg. I will get one of these. Can you also use a nasal cannula. I remember somewhere on the thread that said no but just making sure.

Phoiph I was not able to get a concentrator from James because he has no idea when he is getting them in. Back ordered for who know how long. He told me if I could find one somewhere else to get it cuz they are in demand. He is so nice!

I was able to buy a Drive from the hyperbaric place here. When I was trying out the chamber they had several delivered and I asked if I could buy one. Long story but they sold me one.

Thank you for all the help!!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :


I would use one of the two suggested masks and not a nasal cannula, as the masks will deliver 02 more effectively for our purposes.

Please contact me before you run your chamber, as I have some diving instructions (with precautions) I can send you.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Hi. I am wondering if on the 02 concentrator, do you just leave it at 10LPM?

Or do you work up ? like 2L then 3 etc.?

I know you are supposed to start without wearing it at first, and then wear it for 20 mins etc. but just wondering if it always at 10L?

Thank you!

Also can the compressor and concentrator sit next to each other on the floor or do they need to separated?

Thank you! I
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Keikko,

With your concentrator, because it is not an AirSep or a SeQual, you will set it and leave it at 10LPM, even throughout your slow start up schedule.

The compressor and concentrator should be separated a bit if possible. Both produce heat that will be drawn into the chamber. Even if you can place one at the head, and the other at the foot of the chamber, that will help.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Got it!

Thank you Phoiph!!!!!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
An informative review of people's personal experiences with Lyme and Covid "vaccine" reactions. Scroll down to blog section:
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thank you for posting Phoiph. I have been in conversation with a physician friend who has chronic Lyme. She thinks this "vaccine" is brilliant. I asked her how she could trust it while it is the very same entity that have been denying Lyme for decades. I did not really get a response, except that she understands how I could be skeptical considering the history. So I guess I agree with this headline. Will take time to read it and the comments later today.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Hello All,

I was just diagnosed with cranial cervical instability (as a result of long-standing tick borne infections). I am wondering if anyone has any experience with it, such as treatment, etc that doesn't involve surgery. I wonder too if mHBOT would do anything.
Thank you, and I hope everyone is staying safe!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi LadyT,

I know someone with this condition. He has been helped by a chiropractor specially trained in "Atlas Orthogonal". He also does mHBOT, so it is possible that is helping also.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
An informative review of people's personal experiences with Lyme and Covid "vaccine" reactions. Scroll down to blog section:

Dr. Cameron is conducting a survey to understand the impact of COVID-19 on individuals with Lyme Disease and other tick-borne illnesses. You can participate in the survey if you have had Lyme or tick-borne illness and any of these criteria:

1. You have had COVID-19
2. You have had the COVID-19 vaccine
3. You have had neither COVID-19 nor the COVID-19
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
LadyT, I have wondered if CCI is the cause of my chronic headache. Here is a link to an alternative approach to treating it as well as lots of information about it:

I have considered seeing the doc that wrote these articles but it involves travel and is very expensive.

I have tried multiple upper cervical chiropractic docs with no results. I think that only works on people whose ligaments aren't too stretched out. They typically apply a specific adjustment to the atlas and realign that vertebrae but if your ligaments are too lax, it doesn't hold. Hope you find a solution!
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
LadyT, I have wondered if CCI is the cause of my chronic headache. Here is a link to an alternative approach to treating it as well as lots of information about it:

I have considered seeing the doc that wrote these articles but it involves travel and is very expensive.

I have tried multiple upper cervical chiropractic docs with no results. I think that only works on people whose ligaments aren't too stretched out. They typically apply a specific adjustment to the atlas and realign that vertebrae but if your ligaments are too lax, it doesn't hold. Hope you find a solution!

Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Originally posted by Digby:
LadyT, I have wondered if CCI is the cause of my chronic headache. Here is a link to an alternative approach to treating it as well as lots of information about it:

I have considered seeing the doc that wrote these articles but it involves travel and is very expensive.

I have tried multiple upper cervical chiropractic docs with no results. I think that only works on people whose ligaments aren't too stretched out. They typically apply a specific adjustment to the atlas and realign that vertebrae but if your ligaments are too lax, it doesn't hold. Hope you find a solution!

Hi Digby,
Thank you so much for the reply! I did DMX testing to get a diagnosis and then am doing rehab at Katz Chiropractic in Boulder, CO. This is their specialty. Perhaps you could call them and they might be able to recommend a similar provider near you. I know they are very well connected. Hope this helps!
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Hi All,

You have been so helpful with all my questions so far and I really appreciate it.

I have another one, and it is quite tricky. None of my docs or other medical professionals (or even myself) can figure this one out:
I cannot tolerate any B-vitamin (they make me feel extremely wired, irritable, and ill. No matter the type or form or route of administration. This is especially dangerous for me, as I have been diagnosed with Pernicious Anemia, and desperately need B12, B9, etc. If anyone has any idea as to why I cannot tolerate B-vitamins, or how I could help with this, I would greatly, greatly appreciate it.
I hope every one has a Happy Halloween!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Lady T,

Have you looked into MTHFR and COMT mutations?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Thanks Lady T. I'll give them a call. My first thought about the B vitamin issue is the MTHFR pathway, same as Phoiph.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Thank you Phoiph and Digby. COMT and MTHFR are not a problem for me. Genetically, I am pretty clean. That's why I (and all my docs) cannot figure it out! So weird
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Lady T,

I know a doc who I'm quite confident can figure this out. You can PM me for contact info if you're interested.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve been here. I didn’t mean to stay away so long but life is just so hard now. I took a break from mHBOT last summer and tried an online doc who subscribed supplements. They didn’t help any. I have been trying to get back into the mHBOT routine ever since then but it severely messes with my sleep which is already really bad. I can’t take sleeping pills since they tend to make me sleep all the time and otc products aren’t much better. My supplements I usually take don’t seem to be working well or they end up giving me nightmares or just increase my brain fog (which is already pretty bad as well). Has anyone had this issue and found a way to get around it?
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hi Kaibyrd,

It’s been a few months since I’ve been on the board too. When do you do your dive? I know I would have a herx reaction if I dove too late in the day and that would interrupt my sleep. Others have said if they dive late in the day the oxygen keeps them awake.

On another note, I’m still doing well and have now started a work from home job recently. It’s much easier with all the Covid stuff, nothing to do with my health. I do still dive periodically just because oxygen is great for the body.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi Peimomma!
I’m so glad to hear you’re doing so well! Congrats on the job!

I usually dive in the afternoon but that’s basically morning for me. I have such a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep ever since I hit menopause that I usually fall into my deepest sleep between 4/5 am to 10/11 am. Then I’m so exhausted that it takes me a while to get my brain functioning and get out of bed. On days where I must get up earlier, I usually get maybe 3 hours of sleep. On the rare nights that I fall asleep before midnight and sleep until 8 or sometimes later, I actually have a small amount of energy the next day so I’d really love to figure out how to get there more often. 😝 The mHBOT makes it all so much worse though. 🙁
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I had some sleep issues due to menopause as well and started on BHRT which set me straight. The chamber won’t fix menopause issues, you’ll have to seek a provider well versed in bio identical hormone replacement therapy. A good book to read is “How your Doctor is slowly Killing you”. Getting my hormones P,T&E made a world of difference on my energy level, stiff joints, sleep disturbance and fatigue. I found out not all of the symptoms were only related to Lyme, hormone imbalance also is a cause for these and many more symptoms that crossover with Lyme.
Just another area to look at for some help.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I’ve been on BHRT, off and on over the past 14 years but it makes my hair fall out pretty bad after a while so I have to go off for a couple years. No one knows why it makes my hair fall out. I’ve seen several different doctors and been on different doses and modalities. It’s never grown back in fully on the sides and is pretty thin so I get very nervous when it starts doing that. I think it may be time to try it again though. Thanks for the reminder!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
For me, if I dive in the afternoon or late in the day, I have a really hard time initiating sleep. So I dive first thing when I wake up.

I used to fall asleep really well when I was on progesterone. But my OBGYN took me off of it. I miss using it.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I’m pretty sure I read in the book I mentioned that it’s too much Testosterone that causes the hair to fall out. Hopefully you find a good compromise of hormones to help. I’ve been on them for 5 years and have only experienced extra oily face🤦‍♀️
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Kgg were you on bio identical hormones? They are safe to use long term.

Afternoon is my morning. 😝
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Peimomma yeah that’s usually the case but I have a normal amount of testosterone so I wasn’t given any extra.
Extra oil means less wrinkles! 😉
Be sure you’re not over cleansing though. That can trigger your skin to produce even more oil.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kaibyrd, I used bio identical for a while, when I could afford them. But then switched to prometrium. Progesterone gives me a sense of well being. I know weird. But it does. I used to take it at bedtime and had no problem falling asleep. Because of my Lyme, I was forever waking up at 3 AM and staying awake until 5 before falling back to sleep. But I never had a problem with initiating sleep until diving late and no progesterone.

Have you had your cortisol levels checked? I was forever getting after my son as a teenager for not falling asleep until late when he was a kid. Then I found out through saliva cortisol testing that his cortisol spiked at 10PM! There was no going to sleep for him. He still is a night owl. I sure stopped giving him a hard time after I found out why he was up so late.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Peimomma, so happy to hear you are still doing well! And kudos for being able to work from home.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:

"...I usually fall into my deepest sleep between 4/5 am to 10/11 am. Then I’m so exhausted that it takes me a while to get my brain functioning and get out of bed..."


I suggest getting out of bed and into the chamber immediately when you first open your eyes at 10 or 11am.

(Don't wait to "wake up", or become less groggy, just get in.) Be sure to set a good alarm in case you fall back to sleep.

Give it a few weeks to see if this is less disruptive to your night-time sleep and let us know!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Phoiph I’ll give that a try. Thanks!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Kgg, yes I’ve had it checked and it does the same as your son. I went through treatments and diet to help correct it but that didn’t do much for me. I’m a night owl and always have been but waking up way too often through the night makes everything worse.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kaibyrd, there are supplements to bring down your cortisol to help sleep that you take at supper or early evening. Enzymatic Therapy has one. I am sure there are others. It has been confusing to me whether it should be phosphatidyl serine, choline or a mix. There are varied opinions out there. So you may want to research if they have come up with a conclusive opinion as it has been a while since I searched on it. That is, of course, if you care to change your awake hours. My son enjoys being a night owl. =)
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Kgg I was on those supplements during my treatment. They didn’t help any.

I think my thyroid meds needed to go up a bit. My doc lets me adjust as I feel the need to so I increased a bit Friday night and the past 2 nights I’ve only woken up once. I hope that continues.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
That's great!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Informative and straightforward interview with Dr. Peter McCullough on Covid, variants, vaccines, preventative and early treatment, etc.

Hyperbaric is mentioned around 30 minutes into the interview:

Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist and a full professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas. He also has a master’s degree in public health and is known for being one of the top five most-published medical researchers in the US.
Posted by Determinedtobeatthis (Member # 52484) on :
Hi everyone,

I found this forum via Phoenix Rising. After many years searching for answers, I still don’t know if I have Lyme, severe fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or unknown autoimmune problems that led to severe small fiber neuropathy. I have lots of questions but to start with:

1) Does anyone have experience with Oxygen Health Systems chambers? From what I understand the concentrator is build into the system and not a separate piece. I haven’t read of anyone having these chambers so I don’t know about quality, etc.

2) Has anyone recovered from severe small fiber neuropathy? Possibly with dysautonomia involved? I have received no help from conventional doctors. I have negative lyme tests, including from a more speciality lab (medical diagnostic laboratories), and so far negative virus testing for a current infection from a naturopathic physicians (CMV, EBV, HHV-6). I have severe neurological symptoms that come and go in flares. My other top 2 problems are uncontrolled panic attacks (probably from autonomic insufficiency), and horrendous flu like feeling like I can’t get out of bed (not pain, just awful malaise).

Thank you so much for any help you can give!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Welcome, Determinedtobeatthis~

The good news is, if you are thinking of doing mHBOT, it doesn't matter if your diagnosis is Lyme, fibro, CFS, or other autoimmune disorder, as mHBOT treats the underlying common denominators of these conditions.

1) Oxygen Health Systems chambers are made in China, so beware.

2) YES, I had small fiber neuropathy (also the other symptoms you describe, and more), with 24/7 severe, relentless burning from head to toe for 8 years, to the point that I could never stop pacing. All gone now, med free, and 100% well for over 8 years now, thanks to mHBOT (plus diet and graded exercise).

I am optimistic that you will benefit from mHBOT, as I and many others have. Please do your best to read this entire thread, starting from page 1, as it will give you a lot of background information, encouragement, and help you to know what to expect.

Also, I can help you with different chamber options (there are discounts and rent-to-own options, etc., available), just PM me and we can discuss.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Hello all,

I am new to this and just working up to full protocol.

I am at about 40 minutes in chamber per day but I notice sometimes when I get out of the chamber I feel pressure in my chest or tightness that sticks around. Is this normal?

Also having increased depression, fatigue and brain fog which Im not as concerned about. Mainly the pressure in chest area is my concern.

Thank you!!
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Hi keikko,

Although I may not be able to provide the answer you are looking for, my thoughts are a little more information may be helpful.

What ATA are you diving and what chamber are you using?
Describe how you worked you way up to the 40 minutes you describe.
Describe your oxygen setup and how you administer it, did you start full oxygen right from the get go, what mask are you using?
Was there a time, and or combination of time/oxygen when you first started to feel the onset of the pressure you describe?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome, keikko. I like Jazzman's questions. But if this was me, I would back off on the time. There are times to push through and times not to. I think when you are ramping up your time, I would not push through. Phioph may have a different opinion and I really respect her expertise. But by the time I got to using my chamber I had been through years of antibiotics and herbals, feeling poorly with treatment. So I am at point now that I do not (for long) push through. I take a break until I am at "normal" again. For you it would be the depression, fatigue and brain fog would be back at your "normal" level. Or drop back to the time that you were tolerating without the increase in those symptoms. I took 3 months to ramp up to full pressure. I know that is a long time. But by doing that I found it more tolerable and successful.

I have not experienced chest pressure or tightness while diving. So for me, it would not be normal. Again, I believe that is a sign to back off on your time of diving. Do you have asthma? Do you have a heart problem?
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you for the replies.

Jazzman I am in a Oxyhealth Respiro 270. I inflated it this morning while not in it to see what the pressure goes to and it is around 4 PSI. The concentrator is DeVilbiss Drive 10L concentrator. I have kept it around 8L because thats what the guy said to do and when I put it at 10L it sometimes beeps low oxygen light. Does fine at 8L though.

I started with 20 minutes no oxygen mask on, just in the chamber by me, everyday full pressure. This was like 2 months ago. Then I started having ear trouble so I had to go every other day lower pressure until the ear thing cleared up.

Then the ear thing cleared up (sorry my brain is a hot mess so my writing is weird probably) so I went to full pressure again and then went to 30 minutes not wearing oxygen just by me. Then to 40 minutes and recently I started wearing the oxygen mask in the chamber for like 5 minutes. I dove the past 3 days in a row but am kind of in a bad way with depression and brain fog and just feeling bad. The chest thing seems a bit better today.

The oxygen mask is Oxygen mask OM I think.

No, I have felt the chest pressure before this time yesterday maybe one or two other times. Im not sure what is causing it. One time I did fall asleep in the chamber for like an hour and 1/2 but no pressure that time. so its weird. Now I set the alarm.

I just notice the chest pressure when I get out of the chamber not when Im in it. Yesterday it stuck around for a while.

Kgg, No I dont have asthma or lung or heart problems. I'm perfectly healthy on paper [Smile] but have been at this 15 years now. Thank you for the advice, yes I will back off for a day or two and see if it clears up.

Thank you!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I feel chest pain/pressure every morning when I wake up. It started this summer. It’s not bad, just irritating. I first thought it was my thyroid and I needed to decrease meds but that didn’t help. I went to my heart doctor and everything checks out so I can only assume it’s yet another new symptom of Lyme.
I’m not currently diving because it messes with my sleep so bad. I plan to start again after the new year, just want to get through Christmas.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Were you ever able to try doing the chamber first thing in the morning when you wake up?
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Phoiph, not yet. I plan to give it a try after Christmas. Right now there’s just too much going on and I need sleep and what little energy I’ve got.
I think we’ve discussed binders here before but I can’t remember. Do they help body wide or only in the digestive tract? I try to detox but it doesn’t seem to be enough.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I think when you start doing your chamber first thing in the morning it will help with sleep.

I didn't use binders...I know some people swear by them, so hopefully they will comment.

In my experience, if you are doing mHBOT consistently, eating a super clean diet, and doing daily, graded movement/exercise (including yoga), to help move energy, lymph, and increase circulation, your body will gradually improve its ability to detoxify.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Regarding chest tightness, as I mentioned to keikko, as long as any serious cause is ruled out, try working on "chest opening" positions/stretches and focus on breathwork with yoga practice.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Phoiph, will try the chest opening yoga.

My diet is very clean most of the time but I have so little energy that every day yoga is just not possible on some days but I’ll work on that too.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Awesome, Kaibyrd...
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you Phioph!

Kaibyrd, I do take binders twice a day and feel they help me. I think its helps bind the toxins in the gut so they can be eliminated but the toxins come from all over the body.

Castor oil packs on the liver are my favorite to detox after years of coffee enemas, saunas, etc. I try to do the most gentle approach now.

Also, just curious if your living situation is mold free. Wondering because of the chest tightness and sleep issues. Thats what would happen to me when I was living in mold but everyones symptoms are so different so not trying to plant a seed or create worry.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Keikko,

I need to try the castor oil packs. I do sauna and sometimes am forced to do deep tissue massage because of muscle pain, mostly in my back. I do it myself with a massage tool so that I can focus on the area that’s hurting and not stir things up everywhere else. It helps the pain but symptoms flair for a couple days.

I’m pretty sure I don’t have any mold. It’s a newer home that’s never been flooded and humidity isn’t a problem. Lack of humidity drives me and the kitties crazy in the winter. I can usually smell mold and have never smelled any here.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Here is one of my favorite (short and sweet) head and neck stretch sequences that I find also opens the chest:
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you Phioph!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Good morning and Happy New Year! It's been a while since I've posted here and I've felt I've wanted to the past couple days.
My journey, like many, has continued to be an up and down one. At the moment, I'm happy to report it's up. I mostly feel good and better than I did at the beginning of my mHBOT adventure.
I have now done 743 dives starting in April 2019. (Prior to that, I started my first at a local clinic Dec 31 2018, at first 20 min and then 40 min and I stayed at 40 min until, thanks for Phoiph's help, I bought my own chamber and started home dives that April)
What's changed? I had chronic diarrhea/loose stools. Within 3 days of my first clinic dives, my stools formed (!!). It hasn't been a 100%. I occasionally screw things up by adding or trying something (supplement, food) and then I have to regroup. However, in general it's been good.
Sleep is so much better. I have my off times. Often from mold exposure and mold exposure can be from clothing or more recently I purchased a comforter that either had some mold or I was reacting to a finish. I was fine when I got rid of it.

I left my marriage this past year. As I reflect back, I credit mHBOT for a lot of my shift in energy and awareness and courage. Perhaps all that time (we were married 22 years), I was deficient in oxygen. That's my theory, anyway. The whole 22 years weren't bad but the last 4 there was a deterioration. In the end, he was railing (raling?) that I was finally healthy and now I was leaving. We filed last Dec, I moved out in March and the divorce was final in June. I've had time to grieve and reflect and again, I do see starting mHBOT as a real turning point of me slowly and subtlly getting better and stronger and finding my voice.

I've lost my entire extended family as he has painted himself as a victim and says he "never saw it coming". But that's a story for another forum-lol.

This Friday I will move into my new house. I closed on it on Dec 22. In August/Sept, I discovered mold in the basement of the rental I'm in (I have CIRS/mold sensitivity/previous mold exposure). I started having all my mold exposure symptoms. I was able to hire someone to remediate and this place has been fine ever since. So now, however, I'm moving again and that comes with all sorts of potential issues. But I'll have my chamber.

I did consult with a functional medicine dr back in 2020. The guidance was a bit hit and miss but he did get me on a number of supplements that were helpful. (some were an aggravation. I have to try things in small quantities and go from there).
I also have tried ozone therapy-first auricular and then drinking ozone water. I have found the auricular to be wonderful and miraculous and energizing! Not sure about the water yet and as many of my issues are in my gut, I'm not sure yet whether it's an aggravation.

My diet is still super limited-but I manage. I have recently added a meditation program specific for gut issues. Although I continue to feel there is a physiological component to my gut issues, why not do some additional meditation? Can't hurt! (Although I've been meditating pretty consistently for about 17 years, starting with shelter in place in March 2020, I haven't missed a day with at least 1 meditation).

So while all the changes brought about by mHBOT are not obvious/physical, I am grateful that this group and this therapy has brought me to a level of health and out of the fog with regard to the bullying and emotional abuse in my marriage. And I'm here to say that one can dive in a Newtowne and manage the zippers by oneself [Wink]

I hope everyone is well and wish you all good health in 2022. Thank you so much for all everyone contributes to this forum.

Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi again! I have a question: A friend of mine started exhibiting MS like symptoms last January. First with R arm pain, then mobility issues, incontinence, extreme insomnia, frequent urination. Navigating the medical system (and on medicaid now due to the pandemic and losing her business) it's taken all year to get multiple tests run. Everything is "normal" (we all know that story, sadly!). The last test was a spinal tap about a month ago. Again, everything normal, except IgM for Lyme.
Now, IgM is for recent exposure. Not past. And her onset was 12 months prior with no real uptick (no pun intended) in the last month really. How do they explain this information? It doesn't make sense to me.

(And because of my own mold journey, I've been beating that drum to her-she's in another state. Finally, her boyfriend-who she started seeing in Dec 202-tested his house and has sky-high levels of mold!) and we tested her with a urine collection and yes, sky-high levels of mold. So I think there's a component and her symptoms are either mold related or mold inflammation turned on a present MS gene in her system. But I can't make sense of this Lyme marker. Can you?)

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :


Thank you for this honest and inspirational post. It is wonderful to hear how you are healing and growing stronger on so many different levels!

I'm very happy for you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Regarding your friend...

As you know, Lyme tests are notoriously unreliable.

A negative spinal tap does not rule out infection, and a person can have a positive IgM for Lyme for 10-20 years after infection.

You already know she has mold sensitivity/illness, which corresponds with the mold exposure, and this could be compounded by a previous or prior Lyme infection (although supposedly a positive IgM for Lyme can cross react with a few other conditions.)

She could spend the $ and get some better Lyme testing done by a knowledgeable LLMD if she wants more answers, but beware, this can also lead down lots of treatment rabbit holes, depending. It would be worthwhile if she thinks she could have a recent Lyme exposure/infection, however.

One thing for sure, I would not blindly accept an MS diagnosis, as her symptoms are common to mold and/or Neurological Lyme.

And, of course, mHBOT would be my treatment of choice either way, with your help in navigating the mold illness. She is very fortunate to have the benefit of your experience!

Hopefully others will respond takes a village...
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I started a post over on another thread so I will repeat here. We have had Covid in the house for about 10 days. I had already been back to diving daily for about 3 weeks. The only symptom I had since the first person started with Covid was the sniffles. Yesterday, I had a temp of 101. I think I over did it taking care of the homestead while people were sick. Unfortunately, 14" snow storms wait for no one. I am still diving. I am in the chamber as I type this. I believe one of the reason I did not get as sick as the others initially is diving. Time will tell. Now my goal is to avoid being a long hauler. Interesting, I was watching a video this morning that they are using low dose Naltrexone for long Covid. Gee, where have we seen that before?

Editing to add this:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thank you for the is valuable information!

Please keep the updates coming and let us know how you're doing.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
kgg, I am sorry you got Covid, but it sounds like you are making some good strides and the mhbot is helping you. I hope you continue to improve. It is really good to hear that you think mhbot is helping you. Thanks for updating us and try to take things slow and not overdo.

I had not yet read about LDN being used for long covid! Interesting!!
Posted by Determinedtobeatthis (Member # 52484) on :
Hi everyone!

I have been diving for about 3 weeks and am going slowly. The highest I got has been 3psi due to the reaction.

Does anyone else get pressure in their chest/air hunger feelings? Once I felt stabbing pains in various spots in my ribs/chest a few hours after getting out along with the air hunger and a spacey type feeling. I am only staying in for 25 minutes.

Also does anyone feel pressure between their temples/forehead during the dive?

Lastly, if the power were to go out while in the chamber do you decompress extra quickly, or do you have ample time to do the usual (for me it’s 8-10 min)?


[ 02-08-2022, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Determinedtobeatthis ]
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Determinedtobeatthis, welcome! I often feel the need to yawn (air hunger?) while building up to pressure and the yawning actually helps by opening my eustachian tubes. But I don't usually have this air hunger following my dives.

I haven't had the stabbing pains you describe in my ribs/chest after getting out of the chamber either - but I do have occasional pain in my head in certain spots while building up to pressure and this usually goes away. I have wondered if it might be a vulnerable area where there is scar tissue or some healing that is taking place.

I am usually more relaxed following my dives, but I would not say spacey. I have often wondered about the same thing with regard to losing power while in the chamber. I usually like to take about 10 - 15 minutes depressurizing and have worried that it might hurt my ears if we were to lose power and things deflate to quickly. Maybe there is someone here who this has happened to that can chime in.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
It is my understanding that if there was a power failure, it is OK and good to still take the 10 minutes to deflate. You really need to protect your ears and sinuses by deflating slowly as normal.

Determinedtobeatthis, I have heard of someone saying they get chest pains after they dive. They were checked out by a cardiologist who said everything was fine.

So we really did not get an answer as to what was causing the pain.

The forehead pressure would suggest to me, if it were me, that I did not clear my ears enough. I have also been known to take a decongestant prior to a dive if I feel stuffy.

It is good that you are taking your time ramping up the pressure and time. Listen to your body.

When I first started, I took about 3 months to get up to pressure and an hour of diving. Yes, that is a long time. But I do not consider it lost time.

By the time I was using mHBOT to treat my Lyme, I was all done with feeling horrible with treatment. So I took my sweet time so that I did not feel much worse. And I am glad I did.

It is not a sprint, but a marathon. There is a time that research shows the benefits start, I am sure Phoiph knows what that is, but I still felt improvement from the get go.

dbpei, I came from the CFS/ME world before being diagnosed with Lyme many moons ago. In that community, they have been using LDN for a long time. Also for MS. Basically any autoimmune based illness.

I will post the video that talks about how it works. It is technical and I may have dozed through some of it ;-), but Dr. Mobeen Syed explains how and why it works.

[ 02-09-2022, 06:49 AM: Message edited by: kgg ]
Posted by hopingandpraying (Member # 9256) on :
I have a request for posters: please break up your posts into 2-3 sentence paragraphs, as there are people on Lymenet who cannot read large blocks of text due to neurological problems from Lyme. Thank you.

For those who have already posted, please click the "Edit post" icon at the top-right side of your post, make your changes, then click "Edit Post" at the bottom.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Determinedtobeatthis, I am new to this as well, about three months and have had to go very slowly and work through various issues that have been arising. First was ear pain, so I had to take a break or stay at low pressure until I got that figured out.

The next was chest pressure and pain when I got out. I dont know what caused it but I would wait to go into that chamber until it calmed down, even if that was two or three days. It was uncomfortable and gave me anxiety. It eventually passed on its own.

I also get very spacey when I get out. Like dont know what Im supposed to be doing so instead of worrying about it now I just go with it. It usually last like an hour or so but sometimes longer.

I still am not up tp full time after 3 months. I am at 40 mins every other day at full pressure. Sometimes I try to do every day but I get increased dizziness and vertigo and pain. Like I feel immobilized so I just keep going slow. I'm not sure if thats the right thing to do.

I have been sick for 16 years now with lyme and all the things and a living in a house with mold until last year so I figure this will take some time. My biggest problem is my brain, I am lost like all the time so the spaciness being increased is hard but hoping in time it will get better.

Also, I think I have supposed to be cleaning the filters on the compressor and concentrator. Does anyone know how often this should be done and how. Thank you
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by dbpei:
I have often wondered about the same thing with regard to losing power while in the chamber. I usually like to take about 10 - 15 minutes depressurizing and have worried that it might hurt my ears if we were to lose power and things deflate to quickly. Maybe there is someone here who this has happened to that can chime in.

This has happened to me several times. The chamber will initially deflate rather quickly on its own when power is lost, as the air will continue to escape through the exit valves due to the residual pressure.

Although startling when this happens (especially since the concentrator alarms as well), it is not a complete, instantaneous deflation, and has not hurt my ears.

If this happens, since you don't have fresh air coming in, I recommend deflating the chamber the rest of the way via the deflation valve, and not delay too long in getting out.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

If I recall, you have an Oxyhealth chamber. Do you have the small gray metal compressor with the 2 round, black filters, or the large square white compressor?

Remind you have an AirSep or DeVilbiss concentrator?
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Over the years I have only had the electric go out twice while I was in the chamber. There is plenty of fresh air inside to last for quite a while. 15 or 20 minutes is no problem at all.

Of more concern is the back pressure on your O2 concentrator. I simply crimp the tubing closed until the pressure is reduced to about 1 psi and then let it go.

Hope that helps.
Posted by Determinedtobeatthis (Member # 52484) on :
Thanks for all the replies. Keikko, the chest pressure you describe sounds similar. It’s pressure and a feeling of not being able to take as deep of a breath, although I can breath fine otherwise, it is still scary at times.

I also have been told I have possible SIBO/motility issues due to extreme stomach cramping/pain and it seems hard to distinguish the pressure I get after the chamber and now this digestive issue. Ugh! Has anyone had luck treating SIBO?

I wasn’t entirely sure if all my symptoms were a herxing effect or just chamber side effects. The spacey feeling has lasted up to 1.5 days. At least it doesn’t last weeks, like other symptoms from my illness have.

Keikko, dizziness and vertigo are the worst! When I get those symptoms (not from diving) they can last weeks at a time and have even caused panic attacks, so hopefully the chamber will help with that over time.

Ok, that makes sense about the depressurizing during power failure. The manual says to breath out if that happens but I’ve never been up to full pressure so I wasn’t sure how the automatic release valves work.

Last question I promise…does anyone have any tips to get the outside zipper closed all the way? I am having a hard time, even with the zipper lube. Someone suggested a paint stick to push it the rest of the way but I haven’t tried it yet.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Great idea to protect the concentrator from backpressure, Digby...thanks!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Determinedtobeatthis, Marie at NewTowne Hyperbarics told me about the paint sticks. It works! I have a couple in my chamber. I pull them up as far as I can, then use the end to finish.
Posted by Determinedtobeatthis (Member # 52484) on :
Great, thanks everyone!
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Determinedtobeaththis, yes the chest pressure sounds similar because yes I could breathe fine but just felt pressure. I haven't been diagnosed with SIBO but I do have digestive issues that I'm working on. I take that probiotic VSL#3 which has helped slow down my digestion.

Thanks everyone, good to know what to do in a power failure.

Phoiph, yes it Oxyhealth with small grey compressor with black filter and a DeVilbiss concentrator.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
kgg, thank you for the link to that website from FLCCC about LDN (a few posts back). It was so informative and encouraging with the parallels between Long Covid and chronic Lyme!

I am grateful for doctors like these, with open (and brilliant) minds that acknowledge the pain and suffering of those with chronic illness that are trying to do something to help us!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

For your DeVilbiss concentrator, see P.9 of the manual for routine filter cleaning:

Your Oxyhealth compressor filters only need occasional cleaning. Unscrew the black spheres from the unit, then twist each to open (this is often difficult!). Gently dust off the paper filter inside.

Also, it is a good idea to occasionally remove any lint from the inside of the chamber exit valves. You can wipe them out GENTLY with a Q-tip or microfiber cloth.

The chamber itself can be wiped down with a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you Phoiph!
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Has anyone heard of any stories of mHBOT healing autoimmune diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus? And how long it took?
Thank you
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Hi everyone,

I am wondering if it is ok to take D-ribose and coq10 with HBOT?

I am still new to this and working my way up, using the chamber 4 times a weeks with oxygen now. I have severe fatigue. Like I am so tired to do anything. A chiropractor used these two supplements for energy and heart health.

I also take fish oil, vitamin d, a couple of herbs to help with viruses which seems like I feel like I get new one every week.

I also have physical pain, like everything hurts which I did not really have before HBOT unless I was in some type of flare up but seems constant now. Brain is still so challenged.

I just need to have some energy to care for myself. Like do the laundry and make food and take dogs for short walks

Thank you
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by LadyT:
Has anyone heard of any stories of mHBOT healing autoimmune diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus? And how long it took?
Thank you

Lady T,

I think you might find these articles interesting. More can be found with a Google search:
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I think those supplements are fine with mHBOT, as long as your gut is healed enough to handle supplements.

I remember having lots of flares in my symptoms when I began mHBOT. It sounds to me like your immune system is kicking in and starting to take care of issues, which often isn't pleasant.

Think of how you feel when you have the pain and exhausted. It is not the flu bugs making you feel badly, it is actually your immune system which is activated to fight the bugs.

I am very grateful that I didn't give up, even though I had symptom flares, and had no idea where this therapy was going to take me.

After several months, I could feel things shifting a little, and eventually my progress turned into a gradual, 2 step forward, one step back pattern.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
keikko...Consider taking the CoQ10 a couple of hours after you use the chamber. You don't want to take too many antioxidants before or right after using the chamber as it may interfere with the endogenous production of antioxidants that mHBOT causes. You will get benefit without this suggestion but it does tweak the therapy in the right direction.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Also, keikko...

mHBOT does give your mitochondria a work out...which, like exercise, can cause fatigue at first. Over time, your mitochondria become more efficient at producing energy.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Hi. Ok, thank you so much Phioph and Digby.

Yes, That is how I feel, like have a bad flu all the time and cold. I still got in chamber yesterday. Feel very dizzy today and flu like.

Anyway, Thank you for the suggestion about the c0q10 Digby. I will take it several hours after chamber use. I cant find any low dose ones as I am sensitive to supplements but hopefully will.

I wonder how long I should stay at every other day? Like am I making things worse for myself by doing every other day or would it be better to do every day and try to push through? Its hard to know if I should increase or decrease.

Thank you
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I'll give you a call. Others, please chime in with your experience on starting up.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
keikko, I am sorry you are struggling with this. I had similar issues and wondered if I was going too fast and needed to slow down. It is unique for each person, depending on so many variables.

I wish that we had the magic bullet for you, but healing from Lyme is so different for each person. There are many here who swear by an hour a day for a year or more for healing Lyme. Some even dive twice daily!

Many take breaks in between and some dive every other day instead of every day. The best advice I can give you is to listen to your body and keep a journal.

I did not have an 'aha' moment where I felt healed. In fact, the pandemic has set many of us back as we have either gotten sick with Covid or regressed in our healing after the vaccines.

All I know is that I am glad I have my chamber, as I think it is a healing tool, much like the Rife machine. Some days it helps me more than others, but I feel it is helping my body to heal.

I know that more healing takes place if you have a clean diet, avoid toxins in your environment, and you are able to exercise daily. I know this is a tall order, but it does make a difference.

Keep at it and hopefully it won't be long before you notice some improvement.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi keikko~
I, too, experienced fatigue-before I started mHBOT and initially when I started diving. I frequently went to lay down on the couch after a dive, which seemed ridiculous to me because I'd just laid in the chamber for 40-60 minutes! But I did what my body wanted.
I stayed at 40 minutes a session for about 5 months. I did try a session or two at 60 minutes (at the suggestion of a practitioner) but it seemed to be too much for me-I'm guessing too much detox. Eventually, though, I could tell I was ready (not sure how, but I knew).

I've heard that it's more effective if you do days back to back. So my understanding is, doing 4 days straight diving daily and then 3 days off is more effective than every other day. But I have no data to back that up.

Also, you might want to take the Vit D a few hours away from mHBOT as that is an anti-oxidant also.

I hope this helps. Hang in there. One dive at a time!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Keikko, I took 3 months to get up to daily hour dives. I took breaks when it was too much. Usually not more than a day or two. But still, I truly was tired of feeling worse with treatment, so I took my sweet time. =)

How did you decide to dive every other day? Are you diving a full hour? Have you tried daily but at lower times? Sorry for the questions.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Quick question that I hope someone can chime in who is healed or close to healed from lyme and co-infections. If contracting lyme again (god forbid) what would you do initially to prevent the bacteria replicating and you becoming ill again? Would you go on antibiotics? Would you just do mHBOT?
I would love to know.
Thank you always
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hi, LadyT. Definitely for me, antibiotics. Lyme is a disease that the quicker/earlier it is treated the better outcome. Many of us have chronic Lyme because we had to see 24 physicians before we were diagnosed. So I would do both. But antibiotics would be my go to first line defense to a tick bite.

Oh and I would test the tick to see what it is carrying.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you for the feedback everyone. I have taken 5 days off because my brain is so swollen and confused. It like burns and Im confused. The fatigue and the pain have calmed down.

At first I did everyday shorter times, then it seemed like too much so I did ever other day. I am diving about an 40-50 mins each time.

I also got covid last month so that has been a bit of a set back too.

Anyway, my goal is to get back in today or tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I appreciate everyone here. Thank you!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Keikko, so glad that things have calmed down for you.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
I have a newtowne chamber I love, but am looking to purchase another one. I need one that is extremely easy to travel with, even bring on a plane with luggage. Any suggestions?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Lady T,

You can travel with just the "bag" (bladder), the compressor, and the concentrator. You don't need to bring the mattress and frame.

In some areas you may be able to rent a concentrator so you don't risk damaging yours in travel.

Some airlines will fly medical equipment for free.

All home chambers are going to be similar in terms of travel, although a 27" bladder will be more portable than a 34" (and you may be able to purchase the bladder separately).
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I would like to give an update on using the chamber for Covid treatment. A little history. I had not been in the chamber for a year. My energy was higher than it had been in 20 plus years, so I was not diving. I started diving about a month prior to coming down with Omicron covid. It was nothing specific, just felt like I was slipping some health wise so I started diving daily.

Then my husband came down with Covid. I continued to dive daily. It was about a week later that I ran a temp of 101. I started IVM immediately. Plus Vit C, Quercetin and zinc I was already taking. This was back at the end of January. Fast forward to today, I am still diving daily. But am concerned about long covid. I still wake up feeling like a mac truck hit me. Short term memory is much worse post infection. And my gut is still off in spite of a keto diet.

My plan is to continue to dive daily. But is there anyone else here that treated their Covid with mild hyperbaric? And no, I did not get vaccinated.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thank you for the update. I'm sorry to hear you are having residual Covid symptoms.

I know of people who have used mHBOT to help them overcome Covid symptoms, and there are many articles out there now with promising case studies...for example:

I am very optimistic that if you keep it up, you will recover. Remember, it is estimated that it takes at least 80 treatments for the benefits to stick. You have only been diving for a little over a month since you contracted Covid. I believe you just need more time.

Hang in there, and please keep us posted.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks so much, Phoiph! I appreciate the encouragement. While watching Dr. Zhang on youtube last night, he talked about the treatment being oxygen. Works for me! I always have been impatient.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
kgg, I hope you soon start to feel more yourself again. I belong to a private facebook group called "MHBOT Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy" and there are many people in this group who have posted about their experiences using MHBOT to provide symptom relief and healing following Covid.

It is very encouraging to read some of their stories! This group has been a God send for many of us with soft home chambers. I find it to be very supportive and informative.

I hope (if you are comfortable using FB) that it will provide you with some helpful information. I know that I have read some posts about people struggling with both Covid and long Covid and there have been a few references to studies related to hbot and Covid.

Like Phoiph said, please keep us posted and I wish you all the best in your recovery!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks so much dbpei! Yes, I used to be in that group. But I got off of FB way back before the election. Some day I may get back on the group. The moderator is a sweetheart. Can't remember her name right now. Ugggh, no memory. But good to hear there are some positive experiences!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Does anyone know of a reputable source of Ambien without a prescription?


[ 03-14-2022, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: Hominahomina ]
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Wondering if people using HBOT treatment eat any fruit? Or do you have to be no sugar at all even fruit sugar?

Thank you!

Also, I have been back in the chamber for less time but more days. seems to be going well so far. Like two to three days in a row, then maybe a day off if I feel like its too much for 30 mins pressurized with oxygen so seems like progress. I hope [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi keikko,

Glad to hear things are going more smoothly. There are often many layers of the onion.

I think the amount and variety of fruit you can tolerate is related to any candida issues you may have. Depending on this, it might be best to stick to low sugar fruits in moderation such as green apples and berries (but plenty of avocado).

Others may offer more advice here; as I was restricted to only 5-6 foods and didn't have many options.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Keikko, I am happy for you that you have found a tolerable pattern of treatment. Yay!

As far as fruit goes, I have a bad gut. For me, I found following a low FODMAP diet was helpful. I have since gone on to keto.

But on the low FODMAP diet they have guidance as to which fruits cause problems in the small bowel. Apples is one. (And I had just down sized to a property with 7 apple trees!!)

Most fruits were eliminated or limited. But what was allowed was a small amount of berries and kiwi. Raspberries were more limited than blueberries. Grapes were OK, if I remember correctly.

So that is what I went by while diving. We are all so individual with our health. Try a fruit and watch how you react.

For FODMAP, they say a bad reaction starts in about 8 hours and can last 24-36. So span your tests by at least 4 days, I would think.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank for the information kgg and Phoiph.

Thank you for the support as well! [Smile]
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Hi. Is it ok to get in chamber after getting two fillings done. Seems like I remember something on the thread about HBOT affecting dental work but I cant find it.

I had a broken tooth this morning and had to get a filling. Is it ok to get in the chamber today?

Thank you. I will keep trying to find it on this thread as well.

Hope everyone is doing well:)
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Keiko, I have never come across any contraindications for mHBO and a filling, so I would think it would be fine to dive today.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I have read to just make sure work is complete, no temporary caps, etc., otherwise air could be trapped.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Hi all,

I have read through this entire thread several times and it seems that getting rid of lyme and co-infections and symptoms is a pretty mixed bag for some.
I am wondering if anyone has a guess or hypothesis as to why this is so, even if following the wonderful Phoiph's protocol, good diet, etc.
I just want to make sure that I will succeed. Thank you so much any replies and knowledge.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Wow! I am impressed you not only read the whole thread but multiple times. Good job! I am sure Phoiph will answer with a much better scientific sounding response. But in the meantime...

Yes, it is a mixed bag. We all respond to treatments differently, depending on our genetics, what specific infections we are dealing with and environmental factors as well.

I like your attitude. You say, "I just want to make sure that I will succeed." Good! But remember, treating Lyme infections with any treatment is a marathon not a sprint. I committed to at least 2 years of daily diving, once I got up to full hour dives.

The body decides what it is going to heal first and in what order. But you will get there! Just don't get discouraged when the symptom you want to get rid of the most is not the first to resolve.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you for the kind words, Lady T.

kgg has offered you some great advice.

A mixed bag is to be expected, as people land here with various histories, predispositions, and are all in different stages of their journey.

Many, including me, had tried everything, and discovered mHBOT after all else had failed. These are not "easy cases", yet there have been so many positive outcomes.

Your journey will be unique to you, but keep the faith and look for a 2 step forward, 1 step back pattern over the course of months, not days.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Thank you for answering Phoiph and kgg! I appreciate it!
You both mentioned genetics and/or predispositions. Can you be more specific? I am interested and would like to know!
Thank you
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Just a follow-up question. I have read this thread multiple times, and I was wondering if anyone knew what happened to LymeBoy and Spinning122? I was wondering if they complete recoveries or not.
Thank you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Lady T, the last time I spoke with LymeBoy was awhile ago...maybe 2 years...and he was doing very well. Maybe I'll give him a call sometime soon.

I have not heard from Spinning122.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~After 2 years of good recovery and progress, I have landed in a home with mold. I have been attempting to remediate but it doesn't seem like its going to happen fast enough for my health, which is declining rapidly.
I've discovered, using a petri dish of agar, that there are mold spores in the air in my chamber-my worst nightmare. Have you ever had a similar issue? I think wiping everything down with a damp rag and maybe light detergent and changing out the silicone hoses will do it? There's nothing except the bottom sheet I have on the mattress pad and the fabric of the zipper that will grow mold. Any thoughts? Thanks, carbokitty
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Gosh Carbokitty, I am so sorry! I know that it is safe to use a 50/50 solution of peroxide and water when cleaning our chambers. I also read that peroxide is a good mold remover, but I am not sure if it needs to be used full strength.

I wonder if you could call the company you purchased your chamber from to find out if you could use a stronger solution. I would get rid of your foam mattress and bottom sheet to be safe.

I hope there will be some others who can give you some better advice from experience here. Good luck to you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

In addition to the 1:1 water/hydrogen peroxide mixture (or stonger solution if manufacturer OK's it, as dbpei suggested), I would also clean/replace internal and external filters in your concentrator and compressor.

Will you be able to keep/use your chamber in a mold-free environment until you finish remediating?
Posted by LymeMECFSMCS (Member # 13573) on :
I'm wondering if anyone here has good links/info. on the types of oxygen concentrators that are compatible with HBOT, and at what pressure without losing oxygen concentration (my HBOT goes up to over 3 ATA, so beyond what some of the mentioned ones do here, though it can also operate at any level of mild).

The company has been useless for information and only wants me to get their concentrator that costs like 2500. Originally I was using E tanks (large cylinders) and it's set up for that, but that's too costly and they're not available much any more. Basically, I want to find a concentrator I can buy (new or used) so I can restart diving -- I did maybe 100-150 dives in the past and then stopped for a very long time.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I just replied to your post on another thread with some questions about your past HBOT treatment.

So, before answering your question about an oxygen concentrator, it sounds like you have a hard chamber? At what pressure (ATA) do you plan to dive?
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~It's been a crazy ride-as we all seem to endlessly experience!

In addition to the mold, I have been experiencing (of all things) magnesium withdrawal! The mag glycinate I was taking for 4 years (at high doses, actually) was discontinued. It's been a nightmare month of trying to switch brands but getting very sick (diarrhea and awful anxiety). It has truly felt like a drug withdrawal.

At this writing, I have managed to get a "stash" of the good stuff and I am working on weaning myself down and off. I am currently taking 1/2 the dose I used to, still having symptoms, but today seems better. Whew!

And because magnesium is used in all sorts of detoxification pathways, the timing, coincident with the mold in my new home, was not good.

Last weekend, a friend and I wiped down the chamber inside and out. We took it down and moved it to her house. I am currently testing the air here to see if it's safe to set up and use.

In the meantime, I've been getting treatments at a local clinic. I feel very fortunate that that's available to me. I can't say I feel better afterwards (or before) but I know it's got to help. So I'm showing up.

My question is (and I have a Newtowne) has anyone replaced their mattress? Or used something other than what came with the chamber? I agree that it was probably best to get rid of it. I will also replace the tubing. So just your thoughts about the mattress. Thanks!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Hi carbokitty - so sorry about your magnesium withdrawal issues! I hope that continues to get easier for you.

You can buy a new mattress at Newtowne Hyperbarics. I did this last year. I don't remember the exact cost, but it was around $275 I think. It comes with a vinyl cover that zips up.

I am really glad I made the decision to purchase a new mattress instead of going to a fabric store and buying foam to cut. I think that would have been very hard to get right and also labor intensive for my arthritic hands!

Good luck to you!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Carbokitty, I am curious about the magnesium. Could it be that the anxiety means that you need magnesium? I have understood that it helps that. How are you doing now?
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Hi. So I was almost up to full protocol, like daily dives around 45 mins each for almost a month and then something hit.

I guess I will have to cut back again because I am like an anxious zombie just sitting here. Feels very weird and a little scary.

Bums me out that it has taken so long and has been difficult to get up to the hour a day. I wonder if it is because of such a heavy mold exposure in my recent past, or all the mercury fillings I had unsafely removed unknowingly, or a vaccine injury I had as nurse, or lyme or bartonella. I dont know anymore.

This is hard. I am so sick of trying to get better I could scream and cry at the same time. Sometimes, I wish that one treatment would work and not be scary. But I know its hard for many so have to keep chin up.

Has it taken anyone else this long to get up to full protocol of daily hour dives?
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hi keiko,
I’m with you. I actually started out not knowing we were supposed to start slow and work up. I just jumped in at an hour a day full O2. I did ok for months but then I started having issues. Now I can’t even do 20 minutes a day with O2 just flowing in, not masked. I get so tired and”zombied”. I don’t even know where to go from here.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Wow! Thank you for the reply Kaibryd. I'm sorry your in the same boat too. [Frown] So do you still get in the chamber daily for short a sort time with the O2 flowing in or do you take a break for a day.

I'm trying to figure out how to safely move forward as well.

Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
No, I don’t really dive much any more. Every time I try, I end up much worse fatigue wise and my sleep gets worse if I try to push through. I tried again last week but I have a vacation coming up next week that I need energy for so I stopped after 3 days at 20 minutes. I’ll try again after vacay but I think I’ll try every other day this time. I did a sauna session after the first dive last week but I think I need much more detox. My brain is so scrambled and so much of life is a struggle that I forget to do things like detox every day.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Oh geez! I get it Kaibyrd. That makes sense, I am pretty lost and no energy right now. I hope you get your energy back for your vacation and have nice trip.

I understand, my brain gets so scrambled I know I'm supposed to eat but can't even really figure it out. I hope it gets easier. I need to figure out how to detox better. Mostly my brain.

Thank you!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Keikko, I am so sorry to hear this but don't give up! You were almost there. Yay! Phoiph talks about the 2 step forward one back process this treatment takes. Sounds like you hit one.

Interesting that you had a vaccine injury as a nurse. I did too. Although I did not realize it at the time. But after my hep B series I was done working.

It has been a few days since you posted. What did you end up doing? Taking a break, then restart at a less time or went back to 45 minutes?

I used to take a 2-3 day break then start back at a reduced time for a couple of days. I just was so tired of feeling poorly that I really baby stepped the whole process so I didn't crash hard.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you kgg. I have not been back in the chamber since last Wednesday, so 5 days break, and I still feel so bad. Like I can't get back to my baseline .
I zero energy and my brain is on another planet [Smile] I was thinking about getting in today for like 20mins to see what happens.

I'm sorry you had a vaccine injury too as a nurse. Mine was Hep B too, at least one of them. I got three vaccines in one day when I transferred to a new hospital and one was hep b, MMR, and flu. It was over.

So I guess I am in a crash but what do I do? Just wait? or get back in ? I dont know. At least my anxiety has calmed and now I'm just tired. Thank you
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I am really glad that your anxiety calmed down. That is the worst, imo. I think I like the sound of starting at 20 minutes. Not sure when. That would be your call.

I used to weigh how I felt with what I had going on that day and the next. If I was a little better or stable in symptoms, I would dive. If I wasn't I would wait. Hope that makes sense.

Keep us posted on what you decide to do and how it worked. I am hoping, you will be OK and can start ramping up again.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:
No, I don’t really dive much any more. Every time I try, I end up much worse fatigue wise and my sleep gets worse if I try to push through. I tried again last week but I have a vacation coming up next week that I need energy for so I stopped after 3 days at 20 minutes. I’ll try again after vacay but I think I’ll try every other day this time. I did a sauna session after the first dive last week but I think I need much more detox. My brain is so scrambled and so much of life is a struggle that I forget to do things like detox every day.

I'm not suprised that you could become more tired or your sleep could be affected with mHBOT at this stage. Among other things, mHBOT ramps up your metabolic system, which is like exercise for your body.

I don't agree that you need more detox; in fact I think doing sauna after your mHBOT session is way too much right now. Remember that released toxins also need to be transported out of your body, and by combining therapies, you could be releasing faster than your body can clear.

Drink lots of water, eat squeaky cleanly, and stay away from toxins of all kinds. Do yoga to increase circulation, improve breathing, and move lymph.

I would start back up as slowly as you need to, since you've been away from mHBOT for awhile.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I know you've been struggling a lot...but please take kgg's advice and don't give up!

I know you are frustrated that it is taking a while to get to full protocol, but this is a process, and although it doesn't feel like it right now, you are still receiving benefit.

Things are being stirred up, and that is often uncomfortable. I know of many people who felt no progress for a long time (for me it was several months at full protocol). I actually wouldn't expect you to feel better at this point...just "different", whatever that may be.

Your body doesn't care how you feel during the process, it just does what it needs to peel back and shed the layers. If your immune system becomes activated and begins taking care of pathogens, it may not feel nice at all, just like when you have the flu.

At this early stage, I would still listen closely to your body and go in the chamber on the days you can tolerate it, then give yourself a break in between if symptoms flare too badly.

You are not alone in this!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :

I thought that sauna use would help transport released toxins from the body through sweating. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’ll try to get some yoga in instead after vacation and recovery from vacation. 🤪

Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you Kgg and Phoiph. I appreciate the feed back, seriously!

I will keep you posted. I am still in something, not sure why its taking so long to calm down.

I appreciate the support! I'm not giving up. It just feels like a set back but maybe its not. I dont know anymore [Smile]

Thank you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I totally understand. I just didn't have anyone to ask for comparison, so I mindlessly plodded forward without expectation or belief that this would help me.

To my surprise, things began to shift. It didn't necessarily feel like it was for the better, just different, so without another option left, I doggedly and blindly continued. That 2 step forward, 1 step back process eventually see-sawed into wellness.

The "not knowing" is very difficult, but unfortunately is part of the process.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Kaibyrd:

I thought that sauna use would help transport released toxins from the body through sweating. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’ll try to get some yoga in instead after vacation and recovery from vacation. 🤪



Yes, of course, in theory that is the idea. But, it also creates "work" for the body by raising the heart rate, and possibly imbalancing electrolytes through sweating.

If someone is fragile, toxic, and has a compromised ability to detox, they may not be able to eliminate the extra toxic load that is released quickly enough.

Since you are already detoxifying and raising your metabolic activity through mHBOT, the combination of mHBOT and sauna this early on can be way too much. (You are still at a stage where you can only handle so much mHBOT.)

I never used sauna, but others on this site who have combined it with mHBOT early on ended up having to back off.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :

Thanks so much for the explanation. I’ll stay away from it till I’m doing better.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~
I'm following the above discussions. I, too, found it was too much for me to combine treatments, specifically mHBOT and sauna in the same day.
Remember peimama (I think that was her name??)-she did a lot of coffee enemas to help with detox after mHBOT. Just a thought.

I am still struggling with my mold exposure and now SIBO. I think I will need to discard my chamber, which breaks my heart. But this has been such an intense and challenging journey of ill health and I can't afford to get back into a chamber with 1 mold spore in it.

In the meantime, I had been going to the clinic near me. (It was 3 blocks away until I moved and now it's a 25 min drive). Early on in this illness and after I discovered mold in the chamber, I was going 4-5 times/week. However, as I said, things have gotten worse. I'm treating SIBO now with antimicrobials. Maybe it's too much die off? I was scheduling 3 in a row and was not good after the 2nd one and over 2 weeks, cancelled the 3rd one. I think now I've decided to go back to 40 min dives, which is what I did for the first 4 months of mHBOT.

It's hard to get used to where my body is now. I was at dive #800 and had been diving every day and then 5 days a week because of my work schedule and never really, in recent days experiencing anything but positive (although if I'm being honest, it did sometimes affect my sleep-but almost everything does!). And to adjust to my new normal-I'm having to pace myself in all areas of my life and activity.

I just met with a practitioner today who had originally diagnosed my SIBO back in 2014. (I had to wait 6 weeks to get in). She is tweaking my treatment plan some and I'm feeling the tiniest bit hopeful that this will have an impact.

In the meantime, I have scheduled a 40 min mHBOT on Friday and we'll see from there.

(If you know anyone who might want a chamber with (non-visible) mold spores, let me know. I asked if Newtown wanted it back for the brass parts and Marie said no).

Happy diving!
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Hi All, Does mHBOT heal histamine issues - so after diving for a certain period of time, you no longer need to watch histamines, eat low histamine diet, etc. Thank you!
Posted by chillpill (Member # 52576) on :
Phoiph, your generosity on this thread is galactic. Thank you to everyone for keeping this thread going. I have been studying this incredible thread and taking notes. I am up to page 27 and the number of people you have helped is incredible.

I am considering buying an OxyHealth chamber and wondering if you or anyone has promo codes or anything to reduce the cost? I'm over in Europe so everything is more expensive (taxes taxes taxes).

I sent you a PM too.

Thanks in advance if anyone can help.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome, chillpill. I like that name. =) Have you looked at NewTowne chambers? Not as pretty but functions the same and is less money. I have had both and am very happy with the Newtowne. One of the reasons I changed was the cost. I do not know of any codes they use.

LadyT, I do not know specifically. I do know that the use of mHBO seems to modify the immune's reaction. If it is hyper it calms it. If it is underreacting to pathogens it increases it. Hope that makes sense as I am only on my first cup of coffee.

Carbokitty, I am so sorry to hear that you have to not use your own chamber! Uggh. And that you are feeling so poorly lately. It is very hard to re-adjust to pacing after feeling better. I found it discouraging. I tried to remember that I got better before, I will again. Hope the tweaking of the protocol continues to help you feel better!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Awwww, so kind, chillpill, thank you. I'm very glad you have found the thread helpful. It has been a group effort!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by LadyT:
Hi All, Does mHBOT heal histamine issues - so after diving for a certain period of time, you no longer need to watch histamines, eat low histamine diet, etc. Thank you!


As your immune system modulates with mHBOT and diet, eventually the histamine reaction will calm down.

Whether you will always do better watching your histamine intake, that remains to be seen, but it will likely be a much less severe issue, if not a non-issue.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~
I'm sorry to say that things went from bad to worse. I ended up being hospitalized. I'm out now and just went back to a 20 min mHBOT today. I will try 40 min tomorrow. The 20 min was helpful, so fingers crossed.
Thanks for being here.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
So sorry to hear this, carbokitty. I hope that you can gradually get back to the good place you had been before this whole mess with the mold. It is encouraging that the 20 min dive was helpful. Start slow and hang in there! I am rooting for you!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I’m so sorry Carbokitty!!!

I hope your mHBOT sessions continue to help!

I started back at 20 minutes yesterday but I’ll stay there for a while until I see how I respond.

Praying for you hon.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Carbokitty, so sorry that you had to hit such a rough patch. I hope that you recover quickly.

How did the 40 minute session yesterday go? Or did you decide to stay at 20 minutes?
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
I ended up doing a 30 min session and it went well. I felt better for a few hours. I will do 30 again today. Thank you for your words of support.
PS My Sp02 has gone up so that's a good sign. Not sleeping any longer than 4 hours/night but I wasn't sleeping at all, so that's progress.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Hello everyone,

I’ve had some health stuff pop up recently, R/A starting in my finger joints which led me to get some labs drawn and of course my ANA came back positive but there was also Sm/RNP antibodies was positive. Does anyone have any history with this marker? I’m getting my referred to a rheumatologist to do more testing since my finger joints are definitely looking and feeling like R/A.

Im wondering if the markers being positive are for the R/A.

I’ve started diving to see if this will change the labs.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Peimomma, I am sorry to hear this. I looked it up. It is a marker for both Mixed Connective Tissue Disease and Lupus (without the ANA marker). So they are ruling out stuff. Both can be caused by Borrelia.

I met a Lyme patient in Mesa, while living in Arizona. She was a LLMD patient from California. Her hands were involved. He diagnosed her with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. He put her on both steriods and antibiotics.

I was concerned with the steroid use. But her hands were so bad there was no choice. (I had not bought my chamber yet).

You were smart to start diving again.

My son was just diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. I realize there is a heavy life style component to it. But since he was positive for Lyme, Bartonella, Ehrlichia and Babesia. It makes me wonder if that is why it has become an autoimmune problem.

I have had my fingers flare twice over the last 7 years. The first time all of the stiffness and pain resolved with diving again. Nothing else.

And it was weird. It involved both ring fingers and both thumbs, nothing else. This year it is my index fingers. I recently started diving again.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Thanks Kgg,

I’m definitely not a fan of steroids or antibiotics if that’s what they offer. I’ll track my progress since it’s only pain that is affecting me at this point. I’ve no other indicators that anything was wrong.

My hands started with the pain and in January the fingertips became wrinkled like they had just come out of the pool and they were numb. I was guessing it was from so much keyboarding in my job, so I stopped working from home in mid April to see if I can reverse the issue. I’d say they are about 50% better.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Do you have a fingertip oximeter? It would be interesting to see what the reading is when you have the numb/wrinkled finger symptoms.
Posted by chillpill (Member # 52576) on :
Hey all. Thanks for the warm welcome :-)

I'm up to page 23 of this epic thread so not sure if this has been posted already but it's fascinating; Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment: Effects on Mitochondrial Function and Oxidative Stress

Phoiph, thanks for the PM. I sent you my email address. If you could get back to me that would be awesome as I would love to get going on this! :-)
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thanks, chillpill!

I have gathered some info for you and will email you later today.
Posted by Miriama (Member # 52545) on :
Hi guys,

When people refer to a certain amount of time in the chamber, does that mean total time or time at high pressure? I had to dial down to only 15 minutes at the top pressure on my Newtowne gauge (4.4?), but I'm in there for a half hour total.

I've been treating for over a year, since Feb. 2021 with a 2 month break, but honestly a lot of my sessions were very short, especially in the first 5 months. After that I was doing an hour without a concentrator. I was even up to 2 hours for a while. Then I got a concentrator in September. I was hitting the treatments hard for a while, at an hour, but I had to dial it down not to be insane. I mean, I think I have friends who don't write me back because I was too wound up. I really had my heart set on the idea that if I could treat for an hour a day for 2 to 2 1/2 years I'd be somewhere between 60 percent better and in a remission. But at this rate that will take the rest of my natural life.

On a positive note guys, when I took 2 months off after 13 months of treatment, I was the sanest I've been in 12 years maybe even 19 (that's how long I've had Lyme). I was like myself again psychologically speaking, well, sort of. I had fatigue and all kinds of symptoms for sure, and no way could I keep down a job, but I'd say that 90% of the anxiety and agoraphobia were gone. But as soon as I started treating again, I could feel the acid trippyness creep back in.

That's my experience so far, just to share. Kaibyrd and Keikko, I feel your pain, really. It's been hard. But it has helped a lot in the end too. I hope you can treat enough to get to that point eventually. Good luck to you all.
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you Miriama [Smile]

What is final word on HBOT and parasites. Ive been looking through the thread for a couple of days and cant find it of course.

Im pretty sure I have an underlying parasite infection that doesn't help things. I think I remember reading that eventually the immune system gets back on line and these things are not a big issue anymore but I could be wrong.

Honesty, I have no idea anymore what the biggest issue is. I sort of dont care, but if HBOT doesn't help parasites I may have to treat. Im so thin with no appetite but eat no matter what.

Im still not up to full protocol but still diving at least every other day and sometimes two days in a row depending on the reaction and how bad my brain gets...about 40 minutes with O2. Ive pretty much given up on supplements at the moment except probiotics and CBD oil for anxiety.

I got covid this year so I think that was a set back for sure but I'm sure the chamber will help.

I do remember one day in the recent past getting out of the chamber feeling sort of clear headed and calm. It was nice. Short lived but nice.

I have not noticed a whole lot of forward improvement yet but as I said I got covid and seems like Im always catching something lately. Well one thing that has improved is my digestion is much more stable which is awesome. Brain is worse but gut is better. Fatigue worse. I am not discouraged though. Feel calm or maybe just really tired. I dont know. Thank you
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Miriama.

I’ve worked up to an hour now, finally. I’ll start adding O2 tomorrow.

I suddenly have another urgent issue that’s bothering me.

2 years ago I noticed a long, thin(ish) lump in the soft tissue beside my jaw, under my tongue. They thought it was a blocked saliva gland.

I had it looked at and the ENT I was sent to said she would have to put me under general to take it out but if it wasn’t bothering me, there was no rush to remove it. There was no indication of cancer and Covid was raging, plus it seemed to stop bothering me and didn’t change any over the next 2 years. I also do horribly with general anesthesia. I didn’t get the surgery then.

Last month my lymph node swelled up under my jaw. I went in to have it checked but the doc I saw said there wasn’t really anything to do for it unless it didn’t go away with home care. It started going down so I didn’t think much about it and it was almost gone by the time we went on vacation (thank you, Jesus!).

Right after we got back it swelled up again and this time it’s not budging. In just the past week I felt another long thin line pop up under my tongue right beside the first one and it’s now as big as the first one. I feel a drawing sensation like I’m sucking on lemons and the area is sometimes a bit painful when I eat.

I have a standing appointment with my GP Thursday so I’ve been waiting to see her about this too.

This all seems to correlate to mHBOT use. Any ideas what’s happening here?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kaibyrd, congratulations on getting up to an hour!

I have found over the years that the body decides what it is going to heal and when. I know that since it is flaring that it may seem like mHBOT is making it worse, but the body is saying time to deal with this. imo

If this was me, I would have it out. But I would be having a discussion with the anesthetist. Tell them your reaction to general before. If it was in the same system they may be able to look up exactly what was used.

Then they can modify what to use, hopefully so you won't have the same reaction.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Keikko, I do not know the final word on parasites. Have you been tested? I know a few missionaries that picked up parasites in the countries they were living in. They would treat. One guy was really sick with them. They wrecked his gut.

Parasites are part of life. But if you have an abundance it may be prudent to treat. imo
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Miriama, I am in the chamber a total of 70-80 minutes depending on how fast I pressurize and depressurize. I do not count the time not up to pressure.

I have a Newtowne. Yes, the gauge typically says 4.4 No worries.

Hang in there. I still have my chamber and use my chamber. I have no plans on selling it. I had Lyme for a long time prior to treatment. To keep it suppressed, mHBO is something I want available for the rest of my life. Even though I am not diving daily.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kaibyrd, regarding your anesthesia reaction. Do a search on CFS/ME and anesthesia. Lyme patients tend to react like they do. There are a number of posts about what to do to help.

For example, making sure your Magnesium and Potassium levels are within normal limits. Hydrating prior to and during surgery, (they can run IVs).

And some of the articles speak specifically to the type of anesthesia used, so that they will avoid them or use a reduced amount.

Do some prior research so you are informed and can have a successful conversation with the anesthesiologist.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Kaibyrd there is a homeopathic tincture you can take under your tongue to help clear your lymph system. I started taking it when I was diving because I felt like my lymph system was “full”. The name of it is Whole Body Detox Liquescence. If you have never used homeopathic remedies I can give you some information. Remedies are very sensitive so you can’t take them with strong scents like after brushing your teeth with mint toothpaste or when drinking coffee.

I still use it when I dive to help things move along.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks kgg and Peimomma!!! I will look into these.
Posted by Bartenderbonnie (Member # 49177) on :
Phoiph and all the other committed mHOT posters;

Thank you for your continued advocacy for mHBOT 💚
You have HELPED so many Lyme sufferers !!!

Quick question. . .

My brother is in town and is an avid scuba diver.
I was explaining to him my interest in mHBOT.
The closest facility is 1 hour away and cost is 100.00 an hour which is unsustainable.

I was thinking out of the box and asked if I starting doing 100% of my swimming exercises under water, that overtime it might offer me the same benefits of mHBOT. My pool’s deepest end is 6 foot.

My brother said my goal of achieving a 2.4 pressure (is that the therapeutic dive in mHBOT?) then I would need to dive 70 feet deep in water as it’s .33 pressure per foot.

Your thoughts please.
Thanks again for all you do!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Bartenderbonnie,

Thank you for the kind words.

Well, unfortunately, it's not quite the same thing.

We use 1.3ATA (4.2psi), which is about the same pressure as 10-11 feet underwater. (Mild hyperbaric is defined as 1.5ATA or lower.)

Also, the oxygen you would be breathing for scuba diving would likely be a different gas mix (your brother would know).

Plus, ideally, you wouldn't want to be exercising during your dive, as it burns the 02 you are needing to saturate your tissues with for therapy. IMO, hyperbaric works best while passively resting.

Alternately, having access to a home chamber would be the answer. If buying your own is too costly, renting or sharing a rental with a couple of other people can bring the cost way down. Let me know if you would like info on options.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Miriama:
Hi guys,

When people refer to a certain amount of time in the chamber, does that mean total time or time at high pressure? I had to dial down to only 15 minutes at the top pressure on my Newtowne gauge (4.4?), but I'm in there for a half hour total.

I've been treating for over a year, since Feb. 2021 with a 2 month break, but honestly a lot of my sessions were very short, especially in the first 5 months. After that I was doing an hour without a concentrator. I was even up to 2 hours for a while. Then I got a concentrator in September. I was hitting the treatments hard for a while, at an hour, but I had to dial it down not to be insane. I mean, I think I have friends who don't write me back because I was too wound up. I really had my heart set on the idea that if I could treat for an hour a day for 2 to 2 1/2 years I'd be somewhere between 60 percent better and in a remission. But at this rate that will take the rest of my natural life.

On a positive note guys, when I took 2 months off after 13 months of treatment, I was the sanest I've been in 12 years maybe even 19 (that's how long I've had Lyme). I was like myself again psychologically speaking, well, sort of. I had fatigue and all kinds of symptoms for sure, and no way could I keep down a job, but I'd say that 90% of the anxiety and agoraphobia were gone. But as soon as I started treating again, I could feel the acid trippyness creep back in.

That's my experience so far, just to share. Kaibyrd and Keikko, I feel your pain, really. It's been hard. But it has helped a lot in the end too. I hope you can treat enough to get to that point eventually. Good luck to you all.

Hi Miriama,

To compare apples to apples, I would keep track of all of your dives, but when you start to compare your progress to others, it is helpful if everyone compares the time spent at "full protocol" (i.e., 1 hour daily with full pressure and supplemental 02).

That said, it does not mean that you are not making progress while working up to that protocol, as you have experienced.

Try to make your approach more systematic and consistent. For example, work up to a full hour with just allowing the oxygen to flow in, but not wearing the mask. Once you are tolerating that, add wearing the mask for the last 10 minutes of your dive, and keep working up slowly over time until you are wearing it for the full hour.

Keep are seeing the window of progress everyone looks for to know they are on the right track. It doesn't matter that your symptoms resurfaced when you started mHBOT again; I would expect that at the stage you're at. Just keep moving forward with it and be as consistent as you can be.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by keikko:
Thank you Miriama [Smile]

What is final word on HBOT and parasites. Ive been looking through the thread for a couple of days and cant find it of course.

Im pretty sure I have an underlying parasite infection that doesn't help things. I think I remember reading that eventually the immune system gets back on line and these things are not a big issue anymore but I could be wrong.

Honesty, I have no idea anymore what the biggest issue is. I sort of dont care, but if HBOT doesn't help parasites I may have to treat. Im so thin with no appetite but eat no matter what.

Im still not up to full protocol but still diving at least every other day and sometimes two days in a row depending on the reaction and how bad my brain gets...about 40 minutes with O2. Ive pretty much given up on supplements at the moment except probiotics and CBD oil for anxiety.

I got covid this year so I think that was a set back for sure but I'm sure the chamber will help.

I do remember one day in the recent past getting out of the chamber feeling sort of clear headed and calm. It was nice. Short lived but nice.

I have not noticed a whole lot of forward improvement yet but as I said I got covid and seems like Im always catching something lately. Well one thing that has improved is my digestion is much more stable which is awesome. Brain is worse but gut is better. Fatigue worse. I am not discouraged though. Feel calm or maybe just really tired. I dont know. Thank you


The changes you are experiencing (better digestion, windows of clearer thinking, calmer) may not seem earthshattering to you, but they are great signs that you're going in the right direction.

I personally would not consider rocking the boat right now by treating parasites. I would wait and see how you are after you have more mHBOT under your belt.

Congrats to getting to 40 minutes with 02! You're getting there. Good for you for sticking with it during the rough and uncertain times you've recently experienced. Never give up!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by carbokitty:
I ended up doing a 30 min session and it went well. I felt better for a few hours. I will do 30 again today. Thank you for your words of support.
PS My Sp02 has gone up so that's a good sign. Not sleeping any longer than 4 hours/night but I wasn't sleeping at all, so that's progress.

Update Carbokitty?
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Phoiph + everyone-
I am not doing well. I find my blood sugar drops after/during 30 minutes mHBOT. I’ve done about 8 30 min sessions. But instead of feeling good as I had before, I end up not feeling well + my anxiety gets very bad.
This week I did a session on Monday + again yesterday. Last night I ended up calling 911. My insomnia is so bad. They checked all my vitals + said everything was ok. (My sleeping heart rate is now up to 81. It used to be 66-67) and last night it was close to 100 as I was trying to get to sleep. Anyway, I’ve decided to take a little break. Again, I don’t know if the mHBOT is creating too much detox for my body to handle right now. Sure is all different from my experience in 2019 when I started. Thanks for asking.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi Phoiph + everyone-
I am not doing well. I find my blood sugar drops after/during 30 minutes mHBOT. I’ve done about 8 30 min sessions. But instead of feeling good as I had before, I end up not feeling well + my anxiety gets very bad.
This week I did a session on Monday + again yesterday. Last night I ended up calling 911. My insomnia is so bad. They checked all my vitals + said everything was ok. (My sleeping heart rate is now up to 81. It used to be 66-67) and last night it was close to 100 as I was trying to get to sleep. Anyway, I’ve decided to take a little break. Again, I don’t know if the mHBOT is creating too much detox for my body to handle right now. Sure is all different from my experience in 2019 when I started. Thanks for asking.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I'm so sorry to hear, Carbokitty.

It is so disheartening to experience a setback after you've been doing well. That said, "one never crosses the same river twice", and I'm optimistic that recovery from this will take less time than before.

Maybe you've done this already, but when you do start mHBOT again, try eating a small protein meal before your dive (and bring something in with you) to avoid the blood sugar drop.

Please keep us posted, we're thinking of you.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Hang in there Carbokitty! I know anxiety only too well. If you’ve had the slightest inclination to think mHBOT is making it worse, it will. That’s just the nature of the beast. Get the anxiety under control first but be careful with Rx meds. They’ll tell you they aren’t addictive but they don’t tell you you shouldn’t take them for more than a few months. I’ve had success with supplements such as valerian, magnesium, Pharma gaba and 5htp. These also help with sleep. Your resting heart rate is so high because the anxiety isn’t shutting off when you do fall asleep. Also try breathing exercises and try to get to the root cause of your anxiety. Once you know you can tame it, it no longer threatens your every move. Praying for you hon!
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you Kgg and Phoiph. Yes, I dont know that I could handle parasite treatment and mHBOT same time anyway. Thank you for the encouragement as well!

Carbokitty, I'm sorry to hear things are rough right now. I hope this shifts for you soon!

Question, I am going on a trip to see my sister in a few weeks, driving there. I will bring the chamber as I will be gone a week. Do I just take the frame out and bring the bag? And then just kind of hold it up to inflate it without the frame? Thank you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes, that will work, keikko.

When you unpack your chamber, you can inflate and deflate it once while you are on the outside to get the major creases out before you use it.

(Be sure your concentrator is also on if it is hooked up to the chamber.)
Posted by bodhi (Member # 52610) on :
Does anyone here have experience preventing or working through panic attacks during mHBOT?

This didn't happen to me for the first 20+ sessions at the clinic. I now have my own Newtowne 27' chamber. I've had one panic attack on the second session, and had to depressurize and get out after a 30 minute session. I was drenched in sweat. I've done about 15 daily sessions, for about an hour usually. One common pattern seems to be that it happens when I'm getting too hot. I've had another few times where I started to panic; I would take the mask off for a minute and take my clothes off to cool down. It seems to be partly attributed to the combination of the heat and the pressure of the mask on my mouth (rebreather mask). On cooler days, it's been significantly less likely to occur. I've been looking into how I could cool the air coming into the chamber.

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions or experiences to share.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Heat will do that to me as well.

I knew I had claustrophobia before trying mHBOT. I went to a local clinic just to see if I could get in one. It was a Summit to Sea very large chamber but it was horizontal and I couldn’t even let them zip me in. I ended up purchasing S2S’s largest chamber which I can stand up in but can also lay on a huge beanbag. Even then I had to have a glass of wine before I could zip myself into it the first time. I think the size of it helps with the heat issue plus I have it in my basement which is always cool.

Do you have yours in a cool room? There are ways to cool the air coming into the unit as well as portable fans that might help.

Also try deep breathing exercises daily to help calm your mind and if needed, there are calming supplements such as valerian or Pharma GABA that may help. I have anxiety apart from claustrophobia that these methods help.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi bodhi,

Do you mean that you are using a a "non-rebreather" mask with a bag attached? Do not use a non-rebreather mask! You can use a simple Hudson-type mask, or an Southmedic brand oxy-mask (more open design). Here are links for both: &pf_rd_p=7757a8b5-874e-4a67-9d85-54ed32f01737&pf_rd_r=TQB2DYN346W9HDHH885C&pd_rd_wg=AS3Dy&pd_rd_r=41f92c87-8782-47e0-bc73-d4791a5706d9&pd_rd_i=B07PPN1QT4&psc=1

To prevent your blood sugar from dropping in the chamber (which can lead to anxiety), eat a small protein meal before going in, and take a snack in with you.

To keep cooler, you can take a blue ice block in (wrapped in a thin towel) and place it on your chest.

Also, separate the concentrator and compressor as much as possible, as they both generate heat and that will be sucked up into the chamber. You can also direct an oscillating fan in the direction of the concentrator and compressor to circulate the air.

They do make coolers for home chambers, but they are pricey.
Posted by bodhi (Member # 52610) on :
Thank you Kaibyrd and Phoiph for your kind and prompt replies.

@Kaibyrd: Thank you for sharing. I've never had claustrophobia. I actually remember thinking to myself "It's a good thing I don't have claustrophobia" before the first panic attack occurred. The room isn't cool but it does have two windows that I keep open during treatments. I've been doing breathing exercises and mindfulness meditation.

@Phoiph: I meant I'm using a non-rebreather mask with the bag like this one: I was under the impression that the mask with the bag attached was better as I'm breathing in more of the concentrated oxygen from the bag without mixing it with the air I'm breathing out? The only concern I could think of is potential for oxygen toxicity?

I usually have my green smoothie before I go into the chamber which is very nutrient dense and has a lot of protein. It does some organic green tea matcha powder in it which can be stimulating due to caffeine, and I might remove that ingredient to see if it helps.

I'll try bringing an ice block in with me, and will separate the concentrator and compressor. Those are good suggestions @Phoiph, thank you!

Follow-up question: I usually depressurize over a couple of minutes, how quickly can I safely depressurize? I'm not sure if it's related, but I did notice that my eyes were irritated and the veins were visible after I depressurize more quickly.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Non-rebreather masks (with the bag) are designed for higher LPM oxygen flows than we are using (as in a supervised hospital setting).

The bag may not stay sufficiently inflated, as our concentrators are already fighting the backpressure from the chamber, and there is the added pressure on the bag itself inside the pressurized chamber.

IMO, you may not get optimal 02 at best, and at worst, the bag could collapse while someone is asleep or becomes unconscious for any reason, power failure, etc.

The Southmedic mask should work very well for you as it is an open design, and feels less restrictive.

I would remove the caffeine source for sure.

Try to depressurize slowly...over 10 minutes minimum if possible.
Posted by bodhi (Member # 52610) on :
@Phoiph: Thanks for the info about the non-rebreather masks (with the bag) and slow depressurization.

I've been keeping an eye on the bag while I'm in the chamber to make sure it's sufficiently inflated. I'll checkout the Southmedic which looks like it's designed for those with claustrophobia.

I also received a nasal cannula with the Drive DeVilbiss 10 LPM. I haven't tried it yet and curious if you have any thoughts.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Nasal cannulas are designed for up to 6LPM flow, so not ideal for our purposes.

(When used with a chamber, the DeVilbiss should be set at 8-8.5LPM for optimal 02 purity.)
Posted by bodhi (Member # 52610) on :
Thank you for the details @Phoiph. I looked into high flow cannulas (15 LPM), but it looks like they're not really designed for chambers. I'm curious, where can I find info about oxygen purity based on LPM for the DeVilbiss?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
On p.EN-12 of your DeVilbiss Drive 10 user manual, you will find a chart:

Oxygen Concentration vs Flow Rate
Flow L/M - %O2

10...87% - 92%
9....87% - 93%
8....87% - 95%
7....87% - 96%
6....87% - 96%
5....87% - 96%
4....87% - 95%
3....87% - 95%
2....87% - 94%

My oxygen concentrator specialist contact (who also uses a DeVilbiss with his home chamber) has tested the flow/purity under use with a chamber and found 8-8.5 to be the "sweet spot".
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hang on to your home chambers, everyone...they are working on banning them:

Apparently, they haven't seen this "Spark and Burn Test" video:
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :

They are either idiots or criminals trying to take away individual rights. Now people can go to a medical center and pay upwards of $800 per session that insurance won't pay for.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Digby, they're both!

I have been concerned about this for a awhile and suspected it was only a matter of time.

Apparently, they couldn't claim it was harming anyone, so they came up with the weak accusations of fire code violations to spread fear and doubt.

I believe it is part of the bigger overall plan to deny us personal choice, autonomy, and access to non-mainstream therapies, and to regulate, control and monopolize. Lots of profits to be made in that growing space.

[ 07-03-2022, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Phoiph ]
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Grrrrr! It’s all about the money.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
This is so wrong! I don't know of one case in which anyone was harmed by a soft chamber. That Youtube video was amazing, Phoiph. What can we do to prevent the FDA from banning soft chambers? Mild hyperbaric chambers are already banned in Canada!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Unfortunately, the safety, effectiveness, and growing popularity of home chambers makes them an attractive target.

It wasn't long ago that that mild hyperbaric was considered "unproven snake oil" by the same entities that now want to monopolize the industry.

dbpei...I'm looking into how we can help and will report back.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Phoiph!
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Originally posted by bodhi:
Does anyone here have experience preventing or working through panic attacks during mHBOT?

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions or experiences to share.

Hi bodhi:

When I first started diving I did suffere a panic attack, here is the post I made on it.

Hi Everyone,

After weeks of reading I have finally completed this entire thread. I wanted to say thank you to all who have posted their stories and also say a hello to the lurkers, as I was until now, who follow this thread. I confess, towards the last few pages, I started to feel a bit of anxiety, as the stories I have read have offered me hope that I may one day get better. As I went from page to page, and saw your updates and histories, each new page offered hope and encouragement, and a bit selfishly, I did not want the pages to end. I see myself reflected in so many stories here. My story is I have come to believe I been sick since I was in my teens.

I went un/misdiagnosed for many years, until, like many, I narrowed my issues down to Lyme (have vague memories of a bad insect bite as a teen camping). Managed to get my blood sent to a US lab (I live in Canada) and it came back positive for Lyme and co-infections. I am in the club of 10s of thousands of dollars spent, over the years trying to get well, or better at least. A few years ago I thought I was on my way out, looking positively skeletal, GI issues (antibiotics were hard on me), and no appetite, super fatigued and mush for a brain.

I decided to look into oxygen therapies as a kind of last hope of stopping my decline. I looked at ozone (MAH) and hyperbaric. At the time I decided to go with ozone and I feel like it saved my life. Even from the first treatment I could feel the fog and fatigue lift from my body and at the end of 6 months I was having people tell me how great I looked. I did feel better, not great, still lots of joint/muscle pain, but my weight is back on, GI issues cleared and I could read and think again at a level that was tolerable. That was 4 years ago and although I am maintaining, I am not advancing, after the initial progress, in any meaningful way I can discern. I came across Phoenix Rising and that lead me to here. After reading the first page I knew I was going to go diving. I purchased a chamber, Airsoak model “Nova” and have been diving for 43 days. Made the decision to purchase the Nova, as living in Canada, 1.5 ATA is permissible and the Nova is built for higher pressures and ships with both 1.3 and 1.5 ATA valves. One on the earlier links posted in this thread showed a graph where it showed 1.5 ATA at the top of the bell curve for oxygen saturation, and if I figured it couldn’t hurt to have that option.

Thanks to you guys, and especially Phoiph, I had clear path to follow on just how to correctly do this. I was even more conservative than the recommendations, I started my first dive at 1.15 ATA (the Nova has both internal, and external, pressure gauges, and I used the internal relief valve to control things manually) for 15 minutes. I did this for 3 days, and then went to 1.3 ATA for 4 days at 15 minutes. Then added 5 minutes every 3 days until I hit 30 minutes, this was done with oxygen flowing into the chamber, but not directly breathing it

At thirty minutes, I decided that I would start to slowly add oxygen to my dive sessions; I would start with 5 minutes and increase every 3-4 dives. However, after my first oxygen session I had an attack of vertigo. Now this was not my first time experiencing vertigo, but not for many years. It unsettled me a bit, so I went back to diving without oxygen with the idea of working my way up until 1 hour, then adding back the oxygen when I reached there.

Things went smoothly for me, uneventfully working my way up until an hour and then when I added back the oxygen once again, an event, I suffered a panic attack later that night, first in over 2 decades. As an aside, I would add that my dreams had become more vivid, not nightmares in any way, just colourful and “bright”. As a note, I have zero issues with claustrophobia or small spaces.

The panic attack did not unsettle me too badly, not as much as the vertigo did, as I had them for many years, about 20 years ago, so I knew what I was experiencing (after being diagnosed I learned panic attacks/vertigo were not uncommon in Lyme patients). So once again I returned to diving without oxygen, trying to settle in once more. After a few days, I decided to try to add back in the oxygen, but this time I changed things up. Instead of starting it at the beginning of the dive, at full pressure, I am now doing it at the end. I have been adding 1 minute each day and today did 5 minutes with no issues, feeling good so far. I figured if I started at the end, the oxygen I am breathing will not be under pressure the same way starting it at the begging would have it, giving my body more time to becoming more acclimatized to getting saturated with oxygen.

I will be adding a minute a day over the coming weeks until my oxygen matches my diving time. My thoughts are that this is a very powerful therapy, to be treated with a lot of respect. I started out with what I thought was a conservative program, but those critters in me let me know they did not like me poking at them with oxygen under pressure. I say under pressure because I have breathed pure oxygen before for long periods of time, over the years, and never had any aberrant reactions at any time before,

I figured I will give this at least a year before I make any real pronouncements on its effectiveness for me, I have been ill with this disease a long time and I am prepared to give mHBOT the time it needs to hopefully help me become well/better again. Plus, I kind of enjoy the quite time alone inside the chamber.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thank you for posting this again. I have been sharing your recommendation (about gradually starting 02 at the end of the dive rather than the beginning) ever since reading your experience.

How are you doing now?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
To follow up on my previous post on this article:

I spoke to the owner of one of the leading manufacturers of home chambers, who fortunately is well aware of the situation and is already working on it with other manufacturers.

Apparently, certain proponents of hard-shelled chambers/clinics sponsored a meeting and invited a number of fire marshals. Their objective was to propose that soft chambers need to meet the same fire regulations as hard chambers and to portray them as "unsafe".

As a result, 17+ soft chamber clinics were shut down.

The motive? According to the source I spoke to, to monopolize the industry for financial gain. It has nothing to do with safety.

The good news is that the source is confident that they can fight this; it is just a matter of the leading soft-chamber manufacturers educating the fire marshals and other entities involved on the function and safety of soft chambers.

They appreciate that we want to help, but don't feel we need to do anything at this time. The first step is to educate the fire marshals, which is the responsibility of the soft chamber manufacturers.

That said, they will let us know if we can be of help any help in the future.

I will keep you posted with any information I receive on the issues.

Thank you for your concern and willingness to help...this is crucial ground to defend and could impact all of us!
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Hi Phoiph, yes, the key for me was going in reverse on supplementing on the oxygen. It solved my issues.

I have made progress over the last few years and I am feeling better than I was before I started diving.

My suspicion is that I have been infected with Lyme for over 40 years and it will take a number of more years to inch my way back to where I can truly say I feel in good health every day. One day at a time.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
That’s good to know Phoiph, thanks!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thanks for checking that issue out, Phoiph.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Thank you Phoiph. Please keep us posted.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Of course, you're welcome!

Jazzman, progress is what counts, and I know you will get there.
Posted by bodhi (Member # 52610) on :
Thank you for sharing this Jazzman.

You and @Phoiph have inspired me to experiment with the parameters of my mHBOT treatments so that I don't have panic attacks during the sessions. I'm not having them out side the chamber. I'm avoiding any caffeine before the chamber treatments, depressurizing over at least 10 minutes, and also watching out to keep my breathing patterns regular as to avoid too much oxygen. If I start to notice the early signs of a panic attack, I take the mask off for a minute and focus on long slow exhales

Originally posted by Jazzman:
Originally posted by bodhi:
Does anyone here have experience preventing or working through panic attacks during mHBOT?

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions or experiences to share.

Hi bodhi:

When I first started diving I did suffere a panic attack, here is the post I made on it.

Hi Everyone,

After weeks of reading I have finally completed this entire thread. I wanted to say thank you to all who have posted their stories and also say a hello to the lurkers, as I was until now, who follow this thread. I confess, towards the last few pages, I started to feel a bit of anxiety, as the stories I have read have offered me hope that I may one day get better. As I went from page to page, and saw your updates and histories, each new page offered hope and encouragement, and a bit selfishly, I did not want the pages to end. I see myself reflected in so many stories here. My story is I have come to believe I been sick since I was in my teens.

I went un/misdiagnosed for many years, until, like many, I narrowed my issues down to Lyme (have vague memories of a bad insect bite as a teen camping). Managed to get my blood sent to a US lab (I live in Canada) and it came back positive for Lyme and co-infections. I am in the club of 10s of thousands of dollars spent, over the years trying to get well, or better at least. A few years ago I thought I was on my way out, looking positively skeletal, GI issues (antibiotics were hard on me), and no appetite, super fatigued and mush for a brain.

I decided to look into oxygen therapies as a kind of last hope of stopping my decline. I looked at ozone (MAH) and hyperbaric. At the time I decided to go with ozone and I feel like it saved my life. Even from the first treatment I could feel the fog and fatigue lift from my body and at the end of 6 months I was having people tell me how great I looked. I did feel better, not great, still lots of joint/muscle pain, but my weight is back on, GI issues cleared and I could read and think again at a level that was tolerable. That was 4 years ago and although I am maintaining, I am not advancing, after the initial progress, in any meaningful way I can discern. I came across Phoenix Rising and that lead me to here. After reading the first page I knew I was going to go diving. I purchased a chamber, Airsoak model “Nova” and have been diving for 43 days. Made the decision to purchase the Nova, as living in Canada, 1.5 ATA is permissible and the Nova is built for higher pressures and ships with both 1.3 and 1.5 ATA valves. One on the earlier links posted in this thread showed a graph where it showed 1.5 ATA at the top of the bell curve for oxygen saturation, and if I figured it couldn’t hurt to have that option.

Thanks to you guys, and especially Phoiph, I had clear path to follow on just how to correctly do this. I was even more conservative than the recommendations, I started my first dive at 1.15 ATA (the Nova has both internal, and external, pressure gauges, and I used the internal relief valve to control things manually) for 15 minutes. I did this for 3 days, and then went to 1.3 ATA for 4 days at 15 minutes. Then added 5 minutes every 3 days until I hit 30 minutes, this was done with oxygen flowing into the chamber, but not directly breathing it

At thirty minutes, I decided that I would start to slowly add oxygen to my dive sessions; I would start with 5 minutes and increase every 3-4 dives. However, after my first oxygen session I had an attack of vertigo. Now this was not my first time experiencing vertigo, but not for many years. It unsettled me a bit, so I went back to diving without oxygen with the idea of working my way up until 1 hour, then adding back the oxygen when I reached there.

Things went smoothly for me, uneventfully working my way up until an hour and then when I added back the oxygen once again, an event, I suffered a panic attack later that night, first in over 2 decades. As an aside, I would add that my dreams had become more vivid, not nightmares in any way, just colourful and “bright”. As a note, I have zero issues with claustrophobia or small spaces.

The panic attack did not unsettle me too badly, not as much as the vertigo did, as I had them for many years, about 20 years ago, so I knew what I was experiencing (after being diagnosed I learned panic attacks/vertigo were not uncommon in Lyme patients). So once again I returned to diving without oxygen, trying to settle in once more. After a few days, I decided to try to add back in the oxygen, but this time I changed things up. Instead of starting it at the beginning of the dive, at full pressure, I am now doing it at the end. I have been adding 1 minute each day and today did 5 minutes with no issues, feeling good so far. I figured if I started at the end, the oxygen I am breathing will not be under pressure the same way starting it at the begging would have it, giving my body more time to becoming more acclimatized to getting saturated with oxygen.

I will be adding a minute a day over the coming weeks until my oxygen matches my diving time. My thoughts are that this is a very powerful therapy, to be treated with a lot of respect. I started out with what I thought was a conservative program, but those critters in me let me know they did not like me poking at them with oxygen under pressure. I say under pressure because I have breathed pure oxygen before for long periods of time, over the years, and never had any aberrant reactions at any time before,

I figured I will give this at least a year before I make any real pronouncements on its effectiveness for me, I have been ill with this disease a long time and I am prepared to give mHBOT the time it needs to hopefully help me become well/better again. Plus, I kind of enjoy the quite time alone inside the chamber.

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Are you doing 1.3 ATA, or 1.5 ATA?
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
@bohdi, I'm glad my post was of some help to you. My best advice to you, and anyone else having any issues, is to take it slow, there's no rush, each of us is different and some, like myself, required a slow approach to get up to speed on things.

@Phoiph, still doing 1.3ATA, don't feel the need to go to 1.5ATA. I wanted to thank you again for all you have done, and continue to do, in this thread to help us get to a better place with our health. Blessings to you and peace.
Posted by chillpill (Member # 52576) on :
Hello divers. I am up to page 41 of this mega-thread so I a almost all caught up. Inspiring stories from Phoiph, Digby, Peimomma and more, thank you for the hope. I am researching and getting close to buying a chamber myself.

I have had calls with OxyHealth and OxyNova so far and hope to speak with Summit to Sea as well.

Something interesting ... I recently had a call with a fellow from OxyNova, nice guy. I hadn't come across this company before.  Do you guys know anything about them?  I searched LymeNet but not a single mention of "OxyNova" ... so here I am. 

Call Notes

Here's the notes I took on the call with the rep regarding the OxyNova 8:

(hope it's ok to post link?)

- Made in Canada
- Lifetime warranty 
- Tagline "Good technology should last a lifetime."
- Company in business for something like 20 years
- 8 Windows (fused into the unit using a special process)
- 33 inch diameter
- Air Volume Delivery 160 liters per minute (apparently this is high)
- Price $25,000USD
- Founder comes from the diving industry 
- Company has (apparently) been fulfilling military contracts for year (Military = higher standards?)

Some things the sales guy said that stood out

- Windows: Unlike every other company, they use some electrostatic press around the windows. Apparently this means where the materials join together is actually stronger than the rest of the fabric 

- Ventilation is about 3x more than typical unit at 160 liters per min

- Lifetime warranty and will fix or replace anything that fails (and I think he said they even pay for shipping of materials back and forth on warranty issues, don't quote me on this) 

- Compressor + Filters  "... made from silver to kill bacteria" silver based filter to be changed every 200 hours at about $55 per filter

So a premium price for what they are pitching as a premium unit.

The lifetime warranty thing is interesting.

Would love your guys' thoughts on this company (if you have any!)

Edited: Typos!

[ 07-09-2022, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: chillpill ]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
The one thing about OxyNova is they ship to Europe. The other companies may as well, but I do not really know.

Yes, it is a premium price. They are more than OxyHealth, I think. Both are classy chambers. I owned an OxyHealth Vitaeris 320 used. When the zipper blew, (it was about 10 years old) I chose to purchase a NewTowne chamber instead.

It was not that much more than what the repairs on the zipper cost, shipping, check the windows while you have it and the time of 6 weeks so would need a rental at $800/month would cost. It is not as fancy. The frame is on the outside. It has 3 zippers instead of 2 with a bladder flap. But it works for me.

So it may be worth the premium price if they are offering a lifetime warranty, especially if it includes shipping. And yes, the guy that owns this company seems like a very nice person.
Posted by bodhi (Member # 52610) on :
I've been exposed to COVID and started to feel some tightness in chest when I breathe. I have been taking lots of Vitamin C (36g+ yesterday) and also taking NAC (600mg 3x/day). The symptoms have subsided, but have some mild nasal congestion. Is it ok to continue mHBOT?
Posted by bodhi (Member # 52610) on :
What are the advantages and disadvantages of 1.5 ATA over 1.3 ATA?

Originally posted by Phoiph:

Are you doing 1.3 ATA, or 1.5 ATA?

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Bodhi, I dive as long as I can clear my ears. If I am really concerned and really want to dive, I take a nasal decongestant prior to diving.

If you have an pain in your ears, immediately open the valve slightly until the pain goes away. Try to clear your ears and then close the valve. If the pain returns, to me that is a clear sign not to continue to dive that day.
Posted by bodhi (Member # 52610) on :
Thank you, kgg! I ended up diving without any issues and do feel better.
Posted by Wisconsin Gal (Member # 52630) on :
Hello All!
I am happy to find this thread on mHBOT! I have purchased my own (used) mHBOT chamber and I would love to hear about what protocol others have used... how many days in a row, how many hours per day, once or twice a day, etc.
I am reading through this thread, but it goes back to 2013, so I have lots to catch up on.
Thanks for sharing your stories!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Welcome, Wisconsin Gal!

Kudos on purchasing a chamber. Some find that ramping up in time before adding oxygen is easier to tolerate than jumping right in at an hour.

You want to take a good 10 minutes to inflate, especially when first diving. It is important to clear the pressure in your ears. It takes 5 minutes to inflate, but taking a little longer is safer imo, until you are comfortable with 5 minutes.

I believe you will find most of us dive one hour per day. You will come across a discussion about twice a day diving and/or longer than one hour diving. Most of us stick with one hour per day.

As far as length of time, my goal was 2 years. I actually went around 27 months before taking an extended break.
Posted by Miriama (Member # 52545) on :
Thanks to those who responded to my post a page back. Phioph, kgg, etc. I will keep what you say in mind and have patience. It's good to know people are measuring progress at an hour a day average, so I know what people mean and can gauge my progress. I do keep track of every treatment.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I watched this last night. I found it informative. I was grateful for FLCCC when we came down with Covid this winter. Worth the watch, imo.

Discussing hyperbarics: Dr. Paul Harsh, Dr. Kory, Dr. Merrick, Dr. Ted Forgarty, and Dr. Bradley Meyer
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Thanks kgg. Lots of information on HBOT. I didn't know the extent of the genetic up and down regulation.

FWIW, the HBO part starts at 9 minutes in.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Does mHBOT cause vasoconstriction of the blood vessels? I am wondering if doing mHBOT at the same time as taking (i.e. swallowing the) antibiotics will decrease their penetration into the CNS and the rest of the body. I can't find any good answers so was wondering if someone else knew! I thought it would be good to do it at the same time, to work synergistically, but don't know if I should be spread them out instead. Any ideas would be wonderful!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I am sure that I have read that mhbot works synergistically with antibiotics. For that reason, I try to take my antimicrobial herbs right before going in the chamber.

I remember reading that mhbot also repairs and builds blood vessels. If I can find these sources, I will write again.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Lady T,

Oxygen itself is a vasoconstrictor.

However, when oxygen is used under pressure (hyperbaric), more oxygen reaches the tissues in spite of the vasoconstriction effect of the oxygen.

This is because the pressure forces the oxygen molecules beyond the reach of the vessels and into the tissues, fluids, etc.

It is generally thought that hyperbaric increases the penetration of antibiotics, for example:

That said, whether antibiotics are helpful (with or without hyperbaric) for chronic Lyme is up for debate. In my experience, they are not.

And yes, dbpei is correct; hyperbaric promotes "angiogenesis", which is the creation of new blood vessels.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks for posting that awesome FLCCC webinar! So worth taking the time to listen.
Posted by chillpill (Member # 52576) on :
Hello everyone. My chamber should arrive soon and I will start diving. Thanks to Phoiph, Peimomma, kgg and others for helping me get to this point.

I was wanting to establish a bloodwork baseline pre-diving. Was wondering if you guys had any recommendations for which blood tests I should take/markers worth keeping an eye on? Particularly anything related to inflammation or the immune system.

Any recommendations?

[ 09-07-2022, 03:35 AM: Message edited by: chillpill ]
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Hi. Has anyone ever taken their entire chamber set up on a plane? Just wondering if its possible or if it has to be shipped?

Thank you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Check with the individual airlines. In the past, they would ship medical equipment for free as checked baggage.

Make sure you pack your concentrator well (original box/packing if you have it), and indicate "This End Up, Do Not Tip". This is the item most likely to be damaged, so I would check into the repair/replacement policy with the airlines.

It may be possible to ship only your chamber, and rent a concentrator at your destination, but of course it would have to be an adequate model.

Also, although awkward, you do not need to use a frame with your chamber, so you could leave that behind for a short trip.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Has anyone found a good treatment for lyme and bartonella PERSISTERS?
The persisters are the ones that don't respond to antibiotics, herbals, etc - this is what a lot of the studies are not focused on, and what is keeping people sick
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I know I sound like a broken record, but once Lyme and co-infections become chronic, it is not about "chasing bugs" (or "persisters"), but about healing the immune system and quenching the ongoing neuro-inflammatory response so it can take care of pathogens as it was designed to do.

My severe, protracted Bartonella was completely unresponsive to co-infection "kill" treatments. It was consistent mHBOT, a gut-healing diet, and graded movement/exercise that allowed me to completely recover over time.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Originally posted by Peimomma:
Hello everyone,

I’ve had some health stuff pop up recently, R/A starting in my finger joints which led me to get some labs drawn and of course my ANA came back positive but there was also Sm/RNP antibodies was positive. Does anyone have any history with this marker? I’m getting my referred to a rheumatologist to do more testing since my finger joints are definitely looking and feeling like R/A.
Im wondering if the markers being positive are for the R/A.

I’ve started diving to see if this will change the labs.

Hi Peimomma,
The ANA/RA antibodies can be caused from lyme disease. Do you think you didn't clear it all or were reinfected?
I don't know enough about mhbot, but I do know that Bee Venom Therapy can decrease the antibodies, and either stop progression of the disease or get rid of it, especially if it is lyme-related. Hope this helps! Brooke Gehan and Ellie Lobel are good sources for this
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Greetings! It has been a while since I updated. I have been meaning to for a while. My health improved so much after 2 plus years of diving that my husband and I started a small scale flower farm.

Yes, a flower farm. We put in 10 hour days routinely. Attended two farmer's markets. I made over 500+ bouquets to sell this summer. Plus we walk our 2 dogs at least 5 days a week a little over a mile. (Otherwise, we have no peace)

My diving during the last two years has admittedly been minimal. I did not make time for it. Well, this summer my dry mouth progressed to sore mouth/burning tongue syndrome. It was not fun.

I tried hydroxychloroquine for 5 days and had such bad nausea that I stopped. I messaged my PCP that I was not taking it and was going to start diving again. Which I did immediately. I have missed only a few days this Fall. Eventually, I did also restart the Plaquenil because I really did not want to take a steroid. The burning pain has resolved. Thankfully.

This brings me to my question/thought. If I had continued to dive instead of taking almost 2 years off, would the autoimmune process been thwarted? Lyme has always given me some Sjogren's symptoms. But nothing full blown as this summer. Just makes me wonder if I could have kept this autoimmune issue more at bay.

This reinforces my goal of never, not owning a chamber.

This week we gather with family and friends, here in the US, for Thanksgiving. After Easter, my favorite holiday. I would be remiss not to say that I remain eternally grateful and thankful for Phoiph's encouragement for me to give mHBOT one more try before I sold my chamber.

Phoiph answered questions as my treatment unfolded. Always graceful, kind and supportive. This treatment changed my health course and therefore my life. It can't be said too many times by me, thank you Phoiph! I remain grateful.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Awwwwwwww...thank you so much, kgg. It means the world to me to hear of your progress, and I am so inspired by your flower farm!

We will never know for sure, but my feeling is that had you continued to dive at least a couple of times per week as "maintenence", you may have avoided the autoimmune flare, as mHBOT keeps the inflammatory response down, etc.

That said, I'm glad to hear you're back at it, and it sounds like things are improving.

I am very grateful for you, and everyone here who continues to keep the faith and support others on their journey. It was always my goal to get the "word out" on mHBOT, and everyone here has made that possible.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Thank you for sharing your story kgg. I am forever grateful for my hbot chamber and how much it has helped me through the last few years. It is my grounding place and I don't think I can ever imagine getting rid of it.

I hope you and your flower business continue to thrive! Happy Thanksgiving.
Posted by chillpill (Member # 52576) on :
Sad. Mad. Gutted.

After 6 months of researching mHBOT on this thread, and finally buying a chamber I completed about 50 dives and messed up my right ear drum.

About a year ago I did a mHBOT dive and felt normal pressure in my ears and then some pain, I backed off the pressure, equalized my ears (by yawning, I can't do that pinch-nose thing) and then proceeded to 1.3ATA.

Fast forward to today. One of my primary symptoms is numbness and loss of my senses.

I can't smell any more. I struggle to sense temperatures. And I struggle to feel pressure (bowel, bladder, touch etc.). I can feel these things, but it's like my senses are diminished.
I only feel them if if they are intense. Like I don't feel them at a 1-7 anymore, only if they are a 8-10.

So I'm excited to get this new chamber and start diving, which I do. I notice that I can't feel the air pressure change in my ears. I notch that up to my primary symptom. I think that if I "over equalize" (play it really slow and safe) then I should be OK. I take like 10 minutes to go up and 10 minutes to go down.

Then I feel it. I'm coming down and my right ear- drum is throbbing. I gather if I'm able to feel it, I must of done a number on it.

Now my right ear drum makes this "clicking" sound every time I swallow. I'm scared to go back in there and totally gutted I just spent all this money on a chamber I might not even be able to use.

Going to make an appointment with ENT doc. Hate this disease more than ever today.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
It sounds like you might have a blocked Eustachian tube. I know there are devices you can buy to help unblock them, but I would probably prefer to have my ENT assess things if I were you.

Taking 10 minutes inflating and deflating sounds reasonable to me. As soon as you feel any pain or discomfort, it would be wise to open the valve to slow things down.

It sounds like your ears are probably very sensitive. Let us know how it goes with the ENT. Good luck to you!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Update on my hand situation, it’s osteoarthritis. I’m back in the chamber twice a day to help with inflammation and I see my doctor in January for options (I think are few)

With the cold weather we are having in AZ my joint pain has increased for the first time in years. I’m not sure why but can only imagine the chamber dives will help.

I’m currently back in twice a day since I’ve had no herx from the O2. I have no idea if it’s Lyme or not since there is no way to test an infection from 30 yrs ago.

I still feel great most days and even lifting weights and walking miles a day. Maybe I’m just feeling my age😂
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Don't despair! I have known people who have ruptured their eardrum, healed completely, and were able to dive again.

That said, of course they had to take time off diving until it was healed.

Hopefully yours is just irritated from the pressure. It can happen with fluid behind the eardrum or congestion in your eustachian tubes.

Please give us an update after your ENT appointment.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Peimomma, I was just thinking I wish I still lived in AZ where it is warmer! My fingers hurt more with the cold here in Maine than they have in years.

I have a ready supply of gloves and mittens. I also use those wax "spas" that you used to see sold at Christmas time. It really does help with pain in my fingers. Voltaren gel has been helpful as well. I prefer the gel over oral meds. I do not use it daily but it can be. And of course, diving.

This old thing is not for wimps! I truly believe that diving helps. It has for me. It may not totally stop it, but I know for sure, I would feel a lot worse not diving.

Twice a day? I have a hard time fitting in once a day. Good job!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Kgg we are definitely warmer than where you are😂 it will be 70 again this weekend…yay

I stopped working again earlier this year with my hand situation so I need to put that chamber and the cooler temps to good use. It’s hard to get in when it’s 110 outside and I must take the ice packs to keep it tolerable for me.

I decided to go off sugar and grains and see if this combination of diving and food restrictions gets me to a manageable stage. There is no repair for OA so it’s just caring for what’s left and keeping inflammation to a minimum.

I have a hand **** I think is what it’s called that heats up so taking the dogs for a walk is enjoyable again at 5 in the morning. I know I look funny with snow pants, hand ****, winter Santa boots walking down the road 😂😂😂
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Peimomma, lol. As a Mainer moving to Arizona years ago, we would smile at people all bundled up when we thought it was delightful out. But you do what you have to do!! There are Mainers who wear shorts year round. Yup. I wish I had that kind of body heat! But only for the winter months. ;-) The fact that you are out walking your dog is great! Our outside temperature cut off it about 15, with no wind. And yes, the pooches have a vest on.

I hope you find diet changes helpful! It makes a huge difference for me. It is hard to maintain a sugar free, grain free diet if you see no obvious benefit. I know a couple of people like that. So they don't bother.

Merry Christmas!
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
This is sort of an update on using the chamber for me since I have had it about a year.

I have never been able to get up to full protocol. I really struggle with vertigo increasing after using the chamber and general like head inflammation and increased confusion when I get up to longer lengths wearing the supplemental O2.

I am still using the chamber but back at only like 10 minutes with oxygen on.

I did have covid twice this year and I had a mold exposure in July which was a huge set back with the chamber. I became so reactive to it I could barely use it. Not because the chamber was exposed to mold, I did not end up taking it with me. I called around and a found a chamber I could sue but when I got back it was very difficult.

I am not giving up on the chamber, I just cant seem to get up to the full amount of time without all hell breaking loose and it is scary. I dont know what is going on with the increased vertigo either.

I hope everyone is doing well this holiday season. [Smile]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
keikko, I love your commitment to diving! Covid and mold exposure certainly can set us back. My son and I are extremely sensitive to mold. And that lovely spike protein from Covid wreaks havoc.

I am glad you dropped back to 10 minutes. You say with oxygen on. Have you tried just letting it flow into the chamber? For some even that is too much.

For those people, they do not connect the oxygen to the chamber but concentrate on diving. You still derive benefits from diving as the pressure still increases oxygen in your plasma. Just not as high as with the oxygen, obviously.

But for some that is the way they have to start. Then very slowly working up in time. Then adding back in the oxygen.

Lastly, since you had mold exposure, are you taking a binder? You have to start really low on that as well. If it pulls too much too fast, it can make you feel awful. Half baby doses is what I would start with. And if that makes you feel worse, don't take more until you are back to your "normal". Dr. Neil Nathan recommends that approach to binder.

My thought is (fwiw) is that the diving is stirring things up. A binder would help to excrete it.

For Lyme, mold and Covid, mHBO does help! So you are on the right track, imo. It is a bumpy road. Continue taking it slow as you have been doing.

May this new year bring you improved health from all of your efforts!
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Thank you kgg. Good information to know! I have still been diving but not using much oxygen at all which is a bummer because for a while I was up to 40 minutes with the Oxygen on, before the mold exposure. Good to know I'm still getting benefit just getting in without wearing the oxygen.

I am taking binders twice a day. I dont seem to react badly to them but who knows, things are always pretty weird and I never know what's going on.

I just always hope, one day a light bulb will go on in my body or immune system and things will start to shift.

Thank you for the support and encouragement. Yes, hopefully 2023 will be a good year for all of us!
Posted by Hominahomina (Member # 50825) on :
Hi All
I wanted to let you know I have been experimenting with cold therapy. I find it works better and faster than mHBOT so far in stimulating the immune system.

Others do it differently but I go from hot to cold back and forth. 1 to 3 times and end with cold. These are just my initial findings

Here is some info on the benefits of cold therapy
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Interesting Hominahomina, thank you!
Posted by bodhi (Member # 52610) on :
I took a break from diving and was feeling a little better for a month or so.

I've had multiple exposures since mid-October and caught what may have been COVID for the second time. I had to move out of a house I was trying out for a week; I had pretty bad reaction to the laundry detergent they used for all the curtains and bedding.

I've been in bad shape and was starting to loose hope again, it's so hard when there's so much regression and I become dysfunctional.

I decided to dive last night now that I'm in an allergen clean space. I felt much better immediately after, I was able to think clearly and I noticed I felt more present.

I'd like to do about 40 sessions over the next 8 weeks, as I'm feeling a little hopeful after yesterday's treatment.

I have a Newtowne chamber and I depressurized over about 10 minutes, maybe a little less. I noticed that my left eye is irritated with red veins showing. This happened the last time I was diving as well.

Has anyone had red eye after mHBOT? Any suggestions on how to avoid it?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Bodhi,

Welcome back. Is it possible that your mask is positioned in such a way that the O2 is blowing into your left eye?

Oxygen can be very drying.

If you think this might be the case and can't avoid it by repositioning your mask, you could try swim goggles or safety goggles that wrap around.
Posted by bodhi (Member # 52610) on :
Thank you, Phoiph.

I don't think the oxygen was blowing on my eye. I may try glasses.

This was happening with the non-rebreather mask before and now also with the OxyMask.

Could this be a sign of oxygen toxicity?
Posted by bodhi (Member # 52610) on :
One thing I want to mention is that listening to binaural beats (theta waves) and some pink noise during the dive helped with reducing anxiety and panic I had started to experience after about 20+ sessions.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I find that my eyes will be blood shot if I don't wear my safety glasses. The air in the chamber is very dry.

I also use artificial tears before and after diving. Plus Simply Saline for my nose.

So glad that you are feeling better after diving!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Unlikely to be a symptom of oxygen toxicity.

Also, please don't use a non-rebreather mask! It is meant to be used with higher flows of oxygen in a monitored setting.
Posted by bodhi (Member # 52610) on :
Thank you for the supportive messages, kgg and Phoiph.

kgg, I'll have to try safety glasses and artificial tears.

I took a day off yesterday to let the redness dissipate. I tried closing my eyes for almost the entire session today and I depressurized even slower over 15m. I also had a large homemade green juice after my dive and my eyes are feeling better.

Phoiph, I stopped using the non-rebreather mask back in August and only use the OxyMask now. It's much more comfortable.

I'm using ~8.5L/m flow rate on the DeVilbiss which should give 87% - 95% oxygen according to the manual. I'm estimating the OxyMask fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) is about 43% - 85% at 8.5L/m flow rate based on the table in its manual. So the effective fraction of inspired oxygen with the OxyMask/DeVilbiss combined at 8.5L/m would be in the range 37% - 81%. I agree, it's unlikely to be oxygen toxicity. I must be feeling better if that makes any sense.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hominahomina, you are braver than I am with that cold therapy! I live in Maine. I am somewhat used to cold. But I could not see myself doing that.

Just a quick update. I went on Plaquenil for a couple of months, mainly for the burning mouth syndrome symptoms. I started diving at the same time. About 75 days in to taking Plaquenil, I started with an insomnia of waking almost hourly all night. Stopped the Plaquenil and I am sleeping better. I continue to dive.

I find that since stopping the Plaquenil, my eyes and mouth are dryer. Thankfully, the burning mouth has not returned but if feels like it could. So on top of the diving about 5 days a week, I am going to add LDN, low dose naltrexone. I am starting really low. I am using a sublingual liquid to avoid my stomach. We shall see.

I don't remember, (Ha! One of my problems since having covid is no short term memory) is anyone else also taking LDN? My plan is to go ultra slow with it to find my sweet spot dose. I will update as I go.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
kgg, I have been on LDN for 2 years. There is a wonderful group on FB called Low dose Naltrexone (LDN) for chronic illness & infections. This group has been a great resource.

I recently took a short break from LDN because I felt like I was having more headaches and hot flushes as side effects. It can build up in your system for some and a break is sometimes needed.

I am going to resume LDN soon and start at a lower dose and monitor carefully for side effects - also hoping to find my sweet spot!
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
The doctor I saw for my osteoarthritis put me on LDN and I didn’t do well. I had anxiety and nausea. I stayed really low and still couldn’t get to full dose.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
dbpei, Thanks for the suggestion on FB. I am on the LDN research trust group and got in trouble twice for posting about diluting a 50mg tab. Which is the way some people can only afford it. Oh well.

I just checked for that group. FB is saying they can't find it. I had read that FB is really starting to hinder health groups. I truly can't stand the platform and got off once. But am back on now for watercolor painting and my flower farming business. Uggh. I wish the alternatives had been successful.

I have read that some people have to take a break and reset. I am just hoping the starting period is tolerable. I am so tired of being nauseated that it will make it hard.

Peimomma, nausea and anxiety! My two nemesis. I am sorry it wasn't successful for you. My plan is to even go ultra low with my liquid if I have to. The alternative to LDN for SS is not something I want to do. My plan too is to ramp up with no goal in mind. I know for many the dose is 4.5mg, but I don't care if I get there or not. I guess time will tell.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
dbpei, Interesting. FB would not show the group in a search. So I did a google search and got a link. The first thing that pops up is a warning that the group discusses vaccines and for vaccine information I should go to the CDC website.

Then when I to clicked join. The warning came up again. Meanwhile in the rules they specifically say not to discuss vaccines. Which I do not blame them. It causes so much drama it is unbelievable. Who wants to moderate that??!!

This controlling the narrative is irritating to me.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I am only on Facebook for the valuable health related groups that I have joined and get support from. The LDN group I love can be found at

I hope you are able to join. The administrators are so helpful at including information on diluting LDN with distilled water and figuring out our best dosages.

The thing about LDN is it varies so much from person to person in what it can do. I lost weight on it and others gained. Some sleep better on it while others sleep worse. For some, pain resolved once they got to a certain dosage. Many times you must wait for months to see results.

I wish you all the best! Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss any of this in more detail.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
kgg - we must have been writing at the same time! When I first joined the LDN group, the admin did not allow vaccine discussion, but they do now. When it gets to be too heated, the admin will kick in and close discussion or provide links for more information.

LDN is among the arsenal of support for long Covid also. And many have tolerated covid and the vaccines better with the use of both.

I am really grateful to have my soft hbot chamber and LDN in my arsenal!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
dbpei, thanks! I found it and they were quick to allow my membership. I truly hope I am not one of the ones that puts weight on!

Yes, I follow for covid and vaccine injury. I praise God that there are still physicians out there that don't go along with mainstream. But stand for truth.

Thank you for the offer to private message. As I start, I may take you up on that! Much appreciated.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Well, just for the sake of keeping record. I ended up needing to go on prednisone and Doxycycline. I am a bad patient. I feel well enough to have a life so my diving was cut down to 4 days a week. I thought it might be enough to keep things in check. Nope.

I had the recurrence of dry lips, dry mouth and the rash that started with Covid. Not as bad as not diving, but still noticeable. Then the rash spread to both legs and one arm so far. I started the meds last night.

I keep hearing from the experts at that the vaccine or having Covid can make chronic conditions like Lyme flare. For me, it definitely went autoimmune. I am hoping the Doxycycline will knock down the Lyme some and/or keep it from flaring more while on the Prednisone.

I continue to ramp up on the LDN. But I am only at 0.5mg currently. I started extra low on 0.25mg. So far the only side effect I had was a headache one morning when I took too much of a dose one evening. You can get a rash as a side effect. But since this is the rash that I got with Covid, I am not leaning towards blaming the LDN.

This getting old is not fun sometimes. =)
Posted by chillpill (Member # 52576) on :
Hey everyone. The ENT checked me for damage and I'm ok apparently. I still have massive apprehension about using my chamber as I cannot detect any pressure in my ears at all at the moment.

Side note: I have trouble sensing pressure, temperatures, hunger, bladder etc. and I think this is related to Lyme or Bartonella giving me some kind of connective tissue disorder since I have crunchy/clicking/cracking joints all over to go with it.

In any case, I'm going to try going in the chamber again soon and wanted to ask ... how do we verify the flow rate of the oxygen coming out of our masks when we are in the chamber under pressure? Is there any way to do that?

P.S. To the people trying LDN, I had initial good success with it. Started at 0.5mg taken as a liquid(I took a 50mg tablet and diluted in 50ml of water then drew with a syringe). I worked my way up to 4mg which is about the sweet spot for me. It provided a lot of symptom relief, most notably a loosening of the Iron Collar symptoms. I stay on LDN for about 3 weeks and have been mostly off it for about a month. I just don't need symptom or pain relief most days (I can tough it out) so I don't take it as I'm the kind of person who'd rather not take stuff if I don't really feel like I have to.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Depending on your concentrator, the "sweet spot" setting for LPM (liters per minute) is 8 - 8.5LPM when used with a home chamber.

Set it too high, and you will sacrifice oxygen purity and possibly overtax your concentrator.

If you want to monitor the LPM flow rate from inside the chamber (it should stay steady, or drop just slightly due to the backpressure of the chamber), just move the concentrator near the chamber window so you can read the gauge while you're inside.

Sometimes it might seem as if there's no O2 coming out of the mask...try wetting your lips and you will feel it.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thank you chillpill about the LDN. I am not taking it for pain, for which I am very grateful. I am trying to take it for autoimmune modulating to keep my Sjogren's in check.

My goal is to avoid Plaquenil that gives me horrible insomnia. I am a flower farmer. It causes sun sensitivity. I am out in the sun 10 hours a day during the season.

Otherwise, a good med I guess as far as meds go. It worked. But I need sleep and no bad sun burns.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Dr. Paul Harch interview on mHBOT and Covid-19, long hauler syndrome, and vaccine injury:
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Thank you Phoiph! Can't wait to listen. [Smile]
Hope you are doing well. Miss our chats.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Me too, Digby!
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Thank you for the link to Dr. Harch's interview, Phoiph! It was very informative and makes me happy to have the use of my chamber!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I agree. I'm so happy he is now supporting the use of home chambers and lower pressures for many patients.

I recall contacting their office 10+ years ago after I had become well with a home chamber, as I wanted to share my experience in case he wanted to include it in his research.

At that time, they were very against home chambers, and basically dismissed my account.

I still continued to recommend his book and follow his research, as he has been a pioneer in this field.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
It is my understanding that yes, he is supportive of mild hyperbarics now. But you have to be his patient and buy the chamber from him, if you want to consult with him. He thinks that we who have a chamber on our own are out there and have risky behavior. =)

Meanwhile, I like his interviews. So thanks for posting.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
kgg...yes, I have heard that, too.

Well, considering I would not have survived (and thrived) without it, I guess that "risk" paid off!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Amen to that!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I am checking in to bump this thread back up. Since my growing season has started as a cut flower farmer I have been diving less. And we have had company that has been using the room the chamber is in, as his office.

Soon when the weather turns hot, I will be diving during the noon hours to avoid the sun and take a health break. Right now they are talking a high of 40 on Thursday!! Which is really unusual, even though I am in north central Maine.

I have been feeling extra tired lately, but that is not unusual for any flower farmer at the planting time of the season. My Sjogren's symptoms are being kept controlled by the Plaquenil and Doxy I am on. I am thinking of dropping the Doxy after I start diving on a regular schedule when the weather turns hot. We shall see.

Hope every one here is doing well.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I forgot to say, the LDN was a no go for me. At least for now. I broke out with a rash covering my legs. I may give it a try again next Fall but not now in the growing season. Perhaps I am in the minority that does not tolerate LDN?
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Hi kgg,
Thanks for the update. It sounds like you are doing something you are passionate about and that you enjoy! That is wonderful and a goal that so many of us with chronic illness have - to do things that are meaningful to us in our lives... I like your plan to use the chamber when it is mid-day and the sun is too hot for you to be out there.

I am sorry the LDN was not a help to you. But it sounds like you are doing okay without it. It is not for everyone, but helps some in a major way. Good luck to you this summer and thanks for keeping us posted!
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hi Folks,

Does anyone have any information on mHBOT and Vitiligo? I have a friend that claims his Vitiligo is getting worse after diving for a few months.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Checking in and giving an update on what’s been happening with me.

I don’t know if I updated that my finger joint pain is osteoarthritis so I’ve been playing with supplements and diet.

I’m not sure if I posted about some pain I started having in my joints. Anyway, I thought maybe it was Lyme, maybe low hormones so I started diving but found no relief. Had labs drawn and found a few things off.

I finally found a functional med provider and we started at the foundation with a 💩 test looking at everything to include if I got rid of the h-pylori from 3 years ago. What we found is I was not breaking down or absorbing fat or protein which means I probably haven’t been absorbing nutrients. I will find that out for sure later this month when we get my hair sample results back. I never had my gut really addressed from all the damaged done from treating Lyme so it didn’t really surprise me.

However, the pain in my joints was still there. I went on vacation for 3 weeks in May 2023 driving hundreds of miles, spending time with family and friends across Idaho. I wasn’t eating my normal meals, hardly any vegetables for the first two weeks. The third week I was able to get some vegetables and started consuming them to my delight. I was nearing the end of my vacation and started not feeling well but thought it was the long vacation and driving. I just wanted to get home and started eating my big salads again.

I arrived home and started complaining of joint pain to my husband and told him I don’t remember being in pain in Idaho except the last few days of my trip. I was beginning to believe we needed to move again for my health but told him I would really pay attention next year when I go visit.

I was watching YouTube one night about 6 weeks ago and a video popped in my feed with a guy talking about a carnivore diet and how it cured all his medical issues. Of course after I watched one video a bunch started coming in and we kept watching and I told my husband that all their skin looks really healthy for eating this way. He said he noticed their brains were very alive. After finding some great doctors talking about the benefits I told my husband I’m going to try it for 1 month and he said he would try it with me.

I’m in week 5 and the joint pain is gone. After much research and my vacation experience I’ve decided I believe it’s the vegetables. On the way of eating we consume animal products to include seafood, and dairy. My fingers pain has decreased and some of the swelling but I don’t know if this can fix osteoarthritis. Many people have said their RA has gotten better or resolved. For now, I’m going to continue to cut out grains, fruit and vegetables and after 6 months or so start food testing.

This has been hard for me because meat was always. Condiment for me. If anyone is interested you can look up Dr Ken Berry, Dr Anthony Chaffee and you will begin to find other doctors explaining the health benefits.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :
Hi Peimomma,

Have you found Dr Paul Saladino?

He includes fruit and raw honey in his carnivorish diet. His reasons make a lot of sense to me. Check it out if you haven't so far.

I would experiment with his version of the diet if I hadn't developed Alpha-Gal.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Digby we did actually buy his book The Carnivore Code. We will probably land somewhere in the ketovore way of eating once we understand what’s been giving me the inflammation. My husband says he doesn’t wake up with stiffness in the morning.

A weird benefit of carnivore is no more sore muscles after a workout. I’ve had no bubble gut or passing gas since starting this way of eating.

I first heard Dr Jordan Peterson talk about eating only red meat last fall and thought what a nut, he’s going to die. Now after much research we’ve been lied to again about the food pyramid. No big surprise considering the last few decades of government lies.

I was tested for the meat allergy years ago and was negative. I thought I was because of the nausea I would get after eating meat. Come to find out it was lack of digestion from no bile and my gallbladder under performing.

It’s all so interesting.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
I’ve been seeing a lot on my YouTube feed about the carnivore diet but have been ignoring it because I just can’t see me on yet another diet that takes away more foods I love but I may look into these links. I know my gut is messed up but I have no idea where to even start to heal it.
I’m currently seeing a Lyme doc who is trying to get my detox system moving again. I can’t dive until I can get this resolved.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
I use an online practitioner if you are interested in checking her info out you can send me a message.

[ 07-10-2023, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: Peimomma ]
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
My husband and I went keto/carnivore a couple of years ago. It was the first way of eating that did not leave me craving or hungry. At the time I was finding that I could not tolerate dairy or eggs which made keto a little more of a challenge. After two years, I can tolerate some dairy once in a while. I have yet to challenge eggs, although I can have them in something just not plain eggs. I found it helped with my energy the most. At least prior to my last Covid bout.

Peimomma, I am really glad you are finding it helpful with joint pain. I found it helpful with my fibro pain in my shoulders.

Digby, I heard Dr. Ken Berry say Alpha gal lasts a few months. I think that is too short. N=1, I have a friend who's son developed Alpha gal after a tick bite, that he was not treated for. (They did not treat in spite of my attempts to educate them). His lasted 2 years. It made me think it is not a lifelong condition, which initially I had heard that it was.

Kaibyrd, I hope you can find a way to clear that so you can dive again. Initially starting keto you can get diarrhea. Which I did. But it doesn't last long. I found it helped my constant nausea. But I get being reluctant because you are yet again eliminating more foods. I felt so much better that I did not mind. This is from someone who has been gluten free since the late 90's before it was a fad. And also was on the Low FODMAP diet which my gut found helpful. So I have eliminated many food items over the years.
Posted by Digby (Member # 3888) on :

Alpha-Gal has many presentations. Some people become super sensitive to anything related to mammalian meat, including cosmetics, dairy and even the smell of meat cooking.

Others, like me, are only sensitive to eating the meat itself. I can even eat small amounts of pork occasionally (epi-pen in hand). Oddly, without any new tick bites recently my titers have gone way up, suggesting there is another process that affects the immune response to Alpha-Gal.

It can be self limiting in some people, however in my case, I've had since 1998, which is before it was discovered. I haven't had a hamburger or steak for 25 years.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Digby, that is just not fair!! That is interesting about the titers going up. Our bodies can be so complicated!
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Ok, I’m seriously considering the Carnivore diet. Is there a book I should read or a video I should watch that helped those of you who are doing this?

I think what I find the most difficult about starting a new diet is, I just don’t have the energy to do much meal prep or counting or figuring out what is allowed and what isn’t, so maybe Carnivore will help in that regard. I’m just not real sure where to start.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
KB check out Dr Ken Berry, Dr Boz, Dr Anthony Chaffee. Any and all of their youtube videos have a lot of information.
Some of the books I’ve seen recommended are Nourishing Fats, why we need animal fats for health and happiness, The Canivore Diet by Dr Shawn Baker, stay off my operating table, Lies my doctor Told me. I’d also recommend looking for Dr Elizabeth Bright on YT and her book. She’s very big on fat for hormones.

You can find many FB groups to join, many carnivores on Twitter and IG if you are on any of those.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I second Dr. Ken Berry. I also follow Chiropractor Eric Berg on youtube. Dr. Ken Berry's wife does videos as well. They do a live youtube Q&A on Monday evenings.

Ease into it. You can get a withdrawal like a herx if you start cold turkey. Take a couple of weeks to begin. I find it simplifies eating. Now after a couple of years, I am more ketovore. I add in some veggies. My gut seems to tolerate it well.

I do no counting. I do not do net carbs. I look at total carbs. I do not test my urine for ketones. I could not be bothered. One thing to keep in mind though is make sure you are eating enough fat. Fat is the key. It is easy to go carnivore and consume too much protein and not enough fat. Bacon is my friend. =)
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks Peimomma and Kgg!

Funny, I sent my LLMD a question about going carnivore and he told me to watch Dr. Ken Berry so I’ve been watching some of his videos already. I’ll check out all the other suggestions too.

I ate only bacon for a meal the past two days and was up with diarrhea last night so, yeah I better ease into it.

Is there a thread here on carnivore?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Kaibyrd, sometimes it is the extra fat that loosens the stools. But it also it not uncommon the first few weeks as the body adjusts to no carbs. You will hear Dr. Ken Berry talk about it.

Peimomma, is in a carnviore FB group. I only know because it ends up on my feed sometimes. Must be a public group. I don't think I seen a thread on here though.
Posted by Peimomma (Member # 45177) on :
Kaibyrd I took a quick look and didn’t see any diet related folders but one could be started.

I’m in several groups on FB, some private and some public so if you are on there you can ask and people are very helpful.

I believe Dr Jordan Peterson’s daughter at one point thought she might have Lyme as well as a host of other illnesses. She has a page called The Lion Diet and talks about her illnesses and how just beef, salt and water healed her and her dad. Jordan Peterson has talked a lot about his only beef diet for the last 5 years. His lab reports are posted on this site also.
Posted by Kaibyrd (Member # 45606) on :
Thanks y’all!!!
Posted by keikko (Member # 34991) on :
Hi. Wondering if anyone has had a leak in their AC system while having or using a chamber?

I just found out I had an AC leak on the inside of the house this week that they say has been there for some time.

I have not been using the chamber at all for several reasons but maybe it has been challenging because I think I have had this leak for a year.

Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Keikko, twice I have used chambers in houses that had water/mold damage and did not know it. The first chamber had a zipper break. Instead of fixing it, we sold it (the buyer knew of both the zipper problem and the mold exposure).

With the second chamber, I washed it down with Windex on the inside. (I read somewhere that it was good to get rid of mold spores. No clue where). Usually I only use H2O2 and water for inside cleaning. But did not think one time using Windex would be a problem. Changed the filters in the oxygen concentrator, wiped down the inside of the cabinet and continued to use it.

I continue to find diving helpful in spite of the water damage exposure. Frankly, we did not have the $$ to buy new.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
More support for the benefits of hyperbaric for long-term Covid/cardiac function:
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
I wonder if this has happened to anyone else with the DeVilbiss O2 concentrator. The green light turns yellow sporadically during my dives. I thought this might be due to a loose connection, but if that was the case, I don't think the chamber would stay on.

I wait for the light to turn green before going in my chamber, but now am worried about its safety. I have a call into Newtowne Hyperbarics, where I bought both my chamber and O2 concentrator. I clean the filter weekly. Any ideas what might be happening?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

The yellow light is a low oxygen indicator. Do you also hear an audible signal?

By chance is the concentrator too close to a wall, curtains or in a corner? Does it feel hot?

Could there be a kjnked hose/tubing or blockage in mask?

What LPM do you have it set at?

Are you using a humidifier bottle attachment?

I would disconnect it from the chamber, remove tubing, and run it for an hour as a first step to troubleshoot.

Let us know what happens, and we can go from there...
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Hi Phoiph, thanks for responding.

The only audible signal I hear is when I first turn on the concentrator. It is a loud, high-pitched sound for a few seconds. I have heard no other sounds like this while in the chamber.

I will move the concentrator a bit further away from the wall, but it is about 1 1/2 feet from the wall now. We have never noticed it to be hot to touch.

I checked the hoses and did not find any kinks.

I usually set it for 8 LPM.

I don't use a humidifier bottle attachment.

I will try following your suggestions and follow up with you. Thank you.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Phoiph, I was able to run the concentrator for an hour unconnected to my chamber and the light stayed green the entire time. Does this mean that the problem might be in either the outside or inside plastic tubing? I can replace the mask, but where do you get the other plastic tubing that allows the O2 to flow from the concentrator to the chamber?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Next, I would re-attach tubing and mask and hook it back up to the chamber. Try running it again with NO pressure in the chamber (compressor off, zippers open).

Keep it at 8LPM as you have been doing.

Make sure the brass oxygen valve on the 02 hook up port on the Newtown chamber is all the way open.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
And yes, depending on how warm the room is, and how close your compressor is to your concentrator, you may need to move it further from the wall and your compressor when in use to prevent overheating.

This happened to my AirSep, and I solved it by putting it on a large piece of tile (instead of directly on carpet), moving the unit further from the wall/corner when in use, and directing a small fan toward the area.

But do continue to go through the troubleshooting in the previous post as well...
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
Phoiph, thank you for all of this help. I did run the concentrator for an hour with the tubing attached, the valves opened, and without using the compressor and I did not zip it up. The green light stayed on the entire time.

Do you think a slight kink in the hoses might have been the culprit? If the yellow light returns, I will try to move the compressor further away from the concentrator and do this type of trouble shooting again. Thank you so much for your help!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
A kink in the tubing could definitely cause the yellow light to go on.

The next step I would try would be to do a trial run with you outside of your chamber, this time zipping up and running everything just as if you were inside.

If the yellow light goes on again when there is pressure inside the chamber, there could be another issue, which we can troubleshoot.

Also check to make sure the LPM stays near 8 where you have set it and doesn't drop during the test dive.
Posted by dbpei (Member # 33574) on :
The green light stayed on the entire hour without changing to yellow. The LPM stayed near 8 as well. I am pretty sure that it was a kink in the tubing that caused this to happen.

I use a lot of pillows and a back rest so things may have gotten moved when I was climbing in or out of the chamber. From now on, I will check the tubing carefully before starting my dives. Thank you for your help in troubleshooting, Phoiph.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Great, dbpei!

You're very welcome.

It usually is something simple, like kinked or twisted tubing, but if you do ever notice it again, let me know.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Does anyone have an opinion on using mild hyperbaric therapy while taking biologicals? My son who has Lyme/Bartonella/Babesia/Ehrlichia has developed Psoriatic arthritis and takes biologicals. Out of the 4 he has tried only one helped a little. And he ended up having a bad reaction to it so he cannot use that particular one again.

I am still trying to encourage him to use the chamber. But I cannot find information on whether using it, while taking biologicals, would be helpful or counterproductive. They both modify the immune system.

I am going to encourage him to ask his rheumatologist. But I am not confident they would have an informed opinion about hyperbarics. I found medical articles where they use it for Psoriatic arthritis but no mention of using it while taking biologicals.

What do you all think?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi kgg,

If he has tried 4 biologicals, and he had a negative reaction to the only one that helped him, then what is the rationale for continued use of biologicals?

Since there currently may not be literature on using both mHBOT and biologicals together, maybe you and/or your son could bring the supporting mHBOT articles to his rheumatologist, and ask if he would consider a break from the biologicals so he could do mHBOT?
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Oh Phoiph, I truly wish!! I am so not a fan of biologicals! It is more convincing my unwilling son. I was hoping to find something about using them together, to help convince him. And hoping someone had some info I could not find. Thank you for responding. As always, much appreciated!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
I understand, and I'll let you know if I come across any related info.

For what it's worth, I'm always willing to share what I've experienced (via myself and others) if he is inclined to discuss.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Thank you so much!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
It just occurred to me that this thread just had it's 10th birthday...:)
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Phoiph, are you well enough now that you don’t need HBOT for tick borne diseases?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes, I have been well for the last 10 years, med free, and have not required mHBOT to maintain wellness during that time.

I became well after 1.5 years of daily mHBOT, but continued daily treatments for a total of 2.5 years. I had been very ill and homebound for 8 years.

Although I continue to use my chamber on a limited basis for general health benefits, I have been without it for extended periods of time over the past 10 years without relapse.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
10 years!!! Wow. It is a wealth of information that can be found here. Thank you!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

Thanks to you and everyone here. It has been a great collaboration!
Posted by hiker53 (Member # 6046) on :
Phoiph, thanks for the info and congrats on your wellness!

How wonderful!!! [Smile]
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you, Hiker53.
Posted by Bartenderbonnie (Member # 49177) on :

Thank you for being such a GREAT Lyme advocate to the Lyme community, especially to the Mild Hyperbaric users!

LymeNet appreciates all your hard work and dedication! 💐
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you, Bartenderbonnie.

It has been 100% a group effort and everyone here deserves a huge thank you for their contribution in putting mHBOT "on the map". We've come a long way in 10 years.
Posted by Jazzman (Member # 51913) on :
Phoiph, I just wanted to add my congratulations on 10 years. Without a doubt, this site, and thread, has helped many people who were a little lost on mHBOT and how to proceed, including myself. Thank you all so much!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you, Jazzman, I really appreciate the kind words.

And...thanks again to all the mHBOT trailblazers here that have taken the leap of faith shared their hard-earned knowledge and experience in the spirit of helping others.

I have always been heartened by how positive, helpful, and generous everyone has been on this thread, no matter their current challenges.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
This link came from Marie at Newtowne, demonstrating how someone with mobility issues can enter a chamber by using an elevated platform.

The 2'x 4' tables serving as a platform can be set at 3 different heights, and are available at Costco:
Posted by Miriama (Member # 52545) on :
Hi guys,

For those who got better or greatly improved, were you using antibiotics or herbs at the same time? Or, for those who know the thread. were most people on antibiotics at the same time?

I can no longer tolerate them and only sporadically take herbs because I have difficulty tolerating them, my gut is shot, to add insult to injury. I was wondering if that's going to seriously slow down the process.

I've been treating for 2 and a half years but at a low level, often 35 minutes without an O concentrator. And actually the first 5 months were really low levels of treatment, slowly increasing and I was away for 4 months altogether. Anyway, though I probably have about 1/3 of my brain back, my CD57 is only 24 and I'm lightyears away from being able to get a job. I have been at an hour with the concentrator for over a month now and won't reduce it back down because it no longer turns me certifiable from the die off, I presume. Also, for the record, I did do an hour a day for some months a couple years ago, first a couple without the concentrator, then I tried it with, not sure for how long and I had to back down because it made me insane, like my relationships would melt down spectacularly.

I gather that sometimes your CD57 count is extra low while treating because your immune system attacks when you're herxing and used up those cells.

Also, I've been sick for 20 years so it's gonna go slower for me. It seems to work better than anything else though. Don't be discouraged folks. My case has been pretty bad. Babs too.

That's my update guys. Full steam ahead from now on though.

Good luck
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Yes, there are people on this thread who took no antibiotics. I took antibiotics off and on. Mostly off. It is not speedy. But you can get better.

I am so pleased for you that you are sticking with it!! Good job.

Thanks for the update!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

As you know, consistency is crucial with mHBOT, so I am glad to hear you are committed to that now.

Good news regarding your question about not being able to continue to do antibiotics, and wondering if this will slow down your progress with mHBOT...

In my experience, people who are on antibiotics often take longer to experience results with mHBOT, as they will need to take the extra time/sessions to wean off of them slowly once they are more stable on mHBOT.

Also, as you mentioned, gut healing is a crucial factor for healing, which is difficult to achieve when on antibiotics.

I am optimistic with time you will get there; you've already experienced some positive changes which are good signs!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Well, I have had an interesting turn of events. I have been trying to treat my Lyme flare with herbals. Samento, Cryptolepsis and Banderol. I was supposed to titrate up to 20-30 drops twice a day. I have been slowly adding a drop every few days. I find I get incredibly irritable and my insomnia is worse. I am taking Skullcap for both of those symptoms. But it gets expensive, even as an herbal, to keep buying a bottle of this stuff.

I got up to 12 drops twice a day of all three. My hands hurt from arthritis pain that I am assuming is coming from the Samento. My irritability is off the charts. I can't stand myself! My poor family. And I have fallen twice from losing my balance. Heartburn and stomach upset.

Herbals are not the light weight treatment I thought they were. I actually tolerate antibiotics better! Ironic, isn't it? So much for Integrative medicines and taking herbals!

As I write this I am in my chamber because day 2 of being off my herbals, I started with intense burning neuropathy in the palms and fingers of my hands! I have never had this before. Aaarrrggghhhhh! Frustrating.

This is why I am soooo glad that I have a home chamber. And I know that I can get better with just hyperbarics. Those herbals were not cheap. Nor the appointment. Plus I have called them twice with messages and have never received a phone call back. Why did I do all of that?? Absolutely no clue. Dumb.

I should write a song about me and my chamber. ;-) I know I can get better in here! Speedy? No. But I got there once and I will get there again.

And after this, I will be developing a maintenance schedule so I do not get here again.

Thanks for listening to my fuss.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

So sorry to hear this!

Don't beat yourself's human nature to want to try something novel and experiment :)

I am optimistic that mHBOT will get you back on track sooner than you think. Keep us posted.
Posted by OzarksGal (Member # 52787) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
This link came from Marie at Newtowne, demonstrating how someone with mobility issues can enter a chamber by using an elevated platform.

The 2'x 4' tables serving as a platform can be set at 3 different heights, and are available at Costco:

Posted by OzarksGal (Member # 52787) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
This link came from Marie at Newtowne, demonstrating how someone with mobility issues can enter a chamber by using an elevated platform.

The 2'x 4' tables serving as a platform can be set at 3 different heights, and are available at Costco:

That was VERY helpful! Makes me want to consider building a custom platform with shelves underneath...
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Good idea, OzarksGal! We ended up building a bunk bed or raised bed over our chamber. Our home is small since we downsized. We found we were lacking one more twin bed space when we had company. So my husband and friend built a cedar wood bed over the chamber. Of course, now that it is available they haven't come to visit. But at least it is there when needed and I still have my chamber up.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Has anyone used mhbot to completely heal dysautonomia? (Severe neurological dysfunction). It was from Lyme and Bartonella, among a whole host of other co-infections. Thank you for any advice/opinions!

Also, does mhbot really get rid of the infections, or if you stop will they come back? Just wondering...I would like to be free of fear
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi Lady T,

I will let others respond to your questions here since we have already discussed them via phone, and you know my story.

I truly hope hearing other's opinions and experiences will encourage you!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
LadyT, simply put: Yes!! =)

To be free of fear, you need to start diving and quickly you will get used to diving. It will become so routine you will not be fearful.

It is natural to be fearful. But don't let that stop you from pursuing mild hyperbaric oxygen treatment. You can get better!!

I heard a woman talking about fear one time. Her advise: Do it afraid! I agree.

I don't use the word "cure" in my situation. My tick bites was when I was young and I wasn't diagnosed until I was in my 40's. But! I am sooo much better. I just retired from cut flower farming for three years. Putting in 10 hour days 7 days a week during the growing season. I could not have done that prior to using my chamber. I was almost bedridden when I purchased it.

I now use my chamber for maintenance. Since it is also antiaging, that is not a bad thing.
Posted by Miriama (Member # 52545) on :
Thanks Phoiph and Kgg, I really appreciate you getting back to me.

That's really good news about the antibiotics. Do you think the antibiotic herbs also slow healing (by pushing Lyme into the cyst state, I presume)?

I would love to get more updates from other people and not only when they're over the hump, like, what does the half-way mark look like for folks?

I had some significant improvements just in the last few weeks.


Originally posted by Phoiph:

As you know, consistency is crucial with mHBOT, so I am glad to hear you are committed to that now.

Good news regarding your question about not being able to continue to do antibiotics, and wondering if this will slow down your progress with mHBOT...

In my experience, people who are on antibiotics often take longer to experience results with mHBOT, as they will need to take the extra time/sessions to wean off of them slowly once they are more stable on mHBOT.

Also, as you mentioned, gut healing is a crucial factor for healing, which is difficult to achieve when on antibiotics.

I am optimistic with time you will get there; you've already experienced some positive changes which are good signs!

Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Originally posted by Miriama:
Thanks Phoiph and Kgg, I really appreciate you getting back to me.

That's really good news about the antibiotics. Do you think the antibiotic herbs also slow healing...

My experience is that it is best to keep it simple and let mHBOT do its job in assisting your neuro-immune system to recover and take care of the pathogens.

The 3 most important components of the protocol are: mHBOT (consistently), gut/nerve healing diet, gentle, graded movement.

You can read kgg's recent experience (above) with speaks volumes!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Miriama, you wrote: "I had some significant improvements just in the last few weeks."

My response is: Keep going!! Don't add to it. During the time I was diving, I did not feel as horrible as I did on herbals.

I wish more people were active on this post. But unfortunately, many have moved on to FB. Which I really dislike. But that is the times we are in. Hopefully, they will check in and respond.

I will say by mid treatment, I was over all better. But my stamina was not there. If I pushed it too much, I would relapse quickly. So I continued to dive.

Be patient. You will get there!
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Can any tell me what the mhbot protocol is for Parkinson's? And any other good things to do that you may have heard of that could help/heal? It will be greatly, greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hi, LadyT! I did a quick search and yes, diving can help Parkinson's. One practitioner had a video saying that mild hyperbarics can be used with Parkinson's. Plus, I did a quick search about Lyme and Parkinson's. There is a thought that Parkinson's could be a complication of Lyme. So yes, diving would help since it helps us with Lyme.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
It is usually treated with mild pressure, just like other neurological conditions. The neurologist/HBOT specialist I am in contact with frequently recommends a home chamber, treating daily.

I have personally witnessed an elderly gentleman with Parkinson's who required 24/7 care from his wife (and on the verge of going into assisted living), recover enough to use power tools in his woodshop and travel.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Thank you both KGG (for your research - that was very kind!) and phoiph for your answers! It was greatly appreciated and I am grateful!
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Hello, I am going to be starting mbot soon, but my question is this: I have to take vitamin C (2000-3000mg per day). Is this dose high enough to interfere with mhbot? (I'm using it to treat lyme).
I would appreciate any input! Thank you
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
That should be fine, Lady T. The possible concern is more with IV and mega-doses.
Posted by Miriama (Member # 52545) on :
Thanks again Phioph and Kgg

Phioph, it's helpful to know that herbs aren't necessary or could even be an impediment because it's hard for me to get them down.

Gut and nerve healing diet?

And thanks a lot Kgg for letting me know what mid-treatment looked like. And especially about relapsing if you pushed too far.

Are you guys totally off treatment? Like, actually in remission? I gather from this people get somewhere between 2/3 to remissions. But, still, total remission is something that's hard for me to imagine.
Posted by Miriama (Member # 52545) on :
Thanks again Phioph and Kgg

Phioph, it's helpful to know that herbs aren't necessary or could even be an impediment because it's hard for me to get them down.

Gut and nerve healing diet?

And thanks a lot Kgg for letting me know what mid-treatment looked like. And especially about relapsing if you pushed too far.

Are you guys totally off treatment? Like, actually in remission? I gather from this people get somewhere between 2/3 to remissions. But, still, total remission is something that's hard for me to imagine.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :

I'm not in remission, I've been well for 10 years, no medications, no restrictions (although I continue to stick to a clean, gluten-free diet).

There are many opinions on healing diets. In my experience, for example, a gut/nerve-healing diet would be very clean, organic, no processed foods, no gluten, very limited or no grains, limited goat dairy (no cow), and include lots of good fats/omega 3's, coconut oil, eggs, bone broth, avocados, soaked & dried nuts, quinoa, wild caught salmon and sardines, grass-fed beef, etc.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I wish I could say what Phoiph says, but my tick bites were when I was 8. I did not get diagnosed until I was in my 40's. And my family tends to have autoimmune health problems. For me using the word remission is probably more accurate. So I will always dive. And every few years I will do a month of antibiotics to suppress a flare. Lyme loves stress and my life it not with out it.

Prior to Covid I was much healthier. But after getting Omicron I seem to be struggling with keeping the Lyme in control. Which I guess is a known result of having Covid. Covid will make Lyme resurface.

But all in all, as a chronic Lyme patient, I am very happy with the investment into mHBO. And the incredible help it has been for my health.
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Hi all~
It's been a LONG time! I saw a flurry of activity and I'm on vacation so I thought I'd post an update.
I developed a TBI as a result of a combination of factors in March 2022~I bought a house which had mold and I became very ill (again!) from it. I lived there a total of 6 weeks. Simultaneously, it appears I also had a TBI from cold turkey withdrawal from a magnesium glycerinate that was discontinued. I rapidly went downhill, physically and mentally, resulting in 2 psychiatric hospitalizations and 4 meds to keep me from SI.
As Phoiph knows, I gave away my chamber to a non-moldy (it was now contaminated and I was dry wrenching after using it in the house with mold.
For the next 18 months, I lived in 3 different hotels (the last one for a year). Obviously I could have a chamber-lol. I did mHBOT at a clinic 6 times a week. I also did IV ozone until my veins wouldn't cooperate. And worked on slowly tapering off the meds. (as now my mold related symptoms were gone). It took me 15 months to taper off! My most difficult symptom that led me to be polydrugged was insomnia (like ZERO sleep some nights).
After months and many $$ of testing more permanent housing, I finally moved into an apartment in December. I am so elated to be doing well!
I don't have furniture yet, except for a bed, a camp chair and 2 TV trays (many pieces of furniture are either moldy smelling or too much off-gassing) but I'm slowly working on that. I've continued to dive-although right now I'm away for the month and not diving and doing ok. I will continue to dive when I get back but I think I will be able to cut down my dives per week to maybe 4/week to start.
I hope everyone is doing great! I never thought I'd survive this last exposure but here I am and happy to be here.
Thank you Phoiph and all for your ongoing support!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi carbokitty!!!

Welcome back! I've thought of you many times and hoped you were doing better. So glad to hear you are doing well've been through so much...congrats!
Posted by carbokitty (Member # 40537) on :
Thanks Phoiph!
It was not good for a long while. I, too, am glad to be back and doing well!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Carbokitty,so happy to hear that you are doing so much better!! Yay!! Those hard times are so challenging. Especially mold. But very happy for you that you are so much improved. Long may it continue!
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Has anyone here heard of mhbot healing the brain from benzodiazepine induced brain/neurological damage?
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Yes, I personally know someone who has.

Tapering off was a long, difficult journey, but she was determined, tenacious, and consistent with mHBOT.

She is now completely free of benzos and doing well.
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I am way past due for an update.

I have owned a chamber for a long time. At least since 2006. I have been telling my healthy husband that he should get in. I never could convince him.

Recently, he finally agreed. I am starting him out VERY slowly. 20 minutes with oxygen flowing into the chamber. The first dive, he went in with right shoulder pain. 20 minutes later he came out with no pain!

Now this is the way it has always been over the many years of Lyme treatment. We buy a new mattress thinking my poor sleep is from it. He sleeps like a baby. I continue with insomnia. But I am so pleased for him that he had this initial reaction! We are older. I believe he will navigate retirement in a much healthier state from using the chamber. For this I am very grateful.

My adult son, who has psoriatic arthritis and on biologicals, gets in as well. He started diving a few months ago. Again, I started him really slowly. I did not want to discourage him with a big herx.

He reports less stiffness. But more importantly, he said he has much less brain fog. He can think clearly. I am grateful for these improvements since he never responded well to traditional Lyme and Bartonella treatments. Hindsight makes me wonder if he wasn't already autoimmune back then and no one realized it.

I continue to get back into diving after a three year break while I was cut flower farming. My autoimmune condition of Sjogren's seems to be not progressing. The arthritis in my fingers is much better when I am diving.

I continue to tweak my diving schedule. But for the most part, since I am just starting to dive for the first time in three years, I am diving at least 4-5 days a week. Trying to at least do back to back days.

I remain grateful to Phoiph for the encouragement to try diving one more time before I sell my chamber! I can't imagine my home without a chamber in it.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Thank you for that amazing update, kgg, and for all of your ongoing help and support on this thread!
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Hello all smart people! I am wondering if besides doing mhbot, if anyone has heard of any treatment or protocol that has really helped with parkinson's. Something to stop progression and/or reverse symptoms. Any ideas are extremely appreciated and welcome!!!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
I could have sworn that Dr. Perlmutter over a decade ago, said that Parkinson's was from Babesia. But I can't find it now. I vaguely recall an IV therapy he was using. Probably long gone.

I did find a page on his site that has a few articles on Parkinson's. He specifically states that a keto diet is helpful.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Originally posted by kgg:
I could have sworn that Dr. Perlmutter over a decade ago, said that Parkinson's was from Babesia. But I can't find it now. I vaguely recall an IV therapy he was using. Probably long gone.

I did find a page on his site that has a few articles on Parkinson's. He specifically states that a keto diet is helpful.

Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Thanks KGG! I'll have to see if I can find him saying that
Posted by Miriama (Member # 52545) on :
Thanks Phioph and kgg for getting back to me with updates. Soldier on kgg, it can only get better.

Carbokitty, that sounds horrible!

So guys I was wondering, I have a friend with a TBI and I wanna get him a chamber, but his family is concerned because of his epilepsy. Of course, the risk is negligible at 1.3, but they would feel more comfortable with a hyperbaric specialist, an actual doctor. Someone on here mentioned they had someone who was working with them with their mHBOT. Does anyone know of anyone in Miami or Zoomland? Also, are these actual doctors?

To add to kgg's story about sister came home with long covid, after 2 hours treatment, she no longer had it.

And if you can't mention doctor's names, just PM me, thanks,
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Miriama, I will PM you...
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Hi Phoiph, I know you have had a lot of success with Parkinson's patients and mhbot. For them, would you still recommend the keto diet and 1 hour per day in chamber? Also, at what point do antioxidants start to interfere with mhbot's efficacy? My dad is on high dose thiamine for PD, and apparently it is a powerful antioxidant. Would be grateful for any advice! Thank you
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Hi LadyT,

Although I am not qualified to recommend any specific medical treatment for Parkinson's; I have witnessed what has been recommended for (and helped) patients by my neurologist/hyperbaric specialist contact. She mainly recommends a home chamber for long term treatment, and monitors her patient's progress with brain scans. She also may have specific individual recommendations for each patient regarding diet, supplements, etc.

It is not clear at what point antioxidants start to interfere with mHBOT's efficacy, but it is my understanding that people with Parkinson's can be severly deficient in Thiamine, and supplementation can reduce (or even reverse) some neuro symptoms.

In which case, you are not just "supplementing", but treating a severe deficiency, so I wouldn't be overly concerned about combining the therapy with mHBOT.

Since everyone is different, I would also consult a knowledgeable nutritionist about the keto diet for your dad personally, as I know it can be very helpful for Parkinson's (and other neuro conditions) but is also difficult for some metabolisms to handle. Some may also benefit by a paleo-type diet which may be easier to adhere to.

Also, FYI, here is a video which explains the general relationship between antioxidants and hyperbaric:
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Originally posted by Phoiph:
Hi LadyT,

Although I am not qualified to recommend any specific medical treatment for Parkinson's; I have witnessed what has been recommended for (and helped) patients by my neurologist/hyperbaric specialist contact. She mainly recommends a home chamber for long term treatment, and monitors her patient's progress with brain scans. She also may have specific individual recommendations for each patient regarding diet, supplements, etc.

It is not clear at what point antioxidants start to interfere with mHBOT's efficacy, but it is my understanding that people with Parkinson's can be severly deficient in Thiamine, and supplementation can reduce (or even reverse) some neuro symptoms.

In which case, you are not just "supplementing", but treating a severe deficiency, so I wouldn't be overly concerned about combining the therapy with mHBOT.

Since everyone is different, I would also consult a knowledgeable nutritionist about the keto diet for your dad personally, as I know it can be very helpful for Parkinson's (and other neuro conditions) but is also difficult for some metabolisms to handle. Some may also benefit by a paleo-type diet which may be easier to adhere to.

Also, FYI, here is a video which explains the general relationship between antioxidants and hyperbaric:

Thank you!
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Hi Phoiph,

thank you for your reply! Would you feel comfortable in sharing the neurologist/hyperbaric specialist's name in a DM? I would be interested in contact her. I appreciate the information you gave.
Thank you again!
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Sure...I will PM you her info.
Posted by LadyT (Member # 52252) on :
Hello, did/does anyone here have a dysautonomia diagnosis, and how did mhbot help? Thank you!
Posted by kgg (Member # 5867) on :
Hi, LadyT. What symptoms of dysautonomia are you dealing with? I believe there is research showing it helps with POTS.
Posted by Phoiph (Member # 41238) on :
Lady T,

Yes, there is evidence that hyperbaric improves parasympathetic tone, which is out of balance in dysautonomia.

I had POTS when I had Lyme, but no longer have it.

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